#when you're grieving too much to find a suit
vex-verlain · 1 year
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devilfic · 9 months
omg we need more of the honeymoon shot bruce and reader,, maybe a one bed trope if it’s not too much to ask no pressure obv!!<3
II. marriage bed.
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parts: previously / next plot: the in-laws are in town. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: arranged marriage, friends to enemies to (fake) lovers, implied history between reader and bruce, only one bed trope. words: 1.6k.
"I'm sorry" feels numb to say at this point. You still say it, standing at the foot of what should have been your marriage bed. It's been a long night and you'd wrung your hands of dish soap until your family practically barked at you to get to bed, to get back to your husband.
You can still hear them, cackling downstairs in the living room while your nieces and nephews tumble through the hallway. It must feel alien to have your childhood home, long devoid of familial joy, be suddenly bursting full of it. And have none of it mean anything to you.
Bruce stands shoulder to shoulder with you for a few more beats. Then he walks to the door, and you watch him twist the lock with a firm click. Your heart picks up a bit.
His steps are muted on the carpet and you take in his shoulders, the rolling hills of muscles in his back, and the pants that cling to the divots of his hip bones. The black cashmere is a gift from your mother, something preferable to his "ratty" sweats. He didn't like these very much.
Since you'd started living here, you caught glimpses of him like this. A heavy shadow of a man skulking in the darkness, waiting for you to leave for work before revealing himself. Rarely would you find yourselves crossing paths in the kitchen or catching eyes in the living room. And with each fleeting glance, he would escape elsewhere, receding into the tower the way a frightened cat might hide from strangers. Intruders. Funnily enough, you found avoiding eye contact helped that.
But now there was nowhere to run. Your family was here for the holidays and they were in every room. Eyes everywhere.
"Do you need to work tonight?" You'd started calling it that: "work". It made sense around the family (not so much your mother), and it didn't put him on edge when you skirted around the "B" word. "I can help you get downstairs."
He's half-turned to you, waiting on his side of the bed, so you can see the way his face scrunches up at a thought, "Gordon... told me to take time off. For family."
You snort, "You told him the in-laws were in town?"
You blink, "Oh."
Bruce had told you that between you and Alfred, no one else knew who Batman was. The lieutenant, trusted friend and ally as he were, had yet to join the ranks of your prestigious little club. It felt wrong to be in it when he wasn't; you'd forced yourself into it, and Bruce didn't even trust you.
You round the bed opposite to Bruce, and staring across it at him felt like staring across an ocean—he was so far away. You wondered how many people had shared this bed with him. How many he trusted as little as you.
You understand that the Bruce you remember was still a boy, grieving much differently than he is now, and had liked you just a little bit more.
You're the first to draw back the covers.
Bruce watches you settle in before following suit, reluctant, as if he were still wondering about the cons of sleeping in his car tonight. The weight of the bed dramatically shifts and you glide against the silk to his side when he lays down, your hand going for his upper arm to steady yourself. He jolts at the contact, staring you down like a deer in headlights.
Your second sorry of the night spills from your lips, and you squirm away from the warmth of his side and back to the edge of the bed.
You both lay like that for a while, side by side, neither of you particularly comfortable.
"Why didn't you say no?"
His question rocks the stillness in the air. You almost jolt. You turn your head and ask, as casually as you are able, "Say no to what?"
"The marriage."
Ah. "You've met my mother. It's hard to say no to her. Isn't that why you're in this situation in the first place?"
He remains looking up at the ceiling, but you see his jaw constrict, "The you I knew had a backbone."
He means it to hurt. Reminders of your youth together had not softened with time, it seemed, even if he treated you like a distant memory. You don't muster up the courage to bite back at him. Instead, you tuck your tail and keep the mist from gathering in your eyes, "...Yeah."
He doesn't seem to have expected that response. He finally turns his head to look at you, visibly confused. For a few moments, the two of you just stare at each other. Him, analyzing. You... mourning. "Is this what you wanted?"
It's becoming harder to hold back tears, "Not this. Not with her pulling all the strings. Regardless of what you think about me, or my mother, or my family, I didn't want any of this. I don't... want to be your enemy, Bruce."
You want so badly for him to believe you. You've never wanted anything more than for him to see you honestly, transparently, except perhaps to see him the same. To not have to fight.
He's about to say something when the doorknob wriggles, followed by a tentative knock. The two of you sit up and listen for who could be at the door, until a small voice calls your name through the wood, "My niece." You say, rigid. "She must be lost." You go to stand but to your surprise, Bruce is already at the door letting her in.
She stands at just about his knee, blanket clutched in her chubby arms and mouth hidden by the purple fleece. She has to turn her head all the way up to look him in the eyes, "Uncle Bruce," she says through a lisp, "where's the bathroom?"
You can't fully see Bruce's reaction from the bed. From the side, you watch his shoulders sag and his cheek rise in what you think is... a smile.
Very slowly, he comes to a crouch in front of her, "The bathroom?" He asks. She nods an affirmative. "Why didn't you ask Grandpa Alfred? He knows where everything is."
Her eyes dart to the side, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet, "...Grandpa Alfred is scary."
Bruce laughs, actually laughs. He hasn't laughed around you. Hasn't managed more than a smile today, and only to placate your mother. He's warmer too, more open. You watch him. Mesmerized. "He is a little scary, isn't he? But I promise, he's really nice if you get to know him." Your niece doesn't seem so convinced. A moment passes as Bruce thinks of what to say, "How about I come with you to go ask him?"
Her eyes light up, "Really?"
Bruce holds out his arms to her, and though she's reluctant, you watch her tumble into them with arms thrown around his neck. He hops back to his feet with her perched on his hip like she weighs nothing—and she probably does, to him—and asks her in a hushed voice if she's holding on tight.
Her little head turns to look at you over his shoulder and he follows, his smile weakening some.
You almost ask if she'd like you to come with, but think better of it. In the time it would take Bruce to complete this task, you could try to fall asleep. Maybe then it'd be easier on him to share the bed with you, "Go with Uncle Bruce. Maybe Grandpa Alfred will show you the fancy swords if you're brave enough to ask."
Your niece beams, urging Bruce to take her to him this instant, and they disappear out of sight.
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You're half conscious when Bruce returns and shuts the door, but there is no click of the lock to follow after.
With your back turned, all you have to tell you where he is in the room are his small sighs. He's on his side, closer than you expected him to be so quickly, and you curse the carpet that hides his footfalls. You keep your breaths measured, pretending you're fully asleep, and wait for him to climb in.
One knee presses into the mattress, then the other, and you quickly remember the problem with this bed.
He's just laid on his side when you go sliding backwards, feeling your body collide with his chest. You force your eyes to stay closed but you are chilled with mortification. Should you move? Give up the facade of sleep and scramble for the other side of the bed? Would he shove you away?
You wait for his heavy hand to fall on your back, but... nothing. Seconds crawl forward at a snail's pace. You can feel the heat of his hand hovering over your hip where your night shirt had ridden up, but he never touches you. You take slow, deep breaths. You wait for him to wake you, then, if he won't shove you.
But that also never comes. The tips of his fingers lightly brush the skin of your hip, and then disappear. You feel his arm wiggle between the both of you, feel him shift a bit on the mattress, but nothing more. He doesn't push you away. Doesn't call your name. Doesn't shake you until you're forced to crawl to the other side.
He gets comfortable. Stiff, but comfortable, and he doesn't move you. You wonder, as the heat of his chest makes you conscious of your heart beating quicker, if it's too late to crawl back on your own.
You wait for what feels like hours contemplating it. So long, it feels like he might've fallen asleep behind you. So long, that you melt into his side of the mattress. So long, that sleep comes and morning soon after before you could even make up your mind.
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bitchy-craft · 1 year
Supportive Messages For You | Pick A Pile
Hello and welcome to this Pick A Pile! In here you'll find messages meant for you. I hope you guys enjoy and find this useful. Do make sure to leave comments down below on your experience! I do want to remind you all that this is a General Pick A Pile which means this is for a lot of people; therefore keep what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist > Questions > Paid Readings
Pick A Pile!
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Pile 1:
You are here to have a life you want; don't live for others, live for yourself.
You're so much more worth than you believe; look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself how amazing you are.
You deserve happiness, you deserve getting what you want.
You're worth more than what they try to let you believe.
Forever you will be loved by me, but you should love yourself too.
Stay true to yourself, don't let them convince you.
I want to hold you whenever you feel sad; imagine that I am when you need it.
You are so intelligent and amazing.
You deserve more than you have gotten so far.
Karma will suit them right.
Pile 2:
You will succeed in that dream of yours, do not give up.
Believe in yourself, you can do whatever you want.
I adore and love you; you are gorgeous.
I hope you know I am watching and cheering you on the side lines.
Things will turn out okay, trust me.
You are perfectly on time with life, just like everyone else.
It doesn't matter how many times you fail and learn, you only have to succeed once.
You are enough.
The next stage of your life is coming, get ready and excited.
One should grieve to continue with life; allow yourself to do so.
Pile 3:
It is okay to focus on more things all at once.
One has to fail to succeed; dare to try, dare to fail.
I admire you; your determination, your strength, you.
You're the most capable person I know, I am grateful for you, be grateful for yourself.
You deserve hugs, kisses, words of affirmation; you deserve all that love that you miss, all that love that you wish for and need.
Recovery is a process, something that takes time; let it go, let yourself recover.
It isn't easily, I am aware, I know. But never give up on your dreams, if you never quit you will win, you will succeed.
Nothing is impossible, that's why it's called 'I'm Possible' *wink*.
I am here for you, talk to me; I will listen.
You are brave and strong, you are everything that is needed to get through this, to succeed and do it.
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elsecrytt · 15 days
okay NEW curse technique concept: love conquers all!
your technique straight up alters reality. it will heal you or others, kill or harm people in any specific way, you can travel quickly, produce objects/food/etc. out of nowhere, whatever you want.
however. you can only do it if you genuinely believe it will make your loved one happy. otherwise you are just a regular person.
if you're not in love with someone, you're an ordinary person.
thankfully (?) you're a bleeding heart romantic and you fall in love pretty often! you might be shallow at first but your desire to pursue a relationship and get to know your crush is 100% sincere!
for added comic effect, you do not know what curses are and are unaware of your cursed technique. you just know that you're super capable whenever you're doing it ~for love~
unfortunately, when you fell in love with satoru gojo, he pretty much immediately shot you down.
commitment issues, sorcerer problems, yada yada. he could tell that you were genuine with your feelings, too, and satoru does do hookups but he's not a total asshole.
satoru being LITERALLY the luckiest person ever - six eyes, limitless, ridiculously tall and beautiful, talented students and powerful allies - and he's handed an instant win ticket to life in the form of your undying love and devotion and he just tosses it out LMAOOO.
so you go through your heartbreak phase, grieve for a while, and of course eventually get back on the market.
and you find him! the kindest, most considerate, respectful man alive.
he's a bit of a workaholic, but he's unbelievably polite and sincere, and every bit of understanding you show him is repaid tenfold.
seriously. he was late for a date once because of work, texting ahead twenty minutes and apologizing profusely, showing up with flowers and a thousand "I'm so sorry, my superior at work was a bit unreasonable - he works hard, too, though. I'll plan better in advance!"
when you smile and hug him and accept his apologies easily, you can see him holding back tears, a giant load releases his shoulders.
the more you learn about his work, though, the more you realize it's his only flaw. it's not even his fault!
his superior is just this giant asshole. "he works very hard, he's excellent at his job" your fucking ASS, why should your man have to put in constant overtime to drive his ass around?
apparently he had to drive three hours to pick up some sweets. kikufuku, of all things, from this one specialty store in another prefecture, just for his stupid coworker -
it pisses you off!
so when ichiji arrives for your date one day, nervous, with his unreasonable coworker in tow - well, you're shocked to see that you recognize him.
satoru, of course, immediately gloats that he recognizes ichiji's precious girlfriend - she even asked him out, once, before!
internally, he supposes it's kind of nice that you found someone better suited for commitment. although ichiji really doesn't deserve someone as good-looking as you -
he stares, dumbfounded, his cheek red and stinging. something strange curling in his chest at your vicious glare.
"You're Ichiji's shitty coworker?" You growl, "I'm glad you turned me down. Don't ever bully my man again, or you're dead meat."
holy shit, satoru thinks to himself as you snarl at him, ichiji panicking, trying to hold you back.
dead meat. holy shit, he actually believes you.
obviously from there the plan would be enemies to lovers, with the requisite comedy and pining on gojo's part about having let you go the first time.
you have a very strict policy of never EVER pursuing someone who turns you down (you don't know this, but it's actually a condition of your cursed technique). but satoru will find out - that doesn't stop him from pursuing you.
unfortunately, you're also unbelievably prideful, and still very in love with ichiji (who himself is struggling with a sense of inferiority which will eventually tank your relationship).
so gojo gets his ass beat on multiple occasions,,, watching in awe as you do thinks even he can't, and doubly flabbergasted when you insist you're not doing anything particularly weird.
you punch through his infinity? "are you telling me you think you're a wizard with an invisible force field around yourself? seriously?" cursed spirits? "is this a cult?? ichiji is your coworker in a CULT?" his hollow purple doesn't leave a scratch "i mean, was it supposed to?"
god i'm just feeling the comedy these days. i need to make fun of these silly little guys in this silly little manga, i love them so much
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greensagephase · 1 year
Nonviolent Communication - Part Four
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Pairing: Spider-Man!Miguel O'Hara x Spider-Woman!Reader Summary: Miguel shows up at your apartment again while you're celebrating your deceased boyfriend's birthday. Word Count: 8,253 Warning: Miguel reflects on earlier days; Sad Miguel (I'm sorry) Masterlist Music inspo (Spotify playlist for the fanfic here) "Mercy" - Max Richter, Mari Samuelson (Miguel's part) "Nonviolent Communication" - Metro Boomin, James Blake, A$AP Rocky, 21 Savage (I love this song so much)
Next Part
Part Four
Miguel steps out of the multidimensional portal into your apartment. He stares out at the living room, barely registering the sound of music when he hears you call his name. Miguel turns suddenly, startled by your presence. He stands there, in the middle of the room, in his suit as always, only revealing his face. He looks surprised to see you as the portal begins to fade away behind him, causing the objects in your apartment to fall back into place.
“Y/N - I thought you…” he starts, his eyes meeting yours.
You stare at him, still holding the knife as you stand in your kitchen. You briefly wonder what he thought. Then, you realize as you two hold eye contact. He thought you weren’t going to be home. You had told Lyla you had plans to go out. He had heard at least that part of the conversation, you realize. It seems that the moment you pinpoint his confusion to you being home, he too realizes you have figured it out because he clears his throat and looks down, as if embarrassed.
Your gaze follows his movement, to his hand. You see it then. Your mask. You didn’t even realized you left it as you had rushed out of the lab a few hours ago.
“I was leaving my lab when I saw your mask lying there. I figured you might need it for your night patrolling…” Miguel says at last, lifting his hand, showing you the mask.
You put down the knife and nod before you walk towards him. You approach him slowly, taking the mask from his extended hand.
“Thank you. I didn’t even realize I left it there. I was in a bit of a rush…” you say, trailing off as you hold your mask with both hands now.
“I noticed,” Miguel replies, meeting your eyes before his eyes flicker to the kitchen.
You suddenly feel embarrassed. You were caught in a lie. Miguel had heard you talking about having plans with friends, only to find you here in your apartment. You sigh quietly and look down at your mask for a few seconds. You finally look up, offering a small smile.
“Today is Peter’s birthday… Or would have been,” you correct yourself, looking over at the cake. “He would’ve turned twenty-six today.”
Miguel stands in front of you, still. You turn to him; his eyes are on the cake. He brings his gaze back to you and nods.
“You must think…” you start, thinking he must find this odd. You must look like a crazy woman, baking and celebrating your boyfriend’s birthday, who passed away three years ago.
Miguel shakes his head.
“I – Understand.”
The two of you stand there, silent. There’s an unspoken understanding between the two of you. You look over at the counter, suddenly remembering the ice cream.
“Shit, the ice cream,” you mutter, before you hurry to check it, placing your mask on the counter as you walk by.
The ice cream is still intact, but you know you will have to put it away soon. You turn to Miguel, who seems to be listening to the music. You can’t help but feel embarrassed despite him saying he understood. You stare down at Peter’s cake. Your emotions are a little over the place. You are sad, still grieving Peter’s absence while at the same time trying to be cheerful because it’s his birthday and now embarrassment is thrown into the mix. Your emotions override your brain and then, before you know it, you speak.
“Would you like a slice of cake?”
Miguel’s eyes shift to you. You can see there’s something there – like hesitation. You begin to feel regret immediately. Maybe this is too much. Maybe you are trespassing a line. You look down at the cake.
“I’m sorry – you are probably very busy like always,” you start, feeling heat in your cheeks. Yes, this was probably too much. Too personal. Too vulnerable. Too much for the founder and commander of the Spider Society.
“If you don’t mind… Yes.”
You look up in surprise, though you try to hide it. You hope Miguel didn’t notice the way your lips parted in surprise. You nod slowly before grabbing a plate and the knife again. As you slice the cake carefully, you feel Miguel walk from the living room section to the kitchen area slowly. You can’t help but feel like his movement is intentional, as if he’s trying to tread dangerous waters carefully. He stands behind the counter, the same side from which you ate the day he was here.
You place the slice of cake on the plate. You look at the ice cream and then at him.
“It’s probably a weird combination but – do you also want ice cream?” you ask, quietly.
And Miguel O’Hara stares at you for a few seconds before he nods. You nod and retrieve a small bowl plate. With ease, you open the ice cream container and place two scoops on it. You place the two plates in front of him before you retrieve utensils. You grab napkins and place them on the counter before placing the utensils on top of them. You return to the cake to cut a slice for yourself. Your movements are deliberately slow. You can sense that this is… Not awkward but also not easy? Whatever the word is, you are trying to give Miguel time to take a seat. As you place the slice of cake on your plate, he finally pulls one of the counter chairs out and takes a seat. From your peripheral vision, he still towers over you. You grab another bowl plate and get one scoop of ice cream. You retrieve utensils for yourself, discreetly noticing that he has grabbed the utensils you placed for him.
You cut into your slice with a fork, bringing it to your mouth. Your eyes return to the photograph, now next to Miguel’s plates, as you eat. You try not to look at Miguel as he brings the fork to his mouth. You tell yourself not to think about the fact that this is the only time you have ever seen the man eat. You wondered sometimes if he ever ate. You wonder if Lyla had to remind him to eat, the way she had to remind him to sleep.
“This is – a great cake,” Miguel says, breaking the silence. “Thank you.”
Your eyes move to him then. You nod, giving him a small smile.
“It was his favorite… Both the cake and ice cream flavor,” you respond before trying the ice cream. You haven’t eaten this flavor since last year. You only buy it for Peter’s birthday, reserving it for his day.
Miguel watches you. He doesn’t say anything, but he notices the slight puffiness of your eyes, a sign of crying. He listens to the music, recognizing the voice. He knows of Billie Holiday of course. He doesn’t know everything about your life but suddenly, he feels that he has a picture of it. You were happy, really happy. You once had everything, too. You lost it. Like him.
He can sense that you still seem somewhat embarrassed by this, but he doesn’t find anything odd about it. He understands. He finishes the cake and then the ice cream, enjoying both things despite feeling like he intruded on a very personal moment.
“Do you want more?” you ask, noticing he finished eating.
Miguel meets your eyes, and then nods. “May I please have another slice of cake?”
You nod, putting your plate down before taking his to give him another slice. You feel his eyes on you as you remove the candles gently, placing them aside on a napkin. You begin to cut another slice.
“I also…” Miguel starts, pausing. “I celebrate Dia de los Muertos, I don’t know if you –“ he pauses, and you nod, indicating you know what he’s talking about as you put the slice on his plate. “I make a small ofrenda for them.” You place his plate in front of him, meeting his eyes. “So – it’s not - Don’t feel as if…” Miguel says, trailing off and you nod.
“Thank you,” you say, understanding. You feel comfort and something else at the fact that he shared that with you, willingly, as an effort to lessen your embarrassment.
You take a deep but quiet breath in. You hadn’t expected someone to show up, even less Miguel but now that he was here… You feel – lighter? You take him in as he brings the fork to his mouth. Seems like he’s enjoying the cake, or at least you hope so. You return your eyes to Peter’s photograph, which still faces you. You stare at it, his gaze meeting yours. You smile softly before you finish your slice of cake.
Miguel continues to eat his second slice of cake. No wonder he loved it, Miguel thinks to himself, referring to Peter. The cake is amazing. Peter’s face flashes in his mind suddenly. He remembers the man’s face from the last time he was here, when he had stopped to look at the photographs on your wall. He had looked at you, smiling in all of them but he had also noticed Peter. It was obvious that the two of you loved each other deeply. It seemed to Miguel that Peter was a great man and if a woman like you loved him so much, Miguel is sure he had to be.
His mind shifts back to the conversation you had with Lyla earlier. You had lied. It’s not like he was eavesdropping, no. He would never do that. Lyla was just so loud sometimes that she tore his attention away and that’s why he had heard her ask if you had a date tonight or some other plans. That’s when he had heard about your plans to go out with friends to watch a movie. That’s why he had shown up at this time. He had spotted the mask lying on one of the many surfaces of his lab earlier, but he didn’t want to show up when you were home. He thought it would be awkward. He debated not even bringing it at all, but he knows you do night patrols, so he figured you would need it for tonight. Thus, he waited until he thought you would be gone to avoid any awkwardness.  
And that’s why he was startled when you called his name. You weren’t supposed to be home, except you were. You were in the kitchen with a knife in your hand, about to slice a cake. He had barely identified the mood of the music and suddenly, he had a pretty good idea of what was happening and why you had lied to Lyla, who could be a little judgmental sometimes. He understood. He knew. He hadn’t celebrated Gabriella or his wife’s birthdays as he didn’t think he could handle such a thing, but he did set up an ofrenda for them each year.
You look up at Miguel, he looks as if he’s in deep thought. You wonder what he’s thinking about. Your ears focus on the music, Billie Holiday is still playing.
“I should turn that off,” you mutter, realizing the ambiance in the room is… too romantic.
You set your plate down, about to head to the living room section.
“Don’t,” Miguel says softly, stopping you in your tracks. You turn to him, his eyes already on you. “It’s nice.”
You nod slowly, staying quiet for a few seconds. “Peter loved this kind of music,” you share, as you pick up the ice cream container. “You want more?”
Miguel shakes his head. “I think I’ve had enough. Thank you, though.”
You turn around and put the leftover ice cream away in the freezer. You turn around again. Miguel is looking down at his plate but then looks up.
“He had good taste in music then,” he says, which makes you smile.
“I thought so, too.”
Miguel takes a moment before he adds, “He sounds like he was a great partner.”
You nod, hugging your arms. “He was. He was wonderful,” you say, turning your attention to Peter’s photo, wanting to say more about him but reluctant to unleash all your memories, thoughts, and feelings on Miguel.
Miguel doesn’t fail to notice the look in your eyes. It is obvious that you love Peter. All he can do is watch, wondering if that’s the way he looked at his wife once. He can’t help but also think how lucky Peter is, to still be loved beyond his death. The same way that Gabriella and his wife are lucky.
How lucky are those who pass away and have someone still love and remember them, Miguel often thought… Miguel doesn’t let himself think about it often, but a small fear creeps on him sometimes. Slowly but surely, crawling to his mind.
Was he going to die alone? Would anyone mourn Miguel O’Hara? Was anyone going to remember him? Or was he going to be a small, insignificant memory that came occasionally to his recruits’ minds when they thought of their work or earlier days as members in the Spider Society? Would they share their memory to whoever they were talking to or was near them? Would they say he was cold and stoic? Would they mention how he didn’t let anyone in? Or would they think about him for a few seconds before he was put away from their minds? Forgotten once again.
He buried those thoughts as deep as he could, burying himself even deeper into work to avoid having to reflect on those questions. He had no family. His parents had passed away many years ago. It was his father first and then his mother. His only sibling, Gabriel, had passed away three years before Miguel inserted himself into Gabriella’s life, leaving him with no one. No family and little friends if you could even call them that.
He was lonely though he never admitted it out loud. He drowned himself in work to fill the void and to avoid his thoughts. He worked day and night. Sometimes the only thing he saw were his monitors for hours. He had grown so accustomed to the light of them. He had grown accustomed to the silence that was only broken by Lyla. He told himself he was good. At least he had Lyla.
Then, his work was the very thing that led to his brief happiness. He discovered a way to travel through the multiverse. He traveled to so many universes , recruiting other Spider-members, his mind already settled on founding the Spider Society. It was then, through his traveling and exploring of each universe, that he found one in which a variant of himself had a family. He watched that universe for some time, longing to be like that version of himself in secret.
That version wasn’t Spider-Man. He led a normal life. He had a daughter… Gabriella. Miguel had never admitted it to anyone, but he had envied his variant. This version of him was carefree. He was happy. There were no worries about saving someone or something. This variant was a father, and a very dedicated one. He attended school functions for his daughter. He was a part of the parent teacher student organization. He baked brownies and cookies for fundraisers. He attended every soccer game. He worked a normal job. He picked up his daughter from school and dedicated the evenings to her. Miguel often watched as they played board games on their dining table. Gabriella’s laugh as she played board games with his variant filled him with a happiness he hadn’t felt in so long. He watched in awe as his variant helped the child with their homework every evening, seeing how bright she was.
They had the perfect life.
Miguel longed to have that for so long as he watched from afar, knowing it was wrong. And then the unexpected happened. His variant was murdered, making Gabriella an orphan. Before he knew it, he was traveling to that universe and replacing his variant, taking the chance of having a happy life.  
As he took the life of his variant, he thought he had it all then. He had a daughter – family at last. He had another purpose in life besides work. He eventually found a partner who he fell in love with quickly, marrying shortly after, solidifying his family. Miguel feels pain as he thinks of his wife now, sweet Adriana. They were happy, the three of them. Miguel finally had what he had dreamt of for so long. What he had longed for. He had the perfect life, at last.
And then it was gone.
That same loneliness returned, except this time it was accompanied by guilt and grief. That fear that he had carried before his discovery of multiverse traveling, returned as well. He was lonely. He had no one. Again. As the days, weeks, and months went on after Gabriella’s universe collapsed, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was his fate. Maybe he was meant to have a lonely life. Maybe that’s why everyone was taken away from him. It was his fate: to be lonely for the rest of his life and to dedicate himself to work. Maybe his entire purpose in life was to protect the fate of the multiverse, so all those people in each universe could have a chance of living happy lives, even if it meant that he couldn’t have that very thing. That was his sacrifice.
“Being Spider-Man is a sacrifice. That’s the job. That’s what you signed up for,” he remembers telling Miles Morales months ago.
“You have a choice between saving one person and saving an entire world. Every world.”
After Gabriella and Adriana, this was his motto. He was sacrificing himself to save every universe. So, he worked day and night again. Forgetting to eat and sleep sometimes. Though sometimes it wasn’t because he forgot. It was a form of punishment. He had destroyed Gabriella and Adriana’s universe. He had ruined their, and millions of other people’s, chance of living happy lives since their universe collapsed.
“Daddy! Dad? Dad! No!”
He forgot to sleep sometimes but he mostly avoided it to avoid the nightmares. He dreamt of Gabriella and Adriana often, but Gabriella made more appearances in his nightmares. Gabriella haunted him more… He didn’t have the chance to see Adriana one last time. They had said their goodbyes in the morning before she went to work. They had kissed goodbye. Their last moment had been peaceful. His memory of her was a sweet and happy one. By the time he realized something was very wrong, she had already ceased to exist, leaving no room for another interaction.
But Gabriella… He held her in his arms as he carried her through the city, his heart racing and hurting from the loss of Adriana. He ran and ran as other Spider-members helped civilians only for them to disappear seconds later. His mind whirled with thoughts as he clutched his daughter, who was terrified and clung to him for comfort and safety, to his chest. He needed to save Gabriella. He needed to protect his daughter. She deserved to live a long life. And then he heard her last words.
“Daddy! Dad? Dad! No!”
Then she ceased to exist right before him, leaving his arms empty. He remembers as he stood there with empty hands, still feeling the warmth of his child. He remembers how her warmth began to fade away, as if she had never been in his arms at all. Her last words echoed through his mind over and over again. His heart felt heavy. Vacant.
He heard her cries in his dreams every night for weeks. Each night he woke up screaming, tears running down his face. He was angry, frustrated, mournful, devastated, and so much more. He felt every imaginable emotion those nights while he paced his empty apartment back in Nueva York. He threw things around, like flipping the dining table and its chairs. He broke and shattered objects. He cursed himself and screamed into the silent night. His cries and screaming went unheard as he lived in the penthouse of his apartment building and owned the two floors under the penthouse, too. There was no one to hear his destruction or his screaming. He eventually stopped sleeping, only succumbing to his exhaustion when his body began to give out.
He was alone. He had caused the collapse of a universe for his own greed, he thought. All to not be alone. All to fill his fantasy of having a family.
He couldn’t even think of friends in the aftermath of everything. If he had been unable to create strong friendships before Gabriella and his wife’s death, now it felt nearly impossible. He didn’t want it. He thought he didn’t deserve friends, especially after the events that happened, involving Miles Morales. He had been wrong. So wrong. He thought he was in the right for so long only to be proven wrong. He wasn’t proud of his actions. He knew everyone else had pushed past it. They had moved on, except him. He took his mistake and punished himself. Once again.
He pushed everyone away. Every single time anyone tried, he pushed them away. Push, push, push. Until they gave up. He couldn’t remember who the last person who had tried was. It was so long ago. No one bothered to try anymore as the spider members knew it was to no avail. Or perhaps they hoped that one day he would come around on his own. But then someone else came along.
As he looked at you, still staring at Peter’s photo, he thought about the things you have done, and continue to do for him. Like the coffee. He knows the cafeteria staff never gave you extra as you had said so many times. He initially waved it off, the way he ignored your gesture the first few times. He eventually grew curious, wondering if it was true that the cafeteria staff gave you extra coffee. He pulled the security cameras’ footage, his curiosity winning. That’s how he learned that your excuses were just excuses. He knew you lied about the coffee, the way you knew he had lied about why he had shown up weeks ago after you went radio silence because of your period. You deliberately took coffee to him, and he didn’t know why. He wondered why you bothered and continued even when he ignored you at first. Even when he left the cup on the table, his sign that he didn’t care. Even when he gave you the bare minimum of a response, you didn’t stop.
Then you offered to start organizing the lab. He remembers the way he wanted to shut down that idea quickly. He didn’t want a random new recruit hanging around the lab, moving his items around but Jess had intervened. She had said the place needed it and he just gave up, too busy to argue with her. Besides, he had been sure that you would only show up once. His first impression of you was that you were too sweet. Too kind. Too warm. Too happy. Miguel felt that he and you were opposites in those early days. He often felt like a dark, gloomy cloud that rained on everybody’s mood. He didn’t care but he was aware that some of the Spider Society members found his mood foul. You on the other hand… you had a smile on your face. You walked around HQ with a lightness, like nothing could possibly bring you down. That’s why he had been sure you would only show up once to organize the lab. You wouldn’t be able to take the silence. You wouldn’t handle being unacknowledged. You were going to stop whatever it was that you were doing by taking him coffee and organizing his lab, the same way that everyone who had ever tried getting close to him had stopped.
But you stayed. You showed up the next week, asking Lyla if you could come in. He remembers pausing from his work as he heard Lyla tell him you were there. You had asked her to ask him if you could come in. He remembers staring at his screen, struck by this. You hadn’t taken the liberty of barging into his lab like other members. You asked for permission first. You respected his space. Before he knew it, he had nodded at Lyla. And there you were, going into his lab to organize the clutter of advanced technology pieces for the second time. And now, he had lost count of how many times you have been there.
He never said anything when you were in the lab, sometimes he acknowledged you by humming, other times he didn’t. But his curiosity had grown. You asked each week if you could enter the lab, and this made him wonder about you. You were also good on missions, or at least he was told so by Jess, who took a liking to you quickly.   
Much to his surprise, you had also quickly been incorporated into a friend group. It seemed that you had settled into the Spider Society fast and successfully. This just added to his curiosity and because he had the technology and knowledge at his disposal, he had learned about you. He learned you lost your own version of Peter. He hadn’t allowed himself to see further but this single piece of information made him wonder how you could walk around so happy.
He wondered sometimes as you answered Lyla’s questions while you organized the lab. Of course, he never said anything. He tried his best to ignore the conversations each time, trying to give you and Lyla privacy. But Lyla was loud sometimes, getting too excited. He was never able to fully ignore the conversations that took place between the two of you.
“Okay, okay! Tell me this! What are your comfort foods?” Lyla had asked one time.
“Pasta,” you had answered so fast.
Miguel just listened as Lyla had distracted him that time. He just shook his head discreetly. It seemed that even his AI assistant had taken a liking to you. He just kept working though, trying his best to remain focused but he was brought back to the conversation a few other times. This was an occurrence every week, though he never showed it.
Things remained the same for weeks. Miguel honestly lost count. You kept taking coffee to him and he eventually started nodding at you or giving you a “hmm”. He didn’t know why. He just did one time and then he started doing it here and there.
He also noticed you were punctual each week, something that he valued highly. He didn’t fail to notice how you showed up to do what you had volunteered to do. You never wasted time or slacked even if you could’ve because at the end of the day, it wasn’t your job. Miguel definitely appreciated the organization though, as he started to realize how much faster he found what he was looking for sometimes. Your system of organization helped him immensely.
It was all going well. Or at least it was a good set up. You didn’t mind him not talking. You didn’t mind that he addressed you sometimes, and other times didn’t. You didn’t try to talk to him, asking him questions about this or that about his life the way that other members had tried asking him before. You just did what you had volunteered to do. You were a good member of the Spider Society.
And then one day, or rather that day, he sat in the same conference room at HQ where he always schedules meetings. He had already passed out the reports for the meeting. He was reviewing them, as always, making sure everything was precise for the hundredth time. The minutes were going by, the meeting time getting closer and closer. He had looked up towards the door for some reason, as if he was expecting something at that moment. And then it struck him that you hadn’t shown up yet. He had looked at the time. You had missed your time window. You always arrived earlier than anyone else but when he looked at the door again, there was no sign of you. He remembers sighing deeply and shaking his head, as if trying to clear his mind. The meeting started and ended; your usual seat remained empty. There was no scent of coffee.
After the meeting, Jess made the slight comment to Hobie that your gizmo showed no activity. Neither of them worried though. They walked out of the conference room, chalking your absence to some emergency in your universe. Miguel had simply brushed it off, picking up his items before heading back to his lab. Before he knew it, however, it was time for you to show up at his lab to organize it. He continued working on his monitors as he noticed you hadn’t arrived on time. You were late now but whatever.
“So strange…” Lyla had quietly said.
“What?” Miguel asked as he moved one monitor away, but he knew. He just knew what Lyla was going to say before she even said it and he didn’t know why he knew. He didn’t like that he knew.
“Well – Y/N should’ve arrived by now but she’s not here yet.”
Miguel kept working, narrowing his eyes. “She’s probably just busy.”
“But it’s so unlike her… She would’ve notified you she wasn’t showing up,” Lyla had said, looking at the lab’s door with concern, as if still hoping that you would show up.
And yes, she was right, Miguel had realized. You were that kind of person. That’s when his mind began to drift away from his work. You missed the meeting and now the weekly organization time. You seemed like the type to let someone know you would be unable to show up because of an emergency but you hadn’t. Jess, who was like a mentor to you, hadn’t heard from you. Even one of your friends, Hobie, hadn’t heard from you. There was no activity from your gizmo either.
Miguel stared at one of his screens, his mind filled with these thoughts, his attention away from what he was supposed to focus on. He grunted in slight frustration. Why was he thinking about you? You were probably fine. You probably had something else come up. He wished that Lyla hadn’t said anything. He wished that he hadn’t heard Jessica and Hobie’s comment about the lack of activity from your gizmo. He wished he hadn’t noticed your absence.
He had sighed, closing out the screen in front of him.
“I’m going to run maintenance on you Lyla,” Miguel said, letting her know.
Lyla simply nodded, though she had noticed frustration coming from Miguel. She knew better than to ask and besides, she had a pretty good idea what was going on with Miguel. Miguel wasn’t a heartless person. He was capable of caring even if he wished he didn’t anymore and Lyla could sense that you were on his mind. She wondered if the sudden maintenance decision had to do with you.
And it did. Miguel purposely ran maintenance on Lyla before he traveled to your universe so she wouldn’t know where he was going. He didn’t want Lyla to bug him about it. He was just going to check. That was all. He was just going to verify that there wasn’t something incredibly wrong with your universe. Something that could mess with the fate of the multiverse. Yes, that was it. The fate of the multiverse as always…
So, he showed up to your apartment. It was day and the apartment was dark. It was silent. Too silent. Miguel looked around your apartment. There was no sign of you, and he briefly thought you were probably out and about until he saw the gizmo on your living room’s console table. It looked like it had just been dropped off carelessly. That didn’t sound like you at all, and Miguel fleetingly wondered why he believed that if he hardly knew you. Before he knew it, he was walking towards the room he assumed was the bedroom. And there you were.
His eyes immediately took in the sight of you. You clutched your stomach with your hands. Your eyes were shut, and soft groans escaped from your lips. He remembers moving through your room swiftly as you told him to go away. He knew something was wrong then, you never talked like that. Or at least, he had never heard you talk like that to someone.
And that’s how he spent hours at your apartment that day. It was the first and only time he had stayed at one of his recruits’ homes for that long. He had been invited to dinners before, mostly by Peter, who hosted Friday dinners for his group of friends that had become like a little family. The same one he knew you were a part of now. He now wondered if you attended those dinners, the same ones he never went to.
He only went to his recruits’ homes if it was necessary, staying for a few minutes but now you were the exception. He made homemade rice socks to ease your pain. Before he knew it, he was doing other things he hadn’t done for someone else in years. He washed the two dishes in your sink. Put away the clean ones, learning the ins and outs of your small but clean kitchen. He took out the trash. He checked on you occasionally, noticing that you no longer clutched your stomach and your groans of pain had eased at last. He felt relief to see his efforts had worked. Even your face, which had shown your pain, was relaxed. You slept peacefully, hugging a pillow to your body.
Miguel had watched you for some time, leaning on your bedroom doorway. The last time he had slept that soundly was when he lived in Gabriella’s universe. His worries had eased. His loneliness and restlessness had ceased to burden him. He had a normal sleeping schedule back then. He went to sleep at ten, having put Gabriella to sleep at nine so she would get plenty of sleep. He would then get up at six. He’d make coffee for himself and later, when married, for his wife as well. He made breakfast for Gabriella, ensuring she was always taken care of. He prepared her lunch. Gabriella and he had a schedule. Or well… His variant and Gabriella had a schedule and he had learned it.
Miguel puts those thoughts away now, not wanting to plague you or ruin your celebration. His eyes are still on you, and yours are on Peter’s photograph. The point was that he thought all those that had passed away who still have loved ones alive, are lucky. They are honored, remembered, and loved.
Miguel had no family. He didn’t call his colleagues friends, especially after he pushed them away but as he looked at you, he thought of your gestures, like taking him coffee and organizing his lab. He thought about the fact that he had shown up at your apartment and stayed for so long. He thought about how you had calmed him the following day when he discovered Lyla had hidden photos and videos of his family. He thought about how you were now being vulnerable with him, letting him in on something so personal the same way he had with you weeks ago.
As he looked at you and all these thoughts flooded his mind, his fear of dying alone and having no one to mourn or remember him dissipated in that moment. Maybe he would never find someone to love again. He didn’t know if he could love like that again. He didn’t know if he was ever going to have a child again… He knew Gabriella wasn’t his biologically, but it was as if she had been. It hadn’t mattered to him. She was his daughter. Su hija.
Mi niña, Miguel could not stop himself from thinking, remembering her and hearing her voice in his head. A warmness spread through his chest.
Maybe he was never going to have a family again. Maybe it really was his fate to live the rest of his life like this, and Miguel just needed to accept it but… as he looked at you and thought of what you had done for him so far, he couldn’t help but feel some assurance that maybe there would be someone, you, who would show up to his funeral one day. He knew Peter and Jess would, too. Even if none of you were family, he felt a little relief. He hid it well but as he looked at you, there was some appreciation from your boss. His fear had settled for once and it was thanks to you.
You, who hid your grief and loss so well from everyone. You, who had let him in. You, who was showing him, the way he had shown you. He wanted to say something then, but he didn’t know how to say it. Miguel wasn’t so great at expressing his feelings these days. It had been a long time since he had.
You suddenly look at him, meeting his eyes.
“You know… I’ve done this each year since his passing. This is the first time someone else has joined me and…” you pause. “Thank you for not judging me and for joining me,” you say at last.
“I would never judge you or anyone for this… I understand as much as I understand how – hard it is to let someone have a glimpse of these moments,” Miguel says slowly and quietly, his tone is full of sincerity and understanding. “I know how hard it is… how much it takes to allow someone in… thank you,” he says, meaning it. You had let him in the way he had let you in that day he discovered the secret photos and videos.
You nod, feeling a warmness spread through your own chest. It was difficult to let someone else in. This is why you never mentioned it to your friends. Besides, they had all gone through their own loss in some way. The last thing you wanted was to add your own to theirs. You sigh. “That’s why I lied to Lyla.”
He nods back, with a knowing look. “Lyla can be a little judgmental sometimes, so I don’t blame you at all.”
You chuckle lightly. “That she can be sometimes… She said earlier that going to bookstores wasn’t considered something fun,” you say, shaking your head.
Miguel tilts his head, remembering that part of the conversation. He had heard it unwillingly. “Lyla’s idea of fun is different from ours, I guess.”
Now you tilt your head. “You like to read?”
Miguel nods and then sighs. “Yes, but I don’t read much these days,” he says, trying to remember when the last time he read a book was. It was when Gabriella and his wife were still alive. Before he knows it, he begins to speak. “I stopped after… We used to go to the bookstore each weekend. Gabriella also enjoyed reading.”
You smile sadly and sigh, understanding. “It takes a long time to be able to do some of the things you used to do with them.” You pause. “It’s hard.”
Miguel nods, knowing as well. This showed up in many ways for him. Like cooking or reading. The day he cooked pasta for you was the first time he had cooked in years, and he had cooked that specifically because he had heard you say it was a comfort food. Miguel sighs softly. He feels comforted knowing he isn’t the only one who can’t do specific things after losing his loved ones. He, however, hopes that your standard of living is better than his. He knows he doesn’t sleep or eat well sometimes. He doesn’t rest and relax. He hopes that you are not like him. He hopes you have it better in those aspects. As he looks at you, he hopes you have a chance of one day moving on and possibly finding someone else in the future.
He wonders if you are even open to the possibility, but he doesn’t ask, as it’s something very personal. The two of you fall into silence but it’s not an uncomfortable one. You are two people, sharing grief and loss in that moment. You eye the cake and look up at him.
“Do you want to take some with you?” you ask him.
Miguel looks at you and nods. “I’d like that. Thank you.”
You nod and start cutting him a few slices before you move around your kitchen, finding a container to put the cake in. You can feel Miguel’s eyes on you as you search but it doesn’t bother you.
“So – if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of books do you like?” you ask, as you find a container but not the lid. You frown as you search for it.
Miguel watches you from behind. It seems that you can’t find a lid and he finds this amusing for some reason. He clears his throat and thinks about your question.
“I used to enjoy sci-fi books.”
You nod as you search deeper in your cabinet. Where the hell is that lid, you wonder briefly before you reply.
“You know… that makes sense,” you say, as you move some lids around.
“And history books,” Miguel adds behind you.
You turn at that. “I like – or well, I used to read historical fiction.”
Miguel stares at you intently, with a look on his face that feels like he might smile at any moment because his lips move slightly. You turn away to keep looking for that damn lid.
Miguel continues watching you.
“Mind if I look at your bookshelf?” he asks, and you pause.
“Oh – no. Go ahead,” you say, surprised as you continue to look for the lid.
You hear him stand up and move across your apartment. You look behind your shoulder, taking a peek at him in the corner where your bookshelf is located before you look for the lid. You move a container and there it is. You pull it out just as you hear him talk.
“You have a lot of these books,” he comments, making you wonder what he’s talking about.
You place the container with leftover cake on the counter and walk over to him.
“What kind?” you ask, as you stand next to him, eyeing the book he’s holding.
You freeze as you recognize the cover when he turns it over, apparently reading the back of it.
“These books with animated covers. Romcoms?” he asks, eyeing the cute, animated book cover.
You clear your throat and nod, feeling a little heat rise to your cheeks. He puts it away to your relief but then pulls out another one to your dismay.
“Hmm,” Miguel lets out as he reads the back.
“Yeah, it’s just romcoms… I went through a phase a few years ago. I also like mystery, like… This one,” you say, spotting a book you remember is in the mystery genre. This is your attempt to take his attention from the misleading romcom books but when you turn to Miguel to show him the other book, you see him flipping through it.
Fuck. You just stare and hope that he doesn’t land on one of those pages. To your relief his face remains the same as he flips through it before he puts it away and takes the one you are offering him. You sigh quietly in relief that he didn’t read anything that might change his opinion about you. Miguel nods as he reads the synopsis.
“Sounds interesting,” he mutters with furrowed brows, placing the book back where you got it from. “I’ll keep it in mind if I ever return to the habit of reading.”
You nod slowly. “I hear that,” you say, looking at the books you have bought over the last three years but haven’t read yet.
The two of you stand there, in front of your bookshelf, closely. You suddenly feel like you’re too close to him, but he doesn’t seem to mind as his eyes scan the books. He seems genuinely interested in the titles.
Miguel finally turns to you. He has spent more time than he anticipated but he’s okay with it… He feels oddly at peace right now, standing before your overflowing bookshelf with books that contain… interesting content to say the least. Miguel clears his throat, trying to forget what he partially read. No wonder you were trying to get him another book, he realizes, feeling amused but also intrigued by this. This has added another layer to you, making you even more interesting to him.
Miguel sighs. “It’s getting late. I should probably head back to Nueva York… You probably need rest, too,” he says softly.
“Yeah – I guess it’s late now,” you say looking at a clock on your wall, realizing it is quite late now.
Miguel nods, stepping back and taking a few steps away from you. He begins to click on his gizmo, preparing to leave. “Oh, my cake,” he says, suddenly remembering and reminding you.
You nod and walk to the kitchen section, retrieving the container. You walk back to him, handing it to him. Miguel takes the container gently from you.
“Thank you,” he says, softly but laced with something else like appreciation. You can’t help but feel that his thank you is not just for the cake though. You push it away, not knowing that Miguel O’Hara’s constant fear of dying alone has been settled thanks to you tonight.
You smile up at him. “Thank you,” you say full of gratitude. “Your presence tonight… It helped me,” you admit, hoping it’s not too much for Miguel and it isn’t, or at least it doesn’t appear so because he nods with a calm face.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he responds, meaning it as he feels it’s the least he could do after you helped him diminish his fear. He looks down at the container, making you look at it, too. It looks so small in his large hands.
Miguel gives you one last nod before he opens a multidimensional portal, making objects in your small apartment float. He looks at the items and gives you an apologetic look. You chuckle.
“It’s fine,” you assure him, and he nods again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at HQ,” he says as he steps into the portal.
“See you tomorrow” you say with a small wave as he begins walking into the portal.
A few seconds later, he disappears completely before the portal itself begins to fade. You watch as the floating objects begin to descend slowly the more the portal fades until they fall, the portal closing.
You sigh as you look around. Another birthday for Peter but at least this time was different. You can’t help but feel glad you accidentally left your mask earlier as you begin to put the objects away. Miguel really helped tonight as you would’ve probably cried more if he hadn’t shown up suddenly.
You walk to the record player, which at this point has stopped playing. You remove the current vinyl and place another one, one that’s lighter on your emotions right now. You head to the kitchen and clean up by yourself, feeling good. Once done, you turn and face Peter’s photograph.
“Happy Birthday, love. I really hope you had a great one. I hope you didn’t mind that my boss showed up but at least you’ve met him now,” you say with a smile. You plant a kiss on your fingertips and then bring them to the photograph, right on Peter’s lips. “Thank you… for everything you ever did for me, Peter. I love you,” you whisper, staring at the photo for a few more seconds before you turn the record player and lamps off, and head to bed, feeling pleased with today.
Back in Nueva York, Earth-928, Miguel steps out of the portal but not into his lab. He steps out into his penthouse, for the first time in weeks. He looks around the dark penthouse for a few seconds and with a single voice command, the lights turn on. Miguel blinks, adjusting to the light. He heads to the kitchen and places the container in the fridge. He’ll have more of it tomorrow, he thinks as he heads to the bedroom. He enters it and looks at the bed for a few seconds before he deactivates his suit, leaving him in his boxers. He climbs into bed, feeling odd at first but as he relaxes his body, he feels the exhaustion take over him as he thinks of what happened tonight in your dimension. He feels at peace for once.
For the first time in over a month, Miguel O’Hara begins to fall asleep on his bed.
And for the first time in years, he has no nightmares.
--------------------- Next Part
Translation for italicized words: Dia de los Muertos - Day of the Dead Ofrenda - Altar for Day of the Dead Su hija - His/Her daughter Mi niña – My girl (daughter)
A/N: Lowkey laughing at myself right now. I ended up splitting the last part because it was too long, only for me to do it again but this time, I’m leaving it. I had planned to talk a little more of Miguel's past before Gabriella and I hurt my own feelings with that. I just want to give this man a tight hug, good food, bathe him in affection, and take care of him!!! Side note, I can't wait for BTSP to see more of his story because we literally know nothing!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this and I’m sorry if I made you sad with Miguel’s point of view. I hope I made it up with the ending though 😊 I also want to add that I previously thought this was only going to be like four or five parts, but I think it’s going to be at least six or seven parts now as I don’t want to rush things between Miguel and the reader because I don’t think Miguel (and reader) would immediately jump into a relationship. It’s going to take some time and I want to explore more moments with them to make it as realistic as possible. Also, just realized it’s been two weeks since I first posted part one. Crazy! Thank you again for the support, it’s greatly appreciated!
I still love Miguel. That's all.
Tag List: (It seems I finally found a way to tag those that I was unable to last time, apologies for that)
@loverlorn @saturnknows @d1lf-loverrr @eddiestitmiguelsbigdick @freehentai @arithestrawberry @scaleniusrm @haradasaya @spidermanismyfav @bitchykittenconnoisseur @thecraziestcrayon @obi-mom-kenobi @natsury-kazuki @rootin-tootin-morgan @coraline750 @edgycatx @safixiovi @sunnyx07 @nxrdamp @rorel1a @oceanstar19 @happishark @carmilla01 @somebodyelsethanyouthink @adora-but-ginger @angie2274 @vampi-amora @tired-writer04 @plzfeedmebread @shadow-pancake9 @tynakub
To the people below, I had to tag you in the comments because it wouldn't let me on the post, idk why :(
@mashiromochi @loveletterfrommwah @mandodinstuff @muzansucker
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spidernuggets · 9 months
I commented this and realized you said to put it in the ask box😭 I feel like "animal I have become" by three days grace fits jason for the lyrical prompt list
Jason Todd x Reader
"Animal I Have Become"
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You stared at your old vigilante suit. Ever since the Joker killed Jason, putting on the suit always made you want to throw up.
It wasn't just because you two were dating, but the two of you made the perfect duo while crime fighting. He was always so determined to kick ass head first while you were there to hold him back and let him think before making any sudden actions.
You were the first one to find Jason's body. His face was disfigured, and his suit was drenched in his blood. And soon after, it was your suit drenched in his blood.
When Bruce arrived at the warehouse, he saw you there from a distance, wailing and screaming while cradling Jason's limp body.
"Why.. Why is there so much blood, Bruce? He's not waking up... Bruce, he's not waking up!" You cried at Bruce, and all he could do was stand there. "Bruce, please! We need to get him home! He-" You hiccup. "He has training tomorrow... And.. And he said he'd teach me how to ride his motorbike.. Bruce, c'mon, we need to bring him home..." It pains Bruce to see you this way. You were in denial. You believed Jason was still alive.
It took many attempts, so much repetition of Bruce telling you Jason is dead, and he's not coming back. You punched Bruce in the chest so many times. You kept telling him it wasn't funny or that Jason is alive and that he is coming home.
But your adrenaline slowly died down. You became too tired. So when you got back to the manor, you left yourself to rot away in Jason's room. You instantly ripped the suit off. It was making you sick. You replaced it with Jason's red hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. You buried yourself in Jason's sheets on his bed, holding his scented pillow impossibly closer to you.
When Alfred heard the news, he couldn't believe it either. He didn't want to admit it, but Jason was his favourite batboy, even though he told the two sons many times he doesn't have favourites. But having shared a birthday with Jason, teaching him how to cook and introducing Jason to the world of literature, his death took a hard toll on him.
But Alfred is selfless. He sucks it up and heads towards Jason's room. He knows that you're grieving, too. He knows how much you loved him. So, he knocks before entering. And his heart breaks when he sees you in a foetal position in Jason's bed.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n," he quietly says. "If you ever need someone to grieve to, I hope that you'll know that I can be of any assistance," he offered before bending down to grab you blood stained suit and was about to walk out beford you spoke up.
"What about you, Alfie?" Alfred turns back around.
"I'm not quite sure I understand what you-"
"You loved Jason too. What if you need someone to grieve to?" You sniffle as you sat up, looking at Alfred with concerned eyes.
He sighs. "I assure you, Y/n, I'm fine."
You scoffed and got out of bed, walked towards Alfred and took your suit out of his hands, and tossed it to the floor. Alfred eyes widened when you wrapped your arms around his torso, bringing him into a soft hug.
"No. You're not. Not now, at least. You do so much for us, Alfie. Being here for you is the least I can do," you mutter. And this is where Alfred breaks. You hear a light sniffle from him, and you don't notice it, but a single tear escapes from Alfred's eyes. You're right. He's not fine. But he knows he will be. And hopefully, you'd be fine soon, too.
So, after your lover's death, you gave up your mask. You hung up the vigilante life and told Bruce and Alfred that you'd be staying away from Wayne Manor for a while, in which they understood, and wished you luck on the mundane life you are trudging towards.
You were able to live a stable life, got a job, and rented an apartment. You didn't go looking for another relationship because you were devoted to Jason. You knew you'd find love again at some point, but for some reason, your love for Jason still burns so lively.
Bruce called every now and then, but it was only for asking you to come back fod a quick mission, which made your eyes roll.
Luckily, Alfred always called you, checking up, seeing if you need any help with anything or if you need someone to talk to. You appreciated his concerns but politely declined, saying that if you need anything, he's the first person you'd call.
Lately, you heard there's a new crime lord going around. According to Dick, he's only targeting high-grade criminals and other villains. Since he's technically saving civilians by sweeping the streets of Gotham from any harm, you'd assume he wouldn't be a top priority to Batman. You were wrong.
Because of Bruce's strong morals of no playing jury, judge, or executioner, this new criminal going by the name of Red Hood is now on Batman's radar. And Bruce is not happy.
You didn't really care, though. If Red Hood wasn't hurting any innocents, then you can still sleep peacefully. Speaking of, you have seen a glimpse of the crime lord here and there, lurking around your neighbourhood. Which was weird since not much crime happened around your parts anyway. Maybe he was just patrolling?
You were coming home late at night, and you were on a phone call with Bruce. Like always, he called to ask if you were able to swing by and help with this Red Hood case.
"Bruce, I told you already. Unless this Red Hood guy is Joker level dangerous, I'm not coming back. Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I know he's breaking morals. Your morals, but it's not like he's- No, I know! But- ugh whatever. Yeah, see ya," you scoffed. Bruce was always so stubborn and refused to listen to anyone you went against his morals.
"Morals, schmorals," you mutter to yourself, stuffing your phone back into your bag. As you see your apartment complex from the horizon, you try to fish out your keys located at the bottom of your bag.
"Hey there, S/n," you heard a gruff voice. You swiftly turned around and saw some big, bulky men behind you.
"I'm sorry, who?" You try play dumb. But the man just scoffed.
"We're not stupid, sugar. We know you work with Batman. Well. Used to," he spit while the others started laughing. "Y'know. You put our boss in an impossible situation. Burning up his lounge, taking his money. So we're here to avenge all that. You know... an eye for an eye..." he says ominously.
You roll your eyes and drop your bag and crack your knuckles, shifting to a fighting stance. "And who's your boss exactly?"
"Penguin." He states, lunging towards you.
You effortlessly dodged his attack, and you were able to fight for yourself well, but you being outnumbered, you quickly grew tired. Little did you know, a certain anti-hero was perched on a roof, smirking under his mask.
"Haven't lost your touch," he mutters to himself. He saw that you were growing tired. What kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't swoop down and help.
Just as one of Penguin's goons pulled out a pistol, a bullet was shot in between his eyes. You yelped, turning to see the imfamous Red Hood behind him as the man dropped dead.
"Penguin accusing civilians now? Pathetic," the masked man spits as he shot two more of the men.
As the others were distracted by the falling bodies, Red Hood swiftly made his way to you, grappling the two of you into a nearby alley.
"What the fuck, I had that!" You yelled at him. You couldn't see it, but Red Hood was smiling under his mask. You always were so determined to take a bunch of bad guys by yourself.
"I know you did. But asking for help isn't always a bad thing, darling," he says quietly before going back out there to fight them.
What the fuck? Wait. Darling? No one has called you that since...
You peek out of the alley to see Red Hood making nk effort into taking each of the men down. He was definitely skilled and had been trained before. Bjt his stances, his fightinf methods. Why are they so familiar?
This is so stupid. Are you actually thinking that Red Hood might be Jason? No, it couldn't. Because even if it were, even for the slim, crazy possibility that Jason came back from the dead, he would've gone straight to you. He would've come find you.
When you looked out once more, all men were lying on the ground. You couldn't tell if they were dead or just knocked out.
And you stepped out.
"Are they dead?" You ask.
"Most of them," he says nonchalantly. "But you should head home, Y/n," he starts mentally taking notes of to schedule a date to kill Penguin.
You shrugged and started walking towards your apartment again.
Wait. What the fuck did he say??
You swiftly turned around. "Are you stalking me??"
He laughed. "You never were the one to notice obvious information in the first try," he sighed, walking closer towards you.
"I wanted to tell you for so long, my love," he says, taking off his helmet. Even wearing the domino mask, you can make out who was standing in front of you.
You shook your head.
"No- no, no. I saw you- I was the first one to see you- You were dead! No, Jason Todd is dead!" You whined, taking a step back.
Jason winced. He never wanted you to be the one to find his dead body first.
"It's a long story. I was duf up, thrown into the Lazarus Pit and now we're here," he quickly sums up.
"How long have you been alive?"You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Couple years." He shamefully answers.
And you start to cry. "Years?? And- and you never came to see me? Why- Do you know how long I've cried for you?? Fuck- I still am!"
Jason sighs. "I know, I know, sweetheart. But you couldn't possibly think that I thought you wanted to see me. Not with how I'm like now. I'm a murder. I'm killing people, shit! I tried going after Batman." Your eyes widen. "I was just so pissed off. I thought that after I died because of the Joker, Batman would've finally put every victim out of their misery by putting down the Joker. But he didn't. The Joker amy be in Arkham, but sooner or later, he'll escape and go on another psycho spree. But until then, I'm getting rid of anyone else who has the potential of becoming kf what he is."
You didn't know what to say. You stood there, tears rolling down your face. "So, what? What about us? Do I just not matter to you anymore?"
Jason grabbed his hair in frustration. "Of course you matter to me! I still love you! But I'm not the same person you knew before, okay?"
Just as he finished his sentence, one of the knocked out goons tried getting up, pulling a gun from his jacket, pointing it at Jason. But Jason just rolls his eyes, shooting him in the head.
Your breathing became heavy, and you started to become pissed off. "You know what, fuck you, Jason! Fuck you for leaving to go try kill the Joker without me. Fuck you for dying. Fuck you coming back to life. Fuck you for not seeing me. And fuck you for thinking that I could love you any less because you're trying to fix Gotham in a way that goes against Batman."
Jason stares at you in awe. He couldn't believe it. How could you possibly still love him? Afyer everything he's done. "But Batman-"
"Screw Batman, Jason! I haven't seen him since you died! I couldn't care less about his morals! I just want you back..." You say your last statement so quietly, only for Jason to hear.
"I don't think I come back. Bot to the Manor or Bruce that is..." Jason replies.
You look at him in confusion. "The fuck does that mean?"
"I know you see me around your streets. I want to come back.. to you," he shakes his head at the thought. "But it's too dangerous. I heard you gave up the mask. Now that you're living such a mundane life, I'm not putting you in danger."
"Jason, shut the fuck up and stop making these decisions for me,' you take his large hands in yours. "I want you to come back to me... Please.." Your hand reaches up to caress his cheek. "At least drop by every once in a while. We can't go back to what we used to have. Not immediately, at least. Please come back to me. I miss you.."
Jason sighs and shakes his head. "I'm... I'm not making any promises."
You look up at him with eyes full of hope. "So you will?"
"I just said no promises," he laughs. He missed looking into your eyes. He missed you. He places a quick, soft kiss to your forhead. "But you really need to get back home."
You sniffle and wipe a rogue tear off your face. You let go of him, walking away and waving back at him. "See you later!" You call out.
Jason shakes his head and waves back. "What part of 'no promises' do they not understand?" He mutters to himself.
It annoys him how much you know Jason because no matter how many times he tells you and himself, 'no promises,' he always comes through your fire escape window anyway.
And slowly, day by day, moment by moment, the two of you start to reconstruct your loving relationship.
You haven't told Bruce and Alfred, and you know Bruce will see red when he finds out Jason is alive and that you knew. And you know Alfred would be disappointed because of the close bond he had with Jason, but soon understand why you didn't tell him.
But right now, it didn't matter. Right now, Jason was in your arms, on your couch, watching Little Women on the TV. That's all that matters.
No matter how many times Jason would claim that he has changed, he hasn't to you. He'll always be your Jason Todd.
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I've only listened to the song once or twice for when you requested it, so sorry if the fic doesn't really match up with the song!! I tried to make Jason seem more violent but I just didn't know how to put it in words, plus I wanted some fluff at the end 😭 Hope you enjoy though, thanks for the request!
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
bh6 au bh6 au bh6 au!!! AHUAHSF but heya, hope you're doing well, and we dont have a specific name for this au yet, mayhaps we can find one but yesyes bh6 au!! (i am going insane /lh) me is attempting to write rn hehe <3
BH6 AU💪💪💪
It’s so cool, me and the asker have been working on it <333 instead of gifts, they specialize in certain tech and stuff 🗿
Basically Pedro is there. And it’s Antonio’s presentation at the college (he’s still 5, they’re all prodigies and presented at 5, except Mirabel who presented a little later cause she hadn’t decided her science concentration yet 😭😭). Anyway, Pedro sacrifices himself to save Señora Guzmán and boom died.
Alma hid the project he was gonna show the family that he was working on for a long time: Baymax. Basically Mirabel and the grandkids find him and he’s chill, helping them grieve and stuff. The pressure for this au is Alma taking Pedro’s saying “someone has to help” as the family needed to use their tech and intelligence around the city to help other people. And never expand on their tech. Always the same thing.
Anyway, here’s their sciences (all the Madrigals, including the husbands + Alma and Oedro are like. Literal prodigies, mostly in science, but other stuff 🤧):
Fields of Study:
pedro - robotics
alma - forensic engineering
julieta - health sciences
agustin - language and literature
pepa - meteorology
felix - sociology and music
bruno - physics
isabela - botany
dolores - acoustics
luisa - kinesiology
camilo - neuroscience
mirabel - psychology
antonio - zoology
There’s so much more about this au but like. That’s the gist of it <333 if you guys have any ideas LET US KNOWWWWW ‼️‼️‼️ the adults actually later becomes hero’s and funnily enough they’re all hiding it from each other and Alma is entirely clueless 😭😭
Well, the grandkids become super cool heros and obviously Baymax is there (I didn’t draw him YET 💀) and here are their designs <333 COLOR COMING TO TUMBKR DASH NEAR YOU📸📸
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Here’s their tech and stuff:
Isabela, maybe something similar to Honey Lemon, but she uses the chemicals of different plants that has different (non lethal) effects? She throws pollen pods like honey lemon does and whatever plants she makes all disappear after a certain amount of time or something, oh and her vines she uses to swing ofc, they're very durable. CARBON FIBER VINES ❗❗
Dolores, maybe she uses soundwaves and sounds in general, and uses something similar to a giant megaphone and speaks; does a lot of knockback.
Luisa, I feel like she would have attachable enhancements, kinda like gauntlets and boots that allow her to further utilize her strength and stamina etc etc
Camilo, maybe his tech tricks the mind, lots of illusions and stuff, and he definitely has a camouflage suit, so he's good for stealth and sneaking up on enemies. He might also go beyond from just people, might even have animals and objects too since its really illusion (mayhaps an upgrade later down the line in their endeavor) Ohhh, a upgrade would be really good and show how he (and the others) develop his tech further
Mirabel’s tech works with Baymax, so it's pretty similar to Hiro's, though I think she would be a jack of all trades as well. Also mentioned in what i wrote that she has a bag of tech goodies (inspired by her good ol bag in canon and also that one ask i saw about her magic bag)
Antonio, like I said before, uses robot animals. He builds them and sends then out, controlling them maybe via a headset similar to the microbots, and the animals have cameras so he can see what they see. I think maybe when he builds P.A.R.C.E (the giant robot jaguar; a.k.a Precision Automated Robotic Companion Entity) the other grandkids will let him go out to battle. Also lets him be at the final battle.
Still working on the adults 🤭🤭🤭
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weebsinstash · 1 year
What if Miguel gives you a suit anyway even if you're not a spider person to protect you? 👀👀 one that moves when it senses danger so he's less worried about you when he's not there (but also with commands only he knows and really only he can disable? 👀👀👀). Reader can't take the suit off and realizes too late 👀👀👀👀 (I'm user filthdumpformeself btw)
Godddddddd it would open Reader up for some real manipulation and potential abuse. To be a NORMIE? At least some of these characters are scientists and inventors, but if you're just a powerless civilian, you'd be almost jumping at the opportunity to be something more, to mean something in this super-powered world you're in
I mentioned in another idea, 'what if Reader lost their home universe and they live where the Spider Society is' and you just 24/7 have to have a bracelet on or you'll glitch out and no on will know what will happen. Usually you'd return to your home universe, but since YOU don't have one, would you just POP! cease to exist? He never tells you, but the thought TERRIFIES Miguel, and once a week he's making sure to personally perform routine exams on your wristwatch to make sure it's functioning. So imagine if he eventually expanded on that. The suit would need some sort of source to project out of, so he combines it withe the bracelet. You still need to bathe after all!
As a person with a physical disability, I often think about and well, grieve over the abilities and physical fitness I'll never be able to have, and I think Reader in this scenario would have a similar experience. You're a normie surrounded by superheroes and genius scientists and they're all doing flips and hanging upside down and have zero fear of heights and natural invulnerability and EVERYTHING! You're in Spiderman Super Central and you're the only one who isnt allowed to be in the super special big boy club. It would make you so isolated and depressed, especially because like, Nueva York looks HUGE, so like there's definitely parts where all the normal people live, but Miguel insists you live in the Society to keep an eye on your bracelet (and also to keep you around)
This is where you're vulnerable to the manipulation and potentially having to do whatever he asks. You're DESPERATE for the freedom and fun and feeling of fulfillment only the suit can provide. It's a proverbial carrot he's dangling over your head. You want your powers back? Behave yourself. Do whatever he wants.
Just imagine it. You're high on the euphoria of getting to run around with other spiders and actually have some sort of purpose and, a new Spidey friend of yours is like "hey I got some goons in my home universe, what if you tagged along?" And suddenly Miguel is getting a little ping on his own bracelet "bracelet number 8364937 whatever tf just warped to coordinates XYZ" and he FLIPS OUT. They had you exposed to danger? They had you fighting?! And he storms all the way over there to see you're actually doing great and fighting fine, but so much of that is the suit, and you and him start an argument until he snaps. He didn't give you this suit to run around in suicide missions, and he scolds you not to do this again.
Snapcut to him finding out you did it again, and even confronting you WHILE another Spider is showing you the ropes and letting you train and fight (who will receive a severe punishment for it later). The two of you just start really arguing as you vent your feelings of uselessness and anger on him, maybe even saying something like "you can't just... try and CONTROL ME like this! You gave this to me, it should be mine to use!" And he just looks at you coldly. "You're right. I AM the one who gave it to you." And suddenly he's hitting a button and, you're still standing there in a suit strikingly visually similar to his own, but you can feel the exoskeleton kind of slack off your body, you feel heavier, and when you storm away from him angrily, you find out that your suit has had every function disabled. Every single one. No slinging webs, no defying gravity, no invulnerability, no super strength. Your Spider friends invite you for a swing around the city? You have to tearfully turn them down, and suddenly you're all isolated again. You're having to constantly turn down your friends and watch everyone have fun without you until you're going back to Miguel in tears, begging for his forgiveness, asking him what you can do for his forgiveness. PLEASE don't do this, with that suit you could help out around the Society and in other dimensions, or, you could at least just live a fun life in this place, and you're begging him with tears, PLEASE please please don't take away your new purpose
Not to mention you would have no idea but he can just constantly spy on you. He can find your location, he can listen in to your conversations and I imagine if you're all suited up, that he can potentially even control your movements. You mouth off and he just crosses his arms, "ok then. Power suit, activate protocol TO-1H" and suddenly your legs are marching you to your room and forcing you to give yourself a time out for an hour and he's monitoring you on a SpiPad while you cry by yourself and he can hear you whimpering all your private thoughts. "I just want to mean something... why is he doing this to me..."
An idea I had for the Spider Reader vs Evil OTHER Spider Reader which can also be applied here is, like, imagine you start clearly sinking into a depression during one of your "no spidey time" punishments and you're just feeling alone and sad as you eat in the food court with other Spiders and you're just looking down at the watch and suddenly you just say "do you think if I took this off I would die?"
The entire fucking cafeteria has their Spidey Sense go off and everyone looks at you. And you force a laugh, feeling super awkward as your face burns, and before you can laugh out "it was just a joke", something is casting a shadow over you, and you look up to see Miguel towering over you, one of the rare occasions he came out to socialize with other people. To try and eat with YOU. And he just heard you say THAT? THAT'S when he decides, you know what, I'm making this bracelet/suit unable to be taken off without special permissions 😤 no suicide or leaving allowed
But I imagine even if he doesn't want to see you taking risks and potentially getting hurt, he probably feels so warm and fuzzy and proud when he's teaching you new Spidey things and you pick up on then and do a good job and he praises you and you hit him with a big smile that makes his heart melt as he decides, ok, MAYBE he can let you play with your little suit, but only because it gives him more excuses to spend time with you ❤️
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kanonavi · 9 months
2023 XVX Fic Recs!
Hi, all, I hope you're having a lovely holiday season! Around the beginning of this year, just for fun, I decided that I would record all of the fanfics that I read this year, and during the summer I had the idea to take some of the best fics I read in 2023 and compile them at the end of the year into a rec list. Since xiaoven was the ship I read the most fics for, I've decided to just do a rec list for them this year, but maybe in the future I'll branch out more!
As with any rec list, please take note of the ratings and the tags for any given fic! Just because something suited my taste doesn't necessarily mean it will suit yours, please take care of yourselves. Now, here are 10* fics that I read this year and think that other xiaoven fans should read too! (Also uh. Sorry for how much I'm about to talk in the reviews lol)
*Keep an eye out for a few bonuses that I've peppered in ;)
We Creatures of Fate, by Wackachu
[Ongoing, Teen, 57.9k, 7/?]
Xiao is a weapon forged from red, carved from the hearts of weeping souls and etched into the memories of grieving mothers. While free under the care of a new God, he finds salvation, yet feels as trapped as the day the chains first clamped down onto his wrists. Venti is a God, one born from the wishes of others as opposed to his own. After losing his loved ones, he can't help but feel lost, high on a throne all alone, built upon all things he despised. The two find each other by chance, yet the rest can only be described as fate. ---------- A telling of Xiao and Venti's story with a hefty load of lore
If there is any fic on this list that should be read, it’s this one. I am an absolute sucker for speculative lore when it comes to Genshin, and the picture that the author has assembled of Archon War-era Liyue is absolutely masterful. Within the threads of that beautiful tapestry, they’ve also been interweaving Xiao and Venti’s developing relationship all the way from when they were a newly-freed Adeptus and young Archon respectively. They have a long journey ahead of them (the burn is slow, folks), and I think that said journey is an absolute must-read.
Extra Recs: Wackachu has also written two other xiaoven one-shots, which I highly recommend for more bite-size pieces of their excellent taste!
the holy light of your single lantern, by boxofcrows (@miralia)
[Complete, Teen, 34k, 6/6]
“Long divided by river and sea, For years we two have failed to meet – And suddenly to find you seems like a dream.” Thousands of years of silence, broken by a single visit.
This fic wrapped up recently, so it’s a great time to go and show it some love! One of my biggest sorrows is that xiaoven is rather lacking in really good canon universe fics compared to other Genshin ships, but this fic managed to fill that hole in my heart. The author does a fantastic job of capturing the way that Xiao and Venti’s conflicting natures and ideals can cause friction between them, all while maintaining the undeniable magnetism that they feel towards each other.
Relax In My Arms, by alphaparrot (@aparrotandaqrow)
[Queerplatonic XiaoVen, General Audiences, 5.9k, One-Shot]
As Lantern Rite arrives, Xiao is found exhausted and spent by Qiqi of Bubu Pharmacy, who brings him back to Liyue. Upon awaking, Xiao quickly makes his exit and returns to Wangshu Inn, where Venti is waiting for him on the balcony. Xiao isn't in the mood to party, but maybe a chill hang-out would help him relax. Venti knows just the thing to help Xiao relax and recuperate, and as they both get comfortable, they begin to reflect....
Author's Original Promo Post!
Queerplatonic xiaoven was a flavor of their relationship that I hadn’t tried before this fic, but it really sold me on it. What I’ve always loved about xiaoven so much is the inherent intimacy that can be achieved between them once all of the emotional barriers between them have been stripped away, and I think that those ideas are explored very beautifully here. Xiao and Venti trust and love each other so deeply here, and it shows in every word and touch that they exchange, and I think that it’s a must-read for anyone whose brain chemistry was altered by the ‘Endless Suffering’ trailer (so basically, every xiaoven fan ever lol)
i can not save us (but you can), by anemowisp (@sillygirl19)
[Teen, 19.4k, One-Shot]
two boys figure out what the hell they're doing
In the midst of one of the most turbulent times in my life, one particular line in this fic really hit me where it hurt, and it’s one of the few times that I’ve actually cried reading a fic. In my xiaoven-enjoying friend groups, we sometimes call Xiao and Venti old men with teenager problems, which means they don't always work when turned into actual teenagers/young adults with those problems, but I think this fic pulls it off really well.
what queer sins stain thy soul, by Anonymous (@sincerelyandyourstruly)
[Mature, 3.2k, One-Shot]
In which Xiao, long-established asexual, learns that identity is not as stable as he’d like to believe.
As an ace person myself, I feel it’s so rare to find a really good asexual character study where the asexuality is actually one of the central focuses of the intimacy taking place (if anyone has any recs of that variety please hit me up!), but I think that this fic pulled that off really well. It also delves into that particular vibe of when one’s identity might be shifting, which can be a really scary thing, but Xiao in this fic is lucky enough to have someone he loves and trusts to support him as he explores his new desires, which was really comforting to read about.
Where Words Fail, by kavvueh (@kavvueh)
[Complete, Teen, 34k, 12/12]
Author's Original Promo Post!
"You're Barbatos," Xiao repeats breathlessly. The young man in front of him nods. "Yep." "But..." Xiao cuts himself off and tries again. "You're the God of songs and poetry." The Anemo Archon nods his head sagely. "More or less." Xiao fixes Lord Barbatos with the most incredulous look he can manage. "... You're failing Music Theory."
As someone who was also suffering through music theory alongside Venti as this fic was publishing, all of the attention to detail in the musical aspects of this fic absolutely tickled me. But all of that was merely a foundation for a lovely story about a pair of souls finding their partner in a new life. The musical connection that xiaoven have is one of the essential tenets of the ship, and this fic did a beautiful job of using that idea to its fullest potential.
Extra Rec: kavvueh has recently started publishing a new xiaoven fic with a similar setting, so if you enjoy these kinds of fluffy modern aus, give that one some love as well!
The Stars in Teyvat are a Lie, and So Is the Sky, by yueyunn
[Complete, Teen, 148.2k, 13/13]
There were several issues that Xiao immediately took with Ningguang’s proposition for him to produce for Barbatos: his other artists had upcoming comebacks and year-end stages that required his attention, he was overworked enough as it were already, and Ningguang was not exactly someone he was looking to do any favors for. While her persistence to overlook all this was one matter, nothing aggravated him more than Ningguang completely ignoring the obstinate fact that he. doesn’t. work. with. idols.
Perhaps I was a bit like Xiao in this fic at the beginning of this year, because I approached the two idol/celebrity aus on my to-read list with open skepticism, and then ended up absolutely adoring them both. What I loved about this fic the most was how much care was put into actually translating the character’s canon backstories into the modern idol au setting. The author clearly has so much love for the characters, and it really shows through in the way that everyone has their chance to shine, even the side characters. This fic also updated recently with 15k words of extras, so it’s a great time to visit or revisit it!
Extra Rec: gold rush, by underthethousandstars was the other idol/celebrity au I read this year and really enjoyed, so if those aus are up your alley, I highly recommend it!
low-key (no pressure!), by windrise (Twitter - @/wyndrise)
[Ongoing, Teen, 75.7k, 11/?]
Following his friend’s questionable suggestion, Venti partners with Xiao—the resident grouch of his early morning stats class—for his music project.
If you want to sit down with a fic that will give you the warm fuzzies, this is definitely the one to pick. As alluded to previously, I don’t really go for modern aus as much, but this fic absolutely blew my expectations out of the water. I was getting the ‘squee’s as I read about Xiao and Venti growing closer over the course of working on Venti’s project, as the author has an excellent grasp of the deep inner kindness that the two of them hold, and how that kindness would naturally draw them together.
bouquet of lies, by underthethousandstars (Twitter - @/zhongliorder)
[Complete, Mature, 85.9k, 12/12]
In a world where humans can use elemental magic, Xiao uses his to move through the shadows becoming Liyue’s phantom killer. Known to the public as Alatus, he is their most notorious assassin. One day Xiao secures his biggest job yet: kill the Crown Prince of Mondstadt, Venti. Harbouring no love towards any royal family Xiao pulls off his mission with success. Or so he thought.
This fic falls solidly on the darker end of xiaoven stories (the ‘Dark Fantasy’ tag is there for a reason!), so if you happen to like your ships with an enemies to lovers flare, this is definitely one to check out. This is one of those stories that really managed to pull me into the world of assassins and political intrigue that the author has crafted, and on top of that it puts a fun spin on exploring Xiao and Venti’s individual guilt and the way that it affects them as people. The first fic in the series is finished, but the second installment is currently in progress, so I highly recommend checking that one out as well!
every morning in the dark, by magicites (Twitter - @/bribird_wings)
[Complete, Mature, 77.1k, 34/34]
Stuck in a time loop where he succumbs to his karmic debt, Xiao struggles to see the point in moving forward. Venti struggles to save him.
While by far the heaviest of any of the fics I’ve recommended so far (mind the warnings and the tags!!), if you can stomach the subject matter, this is one of those fics that I would refer to as XiaoVen Essential Reading. The author has a pitch-perfect grasp of what makes xiaoven, qualities which are pushed to their limits as the two of them struggle to break free of the loop that they’re trapped in. I took severe emotional damage while reading it, but my only regret was that I hadn’t read it sooner. It’s definitely A Lot, but it’s so, so worth it for anyone who really enjoys this pairing.
And with that, we reach the end of the list! If you've made it this far, thank you so much, and I hope I've given you some fics to add to your to-read list for the coming year! I tried to incorporate some newer fics with some classics, so hopefully there's something here you haven't heard from before.
With that said, I'll hopefully be back next year with some more xiaoven or other Genshin fic recs! <3
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Wild Kratts/Captain Planet AU where Chris finds out he was one of the folks Gaia was considering to give a ring and become a Planeteer, but she saw all the good he would do in the future with his brother and their friends and decided he was best suited for the path he was on.
The entire mission he's quietly laminating to his brother about having always wanted to be a Planeteer and how much more good he could do with it. Maybe even questioning why he wasn't, wondering if it was something he'd done wrong, or simply wasn't good enough for whatever reason.
At the end of it all Captain Planet or even Gaia herself comes to Chris and explains why he wasn't chosen and assures he him that he is indeed behaving like a Planeteer and has done an incredible amount of good things. Maybe they offer him some token of gratitude, a magical necklace or ring or some such that not only is a symbol of Gaia's protection and blessing, but also can be used by the Planeteers to contact Chris and the rest of the team should they ever need back up, or to contact the Planeteers should he ever need them.
Chris is, of course, touched and overwhelmed by this gift and accepts it graciously.
After the teams part and go their separate ways, Martin finds Chris just to make sure he's really okay, because he knows better than anyone just how much of an act Chris can put on to save face and mask when he really needs to.
He finds his baby brother tucked up on one of the catwalks or the engine room of the Tortuga and for a little while they're just quiet, sitting shoulder to shoulder, while Chris stares down at the medallion gifted to him by the ancient Titan and literal Mother Earth. Eventually Chris lets out a sigh and leans just slightly into his brother, which Martin takes as permission to touch him and gently reaches an arm around his brother and lightly rubs a hand up and down his back.
"It feels good to know that...what we do actually matters. I mean. I know it does, I can see the effects we've had on the lives on the animals we interact with. But...it feels good to have it acknowledged and by Lady Gaia and Captain Planet of all people? There's literally no higher honor and I know that, but..." he trails off with a shrug and Martin nods knowingly, sliding his hand around Chris's shoulder and giving him a light squeeze.
"It still feels like being rejected," he fills in what Chris cannot say. "Maybe it...feels a little bit like you're not enough. It makes sense, Chris, it triggered your Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. You can be grateful and hurt at the same time. Being a Planeteer has always been your dream, and I can't imagine how much it hurts to...have that dream taken away from you. But...do you really get why? Chris, we are doing things that the Planeteers...just can't do. You get that right? What we do is so important that Mother Earth herself, told us to keep going. The work you do is so important that Lady Gaia told you she needs you to keep going with it. Maybe she didn't ask you to be a Planeteer, but she did give you a mission, little brother. If you think about it, she kinda told you that what you're doing is too important to make you a Planeteer. I know you still need time to process and maybe even grieve a little, but she didn't reject you, Chris. She just gave you a different mission."
Chris rubs his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to breath, trying to collect his composure. Martin is right, he knows he is, but the pain in his chest is still a little too much. "But I could have been a Planeteer!" He cries holding his arms out in frustration. "And I missed it by having a brother and autistic friends!" He burries his face in his hands with a dramatic groan to hide the fact that he's crying.
Martin snickers sympathetically and pulls his baby brother close, kissing the top of his head. "I know, little bro, I know. It's gonna be okay."
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hughiecampbelle · 2 years
Growing Up With Dick Would Include:
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Bruce took you in when you were a kid, just a few years younger than Dick
He was ecstatic to have a younger sibling
"Y/n, this is your big brother."
He'd already been with Bruce long enough to understand this arrangement wasn't one he wanted for anyone else
So, he took you under his wing
At first he was scaring you with his cynicism
You were grieving your parents, your family, and now the new one you had sounded terrifying
Dick felt awful for scaring you, he didn't mean it at all, he just wanted you to be prepared - Bruce wasn't warm and fuzzy, he didn't want you to get your hopes up, that's all
"I'm sorry y/n."
He was right though
It didn't take long for Bruce to start training you
You used your anger from him and from your circumstances
Dick saw a lot of himself in you
He gave you advice whether or not you really wanted it, knowing if you didn't improve that would only upset Bruce more
"Stand with your feet more apart. . ."
You brushed him off, thinking he was just being a know-it-all
That is, until you get hurt because of it
You never saw your brother so upset, so worried
"Have you been here all night?"
You hear him yelling at Bruce after you're safe that he pushed you too hard, that he was being cruel to you
"They need to learn."
"They're just a kid!"
After that, you always listened to what he had to say, not because you were scared of getting hurt, but because you were afraid that it would make Dick leave
Sometimes he was so close to running away, he'd confide in you, that if just one more thing happened he'd be packing his bags
You couldn't bear the thought of living in that place without him
It wasn't all work and no play though
You'd sneak into Dicks room when you had nightmares and he'd tell you all about growing up in the circus
"Did you get to eat cotton candy for dinner?"
"Every night."
He reminded you that just because your family was gone, it didn't mean that they were forgotten, wanting you to talk about all the good memories you had
It was important not to forget them, he made sure you knew that
You two would sneak downstairs and watch movies when Bruce was away, Alfred always popping the popcorn perfectly
Fighting over which movie you wanted to watch
"No scary movies."
"Why not?"
"Because you won't be able to sleep tonight."
"I'm not a baby."
He always makes it a special day on your birthday, even though Bruce believes it's not worth the fuss
The cake he baked was runny and the frosting melted, but it was the best birthday you ever had
Befriending Donna, who takes her place as your replacement mother
They take their roles very seriously which annoys you to no end
"You're not my parents, you know."
"You need someone to look out for you."
They make sure you're never alone on missions, helping from the sidelines
As you grow older, their lectures go from "be careful" to "if you ever drink too much, call one of us to come get you"
And you do, mostly Donna, who lectures you after your hangover is done vs. Dick who yells the whole way home
"You guys are insufferable."
"That's a pretty big word, y/n."
The three of you get into all kinds of trouble
Taking the Batmobile for joy rides
Using Bruces technology to look up all your crushes even though they both insist you won't date until you're thirty
Making prank phone calls to the Justice League
"Does everyone have an uncle that's an alien?"
"I think that's just us."
Thinking of leaving this life behind becomes a more prominent thought as you get older
You're not sure if you ever really could
It's such a big part of your life, your identity
Donna is the first to insist you give it up, find something you're passionate about
Dick is a little more hesitant
He wants you to be happy, but he knows he won't be able to look after you as much when you're apart
He just wants you to be safe
Eventually you do
You leave the suit, the weapons, everything
Not long after, Dick leaves too . . .
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shebeafancyflapjack · 4 months
Trapped (Final Part)
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Credit to @idiotwithanipad for her art and always amazing oc. 🥰
"Gone? As in..." the Georgian woman clenched her fists as they held the heavy folds of her dress.
The Captain nodded, somberly; "Moved on, Kitty. Just like Mary."
"And Annie." Added Humphrey, to his left.
Kitty immediately began to sob, one hand moving up over her face as the tears fell. Pat rushed to her side and put a kind arm around her shoulders, his other hand finding the one at her lap, giving it a paternal squeeze.
He hushed her with gentle words and patient reminders of what they had apparently talked about the last time this had occurred, long before the newest ghost had choked on her energy drink, long before Button House Hotel even existed.
Meanwhile, Amy sat beside Kitty at the foot of the king-size bed in Higham Suite, displaying the polar opposite reaction. There was no sobbing, no tears, not so much as the tremble of her bottom lip. Her eyes were fixed, hard, on Robin, her brow furrowed, as if she were trying to decipher some secret he was keeping from them.
Humphrey watched his adopted daughter, eager to keep his head attached to his body for what he knew to be a heavy moment. One where she would need him to be whole.
"Poppet. You okay?" He asked, softly.
His hand itched to reach out and touch her shoulder. But the past few years of bonding with the odd but sweet young woman had taught him enough to know when she wasn't in the mood to be coddled, as Pat was doing with Kitty.
Amy ignored him.
"You saw her go?" She asked Robin.
The caveman was standing, rather uncertain, his shoulders slightly hunched and his right hand stroking across his furs with his knuckles. Humphrey also knew his friend after many centuries to know when he was feeling guilty.
Robin shook his head.
"I go to her last night. Hear her cry, me think from bad dream." He recounted, "By time me got to bed, Moonah girl no longer scream...Moonah girl no longer on bed. She go..."
He gestured his paws up to the ceiling.
Amy blinked; "How do you know that?"
Each word was enunciated with the most bitter cynicism.
"I...Where else she go?" Robin shrugged; "Me search all around land, Stompy, and every corner of house. She no here. Me can't smell mushrooms or funny herb."
"You're sure? A thousand per cent?!" Amy persisted, "You can't smell her at all?!"
"No. Well...except on bed, but-"
Amy pushed herself up and began walking briskly towards the door, her stern expression that of a girl on a mission.
"Amy, love, hold on a sec." Humphrey dared to try to take her hand.
Predictably, she pulled away.
Before reaching the door, she paused.
"When did this happen?" She asked, not turning around.
The others all looked to Robin.
"...Last night. Eleven dongs on big clock."
"And when did you tell the rest of them, except me and Kitty?"
Cap stepped forward; "Robin informed us at around three a.m."
Amy pointed a finger at the digital clock on the bedside table that read six thirty.
"And you waited another three and a half fucking hours to tell us?!"
"Don't 'poppet' me! Our best friend disappeared and you thought that was news that could wait until morning?!"
Kitty was too upset to be angry, by the looks of things, assuming she even felt such emotion. Heartbroken sobs continued to leave her as Pat kept his arm around her back.
The men all seemed to retreat an inch at the sharp rise in Amy's tone. Fanny, Thomas and Julian were absent from the room. Were they grieving in their own way or simply didn't care? It wasn't Amy's top concern right now.
"It didn't seem right to wake you so early for you to get upset-"
"We're not children, for fucks sake!" Amy protested; "Doesn't matter how all you wise old dads - that you seem think you are - look at us like we're silly little girls-."
"That's not-." Humphrey tried to protest but Amy shot him with a look so piercing that it came close to decapitating him a second time. He dipped his head; "...It was wrong of us. I'm sorry. It just seemed like the kindest thing at the time. That's all I can say."
There was more that Amy could say to chastise them for that. Temptation tried to convince her to launch into an anti-patriarchal rant on her pagan friend's behalf.
But the sight of all four men hanging their heads in shame softened her anger, just enough. Especially the sincere exhaustion on Humphrey's face. She'd awoken to find him sat in a chair beside her as she awoke, waiting for her to rise, gazing down at her with a mix of paternal affection and sadness.
There was no way she could stay mad at him.
The other one though...
"I knew something was wrong when you didn't wake me up by shouting 'mornies' in my ear like a fucking bullhorn." Amy snapped towards Robin.
He continued to stare at his boots.
For the lack of her usual alarm clock or the awful news he delivered? Or something else?
"I need to go to her bed." She explained, "I have to...see it for myself, y'know, before I can...You can come with me or not, I don't care-."
"Of course we'll come." Said Humphrey.
And this time, when he attempted to link his hand with hers, she allowed it.
Frank and Jeff, the groundskeepers, were just starting to prep the golf course before it could be opened up for use. They went about their daily work, watering the grass and picking up lost balls and discarded rubbish without any awareness of the dead girl in headphones and heavy black boots moving across the lawn, hand in hand with a Tudor Knight in a billowing red cloak.
Robin, Kitty and Cap followed close behind, Pat having gone to speak to the others about trying to get in contact with Alison. Most likely to arrange a memorial.
A memorial? Really? It seemed too soon. Barely eight hours. If no one saw her go then surely it was jumping the fucking gun, no scratch that, jumping a whole arse tank, to just assume she had moved on!
The hand around hers gave a squeeze.
"Listen. It's okay to feel angry, or in shock, or anything you're going through-." Humphrey tried to console.
"I'll go through all that shit and more when I know she's gone. Trust me."
He gave a nod, lips tightening beneath his beard. Christ, did he just think she was in denial? Maybe she was. Maybe it all seemed to happen to quick, and it was only two weeks ago Silver had wished them all a cheerful good night before Robin escorted her to the woods. There had been no sign, no big revelation or change upon her, nothing to hint that...
A niggle of accepting the possibility that her friend is gone begins to poke it's way in and she suddenly feels ready to puke. Fuck, what she would do for a cigarette right now.
All she has instead is Humphrey's hand, which took her long enough to realise she was almost crushing with frustration.
"Sorry!" She bit her lip, loosening her grip.
Humphrey smiled and winced; "S'what I'm here for, Poppet."
She's not prepared for the emotions that hit her like a ton of bricks when her eyes gaze upon the empty bed. Just as Robin had said. Her balance went off kilter, just for a second, causing her to sway on her feet.
Humphrey's hands on her arms steadied her.
"It's all right. I've got you." He reassured her.
Amy sniffed. No tears, not yet. But the threat was rising ever slowly upward from her chest.
"I'm okay." She let go of his hand and took a step forward.
Just an empty bed. It didn't mean anything. She'd looked at it hundreds of times like this when Silver was awake and chattering away at her side.
But everything about how it appeared this morning felt so grim. All the flowers and statuettes and fake candles, along with her plaque, but no sleeping girl in the centre, made it seem all the more like a gravesite.
"See? She gone." said Robin.
"I just can't believe it...We should have all been here." Kitty wept into the back of her hand, "Oh Silver, sweetheart, I'm so sorry you went alone..."
"I'm sure it was peaceful, Katherine." Cap soothed, patting her arm.
"Robin said she was screaming." Amy pointed out, bluntly.
"Amy-." warned Humphrey, lightly.
"Well, he did!"
"Uh, I say she was screaming, then she stop!" Robin clarified, "We no know if she happy or sad before going up."
"Given that everyone you've seen has looked at peace when they left, I think it's safe to assume the same can be said for Silver." Cap pointed out.
"Assuming she's even gone." Amy mumbled, intentionally loud enough for them all to hear.
The rest of them shared weary looks between them while the ebony haired girl continued to stare at the bed.
"Stompy. You smell like me able to." Robin approached her, carefully; "I smell her upon bed but no where else. There no vapor trail she leave if she move somewhere else."
"Maybe you're just losing your hunting skills in your old age." She quipped back.
Robin appeared knocked for six at that remark. Humphrey couldn't help but snort, as technically the ancient furball was only a few years older than his charge.
Amy began to inch towards the bed, nostrils flaring as she inhaled the scent lingering around the bed. Robin was right, Silver's distinct aroma of sage and boiled mushrooms lingered like an invisible fog over the bed. It always reminded her of the New Age shop in her town where she'd sometimes pop her head in. She might not have had an interest in the occult like her friend, but there was often some cool alternate clothes and junk to be oggled.
Another sniff. There was something else, not a smell her friend usually carried with all her witchy scents.
"What you got, love?" Asked Humphrey.
"...Salt? I think?"
"That sweat." Said the caveman, "Not Captain mornies joggy sweat-"
"Nightmare sweat. Fear." Robin clarified, ignoring the disgruntled soldier.
Amy sat on the bed, glancing at the old lavender pillow decorated with stars that Alison had placed there for Silver's head years ago. Her callous mind conjured the image of her friend writhing and shrieking in unseen torment, all alone in the dark, while they'd all been cosying up in Higham Suite for the evening. While Robin, Fanny and Julian had gone down to watch the comedian, she and Kitty and Humphrey and Thomas had remained in the room. It had been the poet's turn to pick what to watch and, with no Julian to change the channel once he'd set it up, they all had to endure watching the latest season of Bridgerton.
Even Kitty, who lapped up romance like a cat to a saucer of milk, had grown tired of the show as her 'ships' never seemed to get together. Kitty and Amy had both quietly sniggered while watching Thomas and Humphrey get far too invested, before they both fell asleep.
"You should've been with us, dude." Amy spoke to the unused pillow. Never mind if she'd been asleep and unable to join in. No one should die...or move on alone.
Feeling the weight of acceptance begin to grow ever heavier, Amy moved to rest her head face down on the pillow. The scent of her friend, and the emotional torture that had plagued her in those last moments, was thickest there.
The hand that rested on her shoulder blades was soft and slender. Kitty sat with her on the bed, the two friends silently mourning their third musketeer.
I'm here, her mind screamed. I'm right here.
They're barely two metres from where she stands, trapped inside the thick, old trunk of the tree.
One word. One sound. That's all she would need to alert them of her presence.
But the hand of the creature has pressed itself so firmly over her mouth that it's elongated fingers have begun to fuse with the skin on her cheeks. The clamp of its fist around her arm, pinning it to her side, had almost melded into a shared limb.
"Mine. Mine."
Any longer and they'll be nothing of her left.
It has taken a few hours but she's figured out the demon's intentions. The desire is not to own her, but to become her. To make her body its own, perhaps to replace the skeletal, pale and blind one it currently inhabits. Had that once been a person as well, healthy and whole, only to have its spirit drained to the point its physical form resembled the stuff of folklore horror?
Was that her fate? If the creature succeeded in stealing her ghostly body, would she go on to stalk those inside the hotel who suffered the same night terrors?
Fuck...What if it was currently eyeing its next victim?
"Mine. Mine."
Tears continue to fall down her cheeks. It's the only action her body is permitted to do. Cry and be silent. Be still.
Hope, the cruellest jewel of Pandora's box, had blossomed inside of her at the presence of Amy. Amy, her best mate, who wasn't immediately weeping and looking sad like she was gone. Amy, whose brow was furrowed in scepticism and uncertainty. Twenty-first century kids don't buy so easily into bullshit as people think.
But even Amy, now, was kneeling on her bed as if visiting a grave. Her and Kitty were consoling each other, while the men hung back, not making a sound. Silver looked to Robin, whose expression she'd never seen so vacant and lost. While Captain and Humphrey's focus was on their respective surrogate daughters, Robin didn't seem to know where to look, swaying a little as if there was nothing left to ground him to the earth.
Oh it would be the most painful fucking irony if he was taken up at this moment. She'd curse Hermes, Thanatos and Hades for the rest of her miserable existence.
Silver knew he was waiting for them all to leave before he could allow himself to break down. He'd already visited the site again, after having done a sweep of the grounds for her scent, letting out the most pitiful of howls before leaving to inform the others.
Professional hunter. Trained to track and stalk since he was four. And yet he couldn't see what was right in front of him.
What other hope could she have? If the two ghosts who had the ability to smell couldn't detect her then what...
It's not the creature who speaks. It only knows one word, the same one it's been repeating possessively in her ear for the past eight hours.
That voice. It can't be.
"Darling girl, you have to fight."
Silver blinked, and there she was. Translucent, image flickering like a candle ready to be blown out by the wind. But it's her.
Her own voice echoes out from her mind, her lips still sealed by the demon.
"How...How can you be here?" It wasn't possible. Robin said that no one ever came back after they moved on.
The older woman smiled, reaching out to cup her cheek, past the firm claws of the monster. Her calloused but warm and tender touch contrasted with the cold moisture of the hands imprisoning her within the tree.
"I's promised you, didn't Is? I dids say I woulds not leave you alone. Don't you recalls?"
Of course she did. Every night, whenever she looked up at the stars, to her star. She remembered that promise.
"But you did. You left me." And here she was, alone and trapped.
"No, little'en. Just because you cans no longer sees me, don't mean I be not with you, always. You should know that." That cheeky twinkle lifted the corners of her ashen lips; "Just look at yourself. The livings can no longer look upon yous, yet you doth walk beside them, making me proud by cursing the menfolk."
Silver wished she had the ability to nod. The creature didn't seem to acknowledge Mary's visitation, if it saw her at all. But it still held on tight, constricting her slim body like a hungry Boa.
"And do you doubt the presence of your heathen gods because they be invisibles?"
No. She doubted them when they failed to hear her prayers and left her to endure shit like this.
Unless...this was them answering her.
"If you're really here...then help me. Please." If it was really Mary, her Mary, then there would be no power on heaven or earth or beyond that would stop her from trying.
"I can't get you out, lovely." She said, apologetic.
Silver whimpered internally. She knew it. She knew it wasn't real.
The creature snarls, chilled air wafting against her ear.
"Mine. Mine."
"The only one who can get yous out...is you." Mary told her. "Yous has to fight."
Fight? How the fuck can she fight?!
She can't even move her pinky finger. She can't even utter the smallest squeak. She's fucking useless!
"Now you listens to me, Silver Ravenstar." Mary's tone hardened, as if she'd heard every bit of Silver's self-loathing rant without a word being spoken; "You wills not think of yourself as useless, be that understood?! You is free to choose whatever name you wish to carry, but to me you is as my own child. You is Silver Guppy. And I will nots have you giving up and letting some slimey toe rag of a demon keep you in the dark!"
Silver Guppy. The very name struck a match deep within her. It sounded ridiculous and adorable. A pretty fish.
But that's all she may as well be now, speared on the hook of this creature.
"But how can I fight him?! Tell me!"
"Tosh and flaps, little'en. I thought you be a witch!"
She is. Or was. But it's not as if she has the ability to cast a spell by decorating a candle or drawing a sygil or burning incense. Fuck, she should have asked Alison to pour salt around her bed, at the least.
"You once told me that magic be nought but prayer 'cept 'cooler'. You don't need any wands or cauldrons or idols." Mary pressed her fingers to the pentacle on her neck; "All that ye need is inside you, darlin'. We might nots share blood, but that fire that burned within me is in you too. Pray, believe, whatever you needs. But you find that power and you weild it with all your strength."
As Mary's image began to fade all the more, Silver felt another tear fall.
"Are you...just in my head?" She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.
Mary smiled; "If that be the truth, then so is he. Do with that what ye will, daughter o' mine."
Mary dissolved before her. Through the tiny hollow of tree, her friends remained sitting in silence, oblivious to her struggle for her afterlife. Her freedom.
One finger slipped between her lips and met her teeth.
"Mine..." It whispered again.
Silver bit down on its slimey digit. No fucking way. It released a shriek of pain, inaudible to her friends. All in her head. Just a dream.
She was still asleep.
"Leave me the fuck ALONE!" She visualised that magic, that energy granted to all women by the Goddess, as a beacon within her chest. Its heavenly light threw the creature off of her, its fragile skin far too sensitive to bear the holy brightness.
Free from its hold, Silver inhaled a deep breath.
Artemis, Eos, Athena, Hera, Hecate, Demeter, Hestia, Persephone, Nyx, Circe, Aphrodite, Eris, Gaia...
She chanted the names within her without rhyme or pattern, calling upon each or their gifts and strengths, petitioning them to look down upon her and lend their powers to her. Just for a second. Just for one tiny moment.
That's all she would need.
Fight, Mary's voice repeated in her head, fight. Free yourself, before he comes back. Don't give him a chance. Don't let him win.
Already, in the corner of her mind, she can feel the hairs on her neck rise up. The creature is skuttling back towards her, ready to pounce. Ready to trap her once more. This time forever.
Fight. Fight, Silver Guppy, fight!
Amy thought the sound to be another of Kitty's sobs at first. A tiny, high-pitched squeak.
But when she looked up at her friend, her sobs seemed to have subsided, her devastated face rather still as she rubbed Amy's back. And then it came again. Behind her.
"What is that? Did you hear it?" She frowned, looking up at the tree.
"Probably a mouse or a squirrel." Kitty answered.
Not even the suggestion of a squirrel to chase piqued Robin's interest.
It hadn't sounded like an animal to Amy. She sniffed again, moving closer to the tree.
The scent was stronger there than the pillow.
Salt hung in the air around the trunk as thick as the ocean breeze.
"...She's in the tree."
"What?" Captain asked, all of them frowning at her. Even Robin looked up.
Were they deaf?
"She's in the fucking tree!" Amy repeated.
"No...No, tree living thing. Ghost can't be inside, it be too painful, like when human walk through-." Robin tried to explain, because there's no way he would have missed something so blatantly obvious.
"Painful but not impossible?! Like, if someone wanted to be a complete masochist, they could try hiding inside the body of a living thing? Man or animal or plant?!" Amy asked, rounding on the caveman.
Everyone turned their heads on him for an answer.
"Well...guess so, but...how would Moonah girl get inside tree when she no wake?"
"Maybe someone fucking moved her, it doesn't matter!"
She slid off the bed and stood before the tree. It would be uncomfortable, just to test this theory out. But a few moments of intense nausea would be worth it, a thousand times over, if she happened to be right.
"Silver? Dude, are you in there?"
And then, again, the smallest of cries. A single note cut through the air.
Peering into the tiny hollow, barely larger than a single eye, she caught the glimmer of an unnatural sapphire iris, shining with tears.
"Shit." She threw her hands forward, into the tree bark.
"Amy!" Humphrey called out.
They all darted forward, either to stop or to help, she didn't care. Gagging, stomach churning painfully, she resisted the urge to pull back as her hands felt the thin fabric of a familiar overshirt.
"There you are." She sighed, discomfort conquered by relief, "She's here! Guys, she's here!"
A suddenly reanimated Robin all but shoved her aside and into Humphrey's arms as he practically dove into the tree, wrapping his arms around the body of the girl within and hauling her out.
He knelt to the ground with her immobile form cradled in his arms. The emotions he'd been keeping a tight lid on before seemed to erupt with this twist of fate as he beheld her, paws caressing her face. Amy and Kitty moved down on the floor with him, gazing over the friend they thought they'd lost.
Those blue eyes stared up at them without blinking. Skin paler than normal. Were it not for the tremble of her bottom lip and the tiny cries she was uttering, tears still leaking from eyes, she would resemble a corpse.
"Oh, sweetheart! You're here! You're all right!" Kitty beamed, reaching to touch her hair, to check she wasn't a figment of their imagination. "Wait...she's not all right. Why isn't she moving?"
Amy leaned in a little, studying her unfocused gaze. Her short, shallow breaths.
"Silver. Mate, if you can hear me, blink once for me, yeah? Can you do that?"
Those pupils darted towards her.
With great effort, her friend just about managed to shut her eyelids, only for a brief moment before they snapped open again.
"I think it’s sleep paralysis." She said.
They all stared at her as if they'd never heard such a thing. To be fair, Amy was only aware because of a classmate who suffered from them experienced one while they were on a school trip. It had freaked out the whole form group as they thought she'd died in her sleep.
"It's kinda like sleepwalking except the opposite. You're kinda half awake, half asleep, but instead of moving around, you just...can't move, I guess." She wasn't exactly an expert; "Girl I knew said she also saw a lot of freaky shit when it happened. Like waking nightmares."
"That's why she was screaming before Robin found her." Kitty concluded, "Do you think she's still seeing them now?"
"I dunno. Maybe." She knew it wasn't wise under normal circumstances to touch someone when sleep walking or having some kind of night terror.
But these were hardly normal circumstances, as she sat in the woods with a Georgian, a WWII soldier, her adopted Tudor dad and a Neo-Pagan from the early naughties.
She squeezed Silver's hand tight.
"We're here, dude. We've got you, okay?" Amy reassured her. "You're not alone."
Another squeak, tears leaking as Silver's eyes focused on Amy. There was a tiny strain in the corners of her lips. Was she trying to smile?
Kitty stroked her hair back; "Just relax, poppet. Nothing can hurt you now. We'll look after you."
"When we're not assuming you've left us, that is." Amy muttered, apologetic, giving Robin a side eye.
The caveman seemed too overwhelmed with guilt to respond. He was still gazing at the girl in his arms as if struggling to believe she was really there.
"Has this ever happened before, Robin?" Captain asked.
The caveman shook his mane; "...She only have nightmare on new moonah. Never go on walkeys. Never wake up, not even little bit..." His voice broke with sorrow.
"New moon? You mean this happens every month?!" Amy frowned.
Robin then explained the rhythmic nature of the moon's connection to Silver as she slept and how the lack of its reflected glow stopped the comfort of her usually pleasant lucid dreams.
Amy punched him in the shoulder.
"It my respons-a-billy, Stompy! My promise to her, to Mary!" He defended, "One night, just one, I be an hour late-."
"Well maybe if you ditched the fucking savior complex and stopped treating me and Kitty like dumb kids, we'd have been able to help and be there for her!"
"Everyone, please, hush! Let's not do this now, look at her." Kitty reasoned, nodding to Silver's pained expression.
Amy felt Humphrey's hand squeeze her shoulder as he stood behind her. She looked to Robin and the two nodded in a truce.
"Sorry, mate. It's not exactly helping you to chill out, is it?" She smiled, giving her hand another squeeze.
Silver could only hum slightly.
Robin leaned in to press his forehead to hers; "Me so sorry, my Moonah girl. Robin big sorry."
Amy could feel the tension in Silver's fingers against hers start to loosen, her ramrod body beginning to go limp in Robin's arms.
"That's it, sweetheart." Kitty soothed, noticing the change; "Go back to sleep. Let this all just be a bad dream."
Silver's head rolled into Robin's furs as he held her close to his chest, her eyelids falling naturally, the muscles starting to slacken in her cheeks as the panic melted away. With any luck, she wouldn't remember any of this, just as she always claimed her dreams became a jumbled mess of emotions upon waking.
They waited a few moments, the three of them sitting in silence, cradling her, an obscure recreation of Michaelangelo's Pieta, while Cap and Humphrey watched on. A beam from the early morning sun bathed them in a soft glow while the birds sang above them. Silver's face softened into its familiar look of slumbering contentment.
Despite the tranquility of the current scene, Amy came to a decision.
"How long does a new moon last?" She asked.
"Few nights. It usually only middle one she get really bad, but sometimes more." Robin explained, quietly.
"Then she's sleeping in the room with us." Amy stated, cutting Robin off before he could object; "If the moon isn't around to protect her, then she needs to be with her friends, where we can check on her and make sure she's safe and be close if she needs us."
She turned to the others, throwing her hands up.
"That make sense to the rest of you?"
They all nodded. Had they needed her there to state the obvious? They really were hopeless. No wonder Alison described her life with them as a teacher trying to control a class of idiots.
"Good. Bring her inside then, Robin. We can take her back when the moon is waxing again."
"And she never have to know?" He asked.
"Oh no, she'll know. I'm telling her once she wakes up and if she's pissed off, she can have a go at me all she wants. But we're not doing this secrecy bullshit anymore."
She'd come close to losing her best friend tonight because of one dumb caveman wanting to keep some sacred duty all to himself.
Robin nodded, humbled, and rose to his feet with Silver fast asleep in his arms.
As they returned to the house, Humphrey nudged Amy's side.
"That's my girl. You proper saved the day, didn't you."
"Helps to have more than one braincell than the rest of you."
"Cheeky." Humphrey smiled, putting his arm around her.
She threw a glance back at Silver, that niggle of worry poisoning her relief. Had she gone into the tree on her own? Or had something taken her there? Whichever the case, no fucking way was she going to leave her friend alone in the dark.
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packedandstrapped · 1 year
can u give me ideas on how to come out? i’m 22 and known i was a lesbian since i was around 14-15 and have been too scared to come out because of my parents. i value what my parents say and ik they aren’t going to accept me so when i come out to them, they’re gonna say they disown me and kick me out or some other shit, but it’s gonna make me spiral into a depression (haha). but i can’t keep living a lie man living like this is hard especially when my parents keep trying to set me up with men. when i was in highschool, i tried so hard to give them hints i didn’t like men, i never dated them, never talked about them, hell even begged my mom to wear a suit to prom, but she told me it was “un lady like” and made me wear a dress. i just love my family so much and i don’t want them to hate me but living this lie has made me hate myself. no matter what i do it’s a lose lose situation. this has caused me so many problems. i literally use to have an eating disorder because of how much anxiety of my parents finding out i was gay would give me. i’ve tried to convince my self to like men and i just can’t. i feel like something is so so wrong with me and i can’t. it makes me not wanna live anymore i wouldn’t wish this on anyone. i know this is lowkey cringy to be telling someone all this, but i just really really need advice on this because i just can’t keep living everyday a lie.
Hey friend- please feel free to DM off anon if you want to talk. I will chat with you about this stuff literally any time.
There's nothing wrong with who you are. Your message feels like something I could have written at 19-20 years old. When you said you value what your parents say, I felt that in my core. I want to be able tell you that everyone comes around and they'll totally understand and accept you. But sometimes it's not that way. And the people that claim to love us the most can only give that love when we fit into the box they've created for us. This might sound hokey, but reading The Four Agreements really helped me identify the space between my parents ideas and my own. I will send you a copy if you're interested in reading.
It's no wonder that you're experiencing so much anxiety and worry about coming out. For a lot of us, coming out as gay to our parents is the first time we truly see them disappointed in us. There's a crushing weight to our parents thinking we're actively trying to hurt them by living our lives authentically. I hope that's not the case for you.
If I could do it all over again, I would journal about it for a few days. I'd practice the important phrases I want to get out. I would focus on the simple message I wanted to send rather than trying to navigate their feelings. I would try to think about the various reactions I might get and have one or two general ideas of how I could respond neutrally. And despite all of this, I'm sad to say even though I would have felt more in control, I'd still be just as wounded coming out of it. I understand the fear you have in disappointing your parents because it's been a reality for me for almost twenty years. They've never let up on reminding me that while they're proud of my accomplishments, it's despite my otherness rather than a celebration of what a queer person can do. They refuse to use the word "wedding" or "wife" and they give us a room with two twin beds when we go to visit. The microaggressions never cease. What's changed now is how much of myself I let them see. Now it's about what makes me comfortable instead of existing around them in a box that never fit right. It's still hard- I regularly grieve the relationship I wish I had with my parents. But as I've aged, I've realized that my friends are my family. They are they ones that have been there and show up for me unconditionally. They're the ones I have turned to when I needed a place to stay, a job, or a listening ear. They get it.
I don't know how you feel most comfortable communicating with your parents, but think about what it would look like to say the words out loud or in a text. Try not to feel bad about telling them this information. You are being truthful and honest and that's what is important. You are giving them the gift of seeing you for who you really are; to celebrate you in the way you want to be seen in this world. Don't worry about doing it the wrong way because sometimes there just isn't a defined right way. I know it's scary but the sooner you get it off your chest, the sooner you can fall into the comfort of your real self.
Come back or DM me if you need anything, friend. We need you here.
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Favourite parts of Robin Hood season 2
1. Sisterhood - Guy is cruel to Marian and burns Knighton Hall, Robin saves himself without help from the snake pit
2. The Booby and the Beast - the strategic strongroom heist, Guy is jealous of the Count wooing Marian, the whole Sheriff-Guy-Marian-Count dynamics in the games room
3. Childhood - actually a top tier episode, Guy catches kids but won't kill them, Marian walks in on Guy undressed but he's not charmed, the gang's plans are foiled by Allan's secret pub nights with Guy, the Sheriff takes the rocks out of the box, Guy fights in a ridiculous suit of armour, Guy cries like a baby as Robin tries to drown him, Marian threatens the armour-maker's life, Guy is dirty with wet hair but slightly less spiteful to Marian
4. The Angel of Death - Will turns pale and evil, Joseph poses as the Nightwatchman, almost poisons the gang with soup, Guy and Marian talk through the door, Robin pretends to poison himself to break Will, they give the Sheriff the antidote because they love him so much
5. Ducking and Diving - Robin can't trust anyone, the messenger speaks nonsense ('pork!'), Matilda is saved when being ducked by an underwater tube, John forms a bond with the birthing daughter, Robin hits Will to draw out the traitor and is ruthless in attacking Allan
6. For England...! - Guy gives Marian pretty dresses, the gang masquerade as musicians, Allan nags Guy while he's dressing and gets his own costume, Robin's ready to die and thinks he killed all the Black Knights for a second, Lord Winchester is no one's ally, Guy did not agree to the Sheriff selling Marian, Guy almost helps Marian escape but can't resist the Sheriff's persuasion, Robin and Allan battle it out over the cauldron, Guy and the Sheriff save Marian before Robin and Marian rides on Guy's (beautiful) horse
7. Show Me the Money - Marian stops Robin killing Allan and gains Allan's allegiance, Edward gets some courage and the Pact, Marian grieves and Guy tries to comfort her, she runs to Robin instead
8. Get Carter! - Guy is desperate to find Marian, the gang pretend Carter has killed Robin, Guy almost stabs Robin to make sure, Guy confesses his desires and Marian her sympathy, Marian gives him a good kiss and Guy thinks he's won in life
9. Lardner's Ring - which fool told the King's messenger about Robin's exile? The Fool, the Fool annoys Guy and the Sheriff over dinner, Marian is dangled from the tree as a hostage and Guy gets her down ('you're coming home with me' à la Thornton), the Sheriff gets a hawk to kill the pigeon
10. Walkabout - the Sheriff out and about in his silk pyjamas, Guy is left in charge of scrabbling to find the Sheriff, Marian is too headstrong to leave with Guy, the army closes in as the sun sets, Guy finds nobility and stays for Marian, the Sheriff thinks everyone incapable
11. Treasure of the Nation - Marian rebukes Guy for his changes in character, Guy unmasks the Nightwatchman and sees the stab wound, Marian pleads for Guy to spare her, Allan poses as the Nightwatchman, Guy bears the Sheriff's knife on his throat, Marian is thankful and stays for Guy
12. A Good Day to Die - Marian tries to kill the Sheriff, Robin and Much address their bromantic issues, an awkward roadtrip to the Holy Land, the Sheriff calls Guy Gizzy, Marian sleeps in the barn, Guy tries to ask Allan if Marian's single, the Sheriff, Guy and Allan share a dorm and Allan's bed is empty in the morning
13. We Are Robin Hood - Marian gives Guy a chance to be a good man and her husband, Guy won't kill the Sheriff, the King believes Robin is against him, the gang are left to die in the heat, the Sheriff leaves Marian with them without telling Guy, Saladin's phony messenger confronts Robin the phony King, Marian crushes Guy's heart, Guy runs her through with his sword, Marian and Robin wed last minute, Marian pulls the sword out herself, Robin carries Marian to her desert grave, Will and Djaq stay to be homemakers
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ineveryspaceandtime · 9 months
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it's 2.5 hours to 2024, so here's a fun lil game to end the year, with a template i found on ig!
tagging: @a-reality-dream @mrsnarl @uhbasicallyjustmilex @subtle-as-an-earthquake @shineswithyou @depressedraisin @haemoglobinheights @daddy-long-legssss @ballad-of-what-could-have-been (if you're not tagged but would like to do it too, please do so! 💖)
i don't journal as much as i'd like to (new resolution perhaps?), so i'm taking this opportunity to reflect on some of the things i've checked off on this list below the cut!
tried new foods / travelled to a new place / went to the beach / went to the mountain / watched the sunrise / watched the sunset / dyed your hair
everything above i did when i travelled to Bali! we had a LOT of good food (ayam betutu my beloved <3), including a seafood dinner on a beach during sunset; and caught the sunrise from one of the higher points in Mount Batur. but the absolute best part of that trip was that i was with my sister, and though in all honesty i was terrified we'd end up arguing (because the third member of our party cancelled, and in my head i saw him as a buffer between my sister & me), we didn't—we had a peaceful time and it was just. pure fun 💕
made new friends / laughed a lot
this one is a little bit of a surprise, because i'm an introvert, but this year in my efforts to Be Brave and Ask Questions, i've approached one particular person (who isn't from my department) a number of times, and over the year we've shared a lot of laughter & good times. unfortunately this year was her last at our workplace, but she left me a lovely little note, which i will cherish forever, i'm not even exaggerating 🥺💗
finished a book
i finished 11 books this year (out of the 32 i'd hoped to have read. sobs), but i'm checking this one off the list because of one highly enjoyable experience of devouring a book in 2.5 hours while lazing in the pool on a unicorn floatie. (was i thinking about miles and his floaties the entire time? yes, yes i was)
went to a concert
i went to three this year! the one that's most special was the strokes, because 1) i'm a baby fan, and 2) i went during the busiest work week of the year. (i completed all my work ahead of time so i could fully enjoy myself!) the crowd was amazing, the vibes were immaculate, and i had the best time, even though i was vibing so hard i ended up spilling my drink down my own leg. it's also the concert where julian imitated alex. lol
gained weight
i'm the heaviest i've ever been, and i've accepted it as part of growing older (goodbye metabolism, you were so good to me). on the bright side, i think i might also be the fittest i've ever been!
dancing w my favourite people before a concert, and seeing another initially subdued group noticing us & then letting loose was one of the top 5 experiences of the year for me tbh
made a big decision
i was asked sometime in october whether i'd like to join one of the key committees next year, and i told my boss that i'd like to take on the challenge, bc it was something i knew i would enjoy doing. even though it didn't work out in the end (because a new KP has just joined us, and her credentials are far better suited to the role), i'm glad i didn't immediately reject the offer, just because it would have meant more (and more difficult) work.
strangely, something i'm finding more difficult than grieving the people i've lost is grieving the life i might have had, even though the decision i made was one i knew to be right.
learned new skills
i had an idea to streamline some of our work processes, and i figured out how to do it all on my own. i love you online tutorials <3
if you've stuck around this far, gosh. why. also, love you <3
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biblade · 2 years
Okay, so now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I’m gonna go ahead and dissect the issues I found regarding s2 pertaining to Mal.
It feels strange to say considering I was expecting the opposite when anticipating the new season, but I didn’t hate the direction that they took his character in. A lot of the other characters were changed to fit the narrative, but I feel like at their core book Mal and show Mal are very much the same with some parts omitted for the sake of the storyline.
But there still was a lot omitted and changed that left much to be desired. Ultimately, show Mal is the “best” version of him. Show Mal was catering to the people who hated him in the books, and for that, he was stripped of all of the struggles he faced and the pain and instead reduced to one thing: the simply happy ending for Alina, the obvious choice, the perfect endgame love interest. Is this what Mal was always meant to be on the surface regardless of portrayal? Yes. Does it work for the direction the show was going? Yeah, sure.
So, I didn't hate it. If anything, it feels like he was one of the least disrespected characters, and Archie gave it his all.
But here's the thing:
If you're going to entirely change a character's ending, you have to have some force driving behind that besides one randomly dropped line late in the game about him thinking "like Sturmhond." Because stripping him of characteristics that don't pertain to his relationship with Alina (like showing that he craves freedom, like letting us see how comfortable he is at sea and around people and him laughing and joking and being free) just doesn't work when you've made a character whose entire personality is Alina. Am I supposed to feel happy for Mal to have gained that freedom when at the same time it feels like he's lost everything, has lost everything? He's grieving that piece of himself that died, and now he's losing Alina too. Why don't I feel like he's getting something back?
And the running gag of "don't touch that" when he's on the ship, subjecting him to playing a character but given no control of the ship, just doesn't work. The humor loses all meaning when you feel like he's not suited for this. One scene of him being explained how being a pirate works, of being trained, of talking to the crew of the Volkvolny would have made a difference.
That's not to say I didn't like the ending! It worked for him, for who he is in this story! He's been given the chance to have agency and find a purpose beyond being the love interest, the promise of having some complexity that was taken from him to rush the narrative along. It just very much feels like, with everything they did in the season, his character went from Point A to Point B without much thought of what happened between those two. Isn't it supposed to be about the journey, the adventure?
I'm not going to discuss the way in which he was brought back. As much as I love the idea of "comes back wrong," if s3 happened did ANYTHING to him they would not be safe from these hands. It's a good concept, and probably makes more sense than the book's resurrection, but right now I don't like it. He has been a puppet to his bloodline and merzost for long enough, don't make it worse. (But also, if merzost brought him back, why did he still lose his amplifier powers? It feels like they just wanted him to lose something.)
Regarding the revelation of him being the Firebird — it worked well, but was a little too in-your-face about it. The entire appeal for me is that you aren't supposed to know, Mal is supposed to be Just Some Guy Who's Really Good At Tracking until he's the key to everything. But from the moment the season started, everyone was questioning why he knew what he did. It lost some of the gut-wrenching realization of what would have to happen to him, to see the pieces fit together so early on.
So, yes. I have problems with it, but I didn't hate Mal. And down the line, I will likely make an au to explore the show's storyline, but I will keep my focus on book based interactions because that's my Mal.
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