#where anything after
altraviolet · 2 years
recipes, Fandom Wank, racism?
So at some point in 2007/2008, I found a thread of like... idk what was going on exactly. I think someone was talking about racism in the context of Fandom Wank, and then other people started butting in posting recipes. I saved the recipes, then at some point got annoyed by all the garbage in between them and copy pasted the whole damn thing, figuring I'd go back later and cut out the irrelevant posts and organize the recipes.
15 years later this lil old RTF has what I assume someone will call a goldmine look into the past.
So here it is. The entire thing. You'll see that at the beginning I separated out the recipes and then stopped bothering. I very honestly didn't look at all the comments so WARNING you might see shit you didn't want to see. But yeah. Also screen reader friends you probably want to skip this cuz there’s a ton of just like, written out html stuff. Okay here you go:
From F_W 1/1/07 http://www.journalfen.net/community/fandom_wank/1041982.html?thread=141665342#t141665342
No Frost Chocolate Chip Cake 1 Pk. sour cream chocolate cake 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips 1/2 cup oil 4 eggs 1 cup sour cream 1 3oz instant chocolate pudding 1/2 cup warm water
Stir cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, and sour cream together. Add oil, chocolate chips, and warm water. Mix well. Bake 45-55 minutes at 350 degrees. Sprinkle with powder sugar. It's delicious!
http://www.journalfen.net/community/fandom_wank/1041982.html?thread=141733950#t141733950 Singe's Peach Cobbler
1 cup self-rising flour 1 stick butter or margarine 1 cup sugar 1 cup milk 1 15oz can of yellow cling peaches in syrup
Melt butter in deep-dish skillet or casserole dish. Mix together milk, sugar and flour and pour over the butter. (Do not mix in!) Pour can of peaches, syrup and all, over the batter. (Do not mix in!) Place in oven at 350 degrees and bake until it's bubbly brown. Serve hot with vanilla ice cream.
"Why the hell is my paycheck two days late?!" soup (digigirl132)
~1 pound of some sort of cut up/ground up meat (hamburger works best, but feel free to use whatever you have on hand) ~1 pound or 1 1/2 pounds veggies of your choice (if you like broth, go with the first. if you like stuff, go with the second) ~1 can diced tomatoes (optional) ~6-9 cups water (depending on how much broth you like) ~1 bayleaf ~2 bullion cubes for every 3 cups of water (you beef for cow meats, and chicken for any other kinds of meats.) ~a dash of garlic ~a dash of salt ~a dash of pepper ~a dash of whatever other seasonings you like
STEP ONE: Fully cook meat in a frying pan. STEP TWO: Add water, veggies, tomatoes, bullion cubes, and bayleaf to either a crockpot on high or a "noodle pot" on 6. (I forget what they're really called, but they're the really big pots that are freaking impossible to lift if they are full of water) STEP THREE: once the water is bubbling a little (but not full out boiling), turn the heat down to low on the crockpot or 1 on the "noodle pot" and add the cooked meat. Add seasonings. STEP FOUR: Let cook for an hour and a half, stirring every ten minutes. STEP FIVE: Eat soup.
This recipie serves 6-8 people. The name tells you how my family discovered this recipie. ^_^
From http://www.journalfen.net/community/fandom_wank/1164745.html?thread=181818057#t181818057 2 boneless chicken breat halves 1 large onion, sliced 3 tablespoons veg. oil 1 can sliced tomatoes 1 teaspoon grated ginger (or 1/2 teaspoon powdered) 1 1/2 teaspoons salt (or to taste) 3 tablespoons curry powder 1 tablespoon chili powder 1/2 cup yogurt (plain) Cut chicken into small cubes. Heat oil in large skillet and sautÈ onions (long slow cooking at this stage is the secret to a good curry! :) ). Don't brown - just cook for about 10 minutes until nice and soft. Add garlic (1 teaspoon) and ginger and continue cooking for about 2 minutes. Add chili powder and curry power and stir and cook about 1 minute. Add tomatoes (with juice!) and mix well. Add salt. Stir in chicken and cover. Cook over low heat about 30 minutes until chicken is done. Stir in yogurt until smooth. Serve with rice and naan and death pickles! Love, Sera's mom
from same F_W as above:fern_on_fen ([info]fern_on_fen) wrote in [info]fandom_wank,
@ 2008-07-03 15:24:00
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Entry tags: anonymeme, dramatic reading, fandom: doctor who, ianto is crying, lurk moar, oh christ here we go again, omg mock people mock, oppression, outraged mice, please delete me, please mommy make it stop, race wank, racism, raised by hyenas, serious business, someone is wrong on the internet!, still not funny, stop sharing your thoughts, think of the children, this is not funny, this is the wank that never ends, too many fucking tags, unfunny business, wankers who will not shut up, wanking inside the house, what is wrong with you people?, what the shit is this?, whut, writers are often pompous douches, you are not funny, your kink is not okay
Race Wank? In Who Fandom? It's just as likely as you'd think… As Whomageddon rolls on, [info]doctorwho brings us another sterling gem. Or rather, two bright turds of wank, coupled together to form a synergistic pile of perfection.
First, [info]cringer1982 shares that he's written a very pointed letter to the BBC about how they have portrayed Asians in their recent episode Turn Left. He neglects to mention that he's white as the fresh driven snow. Irish, in fact.
BBC officials respond with a letter that has nothing to do with anything.
Some people don't see his point.
[info]myfavouriteplum is just as mad at Turn Left, but being Chinese, with an appropriately Chinese icon, people seem to be taking her protests a little more seriously.
Hilariously, seriously in fact.
It was a bit like if they had "Planet of the Africans" and had people dancing around with spears and singing "Mammy". Do. Not. Want.
Also, the anon meme continues to be offended by everything.
Who wank, I just don't know how to quit you.
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[info]tarash 2008-07-03 08:46 pm UTC (link) Good thing: The guy sends a letter/e-mail of complaint to the people responsible for Doctor Who. While I'm sure the racism debate on LJ and other fannish circles does a lot of good in that it makes people think about character portrayal and all that, those essays and discussions aren't going to change the show. So, good on the guy to complain to the actual people responsible for the things he found offensive.
Bad thing: Well, like the anon meme said "LET'S PLAY FUNNY/NOT FUNNY
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(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread) (no subject) - [info]tarash, 2008-07-03 09:01 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]goblin, 2008-07-03 09:05 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]tsubaki, 2008-07-03 10:22 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]goblin, 2008-07-03 10:26 pm UTC
[info]lab 2008-07-03 08:49 pm UTC (link) The next time you think about posting this here - turn right.
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[info]puipui 2008-07-03 09:16 pm UTC (link) Don't mind me, I'm just here to post with the matching icon. YET AGAIN. >:(
(Reply to this)(Parent)(Thread) (no subject) - [info]ari_o, 2008-07-03 09:25 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]lab, 2008-07-03 09:40 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]puipui, 2008-07-03 09:46 pm UTC Ok, the chor - [info]lab, 2008-07-03 09:53 pm UTC
[info]sevendeadlyfun 2008-07-03 08:53 pm UTC (link) Wow. Even I know race wank isn't funny. Next time, bring Twilight wank instead. That's a guaranteed funny.
(Reply to this)(Thread) (no subject) - [info]disdainful_soul, 2008-07-03 09:08 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sevendeadlyfun, 2008-07-03 09:11 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]disdainful_soul, 2008-07-03 09:15 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]tarash, 2008-07-03 09:20 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sevendeadlyfun, 2008-07-03 09:25 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]tarash, 2008-07-03 09:31 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]cmdr_zoom, 2008-07-03 09:38 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sevendeadlyfun, 2008-07-03 09:41 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]eleutheria, 2008-07-03 10:54 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]ultimi_scopuli, 2008-07-03 10:25 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]missm, 2008-07-03 10:04 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sevendeadlyfun, 2008-07-03 11:11 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 09:22 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]tsubaki, 2008-07-03 10:23 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]dragonfangirl, 2008-07-03 10:40 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sevendeadlyfun, 2008-07-03 10:41 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]bukowski, 2008-07-03 10:52 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]iwanttobeasleep, 2008-07-03 11:04 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sevendeadlyfun, 2008-07-03 11:10 pm UTC
[info]aslantabook 2008-07-03 08:53 pm UTC (link) I hear "Who Wank" sung as an existential version of "She Bang".
And every time Roberta signs her posts, I read it as a random interjection of her name.
Matt Daaaaamonnn…
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[info]llama_treats 2008-07-03 09:06 pm UTC (link) I loved Turn Left.
So there.
P.S. I'm white as the fresh driven snow. Well, with a slight tan.
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[info]freewheel 2008-07-03 09:07 pm UTC (link) I don't know about him, but I eat potatoes, drink Guinness and guard my pot of gold all the time. Sounds like a good Friday night to me.
(Reply to this)(Thread) (no subject) - [info]judyhazeleyes, 2008-07-03 09:30 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]goblin, 2008-07-03 10:40 pm UTC
[info]puipui 2008-07-03 09:15 pm UTC (link) Who wank, I just don't know how to quit you.
But, oh, how we wish you did.
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[info]eldritch 2008-07-03 09:16 pm UTC (link) I'm just ASTOUNDED at how people STILL haven't learned that F_W and racism don't mix.
Do we need helpful diagrams? I think we might.
(Reply to this)(Thread) (no subject) - [info]ari_o, 2008-07-03 09:20 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]goblin, 2008-07-03 10:17 pm UTC
[info]ari_o 2008-07-03 09:18 pm UTC (link) There is a time and place. This is neither.
(Reply to this) My mom's chicken curry! [info]seraphtrevs 2008-07-03 09:20 pm UTC (link) 2 boneless chicken breat halves 1 large onion, sliced 3 tablespoons veg. oil 1 can sliced tomatoes 1 teaspoon grated ginger (or 1/2 teaspoon powdered) 1 1/2 teaspoons salt (or to taste) 3 tablespoons curry powder 1 tablespoon chili powder 1/2 cup yogurt (plain)
Cut chicken into small cubes. Heat oil in large skillet and sautÈ onions (long slow cooking at this stage is the secret to a good curry! :) ). Don't brown - just cook for about 10 minutes until nice and soft. Add garlic and ginger and continue cooking for about 2 minutes. Add chili powder and curry power and stir and cook about 1 minute. Add tomatoes (with juice!) and mix well. Add salt.
Stir in chicken and cover. Cook over low heat about 30 minutes until chicken is done. Stir in yogurt until smooth.
Serve with rice and naan and death pickles!
Love, Sera's mom
(Reply to this)(Thread) Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]ari_o, 2008-07-03 09:21 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 09:25 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]ari_o, 2008-07-03 09:27 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 09:31 pm UTC hahaha good times! - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 09:26 pm UTC Re: hahaha good times! - [info]ari_o, 2008-07-03 09:28 pm UTC Re: hahaha good times! - [info]witty, 2008-07-03 09:52 pm UTC Re: hahaha good times! - [info]sadako, 2008-07-03 09:45 pm UTC Re: hahaha good times! - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 09:57 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 09:24 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 09:26 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]cjk, 2008-07-03 09:38 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 09:43 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]rushikayu13, 2008-07-03 10:00 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 10:02 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]rushikayu13, 2008-07-03 10:06 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]seldomnaughty, 2008-07-03 10:07 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]miss_padfoot, 2008-07-03 11:05 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 11:09 pm UTC Re: My mom's chicken curry! - [info]finchbird, 2008-07-03 11:31 pm UTC Plan B: Post pictures of hot people [info]alya1989262 2008-07-03 09:30 pm UTC (link) I'll start.
(Reply to this)(Thread) Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]wieimmer, 2008-07-03 09:41 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]sadako, 2008-07-03 09:42 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]kattahj, 2008-07-03 09:50 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]mrs260, 2008-07-03 09:50 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 10:01 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:11 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 10:23 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:30 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]seraphtrevs, 2008-07-03 10:35 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:38 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]judyhazeleyes, 2008-07-03 10:38 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]tarash, 2008-07-03 09:47 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:09 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 10:10 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:19 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:17 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 10:23 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:27 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 10:30 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:32 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 10:40 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:44 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 10:45 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]wieimmer, 2008-07-03 10:54 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:56 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 11:03 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 11:04 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 11:15 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 11:20 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]tehrin, 2008-07-03 11:22 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 11:32 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]puipui, 2008-07-03 10:47 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 10:53 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]puipui, 2008-07-03 11:10 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]alya1989262, 2008-07-03 11:17 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]puipui, 2008-07-03 11:20 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]puipui, 2008-07-03 11:33 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]puipui, 2008-07-03 11:18 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]eleutheria, 2008-07-03 10:59 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 11:03 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]eleutheria, 2008-07-03 11:07 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 11:09 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]kosaginolegion, 2008-07-03 11:21 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]kosaginolegion, 2008-07-03 11:19 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]goblin, 2008-07-03 10:37 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:41 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 10:54 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]goblin, 2008-07-03 11:01 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]rennyn_alerothi, 2008-07-03 11:05 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]judyhazeleyes, 2008-07-03 10:39 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]bigbigtruck, 2008-07-03 10:33 pm UTC Re: Plan B: Post pictures of hot people - [info]misswindy, 2008-07-03 10:52 pm UTC
[info]sneer 2008-07-03 09:42 pm UTC (link) Kidnapper's Casserole
2 teaspoons oil 1/2 cup sliced onion 2 to 2 1/2 cups cooked flat noodles 1 cup sliced mushrooms 1/2 shredded cooked ham or ham-in-a-can 2/3 cup cubed cheese (any kind) 1/2 teaspoon each salt, marjoram, and thyme 1/4 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons cracker crumbs 1 egg, beaten with 2 tablespoons milk 2 to 3 tablespoons grated cheese
Saute onion in oil 3 to 5 minutes. Combine in bowl with noodles, mushrooms, ham, cheese, and seasonings. Sprinkle buttered casserole dish with crumbs; spoon noodle mixture in. Top with egg mixture. Bake in 400 degree oven 20 minutes, sprinkle with grated cheese, bake 10 more minutes.
(Reply to this)(Thread) (no subject) - [info]phosfate, 2008-07-03 09:59 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sneer, 2008-07-03 10:08 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]phosfate, 2008-07-03 10:13 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]missdaisy, 2008-07-03 10:20 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]knightrider, 2008-07-03 10:57 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sneer, 2008-07-03 11:04 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]miss_padfoot, 2008-07-03 11:00 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]sneer, 2008-07-03 11:05 pm UTC
[info]seca 2008-07-03 10:05 pm UTC (link) I have nothing to add but boobies.
(Reply to this)(Thread) (no subject) - [info]insanitys_place, 2008-07-03 11:05 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]darkling, 2008-07-03 11:19 pm UTC (no subject) - [info]airborne_rodent, 2008-07-03 11:22 pm UTC
[info]panthea 2008-07-03 10:10 pm UTC (link) OH FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST.
Does nobody learn things anymore?
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[info]mad_teacup 2008-07-03 10:23 pm UTC (link) Lolz.
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[info]missdaisy 2008-07-03 10:23 pm UTC (link) It's a competition, right? You're all trying to find The One Funny Race Wank, aren't you? What's the prize? I'll pay you double to cut it the fuck out.
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[info]deliciouschaos 2008-07-03 10:35 pm UTC (link) No.
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[info]deludedvision 2008-07-03 10:41 pm UTC (link) I love that this Saturday Who fandom might succeed where Potter fandom failed: massive breaking of the internet.
It's going to be fun.
(Reply to this) Fried Rice and Peanut Grilled Chicken [info]tehrin 2008-07-03 10:48 pm UTC (link) Fried Rice
4 cups cooled, cooked rice 4 tbsp olive oil 2 large eggs 1 tsp salt pepper 2 tbsp soy sauce 2 chopped green onions
Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in wok or large skillet. Combine eggs, pepper, and salt in a bowl and wisk lightly, then scramble in wok. Put eggs aside in a bowl and clean out wok.
Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in wok and add rice. Heat and stir rice for a few minutes, then add soy sauce and eggs and stir. Add green onions then remove from eat.
Peanut Grilled Chicken
2 tbsp peanut butter 1 tbsp lime juice 2 tsp soy sauce 1 clove chopped garlic 1/2 to 3/4 curry powder dash of red pepper 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Preheat grill to medium. Combine ingredients (except chicken) in a small bowl. 2.Place chicken on grill and brush half of the mixture on chicken. Cook for 6 minutes, then flip and brush with remaining sauce. Grill for 6 or 7 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink (170 degrees F).
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cthulhum · 2 months
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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panstarry · 3 months
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my final from last semester that i made into a zine. cooked this one up in a couple hours before the critique (the ink was still wet!), so it's very raw and kind of sloppy but the sentiment is there. i love you trans people of color. we are the backbone of this community 🌟
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egophiliac · 9 months
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just thinking about hair and faces
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bluerosefox · 9 months
Tim, buddy, what do you mean you might had accidentally made a Love Child?!
Danny finds out that
1. He's a clonish 'love child' of two heroes
2. He was accidentally created during one of his donors mental break downs after losing his father and best friends (one of which was his other donor)
3. CW interfered before his creator realized what he made and pulled him out of that dimension because "it would had lead that world to true ruin if he found out at his state of mind. He's better now but it would had been the final straw for him should anything had happened to you in his care and given who he had to partner up with later... I did what I had to."
4. Due to Danny having a bad fall out with his parents after he told them about being Phantom (they didn't attack him... but they did disown him.) Danny is left adrift of what to do. He doesn't wanna bug Jazz, she's in college and dorming. Tuckers place has no room. Sam's parents would never let him stay. Vlad was a definitely a no go. And Dani (Ellie) last check in was near the Amazon rainforest.
5. Danny finds out some of his powers might not be as ghostly as he thought... it does explain the huge power boost some of his powers have compared to other ghosts.
6. He went to Clockwork... who proceeded to tell him the truth, smile his cryptic smile while saying "and now. Have fun this time around. I'll see you again in due time Daniel." Before yeeting him into a portal.
7. Danny woke up in his home dimension.... deaged to being five years old (the age he would be if he stayed and grew by now) (DC timeline is slower than DP in this)
8. He woke up apparently his creator's home city... during a Gala (Danny woke up in a garden, dazed and confused. His memories are fuzzy)... and wandered into the party... and apparently he looked like a perfect mix of his.. dads? Which catches A LOT of peoples attention.
9. Especially with Tim Drake-Wayne and Conner Kent-Luthor just announcing they're dating that very night.
10. Rumors and gossip of a random kid, who looks just like the recent happily announced couple, go flying quickly among the elite... and reaches certain ears before it gets to batfam and supers (I have a feeling they learned how to block out rumors and gossips during these events)
11. Those ears happen to be Lex Luthor and Ra's al Ghul (both who are there at the Gala just to annoy and unnerve the Bats and Supers)
12. By the time the rumors get to Tim and Conner, they find Danny almost getting taken away by one of those two.
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Every day I’m haunted by the fact the boys happily swim in sewer water
Even if it’s filtered somehow there’s no way it’s not still nasty 😭 Bet they can defeat any of their villains just by accidentally giving them diseases I swear
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#bless their hearts but they’re nasty#it’s funny because like#each and every one of them has moments#where they’re a typical disgusting teenage boy#and then the next they have STANDARDS#can’t blame Leo for being so determined to go to a spa#even if he nearly licked his own foot that’s prob cleaner than anything else the boys have been up to in years 💀#thank you shelldon for all your hard work cleaning after then 🙏#they’re all gross teenage boys!!!#even Donnie he is NO exception here#bro was DRINKING A BEVERAGE while wading through sewer water he is just as gross as his bros#bro also talks with his mouth full he is no more refined than his equally gross bros fr and I love it#but yeah no way that water isn’t disgusting even filtering it would still leave grime on the walls of the sewer for yearsss#pros of them moving into an abandoned subway system is fixing their sense of smell enough to not be as gross#100% that’s part of why they didn’t mind being so filthy pre shelldon#because I mean they were literally raised in the sewers and they’re teenage boys like that’s a double whammy#THEY ALSO DONT WEAR SHOES#the few times any of them do the shoes are discarded before heading home 💀#I love them tho they are endearing anyhow#April’s immune system must be godlike just being around them fr#honestly no joke Mikey’s probably the cleanest of them all#just by virtue of being a chef#Leo I see as a mixture since he no doubt loves to pamper himself so he’s clean like#a percentage of time before he goes out and ruins his own hard work#Donnie is similar in that he’s just VERY SELECTIVE about what he thinks is too gross#Raph may be more on the stinky end but it’s not his fault he has his stinks and eats things of dubious origin(esp since his bros ate poison)#Donnie and Leo really have the gall to be sick about Raph eating the origami salami but they have no room to talk#all their villains are prob like please stay away from us we have salmonella now
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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spicyet · 4 months
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Several chapters later… And he still thinks Shuro is the coolest/nicest guy he knows.
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Anatomy of Alastors demonic forms
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siobhanchiffon · 1 year
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life of the party
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janmisali · 2 months
I showed someone the Mario series poll and Thier take was “Everything that is not (sometimes an adjective) Mario Bros (number) Does not count” which I found very interesting and wanted to share with you
guy who thinks the super mario series consists of super mario bros (nes), super mario bros (game & watch), super mario bros (game watch), super mario bros (film), super mario bros (pinball), and new super mario bros (ds)
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greeneyed-thestral · 1 month
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e1derel · 1 month
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band au
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Another Dragon Prompt?
They had all figured they'd seen it all. Great wurms of thorn and vines, built by the land and leaves around them, massive wyverns of wind and storm whose roars were like a thunder crash.
But all of that was nothing when the city found itself dragged into the realm of green, where there was a deadly, horrible calm before everything fled.
The pair of drakes usually getting into things, one of gold and black scales, the other a kaleidoscope of blues and reds screamed, tearing across the land as it was torn asunder. The mothering dragon constantly dropping food on top of the people didn't even bother as it flew alongside the one usually stealing boxes as fast as their tiny wings could move. Even the drake with armor of steel and more aggression than a chihuaha turned kaiju raced away, leaping from building to building before seemingly recalling it too had wings it could use.
More dragons than Amity had ever seen before fled in great flocks, everything a panic, terrified of whatever they were trying to escape. Every shape and size, from the blobs to great wurms like the one who called itself Overgrowth, and they were running.
And then they saw it, first a familiar beast of pink flame and gouging antlers- the Wisconsin Drake, the Fentons had called it- with dozens of wings beating and ectoplasm spilling from a great gouging wound before it crashed into a building with a pained wail.
But it was what followed that truly horrified everyone. A great beast of night, fins flared out like massive wings as it swam through the sky, flames already gathered in its mouth as it stared down at its prey.
Amity had thought they had seen it all.
It did nothing to prepare them for the King's awakening.
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blazingblorbos · 1 year
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"For you? Anything."
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luneariann · 1 year
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