#which is WAY more intimidating than this......
vampiresbloodx · 2 days
Stardew valley au:
Farmer!reader moving to Pelican Town and taking over their grandfather's farm will definitely be a lot of sweaty, sleepless nights and drowning on coffee to make sure everything looks just as perfect as you saw in those photos of what the farm used to be.
That's when you meet everybody in town (slowly at least) and your very friendly neighbors, who you think are way too friendly or you're just socially anxious and not used to small town kindness. You cross paths with Natasha Romanoff and her roommate Wanda Maximoff, they live in the same house together, just not in the same room she explains but everyone else calls them roommates.
Wanda wasn't there when you introduced yourself shyly to Natasha, she was supposedly out doing whatever she was doing (to quote Natasha's exact words) the mayor has expressed how fond of them he was, even first mentioned it to you the day you had arrived in hopes they'd be delighted by your presence.
It seems as though getting to know Wanda was gonna be a hard one...
But you weren't the one to hide away from a task.
Natasha herself didn't look all too interested in the new farmer in town, she kept on muttering about meeting up with a friend, Carol you think her name was, there was a Val to? You weren't sure. Maybe you should pay attention more often if the girls you didn't meet weren't so damn gorgeous you couldn't stop staring.
Weeks passed, soon it was your first month staying in this town. And you had gotten your very own cat!.
It was very unexpected the morning you heard your door knocking and you opened it, revealing Natasha's roommate, Wanda, who was more shy than you had imagined, you thought she'd be more confident, like her roommate in a way, guess she was kind of like you, introverted, quiet. You couldn't help but stare at her more than you should as you took in all of her, the skirt she was wearing, the long boots, the leather jacket and loose shirt, it almost made you feel like a damn creep staring especially when her cleavage was almost poking out.
Despite how intimidating she looks, she was actually really nice to you, she apologized for not being there when you first came, she was busy with her online classes to which you had asked about her interests and was intrigued about it, she seemed to really like that.
Was every girl in this countryside small town this damn beautiful? You thought, trying to keep it together as you probably looked like a flustered mess in front of this woman.
"um, where was I..." Wanda chuckled, looking around the front of your farm house, you smiled, letting her take her time to gather her words. "Nat and I like to go to the saloon on Fridays, she does, I mostly enjoy spending time in my room, but if you wanted to join us, you can."
You couldn't help but notice how red her cheeks got when she was trying to ask that question. God it was adorable.
You nodded.
She looked surprised.
"you'll be there? Oh, cool! I'll let her know and all, I'm happy you came here, dunno why, there's not much happening- okay maybe there is and I just don't go out as much but that's just me okay I'll leave you be I'm starting to ramble now."
You were beginning to love this town a little more.
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To be fair, in the picture with Domino, Adam, Sera and Lili, it looks like Adam towers over Domino
For some reason, my brain translated Domino's short height as more of his disregard for being a previous angel, if that makes sense. You said before that angels are tall because it's more intimidating, so I took Domino making himself look short as one of the ways he "rebels" against angels, like how he cuts his hair. Hope I worded that correctly
yeah in that one i was deciding if adam was going to be taller or not because people wouldnt stop bringing up how "weird" it was that domino was taller than adam in his dream, which was a previous comic.
Now I'm settling on Adam being taller but its him doing it on purpose because he's taking advantage of his shape shifting
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urdreamydoodles · 3 days
X-Men x Daughter!Reader's Dating Life
How they handle your dating life
These headcanons explore how eight famous X-Men approach being the parent of their 18-year-old daughter as she navigates the dating world.
Characters: Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Remy LeBeau, Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Kurt Wagner & Emma Frost
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Logan (Wolverine):
- Logan has always been protective of you, and now that you're 18 and starting to date, his instincts are in overdrive. He might act gruff and nonchalant about your dating life, but the truth is, he's keeping a close eye on anyone who shows interest in you. He’s likely to have a "friendly chat" with anyone you bring home, where "friendly" means sizing them up with those intense, steely eyes of his.
- Though Logan is fiercely protective, he understands that you need to make your own choices. He won’t interfere unless he sees red flags, but if someone hurts you, his claws won’t stay sheathed for long. However, he respects your independence, and after his initial growling, he’ll gruffly tell you, "As long as they treat you right, kid, I’m good."
- Logan might not give out relationship advice freely, but he’s always there when you need him. Over a beer (or in your case, soda), he’ll tell you stories from his past, cautioning you against the kinds of people who will take advantage of your kindness. His wisdom comes in the form of rough-edged grumbles, but underneath it all, Logan just wants to see you happy and safe.
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Scott Summers (Cyclops):
- Scott is the definition of a dad who worries too much, especially now that you're starting to date. He’s always been structured and disciplined, and he expects the same level of responsibility from anyone you date. Before you even bring someone home, Scott’s already running scenarios in his head, calculating the safest and most responsible way to handle the situation.
- Your first serious relationship has Scott sitting you down for a long talk. He doesn’t want to come across as overbearing, but he will absolutely insist on open communication and making sure you know you can come to him for advice at any time. “I just want you to be with someone who respects you,” he’ll say, his tone firm but filled with genuine concern.
- When you bring your partner to meet him, Scott will grill them with pointed questions, but it’s all out of love. He wants to make sure they’re trustworthy, respectful, and, most importantly, that they make you happy. He’s likely to have a talk with them after the initial meeting, offering fatherly advice about how to treat you well, which is as intimidating as it is sincere.
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Remy LeBeau (Gambit):
- Remy is much more laid-back about your dating life than most fathers, though that doesn’t mean he’s indifferent. He trusts your judgment, knowing you’ve inherited some of his charm and wit, but he’s always got his eye on whoever you’re seeing. He’ll joke around and tease you about your dates, calling you “ma petite” and making lighthearted comments like, “If dey don’t treat you right, I might have to show ‘em a trick or two.”
- As cool and casual as Remy can seem, he’s very perceptive. He’s got a knack for reading people, so he’ll quickly figure out whether your date is genuinely good for you or just putting on a front. He won’t be overbearing, but he’ll offer subtle advice in his smooth, charismatic way. If he ever sees you upset or hurt, his easygoing demeanor fades quickly, and you’ll see a much more serious side of him.
- Remy is also the kind of dad who loves embarrassing you in front of your date—lightly, of course. He’ll turn on the charm, maybe throw out a few anecdotes about your childhood, and wink at your partner in a way that’s both friendly and intimidating. At the end of the day, though, he just wants to see you happy, and if that means letting you explore relationships while keeping a watchful eye from the sidelines, he’s all for it.
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Charles Xavier (Professor X):
- Charles approaches your dating life with calm wisdom, offering guidance rather than interference. He’s well aware that this stage of your life is crucial for your growth, and he trusts you to make decisions about who you choose to be with. However, that doesn’t stop him from subtly influencing the situation, making sure your partner is someone worthy of your intelligence, kindness, and strength.
- Charles would always remind you of the importance of mutual respect in relationships, giving thoughtful advice about emotional boundaries and communication. He’s more of a mentor in this area than a strict father figure, and he trusts that the lessons he’s taught you growing up will help you navigate the complexities of dating.
- When you bring someone home, Charles is unfailingly polite and gracious, but he has the ability to read your partner’s mind if he chooses to. Though he’d never do it without reason, he always ensures your safety, and if he senses any ill intent, he’ll act swiftly—discreetly handling the situation without ever letting you know he intervened.
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Jean Grey:
- Jean is a supportive and empathetic mother when it comes to your dating life. She knows firsthand the complexities of emotions and relationships, so she offers you guidance without being overbearing. With her telepathy, she’s keenly aware of your feelings, and while she respects your privacy, she’s always ready to listen when you need advice or comfort.
- Jean is protective, but not in a controlling way. She'll want to meet anyone you're dating and will use her intuition to gauge their character. If she senses anything off, she’ll gently let you know, but she’ll always respect your decisions. "I just want you to be happy," she’ll say with a warm smile, offering her unconditional support.
- Jean is also great at helping you navigate the emotional ups and downs of relationships. She’ll sit with you for long heart-to-hearts, sharing her own experiences with love and loss, reminding you that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them. You know she’ll always be in your corner, ready to comfort you if things go wrong, and celebrate with you when things go right.
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Ororo Munroe (Storm):
- Ororo is a calm and nurturing mother, and that extends to how she handles your dating life. She trusts you and believes in giving you the space to make your own choices, but she’s always there when you need her. With her wisdom and serene nature, Ororo offers advice like gentle rain, never forcing her opinions on you but always guiding you in the right direction.
- When you start dating, Ororo takes the time to get to know your partner, but she’s not one to be intimidating or confrontational. Instead, she observes quietly, assessing how they treat you and making sure they respect you. If she ever feels they aren’t good enough, she’ll calmly talk to you about it, sharing her insights in a way that feels like a conversation, not a lecture.
- Ororo also encourages you to stay true to yourself. She’ll often remind you to never lose your independence or sense of self in a relationship. “Love is powerful,” she’ll tell you, “but it should never dim your light.” She’s always there to support you, whether you’re in the glow of new love or recovering from heartbreak, offering her wisdom and warmth through it all.
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Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler):
- Kurt is incredibly supportive and joyful when it comes to your dating life. As your father, he’s proud of the person you’ve become, and he trusts that you’ll choose someone who makes you happy. Kurt’s protective, but in a loving, non-intrusive way, often reminding you that you deserve to be treated with the same kindness and respect you give others.
- When you introduce your partner to him, Kurt is warm and welcoming, immediately putting them at ease with his charm and humor. He’s likely to engage them in conversation about faith, values, and their view on relationships, subtly making sure they’re worthy of you without being overbearing. “All I want, mein Schatz, is for you to be with someone who sees you as the blessing you are,” he’ll say, his words sincere and heartfelt.
- Kurt might surprise you by occasionally giving you romantic advice rooted in his own experiences. He’ll remind you to have faith in love but also caution you about the importance of trust and communication. He’s the type of father who’ll give you a hug and tell you how proud he is of you, whether you’re in love or learning from a breakup.
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Emma Frost:
- Emma is fiercely protective and a bit more direct when it comes to your dating life. She’s not one to mince words, and while she respects your autonomy, she’ll let you know exactly how she feels about the people you’re dating. Emma’s sharp instincts and telepathy give her an immediate sense of who’s worthy of your time, and she won’t hesitate to tell you if she thinks someone is beneath you.
- She wants the best for you, and while she can come across as intimidating, her concern is rooted in love. “You deserve someone who can handle all that you are, darling,” she’ll say, fully expecting your partner to live up to those high standards. If your date is anything less than impressive, Emma won’t bother hiding her disappointment, but if they earn her respect, she’ll begrudgingly give them a nod of approval.
- Despite her cool exterior, Emma is deeply invested in your happiness. If you ever come to her with heartache, she’ll comfort you in her own way—strong, practical, and brutally honest, offering advice that’s tough but necessary. She’ll remind you of your worth and push you to never settle for anything less than what you deserve, making sure you come out of every situation stronger than before.
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ghouldtime · 6 hours
Scare Actor! Ghost
No thoughts, head empty. Only full of Scare Actor! Ghost
Scare Actor! Ghost who:
Only thought of the idea after seeing an ad for one on the telly one day. He immediately thought back to his brother Tommy and their youth
Though he didn't have fond memories then of the skull masks Tommy used to wear to freak him out as he grew up, he'd long since adjusted to it and wore his usual mask at work in part as memory (as well as for anonymity and intimidation)
Wearing the mask also helped him separate 'Ghost' from 'Simon', but Simon still hung onto the masks in remembrance of his brother. Carrying that part of him, even if he had long since passed away, helped him stay connected to why he kept fighting for the world
Seeing the masks and actors trying to get a scare out of others brought him back to specific memories of his brother, nostalgia flowing through him in a bittersweet way
What better way than to keep his memory alive than to partake in such things? Though the difference is people at haunted houses were ones who WANTED to be scared, he's not there to create anything more than good memories
Luckily he has that large form and intimidating nature that make him a natural at it - it meant getting hired was a breeze and doing his job came naturally
Usually is cast as a butcher character. He did work as a butcher so he already knows the routine. And he fits the role. He's a big beefy dude who can work a knife. Hauling fake carcasses is easy work as is standing there, twirling fake knives
Has a variety of masks. He doesn't usually wear plain skull ones because it's too... basic most times for such an environment. He wants to keep that work separate and not chance anyone recognizing him.
He has a zombified face, a Frankenstein pig's head, and a boar's skull mask - he has them with him so he can switch if needed mid-job
Made the masks himself. He thought the ones offered in stores weren't to his vibe and felt too cheap and inauthentic. Not to mention, he already made his skull mask for his main job. Soap wasn't fully wrong when he joked about the mask making
Is skilled in a variety of crafting techniques that he's picked up over the years due to needing something to keep him busy in his down-time so he can feel productive and keep himself mentally there
Quickly becomes a fan favorite. Not only did he have the intimidation factor, but he had the mysterious, haunting vibe that drew people in
Is a natural at hiding in the shadows and moving silently. Stealth is his middle name which means he's getting the best jump scares there are
Can follow the group throughout the house for ages before they realize something is off. They only know when it's too late
Doesn't keep to a routine. He knows better than to stick to predictability. It keeps things refreshing and means if anyone dares to go through twice, they won't be experiencing the same thing
Usually isn't a chaser or one who runs after. Instead he's methodical and calculated as he tracks movement throughout the building, herding the crowd to the right area and picking them off one by one
Figures that cold, calculating steps as his 'victim' of the night is cornered with no way out is a whole lot scarier than just screaming and chasing them
Enlists the help of junior scare-rs, aka the kids going through. The little menaces who try to spook the scare actors or who put on a brave face as usually taken aside by him to help get at their parents or friends (it's always worth it to see the looks on their faces)
He's still a gentle giant. He might be playing the role of a cannibalistic butcher or a crazed serial killer, but if someone appears particularly distressed, he'll leave them be or will even take them aside and behind the scenes if they're clearly not enjoying it
Is well loved by any haunted house he works at. Due to his crafting skills, he's often helping out the props department. His strategic thinking means he can coordinate better scares among the actors too and adapt to everyone's strengths which creates a WAY better atmosphere where everyone can be in their element
Works with the makeup department, helping to correct their work to make sure it's the most realistic looking gore-y effects when possible. He never says how he knows why it would look like that, but sure enough, it always looks better when they listen to him
I love Scare actor! Ghost. I need to write for him for REAL and there's a reader insert on the way as a WIP cause I can't get it out of my head
(I'd love to write a haunted house actors AU for TF 141 and the other guys/gals too 😭)
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cyberclouddream · 2 days
How to Spot: Water Signs Edition
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Cancer Rising
- emotionally reactive and take everything personally; their sensitivity is off the charts so they approach new people cautiously
- appear maternal, caring, and empathetic but their mood swings are noticeable; if you make them feel disrespected or unsafe they withdraw and shut down
- expensive spenders, investing in flashy things to feel better about themselves; their need to appear wealthy can lead to financial stability, as their self-worth is tied to how much they have
- constantly worry that they’re being misunderstood or that they’re words are imperfect; their siblings or neighbors might feel like they’re overly analytical or nitpicky
- obsessed with creating the perfect home, and their need for balance can cause them to avoid confrontation at home, leading to passive-aggression there
- easily jealous and need to feel emotionally secure in romantic relationships, and tend to take their desires too far
- hate being tied down to schedules, craving flexibility so much in their day-to-day life that can lead to a chaotic lifestyle l
- tend to attract partners who are older or more established, drawn to those who are stable and dependable
- distant yet controlling, justifying it by saying they’re just being responsible
- intellectualize things too much when it comes to intimacy and deep emotional transformations, avoiding getting too emotional
- come off spacey or unrealistic when they discuss their beliefs or travel plans, rarely committing to concepts or places
- bold and assertive in their career but may rub people the wrong way; they push hard for the top but their impatience can sabotage them
- social life is usually built around people they’ve known for years, and they don’t adapt well to changes in social dynamics; they have a knack for getting in with the right people
- emotional escapist, intellectualizing their emotions in an almost clinical way but the emotional truth remains untouched
- fill their head with noise and distractions to avoid dealing with the raw emotional pain, which can cause them to be prisoners of their own mind; this can lead to insomnia and anxiety
Scorpio Rising
- magnetic and intimidating at the same time, drawing people in with an impenetrable boundary
- often go through major life upheavals, handling it with an icy resolve
- their moral compass is shaped by experience and their gut instincts rather than tradition
- aren’t afraid to task risks with their finances, usually because they believe they will always bounce back
- people may find them too intense or driven, but they’re on a mission to win, even in mundane areas of life
- they hate idle gossip or shallow talk and would rether have deep, meaningful conversations; they prefer to have control over thoughts and words, wanting to be understood on their own terms
- often feel alienated at home, even if it’s self-imposed; they prioritize mental freedom over family ties
- attract odd living situations or have an abnormal family dynamic
- get lost in their creative pursuits and when they fall in love with someone, it’s all-consuming
- at work they’re fiercely competitive, even if they don’t make it obvious; if you’re slacking at work they may call you out mercilessly
- often push themselves to the point of burnout, and may expect the same intensity from others
- can be possessive and overly demanding in love, preferring those who offers stability without making them feel vulnerable; jealousy is always lurking underneath the surface
- ask a lot of questions in sensitive topics, but don’t expect them to answer any in return
- retreat into their shell if their beliefs are challenged or if they feel insecure about their knowledge
- often obtain high positions or become well-known in their field; their career success is frequently linked to their ability to project confidence and control
- have a small, tight-knit group of friends who serve specific roles or purposes
- they want their inner world to be aesthetically-pleasing and orderly, which can cause them to face challenges with reconciling their idealistic and emotional needs with reality
Pisces Rising
- they have a vague, dreamy demeanor and a tendency to blend in rather than stand out; they’ll end up being whatever you want them to be without realizing it
- people either feel drawn to their seemingly compassionate nature or find them frustratingly inconsistent
- they act fast to make money but just as quickly blow through it; they may struggle with jobs that require any real focus or consistency
- they prefer slow, comfortable conversations that don’t rock the boat, withdrawing when things get too deep or challenging for their idealistic world
- they’re not the most articulate, preferring to convey emotions through art, music, or some indirect form of communication
- likely to live in several places over their lifetime, since they can’t settle one what an open and free home feels like
- they are sentimental and often romanticize the past, partners, or projects, which can lead to melodrama and disappointment
- prone to neglecting themselves until a dramatic situation forced them to pay attention; desire to be the center of attention without putting in real effort in their routines
- attract partners who want to “fix” them, which can feel patronizing or irritating; they may end up in codependent relationships where their partner micromanages them
- prefer to avoid responsibility in financial or intimate matters; they can feel dependent or even resentful in shared financial matters
- end up with complex, unspoken beliefs that are hard to share with anyone, and they can get lost in the quest for these hidden truths
- they may inspire others with their idealism but struggle with consistency and discipline; they just want their work to feel meaningful and expansive
- they carefully choose friendships that benefit them on the long-run, and may came off cold or distant when maintaining these relationships
- may idealize being a “lone wolf” but won’t admit it outright, even to themselves
- they’re chaotic and detached from emotional expectations, prone to sudden and erratic shifts in their mental state that makes them hard to understand
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lemonlokkich · 3 days
Writing prompt: Sky and Wind do crime together
The Mom Friend
Sky and Wind. Mainly Wind lol. Thank you for the prompt ace!
Maybe he shouldn't have stolen that gem. Maybe he should've just kept his sticky hands to himself like Legend had warned him to when they entered Castle Town in the first place.
He should've listened to Twilight's warnings about how jumpy and panicky his towns folk were. How vigilant they were after the events of his adventure.
But the beautiful sky blue Sapphire was embedded in cheap metal that looked near to rusting. The thing's beauty was obviously neglected just to make a quick rupee and he had the perfect use in mind.
500 would've been fair if it was actual jewelry instead of an arts and crafts project gone wrong.
So Wind did what any reliable pirate would do, he calmly walked along the side of the booth, pressing as close to the crowd as he could get before deftly swiping the neglected object off the table in one smooth and most definitely practiced motion.
He almost dropped it as someone screeched in his ear, loud and panicked and angry.
“Thief! Thief!” A random woman standing behind him yelled, pointing straight at him and looking close to a near faint from the shock “Guards!”
Fucking hell.
Farore strike him down.
A commotion of clanking armour erupted a few paces further from him in the crowd, the telltale sounds of a guard shouting in response to the mass of now panicking civilians who have devolved into clucking like frightened cuccos.
Wind didn't need to be told to run, he just went. He squeezed himself through the crowd, slipping the sapphire-junk amalgamation into his magic pouch where it'll -hopefully- remain safe.
Bodies pressed close as he ducked and weaved and sidestepped, the guard hot on his heels. He should've lost the guy way back in the crowd, but Twilight's era seemed to have a love for darker, duskier colours and had a clingy sort of shade to everything compared to Wind’s sunnier clothes and general vibe.
That made him easy to keep track of, even as he reached an entirely different section of the marketplace where the panic gave way to the familiar demure shuffling of the crowd.
He was so close, if he could just find an alleyway or shop to hide out in…
Cold metal clamped around his twiggy arm and he couldn't resist a tiny yelp as he was physically lifted into the air by the guard and left dangling like a misbehaving kitten in front of the knight.
This had the effect of both being eye level with the guard and being able to somewhat look over the crowd if he strained his neck a bit.
Only one of those was an issue as he locked eyes with the aforementioned guard and scowled his fiercest scowl.
It seemed to be a man around Times age, clearly strong by the way he lifted Wind up like a bag of straw. Although, his brothers claimed he really was just that scrawney which Wind sincerely resented.
He was a growing boy, okay.
The man scowled back at him, eyes narrowing.
“What do you think you're doing, boy?” The guard growled, low and timbre and reverberated through Wind who was… not intimidated at all.
Twilight told them his guards were kind of pathetic, all things considered. And Warriors definitely could be wayyyy more intimidating than this.
But Warriors also said to never speak when he got arrested until he could get ahold of any of them. Something something lawyers…
Hell if he knows.
He flattened his mouth into a thin line and started trying to wiggle out of the guards grip. The guard, who was positively shook by this very obvious escape attempt, just readjusted his grip a bit.
Which gave him a perfect opportunity to sweep his gaze across the crowd and have his eyes land squarely on the comforting sight of Sky.
Now, Wind could do a myriad of things in this situation. He could call out his brother's name, he could shout something unintelligible, he could just scream like the seagulls had taught him to back home.
Despite popular belief, those were not liable to work in any way shape or form. Because this is Sky.
But Wind has an idea… to exploit the hero's spirit.
Afterall no hero can resist the call of a child in danger… separated from their family perhaps.
Wind took a deep breath, and in the most boyish, shrieky shout he could manage he screamed.
Several heads in the crowd swiveled around, mainly women and a few elderly folks.
But most importantly, Sky's head shot up and locked eyes with Wind and his totally hidden smug expression. He could spot a range of expressions flitting over the older man's face, glancing around before diving into the crowd and making his way towards them.
Wind could feel the guard stiffen, fingers tightening patiently as a collage of images of a thousand angry mothers flashed before the poor guy's eyes. Clearly experienced in the wrath of entitled mother's with their ‘little angels’.
It wasn't long before Sky burst into the little pocket in the middle of the crowd where Wind dangled.
Wind, who's smile sharpened in absolute delight before calling out in a very convincingly teary voice, “Mom! This mean guard grabbed me! He thinks I stole something…”
Sky's expression twitched between perplexed and incredibly amused before settling on a fake grave expression which made Wind's heart soar. He may get off scott free yet.
Sky put his hands on his hips, squinting upwards at the guard and teen duo.
“Well, did you?” He raised one eyebrow convincingly, voice pitched in a pretty convincingly feminine impression.
Who knew Sky was a man of such absolute skill? Wind did, Wind never doubted the Skyloftian for a second. Anyone who did is obviously a hater, looking at you young-Groose.
Wind let his eyes water a bit to make it even more convincing, flailing as a response and wiggling in the guards grip. The guard, who was way too haunted to recognize that Sky was a full grown man.
“No! Of Course I didn't! I was just looking I promise, you know I'd never, Mom! You would kill me!” Wind would like to credit his amazing acting skills towards Tetra, who had pulled the same stunt in front of his very eyes once.
Good job Tetra, go girl.
Sky gazed up at Wind for a longggg long moment, long enough that sweat was starting to bead at the boys brow in fear of Sky maybe backing off.
Sky definitely knew he stole something.
And then Sky glared.
The air went suffocatingly still for a moment, the guard shuddered and leaned back and as Sky locked his glare onto the guard the man dropped Wind.
He did not stumble, that was just… intentional. Part of the act.
Sky was quick to wrap an arm around him and pull the boy into his side protectively, all like a mother he was pretending to be, still glaring.
“You don't lay another hand on my poor sweet angel again y’hear?” He clucked, wagging a finger at the guard for dramatic effect.
The guard sputtered, “B-but ma'am? I saw him, he stole-”
“He did no such thing! Didn't you hear him? He knows the consequences of stealing and my darling sweet child-” okay, laying it on a little thick there Sky- “would never lie to me, he may be a bit overamaginative, but a liar he is not!”
“Don't you dare suggest such preposterous things ever again. My baby boy and I will be taking our leave now! Good day sir.”
“I said, good day.” Sky growled.
The guard just sagged, a hopelessly defeated sigh escaping the poor fellow. “Good day, ma'am.”
With Wind still tucked under his arm, Sky turned and made his way back through the crowd.
“So, what'd you steal?” The Skyloftian asked, promptly dropping the act as soon as they were out of range.
“I'll have you know your sweet baby would never, mom”
Thank you for reading! My prompt inbox is always open if you wanna give me smth to write! This was written in like 1 hour and I proof read it only one omw to school so excuse my spelling and stuff. English is my second language.
If you wanna read more fics check out my ao3:
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hollowed-theory-hall · 18 hours
ok so what are some of the changes you would want in the upcoming harry potter hbo series. and since your blog is Harry centric so I'll ask how do you want him to be portrayed in the series ? what traits of him do you think the series makers should shine more light on ?
Okay, I have, like, a list of things I didn't like in the movies and could be improved upon by the show. The list I have here isn't just about things the show could improve, but also things I want to see in the show in general. I think most of my opinions are pretty common, though.
(Also I'm not sure how good the show will be, like, I'm somewhat hopeful, but also very cautious with my expectations. We should start getting casting announcements around in a few months, which could help indicate where this show is going)
Regardless, here's my list of top concerns for the upcoming show:
Harry's character
This is the one you questioned specifically and one that could make or break the show for me. I want Harry's sass and anger, I don't want him to be a self-insert for the audience the way he was in the movies. I want his actual character. The sass, anger, and tenacity that is Harry Potter combined with his kindness, compassion, and sometimes clueless awkwardness. Let him be smart, clever, and talented.
Harry in the books is so much more than "just Expeliarmos" and the fact people could think that about Harry is a legitimate crime against his character the movies committed. Truly character assassination that Harry isn't an exceptional wizard with the world's lowest self-esteem and cheeky attitude.
(Also, for the love of god, give him green eyes, please. Contacts exist for a reason and it'll be a good way to differentiate the new actor from Radcliffe)
2. Ron & Hermione's characters
I could probably just put a "make all characters like in the books" category since this is true for a lot of them.
Specifically for the other two members of the Golden Trio, I want Hermione to have her flaws, and Ron to be smart. He is talented and smart and just as skilled as Harry and Hermione. He isn't the dumb comic relief and I'm so mad the movies made him such. And Hermione isn't a perfect Mary Sue who can do no wrong. Let her put Rita in a jar. Let her show how much she actually appreciates Ron and Harry and their approach to problems, different as it is to hers.
3. Voldemort's everything
I didn't like Voldemort's design, I didn't like his characterization, I didn't like how he spoke, how he walked — none of it felt like Voldemort to me.
I want Voldemort to be scary, not some odd caricature of himself. Give me a Voldemort design that looks scary. Give him the red eyes, and make him look actually skeletal. And let him move elegantly, talk softly. He isn't shouting and throwing tantrums, usually, he is very deliberate in what he says and does.
Also, give him his weird sense of humor. In the books, he makes bad puns ("Wormtail is here to lend a hand"), I like my villains a little campy with bad puns but also terrifying.
4. Dumbledore's everything
Well, honestly, I have no complaints about Dumbledore in the first movie, my problems started after he was recast.
I want Dumbledore to speak softly. I need an actor who could say "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" and make it work. I want an actor who'd smile like he knows things you don't as his eyes fucking twinkle, but could still look intense and even intimidating for the later seasons. I also want him to look whimsical and dress in the most absurd eye-catching robes you've ever seen.
5. On the matter of robes — wizard fashion
I want wizarding fashion. I want long robes, silly hats, colors, and patterns. I want the costume designers on the show to have fun with it. I want them to go wild.
The wizarding world should look whimsical and campy — that's part of the magic. I want it to look like a foreign world. Even the most purebloods of purebloods (like the Blacks) are more like the Addams Family than any serious drama. They have a sense of campiness and whimsy. Let wizards be weird as shit and show it in their dress and interior design (I mean, the Blacks hang house elf heads and have a troll leg umbrella stand, the Ministry of Magic has paper airplanes flying all around, they're weird).
6. About the more filler-y sections of the books
I want all the silly little plots that were removed from the movies. I think some of the more filer-y things add a lot to the books and to the whimsy of being a student at Hogwarts. I want the trio to sneak out Norbert, I want to see Peeves, the deathday party, all of these things that make Hogwarts truly feel like a magic school.
7. Hogwarts Castle
I love the castle of the movies and that of Hogwarts Legacy. Honestly, I think Hogwarts Legacy did a good job of capturing the feeling of the movies castle while making it its own new unique thing. I think the TV show should do something similar and kinda create a Hogwarts castle amalgamation of all previous iterations that would feel familiar and allow them to still use some of the same merchandise but also be new and unique at the same time.
8. Time period
I think this is a pretty common opinion, but I want the muggle clothes and sets to clearly be set in the 1990s. I want the show to be a period piece. I don't want to see smartphones, or modern fashion, or modern cars — none of that.
9. Age-appropriate casting
I'm not the only one who says this, but as great as Allen Rickman was, he was too old for the role. Part of the tragedy of Snape and the Marauders is how young they actually are. I think it'll just be much more heartbreaking if the actors looked as young as they're supposed to be.
(Including James and Lily in the flashbacks!)
10. Worldbuilding & extra scenes
Since it's a TV show and not a book, which opens up more perspective options, I would like to get, maybe, some extended Pottermore facts into the show. Like, to flash out the world in a way the movies didn't.
Additionally, I wouldn't mind if some extra scenes were added to build up characters we don't get as much of in the books and it could serve the plot. Like, as long as the scenes are added in a way which is like 'they might've happened in the books, we just didn't see them cause Harry wasn't there', that sort of thing without subtracting from anything else and without retconning or contradicting anything. Like, with good writers, this could be really well done, I'm just worried about them adding anything because I don't know how much faith I have in the whole project. But it could be cool if done well.
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yanderes-galore · 1 day
Fandom: HOTD
Characters: Aemond Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen
Pairing: Rivalry (romantic for both)
Type of fic: Concept
Extra info: Both Aemond and Aegon start to take notice of maid!Darling. I was thinking Darling being / becoming a handmaid of,, Helaena for example, could be a way for both Aegon and Aemond to have a way to constantly see Darling, thus letting their obsession grow even more
-🥝 anon 🤎🤎
Poor girl just trying to do her job only to have two princes after her....
Yandere! Aemond Targaryen vs Aegon II Targaryen with Maid! Darling
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Mature themes, Harassment/Unwanted affection, Murder, Targcest (Aegon and Helaena due to canon), Forced relationship(s)
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Being Helaena's handmaid is usually a quiet job.
The woman often keeps to herself, muttering to herself as she plays with her insects.
You clean, speak to her, and act as a companion to the Targaryen princess.
You're around the same age and are always at her side.
However, this naturally gets you in contact with her siblings.
Both princes are bad in their own ways.
Aegon is bad because he's... touchy.
Aegon is infamous for bedding any woman he has access to.
Maids, brothels, any woman.
Which means you are constantly hit on, courted, and cornered when around Aegon.
Aemond is much better in this regard.
While he is similar to Daemon, his uncle, in many ways...
Aemond does not have the hedonism his uncle and brother have.
No... But he does have the very same bloodlust Daemon does.
Meaning he tends to duel (or straight up murder) those he thinks are too close.
So... both brothers are bad in their own right towards their obsession.
Them in a rivalry? Well, based on what I've seen and written...
Sibling rivalries within the Targaryen dynasty are quite dangerous.
Or any family at all in ASOIAF.
Would the two murder one another? Aemond might.
However, he knows better than just doing it.
He'd want to frame it as an accident or frame it on someone else.
An example of this in canon is during Season 2 of the show with Aegon vs Rhaenys.
He felt he could get away with burning Aegon with Vhagar during the battle.
And if Criston Cole didn't catch him?
He probably would've finished the job.
Now, would Aegon?
He seems to be the one more likely to tease or threaten, but not entirely follow through.
However, both princes are still dangerous and possessive.
It just appears Aemond, ironically the one who isn't trying to bed you every five seconds, happens to be the biggest threat.
I want to add spice to this request and say Helaena would try to support and protect you from her brothers.
Although... Her character isn't very... assertive.
She would probably try to keep you away from her brothers.
Yet Aegon would ignore her, trying to pull you away, saying you'd serve him better as his servant.
While Aemond may compromise, allowing Helaena to stay beside you while Aemond has your company.
Aegon's yandere behavior is both dominant and submissive I feel.
He can be intimidating, yet alone with his obsession and if you play your cards right?
Aemond, however, is just dominant...
He's more attentive to your needs but is controlling.
Naturally, though, both princes like the idea of controlling a maid darling.
All while Helaena pities and worries for you... as when the rivalry occurs, you're barely attending to her.
Both brothers are affectionate in their own ways.
Aegon likes to corrupt you, offering pleasure and gifts to make you like him more.
While Aemond tries to be more of a chaste gentleman, still giving you gifts but often offering dances or walks.
Occasionally you're around to watch their sword practices... and the two destroy one another when they notice you're there.
Ser Criston Cole has to pull the maway from one another, both men bleeding and fighting like moody teens.
Alicent grows increasingly concerned that her two eldest sons are fighting over a handmaid.
She's been trying to work on betrothals for them in order to help them stay on track.
Yet both princes keep clinging around you while Helaena begs her mother to help her.
Helaena considers you a friend since youth, she just wants you happy.
She can tell you're overwhelmed by her brothers' infatuation over you.
You may be a simple maid, a woman made to serve...
But the princes don't care.
They want your hand regardless.
This is strange for both of them, especially Aegon who never even considered marriage for a long time.
The only reason Aegon begins to accept Alicent betrothing him to Helaena is because he has better access to you.
Which just makes Aemond more determined to marry you, begging Alicent to betroth you both so Aegon can be kept away.
You begin to wonder if you'd make better money somewhere else... serving some lord far from King's Landing.
Alas... fate isn't merciful to you.
As war eventually comes to be, more attempts at kinslaying come up.
During The Dance... Aegon is crowned king and Aemond is meant to serve him with his dragon Vhagar.
However, the two are still planning on keeping you to themselves.
Aegon may have more opportunities to keep you to himself, much to Helaena's dismay...
But the two brothers still have each other to deal with.
As more battles begin, the two siblings start plotting betrayal.
In fact, if we want to follow canon, Aemond may get Aegon back by burning him.
With Aegon bedridden or dead... and Aemond in power...
You'd belong to Aemond.
Although... maybe you want an alternate timeline, where Aemond is assassinated either by Aegon's order or Daemon's...
Allowing Aegon to keep you as his beloved maid.
Either way... it looks like you'll be stuck with one of them in the end.
Hopefully The Blacks will win against The Greens...
Maybe then you'll be freed from the twisted princes... maybe then you can go back to your old life with both of them dead.
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I see this man and Im immediately in love with him everytime.
TW- Vulgar gesture behind Readers back.
You were leaning over the pool table trying to find the perfect shot, Claude and Yona giving out pointers while Edgar and Grey were doing their best to distract you.
Curtis was currently paying the group tab for the night as Paulie's was winding down. While his card was getting rung, he leaned against the bar, looking over the late-night crowd. Which was starting to thin out a bit, but still pretty busy.
It was what he liked seeing for his friend's business. This bar was an extension of home for Curtis and his friends success in it made him more than happy to continue helping out in any way he could.
What he didn't like though was the group of men leering at his Honey's backside as you were bending half over the table, trying to take your impossible shot. It wasn't like you were exposing anything, but Curtis's eyes narrowed on the way the group acted, one even making a lewd gesture with his hand over his pelvis, insinuating what he would do.
A growl escaped him, prompting him to push off the bar and with his steel-toe boots thudding heavily on the bar's old wooden floor, the group didn't even see Curtis descending on them. "I would tap that..." One of them started to say when Curtis grasped his arm around the mans neck, slamming him back into his chest and squeezing. The man's friends looked on in surprise as he snarled in his ear.
"You wouldn't be able to fucking handle her, she's mine." He snapped as the man was gasping and scrambling to break out of the hold.
The others sized him up, but Curtis was more built and taller, more intimidating. Young men barely old enough to go to a bar, they didn't know Curtis's history in finishing fights, but they picked up enough to know they would be fucked if they didn't stop.
"Listen, we didn't know man. We're sorry." Another tried reasoning with him. "We will leave."
Curtis gave another squeeze of his arm, making his hostage give a gasping wheeze in protest. "If I catch any of you looking at her again..." He released his hold, letting the man fall at his feet, gasping for air in huge gulps. "I will have no problem breaking every fucking bone you used to be vulgar towards her."
The young man's friends swooped in, dragging him out of Curtis's range. "Shit man, we won't!"
"Pay your tab and get out." He snarled, cold eyes pinned on them as they rushed to the bar, tossing out money onto the counter to make a hasty retreat. Paulie snickered as he gathered the bills off the counter, straightening them out.
"Feel better Curtis?" He asked as Curtis came back to get his card, grumbling to himself about dumbasses looking at his girl. "Well they more than paid for your tab too, here, take half of it. I think they just unloaded their wallets."
"I ain't taking their fucking money." Curtis swiped it up and stuffed it into a nearby tips jar. "Give it to your staff tonight, they earned it putting up with those pieces of shit."
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
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belit0 · 2 days
How about Uchiha men with S/O big chest but she is a tall and athletic woman, which makes her very attractive to the male population
My first request in what feels like years. Bear with me while I get back on track, lol.
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Indra observes the woman with a mixture of intrigue and detachment. It is not part of his character to prove anything to others, but a curious gleam appears in his eye as he meets (Y/N). His eyes, sharp and analytical, take in her tall, athletic figure with discernment born of his legacy. For Indra, strength and skill are qualities of great respect, and he perceives in her more than physical attractiveness; she is a reflection of his own ideals. Perhaps she is the right person, the one with whom to nurture a legacy worthy of calling his own. However, he is careful not to let his admiration be misinterpreted. Indra's gaze is intense but distant, appreciating her as the embodiment of power and elegance rather than just her looks. He wonders if such a woman could understand the weight of his expectations and if her strength could match the burdens of his mission. Would she be able to keep up with his agenda?
Madara's interest in her is immediate and intense. Known for his commanding presence and boundless ambition, he sees her as a formidable ally-or a potential adversary. Should (y/n) refuse his advances, or suddenly reject him out of hand, mutual hostility would be born immediately. Her tall, muscular, eye-catching figure is secondary to him; what really captures his attention is her power and poise. Madara's calculating mind evaluates her as a force to be reckoned with, someone who could stand beside him as an equal. Of course, the additional beauty the girl brings with her is pleasing to the eye, and he must be reminded on several occasions that staring at someone can be interpreted as a weak gesture coming from the clan leader. This attraction is not purely physical; it is a recognition of the power she exudes, which resonates with his aspirations and unwavering resolve.
Surprise and lust. His warm and open attitude contrasts with his brother's more reserved nature, leaving him in evidence as the womanizer he is from the very first moment he appears on the scene. Izuna perceives her attitude and confident presence as a breath of fresh air, but nothing deeper than that. She's not his type, nothing he'd generally go for, but a change of scenery is always nice. He doesn't intend anything serious, considering her as one more conquest of his vast collection. What better than a challenge to remind oneself of the virtues of being alive and handsome? In any case, he finds the combination of power and beauty a bit intimidating, appreciative of how her looks are matched by an undeniable confidence. Izuna is not entirely thrilled to have someone equal to or stronger than him by his side, a matter of compromised egos, but the harmonious blend of grace and strength (y/n) possesses captures him. Irresistible, for now.
This Uchiha's initial reaction is one of awe and a hint of melancholy. The woman's imposing figure and aerial prowess remind him of a world he once hoped to protect, a world where those qualities were celebrated. For him, her presence is both a source of inspiration and a painful reminder of the life he has lost. Despite his internal struggles, he is drawn to her resilience and strength, traits that resonate deeply with his own journey. Obito aches for her not only for her appearance but for the way she seems to embody an ethos of resilience and charm, qualities he wishes he could continue to embrace. Either way, (y/n) represents light at the end of a too-dark path, someone to cling to to heal and restore a broken soul. Her stability engenders trust and he soon falls into a great emotional dependence on her.
Shisui perceives (y/n) with a combination of amusement and subtle admiration. His eyes slowly wander from the curves in of her breasts to her hips, roaming her body centimeter by centimeter with stealthy eyes, a gaze too indecipherable, preventing anyone from interpreting his ulterior motives. Lightning speed itself. He is used to being chased by people he is not interested in, mainly because none of them can keep up with him. Shisui doesn't want someone by his side to constantly protect, he wants a challenge, someone who brings fun to the table and can contribute to his day-to-day life. A person who will challenge his skills and not regard him as a god, an equal. Finally, someone who can match him, providing dynamic workouts more fun than usual. His interest is tempered with genuine esteem for her personality, recognizing that her physical attributes are matched by a compelling inner strength. Shisui admires her ability to attract attention while maintaining an air of humility and pride.
Itachi's perception of her is marked by his usual depth and complexity. Her towering, lithe, athletic figure and imposing presence are observed with a sense of silent respect. To Itachi, her physical attributes are important, but secondary to the fortitude of character she displays. (y/n)’s a force to reckon with, someone to be valued and not underestimated. He monitors her acutely, appreciating how she performs with a poised blend of stamina and flare. Every movement is calculated to perfection, and those are the details that make him realize she knows what she's doing. Itachi's admiration is measured, recognizing her attractiveness while remaining focused on the substance of her personality. In her, he sees a reflection of the balance he seeks in his own life, a combination of outward strength and inner fortitude. He would never approach her with offensive or lustful intentions, too polite to inconvenience a lady of such high caliber.
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ljaylmaoo · 2 days
What Are Friends For?
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Platonic! Hook x fem!reader
Request: Can you do a platonic hook x a fem vk reader where she’s apart of Uliana’s crew and she isn’t really close to James as much as the rest and he goes to the reader for help about his relationship or crush he has on someone? (like el and max from stranger things when el goes to max for help about Mike!) and they end up becoming better friends? Thank you!
It doesn’t have to be long I just like the idea of reader and hook being at a sort of awkward stage with each other because they aren’t as close but they don’t exactly hate each other and it ends with them being closer after she helps him with his love life type thing
summary: you and James aren’t as close as you make it seem when it comes to picking on people in school, but what happens when James surprisingly asks for your help with a personal problem for the first time?
genre: fluff, platonic friendship
warnings: bullying, reader insert and steals a line (just to incorporate the reader more) if you don’t like it just simply ignore lol, first bit is the scene when Uliana turns into a flamingo after eating the flamingo feathers, insecure hook, he's kinda uptight in this too lol, that’s it really
a/n: this was really fun to write I love writing platonic friendships, send in requests :)
word count: 2.95k
“I mean flamingo feathers are like, super rare. Right..?”
Uliana questioned Bridget with an obviously fake expression of interest. You and Morgie were on opposite sides of her, you on her left with Morgie on her right while she held a plate of ‘flamingo feather cupcakes’ above with her tentacles which were out of reach. Hook strutted closer and stood on the other side of you also with a face of mocked interest, turning theatrically slow towards the annoyingly sweet girl and her friends in front of you as you all waited for a reply.
“Hey! Give that back to her!” Ella snapped at Uli, “i’m sorry!” Uliana cut her off as you all glared at the group with a scoff while Hades circled them with an intimidating expression, “I don’t speak peasant girl.” She finished while handing the cupcake in her hand off to someone to the side of Morgie. You and Hook giggled, “I love your outfit by the way it is just so…” she continued before ripping the shoulder of her poorly sewn dress at the seams, “put together.” You all cackled hysterically at the act, Hook and Morgie circling as they did so, “you said “put together” cause it’s not.” Morgie pointed out as you all continued to laugh. “my names Bridget, and I have to bribe people with treats to be my friend because I’m such a loner..” you mocked with a high pitched tone making the rest cackle harder than they were before at your cruel joke, Uliana throwing her head back as Hook and Morgie rested their elbows on each side of your shoulders, her tentacles wrapping around the four of you. One of the new transfer girls wearing all blue, who looked strangely similar to Ella grabbed a tourney stick from a jock behind her and pointed it in you and Uliana’s direction, “hey! The Code of Conduct prohibits theft and bullying!” You and Uliana sighed while resting your hands against your own foreheads leaning on each other in faux ‘woe was me’ manners. Hook instantly tore the stick away from your face with his hook, “easy lass” he began with a playful yet threatening voice before stepping closer to her getting in her face, “I don’t know where you come from but here we don’t fight until after school. Meet me then.” He teased while sizing her up causing the girl to scoff and she pushed him away, “you wouldn’t stand a chance.” He only giggled at her response.
“Listen squid face.” The other new girl who was dressed in red started, pushing the other to the side, Uliana tilted her head, “give the cupcakes back, or I’ll rip that magic tongue out of your throat.” She threatened. “Oh girl” Uliana laughed before plucking the feathers off the cupcakes, “I only wanted the feathers. You can have the rest.” She snarled then dropped the plate of cupcakes on the ground in front of her causing the plate to break and the girl to jump back as you all laughed again. Uliana dangled the feathers above her head ready to pop them into her mouth, “wait!” Bridget interrupted gaining all of your attention, “that’s too many.” You all glanced back at Uli who only rolled her eyes and proceeded to swallow them all whole, you Morgie and Hook snickered as she did so. “You shouldn’t have done that.” Bridget warned. Uliana scoffed, dismissing her warning taking out her hand mirror from her pocket, “I’m sorry, you are just jealous of my fabulosity. Okay?” She stated while looking herself in the mirror. “You can’t handle my-” Uliana suddenly let out a terrified gasp as she coughed up pink feathers from her mouth with a honk. You turned to her in confusion as you let out a concerned giggle. You watched as all the cocky confidence drained from Uli’s face in an instant as she glanced around to the other students that were watching also, letting out another honk, “what was that?” She frantically asked, the only response she got was from herself as she shrieked in horror at her transformation.
“You alright, Uli? You’re looking a little, pink.” Hook let out a nervous laugh, you snickered at his little insensitive comment. “Shut up!” She snapped before continuing to let out more bird like noises while her features turned a bright pink, “what’s happening to me?!” She yelled, everyone watching in silence, some attempting to stiffen laughs from coming out while others watched with concern. She fell to the ground with a squawk causing you to back away from her with your hand over your mouth, the rest of the VKs frozen in shock besides Hades and Mali who stood with an unfazed look. “Will someone help her!” Fay yelled and ran up from behind the group of girls, “yeah, someone should help her..” Hades agreed in a half assed tone earning a warning backhand to the chest from Maleficent who stood beside him. You and Hook spun to look at them and then to each other with panicked eyes, you then looked over to Morgie and waved your hand, motioning him to help her. He quickly obliged and ran up to Uliana, struggling a bit to pull her jacket off as she fought the transformation from forming covering her face as he fell to the ground with her jacket. She slowly uncovered her face, revealing the flamingo beak and feathers that replaced her normal features. You jumped back bewildered with an audible gasp at the sight as she made eye contact with you before she quickly turned to Bridget and Ella with a glare and charged at them, running past you and your friends as she chased them out of the courtyard while letting out screeches.
You along with the rest of the students all followed behind them. Uliana chased them all the way out to the fountain. You, Hook and Maleficent quickly ran to one entrance while Hades and Morgie ran to the other, trapping them. Bridget and Ella ran into you, you and Hook blocking them with your chests, “hey there, darling!” Hook taunted causing Bridget to run off with Uli still chasing her, leaving Ella in front of you two, “I just want to have a little chat with your friend.” He explained and pointed to Bridget smirking, you laughing while blocking her way out. Ella quickly ran and pulled Bridget off the edge of the fountain causing Uliana to fall backwards into the water. You all gasped, watching her struggle and cough up water letting the two girls get away, scurrying off. Uliana looked around feeling humiliated as everyone began to laugh at the scene that had just happened. Uliana got up and you helped her out of the water, “where’s Bridget?” She barked and continued to cough, you shook the water off your hand in disgust, “I will destroy her!” She cried while she began towards the doors, leaving you beside the fountain. “Tell Bridget this isn’t over!” She threatened as she stormed out, you rolled your eyes and turned to leave, the VKs glaring as Maleficent hissed before she and Hook followed you out the same doors you came in through. That was one of the only times you and James would actually have any sort of interaction that would make people think the two of you were close and even then, it wasn’t much. You two in fact were not that close. Sure you shared the same friend group but you two had never had a one on one conversation or really talked to each other much, even when you were with your friend group, so you didn’t even know much about the guy. Besides the fact that you both enjoyed tormenting the students of Merlin Academy. There wasn’t really a reason why you didn’t talk as he nor you had nothing against each other so it was weird. You weren’t even sure if you guys were on a first name basis yet. Your friends had also pointed it out a few times and told you how much the two of you actually had in common and questioned why you hadn’t spoken to him, and your only response was that you “didn’t have a reason to.” At least you didn’t until today.
You were at your locker when you heard someone quickly approaching you from your left, “y/n?” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you heard the deep british voice of your pirate familiar call out your name awkwardly. You were almost positive that was the first time you even heard your name come out of his mouth. You peeked around your locker and was greeted with the young pirate leaned up against the lockers facing you with his arms crossed, an upset look plastered over his face as he let out slow heavy breaths, “oh, hey james..?” You replied in a confused yet polite voice, giving him a small smile. “Could you maybe… help me with something?” He asked in a low panicky tone, glancing around in a suspicious manner. You furrowed your eyebrows once more and closed your locker, “uh, yeah sure. What’s up?” He swallowed, “I don’t think I can talk about it here…” he trailed off, you tilted your head. For this to be your first time having an actual conversation with him you found it strange and you were quite skeptical, but the more you thought about it, he was a friend after all. At least you thought so, especially if he was coming to you for help rather than the other VKs. You shrugged, “okay, well then maybe we could talk about it in my dorm or something?” He nodded, “okay, come and meet me here after class.” You explained giving him a smile which he returned before you both went your separate ways.
After the dismissal bell you were putting your stuff away in your locker when you heard him approach you again silently, you turned and smiled, “hey” “hello..” you shut your locker, “no homework?” You teased as you saw that he was empty handed. “Oh darling, I don’t do homework. And neither do you apparently.” He crossed his arms while he eyed your figure, the only thing in your hand was your personal spell book, “touché” you said simply and began to walk with him down the corridor. “So what did you need my help with exactly?” You asked curiously, finally breaking the silence as you turned down the hallway towards the dormitory, “I mean, it seemed kinda urgent.” He looked up at you from the ground, “what makes you think that?” You scoffed, “well for one you practically ran up to me all panicked and you looked pretty upset.” He tilted his head, “Did I?” You shook your head, “James, I may not know you on a personal level all that well. But it’s quite known that you have trouble with hiding your feelings..” he thought about it and silently shrugged in agreement, “and that leads me to my second point, you never ask for my help, or talk to me for that matter..” you lightly trailed off in realization, “what? That’s not true, we’ve talked before?” He tried, chuckling nervously, you gave him a stern look, slightly raising your eyebrows. He sighed, “okay, you have a point. But I do still consider you a friend.” He stated. You looked up at him, “really?” He nodded, “of course I do, love.” You smiled, “well I consider you one too.”
You made it to your dorm and opened the door letting yourself in as James followed behind, he hummed, “no roommate?” He questioned as he looked around the room. You looked back at him as you threw your book on your desk, “nope” you shrugged, “well I did at one point, but she just eventually stopped coming back, I think I scared her off.” James only laughed and continued looking around. “So, what’s up?” You asked while sitting on your bed facing him as you crossed your legs and rested your head on your hands. He looked over at you and slowly walked up to you, “well there’s this girl-” you cut him off with a loud gasp, “ou, fun! Who is it?” You asked with excitement. He rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t finished.” You giggled and covered your mouth, “sorry.” You whispered, “continue.” He swallowed before continuing, “I just don’t know, I don’t know what girls like or how to ask her out…” he admitted, shame evident in his voice. You shot your head up, straightening your back in surprise, “wait you mean you, James Hook, who is probably the biggest flirt in the school, doesn’t know how to simply ask out a girl?” You asked shocked, he rolled his eyes, “yes I know. But I really do need your help because I really like this girl and I would really like to ask her out to castle coming but it’s like she’s scared of me and I would’ve asked Mali or Uliana but you know how they are, they’ll just poke fun at me for liking a goody good.” He rambled on as he opened up. You shrugged, “wanna spell her?” He shook his head, “no, I don’t want to go the easy route. I want to learn how to ask her out.” You nodded, “okay, well, you’re already an extremely flirtatious person, even without trying and very good looking and charming I’d say, so that’s a start” you began, “obviously” he scoffed causing you to roll your eyes, “yeah..but see, that, would be something I’d work on.” He looked down at you with a puzzled look, “girls don’t like guys who are full of arrogance. Sure we like confidence but not guys who are full of themselves. Girls like guys who will compliment them more than they compliment themselves. Guys who do thoughtful selfless things for them without asking.” You explained, he listened to you intently, “and guys who are, nic..er?” You said falteringly. “Nicer?” You let out a small laugh, “well, you do realize that we have a bit of a reputation of being “mean” right?” You made air quotations with your hands, He scoffed once more, “well yes, of course.” You nodded slowly, “and we, well you especially, have something that people would call a “rbf”?” He sat down on your desk chair in front of you, crossing his arms and slouched back, “yeah? What about it?” You sighed, think of how you should word your thoughts, “I’m just saying that maybe if you were a bit more amicable, she wouldn’t be as timid to talk to you.” He thought about it, your words simmering in his mind. “So, what should I do?” You scooted closer to the edge of the bed towards him, “well if you ask me, I’d say to start with-” “I am asking you.” The smile on your face dropped and you crossed your arms, “okay, start with losing the attitude. And second, and I know it’s easier said than done but just be yourself but you know, without the arrogance and attitude.”
He stared at you with a wary look before standing up, “that’s the problem Y/n. I just don’t know how, when it comes to this girl specifically, my mind goes completely blank.” you stood up and followed him to the middle of the room. “Hm, okay. Have you talked to this girl before?” He nodded, “a few times, yeah.” You nodded slowly, “mkay and what does she know about you already? Have you hinted that you’re interested?” You shook your head and cut him off as he was about to answer, “wait never mind, everyone thinks you have a thing for them..” you mumbled, he gave you a look, “but anyways, what does she know about you? What have you talked about?” He thought about it, “well she doesn’t know that much about me if I’m being honest, but I do know that she enjoys walks, she likes the beach, her favourite colour is purple, and she loves baking.” You nodded, “well she sounds, sweet.” Your voice going up an octave, trying your best to not sound judgmental. You cleared your throat as you saw the warning look he gave you while crossing his arms, “what I mean is that it doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to get her to say yes. You’ve already let her talk about herself so you know what she likes, she seems to be comfortable enough to talk to you about herself despite you know, you being a VK. And you’ve already gotten past the hardest part of becoming sort of friends with her. To be honest you didn’t even really need my help in the first place so I’d say just keep being you, and whenever the time feels right just go for it.” You shrugged, he bit the tip of his hook as he thought hard about it, “okay. I’ll try.” You smiled, “oh, and whenever that time comes, get her flowers. Girls like that.” He scoffed, “well yeah, I’m not an idiot. Sorry.” He quickly apologized. You walked closer to him and rested your hands on his shoulders, “hey, you’ve got this. Don’t stress about it and don’t overthink.” You walked over to your desk and picked up your spell book, “and if it doesn’t work out, we could always spell her.” You suggested, voice mixed with a hint of sarcasm that he picked up on causing him to let out a laugh.
“Thank you, y/n. I appreciate your help.”
You smiled, “of course, I mean that’s what friends are for right?”
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minglana · 6 months
i <3 nepotism (my dad knows a dude from his workplace that will help me do a uni project interview i need to do)
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haunted-xander · 8 months
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What's there to be afraid of?
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bigskydreaming · 2 months
The thing that kills me about the Star Wars prequel trilogy and why I will die on my hill that my problem is not that Star Wars is a tragedy, its that its a badly written tragedy, is that Anakin Skywalker was at his closest to being a good Jedi when he was ten years old.
#im not an anakin apologist by any means because I get the point of his character and Im not pro or anti jedi#my only real opinion on all of it is similar to what I was saying about Peter and Tony and the MCU yesterday#its badly written. its EVERYONE being contorted into shapes that dont make a ton of sense in service to#getting characters to where they need to end up for certain things to occur#my opinion is not that Anakin is inherently bad or good or that the Jedi are inherently bad or good#its that their entire conflict was set in motion by forcing the Jedi to act in ways that felt massively OOC when they were#first interviewing him as a kid and like.....I ACCEPT that the Jedi are supposed to be for the most part kindhearted and empathetic and all#of that which is why its so noteworthy in my opinion that this does not match with how they were FORCIBLY portrayed in those early movies#in order to ENGINEER the idea that this kid in desperate need of support but already with a lot of good instincts and positive traits#came to the order of kindly supportive literal empaths and everything went downhill from there#like kindly supportive literal empaths would not in my opinion look at a kid trying his best to be brave & stoic in completely intimidating#circumstances and surroundings and be judgmental and fairly dismissive about it as though theyve never met a kid before let alone a#traumatized one and the fact that thats kinda what happened is in contrast to how a lot of pro anakin people frame that NOT proof#that the Jedi order are inherently bad its that in that key scene and multiple others#the Jedi order were BADLY WRITTEN in pursuit of one pre-determined outcome that mattered more to the script/Lucas than#being true to their core conceit and characterizations. and thats just one example out of dozens I could list and the same holds true for#anakin's side of things so thats why I always steer far away from SW discourse#because Im like the problem with the characters in terms of the most iconic arc is not really any of the characters so much#as the plots refusal to let them actually consistently BE characters rather than just fixed and contrived stepping stones on the way to#the desired endpoint
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hauntingsofhouses · 7 months
i tried watching the netflix a:tla live action and got so frustrated that i could only make it through 1 episode before i decided "fuck this" and started rewatching the cartoon from the first episode
anyway that led to me writing this in my notes app while half-asleep in bed last night
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heartbeetz · 6 months
I NEED to get back into oc f/os. I just remembered my old casino themed anthro shark guy. He never got a solid enough ref sheet (or lore, really) for me to feel comfortable making him one of my f/os but maybe I should remedy that at some point. Big Jack.........
#his name is Jasper Roulette but everyone calls him Big Jack#he's a ''professional'' underground gambler and great white 'card shark'#insists he's an ex crime boss but won't tell anyone what that entailed#well... he WILL. but it's a different story every time. always a lie and often over the top#nobody knows for sure if any of it's true or not. but pretty much everyone either 100% believes it or is too scared to contest it#bc his persona around other casino goers is this rough and tough type guy and he has the looks and talk to back it up#really though even IF it's true he's pretty harmless now. his whole thing is ''yeah I used to do that but I'm turning my life around''#which others are skeptical about but is mostly true. he's kinda just chilling#he's a cheat and a showoff and an asshole but he's more intimidating than he is dangerous#and he has way more money than he cares to do anything with (where he got it who's to say) so he doesn't mind just handing it out#he was the first character I made for a little game / visual novel I wanted to make at one point but ended up giving up on#it was just about sharks in an underground casino#the idea was you could play little mini games and have conversations with them#and if you made the conversation go in the ''right'' direction there'd be little collectibles that opened new paths#but it never went anywhere other than some ideas and a very rough drawing of Big Jack (which actually came first lol)#unfortunately I designed him IMMEDIATELY before I got super into Sparker as one of my f/os so he got swept under the rug real bad#sorry sharky 😔#roz posts
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