#which is better than hurting all the time etc etc With holes but.
catboyfurina · 2 years
#beeep#sui ment#how do u want to be alove#how do u stop feeling like failing at dying was ur biggest mistake#its become pretty clear that im a coward and my I Can Escape This way idea is actually untrue#but i still like? want to#every time i see a post thats like heres how to want to be alive it lists a bunch of things i cant fucking do#eat good food ! go outside ! form human connection !!!#the last one is the most possible and yet. i am not the boss of other people. i cant say You. Connect.#and i hurt so much all the time and im unsure if the doctors like???? care?????#like maybe remission is i hurt all the time and can only have boiled chicken and plain crackers but its Fine because my organs arent#getting Holes#maybe its that#which is better than hurting all the time etc etc With holes but.#i dont want that to be my future#i dont want it to be my present#sleeping didnt fix me i just woke up still brainbad and now im also in more pain than before sleeping#unlcear why#i think the poblem with my mental health is that its actually not illogical to be miserable when everything hurts and you csnt do Shit#and the only people u see outside of the house are Doctors#i haye knowing that death is logically the right choice for me and that im too much a weenie#because then i have guilt on top of it!!! like !!! argh#anyway.#time to eeblog one million posts nobody cares about so they get used to scrolling past my url real fast#. the you connect is not about any one person btw. n especially not (redacted for privacy) the timing might seem bad -_-
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neverchecking · 11 months
NSFW Alphabet- Fierce Deity Edition
And the winner of the poll (Which isn't technically over) is, in a surprising turn of events, Fierce! Sage had the lead for a while and then it was Legend, and then the man himself pulled ahead!
I was watching it the whole time while writing this like "you better not change."
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's the silent broody type, but every touch of his is startlingly soft. But he's pretty good at aftercare, all things considered! He's probably the type to have a set routine that he goes through each and every time. A wipe down and then a bath and then probably letting you lay on his chest while he towel dries you off <33
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On his partner? Everything. He can't chose. That would be sacrilegious. He loves every part of you. Every bump, scar, insecurity is what makes you, you. And he'll be damned before he doesn't worship every inch of your entire being.
On him? (I'll have everyone know I almost put hands here. AGAIN.) Probably his back or chest. Now, I know that sounds weird, but it's the first place your hands mark in glorious streaks of white when he's buried deep within you. It's one of the only places he can wear the marks you have graced him with so proudly. It's where you sign your name and place your claim on his heart, soul and entire being.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Man cums a lot. Be forewarned. It's thick and it's creamy and there's always a lot. Another Link with those heavy breeder balls, you know? Ones just begging to be drained into your pretty little hole. Which is exactly where he does it. Every single time. Anywhere else is a waste.
And he refuses to be wasteful.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He is always secretly terrified that he could somehow in someway hurt you. So when you take control and ride him, bouncing up and down, over and over and over again, he just feels himself fall deeper into devotion for you. Because you aren't afraid. He's slaughtered thousands. And yet, you cradle him like he is a saint. This is only proven when your above him, using him like a toy and trusting that he won't do anything to take back control.
Because he won't.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Fierce was never one for sex. I'm gonna go right off the bat with that. In fact, you're probably his first. That being said, if he lets you sleep with him, he's probably finding ways to spend the rest of his immortal years with you. You aren't leaving him. He won't let you. He's only willing to learn your body. What makes you tick. Not anyone else. He has no care for anyone else.
And he's a fast learner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary all the way. He'll do others, but I can't see him really enjoying them. With Missionary he gets to watch your facial features and the way you heave breath after heavy breath, watching as he disappears into your greedy little hole over and over again.
So yeah, he loves missionary. Even if a breeding press also has it's place in his chest cavity (bc I'm not sure if he has a heart hfof)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You're kidding, right?
This man has no sense of humor. Period. Maybe he'll give you a small twitch of his lips, but other than that, he's the same stoic faced, bare boned man he portrays. So if he doesn't laugh during the times he's clothed, there's like negative chances of him doing it when he's naked.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I like to think every part of him is strictly uniform. Every part. His pubic hair is nicely groomed and trimmed and still the same stark white as the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I could go either way with this. On one hand, he probably doesn't know a whole lot about Romance. Just devotion. And his devotion is so whole and honest in a way I don't think I could truly describe. Everything he does is for you. Your attention. Your approval. Your everything.
On another hand, if his lover wishes for romance, he shall do all the research necessary to ensure he is properly versed in every courting method there is. Anything his darling wants. Their wish is his command.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Never. Not once. He has zero interest in touching himself. None at all. As far as he's concerned, his dick is yours and yours alone. He merely carries it around. He has no right to touch whats yours.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
There I said it. He's so into taking this pristine art of the Golden three and just absolutely ruining it. Making your eyes red and puffy with tears as you cry out for him, bruising the delicate flesh on your hips with a grip tight enough to keep you in place, claiming you in every way you claim him as the biggest fuck you to the goddesses who blessed you
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere private. He has absolutely no interest in sharing the view of you. That is his and his alone. He believes that sex is such an intimate thing, it's his holy time.
And he doesn't share
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything. Anything with you. You could breath in his direction and he's hard and ready to go. If you give him the opportunity, he'll worship you all day every day. Just give him the word.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any form of physical harm. He refuses to do that. Absolutely refuses. His hands are stained with thousands of years of blood and he refuses to let yours be there as well.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving all the way. That is his purest form of devotion and that's his sacred time. He could spend hours down there if you'd let him. So please let him. Plus, he's a god at oral. He's so focused on you and your reactions, you have no complaints regarding his head game.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Anything his lover wants. If they want slow and sensual, he'll do it. Fast and rough? He's pinning them down. Long, hard drags? Done. Shallow thrusts that have you crying out? Anything you wish.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hates them. Hates them hates them hates them. SO MUCH. He refuses to rush his prayers to you. REFUSES. It's frankly insulting to insinuate he would ever do such a thing. He is taking his time in taking you apart and not speeding up even for the end of the world.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Nope. No risks. Anything risking his time with you is a big no-no. That's his special time. His moment of prayer and devotion and it is not to be interrupted.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
All day and all night. The only thing stopping him is his partner pressing the red light. He can go forever if you'd let him. He has no limit. He is a Deity after all. <3
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
None. Hates them too. Why have something as stupid as a toy there to try and please you when he does it well enough on his own? Why have any form of an imposter when he is there? Why insult his abilities with knockoffs like that?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He enjoys it at any given point, but not a lot. Just enough to have his lover crying out his name. Just enough to have them yearning for him in just a fraction of the way he yearns for them.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
SILENT. Wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful. Why bother? Any noise he makes is just taking away from what your crying out and he refuses to distract himself from that pure choir. A hymn of his own making.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If his lover asked, he'd let them peg him. He'd bottom for his lover. He'd give away any control if it meant keeping his lover. Want to wrap him up in satin red ribbons and keep his limbs starfished for your exploration?
He'd do it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
PACKING BIG HEAT Like, it's almost too big to take. Ten to eleven inches with GIRTH, maybe twelve when hard. Veiny too and he's circumcised. Has the prettiest head, just a lovely red that you can't help but want to suck. And BIG BREEDER BALLS <333
Just drain them dry babes <33
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He could go at any time, he just hides it. You say the word and he's following like an obedient puppy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Does not sleep. He's holding you and watching to ensure you take every breath he needs you to take. He's watching you all night just to make sure you live to see the next day <3
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getosbunsblog · 1 year
Levi NSFW alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He lays there, you leaned against his chest. Plays with your hair or you play with his. Talk about video games and then go for a bath
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hair and horns. He just thinks they look cool. You, he can’t get enough of every single part of you, he feels lucky you even notice him. But if he had to pick I feel like he’s a neck guy. He just loves looking at your neck and collarbones and imagining marking them up with love bites
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I THINK HIS CUM HAS GLITTER, yes you heard me glitter. I think it has a blue iridescent shine to it. Which makes it look really pretty when it drips out of your hole
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Hentai? Not after he met you. Definitely jerks off to you and your pictures you post on social media. I don’t think he even likes hentai that much anymore because he can probably only get off to you. We all know he’s a big fat pervert so maybe he takes sneaky pics of up your skirt or you changing, for scientific reasons.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He’s SOOOOO difficult. Idk if he’s a virgin, but homie is definitely lacking experience. He’s like hella old tho. So he probably isn’t a virgin. But again, still lacking a ton of experience
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You riding but he moves your hips. He has a control issue and he always needs to be in some kind of control. Also doggy. He loves doggy. He will destroy your organs with his cocks in doggy
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s so serious that it’s comical, like if you so much as smile in a goofy way he gets so insecure and insulted
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Blue pubes. And idk man. He might be waxed…..
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s not great at intimacy but he enjoys it and loves the feeling of you being there emotionally as well as physically
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He takes your panties and sniffs them to get off. He wraps them around his painful erections and strokes himself up and down pretending you’re there with him
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He likes being degraded. But he still doms, but he also does some degrading back at you. “I can’t believe you’re letting someone like me fuck you” and “you must be a real easy slut if a gross shut in can get in your pants”
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your bed and his bean bag. The tub is a little bit inconvenient
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Jealouslyyyy, is like the biggest one. If u even laugh at mammon he wants to claim you. He’s can’t stand it when you talk to others. Especially lord diavolo. He’s just so perfect and him and Levi are so different
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Not hurting you, light hair pulling but he cannot bring himself to even lay a finger on you in a violent manner, he refuses. Even if you beg for it, nope. He’s just too infatuated with you to hurt you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He has that snake tongue man, he’s a god at oral. Like better than he is at video games. When you go down on him tho, he takes a while to get comfy. He might cover his face the first few times, but after he knows you aren’t gonna judge him, he’s all cool with being loud and taking his hand away from his face
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends. He most definitely enjoys just having you sit on him and cock warm him, but if you talked with mammon too much that day, or didn’t respond to his text quick enough he will find you. And when he does he’s pumping in and out of you so fast.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Eh. He feels indifferent to them. He would prefer to take him sweet ass time, but hey he’s not gonna stop u
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Jealousy. He will make sure you’re extra loud when he pounds you in his room but he’s not to fond of doing it outside of his or your room. He doesn’t like the risk of someone else seeing you like that
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Sadly I think he has the second lowest stamina out of his brothers (after belphie ofc) and that’s not always a bad thing. He’s still a demon and still has a ton of stamina compared to you
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
A fleshlight. He he got one that has your skin tone and everything. He’ll use them during fun time. But u have to bring the extra things. He’ll let you do whatever you want. Or if u want him to do anything to you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Horribly inpatient. Not a tease at all. Not slick enough and not enough skill with the ladies. He might try sometimes but he’ll just get embarrassed immediately. Then u need to tend to his wounds
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s the one person louder than mammon. Literally whimpers, moans, yells. The whole nine yards. Even if he’s dominant. He still whimpers and moans like he’s the one getting his insides rearranged
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Idkkkk I know SUB LEVI is a big thing but I think he’s just a shy soft dom, maybe he’ll want you to dom him and degrade him sometimes but he stays in charge for 90% of what happens. Ahem I also am a firm believer in panty stealer levi
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
TWO DICKS. You heard me, two. I think the lower one is 8.5 and the top one is 9.5 roughly. And in his demon form the tip becomes a dark blue
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He’s so ducking horny, you breathe, he’s hard. You bend over, he’s hard. You say his name in a sweet tone, he’s hard for hours. He’s a total perv. He’s just a shy little perv.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not fast. You’re long asleep before he even does. He’s probably playing on his Nintendo switch lol
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dealwithadeer · 3 months
Thinking about Eve meet with Husk and Niffty and how uneasy Alastor felt when Eve said “can I borrow them for a sec for reasons you don’t need to know” because Alastor pet is Eve pet too and Alastor couldn’t refuse it
(Poor Husk because he’s in the middle of two possessive being lmao)
Okay, but I have a few headcanons regarding Eve that I am gong to have to explain before I write anything:
This woman was created after Lillith to be a better version of her. That alone would mess anyone up once they find that out.
Sh is the one who actually committed the original sin by biting in that Apple that in HH Lucifer tempted her to take. The ensuring punishment by God and being cursed at by everyone for simply biting into an apple once a long, long time ago also would mess anyone up.
I like to think that just like Alastor Eve has a preference for women after all according to the Bible she is the first woman that got cursed with painful childbirth, period and having to be 'subservient to her husband', etc. So I think she would blame herself for the struggles women face but after a few thousand years of that this blame became much more warped especially since apparently she and Adam did get to have a place in Heaven which would contradict their original punishment. But you cannot question any of this because God is the one who made both these contractory seeming decisions and she has already found out once what questioning God means
If Eve is the one who owns Alastors soul than her marriage with Adam must have been bad enough for Alastor to not fear that he will face any negative consequences if he kills/hurts Adam.
Eve is every human souls (except Adam and Lillith) mother. She is also very disappointed in her children, just like Adam, and thinks that God is right with Heaven and Hell and she would prefer for most of her unworthy/naughty ones to be gone so the worthy/good ones can thrive. But instead of Adam she is being a creep and not an a-hole about it.
Pet is perhaps the wrong word since they all are her children in a way. But if you have literally billions of trillions of souls in Heaven and Hell and Earth who are your descendants than it is impossible to care for all of them equally or at all.
If you are a soul in Heaven, she is actually a very caring and almost 'normal' mother figure to be around. After all, you are one of her good children and worthy enough of eternal Paradise.
It's with her 'naughty' children that she gets creepy with.
Anyway, here is the request:
Eve has 'requested' the company of Husk and Nifty. The last time she had 'requested' anyones company it had been Alastors and she had personally punished him for his 'naughty' deeds and disobedience for seven years.
So you can imagine that Alastor was not all that thrilled about that woman getting a hold of his two favorite souls without his supervision (that he was completely powerless to do anything if she wanted to punish either of them and that she would probably make him be the executioner of it because in her own eyes Husk and Nifty were his 'responsibility' was something his pride did not allowe him to consider).
But he could not do anything, even as he tried to .. lessen whatever punishment or other thing Eve had in store for Husk and NIfty.
But as he was, still, always and forever smiling thanks to stitches , trying to point out of indespenseble all of their presence and work at the Hotel was for Eves overall plan, he felt a .. paw on his shoulder.
And usually he would have reprimanded Husker for thinking that he could simply touch his Boss whenever he felt like it, but as he saw at the feline he realized that this was not meant to annoy Alastor but rather a strange unofficial 'thank you' as Husker seemed to understand what Alastor was trying to do.
But Husker did not really look at him, he looked at Eve.
"' 'Course we will go"
Husk did not bother to even try to go against someone that even Alastor was terrified of. Whatever would happen, Husk would try his best to keep the attention on him so that Nifty would hopefully be left ignored.
Eve laughed.
"You are a smart one, aren't you.", she came closer to Husk and pinched one of his cheeks in a condescending manner. "Don't you worry, momma is going to bring you and your little friend back in no time at all."
She did not bother to say anything to Alastor as all, except give him a smile that made Alastor feel very much like the deer he was.
And then, they were gone and Alastor was left alone.
Cursing under his breath, his smile still one but the shadow on the wall clearly showing a pained and worried expression.
Meanwhile, Nifty lived in utter ignorance of the potential danger they were in. Which would not be very hard to be since the three of them were in a brightly lit room with a rather pleasant and peaceful and, most importantly, incredibly clean surrounding
"So.. what do you want us to do, Boss?", Husk asked, clearly wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. But the taller woman only smiled at him, clearly waiting for something more.. correct to be said. "Ma'am?" came out less confident and less sure than 'Boss' which seemed to please Eve.
"Why, Husker, I simply want to have a cup of tea with you and Nifty. After all, we are family, aren't we?"
Nifty liked, no, Nifty loved tea parties and it had been so long since she was able to have one that didn't include roaches or corpses. She told Eve as such.
A moment of tense silence followed, in which Husk prayed to a God he was sure stopped listening years ago that Eve liked the comment.
And sure, enough Eve started laughing which prompted Nifty to laugh which caused Husk to give a fake, poite but relieved laugh as well.
They both stopped the second Eve stopped.
"Now why don't we take a seat. I am sure, that this will be much more.. pleasant than your previous parties."
And, surprsingly, it was not as .. horrible as Husk feared it would be.
There was an underlying threat in everything Eve said and did, but she genuinly seemed to like Nifty if only because Nifty was the one who killed her ex-husband who it turned out had been rather rude and ungentlemanlike towards her, blaming her for the whole apple dea entirely and things had only gone downhill with the deat hof their son by their other son and Eve searching for comfort in .. another man, well demons, arms. She seemed to find a certain pleasure in Adam almost killing Alastor but she found an even greater one in knowing Adam had been killed by a woman, although that pleasure had been short lived and quickly replaced by repeantance and guilt.
Somewhere along the line, her hand had reached out towards Husk and she had started to pet him in a way that was clearly absentmindedly as she recalled her ..marriage. She even mentioned her relationship with her 'sister' whom she called a previous and 'lesser' version of herself.
Husk did not move an inch even though he really wanted to
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akunya · 2 years
they’re friends but their jokes don’t sound like that. 25 and 28 with brat-tamer Mysta. im on my knees 🧎‍♂️
literally can’t wait to see your masterpieces. please, take care of your heart, health and soul. love you, dear. - 🐱
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“we’re just friends, obviously.”
pairings: brat tamer!mysta rias / m!reader
summary: you pushed mysta a bit too far.
tw: dubcon, dom!mysta, degradation. bondage, blowjobs, coercion, etc. notes: its always a pleasure to hear from you 🐱! i hope it was somewhat worth the wait.
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"we're just friends. obviously.." mysta laughed, looking down at you with a gleam in his eyes that you couldn't quite describe. the vibrator's that were stuffed snug inside of your ass made you moan, biting your lip to try and muffle your sounds. the detective cooed, ruffling your hair causing you to groan.
it was humiliating. anger pooled in your stomach but you didnt care enough to do anything about it. maybe mysta was right - maybe you wanted this from the beginning.
"i mean, seriously y/n. just friends? im hurt." he sighed, the devilish grin on his face never quite leaving his face as you trembled. you laid back on his bed, arms bound behind your back with your legs spread for the man as he sat between them.
the cock ring he had put on you prevented you from spilling all over yourself, which, god, you really wanted to do. a small part of you regretted pushing mystas boundaries and pissing him off on purpose. "you're so hard, even now." mysta commented in awe.
maybe you and mysta were technically a little more than friends. so what? he never explicitly claimed you or anything. shouldn't that give you the ability to do whatever you want?
mysta ran a gloved finger along the underside of your dick, his nail dangerously sharp as he watched your face scrunch in anticipation. you let out a strained whine, squirming as you tried your hardest not to give in. he held the vibrating wand onto to the tip of your cock, giggling as you huffed.
“i wouldn’t have to be so mean if you just behaved. you do this to yourself, babe.” the detective was right, in a sense. you didn’t like submitting so easily. it was more entertaining to pretend like you didn’t want it. the way mysta would take control was something he didn’t me do all the time. but ever since you’ve realized how hot he was when you acted like a brat, you’ve been behaving this way ever since.
however, the pleasure that came with submitting and letting mysta control you had come with a catch. he would edge you for hours to the point where it hurt - and then, he’d torture you a bit more. you were his stress relief, his outlet for dealing with idiots all day. you didn’t mind making him feel better through this type of intimacy. what were friends for, after all?
by the end of the night, you were keening and calling him master, much to his chagrin. drooling and begging for him to let you cum, your body flinched whenever he’d lick on the tip of your cock: nothing more, nothing less. mysta truly was a dickhead when he wanted to be.
“please, mysta, just do something already!” your jaw clenched, moaning as you closed your eyes, feeling mysta suck especially hard on your balls. the obscene slurp would’ve made you cum then and there, if it weren’t for the ring against your dick. the man glared up at you, annoyed. it’s as if you interrupted his meal he was so clearly enjoying.
“shut the fuck up before i stuff your mouth full of my cock.” his eyebrows furrowed, clearly pissed as his fingers circled your tight hole. your breath hitched in your throat, legs trying to close but he kept them spread open. “you’re going to sit there and enjoy it like a good slut, alright? let your friend give you a helping hand.”
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romanceclub-lovers · 4 months
Interview with author Aleksandra Remy
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Questions for Aleksandra
❔Question: Which of all the men you have created could you imagine as your life partner?
🗨️Answer: Killian.
❔ Question: Do you have a favorite movie or TV series?
🗨️Answer: From TV series I always highlight Game of Thrones, from cinema I am highly likely to like everything with McConaughey, my favorite films contain a lot of works by Tarantino, Guy Ritchie or Nolan.
❔Question: As the visual lead screenwriter of the Garden of Eden story, you are aware of all the nuances of the visuals, plot, and development)
Do you have any favorites in this story? If you were the player, who would you lead a thread with?
🗨️Answer: Yes, I liked the last scenes with Jin Doo-yeong so much that I decided to choose a branch with him. Switched from Castiel...
❔ Question: Is it difficult to be the author of some of the most discussed and popular stories of the Romance Club?
🗨️Answer: I don’t know how difficult it is in a general sense, but it’s definitely more difficult than people think) There are many nuances here that will morally destroy an unprepared person. We must remember that any success has a second side to the coin. But if your nerves are strong, you can... get used to a lot of things.
❔ Question: How do you feel about various fandom theories? If the hypothesis turns out to be correct, does this make you happy as the author or, on the contrary, alarming, stimulating you to add even more ornateness and unexpected moments to the plot?
🗨️Answer: It’s good if the theory is close to correct. This means that the person correctly put together the pieces of the complete picture that I scattered throughout the plot, and I really like this. In general, any creativity, it seems to me, in one way or another pushes for reflection and reasoning, and that’s why I love it.
❔Question: Aleksandra, you are an active user of social networks, you often communicate with fans (for which a huge THANK YOU). Doesn't such active interaction with the fandom tire you? Or, on the contrary, does it give you strength and desire to write?
🗨️Answer: Sometimes it’s tiring, but it’s okay, it’s difficult for me to always be at the peak of social activity. Then I simply reduce the time I spend on social networks and crawl back into my introvert hole, where I mostly work and communicate little. I gain moral strength and something else, and return later.
Questions about the novels...
❔Question: How are names for heroes chosen?
🗨️Answer: Through a search and a list of names related to the country I need + melody, so that I myself like it and suit the hero. If the plot requires it, then I also select it by meaning. Most often I can’t name the heroine precisely because her name plays a plot role.
(And because I don't like writing in first person *laughing emoji* )
❔Question: Was the character of any of the characters taken from a real person? (maybe from an acquaintance or friend)
🗨️Answer: No, the main characters are more likely to have a drop of my character traits than others, so you can feel them better. But at the same time, each hero has his own unique character, background, etc.
If we talk about friends or acquaintances, then I can take someone’s experience as a reference. For example, the situation with Eva's childhood. This happened to someone close to me, with whom I empathize on all levels, and with her permission, I transformed her feelings and my artistic vision of the situation into this plot point. And it hurts me every time I write or think about this, but I also understand that such things are worth writing about, even necessary.
❔Question: You yourself, as the author, already know the ending of the stories. Can he change? Maybe depending on the reaction of the fandom or the opinion of the author himself may change?
🗨️Answer: I don’t think it’s possible to change the ending in any way. KCD ended exactly as I had planned in the early stages of developing the story, it will be the same with Nile, and with the prequel too.
❔Question: Why is there such a low threshold for choosing oneiromancy stats in "Song of the Crimson Nile"? Does this mean that there is a balance and it is possible to save up for all elections according to different stats? In addition, it was mentioned in the story that in very rare cases, shesmu have a predisposition to both directions of dark magic...
🗨️Answer: (*mysterious silence*) :)))
❔Question: How would you characterize Amen? Is he a positive hero or a negative one?
🗨️Answer: I think I have neither positive nor negative heroes, it's too boring. Even Livius himself has one or two not the best character traits, and this is normal. The same applies to Amen, there is both good and bad in him, because the world is not black and white. It's time for people to get used to it)
❔Question: What gave you the idea of using time skipping in KFS? Do you think this was a good move? Will this happen in other stories?
🗨️Answer: I don’t see anything terrible about the timeskip; it was necessary for Kali. Firstly, because of working with a large period of time (but in general, I noticed that in all my stories I work with several points in the timeline, the present and the past, to which we return), secondly, because the heroines of the first plan were too young, I wanted to show how carefree youth slipped through their fingers, forcing them to change, become smarter and more responsible in order to enter the game.
And girls now play dice not for wishes, but for human lives.
❔Question: Will the fate of Radha be revealed in the KFS, the future formation of Indira as the head of the Basu clan? Judging by the family tree, the eldest of the twins, besides Indira, did not have any more children, nor did she have a union with any other man except Radha.
🗨️Answer: Indira’s emergence as an heiress is too far from the events described, but Radha’s fate will be known to us.
❔Question: Are there plans for hidden endings in KFS and SCN? (Such as in KCD, where independent Amala mercilessly kills Amrit even in a branch with him)
🗨️Answer: I don’t know yet. Initially, those endings were just endings, I designated them hidden when I realized that to reach them you need not just stats, but a combination of choices. This is possible in both Nile and the prequel.
Questions from subscribers...
❔Question: One point is interesting. I began to notice that in all three stories the theme of connection, purpose, and truth runs through all three stories. I really like this theme in general, and especially how it manifests itself in your short stories. I wonder how this happens? Do you intentionally put such meaning into stories and relationships with your favorites, or does it come out naturally, intuitively?
🗨️Answer: I wouldn’t say that this is on purpose, because I myself really like this trope, and I’m not the only one. But still, I understand that there are certain similarities in all three stories. However:
Amrit's fiancée, Amala, is precisely his destiny, like fate, to be his ideal partner. Set treats Eva less poetically, she paid off the debt, and she is not the only one with him. But the romantic component of this connection will also be revealed. With Ram, everything is completely different, but I can’t give you the details ahead of time, you’ll find out for yourself.
❔Question: It became interesting, will there be any explanations or hints given as to what kind of traps await Evthys from Amen and how she can avoid them?
🗨️Answer: Amen's traps are the least of Eva's problems. I think you've already noticed that the plot is moving away from the hunt, and something worse is looming on the horizon.
According to my plans, we were introduced to hunting in the first season, and then we begin another plot block. It was fun to read the guesses about the endings involving capture and hunting. I thought: "Eh, guys... hunting is just the beginning."
❔Question: Choosing for diamonds with Ash (Set) in the latest update greatly affects romantic relationships? Is it possible to take this choice simply for the sake of his protection and patronage, leading a branch with another favorite?
🗨️Answer: All elections with Set are romance. You can improve your relationship with him in order to gain his favor, but up to a certain point. You will understand which one.
❔Question: Which story is easier for you to write? KFS or SCN?
Did you encounter any difficulties while creating the plot?
🗨️Answer: Both stories feel very different, sometimes there are difficulties with one, sometimes with the other. But in any case, I find an outlet in both short stories. They are fun to write.
❔Question: What 2-3 words or phrases or aphorisms could you describe each of your stories?
🗨️Answer: Kali: "Everyone has the same end" Nile: "When trouble comes, open the gates" prequel: " What goes around comes around"
❔Question: Is there a character in your short stories that you don’t like and irritate you, but without them the story wouldn’t have worked out?
🗨️Answer: They all piss me off sometimes.
❔Question: The thread with Gabriel in KCD... Was there one? Why was he so unfairly cut off or at least not given a choice where to save his life?
🗨️Answer: The thread with Gabriel is a sad misunderstanding, of course, he deserved a better fate, and at least one ending with him alive was worth doing.
❔Question: Where does such love for the frog come from in your tg channel?? When did it arise?
🗨️Answer: This frog is funny and absurd, like me, I feel a mental unity with it. Lately people have been telling me that I look like her. I don’t know whether to be happy or... what to do...
❔Question: Do you have qualities that you consider to be your shortcomings?
🗨️Answer: Yes, and a lot. If I can’t deal with them, I turn them into my advantage. For example, I am choleric, and sometimes it’s hard for me to restrain irritation or anger, and in general this cannot be restrained, honestly, I tried. So I convert them into energy for the gym and for work, use them as a charge boost or something like that. Otherwise I turn into a true psycho.
❔Question: Do you ever plan to write a book based on "Kali. Call of Darkness" and "Kali. Flame of Samsara", combining the events of these eras in one work?
🗨️Answer: I don’t think so. I don’t yet feel the desire to return to books, but this thing is very exciting, I have no doubts.
❔Question: What basic, main, qualities or character traits of Ash, Amen, Livius and Agnia could you name?
Amen - devotion, loyalty.
Agnia - love of freedom.
Livius - kindness, warmth towards this world.
Set - spontaneity, trust in impulse, chaos.
❔Question: Aleksandra, would you like to have another pet besides a dog?
🗨️Answer: Not yet, I am as monogamous as possible in terms of pets, I like to love one to the maximum. All love to Hermes (her dog), I'm not even ready for a second dog.
❔Question: Aleksndra, thank you for agreeing to answer our questions! If possible, in conclusion we would like to ask you to say a few words to our subscribers who love your stories and are looking forward to their continuation and new short stories by you!. Thank you!
🗨️Answer: I would like to thank everyone for their support and interest in the stories, I am happy to try and work, knowing that I am doing this for you!
Source: 50 Shades of Romance Club
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rayraygo1267 · 10 months
Gabenath Headcanons because I’ll never stop shipping them
Note: Y’all I feel like if they make a sequel to the Miraculous Awakening Movie, based on what happened I feel like gabenath has an actual chance!
Gabriel has definitely eaten Nathalie’s food and when questioned about it, immediately blamed it on Adrien
One thing Gabriel always notices is if Nathalie changes something about her style (clothes, hair etc)
Nathalie is definitely annoyed by the fact that Gabriel is slightly taller than her
Gabriel always lets Nathalie have the widow seat in a car, plane, etc
Gabriel has to force and beg Nathalie to take a day off because she overworks herself
Nathalie has definitely read Hawkura fanfiction and gone down a massive rabbit hole
When Gabriel got ahold of all the miraculous from Felix, he asked Nathalie to try all of them on jus because he wanted to see how’d she’d look in all of them, but he told her it was for “research”
Nathalie always gets flustered whenever Gabriel calls her “mi amor” which makes him do it all the more
Gabriel has saved all the magazines that has Nathalie’s modeling featured in them
Nathalie will physically drag Gabriel from his work so that he’ll spend time with Adrien
One time, when both Gabriel and Nathalie had fallen asleep after a long day of work, Duusu had snuck up on them and pushed their hands close together so that their fingers were touching
Duusu and Nooroo ship Gabenath obviously
When Nathalie started becoming sickly and constantly looking exhausted, plus losing the red streak in her hair, Gabriel made sure she knew she was beautiful because he never stopped thinking she was
Nathalie has both Adrien and Gabriel’s breakfast, lunch, dinner and drink orders memorized for just about every restaurant they attend
If Gabriel and Nathalie had gotten ahold of both the black cat and ladybug miraculous, Nathalie would have used the cat and Gabriel would have used the ladybug
Gabriel leaves Nathalie random sweet notes on her stressful work days or if she’s feeling under the weather
When Gabriel and Nathalie finally opened up to Amelie about their relationship, her first reaction was to tell Nathalie that she deserved better. Nathalie laughed, Gabriel did not appreciate that
Nathalie once tried on the butterfly miraculous just for “fun” and Gabriel was mainly annoyed by the fact that she looked a million times better in it then he ever could
Wherever Nathalie chooses to go, Gabriel will follow
Nathalie will order takeout for her and Adrien secretly so not to hurt Gabriel’s feelings when his food sucks and Adrien will feed his father’s food to Plagg
Marinette and Nathalie have definitely vented to each other about their relationships with the Agreste men
Gabriel and Adrien surprised Nathalie with getting a family portrait with the three of them on it, underneath said portrait it reads, “The Agreste Family”
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anewkindofme · 5 months
What’s the argument that Dean is more of a mom than Sam’s father, if I may ask? Sorry, I just gush over character interpretations from other users!!
I think Dean radiates maternal energy vs paternal. This does go back into the basic gender roles that are set long ago, but I think for the time that Dean and Sam were growing up, it translates. When Dean gets into Mary's head he says...
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For 4 years, Dean grew up with both parents. We see in the "road to heaven" episode that John would often disappear for a couple of days, leaving Mary alone with the boys. Therefore, she was the one cooking meals, comforting them when they were hurt or sick, doing the most care for Sam.
Of course, fathers can (and should) do these things. However, I find it interesting that Dean says he had to be both mom and dad. Because the Winchester family fell into those matriarchal and patriarchal roles. And in these dynamics, the mom is almost always the true superhero. The one who makes the magic. Maybe some aren't working or the primary breadwinner, but they're the ones that get shit done. They're the real ones shaping the kids. Which is just what Mary did.
Dean stepped up into her shoes. Not John's. We have several references and even see him feeding Sam. Fixing him up when he's hurt (the knock knock jokes). Making sure he got to bed, did his homework, etc. He made the magic and raised Sam into the man he was. John would step in and help at certain points. But as John writes in his own diary (which I've only read excerpts of), he wasn't the one raising him.
Dean was extremely parentified. But he was pushed into the role that the family was suddenly lacking. While I believe John was a better father before Mary died, he was still not very present. He was there to play with the kids and provide. But not do the day to day. Dean says "it (Mary & John's marriage) was only perfect after she died". Telling us that things weren't great. Dean romanticized it so Sam wouldn't hate John more than he already did and so he'd have an image of a "perfect family to cling to". When Mary died, John needed a mother for Sam as well as a father to patch up the holes as he didn't have it in him to do the bare minimum anymore.
There's also hints in the "road to heaven" episode that Dean was already parentified back then. He comforts his mother (and as this is a memory, we know this isn't just Adult!Dean trying to comfort her). Sam says Dean was cleaning up John's messes from Day 1. I don't think it was to the extent that it'd become, but even from a young age, Dean was acting as the husband Mary needed. Then she died and he became the wife John needed.
I hope I'm explaining myself well. Because I'm sure this can come across as a misogynistic point of vew. As I said, men should do all of these things day to day. And now, in 2024, there have been leaps and bounds of fathers doing all the mothers do.
But Dean was born in 1979. Sam came along in 1983 and Mary died the same year. Things were different during this time. Fathers weren't taking on these roles.
I don't think Sam thinks too hard about what role Dean took on. He's just a second parent. But clearly, Dean recognizes that he took on that motherhood role. Because that's what the family needed. It shouldn't have fallen on him, but it did.
Thanks for listening to my rambles! I hope they make sense, haha.
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Since Miriel and Finwe’s reunion is with everybody alive, are the conditions for marriage and being reembodied different in your au?
I guess you could say so? As you can probably tell, my au isn’t very canon accurate (which is fair, it’s not my intention to be).
In this au the whole miriel-finwe-indis remarraige drama basicaly stems from the idea that the valar need indis to have her kids in order to follow Eru’s plan.
Elven marraige in general in this au is a lot more chill(?) than in canon. Bc the elves are immortal and, while there are elves that get married and stay married for the rest of time, it would make more sense for divorce and such to be more common bc noone stays the same for millenia at a time, and just bc a marraige ends, doesn’t mean it’s failed.
Furthermore, i really enjoy the idea that, bc of what i just mentioned, there are different types of marraige. A more casual type, a marriage of convenience type, a very serious type, etc.
The one finwe and miriel had was pretty much the most serious one an elf could have, basically they swore to be together for the rest of time and in doing so essentially melded their souls. They’re still different people, but their souls are so intertwined that you literally can’t separate them. On one hand, it means that if one gets hurt, the other does too (hence finwe loosing a good chunk of himself when miriel passed and becoming somewhat of an apathetic father) but on the other hand it also helps keep each other alive bc through this bond they split the pain and injuries, essentially.
Finwe and indis’s marraige is more politcal (at least on finwe’s side) he needed a mother for feanor and needed to quell the unrest and indis was oh so willing (yeah, so maybe finwe is a lot more manipulative than most people realize). But bc miriel was for all intents and purposes dead, he lacked a lot of the empathy that would have made him a better father so….
The vow finwe and indis made is less serious (relativly) than the one between finwe and miriel, and valar approved.
Interestedly enough, finwe and miriel actually married before they got to valinor, so their vows weren’t blessed by the valar, so to say. They vowed to each other and to the beings they worshiped. They vowed on the earth, sea, and sky (which are the entities that the cuivienen elves respected, silvan and avari elves still swear on these enteries instead of the valar).
This actually caused a bit of a loop hole bc the valar, due to not being the ones to bless/recognize their union, don’t actually have any jurisdiction in regards to finwe and miriel’s marraige, and technically finwe and miriel’s marraige doesn’t actually intersect with finwe and indis’s. This is also a factor as to why finwe could be married to both elleths at the same time. (For context, polyamorous marraiges still work in this au bc the marraige vowa include all (possible) partners, where as finwe and miriel’s marraige is entirely seperate from finwe and indis’s marraige)
Basically, it’s a lot of technicalities and red tape that’s keeping everything running.
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imtooscaredforthis · 2 years
Chapter 28: Backstabber
Mentions of: Past Abuse/Miscarriage, Stabbing, Death, Blood, Slight Gore, etc.
Tags: @froegis @dead-bxxxtch-walking @vandeaad @mama-miya @darthwhorecrux @stwbwwychan
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“No.” That was the first word that slipped from your mouth, as you stared at his face, watching him stand with the Ghostface mask in hand. You couldn’t help but gape at his face. His bare, revealed face. “No, no, no.”
Jed Olsen. Your boyfriend. The guy you fell for. He was Ghostface. It all made so much sense now. It was so obvious. It was right under your nose, and you never even realized.
How could you be so blind? How could you be so stupid? You had promised yourself you would figure out who he was, but you chose to ignore all the warning signs. You only saw what you wanted to. You were such an idiot.
“I know you must have a lot of questions. I mean, what do you even call me? Danny, Jed, Ghostface? For the record, Danny or Ghostface is just fine.” He winked at you with a smirk. Your reaction was even better than he ever imagined.
“Why- why are you doing this?” You asked, still in shock, various emotions overwhelming you. He shrugged. “You’re the expert, you tell me.”
Your eyes went down to Alex, whose body was sprawled out on the floor, blood still seeping into the cracks and holes on the ground. “You killed him. I still can’t believe you killed him.”
“You’re welcome.” He said in a sing-song voice, leaning against the wall and still catching his breath a bit after what just happened.
“He was my ex fiancé. When I first met him, I thought he was perfect. Talented, smart, handsome, a little bit cocky, but it was okay. But after a while, he started getting possessive, controlling almost every part of my life. And then he started hurting me. It just kept happening again and again and it wouldn’t stop. I- I got pregnant, and he pushed me down the stairs, and- I managed to get away from him for awhile, but I always wanted to make him pay for what he did. I hated him.”
“Seems like you got a knack for falling for the wrong guy, sweetheart. It’s a good thing I killed that bastard.” Danny grinned, walking over, and tapping his knife to your chin, trailing it down to your throat. You let him, not even flinching. “Are you going to kill me?”
That made Danny pause. If he was being honest with himself, he had no idea what he was going to do with you. For once, he didn’t plan everything out.
Suddenly, there was the sound of sirens, making Danny jump. Police sirens. Ambulance sirens. It was just before dawn, the sky a light purple and red outside. Flashes of red and blue lit up through the window, illuminating the once dim house.
“Shit. Someone must’ve heard and called the police.” He muttered, slipping his mask on. “What now?”
While you were panicking, Ghostface seemed cool and collected, like he handled this before, which wasn’t too surprising. “C’mon.”
He picked you up by the undersides of your thighs, making you yelp in surprise. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting him carry you out bridal style through the backdoor of your house.
The next thing you knew, you two were leaving town, in a car Danny stole. He had changed out of his Ghostface clothes, and was driving down the highway. You were with him now, and honestly, you were fine with it.
You rested your chin on your hand, looking out the window, and feeling your eyes grow heavy, before you eventually succumbed to sleep. This was your life now. Wherever Danny went, you went with him.
You awoke to being pushed onto the ground, hard. Wherever you were, it was cold, wet and damp. It was early morning, a light fog all around. You looked around to see who had done it, but there was nothing, no one.
“Danny?” You called out, trying to get to your feet, before you were knocked to the ground again. This time, you could see who it was.
“Right here, sweetheart.” He said from behind you. He was in Ghostface attire, sitting on your back and straddling you. You were so confused. What was happening? What was he doing?
“While this has been nice, and I’ve had lots of fun, it seems like your time is up. I would let you live, but I like to work alone.” That was when you felt the first stab.
You cried out, feeling the knife getting jammed into your back, trying to fight him off, squirming underneath him, but it was no use. He was too heavy, and you already felt so weak.
Then he jammed the knife into your side a couple of times, before shoving it deep into your back, all of the blade inside you. Tears of pain streaked down your face, as you felt him pull you back by your hair, and take one last picture of both you and him together.
You stared at the camera, feeling the blood spill through your mouth, the flash blinding you. After the picture was taken, he pulled the knife out, stepping back.
Everything was starting to get blurry and dark, and you could hear Danny’s voice, but you couldn’t understand what he was saying. All you could wonder is how you could let him do this to you? You fought so hard, and you just let yourself die like this. You let yourself trust him.
A thick, dark fog began rolling in, beckoning you. Were you dead? Was this hell?
Using all your might, you crawled towards the fog, hearing a low voice whispering into your ear. The darkness completely engulfed you, and no longer did you feel pain. Instead, you felt nothing, numbness, as you stayed there, in the void.
Eventually, the fog lifted, and you were standing on your feet, in some sort of dense, dark, unfamiliar forest. You cautiously walked through the forest, a strange feeling of dread and anxiety looming over you.
But then you felt another feeling. A more familiar one. That you were being watched. Suddenly, you felt a gloved hand grab your mouth, pulling you back. “Hey Dollie, ya miss me?”
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art-tea-chill · 3 months
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I updated Coral's reference photo because I thought the older one was bad.
So this is Coral, she's apart of the penguins. Coral is considered the jack-of-all-trades of the group, being extremely versatile and is able to cover the other members of the penguins, (except for Rico).
Coral is a kind, caring, and sweet member of the penguins who tries to remain calm, collected, and serious during missions. While she usually succeeds, she does fail due to having a neurotic side of her personality. Coral’s neurotic side only gets triggered when either her friends are hurt, or her seashell and writing collections are stolen/destroyed. In which she acts very anxious and on edge.
Coral is also a hypochondriac and succeeds in hiding it, but there are certain circumstances where it's revealed. Coral also goes into catatonic shock if some animal does something gross on her body (licking her arm, getting covered in slime, etc) and speaks only in French when it happens, even then, the only sentence she says is how her shock got triggered (Random EX: "Mon flipper etait couvert de bave..." - "my flipper got covered in slime...").
Trivia Time!
As stated above, she's 28.
She's French and speaks in a feminine, yet slightly deepish accent.
She's Skipper's girlfriend (and later wife).
Her feathers are styled to look like hair, like how Rico's feathers are styled to look like a mohawk in the TV show.
Despises being called a coward, if a friend/random animal calls her it, she death glares at them. If it's a villain, they better pray that they're stronger than her.
Is considered the mom of the team due to being polite and caring towards everyone, (although she isn't a pushover nor doormat) and because she's good emotional support.
Likes writing and reads in her free time
Likes collecting seashells and gets them from the Central Park Zoo gift shop,
Is considered the smartest member next to Kowalski, but Coral prefers letting him make the plans because hers have (usually one) glaring hole in that make them failures.
Speaking of Kowalski, Coral is the closest to him aside from Skipper.
Skipper x Coral is called Skipporal.
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strawberrysturniolo · 2 months
men tend to get weird about anything near there as i’m sure you know, so i kinda started off slow with it. i started with licking below the balls and stuff during head a few times to get him used to a more foreign feeling. i was giving him head once and it was right after he showered so i figured no better time than now, licking a little lower and stuff and listening for his noises/cues to know if he was comfortable with me continuing.
then while he was really fucking turned on i asked if i could rim him, he was hesitant but i just reassured him if either of us didn’t like it i’d stop immediately. safe to say he liked it.
if you don’t wanna eat ass, use your fingers. make sure they’re wet, slowly tease around his taint and stuff with them during head, brush them over his hole etc. honestly i would never have expected my boyfriend to be into it, but it’s crazy where a man’s mind takes him once he’s turned on enough.
after that we did it a few more times and i asked him how he felt about me introducing a finger, again he was weird and scared but we tried it. once you find their prostate it’s game over fr. so for a while i’d just finger him during head and he loved it, then after sex i brought up the conversation of pegging.
again, he was weird at first, more scared about being in such a vulnerable position and stuff.
reassure him that you’re really into it and you think it’s HOT AFFFFF. lots of praise but honestly just make sure you keep bringing up how it turns you on, you’re not just gonna do it and not be into it.
introducing the strap was an experience, i already had 2 from hookups with girls. i showed him them, let him get more familiar with them. i let him pick which one, even offered to get a different one.
every man is different but my man just seemed to really need to reassurance that i was into it and i got pleasure from it too. i stretched him out while giving him head then it was go time.
we’ve tried a bunch of positions, missionary seems to bruise his ego the least LMAO but it’s tough. you gotta put some pillows under there to get the angle right and stuff, the best part about missionary is easy access to his dick.
it hurt and we stopped, after a little talking he tried again but with him on top. now most men would probably be weird about it but trust me it’s so much better for them, he got to control the pace he was stretched at and how deep he wanted it etc.
top tips during are: moan a lot, let him know you’re into it (if you’re going hard enough the pressure on your clit does feel good fr). lots of praise. do not neglect his dick, stroke him through it because it will hurt him at first. same way our clit distracts us if the sex gets painful. if your man is more dominant, encourage him to channel that. i mean after all you’re prioritising HIS pleasure and making him feel good, neglecting your own needs, that turns a man on.
sorry for yapping and hopefully this helped/made sense? anything else you wanna know i gotchu baby. also i tried not to be too graphic but cmon guys it’s pegging
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fractalkiss · 7 months
fic commentary/notes for monsoon
the document title for this fic was "monsoon - aka angry, horny, tilted lance". i would have liked it to be "angry, slutty, tilted lance" but i don't think he comes across as too angry in the output which is fine, and the original concept i had for this fic involved a lance that was slutty. but that would require 3k more words which i knew i couldn't do in time for ms strulovic's birthday. i was a day late on posting anyway but we move ;_;
influences/inspiration (boring version):
i will actually not get into how i came to the socionics research and the psychoanalysis that happened using wikisocion dot net and sociotype dot com because that will take too long and i will sound crazier. TLDR; here are quotes from the intertype relationships page that made me start thinking:
“Quasi-identical partners are able to find common topics for conversation, understand each other to sufficient depth, but they remain perceptive of mutual "otherness" [...] Quasi-identical partner, as a rule, does not hurt your weakest spots. You do not feel a threat from him, but neither do you feel equality.”
"Activation partners who become close and discuss their strivings and personal worldviews often are struck by how radically different they are, despite the relative ease and benefit of communication. As opposed to duals, who tend to strive for the same things but from differing, though compatible angles, activation partners' approaches to achieving their goals tend to be fundamentally incompatible, due largely to the difference in rationality and irrationality.*"
*rationality and irrationality here are dichotomies used to measure a person's approach to certain things ie. "judging / perceiving" if we're talking mbti , thinking / feeling, and intuitive / sensing etc. (Yes socionics takes some of the same topology from mbti but uses more dichotomies alongside it so i really do nottttt want to get into it here bc i'm gonna sound more insane)
ANYWAY, activation partners came out more as the result when i was obsessively matching sociotypes i thought fitted my read of fernando and lance (ty to cofi's mutual who helped back up that fernando also leans towards introversion lol). i was talking to @strulovic abt activation and she also pointed out this could apply to lance and esteban's friendship due to their very different upbringing, which is interesting. i got quasi-identical once, which i thought wasn't wrong either imo, so i pasted it in my doc for reference. strulovic wanted to read something bittersweet and she wanted to read fic of lance in this terrible season of 2023 so i knew i had to deliver...
more inspiration (not so boring):
"Living Legend” was originally written and recorded around 2013 and is an ode to one of Lana’s long-time friend and mentor, Jane Powers. Lana thanked Jane directly in a Facebook post on July 31, 2013, announcing the song.
i got the title "monsoon" from the song living legend. i thought it was fitting with lance being a strong wet weather driver.
lyrics from colossus - idles:
They laugh at me when I run I waste away for fun I am my father's son His shadow weighs a tonne
i think this is self-explanatory. not to be me and reveal my tastes and roots in kp*p rpf but i've always liked writing about the ones who are unpopular (by fan consensus) and are misread a lot. all my years of pop idol rpf folding into that first scene about lance and his not attending the fanzones.
lyrics from jennifer's body - hole:
And I know it, I can't see it But I know it enough to believe it
To better you, to better me My bitter half has bitten me It's better than you, it's better than me
lance and the 2023 season basically.
some quotes from articles:
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(x) 2016 article of an interview w lance
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(x) article of lance in the ferrari academy
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(x) from an interview with fernando
i think it personally can be a little bit clumsy to directly reference too many things in fic from canon and i try not to but firstable, i don't read much fic so i haven't read anything that might have already done this for lance.
second of all, as strulovic said, lance and fernando having met in that ferrari kart race in montreal is just fascinating in perspective. as what she said: "that's how they met in the first place of course, but also Fernando saying his one regret was not being able to win a championship with them [Ferrari], Lance being their first 'experiment' with how far they could mold a young talent into a championship-winning driver; one of the reasons Lance interests me so much is the nurture vs nature element in his career." sorry im just grabbing her fic comment from my inbox but i couldn't have put it better fjdlkgjdfkl.
which is why i really wanted to give weight in that scene when lance talks about his old journaling habit from the academy -> sucks fernando off for the first time lol.
re: writing lance's interactions with the older drivers/former teammates/almost-teammates (bottas); i think it's just funny how his dad thinks it's better for him. something something clearly it's made him how he is, and i guess i tried to explore that in relation to how he sees fernando as well.
i orphaned object permanence, which was the first lance pov fic i wrote, bc i wasn't satisfied with what i'd written, like.. it's hard to explain but some of it felt fundamentally wrong to ME, although i still am grateful for the comments i got on it! i'm more at peace with what i wrote this time.
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vanillatalc · 5 months
ok im gonna just talk about it anyway :D
he announced earlier that next year he's gonna push me more, and i was like ? wat? why? and he was like i think we're both undersocialised atm and i was quite annoyed by this and also a bit hurt bc i feel like that's more untrue in the past 6 months thn it's been sice the pandemic (and maybe before - bc most of our friends now are people from discord we ended up becoming irl friends with)
maybe *you* feel undersocialised ben but *i* actually find basically all social activities something to endure rather than enjoy
also don't forget that ana is my soulmate and I feel very happy just hanging out with them and Ben
i feel like he has still this shark feeling of gotta keep moving or ill die :) like he is doing much better than he was from sept-nov but yeah i think he doesnt need to make that an Us problem lol like i dont share that feeling at all lol like if you want to do more things than i do you can do some stuff separately, and some stuff with me! as is normal!
i did feel quite frustratedand annoyed with the way he brought it up , which he did apologise for later bc he agreed we're doing the right things etc and he didnt really mean he wants to push me MORE just that he doesnt want to BACKSLIDE. which is fine i guess but it was a bit annoying to hear anyway bc i am not planningon going intoi a big isolationist hole
like the implication that next year some REAL change is gonna happen and totally ignoring the fact that we got married a few months ago (objectively the biggest social event either of us have ever done), that we hung out with Boops and yuka at an art installation, that we've had clare over a bunch of times, that we've had boops over, that he's done a few irl dnd sessions w/ lucas clare boops, that we've been ice skating a few times, that we've done escape rooms together, that we've done some family trips, we did that ceramics class, we've done a LOT of pokemon walks - all of this in teh past 2 or 3 months apart from the wedding - im just like god damn how much stuff do i have to do to satisfy you lol like i simply dont find the same kind of drive to Do Things that he has and I have still done all this shit REGARDLESS
i was also annoyed i think by the implication that he's the one who needs to push me when actually half of the above shit was my idea!!! the ice skating was me! the wedding was my idea! the escape rooms were my idea! i was the one who restarted teh pokemon go! i was the one who created the server in the first place, where he found his friends!!!! these are all my friends i let him share!!! i was the one who arranged the halloween party w/ boops and clare literally bc he was so sad i wanted to do something nice for him
i do read him charitably - as i legit think is important to do in all relationships with someone you like and respect on a very basic level lol - and i dont think he meant to suggest that im massively inadequate lmfao (i mean - i know he didnt) and he apologised for coming in too hard about stuff, and i know he's traumatised by covid (who isnt?) and is terrified of going back into that tiny world where it was just us and we didnt see anyone else for 2y. but that's not on the cards anyway so i felt a bit wrongfooted by the whole talk
also i was so cross i went mute and under my blankets until he sort of to put it bluntly fucked me back into communication lmfao !! me hissing "im cross with you" while he was actively fucking me </3 looool (this is 100%% fine by the way, just for the record, i was way less annopyed by the sex than the conversation, the sex cheered me up even and it was the right move)
anyway whatever. i think we're actually on the same page in terms of not wanting a particularly quiet 2024 (we're planning on going to Iceland in the winter and also there will be a chess meetup abroad somewhere) so we move. i was just annoyed by how he framed it but he did apologise anyway and i know he didnt really mean anything!! but it was annoying lol like omg I try sooo hard. so fucking hard!!!
ETA: fucking. also. he wasn't even making ANY comment on this stuff and he's fully been my biggest cheerleader lol but I've also been so busy work-wise (my "chess career" is reaching new heights after all) and taking care of him these past few months and doing my doll job as well I think I just want someone to be like omg cham you are actually soooo impressive I'm soooo obsessed with you !!! don't worry you don't need to find anything else inside you you are doing sooooo well!!! (Ben is actually usually like this but I want him to say it now as well) like I've been working on job stuff AS WELL AS doing loads more shit with him lately and I feel like I should get extra credit for that
all this to say that this would be a good time to send me a message with how great you think i am. lol
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And a touching word from Bob Lefsetz:
Jeffrey Foskett
He was a really good guy. And I’m not just saying that because he died.
I knew who Jeffrey was before I knew him. He was the guy on stage with Brian Wilson, the one hitting the high notes, the one who turned his big red guitar around during the show so we could see where it was painted “Smile.”
But I don’t remember exactly how we met. Maybe over e-mail. I could comb the archives but I don’t want to, I’m too creeped out that he died.
He was sick. Diagnosed and originally treated in the Bay Area he went to MD Anderson in Houston and they kept him alive, year after year. He’d check in on a regular basis, apropos of nothing. Tell me he was getting treatment, asking how I was and really wanting to know.
Before that we’d connect at shows. I remember when he took me to meet Brian on the tour bus. Prepping me regarding what to expect.
And the last time I saw him was with Mike Love, a few years back at the Vilar in Beaver Creek. He introduced me to Mike Love and Bruce Johnston and we all had a very interesting hang in the dressing room.
And Jeffrey was not a typical musician, he was clean, and always was, no dope and no drink. And a believer, as in religion. But you wouldn’t know all this if he didn’t tell you. And he’d had bariatric surgery, he used to weigh over 300 pounds, he’d reference this now and again. That was the funny thing about Jeffrey, he held nothing back, either about himself or those around him. He would testify not in a gossipy way, but an honest way, as if you were buddies since second grade.
And then he had to go off the road, because of his treatment, but then he went back out, even though he could no longer sing.
Let’s see…
Jeffrey checked in on February 11th, and that was the subject of his e-mail, “Checking in”.
And then again on March 3rd. 
And on March 20th he said:
“I am praying for your health. Interestingly, my pre infusion drugs are Tylenol, Benadryl and Pepcid. Benadryl must be the key to no nausea.
I hope your pemphigus is under control and that you are comfortable.
Thank You for supplying me with interesting reading in the LL.
Stay Healthy. God Bless You
And on June 20th:
“Just checking in after reading ‘The Infusion’. Is your pemphigus at least under control to where you are comfortable to sleep, walk, drive, etc.?
I am doing great. For me, there is no better place than MD A. They are keeping me thriving
I’m still praying for you my friend
Love and Blessings – Jeffrey”
And on July 24th, regarding antisemitism:
“Hi Bob,
I am a Stone Christian. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Are these emails for real? I am so thoroughly disgusted that I want to crawl into a hole. From our private email exchanges, You know that I pray for you and your ongoing health situation on a daily basis. The person that wrote this garbage is a stain to all of humanity. On one hand I am grateful that you published them on the other, it literally sickens me. What happened to the world? I guess I have been so caught up in healing that I have ignored other truly important aspects of my surrounds.
I am sorry for the personal attacks on you and your Religion. It is disgraceful. My heart literally hurts
God Bless You – Jeffrey”
Where do you find friends like that? Believe me, they’re rare. And when one is that genuine, thinking of you, regularly checking in, you have an ethereal bond that goes beyond regular friendship.
When I heard of Jeffrey’s passing I thought I’d heard from him more recently, in October or so, I was surprised to find his last missive was in July. Which makes me think he had a rough time of it. And one thing they don’t tell you about cancer is it’s painful. But Jeffrey had such belief in MD Anderson that he convinced me, after years of treatment on a regular basis, that he’d be here for years to come.
But he’s not.
And many people have no idea who Jeffrey Foskett is. But those he touched, they’ll never forget him, because he was genuine, because he was a good guy. Fake was not in his bones.
What angers me most is he can’t read this, he can’t know how much he meant to me, how he touched me. 
I don’t know what to do with this empty feeling. My contemporaries are dying on a regular basis. It used to be a rare event, usually through misadventure, but now… You can’t metabolize these passings. Some before their time, like Jeffrey, at 67, others like Christine McVie, who didn’t make it to 80, never mind Jeff Beck. And then Ryan O’Neal. We bonded over having CML. He was a funny guy, he lived in the present, if he brought up the past it was like you’d been there together. He was honest about his son, he had to show me his Tesla Model X, and now he’s gone at 82. That might seem old to some, but if you’re a boomer, if you’re past Medicare age, that’s scary. You count on those years, you think you’ll be active until sometime shy of 90, and then you won’t be so great, but you’ll continue to enjoy TV and a good meal and music, if you can still hear. We keep pushing finality into the distance, But one by one team members are falling by the wayside. They might be gone, but their legend lives on, even if they were not famous.
So if you’ve been to a Brian Wilson show, if you’ve seen the Beach Boys in the past decade, you experienced Jeffrey Foskett. He was the glue that held it all together. The utility man who provided what the legends no longer could. And he didn’t want notice, he was glad to be the midwife for some of the greatest music of all time.
Yes, first and foremost Jeffrey Foskett was a Beach Boys fan. The fact that he got to play with his idols?
You can’t ask for much more than that.
He was cut down before his time, but he exceeded his dream.
May he live in an endless summer ever after."
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rhysintherain · 2 years
Sorry if this is a too random question but do you have any advice for how to choose a thesis topic when you feel like you don't have any real skill set or theoretical knowledge and none of the suggested topics really sound like anything you could reasonably write more than five pages about? And the mere thought of setting on a single topic to stick to for entire months is almost panic attack inducing
Okay, I'm going to treat this as a master's thesis, or maybe honours thesis, question. This sounds like a bigger thing than a class project, but correct me if I'm wrong, and I'll see what I can come up with for that.
First of all, you didn't get to the point of having to write a thesis without building up some skills and theoretical knowledge. You just aren't in the greatest position (inside your own head) to know what those are. I recommend asking someone who regularly interacts with your work (like a tutor or prof) to help you figure out what those are.
Second, do you have a thesis advisor? Are they assigned to you, or do you get a say in who? If so, focus more on picking an advisor you work well with before you settle into a topic. Ask the one you end up with about their study areas, and what gaps exist that you could build up with your work. You might not be particularly passionate about the topic they recommend, but knowing that your work has an important place in the literature could help you stay invested.
On a practical note, it never hurts to do some preliminary research into your potential topics. You want to make sure no one else has written the thing you want to write, but your life will be easier if there's a decent amount of source material in the field. You can't write a thesis with only 2 or 3 sources, but you also can't contribute to scientific knowledge by saying something that has already been said half a dozen times.
If you're working with some sort of primary source, there can be some wiggle room here. For example, if I wanted to write a meta-study type paper about bifacial blade cores in BC I wouldn't get very far, because only 2 people have written about that. However, if I wanted to write original research from my own hands-on analysis of those blade cores I could make that work, because the artefacts themselves are my primary source, and I know where to find a few in repositories.
If you have the time and access to go to geological formations, historical documents, interviews with Elders, '70s pop lyrics, etc, you can write about some pretty obscure things and make it work, because you're studying the things themselves. If you have limited time and resources, it might be better to stick closer to the well-trodden academic paths. You don't want to put yourself in a position where you need the primary sources but don't have the means to access them.
And as far as making a connection with recommended topics you're not that interested in, I recommend doing some preliminary digging here too. Is there a niche thing related to one of those topics you like better? Something related but a bit different? Really bad takes in the field you think need to be addressed? An epic academic debate you want to weigh in on? This part Is less about collecting useful data and more about finding where you want to be. This is the time to dig through the drama, follow the rabbit holes, and go off topic if you feel like.
And if none of that works? Talk to your advisor again. Tell them why this isn't working and what you're actually interested in, and maybe they can help you redirect your attention to a topic you'll connect with.
Your best resource for this sort of thing is your thesis advisor, which doesn't always work (sometimes an advisor is a bad fit), but if working with someone helpful who you respect is an option, that's the best way to set yourself up with something you can get invested in. If you don't have an advisor in this setting, see if you can reach out to another prof, colleague, or grad student who's willing to help. Doing things like this alone in your head is rarely the best option.
So some closing thoughts: lots of people have done this before and come out the other side. Most of them were also overwhelmed when they started, and you'll get to look back and go "well that wasn't so bad" eventually.
Your topic isn't on rails. You'll shape your goals and findings as you go along, and it will be a different story in the end than it looked like in the beginning. That's how it usually goes, and that's okay.
You don't need to know what you're talking about, just what you want to talk about.
Talk to people in your field. Ask questions. This is not a thing you need to do alone.
*just to be clear, I haven't actually written a master's thesis, although I've done training workshops on writing them, given advice to lots of people who were, and done a couple extended research projects. Lots of people who will probably see this are doing them, or have done them (you know who you are, I'm looking right at you) and hopefully will chime in with advice based on their experiences.
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