#who are your bf/gf/so/wife/husband/partner
gortass-romance-when · 5 months
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my durge Severin and her evil boyfriends
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not-a-space-alien · 4 months
I've seen a lot of "You have to communicate directly/don't expect other people to read your mind" posts going around tumblr lately and while I really do appreciate them because it's a skill a LOT of people need to work on, I do want to remind everyone to please meet people halfway sometimes.
I recently read a story on Reddit about a guy's pregnant wife texting him "I'm craving donuts but we don't have any in the house 😔" and he DIDN'T stop to pick up donuts on the way home from work. Everyone was taking his side because "she needs to communicate" and "he's not a mind reader" and "How was he supposed to know she wanted him to get donuts???" People, ffs, why on earth would she text him that while he was at work if not because she wanted him to get donuts? I was flabbergasted everyone was taking his side. "How was he supposed to know??" What? Like yeah it's true she didn't say "I want you to get me donuts" with those exact words in that exact order but the reason why people get upset if they hint they want you to do something and you don't do it is because they feel like you don't care about them and aren't actively thinking about their feelings. Especially in a marriage or LTR they are in a situation where the assumption is you care about filling the other person's needs.
Someone who loves and cares about someone will get the donuts "without being asked" just because their partner expresses a want or need. That's what someone is fishing for when they say "Aaaah I'm craving donuts 🥺🥺🥺" It's less about the donuts and more about feeling cared for. Sometimes straight up asking "Can you get me donuts?" defeats the purpose.
Also, women are typically socialized to communicate this way because they're punished socially for being too direct. I've heard that people of color, especially black people, often do this too because they're likely to be branded as "aggressive" if they're too direct with white people. So it might be a good idea to be a bit intersectional if we're trying to encourage people to be more direct.
Take the stereotypical example of a wife gets a new haircut and then gets upset that the husband doesn't notice. She's not literally mad at him for not saying the exact words "I like your new haircut." She's upset because she feels like he doesn't look at her and appreciate the efforts she's putting in anymore.
Obviously this will vary widely depending on the nature of your relationship with someone, but especially when it comes to intimate partnerships, there are certain things your significant other should not have to tell you directly. It's probably safe to assume your wife or husband wants a birthday present even if they don't ask for it. It's probably safe to assume your bf or gf would appreciate a valentine's day present or a compliment without them having to literally ask for it, unless they explicitly say otherwise.
This is difficult for a lot of neurodivergent people to learn manually if it's not instinctual and they didn't learn it growing up (lord knows I didn't) and yes, it's true that most people (especially NT people) should learn to communicate more directly. But also, your relationships would probably benefit from learning to read indirect cues and just pick up the donuts on the way home because you heard your wife is craving them. Sometimes what someone wants is for you to think about what they're feeling and what they want and do it without them asking directly. It's up to you whether or not you do that, but sometimes that is asking. I think this is what people generally mean when they say their partner is "thoughtful."
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ahungeringknife · 6 months
Let's talk about Aspec characters and relationships!
I'm aroace. I write a lot of characters who are aspec in some way. I have a lot of aspec friends. And this is why your aspec character is driving me crazy. There's also sex talk in here so if you're not mature enough to handle it please scroll past.
Edit: Allos also should reblog this if you found it helpful.
First lets get some terms right:
Aromantic (aro) and Asexual (ace) are two distinct things. Aroace means you're both aromantic and asexual at the same time. It is generally referred to as 'aspec' (aro/ace spectrum) when you fall on one or both spectrums. If you are not aspec you are allosexual/alloromantic (allo). It just means someone who isn't ace or aro. You can also be aroallo or aceallo (aromantic allosexual, asexual alloromantic). All these terms are neutral and not used in derogatory ways similar to trans/cis. It's a descriptive word not a put down.
Now about those characters and their relationships. Because that is the most :))))) to me as an aroace is when people just don't know how to handle an aspec character. Usually because they're allo. But that's okay you probably don't know and we're all here to learn from each other. Here's some things to consider when you want to make or write an aspec person.
Ace's do sometimes have sex. They just aren't motivated by sex. That's it.
Along with sex your ace character may also masturbate and feel good being touched. They also might only like touching themselves and hate when other people do it. They usually also know when someone is hot/sexy and will comment on it. Finding someone sexy =/= we want to fuck them. Thinking someone is hot =/= we want to fuck them. We're still human. We know what a hot human looks like. Your ace character might be attracted to someone's appearance aesthetically but have no interest in their bits. Your ace character might fall in love with the most beautiful person in your story and never show any interest of wanting to bed them.
They can have boyfriends/girlfriends/romantic partners they do or don't have sex with. But they can be anywhere on the spectrum of sex repulsive, to sex positive, to absolute sex hound. Some of the horniest people you know are probably ace. Some of the horniest people I know are ace, and I have a lot of ace friends.
And we're not all virgins. Some ace's had sex and realized 'nah fam. Didn't do it for me' and never did it again. Others are virgins and have no intention ever of having sex. Others are virgins but don't care either way? It just hasn't happened. Others enjoy sex with their partners. Some are parents! You can be ace and had enough sex to procreate. Some also think sex is icky or it squicks them out. Some might be squicked out at the thought of sex with another person but they're fine looking at porn or doing it themselves. There is a wide range of what asexuals are into just like allos.
Aros also sometimes do the sex. They are not motivated by romance. That's it.
That being said your aro character can have a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and it can be 'romantic'. It doesn't have to be a queer platonic relationship. Your aro character also might not want to be in a relationship at all. It is not weird for your aro character to call their partner their partner or bf/gf or if they're married their husband/wife.
Aro people do not get butterflies. They don't really get flustered around people they like. There's no spark. And they don't feel that romantic attraction allos do when they meet someone and fall in love with them. I've found that aro people are also terrible at flirting or picking up flirting cues. At least in my own personal experience when it took my aro ass 3 years to realize some girl was flirting with me and I just thought she was being nice to me. Take the 'useless lesbian' trope and take it to 11. We just don't know. Aro people also know when other people are hot. Just like aces just because we're aro doesn't mean we don't know a baddy when we see one. We just probably won't realize said baddy is flirting with us...
Aro character still love. They love their family, they love their friends, they love their partners. And it's all real love. The love is still there. Aro characters also probably know what they should do to mimic being in love. Even if we don't love someone more than platonically they may still do the things romantic partners do with their partner. Some don't! And that's fine too. Sometimes you're boyfriends and you share the same bed with him, and sometimes your girlfriend is just your roommate. Both are totally valid aro relationships. Maybe your character kisses their partner passionately and they like it, or they might only kiss during sex, or they might not kiss on the mouth. All valid and correct, still no romo. Kissing =/= romance for aros. Sex =/=romance for aros.
Aroace characters do all those things! At once! They can do the sex, and the boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and loving their friends. They just are not motivated by sex or romance. Kissing =/= sexual attraction. Sex =/= romantic love.
Being aspec is looking at the most beautiful and delicious cake in the world and going 'neat, cake' and walking away not even wondering what it tastes like, not even for a second considering having a bite. It's a cake. Neat. You are not motivated by cake. You don't even really care about cake. It's nice that other people fucking loooooooove cake but it's just not for you.
We also know what love is supposed to be like, what a 'healthy sexual' relationship should feel like. It's everywhere. All around us. Constantly. It's also sometimes fucking exhausting! It's why some aspec people can be a bit agro. We get it you're in love/got a new partner/are sleeping with someone/really sexually attracted to this person/keep spamming us with your celeb thirst pics/etc. It does get tiring sometimes. We don't care about the cake and sometimes listening to you talk about the cake drives us crazy. Consider that too when writing aspec characters. Sometimes their friends and their cakes are annoying no matter how much they love them platonically or romantically.
Anyway just some things to consider for your aspec OCs from an older aroace. Should be said aspec is a wide spectrum and I'm drawing on my own experience as an aroace with aspec friends, and my writing of those characters. If you have more questions about writing characters on this spectrum feel free to ask!
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beccawise7 · 3 months
In a lot of your posts you praise strong women but have a not so subtle underlying show of submission and the D/s lifestyle on your page. Don't you think saying strong women are beautiful and then boasting about submission is hypocritical?
How can you be a "strong woman" and think submission is beautiful? I guess I see it as women and weak when they willingly turn over their bodies, minds, and lives to a narcissistic dom who is selfish and just wants his needs met. At least that's been my experience and why I left the lifestyle it was too dark for me I love your page, but I think it's wrong to say strong women should submit to weak men.
Hello, Anon.
Thank you for writing to me with this Ask and being respectful in your questions.
The words you chose to share and the emotion strewn within them tell me this is something you feel very deeply about, and I want to honor that with respect in my response. So, my apologies for the length of this.
First, I'm so sorry that you found the d/s lifestyle "too dark" for you, and you experienced a Dom who was "narcissistic and selfish," as you stated.
-It pains me to hear this, as I fully understand your experience and know how utterly heartbreaking it can be. That being said, please remember that every lifestyle, including d/s, is full of flawed human beings. Some good, kind & responsible.  Some evil, cruel and irresponsible.  This is true of every relationship. Gf/Bf, husband/wife, partners/lovers...on and on. There are good and bad humans everywhere and it has always been my hope we try to weed out the bad and build a circle for ourselves that is full of good people, regardless of our lifestyle choices. I would encourage you not to judge an entire lifestyle off one or two bad experiences.  I promise you, I've been where you are and not everyone is what you've experienced. 
-I do not believe that being a strong woman and promoting or enjoying a d/s lifestyle is hypocritical at all. If I may, I enjoy a beautiful life full of professional excellence, extreme athletic achievements, amazing friends, powerful positions, passionate work, travel and phenomenal experiences. I am what society may deem as a "strong woman."
-However, when I CHOOSE to trust a Dom with the gift of my submission, it is one of the most powerful things I've ever done in my life. Not only is it powerful but it also brings a beautiful peace for me. It permits me to experience, explore, trust and learn deeper and less accepted parts of me that the intrinsic world simply does not allow for.
-In the modern world, we often find that strength is measured in brute force by what we can attain and keep. However, for myself, I've learned that my greatest strength is allowing myself to trust one enough to give away everything that holds me back from exploring the entirety of who I am. SUBMISSION is that for me. I'm the strongest and most bold I've ever been when an authentic d/s relationship is present.
-In my opinion, a true Dom doesn't demand submission, but earns it. By showing you time and time again who they truly are. How valuable you are to them and is open, honest and patient when you struggle.
-On the other hand, many subs just want to be coddled and taken care of without understanding the true beauty of the dynamic and how important their Sir is in their world.
-I also have never told a strong woman she needs to submit. Submission is quite an intimate and personal decision. It is ones choice, certainly not something a random person on the internet should be direction for people.
-Take time to learn yourself and anyone you may want to one day enter into a d/s relationship with again. I promise-there are amazing Doms, but I understand needing to step away and refocus.
-I'm always learning and trying to grow. I have struggles myself that are rooted in deep pain. The key is finding the one who allows you to share those and doesn't punish you when it's difficult, but is patient and helps you grow through opening up about them.
-All these things are just my thoughts. Many have others, I am certain. If d/s is something you did really want and still do-I hope you heal and don't allow one bad experience to ruin something that could be so beautiful for you. Feel free to message me if you need to talk more or explore questions or thoughts deeper.
Hugs and healing to you. Always.~beccawise7 💜🖤
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lordystrange · 5 months
I saw a tiktok about a bride not inviting her cousin’s bf of 10 years who they consider family to her wedding but inviting her other cousin’s husband of 4 months (bf of 1 year before that) who they barely know, and the reasoning was that they were having a small wedding so only married partners were invited.
And the comment section was full of people accusing the bf of 10 years for not proposing to his gf yet and saying things like only married people are truly in love and you can’t be considered family unless you’re married.
This is why mlevens are the way they are. If your idea of love is a piece of paper saying you’re married, no wonder you can’t see real love even if it’s displayed right in front of you.
Also, who’s gonna tell these people what marriage used to be and still is somewhere? Fathers paying men to marry their daughters, to change the ownership of women.
Doesn’t sound like love to me.
But when you get married you’re suddenly blessed with ultimate true love that only husband and wife can experience…
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I'm gonna share it here because I don't have any other place to put it and if you dislike it's ok ignore this
But I have had this specific idea in my mind for days now where Damian is secretly trans, they just fear telling it to their family because they know everyone is just waiting for them to become batman or the demon, they're under a lot of pressure and then meet this boy (from school probably - both always meet in the art room when is nobody around, more calm to work)
They end talking a lot about art and stuff because they're in the same club, in one day Damian told this boy that they are always drawing their ideal girl but not "I would love to date her" but "I would love to be born as her, if I'm a girl I would love to be her" way
They keep meeting like that, sometimes they just talk about art, life or stay in silence. This boy ends up falling in love with Damian in both ways. Some stuff happens and Damian telling him about being Robin and their emotional struggling
This boy also has problems and the art room is a safeplace for them
At some point they kiss and decide to run away for their family together, start a new life with a new name in some God forsaken place
Years pass (maybe 3-4) and Danny (Damian's new name) is now a housewife in this farm, she always uses gloves when she goes in the small town to do stuff (bat paranoid still alive) and the boy is her boyfriend/husband, they're happy, they have animals then big bad stuff happens and Danny safe the day (everyone knows something is off with that couple but they accept it because they're nice) unfortunately there was a hero in that city and the hero saw what Danny did, then start investigating who is Danny
The hero then starts stalking the couple because they think her way to fight is too similar with the league of assassins and dislike it, Danny dislikes her stalker but doesn't kill them
Shit happens (again) in Gotham and Danny knows it, worrying about her family and with all the stalking things she decides to go back to Gotham, her boyfriend / husband doesn't like it (he hates it actually)
Honestly I have so many no happy ideas about this fic, this fic could end really bad but also some cute ideas like Danny and her partner save money for this new life and stuff, or they first kiss, the joy of wearing a dress in the street for the first time
Idk if I'll write this or just suffer with this idea, also Damian's new name could be: Danielle/Danny, Yesenia (Arab name) or other still doesn't know (I just want to talk about this with someone)
Oh yeah, Trans MTF Damian, like I kept almost writing with my "Damian the Mangaka" Fic! I've always moreso liked trans FTM Damian because I'm trans FTM and if I was going stealth I'd hate for someone to write a fic where I'm a girl. But like, Damian isnt a real person, nor stealth FTM, so it's just a weird little hyper-empathy thing.
I love the name Yesenia! and I love her retiring. Consider: BF/Husband is FTM. T4T gotta love it. Also for your consideration: Bf/Husband is Jon (maybe trans maybe not). ALSO for your consideration: GF/Wife is Jon. She goes by Sadie. She's super into the headpats meta. Loves stuffed animals. Yesenia coming out inspires her to come out as well and Yesenia is like "my yuri fantasies are coming true."
Yesenia looks just like Talia. It's adorable. She loves having long hair. Sadie is a butch lesbian and Yesenia thinks its soo attractive. She starts sending Sadie memes about crushing on butch women and Sadie is like "...do you like me?" Yesenia is like "What haha whatever gave you that impression?" "Well.... I like you. I can be your hot butch gf." Yesenia dies of gay panic (very sad story) just kidding they get MARRIED!!! LETS GO LESBIANS! I so so love jondami au where they are rebellious teenage lesbians. I want them to have sleepovers where they look back and go "Oh that whole thing was one giant egg moment."
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silverefflux · 2 years
OPEN PROMPT: COD Operators (or their SO's)
Who needs smth to write about?
SpecGru's, KorTac's, and/or Los Vaqueros' partners are in a table. Pick whose partners you wanna HC in that table.
I'm hungry, there's a lot of users opening requests, and IDK who to ask first so just fuckin take it, i love you all mwah <3 Let's see if this works.
Is it brunch or dinner?
Who's a gf/bf? Wife/husband? Who's friends with whom? Besties? Frenemies? Full on nemeses? Neutral? Just fucking oblivious and is there for the food?
Who starts the chaos and who ends it?
Take your pick and have fun HAHAHA
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I kinda want to figure out exactly what aro community terms/movements would be like in Norwegian.
off the top of my head there's
relationship anarchy
I don't have a full idea of all these terms, I do think loveless and lovequeer probably are the most used ones. And I've seen people use loveless to mean different things (both not using love to describe yourself/your experiences and the seemingly basic idea that love doesn't make you human/isn't the whole point)
one thing here is that as a Norwegian I've only heard of this idea that "love is what makes you human" through aro communities. I assume it's a U.S. thing, but feel free to correct me if that's inaccurate.
In Norwegian one very relevant things on the topic of these communities, particularly relationship anarchy is that the word for boyfriend/girlfriend/enbyfriend is "kjæreste" which directly translates to "dearest", which may have some implications (I don't know that most people think about it, but one can see it). At least it's gender neutral.
I'll translate some more relationship, romantic and other arguably relevant terms for y'all.
forhold: relationship (any type, pretty much same usage as English afaik)
vennskap: friendship (venn -skap)
venn: friend
vennine: friends who are girls (mainly used by older folks, definitely in use)
kamerat: friends who are boys (same as previous)
klassekamerat: classmate. Uses boy version for people of all genders. usage is just like in English.
platonisk: platonic. I think it's taken from English. used a bit more rarely than in English.
type: slang for boyfriend. (also used as slang meaning "for example"/"such as")
dame: slang for girlfriend (also means lady/woman).
kjæreste: partner/gf/bf/nbf etc. literally means "dearest".
kj: abbreviation for "kjæreste", sometimes pronounced like K.J.
kjære deg: literally "dear you", sometimes said when trying to calm someone down. doesn't imply anything about a relationship, can even be used in a demeaning way. Can be used with partners too.
kjære: dear. like in English.
å holde noen kjær: caring about someone. includes romance, doesn't necessarily imply it. implies closeness (e.g. familial, platonic)
ektemann/mann: husband. literally means real + man. might have some implications on masculinity
kone: wife
kjærlighet: love (noun).
forelskelse/å forelske seg i noen: falling in love/to fall in love with someone. (for-elske)
å elske: to love, used about anything really, can be said platonically, carries more weight than liking something or someone
å like: to like, not really used about people in the same way as you would say you're "forelsket" in/with them. otherwise like English.
friendzone: friendzone is used as slang.
I guess I could add familial terms too, since I'm bored:
mor: mother
mamma: mom/mommy
far: father
Pappa: dad/daddy
søster: sister
bror: brother/bro
broder: bro (also used in religious context I think)
søsken: siblings (plural). you can technically say "et søsken", but it's not used much
mormor: maternal grandmother (mother's mother)
morfar: maternal grandfather (mother's father)
farmor: paternal grandmother (father's mother)
farfar: paternal grandfather (father's father)
bestemor: grandmother (usually used in place of either mormor or farmor depending on family)
bestefar: grandfather (same as previous)
kusine: girl cousin
fetter: boy cousin
tante: aunt
onkel: uncle
I'm not even trying the rest, idk what "søskenbarn", "niese" or "third cousin twice removed" means.
obviously language may be different different places in Norway and this is just what I could think of. Also, I've not lived anywhere English speaking just so that's said.
To be clear this is all Bokmål, there are some differences in Nynorsk (e.g. syster), but I think you can use most if not all these (excluding slang) there too.
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lindszeppelin · 1 year
Dude I am so angry , and I want an outside opinion to make sure I ain’t crazy as hell.
so my brother got married a few months ago. I live in Florida and we got Halloween horror nights tickets for universal studios. I invited my brother and the night we are going , his wife will be out of town. I am still friends with his ex from when he was like in 12th grade. He’s 35 now, his wife found out and she called me and told me how I am disrespectful for inviting her and my brother. I don’t think it’s a big deal, she herself has a bf now who is coming with us too. But his wife is losing her shit. We got into it and I told her that she’s overreacting . Am I wrong ?
well this is a tricky situation and i'll answer it in the best way that i can as an unbiased third party. i can also try to answer this with the personal experience of having a brother with a fiancé, so i can understand where you're coming from.
family dynamics when it involves siblings with partners is always so hard to navigate. was your brother okay with you calling his ex to invite her? if he was okay with it and he has no issue with her coming along with her bf then that's great. the wife is probably coming at it from the perspective of my husband is hanging out with his ex gf and there could be room for weirdness to happen. i obviously don't know your sister-in-law and your brother but there's probably some form of jealousy and power dynamics involved. your brother's wife probably just finds it crossing a line. and you didn't think you were crossing a line. so now that you know she isn't cool with it it's all about how things play out. you can't uninvite his ex since it already happened. but if all parties are cool with it aside from your brother's wife then like i said, i think she finds the ex gf threatening or is just uncomfy with the situation. that is her issue to deal with and that doesn't fall on you, that falls on your brother to make sure he reassures his wife that things are okay.
sooooo this is a situation for your brother and his wife to handle honestly. words have already been said between you and her, and i think at this point you gotta dip lol. it's out of your hands now. let them sort it out and talk it out. you have time before Halloween to get this sorted. but your brother's marriage and his intimate relationship to his wife isn't something a sister needs to be concerned with. you don't want to be triangulated in their issues again in the future. there's a level of disconnection that's there, and you will always be on your brother's side naturally. so your bro has to deal with his marriage and communication with his wife, which isn't your problem. allow them to talk it out and see where the plans go from there.
while i don't think inviting the ex was technically the best move i don't think you were necessarily in the wrong. you thought you were doing something good and you weren't trying to make thing weird. like i said i obviously don't know your family im just making a common sense educated guess that his wife feels some form of threat from the ex. which is fine, but that's for her and your brother to deal with.
i hope that answers your question lol
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creamecafe · 2 years
Request Guidelines
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Hello! Welcome to my Request Guidelines! Here is everything you need to know about requesting what I can or cannot write due to your request.
Last updated: 08.10.2024
Things about requesting
• Status: active at the moment
• Requests are open
I do any kind of reader:
• Fem!reader
• Male!Reader
• Gn!Reader
• Insert <character's last name>!Reader
• BF!Reader (Boyfriend!Reader)
• GF!Reader (Girlfriend!Reader)
• BSF!Reader (Best Friend!Reader)
• Partner!Reader
• Sister!Reader
• Brother!Reader
• Sibling!Reader
• Daughter!Reader
• Teen!Reader
• Son!Reader
• Child!Reader
• Wife!reader
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• Insecure!Reader
• Barista!Reader
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• Actress!Reader
• Actor!Reader
• You can request fanfics, imagines, headcanons, blurbs, drabbles, or one-shots with any of these insert!reader with any character from the fandoms I'm in or a movie/TV show.
• I also write series as well.
You can also request using writing prompts
I write...
• enemies to lovers
• angst
• friends to lovers
• slow burn
• platonic
• fluff
• mutual pining
• oblivious pining
• soulmate au
• multiverse crossover (basically reader goes to a another universe)
• highschool au
• poly relationships
• historical au
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 • crossover au
• song fics (you can go to my Spotify profile search up characters playlist you want to request and choose a song from that playlist and that will be the title of your request)
So please do request this
I don't write or I won't be accepting requests that includes...
• smut
• nsfw related themes
• cheating
• incest/stepcest
• abusive or toxic relationships with <character's name> (I can do past exes with readers, however. Or the reader was in the past abusive relationship fic)
• teacher/professor!<character's name> x student!reader
• underage character that's in a intimate relationship with a character that's 18 or over
• or dark/possessive/yandere themes
• I don't have a organized schedule to write and post at the moment, but my inbox is always available and requests are always welcome!
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vioshipping · 2 years
1. What kind of blog does your f/o have? Do they selfship on main? Do they look like a regular fan? Quiet reblogs or lots of gushing? Lots of analyses of your character and your source or incoherent blabbering? Do they have a headcanon blog? Do they try to roleplay as you?
9. If you have multiple f/os (romantic, platonic, anything), imagine them making or joining a Discord server or a group chat about you or your source. Who gushes, who shares art and fics, who analyses everything, who sends memes?
13. Which of your f/os has “y/n’s husband / wife / partner” as a username online?
I’m going soft thinking of the Selfship AU, aka the your f/o is the one selfshipping with you AU, so here, if you want to join me in soft:
OOOOH HERE WE GO, alright 1.
just gonna do various characters for each of these
Grey is definitely the kinda guy who’s always gushing and stuff. And out of all of them, I’d say he’d probably be the most likely to be into role playing! (definitely not projecting at all)
BF seems like someone who would selfship on main for sure/pos. He doesn’t care what others think and if you follow him you’re going to have to deal with the spam reblogging and incoherent blabbering.
Silver on the other hand would do more character analysis and such. But he would probably be the most normal about it, he looks like just a regular fan. (he most definitely isn’t though)
9. thsi is a real fun one-!
Clearly Sanic and Ved Guy are going to probably be sending memes all the time. Mike and Grey would send the art and fics (and I could also see em making them themselves lol) Mack and Silver are doing all of the character analysis, and I’d imagine they’d be pretty good at it, and Lifering, GF, and BF are all gushing almost constantly.
13. Lullaby GF for sure!
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antmutemorgan · 2 years
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Money back guaranteed! 😂 . I didn’t know a girl could come (c*m) until my teenage years! Lol. So I’m happy to give you this information that I’ve learned through my seggs escapades, couples, and sneaky links 👌. •Ask your partner what they like too. Healthy communication is a sexy thing! Speak about 🧠🐱🥜🍑 and anything else. It’s kind of hilarious and shocking the number of people who don’t have these conversations with their partners (girlfriend (gf), boyfriend (bf), husband, wife) about the things they like. If you’re freaky and nasty…be that…if they don’t like it…get somebody else who’s on that time. I hope these tips, tricks, and how tos help. Stay spicy! 🌶 Follow for more Fun and Spicy! 😂🌶! #couplegoals #sexeducationmemes #tipsformen #freakyquotes
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butterfluffy · 2 years
Hi! Can you write some relationship hcs for Sabo with a girlfriend who is part of the revolutionary army too? I love your blog so much 🥺🥺💕💕
“lover and partner”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· what would it be like if sabo has a lover who is part of the revolutionary army too?
⠀⠀➧ fluff | sabo × f!reader | headcanons
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, other than swearing...! mistakes may be present though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: hello! here is boyfie sabo with a revolutionary girlie! ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡
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relationship headcanons with
and his revolutionary!gf
it's win-win for sabo on this bcs you're his girlfriend—his lover, and partner. 👐✨
yes, partner. you saw that right. sabo is your partner in crime, i mean, missions all the time.
he complains and whines if you're not assigned to be his partner, HAHAHA.
speaking of that, sabo fights alongside you, ALWAYS.
he wants to make sure that you're fine, so yeah.
always has your back on fights or missions.
helps you out with your research anout something when he's not busy.
protects you from creeps that tries to hit on you mid mission. 🥰
proud asf when you take down your foes.
will also help you patch up your wounds if you get hurt from a mission or training, he'll also help you relax after.
he trains with you too.
expect him to drag you on a date in the middle of a not-so-serious mission. 🙊
makes koala a third wheel and she's so fucking tired and annoyed of it, AHSHSHSSH.
loves playing as a couple (bf, gf / husband, wife) with you on an undercover mission, (even though you two really are a couple.) 😚😚
always finds a way to give you love even in the middle of an important task. 💗
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© butterfluffy 2022
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
I heard something the other day- someone explaining that when you become a parent, your child is like having a piece of your heart living outside your body.
I don’t want this to sound weird- I don’t mean it in the same context as the above.. but I feel like that’s what T+S are to each other. Not the parent/child dynamic, the piece of your heart living outside your body part.
It’s not that they are or ever were “in love” it’s that the concept of love- that thing that lives inside of you, an almost physical component of who you are, exists in another person. And that human is the physical manifestation of your own heart.
When they hold each other, they are holding their own heart in their hands. When they look into their eyes, they see their souls dancing together.
It’s not a BF/GF relationship, it’s not a brother/sister relationship, not husband/wife, best friend doesn’t really even do it justice. It’s not a love that is assigned to someone related to you or you chose to be your life partner/create a family with.
It can’t be defined because it isn’t the result of a choice. It’s the kind of love where if one of them is hurting, the other feels that same hurt within themselves. It’s that love where if one of them is happy, it means their own heart is happy.
It does not mean they are the same; the same human, but that somewhere inside them they share the same soul- or a piece of each others souls.
That’s not something that can be damaged by distance or other relationships. It can only really be by themselves. And the idea of in any way hurting the other, of breaking their heart, would be like breaking their own. And because of that, it makes their hearts even more fragile. Because where in yourself you can protect your own heart, when it exists in another person, it takes so much more to ensure it is never harmed- if that piece of your heart is broken, you will forever be broken.
It’s not something that can be better protected through marriage or dating. In many ways- those environments are so much more hostile. There’s only one way those relationships end, and at least a degree of it is always in heartbreak.
They were and are too scared to do that to each other.
Strategically yes, their partnership became a choice, but a piece of their hearts existing in each other was not. Therefore it can’t ever be a choice to take that away from each other- for then their souls would be incomplete.
That’s why they are soulmates. Wherever they go in the world they will be connected. They can be on opposite sides of the globe to each other, and they can know that their heart is experiencing new and exciting things, and they don’t even have to be there.
It’s why their love was not confined to skating. It was not simply this sport that held them together.
That fact that they found their person. Their soulmate. And they didn’t even have to look for it. It was gifted to them, by who knows what. But once it was gifted to them, it then became their responsibility.
I don’t know if everyone in the world is assigned a soulmate- I don’t know if I quite believe that. But I believe T+S were some of the rare few who were. However, it’s a huge responsibility. If they damage each other they won’t get another chance- there isn’t a back up soulmate waiting for them. And if they do damage it, they pay a heavy price. The burden of that pain would stay with them forever. That’s why they put so much work into protecting it, and that’s why they chose not to put themselves in the situation, the environment that only ends in heartbreak.
They can’t ever hurt each other. They simply are not allowed to.
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Follow up post
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bokutouch · 3 years
@kannra21 I- you are so pretty omgggg, I'm screaming.
but anyway, here's your ephemeral matchup results!! 🌹
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I matched you with Kuroo Tetsurou!!
Definitely a match made in heaven. friends to lovers to husband and wife. everyone knows you two would be eachother's endgame. BUT, you two were blind af.
Both you and kuroo chose to date different people through your teenage days. And everyone around you two were MAD mad, but they could do nothing but trying so hard to support and accept you guys' decisions.
Every time one of you broke up with your current partner tho, all your friends and family would celebrate it privately. They could see that you and kuroo are so in love with eachother and its painful to see you two being so clueless about it.
One day, finally, both of you were single for a couple months, so kuroo was like, "hey, what if we start dating and see if anybody notice the change?" and you were like, "yeah lol, I'm game."
5 years, and still nobody notice the change. Well, not until they received a wedding invitation from you and kuroo. That day, both of your phones got so many voice calls and messages that contains yelling, screaming, crying, "fuck you"(s), and so much more swear words flying here, there, and all over the place.
Couple who trolls together, stays together.
Song that reminds me of you two :
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I matched you with Gojo Satoru!!
yup. this man was yours. (the ex that kuroo hates the most, but we are not talking about kuroo here.) you two met on a dating app, both of you swiped right on eachother bcs, "wow, pretty.... 😳"
Gojo was a good bf, most of the time. He got you a lot of gifts, "only the prettiest things for my prettiest gf" that what he always thought as he picked a lot of expensive stuffs for you. He never really stop to think that those gifts are not enough to keep a relationship.
So yeah, just like we know, sooner or later, pretty things gets old.
songs that reminds me of you two :
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alright that's all for the results!! I'm sorry that your JJK's result went into angst zone. I was listening to a sad song, and JJK 0 still got me so messed up in the head. ANYWAYS, I also matched you with gojo bcs you are giving me geto's vibe, and a pretty person like you should be with another pretty person 🥺💙
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long as hell but this needs to be talked about in the community because why are all the identities under the trans umbrella accepted but 2spirit (an identity from indigenous cultures) is rarely acceptable, along with other queer people trying to police our identities and what we label ourselves. it’s subtly (sometimes not even subtle) terfy and racist
i am 2spirit, a very sacred identity from what i’ve been able to learn from my mostly erased and forgotten culture, i am also a lesbian. ive had people say “BUT! BUT YOU ARENT JUST A WOMAN YOU CANT BE A LESBIAN!” first of all i am afab and have no problem saying it because that’s the spirit i feel most so you are wrong and second of all that’s a chronically online take, 2spirit can mean both female and male or completely outside of the binary, it doesn’t just mean your appearance or how you feel as a person like non-binary/trans/genderfluidity does, it’s important in ceremonies and rituals, it’s important to indigenous cultures, and it changes based on the individual and their culture, the lesbian flag includes trans and all identities under the trans umbrella along with gender nonconformity so why are we erasing and invalidating a SACRED IDENTITY that exists outside of the lgbt community as well as within the community if the individual is lgbt, it just seems like racism at this point. ask anyone offline in a queer space (specially older queer people) and they will tell you that it doesn’t matter and is valid. yet ive said i’m genderfluid and non-binary before and guess what? no one cared, it was valid and accepted.. i love my communities (both my native communities as well as the lgbt+ community) but sometimes things like this make it so hard to be more involved with the community, and ironically it’s always white people that are saying it, imagine your oppressors are still trying to segregate you from both of your identities because it doesn’t match what they see as acceptable.. either having to choose to embrace your fluidity as 2spirit or keeping your lesbian identity.. that’s that colonized mindset, but i will never make myself choose because they can both exist. i have seen genderfluid lesbians that change pronouns and appearance everyday. having their partners go from saying gf to saying bf and from wife to husband, wearing binders and packers whenever they feel like it (which hell yeah! good for y’all) still with a lesbian label and that’s perfectly fine and accepted but me having the spirit of both female and male isn’t accepted? it doesn’t make sense. there were natives fighting at the stonewall riots, 2spirits included before the term was even coined, and yet we still have to be fight to be accepted and taken seriously, not just with general racism but with our CEREMONIAL ROLES (2spirits can be very important in ceremonies), we’re included under the community, then we’re not, then we are, then we’re not, then when we’re not and we are still gay/lgbt like gay male or lesbian and 2spirit we are told we can’t be those and have to choose between our identities or people try to make us change our identities. and i am not the only one who has been through this, i talked to a friend of mine a few weeks ago who is gay and native, when some other queer people found out he was 2spirit they said he should say he’s bisexual/pan sexual then since he’s both male and female spirited.. no, that’s not how that works, and who are you to try to change who we are, we know what label and what terms work best for us, we don’t need someone to change that, and we don’t need criticism from people that will never be able to understand it from our perspective. just.. imagine “YOU CANT IDENTIFY LIKE THAT! YOUR CULTURE IS IN THE WAY OF OUR NONEXISTENT WESTERNIZED COLONIZED RULES OF THIS IDENTITY OF WHICH YOU HAVE SUFFERED FIGHTING FOR, FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!”, there were never as much “rules” in the community as there are now, it was very basic, you had the label and you had what the label meant and that was it, you didn’t need to add on rules of who can be that and who can’t, you didn’t police someone’s identity because you didn’t like it, you just didn’t do that, we have more things to worry about in the world then native people correctly identifying with what they are while everyone else gets mad
also can we talk about how terfy this is, because it seems like a more racist extreme version of gatekeeping trans people from identities which also needs to be talked about because it’s not okay
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