#who is a celestial being who's been sent to earth as a human
zoetekohana · 2 years
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in which mimi needs to find her voice to save reality from collapsing into dust and taichi needs to find his courage to save mimi from transforming into a star [michi au] ↪︎ for day five of michi karaoke week ♫ voice
dedicated to @ex-machiina​ who encouraged me to continue this project when i was about to give up
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buckysbabygorl · 1 month
A Stitch In Time (Part 7)
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Word Count: 675
Part 6
Series Masterlist
Summary: Tony is sent to investigate an anomaly.
December 14, 2023
Hank always got a little sad around the holidays; though he was happier now that his family was back together, his beautiful wife and daughter… the growth of family with Scott and Cassie. He had a lot to be thankful for, but Y/N was hard to forget.
After the explosion, he and Stark worked tirelessly to recreate the project. Desperate that somehow Y/N was still alive, that she could come back to them. But to no avail.
Budget cuts, superiors seeing Y/N as a number rather than a human being, then Hank’s dismissal from the corporation…
And with the loss of his wife, he lost hope that he could rewrite the past.
He learned to accept things the way they were, trying to be grateful for what he had now.
Still… he couldn’t help his melancholy.
The IQEM had major upgrades; a defense system to pick up massive ratings of power, like Thano’s Snap or the emergence of a celestial. As well as smaller scale blips such as time travel or alien life penetrating the atmosphere. It shocked Hank to think that at one time, this system guarded a small lab and ran minor experiments; now it was one of Earth’s best protection services.
He was frantic as the ratings suddenly spiked in the US, fearing the worst.
Stark and him decided to team up, forgive and forget as best as they could if they were to mend the brokenness that the Blip left. Utilizing Pym’s defense system, Tony would respond to any major readings the IQEM picked up.
After Hank called him, and he called Rogers, he made his way to Lehigh with Rhodey at his side, both suited up and anticipating battle.
He prepared for alien life, a new super getting the hang of their powers… he didn’t think that he’d see a civilian in the ghost town of a base. There was no way this woman could find herself out here.
Rhodey was skeptical, no matter how this individual appeared, they couldn’t create an energy reading that large without some type of superpower or quantum enhancement.
The men landed swiftly in front of her, she drew back afraid.
“State who you are and when you’re from.” Rhodey declared.
“Where.” Tony corrected.
“No, I mean when.”
Eyes wide, she scanned the empty base and the men in front of her.
“What the hell happened here? Did you two do this?”
The men shared a Look, either she was in some state of shock or certainly from a different time.
Everyone knew this base was destroyed; general public and government officials alike.
“Look, lady--”
“I’m not a Lady, I’m an agent.” She snarled, “Show some respect.”
“Agent?” Tony questioned.
Rhodey ignored her, nudging Tony to stay focused.
“State your credentials.”
She spat on the ground in front of him.
“Rub salt.”
Tony blinked. Her words took him back, something he’d heard his parent’s friends say in passing as a child. Such an outdated turn of phrase, so familiar
“Take off your helmet.”
The command shocked Rhodey, questioning why Tony would direct that at him.
“What? No--”
Rhodey cut himself off. Without hesitation, Tony removed his helmet and exposed his face.
The woman’s breath stifled.
“Howard?” She asked.
Tony’s mouth turned in a half smile; feeling misty eyed all of the sudden.
“No, I’m his son. Tony…”
Rhodey’s eyes went wide. “What are you doing?”
Tony ignored Rhodey, sauntering forward in a dream-like state. This had never been something he would fathom, he never imagined in all his years he would see her…
“--But I used to get that all the time. When I was younger. Unfortunately you weren’t around to make the comparison.”
She took off her helmet in return, “Then, you’re telling me it worked?”
“I am.”
They stood before each other, lost for words amidst the rubble of her past.
“Tony what’s going on?”
“Colonel Rhodes,” Tony started, “meet Agent L/N. Former Lieutenant and SHIELD Agent, who we now have just confirmed is alive after 53 years.”
Yall boutta hate me with this short update, but there is more to come! I solemnly swear
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werewolf-witchboy · 2 years
Druig X Eternal! Reader
✨ (Gender Neutral) ✨
No Warnings.
After many years of being split up, the Eternals must come together as a team again. Nobody seems to know where you've been all these years, so they've gone to the one person who might know of your whereabouts...
Little did they know that you're a lot closer than they thought.
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"You have given me a lot of bad news in one go, my lady." Druig's tone is a lot less welcoming after he's been told the horrible truth.
"You and (Y/n) are the main parts of our big plan. We need you both to get through this." Sersi explained again. "Will you help us?"
"We can't find (Y/n)." Ikaris cut to the chase, obviously not ecstatic about needing Druig.
"All of us have searched across almost the whole planet." Sersi subtly encouraged Ikaris away from Druig, sensing the tension already rising between them. "All of (Y/n)'s favorite countries, every area we've had somekind of special or significant moment, we've even asked elders who've written many books about (Y/n). Found not a trace of where they could possibly be."
Drugs arms stayed crossed. "I don't think it's my business to just give out personal information like that." Once his fellow Eternals showed up, his peace was interrupted and he now has a headache.
He knows he told them to "make themselves at home," but he didn't expect them to drop all of this shocking news on him about their true purpose as Eternals, and then interrogate him about your location.
"Do you all remember this forest? Beautiful." Druig walked around the room with his hands clasped behind his back, trying to make small talk and steer the topic away from (Y/n). "It was the last place that we all lived together." His tone held some sorrow at the memories.
"I've protected these people for 20 generations now. From the outside world, and from themselves."
Druig towered over Kingo's valete, Karun. "Your kind, my friend, you will be responsible for your own extinction one day. Don't you think?"
Karun looked a little intimidated, but he answered honestly.
"I think that we must learn from our mistakes and do better, sir. You must not give up hope."
Druig did not seem to like his answer, expressing so by possessing Kingo's valet and proceeding to throw his camera against a wall, thoroughly frightening Karun and pissing off Kingo.
"Oh, where is your sense of humor Kingo?"
"You are not a god. You know that right?"
"How ironic. Kingo, the movie star."
"I've directed some things too."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Some internet content..."
"How many views?"
"I don't do it for the views-"
"Let's go. He's waisting our time." Ikaris started heading towards the door.
"We need him and (Y/n)." Sersi tried to reason.
"Ikaris!" Druig stepped in front of the taller man's path. "I missed you."
Druig was really pushing it right now. "Are you not gonna charm me or threaten me?"
"There's a third option if you'd prefer that."
"It must be heartbreaking to find out that you're not mothers favorite." Druig taunted about Ikaris not being the next chosen leader.
"I'm sure she'd be real proud about what you've been up to." Ikaris always seemed to fall for the psychic's taunting.
"Druig, this is serious." Sersi tried to butt in once more.
"I'll tell you what's serious." Druig's voice got louder as he seemed to get more annoyed.
"I've just been told that I was sent on a suicide mission for the past 7,000 years, and that my entire existence is a lie." He looked Sersi in the eyes. "So excuse me for not giving a shit about your plan right now."
Athena stepped forward, brushing away Gilgamesh's hand that attempted to stop her from engaging in the conflict. She'd been quiet this whole time, but nobody else seemed to be getting anywhere with the stubborn psychic.
"This is very important. Everything will be lost if we can't stop the celestial birth. You have to admit that we've all gained somekind of admiration for humanity. Not only will the humans be gone, but so will all of the memories we've shared on Earth. Our memories with each other." Athena turned away from the rest of the Eternals, only addressing Druig when she said her next line, hoping that she'll strike a chord in him. "Your memories with (Y/n)."
Everyone was silent.
Druig let out a heavy sigh, but before he could even open his mouth to say anything, the large wooden door creeked open slowly.
"Hey Druig, I-"
Silence still hung heavy in the room amongst the Eternals, but this time it was shock.
There you stood, slightly different from the last time they've seen you many years ago, but still you. It all made sense now, why you were nowhere they searched, even though they've literally checked everywhere.
Your voice got caught in your throat as soon as you entered the cabin filled with your old friends, whom you may also have been technically hiding from.
"Uh...bad timing." Druig's voice rang in your head. Your panicked eyes met his from across the room.
"Holy shit." Kingo was the first to speak up. "(Y/n) has been here with Druig the whole time?!"
You let out an awkward chuckle, not knowing how to reply.
"What have the two of you even been doing here together for all of these years?!" Kingo's arms flailed in the air dramatically, obviously annoyed that all of their searching was for nothing.
"Actually, don't answer that question." Sprite put her hands up when she saw the look you and Druig exchanged.
"Ohmygosh-" Ikaris pinched the bridge of his nose in disgust.
Confused, Kingo looked back and fourth between everyone. "Wha- I wasn't even aware the two of them are a thing."
Everyone turned to look at the man in purple with expressions that read "really?"
"Are you telling me that I'm the only one who didn't know?!" Kingo was still going on about it. "(Y/n) is too kind and cute for Druig!"
You couldn't help but laugh behind your hand as Druig rolled his eyes, fighting a small smirk.
You had to admit that you missed your family.
"Well I for one honestly don't care where (Y/n) has been this whole time. I'm just glad to see them again!" Gilgamesh stomped up to you and scooped you into a big bear hug, fits of giggles escaping you as he squeezed your breath away.
Laughter eventually erupts from everyone, the atmosphere a stark contrast from how it was only 5 minutes ago.
When all was settled down again, Sersi sat you down and told you everything...
The tragic death of Ajak, your wise leader and mother figure.
How your purpose is to keep a planet happy and thriving just to destroy it by creating a celestial.
How all of your memories have been erased countless times, because you've killed planets and birthed celestials countless times.
By the end of it, you were a sobbing mess. You've always been a little more sensitive than the others, so this obviously deeply soured the peppy family reunion mood you were in.
There was no question that you were going along with Phastos's plan. You wanted to keep these memories that you've spent centuries cherishing, and you wanted to watch humanity grow so much more.
When you declared your certainty about going with them, Druig was dragged in by default.
Wherever you went, he went.
You did the same for him when shit hit the fan in Tenochtitlan and he left.
You knew you'd miss the little civilization that you and Druig have helped create, but it'll still be there after you've saved the planet. When it's all over, you can go back with Druig and continue waking up next to him every morning to start a busy day of harvesting crops and handwashing laundry.
For now though, it's back to Olympia.
"Well, look who it is!"
"Didn't think you'd be so glad to see me Phastos." Druig remarked with a smirk.
"I'm not. I was talking about (Y/n)." He brushed past the raven haired Eternal to embrace you.
Makkari elbowed the psychic, who had been grinning like an idiot while watching (Y/n).
"You look like a lovesick puppy." She signed.
Druig rolled his eyes, but his grin never faltered.
"Well, I for one, still can't believe it!" Kingo's appeared on the other side of Druig.
"I've never seen this man smile bigger than that annoying smirk." Kingo playfully leaned an arm on Druig's shoulder.
"I've also had the displeasure of seeing them kiss like 50 times during the time spand of getting here from the Amazon."
"You're just jealous." Makkari joked.
"What?! No! I get tons of babes! I just don't have the time for a committed relationship." Kingo stuck his nose in the air.
You tried not to smile while listening to your friends tease Druig. You continued pretending to pay attention to Phastos's rambling about a new invention idea.
Druig's eyes caught yours.
"Get me outta here!" He pleaded in your head.
"We just got here baby." Your voice is always so gentle and soothing in his brain. Even though he's begging to leave, he doesn't mind staying as long as you're here.
"Alright. You definitely owe me one, love." A smug look dawned his features as he affectively ignored the two Eternals babbling next to him.
You felt your ears and cheeks blush, going thankfully unnoticed by Phastos.
You are going to do absolutely anything to make sure that you both come out of all of this alive and well. There's no way you could possibly imagine a lifetime without Druig.
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Pale Blue Dot
I'm beginning to question the sanity of the humans who travel the stars.
The year is 3512 of the new Celestial Calendar. I have been tasked with record-keeping for a human ship, naively named "Hope". It is a large freighter intended for the delivery of Critical supplies to dangerous areas. However, for the past 90 days, the Hope has been circling a remote region of space. Despite the lack of any real objects in the vicinity, the humans stay glued to their detection instruments, losing sleep and forgetting to eat.
I've asked the Captain what we're searching for, and his only response thus far has been "An old friend", but there is no record of any crews being sent by humans to this region, who could they be searching for?
After another week of nothing, coming down to strict rationing of supplies, one of the humans shouts "I've got something!"
Despite his lack of sleep, the captain jumps up from his seat with the joy of a child. After a few minutes of interpreting the readings to locate an incredibly small object, about 12 feet in length. It takes most of the day to carefully retrieve the object, an ancient machine that appears to be made for the collection of data from a time before humans travelled the stars.
"This is the friend we've been looking for." The captain says. I fail to understand this action. There was no life aboard the craft, and the machine itself holds nothing of particular note. When I express my confusion, the entire crew laughs.
"Come on, now. Surely you can understand the value of rewarding someone for a job well done?" The captain says with a laugh that shakes his now out-of-regulation beard.
"I certainly can, captain, but this machine is not a lifeform, it can't take a reward"
"Pssh, sure it can. We're taking this old boy home. To Earth."
The captain dismissed me with that remark. On the long trip to Earth, the other humans informed me that the machine is known as "Voyager 1", another incredibly hopeful name that humans of old dreamt up in their fascination with the stars. Thousands of years ago, it completed its mission in the depths of space, far beyond the reaches humans of the era could fathom. The story and importance of the machine to humans apparently "can't be understated"
"We made it" one of the crew said, pointing out the window toward one speck in space. "The Pale Blue Dot."
He was pointing at Earth, and I fail to understand the importance of seeing the planet from so far away.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I saw that you know fairy tail, so gods/humans with a s/o like Lucy. Star dress and keys, all that jazz. If Lucy reader joins ragnarok is up to you. If ya do it thanks!
-You were a great beauty around Valhalla, known for your warm and friendly personality, and drive to help others wherever you could.
-You were a bit naïve with some things, due to how you were raised, but you strived yourself to live independently away from your father and estate, no matter how much you missed your friends there, not seeing them as servants, but family and friends instead.
-Growing your skills around Valhalla, training against other warriors who were surprised that you were so strong, as you didn’t look like it.
-You always gave everything you did your all, helping your friends in Fairy Tail, and helping your friends around Valhalla, you didn’t give up easily and that’s what many admired about you.
-This determination and your power, your magic with your Celestial Keys, is what led Brunnhilde to you to have you fight for humanity.
-You hesitated, being reminded of the Grand Magic Games back on earth when you were alive, where you had lost several matches against stronger opponents, and you didn’t want to risk disappointing everyone by losing, especially when humanity was at stake.
-It took the support of your friends, Natsu, Erza, Happy, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, and so many more, who were all there for you, cheering you on, for you to accept.
-Brunnhilde knew of your apprehension to joining the tournament, and you joined as a reserve fighter, joining Nostradamus as a wild card fighter.
-You steeled your nerves when you walked out into the stadium, a focused, determined look on your face, hiding any traces of your fear that you had been selected to fight.
-You heard your friends all cheering loudly for you, but you didn’t acknowledge them, as you didn’t want to lose your focus as Goll was your partner for this match, turning into a key to match the others on your belt, a secret weapon.
-The goddess you were facing off against was Eris, a cruel goddess who loved to create chaos and loved to see others suffering, and that thought alone made you furious, but you had to keep your head about you, else you would lose it.
-When the match began you immediately pulled out two keys, “Open Gate of the Golden Bull!! Open Gate of the Maiden!!”
-Virgo and Taurus immediately appeared at your call, greeting you as Miss Y/N, before you spoke once more, “Star Dress: Mix Form! Taurus and Virgo!!”
-A sparkling light surrounded you, changing your clothes into that of a cow print bikini, cowboy boots, thigh high lace stockings with garters, a frilly apron around your waist, frilly headband, and frilled black gloves on your hands, holding a heart shaped riding crop.
-You hadn’t even attacked yet and you already took out one god without even touching him, as Zeus had immediately collapsed with a massive nosebleed, hearts in his eyes as many men in the crowd were cheering loudly at you.
-Eris was amused, thinking you were weak for having called two others to help you fight but she was stunned when you were the one that charged first, punching her hard in her stomach, blowing her back with a jarring shockwave.
-Jaws were dropped all around, except with your friends, seeing your immense strength as well as your combat skills as you went on the attack, flanked by your Celestial Spirits, your friends, quickly overwhelming Eris.
-The match was going well until she managed to send you flying back, throwing several of her apples at you which exploded, making you scream out in pain as your spirits were sent back to the Spirit World.
-Eris then delivered everything back on you ten times worse, stomping you and brutalizing you, you could hear your friends demanding that she stop and even many of the gods were sickened by her brutality, seeing it as unneeded torture.
-Eris flung you back, going to end it before you heard Goll, who was kneeling over you in a spirit form, “Y/N! Use me!” you gave a small nod before screaming as you were kicked hard in the stomach, being sent back again.
-Eris mocked you, laughing cruelly, turning to mock your friends and the other humans, thinking you were down for the count.
-Your teeth clenched together, and your hands became fists as you slowly shifted to push yourself up, stunning everyone by your determination as Eris turned, looking both annoyed and exasperated, “You humans don’t know when to give up, do you?”
-You glared hard, shifting to your knees before slowly standing, “If I- if I can move, I can stand- and if I can stand, I can fight! I’m not giving up!! Plus, I needed to buy some time!” the last sentence you ended with playful wink, stunning her and everyone else around before you held up Goll’s key, “Open Gate of the Celestial Spirit King!!”
-Jaws dropped, seeing the massive spirit appearing, and this time you didn’t have to sacrifice one of your keys, as Goll’s special ability allowed you to open the Celestial Spirit King’s gate, but only once.
-He took care of Eris easily, ending her quickly, not going to torture her before he turned to smile at you, bowing his head before disappearing.
-Goll had to quickly reform, only barely catching you as you collapsed, “Y/N?!” you heard the crowds cheering around you as you smiled gently up at Goll who was in tears, a bright smile on her own lips, you both did it!!
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the-random-phan · 1 year
Wow, tough crowd.
Daniel James Fenton had lasted a total of one month in space until his fellow crew members finally caught on to him. Which was both disappointing and a feat to behold, in all honesty.
Word Count: 4,506
Ao3 | FFnet
Story below the cut!
The Janus was a brand new space station, freshly launched into orbit and in its first year of operation. The current squad were the first to inhabit the station, and thus their interpersonal roots went deep. They had trained together, worked together, bled together, and even lived together back on Earth. As a team, they muddled through the glitches and hang-ups that came with pretty much being the guinea pigs of the Janus program. There were 5 of them on the team, though only 4 and a half were human.
Daniel James Fenton was a critical team member on the Janus, the first consult for everything engineering and mechanical on board. He was also Danny Phantom, a super-powered ghost, which was a closely held secret amongst the crew.
Danny had truly tried his best to keep his dual identities from the crew, and had maintained his secret up until right after they were sent into space. Which was amazing in itself, looking at the menagerie of tests they had gone through to procure their spots and ensure their individual safeties in space. It was a miracle he’d gotten as far as he did.
It was the youngest of their group -Isabella (their resident master of technology, who could fix just about anything that had a computer in it)- who started the unraveling of Danny’s web of lies. It all started with the first time Danny went on a spacewalk. He moved fluidly, gliding with more grace than the clutz had any right to. He had even tripped up the steps when they boarded the shuttle that carried them up to the station.
Danny pushed off from a handle and then spun in midair to get to where he wanted. It seemed almost like Danny didn’t care for momentum and just… moved. Slid across space. Isabella didn’t see it at first, but once she did it was hard to ignore. He got sloppier and sloppier as the walk went on, almost like he forgot she was there. He kicked off from one place then made a 90 degree turn to get to where he needed. It was almost… unsettling. Uncanny valley?
Of course, Isabella didn’t tell him that. She took a mental note and proceeded with her day, deciding to watch Danny a bit more carefully.
“Come on in, I think that’s everything.” She said into her mic.
“Heading that way,” Replied Danny as he launched off, did a spin, and then came to the airlock. Isabella caught a grin on his face.
Jamie caught on to it next. Jamie was a physics wiz, and spent a lot of time making observations on the celestial bodies that surrounded them. And thus he was quite good at observing his teammates as well.
He and Danny were using some of their down time to hang out in the common area. They chatted idly about what they were working on, but when Jamie mentioned his parents and what they did for a living, Danny’s expression soured. The awkward silence lasted for only a moment, until Danny proposed a game of Uno. He procured the cards from a pocket in his pants and dealt them out, letting the cards hang midair.
Such an action wouldn’t have normally been odd.
Jamie was the team lead, and thus knew for a fact that a pack of Uno cards were not among the list of items Danny brought to the station. But Jamie was not entirely certain in his memory, and he didn’t mention it. They played a couple of rounds and even got the rest of the team in on it, which Joel ended up winning.
Joel was yet another member of the group. He had been reluctant to join the project at first but was practically shoved into it for his excellent performance in genetics research. Though at first unwilling, he got along with the rest of the team like wildfire and soon fell into their rhythm with ease. He was the resident biologist, and his green thumbs managed the small garden they had on board. It was where he could most often be found. He also had a running experiment with some creepy-crawlies, all of which he had named. No one was looking forward to the day when they had to hold a funeral for one of the bugs, as Joel had gotten quite attached. Joel had a floppy head of green-black hair (the dye had slowly faded as his roots grew) and a huge pair of glasses that dwarfed his face.
Joel’s realization that something wasn’t quite right came about on the day that Danny was in the garden wing. Danny was helping Joel record data on the state of the various plants they grew. Joel left the more complicated stuff for later and simply handed Danny a micrometer to use in measuring the plants’ stems and leaves.
It was Danny’s first time assisting, so Joel followed him closely. And in doing so he noticed how his teammate was distinctly avoiding a certain flower that grew in the back corner. Each time Danny floated near he would grab for a handhold and steer himself away. Joel thought that maybe he saw Danny’s eyes water.
But that couldn’t be right, could it? Due to his field, Joel had been privy to the allergy section of everyone’s medical records. He had carefully selected all of the specimens and seeds to be brought on board so that they wouldn’t aggravate any allergies the crew might’ve had. Maybe it was an undiscovered allergy?
Joel had just opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Danny sneezed. The sneeze was sudden and unavoidable. Danny brought up a hand to cover the blast as best he could, but droplets of gook still shot off into the air. Joel brought up an arm to protect his face from any stray droplets.
“Oh, Ancients.” Danny cursed, (though it wasn’t a curse Joel had ever heard before) as he looked down at the snot covering his hand.
“Don’t move-!” Joel said quickly as he shot off to grab a wipe from underneath the plant beds. He took his eyes off of Danny for a moment and when he looked back up he could swear Danny was now on the other side of him. Away from the flower.
Joel helped Danny clean the mess as best he could and sent him away. Danny didn’t offer anything about the allergy and Joel was so distressed with snot particles still buzzing around that he forgot to ask. And of course he still had to record the measurements of the strange plant. Perhaps he would research a bit more about it before confronting his teammate.
Max was the oldest of the crew, and he certainly let everybody know it. He acted almost like everybody’s grandpa, making sure they were doing ok and that they didn’t need anything. He wasn’t really old enough to be a grandpa, but it was what everybody ended up calling him. Max still had a head of brown, though a few stray whites had appeared in his facial hair. He was the team’s jack-of-all-trades. He wasn’t particularly the best at any of the jobs required on board, but he had a wide array of knowledge stuck up in his head. He could help with anything from hydraulics to C++. He’d had his fingers in everything throughout the time of his life, and his well-roundedness helped to smooth out gaps with the rest of the team.
And as the grandpa of the station, he was reasonably concerned when he couldn’t find Danny anywhere.
Max had a bit of downtime as he waited for a diagnostics program to run, and he had realized suddenly that it was just a bit too quiet. Danny liked to mutter under his breath, and as they both preferred the more hands-on side of things, he and Danny often worked in the same area. Or at the very least in the same wing. But the boy was nowhere to be found.
It wasn’t like he could really go anywhere, really, but it was still cause for concern. What if he did something stupid like going for a spacewalk without an observer? No such thing was on the schedule for the day, but Danny tended to get wrapped up in his own head from time to time and skip safety procedures.
Curious and slightly worried, Max went around to their teammates checking if Danny was with them. He stopped at the garden first. It had a sealed door, for the purpose of measuring oxygen levels and keeping a controlled environment when needed. Max knocked and the door slid open. Joel was inside, at the door controls. He held a tablet loosely in the crook of his left arm, as though he had just been marking something down.
“What’s up?” Joel asked. He pushed off and glided back to a strange-looking flower, one with a red bloom and purple stems. Max had never seen anything of the sort. Max moved slightly into the space. He looked around, but didn’t see Danny.
“Have you seen Danny since breakfast?” Replied Max.
As soon as Danny saw the rest of the crew gathered in the common area he knew he’d messed up. It didn’t help that he had a McDonalds Sprite in hand. (It was the closest thing he had found to downing straight ectoplasm). He debated for a moment on turning it invisible in his hand but from the speed at which everyone’s heads had swiveled to see him, he knew he’d been caught. (At least he’d had the tact to revert to human form before phasing into the station).
“What have you got there, Danny?” Questioned Jamie with a raised brow.
“Uh-” Danny stared blankly down at the drink in his hand. His brain froze.
“A smoothie?” Danny referenced. Sadly his joke didn’t seem to land. It was a very icy reception. Awkward, Danny glanced off to the side and took an idle sip from his drink. The tension in the air was so thick it could be cut with a knife.
Isabella was the next to speak.
“We know there’s something up with you, Fenton. Is it something that’s gonna endanger the team?” She asked coldly. She hovered up near the roof, grasping one of the bright blue handles. A tablet floated idly next to her.
Danny sputtered.
“No- of course not!” He said without thinking.
“So there is something going on!” She shouted victoriously. Heat rushed to Danny’s cheeks. Jazz pulls those mind-tricks on him all the time, how’d he miss it?
“Danny,” Said Joel seriously. All eyes turned to him.
“Are you an alien?” He whispered conspiratorially. There was a bright glimmer in his eyes.
Okay, that was a new one.
“No way he’s an alien!” Jamie interjected. “My bet’s still on vampire.” He said matter-of-factly. Danny just looked on in disbelief. They started shouting observations and evidence back and forth at each other and suddenly Danny realized he hadn’t been nearly as inconspicuous as he thought. He almost considered trying to sneak off and lock himself in the bathroom when suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder.
Danny jumped, making his head slam into the ceiling. Max idled beneath him, looking slightly guilty.
“You keep getting stuff from somewhere, and you’re acting weird. You might as well tell us what’s up with you. How are you going back to Earth and then appearing back up here?” Max asked, plain and simple. But Danny didn’t know how to respond.
His first instinct was to lie through his teeth, build up a toppling tower of falsities that would surely crush him when it finally collapsed (he still waited for his parents to see that his teenage life was full of plot-holes) but there was no way he could hide this. They caught him red-handed, and there was no way out. Danny couldn’t find the words to explain.
Luckily, Isabella found them for him. (Or not-so luckily, depending on perspective).
“Amity Park, huh?” She said sharply. The tablet was now held in her hands. She turned it around to show a paused video.
It was Wes Weston’s youtube channel. Specifically a video that Danny made him take down. Wes had promised he had, but by the ‘unlisted’ tag, it was clear he hadn’t followed through. Isabella tapped the screen and audio filled the common area.
“-Everyone thinks I’m crazy, but I know I’m right!” Wes shouted in the squeaky tone of a teenager whose voice hadn’t quite settled.
“Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom! Here,” Wes gestured to a table behind him, pulled up on a projector that was aimed at his bedroom wall.
“-I kept track of all of Fenton’s bathroom breaks for the last month. Ninety-three percent of them line up with Phantom sightings!” Something clicked and the view changed.
Instead of the graph, it showed an image of 15-year-old Danny Fenton’s yearbook picture. Another click, and it was replaced by Phantom’s, in a remarkably similar angle. Though the expression was different and leaves partially covered the camera. A new slide and suddenly the two were overlaid, one right next to the other. They formed an almost-perfect face. One face.
Isabella tapped it again and the video paused at that exact moment. She grinned, not out of maliciousness, but with the glint of a predator who knew they had already won. Damn. How far did she dig to get that?
“According to some old forums, up to like ten years old, Amity Park is infested with supernatural beings called ghosts. A lot of people chalked it up as a tourist hoax, but there are some pretty serious discussions out there. And official records of many deaths being declared as caused by ghosts. A lot of it was deleted or redacted or covered up in some way, but I managed.” She shrugged. Isabella spun the screen back around to herself and swiped down idly.
“The name Fenton also showed up so often, I could filter my search by it. Also repeated mentions of Fentonworks, and various patents filed under the company. Which were all redacted to hell, and had mentions of something called the ‘Ghostly Investigation Ward’ stamped all over them.”
“Looks like they were government funded somehow. Mixed with the forums’ details of them and even some published papers I found, it seems like they were pretty into the paranormal. And Danny ‘Phantom’ sounds pretty ghostly to me.” Isabella looked at him with an expression of inquiry. She feigned innocence.
“You’re too smart.” Danny scathed. Isabella just made a ‘hm’ sound and shrugged.
“It was on the internet. All I had to do was find it.”
“Spill it, ghost boy.” With that final statement, everyone turned to look at Danny. A wave of anxiety rolled over him. The temperature suddenly dipped, before he reigned it back in a split second later. It didn’t stop Max from shivering.
“My parents have been really into ghosts, since college.” Danny started. His hand found its way to the nape of his neck, a nervous tic he’d never really had reason to kick.
“Their life's work was to prove ghosts were real, but their theory was all wrong.” Danny tapped into his core lightly, letting it steer him towards what was technically the floor, and he sat down.
“They thought that ghosts must be evil, so they made all kinds of weapons to fight them. But their crowning achievement was this- portal. A gateway.” Danny looked up and didn’t see any looks of confusion or disgust, so he continued.
“They worked on it for a decade, and they finally finished it when I was 14. They booted it up and it didn’t turn on.” An ache started in Danny’s chest. It felt like swallowing sandpaper.
“My parents went out to get their minds off it and my friends convinced me to go take a look while they were out. Maybe they missed something.”
“One thing led to another, and I went inside. It powered up right on top of me.” Danny didn’t mention the button inside, how his parents’ stupidity had endangered him.
“Turns out ghosts are real, and dying isn’t an absolute.”
“Only a sith deals in absolutes,” Jamie quoted automatically. Then he realized what he’d interrupted and his jaw snapped shut with a click. But the statement was so out of left field that it made Danny bark with laughter. He lost control of the tears that had been threatening to spill down his face the entire time he spoke, and soon he was doubled over from the hilarity of it. It was infectious, and they all started cackling. All but one, that is.
“Is he laughing or crying?!” Joel worried. But he didn’t get a response. Danny was so startled that his core leaked, freezing the tears to his face in sheets of ice. The temperature plummeted, and suddenly no one was laughing anymore.
Danny could feel the tangible shift in the room and it only took him a moment to realize his slip.
“Ah- heck,” He said, still fighting off the last vestiges of laughter. He reigned in his energy, letting it sink back into his skin. It felt nasty, like sucking honey through a straw, but he didn’t want to freeze his crewmates.
“Holy- what was that?” Max asked. He clung to a handrail, where before he’d been hanging in the middle of the room.
“Sorry,” Danny apologized immediately. He formed a quick ball of hot ectoplasm and passed it to Max, who simply stared at the ball of green flames in his hand. He blinked owlishly at it, before Danny realized that most people probably didn’t expect to be handed a fireball.
“Ah- it’s warm, no burns.” He explained quickly. Max lagged for a moment before gingerly poking it. The flames licked playfully at his fingers. After realizing it wasn’t painful, he let Danny deposit it into his cupped hands.
“Wow,” Max stared at it, mesmerized. That is, until Joel interjected.
“So that’s it!” He floated near one of the wall-mounted computers. A page of search results cast light on his glasses, hiding his eyes from view.
“Rosa sanguinolentus are a rare blooming plant in the rose family which is known in folklore as being a ward against ghosts.” Quoted Joel. Upon receiving confused looks, he explained further.
“I have one in the garden, I noticed Danny avoiding it. He also sneezed when he got too close.” Joel offered. In response was a chorus of ‘ew’s. Danny’s nose crinkled at the reminder.
“Blood blossoms,” He said darkly. Danny floated back to his previous sitting spot. Max passed the ecto-ball to Isabella.
“I thought they were extinct. I tried to make sure of it, myself, but I guess I missed some.”
“In this form they’re just an allergen, but they can be deadly. Those buggers hurt.” He got a far-off look in his eye.
“Form?” Max inquired.
“Ah-” Danny started. He floated ever so slightly upwards, then triggered his transformation. He’d learned to minimize the energy wasted when he switched, and thus instead of rings it was a simple flash and Phantom settled over his bones.
Immediately, Danny’s freckles began to glow, as they’d done each time he transformed since being accepted into the program. In the place of a simple t-shirt and loose-fitting pants was instead a slim suit, covered with a dark green leather jacket and a menagerie of belts. Without thinking, a crown formed over Danny’s head. He realized his mistake quickly and spun around, shooing the thing away, making it fade back into energy.
“Was that a crown?” Asked Jamie. Danny was suddenly reminded they only had half the story. The before.
“...maybe.” Danny responded hesitantly.
“I, uh, may or may not have pummeled the former High King of all Ghosts and gained his title through combat?” He said quickly.
“But I can’t really accept it until I’m fully dead, so there’s a council of regents in place until the day comes, or if I’m immortal, then when I turn 180.” Danny ranted.
“I really hope I’m not immortal, but like I’ve only grown 2 inches since I was 14 and I still get handed kids menus, so like- maybe I might be?”
“I only really have two others to compare myself to, and one of them is evil so like he’s not a very good baseline.”
“Wait wait- back up. King? Ghosts have a social structure?” Jamie asked with curiosity in his eyes.
“Kinda..? I’m only half ghost so I don’t fully understand. I tried to avoid the whole thing but then there were a bunch of assassination attempts, so I had to accept it.” Now that Danny had started talking, the admittances just tumbled from his brain.
“Half-ghost?” Joel asked.
“Ectoplasm and electricity equals half death and a bunch of DNA stuff, that’s about all my understanding of it.”
Joel hummed.
“So do you know what that Ghostly Ward is?” Ask Isabella.
“It’s a secret branch of the government, they cover up all the stuff in Amity. Horrible ghost hunters, I don’t think any of them ever landed a shot. But rumor is their scientists are ruthless. They contracted my parents for a lot of weapons, and funded their research."
"I guess Ghostly Investigation Ward is their real name, but I only ever heard them called the Guys in White. They are like, super strict about dress code. I dunno," Danny shrugged.
"So Ah, yeah. Lab accident, half ghost, boom- ghost powers. I got a whole catalogue of 'em. I can go down the list if you want but it might take me a while." Danny reclined in the air. He let his core take hold so he didn't drift from his spot.
"Wait- so how have you been getting to Earth and back?"
"In this form I can withstand space, and I don't need to breathe." Danny suddenly remembered he still had a drink and took another sip.
"Using your powers would be such an asset!" Exclaimed Joel.
"No way can we keep this to ourselves. There's so much you could do!"
Danny's core stuttered in his chest. The temperature dipped.
"There's a reason I've kept it a secret." Danny said coolly, to keep his emotions under wraps. He felt a mixture of anger and he was scared. Scared of what could happen, the liability that had just been created.
"Every time my secret has been revealed I have been hunted and my family's been put in danger. That GIW is no joke- if they got any clue of what I am I'd be dead- fully dead- in a week. I haven't even told my own parents because I'm scared they'd attack me."
"I have more than earned my right to keep it to myself. I have saved the world at least three times, and that's only the times that a Time God didn't warn me beforehand! And you heard of none of them."
The crew just blinked owlishly at him. Danny realized he was floating in empty space.
“Ok…” Isabella said quietly.
“I think I got about half of that.” Jamie replied.
“Ghosts are real?!” Max looked like he was about to go through a midlife crisis. Or a breakdown. One of the two.
Danny steered himself back towards the apparent ‘floor.’ He dropped his ghost form, appearing as Danny Fenton once again. He lowered his voice and spoke more softly, genuinely.
“I’ve had superpowers since I was 14, and up until now only five people in my life knew about it.” ‘One of whom tries to kill me on a regular basis, but they don’t need to know that.’
“I spent my teenage years protecting my town from ghosts and it was a miracle that I finished high school. Let alone got up here where I am now, in space.”
“I’m not completely human, I don’t know what I am, really. But aside from the whole ghost powers thing I’m still the same as I was before my accident.”
Danny took a deep breath, and let it all out.
“Would an ice cream cone for each of you make it better? Or I can get cheeseburgers?” He was obviously trying to placate them. The best way to get somebody on your side was through their stomach.
“I…” Jamie started.
“It’d be a good start.”
“Danny!” Shouted Jamie.
“Where are youuuuuuu!” He called.
Joel appeared from around the hall.
“He’s off-ship, had some date with his partner. An anniversary?”
Jamie huffed.
“He was supposed to take me with him to pick up a cake for Isabella’s birthday.”
“There goes that set of plans.”Jamie threw his hands in the air and set off in the other direction.
“I didn’t forget!” Danny suddenly popped into existence behind Joel, who would have jumped had he not already been floating. Jamie whipped around and came back from the other end of the station. His white hair, black suit, and exorbitant number of belts had become a typical sight.
“Where were you!?” He yelled.
“Well for starters, that date is tomorrow. Also I found this rock outside, it looks unique!” Danny offered the chosen rock to Joel. It was shiny, and glittered in the light.
“Another one? I don’t have space for them all! I am completely overrun as it stands.” Joel sounded tired. Danny’s star-studded freckles dimmed. His pointed ears lowered.
Dang it. Joel couldn’t bear to see that face. Especially after Danny took him back to earth yesterday so he could re-dye his hair. It didn’t help that Danny always looked younger in his ghost form, closer to sixteen than twenty-two.
“Ugghh,” Joel put a hand out and Danny lit up as he handed off the rock.
“You’ll have to tell us more about it at show and tell,” Jamie joked sarcastically.
“For now, we have a walmart cake section to raid!” He announced. Danny laughed, and they left shortly to go procure their prize.
“They do know they aren’t being very slick, right?” Isabella’s head popped out of a nearby compartment. The birthday girl was smiling. Joel just shrugged and left. He needed to get back to his insects. Buggatrina wasn’t eating nearly as much as she should.
“WESLEY WESTON!” A mad spirit rampaged the Amity Park News office, darting around and obviously searching for something. Or, more likely judging by his outburst, someone. This ghost’s presence was such a typical one that barely anyone even batted an eye as he flew over their heads.
The certain red-head in question ducked below his desk. His heart pounded so loudly it threatened to break right out of his ribcage. Oh heck, he’d messed. Up. What exactly did he do, again? Too many things came to mind.
Suddenly a face popped down from above his desk.
“Remember that youtube video you were supposed to delete?” That sweet tone was simply a veil for the threat underneath.
Wes gulped.
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followafallingstar · 1 month
Michael stalks observes you - Cordelia
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Summary: After meeting you for the first time at the beach he was convinced that disappearing right before your eyes after he introduced himself so he could stalk you was a better idea than actually talking to you Pairing: Michael/Reader, Michael/ Witch Disclaimer/ Trigger Warning: soulmate au, Stalking, Mention of stalking, invasion of privacy
Soulmate au: God created a soulmate for each one of his children. For angels finding their soulmate is one of the most honorable tasks they could achieve due to the amount of luck they must have since the soul of a human mate can be sent to earth at any time during the existence of humanity. But when an angel does meet their other half their loyalty to god switches to their mate, protecting them at all costs. Feelings such as love and lust are only acceptable and archivable for angels when they meet their soulmate and that only to the mate too so acts of unloyalty or cheating don’t exist in their world.
Since the moment he saw your pretty hair being let loose from the tight grip of the hair tie that held it up in a bun so your long black curls could roll themselves down to your waist so they could dry in the sun, leaving the salt water of the ocean to create a shimmering hue in them, he had been longing to hear your voice again. Strange yet familiar, that was what he thought about you. The stories he heard about mates from his siblings have been significantly different. Some said it was hope, some said it was happiness, some said it was sadness and some said it was miserable. Of course, all said in secret, spread through rumors among the great halls of heaven where any kind of emotion was forbidden.
He had watched you as you wrapped your towel neatly into the big bag while helping your sisters with theirs. You were an older sibling as it seemed, looking out for the other three women who were beside you. If he weren't bound to you and a lowly mortal he would have sworn he would have let a comment out, saying that beauty must be lying in the family but since he was just Michael, just THE Michael, THE ARCHANGEL Michael he did not because in his eyes, or more his eight hundred eighty-eight eyes that lied in his true celestial form, the reason many go blind when seeing it, you were the only star in his sky.
He followed you as you left the beach and walked to the coffee shop where you ordered a Matcha Latte, he watched as you smiled at the waiter, your white teeth sticking out from your mouth and the small happy lines on your face formed. The waiter must have told you something so nice that a genuine smile was your reaction. He kept that in mind, making your smile was now something he had to work on even if he had only shared one sentence with you and immediately teleported himself away from you afterward. Why? He didn't know why. He had thought that it was smarter to get to know you first by following you around than just standing motionless in front of his soulmate. Every encounter, every word he let out of his mouth, every gesture counts. It had to be perfect because the idea of having a mate that his almighty father made specifically for him was perfect and he shall worship and value it as he was supposed to.
After following you the entire day while he let his mind wander to places of his imagination where a future with you could look like. He ended up in the evening sitting on a wall, not too far to properly observe you with the two eyes he had on his vessel but also not too close to let you be alarmed about his presence. You were in your room, the walls were bright marble, the room covered and decorated in blue rugs and curtains, and the furniture made out of white oak wood. A bit old-fashioned if you compare it to the modern trends. He could tell that the room was enchanted since the rather small house you lived in that sat rather awkwardly on the edge of an old bridge did not seem to be able to have a room that was almost as big as a football field, pillars, and stairs leading up to the bed included. You sat at your desk, your head plunged into one of many books while you fiddled with the black pen in your right hand. The longer he watches you, the more he feels at peace knowing that you were occupied with something of your liking. The worst hobby he could think of you doing would be anything related to fighting, anything related to him. If he only knew…
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
I like to think that lilith's Angel DNA was still active or strong enough to last generations after generations. So if her Angel DNA got more thinner and thinner after generations, it would make sense for Mc to gain power AFTER forming some sort of pacts with the brothers.
This makes me wonder if Mc is the "special one" in her lineage to awaken this sort of power within themselves. If Mc had siblings, wouldn't that mean that Mc's siblings could also gain/awaken their power, too? Since they all share lilith's bloodline. Which could make some things very interesting.
I completely agree with you that Michael (or god) have their eyes on Mc considering how powerful they are (regardless of whether they're human or Nephilim). Maybe that's why Raphael was sent to the Devildom to keep one eye on Mc. Both realms are currently not at war, but i'm sure neither of them want that powerful being, aka Mc to become the others side weapon if something were to escalate. Maybe this is why Solomon once asked Mc to side with humanity instead. (I can't remember what lessons it was in NB).
Either that or they would try to get "ride of" Mc if they become too powerful and dangerous. and once more, according to biblical lore states that ridding the Earth of these Nephilim was one of God's purposes for flooding the Earth in Noah's time. So they have done it before.
Also, off topic but; You used to watch Supernatural?! Omfg, this brings back memories 😭
-Angsty Anon.
Oh dearest angsty anon. I did indeed watch Supernatural. I started watching while season 5 was airing. For many years, I was obsessed. Though it got to the point that I just watched out of habit because by the time I had invested in twelve or so seasons, I was like I'm gonna see this thing to the end.
Which is funny because I still haven't watched the end. One day, I will watch the last half of season 15. Who knows when it will be, but one day I'll do it. I also rewatched the first 8 seasons, but it's been a while.
Anyway, I think you can go with any of the options regarding the angel DNA. The game's canon on this topic is sparse so I really think you can just come up with whatever you want.
I hadn't previously considered the implications of MC's siblings. I suppose that's why I considered most of MC's power to come from their pacts and so on. My own MC has an older sister and I can't believe I never realized that she would also have some of Lilith's DNA. My MC's mom might, too!! Oh man I kinda feel like that has to be the case because it'd be really funny.
Sorry got a little off topic there. Raphael's cover story is that he's there to be the new exchange student, but I think his ulterior motives are to watch both Simeon and MC. And you know likely to report back to Michael about the goings on in the Devildom in a more general sense, too.
Does the Celestial Realm know about MC's heritage? I can't remember. Lucifer was keeping Lilith's resurrection a secret from his brothers, but I'm assuming nobody else knows? Does Simeon?? These details are eluding me.
I'm just wondering if that would matter to the CR, you know? Just another reason to keep track of MC is their angel DNA, right?
I wonder if they'd even be able to "get rid of" MC, even if they tried. It's hard to say since we don't know how powerful Michael or God/Father is. On the one hand, I would think MC's power would be off the charts at this point, but on the other hand well... that's God we're talking about, right? LOL.
Anyway, here's hoping no floods happen just to take out MC. We get enough of that from Lotan being summoned.
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redheadspark · 1 year
Summary - Doubt always stopped you from love, not anymore.
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Warnings - This has some SMUT in the end, so 18+ only, You have been warned!
Author's Note- I wanted to write a one-shot with a reunion with Druig after the Emergence and make it more sensual than anything. I hope you like it :)
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Throughout your time on earth, seeing centuries come and go and the planet evolves in such a natural state, you never thought you would be in such a predicament as this.
Covered in a hint of sweat, your heart still racing under your skin and against your chest, and your eyes looking at the outstretched fingers of marble.  The rolling waves from the ocean roar in your ears with the sea air in your hair and along your eyelashes.  One week ago you were living in solitude out on the Oregon Coast in the Pacific Northwest, the cool ocean was always calling to you along with the ever-consistent greenery and lush foliage of the forest.  You liked living alone, watching the humans from afar, and seeing where they are heading when it came to their evolution.  They have come so far in your mind already and they have still battle through and endure.
You weren’t always alone though, yet for the past 400 years you chose to be.  The group of beings that you were with since the dawn of human time on Earth were the first group of beings that you grew to love, you family if you will.  You were all sent to Earth to stop Deviants from hurting or killing humans, and not to interfere with the human evolution which was never ending and consistently changing.  It seemed so simple at first, yet watching all that the humans could do unfold in front of you was both thrilling at scary.  
The others with you, other Eternals, they grew on your skin like a new mold that was for you to wear, a new shield across your fragile body to make you stronger.  They were just as curious to the humans around them, willing to help but not too much.  They were all unique in their own ways when it came to how to interact and help with the humans, yet you all hid in the shadows as times passed.  The curiosity of humans morphed into fear, and fear morphed into anger.  When you were once worshipped as Gods, you were then feared as if you were cursed spirits bringing nothing but trouble and pain for the humans.  
Just a betrayal, from the very species you swore to protect.
Yet you all still loved them, their ever-fragile lives that were so short compared to yours, and their brains and knowledge limited compared to your own.  You noticed as time went on some loved the humans more than others, thinking of them as good creatures that had more good in their hearts than bad.  Even with all the sin and pain they caused one another, there was still good in the heart of humans.  Three Eternals stood out in your mind with that kind of gentleness and empathy towards the humans.  Ajak, your leader and the one sole being that could communicate with the Celestial who created you all: Arishem.  Sersi, a kind-hearted Eternal whose gentleness and soft words could melt the iciest of hearts. 
And lastly, the mind controller of the group of you: Druig. 
There you stood in the ocean waves, not caring that your armor was now soaked in both the salt water and some of the grim and a hint of blood.  You were letting the sound of the waves going up and down along the sand near your boots both calm you and remind you that you were alive.  Barely alive as it was, you felt it in your muscles and wrapped around your bones.  Almost like an ache from the top of your head to your toes, your head throbbing and fingers shaking.  
There was never a moment when you felt this kind of intense sensation of grief and relief rolled into one. All within minutes, minutes that felt like hours, and minutes that could have been the difference between life and death. All from the simple courage of keeping the humans alive and keeping their species afloat.  
Your mind was still occupied with the last several minutes: the near Emergence that almost destroyed the planet, The Domo being damaged thanks to Ikaris, and Ikaris turning on all of you.  
It was hard enough to hear that he was the one who killed Ajak because of her change of heart with the humans, but to know he was going to follow through with the Emergence just because of his belief in Arishem, was a blow.  
But the worst part of all of it was Ikaris killing Druig right in front of your eyes.
Druig, the one true pacifist of your entire family that also stole your heart at the same time.
He was always an air of mystery to you, from the very moment you two met on the Domo when you woke up for the first time.  He seemed to be isolated, alone, compared to the rest of the group who were all meeting one another.  Of course, you were meeting everyone too, both excited and anticipating helping the humans on the planet below.  But he came to you first, holding out a hand for your to shake and you took it with no hesitance.  
You should have known then at first touch, his larger yet soothing skin against yours when you went palm to palm, that your destinies would be intertwined from that moment on.  
So many nights spent talking together within the hidden halls of the Domo or along the weathered paths in the forest, observing the humans side by side, and even relying on one another as not just Eternals but as friends made you two grow closer as time went on.  Druig was seen as an aloof Immortal, the Mysterious God in the earlier times that would be on the sidelines instead of in the fight.  Hiding in the shadows to watch the humans both grow together and harm one another.  The others knew him as powerful, but they thought of him as more of a cranky fool than ambitious or well-liked.  He did have a sense of humor, you were a witness to that from time to time, but you knew the best thing about him was that he had a heart of gold.
“The guy doesn’t like anything fun, how can you stand it?”
“Druig has more heart and grit than Ikaris does, Kingo.  Surely you can see that too!”
You never thought you would be his advocate when it came to the others and their judgemental comments.  The only other person who was ever on his side was Makkari, the speedster with sticky fingers and massive optimism.  She was your close friend too, the three of you always being together and growing as friends with one another.  Yet Makkari could even see at the time how you and Druig were so natural together, from the laughter that was shared and exchanged to the deeper talks and longing for the humans to be at peace. She saw how you two leaned on each other, lifted each other up, and how things seemed so….natural when you two were side by side.
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Druig has a unique soul, Makkari signed at you while you two sat together outside the Domo, sharing a catch of apples from the local orchid behind you, You seem to be the only one who knows and cares about him.
“You care too,” You signed and said to her, Makkari shrugging, “He and I are friends, you make it sound like he likes me or something,”
What’s not to like? She questioned you as you took a rather large bite from your apple, You’re kind, empathetic to everyone, a bit stubborn at times.
You huffed and nudged her shoulder as she laughed, But you are good to him.
How? You signed to her, not understanding as she paused and thought to herself.  She then grinned widely.
You listen.  You listen to Druig when no one else wants to, and I know he wants someone to listen to him. She explained calmly, you pausing and drinking in what she said.  In your mind it wasn’t so hard to listen o Druig, he always had something good and important to say to you.  He had a lot on his mind and you never minded him sharing those thoughts with you.  Whether they were simple and playful like badgering Pathos’s newest invention or joking about Ikaris and his pompous ways, or big and deep like how he wished for there to be peace with the humans.  You hung onto every word since deep down you knew he wanted to be heard.   Truly heard. 
“Hello you two!” 
You both looked over to see Druig approaching, carrying a mesh bag of with fruit inside.  As he stood in front of you two, he reached in with a hint of anticipation on his face and in his eyes.  You were thinking of your talk with Makkari, how she mentioned Druig in such a way that you Neve realized the flutter within your chest about him.  It never occurred to you that you loved the way his brown hair shined brightly in the sun, or how the flushness in his cheeks would occur after getting a compliment or praise, or even the blue in his eyes shined like diamonds or the twinkling stars at midnight.  
Maybe Makkari was right: maybe there was something there.
“For you,” Druig handed you an orange, ripe and massive in your palm. You grinned at him, feeling your fingers touch as he placed the fruit along your palm.  You missed the hint of flush on his cheeks as you smiled for thanks, him moving along to give Makkari her own share.
The orange was delicious, and the gesture was grand.
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As time grew on and the humans were getting more and more vicious with one another, you and Makkari could tell Druig was getting restless and more on edge.  He couldn’t interfere with the humans and their natural evolution, none of your could.  So for Druig to watch from the shadows all the murder, all the pain and turmoil that that humans did against one another, you knew he could snap at any moment.  No matter how many talks you would have with him or reassure him that all was not lost, he was already lost in his own mind.
You couldn’t help your own best friend, and it was killing you in the end.
Feeling a hand along your backside, you looked a bit timidly to see Makkari going you on the surf of the beach.  Seeing her alive, after the brutal beating from Ikaris moments before when you thought all was lost.  Yet she was fine and well, not a scratch on her that would be concerning, so you were relieved.  Once you two locked eyes, seeing your best friend alive and well, you took in a long breath and she wrapped you in her arms. 
Apart from Druig, Makkari was closest to your heart.  She knew just how to make you smile and bring you the best gifts.  She always had her eyes open to the world and felt everything around her, using all of her senses and more to simply drink in the world and its ever-changing ways.  You were heartbroken when you left Makkari and the group so long ago, you have missed her company immensely.  
I’m okay she signed to you as you pulled away and scanned her up and down, you sighed in relief as Makkari grinned, You okay?
What were you going to say?  How could you say what was festering n your mind and you wished to have come out?  The festering feelings that you had towards Druig that now seemed lost since he was gone?  The yearning that you had to tell him far before any of this happened?  It was all there in your mind, no way of coming out with your words as you then saw Makkari look over her shoulder, almost as if she sensed something.  She froze, her hand on your arm clenching for a moment and in such a grip that you felt like you would get a bruise under your armor. Looking at her in confusion, you took her hand.
“What?” You asked in a breath, then followed her gaze to see what has her attention.  As soon as you saw it, you felt like the beach dropped out from beneath you, almost free-falling and yet flying at the same time.  The silhouette made its way across the beach, leaving footprints behind him.
HIm.  Druig.  Alive.
Makkari slipped away from you as you were frozen on your spot on the sand, not running or leaving a flash of light behind her as she would in the past.  She simply walked, as if he was some kind of illusion and she would break it using her speed.  You thought he was an illusion, after seeing him nearly die from Ikaris and his rage.  But there he was, being embraced by Makkari with a chuckle on his lips.  You watched in amazement and in disbelief, Druig pressing his head to hers, whispering “It’s okay…it’s okay” to Makkair knowing she could read his lips.  Makkari grinned, no longer mourning for him.  
Druig looked from Makkari to you, his eyes shifting from the joy of seeing Makkari to now looking at your shocked face.  Slowly he slipped away from Makkari, walking with ease across the top of the sand and with the wind picking up on his armor and in his hair.  You felt like you could cry, you wished you could cry, from thinking of the worst and how all of those “What If’s” no longer were needed.  You wanted to run to him, to wanted to wrap your arms around him.
You wanted….what did you want?
Druig took your hands first, lacing your fingers together gently to be palm to palm.  His touch was real, the coolness of his calloused skin and fingers against your own made you shutter as you finally looked up from your joined hands to his eyes.  He stood right in front of you, hands in the middle, and his eyes were forever soft.  You thought back, back to the plenty of times you got lost in those eyes.  
When he spoke about the humans, when he joked about Ikaris, when he would hear you talk to him about whatever was on your heart when he would laugh at something you or Makkari would say, when he cried after being told not to interfere with another war.  Those moments are flooding your mind in that second, the blue orbs in all their shades that were all Druig rolled into one.  
He was there.
Reaching up, you placed a hand on his cheek near his jaw to feel the cool skin on your palm.  Once you touched his cheek, he smiled.  You knew that smile, and that’s when you cried.  Tears rolled down your cheeks, knowing this was no trick or sick dream in the afterlife you thought you were in.  Instantly, Druig pulled you into his arms as you cried, keeping him close as you two embraced.  Perhaps there was nothing to really say since it felt it in the hug he had on you.  One arm around you like a shield, the other clutching your back along your shoulder blades. Your fingers were clutching his armor, your head in his shoulder to breathe him in as another reminder that he was alive and real.  That Ikaris didn’t kill him, and that all was not completely lost.
“You missed me?” He asked, sounding like his old self as you two hugged.  You laughed, though it was wet since you were still crying.  Druig must have heard and sensed it as he leaned back to scan your eyes.  He said nothing, maybe he wanted to but he was silent about it.  Finally, he simply leaned his head in and touched his forehead with yours.
You knew this gesture all too well, you’ve seen It happen for centuries on end with humans all across the globe.  It was a way of speaking without words, the simplest action of consenting to another persona s if you were connecting souls to be one.  Touching foreheads meant comradery, it meant mutual respect, it meant friendship and mutual understanding, it meant the sharing of grief.
Lastly, it meant love.  Love that was keeping than words and the touching of lips.  Love seemed to be laced in time and with the evolution of humans.  The one constant thing about humans was love.  Love could be in all shades, shapes, and forms. bBt love was still the same.
And you felt it, right there on that beach, with the Mind Controller himself.  You loved him with everything you had.  
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“Let’s rest here for a few days and then we can figure out what we need to do, and I think we earned some rest,”
“Great, I need to call my husband and son.  What about you, Druig?”
“Erm, I’m gonna change out of my armor first before I do anythin’ else,”
You watched as Druig slipped out of the meeting room of the Domo and into his old living quarter down the hall, the others then making their way to the ramp that was lowering down onto the South Dakota soil beneath you all.  The whistling sounds of the wind were heard as Phastos walked down the ramp first, Thena and Makkari were right behind him.  Makkari stopped, seeing you stay in your spot and not follow them.
You coming? She asked, you shaking your head.
“I’m gonna stay and keep an eye on him,” You explained, Makkari giving you a small smile and a nod before she glided down the steps.  Thena paused for a moment more, maybe trying to read the room and see the hesitance in your stance.  Thena was good at reading between the lines, better than you ever were as she merely smiled.  She picked up on something, though before you could say anything to her, she walked away and down the ramp.  Even after a heated battle and dealing with her Mahd Wy Ry, Thena was still the powerful warrior you knew and admired for centuries.
Finally, being alone and with your thoughts, you looked back over in the direction of Druig’s quarters.  Of course, you were going to keep an eye on him, he has gone through enough and beyond on that beach, and even before reuniting with the rest of the Eternals after walking away from them willingly.  But you saw the pain in how Druig was walking, the stiffness in his stance, and in how he would squint with every other step.  He was wounded and hurt, but Druig was also never one to seek out help.  
So you were going to help him yourself.
You knew his stubborn side and were at the wrath of it a few times long ago, but it was never something that was out of your control.  This was just the same, Druig wanting to mend his own wound and not have help.  Even after the world nearly ended and he nearly escaped death.  As you walked down the hallway, you replayed the reunion that you had on the beach.  The feeling of being held by Druig, closely and intimately as if there was no one else watching.  You’ve hugged before, so many times, and in so many situations.  
Why was this one different?  Why did you feel love in it?
Carefully and without making a sound, you placed your hands on the door that was slipped slightly open and you pushed it, feeling it slide over.  Poking your head into the dark room, you instantly saw Druig standing in front of the mirror by his bed, looking at his armor and his reflection.  He looked more somber, almost as if his mind was haunted by something. Not a scowl, but a pondering gaze as he was scanning his armor.  His fingers were twitching at his side, one had moved up and attempted to undo one of the seams that could be taken off easily and have the armor slide off.  But he hissed when he moved his arm, you clearing your throat and he looked through the mirror at you.
“You need a hand?” You asked, closing the door behind you.  The familiar humming of the Domo and its Eternal energy was the only thing heard as you walked across the small space to be behind Druig.  He nodded silently, placing his arm down as you reached up to his shoulder.  Pausing for a brief moment, you looked from his shoulder over to his reflection, seeing how his face was a bit downcast. Almost like he was lost in thought yet again, you knew that look far too well for far too long.
“What are you thinking?” You asked softly as you then felt his armor under your fingers, feeling out the latches that were under the armor. 
“What makes you think I’m thinkin’?” Druig asked you softly, the tremor of his voice was soft compared to the humming of the Domo with the Eternal Energy.
“Because I know the face you make when you’re thinking and contemplating,” You explained, “You’ve made the same face for the past 7,000 years, Druig.  You can talk to me….like we used to,”
Druig said nothing at first as you got one latch done on his armor, then moved to the next latch.  You never wanted to use or rush him into talking to you, it never worked that way in the past.  He would find you on his own time, and vice versa with you.  It seemed as if you two were so in tune with one another that you both inwardly knew when you needed to talk to each other. 
That never faded, even after those 500 years of being away from one another and on separate parts of the planets.  You felt that tug on some nights alone when you were out in the Pacific North West, longing to talk to Druig and to get his sound advice or pearls of wisdom that he always had.  But mostly, you just missed him. 
“I’m thinkin’ about the world almost endin’,” Druig said calmly, his eyes going back to his armor that he was still sporting as you got the second latch done before moving to the third near his neck and upper shoulder blade, “I’m thinkin’ about how I was in my village not 4 days ago….and I’m thinkin’ about how I’ve missed you all,”
“They all missed you too,” You reasoned as you were about to undo the last latch when Druig’s eyes snapped over to yours within a second.
“Would it be unkind for me to say I’ve missed some more than others?” He asked you, not in a coy manner but sounding genuine.  You had to smile, thinking nothing of it since it was a simple question.
“I don’t think so,” you replied in a hum, though you could tell Druig’s eyes were on you as you were looking at the intrinsic designs of Druig’s armor right in front of your eyes, “I know you and Makkari are very close—“
“I have missed her, but she’s not who I was talking about,” Druig interrupted you gently, and you hear almost a subtle hint in his tone as you were trying to avoid seeing his eyes.  You were hoping that he was talking about someone else, anyone else, because you knew if he was talking about you, then you would both be petrified and ecstatic at the same time.  
Ecstatic, because you knew those feelings that you had about him were accurate and true.  Petrified, because you didn’t know what would happen between the pair of you from that moment on.
“It’s been some time, Druig,” You started, keeping your eyes down but seeing him out of your side view.  
“It has,” Druig agreed, “We haven’t actually talked in some time, we used to be close,”
He wasn’t lying then, and as you were contemplating what you were going to or what you were going to say, Druig reached up and touched your hand that was on his shoulder, still not moving from undoing the last latch.  Almost like a sign that you were waiting to undo the last latch of hesitance within you, and all Druig had to do was say the right thing or do the right gesture. 
“I know,” You agreed, though your voice was not as bold as it was before.  A vulnerability was coming in with no way or you to slow it down to eliminate it.  And as Druig laced your fingers together on the top of his shoulder, you once again remembered all of those lost moments with Druig so long ago.  
Was the feeling the love consistently there? 
“Druig,” You started to say, though you had no real sentence formed together in what you were going to tell him, “I—“
Druig moved before he could stop, turning to face you within a moment and being nose-to-nose with you.  You exhaled, almost lost in the sudden movement as Druig leaned in and kissed you.
Your mind was blank, your breath was gone, and you felt as though you woke up for the first time on The Domo all over again.
His lips against yours felt so soft, almost like touching the velvet pedals on a newly bloomed flower.  Maybe it almost felt like a breath of fog that would brush against your skin to make you shiver, but the sensation of your heart unfolding as if it was tucked in for far too long felt surreal, uneasy, but much needed.  He still held your hand, not with force but almost not with too much gentleness either.  You felt it in how he kept your joined hands together: He was wanting to kiss you for some time.
But it was gone far too soon, Druig pulled away from one simple kiss that seemed to move mountains inside of you.  He barely pulled away, you slowly opening your eyes to see him watching you for some kind of reaction.  Did he think you were going to slap him?  Or walk out the door and pretend that kiss never happened?  
None of that was on your mind, and you leaned back in and kissed him just as softly.  
Both of you moved then, not fast and quick like your beating heart, but carefully and in precision.  Your fingers were reaching up to cup his face, feeling him slightly tremble as he kissed you over and over.  His hands went around your waist instantly, and you felt him tug you in a bit closer as you both were consistently kissing.  There was no way for you to stop, after thousands of years of hiding what you were feeling and not telling a soul.
Druig’s hands moved as well as yours, his going along your waist where there was an opening of your armor and he started to undo the latches there while he was keeping his constant slow kisses against your lips.  Your body was reacting because of it too, your own fingers seeking out the latch on his shoulder blade.  Finally, it clicked off, Druig moved his arms to let the top part of his armor slip off and fall to the floor as he was now moving his kisses to your cheeks and then your jawline.  There was no urgency, it felt like Druig was mapping your skin with his lips and trying to engrain the feeling in his own mind.  You were doing the same too, your mind was overwhelmed as his armor fell to the ground and his own fingers got your armor loosened too. 
Once your armor fell to the ground, another layer came undone 
His hands found your waist under your undergarments, you sighed as his lips were along your neck and kissing you so gently, it was like he was afraid you would be frightened by him.  Your own hands moved on their own too, landing on his forearms to feel the muscles he developed thanks to running a village deep in the Amazon Jungle.  
His fingers along your skin were electric, you felt like he had some kind of mind control over you though it was never the case.  Neither one of you was slowing down on your kissing, and your neck was far too sensitive for his lips as you leaned into him some more.  You could feel him slowly going lower with his lips, you moaning softly as he then moved away to stare at you deeply.  With cherry lips and dilated blue orbs, Druig looked as if he was in his most vulnerable state, and you thought he was downright beautiful.
No walls to hide behind or to put up, no hesitance in what he wanted to do or how he wanted to do it.  No reservations, he was simply bare and open to you in this small moment of time.  
“I’ve only thought of you for all those 500 years since I walked away,” Druig said to you carefully, you watching his eyes as he held you a pinch tighter, “I should have said something way sooner: I was in love with you, and I still am.”
All this time?  Were there signs of his love for you that you didn’t see or were blinded by?  There had to have been signs all around you that Druig had feelings for you, and now you felt like a fool.  But that had to be placed in the past, everything else that was in the past no longer mattered to you or to Druig.  So you smiled, smiled so wide that you felt it in your cheeks as Druig then grinned too.
“I love you too,” You whispered to him, knowing it was true.  Nothing else was as certain as those three words that you said to Druig.  You had to let your heart guide you as you two undressed each other slowly and with such gentleness, time seemed to have slowed for you two.  As clothes were tangled on the floor, Druig eased you into his lap on the bed as your lips never stopped kissing and your hands never stopped roaming.  
Feeling this kind of love expanded and heightened was an out-of-body experience for you, Druig touching you in places where you would tremble and whimper in his arms and his love for you kept flowing and growing.  He never slowed in his affection, lips traveling over your breasts and stomach, hands grazing your thighs and along your aching core, and his eyes mystified at the sight of you bare and open for him on the bed.  He was just as bare, you taking in a breath in how you two got to this place and neither one of you wanted to go back.  You loved having him in your arms, touching him along his own legs and hips to hear him moan as he swallowed your whimpers with his kisses.  
Druig bringing you pleasure made you think of seeing the stars for the first time up in the heavens in the earlier years on Earth.  Your senses were on overdrive and your own soul felt like it was expanding more and more as your pleasure was getting higher and higher.  It was a sight to see, you sprawled on the bed and Druig between your legs and making your shake and moan so loud that you were inwardly glad the rest of the group was off the ship. But your mind was on Druig, feeling him lace your hands together as he kept your thighs parted and licked into your folds with vigor and delicacy.  
Even as you were being held in his arms as he rolled his hips, you feel him go deeper and slower as you were holding on for dear life.  Nothing else seemed to be flooding your mind in that room, just you and Druig tangled together in your sheets and letting each other feel the love you had for one another.  It was always there from the very beginning, and now it was the instant sensation that you two were finally sharing it together.  The way he held you as he fucked you, not in an animalistic way but in the way only Druig could.  Deep and sensual, intense and yet gentle.  It seemed like he was possessive of you, but at the same time, he moved your hands to where he knew where you wanted to touch.
Love was an insane feeling and sensational feeling, and you had it with Druig as you climaxed together.
After the rush was gone and you were in the afterglow, Druig still held you close as you were staring at one another.  You both were in a sheen of sweat, hair all over the place, and your breathing was still labored.  But there was a sense of peace there in that bed, you reached up to trace his brown hair away from his icy blue orbs.
“What are you thinking about?” You asked him as you could see him scanning your eyes.  He scooted a bit closer, your shared body heat still couldn’t stop the shiver that you got as Druig traced your spine with his fingers.  His kind and steady gaze were still cosmic after getting together in such a state he still took your breath away.
“How we could have had this sooner if I would have told you sooner how I felt,” he admitted.  You felt your heart break a little bit from hearing that because you knew that deep down you are thinking the same thing.  Perhaps you both were not realizing what was in front of you all this time, what could have blossomed into something beautiful and good.  
“We still have time, Druig,” You reminded him, seeing him blink slowly at you as you kissed his palm soothingly, “There’s still time for us, and I wanna make it worth it with you,”
There was still uncertainty about your future now that the Emergence was over and you were all trying to find your ways again.  There was no need to stay on Earth and wait for something, but the future will forever be foggy.  For now, you were only thinking of the new love that was formed in the very bed, with the very Eternal who wished for love amongst the humans.  
Druig leaned in a kiss you again, you sighing against his lips as he rolled to hover over you and kiss you all over your face.  You had to giggle from the antic, Druig chuckled from hearing your laugh so light and floating in the air.  
The fears were in the past, and your future was bright.
The End.
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Tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heartofwritiing @saradika @virtueassassin @heliosphere8 @basicrese @ethereal-athalia
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jasminewalkerauthor · 5 months
Deep dives into folklore: Apocalpses
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The apocalypse, or the end of the world, has been a recurring theme across a wide range of mythologies, cultures, and folklore throughout history. These apocalyptic narratives offer insight into the beliefs, fears, and values of different societies. They explore how these cultures understood the world around them and how they sought to explain the end of life as they knew it. Despite the differences in cultural contexts, there are notable similarities and differences between apocalyptic depictions across various traditions. These narratives often serve as cautionary tales and reflections on human nature, societal anxieties, and cosmic cycles.
Similarities in Apocalyptic Narratives
1. Catastrophic Events:
Most apocalyptic stories involve some form of catastrophic event that brings about the end of the world. These can include natural disasters (such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions), celestial phenomena (such as eclipses and comets), or even supernatural events. For example, in the Hebrew Bible, the story of Noah's Ark describes a great flood sent by God to cleanse the world of sin. Similarly, in Norse mythology, Ragnarök involves a great battle and cataclysmic events that lead to the destruction of the world.
2. Moral Judgment and Divine Retribution:
Many apocalyptic narratives involve a sense of divine judgment or retribution for human wrongdoing. The end of the world is often portrayed as a consequence of humanity's moral failings. For instance, the Book of Revelation in the New Testament describes a final judgment where the righteous are rewarded and the wicked are punished.
3. Cycles of Creation and Destruction:
In several cultures, apocalyptic events are seen as part of a larger cycle of creation and destruction. After the world ends, a new world or era may emerge. This is evident in Hindu mythology, where the concept of yugas (ages) describes a cycle of creation and destruction. The Kali Yuga, the current age, is expected to end with a cataclysmic event before a new age begins.
4. Heroes and Survivors:
Many apocalyptic stories feature heroes or survivors who play a key role in the narrative. These individuals often represent the best of humanity and may carry forward the legacy of the old world into a new one. For example, in Greek mythology, Deucalion and Pyrrha survive a great flood and repopulate the earth.
Differences in Apocalyptic Narratives
1. Cultural Context:
Apocalyptic narratives often reflect the specific concerns and values of the culture from which they originate. For example, the biblical flood narrative can be seen as a warning against moral decay and disobedience to divine law. In contrast, the Norse myth of Ragnarök emphasizes themes of fate, heroism, and the cyclical nature of existence.
2. Diverse Agents of Destruction:
The agents of destruction vary across different cultures. In some traditions, the apocalypse is triggered by gods or supernatural beings (e.g., the Norse gods in Ragnarök). In others, natural disasters or human actions play a central role (e.g., the flood in the Hebrew Bible or the destruction of Atlantis in Greek mythology).
3. Outcome and Resolution:
The outcomes of apocalyptic narratives can differ widely. Some stories end with a new beginning or rebirth (e.g., the Hindu concept of a new yuga following the Kali Yuga). Others conclude with finality, suggesting the end of all existence (e.g., some interpretations of the Book of Revelation).
Societal Impacts and Influences
1. Reflection of Anxieties:
Apocalyptic narratives often reflect societal anxieties and fears about the future. They may serve as cautionary tales that highlight the consequences of moral decay, environmental destruction, or other perceived threats.
2. Moral and Ethical Lessons:
These stories often carry moral and ethical lessons about human behavior. They may encourage individuals to lead righteous lives, respect nature, or avoid hubris.
3. Cultural Identity and Continuity:
Apocalyptic narratives contribute to a culture's identity by providing a shared story that explains the past and envisions the future. They often affirm cultural values and reinforce a sense of continuity.
4. Influence on Art and Media:
Apocalyptic themes have influenced art, literature, film, and other forms of media across the world. These stories continue to inspire creators, providing a rich source of material for exploration and reinterpretation.
In conclusion, apocalyptic narratives across different mythologies, cultures, and folklore offer valuable insights into human nature and societal concerns. While these stories may differ in their specifics, they share common themes of destruction, judgment, and rebirth. They continue to resonate with modern audiences, reflecting ongoing fears and hopes about the future of humanity.
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mister13eyond · 5 months
I stayed up too late writing a lore dump on my phone.... sticking it under the cut just so I have it somewhere concrete
This is one of the basic building blocks of the universe. Just as physical things are made of atoms, spiritual and magical things are made of mana. 
There is mana abundant in the universe, but it isn't something everyone can access. Human souls are made of mana, but most humans cannot cast magic. After death, human souls are returned to the fabric of the universe just as human bodies decompose into carbon and rejoin the earth. For most people this is all that exists after death: a return to whence we were made. But for some, deals can be made. That's where angels and demons come in. 
Angels are beings who are capable of drawing, storing and casting mana as magic from the universe around them. They are capable of miracles, and can change their shape at will. These beings have formed an organizational structure for dealing with humankind and human souls- we call this organization Heaven. 
Heaven is run with a similar structure to a government. Officials are elected by vote, with representatives being chosen at larger scales the higher up the ranking one goes. At the top level of heaven exists what is essentially an angelic Supreme Court- those who have the final say on what is or is not angelic law. Angels work to uphold a sense of order and balance in the world, and to create a fair and just existence. 
In order to do so, angels make deals with humans to reward their souls with preservation after death. When a human has been deemed to have a positive impact on the world around them, and when they have prayed to angels for life after death, their souls are kept in Heaven. This is something between walled garden and museum display- a collection of the mana that once made up the humans deemed worthy by angelkind.
The environment in Heaven is best thought of as political. Angelic relationships tend to remain professional,  polite, and above all private. Since the entire system is run democratically, reputation and status mean everything to angels. It is far more dangerous to be caught up in a whisper campaign in Heaven than any physical threat- a poor enough reputation will trap angels in lowly positions with no hope of advancement, while a good reputation and a solid network are needed to maintain any sort of influence over the celestial legal system. 
Human souls are judged and reviewed by the Celestial Court, a legal system that reviews the life and impact of each human soul brought in as a potential candidate for preservation. Celestial defense attorneys, such as Asphodel (before their quiet exile) are tasked with presenting a case as to why this human is worthy of Heaven. Those souls rejected in court will be released into the universe once more. 
Celestial court also handles cases where human souls cross paths with Demons. Demons are a different kind of being, and their dominion is known as Hell. 
Demons are not capable of drawing mana from the universe. They are formed from mana, but after establishing themselves as sentient beings, they cannot pull from the fabric of the universe the way Angels can. This means demons must rely on another source of mana: that contained in the human soul. 
Hell functions a lot like a large corporation. Demons make deals with humans to grant them favors in exchange for their souls, after which their souls are sent up the pipeline to the Devil. The Devil then distributes from the mana pooled by all demons under his employ, with the amount of mana each demon receives proportional to their position in the company. Promotions up the ranks happen when demons are exceptionally skilled or experienced, with demons at the lower ranks serving more menial or administrative jobs. Vin worked in a position where his job was keeping track of records and collections, managing data on how much mana came and went through his pipeline. Other demons, like Nik and Ike, would have been in charge of writing contracts or making offers directly, in what more closely resemble sales positions. 
The atmosphere in Hell can be thought of more like a large company with many small social groups and networks. Because the work is stressful- and because demons need to know human vices and pleasures well in order to offer them- Hell has a rather rowdy party culture. Demons are known for indulgence and hedonism, working only so that they can run wild in their hours off. 
Because they are both attempting to collect human souls for different purposes, demons and angels consider themselves to be enemies. However, there is a small portion of both populations who spend their time on Earth, and who have acclimated to one another. These may be those who work in the field directly- offering deals or miracles- or they may be exiles. 
Exiles are demons or angels who no longer live in Heaven or Hell. There are a variety of reasons this may happen, but most often this is due to negative circumstances. For example, Vin is exiled due to a series of loopholes which resulted in an unfulfilled contract. Because he was accidentally summoned with a summoning circle typo, he was summoned for magic he could not actually provide. On top of this, his summoners died immediately from their bungled magic, which left Vin unable to negotiate any adjustments to their terms. As a result, he must stay in earth indefinitely, as the terms of his contract dictate he's only free to return to Hell once he has completed his end of the bargain. Most demons trapped on earth are similarly bound by contracts or exiled for their failures to perform their jobs in Hell. 
Angelic exiles, on the other hand, tend to be a bit subtler. Angels have a system called Falling that can be used to cut an angel off from all mana in the universe. However, this is an incredibly dangerous process. An angel cut off from the source of all mana creates something like a black hole in that angel, causing them to pull indiscriminately from everything around them- compromising both the magical equilibrium of a location as well as draining and potentially killing any humans, demons and/or angels around them.
To avoid this outcome, fallen angels are collared. The collar binds the fallen angel, containing them to a singular form and quantity of mana. Collared fallen can no longer shapeshift, cast magic, or absorb mana. They are held in stasis unless their collar is removed- which would result in the aforementioned magical black hole. This means that properly Falling is a very rare verdict for the celestial court, reserved only for those whom the creation of a dangerous magical weapon still presents less threat than leaving them to their own devices in Heaven. 
Instead of Falling, exiles like Asphodel tend to have been quietly pushed out while making it seem like their own idea. Since reputation and status are so important to angels, many angels who are looked down upon, isolated from or shunned by their peers quietly slip away to earth under the pretense of a project or vacation. This is generally framed as the exile's own decision, though it is usually clear that the angel's peers and superiors are making the decision for them. In these cases, exiled angels are more like estranged family members- quietly cutting off those in Heaven unless an emergency happens, cut off themselves from any access to mana or magic. Exiled angels tend to be reclusive and low-key, living among humans and avoiding drawing unnecessary attention to themselves. 
Amongst these circumstances, it's hardly odd for a reclusive pair of exiles like Vin and Asphodel to cross paths. And while Vin may no longer be able to earn mana from hell, there are ways for demons to collect it that do not need the same process. 
Human souls tend to shed mana the same way their bodies shed skin cells and hairs. On an individual level, this is a negligible amount of mana, but at larger concentrations of people this amount of mana can be collected quite easily. Human souls tend to shed more mana when emotions are high, so events where large amounts of people gather and experience strong collective emotions make for excellent opportunities for demons. These may be things like concerts, movies, theme parks, gatherings, or even streams- mana operates on emotional closeness or collectivity with the crowd, not physical. 
As a result, many exiled demons become involved in culture or the arts. Music, theater, art, filmmaking and dance are all common ways for demons to engage with humans in order to draw them together and unite them in collective experiences in order to harvest mana. Combined with demons’ hedonistic culture in hell, it means a great deal of demons also frequent clubs, bars, raves and parties. 
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stickyhunter · 1 year
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Gue'vesa and the T'au Empire—rules for Imperium Maledictum
Want to play a human under the T'au or have a T'au Patron for that matter? Well hey I've got you covered!
Plain text version under the cut
T’au Faction
“Once got an ork square in his head with this pulse rifle, that’s how I became Gue’vesa’ui. Technology. It saves us all in the end.” —Shas’gue’vesa’ui Edyth Yorscht
The Gue’vesa are found in regions of the galaxy where words of the Emperor ring the most hollow, and where swathes of guardsmen were sent yet never brought home. To those souls, the T’au Empire, their leaders, and their technology, ensure safety and reliability. Gue’vesa are often descended from lost regiments of the Imperial Guard; deployed far too quickly, to establish beachheads that could never hold, left stranded in hostile territories, saved by the T’au. They may not feel much difference between governance of the Imperium and that of the T’au, yet the heavy thumb of anxiety lingers should the Imperium see their treachery in full.
For the most part, Gue’vesa are absorbed into the Fire Caste of the T’au, human helpers serving as yet more bodies that can be thrown at a problem - for some Gue’vesa it is a continuation of the Imperial Guard duty they once left behind. However, humans may receive a place amongst other castes, should their T’au masters recognise their skill in other fields: those born on forge worlds or trained to repair their vehicles in the Astra Militarum may be given a place in the Earth Caste, Administratum officers and regimental quartermasters find places among the Water Caste, and Imperial Naval crew may serve the Air Caste as envoys and ground crews, as the Kor rarely set foot on any planet.
Few, if any, are granted a duty serving the Aun—Celestial Caste—for such a role carries its own heavy burden of responsibility within the T’au Empire. Gue’vesa serving the Ethereals may have been zealots of a faith that long since failed them, now tasked with preaching the Greater Good that saved them, on orders of the Ethereal Supreme and the Ethereal High Council to all other Gue’vesa.
Despite millenia of holding xenocidal doctrine, the Imperium has its uses even for those who have strayed, for their lives are no less expendable than those of the loyal. Within the Imperium, the Gue’vesa may not interact with the Imperium’s authorities in the same way as others, being distrusted at minimum, though most often outright viewed as traitors, for any influence of or loyalty to Xenos is heretical. By contrast, some few souls may see the Gue’vesa in a more positive light, an indicator that the technology of the T’au can prove useful, or at the very least that uniting forces can thwart a worse threat.
How did you become a Gue’vesa? Were you born from those guardsmen, isolated and running out of supplies, found by the T’au? Did you seek your own freedom from the brutality of the Imperium? Maybe it started with the sight of a swift death held off by a fire warrior rather than an Imperial guardsman. How do you see the Imperium — do you hold it in any particular regard, based on your time with the T’au? What of those who are more removed from the Imperium than you, do you regard them with any more empathy than those under the Emperor's light do? Maybe you see camaraderie among humans and Xenos as a path forward, together as a united force, or it could be that even the thought of it hits you with the same unease that is usually sent your way. Regardless of your origin or thoughts on the Imperium, you trust that despite its galactic dominance, you have a duty to further the Greater Good, a duty that their antiquated faith in a dead god cannot dull.
Gue’vesa Benefits
You gain +5 Fellowship, +5 to either Toughness, Ballistic Skill, or Intelligence
You have 5 Advances to spend on Tech, Ranged, Intuition, Dexterity, Lore, and Discipline.
You gain the Greater Good Talent.
You gain +1 Influence with T’au Empire
You gain +1 Advance in Forbidden Knowledge - Linguistics (T’au) 
You gain a Knife, Survival Gear, an EMP Grenade, and a Pulse Pistol
You gain your choice of a Pulse Rifle, Pulse Blaster, or a Markerlight
You can choose one of the following duties to quickly create your character. Additionally, you have +1 Influence with the T’au, the Greater Good Talent, a Knife, Survival Gear, an EMP Grenade, and a Pulse Pistol.
Shas’gue’vesa (Fire Caste)
Your duty is to engage in ranged combat wielding T’au arms, a responsibility placed upon those trusted with weaponry akin to the Shas’saal—the T’au equivalent of cadets.
Characteristics: +5 Perception, +5 Ballistic Skill
Skill advances: Intuition (2), Reflexes (1), Ranged (2)
Equipment: A Markerlight and a Pulse Rifle
Fio’gue’vesa (Earth Caste)
Your duty is to ensure the running of machines, infrastructure, and the cultivation of food. Rough hands come with a pragmatic view on tasks and years spent maintaining technology.
Characteristics: +5 Intelligence, +5 Toughness
Skill advances: Logic (2), Tech (1), Fortitude (2)
Equipment: A Drone, a Drone Controller, and a Fusion Torch
Kor’gue’vesa (Air Caste)
Your duty is to deploy where the Kor T’au do not, being sent down onto planet surfaces as an envoy or ground crew for the T’au Navy.  
Characteristics: +5 Willpower, +5 Intelligence
Skill advances: Linguistics (2), Tech (1), Ranged (2)
Equipment: Dataslate and a Micro-Bead
Por’gue’vesa (Water Caste)
Your Duty is to flow and bind all living things via diplomacy, establishing trade routes, and accompanying others from the T’au Empire to secure a functioning society.
Characteristics: +5 Fellowship, +5 Willpower
Skill advances: Rapport (1), Linguistics (2), Discipline (2)
Equipment: Dataslate and a Writing Kit
Aun’gue’vesa (Celestial Caste)
Your Duty is to guide the others under the T’au Empire, a sovereignty among the ranks. T’au born Aun produce pheromones, giving them latent control over the other castes—while a Gue’vesa doesn’t have this, your true belief for the T’au Empire and all it stands for carries the same authority.
Characteristics: +5 Fellowship, +5 Intelligence
Skill advances: Linguistics (1), Lore (1), Logic (1), Rapport (2)
Equipment: Laud Hailer and a Micro-Bead
Talent — The Greater Good
Requirement: Can only be taken during character creation. You cannot have the Ignorance Is My Shield Talent.
The T’au Empire welcomes all species who don’t resist their expansion, for it serves the Greater Good. You gain +2 SL to any Test made to influence a member of the T’au Empire or +1 SL on Tests to influence Xenos.
T’au Technology
Gue’vesa are allowed a privilege few others are—access to pulse weapons created by the T’au. These weapons are not only deadly and reliable weapons, but a status of trust from the T’au Empire. Gue’vesa are to use what is given to them wisely and with care, for questions of their discipline and worthiness of service will be raised if they fail to do so.
Pulse Weapons
Examples: Pulse Pistol, Pulse Carbine
These weapons, while similar in some ways to the plasma weapons of the Imperium, are refined to the point of optimal functionality by the T’au. While usually seen in the hands of frontline Fire Warriors, they are often also entrusted to non-T’au auxiliaries, from Kroot to Gue’vesa.
Pulse weapons deal high damage and have the Penetrating Trait.
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Grenades, Missiles, and Explosives
Weapon Trait—Haywire
When you use a weapon with the Haywire Trait to target a Zone within range and make a single Ballistics Skill (Ordnance or Thrown) Test, depending on whether the weapon is a Launcher or a thrown Grenade. There is a major disruption to all technology within the target Zone for the next Round, any Tech Tests suffer a -20 penalty.
All characters in the target Zone must make an opposed Reflexes (Dodge) Test versus the result of your Test. If you win the Opposed Test, the characters that fail become Deafened, any Augments they have Haywire for a number of Rounds equal to the difference in SL. This means that some characters in the target Zone may be affected more than others.
EMP Grenade
EMP Grenades are specifically designed to send out an electromagnetic pulse, disrupting or outright frying circuitry to a point of disuse.
EMP grenades make the target Zone go Haywire. If deployed successfully, any vulnerable electronics—dataslates, machinery, even augments—are momentarily disabled. This duration can be extended or shortened depending on the individual electronics, an eye augment may return to use before that of a console for example.
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Weapon Modifications
A Markerlight is a laser used to pinpoint targets, giving its user an exact distance between the Markerlight and the target. Others (including the target) may notice an incredibly small blue dot, revealing the shooter’s presence should they know what this is.
While attached, a Markerlights user can make a Routine Ranged (+20) Test to mark the target for 1 round, any character making a ranged attack against the marked target gets +1 SL to the Ranged Attack Test. Targets can make an Opposed Dodge (Reflexes) Test to try and avoid the Markerlight.
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Exotic*—All these items are Exotic within the Imperium. To obtain new versions of these items you must make contact with T’au Envoys.
T’au Drone
Much like the Servo-Skulls of the Imperium, T’au Drones (Kor’vesa in the T’au language) fill a similar role with one key difference: unlike Servo-Skulls, made with the minds of loyal adepts forever in service to the Emperor, T’au Drones exclusively make use of artificial intelligence rather than to pick apart the remains of those who’ve passed; a trait that inspires revulsion by Imperial doctrine that deems an use of so-called “abominable intelligence” as a grave heresy.
These disk-shaped drones carry equipment or technologies such as sensors. Drones can even wield T’au weaponry, though Gue’vesa are rarely equipped with weapon drones.
Additional Rules: A Drone hovers at roughly a foot above eye level and unless instructed otherwise keeps near its operator. Each Drone has a specific ability as described below:
Illuminator: The Drone has a plasma-fueled capacitor within itself that it can reveal and diffuse through thick glass. This acts as a glow globe or stablight (see Imperium Maledictum page 148).
Surveillance: The Drone is equipped with a singular video recorder, being used to subtlety record the movements of anyone or anything within the area, transmitting recordings to its operator’s Drone Controller.
Utility: The Drone has a mix of tools to aid in mechanical tasks, which acts as a combi-tool (see Imperium Maledictum page 146) for a character at Immediate range.
The quality of drones can vary the abilities of any implanted devices,or can have other effects such as it hovering erratically or drifting away from the character at times. Greater designs might anticipate their user’s needs, or be able to carry out more complex commands.
Drone Controller
A Drone Controller is an electronic device used to control the T’au Drone. These controllers are usually attached to the pauldrons or helms of T’au armour and battlesuits, but may be modified for handheld use.
Fusion Torch
A Fusion Torch is a T’au tool used with an intense beam created via nuclear fusion, making a short-ranged, high-powered cutting tool that not even the thickest metals can hold out on.
A Fusion Torch can be used in combination with Tech (Engineering) Tests to cut through solid objects such as bulkheads, vault doors, or walkways.
T’au and the Gue’vesa
“There’s much out there the T’au have faced. Many here would fear to face those threats. The Imperium still has much to learn.” —Hans Al'Scoth, Aun’gue’vesa’vres
The T’au Empire sits comfortably within the Ultima Segmentum, yet after a T’au Fortress Station bestowed the name T’olku El'Myam'thun—the Skystrider of the T’olku Sept—fell into a warp storm it was left dazed by stars it hadn’t glimpsed before. Clueless to the true workings of the warp, the station now lies in the Macharian Sector of Segmentum Pacificus far to the West of where it originally set off.
In the Macharian Sector
Having scanned the skies finding the pulsar stars that point thousands of light years to the east toward T’au—home—the T’au on the fortress station understood they were stranded. Bewildered by how they travelled such an extensive distance finding themselves within the Macharian Sector, their task now is to connect with the T’au Empire in some capacity, while also seeing this as a prime opportunity to invite more races into the Greater Good, and establish a T’au force within the western sections of the galaxy.
The Flow of Power
Within the T’au Empire the flow of power is simple: lower ranks answer to higher ones, answer to the highest rank, answer to the Ethereal Court, answer to the Ethereal Supreme. While the Ethereal council, who oversee all castes and aspects of expansion, is the governing body of the T’au; here in the Macharian sector the link to the highest part of the hierarchy, the elevated members of the council and the Aun’o, is severed. The Aun that were aboard the T’au Fortress Station maintain their leadership, unwavered by the uncertainty thrown upon all those onboard after such a leap through the warp.
Seat of Power
The Ethereal Supreme holds authority over the entirety of the T’au Empire, and fills a similar power role to that of the Emperor for the Imperium. This role, however, is passed down from one ruler to their protégé, for example Aun’Wei passing the role of Aun’o to Aun’Va. However here in the Macharian Sector the T’au answer to the highest ranking member of the Ethereal caste onboard the fortress station—Aun'Ui T'olku Vior'Vah, Prelate Farstone of the T'olku Sept. They do not act as a replacement for the Ethereal Supreme and Master of the Undying Spirit who resides within their home sector, but rather as a leader continuing the roles T’au have followed for millenia.
Word from voidships far outside of the Macharian Sector have spoken of seeing more T’au Orbitals appearing within the region, maybe other T’au ships entered that same warp storm, being scattered much like those who found themselves here.
As a Gue’vesa, your Patron is likely a servant of the T’au Empire, or, in a rare show of fragile trust between the T’au Empire and Imperium, you serve an Imperial Patron. 
T’au Patron
Your Patron is a member of the T’au Empire, seizing their chance in this new territory to establish a beachhead and secure alliances. Unknown to the everyday citizen of the Imperium, the T’au would appear to be just another Xenos threat, yet your Patron hopes with a helpful hand that Imperial systems will slowly come to see the higher truth of the Greater Good. The looming presence of the Imperium is ever in your Patron’s mind, forcing them into political engagements that are beyond complex.
Influence: Your Patron has +2 Influence with the T’au Empire.
Duty: Your Patron is either a Shas’o—A Fire Commander—or a Aun’saal—an Ethereal Lord.
Shas’o (Fire Commander)
Your Patron holds the highest rank within the T’au army, similar to that of a Commander. While many within the fire caste see this as the only way of leaving the T’au military aside from death, others seize it as an opportunity for control. Your Patron not only understands warfare, but has seen it up-close at a scale like few in the Fire Caste let alone the T'au Empire have been unfortunate enough to witness.
Free Boon: T’au Firepower
Your Patron is able to procure T’au weaponry with little interruption. You have Advantage on Availability Tests for T’au technology, T’au technology becomes 2 steps easier to obtain.
Aun’saal (Ethereal Lord)
Your Patron is a high-ranking T’au, a lord in their own right, and not one to mince words. Their word is law, and those words can prove inspirational. Your Patron is studious, knowing words can cut like a sword; and that negotiation is just as powerful as any gun.
Free Boon: Ethereal Caste
Your Patron’s rank within the T’au Empire allows them certain sway over all who are under them. Should it be needed, a message from your Patron can be shown to others who serve the T’au Empire. When you provide this message, you can choose to force anyone who is aware of the T’au to make a Hard (-20) Discipline (Composure) Test or capitulate to following any commands given to them. You may assume that anyone who shares a Faction with your Patron knows of their rank, while it is up to the GM who else is aware of it.
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Anything marked with an * is listed below, all others listed are found within the Imperium Maledictum Core Book.
Your Patron can call on a small squad of Kroot Mercenaries that can be found within the Macharian Sector. Once per mission, your Patron can put a number of Kroot Mercenaries (page 349) equal to the number of characters in the party under the party’s command for a day. The Kroot Mercenaries are under the control of the Gamemaster, and have been instructed to aid the party.
T’au Firepower
Your Patron is able to procure T’au weaponry with little interruption. You have Advantage on Availability Tests, T’au technology becomes 2 steps easier to obtain.
Fire Warrior Surplus
Your Patron is willing to equip you with surplus T’au Infantry supplies. You may start play with any one option from the list below. Additionally, you may spend a downtime Endeavour to claim an additional item.
A Pulse Pistol, a Pulse Rifle, or a Longshot Pulse Rifle.
3 EMP Grenades.
Any one piece of Xenos Mesh.
Either a Backpack, A Respirator, a set of Survival Gear, a Slip/Drop Harness, an Entrenching Tool, a Grapnel & Line, a Fusion Torch, or a Markerlight.
Water Caste Archive
Your Patron has collected strange and extensive knowledge of all who have joined the T’au and even those who have not. They are willing to give you access to this archive, potentially giving you information on your targets and enemies, and giving Advantage on Lore Tests.
Ethereal Caste
Your Patron’s rank within the T’au Empire allows them certain sway over all who are under them. Should it be needed, a message from your Patron can be shown to others who serve the T’au Empire. When you provide this message, you can choose to force anyone who is aware of the T’au to make a Hard (-20) Discipline (Composure) Test or capitulate to following any commands given to them. You may assume that anyone who shares a Faction with your Patron knows of their rank, while it is up to the GM who else is aware of it.
Rogue Travel
Rogue Traders: +1 Patron Influence
Your Patron has forged alliances with a Rogue Trader dynasty, and is able to arrange passage for you aboard one of their vessels. During each mission, you can undertake up to two voyages on the Rogue Traders’ vessel, including Interplanetary (Warp) travel, as well as hiding you from Imperial Authorities whilst aboard. Your accommodation and meals are of Standard Quality for a week, after which your Patron’s agreements do not cover the expense of further accommodation and rations.
Water Caste Envoy
Any one Faction: +1 Patron Influence
Once per adventure, your Patron gives you a direct line to a Por’el—a Water Caste Diplomat—granting you the right to an audience with a member of the Imperial nobility or high-ranking military on any world, with the Por’el joining you on mission, under orders of your patron to facilitate negotiation.
T’au Air Support
Your Patron can always secure you Good Quality Planetary travel on atmospheric craft. Additionally, once during a mission you can call in a focused air strike or close air support of either Imperium or T’au make, which can be resolved as three attacks of either Frag or Krak Missiles with a Ranged skill of 60. At the Gamemaster’s discretion at the exact nature of the air strike may change, for example a flyover from a Barracuda Class Fighter may consist of two attacks by Pulse Blasters and a single drop of an EMP Grenade and a Ranged skill of 60.
Redundant Observer
Your Patron wants to know exactly how you operate, and has entrusted a Drone to acquire that information. Your Patron deploys a Drone equipped with only a Video Recorder to document your exploits. These obsolete observers will occasionally hinder progress in missions by getting in the way, making noise, or otherwise bumbling around.
Background and Influence—T’au
If your Patron has positive Influence with the T’au they have likely worked alongside the T’au towards a common goal. They may have joined forces, organising a pushback on a Tyranid swarm, or perhaps some Gue’vesa aided the escape of your Patron from an oncoming Waaagh! of Orks, maybe the Patron themselves worked closely with the T’au.
If your Patron has negative Influence with the T’au they will likely have interfered with T’au plans, most likely through serving the imperium directly in conflict with the T’au, though may have had a more indirect effect such as preventing T’au technology being spread to the Gue’vesa within the sector, or maybe your Patron had some hand in warning a settlement the T’au originally targeted for the Greater Good.
Questions your players may inquire: Having a Gue’vesa character—or a T’au Patron for that matter—within a group raises more than a few questions. For example: “Why, in the Emperor’s name, would we ally with Xenos?” To which a number of reasons could be given or hidden from the players. Perhaps those further up the chain of command have allied with T’au within the sector to take out a common threat of Tyranids, Orks, or Drukhari. Maybe you are setting up a conflict with the T’au themselves later down the line; knowing your enemy always hits harder. Access to T’au technology may be another tempting reason to ally with them.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
The idea of Monkie kid Nezha being (technically, I know) the Jade Emperor’s grandson is hilarious to me because it opens up the idea for two dynamics.
“I hate you because you are the walking representation of the marriage my daughter betrayed me to have.”
“Your mother’s a bitch but we’re cool.”
It's... complicated.
You see, after the situation with Zhinu and Songzi/Guanyin happened, Second Princess Yin Wuming had been one of the many imperial princesses that had silently opposed her parents punishments against their own children. Upon losing both her eldest and (then) younges sisters to their poor parenting; she had enough. She was a second born who decided once and for all to scream her opinion into the world, no matter the consequences.
As a punishment for her insolence; the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother sent Yin to live a mortal life on earth until she could understand the suffering a mortal life can bring.
Yin responded to this reincarnation by becoming a demon hunter, marrying a cool af fellow hunter, and having 2 half-divine children before her parents realised that they had made a terrible mistake.
Refusing to yield on their negative opinion of human-celestial relations, but not wanting to lose another daughter as they had Zhinu, the Queen Mother cursed Yin to be unable to bear a child without great suffering. Similar to what she would do to Princess Iron Fan many years later.
What the Queen Mother hadn't counted on though... was that Yin was already pregnant with her third child...
Nezha absorbed the infernal magic sent by his grandmother, and became well... Nezha. Wreathed in flames and more demon than child.
The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother looked down, saw this little guy and were like; "Uh oh."
After the whole storyline involving the war with the dragons, Nezha's sacrifice and rebirth, the Investiture Crisis, Li Jing's and his sons rise to godhood, and Lady Yin refusing reascension to continue the cycle of reincarnation?
The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother basically see Nezha as a painfull reminder and a trophy all at once.
Nezha is the sum of their victories in the Investiture Crisis. Holding a blessing from the Pure One themselves in his rebirth. Raised in his new life to become a fine heavenly soldier and valuable asset to the Celestial Realm.
But he's also a reminder of the wrongs the royal couple have done. They were indirectly responsibile for his creation, and the suffering he brought upon the gods, mortals, and dragons alike. And even with their grandsons and son-in-law becoming celestials, they still lost another one of their daughters.
Nezha is both their most trusted advisor and most detested grandchild.
Lady Yin's soul is still in the cycle of rebirth, so there's no way to know where she's at rn.
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aller-geez · 6 months
Get to know: Freya Lorelai
(So sorry this took so long, I didn’t realize I hadn’t posted a bio for my girl 😭)
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2903 (28)// she/her // Gay/Lesbian // Fallen Angel
Full name: Freya Lorelai
Nickname: Fry
Date Of Birth: November 27th
Big Three: Capricorn 🌞, Aquarius 🌙, Gemini ↗️
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Physical Appearance —
Age: 2903 years old, although she looks 28.
Eye Color: Gold, with black scleras
Hair Color: Blonde that fades into a peach-salmon ombré down her pig tails.
Weight: 130 lbs
Height: 5’5
Race: Angel (Fallen)
Distinguishing Marks or Characteristics: has long elf ears with pale yellow plugs. Spiraled ombré horns, that match her prehensile tail and two sets of wings. Bridge piercing, Angel bites (two piercings on her top lip), a center vertical labret on her bottom lip, and her tongue pierced. Inside of her mouth and tongue are permanently blue. Symbols tattooed on her forehead and collarbones.
Personality —
Greatest Strength: Her skills accumulated through the years of vigorous training she went through before becoming a Guardian Angel. She’s a very skilled hunter, and her stealth can be extremely helpful.
Greatest Weakness: her love for Blythe caused her to knowingly give up her life as a Revered, High Ranking Guardian Angel that she had worked so hard to achieve.
Soft Spot: Blythe, obviously.
Mannerisms: spunky, weapons expert (not guns, but bows/crossbows/knives/etc) LOVES hunting (maybe a little too much..) has a prized crossbow she named Beatrice that she can often be caught talking to.
Miscellaneous Trivia —
Has an unsettlingly large collection of weapons that she keeps in pristine condition. She can identify and give a detailed history of each one, and can get a little overzealous with her enthusiasm if someone shows an interest in them.
Gets painful shock like sensations whenever she mentions anything holy or of god, but because she spent almost 3000 years as an Angel and it’s ingrained into her head— she can’t stop.
Before God found out about her Breach of Contact and subsequent romance with the human she’d been assigned as a Guardian Angel, Freya’s scleras were bright white, she lacked her spiral horns and her prehensile tail. She also had 4 separate sets of huge, gorgeous wings, which showed other celestial beings her high rank as a Guardian. Once she had been discovered, her human was sentenced to death for her knowledge of celestial beings, and she was deemed a traitor and sentenced to a punishment that the younger angels unaffectionately called, “Shark Fin Soup’ing” which meant that she would have her bottom two sets of wings forcibly excised, which as you can imagine is incredibly painful and usually resulted in death by either simply blood loss or the shock they typically went into, and their mangled body would be cast down to earth to eventually perish. Without their bottom sets of wings, no Angel ever hoped to be able to fly high enough to return to heaven again, and were exiled to hell once their eventually came. Blythe took matters into her own hands, narrowly missing the Devine retribution sent to kill her by retreating down to hell, where she sold her soul to Lucifer in exchange for safety for the two women. Because of the brutal torture she endured before her fall which eventually led to the removal of 2 sets of her wings, Freya is very sensitive about anyone touching them or being too close behind her. Even people who stare at them for too long will, at the very least, earn a glare from her. The top two sets of her wings, which she still has, can be full sized, or minimized until they’re extremely small, but they never fully disappear.
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Sneeze Content —
Her own feathers from her wings
Strongly scented perfume/soaps
How severe are they?
Can get the most severe in the spring time due to her seasonal allergies, but she tries to ignore them the best she can.
Do they get sick often?
For someone who wasn’t born on earth, Freya gets sick surprisingly often.
How bad is it usually?
While she does tend to get severely ill, she’s definitely prone to milk the attention she gets from Blythe and tends to exaggerate her symptoms at least a little bit.
Do they stifle?
She gets extremely flustered over her fits in public, so sometimes she will stifle to go unnoticed, but typically her sneezes are too powerful to stifle.
How loud are their sneezes?
Average volume. They tend to be hyper feminine and high pitched, which can make them seem louder.
What do they sneeze into?
Her hands/wrists, or a sweater sleeve.
How often do they sneeze?
A few sneezes a day are typical for her, with more on days when the pollen count is high.
How many times do they sneeze in a fit?
Only once or twice, although not often, sometimes three.
Do they have build-ups or are they sudden?
Sudden and often take her off guard.
Do they sneeze in public?
If possible she’ll try to avoid it, and she’s pretty good at holding them back and can usually fight off an impending sneeze for an impressively long time.
Some examples of their sneezes?
Backstory —
stay tuned… ⋆☀︎。
Reference Sheet —
stay tuned… ⋆☀︎。
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ccasey0 · 6 months
alright, this isn’t related to HBT at all, but I like it too much not to share. so, say hello to the Spirit Au!!
starting with Casey, The Spirit of the Night.
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I’ve got more drawings of him since he’s my fav to draw. Now for his lore!!
Casey lived his whole life in service of The Celestial in the Spirit Tree. He loved Celestial, and devoted his everything to Them. The Celestial is the master of the spirits. The God of gods. The highest of high. He is the one who creates spirits. And Casey was soon to become one. Everyone knows that Celestial was planning on appointing spirits for the Day and the Night. And Casey and his twin were the top options. They were closer than ever. They were never apart. They did everything together. But Casey was the one who worked hardest to earn Celestial’s approval. He worked so hard to be chosen for the spirit of the Day. The most important. The sun, the light, the bringer of life and happiness. But when the time came, and Celestial was choosing who would be which spirit, all that work went to waste. It was all for nothing. Because they chose Dellta. They chose her over him. She never did anything to deserve that. Of course Casey loved his twin. But Dellta was the one who relaxed all day. Played in favor of working. Acted like everything was fine and that they had all they could ever want. But Celestial chose her anyway. Why? Why not him? After everything he did for them, all the hard work, all the hours of labor, all the time he spent trying to please them. Was it all for nothing? His sister was overjoyed, but all Casey could feel was anger and despair. And then Celestial made him the spirit of the Night. The moon, the darkness, the bringer of death and sorrow. The least liked. Casey knew that some people down on earth worshiped the moon, but those people were the poor and the weak. The smallest of villages. And it wasn’t even power that Casey wanted. It was just that he had done everything he could for Celestial, only for them to completely disregard him. He hates that. He hates Celestial. He might have even hated Dellta and her joyful smile at that moment.
Also Casey Sketches!!
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Oke, now for Dellta! I only have one drawing of her for now, but I definitely want to draw her some more.
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Lore time!!!
Dellta had always been the happier of the twins. She played more with the other immortals and spirits while her brother worked to please the Celestial. She knew how important Celestial was, but she didn’t see why Casey had to put all his time towards making them favor him. And she never expected to be chosen for the spirit of the Day. Celestial just gave the role to her. Which meant she had somehow become his favorite. After that, she started doing just what her brother had been doing. Following the Celestial around in her free time and doing things for them to make their view of her even better. She also loved being worshipped. She really enjoyed all the offerings and gifts she received from the humans. And she loved making them all super excited when she sent them a little sign or a gift in return. She was certainly more enthusiastic about being worshipped by the mortals than her brother. She guessed that he just didn’t like the fact that all their offerings were either sacrifices or charms or the occasional food basket. Plus, he had become much quieter and distant ever since the ceremony. Dellta didn’t know why. He had become a spirit, just like he wanted. Was he hoping for something else. She didn’t know. But whenever she asked, he avoided the questions and brushed her off, pushing her further and further away. While they still did almost everything together and they were still extremely close, Casey just started to want to be alone more often and he refused to explain why. He still smiled, but not as often. He still hugged her, but they became shorter. He still loved her, and she still loved him. But he had changed. And there was nothing Dellta could do about it. She couldn’t figure out why he had become like this, he just had. But she stopped caring after a while. She just started putting her attention towards her worshippers when Casey didn’t want to talk to her.
I don’t have any extra drawings of Dellta, but I have a picture of the mountain!
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The giant tree in the middle is the Spirit Tree, which serves as the bridge between the earth and the sky. The mountain is famous for being the largest and most spiritual mountain because that’s where the immortals all gather. Also, the city shown is the Foot Clan. They worship the Spirit of the Day, aka Dellta. Although they get a few things wrong about her. Like how they think that Dellta and Casey are the “Lovers of the Sky”. Casey is worshipped by the Hamato clan, which is in the other side of the mountain. Their village is much smaller and poorer than the Foot, but they know more about the spirits and have connections with a few of them. The Hamato Clan mains are The turtles(but in older form, around 20-23), Splinter(the elder/leader of the village and the most connected with the spirits), usagi(because I can), and april(one of the few humans in the hamato village), and Junior(my version Casey Jones in the au. i just called him Junior since two Caseys would be confusing. also one of the few humans in the hamato village.). The hamato clan is also the only village that is home to mostly yokai and a few humans, while the foot only consist of humans. Also in this Au the turtles aren’t the sons of splinter, just his pupils. They are also all yokai, including splinter. The hamato clan mostly gives blood sacrifices of normal animals and sometimes bowls of blood from people cutting their hands and dropping some of their blood into the bowl since the Night Spirit is supposed to be closely connected to death. Although they also have plenty of shrines with statues and a TON of charms. Charms are a very big thing for the hamato, and they are supposed to hold prayers. Casey is technically supposed to collect the charms at the end of the week during the night and turn the prayers into stars for the people who made them, but he doesn’t like going so close to the village. Also because when he first went down there he found that they had left a dead sheep for him and he hated it. So, for fear he might find more dead things, he didn’t go back there again. Sometimes he will find small charms hung up all over trees that have mushrooms on them and he absolutely loves them. Although he’ll never admit it and he leaves the charms there. Because of this, the hamato people have begun to lose faith in splinter because he is the one constantly telling them to believe in the Night Spirit. Even the turtles have started questioning the spirits, especially donnie who was already skeptical in the first place. not mikey though. he still believes just as much as Splinter. The foot clan, however, all are VERY serious about their faith in the spirits. they have a huge temple dedicated purely for the Day Spirit, and also worship some other spirits too. even the Night Spirit. although Casey doesn't like them either since they also give blood sacrifices, with no charms too! Dellta, on the other hand, loves to go down and see the humans in the Foot. She'd always been fond of sparring, so when she first saw that they Foot were very centered around fighting she was ecstatic and loved watching them train in the grounds in the center of the city. although she had to stay hidden the whole time since she was only supposed to show herself to the people on special events. also, the only time she went to the Hamato clan was during the total solar eclipse since that's when the twins are supposed to go to their opposite villages and use magic to put their symbol on the banners of their opposite representation(sun on the moon banner, moon on the sun banner for example).
anyways, I hope you like this! if you can't tell, this will be mostly centered around the Hamato Clan and Casey. i hope to be able to make more art of this cause it is SO. MUCH. FUN. to draw these guys and build more of the story. i've already got so many ideas for angst floating around in my head, as well as ideas for when Mikey meets Casey for the first time.
also this is very much inspired by Quilt Au by @cokoweee :)
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bthump · 5 months
I doubt there's any real authorial intent to callback to the story but griffith and moonlight baby's current situation sort of reminds me of the Japanese tale of the woodcutter/O-Kaguya-hime. Magical eternal child delivered to a certain couple at an auspicious time, the moon-themed apparition in question having to return to a celestial kingdom and having to shed their humanity in that instance, the transformation being marked by being clothed in pure white feathers, Princess Kaguya having been sent down to earth as punishment for a heavy but unspecified transgression, etc.
Especially since a place that is home (simple but filled with people who genuinely love you) vs home (a place you must belong and must return to) is one of the big themes in the legend and I just feel that sort of reflects nicely with the two biggest desires Griffith had had as a human (the dream vs the one thing that made him forget his dream [genuine companionship]). Not to mention thinking of it that way reminds me personally of how you've framed Griffith's dream vs Berserk's Warm Light Of Companionship before in a work you've written and posted before, I think Snowmelt.
Sorry for rambling and again I don't believe any of this makes up any actual point about the text or Moon baby or Griffith's current place, the thought just sounds kind of fun and it's just one way I've found that the whole werebaby plotline makes more sense to me. Thanks for reading all of this and hope you have a great day/night :))
Oh yeah I absolutely see what you mean, that sounds very similar thematically. I couldn't say whether it's intentional, but Miura did tend to incorporate a lot of folklore/mythology/etc in his works, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was. But either way it's a cool similarity.
Thanks for sending this, and I hope you have a great day too!
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