#who knew he'd look so good in blue and purple?
im-no-jedi · 2 years
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so we all agree this was sexier than it needed to be yes? 🥴😍🥵
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little-annie · 2 months
Bet you didn't know how Eddie found out Steve was Bi.
It was at a club in Indianapolis of all places. He and Steve, along with Robin and Vicki, had made their way to the city for a weekend of fun.
And some recognizance apparently.
Steve was convinced Vicki was into boobies, and at some point had made it his mission to prove such information to Robin. His location of choice? One of the biggest gay clubs in Indiana.
How Steve knew of the place made no sense to Eddie. Well at least not right away. Now though, now he knew Steve was…
Steve was:
A little fruity.
A friend of Dorothy.
A real cocksucker.
Steve Harrington was all of the above apparently.
To Eddie's utter bafflement.
And outstanding joy.
But sitting at the bar with the man in question by his side, Eddie hadn't known that yet. He was helplessly pining over a friend he thought he'd never have the faintest of a chance with. Watching from the side lines, imagining himself as the hot brunette in Steve's strong arms when the man would occasionally make his way to the dance floor.
They were having a good time. They were drinking, the girls were dancing like a couple of dorks out beneath the shining lights. Everything was going great.
But Eddie could still see from even across the dance floor the longing look in Robin's eyes as she watched Vicki do the sprinkler of all dance moves.
They really were perfect for each other.
“How's mission besties to boobies going? You think you'll have Robbie sucking on a tit by the end of the night?”
Sitting on the bar stool next to him, Steve snorts into his drink, choking on a laugh as he turns to admonish Eddie, “Jesus man.” He coughs around the fruity drink clogging his throat. “Robin would punch you in the jugular if she heard you say that.”
Eddie smiles to himself, just happy that he made Steve laugh. “Well good thing she's out there with Vicki then. Really though, any closer to helping them figure their shit out?”
Just as Steve's about to answer, both of their eyes watching the girls, they watch as some tall blonde jock approaches Vicki.
In the same instant they catch Robin's expression crumble.
“Mother fucker.” Steve huffs before he turns back to the bar and orders Robin's favourite drink. A Blue Hawaiin topped with more fruit than Eddie's eaten in the last year. Bright and flashy, decorated with a tiny purple umbrella.
Robin joins them not a minute later, sweat damp hair sticking to her forehead as she sighs sadly and falls face first with a groan into Steve's chest.
Eddie would be jealous if he didn't feel so bad for Robin.
The poor girl is nearly at her wits end.
For months her and Vicki have been going through a will they won't they type of thing.
Christ, they even kissed at one of Steve's little parties. Under the guise of spin the bottle, but it still happened and lasted way too long for Vicki to not have enjoyed it.
But then the next day, Eddie remembers Vicki talking about Dan. Her on - off boyfriend who apparently, judging by Steve's seething and Robin's near blubbering is the guy with his arms around a very annoyed looking Vicki's shoulders.
Robin's pulled herself from between Steve's beautiful beasts and is now leaning against the man, standing between his legs as he hugs her and she solemnly nibbles at her skewered fruit with her chin hooked over Steve's shoulder.
He's saying something to her that Eddie doesn't catch, but he notices how it makes Robin smile.
Albeit a little sadly.
Turning his attention away, Eddie takes a sip of his drink, stares daggers into Dan's soul on Robin's behalf and lets the Wonder Twins have their moment.
Amidst wishing Dan to drop dead, through the blaring music Eddie eventually hears Steve's determined tone.
“I'll do it, Rob.”
Curious, Eddie tunes in.
“You're not doing anything.”
“Mmmmh nope. I'm gonna do it.” Eddie nearly hears Steve's nod of resolution as he keeps his eyes on the gyrating crowd before them. He sounds determined. Surly staring his own form of ill will into Dan's soul, Steve continues, “He keeps dragging her on, which means she's dragging you on. And I can't let that happen.”
Robin sighs, “Steve.”
Eddie can damn well hear them staring one another down.
It's rather loud.
As is the blatant telepathic convention they're having now.
After a moment of lord only knows what they've communicated to each other through a series of complicated facial expressions, Robin sighs again, apparently having accepted defeat, “You're a bitch.”
“You love me.”
“I hope you get Crabs.”
Eddie snorts to himself as he finally turns to take in the two next to him. Robin's now occupying Steve's previous bar stool and Mr. Great Tits and Tight Levi's himself is standing with the bitchiest expression known to man, staring Robin down, who sips her drink and appears unfazed.
And then Steve smirks.
“I literally watched you shave your chin hair with the razor I use on my balls. If I get Crabs you're coming down with me.”
Robin hardly looks bothered as she bites a hunk of pineapple from her skewer, seeming in a much better mood than when she'd arrived.
“You whore. Course you shave your balls.” She mumbles around the fruit in her mouth.
“Not everyone likes to have a jungle bush, Robin.”
Their continued nattering is lost to Eddie as he remains hung up on the idea of Steve's balls. Are they clean shaved, trimmed, artfully maintained?
He's pathetic. Eddie's well aware. Daydreaming of Steve's Adonis like body isn't new in the slightest.
He apparently wonders for so long that when he tunes back to reality, Steve and his decidedly trimmed balls are gone.
He looks to Robin who downing the remainder of her drink.
She shrugs, as if that explains anything.
Then he sees Steve at the other end of the bar talking to Vicki's maybe boyfriend.
It looks heated.
God, is Steve going to fight this guy? Fuck. Eddie's scrappy but he's never had a great track record with Jocks and he knows Steve and all of his monster fighting abilities means nothing when it comes to fighting people. He remembers the guy getting his ass handed to him by Byers. And Hargrove. Like he gets Billy, the guy was fucking insane. But Johnathan? Steve doesn't stand a chance against this guy. He's got at least twenty pounds on Steve.
Steve's going to get his ass kicked and Eddie's not going to be any help. Sure he'll try, throw a punch, maybe play dirty and move his rings over to his other hand so it hurts more, but otherwise he's got nothing.
All bark, no bite.
Fuck, what if the guy has friends here?
Eddie looks back to Robin who's now leaning back against the bar, watching as Vicki dances in the distance, giggling to herself as she waves at Robin then proceeds to do that shopping cart.
The sweet, ginger haired little dork.
Again, their perfect for each other.
“Steve's not really going to fight that guy is he?”
Robin snorts.
“Yeah, with his dick maybe.”
Robin waves him off with a limp wrist and plunks her empty glass onto the bar top behind her with a dull thud.
And then she's off.
Leaving Eddie with that tidbit of information.
She was joking, right? Right?
She had to be joking.
His voice is either lost to the music or she's ignoring him.
Probably the latter.
By the time Eddie turns his attention back to the end of the bar, he catches Steve giving Dan a playful tug to the belt loops and an expression Eddie can only describe as a smoulder.
Then Steve's pulling this guy by the hand to the men's bathroom.
What the fuck did he miss?
Jesus H Christ.
Twenty minutes and one tequila shot later, Eddie watches as Dan goes scurrying by from the bathroom to the exit, still tucking his fucking polo into his pants.
Lucky bastard.
A moment later, Steve returns.
Hair messy, pupils blown, shirt untucked and …
It's that?
There's a small dot of milky white on Steve's chin.
Fucking hell.
Steve plops down in his chair, steals Eddie's beer and downs the remaining half, finishing it with a content sigh.
For the longest time Eddie's speechless.
Staring at Steve and the fucking splatter of come left on his chin.
What the actual fuck?
Steve must've noticed.
Christ and it's not like Eddie can let the guy go walking around with that.
“You've got, uh, something on your chin…”
And like he knew it was there, knew exactly where it was, Steve wipes the evidence of his earlier rendezvous away.
Eddie can't help but continue to stare.
And like an idiot he decides to open his mouth. “Did you just…?”
And like it's nothing, Steve answers.
“Suck off Vicki's ex then threaten him with bodily harm if he ever bothers her or Robin again? Yeah. And?”
Since when did Steve suck dick?!
Eddie's careening towards a level two gay fucking melt down when Steve decides to continue, sounding every bit offended and confused. “Is that gonna be a problem?”
“No!” Eddie answers immediately, hands up in defence. Steve's expression softens just a touch. “No. No, fuck, Steve. No, not at all. It's just-” well he didn't know and he and Steve are good enough friends Eddie figured something that important to Steve's person, he'd know. “I just didn't know.”
Steve's nose scrunches in that cute way that always makes Eddie feel like dropping dead, and then almost sounding like he's surprised, Steve laughs, “You- hah- Eddie! You didn't know!?”
“No wonder,” Steve more so says to himself before ordering both him and Eddie another drink.
He doesn't continue until he's had a sip of whatever fruity monstrosity he's drinking now. “I've been flirting with you for months, Ed.”
“Yeah well I thought you were straight.” Eddie grumbles, feeling like a fucking idiot. Had Steve really been flirting with him? Had all of the lingering touches and seemingly longing stares all been intentional.
Jesus. Fucking. Fuck.
Steve had asked him if he wanted to fool around a couple weeks ago and Eddie thought he was joking.
“What?” Steve says, halfass sounding offended, “Like it would have made a difference. Dude you've made it obvious you're not interested.”
“I- what?”
Steve shrugs, “Yeah. No hard feelings man. I get it. I'm not your type.”
“Not- not my type!? Steve! My beautiful beautiful boy, I am so interested. I'm painfully interested. I'm so interested I jack off to the idea every night, interested.”
He's just going to ignore the fact he said that aloud.
It's worth it for the blush that rises to Steve's cheeks anyways. “Yeah?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“So you wanna?”
“Absolutely annihilate each other in the men's bathroom?” Eddie asks confidently, truly hyping himself up so he doesn't freak out, downing his drink and standing to offer Steve his hand, “ Yes please.”
But not taking his hand and running to the bathroom to hopefully suck each other off, Steve stays sitting, staring at Eddie's offered hand. And just when Eddie starts to think he's fucked this all up before it's even started, Steve stutters his response
“ I- well- I was thinking more like a- a movie and milkshakes, or something?”
Oh this isn't just sex to Steve.
Thank God.
Eddie wasn't entirely sure how his heart would have handled the alternative.
Did Steve Harrington just ask him on a date?
“Yeah.” Eddie answers, a little breathless, a little bashful.
“We can do your thing to if this is just-”
“No. No, Steve. It's really not. I feel like a fucking schoolgirl, man. All giddy and shit. I just never thought-”
“You're kinda hard not to want Eddie.” Steve interrupts him.
And isn't that a fucking line.
“Both?” Eddie asks, only for Steve to raise a brow
“What about both?”
“Oh!” Steve shouts, catching the attention of a few people, one of which being Robin who was wandering hand in hand with Vicki to the bar, “Yeah. Fuck yeah.” He downs his drink just as Eddie had and finally takes Eddie's offered hand.
On their near sprint to the men's bathroom, Eddie's sure, through the buzz of his own brain and the blare of music he hears Robin's raspy voice shout, “Enjoy my besties bald balls, Munson!”
Give my tittle ideas babes. I wanna post this insanity on Ao3.
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Tangerine x fem!reader
Summary: Tangerine has always chosen her over you, until he doesn't anymore.
Genre: angst and fluff
Warnings: Lemon, Tangerine, and reader are in their early twenties, toxic relationship, swearing, violence, men (the gross kind), body/weight insecurities, cheating, intoxication
~ based on a conversation i had with my wife @little-miss-dilf-lover and lightly inspired by Dial Drunk by Noah Kahn ~
It was midnight when you heard the sharp knocks on your apartment door. You knew your roommate was already asleep so you quickly pad out of your bedroom and through the living room, rubbing your sleepy eyes as you open the door a sliver and peer out into the corridor. You see Lemon first, a sympathetic look painted across his features as he holds up an extremely drunk Tangerine.
Tangerine's face is covered in bruises, the skin around his eye is slowly turning purple and you see the blood on his knuckles as he flexes his hands. Your eyes widen and you hurry out into the hall, your bare feet against the harsh carpet as you quietly shut the door behind you. "What happened?" you whisper, worried for him. Tangerine just grunts, his eyes glossy. 
He's been crying. 
Lemon groans and holds his brother higher, looking at you knowingly. As if he knows the news will somehow break your heart. You stare at him, as if to say 'cut the bullshit' because you want to see if it has something to do with Macey—which it probably does.
Tangerine and Macey have been dating on and off for years. Since high school she's had him wrapped around her pinky, his head a lust-filled mess that very quickly turned into full-blown puppy-love. She'd always be the one to dump him and he'd always come back because he loved her so much. It was an endless cycle that lasted until now, your junior year of university. 
You hate her. You have never hated anyone as much as you hate Macey Addams. 
You hate her silky ginger hair, the way her dark eyes contrast Tangerine's blue ones so well, and that fake smile she reserves for you when you see her. You hate how she laughs, how she talks, and how she looks in those skin-tight dresses Tangerine loves so much.  
You hate her.
You hate how you're not her. 
"Ran into some 'friends' from high school at the bar," Lemon says, emphasizing the word friends with a grunt, "Said some things this dick didn't like so he had to start a fucking bar fight, like some fucking criminal. All because of some bird who doesn't want nothin' to do with you anymore, mate," Lemon scolds Tangerine, who slouches against the wall and slides down, holding his head in his arms. 
"Someone called the coppers and I had to bail him out."
Your eyes widen and you run a hand in your messy hair, kneeling in front of Tangerine as you look up at Lemon. "Really?"
Lemon nods and removes his hand from Tangerine's shoulder. He walks away further down the hall, shaking his head as he groans. Lemon's mumbling curses under his breath and so is Tangerine, only his sound sadder than his brother. 
"Hey," you whisper, "Tan?"
His arms attach themselves to your waist, holding you close as he sobs. You sigh, resting your hand on his head as you let him hold you. Sometimes you'd find yourself being bitter, because why does he love Macey so much when you've always been here for him? 
You'd gift him the moon if you could, but instead, you're stuck being just this—his best friend.
Not that you're complaining. 
"Y/n?" he asks a while later as you both sit on the floor of your room, having managed to sneak him quietly through the living room. You're nursing frozen peas to his knuckles as he leans his head against your bed. Knowing Tangerine was in good hands, Lemon had gone home. 
You hum, looking at him. 
"If I could choose who I was in love with," he begins, his intoxication still obvious only he's slowly sobering up. He blinks slowly, finding his words, "I'd choose you."
You look into his blue eyes you'd normally want to drown yourself in and your heart shatters. He means well, you know this. Plus, how is he supposed to know you're actually madly in love with him when you've never told him?
However, the words hurt like hell knowing his love for Macey is almost otherworldly. He speaks of it like a chemical reaction he has no control over and you're simply the choice. Something mundane and easier. 
You turn your head and quickly wipe a tear from your cheek so he doesn't see. You look at him again and strain a smile. 
"I'd choose you too, Tan."
* * *
Four months later, although sometimes you would find him lost in thoughts of her, she was mostly a distant memory and your feelings for Tangerine have been successfully repressed.  
The pub is extra crowded this evening and you slither your way through people to where your date is. His name is Adrien, which is a respectable name. He's handsome enough if not a little boring. You order your drinks and then the conversation turns sour. 
"I mean, females need to watch their crabs, y'know. You should really order a salad," Adrien pushes the menu across the table, his voice calm like he'd just called the sky blue. You frown, cheeks warm as you cross an arm over your stomach, feeling insecure in your dress. 
"Females?" you repeat in disbelief that a man like this exists.
He doesn't answer. The waiter comes with the wine and you gulp yours down in one go.
In hindsight you should have left the moment Adrien opened his mouth, but something inside you embarrassingly craved any form of affection up until he tried to kiss you outside the pub, and when you pushed him away for the second time, he called you an ugly bitch and stormed off. 
Your lip wobbles as you stare at the lamppost, your hand clutching your purse strap so hard it hurts. You sniffle and fumble with your phone, texting the one person you know won't hesitate to come pick you up. You really don't want to walk home.
Minutes later, his car screeches in front of the pub and he opens the door from the driver's side, looking at you with a concerned expression as you climb in, buckling yourself. "Thanks," you mutter. 
"S'no problem, poppet," Tangerine says, sending you a sideways look as he starts the car again, shifting the gear as he drives off. You sink into the expensive leather seats and look out the window. You sniffle again, still holding an arm over your stomach. 
You keep hearing Tangerine's ringtone. Someone's bombarding him with texts. You turn, catching a glimpse of the contact's name as she calls him up again. The screen flashes her name. Mae. Macey. Tangerine turns his phone over in the center console, turning off the sound as he focuses on the road.
You look at him, your frown momentarily distracting you from how watery your eyes have become from the evening events. "Don't you want to answer?" you whisper. You know Tangerine would usually jump at an opportunity for her attention. This time, his jaw clenches and he shakes his head. 
"Rude to answer the phone when you're with someone, innit?" he says, looking at you briefly. "Are ya okay, love?" he asks, his tone softer now. 
You're a little surprised he's putting you over Macey but you relish in it.
You shrug. "Hm, bad date," you say. 
Tangerine's nose scrunches and his hands tighten on the wheel. "Did something happen?"
"If you count him being a jerk who thought it was normal to comment on my food choice on the first date, then yeah." You roll your eyes and look out the window again, blinking rapidly not to cry. You cross your other arm across your stomach as you instinctively suck in.
Tangerine catches the movement and his frustration boils. "You look beautiful," he says and places his hand on your knee. "Don't," he whispers, waiting for you to relax your poor stomach. You do it with a sigh and you're silent the rest of the car ride.
Once you're back home, Tangerine agrees to stay the night to keep you company after such a horrible experience. It really isn't smart, considering your heart latches on to him immediately, and it is only sent plummeting when just before your eyes flutter shut to sleep, you hear Tangerine's muffled voice in your bathroom, her name on his tongue.   
Of course, he'd called her back. 
* * *
Six months later Lemon is throwing a housewarming party for him and his fiancée, Liv. You'd decide to bring your boyfriend of three months. Unbeknownst to you, Tangerine also had invited a plus one neither you nor Lemon approved of. 
"Y/n/n!" her shrill voice calls over the music as you turn, your champagne almost falling from your hand as you see her. Her fiery red hair is cut shorter but it's as pretty as ever as she drops Tangerine's arm and skips over, pulling you into a hug. "I've missed you." Macey's tone is sweet, almost as if you'd been best friends for years. 
You see Tangerine handing Lemon his and Macey's coat, whispering something to his brother who sends him a dirty look. Macey continues to hug you and then introduces herself to your boyfriend Charlie. You don't miss how Charlie's gaze flickers to her breasts in her navy skin-tight dress. Macey smiles sweetly at him.
You feel sick. 
You excuse yourself and find Tangerine in the kitchen as he looks for a drink. "Macey? Really? You're a fucking puppy wrapped around her finger," you spit, slightly drunk from the champagne and frustrated from the situation.
Tangerine rolls his eyes. "She's changed. We're good now."
"You sound so stupid," you accuse, walking over and shoving his shoulder in an attempt to knock some sense into him. He grunts and steadies you with his hands as he frowns. 
"You're sloshed, Y/n."
You shake your head and push his hand away, eyes lidded. "You fucking tell your girl to keep her dirty mitts away from my boyfriend then!" Tangerine's anger rises as he hates what you're implying just as much as you do. 
"She's not like that," he argues and you scoff, turning around to storm off into the living room again. 
"Not anymore," Tangerine calls but you ignore him. 
An hour or two later, after some rounds of charades and sneaking glances you wish you hadn't seen between Charlie and Macey, you're even drunker. Lemon is beginning to worry as Liv insists you have more water. You don't know what you hate more, that your current boyfriend keeps looking at another woman, or how said woman keeps playing with Tangerine's tie as she sits curled up in his lap. 
You think it's all in your drunken mind when you stumble into the backyard and see Charlie with his hand under Macey's dress, her leg wrapped around his hip as they kiss passionately. They're probably fueled by liquor and lust but it doesn't matter, the dam breaks and you turn around, stumbling inside, alerting them to your presence. You're crying as you slam your head into someone's hard chest. 
"Woah. Bloody hell," Tangerine frowns and looks at you. He's probably the only sober person here. He's been fully sober for more than half a year now.  His hand comes up to your cheek immediately as he pads at your tears. "Love, what happened?"
You don't answer him, only sobbing more as you push by him and rush into the upstairs bathroom. Charlie stumbles inside, buttoning up his shirt and he makes uncomfortable eye contact with Tangerine. He stops cold, clears his throat, and nods his head at him before he rushes up the stairs after you. 
Tangerine's stomach drops. He takes a calming breath and puts his hands in his pockets as he walks outside and sees Macey adjusting her dress and wiping the sides of her mouth, where her mauve lipstick had smudged.
She turns to him, her voice still as she says calmly, "I can explain, T." She doesn't sound remorseful in any way, a clear indication that he's been letting her walk all over him. 
He takes another breath and walks to her, his demeanor just as calm and Macey's expression falters. Usually, this would rile him up and she loved the adrenaline she received from calming him down and taming him. This? This was new.
"It's one thing to hurt me," Tangerine drawls, staring at her with a cold gaze. "It's another to hurt her."
Macey frowns. "Who? Y/n? Who cares—"
"I care," he interrupts and takes Macey's chin in his hand, not tightening enough to hurt her, just to scare her. "You went too far this time and I should have never given you another chance. This? Us? We should have ended years ago."
He releases her and Macey's eyes widen. "Tangerine,"
"Get out." He says sternly and turns around, adding in a harsh tone, "And lose my fuckin' number."
Tangerine hears Charlie banging on the bathroom door the moment he enters the house again and his fists clench. He strides upstairs and pulls on your boyfriend's shoulder, feeling him jump as he looks at Tangerine. "Ya think ya haven't done enough?"
Charlie opens his mouth to protest but hearing Tangerine, you open the door just a little and peek outside, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes and a mess of snot under your nose. Tangerine's gaze softens when you sniffle. 
"Tan," you whisper. 
Charlie puts his hand on the door and attempts to pry it open. "Y/n!" He sounds urgent but Tangerine shoves him away, sending him a glare as he lets himself into the small bathroom and locks the door behind him again. 
You're inconsolable now as you cry violently. As angry as you are with Tangerine for bringing her, you need him now. You grasp his shirt and rest your forehead on his chest, shaking. Tangerine is as mad at himself as you are, maybe even more so. He wraps his arms around you and inhales the scent of your shampoo as he kisses your head repeatedly. 
"Darlin'," he whispers, his voice hoarse, "I'm so sorry. I'm so fuckin' sorry."
He hears another annoying sharp knock from Charlie again and instantly bangs his heel against the door, startling you a little but he holds you tighter and barks. 
"Piss the fuck off, twat."
The knocking ends. 
* * *
An hour later, Tangerine has you sitting on Lemon and Liv's kitchen counter as they clean up from the party. He hands you some water as he rolls up his sleeves. One of his hands finds your thigh and he rubs it soothingly. You look up at him from behind your glass, unable to resist the question.  
"Is there something wrong with me?"
Tangerine's forehead pinches and pulls his hand away so he can cup your cheeks instead. He stands in between your legs, his eyes level with yours as they search your features. "Pardon? Say that again."
"What does she have that I don't? Is she prettier than me? Does she have a better body? I- I want to be wanted like her," you sniffle, your words slurred as you're still very intoxicated no matter how much water you've drank. Your cheeks are damp from your tears. "Why does she take every man I like? Why did she take you from me when I loved you damn so much?"
Tangerine's heart leaps at your words. "Loved me?" he repeats, his thumb caressing your cheek.
You nod and look into his eyes. "Love," you admit, "For years—and it never stops either and I tried. I tried, Tan."
You sound so sad.
His hand shakes on your cheek and for a moment you think he's leaning in to kiss you as your eyes flutter, but instead, he crushes you into a hug. You relax in his arms, shutting your eyes fully as you whimper and the sound hits him hard. 
He'd been such an idiot. 
"I would kiss ya," he whispers, sounding sincere, "I'd kiss ya if ya weren't so damn drunk."
You're speechless. 
Liv walks in, holding an armful of paper towels with Lemon on her heels. She smiles when Tangerine shifts away from you, clearing his throat, and you try to look busy, your head spinning from Tangerine's previous words. Lemon raises an eyebrow at his brother and Tangerine communicates with his eyes. Lemon chuckles.
"G'night, lovebirds," he grins as Liv puts away the paper towels and smirks too, slapping Lemon's arm playfully.
Tangerine's cheeks burn crimson all the way up to his ears. 
Once they're gone he turns his attention to you again, looking at you fondly. "I've been a real fuckin' prick, haven't I?" he says and pushes some hair behind your ear. "Lookin' at 'er, when what I wanted was right here in front of me this whole damn time."
You blink at him, his words sinking in but you're too drunk to comprehend. 
Tangerine kisses your forehead. "I'll make it up to you," he says, his chest filling with warmth. It's a promise. One he keeps because when you wake up in Lemon's guest room, Tangerine walks in shirtless with a breakfast tray full of an assortment of toast, beans, and eggs. 
"Monrin' love," he says. He's wearing that familiar smile. A peaceful, happy, smile. The one you haven't seen him wear in a while. 
Damn does it look good on him.     
tags: @kravensgirl, @brokeaesthetic, @earth-elemental18, @lqrlei, @princesssunderworld, @longlivedelusion, @thewinterv, @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader
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busycloudy · 1 year
"Happy Birthday Prefect!"
 • So...Guess who's birthday it is. That's right, it's mine!😁
 • This is basically what I think they would give you when it's your birthday 
• Tooth rotting fluff fanfic? Headcanon? Idk🤷‍♀️Either way it's tooth rotting fluff(The last part might make you shred a tear tho)
 • Reader is gender neutral. The first years/our chaotic of a group is last! 
• Enjoy! (And happy birthday to anyone else that has a birthday today!)
Riddle Rosehearts- A Necklace
He gave you a necklace with a Rose, to resemble him, on it. The beads are a bright red and black. In the center of it a beautiful and small glass rose is shown proudly.
Trey Clover- Favorite Sweet
He made you your favorite sweet! He made it specially, and don't worry, no oyster sauce was added!
Cater Diamond- A Phone Case
He got you a phone case that has your favorite thing on it. For example if you like cats he got you a phone case with a cat pattern on it.
Leona Kingscholar- A Ring
This ring was something that simply just reminded you of him. It was golden with silver lettering that said "Herbivore". He didn't tell you this, but he has one himself that says "Sleepyhead"
Ruggie Bucchi- Favorite Food
Ruggie got you some of your favorite food, free of charge! Well, all you owe him is to always have a smile on your face.
Azul Ashengrotto- A free drink + free food
He let you have a free drink, and a free dish from the monstro lounge. How very kind of him to do for a poor unfortunate soul like you! He may also let you sit with him in the V.I.P room and chat.
Jade Leech- Book- Terrainum
He got you a book about different plants, and a terrarium! When you decorate the terrarium, do get Jade if you need help! He will gladly do so!
Floyd Leech- Plush
He got you a eel plushie. He came across it and thought it was adorable, so he thought to give it to you! (He also has a matching shrimp plush)
Kalim Al-Asim- Pictures
Kalim knew for a gift like this, it couldn't be anything, it had to be sentimental, so he gave you some pictures the two of you had together. Hang it on your wall/fridge and he will be so happy!
Jamil Viper- Snake Bracelet
A golden snake bracelet that wraps around your wrist. He hopes this reminds you of him. (He'd be so happy if you wore it every day, please do so, or at least wear it as much as you can🥺)
Vil Schoeinheit- Hair Clip
He gave you a hairclip shaped like a crown. He was still the fairest of all, but maybe you could second him.
Rook Hunt- Bow and Arrow
Rook gave you a bow and arrow of your own Iff you ever would like to practice archery, come to him!
Idia Shroud- Controller- Headphones
He gave you a black and blue game controller with headphones that match, which also have cat ears on them. You can game with him anytime!
Malleus Draconia- Earrings
Malleus gave you dragon earrings, something to represent him. "Would you like to go on a walk tonight?" he asked you. The two of you looked at stars and constellations that night.
Lillia Vanrouge- Fingerless Gloves
Black fingerless gloves with a green bat symbol on it. He also says "You've grown so much since I first saw you" then patting you on the head.(KJDHSJHSHSDJ I DIED WHILE MAKING THIS PART)
Silver- A Blanket
This blanket had multiple squares of different shades of your favorite color(Like patchwork)The blanket was also very soft! If you wasn't already getting good sleep, this will definitely help!
Your friends, the first years, gave you scrapbook to hold all your memories, and matching bracelets
The scrapbook has pictures of everytime all of you guys have hanged out together, and some pages are still left empty to fill out more and more memories. The bracelets have all your main colors on each and every one of them, and connect to each other when close by. They have a striped pattern of Red(Ace), Dark Blue(Deuce), Yellow(Jack), Purple(Epel), Light Blue(Ortho), Green(Sebek), Grey(Grim), and [insert your main color](You).
Ace says the bracelets were "Duece's 'stupid' idea" But in all seriousness, he also loves them.
These things are something you can have so if you ever end up finding a way home, you can take it with you to remember them.
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soullessdianthus · 1 year
just read “forbidden fruit” and i’m OBSESSED. Also, it got me thinking on this, hear me out; Ghost notices the way König looks at you after that little encounter, so AND IF THIS IS TOO MUCH PLA IGNORE IT for some reason Kortac and TF141 have to share base, meaning König sleeps on the bedroom next to yours and Ghosts and hears how you absolutely get railed into next dimension bc poor baby Ghost was jealous someone else was looking at his girl the wrong way, so he makes sure to cover you in marks to let everyone know you’re very much taken and YOU CAN TAKE IT FROM THERE BUT LIKE I SAID IGNORE IT IF YOURE NOT COMFORTABLE WRITING NSFW
✧°. Boyfriend!Ghost would absoluetly make sure other people from your surrounding know you're his girl. He'd leave purple hickeys in a visible place and while normally it would be probably your neck, this time (when you're wearing a military clothes, covering your skin) Ghost would go as far as leaving his marks behind your ear or on your jawline.
✧°. Which, of course, was a subjects of your latest argument, because it was vulgar to mark your lover in such an obvious way. But silently you loved it, let's be honest.
✧°. If you happened to share some accommodations with KorTac and SOMEHOW were placed on the other side of König's room ─ Ghost would absolutely abuse that coincidence.
✧°. He'd be in a worse mood, acting more grumpy than usual, but when you two finally happened to get comfy in your shared room (or just his private quarters), Ghost would be all over you ─ almost tearing your clothes off, kissing so desperatly, his tongue inviding your pretty mouth.
✧°. Boyfriend!Ghost would fuck the daylights out of you on the creaking bed, making sure you're not holding back any noises. Where normally he wants to keep all of you to himself, during that mission he had a point to make.
✧°. While you and lieutenant were sharing an intimate moment, König would lie in a bed too small for him, listening to the awfully salacious noises coming from the other side of the wall. Mostly of you.
✧°. Austrian soldier tried to ignore your little whimpers and sweet moans, but just couldn't. He sneaked one of his palms under his cargo pants and below the boxers. König would fuck his fist, bucking his hips upwards, thinking of you bouncing on his fat cock. He knew he shouldn't be imagining this, like at all. But your sweet gaze haunted him when he closed his blue eyes. He would take such a good care of you. <3
✧°. König would imagine that you were with him that night, that it was him who made you whimper from pleasure. Colonel would thrust into his own hand until he came hard, knowing he should be more careful next time when around you. The thought alone about you made him a perv.
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theamberfist · 3 months
Hell's Second Greatest Dad | Vox + Reader + Alastor
Familial! Alastor is reader's dad, Vox is the dad that stepped up
Description: With your dad, the Radio Demon, having been missing for seven years, you've come to see Vox as father figure instead. But when Alastor shows back up one day, he's furious to find his old friend trying to take his child away from him.
(Notes: CW Alastor, angst) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Alastor's kid from life) (Could be biological or adopted) (Teen Reader)
❀ This one will have a song! It's a rewrite of Hell's Greatest Dad, but with Alastor in Lucifer's place and Vox in Alastor's place (Alastor gets a taste of his own medicine) ❀
Words: 4,049
"Tomorrow's forecast calling for acid rain with tornadoes picking up around noon in the Doomsday Distract," The familiar voice of hell's iconic tech demon explained, "And now for our Reader's Segment!" He smiled, placing the papers he'd been reading off of on the table in front of him and looking back up at the camera. 
Once he announced your name, the TV screen promptly changed to show you curled up on a plush couch with a fuzzy blanket and a book on your lap. "Take it away, kid." Vox's voice said through the earpiece you always wore while on-air in case he needed to communicate with you. 
"Thanks, sir." You smiled at the camera before turning your gaze down to the book in your lap, "Tonight we'll be reading something a little slower paced. It's fun, cozy, and perfect for a night like this, so let's begin." With that, you announced the title of your current favorite book and then flipped it open, reading aloud. 
The set around you was decorated to resemble a cozy living room; with a crackling fireplace behind your couch, a fake window to your left that was supposed to make it seem as if it overlooked a snowy field, and the softest carpet you'd ever walked on. The log walls were decorated with photos of cute animals since you had no family photos to adorn them, and both the couch, blanket, and carpet were soothing shades of light pink and purple that greatly contrasted the harsh the blues and red of your boss while still remaining within the same domain. 
You read in your most soothing tone, which many viewers liked to claim had the ability to lull them to sleep almost instantly, even if you had no such power that you knew of. Though, you supposed anything calming and cozy like this would have been a great relief in a place like hell, which had been your goal from the beginning. 
Vox was hesitant about your segment when you first pitched it, considering it was so different from the rest of the shows he ran, but eventually he gave it a chance, and it had only ever paid off since. As far as sinners went, you were adorable, and it wasn't just because you were young compared to most of the adults in hell. That, coupled with the cozy vibe of your set and the books you read, was enough to keep viewers coming back, meaning there were more people to see Vox's commercials and, therefore, become his customers. 
Not to mention the fact that it made him look good in the public eye. A teenage sinner who liked to read their little books for the public, and whose soul he didn't even bother to own? He looked more kindhearted than half of hell's overlords combined, no matter his intentions. 
The only person that didn't approve of your reading segment currently stood on a sidewalk somewhere in Pentagram City, watching through the window of a shop. Despite his apparent smile, his eyes were narrowed in disapproval at the screen.
To those who didn't know him, he would have simply looked like a regular sinner; interested in listening to you read the story you seemed to excited about. Had they been paying attention, they might have noticed the way his hands tightened around the microphone he held or how his red deer-like ears tugged back slightly. 
And as for those that did have the sense to recognize him, they wouldn't have even had the time to notice those details, because they would have already turned and walked the other way upon seeing the Radio Demon back after his seven year absence. 
About an hour later, you finished your segment, feeling a little sleepy yourself from the calming sounds of the fire and a good book. Even your cameraman seemed to barely be able to keep his eyes open at this point.
"I think we'll stop there for tonight," you said with a yawn, gently placing your Vox Tech bookmark between the pages and closing your book, "Tune in tomorrow, where we'll continue the story from where we left off." You were talking even more quietly than you had at the beginning, not wanting to disturb any of the viewers at home that may have fallen asleep. Though, it was a futile effort, considering a blaring commercial would likely run the second you were off-air again. "This has been the Reader's Segment; thank you and goodnight!" 
With that, your cameraman signaled that you were now off-air and you yawned again, wrapping the fuzzy purple blanket around yourself despite the warmth of the nearby ambient fire. 
A moment later, the door to your recording set opened and in stepped Vox himself with a familiar frown on his face. He looked around, though, and the second his eyes landed on you, the expression was replaced by a  picturesque smile. "There they are!" He exclaimed happily, walking over to you as you blinked sleepily at him. 
"Hi." You smiled through your hazy tiredness, making the tech demon soften just a bit. 
"Well done, kid." He said, ruffling your hair, "As always." Vox gently placed a hand on your back, leading you towards the studio door and leaving the rest of his workers to clean the set up behind you. "I have to say, I never expected a 'cute' segment like yours to do so well," he went on, ever the businessman, as you half-listened. "Turns out comfort was exactly what pathetic sinners wanted all along!" He glanced your way, his smile becoming more genuine now, before adding, "I'm proud of you, kid." That got your full attention now. 
You'd only heard the words a few times in your whole life, despite the huge positive effect they always had on you. Even the man that had raised you; the one that should have been the most proud in the end, had never actually told you so. Vox may not have been related to you by blood, or even legally, but hearing that phrase from him still made you grin.
"Thanks." You replied, unsure of how to convey how much his pride meant to you. Luckily, it seemed you didn't need to, because he just nodded and then brought you over to the nearby elevator. 
"It's the truth, kid," he replied, pressing the button that would take you up to his designated floor. Each of the V's had one, with Vox's being the highest, that was technically supposed to be solely their living space. However, after you began working for him, Vox ended up converting one of the rooms on his floor to make it yours. Now, your bedroom was the first door on the right after entering Vox's floor. 
"Though, it looked to me like that bookshelf of yours is starting to get a little empty..." He was referring to the shelf found on your set. It housed each of the books you planned on reading next in no particular order. This way, when you finished one for the show, you could immediately pick a new pre-approved one from the back shelf. The one you were done with would then be moved up to your room for you to keep, which was beginning to look more like a library with how many titles there were inside. 
"Did it?" You asked, feeling a little embarrassed, "I can grab a few more to add to it tomorrow." Vox shook his head, though, as the elevator finally reached your shared floor. 
"No need," he replied, "How about we buy some more tomorrow; call it a shopping day?" With how many unread books you already had making a mess in your room, there was really no need to buy any more. But after the first year of having you around, he realized making you happy tended to lift some of the stress and burden he felt off his shoulders, so he did so whenever possible. 
"Really?!" You asked, stars practically shining in your eyes as you stepped out of the elevator. Vox nodded, a warm smile on his face. 
"Of course; can't have my best segment lacking stories, now can I?" You grinned, hugging him without even thinking. At some point during your time working for him, it had become a natural gesture.
Vox rested a hand on your head with a grin, patting your hair. He'd never expected to get so attached to a kid, much less you, of all people, and yet here he was, enjoying the hug as if he were your close family member. 
Once the excitement of the news seemed to die down for you, that fuzzy, tired feeling from before came back. "Thanks, dad..." You mumbled into the tech demon's coat. His eyes widened for just a moment before a smile reappeared on his face. You probably hadn't even realized what you'd just said, and yet, it felt so right for him to hear it. 
"No problem, kid." He replied. Finally, he pulled away, patting your shoulder. "Now, you'd better get to bed if you're going to have enough energy for book shopping tomorrow." You grinned again, wrapping your soft blanket a little tighter around your body. 
"Right." You said, gently rubbing your now-very-tired eyes. "Goodnight!" You called as you turned and opened the door to your bedroom. 
"Goodnight." Vox replied softly before you closed the door behind you and disappeared. He could hear a muffled 'flop' sound somewhere inside, realizing you'd likely collapsed onto your bed immediately after entering. 
He chuckled softly before turning to head to his own room. Vox tended to stay up much later than you most nights; handling various paperwork and business. Today was no exception, but as he made his way to his office, which was attached to the bedroom, he spared a glance at the framed photo that sat propped on his bedside table. In it, you were depicted, holding up the camera to take a selfie. Vox was there too, an arm around your shoulders as he posed for the camera. Both of you looked so happy; smiling brightly as if you had not a care in the world.
It was his favorite photo; thus why it always remained on his nightstand. He turned away now, heading for his office with a renewed determination to get things done. After falling out with his closest friend seven years ago, the tech demon had assumed nothing else would ever be able to bring him joy again.
And he had been right, until you came along. 
You were up bright and early the next day; too early for Vox's standards. He'd barely gotten any sleep, as per usual, but had smelled the breakfast you were making in the kitchen once he came out of his extra office. 
As soon as he entered, you'd smiled and sat him down at the table, handing him a plate of your personal favorite breakfast food. Of course that had been what you chose to wake up and make this early in the morning.
Regardless, the tech demon humored you, knowing you were just excited to get to go book shopping later that day. 
Once you'd both eaten, you hurriedly shoved him into his room, insisting he get dressed and ready for the day while you did the same. Apparently, you wanted to be at the bookstore the second it opened, but who was Vox to deny you, when it seemed to make you so happy?
Once you both were ready, the two of you took the elevator down to the V Tower lobby, with Vox ignoring several calls from his assistant along the way. He could wait until later, the tech demon decided. Instead, he listened to you go on and on about the books you planned to get and how excited you were. It seemed you had a fully prepared list, and Vox was ready to get every single one on it if it brought you joy. Finally, you reached the ground floor and the elevator dinged as the doors opened.
And almost immediately, you were met with the sounds of shouting and windows breaking. Clearly, there was already a commotion, even though it was even ten in the morning yet. Sighing, Vox stepped out first, followed promptly by you, who would never miss out on a scoop if you could help it; especially if it was happening in your own 'basement.'
What you saw was even more surprising than expected. The employees that usually worked on this floor were running around like chickens with their heads cut off; many of them screaming in fear. The secretary that usually worked the front desk was dangling in the air; held by an eerie black tentacle that you recognized all too well. Following it with your gaze, you could see that it was attached to none other than a red deer-like demon, whose body had morphed so that he was almost too tall to fit in the room.
A green 'X' mark sat on his forehead, further confirming that he was currently in his demonic form as he held the secretary up to his eye level.
"Where are they?!" He demanded, his radio static voice somehow even more haunting than usual. 
"I'm not authorized to tell you that!" The secretary screeched, covering his eyes as the tentacle's grip tightened around him and began bringing him towards the demon's open mouth.
Vox's assistant stood off to the side, frantically typing something on his phone amidst the panic. So, that was why he'd been calling so much this morning.
With a sigh, the tech demon activated his mind control powers, taking a step forward into the chaos. "Stop!" He shouted, his voice distorted. Suddenly, everything came to a stop, except the giant demon still holding his secretary, who slowly turned his head in your direction.
Still smiling, his eyes narrowed for a moment before he suddenly noticed you standing there, instantly reverting back to his normal form as if nothing had happened. The black tentacles that had been holding the secretary disappeared, causing them to fall to the floor with a thud. Meanwhile, the Radio Demon adjusted his coat jacket and stepped forward.
"Finally," he called, holding his microphone-cane behind him, "The man in charge, so to speak." Both you and Vox tensed, and you looked to the tech demon, unsure what to do. 
When neither of you said anything, Alastor spoke again. "And it seems you've found my little one!" He exclaimed with an even wider smile, "Good, then I'll have no need to search this entire building for them." Vox's eyes narrowed at the idea, and he was about to take a step to the side, so as to block you, when you finally spoke.
"Papa...?" Your voice was quiet; hurt. The tech demon hated it but you took a step forward, nonetheless. This was, as much as he hated to admit it, technically your father; the man you hadn't seen or even heard from once in the last seven years. That would have shocked anyone. 
"There you are, my dear!" Alastor said, opening his arms to you as if expecting a hug. "Come along, now. We have quite a bit to catch up on!" You didn't move. 
Vox took a step forward, sensing your uncertainty. "You've been missing for seven years," he replied, "They don't have to go with you." Alastor's eyes narrowed. 
"They're my child," he said, "So I'd suggest you get out of the way before things get ugly, old pal." You bit your lip. As much as you'd longed to see your father again all this time, now that you were faced with that reality, you weren't so sure. You'd only just come to accept the fact that he would never be returning for you, and now here he was, acting as if nothing had even happened. 
You used to be close with him, but now it felt like he wasn't even the same person anymore. Vox, of all people, had had to take you in after your dad left without warning, and since then, he'd become the only father figure you had in your life. 
Alastor glanced between the two of you with what would have been a scowl, if not for the permanent smile on his face. Everyone else had all but cleared the room now; leaving only the three of you there in your standoff. 
You were frozen; unsure what to do, and you knew Alastor could see it. It was like having to choose between your two parents in a divorce, except in this situation, it was the once-loving-father that had abandoned you and the man that had stepped up ever since. 
Unfortunately, Alastor didn't seem to read the situation the same way you did, because with his flare for the dramatics, he went on.
"Darling," he sighed before bringing out his mic and beginning a song. Now you knew there was no going back. "Looks like you could use some help," he began, "from hell's Radio Demon himself!" 
Alastor swung his cane, summoning two familiar sinners to the room to back him up now. "Never trust the one who's acting so heartfelt!" He pointed in Vox's direction, and Nifty immediately scurried over, jumping on Vox's shoulder. 
"Traitor!" She exclaimed adamantly before the tech demon ripped her off of him. Husk, however, was less enthusiastic. 
"Heartless," he said, ignoring how Vox glared and began to stalk towards him, only for Nifty to jump and latch onto his back now. 
"A total snake!" She exclaimed and he tried to shake her off again. Meanwhile, the two of them provided enough distraction now for Alastor to gently grab you by the arm and pull you away. 
"Oh, with enough motivation, dear," he went on, "He'll betray you, standing right here!"  Before he could get you out of the lobby door, though, Vox had pressed a button to activate the security measures, locking it from the outside. "Usually, you'd learn it on your own, I fear," he went on, "But for you I'd do anything!"
Nifty ran over to the two of you wearing one of your hats she'd gotten off a nearby coat rack now, hugging one of Alastor's legs as if she were pretending to be you. Or at least, a happier version of you. "Thanks, dad!" 
Alastor turned, pointing to Vox, "Who needs a knock-off now that I have returned?" Nifty nodded eagerly, jumping to rest on your father's head. 
"Whoa!" She sang, having way too much fun with this. 
"Come back to radio; have all you could want!" Alastor went on, trying his best to win your favor once more. "I've all the fatherly affection you've earned!" He spun you around once before gently gripping your shoulders and pointing up as if he were showing you something in the sky. "Clothing, safety, souls of the hasty, this we would flaunt!"
Finally, Vox seemed to have had enough because he appeared between the two of you like a bolt of lightning, gently pushing you away from Alastor and towards the elevator. "Who's been here since he was gone?" He reminded you, "Even if you weren't my spawn? Who gave you the segment that makes them yawn?" He pointed to the crowd of sinners outside, who'd gathered by the windows to watch what was going on. Then he smiled and straightened his bowtie. 
"It's your very own producer!" He sang.
"That's true..." You admitted as he pressed the button for the elevator now, already using his demon powers to call the security staff to the lobby to handle Alastor. Any other day, Vox would have done so himself, but having you right there made the situation much more difficult. 
"I support you, day to day!" The tech demon went on, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, "Your books, show; whatever you can name!" The elevator doors opened, and Vox pushed you inside before you could even think of protesting. Once Alastor was out of sight again, he brought up a photo of the bookstore you'd planned to visit.
"Remember I'm taking you shopping today?" He asked just as a video chat with the bookstore's owner appeared.
"Buy our books?" She asked in the same singing-tone everyone seemed to have adopted now, "Thank you sir!" 
The elevator doors dinged now as you reached the third floor, where Vox's security team was stationed. However, the second they opened, all that could be seen was Alastor, along with an empty office and some black tentacles still disappearing from wherever they'd came. 
"I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond," Vox went on as he hurriedly pressed the 'close door' button in the elevator. They began to do so, only for another of Alastor's black tentacles to stop them just in time, ripping the doors open. "You're like the child that I wish that I had!" If Vox could sweat, he surely would have been doing so by now as Alastor's eyes narrowed again. This was the closest you'd ever seen him to not smiling. 
"Excuse me?" The Radio Demon spoke, his pupils already taking the shape of dials. Finally, Vox stood straighter, turning back to you and patting your head. 
"I care for you just like a child spawned!" He sang, knowing it was getting under Alastor's skin. "It's a little funny," he glanced back, a smirk on his features. Your father was seething. "You could almost call me 'dad'!" The second those words left Vox's mouth, Alastor moved to attack him, only for you both to disappear in crackles of electricity. 
The tech demon almost never transported others with him this way, which meant he was taking Alastor's presence in the V's tower seriously. You appeared on your shared floor, which also happened to have a panic room. It had been designed for waiting out exterminations but, considering the situation, Vox figured it would work just fine to keep you from your father now. 
He began pulling you towards it, only for Alastor to appear out of the shadows in front of him. 
"They say when you're looking for assistance," Vox sang, trying to move around him, only to be blocked by a black tentacle, "It's smart to pick the path of least resistance!" He was getting very tired of playing nice with the Radio Demon, especially when the tentacle previously blocking him grabbed onto his arm and pulled him away from you.  
"Others say that in your needy hour," Alastor said, beginning to pull you away from the tech demon, "The one that first raised you is simply never sour!" He spun you around to emphasize the proclamation, then stopped and placed both hands on your shoulders. "Who just happens to have known you in life!" He added a little more intensely.
A second later, though, you were pulled out of your father's grip by Vox, who began rushing you towards the panic room. "Sadly, there are times a child's needs are met with strife!" He exclaimed, pushing you through the door as gently but quickly as possible, "They say the family you choose is better." 
"Pathetic excuses!" Alastor chimed in, grabbing onto your arm just as gently-but-urgently as he attempted to pull you back. 
"Can you butt out of my song?" Vox snapped, pulling harder on your arm. You were halfway through the door now, awkwardly standing there and not knowing what else to do.
"Your song?" Alastor replied with a scoff, "I started it!"
"I'm singing it; I'll finish it!" Vox shouted back, pulling back on your other arm. The pressure was starting to hurt you now but you couldn't seem to get a word in about it as they fought one another. At this rate, you'd be torn in half before they could come to a custody agreement. 
"You're always such a piece of-" Before Alastor could finish his sentence, you finally cut in, pulling your arms out of both their grasps.
"That's it!" You screamed, finally catching their attention despite the entire song having been about you. "I can't do this right now!" You backed away form them both, feeling more than a little hurt and confused. Vox went to speak up but you weren't having it; raising a hand to stop him as you turned and stomped off to your room. "I need time!" And with that, you slammed the door behind you. 
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howlyourmelancholy · 1 year
Dream Baby Dream
summary: in which dreams become a reality.
warnings: jamie is being a dominant little shithead, which we love. dirty talk. little bit of rough sex. NSFW.
words: 669.
notes: i would say that i'm sorry but honestly i'm not. consider this a direct follow on from 'dreaming of you'. i hope enjoy another little smutty blurb for james.
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I had a dream about you, actually.
At the time, you regretted uttering those words. Sirius had given you shit for days, constantly poking and joking about the true nature of your dream. He’d insisted that it hadn’t been about penguins, or if it was, it was because the bedsheets or your knickers had cute cartoon penguins on them. After a few days and several stern warnings, he finally let the matter go.
James, however, had not. He’d pestered you for hours and days until you finally snapped, yelling the truth at him, after omitting a few details, of course. All you told him was that the two of you had had sex in a classroom.
Nothing more, nothing less.
That had been mistake number two, because the next thing you knew, he was grinning at you with that lazy smirk he always had. And you'd looked at him with suspicion and not believed him at all when he'd told you not to worry about it, that it would be your little secret with him.
But now?
Now you don't regret a damn thing.
James had bent you over Slughorn's desk so that you were facing the door. He had one hand fisted in your hair, the other grabbing you cruelly by the hip. Your skirt was rucked up around your waist, and your knickers were pulled aside, the elastic band of them digging into the flesh of your hips.
Unlike in your fantasy, James wasn’t trying to keep you quiet. He was doing quite the opposite. James had made it his mission to make you moan as loudly as possible every time you clapped a hand over your mouth or bit your knuckles to muffle your cries. The drag of his cock was mind-numbing. He had your eyes rolling back and your toes curling with each thrust, the mushroom head of his cock crashing into a spot that had the air leaving your lungs in little gasps.
Your nipples scraped beautifully on the table, only adding to the sensation overload, making your core gush around his cock as he rearranged your guts. "Come on, baby," James whispered against the nape of your neck with a hot breath. His lips practically melted into your skin, sending wisps of fire licking through your veins as he trails kisses down your spine.
The sound of his voice made you whimper and had you trembling beneath him as he tugged on your hair. The feeling of his cock in your gummy walls was holding you on the verge of oblivion. He was the only thing keeping you from tumbling over the edge, and you both knew it. "Wanna hear those pretty sounds," he muttered against your sweat-slicked skin, his tongue chasing a droplet down your shoulder blade as you pushed back to meet the piston of his hips.
You couldn’t find your voice around your knuckles. You knew your skin was going to be bruised in the shape of your teeth, bitten blue and purple beneath his relentless assault. You were terrified someone would hear you, that they’d walk in and see James Potter splitting you open and how much you loved it, but the thought of him stopping was physically painful.
"S’close," you managed to gasp as you dropped your hand back to the desk. You curled your fingers around the edge of it, your nails digging against the underside. Hearing this, he snaked his arm around you, his fingertips finding your clit to draw tight circles.
"You gonna cum? My whore's so fucking greedy; go on then," he said, his tone mocking as he pulled your hair, forcing your head up and making you stare at the door. He thrust deeper until you were sure he was in your throat, pushing you into the desk until your hips were bruised too. "Just be a good girl and let me hear those pretty little moans. I want the whole school to know who's fucking you, so go ahead and scream my name, baby."
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4pfsukuna · 25 days
could you write smth for long curly haired reader who isn't doing the best mentally so she isn't ty taking care of here hair and geto who has a crush on her offered to help her with it? i just know he'd be soft and gentle.hed even look up how to take care of curly hair to help make his girls (he wishes 😔) hair look the best it ever has (so she can ask him to keep doing her hair for her) i need him down bad 🙏🙏
omfg girl. GIRLLLLLL. This may have just healed my writers block🥹
Suguru Geto was the neighborhood heart-throb with his dark volumtious hair, midnight black eyes that were so dark they nearly looked purple his tall muscular frame (his thighs were drool worthy when he man spread) and his hands that could probably… no definitely palm your whole face. Between that warm honey coated laugh and the smooth calm tone he always heals in his voice he had every girl and woman in a 10 foot radius always swooning over him. Not that he noticed his eyes were always on you and when you werent around his mind was thinking if you ate today, how your day was, what new hobby you picked up what conditioner you used? The last one was a bit unhinged.
Last week he made a complete fool of himself when he seen you in the shared hall of your apartment and finally gathered up the courage to ask you on a date but it started off so well. 
“Hello sweetheart, how was work?” He grins down at you waiting for your brown eyes to meet his and he feels his heart stutter when you do with a soft smile.
“Hey Geto, it was alright, glad im off though im starving” you answer” as you fumble with your house keys pushing some of your long curls out of your face with a single finger.
He can feel his insides exploding, this was it you just put the ball in his court for a lay up or whatever silly basketball analogy Satoru used when he told him about you, now was his chance.
“Oh? Theres a new family owned restauraunt that just opened nothing to fancy. You should go” he blurts out faster than he has time to think about it and his tongue instantly feels heavy in his mouth. His jaw feels hinged and hes clenching his mouth and fist so tight he doesnt know what will break first his teeth or the skin on his palms from how bad his nails are digging in.
“Yeah, i think i will. Have a good night” you wave and hes so in his own head he doesnt realize the way the smile doesnt reach your eyes from either dissapointment of him not asking to go together or the long day of work is something he spends the next few days pondering about once he gets in his apartment.  The only thing hes glad about is that neither Shoko or Satoru was there to embarass him endlessly. He always had a smooth slightly arrogant demeanor but when it came to you words fealt heavy in his mouth, his hands got clammy and his eyes could not leave you what so ever.
The next time he sees you hes shocked. Its around midnight after a full day of listening to anxiety by meg thee stallion on repeat loud enough for him to hear it in his living room that he begins to get worried. Its when he sees you in a dark blue hoodie blanket going to take out your trash that he stops you.
“Hey sweetheart, i can take your trash for you. You shouldnt be taking it down this late anyway” he reaches for the bag not expecting you to pull away.
“N-nah its cool, i got it” you voice cracks and he finally looks at your eyes seeing them puffy and red which makes him fall into defense mode. 
“Who did it? Ill kill them” and that wasnt exactly what he wanted to say but fuck it its not like he didnt mean it and it earns a chuckle from you. Ok, finally he was doing something right.
“Everything and everyone” you pout and he feels his heart soften at the helpless look of defeat on your face. If only you knew you had a man that would actually burn the whole world down in front of you.
“I dont have enough matches for the whole world but if you give me enough time i can run to the store to buy more and burn the it all down for you” he rubs his chin earning a smile this time.
“Maybe not the whole world” you start with a slight giggle and his heart starts doing that weird thing again “It's just… my anxiety has been in overdrive this week and my job has rumors about letting some people go and i think its me since i've been talking about being home sick and my hair stylist canceled my appointment which ruined my week because not only does she not know when she’ll return but my hair products are nothing more but empty containers that won't get shipped here until next month. NEXT MONTH Geto, i cant just put anything in my hair and nobody here can help me” you pout feeling your bottom lip tremble as you fight back tears not wanting to cry infront of your neighbor you needed to hold onto some shred of dignity— hes already watching you in this snuggie with kuromi socks on.
Your face is quickly found in his chest as he pulled you in for a hug and you nearly start sobbing, its not your fault when people hugged you when you were sad it only made you cry more.
“And then i forgot to go grocery shopping” you finally break the hot tears running down you face you wait for him to push you off instead he just holds you tighter resting his chin on your head and rubbing your back. His embrace kinda felt nice and this was the only thing that felt right in your whole horrible week you were going to bask in it.
“I can help you with your hair” Geto blurts and you wipe your eyes to make sure you heard him correctly.
“You what?” Your raspy voice questions looking up at the man whos tall enough to nearly reach the hallway ceiling.
“I can help you with your hair” he repeats, using a thumb to wipe some of the tears from under your eyes, his palm cupping your cheek to keep you in place. Completely unbothered by the fact that any of your other neighbors could walk out and see you two like this he’s just happy to have you this close.
“No shade but what do you know about kinky curly hair, plus im not trying to let anyone experiment on my hair let alone a man” you cross your arms but you don’t pull away from his embrace which he selfishly enjoys.
“You think this long healthy hair comes from using a body wash and shampoo 2 in 1? I actually take pride in my 8 step hair routine” he tells you reaching up to pull his hair from its bun letting his long obsidian locs cascade down over his broad shoulders the coconut scent hitting your nose.
You stare at him for a second debating how wrong this could go letting this man play in your head. I mean worse case scenario it gets tangled and you big chop after your hair crisis(amongst the several youve had throughout life) youve always said ‘fuck it im going to just go bald’ and maybe you finally spoke it into existance. 
You see the hopefulness in his eyes and know this man is fully convinced he can do your hair and will spend all night convincing you if he has to and you're not sure if it's his resilience or your lack of sleep that has you finally crack and let out a long sigh.
“I promise i can do it just give me a second to toss this trash, grab my products and i'll be over in a second” he promises with an excited grin grabbing the trash from your hand and taking off down the hall.
“And thats not all… they were roommates” you gossip with him as he runs the detangler through your hair after parting it into four sections. He was on the last section before having your lean back to begin the wash process and maybe he did know a thing or two about hair. Gently guiding your head back to the running water you hear the CLICK of the bottle opening before you feel the cold substance on your scalp.
Your eyes instantly close when his fingers begin massaging your scalp his nails feeling so heavenly against your roots.
“Oh my God Sugur your fingers feel so good” you nearly moan and he has to stop for a second, pretending to look for your detangler comb to not lose his composure. he cant even help his pants getting slightly tighter, he was honestly so down bad for you. 
He rinses repeats detangles conditions detangles again with very little instruction from you and honestly it was because you had began dozing off quite a few times enjoying the physical touch of another human while he is the physical embodiment of happy to be here.
He notices the song you had on repeat is also off instead choosing Sade to listen to which was alot more calmer. Its when he begins humming along that your brows scrunch and he panics assuming that hes hurting you.
“What you know about Sade?” Youre soft voice pokes making him chuckle and damn does he have a nice laugh.
“Im a man of culture” he pokes your temple and you jokingly pretend to attempt to bite his finger your goofyness slipping out easily around him. “Besides im washing your hair obviously im very cultured” he adds in and you cant argue there.
An hour later you find yourself rambling about all your favorite things favorite music, hobbies and embarassing stories of you from the fourth grade which he counters of embarassing stories of him in high school with him and his best friend satoru who he promises to introduce you to.
“And i'll section the braids up here into smaller parts So if you want a middle part or side part you have options” he tells you absentmindedly and you crain your head back to make direct eye contact but he gently grabs the side of your neck using his thumb to push your head forward.
“You'll get neck pain if you do that sweetheart” he commands softly in a way that makes your spine tingle and you rest your head against his large thigh.
“Have you done this before?” You ask your mind instantly floating to another woman and while there weren't too many girls that looked like you in japan with a hair texture like yours he was entirely too good to never have practiced this once.
“Yes” he answers honestly and you force yourself to push down the thoughts that make your stomach drop. “Though they usually fall asleep by the time i get to conditioning their hair”
And it's like you can hear the record scratch and the peaceful bliss you're in ends abruptly.
“So it's nice having someone to talk to up until the end” he tells you before finishing a braid and you feel it fall mid back before he shuffles around. There's a bright light gleaming on the side of your face and you turn slightly to see a picture of twin girls, one with dark hair and one with light brown, almost blonde hair.
“They're so cute, how old are they?” you ask taking the phone in your hands to get a better look as he swipes showing different clips from what looks like a trip to the aquarium.
“11, thats mimiko and nanako usually they are here with me but they are with uncle Satoru for the summer making his pockets hurt as they say and spending time with their little cousin megumi” he tells you before he stops sliding landing on a picture of him satoru the twins and a dark spikey haired little boy that looks angry at Satoru.
“He looks like he absolutely hates satoru” you giggle resting your head back on his thigh which earns a laugh from him.
“Despises him, actually thinks Satoru is so annoying but he loves him… deep deep deep down inside his tiny little body since he adopted him. We knew his dad… real piece of shit actually” Suguru admits using a bit more force on your hair, its not painful but you could tell he hated Megumi's dad more than Megumi hated Satoru. 
“You must've had them really young” you pry slightly which he snorts at before using the comb to detangle a section of your hair and adding in more product. 
“No, I met them at an old job. They were in a bad environment and I took them in. I just couldn’t watch them go through that horrible system it's not a place for innocent little girls” he tells you his touch becoming so featherlite you almost forget he's doing your hair 
“Yeah it makes sense you are such a girl dad. Definitely dilf material” you ramble going back to look at the pictures zooming in on how happy the girls look.
His eyes widen and breath gets caught in his throat he nearly has to stop what he's doing to focus on you again.
“Dilf? At Least take me out to dinner first”he jokes trying to calm his heart before you lean your head back once more making eye contact with him.
“How about the new family owned restaurant you told me about? You could even bring the girls I’d love to meet them” you smile at him watching the blush build on his face.
“R-really?” He stutters, not expecting you to ask him out on a date… shit was it a date?
“Yeah they seem to play an important role in your life and I need to make a good impression on them as well… I mean unless I’ve been taking your staring, heated looks and your kind offer to wash my hair the wrong way?” You tease with a sly smirk and he can feel the flush running through his entire body.
“Oh so you've just been letting me embarrass myself in front of you… this entire time” he exaggerates, holding a hand over his mouth in faux shock.
“I thought it was cute” you shrug watching his reactions before he tilts your head back forward using neck cramps as an excuse.
“Hey suguru?” You yawn, leaning your head back against his thigh and it was just the perfect head rest as his fingers began massaging through your scalp again.
“Yes sweetheart?” He asks slowing down for a second and you begin enjoying, a bit too much, the way he sounds calling you that.
“Thank you for washing my hair and styling it” you smile closing your eyes and shoulders dropping slightly and he grins at the signs of you falling asleep. He's seen it too often with the twins but he had to admit he may have been enjoying this more than you, acts of service being his love language that much was clear.
“Anything for you” 
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mystycalypso · 5 months
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Return to Ravenbrooks: Biography
Entry 1
Name: Trinity Bales
Date of birth: 1996
Gender: F
Current Address: [REDACTED]
Height: 5'8
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple
Key Features: Messy bun, Blue mascara, light pink lip gloss
Role: Leader
Abilities: Agility, Intelligence, Craftiness, Quick Thinker, Good Liar, Charisma
Occupation: Student
Status: Fair
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The old Peterson house had long since been torn down ever since Mr. Peterson had been arrested. Left to rot without an occupant, it was condemned and eventually, bulldozed. Good riddance, I'd said at the time, but it looked like someone was finally doing something with the property. There weren't many new people coming anymore, given how the story of a serial kidnapper spread like wildfire. Not even the bars of a cell could keep those rumors from permeating. But, after many long years, there was finally a new neighbor, and, clearly, they were bold, too. Or more likely, they didn't know the full extent of what happened in that old house, and part of me was thankful, but I knew they'd face some less-than-favorable attention for doing so, to say the least.
I didn't have to wait very long to see who was moving in. A newer-looking red car rolled up on the curb as the construction team worked, and out stepped a man with short brunette hair, fuzzy on top with an undercut, dressed in a warm pink polo and teal-striped shorts. It made me double-take.
I'd heard from Nicky what he looked like. I'd even seen his pictures. But- this couldn't be him. No, It was a coincidence. There was no way he'd even be wearing the same outfit anyway.
I caught myself staring as the man turned his head to look at our house.
Surely not. Never in a million years it could be him. Not after what happened. He'd been gone so long that he was already presumed dead, with no body found.
I peeked through the window again.
He was talking with the construction crew.
He was holding the blueprints, too.
... An architect?
I moved away from the window, grabbing his shoulder to shake him awake. He groaned tiredly but slowly pulled the old leather bag off his head.
"... Nicky? You need to come look at this"
"...what? What is it?" He yawned
I chewed my lip for a moment. "Well. We have a new neighbor..."
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
the nanny diaries ~ myg
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it’s your first day at your new job, and you’re nervous about leaving your one-year-old daughter with your housemate, but he assures you, you have nothing to worry about.
✨ title: the nanny diaries (drabble series) | the i-had-no-choice nanny ✨ pairing: yoongi x single mom!reader ✨ word count: 1.4k |✨ genre: fluff, cute / housemates!au |✨ rating: pg ✨ warnings: cute and wild 1yo, yoongi calls her baby girl (as a term of endearment) ✨ a/n: happy birthday my yoongiiii <3 the little human in this story is based on my chunky, monkey niece, who i love so much. enjoy my friends!
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[ DRABBLES MASTERLIST ] | ✨ next ~ the way you are
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You never expected to be moving in with Min Yoongi, but you had no other choice. The two of you have been neighbors for the last five years. He'd seen you go through it all: from meeting the guy who was bad news to watching him move in, knock you up and then leave. He warned you plenty of times, but like the stubborn woman you are, you didn't listen.
“Yoongi, are you sure you can watch her today? I can call out of work if you can’t,” you asked, trying to catch Ara, who kept running away from your grasp. Her newfound discovery of walking kept you busy, along with you trying to ensure she didn’t break any of Yoongi’s expensive music equipment.
Yoongi’s lips thinned into a straight line. He didn’t want to be a jerk and say no. He knew how difficult it was to ask for help, let alone trust someone to watch Ara. He understood that you’d do anything to protect her. So, he wanted to ease the burden in any way he could.
“You can’t call out of work. It’s your first day.”
“I know–but I’m sure my boss would understand.”
He picked Ara up, setting her on his hip, his arm tightly holding her. He looked at the chunky monkey, “We’re gonna have so much fun, aren’t we?” This was a way to convince himself. He didn’t have much interaction with children besides when he was one. Today would be very interesting, he thought.
Ara shrieked at the top of her lungs, squirming to escape Yoongi’s grasp. The two of you blinked and made a face at the noisy baby. You knitted your brows, unconvinced that Yoongi really had it under control. You pulled out your phone, ready to dial your boss’ number. “I’m–just gonna call out.”
Yoongi walked to you, pushing the phone away. “If I have any questions, I promise I’ll call you, okay? You have nothing to worry about. I got this,” he encouraged while Ara continued to wobble on her two little feet, shrieking as she ran around him. “See–she’s excited.”
You had to let go at one time or another. You couldn’t be jobless forever. You needed a way to provide for your little Ara, and Yoongi had already given so much to the two of you. So, the least you could do was make money and get out of his hair. “Okay,” you sighed, stuffing your phone back into your pocket. “If you need anything, anything. I’m only a phone call away.”
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“Okay, baby girl–please be good for Uncle Yoongi. I’ll be back later. I love you.”
Yoongi practically had to kick you out of the apartment, but finally, you were out of the door and on your way to work.
“Ara, we have to run some errands today. It’s time to pick out your outfit,” Yoongi grabbed two shirts - one pink with flowers and the other purple with stars and set them on the table in front of him and Ara. She tilted her head, hands pounding the table, staring at the options before her little chubby hands grabbed the purple star shirt, babbling away. “Good choice. Now onto your pants.”
He laid out black leggings and soft blue jeans. “What do you think, Ara? I personally like the black leggings, but it’s your outfit, not mine.” She began to squirm while in his lap, taking blue jeans along with her. “Blue jeans it is.”
After getting Ara dressed, it was now Yoongi’s turn. Like earlier, he laid out two options on his bed, and like clockwork, Ara came wobbling and babbling away into Yoongi’s room. He picked her up, setting her on the bed. “Which one do you like?” he asked, pointing to one option, then the other.
“Ah-bu. Ah-bu,” Ara cooed, clapping her hands, a wide smile spanning across her face, then she hid her eyes with her tiny hands.
“Are we playing peek-a-boo?” Yoongi flashed a gummy smile. Who knew this little human could make him smile? He covered his eyes. “Where’s Ara?” He looked at her, and she mimicked him, hiding again. “Silly girl. Come on, help me pick.”
She threw herself back on the pile consisting of a black hoodie, a simple white tee, and jeans. “Just what I was thinking.”
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Thankfully, the grocery store wasn’t busy since it was still early in the morning, but Ara was definitely a handful. He had to give it to you, being able to keep up with her. He didn’t envy you one bit, but it did make him earn more respect for you.
He brought everything he could think of to keep Ara busy–her favorite bunny plush and a soft, squeaky book. His last resort would be playing Cocomelon on his phone, but he couldn’t stand the endless nursery rhymes of the pale cartoon child.
Yoongi continued shopping for a few items off his list as Ara babbled away, violently squeezing the squeaky book in her hands. He grabbed a cake and put it in his cart, and then Ara decided to throw the book back, hitting him in the face. “Aye–” he uttered, rubbing his cheek. “Baby girl–this is how you lose things,” he chuckled, grabbing the book and handing it back to her.
Ara resumed pounding the squeaky book and then threw herself back, sticking her tongue out. Yoongi stared at her. Babies are so weird, he thought.
“Oh my gosh. Is this your baby? She’s so cute!” 
“No–uh–” He was unsure how to explain the situation between you and him.
“It’s so nice to see a man caring for his baby. Mommy is a lucky one, isn’t she?” The woman directed the last comment toward Ara, tickling her side, in which Yoongi pushed the cart away from her. Is this what parents with cute children always have to deal with? Strangers coming up and trying to touch their children?
“Has the bar gotten so low for men or something?” The woman stood straight, taken aback by his words. “Why are men praised for doing the bare minimum? I’m literally pushing her in a cart.”
The woman mumbled an apology and went on her way. He didn’t mean to come across as blunt, but he couldn’t help but notice the plethora of women giggling and smiling when he had Ara. He shook his head in disgust and scoffed, “Bet if your mom were pushing you, it’d be completely different, huh?”
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“Yoongi–” you cried out, plugging your ears when you walked through the door. The rap music could be heard from down the hallway, and you wondered who was playing it so loud. You should’ve known it was your roommate. “Why are you blasting rap music right now?”
He brought his pointer finger to his lips, trying to shush you, then pointed to the sleeping baby on his shoulder. He shuffled toward you, hoping he wouldn’t wake up Ara. “Cocomelon wasn’t working, so I had to put on something, and this finally calmed her down.”
You deadpanned. “Big Poppa by Notorious B.I.G. calmed her down?”
“Hey–don’t question Biggie,” he grinned, then shuffled backward, dancing to the song. “I love it when you call me big poppa, throw your hands in the air if you’s a true player.” He threw his arm up, grooving to the beat.
You smiled and shook your head. You couldn’t help but sing along too, and then you looked over at the dinner table, and there sat a cake with cats decorated on top. “Oh my god–Yoongi, is it your birthday?” He nodded, his head nestled against Ara’s. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shrugged. “It’s whatever. I don’t really care, but my mom ordered this cake and insisted I celebrate it.”
“Here, let me take Ara so you can enjoy your cake,” you stated, holding your arms out for your baby girl.
But Yoongi refused. “I got it. She might wake up if I transfer her to you.”
Jeez–when did Yoongi get so good at this?
He walked into your room, gently setting her in the crib beside your bed. He shushed her as he stepped back, hoping she wouldn’t wake up. Ara let out a big sigh before turning on her side. Whew, he thought. Crisis averted.
“Everything good?” He nodded yes, setting the baby camera on the table beside you. The two of you watched Ara sleeping peacefully. “Thanks again for watching her.”
Yoongi grinned. “Anytime.”
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✨ next ~ the way you are
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creedslove · 9 months
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Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: a Christmas miracle is really possible for Joel?
Warnings: fluff and angst, boy dad!Joel, Sammy is back ❤️
A/N: Merry Christmas besties 🎄🎁
O.7k words
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“Why are you still up, buddy?” Joel rubbed his tired eyes and walked to his son, who was on knees on the couch, so he would be tall enough to keep his little face glued to the window, watching the white snowflakes falling quietly outside. Sammy barely turned his head towards his daddy as he didn't want to miss one single little thing from outside.
“I'm waiting” the toddler's voice wasn't much more than just a whisper, as if he would scare away whoever or whatever he seemed to eagerly wait. Joel shook his head and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, sitting next to his son's small frame, his curls were messy from tossing and turning in bed, - as he'd been way too excited to fall asleep on Christmas eve, of course - and Joel chuckled to himself, thinking that you were right and it was about Sammy got a haircut.
“Are you waiting for Santa? You know he only arrives after everyone is asleep, he drinks his milk, eats his cookies, leaves the presents and goes to visit other kids…” his rough calloused hands stroked his son's hair gently, as he couldn't still quite believe that even after what happened, after the world was destroyed, after all the shit he'd done and the blood he'd shed, he was able to still have something good, to have found love in you, to have had a son in his life and to be able to safely celebrate Christmas reunited with his brother.
“No daddy, I'm waiting for the Christmas angel” Sammy shrugged and turned his attention back to the window, wanting to have another glimpse of the curious Christmas creature, at the same time Joel frowned. A Christmas angel? What the fuck was that? He had never heard of that story, he was pretty sure you had never mentioned that either and Ellie was more of a Christmas monster kind of girl, than an angel. He was confused, where could his son have possibly heard that? Maybe they told kids that in Jackson's daycare, but if that was the case, then Sammy would've said something before, wouldn't he?
“What angel is that?”
“It's a girl angel daddy… she's very pretty and she was here playing with me… then she said she had to go away but she is all the time watching us and taking care of us” he explained with a sweet smile. Joel was now suspicious, not sure if he should be worried, but maybe some girl had broken into the house to play with Sammy? What for? It didn't make the slightest sense.
Sammy took a deep breath, his daddy was usually very fast and smart but he didn't understand why he was so confused that night, maybe the angel had made him sleep too much.
“It's the angel daddy…” he began explaining “she is pretty and she says she always looks after our family, after me, mommy, Ellie and mostly you”
“What's this angel like?”
“She has brown curly hair and brown eyes, daddy like you and me… oh, and she said her name was Sarah!” He grinned at the exact same moment Joel's breath got stuck on his throat. He completely lost action for a while, simply looking at his son with disbelief and shock. How could Sammy make up a story like that? No, he wouldn't do that, he was a sweet kid, he would never simply make up a story out of Joel's most painful memory. Besides, he was sure he didn't know anything about his big sister Sarah, not even you knew the whole story, there was no way someone would've told him that. When he came back to his senses, he found Sammy watching him with a sweet smile. He had wrapped his small arms around his daddy's larger one and snuggled.
“The angel said you wouldn't believe it, daddy, so she asked me to give you this” he opened his tiny hand and revealed the smallest butterfly paper cutting. Purple and blue, his first little girl's favorite colors. Joel swallowed hard, tears flooding his eyes as he desperately tried to keep them in place and prevent them from falling and running down his face. It looked exactly like the paper butterflies Sarah always left scattered around her room before the outbreak. Sammy got on his feet and pecked his daddy's cheek gently
“Merry Christmas, daddy” he said cutely, before getting off the couch and returning to his room.
Joel stood there, trying to let all that information sink. He couldn't believe what was happening and even if he tried finding a logical explanation, he couldn't. Perhaps, it was just a Christmas miracle after all.
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readyplayerhobi · 10 months
Knife's Edge | Epilogue
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; Mafia!Jungkook x Reader, Jimin x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, mild angst
; Word Count: 3.6k
; Synopsis: The Jeon Clan is Family, built on blood and loyalty. It’s been an  unspoken fact that one day you will marry the heir to the Clan, Jeon Jungkook. You would be a fool to deny that you love him, but what happens when you meet a blue haired man who offers you a chance at normality?
; A/N: Recent interest in this series again has inspired me to finally write an epilogue - it's just fluffy nonsense, honestly. But I hope you enjoy it either way! Thank you for all the love on this series!
Previous Chapter
Five Years Later
Humming quietly, you carefully take the baby foxglove out of its pot and place it into the hole you've dug. The dirt is soft and malleable - not too hard to dig, but not borderline mud, either. The plant looks tiny compared to some of the giants surrounding it, but you know this little one will grow taller than them all.
It might not be much now, but in a few months, it will be a few feet high and blossoming with delicate purple blossoms, the petals sighing down to the ground. Beautiful flowers that will hide a dark secret - foxgloves are as deadly as they are pretty.
That wasn't why you were planting it, though. You just thought they were pretty, the reason why you'd planted everything in the extensive garden of your home. The mansion Jungkook lived in, and now you, was huge and the gardens were equally so.
Neither of his parents had ever cared what the gardens looked like, so they'd just hired landscapers and gardeners to care for it. But when you'd married Jungkook and officially moved in, you'd asked if you could take over the garden beds. It was a new passion you'd discovered over the months leading up to your wedding - hours spent knelt in the dirt in between your classes and exams.
Unlike people, plants weren't judging. They didn't care what you'd done, or what you thought and they had no opinions of you. They just existed, and they were happy to get the attention.
It probably wasn't too healthy, but you'd used the plants as therapy. Hours upon hours had been spent with you whispering all your secrets to them, your hopes and dreams and fears and regrets being woven into their leaves as they grew. A real therapist would've been more helpful, but what kind of therapist would be able to help someone like you?
They'd have to be Clan approved, which in turn would mean you couldn't possibly tell them what you really thought. No one knew why Jungkook and you had suddenly had a rift so deep that he'd refused to see you for weeks. And everyone knew that something bad had happened - Jungkook was, and still is, infamous in the Clan for his weak spot for you.
Anything you told a therapist would be spread throughout the Clan like wildfire, the winds of gossip spreading the fires of rumour faster and higher than you could hope to outrun. The whole Clan would know that you'd cheated on Jungkook, that you'd betrayed him in the worst way a woman could in the Clan. On top of that, everyone would know that Jungkook had overlooked it - that he'd opted to forgive you for your transgression and love you still.
You'd be vilified for being unfaithful, and he'd lose all respect from the Clan he now ruled. 
No, you couldn't tell anyone what had happened. A secret you would take to your grave, with only 3 people aware of it outside of yourself. And none of them had any interest in it getting out.
Still, you hadn't wanted the ghost of unsaid anger and resentment haunting your relationship, so you'd done a lot of research into therapy. It’s not as good as going to an actual, qualified therapist, but it's better than nothing. Plus, you can only imagine the judgment if people find out Jungkook had been attending therapy - the backwards views of the Clan would have them screaming that he wasn't fit to lead if he was going to therapy of all things.
So you watched videos and you read things, until you had a basic understanding of how to navigate things. Jungkook and you talked things out instead of keeping secrets, you let him know if you were feeling lonely or sad and he let you know if he was feeling overwhelmed or unhappy. Some things you'd improvised yourself, all in the name of making sure you both communicated.
If there was an argument, then you would both write down why you were angry on a piece of paper and then let the other read it. Jungkook had thought this was silly at first, but getting out his stress and anger on paper instead of shouting it let him think through what he was annoyed over. Most of the time, you both discovered that you weren't angry at the other, but at something else and it had simply bubbled up.
Just last year, you'd both had an argument with you snapping at Jungkook for not taking his laundry upstairs. He'd snapped back, pointing out that he'd been busy all day and the laundry was the least of his worries. Cue a ten-minute argument before Jungkook grabbed a notepad, ripped out two pages and handed you a pen. The two of you had scribbled furiously, brows creased in concentration and jaws tight with frustration.
What had started with you being annoyed at him for not taking his laundry, after asking him many times, was revealed to be that you were feeling lonely in the big house on your own. He'd been busy, true, which meant he'd barely been home for a month and when he had been home, he'd been either asleep or locked in his office. Whilst you'd been able to graduate college and take a job as a teacher - much to the shock and horror of pretty much everyone in the Clan - it had summer vacation. You'd had no work to do during the time off.
As unhealthy as it was, he was still your only friend in the Clan - other women steered clear of you after the Incident - and you'd been desperately lonely and sad. You’d had casual friends - acquaintances from work and a few elderly folks from the gardening club you'd joined, but no one you could be open and honest with. You'd wanted your husband, your best friend.
Ironically, Jungkook had been irritated by his work just like he'd said. But when he drove down into it, he was annoyed that the busiest period had occurred at the same time you were off work. He'd wanted to spend time with you, maybe even go on vacation, yet he'd barely seen you. Add on his irritation at idiotic people in the Clan putting people's lives in danger and he'd been a powder keg of annoyance.
Understandably, you'd both apologised once you'd figured out why the argument had happened. Though Jungkook had felt terrible that you'd been so sad - he'd never quite forgiven himself or the Clan for isolating you, even if it had been warranted at the time.
Patting down the soil around the plant until it's fully compacted, you hum lightly before brushing your hands together. Dirt falls to the floor from the gloves and you sit up, stretching your back with a wince and a groan. As much as you love being in the garden, your back certainly doesn't.
Standing, you grab the empty plant pots and begin to tidy up after yourself. It's meant to rain later tonight, so you don't bother watering the new plants.
Before you even get to the door that leads to the kitchen, you hear the low tones of Jungkook's voice from inside. He's home early, you think, you check the time on your phone before washing your hands in the sink.
“Here's mommy!” He coos, and you turn to see him holding your four-month-old daughter in his arms, her back to his chest. Jungkook grins at you over the top of her head, his hair perfectly gelled into place as dimples dot his tan skin.
He hadn't even bothered changing yet, still in his crisp all-black suit that he'd left in this morning. The only thing he was missing was his shoes - instead, he was just wearing black socks.
Hana squeals with excitement as she recognises you, chubby legs kicking out as her arms windmill and your heart swell with love and adoration for her. For him, too. A few years ago, you'd thought this would all be an impossible dream - yet here you are, married to him and with the perfect little girl.
“Hey, beanie! You being good for daddy?” Leaning forward, you tickle her sides and smile in delight as she wriggles in Jungkook's arms. She's such a perfect baby and has been adored by Jungkook and you since you'd seen the two pink lines in the pregnancy test. Life without her was an impossible thought, and the whole Clan knew that Hana was more important to Jungkook than anything in the Clan. He didn't care if the idea of him being a loving parent shocked some of them, if anything he believed that there were people in the Clan who needed to see what an actual parent should be.
The only thing that concerned you was Jungkook's love for Hana and you were also well known to other Clans. A deep-rooted fear was that one of them would try to attack him through Hana, despite the high levels of protection he put in place. It was something that the two of you could only attempt to mitigate, as there was no way to completely cut off the threat. Even turning whistle-blower to the government wouldn't guarantee protection.
But Jungkook did what he could. You both at least had the relief of knowing that Hana, and yourself, were safe from the rival Clan in your city. Jimin had taken over a few years ago, and even though your friendship was much more sporadic than it had been, he'd made it clear that no one was to hurt you or Hana for fear of a war breaking out.
That was his excuse, but you knew he just didn't want you or your baby girl hurt. Whilst Jungkook wasn't exactly thrilled that you were still friends with Jimin in some way, he'd been grateful to find out that Jimin had given you friendship and comfort when the whole Clan had turned against you. He was even more grateful to find out the protection that Jimin had bestowed, and if it wouldn't have caused issues with both sides then he would have let you introduce Jimin to Hana.
No one could ever say Jungkook wasn't a reasonable person. If anything, he was too reasonable when it came to you, but he'd put aside his dislike of Jimin because he'd been the only person there for you in your darkest days.
“I'm guessing you turned off the monitor, as mine didn't go off.” You ask Jungkook, gesturing to the baby monitor attached to your belt. He liked to surprise you with her, and there was nothing more you loved than seeing your big, tough husband holding his tiny baby girl. You didn't understand the logic of it, but it made you want to do things that could not be spoken aloud around Hana.
“Yeah, she was just starting to wake so I thought I'd take her instead of bothering you. You seemed pretty happy in the garden.” He replies, kissing Hana’s dark hair fondly.
No matter what the Clan thought of you, there could be no denying that Hana was Jungkook's daughter. She'd inherited his eyes, from their shape to the way they seemed to shine at nothing. The two of them next to each other made the family resemblance even stronger.
You'd made some terrible decisions in your life, but you liked to think Hana made up for them. She sure made Jungkook happier than he'd ever been, which was more than enough for you.
Leaning forward, you kiss Hana’s forehead and cherish the squeal of delight she gives at the affection. She adores her mommy and daddy - you won't accept anyone’s comments that she's a baby and they all love their parents that much. Hana, of course, is special.
“Someone's had a good nap, haven't you? You get it from your daddy, he sleeps like a log, too.” Smiling, you tickle her stomach around Jungkook's arms and enjoy the sharp peals of laughter she gives. Pregnancy hadn't been fun, and there were nights when you questioned why you'd done this, but it all went away when you heard that laughter.
“The sleep genes are strong in the Jeon's.” Jungkook laughs, leaning past Hana to press a kiss to your lips. He's not wearing his lip ring, or his earrings, as Hana had a habit of grabbing them and not letting go. Jungkook might be the head of an entire Clan that does plenty of shady shit, but he whined like a baby himself when Hana was tugging on those rings and you were constantly afraid she was going to accidentally rip them from him.
You missed them, but he put them back in for date nights or when he was going to his job. Miss Hana would have to wait till she was older to get to see daddy with his piercings again.
You're distracted away from that thought process by the way Hana starts making familiar noises, her tiny body bouncing in Jungkook's arms whilst her eyes are focused firmly on your chest.
“Okay, looks like someone is hungry.” You say, reaching out and taking Hana into your arms. She almost immediately starts nuzzling, trying to root out her source of food and makes some cranky noises when your top prevents her from reaching her goal. It’s a familiar process by now, and you take comfort in it as you head through to the living room - despite the house becoming Jungkook’s after he took over for his father, the two of you only use half of it, with the other half still housing his parents.
You’d had no interest in kicking them out of their home, especially as you thought this house was ridiculously large anyway. So, instead, Jungkook renovated the mansion until it was technically two houses in one with an office section in the centre for Clan business. It gave you the privacy you needed, without taking away from the prestige it gave to Jungkook. You didn’t have to worry about Clan business being brought into your personal space, as there was no way to access your side from the offices.
The living room was still an obscene size, but you’d chosen an equally large sofa to take up most of the space. It was somewhere that Jungkook and you enjoyed laying on to relax after a long day, and Jungkook had installed a screen projector instead of a TV. Hana was going to love this room when she was older, and you could already see the fights between her and Jungkook when they wanted to watch something in particular.
“Hang on, lemme just sort this-” Jungkook mutters as he moves past you, heading over to where the corner of the sofa intersects with the other part and patting the cushions into place. He was the master at creating a snuggle zone for you with enough support that nursing Hana didn’t cause any backache, but today you wanted to enjoy the fact he was here with you.
“Can you sit with us? Or let me lean on you?” You ask, bouncing Hana lightly as you try to distract her enough until he’s done. She’s getting impatient though, and the soft whining sounds are starting to turn a little more upset. Another few minutes and she’ll start crying.
Jungkook pauses, looking up at you with raised brows before smiling. He doesn’t even try to hide the happiness that takes over, and your heart skips a little at the pure joy and love radiating from him.
“Yeah, gimme a sec.” He says, rearranging the cushions so it’s comfy for two to sit in before quickly taking off his jacket. It’s thrown onto the sofa without a second glance, and you take a moment to wince at the elegant fabric - it’s going to crease and you know for a fact that jacket is worth a few grand. But he’s never cared about stuff like that, and you need Hana fed sooner rather than later so you don’t mention it.
“Okay, come on princess, let’s get our little bean fed.” Standing back for a second, Jungkook grins at you happily as he rolls the sleeves of his shirt up his forearms, revealing the ink on them that is a colourful contrast to the rest of him. He sits down and holds out an arm, which you happily sink into before readjusting until you’re comfortable enough to sit for a while.
Hana’s face creases and the first sounds of that heartbreaking cry start to leave her. Hurriedly, you coo to her as you lift your shirt and pull your nursing bra down slightly. There’s a brief moment where you’re worried she’s going to start screaming, but her mouth latches onto your nipple and almost immediately she settles as she begins to feed heartily.
Letting out a deep breath, you let your head roll back onto Jungkook’s shoulder before smiling at him.
“Crisis averted.” You laugh, wincing ever so slightly as Hana suckles a little too painfully. Jungkook smiles at you and looks down at his little girl, his smile turning so soft. Being around Hana is always so soothing to him, even when she’s screaming with tears flowing because she’s the complete opposite of his job as the head of the Clan. She’s peace and joy and happiness and love whereas his job is often anger and frustration and violence.
He’s made it clear to you that Hana will get to do whatever she wants when she grows up. If she wants to go to college, she can or if she wants to join the Clan, then she can. Jungkook refuses to let her gender hold her back, and even though he doesn’t want her involved in the dark side of his life, he’s going to let her decide. If she wants to walk away from the Clan forever, then he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure she’ll live a safe life. There’s going to be those in the Clan who will bristle at these decisions he’s making, but he’s already told you that he doesn’t care. His daughter and her happiness are more important than anything else, and you’ll support him 100%.
Sighing quietly, you let yourself relax and just watch Hana as she feeds. Her life is so uncomplicated right now, and she’s got so much to look forward to as she grows.
“Are you happy?” You ask Jungkook, not even realising you were thinking the words until they’ve left your mouth. There’s a moment of silence as Jungkook processes what you’ve said, and you feel him tense ever so slightly.
“Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?” The tension in him is from confusion more than anything else, and you let out a soft sigh before shifting until the back of your head is resting in the crook of his neck. Of course, he’s happy, why wouldn’t he be? But deep down inside, you know that you’ve never forgiven yourself for what you did, and there’s a part of you that’s still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The small part of you that’s terrified you’ll make a mistake one day and Jungkook will throw you out again, only this time keeping your daughter. It’s ridiculous, and you know that he’d never do it, but you’ve never been able to get rid of that tiny voice that says dark things to you in the back of your mind.
“Ignore me, seriously, ignore me - I’m happy and I know you’re happy. I love you. Hana is perfect, and I love her so much. She’s the best present you’ve ever given me. I dunno, I’m just tired and taking crap.” Letting out a huff of laughter, you inhale deeply and let it out in a slow motion. You’re not lying, you are tired lately and still hormonal. A four-month-old baby who relies on you to feed her means that you’re exhausted, and you’re already feeling your body start to shut down as you sit comfortably in the arms of your husband with the warm weight of your baby against you.
Jungkook presses his lips to your temple, letting them rest there for a moment.
“One day, you’ll finally believe me when I say I forgive you. But I’ll say it again - I forgive you, and I love you, and I don’t want to spend a day of my life without you. If I died tomorrow, then I’d die happy knowing I got the chance to love you and Hana. So yes, I’m happy and I’ve been happy and I’ll be happy. Please, stop beating yourself up for it.” He kisses your head again, and you’re too tired and hormonal to be hearing his words rationally. 
You start to cry, your chest heaving in a way that makes Hana grumble at being jostled but the thought of him being gone makes your heart ache so painfully. 
“Please don’t die, please.” Your plea makes him laugh quietly, and he wraps his arm around your front, just above where Hana is, and hugs you.
“Okay, okay, those were the wrong words to say when you’re nursing. My bad, forget I said it. I’m not gonna die, okay? Just…focus on that I love you. I love you, princess. Always have, always will.” Tears falling down your face, you tilt your head up until you’re able to kiss him. It’s nothing vulgar or intense, but the depth of emotions in that small kiss makes you feel so much.
“I love you, too. And Hana, I love her so much.”
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patrophthia · 1 year
cruel summer | regulus black
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pairing: regulus black x reader
genre: fluff, song fic, love confessions (?), regulus is a attention seeking piece of shit (affectionate), clingy reg, not beta read
wc: 1.1k
this is request ! i’m sorry it took so long, i hope you liked it!!
tag: @tr4ppola
Your favourite pastime activity was lying. Little white lies, that is, lies that were so obvious that everyone knew not to take them seriously. Like saying you were a muggle whilst you cast a complicated spell, or saying that you had once dyed your hair a colour that you swore to never do, or saying that you were —in no ways, involved with Regulus Black whatsoever.
Sneaking around though, was on the other end of your favourite things to do. You like Regulus too much so you let that factor slide through.
It's as if you only ever see him during the quiet nights where no one could ever spot you. You know that that isn't how a normal relationship should function but the red flag tends to look white when you look at it through rose tinted glasses.
More often than not you feel like you earned him, a (semi) bad boy who was wanted by everyone in school. He was a shiny toy with a price and you know damn well you bought it.
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The meeting spot is different this time, a room within a room in the room of requirement. He'd only told you to meet him at the room of requirement at ten and you showed up right on time only to be met with confusion.
In front of you were a set of doors, circling around you as you stood over stained glass rings, blue merged with pink then pink into purple where the centre of the room was. Instead of figuring out how to find him on your own, you call out to him, "Regulus?"
"Down here," he replies, you look down onto the glass pane and furrow your brows when he is nowhere to be found. "Stand at the centre, sweetheart."
You do as you were told, watching as the glass dips under your weight; you can hear the mechanics working, it unlocking steps for you to take. Once you finally meet Regulus, you cock your head to the side with a teasing smile. "An oddly complicated way for just a booty call."
Regulus frowns, "this isn't a booty call, ma chérie." He moves towards you, and you let him place his hands on your hips. "I just missed you."
You roll your eyes and Regulus thinks that while the devils may roll their dice, he was sure angels spend their time rolling their eyes at him and his behaviour. But then again, what doesn't kill him makes him want it more. And you were just that.
Opposite does attract after all.
"You shouldn't miss me so often," you fixed him a look. "My friends are starting to suspect where I go so often."
It's his turn for Regulus to roll his eyes, albeit more elegant and poise then you ever did. "This is your fault," he groans, burying his head in the crook of your neck. "We wouldn't have to be doing this if you just told everyone about us."
Regulus had decided to keep your relationship a secret at first, wanting to test the waters and after the first few months went smoothly. So smoothly that he'd found himself smitten with you. He wanted everyone to know, he knew that it was weird for him to claim you but he'd like people to know that he wasn't willing to share.
But you think a lot, way too much at times, and decided that no, you do not want people to know about the two of you. Because, you wanted him all to yourself, you liked him too much for other people to know.
"I'm sorry, my love," you say first, a hand reaching up to brush back his outgrown curls. "I promise it won't be for much longer."
Contrary to popular belief, Regulus Black was a clingy person, so touch starved and clingy that you pressed a kiss on the top of his head for good measure.
He stills for a moment, obviously planning something before he presses a kiss to your neck and pulls away. "Would you still love me tomorrow?"
"What?" You splutter, confused on why he decided to bring tomorrow up. "Of course, I do."
"Thank you, mon amour. I love you too." He says before asking. "My game's tomorrow, you're coming to see me right?"
"I always do," you tell him and he smiles. "Why are you asking me this?"
He makes a face. "Just trying to make sure my girlfriend won't run away before my plan unfolds."
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Slytherin were losing, and the longer you watched Regulus not even trying to seek out the snitch the more you realised that he was throwing the game on purpose.
You stood up from your seat in the stands and found your way to the railings. "OI! BLACK!" You call out and he turns to you distractedly. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? THE SNITCH IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU."
He turns away, looking uninterested. "I can't see a thing, sorry."
You were starting to get annoyed now, confused on when Regulus had gotten this kind of attitude but you chopped it up to how being dramatic more often than not runs in the Black family.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" You yell, your voice loud despite the hundreds of others also yelling the same thing at him —albeit with a little more colourful words than you were using. "WHY AREN'T YOU PLAYING?"
"I want you to tell them," he says instead of answering your questions. You're a bit confused on how you can still hear him over the sound of support from the other where their Seeker was actually doing the job. "I want them to know."
"KNOW WHAT." You began to yell when it dawned on you. He wants you to tell everyone about your relationship. "ARE YOU CRAZY?"
He shrugs. "Do you want me to win?"
Knowing how pouty he could be if he didn't, you steel yourself for what's to come next. "REGULUS BLACK." You yell and you can see the other team's seeker dive towards the snitch. "I DON'T WANT TO KEEP SECRETS JUST TO KEEP YOU FOR MYSELF ANYMORE."
The crowd goes quiet, waiting to see the scene unfolding before them. Of course it was another Black brother hoarding the attention all to themself, creating a scene as they stole the spotlight from everyone else.
So you prepare yourself, screaming for what it's worth. "I LOVE YOU. AIN'T THAT THE WORST THING YOU HEARD DURING A GAME?"
The other team's seeker loses sight of the snitch, audibly gasping at your confession towards his rival. The snitch continues its way around the pitch.
The snitch finds it way a few feet above Regulus' head, you want to laugh at how this was playing out. The snitch was just invested in this as everyone else.
The snitch holds his spot and everyone watches with bated breath because, one, the game seems like it was nearing the end, and two (the much important reason they were watching) was that they wanted to see how Regulus would react.
His eyes look up from his broom and meets yours, it took him a few seconds before he broke away. Looking up, grinning like a devil at his now second prized possession (with the first being his chérie of course).
He reaches his hand up, easily snatching the snitch with a breath-taking grin. He clutched onto the snitch tightly, and a second wave of anxiety hit. What if he'd mistaken something else for the snitch amongst everything that had just happened?
Finally, Regulus unclasped his fist, letting the snitch hover above his palm. And as the game officially reaches its natural ending. The announcer's voice started up.
"It looks like Black has gotten the win this round," the announcer says first, their tone playful. "And would he be a black brother if he didn't get the girl as well?"
And then, since you had always been outgoing, so outgoing in fact, that everyone in the castle knew of you and your habits. So just to be sure, the announcer adds, “this isn’t one of your lies right?” 
You can’t help but smile at that, Regulus had always found your smile infectious so, naturally, he found that it was useless to even try hiding his smile from you as he awaited your answer. 
“Why would I lie to you about this?” 
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— from bee: i hope you liked this! and is what you’d imagine when you’d sent in the request! feed backs/reblog/notes are appreciated!! :]
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pro-memoriia · 21 days
Fluffy req: Terzo is feeling insecure, so omega snuggles him and says everything amazing thing about terzos personality and body, Terzo cries happy tears definitely
TW and other stuff: Suicidal thoughts (very brief), insecurities, angst, Terzo is described as polyamorous and like both men and women, poorly translated Italian swear words 🤌🏻
Terzo shuffled into his bedroom with a sigh. He shrugged off his coat and tried to hang it up on his door, but failed. He yelled in frustration and threw it to the ground. His footsteps were heavy, more like stomps at this point as he moved across the room. He hurriedly unbuttoned his dress shirt and tossed it aside, every other garment following until he was in just his boxers.
He frowned as he stared at his figure in his mirror.
"Disgusting," he grumbled, glaring at himself. Terzo's drifted from his toes to his head, making eye contact with himself in the mirror. He
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door.
"Fuck off," he replied, giving the door a sideways look.
"It's Omega."
Terzo's expression softened a little before hardening again. He sighed. "Come in."
Omega entered and shut the door behind him, looking at his partner. "You're so beautiful in purple, my love."
Terzo scoffed. He was a bitter man. Although sweet at the core, he was often passive aggressive and could be very opinionated at times. Omega didn't mind. He thought Terzo's stubbornness was plain admirable. "You're in a mood," Omega observed. "A bad one. What's wrong?"
"What's wrong?" Terzo asked it like he was in disbelief and turned back to his reflection. "It's awful. Just plain awful."
"Me! I'm talking about me, dammit!"
"Terzo..." Omega's expression grew stern, but he was sympathetic. He knew that despite his confident exterior and diva act, Terzo was secretly very insecure about... Well, everything.
"I can't look at myself without wanting to scream. I make myself sick. I mean, my own audacity is astonishing! The fact that I thought I could get away with it with my ‘handsome looks’ and ‘charming personality’?! Stronzate!"
Omega was confused. "What are you talking about?"
"The lady in blue," Terzo replied. He had some polyamorous tendencies a lot of the time and often flirted with whoever he pleased. One those today was a young woman in a long blue gown.
It was a fancy party his family had to attend, Terzo didn't really know the details. He just knew that the lady in blue he'd seen was drop dead gorgeous, and she didn't end up liking him.
"Cazzo, she hated me! She called me ugly. Creepy!"
"Well, she was wrong and it's her loss."
"No, mio caro, it's mine. She's right, too, which is the worst part of it all. I am an ugly old man who only ever sticks his nose where it does not belong. I am fat, wrinkly, scarred, short, aged! And to top it all off, I'm hideous on the inside as well."
Omega was quiet, standing there with a dull expression. He knew Terzo's anger would only flare if his speech was interrupted, and it would've been good for him to vent anyway.
"I am a pervert, Omega. I spend so much time talking about sex that I sound like it is my only goal in life! I strive for more, but I am not worth my goals! I am not smart or kind or bold, no. I am weak and bitter and incompetent. I spend half of my waking hours contemplating if I should put a rope around my neck or a bullet through my head."
This happened sometimes. Terzo wasn't always sensitive, or at least not in a normal way. He didn't take it all at once. Instead, he would take the rejection and hate bit by bit, until he eventually got so torn apart by it and just snapped.
Terzo was on the verge of tears now, but his voice was still clear.
"How could I be so ignorant? To think a young, beautiful, intelligent woman would want me? I am nothing! I'm a joke."
Omega took a deep breath and held it. He hated seeing his love cry. He stepped closer and grabbed Terzo's face. "Hush, my love."
Terzo looked like he was trying to stay angry, but h never could, not at his ghoul. Omega wiped away his tears and kissed him on the forehead.
"You are so blind to your own beauty," he whispered. Terzo tried to argue, but Omega shut him down immediately. "No. No, you're done talking about yourself. At least until you see what I see."
Terzo was spun around to look in the mirror again. Omega hugged him from behind and put his face near the crook of his lover's neck.
"You see fat. I see softness. Pure softness ready to be adored and loved just as much as the rest of you. Who wouldn't want more to love?"
Terzo stared at his belly and Omega continued.
"You see wrinkles. I see signs of knowledge. Fifty years that you pushed through, even with all your struggles. Fifty years of learning, of loving, of living. Age is beautiful, especially yours. It's proof of how far you've come."
Tears fell down Terzo's cheeks. He tore his face away from his reflection, only for Omega to push it back up.
"You see scars. I see signs that say you survived. All those mental health battles, incidents with ghoul's, with your family, and others... You made it out with those. Each one of those is a trophy on your skin."
Omega's voice was a quiet whisper, but full of sincerity.
"You see short, I see cute. Even if you're not in your youth anymore, you're as adorable as you were when you were a Cardinal. You see yourself as ugly, so I see you as blind. You are the most beautiful person I've ever met, Terzo. Man, woman, ghoul, human... You are my favorite. You are my one and only."
Omega turned Terzo's face to press their foreheads together.
"You're not creepy or perverted. You're just thoughtful and adoring. Loving people or wanting to feel them doesn't make you bad. And maybe you're bitter, but you're also sweet. Because despite your outer attitude, you still kiss people's hands when you meet them and call people beautiful on the daily. Just because you're tough doesn't mean you're unkind."
Terzo was trying to stop his tears, but they just kept on flooding.
"You are perfect, Terzo. Inside and out. I wouldn't change anything about you for the world."
"Oh, mio caro," Terzo whispered, his voice breaking. "You're too sweet."
Omega smiled softly and kissed him on the lips. "You're so beautiful."
Terzo laughed sadly and pulled back to wipe his tears. "I think... I think we're done for tonight, sí?"
"Maybe you are, but I'm not," Omega replied.
"Can we just lie in bed together for a while? I could use my special ghoul..."
"Use me in any way you want, my love."
Omega kissed Terzo and let him loose. Terzo went to the bed and Omega stripped and turned off the lights before following.
The two slept soundly that night, snuggled up closely. And Terzo woke up knowing that the ghoul beside him would always love, no matter what.
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yo-yo-yeonkai · 1 year
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Choi Beomgyu x Fem!reader
Genre : Fluff - slight angst
Warnings: stranger!Beomgyu, college AU, though it’s not set in school, tongue piercing, mentions of abuse (both reader and Beomgyu), injury, ‘broken home’, father problems, sexism, bike crash,
Word count: 3,248
Summary: Is it coincidence? Is it fate? Or is it Choi Beomgyu? - my sister wrote the summary :)
Actual summary: Your trying to escape the pain your father causes you when you run into a boy in a similar situation… it’s not fate, nor coincidence, it’s Choi Beomgyu.
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Your legs started peddling before you could stop them, your wrist burned with red hot pain, but your legs didn't. You let them carry you towards a hill you knew that was far enough away from home, but close enough you didn't die on the bike ride there.
Wind whipped your hair behind you as you rode. Each push of your legs rocking your body from side to side. You almost felt comforted by the force you were putting into the movement, using it as a way of ridding yourself of any emotion you couldn't show at home. It wasn't as good as when you played sport, but this would do. Your dad never loved you playing sports anyway. That's why you were given this injury after all, though, he tried to tell everyone you'd fallen while playing the 'silly game'. After all, he'd told you 'It was no good for a girl like you'.
He liked to say that girls 'like you' were better at what they were made for... 'staying at home and minding their business'... which meant you weren't allowed to have interests. Sure, you could go out with your female friends and do delicate things like going to a cafe, but he'd never let you enter a skate park. Hell, even your bike was one of those classic ones with the pretty blue frame and a silly basket on the front. Not one of the cool ones everyone else your age had. Under his gaze, you were never going to be who you wanted to be.
Clearly you'd escaped to your own world and weren't paying enough attention, making you crash into someone, falling onto your side and grazing your chin as you fell. That was definitely going to need a plaster, it will only get you in more trouble with father. Brilliant... 'Girls like you don't rough house, so don't get injured. The biggest injury you should ever receive is a needle prick'.
You assumed it was probably an older person you'd hit, seeing as these streets weren't normally a hotspot for younger people. But when you looked up you were not met with the face of an elder, you were met with the face of a beautiful long-haired boy, most likely your age. His eyes locked onto yours and you felt yourself get lost in the chocolate swarm of his eyes. You gaze at him as his mouth moves but you didn't hear what he said. 'Had I hit my head that hard' you asked yourself, reaching a hand up to touch it mindlessly.
He spoke again, but this time the sound greeted your ears, "I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, my helmet fell over my eyes. Here, take my hand". He spoke so gracefully, despite having a tint of panic within his tone, and a small graze along his cheek from the fall. His helmet had fallen over his eyes? That's ridiculously absurd... kind of sweet though.
His pretty hand reached out for you, but you didn't fail to notice the way his knuckles were plagued with purple splotches and red dashes. You found yourself asking a mental question 'Who did he get into a fight with?'. Nonetheless, you placed your own hand in his and he pulled you up like it was the easiest thing to do. Wow, he was much stronger than most boys.
Now stood, you realised he was probably about as tall as the 'popular boy' in school that everyone loved, and you were short compared to him. "'I-I am s-sorry as well, I w-was peddling so fast, not-t looking." You spoke, stuttering over your words like a giddy little girl, which you suppose you kind of were. How could you not be when faced with such an attractive boy!
He chuckled beautifully and spoke, "'Hey, are you okay? You are stuttering and turning red, did you hit your head?". You flicked your eyes away from him and muttered "Head fine, me fine. I should g-go" You nearly got your words out without stumbling, but at the last hurdle messed up.
He chuckled at your lack of movement and lifted his hand in front of your face "' For someone who has to go, you are still holding on quite tightly" he teased. The sight of his hand intertwined with yours made your eyes blow wide, pulling your hand out of his grasp. 'What an idiot, I forgot to let go when he pulled me up' you mentally cursed yourself. So much for first impressions...
He giggled lightly, "Ahhh you are a cutie aren't you... can I ask you what your name is?".
You looked down at the ground and mumbled " Song (Y/N)".
He hummed "That name feels familiar. Maybe a classmate has a similar name." He wondered out loud.
"How about you, can I get your name?" You spoke, slowly gaining your composure back.
He smirked and spoke proudly "Choi Beomgyu, will you be wanting my number next by any chance?".
You tilted your head and took a step away from him "uh- No, that won't be necessary. I'll be going now" you muttered quickly, not giving him a chance to properly reply. You knew the name, you don't know why yet, but you knew the name. Knowing the name of some random guy you bumped into is never a good sign, so you quickly tried to pick up your bike and move away from the situation.
You heard him yell out "Wait please....", his plea made you turn around to look at him. He stood there, bike still on the floor, helmet hung over his eyes slightly. Wow, his helmet really is too big for him.... He looked so pathetically desperate, almost like you were his last chance. Maybe you were just crazy, maybe you're imagining the look in his eyes.
A wide smile adorned his face at the realisation that you'd taken the time to stop to listen to him and spoke "'I want you to join me, I was on my way to the hill nearby. I was wondering if you'd be interested in just spending some time with me. That is all, I'd understand if you declined seeing as it is getting dark, and I'm just a stranger you bumped into.".
You wandered over to him and flicked your gaze to the path leading to the hill. Before Beomgyu had distracted you with his existence, you were going to go up it as well, but he had made you so shy that you decided to change your destination and go elsewhere.
You don't know why a pretty boy like him would want anything to do with a girl like you, especially when you were halfway through peddling like a maniac to the hill, but sure. "I would like to join you Beomgyu.". He chuckled and with that you peacefully made your way up the hill, onto a bench that sat there, overlooking the city you lived in, it was beautiful.
The sky was illuminated a beautiful orange tinge as the sun retired for the day. But that wasn't the thing that caught your attention, no. It was Beomgyu. The light rays graced his features as he tilted his head to the side, making his jawline more prominent than ever. The light dusting of pink across his cheeks was suddenly visible and his brown eyes seemed to sparkle for the first time since you've seen him.
His head slowly turned to face you, but he didn't say anything about your lingering stares, instead he took it as an opportunity to study you. All is fair after all.
His eyes darted across your profile as you tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear. But then something caught your attention, his tongue was sticking out of his lips, and he seemed to be playing with it. No, playing with his piercing on it. You felt your cheeks burn pink as you wondered how that would feel in a kiss- NO- stay holy.
With a small chuckle Beomgyu decided that's enough of your little stares. "I'm not from around here, I'm only here to visit family," Beomgyu spoke, spinning with his arms stretched out before he joined you on the bench. His childish action made a giggle slip from your mouth. It seemed so pure, just spinning in the wind, overlooking a glowing view, far from home.
You nodded, deciding to take the time to think about what to say next, as you don't trust your own tongue... to soon, you thought about the piercing again…
"'Why would you leave home by yourself then if you aren't from around here?". You questioned, confusion clouding your mind as to why he would put himself in a bad position. But... you can't say much... you've just agreed to hang out with a stranger when it's just getting dark. This is how murder stories begin.
Leaning backwards on the bench he chuckled "'If I'm honest, it was a horrendous idea. I've been to this hill before, but only when I was younger. If I hadn't met you, I probably wouldn't have made it to this hill. You pretty much led me here".
You hummed at that, knowing full well why a person would come to a hill at this sort of time. You spoke, "'Okay, so a mysterious boy comes to a hill he hardly knows the way to, in a city he definitely doesn't know. Why does the boy go to the hill?".
He laughed at your storytelling and continued "'The boy wishes he could say he only came here to see the view, but that would be a lie. The truth is that the boy doesn't want to ever leave this city and go back home. He prefers it here. Admittedly he has friends and a life back where he is from, but he'd rather forget his home. The boy is sure the girl he is with doesn't need to know all of this".
You nodded at his story, the sound of it seeming familiar to your ears. Suddenly, you think about your wrist injury and the way you'd received it, and then you thought about his bruises along with his words. What if he was in a similar position to you?
"The girl is pleased by the boy's truth, coming here to escape her own pains. The girl listens to the boy carefully, noticing that his story feels familiar to her".
He chuckles and looks at you for the first time since you'd begun the story, "the boy hears her words and is thankful. Finds that they hold more comfort to him than she is probably aware. The boy has not heard the girl's story but now wishes to. Why has such a beautiful girl come up to a dark hill at night?"
He leant forwards on the bench, his elbows on his knees. You smile at him continuing this stupid story, and you find that you want to tell him everything, the story letting you distance yourself from the feelings, by placing them into a character. "The girl left her home in a rush; everything was getting a bit much. Her dad was watching stupid football again, and that never ends well. On top of that, she can't even do what she likes to do to take her mind off it because she has a stupid injury. She can't stand to be around the people at home. Though, as she looks at the mysterious boy, she worries that maybe, he understands her a little too well" you say with a shrug, worried about the bruises and scars that adorned his hands.
He chuckles and places his hand over your own fidgeting ones "The boy gets it and understands what she means. He wishes that she will cheer up soon and realise that there may be other things to take her mind off it. The boy likes gaming, but quite frankly that causes half of the problems. If she doesn't mind, can the boy see her injury"?
You shimmy your hand out from underneath his own, his palm now falling onto your thigh, making you jump slightly. His hand was incredibly warm, and you were starting to realise you were growing cold, so you did not move his hand. You rolled up your sleeve and waved the injury at him, noticing it still stung a lot after you used it not so long ago. "How did the girl do that to herself?" Beomgyu wonders, still speaking in the story, which makes you happy.
You fiddle with the bandage and put your hand back over Beomgyu's, seeing him smile and possibly blush at his, it was difficult to tell since it was dark. "'He got mad because she was playing a sport. She was a fool and used it earlier as well, it hurts more than it did before. The girl wants to know why the boy doesn't want to go home, what is the in-depth story? The girl told the boy hers, only fair".
Beomgyu chuckles and hesitates before he speaks "'It is nothing serious, it's just the boy isn't allowed to be how he wants to be there. From what he's heard the boy thinks it's probably a similar story to the girls. He doesn't do something... he gets hurt. He does something... he gets hurt. He just can't go back there, not anymore.".
You nod and look back out to the view in front of you "'The girl wants the boy to be happy and be who he wants to be. Though she understands how he feels. Despite the girl's desperation, she will never be able to be who she wants to be; her dreams won't come true. But she thinks that maybe the boy can do what he dreams of. The girl wants the boy to stand on the bench for a second".
At the end of your sentence, you stand up, dragging Beomgyu with you, so you can finish what you are saying. "'I know it may not seem like it now Beomgyu, but we are in an incredible place, and we just so happened to meet each other, just so we can have this talk. You may call it a coincidence, but I think that we were fated to meet here today, all so we could chat. Two people, in similar situations, feeling the same way, willing to tell each other the truth, don't tell me it's a coincidence. Somewhere out there our fates our intertwined on purpose, whether it be something as simple as to entertain you while you are bored, to lead you to this hill so you could actually get here, or something more complex like: I needed to tell you these words so you start living your own life, or I manage to set you on the right track to achieve your dreams. Who cares Beomgyu? Just live in this moment for a while, forget about your stress and feelings and focus on how incredible it is that you get to live this moment.".
You watch him gaze over every single detail of the view from the bench, the lights twinkling with a bright shine, the city never sleeping though the people might, the slight wave of the trees to the side of you. Beomgyu was amazed, like you had cleared the foggy glass for him, which caused you to smile. "'It's fate that we crossed paths? It's fate that I'm stood here in this spot, looking at this with you?" He questioned.
You worried at this moment that he might see you as a fool and make fun of your comment. You could only bring yourself to nod at him, afraid he might judge your words. He chuckled and jumped off the bench, grabbing you by the waist and spinning you around, making you yelp and hold onto him. "'You are Incredible (Y/N). Your view on this moment amazes me, so come, live with me in this moment. Allow our fates to tangle for just a while longer. Lead me on this journey will you. I don't want to be the mysterious boy; stuck with feelings he can't stand. I want to be Choi Beomgyu who was fated to meet Song (Y/N), so they could pave each other a new path, just for the night.".
You were sure at his words you had turned bright red, giggling like a silly child, but you couldn't help it. His words were just as charming as his smile, and you couldn't help but get caught up in the moment. He was right, your meeting didn't have to end here, you could make it last as long as you wanted.
That night you escaped your roles as girl and boy and lived your own lives. You went to the arcade, to the skate park, running around the city with the plushies you had won at the arcade. It was incredible, like something straight out of a movie. But you managed to forget that every movie has a plot twist, that ruins everything.
As you get dropped off at your house by Beomgyu, you smile at him "Thank you very much for this, it was nice to be us for a night." You mumbled to him. He chuckled and spoke, "'Don't thank me (Y/N), the pleasure was all mine. I got to see an incredible city, with the most adorable cutie I have ever seen, and I got to be myself".
He was standing closer than you thought he had been a second ago and as your faces drew closer you whispered, "Do you know your way home?" To which he smiled and moved closer to your lips "' I'm sure I can find my way back". As the sentence finished your lips met in your first ever kiss. His hand wrapped to the back of your waist to support you, or pull you closer to him, you haven't figured it out. Your lips joined together in a sweet, soft way, his lips felt right against yours and you knew you wouldn't ever forget the feeling.
Just then you heard your brother and his friend in the garden, talking about volleyball, reminding you that you should've been home easily hours ago, you don't even know why his friend was still here, it's 11 at night. "Thank you, Gyu, for everything" you whispered as you kissed him one more time and ran into your house. You touched your lips with your fingers, smiled, and giggled.
Sighing, the joy quickly wore off as fear overtook it. You opened the door once again and shouted down the street "BEOMGYU", but there was no movement, no sound back. He was gone, and you hadn't even got his number.
Maybe what you said about your fates intertwining for just that moment was true. But you couldn't let the feeling slip out of your hands. Beomgyu had filled a broken void in your heart, and just as quickly ran off with what he’d fixed. But it didn't feel broken like it had when other people had ripped it from you, it felt whole but simply trusted in Beomgyu's hands. It didn’t hurt to live without out the thump in your chest, it only made your lips quirk up. You hope that your beating heart leads him back to you once again.
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Any galra!Keith x (normal/paladin) Lance headcannons ??
I v e b e e n w a i t i n g f o r t h i s m o m e n t
Okay, so basically, here's how it went down.
Lance, Pidge, Hunk and Shiro had all gone to space and found Allura, however this time, they found the blue lion with the alien signal tracking thing that Pidge was using in the beginning of episode one. They went to Arus, met Allura and set off to save the universe.
Allura becomes the initial red paladin in this one, following her father's footsteps.
During one of the Paladins' raids on a Galra base, Lance finds Keith in a cell.
In this AU, Keith went with his mom to space and joined BOM when he turned 14, though of course he's still mostly human, besides from furry ears, purple skin and yellow eyes (and of course fangs but we don't need to get into that).
Anyways, Lance frees him and leads him back to the blue lion. As soon as everyone sees him, they immediately start saying things like, "Lance, why did you bring a Galran with you!?" "Why would you lead them straight to Voltron" "The Galra killed my entire species!" all that fun junk, and Lance looks them dead in the eyes, and with his whole heart goes, "Because when I found him, he looked more human than anyone I've ever met."
Of course, Lance meant the way Keith had looked at him. He saw pure humanity in his eyes, he just knew Keith was good, he'd never been more sure of anything in his life. "He was alone, in a cell. The Galra don't do that to their allies."
anyways, time passes, Keith becomes the Red Paladin, and they all grow and learn to trust each other n stuff, you know the basics.
But, Keith and Lance grow especially close, seeing as Lance had been the one who saved him, the one that had defended him and stuck by him through everything despite him being Galran.
One day, they got caught in a crossfire between a Galra fleet and a planet involved in the coalition, and Lance gets hit. Though, Lance, being Lance, doesn't say anything and just keeps fighting. When the battle concludes, the Paladins go back to the Castle of Lions.
As soon as he thinks he's alone, Lance collapses and removes his armor. Because of how careless he'd been during the fight, the initially small wound had torn and become much larger, meaning that Lance was losing quite a bit of blood. If he had to guess, he'd lost about a fourth of a liter. It wasn't enough to make him dizzy, but it hurt like hell.
As we all know, I enjoy making them suffer a little, so naturally, Keith finds him on the floor by his bedroom door, and his gaze falls on the gaping slash on Lance's side. He immediately drops down and starts scolding Lance.
"Why didn't you say you were hurt!? When did this happen?! How much blood have you lost?!" He presses his hands over the wound in hopes of stopping the bleeding, he knows it isn't bad enough to be fatal, but simply the sight of Lances blood on his hands sends him spiraling with panic. It's an image that will be forever burned into his memory.
Lance can't find the words he needs to say, all that escapes him his a small, quiet "I'm sorry".
Keith picks Lance up and takes him to his room, where he lays him down and gets the first aid kit from his bathroom.
He stops the bleeding and patches the wound. It was something he'd had to learn early on when he joined the Blade of Marmora. He helps Lance sit up and then plops down beside him.
"I could have handled it on my own, you know.. I'm not helpless.."
"First of all, you were bleeding out on the floor! If you really had it handled, i think you would have already had yourself patched up! And second, being helped doesn't make you helpless, it makes you human-"
"What would you know about being human?"
There's a long moment of quiet between them. Keith is the first to speak again.
"You're right.. I don't know the first thing about being human.. But I do know you. And I know that you're strong, and brave, and you'll do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of those around you. But I also know that sometimes you can't do things by yourself, and that's fine, Lance. There's nothing wrong with needing help..."
"I'm sorry" he says, turning to look Keith in the eyes, "I shouldn't have said that. If anything, you're more human than any of us. I don't know how, or why, but you are. And I think-"
There's another silence, Lance debates whether or not now is the right time to be saying any of this, but this is Lance we're talking about. He's the king of bad timing.
"You think what?"
Lance takes his hands, his heart is about ready to break his ribs with how hard it's pounding. "I think... I think that's why I love you!"
They stare at each other for what seems like an eternity, Keith's eyes move back and forth between their hands and Lance. Neither knows what to say.
Eventually, Lance tries to let go, taking the silence as a rejection, but Keith then grips tighter and pulls him into a hug.
"I love you, too, idiot..."
"Wait seriously? Like, you aren't messing with me, right?"
"Yes seriously! And if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I'm gonna kill you myself, got it?"
"Yeah, I got it"
They sit there with each other for probably an hour before Pidge bursts through the door and shouts, "AHA! I KNEW IT!!" They turn their head and yell into the hallway, "HUNK, YOU OWE ME FIFTY BUCKS!!!"
I have so many more but i think this post is long enough as is, so i'll stop here for now. If you want more of these please please please ask, i love getting requests so much.
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