#who's to say this is not a spider plant typing
weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok but yandere miguel falling for a darling who doesn't want kids definitely has the "I can fix her" mentality. Especially even if you express no interest in kids or taking care of them, you do so with plants or animals.
Like what do you mean you dont want kids? The last like 4 weeks basically every hour you wake up to bottle feed a litter kittens. Clearly you're just coping from not having one already. It's ok, he's happy to help you make one.
Ok but like for real in the actual movie when Miguel is explaining the Arachnoid Poly Multiverse to Miles, one of the canon events you can see is getting married, so, a significant relationship, romantic, platonic, or otherwise is a canon event for every Spider. I've thought of "youre off in your own dimension being single when Miguel MAKES you have a relationship and eventually decides it has to be him bc you HAVE to get married or have babies WITH SOMEONE" to "this is a Reader who lost their home universe and you live in Nueva York now and it's unclear if you're supposed to even be following canon anymore or if you're an anomaly but one day Lyla tells him the model says he COULD be your husband maybe idk "
Miguel, totally not having unspoken intentions and definitely not having baby fever: so... do you ever think about... finding a husband and getting more serious? Maybe having a few kids?
Reader: I don't really see anyone loving me like that and even if someone somehow did i don't think I'm really a good motherly type
Also Reader: *once heard Miguel's stomach growl and brought him some food, asks him how he's doing and if he's gotten enough sleep, constantly holds Spider Cat cradled like a little baby and literally calling it and Meows Morales your babies, Miles sneezed once and you got him a tissue and asked him if he's drinking enough water, you like informing and teaching other people about your interests and gets really excited when you teach someone something they don't know, you like watching your plants grow and get taller and bloom under your care*
Miguel: *looks into the camera like he's on The Office*
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redstarwriting · 1 year
the clash | iii. black planet
hobie brown x goth!reader
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word count: 2.5k
genre: enemies to lovers
warnings: language, insults, hobie hating you, you hating hobie, needles mentioned, slight injury from said needle
a/n: is this one long? yes. do i care? no because it was fun to write. it was 3 am when i finished this and make this a draft, so you know i had fun with this chapter. also, i’m about to go into work, so i will probably not be here but i wanted to post it beforehand so i can just worry about working on chapter iv later. and just wanna say i’m grateful to everyone who is reading and interacting with the posts! this has been such a warm welcome back into writing for the marvel universe and i appreciate each and every one of you :)🖤 also i have a question, feel free to answer in the comments or pm me, do i go all the way in the angst for this, or only some angst?
now reading: iii. black planet
previous chapter: ii. time bomb
next chapter: iv. london calling
You open a portal to your world, and dramatically motion everyone inside. Gwen, Miles, and Pavitr step into it, and you glance at Hobie. “Are you actually coming, then?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he says sarcastically, stepping into the portal. You enter last, walking until you’re in the familiar darkness of your apartment. “Welcome to my home,” you say, going to your kitchen to get a glass of water. As you’re pouring, you hear one of your guests speak up. “Is that… a real skull…?” Pavitr asks, pointing to a human skull above your fireplace mantle. “Sure is. She’s my aunt,” you say, taking a sip of water. They all look at you with a look that reads ‘is it… that aunt?’
You nod.
It isn’t brought up again.
Hobie sees a vinyl player and immediately walks over to it. He observes the multiple albums and singles and then comes across vinyls that don’t look like they belong to any band in particular. “You press your own vinyl?”
“Obviously. There’s just something better about vinyl than listening to it on my phone, so I press my own playlists,” you say, and Hobie glances up at you. “It sounds more real. Scratches and all, makes it feel authentic,” he says, placing a record on your player and placing the needle on it surprisingly gently. You raise your eyebrow at him. ‘Of course he would get the record thing,’ you think to yourself, ‘he is a guitarist after all.’
“I totally agree,” Gwen says, and you nod. Musician things. Ambient sounds accompanied by faint guitar riffs fill the room. You nod in approval. This is one of your favorite songs. Gwen smiles. “Your place is so fucking cool, (Y/n),” she says, walking over to the crystal ball and various tarot decks you have set up on your kitchen table. “Thanks, I take pride in it,” you say and Hobie makes a noise. “Could be better. Tell me, do you consider any color? Ever? Like what the fuck kind of plants are these that they’re all black?”
“They’re called Raven ZZ plants, and actually, they’re a bright green when new leaves sprout, but no. Color is not for me. The only reason I have the tiniest bit of pastel pink on my spider suit is because I need to continue to throw people off my scent.”
“How d’you reckon a tiny splash a’ color will do that?”
“There are various different types of goth. If I only used my own style, it would make the likelihood of me being me much higher than I would like,” you explain, and Miles looks around. “So… this place haunted?” he asks and you grin. “Yes.”
“Ghosts aren’t fuckin’ real.” Hobie scoffs, and he has to bite back a laugh at how quickly you turn your head to him. He actually does believe in ghosts, just a tiny bit, but doing anything to piss you off has become his new motto. Even if he has to lie.
“Shut the fuck up or I’ll make one of them possess you,” you say icily, and a cold breeze rolls through the room and blows out some of the candles. Pavitr shrieks and jumps into Miles’ arms. Gwen mutters something about that being ‘so cool.’ Hobie looks virtually unimpressed and you two glare at each other until you all get an all too familiar feeling of danger. You all turn your head toward your balcony, and you see an explosion in the distance. “Fuck,” you mumble, jumping into action immediately. You pull your mask on, and jump without a second thought. It’s a new thing when you glance over and see Hobie right by you. “Was that a bomb? Who could that be?” Miles asks and you sigh. “Probably the Green Goblin,” you say, and Hobie opens his mouth to say another sarcastic remark but is cut off when he gets to observe what your swinging is like.
You literally move like the wind. It’s fluid and smooth in nature, and he pays special attention to how you barely make noise when you land on a building to run. It’s actually impressive, and it makes him lose whatever rude comment he thought of. It’s the complete opposite of how he is. Erratic and loud. He doesn’t know whether to respect it or make fun of you for it later. Probably the latter. “Hey (Y/n)? Is the sky normally this dark? I thought it was like 6pm,” Pavitr asks as you all swing and you nod. “The sun is only out for like 2-3 hours a day here,” you respond. “Damn a little sunlight never killed anybody,” Miles says, and you shrug. “Honestly, here it might.”
“Is that why you’re so moody and negative? Only light you get is from the moon?” Hobie asks and you roll your eyes. “Actually, I was born that way. My style of living has nothing to do with my moodiness and realistic outlook,” you shoot back, emphasizing the point of realistic and not negative. He just shakes his head.
You all arrive at the location the explosive went off, and you notice there are still people inside the parking garage that was hit. “We’re on it!” Gwen says, motioning for Pavitr and Miles to follow her. The three of them take off in an instant, and you keep your eyes peeled and ears open to hear the wings of the Green Goblin’s glider. Hobie hangs back, not saying anything for once in his life. Until he gets an uneasy feeling. “Something’s close.”
“I know, idiot, I have the sense too.”
“I was just sayi–”
He’s cut off by a tiny bag of… powder… being thrown between the two of you. You both leap out of the way immediately before it explodes. “Found you!” Hobie hears a maniacal laugh, “Ohhhh and you brought a friend!” The Green Goblin of your universe giggles, and he realizes that the glider she’s on is a giant taxidermy bat accessorized with mechanical elements making it able to fly again. “Not their friend,” he yells at the Goblin before addressing you, “What the actual fuck is ‘at?” Hobie yells and you sigh. “That’s the Green Goblin of my universe, she’s a fucking lunatic who wants to turn me into a taxidermy sculpture and sell me at an art auction.”
“She an Osborn?”
“Yes, Harriet Osborn,” you say, dodging another… bomb? Hobie honestly doesn’t know what the fuck is happening. “Well, I’ve killed one Osborn already, what’s another,” he says, and you make a gasping noise. “Oh no… don’t tell me…”
“We can’t kill Harriet!”
“Why the fuck not?! She’s tryna kill you!”
“Because of personal reasons! You’re not about to come into my world, and kill my villains, asshole!” you scream, and he groans. “Fuckin’ fine. Whatever, we take her down, we don’t kill her,” he says, and you nod. “I take her down. Like I have countless times before.”
“Uh uh uh, I’m here for a reason, we take her down.”
“Gods, fine. Whatever,” you huff and the both of you dodge another explosive. You point to Miles, Gwen, and Pavitr who are motioning to you that they got everyone out of the garage. Without speaking, the two of you develop a plan. You immediately web into the garage, going down to the bottom floor. Of course, your Goblin follows you, completely disregarding Hobie even being there. He follows behind. It’s dark in here, all the lighting has gone out inside and the black sky outside makes it difficult to see. You use the stealth he observed earlier to your advantage. Even he has trouble picking out where you are, and he has super senses. He makes his way to a pillar that supports the garage as quietly as he can, which, luckily, is quiet enough that he goes unnoticed. “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” he hears in a sing-songy voice.
He carefully picks up a rock and glances around the garage. He’s behind a pillar that will help bring the whole thing down, he just needs to deduce which of the other pillars will assist in that. Lucky for him, you’re there too. He hears a noise behind one of the pillars, and sure enough, an explosion soon follows. He quickly realizes where the other weak points are and throws a rock at one of the others. Boom. Explosion. And then one more. He glances to his left to see you right next to him. You both nod at each other, and he hits a power chord. You roll your eyes. “A little flashy, don’t you think,” you say as the two of you leap out of the way and there’s one more explosion. “Not flashy enough, love,” he responds as the garage starts to shake.
The two of you expertly navigate the falling rocks as you make your way out of the collapsing building. Right when you get out, your eyes widen, and you twist your body so the glider doesn’t impale you. You land on top, and the Goblin turns around. Half of her mask is broken and she’s bleeding from being hit by one of the rocks. You can tell the glider was hit, too, because it seems to be stalling every now and again. It does get you farther away from your spider-companions, but they start webbing after you. “Found you,” she says. “No shit, Harriet. It only took you demolishing ONE building to do it this time, feels like a new personal record for you,” you respond, and she throws a punch at you. You dodge, and then see her pull out an unnecessarily large taxidermy needle. “Ah, shit,” you mumble as she starts wielding it like a dagger. You’re able to dodge most of her attacks, but the last one grazes your side. You hiss and realize she put another attempt of a knockout serum on it as well. Great. She laughs.
“Stupid spider! I didn’t need to stab you; I just needed a little graze! See, I put a special kind of toxin on my needle, and now it–” She gets knocked out by a single punch to the face. “You talk way too damn much, girl,” you mumble, webbing her to the side of a building as she falls off her glider. Oh shit. The glider. You leap off, despite the pain in your side and the woozy feeling that’s starting to show up and web the glider. You then go water skiing without the water. Or the skiis. And on the road. Oops.
You do your best to control the glider, swerving between cars and making sure it doesn’t run into any of the skyscrapers in downtown Night of Yore City. That’s when you realize it’s about to run straight into a building. You narrow your eyes. It’s time to do your Spider thing. You yank back on the glider, causing it to stall. You leap up onto the side of a building, detaching three webs onto it and leaping to the other one. You repeat until a full spiderweb is formed, blocking the glider’s way to the building, and repeat so it’s underneath the glider as well. You quickly web up the giant claws of the taxidermy bat, ensuring they can’t cut through your webs, and wrap the glider up, swinging around it in a circle. You attach the end of the web to the big spider web you just made and watch it slow down even more. It goes into the web in front of the building, and slightly indents into it, but that’s the further it gets.
You crouch on a lamppost, watching to make sure nothing bad happens. When you’re positive everything’s fine, you stand. A few citizens yell some thanks you’s, more glare at you because you just ruined their day, and some just ignore you completely. You look up and see the four other Spider-People chilling on the side of a building. You quickly join them. “Never seen someone make a web that fast and efficiently,” Gwen says, motioning to the web you wove. You shrug. “Thank you.”
“Unfortunate a buildin’ had to come down in the process,” Hobie says, not giving you a break or any type of praise. You roll your eyes. “Let’s not forget you were part of the reason the building came down.”
“I could have done it without the destruction.”
“Like you would have.”
“I wouldn’t have, but I could have. Obviously, you couldn’t,” he says, and you flip him off as you all begin webbing back to your apartment. Once you get there, you assess the damage the needle did to you. Some weird green toxin was in the cut, and you sigh. “Wait, (Y/n), that looks kind of serious,” Gwen says, noting the discoloration of the toxin compared to your skin. You shake your head. “No, it’s fine. She keeps trying to make a knock-out serum to use on me. None of them are strong enough,” you affirm, the slight wooziness you had felt earlier is completely gone. Now you just need to wash and dress this, and it should be healed by morning. “Or maybe she’s just a shit chemist.”
“Thank you, Hobie, for your doubt that I’m a capable Spider-Person,” you say, and he nods at you. “Always.”
You get out your first aid kit and clean your wound up. It stings, and you wince, and the others know that feeling all too well. “Right, well now that we’ve seen this gloomy, depressin’, dark ass world, why don’t we go see an actual fun world, eh?” Hobie says, starting to press some buttons on his watch. “Go to your world? What so I can be blown away with too loud amps and catch on fire because some dumbass thinks they can make a flamethrower with some sort of cleaning spray and a lighter? No thanks,” you mumble, and he rolls his eyes. “Not like I want you there anyways, love,” he says. You hate this new nickname he’s picked for you. It’s not endearing, it’s annoying. And he knows that it bothers you. You angrily put your first aid kit down and glare at him. “Fine. But hold on one second.”
You scale your wall and reach into an impossibly high cupboard, pulling out some cat food. Suddenly, the four spiders see two bright green eyes in the darkness of what appears to be your bedroom. You fill up a bowl, and your black cat saunters over to you. You pet his head, giving him a few scritches between the ears, his favorite spot. Hobie’s grateful you’re preoccupied with your cat because he does not need you to see the expression on his face. He loves cats. Especially black cats, they’re a perfect symbol of rebellion. Maybe he’ll come back here one day but only for your cat. ONLY.
“Alright, now that you’ve fed the cat, can we please leave? I can feel my soul bein’ sucked out of my body the longer I stand here,” Hobie says, impatiently, and you roll your eyes. “That’s the ghosts doing that, you know.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
『 tag list 』
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*if you are italicized - i am unable to tag you for whatever reason, feel free to reach out and see if we can fix the issue
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Hiii, Harpy anon again.
I have more thoughts. Instead of making Idia a dog boy, I say we make him an insect. Mostly because there are some insects out there that just make sense for him. (Also because he kinda look like bug to me tbh)
For example, spiders. (Yes I know they aren't insects but they look insects and that's all that matters) Spiders specifically have a lot of significance in Greek mythology, so it would make sense for Idia (who is based off a Greek god) to have some kind of connection there. But also spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together during mating. And a lot of the time, during mating the males are killed by their female mates. Which..I feel like is why Idia would avoid Yuu like the plague. Because all he can think about near them is "Mate.Mate.Mate.Mate.MATE-" and he's scared if he tries anything he'll get killed immediately.
Now I don't know if we've talked about Ortho yet but I feel like he's a little robot bee. I know it doesn't really go with spider Idia but Robot bee Ortho would be so gosh darn cute. There was a study done on bee's that came to the conclusion that when bee's bump into eachother they make a little "Whoop" noise. IMAGINE BUMPING INTO BEE ORTHO AND HE JUST GOES "Whoop!"
Ahem, sorry got carried away there for a sec. Bee's are also very protected of their hive and other bees in said hive, so I can't help but imagine if Yuu gets picked on Ortho immediately just pulls out the laser beams. Bee's can also smell fear. Giving bee Ortho this trait is like giving a toddler a glock and telling them to go do a crime. It is both horrifying and hilarious at the same time.
Robot Bee Boy.
BeeBot that makes cute noises when bumping into things.
So very cute. I don't have much to add to that except look at this cute bee butt.
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Now...spooder Idia...
Did anyone else see Kar'niss from Baldr's Gate 3 and thought he was hella fine?
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What kind of spider would he be? If he's one of the fluffy kinds I love the idea of his floof matching his hair. Would he have multiple eyes? Fangs on top of having those already pointy teethies?
Did you know an interesting thing that bee's and some spiders have in common his helping with pollinating plants?
Hmm drider's are usually big and people in general already don't like regular spiders very much. Poor Idia is just going to keep getting more reasons to not leave his room. 😔Oh Jeez Jamil would prob freak out seeing him.
Man, Idia and Azul have it bad. For females of both of their kind if they don't kill you after sex cuz doing the diddly works up an appetite, they might kill males that they simply rejected...or just because they got too close.
Another thing that both male octopuses and spiders have been shown to do to lower the risk is present their possible mate with food. Azul's an amazing cook with his own restaurant and Idia has a surplus of every kind of snack/junk food you can think of so at least they have that going.
Still, I would like to think that even if that happens with their kind in that world it's not nearly as bad or quite as common. Funny though to think of Idia screeching when he sees you and tossing a few bags of gummies and chips at you.
Also....to avoid getting eaten after sex some male spiders will actually tie the female up in his web and set her free after. Do with that info what you will.
Some spiders also do a mating dance, but you have a snowball's chance in hell of seeing him do that.
Still, it's just more things that get these types of nonhuman boys thinking that you the little would be the best choice when it comes to finding a mate. AMAB? Cool. AFAB? Well, human ones don't cannibalize so it's all good....well once the guys learned that they don't.
Plus, once he gets to actually know you and see how you're the least threatening thing in the school things will be easier.
Once he's comfortable around you get to see something amazing...
That he's a snarky little shit with so much sass. He's a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having an ego.
One time you tried to bite him for mouthing off and he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn't even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he's even more of a shit when teasing you.
One of the cool things is that you can legit ride him places cuz he big spooder. It's too bad it rarely if ever happens with being a shut in.
He'll still let you sit on him like that when you guys are in his room.
A cool thing he can do is climb on walls and ceilings, does it often when trying to sneak to the vending machines on campus without being seen. He has unfortunately been seen once or twice though and it scared the hell out of the poor student to see a giant freaking spider on the ceiling and almost made Idia drop his snacks.
His webs are pretty and glowy, he kind of has them around his room set up like fairy light.
Weird fact, spiders can taste with their feet.
Cute fact, some spiders will keep a frog as a pet. Frog helps keep the spider's eggs from getting eaten and the spider protects the frog from other things.
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I'm kind of picturing Idia as the spider and you as the frog. You are his emotional support human that he keeps close when he has to leave his lair.
He unintentionally gives you scary dog privileges.
Imagine working your shift at Twisted McDonald and a little human comes up to you with this big-ass sharp-toothed spider dude behind them, you are scared out of your mind but then the human says "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles."
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BINGOO! Can you please write a Miguel O’Hara sugar daddy story with prompt 15? I’m not creative enough to write a description for this but could you add a mention of the age gap? Miguel is Like 30 or something. Reader is young and wants money ofc. They met online and are meeting up irl. Thank youu
—𓆩[mi menté, cuerpo, corazón, y alma]𓆪—
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I am so sorry anón honey, I got completely carried away!! I hope you enjoy it though!
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪 𓆩[updated bingo card!]𓆪 𓆩[bingo masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[join the bingo taglist!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Modern AU! CEO! Sugar Daddy! Soft! Miguel O'Hara x Sugar Baby! Fem! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.1K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You loved being a sugar baby. Truly, you did. The only con was the fact that you had to get with someone who was literally a hair away from dying, so when Miguel found you, it was truly a saving grace. After a while, he made you cut off all of your other sugar daddies, easily matching what they give you and more. Things have gotten weird lately, though… and you’re not sure how to take it, even when he says everything is ‘strictly pleasure’.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing and foul language || obsessive behavior || sugar daddy & sugar baby relationship || possessive! Miguel || his wife and daughter do not exist anymore 🤍 like at all || Latina coded reader || featuring Jessica Drew as another CEO because we love her (spider-verse variant) || sugar daddy & sugar baby relationship turned real relationship || i speak rancho spanish so i write rancho spanish, it ain’t google translate so it might not make sense- || miguel is lowkey an asshole so he is an asshole now || fighting || you make him fix himself || i’m ngl, i don’t know what the hell i did but i had fun and there’s smut so enjoy || this is so much more kinky than it initially was going to be- || kinda OOC Miguel || sub turned dom! reader || sub! Miguel || sounding || cbt || slight oral || praise & degradation || riding || non-protected sex || cumming inside || ending is supposed to be humorous I’m not weird ||
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Finding a sugar daddy that wasn’t quadruple your age was hard. Very, very hard. What was wrong with men? Couldn’t they just become billionaires at twenty-five?
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Oh, but then Miguel O’Hara came along. A man in his early thirties that absolutely towered over you at 6’9”, built like a fucking god with looks to match and wealth to pair.
In the beginning, though, you had your doubts, so many doubts. You didn’t know what made him drawn to you in the first place, mainly because you had over five sugar daddies and he easily matched the prices immediately and made you get rid of them. He easily matched all your prices, doing even more before purchasing a test to make sure you were ‘healthy’.
After that, everything else happened extremely quickly - him buying you a car, jewelry and clothes, but the most recent was having you move in with him in his extremely large mansion. The first thing you noticed was that he had nothing in his home that gave it personality. No pictures, just crazy expensive art and photographs of things that were also crazy expensive.
He didn’t even have plants. Or a dog. Or a cat, something to give him some sort of personality besides that stupidly hot face. And stupidly hot money, but that’s why he was at work while you were at a shelter, promising yourself that you’d take some sort of pet home. You had settled on a kitten, a tuxedo kitten with a little bow tie and a mustache, along with small little mittens on his paws.
He immediately curled in your lap, a giggle falling from your lips as you stroked the back of his head. “I’ll take this one… I’m gonna name him Hart.”
And with that, you took him home. You bought him his own bed and all of the toys he could ever want or need, and you sat in the closet you had made his room as you wagged the cat toy in front of him, Jessica on the phone.
“Y/N, I really think you’re going to kill him bringing that cat into his house!” She laughed, snacking on her latest craving.
“Oh, he won’t! You’re being overdramatic, he’s gonna love Hart,” you wiggle the stick some more, the kitten swatting at it as you heard Miguel’s loud voice yell out for you. “Oh! He’s here, I’ll call you later Jess! Love you!”
“Don’t get killed!”
You giggled as you hung up and quickly stood, running out and fixing your skirt. “Miguel!”
He was tired today, you could tell. His body was more tense than you had ever seen, the buttons at the top of his shirt undone and his tie loose with his blazer open. You paused, his clenched fists making you swallow slightly. You had your share of violent lovers, and you sure as hell weren’t going to have another.
“Hola, mi reina,” he whispered, voice hoarse as he set down his briefcase and his fists unclenched. He softly set his hand on your hip, kissing softly against your temple as he sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s been a tough day.”
You inhaled as he softly pressed kisses down your temple around your eye, along the apple of your cheek. “Wh-What happened?”
He shook his head, his hands going from your hips to the pretty skin of your thighs that was exposed by the skirt. “Stupid idiots who don’t know how to fucking do their job.”
You hummed softly as you stroked the back of his head, twirling the locks of his hair with your fingers as you kissed his sharp jaw. You were already on your tiptoes, his hands supporting you as he ducked down. “I’m so sorry, Miguel,” you whispered as he let out a soft hum. “I uhm… I got something.”
“Ah si?” he responded, his hands slipping under your skirt to tease your pretty cunt. “Es esto, mi reina?”
“No,” you giggled, shaking your head. “Lemme show you.”
He smiled as you dragged him along, pulling him toward the closet you turned into the kitten’s room before turning around. “You can’t get mad.”
He started to cross his arms, raising a brow. “Why would I get mad?”
“You won’t be mad because you can’t. That’s my whole point,” you say, nodding firmly. “Okay?”
“You can’t say I can’t get mad and expect me not to get mad.”
“Oh, shut up!” You laughed, shaking your head as he hummed softly and leaned down. “Just… trust me.”
He hummed again as you opened the door, the loud mews of the kitten making his eyes widen. You felt your smile disappear as you inhaled, shaking your head as you turned around. “This is Hart! He’s a little spy,” you giggled, kissing the kitten’s small head. “H-He was named after-”
“I know who he’s named after, Y/N,” Miguel growled, glaring at the kitten in your hand. “Why is it in my house?”
“Our house,” you correct him, a scoff falling from his lips. “What?”
“My house,” he basically growled, stepping forward as you started to step back. “Just because I fuck you like a ragdoll and cum inside of you like a cumdump doesn’t mean that this is your house.”
You inhaled as you held the kitten closer to your chest, scoffing. “You’re a fucking bastard, Miguel O’Hara. This is strictly business as always, isn’t it? You fucking asshole.”
He scoffed as you went around him, shaking his head. “This is mine, Y/N! All of it!”
“It might be yours, Miguel, but you don’t want it! You keep this giant house full of nothing that you love, nothing that you care for! You don’t even have a damn plant here!” You yelled at him, inhaling as you sent him a glare. “You’re a self absorbed bastard, Miguel.”
“I have you here,” Miguel spoke, something that completely betrayed his previous words. “You’re… all I could ever need.”
“You don’t need me though. The only thing that you fucking need is a damn whore,” you shake your head, keeping Hart close to your chest. “I will get myself a lawyer to get myself out of this contract, and we’ll never have to see each other again.”
“Y/N, wait-”
“No! Fuck you!” You were already rushing to your room - which was sadly one you shared with Miguel - locking it before he could come in after you.
“Y/N, amor… mi amor, I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not!” You yelled, sighing. How could you ever think this would go any other way? “Just… go away!”
To be honest, you weren’t sure what made you think you could love him. Actually love him and have it reciprocated, but you didn’t want to leave. You had worked so hard in this relationship with Miguel, gaining his trust and what you thought was his love, for fucks sake you couldn’t lose it now. What he said just… got to you.
It wasn’t until you heard a soft knock that you unlocked the door, Miguel slowly stepping into the room. “What do you want?”
“I just… look at this,” he gave you the binder, swallowing. “If you uhm… look at it, it annuls our last contract… if you sign it, mi amor-”
“What, are you gonna try and bribe me?” I ask, softly scratching Hart’s ear before he gives you the binder.
“Perdóname, amor,” he whispers, slowly falling to his knees in front of you. You certainly weren’t expecting this. “Read it.”
“Summarize it for me.”
“It says that you own me,” he says, tilting his head. “Everything I own, you own. Everything I am is yours,” he takes your hand, softly kissing against your wrist. “I’m sorry… that it took me so long to see how important you are to me. Soy tuyo, mi mente, cuerpo, y alma.”
You swallow as you stare at the dotted line, looking down at him as he kisses your skin. “Tu cuerpo? Es mío?”
He groaned as your hand shapes his jaw, softly tugging on his hair as Hart jumped down, sauntering out of the room as though he knew what was about to happen. “Todo es tuyo, mi amor,” he whispers, groaning as you pull his hair so he’d stare up at you. “Todo lo que quieras, es tuyo. Nomás me digas y es tuyo. Todo, todo es tuyo.”
You hummed, sighing as you moved your hips to come off the bed slightly. “Show me. Show me that you belong to me and I’ll sign it.”
He hummed, sending you a smile as he started to kiss against your wrist. “Of course, mi reina.”
You smile slightly as he starts to tug off his shirt, carefully unbuttoning and kissing along your calf before slipping off your heels. “If this keeps going, Miguel, you need to know that I’m not putting up with your bullshit.”
“Ya se, mi reina,” he whispers, his tongue flattening up your thigh as he pulls down your skirt. “I’m aware.”
“I’m going to sign that shit in your cum.”
He laughed, nodding. “If that’s what you want to do, mi amor.”
You tilted your head down at him, raising a brow. “That raises no red flags?”
“No, they’re actually green.”
You hold back a laugh as he slowly stands up, already taking off his clothes before you put up a finger. “I’m in charge, right?”
“Yes,” he said, tilting his head slightly. “What would you like me to do, hm?”
“Get on the bed,” you say, standing and slipping off your clothes. “Why are you just standing there? Go.”
Miguel smirked slightly, but followed your orders, his bare body looking perfect against the bed. “Well, what do you want me to do next, mi amor?”
You hummed, staring for another few minutes. “Get hard. I’ll be back.”
You go into your closet, but after hearing Miguel’s moans, you knew he listened to what you said. It wasn’t until you went into your drawer filled with sex toys did you know what you wanted to do - oh, you were going to make him sob. You grabbed the small silver toy you had never had the chance to use on him, biting your lip as you finished taking off the rest of your clothes and fixing your bra and underwear.
It was normal to makeup with Miguel with sex, then talk about what happened and why it should never happen again before you fell asleep, resulting in Miguel waking you up with breakfast in bed and another lavish apology gift.
When you walked out, you smiled when you saw Miguel bucking his hips into his hand, his thick cock dribbling precum out of his bright red tip. “Look how pretty your cock is, baby… so, so pretty.”
He lets out a dry laugh, groaning. “Oh yeah? Que vas hacer?”
You giggled, slowly sliding between his legs and taking out the metal sounding rod. “Voy a jugar con lo que es mío.”
He lets out a choked moan as the cold tip of the rod dragged in a circle along the tip of his cock, already lubed up so you wouldn’t hurt him, a giggle escaping your lips as you slowly pushed it into his cock. He lets out a choked moan as you laugh, watching as it slowly disappears inside of his cock.
“Hijo de su pinche madre,” he cursed, groaning as he bucked his hips, stomach clenching as you watched his body slowly fall to your mercy. “Amor, please, please- I'll be good, I just need to fuck you.”
“Cállate,” you ordered, giggling as you pushed it inside until the ring was showing, your mouth latching onto his balls and sucking softly. “Come on, be a good boy and fuck it.”
He cursed as he starts to roll his hips, following the sounding rod as he groaned loudly. One of your hands rubs along his thighs, giggling as you stared up at his face all scrunched and desperate. He really did make a good sub.
“Come on, don’t stop now, Miguel, you’re doing so good,” you move away from his balls but continue to cup them, moving so that his fat cock was settled on his abdomen and you rubbed your now bare pussy against his shaft. “Come on baby, I know you want to cum. As soon as you cum, I’ll put your cock in me and I’ll let you fuck me.”
He groaned loudly, almost growl-like sounds falling from his lips as he forced his hips to go faster, fucking into the sounding rod as he rubbed against your wet cunt. You couldn’t hold back your own moans, the friction of his cock perfect against your cunt and he wasn’t even inside of you yet.
“Amor, please, please!” He was begging to cum, even if he didn’t quite know it yet, a groan falling from your lips as you continued to squeeze and rub his balls. He had never been this quick to cum, and you knew you’d have to try this again soon. “I’m close, chingao, I’m close.”
You let out a laugh as you watch the sounding rod start to be pushed out, pushing it back in as he whined. “Not yet, amor mío.”
“Por favor, mi vida, necesito- fuck!” He screamed out as you continued to hump against his length, pushing and pulling the rod in and out of his cock.
“Say it again. That you’re mine.”
“Fuck, I’m yours! Soy tuyo, mi mente, cuerpo, corazón, y alma, ¡chingada madre!” He yelled out as you finally let go of the sounding rod, watching it pop out of his cock and a perfect, pornographic cumshot follow. You moved your hand from his balls, lifting your hips as you continued to pump his shaft. You watched as the pearlescent liquid spurts onto his toned abdomen, smiling before cupping your hand in front of his tip and gathering his cum.
He panted, watching as you slowly smeared it along your cunt and placed the sounding rod onto the nightstand. “Next time we need to go bigger.”
“Whatever you say, amor,” he whispers, groaning as you pull his cock to push into your cunt, another loud groan falling from his lips. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
“I know,” you spoke, laughing slightly as you gasped. No matter how many times his cock was inside of you, you never got used to it. “Fuck, Miguel, It’s like you get bigger every time.”
“Maybe I do,” he smirked, offering that playful wording as you finally sat on his pelvis, groaning loudly. “Look at how perfect you look with my cock inside of you, mi reina. Fucking perfect.”
You whimpered, groaning as you started to roll your hips, his cock feeling as though it was deeper than it ever was. “N-No, no.”
He smirked, tilting his head. “No what, amor? Tell me.”
“Stop that,” you order, knowing damn well if he kept talking like that you’d soon be on your back begging for him to fuck you. That’s now how it was going to happen, not today. “I’m in charge. Not you.”
“I never said you weren’t, amor-”
You leaned forward, pressing your lips firmly to his as he held your hips, helping you rock onto his cock. “Stop talking.”
He laughs as his other hand pulled you in for another firm kiss, your hands searching for the contract before his hips slam up into you. You pulled away, gasping as he lets out a loud groan, cursing. “Thought you needed some help, mi amor.”
Your hands claw against his shoulders as he keeps your chest pressed to his, using his strength to easily thrust up into you. For fucks sake, he couldn’t even let you have this, but you weren’t complaining as he grunted underneath you and you felt his cock rub against every place you ever wanted him to be. He repeatedly thrusted into you at that perfect rate to hit that spot inside of you that just made your body go limp, stomach twisting and turning.
One of the pros of having a man who knew your body like the back of his hand was that you could always count on him making you cum.
You gasped as his cock finally thrusted against that perfect spot that easily made you come undone, mind blurring as you basically see stars right as your nails dig into his skin. Your cunt clenched and squeezed his cock as a result of your orgasm, a hissed groan falling from his lips as he thrusted a few more times and finally came inside of you.
Your eyes rolled back, the added feeling of his cum spurting inside of you, filling you up as your inner thighs started to register slight heat from the power of his thrusts. You panted as you started to sit up, Miguel letting out a slight laugh before you grabbed the sounding rod and the contract.
“Q-Qué estás haciendo?”
You looked up at him, giggling as you dipped the rod into his cum. “I said I was going to sign it with your cum.”
“Mierda, Y/N, don’t do that!”
“What?! You think I was joking?! I said it was a red flag!”
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Thank all of you so much for supporting me!! Even though Bingo requests and Bingo itself is done, I have my next event already planned - please stay tuned!! Requests are closed but they will be open when I clear my inbox, and again, thank all of you so much!!
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Bingo tag 𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@yoongiwife23]𓆪 𓆩[@urlocalbum12-blog]𓆪 𓆩[@theonetheonly-mee]𓆪
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪   𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@copypastedaphne]𓆪 𓆩[@asrt5]𓆪   𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪   𓆩[@ineedmentalhelp123]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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divine-girl02 · 1 year
pretty girl 💭 hobie brown x fem reader
★ CW reader is portrayed to be feminine and likes a lot of pink and other 'girly' things ★ NOTES just a little something becuz the hobie brainrot is too real and I need to let it out SOMEWHERE, hope u guys enjoy ♡ ★ WC: 682
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Hobie was never really the kind of guy to have a 'type'. He liked who he liked. So when you came into his life, or well more specifically, when you walked into the stingy venue where his band was performing, all dolled up and pink looking like you came straight out of a children's princess story book, he had no complaints.
After his band's set, he hopped off the stage immediately, pushing and squeezing through the crowd just to get to you. He really wanted to hear what you sounded like. Eventually he stumbles in front of you, immediately straightening up with one hand stuck out to you and the other tucked into the pocket of his vest.
"Hey there," He says with a small smirk. You take his hand kindly, so softly that Hobie feels as though he might accidentally break your bones if he shook your hand too hard.
"What's a pretty girl like you doin' here all alone?" Hobie asks with a tilt of his head. He's already gently guiding you to the side of venue, keeping an arm extended out next to you so that no one bumps into you.
An evening of talking turned into exchanging numbers, and that turned to what you two were now.
Hobie wasn't one for labels, most especially in relationships, but you were his girl and he was yours, and he made sure to show you well. He didn't care that you two were practically polar opposites, your only common denominator being you both liked cats and plants. No no, he didn't care about that. Not when you talked his ear off on the names of all your stuffed toys. Not when you excitedly press your soft lips against his cheek before he hops up on stage. And especially not when your hands fit so well into his own. No, you were his. His girl, his angel, his sweetheart, you were his everything.
Hobie didn't care when you two fought either. They rarely happened but when it does things get rough.
You just stormed out of his apartment, fed up with his reluctance to tell you where he was last night. But how would he tell you that he was Spider-man? That he was busy trying to keep the city safe and most definitely not messing with other girls? Hobie decides to give you some space before he follows you over to your apartment a few hours later.
"What are you doing here?" You ask softly, your front door slightly ajar. It had only been a few hours but Hobie had oh so desperately missed your face. In his hands, a bouquet of your favorite and in the other a box of your favorite pastries.
"Just here t'spoil my angel." Hobie murmurs, leaning down and brushing your hair away to press his lips on your forehead. He lets himself in, gently pushing you back into your apartment and into your bedroom with a large hand on the small of your back. Truthfully, Hobie knows that you'll always let him crash back into your life, loud and reckless like how he always is. Breaking down your walls with his lips and his wandering hands.
He lays you on the bed, hovering over you on his elbows as he presses his lips to yours, and you let him. His kisses are his apology, soft, sweet, and insistent. After some time you gently push him off of you pestering him about not wanting the stuffed animals, your babies, you call them, to see you two locking lips. Hobie laughs and rolls over, laying on his back. And just like that, he's forgiven.
Other than the occasional fight, the two of you were smooth sailing. Spending the days in solidarity with each other. Sometimes Hobie will bring you to a rave or to a band gig. Sometimes you'll bring him to a baking class. It was 50/50. And despite all eyes being on you two as you locked hands, Hobie could care less, because you're his pretty girl, and that was all he needed.
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Sevika × Great outdoors lesbian reader
Because Sevika has definitely never laid a hand on a real tree. But that's fine! She can just fall in love with somebody who knows all about trees and nature in general :)
(Maybe they can go hug some together when they're old coots)
this is hilarious
men and minors dni
sevika doesn't like nature.
she's never been one for the outdoors. as a kid, she spent most of her time in her room reading. as an adult, she spends most of her time working. being outside is something that happens to sevika only when she needs to get from one inside setting to another. she'd never choose to just... go outside.
there's bugs outside. and wind. and unpredictable weather, which always ends up with sevika sweating and getting all sticky, or getting caught in the fucking rain and being damp the rest of the day, or freezing her tits off on what was supposed to be a mild spring day.
so, no. sevika's not an outdoors-y person.
but then she meets you.
you guys hit it off instantaneously, sevika's pretty sure she falls head over heels in love with you on your first date. it's pathetic and embarrassing, but she's too enamored to care about how cheesy she is with you.
and then you ask her out on a picnic.
she tries so hard to pretend like she likes nature. she tries to pretend that the sun beaming down on her is pleasant, and not making her hot; like the grass isn't prickly and itchy; like the mosquito and flies swarming your spot aren't bothering her.
and she is having fun, don't get her wrong! she loves seeing you in the sun, she's pretty sure you've got sunshine somewhere inside you. she adores watching you make flower chains, is impressed with how patiently and gently you place a stray beetle crawling on your lap onto a plant, loves listening you babble about various birds that fly overhead, and the type of tree you're sitting under.
but, that doesn't stop her from grumpily shoving her hair out of her face when the wind blows it, or screaming when a spider crawls across her leg.
"sevika." you giggle at the end of your date. you've walked her home, and you're exchanging kisses at her front door.
"mhm?" she asks.
"if you don't like being outside, we don't have to go to the botanical gardens next weekend." you say, referring to the date you guys planned together a few hours ago. "we can go to a restaurant or catch a movie or something."
"but you're so excited for the arbor day celebration! you've been babbling about it since you picked me up!" she says. you giggle.
"yeah, but i don't want you to be miserable on our date."
"i won't be, i promise." she says, kissing your worries away. "i'll be with you-- nothing can make me miserable when i'm with you."
as your relationship progresses, sevika becomes slightly more connected to nature. how could she not, when you're constantly outside in the yard, gardening and watching birds and fucking foraging wild foods-- always rambling sweetly about the plants and animals you see?
this doesn't mean she'd ever choose to go outside. but if you're going, she'll always tag along.
she starts to like nature walks. when she's moving, the bugs can't catch her as fast. plus, she sees a ton of cute dogs on her walks with you-- that's always a plus.
she loves the more scientific side of raising a garden with you. she'll be the one to sprout all your seeds inside on a sunny windowsill, nurturing them until they're big enough to survive outside. she's also the one who'll visit the garden supply store and help you figure out ph-levels in soils, fertilizers, where you should plant each crop to get the proper amount of sun in your yard... she's into the logistics of it all.
she takes care of all the houseplants too-- she's got a little schedule written for herself on a post-it about which plant to water when. it's really cute.
you're most likely to get her to spend a day in the park with you when it's fall.
it's her favorite season. the sun is always hiding behind grey clouds, which means she gets less migraines. the bugs have all gone away for the season, and the coolish weather is the perfect temperature for her. plus, she loves the smell of the dying leaves.
(you know she likes the way the leaves change colors too-- but she'll never say something so romantic and cheesy out loud.)
her favorite outdoor activity, however, is sitting on your screened in back-porch-- a pair of binoculars hanging from her neck, both of you waiting for pretty birds to come visit the various feeders you have scattered around your property. she gets to sit and smoke, she gets to be kinda inside, and she gets to watch the way you grin when you see a bird you've never seen before.
sure, she finds the birds pretty, but she finds your reactions much prettier.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
@raphaellearp @iamastar @sevikitty
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sanctum-of-ramshackle · 9 months
🕷️🕸️The Chaotic Adventures of Spider-Mage✨🌟
[TWST AU]: The MC/Yuu may not be only one who encountered an unexpected turn of events.
[Synopsis]: In this timeline, an unknown stranger gets bitten by a spider that actually gave them spider-based magic to become Twisted Wonderland’s Spider-Hero.
[Gender Neutral!Spider!Reader]
[(A/N)]: Happy New Year! I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much on my TWST blog. Been busy IRL and stuff like that. I hope this makes up for missing out and enjoy reading.
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So…about the Arachnohumanoid Polymultiverse- This is a stupid name. I don’t know why O’Hara chose this over the Spiderverse. That name makes more sense and easier for people who can’t decipher scientific names right away…
There are many variants and other dimensions who have their own spider like protectors.
There’s one particular Spider who has an interesting upbringing with their situation.
Maybe it’s better to let them introduce themselves to the people reading this…
[Y/N]: “My name is [Y/N] [L/N]. I’m a Second Year of Night Raven College and part of the Ignihyde Dorm. One day during last year, I get bit by an experimental and magical arachnid which granted me spider-based magic. I became to the public as “Spider-Mage”.
“I climb up on flat surfaces, having a Spider sense to alarm me for potential danger, the usual things.”
“I created an algorithm to alert me for crimes occurring and use my newfound powers by casting web-like portals to reach to that specific location.”
“Following my backstory: I was raised by my aunt and uncle, Aunt Mei and Uncle Benji. However, Uncle Benji passed away due to saving someone from an Overblot attack. He asked me if I were to become somebody having great magic, listen to his advice. With great power, comes with great responsibility.”
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[Chapter 1]
OB!Riddle: *On a rampage* YOU ALL WILL BE OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!!!! *Throws a rose bush towards MC/Yuu and Grim*
MC/Yuu & Grim: *Gasps and embrace for impact*
[Then a mysterious figure jumps into action. They cast a magical web barrier to protect MC/Yuu and Grim from the thrown plant.]
Spider-Mage: *Looks back at the two Ramshackle students* It’s okay. I got you two.
Spider-Mage: Hi! I’m Spider-Mage. The friendly arachnid type magic user you hear people talk about. Y’know, you have some serious issues and hopefully seek anger management after this.
OB!Riddle: *Throws another bush at them*
Spider-Mage: *Shoots web at the bush and triggers a fire spell to burn the plant to ashes* Bad idea, buddy.
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MC/Yuu & Grim: *Running late for class*
MC/Yuu: *Carrying Grim in their arms* You just have to try sleeping in.
Grim: It’s not my fault I was studying late!
MC/Yuu: You were cramming for an exam today!
Spider-Mage: *Just saved some people from a robbery* Huh? The Prefect and their familiar?
MC/Yuu: Spider-Mage? Hey! We’re late for our morning class and it’s at the other side of the building.
Spider-Mage: Need a lift?
MC/Yuu: Of course! Thank you.
[Cut to a scene where MC/Yuu and Grim were dropped off to their class and have messed up hairdos from all the swinging around.]
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[Ignihyde Dormitory]
[Y/N]: *Crawling back into their dorm without disturbing anyone* *Lands on their feet from the ceiling and stalks over through the hallways*
Idia: Ortho, did you get my- *Stops mid-track and eyes widened at them* …
[Y/N]: …It’s not what it looks like. *Deactivates their suit*
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[Y/N]: *Looks down at their body* Shit.
Idia: Y-Y-You’re Spider-Ma-
[Y/N]: *Shushing him* Don’t say another word. I’ll explain everything somewhere private.
[Back in Idia’s room]
Idia: You’re Spider-Mage.
[Y/N]: Yes, I am. I got these abilities last year and then bam! I’m a magic superhero.
Idia: You kept all of this from me?
[Y/N]: Well, I tried to explain everything to you since you’re my Dorm Leader but duty calls and assignments.
Idia: …I still can’t believe one of my dorm members is Spider-Mage.
[Y/N]: It’s alright. It’s a lot to take in.
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[Rose Queendom]
Spider-Mage: *Shooting webs and swinging around the city* *Lands onto of an apartment complex’s rooftop*
Fan 1: Oh my Seven, It’s Spider-Mage! *Pulls out their phone* Hey Spider-Mage, can you do a flip?
Spider-Mage: *Does a flip*
Fan 1: *Recorded the whole* Thank you, Spider-Mage! I’m showing this to my friends.
Spider-Mage: No problem! Tell your friends I said hello!
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[In the hallways]
Kalim: Hi [Y/N]!
[Y/N]: Oh, hey, Kalim! Uh…What’s up? How was your break?
Kalim: You wouldn’t believe who came by. Spider-Mage came to rescue Jamil and everyone. They were amazing! They shot their magical webs and swung around kicking off the ‘Blot!
[Y/N]: Really? That’s crazy. “Great Seven. I’m jealous of myself…(T . T) Fuck me…”
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[Monstro Lounge]
[Y/N]: *Working there to fill in a deal*
Floyd: [Y/N]-chan/kun~ *About to squeeze them*
[Y/N]: *Spider sense triggered and kicks back at Floyd in the stomach*
Floyd: OOF- *Crashes into Jade*
[Y/N]: Crap! I’m sorry, you two. I’m just on edge today.
Azul: What is going on here? *Sees Floyd and Jade on the ground*
[Y/N]: I’m so sorry, Azul. I’m just super anxious today and Floyd was about to squeeze the shit out of me.
Azul: …Why don’t you take a half day off? You claimed you’re anxious enough to beat the two most valuable people in my dorm.
[Y/N]: Yes! That’s true and I’m going now. *Sprints out of the restaurant* “Fuck me and my Spider sense! I need to lie better.”
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[Afterglow Savannah]
Spider-Mage: *Battling against a weird-looking guy with lightning bolt accessories*
The Shocker: Well well well, love the new look Spider-Man.
Spider-Mage: Uh…Who? I’m not Spider-Man.
The Shocker: Oh, I see. Playing dumb to distract me.
Spider-Mage: Great Seven. Dude, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Let’s just get this over with. I have clubs to attend.
[The Shocker charges at Spider-Mage throwing rays of electricity at the magic user.]
Spider-Mage: *Shoots their web casting a Water spell to absorb the attack* Think fast! *Shoots the water spell at The Shocker*
[The water spell webbing was effective to short circuit the electrified villain.]
Spider-Mage: Now I can leave.
[Then a portal opens in front of Spider-Mage.]
Spider-Mage: What the…
[Three people appear out of the portal and they’re picking the unconscious Shocker anomaly.]
Spider-Mage: Uh… *Spider sense triggered*
???: Wow. Another Spider variant in this dimension.
???: Yeah, and explain what we’re doing here.
???: While also grabbing the anomaly who’s waking up. *Knocks The Shocker out*
♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️
[After [Y/N] was taken to the Spider Society on Earth-928, everything was explained to them and how their Canon Events will happen.]
[Y/N]: Y-You can’t be serious. I couldn’t let it happen. There has to be another way.
Miguel O’Hara: There are no other ways-
[Y/N]: You’re wrong! The multiverse is wrong! I’m doing everything I can to prevent any more disasters back in my already chaotic world. I can’t lose him…
Peter B. Parker: Kid, everything’s gonna be alright.
[Y/N]: Tell that to “Leader of the Spider Society”. I’m going and won’t stop until everyone’s safe.
[[Y/N] casts a spell to disappear from everyone’s sight.]
♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ♢🕷️ ���🕷️
Arachnis: No no no Miguel. *Blocks his path* Do not chase the teen like last time with Miles.
Miguel: They can’t interfere with the Canon Events. Their world would already start falling apart.
Arachnis: Miguel, you don’t know that. Remember when I saved you from your supposed event? My Canon Event overlapped with yours which should interfere but didn’t, preventing your untimely death. What if [Y/N] can save their friends and loved ones like us? We almost lost everyone when we were against The Spot.
Miguel: *Glare softens and sighs* I don’t want this kid to make the same mistakes.
Arachnis: I know. It’s tough to accept the possibility, but we been through this before. Doing everything we can to help others. Hey, look at me.
[As the Spider-Man of 2099 and Arachnis share an intimate moment, [Y/N] ran back because they dropped their Magic Pen.]
[Y/N]: Uhh…Is this a bad time?
Arachnis: Kid, I’m gonna shoot your ass if you don’t rush back to save your world.
[Y/N]: Right! Sorry! *Sprints out of their sight*
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✨[Reblogs helps creators and creates for more content]💫
[Tagged]: @windblume-wishes @hhurric4ne @theladyheroine
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wisteriaw0rld · 1 year
I saw the request open so I would like to ask for midnight talk scenario about the future, themself, and.. last goodbye between Muichiro x calm, female hashira!reader who's in love with each other and already aware of it even without saying "I love you", but they can't do anything about it because they have to prioritize the demon slayer corps first and scared to lose again (it takes place before the infinity castle arc).
Thank you, have a great day!<3
-ˋˏ ༻muichiro x reader༺ ˎˊ-
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||Tokito Muichiro x Fem! Reader
||A/n: I (obviously) added the requested but at the end I added some angst, (to anon: you of course don’t have to read it, just felt like adding more angst:)
||Additional tags: Spoilers, Fluff to Angst, implied blood/gore, death
“If you hold me without hurting me, you’ll be the first who ever did.” -Lana Del Rey
Muichiro wasn’t much of a talker. Everyone who’s met him knew that. Although that had been before he came back from his trip to Swordsmith Village. Now it seemed he was completely different, in a good way. He acted more open and childish.
It surprised you how much he had changed. Especially since if you had been talking to him before his trip to Swordsmith Village, you wouldn’t have ended up in this conversation with him at all. 
You found yourself by Muichiro’s side as you had been since day one. The two of you were eventually deemed inseparable. Both you and the mist Pillar were walking around the woods near your estate, the light of the moon and the few fireflies you passed lighting up the dark forest in a beautiful way.
“Y/n?” Your mind slowly drifted away from what you had previously been thinking about. Muichiro’s voice filled your ears as you turned over to look at him.
“Yes, Mui?” You replied gently, your usual calm and polite demeanor surrounding the both of you in a comfortable manner.
“What do you plan on doing in the future. After we kill Muzan.” Muichiro asked, confidently stating the death of Kibutsuji. You remained silent, thinking of what to reply with. 
The only thing that could be heard was the soft chirping of crickets and your own footsteps along with Muichiro’s.
“What kind of person do you see yourself being in the future?” You looked over at Muichiro who seemed to be searching for an answer to the same question he asked.
You averted your gaze from Muichiro and looked straight ahead, watching as two little fireflies followed each other around. Most would’ve seen it as a silly goose chase, but in a way, you saw it as a cute dance between the two bugs.
“I want to spend my whole life with you.” That’s what you wanted to reply with. But being in the demon slayer corps, as a Hashira none the less, you knew you couldn’t be focusing on love. And saying such sweet things like that would only make you fall deeper in love. Knowing Muichiro had shares the same feelings for you made it all harder to prioritize.
“And every time we’re reincarnated, I’ll find you all over again.”
“I can finally live peacefully. I don’t really know if I’d want a life in a small village or a busy life in a comforting district.” You finally replied, weighing out your choices even though you already knew what you wanted. “What about you?” You asked, once again turning your gaze over to Muichiro who seemed to take your response into deep consideration.
“I would like to live by a river again. Near the woods. I want to be with someone special to me.” He said, looking over at you while you felt your heart pang. You knew he meant you.
“That really does seem like the perfect life.” You replied, feeling your pink intertwine with his in a gentle and meaningful way.
Muichiro nodded, a small smile on his face as the small moonlit walk continued. Your eyes glanced at every beautiful plant you passed. Eventually, your eyes landed on a small group of red spider Lillie’s. It was rare to see them, but they were a beautiful type of flower.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” You heard Muichiro mutter as you blushed a light pink, feeling him slowly grab hold of your whole hand.
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Pain from that moment on was all you felt. Your back was pressed against one of the wooden poles in the infinity castle as the pain in your throat was too much to handle.
Upper Moon one had cut a large wound in both your stomach and throat, causing immense blood loss. It was impossible to move. It was impossible to do almost anything. You knew that death was coming. Although you so badly wanted to believe it wouldn’t come. 
You wanted to spend your life with Muichiro after this. Just like you imagined. Your heart was aching as you felt your vision slowly go blurry. “As long as he survives..” you repeated to yourself over and over again, watching Muichiro fight the Upper Moon with sheer anger at the way the Upper Moon left you.
Almost immediately your thoughts were cut off as you watched the Upper Moon slice right through Muichiro’s body. “No, No, No..” 
With what little strength you had left, you found yourself slowly crawling towards Muichiro’s lifeless body. A million thoughts races through your mind as you prayed you would make it to him in time, though you already knew you wouldn’t. 
Every ounce of strength left your body and your vision slowly started to get more blurry and even darker. The last thing you saw was your shaky arm reaching out for Muichiro’s body. That was until you blacked out completely. You couldn’t tell if it was pain that consumed you, or the peace of the afterlife, but your body fell limp.
“Your at peace now, my child.” You heard a voice but it was too muffled to make out. A pair of arms picked up your now lifeless body, gently laying you down next to Muichiro before covering the two of you in his green haori.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀ ˚ ༘
Time for a Taisho Secret: The very moment Gyomei laid your body next to Muichiro’s body was the same exact moment both you and Mui hugged in the after life<3
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Struggle Bug 🕷️🕸️
By @bunny-is-cute
CW: egg laying, eating dirt
When Angel was told that he may lay an egg instead of giving birth to a live baby, he tried to laugh it off. After all he hated to admit it but he was a nervous laugher. He often tried to bite his lip just to suppress a smile, but it always manages to creep out in the worst of times.
Like now, when he’s being told that he needs to be prepared to weigh an egg.
“Oh pfft! No way! I’m only 18 weeks pregnant! I shouldn’t have the baby for 22 more weeks right? If my math is right?”
Belphegor, the Sin of Sloth and his new doctor, gave him an incredulous expression. “Mr. Dust you are a spider type demon. Sinner or not, that has a huge impact on your pregnancy. Even the father has an impact on your pregnancy. You said he was a moth-sinner right?”
Angel’s nervous smile wavered into a weak frown, “Yeah. I believe he’s the father. He’s the one who gave me that drug in the first place.”
Bel looked at with a serious expression, “well moths also lay eggs. Spiders lay eggs. You are going to lay an egg.” Bel said and wiped out the freshly printed ultrasound. “See? The baby is in his embryo state but this,” she circles the layers surrounding the embryo, “that is the layers of egg forming around it.”
Angel's hands trembled as he stared at the ultrasound, his eyes fixated on the image Belphegor had circled. The tiny shape within the layers felt so surreal, like a distant nightmare coming to life.
"Laying an egg," Angel repeated, his voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it too loud might make it real. His usual bravado crumbled in the face of this terrifying reality. He'd been through hell—literally—but this was different. This was his body doing something that felt alien, something he had no control over.
Belphegor watched him with a calm, patient demeanor. "It’s natural, Angel. You have insect traits, and that’s going to affect your pregnancy. The egg will continue to form, and you’ll need to lay it when the time comes. It’s part of the process."
"But—" Angel cut himself off, struggling to find the right words. His nervous laughter bubbled up again, but this time it was more strained, on the verge of hysteria. "But what if I can't do it? What if something goes wrong?"
Bel's expression softened slightly, a rare show of empathy from the usually aloof Sin. "It’s okay to be scared but your body knows what it’s doing, even if your mind isn’t quite ready for it."
Angel swallowed hard, his thoughts racing. He couldn’t shake the image of himself laying an egg, like some monstrous parody of birth. He felt like a freak, more than he ever had before. The shame, the fear—it was all overwhelming.
He took a deep breath and told himself that he wasn’t going to lay an egg. No he was going to have a normal pregnancy and just deal with whatever happens.
But he was determined to keep this egg sealed inside of him.
As the days passed, Angel couldn’t shake the weight of the news. Every time he glanced at his growing belly, the anxiety crept up on him, whispering that there was something unnatural inside of him. He started avoiding mirrors, unable to face the reflection that felt more foreign with each passing day.
Despite his determination to hold onto some semblance of normalcy, his instincts were relentless. He'd catch himself instinctively curling up, wrapping his arms protectively around his stomach, as if trying to shield the egg from the outside world—or maybe trying to shield himself from it. The more he tried to deny what was happening, the more his body seemed to rebel against him.
His appetite changed, cravings shifting from the greasy junk food he usually loved to things he never thought he’d stomach—raw meat, insects, even dirt. DIRT!!! He didn’t even know what spurred on this craving but he just found himself staring at a potted plant one day when he was walking through the halls and after making sure no one was watching him, he just scooped some dirt into his mouth and the rest was history.
The cravings disgusted him, but the hunger gnawed at him until he couldn’t resist anymore. Every bite felt like a betrayal of normalcy he was clinging onto.
One night, as he lay in bed tossing and turning, he felt a strange pressure deep within his abdomen. Panic seized him as he realized what it was. The egg was growing, solidifying, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. His breath came in short gasps as he pressed his hands against his stomach, as if he could somehow force his body to reverse the process.
Angel gritted his teeth, trying to focus on anything but the pressure building inside him. But it was impossible to ignore. His instincts were taking over, pushing him toward something primal, something that terrified him. He could feel the egg shifting, demanding to be laid, and with every passing day, the urge became harder to resist.
The thought of building a nest had seemed ridiculous at first, but now it haunted him. Every time he passed through the hallways of the Hotel, he found himself eyeing dark corners and secluded spaces, his mind unconsciously evaluating them for safety and comfort. He would snap out of it, cursing himself for even considering it, but the thoughts kept creeping back, more insistent each time.
Angel couldn't take it anymore! The need to build a nest had become unbearable. He had to do something, anything, to ease the overwhelming instinctual drive. Without thinking, he grabbed some blankets and pillows from his bed, piling them into a corner of his room. He worked quickly, almost frantically, arranging them into a crude nest-like shape. His heart pounded in his chest as he stepped back to look at what he'd done, shame washing over him.
"This is insane," he muttered to himself, running a hand through his hair. "I'm not some...bug." But the moment he said it, a wave of nausea hit him, and the pressure in his abdomen intensified. He clutched his stomach, the realization sinking in that this was happening whether he wanted it to or not.
Angel hesitated, staring at the makeshift nest, feeling a pull toward it that he couldn’t explain. His mind was at war with his body, the rational part of him screaming to stop, to fight it, while his instincts urged him to give in, to make himself comfortable, to prepare.
Finally, exhausted and overwhelmed, he gave in. He curled up in the nest, his body relaxing for the first time in days. It was as if a switch had been flipped; the anxiety lessened, and a strange calm settled over him. The nest, ridiculous as it seemed, offered a small measure of comfort.
But the peace didn’t last long. The pressure inside him was reaching its peak, and he knew what was coming. His breath hitched as he felt his body begin to tense involuntarily, his instincts guiding him in a way he had no control over.
Angel squeezed his eyes shut, gripping the blankets beneath him. "Okay...okay...just breathe..." he whispered to himself, trying to calm the panic that was rising again. He had no idea what to expect, only that he couldn’t fight it any longer. His muscles tightened, and he gasped as a wave of pain shot through him. He could feel the egg moving down, his body doing exactly what it was supposed to do, but it still felt wrong. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. He wasn’t supposed to lay an egg.
But as the minutes ticked by, his instincts took over completely. His breaths became ragged, his body shuddering with the effort. The pressure built until it was almost unbearable, and then, with a final push, he felt the egg slip free.
Angel collapsed back into the nest, trembling, as he stared at the egg in front of him. It was smooth and round, a soft pearlescent white with a faint sheen. He was too exhausted to process what had just happened fully. All he could do was lie there, panting, his mind numb with shock.
This was real. It was happening. The egg was there, a physical manifestation of everything he’d been trying to deny.
Angel stared at the egg in his palm, marveling at how delicate and beautiful it was. The pearlescent sheen caught the dim light of his room, making it look almost like a precious gem. Despite the whirlwind of emotions—fear, confusion, disbelief—he couldn’t help but feel a deep, instinctual connection to it. This was his baby, and now that it was here, a new instinct kicked in: the need to protect it.
Without thinking, he reached up to his mouth and began producing a thin, silky web from his spinnerets, a part of his spider-like anatomy that he rarely used. He had always been somewhat embarrassed by his ability to spin webs, seeing it as another reminder of how different he was from everyone else. But now, as he carefully wove the silk around the egg, it felt natural, even comforting.
The webbing wrapped snugly around the egg, forming a protective cocoon. He worked meticulously, ensuring that every part of the egg was covered, the layers thick enough to shield it from harm but breathable enough to allow it to grow. The process was oddly soothing, the rhythm of spinning and weaving calming his racing thoughts.
When he was done, he held the egg up to the light, admiring his work. The webbing glistened, shimmering with a faint silvery hue. It was as if the egg was now encased in a delicate, yet sturdy armor, a barrier between it and the harsh world outside.
Angel knew he couldn’t just leave the egg out in the open. His protective instincts were screaming at him to hide it, to keep it safe from prying eyes. The last thing he wanted was for anyone to find out about this, to see him as even more of a freak than he already felt.
His gaze darted around the room, searching for a hiding spot. Finally, his eyes landed on the closet. He stood up, clutching the egg carefully, and made his way over. Inside, his boots were neatly lined up on the floor. He grabbed an old boot box from the back, dusted it off, and opened it. It was empty—perfect.
Gently, he placed the egg inside the box, making sure it was nestled securely. He then closed the lid and placed the box in the back corner of the closet, tucking it behind a stack of old clothes. It was hidden away, out of sight, just as he wanted.
Angel stood there for a moment, staring at the box. His heart was still pounding, but the anxiety that had been gnawing at him seemed to have dulled slightly. The egg was safe, for now. He had done what he could.
But as he shut the closet door, sealing the secret away, a new worry began to creep in. How long could he keep this hidden? And what would happen when the egg eventually hatched? The uncertainty loomed over him, but for now, all he could do was wait.
And so, with one last glance at the closed closet door, Angel turned away and curled back up in his makeshift nest, trying to find some rest, even as his mind raced with thoughts of what was to come.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Hello! Can I request a Morticia reader with Apollo and Leonidas? I don’t remember if you wrote any with these two. Thanks in advance!
-Beautiful, dark, deadly, passionate, loving, unique, all were words used to describe you and all of them were true.
-You were like the moon against the dark night sky, surrounded by pitch black darkness, bright but eerie and quiet.
-You found enjoyment in the dark and macabre, but to you, they were normal, beautiful things, skulls, poisonous flowers, dangerous plants, death, how lovely.
-Many thought you were odd by the way you dressed and carried yourself, always wearing elegant black gowns paired with matching jewelry with spider or coffin motifs. However, sometimes you would wear different colors when it was warmer out, just a slightly lighter shade of black with an umbrella, you didn’t need any unwanted color in your complexion.
-Your tone was always even and deadpan, never showing emotions the way others do, so nobody could ever tell if you were joking or not about feeding someone to your kitty-cat, an actual lion that you kept around who was like a housecat with you and those he knew, but vicious and violent with strangers.
-Many made comments that you would be attractive if you were ‘normal’ but where’s the fun in that? It’s much more fun to keep others guessing- keeping them on your toes.
-Speaking of keeping others on their toes, if anyone was to visit your private greenhouse, they would need to watch where they step or risk losing a few.
-Your garden was notorious for being filled with poisonous and carnivorous plants, and not just little things like little Venus Fly Traps, no you had a giant 4 ½ foot one that would eat people if they got close enough if you hadn’t fed them yet!!
-However, due to their healthy fear of your garden, you didn’t have many visitors, which you liked, less of a risk of your babies getting trampled or damaged.
-Your lover liked you the way you were, you were unapologetically unique, and he loved it, you were so different from other women and that’s what drew him to you.
-At first he did think you were a little odd, intimidating was a word he liked to use, as you weren’t afraid to speak your mind and there was always an air around you, a silent warning, but as time went on, he fell hard for you.
-Apollo- He adored your vibe- as you his opposite, he preferred sunshine and bright colors, while you enjoyed the moon and various shades of black, he was more open while you were reserved, he was honest about his feelings and you… you give the vibe that you’ve probably killed a few people. Apollo adores you, not wanting to change a thing about you, and you admire that he stays true to himself as well- not going to change for you. You accepted him for him, and he accepted you for you- and to him that was the most beautiful type of love. He loved your garden, but does know, now, to keep his distance from certain plants, not wanting to get bitten again. You enjoyed Apollo’s poetry to you, finding it relaxing, as well as his music, while you were so knowledgeable about plants (he doesn’t care that it’s dangerous plants) and he could listen to you for hours. Your relationship with Apollo was one of ‘opposites attract’.
-Leonidas- Seeing the fear in the eyes of those who claim to be powerful warriors was something that always made your day, as the Spartan warriors who had been training near your home had stumbled onto your property, where you dearest kitty cat went to say hello, but they just ran. When you comforted your precious kitty, petting him gently, they were all stunned, seeing you with no fear whatsoever- they had to wonder if you were a witch. Leonidas met you when he had to ‘rescue’ his men from a witch, only finding a darkly beautiful woman instead. Leonidas was taken by your vibe, you were so unique, you found joy in the dark and gloomy, finding happiness in death and morbid things that other would find terrifying. When you commented you loved being looked at with fear, mentioning his men, he couldn’t help but laugh, finding you hysterical. He knew he had fallen for you when you threatened him a gentle but intimidating smile on your lips, when he asked if you would sic your lion on him, “Oh no~ I prefer things to be more personal- I would poison you and watch the light slowly dim in your eyes- dragging out your inevitable death.” Leonidas had never felt such thrill before~
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nibbelraz · 6 months
sup homeslice i come to u with moshang related queries. Answer some, one, or none idk
Who is the one that kills/moves the (probs poisonous demon) spider out of the bathroom? Do either of them cower?
Do u think they would be capable of having a pet or even, like, a plant?
What are the modern slang terms that sqh lets slip and mbj ends up subconsciously adopting (imagine mbj remarking on sqh's lack of rizz. Utter destruction)
Oh also random cumplane thought: they both have intense meme withdrawal, which led them to hand drawing memes/reaction images on smth similar to note cards that they can whip out when needed. Cultivation world version of the meme folder in the phone of every chronically online millenial/gen z
Bro. Shen Yuan has totally made fandom-type memes about the harem webnov he TOTALLY HATES
Kk bye
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1. Shang Qinghua is capable of moving the poisonous demon spider outside, However the second he actually sees is without warning he screams so loudly Mobei jun is in there in a second and attacking it on sight.
2. They would have many types of pets depending on the situation but I liked the idea of Shang Qinghua being in tune with the beasts of his world as the author so there's a ton of monsters that follow him and protect him and also get nice belly scratches
3. I believe he quotes old Vine memes daily, especially when he's stressed and hasn't slept in 3 days so it's just him with his king traveling and
"Road work ahead..." and an increasingly confused Mobei who sees nothing wrong with the path they're taking and is concerned
And yes they have so much meme withdrawal I BELEIVE IN MY HEART OF HEARTS SHEN YUAN CAN DRAW A BEAUTIFUL RENDER OF LUO BINGHE PRE TRANSMIGRATION ART STYLE and he shows this to Shang Qinghua with also a drawing of Hatsune Miku
Also Shang Qinghua drawing and sending letters to Shen Qingqiu that are just full of memes like he opens one after Shen Qingqiu talks for a solid chunk of the page about binghe and how absolutely perfect he is in every way with everyone being in love with him but then says not in a gay way and Qinghua replies back with
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motherofdogs1010 · 9 months
Need to Know II (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Summary: When she was ready to get back out on the dating scene after dumping a certain Winter Soldier, Y/N was a woman ready to get back out there. She just never expected to find herself in a relationship with a certain nerdy spider. Warnings: Reader is basically Penelope Garcia, toxic ex! Bucky, fratboy!Peter, older woman/younger man, age gap relationship, mentions of ageism, eventual pregnancy Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
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Part I
Present Day
To say that Y/N ever thought she'd be in a relationship with someone younger than her, she would be lying if she said she did. She had never expected to find herself in a relationship where she was the older one, but here she was, laying on her Cal King bed as she watched Peter type away on his computer, writing a paper for one of his robotics classes.
Peter let out a frustrated groan before closing his laptop and falling down beside her, Y/N looked at him with a amused look on his face.
"This professor makes me regret going to college", Peter groaned, Y/N chuckled.
"You're just overthinking yourself", Y/N said as she scratched his head. "You'll do great, remember, it's your last year."
"Between school and being Spider-man, sometimes I feel burnt out", Peter said.
"You'll do great", Y/N repeated as Peter practically purred at the head scratches. “Once you’re done, you’ll be able to work with Tony like he promised and you won’t be so stressed out juggling everything.”
"How did you even become a technical analyst for the Avengers anyways? It's kinda random because you popped up out of nowhere."
"I hacked into the government's system and got on their watchlist, which led me to eventually hacking into FRIDAY for fun one day."
Peter looked at her and she shrugged but it was the truth; hacking and such had always been her thing and eventually led to her being sought out by Tony himself after she may have hacked into his system for shits and giggles.
"Well, that explains everything", Peter said, "can you hack into my professor's computer?"
"I could, but it'd ruin the pardon Tony got me", Y/N pouted, "but for you, I'd risk it."
She leaned over to Peter and planted a kiss on his lips, and Peter chuckled at her comment.
"Alright, maybe let's not send you to federal prison", Peter joked, "but you wanna go down to Delmar's and get sandwiches?"
Y/N nodded, "I just have to shower first."
As she begun to get up from the bed, she looked at Peter and said, "Wanna come shower with me?"
"Babe, if I ever say no, take me to Bruce because there's something clearly wrong with me."
With a giggle, Peter chased her to the bathroom.
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After a steamy shower session that lasted longer than it probably should have, Peter was taking a quick call from his best friend, Ned, who had been accepted and was attending MIT before they left to Delmar's. Y/N decided to wait in the kitchen, walking in to see Wanda and Vision making brownies.
"Hey guys", Y/N said as she sat down at one of the kitchen island chairs.
"Oh hey Y/N", Wanda smiled as she mixed the batter.
"Hello Y/N", Vision greeted as he watched Wanda mix the batter.
"Venturing Vision's culinary skills to baking?" Y/N asked, Vision nodded and Wanda laughed.
"Where are you off to?" Wanda teased, "Peter whisking you away somewhere?"
So far, a majority of the Avengers seemed to be alright with her relationship with Peter, ignoring the age gap between the two of them.
Well, nearly all of them...
"We're going to Delmar's", Y/N replied back.
"Oh! Bring me back a sandwich", Wanda chimed.
"Will do", Y/N said, "hey, where is everyone?"
"Steve and Sam went on another run, Nat and Clint are on a quick recon mission", Vision replied.
The sound of shrill laughter boomed into their ears and Y/N saw Wanda wince and shake her head at the noise while she was mouthing 'wow' to herself.
Y/N knew who that laughter belonged to and she couldn't help, but want to laugh at it all.
"Oh, Y/N, I didn't think you'd be here."
Looking over her shoulder, Y/N raised a brow to the person who spoke in a condescending tone.
Dot or Dottie as she heard Bucky call the blonde haired woman stood in the entrance of kitchen, popping a piece of bubblegum loudly while her phone was in her hand. If Y/N was being honest, her relationship with Bucky had been on the rocks for a while before Dot, but Dot was the final nail in the coffin to end her relationship.
And at one point, Y/N would have felt some form of bitterness towards Dot's presence, but now, she felt nothing but annoyance at the woman's persistent need to try and one up for some reason or another.
"Why wouldn't I be here? I live here", Y/N replied in a confused tone.
"I figured you'd be... rocking the cradle and all", Dot said with a smirk.
Y/N wanted to groan at the jab towards her relationship with Peter, it was Dot's biggest thing to constantly bring up.
"It's robbing the cradle", Peter interjected as he walked into the kitchen. "Not that it applies to us
Peter walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders before pressing a kiss to her temple. Y/N noticed Dot's eyes hyper-fixated on Peter as Peter greeted Wanda and Vision but Y/N knew that were Dot was, Bucky was soon following and Y/N was not in the mood for dealing with the man.
"Ready, babe?" Peter asked as Y/n saw Vision look at the brownie batter.
"Yup", Y/n said as she slid out of the chair.
"Aren't you a little too old to be wearing that?" Dot asked, Y/N frowned.
Her and Dot were the same age and Y/n wore a yellow sundress since it was humid this time of year in New York. Y/N raised a eyebrow at Dot and glanced at Wanda, who rolled her eyes at Dot's comment.
"Nope", Y/n said, looking at the dress. "But you might wanna apply that logic to yourself, Dottie. We're the same age after all."
Dot frowned as Y/n got up from her seat, feeling Peter wrap an arm around her waist as he began to led them away fro the kitchen.
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Y/N looked at Peter amused as he told her about his squished sandwich theory, a smile on her face as he explained that it made the sandwich taste better. Wanda had happily taken her sandwich, running away to continue watch Modern Family in her and Vision's room.
That left her and Peter in the living room, watching Ahsoka on Disney+.
"Man, I want to buy her lightsaber", Peter whined, "it looks so cool."
"It's a nice lightsaber", she agreed with a chuckle. "Personally, I want Darth Maul's."
"That's a huge one", Peter said, "they literally have to assemble it in parts."
"But imagine how intimidating it would be", she argued.
"Now what are you two lovebirds talking about", Tony chimed as he walked in.
"Lightsabers", Peter answered with a grin.
Tony and Peter began talking about some upgrades for his suit when her phone vibrated, she grasped it from under her and saw it was a text from Bucky. She wished she could block him, but since he was a member of the Avengers, she couldn't since she was a asset for them.
Opening the text, she frowned as a slew of texts began coming in.
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She rolled her eyes and put her phone away from her as she hit 'DO NOT DISTURB'. She wasn't sure why Bucky had been like this, sending texts like this but she hoped he got the message soon as Tony said he was leaving to take Pepper on a date, allowing them to go back to their show.
Y/N relaxed back into Peter's embrace, laying her head on his shoulder without a care. She felt happy, even if she hadn't expected it to be with someone younger than her as Peter kissed the top of her head before she connected their lips together.
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It was their monthly Avengers get-together over at the Compound, everyone dressed in their nicest clothes as Tony held a nice fancy dinner. Y/N wore a backless cocktail dress that she had a hard time convincing Peter he could not mess with until after the party was over, although, she had a hard time keeping herself from Peter with his rolled up sleeves that showcased his arms.
Right now, they were all scattered around the room; Nat was working the bar for some reason or another.
"Hey there Tech Queen", Nat said as Y/N approached her. "Where's your other half?"
"Talking science with Strange and Tony", she shrugged with a grin. "Not sure if I trust you behind the bar, Nat. You make the drinks as strong as Asgardian liquor."
Nat laughed just as Steve walked up to them, he kissed the side of Nat's head.
"What are you two laughing about?" he asked.
"Nat's bartending", Y/N answered, Steve winced.
"Yeah, maybe let's not", Steve said, Nat laughed and waved him off.
Y/N looked around to see Carol engaged in some form of arm wrestle with Thor, Sam watching the two, Wanda was conversing with Pepper, Peter still with Strange and Tony, and Bruce and Rhodey talking.
She wasn't sure where Vision was, knowing him he was probably phasing through some walls or something.
"Here, drink this", Nat said with a grin.
"Oh no", Y/N said with a smile. "I don't trust you with making drinks. Last time I had one, I--"
"Yeah, Y/N, do tell us what happened last time you had one."
Her mood was killed, instantly as she noticed Bucky had arrived. Her face said it all as Nat frowned at the man, she noticed even Steve frowning.
"Did this conversation involve you?" Y/N sassily said with a raised brow. "I believe this was a A,B, and C conversation."
"Oh, I was just wondering if the last time Nat made you a drink, you maybe did some things that you regret… or someone.”
"No, no regrets here", Y/N said as she looked at her nails.
Bucky was beginning to look like he had sucked on a lemon by his facial expression just as she felt a pair of arms around her, looking over her shoulder to see Peter.
"Mr. Barnes", Peter cooly said.
"Parker", Bucky gritted.
Y/N saw Nat taking a amused slip of her drink.
"Dateless tonight?" Peter asked with a smirk.
"Just for tonight", Bucky grumbled.
"Huh, how... unfortunate for you", Peter said with false sympathy. "If you don't mind, well, I know you won't."
Peter gestured for them to leave a fuming Bucky and a very amused Natasha to be dealt with by Steve.
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Later, Y/N wrapped her arms around Peter's neck and he pulled her closer to her; Peter began to sway them with a grin on his face as she playfully shook her head at him, a grin making its way onto her face.
"Have I told you that you're pretty?" Peter asked.
"Not today, I don't think", she teased as Peter bumped their noses.
"What kind of boyfriend am I then?" Peter teased.
She felt happy with Peter, their relationship felt easy and uncomplicated as Peter connected their lips, squeezing her body a little as he tried to bring her in closer.
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spyderlondon · 2 months
Vs. Maddened Princess
Harlequin AU by @iamespecter @tadc-harlequin-au
A long abandoned theatre stood amongst overgrown weeds and other plant life that appeared ready to overtake the dilapidated building at any moment. This was where the last of the battle harlequin puppets found herself in front of. After some travel, defeating all the other bosses and doing a bit of training with Caine- she finally found herself at the boss arena. The Puppetmaster had dubbed this boss: The Maddened Princess.
According to him, this boss used her ribbons like a spider's web to feel and catch unsuspecting prey like marionettes or unwitting puppets who wander into her arena so she had to be cautious when approaching this boss. He made sure to advise her to use the skills she had honed during the last few boss fights and whenever she sparred against him. Oh, and to not to die *too often*. 'I am running out of supplies because of you.' He once joked.
Pomni scoffed at that memory but simply began her walk inside of the theatre, her steps becoming more cautious when she starts seeing red ribbons along with dead marionettes and puppets strewn around the floor. Something that caught her eye was how a few of the ribbons seemed to be connected to the corpses, it actually made her grimace at they seemed to be puppets awaiting for their puppeteer to control them.
She furrowed her brows and frowned slightly as she slowed her walk to a stop once she got into the main room so she could examine the arena as much as she could because it was extremely dark. She could see faintly were a few scattered ribbons lying around the room but, if she could hazard a guess, there were probably a lot more that she couldn't see. She followed one of the ribbons with her gaze to where it was connected to before she spotted a large boss puppet that was made of the ribbons. It appeared that The Maddened Princess hadn't realized that she had company as she simply looked forward at the puppets that she was controlling into performing some type of play for her.
The harlequin could only see the side profile but from what she could see- the boss was mostly made of ribbons that she had used to apparently decorate the theatre with, she had giant claws on the one arm she could see but it'd make sense to assume the other arm had claws as well, there was a shoulder pad that protected the top of her torso and a large mask that adorned her face with the side she could see having a grin. Seeing how The Princess was currently controlling puppets, it was fair to say that she could also fully control the puppets and marionettes that were all over the theatre which meant that she wasn't going to fight just the boss but also corpses that she could control as minions.
Pomni took a silent breath before letting it out, she wanted to get this done in one attempt but with how many disadvantages she had in this room, she had no doubt that there would be deaths but that never scared her. She crouched down as she began to quietly move forward, she hate how slow she had to be but it was better than being killed immediately by taking a risk. She kept her eyes down as she looked for ribbons that this spider laid for her prey and any of the victims that were already actors for the Princess.
One ribbon...
Two ribbons...
Three ribbons...
Okay, so far so good. Maybe she could speed up a-
She suddenly didn't hear a small click coming from her shoe and she couldn't hear the faint words coming from the boss' direction- oh no. The harlequin's eyes widened as she could barely turn her head in the direction of the boss before hearing the giant puppet screech as she began to very quickly spin like a top and the last thing Pomni saw was a ribbon coming straight for her and it looked razor sharp.
Pomni grumbled as she placed herself right back where she was before she died, trying to ignore Caine's scolding and how Ragatha fretted over her back in the manor. As much as she cares for them, she didn't have time to sit around and chat right now- she had a princess to beat.
She rubbed her temples a little before she silently began moving again, making sure to remember where each of the ribbons were that she passed the first time around along with the ribbon she accidentally stepped on. Her head perked up a tiny bit as she hear a change in the area, she peeked around the obstacle she was hiding behind and noticed a few marionettes were now patrolling the room in certain routes with lights shining out of their eyes- probably doing so because of her last visit. She clicked her tongue silently as she ducked down in time for one of the marionettes to come by. Usually she didn't care much if she died since none of the other bosses changed their damn tactics like this! Little miss Princess just *had* to be the special one! Fuck. Okay, no more dying.
Pomni waited for the current marionette to pass by before she glanced behind the broken wall again so she could observe the routes each of the minions were taking and how fast they were moving. A couple things she noticed that gave her actual advantages were that the lights in the eyes were able to both tell her where they were looking and that the ribbons hidden in the darkness could be seen for a brief moment. She hid once again as she made mental note of that and silently watched as few lights passed by the current direction she was facing so she could see where to go to avoid upcoming ribbons.
Once the lights disappeared from her sight, she moved quickly and quietly to get past the ribbons and hide behind the next wall before any marionette was able to catch sight of her. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding once she got behind her next hiding spot and did the same thing she did at last spot.
It took longer than the harlequin wished it would've but she was eventually right behind a pillar that was next to the boss puppet and it seemed that she was none the wiser about her presence. It gave Pomni time to breathe and steel her nerves for the fight.
When she was ready, she went in front of The Maddened Princess with her sword drawn and pointed straight at her mask- which Pomni found had two different sides to it and wasn't just a grin. It had a grin on the left side and frown on the right side of the mask- comedy and tragedy in one.
She didn't get much time to focus on that detail as a spotlight suddenly shined down on her, making her lift her free hand to block the light. She squinted up at the boss in annoyance, who didn't pay any mind to her irritation as she spread out her arms to the stands that had a few lifeless puppets and marionettes in them, "OUR LATEST STAR HAS ARRIVED TO TAKE THE STAGE!" The Maddened Princess announced, clearly the comedy mask was in control currently.
"The hell are you talking about?" Pomni sneered at the boss, finally putting her arms down and glared at her, "I'm just here to challenge and *defeat* you." She hissed out, getting ready to attack, only to be stuck in place by a few ribbons, "Wha- HEY!"
"Now, now." The boss had her hands do a calm down motion with her metal claws uncomfortably close to the harlequin's face which made her lean back, "That's no way for the star of our play to behave, now is it?" She questioned as a few more ribbons made their way slowly up Pomni's body as a way to keep her still and a way to kill her quick if she didn't play along.
The harlequin bared her sharp teeth and she began to slash at the ribbons trapping her until a few ribbons caught her wrist, "I AM NOT GOING TO PLAY AS YOUR LITTLE ACTRESS, YOU BI-" She was silenced in an instant as giant claws came down and slashed her back, hard enough to kill her instantly.
'Maybe you should've been her little actor-' Pomni could hear Jax' mocking tone inside her head, he had teased her the moment she came out of Caine's office. Apparently, that asshole of a rabbit was nearby when she died to the boss without even having a chance to fight her yet.
The Maddened Princess was waiting for her to return within the shadows, as if she didn't wish to get the spotlight on her, while tapping her metal claws on the ground, when she noticed the harlequin's entrance she seemed to brighten up, "Our star has returned! Not even death can keep her down!" She cheered, her ribbons made all of the puppets and marionettes clap in unison as well.
Pomni familiar feel of ribbons gripping onto her once more but this time, despite how much she really wanted to, she didn't fight the restraints. Instead she glared up at the boss, "What *exactly* do you need me to do?" She questioned through gritted teeth.
The Princess either didn't see how angry her new puppet was or she just didn't care because she had her dance and twirl around before having her stop, "I need you to play a very important role in my new play!" She announced happily as she had a few more puppets join her in the spotlight, probably her 'co-stars', "I need you to play as the Sacrificial Princess!" She cheered again.
"What-" She froze as she saw ribbons piece through the ground and broken walls nearby as well as one of the puppets holding a real axe, "...shit-"
The boss sent her a look for the language she just used but decided to ignore it, "I'll be sure to lead you the entire way!" It was obvious that if the mask could fully grin then it would in the instance, "And who knows? You may even be able to get out of your strings on time!"
Pomni desperately wanted to escape but knew struggling right now would lead to death and besides, it sounded like the boss wasn't going to stop her from trying to get out during this so-called play, "Fine." She grunted out in irritation.
"Wonderful! Let's get metaphorical curtain up then!"
Before Pomni knew was happening, she was being dragged to the center of the stage by the ribbons holding her tightly. She bared her razor sharp teeth, she hated how this felt but knew that one wrong move would result in another death.
"We begin with a sole survivor in a destroyed town~" The boss narrated from behind the curtain, Pomni didn't even notice her get up and move. Probably because she was a tad bit too busy trying to struggle away from the ribbons and towards anything sharp. Something that was apparently allowed as there was no consequences. She kept that in mind.
"Many from outside of the town heard the horrors that had befallen this poor place and had rushed in to find out if there was any way to possibly give their aid." The boss continued as if she didn't feel any pull on her ribbons. She had multiple marionettes slowly enter the stage from where they were once patrolling on the ground, "To their shock, everything appeared destroyed and many bodies were strewn around the town, dismembered. All except one lone survivor. A woman that the town had declared their princess- covered in blood and surrounded by a bodies." She forced the harlequin to move her head to look at the marionettes that had swords, shields and spears made of ribbon.
Their lifeless eyes seemed to express shock before shifting into anger and disgust at the sight of her before their mouths seemed to move by the boss' voice came out of each one of the in different vocal ranges:
"She must've been helping those monsters!" One of them accused with a somewhat masculine voice, as masculine as the boss could do at least.
Another pointed at her in horror, "She must be a witch that disguised herself as this town's princess only to curse everyone!" This one had a light feminine tone.
"Look at her clothes!" Another exclaimed in anger, "Covered in blood! She must have killed some herself!"
Pomni's fingers twitched a bit, she had a burning desire to use her teeth to tear up the ribbons just to get the ACTUAL FUCKING BOSS FIGHT STARTED! She hated that she knew that that would be a stupid idea though.
Her thought process was interrupted when the marionettes surrounded her, the one that had the masculine voice approached her with a sword, "The outsiders approached the princess with anger and hate- wishing to purge the supposed witch to prevent the curse to possibly get further than the town." The boss' voice continued to narrate but seemed to pause and wait as the marionette used their sword to slash at the harlequin.
Pomni was quick to understand that The Maddened Princess was giving her a chance to cut some of the ribbons. She furrowed her brows as she quickly twisted herself a bit, a little shocked by how the restraints holding her seemed to a tiny bit more lax so she had a chance. Once the ribbon blade came down, she was barely able to move her body enough to have the ribbons holding her right arm be cut which allowed her access to her change her arm into her gun and attempted to shoot at the opponent in front of her... only to find there were no bullets.
"The boss removed your bullets when she was putting her ribbons around you." Bubble explained as he puttered over near her, "You were too blinded by your rage to even notice!"
The harlequin groaned loudly in displeasure by that, letting her gun go back to being her regular arm in defeat, "Of course-" She grumbled, going back to looking at the marionettes who looked shocked as if she hadn't just failed with her attack.
"DID YOU SEE THAT?!" The one with the feminine voice cried out, "SHE PROBABLY JUST CAST A SPELL ONTO US!" She was quick to rush away from the harlequin by a few feet.
"The outsiders of the town grew far more wary and cautious around the so-called princess as it appeared she was beginning her spread of powers to the heroes from the outside..." The narration continued in a more spooky tone to apparently make the harlequin sound more like a villain- which Pomni truly could care less about.
Another marionette approached her, this time with a spear in hand, "I'll stop her this time!" They announced before swinging their spear at her feet this time. Once again, the ribbons loosened a little but were a bit tighter than last time as to make it harder- it didn't deter the harlequin as she was able to jump a bit forward enough to force the spear to cut the restraints on her ankles. Although, she did end up falling onto her face as she moved a tad too quickly and slipped on one of the discarded ribbons on the ground. She huffed in irritation at that before using her free hand to try and push herself up but found she was being forced down by one of her 'co-stars' with a blade pointed at her neck which made her scowl.
She could barely hear stifled laughter from from behind the stage but it was quickly cleared up before the boss went back to telling the play's story, "As the spear from one of the heroes was able to make the villainess fall hard to the ground, another had kept her down." She announced, "One of the knights from the neighboring kingdoms had just arrived on the scene in time to force the witch down while his comrades were close behind to aid in her defeat!"
Pomni's eyes moved to look up and behind her to see about four puppets in armor, helms, actual metal swords and shield taking the place of the more rural marionettes that had attacked her before. The Princess had decided to take the fight up a notch, it seems like the harlequin had proven to be strong enough to increase the difficult. It made her smirk some, boosting her ego to know her final boss found her tough enough to actually put in some extra effort to kill her. Well then. Bring it.
She ducked her neck as the knight holding her down swung his sword and she was able to have the blade slice off the ribbon holding neck which allowed her to freely move her head around now. She was able to use her free hand to grab her opponent's ankle and knock him off balance before quickly flipping herself around to use both of her feet to kick him away from her and quickly getting to her feet. She used her sharp teeth to tear the last bit of ribbons off of her left arm and whipped out her sword from her sheath to be more on an even ground as her opponents, even if they stand no chance against her. She grinned widely, looking like a shark searching for the next meal, "You want a fight? BRING IT ON!" She laughed, more than ready to get her irritation for being used as a literal puppet out on these puppet corpses.
The cut ribbons that were holding her back before were dragged back to their owner backstage and it almost seemed like the knights changed their stance to one that was far more aggressive, "It appears the villainess witch has shed her innocent appearance to show her true evil intentions!" The Maddened Princess narrated as the knight she knocked off of her stood back up, ready to attack as well, "Will our brave knights be able to overcome her or will more befall her curse?"
The knights raced forward and began their attack, not giving her the ease of fighting one on one- not that she really needed it. Her sword blazed with energy as she let her opponents close in on her before she quickly slashed her and had the razor light wave that came from her blade knock them all down.
Each of the puppet knights had a large gash in their armor from the attack, the ones who attempted to block it with their shields ended up having them sliced in half. The harlequin laughed, "You wanted a witch! A powerful, sword wielding witch you got!" She called to the backstage where she knew the boss was.
She received no response but the knights seemed to grow cautious in their attacks now, seeming to simply observe her for now. The boss seemed to fully understand that if she wanted to defeat this challenger without letting her fight her personally then she needs to start taking things more seriously.
Pomni twirled her sword in her hand as she observed her enemies, her gun had been emptied without her knowledge before this 'play' had begun so she could only rely on her sword and fists. That's fine, she could adjust and still win this. She just had to defeat these armored corpses then she can fight the actual Princess of this theatre.
'Don't be reckless.' Caine warned through the Bubble blimp, 'I really rather not patch you up for the *third* time during this fight.'
She scoffed at that, "Well, if I do then I'm sure you'll kiss my injuries better." She joked a bit as she clashed her blade with one of the knights who tried to catch her off guard while they thought she was distracted talking to the blimp.
'I-I, uh, well, I-I mean-' The puppetmaster stuttered- she could just see how flustered that comment made him, 'Just don't die again!' He commanded in his flustered tone before having Bubble float away to give her room to fight.
The harlequin couldn't help but snicker at that, that definitely gave her some much needed energy to keep going. She smirked as she knocked back the knight she had blocked before quickly knocking them down to the ground and sliced off the ribbon that was controlling them. That was one down, three more to go.
Pomni narrowed her eyes as she picked up the fallen sword from the puppet that she just cut the strings to. She grinned, "Well, you three are certainly fucked now~" She showed her razor sharp teeth to the remaining knights as she adjusted her grip on the newly acquired sword before activating her super speed so could get up close to the remaining opponents, "Hey there, motherfuckers~" She taunted them as she decided to put her face in the middle of them- she could already hear Caine scolding her about doing something as incautious as that but she really didn't care right now.
The knights gave no reaction other than to try and slash at her, and to their credit- two of them did get hits in on her, both on the shoulders but she ignored the pain as she did a front flip over all three of them while use her dual blades to chop off all three of their heads before landing behind them and slicing each of their ribbons off so they could rag doll to the ground lifeless.
Pomni let out a breath once she was finished with all of those puppet knights. She put both swords in one hand before staring at the darkness that was the backstage as it held her final opponent.
"Maddened Princess, I'm coming for you now." She said loud enough that she was sure that the boss could hear her clear.
The backstage was darker than the main room was before the spotlight was turned on and completely silent aside from the clicks of her shoes on the wooden floor. The harlequin let her gaze wander around as she observed the area in which her final battle in this decrepit theatre would be held- and, oh, how she was hoping it'd be shorter than that shit she did on the actual stage. She noticed how there were spotlights overhead, connected to the catwalk, and recalled how she saw how the Princess hid away from the spotlight that was aimed at the harlequin on the main stage- as if it could burn her. She would have to keep those lights in mind in case the ribbon boss became a pain in her ass.
She felt her foot step on a some type of cloth, most likely a ribbon in the dark, but it didn't appear that the boss wanted to attack her just yet. Perhaps she was doing the same as the harlequin, observing and learning. That was fine- it would be more thrilling if the fight was more fair and harder for Pomni.
Her gaze moved upwards towards the large bundle of red ribbons next- her next target. One of the boss puppets Caine had asked to help so she had to be sure to keep the die in one piece as well as bring it back for him to work on it- if this annoying bunch of ribbons can be enlightened then so be it.
This boss certainly seemed to like hiding in the darkness- she could only really see a bit of the mask that adorned the top of the ribbons and the shine of the claws but not much else. She didn't like that, not when it gave her such a big disadvantage. She scowled, she needed a plan...
A few ribbons could be heard and barely seen shooting towards her in high speeds, "Shit-!" Pomni hissed out, quickly using her swords to slash the ribbons into pieces. She sent a look at where the ribbons came from, "That was such a cheap trick!" She snarled at the boss.
"Expect the unexpected,
As a puppet made for battles
that should have been know~"
The boss responded in a poetic tone, almost sounding a bit smug at getting the harlequin irritated. Although, the way she became poetic now was making Pomni even more annoyed.
"Really?" Her eye twitched, "First a stupid play, and now poetry? Are you trying to be the most irritating boss?" She grunted as she made note of how a few marionettes and puppets had slowly risen from the floor, beginning to go behind the large pile of ribbons that was controlling them.
"Performance arts
A statuette's purpose
to please and amaze
But now
I wish to just win and end."
With that, more ribbons bulleted towards the harlequin on all sides with the darkness making it hard to make it known where they were. Pomni's eyes widened as she swiftly cut the ribbons in front of her but was caught from behind and felt a sharp slash on either of her sides by what could've easily been invisible swords. She gasped as the ribbon from behind her rose her upwards before slamming her on the ground roughly but not enough to kill her or take too much health off of her. But the throw into the wall certainly didn't help much. She groaned as she slumped to the ground in pain, "Sneaky fucking bitch..." She grumbled as she took out a small vial that had a battery acid in it. She moved bell, holding it tight as to make sure it didn't jingle before unbuttoning her shirt until her die was exposed- she poured the acid onto it as a way to give her a bit more energy and health back. She didn't exactly know how it worked but Caine had always told her not to question it since, at least, it kept her alive a bit longer.
She sighed silently in relief as she moved her bell back in the center of her neck, put the vial away and stood up with a light huff, not worrying about buttoning her shirt back up since she had a feeling she'd need to heal again eventually. She scowled as she felt her now slashed sides but said nothing as she looked around before noticing that there was a broken ladder leading to the catwalks nearby, it didn't have a bottom but she should be able to jump high enough...
She suddenly went into a defensive position when she heard close by, no doubt The Maddened Princess was sending in a few minions after her. She narrowed her eyes as she was able to block the unseen attacks that came her way, using her ears to locate them. She might be blind currently but her hearing still worked just fine. She was able to knock them all back harshly before quickly jumping against the wall and pushing off hard enough to be able to leap into the air, grabbing the ladder. She had to move quickly because the rung she first grabbed onto creaked loudly before as she grabbed the next one breaking in half, clattering to the ground which alerted the boss to her presence. Ribbons were shot like rockets towards the ladder, aiming at the harlequin's head but she was, thankfully, able to scurry up onto the catwalk, barely having the ribbons miss her feet.
"Run, run, run
Try to flee and hide
but it'll be your hide
as my trophy at the end of the night."
The Princess mocked in her poetic tone as the ribbons began to wrap around the catwalk, feeling for their prey.
The harlequin growled silently as she felt a tiny bit of silky fabric under one of her feet as she got close to the spotlight nearest to the ladder. The silk slowly began to go up her leg but before it could go much further, she was able to turn the spotlight on and turn it towards the pile of ribbons.
The boss screeched and covered her mask as the light shone bright down at her, she seemed to freeze for a moment and the ribbon on the catwalk unwrapped itself and fell. It gave the harlequin a perfect opportunity to dive down and put energy in both of her swords to create two powerful light waves that broke a few ribbons off of a few of the puppets as well as slice a dent into the boss by breaking numerous ribbons on the boss herself- it didn't make enough damage to expose the die within the silk but it made it where she could do a few more strikes like that and expose it for good.
"HISSSSSSSSS!!!" The boss screeched like a cat being sprayed with water as she finally got out of her slight blindness before skitter skattering away from the bright light and back into the shadows as if they protected her. A couple ribbons grabbed onto to Pomni and threw her opposite of her while another ribbon rocketed upwards, shattering the still shining spotlight so there would be no more light on her.
The harlequin used one of her swords to help her not hit the ground too hard by stabbing it into the hardwood floor and spun around it a little as a way to help catch herself. She smirked as she pulled out the blade- she found the weakness. But she's have to make sure to defeat the boss with the last three working spotlights left on the catwalk or else it'd be back to doing everything blind and hoping she doesn't get caught off guard and die.
"Tis but a scratch
Surprise by the light
that does not belong onto me
Oh, dear actress,
the spotlight merely belongs to you."
The Maddened Princess continued reciting her poem although a small angry hiss came through in her tone this time. A few more puppets rose from the ground but it looked like it was less this time- looks like slicing a dent in the pile of ribbons did give her more of an advantage.
The harlequin kicked away a couple puppets that sounded like they got a bit too close to her before front flipping over the ones that sounded to be right in front of her. Only to have her feet land on both of their heads which made her almost lose balance, she had to put her arms out to try regain it.
Which only left her wide open for a few ribbons to grab onto her arms tight before once again slamming her into the ground a couple of times, making her lose her grip on her swords and having them clatter onto the ground a bit further away from where she was tossed.
"Running and jumping,
Can get you far
but can you see
where you're going
to make it?"
"Oh, COME THE FUCK ON!" The harlequin slammed her fist into the in irritation, feeling one of her sides break a bit more due to the slams onto the ground. She took a breath as she stood up and sped towards where she heard her swords land, not liking how she was unarmed currently. She heard a marionette slice their sword in her direction and she was scarcely able to duck under it, half of her ponytail was cut off as it bounced upwards from the swiftness of her movement. She felt how she lost some of her hair but couldn't be bothered to care at the moment as she simply kicked the marionette to the ground and used her teeth to tear the ribbon off of them before somersaulting on the ground to get to her swords faster. She grabbed them right as she heard a couple puppets slash down towards her- she reacted swiftly by using both of her swords block where she heard where the blades were. She laid on her back as she struggled against the weight on both of the swords on hers. She bared her teeth as she shoved hard against the two and forced them away from her, knocking them off balance which she was quick to use to her advantage. She hopped onto her feet before quickly slicing at their ribbons.
The harlequin made use of the time where nothing was currently close enough to attack her rush up on top of the catwalk again, speeding towards the farthest light from her since she didn't feel like risking getting there after pissing off the boss three times. By the way she could hear the platform squeaking a little bit- she definitely made enough noise to alert the boss enough to have more ribbons race towards her. She gritted her teeth as she ran bit faster before sliding towards the spotlight and having it shine on on the pile of ribbons once more.
Like before, the boss screeched and covered her mask with her ribbons which left her wide open for Pomni to dive down again. Maybe not wide open because this time one of the boss' claw reached up to slash at her. She moved slightly to avoid it and make it where she could do another double light wave attack that both sliced off the the ribbon arm that had the claw on it and increase the size of the dent she made on the pile of ribbons initially but it still looked like she had a ways to go.
Pomni landed on the ground, avoiding the ribbons that attempted to grab at her this time. Only to be caught off guard as she felt some silk underfoot, "Oh, come on!" She yelped out as her ankles were grabbed, making her trip and fall on her butt and was forcibly slid her towards some spikes that were made on the wall. Her eyes widened and she had to quickly spin herself so her back was facing the spikes instead of her exposed chest and die. She clenched her teeth as a harsh gasp came through them, that definitely left some awful holes in her back but they didn't go through her body enough to hit her die at least. She hissed through her teeth as the ribbon spikes suddenly came out of her back and were used to destroy the spotlight that was currently still on. Turning everything dark once more.
The harlequin listened for any nearby enemies before taking out her last vial of battery acid and poured it onto her die like she did with the first one. She grumbled as she forced herself up, using the wall as support. If she got hurt that badly again, she won't have anymore battery acid to heal her again- she had to be extremely careful now. Being careful sucked though.
"Difficulty increasing
Tension raising
How much longer
will you be able to survive?"
Pomni ignored the threatening poetic tone the boss used as she forced herself to move towards the ladder as fast as she could despite her injuries, countering any puppet or marionette that tried getting in her way. She didn't feel like putting up an effort to make it more of a show anymore. At least not until her pain numbed.
She grimaced as she looked up at where the lowest rung of the ladder was and how she knew she had to force herself up there again. She grunted as she moved back again before giving herself a running started and wall jumped up to the ladder again, barely making it. She grunted as she got up on the catwalk once more. She panted a bit as she crouched down to take momentary breather- she should have about fifteen seconds before the ribbons start wrapping around the platform.
She went through the charms she had on hand but weren't currently using as she didn't like boosting herself unless necessary. She found the one that boosts her jump height and placed it onto the collar of her shirt, she could tell this one was fully necessary now. She put the rest of the charms away as she could hear the silk ribbons climbing up the ladder and frowned as she began to speed off towards the second furthest spotlight from her.
Once she turned it on, turned it towards the pile of ribbons and began her dive down, making sure to avoid the metal claws aiming at her and used the light wave attack to slice off the claws as well as make dent even bigger- she could start to see a shine coming from the boss' chest, the die. She felt a sense of relief as she knew she was almost done.
The Maddened Princess let out a loud, angry, catlike snarl as she destroyed not only the spotlight that was on but also the one that the harlequin was supposed to turn on next- ...well, that blows.
"Darkness surrounds,
You had your fun,
Now it's- ARGH! IT BURNS!"
Pomni had her right hand shift into her gun and had the rest of her energy go into to create a laser to burn the pile of ribbons from the bottom up- interrupting another irritatingly, smug poem from the boss.
She only used it for a few seconds until her energy felt like it was going to run too low for her to walk any longer, or even stay standing. The gun went back to being a hand as she watched The Maddened Princess lean down to try and attack her a bit more. The harlequin gave an exhausted look as she simply used the last bit of her energy and her charm to jump high enough to slice off the mask that the boss wore before letting herself land on her butt on the ground in exhaustion.
Once the fire got to the point where the boss' die was fully shown, she was quick to grab it before running as fast as her body would let her out of the theatre before the flames could reach her.
"Here's the stupid die heart, Caine." Pomni grumbled in exhaustion as she got back inside the manor and weakly gave the item to the man who had been waiting anxiously at the door for her, swaying a bit as she tried to keep herself upright.
The Puppetmaster didn't even hesitate to simply pocket the die heart before putting his arms on the harlequin's waist so he could pick her up bridal style gently. She didn't even fight it, simply collapsing in his arms as soon as she felt herself become weightless.
Caine felt himself blush a tiny bit as he brought her to his office table to start repairing her body. He paused a moment before deciding to take a small advantage of her being unconscious right now to give her a quick peck on the forehead.
A/N: Yes, the ending is *extremely* rushed. But after writing 6k+ words in the span of three days? I got too tired to care much longer. Hope y'all still enjoy the read.
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
How would tonowari help with spider? What activities would they do together
@windhashirapiller this also answers you're ask
he's the stoic dad, so I think a lot of his love language is quiet personal time; walks on the shoreline, under the stars, one arm around his kid, telling stories from his past. watching spider sleep, one hand in his hair, nothing but love and bliss on his face. being the dad spider looks to when he's looking for recognition or admiration, and tonowari is always there to give him the proud dad smile.
very defensive of spider, but unlike ronal, instead of being an aggressive force that will make threats anytime anywhere, he is a daring and formidable force that stands behind him, daring anyone to bring harm to his boy.
when they first adopt spider he's the one to have The Talk with him. in my mind they adopt him after the neglect causes him to do harm to himself (he overworks himself, ignores his needs; he doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't sleep. its when his body eventually goes out that tonowari and ronal step in), so spider is already on edge, physically and emotionally on edge, and trauma responding (pushing people away, getting aggressive to shield his weakness, expecting the worst of each and every interaction). so tonowari has to sit there and try to explain to this terrified kid, that he deserves better, that he is loved (despite feeling unlovable), that they want him. he has to console this scared child who has never truly known love. that night has forever scarred the great metakyina chief, just thinking about the look in his child's face, brings tears to his eyes. he's vowed to never, not even over his dead body, let spider feel like that ever again.
I think him being the stoic dad verbally, makes him the much more physical dad. he's always cupping spider's chin, embracing him, pressing their foreheads together (technically mask and forehead).
he speaks through his eyes, and spider has learned to read him like a book. there's always so much love and awe on his face.
he learns spider's favorite things; favorite foods, favorite types of beads for his jewelry making, favorite plants for his paints, etc. and he brings them to spider without him asking.
he was cautious with saying "I see you" or calling him son cause he knew spider had a complicated relationship with all his past father figures. when he adopts spider he does it knowing he may never bee his father in spiders heart (if anyone has seen the dragon prince, think callum and harrow; both want to be father/son so badly it is palpably painful, yet due to simple miscommunications, neither is aware of this, and actually think both parties want the opposite). so when the dam finally breaks (maybe spider gets hurt and tonowari can't contain his worry, or spider is desperate for any sort of paternal affection and he just flips out and clings to tonowari) it's devastating (but sorta in the best way possible). you'd think they're a father and son reuniting after the most trying of separations; big fat tears from both sides, tonowari won;t put spider down, spiders clinging to his father like he's gonna disappear. after that, tonowari never stops telling spider he sees him, that he loves him, that he is his son.
I have to say it, tonowari is a fishing dad, he takes spider hunting on the skimwing, just the two of them.
like ronal, he has many beads on his song chord for spider, but they are much more frequent. out of all of things in his life, nothing compares to his children. they keep him sane amongst all the duties of being chief, and with the circumstances that surround spider, its even more true. he finds any reason to add more and more beads for his children, especially spider, so when he reflects on this time in his life, it doesn't seem so bad.
he will play dumb so spider has the opportunity to teach him, he likes hearing how his son talks about things, how he thinks, and he loves the confidence it gives spider to teach someone else. Sometimes he genuinely learns things, other times he gains a new perspective; but no matter the case, its builds spider up, makes him more likely to speak within the village. (spider has adhd in my mind, and I know tonowari indulges every infodump that kid gives him, no matter how well he knows what he's talking about)
he takes spider under his wing just as he did ao'nung; he teaches him to rule, to think for the village, to be a good diplomat. he teaches the boys to work together to solve conflicts because if he gets his way, if all goes well, ao'nung will become chief with spider as his right-hand man so to speak. his boys futures are of the utmost priority to him.
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aubreysheadspace · 5 months
Hello! This is my first time requesting something like this so I’m a little bit nervous <:3 But anyway can I request the omori faraway gang (including Mari) with a partner who is just in LOVE with snakes. Like they have several snakes at home, both big and small. She knows all these facts about snakes and how to take care of them. Just a reader who absolutely loves sneks :3
OMG SNAKES LOOK SO COOL but I’m absolutely terrified of them honestly . THIS REQUEST IS CUTE THOUGH??? hope u enjoy ! (Spoiler alert: they’re all a bit afraid)
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this man SUNNY has definitely never seen a snake personally, i mean he has no reason to after all, he lives in a town! either way he’s probably afraid of them without even realizing it
once he visits your room full of snakes.. he doesn’t move from his place. he’s petrified. you might need to help him walk from his spot at the front of your door.
conclusion: he’s never coming over, which sucks but hey, the man’s afraid after all. sure he had a snake give him daily allowance in his HEADSPACE, but that was in his mind!
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AUBREY grew up in FARAWAY TOWN, so she also had no experience with a snake. nobody owned a pet snake until you moved into town (last time i checked). she always listened to when you spoke facts about snakes.
it was weird that you knew so much, she clearly didn’t take the hint that you probably owned one. so when she came over one day… let’s just say AUBREY saw the life flash before her eyes. (exaggeration)
conclusion: she was TERRIFIED at first, but of course you let her know your snakes weren’t venomous. at one point she even held a tiny snake in her hands, until she got too frantic and tried to shake it off. she’s also not letting them around her pet BUN-BUN at all, her bunny is not food for your snakes!
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BASIL is a fond of all animals just like he is with plants, but snakes and other scarier animals are just.. scary to him. they are fun to read about.. but to actually meet one in person? he’d die from a heart attack for sure.
even thought that’s the case, he loves hearing all about your snake facts! your conversations are like a deal being made. you give snake facts, and in return basil gives you plant facts. it’s a win-win on both ends. so when he finally comes over and meets all of your snakes..
conclusion: he fainted, well almost. he tried to keep it cool but flinched at every one of them that tried to move. eventually he starts calming down and sees that they’re kinda cute! just.. just don’t ask him to feed them with a dead animal or he’ll actually pass out.
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while KEL moved to FARAWAY TOWN when he was just a kid, he had grown accustomed to the town and never expected to meet any strange wild animals. if he did, he would totally go, "woah look! a cool looking bear!"
KEL loves when you rant to him about the snake facts you have up your sleeves! he thinks snakes are so cool and awesome, it’s like he doesn’t even think he’s gonna meet any..! until the day you invited him over.
conclusion: give him time to process the many snakes in your room. he’s gonna think they’re so cool! he definitely the type who goes up to one of them in their glass tank and taps the glass to say, "hey little guy!"
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HERO is probably a guy who would pass out the minute he sees an wild animal roaming the streets. thankfully he never had to deal with an exotic animal in his life until.. you came along!
he’s a guy who would ask questions about the things a person is interested in, and would allow them to ramble, so of course he does it with you and your wild facts about snakes! when you asked him to come over, he doesn’t mind and happily says yes! i mean, what could go wrong?
conclusion: you might’ve just given him a new fear. spiders are still his number one enemy but snakes might be in his top 20. of course he tries to like them for your sake but.. it’s hard for him when they’re constantly making noises at him like they wanna bite him..
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MARI is someone who’s a fan of regular pets like a cat than exotic ones like a snake. she doesn’t judge though, because it’s MARI after all! you can talk to her about anything and she would always listen!
so of course when you talk about snakes with her, she loves all the snake facts you bring to the table. she’ll even surprise you with a snake fact the next day, she researched it in hopes you enjoyed it! even after all this, she never expected you to actually have snakes in your house until the day she came over..
conclusion: she’s very … flinchy around your snakes at first, so you might wanna help her with that. eventually she’ll grow to love your snakes and start to think they’re adorable the more she focuses on their cute face!
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daffi-990 · 7 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday
Tagged by @nmcggg. Thank you for the tag xx mwah. Make sure to check out what they shared!
More from Rival Firefighter 🚒 today. Y’all can thank James (@diazsdimples) for this snippet as he’s the one that inspired it with a comment about Eddie humming the Spider-Man theme while climbing the ferris wheel. I thought it was too good to pass up haha. So thanks James, this one’s for you 😘
Prev snippet here.
As they climb, Eddie begins to hum the Spider-Man theme song to himself. Humming is something he’s recently started doing when he’s trying to concentrate on a specific task and not get distracted by, say, how high in the air they are or how fast a patient is bleeding out. And thanks to Chris’s superhero kick and well, the climbing, Spider-Man is the first thing that comes to mind.
He blames Buck entirely for the new habit. Work side by side with someone long enough and you’re bound to pick up some of their habits. Eddie’s just glad it’s humming and not chewing gum or becoming a walking encyclopedia of random facts. He’ll leave the second one to Buck thank you very much (Eddie doesn’t think he’d be anywhere near as endearing as Buck when talking about the different kinds of plant flora found in the Himalayas. They can be broadly classified into four types, in case you were wondering).
“Are you- are you humming the Spider-Man theme song?”
“What? No.” Eddie scoffs but Lena shoots him a look that says she doesn’t believe him one bit. “Okay fine. Yes I am. It- it helps me concentrate.” Eddie feels his cheeks heat in embarrassment as Lena stifles a laugh. He does his best to glare at her but there’s no real heat behind it. “Shut up.”
Lena does laugh then, a warm hearty thing that has her eyes crinkling in amusement and a smile already stretching across Eddie’s face.
He knows that the people they’re on their way to rescue may be judging them, two firefighters in the middle of a natural disaster laughing and smiling like the world isn’t crumbling around them. But this is how they get through the tough days, by finding little bits of hope, joy and happiness and embracing them. And if making dumb jokes and laughing about it helps them keep their minds off of the fact that the structure they’re currently climbing up could collapse into the ocean at any second, well then they’re going to make dumb jokes and laugh.
No pressure tagging: @diazsdimples @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus @athenagranted @wildlife4life @exhuastedpigeon @puppyboybuckley @thewolvesof1998 @wikiangela @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @elvensorceress @evanbegins @eddiebabygirldiaz @epicbuddieficrecs @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @missmagooglie @monsterrae1 @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @tizniz @try-set-me-on-fire @princessfbi @prettyboybuckley @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @steadfastsaturnsrings @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @fiona-fififi @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @homerforsure @honestlydarkprincess @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @bekkachaos @captain-hen @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @king-buckley and anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your official tag ❤️
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