#why do i have to earn a living instead of just drawing my ocs
whump-captain · 2 years
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one day ill sit down and learn to draw backgrounds
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yuki2sksksk · 9 months
I haven't got much time to post things with uni stuff and all 🥹 Have some stress relief drawings of One piece OC that I can't get my mind off.
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That's her enchanted mask, enabling her head to look like swirling water and concealing her face.
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The Witch of the Sea, Cordelia Thalassa
This is just a burst of idea moment, and I still need to catch up on One Piece a lot.
Cordelia used to be a Celestial Dragons but she's the 'black sheep' of the family so she's treated poorly. She runs away with her witch teacher and learns magic from her.
Her main ability focus on energy manipulation but she can conjure spells and brew potions. She's not a pirate but she earns a bounty for alliance with the Whitebeard pirates, some other pirates and even associates with Roger, the King of the Pirates. She do business of potions selling.
Cordelia used to spend a lot of time with Shanks and Buggy, hence regarding them as her little brothers. She also visits the ASL brothers whenever she can, earning the title aunty from the boys. She's like that aunt who bursts in carrying gifts for her nephews. Garp thinks she's spoiling the boys.
She stayed on the same island as Portgas D.Rouge (hence why she gets to spend time with Shanks and Buggy whenever they drop by). When Roger died and Rouge was pronounced pregnant, Cordelia's mentor gives Rouge a potion that can help in postponing the labour, but it drowned her health. Cordelia tries to visit Ace as many times as she can.
Her bounty actually started when she caused ruckus among the Celestial Dragons after she discovered the cause of Sabo's 'death'. While she wanted nothing more than to kill those people, she instead drew out the energy from their souls, unintentionally turning them into empty bodies that live without means.
Cordelia realises that her power can bring destruction as much as it can gives protection.
Extra note: Cordelia has been a sickly child so when she learns energy manipulation from her mentor, she unknowingly extracts energy from seastones and drinks it like water. It helps her gain health but if she's not careful and letting out energy shockwaves, any devilfruit eaters will be affected.
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
9 years into the Future...
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I would be happy if you share this cause it took forever...
Here is a summary of the futures of my ocs, spoiler free. I didn’t manage to draw all of my ocs but here is the most I could design and how they look. Under the cut is some explanations and Headcanons however I say spoiler free cause some will die and I won’t tell who.
He as an adult accepts his natural look more, he shows his freckles,  doesn't dye his hair blue and red anymore and he wears his glasses cause it's comfier… Jobwise he either has his own bakery, works as mechanic, works in a factory or stays unemployed housekeeper for his partner…. In all he became more honest with himself and doesn't hide his true self anymore. In some futures his mom lives long and in some she dies earlier. Is very caring and a very good father.
Mainly he has two paths to choose… either convince his father of his ideals or go separate ways than him… which might lead to another divorce for Lloyd Lakeside… Henry likely either manages and own company, works as a politician in Interstate hill or manages something smaller mainly given how his values and ways go. His look is more of a fusion of his old goth look with a bit of professionalism which he enjoys a bit more and gives him a less serious but still enough look. Still does a lot of Dad jokes. And he is still a boomer with trends.
I have a good end and a bad end for Mellow. In the bad end he fully transforms into his monster form forever not to be turned back while… in the good end he manages to control his monster form but gets a scar on his face in the process. Older Mellow is more confident, he had a growth spurt and is now taller than Leroy and Henry…. However he didn't change that he is still very kind and helpful. I can see him either grow better as an artist and do art related jobs, maybe even as an art teacher… 
I did make a whole list of all of her ship futures but mainly in looks not much changes aside her hair getting more flowy.  She likely becomes a teacher and depending on who she ends up with she would choose the topic of her lessons. In all she in most futures stays in Twst while in some she returns to her family back… 
There is also that she forgets her memories of twst when she returns… but in all if she decides to stay in twst she adapted to life and if she goes through the overblot even has magic of her own. A very caring but protective mother if she has kids. 
She grew her hair out and often wears lab coats because she works mainly as a scientist now… focusing more on tonics and elements compared to her brother… If she has children she is the super mom, usually babysitting her own and her brother's kids cause she knows her Bro is not the best really…but in all she got over some of her fears and learned to live with them.
Becoming a full fledged actor, Flynn mainly gets roles about Villains and Vampires, however he did quite his nightly adventures that got him into trouble cause he uses his own wealth he earns now for the good of others… he is still not much different in personality but is more honest with the people he cares for…. And also less worries about the past anymore and who he was before. 
He didn't do anything with acting but instead used the reputation from his own tournaments to open up a school to teach others the sword, his own dojo…. He did stay with a Samurai look because he liked it and he has many students who trust him fully… his fear of women is something he overcame and now is just happy when he can give someone advice with the things he has been through..
Severing connections with her Family Rubina became a police officer who does Detective work on the side. One of her parents' suitors attacked her after she denied her parents which is why she has that scar on her neck but she sees it as a reminder that sometimes you have to hurt to get your freedom. Nowadays Flynn and her still bicker but she accepted that he changed… and she also would give up her family name for her partners in a heartbeat. 
Although she was pretty successful, Pekos career didn't last as long but long enough for her to be unemployed mainly. She became more lazy and gained a bit more weight however she is not the best housewife. However it seems her reputation as a former idol often gives her small TV show appearances that get her money… mainly she became an old rich and lazy wife who wants your attention.
The first to give her career up… instead she became a fitness coach and gained a ton of muscles… she still struggled at first given many of her fans were disappointed but now she has a circle that fully trusts her…  and since then she also feels a bit more free from the spotlight… her hair stayed short cause it's more practical. 
After research they found a way to remove Gregorys gem and still keep his power in check, a new sort of way which is why he has a scar where his gem was… however he also got addicted to getting tattoos and would tattoo the name of his partner on his body too. He didn't get any smarter but stayed out of the Evolnation gang the longest touring and maintaining his career… he still keeps Close contact with Emma and Peko but also retired his personal Shade early… 
He became much better at managing his time and his fashion label became a huge success, however he still stayed humble, maybe a bit more nicer than in the past given he finally gets enough sleep… however he still sometimes is plagued by some nightmares… Still Tyler is a figure many people know and trust in his brand blindly… and it's good to see him smile more than in the past.
Fleeing for a while after the secrets of her family got exposed, Rachel created an underworld cult, the scar on her chest was from one of the people who hunted her…. Now she gathers sacrifice to survive eating their souls and alluring others to follow her…. Whoever comes in contact with her is said to vanish among Myths and so she became more of a fable that still yearns for Tylers love but isn't able anymore to reach him. 
Refusing the throne to become a warrior, 9 years weren't much to change Gabrielle… after all her race ages slowly but… at least the short hair made it easier in battles and despite many scars she does keep on and became a wandering mercenary who hides her royal blood… still she visits her sister when she is in the grimstone kingdom. She does still search for a way to lift her curse but also has learned to adapt to it. 
The Queen of the Grimstone Kingdom, Tesa is a kind ruler who keeps the peaceful alliances as her parents wanted it. Having a success working close with the Rebuilt Flamestone kingdom and so making them a strong force of the world… she still deals with her curse but found artifacts to mend it a little. She does support her sister but still misses her often. 
Owning his own restaurant, Aiden became a busy man… he took off his chain having settled with the burdens of the past and proved that he could do it on his own… however there are still the people who judge him…. He gained a bit more scars as he protected Peko and Emma some years ago from a stalker however this story can be changed up depending on his ships. In all he gets less sleep because of his restaurant but is well liked and respected. 
He started working in a daycare given his own childish nature. Teaches many of the kids a lot about camping and survival techniques when he can… in all he often visits Aidens restaurant to see his friend again and tell about new stories…he does have chaotic hair mainly because he has barely time to keep it well. 
Her legs recovers after some years but similar to Gabrielle and Tesa she didn't age much. She became a pro tennis player however she doesn't take too.many matches give her legs aren't miracle cured… all to follow her passion. In all she is often still lightly a therapist for Aidens bad thoughts in his head.
Given becoming a hero is not a job Sindren became the next best thing and went to the police, belonging to a unit assigned to Rubina which is why their friendship still stayed close… She accepts her fathers mistakes of the past and does her best to protect the weak herself.. She would inherit her father's company after his death but however assigned the leadership to someone else. 
Rivaling Tyler with her own Label ChicMystique Mythra jobwise would choose her career as fashion designer as model while giving Dance classes on the side… her parents dance school survived and Mythra still manages it herself. In all she still has her Flirty aura but holds back compared to the past… 
As a cyborg Feena became an undercover agent, playing the innocent woman while actually working as a spy… Sindren knows this and often works together with her. She decided to wear more normal clothes to blend in a crowd better.
Queen of the Rebuilt Flamestone kingdom… She improved what her parents wanted to destroy and so became an alliance with the Grimstone kingdom. However her kingdom is a bit more strict about rules and often also doesn't shy away from enforcing things. Still Dragiselle is a Good queen… she lifted the curse symbol on her neck and Can control her powers more fully… 
Knight Captain of the Flamestone kingdom… Inessa is the advisor as well of Dragiselle however she accepted she will never be together with the queen but is just happy serving her… in all she also did win many ice skating trophies until she settled staying in the kingdom. 
Finding the cure for the children of darkness they became quite popular among doctors and tech experts… nowadays they focus more on machines and helping people with technology,  however they did help improve the flamestone kingdom with some things as well. 
Tiam worked hard for a cure for her sickness and she managed to become a full fledged Lawyer trying to prosecute evil. She is seen often working together with Rubina to get new intel….  She still has a sort of weak constitution of her body but she is just happy to live at all. Her new job also got her a little bit more sane..
With another failed experiment Tiam burned his mouth and now wears a mask 24/7 to hide the wounds… he became a doctor but had a hard time to get people to trust him until he Impressed the patients that did try his treatments… Since then many trust him well with their health… still he often feels a bit down. Him and Kome still are close as siblings, kind of as dynamic. 
He decided to carefully let his puppet ark be removed and exchanged for a robot one from Sindrens company so he could not use his um… he also took out his fake Eye to separate himself from everything Ronnie took from him… he is still a bit broke about the past but… he managed to stand on his own and fine his way as a doll maker and goldsmith. 
Nowadays called countess Pharon… Vanessa gave up her hockey career and instead took on the duties of her fathers family… She still parties when she can but now more privately in their mansion and whomever her partner or partners are… she will spoil them as much as she can. 
Has gotten less attractive and aside from living off his parents money… he became an old beer drinking worker who neglected himself… and tries to still get a job given his parents soon take the money from him. If he only listened to Paula and Serena. Often angry and shouting at others for no reason. (At least this is the future if he hasn't found a partner)
Instead of staying with design, Francine became a model for Tylers label still trying to Rival Mythra. However, although they are still not friends, they hate each other a little bit less… They still dislike each other but they understand each other.
Usually Francine is busy with work and severed her ties with Barry fully. 
Still going on as an inventor, the scar in his face also has different reasons depending on ships with him but the general is it was an invention gone haywire… As father he didn't do the best start given why his sister often babysits his kids but he tries to not do the same mistakes like he did with Lyla. 
Facing Mason Violet some years ago he got more scars in the process and the man finally got arrested. Since then Kayne has worked as a part time housekeeper/butler and caterer. Mainly hired for parties. He found a bit more inner rest and showed his emotions much more than previously.  He and Leroy since then also became closer friends and he often stops by Aiden and Leroys exchanging recipes. 
She did keep her Idol career longer than Peko and Emma however stopped earlier than Gregory… nowdays Macie actually stopped hating Peko and they became even lightly friends. Macie decided to be fully her own and mainly takes jobs as language translator now… teaching others languages a little. 
April and Julian:
The siblings had a contest on who would get a partner first but in the end they forgot about it as they got their partners. April still works in a casino dealing with people but is more accepting of showing her eye in public… while Julian often stars in music videos nowadays  still dancing and sometimes performing in musicals. 
He has his own bar now… often sharing tales from hell and having haven for demons who like him left hell… given he has a very long life he only found a new style. 
Others I haven't drawn here: 
Given his travels likely he age much faster than the others in Twst… he does mature in a way of becoming a legendary adventurer who continues his journeys across the world
Not much will change… he is already a dead Zombie and so doesn't age much… he would likely become an author who still hasn't improved that much in his words out of his mouth but he can at least say some little things.
The thing is given his whole electrosurge, the likelihood that he dies is high if they don't fix him a little. If they do he likely become a guitar teacher or a music teacher in school. 
He will continue to live among the humans until they decide to turn him off. But likely Eve has good chances to just continue the research and become one of the almost human robots. Having his own life and family to just enjoy his life… maybe working in an office. 
Osyron and Lydia:
Not much changes aside that they will search a domain on the world to watch over as gods… they probably both also at time clash with each other but aside that they just give out their blessings and watch the mortals from a secluded place.
Given he can't return to his village either he becomes a mercenary, a jewelry maker or a trader…. I feel his knowledge of nature could make him also a good botany teacher but he likely still needs to learn a lot in general before.
Likely follows Lydia and becomes the second hand in her domain… or starts her own cult…
Kuze Yasuno and Serena 
Pretty uncertain about them so I leave them open but to summarize… Kuze likely joins the military,  Yasuno continues his job as shinigami and Serena uses the company of her parents to help the people and not let them suffer.
Similar to Eve he is either shut down or continues his research in being human. However I feel he would also with Kuze join Military as a weapon. 
Baseball star who now owns the orphanage she came from… uses all the money she wins through sports to give the children a good life and accepts not to see her parents again.
Still evil but now works in a circus trying to fool people into believing him and doing things in the underground. 
Is free from Ronnie's influence and slowly recovered their sanity,  finally being able to be Media's sibling again…
Paula and Zyan:
They still model for different labels when they can… Paula has no longer hair by a little and often does workout videos In a pretty 80s style while Zyan inspired a video game character with his looks and is still high in demand. Both in general still are pretty popular. 
She still gets tons of commissions for sculptures and art, some even winding up in a museum. Not much has changed for her in general.
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julday4 · 3 years
I also attempted at shading- I'm not the best at it and rarely do it so you're allowed to give critism lmao.
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So! This is one of my oc's Skipper! Who's species is actually my own original species, Deyos! (Or Deyo) I might make it an open species if people want to, but for now it's closed and just for myself.
If you'd like to know more about the species and the world they live in, go on keep reading! For now, here's a bit about Skipper:
His a huge manipulater, gossiper and really smug. His really well known in his world for how good he is at manipulating and for basically knowing about everyone's secrets. (And how many eyes he steals, but you'd have to read about the species on keep reading in order to know more about that). Deyos like to nickname him "The true assistant of the Lord", who was the person that created the species. His eyes are Diamond-shaped and his storing item is his neck warmer. He has angel like wings with thin black pointy spikes on the tips and a black line design. He also has a younger brother called Jasper, that I might draw of aswell if people want that or like the species.
anyways, that's everything I can think of for Skipper. Might edit this post if I come up with more, but i'mma stop here.
Reblogs are appreciated!! I spent a long time on this! :'D
Info about the species and the world (IT'S REALLY LONG BTW!):
The species The Deyos (Or 'Deyo' if it's just one of them), is a species made entirely out of negativity. Their entire body is made of a goo-y negative substance, to the point that even their blood is made out of It. (Yes, they have black blood). And have a negative, black type of venom in their fangs or well, teeth, that they use for a specific reason we'll get to in a bit. Appearances All Deyos are different and unique on their appearances. All Deyos take a form of a different type of dog each to look more 'Innocent' and 'trustworthy' (which we'll get to why in a bit). So some Deyos are tall and some are small, but their always bigger then an average human being. Deyos have different type of wings and eyes with a special shape somewhere on their body. (For example: A Deyo with owl-like wings and a square shaped eye on their forehead). While some only just have their og-seeing-eyes, only just wings, or only just those eyes on their body, it's hard to explain without so many examples but basically not all Deyos are the same, some have wings, some don't. Some have the special shaped eyes on their body, some don't. Some have their og-seeing eyes (also what every human has), some don't even have eyes at all. And, because they have black blood, all of their ears, paws, noses, blush, ect, are fully black. Even their eyes are black, to the point it's very rare for a Deyo to have a different eye color besides black. Character
Deyos are usually very agressive and hostile towards eachother, so fights happen pretty much daily. They always steal from eachother, betray eachother, lie, bully, anything you can think of that's rude or agressive. But not all of them are like that of course. Some are more chill and calm, some are more thoughtful and kind, it really depends on the Deyo. Thou, with the way they act, Deyos are VERY intelligent. They have alot of advanced technology, know ALOT of languages, know pretty much everything about history, can do any math problem, ect, ect. Their so intelligent, that they learned how to make technogly on the second day they were created, built villages, to communicate with eachother- BASICALLY, they have way more iq then an average human, like, even the stupidest Deyo is smarter then a human.
Oh and, Deyo's are AMAZING manipulaters. Of course, some are terrible at it, some are decent and some are really good at it, but most of them have experience in manipulation.
So, the way Deyos survive is kinda.. Interesting. They basically steal people's eyes from other worlds in order to survive. The Deyo goes to a different world, find their victim, and after earning their trust (with the help of the Deyo's appearance and their amazing manipulation ability), the Deyo bites into the victim and releases the venom in their teeth/fangs in the victim, making the victim's eyes fade away and appear on the Deyo's storing item, leaving behind a more shadowy feature on the victim's face plus a of negatvity in the victim, making the victim very negative and basically the complete opposite of who they are. The more eyes the Deyos steal and store into their storing item, the longer they live. Of course, not all Deyos take their time to earn the victim's trust. Some just go right for it. Even thou it's common for Deyos to go to other worlds to steal eyes, some just steal eyes from the animals in their world. Of course it doesn't give the same survivability as one from a person, but it really depends on the size of the animal. Either way, their alright. Mainly Deyos without wings do this, or the more chill ones.
Storing Items
Storing Items is a specific special item that's very close and important to the Deyo and stores the eyes they steal, aka, their only way to survive. Storing Items can be any kind of item, from a ring to a goddamm door or something. Of course, it's mainly reccomended to use accessories or something you can actually bring with you at all times. But you probably wonder: "How do they make the eyes they steal, appear on that Storing Item?" Here's how! (A bit of a TW for cutting and blood).
First, they pick out one of their most cherished item. Second, they use any sharp object and cut a bit of their skin open until blood starts coming out. Third, they take their blood and draw a special sign on the cherished item with their blood. Fouth, then a lil scene of negative magic starts surrounding the cherished item, giving the item a more bland and darker version of it's original colors and well, inserts negative magic inside of it. And Fifth, bam! A Storing item to store your tiny stolen whatever-shaped eyes. :) Storing item's are also pretty hard and tough to destroy, even if their really soft like Skipper's neck warmer. You'll have to use specific magic (Like positivity or something) in order to reduce the negativity inside it and turn it back to normal. (And maybe even release the stolen eyes? I'mma have to think more into this!)
The World
This is a huge world where the only season is Winter and snow is everywhere. It has a bunch of winter animals like Polar-bears, lynx's, foxes, rabbits, any you can think of! However, the Deyos only live in one part of the world that has a bunch of snowy mountains, forests and icey rivers. There are mainly two villages in this part! The snowy mountains and the snowy forests. The mountains are where most Deyos with wings live in. The mountains has a bunch of caves that the Deyos use as home, use for training or can use as workshops! There's also a pathway to some of the mountains so wingless Deyos CAN live in the mountains, but it will get tiring most of the time.. Soo.. Forest it is! In the big snowy forest is a village where most wingless Deyos live in! The village has alot of cozy homes, shops, a townsquare, ect! And well, mainly the more chill Deyos live in the village cause it's in a forest, which means it nearer to the animals that they hunt down instead. Plus, they can train on the animals instead of just a dummy in the training caves. And well, that's really it about their world. There's also some rivers around the area, really icey ones so there's like, alot of ice slabs on it. So sometimes Deyos go there to just chill on the big ice slabs. And now.. You're probably wondering. "How do the Deyos go to other worlds exactly?" Well, they use their most cherished thing of all, the portal!
The Portal
This huge portal is located on the very top of the highest mountain. It is held onto by a bunch of big boulders and is made of negative magic. This portal was given to the Deyos by the creator as a lil 'Gift' or something, so the Deyos cherish it alot. This Portal is the main reason the Deyos are able to go to worlds and steal eyes. But how do they get back to their world? Well, Deyos can also summon a mini version of the portal that's about their size. However, they can also use this ability outside their world. So if they try to do it at their world, it'll just start to spark and zap the Deyo. No cheating you lil fool!
Annd holy shit that's pretty much everything I can say about Deyos. If you have read this far, thank you so much because I took WAYYY to long to write this, so thank you! :D And if you have any questions, please do ask! Cause i'm not the very best at explaining things, hehehe.. Either way, thank you for spending your time on this! :)
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
What is a happy ending?
So someone (looks sternly at @rondoel) thought giving me insight in a certain OC of theirs and making me feel things is an okay thing to do. That I won't proceed to write a heartbreaking epilogue to my two part Virgil king story. This one not as long. But still. Enjoy:
What is a happy ending?
"Why happily ever after?" King wondered aloud as He studied their latest piece of art.
No one had ever answered that question for Him. Not in a meaningful way at least. And it never truly stopped bothering Him.
"Your majesty?" Anxiety asked carefully. Probably not sure if he had been meant to hear. King wasn't so sure Himself.
Oh well. He might as well finish the thought. Something interesting might come from it.
"Happily ever after. It's so... boring. Why does everyone like it so much?" He had wondered so often...
Anxiety shrugged. "Princey loved that crap. He hated it when I called out the flaws, though he could be just as bad with plot holes.
It's not realistic at all and... well boring is one word for it." His tone and face could almost be mistaken for dismissive, but King could swear He spotted fondness in the upturn of Anxiety's mouth and a slight wistfulness in the shine of his eyes.
King however was more interested in this more nuanced perspective on the story trope. Answers at last?
Anxiety noticed his king desired for him to elaborate and immediately started fidgeting as he tried to find the words to express his thoughts sufficiently.
"I suppose... everyone thinks that's what they want?" His nerves turn the sentence into a question. "When they are little it's an easy goal. You find the one who'll make you whole, or defeat the villain, or both. And then nothing ever bothers you again.
It's not how life works though... and growing up... I think everyone still has a part of them that wants to hold on to things being that... simple..." Anxiety trailed off and looked up at king curiously. His face strangely focused as if he was looking for an answer himself.
"Simple?" King urged wanting to hear more. Anxiety was so close to making sense. So close to bringing about that wonderful feeling when curiosity was sated. A story complete at last.
"Um... yeah... I mean even I feel a little... I don’t know... it feels right?
When you do the right thing, even when it's hard and you get the stuff you want anyway. And when people who hurt you don’t win. You want the world to work like that. If not for you then at least for the servant girl, who just wanted a night off, or the waitress who just wanted to buy her father's dream restaurant. Hard work, kindness, patience... they should be rewarded right?" Anxiety explained. Sounding frustrated. "And..." he let out a resigned sigh before straightening up and continued more decidedly. "Since the world doesn't work that way... why not escape somewhere where it does?" It was passionate. Perhaps in defense of Roman's favorite thing in the world. Then that fight and righteous defiance fell away in favor of a nostalgic fondness. "Thomas did it all the time growing up," Anxiety sighed before returning his attention to the painting that had prompted the question. A Father's Day movie night.
Hugs and snacks and movies with happily ever afters galore. All of Morality's favorite things.
King had to admit it had... stung to discover that Morality had taken up the role He'd given him even after he betrayed everything that title stood for.
Had he ever felt even the slightest bit conflicted when hearing Roman calling him 'Padre'?
Or was it supposed to be fine, since he thought Roman was the only half of Him who felt attached to him that way?
Had it truly never occurred to him that while he took in the confused Roman, he left behind a disoriented and heartbroken Remus who didn't understand why daddy was ignoring him.
What had he done wrong?
Why did he never get bedtime stories or hugs from dad? Why was he shoved away, scolded, ignored?
Why was he not allowed to play in the imagination with his brother?
The last thought had plagued both halves for years.
Even Roman who had stopped admitting to it to please Morality felt conflicted during story times and hugs to this day.
Telling Thomas that he didn't want anything to do with his brother had hurt more than the bump on his head...
But all of that was in the past. They were gone and their unresolved issues were a waste of His time. He had berated, tormented, Anxiety over this. He would not fall victim to such sentimentalities Himself.
"I see... escapism then?" He muttered, trying to get back on topic and not to show the... somewhat emotional turn His thoughts had taken.
Like His halves, His 'Padre' was gone. He probably never existed in the first place.
And Morality would pay for that betrayal and the way he abandoned Remus and how he made Roman fight to earn his love, only to abandon him as well. His suffering had only just begun.
Not because it still mattered. But... any excuse to justify and fuel His wrath even a little bit more was good enough for Him.
He'd probably avenge slights against his minister simply to feign kinship and watch the traitors squirm under his rule just a bit more. Not that he needed a reason to do anything. But justified rage was so much more satisfying to set loose. Because the targets would feel, deep down, they brought this upon themselves.
"Yeah... there's enough crappy stuff going on in the world right? Thomas... wants to use his talents to make people smile. And while that's cheesy, it's also... well it's him," Anxiety shrugged. King hummed in agreement as He framed the picture and put it away. He'd barely paid attention honestly. The answer was satisfactory. But there was a new question on His mind. As He mused over His minister's attachments to His enemies and how to sever them He recalled something intriguing about his recent behavior.
Anxiety had been pulling away from Morality. Why? What had caused a crack in 'the bestest most dynamicest duoest duo'?
And was this something he could use to forge an allegiance. Or to hurt Morality as deeply as He'd been hurt. Or, ideally, both?
King smirked to Himself as He laid a gentle hand on Anxiety's shoulder. He asked about a drawing of the young side and Thomas. He was pleased to note that His minister no longer shrank away every time He moved in his general direction. He might not be comfortable with His touch yet, but he was getting used to it. Something that would surely get to the others who still tiptoed around Anxiety's boundaries.
Maybe, at some point, he could be made to truly see things His way. To see the traitors for the villains they were. Just the thought of the chaos that this realization would unleash... It would be magnificent.
Morality had forgotten something important about 'happily ever after's.
Bad guys don’t get them. And the victor is always the hero.
It was only right that King reminded him of the shadow side of his favourite ending.
By making him live it.
Virgil knew that it was a bad thing that he found himself enjoying talking about his memories to the king and watching them turn into pretty cool paintings.
He was Anxiety, this was definitely a crisis. He can't relax now, not around the reason of said crisis... but if he doesn't relax a little his thoughts might do something really bad. And if he doesn't do whatever the king wants, then the king might do something bad.
So he had to balance on this weird edge of anxious, but cool with it.
The others were counting on him. To stay safe, to keep it together, to keep King distracted, to find a way to get him to lay off a little...
"Worthless." And... the thing is back.
"Dude, seriously, not now!" He snapped at his... shadow.
King just looked on intrigued. Great. Now the shadow had King's attention.
"Failure," it hissed. Right... King is not his biggest problem right now.
So far the shadow had only been mildly annoying even quiet for the most part. But clearly anxious thoughts made it remember it could be a pain in the behind. And worst thing is it got to Virgil even more because it laid out his true fears for King to see and use against him.
"You... you are just... you're just a thought. You can't hurt me." Virgil insisted.
Thomas could deal with his irrational fits. Surely he could manage this thing, right?
"Monsssster," the shadow hissed. No he didn't think that anymore!
"Guardian!" Virgil bit back. Patton said so, Logan said so, Roman said so, Thomas said so... why cant he just believe them?
He found himself struggling to breath again. The thoughts... they were real now... what if they could hurt him...? Can he die? What would happen to Thomas?
"Begone!" Virgil snapped out of his near attack at the sudden outburst from King.
He looked up just in time to see a flash of metal and shadow's dissolving figure.
"It'll reform later," King muttered as he sheeted his sword.
"It became too bothersome. You should not let your creations have power over you young one. You are their master, don't forget that," he instructed calmly, not looking at him.
Did he just...?
"Return to your business now, I find that I am in need of a break," he then declared as he walked away, still not looking back.
"But..." he came to a halt. "Should you wish to finish our gallery... I might be willing to indulge your presence later."
Virgil didn't quiet know what to do, so he bowed, just in case the king could see it somehow. "Y-yes my king. Thank you," he stammered hurriedly.
When he looked up, the king was gone.
And Virgil ran. He needed to find Lo and Pat before the shadows returned.
His thoughts were a confused mess... he hadn't imagined that right?
King had really stepped in to save him instead of letting Virgil's punishment, gift, curse, whatever run its course...
And then he left it up to Virgil to decide if and when they'd finish up.
There was probably some messed up reason behind it... but still.
Virgil wasn't stupid though. Even if saving him had been a purely noble impulse, King hadn't undone his 'gift' to make sure it wouldn't happen again. Telling him to put his foot down with 'his own creations' didn't really count.
King still messed up real bad and would have to do something pretty impressive to make up for all of that.
And Virgil was pretty sure that it wasn't just his pessimism talking when he thought that the king was no where close to wanting to make nice with any of them.
Or not for the right reasons anyway.
He shook his head. He can worry about all that later. Right now he has to find the others. Before King runs into one of them.
Virgil's trip down memory lane might've been deemed 'entertaining' or whatever, but he hadn't be around for whatever had happened to make the king be out for blood in the first place.
He didn't want to find out what King's idea of 'having fun' was when it came to Pat, Lo or even Janus. Whatever they did, it was still his duty to protect Thomas. Physically, socially, mentally and emotionally. Whether he wanted him to or not.
And not even King was going to stop him from fulfilling his purpose.
@antiredhuman you wanted to be tagged if I wrote more for this au so here you go! Hope you like it!
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Bring your Daughter to Court Day and Dad Friends
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Summary: Rafael tries to multitask, miscommunicating the date he direly needs a sitter to Lucia, which means Catalina has to accompany him to court last minute. He manages to maintain his serious demeanor as well as he can, rewarding the well behaved little one with ice cream and a trip to the park. Suddenly, Rafael realizes he doesn’t have dad friends, and the opportunity arises to gain one. 
Pairings: Rafael Barba x OC
First Part - Second Part -Third Part - Fourth Part - Fifth Part - Sixth Part
A/N: This installation also partially based off of @teamsladsandgents​ ask a couple weeks ago that Down A Sitter was based on.
How had his mother forgotten she was supposed to babysit? Apparently, it was because Rafael Barba sent March 18 instead of 8, probably while he was making Catalina’s lunch and thinking that was the time for an email. Now, his mother was in Florida with Enrique, and he was without a sitter because Rebecca, Al, and Rodney were on the trip together. He could probably take her to Olivia’s, have Lucy watch her, but there wasn’t time to do that and make it to the courthouse. Lucia lived too far away. That left him with one option, and it was one he wasn’t sure he liked.
It was another defense case, a pillar of the community who killed his daughter’s abuser. It was all heat of the moment; the bastard had shown up on his step looking for Brendon’s daughter, the one he’d raped and left nearly dead. The other women? The ones he hadn’t dated? They hadn’t been lucky enough for the nearly. In minutes, he’d shot him, calling the police on himself. Olivia had convinced him to take it. And now it looked like he’d have company.
“Mija, how good can you be if papi brings you to work?” Her eyes lit up as she looked up at him.
“I can be so good, papi! I’ll help.”
“I’d just need you to be very, very quiet. That’ll be the best.”
“But I want to help.”
“You have to protect papi’s briefcase,” he fibbed, thankful selective defense work meant he just needed the file within it.
“I can,” she nodded seriously. He fastened her into her car seat, kissing her forehead and getting to the courthouse. He was grateful he could transition the necessities to a less full suitcase, leaving behind spare pens and pads of paper and only taking the file, a couple of pens, snacks, a bottle, the ipad, and her coloring book and box of crayons. Consolidating made him feel less messy. Most people at the courthouse didn’t know the dad side of him, and even as he relaxed, he hadn’t quite shaken the reputation he earned as a prosecutor. Now, he was clad in one of his dark three piece suits with a bright tie and suspenders, just like everyone was used to, the same briefcase in his hand. What they weren’t used to was the little girl with his eyes settled on his hip, clad in bright pink leggings and a white sweater with her arms wrapped tight around her father’s shoulders.
“Can I help you with something?” he asked, brow raised as he shifted Catalina to walk through the metal detector. Her blanket was clutched in her hand from the car still, and she held it from the floor, carefully walking through.
“Cute kid,” the guard asked. This was one who’d been here forever, and he seemed surprised. 
“Thank you.” He picked Catalina up again, briefcase by his side. He’d developed more muscle definition in his arms than he’d ever had since Rebecca went back to work. Catalina refused to walk, and he enjoyed fatherhood too much to make her. 
“If you’re good until we leave, we’ll get the biggest sundae you’ve ever had, mija,” he reminded her during an empty stretch of hallway. Catalina nodded seriously up at him, and he smiled more fondly than he intended, nodding to his client. He’d sent a text of warning, but the older man just gave him a grin.
“Taylor was a daddy’s girl too. Thank you, Mr. Barba. I know you could have tried to continue this.”
“I don’t want to draw this out for you anymore, I assure you. If it means unorthodox company, so be it. We may be waiting for a while.” 
He settled the coloring book on his briefcase, and Catalina sat on the bench beside it, using it like a makeshift desk. He entrusted Brandon to watch her while he stepped to the clerk.
“How long is the wait running for The People vs Aerie?” he asked, and he remembered why he didn’t like this one.
“Who’s the cutie?” she asked, popping her gum as she slowly looked at the docket.
“I asked a question,” he said impatiently. He didn’t want this day to be about his child. He wasn’t even sure he liked sharing her with work. The divide, save the friendships he’d made, was too deep. Fin, Amanda, Liv, and Carisi were one thing. Everyone else? He was fine without them. 
“Geeze, I’m just wondering if she’s your niece or somethin’. It’s hot seeing a man with a kid.”
“She’s my daughter. Her mother is out of town and there was miscommunication with the sitter.”
“I didn’t know you were married, counsellor.”
“Please just give me an estimate.”
“Couple hours. I’ll bump you as far up as I can.”
“Thank you.”
He turned to see Catalina chatting happily to Brandon, and he thought it might be a blessing she was here. Brandon hadn’t been handling things well. Sure, he was handling things better than Rafael had; he let his wife and daughter be there for him. But he was also treating himself as less worthy now, grappling with the reality that he’d ended a life even if he didn’t regret doing it. He’d confided in Rafael as they prepped that he worried he was never going to be good again. That’s when Rafael did something that confirmed the change in him: he was vulnerable with him. They talked about something not many people had in common. Ending a life changes you, and though they did it for different reasons, both felt they’d done what they needed. 
“She’s smart as hell,” Brandon chuckled, watching Catalina color. “And looks exactly like you.”
“I’m very fortunate. Her, not so much,” he joked, hand resting on her back as he sat back down so she was between the pair of them. 
“Cute co-counsel,” Carisi said, stopping by. 
“Mr. Sonny!” Catalina grinned, and Rafael almost grinned. Carisi, while Rafael would always give him hell, attended their church, was overall a good guy and attorney, and had become one of Catalina’s chosen few during playdates with Jessie and Billie Rollins. He’d even been babysitter one Saturday night to give Rebecca and Rafael a night off, so he was developing soft spot for the young ADA. 
“Cat!” he grinned, leaning down and hugging her. Catalina didn’t let go, and Sonny put his briefcase down to hold her for a minute. “What are you doing here?”
“Protecting papi’s briefcase!” Catalina spoke well for her age, but he was going to miss the staccato of her toddler chatter. Carisi and the abuelitas and the squad could all understand her easily. They all had enough experience with kids. There had always been a delay between her words and his replies at first. Words would break up or run together, and he’d have to process things. Now it didn’t matter how she strung the noises together; he got it as easily as Rebecca.
“Wow, big responsibilities, kiddo. I gotta go to court. I’ll see you soon, okay?” he grinned, ruffling Catalina’s hair before she climbed back to the bench and leaned against Rafael. He was proud that his daughter hurried to his side when she wanted protection from the strange place and people around them. It made him feel like he was doing something right. The clerk, as annoying as she was, did get them moved up, and Rafael carried Catalina in, setting her on the bench directly behind his seat. After a few moments, she got nervous, standing and leaning against the bannister as everyone got settled. Rafael quietly urged her to sit as everyone settled in, looking over the file before him. She didn’t, looking around at the busy courtroom, and he set his mouth in a line, picking her up and fighting the urge to smile as her arms wrapped around his shoulders and her head came to rest on his shoulder.
“Do you need a continuance, Mr. Barba?” the judge asked. He’d been in front of this judge before. Last time, it was as a prosecutor in the Martha Hobbs case. He supposed that was why there was a tone of amusement in his voice. There goes whatever reputation he had left, but it didn’t bother him like he expected. 
“Not at all,” he said breezily. Suddenly, he realized he’d perfected that parental stance. The one where fingers laced around the toddler on his hip, but he could still take back a hand to turn pages and write notes. He’d always thought it was some kind of magic when Liv did it with Noah. “Shall we move ahead with Mr. Aerie’s arraignment?”
“Of course. Nothing unusual here.” Rafael fought the urge to roll his eyes, cutting his eyes to the ADA for this case covering a laugh. He was just glad it wasn’t Carisi this time.
“He’s weird,” Catalina whispered, well aware of how to keep her voice quiet enough only her father could hear her. He squeezed her gently, the corner of his mouth tugging up. Soon enough, Brandon was being escorted to pay bail, and Catalina had commented on the whole affair. She’d done much better than he’d expected, so he knew he’d be taking her for ice cream. His biggest worry had been the courtroom with it’s crowded benches, but she’d settled in just fine on his hip. 
It was still strange to him the way he could be a source of comfort for her, and he felt the weight of responsibility in the best way. She trusted him implicitly, looked for him when she needed comfort. Sure, she’d leave his side for a friend, but she’d always want to come back and climb onto his lap. It struck him again how unimaginable his father’s behavior was. In fact, he’d thought about it a lot as he took care of Catalina, especially the past few days with Rebecca gone. His first instinct with her was never anger. Occasional frustration with a tantrum, but she was learning to understand the world and needed him to make some part of it safe and consistent, not scary and volatile.
“Bye Mr. Aerie,” she said softly as they parted ways, Brandon’s wife ecstatic to get him home. Taylor was still in the hospital, and they’d be spending the night by her side. This case made him wish he could keep Catalina with him forever, safe from the kind of people he’d seen in his tenure at SVU. She wrapped around his knees on the steps of the courthouse as he answered questions. Media moved on, and they didn’t want to examine him anymore. They just wanted the statement and to follow Brandon into the waiting car. He would’ve held his daughter close, but he didn’t want her face plastered on the news. Rafael didn’t leave the Aeries until the SUV’s door closed, Catalina’s hand held in his. Once they were gone, he scooped her up and started towards the ice cream parlor he knew was only a couple of blocks away.
“You were very good today, mija,” he smiled gently, kissing the top of her head. “I think we ought to go for a walk and get you some ice cream.”
“Really?” she asked, and her smile was wide enough he could not say no if he wanted.
“Really,” he nodded, laughing as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Gracias, papi!”
A long time ago, he would have tried to maintain the composure and seriousness from inside the courthouse until he was far from where anyone could see him this relaxed. Now he was adjusting his briefcase, as his daughter told him all about what she wanted on her ice cream. She wouldn’t take a nap that afternoon after the amount of sugar he was about to give her, but he had a feeling the grin he’d get, her face covered in melted chocolate and ice cream, would be worth it.
“Ms. Olivia!” Catalina’s voice made him follow her gaze, seeing Liv making her way to the courthouse. 
“So that’s how you got Brandon moved up the docket.”
“I added a one to the date when I texted mami to babysit while Becs is gone,” he said, mouth set in a line again. He didn’t like the fact this story was both unavoidable and going to be told forever.
“So Cat got to come to court?”
“Al and Rodney are with Becs. Mami is in Florida.”
“I was so good,” Catalina said proudly. “And Mr. Brandon got bailed.”
“Recognizance didn’t work?” she asked.
“He has the means to flee. But the bail is minimal. We’re going to get ice cream.”
“Because I was so good,” Catalina added, face serious as she nodded.
“You were, mija. Say bye to Oliva.” 
Soon, they were sitting at a table in the ice cream shop, and there was far more ice cream in front of Catalina than Rebecca would ever approve of. He’d originally said one scoop, any toppings, but then she asked with wide eyes if she could get three flavors. Normally, he’d try to say no, but not today. She’d been good at the courthouse, plus he was the one she inherited her sweet tooth from. They’d gotten four scoops and every topping she wanted with an agreement she’d share with papi. He’d almost teared up when she said I always share with papi. Almost. But now he was taking a picture of them together, trying to decide how much he hated that he took selfies now. But, he only took selfies like this, of him sitting in a low booth with Catalina beside him and the massive sundae between them. Surely, that didn’t count? He sent it to Rebecca anyway.
Guess who was an angel in court. We miss you, mami.
Certainly not the hot one. Proud of her. I miss you both terribly.
What time do you get home tonight?
Eleven. The boys are dropping me off. And I’m guessing that sugar means you’ll both be up.
I’ll be up either way. Te amo, hermosa. I hope the trip has been good to you.
I love you, handsome. It has been, but I miss my family.
“Should we video call mami when we get home?” he asked when sticky hands had been cleaned as they walked back to the car. He saw familiar faces passing them by, giving nods as they approached the courthouse they’d parked near. 
“Yeah!” she nodded eagerly, and Rafael could see the energy hitting her. 
“Or maybe we call her from the park? Then you can play! Run around and swing and slide.” He was humming each activity, pressing kisses to the top of her head. He hadn’t taken her to Central Park yet, and he’d been to the Billy Johnson Playground on the east side with Olivia and Noah when she’d needed a friend. It looked like an old part of the nature around it, making him think of the stories Catalina was so fond of. She liked gnomes and cottages in the woods lately, and the little park fit right in. Plus, the focus was more on what she could run on and climb, but still with the swing he could push her on when she got tired. When she did get tired, he could rest with her at the little gazebo and feel secluded and out of the city.
Maybe they needed a vacation.
“Yes!” she giggled, hugging his neck. He smiled, stopping at the car to order an Uber. To and from court was all the driving he intended to do. He traded his briefcase for the diaper bag, leaving his vest and blazer now that the day had warmed up and tucked one of the blankets Rebecca insisted was in case of emergency in the diaper bag. 
“We’re going to a really special park.”
“Why’s it special?”
“You know the pretty one the zoo is at?”
“Papi knows a cool playground there. It looks like gnomes live there.”
“That is cool,” she said, her excitement apparent. He loaded them into the car, ever grateful to not have to drive, and tipped generously when the driver was kind enough to drop them off away from the zoo. As soon as they were in the park, Catalina wanted down, her hand in his as they walked along the path.  When they got to the little gazebo, he stopped, and Catalina looked up at him quizzically.
“Want to call mami from here?” She lit up, pulling herself to stand on the bench he sat on. Rebecca was packing up, he knew, so he wasn’t surprised when she answered quickly, blowing her hair from her face. When she fully registered it was them, she grinned. 
Rebecca was relieved to see the day really must be going well. Catalina was giddy, blue from what Rebecca guessed was cotton candy ice cream staining the cuff of her sweater as she pushed her hair back. Rafael was smiling, the one that showed his teeth and crinkled his eyes. They still hadn’t been home, but the image of Rafael in the dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his tie and suspenders featuring the same shade of pink as their daughters pants was perfection. She wasn’t sure he realized how often he did it, but she didn’t want him to stop matching their daughter so she’d never tell. 
“You guys seem like you’re having fun! Maybe it’s good papi can’t type.” This time Rafael laughed because he was kind of thankful for his snafu. This weekend was only his third or fourth time out and about with Catalina for more than a trip to the park or run to the grocery store. This weekend, they’d gone to a museum and church on their own, and now they were having another daddy daughter day. He liked it. 
“Papi and I had...lunch....that wasn’t ice cream. And now we’re at a special playground!”
“The Billy Johnson Playground at Central Park. I’ll take pictures for you, mami.”
“You two will have fun. You’ll have to show it to me one day.”
“Secret park!” Catalina said seriously and his smile grew broader, arm around her middle. 
“Maybe we can show mami this part before?”
“Deal.” They said their goodbyes soon enough, Rebecca heading to the airport. He watched as Catalina walked just a couple of steps ahead, looking back over her shoulder to be sure he was there. Her eyes lit up when she saw the park, and Rafael was glad to see there were other kids her age there. They hadn’t quite found her a group of friends her own age; Fin’s grandson, Jaden, was one of only a couple, and Rafael didn’t know the other two well. He stayed close to her as she hurried to the climbing set, taking pictures and sending them on to Rebecca. Mostly, moms and nannies were there, and he felt slightly out of place. When he was in groups of parents, he always found himself wondering who knew. Shifting awkwardly, he nodded towards them and went back to watching his daughter with a fond smile.
She’d found two sisters, one her age and one who looked to be about five. The older girl was helping the younger two navigate the playset, leading them to slides and climbing nets easily. Each time Catalina looked unsteady on her feet, which was often given her age, he wanted to scoop her up, but apparently it was important to let her take a tumble or two. Rafael didn’t like that idea or the fact that they had to keep bandages in the diaper bag. Luckily, the time she did fall, landing on her rear with her legs out, the older of her new friends laughed and helped her up. 
“I’m guessing white sweater is yours?” a man asked, and he chuckled. 
“Her new friends are mine. Flower pants and leopard dress.”
“They made friends fast.”
“Is she into princesses and fairy tales?”
“Yeah. Especially gnomes right now?”
“Sarah is my eldest. She’s obsessed with Fairies.”
“Makes sense. Catalina like fairies too.”
“She and Megan look the same age?”
“Two and a half?”
“Right on,” he chuckled. “I’m Hank.”
“Rafael. I think we’re the only dads here today.”
“Yeah. It’s normally just me during the day when we’re here. I’m a writer, so I can stay home while my wife’s at work. You’re all dressed up though. I’m guessing this isn’t your normal day?”
“I’m an attorney, but I work from home.”
“How does that work?” 
“I work with the Innocence Project. Meetings with defendants are Mondays. I can do the paperwork and brief writing from home. Then court when needed. I take defense work on occasion, like today. Sitter fell through so Cat had to come. My girlfriend is a teacher, and she snuck off with her friends for a long weekend.”
“My wife’s a school librarian. We picked those educators, huh?”
“Apparently.” It felt so normal to be talking to him, and Rafael thought to himself maybe he could have a dad friend now. His friends from Harvard and the DA’s office and SVU had kids, but they’d always have been work colleagues first. There was no erasing what they’d seen together, the tension over cases, the Householder case. Hank seemed nice enough, and they had similar lives. At least they could team up on park trips since it turned out their usual stomping grounds overlapped. 
God, Hank looked like a writer though. He had on a thick flannel over a t-shirt, and tattoos peaked out of the rolled up sleeves. Slim fit jeans and black sneakers, the cool kind not the functional kind, just rounded it out. He was tall and lanky and younger than him, and Rafael suddenly felt he could be Catalina, Megan and Sarah’s grandfather. Hell, he technically could. Still, he was new to this, and he supposed most men in their fifties weren’t settling down with a partner for the first time and raising their first child. Besides, Hank was probably still a little older than Rebecca.
“Megan scraped her knee,” Sarah said, running over to the two men, followed by Catalina holding the hand of teary Megan. 
“Dad, that’s a bad word.”
“Shoot,” Hank corrected. “I forgot the bag.”
“I’ve got bandages. Princess ones,” Rafael said, digging the box from the diaper bag. “There’s neosporin in there too.”
Catalina climbed on Rafael’s lap, and he could tell by how she laid back against him that he had succeeded; she was tired out. Rafael didn’t want to go yet, able to hear Hank saying they’d head home once Megan was patched up. Was making friends as an adult always so much like asking for a girl’s number was when he was younger? He hadn’t been a dad for long, only a few months. Maybe having someone other than Rebecca he could call during tantrums and long days would be good?
“Hey, before everyone heads out, maybe we can all meet at the park again sometime? The girls seemed to really get along.”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Hank said, digging out his phone and handing it to Rafael. “Put your number in. I haven’t made many dad friends who aren’t also writers or don’t have traditional office jobs. We’re both basically house husbands.”
“Yeah. And it’s hard.”
“Easier than it was two years ago though, right? Five’s even easier.”
“I actually only found out I was a dad in December. It’s a long story. But it’s easier now than in January.”
“We’ll delve into that at the park later this week?”
“Perfect. Do you take insurance?”
“As long as you’ve hit your deductible. Send me the pictures of the girls, okay?”
“Will do,” he nodded as they walked towards the sidewalk. He’d ordered an Uber to take he and Catalina back to his car. Soon enough, he was cooking her dinner, watching her dance around the kitchen to the soft jazz he was playing, and Rafael was grateful for the break from Disney. Not having Rebecca’s return each evening made him appreciate even more how much she’d had to do to keep their daughter happy and healthy and safe for the last two years. He needed the time he’d had to heal, but he often wished he could go back and be here to help sooner. It was his own fault. Instead of pressing the guilt down like he used to, he let himself acknowledge it, tucking it to the side instead as he settled a bowl of macaroni in front of Catalina. Once she was tucked in, he put his feet on the coffee table, working on his laptop and only pausing to send Hank the pictures he’d snapped of the girls playing. He heard Rebecca at the door at eleven, just like she’d estimated, and he hurried to meet her. 
“Heya, handsome,” she grinned, and Rafael could feel the stupid grin split his face.
“Welcome home, hermosa,” he beamed, pulling her in and kissing her deeply. 
“Missed me?” she teased as she smoothed his hair.
“Terribly,” he nodded. “I’ve been spoiled to see you every day.”
“It seems like you and Cat had a good time though?”
“Yeah. We went to the Children’s Museum Saturday. Then Sunday was mass and lazy movies. Today was hectic, but good.”
“Yeah? You two seemed happy at the park. And ice cream for lunch.”
“We had a lot of fun at the park. She made friends with two girls, Sarah and Megan. They have a playdate Thursday.”
“Oh yeah?” she chuckled. “You finally click with the playground moms?”
“Hank. He’s a writer, and his wife is a school librarian. His girls are two and five. He’s home with them most of the time.” Rebecca couldn’t help but grin at how he tried to pretend it was just convenient. 
“That’s cool. I bet it could be nice talking to non-police or court affiliated people, hm? Maybe you two could grab a beer sometime.”
“We’ll see. He’s surprisingly nice to talk to. Sarah and Megan have the same tantrums.”
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wexhappyxfew · 4 years
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The Nightingales of Fortune Favors the Brave
A Band of Brothers Fanfic Coming Fall 2021 (or presumably whenever Landslide finishes up!) 
HELLO!! If you’re reading this, then as you can see, I’ve finally created a master post with all my Nightingales (well, not really mine THE PUBLIC’S but you’ve all gifted them to me ever so graciously, and it honestly, it means the world to me). Just to see the excitement and reception I’ve gotten from so many people in the fandom involving a female group of Pathfinders - an area of war, I have wanted to cover ever since nearly over 2 years ago I got involved in the fandom. All OC’s will have their creators name listed beside them - I did not create any of these OC’s, all credit goes to the lovely people who crafted and gifted them to me for FFTB!
Viewing where I currently am in my life, I’m going to going to college this year! I got accepted into the school I wanted, the program I wanted, even a scholarship! And I’m beyond excited. I really wanted to have something there for me when college does finally, you know, HAPPEN, and so Fortune Favors the Brave was the only way to go! To have a wonderful group of Nightingales, of female Pathfinders in the Band of Brothers fandom, seemed to be the way to go. Updates and such will definitely be different - I’m picking up more work hours this year, probably even summer classes, night classes, weekend classes - whatever I can do to benefit my degree and myself, I’m taking the opportunity. 
And so, updates will presumably be quite different, depending on a variety of things, but...this will be my college story! No matter how many years it takes to complete and update and write, this will be the thing I have with me through it all for when I need a mental break from school! And I am beyond excited for when I do finally get to share this story more than anything! 
We have such a great group of OCs here - different backgrounds, different reasons for joining, different creators who gifted them to me, different friendships, relationships and abundances of sisterhood and brotherhood moments. I’m truly beyond excited to showcase the Pathfinders side of the war in the light of 16 female OCs, whose stories will be told through their viewpoints based on different episodes whether whole or split! 
So thank you ALL!! These past 2 years have been a joy in the fandom and let’s hope for another few more! I’ve managed 3 fics and 4 books total and I’m excited to bring, presumably, my FINAL Band of Brothers fic in the fandom to you all in the near future. Thank you!! <3
Team C DZ C for 506th PIR, 501st PIR 
-> 2/506 PIR (Stick 2/Plane #4) 
Team Leader 
Captain Eleanor Graham - @basilone
Eleanor Graham had never met a challenge she couldn’t conquer - the eldest of four and a farmer’s daughter, teamwork and diligence were drilled into her mind like clockwork, along with being as much of a leader in the eyes of her family as she could. There was more to life than a farmer’s wife for her future though, no matter how much she adored the farm her family had grown to craft from the ground up. Iowa brought no opportunity except the farm life deemed fit for her, so upon seeing the advertisement “ It’s Your Fight Too “, OCS had never seemed like a better choice in her eyes. Because it was all their fights - man, woman, child, anyone - it was a World War, a fight for all their lives, for human lives. And with the capability to obtain Captain just before leaving for Camp Toccoa, it solidified her position for not only leading in Easy Company, but leading the Nightinagles - the first stick of female Pathfinders.
Assistant Team Leader
Lieutenant Florence Godfrey - @pxpeyewynn
A British lady and an artist at heart, from the little town of Avebury, set inside Wiltshire of Great Britain, her father made it big in New York just as the war that swarmed throughout Europe, erupted into spitfire. And suddenly thrust into the world of an America before war, was unsettling. Her country fought while America remained neutral. Yet, when the advertisement flooded throughout New York City - she couldn’t help but take it as her only way to get into war. OCS was beyond enough challenges, but walking in as a Lieutenant for Easy and for the Pathfinders, she was no longer the little girl who prayed at night to whomever was above to end the people’s suffering, or avoided interaction to instead draw in her notebook. She was a Lieutenant, and she was a woman at war - yet what was she even fighting for? 
Eureka Operators (each equipped with a Eureka Transponder each)
Sergeant (NCO) Marie Reynal - @thoughpoppiesblow
Grandmère Reynal always held her at night, under the dark night sky and sang in her soulful Cajun French, the words flowing from her lips and remaining an ever-present comfort in times where food was hardly ever on the table, or when she had to watch the other girls at school get the latest Mary-Janes and she was stuck with her old ones. Her grandmère taught her to appreciate the small things in life. But when the “It’s Your Fight Too” poster came out in the papers, Marie Reynal knew there were larger things in life than the newest Mary-Janes at school. Packing up what she could, Marie headed out to Camp Toccoa, equipped with nothing but some clothes and her fiddle. 
Corporal Edith Lockner - @mercurygray
Remember to look up - her mother would always tell her that. Especially when things on their little farm got hard in Stanford, Illinois where the only thing that occurred there was the wagering price of corn that fluctuated with the ever-changing times. So...she figured that’s why she always tended to look to the stars when her mother would tell her that before bed each night, looking out the wooden window under her quilt as a cold draft blew in. She always imagined herself up there, amongst the stars and for once seeing what the stars saw. But to be up with those stars and to get to study them, she’d need a lot more money than what ever amount the corn tended to bring in. And the Airborne with a fantastic pay grade, along with the Pathfinders and their earnings -- it seemed her ticket out. Maybe there won’t be stars - but anything’s got to be better than here. 
Corporal Chiyoko ‘Luna’ Omori - @papersergeant-pencilsoldier
Know your place. Eyes down, mouth shut. And most importantly, honor your family. Chiyoko Omori has never been one to step out of line, nor has she been one to speak when otherwise not spoken too. Trained in the art of kendo, the Japanese martial arts that her ancestors trained in, she leads with discipline and integrity amongst the group of Nightingales training as Pathfinders, as the solo wireman of the group. Her intelligence, more than once, has saved her and in war might just save her again and again. Her father’s garage had always been home to a multitude of repairs and many she had learned to do herself. But there she had been Chiyoko. But for war, she must forget who Chiyoko is and embody the only other name besides her family name that she will ever know - Luna. 
Lightmen (each equipped with 2 Halophane Lamps each) 
Staff-Sergeant (Senior NonCom) Sarah Prowse - @junojelli
For once in her life Sarah Prowse would not have her twin brother by her side. He hadn’t been by her side for years after he went back home to fight with the English and lost his life at Dunkirk. But this was real, this was happening - and the Pathfinders withheld the opportunity to prove to herself that Edmund had died with valor and courage. And he would not have died in vain. The nannies had always said they were inseparable but they weren’t those kids anymore. This was real life. And in real life, there was love and loss and pain. And sometimes the only way to get through it all was to do the thing to distract you most from it all. Some days she wished her family could’ve just stayed in England - maybe Mum would still be here. With her sharp mind, and the ability to read people like an open book, rising to the rank Staff-Sergeant had come easily - reading the field and reading people were pretty similar...right? 
Corporal Jean Dawson - @tvserie-s-world
Life in Louisville, Kentucky had always been a sort of cozy-comfort that Jean Doxon had always enjoyed. The weekend fairgrounds filled to the brim with people enjoying the night life it offered, early summers filled with watching her father race horses around the tracks sprinkled throughout the town and nights by her boyfriend, Glenn Hartley, where the sky seemed to stretch forever into the night. That is before the war sent him away to the Pacific. And their only form of communication was reduced to letters, with pressed flowers and the hint of rose perfume. Jean refused to mope about, when she knew this war was hardly far from over. Quick-thinking on her feet, and a town champion for knot-tying in her days in elementary, she packed what she could and left for Georgia the second she was able to take the first train out. The Airborne had much to offer, but more importantly so did the Pathfinders. 
Corporal Mercy Codonoa - @whoahersheybars
Mercy Codona always been a traveler, never staying in one place and always on the move to somewhere new that she might've never quite been before. This meant new neighbors, new friends and a new way of life. Something the United States readily offered. Each new town in a new state had a different way of life than the next. She figured that's why she was so quick to adapt to her surroundings - nothing was ever permanent, nor set in stone. Neither was family. Orphaned by 17 and left to fend for herself, left in the care of her mother's estranged sister, Mercy took the liberty by herself to do what she could to support herself. Taking up odd jobs in each town she traveled to and managing what she could to feed herself. But she was proud of her Romani-Croat heritage and what her ancestors had done in their past lives. She intended on continuing what their stories had not finished. If only she could continue to support herself. It was only when the "It's Your Fight Too" showed up newly on the Fort Wayne clipboard by the post office in April 1942 and then and there in that moment did she decided - with the extra money the Airborne offered, along with that of the Pathfinders, she'd be able to support herself in the future as well as possibly find people with the same dreams as herself for their futures, and for once finally belong.
Private Kennedy Rutlidge - MINE
Kennedy Docherty had always had quite a wild and exciting mind, always having a new idea, or a new method on selling the most recent paper that got her a few cents an hour. All through her schooling years and even up to her senior year, she took to the busiest corner on Lake Ave and Lyell Ave, calling out to sell her papers, before heading home for the night and running her normal routine the very next day. She spent summers at Lake Ontario, in her grandmother's home on the lake, where some of her fondest memories of her youth had been born. She always believed that's why she was always fascinated with flying, like one of the birds or hawks that flew out across the lake in the early morning. What she'd give to get that feeling just once in her life, away from school and away from the constant need to make as much money as she could to help with the family. The words "It's Your Fight Too" scrawled across the paper in early April had caught her eye within a second and left her running home just that night to break the news that she was signing up. And almost a week later, she found herself packed on a train towards Camp Toccoa, Georgia, bright eyes and the last bit of innocence fading from sight.
Security Personnel  
Sergeant (NCO) Alexandra Calypso - @iilovemusic12us
A Boston girl who grew up with her proud Jewish faith, with a Greek mother, knew hard work and sometimes it was pushing yourself to the very limit beyond what the human body could handle sometimes. So that meant falling, scrapping your knee a few times, sucking up the tears, sending a quick prayer to God and moving on with your life. Life had always been like that - they weren’t the richest, nor the poorest, but there wasn’t ever enough food on the table or enough money to fix the roof, or even to keep the mortgage paid. But her parents never stopped working. And she supposed what drove her to the Airborne and to the Pathfinders was seeing how hard they worked. And they paid well she had heard. She could work with it. And if anything, the Pathfinders were more accepting than any school in Boston she’d been to. 
Sergeant Nellie Shaw - @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant
Hailing from a small, coastal town in Maine, the proud Scot wanted more than anything to stay out of war when it finally came knocking on America’s doorstep. But Nellie Shaw, loyal as saint, knew that there was one thing she could do for this country and that was fight. Give her a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of gin, and she’d go in swinging for the war effort, even with her grumpy morning attitude that slowly became infamous in her elementary school days among the school children. She had no purpose on a farm on a mountain side anymore, rather destined to do what part of the fight she could. Taking Greer Riddell under her wing, the fellow Scot befriended the least likely person to enjoy her company and yet Nellie’s easy-going companionship slowly became integral to the entirety of Easy Company and the Nightingales. 
Private Greer Riddell - @leighinthesky
Schruz, Nevada was home for 21 years and by the looks of it, home for the rest of her life. A bee farm in a tiny town wasn’t idle for the rest of her life, but if she never got the money for college to get out of the small town, she feared she wouldn’t ever leave. And knowing the military had offered 16 women a stick of a plane to get their shot at becoming Pathfinders for the Army was her ticket straight to Toccoa, Georgia for training. The pay could send her not only to college, but could get her out of that tiny town which had confined her to nothing but her family and a cute little bee farm where hard work always paid off. Don’t be fooled by her subdue and withdrawn nature, the second her hands touched the rifle - the field was hers and yet so was the valley.
Codebreaker [Betchley Park Member]
Sergeant Laverne Robinson - @vintagelavenderskies
For her 23 years of life, Laverne Robinson had known just about every spot in London where you could catch a smoke break and not get caught by one of the older women and get scolded for doing so. She blamed her older brother, he blamed her. It was a mutual thing. But that had been the only thing to fear in London - until war struck, which sent every eligible man off to fight for the effort. Her brother included, leaving her staring out the rain speckled window all alone as the smell of her mother's soup wafted past her nose. Yet, like many women of the time, she wanted to fight too. Fluent in French and German and skilled in mathematics and code-work, Bletchley Park seemed the best fit. Working on codes, both sculpting and breaking them inside the building, keeping her lips shut and going on about her normal day when not inside the institution, life didn't seem as dreary as she had anticipated. Because she knew she was apart of the effort to end this war. That was until, she was called upon in late March 1944 to join up with the 101st Airborne with the first female stick of 12 pathfinders to make the jump into Normandy and assist them in anyway possible. Laverne knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and if her brother were there, he would've told her to run with it. Becoming a professor of mathematics would have to wait.
Corporal Alessandra Lisi - @tvserie-s-world
Alessandra Lisi had never known her parents. She was always told that sickness had taken them when she was just a child. Her brothers had been older than her and had tried to protect her from the sight of her parents dying. And so when their Nonna had taken them into her home without hesitation, Alessandra grew to look to her Nonna as the other parental figure she’d ever had. Of course, her brothers were always there for her, protective as they were, they never let her get into any sort of trouble without hearing about it first. Alessandra grew to adore her Italian heritage, cooking with Nonna on Sunday’s, inviting family over to enjoy the meals and even getting to stir the sauce as Nonna dropped in fresh, cut tomatoes. That was life and it had always been life as such. But when war sent her 3 brothers away, she knew she would not go down without a fight either. Upon receiving the paper in November 1943, she noticed the cover page withheld the picture of 12 women, adorned in jump wings as well as military grade goggles and scarves standing with wide smiles and bright eyes in front of a C-47, the title 'The Nightingales', lying just underneath. Female Pathfinders. If her parents were here, they would've been telling her what Nonna would've been telling her now. Fight for what you believe in, because while there's life, there's hope.
Private First Class Bettie Smith - @sgtxliptons86
Brooklyn, New York had it all - the kids in the streets, the shops on the corners where you could get a piece of candy for as little as 5 cents, even the corner stores in the summer where you could get ice cream for a dime. And as Bettie Smith grew older, running the streets of Brooklyn became like a weekend job - checking in on the younger kids of friends, riding bikes past the floral shops and picking up flowers for her sister, getting a bag of charcoal for her father. Even throwing some curses towards the boys who would heckle her for the way she wore her hair or the old shoes laced on her feet. Her older sister wasn’t too pleased with it all, but ever since Ma had passed, she seemed to let it slide - it was an escape for Bettie. So when war came knocking on the Smith’s door, anger, yet pride for their country filled the home, as well as the streets of New York, as more men and women began signing up for the cause. More friends left to join the effort, leaving Bettie there on the concrete doorstep. So when Bettie received the daily paper in November 1943, showcasing the 12 female pathfinders of the 101st Airborne, front and center for all to see, Bettie took it in quite large strides and took the first train of December 1943 to Fort Benning, Georgia.
Private Annie Laine - @wereinadell
Annie Laine, the daughter of Finnish immigrants, had always dreamed of leaving the quiet countryside her parents had always preferred for their family for the big cities of the Midwest - maybe she’d go to Chicago and study theater, or maybe she’d go and finally attend college in Milwaukee. Anything to get out of the small town she currently resided in. But the countryside had brought alone its perks - orienteering and hunting were big in the Laine family and every child, her 3 brothers, her and her sister, had all been taught the noble art. Swimming the streams, fishing in the lakes, taking hikes through the forests and coming back with a deer for dinner - life had always been quite peaceful Annie felt. But she could always hope that one day it changed. And it seemed war rung those bells quite early on. Annie was tired of structured life and if anything, she knew that the start of structured life in the military would fall quite nearly to shambles once they hit war. The November 1943 issue of the daily newspaper brought upon not only sudden interest in the military, but in that of the female pathfinders who were paving their way in all of military history to be the first stick to jump into continental occupied-Europe. All it took was what cash she had saved for college and a small suitcase to get her on the way to Fort Benning, Georgia.
Private Marla Hughes - @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant
Lafayette, Louisiana had been home all her life - Baton Rouge just to the East and New Orleans just a little further. It had always been home for as long as she could remember. With the fancy parties her father always allotted for the family to attend, talking with the men in pristine suits, or the women with the big hats, some days Marla Hughes just wished to be able to go outside and enjoy nature instead of suffocating amongst the people who seemed to live in a world that didn’t even seem like real life. She supposed that was when she had hit her breaking point and joined the Airborne in Fort Benning, Georgia. She was tired of the life that did absolutely nothing for her. There was more to this world, so much more and yet she was confined to a party dress and an expensive glass of wine that tasted bitter when it rushed down the throat. There were small bars, where the music played, and you could dance until your feet grew tired, there were beer bottles awaiting to be clinked together with friends and there were people beside the stuck-up society she was forced into. The Airborne accepted anyone far and wide - and maybe she could strip of the posh life given to her and finally be set free.
> if you have any questions, feel free to send them in! if not, it’s all good! these are our 16 nightingales! :) thank you to all of you who sent them in back in early December! It’s been an honor to craft these wonderful OC’s!
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sintheyokai · 3 years
Meeee, writing something for Obey Me? Shocking yes but an idea popped in my head regarding my OC, Arabella Roun, and I simply had to write it because it's the first time I've ever had a full script in my head (again shocking, especially from a writers point of view). I value your time, so this story will be in two parts, the first of which will be under the cut:
[Part 2]
No Father of Mine (Part 1)
**for additional information, Arabella is originally French living with her found family in Mexico and she's multilingual. Translated French will be italicized and translated Spanish will be bolded, unless presumed otherwise. This is pre-Belphrelease.
Arabella is many things- an assassin, an actress, a spy, all of which require a mask she's worn since childhood. All of which, as she learned in her previous home, require a heart of stone. Because of this, Arabella does not see herself as kind, unworthy of praise where praise is due. Despite these thoughts, however, she is determined to pay off Mammon's debt, even if it means dragging in others to do so. While doing so, the topic of a name comes up, which brings along other, uncomfortable topics.
"Mammon, exactly how much do you owe those witches?"
It was a very sudden question Arabella brought up at dinner, pulling out a notebook and pen from her bag. She received many stares from the six avatars that watched over her, even Leviathan had paused his game to stare in disbelief.
"Bella baby, you DO know what you just asked for, right?"
"I do, Asmodeus, and I am fully prepared for an answer."
Mammon grimaced, scratching the back of his head as the numbers churned in his mind.
"Severalllll billion Grimm I think? I couldn't give you an exact number."
Arabella made a noise in the back of her throat, "Very well. But it is below the trillion mark?"
Mammon nodded. He knew that much. Conversation thought to be over, the lords continued to eat.
But Arabella was not quite done yet.
"Do you know how much that would be in human change?"
Several distressed sounds were heard.
"Why are ya so damn interested in my debt!?"
"If a normie like you has that much money, I'm eating my headphones."
Lucifer finally silenced the whole table.
"I understand you and Mammon are very close to each other, Arabella," he started, "But the thought that you could pay off his debt is ludicrous, and will teach him not-"
"With all due respect, Lord Lucifer, I've earned quite a lot of money doing my human world job," Arabella interrupted, "If you will not answer my question then I will ask another: how much Grimm is equal to a human dollar?"
"Bout 500." Of course Mammon would know that instantly. She nodded at him and began to write in her notebook- 500 Grimm= 1 dollar; Trillion Grimm= ??? dollars.
Asmo looked like he was about to faint, "Arabella, our sweet little human, you can't be serious! You say you have a lot of money but this is Mammon we're talking about, you shouldn't spoil him like this!"
"It is because of his debt that they hold power over him, is that not correct?"
The room became silent. Arabella continued.
"Now, I do not know where lines are drawn in terms of morality here - how far people must go before someone finally says enough is enough. But where I draw my line is when you have people who hold themselves higher than they really are, and they flaunt it for all the world to see. Even worse are those who think that no one will challenge them, then abuse their power further when someone finally does. If these witches want money I will give them that money. But I will not let them hold that much power over a lord of Hell and do nothing when they laugh in his face."
She noticed Mammon slightly tearing up, and she almost smiled. She didn't, instead turning her attention back to her notebook, "Now please allow me to work."
The permission given was silence.
"So if 500 is 1 then it's reasonable to assume 5000 is ten... right?" Arabella was muttering to herself.
The sudden switch in languages nearly sent the table into a frenzy once more, especially Asmodeus.
"1000 is two, two times five, 1000 times five... Yeah yeah okay that's 5000. How many 0s is a trillion again?"
"Oh darling you speak Fre-" Asmo tried to squeal before Arabella covered his mouth.
"Trying to count. It's much easier in my native language. So a trillion is... A million iiiis- six. So a billion is nine, meaning a trillion is twelve zeroes. Twelve, twelve, Quetzalcoatl please save me."
"Oi, how many languages do ya spe-"
"Several, Mammon, and if no one is eating please get out so I can concentrate."
The room stayed quiet from then on.
"A trillion is twelve zeroes... Wait." she paused, "What the hell all I needed was a trillion divided by 500, fuck. Okay so that's.. gods above what is that." She pulled out her D.D.D., quickly typing the numbers into her calculator
"What I'm getting is that I would need 2 billion to pay off your debt." she directed towards Mammon writing the number down in her notebook, "And that's if I did this correctly."
"I'nt tha a lo'?" Bell asked, mouth bulging with the others' unfinished plates.
"Well yes," Arabella said, "But with a little contribution from my other family members and friends, this could actually be paid off. If I spent all the money I have currently saved, aside from money used solely for donations to charities and money set aside for familial business, that would take a chunk out of such a large number in itself. The remainder would be about 1.5 billion."
"As impressed as I am with your determination on this matter," Attention turned to the eldest brother, "I'm concerned as to where you got all this money."
"My job pays high depending on how well the end result is. And my squad produces very good end results, Lord Lucifer." She turned to Mammon.
"Mammon, what nationalities are these witches? I'm aware there are three, but remind me where they come from."
The demon clicked his tongue, "One is from Romania, one's from Japan, and the last one's from France."
"Alright, so 2 billion divide by three.. that's going to be uneven." She typed the numbers, keeping in a strangled chuckle. "66,666,666.67 dollars per witch. How ironic. Okay so converting that means..." she typed a few more numbers, "270,700,010.21 lei for Romania, 7,312,366,949.56 yen for Japan, and 55,022,751.91 euros for France. Provided I didn't mistype anything."
Arabella stood up, "Very well then! I'm going to make a phone call to a few family members, a few friends of mine, and we'll get this sorted."
Notebook with these calculations in hand, she walked to the common room, unaware of the six lords following her all the way.
And that is Part 1! I will post the second part within a day of posting this at the same time, so keep an eye out if you want, please reblog if you can, it’d be really appreciated, and send me feedback if you feel like it too.
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carmichealroyals · 3 years
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Rules: Write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe.
I was tagged by this by so many lovely pals -- @thelockwoodroyals, @wa-royal-tea AND @ourwillowcreekroyals !!! I only feel bad that it took me so long but I wanted it to be as perfect as it could be while taking time to fiddle with Photoshop more (thank you @royaldevilliers for answering my silly questions). Below the cut are the descriptions for the personality types and tropes for each of the main three kids of this next generation! 
Not sure who’s done this yet, so if you see this and you want to do it, this is me telling you to do it!
The Protagonist:  Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community.
Spirited Young Lady:  She is the girl who bends the rules just a little. Oh, she can dance a country dance or pour tea with the best of them, but she may also be a good walker or horseback rider. She may be the most intelligent girl in the story, and she is almost certainly the wittiest and the most outspoken, sometimes earning her the title of spitfire. She may be talented in more practical ways, as well: if given the opportunity, she may turn out to be a wise investor, and she may harbor talent for music, writing, or art that goes beyond drawing room entertainment and might become a means of financial independence if necessary. In rare cases, she may even solve a murder. Though she occasionally runs into some trouble, especially if she fails to obey the powers that be, she usually comes through in the end.
Deadpan Snarker: A character prone to gnomic, sarcastic, sometimes bitter, occasionally whimsical asides.The Deadpan Snarker exists to deflate pomposity, point out the unlikelihood of certain plans, and deliver funny lines. Typically the most cynical supporting character. In most cases, it is implied that the snarker would make a good leader, strategist, or consultant given their ability to instantly see the flaws in a constructed plan. More often than not, their innate snarkiness is the only thing preventing the other characters from comprehending this for themselves.
Politically Active Princess:  The Politically Active Princess is a princess that takes active interest in and plays an active role in politics. Naive courtiers and commoners alike might view her only as a figurehead, but in truth, she discreetly uses her position and guile in order to achieve her ends. Skilled in diplomacy, she will usually attempt to solve conflicts via conversation or bargaining, rather than combat. Her defining trait is her involvement in politics or diplomatic matters, without letting herself serve only as a bargaining chip.
Inspired by: Mia Thermopolis (The Princess Diaries); Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls); Vex’ahlia (Critical Role); Jenny Lee (Call the Midwife)
The Architect:  It can be lonely at the top. As one of the rarest personality types – and one of the most capable – Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them.
The Dog Bites Back:  Unlike the Bastard Understudy and The Starscream, this character attacks as a crime of opportunity. There is no danger that he will take over the villain's place in the grand scheme of things. There is, however, a possibility that he will menace the others as a True Final Boss. The backstabber often ends up dead, but this is usually not Redemption Equals Death because their motive is not noble. Innocent victims who turn on the villain typically do it only for revenge, while evil victims prove that they were fine with all of the Big Bad's crimes except the one committed against them.
Middle Child Syndrome: Everyone loves the oldest child because the parents can rely on them, they watch out for their siblings, and they're so confidently attractive. The Youngest Child Wins because they're the "baby". But what does that leave the one in the middle? That's essentially the definition of Middle Child Syndrome, in which a child automatically may become The Unfavorite or the rebellious Black Sheep, specifically because they are the easiest child to overlook. They're not old enough to be given the responsibilities and privileges of the oldest, and the youngest child took their spot as the spoiled and doted-on "baby" of the family. This tends to be more of an issue when there are three children rather than four or more. Oftentimes in media, the middle child ends up becoming more of the Deadpan Snarker or the quirky one for this reason.
The Un-Favorite: Where there's an Alpha wolf, there's got to be a Beta. When there is a first banana, there is a second banana. This is the person in the family who can't get a break. For example, this is the child who's the big let-down to their parents, the daughter that was supposed to be a son (or vice-versa), the child the parents had by accident when they'd already decided they didn't need another mouth to feed, the adoptive, foster, or stepchild that came before the parents had a biological child, the illegitimate child conceived by infidelity on the part of one of the parents (if not even worse). But all in all, this is basically the kid who is always getting the short-end of the stick. In some extreme cases, this may cause Rich Sibling, Poor Sibling, especially if one sibling is forced into service to the other. A regular line that may be entailed with this is a variant of, "Honestly, [name], why can't you be more like [favorite's name]?"
Inspired by: Edith Crawley (Downton Abbey); Fiyero (Wicked: The Musical); Logan Huntzberger (Gilmore Girls); Rafael Solano (Jane the Virgin)
The Mediator:  Idealistic and empathetic, Mediators long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others. But because this personality type makes up such a small portion of the population, Mediators may sometimes feel lonely or invisible, adrift in a world that doesn’t seem to appreciate the traits that make them unique.
The Baby of the Bunch: Being the youngest of your group typically comes with some perks and challenges. On one side you're probably the cutest, have a pass to act immature, people like taking care of you, and you can embrace your fun side, knowing that the elders are there to handle the serious stuff. And if there's anything you're naïve about, you have plenty of others to give you the realest unfiltered advice without the generational gap and detachment that your parents or the Old Master have. On the other end, sometimes people don't take you seriously. There you're kinda stuck because no matter how old you get, you'll always be "the baby" in their eyes.
Indifferent Beauty: A character who is attractive, aware of their effect on other people, but doesn't care or at least doesn't value their physical attractiveness over their other traits. Often, this character is a consummate professional who is well aware of the fact that they could use their "assets" to get what they want by other means, but feels that it would be unprofessional or beneath their dignity, and is instead focused on proving that they can compete purely on skill, often to the exclusion of romantic opportunities. While such characters are not averse to dressing in sexy outfits, they don't plan on relying on or even exploiting their sex appeal - but the camera will often do that for them. Other characters' indifference is not due to regarding relying on appearance to be beneath their dignity, but rather that they consider it to be unimportant.
Spoiled Sweet:  The Spoiled Sweet character is a naive, spoiled, rich or comfortably upper-class or upper-middle-class girl, who has everything they could ever want, but instead of being mean, she is as nice as can be to everyone. While still spoiled, slightly naive, perhaps shallow, maybe even a bit selfish at times, when it comes right down to it, she is a loyal friend and doesn't use her money or popularity as an excuse to treat everyone like garbage — though the trope Rich in Dollars, Poor in Sense is in play, especially since a particularly common sticking point is that characters of this type often believe their friends and other loved ones deserve to live just as well as they do.
Inspired by: Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls); Beth March (Little Women); Pike Trickfoot (Critical Role); Peggy Schuyler (Hamilton: An American Musical)
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 7.29}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 3.7k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
The very moment Robin was back inside the castle, every possible doubt about what she was about to do had vanished entirely if it had ever been existent in the first place. On her haste down into the dungeons, people jumped out of her path at the mere sight of the sinister expression on her face, and honestly, she was more grateful than ever that nobody dared to as much as look at her for too long. Sometimes a reputation was a curse, sometimes a saving grace. Right now the latter was the case.
She didn't say a single word when she opened the door to the potions classroom in one swift move. Still stayed silent when she made her way through the rows of desks and students, straight to the front where Snape was working at his desk like always during detention. She didn't need to say a thing, and yet all eyes were on her in an instant. The students' many ones in surprise and nigh intimidation at her mode of entrance, Snape's merely in instant concern. He knew that she wouldn't just show up here, bursting into detention if it wasn't for a matter of utmost importance. So she only looked at him in silent confirmation of what they both knew was happening right now.
"Detention is over. Get out. Now." Snape spoke up with a brief glimpse at his students, in a tone to match Robin's grave expression. Then however his eyes found and never left hers as he rose to his feet in an instant to round the table to come over to her side as if the rest of the world beyond them simply ceased to exist.
"But professor, it's still over an hour until dinner… Are you sure we're allowed to go already?" A young boy, probably a first year, remarked carefully, which earned him a few groans and curses from his peers, and an instantaneous but deathly glare from Snape.
"Question me again and you will spend the entire remainder of this term in detention." He snapped at the boy, then turned to everyone else who had stopped in their tracks or not yet started moving in the first place. "What on earth are you waiting for?! Is there a part of 'get out' you dunderheads failed to understand?"
It took exactly five seconds for the students to rush out the door while the echo of his words still ghosted through the masses of stone. Then, in the very instant the last people had left, the door to the classroom flew shut, was locked and warded in a now long practiced procedure that, to Robin's knowledge, was yet unbreakable. Ever since new year's, they had become more careful with their every step for a multitude of reasons. Morgan being one of them.
"What on earth-..." Snape didn't get further than that before Robin had dropped her backpack and winter robes on the ground and wrapped her arms around him so tightly that her muscles started quivering, urged into this impulsive need for closeness by the sudden and sheer overwhelming realization that she had come way too close to never seeing him again. In the end, it was a gift of fate that they were still here, still together. This thought as well as the hot rush of welling tears it brought along was only quenched when he held her tightly in return, and her composure collapsed once and for all.
Sure, there were more important things to be dealt with right now and Robin had promised herself not to let her emotions get in the way of that, but she couldn't help it anymore. Repression and putting on acts for her own mind only worked for so long. And thus she let herself dwell in his embrace for now, clawing onto him like a lifeline of reality, basking in the comfort and safety she needed now more than ever. The world could wait. It had to.
"Whatever it is, we will be fine." He said after a while of drawing soft patterns on her back, and Robin almost had to smile. She had never told him just how soothing she found that gesture, nor his voice and words of encouragement, but somehow he still had always known anyway. There was no measure for how much she loved him for that, for just knowing. "May I see for myself?"
"Please do. I couldn't logically explain what happened anyway, not even if I tried." She sighed in return without even having to ask what he meant, and then waited for his presence in her mind as she had felt it so often before. It was a truly pleasant procedure at this point, like a gentle caress, like the patterns on her back. And therefore sharing her memories of what had happened brought an immediate and breathtaking relief to her troubled mind as much as his presence did to her soul. The panic faded, the anxiety and sickness made way for reason and even a strong sense of safety. She might not need him to protect her… but she still was more than glad to know that he wouldn't let anything stop him from doing so anyway.
For a while longer neither of them spoke, even once he had seen all there was, all there had been. His hold on her only tightened, and moments later the scratch on her eyebrow started tingling with the warm echo of magic. Perhaps she should ask him to teach her some of those miraculous healing spells… If fights over life and death were to become a normal occurrence in her days now, it might yet prove useful to have some of his tricks up her own sleeves as well. But that would have to wait; for now, she had to get over herself and deal with the more pressing issues. With a deep breath, she pulled back when she finally felt ready to face the world and the worries it brought at last. They could do this. Together, like always.
In the following minutes it in return took Robin quite a bit of convincing to remind Snape that, one, she had won the fight and had come out more or less fine after all, only cold and bruised, and two, that they had agreed that killing Morgan was still not an option. No matter how very tempting the idea was under the current circumstances. Robin did agree with one point though, when Snape said that if it ever came to a moment where it was either Morgan's or Robin's life, he wouldn't waste a second of thought to save her no matter what might be the cost in return. She did agree, even though she knew that it had never been meant as a question in the first place.
Indeed, the thought made Robin smile. He would gladly set the world and skies on fire for her if the opportunity should come, without a single doubt or hesitation, and while that thought should have been at least somehow disconcerting, the unshakable fact only made Robin feel ineffably proud. There had never been such a thing as 'normal' when it came to him and her… They had always been living by extremes. Living through passion for life. And in that intensity, in the way they lived and were going to live, she found her fear replaced by determination.
"I believe to have a lead on Morgan's reasons, to find out what this is all about. A start." She said, and was met with the most attentive, intrigued gaze in return. "Or at least I finally have an idea where to look for one."
"Other than his sheer insanity being reason enough, you mean?"
"Actually, I'm rather sure that he is quite as sane as you and I." Robin sighed, while a half smile found its way onto her lips nonetheless. "But no matter what he is or isn't, we will find out what makes him do what he does and we will put an end to it. In a different way than by killing him. A better one."
"You're terribly rational. As always." Snape replied in a huff, and yet let his fingers trace the outside of her hand in a feathery touch to replace some of the past embrace's comfort. It was remarkable how much better he had gotten with such simple signs of affection over the last few months, even if still ever so subtle. "I wish I had your level of optimism."
"I'm not optimistic, but realistic." Her half smile turned into a full one as she took the opportunity to interlace their fingers in return. "This mess with Morgan has been going on for almost seven years now, and I need it to end on my terms before it ends on his. We have to see to it that it does, and we will."
"Tell me more about your lead then; I must say that neither his words nor your thoughts on the matter made much sense to me."
"They didn't make sense to me either, until I went shopping with Cas and Jorien."
"You almost died, and then you went shopping right after that instead of coming straight back here?"
"You hate shopping. And you almost died."
"I am honestly not sure if I should be impressed or irritated. You really are perfectly impossible."
"Why, thank you!" Robin had to smirk upon his incredulous expression, but soon enough her thoughts and expression went back to business as she tried to put the mess of thoughts into a stringent sentence. "To be honest, I just went shopping because I didn't want to let the girls down, and I hoped it would bring me some diversion from the events I did not even nearly understand at that point. But it was Morgan's words that made me think, and even throughout the hour where I tried to focus on other matters, they never quite left me alone no matter what. To make it short, I have an idea what he could've meant with some of what he said. The part about looking at my being but not me, the earrings and also comparing me to some other person who is me and not me at the same time."
"The painting in the room of hidden things." Robin finally got out the very core of her thoughts, of her suspicion, and it didn't take more than that for Snape's mind to visibly halt at her words. "We have to find it and see if the woman who looks like me has earrings or not. Because then Morgan's comments-..."
"Would suddenly make a disconcerting amount of sense." He finished the sentence for her with a deep frown as his thoughts finally caught up with hers. "It still doesn't explain why he does what he does, but it certainly is a starting point indeed."
"The best lead we've ever had. And the only one."
"Then we cannot wait any longer." His tone went from considering to beyond determined. "We should be able to get up to the seventh floor unseen even at the present time, if we make use of the hidden paths in the castle."
"Lead the way then." Robin said with a small but sincere smile, then gave Snape's hand a gentle squeeze and finally let go to take her robes and bag to his office for safekeeping. The classroom was a mere shed in comparison to the fortress of spells that surrounded the office these days, and if today had proven anything to her, it was that she couldn't be careful enough. Not even with her belongings. After all, objects could be cursed just the same, and do perhaps even more damage than a simple one-time spell. She wasn't keen on finding out just how much more.
… … …
They made their way up to the correct seventh floor hallway in a matter of minutes, unseen in the rising darkness of the castle, and it again took only a minute and an illusionment charm to summon the grand door to the room of hidden things. The extraordinary place didn't fail to fascinate Robin even now upon their entrance, and she inevitably had to think back to the last time she had been here. The only time, to be exact, because she hadn't dared returning alone. A lot of things had been easier back then… But she wouldn't want to go back for anything in the world. She couldn't even bear the thought of going back to the torture that was loving from afar.
"Do you remember where the portrait was located?" Snape asked once he had closed the heavy door behind them, and broke Robin out of her marveling and memories. Yes, this reality was far better, no matter what.
"I, uh… I was rather distracted the last time we were in here." She admitted with a small shrug, which made him raise an eyebrow at her. Robin rolled her eyes in return. "I was trying not to jump at you for how close you kept coming to me, if you have to know. So no, I don't remember the path to the portrait."
"Pity." He sighed in feigned disappointment, then merely took her hand again and started walking off in absolute certainty where to go while pulling her along. Of course he knew where the portrait was… Robin had to smile against her will as she couldn't help rolling her eyes again. Insufferable idiot. Her idiot.
In a matter of minutes they reached the mountain of objects Robin very much recognized as the place she had discovered the portrait in nonetheless. The flipped chairs, the pile of pink teacups, the bucket filled with yellowed scrolls. Yes, this was the right spot indeed. But there was no painting anywhere in sight.
"It's gone…" Robin wondered out loud, brows furrowed and the hairs in her neck standing on edge. She hadn't quite considered that people other than them had access to this place as well… other people who might not have her best interest in mind, with the portrait or not. Or who came in here not to hide something, but to hide something that already was in here. The thought made her shudder.
"I can see that." Snape replied flatly, with very much the same irritation colouring his features and occupying his mind. His concern was all the more reason for Robin to feel everything but at ease in this place, even now that their hands were still tightly interlaced. Perhaps they were both scared to part again any time soon. But still, bloody portrait… couldn't anything ever be easy at Hogwarts?! Perhaps this room wasn't such a great place after all. Then again, maybe it only was almost getting killed that had her on edge far more quickly than usual. That explanation for her unease was more likely. Gods, she couldn't even keep her thoughts in line properly.
"Perhaps someone moved it while in the search for something else?" She suggested in an attempt to keep her recently regained calm. This was not a setback, that they hadn't found the portrait where it was supposed to be. It was rather a mystery, a riddle, and those were supposed to have edges and corners. Yes, that made her feel better about the situation. "I know tracing spells don't work in here, but perhaps we could have a quick look around nonetheless?"
"I have a better idea." Snape said with a thoughtful gaze at the spot where the portrait had been. Then – much to Robin's dismay – he let go of her hand and instead made them both move to the side, almost leaning into the next mountain of objects behind them as he went on. "How likely is it that Morgan, the perhaps only professor who has a habit of being constantly short of time, would spend precious minutes every morning and every night, according to his own words, to come here to look at the painting?"
"Unlikely, I should say. Practically impossible."
"Yes. And what does that thereby mean?"
"You just love to make me guess, don't you?"
Snape rolled his eyes, partially at Robin and also partially at himself if she wasn't mistaken, but then answered his own question nonetheless. "It means that he must have taken the portrait elsewhere. Either to his office or his private chambers, I presume."
"Oh bloody hell no…" Robin groaned under her breath, then leaned her head back into her neck for a moment to place that very logical piece of information into her mental puzzle. "I'm afraid you're right, but I still very much hope you're not. The thought-..."
"I know. It concerns me no less."
"Can we do anything to find out for sure before I break into his office for nothing?"
"Before we break into his office. Don't even think that I would let you do any of this alone." He protested immediately in a reproachful scoff, but when his words only made Robin smile ever so slightly, his expression mellowed out in return. "There is no way to be entirely certain about the whereabouts of the painting, seeing as the room's magic to protect its contents is older than the castle itself. We cannot undo it, not even nearly."
"Pity." Robin sighed in a mirror of his own favoured expression, which earned her a not-smirk before he went on.
"What we can do however is to trace a person's movements. If Morgan ever was in here, we should be able to see where precisely he went, which in this case is the next best thing."
"That's bloody brilliant!"
"Don't look so surprised…" He scoffed again, but the not-smirk lingered on even as he worded the according spell. It wasn't an unfamiliar or difficult one, but what made Robin feel both in awe and proud beyond reason was the very idea in the first place. Tracing the person and not the object was such an out-of-the-box approach to the problem at hand that it might as well have come from her own mind. But coming from Snape now, it made Robin realize all over again how much they had grown into each other's ways of thinking over the years. She couldn't help feeling proud of that even in a situation like this.
A mere few seconds later, the ground before them lit up with a straight line of glowing footsteps that came from between the mountains of things from the direction of the door. It led straight to the point where Robin vaguely remembered the portrait to have been, then it took a sharp turn straight back to where it had come from. No detours, no looking around. A straight path here, a straight path back.
"The spell only shows the last time he was here, not possible times before that." Snape explained, and Robin found herself nodding on instinct as her eyes followed the footsteps between the mountains where they disappeared from her sight.
"Yeah, I know…" She mused, frowning to herself once more. Obviously she knew the spell and its specifics, but something entirely else was nagging at her mind again, something she should take notice of but hadn't as of yet. It was terribly irksome.
"Perhaps a summary of the state of affairs might help?" He suggested, and it didn't even come as a surprise to Robin anymore that he knew exactly what was going on in her mind. In more instances than she could count, he just knew indeed.
"Very well, let's see…" Robin mused with a sigh, while they started making their way back towards the exit in a slow saunter. "Morgan wants to kill me. He is not insane, he rather seems to have a reason for what he does. One he doesn't quite agree with, or at least is somewhat troubled by himself. The chance that he can win a duel against me at this point is near non-existent, so his only chance is to catch me by surprise or trickery, like he did today. He would find it easier to kill me if I fought back, but he still doesn't plan to stop trying either way. He cannot stop for some reason, or so he says at least. He wants to kill me, and yet he doesn't want to see me dead."
"He has a twisted obsession with you, whether that be for you as a person or you as a representation of something or someone else." Snape went on in the wake of her words. "He clearly adores you, while yet he has an ineffable hatred for you, which makes him both enjoy and dread seeing you suffer. The obsession with you led him to take the portrait out of this room, which he came to discover by yet unknown factors. He came in here at least once and took the portrait out with him to presumably either his office or his rooms. There he looks at it every morning and every night, as for his statement, because he rarely sees the real you outside of class. Through that or perhaps for other reasons, he has formed some sort of bond with the woman in the painting, which he recognizes to be you and not you at the same time. He wants you to be his, and yet he wants you dead."
"Exactly." Robin sighed again. "That makes so much sense and yet it doesn't make sense at all. It's as if he is two people at once, at war over one thing he is made to do and one thing he wants to do. If you would've asked me a year ago, I would've said it could be an Imperius curse. But after reading the book Dumbledore gave me for my birthday, and you'll know this because we both have read it a gazillion times by now, the curse just doesn't quite fit in with the facts of the case."
"I agree. He is far too aware of himself and his struggle on either end to be cursed. Especially unlikely for an Imperius curse."
"Good… But that also means that nothing fits in with the facts. We have a bunch of new questions, but no answers whatsoever."
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dynamightsfave · 4 years
Hidden talent - Luke Patterson
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AU: alive! luke patterson x oc
summary: in a world were none of the boys have died and instead live in the same timeline as julie, luke’s girlfriend has a hidden talent only her mother knows about
warnings: slight cursing, nothing much
a/n: this is the first thing that i publish, and i’m still trying to figure out how tumblr works, so if anyone reads this, please bear with me people
Heather had been friends with Alex since they were in diapers. Every memory of her childhood she had, he was there too, since the beginning. The only ones she had he wasn’t in were the ones at family meetings. He was even there when she went to the dentist! That’s how tight these two were.
So it was kind of inevitable her meeting his band. Sunset Curve had been all he and Julie —her other best friend, along with Flynn— could talk about since they had started it. They had met the other members in the music program, something Heather had never even thought about joining, regardless of how many times her mother had told her she had an incredible voice and should definitely let the world listen to it. However, the raven haired girl preferred to keep her voice to herself, like her small little secret.
Meeting Luke and Reggie —she already knew Bobby— was easily one of the best things that could’ve happened to her. She hit it off with them instantly, as she had never really had any trouble with making friends —she was the sociable one out of the Heather-Alex duo, and the mom friend out of the “Triple Trouble” trio. Her and Flynn had denominated themselves as the band’s managers and marketing team, and the others had to admit, they were doing a pretty good job.
While Flynn took the social media part, promoting the band on every platform she could think of and posting stuff like teases of new songs, short rehearsal videos and performance dates and places; Heather had taken the people approach. She had recruited her cousin, Willie —who she suspected only wanted to help her because he had a massive crush on Alex, and not because he “wanted to help his favorite cousin”—, and they had both skated the streets of LA, putting up posters and throwing them around, telling people to “tell their friends!”, a catch phrase Reggie had come up with.
“I got us a night at The Hollywood Club!” Heather entered the Molina garage with a proud smile and arms on the air, getting immediate cheers “I know, I know, I’m awesome” she bowed.
“Hey, I was there too” Willie pushed her aside, leaving his skate on a corner and plopping on the piano seat “In fact, if it wasn’t for Caleb owing me one, you wouldn’t have gotten that gig. I’m his messenger boy”
“Okay, listen you little shit, it was me that had to offer herself to clean the place up after the show, so I don’t wanna hear any more lies coming out from you” she narrowed her eyes at her cousin, but the skater only rolled his eyes.
Luke, beaming, reached out to Heather’s arm, pulling her onto the couch with him. The two had been dating for nearly three months, and anyone that didn’t know that could’ve thought they’d been together for years, just by seeing how deeply they cared for each other. Alex had been a tad overprotective of the girl when Luke started to flirt with her, but Julie and Flynn made him realize that if anyone could match Heather’s adventurous and forward personality, it was Luke.
Heather came up with an idea, something to do, and most people —including Alex, who over the years earned experience in this kind of things— would disregard it immediately, because it sounded, and most likely was, crazy. Not Luke. Luke would just smile and do it with her. Hype her up even. They found in each other a safe to talk, the craziest ideas and dreams coming to life. Still, they knew when to draw the line, and realize that maybe cliff diving in the middle of November wasn’t the best thing to do.
Luke liked to get the things he planned, make them real, and with Heather he felt like it was possible. Sure, he had the band to make his music dreams come true, but —and this can come out as shocking— he wasn’t just music. There were so many other things he wanted, and Heather was the first person that encouraged him to let them all out, the first person that listened to all the things he wasn’t as good at but he still liked, and forced him to get out of the studio to do them.
They were basically perfect for each other.
“Besides,” Flynn had pointed out with a teasing smirk and a knowing look that was also in Julie’s eyes “you’re going to end up dating her cousin, so it’ll be fair in no time” Alex had left that conversation blushing like a fool and with his mind a little more at peace.
“You’re incredible, babe” the lead guitarist kissed her cheek “When is it?”
“This Friday night” she answered, making herself comfortable in his arms “That gives you two days to rehearse some songs, maybe even come up with a new one. How’s my musical genius doing with that, Jules?”
“We have a few lyrics left on Finally Free, but I’m sure that we can have it done and perfected by Friday” she smiled, showing her adorable tooth gap “I’m gonna need to borrow your boyfriend for that, though”
“Sure, two musical geniuses work better than one. Meanwhile, Reggie and I have a date”
“Huh?” Luke’s head turned so fast, Heather thought for a second it would snap from his neck.
“Yeah, we’re going to watch the last Star Wars movie. We told you guys to come and you didn’t wanna, so we’re going by ourselves” Reggie could barely contain his excitement, the smile on his face making it impossible for Heather not to copy him.
“Speaking of which... if we don’t leave now, we’ll be late. Let’s go!” the girl pecked her boyfriend as a goodbye, ruffling Bobby’s hair after and blew a kiss to both girls and her best friend.
“I don’t get a kiss?” Willie pouted, but Heather only kissed her middle finger and flipped him off “Love you too, cuz!” he called, but Reggie and her were already out and the only response he got was his light laugh.
The two friends were meeting Carrie Wilson at the theatre. Nobody would’ve guessed that the lead of Dirty Candy liked Star Wars, but Heather had known her since kindergarten, and she knew the girl.
They all technically knew her, being Bobby’s fraternal twin and all, but the boys didn’t consider her an actual friend until the girls started inviting her to their hang outs, seeing as they were all friends. Luke and her often had friendly bickering of which band was better, Reggie discovered that she could be a wonderful addition to the mischievous duo Heather and him had formed, and Alex found his perfect dance partner one night playing Just Dance. It was safe to say that she had been welcomed into the group.
“You guys are playing at The Hollywood Club?!” was the first thing he strawberry blond said when they arrived.
“Tell your friends!” Reggie winked, then turned to Heather “Damn, Flynn is fast. We have good managers”
“That you do, Reg” she passed her arm over his shoulders. It was a little awkward, because she stood on her tippy toes, but they made it work.
“Can you get me a performance too?” Carrie pouted and made puppy eyes “I need a marketing team like yours”
“C’mon Care, it’s literally my cousin and I in his skate and my roller skates and Flynn with a phone and Wi-Fi. You could do that too” Heather waved it off “Plus, you can have daddy make a call and you’ll be able to play at the Madison Square Garden. Shit, we could do that too, we have Bobby. Why am I putting so much effort into this?”
“You know I’m trying to earn my own spot, Heath. Being famous because my dad isn’t as satisfying as knowing I made a place sold out because they liked me and not the daughter of Trevor Wilson”
“You’re doing great, Carrie” Reggie encouraged “Your songs are good, and your dance moves are killer. People don’t just go to your shows to see if they can meet your dad”
“Thanks Reggie, but I’m pretty sure you only go to my shows to see Kayla” she smirked, and both girls watched their friend flush red.
“T-That’s not true!”
“Really? I guess I won’t give her your number then; she’ll be real disappointed”
“She asked for my number?”
But Carrie just chuckled and walked ahead with Heather by the arm, leaving the gaping boy behind for a few seconds before he snapped back into the real world and chased after them, asking the same question again.
“I’ll see what I can do for ya” Heather smiled “But you’ll have to fight Luke by yourself when he finds out I’m helping our rivals” she finished in a dark tone, laughing along with Carrie.
“Yes! You’re the best Heath!” she squeezed her in her arms.
Friday arrived sooner than planned, and that left Flynn and Heather to get the band’s asses to the place. Flynn was on the phone with Caleb, assuring him that they were just stuck in traffic and they’d be there soon. They were actually trying to calm Alex down.
“Hey, look at me. Bird, look at me” Heather had her hands on his shoulders, doing her best to get him to breathe with her “You’re the best drummer I know-”
“I’m the only drummer you know, Feathers!” the anxious boy stressed.
“You’re the best drummer I know!” she exclaimed over him “This isn’t any different from our other gigs. You’re gonna get up on that club’s stage, and you’re gonna kill it. I’m gonna be on the side of the stage like I always am, with Flynn. I’m there if you need anything, which you won’t because once you get into the song, you’ll be crazy amazing”
“Okay, I can do this” he nodded to himself, taking deep breaths along his best friend.
“Hell yeah you can” she laughed softly “You good?”
“Yeah, I think so”
“Great, then let’s go people! We have an audience to impress!” the others, behind them, cheered with her and started to go to Ray’s van, were the instruments were waiting.
“Hey” Alex took a hold of Heather’s wrist “Thanks, Feathers” he smiled at her, using the nickname he gave her when they were three.
“I’m always gonna be there for you, Alex. You know that. I’m the Feathers to your Bird, we’re a package deal” she smiled back, then wrapped her arms around him “I love you”
“I love you too”
Alex did amazing. Obviously.
The whole band was incredible, and the people in the club absolutely loved them. Heather had stayed at the side of the stage like she promised, but from where she stood she could spot Flynn with Carrie, Willie, Nick and Kayla all jamming and moving their bodies along to the song in their chairs. She clapped and hollered once the show was over, a huge smile adorning her face.
“You were right” the man himself, Caleb, clapped next to her “They are really good”
“I told you, dude. Any chance we’re able to play here again?”
“I’ll call you” he offered, and Heather didn’t think it twice before shaking hands with him “I’m closing in half an hour, and I want this place spotless for tomorrow” he smirked.
“I thought you were joking! You have people for that”
“A deal is a deal” and he left. Heather groaned and threw her head back.
“Why the frown, Princess?” at the voice of her boyfriend, the smile was back on her face.
Luke was a sweaty mess, not that she cared. She took a couple of seconds to admire his “after show” glow. Because yes, he was glowing —both literally, because sweat, and figuratively. After every performance, there was a glow to all of them, pure happiness radiating from them. You could see it in their smiles and heavy breaths, but Heather liked to see how their eyes glinted with the ecstasy of doing what they loved. It appeared while they were on stage, and it stayed for some time after performing in front of an audience. When they were rehearsing or jamming in the studio it was more relaxed, content, but on a show it was almost magical.
“What are you looking at?” Luke laughed after drinking some water, with his eyes squinting as he smiled out of pure glee.
Heather too his sweaty face in her hands and planted a firm kiss on his lips. She had never cared if the boy was sweaty and therefore by hugging or kissing him she’d get all dirty and smelly. If she wanted to show him affection, then she would.
“You guys killed it up there” she told him after a moment with a proud smile “Amazing, baby”
“Thanks, Heaths. Sang that solo for you” he added with a smirk, hand slipping around her waist.
“I saw” she answered as she passed her arms over his shoulders and around his neck “You looked really good while doing it too” the smirk widened and the hold tightened, bringing her closer to him to kiss her again.
“Take your lovey dovey acts somewhere else!” Bobby booed, nearing his friends.
“Hey, just because your sorry ass is alone doesn’t mean you have to hate on us” the raven haired girl replied with a teasing smile.
The boy scrunched his face and mocked her, which went back and forth between the two until Heather’s teasing and playful smile turned to a excited one.
“Wait! Oh, she’s looking again!” confused, the rhythm guitarist went to look behind him, but Heather shot her hand to stop him “Don’t look! Not yet... Okay now. See that pretty blond? She’s been eyeing you all night, dude!”
“For real? You think I should go talk to her?”
“Are you stupid? Of course you should go talk to her, did you not hear what I just said? Wait, here, clean some of this sweat” she took a towel and dabbed it over him, then pushed him forward when he didn’t move “Move, Bobs!”
“Thanks Heaths!”
The couple watched their friend jog over to the girl and introduce himself, saying something that she found funny. “I’m an amazing wing woman”
The club was officially closed. After a couple of Caleb’s songs, that Heather had danced to with Flynn —more like they made a fool of themselves, but at least they had fun— and then she helped them put their instruments back in the van. Now, she held a mope in her hands, swinging aimlessly from side to side, humming to the band’s songs.
“I believe, I believe that we’re just one dream...” she picked up the pace of the song, closing her eyes as she jumped on top of a chair, spinning on her spot and using the mope as a micro “And we’re standing on the edge of great!”
The girl continued to sing her heart out, unaware of the pair of eyes that followed her very movement, watching the private show she put up for herself. When she finished the song, she let out a content sigh and a small chuckle.
“Woah” the word escaped Luke’s mouth before he could stop himself, causing Heather to jump and turn around.
The boy stood just by the entrance, an awestruck expression on his face. Red flushed Heather’s face, and she opened her mouth to stutter out something, but Luke didn’t let her, taking long strides to her.
“Heather, that was incredible! Why didn’t you tell us you could sing like that?”
“I usually like to keep the singing to myself, when I jam with you guys it’s quiet”
“Babe, you could be the lead singer of Sunset Curve! I’ll retire if that means you get to show everyone your voice”
“No” she quickly dismissed “Do not give up your dreams, Luke Patterson, you’re not allowed to do that. Not for me, not for anyone”
“But, Heath, your voice!” Luke was making big gestures, trying to get his point through.
He couldn’t understand how his girlfriend didn’t let anyone know of her huge talent. When he walked inside of the club again to help her, he couldn’t have imagined the scene that was playing in front of him, how she looked so carefree. She sounded like a goddess. It was a pleasant surprise, to say the least.
“I don’t like to be in the spotlight, Luke” she explained “You guys were born to perform in front of people, but I like to keep it behind closed doors. You understand that, right?” she took his hands, looking up at him through her lashes. He sighed and nodded.
“Yeah, I get it. But I really hope it’s not the last time I hear you sing” Heather laughed and shook his head, as Luke’s face lit up with an idea “Oh! You could perform for all of us in the studio! You’re cool with that, right?”
“I’ll sing with you and perform with you at the studio” she agreed, squealing when he picked her up and twirled her around “But you have to promise that if you guys record it, it won’t end up on social media”
“Of course, anything you need” he nodded quickly, bringing her lips to his “If I get to hear that voice again, I’ll even sell my guitar”
“I told you not to joke with that!” she chastised, hitting him on the chest and getting out of his hold. She rolled her eyes at his laughter and smirked to herself, handing him a piece of cloth “Make yourself useful and clean those tables, Rockstar”
Luke frowned, but complied.
He made her sing along with him in his car all the way back to his house, and suddenly realized that he had been an idiot for a long time. Why hadn’t he made her sing with him before? It was his new favorite thing to do.
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juyeoniemyhoney · 4 years
can this morning never end
Namjoon is the most beautiful human being to ever walk the earth. It is natural that you have a crush on him. You expect that eventually, your feelings will die out but then, you find yourself squealing uncontrollably outside of the library that you and Namjoon had agreed to meet at for your pair-work assignment. You have always watched Namjoon from afar. It surprises you when you find out that Namjoon has been observing you too. Well, there’s a first for everything. 
-pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
-genre: FLUFF, a lil bit of angst, high school/secondary school au (where i live high school is called secondary school;-;)
-warnings: vulgarities, pretty self-depreciating writing if im gonna be honest so be weary, Namjoon is a little bit of a simp for oc in this one, the ending is lowkey shit rip im sorry
-word count: 3208 words
-A/N: hi hi im back, this time with a Namjoon fic. i havent been writing a lot because im so preoccupied with my exams. in all honesty, i shouldnt be writing at all but i have absolutely no sense of self control, so i wrote this. it’s not my best but i really like how joon’s so soft in this so i decided to post it anyway. don’t be afraid to tell me how you liked (or didnt like) this imagine! and requests are open! hope you enjoy this one:)
As you approach the entrance of the library, your heart starts beating a mile a minute.
You stall outside the automatic sliding doors, mind racing with a million scenarios. You freak out a little and silently squeal, earning you disapproving frowns and judging eyes from passers-by. But you don't care. You've waited a whole week for today.
A week ago, during English class, you were busy writing instead of paying attention, as usual, when your teacher had given the class the assignment to write a scenario, of any genre but it had to contain the writer's techniques she had taught in class. And she made the whole class pair up. You, too lost in the world of fanfiction, had not been listening and frankly, you didn't really care, passing her words off as just more homework.
The next thing you knew, Kim Namjoon had turned around in his chair, calling your name in that deep, gravelly voice. At the sound of his voice, your head immediately shot up, eyes wide in surprise.
"Do you want to partner up?" he had asked, lips slinging into an easy grin, eyes curling up and that goddamned dimple making itself made known on his left cheek. He patiently waited for your answer, eyes periodically glancing down to your desk that was in disarray, pieces of paper containing your words messily covering every corner of your desk. You pray that he didn't catch a peep of your (admittedly) cringeworthy fanfic as you tried to subtly gather the papers before he could read too much.
"Um, partner up for what?" you questioned, confused, head tilting ever so slightly to the right in question, brows furrowed in misunderstanding. He mirrored your actions and your heart had unwontedly skipped a beat. A beat of silence passed, "For the assignment?"
Before you could ask what assignment?, your teacher had interrupted your conversation with a satisfied clap and a smile. "Alright, I assume you have all found your partners. I'll give you time to work on your assignment right now. Remember that planning is the most important stage of writing. Do approach me if you have any questions."
Namjoon had turned back to you with a wry grin that looked a tad bit awkward, saying, "Well, I guess we're partners now."
Which is how you find yourself freaking the fuck out in front of a library on a Saturday morning, mind racing with different, absurd scenarios and outcomes of this meeting. You decide to take another minute to compose yourself.
You wouldn't say that you like Namjoon per se. You just think he is the most handsome man to walk on this godforsaken planet. But seriously, that man is far too beautiful to be real. From the first time you met him til now, you have no doubt that that man is a celestial being, gifted to the world from the gods, purely to cleanse the eyes of us, mere mortals. To make matters worse, he is smart too; of a wisdom thousands of years beyond his age. You still can't believe you've had the god-given opportunity to meet someone like him.
Okay so, maybe you kind of like him a lot, more than you let on, but you're not really sure if you like him because he's Namjoon or if it's because you are lovelorn, touch deprived, or both.
You reckon it has taken more than a minute to compose yourself because by the time you snap out of your daze, you are five minutes late when you had actually arrived five minutes earlier than the agreed timing. You sigh and finally walk through the doors that welcome you into the cooling library, cold blasts from the air conditioning cooling down the fierce blush that had taken refuge on your cheeks.
You immediately proceed to find a seat but Namjoon texts you, telling you that he's already a step ahead of you, having secured a seat in a room with tables on the second floor.
When you reach the second floor, and make your way towards the rooms, you can see Namjoon through the glass walls, sitting down and silently reading a book as he waits for you. The closer you draw to the room, the faster your heart pounds in your chest. The sound is deafening and distracting and you don't even realise how fast you had walked until you are finally knocking on the glass door, sending Namjoon a small smile when he looks up at you.
"Hi, Y/N," he greets, smile widening into a grin so wide that it hides his eyes. Your heart stops but you hide it with a small smile as you settle down your things and yourself opposite him.
"So, what genre did you want to write about," he asks as you take a pen and a piece of paper out from your bag. You freeze when your brain registers his sentence. "The assignment is to write a story?"
Namjoon stares at you wordlessly for a while, speechless that it's been a week and you still don't know what the fucking assignment is. You, however, have no idea that he is thinking about how stupid you are and happily stare back at him, taking in his mono lidded, almond-shaped eyes and the dark brown of his irises. His nose bridge is straight and the tip of his nose is a little flat, like a koala. You have never wanted to boop a nose so bad in your entire life.
"Yeah, that's the assignment," he responds patiently, giving you a gentle smile. You can't help but feel that it seems a little tight and forced, like he is regretting asking you be his partner, and regretting that he didn't have enough time to reconsider. You ignore the feeling of dejection that slowly bubbles up inside of you.
"I thought that it'd be easiest to write romance since you're so well versed in that.". You freeze. Time seems to have stopped and your ears refuse to register the rest of what Namjoon is saying, tuning everything out but your deafening thoughts. You have to remind yourself to breathe.
"You know that I write?" you interrupt Namjoon. He stops and fixes you a look of confusion, like it is so obvious that you write. It's not that you've been trying to keep it a secret. The thing is, for most of your stories, Namjoon is the main male character. In most of your stories, you have described every single part of him in excruciating detail, his eyes and lips especially. When your friends had first read your stories with Namjoon as the male protagonist, they had caught on quickly, almost immediately asking you if you were describing Namjoon because of how well you had described him. A bad feeling washes over you.
"Yeah, you're always scribbling away during English so I got curious and asked a few of your classmates," he responds, flashing you another lopsided smile. If this were any other situation, your heart would have been absolutely eliminated because of that smile but in this situation, all you can think about is if he's read any of your work. Because if he has, you're done for.
"What did my classmates say?" you question hesitantly, still deciding if you want to know his answer.
"Well they said that you've been writing since forever. They also said that a lot of people know that you write. Oh, and they also said that you had some published works so I went to check them out—" Namjoon's voice fades out as he continues to talk.
This is it.
It's the end of your social life. Namjoon is going to tell his loud ass group of friends that you write stalker-esque stories about him and then one of his friends is going to accidentally tell their girlfriend and then the girlfriend is going to spread it across the school and you'll be known as the loser who writes creepy stalker stories about Namjoon—
"It was amazing," you hear Namjoon say in between your mild quarter-life crisis. You pause and look him square in the eye. You want to come off as serious but you falter slightly when Namjoon stares back at you, irises a whirlpool of dark brown and glittering fascination, a swirling vortex that draws you in with a vicious intent of drowning.
"Yes?" Namjoon questions you after a beat of silence passes. You want to ask him if he knows that he is reading about himself but you stop yourself. "You like my stories?" you ask instead, feeling a tad bit shy now that you've realised that Namjoon likes what you write about him.
He lets out a small laugh, "Is it that hard to believe that I like what you write?"
"I was just surprised." He flashes you another wide grin and there it is, those cursed dimples show themselves again, grinning tauntingly at you and your heart commits the highest act of treason when it starts to beat faster. You gulp.
"You shouldn't be surprised. It was really good. I really liked it when you described the male character. It felt like I was looking at him myself. That's why I asked you to be my partner. I'm sure with your talents, we can get a really good mark on this assignment."
Your heart thuds a little faster when Namjoon tells you that his favourite part was reading about how you described him. But it falls to your stomach when he tells you that he picked you solely for your supposed talents. You don't know why, but a part of you had thought that maybe Namjoon wanted to get to know you better, and was using this assignment as an excuse. You thought that it was finally happening, someone you like has finally noticed you. But it looks like you thought wrong.
"Thank you," you say meekly, flashing him a half-hearted smile that you're sure he notices from the way he stiffens. "So, you said that you thought that romance would be a good genre, but what do you want to write about?"
Namjoon is silent for a while, lips pursed in ponder. You wait patiently for his answer.
"Well, I thought that I'd wanted to write romance too," he answers flashing you an awkward smile. The silence that follows is palpable and suddenly, you feel so very exhausted. "Well then, that's settled. Now we just have to think of a situation."
"How about this one?" Namjoon asks immediately after you finish your sentence. He says it rather suddenly and it startles you a little. You can't help but hear a certain extent of desperation in this voice. He wants to get this over with, you tell yourself.
"How do you mean?"
"Kinda like us now," he starts but stops to think about what to say next. You remain silent. "We should just write about us but make it a love story. For example, the two main characters are supposed to do a project together so they meet at a library," he pauses to gesture to the shelves surrounding the both of you.
"Then they start working on the project and they start talking. Then, somehow, the boy confesses to her. And the girl tells him she's always felt the same way. We can come up with how he confesses since I myself haven't come up with that yet," he continues, softening the last part of his sentence into a mumble that you barely hear, but still do. You pause. What the fuck?
"What did you say? I didn't hear you," you ask against your better judgement, curiosity getting the best of you. "Huh? Oh, it was nothing."
A furious blush begins to spread on the apples of Namjoon's cheeks, and for some reason, your body begins to mirror him, heart pumping hot blood to the blood vessels that lay beneath the skin of your cheeks. Namjoon shyly directs his gaze to his lap, dark brown bangs, the colour of his eyes, coming down in luxurious curls and waves to hide his eyes. You can't help but think that you like to see Namjoon like this; soft and shy and vulnerable because he is usually so confident and suave. It feels like he is showing a new side of himself to you, like he is peeling back the layers of masks and personas he has built until he is left raw and natural, allowing you to see everything that he is. The thought of that leaves you feeling winded because it is exactly what you want. And suddenly, you don't feel bashful or shy because of his words. Instead, you are determined, hellbent on making something out of this and you hope with your whole being that it is a relationship.
You are about to say something, to question him, bombard him until he is spilling his feelings in fumbled words and sentences of desperation and want, clawing at you until you too, are raw and vulnerable. But he beats you to it, speaking in a soft, hushed tone, as if you are a stern silence that he is afraid of interrupting.
"I think you're amazing, Y/N. What do you think of me?"
He stares meekly at his lap, too afraid to even spare you a glance. You remain silent, building his desperation like you are some professional flirt. In all honesty, you really just want to tell him you like him too but you're just so scared. The evidence that he at least feels something for you is right in front of you and yet your brain rejects it like a vending machine rejects a bill, walls built far too high and thick that words are no longer enough to convince you. He has to show you. And you think he knows that too.
Namjoon's head shoots up to stare you in the eyes, a new found determination and confidence burning in his eyes. The way the light finds his dark brown irises makes your heart do a million somersaults. They light up and turn into a golden brown you can't help but compare to a sweet, caramel syrup that coats your tongue in golden, sugary gratification. You swallow so hard, you feel the sides of your throat rub together painfully. 
"I think you're freaking amazing, Y/N. Every time I look at you, I always want to make myself better. For you. I want to become the best version of myself in hopes that it'll satisfy you and garner your attention. And I really like that you do what makes you happy. I absolutely love it when you write in English because you're always so focused and serious, plus, you make that really cute face when you're concentrating and it always makes my heart beat a little faster and it makes me hate that I sit in front of you because I have to keep finding stupid reasons to turn around just to look at you and I just think you're the most amazing, admirable, lovable person ever," Namjoon lets out. His words are rushed and desperate and you melt like goddamn candle wax.
"I'm— Wow, I'm— thank you, Namjoon. That really means a lot to me," you stutter, not really knowing what to say at first but finding your words soon enough. "Oh, and I feel the same way," you add, somehow missing the main point of your response. It doesn't matter anyway. He knows now. That's all that matters.
"Wait, really?"
You let out a laugh. "Yeah, Namjoon. Is it that hard to believe that I like you too?" you reply, a homage to your previous conversation.
Namjoon smiles a small smile, then it widens, and widens, and widens, until he is flashing you a blinding grin that could outright beat the glare of sunlight. "You said that you like me," he points out, eyes shining.
It is your turn to blush in embarrassment, cheeks feeling hot as you begin to sink into yourself, hair falling from behind your shoulders to hopefully make itself useful as a curtain to shield your red face from Namjoon. Something in Namjoon's chest begins to splinter at the sight. He is so very tempted to pull out his phone and snap a picture of you but he holds himself back at the thought that he is positive he has many more chances to do so. His ribs nearly break in half because of how hard his heart beats.
"It's a good thing that I like you too," he says gently, smile now gentle instead of blinding. "Also, we have a plot now!" he exclaims in excitement as he slides the pen and paper closer to himself, ready to start on your assignment.
"So, we're, are we? You know... Um, dating now?"
Namjoon's eyes widen in horror and he deflates himself, a disappointed frown pulling his eyebrows together at the centre and turning the corners of his lips down. "Shit, I'm sorry I didn't ask— I just assumed—" he cuts himself off, clearing his throat dramatically.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. Somehow, he still feels nervous even though he knows that you answer is a resounding, "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."
Namjoon lets out the breath he didn't even know he was holding and it comes out in a relieved sigh. "Thank God because if not our story would have a horrible ending," Namjoon comments, picking the pen back up and clicking it open.
"Let's write that," you cut in before he can say anything else. "Write a sad love story?"
Namjoon is going to tell you no, to completely disapprove of your idea because writing a sad love story is one thing but writing a sad love story that will be handed up to your teacher for her to grade is another thing. But then, he sees your eyes glisten in determination and he dispels his thoughts immediately, folding into himself like a goddamn lawn chair. He can't believe he was just about to say no to you. What the fuck is wrong with him?
"Please? I'm better at writing angst. Plus, we have a happy ending and that's all that matters," you press, trying to convince him. You don't have a real reason other than the fact that you write angst better. You also don't really know why you want to write angst right now when you feel as if you could fly. But it doesn't matter. None of it matters anymore. Namjoon is your's now. 
Namjoon flashes you a dimpled smile, eyes curling up and glittering with mirth and unadulterated belief in you. You can't help but think that you want him to never stop smiling like that, looking at you like you are some sort of celestial being, hailed from the sky solely to bring him every sort of merriment known to mankind and the heavens. The thought of him thinking of you like that scares you, because you are always afraid of not being enough. But Namjoon diminishes all of your worries with a short sentence, manhandling them by the throat and shoving them off a cliff.
"Okay, I believe in you."
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years
We’re Not Stalking, We Were Just Bored
Pairings: Willex, mentions of past Luke x Alex, OC x Luke
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: some light cursing
Summary: Luke’s boredom one afternoon leads to him and Jordan following Alex and his ghost beau around the city. 
A/N: Here’s my submission for @jatp-week day 3 - favorite ship. I love Willex with all my heart and this way I was able to write about them without writing from one of their povs, cause I wasn’t feeling that atm! This one-shot takes place in the Sunset Swerve universe featuring my oc Jordan but can be read as a stand-alone! Send me a message if you’d like to be tagged in future JATP works or my Sunset Swerve series and as always lmk what you think!
SS Teaser  Masterlist
“Jordan!” Luke whined, drawing out her name.
She was once again laid across the couch with a book in hand, trying to quietly pass the afternoon but Luke was having none of it. Of course Alex was out doing who-knows-what and Reggie was in the house so Luke had no one else to bother but her. 
“Jordan!” Luke called again when he didn’t get a response, louder and more insistent this time.
Jordan groaned irritably, lowering her book to glare at the boy sitting in the chair across from her.
“What do you want?” She sighed, hoping to placate him so he’d leave him alone.
“I’m bored.”
“Oh my gosh.” Jordan rolled her eyes. “Then go do something.”
She picked up her book again but in a flash Luke was next to her, pushing her book back down.
“There’s nothing to do here!”
“Then go somewhere else.”
“I can’t go alone! What if I get lost or wind up in a bad part of town!”
“Then you poof out. You’re a ghost,” Jordan rolled her eyes again with a sigh.
When Luke didn’t say anything in response Jordan looked up, puzzled, only to be met with the boy’s puppy dog face. She glared at him for a moment before turning away.
“I hate you so much,” she muttered to herself before turning back and saying louder, “Fine. Let’s go.”
She sat up, swinging her legs off the couch and placing her bookmark in her book. Luke jumped up excitedly, a grin on his face at his victory.
“There’s a record shop in Hollywood I’ve been meaning to visit,” he announced, grabbing her hand and poofing them away.
When they reappeared outside the record shop Jordan slapped his arm.
“A little warning next time!” She scolded, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame it. “I was not ready to go out yet!”
“Who cares? No one can see you!”
“I care!” Jordan protested, “And don’t try and give me that apathetic garbage, you care about your appearance more than anyone else I know.”
Luke rolled his eyes, pulling his beanie off with a huff and pulling it onto the other ghost’s head. “There. Now can you stop freaking out about your hair?”
Jordan huffed but adjusted the hat on her head.
“Thanks,” she grumbled reluctantly and Luke smiled cheekily.
He moved to usher her into the record store only to notice it was no longer there. The windows had been boarded up and a large ‘For Rent’ sign had been hung on the door.
“Well, that’s a bust then,” Jordan frowned. “Damn. I really liked this shop too.”
Like Luke, Jordan had frequented many of the record shops in the area when she was alive. They’d always been one of her first stops whenever she got birthday money or saved up enough allowance. She and Luke had stumbled upon this one together when they were younger, their parents having sent them out to do some errands. She remembered they’d bickered the whole time up until they walked past the storefront. Deciding to go in and look around might’ve been the first and only thing they’d agreed on when they were alive.
“Woah, wait, there’s Alex!” Luke said, pointing down the street where the blond had just turned onto a side street. “We should follow him!”
“You want to spy on Alex?”
“No! I just wanna observe,” Luke protested, “y’know, for science.”
Jordan laughed at the crappy reasoning.
“C’mon, we don’t have anything better to do,” Luke pouted again and Jordan groaned but let herself be pulled along by the ghost boy.
“Is this some weird jealous ex thing?” She asked warily when she saw that Alex was meeting up with Willie.
“What? No,” Luke snapped his head around to stare bewildered at her. “Jesus. No, Moss. That’s so creepy and weird.”
“Right and the two of us spying on them because we’re bored isn’t weird?”
“Okay I see your point but I just wanna know what they do all day!” Luke reasoned. “It’s so boring at the studio, maybe they know of some fun things to do.”
“Why don’t we just ask them then?”
“Because then we’d have to find something else to do!”
“We could just do what they- y’know what? Never mind.” Jordan gave up. “Just, don’t get us caught okay. I actually like Alex and I’d rather he didn’t think I was a weirdo.”
They followed the two around Hollywood for a long time- much longer than Jordan had anticipated Luke’s attention to last. However, Alex and Willie didn’t ever really do anything. They just walked around Hollywood and talked, which would’ve been quite boring to observe if their objective hadn’t changed very early on in their endeavor. Luke and Jordan had instead become Alex and Willie fangirls, cooing over every small gesture of affection shared between the two ghosts.
“Oh my gosh they’re so adorable,” Luke whined, face scrunched up to portray his emotional pain at the sight.
Willie had just offered his board to Alex, placing his helmet onto the blond’s head and strapping him in carefully.
“Look look look,” Jordan whispered yelled excitedly, repeatedly smacking Luke’s chest with the back of her hand.
“Oh my gosh, I know!” Luke squealed, grabbing her hand and clutching it to his chest.
Alex had climbed onto the board but immediately lost his balance, prompting Willie to reach out to steady him, his hands falling on the ghost boy’s waist while Alex’s hands gripped his shoulders for support.
“If I wasn’t already dead their cuteness would kill me.” Luke deadpanned and Jordan laughed.
They followed from afar as Willie guided Alex along the sidewalk, coaxing the boy to let go of his shoulders. Once Alex seemed to have his balance, Willie let go of the blond’s waist.
“I’m doing it!” Alex cheered excitedly and Willie laughed.
However, the success was short-lived as at the first sign of a lifer Alex panicked, immediately losing his balance and flailing his arms around as he toiled from the skateboard. Luke and Jordan gasped but then let out sighs of relief followed by coos as Willie caught the boy before he could hit the ground.
“Call 9-1-1, there’s been a murder,” Jordan muttered jokingly as she watched Willie and Alex.
“What?” Luke asked, turning towards her in confusion and alarm.
“They killed me,” Jordan blinked at him slowly as she spelled it out. “With their cuteness.”
“Oh right,” Luke nodded before gushing, “They are so cute, aren’t they?”
Jordan nodded, watching him quizzically. It was nice to see him so happy about the ghost couple but it was an uncommon relationship between exes.
“You’re really happy for him, huh?” She asked curiously.
Luke nodded, the tone between them growing more serious as they stopped walking. “He’s my best friend, no matter our past I want the best for him.”
“That’s actually very sweet,” Jordan mused, before switching the tone and teasing, “I didn’t know you had it in you, Patterson.”
Luke’s jaw dropped and Jordan giggled at his expression of disbelief.
“Y’know, you’re a piece of work, Moss.” He shook his head but failed to hide his smile.
“C’mon, let’s go or we’ll lose them,” Jordan nudged his shoulder to get them moving before looking down the sidewalk. “Oh shit, where’d they go?”
“You lost them?” Luke gasped and Jordan’s eyes widened as she spun on the boy.
“I lost them? You’re just as responsible for this as I am!” She protested and Luke opened his mouth to make a retort when he was cut off by a voice behind them.
“Looking for us?”
Luke and Jordan swiveled around only to be face-to-face with the two ghosts they had been following.
“Oh shit.” Jordan cursed and Willie laughed.
“Can you stop stalking us now?” Alex pleaded, staring pointedly at Luke.
“We weren’t stalking you-“ Jordan tried to protest though she knew it was no use, they totally were stalking.
“Yeah! We were just bored!” Luke added as if that completely rationalized their actions.
Jordan forced a guilty smile, hoping that maybe her awkwardness would earn her sympathy from Alex.
“That’s not- okay,” Alex rolled his eyes but let it go. “You guys are idiots, go home.”
Jordan breathed a sigh of relief, smiling apologetically at the pair as she grabbed Luke’s arm, pulling him away.
“Yeah, good idea, sorry!” She called over her shoulder.
Luke elbowed her, sending her an eye roll before poofing them both back to the garage.
Sunset Swerve Taglist: @oopsiedoopsie23 @angryknightstatesmantrash @onlygetaway @deni-gonzalez @advicefromnixxxx
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx
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notalwaysthevillian · 3 years
My Whirlpool of a Life
Ships: Kaminari/OC
Word Count: ~2.7k
I will not be doing a tag list for this fic.
Chapter 8: Time for a Rescue
The four of us were able to hit our targets with ease, since most of them were still groggy from being flesh balls.
“That was so gross.” I said as we headed to the ante room. “I know we might work with these people eventually, but if I can avoid him I’ll be that much happier.”
“You weren’t the one who was manhandled.” Kirishima shivered. “I never want to go through that again.”
“Shut up! Let’s just get back.”
Walking faster, I matched Bakugo’s pace. We walked in silence for a second before he broke.
I didn’t look at him. “You knew, didn’t you?”
“Knew what?”
“That it was too dry.” I saw him tense up out of the corner of my eye. “You wanted me to come with you because you knew I’d have trouble. If I stayed with the others I would’ve been taken out.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He grumbled, but it was half-hearted.
Nodding, I slowed to walk with Kami again, but not before whispering a quick “thanks”. There was a quiet grunt as a response, which I figured was the best I was going to get out of Bakugo.
“What was that about?” Kami asked as he claimed my hand.
He gave me a look. “You talked to Bakugo without him yelling or exploding something. How did you survive?”
The speaker crackled to life again. “Our total is at 82.”
Kami squeezed my hand. “Do you think our classmates have passed already?”
“I hope so. Todoroki probably did already, I saw his ice wall earlier.”
I could see explosions and dust flying around at the far end of the arena.
“Wow, everyone is going crazy.”
“Hey, look!” Kaminari pointed. I saw Midoriya, Uraraka, and Sero walking up to the ante room too. “Aw, yeah! Class A represent!”
Uraraka grinned. “You know it! Our class is amazing! We did it!”
“Class 1-A!” Kirishima started chanting, and most of the rest of us joined in.
“I’m glad you passed!” I threw my arms around Uraraka. “What happened to everyone else? I thought you were staying together?”
“Remember that boy that was super nice when we first got here? He has a quirk that lets him break up the ground! We all got separated!”
“I’m lucky I stuck with these guys then.” I gestured to Kirishima and Kaminari on either side of me. “The air is too dry in here, and we weren’t close enough to the water area for me to borrow any. I was pretty much useless.”
“Hey, that’s not true!” Kiri protested. “You helped Kaminari get us out of there.”
“Bug did most of the work.”
Kaminari kissed my cheek. “That time, but I’m sure you’re gonna be the one taking the lead in the future. We’ll just stick closer to the water next time.”
We headed into the ante room, spotting Todoroki, Shoji, Tsu, Jirou, and Yaoyorozu hovering around. Yaoyorozu looked relieved as we all walked in, munching on some dumplings.
“Oh hey! What a relief. I was starting to get worried.”
“No need to worry about us, Yao-Momo!” Kaminari led me over to them. “What’s up? When did you guys pass?”
“Yeah, have you guys been here for long?”
Shoji shook his head. “We just finished as well. Todoroki beat us here.”
“Honestly I was kind of shocked Bakugo wasn’t here already.” Jirou said as she joined us. “But I get it now. It’s because Kaminari was with him.”
“Come on! Why am I getting dragged today?!”
I rubbed the back of my neck. “If anyone was the weak link on that team it was me today. I probably should’ve gone for the water zone.”
“You would’ve been taken out before you got there.” Bakugo huffed, rolling his shoulders back. “Doesn’t matter anyway, we passed.”
“You don’t think that was it, do you?” Yaoyorozu finished off another dumpling. “It seems awfully easy to just outlast people. There’s more to being a hero than that.”
“Whatever. I’m gonna be the hero that saves people. My sidekicks can deal with cleaning up.”
Bakugo walked off toward the food, Kirishima on his heels.
“He actually seems less grouchy today.” I said, earning looks from everyone else. “He won’t admit it but if he hadn’t told me to stay with him, I would’ve probably been tagged out. He pretty much saved me today.”
Kaminari slung his arm around my shoulders. “When did he tell you that?”
“Before, when Shindo was being overly nice.”
“Overly nice?”
“Did you think he was that nice?” Everyone nodded at me. “Bakugo was right, the look in his eye didn’t match what he was saying. His vibes were all off.”
“You can’t always judge someone on vibes alone.” Shoji manifested another arm, grabbing some food from the table.
“I know, but we weren’t wrong.”
“Hey,” Uraraka walked up with a key. “Tsu told me they want us to put the targets back on the shelf. You need help taking them off?”
“I’ve got it.” Kaminari took the key and unlocked the one on my back, his fingers brushing against my hip.
“Hey! Watch your hands.”
I could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m just undoing your targe - OW!”
Jirou’s earphone jack recoiled back to her ear and she winked.
Once my targets were off, Kaminari handed me the key. “Now you do me.”
“Phrasing, Bug.” I giggled, quickly taking his targets off.
He pecked me on the forehead. “I know what I said.”
Laughing at Jirou’s reaction, I grabbed our targets and headed over to put them away, leaving Kami to be told off by her.
“Your boyfriend is cute.” A girl in a Shiketsu uniform was leaning against the wall. She gave me a smile, but it felt more crazy than sweet. “Not as cute as the green-haired boy over there though.”
“Thanks?” I placed the targets on the shelf, before putting the key back on its hook. “What’s your na - oh.”
As I turned back around, she was gone.
The boy from before, Yoarashi, waved and walked over. “I heard that Class A had someone join after the sports festival. I didn’t see you there, so I have to assume…”
“Yep! That’s me.” I pointed to myself with both thumbs, before laughing. “Guess my boyfriend’s dorkiness is rubbing off on me.”
“When you spend a lot of time with people, you adopt their mannerisms!” He laughed a hearty laugh. “I was curious as to what your quirk is.”
“You have to tell me yours first.”
“That is only fair!” When he spoke, it was loud. “My quirk is Whirlwind. It allows me to control air currents.”
The air around us picked up speed, blowing my hair back.
“Cool!” I activated my quirk, drawing the water out of my belt. “Mine is…I guess Whirlpool? I can control water! If it’s not too dry out I can pull the water from the air, or if there’s water nearby I can use it.”
“A powerful quirk! Your parents must be proud!”
I knew he hadn’t meant anything by it, but I could feel the water whip around my legs as the memories started to come back again. “I’m sure they would be if they were still around.”
He bowed, his head touching the ground again. “My apologies!”
Everyone started looking at us. I threw my hands up, waving them. “It’s okay, really.”
An alarm went off, rescuing me from this conversation. I knew he meant well, but I really didn’t want to continue.
“The last students pass! Every slot is now filled! One hundred students will advance! The end is finally here! Wah-hoo!”
“That’s the most excited I’ve heard that guy all day.” Kami said as he came over and pulled me back towards our classmates.
“Our whole class passed! I’m so excited!” Uraraka cheered, jumping up and down.
I cheered with her. “We did it!!”
It took about 15 minutes for everyone to regather. I felt a little bad for the people who had to withdraw, but that was the nature of the test I guess.
“For the hundred of you who passed the first test, please turn your attention toward the screen.”
I looked up, seeing live footage of the test arena. It was quiet for a moment before explosions rocked the arena, causing multiple collapses in different areas.
“There’s only one more round to the exam. Your goal is simple: undertake rescue exercises and save the bystanders who are trapped in these disaster sites.”
“Rescue exercises?” I bounced on my toes, feeling the smile spread across my face. “This is what I was trained for!”
“Use this time to show us how you will carry out successful rescue procedures once you receive your provisional licenses.Treat this as though it was the real thing.”
The screen shifted, showing the people we had to rescue. There were some elderly, and some young.
“That’s so dangerous! Why are they here?”
“Little kids are prone to ignoring their parents and running toward heroes.” I pointed out, remembering what the Pussycats had taught me. “The elderly are often caught in the crossfire, due to the fact that they usually can’t move as fast.”
“…We’ll be judging on how well you keep them safe as you go about your mission. Oh, by the way, we’ll be scoring you on a point system. If you have more points than the benchmark at the time the exercise comes to an end, then you pass the exam. We’ll start in ten minutes. Take care of any necessary preparations now.”
I turned around only to find that all of my classmates had decided to talk to each other instead. “Okay, so I guess I’m the one making a plan.”
“Guess so.”
Turning around, I found Shindo standing there. “Look, I know you caught on to my nice act earlier too. But it’s a rescue mission, and we’re going to have to work together.”
“Agreed.” I gave him a nod. “I did a lot of rescue work with the Pussycats growing up. My quirk is well suited to search and rescue, especially if there are any broken bones.”
“Well I doubt that’ll be an issue, but good to know. We can get a first aid station set up straight away. Can you get your class to help with the search portion?”
“I’ll talk to them.”
He walked away without another word. I headed back to my classmates, seeing Mineta and Kami yelling at Midoriya about something.
I caught the word “naked” as I got closer, and crossed my arms over my chest. “Kaminari.”
He froze, a hand immediately going to the back of his neck. “Dew Drop!”
“What’s going on?”
“N-nothing! We’re just talking to Midoriya!”
I glanced at Mineta, activating my quirk and locking him against the wall with a wave. “Mineta.”
“Midoriya saw a girl naked!”
I dropped the water. “That’s what you guys are worried about right now? We’re supposed to be planning for a rescue mission!”
“We get people, we get out. It’s easy.” Mineta waved a hand in the air. “This is juicier.”
He walked off, leaving a nervous Kaminari by my side. “Are you mad?”
“You’re a teenage boy, I’m not mad.” I rolled my eyes. “But can we focus on rescue? I’m actually good at this, I can get us to pass. I - I want to make up for not helping as much in the first round.”
“Nami, you did what you could.” Kaminari pulled me into his arms, nuzzling the top of my head. “You can’t be the superstar every time. Unless you’re Bakugo.”
I giggled into his shirt, relaxing as his familiar supercharged scent surrounded me. “You’re right.”
A bell rang, making the two of us jump.
“Shit, I was supposed to -”
“Villains have performed a large-scale terrorist attack slanning all of Insert City Name Here. Since most buildings have collapsed, there are many injured.”
The walls around us broke apart and opened up, just like the start of our test.
“Due to heavily damaged roads, the first responders have unfortunately been delayed for the time being.”
“What is with these rooms?”
“Until emergency services arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Your task is to save as many people as you can and help the injured. And with that…BEGIN!”
“You three! With me!” Bakugo yelled before taking off.
I shook my head, staying with our classmates. Kaminari looked torn.
“Bug, go with him, it’s fine.”
He took off, splitting from our group.
Iida headed for the collapsed buildings, leading our little pack. “Let’s start by heading toward the closest urban area.”
Taking a deep breath, I threw up a water wall in front of them, making my classmates stop and turn back to me.
“Look. I’m the only one here trained in rescue.” I said before anyone could protest. “Let me give you some pointers?”
“Bestow your knowledge on us!” Iida stopped running, giving me his full attention.
“We will need to split up, that isn’t even a question. We go where we will be the most useful. For me and Tsu, that means the water terrain. Anyone else think they’ll be the best there?”
Todoroki raised his hand, and Hagakure’s glove went up.
I nodded. “Okay. Those of you who will do better in the urban area can stay here. Make sure you move people slowly until you can determine their injuries. Some you might not want to move at all, if they’re that injured. Yao-Momo, I’d recommend you stay here.”
“Got it.”
“And stay alert. Usually when there’s an earthquake, there’s aftershocks. There could be falling debris, or more explosions even. Keep sharp. Water team, follow me.”
The four of us split off, heading toward the river and the lake.
“Guys! Over there!”
A few people were clinging to rocks in the water. One boy looked terrified. “Help! I can’t swim!”
“Tsu, could you get him? I'd probably terrify him.” I activated my quirk, the water pulling the other people toward shore, keeping them elevated.
“We might need to warm them up. We should get firewood.” Todoroki said.
“On it!” Hagakure ran off in another direction.
Tsu swam out, putting the boy on her back and coming back to shore.
“Everything is going to be alright. We’re here to help you in any way we can.” I explained as we gathered them up. “Our friends went looking for firewood so we can get you guys warm. Is anyone injured?”
A few hands went up.
“Those of you uninjured, if you could separate from those that are injured. Tsu is going to talk to you and see what you remember.” I leaned over to her. “Do you know how to tell if someone has a concussion?”
“Ribbit. Yes.”
“Good. Look for those. There’s a chance someone has one and doesn’t know.”
She split off, and I headed toward the injured group. There weren’t too many people, only a small group of three.
“Who’s hurt the worst? Any broken bones? Does it hurt to breathe?” I asked, gently washing off what I hoped was fake blood with my quirk.
One of them raised a hand. “Breathing isn’t easy right now.”
“We’re going to get you to the first aid station right now. Are the other two of you okay to walk?”
They nodded.
“Tsu!” She looked up at me. “I’m taking them to the first aid station. I’ll be back once they’re secure!”
I moved water around the person having trouble breathing, floating him in a pool of water as we moved. “We’ll get you all help. What are your names?”
“You’re very good at this, young lady.” One woman said, after they’d all given me names.
I blushed. “Just doing my job. I learned from the Wild, Wild Pussycats.”
“Then they’re excellent teachers.”
We reached the first aid station just as Midoriya came running up with a kid. I got them all settled with the other class, nodding at Shindo, who gave me a nod back. He gestured to someone else, who ran up and helped me out with the one who was having trouble breathing.
“Potentially cracked ribs.” I whispered.
We got them settled in the area and things seemed to be going well.
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fic-ify · 4 years
Pocket Beel! (part 2 of 2)
Welcome back! Here continues the dorkiness of my OC Max while trying to keep an eye on miniaturized Beel. Big thank you again to @boxbusiness for inspiring this fic and @thatfanfictionchick for hyping me to write it.
Warnings: none, it’s fluff
She was warm, very warm, and there was a weird pressure against the base of her throat that she couldn’t identify in her half-sleep. A low grumble escaped her before a yawn pressed against her lips and escaped. She blinked sleepy eyes open, slowly focusing on Belphie’s sleeping face in front of her and finally noticing the arm wrapped over her waist.
A soft huff left her as she raised a hand and ran her fingers through her bed invader’s hair, briefly wondering how he’d made it through the locked door. A matter she wasn’t entirely surprised over if she thought about it. One sleep hazed eye opened to look at her, watching her smile in greeting. That gaze flickered down and the soft grunt of discontent he gave made her glance down as well.
“Cheeky.” She chuckled as she looked down at Beel where his head was poking out the neck of her sweatshirt, the rest of him hidden under the fabric against her chest. In his sleep he looked so happy and peaceful she couldn’t be mad. She was just glad he wasn’t in his demon form. Even at this size, his horns would be a pain against the sensitive skin of her neck.
“Asmo figured out a trick for his clothes.” Belphie’s low voice said to her, his arm tightening around her and drawing her attention back to him. “Not sure we can get them back to normal, but at least he’ll be comfy.”
“Thank you Belphie.” She gave him a chaste peck against his lips. To which he frowned, looking for all the world like she’d flicked him in the forehead instead.
“Kiss me properly.”
“Why don’t you do it yourself?” She giggled, earning a playful growl before he leaned forward to do just so. His lips captured hers fully as his hand guided her onto her back so he could lean over her. She hummed against his mouth, opening for him to let his tongue lazily explore her own.
“Oi! No lip mackin’ on the human’s bed!” The door slammed open, barely preceding Mammon’s shouting. Belphie pulled away lazily and glared over his shoulder at his brother. “Get yer butts outta bed. Dinner’s almost done.” Though the message the second born had been given had been delivered, he refused to leave the doorway, glaring back at his youngest brother with his arms crossed.
“Alright alright, we’re up.” She shoved lightly against Belphie, rolling him off her so she could sit up. She looked down at Beel, still dozing in her shirt. “Beel baby, time to wake up. Dinner is ready.” Ignoring Mammon’s indignant squawk and stammering at seeing the little demon in her clothing, she watched Beel wake up slowly. His eyes brightened at the recognition of talk of food.
“Here.” A small bundle landed on her lap from Belphie while Beel climbed out of her top. She looked down to see what looked to be shrunken versions of Beel’s casual clothing. The little demon hopped down onto her lap and grabbed them before ducking behind her for some attempt at privacy. Not that his she or his twin hadn’t seen him in much less, but with Mammon still playing watchdog and the already present humiliation of his size, he clearly wanted a moment.
“Ready!” He popped back out, dressed up in his sweatpants and t-shirt looking much more comfortable. Belphie lowered a hand to him before raising him and sliding him into his breast pocket on his jacket. Max giggled at the sight of Beel’s head and arms hanging out of the pocket, perfectly content in his spot.
Dinner passed without too much fuss that evening, or at least no more than usual. Beel stood anywhere from his plate to various spots on the table, sneaking bite-sized servings from the dishes. Levi and Asmo took various pictures and recordings of the whole ordeal, the latter making cooing and squealing noises at the cuteness of his little brother. Mammon moaned and griped about how it wasn’t a big deal and ‘how could someone so small be more interesting than THE Great Mammon?’ Or at least he did until he talked himself into the idea of either selling Beel or selling pictures of him. Both ideas were shot down immediately by Belphie and Max.
Eventually, Beel hopped down into Max’s lap and snuggled down to take what seemed to be a food-induced nap. It was the first time in weeks that they had plenty of leftovers to get them each through lunch the next day if they wanted. Lucifer and Satan both dismissed themselves as the table was being cleared, not surprising anyone since they had been the least involved in the dinner antics. With Beel slipped into her sweatshirt pocket, Max followed Belphie and Levi into the kitchen with the intent of finding some dessert.
“Movie night?” Her question was answered by a grunt from where Belphie had hunched over the table to sleep, and an affirmative from Levi washing the dishes. She set about making popcorn and snacks, giggling a bit when Beel flew from her sweatshirt and out onto the counter to pilfer through said snacks. The mood was comfortable between the four of them, rather, three and a tenth of them. She and Levi discussed the possible movie options, eventually narrowing it down to a psychological thriller from the human realm. When she turned back around to check on Beel and the snacks, she could have cried.
“He may be the size of a sulfur rat but he still eats like a boar,” Belphie commented as he spoonfed his twin pudding. Two empty pudding cups sat beside them on the table and the one they were working on was about half empty. The spoon was nearly the size of Beel’s face, but he didn’t seem to mind as he gobbled it down happily. “I’m never going to let you live this down.” He told Beel, who very much ignored him in favor of another mouthful. Levi and Max exchanged a glance before whipping out their D.D.Ds and snapping a photo of the pair.
“Alright! Movie time!” She announced, gathering the bowls of popcorn and several bags of snacks in her arms. Levi led the way and Belphie trailed with Beel once again in the breast pocket of his jacket. The two of them were discussing something but their voices were too low for her to make out. Not that she needed to listen, she was just curious.
By the time they had settled in in the movie room, Mammon and Satan had both joined. The former talking himself up to show that he wasn’t scared even as he insisted on sitting next to Max on the couch. The latter settled into an armchair a little behind the rest with a book, but she had a feeling he would end up paying attention to the movie in the end. Belphie laid across the rest of the couch with his head in her lap and Levi made himself comfortable on the floor with some pillows. The last one to get settled was Beel, who dove quite literally into the bowl of popcorn in her hands and vanished amongst the kernels.
“Have you seen this already Max?” Satan asked while the movie started and trailers rolled.
“I saw the original when I was younger, my dad was big into suspense and action movies.” She laughed a little as a thought came to mind. “That honestly explains a lot about myself now.” The comment earned her a few chuckles before they settled down.
Levi and Satan were both quickly enthralled, Belphie had fallen asleep and she wondered if he had been awake at all since he’d laid down. Mammon was trying very hard not to seem like he was curling into her side but she could tell by his fidgeting feet and grip on her arm that he wasn’t doing so hot with the movie. To better anchor and distract him she pulled her arm free from his grasp and wrapped it behind him around his waist. The touch seemed to do the trick when he relaxed into it and his feet stopped moving.
“Beel you have butter and salt in your hair.” She whispered when the little redhead poked his head out of the popcorn again. He grinned up at her playfully, shoving an entire piece into his mouth instead of replying. She just shook her head and smiled in return before focusing again on the movie, vaguely aware of the soft crunches coming from the snack in her hands.
“Max, sleep!” Beel’s tiny voice called out to her from his spot on Belphie’s head as they walked from the movie room to their respective bedrooms. When she looked up at him and raised an eyebrow, he pointed to the bedroom door they were now in front of. It was the twin’s room.
“He wants you to spend the night with us.” Belphie translated for her. She hesitated for a moment, thinking of the homework she wanted to get a head start on that was waiting for her in her room. When the twins didn’t immediately receive an answer, Beel turned on his stupid puppy dog pout that, at any other time was already effective. At his current size, it was practically fatal.
“Fine, fine! Let me just go change and I’ll come over.” Both looked ready to insist she could wear some of their clothes to sleep but she was already walking away to her room. At least this way she could take care of her nightly routine before being commandeered away in their room. She just hoped Belphie would let her get out of bed at a reasonable time this time.
“Where’s Beel at?” Max asked curiously when she walked into the twins’ room twenty minutes later. Belphie was laid flat on his stomach on his bed but the smaller brother was nowhere to be seen.
“Bath,” He snorted at her utterly horrified look. “He’s in the sink, don't worry. I’m not too fond of drowning my brother. Not terribly satisfying when he’s so small.” While he might have had a point there, it didn’t mean she was overly fond of it. Instead of responding she walked over to the bathroom door and gave it a light knock.
“You doin’ okay in there Babs?” She listened carefully and relaxed when she heard an ‘I’m okay!’ in affirmation. A huff from Belphie alerted her to the youngest brother’s discontent. Though if it was due to her disbelief in his honesty or the fact that she still hadn’t cuddled up to him, she wasn’t quite sure.
“I’m going to fall asleep without you if you don’t hurry up.” Belphie threatened, rolling onto his side to face and glare at her.
“You’d do that no matter what pace I moved at.” She pointed out but yielded by approaching his bed anyway. She slid in under the covers and under his offered arm, settling in in front of him with a warm smile. “There, happy now? Needy demon boy.” That earned her a playfully light bite to the tip of her nose before he used his arm around her waist to draw her closer. Before he could start anymore mischief that would end in a much longer night than she needed at the moment, she turned onto her other side, forcing him to be her big spoon.
A low growl was muffled into the back of her neck when he begrudgingly pulled her close against him. It was a noise that said he knew what she was doing and a change of positions wasn’t going to stop him. She knew it wouldn’t but it would give Beel more time to leave the bathroom. And about a minute later, as the sloth demon’s hands had started to caress and wander, the bathroom door finally opened.
Pocket demon-form Beel hovered out of the doorway and across the room to them eagerly. His hair was still a little damp but was clearly much cleaner from his adventures in the popcorn bowl. She blew on his head gently, causing him to squawk indignantly and giggle before attempting to hide under the pillow.
“You’re both disgusting.” Belphie said, his tone displaying the eye roll she was sure was occurring at the back of her head. She ignored him in favor of reaching for Beel and coaxing him out to nestle against her neck under her chin. A happy hum escaped him, sounding much like what she remembered a kitten’s purr to be like.
“Night you two.”
“Night! Love you Max!” Beel called out, breaking off with a yawn before going silent again. Belphie echoed him though his words were lost as a mumble as he fell asleep quickly before either of them. Not that she was far behind him, she noted as her eyes drew heavy and her body finally relaxed after the long day.
For the first time in a while, the overbearing heat of a demon body beside her was not the source to wake her up. Nor was the monstrous growling that seemed to reverberate through her bones. Rather it was the fact that she was currently being suffocated beneath whatever, or whoever, was the cause of those two factors.
“Beel!” She squealed, wiggling under the once again fully grown gluttony demon to no avail, no matter how much she jabbed at him with her fingers. “Beeeeeel! You’re crushing me Babs.” Finally she felt him stirring, a heavy sigh focused on the crook of her neck that caused her to shudder, and his arms further wrapping around her.
“You’re pokey.” He complained, rolling over onto his back and effectively pulling her on top of him. This she could handle. “Five more minutes.”
“I thought I was supposed to be the Avatar of Sloth.” A second voice teased with a sleep filled voice. A third arm wrapped around her where Beel’s arms didn’t cover as Belphie snuggled into his brother’s side and half splayed his limbs over her.
Sloth indeed. She thought affectionately, relaxing into their cuddles once again to drift back asleep. She could enjoy Beel being fully grown later, for now it seemed she was being held hostage in the bed once again.
Not that she was complaining.
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itskixlol · 3 years
Why be a hero when I only get disappointed?
Prompt: The hc where Midoriya is the UA traitor
Warnings!!: Hideout Raid Arc spoilers (chapter 84-97 and episode 46-50), kidnapping,
Summary: Who even is Midoriya? When he starts acting suspicious, why does he start leaving at early hours of the day. What happens when the LoV is involved...?
Word count: 1.5k+
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Akane Shizuka (OC)
{Second person POV}
It all happened so quickly. A month ago you had spotted Izuku in the common areas at 4 in the morning, seemingly sneaking in. You had came down to meet with Mina for an early coffee run but when you saw Izuku everything went sideways. You had excellent grades, a clean reputation, a powerful quirk, a good relationship, and you were good looking. What more could you ask for? But when you saw Izuku that morning none of that mattered. He looked as if he hadn't slept in months with large, dark circles around his eyes which were drooping, threatening to shut any second. His back hunched following his shoulders, which were angled sharply down. His whole figure looked lifeless and that worried you. You pulled him aside and into your dorm which he hadn't seemed to notice until you plopped him down. "Where on Earth have you been? You look like you got hit by a truck!" He had no explanation to offer, instead falling asleep on your bed. You had to cancel with Mina and tell her that Izuku had crashed at your dorm and wasn't showing any signs of being alive other than his even breathing.
You and Izuku had been dating for almost a year before this, he was a sweet boy who had potential radiating off him and cared for others. So once he told you that he had to get back at Bakugo you had every reason to support him. But the next morning when he told you he'd joined 'the league' you couldn't help but stare in utter disbelief.
You knew the boy and he wasn't thinking like he usually would, so why not turn him in? That's why you cursed your curiosity. "Really? You joined the League? I don't believe it!" You knew how to push people's buttons, that was just who you were. Meaning to or not. He led you to where they were meeting and that's when you knew you were in for it.
{First person POV}
Now I stand in front of my classmate. Zuku and I had put on quite a show just a couple hours ago, when we kidnapped him. Of course we didn't make it look like that, but that's what happened. Shigaraki made sure that it looked like we also got kidnapped along with Bakugou. Of course it would come as more of a shocker if both of us had just went with them so we fought against them for a bit and actually ended up injuring Toga a bit, but she'll be just fine. She always bounces back.
{Third person POV}
Akane looked towards Izuku. The two shared an odd connection. They labeled it as love but others would have labeled it as manipulative. Deep down they cared for each other but on the surface it was very dull... Until it came to crime.
Izuku broke free from the restraints using his quirk while Akane waited for him to walk over. He pressed his lips to her forehead while he stretched the restraints farther than they were made to stretch and then they snapped.
Akane's quirk was quite different. She had always said her quirk was Cold-Flame which would make sense considering her father's is the same. Truth was she had multiple quirks, to some extent.
Her lips held the usual grin as they always did. Bakugo was already trying to explode the restraints only to find that his hands were tied securely behind his back. Looking towards the pair as they laughed hysterically at his attempts. "Damn nerds! Get your ass over here Deku and get me out of here with your shitty quirk!" The mood quickly changed as Izuku stared at him through his eyebrows as Akane's whole left side erupted in green lightening, traveling from her palm towards her elbows and up her chest stopping halfway to the middle of her chest. "No can do Kacchan." Sounding almost like the victim as the words rolled off his tongue. "Surprise~" It came out like a venomous song from Akane's lips.
Akane Shizuka. Quirk: Trustfall. Trust her and your quirk becomes hers as well. Using one quirk too much will hinder her ability to use the others and the mental toll is a story in itself.
Their orders were to keep Bakugou restrained and wait until Shigaraki or Dabi got there. It was far too evident that Shigaraki would come as quickly as possible since he didn't trust Dabi with an ounce of him. All they had to do now was put on a show and have an entertaining time.
Now lounging on the couch Kurogiri had fixed just hours ago, they were speaking of school, free time, and pretty much everything except the League. Truth be told, neither of the two liked leading this double life. It was draining and stressful, not being able to make true friends either than those in the league, going to and from school just to go straight to the abandoned bar, raising suspicion with their parents, it was far too much. At least they had each other, right?
Walking to the fridge, Izuku was all too aware of his movements. If there was anything that wouldn't leave him, no matter his status in the hero world, it was his anxiety. Which turned into a very powerful aspect of him. He was far too aware of seemingly small things but that made him all the more cautious through and through.
Bakugou's expression had changed very slightly if at all. His mouth agape, his shoulders tense, his eyes unwavering. If anything had change it was that he wasn't talking anymore. All the answers displayed for him but still unable to comprehend.
Akane's eyes never left Bakugou. It was no secret that she had a bit of a crush on him in the past, everyone knew. So when Bakugou got a girlfriend it was devastating for everyone. Something seemed so obvious and then shattered. So when Akane and Izuku started dating, he was sure that was the ultimate payback. So now to see her on the opposing side of "good" is a shocker. Akane was almost as much of an All Might fanatic as him and Izuku so it was almost common knowledge that she would be an amazing hero.
The silence in the old bar was near deafening. Izuku was leaning against the fridge as Bakugou and Akane exchanged cold stares when Toga walked in. "Hey cutie's~ How's our sweet Bakugou? Didn't let him out did ya? Oh that'd be a shame," all her words sounded like a sweet school girl tune as they tumbled from her pouty, pink lips. The tension was weighing heavily on everyone's shoulders until Toga waltzed in, her personality enough to change the atmosphere bringing smiles to the two villains-in-training but a scowl to the junior hero's.
Shigaraki and Dabi weren't too far behind Toga as they walked in about 2 minutes later. "Look the bastard wasn't even trusted to go out alone hmm," earning a glare for snarky comments, Akane remained grinning sweetly. With her, glares were always met with smirks and giggles or bland eyes with barely any noticeable emotion... if any. "Watch it pipsqueak, you aren't exactly allowed outside either are you?" A low and gravelly voice filled the expanse of the now occupied bar although he wasn't exactly yelling. A gloved hand now separated the teen and man as they were starting to activate their quirks, "Not now. Dabi what are you, a child? Letting her get to you? God it's why she's here let it go," this time the voice was much more high-pitched than the first but more intimidating to anyone who recognized it.
Shigaraki was definitely immature but somehow Akane and Dabi's relationship seemed to be even less mature, despite Dabi being older than Shigaraki. Earning scoffs from both villains they both backed down as Akane replaced her purple, fingerless gloves onto her hands. "Woah were you really gonna fight her? You would've lost Dabi! She has all our quirks ya know!" A smirk painted Akane's features as she heard each words Toga said. She lived for the praise and surprise that now made it's way onto Bakugou's face.
Prancing over to Bakugou's seat she placed her lips only centimeters away from his ear as she gripped his chin in between her forefinger and thumb as she spoke, "Don't you see, they want you here. You are what we need to make our plans work. Join us Bakugou." He was moving his face away from her hands which made her draw a blank.
She slowly backed away, the insomnia she had developed now setting the exhaustion deep into her bones. She retreated to Izuku's side, leaning her head onto his shoulder as they huddled, talking of plans and what to do with the ashy blonde, who sat only feet away. She was fading her way into sleep as Izuku stroked her hair gently whilst explaining and engaging in the makeshift briefing. The last thing she could register before falling into a dreamless sleep was Izuku's shoulders slightly vibrating as he spoke.
She awoke on the battered couch on top of Izuku while Dabi had slept on the new and more well kept couch because of his 'bad back' while they all knew it was a half-assed excuse. Groaning as she stretched her arms to better hook her hands on Izuku's shoulders, slowly nestling back into his chest as she brought the covers a bit farther up on her back.
Going over as much of the short meeting she could, her mind kept wandering to Bakugou and the part that she missed in the meeting which was what they were preparing to do with him. She knew that Izuku would most likely tease her for falling asleep and Shigaraki would bitch about how she was putting her attention somewhere else rather than him, Dabi would make her do something for him to get the information she missed and she hoped Toga would tell her since they were close.
A low groan came from under her as she looked up to Izuku's face to see that he was starting to wake up. Rustling slightly under her and better securing her in his arms, he finally opened his eyes. The two sat in a comforting yet slightly awkward atmosphere as the rest awoke one by one. This may not be the best way to live, but it was going to work itself out as long as they had each other.
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