#why have i been waiting for miracles when his love is living inside me???
thinkeroflovers · 9 months
for some reason i always thought love would save me. i always thought God would just throw a miracle of love into my lap and everything would be okay and i’d be stronger. but i’m realising that only i can save me. and the only love that can save me is the love inside me. the love inside me. the love inside me. i need to be strong enough to love myself
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svnnw · 1 month
WHEN YOU SMILE — chapter 45
45 ) when you smile
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there was no way mark would be here, right? before you could even text him back someone knocked on your door. you had hoped that it would be one of your friends that gave you a surprise visit but the chances were very low. should i just hide in my room untill he leaves? wait he knows that i'm here FUCK. the person outside the door knocked again only for you to realize that you've been waiting for way too long so you quickly pushed your thoughts away and went to the door. you slowly opened the door seeing the person you tried to avoid for the whole day. right in front of you stood mark. you took your time to admire him and noticed that he wore the same outfit a few hours ago, his hair was slightly messy and you could see a faint blush on his cheeks while he did the complete opposite and tried to avert his eyes away from you to avoid eye contact at all cost. you tried your best stay away from him but you knew that the moment he sent you that message you couldn't escape anymore.
"you know you can come in right?" you moved aside so he can enter your apartment. he was in complete awe as he walked inside. the first thing he took notice of was a small picture frame on your wall with you and your friends. being so captured by your warm home he slowly forgot the reason why he even came all the way.
"so you're here because..?" you hesitantly asked having a glimpse of hope that he had already forgotten of the whole rumor going on.
"y/n, tell me everything" out of all the things you thought he would say he came straight to the point.
"what are you talking about?" you knew exactly what he was talking about but you can always hope for a miracle to happen.
"you know exactly what i'm talking about. tell me everything about that stupid rumor. it's not true right? just please talk to me and don't go away" he really got you tearing up now. you've never had a person care this much for you. a person who is desperate for you to talk to them just so there won't be any misunderstandings. mark took notice of your eyes tearing up and he immediately cupped your face not daring to let go.
you took his hand away and intertwined it with yours while you took him away from the living room. the silence was enough for him to understand that you would start sobbing if you even uttered a word out so he just let you lead him to your room. the thirty seconds of silence felt forever but mark didn't mind it the only thing he cared about right now is you being okay.
the both of you sat down on your bed and mark stayed silent waiting for you to start talking.
"did you believe anything they said about me?" you said while looking at your lap hoping for every other answer than 'yes'.
"you know how much i trust you and that i would never believe them" you heard his voice crack and it took you everything to not start crying right in front of him.
"i'm sorry" was the only thing you could say before you felt a tear drop on your hands. mark knew you were in a vulnerable state right now so he carefully pulled you in his arms trying his best to not overwhelm you with all your emotions as he stroke your hair.
it felt embarrassing to cry without even telling him why but mark was a very understanding person and it broke his heart to see you getting hurt from people you had no contact with.
"you don't have to apologize for anything. you know how much i love you and how much trust i have for you. even if we got to know each other because of a deal we made i'm glad it was you. i know good people exist because you're one of them. i want you to only experience happy things in life and forget the sad memories. i love you y/n. not as your fake boyfriend but as me, mark."
his hand that was on top of yours started trembling and you knew he was waiting for you to reciprocate his confession. without hesitation you pulled him into a kiss. he didn't waste a second and kissed you back finally feeling your lips after dreaming about this for weeks. you only stopped kissing him for air and when you did that it made him giggle on how you chased after his lips. after your little make out session mark broke the kiss and cupped your cheeks forcing you to make eye contact with him.
"are you going to tell me when you fell in love with me?" you suddenly had to ask.
"when we played 7 minutes in heaven" mark replied.
"tell me more about it, when do you think i am the prettiest??" you eagerly asked.
"when you smile."
even after you tried to stay away from him today he took his time and went to your apartment not only to clear things up but also because he cared about you more than you could ever know. he was your true love.
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masterlist – previous – next
a/n – OMGG GUYS WHAT ARE WE THINKING RN??? i had so much fun doing this smau and i will seriously miss it SO MUCH i could literally sob rn 😞😞 marky/n were such cuties and i will miss them so so much BUT luckily i will write about five bonus chapters for you guys in the next few days so we still have some moments with them NOW AS A COUPLE!!
wordcount – 0.9k
TAGLIST — open @marvelahsobx @foxy-kitsune @sunflowerbebe07 @jenmongiii @haechansbbg @defzcl @buns-inhiding @minkyuncutie @gukuwii @bugcattie @jaeims @222brainrot @axo-l0tl @pnkified @yyangj3lly @haesluvr @choerubies @m1ng1swife @odxrilove @jising-jisang-jisung @junviadinho @mjnhoz @p4tyaraujo @sunghoonsgfreal @slayhaechan @meloncremesoda @nanaxwi @sehunniepot @wouldyoulikesomefrieswiththat @multifandomania @morkiee @loonathic @softpia @nctrawberries @tommina @nosungluv @tynlvr @miniature-tragedy @alethea-moon @starfilledgaze @polarisjisung @miyawwn @kittydollzz @bitchzitschimi @syzavxy @jeongintwt @vantxx95 @onlyhyunjin @rllymark @markeroolee
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Taking a leaf out of @bcdaily's book, enjoy this random excerpt from a fic I started years ago and will definitely never finish.
When Sirius lead the way back inside the house, which the collective household had spent the better part of a day decorating—a testament to how much they loved Remus, or how much James enjoyed drawing Adipose faces on square balloons—James followed, and split off near the living room, where he found most of the guests, and his mum, who beckoned frantically for him to come over.
"There's a girl waiting for you by the front door," she told him, pointing towards the door that opened into the hallway. "I think she's here to deliver something."
"Probably Beatrice with the cake."
"No, she said her name—wait, no, come here!" cried his mum, as he turned and made to walk away, her hand closing tight around his forearm. For reasons that were utterly beyond him, she began to brush invisible crumbs from his suit jacket—he'd gone full Tennant for the sake of the party, red Converse and all—with such force that he felt as if he was one wrong move away from a violent pummelling.
"What are you—" he began, then cried out in pain as she caught him hard in the chest. "That was a rib, woman!"
"Stop whinging, I'm just trying to help you."
"Help me with what?"
"You'll want to look presentable before you go out there."
"Just trust me, you silly boy," she said, and made as if to grab his tie, but James darted out of the way. "I'm just trying to fix it!"
"Ten always wore his tie tucked in!"
"It's leaning to the left!"
"Yeah, well, so am I."
"A tie should look smart, not—" his mother began, to which James turned and fled at a flat-out run, bursting into the hall with unnecessary speed and startling a girl who, until that point, appeared to have been examining a painting of the Santorini coastline that his parents had mounted on the wall.
Correction. A very beautiful girl examining a painting of the Santorini coastline.
She'd jumped when he came running into the hall, but seemed to recover fast, and bestowed upon him an extraordinarily pretty smile.
"That was some entrance," she said, sounding amused. "Are you training for a marathon?"
He was still wrong. The word 'very' was sufficient for most things, but it fell short in this instance, because this girl, this lovely, pink-cheeked, ivory-skinned miracle, with waves of dark red hair and incomparably stunning eyes, was clearly the most beautiful girl James had ever laid eyes on in his life.
The most beautiful girl in the world was standing in his parents' hallway, for some reason, while he, like an idiot, was fully dressed as the bleeding Doctor and couldn't pretend that he wasn't, because she'd very likely heard him yelling to his mother about the favoured position of Ten's tie, and he had a sonic screwdriver tucked behind his ear.
"Um," he said. Um. That was it. A sound. He'd made a sound. Well done.
Maybe he'd get really lucky, and she'd know nothing about Doctor Who, and he could pretend that the screwdriver was a really fancy pen. Woman liked fancy pens. A fancy pen meant a fancy man.
"Are you dressed as the Doctor?" she said, eyeing his costume curiously.
The fancy pen idea shat a brick and ran for the hills.
"Er, no," he lied, his brain twitching frantically. He wished there was a way to rid himself of the screwdriver in an inconspicuous manner. "This is just how I dress."
"Are you sure?"
"Totally sure."
"Oh," she said, and the tiniest crease appeared between her eyebrows. "It's just, there's a two-foot tall Dalek cake sitting outside in my van right now, and that's telling me a different story."
Were James as pale as her—and it was particularly fortunate at this moment that he wasn't—his face would have been redder than his trainers.
"You're from Lily and Bee," he said, burning with shame. "I mean, from the bakery."
The girl nodded, pointing to her own chest. "I'm Lily, if you hadn't guessed, since you've already met Beatrice—if you're James Potter, that is, which I hope you are. He's the one I'm looking for."
She was looking for him she was looking for him she was looking for him she was—of course she was looking for him, she was delivering the cake he'd bloody commissioned. "I'm him. I'm James."
"Not the Doctor?"
"Well, yeah," he admitted, and glanced down at his outfit. "But only on very special occasions."
She smiled politely, an image he wished he could record and play back when he remembered this conversation, so he could let his mind linger on the one thing he'd done right in all this ugly embarrassment. "I'm sorry if there's been any confusion—it's actually me who made the cake. I was on holiday for the week when you consulted with Beatrice and now she's on holiday and it's a whole thing, but it's all finished and ready, so no harm done."
"Ah, okay." He could do better than this. "Nice romantic week away, was it?"
Not like that.
"I was in the Lake District with my parents," she replied, regarding him with some curiosity. "So no, not particularly. Can't really sneak boys back to a Windermere-adjacent cottage with really thin walls, though I got to hear them going at it, which was horrifying." She pulled a face. "Anyway, I assume you're going to need this cake, yeah?"
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wisteriasymphony · 1 month
A little something based on @dreamer-in-a-far-away-land 's post about a self-aware miraculous au! :) I think it'd only be natural that, if they figured this out, our lovely duo would try and find a way around it....
The knowledge that Marinette was Ladybug was something that, by design... Adrien had no reaction to. He hadn't been given a reaction yet, so he thought. The event hadn't yet been written. ...The Epicurean paradox states that, given the presence of evil, either God is not all-powerful or all-good: Though he now believes whatever pulls the strings must be neither, the fact that him and Marinette have kept such a profane secret for this long is testament enough that God's watch is finite.
He looks around, the streetlamps glowing with an orange light that reveals no shadows. This far out into the city, there are no doors and there are no windows. Streets end (or begin?) in perfectly straight lines, and he's stood in places where his feet can reach the sky below them. To step off the ledge is to fall for longer than he has ever lived. It's a boring suicide, and so he quit the habit.
"You have the ring?" Marinette asks him. To ease her anxious mind, she never wears her pigtails at night ("What do you think would look more like... 'me'?" she's asked him, as Ladybug, many nights before. He never knew the answer.). She hopes it's harder to recognize her that way.
Adrien nods, taking the hexagonal box out of his back pocket. The engraved lid of the wooden box is merely a trick of the light, as when Adrien passes his hands over its surface it is the same uncanny smooth as everything he's ever felt.
He licks his bottom lip, feeling a cold against his face that isn't there. "You have the earrings?"
Marinette takes out the same exact box from her jacket pocket, thumbs brushing up against the box's sides. She's so clever, infinitely clever, and yet it's always on the brink of trying something that she gets a chilling anxiety that transforms her into another person entirely. Adrien couldn't say whether this is or is not the 'real her', because that would mean deciding a 'real him'. He wants to believe that the girl he fell in love with, through act of God or otherwise, will keep that bravery and cleverness.
They swap boxes silently, exchanging wishes of good luck through their gazes. Adrien turns away to get home before sunrise, confident in the plan, before Marinette's hand pulls him back.
"Wait!" she whispers. "...I still have the earrings."
Adrien flips upon the box he knows for a fact Marinette just traded him, and sees his own miraculous inside.
They stop for a moment, and the silence around the outskirts of the city that once gave them comfort has now become haunting.
Marinette's brows are furrowed, but she insists they try again. The boxes are traded once more, then opened: Marinette has the earrings. Adrien has the ring.
"We can't... We can't give them up... I thought that wasn't written, it's... No, we've traded them before, there's no way..."
Marinette drops her box, fingers raking through her hair as she hyperventilates. Not bringing the Ladybug to a fight—Impossible. Permanently handing over the miracle box to Alya—Impossible. Luka is gone because of things she told him, Chloe is gone because of things she told her, and the more times she tries and tries and tries leads to people "moving" or "catching flights" or just not telling her why they leave entirely. Marinette can't even reach Socqueline anymore, and the number she spent her first year in middle school memorizing now only leads to static on the other end of the phone. There's nothing to do about it, nothing at all!
"Marinette, it's okay," Adrien spoke calmly, bending down to pick up the earrings-box. "We just need to keep trying. I believe in you."
For a moment, two rings of the Black Cat Miraculous are in Adrien's hands.
...Adrien neglects to tell her this, fearing it would only worry her further. Juggling both boxes in one palm, Adrien takes Marinette's hand in his, interlocking their fingers.
"I know y... I know we're going to find a way out of this, Ladybug. We have to."
"We don't even know what we're fighting, Adrien!"
"Tomorrow, don't use your lucky charm. Don't do anything that your gut tells you to," he says. "If anyone has a chance at surviving that, it's you."
"...And what are you going to do?"
Adrien smiles, handing her one of the boxes. "Tomorrow, I'm just going to follow you, like I always have," he assures her. "We'll figure it out from there."
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fareehaandspaniards · 3 months
Miquella is nice
After finishing the DLC, Miquella made me think a lot. Before the DLC, he had a rather… one-sided image, I don't know what else to call it. He was incredibly kind, and we saw references for his connection to St. Trina initially (because we still remember Gwyndolin, who lived as girl. And we know Fromsoftware loves the archetype of the sad feminine young man). Miquella was a victim, was a martyr, and was an incredibly kind soul who prayed for Godwyn and invented a true miracle - the Golden Needle, which can help to hold the rot.
But the DLC absolutely turned his image upside down! And it makes me very sad to see a character's incredible transition and acquisition of a new layer of morality (gray) labeled as "bad writing" and "fuck GRRM he spoiled my baby boyy :(((((".
Today after talking with my spouse (He always helps me realize any fragments of lore. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding the simplest things that everyone has long understood and accepted. Also! Happy birthday to my beloved!), I could only finally understand why everyone is getting so worked up about Michella, even though we've had a scenario similar to his "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" a long time ago. That was Laurence, everyone's favorite in Bloodborne, and Gwyn (he really wanted good things and it didn't turn out well :/), etc. I'll also remind you that the fandom (in the general sense) of Fromsoftware games is very fond of villains, and that's fine. But for some reason, when Miquella turned out to be not the good guy everyone wanted him to be, no one appreciated it. And I tried to defend him to the last in a discussion with my husband - Miquella sacrificed everything for the "greater good" in his understanding of the word, Miquella went the way of renunciation, Miquella knew how to love and loved his sister, Miquella wanted to correct all the sins of the past.
However, unlike most Fromsoftware villains, Miquella HIDES his atrocities (even from himself). Nashandra, Shabriri, Micolash, anyone - their motives are clear. They have principles, egos, backstories, justifications for wanting to be a destructive factor, some have these reasons built in at birth, some are insane, etc. Miquella, on the other hand, finds followers by Dishonest means, condemns Radahn to suffering for which to end the festival is organized, leaves his sister to die, condemns Mohg to be a puppet in his scheming, and still thinks of himself as a VIRTUE. He believes that the era he is about to found - will be good and bright. And with words of goodness he kills us in battle with Radahn!
Miquella is a golden apple with a very rotten core. We don't know, really, at what point he started to "rot". What's funny is that of the two twins, Malenia was rotten on the outside and he was rotten on the inside.
Miquella's center is in love. He carries self-love everywhere, charming and falling in love with almost everyone. That is why Malenia says, "My brother will keep his promise. He possesses the wisdom, the allure, of a god - he is the most fearsome Empyrean of all." I think he is the type of child who got used to being loved. The problem with this type is that he can become a wonderful person, or he can turn into a monster who will take love and attention at any cost. (My spouse reminded me here of stories of crazed maniacs who kidnapped those they loved and dreamed of a nonexistent future, not realizing the damage they were doing.)
But there are many questions that, perhaps, everyone should answer for themselves?
What vow did Miquella make to Malenia?
In my opinion, Malenia was not charmed by him. I've always wondered WHY she waits for Miquella at the cocoon in the Tree, even though it clearly shows Miquella being stolen???? She knew, she probably knew his plan originally. She had been waiting for his return like a god. But what had he promised? That when he returned, he would cure her of the rot permanently?
When did Miquella begin his "fall"?
There is no denying that Miquella was a good guy. He tried, he tried to help his loved ones. He looked up to Radahn as a child with respect, as the description of Remembrance of a God and Lord says. Miquella was in harmony with his other self, Trina. But what changed him? Failures? The desire to save everyone at once? The desire to be the most loved? To be perfect - a god? I'm inclined to think it was all of those things that corrupted him at once. After all, as a favorite child, he may have been flawed deep inside from the beginning.
Miquella had resurrected Radahn as a young, beautiful warrior, just as he had been before. But Radahn does not utter a single phrase during the battle, and his movements are more automatic. Radahn feels nothing, and it makes me think more and more that he's more like Miquella's wish come true, his hope of having a worthy consort he loved by his side.
Is Radahn a puppet or a future lord?
Nothing has been confirmed. I've also read that Miquella's spell was broken when his rune was split, that's how many NPCs come to their senses and realize everything. But I think his power would be enough to, like a necromancer, control a resurrected one? And honestly, it's unlikely Radahn would have wanted such a fate. He was holding back fate itself, the stars, so that what did happen to him in the DLC wouldn't happen. Thanks to Miquella, Malenia had turned Caelid into a solid rotten mess and blossomed her divine flower, and left Radahn in an insane state waiting for a noble death at the hands of other warriors. Miquella mutilated him. I don't think Radahn would have appreciated his methods, considering how dedicated he is to warriorship and uprightness, and also honors Godfrey.
What would have happened if the Age of Compassion had happened?
I think it would have been VERY bad. And after a major flourish of life and honoring Miquella, there would have been a decline and another Shattering. Miquella shows himself to be a man who does not tolerate dissent. I think there would have been a flowering of the Inquisition, persecution, murder, and brutal tyranny. And Radahn, most likely, would have simply been "squeezed out" by Miquella and destroyed by his boundless love. Yes, Miquella rejects his love, as @jarognieva correctly pointed out. But he rejected, in my understanding (we need a clear translation from Japanese here), his destined love, i.e., his intended spouse, Trina? Just as Radagon was Marika's spouse. Our Marika is a deity, but she is capable of love - her love for her son, Godwyn, caused her heart to break.
Fandom cancelled Mohg, now he is cancelling Miquella. People don't accept and don't want to comprehend the things that make them change points of view. That's how the witch hunt begins! So stop being shitty and decide for yourself what you think of Miquella before claiming him a "bad written character"
Miquella, as a character, has become an incredible bastard, manipulative and truly evil with a mask of piety. He doesn't go into battle as an honest warrior, he uses others. He "sacrifices" himself by actually sacrificing everyone else. But doesn't that make him MORE interesting?
He's broken a lot of headcanons, but I sincerely hope that the wave of love for him as a VERY gray character will still come! After all, he's a worthy villain archetype! A true evil hidden in a pure soul. How many fanfics, how many musings can be spawned from that. No need to deny him, rather try to accept Miquella for who he is. And don't make it into "good" or "evil". There's a particular aesthetic to how awful Miquella is.
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sidekick-hero · 9 months
I didn’t know that it could be easy
(steddie | rating: t | wc: 3.071 | cw: none | Part 2 to this one | tags: Christmas Day, modern au, found family, marriage proposal, fluff | @steddiemas prompt "Christmas Day")
When the wonderful @sentient-trash sent me this beautiful steddie art I knew I needed to write something for it. So why not fix the heartbreak I caused with this ficlet here? Thank you again, Simon, I love your art so much 💜💜
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"It has to be perfect, Wayne. Do you hear me? Perfect."
Eddie knows he's overthinking this, obsessing over things that probably won't matter in the end, like the color of the tablecloth or whether the scented candles smell like cinnamon or vanilla. It's just...this is Steve and he needs this to be perfect because Steve deserves nothing less. Eddie almost screwed up this thing between them once, and he's been terrified of doing it again ever since.
It's a miracle and a half that they've made it this far. Their third Christmas as a couple, living together in their cozy apartment with their cat Garfield and their dog Bowie. That they made it to the point where Eddie has a ring hidden between his Dnd dice set, waiting to be placed on Steve's hand if he wants it.
God, what if he doesn't want it?
Because four years ago, Eddie had foolishly pined for Steve. Worst of all, he’d done so after pushing the other man away himself after a drunken night together early in their friendship slash roommateship. At the time, he'd thought his feelings had been one-sided, telling himself he'd done it so he wouldn't lose Steve completely. Eddie had never been the kind of guy you would choose to be with after a quick tumble in the sheets, so why would someone as sweet and funny and gorgeous as Steve?
As he discusses his plans for the evening with his uncle, so goddamn determined to make it the perfect Christmas for his boyfriend, he thinks back to their fight that had almost ended it all. Steve had been with someone else after Eddie had made it clear that their night together had been a drunken mistake and that he wanted them to be friends. Eddie had been dying inside, even as he tried to be happy for Steve. Things had come to a head when Eddie had come home and found Steve and his boyfriend Sam making out on the couch. He had reacted badly and Steve had followed Eddie to his room and confronted him about his behavior.
God, he can still see Steve's face, the tears forming in Steve's eyes as he told Eddie that he couldn't do it anymore, watching Eddie disappear before his eyes. Telling him that he fucking missed him. Steve's boyfriend had interrupted their fight before anything else could be said, and Eddie had left their apartment to wander aimlessly through the night.
"Don't forget the pecan pie, it's his favorite. And the banana ice cream. Yeah, I know I hate banana everything, but it's his guilty pleasure. I made some toffee and caramel beans to put in it and some chocolate topping and whipped cream to go with it, so - I don't know why you’re laughing at me, but I don't have time for this, he'll be back from walking Bowie any minute and I still have to put the presents under the tree. Just. Will you help me make this the best Christmas he'll ever remember? Please?"
He's an anxious mess, and he knows his uncle can tell, because instead of teasing him further, he just confirms in a warm and gruff voice that he will help Eddie make this the best Christmas for his boy. They end the call and Eddie rushes into their shared office and recreation room. It is actually Steve's old room from when they were roommates instead of boyfriends. Nowadays it's used as a guest room when one of their friends or his uncle sleeps over, and as a storage room for all the stuff they don't want lying around the apartment taking up space.
It's also where they keep the Christmas presents.
Eddie carefully carries them over to their Christmas tree and places them underneath it. All except one, which he puts in his pocket. Playing with the simple gold band in his pocket, Eddie couldn't help but think back to that night over three years ago.
He had snuck into their dark apartment, assuming that Steve was staying at Sam's to avoid Eddie. He had decided to tell Steve the truth about his feelings during his long walk, rehearsing what he would say, playing out a hundred different scenarios. Still, he hadn't been prepared to find Steve lying on Eddie's bed, apparently asleep while waiting for him, with Eddie's favorite hoodie clutched to his chest.
The sight had hit him hard, making his breath catch in his lungs and his heart stutter in his chest. He had just stood there for what seemed like hours, watching Steve's sleeping form on his bed. Steve had looked worried, even in his sleep, a slight crease between his eyebrows and the hand holding his sweater had been clenched into a tight fist. His whole body was hunched up as tight as it could be, his knees pressed against his chest as if protecting himself from the cold and empty room. That was what finally made Eddie move.
He went back into the living room and grabbed the afghan off the couch before making his way over to Steve. But as he placed the blanket over the sleeping form, Steve had stirred.
"Eddie?" He had mumbled, his voice slurred with sleep.
Unable to help himself, Eddie had knelt by his side and started to stroke his hair. "Yeah, it's me. Go back to sleep, Stevie. We'll talk in the morning, 'kay?"
But when he had tried to get up, he had been stopped by Steve's hand on his arm, his eyes searching Eddie's with surprising clarity. "Stay. Please."
Maybe it was the late hour or the emotional exhaustion. Maybe it was because Eddie had no fight left in him to deny himself or Steve what they both obviously wanted. Maybe it was just the way Steve had looked at him, the memory of the tears in those eyes still clear in Eddie's mind. Whatever it was, Eddie had just slipped out of his jeans before crawling onto the bed right behind Steve, pushing the sheets out from under them to pull them over their heads. With their bodies pressed together and Steve in his arms, they had both fallen asleep.
The next morning they'd woken up late, still tangled under Eddie's blanket. Everything had been warm and hazy, perfect really. When he felt Eddie stir behind him, Steve had rolled over in his arms and they had just looked at each other for a long moment before Eddie had broken the silence between them.
"I'm sorry, Steve. I don't even know where to begin to tell you how sorry I am."
Steve had just taken his hand, his thumb caressing the back of it in small circles, and it had given Eddie the courage to go on.
He told Steve all the things he had been too afraid to say before.
They had talked for a long time. Steve telling him how much he had wanted Eddie that night, drunk or sober, that he had liked him for a while and had hoped they would get together afterwards. But then Eddie had called it a mistake and asked Steve to be friends. So he'd tried, but he'd never gotten over Eddie. Sam had known that Steve was nursing a broken heart when they got together, and after seeing how Eddie had reacted to their relationship and how it had gutted Steve to see Eddie pull away, he had put two and two together. He wished Steve good luck, but said he couldn't wait for Steve to get over someone who clearly wanted him back.
"I fucked up bad, huh?" Eddie had asked with a pained smile, looking at their intertwined hands between them. He couldn't believe that Steve was still here, holding him close and lifting their joined hands to his lips to plant a soft kiss on the back of Eddie's.
"Kind of. But I think we can fix this."
"And how do you suggest we do that, oh wise one?" Eddie had asked, hope blossoming in his chest at the warmth of Steve's smile.
Pulling Eddie impossibly close, Steve whispered against his lips, "Would you just kiss me, you idiot?"
Eddie had never been happier to be called an idiot, as it led to them exchanging soft kisses that soon became more heated, tongues sliding against each other to take each other's moans right out of their mouths.
When they finally stumbled into their kitchen, it was late noon, but that didn't stop them from making breakfast together before spending the day lounging on their couch, exchanging kisses and soft whispers of how happy they were to finally be here.
That day, Eddie had vowed to work hard to never let something so precious slip through his fingers again.
Since then, they'd adopted a grumpy orange-and-white cat with one eye and a mutt, moved Steve's stuff into Eddie's room ("Because that's where we finally got our shit together, Eds"), and Wayne had all but adopted Steve into the Munson family. Robin, Steve's best friend, had taken a little longer to warm up to Eddie because she had a front row seat to Steve's heartbreak thanks to Eddie being an idiot. But she had come around, as had Steve's little brother Dustin, who was away at college, a fact Steve didn't take too well. So Eddie had invited Dustin and his mother, as well as Robin, without telling Steve, hoping it would be the perfect surprise for him.
As if his thoughts had summoned them, the doorbell rang, alerting Eddie to the arrival of his guests. Opening the door with a flourish, he found Dustin and his mother standing there, along with two large suitcases.
"The Hendersons! Welcome to our humble abode, please come in." Eddie greets them cheerfully before leading them into the warm and cozy apartment.
He gets them settled in their guest room and is about to make them both some hot cocoa when the doorbell rings again, this time revealing Robin and his uncle, who happen to have arrived at the same time. They also gather in the kitchen, with Wayne taking over the cocoa duties. They all shove more presents into his arms, which he dutifully places under the tree as well. And in a wider circle around it, because holy shit, that's a lot of presents.
The only thing missing is Steve, who takes their dog for long walks whenever he has the time and hasn't been back yet.
Wayne is in the middle of telling a rather embarrassing story from Eddie's childhood, which the man himself tries to stop, but to no avail, when he is saved by the sound of a key turning in the lock of their front door. Eddie mimes for everyone to be quiet as he makes his way to the door as quickly as possible.
"Stevie, light of my life, you're back!" Eddie calls out in excitement as soon as the door opens to reveal his boyfriend and their dog.
Steve, on his knees letting Bowie off the leash, looks up at Eddie with suspicion. "What have you done now?"
"I'm wounded, Steven. Wounded! Why do you accuse me of some unknown crime before you even give me a kiss?"
Steve grabs Eddie by the collar of his Christmas sweater and pulls him in for a kiss, smiling so hard it can hardly be called that. "Because you get extra loud and dramatic when you're trying to hide something. So what have you been doing?"
"A special Christmas surprise, honey." Mrs. Henderson speaks up, making Steve whip his head around to face her.
"Claudia?" And then his eyes land on the other guests gathered in their kitchen. "Dustin? Robin? What...why? How? I thought you had to spend Christmas with your parents, Robs?"
"That was all Eddie. He arranged for all of us to come here and spend the evening with you. I have to leave later to drive over to my parents, but not for another four hours or so."
After hearing Robin's words, Steve slowly turns back to Eddie, and this time the tears in his eyes are from happiness, not heartbreak.
"Eddie," is all he says before he slams into him, his arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders and his face nestled in his favorite spot just above Eddie's collarbone. "I love you." Steve whispers, his voice choked with emotion.
"I love you too, Stevie," Eddie whispers back, right into Steve's ear, the words meant just for him.
After that, they all gather around the improvised dining table Wayne had set up. It is a simple construction with another table the same height as their kitchen table, so they could push them together and decorate them with a large tablecloth to make it look like one. They eat the roast Steve had prepared, everyone praising his cooking skills, making him blush and his eyes glow with pride.
For dessert they have pecan pie, much to Steve's delight. "Eddie insisted it had to be pecan," Wayne reveals, earning Eddie a wet kiss on the cheek from Steve.
"You're spoiling me, Eds."
"It's not spoiling when you deserve it. Besides, the pie is for everyone, it just happens to be your favorite." Eddie deflects, suddenly self-conscious. Maybe he'd overdone it, just a little, in his quest for the perfect night. But what is it they say? In for a penny and all that. "I might have something just for you, though."
Before Steve has a chance to say anything to that, Eddie is already up from the table to get the ice cream from the kitchen. By the time he comes out with it, everyone has stuffed themselves with the pie, leaving none for Eddie. Putting the ice cream in front of Steve, he complains loudly about it. "That's how you thank me, I see. Scoundrels, all of you."
A plate with a large slice of pie is placed in front of him. "I saved you a slice, baby."
Eddie presses both hands to his heart and pretends to melt. "Aw, you do love me."
Instead of answering, Steve just kisses him before looking down at the bowl in front of him. "What's that?"
"Banana ice cream with toffee and caramel beans, topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce."
Steve plunges the spoon into the creation and takes a big bite, letting out a moan that's downright pornographic. "Oh God, please marry me."
Across from them, Wayne nearly chokes on his coffee at Steve's words, and Eddie gives him a warning glare. Wayne is the only one in on Eddie's plan, which Eddie begins to regret. But he needed someone to organize some things, especially the custom-made rings.
After dinner, everyone gathers around the tree, including Garfield and Bowie. Garfield is sitting on Claudia's lap, having taken an instant liking to her, while Bowie is sleeping at Wayne's feet. As usual when their little family gets together, the gift exchange is a cheerful and chaotic affair. Eddie gets new guitar strings from Robin, a new set of custom-made Dnd dice from Dustin and Claudia, and Garfield slippers from Wayne, as well as a can of motor oil with the promise to change Eddie's oil together next weekend. Steve's gift, however, was the most treasured: two tickets to a Metallica concert right here in Chicago.
Throughout the night, Wayne had been taking pictures of everything, claiming that they would be glad to have some memories later on. So when all of the presents have been handed out, he leads Steve and Eddie over to the tree for a picture.
"We need Garfield and Bowie here, too, if it's a family photo," Steve exclaims, his cheeks rosy from equal parts eggnog and joy. "Come here, Bowie. Good boy." Bowie, who is just as much of a sucker for Steve as Eddie is, promptly follows. Eddie knows that Garfield would not be so easily persuaded, so he walks over to Claudia, plucks him from her lap, and places him at Steve's feet.
What Steve doesn't know is that this is all part of Eddie's plan. The two pose in front of the tree with Bowie between them and Garfield weaving between Steve's legs. Just as Wayne's about to take the picture, Eddie turns to Steve and, seemingly outta nowhere, grabs a Santa's hat and puts it on Steve's head. "There you go, now you look all dressed up for the occasion."
"How...where did you hide that?"
"Pulled it out of my ass. You better check to see if I have any more Christmas stuff stashed there later, big boy."
Eddie can't know it yet, but he hopes Wayne captured the exact moment Steve's face scrunched up in surprised laughter. But even if he hadn't, Eddie hadn't been able to tear his eyes away from it anyway, as he memorized every single detail of that very moment.
As his laughter subsides, Steve opens his eyes again to look over at Eddie, only to find him kneeling with his hand outstretched and something small on his palm. A simple golden ring.
"Oh my God."
More than one gasp of surprise could be heard from those around, but the only person whose reaction matters to Eddie is Steve. Who looks at Eddie with big, shining eyes and an open mouth, completely taken by surprise.
"Steve, I have rehearsed this a million times and I still do not have the words to tell you what you mean to me. What our life together means to me. I love you so much it scares me, because surely people aren't supposed to feel that much, but I do. And I want to be scared every single day for the rest of my life because it means I get to love you. I get to cherish you and laugh with you and take care of our furry kids together, and Steve, sweetheart, I want to marry you and promise you forever. And I can't wait for nothing to change, because the life we have is already perfect. And if that didn't make any sense to you, I'm really sorry. The most important thing is that I love you. So, Steve Harrington, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?"
Steve has tears streaming down his cheeks, but he’s smiling. In fact, he’s smiling so big it has to hurt, and when he kisses him, all Eddie can taste is happiness and love. After that, Steve peppers his whole face with kisses, each one pressing another "Yes" into his skin.
Their love story might not have begun like a perfect fairy tale, and Eddie had no idea if it would end like one. But the middle? It was pretty damn perfect, if you asked him.
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One night to forever.
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Maybe it's not good enough but I hope someone loves this and gives me a ♥️.
You're feeling hopeless, a miracle is all you needed however you weren't expecting this miracle could arrive in the form of a tall, handsome Austrian man.
Warning: perhaps a lot of spelling and grammatical errors and a not very good story.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
* Evicted * that's what the paper on your door said, it's not fair, you just couldn't pay two months of your rent, it's not fair, they don't understand how the last months had been for you.
‹ tap, tap, tap tap tap... › the sound of the raindrops hitting the window of the big hallway of your building is the only sound at the moment.
Malavita, your only loyal friend, that pretty German shepherd is sleeping beside you, trying to console you with his snoring, your thoughts are interrupted for the sound of footsteps, heavy footsteps.
- Hey, umm... Are you okay? Do you live here?
- not anymore...
That's all you said while pointing out to the door of your apartment and laughing sarcastically.
- oh...
- I Know, just another bad day. Anyway... What about you? I thought I was living alone in this floor.
- I live here but I rarely come home... Because of my job.
That accent, why are you still talking? In months you didn't talk to nobody and now you're talking to this stranger who says is your neighbor.
- That explains a lot... Well it was nice to meet you before I leave this place...
- ja, ja, So...Are you going to wait there until someone lets you take your stuff?
- I think so, I'll be fine, my old friend here... He will protect me.
- oh well... You and your friend can wait in my apartment, it's cold here... Just if you want.
You looked up and you were amazed by those eyes, that face, that scar on his face, those muscular arms, that body, you didn't realize when you stood up until malavita barked at this handsome stranger.
- Malavita, sit!... Good boy, he will not harm us, he's trying to help.
You spoke softly to your dog and then your eyes found your neighbor's eyes again.
- Sorry, my dog is my only friend at the moment and it can be overprotective, we'll accept your invitation if... You tell me your name before I get inside.
He smiled at you and your dog.
- Fair enough, call me König, nice to meet you...
- König... I like it, I'm (Y/n) and this boy is Malavita.
He opened the door and let you get inside first, the air of his apartment smells like a forest, green walls, black furniture, paintings and warm illumination, he's definitely a man with nice taste and a very attractive face and hot body, impossible and very unprovable he is single.
- wow! This place is amazing... I bet your wife decorated all this place...
A laugh interrupted your thoughts, now you're feeling a strange necessity to hear that laugh again.
- Sorry for that laugh, I'm single, my job doesn't allow me to have long relationships, you know? Not all women like the 'long distance' and all the time I'm far.
- it's okay, I liked it, so... You're single because of your job, what kind of job keeps you so busy?
- before I answer that, lemme offer you a drink, I think I have water... Or a soda or tea, or coffee?
- You're very kind, a Black coffee would be perfect.
You both walked to the kitchen, your dog was already very comfortable laying on the sofa.
- well, I can't give you many details but... I kinda work for a private military company.
- oh! Why didn't I think about that? I mean... Look at you, you're in good shape, and the scars, don't get me wrong, they look good on you...
Why are you saying that? Wait... Did he blush because of your comment? This man is captivating you.
- thank you! Here's your coffee, you're someone very pretty too... Or in good shape...
Now you're the one who's blushing, you have to change the conversation or say anything else.
- black coffee, nothing better than this taste! Thank you... Can I be honest with you?
- Ja! Feel free to talk, hübsch.
- I have been through a lot these last few months, you're the first person who actually treats me nice... thank you könig.
- I understand what you mean, we all have bad times, I'm glad I can help you.
And he wasn't lying, könig had a bad month, he was exhausted, all those missions, injuries, reports. Being here at his apartment with you, makes him feel different, he felt airy, something on you makes him feel relaxed, he even wonders if this is the beginning of a new friendship... Or something else?.
There's some silence, not the kind of silence that makes you feel uncomfortable but the silence that feels good, but He needs to know more about you, he feels intrigued and curious about you.
- So, (y/n) I don't intend to be... obtrusive, but what's the story behind the overdue payment of your rent.
You sighed, pressed your lips and avoided his eyes and after a few minutes you finally spoke.
- I was a pilot, I lost my job recently, you know... I was in this relationship, he broke my heart, he cheated on me, I got depressed, that's the reason, I can't go back home because my mom won't allow me and my brother doesn't have space for me at his home... That's the story.
- why won't your mother allow you to go home?
- That's another story, the main reason is that I decided to follow my father's steps, he was a pilot too... In the army, he died in action, my mother tried to keep my brother and me far away from the army and planes... Anything that could remind her of my father, but in the end I did it, I became a pilot, not In the army though. But that ruined my relationship with my mother. My brother is married, has a lot of kids, no space for me and my dog.
- I... I'm sorry for making all those questions, maybe it wasn't the best idea...
- oh it's okay, I think I needed to let all this out, speak to someone, Malavita is loyal and a great companion but not a great conversationalist.
And at this comment he laughed, so u did it too, your great moment was interrupted by the sound of someone in the hallway caught your attention.
- perhaps is the owner of the apartment, I'll go to check...
- of course, do you need help?
- oh well, I don't want to abuse your hospitality but do u think I can sleep on your sofa tonight?
- of course, you can spend the night here, not on my sofa though, I'm a gentleman... You can take the bedroom, I'll take the sofa.
It took you a few minutes to pack just the important and negotiate when you would pay the rent debt. By the time you knocked at König's door, he already had some food on the table, and Malavita was playing with him.
- hey! come in, I prepared dinner, take a seat, we were waiting for you.
This image brought some fireworks to your heart, are you dreaming? You don't feel that hole in your chest anymore, König filled it in less than one day, this man is so kind to you, is he the miracle you were praying for?
That night, turned into one week, one month, then 3 months, a friendship developed, both knew more of each other, you got a new job, he started to visit his apartment more often, he didn't say it loud but you and Malavita became a good reason to come back, to take care of himself in his missions, eventually, you and könig took the relationship to the next level, that's how it happened, that's how this man arrived to your life, and that's how you gave him a new perspective and hope to his.
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noparadiseinthis · 28 days
English is not my first language. Bear with me, Grammarly helps, but it doesn't work miracles
When I realize I'm still human
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick/fem!Reader
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Warnings: Gaz vaguely mentions the kind of violence in his work. Apart from that, just pure cuteness and fluff.
Summary: Gaz comes home at dawn after a mission and finds you asleep on the sofa. The reason surprises him.
"Thanks for the ride, Johnny," Gaz said as he closed the car door, putting one of the backpack straps on his shoulder. "Drive carefully."
Inside the car, Soap rolled his eyes at the show of concern, but with an affectionate smile. "I'm the careful one, kid." And with that, he pulled the car away with one last wink before driving off, causing Gaz to snort in disbelief before entering the building.
The clock on the desk of the doorman who greeted him gave away how late it was, crushing all his hopes of kissing you and eating with you before going to bed. A hot bath would have to suffice, at least he had someone in his bed waiting for him.
It was his first mission since you decided to move in together, and as long as he could see your face and hold your warm body against his to remind him of all the good things that existed beyond the evil he saw and did at work, he could fall asleep with a certain peace.
He climbed the stairs quickly and quietly, always a little tense about using the elevator after returning home. Images of all the chaos, destruction, and violence he had seen kept flashing through his mind, and he swore he would leave it all behind as soon as he walked through that door - or when he turned off the shower - just as he swore he would never let any of it influence his relationship. Outside, he was Sergeant Garrick. For you, he would always be Ky. And Ky wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares that disturbed your sleep.
He smiled when he noticed that the door was locked, even though there was a 24-hour concierge at the residential building. My clever girl, he thought, pulling the keys out of his pocket with a sigh as he prepared to enter the house for the first time in weeks.
What he saw inside, however, was not at all what Kyle had expected. The lights were all off, but seeing in the dark was second nature, and he could make out a silhouette lying on the sofa in the living room. He frowned, his hand instinctively going to his hip, where his holster was until he realized that he knew that form curled up under so many blankets. He sighed in surprise, locking the door again behind him and approaching silently.
His assumption was confirmed when he saw your face peeking out from under the mountain of blankets you always slept under, which brought a smile to his face when he noticed how familiar it looked. He couldn't resist crouching down and raising his hand to gently caress your face. Why on earth were you sleeping there? On that old sofa that was begging to be replaced, where your back would surely ache, and not in the bedroom, in the very comfortable king bed you helped choose? He barely noticed when your touch woke her up.
"Ky?" you asked, rubbing your eyes and wondering if it was another one of your sleep delusions.
"Hi, pretty girl," he said, with a huge smile opening up, his thumb tracing your cheek "What are you doing sleeping here?"
You gave a shy smile, leaning closer to his touch and trying to smell him. If you had been more awake, you would have jumped into his lap and showered him with kisses, but there, at that moment, that sleepy comfort was all the reassurance you needed.
"It didn't feel right," you whispered, "sleeping in bed without you. I couldn't relax without you by my side. So I came here."
Kyle's eyes widened a little, his heart swelling inside his chest. Although he felt guilty knowing that you were hurting yourself because of him, he couldn't help the warmth that took over his body. The one that said he had a home, someone who loved him and was worth fighting for, doing all the things he did.
"God, I love you."
You laughed softly, holding his cold hand against your cheek and leaving a small kiss on his wrist. "I love you too, brave boy."
"But now, it's time for you to sleep in the proper place, young lady." Kyle said as he stood up and put his arms around you, lifting you with covers and all. Instead of the natural instinct to run away, you clung to him and buried your face in his neck, wanting more of your boyfriend's warmth that you'd been denied for the past few weeks.
"Hmm, Ky..." you moaned appreciatively as he carried you effortlessly. "I've missed you.
"I thought about you all the time," he whispered as if it were a secret.
The walk to the bedroom was short, and when he set your body down carefully on the bed, you stubbornly wrapped your arms around his neck and chest as he tried to get up.
"Doll, I'm dirty; I have to shower."
"No, later." you moaned, almost like a petulant child, reinforcing his grip from which he could escape if he wanted to "Stay with me, Kyle.". But he could never deny you anything.
Gaz let his body relax on the bed next to yours, pulling you against him as he had dreamed of for so many lonely nights, and in his sleepy state, you pulled the blankets up to cover him, too, his body much colder than yours.
"Always, but I don't want you sleeping on that sofa anymore, baby. I'll give you a massage in the morning." He whispered against your skin, stroking your back.
"Anything you want, Ky, but I'm the one who's going to give you a massage."
"No, baby, whatever you want. Now go to sleep, I'm going to stay here".
With soft kisses being planted on your face, you fell fast asleep. And with your loving body pressed against his, Kyle soon followed you into the dream world, happy to have remembered how good it was to be human.
(A/n): I love my boy Kyle and he doesn't get enough love. This was my first time writing for COD
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
LittleMouse!Series Part Five: Acts of Violence - Alden Parker x Reader
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Tagging: @yezzyyae @neapolitantoebeans @mandy426 @kmc1989
Don't... - Alden hates what your doing.
Waiting - You leave your ex waiting.
In Sickness & In Health - Alden and your ex sit down to discuss you.
Bordeaux - You come home to an unexpected surprise.
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It’s the third time that Alden’s tried to call you tonight and the second time it’s gone directly to voicemail. It gives him a bad feeling because you don’t turn your phone off, not since the night that one of your team members called you in crisis. You’re available to them twenty-four, seven, the same way that he is.
Something’s wrong, he just knows it.  
He breaks the speed limit on the way to your place, it’s a miracle that he doesn’t get pulled over. When the lift takes too long to descend, he takes the stairs instead, two at a time until he reaches your floor. He listens for sounds on the other side of the door before he lets himself in. There’s nothing but silence, which in itself feels ominous. You usually have a little music on when he comes over, you hate the quiet.
When he enters the apartment, the stench of blood hits him almost immediately. There’s a strong copper tang on his tongue and something inside of him just dies because he knows an act of violence has been committed in your home.
The kitchen is in chaos. There’s shattered glass across the tiles, crushed yellow petals from the roses he bought for you the other day scattered amongst the pieces. There’s crimson smears across the shards, the vivid liquid intermingling with the water from the broken vase. Your cellphone lies discarded alongside of it, the screen shattered, it looks like someone stomped on it.
The glass crunches underneath heel of his boot as he withdraws his weapon and approaches the closed French doors that lead to the living room. He catches a flash of movement through the windowpane but the darkness of the room beyond obscures his vision. He’s careful as he uses his fingertips to push down the door handle, nudging his shoulder against the door so it opens.
The living room looks worse than the kitchen. The driftwood coffee table that you adore is in pieces, shards of wood jutting out of the ruined frame. There’s a broken wine bottle decanting Bordeaux onto the rug and a bloody stem from a wine glass cast off onto the sofa. Your books have been torn from the shelf and tossed onto the floor. The door of your gun safe hangs open, almost torn from the hinges.
When he turns his attention to the other side of the room, he doesn’t expect to see you standing there, gun in your hand. It’s pointed at Kristof as he kneels on the floor in front you, his hands cuffed behind his back.
The two of you are a mess. There’s blood streaked through Kristof’s blond hair from the wounds in his scalp. There’s glass amongst the strands, from the vase in the kitchen Alden realises. You must have tried to get to your phone when Kristof had come for you, smashed him in the head. His nose is broken and it’s a bad one, the kind that’s going to result in plastic surgery in the future.
You aren’t in a much better state. Your lip is split, a thin thread of crimson running down your chin, the hollow of your left eye is swollen and bloodshot. There’s a crimson stain blossoming across the white sweater that you’re wearing, the heavy fabric is practically soaked in it. He can guess who got stabbed with the stem from the wine glass.
“Alden.” You say his name with a breathlessness that alarms him. “I need you to take over because I think I’m about to pass out.”
Love Alden? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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normansnt · 1 year
Rest (Comfortable pt.2) Kenpachi Zaraki x male!Dr!reader
(You can read this even if you didn't read pt.1)
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Warning: mention of stitches and bandages but nor very detailed just mentioned otherwise its fluff🐥
Kenpachi woke up in his room. His mouth was dry and he could feel his whole chest being bandaged. He wanted to sit up but a voice stopped him. "Kenpachi Zaraki don't you dare"
Kenpachi chuckled, he knew exactly who that voice. "How lovely to hear your voice again Y/N" said Kenpachi sounding sarcastic because of the doctors cold voice but actually meaning it.
Y/N chuckled "I have tended to you enough times to know that you cannot lay in a bad for a long time letting your wounds heal" said the man smiling slightly. "Well then why did you stop me?" Asked Kenpachi still laying with a small smile on his face. "Kenpachi these wounds are bigger then the ones you get while fighting your squad members you need time to heal, at least try laying in bed for one day even that is not enough but knowing you even that would be a miracle" said Y/N now more serious. "Do I hear worry in your voice doc?" asked Kenpachi smirking. He might act playful but inside he was melting.
The fact that Y/N was worried for him felt amazing, not only because no one has ever done that but also because Y/N was someone very important to him. "Yes, well, you were quite close to dying the kid you fought was pretty good, not to mention I never saw you this thrilled before you truly enjoyed yourself" smiled Y/N.
Kenpachi thought about this. It was true that he had a lot of fun fighting Ichigo, finally finding someone on his level was exhilarating but he couldn't help but wonder why it was not as exciting as he thought it would be.
He thought he would be much more happy, crazy and what not but... it wasn't as intense as he thought.
He looked at Y/N who was preparing things for his check up. He stared for a bit, and then it downed on him.
It was not as exciting as he thought it would be because battle was not the only thing he looked forward to anymore.
He also couldn't wait to end the battle and talk to Y/N about it. To see him smile at him again, hear his laugh, see the way Y/Ns eyes light up when he sees him. That is... absolutely horrifying to Kenpachi. He lived his whole life for battle and the excitement it gave him that made him happy. Now, though, someone came along who gave him happiness outside of battle.
"Pachi? Are you ok you have been staring at me for a long time now" said Y/N confused. Kenpachi didn't answer just opened his mouth like he was going to but nothing came out.
"Ok, listen I'll do my check up now and I really hope after I leave this room you will listen to my advice and stay in bed" said the h/c haired male in a slightly scolding tone. Kenpachi loved that. Y/N was scolding him because he doesn't care about his own safety enough.
When Y/N started to slowly help him sit up so he could put fresh bandages on him Kenpachis eyes did not leave the doctors face for one second. "Wow your stitches are healing nicely I guess being knocked out is very helpful" smiled the doctor.
Kenpachi still didn't say another word he was trying to understand how Y/N managed to heal his battle scarred heart and make him love something else outside of battle and Yachiru. "All right Im all done here I know its not your strong suit but could you PLEASE try to rest as much as possible and--" when Y/N wanted to finish his sentence and to start pulling away Kanpechi grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving. "Pachi...?"
With one fast movement he pulled Y/N towards him so their lips collided. Y/N was shocked to say the least.
Kenpachi taking the first move was something he did not expect, not to mention this soon.Y/N kissed back without hesitation cupping his cheek and seating himself in Pachis lap cautiously not to pull his stitches. Kenpachis lips were dry and cracked but they were warm and welcoming non the less Y/N smiled into the kiss. He couldn't belive he is kissing The Kenpachi Zaraki the feared captain of squad 11.
Kenpachi was in cloud 9 or heaven or whatever they call it, he was jut feeling very very warm and nice inside. Y/Ns lips were everything he thought them to be, soft, warm and they tasted like coffee which the dr had every morning.
"Arghh... fuck" Kenpachi groaned after they parted because his movements were to quick when pulling Y/N to his lap and his scars hurt now. "Damn it Kenpachi as great as this was you shouldn't have hurt yourself" Y/N tried scolding him but he couldn't hide his smile. "Worth it" groned Kenpachi while smirking at Y/N "Yeah yeah whatever we can repeat that when you have gotten the necessary amount of rest you need" said Y/N while laying him down carefully and kissing his cheek.
"I will make sure to get lots of rest then" said Kenpachi with a big smile. "You better" said Y/N then laughed and headed for the door "I will be back to check on you later I have other patients to attend to as well" and with flashing one last smile to the Captain he left. Kenpachi closed his eyes with Y/Ns image on his mind, and perhaps with some thoughts about finding Ichigo and fighting him again, even if he fell in love he is still him.
I know its not that long bit its short and sweet and I like it🤓
You guys liked my Usopp fanfic more but eh Im currently obsessed w Kenpachi and I love how this turned out sooo🦦
I am thankful for the love my Usopp fic has received though, don't worry I will write more One Piece ofc but Im watching bleach most of the time now so I get more ideas for that😗🤍
Well ladies, gentlemen and others I hope you enjoyed your reading, have a good afternoon, good evening, and good night🧡
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dontfindmerain · 1 year
part two of @lillylvjy 's angst ask :)
once again I apologize for how short these are, i always end up getting sad and crying lmfao
Wilbur was freaking out.
He didn’t mean to say what he did, really, he just didn’t know what else he could’ve said. ‘I love you too’? ‘I’ve been in love with you since I saw you in that coffee shop’? He was simply frustrated, he had planned to surprise you back in England and when you showed up here in New York, that ruined the whole thing. 
Why had he said you were like a sister to him? That was a blatant lie! And an awful thought, too. You were so much more than that. For gods’ sake. And now he had no idea where you were, lost somewhere in this busy city for almost thirty minutes now.
His phone buzzed and Mark’s name flashed across the screen. He picked up,
“Hello? Mark? Have you seen-”
“Wilbur, you need to come to the hospital, Y/n was in an accident, I’ve already sent you the address. Just be fuckin quick, alright mate?”
The color drained from Wilbur’s face as he let out a shaky breath, “Yeah, alright.” He hung up the call and immediately waved a taxi, anxious and guilt-ridden the entire ride.
He rushed inside, asking for you immediately. He was told to wait and that visitors weren’t allowed at this time. Mark and Joe walked up to him and brought him over to where they had been sitting. They were speaking, probably giving him the details, but he couldn’t hear them. He waited for what felt like hours before they called for your visitors.
The moment he saw you he was filled with regret. You were bandaged up and looked broken laying in the hospital bed. How did he let this happen?
The band let him be alone with you, giving him space. Wilbur walked to the side of your bed and sat down, gently grabbing your hand.
“Oh darling, I am so so sorry- How did I- I should’ve-” Tears rushed down his face. You never spoke, but you continued to breathe. “I swear to you that I will be here when you wake up. Until you wake up.”
Wilbur felt horrible for not telling you the truth after you had confessed to him. He hoped you would be able to forgive him.
The doctors and nurses all had similar reports when he was finally open to listen. ‘They are in critical condition’, ‘would be a miracle if they made it out’, and Wilbur cried again. He couldn’t lose you, he wanted you with him through everything, the idea of living without you was impossible.
After days of sitting with you, waiting anxiously, you opened your eyes.
“Oh, god! Darling! It’s me, it’s Wilbur, oh love I’m so sorry I-”
“Wilbur?” He looked at you, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“Yes, my love?”
Your breathing was shallow as you whispered, “I’m so tired, Wil…”
“I know, I know, darling you need to rest.” He held your hand gently, kissing your cheek and sitting next to you. “I love you..”
You exhaled one final time and the machines around you began to freak out. Wilbur panicked, yelling for a nurse but never leaving your side until he was forced away by the nurses.
His heart broke when the doctor left your room shaking his head and apologising.
“No… no no no, no please-” Wilbur rushed into your room and froze.
You were gone…
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candied-peach · 9 months
ao3: "gag gifts" rating: T warnings: moceit, dukeceit, platonic intruality, remus typical humor, food mention genre: fluff description: Patton loves his gift so much, he wants to spread the Christmas cheer a little further this year.
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...
Just a happy pappy father figment, Patton thinks, creeping over to the door that separates the dark sides' living area and looking at it. Roman added a yellow crisscross of caution tape to it at some point, but the tape is peeling, and 'Juicy Ass' has been added to it in acid green marker. He has three tubes of different Christmas wrapping paper under one arm, a variety of cardboard boxes stuffed into a bigger box under the other, and his heart is pounding so loud, he thinks it's a miracle no one has come out of their rooms to investigate the ruckus. Logan is busy trying to solve Virgil's puzzle, Roman is most likely listening to Christmas carols in his own room or perhaps putting the finishing touches on a winter wonderland in the Imagination, and Patton already checked on Virgil earlier- he's fallen asleep early, with his headphones in, emo music filtering out into the air.
He juggles everything to open the door, wincing when the hinges creak. Dim light spills out, what looks like the glow of Christmas lights in rainbow colors. Despite himself, Patton feels a twinge of curiosity. He's never seen what it looks like when the others decorate for Christmas. Hadn't really paid much thought to it before. It shouldn't surprise him, but a little squeak escapes when he reaches the first garland of lights and realizes all the light bulbs are actually shaped like dicks. Red spreads across his face like a stain. Clearly Remus's touch.
"Whatcha doin', Daddy?" Remus breathes into Patton's ear, suddenly right behind him, and Patton nearly screams as he whirls around, dropping the tubes of wrapping paper. Remus doesn't look apologetic at all.
"Remus!" Patton hisses. "You startled me!"
"I know," Remus says. His eyes nearly glow poison green in the dark. Bioluminescence. His grin is just a little too wide. "And I repeat, whatcha doin', Daddy-O?"
"I just-" Patton sighs. "Is Janus asleep?"
"Yep," Remus answers. "Why? Didja wanna put something in his bed?" His eyes gleam, much like his teeth. "I can help ya if you want, but only if it's dangerous!"
"No," Patton blurts out. The side in front of him almost looks disappointed. "No, I just- I wanted-" Patton huffs a sigh, bending down and retrieving the wrapping paper. "I wanted to return the favor," he admits. "His gift really- really tickled my funny bone, and the card was sweet, and I just-" Patton fumbles for a moment, before tilting the cavalcade of boxes so Remus can see the homemade cards nestled inside.
"I wanted to make him a little gag gift of his own," Patton says. "And leave it down here. Is- is that okay?" He feels like holding his breath, waiting for Remus's response. Luckily, it's not long in coming.
"Yeah, sure!" Remus agrees, willingly enough. "Ya know, you could have wrapped it all over there." Patton flushes crimson. In all the subterfuge he had been plotting, he...hadn't considered that.
"Lemme help," Remus pleads. "I can make the boxes different shapes! To confuse him more!" 
"Okay," Patton says, as Remus grabs his shoulder and tugs him over to a ratty plaid-patterned couch that had more stains on it than Patton wanted to think about. Remus plops down on the thin carpet, hands held up for the boxes, and Patton grabs the cards out of the top box before handing them over. Remus raises an eyebrow when he notices that there are two, and Patton reddens again.
"For you, too," Patton says. "But you can't see until Christmas."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Remus says, agreeably enough. Patton doesn't trust it at all. When Remus looks down, chewing on a stray piece of cardboard, Patton tucks Remus's card under his shirt. Just for the time being.
Remus summons scissors and tape (the tape is strangely fuzzy the first time, until Patton pleads for a more normal one- Remus looks like he wants to argue until Patton admits in a quiet voice it's a sensory thing, and then he gets new tape without blinking), and they spend a surprisingly amenable time together, arranging and rearranging present boxes until the final product looks like Janus is unwrapping a vacuum cleaner.
"Here ya go," Remus says, handing Patton a second box. This one is shaped like a trashcan and already wrapped. "For my card."
"Thank you, but I-" Patton pauses, patting the front of his shirt. The card is gone. He blinks at Remus, astonished. "How did you-"
Remus grins.
"That's for me to know and you to find out!" He singsongs, cackling to himself. "Nighty night, Pattycake!"
"Good night," Patton says, climbing to his feet with the help of one of Remus's surprisingly hot hands. He finds himself smiling. "Thank you for your help, Remus. You'll- you'll make sure Janus gets it, right?"
"Of course! What do you take me for?" Remus asks, mock offended as he puts a hand to his heart. He tilts his head impossibly far to one side. "Oh! Oh, Janny's awake!"
"Oh!" Patton exclaims. He attempts to bolt out of the living room, only to run smack into the side in question. Janus blinks, staring down at Patton's sprawled form with sleep-blurred eyes.
"Patton?" Janus asks, his voice raspy and addled with fatigue. He's still wearing his Christmas sweater, but he's added snake-patterned pajama pants to the ensemble, and to Patton's slight surprise, he is wearing the socks Roman gave him. "What are you doing here?" He offers a hand to help Patton up, and Patton realizes that he's not wearing his gloves.
"Helping me!" Remus chimes in brightly. "Come on, Jan Jan, we gotcha somethin'!"
"Perish the thought," Janus says dryly, as Remus plants a sloppy, enthusiastic kiss on Janus's scaled cheek. "Thank you. What do you mean?"
"Look!" Remus giggles, pointing at the vacuum-shaped box. Janus's eyebrow raises. Patton flushes red, as both Janus and Remus tow him forward. He finds himself coaxed back onto the couch, surrounded by the pair.
"Whatever could it be," Janus muses, as he reads the tag. "To Janus, from Patton (Remus helped!) Patton, why did you-?" He turns a little, surprised, and Patton just motions toward the gift.
"Go on," Patton encourages, his mouth a little dry. His face is still flushed, and his heart feels a little fluttery. Janus looks very pretty in the dim light.
"Is it...a vacuum?" Janus asks, delicately unpeeling the paper.
"No," Remus nearly shouts, cackling again. "Try again, Janny!"
The next box shouldn't be possible, but it is shaped like a canoe. Janus blinks at it, then grins.
"Oh, I see," Janus says, turning slightly to Patton. "Have you gotten me back then?"
"Maybe," Patton says, trying to sound innocent. "I don't know. Maybe you should keep opening them."
Improbable sizes and shapes slip past in a flurry of Christmas-themed wrapping paper, and Patton is enraptured by Janus's soft laughter and sparkling eyes. Remus refuses to unwrap his own until Janus is down to his own actual card.
"Oh, Patton," Janus says softly when he's finally holding the holiday card, carefully crayoned two-headed snake sprawled across the front. "Thank you."
"Merry Christmas, Janus," Patton murmurs, feeling like he's full of fizzy bubbles.
"Patton!" Remus exclaims, having finally torn the wrapping paper off his own. "You kraken me up, too!" He grins, holding up the card covered in cephalopod puns. Patton had asked Virgil several veiled, completely obvious questions about what Remus had ever showed interest in.
"Would you like to join everyone for breakfast?" Patton asks. "I could make pancakes...?" For a moment, Janus looks like he is going to decline, and Patton feels disappointment weigh down his stomach.
"Why not?" Janus gives in gracefully. "Don't let Remus near the syrup."
"Wouldn't dream of it," Patton promises. To his surprise, he finds Janus's arm settling itself around his shoulders.
"Is this okay?" Janus asks, nervous. Patton beams.
"Of course, Janus," he says. The Christmas dick lights twinkle down on them as Remus springs up from the couch and disappears for a moment.
"Oh, Janny-" Remus starts, running back in.
"You are not putting mistletoe over us," Janus interrupts. Patton tries not to feel a tiny bit disappointed at that.
"You're no fun," Remus pouts. "Fine. Over me instead?" He puts a sprig of mistletoe over his head and wiggles his shoulders in a shimmy. Janus laughs.
"Fine," he says, and tugs Remus down to kiss his cheek.
Patton leans his head against Janus's shoulder, tired from staying up so long.
"Merry Christmas, Patton," Janus says quietly, as Patton's awareness starts to slip away. "I'll wake you up before breakfast, I promise."
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tieronecrush · 1 year
I don’t think any of us were prepared for Dad!Javi. If we were, we certainly weren’t ready to find out he’s going to become a father again! If you’re willing, I’d love to hear about the pregnancy and/or the newborn phase for these 2nd time parents nearly 25 years after their first.
AGH finally getting around to this after the busy week! i live and die for dad!javi so i have of course imagined this in great detail lol so hears some headcanons below the cut:
you both decide to wait to find out the gender until they're born, but javi only knows what being a girl dad is like so he is hoping the whole time that it's another daughter
when it turns out to be another little girl he is over the moon and is so excited that his second girl has such an amazing big sister to look up to, even with the age difference "you, little one, have the coolest big sister. she's a lot older than you but she is so excited to have you as a sibling and i can't wait for you to grow up and be cooler and smarter and everything more than me, just like she is...and just like your mama is."
even though this is the second child and not y'all's first rodeo, javi is still an overprotective and doting bundle of energy. not nervous per say, but he wants everything to go perfect and for baby and mom to be healthy and it's twenty years later so he's had some lapse in memory about what all you have to do in preparation
which is why he comes home one day with a stack of five baby books, and some children's books for the baby. when you questioned him, all he said was that he "wants to be ready for anything". ever the strategist. also, he definitely baby proofs the house way too early and you get so annoyed with the finicky locks on everything that you make him de-baby proof and wait until your birth window
the man also cannot keep his hands off of you. this isn't new, but especially being away from you for so long and now he gets to see you carry his baby again? forget any personal space you had.
nothing gets him going more than seeing you with your bump growing and he marvels at the fact that you're growing a literal human inside of you. he's been witness to the miracle before, but now having the experience of watching a mix of the two of you grow and become a fully formed human that he loves and thinks is pretty damn cool, he cannot wait for another to be in the world. buuuuut also the fact that he can't keep his hands off of you also means that your sex life hasn't faltered at all. morning, noon, night, javi is willing to please if you're ever in the mood. not to say he has like a pregnancy kink but seeing you carrying his baby? feral man. would definitely be rasping out something along the lines of "wanna keep you full of me all the time, esposa. i'd give you as many babies as you want; think i'm pretty good at it, we weren't even trying both times and i nailed it." (he's smug about his "little swimmers" knocking you up on *happy* accident both times)
birth goes smoothly, he's right there with you the whole time (he got lightheaded first go round and had to sit down, but this time he knew at least a little more of what to expect)
it was bittersweet for you to have another birth that your family wasn't around for; they disapproved of you deciding to keep lili and be with javi all those years ago, following him to laredo when he got his sheriff job and not getting married when you got pregnant. since then, there has been little to no contact.
but when chucho walks in the room to see his new grandchild, both you lose it. seeing the man who has become like another father figure to you holding his granddaughter that he already loves so much and so unconditionally, you couldn't help but be emotional. javi sits at the edge of the bed with you, sharing a knowing smile and wiping your tears. "they don't know what they're missin', mi amor. you have made two beautiful girls and are having a happy life. they can go fuck themselves." "javi, you're going to make our second child also have a swear as their first word if you keep talking like that...but yeah, they can."
the newborn months are a little rough to start; adjusting to a new schedule, taking your maternity leave and being around the house all day.
you decided to hold off javi's paternity leave - he'd gotten a job consulting for the local police department - until your maternity leave was up, but once the two of you found a routine, it was smooth sailing. you managed days, and javi relieved some of the pressure when he arrived home from work, taking care of the feedings and changes and bedtime routine most nights. it's exhausting for both of you, but the little moments make it worth it. catching photos of javi asleep on the couch with baby asleep on his chest, hands locked into place to secure her safely. the giggles that fill the house and constantly pull smiles from her dad, one of the more stoic men you've known, but always a complete softie for his girls. dancing around the kitchen to the radio with the babe in one of those carriers strapped to his chest. just wholesome fam moments.
i will stop there cause i could go on and on but if anyone has any thoughts about dad javi pls share
also, read my dad!javi fic here if you haven't gotten a chance!
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Solar Opposites in: Solar Monsters (by @avaveevo)
Ch. 6
Later that day, Beverly is walking in the hospital halls with Dr. Schroeder and some other scientists.
Dr. Schroeder: Are you sure Korey died in a so-call hellhound accident?
Beverly: Yes sir. And that why I must show you his… then sees Human Korvo with Human Terry, who has recovered fully with his wounds gone and no pain as he reunited with his friends and children corpse?
Dr. Schroeder is then overjoyed as he and the other scientist walk towards Human Korvo and his family and friends as Beverly looks dumbfounded.
Dr. Schroeder: Korey! Human Korvo walks up to him I’m so happy you’re okay! What happens to your husband?
Human Korvo: Terry was mauled by a hellhound but then, a miracle happen. Terry’s wounds were gone the next day. It remains unknown but I am so proud of my husband.
Solar Opposites Gang: Alright Terry! Woo-hoo! Amazing job your brave bruiser! What a brave fuck! That’s our dad! Hooray Mr. Terry! Terry! Yay!
Dr. Schroeder: Well, I just hope your scanner can do something about the mysterious attack last night. Most people have died from that attack. We don’t know who sent those hounds, but we’ll find him soon… I’ll see you Korey.
As Dr. Schroeder and the scientists leave, Beverly looks on as she growls quietly. Later, at Terry’s hospital room.
Human Terry: So, maybe I should sing to the kids now. Because, that could help boost bravery, into those who have been injured. They’ve been trying to recover, but could use a little hope.
Human Korvo: Really? Well, I love to see you try.
Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Sonya and Human Pupa: Yeah. I agree. Good idea Mr. Terry. Music.
Principal Cooke: Wait, that’s seriously gonna work.
The scene then cuts to Human Terry, with his bandages gone, gets up on the stage with the injured kids staring at him with a guitar as he sits down on a stool. His friends and family look at him, hoping it won’t backfired.
Human Terry: taps microphone Hey um, my name is Terry Opposites. I was one of the survivors of the hellhound attack last night. murmurs were heard So, without further ado, I’m gonna sing for those who are struggling with hope of recovery. Because, I believe in true bravery and strength deep inside, it can help you get through anything. It’s something my husband Korey taught at me at the beach last week. Thank you.
Human Korvo smiles.
Human Terry: So, takes a deep breath when he suddenly felt a sense of fearlessness inside him like a wind Let’s begin.
Human Terry starts playing the song with his guitar as he began to start off with the right verse. Song:
Human Terry:
🎵 So clever Whatever I'm done with these endeavors Alone I walk the winding way (Here I stay) 🎵
Human Korvo smiles tearfully at his husband’s singing while Mia romantically out her head on Ms. Perez’s shoulder
🎵 It's over No longer I feel it growing stronger I live to die another day Until I fade away 🎵
Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Sonya and Human Pupa dog piled on each other while looking at their father performing. Beverly starts walking away in disgust, which caught Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie’s eyes.
Why give up, why give in? It's not enough, it never is So I will go on until the end We've become desolate It's not enough, it never is But I will go on until the end
Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke sneak away to follow Beverly. Then, Miss Frankie text a message to Human Korvo as he looks down but looks surprised.
Human Korvo: Huh? I wonder what Frankie meant to by that.
Later, Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke kept a close eye on Beverly as they watch her drive away in her car. They then head inside Miss Frankie’s car and Miss Frankie starts the engines as they drive off. Miss Frankie looks on while giving Beverly a death stare.
Miss Frankie: Alright bitch, let’s see what you’re really up to…
As the car drives on, it cuts to the Solars arriving home as they got out with Human Terry holding Human Pupa, who is hugging him.
Human Terry: Aw, look at Pupa. He must’ve miss me so much.
Human Jesse: He sure did. tickles human Pupa by the feet; singsongy Tickle wiggle.
Human Pupa: giggling
As the Solars head, the Shlorpians and Pupa turn back into their normal alien selves as Terry and Korvo kiss.
Aisha: Terry! You’re okay! Don’t you scare the fuck out of us again! Damn, you are one brave yet stubborn son-of-bitch!
Terry: Well, I rather not get too cocky. I hope don’t do that dangerous stunt again… well, clap his hands who’s hungry?!
Jesse: I AM!
Yumyulack: I AM!
Sonya: Me too!
Korvo: Okay okay. Let's all settle down now.
Pupa: Mmm yummy.
Terry: Don’t worry, I’m about to to make you kids some lunch!
Korvo: Aw. kisses Terry on the cheek
Terry: Now if you excuse me I’m gonna go make some food.
Yumyulack, Jesse, Pupa and Sonya: Yay!
Terry then heads into the kitchen after making some Aisian food, while making it sure it doesn’t have peanuts in them since Sonya is allergic to peanuts. He smiles as he gets out a jar of kimchi.
Terry: And now for the final touch, a smite of kimchi!
But as soon as Terry tries to open the lid, it’s been shut tightly as Terry as struggles to open it.
Terry: straining voice; struggling to open the right lid Come on you… fucking tight… goddamn lid…!
As Terry struggles to get the lid open, suddenly the jar starts cracking as it shatters into pieces as the pieces fall on the floor, while most of the kimchi sauce spills on Terry, much to his shock.
Terry: looks down in his hands Wh-what? Pupa tries to come in kitchen Stay there!
Pupa: Huh?
Terry: Oh, there’s glass everywhere. That’s why.
Pupa then smiles and heads back to the living room as Terry starts climbing up the mess until he thought of something. Later, the scene then fades to Beverly’s car heading to David’s house as she parks there. Miss Frankie and Principal Cooke then parks their car as they sneak quietly and overhear the conversation.
Miss Frankie: whispering Aw man, I knew there was something about that godawful woman. She is such a total fucking jerkass!
Principal Cooke: whispering I know. I can’t believe that sick bitch would do this to Korvo.
Miss Frankie: whispering Oh! Shh.
As the two teachers listen carefully to the conversation…
Beverly: offscreen Where are you? listen to phone Well, this experiment failed. A monster followed them here and beat the shit out of them. I saw the news. listens closely Mm-hmm. Yeah. Only four colleagues. They and I will be here to search the perimeter. I’ll make sure this new one doesn’t blow up in our faces… I’ll call you back soon…
Miss Frankie: whispering
As Beverly hangs up the phone, Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie stay hidden as they sneak in the fenced gate while watching Beverly leave and heads back in her car before driving away.
Principal Cooke: Oh shit. That woman is a bitch!
Miss Frankie: Grr! That whore is gonna pay! trips on something and falls Whoa!
Principal Cooke: Babe, are you alright?
Miss Frankie: Yeah, I’m fine.
As Miss Frankie, she then sees Darcy’s jacket on the ground, but now ruined, torn and dusty as Miss Frankie picks it up.
Miss Frankie: We found evidence!
Principal Cooke: Oh my God! That’s Darcy’s jacket! That must’ve been on how they found out where she lives!
Miss Frankie: Oh, that cunt must’ve gave him that jacket!
Principal Cooke: We gotta warn Korvo!
Miss Frankie: Come on!
The two teachers then head back into their car, as Miss Frankie puts Darcy’s jacket in the backseat as the car takes off. Meanwhile, back with Terry, he is staring at a glass bottle, wondering about how he easily destroyed that jar of kimchi.
Terry: Hmm? Let make sure if this is it!
He grabs the bottle and squeezes it until it breaks.
Terry: gasp in wonder
Korvo: coming outside with the kids Terry? What is it?
Terry shows the Korvo and the kids what he can do as the rest of the family gasp in surprise.
Yumyulack: Holy shit! Terry is strong!
Terry: Oh my God! I’m strong than I ever been… I never felt this way before… I’m not afraid!
Korvo: This is not good...
Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa: Yay Terry! Alright! Woo-hoo! Yay! Terry!
Terry: I’m not afraid turns into his human form as he runs off
Korvo: gasp Terry no! Come back!
Yumyulack: Oh shit! That’s not good! Uh Terry?!
Jesse: Uh, I don’t think this is such a good idea, Terry!
Korvo: Oh shit! We need to go after him!
Yumyulack: Come on! runs off with Korvo
Jesse: Hey, wait! I'm coming too! follows her brother and father
Pupa: Me too!
Sonya: Me three guys!
Then, we see Human Terry running around the neighborhood.
Human Terry: calling out Mia! I’m not afraid!
Mia: Well, aren’t you super duper re-couper
Then, Human Terry ran past the old folk home.
Human Terry: Old man I don’t know! I’m not afraid
Old Man: Then you’re not paying attention you fucking nitwit
Then, Human Terry runs past the market where Kevin and his family are at.
Kevin: Hey Terry, how are you- suddenly sees something that frightens him Oh my God!
Kevin’s kids scream as they behind their mom. So did the grocery shoppers hide. Human Terry then turns around and it turns behind him was the mugger from the beach!
Human Terry: gasp You?!
Mugger: Hello, weakling. Come back for more?
Human Terry: sees the knife again as he breaks it apart with his strength as it shatters to pieces Not anymore, motherfucker! punches Mugger
As Human Korvo and the kids came, they gasp in shock and surprise over seeing Human Terry beating up the mugger, but with self-control. Human Korvo can’t help but blush as he sees his husband beating up the mugger, infatuated by his husband’s new fearlessness.
Human Korvo: Oh god. I am so fucking turned on right now.
Human Terry then bites the mugger’s fist as he hits him him with a trash can lid and kicks him to the curb
Human Terry: You’ve just been Terried! turns around and kicks mugger again
Human Korvo then runs up to Human Terry and the two make out as the town cheer for him. The kids then ran up and praise their father and cheer for him.
Human Yumyulack: Alright Terry!
Human Jesse: Yay!
Sonya: Alright!
Human Pupa: Terry!
The police then arrived and picks up the mugger as they cuff him. As the mugger gets taken away, the family watches on. Later, Human Terry and Human Korvo were heading outside on the porch back home.
Human Terry: I’m sorry, I just got excited there and it was because I somehow have a new Shlorpian strength. But, I’m really sorry if I scared you to death
Human Korvo: Sssh. seductively Let's not worry about that right now. To be honest, I shouldn’t worry about you anymore. You have became a tough Shlorpian since the hospital.
Human Korvo and Human Terry sits down on their bench chairs as they look at the sunset
Human Terry: You know this is nice. sighs sadly
Human Korvo: Yeah… notices a worried look on Human Terry’s face What’s wrong darling?
Human Terry: I-I think I should be careful with this strength. I could seriously hurt someone looks down at his hands This strength might be dangerous to innocent people.
Human Korvo: Oh, why the fuck would you think that?
Human Terry: I don't know. It's just...ever since I found out about the Super Shlorpians and the Mundane, I've been thinking that I might be a Mundane.
Human Korvo: Wait, you saw something that looked like a mundane?
Human Terry: I-I’m not sure. I did see spirit, like in my dream. But, I’m not really sure. But, what if I am one? What I lose my memrorie?! What if-
Human Korvo hugs Human Terry as he calms down, but tears stroll down Human Terry’s cheek.
Human Korvo: Oh I think this might be a new Shlorpian trait, for Shlorpian who develop strength. You don’t have to worry about it. As you long as you kept it in control, this strength might be easily tamed. wipes away tears from Terry’s eyes Don’t let that shake you up. All I see in my eyes is a brave Shlorpian, who I know will do things right.
Human Terry smiles and holds Human Korvo’s face softly.
Human Terry: Oh, come here you.
Human Terry and Human Korvo kiss as the sun fully sets. Suddenly, they heard stuff breaking and their children play fighting.
Jesse: offscreen Korvo! Terry! Yumyulack is messing with me again!
Yumyulack: offscreen I am not! Hey come on Sonya, no fair!
Sonya: offscreen That's what you get for standing in the way!
The kids then starts squealing and laughing as Human Korvo and Human Terry shake their heads and sigh while rolling their eyes
Human Korvo: sighs Come on, let’s go in before they try to murder each other
Human korvo and Human Terry heads back inside while holding hands romantically as they look at each other lovingly, like the sweet living alien husbands they are as Human Korvo closes the dork behind them.
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lokiwhitewolf · 1 year
Red Hot Winter- Chapter 6
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Chapter 6: "I’m not asking for a miracle."
trigger warning: death scene, sex scene- minors dni
It was almost sunlight. Klaus and Caroline were both awake, lying down on the hybrid's bed. He was holding her against his body while one of her hands traced his bird tattoos.
"I will," she said. "I’ll stay, but you have to promise me that I will be treated right."
"My love." He said, bringing her face up to his "You’ll be my queen, and I’ll treat you like you've never been treated before. Like a queen, an empress. He kissed her, and she reciprocated. "I promise my love."
He hovered over her as he pressed kisses down her throat and said,
"I’ll be king of this city, and I’ll make you queen of New Orleans."
A few hours later, Elena and Elijah walked into the kitchen holding hands, smiling at each other when they saw Klaus and Caroline at the table, having breakfast.
"Good morning," said Elena. She was already channeling her inner Katherine this morning with the hair and the outfit.
"Good morning indeed, Elena," said Klaus, holding Caroline’s hand. The blonde looked at him, smiling.
"I guess that means you will be joining us, Miss Forbes?" questioned Elijah, handing Elena her coffee along with a plate of food.
"Yes, and please just call me Caroline," Caroline replied.
"You should know, my brother does have a temper” Warned Elijah.
"He doesn’t have one with me, right?” Said Caroline, looking at Klaus.
"Of course not, my love,” Klaus said, kissing the back of her hand. Elena laughed. Klaus was putty in Caroline’s hand.
Suddenly, the whole compound started to shake, and the lights started to flicker. Both Elijah and Klaus reached for Elena and Caroline to protect them. It was only then that they heard Davina scream for Katherine.
"Katherine! Help me!"
Elena ran to her room and found Davina in a fetal position on the floor, crying her eyes out.
"I don’t know what is happening to me!” Said the witch. Elena sat on the floor and held her against her chest.
"It's going to be okay; we’ll find a way, okay? We’ll fix this."
Elijah got to the room, and Elena whispered:
"Call Sophie"
A little while later, Sophie got to the compound. Elena had given Davina a tranquilizer, and they, including Hayley, met Sophie in Klaus's office. The hybrid made sure to keep Caroline close to him so Sophie wouldn’t even think of trying to touch her.
"What is happening to Davina?” Said Elena, demanding to know. Elijah went to her side, holding her hand to calm her down.
"She was one of the sacrifices for the harvest. We have to do the harvest every three hundred years to strengthen the relationship between us and our ancestors. Four young witches were chosen to be sacrificed and get back from the dead, but Marcel interrupted them before they finished. Three witches had been killed before Davina. She has her power and the power of the dead witches inside of her. She’ll die; we have to complete the ritual."
"Why did Marcel interrupt the ritual? He couldn’t care less about them.” Said Klaus.
"My niece was chosen as one of the witches to be sacrificed. All of them were going to be brought back from the dead, but I didn’t believe it. So I told Marcel about it. He couldn’t save her, but he could save Davina."
"What do you need for this ritual to be completed?” Asked Elena.
"I need an ancestor, but in times like this, when all factions are at war, I can become one. I wanted to do this by consecrating Celeste’s remains, but I couldn’t. Somebody else beat me to it."
Elena and Elijah looked at each other.
"So you need another witch," said Caroline. "What about Klaus’s mother?"
"That’s actually a good idea, Caroline," said Elijah.
"Wait, what would that mean for my baby?” Asked Hayley, who was sitting on the couch listening to the whole conversation.
"Your daughter will be part witch. Making me an ancestor will also make all of Esther’s living descendants New Orleans’s witches as well. Replied Sophie. "If we’re going to do this, both of her sons need to be there, and Hayley too. She’s carrying Klaus’s daughter.”
Hayley looked at Klaus, and Klaus said:
"Alright, but we’ll bring the body."
While Elijah and Klaus went to pick up Esther’s body from where it was, Caroline went to Elena and Elijah’s room, where the brunette was.
"What was that look between you and Elijah when Sophie said that the remains were already consecrated?” She asked, sitting on the bench of the vanity while Elena was making the bed.
Elena dropped the pillow she was holding, sat on the bed, and looked at Caroline.
"A while ago, Tyler came here, kidnapped Hayley, and was able to prove that Klaus could make hybrids by using his baby’s blood, which he actually didn’t want to know because he said he would never do that to his kid; he doesn’t want to be his father. And after Elijah suggested otherwise, Klaus bit him, but since originals are immune to werewolf venom, he didn’t die, but he hallucinated and had visions of Celeste."
"So you’re jealous?"
"No, I know he had women before me. I just had a feeling that I saw her somewhere; there was something about her, you know. And when Sophie said she couldn’t consecrate her remains, I thought of that spell that Klaus had done when he first showed up, in Alaric’s body.”
"But that which was from 1800. Would that even be possible? Maybe we should call Bonnie."
"No Care. I don’t want to drag her into this, especially not after everything I made her go through." Elena was interrupted by Marcel shouting from the first floor for Klaus.
Caroline and Elena went to him.
“Marcel," Elena said. "This is Caroline Forbes, my former doppelganger best friend, and Klaus’s new girlfriend."
"Kath, please tell me that they are not doing this; please tell me that they don’t plan on killing Davina.” Marcel said, completely ignoring Caroline.
"I didn’t want this either, but I don't want her to get hurt, Marcel. She can’t contain this much power anymore."
“Marcel, this is not the way to treat a lady," Klaus said, arriving back at the compound with Elijah. "You should’ve said hi to my girl and your future queen."
“Klaus, it's okay; he is worried about his friend.” Said Caroline, looking at the hybrid, who immediately fell back.
"Marcel, none of us is particularly amused by how things are going, and we most definitely did not want to follow through with the harvest, but there is no way out." Said Elijah.
A thunderstorm started to form in the previously sunny sky. The vampires ran inside. Sophie texted Klaus. Everything was ready.
Near the cemetery, at nightfall, Elijah and Klaus, followed by Elena, Caroline, and Hayley, brought Esther's body in a coffin. Sophie was waiting for them. They laid her coffin on the ground and removed her body. Klaus and Elijah went to stay beside Caroline and Elena while Sophie recited the incantations over the original witch's body.
Little did they know that Sabine was siphoning all of that power to herself from a crypt.
After the ceremony, Elena went with Sophie to where Davina would be sacrificed, while Klaus, Caroline, and Hayley came back to the compound.
"Elena, where are you going?" asked Elijah when Sophie was far away from them.
"I can’t leave her alone, Elijah," Elena said.
"I’ll go with you," he said.
They followed Sophie to where the harvest had happened. Marcel was there with Josh. Elena went to stand in front of Davina, hugged her, and said:
"I’ll find a way to bring you back, Davina."
"I know who you are," said Davina, crying. Thank you for everything."
Elena started to cry. Both of them were holding each other up.
Sophie approached them and said
"Our magic fades as our ties to our ancestors weaken over time. We beseech them, and we accept this offering as a sign of our faith. To be born, you must sacrifice. Do you have faith?"
"I do," said Davina, between tears. Sophie cut her neck open, and Davina fell onto Elena’s arm. Elena’s tears were falling into Davina’s hair, and she slowly died in the vampire’s arms.
"I love you," Davina said weakly.
"I love you too. I’m going to bring you back, I promise," Elena said.
With the help of Josh and Marcel, Elijah and Elena buried Davina. Coming back to the compound, Elijah brought Elena to their room. Elena was still crying.
"I told her I’d find a way to fix this, but I couldn’t.” She said this after he sat her down on the bed.
He kneeled down in front of her, wiping her tears with his thumbs.
"We’re going to find a way, my love. It’s going to be okay."
"I failed her, just like I failed Jeremy. I couldn’t protect either one of them!"
"Hey, I’ll have none of that, Elena. You didn’t fail Davina, and you certainly did not fail your brother. You couldn’t control the circumstances my love, and you shouldn't have to."
"Please, don’t let me fall again, Elijah” She said this, holding his face.
“Never, my love. I love you. " He said that, looking at her. A warm feeling washed over her. Like she belonged and she’d never be lost again, like she had finally been found.
"I love you. “She said, kissing him briefly.
Elijah helped Elena shower and wash away Davina’s blood from her body. He changed her into her pajamas and changed clothes as well. They lay on the bed, and Elijah held her close to his body while she was crying silently for Davina and Jeremy, and he kissed her tears away.
"Well," said Caroline back in Klaus’s bedroom, where the hybrid was making space for her to put her things. She had been on a call with her mom, trying to explain at least part of what was happening and that she needed a few things sent out. Liz Forbes was not too happy to know her daughter was now dating Klaus Mikaelson. “This is not how I imagined my official first night in New Orleans to be like."
"And how did you imagine it, my love?” He asked.
“Oh, you know, a hybrid one day left a voice mail on my phone telling me he wanted to show me New Orleans, and funny enough, he hasn’t.” Klaus was in front of her in a heartbeat, smiling.
“Oh, my love, there is a place I can show you right now."
Klaus grabbed Caroline’s hand, and they both went to his car. Klaus drove to a part of the city Caroline hadn’t seen yet. As soon as they got to where he wanted, Klaus turned to her and said:
"Close your eyes, my love."
Caroline smiled and closed her eyes.
Klaus opened her side of the car and carried her to the place he wanted.
After putting her on the ground, he said:
"Open your eyes."
Caroline could barely believe her eyes. They were on top of a waterfall, and they could see what felt like the world. The sky was clear, and the stars shone really bright.
"Klaus, this is... beautiful.” She said.
"It is, but I’d argue that my queen is so much more” He said. "No beauty in the world can compare to you, my love.”
"Elena was right.” Caroline said, getting closer to him and putting her hands on his chest. "She said I’d know what it feels like to be treated like a woman if I gave you a chance."
"I’m starting to like your friend.” He said this while smiling, closing the distance between them, and kissing her. Klaus stood behind Caroline, and he wrapped his arms around her, planting soft kisses down her neck as his hands ran up and down her body. Their passion was undeniable, and it was overflowing. Klaus started exploring Caroline's body, and his hands moved down her inner thighs, teasing and tantalizing her with his touch.
He continued kissing Caroline as his fingers found their way to her wet slit, and he teased her clitoris with a gentle but persistent pressure. His touch felt divine, and Caroline could feel her pleasure rising with every stroke. Klaus began to move his fingers in a circular motion, pushing her towards orgasm.
Klaus's eyes never left Caroline as her pleasure intensified, and when her body was shaking with bliss, he moved his mouth to hers, and the two of them melted into a passionate kiss as they shared the incredible moment together.
Caroline's pleasure was beyond anything she had ever experienced before, and it was a direct result of Klaus' passionate touch and his love for her. When the intensity of her orgasm leveled off, Caroline was in another realm, feeling entirely refreshed and whole. Standing atop that waterfall with Klaus by her side, Caroline realized how powerful love could be.
Caroline turned around and forced him to the ground, kissing him and straddling him. Her hair created a curtain around their faces, shielding them from the world. Klaus ran his hands down her legs, since she was wearing a skirt now. Caroline opened his pants and freed him.
“How naughty are we?” Klaus said, smiling as he realized once again that Caroline was not wearing anything under her skirt.
“I thought you’d appreciated it, my love," she said, whispering in his ear. Klaus groaned at her use of the nickname he used for her. She slowly rode his hard dick, and it felt better than anything she had ever felt before. Knowing that Klaus was close to his limit, she opened her eyes wide with desire, and Klaus threw his head back, thrusting wildly into her.
She rode him with an intensity that he had never experienced before, her orgasm moving closer and closer with each thrust. He grasps her hips as she pushes him to the rhythm of her own desire. They start to move faster and faster, and she can feel the tension building up in her body. With each thrust, she could feel him getting closer and closer, and the sensation was dizzying. She shudders with pleasure as his thrusts become more forceful, and she wraps her legs tightly around his body. She moans and shivers as his hands massage her clitoral area and send waves of pleasure through her body.
Her hands grip his hair as she starts to feel her orgasm approaching. She cries out his name and holds him close as wave after wave of pleasure washes over her. Klaus pulled her tight, and a flood of heat overwhelmed them as Klaus spilled his essence with a deep roar. The earth seemed to move with them, pushing them towards more pleasure, and as Caroline rode Klaus for the last time, their bodies melded together in an intimate embrace, the moment lasting forever.
Klaus hugged Caroline, needing to feel her close to him, while she nestled herself in his arms.
“Oh, my love," he said. "I’m so happy you’re here with me."
"I’m happy too.” She says, bringing his face closer to him and kissing him briefly.
Meanwhile, in the cemetery, Sabine walked in. Three witches were waiting for her, as they were summoned by her. Papa Tunde, Bastianna, and Genevieve
"Welcome back." Sabine said. "I summoned you because I need your help. I need you to help me take down Klaus Mikaelson."
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farfromstrange · 2 years
Foreigner's God: Chapter 8
Main Masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OFC
Chapter Summary: Daredevil and The Red Angel pursue their lead. Shit hits the fan. Eliza’s past comes to haunt her and Matt gets caught in the middle of it. She would have never thought of seeing his face again or hearing that name again. Something isn’t quite right with her, and Hydra’s real motives start to become clearer as her powers' true nature starts to unravel. But is she ready for the truth to come out?
Warnings: graphic descriptions of violence and murder, blood, fighting, gore, language, this is just a lot of violence and angst
Word Count: 11.3k
A/n: Yeah, so… I’m just gonna leave this here.
Read Chapter 8: doomsday Here on AO3!
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The night was filled with so much pain. Crimes were being committed in all parts of the city; every second, every minute, and every hour the body count grew. During the day, the people couldn’t get enough of celebrating the miracle that is life, but at night, the monsters came out to play, and suddenly it was like happiness never existed. The world is vile, especially when the darkness takes over and humans no longer have to hide who they truly are.
Drip, drip, drip. The blood dripped on the dry asphalt. It was a continuous sound that filled the dangerous quiet of the night. The red liquid left a trail down the alleyway into the sewer. The darkness was deafening. It harbored the worst of humanity. Look down and you won’t find a bottom – the pit is endless.
Eliza stood on the roof, her eyes trailing over the city she loved. If she was able to feel the pain of whole of New York, the injustice happening every second, not masked by pretending happiness like it was during the day, she didn’t even want to know what it was like for Matt. Ghosts haunted the streets. Evil spirits waiting to possess all that’s good in this world. The Devil lurked behind closed doors, in alleyways, and sometimes even behind your mirror.  She wasn’t talking about Daredevil. Matt wasn’t evil, he wasn’t hiding in the closet; he wasn’t trying to destroy the good in people. He wasn’t thirsting for power or world domination. He was just trying to help. The real devil hid in plain sight. He lived among humans just to rot them out from the inside. He wanted to get his way, no matter what the cost. The sacrifices he made were endless, and more were to come. 
Hydra managed to hide for years. They had been declared dead and taken down by the Avengers in a heroic act to save the world. It was a story people still told with hidden pride in their voices. But the Devil comes in disguises, and Hydra was best at putting on caps and sunglasses. Eliza could only fathom what they truly wanted to do. They wanted to create powerful weapons, ones that couldn’t be defeated. Human weapons. They learned from their mistakes. Hydra was ambitious, they wouldn’t stop until they achieved greatness. 
Their only chance was to find the Viper and use him to get through to the bottom of it all. If they couldn’t do that, the fight was useless. They’d lose. But Eliza wasn’t willing to give up. 
“We’ve only got one shot at this,” Matt said behind her. 
The cold night air blew through the streets. She flinched, involuntarily. 
Eliza turned to look at him. “Don’t you look handsome in your little spandex outfit,” she said. 
“Let’s not get into that.”
She chuckled at his defensive nature. “All things considered, it’s not that bad.”
He cocked an eyebrow.
“Okay, I lied, it’s bad. The black get-up I saw in the papers was much better.”
“I needed something that’d give me an advantage,” he said. “This thing protects me from getting fatally injured.”
“I get that, but why the horns? Who told you that the mask was okay?” she asked.
“You really want to do this now? You’re wearing a mask that covers half your face.”
“At least my suit looks good.”
“Sweetheart, I can’t see. You could tell me you look like a turtle and I’d believe you.”
“Point is, this suit’s working and that’s all that matters.“
“The suit’s definitely working something,” she said under her breath. 
He caught it. “What was that?” he asked. 
“Come on, I know you can’t see it but that ass is god-given!”
“What is it with you and my ass?” 
Eliza sighed. “I don’t know! I’m obsessed with it and I don’t even know why. No, you know what,” she said, head shaking, “I know why. It’s because it looks like that.” 
“Like what?” Matt challenged. 
“Like a fucking good ass,” it just came blurting out of her. She slapped a hand in front of her mouth. “Sorry,” she said. 
Against all odds, he laughed. He held his stomach and he laughed at her. She was adorable. He loved it all the more, the blood rushing to her cheeks, her heartbeat picking up, and the nervous twitch of her thighs whenever he backed her into a corner. A truly victorious moment. 
She frowned. She tried to look serious but failed miserably. “Fuck you!”
He continued to snicker, “Sorry, I just think it’s cute when you get all flustered.”
“Pff,” Eliza blew the air through her closed lips, “The mask makes you look like a duck.”
“Okay, you can hate my outfit all you want, but while we’re arguing, there’s a car heading straight for the warehouse.”
She looked over the ledge. He was right. “Jesus fuck!” she said. “What else can you hear?” It was supposed to be a rhetorical question.
He exhaled. “Twelve people on the ground, another five men up in the frameworks.” His head tilted quickly in one direction. “They’re all heavily armed,” he said.
“What else?” 
Matt grunted. “Would you-“ he swallowed, “would you please take a step back?”
“What? Why?” she asked.
“Because your heart’s beating pretty loud and you smell like… like plants and vanilla and it’s driving me insane, I can’t concentrate.”
She lifted her arms. “Whatever, weirdo.” She did as she was told. With a little more space between them, he relaxed visibly and the twitching of his head resumed.
At that moment, everything else around him tuned out. He was completely focused on listening alone. Eliza crossed her arms. She couldn’t be mad at him, not when his gift was doing all their work for them, but god, the man was infuriating and she wanted to scream at him because he just brought it out in her. She wanted to scream not because she hated him but because he just drove her crazy sometimes. Daredevil was dangerous as hell but he did it so well, it was almost endearing in a way. 
“There are two boxes,” he stated eventually. “One’s a briefcase filled with money.” The box though, he couldn’t get through it. He tried his best to listen for any sign of movement, tried to catch a mental glimpse of what was inside, but nothing. “I can’t tell what’s in the other. They must’ve reinforced it.”
“It’s probably the serum,” she told him “They’re desperate to get what’s left of it.”
“Yeah, but who’s selling it?”
“I- I don’t know.” A pause. “I went to church,” she admitted.
“What?” he turned, startled.
“After I talked to Tony, I went to church. I… prayed. Asked for guidance. All that ridiculous stuff I used to despise.”
“How’d that happen?”
“You said it felt like God gave you a purpose. I wanted to figure out if this was mine or if maybe I misjudged him back then. I talked to the priest. I never did something like this before, being so… vulnerable with a stranger. But I was desperate and I was just so scared. I didn’t know where else to go.”
“Oh. Did it help?”
“Weirdly enough, it did. Perhaps it’s because Father Lantom is a really good listener.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, he is.”
“Oh, so you know him.”
“If it’s the same Father Lantom working at Clinton Church, yeah, I know him. I grew up with him. Saint Agnes orphanage.”
“Next door?” she asked. He nodded. “Ah, everything makes so much more sense now.”
He laughed. A genuine, real one this time. His head shook from side to side. “I guess the trauma counseling didn’t help much,” he said. “Still the same catholic-guilt ridden boy as I was back then. It’s a Saint Agnes trade mark, I think.”
“Trauma counseling?” she quipped. “What’s that?”
“Oh, my God. Now that explains so much more.”
She snorted. “Thank you.”
“Sorry, but let’s face it. You’re the one who’s the most mentally disturbed between the two of us.”
“Yeah, can’t exactly say no to that, so…”
One of his hands went around her neck. He pulled her against him, foreheads pressing together. It was an impulse decision. “We can do this,” he said. 
She nodded against the cold hardness of his mask. “I have faith now,” she repeated her words. “You made me believe that there is a light at the end of this fucking long tunnel, D. It’s something no one has ever managed before.”
“I swear to God, right now, I won’t let you down. I’ve got you, remember?”
“And I’ve got you.”
His lips pressed to her forehead, an exchange of hot flashes and desperation. The cold moved in between them, such a bittersweet distance. The moment moved into memory like it never happened. A fever dream shared between two people who had lost their minds. The best kind of crazy, indeed. 
“Can you take out the men on the top?” he asked then.
Eliza narrowed her eyes to see a lid poking out through the roof. “I can try,” she said. 
“Okay, you go in through that lid over there,” - she didn’t even question it this time - “take out the guys that are scouring the framework. I’ll take on the ones on the ground.” 
“But that’s twelve people,” she argued.
“I’m aware, but I’m not alone this time. I have no doubt in mind you’ll be done just in time to save my ass.”
She opened her mouth to respond, but he was gone with the wind. The man was stealthier than a cat. She considered him even stealthier than herself, which was a big compliment considering she had perfected her level of stealth over the years and never got caught when she didn’t want to. Eliza shook it off. The more questions she asked herself about him, the more she became distracted.
The jump was higher and longer than she anticipated. Her heart beat louder. The wind blew across her face. She licked her lips. If she miscalculated, she’d end up nothing but bones and flesh on asphalt. Her conscience screamed for her to take the easy way, to slide down the wall and walk, but her heart told her differently. It didn’t change velocity because of fear but because the adrenalin pumped sweetly through her veins. She wasn’t scared, she was thrilled. 
She closed her eyes as she jumped. Time stopped. She soared through the air like a bird, free of all weight, dangling through the air like a feather in the wind. Her feet hit hard gravel again shortly after. She bowed to land in a roll, foregoing the risk of breaking both her legs. Stones scratched at her hands, drawing blood. She opened her eyes in a gasp. The lid was right in front of her. She wiped the blood from her hands and stared down into the building. One of the men passed by, changing directions and proceeding. As soon as he was out of sight, Eliza slipped in.
She landed gracefully, one knee bent, the other stretched to the side. She followed the guard. He didn’t even see her coming. She synched her steps with his and halted when he halted. In his routine, he turned again. Brown eyes widened. He opened his mouth to scream a warning, but Eliza spread her fingers and silenced him.
Red ran up the veins in his neck, following up his face and into the depths of his eyes. His iris turned crimson. He went stiff. The hand holding the gun cramped so hard, it stayed glued in there. Eliza placed the weapon on the floor, sure not to make a sound. One hand went around his head. She shushed his glitching frame. His eyes closed. She set another strike into his brain. Instead of stiff, he went limp. She could still feel his pulse in her head. He wasn’t dead.
She was surprised at her level of self-control. She wasn’t a killer anymore. Still, every time she used her powers, the fear anchored in her brain. It sat there and waited until all was over to seep in fully, paralyzing her. The guilt and the shame accompanied the treacherous emotion. She stared at the man’s body. She was stronger than this. 
Without further thought, Eliza swung herself from the railing and kicked the man on the floor below into the chest. He stumbled back. She punched him before a word could slip his lips. Her arm kept him in a chokehold while he slowly buckled in the knees. “Shhh,” she cooed. He fell into a deep slumber, leaving the gun next to him unoccupied. She unloaded this one too, bagging the ammunition. 
Two down, three more to go. No one had picked up on the commotion yet. 
Eliza took down the next two in the same fashion. Punched them, choked them until they fell unconscious, and made sure they stayed this way. Her fingers itched with the newfound energy. She’d missed the feeling of power. It was as sweet as it was bitter. A dangerous thrill to experience, an addiction in need to be satisfied. She was still an addict, after all. She craved everything she needed tenfold. The adrenaline made her impossibly high. She loved it. She savored it. Like a cake, she wanted to swallow every last inch of it. 
The last man in her way turned out to be a bit trickier. He was noisy. He talked too much. The first sound he made was loud. At this point, the commotion had reached the crowd on the ground floor. Her cover was blown. Eliza kicked the man, but he fought back. He was a big guy, and pretty strong too. She groaned when his fist collided with her jaw.
“No,” she whined, “Why would you do that?” His fist was sure to leave a bruise. 
He pulled another gun from his holster. What happened next was a reflex. She slipped the knife from her sleeve and threw it. She didn’t aim, she just threw. With a hint of fear in her eyes, she watched the blade slide through the air. It landed in slow motion, impaling the man just below his collarbone. She almost cried with joy when she saw it didn’t hit his neck or any other crucial artery for that matter. One more jab with his gun and he was done for. Eliza dropped the metal to the ground. It echoed off the walls. They knew anyway, might as well make an entrance. 
“Suit yourself,” she muttered. 
With a sigh, she climbed onto the railing. Guns were about to point in her direction, but batons flew into the corridor, knocking them off their feet. The metal knocked out two men at once. The others scrambled to hide. And that was when triggers were pulled. 
Eliza leaped off the framework. One of the guards breached her fall. She grinned innocently. Tony didn’t have to find out. So she didn’t have to hold back. She released all she had and more. 
A gun clicked against Daredevil’s head. Eliza, currently busy choking a man between her thighs, pulled a knife from her holster and landed it in the guard’s back. He dropped his gun and fell forward. The man between her legs went limp. She shoved him off with a grunt. Blood pooled in her mouth. 
“You people have no regard for my looks, do you?” she said. She landed her elbow into the next assailant. 
Grunts and groans filled the room. Lights flickered. Eliza‘s eyes fell on the table. The man next to it grinned at her. His hand stayed on the box. There was no time to react. In a loud series of cracks, each neon light blew out. One after the other until there was nothing but darkness. 
Out of all five senses, sight is the most precious one. Without light, Eliza had lost the very thing that she used to anticipate behavior. The alarming rate of her heartbeat filled her ears. For a moment, she was completely blind and it scared her. She couldn’t see and the only present sound was the thudding of her own heart. Daredevil bumped into her. Their backs pressed against each other. Subconsciously, she searched for his hand. 
“There are more coming,” he said. In the darkness, his voice sounded different. “I didn’t hear them before. They’re masking their heartbeats. I can’t count how many.” 
“What are we gonna do?” she asked back.
“You’ve been trained for this, right? You’re a skilled fighter?”
“Yes, but-“
“Angel!” the call of her name was firm. “Can you rely on your other senses?”
She breathed heavily. “No.”
“I need you to calm your breath. Can you do that? Just, breathe deeply. And try to focus. We’re not gonna die here tonight.” 
You’ve done this before.
Eliza searched for the distinctive sound of his breathing, his voice, and his heart, and finally managed to calm down enough to pick up on her surroundings.
“You don’t need sight to see, sweetheart.“
She did know that. She’d heard it before.
The sudden change of scenario slapped her back into a memory she’d long buried.
“Are you sure she’s ready?”
The fabric of the blindfold scratched roughly against her eyes. She could see nothing, not even a strap of light.
“We’ve been training her for five years,” he, the man she used to call father proudly, said to the stranger. “This is the last step. I can assure you, she’s ready.”
But she didn’t feel ready. All she saw was darkness. There were people around her, and she could feel them, but the fact that she couldn’t see them drove her crazy.
“Rely on your other senses,” he’d told her.
She closed her eyes, tuned out the scratching of the blindfold, tuned out the beating of her heart - Instead, she focused. Listening closely, she could make out the faint beating of five hearts. Thud, thud, thud. It was a steady rhythm.
One of them exhaled. Without sight, everything sounded so much louder. She focused hard on the sounds of the men around her. They were at least a foot taller than her and well-built. She smelled them - sweat, dirt, and leather. Their hearts beat equally to their heavy breaths.
The swoosh of wind next to her ear made her duck to the side. His fist missed her. On the other side, she heard the jump of a heartbeat. The next fist flew toward her. She grabbed it the second it brushed her, pulled it hard, and landed her elbow in the man’s face. The crack of his nose was loud and she smelled the faint scent of copper in the air.
The one that had come for her first tried again, but this time she was better prepared. She ducked and kicked him in the stomach. He flew back. Suddenly, everyone was on her. She made our heartbeats from all sides.
“Filter the most important ones out,” the voice in her head said.
She searched for the ones closest to her. She punched the man in the face, twirled around, and pushed the other to the ground in the same move. Her legs tightened around his neck, and his breathing became shallow.
A man pulled her up. She didn’t waste time bringing her head back into his skull. Using him as leverage, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kicked the others in a flying stance.
Her ears picked up a loud ping. The knife came for her, but she dodged it right in time. She rolled over on the floor and jumped back to her feet. He didn’t have time to react. She kicked him to his knees. He groaned. She set the blade to his throat and…
The squirting of blood was audible, the parting flesh squishy like a sponge. His gurgles sounded like a broken tap. She listened to his heart, the beating of her own growing louder over the sound of his pumping one. With each squirt of blood, his heart grew faster, then slower. It pumped until there was nothing left to pump and the beating just stopped.
Hot, sticky liquid covered her hand. The knife fell to the floor. Without sight, she could even hear the droplets of blood falling from the blade as it hit the ground. She heard it trickle from her skin and the skin of her victim as the last drops left his lifeless body.
With her wet hands, she pulled the black fabric off her eyes.
The sudden revelation of sight canceled out the enhanced other senses. She could see again, see what she’d done, standing at the feet of destruction. And as she stared at the blood on her hands, she wasn’t scared – she saw the sticky substance on her hand and she smiled.
“I told you,” he said, “she’s ready.”
Eliza closed her eyes. The world around her stilled. She couldn’t hear a single heartbeat beside her own, but there was the sound of faint breathing and that’s how she knew they were surrounded. A hitch of breath, then there! A heartbeat. She slapped her opponent’s hand away. 
They danced around each other like a badly choreographed dance routine. She used Daredevil’s baton to her advantage. She managed to take out five men, all of them falling to the ground like dominos. She exhaled loudly. One of them had managed to kick her in the ribs before falling to the floor. She felt her bones twist and grind. The rib had to be cracked at the very least. 
The sound of grinding filled the air to her left. “Knife!” she called out.
Before he could land the blade on Daredevil’s back, she jumped up, wrapped her legs around his head, and began to hit her elbows against his scalp. He groaned and reached the knife up to her, parting the fabric of her suit around the shins. She pulled the knife from his hand, angrier now, and landed it on his shoulder instead. It was his time to cry out. He buckled in the knees, Eliza falling with him. She rolled them on the ground until she had her knee on his throat, Adam’s apple squeezed beneath her weight. She sat atop his chest, suffocating him with her knee as she landed another hard punch to his forehead. He fell back, unconscious.
Eliza spun around on his torso. The breathing was too close to her ear. One second without focus and a fist landed in her face. She cried out. Her already cracked lip split open even more. She tasted blood on her tongue. Rolled onto her back, she took all her strength to jump into a kneeling position by bending her back. She pushed one hand to the ground to stabilize herself. 
The knife slipped from her sleeve with ease. She reached for the one with the distinctive breathing, sliding the knife across his forearm. The sound he made got her to locate his position. 
Knives turn out to be the greatest weapon in a fistfight. It can either impale or scratch a victim, it is entirely up to the wielder. Eliza loved knives. She had powers, sure, but nothing could hit as hard as a freshly sharpened knife.
She flipped the knife around and tossed it in the direction of where she expected the heartbeat to be. With another cry, she’d hit him. 
There was a difference between Matt’s heartbeat and the others in the room. She couldn’t explain it, but his heart had a certain sound that made her feel calm. That’s also how she knew that he was rolling around, struggling with a man taller than him on his chest. She brought her foot up and kicked him off.
“Thanks,” Matt threw her way.
His voice distracted her momentarily. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind. The fabric of her suit ripped. It took another few seconds before the burning pain in her side kicked in. She groaned. Hot blood ran down her hip. The knife slid out of her with a disgusting squirting sound. It fell to the floor.
Eliza yelled out, then brought her hands up to his head. They stuck to either side of his temples, pressing down until she caught him. She trapped his soul between her fingers. She saw what he feared most. Failure, the loss of his family, death - she killed them all in her mind because she knew the pain would paralyze him. She wanted him to suffer. He let go of her. A sudden change of light in the darkness. She was quite literally glowing and the men in her vicinity suffered her wrath. The air sizzled. Red flames danced around her fingers. The men around her stopped, red roots tying them to the ground. The crimson ran up their bodies like slugs.  She’d never done this before. The fireball exploded. She dropped to her knees, and she stared at her hands, the very source of what she’d just done, and she could still see the remains of the crimson glow. 
A body dropped to the ground next to her. And just like that, it was over. The lights flickered back on. From the back of the warehouse, steps approached them. Daredevil and Eliza lifted their gazes. Claps filled the room.
“Ah, that’s just incredible!” the man said. He had an army of men trailing behind him.
Eliza shuddered. Not that voice.
“Daredevil and his little Red Angel.” His face came into view. “Didn’t think I’d get you both.”
Eliza peaked up through her eyelashes. Her mouth opened in an inaudible gasp. A vast, vertical scar ran right down his eye.
“Get the box.” His men hurdled toward the table.
Matt attempted to move, but he was suddenly tied by two guards. He struggled loudly against their grip, but they were stronger than him, stronger than anyone. She saw the effortlessness in their hold. This wasn’t something a normal human being could do. It dawned on her. She looked at the box. The silent thudding in her forehead told her, ‘I warned you’.
Yeah, I did warn you.
The men also grabbed her, pulling her up with ease. No matter how hard she struggled, they stood rooted in their spot, not once moving even the slightest muscle. 
“Oh, it’s you,” Eliza said plainly. “Great? What’s next? Michael Jackson coming back to life?”
He opened his arms. “What’d you expect?”
“I should’ve known.” She blamed herself. “I should’ve known the second you shot up that lab. Goddamnit!”
“You remember my specialty?”
“What, missing?”
“Oh, that? That was just a warning. You know I don’t miss.”
“Unfortunately, that’s fucking true.” 
He grinned. “Hello, dearest!” the greeting made her go sick.
“Ivan, you little bitch!”
“Now,” he said, “that’s no way to talk to your brother.” His laugh was disgusting, the words even more so.
Brother. Fucking lunatic. He didn’t even know what the title meant.
Eliza spat at his feet. “You’re not my brother, fuck you!”
“I’m not? We were both made by the same man…”
“We’re not related.”
“Yeah, but we grew up together, didn’t we, Angel?”
She grunted. “You don’t get to call me that.”
“What, he does?” He pointed over to Matt. “That man right there, hiding behind a mask? If god could see you now, infatuated with the devil. You spat on what you were meant to be! I’m sure he wouldn’t be missed if we just snap! disintegrated him.”
Eliza felt every bone inside her churn at the thought of them touching him. He was running through her veins like sweet gold, slowly tainting her, poisoning her, but she didn’t care. 
Ivan cocked his head. “I see,” he said with a chuckle. “You’re good at keeping a straight face, but your body betrays you. He’s made you so soft, I can’t believe it.”
She copied his dark chuckle. “Oh, Ivan,” she shook her head. “We haven’t caught up in a spell, have we?” 
“No, we haven’t. The last time I saw you, you never came back. You abandoned us. For what, the life of a hero? Ha! Pathetic.” 
“I’m not pathetic, I just learned to face the truth. You are not the good guys, the world isn’t yours and I don’t belong to anyone but myself. My mind isn’t yours to control. I’m not yours to claim. I learned that the hard way, but I don’t regret a second I’ve spent apart from you or this organization that you claim to be ‘family’. You’re terrorists!” 
“The truth?” He scoffed. “The truth is that there is no redemption. You can’t repent for what you’ve done. You’d have to kill yourself to get rid of all the blood on your hands. Does your friend know what you did, huh?”
One of the men holding Matt strongly against his will landed a heavy kick to his stomach. He groaned in pain. The sound sent all kinds of shivers through her. “Shut up,” she said.
Ivan smirked. “No.”
“So, what else is new, Ivan?” Talking. Talking always worked. Talking until her head came up with a plan. “The Viper sounds kinda cool, I give you that. I mean, I expected a lot of people to be behind him, but not you. Don’t know if I’m impressed that you made it this far or sad that you’re still only daddy’s second choice.”
She hit the nerve. Hard.
“You were the annoying little bitch that stole all the attention!” he said.
“Ah, you’re still jealous. Then again, it kinda makes sense. I’ve always been everyone’s favorite. No matter how high you got, I always went higher. Annoying little bitch? Well, ain’t my fault he loved me more than you. I mean, where is he these days?”
He turned slightly, chuckling on his lips. She cocked her head, definitely savoring the feeling. For once, she was stronger than him. With a loud yell, he spun around and landed his fist in her stomach. He packed a mean punch.  Eliza toppled over, the men barely holding her up.
“I suppose that was fair,” she choked out, interrupted by a loud cough. “Oh, God. I think that was my lung. Well done!”
“Don’t,” he warned. 
“Why, is he behind this? Dear old ‘papa’?”
“You know nothing!”
Her hand began to itch even more. She felt the heat creep up her eyes. “Don’t you dare,” he said, but he didn’t sound scared, not at all. “I warned you, Angel. I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.”
She spat. “Fuck you, Ivan! Seriously, I mean that.”
“You’re making this so much harder. If you’d just stayed out of it, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
“Who are you?” it was Matt who asked this time. 
Ivan grinned. “Who am I?” He looked at Eliza, then back at him. “Why don’t you tell him? That would be exciting, wouldn’t it?” 
“Oh, fuck off!” she said. 
“Why would I ever do that? I haven’t done anything. Yet. I believe your boyfriend asked you a question, so he deserves an answer. Go ahead. I’m not one to interrupt my dear sister when she has something important to say.”
“Eliza?” Matt turned to her. “What’s going on?”
Mentally, she had murdered Ivan eight times before the sound of his voice reached her ears. She growled quietly. “You’re gonna pay for this,” she told Ivan before she turned to look at her partner in crime. She tried to smile, gently, but there was nothing kind about what she was about to tell him. It was pure evil and she hated that he was one of the few things she still remembered vividly. 
“Biologically, he’s not my brother,” she stated, “But Ivan and I grew up together. He was with me in the White Room. We…” 
“We killed people together!” Ivan exclaimed with pure cheerfulness in his voice. “Isn’t that marvelous?” he clapped. “It is, isn’t it? Your girlfriend is a cold-blooded murderer, congratulations!”
“I know who she was,” Matt growled. 
“Oh, do you?” He looked at her. “Does he?”
Eliza bit her cheek. He got off on humiliating her. If she could only break free, but she knew as soon as she did, Matt was done for. 
He asked the question she wished she would never have to hear from him and it broke her heart. “Eliza, what have you done?”
What have you done? She had done a lot of things. 
“It was a diplomat’s family, I believe,” Ivan said. Her blood was boiling. She was crying. “Our first case together. The father had some debts, but he couldn’t pay them, and well, he knew too much, so he and all witnesses had to be eliminated. This girl right here, merely a child-” he walked over to point straight at Eliza as if she was the newest showpiece, “Was tasked to help me kill the parents. Just when I thought she would fail me, she stepped up. She was my ruse to get in. She paralyzed them while I slit their throats. But the daughter, she was smart-”
“Ivan,” Eliza warned. 
“The daughter was smart. She somehow managed to get out of her room and had to watch her parents being murdered. Vile, I know. But that made her a witness. So our precious little Angel here took her gun-” he lifted his with the safety on and pointed it into nothingness. “pointed it at the poor diplomat’s daughter and-”
“Pew!” He pulled the trigger. Nothing came out. But the gesture was clear as day. “Straight through her pretty little head. A shame. She would’ve made an amazing politician someday. Guess we’ll never know what she could’ve done, right? Her brains have been scraped off the walls and the blood stains are covered with brand-new wallpaper. Her body… well, only our dear Eliza knows what happened to it. Guess she wanted to keep the victory to herself. Such a good girl.” 
She hung her head low. “No,” she whispered. “That’s not what happened.”
It was exactly what happened. 
“Don’t lie to us now,” Ivan cooed. “You should be proud of yourself.”
“I didn’t realize what I was doing!” Eliza begged Matt to look at her, but he was so far away. “I didn’t-” she sobbed, “D, I didn’t know. I wasn’t myself. I would never intentionally hurt a fucking child. Jesus. That’s a lie! Ivan is lying. I was tortured into believing I was doing the right thing. He just doesn’t care about that!” she spat at his feet. “He never did. He does it because he enjoys it. He gets off on murdering innocent people. I’m nothing like him, D, you know that.” She was begging Matt to listen to her and he did, but he still kept his masked head turned far away from her. 
“Liar!” Ivan’s accent accelerated the way his voice echoed in the big warehouse. “You knew exactly what you were doing when you drained the life from that child’s eyes and smiled with her blood all over you,” he said. “That’s the kind of person that you are. That’s who you were born to be. A killer!”
“No! I am nothing like that. Nothing!” She shivered under his gaze. “And I will never be like that again. I promise on my parents’ grave, the next time I kill someone the way I did back then it will be myself at the edge of the knife.”
“Oh, I’d love to see that. You’d look all pretty covered in your blood.” He brushed her cheek with his thumb. She flinched away, but he only squeezed harder until her face was trapped between his fingers. 
Matt spat the remaining blood in his mouth to the ground. “Don’t touch her,” he said calmly. 
“Aww, cute. He still cares.”
“I said,” his nostrils flared, “Don’t touch her!”
Eliza’s eyes widened. That was the sound of a man about to snap. 
It piqued Ivan’s interest. “What if I do this?” His hand slid around her throat. She gasped. The feeling of his dirty hands made her sick. “Or this?” He pulled at her hair. “Or maybe even this?”
Matt broke free of his hold as soon as his fingers even had the intention to brush below her neck. She used the moment of surprise to break herself free, knowing it had been his intention all along. Took him long enough. She slumped her head forward into Ivan’s with full force. His nose cracked and the pressure left a small indentation in her forehead. He growled. Like an animal, he licked the blood that fell from his nose and he growled.  
“You’re gonna regret that,” he said. 
Eliza stomped on her captor’s foot. “Try me,” she said. 
He wiped his nose, watching the red taint his fingers. A grin grew on his face. The words that came next set the timer off. Perfect Russian, she heard them reach her brain and translate instantly. By the time she had registered it, a gun was already pointed at Daredevil. 
“Shoot him.” 
She flashed her teeth. “No.” She wasn’t going to let that happen. 
With one hand, she pulled at one of Ivan’s guards. She shoved him hard into the one holding the gun, just as he was about to pull the trigger. The bullet hit the man in the chest, the recoil sending them hurdling to the floor. 
Daredevil was fast on his feet. He made sure to dodge every attempt to hurt him or her, for that matter. 
“Oh, bloody hell!” Ivan pulled the gun from the back of his fancy dress pants. “Do I have to do everything myself?”
The gun cocked, but it wasn’t his. Eliza pointed the black barrel straight at him. All eyes turned on her. The crowd stood in a circle, everyone somewhere in the crossfire. They all had a gun pointed at them one way or another. The only reason no one was getting hurt was the fact that their boss was staring right down the gun of their initial target. 
Matt felt the weapons pointed at him, he could smell and hear them. The tension was high, heartbeats were rising - it was all on Eliza now. She was the one holding the ropes. One slip-up and there would’ve been a terrible massacre happening. He raised his arms. Not even his batons could get him out of this. At least five guns were directed at him, the remaining six aimed for Eliza’s head. He was only human. A bullet too close to the heart and bam! He’d be dead, just like that. She was a different story. 
“I guess we are in a Mexican put situation now, huh?” Eliza said. She cocked her head. “Who’s gonna shoot who first?”
“If we pull the trigger at the same time, I guess we’d both die,” Ivan answered. 
“That would be unfortunate.”
“Why, are you scared?”
“Scared? No. Why don’t you tell your minions to put their guns down?” she asked him. “We can talk like adults.”
He laughed. “Cute, but no thank you. I’d rather finish the mission.”
“And how do you plan on doing that?”
“It takes only one command from me for them to shoot him.” He nodded at Daredevil. His jaw tightened. “I’d probably survive if you shot me. If, because I don’t think you have the guts.”
The man to Daredevil’s left howled. The bullet went straight through his upper thigh. A clean shot. It missed any major arteries and didn’t even break the bone, all of that on purpose. She didn’t mean to kill him, not even subconsciously. Matt knew a threat when he saw one – Eliza was merely threading Ivan, showing him what she was capable of, but he knew from the sound of her voice and the weight behind her words, she would never cross that line again. Ever. She promised. 
She redirected the gun back to Ivan’s face. “That better?” she asked.
The world could think of her what it wanted. She didn’t care. 
“Impressive,” he admitted, “but I must say, I’m still a little disappointed. It was only his leg.”
When he pulled the trigger, the bullet went straight through the already injured man’s forehead. Ivan didn’t flinch, he didn’t move an inch. He held the gun calmy in one hand while the other slid into his pants pocket. Blood splattered across the floor. Hot liquid landed on Daredevil’s mask, trickling down onto his face, and the way his features contorted meant he could already taste it on his tongue. 
Eliza gaped. “What the fuck?!”
“Collateral damage.” Ivan shrugged. “Wasn’t worth much anyway.”
The other men didn’t move a muscle. They didn’t care. Other than looking intimidating and knowing how to fight they seemed to have little purpose in this group. They were probably strangers to the word ‘responsibility’. Minions hardly ever make leaders, that was why Someone as sadistic as Ivan was perfect for the position. He was clinically insane. He didn’t care about anyone but himself, he never had. 
She rolled her shoulders. Was he able to call her bluff? She hoped not. “Shoot me then,” she said. “You want to hurt someone, hurt me. Come on! We’ll see what I’m capable of.” 
“I would, but I can’t. Sorry.” The grin was shit-eating. 
“Why, you’d lose your job?”
“I’d lose my life.” It seemed like he wasn’t happy with that and she couldn’t blame him. Having your life depend on the fate of someone else sucks. 
She hissed, “Bummer.”
“If it was up to me, you’d already be dead, but guess I’m working with a hypocrite. Someone has a soft spot for you and we both know who it is.”
“Shut up!” Eliza clapped back.
“You want to tell him or should I?” he asked.
“He’s alive?” Her heart beat up to her chest. It was the only thing she felt. Every last inch of her body was numb. She should’ve been scared, angry, and feral, but she wasn’t. The only thing in her eyes was betrayal.
Ivan hummed. “You can’t kill someone like him.” The safety flicked off underneath his fingertip. “He did everything for you, he even made me spare you and that’s how you repay him?”
“Say it!” she ordered.
He bit his cheek. “You’re not in the spot to make demands, traitor!”
“I’m not a traitor! You’re on the wrong side, buddy. You’re not heroes, you’re not trying to save the world; you’re trying to ruin it! That doesn’t make you worth more than anyone else. Now, say it! Say the words! Do it!”
“If that’s so,” he said. “Hail Hydra!”
The words finally opened something in her. It unleashed darkness she’d locked away. Her eyes glowed red. For the first time, she saw a hint of fear in his eyes. The men weren’t strong enough to hold her.
There are no bullets in there. Just as she finished the train of thought, he pulled the trigger. Her eyes fell close. She expected to hear the shot penetrate the sound barrier. She expected the loud sound of a skull cracking and blood quirting onto the wall behind them. She even expected to find Matt on the floor, dead, but nothing happened. 
When she opened her eyes, Ivan fiddled with the gun. “What the fuck!” he muttered. The trigger was blocked.
Eliza frowned. “What the fuck?” she said. She had no idea where that came from. “What the fuck!” It was possible that she was more surprised than him. 
“What did you just do?” Ivan glared at her. “You little witch!”
She rolled her eyes. “Shut up,” and she hit him across the face. 
That was when the riot began. The sudden change of events caused a short moment of unconcentrated staring and so Matt struck them. He threw the baton forward, with the other hand he elbowed another assailant, and then he punched the last one in his vicinity. Guns flew to the floor. He kicked them away. He unloaded whatever he could find and made sure to get the ammunition as far away as possible. 
Ivan came for her. She dodged his punch, the next, and the one after. They danced like this until she finally landed a punch of her own. He licked his lip. “Huh.”
“I don’t know what they gave you,” she panted between hits, “but not a single trace of the serum stands a chance against me.” 
“We’re not Steve Rogers.” She felt her nose crack under his fist. “And we’re not Bucky Barnes!” The pressure on her already bruised ribs and the gash in her side sent her flying backward. She hit the metal column with her back. He was stronger than her, undoubtedly so. Her lungs burned.
“The Winter Soldier was weak!” he said. His large frame stepped closer. “Hydra realized their mistakes and tried to do better! We are stronger than everyone. We are stronger than Bucky Barnes and stronger than Steve Rogers will ever be.”
Eliza cried out when his hand wrapped around her throat. The feeling of his strong fingers around her pulse point was proof enough that she wasn’t dreaming. 
“But are you stronger than me?” she asked. 
“It’s sweet you think you’ve got anything against us.”
“Bucky Barnes isn’t weak. Neither is Steve Rogers and neither am I.”
He laughed. “Then where are they now?”
Eliza swallowed her tears. “I can be your worst nightmare,” she said.
“Is that so?”
“Oh, yeah.”
She swung her feet dangling in the air between his thighs. He sucked in a sharp breath. “Motherf-“ he let go of her.
“Even super soldiers are just men. Kick in the balls works every time.”
He caught her foot in mid-air. His eyebrows furrowed and he threw her over his shoulder. The hard floor dug into her stomach. She coughed.
“Takes a lot more than that to destroy me!” he said.
“Yeah, I figured.” Eliza jumped back to her feet. She pointed her palm at him. His veins ran hot, but the red never reached his eyes. She pushed more and more, but her powers didn’t budge. She couldn’t feel him. Her face strained with every jolt of electricity. She moved her hands together, squeezed, trying to lure him in; she tried to project pictures into his mind, turn him to mush, but it wasn’t working.
Ivan laughed loudly. The fear vanished from his face. “Can’t believe it’s working.”
“What the-“
He lifted his shirt. The small device stuck to his mutilated skin. Something was running through his system, something that was the opposite of what was cursing through hers; he might’ve not realized it yet but it was poisoning him. The veins around the device were slowly turning black. 
“Say that again about being my worst nightmare?” He flicked a switch on the device. 
Eliza cocked her head at the motion. The circle was surrounded by small lights. With every second, another one began to glow red. Once full, it emitted a shrill sequence. The sound tore through her brain. Her ears rang, like the constant ringing of a bell but as the seconds went on, they grew louder and higher. The higher it got, the more painful it became. Her entire body contracted. Her muscles strained. The pain was sharp, stronger than anything she’d felt before. It was located at the front of her brain, but it was quick to turn the blood in her veins into acid. The screws and the knives drilled into her head. The world around her blurred. The pictures in her mind flickered like broken lightbulbs. Memories, screams, blood – she was fading into oblivion. 
“Hydra used special forces to shape your powers into something different, but what you have in your blood is so much more powerful than that,” she heard Ivan say. “It’s the only reason I won’t kill you. We managed to create a device to stop your little mind games from working. It’s supposed to trap you, it’s supposed to make you weak. Hurts, doesn’t it?”
She couldn’t form a sentence. As she closed her eyes in dizziness, she stood in the red wasteland she used to channel emotions. She stood there for a while, letting the smoke fill her lungs. She couldn’t sort the faint creatures in the dessert into categories. They were strangers, soulless monsters trying to eat her alive. 
“Turn it off!” she pressed through gritted teeth. 
“How about I take you with me instead?”
The response lay on her tongue, but she was cut off by her scream of agony. 
“What was that?” he quipped. “Was that a yes? Good, I didn’t ask.” He pulled something from his pants again. “What do you think about the handcuffs? I kind of like them. They’re special though. The same technology is used in this sweet device here. I suppose it’d hurt even more since it’d be on your body. Care to try it?”
Eliza fell to her knees, seconds away from passing out. Though as fast as the pain had come, it stopped. Ivan grunted. The baton hit him straight in the temple. His hand slipped from the device. The red in the circle disappeared one by one. 
She exhaled in relief. “Oh, thank God,” she couldn’t help it. 
Ivan glared at his attacker. “While that was an impressive proof of his devotion to you, it was also fucking rude,” he said. “Who gave him these things?” he held the baton. 
“Doesn’t matter,” she said. The anger boiled in her veins. As her powers came back, the strength only fueled the hatred. “What matters is that I’m not going anywhere with you. Instead, I’m gonna ruin you, Ivan. Even if it’s the last thing I do.”
Ivan sighed. “Until death, it is, then.”
Eliza charged at him. She spun around. Just when she thought she had the upper hand, his arms kept her locked in the position around his waist. Two steps further and she suddenly felt the cold surface of the table underneath her. It broke as he threw her into it.
“This seems familiar,” he said. 
Eliza leaned up on her elbows. Ivan soared aside and then Matt was on top of him. They both groaned as they rolled across the warehouse. 
“Damn,” she said. 
Ivan struggled back to his feet. “You are getting on my last nerve, Daredevil!” 
Matt punched to cut him off. “Tell me what Hydra wants!” he said. Once again, not Matt. She had to remind herself that he was two different people and that this one was nowhere close to the friendly pro-bono lawyer she met at the police station. This was pure rage, fueled by fire. The devil’s child. 
“Like hell, I will!” he said.
“Tell me! Tell me how you managed to come back from the dead!” Punch. “Tell me what you’re dealing with!” Punch. “And tell me what the fuck you want with her because I’d rather die than let you touch her!” 
He chuckled darkly into the Devil’s face. “That can be arranged.”
Eliza, who’d just examined the box and was searching through the unconscious buyer’s pockets for the keys, lifted her head in horror. Still sensitive after the fight in the darkness, a blade sheathed. “No,” she called out. “Ma- D!” 
The knife was supposed to bounce off his suit. He’d told her on the side once that it was made to protect him from blades and bullets. This knife though did not only sound different but it also looked different. It was black, shiny, and sharper than a needle. She heard his – Matt’s – desperate cry as the blade penetrated his skin. At first, it only scratched him, but he was taken aback by it enough for Ivan to hit him again. This time, the knife bore into him. He cried out. It got stuck in his side as he fell to the floor. The Viper dug the blade deeper until he couldn’t scream anymore. His mouth stayed open as he twisted the knife in his stomach. 
“I read about you,” he said. “I read about your suit. I know everything about you, Daredevil! Or shall I say, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen? You think you’re so smart, don’t you?” He twisted again. Matt cried. “Well, let me tell you something: the difference between me and you is that I am not afraid to kill someone!” 
“Then kill me!” Eliza was surprised at how steady her voice sounded. She held the box in her hands. “I know you said you can’t, but let’s face it, you want to. You’ve wanted to ever since we met. Kill me now because I’ve got your precious delivery right here and I won’t hesitate to destroy it. How long is it gonna take to replicate it? Weeks, months? With Pfeiffer gone, who else do you have left that knows how to make this?” 
Ivan sighed. He towered over her. Her hand held red fire and even though she knew it did nothing, it was the only way to protect herself.
“I know what’s in this, Ivan. And I know who wants it. I know what you’re doing with it and I can promise you this: I won’t stop until I’ve found you and burned you down. I did it once, I’ll do it again. I sold you out. I got SHIELD to burn the place down. I freed the children you kept there. I made sure you never get to see the light of day again. And when you came back, poisoned SHIELD tried to get me back, I burned you down again. I did! You think I won’t do it again? Think again!”
“You and your friend have got nothing on us!” He pulled his knife, dripping with blood. 
“Come and find out, if you dare.”
She could see the anger burning in his eyes, the rage behind them. It had been her plan all along. Rage made people blind. The super soldier serum enhanced the features you already carried before. Rage hit double as hard. It made you forget what you’ve been working towards in the first place. Only for a moment, but a moment was all she needed.
Eliza bent her back to dodge the knife. The box slid over to Matt. He caught it. He had trouble walking, but he swallowed the pain and began to run for the entrance. She pulled Ivan’s arm to the side. The knife fell from his hand. Again, she punched him. 
He stumbled back, half of his face now covered in blood. He didn’t have time to recover though; Eliza went back at him with his knife. It cut through his sleeve and he yelled as she cut open his bicep. She threw it over his fist into the other hand, landing the blade in the other arm as well. With both biceps bleeding, she pulled his shirt up and pulled the device from his torso. He screamed out. It had been attached to his body and she just pulled half of his skin off. She tossed it away, the knife toppling with it. 
Ivan pressed a hand to his side. She stood above him, head cocked. “That all you got?” she asked.
“You-“ he said, blood pooling in his mouth, “he was right about you! I thought you’d gone weak-“ Eliza slapped her hands together, the spark igniting in balls of crimson energy. “But you’re strong, very strong.” His eyes fluttered at the picture in front of him. 
“You’re scared,” Eliza cooed. “I can feel it.”
“I don’t get scared.”
“You are. Fear is the only emotion that cannot be hidden. I could make this entire room feel fear, I could put you into any scenario possible and feed off your fears. But I won’t because I am not who he says I am! Not anymore. I am not a monster anymore, you are!”
She pulled him up by the neck. He groaned as she crossed his arms behind his back. “I stand for justice now,” she growled into his ear. “And you’re gonna suffer for what you did.”
He chuckled. “I beg to differ.”
The sound of fighting behind her made her turn around. Four of the men they had fought before were back on their feet and Daredevil was struggling to hold his ground. Eliza exhaled. This was nowhere close to being in her control. 
She tried to run, but the Viper grabbed her wrist, and suddenly, she was trapped again. The cuffs he had displayed earlier clicked. The life drained out of her in no less than a second. It didn’t hurt as much as the shrill sound, but as the green lights turned red, she felt weaker and weaker until all she could do was bow to her knees. Her muscles tensed. The migraine was back. She threw her head back, eyes screwed shut, and she prayed. She prayed to God to help them. She prayed for them to win. 
Ivan grabbed a fist of her hair. “I don’t stand for justice,” he said. “I stand for Hydra, and we’re back, stronger than ever. Not even you can change that now, Red Demon.” 
The darkness was spinning inside of her. “Don’t,” she tried to say, but her tongue was numb. 
“But you are.”
He grabbed her body and tossed her across the room like a piece of trash. Every inch of her body was in pain. She felt every bone and every muscle; blood stuck to her face, head, and rib. But most of all, her soul was thudding and burning. What had made her numb hit her straight across the face. She felt it all at once - she felt the pain, guilt, and regret. She felt the anger the name caused within her, but also the fear.
“You can control the fear of others,” he said. His steps came closer. “But not your own.”
Eliza looked up. “You’re wrong!” 
He pulled her by the hair again, lifting her and tossing her next to Matt who was now kneeling on the ground. They’d removed his mask, and tossed it somewhere in the room. His head was bleeding, his side was bleeding - he was just one huge ball of blood and gore. His breaths came shallow. He was bleeding out. 
“Seize her!” Ivan ordered his men. She was easy prey at this point. Her wrists began to burn, but with all that was happening, she didn’t care. She was tired. 
They hauled her up like a wet sack of potatoes. “Where do you want her?” one of them asked. 
“The trunk,” he said. 
“Yes, sir.”
“But before you do,” - he pointed his gun at Daredevil - “He looks so pretty on his knees. Don’t want you to miss the show, Red Demon.”
Eliza shook her head. She had to get out of these cuffs, but they were a literal jail for her powers. She had nowhere to turn. They were all she had. Without them, she was useless. She wasn’t even human at this point. Without her powers, she walked along the line between life and death, with the tendency to wave more to the latter. She was sure she was going to die any minute. Until he turned to her. “I’m sorry,” he mouthed.
The ringing in her ears turned into the background. She focused. Hydra made her into something dangerous, that much was true, but she had these powers before. She was born like this. There was something else lurking beneath and lately, it started to show more and more as the last effects of Hydra’s torture and manipulation wore off.
Matt was the one to push her off the cliff and force her to fly. 
Her eyes flew open, irises burning red. The color reached into her blood. Starting from her heart, it ran through her entire body until she was glowing. She looked all celestial like this, the only spot of color in the first warehouse. She matched with the blood on the ground. The cuffs broke. The metal cracked. The lights went out. 
She hit the man on her right, then the one on her left. Red roots traveled the floor until they had wrapped around the men circling Matt. She smelled their fear. She tasted it on the tip of her tongue. “You can’t force me into a cage, Ivan,” she pushed out. “I told you, I’m done.”
“What the-” he turned to look at her. “How did you do that?!”
She tossed the cuffs at his feet. “I don’t know, you tell me.”
“This isn’t supposed to be possible!”
“You have no idea what’s possible.” Eliza snapped her fingers. The men fell like dominos. 
Ivan glared at her. The gun wavered. It landed on her. “Don’t,” he warned.
“Or what?” she challenged. 
Matt swore he’d never heard someone be so calm. Not even her hand was trembling. It was terrifying, or it should’ve been, but he knew better. She could’ve killed him already, but she hadn’t. She wasn’t a monster. He refused to believe what Ivan said. Eliza wasn’t a monster. Perhaps that was Matt speaking, but Daredevil knew his Angel wasn’t capable of killing someone, no matter how hard she threatened. But perhaps, he’d also been wrong about her.
He grabbed the box. “I’m gonna get that box out of here,” Ivan stated. Neither of them showed any signs of surrender. “You gonna stand in my way or are you gonna finally take that warning?” 
She inched closer. “You saw what I just did, right?” she asked him. 
He scoffed. “You already ruined my day. He’s not gonna be pleased if he finds out I left you behind.”
“That only means you see me as a threat. Which you should. You saw what I can do. You sure this gun is gonna scare me away?”
“The gun won’t,” he said. “But this might.”
With the push of a button, the box flew open. Daredevil’s head cocked. He heard the steady ticking, a sound that slowly started to get rapid. “He’s got a bomb,” the words slipped him before Eliza could recognize them. 
Instead of the serum, the box was rigged with wires. “It was nice meeting you,” Ivan said. 
She opened her mouth. “What? No!” Matt abandoned all thoughts of being Daredevil. He wrapped his arms around her. 
The blast shook the earth. The place where Ivan had once stood exploded in bright flames of smothering fire. The magnitude of the explosion knocked the glass out of the windows. Eliza cried out. Shards rained down on them. Daredevil had his body curled over hers, holding her as the fire broke free. All that was left was a pile of glass and fire. 
The heat burned into their cheeks. Eliza opened her mouth, but she was too weak to form a coherent sound. She stared at the remains of the man that single-handedly ruined her perception of what she thought was possible in this world. He ruined the peace she had created for herself. 
She stared at the feet of his ashes, the fire sizzling in her ear. “Hail Hydra!” the words haunted her. It wasn’t the warehouse that was on fire, it was her life that had crashed and burned. Everything fell apart, the glass a representation of what she’d believed hope for redemption. Eliza was burning. The girl she’d made a name for after all these years. She burned down with everything else. Without Eliza, she was nothing. The Red Angel didn’t have a name, only a bad reputation. Eliza had put an end to it, she had given her something to believe in – he took that from her. They always took, took, took, and took. Every time she thought she could move on, they came back and they haunted her until nothing was left but fire. Ashes and broken pieces of what had once been her life.
She turned to Matt. He had pushed her out of the way and shielded her from the blast. He rolled off of her. She touched his chest. He was still breathing, but he wasn’t moving. “Matt?” she asked. “Matt! Jesus Christ!” Her hand touched the blood on his side. There was so much coming out, she almost cried. “No, you’re okay. You’re okay! You were the one that got me out of this, you can’t die now. You can’t,” she sobbed. “I almost lost you once, I’m not doing that again. Come on! Wake up!” In a desperate attempt, she slapped him. 
He gasped loudly. His arms waved around until they grabbed onto something familiar. Eliza took his hands. “Oh, thank fuck!” she said. 
He groaned. “What happened?”
“There was a bomb. You saved my life.”
“You saved mine first,” he said. He almost passed out when he sat up. “We need to get out. The building is about to collapse.”
“You can barely stand,” she argued.
“I told you, we’re not gonna die here!”
She hung her head. “Okay.”
Eliza placed her hand over his wound gently. He sucked in a breath, but he kept steady. She danced her fingers around the broken flesh. She felt his agony, felt the moving of his flesh. She took it all and made it seem as if he’d never been hurt at all. For a second, he couldn’t breathe, but then he felt the tingling and the disappearance of pain. His hand fell over hers. 
“Better?” she asked.
He exhaled. “Yes, thank you.”
“Yeah, no biggie.” She reached for the Devil’s mask on the floor, pulling it back over his head. “We need to go. Come on!” 
Eliza wrapped his arm around her shoulder. They fell into a rhythm. As they stood in the doorway, a blast of fire hit them in the back. The blow sent them hurdling forward. She turned with a groan to see Matt pass out again. At least his head was protected. Just as he’d predicted, the building collapsed in front of them. The warehouse got swallowed by fire, everything falling into a pile of ashes in front of them. 
Finally, Matt stirred next to her. His words were incoherent and he groaned more than he breathed, but she managed to get him on his feet. 
“Come on,” she urged. Her destination was the black car that had pulled up earlier. The windows were blown out but other than that it seemed alright. She gently leaned him against the door, opened it for him, and pushed him into the seat. He groaned again. 
“I’m sorry.” Eliza went around to sit in the driver’s seat. “Let me see if I can hot-wire this so I can get us outta here. We need to get you to a doctor or something-“
His hand reached for her arm. “No hospitals,” he said.  
“Matt, I know you’re all serious about your secret identity but you’re dying! You did not only pull your stitches but you got impaled like a pig.” 
“Her name’s in my phone. Call… call Claire.”
“Jesus, Matt! No-“
The motor started. She hesitated.
“Eliza, please. You’re the only one I can trust.”
“Fuck!” She banged her head against the steering wheel. “If you die on the way, don’t blame it on me.” She put the car in reverse.
Matt chuckled. “I won’t.” He slouched back in the seat.
She pulled up to the side of the curb. There was no time to park. She opened the door and pulled him out. “My place?” he asked. She dropped his injured body on the sofa.
“No,” she retorted, “this is the White House.”
He chuckled. “Your sarcasm is killing me.”
“The stab wound is killing you.”
He coughed again, a wave of blood following shortly behind. She saw his eyelids flutter. Her hands clawed at him, urging him to stay awake, but he was passed out for good. She placed a hand on his chest. The world was rustling around them. She searched for the faint sound of his heart.
“Don’t die,” she whispered. “I can’t lose you.”
Claire. She didn’t know who Claire was, but she was more than glad to hear the woman’s voice and her instant decision to drop everything. Without Claire, she would’ve lost him. She was sure she would’ve lost him. She felt it deep inside her bones, a fear she couldn’t shake.
If Matt died, she wouldn’t know what would become of her. 
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