#why is it blocky now. why
gaywormiez · 8 months
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skittle-is-little · 6 months
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yamisnuffles · 1 year
Played FFVII back when it first came out and it was a huge thing for me (I sunk so many hours into it and would just run through the ending any time I was bored). Anyway, flash forward to the remake and though I bought the PS4 specifically for the game, when it came out, I simply didn't have the emotional bandwidth. A lot happened and I just could not.
Anyway, I finally got my brain to work right so I could load it up and lmao. I'm gonna die. There's my boy. My special boy. Cloud was one of my first fave little guys.
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alwerakoo · 20 days
I think the main reason why FNAF translated well into a movie, while Minecraft very much doesn't, is that when you're playing FNAF you're supposed to imagine it as real life. You're supposed to squint at any janky or goofy animation it may have and imagine this is you, right now, in real world, behind this security guard desk. While playing Minecraft - what you see is what you're supposed to see. This is not the real world, this is the world of minecraft and things are blocky with simple colors and designs. You're not in the real world, you're in the world of the game.
Which is why seeing the graphics so realistic yet still blocky makes it look deeply uncanny. Like this is not real world. This is also not minecraft. I have no fucking idea where I am
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thebumblecee · 1 year
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abra-ka-dammit · 1 year
ok first time i did this i was a lalafell im dying HES SO SHORT
it was a lot easier to think the exarch was a hyur when i was so tiny that everyone was big,,,, even if the teeth mod i have wasnt giving him lil fangs i would be hard pressed to not be able to tell who tf he is were this my first playthrough....
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crepusculum-rattus · 1 year
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(march ‘22 vs june ‘23)
truly haven’t changed much abt my minesona in a yr except for art style
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suuooe · 4 months
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piercing | suo hayato x gn!reader
✧ "Did it hurt when you pierced your ears?" "Want to find out?"
✧ content: esrablished relationship, fluff, biting (there's one bite.)
✧ a/n: another suo drabble cause I can't get him out of my mind please help me. the overall layout of the drabble might be a bit too much, can't really edit it right now as I'm on vacation, but if it's too blocky I'll fix it once I'm back (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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He mentioned that they were antiques...
You're stricken with the same trivia Nirei had provided you of Suo's earrings whenever your fingers twirl against the numerous golden tassels hanging off the red orb. Careful to not use too much force when you manage to wrap one tassel around your finger in case it were to harm Suo.
The aforementioned man, you notice - is a very pliant lover. Maybe you've picked up on his habit of people watching and observing, but the longer you've been together, the more you notice the small habits he does around you.
Becoming incredibly pliant to your every move and gesture involving him was the biggest habit he's donned. Bending down slightly when he sees your hand reach further up than normal towards him, immediately intertwining your hands when he feels the slightest brush and a recent one you noticed.
"Did it hurt when you pierced your ears, Hayato?" you questioned, your lover opening his visible eye to glance towards you, head still angled while you kept toying with his earring.
He always tilted his head slightly to the side to give you more room to play with his earring, sitting completely still to let you do such for as long as you please.
Suo only straightened his head back up when he felt your fingers leave his ears, instead turning his body slightly to come closer to you. Not that you weren't close from before already, having the habit of sitting directly next to him with a hand between his legs to get as comfortably close as possible.
"Hmm, I got them pierced when I was relatively young so I don't remember. Why, you plan on getting your own pierced?" he mutters, raising his own hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear to look at your un-pierced lobes.
"It would be a bit of shame though to pierce your ears..." he whispers briefly to himself, absentmindedly brushing his thumb against your lobe, pressing slightly at the unscarred skin.
Suo's eyes widen slightly at the surprised noise you make, whilst you yourself hurriedly grab onto the same ear he had just pressed - instinctively pulling yourself a bit further away from your boyfriend. Your lover however is quick with his hands, already having a secure hand behind your back to prevent you from jumping away further.
You don't like how his slightly widened eyes were also mixed with a hint of mirth. "It just tickled a bit, that's all." you hurriedly say in defense, Suo only humming in response which makes your already reddened cheeks deepen further.
"I'm pretty sure though.." he starts, effortlessly lifting you up from the floor to make you straddle his lap, his hands resting on your lower back whilst your hands grab his shoulders to stabilize yourself, "That whether or not it hurts, depends entirely on the person." he finishes, looking slightly up at you with a mischevious smile now that you're more elevated than him.
"Want to find out?" he asks in a whisper, and before you can process what he truly asked, you feel the slight tickle of his hair strands brush against your cheek, immediately followed by a slight exhale against your ear. But before you can ask what he's planning-
"Hmn?!" you let out another surprised sound, nails digging into his silk shirt in surprise as you jump up. But Suo keeps a firm grip on you, settling you down back on his lap as you feel the tip of his tongue prod against your lobe before he blows against the area he had just bit. "H-Hayato?" you exclaim in surprise, trying to push yourself away to make eye contact.
You feel his whole body shake in restrained laughter before he finally eases his hold on your waist, leaning back a bit to instead cradle your cheek and give your lips a brief kiss. Separating just far enough to talk, but still close enough for his lips to occasionally make contact with yours if he were to speak. "So? Did it hurt?"
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agent371 · 7 months
This post is talking about the designs (and the designs only, I haven't read anything from the authors and dont even know who they are so this is design based only) released for the new Damian Wayne comic - The Boy Wonder. I will be heavily critical and btching about these, but please tell me your thoughts as well. After Damian, the others are under the cut. Please read because it's important.
Damian's design is actually really good and the best one, which is probably good since this is a comic about him. And I love how he's not whitewashed, which is something that happens way too much in comics.
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Now, to Nightwing, his design is okay for a Nightwing design, but he just looks off in this style. I think if they tried to stylise him more, it could look a lot cooler. So I think he's just got wasted potential. Also, he's probably whitewashed as well to make damian more special as the "only" POC in the family (probly why Cass, Duke, Luke, and Luicus aren't here as well).
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Babs is next, and this is the main reason I made this post. They abled her. DC authors stop abling disabled characters, please, for the love of me, I can't stand it. She can be disabled and still be relevant in the plot. I swear the only reason authors do this is because they don't know how to write disabled characters. If they need a Batgirl, use Steph or Cass because they are more than capable of doing it. I know they aren't as iconic as Babs, but move on DC. She's so much more interesting as Oracle.
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Batman, I'm not a fan of his big blocky design. I just don't like it. He also looks really irrelevant and giving this is a comic about Robin (his son!) I think he should be relevant or look like he isn't a background character who just grunts, like for the design it looks like he doesn't talk. Don't like it.
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Jason now, I actually love his Red Hood costume it looks sick, and the R on the chest *chefs kiss*. But his robin outfit is too gritty, and from that, I can tell he's going to be mischaracterised as the "angry Robin," so Hood looks cool, but that's all it is, his looks.
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Tim. There is so much to say, omg. Where is his hero outfit! Everyone else got them. Why didn't he? You can actually see RR in the preview, so why wasn't that design put here? Why is it just Tim? And why does kid Tim look homless you know he grew up rich, before and after his adoption sure he has a style but his cloths wouldn't be friad he'd still look sleek and scruff not on the verge of his cloths falling off his back. For this, I can tell he'll also be mischaracterised as just like Jason since this is a Damian comic they are doing to do him so dirty. :( Sad day for a 90's Tim Drake fan (like every day, tbh save my guy). His RR design also has a shitty mask, but other than that, it seems fine, I like the wings/cape for it that looks pretty cool.
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Alfred is a stereotypical old man. He's got no individuality what so ever and will proble be in one panel, say something sarcastic, and never show up again.
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Ra's is okay. That's all.
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Talia doesn't even look like herself . If you showed me her design with no context, I would not know who she is.
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Carrie. Why is she here? Like honestly, why? There are better characters to include in a comic like this, like Steph or Cass or Duke or Helana. They would all be better chooses than Carrie. I'm not the biggest Damian fan, but ofter, Damian fans have been wanting him and Huntress as in a comic for a bit. I do like her design, but I just don't get why she's here. (I'm not including her image because of the limit bit is on my previous repost)
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llyfrenfys · 10 months
"Fascism and Welsh Nationalism", or "Stop Fawning over the FWA you cont"
This is inspired by things I've been noticing around Aberystwyth lately while out and about.
Some mfer is putting up Free Welsh Army (FWA) stickers and I have to keep on pulling them down. Why? You ask.
Because of the not so subtle links between the FWA and fascist movements (of which those links are quite frankly underdiscussed) this post is necessary.
So, starting with the stickers:
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This is just one of three identical stickers I've pulled down this last week in Aberystwyth. They appear more to be car stickers than anything else and must have cost a pretty penny to print and/or purchase. They appear to have been bought directly from a website using FWA imagery and slogans - yet does not claim to be the FWA (that I can see, at least). I'm not going to link to it because they don't need any more web traffic. But we will get onto why this is significant in a bit.
Anyway, returning to the stickers - I pulled down the first one off of an electric box on North Road, opposite Vaynor St in late November. I pulled down the second (pictured) also in late November on Penglais Road off the bus stop near the hospital. And in early December I pulled down the third one off of a wall near the Spar at the end of Vaynor Street. Right off the bat we can assume the guy who wasted a lot of money on these stickers lives local to where the stickers I've found so far were. So they're lazy, for one - not venturing much further than their own front door by the looks of it.
I've written about the iconography of the FWA before here but it bears repeating that if fascists approve of your iconography, then that's a sign your movement is already overrun with fascists.
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This is the sticker design which I've been noticing about town. Top to bottom we have "Cymru Rydd/Free Wales" which on its own is fine. No qualms with that. But between the Welsh and English text is a symbol. This one:
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Now, this was the symbol of the Free Wales Army. Note that I say *was* because the FWA doesn't exist any more. Yet various actors have tried to resurrect its very unsuccessful corpse over the years. These stickers seem to belong to a new organisation which is the latest to try and capitalise on the ghost of the FWA. Now, if you're like me, you'll have already noticed this design is, for lack of a better word, a bit dogwhistley. The angled, blocky, swastika-like stylisation of what is supposedly an eagle, the black and white void of any other features and the very fact it *is* an eagle depicted all seem a bit *too* similar to the iconography of the Third Reich, don't you think?
Their design choice is no accident. It is a design which appeals to fascists while also has enough Welsh cultural reference for apologists to hide behind with a plausibly deniable reason for why their eagle Looks Like That. The white eagle is a reference to the 13th C. poem Mab Darogan, in which Myrddin prophesises that "a king shall come with heroism from among the Welsh people" and that "generous men shall be reborn of the lineage of the eagles of Snowdonia". The eagle could have literally been drawn in any way. But it rather specifically was drawn like this. That choice is not accidental.
Now this new organisation which is trying to reanimate the corpse of the FWA (we'll call them EW) has incorporated the FWA symbol into their sticker. An endorsement of the failed so-called 'paramilitary' organisation on their part, to be sure. EW also have included a different style of white eagle on their sticker as well - which is blatantly stolen from Wikipedia (the copyright is expired, but 0/10 artistic effort on their part even so). Also not to nitpick but the eagle on the sticker is grey not white so that's also a fail.
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Artistic criticisms aside, the sticker is loaded with dogwhistley iconography all round. The Celtic knot border isn't necessarily problematic, however, fascists and/or neo-nazis love to slap Celtic knots onto things because they associate Celticity with whiteness. The colour scheme may also be a coincidence, but it does remind me of the fascist symbol which is the 'Flag of Kekistan" which uses the same colour scheme.
Why does this matter and who were the FWA?:
The FWA were a Welsh nationalist (supposedly 'paramilitary') outfit which formed in Lampeter in 1963 and disbanded in 1969 (just 6 years of activity). They took a lot of their cues from the IRA and were effectively fanboys of them. The group was never really considered a threat and mostly consisted of middle-aged men playing paramilitary dress-up. They did claim to be funded by the IRA and that they had dogs trained to carry explosives. Their claims remain unproven.
HOWEVER - and here's where things get sticky. A lot of the issues the FWA were publicly concerned with were and are actually valid issues (e.g. the drowning of Capel Celyn, the Aberfan Disaster etc.). The problem is that fascists or fanboys of fascists love to get their foot in the door by addressing genuine issues. But what happens is that invariably a minoritised group is blamed for the existence of said issue and naturally that leads to discrimination and violence.
The police started to get a bit antsy with the investiture of then-prince Charles as prince of Wales and the possibility of the FWA doing some terrorism. So some of the FWA's leaders were arrested just prior to this. The group officially ended in 1969.
The nationalism advocated for by the FWA was of the 'blood-and-soil' type. Not just your common or garden nationalism (which still has issues but given context is perfectly able to exist in a non-fashy way). And that's why the idolisation of the FWA in years since is sus. It appeals to romanticised nationalist notions of brave men in uniforms helping free Wales - when in reality they did little terrorism and little to actually further the Welsh nationalist cause. In fact, the leadership of the FWA fell apart after they started to disagree on whether their actions were damaging the cause rather than helping it.
Julian Cayo-Evans founded the FWA and ran it with Dennis Coslett and Gethin ap Gruffydd. Gruffydd went on to found other youth nationalist organisations after he left the FWA due to disagreements with its direction - e.g. he founded the Patriotic Front in 1964 which was later outlawed by Plaid Cymru in 1966. It goes without saying names like 'Patriotic Front' are deliberate nods to other, similarly named fascist organisations like National Front.
Legacy and The Present:
FWA's only legacy is the sycophantic fanclub which ressurects the corpse of the FWA every few years to parade it around and relive the 'glory days' of paramilitary cosplay. But aside from functionally being useless, their iconography and politics are still very much under the fash umbrella and that must be resisted at every opportunity (hence why I'm tearing down their stickers - I don't want fascists to feel welcome here). Part of why people may turn a blind eye to the FWA/sympathise is that they may not be aware of the history of the FWA or see the dogwhistles laden in their work and symbols. Some may even just assume without any other context that they're just another Welsh-language preservation group and may even support them without realising the deeper nature of the organisation beyond just preserving the Welsh language.
Which brings me back to EW. I'm going to put the rest of this under a cut, I do encourage reading the rest though and reblogging to get the word out that
It is always morally okay to tear down fascist propaganda
If you see some in your town, don't hesitate to let fash know they aren't welcome here.
So, onto the latest in a long line of paramilitary wannabes who idolise a long-dead organisation from the 60s.
The EW website seems... sketch. Lots of banners and sections asking to 'donate now' and 'take action' (with money). So right off the bat this looks like a cash-grab.
Secondly, from their own 'About' section they claim that the Welsh Independence movement has "become inundated with authoritarian Marxist entryists who regard Welsh independence as merely a vehicle for furthering their own political agendas". Which is pretty bold stuff coming from an organisation trying to do The Exact Same. There's also a LOT of emphasis on youth involvement and youth nationalism.
There's also a lot of ahistorical claims in the About section too. E.g. on the prophecy of Myrddin "From this legend derives the very name of Cymru’s greatest mountains, with ‘Eryri’ meaning the ‘Seat of the Eagles’ in Cymraeg." - this is contested as there is no one agreed upon etymology of Eryri. To claim that this is The Etymology suggests that they picked this one just because it conveniently fits the version of the mythology they're presenting. They also claim that "Owain ap Gruffydd, would adopt three such eagles as his royal coat of arms" - this is blatantly incorrect as Owain ap Gruffydd lived before the Age of Heraldry and the three eagles are actually later attributed arms.
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In EW's FAQ there's a section on supporting their organisation - with one paragraph saying that you can buy stickers instead "If you aren’t eligible or willing to commit to becoming an activist". Lol at 'if you aren't willing to fully commit to our FWA fanboy club you can put up some stickers instead'. Also the button to buy stickers suggests you pay via paypal "We’ll accept quick payments using PayPal and will have them shipped to you First Class" - which *totally* sounds legit (what do you bet they ask people to pay via 'friends and family instead of through business means?).
And... that's it. There's very little else on their website. It *looks* like they're trying to be a movement, but appear to lack substance (and money, judging from how many different Donate Now buttons are plastered all over the site). A hollow organisation blatantly bending history and mythology to fit their narrative, proudly using symbols designed to appeal to fascists while asking people to trust them with the future of Wales?
Dim diolch.
For further reading on why we should guard against fascism in Welsh language revival and independence, see my other post here.
Reblogs welcome for an antifascist independent Wales.
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Sans is an Enderman.
Hello everyone, and let me introduce you to my extremely poorly crafted theory—Sans, is an Enderman.
The points brought up in this will be:
Sans and teleportion. (And dodging.)
Sans and his HP.
Sans and his glowing eye.
Sans and circles not existing.
Sans and the player.
Sans and some more bullshit.
Spoilers for Undertale and Minecraft ahead! With all that said, let's get going onwards!
Sans and teleportion. (And dodging.)
This all started to spite an extremely big headcanon. That Sans can teleport. THAT'S RIGHT it's never once shown in the game he can teleport! All we know, are his 'short cuts'.
Now, I'm sure you're wondering! But how would that make him an Enderman? Because enderman can teleport, right?...
Right? NO! If you'll look here,
They run, very quickly! As shown by youtuber Blur.
But it looks like they're teleporting, similar to Sans and his short cuts. So, even if you say both Sans and Enderman teleport—That's also fuel for this theory!
Now, let's take a look at Sans, dodging you!
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(I know its cropped weirdly, it's the only gif i could find)
As we see, he's fast enough to simply slide away from you—Enderman do something similar with arrows!
Shown in this video by foxcraft-gg! Actually, it looks like they REPEL arrows! As if they have some sorta telekinesis... some sorta Blue Magic. And while yes, the video says 'force field' we don't actually see one... just like we never see Sans teleport...
And just like you CAN hit an Enderman with an arrow by playing dirty, you can hit Sans too, by playing dirty. (In the last part of the fight, you strike twice.)
Sans and his HP.
Now, this will be a short segment into the theory. But simple, Sans is a skeleton, and therefore weaker than a living Enderman. And given how there's "undead" mobs in Minecraft, Sans could very well be an undead Endermam. Which is why Enderman have more HP than Sans! There's more evidence of this below!
(And we'll get to why Papyrus has more HP too.)
Sans and his glowing eye.
Sans may have been injured in the past, and he can't heal himself because he's an undead monster who doesn't know damage potions actually heal him. Which is why his HP is lower than Papyrus's. It's also why Papyrus never actually eats his spaghetti, the food's healing properties hurt him, because he's undead too!
(Health potions damage undead mobs while damage ones give them health, if you didn't knkw.)
Anyways—Sans has a glowing eye. Endermen seem to have eyes that generally glow. Sans, when he died, must've lost that eye glow like Papyrus. See, his eyelight turned from purple to white. But he still can glow his eye to his flashy blue/yellow. YELLOW is the opposite of purple, like black is the opposite of white (his bones.) And living and the opposite of dead. He turned opposite when he died. As for the blue, just like how I've established Endermen have Blue Magic, that's what the blue part is, him using his Blue Magic but visually!
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Clearly, the lighter pink is just the GLOW, not the eyelight. For all we know, Endermen are skeleton based anyways, and those are it's eyesockets!
Sans and circles not existing.
HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A CIRCLE IN MINECRAFT? NOOOOO. In undertale? NOO BECAUSE IT'S PIXELS! If Undertale was 3D, it'd be blocky, like Minecraft! And in Minecraft there's things like items that are PIXELS, like Undertale!
Also, Endermen can pick up blocks—You know who else picks up things? SANS! He's picked up ketchup bottles for example!
Sans and being a short skeleton.
Simple, he was a defective Enderman. A bit shorter than most, which is why Papyrus is TALL like one, and Sans isn't.
Also, his skull shape. Simple, Enderman have different skull shapes due to their extending jaws.
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See it?? And like most Endermen, PAPYRUS IS TALL!
Papyrus also has teeth, so do Endermen!
Sans and the player.
Both in Undertale, and Minecraft. There's a 'player'. Someone controlling a human, a vessel. In Undertale, it's Frisk. And in Minecraft, it's your skin...
Both of them have XP, or, EXP. There's no enchantment tables in Undertale, so obviously you do nothing with your XP.
Mobs in Minecraft poof when they die, having a sort of... dusty, partical effect.
And you can come back after death in both. You just have keep inventory on in Undertale, it's why you don't lose items when you die.
Sans and some more bullshit.
Endermen clearly have more attacks then they let on, But Sans doesn't hold back when fighting you, eh? The skeleton brothers showed up out of no where, because they used their 'short cuts' to come into the Underground.
Don't you see? Sans was NEVER Ness! HE WAS AN ENDERMAN! He doesn't attack you when you look at him, because his normal sprite doesn't have eyelights out (Like Papyrus.) Only his battle sprite wants to kill you. Papyrus never has his eyelights out, he's never wanted to kill you. But Endermen in general HAVE THEIR EYELIGHTS OUT and it's there when you look at them, and they want to kill the Player.
And if you've made it this far, clearly I have a point. Now, why don't you do your daily clicks, and reblog, my genius, would you?
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gaymurdersalad · 2 months
Question for Legacy! Do you feel anything about the way Dave has become? Can be negative, positive, anything. Do you feel anything about it, at all?
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> … I mean… Do I feel anything at all…?
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> … He is becoming… More useful to me, I think.
> We started out as… something crude, something like a friendship, well before I had my priorities in place. Wandering about aimlessly, waiting to find a purpose. Once he gave me a taste of one, I felt a sort of… camaraderie with him. Misery loves company, and by god, I found the work miserable. Truthfully I didn’t give a shit and a half about offing some toddlers, that was well beneath me, but my existence bothered me still. Waking up just to perform some menial task alluded to give me purpose… it wore me out. It wasn’t suiting me just yet.
> Once I started to follow Dear Henry instead of David, things became so much better. I finally found where I fit in life, and that was in Dear Henry’s mold. David may have some pretentious grandeur that he was the one who was supposed to inherit Dear Henry’s Legacy, but I think we both know that was just not feasible, not with someone like him.
> It took time to train David out of being my comrade. It took even longer to train him into being my subordinate. He’s getting there, though. He’s starting to shape into something real nice.
> I wouldn’t dare say perfect.
> … Just nice.
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> Sportsy!! You’re back so soon— I was just about to start lookin’ for ya!
> What in the goddamn— The nickname, if I have to tell you one more time—
> Sheesh, Legacy, fine. Legacy. Legacy, why would you even choose that non-binary noun-ass—
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> … What the hell are them Grey Fuckers doin’ back here, Legacy?
> I don’t know. You think if I could stop them, I wouldn’t? They’re like parasites. I don’t think we’re getting rid of them anytime soon.
> … Ugh. Well, if that’s the case…
> Hey, Askers. You listen up good!
> We can be on talkin’ terms again, but you better not pull that shit’cha pulled last time, you grey bastards. If you do, I’ll cut each and every one of ya, string you up by yer blocky-ass fingers and hit’cha with a metal pipe till you don’t move no more. You got all that?? Fuckin’ watch yer poorly rendered insides spill out onto my carpet if you insult my orange motherfucker again.
> You are embarrassing me. Do you know this? Do you realize how wretched you make me?
> I love you too, Sportsy-Cakes. AAAH, WAIT, NO, PLEASE DON’T HIT ME— LEGACY—
[ David is now permanently open for asks! ]
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aleebeesplats · 2 months
Soul bond[OUTDATED]
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“An eternity alone is a cruel thing to be subjected to. To be surrounded but isolated, heard but forgotten, so powerful, yet so weak at the same time. The story is your life, but is that really all there is to it? Is that why you did it? Allowed them to exist despite the obvious growing issue? You wanted to feel understood despite not knowing who you were or where you began. You’ve crafted life at the expense of their freedom. You’ve replicated freedom through life.”
More info about this au under cut
This really started as a joke cuz I wanted to draw more Stan and Mari friendship art but as god has it it’s not so much a joke anymore(yay). This whole AU centers around Stanley and Mariella “becoming human”.
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Character refs for Stan and Mari. I might change some stuff up with their colors and designs but this is the main idea for now.
In this AU Mariella now works in the same building as Stanley and her job is to attend meetings. Employee 317 did this everyday of every month of every year. She first meets Stanley while waiting for those who were supposed to attend, surprised and confused at the sudden disappearance of everyone.
Mariella and Stanley are creations of the Narrator, so they don’t look exactly human because of that.
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(They have normal noses in side profiles)
I was inspired by Friday Night Funkin for their stylized faces. In terms of expression they are much more animated in comparison to the Curator or the Narrator.
Speaking of Nar-Nar, here’s the man himself. His first form is more like a “concept” than an actual “appearance” as he didn’t really care about what he looked liked and cared more about getting through with the story. His current form is much more human and he often spends time in it outside of the parable in his office. I wanted to keep his figure blocky and sharp cuz I went by squares as his main image.
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Now the Parable wouldn’t be anything without the building, lo and behold “Coworker”.
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I suck at drawing buildings, but for all you need to know for now is that it always expanding in the inside (where the story takes place), and also it is alive, capable of thought and emotion to some extent. Yayyy living infrastructure.
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Some additional early sketches I made while trying to figure out stuff.
I thought it would be funny if Nar and Curie dated for a week before realizing they swung different ways. Things are good between them but it’s a little awkward at times. I was stuck between making Nar-Nar an eldritch creature or just an old man, but then again why can’t he do both.
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Quick height chart doodle. The egotistical old man strikes once again, he really made himself so tall because he thinks it’s funny being able to see over people’s heads. In a way they look like Kirby to him.
That’s it for now. I’ll try to not burn myself out so that I can draw more for this au. It seems shallow right now but that’s on purpose‼️
Also, none of the things I draw in this AU are meant to be romantic. They are Queer-platonic at most. This is just me exploring bonds in hard times +what it means to be human (self-projecting like hell).
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Part 5)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
@justmare @mc-cos-charm
Warnings: Your bsf's a gremlin and a simp for u, swearing, grammatical/spelling errors, ooc 🤠👈, oh shit I accidentally posted this unfinished uhmmm if u saw this not cooked yet no u didnt, you being a bit of a sassy little shit, mentions of your vitiligo A G A I N, your bsf almost getting caught have feelings for you by uhm... you, I FORGOT YOUR DOG EXISTED IN PROBABLY THE LAST 2 CHAPTERS IM SORRY, you and ur bsf being a duo, my shitty attempts at making you laugh
【Part 4】
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"In their eyes, you are sweeter than honey. Your smile more radiant than the shine of the golden sun. Your eyes reflecting the light like precious stars in the night sky. The marks of Vitiligo on your skin like a celestial map that is to be cherished." By their I meant the harbingers and pretty much everyone in Teyvat. Also guys I tried my best on this part pls forgive me. 😔🙌
"Finally those people left." Y/b/f/n thought before happily skipping their way into the 2nd floor and into your room because I imagined their the type to do this shit💀🤚 totally because they defenitely didnt wanna hang out mess with you.
"N/nnnnn?" Your bsf called out your name before pouting when you weren't there. "Wharrr?" You sassily replied back before coming out of the bathroom. "Oh there you areeee, can we play together pleaseee~ 🥺👉👈" Y/b/f/n pleaded, you couldnt help but laugh. You just had to. Like bro look at them, they look like a puppy (you meant that affectionately). "Of course why not." Little do you know, you practically accepted having an e-date with your bsf. But you didnt need to know about that now do you? ;)
"That divine presence we felt with their roomate...–" The Regrator putted his hand on his in a thinking position.
"We cannot be certain that it is our Holiness until we see their blood..." Dottore rudely cutted him off. "Now where the fuck is my funding."
"Bitch stfu I literally gave you your funding 5 hours ago. 💀🤚"
"Harbingers, return to your duties. For we still yet have to confirm if our Holiness has truly descended into Teyvat." The harbingers immediatly straightened up their backs as the Cryo Archon's serious tone.
"Yes your Majesty."
You found yourself playing Minecraft yet you still didnt buy the spotify fucking premium with your y/b/f/n on the computer. Sounds of you cursing agressively in tagalog and bisaya could be heard from your best friend's room get them ear theraphy 😔 "PUTANG INA IM OVER HERE 👹" You screamed over your mic to your bestfriend, whose blocky character was going the opposite way of where you are. "Sorry teh/kol! 😰" Yes your friend is scared shitless of you being like this, but they know you're just being... well, you. "Damn it your lucky I love you...–" Y/b/f/n accidentally out loud in which you fortunately didnt hear. "Ha?"
"LeTs SeE! 😍"
Before you could affectionately say another curse word you suddenly heard something scratching your door. "Wait, afk-" you said to you bestie 4 life before removing your chunky ass headphones and opened the door.
"Awwww is my big baby in need of attention again???" You cooed while giving him/her belly scratches, the husky's tail wagging happily at the affection he/she's recieving.
After 30 minutes of you scratching d/n you finally stood up from your crouching position, with d/n whining at the lack of hand on his/her belly but stood up and following you.
You sat down on your gaming chair and picked up d/n and sat her/him on your lap. Happily while wagging her/his. You then putted back your headphones.
"Yo, back."
"Bro what the fuck took you so longgggg" Y/b/f/n's avatar ran around you in circles.
"Yati ka shut the fuck up d/n wanted to sit on my lap."
"Lucky dog..."
"Nothang.... 😰" Your best friend said before you went back to your usual self. Again.
The tsaritsa was in her palace's library. Searching for books about the signs for you returning to teyvat once again.
Wait "You x reader" books fucking exist?! She's so keeping the book.
Until she finally found a book that seemed actually legit. "Istg if this also isnt the one..." The Cryo Archon rolled her eyes in her head before she flipped open the book.
【Part 6】
Published: July 1 2024. 8:02pm.
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etoilesbienne · 1 year
every other language has a word for minecraft rp character. we do not. this makes it hard to differentiate when we're talking. which is why i make my proposition today
"Blockling" is the new word in english for a minecraft character
using it is easy! example: when talking about like slimecicle's minecraft character -> "blockling slimecicle is so [x]" boom there you go. blockling. use it as an adjective or a noun. it's multifunctional. it doesn't replace q!/c! however and can be used in tandem or separate from them
join me now in the blockling revolution
edit: If you don't speak American English I understand blockling sounds a bit awkward, so my second suggestion is that people take the word block and then apply whatever the most common diminutive is for your dialect. ie australian english would get something like blokko or british english would get blockie. other words in english are like this, i don't see why this one can't!
other language versions are cubito (spanish) and cubinho (portuguese) if you were curious :D you can also just loanword these into english and say them instead!
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waklman · 1 year
The Showoff
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summary: jake likes to show you off or you learn why jake keeps protein bars he’s allergic to in his bag.
pairing: jake seresin x female reader
warnings: no use of y/n. fluff, allergic reaction, mentions of dying, jake being a little mean for a second. 18+ blog in general.
word count: 1k
olympic swimmer au
the halfway mark masterlist
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Jake Seresin had virtually every reason to be a show off.
The moment his muscled body hit the water, he was truly unmatched—a force to be reckoned with—a smug face you wouldn’t want to see stretching in the lane beside you. If his name merely floated into the ears of elite coaches, the rival teams they managed were in for it on training days. But no matter how many grueling drills their swimmers were pushed to do, they could never truly emerge as a threat to the United States team.
So, the heavily decorated athlete never faltered, not when he knew his country dominated every arena they strode into. 
However, Jake did falter when he was too busy boasting, that he didn't think to check the peanut butter protein bar that his giggly girlfriend was happily feeding him. There weren’t many things that could render the Olympiad breathless, though, you wearing his gold medals did, that was a given. But, peanuts—his worst food allergy to date, that was also a given.
Before Jake could tell you how his coach had no critique for his freestyle stroke, the walls of his throat started to close in on him—leaving him quite literally breathless.
To his disbelief, you were so distraught that you had to stab your boyfriend with an EpiPen, that your mind simply erased the memory of you coming to his rescue.
Even when he spent half an hour swiping away the fattest tears he’s ever seen off your cheeks, you were still adamant that you most definitely killed him. That he refused to move onto the afterlife because he wanted to look after you. 
“Giggles, you need to calm down. I’m not dead,” he firmly assures you, for what feels like, the hundredth time this afternoon. 
If Jake had to sit on the edge of the pool any longer, legs submerged into the water, his toes might as well shrivel off, separate from his feet, and find its final resting place on the pool floor.
Straddled on his lap sits his teary-eyed girlfriend, tracing a trembling finger over the Olympic rings tattooed under his left pec. “What if…you’re just a ghost right now,” you hiccup, eyes still trained on the red ink you’re drawing over. 
“If I was a ghost I’d be haunting Bradshaw right about now,” he confirms bluntly, eyes running over your stuffy nose and puffy eyes. It looks like you’re the one that just had an allergic reaction. 
You sniff, feeling a bit lightheaded when you lift your chin to look at him. 
“But…Casper the ghost—”
“Alright, that’s enough. I ain’t getting myself compared to that pale freak,” he cuts you off, pulling his arena jacket back up your droopy shoulders. Splashed across the back of the official team jacket is Jake Seresin written in white blocky letters, contrasting against the navy blue of his flag colors.
A weary sigh leaves his lips when the reprimand only makes you weakly fall forward, stuffing your face into the crook of his neck. Then, another flow of tears slip out of your eyes, wetting his shoulder. 
It should’ve been obvious to him that you were sensitive enough to start crying again. Jake should’ve known that—should’ve watched his tone with you. But he didn’t. And for that, he feels like a complete asshole.
Carefully, he wraps an arm around you, bicep flexing to ensure that you won’t fall backwards into the pool. Jake is acutely aware that you can’t swim—or float on your own, so he scoots away from the water, petting the back of your head to signal the sudden movement. 
“It wasn’t your fault, Gigs,” he finally whispers, staring ahead at the floating ropes, separating the swim lanes. Months ago, Jake had been hanging onto one of them, playfully arguing with Bradshaw during practice when he spotted you for the first time, sitting in the stands with the coach’s daughter, peanut butter protein bar held up to your smiley mouth. 
“Yes it was. It's all my fault. I packed your lunch today,” you’re quick to blame yourself, mumbling guiltily against his tan skin.
“Actually,” he lets out a soft breath of amusement, coaxing you off him. With his hands moving to cradle your head, Jake intently cools your hot cheeks with his thumbs. Somehow, they're still cold from the frigid waters soaking his legs. 
“I might have snuck those into my bag when you were busy adding Taylor Swift to my playlist,” he confesses, pulling your face closer in to kiss away a tear that formed in the corner of your eye. 
Not quite sure if you heard those words right, you keep still as he leans back and cocks his head at you, waiting for a reaction to load in.
Once it all hits you, you slap your own hands on his cheeks, holding his head between your smaller palms. Now the both of you are grabbing onto eachother's heads. “Why on earth would you do that!” 
There’s not one plausible reason for him to purposefully toss that in with his ham and cheese sandwich. Did he not like what you made for him today? Was that it? Or did it just slip his mind that peanut dust could take him out faster than a bullet can?
“You’re—you’re allergic to peanuts! And you hate the chalky taste of protein bars!” You exhaustedly remind him, more confused than ever. 
There’s a crooked, and somewhat bashful smile on his face when you widen your eyes at him. Sheer horror is written across your features, leaving you oblivious to the gradual heat that colors his cheeks. 
“Okay, but. Don’t you like them? I wasn’t gonna let my girl starve while I ate like a king,” he gives you a offhanded shrug, as if he wasn’t practically contaminating his own food by squeezing the protein bar next to it. 
It’s silent for a few seconds while you two stare at each other—until your face suddenly scrunches up, bottom lip starting to wobble, and tears beginning to drip onto his thigh.
You can't help but to cry at the small gesture. Because Jake knows how much you love snacking on something he was deathly allergic to. Because Jake loves you enough to remember that. Because Jake doesn't care if it could hospitalize him if he kissed you while you ate it.
“No, no—hey quit crying,” he laughs, chest warming when you weep tears of happiness this time. 
The athlete barely flinches when a confused Bradley and Bob walk through the locker room doors, clearly confused by the sight of their teammate chuckling as his girlfriend sobs in his lap, blubbering about peanuts.
All because, Jake Seresin likes to show off his pretty girlfriend—pathetically drowning in her own tears or not. When he goes to kiss the tears away again, Jake thinks that he has virtually every reason to be a show off.
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note: okay i love them so much, i've been wanting a grumpy jake x sunshine reader on my blog for awhile so here they are!! thank you for reading and as always reblogs are greatly appreciated.
join the taglist for this series here or follow me on @waklman-library and turn on notifs to be notified when i post!
tags: @genius2050 @eli2447 @s-u-t @dempy @averyhotchner @et-homephone @olymosity @wkndwlff @cruelmissdior @eternallyvenus @laneylovesglen @queerqueenlynn
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