#wiccan blog
fliegenengel · 2 months
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If I were a tree, one day I would want to turn into a coffin so that I could be the oyster to your pearl
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spookypookies · 3 months
pagan/wiccan things for age regressors
go outside and pick flowers, herbs, plants
look around for pretty rocks and/or crystals
make fairy houses
make flowercrowns
rock painting
make mini jar altar
(if you can) light a candle for fragrence
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gyspy-moon-rose · 2 months
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fairy-magick · 3 months
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n3xii · 7 months
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Today's reading will focus on:
-your greatest strengths and abilties
-your "weaknesses" and how they can be leveraged to be skills. you have three pokemon cards to choose from.
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strengths and skills:
when I look at your cards I feel like im looking at someone who has been at rock bottom and knows how to talk themselves (and others) out of a low point. You know how to extract lessons from situations others would see as a ''failure." in your world giving up doesn't exist, any "failure" is just a bigger, overarching lesson that helps you get closer to success. I feel like one of your strengths is being able to see things from both a higher perspective, and as the perspective of someone who has been at rock bottom. Its like you have both a helicopter view of a situation, and a on the ground view as well. This dual understanding allows you to help other people on a deeper level where no one else has been able to reach them. you help others understand their situation from a higher perspective but also from the perspective of someone whos ''been there.'' this skill reminds me of a Lenord cohen lyric where he describes Jesus, "and ..he realized only drowning men could see him." You can connect with people who have never had anyone meet them where they are, because you know how to guide them out of the waters. you have birds eye view which provides a greater understanding of a turbulent situation and its purpose without loosing sight of how it feels to be at ''rock bottom" on a personal, intimate level.
weakness and how it can be a strength:
Your weakness has to do with maintaining objectivity and balance. because you know so intimately how others may feel when they are at rock bottom, maintaining the boundary of not accidently going back down can be something that hinders you. But at the same time, this can be a strength in the sense that you feel very strongly for them, you want to stand up for them and find a fair conclusion. Your sense of justice may make your biased at times, but it also makes you motivated
your strengths and skills
you can see beyond LIES and MISTRUTHS, you're someone who sees through anything thats unclear and confusing. you know when someone is trying to misdirect you and to confuse you, you have an uncanny sense of when something isnt adding up. i also feel that you can cut through extra details and bluff to get to the point of something, you dont mince words and you communicate very well regardless of the medium you choose.
weaknesses and how it can be your strength
you may not come from money, or you may not come from a background that gives you a soft cushion for you to fall back on. lacking a solid foundation may be something you consider a weakness about yourself, but this is actually something that can be your biggest strength- i know many people who come from BIG money. im talking Mercedes car before they even got an official license. Their privilege does help them in life. HOWEVER, they have no work experience, no applicable skills, no understanding of what its like to work 8-12 hours a day. they have never made a resume as they have literally never worked a job. I used to think this was something to envy but then I realized something pivotal: when their main providers die and that foundation goes away, they will have to learn skills many of us learned at 15-16 years old in their twenties or even thirties. that sounds like my worst nightmare.
when you dont come from that type of comfort, you have to learn to rely on yourself. this is a strength that makes you more powerful than alot of people in this world because you know how to build your own stability instead of having it provided for you. you will create your own legacy.
strengths and skills
im getting the sense that you're very good at entertaining yourself, you have a magnetic sense to you that could attract others to you but its like you prefer your own company. Your passions, creativity and humor are enough to supply you with enough entertainment for a lifetime. you dont rely on other people to do this for you, you know how to make yourself laugh, how indulge in your passions, how to make yourself smile. You are your own sun, literally, my intution compared you to the sun lol
your weakness and how it can be a strength
you're very analytical, alert and aware of your surroundings. this may make you overly cautious, anxious but at the same time, its a strength to have the awareness that you possess. You're quick and on your feet, its difficult to catch you off guard. your focus may be pulled in several directions at once, but still, you have keen senses. I feel like you process stimuli very quickly, its may be a weakness in the sense that its hard to process it all at once, but it also makes you very difficult to catch off guard. You notice details others wouldnt, you hear things others cant.
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magickrosegalaxy · 9 months
Get to know me asks 🌟
Witch edition
🌙 astrology sign?
💎 favorite crystal?
🔮 favorite form of divination?
🧘🏿‍♀️ do you look up to a guru/psychic/spiritual leader?
🧚🏻‍♀️ have you had any paranormal experiences?
🌞 are you working with a deity?
📿 describe your altar
🕯️do you have a favorite spell/ritual?
🧿 what persuaded you to start practicing?
🧝🏻‍♀️ what kind of witch are you?
🌟 are you currently manifesting anything?
🔢 do you see angel numbers?
👽 do you channel spirits/interdimensional beings?
🌀 have you had spiritual experiences under the influence?
🙏🏼 what puts you in a spiritual mood?
👁️ what are your psychic/intuitive abilities?
📌 have you ever hexed anyone?
🎶 do you chant or listen to meditation music?
🌎 what’s most profound experience spiritually?
🌑 have you experienced a “dark night of the soul” for witchcraft? How did you get back into it?
🐺 do most people know about your craft, or do you keep it a secret?
🌐 are you into spiritual conspiracies?
🐉 what are your thoughts on cryptids/magical animals?
🕊️ are you a religious witch?
🗝️ have you ever manipulated a situation to your favor using witchcraft?
🪦 do you contact your ancestors?
🫧 what’s your favorite method of cleansing?
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thecuddlycauldron · 1 month
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Pick a card!
What does a healthy relationship look like for me?
✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚ These are general readings, only take what resonates and leave the rest! These are only meant to be for fun and nothing else. Trust your intuition and don't overthink. If nothing resonates, feel free to move on. If you stay, I hope you enjoy what the cards have in store for you today! ✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚
☀️ Card 1 (4 of wands)
The four of wands represents stability, harmony, and celebration! A strong foundation of mutual respect, harmony, and joy is essential for your relationship. You and your partner will feel a sense of stability and security in each other's presence. There is an understanding and support between you two that creates a harmonious environment where both individuals can grow. Communication will open and honest, allowing for the resolution of conflicts and the expression of feelings in a respectful manner. You and your partner may also share common goals and aspirations, working together as a team to achieve them. Celebration and enjoyment of each other's company are also key aspects of this relationship. You will find yourselves frequently expressing gratitude for one another and celebrating milestones, both big and small, together.
☀️ Card 2 (Knight of pentacles)
The knight of pentacles represents a person who is reliable, responsible, and practical. A healthy relationship will be built on stability, dependability, and a strong sense of commitment to one another. In a healthy relationship represented by the knight of pentacles, both you and your partner value reliability and consistency. You can count on each other to fulfill your commitments and responsibilities, creating a sense of security and trust in the relationship. Practicality is also emphasized by this card. You and your partner may approach challenges and decision-making in a logical and pragmatic manner, considering the practical implications of your actions and choices. Communication will also be clear, honest, and straightforward in this relationship. You and your partner will express your feelings and needs openly, allowing for the resolution of conflicts and leading to the strengthening of your connection.
☀️ Card 3 (Death)
Death often represents transformation, change, and endings that lead to new beginnings. While it might seem scary to associate this card with a healthy relationship, it's important to remember that death signifies the shedding of old patterns and ways to make way for growth and renewal. You may need to let go of outdated beliefs, behaviors, or dynamics that no longer serve the relationship's growth and evolution. It may indicate that significant changes or transformations are necessary for a relationship to thrive. A healthy relationship is one that is willing to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances together. Both you and your partner may be open to exploring new ways of relating to each other, letting go of past grievances or resentments, and taking advantage of opportunities for growth and transformation. Ultimately, a healthy relationship for you is one that is characterized by a willingness to let go of the old to make way for the new. It is a relationship that embraces change, growth, and renewal, allowing both partners to evolve and thrive together.
Love, Willow
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arcane-trail · 1 year
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🖤 Get it here: Illuminated Potion Alter Bottle
Use code “TUMBLR” for 20% off
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🌲 necklace 🌲
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secondbeatsongs · 2 months
had a dream that I was video chatting with some friends, but when I turned on my camera I looked like I'd just crawled out of a horror movie, and the only thing I could think to say was "sorry I look like a bog witch today, guys - it's the testosterone."
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remington-the-witch · 4 months
Reminder that intentions are important in spellwork! A generic intention won't give you exactly what you desire. Be sure to be specific about what you want from your spells! 🌱
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gyspy-moon-rose · 2 months
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lolitalucia · 5 months
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tarot ♡
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fairy-magick · 15 days
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insanity-over-sanity · 5 months
looking for pagan/witchy-centric blogs to follow! i’m getting back into my craft and i need more pagan blogs on my dash to keep me motivated. like/reblog this post and i’ll check out your blog!
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