#wich I also love btw
ririchonne · 4 months
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I was wondering where all the tv magazine covers where. Here's to one.
Thanks @rosita_michonne
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The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 18
Avar: I don’t need to go to bed, I’m not tired, I’ll be fine.
Stellan: yeah, me too, I have to finish this report
Elzar: But my sweethearts, I’ll be so lonely without you. Come here and let me hold you two in my strong arms so I can feel whole again.
Avar: Are you trying to seduce us into healthy sleeping patterns?
Elzar: Is it working?
*over text*
Elzar: hey pretty girl, what are you up to? ;)
Avar: eating cereal in bed
Elzar: and what would you do if I was in bed with you~?
Avar: …I would still eat my cereal?
Elzar: Fine, do you know where Stellan is?
Avar: right next to me, he forced me to stop working and eat something so now he has to eat too
Stellan: El please Help, she’s feeding me that unhealthy colorful cereal that looks like lightsabers
Elzar: OMG fruitsabers! Stay right there I’m on my way, I love that stuff!
Avar: have you ever thought about the fact that you guys holding my hands is like our hands hugging
Stellan: Avar I swear to god
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asans · 2 years
Thank you for the nice tags! A walking Zen would be pretty damn terrifying for sure (though I'd not mind a smaller hitbox)
Besides being a bizarre occurrence for his teammates, Zenyatta walking in the battlefield means someone definitely ain’t getting back up after witnessing the Iris. He’s sending them straight to the afterlife to have a talk with his brother.
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ratguy-nico · 2 months
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Adivinen quien al fin dibujo algo? Wich means I'm back baby!
Its not perfect (like everything I made), but I just love drawing comic-like-stuff, I get to relax more. I dont try to do the lines perfectly or the super accurate anatomy (mostly cause I dont know shit about anatomy at all) and also get to be more simple in the colors, wich helps cause I struggle making colors a lot.
I missed drawing my babies...but why did I drawing them like that? XD I swear...I think I should have seen some reference cause I totally change the way I draw the Burger Babys which is crazy for me XD
Now...is this an AU, is this them as teenagers, why is Louise working on Aplebees? Well I didnt put an exact age for the guys here, they could be 16 or 19 I dunno.
This is solely based on this post from @zer0ogravity I lmao with this and totally need it to draw it.
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btw I from Latam, I didn't knew what Applebees was until making this comic so if Applebees dont look like this sorry.
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tarjapearce · 4 months
How can you describe miguel mentally and emotionally ?
Oh man... This is a tough one. I'll start by saying that, even though we saw a glimpse of his mindset on ATSV, we still have sooo much to learn and know about him. (We just had it for 15 mins. jsksk)
I did this thing a while ago, focusing mostly on his grieving that addressed the rest just superficially.
I won't say I know him better than anyone cause
1. No. Characters evolve and I feel it'd be disrespectful af to just reduce him to a couple of traits or claim that I know him better than I know my nipple jsksk.
2. He's a complex character that is so well written that makes us all go psychoanalysing his behavior 🤭. (And love me a man that puts me to think)
But jokes aside.
He's emotionally unavailable. Simple as that. And though it might sound obvious to some, (And our savior complex kicks in and tell us to fix him 👀 yeah, I'm talking to us jsksk) there's no way we can do that, cause that's up to him ~. (And you can't help someone that doesn't wants to be helped.)
Healing takes time. And guess who overworks himself to the point of having his cortisol running 24/7 through his body? Miguel. He doesn't have time for therapy. His fear of watching it all go to hell once more is a too fresh wound. Some traumas last decades, and naturally people find ways around it without interacting with it directly to avoid reliving such impairment.
(I do appreciate the fact that in the new comic book, we see him trying to make amends with Conchata though. He's trying!!! :D.)
2. He's a patient man. I mean, he recruited after all versions of Spiderman that have this trait in common: They're perceived as friendly. And they're mostly young adults and teens. (Both are a handful btw. And most stories and comics Peter Parker is depicted as a 18-23 year old)
But they like pushing his buttons, (cracking a joke every 5 minutes, doing whatever they want even when specific orders were given) however. He doesn't strike me as someone that is mean on purpose, he's just wary but not totally closed off towards people. Wich is kinda contradictory on its own since:
You don't go around trusting people first hand upon just knowing them, right? 👀. But at the same time he showed Miles his own canon event, trying to empathise with him before dropping the bomb. (He was mentally preparing him, something he wasn't able to get but to experience the worst way)
A hypocrite truly. And not in the bad bad way (He calls a nerd the NWH Peter yet he is one) , cynic to an extent (Since he keeps repeating he's been the only one trying to keep it all together, meaning he still doesn't fully trusts the people around him.) A showoff (Did you see the way he turns towards Gwen when he first appears? Or the way he says "I was gonna do that") , arrogant to also an extent. ("It's much more cooler than a watch").
He took the job as a leader cause he knew none else was gonna, and if there was another one willing to assume the role, I'm sure he'd be dissatisfied with it's development cause our man likes to feel safe in when he's in control. (A trait often met in people with generalized anxiety)
And when he's not, his brain immediately goes into threat mode, but even so is able to adapt. (I have a theory he learned this the bad way. We've still got to see the origins of his Rapture intake though 🤔)
Now, we know this man is emotionally unavailable, through and through. His love is work. And married to it.
Now, I might get a bit controversial after this and some might not like it, but I don't think he wants another family after that. (We don't know much about this Miguel's background or family except that he was looking for things, and he found Gabi's universe. And for you to look into another universe in need to be happy says enough to imagine his family or is non existent or is really messed up.)
I know we want him to be happy, (And the producers better give him some healing and closure or else.) Cause he deserves everything. But grieving doesn't work like that. A loss like that is unmeasurable, it changes literally your brain chemistry forever. The least appropriate thing you'd do is have another kid or someone after such event.
(I've seen what that is an it's not nice. Specially for the involved kid)
But we're all ill here so Thank goodness fanfics exist ❤️
He allowed himself to be selfish enough to be happy, had his fun but consequences caught up to him. Consequences that he didn't know and now has him perpetuating his guilt and mind berating.
Hence the workaholic attitude, the coldness. He's done with establishing something with people in general, not just someone special. He's done of getting trampled by life, so he sticks with something he knows he can do very well and pours into it. The Multiverse is his hyperfixation.
Keeps him busy, keeps him on control but curiously and contradictory again, it keeps him needed and useful.
He's a walking contradiction. He doesn't need people to watch over him, not cause he doesn't deserves it. He knows that people worry about him, that's why he just minds his own thing to not be a burden.
Self-Sufficient, over achiever (Alchemax CEO & Spiderman, a genius, bilingual, probably more languages on his list cause he leads a multicultural and multidimensional task force babes ~)
He's not bad, he just doesn't know how to direct his anger or allows himself to feel properly and often rationalises his feelings. (Another coping mechanism where you're tired of feeling stuff and justify difficult or negative with logical thoughts)
But again, curiously knows how to communicate. I know it's fucked to say when he threw a trash bin to Miles before that. But! Hear me out.
Retaking the previous point, he was preparing Miles to give him the talk. After he throws the trash bin, he knows that anger won't solve things (Even though he wanted to give some chancla spanks to Miles for being an anomaly) So he chills, and you can see the transition between being completely furious to a more emotional approach. (Parenting surge there.)
He starts explaining everything from scratch, (literally with drawings and stuff) so Miles wouldn't be lost on what he was on about. Then they moved to the canon events, and shows his major trauma to him as a sign of empathy and an invitation to honest talk.
He admits he doesn't like what he does, and if you look closer his face is so damn distressed when locking Miles in the trap. It pains him, but again, someone has to do it, yet none is scarred enough to bear the burden.
I just want to hug him and send him to therapy. Cause he needs it. (Pretty sure he gave up on that too cause it was too time consuming.)
I'd be satisfied if the writers gave him that ❤️. But yeah. That's one of my many takes on him. Hope it helps c:
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vlovebug · 3 months
Depressing val and me pointing out flaws ( ig?) yes
I just like pointing out things about him because I feel joy in bullying fictional characters bc they aren't real
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Tooth gap val??? Yes it's so yummy
This is just a sketch btw
What my handwriting says-
Top left: mommy tried killing him, also has no daddy to begin with, depressed emo
Top right: no thoughts behind those eyes
Bottom left: retired playboy, has severe parental issues, gay and in denial, can't enter a house without verbal permission, exs’ x10000, in love with a wich thaf is also a god
Bottom right: feel better emo ( said by spelldon ofc)
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divine-misfortune · 5 months
I just saw u rebloged a picture of an era 1 (?) water ghoul and called them River in the tags. As I’m still trying to learn the names of the ghouls from earlier eras I wanted to ask if this (River) is a wider spread name for this ghoul or if it is only the name u personally use and wich water ghoul exactly this on the picture is? Thank u in advance! Always a pleasure coming around to ur blog! Have a nice day!
You've come to the right place, I am obsessed with the older ghouls and have a lot of plans in the works for them in the near future. I know there is some variation on names with the older ghouls, there was never a clear decision made overall by the Fandom but here, allow me to list.
So these are the ghouls of each element in order.
Phantom, sometimes referred to as Aeon
Earth, also sometimes referred to as Big Earth
Pebble, also referred to as little earth
Water (we've had so many water ghouls jfc)
Zephyr, also called chair ghoul
And then you've got your oddball ghouls like Special and Cowbell. They're their own group.
Ghoul names like Omega, Alpha, and Water have been sconfirmed - Terzo has said them before. Then there was that one Instagram post the official page made referring to Aether by name.
Some things to note about the list, Delta was a water ghoul before he switched to quint for a very brief period of time. Between Delta and Mist there was a period of time where the group didn't have a bassist. Also Dave Grohl, founder of the foo-fighters, and drummer for Nirvana, was in the band for a minute? I cannot for the life of me tell you when, but he was there at some point!
Up until the tail end of era 3 the ghouls are a little harder to tell apart in my opinion. There are some obvious things to pick up on (and if you'd like I can try to make a visual guide at some point?)
Feel free to ask questions about any of this btw-
I love the old ghouls and want to talk about them so bad it hurts
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genyal0ver · 1 year
💜Genya x reader 🖤
Spoilers ⚠️
Okay so this is my 1st ever fanfic or however u wanna call it and ignore any grammer mistakes . Genya has been stuck in my mind for over a month now so I wanted to make something abt this sweet baby 🖤 also, i didn't put any specific gender for the reader soo
( also, I will be taking rq for any characters exept Giyuu and Mitsuri, also muichiro will plantonic and I won't be doing smut for any minor characters)
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okay so idk if this is canon or not, but, as we all know Genya can't use any breathing style, so he tried being a swordsmith yet also failed at that so as he had, to say, a breakdown, in heat of the moment he ate a demon an that is how he found out about his abilities ( as I said idk if its canon or not so don't attack me xp). And now I think he would be someone who gets those panic attacks from time to time and all he would need for you to be there for him, to tell him how special he is and how evrything w his brother will be okay.
As we all know Genya gets really shy around girls,especially with his girl. He would love to cuddle, hold hands etc but boy will never have the balls to accualy ask you so he would try giving u hits when he wants affection ( those hints would be things like standing next to u arm crossed, brushing his hand over urs when he wants u to hold his hands and such). Also, very obv, he wouldn't like PDA, he is already shy enough and it would just make the situation worse, and u understand it and that is one of the reasons he loves you.
Speaking of cuddling, he would LOVE to cuddle, yet ofc, never would ask for it, but when u do accualy cuddle I think it would be : face to face ( rarely cuz he dosn't want u seeing his blushing face) and spooning. He likes face to face cuddling when u 2 share those sweet lil moments when u would kiss his face and reaure him that u love him so much because baby really needs some love and affection ( btw kiss his scar and he is over the moon). Next on we have spooning, when he is a big spoon he would simply pull u close in hope to protect u from anything the night can bring. Yet again he would love to be little spoon from time to time, mostly when he dosn't feel himself and needs comfort if something happened between him and Sanemi
(+ run ur fingers through his hair and baby would fall asleep in seconds fr)
Yes, Genya does get shy and all, but if someone is making u uncomfy he would stand behind u and glare untill the person that was making u uncomfortable leaves, then he would hug u asking if u are alr ( wich would be so cute and caring from him)
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Ahhh I love this cute baby boy way 2 much 🖤💜
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joethehoeee · 4 months
Hello...uh...I was gone for a while...buuuuut I finally got some new art, not much but at least something.
It's actually a comparison between the first time I drew Walter and the most recent.
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Uhm I think you can see the difference...Just a bit ofc-
Nah but seriously, due to my looooong break and a really bad breakdown I was convinced that I was completely shitty with no improvment.
And it was complete BS. I actually improved.
Btw I also have old drafts wich will be posted soon, so don’t be confused if it's still my "old style".
Here is also the closeup:
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Love my boy.
I also watched the show again (and giggled like i was 12 with a crush when I saw Walter on screen) and holy- WALTER IS DAMN UGLY. Like what did they do to his troll form in some scenes-
Like I love him but the show sometimes did him dirty.
Dear @pinkytoothlesso11 and dear @toodrasticallydumb ...
Anyways, thank you. I really appreciate everything and everyone. I couldn’t stop doing all of that bc I would miss u all too much.
And thanks for the flowers in my inbox 🥹
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denny-artsss · 1 month
Did you perspective on ribbun changed becous of the New episode? If so, will it change something in ur ribbun AU's?
Not really. Human au happens after they escape the circus. Everything that happened in canon also happened in the au back at the circus, therefore nothing will chance.
A lot of people keep asking me this one specific question so I'll answer it here.
I've been asked if I now see Gangle as a bottom because Jax called her submissive (wich btw is so funny to me)
Answer still no. I see her as the top. Considering Jax did not call her submissive but asked if she wasn't supposed to be "submissive and agreeable" wich is a obvious joke reference to "submissive and breedable"
And ngl, they all acted the way I expected them to act so my perspective remains the same.
The episode was fire tho I loved it so freaking much.
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emerxshiu · 2 months
rat brainrot going hard
sorry for not posting this week, i was cooking some stuff but this drawing took almost the entire week to do, worst part, it was a shitpost
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i still dont know why this took me so much
so uh, almost all my drawings this week have been related to this two(and lis) so much so that i struggled because i wanted to draw other things so i would just stare at a blank sheet of paper for over half an hour, god that was torture, tho i dont mind drawing the sillies, sometimes it gets a bit boring drawing the same over and over y'know? im also going to take this as an opportunity to ramble about my forgo gijinka, because surprisingly i hadnt done that yet.
og image
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ok now to actually talk about the wet rat
ive tried doing a gijinka of em since i joined the fandom (my first gijinka was fecto elfilis (well not really they were fnaf, but i mean when i got into kirby and when i started using the term gijinka))
but most of the time it just looked like elfilin but like...evil, with a different ear and a hospital gown, thats it, so i barely drew them since i didnt like that, but on february, i actually sketched an idea that i liked, and thought it looked cute but a bit off (i mean off in a good way)
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(yes im posting this image again because i think its the best drawing of my forgo (im very inconsistent with my style ok))
they have their eyes closed most of time, like in game, i considered giving them legs but i ended up with the tail, since i didnt want to end up with like a fourth evil elfilin, the arms are like that so i can have em be small and weird like in the actual game, but i also made it so they can like change it, that way i can make em have hands and stuff if necessary (like to hold that frying pan for example)
not sure if a lot of you notice it but um, bro has no neck, i took away his neck privileges, i did it just to see but i ended up falling in love with that and stuck around, and also that allows me to draw them bending their head like in the drawing above because their neck isnt necking and i like that, i like being able to draw characters doing stuff that shouldnt be anatomically possible or is abnormal (i did something a bit similar with void) thair clothes are rugged because well forgotten land you know what i mean, but in general theyre actually pretty simple
i also did the drawing in digital
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i tried doing very sketchy lineart, i tried a new brush in this one and thats the one im using for my last drawings (not sure if anyone noticed the brush change) it was pain painting it because i did it all with the brush in the same size, not changing it, god did my hands hurt and it was a bad idea
i accidentaly downloaded the following 3 drawings twice lol
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sleepy zzzz
i think they would wear something like this to sleep, i dunno i just wanted to draw em in something cute, and sleepy, with elfilin slippers (the mug also has elfilin btw) oh and also i like changing their hair, here one of their long bangs is tied into a bow, kinda like callie from splatoon, i have some drawing im probably wont post, one more of forgo wich looks very much like the upper one but like eyes closed, and one of fecto elfilis gyaru because my sister asked me to draw them like that, bad thing is i didnt look up references on gyaru since i couldnt use my phone at the moment, i did like the hair i did for them in that one tho, they have their bangs tied up in a bun, and then left the rest loose, making it look longer than it actually is. i might redraw it, but actually looking up gyaru so i can make something more accurate, i like the style, but im not too informed on it
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elfilin being silly like a kitty :p
not much more to say on this, just sillines :3
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there is totally not a cropped drawing there
based on the kirby manga, where they make it so elfilis sings really bad, at first i didnt like it that much since i had imagined they'd sign great, but after i while i started to find it a bit cute so now its a headcanon, they like to sing but suck at it.
writing this just made me remember i wanted to do another drawing too for this with kirby and them singing, but i forgot to do it, im kinda tired (and its late) ill probably draw it, but for next post or another one
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tried drawing fecto forgo as a plushie, silly.
i wanna learn how to sew so i can make plushies of characters (like prince fluf!) but im way too lazy, i will get around it some day! (hopefully)
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elfilin too as a plush
i also wanna learn to sculpt, i tried doing a clay kirby once, but one his feet broke in half, and one day my mom put it in a box, and his eyes fell off and stuck to the box :(
i really wanna do figures for characters i like or dont have enough merch or my ocs (prince fluff, flamberge, fecto elfilis)
but as i said, im way too lazy and unmotivated, though its be nice, one day, maybe one day if i stop procrastinating
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it doesnt have the same ring to it as "feto rata mojada alien" wich is how my sister and i call them (she doesnt know that much about kirby, but i sometimes show her my drawings (reluctantly sometimes, but im the older so like >:) she has too if she wants to show me her stuff too))
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silly rat and wet rat, thats how i call em (because wet rat alien fetus is too long sometimes)
you can tell the brainrot was too strong (were near done(kinda))
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they gain a mouth whenever i fell like it very much
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artblock hit, and all the rest of pages i stared at them for 30 minutes
it felt weird looking at my fecto elfilis with the eyes so big, it looked off (in a weird way)
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dunno, tried drawing them in a different pose i i dunno really
i think these are from tuesday. i did more but those were oc (mostly splatoon) or other kirby character related, and i want this to be a rat post (might post those tommorow or another day maybe)
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i dunno (x2), i tried drawing elfilin like elfilis, i really liked the hands here. i still struggle a bit with anatomy but i think this was quite good for my usual character just stading looking at the front or a quarter profile. im considering making this into a fully digital drawing, what do i say by considering im actually doing that fuck it, i just think it looks kinda cool
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"This new creation, driven by pure chaos, was defeated by the bright light of Kirby's hope."
Chaos Elfilis reminds me of a moth. kirby's hope is a bright light.
you can see my thought process. i just thought itd be a bit cute and kinda silly and funny.
the kirby fandom wiki, said that chaos elfilis looked akin to a moth, and it just stuck with me, so i wanted my gijinka of them to be moth inspired, and thats when i saw just how cute moths are! i mean im still a bit scared of insects but at least now i kinda like em.
i feel like i need to say sorry to that one moth i desintegrated in a matter of seconds with a book because i thought it was an spider and didnt think (im so sorry little guy)
but ah yeah elfilis, moth, it made sense to me since chaos elfilis has the soul of morpho knight, who is a butterfly, and moths are kinda like butterflies too. and i thought itd be cute
so uh yeah i sometimes like making my chaos elfilis be a bit like a moth, that includes liking light, a lot, so uh kirby is like a lamp in here because i said so
now to talk about the desing since for some reason i hadnt earlier, as i said before, they are very moth inpired so uh im might say that word way too many times (im sorry i suck at explaining stuff)
their horns are thinner to resemble moth anntenae, and they curve just because i thought it look cool, and to differentiate it a bit from fecto elfilis. their bangs tie into a bun (i forgot to draw that but i dont wanna go and change it now, way too tiredv man and i still have to post this on other places) the bun looks a bit like an eye, because well, they are basically a soul boss, and moths have things in their wings that look like eyes, btw chaos elfilis doesnt have their wings here because i got lazy and i didnt want them to like cover most of the drawing. the things coming from their bun are like the trhee things theyve got in their head, theyre shaped like that to resemble insects legs a bit, fecto elfilis also had the 3 things (i dunno how to call em sorry) as their eyelashes, but chaos elfilis has just white eyelashes, because the bun already has the 3 things and because my morpho has white eyelashes so (i still havent done my morpho gijinka yet, i just know im gonna give the butterfly some white eyelashes cuz cute and pretty grimm reaper) the rest of the hair is shaped into like a ponytail but like, adn shaped, with whats left shaped like a lil moth
the waistband they have is a nod to morpho, they used to have a bow shaped just like the butterfly morpho appears as, but i took it out because i thought it crowded the design way too much, and also because it was too on the nose. the arms have those golden things because my fecto has it and because my og chaos elfilis gijinka had them so i wanted to bring it back, the hand fades into white because the red in the hand wasnt hard to distinguish so i came up with that to make it easier to see.
the red part of the pants are actually a bit fuzzy akin to a moth and the white part has those stripes to loke like insect stuff because y'know akin to a moth. the boots are like the red part in their legs their model in-game has, so i just made em tall boots, the high heels? originally it was platform just ike my fecto but then i wanted to draw them in high heels when i was slightly redoing chaos elfilis, and welp, i loved it and now theyve got high heels. those rings around the ankle are inspired by the ones leaongar has around their arm. also can you tell anatomy is not my strong suit? and that i dont draw high heels often?
i made a slight change in my kirby, making the sleeves be a different color, since the one he had before i felt was way too white, and i wanted to have more saturation in it
i also forgot but elfilin is supposed to wear that during forgotten land, and then i decided that after the anding of the main story he changes clothes, but i forgot about that while doing this so he has his pre-ending clothes (also because i still cant really decide on their second outfit for the post-game)
god im so tired i wanna talk and show more drawings but o shit im sweating why is it so hot in here
um thank you for reading all the unnecessary long rambles about why i do certain stuff in my gijinkas, i appreciate it a lot (im still sorry about writing walls upon walls of text but i just cant help it)
Jambuhbye! :D
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ultrabrite-dl · 9 months
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August ended, wich mean summer is over.
So I made another End of Summer Doll! Meet Barbara! (my oc, no relation to Barbie)
Explenations below:
Guys, I'm not gonna lie, I love this one to death!
I was working on her all summer because I actually had to sculpt her head. I had this Clawd Wolf doll around, and I thought the body could work perfectly for her, but the head was too inexpressive for that character, so I put my sculpting diploma to good use and made her a new smiling head with some fimo! I also managed to make the shoes myself this time.
Funnily enough, the hardest part was finding the right shade of blond for her hair.
Btw, look at her face mid work, what a glow up!
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yuristarz · 7 months
originally sent @kneelingshadowsalome (really great blog btw) an ask for this but the more I think about it the more I want to write it myself! So welcome to my first ever fanfic.
(English is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes)
A nice Christmas getaway, this is what this should've been. An out from your regular stressful life, but things quickly turn from sweet to sour after a certain someone or something invites himself into your life.
A König x fem!reader fanfic inspired by the folktales of Krampus
This is an 18+ story, so minors please dni!
It's around noon when you get to the cabin up in the snowie mountains of the german alps. After dragging you luggage through the thick snow, you open the door of the cabin and immediately smell the hardwood floor they must've beenn polished and oiled not to long ago. The interior is a beautiful classic german one fitting for the region it was located in.
After tugging your shoes off, you step further into the house. It was an impulsive last-minute booking. More to have an excuse why you couldn't spend Christmas with your family, not wanting to be present when new drama started or one of your cousins small children began crying. It was also to get away from your asshole of a boss and your annoying coworkers.
You were really ready to explore the space you'll be inhabiting for the next 14 days. It had the basic things like a kitchen and living room but the best thing about this AirBnb was no doubt the bathroom.
Entering it took your breath away it looked even better than the images on the website. The whole wall that was facing the forest and some other mountains was made of glass a big bathtub facing it. The sun was starting to set wich made the view even more beautiful. This called for a hot bath.
Making your way quickly down the stairs you go to the kitchen where the complimentary bottle of wine sat, quickly you take a wine glass from one of the cupboards and make your way back upstairs dropping your clothes on the way. Once you reached the bathroom, you began to fill the bathtub with water and filled your glass.
The bathtub was nearly full when you turned the water off, taking time to sink into the warm water. This was perfect! No other humans to disturb you no phone signal for your family to annoy you just you and nature.
After watching the sunset for a bit, you close your eyes and just relax.
But you weren't really alone. Not that you knew, of course...
He made sure to stay hidden when he heard the car and started to follow it. He made sure you didn't hear him come closer when you entered the cabin and he made extra sure to stay hidden when you sank into the bath. He was once feared by both children and their parents, they had given him the name König but as the years passed he and his title started to fade. Now he only serves as a story to scare small children into behaving.
But with you he may have his ticket to relevancy, he always loved to scare....
Hi! I hope you guys liked this 'prolouge' to Krampuslauf. I will definitely be writing more of this. It was so much fun imagining the environment and the characters. Constructive criticism is always appreciated <3
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verloonati · 2 days
A thing I love about Dr who EU is that dr who as a show is already bonkers and it's lore is already plenty and contradictory, but the eu is like, yeah, parallel words' doctor, oh that one time the ninth doctor and river grew old together in a timeless sea and became entertwined giants that became islands on Wich the guy who invented vortex manipulators lived for a while, also word lords (word time lords) are a thing and fucking pretty terrifying, the great old ones? Oh they are both part of the chaos pantheon, their own things, part of the lovecraftian lore and also not. Adric survived and grew up with scorpion. Leela and Romana are besties on gallifrey btw. Remember when rassillon got cyberconverted and the cybermen transcended the physical universe? Oh and that one time beep the meep went to our reality and got defeated by how obnoxious tom baker is as a person.
And also looms
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verysium · 6 months
i so so agree w the sae takes!! additionally to what u said i feel like that mf can also be an emotional hypocrite to himself sometimes. especially about the reliability and independence thing. if the relationship is at a stage where thing are not fully figured out i feel like he'd struggle a lot. sae always told himself that he could only be w someone who is as independent as he is and doesn't want anyone slouching on him and you seemed perfect. you are chill and easy to get along with. you dont really expect him to go out of his comfort zone to please you. but sometimes that made him feel frustrated yk. he wants you to rely on him sometimes because he's you're boyfriend after all. he gets mad when u don't want to accept the expensive gift he got you because why wouldn't you he's your boyfriend after all. he gets angry when you dont get mad at him and ignore him for a while like girlfriends usually do for cancelling a plan last minute because of some match ot training. he gets pissed when you dont insist on going to a place you offered to go and he told you he was busy. why won't your anger go beyond an "oh ok" ? he's your boyfriend after all. right? with time all of this makes him feel insecure (he doesnt know he feels insecure, he just has a weird feeling thats all he knows) and all that irritation that he feels, he feels inside and maybe you can tell or maybe you cant but in the end of the day he doesn't communicate his feelings. and that's why he feels like that. also i think sae is not that emotionally mature as the fandom mostly paints him out to be. he's just not visbly reactive and doesn't understand half the shit he's feeling. but when you guys confront each other and he finally communicates -even if its just a little- you guys find a way to balance it. you understand each other. wich of course takes a while w a mf who has the emotional intelligence of a door but it's ok I still love him. btw sorry for rambling my god this is so long 😭🙏
🫡 yup. u hit every single point. tbh your nonchalant attitude is the wake-up call for sae. he finally realizes that he's actually in love with u cus why else would he be so worked up over your reactions? he tries so hard to act like he doesn't care, but then when you do the same, he's like: wait come back i actually do care. his personality is very contradictory largely because he doesn't know what he wants when it comes to love. romantic feelings have always been secondary to him, and it's rather unfamiliar territory compared to football. and we all know how sae tends to stick to what he's innately good at.
i also agree with you on the emotional maturity part. rin can sometimes work out what he's feeling and find ways to address it. with sae, it flies completely over his head. he has no idea what his emotions are. he just knows that he's feeling them, and somehow that pisses him off lol.
honestly, his internal struggle is somewhat endearing to me. he'd complain about how romantic couples do this and that for each other (as if he's not one of them), but then when he's alone, he's the biggest sentimental sap out there. like did u see the soft look in his eyes when he reunited with rin again during the u-20 arc? we get it sae. u missed ur brother and ur not very subtle about it. *sigh* he's so stupid. i love him so much.
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year
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this is gonna be a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long post. Open it in another tab or something. This is gonna be like this bird post so be warned
Get yourself some snacks and a drink.
where to begin to start explaining my gear and your gown.
first of all a few trigger warnings: homophobia, violence, under age drinking, parental figure dying, attempted rape*, singing
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when you see this shot in episode 10 at 34:55 skip to 36:07 if you can
Let us check out the plot summary now.
IMBD what you got for us
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Not much as expected this is like the base plot like the 1% of it all. (kali why are you even looking there. IDK i wanted some VARIATIONS idk)
Let us check MyDramaList they like to give some more meat
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...and this is as far as i go down the fires of MDL. Now we have a LITTLE bit more base knowledge.
This is an enemies to study buddies to "friends" to enemies to strangers to friends to lovers story. (very long trope but you will get it)
..with a cast that makes newer and older bl fans go like WAIT THEY ARE IN THIS?
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Before we get more into the plot of this story, let me introduce the boys and the gurls and who is who and who is doing what with who. Confused? you are welcome 😎
Lets start with the MAIN people that this story is about
oh btw the colors mean nothing is just wanted to have some colors in this so it's not just a wall of text
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This is pai our little, nearsighted, insecure, introverted and bad with his words boy. That falls head over broken glasses for itt that saves him not once but twice. But he can't really see itts face everytime because his glasses fall off.
He will get rid of his glasses (because of lasik he rich booooy and glasses make people ugly apparently) when he gets older. Will also do everything in his power to make sure that itt gets to live his dreams. With questional techniques to make sure it happens.
highschool!pai: i'm only gonna tutor you so you can get into uni. Pls pang (itts ex girlfriend) get back together with itt so he is more motivated to go back to school, i'm only gonna forgive you if you let me tutor you again.
uni!pai: i lost your trust so ofc you hate me and don't want me in your life i know this. i'm okay to watch you shine from afar
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This is itt (badumtiss sorry everytime i have to read this phrase i have to laugh) our angry, can recognize pais handwriting everywhere, ball is life, grumpy and loves to stare at pai boy. Will wear a bowtie when he hits rock bottom.
And will do anything to make sure his boy gets more out of his shell, even tho his techniques are also questionable at best. Its not that bad in highschool but boy does he dial it up to 100 when they are in uni.
highschool!itt: ..pierce your ear you coward [affectionate]
uni!itt: ..you want your earing back? Join the beauty pageant, pai wants to entertain people, pai wants to answer this question, asks pai stupid med question (because he sees that pai feels uneasy talking infront of people) which pai has to correct and make him ease up, etc
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These two are the main couple in this "masterpiece". Staring at eachother (from afar to near to angry to lovie dovie) and miscommunication are their favorite activities. They both will continue doing these even in uni which will give you the urge to pull your hair out. wich will lead to much unnecessary drama. Because both just want the other one to have their best lifes, because BOTH of these two idiots think they are not good enough for eachother. Can you belieeeeeeEEEeeeeve that? They once go out for some wonton noodle soup because pais parents can't make dinner (it's a date but pshh dont tell them). And thats where pai gets his ugly ass earring. That will be the plot device to move things along.
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Now lets get to know the rest of them.
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This is folk, the very tall, handsome, with a little obsession with pai at the start, going to be a dentist and writer boy. Is not so happy that pure always sabotages him and pai. Can quote barbra streisand from the top of his head.
Enters the story right before the timeskip, he gets scolded by pai for reading the number for a classroom wrong and that is what made folk fall hard. Folk meets pai in uni again and uses their "first" first meeting as a pick up line, didn't really land. He will try to forget about pai after that camping trip in uni with a little help of pure *wink*
There is a subplot in the series where there is an Mr.950. You will think Folk is Mr.950 (because that was the number he read wrong) that is giving pai little gifts. But he is not that dude it's itt its always itt kidz.
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This is pure very small, loves to fool around, will not use the hecking condoms (gets an "well deserved" std-scare that makes him and waan bond and become real good friends and you try not to ship like the doc that reads out the test waan made pure take, always have protection with you kidz) his sucky mom throws at him because she is as bad as her son when it comes to fool around, will do anything that makes his BFF itt happy, ball is also life, his first love was a coward and let him get beaten up by bullies, and will fall head over heels for a certain dentist boy.
He pushes folk to confess to pai (do it bro or it will be to late), and folk getting brutally rejected by pai. And after that pure and folk drive back to drink the pain away and for pure to "comfort" the poor soul.
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folks fish: they were banging. There was so much banging happening
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Thank you folk for explaining purefolk, love me this trope when the two people that gonna be together in the end. Tell them stuff like that and ask the other for an answer.. AND IT HAPPENS LIKE THE OTHER ONE SAYS. THEIR SHIP DYNAMIC IS JUST TOLL/SMOLL, enemies to friends with benefits to with a lot of unnecessary drama lovers. ..pure even saves folks face id so folk can unlock pures phone. It was love at first oishi ad scene
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last but DEFENETLY NOT least
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This is waan (and his girl beau) second most intelligent, token straight, with no game till he meets beau (at one point you will and want to slap waan for beau because lord he stupid*.), best friends with pai by fate (fate as we are both have the most brain lets be friends) a very kind boy.
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...they figure it out after he gets hurt by getting hit by an basketball that Itt was throwing (you have to watch it pls). BUT BOY, what a mess it was thanks pure (but ofc pure only did that to give waan a push to finally stand HIS ground) what i want to say about these two is they are the cutest and i will forever love them
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phew now that we got that out of the way lets go through the plot a bit. Lets just make it some bulletpoints because i want you all that you watch this.
I lied this got out of hand have bulletpoints with all my brain came up with enjoy.
pai starts his first day of school after 5 years in england. It's his last year in HS. (and trust me you saw me how angy i was with simm and lemme tell you NO ENGLISH WORDS pass pai lips once NOT ONCE) his parents are so busy they won't even eat breakfast with him :(
he gets to school gets hit by a soccer ball, this is were he first meets Itt and after that pai gets announced head of the bishop club (the smartie pants club) because he smort, but he declines at first.
after school and pai and waan are about to get driven home by pais driver. He just looks at waan and runs away. (To this day i have no clue why he does it) He almost gets robbed by thugs in a back alley BUT Itt is here to save the day. Sadly pais glasses break from the run in with said thugs. But no worries itt fixes them with a tape.
back at school pai ask waan if he could find the owner of said tape. But waan will only help him if pai takes on the role of head of the bishop club. So pai accepts this deal.
But as soon as pai said yes, the teacher approaches pai to tell him that the knight club (the sport nerd) lost their building and now are going to get the bishops clubs room, because they got more accomplishments. And his is going to get disbanded.
pai goes to the principal and guess who he meets there? The head of the knights club and it's itt. After talking to the principal and promising him that he will use his connections with his dad to get some activities going. The principal decides that they have to share the room.
after this pai talks to itt infront of the principal office and thanks him for helping him and if he remembers him. itt just tells pai that he doesn't remember people who lik to pull strings.
enter the we are "enemys" now phase, with Itt and his knight club members trying to annoy the bishop club members to leave.
pure takes one of his hook ups into the room and spills some juice and trys to mop it up with some very important papers, waan sees that and they get into a little fight, a projector gets damaged.
waan sees his time as his chance to get the knights out of their room. But he overhears pure and his mother talking and it's not the nice (at this point just throw away the whole mum) in the end he takes the blame for damageing the projector.
because of this situation the teacher tells pai that he has to agree to her proposition that he has to tutor itt or she will disband the bishop club (don't look at me i still have no clue how this makes any sense)
pai agrees and now the whole study buddies era happens. Naturally not without Itt ditching the first lesson, but he had a reason. His mom is in the hospital with sickness (it could be cancer?) and he was visiting her. Pai goes to see his parents that are working at the same hospital itts mum is a patient in. And pai sees itt with his mom and also overhears and sees the argument he has with his father (WHO BRINGS HIS MISTRESS WITH HIM TO HIS DYING WIFE INTO THE TRASH WITH HIM)
because pai sucks at hiding itts sees that he overheard this confronts pai. They make a deal that pai won't say anything about this if itt lets him tutor him. NOW we are entering the study buddies to friends era.
Itts mum finds them studying together and happily demands that they should do these lessons in her patient room. She is really happy and jokes around with pai about her son (first supporter of IttPai)
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everything is going great and pai and Itt becoming friends and mayhabs feelings blossoming, they even go eat wonton noodle soup, when pais parents ditch him because of work. And thats where pai gets the gown earring and his ears pierced. When pai gets home is parents are very suprised and shocked about this. (to this day i am confused because of pais parents, their reactions to things are so CONFUSING)
pai proudly wears the earing to their next tutoring session, but itt also invited his girlfriend peng along. Pais new found confidence goes back into the shell.
everything is going to shit at this point (we are only in episode 4 so buckle up) Pai is very cold to itt and even declines the offer to go eat together.
SOMEHOW pai does go to the wonton noodle shop (don't ask me why he decided to go like i just write here what i see for you guys) and sees itt eating there with peng. Pai walks away sad and gets hit by a car.
while this is happening itts mom also not doing so good. She passes away when pai gets hit by the car.
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at the same time waan and pure also kind of bond and become friends. After waan sees two people fight over who gets to be with pure. Waan asked pure for help, the both of them go to an cafe and pure tries to teaches waan on how to flirt which back fires and they go out drinking.
on their way back from the cafe waan asked pure why he is the way he is with his relationships. And he drops the my first love was an ass he let me get beaten up by guys so now i don't feel love anymore. (trust me at this point you will go 👀🏳‍🌈 at them)
at the club our little player gets in a fight with someone accusing him on giving their girlfriend HIV.
waan goes looking for pure after he didn't show up for school a few days. He talks to pure and on how important it is to use protection even to it is from your shitty as moms leftovers (this whole scene is very bf coded but alas), waan drags him to the hospital to get a check up.
Where we get this iconic scene
back to pai and itt we are now in another we are no friends anymore era where itt is angry at pai for "not being there when his mom died" even tho he himself was also in the same hospital. Out of fear to lose his home (because shitty dad), itt even tries to drop out of highschool (rock bottom time the is a bowtie involved). Yes i say tries, because not on pais watch is that gonna happen. Pai tries to convince itt that he will earn more money as an engineer then whatever job is is doing right now. (we have a little pai almost getting hit by another car moment but they stare at eachother way to long 10/10) Pai playfully calls itt and idiot if does not show up to their tutoring session the next day.
He even tries to persuade peng to get back together with itt so he has more motivation to go back. But it backfires itt saw how peng was trying to kiss pai. (Just as we thought the drama is over right?)
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the boys are "fighting" again but thanks to waan and pure the conflict is set aside very quickly. The four boys are now all friends and have a few nice days/weeks
pai and itt get accidentally locked in school and have to spent a night there where pai loses his earring.
in the morning the teacher calls pai to her office to tell him that he done his part, and that the bishop club now have their room back. Itt finds the earring and was about to enter the teachers room and overhears these two talking. (the real enemy era starting now)
the next day itt confronts pai that he has pais earring and he tells pai that he overheared the conversation with the teacher and pai just yield and begs itt to give him back his earring. Itt will only give it back if pai gives his club the room back. But because pai can't do this he promises to do anythingelse to get the earring back. But itt is not having it and keeps the earring.
folk enters the story at this point he first get scolded by angry heartbroken pai that he should read the room numbers correctly and take school seriously.
folk ruins a hook-up for pure because he tries to give back a pencilcase to the wrong girl.
pai gives notes to pure for itt..but because itt KNOWS pais handwriting he get so angry and goes to pais house to throw these notes at him and yell at him.
all of the boys get into their unis
pai now has no glasses anymore (we get the first sotus call back with them trying to tell the meaning of the letter but JINKS they don't do this anymore..PUuuuh) and we meet beau for the first time and waan totally falls for beau.
this is also when mr.950 comes into play, it's a mystery person that gifts pai little gifts over the next 4 episodes.
pai gets a bit dizzy and almost faints after painting 2 lines of paint but he gets saved by the mystery man mr.950
pai also meets folk again, who straight out flirts with pai. He gets rudly interrupted by pure, who jokingly accuses him of being a player and sleeping around. (lets just say he uses it as a revenge for when folk wanted to give back that damn penicle case to the wrong girl pure was trying to flirt with)
this iconic scene happens after
at the dance thing the freshy have to do, pai has to do a little dance, because itt called out his name and said that he wants to.
folk joins him with the dancing because our dear pai is just to stiff and awkward
pai confronts itt after that event and begs itt to leave him alone.
beau ask pai to become their facultys king for the beauty contest but as always pai declines. (and ofc itt is in earshot and hears it)
we get this little scene where Itt uses the earring to get pai to join the beauty contest.
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this amazing purefolk scene happens (it's their Ohhhhhh moment because after that its on....but folk still has his crush on pai)
a photoshoot for the freshy king things happens and pai really isn't feeling all to good on how stiffly and uncomfortable he looks in his pictures. Itt teases pai on how if he keeps doing so poorly on keeping his promise he should say bye bye to the earring, which REALLY riles up pai and he promises that he still has some tricks up his sleeves.(at this point you can feel that itt does these things from a place of love because booooy)
folk casually follows pai to his dormroom (don't worry he also lives there but still i was ehk?) and asked him for an chance to hit on him. Pai answer is "... to have it his way but he stands by as his friend first" (don't look at me i am also confused) Folk uses an even lamer pick up line this time.
folk gets to his room and he meets his neighbour! Guess who it is! ..imma tell you it's pure
waan tells pai that he likes beau but that he knows that she is out of his league (oh broother..noo) and that he is gonna join the freshy competition as a volunteer so he can be around beau. Because thats all he needs to be happy
ITS FRESHY COMPETITION CAMP TIME BEECHES time to get some progress on these couples!
Everytime pai has to do an activity, there is always itt trying to make him feel at ease or do things that help pai feel at ease (asking a stupid med question when pai feels uncomfy when he has to introduce, hurting himself so pai can show how to treat a wound, holds his hand when they have to walk blindfolded) They have a little moment in the tent, like they had back in hs when they where locked up.
waan gets closer to beau and helps her out in camp as good as he can. You could say they kind of flirt with eachother. But this spark of hope is soon put out by pure asking waan at the white band ceremony if could help him flirt with beau. Our boy waan is so defeated that when beau "ask if he wants to hit on her" he is like no..but a friend of mine does. Which in return leaves beau sad and a little heartbroken because she thought waan liked her.
talking about pure, his whole stick this camp is to keep folk away from pai. Or to sabotage them from having any interactions. Pure only urges folk on to man up and to confess his feelings after folk saw that itt and pai was holding hands. He gets rejected by pai
pure and folk drive back together to drink have a little talk and one leads to another and to bring back the fish from earlier
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they decide to become friends with benefits (i am at this point that i believe that no one knows what a friend with benefits is because what these two are doing? Is kinguea league of doing it)
back at school pai talks to folk, if he is mad at him because pai heard that folk wasn't feeling so good. Folk ask for some time from pai so he can get over him.
after the meeting for the freshy competition folk just wants to go back and write his novel, but there is pure with other ideas. But folk brushes those ideas off and leaves without pure.
we see yachts character again nickey...we will meet him again and all i can say is with a gif
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nickey wants pure to go to a party with him but pure declines with probably the biggest 🥺 while looking after folk.
pure and folk some cute moments while folk tries to write, when pure comes home from a bar, in school, (trust me guys you need to watch it)
folk reads some msg between waan and pure (thats what happens if you save your FWB faceID on your phone and say stuff like i won't keep secrets from you and you act sus buddy) where waan ask pure why he is messing around with folk if he wants to hit on beau and pure the idiot that he is answers that waan should fawn over her and that he going to enjoy folk until he gets tired of him. (put the pitchforks down this will get resolved...somehow)
we are at a basketball match now and pai is standing on the sidelines lost in thoughts. They begin to throw a ball at eachother angrier eachtime.
waan gets hit by a ball that itt throws at pai and hurts his wrist
let me remind you now at the trigger warning from the beginning the one with the door? well thats gonna happen now. I'm no going into detail
back to Itt and pai, Itt comes by to apologize to waan in the hospital but pais not having it and tells itt that from now on that this hatred is no longer one-sided.
all in all the boys are doing great
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we finally get an inside look on why itt did the things he did to pai
pure comes clean about his intentions for beau, that he never liked her and that he only saied it to give waan a push. (they get together i mean beau and waan heheheheheh)
a sad heartbroken pure is at a club and gets a little "..Sowwy for you know doing almost a bad thing with you friend :< here have this" gift from nickey. (It's a hook up and oh boy will pure regretti spagetti this but he will punch nickey and make him apologize to folk so theres that but still puuuure whhhhy)
folk and pure talk with eachother and they decide to no longer to be FWB and that they are now going out. Pure has to promise folk that he is going to be his only one.
pai comes by to bring folk some congee and tells folk that he no longer has to refer to himself as mr. 950 BUT SUPRIIIIIIIIIIISE folk never was it. Pure gives pai the tip that it is the number of their old club room in highschool.
pai goes to visit waan in the hospital and waan no longer can keep the secrets he had and tells him everything.
ITS COMPETITION TIIIIIIIME time for our queen to serenade us! (i only just realizing what lyrics she is singing oasdjhjdksad)
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everyone is getting ready for the show, the boys show off their little talents. And then there is itt who just goes up to the microphone and gives up. (yet still he wins the popularity vote i am amazed 10/10)
pai sings the song itt played for them when they all where in highschool.
after the competition he meets up with itt infront of the photography club. Itt gives him his earring back and pai asks what the room behind him looks like inside (he doesn't even wait for an okay he just walks in)
BIG DARK BLUE KISS ENERGY *intro plays in the background* with all the photos all over the room (okay they are mostly just pai but okay itt is on this hecking crush for a bit) as they watch a slideshow of pictures of pai they tell how much they love eachother
Itt finally reveals that he is mr.950 and shows pai his own earring he got himself as a memento of pai.
their shipname is brick/white now
they exchance their earrings and FINALLY kiss. But they get rudly interrupted by pais parents and his mother almost fainting.
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pais parents are not really okay with their son kissing a boy in puplic and him talking back at them. Pai is so devastated by his parents reaction that he breaks up with itt
pais parents make him change schools back to england? When pai gets to school to pick up the papers he meets itt that does the same. Itt tells him "he only went here because of him" and gives pai back his earring
At lunch with his parents at home pai cracks and just cries and his parents finally see maybe we did something wrong? They even talk to an psychologists.
When it's time to fly back to england?? Pai stops his parents to say to them that he does not want to go. His mother asks him if he is really sure? AND when he says yes with confidence. His father calls out Itts name and itt comes out of his hiding place (imagine pai NOT doing this..the awkwardness oooof)
the parents and itt had a talk and now pai gets to stay and be happy and together with itt (hecking finally and like going to england won't make your son less anxious and gay. Thank the lord they figured that out. Itt is gonna be favorite son-in-law in no time)
pure and folk are back at the hospital, because nickeys little gift well...wasn't as clean as hoped BUT pure is now! So HAPPY ENDING FOR THESE TWO ASWELL
The friendgroup go on a camping trip and all three couples are as disgustingly cute as they can be.
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I hope i made you want to watch this show now, or if i already took away everything and you are now nah thanks i am good. And i hope you got the infomation you needed out of this long ass post.
i think i need to rest for a day now
........anyhow it was kinda fun diving into this and keeping my mind busy.
@markpakin @petrichoraline @jyuubin @pajindapat
if i missed anyone that wanted a tag i am sorry but ENJOY
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