#winx alternative continuity
athynathens · 3 months
chapter two : fancy ass bird
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“So you’re a fancy ass bird? That’s your quirk?”
PAIRING. Bakugo Katsuki x Amphyr Domino (m-free)
ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE. This short story is a crossover between the Boku no Hero Academia world and Winx Club world. It will take place after the battle with All for One and Shigaraki. Let’s just all assume that the villains are defeated and everything is back to normal.
SYNOPSIS. Bakugo’s sudden request took Amphyr off guard, now she is contemplating whether or not if she should accept it or not. However, Bakugo’s remarks about her identity made her rethink her decisions. Now she’s debating if she should accept his damn sudden request — a fight.
AUTHOR’S NOTES. So incase yalls won’t get it as you read, Amphyr’s on her Harmonix stage already!! Now, i am contemplating what color scheme she should have, do yalls have any ideas? if you do hit me up in the comments or pms!!
TAGS. @lovra974 @selmasemlan @andysdrafts @citrustsuki . If you want to be tagged, comment down below!!
amphyr domino’s profile | the world in betweens masterlist
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“FIGHT ME” Bakugo calmly spoke, his hands were on his pockets. The cold night breezed around his black sleeveless shirt, as the leaves flew up in the skies of twilight.
Moonlight shone down on Amphyr, emphasizing her brown locks dancing with the wind. Her eyes went wide, blinking thrice before saying, “Heh?”
When he didn’t react, Amphyr knew that he was fucking serious. That’s when she finally screamed, “HEHHHH?!?”
Her screamed caused birds flying off the trees, causing leaves to fall down. She moved back a bit, shivering from that request. “We haven’t talk in months, and this is the first thing you ask of me?!?”
“Don’t be such a fucking pussy. We exchanged greetings in the hallways, didn’t we?” Bakugo clicked his tongue, looking away briefly.
“THAT WAS BARELY A GREETING!” She retorted, remembering the times when she would greet this explosive student, and he would just walk past by her and hum in response.
The blond rolled his eyes, “At least I fucking responded!”
She sighed, bringing her hand to the temple of her nose and asked, “Why are you even asking me to suddenly fight you? The latter rubbed it, her forehead aching from this sudden request.
“Because you ain’t from here, aren’t ya, fucking Croissant?” He spoke out, catching her off guard.
She gulped, trying to stay composed. “Of course, I’m not. I am a foreigner after all.”
Small blasts exploded from his palm. “Foreigner…” He chuckled lightly. “As in you’re a fucking white person or…” He asked, staring at his palm emerging explosions.
His red orbs snapped to his front, staring at her soul deeply “….you’re someone from another world?”
“A-Another world? Don’t joke with me, Bakugo-kun. T-There’s no such thing as—” She was interrupted by a loud blast. The next thing she knew is that she’s being held by the collar of her shirt.
Bakugo held her up so high, her feet are not touching the ground anymore. “Don’t fucking give me that bullshit!!” He exploded, causing her to fall back to a tree harshly.
This heavy impact made her back hurt, choking a bit of blood from her mouth. With shaking legs, she used her wrist to wipe out the blood from the corner of her mouth. She panted, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Bakugo-kun.”
The blond clenched his jaw in annoyance, hate being stalled when he asked a question. “That’s fucking bullshit. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking the past months. Your fucking so-called quirk? I analyzed that shit. The fucking blast on my face, the shitty barrier you made, the damn power wave you caused? Those quirks already belonged to someone.”
“Those blasts? That’s my fucking quirk, and you sure as hell are not related to me or my parents. Never seen you in any of our family meetings nor have I heard of you. The damn barrier? That fucking belongs to that villain that Shitty hair fought when saving that white-haired brat,” He continued, making her pale up in fear.
“And that power wave? That goddamn quirk is similar to Nejire-Senpai’s quirk, but there’s no way in hell you’ll be related to her. She’s a fucking talks for shits, she wouldn’t miss the chance to talk with anyone, especially to a relative,” He added, causing Amphyr to be agitated by the fact he is closed in knowing the truth.
When she thought it was over, there were still more to her surprise…
“From where I’m from, you’re called a dwarf,” Bakugo repeated the words she said to Mineta in the past.
“Does that sound familiar to you, Croissant?” The blond’s side mouth lifted. Amphyr can only stay silent, knowing that her defending right now will make everything else so much obvious.
“From where I’m from,” He repeated slowly, staring at his fingers as he stretched them.
“That means something else, right? The where is definitely not a damn place in the US, Europe or any part of this world, ain’t that right?” He asked, doing one small blast in his palm.
Suddenly, he grinned and released a blast towards to Amphyr, “The where is in a place that’s not in this fucking world, right?!?”
Her eyes went wide, immediately reacting to the blasts so she flipped to her right, doing a back tuck tumbling to save herself. When she landed on the grass, one knee up and the other on the ground, Bakugo chuckled as he releases more blasts from his palms.
“So let me ask, fucking extra…” He rasped, blasting some of his quirk in the air. “…who the fuck are you?”
Amphyr breath in and out a couple of times, contemplating if she needs to come up with a lie or not. It’s not like her family is asking her to keep her identity a secret since a small town called Gardenia knows about fairies already. However, she likes it better if no one knows who she truly she is. It’s like she’s reliving her life once more; doing a reset, a break, a rest from her usual life as the Crown Princess of Domino and one of Alfea’s prodigy.
“Before I answer,” She panted, standing up from the ground. “Why did you ask to fight me?”
Bakugo’s jaw clenched in annoyance, he hates being stalled when he asked a question after all. But if she means to cooperate, then he can let this go.
The latter clicked his tongue, placing both of his hands on his pockets. “I already fucking knew that you’re some kind of being from another world so I decided to fight you. Fighting someone who’s from another fucking world sounds fun to me after all.”
Amphyr’s eyes soften, the light on her eyes vanished. “So you’ll really give it your all to fight me or you’ll just hesitate and make it easy for me because I’m a fai—something…?”
She recalled the amount of times she was understimated as a fairy. In Magix, there is a division of work between men and women, fairy and specialist, and princess and princes.
If you’re a woman, a fairy and a damn princess, you will be an object of protection, hence, people mistakenly saw Amphyr as weak and timid.
Amphyr’s hands clenched in annoyance, remembering the amount of times she asked for a fair battle from her fairy friends; they took it too easy to her as they were afraid to harm the princess. She recalled the time when she opened up to her friends that she wants to practice fighting. But, they degraded her by gaslighting that her powers are enough. They even emphasized that fist fights are supposed to be for the males only.
Honestly, the only person who understood her was her mother, Daphne of Domino. As the Supreme Nymph, she was hard on Amphyr. She taught her everything that a Nymph should do and follow. She trained her till she sweats to dawn. She fought with her as if she was an enemy. She coached her like a warrior fairy.
However as a mother too, she also had to hold back in certain aspects, especially when they duel together.
Since then, no one has given her the fight she fucking desires the most — a fair fight.
“HAH?!?” Bakugo’s loud voice echoed. “Are you fucking with me? Ya looking down on me, aren’t you?!? You think I’ll go easy on you? In your goddamn dreams, fucking extra!”
Amphyr’s eyes twinkled, light of hope counterclockwise her pupils. “W-Will you really give it your all?” She stuttered, wanting confirmation.
The blond clicked his tongue, “You’re underestimating me, aren’t ya, damn Croissant!?!” He roared, squatting a bit while releasing small blasts from his palms. “I don’t give a shit on who or what you are! Just fucking fight me!”
She felt the sincerity of his words. Will I really get the fight I want from him? The side of her mouth twitches, she can’t contain her excitement any longer.
“You better not hold back, Bakugo,” She sternly told, closing her eyes.
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do. It is you that should not hold back! Don’t even think of using my rehab as a damn excuse,” He smirked, licking his lips from the adrenaline rush flowing through his body.
Swirls of winds surrounded her, the strands of her hair flowed gracefully with the wind. Amphyr opened her eyes to reveal her glowing pupils of gold, “You asked for it, Bakugo.”
The blond flinched, witnessing her newly formed aura. He saw her jumped to the sky, screaming a word he didn’t know. That’s when a ball of glowing magic surrounded her. Soon, the magic ball exploded, revealing Amphyr in wings.
Bakugo was left at awed. His so-called Croissant does not look like an extra at all in the sky — she looks like more of a celestial ethereal being.
He watched as her long skirt flew side by side, being one with the night breeze. The latter noticed long ribbons attached on both of her legs, those ribbons were connected to some-kind of high heeled sandles. His eyes moved up to her upper body, it was a top with one strap to her right side and it was decorated with ruffles like a ball gown.
His red orbs shone a bit when he finally saw her face. Amphyr’s eyes blazed up with determination while her hair moved in the same direction as the wind carries. The sea shell tiara on her forehead emphasized her royalty aura to him.
Amphyr channelled her magic energy to both of her hands, releasing fire then circled her arms to the top. She looked down to Bakugo and roared, “Don’t you dare hold back on me now, Bakugo!! You need to keep your damn promise!!” She threw the ball of fire towards him.
Smokes from the fireball scattered all over the ground. Amphyr’s wings flapped foward, in hope to find him easier, yet suddenly a loud blast from behind. Her eyes quivered, feeling an ominous sensation rushing towards her from behind. With the support of her wings, she flipped in the air and that’s when she noticed Bakugo grinning in excitement.
When he landed back in the ground, he yelled, “I ain’t holding back for nothing, Croissant!! This shit’s getting better!! Fight me!” He blasted up in the sky.
She used her wings to accelerate her movements. The brunette brought her arm back, chanting a small spell on her fist. After the enchantment is finished, she toughen her fist.
The blond’s smirk widen, almost smiling at her attack towards him. He placed more power on his palm then yelled, “DIE!”
The two collided, causing a strong drift of wind to hover through the forest.
Bakugo and Amphyr fought in the air, blasting each other with their quirks. The blond kept using his quirk to avoid her attacks, but he had a hard time dodging them. Since he had no idea what her quirk is, Amphyr became unpredictable.
He can only click his tongue in annoyance, realizing that he has no clue who he is fighting.
Meanwhile with Amphyr, her reputation as a support student has its uses. She knows what fighting style what Bakugo is into. She took advantage of her knowledge to battle this student hero.
The sounds of small explosions appeared from his palm, he aimed it to her midair and blasted it out.
Bakugo smirked, thinking he had won but to his suprised, he saw Amphyr flying above his explosion. His body shivered in excitement and screamed, “Not bad, Croissant!!” He used his explosion to rotate his body, accelerating his movements towards Amphyr.
The two fought like there’s no tomorrow. Explosions, blasts, waves, omitted around the forest. The smell of burnt wood surrounded the area, the trunk of most trees broke in half with a hint of fire and water around it.
Suddenly, a robot drone flew over them. “Hey! Who’s there?!?” It screamed, accelerating it’s movements to capture the people in the act.
Amphyr and Bakugo were quick to react, hiding among the trees. They used the trees with the most leaves which can help camouflage their presence. As their heard their robot drone flying away, the two sighed in relief.
The two had the time to catch their breath, wiping their sweat and panting their lungs out. The blond looked to his side to see her outfit a bit ripped from the blasts, her face covered with ash and some burns. Her soft arms covered with scars while her fair legs were covered with debris of soil and dirt.
“You look like shit,” He panted.
Amphyr looked at him. He was covered with ashes and burns from each other’s quirks. His black shirt was ripped, revealing his abs and scars from his previous battles. His arms bulged as he moved, showcasing his veins.
“Your arm, how is it? Nothing’s wrong with it, right?” She asked, wiping some ash off her face.
He chuckled, “Don’t worry about me. ‘M fucking fine.”
Her eyes traveled down to his injured arm, it was shaking a bit from overusing it. She sighed, “Sit your ass down, Bakugo-kun. I’ll heal you.”
His eyebrow arched, “Don’t tell me what to fucking d—” He was silenced by a spell chanted by Amphyr.
He muffled through his mouth, trying to speak but he couldn’t in the end. The vein on his forehead became more prominent as his eyes turned white in irritation. The next thing he knew he was floating a bit, then he settled on the ground.
The brunette sat down in front of him, placing both her legs on one side. She stared at him for a brief moment while grabbing his arm. Amphyr snapped her fingers then swiped them left and right while moving her hand down.
Bakugo watched as golden flakes traveled down his injured arm. He felt his arm feeling less painful. She swiped her two fingers up, releasing the silence spell from his mouth. The brunette carefully turned his arm around, double checking for more injuries or anything.
“I didn’t completely heal your arm cause that’s not how magic really works. The injury is still there. I just enhanced the healing process by—Bakugo Katsuki,” She was interrupted when he spoke his full name.
“I-I’m sorry…?” She asked with confusion.
He stared at her again, not breaking eye contact. “That’s my fucking name. Bakugo Katsuki.”
Amphyr stared at him with bafflement again, unsure why he is introducing himself again. As she thinks, she finally realized what he was doing.
He’s acknowledging me…The brunette smiled, realizing that his introduction is a new beginning to their relationship chapter. The fact he is introducing himself to her shows a declaration of her strength.
“Amphyr Domino,” She smiled, not breaking eye contact with him.
He grinned, satisfied that she understood what he was implying.
“So, you’re gonna fucking explain who you are? You weren’t entirely trying to hide your fucking quirks from me anyway. Those blasts? The fire? The water? And this damn healing? Just who the fuck are you? And why the hell do you have so many quirks?” He asked, removing his arm from her grip.
“Remember when you asked if I was a princess?” She asked.
His eyes went wide, “No fucking way. You’re a princess?” He caught on very quickly. “So what? Am I supposed to bow down or some shit?”
She shook her head and pleaded, “Please don’t.”
“Okay good, cause wasn’t fucking planning to.”
Amphyr rolled her eyes, slightly hitting him on the chest. Bakugo stared at her with wide eyes, his eyes gave the ‘what’ look which annoyed her a bit further.
“You really have the ability to annoy people, huh?” Her eyebrow twitched violently, a vein on her neck became slowly prominent.
“It’s a fucking gift, Croissant,” He placed his tongue out while revealing his middle finger to her.
The brunette sighed in aggravation. The latter crawled to sit beside him against the tree trunk. She placed her head back, positioning her legs on one side. “But yep, you’re right though. I am a princess.”
He leaned his head back, gazing at his side to look at her. “Princess of what exactly?”
“Domino — Princess of Domino.”
“Hah? Isn’t that your last name?”
“Y-Yeah…I forgot this world requires a last name so when U.A. asked what my last name is…well…I kinda panicked and just said Domino…” She answered, remembering how she just screamed her kingdom’s title as her last name.
He scoffed playfully, “You fucking serious? You panicked because you forgot? Goddamn, Croissant. You better fucking tell me what you are or else I’ll think you're a damn alien or something.”
A vein in her forehead appeared, “I’m not an alien, you damn moron!” She faced him completely, pointing at him aggressively.
“Then what are you?” He questioned, bringing one knee up and placing his elbow on that knee.
“I’m many things, but I’m mostly known as a fairy,” She responded.
A sudden wind breezed upon both of them, causing their clothes and hair to dance with the wind as one.
“So you’re a fancy ass bird? That’s your quirk?”
“What the fu—fine yes, if that’s how you interpreted it.”
Bakugo looked at her briefly before gazing up in the night sky. “Fairy, huh? So you do magic or some type of shit?”
She sighed at his poor choice of language. “Yes, Bakugo-kun. I do magic, but it’s a bit different from quirks. Magic is quite flexible compared to quirks, but like all wonderful things, it does have limitations. I guess an example is when I silenced you. That’s a common spell for fairies. Let’s say you say the chantment, you can’t silence someone since you’re not a fairy. This means that as long as you’re a fairy, you can chant the common spells. This also applies in witchery.”
He listened attentively as Amphyr continued. “What differentiates each fairy is their chosen ability from birth. An example is my Aunt Bloom; she��s the Fairy of the Dragon Flame or my Aunt Flora; She’s the Fairy of Nature. These attributes help people differentiate us from other fairies.”
“What ‘bout you? What you’re the fairy of, Croissant?” He asked.
The brunette stared at him for a moment, trying to think of a satisfying answer. “It’s a bit complicated…”
Bakugo clicked his tongue, “Fucking try me, Extra.”
Calling a princess extra really shows what character he is. She sighed, “Okay, if you insist. I’m only classified as a fairy for now since I have not yet reached a certain level, but I’m really a Nymph.” She responded, but he just gave her a perplexed expression.
“A Nymph is one of the oldest magical creatures of my realm. They hold greater powers than any other fairy because the possess more than one power. In my case, I can manipulate any elements like fire, water, ice and others,” She added.
“WHAT THE FUCK? You’re old?!?” Bakugo blasted, creating tiny blasts from his palms in shocked.
Amphyr twitched in anger, slapping his left arm. “I’m not old, dumbass!! I’m literally 17 like you!! I was born from a Nymph, fool!”
“You didn’t fucking specify that shit!!”
She rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t even done explaining, moron!”
Bakugo clicked his tongue again, leaning back a bit more while placing his hands on his pockets. “You seemed like a strong motherfucker. Heck, you’re even a damn princess. So what’s a princess like you doing here in Japan anyway?”
Amphyr’s eyes soften with his question. “That’s a story for another time.”
His eyes turned white and exploded, “There is no other time!!”
She was caught off guard with his sudden explosion. But she was quick enough to understand what’s happening. Amphyr definitely does not want Bakugo to leave just like that after giving her that fight. This blond has given her the fight she wanted, and she sure as hell want to experience it again.
“How about this,” She spoke. “If you fight with me again, then I can tell you all about me and where I’m from.”
Bakugo scoffed, “What makes you think that I want to fight with you again, Croissant?”
Amphyr grinned, swiping her one arm to the side which released a strong wind that sliced up trees in half. “Because I didn’t show you everything yet, Bakugo-kun,” She kept her cocky smirk as the trees fell harshly to the ground.
“I’m sure you don’t want to miss a fight with someone like me after all,” She added.
“Are you playing with me, damn Croissant?” He chuckled, somehow getting fired up again.
“No, of course not. After all, you should consider yourself lucky because….” She stopped her words. “….you’re fighting with Domino’s precious princess, you big moron.”
His eyes flared up, feeling his adrenaline boosting through his veins. As much as he hates to admit it, a fight with Amphyr again is an exhilarating offer.
Over the course of their fight, he had witnessed her combat style — he could conclude she was definitely strong, hence why he didn’t back down and kept his guard up.
She’s strong in all places he can think of, but Amphyr’s main strength lies in strategy. He noticed that she’s quite observant with his tactics so she would carefully strategized on the spot.
Additionally, he also noticed that she would aim her powers at his left area, she was so careful not to aim too much on his right injured arm. Bakugo looked down at his injured arm, reminiscing the moments of his battle with Shigaraki.
His heartbeat made a sound he never anticipated.
There it goes again. Another beat on his heart.
“—ugo? Bakugo? BAKUGO!” His train of thoughts were interrupted.
His eyes quivered, looking around his area then looking up to see a small blasts on her palm.
“Oi. Were you ‘bout to slap me with that?” He pointed at her palm which was creating small blasts already.
“Uhh…n-no…?” She replied, immediately distinguishing her blasts from her palm.
Bakugo’s eye twitched. “Fucking Croissant! Don’t lie to me! I saw that shit!”
His entire body twitched violently, not liking that she isn’t responding. “At least fucking answer!!” His vision turned white and explosions occurred in the forest.
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calissarowan · 5 months
Gantlos’s Unknown Plan
Hey, so does anyone remember in season 4, episode 5, just after the Winx stop the wizards’ spell on the pets by feeding them, and just before the wizards teleport away, Ogron says: ‘Gantlos, you were right. Next time we’ll do it your way.’ Now, across the whole episode we haven’t heard Gantlos mention anything about his way, or any alternate plan he may have had. (Actually, we haven’t heard Gantlos say anything, really, but that’s a separate issue.) Ogron didn’t mention it before that point either. And ‘next time’ is when they track Roxy down because the Winx approached her. (That isn’t confirmed, but if they could track her, they’d have done so already, and it feels too coincidental for it not to be due to the Winx finding Roxy.) Unless Gantlos can see the future, that can’t have been his plan. So we’re left in the dark about what his idea was.
Was it related to the pets? To the spell? The store? Or was it something totally unrelated? Did it involve targeting the Winx? Maybe he wanted to go after the Specialists? Or something else! A friend and I are very, very curious about what his plan was; maybe it would have worked! (And it almost certainly wouldn’t have been undone by pet food.) So I’m asking if anyone has any ideas about what his plan might have been. If you do, please share them! I’m really interested to hear what you think.
My theory is that he wanted to just fight the Winx. They already knew they could beat them; the only reason the Winx had walked away from those last fights was because Ogron had ordered them to retreat. It’s a simple plan, but effective. With the Winx gone, there would be no-one to stop them stealing the powers of the last Earth fairy. But perhaps Ogron disliked the idea of another head-on confrontation, and preferred his idea of attempting to take the Winx out using a spell. And when that failed, he admitted that they just needed the Winx out of the way, so he agreed with Gantlos’s strategy. Of course, before they could enact it, the Winx found Roxy, they gained Believix, and a confrontation became a lot less desirable as the Winx gained the ability to finally do some damage, so they continued with Ogron’s strategies.
But that’s just my theory! It’s not massively complicated, but Gantlos feels like quite a straightforward kind of guy, so his plans would likely not be as convoluted as Ogron’s. Please, tell me what you think! Share your theories!
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solar-tl-27 · 11 months
Winx reignited = Blush
Hellooo helllo
Welcome tooooo part 1 of the tarot card drawingsss!
Ok so how i wanna do these is art first lore under it & speedpaint last because some people are just here for the art and that’s fine!
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Blush is probably an unfamiliar face for a lot of people because she’s original toooo my rewrite she’s basically the new character instead of nex & roy
Every winx has their complimentary characters in the show with the specialists and i wanted to continue that with roxy in my rewrite
Soooo blush will be introduced to the winx alongside roxy in my rewrite!
Blush however is not a love interest for roxy and is purely a platonic complimentary character
Now onto some loree
Blush is just a girl from earth no magic no secret powers no nothing. Just a medical student that accidentally got wrapped up in this huge magical adventure when one of her close friends (roxy) turns out to be a fairy.
She’s however determined to be of use to this wild group of magical people that she’s suddenly got involved with.
From emotional maturity and support for the group, to helping them get patched up after a particularly rough fight with an enemy she’s always there when needed. Eventually even studying under a doctor from Magix so she can help out more as her world has opened up to an insane amount of incredible magic all around her.
She’s determined, headstrong and kind. Often trying to help out people in need and always willing to assist.
She used to be in a band yet they disbanded slightly before she was introduced. She’s a rolemodel to Roxy and one of the reasons Rox even considered actually talking to the winx.
She’s trying her best to keep up with the winx and has physically attacked enemies even though she has no magical abilities, often bringing moral support or helping out from the sidelines.
NOW onto why i chose the empress card and why I portray her card this way!
I chose the empress for Blush due to it’s symbolism of nurture & creativity
Nurture as Blush is studying the medical field to help people grow to get physically healthy and achieve more& She’s a role model to Roxy and basically like a big sister to her.
And creativity to resemble her ways of problem solving and being useful to the team without magic and her many hobbies.
Now for how I present her in the card!
I presented her in her regular outfit because her more alternative style is a great contrast to her nurturing personality.
The butterfly’s represent the magic all around her as she herself is not. Just admiring the butterflies as they admire her.
Her background is definitely more empty than some of the other cards I’m working on due to her being 1 the first & 2 her life is still a lot more relaxed compared to some of the characters.
Further stylization I decided to do faceless for all the cards so that their expressions & emotions are more up for interpretation!
For the speedpaint these will be slightly more cut and pasted because of spoilers for other cards 😅😅 sorry bout that.
Further more for these cards you might notice the genshin tcg used as reference some times
Purely because I really like the style of the cards and think mixing that style with mine makes these cards look far more interesting as i have a more clear refrence for a concept!
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ligbi · 1 year
Okay so for recent magical girl continuations/reboots/remakes we have
Heres another anime for the thing you already know
Tokyo Mew Mew New and Sailor Moon Crystal. Some changes but generally Did you read the manga? You know whats up
New Generation
Saint Tail with unrelated(?) Girls and the Mermaid Melody daughter edition manga, and now this looks to be the case with the new LunLun
Let's keep it going!
Clear Card, pmmm movie 4 (announcement has been announced), arguably mgrp with the upcoming s2 anime, maybe nanoha but that was consistently releasing new content for 14 years
Alternative POV
The Creamy Mami manga spin off
AU and such
Magia record, Nurse Witch R, Magic Users Club,
Do it again but make it different
Your choice of cutey honeys, the new akko chan manga, looks like maybe the new w.i.t.c.h. comic, for better or worse the winx live action
While I always want New and Original series not piggybacking on a name, I'd think the top contenders for something new in upcoming years would be sugar sugar rune, corrector yui, and princess knight. Maybe a new pierrot idol that nods a lot at the original 5.
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nightshadehasblorbos · 5 months
Continuing my list of funny changes in the 4Kids translation of Winx Club
Season 1 Episode 6 & 7
Episode 6
Witch-wide web. I love the play on words.
“I was counting all the calories I was burning with the sweeping.”
“You’re right. Voodoo is so junior high.”
“That’s one of the grossest and coolest things I’ve ever seen, and it works!”
“If this is the grand ballroom, I’m leaving them my interior designer’s number. Wallpaper might do the trick. It’d really open up the space, ya know?”
“Powerus revocerus. Magicus suspendus.” Why is it so bad?
The ending is much more dramatic; I like it.
Episode 7
“You’re lucky you weren’t turned into jumping beans and sold to the inter-realm circus.”
“We have to veg out all weekend. Not exactly a punishment Miss G.”
“Here you are, Miss Stella, your new best friend.” *hands Stella a broom*
“Yeah the only manual we’ll be using is manual labor.”
“How about a little H to the E to the L to the P, Stella?” The way Musa’s voice actress just busts out these lines is pretty great, honestly.
“If you hadn’t opened your big yap trap.”
“Perhaps one of your classmates will pick you up a t-shirt.”
“Who is this gangly freshman talking to me?”
“I think Alfea is kinda rockin’.”
“Who let this Wicca wannabe in here anyway? You’re just so alternative, aren’t you? So cutting edge. Let’s all think outside of Pandora’s box and love each other?”
“That band’s bunk, but anything beats cleaning duty.”
“Passus throughus.” That’s even worse than the last episode.
Flora: “I still feel something unsettling.” Stella: “Could be all the sandwiches you scarfed down.”
Ms. Faragonda: “Don’t bother hiding Bloom. I see everything.” Bloom: “I wasn’t hiding. I was looking for something.”
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emotori7 · 5 months
i plan to redo some clothes and hairs I noticed some issues in certain ones so I plan to redo them and try to texture them better I thought bout giving my outfits a more realistic look or at least texture them better to look more like clothes then how they look in the show with no real textures and details and all I also found a lot of hairs people had made that looks very close to the way the winx girls hair styles are so I plan to use them in my game but have to put them in blender to use them to model my hair accessories so they will look good in game I plan to go for a more realistic look of how there hairs would look if they was real people but keep the style a fairly close as possible
Bloom's hair is the tricky one cause I can't tell if it's straight, curly or wavy someone told me it's all 3 someone said it's just wavy some say it's curly and some saids it's straight but curls that the end I don't really know I plan to just make it wavy
Her hair gonna be a blast for sure lol but I plan to redo a lot of the outfits that is why I haven't been posting anything and why I haven't uploaded content mostly because of the hairs and all I have the trix's necklace ready to go but their witch outfits is what I am redoing from scratch it's all off I was kinda rushing that day when I made them and only noticed how bad they are 😂 I want to redo Bloom's main outfit too so her pants won't look so "stiff" at the parts where they are split but it's mostly the hairs I am focusing on right now I am literally doing 100 things at once and trying to rush to finish so I can put content out finally I was planning to at the beginning of this year but that didn't happen 😔 lol but I hope to do so soon
I haven't even started on the guys or anyone else I only been focus on the girls because I am trying to get all the outfits ready
I need good bath robe ideas for flora and Aisha and Roxy since they are the only ones we never see in one
I need good ideas for mirta's outfits
I need good fairy versions for the Trix and witch versions for the Winx along with the teachers and all
I been working on my character's alchemy shop still need some good ideas for the layout there is a lot
And a good bathing suit idea for tecna and Roxy for season 1 and 2
A good priestess design for Daphne in the alternate world that I'm working on
there's a lot lol I been trying to focus on one thing at a time
I've also been trying to put all of the props and things like the sirenix boxes the mythix wands (even though I don't really plan on going that far they still existed in the world of winx long before their existence was known some people think I should go further then season 5 but I like to make that a stopping point to work on other things but there is a lot of stuff I do like in the seasons after 5 but I don't like the story or plot and some designs I like world of Winx designs though but I don't really like what rainbow had done after season 5 like changing the pixies and all) but once I finish redoing stuff I'll continue working on making other stuff and hopefully upload stuff as well (and hopefully stop forgetting to too lol I just get so carried away sometimes)
I plan to do a more Tinkerbell inspired world since I am combining every one of the planets in the magical universe of Winx club in one big magical realm where each planet will now be known as a kingdom in it my alternate version world (the world of reality) so lots to do
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Crack theory for (what the heck month are we in? April?)
What if the reason fairies and witches call the names of their attacks isn’t for spell activation purposes? 
Like maybe the first dozen times it is to set the spell, but after that what if they do it because it’s just an ingrained training habit to let their allies know what they’re about to do so they can get out of the way? 
And it’s only teams that have been together for a long time and are familiar with each other and each other’s spells that stop yelling out the attack name?
It’s not Enchantment, it’s Team Communication.
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luwritesomething · 3 years
hi, hello!! here will be listed the fandoms i'm into by alphabetical number. i think I'm not forgetting anyone but this post will be continually updated for i enter a lot of fandoms every month i guess.
under the fandoms marked with a dot [ • ] will be listed the characters i write for. the ones marked like this [ example ] are problematic character i've written about and most likely won't keep writing about. also do have in mind i'm talking about characters here, not the actors/actress that portray them. all being said, here we go!
last updated: 27/03/23
- Alice in Borderland  • ( chishiya shuntaro, kuina hikari, ginji kyuma )
- Agents of Shield.
- Beetlejuice: The Musical.
- DC Comics.  • ( damian wayne, jason todd, dick grayson, tim drake, roy harper, gar logan, wally west. )
- Dead Poets Society.  • ( charlie dalton )
- Derry Girls
- Deadly Class.  • ( marcus lópez argüello )
- Dear Evan Hansen.  • ( connor murphy )
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid. ( rodrick heffley )
- Friends.  • ( chandler bing, joey tribbiani )
- Grease.  • ( kenickie murdoch )
- Hamilton: The Musical.
- Harry Potter: see Wizarding World. 
- Heathers.
- IT.
- Marve / X-Men.  • ( peter parker, harry osborn, alex summers )
- Miraculous Ladybug.
- Modern Family.
- Monster High.
- Moulin Rougue. • ( christian )
- Outer Banks.  • ( jj maybank, rafe cameron, topper thornton )
- Panic.  • ( dodge mason)
- Percy Jackson.
- Powerpuff Girls ( & Rowdyruff )  • ( both the powerpuff and the rowdyruff tbh )
- Riverdale.  • ( fp jones )
- Rumble Fish.  • ( rusty james)
- Scream.  • ( billy loomis, stu macher, randy meeks, tatum riley, sidney prescott, mickey altieri, kirby reid, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, tara carpenter, anika kayoko, laura crane )
- Six.
- Supernatural.  • ( dean winchester, sam winchester. ONLY FROM SEASON 1 TO SEASON 7, AND ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSES )
- Stand By Me.  • ( chris chambers )
- Star Wars.  • ( anakin skywalker, luke skywalker, han solo, poe dameron )
- Stranger Things.  • ( steve harrington, robin buckley, eddie munson )
- Tomb Raider.
- The Breakfast Club.
- The Folk of the Air.  • ( cardan greenbriar )
- The Hobbit.  • ( legolas, kili )
- The Hunger Games.  • ( finnick odair, peeta mellark )
- The Lord of the Rings.  • ( aragorn, legolas)
- The Office.  • ( jim halpert )
- The Outsiders.  • ( dallas winston, sodapop curtis, curly sheppard, two-bit matthews )
- The Society.
- The 100.
- Uncharted.
- Wednesday.  • ( xavier thorpe, wednesday addams, bianca barclay, tyler galpin, ajax petropolus )
- Winx.
- Wizarding World.  • ( sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, regulus black, peter pettigrew, george weasley, draco malfoy, james sirius potter, teddy lupin )
- West Side Story.  • ( balkan, riff )
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spicyicymeloncat · 3 years
My thoughts on the Netflix winx (am I late to the complain train?) part 4b and actual final post!…
Continued from here
Maybe the zombies are getting in because Silva’s keeping the barrier open because Sky is lost somewhere drugged in the woods and no one can find him (no idea why Bloom would drug him tho, maybe so he wouldn’t follow her when she went with Beatrix to the village, no idea why Silva wouldn’t be able to find him, maybe the war room was in the forest and that’s where sky is idk idk). Maybe we damsel Sky and the winx verge away from the school to save him idk. I just want all six girls fighting together and having different fighting styles (that they learnt and developed over the series), and they work together I think it would be neat. Also I can get that they won’t have transformations but I think we can do more than just eye colour changes. Like any jewellery on Stella starts to glow, flowers bloom from Flora’s hair, flecks of ember appear on Blooms skin, lines of sheet music swirl around Musa’s face, the ends of Aisha’s arms become glassy and made of water and Tecna’s entire person gets these cyber-esqe grid lines lighting up on her skin. Not a full transformation just like, a visual appeal. Also I think it’s fine if bloom is the only to get wings since it’s a new concept as long as they don’t do that awful transformation scene. I just need bloom to kill a zombie so hard she grows wings okay that’s all that needs to happen. Basically the other girls will get wings in s2 which would involve Bloom sharing her powers (although it would be cool if it didn’t immediately translate into wings and they have to overcome some challenge before they can properly use the magic boost). I think in the actual show, the other girls are definitely gonna get wings (I mean it’s in the intro) but that’s how I’d do it.
Also the girls need to dress good. You don’t need me to give u ideas on how to dress the girls just YouTube fate and every video will be about restyling the winx
3) The show is exactly the same as the original it’s just live action
Yeah, no more dark gothic houses. Just campy fun vibes, sunlight, and focus on out there fashion. The show barely takes itself seriously because it’s here to have a good time. Alternatively, it starts out light and the cast remains relatively sassy and fun throughout BUT at the end of episode 1 things get super freaking dark.
Imagine ep 1, Bloom’s shy, everyone is really friendly, they go to a fairy cafe, they get bullied by a relatively harmless trix, the girls go through problems like fitting at school, working out what to wear at the party, and at the end Bloom wants to go home because shenanigans. Only to find… that since she left, earth has been invaded by fire zombies. The series see these teens who continue to try and live a normal ish teen life in the midst of a fantasy apocalypse that’s slowing consuming their universe. Like Bloom and the others sneak to earth to try and save as many people as possible, then go back to their dorm and play truth or dare til 3 am. Sorry lessons have been disrupted because your teacher is currently on another planet fighting evil wizards. Idk I think it could be really fun and crazy. Like the kind of whiplash I got when watch centaurworld (an animated show on Netflix, it’s incredibly good and has banging musicians numbers).
So yeah I think that’s all my thoughts on Fate. It had a lot of potential that I think would be fun to make overglorified fanfiction, however for what actually happens in the show, a lot of that potential is wasted. But it’s fun to think about what could’ve been :). I’m gonna be posting winx (cartoon) redesigns at some point and I have my own personal rewrite ideas for the original cartoon, because I think it’s fun, and I might share them
Part 1 - Social Issues
Part 2 - Writing
Part 3 - Designs
Part 4a - rewrite ideas
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pansy-chic27213 · 3 years
You know what IP is BEGGING to be turned into an edgy, live action reboot?? DANNY. PHANTOM. 👻
If you didn’t immediately agree to my above thesis, then please listen to the following arguments. In this post, I am considering gritty, high school reboots of shows like Winx Club, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sabrina, etc. Why are people frustrated with these reboots, and why would Danny Phantom make a much more suitable alternative?
First, let’s acknowledge that no one was excitedly waiting around for a continuation of these shows. Winx Club hasn’t been popular in almost 20 years, since back in the days of 4Kids. Sabrina has already gone through a number of reboots. And after the movie-that-shall-not-be-named, Avatar fans are desperate to avoid live action remakes. By contrast, fans have been pleading for new Danny Phantom content, leading to the recent release of those Funko Pops. Rumors have been sprinkled around the internet of a live action Danny Phantom movie or tv show for over a decade now. This is something that fans ACTUALLY WANT.
Second, Danny Phantom is a show that actually wants to be edgy and dark. While Winx Club dipped into deeper moments occasionally, the main focus was on early 2000s ideals of girl power, including fashion, bright colors, and cute boys. These don’t easily translate into live action, especially with 2020s different standards for female characters. On a similar note, Sabrina the Teenage Witch may seem dark and edgy when you first hear about it, but it was actually created as a family sitcom - a comedy. The magic was a vehicle for hijinks and life lessons, not actual Satanic rituals. And again, there were elements of fashion and bright colors that the live action just doesn’t match. With Avatar, the show does feature darker elements, especially war, abusive relationships, trauma, and more. But the main characters are pre-teens, and the show maintains a lighter tone and sense of comedy to reflect their view. Danny Phantom, on the other hand, intentionally utilized dark color palettes and used brief moments of comedy to balance the show’s larger moments of teenage angst and dark plot points.
This point isn’t fully substantiated because the Avatar show hasn’t come out yet, but I’ve heard rumors that they’re going to age up the characters and put them in a high-school-esque setting. This is frustrating for a number of reasons, but mainly, it changes the characters (likely for unnecessary romance plot reasons) and it drastically shifts the show’s original plot structure. It also messes with the existing magic system, which is unnecessary. Danny Phantom, like Winx Club and Sabrina, is already in a school setting, where this would not be a problem.
Finally: The Monster of the Week plot set-up. A complaint that I’ve heard about live action shows is that they have the teen characters fighting a new monster every episode, in a way that is frustrating, edgy, etc. This is perfect for Danny Phantom, because it matches the show’s existing set-up. The original show has a wide range of antagonists and monsters that would be interesting to cycle through, potentially learning more about them than the original show told us. This would especially work because the live action version would be unlike to continue the trend that every episode needs to have a larger moral about teenage life. There would be more time for backstories, world-building, etc.
This was a very rough and ready “essay,” thrown together in a couple minutes, so I would love to hear your thoughts and any addition points or counterpoints you would like to contribute! 💚
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january-summers · 7 years
Winx Club Alternate History
An Alternative History of the Winx Club Universe, Stretching the very confusing retcons into a timeline.
Takes place in the same Alternate Continuity as my other Alt Canon Winx posts.
1400 years (ish) before Winx Club
A coven of Dark Wizards called The Black Circle Hunt Fairies for sport and magical gain, they develop a magical Immunity to Fairy Magic and terrorise large portions of the Magical Universe.
Queen Morgana of the Earth Fairies, along with her court, and Husband – The Wizard Myrrdin – create a magical effect, which changes the fabric of Earth Fairy Magic on a previously unseen level.
The Effect of the magical alteration allows the Fairies of Earth to Overcome the Black Circle's Immunity, though it does not dispel it completely.
The Black Circle begin an offensive against the Earth Fairies, which ends in a stalemate, and both sides locked in Time Dilation fields. Myrrdin managed to lock the Dark Circle with a memory spell: So long as the Wizards are forgotten, they cannot be released.
Myrrdin and his son – oldest child of Queen Morgana, and older brother to the unborn Princess Dawn – are left outside the field, unable to break the Barrier around the Fairies, without risking the release of the Dark Circle. The Duo live out their lives on Earth, trying to find a way to save their loved ones, and stop the Dark Circle forever.
Before his death, Myrrdin creates a spell which enables any Earth Fairy to 'Bless' another fairy, granting them the ability to Overcome the Dark Circles Immunity. He turns himself into a tree to anchor the spell.
200 years (ish) before Winx Club
Princess Miriam of Domino attends Alfea, along side a young Faragonda and Griselda. Miriam is preparing to become the vessel of the Dragon Flame. During their time at Alfea, a dark power begins stalking Miriam, and attempting to break into the sacred vaults of the three schools.
After Miriam is kidnapped by a malicious entity known as Darkar, the two fairies team up with Saladin a young wizard trainee, Hagen and Oritel, two young heroes in training.
Once Miriam is rescued, the six are able to seal away Darkar in his castle of Shadowhaunt, sending him into a deep sleep like state, locking his castle behind them.
The adventure proved Miriam capable of protecting the Dragon Fire and she undertook the Rite of the Flame soon after. Once she had graduated and become the Guardian fairy of Domino, she and Oritel were married.
180 years (ish) before Winx Club
Princess Daphne of Domino has graduated from Alfea along side eight of her closest friends. After receiving the Dragon Flame, Daphne shares a small spark with her friends – the self proclaimed Nymphs of Magix – as they set out to protect the magical dimension.
150 years (ish) before Winx Club
Over thirty years, the Nymphs have been protecting Magix from dark forces, but suddenly they find themselves losing members left and right. With Daphne as one of the last Nymphs standing she realises the threat is coming from a single individual: a wizard by the name of Valtor.
With her last remaining companions, she sets out to stop Valtor. The final battle between the remaining Nymphs and Valtor takes place on Domino, as the corrupted form of a spark of the Dragon Flame, Valtor believes he can wield the 'true flame' and become unstoppable.
Having consumed several school's worth of magic, Valtor lays siege to Domino, and almost destroying the Domino forces completely. Seeing the truth of her mentor and lover, a young Griffin makes a choice, and joins the Nymphs and her frenemy Faragonda's 'Company of Light,' helping to imprison Valtor. He is sent off to the Omega dimension, to stay for all eternity.
In The wake of their pawn's (fail but devastating) attack, The Ancestral Witches attack Domino, seeking the 'True Flame' of the Dragon Fire, in order to become unstoppable. Realising the Witches intend to go after her baby sister, Daphne leaves the battle field to get the infant Princess Pyra to safety.
After granting her the connection to the Dragon Flame for protection, and sending her through a portal to former fairy godmother Adora, Daphne is unaware a curse sent by the witches has tumbled Pyra off course, causing the infant to skim the edge of a worn down Time Dilation field.
Before she can rejoin the battle, Miriam tasks Daphne with safe guarding the ancient spells of Domino, in case the Witches, like Valtor, attempt to consume them. As she begins to shift the Vault of the Sacred Flame into a side Dimension, Daphne is hit with a curse.
She herself becomes trapped between the two dimension, incapable of returning to the normal world or moving on completely to the other. She is suspended not just between worlds, but between life and death, her life frozen in the instant before the Witches' curse would have killed her.
Unable to act, Daphne watches as Domino is destroyed, cast into eternal, dark winter.
It takes Daphne decades to figure out how to manifest in different places, though she can only manage a few. She is unable to locate her sister, or even sense her or their mother via their link to the Dragon Flame, and believes them both dead.
16 years (ish) before Winx Club
After skimming the edge of the Dilation Field, Pyra is ejected from the field's effects dragging two others with her: new born Princess Dawn, and infant daughter of the Witch Mab.
Freed from the field, the remnants of Daphne's magic redirect the trio towards Adora, missing slightly. All three end up in the same town, though in different areas.
Dawn ends up drawn (by Empathetic Blood Magic) to her only living relative in the area, the many times great grandson of her brother, who, though unable to explain it, feels connected to the baby he finds on the sand by his new bar.
Mab's daughter is found by a couple unable (and desperate) to have children, in an alley way.
The spells around Pyra (for her protection) end up setting an entire block of apartments on fire, until she is picked up by someone who would care for her and take care of her.
Thus (the newly renamed) Roxy, Selina, and Bloom are adopted into normal families, and raised to a world that no longer believes in magic.
Pilot episode:
First Week of (Earth's) Summer Vacation, Bloom meets Stella.
Not everything happened within the last twenty years.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years
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I posted 958 times in 2021
635 posts created (66%)
323 posts reblogged (34%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.5 posts.
I added 784 tags in 2021
#megan's fanfiction - 148 posts
#disney descendants - 124 posts
#descendants - 119 posts
#ocs - 101 posts
#alternate universes - 77 posts
#dani's fanfiction - 70 posts
#my ocs - 41 posts
#story links - 35 posts
#plaggandadrienbondingisthebest - 35 posts
#mcu au (fanfiction) - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#all cause she doesnt like it when people dont do what she wants or cause she takes the littleist thing as a offence to do wtf crap to them
My Top Posts in 2021
“I hope Fate get’s a second season!”
....So you really decided that the show that whitewashed Winx characters and has racism in its treatment of Aisha, has biphobia with Riven and has Fatphobia with Terra and continues Netflix’s obsession with teens having sex....needs a second season....I just.....the clown circus.....
238 notes • Posted 2021-01-24 02:32:16 GMT
What they could have done: have Marinette want to go to Shanghai to learn about her mothers culture and only see Adrien there by coincidence. What the clowns did instead: continued to refuse to let this girl move on by having her use the money her parents saved up on the hope she’ll want to go to China one day, just so that she can chase a white boy. 
260 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 15:41:43 GMT
I guess clown award goes to Thomas Astruc for confirming that only will Marinette be forced to constantly suffer over her crush but also that this show will never change at this rate; it relies on Marinette suffering over her crush and making mistakes when half the time, most of those mistakes aren’t hers even and she’s just getting blamed for them.  Like, this type of formula only works if your a, a non-continuity show and b, don’t have a large cast of characters, but Miraculous is a continuity show and does have a large cast of characters and therefore, all the characters should be learning from mistakes, not just Marinette, especially as Marinette’s constantly had to learn lessons about her crush to the point that now turning a special that could have been about her and her heritage into....another Marinette Suffers Cause Of A Boy moment, really just screams they can’t be bothered to give Marinette anything else to do.  If you are a continuity show, lessons like this SHOULD stick, but not in miraculous- this show will reach to the heavens to excuse another Marinette suffers episode, and the fact that Thomas just confirmed in reply to a tweet on why Marinette in Shanghai has to be about Adrien, really confirms this show isn’t trying anymore to hide that Marinette’s suffering drives the show. 
308 notes • Posted 2021-03-31 15:21:28 GMT
Honestly, the fact that Marinette got more shit from Adrien over being happy her bully was leaving then Chloe did for NEARLY CRASHING A TRAIN FULL OF PEOPLE, says it all really when it comes to the writing in ML. 
375 notes • Posted 2021-01-31 14:45:20 GMT
Look, I know I said I wanted to see what was so bad that made even CW say no, but the fact that they really tried to make the powerpuff girls sexual in the pilot script and tried to ruin the character of the professor is just....how the fuck do you make Fate look that appealing in comparison???? 
590 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 19:53:39 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Hi! For this one, I still don’t know if i like it or hate it. So I don’t know if I should continue it. The story takes place mid season 4. It is an alternative ending to “Sky’s revelation.”
Heart to Earth
Night had fall upon the magical universe. The whole dimension had had a rough year. The whole dimension was still recovering after being almost totally destroyed by the evil dragon flame wizard, Valtor. The quiet kingdoms had slowly awakened again, and life was starting to go back to normal. Many different kingdoms had faced wars and were destroyed. It was the case of Magix and Andros. The two realms had faced Valtor’s insanity and rage. His last fight against the Winx and against Bloom had cost him his life. The Dragon Flame fairy had faced him like no one else before. She had put her life in danger by fighting him with the Water Stars, the only elemental magic that could destroy the Dragon Flame. Each one of the Winx had fought bravely. They had grown. They were stronger than ever. There was no going back for them. They were not innocent anymore. They had faced death in a million different ways. They were powerful. 
After killing the black wizard, Bloom had been ill. The water stars were poison to her, and using them was extremely dangerous, but the fire fairy had not been scared of arming herself or even dying if it meant saving other people. All her friends had sacrificed their life for the good of others. Tecna’s sacrifice had traumatized them. She had become their role model when it came to being fairies. Bloom had looked up to her friend the most.
 Her last battle with the psychopath that was Valtor had been broadcasted around the entire dimension. Not a single newspaper, radio station, tv news channel or magazine hadn’t talked about the brave fairy of the Dragon Flame. The Winx were now celebrities. They were respected and feared in the entire magical dimension. Of course, Stella had been pleased, even more so when Solaria’s sun had returned, and her diabolical stepsister had been thrown in jail along with her devious mother. 
Now, things were different. 
Andros was slowly rebuilding its lands. The mermaids were finally free from Valtor’s bewitching. The Queen and King were more than happy and were proud of their daughter. Aisha had proven them how strong of a fairy she was. Solaria had gain its glory back. King Radius was going through difficult times, indeed, Valtor’s spells were difficult to recover from. However, the king was doing better. Stella was spending more time with him. Luna, Stella’s mom and the ex-wife of the king was also helping out at the palace. Of course, the princesse of Solaria could not be happier. Her parents were not back together, but just seeing them spending time together made her feel happy.  
All was well. Everyone was living again. Some kingdoms were experiencing their own revival. Others were helping out weaker planets. Life felt normal once again. 
But somewhere in the magical dimension, there was a black dot. A place where the sun had not dared to return. A dark place where gloom shadowed every corners. A realm that had experienced a rare peace during Valtor’s anarchy. All its glory had been swallowed into chaos and darkness by the light brought back by the Winx. 
The palace was dark. The past weeks had been a real nightmare. Even worse, the past months had been an extraordinary, uncanny living experience. From the outside, the realm had looked peaceful. They were preparing a royal wedding and the economy was still booming. However, when the wizard had been defeated, all his magic had been erased all around the magical universe. 
Not even Heraklion had been spared, and their prince was now facing his return to his normal state. He could still remember the night it all happened. He had been enjoying a simple evening with his parents and the woman who was about to become his wife. They had been sitting next to each other. His mother had been reading literature while the king had been looking at plans and maps of the kingdom. Sky remembered his mental state. He had long given up. 
The first weeks were the most tiring ones. He had been conscious the whole time. He had seen it all. He had experienced it all, in total horror. What he was doing. What he was saying. It was all wrong. Atrocious. He felt violated. His mind had been played and forced. He felt like a puppet in his fiancée’s hands. He knew she had something to do with it. He hadn’t found any other solution.
 At first, he couldn’t bring himself to think she was responsible for it, but after all she had said, how she would make decisions for him since his mind was blocked. Indeed, he was not even able to make decisions on his own, he had no will anymore, no opinions. He was just empty. All he talked about was her, their marriage and their future. He had noticed his mother’s glare. Multiple times he had pleaded her for help, but of course, she could not hear him. He could tell she knew something was off. Every night, he had woken up screaming; nightmares of the Millennium party haunted his mind. Her sweat Egyptian blue eyes, her delicate curls… 
Sky was sitting in the dark, on his bed. His back straight, his hands on his knees. He was staring at the tapestry in his suite. He was deep in thoughts. He had spent most of his nights that way. He could not sleep anymore. The nightmares were too much to deal with now that the Love Potion had worn off. His consciousness had taken back its place. He was normal again. He could move as he wanted. He could say whatever he wanted. He was free from his enslaved mind. The only problem was that guilt was eating him alive. 
That night, he had felt bad, really bad so suddenly. He had tried to stand up but failed. Sky had barely stood up and then, crashed on the ground, unconscious. He remembered waking up screaming, his whole body hurt, but it was nothing compared to how much his head hurt. He had felt dizzy for weeks. He could barely open his eyes because the light was too harsh. 
The prince had spent an unhealthy amount of time dreaming about the fire fairy while healing from the love potion. His mind had been severely wounded. Being freed from it with fairy dust would have prevented the painful and long process of healing. It had been the case of King Radius. But Sky didn’t have that chance. It took him seven months to be fully healed. Although, he still had to face his nightmares. They were now about how he would face his fairy. How would she react? Would she believe him? Would she still want to be with him? It killed him. He did not allow himself to sleep because of it.
  For his beautiful fiancée, he hadn’t heard about her since she had been exiled from the palace and from the realm. 
Sky turned around on his bed. There, on the comforters were displayed newspaper and magazines. They all had Bloom’s face on their cover. “The chosen one”, “Our Winx, Our Savors”, “Meet the six guardians fairies”, “The fierce and unstoppable winx”, “Follow the path of the most iconic fairies of Alfea.”, “Bloom, the fairy who helped the worlds bloom again.”, “The new role models of the magical dimension.”, “Will the Winx Club survive after the war?”, “Read about each incredible story of the Winx Club members”, “The unspoken truth about Bloom’s and Valtor’s Story, or rather, History”, “Our new guardians” … 
Slowly, he took one of the newspapers; “Bloom, the guardian of the dragon flame saves the entire magical dimension and almost dies on the battlefield.” There she was, in her fairy form. Sky didn’t know it, but the article referred to the photograph as the “Bloom’ enchantix fairy form”. He remembered her telling him about it when he had visited her at Alfea, one afternoon. Aisha had gained her new wings and Bloom was fascinated by this new fairy form. On the picture, she stood proudly, her fists clenched, her expression displayed determination and anger. Her fairy friends were standing next to her. They all shared the same fairy form and they all looked angry and ready to fight. Sky understood that the photograph was an actual picture taken before the battle, probably by someone from the school. He had read all about their battle, the water stars, the evil wizard, where he came from, what he wanted… 
Soon enough, the prince had put two and two together and, with his father’s help, they were able to link his bewitching to the wizard. An article about King Radius had helped them. The King had shown to the public the scare he now had on his neck; the same one Sky had on his shoulder. Erendor wasn’t able to understand why the wizard had bewitched his son and not him. Sky was still a prince, he did not have the control of Heraklion yet. Sky had a hypothesis about the reason his was bewitched, but it was his mother, Samara, who had found out the reason why he had been charmed. She was a great queen, but she was merciless when it came to her son. 
Without too much trouble, she had gone to Diaspro’s kingdom and had faced her. With the amount of pressure she was dealing with from her family and her kingdom, the queen was able to know what had happened. She had met the wizard and had accepted the love potion when he had told her how Sky would forget about Bloom and how all the murderous man cared about was getting to Bloom, making her miserable. 
Sky had smiled. He hadn’t said a word when his mother explained everything. He felt sick. A disturbed evil creature had charmed him to use him against Bloom. At that moment, the prince realized how bad Bloom must had reacted. Of course, he remembered the night of the party, her tears, her screams, his violence, how he treated his friends. He hadn’t saw her since then… 
That night, while he was re-reading the same article all over again, he heard a knock on his door, then he saw his mother enter his suite. 
“Mother?” He said, his voice was week. He had dark bags under his eyes and he looked paler than usual. 
“Hello darling. I want you to come with me. I have something for you.”
The prince looked back at his newspapers. He stood up slowly and meticulously took them and stored them on his nightstand. He would re-read them after. His eyes observed the ginger fairy for a few seconds, until his mother’s voice brought him back to reality. 
“You shouldn’t stay in the dark. It does not help your mind darling. Master Casius said that you needed to spend more time with people and that you shall-“ She said kindly, but her son cut her off. 
“Do not worry mother. I’m sorry, but for now, I don’t think I can go back to Magix.” Samara took his hand in hers and smiled at him.
“You cannot hide in here forever.” He hummed. “I try as best as I can to support you. We realize that what you have been put through is extremely hard to deal with and that you need some time to recover. However,” she looked at his nightstand and at the picture of the fairy next to the pill of magazines, “I do think that checking on you dear Bloom is important.” Sky paled visibly at the idea of facing the fairy. “I know you are scared, but I also know how much you are in love with her and how it must hurt you not to be able to be with her when you need her the most.” She rubbed her thumbs on his cheeks. “I’m not asking you to go see her right now. “
“Then what do you want from me?”
“I already told you, you need to check on her.”
She took his hand and led him behind her. They went out of his suite and walked for a few minutes. Sky knew where she was leading him. A second later they entered a beautiful room. It was a sort of luxurious living area. There was a gigantic marble fireplace, right above it, there was a painting of the royal family. Erendor was standing in front of a window, his hands behind his back. Sky looked at the other person in the room, Master Cassius. The man was performing magic. In front of him was something that Sky recognized as a portal. When Samara closed the door behind them, Erendor quickly turned around while Cassius was still focused on his magic. 
“Oh! Sky! You accepted.”
“Hello father. I do not expect you here?”
There was a moment of silence. Both men were quite awkward around each other. The king was not used to display affection and his son was not used to seeing his father so out of character. 
“Yes, indeed.” He turned around the windows. “I know I haven’t been the most supportive father for you, or at least, I did not show it to you, but I want you to know that we both care.” The king said calmy. Sky did not know what to say. He looked over at his mother who send him a reassuring smile. “I know that this fairy is the key to your well being by now, so we-“
“Please, she did not contact me even after the news of my bewitching broke all around the magical dimension! It had been weeks by now! She doesn’t care and I would never expect her to care anyway.” The prince finally said, anger in his voice. He was not angry at the fire fairy. His parents weren’t the problem either. He was the problem. Both his parents were having issues with his attitude. They were used to see their son proud and strong, but all Sky had been able to show was weakness and confusion. He was exausted, both physically and mentally. 
“Sky, you are a victim in this situation, never forget it.” Said his mother. At that the king glared at his wife. She was overprotecting him and she knew it. They did not share the same approach when it came to the recovery of their child. The king wanted to rebuild his confidence. The queen wanted to make sure he felt better about himself. 
“I don’t want to be a victim mother. I should have never ended up in this position.” 
“You could never know what Diaspro was up to.” She answered back, trying to free him from his guilt. 
“It was supposed to be Bloom’s night! But it turned out to be a real nightmare. Everything she ever feared about being with me happened that night.”
Erendor almost rolled his eyes. He knew he son loved the fairy, but, according to him, it was becoming ridiculous. Was all his strength gone?
“Feared? She feared to be in a relationship with you?” 
“Yes mother. What do you think? That she was all over me and did not think about the consequences about  dating a prince?” He looked at his parents. “Bloom is smart. She knew that being with me meant trouble. She always argued that we were from two different worlds, that it could not work between us. Seems like she was right.” The prince looked defeated. He let himself fall down on the sofa. 
“Sky, you know I would never allow such manners and to lose time over such private matters if I didn’t know that it was the right thing to do. You are needed. You need to-“
“I know! I know that the whole kingdom expects me to brush it off like it was nothing! I wish it would be that easy, but it is not! And I am sorry if you are disappointed, but I did not ask Diaspro to enslave me for months! I am sorry that you believe in love after marriage and that you realized how wrong it is. Do not let me remind you that you both wanted me with that her while I always knew she was not the right one. I am sorry I am too in love with a woman that you do not approve of. And ooh merlin I am sorry for looking weak in front of the nobles!!” 
Both his parents didn’t know what to answer to his fury. He was right. Everything was their fault. They forced him to be with Diaspro and then when he had convinced them Bloom was right for him, they still considered Diaspro as family when she absolutely wasn’t. The king looked at his son. He had said everything Erendor had been reapproaching himself. 
“I should have trusted you. Now I see it.”
“What? That Bloom wasn’t so bad after all or that Diaspro was toxic?”
“Both I guess.”
Never had Sky heard his father admits his fault or even sounding guilty. He was sorry, Sky realized it. 
“Something worse could have happened to you and…”
“Don’t.” Sky went toward his father. “You could not have known, so it does not matter. Do not think of what could have happened.” 
Samara looked at her son and her husband. She knew how lucky they had been that Sky had been feeling better even if he was still struggling. He had gone through several rough months after the charmed was destroyed. And yet, he still struggled. She refused to see him linger around any longer. She stood up and looked toward the magician. 
“Master Cassius? Is it ready?” The magician looked up and smiled behind his beard. 
“Sky, darling.”
The prince looked at his mother. Erendor stood up and followed his wife in front of the fireplace. Their son wondered what they had planned and soon enough, joined them. A magnificent fire was lit by the magician and Sky found himself lost in it instantly. The hit it provided him made him feel at ease. It reminded him of his fairy’s powers. 
“This portal is what is going to help you understand why she hasn’t reached out to you.”
Immediately, the portal made a magical twizzling sound and they soon could see the face of the fairy. 
“Mother, I’m not sure I-” Started Sky, but was cut off. 
“Just try, that is all my asking.” 
“You will have to face her sooner rather than later.” Said Erendor. 
Sky took a deep breath and looked at her. The portal got bigger and allowed them to see her surroundings. He recognized the place immediately.
I hope you guys enjoyed this start. I’m not sure if I should continue. That depends on you guys.
Here are a few suggestions : 
coffee break :  Part 1
Time of Wars :  Part 1
Colonel Riven : part 1
The Sweater
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berryblu-arts · 4 years
Basic guide to my OC's stories
(yes i know i have a lot, help-)
august 9, 2021: added glow stage and diamond
February 23, 2022: added seedling
LONG info dump below the cut (no srsly, i´m warning you)
🍓🍋Strawberries and lemonade
Drama/ Slice of life with a hint of fantasy
Set in the main world in the early 2000s
Story about a girl who can see heartstrings and her various adventures in life, enphasis on personal relationships (not necessarilly romantic)
Aesthetic: lots of pinks and whites, soft and bright colors, 80s sailor moon backgrounds
Inspo: me being rlly mad at romantic love being taken as the only type of love, its also a twist on the red string of fate
Drama/ supernatural i guess?? (Can be categorized as urban fantasy i think)
Set in the main world, close to present day
Protagonist is a girl who can see "specters" (basically the counterparts of random animals except they're made of light or shadow), the story deals with themes of loss and lonelyness sometimes :( , but is also very centered around friendships (and i might sprinkle in some found family in there UwU💕)
"That shadow you saw at the corner of your eye the other day is real, but dont worry, its friendly :)!"
Aesthetic: rainy days, liminal spaces, small towns, fall, foggy days, childhood memories, abandoned buildings.
Inspo: ghibli movies, lil bit of kyoukai no kanata, and that one time i got food poisoning and couldnt see about 1/4 of my vision (not cool btw, but at least i made up some p cool shadow lore from it :D)
🧭🌌Twilight compass
Drama/fantasy (high fantasy)
Set 2 or 3 years before present day (in universe)
A bunch of kids (teenagers ig) get throw into an unfamiliar alternate world and try to get back to their own, but in the process uncover some important information that could finally end the tensions between that world's main kingdoms and so they get dragged into the mess, but maybe they were meant to be there from the very start (?)
Aesthetic: The world is half frozen and half on fire, its a todoroki world hehe-, lots of fantasy nature for yall's enjoyment ^^, huge animals that are mostly friendly, small animals with magic powers, magic circles and items, etc...
Inspo: loz breath of the wild, black clover, and a hint of star vs , among other things...
🤍⏳💛Time's end
Drama/ fantasy (high fantasy)
Set about 2 years before present day in the main timeline, but also 100+ years in the past... if that makes sense? (Theyre messing w time ok-)
Main character is a boy who suddenly finds himself in a magic world with a really bad political climate that's leading up to it's destruction, he gets dragged into that mess and soon discovers that world may be more that just a strange fantasy his brain made up.
Aesthetic: copper, stone, silver and gold, medievalcore but also rlly darn close to what the dragon prince was doing :>
Inspo: uhh i came up with this because i was trying to force myself to study history 😅😅, the very root of the idea for this can be traced to my obsession to winx club tho (which i will elaborate on if anyone asks)
Drama/ fantasy (urban fantasy)
Set a little over a year before present day in the main timeline (unofficial time btw, still figuring it out)
Continuation/spinoff of time's end ft. One of my favourite side characters ^^ (im not spoiling this one lmao)
Aesthetic: a not so big beach town, bright and colorful houses and people, abandoned buildings few people know about, not so far from the outskirts of a little forest. (Really really vaguely based off where i live hehe)
Inspo: a dream i had where a comet fell from the sky, a combination of magical girls and superheroes
Fun fact: this is actually the story i started with, and even if it's mainly urban fantasy, it has elements like alternate worlds, cryptids and aliens thrown into it, fun stuff!
🏖🚃West coast
set in present day
Sort of a continuation of unwind, but centers around characters that were previously introduced as background ones now in the spotlight.
The story is split in 2 perspectives, the new guardians (an all girl element based squad i should talk about more) ,and what i'm calling the chaos squad (zac, roy, blaire, sara, viv and liam), these last ones are actually the most varied squad in therms of power category (i should probably explain that too in the future)
it´s the last story in the chronology.
Aesthetic and inspo: almost exactly same as unwind, as it's set in the same city
set in an alternate timeline, close to present day (high fantasy/ post apocalyptic)
Mini story and its honestly a sob fest, why was i even allowed to come up w this one ??😭😭
Sort of a prequel to time's end, it gives a bit of context to a couple character motivations but at what cost-
Aesthetic: lots of purples blacks and blues, contrasted with gold, post apocalyptic society...sort of?, society sucks but at least it's aesthetic😌✨, also looks like a story book UwU
✨👽✨Stardust outcome
Drama/sci fi
Set in the 90s
Prequel that isnt really it's own thing?? It's the story of the alien squad and 2 other characters from time's end, pretty sure if i ever make it it won't have a usual comic format but instead it'll be a bunch of mini stories, hopefully in chronological order...
Aesthetic: space and stuff, it looks a lil like voltron actually haha😅, but also on earth theres a clan of people w knives and cool masks that monitor all the shenanighans, and theres a secret society n stuffs.
Inspo: listen- i made a character that was supposed to introduce aliens into the main story, then went overboard w his backstory to the point that this one is literally how his parents met lmaoo
🤍👁💜Under the eye
Side plot of spectrum that i feel deserves it's own story but i dont have time for it ToT
it's about 2 security guards in a hidden magic town, an old quiet dude w a grumpy face who lost his family a long time ago, and a newbie w a bright personality that has actually been having a sucky time.
They're both living pretty lonely lives and end up having a pseudo father-son relationship after the old dude finds out this kid was kicked out of his house. then after a couple more shenanighans a little alien girl is thrown into the mix, at which point the old dude *looks* like he´s not having it, but internally he´s like ´´welp, guess i have *two* kids now´´
overall rlly wholesome stuff with a dash of angst and found family :3
it´s called under the eye, because even if they´re working as security guards, the clan i mentioned in stardust is the one really in charge of monitoring stuff around there, so they have limited freedom on that front, and also they keep trying to go against them, that clan´s symbol is an iris ensata (flower) with an eye in the middle, hence the title.
aesthetic: same as spectrum, except if this was harry potter they´d be in that one magic town hehe (i hate making that comparison but it´s the closest i can get)
drama/ fantasy (urban fantasy w a dash of sci fi i guess??)
short story, set in present day
tecnically a spinoff of time´s end , but the tones are literally so different??
there start to be random zones in a city where pixelated videogame monsters appear, and kat (the main character) is appearently the chosen one to stop all that nonsense?, no one knows what´s going on but they better figure it out before reality alters inself badly enough to be unfixable. 
pretty lighthearted story overall, but it´s important cause it reintroduces some key characters into the mix :).
Inspo:i may or may not have actually made this just to justify a cheesy videogame themed story hehe, rlly feels like glitch techs tho :O (netflix series)
aesthetic: the city is pretty standard, the videogame area is all neon and pixel-y, kind of futuristic outfits for the characters, and lots of orange/ blue lighting UwU
👽🏙Unnamed ´´stardust outcome´´ sequel:
drama/ sci fi
a bunch of the characters are the kids of the original stardust, some are completely new ones, it´s basically kiddos interacting and doing shenanighans with superpowers at a school, but w an actual important subplot behind the scenes, the end of this one leads directly into the end of west coast and is the second to last story in the chronology (not counting what i have planned for next gen, those are only gonna be fluffy one shots)
🕸👑💚Glow Stage
*Not connected to the main story at all, but it exists there in the form of a show*
Drama/fantasy (rlly slice of life-y sometimes tho)
typical magical girl story but the main character is the redeemed villain type, trying to do good but with a slightly messed up moral compass. Also the mc befriends the magical girl in her civilian form without knowing its her because ✨free dramaaa✨
Inspo: i needed a fake show for spectrum then accidentally created a whole new story, whoops!
Aesthetic: everything is pretty standard and almost generic on purpose, the villains are edgy, good side is all sparkly and stuff, im aiming for something like what precure's got going on^^
something a lil creesy w lots of potential for both angst and fluff never hurt anyone :3
Seedling 🌱 🌼
Drama/fantasy (very slice of life leaning)
Story about a socially awkward kid learning to get along with his new step mom and sister, surviving through school, and of course, being a shapeshifter and perhaps the key to a conspiracy to take over the earth from the inside out. Fun times!
Fun fact- the main trio is composed of: ex villain mc who is -s t r u g g l i n g- , chosen one- magical girl-hero of prophecy who *does not* wanna be here, and the stable normal friend :)) (except no, he is holding the information and conciousness of several souls inside him, like the avatar thing... but theyre more an annoyance than actual help lmao)
Inspo: late 2000s action cartoons, the myth of changelings, and the sheer need to watch characters go from cold and indifferent with each other to "we are family now, I would die for you" :')
Aesthetic: idk man, will update this one later lol
Fun fact: I'm not sure if this one's Canon in the main universe hehe 😅
Honorable story mentions:
Unnamed robot stiory: completely disconnected from the rest, put bluntly it´s about robots that think they´re people (came up w the concept w @/ashrayus a couple years back), it´s sorta just sitting there but i refuse to let go of it UnU
STARDUST: precuel to stardust outcome, it´s about a solari (star person) that falls in love with a rlly nice and humble avian farmer guy she met (this isnt set in earth), and they were both lonely, so they swear to be together till death do them apart, and they even have a kid, but solari have all these rules about forming attatchments with mortals and whatnot, so of course the fricken space police come knocking and stuff gets nasty and the guy dies- (it´s all just rlly tragic ok, i´m sad,,), so these stories are named stardust after the star girl cause she dies as well, passing all of her energy to her kid to keep him safe :(.
Diamond: Tells the origin of the world, powers, sub dimentions, etc... i won't have a story designated for it cause itll be like reading a mythology/history book, and idk how to make that entertaining hehe 😅😅
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butterfly-winx · 4 years
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Next baybee, is Mirta Wingert, in her pink punk barbie Enchantix, glow-ing! 
In this AU, she is the Fairy of Emotional Illusions and very, very gay. Let’s hear the rest below! 😁
Krystal | Diaspro | Mirta | Galatea | Nova | Miele 
Mirta is the same age as the Winx, but through her mid-year transfer to Alfea that only got finalised after the Trix’s megalomaniac attack had been dealt with, she repeated a year and graduated while the girls were away in Gardenia. 
Mirta is from an influential family in Magics that has brought forth many a council member, industrial and landowner. All of them witchcraft users, though. When Mirta manifested with magic it was not a question which stream she would pursue and that she would do it at one of the top schools of the Magic Universe. Mirta’s parents don’t immediately belong to the creme de la creme, but have enough influence to make things like this happen for their daughter. 
Being part of the upper class industrialists, but at the same time being removed enough from them to allow independent thought shaped Mirta’s personality greatly and contributed to her explosive rebellious teen stage. She wholeheartedly believes in what the punk anti-capitalist philosophy stands for and has alternately tried either to change her family’s ways from within, or to break away and distance herself. Her generous allowance was always spent on local youth groups, anti-discrimination organisations and personal drives for people in need. Many a times had her parents have to drag her off the streets where she chilled with punk buskers and their dogs before they could set an end to it by sending Mirta off to Cloud Tower.
Could Tower, now that was something else. Despite growing up in a family of witchcraft users, her home was still just basic, good old Adquistes. She has never lived in an exclusively witchcraft using society like the Cloud Tower coven, so a lot of things came as a culture shock to her. The school preserved a lot of things that modern witches in an integrated society don’t observe anymore, just for the sake of teaching history. Not all of it became Mirta, especially not the antagonism towards the fairies. Her heart is huge and as a true punk she stood up to the system and what she believed was not right. This didn’t make her many friends among the hard-core traditionalist witch*ers and combined with her very short statue, got her pushed around a lot.
Her only comfort and friend was Lucy, a childhood friend of hers. They met in an LGBT youth shelter organised event where Lucy had been tentatively seeking help for transitioning. Mirta was there to volunteer and the two girls hit off really well complaining about the world and uplifting each other where they could. After that they stayed online friends and talked on various forums, not having much of a face-to face relationship before becoming dorm mates at Cloud Tower. There it became obvious that some of their attitudes towards life and witchcraft were very different.
Mainly the Trix, they argued about them incessantly before Mirta left. Despite their horrible treatment of her, Lucy saw an opportunity in staying in the good graces of the Trix, as there weren’t many career opportunities open to witches at the time, so she thought it would make more sense to conform to the stereotypes. She was tired of fighting just to be recognised as a girl, why add to that plate? Mirta empathised with that to some extent, but she had unwavering faith in that she could do good, and she would do good regardless of what people thought of her magic stream. She decided to start that by passing on what she knows about the Trix’s doing in and out of school to the Winx. They met at the start of the year at the school’s joint ball that very few witch*ers actually showed up to. Flora immediately swept Mirta under her wing and the five girls frequently invited her to hang out. Mirta knew how the Trix have made Bloom’s life hell and wanted to help out to give the girls an upper hand. Until then she had been under the impression that their antagonism was nothing more than bulling, but the Trix pretty openly discussed ripping stuff from Bloom’s chest, so she felt they needed to know and warn teachers. Not Cloud Tower teachers though, them Mirta didn’t trust. She was discovered sneaking out and the Trix cast an advanced spell on her turning her into a pumpkin. 
Flora and Miss Faragonda cared for her while she was in that form at least for a few weeks before Faragonda was able to turn her back using her fairy dust. After reporting what she had intended to, which has by then become outdated, Mirta was hesitant to return to Cloud Tower. For one because of the Trix and the bullying, but also because of how she and Lucy had broken off. By that point Mirta had been nursing a giant crush on her friend and their angry parting words to each other broke her heart. While at Alfea she learned more about fey magic from the Winx basically by osmosis. She even had success with a few basic spells that absolutely amazed her. She was never the best student and she had to work so hard to keep up with witchcraft. This in comparison was a piece of cake. Faragonda then sneakily slid her a transfer slip before sending her home to her family in Adquistes. It took some convincing for them to come around to the idea of Mirta being a fairy, but Mirta was allowed a trial period which she aced with stellar notes, much to her parents’ surprise. She became a full time student the next semester, starting fresh with a new leaf.
She fell out of tune with the Winx a little bit after that, as their curriculum diverged greatly and they had each their own social circles to stay involved in. Tough a bit distrustful of her at first, Mirta’s room and classmates turned out to be good sport and she often hung out with them even after graduation. Mirta patched things up with Lucy eventually, both of them overcoming their shame over what had happened. As Mirta continued her work trying to bring the two schools together, their relationship seemed to grow even closer than it had been before and Mirta flirted with the idea of flirting with Lucy, before inevitably chickening out of it every time too afraid to ruin what they had. The year was over before they knew it and Lucy and Mirta went on their first sort of date at the end of the year ball. It was sweet and sapphic and filled Mirta with hope for the future. Then of course Valtor struck and everything went to shit. 
When Valtor and the Trix took over Cloud Tower, Mirta was ready to bang down the Winx’s door just as they were coming to her to do the same. Inspecting the castle they of course stumbled into the monsters left for them and the brain-washed Lucy. Mirta was horrified, but no matter what she did, she couldn’t free her from the trance. Lucy herself seemed to resist the pull though and her eyes clear, momentarily looking at Mirta. Later, when the horror was over and Valtor had been defeated, Lucy shared that hearing Mirta’s voice cut through to her and made her fight against Valtor’s control. She felt like she had to come back to Mirta, to see her, to fight for her. There was only so much a girl’s heart could handle and before she knew it, Mirta was kissing Lucy. Lucy broke an incredibly powerful witcher’s spell on her because she loved Mirta so much, how could she not? How could she not love her back? They laughed it out telling each other about all their insecurities and pining, thinking the other didn’t feel the same and decided to go on a lot of dates to make up for that.
In the S6 AU timeline, she is settled in Magics City with Lucy, who is pursuing further magic education at Cloud Tower as a teacher assistant, ready to get her Master Witch exam and become a potions teacher. Mirta is therefore at the front line when Lucy’s voice message comes in telling her that the Trix have returned to Cloud Tower with a strange new witch and something about them being different. More sharp and dangerous. Mirta spends the rest of that story arc trying to free Lucy, then survive in a hostile witch infested Cloud Tower after she becomes trapped in there. (wink a good ending is in sight for her however)
Magic wise she is definitely competent, though not as battle hardened as the Winx. She gained her Enchantix in a very characteristically her situation. During the time of the reawakening of magic on Earth Magics was also experiencing unrest with a lot of people protesting how Magics planned to handle the situation, leaving Earth magic users to their own devices once again. Counterprotesters crashed the scene and escalated the violence, endangering bystanders and protesters alike. Mirta stood her ground way before peace keepers responded and her initiative saved a lot of people, triggering her Enchantix. With emotional illusions she could pacify people for the time being and allowed for vulnerable people to scurry away. Mirta’s powers don’t change someone’s heart like Believix powers do (though after she hears what Believix can do, she becomes keenly interested in it), however it overlays an overpowering layer of what Mirta wants them to feel in the moment. If her concentration fades, so will the feeling. In that way, her power is actually very similar to Darcy’s psychic illusions. Using witchcraft with this aspect always made Mirta feel predatory, offering power bearing items in order to control someone else’s emotions. With fey magic, it is more like she extends what she feels into the mind of other people. All her spells turn out stronger if she herself is feeling the emotion and has an immediate reference to draw on what it feels like to experience it. Unconsciously she sometimes spreads her stress or dread, which took Lucy a while to figure out after they moved together. Now she isn’t as freaked by it and just tuts when she recognises that the jaw-clenching stress isn’t actually her own. Mirta is working on it, she swears! The two of them then cuddle it out, though they always look for excuses to spend the day on the couch, so that doesn’t say a lot. :)
I have a lot of love and plans for Mirta, I think this has been going on for a while. All of this is also poured into my S6 AU, which is a “coming soon” kind of project atm.
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rivusatrap · 3 years
by Septemberrie
What if all the Winx fairies were specialists and all the specialists were fairies? What if Riven doesn't realize how he feels for Musa before it's too late? What if he never has another chance again?
May be continued into a series.
Words: 7088, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Fate: The Winx Saga (TV), Winx Club
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Riven (Winx Club), Musa (Winx Club), Sky (Winx Club), Saul Silva, Brandon (Winx Club), Stella (Winx Club)
Relationships: Musa/Riven (Winx Club), Bloom/Sky (Winx Club), Brandon/Stella (Winx Club)
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Fluff, Riven is a lil shit until he isn't, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, AU: All canon fairies are Specialists and all canon Specialists are fairies, Rivusa
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