#witches witchcraft spellbook
greenwitchcrafts · 4 months
June 2024 witch guide
Full moon: June 21st
New moon: June 6th
Sabbats: Litha/Summer Solstice- June 20th
June Strawberry Moon
Known as: Aerra Litha, Birth Moon, Blooming Moon, Brachmanoth, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Green Corn Moon, Hatching Moon, Hoer Moon, Honey Moon, Lovers Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Partner Moon, Rose Moon & Strong Sun Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Gemini & Cancer
Nature spirits: Sylphs & Zephyrs
Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishtar, Isis, Neith & Persephone
Animals: Butterfly, frog, monkey & toad
Birds: Peacock & wren
Trees: Maple & Oak
Herbs: Dog grass, meadowsweet, moss, mugwort, parsley, skullcap & vervain
Flowers: Lavender, orchid, tansy & yarrow
Scents: Lavender & lily of the valley
Stones:  Agate, Alexandrite, cat's eye, chrysoberyl, emerald, fluorite, garnet, moonstone, ruby & topaz
Colors: Gold, green, orange & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, balance, change of residence, communication, decision making, education, family relations, full & restful energy, love, marriage, prosperity, positive transformation, prevention, protection, public relations, relationships, responsibility, strength, tides turning, travel & writing
While strawberries certainly are a reddish-pink color and are roundish in shape, the origin of the name “Strawberry Moon” has nothing to do with the Moon’s hue or appearance.
• June's full Moon is typically the last full moon of spring or the first of summer. The June Full Moon will be extraordinary. For the first time since 1985, Full Moon happens precisely on the summer solstice, when the Sun is highest up. Because the Full Moon is always opposite the Sun, this year, you will see that the Moon is 10 widths lower on the horizon than the Sun ever is. 
This “Strawberry Moon” name has been used by Native American Algonquian tribes that live in the northeastern United States as well as the Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. The Haida term Berries Ripen Moon reflects this as well. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.
Known as: Alban Heruin, Summer Solstice & Whit Sunday
Season: Summer
Element: Fire
Symbols: Besom, fairies, God's eyes, sunflowers & symbols of the sun
Colors: Blue, gold, green, orange, red, tan & yellow
Oils/Incense: Cinnamon, frankincense, heliotrope, lavender, lemon, lily of the valley, mint, musk, myrrh, orange, orange pine, pine, rose, saffron, sandalwood & wisteria
Animals: Cattle, crab, horse & octopus
Birds: Goldfinch, kingfisher, meadowlark, owl, robin & wren
Mythical: Fairies
Stones: Bloodstone, diamond, emerald, jade, lapis lazuli & tiger's eye
Food: Ale, bread, cheese, edible flowers, garden fresh vegetables & fruit, lemons, meade, milk, oranges, pumpernickel bread, summer squash & wine
Herbs/Plants: Anise, basil, betony, cinquefoil, copal, elder, fennel, fern, frankincense, galangal, hemp, ivy, larkspur, lemon, lemon balm, mistletoe, mugwort, mullien, nettle, orange, orpin, plantain, rue, saffron, sandalwood, St.John's wort, thyme, verbena, vervain, wild thyme & ylang-ylang
Flowers: Carnation, chamomile, daisy, heather, heliotrope, honeysuckle, lavender, lily, marigold, orchid, rose, wisteria & yarrow
Trees: Elder, holly, laurel, linden, oak & pine
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Aine, Anahita, Dea, Cerde, Dag, Dana, Eiru, Fenne, Gwydion, Kupala, Mabd, Phoebe, Skhmet & Sul
Gods: Apollo, Baal, Balder, Bel, The Dagda, Donnus, El, The Green Man, Helios, Huon, Jupiter, Llew, Loki, Lugh, Maui, Mithras, Oak/Holly King, Ogmios, Ra, Surya, Thor & Zeus
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, changes, divination, ending, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Fire & water magick
• Charge and cleanse your crystals in the solstice sun
• Make Sun water
• Create crafts with natural elements such as flowers
• Burn a paper with things that no longer serve you or that you are trying to let go
•  Invite friends & family over for a bonfire and/or feast
• Gather & dry herbs for the upcoming year
• Clean, decorate & cleanse your altar with summer symbols
• Brew some sun tea
• Take a ritual bath/shower with flowers
• Make your own sun dial
• Craft a door wreath out of flowers & herbs
• Enjoy some sunrise/sunset yoga
• Volunteer at a food kitchen or animal shelter
• Plant trees (especially ones that may provide fruit or berries to feed the wildlife)
• Watch the sunset & say a blessing to nature
• Make flower infused anointing/spell oils
• Eat fresh fruits & berries
• Participate in a handfasting
• Create shadow art
The history of Litha reveals its deep connections to ancient agricultural societies & their reliance on the sun's power. Celebrated as part of the Wheel of the Year, Litha symbolizes the balance between light & darkness. Throughout history  customs such as bonfires, herb gathering & the construction of sunwheels have marked this festival. Today, Litha continues to be celebrated by various communities, with gatherings at sacred sites & private rituals in natural settings. It serves as a reminder of our connection with nature and the cycles of life.
• The traditions of Litha appear to be borrowed from many cultures. Most ancient cultures celebrated the summer solstice in some way such as the Celts celebrated Litha with hilltop bonfires & dancing. Many people attempted to jump over or through the bonfires for good luck. Other European traditions included setting large wheels on fire & rolling them down a hill into a body of water.
Litha is often associated with Midsummer, a celebration that extends beyond the pagan and Wiccan traditions. Midsummer festivities are observed in many cultures around the world, including Scandinavian countries where it holds a prominent place in their cultural heritage. Midsummer dances, bonfires, & feasts are integral parts of these celebrations, often accompanied by folklore and traditional rituals that honor the sun's energy and the abundance of nature during this time.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year & in some traditions, Litha is when The Sun(The God) is symbolically at it's peak time of power & the World will soon be ripe to harvest. It is also when The Goddess is pregnant with The God who is to be reborn at Yule.
• In the Northern Hemisphere the Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its highest and northernmost points in the sky. It marks the start of summer in the northern half of the globe. (In contrast, the June solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky, marking the start of winter.)
Some also believe the history & spirit of Litha revolve around two deities, The Oak King & The Holly King. In Wiccan and Neo-Pagan traditions, each King rules the Earth for half of the year. From Yule to Litha, the Oak King rules. On Litha, the two battled for the crown and it is then that the Holly King triumphs. The Holly King will rule through fall until Yule, and the cycle will begin again.
Related festivals:
• Vestalia- June 7th -15th
Was a Roman religious festival in honor of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth & the burning continuation of the sacred fire of Rome. It was held from 7–15 June & was reserved as a women's-only event. Domestic & family life in general were represented by the festival of the goddess of the house & of the spirits of the storechamber — Vesta & the Penates .
On the first day of festivities the penus Vestae (sanctum sanctorum of the temple of Vesta which was usually curtained off) was opened for the only time during the year, at which women offered sacrifices. As long as the curtain remained open, mothers could come, barefoot and disheveled, to leave offerings to the goddess in exchange for a blessing to them and their family.
For the last day, the penus Vestae was solemnly closed, the Flaminica Dialis observed mourning & the temple was subjected to a purification called stercoratio: the filth was swept from the temple and carried next by the route called clivus Capitolinus and then into the Tiber.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥 ༺🔮༻
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galacticnikki · 1 month
A Baby Witch's First Grimoire
Grimoire Master Post
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The Basics/Fundamentals:
Basic Protection
Grounding & Centering
Beginner Information:
What is a Circle of Stones?
How to set up your first altar!
15 Tools and Their Uses in Witchcraft!
Water & How it's Used in Witchcraft!
Beginner Magic:
5 Simple Daily Rituals
How to cast a Circle of Stones with no tools!
How to easily create sigils!
Color Correspondences
Herbal Magic:
Marijuana in Witchcraft
Protection Herbs
Healing Herbs
Banishing/Exorcism Herbs
Divination Herbs
Binding Herbs
Beauty Herbs
Crystal Magic:
Cleansing Crystals
Crystals For Promoting Confidence
Self-Love Crystals
Crystals to Promote Focus
Deity Information:
Persephone Correspondences
Mabon Correspondences
Daily Grounding Ritual
Honey Cake Offering For Apollo
Deep Sleep Essential Oil Blend
Persephone's Plunge
If you like these posts and want to join a community with other witches feel free to join our 18+ coven on Discord.
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abigaillarson · 1 year
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What’s in a witch’s bag? Grab this design here!
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lunavenefica · 2 years
Spell to attract good vibes
⛤Hello fellow crafters! ⛤
If you feel down, this spell will help you increase your personal battery, in order to stay focused on your important tasks.
You can do this spell whenever you need it.
It will take you about 20 min, in front of an altar, or a clean surface.
⛤What you will need :
Paper and pen
A pair of scissors
A bowl
A candle (white one preferably).
Ginger (dry ginger works too)
Little glass bottle or jar
The first step is, as usual, to cleanse your altar or the place you will do the spell. Then :
On the paper, write all the tasks you need to accomplish.
Then close your eyes and focus on the link between these tasks and your energy. What will it bring you once done? Motivation? Fullfilment? A feeling of accomplishment? Focus on everything like this.
Then cut your paper in little pieces and put them in the bowl.
Add the ginger and the cinnamon in the bowl while chanting 3 times :
"Spices, reinforce and give powers to my wishes."
Light the candle and continue focusing on the bowl and say :
"Energies, reinforce yourself until the light goes down".
Then continue to focus and meditate on these tasks. When you feel recharged, put away the fire (DO NOT BLOW ON IT).
Finally, put the bowl mixture in the bottle or jar.
When you need this reinforcement in your energy, don't hesitate to open the jar and inhale what's inside.
Witchfully Yours,
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erlagrimwood · 7 months
A simple warding charm for my front door
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After listening to @breelandwalker's podcast episode about home warding, I wanted to try out an idea I've had for a while about a warding charm for my front door using stinging nettle. Warding my whole house isn't something I have the energy for right now, but I enjoyed working this little spell to give myself a little peace of mind. Please listen to the episode if you haven't (Hex Positive, Ep. 024 - Warding A Witchy Home) because she goes into detail about what home wards can and can't do, how to work them, etc. All very good information!
Also please note that I don't have a lot of experience and I haven't tested this spell before, but I wanted to share it anyway and in the future I'll update the post with any insights or experiences that might come up.
For this spell I used: - a small drawstring bag (mine was crocheted by my grandmother some years ago) - dried stinging nettle - one clove of garlic
I started by gathering my materials, then centered and grounded myself. I cleansed the immediate space around me as well as the bag (lately I've enjoyed burning dried juniper for this purpose), then took a pinch of the dried nettles and held it in my hands, asking the plant to please assist me in protecting my home from anything or anyone seeking to cause harm, while allowing friends and family and anyone else who we invite or welcome to our house safe passage through the front door. I visualized a powerful patch of tall nettles growing in front of my house, around the door, and wrapping around the door handle. I also visualized any person or entity seeking to cause harm feeling prickles and itching upon approaching the house or touching the door handle, and them retreating from the house. Then I imagined the nettles drawing back and allowing friends and family to come to the door safely. I charged the nettles with this intention and placed them in the bag.
I did much the same thing with the garlic but the visualization that came to me was more like a glowing golden light encompassing the door. Then I also put the garlic into the bag, closed the bag, and held it in my hands while charging it with my intention more strongly, holding gratitude for the plants for assisting me in the working. I then hung the bag on a nail above my front door (on the inside), placed my hands on the door, and visualized the nettle patch and golden light one more time. To my surprise the imagined nettles kind of decided by themselves to grow all around my house and garden, even around my garden shed, though I didn't specifically ask them to, which to me was a lovely sign that the nettle spirit was eager to help me. These days I usually close my spells by saying "make it so" because I'm obsessed with Star Trek, then I reversed my grounding and centering.
Please let me know if you try it out! I haven't worked with nettles much in my magic so far, but I can't wait to get to know them more intimately as summer rolls around.
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January week 4
Deeper into the Elements
Monday - Fire
Study prompt/ New Page - look into aspects of fire. What is fire? What does the archetype of fire mean to you and in your practice? How do you utilize this element? How do you utilize its energy? What are some associations, plants, gems, metals etc.
Practical/ Hands on - connect with fire. Light a candle or sit by a fire (safely!) and stare into it. Feel its heat. Connect yourself to the element. What does it feel like? What do you feel like? What does it mean? Journal about the experience.
Study prompt - pick another of those herbs from your list and study it! Everything from practical uses, mundane uses, cooking uses, medicinal uses. How do those things play into its magical associations? How do you grow or propagate it? As much info as possible.
Tuesday - Earth
Study prompt/ new page - look into aspects of the element of earth. What does earth mean to you and in your practice? What associations does it have? What does the archetype of earth feel like and mean to you? How do you utilize and use energy from this element or this element itself in your practice?
Practical/ hands on- connect to earth. Sit in the grass or on the bare ground (if you can, it is winter where I’m at after all) and connect to the earth. How does it feel? How do you feel? Journal about the experience.
Study prompt - pick a gemstone off your list and study it! From its properties to how it is formed and where it is from!
Wednesday - Water
Study/ new page - look into the element of water. Like the above, look into as many aspects of water as possible. What does the archetype of water mean to you? How do you utilize its energy? What are some associations of water? How does this element fit into your practice?
Practical - connect to water. Take a bath or shower, drink a healthy amount of water, go swimming, sit in a hot tub. How do you connect yourself to water? How do you feel and how does it feel? Journal the experience.
Thursday - Air
Study/ new page - look into the element of air. What does the archetype of air mean to you? How do you utilize air in your practice? What are some associations of air? Think about the four winds, what are those archetypes and where do they stem from?
Practical - connect with air. Sit in front of a fan or outside in the breeze. Breathe deep. Connect yourself to air and feel it, think about it, what does it mean to you? Journal the experience.
Practical - write a spell or ritual! Any kind is fine, but if keeping with the above prompts, one pertaining to one or all of the elements! A ritual to connect to and call on them all or a spell that utilizes one specifically. A water cleansing or a fire banishment or releasing spell. Whatever works! Put it in your lab notebook to use and rework later if necessary.
Friday - Secondary
Study - secondary elements what are they? Think of abstract concepts. Light, shadow, time, order, chaos. Do those things have elemental value? I know @stormwaterwitch has a series on some of these concepts.
Journal/ introspective - your connection to the elements. Now that you’ve connected to all of them, really look inward and see how these elements affect and influence you. How do they relate to your life and how do you relate to them?
Again, if you’re not into herbs and gems, feel free to study literally any topic on the days that those prompts pop up!
Thank you all again and happy crafting!
-Mod Hazel
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yourlocalchaoswitch · 9 months
Healing Spell Bowl
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[ ] pink candle
[ ] olive oil (optional)
[ ] pink salt
[ ] lavender
[ ] rose
[ ] apple(optional)
[ ] bay leaf
[ ] citrine
[ ] eucalyptus
[ ] lemon balm
[ ] lemon
[ ] sunflower
[ ] rosemary
[ ] rose quartz
[ ] clear quartz
[ ] coffee
1. Cleanse bowl, candle, and crystals
2. Add in pink salt, visualizing fulfillment in your life. think of the salt filling the bowl as love filling the cracks in your soul
3. Add in your herbs. As you scoop each herb, make sure it knows what it's job is. Many herbs have many different properties, so be clear with your intentions. Thank each herb after it's been added, as it's doing a service for you. If using crystal chips, you can add them at this time as well
4. Stir your herbs clockwise while thinking of all the areas in your life you'd like to heal, how you intend to do that, and what you'd like to be brought into your life. Think of it as if you already have it
5. Grab your bay leaf and write a healing sigil on one side, and your name and DOB on the other. Set aside.
6. Grab your apple and carve a space to set the candle in. The apple should function as your candle holder in the bowl
7. Carve your name on one side of the candle, and "healing" on the other side
8. (Optional) Anoint your candle with a premade healing oil, or just olive oil. Dress it with rose, lavender, and rosemary.
9. Set the candle in the apple, then cup your hands around the bowl. Visualize yellow, pink, or white energy going into the bowl while also focusing on what it is you plan to accomplish.
10. Light the candle and burn the bay leaf
11. Let candle burn all the way out
12. Dispose of materials as you see fit (DO NOT PUT SALT IN THE GROUND!!)
Happy Witching!!!
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Spell to be unforgettable:
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toruandmidori · 15 days
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Get planning for Halloween with our collection of spooky, kooky witch’s spellbook style notebooks, journals and diaries! 
Available to buy online in hardback or ringbound with lined or plain paper. Great gifts for gothy pals. 
Check out the full range here, individual link below:
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greenwitchcrafts · 5 months
May 2024 witch guide
Full moon: May 23rd
New moon: May 7th
Sabbats: Beltane-May1st
May Flower Moon
Known as: Bright Moon, Budding Moon, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Frog Moon, Hare Moon, Leaf Budding Moon, Merry Moon, Moon of the Shedding Ponies, Planting Moon, Sproutkale, Thrimilcmonath & Winnemanoth
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Taurus & Gemini
Nature spirits: Elves & Faeries
Deities: Aphrodite, Artemis, Bast, Cernunnos, Diana, Frigga, Flora, Horned God, Kali, Maia, Pan, Priapus & Venus
Animals: Cat, leopard & lynx
Birds: Dove, Swallow & Swan
Trees: Hawthorne & rowan
Herbs: Cinnamon, dittany of Crete, Elder, mint, mugwort & thyme
Flowers: Foxglove, lily of the valley & rose
Scents: Rose & sandalwood
Stones: Amber, Apache tear, carnelian, emerald, garnet, malachite, rose quartz, ruby, tourmaline & tsavorite
Colors: Brown, green, orange, pink & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, creative energy, faerie & spirit contact, fertility, intuition, love, marriage, material gains, money, propagation, prosperity, real-estate dealings, relationships & tenacity
May’s Flower Moon name should be no surprise; flowers spring forth across North America in abundance this month!
• “Flower Moon” has been attributed to Algonquin peoples, as confirmed by Christina Ruddy of The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre in Pikwakanagan, Ontario.
May’s Moon was also referred to as the “Month of Flowers” by Jonathan Carver in his 1798 publication, Travels Through the Interior Parts of North America: 1766, 1767, 1768 (pp. 250-252), as a likely Dakota name. Carver stayed with the Naudowessie (Dakota) over a period of time; his expedition covered the Great Lakes region, including the Wisconsin and Minnesota areas.
Known as: Beltaine, May day, Roodmas & Cethsamhain
Season: Spring
Symbols: Eggs, faeries, fire, flowers & maypoles
Colors: Blue, dark yellow, green, light pink, orange, red, white yellow & rainbow spectrum
Oils/Incense: Frankincense, lilac, passion flower, rose, tuberose & vanilla
Animals: Bee, cattle, goat & rabbit
Mythical: Faeries
Stones: Bloodstone, emerald, lapis lazuli, orange carnelian, rose quartz & sapphire
Food: Beltane cakes, cherries, dairy foods, farls, green herbal salads, honey, meade, nuts, oat cakes, oats, strawberries & sweets
Herbs/Plants: Almond, ash tree, birch, bramble, cinquefoil, damiana, frankincense, hawthorn, ivy, meadowsweet, mushroom, rosemary, saffron, satyrion root, St.John's wort & woodruff
Flowers: Angelica, bluebell, daisy, hibiscus, honeysuckle, lilac, marigold, primrose, rose, rose hips & yellow cowslips
Trees: Ash, cedar, elder, fir, hawthorn, juniper, linden, mesquite, oak, pine, poplar, rowan & willow
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Areil, Artemis, Cybele, Danu, Diana, Dôn, Eiru, Elen, Eostre, Fand, Flidais, Flora, Freya, Frigga, Maia, Niwalen, Rhea, Rhiannon, Var, Venus & Xochiquetzal
Gods: Baal, Bacchnalia, Balder, Belanos, Belenus, Beli, Beltene, Cernunnos, Cupid, Faunus, Freyr, Grannus, The Green Man, Lares, Lugh, Manawyddan, Odin, Pan, Puck & Taranis
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, creativity, fertility, lust, marriage, the otherworld/Underworld, pleasure, psychic ability, purification, sensuality, sex/uality, visions, warmth & youth
Spellwork: Birth, Earth magick, healing, health & pregnancy
• Create a daisy chain or floral decorations
• Decorate & dance around a Maypole
• Set up an outdoor altar & leave offerings to faeries
• Prepare a ritual bath with fresh flowers
• Light a bonfire or candles & dance around them
• Set aside time for self care
• Gather flowers & use them to decorate your home or altar
• Prepare a feast to celebrate with friends/family
• Make flower crowns
• Bake bannocks, oat cakes or cookies
• Hang wreaths decorated with ribbons & flowers
• Plant flowers in your garden
• Start a wish book/box/journal
• Go on a walk & gice thanks to nature⁸
• Cast fertility or a bunch spells
• Fill small baskets of flowers & small goodies, then leave them on your friends/neighbors doorstep as a gesture of goodwill & friendship
Beltane is mentioned in the earliest Irish literature and is associated with important events in Irish mythology. Also known as Cétshamhain ('first of summer'), it marked the beginning of summer & was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures. Rituals were performed to protect cattle, people & crops, and to encourage growth. (Today, Witches who observe the Wheel of the Year celebrate Beltane as the height of Spring.)
Special bonfires were kindled, whose flames, smoke & ashes were deemed to have protective powers. The people and their cattle would walk around or between bonfires & sometimes leap over the flames or embers. All household fires would be doused & then re-lit from the Beltane bonfire.
These gatherings would be accompanied by a feast, and some of the food and drink would be offered to the aos sí. Doors, windows, byres and livestock would be decorated with yellow May flowers, perhaps because they evoked fire.
In parts of Ireland, people would make a May Bush: typically a thorn bush or branch decorated with flowers, ribbons, bright shells & rushlights. Holy wells were also visited, while Beltane dew was thought to bring beauty & maintain youthfulness.
• The aos sí (often referred to as spirits or fairies) were thought to be especially active at Beltane. Like Samhain, which lies directly opposite from Beltane on the Wheel of the Year, this was seen as a time when the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. At Samhain the veil between the worlds of the living & the dead is thin enough that we can connect & convene with our beloved dead, here at Beltane it’s the veil between the human world, and the world of faeries & nature spirits that has grown thin. Offerings would be left at the ancient faerie forts, the wells and in other sacred places in an effort to appease these nature spirits to ensure a successful growing season.
Some believe this is when The Goddess is now the Mother & the God is seen as the Green Man or the wild stag. It celebrates the symbolic union, mating or marriage of the Goddess & God & heralds in the coming summer months. It represents life rather than Samhain on the opposite side of the Wheel of the Year.
Other Celebrations:
• Rosealia- May 23rd
Rosalia or Rosaria was a festival of roses celebrated on various dates, primarily in May, but scattered through mid-July. The observance is sometimes called a rosatio ("rose-adornment") or the dies rosationis, "day of rose-adornment," & could be celebrated also with violets. As a commemoration of the dead, the rosatio developed from the custom of placing flowers at burial sites. It was among the extensive private religious practices by means of which the Romans cared for their dead, reflecting the value placed on tradition (mos maiorum, "the way of the ancestors"), family lineage & memorials ranging from simple inscriptions to grand public works. Several dates on the Roman calendar were set aside as public holidays or memorial days devoted to the dead.
Roses had funerary significance in Greece, but were particularly associated with death & entombment among the Romans. In Greece, roses appear on funerary steles  & in epitaphs most often of girls. Flowers were traditional symbols of rejuvenation, rebirth &memory, with the red & purple of roses & violets felt to evoke the color of blood as a form of propitiation
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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galacticnikki · 18 days
A Baby Witch's First Spellbook
Persephone's Plunge
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This post was inspired by blackbacchus999's drink series; specifically his drink called Apollo's Delphic Dawn. Make sure to check it out!
1 oz Pomegranate Liqueur: Pomegranates are symbolic of Persephone's time in the underworld.
1 oz Vodka: Vodka represents the compassion and empathy that Persephone embodies.
½ oz Rose Liqueur: Roses symbolizes the flowers Persephone picked when kidnapped by Hades.
1 oz Fresh Lemon Juice: Lemon represents the brightness and renewal of spring.
2 oz Pomegranate Juice: A nod to the fruit that bound Persephone to the underworld.
½ oz of Grenadine: Adds a deeper red hue, reminiscent of the pomegranate seeds.
Pomegranate Seeds: For garnish, symbolizing the seeds of the underworld.
Rose Petals: For garnish, symbolizing the flowers Persephone picked before her descent to the underworld.
Chill a cocktail glass or other glass of your choice in the freezer.
Combine the pomegranate liqueur, vodka, rose liqueur, lemon juice, and pomegranate juice in a cocktail shaker filled with ice.
Shake well until the mixture is chilled.
Strain the mixture into the chilled glass.
Add a dash of grenadine for a layered effect, letting it sink to the bottom of the glass.
Garnish with a few pomegranate seeds and rose petals.
Feel free to check out my master post for more information!
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thelandboundseawitch · 11 months
🎃Samhain & Halloween🎃
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Samhain is a sabbat which celebrates the final harvest and the beginning of the coldest half of the year. For many practitioners, Samhain marks the beginning of a new spiritual year. There are many mainstream holidays that are similar to Samhain, though Dia de los Muertos(Day of the Dead) and Halloween are the most well known. Samhain is celebrated from sunset on October 31st to sunset on November 1st.
Carve pumpkins
Bake pies, soul cakes, or something with pumpkins
Create an ancestor altar
Have a bonfire
Visit the cemetery
Make apple cider
Visit a corn-maze
Have a hayride
Make smores
Tell scary stories
Watch horror movies
Roast pumpkin seeds
Altar Decorations
Pumpkins and other squash/gourds
Autumn Leaves/Garland
Ancestor Items
Black Lace
Ravens & Crows
Black Cats
Smoky Quartz
Black Tourmaline
The Crone
Soups & Stews
Mulled Wine
Incense and Oils
Plants & Herbs
Spells and Rituals
Samhain is an excellent time to contact your ancestors and other spirits because the veil separating the land of the living and the land of the dead is thinnest during this time of the year. Ancestors often visit their relatives in the form of a spider during Samhain. Divination, protection, and banishing spells are also common to practice and cast on Samhain.
Final Notes
Keep black pets inside. Cruel people hurt them on this night
Be extra careful with spirit work. Take extra precautions.
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wizardsaur · 1 year
In case anyone hasn't told you yet:
You can suck at keeping a BOS (or witchbook title-of-choice). You're allowed to do that.
I tried repeatedly, for years. And always got bored copying down lists & spells from the internet. I gave them away to friends newly discovering the Craft, as babywitch gifts.
I've been at this shit for 13 years, with no gaps in my Practice. Always active (which is weird, because I'm not consistent anywhere else in my life).
Only now, am I finally compiling a true BOS. With enough information to actually work with. That I fully intend to keep.
So don't get down on yourself for it.
Go forth & get weird
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aleksandra-czudzak · 2 years
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Release illness spell Aleksandra Czudżak 
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