#with horrible pain and angst
anonymouscheeses · 5 days
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Wanted to do something like my other chaggie au post. But added more angst. And idk I was proud of it and wanted to make something like it again.
This Chaggie au has... so much angst. So much..
Put in an ask or two to get to know the au more! :3
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adrift-in-thyme · 4 months
Febuwhump Day 6: "I Love You" (Time/Malon)
This takes place pre-lu
CW for blood and injury, multiple threats of death, and temporary character death
The worst dreams are always the ones where she can do nothing but watch. The ones where her body is paralyzed, the ground as uncooperative as quicksand. The ones where something terrible occurs. Something so horribly, vibrantly, gory that the only escape she has is to awaken from it, choking on hot, wet tears. 
Never before had she realized how lucky she was to have that escape. To be able to curl into her husband’s waiting arms and let the images drift away, carried on the tide of his steadily beating heart. 
Malon wishes she could do the same now.
This, however, is anything but a dream. The blood splotched across the ground, the sword lying useless amongst the green grass, the limp form crumpled beside it – it is all too real. As is the tall, lizard-like figure who stalks forward Link’s fallen body.
The Shadow grins and it sends shivers down her spine. 
She thrashes again, straining helplessly against her bonds. Coarse ropes dig into her wrists, a tightly tied rag bites her cheeks until they ache. Somewhere behind her, a monster looms, claws slicing into her shoulder. Shards of pain travel down her arms, following the thin trails of blood.
But she has to get away, she has to. Link is right there, only a few feet away, broken and bleeding and helpless. She must reach him.
The Shadow extends talon-tipped fingers and drags Link up by his hair. He slumps in the monster’s grip, eye half-lidded and dazed. Blood dribbles from his mouth and nose and mars his clothing. He coughs and more splatters onto the lawn.
“So, this is the famed Hero of Time.” The Shadow shifts and his very being seems immaterial. Malon can see now how he got his name. “I’ll admit I’m disappointed. You went down so quickly.”
Blood-red eyes flick to Malon. A forked tongue zips out of scaly lips, quick as lightning.
“Love has made you soft.”
His grip tightens and Link lets out a sharp hiss. 
“Let her go,” he croaks, “l-let her go or I’ll make you wish you were n-never born.”
The Shadow’s laughter rings out across the lawn, making the horses rear and dart further into the paddock. All except for Epona, who bucks and whinnies, trying desperately to reach her master. But the chain the Shadow had conjured around her ankle remains unmoving as ever.
“Make me wish that I was never born?” He jeers, tightening his grip on his captive. Link falls backward, bumping against his side. “Oh, my dear, dear hero! Are you unaware of your current situation? I recall you being smarter when we last met. Perhaps, you hit your head a tad too hard. That was quite the noise your skull made against my sword.”
The air flickers and suddenly, his ebony sword is back in his hand as though it had never disappeared. He fits it snuggly against Link’s neck, right over his jugular. Malon’s breath hitches.
“No!” She screams, kicking out, blindly. A clawed hand slaps her smartly across the cheek and her head snaps back. Before she can even recover, cool metal nips at her throat. She swallows, tasting icy fear.
Link jerks in his captor’s hold, terror and fury battling in his gaze. The Shadow yanks him back, tilting his head in calm contemplation. 
“Now, let me see. Which one of you should I kill first? I came here to slay the Hero of Time, but to find him with a wife…well, that was a pleasant surprise.” He pauses, that cursed gaze fixing itself firmly onto Malon. “Yes, I believe that is the answer. The wife goes first.”
“No!” The scream tears itself from Link, hoarse and desperate and agonizing, even as the words wash over Malon like spring rain, slowly seeping into her thoughts. With them comes a distant sort of terror, so close it turns her palms clammy, yet so far she hardly knows it is there.
Another monster grabs a hold of Link, claws digging into the wounds already marring his body. And the Shadow stalks towards her.
“Hello, dear,” he croons. 
With a taloned finger, he removes the gag, allowing it to flop limply into the dirt. Malon fixes him with a glare. 
“What makes you think killing us will help with anything?” She spits, straining to keep the fear from her voice.
He chuckles as he straightens, looking over her like an obsidian statue.
“Your husband is a hero, a blessed one of the gods. And as such, he has only furthered the relentless cycle that grips Hyrule. Without his demise, it will continue, unceasingly.
“As for your death, well — ” He shrugs — “that is merely for my own enjoyment. I wish to see your precious Link’s anguish before I slit his throat.”
“No!” Link screams again, fighting desperately against the monster who holds him fast. Chains have appeared around his wrists now, though Malon cannot remember seeing them before. They sing with every panicked movement.
“Don’t you dare touch her! It’s me you want, not her!”
A tear skitters down his cheek, glittering in the noonday sun. The sight of it breaks Malon’s heart.  
Oh, fairy boy.
“I’m the hero,” he chokes, quieter now, defeated before his fate has even been set in stone. He raises his eye to the Shadow, a plea behind the fury in his gaze. “I’m the one who killed Ganondorf. Your vendetta is against me and me only. So, let her go…please, just let…let her go.”
The Shadow grins, all sharp teeth and shifting shapes.
“The Hero of Time groveling. It does me good to see a sight like that. I doubt anyone has seen it before, now, have they? Such a display of weakness is not to be taken lightly.” He gestures to the monster who holds the sword over her neck. “She is every bit as important to him as I hoped. So, go on. Do the deed.”
Something leaden and sickening and absurdly calm settles in Malon’s chest. 
This is the end, her mind mourns. This is the end and there is nothing to be done now. Nothing to be done but to accept it.
“Link,” she calls and there is something hopeless in the way she does it. He looks at her, blood draining down his face, chest heaving with every panicked breath, pain and fear bright in his eye. But for a moment, she can see him as he was only this morning, gazing at her as though she is the most precious thing in the world, calloused hands cupping her face as he whispers that he loves her.
She smiles through her tears. His expression shatters.
“I love you.”
The Shadow grins, the monster begins to move its sword…
And the world comes to a screeching halt. 
Malon remains still for a beat, waiting for the pain of metal slicing skin, waiting for the sensation of choking on her own blood. It doesn’t come. 
The claws holding her are motionless. The weapon held against her neck doesn’t budge. The Shadow stays where he had come to stand, lips parted, fangs glinting, hand outstretched towards her. Off to the side, Epona remains reared up, hooves kicking at the sky, mane flying out in frozen strands of silken white.  
The only person that moves in this strange place of living statues is Link. 
He stumbles towards her, half-dragging his left leg. Chains still encircle his wrists, but now he holds his gilded sword in one hand. Behind him, a monster stands, a spurt of blood frozen in the space between his neck and chest.  
She gazes around again, mind stuttering as it tries to catch up. She is no stranger to the oddities of her husband’s powers and adventures but this…this is something she has never seen before, nor heard of. As far as she knows, he has no power over time except by his ocarina. And that currently lies in a locked bedroom drawer.
He looks over her, fast and calculating and bitter. Then, with one swift movement, he drives his sword into the monster behind her. Malon cringes, awaiting a stream of gore that never comes. In fact, the monster doesn’t even budge. Like its companion, it merely remains where it is, gripped by the fate that does not yet have full reign.
Link kneels before her, now, knocking away the weapon that threatens her life, slicing at the ropes that bind her. He pulls and they fall away.
She raises her hands, rubbing dazedly at her aching wrists. 
“What is this, fairy boy?” She murmurs, awed and terrified all at once.
“I’ll explain later,” he replies, quickly, shaking his head. And she knows that he will. “But we have time. Only…only a little, but we do.”
He reaches out, knuckles ghosting her cheek. She leans into his touch and draws a shaky breath. To feel him here warm and real is more than she could have hoped for after today’s events. In that terrible moment, she had believed that their only reunion would be in the icy embrace of death.
“They hurt you…again.” His voice cracks, shattering like a piece of pottery. “Malon, I’m…I’m so, so sorry.”
Lifting a hand, Malon rests it over Link’s, fingers intertwining with his. 
“Oh, fairy boy, it’s not your fault.”
He gazes at her, broken and vulnerable. Then, slowly, he pulls away and gets to his feet. Holding out a hand, he helps her rise. 
“I’ll fix this,” he says, voice growing tight and determined. “I promise you.”
And she has the strangest feeling that she has heard it before, that they have done this before.
What had he said earlier? That they had hurt her again?
“Link.” She steps after him, worry taking hold of her heart once more. Something is strange here. Something is wrong. “You’re keeping something from me. What’s going on? What’re you gonna do?”
He looks back at her, danger and grief in his eye. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers and time jolts back into normality. 
No sooner has it done so, than the Shadow rushes forward and slits his neck.
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vickyvicarious · 11 months
Three Times Jonathan Harker Was Woken By Vampires And One Time He Wasn't
Assuming that he fell asleep briefly during that time he collapsed on the sofa October 30th, we can have Three Times Jonathan Harker Was Woken By Vampires And One Time She Wasn't Fully A Vampire Yet.
(and then add in an epilogue-era scene with little Quincey waking his dad from a nap on the couch and also displaying some mysterious cryptid powers for one more And Also One Time He's Woken By No One Is Sure What Other Than 'Not A Vampire' And 'Our Beloved Son')
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lovesickeros · 4 months
(Anon from yesterday ⭐)
Would you mind showing your Furina plushie when you will get it? (Or if you already did, I am interested)
(love how you wrote the small drabble in tags I was kicking my feet reading it. Poor baby doesn't know how highly Sagau and other Archons are thinking of her.)
(forgive my mistakes, English not my native language.)
i don't know when she will be coming (probably not until feb at this rate) but i got her from plushshop if you wanna see it!!! it's part of their meow collection.
also your English is fine djsvshdjjd I am not immune to writing whole essays in the tags though its a habit atp....I can't escape it
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vicbutnotactually · 1 year
I am angst deficient
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I need these turtles to experience the horrors
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Imagine Mk grabbed the staff first
Imagine LBD sensed her powers weren’t enough and decided to drop her control and focus on one last illusion
Imagine the staff is so strong you use your whole strength to lift it
Now imagine what that kind of force would do to a human wrist …
Anyways it makes sense why Wukong and MK didn’t fight but a girl can’t help but wonder what would happen if they did <3
Also limited dialogue because I suck at dialogue :P
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pre1ude · 1 year
'I never hated you.'
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❛ don’t lie to me. ❜ // @vilestblood
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And just like that, the wound opens.
By god, he'd imagined it all so differently for almost three years now. Gone over the scenarios diligently before he'd bare-knuckled the decision to come here. All the viable outcomes, joyful and humiliating and selfishly cruel alike ― what do you tell someone who's both kissed and betrayed you? ― Written down what to say and sat with the words for days, and still it had taken little more than his favourite chair on the eastside balcony, the feeling of warm velvet on his skin again and the sight of him alone for all sense to flee Daniel. He'd outgrown the little joys of this place, he tells himself. Replaced morsels of rare contentment with true peace, clawed and scratched his way up to something resembling happiness. The big empty manor on the edge of town is no longer a respite, nor Antonin - a beacon of comfort - and yet here he is, more willing to jump the parapet than bear to sit where they once laughed together and speak to him like a stranger. Like something worse.
In the end, he has no means to prove they're anything else... not when they'd parted so bitter. His aching heart would make for poor evidence.
So he sits there, straight-backed and prim, and all but takes the words like an arrow. Eyes and fists closed, mouth thin, feeling it fly true. Maybe it would've angered him instead, back then, when Antonin was overfond of his perilous tones and imploring eyes. Part of him misses that time still. Wishes it'd been said like an order than this resigned, tired plea that lodges under his third rib and sits there like a stinger. Something quietly weeps there now.
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"...I couldn't hate you, Antonin," his voice is quiet and calm when it fights its way up at last. He can't bear looking at him, knowing he would look back. "Even when it seemed like the most reasonable thing to do."
He trains his eyes on the horizon evenly. Rests his hands in his lap and lets the admission hang in the scarse stitch of space between them. In the chasm that has opened there since. Here is the implication too: he had tried his hand at hatred. Played at it. Had yearned for the closure of that finality, the end of what they'd shared, only for it to never come. What else do you do with a dark, unsalvageable chasm than try to cut the last bridge? What do you do when it no longer looks like a chasm in the daylight?
"It would've made everything easier, I think... Hatred is such a horribly simple, uncomplicated emotion... Love is not. When it comes to you, I've only ever managed one."
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ssreeder · 1 year
OH! Hello :D
Glad to see you know who I am! I will gladly accept the name I was given! I have now been reborn to be the chaos from time to time. (:
Oh fluff! Cool! (but also some pain? 👀 I’m happy you said you couldn’t help saying that in the tag, it do be like that!)
For me, anyone who is able to write their thoughts into stories is already impressive to me! No matter the fluff or pain, it’s amazing! Though yes, only fluff and no pain whatsoever is so interesting!
-Anon Pain
(Don’t pop the pretty balloon! ;-; It just watching the sky! just watching before it strikes… 👁️)
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There i fixed it for you<3
so one thing I noticed with liab is there will always be pain. Every soft moment will have painful memories lurking around & every cute exchange will have a dark undertone because of all the horrible events of the story… & what still needs to be dealt with.
so as much fun as I have planned I also have a bunch of painful conversations that need to be discussed :/ oops.
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freezethebeez · 2 years
late night catalyst!ranboo ramblings
transcribed from his mind onto paper. takes place somewhere around ch 14/15 which doesn't make much sense now but will in a month or so <3
fully thingy below the break :]
I know you don't like me and I know you're afraid of me and my hands that hurt and my teeth that kill but can you just hold me?
Just for a bit. Just for tonight– just for right now. Maybe–
Wrap your arms around me and maybe–
Your hands tracing patterns on my back sounds lovely right now but playing with my hair works, too, I think– if that's what you want.
Don't just– don't let me go to bed alone tonight. I can't– I won't make it another night without anyone beside me, I don't think–
You can just lay beside me.
That'll work, I think.
I can listen to your heartbeat from afar; I don't need my ear pressed against your ribcage; my head doesn't need to lay on your chest.
Maybe I could hold you instead.
Maybe that would be better. Maybe. Less selfish.
And me holding you is the same as you holding me kind of so maybe it'll fill the same holes in my heart.
Do you think it could beat with yours, too, one day?
Do you think I could hold your hand and keep it warm in the winter? Do you think we'll make it to winter at all? Do you think I'll ever be able to look at you and not your neck? Do you think I'll drain you of your blood before then? Do you think–
Do I think I even love you at all?
No. No, I do. I– I think I do.
I think there's a part of me that loves you, at least. I think that very same part wants you dead, but it– it loves you a little.
I want to love you, too.
A little.
Maybe if– maybe you could just...
Could you sleep in my bed tonight?
Could I sleep in yours? Would that make it easier?
Maybe it would be– if I slept here tonight. Just here– just with my forehead pressed against your back.
Maybe I can fall in love with you here. Maybe you could turn around and kiss me goodnight.
Can you kiss me goodnight?
Would you– would you want to?
I would, I think.
Only if you asked me to.
Because I think– I think if you asked me to kiss you, I would. And I think if you– I think I would want to. I think I would. I think– I think it'd be nice and you'd be... nice. And I think you'd– I'd love you then, maybe.
Is that what love feels like?
I don't know.
I don't– friends don't– are we friends? I don't think we... are. I'm not– I don't want to– if you don't–
You can't read my thoughts, I don't think.
At least I hope you can't.
I'm sorry.
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tenspontaneite · 2 years
The problem with all this delicious sad s4 rayllum is that it's such a different flavour to s1-3 rayllum that it is quite hard to channel my enthusiasm for it into my existing fics. F
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rosaacicularis · 2 years
do you really think we're going to stop you
no… you’re not…. because all of you make them so sad….. they’re my little sillies </3 they are supposed to be happy… :(
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reizeken · 1 year
short excerpt from the end of a lebron/steph fic I'll write ig. Despite the hopeful tone they ARE NOT TOGETHER IN THE CURRENT DAY, BRON WAS LYING TO HIMSELF
"Hey, bron?"
Lebron paused his dribbling workouts and looked across the outdoor court, admiring how the oversized warriors' jersey hung over Steph's tiny body. 
"What's up?"
Steph paused, the familiar pout fixing itself on his face before he gathered a deep breath and continued.
"If we become direct competitors would you… yannow, leave me?"
Lebron sucked in a harsh breath, his entire body feeling like he ran into one of Shaq's screens, wholly unprepared for such a serious question being flung at him. It's not like LeBron didn’t think about a situation where Steph and he are rivals, where Steph is the primary obstacle to his success. Before Steph got drafted, when Steph was a sweet college kid and bron was his cool NBA boyfriend. And he knew that Steph was the same, a front-seat audience to all of Bron’s temper tantrums when he lost in a particularly heated game. But Lebron’s momma had raised him better than that, his momma told him to take good care of Steph, and he would never let down his momma. 
“I would be lying if I said I know for sure,” Lebron replied, voice breaking off minutely in odd intervals. Steph sucked in a breath at that, sharp but understanding. Lebron has thought about it, getting beaten by Steph in the finals, watching his glory, his fame getting lessened by the beautiful man who was as ruthless and competitive as the self-proclaimed king of Akron himself. But he never dwelled too long on it. As much as he wanted Steph to succeed, he wanted to be the best himself, and he was sure that Steph wouldn’t, couldn’t intervene in that way. But if he did… He would not blow up on Steph the way he did against the Mavs and the Celtics, that much he was sure of. 
“However, even if you somehow managed to beat me…” Lebron muttered, glancing at the way Steph scoffed playfully at the stressed tone Bron’s voice took at the mere thought of defeat, “I can say for sure that my feelings for you ain’t gonna change. I’mma still love you no matter what.”
Steph’s eyes went impossibly wide at that, green eyes reflecting thousands of emotions, glassy like the san Francisco bay, and bron felt his breath be taken away all over again. “How are you so sure of that Bron, how can you say that with certainty when you know what you did last time you lost?” Steph pressed again, voice growing airy with emotions, both positive and negative. Lebron grabbed Steph's forearms, not being able to remember when they moved this close to each other, all he wanted to do was press kisses into Steph's forehead and reassure him. 
“I’ll admit that, well, I don’t take kindly to losing.” Lebron replied, lips brushing against Steph who was now wrapped in his arms, “But if I lose you, I’ll lose the part of myself that acted less like a douche,” Steph let out a breathy giggle at that statement, which made Bron smile slightly as well. 
“You’re like basketball to me Steph, I can’t lose you.”
Steph’s breath hitched with disbelief, but no one could deny that he was unequivocally happy at this very moment.  It was more surprising than anything, that Lebron, you know the sore loser Lebron James himself, the competitive, hard-headed, dumbass that he loved despite all his flaws would admit his feelings out loud instead of suppressing them. The rare display of Lebron being soft in public made Steph’s heart fill up ten-fold.
“H-hey Steph, you there?” Lebron asked eyebrows raised in concern at the fact that Steph suddenly stopped moving, half-concerned at the redness of Steph’s face and that he might’ve died of asphyxiation.
“Y-you can’t just say stuff like that Bron…” Steph pouted, cheeks puffing up like a chipmunk that made Lebron stifle a laugh that threatened to escape. “How am I supposed to beat that statement…”
“You ain’t beating shit.” Lebron retorted, which earned him a playful shove. “But I mean it, I won’t let you go.”
“Wow, that’s a villain-Esque dialogue, are you trying to catch a case?”
“I meant every word, why you gotta be a bitch…” Lebron teased, grabbing Steph’s gloved hand and dragging him towards the house, smiling softly at the cute complaints that the smaller man let out at the rough treatment.
He didn’t know how successful he was in convincing Steph but he hadn’t lied at all. He was extremely sure that he would never, ever let go of Steph, no matter what. He loved Steph with everything in his heart, and he knew that would not change.
After all, his love for Steph helped him conquer everything in his path, the natural way of a conqueror, 
His love for Steph was everlasting.
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amouritus-3 · 1 year
all i’m saying is that the “boy who cried wolf” story definitely terrified remus as a child. He spent years after he became a werewolf trying to figure out what he did wrong and why he deserved this. It took him up until The Prank to realise that he wasn’t the boy in that story. He was the wolf. Snape was the boy, who knew all along but just couldn’t prove it. Until he could. And somehow, that hurt more than the years of emotional strain because it left the feeling that he couldn’t control. He would always be the monster in someone else’s story.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@mediicusvitae​ asked: { Truth Serum! Would you rather that Lamy had never chanced upon Law on that snowy island, Ikkaku? Some angst for you ♥�� }
send “ Truth Serum + [ a question ] ” , and my muse has to answer truthfully. (Still Accepting)
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"No,” she sighed, some hesitation in her voice but unable to lie. “No I don’t. Yeah, Law finding you and whisking you onto the ship did make things...complicated for me but it’s genuinely for the best that he did. He cares about you in a way a real brother should. I know his own feelings have been kinda all over the place but ultimately he’s happy to have you in his life again. It’s one less tragedy for him to endure. So no, I wouldn’t want him to have never found you. He thought you were dead, and you turned out to be alive - that’s nothing short of a miracle.”
She bit her lip, not wanting to say more but feeling compelled to. “I’d rather you hadn’t survived at all over never being found. I’d never want a world where you’re both alive but didn’t know it. Law having to live with the guilt of your ‘death’ but it not even being true is an irony I don’t want to imagine. That’s way worse than any pain your presence could have put me through.”
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koishua · 2 years
well well well look who it is again. my need to confess my deepest feelings and pain to strangers on the internet after having yet another great and lovely hour or so of crying after being unable to gather the courage to tell anyone else about the root of my nightmares and traumas 😫😫
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food-lover9000 · 19 days
HELP????? I’m getting obliterated by the supposedly “silly fan voice things”(?????) like hello??????????? I see fucking uhhhh “look at luca sajiao” (and some which seem to be that adjacent lmao) (edit: I was referencing an actual one of these vids, link here) and then the first thing I see for aesop is with is once skin where HES JUST A CHILD which jsht obliterates me with pain because WDYMMM ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
“they…they really are going to leave me like with my mother….little doll, mom left you behind [for me], can you tell me, does the world have anything that is everlasting? does it have friends that won’t disappear? family members who won’t leave? the “love” that they talk about, is it truly eternal? Or is death the eternal destination of all things? if…if that is the case…then I…. No. they’d still prefer “living” more right? After all, except for me, there are few [that are] willing to sleep in the “eternity” of death.”
Like yeah its still in line with the other of these fan-made videos as it refers to the viewer/listener specifically as the “they”/“ta” but I also just wasn’t expecting this to be the first thing I saw for him (kinda pleasant surprise) (the luca ones I saw cause too much crit damage to me, it’s unreasonably effective against me) (watch one of them I’m already incinerated bc HHHHH???????) (also saw one second of another one of these and critical damage once again so I’ll have to ration out and preplan for when to watch these so I don’t combust) (link btw, its all in cn and what I quoted above is just the entire translation of it bc I got carried away)
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