#wizard eagle
erennial · 1 year
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Wizard Wednesday #2
welcome to wizard wednesday, where i show off a piece of my humble wizard collection every wednesday! this week we have:
Official USPS Wizard Eagle
i'm not sure who decided to make this plush, but i'm certain they made it specifically for me. i've been a supporter of the usps since i was very little, when all i wanted to be was a mailperson. he's a very good eagle, i love the purple, though i wish they'd chosen to put more stars than moons on his robe.
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that-bitch-kat3 · 19 days
i just know that all the marauders were in james phone as random shit. like not the nicknames but like sirius was called "god favorite incest baby" or some shit like that
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nicosgrimoire · 3 months
Nico saw a large eagle. it was scary.
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afragmentcastadrift · 8 months
Nothing sums up the heft of dealing with adulthood, and the demands of leveling up, more than Aabria saying "do you remember when our biggest problem was like 'we gotta go figure out the goat pen'"
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arsnof · 18 hours
I seek the attention of the Wizard Council!
Why do you continue to not hype up Journey of the Sorcerer as much as it deserves?
That's it. I'm cool with the rest of it.
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oldschoolfrp · 1 year
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Baron Ludwig von Hendriks, The Black Eagle, and Bargle the Infamous, Court Wizard of the Black Eagle Barony (Stephen Fabian, The Grand Duchy of Karameikos by Aaron Allston, TSR, 1987, Gazetteer 1 for BECMI D&D's Known World)
Bargle the magic-user originally appeared along with Aleena the cleric in Frank Mentzer's 1983 Basic D&D Players Manual, in the introductory narration of how to play the game. Allston's Karameikos gazetteer says "Every campaign needs a thoroughly evil magic-user villain, and Bargle fits the bill. On adventures he prefers to wear black robes," which is consistent with Mentzer's description; "at home in the Black Eagle Barony, he dresses in gaudy robes so as to clash with the Baron, who always dresses in black." The text describes Bargle's hair and beard as brown, and he appears to be age 30, details contradicted by Fabian's portrait.
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mudinyourshoes · 5 months
More thoughts on Novoland! I'm up to ep 9 and:
-Ji Ye winning the martial arts contest was brutal to the point of being hard to watch. Not just physically, but also emotionally. He publicly shamed his dad - I don’t think that was what he was aiming for but it was the result - and in the process made his rawest emotional wounds public. (Btw I’m sure he’s going to pay for doing that to his dad. His family sucks). And then he’s abandoned. Neither his family, nor his fellow soldiers, nor the servants of the king he (theoretically) just won glory for come to help him, even though he’s bleeding and staggering. The people in the stadium don’t cheer his victory; none of them help him either. Only Asule and Yu Ran cheer and only they follow and help him. He’s met Asule and Yu Ran two or three times! Their friendship and their kindness seem to me like pricks of light in an otherwise bleakly dark landscape.
-Yu Ran has a crush on Ji Ye. She could not stop looking at him. Asule definitely noticed her looking and I wonder if he’s clocked the crush or if he’s too young to understand.
-I do not ship Yu Ran and Asule. I’m surprised by this because I expected to ship them and to be heartbroken on Asules’ behalf, but no. I really like them as friends. They should be bff’s but I can see potential and room for romantic growth in Yu Ran and Ji Ye’s relationship and I don’t see it with Yu Ran and Asule. I feel like Asule needs someone who can match him in the “still waters run deep” department.
-The bit where Ji Ye is told that a spear is not like a sword because it can be drawn back but not sheathed?! Ominous, especially when taken with the advice that Asule was given in the first episodes - that the real sheath for his sword was his heart. Yikes for Ji Ye?
-The contrast between the king debating his advisors and ordering, like, 12 people around while trying to control the outcome of the contest and IMMEDIATELY losing control of it vs. Asule quietly interfering twice (once when he stops Ji Ye’s peers from beating him up and once when he orders his sworn brother to lose the fight) and controlling the outcome of the contest without anyone knowing. Also the king was fixated on the outcome of the contest (ie. short term gains) while Asule, in addition to trying to repay a kindness, was thinking about long term relationships and fostering the growth of Ji Ye’s potential.
-The entire display of Asule’s nascent puppeteering abilities makes me rabid at the thought of him being a king one day. No idea if it’ll ever happen, but if it does I will be frothing at the mouth.
-Asule’s confrontation with his uncle - where he does not reveal the orders he gave about the contest, but instead confronts his uncle about “kin slaying”. This. Omg. This is not a conversation about Asule’s sworn brother. This is Asule calling out his uncle for killing Asule’s adopted dad and also - I think - pointing out that if anyone has the right to be kin slaying it’s ASULE. Because I’m pretty sure, based on was he’s said about vengeance killing, that Asule would be within his rights to kill his uncle in vengeance for his dad. Omg wtf. THIS SHOW.
-I ship the soft spoken, peace loving general and the wise but terrifying Lady Su. The minute I realized they had some kind of star crossed lovers thing going on, I became convinced one or both of them were going to end up dead. Now I’m waiting for it the tragedy to unfold.
-Asule has precognition in his dream sometimes?
-Lady Su’s asshole son seems to think he’s about to have more power than the king. So…he’s planning on killing the king? Or doing something related to the Bare Teeth or the Heavenly Samurai that he thinks will give him more power than the king? I hope someone unleashes hell on him. Not even being Lady Su’s son can save him from my ire. Honestly, I’m kind of startled she’s that attached to him because thus far he has zero redeeming qualities and she doesn’t seem like a “love is blind” type.
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eaglewind13 · 2 years
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Happy birthday to my beautiful wife @casual-necromancer!!! I hope you enjoy this piece. <3
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Gwaihir the Windlord by Axel Sauerwald
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13eastman · 1 year
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Wisard The character was adopted by Kurrikage
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spowlaer · 8 months
I got a portable CD player recently because I bought 2 CDs on a whim. so I have been listening to them on loop constantly. it's been interesting. im living in hour -long (ish) patterns. they're become how I tell time.
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5ecardaday · 2 years
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September Challenge– Days 9 & 10
More stuff inspired by Norse mythology (although it’s more Kaldheim also). I know that eagles summoned by a horn doesn’t actually appear in Norse mythology (we all know what story it is from) but something about the idea for the Horn of the Eagles just felt right.
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captainkingsley · 2 years
Just thinking about how Molly only got to see his friends be as powerful as they are through the back of Lucien's mind, and now Kingsley gets to travel alongside all of them and experience it all firsthand
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stabby-apologist · 7 months
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spyridonya · 1 year
Send a 🥖 to throw a baguette at my muse.
Kadira, despite her chosen attire of a full under dress and kirtle, moves fast on her hooves.
The dense bread buzzes by the wizard's head and lands a short distance behind her. The tiefling turns, curls whipping about her features, and her heavy brows furrow.
"Commander," She says curtly, "While I'm relieved I didn't disappoint anyone enough to throw hard tack at me, I am deeply concerned about having Galtan food being in the vicinity."
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Thranduil and Josie Part 103- Fire and Smoke
Summary: A new day arises but the nightmare is far from over. The hunt is on for Raven as one last battle ensues. The readers finally learn the truth about Thranduil.
*Language, angst, violence.
Twilight was ending and the golden hour was slowly making it's way over the horizon. The great eagles were heard and seen in the distance over the mountains gliding through the crisp morning air n a flight path for Chateau de Lioncourt. There must have been a dozen of them and the leader of the mammoth aves was carrying none other than Gandalf.
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The beautiful raptor gracefully landed on a high mountain perch for the great wizard to dismount and then he made his way down the side on a narrow carved stair case.
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The giant golden eagles soared away and circled above the conflagration as Gandalf approached you, Legolas, Aragorn, Haldir, Julian and Garrett. The King of Gondor and the Prince of Mirkwood ran to greet him while Legolas gave a watchful glance back at you.
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The goblin King was on a sinister streak setting the entire castle ablaze and Selene, Michael, the vampires and wolves were fighting off the remaining orcs, wargs and wendigos as were Narcisse and both the Lothlorien and Dorwinion guard. It was a blazing battlefield and you needed to find Raven who had scurried off into the forest when Jareth made his debut as a balrog. You didn't have time to wait on Legolas and Aragorn to see why Gandalf had came and now seemed like the most opportune moment to trek across the grounds to the forest while all the monsters were distracted.
You sprinted off without saying a word. All you could think about was Thranduil and where his beautiful body had vanished to right before his son's eyes. Legolas had been through so much in the 8 months you had known him. A failed marriage to Tauriel, a complicated relationship with Thranduil, his feelings for you that he didn't know how to deal with and now his father's death and witnessing him just disappear into thin air. The Prince was consumed with anger, rage, guilt and sadness which were all ingredients to a ticking time bomb and he wasn't thinking rationally or clearly which could get him hurt or even killed. You were bound and determined to get the answers you and Legolas so desperately needed and get the King back to take him home.
"Jo!!!" Haldir shouted and bolted off after you as did Garrett and Julian.
The vampire surpassed the marchwarden and warlock faster than the speed of light and locked his arms around you just before you entered the darkened forest.
"Josephine, what the hell are you doing going off alone!"
"Let go of me Garrett! I am not alone. I knew you all would come. I need to find Raven, like yesterday!" He lightened his grip and you ripped free from his arms, beginning to sob.
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"All of it...Thranduil first and foremost, and Legolas...he hates me now...and.."
Haldir and Julian came running up as did Aragorn and also Legolas, who had heard what you said.
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The sad blue eyed elf wanted to reassure you that was not true and to comfort you but Garrett took you in his arms before Legolas could speak, which infuriated him beyond measure and the bomb exploded.
Legolas pulled his bow on Garrett. "Do not think I will not kill you filth. It would be my pleasure."
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"Legolas what are you doing!??" you shrieked.
"What I should have done long ago. My father despised you and with good reason and now I shall avenge him." The Prince snarled with a death glare at Garrett.
"Alright. Well...go ahead then." you quirked. Garrett's head whipped to you with large disbelieving eyes. "If it'll make you feel better....but I will just save him afterwards."
"You would." Legolas snapped in a derisive tone without removing his eyes off the target.
"Uh...Josephine....it still stings like hell...I do feel pain ya know." Garrett whispered in shock.
"The only thing you feel is my father's wife every chance you get! I know what I would feel too....pretty good to stick this in your heart."
Garrett was done with the games and walked right up to Legolas, pushing his sternum against the subulate arrow. "Oooh, says the elven hypocrite who secretly pines for her and has for months now. Do tell everyone Leggy....about how you are in love with your father's wife and that jealousy is the real reason for this tantrum. Then go ahead sprite....Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
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"Stop it!!!! Garrett leave him alone!!" you shouted.
Garrett stared at you in bewilderment. "Me???? I believe he's the one aiming a poisoned arrow at my heart. I back down from no one unless I do not have a choice. I choose to defend myself since you will not. In fact, I was just getting started." He opened his hand, flaunting a palm full of dancing flames. "Since you like to play with fire, I hope you can take the heat elfling."
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"We don't have fucking time for this!! Have you all forgotten what we're doing here?? Haldir?? Do something before I slap them both with some rage filled magic." you bitterly reeled. Garrett resentfully closed his hand, suffocating the flames and leered at Legolas.
"Yes my Lady. Legolas. Lower your weapon. That is an order." Haldir instructed.
The only thing that moved on Legolas were his eyes as they snapped to Haldir and then back at Garrett. "You order nothing to the Prince of Mirkwood, Marchwarden of Lorien."
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"I am your Guardian, appointed by King Thranduil himself and he is not here to handle the situation. I command you to lower....your....weapon."
Legolas' lips curled, his nose flared and his brows knitted together before reluctantly disarming his bow. He spun to Haldir. "And if he were, he would be the first to spear the filth. You may be my guardian, but you do not command my heart." The Prince was scorned and stormed off.
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Just as you went to chase after him, an atrocious roar came from Jareth's fiery form in the distance, stopping the Prince in his tracks. There stood Gandalf braving the heat all alone at the foot of the fire breathing devil.
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The great wizard's staff lit up like a diamond as he slammed it to the ground in front of the giant goblin king. "Be gone Jareth, son of the jezebel Jadis!" Gandalf raged.
Blinding luminous rays of white light filled the field and burst through the trees into the forest where you all stood.
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Not a one of you could see a thing of what was happening but you could all hear a bellowing growl....and then it all went dead silent and still.
Out of the light emerged the white wizard who looked like an angel with his platinum strands and eyes of blue. For a split second, you thought it was Thranduil.
"Jareth is gone.....for now. My light has injured him and he despises the natural light of day....But the threat is still alive as many of his minions still lurk in the darkness of the forest. You must go now if you want to apprehend the girl before she gets to the portal."
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"Portal?" you asked in confusion.
"A doorway Jareth created to take them off this mountain in mere seconds. Like time travel but only in the present. Everything is time to the goblin king. They will be back in Goblin Town in the blink of an eye."
"But that's so far away, close to the high pass beneath the Misty Mountains....my god...how are we going to find her?? This mountain is endless....she's probably gone already while we all stood here squandering!" you griped as you glowered at Legolas and Garrett.
Selene, Michael, and Narcisse were standing off to the side. "No....she will wait for her king...and I...I will be able to smell her trail." Michael's eyes were black as he sniffed the air, then returned to ocean blue as he picked up her scent. "Fireball....off all the things to smell like....man I could really use multiple shots of that right now."
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"That way." He and Selene dashed off into the woods, disappearing into the darkness. The hours of dawn did not emit enough light through the congestion of trees and it was so cold, your teeth chattered. You had inherited many of the elven senses and capabilities from Thranduil's magic but being immune to the cold was not one of them. Snow still lingered in patches throughout the mountain top and the earlier rain had frozen, making a lot of the area a skating rink.
Garrett zipped off after them. You could tell he was extremely hurt that you defended Legolas, because you caught a glimpse of his eyes. They were yellow. A color you determined to be of emotional or physical pain as you had seen it on him once before...the night he told you of his past. Of course, if Legolas had shot Garrett, you would have saved him like you said, but to the vampire, that didn't matter. This was the first time he had left your side.
Legolas was in deep emotional pain and you had to protect him....for Thranduil....for you...because you did love the Prince. In your eyes, Garrett had went too far and the things he said about Legolas were unnecessary and humiliating even if they were true but Garrett was being selfish in the heat of the moment.
Legolas, Aragorn and Gandalf followed the path of Selene and Michael, leaving you with Narcisse and Julian. Haldir stood conversing with his brothers Rumil and Orophin who had just arrived, to fill them in. They did not speak nor understand languages outside of the Lorien realm like Haldir did as he traveled extensively. A few general phrases were all you've ever heard them both verbalize.
You leaned on a tree, then slid to the ground and just stared up at the glimmers of light peeking down through the tree tops. Everything felt so hopeless.
"Hey..." A soft and tender voice came from beside you. "Are you ok?" Narcisse asked with genuine concern as he knelt down and placed his hand on your shoulder.
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His kindness and compassion caused you to break down into your hands. Stephane's hand glided up and he laid it gently over your hair on the side of your face.
"Hey there princess. My shoulder is free if you need it and I have a handkerchief as well."
Your hands slid from your face and you just gazed up at him. His sapphire eyes glistened and were full of sincerity that matched his warmhearted smile. How did this man go from an egotistical prick that annoyed every ounce of your being when you first met him a week ago to this caring, understanding, benevolent soul before you now? Your intuition validated that you could trust him and you threw yourself against his chest, wrapping your arms around his back. Narcisse lightly gasped and peered up at his great friend Julian. He certainly didn't expect you to do that. You didn't either but you desperately needed to be held. His scent was invigorating and you couldn't place what it was at that moment. Stephane placed his chin on top of your head and his hands flat on your back while you cried.
"Thr...Thran...Thranduil...I need...I...I nee..I need him." Your stutters were muffled as your face was buried between your shoulder and Stephane's armpit. His hand then came up and cradled the back of your head.
"I told you I would help you find him and I am a man of my word. Come now, we need to catch up to the others." He graciously spoke and stood up while extending his hand down to you, giving you the handkerchief and offering his other hand to help you up. You quickly wiped your saturated eyes and then took his hand. Your hands lit up with a magnetic blue light this time instead of you both being knocked on your asses from an electric shock like the first time your hands touched. You gasped and pulled your hand from his.
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"What the hell was that?" you whispered.
Narcisse glanced at Julian. His expression told you he knew as it was of anticipation.
"It I only merely the touch of a witch and a warlock my child. Nothing to be concerned with." Julian explained. "We should go now. Haldir awaits with his brothers."
You turned to see all three of them gawking at the three of you. It was a simple diagnosis for you that Haldir was far from pleased at your interaction with Narcisse and didn't trust him to keep you safe which is why he stayed behind. The Lorien elf whipped around and left when you locked eyes with him which was your sign to get moving. He and Legolas cared nothing for the warlock as they had all butted heads back in Dorwinion and the two elves certainly wouldn't forget it nor the fact that Thranduil loathed the arrogant male witch and vice versa. Two powerful top dogs, both with ego's the size of the Rhun sea, were bound to clash and boy did they ever from the stories you had heard.
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You grunted and ran off after the platinum trio with Julian and Stephane right behind you.
You caught up to Haldir, took his hand and laced your fingers through his as you both walked. "Hey....thank you for helping with Legolas back there. He is becoming unhinged and its going to get himself in a world of hurt."
Haldir reached over and took ahold of your other hand, brought it up to your other one and cupped them inside both of his. "Jo...you are freezing. This is not good for you. You almost froze to death last week or have you forgotten? I sure have not. Please, take my cloak at least. You know I can bare the cold."
"I am alright but thank you. The adrenaline in me is working just fine."
Narcisse came up and began walking on the other side of you, totally pissing Haldir off. "You know, Josephine...that fire inside of you is there for a reason. You have the power to warm your body."
"I was actually about to tell her that until you rudely interrupted." Haldir sarcastically stated with a scowl upon his face.
"Is that why you offered her a mere rag for warmth instead?" Stephane retorted.
"Narcisse! Stop it. Haldir was kind enough to offer it to me. It is of thin material because it is not worn for warmth!" you riposted.
Haldir smirked in victory at the warlock a little too soon. "And you! You stop it too Haldir. Narcisse came here, risking his people and himself to help us when he didn't have to. You don't have to like him and he don't have to like you but can we all just put that aside for now and help me find my husband!!!!" You leered back and forth at the two shocked men as you breathed like a mad bull.
"Apologies my Lady." Narcisse responded with a bow and a sincere soft smile.
Haldir hesitated with pursed lips and then gave in for your benefit. "You are right Jo. I offer you my apology." The acerbity in his voice did not go unnoticed by you but you knew his words to you were genuine.
Just as you all turned to leave, Aragorn appeared from a clearing. "Orcs and wargs are coming!!!"
Your heart dropped as you froze in panic. Jareth had finally sent in the orcs he reigned over in the Misty Mountains. They must have come through the portal Gandalf mentioned.
"I've got you!" Stephane said from behind you as his arms enfolded around your waist. A strong gasp escaped your lips as your feet were lifted from the ground. Up you went, high into a tree with Narcisse who made sure you were secured on a sturdy branch strong enough to hold the two of you. Now you knew he could fly too which wasn't surprising since he was a warlock like Julian who also could fly. When Haldir and Julian knew you were safe, they both took off to assist the others. Then....here they came from a hilltop in a frenzy. At least a two dozen wargs, probably more... some with orcs riding them.
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You had complete faith in your company as all were extremely skilled in battle, but you were horribly worried for Legolas in his state of mind and wanted to go help with your magic....shield him in the very least.
"Narcisse, please. Take me back down. I have to protect Legolas! He needs me right now no matter how upset he is with me. I cannot just stand up here and watch!!!"
"There's no way I am placing you down there. You are an easy target and I do not mean that disrespectfully. Josephine, you are with child. You're a dessert to them with a sweet cherry center. Haldir will guard Legolas, so will the others....I....will go help him if that will make you feel better but you must keep hold of the branch and don't move around."
There Narcisse was, shocking you again with his selflessness. His dicey past with Thranduil was no secret but he still vowed to help you find him, and now he was willing to help protect the Prince whom he also did not care for. The others would in deed do their best to protect Legolas, possibly even Garrett but they all couldn't solely focus on him with the exceedingly vast hoard of filth coming at them from every angle.
"Really? You...you would do that?"
"For you, princess...I will."
With that said, he stepped off the branch and gracefully glided to the forest bed. Narcisse unsheathed his sword and bee-lined for the Prince. All you could do was helplessly watch through the branches. You were clinging on so tight, your knuckles were white and your feet trembled on the narrow but firm limb. Selene and Garrett were grabbing the snarling canines from behind and crushing them. Haldir and Legolas were piercing them with arrows left and right. Julian was zapping them with fire like laser beams. Michael was missing. You assumed his wolf nose was hot on the trail of Raven. Gandalf was up in another tree. Aragorn was slicing heads off both the wargs and the orcs with his mighty sword....in which you closed your eyes and pictured Thranduil with his twin swords, spinning like a cyclone, taking out each and every one of them that came at him, like a hot knife through butter.
From the corner of your eye, you could see the glowing orange of the fortress fire. At that height, it was all visible as you turned your head to view the blazing furnace.
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The castle was engulfed. Thick blackish gray smoke filled the air, turning the dawn sky to dusk. It burnt your eyes and throat as it blew in your direction. Lestat, Marius, Armand and Maharet were all there with other vampires trying to save the chateau. Marius was flying around using his water powers to snuff out the flames, but he was the only one with the magic of H20 and it just wasn't enough to save the mountaintop manor. Lestat was demonstrating powers of his own that you didn't know he possessed. A black continuous cloud of a smoke like appearance flowed from his hands into the inferno. It seemed to be like a powder when it hit the flames, suffocating them. But even with Lestat's combined efforts to Marius', it was useless. The blaze was too large and spreading too fast. Narcisse had the power of water too, but you weren't about to deter him form protecting the Prince of Mirkwood. Legolas' life meant more to you than some stone building. You were now well aware of all the powers you held, but not a one of them could help the vampire save his home either.
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Lestat's sorrowful eyes could be seen as he picked up and cuddled his beloved brat cat Louie in his arms and just watched Jareth's destruction burn his home to the ground....he was beyond devastated.
Suddenly, the wargs that were left all retreated and stood behind the biggest Orc you had ever witnessed riding atop an even larger warg and of a different color....white. And then the hideous bat like beast spoke.... to none other than...Legolas.
"Well well well, if it isn't the putrid Prince of the Woodland realm." it snarled through it's jacked up razor sharp teeth.
Legolas glowered and grimaced at the bald ivory ogre as he held his arrow aimed between it's eyes. "Azog. We meet again."
Azog smelled the air, then spoke in Orkish as his ice blue eyes scoured the mixed breeds behind the blonde elf.
"Do you smell it? The scent of fear? I remember your father reeked of it."
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"And from what I've heard, he sure is going to be reeking now." the pale orc taunted.
His insensitive insult set Legolas off which is exactly what Azog wanted. You knew what was going to happen before you could even take your next breath. Legolas fired his arrow but the ghoulish creature thwarted the strike with his enormous mace and then belted out a roaring laugh.
"Young Thranduil, you are no match for me." Azog provoked.
"Is that so? How about I take off your remaining arm to match what my father did to your other?" Legolas snarked and unleashed his sword. Then you saw it, the orc's missing forearm that was now replaced with an iron claw.
"I dare you to try elfling."
Legolas accepted the challenge and advanced towards him. You tried to shield him but it wouldn't reach that far.
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You began to hyperventilate as you saw Narcisse shadowing the Prince along with Haldir. The orc pointed at Legolas with his mace and then raised it over his head giving the order to attack.
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Azog went straight for him as the orcs and wargs charged the others. "Legolas!!!!!" you helplessly screamed. It happened so fast. The giant orc swung his mace down as Narcisse yanked Legolas back, leaving the massive weapon to strike Stephane in the shoulder which in turn knocked him and Legolas both to the ground.
"Noooooooooo!!!" you shrieked and had to do something. You worked your way down through the branches to a better view and then did what you had to do. Sent fire bombs down at the enemies and lit the forest up like wildfire. The wargs all scattered as Azog raged.
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A marvelous sound was then heard. The great golden eagles returned and wreaked havoc on the evil adversaries. The raptors dive bombed them and swooped them up with their colossal talons, then dropped them over the cliff.
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Azog had no choice but to accept defeat as he sat with fury consuming his face. You had crawled down from the tree and stood directly in his line of sight. The way he death glared you sent a message loud and clear. He would be back with a vengeance. The orc then turned and disappeared into the forest.
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Meanwhile....in another realm far far away....laid the sleeping Elvenking......
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Updated Masterlist
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