#womens at home workout routines
freeonlineworkouts · 3 months
12 Full-Body Workout Routine at Home
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stayhealthyweekly · 2 years
10 Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning...
Things You Should Have to Begin Your Zumba Exercise For anyone who is seeking a workout which is fairly comparable to dancing at a club rather than your boring fitness routine, then go may want to take a look at Zumba exercise. Zumba brings together health, fitness and fun, making use of nearly every muscle […] 10 Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning — Next Weight Loss
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thepanvelite · 3 months
Effective Home Exercises for Women: A Complete Guide
Home exercises for women: Squats, push-ups, lunges, planks, and more. Strengthen and empower with no equipment needed.
In the comfort of your home, you can embark on a fitness regimen that fits into your schedule and suits your personal goals. Home exercises offer a convenient and cost-effective way to stay in shape without the need for a gym membership. Here’s a guide to some effective exercises that you can incorporate into your daily routine. Home Exercises for Women Squats: Stand with feet shoulder-width…
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fitnesflag · 5 months
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gymft1 · 1 year
Dumbbell leg workout Dumbbell leg exercises at home and in the gym for men and women
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linetrends · 1 year
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Integrate these push day workouts into your weekly exercise routine to effectively strengthen and tone your upper body, specifically targeting your chest, shoulders, and triceps. If you’ve been experiencing a decline in upper body strength, ensure that you regularly incorporate push and pull day workouts. Below, you’ll find our preferred at-home push workouts
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
Body Exercise For Women at Home || Yoga Pilates Reduce Body Fat #short #...
Why Body exercise for women at home is important: 
Body exercise for women at home is important for a number of reasons. It can help to improve physical fitness, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve mood and sleep, and boost self-esteem. Additionally, home workouts can be convenient and affordable, and they can be tailored to your individual needs and goals.
Here are some of the specific benefits of body exercise for women at home:
Improved physical fitness. Regular exercise can help to improve cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility. This can lead to a number of benefits, such as increased energy levels, better balance, and reduced pain.
Reduced risk of chronic diseases. Exercise can help to lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels. This can help to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some types of cancer.
Improved mood and sleep. Exercise can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also improve sleep quality.
Boosted self-esteem. Exercise can help to improve body image and self-confidence. This can be especially beneficial for women who have experienced weight gain, childbirth, or other life changes that have affected their body image.
If you're looking for a way to improve your health and well-being, body exercise for women at home is a great option. There are many different exercises you can do, so you can find something that fits your fitness level and interests. And with the right motivation and planning, you can make home workouts a regular part of your routine.
Here are some tips for getting started with body exercise at home:
Set realistic goals. Don't try to do too much too soon. Start with a few simple exercises and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you get fitter.
Find an exercise routine that you enjoy. There are many different types of body exercises, so find one that you find fun and challenging. This will make it more likely that you'll stick with your workout routine.
Make time for exercise. Schedule your workouts in advance and make them a priority. This will help you to stay on track and avoid making excuses.
Find a workout buddy. Working out with a friend or family member can help you to stay motivated and accountable.
Reward yourself. When you reach a fitness goal, reward yourself with something you enjoy. This will help you to stay motivated and on track.
With a little planning and effort, you can easily incorporate body exercise into your daily routine. And the benefits of regular exercise are well worth the effort.
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fitnfemme · 1 year
Creating a Home Workout Routine: Tips for Women
Get fit and stay healthy with these tips for creating a home workout routine! #fitness #womensfitness #homeworkout
Are you looking to create a home workout routine but don’t know where to start? Women’s fitness is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and having a home workout routine can help you stay on track. Here are some tips to help you create a home workout routine that works for you. 1. Set realistic goals. Before you start your home workout routine, it’s important to set realistic goals. Think…
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transform4u · 3 months
Born Proud on the 4th of July-500 Follower Story
Milo Higgins stood tall and broad-shouldered in his backyard, a picture of American pride and muscle. His olive-drab t-shirt strained against his chest, showcasing his rugged physique honed by years of military training. The yard was a sea of American flags fluttering in the summer breeze, interspersed with military memorabilia and a meticulously maintained home gym in one corner.
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As the football game blared from the outdoor television, Milo hollered over his shoulder, "Suzie, bring me another beer and some wings!" His voice carried a gruff authority, a remnant of his military command style. He believed in traditional roles, firmly believing women belonged in the kitchen and that his word was law in his domain.
His routine was disciplined and intense. He woke at dawn for his military-style workouts: push-ups, pull-ups, and weights, all executed with a grim determination. His evenings were spent watching football, wrestling, and Fox News, occasionally barking orders to Suzie or grumbling about politics.
Today was special—a Fourth of July party for his military buddies and their families. The guests began to arrive, a mix of fellow servicemen and their children. Among them was Julio, Suzie's best gay friend and Milo's least favorite person on Earth. Julio, always impeccably dressed and effortlessly charming, greeted Suzie with a warm hug.
"Hey Suzie, you look amazing!" Julio said with a wide smile.
"Thanks, Julio! So glad you could make it," Suzie replied warmly. She turned to Milo, gesturing towards Julio. "Milo, this is Julio."
Milo glanced at Julio with thinly veiled disdain before muttering, "Hey," and quickly walking away towards the grill where he flipped a few burgers with unnecessary force.
Julio followed him, undeterred by Milo's cold reception. "Hey, Milo, happy Fourth! Thanks for having me over."
Milo grunted in response, not making eye contact as he adjusted the heat on the grill.
Julio persisted, maintaining his congenial demeanor. "You know, Suzie talks so highly of you. It's great to finally meet you."
Milo turned abruptly, fixing Julio with a steely glare. "Listen, Julio. I don't need you putting ideas in Suzie's head, you hear me? She's my wife, and what she thinks ain't your concern."
Julio raised his hands placatingly. "Hey, man, I'm just here to celebrate, like everyone else. No worries."
Milo's jaw clenched, his dislike for Julio simmering just below the surface. "Just watch yourself," he warned, before turning back to the grill, effectively ending the conversation.
Julio's face fell as Milo launched into a tirade, his words stinging like a slap. "Listen here, you little punk. I don't care what you think about me or my wife. Just keep your filthy mouth shut and stay away from her. You're nothing but a damn faggot, Julio! And your woke politics can go straight to hell. This country was built on traditional values, not your queer ideals. And don't even get me started on how much of a hypocrite you are. You come into our home acting like some kind of saint when really you just want to corrupt my wife with your perverted lifestyle."
He couldn't believe the man was so narrow-minded and hateful. Suzie had always spoken highly of him, but it seemed she was married to someone who couldn't accept the truth about people or their relationships.
As Julio tried to gather his thoughts, he glanced over at Suzie, hoping for some sort of support or understanding from her. But she just looked uncomfortable and embarrassed by her husband's outburst. It hurt Julio to see her like that; he knew how much she loved Milo despite his flaws.
Taking a deep breath, Julio decided it was time for action. He wouldn't let Milo get away with this kind of behavior without consequence—not if it meant hurting Suzie in the process.
Julio sighed inwardly but plastered on a smile as he rejoined Suzie and their friends, determined not to let Milo's hostility ruin the festive atmosphere.
Neither Milo nor Suzie knew that Julio practiced brujería, a tradition steeped in mysticism and rituals. Julio, despite his charming exterior, had a deep knowledge of spells and hexes passed down through generations of his family in Mexico. Among his abilities was the art of cursing objects, infusing them with intentions and consequences.
As the Fourth of July party continued, Julio spotted Milo at the grill, his usual stern expression etched on his face.
Julio, frustrated with Milo's dismissive attitude and simmering hostility towards him, decided to take matters into his own hands. He knew he had the power to influence outcomes through brujería, and with a mix of irritation and determination, he focused his energy on the bottle of beer in his hand. Under his breath, Julio muttered an incantation, his eyes briefly glowing with a faint, otherworldly light:
"Por los poderes de la luna y el fuego, Transformo esta cerveza en un maleficio. Que el odio y el desprecio de este hombre hacia los gays, Se vuelva en su contra como una maldición.
Con cada sorbo de esta bebida, Su masculinidad tóxica se desvanece. Se transformará en lo que más desprecia, Un estereotipo gay que lo abochornará."
With a subtle wave of his hand, Julio completed the enchantment and then approached Milo, offering the beer with an inscrutable smile.
"Hey, Milo," Julio greeted with a disarming smile, holding out the beer. "I brought this from my hometown in Mexico. It's one of the best beers you'll ever taste."
Milo looked at the bottle skeptically. "I don't know, Julio. I'm not really into Mexican beers. Today's about celebrating America, you know?"
Julio's eyes glinted momentarily as he maintained his pleasant demeanor. "Come on, just try it. It's a gesture of peace between us."
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Milo hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "Alright, fine. But just this once." He took the bottle from Julio's hand and popped the cap, taking a long swig.
As the cold beer flowed down his throat, Milo felt a strange sensation. He coughed suddenly, suds spilling over his lips and onto his shirt. Julio watched closely, concealing a small smile as he subtly chanted under his breath:
Milo wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, unaware of the subtle changes beginning to take place within him. A warmth spread through his chest, and an inexplicable feeling of lightness replaced his usual heaviness.
"What did you put in this beer, Julio?" Milo asked gruffly, his voice sounding slightly different, softer.
Julio chuckled lightly. "Just some magic from my homeland. Enjoy it."
Milo frowned, feeling strangely vulnerable yet oddly at ease. He glanced down at his beer-stained shirt and then back at Julio, who was still smiling warmly. The party continued around them, unaware of the subtle transformation unfolding within Milo Higgins, the patriotic soldier who suddenly found himself questioning the very ideals he had staunchly upheld.
Milo Higgins felt an intense heat surge through his body, as if an internal inferno had been ignited. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced—his muscles, once rippling and defined, now pulsed and trembled. His biceps, which had strained against his olive t-shirt, began to shrink, losing their mass and definition. His abs, once a symbol of his strength, softened and became less pronounced. Even his pecs, once proud and prominent, faded away under his shirt. His legs, accustomed to carrying his imposing frame, lost their bulk and power.
Panic gripped Milo as he felt himself getting weaker and weaker. He looked down at his hands, which seemed smaller and more delicate. He felt a strange sensation of shrinking, inch by inch. At 6'3", he had always towered over others with a commanding presence. Now, as he shrunk, inch by inch, fear washed over him. At 5'4", he looked around in horror at the people around him, who suddenly seemed taller and more imposing.
The beer can slipped from his weakening grip, clattering to the ground. Milo stumbled towards Julio, his voice trembling with fear and confusion. "Wha… what did you do to me, you freak?" His Adam's apple shrank, and his voice emerged with a distinct effeminate lisp, each syllable peppered with uncertainty. "Wha's wrong with my voice?"
Julio met Milo's panicked gaze with a coy, sinister smile. "Oh, nothin' Miley," he replied casually, drawing out Milo's new name with deliberate playfulness. "Just thought you needed a taste of your own medicine."
Milo's hands shook as he touched his softer, smaller features, a mixture of disbelief and horror etched across his face. His mind raced with questions and fears about what had happened to him. The once imposing soldier now stood before Julio, diminished and vulnerable, his identity and masculinity in flux.
Milo screamed, "No, no, no! You have to thtop thith! Where are my muthtcles? What'th happening to me?"
Julio smiled maliciously. "Hush now, little guy. You won't have to worry much longer. The mental changes will soon make you exactly what you hate—exactly what you made fun of in the past. Now, I'm not sure what exactly you'll become. Your own mind will take you down that row. But it seems like you think---or thought, that all gay men are whiny, short effeminate little twinks. How fun" But the time you're doing you'll be---" He leaned in close and whispered menacingly, "The perfect gay."
Milo tried desperately to resist but couldn't shake the feeling that his own mind was taking him down a path he never wanted to go on. The changes were becoming more apparent, he realized that Julio had been right all along—he was becoming everything he had once despised.
As Milo Higgins stood there, his mind began to undergo an even more profound change. It was as if a bright light bulb in his head, not that it was ever very bright to begin with, was gradually dimming. The thoughts and memories that once defined him—anger, resentment, and a rigid adherence to stereotypes—started to shift and rearrange themselves.
Milo's face contorted in confusion and fear as Julio spoke. "Twinks? What the hell are you talking about?"
"You know, Milo. The young, slender gay men who act very feminine and are often seen as objects of desire by older men." Julio grinned maliciously. "It seems like your own mind is going to turn you into the very thing you despise most."
Milo stared at Julio in horror, his body trembling with fear and uncertainty. He couldn't believe what was happening to him—or that he was even considering becoming something he had always despised so much.
Gone were the memories of military service, where he had prided himself on his strength and loyalty to his country. The camaraderie of college football days faded into the background, replaced by new memories and experiences that began to flood his consciousness.
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Instead, Milo found himself recalling moments of activism and protest, standing up against unjust wars and marching alongside women and LGBTQ+ communities for their rights. He remembered the exhilaration of going to school for art, where creativity and expression took precedence over conformity. Acting in community theater brought him a sense of fulfillment he had never felt before, a stage where he could explore different identities and emotions.
Singing show tunes with his bestie Suzie and Julio replaced nights out with his former buddies, where they would rate women and boast about conquests. Drag race, musical theatre,
As Milo's mind rewired itself, he began to feel a newfound openness and acceptance. The rigid boundaries of his previous beliefs dissolved, replaced by a curiosity and empathy for others. He felt a stirring of attraction towards Julio, mixed with admiration for the confidence and courage it took to confront him.
As Milo's mind rewired itself, he began to feel a newfound openness and acceptance. The rigid boundaries of his previous beliefs dissolved, replaced by a curiosity and empathy for others. He felt a stirring of attraction towards Julio, mixed with admiration for the confidence and courage it took to confront him.
Milo's head spun as he noticed all the men around him—their muscles straining against their shirts, sweat glistening off their hot bodies. His straight self seemed to dissolve before his eyes; women suddenly seemed icky and gross compared to these strong, virile men. A lust built up within him as an emptiness crept throughout his big bubble butt—he needed to be filled by one of these sexy straight men!
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The straight men around them began teasing Milo playfully now that they realized how turned on he was by them. They called him names like "sissy" and "faggot," laughing with Julio as they watched Milo blush in embarrassment. But the embarrassment only seemed to turn Milo on further; his dick started to get hard, leaking precum as he watched the muscular military men flirt with him shamelessly.
Julio quickly grabbed Milo's hand. Julio's touch on Milo's hand was electric, sending a jolt through Milo's body as he blinked in confusion. Suddenly, they were no longer in Milo's familiar Patriotic Pad of the Patriarchy. The surroundings shifted around them, and Milo's eyes widened in disbelief as American flags morphed into rainbow flags that fluttered proudly in the air.
They found themselves in the midst of a bustling gay nightclub, pulsating with vibrant music and colorful lights. Milo stood there, momentarily stunned, as the atmosphere enveloped him. The air was alive with laughter, dancing bodies, and an undeniable sense of freedom.
For a moment, Milo's thoughts flickered to Suzie, his blonde wife, and the plans they had for the Fourth of July party. But those thoughts quickly dissolved amidst the energy of the nightclub. He felt a surge of excitement and liberation that he had never experienced before.
As Milo looked around, he noticed people of all shapes, sizes, and genders embracing who they were without fear or shame. He saw barely dressed twunks with their abs on display; cute twinks flirting shamelessly with muscle bears; daddies in leather trying to score with hot muscular men in jockstraps. A lust burned within him—a horniness that couldn't be contained any longer. He always thought gay men were just horny sexual deviants looking for sex at every turn...and that's exactly what he was becoming.
He started to move with the music, his body swaying instinctively to the beat. A smile tugged at his lips as he let go of inhibitions he never knew he had. His movements became fluid, graceful, and filled with a newfound confidence.
Milo's demeanor shifted dramatically. He felt a surge of expressiveness and flamboyance bubbling up from within. His voice, once gruff and commanding, softened into a melodious lilt as he engaged in conversations filled with laughter and camaraderie.
Gone was the rigid masculinity and narrow-mindedness. In its place, Milo embraced his love for theatre and the arts with an enthusiasm that surprised even himself. He found joy in discussing plays, musicals, and the latest performances in town. His gestures became animated, his laughter infectious as he connected with others who shared his passions.
Milo's eyes sparkled with a mixture of wonder and excitement as he realized he was becoming the very stereotype he once dismissed—a cute, bubbly, theatre-loving, liberal twink. As Milo looked down at himself, he gasped in disbelief. His attire had transformed into cute booty shorts that accentuated his toned legs and a colorful tank top that hugged his newly slender frame. His face seemed to lose any hint of sharpness, aging backwards in time. The years dissolved before his eyes, smoothing out wrinkles and refining features into something more youthful and boyishly charming. His hair darkened and grew unruly, framing his face in a way that accentuated its newfound softness. His once rugged face seemed to soften before his eyes, losing any harsh edges as if time itself was rewinding.
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His blonde hair darkened to a rich brown and grew unruly, framing his face in tousled curls that added to his youthful appearance. Milo's features became smoother, his jawline more delicate, and a deep brown tan spread across his skin, giving him a radiant glow.
In this moment of transformation, Milo's old name seemed to evaporate into the air, replaced by a new name that echoed through his consciousness—Ishaq. A deep, bronzed tan spread across Milo's skin, giving him a healthy glow that seemed to radiate from within. Memories flooded Ishaq's mind—days of arriving in America as an immigrant, navigating a new culture with broken English and a charming lisp.
Ishaq was proud of his Middle Eastern heritage, and his newfound identity as a cute, bubbly, theatre-loving, liberal twink felt both exhilarating and liberating. He embraced his sexuality and his cultural roots with equal fervor, a proud expression of who he was meant to be.
Beside him, Julio danced with infectious energy, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony. Ishaq wore a cute and flashy outfit that shimmered under the nightclub lights—a sequined jacket adorned with colorful patterns, fitted jeans that hugged his curves, and stylish sneakers that completed his ensemble.
In the midst of the music and laughter, Ishaq reveled in the freedom to express himself authentically. He twirled and spun with Julio, their laughter ringing out like a chorus of acceptance and love. For Ishaq, this moment was not just about embracing his new identity—it was about celebrating life, love, and the beauty of being true to oneself.
The nightclub throbbed with pulsing lights and a bass-heavy beat as Julio and Ishaq moved gracefully across the dance floor. Ishaq's outfit, adorned with sequins that caught the strobe lights, shimmered with every step he took. His Middle Eastern accent and gentle lisp were evident as he spoke passionately to Julio.
Ishaq leaned in close over the music, his eyes bright with excitement. "Oh, Julio, darling, do you thee how fabulouth thith night ith? The vibe, the freedom... it'th all tho ex-hil-arating!"
Julio grinned, matching Ishaq's enthusiasm. "You're right, Ishaq! You always bring such energy to the club. By the way, who's your ultimate drag queen from Drag Race?"
Ishaq's face lit up, his hands gesturing animatedly. "Oh, hon-they, it hath to be Sasha Velour! Thhe's tho creative and revolutionary, and her lip thyncheth are pure art!"
As they danced, the DJ seamlessly transitioned into a playlist of pop hits. Suddenly, the familiar beats of Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" filled the air. Ishaq gasped in excitement and turned to Julio, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh my God, Julio, thith ith my jam!"
Ishaq pulled Julio closer, their bodies moving effortlessly together to the infectious rhythm. In the midst of the pulsating music and swirling lights, Ishaq gazed deeply into Julio's eyes. "Julio, you know what? I can't help but thay it... you're the cuteth thing I've ever theen."
As the night progresses, Julio and Ishaq's flirtation escalates into something more. They begin to make out passionately, their tongues dancing in each other's mouths. Ishaq whimpers and begs Julio to take him, his eyes filled with desire. Julio smirks, knowing he has complete control over the situation.
Without hesitation, they rush towards the bathroom where they lock themselves inside. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the walls as they lose themselves in their lustful desires. Ishaq moans loudly as Julio takes him from behind, pounding into his tight hole with unbridled force. He screams out "Yassss daddy!" begging for more of this rough treatment from his new lover.
When they finally reach climax together it's like an explosion - both men crying out in ecstasy at being so deeply connected physically and emotionally at this moment in time . After coming down off their high, Julio tosses a wad of cash at an exhausted looking but satisfied Ishaq saying "You were worth every penny boy ,I'll be sure tell my friends about your services." With that said, Ishaq forgets about being friends with Julio anymore .He was just another gay whore now who happened to have given him pleasure earlier tonight .
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🌸🌸🌸
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Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
🌸If you have Virgo Venus, you could feel like you can have the most rewarding, stable partnerships with people who have a 6th house Synastry with you. If you are Taurus Venus, you could resonate more with 2nd house Synastry. If you have Cancer Venus, you connect best with people you have 4th house Synastry with.
🌸I noticed with Mars in the 12th house Synastry is that the Mars person (who most often has secret feelings for the house person) is more "spiritual" about the connection. They have this "if it's meant to be, it will be" passive approach towards starting the connection.
🌸Venus sextile/trine Neptune in a Synastry chart means that Venus person is easily inspired by the Neptune person, hence being more creative. Meanwhile, Neptune person could have material, financial benefits from Venus person, such as getting more lavish, expensive gifts, free dinner, more clothing etc.
🌸In Synastry, when one person's Saturn is negatively aspecting the other person's North Node, they North Node person can feel like this person is slowing down their life purpose and career. North Node person feels like Saturn person wants them to prioritize them and relationship they have with them (starting a family for example, being more present in the connection) rather than their career goals and life purpose.
🌸If both people end up dating their Saturn sign, they view each other as trophies or like a most prized possession. If you have Pisces Saturn, you could see your partner with Pisces Sun as a trophy.
🌸I'm noticing a pattern that I'm starting to develop in a little theory. Often men who have for example Gemini Sun mum, often go for women who have Gemini Moon in their chart. Or if their mum is Taurus Sun, they pick a woman who has Taurus Moon.
🌸Often times people who have Scorpio over the 4th house tend to overshare and claim they are "an open book", when in reality you don't really know much about them personally or what is happening with them or their life.
🌸People who have Mars in the 9th house LOVE to travel (especially long-distance), but I noticed with them, they at some point have this weird, unique, "rebel" phase when they just rebel against travel and kind of don't want to leave their home or hometown that they are used to.
🌸Libra Moon can get pregnant, expect a baby with a person that is already married.
🌸You can start feeling like they brought you closer to who you truly are at your core level around the sign over your 8th house. Like you become more you through the connection with this person, not necessarily "lose" yourself in the connection.
🌸 Partners of women who have Virgo Mars always admire their woman’s modesty and how humbke they are.
🌸People with Scorpio or Aries over the 4th house might really like the gym, but also kinda dislike themselves for how much take actually enjoy it.
🌸 For fitness motivation always look at the people who share their Sun sign with your Mars sign. For example: if you have Scorpio Mars, you might be really interested in a workout routine of a Scorpio Sun, such as Kendall Jenner. If you have Cancer Mars, you might want Cancer Sun Gisele Bündchen to leak her workout routine. The same goes for if you want to have a personal trainer, it’s best if this person has Sun sign of your Mars sign, because they will be able to motivate you better than others.
🌸 Gemini Juno could have a partner that diets or often does cleanses.
🌸 People who have Neptune Ascendant aspect might view the gym as a sanctuary or like personal therapy.
🌸 Young musicians who have Capricorn Venus make songs that even the elderly like to listen.
🌸 In Synastry Venus opposite Mars can mean that Venus person can act differently at home with their Mars partner versus when they are in the public with them. While Mars person is always their authentic self at all times.
🌸 People who have Cancer or Capricorn over the 8th house could attract a partner that acts like their mother (in case of Cancer over the 8th house) or their father (in the case of Capricorn over the 8th house).
🌸 Pisces Mercury and Neptune aspect Mercury can sometimes be mentally quite lazy or passive. They would rather challenge themselves to do a task, chore physically than mentally. For example, they would rather learn how to skate than learn biology.
🌸Capricorn, Pisces, Aries and Libra Moons are prone to be more emotionally insecure, especially when in a partnership. That's why they need validation on a daily basis or often.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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hxrukii · 1 month
I like your mane 6 requests. If possible, can you do, Applejack!reader with Epel, Vil, Ruggie, Trey and Sebek?
❝I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along!❞
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╭・๑ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲︰ʚ Some of NRC with a Applejack!Reader.‧₊˚✦
‧₊˚↷ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)┊❝ Epel Felmier, Vil Schoenheit, Ruggie Bucchi. ❞ ⸜⸜*
↷︰ʚ 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ‧₊˚✦ Reader and Yuu are the same person and is a female. Sorry anon, I didn't do Trey and Sebek because I actually had no clue on how to write them, I hope that it's okay!
╰・𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) ‧₊˚꒰ Spoilers for book 3. ɞ‧✦
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Apple farmer besties for real
Would probably invite Applejack!Reader to visit his family in Harveston.
The two of them are very competitive, so they would probably compete on who can pick the most apples, who can carve the best apple, who can carry the most thing, etc...
Would probably complain to Applejack!Reader about all the things Vil makes him do.
Feels very comfortable around Applejack!Reader and feels like he can be himself without being looked at weirdly, so he usually speaks in his hometown's dialect whenever he's around her.
Is very happy that Applejack!Reader can mostly understand his dialect, and doesn't hesitate to ask whenever there's a word she can't understand.
Applejack!Reader is the more rational one in the rational, and is usually the one to calm Epel down when his loses his temper.
Admires Applejack!Reader's strength al lot, ask her about her workout routine and trains a lot more so that he can be more manly than her.
Both of them have big families so they like to tell each other about funny things that happened to them and their family back home.
"Hey, once breaks start, would you like to visit my home in Harveston? We could compete and see who can carry the most apple crates in one go!"
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Probably thought that Applejack!Reader was an Epel 2.0 or something
Was pleasantly surprised that Applejack!Reader seemed to have more manners than Epel.
Likes how honest Applejack!Reader is and often goes to her for her opinion. Vil doesn't want someone that only tells him that he looks nice in anything even if they clearly don't think that the clothes look good, he need someone honest that tells him exactly what they think without holding anything back.
Enjoys eating the apple recipes that Applejack!Reader makes him, he doesn't eat them all the time, but can still eat them from time to time.
After all, if one apple a day can keep the doctors away, it must mean that apple are healthy, right?
Very impressed by Applejack!Reader's strength, he didn't expect her to be able to carry a whole table by herself during VDC while Savanaclaw needed two students to carry the same table. (Yes, this is a reference to that one episode from MLP Equestrian girls)
I honestly feel like Vil and Applejack!Reader would have the same relationship as Rarity and Applejack.
Somehow always bickering about something, mostly Vil scolding Applejack!Reader for her lack of elegance while Applejack!Reader just argues back or something.
"Potato, it's only been a few hours since school started, how is it that you're already covered in dirt? No, having Alchemy class is not an excuse. Also, please close your mouth when you chew."
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The both of them are somewhat opposites.
While Ruggie can deceive people as easily as he breathes to get what he wants, Applejack!Reader is horrible at lying, and values honesty quite a lot.
But both of them are extremely hard working and self-sufficient, so they are not entirely polar-opposite. Though, Applejack!Reader is, inarguably the more reliable one, as in, she won't try to steal something from you are tell you that you own her a favor or something.
Both of them really care about their families so they can probably understand the feeling of wanting to help their family as much as possible.
Ruggie was probably really intimidated by Applejack!Reader, since he grew up in Sunset Savana, where most women are much physically stronger and more strong-willed than the men, including Leona. And even though Applejack!Reader is no beastman, Ruggie has seen her beating up three Savanaclaw students at once during the period where she was rooming with Leona
He knows not too underestimate her.
Though he really isn't that shocked by her strength, since, once again, most women in Sunset Savana are strong than the men.
If Applejack!Reader ever proposed to give Ruggie some of her cooking, he'd probably be suspicious on if she wanted him to owe her a favor or something, but once he learned that she isn't, he would probably happily accept, after all, who is he to deny free food?
"Oh? You made this? For me? Well, don't mind if I do than! Shishishi!"
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꒰ ◁ ꒱┊❝Back to Epel, Vil, Ruggie's Masterlist❞
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imaginesig · 2 months
Paris 2024
Paul Aron x Olympian!Reader
y/c = your country
What is your journey like to gold? I'm in love with Ilona Maher and wanted to make another Paul Aron fic, this is the outcome
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liked by annaaron_, paularon_, ilonamaher, and 829,382 others
ynln: Paris, here I come 🏅🏉
tagged: y/c_rugby
ynln good time to say im in love with @/ilonamaher ??
ilonamaher perfect time! cant wait to see ya soon
ynln "miss rabbit has fainted, miss rabbit has fainted again"
paularon_ 🤨🤨
friend1 the first pic??😭
ynln reenactment of me when I found out 😭 I was in disbelief
paularon_ you're gonna kill it!! Bring home gold, I love you ❤️
ynln I love you too!!
friend2 yes ma'am 👏
lettiemng so exciting!!
olliebearman big accomplishment
aronralf congrats! Show em what you're made of
annaaron_ find me a hot Olympian
ynln ill be scouting 🫡
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liked by user3, ynln, aronralf, and 818,828 others
paularon_ off week ☀️🌊
Tagged: aronralf, annaaron_, ynln
ynln so much fun 🫶🫶
annaaron_ let this trip live on as it’s the first time team women beat you in EVERYTHING
ynln 📢📢📢
Paularon_ because you guys CHEATED
aronralf 📢📢📢
Ynln don’t copy me while spreading lies
User1 not the Aaron + Y/n vacay
user2 y/n looks gorgeous
user3 the sibling pic is the cutest ever
User4 I can’t decide who I’m jealous of Y/n or Paul
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liked by user3, annaaron_, user82, and 791,929 others
ynln: ootd 👙🤿
tagged: annaaron_, paularon_, aronralf
used1 omg what are you reading??
ynln in that pic “Fathers and Sons”
annaaron_ early morning surf sesh >>>>
ynln without the boys >>>>
Paularon_ looking good 😘
user2 stop she can surf too??
user3 it’s so unfair
user4 right?? Y/n leave some talent for the rest of us!!
Teammate1 calm before the storm
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ynln posted 4 stories!
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captions: (1) on Wednesdays we wear pink (2) 🎶: As It Was by Harry Styles
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captions: (1) midday flight? no problem just go on a running date early! (2) back to reality 🏉
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liked by teammate1, teammate2, user43, and 892,929 others
ynln: hearing up 🔥🏅👩‍🏭
Tagged: y/c_rugby
paularon_ damnnnnnn 🍑
ynln thank you 🤭🤭 (I will make fun of you for this comment for the rest of your life)
teammate1 are those my workout shorts??
ynln …no
user1 ok leg day
user2 she said thick thighs save lives
user3 she can save me
user4 I need the leg day routine
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liked by ynln, user33, hitechgp, and 917,828 others
paularon_: not the result we wanted, but we'll learn and come back stronger
Tagged: no one
Ynln still so proud!! You raced hard and had an amazing quali session. I’m sorry I had to miss it but I love you ❤️❤️
Paularon_ ❤️
User1 miss girl is leaving for the Olympics tomorrow and says sorry for not being at his race
user2 gold metal for the best gf
user3 Pole Aron will be back!!
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liked by ilonamaher, y/c_rugby, annaaron_, and 872,928 others
ynln: a hot new bombshell has entered the Villa
tagged no one
ilonamaher show em what they can’t have‼️
ynln show em what a catch you are‼️
paularon_ MY hot bombshell but get it ig
ynln you’re the only connection I’m looking for dw
teammate1 that last 2 picsreally screams sexy
Ynln ikr 😏😍
Teammate2 irresistible
annaaron_ remember to mention the bombshell at home
ynln I’d never forget
user1 I love the inside Love Island joke it seems most athletes are in on
user2 right I live for Ilona’s tik toks
user3 I hope we get Y/n cameos
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liked by teammate1, teammate5, teammate8, and 719,992 others
ynln: bronze bound…
tagged y/c_rugby
Teammate …but we’re not stopping there
Paularon_ I’ve been on the edge of my seat all week
ynln it’s not stopping til the very end
user1 the ft screenshot is too cute
user2 such hardworking ladies
user3 push on to gold!!
user4 I just love women
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paularon_ posted a story
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caption: 🇪🇪🔜🇫🇷 @/aronralf @/annaaron_
Paul Aron
what are you doing
where are you going
I thought you knew your flags
I do
I guess what I want is an explanation
well... you'll be in a semifinals soon and with the way stats are looking you guys will fly right through no problem so...
the aron family is making a trip to Paris
we're celebrating a metal either way
I'm crying Paul
thats too sweet
you guys shouldn't have, its hard enough to wrangle everyone together you shouldn't have used that time to fly out
trust me we all want to be there for you and it'll be a nice trip reguardless
plus we all hate that this much of the games have gone by through a tv screen
I love you guys, I love you
we (but mostly I) love you too
aronralf posted a story!
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caption: ✈️🥖 @/paularon_ @/annaaron_
this is insane
ive taken you've already messaged Paul
yes and it ended in tears
you guys are crazy
true, but your bf is the craziest
with or without us Paul was gonna be in those stands
someone must be cutting onions in a room nearby
I don't appreciate the attitude 🙄
annaaron_ posted a story!
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caption: catching flights not feelings @/aronralf @/paularon_
first off LOVE that color on you
and second I loath you guys for being this sweet
the sweatshirt is yours to borrow anytime
and as if you wouldn't do the same thing
flying out on a small hope we dont choke and lose next round??
Y/n, you go to as many races of Paul's as you possible can (at your own expense) and watch the ones you cant live no matter the time, you constantly ask Ralf about his endeavors and keeps tabs on stats and such to bring up with him later, AND you listen to all my rants no matter how important and remember the details
flying out to France is nothing compared to the effort you put into this family
I love you guys so much
we love you too
now get some rest to kick ass, I didn't fly in the same row as my brothers for 4 hours to see you get less than gold
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liked by y/c_rugby, aronralf, user4, and 728,829 others
ynln: finals bound!! Im so so grateful for these fantastic ladies who have taught me so much!! I cant taste victory already
tagged: y/c_rugby, teammate1, teammate2, teammate3
paularon_ smashed it 💪👏
ynln light work🥱🥱
teammate1 can’t wait for the next match
Teammate2 coffee for good luck?
Ynln always
user1 I’m never more patriotic than when the women of my country play
user2 my whole family has been captivated by you girls
annaaron_ and you were scared about choking
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paularon_ posted 2 stories!
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Caption: (1) Y/n you are so amazing in so many different ways. You are hardworking, talented, humble, funny, and beautiful. I've watched as your eyes light up when it comes to rugby and ive watched as you poured your heart into every minute you play. (2) No one deserves the gold more than you and the rest of the team. Every single women out there has what it takes and more. Every one of you have spent countless hours dreaming and working towards this. So congratulations on how far you've come, and best of lucking taking that final step up to the top of the podium! P.S. Ma armastan sind, Y/n
you cant just post things like this with no warning
I started crying right before media stuff
oops 😬🤷‍♂️
dont be so smug
but seriously thank you for all the support! Without it I know I would've lost it because of the pressure long ago, I truly owe so much of what got me here to you!! I love you so much ❤️
I love you too ❤️
please pass on a good luck from me and Estelle! We've been watching
will do!!
rooting for her💪
tell Y/n she's got fans in all corners of the globe
thank you, she appreciates the support!
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liked by ynln, user32, paularon_, and 193,929 others
annaaron_: meet me in Paris 🥐☕️
tagged aronralf, paularon_
ynln gorgeous gorgeous girl
annaaron_ we’re gonna have so much fun once the Olympics are over
paularon_ photo credit??
annnaaron_ you gave it to yourself
user1 you ate that first pic up
used2 so you’re telling me the entire Aron family is in Paris for Y/n??
user3 I’m in love with all the siblings at this point
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liked by user3, user82, user92, and 993,929 others
olimpic_updates: Y/C rugby star Y/n L/n's boyfriend as been spotted in person for the final match! Aron was also spotted with the rest of his family heading toward the stands!
tagged no one
user1 couple goals
user2 THE power couple
user3 I need Y/n to win gold and Paul to win the championship
used4 the ultimate power move
user5 I just looked at my boyfriend and sighed
user6 he looks so good!!
user7 one thing about Paul is he’s gonna show up and show 👏 up👏
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paularon_ posted 2 stories!
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captions: (1) game time @/annaaron_ (2) THESE GIRLS ARE GOLD MEDALISTS!!!!
ynln posted a story!
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caption: its been a long time coming but...
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liked by dinobeganovic, lettiemng, paularon_, and 983,239 others
ynln: So many words, so little space. I am so grateful of everyone who have supported me up to this point, of these wonderful ladies who have taught me something new everyday, and to Y/C for taking a chance on me! Same thing in '28?
tagged y/c_rugby
paularon_ ❤️❤️
ynln ❤️❤️
annaaron_ thats my sister in law!!
ynln we're not married??
annaaron_ well is Paul doesn't put a ring on it than I will
lettiemng I love you!! Its so deserved
dinobeganovic you were amazing!! All the love
aronralf truely inspiring! Congrats 💪🥇
ynln thank you!!!
user1 YES MA'AM
user2 me and my little sister have seen screaming at the tv!!
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liked by user1, user43, ynln, and 823,983
paularon_: I AM SO SO PROUD OF YOU!!!! After seeing the mass amount of time and every you've put into rugby I have no doubt in my mind that you deserve this. To mark this special occasion, I'm announcing my retirement from racing to become a full time WAG. I love you so much, Y/n 🥇🏉❤️
tagged ynln
ynln I love you so much ❤️
paularon_ I love you too ❤️
user5 second pic is goals
user1 theyre such goals
user2 my standards were raised so high by him
user3 when they panned over to him celebrating after showing Y/n 😭
user4 such a gorgeous couple
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Bonus- after the olympics
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liked by aronralf, lettiemng, user43, and 829,392 others
ynln: city of love 💖
tagged paularon_, annaaron_
comments have been disabled
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daphnedauphinoise · 5 months
Weightlifting and Correct Forms
Pre-workout dynamic strecthing
Warm-up and mobility routine
Beginner's guide to weightlifting
Proper forms and common mistakes
Weightlifting for beginners women [fixed weights]
Learn how to deadlift
Lifting for beginners [bar squats]
Using proper technique for lifting weights
20 common lifting mistakes to avoid
Most common exercises done wrong [home edition]
Proper form for RDL
Proper form for Bulgarian split squat
Proper form for dumbbell lateral raise
Proper form for dumbbell row
Pure Gym's full exercise demonstration playlist
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
Morning Warm Up Exercise #1 || #shorts #morningroutine #fitnessmantram ...
A light physical activity like walking, jogging, easy swimming, stationary bike riding, skipping, or easy aerobics should be the general warm-up. The participating athlete's fitness level should dictate both the general warm-up's intensity and duration (or how hard and how long).
Read More :  10 Trendy Ways To Improve Your Fitness
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bluecollarmcandtf · 8 months
Am I Acting Weird?
Part II
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I've been jogging on this treadmill for over an hour now. Cardio sucks, and I hate this old unventilated gym! When I joined the football team, I did it for the parties and cheerleaders! I just wanted to drink with the cool guys and get laid. I still do, but I haven't had a drop of alcohol in weeks. I can't even remember the last girl I hooked up with!
I used to think it was weird that I was suddenly working out all the time. It was like my entire personality had changed overnight.
I know it's not weird now. Max, my younger brother, told me so. I have to keep working out until I become the quarterback of the football team. Then I have to bulk up and train even more, so I can become a professional footballer. That's my new goal in life, and I can't wait for my little bro to be able to brag about being related to a pro athlete.
Sure, I never really wanted to play football professionally. If it were up to me, I'd be out drinking with my buds, but it's not up to me.
That's not weird right?
I shake my head and slow my aching legs. Droplets of sweat run down my face as I work to control my breathing. My whole body is sore from the conditioning. It doesn't help that this is my third workout of the day. Between my morning weight session, afternoon field practice, and this, I am totally whipped.
I stagger over to grab my workout gear. My night isn't over. I still have to bulk my stomach up for tomorrow.
With a frustrated sigh, I stomp out of the gym and march directly into the diner next door. I nod to the greasy cook behind the counter. I've become a regular here, so he knows me pretty well.
"The usual?" he grunts with a toothy grin.
I nod and sink into a booth.
Max, my little brother, got tired of me eating at the house. Apparently, it took our father too long to cook my bulking meals. Max has me eat here after my workouts, and I completely agree. Max shouldn't have to share our dad with me. He deserved to have someone at home cooking whenever he wanted to eat.
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"Four burgers, fries, and a soda," the cook snickers as he slaps the tray in front of me, "A growing boy needs extra protein."
I grimace and turn away from the chef. His breath alone is enough to make me lose my appetite, but I take a big bite and swallow. I won't gain mass if I'm not consuming mass, and I obviously need to get bigger.
I've broken out into a second sweat by the time I'm done. Forcing myself to up, I have to adjust to my bloated waist. You'd think I'd get used to a packed stomach, but I always feel uncomfortable for the rest of the night.
I let out a belch and carry the dirty dishes to the back. It always feels weird strolling into an employees-only area like this, but it's part of how I get my meals for free. You see, the cook let's is nice as long as I take care of two things.
The dishes are the first thing.
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"Leave the dishes," I hear his husky voice behind me, "I never wash 'em anyways."
I drop the dishes and turn the sink off, holding my gut as it growls in pain. My belly might ache, but I've got one more thing to do.
The cook watches me expectantly. He licks his chapped lips, and grabs at the bulge under his apron, between his two trunks of legs. He's already fishing the thing out. I know what he wants, so I drop to the floor. This has become just another part of my daily routine.
It's how I thank the chef.
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I don't know how this became a habit, because I absolutely do not enjoy it! The man is filthy, and a man! I'm not gay! I like women, but I have to eat a lot to bulk up and Max liked the idea of me eating for free. It's not weird!
I let him manhandle me a bit, gripping my head and pulling my hair. The cook gets off faster if he roughs me up a little. He usually only lasts a few minutes, but it's the longest few minutes of the day.
It's not sex. It's just a transaction!
"Oh, yeah!" he growls with his eyes squeezed shut, "Yeah, boy! Fuck!"
I whip my head off his hairy crotch and jump to my feet. I spit into a napkin and wipe my mouth quickly. I know from experience that I won't be able to get the taste of sweat and meat out of my mouth until I brush my teeth thoroughly at home.
My part is finally done here, so I just want to leave!
"Can't wait to see you tomorrow morning, jocky boy!" he laughs, but I've already stormed out, marching down the street to my house. I'm trying not to think about how I'll be seeing him in a few hours for breakfast.
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"Hey dad," I mumble, stepping inside.
"Boy," he answers dismissively, not even looking up from his work. As usual, he's wearing his home uniform: a suit and white gloves. I have a similar outfit for when I'm hanging around the house, but dad gets a lot more use out of his now that I'm constantly bulking up. Max is really the only one who seems to dress casually around here anymore.
I guess that makes him the weird one.
"What are you doing?" I ask, trying to start up a conversation.
"What's it look like, boy?" he answers gruffly, "I'm cleaning up after Max and his guests. Now, either get your uniform on and help or get out of my way."
His attitude makes me cringe a bit. Dad and I used to be really tight. We used to bond over sports and craft beer, but he doesn't really care about anything besides Max anymore.
I don't think he's gone to any of my games for the last few months. He's always cooking or cleaning for Max. I wish I understood. We used to tease Max all the time together, but now he gets angry anytime I try and bond with him. Like, it's totally normal and right for Max to be his new favorite, but I wish we could still chat every now and then.
"Sorry," I mutter.
My father ignores me and heads off to the kitchen in a rush. He looks erratic, and I can tell he's just as exhausted as I am. He's made it a habit of working extra hours at the office everyday. It's so he can bring home the biggest paycheck he can earn every week, but I know is affecting his sleep.
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"Where is Max?" I ask.
My dad frowns, tersely responding, "Max took his guests to a movie in my car. The house needs to be clean and snacks need to be ready for when Max gets back."
"Oh," I sigh, "Are his friends staying over again? I'd stay up with you and help serve them, but Max said I should be getting nine hours of sleep every night."
"Go to bed, boy. I'll handle it," he states firmly, putting the final touches on the silver platter.
With that, my father picks up the tray of assorted snacks and walks them out into the living room. There he takes his place by the door and stands in his usual position. It's where he normally waits to welcome Max home everyday. Father and I know that someone like Max shouldn't have to put their own coat away or take off their own shoes.
"Alright, dad, see you tomorrow."
He doesn't answer. He's already standing still as a statue and probably won't move until Max gets back. Hopefully, my little brother won't keep him up too late.
Sleep won't be hard for me to find. I can barely keep my eyes open, and I pass out as soon as I fall on my bed. The rest of the night is a deep and dreamless void, while my stomach processes all the food I ate.
When I wake up, I find dad like this...
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"Dad? Dad!" I give his shoulder a nudge.
He jumps to life, jerking his eyes around the trashed living room.
"Did you fall asleep standing up?"
"Maybe," he answers with shock, "Max had me holding everyone's coats while they enjoyed some beer. They must have moved to the bed while I drifted off."
"Aren't they a little young for beer?"
"Max and his guests are welcome to my alcohol whenever they want it!" he snaps back at me.
"Geez, ok."
"You have a workout you need to get to, boy," he barks, "And I'm going to have to hurry if I'm going to clean up this mess before work."
I stare at my father as he scrambles to clean up the living room once again. He looks even more exhausted and disheveled than last night. Hopefully, he would be able to clean everything up with enough time to shower and shave. I know that all of the household stuff is his responsibility, but sometimes it seems like too much.
With a shrug, I turn and step out of the door. My day is going to be the same miserable routine as the last. I'm not looking forward to any of it, but that's not weird. Like Max said, I'll just keep my head down, and power through.
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Jason Todd/Red Hood Headcanons
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Very much dcs deadpool vibes
Like being the comedic relief of the Batfam
helps to deflect from the trama
Patronizes the criminals while patrolling to the point of annoying whoever he’s with
Loves to cook when he has the time but ends up defaulting to gym bro chicken and rice if he’s not just getting takeout to begin with
Loves milkshakes (I have no further explanation)
Is meticulously organized and well adjusted
Definitely has a headboard and amazing hygiene (almost directly because of Alfred lets be honest)
Picked up random rich boy habits from Bruce and dick
Like I imagine the entire batfam wears expensive underwear
Probably not much of a drinker, besides the occasional whisky or beer
I imagine he’d enjoy cigars tho
I saw someone say he’d smoke cigarettes especially when stressed and I can definitely see that
After all he’s been through I don’t think he’d be much into vices even though he has every reason to
He probably thinks they’re stupid
Prefers to either wallow or start punching shit when the mood strikes him
The depression workouts go hard tho
Totally drives a blacked out muscle car
Has an indoor mini herb garden and some house plants
Could definitely see him having a big dog
Definitely had a hoe phase when he first came back to Gotham
Like he’d go to bars and just wait for women to approach him
Got really good at playing pool and likes to bet thousands of dollars with people he knows can’t afford it just for kicks
Has so many books he’s close to having a library
Never forgets anyone’s birthday
Has weapons everywhere, pockets(even in his civilian clothes), every room of his home, in other peoples homes, vehicles, like he goes for change in his pocket and pulls out a switchblade or a batarang he stole
Has to force himself into exposure therapy to acclimate back to society (dick definitely forced him to sit at a coffee shop a couple times a week)
Finds women’s makeup routines fascinating
Listens to Eminem and just late 90s early 2000s rap during patrol
Or jazz, there’s no in between
This is really long- whoops
I’m honestly not even done
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