#womens liberations
intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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It’s feels so insignificant to have this struggle but I’m getting my period soon and there’s no place to buy cotton/pads or the specific painkillers I get and it’s so so cold my pre cramps are already killing me. It makes me feel so helpless. [@/ Dicktator117 on X. 12/28/23.]
“Periods Don't Stop for Conflict” I remember this headline addressing women's health in Ukraine. Not a peep out of those same agencies about Sudanese & Palestinian women struggling in war/conflict zones.
#KeepEyesOnSudan [@/ RightUpMyAlley on X.]
I created a link for a gofundme happening right now to ensure Period Care reaches folks who need it in Sudan, and I will re-post this here for folks who can share and/or support:
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This link here will lead you to this post of where you can support/send funds so that period care reaches those who need it in [Palestine] and other areas as well.
One Million Sustainable Pads Campaign [Sudan]
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blvvdk3ep · 9 months
I love you people going into "useless" fields I love you classics majors I love you cultural studies majors I love you comparative literature majors I love you film studies majors I love you near eastern religions majors I love you Greek, Latin, and Hebrew majors I love you ethnic studies I love you people going into any and all small field that isn't considered lucrative in our rotting capitalist society please never stop keeping the sacred flame of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and understanding humanity and not merely for the sake of money alive
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ash-tea · 3 months
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Happy International Women's day y'all
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zegalba · 5 months
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"Women at the Palestine Liberation Organization training camp learn with Al-Fatah. Location: Jordan."
Photographed by Leif Skoogfors (1968)
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liberate-women-now · 3 months
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I work in tech (a male dominated field) and have no fucking clue as to why it is paid so well when compared to some other fields… you know, other than the reason being it’s a male dominated field lol.
Teachers are underpaid and overworked, especially primary school teachers, and it’s outrageous they make about the same as I do with my entry level position.
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mysharona1987 · 10 months
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This doesn’t sound healing. Sounds like she’s almost mute and borderline catatonic at times following her ordeal.
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kropotkindersurprise · 3 months
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March 8th: International Women's Day
The Palestinian woman: the guardian of the dream and the shield of the revolution
(Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 2024)
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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Source: [@/ Kandakat_alhaqq on X.] You can follow them here for more updates.
Free Sudan!
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poetessinthepit · 17 days
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Excerpt from the "Woman in Palestine Wikipedia Entry"
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lesbionia · 17 days
Every time a woman says "I'm not going to vote" an angel loses its wings. 💔
Women fought tooth and nail for the right to vote! Voting means having a say, however small, in how your country is run. If you don't use your say, then you can count on being spoken over by the men who are getting out there and voting.
In the name of feminism and in honour of all the women who came before you, PLEASE exercise your right to vote! 🗳️
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goldstarrgrl · 10 months
nicholas galitzine’s filmography is truly one of the funniest things i’ve ever seen because it literally goes
1. heartbreaking gay coming of age film
2. cinderella jukebox musical
3. military propaganda
4. gay romcom
5. lesbian fight club film
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wormonastringtheory · 5 months
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Heyyyy Besties! One of my long term Facebook friends is an unhoused Black trans woman who does mutual aid organizing for Black trans women. She raises funds and redistributes them to a list of people she helps who are all Black and transfemme. She's done this every month for 3 years! Last month she hit a record in terms of redistributing and hit 1470 dollars, but she has a bunch of recipients so it doesn't go as far as people expect. Please reblog, I see a lot of people talk about supporting Black trans women but I wanna see action.
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munegirl · 6 months
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hadesoftheladies · 1 month
the reason it's difficult to argue abortion with anti abortionists is because for the statement "women's right to bodily autonomy is more important than a stranger's life" to make sense to you, you have to already believe that
women are full human beings (even when they're not wives or mothers)
women have zero moral obligation to sacrifice themselves or produce offspring for society
there is no divine purpose to female anatomy and the purpose of a woman's body is entirely determined by her own self.
women have an unconditional right to defend themselves from violence and suffering of any kind
they legit cannot wrap their heads around that
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museumofferedophelia · 9 months
The empathy women have, particularly towards other women, is exploited by men in order to perpetuate the cycle of female servitude.
You see all the men in the living room talking and chatting while the women clean up the dishes. You want to tell the men that you're not doing it, it's not fair that it's always the women... but that would mean leaving your mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, grandmas to clean up without your help. So you help clean up.
Your mother does the brunt of the housework, cooking, cleaning. She complains to the entire family that it's too much. The males say that they'll try to make less mess and then get on with their lives. But you see your mother struggling, so you pick up the mop, the vacuum, the broom, the scrub brush. You don't want her to do it all on her own.
Your female friend or family member is struggling to take care of her kids and babies. Her husband gets a boys night out, fantasy football, golf, sports matches, time to just sit and watch TV uninterrupted. But she doesn't. So you volunteer to take care of her kids so that she can have some time to herself.
The greatest weapon men utilise against women is our empathy for one another. Because they know that at the end of the day, most women aren't as selfish as they are.
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she-is-ovarit · 8 months
The rape and brutalization of any women—including white women—in any country is not a "response" to colonialism, oppression, slavery, poverty, war, murder, and starvation.
It is done out of hatred of women and the pleasure of female pain, degradation, and humiliation. It is attempted to be justified through cultural relativism, through religion, by blaming women for male violence, blaming women for the actions of male systems of governance, blaming women for being in the wrong place at the wrong time—or around the wrong men. In times of war, the rape and brutalization of women demonstrates male behavior in the absence of rules and law.
It is depraved, shameful, disgusting, and absolutely unforgivable. It does not matter which men are doing it to which women in what place. Rape is never justifiable.
As a Jewish woman, would I shame Jewish men for raping the wives of Nazi men? Yes, I would. Would I shame black male slaves for raping white women? Yes, I would. And I would shame white men for raping black women, Nazi men for raping Jewish women. And I would shame male Israeli soldiers for raping Palestinian women and Palestinian males for raping Israeli women.
The rape and brutalization of any women is not an act of liberation, resistance, decolonization, self-defense, or freedom from oppression.
If your measure of the depravity, immorality, and disgust for rape hinges on what men are doing it and what women they are doing it to, you are a rape apologist. That is sexually predatory thinking, that is male supremacist thinking, and that is disturbing behavior. It is wrong to rape.
Female liberation, now.
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