#words cant explain how much i love this movie
ifimdreaming · 6 months
come over?
luke hughes x reader
summary: you and luke have a secret/not so secret relationship
a/n: no warnings really, this is cute i think and very cringey fluff tbh. not proofread.
word count: 1.3k
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Keeping your relationship with Luke a secret from your friends was a hard enough task as it is, but having to keep it a complete secret from your family was proving to be an even more difficult task. It has been over 6 months of you and Luke being together now and everyday you just want to shout from the rooftops just how much you love him.
Although you knew being in the spotlight was 100% not what you wanted, it was so much harder than you thought to have to sneak around and pretend to be single around some of your very closest friends. And Luke knew how much it meant to the public for you to be known solely as ‘Luke Hughes’ Girlfriend’ so you had both agreed on the whole keeping-things-a-secret thing until further notice.
Because of this, It had been almost 2 weeks since you had last seen your boyfriend. Both you and him being respectively busy, and also having absolutely nowhere to spend time together as your two roommates had not been out of the house for any extended periods of time lately. And in the midst of that, Luke and Jack had a guest staying at their condo since the beginning of the month, making it nearly impossible for you to spend any time there at all.
This had you up late at night thinking about Luke for what felt like the millionth night in a row. wishing he was beside you instead of just your childhood stuffed animals. Wishing he was rubbing your back, soothing you to sleep, kissing your neck gently, tracing shapes on your skin - there were so many little ways he showed you his love and you missed every single one of them. And as much as you hated what was at risk with you sneaking him over - laying in bed dreaming about it caused absolutely no harm at all.
Pulling you out of your daydream, you hear buzzing begin to come from your phone that is left charging on your nightstand as you are trying desperately to fall asleep. You look over to see that it is Luke calling you, at almost 1:00 in the morning. You wonder if he had been up thinking about you too.
You reach over and grab your phone to answer him, “hi baby” you whisper into the phone, not wanting to wake up anyone else in your apartment.
“baby I cant sleep. I miss you so much” he says with a tired rasp in his voice. He lets out a sigh on the other end of the phone and its almost like he is right beside you. You can hear the longing in his voice and can just sense how frustrated he is with the single sigh.
“I miss you too lukey. I literally cant sleep either - ive just been up thinking about you” you say honestly. 
You have always been super honest with him about everything. Weather it be you telling him every single detail about how horrible your period is that week, how you absolutely dread doing the dishes and let them pile up for days before getting to them, how you refuse to go out past 5pm by yourself because you are terrified of being kidnapped, or explaining to him word for word why you love the movie ‘love rosie’ so much and how much it means to you when he agrees to watch it with you. Luke knew you so well and you knew him just the same. Because you always communicated with each other. about everything. No matter what. 
Thats why what he said next came as such a shock to you.
“Ive been thinking too..’’ he trails off, his tone quieter than before
You stay quiet on the other end of the phone, curious about what Luke is about to say and suddenly extremely aware of the fact that it is so late at night and he decided to call you without warning. After your silent thinking, you hum a quiet ‘mhm’ in response, urging him to continue.
“Ive just been thinking.. maybe I regret keeping things, with us, a secret for so long. I know I- We agreed to hold off, especially because of how it would affect your life and everything. And I know thats a really big deal. I dont want you to think im being selfish..” he begins, but waits for you to chime in with your thoughts.
Things have worked well this way for so long, that it surprised you he felt this way. Especially because Luke is a very private person in general, you assumed this is how he wanted things. It broke your heart if you made him feel like this was all your idea in the first place. You just thought it would be best for the both of you.
“Luke I dont know what to say. Honestly i thought we were on the same page so I didnt offer to change anything…” 
“How long have you felt like this?” you add, trying to speak loud enough but still with your voice in a whisper.
“I mean. I dont really know?” he says almost as a question
“Luke…” you urge him, hoping he will answer your question honestly.
“Well I guess - about a month now I guess? I know i shouldve said something sooner but I just didnt want to ruin anything. I know thats kind of..shitty..” He says regretfully
Theres the honest boy you know.
“I..I didnt know” you say. Honestly you ddnt know where to go from here. You wanted to tell everyone everything about your relationship at this very moment, but werent sure if thats where Luke was going with this.
“I- What are you thinking? I understand if you want to keep things the way they are. I wanna be clear that I really dont want to force you into changing anything. I just i couldn t keep it to myself anymore” 
It was so exciting to you knowing how much Luke cared about you. The way he cares for everyone around him has always been something you admire about him. He has the biggest heart in the world and you only hoped to be at least half as caring as him. Clearly this has been on his mind for a while and he cared so mch about your feelings towards it that he didnt want to let his feelings ruin what you have.
“Luke I love you, obviously as long as you know that, thats enough for me. But i do want everyone to know that too.” you say as the lump in your throat grows and tears well in your eyes. 
You honestly didn't know why this was making you emotional. But the combination of missing him, hearing him so delicately approach you with this, and knowing this might be the moment you get to share your love for him with the world, is making it hard to get your words out right now.
“I love you so much. and I want everyone to know I do too” he says matter of factly and your heart melts completely. 
You both sit in comfortable silence over the phone for a moment as your slight sniffles fill the quiet air. 
“I dont know why im crying..” you say through quiet laughter and hear Luke share laughter in response. He was so used to you being emotional over the most random things, this not surprising him one bit.
“What can i do baby?” 
You dont even have to think twice of your next response but pretend to be contemplating anyway,
“hmmmm, come over?” you respond hopefully. It thrilled you to think he might actually say yes. Even at 1:00 in the morning.
“Absolutely,” he says with a laugh and you grin ear to ear with giddy excitement, 
“give me 20 minutes”
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jaysgirlx · 3 months
Hey sweetie, I’m feeling like I need a Jason fic where reader doesn’t like to be touched but he makes her feel safe enough that she gets used to him. Would that be something you’d write? I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night 😘😘
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jason wasn't exactly a touchy man himself, he'd set a lot of boundaries as he grew older but he felt different when that came to you. he had the urge to want to hold you constantly but he quickly learned you weren't fond of that. there were too many mental scars that had yet to heal.
the two of you had been sitting side by side on his couch and he slyly tried to put his arm around you. you flinched and moved away quickly, and then came the word vomit.
"i'm sorry! it's really not cause of you- It's hard for me to- i just cant- it's okay if you don't want to hang out again after this, i just- i'm sorry!"
you were panting and trying to explain yourself because this wasn't his fault, this was a boundary you probably should've said earlier but you didn't. you were scared of losing jason too quickly because of your own issues but you were an idiot for thinking he'd leave like that. he was much better than that and he showed you exactly how.
when jason first realized that you weren't yet comfortable with him touching you he tried his best to make your dates and hangouts still romantic. instead of cuddling, he'd put pillows in between the two of you and you'd lay on them almost as if you were on him.
or when you two went out for walks he learned to wear long-sleeved shirts so you could hold onto his sleeve rather than his hand. it did take time to get used to but jason didn't see it as a burden he saw it as another way for him to show his love for you.
he found you the cutest when he'd be kissing you and you didn't know where to put your hands so you'd panic and grab onto his clothes. he knew you wanted to touch him but he wanted you to feel safe enough to make that first move and you eventually did.
"i swear it's not you or anything i just not comfortable being touched yet…i've had things happen to me and i just need time to feel a bit safer"
jason understood how you felt and respected it. he'd wait years if he had to, as long as you were with him, he didn't need much more. though your comfortability came much sooner than he thought.
it started off small like when you began to slyly slip your fingers into his and hold his hand. he won't deny that he actually blushed a little especially when you kissed him on the cheek goodnight. he knew he was probably touch-starved but he didn't realize how much he was missing without your touch.
you even started cuddling him during your movie nights and laying your body on his. and it was then that jason knew you felt comfortable with him. you finally felt safe.
things moved on a bit fast after that, your very gentle make-out sessions with jason became rough and needy. you'd dig your nails into his back while deepening each kiss more. your hands are roaming his back, trying to figure out what feels good, or what feels right but jason doesn't care. that fact that you're touching him is all that matters. that fact that you're comfortable is all that matters.
did jason dream of touching you constantly? absolutely! but would he have waited centuries to do so? only for you.
jason was in love with who you were and being able to touch you had nothing to do with that. this man fell in love with your personality and the love you were willing to give him and that was all he wanted.
"m'sorry for making you wait so long jaybird" you whispered while jason lips were busy kissing and biting your neck. he left a train of hickeys, hoping you wouldn't be too mad once you'd seen them, since you were quite focused on your current conversation "i know i'm a lot of work"
"good thing i'm a hard worker sweetheart," he said, while placing a hand on his hip and gently caressing your waist with his thumb. jason had started doing this,whenever he could tell you were overthinking or maybe overwhelmed. he was good with words but he knew how to soothe you "as long as you comfortable baby, then that's all i need"
you were all jason todd needed, he’d never admit it but he could love you from afar and still be happy because you'd be his and to jason that was all that was he really wanted.
for you to happy and safe with him.
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shaampoo · 1 month
(By Lydia the bard
TINKERBELL VILLAIN SONG - Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall | Song by Lydia the Bard and Tony | Animatic
The title^)
First of all the cover art is AMAZING, Tink is SO pretty, the sparkle and lines on the wings, her grin, HER HAIR, HER EARS, HER DRESS,
Also, "Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall" is a great title
Now the video itself and its lyrics, i really REALLY want to just compliment every single frame of this video, its so beautiful, so well done, its like it was blessed by The Muses of greek mythology,
Okay so the lyrics at 0:45
"You dont seem to quite understand what is at stake,
This messed up little family that i had to make"
Not only is this line so beautiful with the way her voice sounds, its pretty much a nod to the fact Tink and her friends kidnapped peter pan and the lost kids to keep her and her friends alive
(0:55) \/
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"If i could let them all go home please know that i would
But it'd do more harm than good"
Just Tink expressing her guilt that she and her friends kidnapped the lost boys so that they could keep existing, but like, JWHSEAJKHWED, she ofc doesn't want her or her friends to die, and since people are slowly not believing in fairies anymore, they're slowly going extinct, ALSO, Fawn and Silvermist are DEAD, so yeah, that messes with someones head
AAAALSOOOO, i LOVE their silhouettes, the height and weight differences instead of them all having the same height and weight like in the movies, plus, i LOVE that despite not looking like how they do in the movies, you can probably still tell who is who,
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Even if it wasnt intentional, i like how in kinda faraway shots, Tink has a more cuter roundish look, while in closer shots shes more edgy and more intimidating(? if that's the right word), kinda showing how others view her (kinda?) as a cute fairy, maybe underestimated, but yknow, close up, shes plotting to kill a child
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I love how Tink is gesturing in this scene, cause 1. It conveys to the audience what she wants from the lost boys and 2. Canonically, when fairies talk, people usually just hear jingling of bells, so shes gesturing because shes also conveying what she wants to the lost boys
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"Swear its nothing personal, its a necessary evil"
I just love this line because it is a necessary evil, she needs the lost boys and peter pan in neverland to believe in fairies so that they exist, and Wendy is pretty much a threat, since she makes the lost boys want to grow up with families,
Also, the lost boys look so cute in here, i cant remember their names tho, one is holding a slingshot, aiming at wendy, one is holding rocks , and one has a stick , so Tink just told these children to assassinate Wendy, or at least attack her.
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I love how the kids explain that Tink make them do it, and Peter Pan just glares at Tink, and i love that I'm pretty sure that Peter isn't mad/doesnt blame the lost boys
As seen in this scene where Pete is smiling and stuff at the Lost Boys and/or at Wendy
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I love how Tink refers to Wendy as a "Nasty little spark" because, a spark can turn into a fire, damaging a lot of stuff and people, pretty much saying that Wendy has to be snuffed out before she causes a fire,
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"Setting fires inside my house is just not allowed"
Pretty much referring to the fact that Wendy, the spark, is creating a fire, aka, making the lost boys want to grow up and go back to the real world, making them not believe in fairies anymore, thus, making her and her friends die, which is, not allowed.
Also. the fear in Tink's eyes is so fear, her expression is on point, the mix of concern and fear is just, so beautiful, also i love her pointed ears
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First of all, this screenshot does not do justice to the actual design of the mermaid (siren?), cause they are AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, GORGEUS.
Also, the fact that Tink is persuasive enough to convince someone to kill Wendy in such a short amount of time is impressive, and the fact that the mermaids agreed so quickly is also impressive,
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When it failed, the absolute horror and shock on Tink's face? Shes horrified that another plan of hers failed, and shes scared that her friends might die, like, wow
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The despair on her face is just so...asdjwoaijdoiwajd
The fact that Peter Pan (i cant even give him a nickname cause Pete sounds different and P.P. is just wrong and Pan is just A Thing), first at the gust of wind that blows away the pixie dust (which keeps the ship afloat) he covered his eyes, maybe cause the dust or his hair in his eyes, then he looks at Tink in anger and shock and probably some confusion, then looks at Wendy, in concern and fear,
Theory: Pan knows that, since Tink doesnt want the lost boys to leave, and he knows that gust of wind was from the fairies, and Tink's dislike and hatred to WEndy, that Wendy was probably the only one not going to be saved, which is why he only looks at her and tries to save her (that or he's a SIMPPPPPPP /j)
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The fact that you can see Wendy screaming??? Chills,
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And the black screen right after, signalling Wendy's death is just amazing
Anyways, overall, what im saying is
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bestialchorus · 6 months
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-For months, you’ve both been tiptoeing around the topic. Since you first started dating, quick quips like being excited to be “roommates” one day were always uttered whenever you were forced to say goodbye to each other. How these dreams were peppered in daily conversations, holding desires you each assumed were hidden from the other. How quickly those jokes gained weight the more your lives became intertwined. You loved her, and by the gods, did she love you. The love you shared was akin to the romances you once dreamed of, romances acted out in movies but seldomly found in your world.
-On one fateful night, you finally find the courage to whisper, “I want to live with you.” Her glowing eyes meet yours as the moonlight peaks in through the window. She softly rubs her canine head against your face, instantly filling you with warmth. You feel your lover start to shift back, leaving a large woman who is as much muscle as she is beauty”. “There’s nothing I’d love more,” she purrs close to your ear before softly dragging her finger down your body, sending a shiver down your spine. Her hand meets a familiar wetness. You start to whimper as you feel two long fingers slowly enter your folds. “Relax, baby girl, I’ll take care of you. Now and forever”. A few hours later, you lie on top of her as she gently rubs your back and plays with your hair. You talk deep into the night about what kind of home you want to build together. You remember passing out at some point as sleep finally catches up with you. You could have sworn you heard a whispering voice saying, “I can’t wait to call you my wife.” But maybe you just dreamt it.
-Right off the bat, it seemed money wouldn’t be much of an issue. You don’t quite understand at first, but she explains that she’ll soon be receiving a form of “inheritance” promised to alphas who reach a certain age. You still insist on contributing, and she doesn’t fight you on this, respecting you as a partner and her mate. 
-After months of searching, you finally end up finding a place that suits both of your needs. 
-Moving day was a lot less stressful than you thought it’d be. You remember packing up the last box one morning when you heard a knock at the door. Your girlfriend opens it, and a group of werewolves greet you with toothy smiles and warm mornings as they start to pile into your small apartment. You’ve spent much time with the pack, so all the faces before you were friendly. You can’t help but smile as one jokes, “I cant believe you’ve found someone who can actually tolerates ya, let alone live wit ya”. Some join in on the teasing as others come to chat with you. Without having to ask, each ONE immediately starts picking up a box and moving it down to the large pick-up truck outside your building. You release a surprised “EEP” as your alpha picks up while you’re holding a small box, “I wanna help too,” she giggles as she carries you bridal style to the truck. You feigned annoyance as you smack her arm, secretly loving every minute of it. All of your items (and yourself) are quickly loaded into the large vehicle with your girlfriend behind the wheel.
-After all your stuff is unpacked in the new place, the best part of moving could finally begin; decorating. You spend the next few days shopping together, hitting thrift stores throughout the city, and you actually find some pretty great stuff! One may have been a brand new pair of fuzzy handcuffs that your lover INSISTS will be essential for a “happy home.” 
-You come home one day and immediately stop in your tracks as you find your partner in a tight tank top and parachute pants, her outfit covered in paint as she moves a roller against the wall. Your brain turns to mush as her prominent abs peek through the thin fabric. She can’t help but smirk once she catches you ogling her. She decides then that it’s time for a bit of fun. Without saying a word, she takes off her shirt, revealing the body you were always in awe of. “I’m feeling a little warm after all this painting, honey, do you mind getting me a glass of water”? She acts as if she didn’t just fry all the neurons in your brain. You quickly shake your head and dash to the kitchen as you feel your cheeks heat up. 
-The house renovations have been complete torture. Whether it’s putting down new hard floor or tightening some plumbing. Your alpha is always wearing very little clothing; claiming she runs warm. You can believe that, but the image of your sweaty, beyond-built partner wearing a tool belt was sending you into your own version of heat. You’ve gotten little work done because you have a literal goddess walking around with a power drill. You decide to work a few days at the office going forward…
-Every day feels like an endless sleepover. Catching each other up on your day, grocery shopping together, painting each other’s nails, etc., it truly feels like you are hanging out with your best friend….a best friend who also just so happens to be 6’4 and able to crush a dresser with her bare hands….but best friends not the less.
-Another benefit of living with an extremely self-sufficient werewolf is that she’s an incredible cook. One night you come home and immediately smell the aroma of your favourite meal floating in the air. Her lips gently meet your neck as soon as you enter the kitchen, and your breath stops for a moment. “I’ve been cooking all day and while I’m excited for you to eat, I’m starving, baby”. You don’t get a moment to think as she has you bent over the table in a split second. That night you end up being her appetizer as she helps you build up an appetite. 
-You insist on helping her whenever she puts on a tie. You love putting her together for the day but love even more that you’re the sole person who gets to see her without all the bells and frills. You may share a space with your alpha, but you’re her true home. 
-Showering together has become one of your favourite rituals. You help the other wash the day off as warm water makes you melt. It always starts off innocently enough but very quickly becomes less than innocent whenever she starts to scrub around certain intimate areas….
-You had never thought much of a “forever” home while growing up but now realize it’s not only possible with your alpha. But that you’ll have one as long you’re with her.
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ns-imagines · 11 months
What they drive
141 Guys x domestic/everyday life
SFW | Word Count: 1.4k | Headcannons
**Long post with lots of pictures!
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A/N: I dunno much about cars but I always wonder what the boys would be driving. See what they’re picking me up in for date night… this is just for fun and highlights the modern life they have outside of missions. Also the gif of Soap falling on the car took me out lmao. Not requested. -Kiv
John Price
A man who takes pride in his vehicles. He has two Chevy trucks. A nice truck for everyday use and a project truck. The perfect person to talk to if you are thinking of purchasing a car or truck. Price has got the “dealership scam” game down. You'll be leaving the lot with a good deal.
The project car being a 1985 Chevy C10. Price is always going on about how “this is every man's dream car to work on”. He says it everytime he opens the garage. Without fail! It's got a classic blue color with a few rust spots but, nothing a good layer of paint can't fix. Its the 90s car from the movies. Nothing else to say about it!
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Ahh the project car. Price works on it when he can. Set up a lawn chair, get a glass of lemonade, and just watch that man work. Sometimes hell even explain to you what he’s doing. That is if you can even pay attention. There’s something so attractive about a man talking about what he’s passionate about all sweaty with a nice pump. HEY, wipe that drool off your face.
Price’s personal truck is nice. It gets him from point A to B. Everything on it is stock. He’ll always tell you hes gonna sell it once his project car has been fixed. But there’s still quite a lot to do on the project car. Its a 2012 Chevy Silverado in cherry black with a covered bed. Good on gas and can pull a trailer or boat! He doesn’t invest money in it for other than maintenance costs.
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It smells specifically like “Lakeside Morning” from Bath and Body works car scents. The packaging is what got him. It was honestly super cute when he read the package out loud. “Smells like: Cool, Sweet, Fresh, and alone time on the dock” followed by a shrug and him throwing it into his cart. Does he even fish?
Oh, whenever he turns a corner in the Silverado theres a thud coming from the bed. Its a cooler that has been there FOREVER. He swears he’s going to take it out. Price brought it when 141 met for a cook out and some beers a few months ago.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Don’t ask about the APR please. Kyle is going to use this bad girl till it breaks. Its his dream car. Price took him away from base to get a better rate for it! Its fast its speedy its a 2015 Ford Shelby GT350. Oh yeah racing stripes and all. He got it wrapped in a matte ocean blue. Im talking leather seats, tinted windows, and custom wheel.
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Kyle loves this car and will always offer to pick you up. Ur always going to be passenger princess. Kyle always drives up reallll slow, rev the engine a little, and rolls down the window to smile big at you. He gets the door for you when you are both approaching the car. Don’t test him. He will literally sprint to get the door for you. An actual cutiepie
Hes so damn cute when it comes to long drives. Hand on your thigh and singing to the music together. Expect spontaneous trips!! He doesn’t even know where you guys are headed today.
Loves to speed up when there no cars in front of him. That feeling of the car pushing into you the sear is his favorite. Kyle is definitely the type to lightly bang on the steering wheel and go “Wooooooo” when returning to the normal speed limit. Hehe. Hope it didn’t freak you out too much. You will without a doubt get a few reassuring thigh squeezes.
Classic Black Ice scent. Cant go wrong with it! Its his car’s signature sent if you ask him. Kyle keeps his car clean. Theres a few half empty water bottles in the back but never straight up trash. He makes sure to buy the premium wipes for the interior. Like I said that car is his baby. Ugh did i mention the sound system?! Its absolutely amazing. You can feel the bass in your bones. Literally sounds like you’re in an air pod pro.
John “Soap” Mactavish
His car is the hangout car. Like if were going out with boys were taking Soaps car. He drives a pearl colored 2020 Honda Accord. He ordered the under the seat lights and everything. Its actually a vibe in there. The music changes the lights or he has an app on his phone to change the color. Another amazing sound system tbh.
Similar to Gaz the glovebox in the car is yours. He even puts stuff in there for you as a surprise :,). Sweet baby Johnny. Like one time you got in the car like usual and opened the glovebox to grab chapstick or some perfume/cologne and sitting on the car instruction manual was a bag/box of ur favorite snack. When you looked back over, Johnny was looking back at you with a big derpy smile.
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Since his car is the hangout car it can get messy pretty easily. He has to do “trash runs” to empty the random things people leave in his car. Dont get it wrong, It isnt nasty with random food left behind!! Soap has tried those like little trash cans on Amazon but they always end up lost under the back seats.
Johnny always goes with New Car Smell. He doesn’t have a specific brand he likes he just gets whatever’s at the gas station at the time. He also has the bad habit of never locking his car. Soap swears he always forgets to but you think its just a habit at this point.
CEO of spontaneous trips. You would never believe how much camping stuff his car can hold. Soap will give him car encouraging words as it struggles to go up the hills to the hike or camping site. He always keeps an emergency box under the passenger seat. Its shaped like tackle box. It has a first aid kit, some portable batteries with chargers, flares, and an emergency flash light. Last time you both went camping he was so excited to show you the random hatchet he bought. He keeps it in the trunk for no reason. I mean, he cant have it in the barracks so you suppose it makes sense.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Simon currently owns two bikes. Hes in the process of selling his old one. Which is a chameleon purple painted 2006 Suzuki GSXR600 with 750 cc. It gave him a good year and half off rides. He took care of it and rode it to its top speeds. It has a scuff on the side from when he tried to do a wheelie but, he was going to slow and had to jump off before it fell to its side. Your heart sunk when it happened. Ghost was super embarrassed because he thought he had it down. He’ll never tell you though.
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After a long deployment where he was getting quite a big of hazard pay (extra pay when you’re in a dangerous location) he saved it all up. As soon as he got back he bought a black 2021 Honda Rebel 1100 DCT. This bike is fast but it’s more for cursing. Trust that he’ll ride it to its max speed at least once for the adrenaline rush.
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Bought you a matching jacket. He wont say anything about it being matching but you noticed almost after putting it on. Best part about riding is when you get to wrap your arms around his waist. Simon always makes sure to take it slow especially if you get nervous on bikes. Don’t even try to do your hair. He wont move the bike unless you have the right gear on. Ghost doesn’t wanna lose you from an accident.
You are probably wondering what he does when it rains… or maybe you already knew he chooses to ride anyway. I promise though that after a ride in the rain he will slightly complain about how wet the road was. It makes you worry because so much could happen with one slip. Simon will always reassure you that he’s an experienced rider. If you pick him up in your car he won’t be upset. Definitely wont say no to a free and dry ride!
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thecluelessdoctor · 6 months
Now as much as I rip and hate on chrismas at times, I need to admit there is not a better feeling than experiencing a childlike wonder again. Seeing beautiful hand crafted clock work decor and extraordinary snow globes, or seeing those mechanical trains youd see in the movies, nothing beats the feeling like that.
I'ma talk about the movie Klaus. A personal favorite of mine, not just for chrismas.
Klaus was released on Netflix about four years ago (I feel old)
I love this movie. It breaks the Christmas movie stereotype and it does it well. I love it from animation, to story, to duologue to characters, it's amazing.
So to start off, let's start with animation and style.
I can't explain it just look
Stupid thumbnail. But yeah. Watch it. Beautiful.
The story is beautiful.
It starts, with a letter. Just a letter.
And a man.
The plot starts with Jesper, the snotty son of the owner of a huge postal company. Jesper is failing postal school, before being told to be a post man in a town in a island called Smeerinsberg, and have 6000 letters done in one year.
Smeerinsberg is a violent town, a large feud between two family's that go back generations living there.
Jesper has a hard time getting letters at all. Until that is a small child drops his drawing out the window and towards Jesper. Remember this. Jesper tries to get the child to mail the letter, before he is attacked by the child's father's dogs. Before this he meets a character named Ava, who was a attempted teacher
Weeks pass by, and he finds out about the old woodsman cabin, and desides to go there, finding many hand crafted toys.
The woodsman comes home, holding his large axe, and scaring jesper. Jesper flees, dropping the drawing from the child.
Things happen, and the woodsman, Klaus, tells jesper to bring him to the home of that child to deliver a present. Jesper does so (unwillingly) and nearly dying.
The next day, jesper wakes up to a few children saying they have letters for Klaus. Montage of Jesper bribing kids for toys lmao.
Jesper then goes back to klaus's home, pleadunf to be able to take the toys to the kids and shiz. Klaus agrees, and they'll do it at the dead of night.
Word gets around about Klaus, no one knowing it's actually jesper that's going into the homes lol.
One day he's getting letters, and meets a little girl named Márgu, who is Sámi, and Jesper cant understand her. He also learns some of the children can't write and read, so he sends them to Ava's school.
He also remeets a kid who told him to go home earlier in the movie, who he gave coal, and ends up making a thing called the Naughty list, sorta as a explanation.
Children all over town start doing good deeds, and soon after, the adults follow after. The two family's have dwinled, the large fued basically being ignored. The two leaders of the families make a truce to put a end to this peace.
Jesper is then at Klaus's cabin, rambling about his idea called 'Christmas'
After this, Jesper and Klaus get into a argument, and jesper goes home to find Márgu there. Jesper sorta vents, before deciding to try and figure out what Márgu wants. He goes to Ava's school, who helps translate a letter basically
Jesper goes home, and attempts to make what Márgu wanted, even though he doesn't know how to work wood
Klaus comes back, and helps him make Márgu's gift, and they go to deliver it, seeing her excited. They are later back at Klaus's cabin feeding the reindeer, and jesper is obviously happy that he made Márgu happy.
More stuff happens, and after a bit, Márgu's people have come to Klaus's cabin to help. They make him a sleigh, and a outfit similar to theirs, as well as help with toy making.
Though during this, what's left of the two family's finds out about jesper's goal of 6000 letters, and end up 'helping' him.
It's December 24th now, daylight, and suddenly jesper's dad comes to collect him, saying he's done 14000 letters. Klaus, Ava, and the Sámi people feel betrayed, and are mad at him
He goes to leave, but looks extremely sad, sadder than when he came to Smeerinsberg. His dad gives him the look, and he ends up staying.
Márgu went to go find him, trying to stop him. But looks like he missed his ride.
He ends up seeing the mob planning to get rid of the gifts, and trys to intervene, que drama scene with lots of tension, before it was revealed it was all a decoy, and jesper ends up regaining everyone's trust, and they go to deliver the gifts.
Years pass, and word spread, and they had to expand, just as they had hoped. Ava and jesper are in love, and jesper gets a mustache at one point (in which Klaus remarks 'what is on your face')
But suddenly, by the 12th year, Klaus's time has finally come, and he goes to join his wife. To anyone other than the viewer though, he seems to have just.m disappeared.
We cut to later, in a Christmas eve with jesper's kids. Him and Ava tuck them into bed, and Jesper goes down, to stay up for the night, the movie ending with the line 'but once a year, I get to see my friend'
Truly a beautiful movie.
I can't express how much I love this movie, and I can't even explain how good it is.
It's a 20/10, go check it out
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usuibu · 9 months
is it ok for u to do eren or armin with number 34?? i love ur headcannons sm they’re so accurate 💗😭
I love u so much thank youu😭😭😭 and ofc!!! I’ll do both bc I have nothing else to do rn
34. dating them
More headcanons/masterlist
Eren - In the beginning he’s just very charming but the whole thing is like u fell first but he fell harder, he’d slowly get obsessed (but its mutual anyway) he started to fall even harder when he saw u getting along w his family and his mum loving u just made him love u more😭 hes just a silly family guy 🤷‍♀️
He defo asks everyone and their mothers for advice on what gifts to get u and what he should do for anything bc he thinks he’ll fuck things up but he still lowk ignores the advice he asks for and goes w his gut💀 his guts acc never wrong tho he usually makes the right decisions
U guys have a great relationship overall tho he likes couple pics and does post u but u guys arent like LOUD abt ur relationship u both just post a normal amount with each other but not necessarily abt them like u dont make i love my bf posts but u do post like out with the bf etc etc ao people know and ur couples pics are GOOD asl (bc hes a picky shit who wants them to look perfect) and u guys are very quality time people,, hes not that clingy in public but when ur alone its like a flip switches and he becomes a baby with separation anxiety😭 like he’ll follow u around everywhere even if ur just getting a snack or making a drink
Armin - He’s obv shy and he has a hard time saying what he fr wants and eren gives him unsolicited advice😭 armin still follows it tho but its just funny bc erens half pissing around giving him outlandish advice like the ‘girls ALWAYS like this or this and this’ but u can always tell armin has good intentions so its cute
he gets annoyed when u make fun of him when he tries be affectionate he denies it but he goes RED and his gifts are always super thoughtful and sentimental,, he’s a normal amound of affection like he likes holding ur hand in public and arms around ur shoulder is all standard but he only gets more clingy when hes tired☹️☹️☹️
hes defo the type to not want u to get out of bed and trap u inside and hes very acts of service he defo remembers ur drink order from the shop and makes u breakfast etc he can cook very well imo🤷‍♀️ but hes always insecure for some reason like he keeps on feeding u while he cooks asking what U think the dish needs as if he doesnt know any better😭 anyway bc u like his cooking the dinner dates r usually at home which he surprises u with☹️
U guys get very giggly when ur doing smt together like if hes trying to explain smt to u and u dont get it idk how to word it like u guys match each others energy u have a cute banter with mini inside jokes like IDK armins just such a loverboy i love bf!armin😭
Hes super like huffy when u tease him for shit like ‘awwww u wanna watch a movie with me’ he gets pissed and muttery like ‘i just thought it’d be cute if we did but if u dont want to then ig not’ while turning away and u’d both just be giggly bc u both cant keep up a bit
Hes also the type to come home w like a ‘just bc’ gift like ‘I thought this bracelet would look good on u’ or ‘a random guy on the street was selling flowers i felt bad so i bought some😭’
Sorry my armin ones got so long i realised ive never gone into depth abt him but I LOVE IT SM lmk if u guys want some more bf!armin headcanons lolol
My requests r open for anything u can ask me any specific headcanons for eren or armin or any character aswell!! Tysm for reading 🫶🫶
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sid-the-sandwich · 17 days
The Obey Me! Anime but as a Mockumentary
This is part 3 of stealing stuff from other franchises (LOL), but this time I'm writing about the anime because I was bored and had another thought that needs to be set free onto the world.
I want to preface this by saying I LOVE the anime, its funny and cute; its very 'slice of life'-ie and the boys are all so silly in this version. but I want something different, and hopefully longer episodes.
So, what is a 'Mockumentary'? essentially its a mix of the words 'Mock' and 'Documentary'. Google defines it as 'a type of film or television show depicting fictional events, but presented as a documentary which in itself is a subset of a faux-documentary style of film-making.' Think of shows such as 'Modern Family' and 'The Office'.
i'm going to try and follow some of the plots in the actual anime but trying to get it to fit 22 minutes which is how long episodes usually are of this type.
i try to keep it condensed or we'd be here all day <3
I tried my best
i've decided to write episodes down with a formula of:
Ep 1- No Motivation to Study. (All brothers)
Ep 2- Ruri-Chan Viewing Party. (Leviathan)
Ep 3- For Whom the Belly Rumbles. (Beelzebub)
Ep 4- Princess Asmodeous is in Another Castle. (Asmodeous)
Ep 5- Mammon and the Dog. (Mammon)
Ep 6- Detective Satan. (Satan)
Ep 7- Camp Lucifer. (Lucifer)
Ep 8- A Trip for 7. (Belphegor)
Ep 9- Beach Babes (All brothers)
Ep 10- A Bunny Boy's New Years' (All brothers)
Also, i thought it would be funny if MC was the one doing the interview portions; of course, we'd never see MC, but it is alluded that they are behind the camera.
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Ep 1: No motivation to study
Main Plot points:
A plot- The brother's are studying for an exam
B plot- Mammon's makes the 'miss em' doll
Story flow:
Plot A:
The brothers are introduced
the brothers are studying for an exam
Mammon is slacking off as usual
the brothers cant concentrate as they keep getting distracted
they want MC to come back to the devildom
The brothers goof off
Plot B:
Mammon makes the Miss 'em dolls and sells them
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Ep 2: Ruri-chan viewing party
Main Plot points:
A plot- Levi grabs all the dateables for a viewing party
B plot- the rest of the brothers are hiding from Levi
Plot A:
Levi squeals in excitement which means there's a new Ruri-chan movie.
he tells the camera in the 'interview' how much he LOVES the movie he wants to show them today,
he continues talking and talking
Levi tries to find his brothers around the house but can't
he decides to find ANYONE who will listen
He finds Simeon who was badly hiding behind the couch, Simeon rats Luke and Solomon out.
Levi even takes Diavolo and Barbatos
keeping the dateables in his room, not letting them leave
he over-explains everything to them
He stops them from leaving multiple times, Luke even tries to fake an illness to get out
Even Levi's snake hides from him
Plot B:
All the brothers try to tiptoe around the house, trying to avoid Levi who is constantly listening to find people who would listen find others
The brothers express in the interviews how they love Levi... but they cannot stand another one of his movies
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Ep 3: For whom the belly rumbles
Main Plot points: (I got inspired by the episode of 'Modern Family', 'Connection Lost')
A plot- Beel is lost in some sort of island. the whole ep takes place on the DDD interface.
B plot- Lucifer, Satan and Asmo are at Diavolo's castle
C plot- Levi, Mammon and Belphie are in the HOL
Plot A:
Beel scrolls through apps on his phone, somehow having internet access
he then opens his contacts and dials Lucifer on facetime
Asmo pops into facetime on Lucifer's laptop
Beel dials Belphie who is asleep, then he dials Levi who is always on his phone.
they all try to find out what and where Beel is
they offer suggestions but Beel keeps getting distracted
All it ends up, is that Beel accidentally sent himself into a game world after eating a game disc
Plot B:
Lucifer has to give a speach on behalf of Diavolo
when Beel calls on Lucifer's laptop, Lucifer was going over his speach as Asmo does his makeup and Satan was checking who attended.
they try to help Beel out of where he is before Lucifer gives his speach
Plot C:
Levi was chasing Mammon around the house when Beel calls
Belphie was asleep
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Ep 4: Princess Asmodeous is in another Castle
Main Plot points:
A plot- Asmodeous gets sent into Levi's game as the princess, he loves it a little too much
B plot- Lucifer giving Mammon a driving lesson
Plot A:
Asmo and the other brothers are sent into a game
at first, Asmo is annoyed but then he realises he is the princess and forces everyone to do his bidding
he wants to be saved in a certain way, dressed in a certain way, etc
Asmo likes it
Asmo becomes like an evil dictator
the brothers revolt against the prince and they win the game
Plot B:
Mammon got a parking ticket and it turned out his license expired a few months ago
Lucifer gives Mammon a driving lesson
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Ep 5: Mammon and the Dog
Main Plot points:
A plot- Mammon was turned into a dog, and Mammon runs away
B plot- Levi and Asmo had a previous fight but also Satan and Belphie had a previous fight
A plot:
Starts with Mammon having a dumb look on his face, his lips not moving but he is talking with the camera zooming into Mammon's face, Mammon then says "Hey over 'ere!", the camera zooms out and shows Mammon sitting next to a dog. Mammon is the dog.
Dog Mammon explains how he got cursed and then it plays out like the anime for the first 5 minutes
The brothers go out to eat dinner where they tease Mammon like usual
Mammon mishears something Lucifer said
Mammon leaves when no one was looking
The brothers in groups look for Mammon (Group 1: Levi and Asmo, Group 2: Satan, Belphie and Beel), they go to Casinos, clubs, bars to try look
Lucifer finds Mammon in MC's bedroom, they talk
Everyone resolves their conflicts by the end
B plot:
Asmo and Levi are fighting because Levi didn't include Asmo on a stream
Satan and Belphie are fighting because of an understanding when talking about the Anti-Lucifer defense league
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Ep 6: Detective Satan
Main Plot points:
A plot- Detective Satan with the younger brothers
B plot- Mammon, Lucifer and Levi are taking Mammon to his driving test
Plot A:
Satan solves his brothers mysteries, expanding on 'Detective Satan' 1 and 2.
Plot B:
Lucifer and Levi take Mammon to the driving center
When Mammon is having his exam with Little D no. 2 as the examiner, Mammon is chased by a guy who he owns a debt to
Mammon tries to out drive the debt collecters
Levi and Lucifer chase after them in a third car
Mammon somehow passes his test
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Ep 7: Camp Lucifer
Main Plot points:
A plot- Lucifer takes his brothers to a camp
B plot- Mammon and Asmo want to go to a party instead
C plot- Levi, Satan and Belphie just want to go back home
Plot A:
Lucifer is overzealous about camp, he's doing everything
All the brothers gather around the campfire, and each brother wants to get away.
When Lucifer goes away to deal with an argument Beel caused because he ate the next door camp's food
When he comes back all his brothers except for Beel have gone
Beel is eating all the food at the campfire, Lucifer pets him on the head
after a while of Lucifer and Beel alone, where Lucifer is just watching Beel eat, Lucifer goes away to wash his hands
the rest of the brothers feel bad, and return
Lucifer returns and sees ALL his brothers back around the campfire again roasting marshmallows
Lucifer joins them
Plot B:
Asmo and Mammon have big plans to escape for the night because they heard that a devildom celeb was at a club
they sneak out when lucifer is distracted
but eventually they return after a while
Plot C:
Levi, Belphie and Satan hide in the tents wanting to just rest and get away from all the insects and flies
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Ep 8: A trip for 7
Main Plot points:
A plot- Belphie is sad because his brothers are treating him different
B plot- Road trip with all the brothers in a caravan
Plot A:
Part one and two of 'A trip for 7'
Belphie is just watching as his brothers interact
but most of the trip takes place in a caravan as they going to their destination
Plot B:
The brothers have a pillow fight and play cards without belphie because things are still awkward with him
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Ep 9: Beach Babes
Main Plot points:
A plot- Mammon trying to get pics of Lucifer shirtless
B plot- Asmo takes Beel as his wingman to pick up some 'babes'
Plot A:
Mammon wraps up each of his brothers to help him in his endeavours
he asks Levi to dress like an octopus to catch Lucifer off guard
he asks Satan to place a curse of Lucifer that raises his body heat until he is so warm he wants to take his shirt off
he asks Belphie to create an elaborate trap but Belphie just throws crabs at Lucifer while not even moving from his place under the umbrella
Plot B:
Asmo takes Beel with the promise of food to find some 'babes'
Asmo tries flirting with some people but Beel is somehow doing better than him
Asmo finds someone from behind
the 'babe' is actually Solomon
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Ep 10: A bunny boy's New Years'
Main Plot points:
A plot- Brothers as Bunny boys
B plot- the dateables come to the Bunny boy restaurant for New Years
Plot A:
the brothers have to be bunny boys to make up for Mammon's debt
they attend to the dateables
Plot B:
Season finale where the dateables recap the whole season
Yh... idk what this one was- i think i hallucinated half of it <3
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actualbird · 9 months
I was so confused because your ask button kinda disappeared on tumblr web tsogshosogs
Anyway: Pokémon. Who in the NXX would have watched it and what do they feel about the show?
on my ask: oh nah, that happens cuz i close my ask box randomly and without announcement these days because sometimes i get overwhelmed by getting too many asks and that can trigger my brain issues, sorry abt that huhu
on pokemon: OHHHHHHHH this is gonna be a tad difficult because i didnt watch much pokemon growing up (i was a digimon kid) but....
i feel as if....artem watched it. luke played it. marius read it. and vyn has no idea what a pokemon is.
artem watched it
hes the most classic and i think of the watchable pokemon medias, he'd actually like the movies much more than the shows. since, in contrast to the show's longform episodic nature, the pokemon movies have a tighter plot that artem, even as a child, appreciated much more.
i cant say more than that because i havent watched much of the show and have only watched one (1) of the animated movies.
that being said i also think artem liked Detective Pikachu. he would die for the bulbasaurs in that movie.
luke played it
luke has played every single pokemon game ever. the mainline games, the spinoff games, the old ones, the new ones, ALL OF EM. hes the resident gamer boi and his creds hold up here
i like to think the first pokemon game luke played was actually the original pokemon yellow on a gameboy color that he got from a retro antique store (it was definitely among the first things that inspired him to also open an antique store)
marius read it
as in, he read the pokemon special manga. why? because i read the pokemon special manga and im bestowing this honor upon him JHVSJKHFSD
BUT ALSO I JUST THINK HE'D REALLY ENJOY THE STORY. the manga is so dear to me and i think marius in particular would really enjoy ruby (because ruby is a campy bi bitch of a dude and marius vibes with that so much) and also the diamond & pearl arc because the whole premise of platinum, rich girl extraordinaire, being sent off with two fake bodyguards diamond & pearl...well i just think marius would love the hijinks in that arc a lot HAHA
vyn has no idea what a pokemon is
he didnt know how trading cards worked in SR Eternal Whisper, so this could totally happen. like, idk, pokemon didnt get a svartish dub so it never got imported there JKHVSDKJFHS
vyn: ....and you mean to say that the word is a portmanteau of "pocket" and "monster"?
luke, who has been trying to explain pokemon to vyn for the past 15 minutes: //strained voice. yeah. yeah it sure is, buddy
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nsb-rkive · 2 years
If it’s possible two nsb reactions? Nsb reaction to you being a baddie and nsb reaction to you being a gamer god/godess/royalty. love your writing btw 💕
(sorry if I took a lot, hope you like anyways<3)
𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙨/𝙤 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙧🎮
PAIRING(S):: nsb x reader
GENRE(S):: soft/fluff, reaction, req
W.C:: 0.9k
WARNING(S):: none
AU:: hi everyone im back!! Sorry for being dry, but i was on vacation and I’ve also done a few things so I didn't have so much time to post, sorry:// Anyways hope you enjoy! <3
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🎮 | Oliver
So, Oliver doesn't play video games that much as the other ones do, but I don't think that would be a big deal if his s/o was a gamer. Of course he’d rather spend time with you as much as possible, so he might interrupt and distract you from your games, but I don’t think he’d turn it into a big problem, yk. “Babe can we go out?” “Babe i want your attention, you’ve been playing for 2 hours straight now” and ofc, as a good simp, you would stop playing and start giving attention to your boyfriend. He’s a really sweet guy, he would do anything for you, so when you’d ask him to play valorant with him, he’d hesitate at first but accept it. He looks so cute while sitting between your legs, with you behind him explaining and helping him with the game I'M SOBBING.
🎮 | Kane
Kane doesn't really mind, tbh. I think he’d just lay on his bed and watch anime till you’re done playing. Otherwise, he’d watch you playing and try to learn more from you. “OMG HOW DID U DO THAT” “Damn my girl is a pro AHAHA” bet he would say things like this. I think he’d also try to challenge you “We all know i am going to win, come on” then lose IM LAUGHING SO HARD PLS- as we all know, he hates losing even tho he always do LMAO so i think he’d get “mad” at you for laughing and making fun of the words the said earlier. Just know that everything has a consequence, so be ready for a revenge cuz this boy ain't letting you rest
🎮 | Justin
Oh lord, Justin won't leave you alone, especially after you started playing valorant. He’d ask you to play with him whenever you both are free, it’s so cute of him😭 “Fuck y/n did you train or something? How come you are beating me at killing??” He’d start bragging about how good you are at playing and this shit. Probably you would go to one of those computer cafeterias for some gaming date or to relax after watching a movie or sum. Just go play with him when u can, he loves to see your concentrate face while u play HE IS SO CUTE PLEASE
🎮 | Regie
He wouldn't believe you at first, but after you showed him your skills at playing valo, he immediately changed his mind. I dont think he plays valo that much, but Dota, so he’d probably ask you to play with him. If you dont know how to play it, he’ll teach you how to do it. Same as Oliver, but this time you are sitting on his legs while he leads your hands on the mouse and keyboard. You’d get excited because you are slowly learning and he cant help but giggle and smile while thinking about how cute you are. The urge to punch him for being so pretty and adorable damn it
🎮 | Ryan
So, as we know way too damn well, Ryan is a gamer, so bet he’d be more than happy to have a partner who’s too. He would ask you to join him to play valorant together. Ofc you’d play other games too, like Fall Guys or League of Legends, but he just finds it so cute how competitive you become while playing. You two would yell so loud that even the neighbors would come to your place to complain abt it LMAOAOAOAO DEF ME. It seems all cute but man don't be fooled by his rbf, ryan could get pissed if u win the game PLS💀💀 “Babe what’s wrong?” “Nothing sigh” you can clearly tell he is pissed so let him win the game so mf doesn't complain that much😭😭😭 He’d probably download and buy more games just for you to play together AWWW MY BABY
🎮 | Darren
As much as he likes playing video games, I don't think Darren plays that much tbh, but still he thinks it’s really cool that his s/o is a gamer. Like Justin, he’d probably go around and brag abt u being a gamer. Sometimes he’d look at you while playing, but usually he prefers lying down and putting his head on your tights while looking at his phone. BIG ASS HEAD BEING SO CUTE HELP After you are done playing he’d probably take you out for an ice cream or something. Make sure to give him a lot of attention tho, or mf will interrupt you in the middle of the game to kiss your lips fight me darren🤺
🎮 | Sebastian
Like Oliver and Darren, Seb doesnt play that much, maybe less than Darren, but still it doesnt bother him if you were a gamer. He’d let you play as much as you want, and while you do so, he’d work or watch Netflix. “What game is this? Oh I've never played it before, can I try?” such a cUTIEEEEE CRYING He can be annoying as HELL sometimes, but he just loves you a lot, and he wants to keep you as close as possible because you are his first partner (cap), or at least he considers you as it. He be trying to interrupt your game but fails miserably, like many Kane’s pranks😭😭😭 Sometimes you are too focused on your game, that you dont even notice that he went for a motorcycle ride like 2 hours ago 😭 PLEASE THIS IS SO ME💀💀
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prager-lover · 1 year
Recom Prager x F!Recom!Reader
I got so damn bored also this is my first time writing for a Recom, i've been obsessed with them since I saw the second movie. Feel free to send me hc or fic ideas for the recoms cuz I love them so much.
When you cant find the fanfics you want, write em yourself
Content overview: Swearing, reader is straight/bisexual(says they like men, doesnt specify if they are straight or bi), cringe fluff, Prager being dumb (i love him), Prager being a little nerd that can't talk to women, awful writing get over it this is self indulgent
Word count? Dont know. A lot. Ignore how bad my writing is
Pandora, twenty years later.
Being woken up in this new big blue body kind of threw you for a loop. Years ago, we were fighting these giants and now you were them. What the fuck. The first face you saw was Lopez and Christ Almighty he was the wrong person to see. All up in your face, the blue Latino was yelling, probably running off an adrenaline high.
Prompting you to shove him away and jump off the gurney, backing into a corner. Other large blue bodies closed in on you, yelling to calm down. You took the time to realize they were Marines. Your friends. You calmed down when one of the Na'vi that looked alot like your old friend Ja started talking. He started explaining that you guys were recoms, you'd died and now you're back.
Well Shit.
Y/N's Pov
It's been a few months since I woke up as a Recom. Thankfully, everyone seems to have adjusted. Lyle is still an idiot, flirting with every breathing thing at Hellsgate (Im pretty sure hes even tried making passes at the Colonel). Being in this new body is actually pretty cool once you get used to it. The stripes and shit look awesome. Besides, the improved strength is nothing to sneeze at. When we're not out trying to find Sully, I spend almost every free minute in the gym, or at least outside trying to do something active, any chance to be around my friends. I'm glad Ja is here, back when we were humans, he was my damn rock. Always there with a joke and a smile, it's nice to be so comfortable with someone, considering theres only a few of us recoms. Everyone else on base is either a scientist trying to probe me, or some puny human that jumps a mile high when I go in a room. Tiresome.
There is a new guy though, Prager. He was in the room when I woke up, wide eyed and ready to hold me back if it was needed. Not so good for first impressions. Ja gave us a formal introduction afterwards. Apparently him, Brown, and Ja were pretty good friends. His facial features did look kind of familiar, I probably saw him around base a few times. I can't lie, he was kind of striking. In a weird way. He looked so tired all the time. We got to talking, and eventually became friends as well. He was reallyyy into working out. It was kind of obvious, Jesus his muscles were big. Kind of muscles that you just wanna smack. It started with us running into each other at the gym, polite "Heys" and "How're you?" but after a while we started working out together. He'd spot me on the bench, making it kind of hard to concentrate when he's standing right on top of me. Almost dropped the weight a few times. We'd hang out together for a little bit, going outside on the basketball courts and watch animals flying around, and sometimes when it would be near eclipse, we'd stay and watch. We'd both be hungry, and sometimes he'd forget a snack so I'd bring extra protein bars I snuck from the mess hall. Sometimes when he'd turn away I'd look at him. He was pretty, especially in this lighting. Very soft and relaxed, unlike when we were on missions. When it was just us, no Ja or Lopez coming around the corner to tackle him, he'd let his face fall or just close his eyes. Call me delusional, but I swear he did the same to me. I'd turn my head around and catch him quickly turning, light purple blush spreading across his cheeks. Cute.
3rd person Pov
"Hey, Y/n, wait up!"
Y/n turned around, smiling when she saw Prager jogging towards her, green headband ties swaying behind him.
"Damn girly, what happened to waiting for eachother?" He said, feigning hurt while slightly out of breath.
"Sorry man, maybe you're just too slow. Pick up the pace." She joked, lightly punching his bicep, being met with pure muscle. God Damn. He wont admit it, but that touch sent butterflies right to his stomach. He'd been harbouring this crush on Y/n for months now, and everyday it seemed like it went deeper. Ja would groan loudly when Prager brought up y/n for what seemed the thousandth time that day.
"Just stop being a pussy and ask. her. OUT." He'd say, enunciating the last 3 words with smacks on Prager's head.
"I know but what if she says no, I'd rather get trampled by a direhorse." He lamented, throwing himself onto a bunk like a melodramatic Disney princess. Ja just decides to give up.
Y/n and Prager started their typical workout routine, stretching, muscle building, then cardio if they could bear to look at a treadmill or bike. They didnt talk much during their workouts, mostly shared smiles or raised eyebrows. It was late now, the workout was probably 3, 3.5 hours. Too long. They left the facility, heading out to the basketball courts to cool down.
Y/n's Pov
Fuck. Too long. Way too fuckin long for a workout. I should be used to it at this point, i'm a damn marine but it was too much weight for too many reps. I think Prager feels the same way. Everything feels too light in my hands, the dumb bells ghost weight still pulling my arms down. One upside, Prager still somehow looked good. I'm not sure how its possible but the man just looks handsome without trying. Pisses me off to a point, he probably doesnt realize how good he looks to me right now. Asshole.
We stopped in our tracks and flopped to the ground.
"Fuck almighty." He groans out, sprawled out on the concrete, tail flicking lazily next to him.
"Yeah, you're telling me." I say, sitting down next to him. "It's gonna be a pain in the ass to get up tomorrow."
We sit in silence for a while, just soaking in the fresh and cool air. Thats the beauty of Pandora, all this beautiful scenery, nature preserved and fresh air not polluted by billions of people over-populating the planet. Sometimes I don't like what we're doing here. General Ardmore, all the other humans. We're going to fuck up this planet, just like we did our original one. Prager must have noticed my shift in mood, my tail flicking around, agitated. He sat up on his elbows looking at me.
"You alright there?" He asked, big ol eyes looking up at me. I was knocked out of my trance.
"Yeah i'm good, just thinkin'."
He was about to reply when a loud laugh erupted from the side. There was Lyle, hands on his knees while Z-dog was wiping tears from her eyes. Of course. Those guys were inseparable. And insufferable. Lyle would always be giggling about some stupid shit. I love that bald bastard but when you're trying to unwind it can get on your nerves. Prager and I shared a look. Yeah, he knew. We both started laughing, somehow our two voices still overpowered by Lyle's hacking guffaw across the courtyard. We watched them walk off, Z-dog clapping his back.
"Do you think they have something going on?" Prager asks me. I was taken aback. He said it so nonchalantly, but I never would have thought he was one for gossip.
I chuckled as I answered. " I really doubt it, I think Z-dog's gay. Never seen a girl that looks like that without an ounce of fruit in her. Never knew you were a gossip queen Prag, didn't know you had it in you." I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at him. He threw his head back laughing softly, his Adam's apple withing perfect striking distance. Why did I think about that. We were quiet for a few seconds. when suddenly;
"Are you gay?" He was looking at me again. The question was so quiet I thought I misheard him for a second. Again, taken aback.
"Uh, no. No, I like guys."
He let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank god."
What the fuck. I started laughing. Loud, violent laughs as he quickly gets from his comfortable position, obviously panicking from what he just said.
"Wait wait wait no I- no no I didn't mean it- well I didn't mean it like that no no you got it all wrong." He was shaking his hands at me, cheeks blushing a deep purple. I was rolling on the fucking ground. my sides hurt from how hard I was laughing. I tried gaining composure, but his stupid handsome face was looking at me with a panicked face and I came undone again.
"did-didn't know you didn't agree with-" I hiccupped. "-that sort of lifestyle Prag." I was still giggling when he got louder.
"Wait wait NO I didn't mean it like- like that no no it's- no I have gay friends and stuff-" Again I lost it. His ears were pinned back against his skull, tail swishing adamantly behind him, pupils big.
"No no no no no no no I just meant it like I like you so I hoped you didn't like girls cuz that would suck cuz I like you and I don't want you to not like me..." He covered his face with his hands, mumbling after that sentence. What he said, I don't know but I think it was along the same lines. All that was replaying in my mind was " I like you"
Prager liked me? ME? I turn so I'm Infront of him, he's still babbling on and on, incoherent.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I asked that-"
"I know I know I'm sorry I can just go I'm sorry I don't know I just got nervous I'm sorry."
Fucking Christ he was cute. I grabbed his wrists, yanking his hands away from his still blushing face.
He looks up to me so mopey, poor kitty cat with his ears drooping. I couldn't stop myself. I kissed his nose. That shut him up.
"Prager, I like you too."
He's looking at me with his mouth half open. Idiot. His hand reached for mine, holding me tightly.
"You do?" He sounded so small and helpless, like a kitten.
"Yes, you fucking dipshit" I said with a toothy grin.
His shoulders slumped over and he leaned into me, crushing me in a hug.
"Thank god oh my god you had no idea how long I've wanted to hear that thank GOD-"
I kissed his nose again. I'm finding this to be a very effective way of shutting him up.
"Maybe ask me out now instead of rambling."
He grinned at me. We left the courts a few minutes later, I reached to hold his hand and he took mine gladly. He dropped me off at my room.
"Night y/n, see you tomorrow." He beamed down at me, his ears perked up and tail moving quickly.
"Goodnight hotshot."
Prager scampered off. He felt like singing but he knew no one around would appreciate it, so he settled with whistling. The man wanted to fucking skip. It was obvious to Ja, who was playing cards with Brown and Lopez when Prager came in, that something good had happened.
"Prager? You alright man?" they all turned to look at him, his usually tired looking eyes bright and wide open.
"This guy on meth or something?" Lopez muttered.
"No no nothing like that I'm just a happy camper fellas."
Ja figured it out.
"ohhh yes."
Loud noises, Brown whooping and Lopez hitting Prager's back filled the room. Ja tousled up Prager's hair, laughing at his scaredy-cat friend's (Long overdue) courage. They made him stay up and tell them all the details.
Is this my best work? probably not. But I am both sleep deprived and Prager content deprived so let me live my life. I'm living for the recoms right now. tell me what y'all think bye have a nice day
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jennilah · 1 month
For the saw ask!! 5, 11, 14 <3
5) A character you wish could have lived
there are many characters I wish I could watch an AU where they lived, but am generally not torn up that they had to die to move the plot forward because I thought the final story was compelling. but there is one character I really did not like seeing die for many reasons, and that was Jill :(
11) Thoughts on Saw VII
Saw 3D they cant make me hate you. i dont often dislike movies at all, actually. in most films, even widely hated ones, i like trying to find the positive. i can usually list at least one aspect i enjoyed & Saw 3D was no different.
I know theres some argument about how in-character some people were, but i dont like getting into that sort of thing. I dont want to dig into writers and script n shit that much, that reminds me too much of how I used to fandom. ugh, barf. thats taking things way too seriously for my taste now. Going into it, I had no idea about any of that, I was just thinking about how things progressed from the last film, right?
so whatever characters do, thats canon now. i just gotta deal w it and adapt my characterization accordingly whether i like it or not
so I explain things like Hoffman and Lawrence's behavior as simply losing what little humanity they had left. Listen. Like, the guys have been though an absolute hell of an experience in different ways, and spent a significant amount of time drinking John's kool-aid. He had a way with words and was a master manipulator.
Hoffman just spent the last four movies slowly spiraling further down and down into the hole he was digging himself in, i had no problem with him going full terminator in the end. He was off the deep end and his penchant for revenge reared its ugly head once again, and he couldn't be stopped. he was blinded by his own bad decisions and nobody could stop him- he killed them all. He was drunk with power and behaved at times like a cornered animal that snapped.
his slasher rampage made me fall in love with him, after all. it opened my eyes to him being more than just "boring cop jigsaw" (though my tune was starting to change by Saw VI)
Lawrence was recruited during likely another vulnerable position in his life, recovering from the trauma of the trap, likely also dealing with a divorce and more. Him returning to be an apprentice was fanfiction, but what can I say? I dont hate fanfiction movies. I like what apprentice!Lawrence has brought to the table in the grand scheme.
i also enjoy some of the campier sillier moments. Horsepower trap, my beloved
i dont love all of it. but idk. im forgiving w "bad films". very few are completely without any intriguing moments
14) Favorite trap
oh god this is so unbelievably hard to answer
the Horsepower trap has an absurdity to it that makes me laugh a lot. The Glass Coffin had my favorite characters & ship fodder.
I also really like the Nerve Gas House & Fatal Five but maybe more as like, a vibe and plotline? I guess those are "games" more than individual traps right?
maybe the Glass Coffin. i did make this, after all
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
VFX artists are speaking out against Marvel, with many refusing to ever work with the entertainment giant again. This comes as artists share accounts of unworkable deadlines and immense pressure leading to stress and unsatisfactory final products. Many have requested to never be put on a Marvel project again, saying that the studio has the "worst VFX management out there".
These allegations have been made on the subreddit r/VFX, with artists across the industry sharing their negative experiences with the company. Almost no one in the subreddit has a good word to say about the employer, with many saying that the money and star-power aren't worth tolerating such poor working conditions.
In a thread titled "I am quite frankly sick and tired of working on Marvel shows", Reddit user Independent-Ad419 expressed their frustration with the studio. "Marvel has probably the worst methodology of production and VFX management out there", they write. "They can never fix the look for the show before more than half the allocated time for the show is over. The artists working on Marvel shows are definitely not paid equivalent to the amount of work they put in."
Others in the replies are quick to agree. "On Thor they ask for a complete mini-sequence 2 or 3 weeks before deadline", says samvfx2015.
Mickeym00m00's account is much the same: "I request to not work on [Marvel] movies and TV shows. Unfortunately, they're becoming our biggest client. They expect a smorgasbord of options so they can change their mind three more times."
Those who haven't been able to avoid working with Marvel confirm that it hasn't improved in recent years. "I'm on almost three years straight of Marvel. Welcome to the seventh level of hell". Another user shares that their time at Marvel has been a "black hole of sleep deprivation and eating bad".
Another thread from three months ago contains even more damning accounts of what it's like to work with Marvel. These allegations were shared when another VFX artist was disappointed to lose out on the opportunity to work with Marvel - something their industry peers reassured them was no great loss.
"I am on my third Marvel project in a row and literally just woke up 5:30 am on a Saturday with stress going 'I don't want to do this anymore'", writes RANDVR. "It's 6 am now and I am making a reel to apply someplace that has projects other than Marvel because I can't do this anymore.
Mickeym00m00 shared a particularly shocking account of their time working with the studio: "Marvel has seen grown men punch walls and throw monitors from stress. I broke down a couple of times and have seen the strain it can put on marriages. But hey the $$ was fantastic. Fuck Marvel as a client, the credit name is not fucking worth it."
Raistlinuk agrees: "It took me over six months to recover from WandaVision's crunch. It’s not worth it. Not when there’s better run projects that look just as good out there."
Given how recent some of these projects are, it's unlikely that there's been a dramatic change in the past few months. It remains to be seen if Marvel addresses these criticisms as they become widely shared online.
It explains ridicilous CGI in Loki or Love and thunder
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Marvel used to have 1 movie a year or two.
Now its 2-3 movies a year and several shows. Quantity over quality. No wonder cgi workers cant keep up.
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Matt sturniolo -enchanted
About-Y/N and her best friends go to a movie premiere where a secret reveals itself in a moment of need
Warnings -mention of anxiety, anxiety attack .Not proof read
My first ever fanfic please be kind 😅 not sure how I feel about it please comment and like .Any tips would be appreciated . Loosely based off the song enchanted by Taylor swift .
Word count -722
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"forcing laughter , faking smiles"
I've been dreading this night for weeks .Ever since my good friends nick, Matt and Chris invited me to go with them to the new scream premiere.I stared at myself in the mirror my pale skin glowed and my smokey eyeshadow and red lip complimented my green dress perfectly.
My Auburn hair fell into its natural waves and rested down my back , stopping at my waist.I looked amazing but with my anxiety and knowing that I'd be seeing Matt very shortly, I certainly didn't feel amazing .I contemplate excuse in my head on why I have to cancel last minute .My phone ringing brings me out of my state ...it's Nick "hey we're outside , hurry up Matt's stressing about being late."He says already sounding fed up with his blue eyed brother ." Coming now" I say with a half hearted laugh as I grab my bag and head for the door.
"i was enchanted to meet you"
After Matt barely sticking to the speed limit we arrive at the premiere in time .Their manager Laura quickly met us explaining that I was welcome to walk the carpet and get my photo taken along with the triplets and after will have to wait for them at the side so they can finish the carpet themselves.
I smile for the cameras with Chris to my left , Matt to my right and nick the other side of Matt .I smiled at the flashes when deep down all I wanted is to be in the safe place of Matt's car.
I start to walk to the of the carpet to stand behind a make shift wall waiting for my 3 best friends to finish their photos .I stood and admired how they looked .They looked so handsome but Matt ... well he looked so angelic, he made my breaths shallow as he looked over at me with his perfect smile on show .I have always loved Matt in fact it's safe to say in love with Matt.They start walking towards me , finishing on the carpet .My eyes are completely lost in Matt's as they walk closer to me .I am completely enchanted by him , I could never have the courage to tell him.I will always just be his friend .
" wishing you was at my door , I'd open up and you would say hey"
We make our way to the theatre ready to watch the film .I sit in the middle of Matt and nick with Chris on the other side of Nick.We settle down and the film begins.I try to focus on the slasher film but the way Matt's hand is so close to mine I can feel the heat radiating of it and the anxious voice in my head reminding myself that I'm a burden to the 3 boys I love so much , doesn't allow me to enjoy the film .
My heart starts to race .my chest starts to feel tight .I feel like i cant catch my breath.My hand that was once so close to Matt's is now sweaty.Im having a anxiety attack , i need to get out of here i tell myself ."im just going to the bathroom" i whisper to matt quickly.Before i can hear his response im walking down the stairs and out of the theatre door.
I get out into the theatre lobby and it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.With my head running in circles I sit on the plush seats before I faint.I hear the door close and I see Matt , my sweet Ocean eyed Matt walking towards me .I can't do this conversation right now ."y/n what's wrong" he says ."not now Matt" I say with tears streaming down my face ."is it your anxiety?" He asks looking concerned at my distressed state.I nod my head in response "it's not just that , I can't stand it anymore" I say in-between sobs "what are you talking about?" He asked confused." I can't be your friend anymore it kills me being so inlove with you and knowing that you wouldn't feel the same , it physical hurts my chest to know that matt." I exclaimed with added tears running down my face
He looks at me so blankly it feels like I'm waiting a life time for him to say something.He doesn't , instead he wipes a tear off my face and the next thing I know our lips are crushed against each others and the whole world feels like it's spinning .I pull that , I can't believe that just happened.
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enlighten3d · 10 months
its amazing.
(spoilers for tmnt mutant mayhem!!!!!)
this is all going to be very incoherent and in all caps
SO I FUCKING LOVE IT. ITS NOT MY FAVOURITE (thats rise, i owe my soul to rise), BUT.
gods its so amazing
leo is. in the words of my good friend, @sp-teri, "leo is cringefail". i love leo so much. donnies my favourite, but. leo is wonderful. HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT HES DOING AND HAS LITERALLY NO RIZZ (donnie described it perfectly) HES AMAZING
how is superflys plan even supposed to WORK. i mean, he wants to turn all animals into mutants and kill humans. HOW DOES THE OOZE (i love that its called ooze in this. ooze rights.) DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN ANIMALS AND HUMANS????? HUMANS ARE ANIMALS TOO...
idk, ill chalk it up to movie logic, i guess.
HES A KPOP STAN. im so proud of him.
AND DONNIE HIMSELF. HES MY FAVOURITE. I LOVE HIM. HES SO SASSY AND AMAZING AND HE HAS SO MUCH PERSONALITY AND. i stan every version of donnie (...even 2012 donnie...) BUT MM!DONNIE? HES MY SECOND-FAVOURITE (once again, my soul belongs to rise).
donnie is. hes so cool Ɛ>
i literally dont have words.
and oh, oh! that weird boss lady that wants to milk the turtles (every damn time they said that they were gonna milk the turtles, i was. that shits hilarious. "they/we dont even have nipples!")! my theory, with basically no evidence to it, is that SHES A KRAANG OR SMTH. IDK. i mean, she mentioned utroms????
and omg the turtles get to go to school. im so happy for them. THEY GET TO BE TEENAGERS! i do not approve of them taking their masks off, but pop off ig LMAO.
oh my gods the fuckin childishly drawn scene near the beginning where theyre dreaming about their 'impossible' future is. IT COMES TRUE!!!! almost. BECAUSE THE CHILDISHLY DRAWN VERSIONS OF THEM HAD SIXPACKS, ABHAHAHEBRBDJGJKE THAT IS SO FUCKING FUNNY TO ME-
Back to the art! it was all so... 3d... which is a bit of a redundant statement, considering that i watched the movie in 3d, BUT. it was so... lively ! they were all so animated (pun intentional)!! its such a UNIQUE artstyle and is so amazing and wonderful Ɛ>Ɛ>Ɛ>
im. i dont draw so i cant rly properly marvel at the wondrousness of the art, BUT AS SOMEONE WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ART??? ITS SO FUCKING PRETTY AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
oh and all the little connections and references and parallels to the other iterations of tmnt!!! their goofy-ass belts w their initials, splinter being like... was it 2003 splinter that was originally a rat instead of a human? OH the movie also kinda reminded me of bay tmnt in some ways! cant rly explain it... but there are connections to all the other shows and movies and its so cool ... (not pointing out any rise or 2012 connections because theyre just so INHERENT??? mm is, in a way, kinda like if rise were 2012. BUT ALSO NOT. BECAUSE ITS A SEPARATE THING. but its one way to describe it.)
but also, quickly going back to aprileo thing, i dont. im not into it. leo, i support your rights and wrongs, TRUST ME I DO, but. idk abt this one, man... i rly hope they dont make aprileo properly canon and april just rejects leo. tbf im not big on romance in general, but i rly do think of the turtles and april as being family. aprileo is just odd. BUT I AM VERY GOOD AY IGNORING ROMANCE SO. hopefully i wont have to do that tho.
SPEAKING OF ROMANCE. THE FUCKING SPLINTER X THAT ONE COCKROACH MUTANT? THAts KINDA DISGUSTING BUT ALSO FUCKING HILARIOUS. never thought id see a rat and a cockroach making out be animated in a movie. that cockroach is splinters cockroach friend back when he was just a rat, wasnt she... SHE DIDNT DIE AFTER GETTING RUN OVER BY A SCOOTER!!! accurate to real life cockroaches lmaooo
and the climax of the movie!! i cant believe leos 'we can do it' speech worked. like. POP OFF, but. raph is right, only time leo was ever cool Ɛ> /aff
and the ending of the movie,,, THEY GET TO GO TO SCHOOOLLL!!! WITH APRILLLLLLLL (O'NEILLLLL)!!!!!!
mikey gets to join the improv comedy club.... im unashamed to say that i legit laughed at his 'australian nike is crikey' joke LMAO. its. im laughing just thinking about it. dont. dont question me, i love bad jokes sm
mikey looks like a watermelon Ɛ>
watermelon guy... but fr, mikey is v pog tooooo!! i dont particularly have much to say about him,, i didnt pay much attention to him honestly, but hes still VERY COOL
and raph is cool too!!! i just didnt pay much attention to him either qhdhjd
i love them all so much holy shit.
i love this movie so much.
its so amazing.
its so pretty.
the plot is so goofy.
i cant wait for the tv show.
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quodekash · 1 year
its friday night/saturday morning, you know the drill
im sorry 
pls gimme more threezo today
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i love him and his fluffy curly hair so so so much
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pls tell me what happened to zo 
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he just wants him to be okay 🥺😭
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im crying
why do these two have to make me FEEL things? 
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somehow in my head i read “hes mad as a hatter” in the voice of a little british lad and its very amusing to me and now you know
specifically a little british lad from an old movie where the audio is all crackly and too loud 
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no i will not shut up about his hair 
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bro you are not subtle
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bro you are not subtle 
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i know i just watched 1000stars like three days ago, but it always makes me so happy whenever his incredibly but beautifully thick eyebrows appear on my screen. 
im just realising how weird that sound 
i meant his eyebrows along with the rest of his face 
the existence of drake sattabut laedeke makes me happy 
thats what i was trying to say 
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ooo yes i was hoping for more detail on jack’s depression. he really intrigues me as a character 
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me every day
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hell yeah, consent is key, folks 
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the mattress is on an angle 
thats really bugging me 
can someone fix that please 
surely thats some kind of safety hazard 
why doesnt the mattress fit the bed frame 
why isnt there some way to keep the mattress in place 
what if youre a restless sleeper and you toss and turn and you fall off the bed and you knock your head on it? 
if you knock it hard enough you could get a concussion 
concussions arent good 
they can lead to a lot of bad consequences 
people should think more about concussions and concussion consequences when they design beds 
concussion consequences is fun to say 
concussion consequences concussion consequences concussion consequences, say it 5 times fast 
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oh yeah that’s right, theyre kissing 
i got distracted by the mattress 
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the group is together!! :DD 
i love their group dynamics 
but most importantly
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i am no longer enjoying the group dynamics
why do they have to fightttt
(i lied, im still enjoying the group dynamics. in fights, people are hurtful but truthful, so fights give a huge insight into the characters which is wonderful for analysis and picking the character apart) 
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this is the second episode in a row that three has lost his temper on the others a little bit and left the room at the end and zo has said ‘ill check on him’ and followed after him 
anyway i love zo for it 
he is good boyfriend
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he is good friend
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he is... hungry i think
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i freaking love this man
bro their relationship is so freaking healthy 
zo asks for permission to enter the room
he ignores the response, but only to keep him company. and i suspect that he knows him really well and knows that three should have someone with him, just to be there with him and help him relax 
and he tries to bring three’s attention from the thoughts swirling around his mind and onto his physical presence, and three gets a little angry 
but he communicates with zo, he tells him that he will answer questions, just not at that moment. he’s telling him that he’s willing to talk and communicate, but he needs time to understand so that he can explain his thoughts and feelings coherently. and he doesnt push zo away, either physically or verbally, so he tells him without words that he appreciates his presence, and he’s glad to have him there. he just cant really verbally communicate what’s going on right now, and that’s okay! 
and then zo speaks to him. he gives him words of comfort, affirmation, support. he also provides the perspective of the others, a snippet of an insight into life outside of his own mind. “we all really did our best.” 
“just because we lost once doesnt mean we will lose forever” ITS SO COMFORTING AND PERFECT how does he always seem to know the right thing to say 
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you know what im thinking 
the msp brainrot is too strong 
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i couldve gone more in depth about why theyre perfect but it’s 1am and im tired so i wont 
“your hug can actually kill me. but im willing to die in your arms, zo” YOURE KIDDING. IT’S TOO CUTE. THEYRE TOO CUTE. THEYRE DESTROYING ME. AAAAAAAAAA VJRENJKR
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reminding me of tinn’s little head scratch and “what just happened” in episode 4 after he accidentally made sound join the music club via hatred of him 
oh hell yes, obligatory beach episode next week 
the obligatory beach episode almost always ends up as my favourite episode 
im really glad cher and gun have finally figured out their relationship 
i need to go to sleep 
threezo are the greatest 
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