#workplace Harassment
guineapiggies · 2 months
Via pigsandpup
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disease · 8 months
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SEXUAL HARASSMENT ALISON SHUMATE // 1980 [photomechanical print (poster) | 77 x 51 cm.]
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allthegeopolitics · 24 days
A new report has highlighted the stark reality of bullying and harassment that queer employees in the UK still face in the workplace. A survey of 1,000 LGBTQ+ people, conducted for the Trade Union Congress (TUC), revealed that 52 per cent of respondents have been bullied or harassed at least once at work. The survey, carried out by Number Cruncher Politics, also revealed that 19 per cent of queer employees had been exposed to verbal abuse within the past five years. More than a quarter said they had homophobic, biphobic or transphobic remarks directed at then or made in their presence. And five per cent reported experiencing physical violence, threats or intimidation because of their sexual orientation.
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Advice Column
written by Clark Kent An anonymous someone wants to know: "What do I do if my boss threatened to fire my coworkers if I quit and then had me kiss them and say I liked it? Any advice would be much appreciated!" We're looking for reader replies! Please feel free to send in your responses to my blog, or by reblogging below. (:
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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A woman who used to work for Linus Tech Tips revealed she was harassed, groped, and bullied while working there. She is being called a liar and an attention whore who is just looking for a payday. LTT's massive following has had quite a few people trying to make this as hard as possible for her.
But I am also annoyed by these middle-of-the-road "let's see how this all shakes out" folks.
It is your brain, you are allowed to form an opinion on the veracity of her allegations without hearing both sides or having an investigation. And you can change your mind in the future if more information is revealed.
He thinks he is being objective but he already expressed his desired outcome in his very first sentence. Saying you want LTT to be innocent is the same as saying, "I hope she is exposed as a liar." And then he invokes a courtroom-only standard to seem all official and then dismisses her statements as "no evidence."
There has got to be a better way to support victims when they are brave enough to speak out. I just don't think "I hope you are lying" is the best approach.
I mean, I also support an investigation. And I hope that helps her gain vindication. But the general response to all of this is just disappointing.
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fantabulisticity · 5 months
THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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umbrellacorphq · 1 year
Yes, Greg, sneaking up behind researchers and shouting "STAAAAAARS" in an uncannily accurate Nemesis impression IS actually classed as workplace harassment.
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kharmii · 3 months
Just when I thought the Pro Palestine zealots couldn’t stoop lower, here they are, taking fake decapitated heads and kicking them like Hamas did to the murdered Israelis.
These people are sick in a way that actually can’t be cured. All of them would 100% become murderers, or already are honestly. This is not normal behavior. It’s depraved in a way that’s not only shocking to witness, but should wake EVERYONE’s self-protection instincts the fuck up.
Toronto is one of those shitholes up in Canada full of native homeless people dying of fentanyl in droves, -there's a Twitter somewhere that documents people dying in real time- while the powers that be flood it with 'cultural enrichers' who provide so much enrichment that people desiring an easier cost of living have to leave for an area not controlled by leftists.
It has always been said in political circles that SJW leftists are the most vicious nasty close-minded hateful people who accuse you of what they themselves are capable of. If you react to their antics with any other than a perpetual thousand-yard stare, then you get accused of being a 'potential right-wing domestic terrorist', even though incidents of right-wing shit-stirring are almost non-existent. Even when conservatives protest, they are less likely to leave behind piles of trash and property damage.
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We're fighting a war that only the left is allowed to participate in. Everyone else has to stand around passively and endure whatever violence and browbeating they choose to hand out. Any pushback gets you labeled a violent bigoted Nazi (again, them accusing you of being what they are). The media-academia-law is on their side, so the only defense you have is to identify who the political zealots are and steer clear.
Side note: Matt Walsh did a video yesterday about lawfare against Elon Musk. He made the point that it's all women who make hostile work environment claims.
In my personal experience -maybe it's just me- women are more likely to harass you in the workplace. They are the ones making the snide comments or engaging in outright bullying. I've only ever been sexually harassed by other women. It's true I have a workplace stalker, but he has never ever made an inappropriate comment to me sexual in nature. None of them have touched me, but a few have gone into graphic detail about their sex lives or made lewd jokes, all the while giving me knowing looks expecting some sort of reaction. I'd stare at them deadpan like....I can't even guess what I'm supposed to say about this.
That pretty much sums up the leftwing experience. You can't even guess how to react because they believe that both morality and reality are fluid -the way they perceive gender- so there's no reliable sense of right and wrong or justice and fairness or concrete reality. We're held hostage by the whims of the Narcissistic dominant culture made up of emotionally driven toddlers who might say they are 3/4 male and 1/4 female on any given day.
In that context, it makes perfect sense to make a mockery of how Hamas murdered some random people at a music festival who were at the wrong place at the wrong time. They can side with murdering terrorists because they are brown and therefore not subject to the same sort of judgement you or I would face if we were to murder random people and kick around their severed heads.
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nando161mando · 1 year
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It's nearly 9/11, so it's time once again for us to all brush up on how to intervene if we see Islamophobic* harassment happening...
* These techniques also work great for defending people from transphobic, homophobic, racist, or other types of harassment!
#September11 #Islamophobia #harassment #BystanderIntervention #intervention #bigotry
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msfbgraves · 11 months
Power under Patriarchy: Fetishising 'Traditional Womanhood'
Sometimes people are surprised how especially female politicians can pontificate about traditional values while working high profile careers. Do they not see the irony, nay, the hypocrisy of that? Yes, it's a "sacrifice" to "help other women on their way to a better society" but please. If this is really how they wanted to spend their life, wouldn't they be at home caring for people?
Obviously, these women would feel terrible having to practice what they preach, as is so well personified in The Handmaid's Tale's Serena Joy. But why say it?
Simple. They want power, and they don't want to be targeted by the patriarchy.
Of course white college educated women can strive for near any career nowadays, but the penalty is constant sexism, criticism, sometimes even sexual violence. Damn it's relentless and not fun.
Except, there's a loophole.
If you build a business in a female field: childcare, baking, home decoration, housework and cooking they leave you alone. If you teach women to be perfect little homemakers and mothers for the good of all with your new gadget or technique, they leave you alone. If you promise to work for policies that'll get women out of the workforce - or at least into pink collar jobs - they let you get rich. Of course, you need to stay with the programme. You can never present yourself as a businesswoman, and you need to marry and get tf out of public after you've had kids, because that, of course, is what is 'really important'. Only when your kids are well into their teens are you allowed to re-emerge. But so what? By then you're rich. Of course that may not be at all what you want, but when you're 45 and a millionaire, you don't need to let yourself get sexually harassed for 30K a year. If you want to be a politician and you don't want death threats, stand for traditional marriage. So of course Brie Larson's character from Lessons in Chemistry switches from chemist to cooking host. That career is 'allowed', and the harassment will stop. Of course Serena Joy writes books about domestic servitude with a smile. That's allowed, and gives her a platform and influence.
I understand women taking this loophole. Who wants to spend their days battling misogyny? Maybe they're tired and want to build something, anything. But mostly it is the only place where our society accepts powerful women wielding actual power. In a tight little box saying how, say, needlework (and nothing wrong with needlework, that is a true art!) will lead every woman to eternal subservient bliss, just by virtue of it being a task for a true woman. It's always the same bullshit and we keep eating it up! Yes, warm pies are a joy and a clean house a great comfort. But especially when it comes to the women fighting to end abortion and divorce to get re-elected: they don't want an end to divorce and abortion, never did. They want a paycheck, and hope that it is big enough to move abroad when they do end up accidentally founding a theocracy. We could use that energy for a fairer society, but with the choice between a life of pushback, harassment and people stealing your credit or a fat paycheck and people leaving you the hell alone- at least from your mid thirties onwards - can you really blame women for opting out?
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Weiss: Ugh! You would not believe the week I've had!
Blake: Rough time at work?
Weiss: Coworker has been all over me ever since they got back from a trip to Vale to help restoration attempts.
Blake: That's horrible! .....Wait....don't you work from home?
Weiss: ....And?
Blake: ......
Weiss: ......Ruby is very affectionate when she's been gone for a while.
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jonghyuns-husband · 2 years
(CW // Dec 18th, suicide, victims of harassment, violence, mental health talk)
Since I want to spread this hashtag more, I would like to talk about the Shawols that I lost over the years and bring their voices up.
Clem was a friend I met on Wattpad back in 2015 when I was 11 and she was 14. She was one of the closest and the first online friend I’ve ever had. She loved to make SHINee stories for fun and she also helped me to write better. She was an amazing writer who took great passion for her work as well as her being a big advocate for the LGBTQ+ community according to her sister who came out as lesbian a year before we met.
Unfortunately, Clem was bullied at her college and her workplace, including on her online accounts. This would occur about 1-2 month after the death has been announced. On the 15th of December 2018, 3 days after Jonghyun’s first anniversary, she couldn’t take it anymore and took her own life. She was 17.
Sam was a girl in the secondary school who was 2 years older than me. I remembered talking to her once and that was it. She also really loved Jonghyun and Onew and was a BIG fan of the group.
One day, she stopped coming to class. There was a rumour going around saying that Sam took her own life after being hate bombed for posting about Jonghyun positively to cope with the pain. The last time she was in class, a guy mentioned his passing without warning which triggered the girl to stand up and leave. Ever since then, she was never seen again. The guy thought that it was his fault, but it turned out that she was going through a lot recently and couldn’t take it anymore. If it was true, then she died on the 9th of January 2018 aged 16 years old.
Ayami was a close friend of mine since Year 1. Interesting fact, she was actually born in Japan and then came to the UK when she was only 4. That summer, she enrolled in my school where we met on the first day. She didn’t speak much English, but luckily I knew a bit of Japanese so we were able to have a connection together. She was a sweet girl that would look out of anyone who looked like that needed help. She even loved to cook and wanted to start her own sweet shop one day where she would make sweet treats such as cakes, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, etc. Fun fact, my blog @yutassweetshop is actually based on her childhood dream and yes NCT bias was also Yuta! It’s a sweet (no pun intended) tribute to the one I called noona, and yes I’ll never stop calling her that until the day I die. Never mind, she’ll still be my noona anyways.
Although yes she had been harassed around his passing when we went to school together, there were other stuff in her life that really pulled the trigger on her head. I could make a separate post talking about Ayami and what she had went through so you would know, but to keep it simple, her father did some horrible things to her as a kid that when she found out, she took her own life out of fear. She was 14.
The reason why I mentioned her was the fact that Jonghyun’s passing was one of the chain of events she had to go through in her life, and you never truly know what someone has gone through already. Even though she didn’t die over it, that still doesn’t make it ok regardless. It’s still an awful thing to do to someone who is grieving by acting like they are complete strangers and treating them like they had never once seen the man before.
Those 3 girls didn’t took their lives because they were obsessive fans, they died because they were HARASSED to suicide. I know a friend’s friend who was also a blinger that took her own life and her family thought it was because she was sad over the passing of Jonghyun. That wasn’t what happened. She was beaten up at school and was told to kill herself ever since she came back from the Christmas holidays. She ended up doing so in her room and she was so close to celebrating her 16th birthday. It was the same as Jonghyun’s. She took her own life 2 days before at age 15.
There were some people in my cousins’ lives that killed themselves too, but I don’t know them very much, but all of them will be missed. Any Shawols that I’ve missed, please leave their names below and tell me one thing you loved about them. You can even talk about their favourite song or albums.
This tormenting K-Pop fans thing needs to stop. I don’t care if you think teenage girls screaming about their BTS biases are cringe, this needs to end. It’s not funny anymore and it’s claiming lives. I could of lost my friend that I met last year just because of the dumb messages of them saying that he was disrespecting a “deadman.” It just seems so tone deaf that really, they’re actually doing the disrespecting and not him.
This is already a difficult month for all of us and I just beg, PLEASE DO NOT HARASS ANY SHAWOLS. Not just in this month where it’s his anniversary, but WHOLE FUCKING YEAR. Please treat us like human beings and stop making us change for someone who barely even knows about the guy until the news broke and now you want to be the fucking hero when you’re not.
Why don’t you do all of us a favour and just fuck off. I’m sure most of us would want that now. This is why some Shawols like me haven’t yet stopped grieving because of how badly people treated us over the years. It has been 5 years, instead of telling us to “let him rest in peace”, how about you let us “grief in peace.”
It’s like what they say, “don’t give his family condolences if you aren’t going to respect his fans.”
Never mind, I did.
Rest in peace to Clem, Sam, Ayami and everyone else who took their lives due to these kinds of people either in real life or online. Rest in peace to the main guy himself, Kim Jonghyun. Thank you so much for taking care of those lost souls for us. Trust me, this was never your fault. Don’t ever blame yourself for any of this. Disgusting pricks like them (the people who harasses Shawols) has always existed since the beginning of time.
Please don’t cry because of the Shawols that went your route but be happy since you made their dreams come true. 
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fantabulisticity · 5 months
Erin Reed, reposted by Laverne Cox
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otterlywyrdfirbolg · 1 year
I'm gonna rant so, if you're not into that kind of thing, feel free to scroll. I just have a lot to unpack.
I had to resign from my job. It was one of the most heartbreaking things I have ever had to do. Never in my 32 years of life have I ever been pushed into having to resign.
I worked that job for 8 years. I was good at it too, until a certain person became my new supervisor. Suddenly I became micromanaged. I couldn't go to the bathroom without being questioned on 'time off task' (the cleanest bathroom takes 5-7 minutes to walk to.). And when that wasn't the problem, it was mistakes I was making (because surprisingly when someone is being watched constantly they tend to make more mistakes than usual). The supervisor made it her mission to stand in the aisle and watch me count, then proceeded to reteach me how to count like a fucking child. I couldn't stand that. So I tried to leave that day, only to be convinced by my manager to stay. The week after this happened, I was written up for 'acting in an aggressive manner' (she said I swore, when I knew I didn't). I was told I had to comply with the harassment because if they treated me any different, it would be against their code of conduct.
So I handed in my resignation.
There was no goodbye. No "sorry to see you go" . Just pushed out the door like trash. It felt like they were saying "you can't resign. You're fired"
Why does it hurt so damn bad?
I don't know what to do anymore. I just want to cry all day. It's not fair.
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elektroskopik · 3 months
If you've ever treated an afab person like shit because you thought they were flirting with you or other men, or they didn't want to date you or that they didn't even clue in that you thought that they were flirting (i.e. manipulating you or other men)... Then you are a sexist piece of shit and you have no right to call yourself an LGTBQ ally.
Your values are squarely christofascist, sexist, heteronormative, and homophobic.
I have encountered too many so-called liberal-leaning men who claim to support women and people in the queer/LGTBQ community who still think and operate like this. It's gross and abusive. Not every afab/femme/queer person needs to be out for you to back the fuck off and respect their boundaries, especially in the workplace. Women, femmes, and queer people do not owe you their story.
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