#workplace world wednesday
theworkingblog · 3 months
Workplace World Wednesday
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Workplace World Wednesday
Are you a work-from-home professional or aspiring to become one? Here are some trending home office spaces designed with simplicity in mind.
Check out 4 Home Office Trends For 2024 (housebeautiful.com)
Do any of these styles resonate with you?
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
last week's packing theme was "vacation dad + one sundress just on case I feel non-vacation dad" and this week's theme is "does this make me look straight"
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blegh-110 · 2 years
Have I found you, flightless bird? (1/?)
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Pairing: Soft!Dark!Tangerine x Fem!Reader
Summary: A compulsive psychopath takes an interest in you and will do anything to have you all to himself.
Chapter Warnings: Stalking, bullying, obsessive behavior, criminal activity, murder, violence, bad parents (let me know if I missed anything)
Word Count: 8.1k
A/N: Yeah so I thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish this until Wednesday, but I was surprisingly able to write. This is the very first time I am writing a fan fictions, so I’m begging on my knees for you to be nice and respectful. This first chapter is really going to be backstory and setting the scene. And please keep in mind Tangerine’s accent, it makes the reading fun. It’s also unedited. Happy reading! :)
There were no words to describe the ache and tiredness in your body as you slowly walked towards the train station. Your day at work was awful to say the least, with the amount of extremely rude customers and your masochist co-workers, you had broken down in the freezer of the fancy restaurant three times. Each silent cry had made you increasingly tired, both mind and body, so you wanted nothing more than to crawl into your bed and let it all out. 
Unfortunately, that would not happen for a while, as you lived a long distance away from your workplace. The reminder of this had almost made the tears in your eyes fall in frustration, but by some miracle, you took a deep breath and kept them at bay. 
You breathed a sigh of happiness as you spotted the Bullet Train and almost started crying again, but out of relief instead of tiredness. You were excited when the train was first built, it was marketed as the fastest train in the world, which meant you would get to your small apartment in about an hour instead of two. The train was also incredibly nicer than the one before it; the seats were more comfortable with the hard plastic traded in for fabric, there was a nice woman who served snacks and drinks every thirty minutes, it was cleaner, and just overall better. 
One perk about your job was that all workers received a Bullet Train card with unlimited rides, which you were thankful for. The regular cost of going back and forth between your work and home everyday was far too expensive. There was also a discount for the snacks and drinks the woman brings around, which you would often take advantage of to keep yourself awake for the ride home. 
You quickened your steps as you got closer to the train, wanting to sit down, eat a fish-shaped biscuit, and get out of the harsh, cold wind. Which reminded you of another thing; you needed to get another jacket, the one who had on was doing absolutely nothing to shield you from the weather. 
Although there were many negatives for you living on your own in Japan, the one positive was that you were away from your family, as harsh as that may sound. Your mother and father weren’t particularly happy to hear that you were studying abroad in Japan, then again, they were never happy nor satisfied with anything you did. No matter how hard you tried at anything, they never showed any interest or care, they were always too caught up in each other. 
They fought. A lot. And that messed you up badly. From the shouting and door slamming, to one of them being gone for days at a time because they couldn’t stand the other. It all took place at night, which made you nervous to fall asleep. You were awakened countless times in the middle of the night to your mother and father shouting at one another, it had made you anxious to fall asleep and frightened of loud noises. Then the morning would come, where they would act like nothing had happened and like they did not just traumatize their child. And it would start all over again the next week. 
The worst part was that you didn’t know how not normal all that was. After complaining to your mother that you don’t like them fighting and going away, she would respond with, “Couples fight, it’s normal.”
No comfort or solace to your distress and anxiety. And you went on with your day, shaken up from the events but it was ingrained into your head that there was nothing to be upset about because couples screaming and throwing things and leaving is normal. 
As you stepped onto the train, the warm air and clean smell made you feel better emotionally. Only an hour of waiting, and you would be in your apartment and mattress on the floor. You sat down and got comfortable, not noticing the blue eyes staring at the back of your head from the door. 
Two Months Prior
You sat motionless in your seat, getting lost in the blur of the world through the window. It was an easy way to turn off your brain for a small while and just stare at the many lights and people, it was nice. But you were pulled back to reality when you heard another voice with a thick accent. 
“Fuckin’ hell, stupid asshole. I can’t get a fuckin’ break with this prick, I swear.”
Your eyes widened at the man’s language as you heard his heavy footsteps come closer, only for him to stop abruptly when he noticed you.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I–” The man paused when he got a good look at you, and you didn’t notice it, but he was transfixed by you. And the feeling was mutual. You had never seen such a gorgeous and handsome man as the one standing in front of your seat. His frame was huge, covered by a pretty blue suit and eyes, his hair was medium length and slicked back. But what really got your attention, surprisingly, was his thick mustache. You were never really attracted to mustaches, much less the 90’s pornstache, but it was the cherry on top of all his good looks. While you were mesmerized by him, he had gotten a hold of his words and continued.
“I didn’t see there was a lady in here, my apologies for my language, love.” He said softly and walked away quickly, leaving you in a small daze. The combination of his looks and change from a harsh to a gentle tone gave you butterflies, the thought of someone changing their whole demeanor to make you comfortable was nice. 
And love. He had called you love. Love. Love. Love
Although the interaction lasted not even fifteen seconds, you were replaying it all in your head and analyzing every small detail, not wanting to forget the small amount of time that someone extremely attractive gave you the tiniest amount of attention, respectfully.
You had forgotten about him throughout the next few days as you had more important things to think about. The same could not be said for him. 
He had the tendency to be compulsive and take stuff, taking what he wanted as soon as he saw it without asking and no apologies. He liked the thrill of stealing, it gave him a sense of accomplishment for outsmarting the owner or the system, it was an addicting feeling for his ego. 
And other times, most times, it was for no reason and his body worked faster than his brain, going immediately for the item without thinking. Soon enough his brain turns on and he asks himself why he did it, which is then followed by a short scolding from his brother. Through it all, he never really regrets taking what he wants, it was just another thing for him to mess with and kill time, and maybe be of use.
But this was said for small, unimportant items; snacks, toys, pens. But never was he interested in taking a person. In fact, he was really never interested in people anyway, the only exception was his brother. And now, apparently you ever since that first interaction. 
It was very late in the night when that happened. Someone had taken the suitcase filled with money from him and his brother, and their stress would only increase when their employer would check up on them and make sure they had the money. So he was on the lookout for the one who had taken it. 
His focus should’ve solely been on the job, and murdering the thief with his bare hands, but his mind would wander to the pretty girl he saw earlier. He had seen many different people in his life, but something inside, the compulsive part, wanted you. And like the previous times he’d taken something, there really was no reason why he wanted you, he just did. 
As he walked away, his mind and body were screaming to go back, toss you over his shoulder and continue on. But he was on a very serious mission, and he didn’t want anything to happen to you. He eventually got the suitcase back, shooting the man who had taken it. Before going back to the carriage he was sitting in, he would have to pass you again. He quickly went to the small bathroom, wiped the blood off his face, fixed his hair, and smoothed out his suit. 
To say he was disappointed when you didn’t notice him the second time around would be an understatement. He was livid. How could your attention be through the window and not him? Especially when he went out of his way to look decent for you? That would need to change, he thought to himself as he slammed the briefcase on the table and sat down. The carriage he was in was next to yours, so he had the perfect view of the back of your head if he looked through the glass window of the door. As he was thinking of different ways to snatch you without anybody noticing, his brother came into view, sitting across from him. 
“Oh, good. You’ve got the case. I was getting worried there for a second. You really are a right Thomas, Tangerine. Hardworking and cheeky and all that, you know, you should try to watch it sometime. You barely sat through the fir–”
“Lemon, could you shut the fuck up right now? I can hardly hear myself think with that shit your talking about-”
“How could I forget your kindness and compassion? Jesus, I don’t remember Thomas being a massive dickhead-”
“And I don’t remember giving a fuck about Thomas the Tank Engine. Now, shut your mouth before I shoot m’own head off, fuckin’ twat.” Tangerine rolled his eyes and stared at you again like you would vanish into thin air if he took his eyes off you. 
Lemon smiled mischievously, he loved to push Tangerine’s buttons. It was a good way to pass time and amuse himself, and he knew Tangerine didn’t mean any of the harsh words he said. Not about killing himself at least. While thinking of his next choice of words to piss him off more, he noticed that look in his brother’s eyes. The one where he was ready to pounce, attack, then kill. 
He got nervous, wondering if Tangerine hadn’t finished the job and failed to kill whoever took the briefcase. Lemon followed his eyes and they landed on you in the next carriage. 
“That the one who took the briefcase?” Lemon asked, ready to put a bullet in your head, he was already standing up. “What, no-” 
“Don’t worry, you sit tight and I’ll get the fucker.” Lemon whipped out his gun and almost made it to the door when he was suddenly tugged back down so roughly that he almost fell to the ground.  “What the fuck are you doin’? Sit back down, you wanker. She didn’t take the case.” Tangerine hissed and released his deathly grip on Lemon’s jacket with a shove. 
“I said sit back down, asshole. God, do you ever think before pulling out a gun and shooting the first person you see?”
“I don’t know, do you ever stop and think before you take something and shove it up your ass? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were ready to kidnap that woman.” One thing Lemon was exceptional at was reading people like they were an open book, a skill taught to him by Thomas the Tank Engine. Which meant he could easily see that that was what Tangerine was currently planning on. 
“C’mon, mate. You can’t be seri– you better be pulling my dick.” Lemon whispered, taken aback by his brother’s actions. He knew very well of Tangerine’s compulsive stealing, and he knew he was good at it. It came in handy when they needed to steal something important for their missions. And despite slapping Tangerine’s wrist when he would commit petty theft or larceny, it was slightly entertaining. And the times he did kidnap someone, they would plan it together and execute it together, but only if they were relevant to their missions. And you were not relevant to them at all. 
“No, I know, I know.” Tangerine sat back down with surrending hands in the air, knowing what he was thinking was fucked up. That didn’t mean Lemon wasn’t going to put salt in the wound and rub it in. 
“That is a real fuckin’ person right there, not one of your stupid bubbly waters or Momomon stuffed animals.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” Tangerine defeatdly said and put his head in his hands, disappointed in his own thoughts and wants. Lemon sighed, he knew Tangerine didn’t want to feel this way, but he couldn’t help it. So he decided to save time and do what he always did, help his brother.
“Why do you want this girl?” Lemon knew he wouldn’t receive a proper and detailed answer. Therefore, the shrug he got was no surprise. But he wouldn’t let Tangerine go through with the kidnapping without properly processing his thoughts. 
“I don’t know, mate. You should’ve seen her. She looked so wretched and miserable and sad, I just want the poor little thing. It was like staring at a bunny that was run over and shot at.” 
“Well, this could just be a bad day for her. Maybe she isn’t so sad all the time.” 
“But what if she is?”
“Then she’ll get through it like all the adults in the world.”
“What if it’s too much for her?”
“What if what’s too much for her?”
“I don’t fuckin’ know!”
“And that’s the issue, Tangerine. You don’t know fuck about her and you want to save her or some shit. See if you really want her and you’re not going to toss her aside when the thrill is over, then you can be a fuckin’ hero or whatever.” Tangerine nodded his head as he watched you buy a fish shaped biscuit and a strawberry soda. 
Lemon made some good points. Tangerine would need to know if what he was feeling wasn’t temporary, so he waited a week to see if his feelings had changed for you. And they hadn’t, they had only gotten stronger. 
He woke up alone thinking of you wrapped up safely in his arms, to feeding you a healthy breakfast when he ate by himself, to jumping in his arms when he came back home from work, to fucking you when he was back in bed with his hand wrapped around his cock. And all these thoughts only increased when he saw the state of your life. 
After Tangerine realized he wanted to keep you, he shamelessly watched your every move for the next two months. He followed you to your apartment and to the exact number you were staying at. Because of your long hours at work and staying awake on the train, you were too sleepy to use all your senses to their full capacity. Tangerine shook his head at how you didn’t notice him following you, anyone could just come up to you and shove you into their room. Silly girl, he thought, you won’t have to feel this way anymore when I get my hands on you. 
Next, after Tangerine found out your living place, he actually broke his way in after you had left for work, this time with Lemon. Your apartment was easy to get into, all he had to do was jiggle the knob a few times and roughly kick it open. 
“What a fuckin’ shit hole, mate, she really lives here?” Lemon scrunched his nose at the stained brown walls and dirty carpet. He was also surprised at how small your place was and how little furniture you had. “Good god, her fuckin’ couch is missing a two of its feet and a cushion. This is no way to live, tsk, tsk.”
“Lemon, you’ve amputated limbs and killed people, and this has you shocked? I’d appreciate it if you’d shut the fuck up and help me out, yeah?” Tangerine said, making his way to your room.
“What exactly am I helping you out with?” He asked, turning around to the tiny kitchen and opening the fridge. 
“Anything about her really, I just want to get to know her.” Tangerine shouted while studying your bedroom, trying to get a feel for your personality and what you like. A butterfly comforter with matching pillows but the mattress was on the floor, I’ll buy a similar bed set and you’ll sleep in my arms in an actual bed. Lots of books piled in the corner, I’ll get you the biggest bookshelf I can and I’ll start reading as well. Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury. The Awakening, Kate Chopin. A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf. Tangerine focused on memorizing each novel and its authors. 
Next to your books were your CD’s. Tangerine did the same thing, taking the time to memorize your favorite artists and their albums. Next, he opened your closet, not much was there except five plain t-shirts and two pairs of jeans. And that was it. There wasn’t much else to do in your room as there were literally only a few items. And it took everything in him to stop himself from taking anything.                                                 
“And you think breaking into her house and snooping around is the way to do that?” Lemon snorted, snapping Tangerine out of thoughts. “Shit, man, does she eat? There’s nothing in here but water, butter, and tangerines-... tangerines. It must be fate.” His brother ignored him, heading to the bathroom where he found a toothbrush, toothpaste, cleanser, deoderant, shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash. 
“Oh, I know why now. Her job doesn’t pay shit.” At this, Tangerine walked back to the living room to find Lemon holding what he assumed to be your paycheck. 
“Lemme set that,” And he snatched the paper from his hand, “Y/N L/N. She works at Kaiseki Ryori. That’s like two hours away from here, what is she doing there?” Tangerine asked himself. That’s why you looked so tired. After a whole day of work you had to wait another two hours before getting home, wait no, one hour because of the Bullet Train. 
After snooping around some more, Lemon reminded Tangerine that they had some business to attend to, some people to assassinate. On the way there, Tangerine was thinking of his next move, and he decided that going to your workplace would be good. 
But he would have to wait another week as him and Lemon were piled with work to do. But that didn’t stop Tangerine from making sure you got home safely. Only a few nights allowed him to get on the Bullet Train and sit a few seats behind you, where he noticed you really enjoyed eating fish shaped biscuits and some sort of fruity soda, the flavor always changed. 
Alternatively, if he didn’t have enough time to ride with you, he would break into your apartment in the middle of the night, to again, make sure you got back safely. But he could hardly do either because he had his own work to do and he couldn't afford to check in on you every night. So he installed a tiny camera in your living room, which was difficult to hide because you had barely anything in your apartment. He was about to put the second camera in your bedroom, but decided against it, he didn’t want to be too invasive. 
A month had passed and he was glad he installed the cameras, it really was much easier to see if you were in your apartment through his phone. He smiled at your sleepy state going to the kitchen and eating a tangerine, thinking you were the most adorable person he had ever seen. 
He was sitting outside across from your complex. He had finally had a day off and planned on watching you some more, this time at your workplace, Kaiseki Ryori. While waiting, he watched you get ready through the phone. 
Although Tangerine found your tiredness cute, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for you having to get up extremely early for work. And also the fact that you don’t eat much for breakfast because you couldn't afford anything else besides fruit and water. 
This will change soon when you have me, darling. I’ll have a nice, big breakfast ready for you when you wake up every morning. 
He had also made up his mind about you working in your soon to be relationship, you simply were not going to. You weren’t going to do anything but be his and only his. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t curious about your job.
He watched as you walked through your apartment door. Tangerine turned his phone off and waited for you to exit the complex. Just then, his phone had alerted him that he had gotten a message from Lemon. 
🍋: how’s it going? Did you get your ticket
🍊: pretty good, just waiting for her to come out of her building. Then I’m following her to Kaiseki Ryori. And yes I got my ticket
🍋: how romantic, just don't let her see you
🍊: no fucking shit, I’d be stupid to let that happen
He rolled his eyes and put his phone away when he heard the doors open, his heart stuttering at the sight of you as well as hurting when he saw that you were obviously freezing cold in your thin jacket. Tangerine didn’t want to get too close in fear of being seen by you, so he waited until you turned a corner to start trailing behind. 
Various bakeries and cafes were open, one of them he saw you going into for the first time, staring wide eyed at the fresh pastries. You were in there for only a few minutes, chatting with the male barista behind the counter. Whom, Tangerine will admit, was quite attractive and way too close to you and smiling way too much. He watched as you laughed at something the man said, Tangerine’s anger was increasing as the seconds went by. Shouldn’t your fucking drink be ready by now? How can you even afford that shit anyway with your pay?
Just as he was about to enter the cafe and shoot the barista between his eyes, Tangerine’s phone range. Fucking Lemon again.
“What the fuck do need that’s so fuckin’ important?” Tangerine hissed into the phone and placed his gun back into his pocket as he continued to stare at the two of you having a lovely time talking about whatever. He started to calm down as he saw the barista finally give you your food and drink. You walked out of the cafe with a small smile as the hot drink warmed up your hands. 
“Calm down, mate. I was calling to tell you about her boss, it’s not good.” At this, Tangerine‘s full attention was on his brother. But as soon as you were a good distance away, he walked into the cafe. “Hold on.”
“Good morning, what can I get for you?” The barista, Axel, his nametag wrote, said with a smile. Stupid fuckin’ name.
“I’ll just have whatever the last person had.” Tangerine said, rolling his eyes, his anger and annoyance rising again for having to talk to Axel. 
“Okay, that’s a chocolate croissant and a small caramel macchiato, is that goo-”
“Yes, that’s fuckin’ fine,” He couldn’t stand hearing him talk, he wished Lemon hadn’t called so he could’ve shot Axel and his stupid face. He spoke to Lemon “Alright, what did you find?”
“Who are you talking to? Do you need me to come down there?” 
“No, Lemon, I’m fine. I won’t fuckin’ ask again, what did you find on her boss?” Tangerine was full-on irritated. And swearing in every sentence he said showed that. He just wanted to get to you as quickly as possible, but what's-his-face and Lemon were in the way of that. Even though they really weren’t doing anything. When Tangerine was mad, he took it out on everything. 
“Shit, alright. I found that this man, Akihito, has a criminal record. Robbery, grand theft auto, harrassment, fucking manslaughter, and the list goes on, mate.” 
“Jesus fucking christ, alright. I’ll deal with the asshole later. Can you hurry the fuck up, please? I’ve got shit to do.” He yelled at the worker, who scrambled to pour milk in his caramel macchiato.
“It’s ironic since the guy’s name means brightness and compassion, I’ll tell you Tangerine, he’s no Thom-”
“Lemon, if you mention that shit show again, I swear the next time I see you, I’ll shove my gun up your ass and shoot. And I’ll do it with a fuckin’ smile on my face.” Then he hung up with an annoyed groan. 
“H-here you go, sir.” 
“Where the fuck is my croissant, I swear to god-” Tangerine wanted to smash this guy’s head onto the counter as he watched the man hurriedly grab his pastry and place it in a bag. Can he do anything right, what do you see in him? It better be nothing, love.                                                                        
“Thank you for takin’ your sweet fuckin’ time, mate, I really appreciate it, ya cunt.” Tangerine snatched the bag and drink, surely crushing his croissant, and quickly made his way out the door before he heard a quiet mutter. “Asshole.”
Tangerine froze with his hand on the door and snapped inside, he was filled with so much rage that he could feel his face flush and heart beat. He slowly took his hand off the bar of the door and turned around, seeking just a small bit of joy out of the pure terror on Axel’s face.
“I beg your pardon… what did you call me? Because if I heard your correct, you called me an asshole. And that’s a lot of nerve for someone who works minimum fuckin’ wage, how about you do your fuckin’ job right and I won’t shoot you, hm?” Tangerine pulled out his gun and held it to Axel’s forehead. 
At this point, Tangerine’s words were shot to kill. He didn’t care if Axel or another customer would call the cops. His patience had quickly worn thin and he wanted to make Axel pay for it.
Axel nodded his head with tears in eyes and violently shook from fear. Tangerine hummed, satisfied, but still held the gun up.
“What’s that right there?” Tangerine motioned his head to the glass cabinet. “T-that’s daifuku, sir.”
Tangerine shook his head, urging him to continue while he cocked his gun, “Yeah, and what the fuck is it, c’mon I already told you I don’t have all day.”  
Axel’s tears flowed down his face and his breathing stuttered as he tried to keep himself composed, “it’s m-mochi stuffed with anko and d-different fillings including, strawberries, jam, or coffee-flavored filling.” 
“Gimme the coffee-flavored one,” Tangerine said and kept his eyes on Axel the entire time, he wanted to pressure him more in case he messed up again. Then he’ll have more reason to keep on torturing him. When he got his treat, he put his gun back into his jacket pocket, but not before taking the stack of napkins on the counter.  
“I’m not paying for it, asshole,” And he walked out and looked at his surroundings, making sure no one saw the whole exchange, “miracle no one saw that.” And he finally made his way to the Bullet Train.
When he got there, he noticed you sitting through one of the windows, eating your croissant and sipping your drink, still with tired eyes. And once again, Tangerine was swooning. His bad mood slipped away with every step he took. 
Tangerine did what he always did when he got on the train with you, stay far away enough to keep an eye on you. And that was it. For the whole hour the train traveled, all he did was watch you. And while he felt happy to see you, you dreaded going to work.
For the whole time you worked there, the ride to Kaiseki Ryori filled your stomach with an anxious burn that stayed there until you clocked out. Then you would sit back on the train, exhausted but thankful that the day was over. But then reminded that you would have to go in the next day, and then the next, and then the next. And the anxiousness as well as the depression would return.
You often wondered when your life would change for the better. When would you finally save enough money to buy a new, bigger, cleaner place? When would you find a new job that didn’t make you cry everyday in the bathroom? When would you meet a group of people that could be your friends? 
You just wanted to feel content when you woke up. But you awake thinking God, I have to do this all again?
You thrived on praise, on people telling you that you were doing a great job. It gave you a small push of confidence that led to you feeling good about yourself and made you willingly work harder. But with no friends or decent people around you to give you support, it was impossible to feel positive and optimistic. 
Along with this, you were incredibly lonely in the love department. Not only did you want someone to love and appreciate you, you wanted to give love to someone else so desperately. Someone who would do anything and everything just to see you. This would also give you another reason to be happy. Since you came to Japan, there has been an empty hole in your chest waiting to be fulfilled with the love you felt for someone. 
This combination of low self-esteem and loneliness, as well as the lack of money, made it difficult for you to go out and enjoy yourself. There were a few times when you mustered up the courage to get out of the safety and familiarity of your apartment and go to one or two shops, but that was only two or three times a month. You would go straight back to your small apartment after seeing a group of friends that were your age eating and laughing together, happy together. The same thing was said when you saw a happy couple walking down the street, holding hands and staring at another with so much love that you felt a mixture of jealousy and nausea.
If these didn’t make you feel bad about yourself, then going to your favorite shops and seeing that you couldn’t afford anything made you go back. You would get overwhelmed seeing a beautiful dress or a cute t-shirt, and knowing you didn’t have enough money for it. Or a book you’ve been wanting to read or the newest phone or a better stereo for your cd’s or a flat screen tv. 
There were even times when you didn’t even make it to the next street because you felt as if everyone knew how pitiful your life was and they were laughing at your misery. Those days were especially bad. You would go back to your apartment, crawl into bed and cry for hours. Crying because you felt pathetic for not even being able to walk down the street, crying because you had no one to wrap their arms around you, crying because there was no one in your life to tell you that it will eventually get better and that you were a strong person to get out of bed everyday and face a mean world. 
Tangerine knew of your many crying sessions, it shattered his heart into a million pieces everytime he heard your choked sobs and stuttered breathing. It somehow hurt even more not being able to see you, as you were in your room, he couldn’t even see the state of your agony and pretend he was there. Lemon would have to hold him down and stop him from running to your complex, breaking in, and giving you the love you craved. 
You sighed heavily when you realized the train had slowed down at your stop. The mental preparation on the way there was never enough, you could already feel the headache on its way and the exhaustion deep in your bones.
The walk to Kaiseki Ryori was hard. You knew what was to come in about ten minutes, that’s why you took your time walking. But you always felt guilty for this. Although you weren’t treated nicely at work, something inside your head reprimanded you if you decided to give yourself a break. It was your brain telling you that you didn’t deserve to be selfish for even a few minutes, maybe it was the pressure you and others put upon yourself in highschool to always work to your fullest extent. And that no one got anywhere in life if they decided to take a minute for themselves.  
You arrived at the restaurant and you saw two of the cooks walking together. They saw you and you immediately wanted the ground to swallow you. 
“Hey, Y/N. Really cold out today, huh? I really like your jacket by the way.” One of them said with a smile on their face while the other one snickered. You gave them a tight lipped smile. You weren’t stupid, you knew they were actually making fun of you. And it sucked knowing you couldn’t call them out on it because they were being passive aggressive. If you dared talk back, they would make themselves a victim and say they were only giving you a compliment and that you should be thankful, and you would look like the asshole. 
Then they would run to the boss and say you were being rude to them, and you would get called into his office for a little chat about your future working at Kaiseki Ryori. This chat included Akihito telling you that you need to be nicer to your co-workers or you would be fired. He also told you the first time that you needed to be a better waitress, and he sent you on your way back with no advice on how to become better. 
“I’ll get the door for you, Y/N, there you go.” The other cook smiled and held it open for you and you knew what they were about to do. “No, thanks. I’ve got it.” 
“Y/N, you’ve had this talk before, don’t be ungrateful and I won’t tell Akihito.” God, they were like fourth graders that never grew up, you thought. How could they be so immature and nasty at their age, they were older than you and acted this way. 
You sighed in defeat and walked through the door. Even though they have done this countless times, your heart always stopped when one of them stepped on the back of your shoe roughly and made you fall on your hands and knees on the dirty floor of the kitchen. This time, your boss had walked by. You were hopeful he saw the whole situation and would finally believe your claims that your co-workers bullied and messed with you on the daily. But the two cooks squeezed the tops of your arms in tight grip that made you wince, and pulled you back up on your feet.
“Y/N, oh my, god! You need to be careful or you're really going to hurt yourself one of these days.” One of them said with a faux pout and a worried voice that was too realistic. You huffed with tears in your eyes from the pain of landing on the hard ground and because of the humiliation. Your knees still hadn’t healed from the last time they did this a few days ago, and because they do this so often, your knees were always a shade of dark blue and purple. 
Tangerine was fuming at his spot across the street. He had watched the whole thing unfold and wanted to go up to the two cooks and kill them. Drag a blade across their neck and watch as they bled to death and choked on their own blood. Maybe kidnap them and set them on fire, have them die slowly and painfully. Then he thought of a better idea, one that required a certain venomous snake. He decided he had seen enough and left to begin executing his plan. But it had killed him to walk away from you.
“You two are very kind to help her, now get to cleaning. The one who closed last night didn’t properly clean the place and I need you three to do it.” Akihito didn’t even bother to ask if you were alright, focusing his attention and gratitude to the two on either side of you. Sometimes you thought that he was in on the harassment, turning a blind eye at first, maybe giving the bare minimum of care, then laughing in private.
“But we need to prepare the food, Akihito! And you know how long that takes!” The one on your left whined in a way that hurt your ears. He nodded his head before he said, “Yes, I understand. Go on then.” 
The two released their bruising grip and walked away, leaving you alone with the boss. He looked at you in irritation, “Well get to work miss L/N! I’m not paying you to be absolutely useless.” And he walked away. Although he left, you nodded your head.
The next thirty minutes were spent with you, once again, trying to keep your hot tears from falling. Which made it even more difficult to wipe down the counters and sweep the floor because the tears blurred your vision. And you didn’t want to wipe them away because it would give it away that you were crying, even though a few people already knew. And some of them did feel bad for you, but they didn’t want to risk being another victim alongside you. 
You sighed heavily before putting on your apron with shaky arms. Kaiseki Ryori had opened barely ten minutes ago and tables were already filled with customers. You felt an extra long day hurdling at you and there was nothing you could do but get through it with as little damage as possible.
Surprisingly, it was not as bad as other days, it was pretty normal. Your co-workers, especially the cooks, liked to mess with you for entertainment; giving you the wrong meals and purposely messing up the food because they knew the customer always blamed the waitress and not the cooks. In the end, the customers always cursed you out for not doing your job correctly. 
As soon as your very long shift was over, you bolted through the kitchen, shoved the door open, and started your journey back to the bullet train. Before you left, you had wanted to steal a small bag of ice to put on your bruised knees, but the first time you tried that, you were stopped by one of the cooks because according to them, “We can’t waste any food.”
While you got comfortable on the train, Tangerine was in the middle of buying some Boomslang venom from The Hornet. Who was as annoying and difficult to negotiate with as others say. But he eventually got the venom and quickly made his way back to Kaiseki Ryori, where he saw the two cooks leaving. Perfect.
The next few days at work were great. The two cooks who participated the most in making your life miserable had not shown up, which made your days significantly easier to get through. But you couldn’t help but feel a little strange. As horrible as they were, they took their work seriously and would rather die than miss a day of work at Kaiseki Ryori. 
Your relief was soon taken away and replaced with terror when Akihito informed the staff why they had been missing. According to him, they were just found dead in their homes. You felt sick as he gave the gruesome details; blood had come out of their eyes, nose, and mouth. And their throats were swollen and closed up. Your mind had begged him to stop talking when he kept going, “Yeah, I guess one of them fell down and completely broke their neck and cracked their skull. It’s horrible.”
What happened next made you scared to even come out of your apartment. Akihito was murdered the same way as the cooks.
Your emotions were everywhere. How were you supposed to feel? You were ecstatic to never work with them ever again, but that was only because they were dead. You felt guilty and disgusting for even being just a little bit joyful to never see them again. 
Kaiseki Ryori got a new boss immediately and he gave everyone a day off. Which was not enough. How could anyone go back after they had just found out their co-workers died grotesquely? But they did, and it scared you how normal they seemed. You were still shaken up and had questions and concerns. 
Who did this to them? Why? Am I a target? I need to be more careful when going back home. And I really need to get a new lock for my door. But I don’t have the money for that. 
Also, when you say things went back to normal, that also meant they still continued tormenting you as well. You thought the murder of the two cooks would for some reason stop them. 
Through all of this, you just felt confused and lost. What made it worse was that you had no idea what to do and had no way to communicate your jumbled thoughts. On top of that, your parents kept trying to call you, but you would let the phone ring until they got the hint that you were “busy”, and they would stop calling. It was always hard to get through their calls, but at the moment, you were in no state of mind to deal with them. But with each call you chose to ignore, the more anxious you got because you knew their anger increased each time they couldn’t get a hold of  you. It had finally got to the point where you couldn’t let it go on anymore, so you picked up your phone and dialed your father’s number with shaky hands. 
“God, please don’t pick up, please don’t pick up, please.” You hoped and prayed they were actually busy, unlike you. 
“Wow, she finally has some goddamn time to talk to her parents.” Your father said with an annoyed tone. You wanted to throw yourself out of your window.
“Yeah, sorry. I’ve just been a little busy with stuff. Sorry, dad.”
“Busy with what? Last time we talked, you were a waitress not someone of importance to the world.”
“I know, but I’ve just had stuff to do-”
“Stuff more important than your parents?”
“No, I-”
“Is that Y/N? Give me the phone” You heard your mother yell and you cringed. Not ready for her unwanted subtle views and judgements of your life. The conversation went smoothly at first, but you tensely waited for some sort of remark from her.  
“You know, I really don’t like the choices you’ve made, you’ve seriously messed everything up.” Your mother said bluntly. This surprised you, she usually only made a small comment that you could easily bounce off from. But she never downright told you how she felt, you only had a strong feeling. 
“I really don’t want to talk about it, please.”
“Well, I surely want to talk about it, right now.”
“Mom, please, I don’t feel comfortable-”
“No, this is where you zip it and listen, Y/N. Your father and I raised you to be outstanding and extraordinary. You had the perfect grades and the ambition and the attitude. What happened to my daughter?” You had no clue what to say. What would someone reply with if their mother just told them they were no good anymore?
“I don’t know, I just got a little tired I guess.” You uttered, feeling the formation of the ball in your throat and the stinging in your eyes. You took a deep breath as quietly as possible, you didn’t want your mother to hear you crying. 
“No, you got lazy and incompetent. And it was such a shame and an embarrassment to witness all your capability go down the drain. I had to- we had to watch as other parents celebrated their own children head off to college and get amazing opportunities. And what were you doing? Packing your stuff and running off without a second thought. You wasted all your potential to be a waitress? In Japan?”
“Mom, please-” Your voice wavered, the ball in your throat becoming bigger as well as the tightness in your chest. You felt yourself about to shatter with no one but you to pick up the pieces after.
“No, no, you don’t get to be upset and cry. I’m the one that should be upset! My only child left me for god knows what. Tell me.”
“What?” You whispered. You hoped you had heard wrong. This was a conversation you were not ready to have, ever. 
“I said tell me. What was so wrong with your life or what you lacked in your life that you had to move away from your father and I?”
It was silent for such a long time, or maybe that’s how long it felt and it had only been a few seconds. Memories you repressed deep into your mind had floated to the surface and swallowed you whole, adding more fuel to the anxious burn in your stomach.
“I don’t know, you and dad just fought a lot and it scared me. Dad would always leave, too. I-I just became anxious around the house, a-and the pressure I felt on me made it worse. I couldn’t handle it anymore, I just had to leave, mom. I’m so sorry.” You sniffled. It hurt to talk when you wanted to let it out and cry. 
“Honestly, Y/N, this is just ridiculous. I have had more than enough. Come back home right now, I mean it.” The tone in her voice was the same one she used when she wanted something done immediately. But you would rather work with the two cooks again than go back.
“I don’t want to.” You said quietly.
It was silent for a minute, then you heard some muffled noises, as well as your dad calling out for your mom. You assumed she had dropped the phone and walked away.
“Well, you’ve really hurt your mother and I, Y/N. I hope this little trip was worth the pain you have caused us.”
“Dad, please, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” And he hung up. 
You sat frozen on the couch and tried to keep yourself together. But you didn’t go very long and you let out a pained wail that devastated Tangerine through the camera. He had seen enough of your life and was officially done waiting, he needed to get you out of there now.
Once he had you, he would be the one who treated you like you deserved to be treated. He would hold you in his arms as you cried and with the most gentle touch, wipe away your tears. He would whisper that everything is going to be okay, comfort you with so much love that you felt safe. 
He would take care of you, make you never have to worry about a single thing ever again. He also wanted to be the one who made you smile. He had only seen it a few times and your lit up face was ingrained into his brain. He wanted to read your books to you and listen to your music with you. Things Tangerine never thought he would do, he wanted to do with you. He would be that person who did anything for you, and all you had to do in return is love him. And if you didn’t, he’ll show you that he’s the one for you and vice versa. 
You unknowingly owned all of Tangerine’s heart. And he wanted to own yours.  
A/N: First chapter done! The next one we’ll actually see them interacting which I’m so excited to write. Comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated, they are what fuel me to keep doing this. I’ll also shave your eyebrows off if you don’t comment/reblog :)
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kayleightarot · 3 months
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Wednesday, March 27, 2024 Good morning! Today is about Partnership, Joy, and Connection Tarot of the Day: Two of Cups
This card represents a meaningful and symbiotic relationship; one of balance, joy, sharing, and friendship. It often speaks to a romantic relationship but is just as likely to represent any partnership/friendship bond founded on equal respect, trust, and affection.
Two of Cups shouts of love, respect, and positive relationships; a karmic connection that brings you great rewards and happiness for years to come. This is a time of feeling at one with Universal energies and with yourself. Harmonise your shadows and your light, open your Heart Chakra, and share your loving vibes with the world.
💚 At work, the Two speaks to balance and fairness. You are likely very comfortable in your workplace, even if you are not in love with your job. Ensure you are giving all your company deserves. If you are looking for employment, this is likely to happen very soon; stay open to surprising options.
💙 If love is your focus today, Two of Cups speaks of 'true love', equality, respect, commitment, and all things most people hope for in a healthy love relationship. If you have not already found this person, they will likely soon arrive in your life.
🧡 Whatever aspect of your life the Two speaks to today, it heralds warmth, joy, and loving energy. Share those feelings with others and watch the world change. Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out
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wearingaberetinparis · 10 months
Call It What You Want - Chapter 5
An Indulgent Jily Workplace Enemies to Lovers AU
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It is still Wednesday where I am, but I couldn't wait any longer.
The sex was supposed to have been a one-time thing. It was a mistake, shouldn’t have happened in the first place. The other one had just been there at the right place at the right time. It had everything to do with needing to find a release after a most difficult and stressful day at work. It had absolutely nothing to do with them actually liking each other. Please, they were frenemies at best, nemeses at worst. This is a Jily Workplace Enemies to Lovers AU written for and inspired by @athenasparrow. Title and chapter titles inspired by Taylor Swift’s reputation.
I did something bad! Read Chapter 5 HERE!
Honestly, your support when it comes to this story means the world!
Next update Sunday 3 September 2023!
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writings-by-fairy · 4 months
Spaghetti and Meatball(s)
Fandom: American Housewife
Pairing(s): Oliver Otto x Cooper Bradford
Words: 3,531
Rating: E
Warnings: none
Summary: Oliver wants to surprise Cooper...what could go wrong?
Requested by: anonymous
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Wednesday, April 18, 8:32AM
The subway cart was packed full, Oliver’s lanky frame was being folded into each other as more and more businessmen boarded the sub. He hugged his bookbag tight against himself. Their large frames taking over Oliver’s personal space which was seemingly nonexistent. That was the one thing he missed about Westport: the space….and the quiet…and how people actually cared…lack of traffic…okay, maybe he misses Westport more than he likes to admit.
“59th Street, Columbus Circle,” the automated subway system rang out. Oliver started pushing his way to the exit, but his attempts were unsuccessful: no one was budging as there was nowhere to go. He just sighed and prayed to the New York City rats that enough people would move.
As the train slowed to a stop, everyone swayed forward and stumbled when it came to a stuttering stop. When he heard the door woosh open and the muttering of the crowd pick up, he tried to go forward but was pushed to the side and everyone rushed in and out. All he could do was watch with despair as the subway door closed and started moving forward: he was late to his internship…again.
The whole way to the next stop, Oliver cursed himself and his choices. As much as he loved the city, it was a survival game. Cooper and him both found schools they love in New York City: Oliver graduated a semester early last December and Cooper was working his way to the top of the culinary world. It was a huge change for both of them, but they faced it together. Cooper’s dad paid for their studio apartment tucked away so that helped relieve so much but as they both started making their own money, they started to pay for half the rent. As much as they loved having their apartment paid for, they wanted to be fully independent. Four years later, everything was still okay.
The subway train sputtered out the next stop and Oliver was ready. This time he pushed forcefully to the door ignoring the grunts and hateful comments. Once the door opened again, he jumped out and ran up the stairs. He took a deep breath once he reached the street and looked around, okay he was not that far from his job.
Oliver set a fast pace weaving in and out of the crowd. As he walked, he saw a bare alleyway that gave him a clear view of his workplace. There was a few dumpsters that littered the pathway but he decided to take his chances; he was ready to fight anyone after the day he has had already. He puffed out his chest and held his breath as he started his journey through.
His confident stride slowed at every little sound: a bird chirping, trash falling, wind blowing an empty beer can. Suddenly, a fallen trashcan rolled out on the street right up to Oliver. “What the…” Oliver said slowly walking to the opening, his heart beating out his chest, he was not as tough as he thought. He squinted his eyes into the trashcan and saw something furry?
“A dog?” Oliver questioned out loud making the animal snap their head up. Oliver started to see features: the dog was scruffy looking, mainly white with light brown (almost ginger) spots placed randomly. If he had to make an educated guess, he would say Jack Russell Oliver expected the dog to become territorial over their food but when the dog saw him, they started wagging their tail and smiling. This caused Oliver to immediately relax.
“Hey buddy, what are you doing out here?” Oliver chuckled when the dog stood up and placed its paws on Olivers leg. He squatted down slowly trying so hard not to scare the dog. “Oh my gosh, aren’t you the cutest?” Oliver exclaimed, cute aggression coming out but that was quickly replaced with sadness.
Oliver couldn’t help the negative thoughts plaguing his mind: was this little dog abandoned? Was it born into this? Was it hurt? Was it scared of thunderstorms? Tears pricked Oliver’s eyes and the dog tilted its head and started licking Oliver’s hand. His heart shattered: here is this dog with so much bad in their life yet they are comforting Oliver.
This dog reminded him of Cooper! Cooper was on his own trying to figure it out, Cooper kissed the back of Oliver’s hand, Cooper would always comfort Oliver even though he had a bad day. Oliver needed to bring this dog home and have Cooper fall in love with the dog. It was perfect! Oliver even though the dog kind of looked like Cooper, the spots were almost identical match to Cooper’s hair. The soft, optimistic eyes they both shared melted Oliver’s heart.
Lately, Cooper had been asking Oliver all these questions about getting a pet, so Oliver figured that Cooper wanted a pet. Despite Oliver telling Cooper that he prefers cats, this dog was perfect. More negative thoughts creeped in, what if this was someone’s dog who ran away or got lost. Oliver examined the dog for a collar or anything to hint towards an owner.
“Do you want to come home with me?” The dog wagged its tail as if it was responding. “Oh, you do?” Oliver chuckled and picked up the dog despite every alarm of cleanliness rang. His dress shirt and pants could be washed, He pulled out his phone with his other hand and called in to work today and looked for the nearest vet to check on the dog.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Wednesday, April 18, 6:39AM
Today was the day Cooper was surprising Oliver with a cat. He had been asking Oliver questions for the past month, he tried to convince Oliver that they were just curiosity questions: do you want a cat? Which kind? How many? Okay, Cooper admits it is suspicious plus he found that he was not smooth at all with surprises. He was so bad; Oliver was starting to ask if Cooper wanted a pet. The idea of getting Oliver a cat arose when he noticed Oliver started sending him more and more cat videos and then ‘if I had a cat, I would do this! Oh, if I had a cat, I would treat her so right!”
Cooper quickly caught on that Oliver wanted a cat, Oliver tried to deny the allegations but would light up anytime they talked about owning a cat. Through conversations and questioning, Cooper knew that Oliver wanted a girl, black cat, not a kitten. How fitting, Cooper thought.
Cooper spent countless hours researching and calling and looking for the perfect cat. There was multiple nights he would pretend to fall asleep until Oliver did then stayed up researching. He not only was looking for a cat but also the best brands, toys, catnip, litter, anything about how to properly care for a cat.
Cooper had found Meatball on the local shelter page last week and immediately messaged them. He visited a few times and finally signed the papers after he was cleared. Meatball was a black cat with brown eyes, just like Oliver. When he visited Meatball for the first time, the cat was playing alone and seemed uninterested in Cooper. As Cooper talked to the owner, the cat snuck up to Cooper and was smelling him timidly.
Cooper acted like he didn’t notice as to not scare the cat which seemed to work as Meatball started tangling between Cooper’s legs. They played for over an hour though Cooper decided the second he saw the cat that he was getting her. He filled out the paperwork and waited for the okay. Oliver noticed Cooper’s excitement that day but didn’t question it too much.
“What…what are you doing up?” Oliver questioned sleepily from the island counter as he rubbed his eyes. “Why are you making breakfast at…6:45am? Come back to bed.” Oliver whined, he was dressed only in Cooper’s loose boxers.
“Because mi amor, I love you and wanted to make you breakfast before you start the day.” Cooper told Oliver like it was obvious. “Now, go get ready!” Cooper shooed him out as he finished the food. He set the island up as a buffet and placed some decorations to make it seem more formal, he asked the Alexa to play 50’s romantic melodies. Such a sap.
Oliver finally came to the kitchen twenty minute later just as Cooper set the last plate down; chocolate chip pancakes. Oliver tried to keep up his tough boy persona, but a bashful blush spread across his face.
“You are such a sap,” Oliver muttered before walking up to Cooper. “Oh my gosh, you still have this!” Oliver laughed as he traced the apron that said ‘Kiss the chef’ Cooper was wearing. Katie had got Cooper the apron as a going away gift.
“Well, I think you should listen to the apron.”
Oliver smirked wrapping his arms around Cooper’s shoulders and pulled them tight for a kiss. The two sat down and ate together in comfortable silence, the music danced around them providing a comforting atmosphere.
“Okay, I have my internship until noon then I have meetings where I just sit there and look pretty then I have to fill the paperwork from the meeting then I will be home probably around 5,” Oliver ran over his plans again hurriedly, maybe he got distracted by his beautiful boyfriend and his beautiful lips. “I have to go, Coop! I am going to miss the train!”
Cooper watched as Oliver ran out the door. He cleaned up the kitchen and got ready to leave. ID? Check. Money for Meatball? Check. Little travel cage for Meatball? Check. Best boyfriend ever? Check! He ran out the door and to his car in the parking lot. He cringed as he saw how busy the streets were.
The car roared to life and Cooper started his drive to the shelter. He got there swiftly despite the New York City traffic. Luckily, Cooper was heading the opposite direction of most the traffic. The shelter staff happily greeted Cooper, he didn’t know who was more excited about the adoption: him or staff or Meatball. As soon as Meatball saw Cooper again, she meowed loudly.
Cooper thanked the staff and let them say their teary good-byes to Meatball. “Hi Meatball! I’m your new dad.” He smiled at Meatball who was visibly and understandably nervous. “Okay, we have to go pick up food for me and you. I am surprising my boyfriend with, well, you tonight.” Cooper explained though he knew Meatball wouldn’t understand. Though, Meatball actually seemed to calm a bit and started batting the little mouse toy.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Wednesday, April 18, 9:42AM
“What?” Oliver bluntly asked.
“Look, I am sorry kid. Protocol, you can drop off the dog and come back at 3 when we are done.”
“But it is only 9am!” Oliver whined, the dog looked up at him and whined, sensing Oliver’s stress. “Okay, fine, put us down.”
“Okay, just go ahead and fill this out and we will call you when we are ready for you!” The receptionist smiled and handed Oliver a clip board. There was only one question that truly stumped him: name of pet. What does he put? Does the dog already have a name? Should Oliver name the dog or should Cooper? Is the dog a boy or girl?!
Oliver sighed and wrote down ‘Doggy’ in the name of pet section, that will work for now. He cringed at himself for writing Doggy instead of Dog but he can’t change it now. “Alright, Doggy, I promise I will be back.” He felt a pang of anxiety when the door shut behind him, will Doggy be okay? What if Doggy already had a home??? Oliver doesn’t think he could handle that, he had already decided that he was going to shop for Doggy while he waited. He decided that Doggy was coming home with him one way or another.
He walked downtown until he saw some pet boutique, perfect. He spent over two hours there talking to the owner who also has a Jack Russell. He told Oliver pretty much everything he needed to know; he even gave the kid a discount. Oliver was overwhelmed with joy; he didn’t realize how lost he was in owning a dog. Honestly, neither he or Cooper ever owned a pet: Bradford’s and Otto’s were not big on pets.
Oliver checked Cooper’s location and saw he was on some random road, maybe he was on his way to his culinary internship; senior year had been very busy for them. He decided he was going to pick up dog food (the store owner gave him a list to choose from, all varying in price) and hide everything in the apartment. He reasoned that if everything was already in the apartment, Cooper could not say no.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Wednesday, April 18, 10:53PM
Cooper’s car powered down and he grabbed Meatball’s cage. There was no way that he have Meatball live like this right now. He looked around for a solution and found one of Oliver’s purses (satchel. Satchel Oliver reminds him every time), it could work. He took Meatball out while explaining the plan, Meatball sat happily in the bag.
Cooper browsed up and down the isles as Meatball sat patiently in the satchel. Luckily the carts had a place for children to sit which allowed Cooper to pet the cat as he shopped. He eventually found cat food that rated number one on at least 17 websites, he was hoping for 20 but 17 works. He also bought everything he might need: harness, leash, toys, catnip, food for months, treats, shampoo and conditioner, even little cat posters to maybe help her feel more welcome.
He noted the total; he had no idea owning a cat would be so much work and money, but it was all worth it. He couldn’t stop imagining Oliver’s face when he surprises Oliver. “Now Meatball,” Cooper started as he finished putting the rest of the bags in the car. “We are going to my favorite grocery store and we are going to get ingredients to make Oliver’s favorite dish…” A realization washed over him and he started laughing, Meatball just looked at him confused.
“Oh my gosh! His favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs…and your name is Meatball! This is great!” Cooper couldn’t stop giggling to himself, how perfect is this working out! He finished his shopping list among a few other little things, and packed the car tight. He saw he had a message from Oliver saying his was going to be back around 4:30pm instead.
“Let’s go, Meatball.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Wednesday, April 18, 2:55PM
Oliver raced to the vet after he hid everything in the apartment, he prayed Cooper would not dig too much at the pile of dirty laundry in the closet. “And you are here for…Doggy?” the receptionist checked. “One moment please!” They shuffled to the back and returned with an eager Doggy. It seemed Doggy made a good impression as everyone gave a bittersweet good-bye.
“Okay, here is your special boy.” They handed Oliver the leash. “So, the vet found no signs of a chip and we checked all missing dog reports, not a single match. Looks like Doggy is yours!” Oliver didn’t even realize he was holding his breath, this was amazing!
“O-okay!” Oliver kneeled and ruffled Doggy’s fur, he was still in shock that Doggy was actually his.
“We did give him some of the basic vaccines and a much-needed bath, so he is all caught up and ready to love and play.” Oliver couldn’t help but smile even harder. “Oh! We did find that Doggy responds to Spaghetti.” Doggy even peaked up at the word expectedly.
“Spaghetti,” Oliver said with awe. He thanked everyone and even made a yearly check-up appointment. “Let’s go home, spaghetti.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Wednesday, April 18, 3:20PM
“Oop, looks liked your mommy is going to be home sooner than we thought!” Cooper exclaimed, they had got home 30 minutes ago, and Cooper had set up everything. He had ordered a cat tree a few days ago and it came today thankfully. He set the small cat jungle in their living room next to a window in case Meatball just wanted to look around.
Cooper set up the flowers he bought in a jar along with a card on the counter hidden from the entrance, he truly wanted to surprise Oliver. He started on the spaghetti and meatballs with some indie song playing in the background, the soft melodies filled the apartment. Meatball seemed to find herself at home quickly, she became obsessed with one of Oliver’s shirts and had pulled it in the cat house.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Wednesday, April 18 4:19PM
“Okay, so make sure to give him your best puppy eyes,” Spaghetti looked up at Oliver from his spot on the floor. As soon as they left the vet, Oliver put Spaghetti’s new harness and clipped it on his new leash. Oliver immediately snapped a photo, Spaghetti looked so cute in his new gear. “Perfect! Here goes nothing.”
He shoved his key in the door and heard hurried shuffling inside, “Hey…Coop. So uhm,” The two made their way inside slowly, luckily their apartment was covered in rugs, so Spaghetti’s nails didn’t clack against the hardwood. Once he rounded the end of the hallway into the kitchen he froze, oh shit.
“Wha…Coop…you…a cat!” Oliver started to cry, he felt so overwhelmed in a good way. Cooper stood there with his mouth dropped to the ground, what?
“Ollie, who is that?” Cooper laughed as he pointed to the dog who was just panting with joy.
“Oh uhm,” Oliver sniffed and wiped his eyes roughly. “So, this is Spaghetti…” He told Cooper everything: how he found spaghetti, the vet, what is in the closet, how they are never getting rid of him.
“Wow, sounds like you had quiet the day,” Cooper spoke in a high pitched voice to the dog, cat still in hand. “Well, this is Meatball…” It was Cooper’s turn to tell Oliver how he had been planning this for months and everything him and Meatball did today. As Cooper talked, Meatball reached for Oliver. Oliver’s heart swelled with overwhelming love for this little cat he just met, he took Meatball into his arms. Meatball immediately relaxed and started playing with one of Oliver’s buttons.
Cooper turned and pulled Oliver to face him before kissing him deeply and softly. “Thank you, Coop. I love Meatball.” Oliver smiled at Cooper; he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. They introduced Spaghetti and Meatball to each other which went perfectly, they sniffed each other until Meatball kissed Spaghetti. Cooper and Oliver just watched them interact, even snapping a few photos.
Cooper pulled away to Oliver’s confusion and knelt down, “Oliver Otto, you are perfect in every way. You are so selfless, willing to help anyone or anything.” Cooper nodded to Spaghetti. “You are the most hardworking person I have ever met, once you have a goal, you are finishing that goal. I wake up every day so inspired by you just being you. You, Oliver Otto, have granted me the best gift of all: enjoying life.”
“Cooper,” Oliver was already crying.
“I not only want to enjoy the rest of my life with you but I want to experience life with you: the happy, the sad, the angry, the hurt, all of it. So will you, Oliver Otto, marry me?”
“Of course, Cooper!” Oliver exclaimed, pulling Cooper up to hug him. They held each other with so much joy vibrating between the two of them, they have never felt more connected. “This is the best day ever.”
“And to top off the night, I have made your favorite…” Cooper busted out laughing, the couldn’t believe it.
“I made spaghetti and meatballs, and our animals’ names are Spaghetti and Meatball!” Cooper exclaimed from the floor where he had to kneel because he was laughing so hard. Oliver joined him once he realized all the joy they felt today coming out as laughter. They spent the rest of the night just talking about their day over and over again; they could not get over how wonderful their life was.
Cooper had prepared Oliver an over-the-top bath with bubbles, candles, wine, music, even chocolate cover strawberries from Oliver’s favorite café. They shared the bath together before finally going to bed. They curled up with each other and two new members joined them. They fit together like they were a puzzle: Oliver curled up on Cooper’s chest, Cooper’s one arm wrapped around Oliver and the other Spaghetti who was curled up, and Meatball on Cooper’s chest where Oliver caressed her until they both fell asleep.
Wednesday, April 18, a day to remember for the new Bradford-Otto family.
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I am on AO3 as the same username if you want to check out my other works. This is on there :P Requests are open so please message me
XOXO Fairy
PS there was MINIMAL editing so if there are loopholes or grammar errors, let me know!
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captain-lessship · 1 year
Creepy Pt. 9
The chorus of beeping was playing as you stared at the boy who was still asleep. You looked to Wednesday who was sitting beside you, “We’ve got to go, visiting hours are up in a hour.”
“It’s all my fault. I was the reason he was out in the woods.”
“Don’t say it isn’t, we both know it is.”
You crossed your arms, “Well then shouldn’t we be out there finding the monster? Or did I only think that I knew who you were?” 
Wednesday stated at you, she then stood up and grabbed her bag. “I hate when you are right.” 
You grinned, “Sure you do.” You stood up, looking back at Eugene, you waved bye.
You and Wednesday began planning but there was one, huge, wrench that was going to be thrown in your plans:
Parents Weekend.
You where sitting at your workplace when got a call from your mother. And that was a rare occurrence.
“Sweetheart! It’s mummy!” She said, voice ringing out softly.
“Hi Mom, are you going to be here for Parents Weekend?”
You heard the clicking of her makeup bottles and the clanging of a glass being sat down. “Of course, sweetie! Wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
You lightly grinned, “You missed the last three.”
“Oh, that was out of my control. The spotlight stops for no actress.”
“Yeah.” You held back a few tears.
Your mother was a theater actress and she started out as magician’s assistant, the magician happened to be your father. They had gotten divorced so she went to New York and she was traveling all around the world and somewhere in there, she had you. 
“I love you sweetheart! I will be there, will he be there?”
You thought before you answered, “Yeah, he said he might.” They always tried to one up the other, so you mentally prepared 
“Oh,” she paused, “Alright! Hugs and kisses, buh-bye!” 
She hung up. You just sat there for a minute. You hoped this went good. 
You kept that thought as you watched your father walk in. A tall, built man with dark hair and eyes that twinkled with mischief. He was dressed in a nice suit, reminiscent of his ringleader uniform. His sharp eyes landed on you, he began to walk to you, “Well well,” his circus voice flowed, “My little man,”
He stopped right in front of you, looking down, “And how are we doing today?” His smile was wide. 
“I’m great! So Pops I wa-“
“Is that you, sweetheart?” 
You turned to see your mother. Her blood red makeup attention to her eyes, which seemed to be staring completely through you, her flowing dress hung off her like a liquid shadow. Her hair was the same color as yours and hung in ringlets. “Come to Mummy, sweetheart.”  She opened her arms for a hug.
“Thalia, it’s weird for a young to call his mother that.” Your father said, without skipping a beat.
“Well, Hudson, what you know about mothers?” She snapped back.
“Anyway,” you said, “It’s great to see both of you! I actually have someone I want you to meet.” You grinned.
“Of course, son. Who are they?”
“She’s my girlfriend.” You led them to where Wednesday stood, talking to her family. When she turned and saw you, she walked up to you.
“Mom, Pops, this is Wednesday.”
“Like that poem?” Your father asked.
“Yes. About the weekday children.” Your mother answered for him.
“It’s nice to meet you both.” She said,
voice monotone.
“So,” you mother wondered aloud, “how long have you two been dating?” 
Wednesday answered and you looked at your father who was watching her with slight confusion. 
“That’s wonderful!” You mother clapped her hands together, “I think you both look darling together.”
Your dad finally chimed in, “What’s your last name?”
You saw your father’s eyes lighten, “Are you Fester Addams niece?”
You dad began to laugh, it came deep from his chest. You looked at your mothers sour expression as she knew what the man was laughing about.
“Thalia, remember that time Ol’ Fezzy shocked you so bad we didn’t have to use the lion for the performance.” Your dad wiped a tear from his eye.
“Very vividly, Hudson. Just like that time you got shot out of the cannon directly into the side of a elephant.” 
You looked at the ground at their bickering, Wednesday noticed. “I would like to borrow him for a minute. I would like for him to meet my family.”
“Oh!” You mother looked at you, “Well I can’t stay, I’m sorry sweetheart.” She hugged you. “I will see in the summer. Buh-bye!”
You waved bye to her, looking at your dad.
“Well bud, I gotta run too. Someone’s gotta make cotton candy dreams come true.” Your dad patted you on the shoulder as he left. You sighed, trying to not let the disappointment radiate. 
“It’s alright.” Wednesday said, gently holding your hand. “If are up to meet my family, I think they will loathe you.”
You smiled slightly, “Thank you.” You walked hand in hand to a group of people and you immediately knew they were Wednesdays family. The entire family shared the same fashion sense and you noticed the calm demeanor of her mother and the cheerful one of her father, then the mixed blend in her brother.
“Mother, Father, this is my boyfriend.”
“You’re dating Wednesday?” Pugsley asked, genuine surprise.
“Shut it. I don’t have time to hang you from the rafters.” Wednesdays retorted.
“Ah! Young man,” Gomez put a hand on your shoulder, patting you, “So you’re the one our little nightmare is obsessed with?”
You smiled, “I think it’s mutual and yes, I am proud to say I am.” 
a/n: I know it’s short but I need to post something and this mean you guys get two more to finish it up so it’s a blessing in disguise
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workersolidarity · 7 months
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Australia became the first nation in the world to ban engineered stone due to the health risks to workers, local media reported on Wednesday, with the ban due to take effect in July, 2024.
Australia made the decision during a meeting of the Commonwealth, State and territory workplace ministers. The move was made in response to a surge in the lung disease, Silicosis.
Australia's Assistant Secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, Liam O'Brien, is quoted as saying, "Engineered stone is a fashion product that is killing the workers who make it."
"With alternatives readily available, why are we risking the lives of tradies for a fashionable finish in our kitchens?" O'Brien added.
Engineered stone has been used in Australia since the mid-2000's, with the first cases linked to engineered stone arising in 2015, with hundreds of cases having since developed.
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virgo-mess · 8 months
Silver Thread- Chapter 2
Trigger Warning: Toxic relationship dynamics, sexual references but no smut, Workplace sexual harassment.
Terry pov
After that Terry bitterly set up the first rule for himself in nearly a decade. He couldn’t make her cry; he had assured himself it was just because it made tormenting her less fun for him. That not wanting to make her cry was simply a response to her denying him what he wanted not because he was protecting himself from feeling any of the things, he felt that day. Terry had to convince Veda to come back to work after that. He spent days sending her expensive flower arrangements, books, fruit baskets. He even sent her high fashion bags, shoes, and clothes he had thought she’d like. Margaret was ultimately the one that got her to come back with the promise that Terry would be on his best behavior and a raise. Terry was adamant about the raise when he found out she moved to a very rough part of town, her dying or getting hurt would definitely sour his fun game of cat and mouse. Terry wouldn’t allow himself to admit the thought of anything bad happening to her kept him up at night, of course when he did fall asleep, he was always dreaming of her. He surmised it was just because she often went to classes every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after work, which meant she would be traveling down dark streets alone. 
That’s the only reason he would hang out late in his office. Waiting until her class let out at 10 o’clock so he could trail behind her in his car at a safe distance, watching her walk slowly to her apartment. He was sure she never knew he was doing it or that some nights he would climb her fire escape and peer in through her window to make sure she was still breathing. He pondered buying her a car and a new apartment but knew she would never accept anything from him. She stomped into his office her first day back, dumping everything he gifted her on his office floor all of it unopened.
“But I bought them for you” Terry didn’t let on how upset he was by it. He couldn’t even bring himself to return any of it; the unopened bags and boxes now sat on a shelf in his closet. Reminding him how little she thought of him as he got dressed to spend hours watching her from his office. He hadn’t missed the way she’d roll her eyes at something he said when she thought he wasn’t looking. The deep breath she’d take when she heard him call her name, preparing herself to stand under his intense gaze and take on another harsh lesson about the real world. Hoping she’d decide the real world wasn’t for her and accept his offer to shelter her from it. She never did, in fact she was getting confident with him. Defiant even, she’d stare down at him, arms crossed, and throw back one of her expertly crafted comebacks. Her present act of rebellion, however, was never answering his questions, the fucking silent treatment.
Terry sat at his desk watching her weeding through papers with a hard expression on his face clutching the fax he had received from one of her professors. Veda had been giving him the silent treatment for about a week now, a result of an argument they had gotten into the week before. They’d argued on multiple occasions in the last few months, but this last one was almost as bad as the one they’d gotten into the first day they met. Terry had come back from lunch; another one she rejected his invitation to. Only to come back and find Veda sitting on Rob’s desk giggling as Rob leaned in to say something in her ear. Rob, being the absolute tool who had the nerve to touch her that day, the one Terry was merciful enough not to fire at the time.  Terry wondered where he found the nerve to touch what was his, and where Veda had the nerve to act like she was available. Watching as she stroked his cheek affectionately. She’d been entertaining Rob right under Terry’s nose for some time. Terry wasn’t sure how he missed it; he had seen them conversing with Zoe on a few occasions.  Terry had the slightest sense the Rob was into Zoe but that was before Veda showed up being the innocent temptress she is. It wasn’t unreasonable to assume Terry Silver wasn’t her only victim. He wondered what she saw in Rob that she didn’t see in him. She was too hot for him. Seeing her sat up on his desk in a tight pencil skirt and an innocently sexy off the shoulder top looking up into someone else’s eyes sent Terry into another jealous fit. He practically dragged her into his office.
“What are you doing?” Veda sneered as Terry gripped her arm firmly dragging her away from Rob. His grip didn’t hurt but Veda sensed she wouldn’t be strong enough to wiggle out of it. She settled for not moving her legs anymore, nearly falling over as Terry kept walking. Terry stopped turning to look at her with dark eyes but didn’t let go of her arm.
“Keep walking LaRusso” he said through gritted teeth, Veda narrowed her eyes at him in a challenging matter.
“Make me” she spat, trying to tug her arm out of his grasp. Terry’s grip didn’t loosen, and Veda was taken a back by the new look swirling in his eyes.
“Fine baby let’s do it your way” he purred, pulling her body into his with one swift motion. Snaking his arms around her waist and lifting her up with ease. Veda gasped, flailing in his grasp, and feebly throwing her tiny fists at his chest.
“Stop it. Put me down now” she hissed; Terry repressed a chuckle finding her determination to be free of him amusing. She was never going to be free of him. Veda kept swatting at him anywhere she could reach one eventually connected with his jaw right as he made it to his office door. Terry waited until they were inside his office before he returned the favor, giving her a firm pat on her ass. Veda gasped, her nose scrunching up as that cute scowl made its way back on her face as she stopped trying to free herself. Shocked at what had just transpired.
“What the hell was that” she seethed, Terry chuckled carrying her further into his office, making sure to kick the door closed behind him.
“I asked myself the same thing when I walked off the elevator to see you sitting on Rob’s fucking desk” Terry said flatly, Veda gasped again at hearing him swear Terry found it cute.
“You stormed into the office and fired Rob because I sat on his desk? You’re insane.” She spat; Terry let out a deep teasing sigh as he looked into her eyes.
“Baby, I thought we established that the only desk this ass is allowed to sit on is mine” He hissed giving one of her ass cheeks a firm squeeze before plopping her on his desk. Watching her face tint a sinful shade of red as she glared up at him furious. Ignoring the wave of arousal she felt creeping up on her.
“You don’t get to decide where my ass does or doesn’t sit. It doesn’t belong to you” Terry clenched his jaw looking down at her attempting to keep the hurt from spiraling in his eyes at the rejection.
“Keep telling yourself that LaRusso” he said dismissively. Veda gasped again, this time at the way she felt her clit throb at his words.
“Is this the best behavior Margaret promised me? Last I checked this is workplace sexual harassment” Veda said crossing her arms over her chest and crossing her legs to ease the throbbing, as she looked away from him. Terry sharply inhaled.
“Are you threatening me?” Terry asked, placing one finger under her chin forcing her to look at him. Veda looked up at him blushing furiously, as she tried to calm herself down.
“Absolutely” she said through gritted teeth. Terry looked deep in her eyes, hoping she was bluffing because it would mean she would be ripped away from him. Terry felt a wave of panic creep up on him when he didn’t see a tell nestled in those deep brown eyes.
“Go home Veda” he whispered backing away from her, Veda didn’t know why she felt sad when his body retreated from her personal space.
“Go Home” he snapped, Veda looked at him for a long moment taking in how tensed his body was. Veda said nothing as she got off his desk making her way to his office door. She glanced back to see him looking out his office window with his shoulders hunched. Veda didn’t know why she felt the need to apologize and tell him she didn’t mean it. Because she meant it, didn’t she? She spent the whole walk home thinking about whether she really did.
            Terry looked down at the paper in his hand again, it was an request for approval form from her Professor Ryan asking him if he would approve her internship being moved to another company. They would happily send him another intern in exchange for her leaving. Terry thought it was funny they had to ask his permission in the first place. Like Veda wasn’t capable of making her own decisions. She was more than capable of making her own choices, if she wasn’t Terry would’ve had her out of the work force and in his bed by now. He scanned the fax to see the was no mention of why she was requesting a new company. A law firm of all places, one owned by a man that was much worse then him. Perhaps Veda didn’t know that, perhaps he should let her know when he tells her he’s denying the request for obvious reasons.
Veda’s pov
Veda sighed weeding through papers on her desk, she could feel the harsh glare Terry Silver was sending her way. She had been giving him the silent treatment only nodding her head ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and shrugging in response to every question he asked her. She was glad to see it was pissing him off, his muscled body would tense up and she would just stare up at him with an innocent little smile. He deserved it after what he pulled last week.
“Are you planning on ever speaking to him again? You’re clearly hurting his feelings” Zoe said with a soft smile. Zoe was pretty blonde and aside from Rob, one of the few friends Veda had made since starting her internship at Dynatox. Zoe was her closest desk mate; Veda’s having been rather secluded from everyone else’s and was of course purposely positioned so Terry could “Keep an eye” on her at all times. He had assured her it was only temporary. Veda doubted this seen as how it was now the middle of May having been working since the end of February.
“You think Mr. Silver has feelings?” Veda said with a chuckle.  She doubted Terry Silver could feel anything seen as he had very little regard for other people’s feelings. Remembering how quick he was to fire and humiliate Rob in front of the whole office. She found his reaction to finding her and Rob rather over the top, there were no rules against employees dating. But Veda and Rob weren’t actually dating anyway. They’d hung out with some of her friends a couple times outside of work, but Veda hadn’t really felt any romantic feelings towards him. Veda knew for a fact Rob felt the same way, having admitted to crushing on Zoe not long before Terry interrupted them.
“You should ask her out Rob, I’m sure she’ll say yes.” Veda said with a smile. Rob blushed leaning in closer as he spotted Zoe getting off the elevator.
“She’s back. I’d love to ask her out Veda, but we’ve been working on the same floor for over a year, and I can’t talk to her without saying something stupid. I’m sure she thinks I’m a…” Veda cut him off placing a hand on his cheek in an attempt to comfort him.
“Stop that right now. You’re a great guy Rob. You are kind, considerate, and cute. Any girl would be lucky to date you, besides Zoe isn’t judgmental like that. She’s the perfect person to have a crush on.”
“Do you have a crush on someone less perfect Veda?” Rob asked with an odd sort of look on his face. Veda opened her mouth ready to answer when Terry stormed in.
“He’s got a crush on you” Zoe quipped, looking up from her work with an amused expression. It was funny how everyone seemed to know they were into each other but them. Veda let out another laugh as she sorted through the papers.
“Oh, please. He hates me not that I care the feeling is mutual.” Veda said bitterly running her hand through her hair. Veda could sense his growing disdain for her the moment she walked into his office, everything there after was surely just a means to torment her for rejecting him. She never got the sense that he genuinely liked her, that he only viewed her as a conquest. That he was only pursuing her this heavily to be able to say he’d been with someone like her. If it wasn’t for this job Terry and her would never have crossed paths, they were both from entirely different worlds.
Veda was certain Terry wouldn’t have given her a second glance if she had been serving him in a restaurant or passed him by on the street. Men like him didn’t just pick poor little girls from Jersey to be their doting housewives. Terry had said just as much when he assumed she was a model, models and celebrity women were suitable wife material. Veda knew how men in Terry’s world saw women like her, a pretty face you like in secret but not the type you take home to meet your parents. She suspected he’d woo her and then drop her the moment she felt something for him, and that he’d say entertaining her was charity, that she should be grateful a man like him entertained a girl like her. Like it was all ok because she had nothing to really lose from being romanced by a handsome billionaire. Just her self-worth.  
“Veda, the man asks you out every day, sends you flowers every week, stares at you from his office like a lost puppy, and gets visibly upset when you talk to other men. If that’s hate then I wish a man would hate me that much” Zoe chuckled staring at Veda, who let out a sigh. Getting up to walk over to Zoe’s desk as she noticed Terry attempting to eavesdrop. She sent him a cold glare before moving out of his line of sight. Zoe took note of the glance and repressed a smirk.
“He only does that because he wants to sleep with me, he doesn’t mean any of it. I think the only reason he does any of it is because he can see that it annoys me. All we ever really do is argue anyway besides guys like him don’t seriously date girls like us” Veda said. Zoe sighed.
“Honey you guys’ bicker like an old married couple. Of course, he wants to sleep with you, you’re hot, everyone wants to sleep with you, but he also likes you aside from that. Don’t you think the same can be said about him? You’re not seriously telling me you’ve never thought about having sex with Terry Silver, are you?” Zoe said with a smirk.
Veda felt her face grow hot at the implication of them ever being married. Of course, she’d thought about having sex with him, she’s even dreamt about it more times than she was ever willing to admit. The dreams were elevated after their altercation in his office last week, the feel of him gripping her ass awakened something in her for sure. The fact that she left his office wanting him so bad terrified her, she had never felt that level of pull to anyone before. She had never felt like that when any other man had touched her. She didn’t know if she could trust him with all that power over her because then he’d have the strength to break her. One of the real reasons she kept him at arm’s length was because he was a such highly desirable man who had everything at his disposal. The world fell to his feet and yet he seemed to appreciate none of it. Veda had only dreamed of a life like his; being raised by a struggling single mom and helping raise a little brother after her dad died was the hand she had been dealt in life. Veda had come to accept and appreciate that fact a long time ago. Sure, her mom couldn’t always keep the lights on, but she always made sure her and Daniel were fed even if she went without. The apartments were never filled with fancy furniture, but they were always filled with love. Veda wondered if Terry was capable of that level of selflessness or that level of unconditional love for anyone. She saw the way he used money to fix his problems. He threw gifts at her to keep her from quitting. She liked gifts as much as the next girl, she secretly loved the expensive clothes he gifted her. At the time she felt the gesture was insincere, she later found out from Margaret that he had in fact handpicked every item he gave to her. She had given them back because she didn’t think she deserved such a grand display.
“Of course, I have, I know he’s a desirable man. That’s kind of part of the problem, you know aside from him being an ass” Veda blurted out. “He can have anyone, why bother with someone who will never be on his level? Hopefully it won’t matter soon, Professor Ryan submitted my request to be reassigned. I really wish I didn’t need Mr. Silver’s approval” Zoe could sense the wave of sadness in Veda’s voice. She was surprised that a girl that pretty could also have such a deep-rooted insecurity, admit to it be so wholeheartedly self-aware. And yet not be able to admit what everyone else knew was true.
“Maybe he feels that way about you too.” Zoe said, Veda scoffed and rolled her eyes bitterly.
“Doubt it, should we go to lunch?’ Veda said changing the subject so she could afford herself not to think of Terry Silver for a little bit. Zoe sighed; she had expected Veda would pull away; she was honestly surprised she got her to admit so much. Veda never talked much about her feelings and Zoe got the sense that doing so was very difficult for her in the same way that it was difficult for Terry Silver. It wasn’t lost on Zoe or Margaret or Rob, or anyone else that saw those two “Argue”. The pair were quite obviously in love with each other. That was the real reason Veda wanted to quit and runaway, it wasn’t just because Terry Silver was an asshole, it was that she still liked him despite him being an asshole.
“Sure” Zoe said.
“Not so fast LaRusso. We need to talk. Now” Terry said standing in the doorway of his office. Veda felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach wondering just how much of the conversation he had heard.
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thingummywhut · 16 days
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Tuesday: It's Tuesday and she has a date with her best friend from work she suddenly recalls all the Tuesdays of old when she would stop by her mother's workplace and as she cleans and washes the laundry, her mother would gaze at her fondly while she snacked her tiny heart out. And she wondered if this is just how adulting works... One potential heartbreak after another.
Wednesday: I went out and remembered all the Wednesday afternoons I would have as I ride with my grandfather on his motorcycle in our subdivision. Around and around, afternoon after afternoon, and the day the rides stopped. My grandpa's heart stopped. But that afternoon never seemed to stop.
Saturday: Browsed Facebook and saw kids camping with their fathers. Young boys and girls unaware of the impending dangers of the world. Safe within their father's arms. And then... a flashback! Of all the Saturdays she went camping with her father. In the field, beside a river, fishing on a lazy afternoon. Until the calmness of the river became a tidal wave pressing on her chest. She realized that she was trapped. And she wondered if maybe she's been trapped by that Saturday her entire life.
Sunday: As I walk towards the store crying. The teen and everybody else around me - the one that I bought the egg from, and all those who were playing basketball - pretend to not notice. I wonder if it's because they could name every single tear on my face after their own Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. I walk home still teary eyed wondering how many of these people are still trying to get over a Tuesday from eleven years ago.
Some goodbyes take longer than a Saturday afternoon.
-la fin-
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pb-dot · 11 months
WIP Wednesday: The Northwest
This fine WIPnesday and the next couple of weeks ahead I want to pause the talk about characters and instead speak a bit about the various organizations in play in The Clockwork Boy, their goals, their values, and the people that come to represent the organizations in the plot. This'll also allow me to talk about a bunch of side characters without having to make separate profiles for them, so that's also expedient. First up to bat is the underground gear workshop co-op The Northwest.
Northwest Street Communal Workshop And Distribution, as it is properly titled is part gear production workshop specializing in precision gears for clockcraft, and part political organization. They seek to offer a workplace and community for laborers who have grown tired of the restrictive and exploitative practices of the Novice-Master system that governs labor and production in the City. It is the opinion of The Northwest and its members that the capital holders of the city maintain a stranglehold on the industry through intimidation and violence through the private security force known as The Enforcers, as well as through self-declared Exclusivity Licenses to certain production methods and tools.
Given that the City hasn't had a functional government in nigh on twenty years, The Northwest refuses to acknowledge these licenses or the Enforcers' supposed authority to police them. Even so, they are forced to work around these limitations given the enforcers' considerable resources and penchant for violent suppression. After a period of particularly harsh treatment, the Northwest chose to withdraw from the public eye until guarantees for their owner-employees safety could be made with some conviction. Since then, The Northwest has operated as an underground operation, literally, as they work out of the cellar of a condemned workshop and trade through intermediaries.
The Northwest was founded during the latter parts of The Coal Wars, when a community of workshop journeymen, emboldened by the manpower scarcity that plagued the then-empire, struck out from their traditional places of employment to start a communal workshop space in the namesake Northwest Street. The mission statement of the nascent organization expanded somewhat during the period of unrest following the collapse of the empire's last government to also provide what aid they could to the population in the tumultuous time, eventually including working towards a fairer and more stable world in whatever ways they could make it happen.
Owing to resistance from the conglomerate of merchants and capital holders that is now known as The Spire, The Northwest was forced to abandon much of their charity work, as well as put a damper on their political ambition, at least until a level of grassroots support could be achieved.
As such, many of the Northwest's current employee-owners consider themselves craftsmen and community members first and foremost, but there are exceptions. While the organization doesn't have any leaders or owners, two voices are particularly prominent in the day-to-day business of the organization, and these are both mindful of the future in their own ways.
The closest The Northwest will ever get to a leader is Delilah Bellows, a passionate and strong personality whose dedication to The Northwest is unusually strong, even considering the general level of dedication to the organization from its worker-owners. Despite being an unflinchingly driven person who seldom hesitates to bring matters to a vote in many meetings that decide the actions and rules of The Northwest, Delilah backs up her drive with enthusiasm and pedagogy, making her a voice that would be heard and respected even if she wasn't such a force of nature. It has done nothing to blunt the sting of her terrible puns and cheesy nicknames, but even such scorching natural charisma has its limits.
While Delilah has the presence and voice of a leader, Wilhelmina "Mina" Limner has the dispassionate long-term thinking part down pat. Her penchant for tidiness and the kind of paperwork that comes naturally with managing an organization like The Northwest has left her managing the administration and documentation of the organization almost singlehandedly. While these considerable tasks leave her absent from participating actively in the day-to-day community of The Northwest, Mina's influence can be felt to be guiding many of the organization's ventures.
Under different circumstances, Mina and Delilah would all but be guaranteed to butt heads, and if not outright oppose, then certainly grate on each other. As fate would have it though, Delilah and Mina get along swimmingly despite having virtually nothing in common. It didn't take long, or so rumor has it, between the compact dark-skinned Delilah and the tall and pale Mina first disagreeing during a meeting and the point when they started going home together after work. Despite the amorous tone, however, the two maintain that their perspectives on the future of The Northwest remain their own, although some level of synthesis is likely inevitable.
As for the Northwest and its worker-owners role in the story, it spends large parts of The Clockwork Boy being a haven for our heroes Jake and 13. The two hide from The Enforcers and The Clockmen in the halls of The Northwest. As the two are welcome into the organization proper, however, the question is whether 13 is to use his considerable physical prowess for the good of their cause or not. Some tension exists between Jake and 13 on this topic, and navigating this is a sticking point in the medium-early stages of their relationship.
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runakamoran · 5 months
wip wednesday bits
(starting another fnaf fic between As the Sun Drowns and... all my other wips. this one won't be too long, I hope. set after "Leave/Alley" ending of SB).
He always knew he would die like this. Abandoned in a dark, deserted alley, in dirt and blood, spewing curses. But dying now, after That Night, after all the hiding, chasing, intricate planning, after everything he had done just to get out and survive - dying now was bitter, insulting and unfair.
That's why he fought. He struggled, even knowing he would not overcome the strong, skillful hands closed around his neck.
...he actually did it. He ran away, he was free. He survived until six in the morning, despite his chances being so low. He flew out from the front doors and into the streets, and ran, ran, ran until his knees gave out. The sun hadn't risen yet, and the world around was still sleeping. The cold air scratched his throat. Gregory stopped to catch his breath in a secluded corner between the office building, coffee shop and bus stop.
Spring was already coming in full bloom, but the chilly wind wasn't gone yet and reigned until sunrise. Usually he hated this kind of weather - the dampness and sudden rains forced him to change shelters frequently. But now the wind was pleasantly refreshing, cooling his sweat-soaked back. Not caring about the possibility of getting sick, he took off his hoodie, put it under him and sat down to rest.
It was almost unreal to watch the streets around waking up and coming back to life. He felt like the night would never end and his flight would continue; and yet, there he is. It was surprisingly pleasant to return and wander again under the gray open sky, among the trash-filled alleys of Hurricane.
(he was distracted, so absorbed in the feeling of freedom, he didn't notice a familiar figure in a queue nearby. A sleepy young woman, in a windbreaker and a long skirt, was lost in her smartphone and looked like she simply stopped on her way to work to grab some coffee. But under the hood, her hungry green eyes watched him closely).
However, Gregory knew he couldn’t stop. As soon as the first workers of Pizzaplex reach their workplaces, there's gonna be a big ass scandal. You see, he wasn't very... careful, trying to survive the night. And if the overturned furniture and some stolen things can be overlooked, the sight of expensive animatronics broken to pieces will cause a massive heart attack among the management. Honestly, Gregory was a bit proud of himself. Not many people his age can cause millions of property damage in just six hours!
...anyway, he better not be around when the fuss starts. Police from all over the state will probably swarm the place.
He definitely won't miss this place; however, there was something left behind so very painful to tear away from yourself. He tried not to think about Freddy, the only friend who carried him through the whole nightmare. It was pathetic, to be attached to a being incapable of experiencing and understanding human emotions. To crave love and attention from a soulless machine, just because this robot was the only one showing him kindness. He still wanted to believe Freddy was capable of more than given program, but what could he know? He's just a random waif.
He walked past a few more blocks before the sleepless night took its toll. His eyes were closing from fatigue. Adrenaline kept him on feet, but now, out of danger, exhaustion caught up on him and hit with the force of a truck. Yawning, the boy was looking for a place to sleep. It was another dark alley, lost between two apartment buildings, far enough from the roadway so its noise wouldn't be too disturbing. He fished out a fairly large box from the trash and hid under it. The cardboard bed wasn't exactly comfortable, but now it doesn't really matter. Curled up like a homeless kitten, the boy put his arm under his head and almost immediately fell asleep.
(wandering half asleep, he didn't notice a car following him. An old, unremarkable Ford drove circles around the block, as if accidentally riding past him again and again. However, in the end the boy disappeared among the residential blocks, and the clumsy car stopped in the parking lot. The woman behind the wheel had finished her preparations and now, pulling out a hunting knife, was polishing it with impatience. She was lost in thought and couldn't decide what to do next.
It's fine. This area is small. She'll have enough time to get around it and find the boy. Then, all that remains is to wait for the best moment, when the neighbourhood goes to sleep).
Living on the street taught him to sleep lightly. Even in deep exhaustion, among obscure dreams, he could distinguish the creaking of tires and the distant hum of human voices. They intertwined with strange pictures in his head.
...it seems like he was hitch-hiking оn the road again, in the middle of night for some reason. But no one stopped, rare cars whistled past, so he had to walk. A large dog was lying on the sidewalk, its head crushed. The roadkill was surrounded by white rabbits greedily gnawing on it. Noticing the boy, they hissed, baring bloody teeth.
He tossed and turned in his sleep. Someone slammed the lid of a dumpster.
(she had to prowl the area for several hours before finally finding her prey. The boy was good at hiding. If she had not wandered into this corner to throw away bloodstained clothes and used gloves, she would've never seen him. He was sleeping restlessly, securely hidden from prying eyes by a piles of garbage and bins. In his face she could see how much the last night drained him. Gray skin with wrinkles unusual for his age, deep circles under the eyes, sunken cheeks, old bandage still hunging on one. Poor thing. So tired he won’t resist for long.
The woman fished out her knife from under her skirt and sank down next to the boy. After so many long, painful hours, the chase ended. The streets were hidden in evening shadow, so no one would see her work. Her hands trembled and heart fluttered in anticipation. She was thirsty, having no taste of blood for so long.
Although, she also felt a vague sadness deep down. This intense hunt full of surprises was so exciting she didn’t want it to end. Usually her victims gave up quickly - they stumbled, made mistakes, froze in fear and doomed themselves. This boy however, was different. Not only did he survive her labyrinth, he was able to trick her, a seasoned serial killer, and escape. To jeopardize everything she had built for so long. To achieve a feat like this, you'll need a certain talent with a dash of mad luck. She had to admit, despite all the trouble he had caused, she had a certain... respect for him.
But she couldn't just let the boy live. He's seen too much.
The woman was restlessly fiddling with the knife in her hands when an idea struck her. No, an IDEA. A spontaneous, stunning and completely mind-blowing IDEA, just the way she likes it.
Biting her tongue to hold back a pleased laugh, she put the blade back in its sheath. Not today, old friend. Today she'll need a different tool. There was an emergency ampoule of propofol prepared in the car).
...weird rabbits huddled together, threw themselves at his feet, tried to bite. Small red eyes glowed angrily in the darkness. He kicked it, and the animal jumped away, whining. The whole pack backed away for a moment, but quickly attacked him again, more aggressively than before. The boy backed down and tried to scare them away, but it didn’t work. One of the rabbits sunked its teeth in his ankle. In pain and surprise, Gregory fell into the mud. The rabbits hissed and surrounded him.
The gravel crunched behind, a shadow flashed over him - someone crouched next to him. It was a young woman in a long skirt and windbreaker with the hood pulled over her face. She gently patted one of the animals. Gregory wanted to say something, but couldn't. She turned to him sharply, animal muzzle sticking out from under the hood.
The rabbit-headed girl dug her nails in his face, and the boy opened his eyes.
He didn't see, more like felt that someone was nearby. Gut feelings rarely failed him, and Gregory trusted his instincts. So he immediately got up to his feet and looked around. Another night came, everything was dark and quiet. Cars whizzed by from afar. The light of a distant lamp post barely reached the alley, only a lonely beam snatched out the shadows. Gregory leaned against the dumpster he'd been sleeping behind and looked out. The motionless figure immediately darted around the corner. He caught a glimpse of a long hem for a second.
Already frightened by the nightmare, the heart jumped and stuck in his throat. The boy backed away. Deciding not to risk it, he run in the opposite direction. The alley snaked between buildings and fences and disappeared into the darkness. He kept close to the wall and weaved his way between trash cans and drainpipes. He could already see the empty street ahead.
Someone pulled him by the scruff of the neck and yanked him back into the alley. A strong gloved hand covered his mouth and threw the head back. A needle bit deeply in the neck. Reacting quickly, Gregory did what he always does in an unequal fight. Grabbing the palm holding him, he sank his teeth into it with all his might. Surgical gloves may have helped to be more sneaky, but didn't give any protection. A faint female scream, the grip loosened. A disposable syringe fell at his feet.
Ignoring the sudden weakness, Gregory fought back, kicked and struggled as best he could. Realizing she's loosing her hold, the woman grabbed him by the hair. Turning around, she slammed the boy's head into the nearest wall.
The black sky shattered, stars and sparks scattered before his vision, the houses melted in fog. Legs suddenly gave way, but his limp body was immediately picked up. One hand covered his mouth again, the other's elbow squeezed his neck. Wheezing weakly, the boy was desperately scratching her, even knowing he had no chance. Reality was floating away, his buzzing head spinning, eyes closing on their own. Before falling into the darkness, he noticed her sharp chin, strands of blond hair on his shoulder. There was a human face under the hood after all; but what's hidden behind it was a different matter entirely.
The woman turned, looking around like a coyote on a hunt. The street stayed quiet. No one noticed their small scuffle.
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justwriteryan · 8 months
Sunrise on a Manhattan Wednesday morning. All across the city, alarm clocks go off, people stir in their sleep. In the liveliest city in the world, every home, every workplace is bracing itself for day. And Avengers Tower is no exception.
Within the enormous skyscraper, Edwin Jarvis, the elderly butler quietly walks down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for his employers. He stops. There’s a figure at the windows in the upper lobby. His six foot frame is silhouetted in the rising sunlight.
JARVIS: Good morning, Master Steven.
Steve Rogers, the former Captain America, turns to face his loyal butler.
ROGERS: God morning, Jarvis.
JARVIS: Up early again, sir?
ROGERS: I make a point of watching the sunrise as often as I can. I’ve been in hundreds of fights over the years, Jarvis. Odds are, I’ll die in one some day. I like to take a second to enjoy the beginning of a new day before we launch head-first into all the madness.
JARVIS: Very good, sir. I’ll prepare your morning espresso, shall I?
ROGERS: Thank you, Jarvis. That’d be great. And wake up Maria please.
MARIA: No need, commander.
Maria Hill, Steve’s second-in-command, enters the room. She’s already dressed in her uniform with an electronic tablet in her hand and a pistol strapped to her waist.
ROGERS: Good morning, agent. Run me through the morning’s reports.
MARIA: Yes, sir. Sharon got in touch during the night to say she’s proceeding with the final phase on that mission in Egypt, and that the team will be out of touch for twenty four hours..
MARIA: Intel picked up a cell of H.A.M.M.E.R loyalists in Montana. They’ve stockpiled some of Osborn’s nastier tech, and I don’t think they’re planning on building a fort with them.
ROGERS: Put a call into Victoria Hand over at the mansion, have Luke’s team investigate.
MARIA: You got it. Oh, and Sue, Reed, Johnny and the kids are on vacation in another dimension, but Ben’s decided to stay. Guess he enjoys being an Avenger better, huh?
Steve turns and smiles.
ROGERS: Whats not to love?
Maria returns the smile. For a few seconds, neither of them speak.
ROGERS: So, who do we…
ROGERS: What the…?
The building shakes. Across town, a column of smoke is rising.
ROGERS: Maria! Intel, now!
At that moment, several fireballs appear in the morning sky. One by one, they crash, hitting various points of the city. Explosions are heard. The city shakes again.
ROGERS: Missiles?
MARIA: No sir. They seem to coming from space. Meteors I think!
ROGERS: A meteor shower? Of this magnitude, hitting this city, with no advance word from NASA or the Baxter Building’s satellites? I’m not buying it!
The building trembles again, with more ferocity than before.
ROGERS: Another meteor?
MARIA: No, sir. That one shook the whole city! More like an earthquake! Although the seismic readings I’m seeing here…
A new sound. Gunfire. Lots of it. Mingled with explosions and for the first time, screams.
ROGERS: Computer: on!
The dining room table in the middle of the room separates in the middle. Out of the space large flat computer screen rises.
ROGERS: Show me what the situation is in Midtown!
The screen flashes on. We see various security feeds a bustling city street, thrown into panic. Marching through the streets are these horrible, grey-skinned, humanoid creatures with yellow eyes. Each one is six foot in height with a strange kind of machine gun and are mowing down anything that moves.
Steve Rogers watched the screen intently, his temper rising. Maria Hill is too shocked and scared to speak. In spite of the maelstrom on the streets and on the screen, the room is deathly quiet.
ROGERS: Computer: initiate Stark Emergency Frequency Sigma Seventy-Two.
COMPUTER: Emergency Frequency Sigma Seventy-Two activated, Commander.
ROGERS: Maria, get me S.H.I.E.L.D, S.W.O.R.D, the military, the navy, the fire department, the ambulance services and the police on the line the second I finish here. And the President too, if he isn’t trying to reach me already.
MARIA: Yes, sir.
ROGERS: People of New York, this is Commander Steven Rogers.
All at once, the former Captain America’s face appears on every television, computer screen and phone across the city. It appears at Grand Central Station and Time Square and in the homes of families huddling together for support.
ROGERS: In the last few minutes, the city has come under attack by an as-yet unknown alien invasion party. Before we tackle this threat, our first task is to prevent any more casualties. I ask you to stay indoors and only leave your home or place of work if your life depends on it. Rescue teams are coming.
Throughout the city commuters in the subway, men and women in office buildings, customers in grocery stores and families of all races, colours and nationalities watch with fear in their hearts as Steve delivers his message.
ROGERS: If you are already outside, find somewhere safe and stay there. If you’re on our way into the city at this time, use whatever means you have and evacuate the vicinity. Once again, this is Commander Steve Rogers asking you to stay put and stay safe. God bless.
The computer screen goes blank, then lights up again as the President’s face appears on it.
PRESIDENT: Good speech, Commander. I hope you have a plan to back it up.
ROGERS: Of course, Mr. President. I want as many available armed and emergency services committed to the immediate evacuation and rescue of civilians, sir.
PRESIDENT: You got it. But what are you planning on fighting these bastards with?
ROGERS: With your leave, sir, I’d like to deploy the super heroes. If this is in fact an alien invasion, then they would be the natural front line.
PRESIDENT: Very good, Steve. And this is definitely an invasion. I’m hearing that whatever these things are, wherever they came from, they’re attacking every major city in the country, maybe even the world.
ROGERS: Yes sir. Rogers out.
Steve turns back to Maria as the screen goes black.
ROGERS: Maria, patch me through to the All-Call Frequency.
MARIA: Yes, sir.
She types something onto the tablet in her hands.
MARIA: Good to go sir.
ROGERS: Attention! This is Commander Steve Rogers issuing a code red All-Call! This is a priority alert! All metahumans respond immediately! In other words…AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!
An old idea I had for a crossover where the Marvel 616 universe gets invaded by the Locust horde from Gears of War. Stay tuned!
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thewhistleblows · 4 months
Signed Songbird
Chapter 1
The greatest mysteries a man can be saddled with are oft related to the world of romance. The man's inner workings that power his mind work best when faced with problems with only one answer. When faced with the possibility of many interpretations and possibilities it's enough to overwhelm them, yet despite it all, they try anyway. None of this was false for one Benjamin Thomas. A plain man of high station, always seen in a wrinkled little suit that seemed just a bit too large on him. Almost as if he was still a teenage boy dressing up as his father. He lacked any hardness or sharp edges in his appearance and was thin and tall. With contradictory deep black hair that spiked up messily, and a pair of brown eyes to match. 
While he was still baby-faced and only twenty-three, he had all the responsibilities of a fully-fledged businessman who had been in the trade for 30 years. Benjamin had once resolutely stated that if the overwhelming stress of his new workplace was all he would know for the rest of his career, that he should have grey hairs by 25. His once ever-present aspiration to have a wife and children was forcibly placed in the back seat of his mind. The once empty and unkempt space is now filled with schedules, contracts, and paperwork of varying degrees of importance, all kept tightly organized. The wild dreams of a young man now fully suppressed for the organization of adulthood. Of responsibility. 
Despite all of this, Benjamin remained hopeful in the one wild garden left in his mind that eventually, he’d be able to clear a bit more space for love. He kept a singular flower of the once boundaryless garden well watered and cared for, in hopes the vines could spread over the meetings and paperwork in a harmonious mess. That was not to say his life lacked color, however, sometimes he would find the time to visit the speakeasy down the street in secret with his compatriots. Though no matter how hard they tried to get him to go to other places for entertainment and jovial revelry, Benjamin always refused. 
“Go on without me if you wish to, this is where I will remain. What little time I retain for myself will be spent here. Do not mistake this for a closed mind of course my friends,” He’d always give a friendly smile at this part, and wave his hand with closed eyes. “This is the mind of a man with a goal that can only be achieved here.” His work friends would concede and typically stick around with their boss. Even if he was stubborn and a creature of habit, the conversations had with him were enough to make up for the lack of scenery changes. 
The speakeasy that Benjamin frequented was not one of large size, the bar in the back corner had just shy of 20 stools. About 10 wooden tables and chairs from various origins dotted the room. The lights were always a dim orange that evoked a cozy and personal atmosphere. There were a few couches pushed up against the wall and the place was always well filled. Though Benjamin's favorite place was the stage where music was played. There were a few tables right next to it where every Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday night, at 8 o’clock, the object of Benjamin's fixation would sing until midnight. 
Benjamin's friends could never sway him from his work unless it was one of those nights. They were only beginning to understand why when it was too late, for Benjamin had discovered the target of his affections in a woman he had never even spoken to. A woman whose station was far too low for Benjamin, and whose very job was illegal. He had fallen completely in love with the songbird on the stage, whom he only knew by an alias, and now it was far too late for him to change that. 
Perhaps the most scandalous piece of this was that Benjamin did not care, and had no desire to change her. He loved what he saw on that stage far too much to want her to change. A fool's infatuation rarely leads to a good ending, however. The songbird on the stage had her very own cage that kept her line. One invisible to Benjamin and his adoration. 
While Benjamin knew his love and darling as merely “The Angelic Songbird of New York,” her real name was that of Viviana Allegro. Yet in his mind, Benjamin always referred to her as “songbird.” When Benjamin had a respite from work but his darling was not on the stage that night, he would find comfort in imagining their future together. 
It almost always would be roughly the same picture in his head. Far away from the dreary New York City, he was accustomed to since birth. A quaint cabin in the woods of some lovely place with lots of whitetail deer for him to hunt, and wildflowers everywhere. Bees constantly buzz around the small vegetable and fruit garden, and the scent of their honey is not too far away, floating delicately on the wind. The cabin would stand out in a small clearing, a stone chimney rising from one side that always had smoke pouring from it. 
Benjamin craved nothing more than a quiet and peaceful home very far from the city he so despised. Except perhaps his songbird. In his daydreams, he would imagine that every day when he would return home from whatever he was doing that day, his gorgeous wife would be waiting for him. A smile on her face and a baby on her hip, a dog weaving its way toward him, yipping with adoration. 
His mental picture was perfect in every aspect, it was the idyllic world he would fight tooth and nail to attain. He was willing to sacrifice all that his father had built and passed down to him if only she would be his. 
If Benjamin's father could see what he was doing now he would die all over again. While the two had never been quite close, they still had the sort of father-son bond you can imagine. One of mutual understanding and sometimes even respect. Though Benjamin entirely lacked the familial love aspect of it all from his father, his mother was quick to give it out. 
Madam Thomas, Benjamin's doting mother, had the awful habit of sneaking around her husband to aide her son when he was being insubordinate. When Benjamin was set to bed without supper for fighting a boy in the schoolyard, Madam Thomas would bring him some bread. It was in this manner that Benjamin would learn that he should not fear his father's wrath. 
In the end, this would prove to be good for Benjamin. His father was often too enflamed with anger to properly parent whenever it was needed. Having never been one to spare the rod, Mr. Thomas would deal out what he misguidedly believed was fair. Madam Thomas would pick up the pieces and sigh as she went along. Without having had to fear anything more than his father's fist at the end of the day, Benjamin would grow to be a relatively bold child. Much to the chagrin of his schoolteachers who only seemed to want docile children in their classes. 
Though many years later, Benjamin would still foster his boldness, he had become much more restrained. His dreams were heavily trodded on the more meetings he attended, the more paperwork he filed, the more employees he had to hire and fire, and the longer he had to wait until he would finally find love. 
However, his rotten luck seemed to change the day he was left a note at the speakeasy bar. Sealed with just a kiss mark in red lipstick.  Benjamin eagerly opened it… 
Authors Note: This is gonna have a few parts to it! Take your guesses what’ll happen but it will hopefully be intriguing 👀
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kayleightarot · 7 months
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Wednesday, November 15, 2023 Good morning, Lovelies! Today is about Uniting Energies, Harmony, Love Tarot of the Day: The Lovers
This card indicates Love creating a union of two definitive parts; a union of people, energies, conflicting ideas, or even, parts of yourself.
It also indicates the need to reconcile your emotions over what will change because of the union and what you will have to let go in order to unite two into one. Your heart or your head, money or spirit, past or present; whatever the choice, look at it with love and choose what your heart desires, and is for your highest good.
💚 At work, weigh all sides of a situation before making a decision; what appears initially to be a poor option, may turn out to be best in the long run. If your decision pertains to romance in the workplace, think twice and see all sides before committing.
💙 Whether a new relationship is arriving or deepening, or a long-term relationship is experiencing a powerful re-bonding, you will be feeling the bliss of a deep connection. Be open, loving, and peaceful. Let love change you and your world for the better.
🧡 Question everything and then listen to your heart. The right choice will be made if you have accepted others and yourself. Where the choice brings you joy, let it radiate through you; spread the love. Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace Out
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xandraspalace · 1 year
The Leader’s Companion
----- The Leader’s Companion || Mikazuki Arion x GN! Reader
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Summary : You are the secretary to a Prime Minister, or so you thought at first. You even got entangled in a demon’s lair and now he won't let you go. You're not a mere secretary, but you are his dearest companion.
WC : 1404 words.
Warning : Grammar errors, secretary! reader, historical-fantasy, possible mischaracterization, hint of obsessiveness, WMMAP references, Ikemen Prince references, Tears of Themis references, I Became the Wife of the Male Lead references, etc.
Featured Characters : -
Disclaimer : Everything written here is FICTITIOUS. This story is written in second-person point of view and the reader is gender-neutral. The personas written here are based on the avatar of the characters as vtubers, not the person behind it. Enjoy.
Other Platforms : [MEDIUM] [TWITTER]
     “It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Sir. I am [Y/N], your new secretary and assistant.”
     It was a simple greeting that made his heart rushing with such adoration. In one glance, you might be just a normal secretary. Stiff, overly serious, a little blatant, yet clumsy. Perhaps, it's because of how you are not used to expressing their feelings, especially at workplace.
     It’s cute, he said inside his heart. It is indeed cute. How your tongue would occasionally slip when he interrupted your reports with a flirt, how blushes would mess with your serious expression, and how you would scream at him when you felt he had gone too far, earning laughter from him. You amused him so much. His office is never boring and dull with you around.
     It was Wednesday, 17th Night of the 12th Moon.
     Around this time, Nocturne Palace will be opened for the night entities and a grand banquet will be held. This banquet was held primarily to ensure the loyalty of the Nocturne members. However, all that was usually overshadowed by the sweetness of the champagne and the heat of gossip among the guests.
     “You’re nervous.” Your boss, Mikazuki Arion suddenly stated.
     You sigh shakily while you once again checking yourself in the mirror. “Sir, I am not.”
     “Come on, you look gorgeous. Many will want to devour you, but I will not allow that, so don’t worry.”
     “That's what I'm worried about,” you gritted your teeth, hiding your nervousness from him.
     His amethyst pair of eyes gazed into yours from the mirror. He knew what's bothering you. In fact, it was your first time joining the banquet as his secretary.
     Yes, a human. A mere moral was about to join such a feast for the night entities.
     But you are his mortal. Why should you be afraid when you are under the protection of the Primordial Demon himself? Someone has to think hundreds, thousands of times just to touch you.
     “Be confident. That’s all I ask of you,” he sigh. “I held this banquet to tell them that their leader is back after playing act as a Prime Minister in a faraway place. You are my secretary, so I need to introduce you to my people. Just think of it as your debutante and I became your escort.”
     “Shouldn’t the position be reversed?” you frowned. “I'm supposed to be the escort here.”
     “Just make yourself home or comfortable. Nocturne Palace is mine, so you’re safe here.” Arion adjusted his gloves and pulled something from his jacket suit’s pocket. It was a thin black box. “And wear this. Pin it in a visible place.”
     You received the box. “What is it?” you asked, opening the box.
     There was a golden moon and silver star-shaped badge inside the box. You lifted the badge and realized that it was indeed made by a real gold. “This is…” you trailed off, admiring the sparkling glints and beautiful carves of the badge.
     “It’s a Nocturne Emblem. That will show people that you are a part of Nocturne,” he said.
     You looked at the badge with sparkling eyes. “Must be expensive…” you suddenly cooed, making your boss chuckles.
     “It is,” Arion chuckled. “Hurry up, dear mine. The guests are waiting.”
     You were glad he already walked through the door so he didn’t see how you blush toward his endearment for you. You pinned the badge to the front of your outfit and followed him outside.
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     Nocturne Palace’s banquet hall was filled with the guests dressed in best outfit they could get. Friendly and fake smiles were painted in many of the guests’ faces as they enjoyed the sweetness of the champagne and gossips.
     You walked a couple steps behind Arion, as you were not his partner but his confidant. As both of you stepped inside the hall, the herald announced,
     “Make way for Leader of Nocturne, Mikazuki Arion!”
     Hearing the herald mention his arrival, all the guests looked at him—and you—with looks you couldn’t even tell with words. Everyone’s eyes were on him but you felt some kind of discomfort upon those gazes.
     You could only tell a couple reasons behind those gazes. First, this was the first time they saw their leader again after he decided to roam A Thousand Memories as a Prime Minister. Second, Arion brought back a human, a mere mortal with him.
     “S-Sir…” you called him in quietly, enough for him to hear.
     “What is it?” Arion asked, taking to glass of champagne from an attendant.
     You gulped your own saliva and whispered almost inaudibly. “I-I’m scared…”
     Filled with inhuman beings, Arion understood why you could be so scared in his own place. Arion sighed and lifted his gaze, staring deadly at the guests. With that, the guests immediately lower their gazes. “There you go,” he sang, smiling at you as he passed one of the champagne glasses to you.
     Once everything was set, Arion sighed and took a step. On the highest staircase in that hall, Arion stood there with dignity. Clearing his throat, Arion took a deep breath. “Entities of the Night, your presence tonight has proven your loyalty to the Nocturne, I’m glad that you all are here.” Arion started his speech as the crowd was silent.
     He continued, “Many moons passed, and this is my first time attending our monthly banquet after a long time I cannot join you all here. I know I have been away for far too long that I made you restless. But fear not, for I will never be far anymore. I'll lead Nocturne as I usually do in the past.”
     The sound of cheers and applause filled the hall. Whispers of joy and scathing criticism mingled along with the lively atmosphere.
     “That being said…”
     You failed in catching his smirk, but you were suddenly exposed to the crowd as Arion stepped aside, showing you to the guests.
     “But on my journey, I met an amazing mortal who later became my dearest partner. This person made a Primordial Demon once known as his savagery into a perfect leader of his people. I can’t say for certain that I won’t revert back as I’m in the past, cruel as I am to you all, my own people. But this person will be the restrain of my uncontrollable power. A Primordial Demon like me couldn't possibly ask for anything else, as long as I can finally stop hurting my own people with this power. I’ll accept them, even if they are a human,” Arion continued his speech.
     That was when you realized, Arion was talking about you to his people. Chill washed down your body as the gazes of the guests focused on you.
     But then, Arion’s gloved hand comfortingly held mine. “Now, they are my secretary, but they are also a dearest companion of mine. So I proudly ordain to you all, [Y/N] [L/N], as a new part of us, Nocturne!”
     “All hail Nocturne! May the darkness protect us all!” Everyone raised their glasses in a toast.
     “S-Sir?!” you gasped, trying to reach him. But it looked like he was getting carried away by moment. “Sir, I beg your pardon! What’s the meaning of th—"
     Arion pulled you to him as he sipped his champagne. “Now that Nocturne welcome you as you are, you can freely wander around here,” he smiled. But then, his majestic amethyst eyes darkened. Arion leaned to your ear and whispered, “And you’ll be serving me for a long time, so don’t try to run away. You’re stuck with me here. Is that understandable?”
     You always assumed that Arion was using his powers as a demon to lure you into his clutches. But in the end, you will still give in and submit yourself to him. That was also the reason why you agreed to become the secretary of a Prime Minister like him in the first place. You will always dance on his fingers, entertaining him to all his amusement.
     “I understand,” you whispered, as if being hypnotize.
     The leader’s companion.
     That's a nickname that the people of Nocturne will use when they address you. No one will dare to oppose you, because messing with you is the same as messing with their leader. To avoid his wrath, you will always be on their favor.
     You were not a mere secretary of the Prime Minister anymore, but you are the Primordial Demon, Mikazuki Arion’s companion. -----[FIN].
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The Leader’s Companion Fiction by Author Xandra July, 2023
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