#would bang
unmarked-credits · 2 years
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Aren't you, Kit?
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yup total slut
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pipsavedmylife · 4 months
Watched the news for approx 5 minutes
Rachel Maddow kinda hot lmao
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lethologicaee · 3 months
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had a request for long hair jason sitting in my inbox for forever and somehow i have lost it... but here is the sketch. i gave him several hairstyles
this was NOT a sketch request commission for gaza, but it is an example of what you would receive if you did choose to donate! if you would like to receive your very own sketch, please check my pinned post for methods of donation & info regarding the commission process.
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
i will never forgive popular UT fanon for using chara as a scapegoat in the genocide run and making "sans recognizes them and attacks them on sight regardless of what run they're in" headcanons so pervasive.
mostly because "restless spirit of a long dead child who's obsessed with the concept of cosmic retribution and facing consequences for your actions" + "guy whose job is just that but he treats it on par with his hot dog sidegig" is potentially one of the most hysterical dynamics you could come up with
UPDATE: you should REALLY check out the notes on this one
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minbinchan · 18 days
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chrisbangz · 11 months
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ryllen · 3 months
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bears for sale @ letterstoear
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chanrizard · 3 months
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Bang Chan x Swarovski *✧*✧ NYLON Japan
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archivedible · 5 months
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dunkalfredo · 10 days
siffrin's terrible mental health, now in song form!
[song: "Why Am I Anxious?" by Tom Cardy. animated in OpenToonz and edited in VEGAS Pro 14]
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brewed-pangolin · 4 months
Gym Rat Soap doesn't let you bring in the groceries. Absolutely not. He hasn't spent years of training just to let little ol' you carry the insurmountable weight of produce within your hands.
And he will not make multiple trips. Just one. Doesn't matter. He'll put ten bags on each arm if need be. You're not taking a single one.
You ask how you can repay him for assisting with such a monotonous endeavor. He simply smiles and tells you nothing. Just let him help, that's it.
Although you wonder, twenty minutes later, if the groceries were just the warm-up as his strong arms hold you up perfectly against the wall.
Calloused fingers digging into the flesh of your thighs as he keeps you spread wide open, pistoning his cock into your soaking cunt as the bags sit unattended on the counter while your mewls of pleasure echo rhythmically through the halls of your home.
Gym Rat Soap Masterlist
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Do you think Ghost yells “Fuck!” Really loudly when he stubs his toe or does he go silent as straight hell fire is seen within his eyes as pain surges through his body
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collegeboysam · 10 months
the one thing deeply unrealistic about sam's character is that he went thru different traumatic experiences and mental states yet NEVER gave himself bangs again. thats such a lie.
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daddiesdrarryy · 2 months
Pansy: All right, Saturday is the big day! Harry and Draco’s wedding day! A lot of people thought this day would never come
Pansy: I may have been one of those people
Draco: I may have been one of those people
Harry: Wait, are we talking about our wedding?
Draco: Yes
Harry: Yeah, I was definitely one of those people
Ron: I think we were all of those people
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I keep imagining Childe and Wriothesley interacting, and I just can't think of a funnier dynamic than resident Battlesexual Childe seeing this scarred up grizzled hand-to-hand combat specialist and being struck with an immense need to either fight him till they're both bloody, or just skip the theatrics and fuck nasty about it. Preferably both, in that order.
On the flip side, Wriothesley is just.... completely normal about him. Childe is going out of his way to cause problems on purpose for attention and is like, blatantly flirting, but, like, Wriothesley has paperwork to worry about, he's on his seventh cup of tea that's gone cold, he's pulling his third all-nighter this week, he hasn't seen the sun in months; he's so dead to the concept of people flirting with him, that it doesn't even register on his radar as a possibility.
Like, Childe does the whole
"Damn, comrade... I think I know why people don't want to leave now." gives him a sultry pointed once over "the view is incredible~<3"
But Wriothesley just completely misses the overt flirtation like: "?????? We're at the bottom of the sea? Personally I think it's a bit too dark and dreary for my tastes. I've even been thinking of redecorating, but to each their own."
Childe: "...I will literally bark like a dog if you just ask me to"
Wriothesley: "I won't, don't worry. I don't know how Snezhnaya prisons work, but there will not be any torture or humiliation tactics for you to fear here."
Childe, frustrated: "No, listen, I'm not afraid of a little torture, okay, I'm a Harbinger for fucks sake, I just need you to break my goddamn back, and I don't care how you do it!"
Wriothesley: "Self destructive urges can only masquerade as coping mechanisms for so long before they kill you, mate; let's get you scheduled for our free counseling and medical services."
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nonranghaes · 1 year
chris buries his face in his hands, hiding his reddening cheeks. “stoooop,” he whines out, “they’re getting too cringe.”
“baby. baby,” you reach out for him, still clutching your phone in one hand, “hey. are you french?”
he peeks at you, dodging any attempt for you to hold him. “i don’t want to know where you’re going with this--”
“because eiffel for you.”
another loud groan of embarrassment while you continue to giggle. “it’s not funny! you’re not funny!”
“you’re turning red!”
“because you’re not funny!”
you continue to scroll through the page, smiling hard enough that your cheeks hurt. “chris. are you a chicken--”
"because you’re im-peck-able.”
“why do i love you.” he looks up, voice flat, despite how red his neck and ears have become. he buries his face in his hands again, letting out a muffled yell.
“chris... you know what’s on the menu today?”
he looks up, waiting for the awful second part to come.
“i hate you.” he reaches out, pulling you closer. “i hate you,” he repeats, “why are you doing this to me?”
“because,” you giggle, leaning in for a quick peck, “you looooove me.”
... yeah. that’s it. he pulls you in closer, planting a longer kiss against your lips. he looooooves you and your silly pick-up lines.
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