#wow i miss our late nights texts *******
scarfacemarston · 5 months
Teacher!Natasha x Teacher!Reader Oneshot
For Lesbian Visibility Week! If you enjoyed this, please note and reblog! Feel free to send other prompts or requests! Prompt: The students come into your classroom complaining about Natasha as a teacher not knowing you're her wife. This is version 1. You sighed as you glanced at the digital clock on your computer. Damn. Your planning period was almost over, and you really needed to finish grading these essays. Soon, you would be back to teaching your high school history classes for the day. The period ended far too quickly as students began to file their way into the classroom, discussing this and that. You were so engrossed in your work that you were hardly paying attention until you heard “Ms. Romanoff” mentioned not once, not twice, but in a string of sentences. Oh boy. Ms. Romanoff was one of the more controversial teachers at the school known for her no-nonsense attitude, sternness and sarcasm , but she was also fair with a dry sense of humor. “Why did I take international politics as an elective? Oh, that’s right, I thought it would look good on my transcript!” One student said sarcastically. “She’s so nitpicky! I got an A-. AN A MINUS!” “Hers is the only class I don’t fall asleep in anymore. Not since….last time.” “She’s so strict even the Macklin brothers shut up.” “She’s terrifying. I heard she used to be an undercover agent in the CIA”. You smirked at that one. You should probably look into that rumor. “A spy? Shut-up, man. Who’s going to believe that?” “I heard she was a failed actress.” “I heard she voiced the Russian Siri.” “I heard she’s a rich heiress that lost all her cash.” “Look, guys, I don’t care. She just ripped our class to shreds.I just can’t right now. Nearly the entire class failed her last test. These test corrections are going to take all night.” “At least you’re allowed test corrections! We’re her AP class and the only way we can make up points is through a new essay.” “She’s scary. I swear” “I think she knows what I’m thinking and then that makes me think more and then she thinks what I’m thinking and that thinking makes my head hurt.” “I was ONE minute late to class and she gave me a late slip!” “One time my grandma called me in class, and she made me pick it up.” You shot a quick text to Natasha before the bell rang. Her classroom was two doors down from yours since you two were technically in the same department. Time to log off your grading program and begin class. You pulled out the binder with today’s lesson plans ready to begin. “Wow, you all are full of comments about Ms Romanoff today.” You said neutrally. “Miss Y/N, you don’t understand. She’s so ….uh, extra.” You withheld a smirk. Natasha wasn’t what you would call extra, but she was set in her ways.” “I don’t think she’s extra. I think she just has high standards.” You responded. One of the students rolled their eyes.
"Do you all talk about me like this when I'm not here?"
"Nooo Ms. Y/N, we would never!"
"Well, maybe you could extend the same courtesy to my wife next time," you said, withholding a laugh. The room fell silent. A pin could have dropped.
“Fuck” you heard someone say under their breath. “Language”, you chastised, but you couldn’t say you blamed them. You saw the students in various forms of awkward shuffling, a cough here or there or “Ummm” or “Uhh” as students tried to form sentences. “Wait, you’re married?” a student questioned before being glared at by the others. Your fourth period class was near silent for the rest of the period, with the students seemingly still in shock. One minute til the bell rang. You saw a flash of red hair out of the corner of your eye. Thirty seconds. Natasha knocked on the door. “Hey, you, we’re all ordering from Robert’s Deli for lunch. You want your usual or will you finally try something new?” Natasha teased. The class whipped their heads collectively towards the door. It was becoming harder not to laugh. Natasha narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on, Y/n?” “Oh, you’re scaring my class, dear!” You said, smiling widely. Natasha scoffed. “Dear, huh? Oh, so they found out, didn’t they? As if us entering the building together and leaving together in the same car wasn’t hint enough that we’re married.  Yeah, I might have scared a few of them. It was well deserved, trust me, Isn’t that right, Reynolds?” Jason Reynolds sank down into his seat, not meeting Natasha’s eyes. The bell rang. The students couldn’t scramble enough as they grabbed their bags and rushed past Natasha. You gave a small laugh as you finally met Natasha. “You’re a mean woman, you know that?” “Hey, you texted me, babe.” “It was great, not gonna lie. Sorry the “secret” is out.” “It’s not like we’re closeted, we’re simply professional. I’m surprised they didn’t figure it out sooner….or maybe I’m not.” Natasha muttered. Your stomach growled. “Alright, I’ll look up the menu. Find something new to try for once. Promise.” You said in response to your stomach. Natasha nodded. “Don’t want you to scare the next class because you’re hungry.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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iamtired10 · 28 days
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once upon a sleepless night
pairing: pham hanni x fem! reader
genre: pure fluff.
warning: mention of mother insomnia and kissing.
SUMMARY: it’s one of those sleepless nights again. you’re restless, mind racing, but hanni, even though she’s exhausted from her long day, decides to tell you a whimsical fairytale to help lull you into dreamland.
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you sighed as you leaned back in your chair, stretching your arms and glancing at the clock on your desk. 9:53 a.m...
“i’ve been at this for four hours straight.. still tired but not sleepy,” you muttered, rubbing your forehead as a persistent ache throbbed. regretting the 7 cups of coffee you’d downed today, you wondered what you could do. you always felt drowsy in class and needed the caffeine to stay awake.
rising from your chair, you decided a break was in order. grabbing your phone and a lollipop from the desk (a sweet gift from your best friend’s sister while you were hanging out), you settled on the couch. you turned on the tv and started scrolling through your phone.
absentmindedly munching on the lollipop, you browsed instagram, checking out the latest posts from newjeans.
**buzz! buzz!!**
a notification popped up, jolting you from your scrolling.
pham honey:
hey there, gorgeous..
the love of my life..
do you need me to bring you anything before i arrive?
your eyes widened in surprise. you paused your lollipop mid-chew, reading hanni’s message over and over.
“wait—what does she mean by 'she’s coming'?” you wondered aloud, trying to recall if she’d mentioned a visit today. nothing came to mind. she’d been swamped with idol commitments, and it had been a month since you last saw her. newjeans had just had their comeback, and they were buried in work—stages, photoshoots, and all the usual idol grind.
and you missed her. a lot.
her hugs, her kisses, her voice, her smile, her playful teasing, her jokes—everything.
you quickly tapped out a response, your excitement evident.
wait you’re coming over? 
omg, you could’ve given me a heads up! 
i didn’t clean my room today 🙂💔 
and all i need right now is 
you ❤️ 
come back soon 
our plants miss you so much 
i mean, our ‘kids’ 
simpsona smith 
and flex armstrong
pham honey:
hehe i wanted to surprise you 🤭 
i’ve got a day off tomorrow
so manager unnie finally gave me the go-ahead to visit you.. yay! 
what did you mean by ‘you need me’ though? 😏 
care to explain? 😜 
and i MISS our ‘kids’ so much 😭 
have they grown up at all? 🥺 
i’m going to shower them with water and love when i get there 🤭
well it’s not a surprise anymore😕
when i said i need you, i meant that i miss you so much, you silly bunny
you’re the only one who completes me
honestly i can't even put into words how much i miss you
could you hurry up a bit
so i can finally give you that big hug?
pretty please 🙏🏻
pham honey:
ooh~ 😏
someone seems extra needy for my affection today huh?
alright i’ll try to walk faster
but be patient, baby.
patience 😉
and...i’m super excited to see you.
i MISSED you too… like a ton?
i’ve been hugging my pillow at night, pretending it’s you ☹️
i can’t wait to shower you with kisses, like SO MANY kisses.
and cuddle you endlessly.
i LOVE YOU so much that it’s hard to even describe.
oh my god why are you so perfect?
you’re unbelievably perfect and i can’t believe you’re MY girlfriend, mine <3
you’re mine
oh god 🤭 i THINK I’M OBSESSED.
seriously baby... marry me 😍
stop texting
and come home quickly
you walk so slowly with your short legs ☹️
and don’t you dare be late
pham honey:
wow. that’s kind of rude!
alright alright 🙄
you couldn’t help but smile as you set your phone down. “why is she so cute...” you murmured to yourself. with a sense of urgency, you mentally chastised yourself. “y/n, clean the room before she arrives!” you told yourself as you stood up, lollipop still clutched between your teeth.
you made your way to your room, determined to tidy up. the bed was reasonably clean but still a little messy. you didn’t want your perfect girlfriend, hanni pham, to see it less than immaculate. she deserved everything to be just as perfect as she was.
while humming contentedly and chewing your lollipop, you changed the bedsheets to fresh ones, making sure everything looked neat and inviting.
after you finished, you glanced at the clock. it was 9:31 p.m.
“when is she coming back...” you wondered aloud as you grabbed another lollipop from your desk, tossing the stick from the previous one into the trash. you stepped out of the room, a chuckle escaping you as you imagined hanni possibly tripping over her own feet. it was amusing but also a bit worrying.
hanni was always unpredictable. like, REALLY unpredictable.
you never knew what kind of delightful mischief she’d get up to next...
and it only made her cuter.
you loved her for it.
you loved her for exactly who she was.
you reached for your phone, which you’d left on the couch earlier. the tv’s soft hum played in the background, a distant noise in your current state of anticipation.
just as you were about to enter the final number of your password—
the doorbell rang loudly, making you jump slightly. “is that her?” you mumbled, the lollipop still dangling from your mouth.
“probably her,” you mused to yourself.
you made your way to the front door, fingers gripping the doorknob. you took a deep breath, peeking through the peephole to get a glimpse of the visitor.
there she was—standing outside the door, looking absolutely adorable in a hoodie...
wait a second—
with a resigned sigh, you thought, “nothing new, she’s swiped my hoodie again…”
but she’s finally here...
why am i so nervous? you wondered, turning back to the door. slowly, you opened it. before you could even get a good look, she leapt into your arms, hugging you like a koala.
“oh my god, hanni, i can’t breathe,” you groaned, feeling her arms tighten around you. “come on, you’re squishing me.” even as you grumbled, you couldn’t deny how much you needed this.
“no way,” she mumbled into your neck. “i’ve waited a whole month to hold you again. baby, i missed you so much, like a person who’s lost something vital and can’t get through the day without it.” you stood there, unable to stop the smile spreading across your face, as you wrapped your arms around her. with your foot, you nudged the door shut and locked it.
“can you let go now?” you asked, making your way into the living room.
“uh-uh,” she shook her head, her nose buried in your scent. “why do you always smell so good?” she asked, pulling back just enough for her eyes to meet yours. she looked both exhausted and exhilarated. “i don’t use much perfume. it must just be my natural scent,” you shrugged, still chewing on your lollipop as you gently tried to pull her off the couch.
“no, don’t pull away!” she protested, pouting and crossing her arms, clearly disappointed. “you can’t just push me away after i’ve missed you so much!”
“you just came in from outside. go wash up first, you might have germs. i can’t risk catching anything—eww,” you teased, a smirk playing on your lips as you settled down on the couch opposite her. she huffed in response, turning her head away with a dramatic sigh. “seriously, how could you be so rude?” she grumbled.
“i’m just being careful, you know. can’t help it if that bruises your ego,” you teased, a smirk playing on your lips. “and let’s talk about the whole stealing thing, shall we?”
“stealing? me?” hanni raised an eyebrow, looking at you like you’d just accused her of some heinous crime. “when did i ever steal?”
you rolled your eyes, finally taking the lollipop stick out of your mouth and licking your lips. “don’t try that innocent act with me, pham. it’s not gonna work.”
she huffed dramatically. “fine! i might’ve borrowed one hoodie…”
“oh, just the one?” you crossed your arms, leaning back with a knowing grin.
“ugh, okay, fine! three hoodies!”
you shook your head, a mock-serious look on your face. “no more cuddles for you—”
“five! okay, five of your hoodies! happy now?”
you chuckled, clearly amused. “now i am. i think i'll call the cops now. imagine the headlines: ‘newjeans’ hanni caught red-handed stealing five hoodies from a fan, scandalizing her career.’”
“oh, shut up!” she pouted, crossing her arms. “i have every right to take your hoodies! i need something that smells like you when i miss you... and i even left one of my favorite hoodies with you, didn’t i?” she tried to sound indignant but it came out more like a whine.
without warning, she launched herself at you, nearly knocking you over. you caught her with a laugh, holding her close as she snuggled against you like a clingy koala.
“seriously, you’re gonna give me a heart attack one day,” you grumbled, though you couldn’t hide the smile on your face as you felt her warm breath against your neck.
“oh, please. you’re the one who was begging me to get here fast so you could hug me,” she retorted, her voice muffled against your shoulder.
you ran your fingers through her hair, a soft laugh escaping your lips. “okay, maybe i was being a little sweet... but i didn’t mean it that much.”
“liar!” she pinched your side playfully, making you yelp.
“ow, hanni!” you whined, trying to pull away, but she tightened her grip around you.
“hmm..” she looked up, her eyes meeting yours, weary and soft. “you look exhausted,” you mumbled, gently rubbing her back in slow, comforting circles. she sighed, cupping your face in her small hands. “i am... really tired... today’s practice was brutal. we recorded a new song today and... oh! you know, dani tried to moonwalk and tripped over her own feet!” she chuckled, her eyes lighting up for a moment. “haerin and i had a dance battle... but she beat me this time. minji was teasing me, as usual... and, oh! by the way, hyein told me to say hi. she misses you.” hanni rambled on, her voice a sweet melody to your ears. you couldn't help but chuckle softly as you brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.
“you’re just too cute, baby... i can’t handle it,” you sighed, feeling a surge of affection wash over you. her cuteness was something that always left you both awestruck and grateful.
sometimes, you wondered what good deed you had done in life to deserve a girlfriend as wonderful as her.
“oh, shut up... i’m not that cute,” she grumbled, hiding her face in your neck, her voice muffled. “i don’t get why you and bunnies find me so adorable... you guys are too much.” she playfully hit your chest, causing you to laugh. you pulled her closer, enjoying the way she felt in your arms. “oh, my hanhan is flustered, i see. did i make you blush? yayyy!”
“l/n y/n, can you shut up... or i’ll kiss you,” she threatened, pulling back with a pout. you smirked, “oh really? but sorry, i'm busy eating my lollipop right now.” you teased, chewing the lollipop with a mischievous grin. she rolled her eyes. “is it weird that i'm jealous of that lollipop? you’re giving it more attention than me—”
“excuse me!? pham hanni, stop being so blunt!” you raised your eyebrows, feigning shock, as she crossed her arms, her expression daring. “can’t help it when you're licking that lollipop like that... it's kinda seductive.”
you felt your cheeks heat up, caught off guard by her words. “y-you're so weird...” you muttered, turning your gaze away. “don't look at me like that, you little freak.”
she chuckled at your flustered state, her fingers gently tilting your chin back toward her. “what look, darling?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at her lips. before you could respond, she reached out and popped the lollipop out of your mouth, bringing it close to her own lips. “hey, what the hell? that's mine!” you protested, but she just grinned wider.
“it must be really sweet, the way you were eating it... i want to see if it's as good as it looks...” she murmured, her voice dropping to a low, teasing whisper. your eyes widened in realization. “no! don't! that's gross, i already licked it! a little kid gave me that, and you can't just—”
“who said i was going to taste it from here?” she interrupted with a chuckle, her voice sultry and suggestive.
you froze, narrowing your eyes, trying to process her words. then it hit you.
“pham hanni, don’t you dare—”
before you could finish, she leaned in, capturing your lips with hers in a kiss that felt like she had been waiting forever for this moment.
her lips moved against yours with a hunger and intensity that left you breathless, her hands tangling in your hair as she deepened the kiss, leaving your lips swollen and red, and a few love bites on your neck as souvenirs.
just your average pham hanni behavior...
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“baby, you're not sleeping?” you snapped out of your thoughts as you looked up from your notebook. you stopped writing and saw hanni lifting her head up from the bed. her hair was a bit messy, her eyes half-open, wearing one of your pajamas, looking absolutely adorable.
“ah.. i just have a few things to finish, my sweet bunny. did the lamp wake you up? sorry, i'll turn it away a bit..” you smiled, adjusting the light so it wouldn't bother her. hanni sat up with a sigh, rubbing her eyes. “what do you mean by 'a few things'? it's 2 a.m... you should be in bed too...” she yawned, clearly still half-asleep.
“can't sleep...” you admitted with a small, nervous laugh, turning your chair to face her. “did you have a nightmare or something? do you want me to cuddle you again?” you asked, getting up and moving towards her side of the bed. she reached out, grabbing your shirt sleeve and pulling you closer, wrapping her arms around your waist. “no, you're the one who should be sleeping...” she mumbled, her voice still heavy with exhaustion.
“you didn’t get much rest last night, and now you’re up again... working through the night like an owl or something,” she huffed, pressing her face against your stomach. you chuckled, patting her back gently. “baby, i can’t help it... even when i’m dead tired, i just can’t seem to fall asleep, no matter what i do...” you admitted, watching as her eyes widened slightly.
“has this been happening a lot lately?” she asked, concern evident in her tone. you nodded. she sighed, “sounds like insomnia... you’ve got insomnia, babe.”
“yeah, you could say that... but don’t sweat it.” you shrugged, rubbing the back of your neck. she scoffed, “don’t sweat it? do you even know how bad insomnia is?! it makes you tired... *yawn*... gives you poor concentration, mood swings, and increased stress or anxiety... it’s sooo bad. it can lead to health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, and even accidents due to drowsiness...”
“oh... you’re making it sound like a big deal...” you laughed nervously, your hand gently caressing her back. "it is!” hanni insisted.
“we need to fix this.. chamomile tea, meditation, melatonin…” her voice trailed off as sleepiness tugged at her again. despite her best efforts to stay awake and worried for you, she was clearly still exhausted. all she could think about was making you chamomile tea in the morning or finding a meditation video on youtube to help you relax.
“you’re still so tired...” you tilted your head, observing her. “yes, but you’re even more tired than i am... so get in.” she sighed, letting go of your waist and scooting over to make room. “huh, what?”
“get in bed, dumbass,” she said, snuggling back under the blanket and patting the space next to her.
“uh... okay, let me just turn off the lamp...” you murmured, reaching over to turn off the light before climbing into bed beside her.
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you groaned as you turned to the other side... it's been an hour now, and you still can't fall asleep. beside you, hanni was fast asleep again, clearly exhausted from her long day. you could hear the soft sounds of her breathing, occasionally mumbling something in her sleep and pulling you closer, snuggling against you.
“god... why the hell can't i sleep... i'm too tired to deal with this,” you sighed, rubbing your neck and opening your eyes. “i can't just lie here doing nothing... maybe i should get up and read a book in the living room, don’t want to wake my tired baby again...” you thought, carefully trying to get up. but as you moved, you realized hanni’s arm was still draped over you, holding you tight.
you blinked. “she's asleep... i’ll just move her hand aside... she's too sleepy to notice,” you thought as you slowly began to lift her arm off your shoulder. but you failed, accidentally jostling her awake.
“y/n-ah, what are you doing...” she murmured sleepily, her voice groggy with fatigue. you closed your eyes, silently cursing yourself for waking her up again. “uh, i need to pee...” you blurted out nervously, trying to come up with an excuse.
“huh... you've been to the bathroom like four times already... do you have diabetes too or something?” she muttered, slowly opening her eyes. “oh god, why did you give my baby all these problems...” she sighed, shaking her head.
you blinked in surprise. “no! i don't have diabetes! what the hell...” you exclaimed, and she chuckled softly. “then why do you keep running to the bathroom, huh?”
“okay, fine... i lied. i just... can’t sleep,” you admitted with a sigh, dropping your head back onto the pillow. “can’t sleep?” she whispered, pulling you closer. you nodded, feeling her warm breath on your neck. she sighed gently. “is there anything i can do to help you? do you want me to make you some chamomile tea, baby?” she offered, her voice filled with concern despite her own exhaustion.
“no, you should sleep,” you insisted, shaking your head. “but i can't sleep peacefully when you're struggling to sleep, baby. you're going to be exhausted tomorrow, and that's not good... just tell me if there's something i can do. i’m not going back to sleep if you don’t...” she said, softly caressing your cheek.
“i don’t know... but your voice calms me a lot... if you don’t mind... could you tell me a story?” you asked, snuggling closer to her. she hummed softly, her fingers gently brushing through your hair. “you want me to tell you a story... like a fairytale or something?” she asked quietly. you nodded against her shoulder.
“let me think of one, baby...” she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as she continued to stroke your hair. “hmmm... i remember one that my grandma used to tell me when i was little...” she said, and you looked up at her, a small smile tugging at your lips.
“close your eyes and just listen, okay? don’t think about anything else, just listen. it’ll help you fall asleep...” she murmured, placing gentle kisses on each of your eyelids, making you feel even calmer.
“okay, baby. i'll just listen,” you mumbled, closing your eyes. she chuckled softly, pulling you even closer. “that’s my baby,” she whispered, her voice soothing as she began her story.
“once upon a time,” she began, her fingers gently threading through your hair, “there was a princess.”
hanni closed her eyes, letting her imagination bring the story to life as she spoke, her voice a soft, soothing hum that blended with the quiet of the night.
“this princess lived in a beautiful kingdom, where everything seemed perfect and peaceful. but despite all the beauty around her, the princess felt a deep unhappiness inside.”
“why was she unhappy?” you asked, curiosity getting the better of you.
“babe, you said you wouldn't talk,” hanni teased, pausing her hand in your hair for a moment before continuing. “but well, the princess was unhappy because, although she had everything she could ever wish for, she was lonely. she had a kingdom and all the luxuries one could imagine, but she had no one to truly share them with, no one who genuinely cared for her.”
“she had her parents, of course," hanni went on, her fingers resuming their gentle, calming motion through your hair. “but it wasn't the kind of connection she was yearning for.”
she paused, her voice her voice dropping to a softer, more intimate tone.
"then, one day, the princess met a knight..."
"the knight came into her life like a breath of fresh air..." hanni murmured, her voice soft and dreamlike. "he was unlike any other man in the kingdom.. he wasn't interested in her wealth or her title.. he treated her with kindness and respect.. not as a princess, but as a person.."
hanni smiled at the thought of the knight, her fingers tracing lightly along your jaw.
“the princess was captivated by this new person in her life...” she continued in a whisper, her touch tender and affectionate. “she found herself drawn to him in ways she couldn't explain.. maybe it was his courage, his loyalty, or just the way he saw her for who she truly was...”
“as time went on, the princess and the knight grew closer...” hanni said, her voice now a soft murmur, almost like a lullaby. “they spent time together, sharing their thoughts and dreams.. learning more about each other with every passing day...”
her hand moved gently down to rest on your chest, feeling the steady rhythm of your heartbeat.
"as they got to know each other, the princess realized she was falling in love with the knight.." hanni whispered, her hand drifting down to rest lightly on your stomach. "he was everything she had ever dreamed of and more.. and to her surprise and delight, she discovered that he felt the same way about her.."
"time passed, and their love only grew stronger.." hanni continued, her soft, melodic voice drawing you deeper into a state of calm and peace.
"they were blissfully happy, cherishing every moment they could spend together.." she murmured, her fingers gently tracing along your skin, soothing you further.
"but the princess' parents... they didn't approve of their love.. they had other plans for her.. they wanted her to marry someone of higher rank.. someone who could bring more power and wealth to the kingdom.."
"they forbade their relationship.." hanni said, her voice tinged with a note of sorrow. "they wanted the princess to marry a suitor who would benefit the kingdom politically, not a humble knight.."
"the knight and the princess were heartbroken.." hanni whispered, her hand stilling for a moment on your hip. "they tried to reason with her parents, but it was in vain.. her parents were determined to marry her off to someone else.."
"but the knight knew he couldn't just give up.." hanni continued, her voice firmer now, filled with quiet determination. "he didn't care about status or wealth.. he loved the princess, and he was resolved to find a way to be with her.."
“so he went to the king and boldly asked for the princess's hand in marriage.. the king was furious and refused, but seeing the knight's determination, he set a challenge.. if the knight could complete three impossible tasks, then he could marry the princess,” hanni explained.
as hanni continued the story, her voice calm and soothing, you began to feel drowsy.. her storytelling was comforting, her gentle caresses on your hair making your eyelids feel heavy.
"the knight, with the unicorn's horn in his possession, presented himself before the king, having completed all three tasks.." hanni murmured, her hand now tracing soft patterns on your arm. "seeing that the knight had succeeded, the king had no choice but to honor his promise and allow the knight to marry the princess.."
"and then they live happily ever after...." you mumbled sleepily, a small smile tugging at your lips.
hanni chuckled at your sleepy comment, her hand continuing to gently run through your hair.
"yes... it's a classic fairy tale.. the knight overcomes all obstacles, wins the princess's heart, and they live happily ever after.." she whispered, her voice carrying a hint of playful amusement.
“thank you... han... for the story and for everything... i love you... so much...” you sighed, feeling yourself drifting off, the world fading away.
“anytime, my love... good night.. sweet dreams, and remember to dream of me, okay?"
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a/n: i really enjoyed writing this, and i hope it brought you some joy too. thanks so much for reading, and have a wonderful day or night! :)) (i need a hanni fr...)
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number1jeonginstan · 10 months
Hiyaaa! Hope you’re doing well:) i was wondering if you could be open to writing a virgin!chan oneshot where youre his best friend who he’s crushing on and he wants to lose his virginity to you? Reader could be a dom so he’s turned on by that lol but he’s also a sensitive subby boy. - anon 🦋
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A/N: This is actually the first time I’ve written a sub!reader, so I hope it’s good. Thank you so much for sending in a request and I really hope you liked it, I really enjoyed writing it because it was kinda cute in the beginning, also something about the game night Chan agenda is really my favorite for some reason! Also, welcome to the anon list 🦋
WC: 2.1k (oops!)
Minors don't interact, 18+
Pairing: idol!Chan x idol!(afab)Reader
Warnings: loss of virginity (chan), but not, protected sex (for the first time ever!?!?), blow jobs, aftercare is a must!, subby!Chan
You walked into the dorms for your and Chan’s weekly game night. It was a tradition the two of you made when you two became friends after you first debuted. Your friendship was quite spontaneous, you were walking around the music core backrooms, trying to find your manager and you ran into Chan. You both bonded over your love for anime since he saw that you had a Rukia phone case at the time. 
He eventually helped you find your manager, offered you his phone number, and told you to text him if you ever had any questions. You happily took it, not thinking much of it. The first time you texted him was three days after they won an award for their new song.
Chan was taken aback when he first got your text. He thought you were so sweet, offering to take you out to get ice cream to celebrate their win, and you happily obliged. From then on, the two of you have been stuck together like glue, or as much as you can be with your jobs. 
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One thing you guys made a tradition of was doing a game night. Sometimes it would be with the other members, sometimes it would be just the two of you, it all depended. “Hey, you are finally here!” he beamed, running over and giving you a tight hug. 
“I’m only a minute late, you miss me that much?” you giggled. You both went to his room, the other members were back home for vacation, and since Chan’s family was back in Australia, and yours was back in America, you guys couldn’t visit them.
“So, what are we playing tonight?” you asked, sitting on the floor of his room. You always loved Chan’s room, the aesthetics were so nice, not to mention his bed was comfortable. Sometimes you would sleep over, or just take a nap while he worked. You never understood why he worked himself to the bone, but you knew he wanted to express his emotions through his music, and you were never one to stop him.
“I was thinking, Felix got me this game thinking it would be fun,” he said, pulling out a box of Jenga from his stack of board games. 
“Wow, Jenga, so original” you rolled your eyes. “It’s not your typical Jenga, it has truth or dare questions”
“Wait, that will be fun, I wanna know all of your secrets Channie,” you said pinching his cheeks. Sure he was older than you, but you loved treating him like he was a baby, it was fun seeing him all flustered.
“Do you want to set it up while I bring us some snacks?” He asked, putting the box on the floor and standing up. “Yeah sure, do you guys still have my favorite chips?” you asked, he simply nodded, heading out of the room as you took the pieces out of the box, stacking them up.
He came back in, holding two bottles of water as well as a bowl of chips. He popped one in his mouth, sitting on the floor facing you. “Okay, you start” you grinned, taking the chip that was in his mouth and eating it. 
“Yeah yeah, just don’t cry when you lose” he grinned. You just glared at him, there was no way in hell you would lose. 
“What is the most embarrassing moment you’ve had in front of others?” you read out loud, it was your turn and you had yet to lose. “Ummm, I think it’s the time I was changing into an outfit for one of our performances, we don’t know what happened, but I guess my boobs were too big or something because the shirt ripped as soon as I put it on, and it wasn’t like I gained weight or anything because it was loose at the stomach.” 
You started laughing at yourself, reminiscing the way your stylist and you were both in shock. What you didn’t see was the blush on Chan’s cheeks and how his ears got a bit red, thinking of how you looked without your shirt on. 
Before he could imagine it more, he coughed, taking out another block. “Where is the craziest place you’ve had sex?” you said, looking over the stack to read out the block. 
Chan’s voice became an octave higher “How can they ask such a question?” he asked, a bit bewildered. “Come on Channie, you have to answer it!” 
“I can’t” 
“Why not?” you whined, wanting to know
“I’ve never done it” 
“What!” you screamed out loud. Chan just covered his face embarrassed, he didn’t need you to think he was a virgin. “I mean there is nothing wrong with it, but that’s so crazy to me. Like you are obviously a really attractive dude, with a great personality, and you have a great body and smile” you kept rambling on, causing him to blush even more.
“You think I’m handsome?” he asked, a bit perplexed. “Yeah, of course, I mean have you looked at yourself in a mirror? Like you are one of the most attractive dudes I’ve ever met.”
“Can I ask why though?” 
“I just came here at a young age, as you know, and I just didn’t find anyone to have sex with” he shrugged, calming down from his previous state of embarrassment. He took a swig of his water as you asked him a question.
“Oh, do you want to have sex with me?” you asked nonchalantly. Chan choked on the water unsure of where your ask was going. “WHAT!” he shouted, not trying to hold back his surprise. “I mean, only if you feel comfortable, I just don’t think you want to die a virgin” you shrugged, taking a sip of your own water. 
“Okay, yeah” he whispered. It was at that moment, the atmosphere changed. The air around you had become more sultry as you climbed into his lap, knocking down the Jenga tower in the process. “Oops, guess you were right, I did lose” 
Before he could even reply, you captured his lips in a kiss. He groaned in your mouth as you began to slowly grind your hips into his. “Why don’t I take you to the bed?” you asked, pulling by his collar. 
He just moaned as his back hit the bed, you began to straddle him, your knees around his hips as you rubbed your clothed pussy on top of his covered cock. “Be a good boy and take off your shirt” you said, kissing his lips again. 
He groaned again as he removed his shirt showing off his abs. “Fuck” you groaned, running your finger on them. “I should have asked to do this sooner” 
He just whimpered underneath you, feeling overstimulated. It had been weeks since he touched himself. He had never felt this way, he couldn’t fathom what was happening. The feeling of your pussy rubbing on his cock was getting to be too much. “Fuck, if you keep doing that, I’m gonna cum in my pants” he moaned out loud. 
“Aww baby” you brought your hand to his face, “maybe I want you to.” You grinned, getting off of him and taking off your shirt and the shorts you were wearing. His cheeks blushed red as he saw you in your underwear and bra. The accentuated every single curve and mark on your body and he loved it. 
“Be a good boy and lift your hips for me” he simply nodded, allowing you to take off his shorts and boxers. His cock slapped his stomach, the red tip already covered in his pre-cum. He moaned feeling the cool air hitting it. “Wow, you are so big, can’t wait to suck on it” 
Chan’s eyes opened in suprise as you took his cock in your hands, slowly sucking at the lip, given it kitten licks “Fuck feels so good” he whined beneath you. You ignored him, going back to sucking cock. 
You needed to stimulate yourself as well, so as you kept sucking his cock, you took one of your hands, removing your underwear, and began figering yourself. You continued to suck, adding a finger in at a time, knowing you wouldn’t be able to take his thick cock without stretching yourself out. 
He looked down at you, moaning at the sight of you fingering yourself as you continued to take him down your throat. The moans eliciting from his mouth made you wetter, moaning on his cock as your fingers were thrusting faster inside of yourself. 
You began to take him deeper, your nose beginning to hit his pubic bone as you bobbed your head up and down. You could feel him twitch in your mouth, and his moans were getting louder. “Fuck feels so good, omg, I think I’m going to cum” 
Just before he was going to cum, you took your mouth off his cock with a pop. He whined at the loss of your mouth on his cock. “Please, I was going to cum, why would you do that” 
Tears began to form as he felt bottled up, barely being able to take it anymore. “Oh baby boy, don’t cry” you said, wiping the tears off his face. “Just wanna make you cum in my pussy, is that okay?” 
He nodded, feeling eager to feel your wet cunt on him. “Baby, do you have a condom” you asked, kissing his lips once again. He nodded, pointing to his dresser, “The second drawer, Han bought me a box as a joke, never thought they would come in use” 
“Well tell Han thank you, now go rest your back on the headboard, I want to ride you” He simply nodded, sitting up and pushing his back onto the board, allowing you full access to him. 
“You are so beautiful, I’m so excited to have your cock inside of me” you giggled, rolling the condom onto his dick. He moaned at the sight of your small hands wrapping around his throbbing cock. “Fuck” he groaned out loud, causing you to giggle again. 
You rested your knees on both sides of his thighs, running his cock in between your slit, allowing your wetness to cover it. Before he could even think, you slammed the entirety of his cock inside of you, moaning at how well he fills you up.
“Oh my god” you moaned out loud, his cock already hitting that one spot inside of you “it’s like your cock was made for my pussy, I don’t think I’m ever going to let you go”
You kissed his lips again, moaning as you began to move up and down on his dick. “Fuck, your pussy feels so good, it’s clenching me, I don’t think I can last long” he moaned again, feeling your walls clenching him. It was all becoming too much.
You knew he was close, but you were too, the thought of corrupting Chan was took much for you. You began to move faster on his dick. “Fuck, I’m going to cum, please let me cum” he moaned.
“Don’t you want to be a good baby and let me cum, or are you selfish?” you asked, not stopping your pace. “Rub my clit baby” you said, gliding his fingers down to it, and showing him what pace you wanted it at. You moaned feeling his thick fingers rubbing it as you continued to move on his long cock. 
“No, want to be a good boy, want to be such a good boy for you” he moaned again. That was all you needed to cum, your walls spasaming around his dick, your pace didn’t falter, wanting to ride out your high and cause him to cum too “Please let me cum, please I’ve been such a good boy” 
“You have haven’t you? Cum baby, cum in my pussy” that was all he needed, you rode out the both of your highs.
As you came down, you rested your head into his chest, feeling over-exerted. “I hope that was a good first time, sorry if I was too rough” you said, kissing his lips again. 
“If you want me to go, I totally can” before you even said anything else, he kissed you this time. 
“You aren’t going anywhere, you are mine now. We are going to go take a bath and eat whatever you want” You looked at him puzzled, "Was my crush on you not obvious???" You just giggled, "I don't think it was, maybe I need another kiss to reassure me"
He placed another kiss on your lips, this time it was soft and sensual and not lustful like before. He picked you off the bed, took you to the bathroom, and filled up the bathtub with hot water and bubbles. 
After it was filled, you both sat in, your back pressed against his chest as he massaged your shoulders. He kissed your shoulder, whispering in your ear “Thank you for the best first time ever, but for this second time, do you think you can be my good girl?”  
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povlnfour · 11 months
lando norris x fem!horse rider!reader
series masterlist | next part
yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by flo_norris_showjumping, lilymhe and 128,303 others
yourusername nice little practice today in between interviews. ready for a relaxed weekend
view all 2,054 comments
user1 give bean all the carrots from us!
user2 so excited for the showjumping season!!!!
flo_norris_showjumping what a duo you two are already👏🏻
user3 i love that you practice in a full face of makeup. go girl slay!
yourusername @/user3 LMAO my makeup did not look that good by the end of it. p much had to redo it all for interview no.2
lilymhe OBSESSED
yourusername @/lilymhe GIRL I MISS YOU
lilymhe MISS YOU MORE. gotta link up when you’re back around :’)
user4 lily + y/n. my fav duo. i’ve missed their flirting
landonorris just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon and 277,098 others
landonorris not meant to be today but we bounce back
view all 3,671 comments
user5 we love you🧡 you did so well
mclaren onto better things🧡
user3 @/yourusername ARIANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE
liked by yourusername
user3 that’s hot
oscarpiastri 🧡🧡🧡
user7 the loves of my life fr
f1updates just posted ੈ✩‧₊˚
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f1updates star studded turn out today for @/lilymhe’s golf game! joining f1 stars such as lando norris, charles leclerc and alex albon is lily’s friend and pro showjumper y/n y/l/n!
user3 the way this is just her jumping off a flight to go support her bff…. i’ll cry she looks so pretty
user8 i mean we know she knows alex bc of lily but…. lando and charles
yourusername stop looking at these photos i was so jet lagged….
user2 not bestie following f1updates😭
user3 @/user2 i bet she’s a lewis girlie. she has that vibe
twitter reacts ੈ✩‧₊˚
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lilymhe just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 202,311 others
lilymhe good game, better celebrations
👤tagged yourusername, alex_albon, landonorris
view all 1,342 comments
alex_albon y/n is a terrible photographer but lando is a bad dancer. it equals out
landonorris @/yourusername i’ll teach you to drive, you teach me to dance?
yourusername @/landonorris … meet my horse i’ll consider it
landonorris @/yourusername i said it last night and i’ll say it again… NO! no reason for an animal to have that long a neck
yourusername @/landonorris wow. friendship over before it began
alex_albon @/landonorris giraffes are calling
user7 what is going on in these comments…
user5 damn they just met and are already flirting? the devil works hard but lando works harder
yourusername just posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 152,009 others
yourusername life lately
👤tagged landonorris, lilymhe
view all 32,446 comments
flo_norris_showjumping MY BROTHER?
yourusername @/flo_norris_showjumping ANSWER MY TEXTS
user6 why texts what’s going on miss y/n👀
user3 beauty
user5 all the grid boys liking… oh you know lando is talking about her
user7 who can blame him i mean LOOK AT HER
alex_albon how come lily gets a cute ass photo and the one you posted of me last week made me look like a demon
yourusername she’s my favourite parent🩷
y/nupdates posted a photo ੈ✩‧₊˚
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liked by landonorris and 21,335 others
y/nupdates the showjumping season is officially underway! sending all our love to @/yourusername and mr. bean today on their first competition🩷
view all 102 comments
user5 lando creeping in the likes lmao
user2 what is going on between lando and y/n…
y/nupdates all we know is that they’re friends and we love that!🩷
user9 hm
user1 ?
user9 @/user1 he doesn’t need any distractions.
user1 @/user9 bestie it’s a post announcing a competition season not a marriage proposal💀
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a/n: first part down!!! not super interesting but this is self indulgent as a horse girl myself LMAO. welcome to my acc i guess???
to be tagged when the next part goes up (won’t be long): taglist
- giselle
657 notes · View notes
Slutmas Day 6
Stressed & Insecure (Matt)
Request: None
Warnings: Mommy kink, talk of poor mental heath, angsty at first, Matt being insecure, talk of body dysmorphia, friends to lovers, cockwarming, oral, whiny Matt
“You’re such a good boy for letting mommy take care of you like this”
Matt’s pov
Everything sucks right now, I’m so busy with work, it’s taking up all of my time, and everything going on right now backs up to that. I was purely stressed from work originally, which I know might seem easy, but don’t be fooled because it’s not. We’ve had so many meetings for sponsored content, videos, guest appearances, and merch designing, on top of filming for our YouTube and the Podcast. I’m genuinely just drained, my anxiety is high, I can’t sleep, and I’m overall in a bad mood.
I know what you’re thinking, ‘why not just jack off?’ well that’s because I can’t. I guess with being stressed and overwhelmed by everything, my cock just won’t get hard. It probably doesn’t help that my body is constantly getting hated on because of my weight, it makes me really insecure and uncomfortable with myself and my body. I was sitting at my desk doing some more online work and it was pissing me off, I’m so frustrated! I’m just doing so much overthinking and it’s making me stressed, overwhelmed, and insecure.
Just as I threw my notebook across the room there was a small knock and Chris popped his head in. “Matt, are you alright? Do you need anything?” Chris asked, knowing I wasn’t in the best mental state. “I’m fine, I just want to be alone” I sighed back, “Are you still coming to Larray’s house with us tonight?” I completely forgot about that. Chris looked a bit disappointed by my answer but he understood, “Nah I’m just gonna stay here, ‘m stressed and overwhelmed right now so I won’t be any fun” I said before Chris closed the door.
That was my insecurities talking, I always found myself rather boring and unenthusiastic when I’m in these moods. It had been about an hour of trying to get hard and then sitting in my chair with my head in my hands. My door slowly creeped open and I immediately assumed it was Chris or Nick. “Get the fuck out of my room!” I yelled, turning around to be met with my best friends confused face. “I’m sorry, Chris said they were leaving and I should come keep you company because you’re having a bad day. I didn’t mean to make you upset” Y/n said quite nervously. I slammed my fist down on my desk before completely losing it, hot tears rolling down my face.
1 hour earlier
Y/n’s pov
I was at a nail appointment when I got a text message, I was already done with my fingers and in the chair for my toes.
iMessage start at 5:02pm
bro are you busy
i’m getting my toes done rn
at 5:30 me and nick are going to larray’s for the night
so i wanted to ask you a favor
yk how matt’s been kinda moody lately?
well today he’s really stressed and sad so he’s in a bad mood and i don’t want him to be alone tonight so can you head over afterwards and chill with him?
you literally just set up a playdate for your child lmao
but yeah i’ll go over there, i’ve missed my matty poo
wow but you don’t miss me
that one hurt Y/n/n 🥲
anyways lmk when you get to our house bc we leave in 15
awe of course i miss you too sizzle 🤍
i’m abt to pay then I’ll head over
don’t call me sizzle
*Y/n/n🪼 disliked this message*
iMessage ends at 5:37pm
The message had been from one of my best friends, Chris, he asked if I would go hang with his triplet bother, Matt, for tonight. I know he’s been getting a lot of hate about his attitude/weight and has been down the past 2 or 3 weeks, so I was hoping to cheer him up. I drove directly to the boys house after paying for my nails since I had a bunch of essentials over there and didn’t need anything from home.
I let myself in with my key and walked up to Matt’s room, which groans of frustration could be heard coming from. I lightly knocked before entering his room, as I was reclosing the door Matt yelled. “Get the fuck out of my room!” he said angrily, Matt’s never yelled at me before and he looked so pissed off that I got a little nervous.
I quickly replied with “I’m sorry, Chris said they were leaving and I should come keep you company because you’re having a bad day. I didn’t mean to make you upset” he looked at me for a second before I saw his face change to one of pain, hurt, and anxiety. Matt slammed his fist onto his desk yelling “Fuck!” before choking out into sobs.
His whole body was shaking and he slid out of his chair onto the floor, something he does when he’s really, really upset. I immediately ran over to sit next to him, wrapping my arms around his shaking figure. “I’m sorry! They hate me and I’m sorry!” he blurted out, causing me to be a bit confused as Matt’s hands desperately clung onto my shirt.
“It’s okay Matt, let it all out. You’re safe honey, I’ve got you-“ I was cut off by Matt pulling away from my shirt and basically screamed out in pain. “I don’t know what the fuck I did! Y/n, what’s wrong with me!? A-Am I not good enough!? I’m too skinny, I try to eat more but I can’t gain weight, I fucking hate my body! All I keep doing is disappointing everyone, Y/n I-I don-“ he started spiraling into a panic attack and I was worried, I have never seen Matt this bad before.
I didn’t know what else to do so I pushed past my own anxieties and kissed him. I cupped both of his cheeks and smashed our lips together, Matt was shocked at first so he didn’t kiss back but once he realized what was happening, he kissed back. I pulled away and Matt’s lips tried to chase mine before he opened his eye.
“W-What was that for?” he asked, a bit breathless from his previous breakdown. I suddenly felt shy so I looked down, “I uh- I didn’t know how else to get you to stop talking” I said, nervously playing with my fingers. “Oh, well thanks?” he said in a questioning tone, “Did you mean what you said about your body? Do you really think that?” I softly asked.
Matt groaned and stood up, offering me his hand, “I don’t want to talk about it but yes, I do hate my body” he mumbled as I too stood up. We made our way over to his bed and laid there in silence for a few minutes. I rolled over to my side facing Matt “Have you tried cumming?” I questioned quietly, “What!?” he rolled to face me as well, confused by what I just said.
“You know, because you’re stressed. I think I read somewhere that having an orgasm helps to relieve stress” Matt’s face was now painted red. He rolled over to be flat on his back again, “I’ve tried but I can’t get hard” he exhaled deeply. “Oh… I could try to help if you want” I offered, chewing on my nails, Matt turned to face me again, “Help.. me get… Help me get hard?” he questioned nervously.
We both had blush covering our faces at this point, “Yeah, then I can go chill in Nicks room and you can jerk off” I smiled shyly. “I mean that could work but I don’t want to be naked if you have clothes on” “You don’t have to be naked, you just have to trust me” “I-I trust you, how do we start though?” we conversed. I took a moment to think before asking, “Do you want to make out first, I know I’m like a lot bigger than you so I don’t know if it would be a problem for me to sit on your lap. Is it a problem?” I asked self-consciously as we both sat up.
Matt looked at me with an unamused look, “If that’s your way of making me feel worse about my body, it worked because your body is amazing” he huffed out, avoiding looking at me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel that way” I said with a sad smile, upset that I hurt Matts feelings. “I know you didn’t but my body is like the main reason I cant get hard. I don’t like looking at myself naked, it shows off too much of what’s wrong with me” he replied.
It was silent again for a few minute until I broke the silence again, “I think it’s hot” “What?” Matt looked at me confused. “Your body, I think it’s hot” I smirked, “You think so?” “I know so, don’t you ever notice me staring at you when you’re shirtless or only wearing your boxers?” I teased some more. “I haven’t noticed actually, however, I have noticed you’re not on my lap yet” Matt pouted, pulling me onto his lap.
I was about to say something but was cut off by Matt grabbing the side of my face/neck and pulled me into a sweet kiss that quickly turned needy. I pulled back for a second to catch my breath, “Shit, I’m sorry! I’m just so touch starved and crave physical affection. You were gonna say something?” he panicked. “It’s okay, I know that physical touch is your love language, it’s one of the things I like about you. I forgot what I was going to say but I can tell you I’ll kiss you again” I giggled.
With that, Matt pulled my face to his again and this time the kiss was soft, yet also rough and needy. I had my hands wrapped around Matt’s neck, but his laid awkwardly at his sides, almost as if he’s scared to touch me. I pulled back from the kiss to grab his wrist and mumbled something against his lips. “You can touch me you know” I smirked as I placed Matt’s hands on my waist and went back to kissing him.
Matt’s hands quickly slid down and tightly gripped onto my hips, slowly starting to rock me back and forth. I started feeling his cock get hard and once I could tell he was fully hard, I stopped everything which caused Matt to let out a displeased whine. “Mmh why’d you stop?” he pouted, “Because you’re hard now, which means it’s my queue to leave” I said while trying to get up.
Matt held my hips down and begged, “Please don’t go! I-I don’t think I’ll be able to make myself cum, me being alone with my naked body sounds like a bad dream” he sighed. Piggybacking off what was just said he added, “W-Would you please m-make me feel good? I’ll let you have your way with me as long as it’s not super rough because I’m not in the mood for that” his eyes got a shade or two darker.
“Yeah, I can give you head if you want or you can sit back, relax and enjoy the full sub treatment” “Does the full sub treatment include sex? Because I’ve never been the submissive one before, I uh usually do doggy so my body isn’t seen as much. I’ve never even had a chick ride me before but you being on top sounds really hot, we don’t to have sex by the way, I was just saying if you wanted to I’m down” Matt confessed.
“If you stop talking about sex with other women, you have a deal. I might keep my shirt on though” I replied as I started slowly rocking my hips again. Matt’s grip on my waist tightened and he thrusted his hips up, his hard-on pressing against my clit so nicely that I let out a small, quiet moan. His eyes grew even darker after that, “No you will not. I wanna see your beautiful belly, I just know it’s gonna turn me on so much more” he instructed me.
I blushed and nodded, “Okay then handsome, just lay back and let me do all the work, tonight is all about you” I said, watching him nod before my lips were on his. I slid my tongue across his bottom lip, silently asking for access to his mouth which was quickly granted. He had a bit of trouble giving up control over the kiss at first but once I started trailing my kisses down his throat, he finally gave up on trying to win.
Matt’s pov
After Y/n had dominated the kiss, we made out for a bit before she started kissing down my neck. Once she reached the collar of my shit, she stopped and stood up to unbutton her pants. “If you really want me to make you feel good, take your pants off for me” she said seductively as she pulled off her own baggy jeans. I followed her directions and pulled my sweats off before grabbing her hand and leading her to sit on my lap again.
Y/n sat on my lap again before taking off her shirt, leaving her in a black lacy bra with matching panties. “Fuck… you look so goddamn beautiful” I said while looking into her eyes, my hands running up her thighs. “Mmm, thank you handsome. Can I take your shirt off?” she smiled, placing a short but sweet kiss to my lips, “You can do whatever you want to me” I panted, already being completely whipped for her.
She took my shirt off before whispering in my ear, “You’re such a good boy for letting mommy taking care of you like this” as I helped her get my pants and boxers off. “Such a pretty cock Matty. You gonna let me make you feel good?” Y/n teased, making me squirm a bit. “Please! Please just make me cum!” I pathetically begged as I watched her hand slowly move up and down my cock.
Y/n’s pov
“Anything for my sweet boy. Now tell me what it is that you want baby” I asked softly, loving how fucked out he looked already. “Want your mouth please mommy! Want you to ride me after!” Matt confessed all whiny and desperate, and who was I to deny him that? Without a word, I nodded before bring his tip into my mouth, loving the whimper he let out, “Yeah j-just like that, fuck!” he groaned as I swirled my tongue around his tip.
After teasing Matt a little bit, I decided to fully take him into my mouth, almost immediately deepthroating his cock. “Holy shit mommy! You’re so good at this! I won’t last long!” he cried out, bucking his hips up when I hummed against him. I continued doing this for a few more minutes when I felt Matt start to twitch in my mouth, his lower abdomen contacting as well.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m gonna cum— shit!” he whimpered as his hips thrusted upward and his left hand came down to hold my head in place. His right hand was pulling at his own hair as he shout a huge load into my mouth, so much that it was literally dripping out of the corners of my mouth. As I came up for air, I wiped the corners of my mouth to clean up the spilled cum and then licked it off.
“Did that feel good Matty? You were such a good boy” I smile as I placed a sweet kiss to his lips. “More! I-I need more! Y/n please, I need you to ride me. I’m so fucking hard still, I need to drain my balls in you” Matt begged me. “So needed aren’t we?” “Yes, please I need you” Matt nearly yelled with tears in his eyes. “Okay, okay, calm down sweet boy. You’ll get what you want, just be patient” I spoke softly as I pulled off my panties and unhooked my bra.
Matts hands immediately went down to my ass, staring up at me with a look of desperation. “Are you gonna be a good boy?” “Very good!” I smiled as I slowly sunk down on his cock, trying to adjust to how long and thick it was. “S-So tight mommy! So f-fucking tight!” Matt whimpered out as I started to move up and down with the help of him. Both of us were moaning quite loudly as I started to move faster, pulling his hair in the process.
“Such a good boy Matty, making mommy feel so good with your big cock!” “W-Want you to cum. Wanna f-fill you up” Matt grunted as he started bucking his hips up into me at a fast pace. We were both very close and with one more thrust that hit my g-spot perfectly, I was cumming on his cock. “Fuck Matt, I’m cumming. Oh god— cum for me baby!” I cried as I rode through my orgasm, starting to slightly overstimulated but wanting Matt to cum.
With a loud whiny growl, Matt came inside of me, this load was equally as big as the one from earlier, instantly dripping down his balls. “Holy shit— I love you, and I’m not just saying that because you gave me the most mind blowing orgasm ever. I genuinely love you Y/n” Matt confess as he started to rub my back. “I love you too Matt, I mean it” I smiled as I placed a soft kiss to his lips “Don’t get off, cockwarm me all night please” he sweetly asked.
I agreed and we got situated so we could lay down, Matt turning off his bedside lamp in the process. “Tomorrow, I’m gonna take you on the best date of your life, but for now, goodnight pretty lady” “Goodnight Matt, I love you” I mumbled into his neck, feeling the sleep take over my body. “I love you too, and thank you for tonight. Now get some rest baby” was the final thing to be said before we drifted off to sleep.
All work is subject to copyright
© Daddyslilchickenfingers2 2023
Do not steal my work
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harlowsbby · 11 months
Forever Attached
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Requested, late night calls with Jack while he’s away.
“Alright I think were all done here for today I’ll see you all tomorrow morning? For rehearsals yeah?” Nemo said and almost immediately Jack was out the door and headed back to his hotel room.
“Where is he going?” Ace asked as he watched Jack quickly leave the venue.
“Yeah I haven’t seen him run off that quick in my life.” 2fo added on.
“Y’all already know he’s in a rush to call Y/N, they stay on the phone all night.” Urban said.
“Really? How do you know I thought the two of you weren’t sharing rooms this tour.” Nemo asked.
“All ima say is the walls are very very thin.” Urban shivered at thought of possibly having to hear the two of you again tonight.
Ace and Nemo gave one another a knowing look and immediately felt pity on Urban.
When Jack arrived back to the hotel he quickly made his way to his room and locked the door behind him.
He sent you a quick text stating that he was going to shower real quick and that he’d call you right after. Being away from you was one of the hardest things Jack has ever had to do.
He loved being around you and making sure you’re always around him 24/7.
After a quick wash up he turned off the water and put on a pair of gray sweats, he didn’t bother putting on a shirt. He applied some lotion and a few hair products into his hair before leaving the bathroom and flopping onto the bed.
He looked at his phone seeing you had texted him back from earlier. He went to your contact and hit the FaceTime button after a few rings you finally answered.
“Damn about time I thought your ass fell asleep.”Jack joked as your face appeared on the screen. You rolled your eyes playfully as you sat up a bit in your bed so your face would be more visible.
“Let’s not do too much now Jack or else I’ll hang up, it’s already pass my bedtime.”
He always felt guilty whenever he’d call you so late even though you reassured him that you didn’t mind, he still felt guilty keeping you up.
“You wouldn’t hang up on me.” He teased and you looked at him with a eyebrow raised. “And what makes you say that?”
“Because you miss me.” You huffed. “I do miss you but you didn’t say you missed me? Wow I guess I’m chopped liver.” You faked cried, he smacked his lips.
“Here you go you know I miss you, I’ve been talking about you to the guys all day long.”
“Oh I know Urban had sent me a few videos of you reminiscing on our little gas station runs.” He cheeks started heating up. “He did? Ima beat his ass tomorrow.” You both laughed.
“I thought it was cute I can’t wait for you to come back home, this bed gets cold when you aren’t in it to keep me warm.” You pouted and faced the camera to show his side of the bed, that was now replaced with a Winnie a Pooh bear.
“Well it doesn’t seem that empty you’ve replaced me with a stuffed animal.” He gasped which made you laugh. “You’re so silly Jack.” You smiled.
“But that’s why you love me.” You nodded.
“That’s true but I love you for many other reasons.” That last sentence had you wanting to hear more.
“You care to name a few of them?” He asked. “I think you should go first.” He smacked his lips.
“Fine, I just hope Urban can’t hear me.”
He readjusted his spot on the bed so that was he was laying flat on his stomach and holding his phone up with his right hand.
Your stomach began to flutter as you studied his face. A few of his wet curls were sticking to the side of his face and the way his eyes always seemed to shimmer like the ocean always made you so weak.
“I’m waiting.” You song sang. “How many reasons do I have to give?” You thought about it for a few seconds.
“Give me 5.” He nodded his head and thought about it.
“I love you because you’re always there for me, you’re always making sure I’m doing well even when I push you away you just never give up on me.” He said.
“Three more reasons.” He laughed.
“You make me laugh, you’re my comfort person and lastly you complete me.” He paused. “I remember telling Urban how one day I just wanna meet someone that I can love on and call mine and I’m so glad I’m able to call you mine Y/N.”
“You’re my person too Jack, I’m so glad we found one another.” He smiled as well.
“Me too baby, me too. I can’t wait to fly you out. I miss you so fucking much you have no idea.”
You grinned. “Oh yeah? What do you plan on doing when I get there.” He smirked. “I can think of a few things.”
“A few things like what?” You whispered and before Jack was able to say something a knock came from his door followed by the door being unlocked.
“Urban? Ace?! What are you two doing? And how did you get a key to my room.” You watched with a hint of glee and entertainment.
“Tell him Urban.” Ace said and pushed Urban forward. “I mean I just came to ask if you know you’d keep it down tonight I didn’t get much sleep last night.” Urban mumbled.
“What do you mean?” Jack asked and that’s when your mouth dropped in horror.
“You could hear me?!?” Jack! I thought you said you weren’t sharing rooms with Urban that’s so embarrassing.” You yelled through the phone.
“I’m not! I guess the walls are super thin.” With the two of you being away from each other and not being able to physically touch one another, phone sex was really the only option you had to satisfy your personal needs.
“And why are you here Ace?” Ace shrugged his shoulders. “I got bored and by the way you’re such a simp I heard all the reasons as to why you love Y/N.” Ace teased.
“You’re my person I just love you so much.” Urban tried mimicking Jack.
“I prayed for times like this I’m just so glad I found you.” Ace added on.
“Oh Jack you’re just so sweet! I can’t wait to give you needless kisses.” Urban mimicked you and the two of them made kissing sounds, Jack’s cheeks grew red in embarrassment.
“You know what ima knock the both of you out since you wanna be all in my business.” Urban and Ace quickly ran out the door with Jack right behind them.
“Oh, so you’re just gonna leave me here.” You spoke though the phone as Jack’s phone laid on the bed.
“Jack! Come back and get me.” You yelled and huffed before hanging up the phone call.
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ellesthots · 26 days
Fateful Beginnings
XXIX. “uncanny valley”
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parts: previous / next
plot: you and Bruce dance around the horrors of the weekend, desperate to make things right—or, at least, better.
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x fem!reader
cw: 18+, angst, mental health issues, descriptions of violence, descriptions of injury, grief, anxiety
words: 6.1k
prev. chapter summary (XXVIII): You go to Wayne Tower on Saturday night to talk to Alfred about ways to get Bruce help. Alfred is hopeless. Bruce intercepts, bitter at your intrusiveness, and storms off. You call Dr. Crane, who tells you to refrain from following him for fear of escalating the argument. On your walk home, you run into a panicked, horrified Bruce in an abandoned alley near his house. He does not recognize you, and after calling Alfred for him to be picked up, Bruce begs Alfred not to tell his parents about him being out so late. After a brief heartfelt (and teary) conversation with Alfred, where he expressed thanks and reassured you were not making things worse (as you thought, and still think), you went home. The next day, Bruce has no recollection of the night before, brought up to speed by Alfred. At Alfred’s urging, Bruce visits your apartment on Sunday, begging you to see his side. The argument becomes heated, and, convinced by Dr. Crane’s horrifying prognosis for Bruce and his own erratic, dangerous behavior, you do a last hail-mary to get him help: you lie about being the person who saw Bruce jump, expressing how terrified you were at thinking you’d watched him die. This immediately triggers Bruce to his childhood, and he does a hard reset on his denial, horrified he’s repeating the cycle, reassuring you he will accept help.
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Outside of receiving some calls, you hadn't checked your phone since Thursday night. Texts, socials, it had all been abandoned trying to remove the noose snaking Bruce's neck. After the phone call with Alfred you were able to relax into bed and pull out your phone—immediately smacked by a bazillion texts from Mar, a few from your parents, and some mentions on Scypher. You clicked on Mar's texts first.
Thursday, 11:50pm: OMGGG just now seeing thissss i got so lit tonight. sorry!! idk if i can make it to help you move. def can't drive in the morning tho!!! ttys!!!
Friday, 1:20am: ok lolz i went to a second club 2nite and yahhh i don't think i can make it 2morrowww
Friday, 12:30pm: if ur still in town i could help, i just got a massive headache hahaha have you left yet
Friday, 1:22pm: ur prob on the road byeee
Friday, 1:30pm: wait ur still in Gotham??
Today, 12:58pm: BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!! you didn't tell me you did the interview with him!! like actually!!!!!!! okayyyy too famous to respond to me I see? i'll make sure to visit to get your autograph lol.
Today, 2:15pm: bro i got so many more friend requests already today???? some are Bruce Wayne fan accounts. wtf!!!??? this is like blowing up
Today, 6:15pm: MISSED CALL FROM MAR.
Today, 6:16pm: MISSED CALL FROM MAR.
Today, 6:18pm: LOOK !!!!
She'd attached a Buzzfeed article titled: Bruce Wayne's First Interview Came Out Today, and Our Jaws (and Clothes) are on the Floor
You couldn't read any further though, seeing as you had a handful of texts from your parents to sort through.
Friday, 1:45pm: Hey hunny! Your mother and I are home from the second shot. She told me to text you 'I am fine'. We will call you this evening after I finish up the deck.
Friday, 6:37pm: MISSED CALL FROM DAD.
Friday, 6:40pm: Deck done. When you visit next I'll show you. Walter likes it. Love you
Today, 3:13pm: MISSED CALL FROM MOM.
Today, 3:20pm: Hi kiddo. Wow! Congratulations on the article! Debbie showed it to us when she visited earlier. I thought you said you were done with that guy. Love you sweety!
You responded to your dad about your mom, and your mom about the article. You refused to comment on her mention of Bruce, wanting to purge your mind as much as you were able to after the weekend you'd had. You resigned to calling her first thing in the morning, miserable over forgetting about her second shot. After responding to Mar to update her on staying (and to express faux excitement about the article's release), you stayed up a few more minutes to see if your parents might still be awake and responsive. Sleep.
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You woke up late that day, around two in the afternoon; the only reason you hadn't slept even longer was a phone call from Dr. Vry startling you awake. "Y/N! Have you seen your article? I can't believe it. Over a hundred applications just TODAY to the journalism program!"
You fought your way through the conversation, the gears in your head finally harnessing enough energy to start worrying again. The call ended quickly, as she 'had a lot of applications to get through', and you called your mom without a second glance at your phone notifications.
"Hey sweetie. I saw your text last night, but I couldn't respond. Walter was finally curled up in my lap, you know how sensitive he is." She sounded fine, neither ecstatic nor miserable. Her energy picked up when she started talking about your article. "Your dad was looking into that Wayne guy, and ran across that article of yours. He didn't know it was you that wrote it until Debbie brought it over!"
You'd padded out to your kitchen to make some toast with the butt of the bread. "Since when is dad researching things about Gotham?"
"He's been very intrigued ever since graduation. He—"
Your dad sounded off in the background. "Hun? Hey! I saw that article of yours! His first interview ever. That's a big family, you know. The Waynes. It's a big deal sweetie!"
He continued without leaving space for you to change the topic. "You know about his parents, right? God, poor kid. Seems to have recovered from it well enough."
You stifled a laugh at him delivering the most famous lore of Gotham city like it was breaking news. "Yeah, I know about his parents."
"You know, I knew I sensed something between you two. When's he coming to visit?" You heard a meow in the background, and you could only imagine your dad was munching on some sandwich he desperately wanted.
"People don't give their first interviews to just anyone. Must've really impressed him."
"He's never coming over, dad."
"You don't have to be embarrassed honey. He seems like a stand-up guy! Next visit, bring him."
"It sounds like you want to meet him." You rubbed your temples, having temporarily abandoned your peanut butter spreading. You didn't know if you were right, but you could've sworn you heard him shaking his head. Walter meowed again. He definitely had some sort of food in his hand.
"What kind of dad would I be if I weren't excited to meet my daughter's boyfriend?"
The juxtaposition of the past few days to his chipper, nonchalant demeanor was stark, reducing you to a teary mess. No, you wanted to snap at him. I actually visited him in a psych ward. Had to stop his future from becoming a funeral.
"Hey, whoa now..." Your mom spoke in a hushed, frustrated tone in the background. "I'm sorry sweetie. I get it. I won't talk about him anymore."
You continued to cry, unable to get any words out. It was like you were finally able to feel the weight of what had been placed on you, feel the piercing stab of the fear it instilled. Your sobs were so pathetic and deep that your mom kept asking if you could breathe. It took much longer than you were comfortable with to even begin steadying, and when you did you knew it wouldn't last. You told them you had to get back to work, and that you'd see them in two weeks.
Vanity Fair. Vogue. People. Cosmopolitan. Us Weekly. Elle. Glamour. Seventeen. Marie Claire. Your eyes had fuzzed over as anxiety nestled into your gut. So this had been... this had been huge. 600 followers had turned into 13,000, and that was just on Scypher. Instagram had 300, now 6,500. So many mentions, so many comments, you started to panic even more. You tossed the phone across the bed and wrapped your arms around your body, rocking slowly back and forth, squeezing your arms so hard they began to ache. Flashbacks to Saturday night pulsed between your eardrums, projected on the back wall of your mind. You'd never seen someone so out of their element before. The image of him in the fetal position on the ground. The screaming. The nearly incomprehensible rattle in his voice. The stitches that bulged, the skin sloughed off his fingers. The blood. The sweat. The panic. Dread. Fear. Hysteria.
Your hands shook just the same as they fought to text Alfred. Your fingers garbled the message, but you couldn't handle another second without knowing if he was alive or dead. What if he'd taken the whole fucking bottle? What if he was on the floor of his bedroom, the last dregs of his functioning body procuring foamy spit out of his mouth for him to choke on? What if he flung himself off another building? His house was so fucking tall. So empty. So huge. So many places he wouldn't be seen, he wouldn't be found, so many places someone could hide if they needed, or wanted. What if he was strung up by his neck on a ceiling bar?
You shrieked in pain as waves of fear ravaged you. If it were real water you'd be swept under, and you wouldn't even fight it. The water would take away all your troubles, your worries, your fears. But he couldn't know that. They couldn't know what this was doing to you.
You set the phone down.
If he knew, he'd feel guilty. He couldn't feel guilty. Guilt would hurt him more. Guilt could push him over the edge.
Instead, you dialed Dr. Crane. He answered on the second ring, always so quick. "Y/N. I was about to call you. Before we get into it, why did you call?"
Anxiety lurched up into your chest, eager to overwhelm and incapacitate. "Get into what?"
Dr. Crane laughed, a discordant sound that chilled you. "To thank you. Whatever you did, it was successful. This is strictly confidential, but he is accepting treatment."
So he's alive? "I wanted to talk to you about that." You swallowed hard, yanking at a loose thread in your comforter. "I uh, he wasn't going to get help until I, until I lied."
"About what?" Dr. Crane's composure was always strictly maintained, and this time was no different. He never gave away his feelings. "I had to tell him I was the witness. I said I saw him jump."
That was quite possibly the worst thing he could've said.
"Well, that changes things."
"What things?"
"For one, that's a secret you must keep. Glad you clued me in." You heard a rustling of papers, a hushing of his tone. "Usually that would be unacceptable, but if we're both being honest," His candor was unsettling. "I have yet to see someone as deeply in denial as him accept treatment. I went to sleep fully anticipating waking to news of his passing." His tone was suddenly lighter, almost singsongy. "I can't say I'm disappointed in you."
You had no concept of how to respond to that. Guilt ulcerated your stomach and strangled your chest, but at least Bruce was breathing. After a silence that was too long, long enough you were surprised he hadn't yet hung up, you spoke. "Are we, are you, sure?" Words were having trouble finding you. "About the lying? I didn't see it, and what if the real witness,”
"There is nothing to be concerned about regarding the witness. Mr. Wayne has begun treatment, and will soon be stable. Incredible work."
"You saved Bruce Wayne’s life, Y/N. It's only a shame it's a badge you can’t share." You could hear the smile in his tone, but you weren't happy. The reassurance you’d been seeking was far from assuring, leaving you situated in an uncanny valley of suspicion. How could he be so joyful? Why wasn't he drilling you about going to such lengths? Had it… had it really been that fucking hopeless? Anger boiled in you at the prospect of Dr. Crane knowingly sending you on a suicide mission. Before you burnt the bridge, you thanked him for the update and hung up. It took everything in you not to throw the phone against the wall.
The shower was scalding. You barely felt it. He must have thought he wouldn't make it. He seemed so fucking resolved to Bruce's death. Fully anticipating waking up to news of his passing? But there was 'nothing he could do'? Not a word of tangible advice besides 'don't go after him'. If I listened to him, who knows who would have found him out there! Would he have attempted again? You also wrestled with the uncomfortable reality that Dr. Crane had been correct; you had played a vital role in him accepting treatment. Had Dr. Crane psychoanalyzed you, deemed you the sort of person to lie if needed? Someone he could push to do things outside of personal liability? A sort of reverse hitman?
As you toweled off, your anxious mind continued its rumination. So he took meds. But did he take just one? Alfred will watch him, right? Hold onto his meds, only give him them as needed? Is he employing a system, making sure he checks under Bruce's tongue, locks the bathrooms, listens for retching, making sure the medication is accurately and genuinely consumed, as prescribed? You needed a break, but you couldn't find one. Sitting on the edge of your bed you knew you wouldn't be able to rest until you knew he was alive right now. And the next day. And the next day. And the next. A boulder jammed down your shoulders knowing you wouldn't be satisfied unless he personally slept on your couch so you could monitor him like a newborn. His attempt and general discontent were affecting you far more than you'd initially internalized.
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Bruce sat in Alfred's study by the fireplace, staring out the window towards the grounds. Over breakfast with Alfred he took the first dose of the medication, and only a few hours later he swore he could feel the effects. He'd done some quick googling on olanzapine, and it appeared he was having a placebo effect. At minimum he'd feel effects in a few days, more likely after a week or two. He had to stop researching after that, too freaked out about having to be on antipsychotics, too much still in disbelief about how he'd done something so drastic yet had no memory of it. Alfred convinced him to stay 'home' from Batman for the rest of the week, which was an unusually easy feat considering how he hadn't taken a voluntary night off since beginning the project years ago. It broke him how upset you'd been, and he knew he wouldn't be able to see Alfred cry again. That was unbearable.
He didn't have much to do; he quickly realized he had been living only for the night. There really wasn't anything to do in the tower; no games (outside of a dusty chess board in Alfred's study), one old television (also in Alfred's study, off to an adjacent corner), no gym (he overextended himself enough as Batman), and the house was generally kempt from Dory's attentive cleaning in a house that didn't need more than dusting anyway.
Alfred told him to skip the meeting this week; Bruce initially hadn’t cared much either way, but realized that wasn't an option after misery frayed his nerves with just half a day of sitting around. In order to go in public, he needed to not be scarred and scabbed to hell; he wanted to walk the grounds, but worried about doing it in the daytime in the state he was in. Your article’s release had also prompted a patch of reporters to hang around his house, increasing his surveillance. Give an inch, they’ll take a mile. He and Alfred briefly discussed the contingency plan they kept at the ready: staged police photos of a nasty car crash on the edge of the grounds, but he couldn't share them yet—he wanted to leave you as much time as possible to soak up the success of the interview. You deserved that much, you deserved more after what he'd put you through. At least once an hour he thought about calling you, and he very nearly did a few times. He worried about you. Were you safe? Did you need anything?
On some level, he theorized focusing so much on you was a coping mechanism to escape his failing mental capacity. The more he focused on you, the less real estate his panic had. Last night had been miserable. He'd stayed awake staring at the ceiling, his mind swirling with shock and fear. He’d wondered if this is what his mom had endured, but he didn’t have the mental fortitude yet to go digging through Arkham Asylum records. He didn’t know if he ever would again, so he simply sat. Watched the clouds move along the skyline. Watched the shrubs sway in the backyard. Followed the occasional crow floating past the windows.
As soon as darkness fell he couldn't contain himself any longer. The nagging feeling of someone he traumatized being alone in it was too much. He grabbed a hoodie and walked to the elevator, sure he could make a free escape through the old subway route. His hand hesitated before pressing the button. What if you didn't want him to visit? What if it was too stressful? He couldn't keep coming over unannounced, it was weird. Not normal. Alfred had heard the metal rustling and walked into the kitchen. His brow furrowed. "I thought you were taking a break from him?"
"I am." He stared at the ground, lost in thought. "Would you call her?"
"Miss Y/N?" Alfred's voice was soft, concerned. "Sure, why?"
Bruce had conveniently kept to himself that you'd been the one to watch him jump. That you were the witness, that you'd called 911. "I want to give her an update."
Alfred pulled out his phone and Bruce walked closer, bridging the gap between them. "Ask if I could talk to her." He didn't blink until you picked up, hiding a wince at how you'd done so before the end of the first ring. You were scared. Desperate.
"Miss Y/N, I hope this isn't a bad time." Alfred paused with the phone to his ear, his expression faltering before he let out a small chuckle. It was hollow. "No, he's alright. He wanted to see if he could speak to you now."
He handed the phone to Bruce, who quickly scurried up the stairs and into his room. He only put the phone to his ear once the door was closed behind him. "Y/N?"
"Bruce." It was so nice to hear your voice when it wasn't panicked. You sounded a bit tired, breathy, but miles better than yesterday. A sigh of relief heaved out of him, to which you had a reflexive response. "Are you okay?" Your voice rose, both in volume and octave.
"Yes. Are you okay?"
"I really don't think it matters,"
He bit back a part of him that wanted to say you were the only thing that mattered. He'd broken you. "Are you?"
You sighed. "Yes. Did you uh,"
"I got the meds."
"Good. Did you take them? Or, one, or, whatever the dose,"
"Yeah." He could hear how clouded your mind was, and it was excruciating being so limited to the phone. He remembered the first week after the murder. His mind had been a hazy minefield, everything running on autopilot. The tears, his limbs, his voice, nothing had been a conscious decision for weeks. Sure, he hadn't died, but you'd thought he had. If… his parents had survived, he figured he would've been in a similar state regardless. He wanted to help you, but he didn't know how.
"How long does it take the medication to work?"
"A few days. Maybe a few weeks." After his parents died, everyone brought him food. Random strangers had brought flowers, and food, and even stuffed toys for him to cuddle with. He'd only kept one, a stuffed dinosaur, now tucked into the back of his linen closet. Alfred checked on him constantly. No longer did he have to do his chores; Dory and Alfred picked up the slack. No longer did he have to deal with hearing his mom demand he eat his veggies and sides before getting another helping of soup, he only had soup. And juice, and soda, and warm blankets fresh out of the dryer. He remembered the warmth. Of the blanket, the soup. Those, paired with the scraggly dino in his arms, were the only things that made a decimal of impact on his devastation. "Do you need anything?"
"No. Do you?"
"Do you want anything?"
"I'm good. What about you?"
He didn't believe it. You were trying to spare him, just like you had by making yourself anonymous. Would it be wrong of him to come over? This late in the evening... probably. But he remembered the nights were the worst part. Alone in the empty darkness. Less cars, less lights, even the reruns on tv were stale at that time. It left no room for distraction. And honestly, he worried if he didn't distract you from your pain, he'd be gridlocked by his.
"Can I stop by?"
Onion, celery, carrots, butter, flour, curry powder, chicken broth, an apple, rice, chicken breast, thyme, and heavy cream. He didn't know how to make much, and Alfred didn't keep much variety around, but you hadn't balked at mulligatawny the first night you'd stayed here, and it was one of the few things he knew how to make without a recipe. It was also one of the few things the old man always kept fresh and stocked, especially now that Bruce was in recovery mode. Most importantly, it was warm. It was only nine, he could get this done before ten, and be gone before midnight. Just in time for you to get tired and go to sleep, without hours spent tossing and turning alone in bed. It was the least he could do for you.
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He'd never felt more ridiculous than he did when he opened your door. The backpack was heavy and a reminder that he hadn't asked if he could cook, but assumed he would waltz into your kitchen and work some magic. You invited him in and he went straight to the island, setting down his pack and taking out the supplies. Your face scrunched with confusion. "What are you doing?"
He kept taking out food while he thought of how to phrase it. It was like his mind was slowed down, your apartment a pool of tv static. "I wanted to cook." Pause. "For you." Another pause, and he took out the apple. "It's warm." Fuck, could he have explained it any worse?
He paused and you watched him slowly move to meet your eyes. "Can I?" His hand was hovering above one of the drawers, ready to get to work. "Sure." You didn't understand why he couldn't cook at his house, but you couldn’t complain; still coming down from the nauseating blend of relief and guilt that gnawed at you when you finally saw him in the flesh. Like being attacked by a wave on a hot day; soothing, but bitterly cold at the same time.
You had reassembled the chairs today, and the table. You'd anticipated calling Mar later tonight if she weren’t already at a club, offering to order some takeout and have a movie night. When thinking up a distraction, you certainly hadn't anticipated Chef Bruce appearing with fixings for a mystery meal. Did billionaires even know how to cook? Did billionaire Bruce Wayne ever have to fend for himself in the kitchen? A brief image of him staring confusedly at a box of cereal made your mouth twitch into a grin.
Good. Your humor was still there, thank god. With his back turned to you, facing the burner, you could finally, finally, finally, finally unclench your jaw and drop your shoulders. He was here. It was weird, and uncomfortable, but undeniable. He was here, not hanging from a rafter or god knows where doing god knows what in the city. He was putting butter in a pan, and grabbing a wooden spoon. He was alive.
But... this was still out of character, which raised an orange flag. You waited for him to reach an impasse before speaking, tapping his fingers on the countertop while he watched the rice cook. An apple sat cubed to the left, the chicken sizzling on the back burner. "How are you? Really?"
Bruce needed to toe the line. Too honest and it would shift the focus to him, further distressing you; too dishonest and you'd dismiss it before he finished speaking. His body didn't just ache, it screamed at him. Every step, even every time he spoke, felt like torture. He'd teared up at multiple points between the lobby and your unit. His spirit was entirely crushed, shattered into irredeemable smithereens. He hung his head and let all the air out of his lungs, letting his weight fall into his wrists as he leaned over the stove. "Not great."
It should've pained you to hear that, instead it felt like wind in your sails. He was being honest. You could work with that. Honesty didn't need to be interrogated or sleuthed upon. "How can I help?"
He wanted to say you've done enough and don't want your pity, but it felt too real. You didn't need that tonight, not so close to the event. "Taste the soup and tell me if it needs anything." He prayed you wouldn’t keep asking.
"How would I know?"
"I want it to suit your taste."
"I don't know what it's supposed to taste like." You were hyperaware he hadn't answered you, not in the way you wanted. Maybe it was too close for comfort right now. Maybe all you needed to do was focus on him being here, and ask questions later.
"Pepper, curry flavor. Creamy." He stirred something fragrant on the stovetop.
"What's the apple doing?"
"It's necessary." It felt good talking about something else with you. Something normal. Not Batman, not his legacy, not the attempt. Still, all of it clouded and constricted the conversation, a constant tension you both wittingly ignored. "Smooths the spice."
I barely tasted it that night. Too scary being trapped in the house of one of the most powerful men in the world. You watched as he stirred, chopped, and fluffed. You were brought back home with your parents, watching them make dinner while you sat at the dining table and talked at them. He glanced around and looked at the can of heavy cream. In an instant you were up and grabbing a can opener, desperate to do your part. He instructed you to pour it into the pan, and for a half second he was just another guy; an acquaintance, someone passing through; someone regular, unassuming.
After a few more minutes of sitting around, you grabbed some bowls and spoons. After a quick taste he required you take ("Need to know if I missed something"), he ladled the bowls full, and you both walked slowly, carefully over to the table to set down the steaming soup. Bruce dug in without waiting, while you blowed on a single spoonful until every bit of steam hesitated to rise from it.
He watched you apprehensively. Your eyes widened a bit, and he could see your jaw moving like you were savoring it. "How is it?" It tasted fairly similar to how Alfred made it, which was fairly similar to how his mom had made it. At the very least he hadn't royally fucked up. Who knows, maybe olanzapine changes tastebuds.
You nodded, blowing on another bite. "Mulling it over."
God, that was so droll... it tugged a whispering grin to his lips, his bite slipping back into the bowl at the gentle movement of his dry chuckle.
He was laughing. Not really. Kind of. Weird, but yay! "I've never tasted anything like it. It's good."
"Don't have to placate me."
"It's peppery. Curry. Creamy."
He rolled his eyes and tossed another spoonful into his mouth. "Creative. What's the apple for?"
The tension never left, though you both did your best to selfishly soothe it through dry humor. The most either of you did was grin, breathe a little extra air through your nose. When he wasn't looking your eyes wandered to his purple and green bruises, and the complementary crusting scabs along his neck and hands. You wondered if he was suicidal right now, but wasn't saying anything. When you weren't looking, he studied your body language, hoping it would betray you. Were you scared right now? Did you think this was the weirdest thing ever, like he did? Did you think this was creepy? Was it creepy? Was it helping? Was he helping you?
You both finished and walked your bowls to the sink. He started rinsing them and reached for the dish soap, and you let him for a little. After he pat dry the first bowl, you couldn't sit with this worry on your chest any longer. The food had been warm and energizing, the mood made less intimidating with the joking, and all of it together held your hand as you broached the topic. It made you sick how concerned he was about your wellbeing; yes, he scared you, images of his frenzied, panicked face waking you up in the dead of night, but you hadn't watched him nearly die like he thought. His worry felt like rain on a hundred degree day: unsettling and unwelcome. You inhaled fully, hoping enough oxygen would get to some brave neurons and force the words past your teeth. They caught in your chest and by then he'd finished the second bowl; anxiety palpated your heart, bullying it into silence. You overrode it. "Bruce."
At once he abandoned the silverware and turned toward you. His analytical gaze peppered your face and the fingers that annihilated your cuticles. The stench of something burning singed your nostrils, your eyes tracking the source to the hem of his sweatshirt draped over the hot stove, smoking as small flames burnt through the cotton. Perhaps waiting to be seen, it erupted into a blazing ball of flame. You yelped and jumped toward the sink, grabbing the adjustable faucet and spraying him down. The flames went out, he turned off the burner, and you looked around for some magazines or papers to fan away the tendrils of smoke wafting toward the fire alarm.
"Sorry. I wasn't thinking."
You glanced back and saw Bruce sopping wet, his hair having gotten in the mix too, draped over his eyes; the singed, ripped edges of his shirt that he clutched between his hands. You bit your lip to reign in your laugh. He started hurrying the shirt off his back, and gently shook it out to see if it had juice left in it. That was the kicker, sending you bolting toward your bedroom. You couldn't be laughing at him all the time. Get it together! He's hurting! But the laughs escaped your tight-lipped prison, and soon his shadow was in the doorway. As quickly as you'd laughed, you began to cry. You dropped to your knees at the whiplash; what once was dead, was now making soup in your apartment. Dancing around it wasn't helping, it was exacerbating the pain. He didn't hesitate to walk over, his long legs getting him across the room in only a few strides.
He didn't think you were crying about the fire. He stood helplessly beside you, unable to make a decision on what to do next. Guilt bloomed angry, self-flagellating thoughts, wishing he hadn't ran with his ego and coddled his denial. He placed a light touch to your shoulder and you jumped up. "I'm fine." He didn't say anything, only sat and watched as you struggled to reign in your barrage of tears. Your fingers threatened to go numb, and you attempted to shake the tingles away. "My body just needs to cry and then, then I'm done." You turned away from him and pressed your clammy palms to your cheeks, trying to physically shove the tears back into hiding.
After what seemed like an extended period of sniffling tears, you looked back at him. He was sat on the edge of your bed, his sweatshirt draped over his forearm. You could see more of the deeper wounds on his arms now, which was a viscerally surreal feeling. It was impossible not to be aware of his reputation; it preceded him at every turn, he was correct about that. Something entirely new though was seeing the fallibility so transparently.
Before graduation—and honestly, before seeing him breaking down in the alley—you had practically thought he was immortal. You wouldn't have done such ridiculous, dangerous bullshit as walking through an active crime scene at night if you hadn't internalized his heroism. Until this moment you hadn't realized how much you'd relied on that story; the subconscious reassurance that the Batman provided to Gotham's citizens. The mythical creature unfazed by bullets, incapacitating anyone in its wake. Batman's neutralizing force was so accepted it went unquestioned; now you knew it was because no one truly knew him. You and Alfred were the only people who had. Suddenly, the world felt a lot more intimidating. If you were any less shaken up, you might've laughed at the unmasking of Santa; but even children mourned the loss of magic, and here you were muzzling yourself.
"Can I help?"
You needed to nip this in the bud. It was going to come out however it was going to come out, and you needed to be okay with that. "I, appreciate the effort." It wasn't coming out so easily. Be nice. Be nice. Be nice. "But I want this to stop." I didn't watch you. "You don't want my pity, and I don't want yours." Too harsh, scale back. "The only thing I need is for you to be safe. Alive."
You sounded so much like Alfred that Bruce bit back a snarky retort. Not the time nor the place. Your bed creaked as he stood up. He hated how your words sat in his chest, but there wasn't exactly anything he could do about it. "Okay."
No argument, no fighting. Like you requested something he already vowed to do. He walked past you into the kitchen, and you followed on his heel. You had never been so close to him alone, and never from behind. His back was broad, making his already impressive height even more menacing. Veins bulged under his skin. Swore a tendon twitched in his forearm every time he stepped on his left foot. If he had turned for the door you might have yelped, but he just finished the dishes in silence while you lingered, then sat on the couch. If someone walked in right now, and was one of the few humans who didn't know about Bruce Wayne, they might think this looked normal. It couldn't feel more foreign.
You didn't wait half a second after the sink turned off to fill the space. From your perch on the end of the couch, across the room. "Will you be safe once you leave?"
Like a knife scraping under his fingernails. So scared he wouldn't be alive the next morning. Skittish. "Yes." He wasn't looking back at you, wishing he hadn't already put down the dish towel so he'd have something to wring. "I promise."
What good's a promise if he's six feet under? Your life had become so singular so quickly, and you were anxious for it to get back to its usual painful mediocrity. "Really?"
Ugh. He turned to face you and followed your eyes searching the carpet. He sighed away his animosity, knowing the rage seeping into his chest was directed at himself; it was nothing greater than embellished fear. He knew this, was well acquainted with it. Maybe he did need to go back to therapy. He leaned his hip against the counter and winced, jamming straight into a blackened, split bruise. He grabbed his hoodie from where it was slung across the edge of the counter, grimacing at the effort only when his face was obscured. “Really.” Within seconds he was at the door, his hand on the handle. He noticed your eyes flash in his periphery, and his entire body constricted at the sight. He forced himself to meet your eyes. It was strenuous. He figured he needed to warn you. "Alfred and I have emergency plans for times like these. Whatever you read in the news, it's a cover-up." He popped open the door, hesitating on the departure. The air was thick with emotional exhaust. "I'll see you on Thursday?"
You nodded, relieved he was being more covert with his concern. Sugaring the medicine. "See you on Thursday."
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Carpe Noctem 2
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You sit against the arm, one leg hooked over the other as the silent third mirrors you, nursing a gin as you set aside your flat soda. You really just want this to be over. Looking at the twins, neither of them have got very far into their cocktails. This isn’t just going to be an in and out deal. In fact, you’re more than certain they’ve duped you again.
Your best efforts as usual add up to nothing. You’re stuck there, the designated driver, the third wheel, the ugly one, beside a huffy brat ogling the dollish twins from afar. Well, you guess you’ll just have to wait this out.
You take out your phone and pull up your last message from Johnny. The usual; asking if you want him to save some slices for you. You hope it’s not too late to say yes. You reply and lean your phone against your leg as you once more peek over at the girls. They can flirt but you’re all going home together. That’s the agreement. Besides, these dudes are shady.
You check your phone. It’s close to midnight. He’s probably gaming or passed out on the couch. You kind of envy that thought.
“What’s wrong? Too good for me, sweet cheeks?” The voice draws you away from the screen and you hit the lock button.
“No, I’m good,” you assure him, “enjoying the music.”
“Ha, right,” he empties his glass, “you want a drink?” He looks pointedly at your forgotten soda, “a real drink. Might loosen you up.”
“No, I’m good.”
“Ah, geez, you think you’re a real catch. Well, whoever you’re texting doesn’t seem to agree.”
He stands up and strides away. You frown and put your phone back in your purse. Typical loser. You’ve dealt with the kind before. You’ve been in this same position too many times. The twins don’t really learn lessons. Mostly, because you’re there to keep them from any hard ones.
Whatever. Johnny’s at home waiting. That much you know. That guy doesn’t matter. Besides, he’s a bit old to be preying on the regulars here. It’s a bit ridiculous, pathetic if you’re cruel.
He sits back down and slurps loudly. You try to ignore him but can’t as he stretches an arm across the sofa, his hand close to your shoulder. He wiggles on the cushion, as if trying to bother you. You acknowledge him with a terse look.
“Lloyd,” he introduces himself with a wink.
“Wow, it only took you one drink to settle for me,” you tut and roll your eyes, “dude, don’t even. I get it. Let’s just both count our losses.”
“Hey, you got me all wrong. I get shy with the cute ones,” he pokes his tongue out, “aw, come on, let’s have a bit of fun.”
“I have a boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend? The one ignoring your texts?”
“He’s not– it’s none of your business.”
“Oh, don’t be so uptight. I can play nice. I can be a shoulder to cry on… a lap to sit on.”
You nod and give him a sardonic smirk, “does that usually work?”
“Well, I’ve slept with a lot of married women and I’ve never walked down the aisle,” he boasts.”
“Okay, so you’re scum.”
“Wow, that hurts,” he retracts his hand and touches his chest, “you’re missing out. I would put that extra cushion to good use. With how tight your wound, I can tell the boyfriend isn’t doing much with it.”
“Alright, thank you for your commentary,” you shift and turn so he’s only a blur in your peripheral.
“It’s not an insult, baby, it’s an offer. And it stands… much like something else.”
You shudder in disgust and flick your fingers in his direction. You’ll give the twins thirty more minutes.
“We should go. I wanna dance,” you say to Selena, “it’s girls’ night. Not girls and some dudes.”
“Alright, I get it,” she leans in, almost condescending and slightly drunk, “but he’s fucking loaded. And so hot. Like girl, there are boys down there, these are men.”
“Right, and I’m sat with the creeper with a broom growing under his nose.”
“Look, if you wanna just go, go.”
“And leave you with a bunch of strange men.”
“I don’t think you need to stick around because I don’t plan on leaving with you.”
“Come on, Selena, you know I can’t just leave you.”
“Well, I’m telling you to.”
“Enough. You’re not my mother.”
“No, but I’m your friend,” you insist.
“I’ll make my own mistakes,” she shrugs, “so, tell that dude to get a life and go home to yours.”
You stare at her. She gets like this and it’s no arguing. You always found that twins always acted like the stereotypical only child. They got their way and would settle for nothing less. She struts off and you look over at Sabrina. Great, she liplocked with the other one.
You go back to the sofa to get your bag. You’re frustrated. You won’t be able to sleep with the pit dipping in your stomach. You’ll be up all night until you get the text telling you they’re okay.
As you stop at the end of the couch, Lloyd stumbles, almost into you, before falling and flopping onto the cushions. His drink splashes over his shirt as he pats the spot beside him.
“Why don’t you sit down?” He invites you in a slur. You can tell by his eyes that he’s bombed.
“No thanks,” you grab your purse but he catches the strap, “hey–”
“Oh,” he reaches to set down his now empty glass, the mess glistening all over his satin shirt and his chest bared beneath it, “let me clear the throne.”
He wipes his mustache with his finger and you cringe. You tug on the strap but he doesn’t let go. He giggles and his head lolls as he does. It’s almost pitiful watching him. Out of his mind and almost helpless to his own vices.
Great. The twins are going to owe you.
You drop your bag and go to the bar. You grab a few of the cloth napkins folded neatly on it and return the man as he grumbles. You wipe off the stray droplets on the couch and sit, focusing on cleaning him up. You can’t just leave him soaked with gin, can you?
“Mmmm, lower,” he purrs as you wipe along his chest.
You say nothing and try to dry off the open collar of his shirt. You feel a tickle along your side and it crawls down to your hip. You stop him, tossing his hand away from you.
“Look, I’m just getting you tidied up, then I’m leaving.”
“Can I come with you?” He snickers.
“Please, no,” you retort.
He pouts and lets his head fall back again. “We’ll see.”
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
Instagram prompt with Laura harrier ?
HAPPY WEEK OF BLURBS !!! this is the first one and i really really hope you like it, i added a lot of details and made it suuuper long for you !
if you like what i post consider SUPPORTING ME <3 i’ve been posting for free for a year now and any kind of support is appreciated. ko-fi link
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by lilyrosedeep, jefezoff and 189,726 others
yourinstagram all smiles lately 🥹
view all 5,265 comments
yourbff my girl got her dream job ily
jefezoff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
harryfan1 i’m here bc harry followed her hello
↳ harryfan2 same
↳ harryfan3 and jeff also commented who is sheee
↳ harryfan4 she was in the lnt music video and she’s a photographer !
↳ harryfan2 oooh that’s right
anthonypham ❤️
↳ harryfan2 new tour photographer?
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liked by maggierogers, yourinstagram and 1,707,869 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. New York City II. August, 2022.
view all 98,726 comments
harryfan1 BABYYY
harris_reed It’s giving camp candy cane and I’m obsessed
yourinstagram I can’t wait to see the show 🤍
harrystyles liked this comment
↳ harryfan1 hello miss who are you
↳ yourinstagram oh just a silly little photographer
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 190,901 others
rollingstone Presenting our first-ever global cover star: The world's most wanted man, @Harry_Styles.
The pop icon opens up about his huge year, his two new films, activism, sexuality, therapy, and more.
Photographer @.yourinstagram
Writer @.brittanyspanos
Styling @.harry_lambert
view all 28,937 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGG
harry_lambert Angel ❤️
yourinstagram i still can’t believe i got this honor 🥹 thank you thank you @.harrystyles @.jefezoff @.rollingstone
harrystyles liked this comment
harryfan2 MY BABYYYYY
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liked by harrystyles, madisonbeer and 202,937 others
yourinstagram i had the honor of a lifetime photographing @.harrystyles for @.rollingstone’s first-ever global cover (also my first magazine cover ever 🥺) and i also have the honor to join his one of a kind love on tour residencies
last year i was struggling to pay rent and now this is my life, never give up on your dreams, kids 🥲
view all 9,245 comments
harryfan1 aww this is so cute ! i loved the RS shoot so i can’t wait to see the pics she takes on tour
pillowpersonpp ❤️
sabrinacarpenter the best out there 🤍
harrystyles Welcome to the road x
↳ harryfan1 imagine harry being your boss
↳ yourinstagram 🥲💖
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 3,749 others
harryupdates “If you see a tiny lady sneaking around the pit, don’t try to kick her out and make sure to smile at her, she’s in charge of capturing all of your faces tonight and the following nights, give it up fro YN!” - Harry introducing his new photographer tonight !
view all 987 comments
harryfan1 aww that’s cute
harryfan2 i can confirm that she’s tiny
harryfan3 i love her already
harryfan4 my baby
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liked by harrystyles, emmachamberlain and 208,837 others
yourinstagram the tiny lady who sneaks into pit 😁 thank you for the warm welcome 🤍
view all 9,299 comments
harryfan1 you’re our bestie already
harry_lambert She’s small but don’t underestimate her
↳ yourinstagram i love you
pillowpersonpp The tiny lady and the mother drummer are already best friends ❤️
↳ yourinstagram THEY ARE 🥺
harryfan2 she took pics of me and my girlfriend last night she’s the sweetest
↳ yourinstagram dm me so i can email you those pics !
↳ harryfan1 AWEEE
harrystyles ❤️ x
↳ harryfan1 HARRYYYYY
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liked by yourinstagram, hshq and 2,243,316 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. New York City III. August, 2022.
view all 87,365 comments
harryfan1 MY BABYY
jefezoff 🙌🏻🙌🏻
harryfan2 amazing picture wow
yourinstagram my doing 🥺🥺
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,083 others
harryupdates Harry and his photographer YN out in New York today !
view all 1,003 comments
harryfan1 BABYYY
harryfan2 besties 🌟
harryfan3 i’m not going to say what i’m thinking
↳ harryfan4 i’m thinking it too
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liked by harrystyles, sabrinacarpenter and 215,827 others
yourinstagram guess who’s behind the camera now
view all 9,254 comments
pillowpersonpp 💖💖👀
harryfan1 harrryyyyyy
paulithepsm yooo i wanted to thirdwheel
↳ harryfan2 omggg??
harryfan3 imagine harry taking pictures of you
harrystyles Great photography skills x
↳ yourinstagram soon you won’t need me anymore
↳ harrystyles That’s debatable.
↳ harryfan2 not them having a conversation on insta comments also ACTIVE HARRY ???
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff and 2,539,687
harrystyles Love On Tour. New York City VII. September, 2022
view all 88,937 comments
harryfan1 HE DID IT AGAIN
annetwist ❤️❤️
yourinstagram i feel so honored to capture this moment 🤍
↳ harryfan2 aweee a softie
harryfan3 i love you
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liked by jefezoff, yourinstagram and 3,093,737 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. New York City VIII. September, 2022.
view all 83,837 comments
harryfan1 MY BOY
harris_reed Nobody puts baby in a box ❤️
yourinstagram love me some soft goods 🥰
↳ harrystyles The softest and the goodest x
↳ harryfan2 GOODEST I CANT 😭
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liked by harrystyles, madisonbeer and 298,736 others
yourinstagram does it look like i’ve been living at msg for the past month?
view all 9,025 others
harryfan1 wow she really is gorgeous
harryfan2 would you cancel me if i saw i would be happy if she dated harry?
↳ harryfan3 no bc same
harrystyles Madison Square Garden is YN’s House x
↳ yourinstagram indeed
↳ harryfan1 i love them
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 302,826 others
yourinstagram tonight concludes 15 nights of photographing this kind, beautiful and witty soul. 15 nights of laughter, music and lots and lots of love. i don’t know what i did right to find someone as h in my life, but i thank my lucky stars every night i did
here’s to new beginnings 🌟
view all 10,025 comments
harryfan1 CUTE 🥺
annetwist I can’t wait to meet you, dear ❤️
↳ harryfan2 aNNE????
harryfan2 this feels too personal
harryfan3 they’re dating i’m calling it
harrystyles ❤️x
↳ harryfan5 if they’re together he’s never confirming it anyways
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liked yourinstagram, spaceykacey and 6,037,635 others
harrystyles You stub your toe, I break your camera x
view all 102,863 comments
jefezoff ❤️❤️
harryfan3 I TOLD YOU THEY WERE DATING and also this is the cutest pic ever 🥺
yourinstagram can’t get you off my mind 🤍
↳ harryfan5 lol this doesn’t mean they’re dating
↳ harryfan2 come on be serious, why would he post a picture of her and all this comments if they weren’t together
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches s @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp p @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry y @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @wobblymug @eviesaurusrex @olivialovesh @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m
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gingerjunhan · 1 year
please stay - han hyeongjun
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☆彡 I posted a poll asking who I should write about, and Jun Han was our winner :) I hope your all having a great day! (this picture of him has me in a chokehold btw)
synopsis: after a bad day, a late night text marks a new milestone with your boyfriend
word count: 1253 | pronouns used: they/them | genre: fluff, comfort, established relationship | cws: eating, Gunil spotting!, lmk if I missed anything
hi baby
I’m sorry this is so last minute but can I possibly see you tn?
rough day:(
Hyeongjun glanced over at his phone screen on his bedside table. Upon seeing your messages, he placed his guitar on the mattress beside him, instantly dubbing you more important than his practice.
of course:)
I’ll head over now
have you eaten?
Hyeongjun didn’t even wait for a response before he was getting up, putting his guitar on its stand, and racing to put on his shoes. Right as he was about to slip out the door, he was stopped by Gunil.
“Hyeongjun? Where are you going this late?” Gunil looked away from his phone and turned his attention towards Hyeongjun, looking at him over the frame of his glasses from his spot in the kitchen. Hyeongjun couldn’t help but feel like his dad just caught him sneaking out.
“It’s (Y/N). They’re having a rough day, and they asked if they could see me.”
You had met Gunil and the others countless times over the span of your relationship with Hyeongjun. A look of concern washed over Gunil’s face.
“Are they okay?”
“I’m not sure,” Hyeongjun answered honestly.
Gunil hummed. “I hope they’re alright. Tell them I say hello and that I hope they feel better. And be careful on the way to their place, okay?”
Hyeongjun nodded and sent Gunil a small smile as he reached for the doorknob. After a quick exchange of goodbyes, Hyeongjun was on his way to you.
Hyeongjun softly knocked on your door, and you quickly went to meet him. Upon seeing each other, you scanned one another up and down. You looked over him, taking in his sweatpants, oversized t-shirt, and white-framed glasses. He had a bag of food in his hand, and his face held a small smile.
He looked over you and saw something of the same nature. Sweatpants and one of his sweatshirts cascading over your shoulders. Your hair was a bit frazzled, and you looked exhausted.
“Hello,” you greeted him with a small voice as he stepped in the door.
“Hi, honey,” he greeted you softly. He quickly took off his shoes and placed his things down before taking you into his embrace. He felt you grip tightly to the back of his shirt and then relax in his hold. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really,” you spoke into his neck. He just simply nodded and held you tighter. The two of you stayed like that for a few moments; soaking in each other's comfort and warmth. Finally, Hyeongjun broke the silence.
“I brought you some food. Let’s eat before it gets cold, hmm?”
The two of you sat on your couch together, eating the food he had picked up for you both on the way over. As you ate, Hyeongjun told you stories about practice that day, trying to brighten your mood with the antics of his bandmates.
“Jooyeon almost hit Jiseok in the head with his bass at practice today.”
You stopped chewing for a bit and looked at him, wide-eyed. “What? How?”
“Jiseok was sitting on the floor during rehearsal, and Jooyeon was swaying around with his bass as he practiced,” Hyeongjun explained. “Next thing you know, Jooyeon goes swinging his bass right towards Jiseok. If he wouldn’t have moved, Jooyeon would’ve hit him right in the side of the head.”
You laughed as you pictured this unfolding in your head. “Of course that would happen with the two of them.” Hyeongjun admired the way your face lit up at his story, even if it was just for a moment.
The two of you continued to eat and exchange stories, leading to you even opening up about your bad day a bit. As you two talked, it got later into the evening, and soon you caught yourself stifling a yawn.
“Oh wow,” you checked the time on your phone. “It’s getting late.”
“Why don’t you go get ready for bed?” Hyeongjun proposed. “I’ll clean up our dishes and you go get comfortable. I’ll make sure to come back to your room and wish you good night before I leave.”
As Hyeongjun stood from the couch and began to collect your dishes, you tried to muster up the courage to ask him a question that’s been on the back of your mind since you texted him and asked to see him.
“Can you…” you played with your hands, avoiding his eyes. “Can you stay the night, please? I don’t want to be alone.” Hyeongjun could feel his face burning. “You don’t have to if you aren’t comfortable with that,” you quickly added on. “I’ll be okay.”
Hyeongjun quickly moved your dishes out to the sink and was right back by your side in the blink of an eye.
“If you don’t want to be alone, I’ll stay with you,” he said simply. “Let’s go get ready for bed.” With a relieved smile, you lead him back to your room, lending him some of the clothes that you had stolen from him in the past and were now holding hostage in your drawers.
As you both got ready for bed, Hyeongjun would be lying if he said his mind wasn’t racing. Yes, you two have shared a bed in the past, but that was only for things like movie nights, or cuddle sessions that ended up turning into shared naps- but you’ve never spent a full night together. Your relationship wasn’t “new,” this was just a step the two of you somehow haven’t taken yet due to schedule conflicts. He was always up late, and you had to be up early. As he was lost in his thoughts, you returned to your bedroom, now being done with your nighttime routine.
“I’m getting into bed,” you announced. “The bathroom is open if you need it.”
You crawled into bed and got under the covers as Hyeongjun quickly went to use the bathroom. Once he came back, he turned off your light and made his way towards the mattress.
As he joined you under the covers, you made yourselves comfortable. You nestled yourself beside him, and he lightly wrapped his arms around your frame as you let out a content sigh.
“Is this okay?” Hyeongjun asked. “Are you comfortable?”
“Mhm,” you respond, fighting away sleep. “Thank you for coming over so late.”
“Of course.”
You pulled yourself closer to him, and Hyeongjun did the same. He hoped you couldn’t feel the way his heart was racing as you laid your head on his chest. So many thoughts were going through his head. He was the one you turned to after a bad day. He was the one you trusted to keep you safe and comfort you. He wished he could do this every night, hold you close like this in your dimly lit bedroom- the only source of light being the moon peeking through your blinds. He wanted to fall asleep with you in his arms, keeping you right by his side until morning. Despite his nerves, Hyeongjun wasn’t sure how he’s spent his whole life sleeping alone.
“Good night,” you announced to him quietly as sleep took over. Heyongjun snapped out of his thoughts and moved a hand to your hair, raking his fingers through it. “I love you.”
“I love you too, honey. Good night.” Soon enough, Hyeongjun followed in your footsteps and fell asleep, drifting off as he thought about waking up to you in the morning.
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sillygoose067 · 5 months
Charles’s Angel(s)
Ch. 33
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
The next few days pass with a kind of mundaneness, going through the motions of your everyday life as usual. You text and call Charles in between breaks, usually late at night, because, as Sabrina Carpenter said, “I’m working late, ‘cause I’m a singer [and music producer]”. 
Charles sends you a text one night. Are your suitcases packed?
…No,why?, you reply.
You didn’t forget that I’m taking you with me to LA, did you?
Shit. It had completely slipped your mind with how busy you’d been on a recent project. 
…I did. Ok, thanks for the reminder though, I’ll get that done ASAP.
When’s the flight?
Of course, baby. I knew you had a lot on your mind. Flight’s in 2 days, I’ll pick you up around 1:30 pm, we board at 2:45.
The day of the flight, the moment Charles steps into your place, you drop everything and rush to him, hugging him tightly. He oofs in surprise but then reciprocates. “I missed you”, you mumble into his hoodie, squeezing him tighter. 
When you part, he regards you with soft eyes and a little smile, cupping your cheek (which you lean into), and bending down to leave a peck on your lips. “I missed you too Cherie.”
By the time you’re boarding the plane, which you find out is somewhat private, meant to transport all the grid drivers to their destinations together, you are a ball of nervous energy. Now that you knew that the other drivers and their WAGs (a term Marie taught you, now that the two of you were a part of the category) would be there, you were worried about first impressions. 
You hear loud laughter coming from inside the aircraft, and Charles manages to drag you in. You feel all eyes turn to you as your boyfriend pulls you along to your seats. You stand awkwardly, unsure of how to act when one of the women rises and welcomes you, taking your hand to come sit with her instead. “Hello! I’m Francisca, but just call me Kika. I’m Pierre’s girlfriend. Come sit with me and the girls so we can get to know each other more. Us women need to stick together, you know?”
Turning to Charles, you silently ask if it’s alright for you to leave your intended seat and join the WAGs instead. You get your answer when one of the other drivers, Max? claps Charles on the shoulder and hands him a Nintendo controller, plopping down into your original seat as Charles shrugs at you.
You get introduced to Kelly, Lily, Heidi, Lily Z., Carmen, and Rebecca, all wonderful, beautiful women. You share stories about your different occupations, and how each person met their partner. You meet P, Max and Kelly’s daughter, a sweet little girl bubbling over in curiosity. When it’s your turn to share, you tell the ladies about California being your home state, and one of your plans being to go to some beaches. 
“Wow! Can we come too?”, asks Kika. 
“Sure, I’m sure Charles won’t mind.”
“Yay! Ok, I’ll just check with Pierre, he should be fine with it.”
“And I’ll talk to Carlos. There’s no way that man’s going to refuse me”, says Rebecca slyly. 
Kelly tells you that unfortunately, she’d already made plans to take Penelope to Disneyland, and Lily, Alex’s girlfriend, tells you that she’d love to come, but she has a golf tournament the entirety of her stay. 
The eight of you bond over how cute your drivers are and predict how the next GP will go.
When you land in LA, you’re met with a sweltering heat you certainly hadn’t missed. The staff drop all of you off at our respective hotels. Charles changes out of his sweater and into a T-shirt. You decide to stay in for the day and rest. 
“Wow! An infinity pool! That’s so cool, I’ve never seen one before!”, you exclaim excitedly as you skip around the hotel room– No, actually, the hotel suite because your boyfriend just didn’t know how to even pretend to be broke. Not that you minded, duh. Poor man had to follow you around as you yanked him around by the arm. 
You both take some cooling showers and change into some thinner clothes for the sake of not melting into the ground from the heat.
Refreshed and lazing around in each other’s comfort, Charles rolls on top of you. “Oof”, you groan. He simply ignores you and lays his head on your stomach while you run your fingers through his hair. “Cheri, I think I’m going to take a nap like this.”
You let out a horrified shriek. “Charles! I will literally die if you do that. You DO know that you have a huge head… and a lot of it is from your ego.”
He tickles you in response and you squeal, squirming to get out from under him, but his weight on top of you traps you, his fingers relentles. When you finally manage to take a breath, cheeks flush and glowing, hair askew, Charles pulls out his phone and snaps a picture of you. “What was that for?”
“Mmm, I finally have the perfect lock screen wallpaper, duh.” He sticks his tongue out at you.
You hum, unable to move yet. “Your fingers are evil”, you comment. 
Your boyfriend just lifts his head and smirks, mirth in his eyes. “Really? You’ll be saying something VERY different about my fingers in a few months.”
You just quirk an eyebrow, confused by what he means when it hits you. Somehow you find it in you to smack him. “Charles, ewwww!” And the little bitch just cackles. You mumble something into your arm. 
“What was that baby?”
You whine, refusing to repeat, but he pokes your stomach again and you’d rather not be tickled again while you’re already so weak from the last round. “I said… it might not take a few months…”, and somehow you manage to turn even redder while you watch his eyes widen and pupils dilate.
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gayerthanevertbh · 1 year
the start of war | futile devices pt. 2
pairings: fuckboy!natasha romanoff x fem!reader
natasha romanoff masterlist | series masterlist | navigation  
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summary: you don’t know whether this was a good idea or not, but somehow it felt good. once you start feeling good, then you will feel that sickening betrayal all over your body.
warnings: sexual tension, slight kissing, slight angst, let me know if i’m missing something - 18+ MINORS DNI.
author’s note: this story is getting juicier wow
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It was unusually sunny today as I sat by the window, looking out at the blue sky that I could practically see even with my eyes closed. Today wasn't such a productive day because I was late for school and missed a semester-long assignment. Peter was beside me, tapping the edge of his pen on the table as he was engrossed in our professor's speech, Ms. Louise. I tried to concentrate, but I couldn't. I couldn't even look at her for some reason. I remembered that night when Natasha was in our apartment. I could get lost in her hooded green eyes, which were bright. I wasn't sure if I was interested in her, but it could just be a silly crush. I used to have a crush on an older man who lived three blocks away and I would always see him walking back to his house every day. At that time, I was in a dirty fight with Wanda, so technically, I had no one else to gawk over.
I shifted my gaze away from the window, and my professor gave me a casual look. I couldn't tell if she was annoyed because I wasn't paying attention, so I sat up straight and sighed quietly to myself.
“You aren’t paying attention to my class again,” she said out loud. “And for that, I want you to write a five-paragraph essay about a certain book you like and why you enjoyed it.”
I only nodded in response and looked down at my notes while she continued to speak. I hear Peter whispering, “If you want, we can share notes. I wasn’t paying attention either.”
“I thought you were the smartest in this room.”
He chuckles quietly, “I don’t know about that,” he says. “I should’ve just chosen to be a chemist.”
I was walking to catch my train when I got a message from Wanda. She texted I'll be out late, and Natasha will stay at our place for a while. She got into a fight with her roommate. What made her agree to that? I only sighed, pushed my phone back into my pocket, and jumped on the train as soon as it arrived. The trip was relatively smooth and quiet. Usually, it wasn't. I got to my apartment in five minutes and felt like my lungs were pushing out of my chest. As I opened the door, I saw Natasha sitting on the couch, with a phone in her hand. She looked up and waved at me.
“You’re home,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry I have to stay here for a while. Dorming problems.”
“Not a problem at all,” I responded meekly as I shut the door and removed my bag from my shoulder, dropping it onto the ground. I wanted to sit down on the couch she was sitting on, but instead, I just stood there in an awkward manner. “Do you want some coffee?”
Natasha perked up a bit and smiled, something about that grin made me think how beautiful she was. She pushed the back of her head and shook her head, “I might be wasting your–”
“It’s fine,” I muttered with a chuckle, lowering my eyes to the ground. “Wanda will be home in a couple of hours, I guess it’s just me and you for now.”
“Yeah,” she replied, clasping her hands together. “Just me and you.”
If I had to admit that she was attractive, I’d say it out loud. She removes her leather jacket and places it neatly on the arm couch, taking out a stick of cigarettes from the pack. I gave her a furrowed look and asked, “Could you not do this here? I don’t want my apartment to smell like you.”
“Wanda lets me,” she says so easily that she thinks she’s smug, I rolled my eyes and poured coffee into both of our mugs. I can already smell the cigarettes from here. “I’d let you try if you wanted to.”
"I've had plenty of that," I replied calmly, turning around to hand her the second mug. She took it from my grasp and gave me a small smile in the shape of a smile on her stupid face. I sat on the floor and took the cigarette from her grasp, swigging it myself. I've missed the sensation of smoking, especially when life is stressful. It's as if I'm from another planet. "You can smoke here as long as you clean up after yourself."
“How long have you been smoking?”
“Five months ago.”
She lets out a breathy laugh and slowly tilts her head back. I swear she was making fun of me, but I decided not to let it get to me; I can't. “You’re still a baby, aren’t you?” I rolled my eyes once more at the obnoxious questions. “Tell me, did you lose your virginity five months ago too?”
“I haven’t gotten to the point yet.”
She frowns and says, “Why not? Everyone is having sex these days, I thought you were more active than Wanda.”
“It would be okay if you didn’t talk about your sex life with my best friend,” I murmured in a low tone. Natasha quickly gave me an apologetic look and flopped her back against the couch, taking another swig of her cigarette. I asked, “Are you in love with Wanda?”
She only shrugs, “Maybe, why did you ask?”
“Because she’s my best friend, and I don’t want her to get hurt.”
“We’re just having fun,” she claims. “That’s all, I don’t want to get too serious with her. I’ve been down that road, and it did not go well for me.”
“But Wanda is–” I hesitated for a moment, unsure whether I should tell her or not. But I couldn't help but slip it out as she looked down at me with those curious green eyes. Wanda wants you so much, she talks about you a lot and wants you to be her priority. Like… serious stuff.”
Natasha blinked at me, then fell silent for a moment before speaking quietly.
“Is that what she said to you?”
“Yeah,” I said. “She’s very much in love with you.”
“And what if I’m not in love with her?”
"Then you should be the one to break up with her," I sighed, turning away from her and staring at the blank wall. “I love Wanda, you know? I’ve always been so infatuated by her, and to see her dating you is so meaningless, I can’t help but hurt for her.”
“So you’re in love with your best friend?” she asked, a smile appearing on her face. “You’re in love with my girlfriend?”
At this point, I was confused. I don’t know whether I was in love with Wanda or infatuated with her, but I didn’t like to see her get hurt. What would be the benefit if they ended up leaving each other? Will I be upset at Natasha? Or to myself? I shook my head solemnly and whispered, “I don’t know if I am, but I don’t want to find out.”
“It’s okay,” she urges me to continue as she finishes her cigarette. “I won’t be mad if you’re in love with her. In fact, I might as well support you through it. But I don’t want to leave her,” she chuckles. “I don’t think I can. I’d be nothing without Wanda; I’d be hopeless. So at the end of the day, she’s still mine and will always be mine.”
Those words hit me as a big truck had run over my illusions. At the end of the day, Wanda will never choose me as her lover and will always choose Natasha because she has the complete package, whereas I do not. Regardless of how strong our bond is, their bond is far more distinct than ours. And I could feel myself slipping away if I imagined myself being with Wanda, like holding her hand and making love to her. I stood up from the floor and wiped my pants with my hand, turning around as I looked at her with my eyes.
She looked at me back, and I noticed that her eyes changed when she gazed at me.
“At the end of the day, you’ll win. And I’ll always be her best friend.”
Natasha nodded in agreement, standing up as she took a few steps toward me, her hand resting on my shoulder. She whispers close to my ear, “If I could fuck you both, I would.”
She left my apartment without saying anything, and I was stunned for an hour. Why would she say that out of nowhere? Was she interested in me? Was she looking for a threesome? I was never interested in those because I believe I can only share my body with one person. I made a disgusting sound as I scrunched my brows together, images of us fucking in our beds flooding my mind. I was clearly not having a good day.
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“Come on,” Wanda laughs, giving me another shot of tequila. “Drink up! We don’t have any exams this week, so let’s just have fun!”
“Wanda, I don’t think it’s a good–”
“I’ll make us some recovery food once we get back home,” she says, her voice sounding promising; I fell for it. “Kate and everyone else are having fun, why can’t you have fun?”
Because your girlfriend was standing a few feet away from us, and her eyes won’t leave my body.
I sighed and drank the tequila shot, making a face as soon as the alcohol was all over my throat. I wasn't a drinker, but I did enjoy a good party now and then. Wanda was an outgoing person who would invite anyone from the streets to her parties in order to have the cheapest drinks. I blinked a few times and smiled at her, saying, “That was really smooth, where did you get this?”
“Don’t worry about it,” she screams through the loud music in the club. “It’s Kate’s treat! Let’s just have some fun, okay?”
Natasha's gaze was fixed on me as she walked to the dance floor. We made eye contact for a few seconds before Wanda pressed up against me, causing me to pull away at the slightest provocation. Natasha was going to beat me up tonight, and I didn't want that.
“What’s going on?” she asked loudly, pressing her face against my ear. “Do you not like that?”
“Natasha is here,” I proclaimed, moving my hips as the music took me away. “I don’t want–”
“She’ll be fine,” Wanda takes my hand and lowers herself to the ground, then rises to face me, a sheen of sweat on her brow. “I’m here, okay?”
We continued to dance on the dance floor like wild animals, and all I could think about was Natasha dancing with me. How did she like to dance? I saw her drinking with us, but was she as wild as I was? Perhaps she was more daring than I am, as I appear to be more of an introvert. When I turned my gaze away from Wanda, I noticed Natasha getting closer to us, and she was reaching for me as much as I was reaching for her. I knew I was inebriated and that this was not how I felt. I stepped back and drew Wanda away from the crowd, returning to our reserved table.
“What’s wrong? Do you need some water?”
“No, I think I’ll be fine. I just–”
Natasha appeared once more and gave Wanda a peck on the cheek, causing her to giggle softly. She asked, “If you want, I can take Y/n home since you want to spend your night with Kate.”
My eyes bulged out, and I vigorously waved my hands in the air. “Nat, that really won’t be necessary!”
“Y/n, you’re drunk,” she sighs. “I never thought you’d be a lightweight.”
“I-I’m not–”
“Fine,” Wanda agreed, crossing her arms on her chest. “Just take care of her, okay? When I come back here, I still want to have fun with you.”
Natasha winked at her and gave her one last kiss, pulling my wrist as I almost tripped onto the floor with a humorous laugh. I whispered, “Sorry, I think I’m done for tonight.”
“At least you know,” Natasha grumbled as she walked out with me, bringing me to her car. I asked if I could sit at the back, but she shook her head. “That’s not safe, I want you to sit with me so I know what you’re doing.”
“But there are rear mirrors for a reason,” I pointed out with a snort of laughter. “But if you insist, just don’t get mad if I vomit in your car.”
“I’ve had Wanda vomit in my car, I think I’ll be fine,” she replied, closing the door as I rested my head against the window. She got inside and turned on the engine, wiping her eyes. “You can’t ever drink alone, okay? You should always be with Wanda, I mean it.”
“Why do you sound so protective?” I asked, licking my lips. “You’re not my girlfriend–”
“I never claimed to be that person for you,” Natasha drives slowly as she fixes her rear mirror, occasionally looking at me. “I just want to take care of you, okay?”
I only hummed in response and gazed out the window at the city lights as she drove me back to my apartment, wondering why she would ever decide on this. I would occasionally turn to look at her, but she never returned my gaze. I imagined Wanda partying alone with Kate and the rest of our friends as she drove quietly to the suburbs.
"I was worried about you back there," she says as she turns her steering wheel to the right. "I thought you were going to pass out on that dance floor."
I chuckled, “Thank god I didn’t, I think I’m a lightweight.”
“You and Wanda are both,” she said as she stopped at my apartment building, turning to the sidewalk. “Here we are. Should I take you upstairs?”
Natasha ended up helping me by going to my unit, which I was hoping for because I thought I might pass out on the ground. Once we got there, I opened the door and asked for her to come in; she shook her head out of politeness. “I can get you some water,” I said while leaning my head against the doorframe. “Sorry, I’m really drunk.”
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, go for it.”
Natasha reached into her pocket and looked around, then back at me as she took a step closer. She let out a small sigh, unsure what to do in my presence. Then, unexpectedly, she leans in and kisses me on the cheek for what felt like an eternity since I felt her tongue grazing on my skin. This was a betrayal for Wanda, and I couldn't be in this situation. So I slowly backed away, muttering, "Why did you do that?"
"I'm not sure," she replied quietly as she kissed my cheek once more. "I couldn't stop myself."
"But Wanda is yours," I said, my headache pounding in my skull. I was either going to vomit or sleep it off tonight. “You can’t do that, Natasha.”
“She’s not here.”
“Still,” my stomach started to hurt terribly because I felt like a horrible friend who received a kiss from their partner. “You should go, forget about what I offered.”
Natasha smacked her lips together and nodded, but she still placed her hand on the wall and looked down at me, looking for my eyes. I couldn't look at her like that because everything would fall apart. Wanda will always be my priority, no matter how attractive she is. I tried to turn around, but her hands were on my waist, drawing me in closer. I couldn't get away from her grip because I could feel her breath against my chin.
"I'm sorry," she said with a mumble, pleading for my forgiveness. “I didn’t mean to do that, I’m drunk as you are.”
"There's no such thing as drunk people being unable to think aloud," I explained, looking down at those pink lips. “You want to kiss me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” she said, her throat bobbing with fear and excitement. “I want to kiss you.”
Pull her in, make a move. Do something.
We exchanged very sexual stares, and I prayed to God that it would go away soon - but it never did. Instead, I felt myself getting closer to her lips, but reality kicked in and I quickly backed away from her grip. I took a step back and shook my head as her eyes became disoriented.
“No, I’m not going to do this to her.”
“I’m sorry.”
I nodded, taking her hand off the wall as I shut the door. I turned around and sighed quietly to myself, resting my head against the wooden door. Natasha Romanoff, the woman I shouldn't be attracted to, was all I could think about.
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taglist: @ihartnat​ @natsxwife​ @romanoffsgal​ @kksalexa​ @pancakefan7529 @daydreamerruby @wandanatlov3r @lovsalvatore​ @wifeofnatasharomanoff​ 
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kkcauseway · 9 months
Life- Joel's POV
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Pairing: Joel Miller & f!reader Summary: Life from Joel's perspective. Content/warnings: TW-depictions of childbirth/sickness, lots of family fluff, like so fucking much...Joel Miller is just the most doting husband and father in the entire world! Protective!Joel, no use of Y/N, no outbreak. Characters: Joel Miller, Sarah Miller, Ellie Williams, Tommy Miller, Maria Miller & You Author note: I’m so in love with this I can’t 🥲 hope you enjoy x
Read Life here I Series Masterlist I Main Masterlist
Joel’s day starts off pretty good, for once they get the right size for the headers and so work can be done instantly rather than the usual delays they always seem to encounter on a job.
You weren’t awake when Joel got up for work this morning as you’d spent most of the night tossing and turning, and so when you finally do wake it's not too long before you call him. His phone rings and your name pops up on his screen, so he takes his gloves off and removes himself from the noise.
“Hey Baby, you okay how’d you sleep?”
‘I’ve been sick again, like a lot, I actually feel really bad this morning, but I did sleep for a few hours, I think… hope.’
“Oh Baby…” He sighs “you’ve definitely slept at least for a little cus you were dead to the world when I woke up. Do y’need me to come home?”
‘No no I’ll be okay, I just need to get some food and chill which is exactly what I’m gonna do.’
“Y’Sure you don’t need me, cus fuck work I’ll come?” he laughs.
‘Joel it’s fine, Sarah's still asleep, when she gets up, I’ll tell her we are having a movie day and she can pick, she’ll be happy. I know we don’t usually let her sleep in this late but it’s just easier like this. And I couldn’t face taking her to school today I know that’s bad but-’
“Y’aint gotta explain yourself to me Baby, I know you’re doin’ what’s best f’you. N'that girls smart enough, she can miss a day.” He interrupts.
‘Yeah, she’s our smart girl’ sniff ‘how’s work today?’ you end it with a yawn.
“Pretty good actually, they actually gave us the RIGHT size for the headers! So, we’ve been able to crack on!”
‘WOW! That’s a once in a blue moon occurrence. Today is obviously gonna be a good day!’ you laugh.
“Forever the optimist aren’t you Baby. I hope you’re right!”
‘Ugh hold that thought, I’m definitely gonna be sick again, I’ll speak to you later, kay?’
“Baby I hate you bein' like this, but okay y'look after yourself, and let me know if y’need me to come home. I love you”.
When he stops for lunch him and Tommy go to a local café and he texts you to check up on you, the baby had you up basically all of last night and with this bout of sickness hitting you on top, he knows you’re miserable even if you try to stay positive.
“Better check in with the Mrs” he utters to Tommy as he gets his phone out of his pocket.
“Sure, I’ll get these.” Tommy responds with a smile, walking to the counter whilst Joel sits down on a nearby table.
How you feelin Darlin?
He texts you and puts his phone back on the table as Tommy walks over with two BLT’S.
“How’s she doin?” Tommy asks taking a bite of his sandwich as he nods towards the phone.
“Mmm she’s not sleepin’ too good now, think she’s just ready for the baby to be here. I quite frankly am shittin’ myself at the prospect. And she’s been throwin’ up this mornin’ apparently, which is her worst fear. She hates bein' sick especially when m’not there”.
“Sounds like she’s havin’ a time of it, but she’s strong, plus, the dads are supposed t’shit themselves.” Tommy takes another bite. “Dads are supposed to be useless” he says mouth full, before swallowing “but y’all have done this once before so you know what to expect.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” he sighs.
His phone pings then, lighting up with your reply:
Not too bad, having a few pains, nothing like labour though don’t worry, just these fucking Braxton hicks givin me a run for my money on top of all the rest. We’re watching Cinderella so just chilling.
Awh my girls, and as long as you’re okay Baby?
He looks to Tommy again. “She says she’s been havin’ pains, but not labour pains. Shit Tommy my heart just at that feels like it’s gonna beat out my fuckin’ chest” he chuckles nervously.
“Ahhh, you’ve got this big brother, no need for you t'shit yourself.”
He takes a big breath then. Looking down at your reply.
I’m okay, feeling no more tired or shitty than I have been. x
I’ll try my best to be home on time Baby. You just keep relaxing today, don’t let me find out you’ve been on your feet doing chores!
Yes sir, I promise. Love you. x
Love you too Darlin, see you tonight x
Joel gets home from work at 5pm, which is the first time in a long time he’s managed to keep good time. He actually makes it home before dinner is even cooking. As he walks in the door Sarah runs to him.
“Hi Daddy!”
“Hey Babygirl, y’had a good day?”
“Yeah, it was sooo fun, Mama said I didn’t have to go to school, and I made you both a picture, she put it up in the kitchen!” she says bouncing on her feet.
“Did she now? Well, m’gonna have to go and check that out now aren’t I! Where’s your Mom at?”
“She’s sleeping; she told me to tell you to wake her up when you got home” she points to the living room.
“Okay thank you Baby, now why don’t you go run and get that picture from the kitchen an’ I’ll go check on your Momma?”
“Okay!” she runs into the kitchen.
Joel quietly moves through the house to find you without disturbing you. He find you so at peace wrapped in a blanket asleep. He sits next to you and just watches. God, he loves you so much. And boy is he thankful that you’ve finally managed to get some rest. It makes him smile.
Sarah runs back towards him then, with the picture in tow. “Look daddy!” she shouts as she jumps onto his lap shoving the picture in his face.
“Shhh baby, we’re gonna let Mama sleep some more, so we gotta be quiet okay, but lemme see” he takes it from her with one hand as the other cuddles round her waist.
“It’s you and Mama and me and the new baby!” she whispers as she points to the different people in the picture.
“Oh yeah wow! So, this is our first family portrait as a family of four huh? It’s beautiful I love it!” he kisses the top of her head.
“Thank you, Daddy, it made Mama cry when I showed her and then I felt sad, because she was sad!” she pouts.
“Oh, Babygirl m’sure she wasn’t sad, m’sure she was happy, and it just made her a bit emotional.”
“Yeahhh, that’s what she said” she sighs “she said sometimes the baby makes her mind a little crazy.” That makes Joel laugh “So, I spoke to the baby and told them to stop, cus I don’t like it when Mama’s sad.”
He smiles at her, as the picture of you receiving that drawing from Sarah and how it would’ve made you tear up in an instant runs through his mind. You’d have been crying instantly unable to stop the tears, he had the same reaction; instantly watery eyed, but your emotions being so all over the place would’ve made it almost impossible to hide it, he was able to hide it; thank god. He can also imagine Sarah telling the baby off and it makes him chuckle.
“You’re such a good girl aren’t you. Thank you for looking after Mama for me today” he kisses the top of her head. “Now, how about you and I go and get some Chinese takeout for dinner, because we don’t want her cookin’ when she’s so tired do we? And we can leave her to sleep for longer in the quiet then?”
“Okay Daddy, I like that plan, I’ll go get my shoes! I’m gonna get my ones with the laces and try and do them myself again, but I’ll need your help daddy if I can’t.”
“Okay Baby” he whispers back to her laughing lightly.
Sarah jumps down from his lap and runs to get her shoes; he finds a piece of paper and writes a note to let you know where they’ve gone, in case you wake before he’s back. Leaving it next to where you’re sleeping. He tucks your blanket even tighter around you, before lightly kissing your head, you hum in your sleep, in response.
It’s whilst they’re waiting on the food that his phone pings again.
Baby needs spring rolls and lots of em please x
😂 I figured after last time don’t worry spring rolls secured x
God I love you x
They’re back within half an hour, Sarah instantly running to the kitchen to carefully get plates after she demanded she be the one to get them now she’s ‘a big girl who does her laces herself’. So Joel walks into the room finding you slowly moving your body as you exhale, a hand on the underside of your belly. Shit.
He puts the food on the coffee table.
“Baby what’s wrong?”
“Just another one of them stupid fake pains, I’m okay don’t worry.”
Joel feels himself getting nervous, thankfully the food helps that feeling to die back down.
At 8pm Joel puts Sarah to bed, as he’s tucking her in and goes to give her a kiss on her head, her very sleepy face is replaced with a quizzical look. He can see the cogs whirring in her mind at a sleepy pace.
“Daddy when’s the baby gonna come?” she questions following it by a yawn.
He squats next to her bed so he’s eye level as he talks to her “soon Babygirl, any day now.”
“Mm, I had a dream last night the baby was already born and when I woke up and it wasn’t true, I was sad.”
“Soon baby you won’t need to feel sad about that, when the baby is here, we will have them forever, that’s excitin’ ain’t it?”
“Yeah! I can’t wait!”
“Now the sooner you go to sleep babygirl the closer we get to meetin’ the baby, time goes very fast when you sleep doesn’t it that’s what you always say? So shut those beautiful eyes and before you know it the baby will be born”.
“Okay Daddy, I can't wait! Night night.”
“Night Babygirl, I love you” he says as he stands, bending to kiss her head.
“Love you too Daddy.”
After softly shutting her door- but not all the way because she doesn’t like her door shut- he’s quick to return to you. He can tell somethings off. Once he’s made his way back downstairs you’re eagerly sat up waiting for him.
“She wasn’t too sad I didn’t come up to say goodnight, was she? I just can’t handle the stairs right now; my body is so tired.” You whine as you look to him.
“No baby of course not, I’m sorry you feel so shit” he responds as he comes to sit next to you, rubbing a hand over your thigh.
“Fuckkk” you suddenly utter sucking in a breath.
“Another one already, really?” he jumps forward a little.
You just nod as you let out a little moan.
Fuck. -and this isn’t even the real thing yet, he’s gonna be a mess.
This continues for the whole night in the most random of sequence. Until he feels enough is enough “Baby I know we are timin’ these as best we can, but they’re all over the place, I think we should just stop with this now and try to relax you? It’s obviously not labour.”
“Yeah, I’m just stressing myself out even more. They aren’t coming, I'd know if they were, although” you look down to your stomach prodding at it as you add “I do not appreciate this, thank you very much.” You sigh whilst he laughs at you telling off your unborn child. You then add “let’s just put something on tv and relax. God my body is so tired though, I hope it’s not long till it’s over.”
“I know Darlin’, they’ll be here soon, and then you can relax. Not long baby” he cuddles you close.
You settle back down then trying your best to get comfortable.
A sudden wince within the quiet of the room as the tv plays softly makes Joel jump. He looks to find you rubbing just under your ribs.
“You having another one Baby?”
“No, just kicking my ribs, bloody rascal… here” you take Joel’s hand positioning it where you had just felt the foot? Of course, nothing happens, typical. The baby will kick and kick but when there’s an audience eagerly awaiting the show they stop. Thankfully all it takes is you pushing his fingers into the spot for the baby to respond.
Joel feels his heart melt, and he becomes overwhelmed with emotion. He’s so excited to be a dad once more even if he is petrified. “My perfect baby” he whispers as he strokes the spot.
About half eleven, your head is droopy on Joel’s shoulder, you feel super tired, and you think it best to take advantage of the moment, going up to bed now in hope that when your head hits the pillow, you’ll be able to sleep. Joel is close behind, watching as you carefully get yourself comfortable in the bed. He can see how much you’re aching, how difficult it is for you to move at all, but you still do it so gracefully, so beautifully. You’re just this ultimate beauty that he adores.
“Think I’m gonna have a bath in the morning if I still feel like this, maybe that will help?” it’s more of a question than a statement.
“Sounds like a good idea baby, now you go try and sleep I’m just gonna use the bathroom then I’ll snuggle up next to you.”
“Okay, night cowboy”
“Night beautiful, I love you” he bends to kiss your lips.
“Love you too.”
Joel stops off at the nearby storage cupboard before entering the bathroom, getting out one of the fluffy towels he knows you love so much. He places it onto the toilet seat lid ready for your morning bath if you decide on it. Then he makes his way back to you, the room is dark, he listens to your breathing for a second and by some miracle, you are in fact asleep.
He climbs in carefully next to you. “Sleep well baby” he whispers to you before placing a soft kiss to your shoulder as he snuggles up to your back, pulling you closer to him. He drifts off within seconds so happy and warm snuggled up to you.
He’s awoken in the middle of the night to a shout; he’s unable to make out what's said but it definitely gets his attention. It's only when he hears it again ‘Joeeel!’ and it’s clear it’s your voice that he lifts his body up and looks to his side, your side of the bed is empty and cold to the touch, you’ve been gone a while. He then jumps up shouting ‘I’m coming baby!’
He shoves the bathroom door open and is met with you, red faced on your knees in the bath, gripping the side so hard your knuckles are white; gritting your teeth as you scream your way through what is an obvious actual contraction.
He looks to you and you look back at him. Fuck you look like you’re in so much pain and he hates it. “Joel” you whisper to him. His heart is fucking racing and he runs over to you then, not a care in the world that he’s naked. “It’s okay shhhh, baby breathe” Joel strokes at your lower back. His voice laced with fear and worry even through he’s trying so hard to mask it.
When you manage to catch your breath back you look to him in fear “Fuck Joel, that one hurt” you groan as you lower yourself back onto your heels in the tub. Joel moves with you coming to squat besides the bath as he faces you.
“It’s okay, you’re doing amazing baby” he kisses your forehead before asking the question he’s dreading but already knows the answer to, “s’it time?” He rubs your arms as he looks into your eyes.
“I- yeah, I’m pretty sure it is” you whine as a tear runs down your cheek.
Fuck why didn’t you wake him earlier is all he can think. You chose to suffer for this long alone, but he won’t dwell on it, you look broken, your eyes full of tears. He wipes them from your eyes like he’s done so many times before, and he notices that gleam he fell in love with reappear in them, slightly. God you’re gorgeous. He stays in that thought till you have the audacity to apologise for waking him. You act like you’ve committed a crime “don’t you dare say sorry, y'aint got nothin’ t’be sorry for.”
He can see you getting more and more uncomfortable as time goes on and so he’s straight to your aid when you ask for help getting out. He grabs the fluffy towel from behind him and wraps you up in it to keep you warm as he holds you tight in his arms. He wants to keep you as calm as possible, and God does he love you, he hates seeing you like this . You snuggle into his chest; feeling as you physically relax.
“Y’know I knew second babies were faster, but this seems super-fast” it’s muffled as you say it into his chest. He hums in response, only allowing himself to internally panic. You look up at him then “Can we go back into the bedroom? I wanna go sit on the bed; my back’s killing”.
He kisses the top of your head then “Course Baby, come on let’s get you comfy.”
He walks you into the bedroom and helps you sit on the bed. He then proceeds to help you to dry off and put on an oversized lounge set. He notices your bare feet; he can imagine you’re already feeling uncomfortable with them exposed like usual. So, he gets up, grabs some pink fluffy socks out of the drawer and puts them on your feet; knowing how cold your toes get. You like to torture him with them at night, pressing them against his warm legs.
“Thank you for always being so good to me cowboy” you smile at him.
Cowboy, you know how much he hates you calling him that: he’ll let it slide all things considered. Fuck he loves you so much. He takes your free hand in between his; “baby I love you so much, and the fact that I have this amazin’ life and I share it with you, and you’ve given me Sarah, now this baby too, I am so so grateful to you...”
He eventually goes and grabs some clothes for himself. He hears as you struggle through another pain whilst he’s preoccupied. Fuck this is really happening. It makes him get dressed all the faster.
When he’s finally dressed, he’s absolutely petrified, his heart is racing to the point it’s almost painful and he can’t help but break out in a sweat, but he tries his best to keep it all to himself. He feels like a first-time parent all over again. Completely clueless and out of control. Remembering how Sarah’s birth was quite traumatic, and that you were in a lot of pain doesn’t help the situation. You were constantly crying out for him, and he’s never felt as awful as he did when he couldn’t take the pain away from you.
Especially considering he strives through life making sure you’re happy and healthy, this is the only situation ever, that he’s felt helpless in, and it scares him that he’s going to witness it once more. He’s pacing back and forth till he can’t physically stand it anymore. He checks all the bags are packed ready and places them ready to go by the front door, with everything present and correct he then proceeds to call Tommy.
The phone begins ringing and with every ring Joel feels worse and worse, he hates thinking that he’s waking them up. Although this was the plan, if it happened no matter when no matter where. He calls Tommy and lets him know. They will then come and stay as long as is needed with Sarah.
After five rings Tommy finally picks up.
“Hello” he answers with a sleepy groan.
‘Tommy, hey bud sorry it’s late, we need you to come over’-
“Oh, shit so she was in labour?” he interrupts, his voice suddenly perking up and he can hear how he shoots up in bed.
-‘yeah, it’s time’-
“Oh my god labour!” Joel can hear Maria shout in the background before Tommy adds “If you can’t tell, Maria’s real excited, aren’t you sugar?”
“Hell yeah!” it’s distant again and she sounds out of breath like she’s running around the bedroom getting ready already.
Joel laughs.
“I’m excited too big brother” Tommy eventually adds. “Give us 20 minutes and we'll be there. Maria’s already dressed haha. Now you go look after your girl."
-‘Okay perfect I’ll let her know, see y’soon, thanks Tommy.’
He puts his phone back in his pocket before making his way back over to you on the bed, sitting at your side. “He says they’ll be twenty minutes max, should’ve heard the squeal Maria let out.”
“Anyone would think it’s her baby” you giggle “but amazing thank you”. God how he admires your ability to still be funny at any given moment. He loves how you find the positives in everything.
When the decision is made to wake Sarah to let her know, it freaks him out even more, it’s getting so real now. “You know what; I still can’t get over that we are doing this again” he smiles before kissing your forehead. “I love you Baby” it’s about the fiftieth time he’s told you tonight, but boy does he mean it. He’s never ever loved you more.
Joel helps you to waddle across the hall to Sarah’s door, his hand resting softly on your lower back. He only leaves you then, in order to knock, before slowly pushing it open. Sarah is fast asleep, her nightlight highlighting her gorgeous features. She begins to rouse as he steps a foot into the room. “Daddy?” she rouses confused, he quickly looks back to you, just as another contraction washes over you. He goes to stop but you nod for Joel to continue in, so he turns back to focus on his daughter.
“Hey baby girl!” it’s an excited whisper.
Sarah looks to the window and notices it’s still dark. Rubbing her eyes, she looks back to him. “Daddy, it’s not morning.”
“No baby, I know, listen, me and Mama have somethin’ to tell you” he takes a seat on her bed, still unable to get over the fact she’s going to be a big sister.
She yawns as she sits up straighter in her bed, intrigued. “Where is Mama, was she shouting?” the concern evident in her voice which melts his heart.
He strokes her head “She will be in, in a minute baby. Now listen, your new little brother or sister wants to say hello, so we need to go to the hospital, Uncle Tommy and Aunt Maria are on the way to come and stay with you, whilst we’re gone okay.”
“The baby’s comin’?” a smile grows on her face.
“Yeah babygirl, the baby’s comin’.”
“Yay, okay!” it’s an excited squeal, one that reiterates the adoration and love she has for her unborn sibling already.
He strokes her hair as he stares at her, never having loved someone as much as he loves her.
“Mama!” she bounces in her place on the bed eyes lighting up as she looks to the space behind him.
“Hi my pretty girl!” he hears you reply behind him, sounding tired.
He’s quick to turn to look at you asking, “you okay?”
“Fine, honestly” you smile in response.
He nods.
“Can you come and sit with me Mama?” Sarah taps the place on her bed next to her as she shuffles over slightly.
He moves to be sat near to Sarah’s feet, giving you and Sarah more room to stretch out. He sits and stares at his two favourite girl as they converse with one another. When their conversation ends and they’re cuddling, Joel continuously smiling at you, he then taps Sarah foot “hey Sarah, last time to put your bet in, what’s it gonna be a boy or a girl?”
“It’s a sister I know it, she told me” certainty on her tongue.
“Oh yeah, and when did ‘she’ apparently tell you this?” you reply making Joel chuckle.
“When me and her were talking one day, you know we like to talk”.
“Well, we will soon see, me and Daddy think it’s a boy” he chuckles as you boop her nose.
“But I don’t want a - Oh- Mama? Are you okay?”
He watches as your body tenses, and you begin to close in on yourself. Squeezing your eyes shut as you begin to breathe your way through it.
“Mama’s okay baby” he’s quick to reassure when he notices the fear within her eyes. All the while he strokes a hand up and down your leg “This is just your baby brother or sister tryin’ t’get out”. Smiling at her for reassurance, she seems to relax slightly then, he then adds looking back to you “Breathe Mama”.
“Oh” Sarah moves slightly in your arms, opting to rub some hair out of your face and behind your ear. Joel can’t believe what he’s seeing. Sarah then proceeds to kiss your check once she has done it adding her own “breathe Mama.”
Joel watches, his heart pounding with adoration and pride as you and Sarah show each other love. With the contraction over, Sarah moves to bring her mouth to your belly. She lifts up your top to expose it and whispers against the skin; “Don’t hurt Mama please baby sister” she kisses your tummy and adds “I can’t wait to meet you.” He tears up at that, instantly, but tries to hold it back because if caring Sarah decides to start hugging him too that will be it. The tears would start flowing and he wouldn’t be able to stop them.
Eventually there is a distant knock drawing all three of your attention’s. Joel is quick to stand up and is out of the room in the same breath. He races down the stairs to open the front door letting an excited Maria and Tommy in.
“How is she?” Maria questions excitement laced in her voice.
“Pains are gettin’ worse, but she’s okay.”
“Good” Maria smiles as she kicks off her shoes.
“And how’re you doin’ big brother?” Tommy looks to his brother.
“Shittin’ myself” he laughs letting out a big breath.
“Ahh you’ve got this” he reassures tapping a hand onto his shoulder.
“Hope you’re right” he laughs.
“Where are they?”
“They’re in Sarah’s room.”
He then proceeds to lead Tommy and Maria up.
“Hey stinker!” Tommy shouts to his niece as they enter the room.
“Hey Uncle Tommy, hi Maria!”
Joel looks to you in an instant, noticing that you’re crying and is straight to your side “You, okay?” he then reaches to Sarah’s bedside table to get you a tissue.
“I’m fine, I promise, Sarah was being Sarah, and now I’m crying. You know how it goes” you laugh wetly.
“Oh, I do. Jesus, you scared me for a second” he turns to Sarah then, stroking her cheek “You’re the best aren’t you babygirl” she giggles in response.
He then looks back to you “Right baby, y’ready to go?”
“Yeah” you smile and take a deep breath “let’s go have a baby!”
Fuck- another baby.
Joel holds out both his hands to you and he helps you to swing your legs back over the side of the bed. He then helps to pull you up with a groan. You take a second to catch your bearings, now you are back on your feet. Joel helps to walk you slightly to the middle of the room, so Tommy and Maria are able to position themselves on the bed by Sarah.
Maria sits herself next to Sarah and he can’t help but smile. Just as he notices you do. It’s so lovely to know she’s in amazing hands whilst you’ll be gone.
He’s holding your hand as you begin your usual routine which makes him laugh. Telling Sarah to be good, do as she’s told, all that jazz. He’s so used to the routine that he isn’t fully paying attention but when he hears “ugh” his full attention is in that moment, watching as you place your free hand under your stomach. Joel grabs hold of you tighter then- it’s when you shout “f-fuck!” that he gets scared. When in labour with Sarah, you only started swearing when it got bad. He feels as you grip onto his arm like it’s a lifeline and move back to face him. He shushes you as he offers you his other arm too, so you can hold onto him properly and sway. You push your forehead into his shoulder. You can’t help but be vocal this time, in too much pain to be able to control the moans that come out of your mouth. “You got this baby” Joel whispers into your hair. His heart pounding, and he’s kicking himself that he can’t really help. He holds you as long as is necessary.
You and Joel look into each other’s eyes when the pain is gone, it makes him even more nervous when he can see you’re already beginning to feel deflated. Yet he also can’t help but smile at the fact you swore in front of Sarah. It’s this smile that causes you to remember what you had just said. You stand up tall again and turn back to look at Sarah. “Mama is sorry for saying that baby, I didn’t mean it, be good for Tommy and Maria, listen to what they say okay? I love you.”
As Joel helps you to begin walking out of the bedroom Joel turns to look back at the three of them; “Tommy, I’ll be in touch, thank you again for havin’ her. See you soon babygirl, be good, love you”!
“Love you too Daddy, make sure to look after Mama”.
“I will, I promise!” he laughs.
Tommy and Maria both shout good luck and you make your way downstairs, grabbing the hospital bags that you left by the door, and then you’re on your way.
After what felt like an eternity in the room alone. Joel feeling terrorised as he watches you suffer through the pains. The hospital room door opens, he raises his head on the click of the door.
“Hi, I’m Sally your midwife, how are we both doing?”
Joel nods “good” in reply as you add “good thanks, but definitely progressing much faster than I expected.”
“Well, there’s never really been a time scale for these thing, your baby must just be super eager to make an appearance! Are you okay if I check you, just to see how far along you are?”
Joel moves to support you through the examination knowing that its going to be awful but stops as you begin crying out in pain again. Moving instead to rub your lower back, ‘counterpressure’ he remembers the midwife at Sarah’s birth called it. He doesn’t remember your cries being this bad last time. It makes him angry that he can’t stop it. Once the pain ends, he helps you to shift in the bed, so you’re able to get into a suitable position for the examination. Knowing it’s going to be uncomfortable; he remembers from last time; he’s already offered you his hand.
He stands impatiently from beside you looking as the midwifes head disappears below the blanket. He feels you grip his hand tighter once the midwife begins the exam. Eventually her head pops back up.
“Okay, six centimetres, coming right along, well done! Won’t be too much longer now hopefully” she snaps her gloves off.
“Oh, thank god” you groan.
“Now am I right in thinking it’s in your birth plan to have a water birth, if we have a room with a pool free? Is that still what you want?”
“I would love that! I really regret not having a water birth with Sarah.”
“Okay, no problem, I’ll get onto the case and find out if we have a room, I’ll be back with the verdict asap, in the meantime, I’ll be right outside if you need me, okay? That red button to your right, press it if you need me, I’ll come running, literally, especially if your water breaks okay, shout me!”
“Will do, thank you, nurse” he responds she smiles before leaving the room. Leaving the pair of you alone, listening in tune to your babies heart beat.
“She’s nice” you murmur as you turn to him and smile.
“Yeah, I like her” Joel agrees. She seems like a caring midwife of which he’s glad, the midwife at Sarah’s birth just kept getting mad at you and he’s really hoping that won’t happen again. He got really angry with her, but didn’t act on it as he needed to be there to support you. He was sure to put in a hefty complaint afterwards though. Eventually you snap him out of his thoughts.
“Hey not too much longer baby and we will be a family of four, how crazy is that!”
“I can’t wait” and he really can’t, just the idea alone of his family expanding makes his heart feel so full. “D’you think Sarah is right about it being a girl?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. I know she really wants a sister, so I would love to give her one. But either way she will be the best big sister, I know that much.”
You’re right of course, she’s such a special little girl. “Oh, she most definitely will, I have to agree with you there Darlin'.”
Joel moves his hand out of the grasp of yours and begins to caress your belly. Making gentle work of it, as he knows just about any pressure on it right now is painful. You let out a pleasurable moan in response. His palms tickling your belly in a really relaxing way. His baby kicking in response every so often. And it seriously makes him tear up. He’s going to be meeting his baby soon.
“God, I really hope I can have a water birth.”
“I’m prayin’ for you baby” he replies leaning down to kiss your stomach.
Two hours later, again, your breathing begins to speed up as another pain takes over you whilst you lie on your side in the hospital bed. You’ve been checked multiple times and it seems this baby is in no rush to make an appearance. You grab onto Joel’s arm as you moan with the pain. You lean into him, curling your body tight. He uses the arm you don’t have a hold of, to rub up and down your back. She’s getting bad is all he can think. Struggling so much to keep your composure. He can't believe it’s dragged out this long. Time is just going on and on and this baby seems no closer to coming.
“Y’got this baby, m’so proud of you” he reassures softly.
“Ugh, it really hurts” your voice breaks and you can’t help the tears that begin to fall. “I can’t do it anymore!”
Shit “You can baby, you can. You’ve got this, you’ve done it all before with Sarah. Just think of how amazin’ life is now because you brought her safely into the world. You did that! Endured all that pain t’bring her into the world, and now you’re gonna do the same again with this baby. We are all so lucky to have you. You’re so strong. So beautiful n’so strong.” He kisses your sweat soaked forehead. Fuck he hates that he can’t do more.
When the pain eventually subsides, you have the ability to sit up straighter. Joel moves out of your way so you’re able to sort yourself out, however you wish to. Rather than sitting against the pillows, you bring your legs over the side of the bed, so you can sit directly facing Joel. You hold your hands out on either side of the bed to help you stabilise.
He stares at how small you look, dropping to kneel in front of you, allowing you to put your arms around his neck, in an effort to hold him closer. He’s your safe space. You pull each other into an embrace, and you rest your head on his shoulder as you cry.
“Shhh baby, you’re okay, you got this” he kisses you softly.
You don’t say anything, you just continue to hug him as you shake and cry. Joel brushes his hands up and down your back. After giving you a moment:
“Hey Darlin', look at me” he whispers to you as you stay snuggled into his neck. You don’t move, just shake your head no into his shoulder. “Baby” he pulls away a little “please, look at me” this time it’s much sterner, but still drowned in concern.
You slowly lift your head up; your hair falls in front of your face as you do so. Your face red and shiny with tears. You looks exhausted and defeated. Joel brushes the hair behind your ears and smiles at you. He then wipes your wet cheeks to free them of your tears. “Hi” he smiles “there’s my girl, see you’re so strong. So much stronger than I could ever be. I promise you, you’ve got this”.
“I don’t” you whimper.
“Baby” he laughs “you do! Look at you, you’re literally doin’ it as we speak!”
“I don’t feel strong”.
“But you are, come on take a deep breath. S’all gonna be worth it”.
You take a deep breath in before exhaling, keeping eye contact with Joel as you do. You bring a hand to your lower back with a wince.
“Can you help me up please? I wana walk for a little?”
“Course baby, whatever y’need”.
He takes hold of both of your hands and pulls as you begin to lift yourself off the hospital bed with a groan. You then proceed to pace; breathing deeply as you rub your belly. Joel watches from the side lines chewing on one of his nails. What the fuck can he do to help you? He thinks and thinks till a great idea comes into his head.
He looks at you as you pace “You up for some music? We can dance for a bit, will that help?”.
He stops you in your tracs and you look up at him. One hand still holding your belly. “Aww Joel, you cutie you still wana dance with me? Even when I look like this.”
“I always wana dance with you darlin'." They’re the truest words he’s ever spoke.
He makes quick work of grabbing his phone and puts on a random playlist of slower songs. He takes you into his arms and cuddles you close swaying with you. He loves feeling you so close and calm. Content to be in his arms. You stop with each contraction that hits you, and he rubs your lower back. He kisses the top of your head every so often. You continue to do this for a while, seemingly more relaxed until:
“Shit, wait Joel stop, I feel weird.”
He immediately stops swaying with you but continues to hold you. His heart suddenly pounding once more.
“What d’you mean?”
“I- I, it feels weird down there, I don’t know.” He watches as you grab the underneath of your stomach.
“What can I do?” he can’t help the fear evident in his eyes.
You begin to stand straighter in his arms. “I- I just need to move, just need t-"
You’re interrupted by a gush of water, falling from between your legs. Soaking your bare feet, and Joels boots.
He blanks out for a second, staring into empty space, unable to do anything, but is brought back when you keel over with another pain. Placing your palms onto the hospital bed as you sway and moan.
Joel rushes to push the red button, then races right back to your side to help you through it. The nurse is in the room within a couple of seconds.
“Hey, I was just on my way back to you guys, what’s going on?”
Joel notices you’re still getting over your pain, and that he is going to need to respond on your behalf.
“Erm, her waters went”.
“Oh goodie! Progressing as we should and to top it off, we have a room free. We will take you there when you’re ready sweetie” she rubs your shoulder in concern.
The short walk to the delivery suite brings Joel out in a sweat. He’s walking behind you in the wheelchair, being pushed by Sally, carrying the bags. Fuck it's really happening. When you enter the suite, he gulps. This is where it’s going to happen, when he next leaves this room, he’s going to be the dad of two. Completely responsible for two lives. Sally begins filling the pool at once. He helps you to stand out of the wheelchair and fishes out your bikini top from the bag. He helps you to put it on and ties your hair off your shoulders. Finally helping you to climb into the water once it's ready. Sally instantly handing you the gas and air.
Joel has a newfound energy now. Coaxing you exceptionally through the pains you have and the next hour of contracting in the water, comes and goes in what feels like five minutes. Now, you’re sat leaning against the side of the tub, a flannel over your forehead as Joel is rubbing your shoulders. Your body so tense and achy. He feels your shoulders tense telling him another pain is starting. This pain is excruciating. There’s something much more primal about this scream that Joel notices instantly. He watches as you sit up taller in the pool, pulling a face as you try to move to get more comfortable, which is just impossible.
He moves into your view “You okay baby?” alarm bells instantly ringing when he sees the distress on your face.
“There’s so much pressure down there I think-  I feel like- like I need to push.” You take a second to get a proper feel for what it is you’re feeling eyes bugging as you look to him again, “yeah, I do- I need to push Joel!”
He’s quick to jump up, pressing the red button and it takes all of ten seconds for Sally to return.
“How we doing?” she asks genuinely, but it’s obvious she knows the answer she’s about to get.
“I need to push!” you utter before a contraction takes over you that has you screaming in pain. You turn in the tub to face Joel and put your arms over his shoulders. He hugs you close.
Okay it’s happening, it’s official. He remembers the screams; this baby is coming and it’s coming now.
“You’re okay baby, you’re doin’ so good” he reassures.
“Okay, when this pain is over, I’m going to check you, whatever you do, do not push, okay?” Sally shouts in a rushed tone.
You nod into Joel’s shoulder in response and it takes every fibre of your being not to push. You don’t move whilst she examines you, continuing to cuddle into Joel as you try to suppress the urge to push.
“Okay it’s go time angel; babies head is right there I can see it.”
“Oh, thank God” it comes out like a cry.
He lets out a massive sigh of relief. “Y’hear that baby you can push” he softly whispers.
“You can start pushing as soon as you’re ready angel, how do you want to do this? You happy in the position you’re in or do you want to move?”
“No, I want to stay like this” you say determined but exhausted.
“That’s absolutely fine. Now on the next contraction, I want you to push with everything you’ve got, okay, I’m going to count to ten and I need you to push that whole ten seconds, okay? You’re no quitter, so I don’t want any giving up.”
“Yeah, okay” it’s about all you can manage response wise.
It doesn’t take long till the next contraction happens, they’re basically on top of each other by this point. You bare down as you grip onto Joel, and you give it all you’ve got. He feels as you bare down and squeeze into his body as you ensure all of your energy is being used to push into your bum. You hold your breath squeezing.
“Good!” the midwife shouts “keep going that’s it, 8, 9, 10!”
You stop pushing with a gasp.
Joel gasps too, that was the longest ten seconds of his life.
“You did so good baby” Joel whispers in your ear. He knows reassurance is key right now. The last thing he wants is for you to start feeling as though you can’t do it.
“Ready to go again?” the midwife asks, and you nod before baring down for another ten. It takes a few more pushes before the head is completely out.
“Okay good the head is out! Well done! Take some deep breaths for me. Just a few more pushes and your beautiful baby will be here!”
“The heads out?” he hears you cry into his shoulder.
“Yes, it’s out!”.
“Can I feel?”
“Yeah, course go for it” the midwife adds. You move out of Joel’s grip slightly, bringing one of your arms back to feel the head between your legs.
He watches as her hand disappears between her legs. Face lighting up before looking him dead in the eye. “Oh, Joel, I can feel them, wow they have a lot of hair”.
“Yeah? Lotta hair, just like Sarah?” he asks. Feeling so much love for this baby already. His new baby has loads of hair just like his gorgeous daughter did. He could cry.
“Oh yeah beautiful full head of hair I can see it” the midwife adds in looking over your body to look to Joel briefly. They smile at each other.
“Good, hey almost there now baby” he kisses your head as you lean back into him. He couldn’t be any prouder of you if he tried.
The room is filled with pants as you all wait for the next pain. Joel feels as your entire body heaves. He can feel how tired you are becoming; more than glad you’re now at the final stretch.
“Give us a really big push on this next contraction, okay?”
“I can’t” you shake your head into Joel’s shoulder.
“Baby you can, what do you mean you can’t?”
“I can’t do it anymore, I can’t!” you cry.
This hurts him. It cuts deep. You’re absolutely deflated. “Baby, you’ve been doing so well and you’re so near the end now”. You don’t reply or give him any indication that your listening, so he quickly adds “hey look at me.”
You lift your head slowly from his neck to look at him.
“You’re so strong you’ve got this, okay? You push, give it everythin’ you’ve got and lets meet this baby of ours, okay?”
“Y-Yeah, okay”
“Good girl” Joel replies kissing your forehead. His smile reappearing once he sees some of your sparkle reappear.
The pain begins to wash over you and you push until you can’t anymore. Joel and Sally coaching you through every second of the push.
“Few more pushes and baby is out” the midwife adds.
“Good you can do this baby come on!” Joel shouts enthusiastically.
You scream as you bare down gripping onto Joel’s shoulders. It takes three more pushes to get the baby out. The midwife is there to catch and when the baby is finally free from your body you immediately sit back releasing Joel, taking the baby from her.
Oh god, he’s so overwhelmed watching you cry as your new baby is passed to you. He’s in shock.
“It’s a girl!” the midwife announces as she places your screaming daughter in your arms.
“Another girl Joel!” you cry at him, and he comes over to kiss you on the head before placing a hand on the back of his new screaming daughters head.
He’s now the dad to two girls. He has two girls to protect now.
“She’s so beautiful” he finds himself choking back tears.
“Sarah was right” you laugh, “she got the sister she always wanted”.
“Look at all of her hair!” he’s genuinely shocked, he strokes it with his large, calloused fingertips, it’s so much more than Sarah had, and he though that amount was crazy.
“She gets that from her daddy” you chuckle.
You had said the exact same thing to him when Sarah was born, he remembers it clearly. Fuck he loves you he can’t help the tears that begin to fall.
You’re crying, Joel’s crying, the baby is crying. You all just stay like that for a minute.
“Dad do you wana cut the cord?” Sally asks Joel, bringing you both out of your new baby bliss bubble.
“Y- yeah” he replies. His first responsibility to his new daughter. Freeing her. Making her, her own person. An individual. HIS beautiful individual.
He grabs the scissors from Sally watching as you move the baby to be cradled in your arms, he reaches down to cut the clamped cord. The midwife then takes the baby and gives her to a nurse to clean her off whilst you deliver the placenta.
Joel feels useless as the nurses work round him preparing you to go to the postnatal ward. But when you allow him the honour of carrying your daughter up to the new room he jumps at the chance. Walking at a snails pace along the corridor to the lift. Petrified of anything and everything in his surroundings.
An hour later all three of you are settled in the postnatal ward. Joel sits on the chair next to the bed watching your newborn daughter sleep against your chest. She makes little purr like noises as she does. He could cry as he rests his palm against her head. She’s so small.
He stares at her for who knows how long. Time non-existent in his new daddy bubble. “What should we call her?” he eventually asks. Knowing you’ll have come to a decision having now seen her face.
You turn your head to the side to look at him briefly, whisper back “I think she looks like an Ellie.”
“Ellie?” he looks to her squished, pouty face then. Studying her as a grin grows and grows on his face. Ellie, HIS ELLIE. “S’perfect” he leans to kiss her tiny head.
As if she hears herself being talked about, she stirs awake and lets out a little grouchy cry. That quickly turns into a pleading scream.
“Oh, Baby Ellie, you’re hungry again huh?” you ask her.
Moving, Joel quickly grabs Ellie from you, as it's much easier to undress yourself ready to feed her that way. When your breasts are freed and you’re propped up comfy enough on the cushions, Joel helps to position her at your breast, knowing it still really hurts when you move. Her tiny head fishes around for the nipple; quickly finding it, she latches almost instantly. Joel leaves you both to it then. Retreating back to his chair to admire your amazing body and what it does to keep your daughter alive.
“You’re so special baby” he murmurs to you quietly, not wanting to disturb a very content and hungry Ellie.
“Joel don’t you’ll make me cry” you reply wetly with a soft laugh.
“I mean it, I don’t think I could love you any more than I do right this second” he smiles at you.
“I love you so much too, I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“That was all on you baby, nothin’ to do with me.”
“Joel, shut up, you were there when I needed you, you kept me calm. You’re my hero, now get your ass over here and kiss me because I can’t move” you laugh.
He’s quick to laugh back rising from his chair and coming to sit on the bed next to you. He’s delicate as he touches your cheeks, curling his fingers round the back of your head, he pulls your face towards his connecting your lips. It’s a deep, sensual kiss. Long awaited, much needed. Full of love.
He eventually retreats back to his chair, but not before stopping off at his bag, and getting out his camera. He sits himself back down and turns the camera on, pointing it right at you. You looks gorgeous right now, he needs to keep this memory forever.
“Babe, stoppp I bet I look a mess”.
“You look gorgeous Baby.”
This birth had been much less traumatic than Sarah’s and you were raring to go home. Thankfully you get the all clear to go, Ellie was born six hours ago; she had fed easily and is going to the toilet normally. And you got the all clear on your health too, so home time it is. Joel dresses Ellie in her going home outfit, you brought a blue and a pink one with you. He makes sure she’s wrapped up incredibly warm as he places her into the car seat. Leaving you with enough time to give Sarah a call like you promised.
The walk to the car feels so long. Him taking every single step extra carefully. You make him stop at the entrance so you can take a photo of him carrying your daughter out in the car seat, just as was done with Sarah.
He's shitting himself for the drive home, and with you and Ellie safe and secure in the back he gives himself an internal pep talk, telling himself to calm the fuck down and then you’re off. Driving into the night. Going home to make your family of four a reality.
There’s a welcome home sign on the front door, clearly made by Sarah, when you make it back home. Joel quickly rushes out of the car to open your door for you, helping you out of the car. “Do you wana get her or do you want me to?” he questions. “You get her babe” you reply to him.
He nods making his way into the back to get Ellie out who’s sleeping soundly. Definitely his daughter. You then walk up to the front door together; Joel quickly unlocks the door moving back to allow you to enter first. He enters behind you with Ellie in tow.
You walk into the living room and Sarah runs straight to you. Jumping up and down in front of you. ‘MAMA!’
Sarah’s voice makes his heart so happy.
“Hi beautiful girl!” you say as you gently crouch down to hug her. “You wana meet someone special?” You mumble to her as you cradle her body close to yours.
She nods as you break away, her eyes fixed behind you, watching as he walks into the room, baby carrier in tow.
“Babygirl, this is Ellie, your baby sister” he announces excitedly.
“Sister? It’s a girl! See I told you!”
“Yeah, you were right baby, now if you go and sit nicely on the sofa, you can hold her if you want?”
“Yes, yes pleaseeee!”
Sarah runs hurriedly over to the sofa and sits nicely kicking her legs. You come to sit next to her and put an arm around her. He delicately places the carrier down onto the floor and bends to carefully unclip Ellie to get her out. Maria and Tommy both coo from the other sofa when her tiny body is lifted out of the seat. Joel wants to cry at the sight of her miniature body scrunching in on itself as he lifts her out. He walks over to Sarah, keeping Ellie in one arm as he uses the other to help Sarah to position her arms in order to hold her new sister correctly. Sarah’s one arm is moved to be propped against a pillow to further help her in supporting her baby sister. Joel carefully places Ellie in her arms, eventually releasing her altogether.
“Hi Ellie, I’m your big sister. She’s so tiny wow” she strokes her cheek gently.
“She is huh?” he adds crouching next to her. “She’s gonna get so much bigger though, one day she will be as big as you.” And boy does she look big holding her dot of a sister.
“She’s so beautiful” as if on cue, Ellie opens her eyes then and looks straight up to her big sister in curiosity.
“Look Sarah she recognises you; she remembers her big sister’s voice from all those times you spoke to her when she was in my tummy. God, you look so big holding her baby girl” you bend her head towards you gently then to kiss her.
Joel reaches into his bag and gets his camera out once more. Needing to capture this moment of his girls forever.
He quickly turns it on “girls look up, let’s get a picture of the three of you.”
You and Sarah both look up at once, you quickly wipe the now drying tears from your face. He ensures he takes lots and lots of pictures. So completely happy in this moment he never wants it to end.
“Right daddy I think it’s time you got in too, don’t you?” Maria asks from behind him, placing her hand delicately on his shoulder, he quickly passes her the camera and sits the other side of Sarah, you all smile once more at the camera, and Maria also take one of the three of you looking down at Ellie as she makes her tiny little noises.
"Okay now enough you lot, think it's time Uncle Tommy had a cuddle, don't you?" Tommy asks “C’mon shift, stop hoggin’ my niece!” He jokes.
You all laugh then.
This is family, this is love, this is the life you’d spent your whole life dreaming of. And here you are finally living it, and it’s so much better than you could’ve ever, ever imagined.
LIFE I Series Masterlist I Main Masterlist
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karmicbias · 8 days
Ghoul Week night 1, success!
Unmasked ghouls below the cut.
I'm exhilarated and exhausted but wow, what an evening! Scroll to the end if you're just here for the good Chris photo - I want to remember as much as I can about the night which means trying to write everything important now before I go to sleep.
Opener, Blaqk Audio? Amazing. The lead singer seemed to be pleasantly surprised by the audience's energy and got realllll up close and personal with the front row. Fun music, I'm definitely going to add them to my rotation.
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Debated leaving my spot during their set in hopes of catching Chris at the bar or something but my gut said I wouldn't be able to get back easily enough and it wouldn't be good time to chat anyway, so I stayed. As soon as the opening set ended and the crew started switching around the gear for Sisters, I spotted Chris pretty much immediately, setting up his station at Doctor Avalanche. I was in about the fourth row and made heart hands up high and pointed at him and he shot me a quick grin and a peace sign.
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Sisters of Mercy were great! I'd heard that the last tour was kinda a let down but there was plenty of energy tonight! Ben Christo has incredible hair and arms and got lots of cheers from the audience throughout. Their other guitarist, Kai, also got lots of cheers especially on his 12-string.
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Funnily enough Chris's onstage presence is the most subdued in the band (other than the frames of his sunglasses - everyone comes out wearing them but his glow under the blacklights). He's in the back and mostly just stands there stoically while Eldritch and the guitarists sing and strut. Crowd was packed pretty tight by the end and we were all good and sweaty which tbh means we were having a great time.
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Once the encore wrapped I got back outside quickly for fresh air (yay small venues) and to see if it looked likely that I'd be able to catch Chris by the tour bus. A tiny crowd, maybe a dozen folks, seemed to also be waiting and security was chatting and not running anyone off so I decided to give it a go.
Waited for maybe a half hour without much activity other than pizzas being delivered and trash being taken out when I look up from my phone and spot someone hauling a couple of armfuls of stuff to the bus - and it's Chris! I call out his name and he gives a little half wave and a gesture that seemed to mean, I'll be back in a minute. So I wait.
Next thing I know he's ambling over! I've rehearsed this enough in my head that I don't freak out. I show him the pin of his cat, Rosie, that he shipped with the album I ordered from him, which he was delighted to see, and ask if he'd mind taking a picture. He agrees immediately and slings an arm around me. I follow his lead, i guess, and put my arm around his waist??
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The conversation was going really smoothly and we spent a few minutes sharing various cat photos on our phones (classic), and I even had a natural opening to mention the show at 54 Below later this week, which he said he was bummed to be missing by one night with the Sisters tour schedule. Chatted about Enter the Vortex and he had a big laugh when I mentioned I was excited to see what Mad/Dylan wears for the show.
I told him how much I was enjoying the Kitchen Disco albums and he said there's one more coming next month. We talked for a good bit about his motivation for recording them and how the project started as an EP, then grew into an album, and eventually four albums.
At some point he apologized to me repeatedly for taking a minute to respond to a text, but as far as I was concerned he was taking time out of his evening for me so it wasn't a big deal.
I'm sure we chatted about some other stuff but I have to admit that I probably don't remember all of it... I would have stayed and waited to see if Ben came out but it was getting late, and I needed to get the friend I went with home before midnight.
Regardless, I'm so so happy I went and that I waited! The music was all absolutely fantastic and I got to meet someone I really admire, and tell him how much I appreciate his work.
A very good night.
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x-stephanie-sinnz-x · 2 months
Stephanie Love, or Stephanie Sinnz ?
As some of you may know , my husband and I gave up the hotwife lifestyle for more of a traditional christian lifestyle, and I/we have kept from any type of outside indulgence........
That is up until last week.
I'm not sure exactly how long it's been since we/I have done  anything outside of our marriage. The best I can guess is several months.
During that time I have been incredibly horny, to the point I'm soaking through my panties, and have been soaking wet during sex with my husband.
Last week I had off work, and with no money and no place to go, hubby and I just stayed home. During that week hubby and I engaged in sex as we normal do, but one particular night was different.
Lately when he cums, if he doesn't cum inside me, he'd pull out and cum on me.
The thing is his orgasms have just been kinda flowing out, not the usual lengthy shots I/we are accustomed to.
This one particular night I was in the missionary position and he pulled out and blasted his cum on my face and up over my head, hitting the headboard.
Oh wow! I said.
Both of us being pretty surprised, I asked him what that was all about.
He admitted to me, that he was imagining my soaking wet pussy was leftover cum from other men. 
After a long talk that night, we agreed to start back up into our old lifestyle, but we should probably take it slower this time, and maybe practice a bit more attentiveness and prudence.
The next day we talked about a cum and dump, a gangbang, a train, etc , due to the fact we had a full free week.
The only problem was that it's been many months and I wasn't sure I was in shape for all that. Not to mention, we had just agreed on starting off slow. Lol
I have many many phone numbers blocked on my phone, so that night I unblocked but only one, that one was Quincy. I made the call , and he sent me to voice mail.
Before I could even process what the fuck! He messaged and it read 'I'll call you back'.
Roughly 30 min later he called.
We talked for a bit and got the long time no sees and he missed me etc, out of the way.
He said he had a new girlfriend but he still definitely wanted to do something with me.
I explained to him the whole hotwife lifestyle I was living and the change my husband and I took, and he agreed to help out in anyway possible, including meeting my husband, coming to our house, letting my husband watch, etc .
We planned for the following night, and so hubby and I controlled our urge to have sex in anticipation for the following night.
The night of I/we where ready. I made the phone call, no answer, I messaged, no response.
It was at that point hubby and I gave up.
We sat around talking. My husband was trying to boost my damaged spirit by saying what a fool Quincy was, and what a great wife I am, etc.
Hubby suggested we watch a feel good movie naked in bed, then he was going to make sweet love to me.
Halfway through the movie,  I get a text from Quincy, 'sorry, im here now, is it okay?' it read.
Still naked I spang from the bed, opened the door and he told me that we had to be quick cause he told his girlfriend he was just runningto the store. He told me that he had just fucked her, and that she had just cum all over his cock.   Hearing him say that got me instantly horny and I knew I wanted to taste her cum. Entering the bedroom where my husband still layed, i introduced them quickly, and they made a quick "Hi" .
I pulled out his cock and started taking it down my throat as best I could (he is big, very big). He was right that he must have cum recently and I could taste that he had just been inside of a pussy. 
I licked him clean before hopping on top of him and riding him hard until the thought of him fucking me right after he fucked his girlfriend made me cum hard. After I came he lifted me up and down until he filled me up with his cum. He made me lick him clean before he rushed out of the car and back home so his girlfriend wouldn't know. 
The whole thing prob took only a few minutes but it was enough time to stretch me out and fill me full.
My husband waisted no time in ravishing my used body, and cumming super hard inside me.
Ps. The next day I made a doctors appointment because I was have pain and cramping down there.
I got a clean bill of health, but apparently I was hurting because his big dick stretch me out so fast, and the cramping was because his big dick was slamming my uterus.
Basically,  I'm just out of practice. Lol
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dirtybtssnaps · 2 years
Namjoon, passionate sex at 1:30 am. Maybe some soft aftercare and a candle-lit room? (maybe add some spanking too?)
Missed Anniversary
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Genre: 🌸Lovely Smut🌷
Pairing: ❤️Dom💖 Kim Namjoon (Rm) and 💕Sub🤭 Female Reader
Poison: Collar, Making out, Slight voyeurism, Slight Face Fucking, Fingering, G-spot and Clit stimulation, Oral (Male and Female Receiving.), Dirtytalk, Praising, Rough sex, Ball Massaging, Slight hair pulling, Slight Spanking and Creampie (Practice Safe Sex irl please)
Author's Note: (Hella unnecessary to the story) Sorry about the suddenly small break, as you guys know my birthday just past and I had to do more than I thought lol. I was gonna release another drabble, but since you know since namjoon made an album on my birthday he does have a soft spot in my heart.❤️ (Now story)
The car door slammed shut and then you waved off the driver as she drove off, you took out your phone and read the time “1:30 am.”. You tapped on your text conversation with Namjoon. “Let me know when you’re outside.” Said his last message to you, a shiver went up your spine from a breeze of cold air. “What am I doing?” you thought, “He’s been leaving you on read for a week, and now he asked you to come over late at night I mean… Who schedules a booty call, especially with someone you asked to marry just two months ago.” You added to your thoughts. You clicked out of your messages and then clicked on an app to schedule a car to come to get you, Namjoon’s front door suddenly opened and he saw you standing there.
A light by the front porch turned on, then Namjoon excitedly walked down the stairs to you. You were about to say something, but Namjoon quickly hugged you tightly and you hugged him back. “I missed you so much.” Said Namjoon, after a few moments of embracing he stood up and grabbed your hand guiding you inside his house. He closed his front door after both of you, then locked it as you stood there for a second, namjoon walked over to you and happily took your jacket off for you hanging it up on the coat rack afterward. Namjoon kissed your forehead then grabbed your hand and started walking down the hall you silently followed, and after a few seconds, Namjoon stopped and then turned back to look at you.
“Why are you being so quiet, I thought we both missed each other.” Namjoon said slightly confused, “Sorry, you just kinda been quiet, and you know after that dinner and you proposed I just felt kinda pushed to the side…I don’t know, sorry I honestly missed you a lot.” You answered. “Should I just go, I feel like I made things awkward. I can come back in a few hours so we both can get some rest?” You asked, “Come on please just stay here a bit longer, I really wanna show you something.” He answered quickly making you blush a bit, “I’ll wanna stay with you, I promise you I do.” You said, he smiled down at you before kissing your lips deeply as you kissed him back.
You started following Namjoon again to his spare bedroom door, he slightly opened the door and slipped inside the room closing the door after him. You heard some rummaging around, and the sound of a lighter go off a few times. A few soft curses came from the room before the door was opened and namjoon was standing there sucking his thumb. He quickly took his thumb out of his mouth before smiling at you, “Sorry, please come in.” He said before moving out of the way for you. You walked inside the slightly dimmed bedroom and saw dozens of long red candles lit the room, the usual neutral-colored room was draped with dark purple silk with black lace trim. You took a few more steps into the room still looking around, you stopped as you admire the room.“Wow! You did this all by yourself?” You asked, “I just decorated this room with a few things it wasn’t the hardest thing I’ve done” he replied nonchalantly.
“I’m pretty sure our 5-6th year anniversary just passed, I was awful just sending you a text and some flowers. So I wanted to make it up to you. We’re doing some special tomorrow I promise, but I knew I was gonna be free now and I couldn’t wait to see you.” He said as you looked at him, “We’ve only been together for 3 years, you even said it in the text you sent me.” You said correcting him, “Oh damn really? I just love you so much that I forget how long we’ve been together, it was pretty boring before you came into my life.” He replied smugly smiling at you. “I wanted to meet up much earlier than this, but I couldn't, work has been really intense we’ve made a bunch of albums in the past, but I don’t know this one was much harder.” He said slightly sadden.
“It feels like we made everything that we wanted to say into a song already. We’re expected to go bigger each time we release something, but I don’t think we can anymore…. I'm sorry I’ve been the one neglecting you, and it feels like I made this all about me and work. You’re a bride-to-be after all, but do you mind if I put something on you before we start it’s something kinda special?” Namjoon asked, “Sure.” You answered. He smiled as he walked behind you, “Don’t turn around okay?” He asked, “Alright.” You said shaking your head and smiling. You felt soft leather wrap around your neck and something cold dangling on your chest, he pointed at a mirror on the wall and showed you your new collar.
“It's perfect.” You excitedly said admiringly your new collar, “I’m glad you like it I tried to get something you’ll really like.” He replied then walked up behind you. Namjoon gently wrapped his arms around you lightly hugging you, you turned around and hugged him back. Both of you closed your eyes and kissed each other deeply, your tongues quickly left your mouths and enter each others. You deepen the kiss a bit dominating his tongue with yours. Namjoon started feeling you up as he tried to take over again, you kept your focus on him and smirked. Namjoon’s left hand traveled down your underskirt, finding your panties his fingertips started rubbing your pussy through your panties.
He gently pulled your panties to the side, and his fingertips started gently stroking your labia before pushing his middle finger deep inside your pussy making you moan. Namjoon quickly took control over the kiss, you felt yourself being softly pushed back until you felt his soft curtains up against your back. Namjoon bent down a bit and placed his hand under your right knee before standing up, he pinned your leg up and then slid his ring finger inside you too. Namjoon’s fingers started gently thrusting inside you, he gently curled his fingers inside you and started looking for your g-spot. You broke the kiss as you started moaning, Namjoon watched you as you moan and softly contorted in pleasure.
Namjoon gently grabbed your jaw and made you face him again, your head instinctively tried to face away from him, but he kept you looking towards him. Namjoon’s thumb started swirling around your clit making you moan louder, “You’re such a sensitive little ray of moonlight you know that, and you get so wet you’re already leaking down my fingers.” Said Namjoon smiling at you. He deeply kissed your lips as his fingers went faster, you reached your hand down and grabbed his wrist. Namjoon’s fingers went deeper inside you roughly massaging your g-spot, you moaned out breaking the kiss again. “You’re gonna cum already moonlight?” He asked, Namjoon gave you a few moments to respond but quickly kissed you just before you came.
Both of you continued kissing as he helped you finish your orgasm, when you finally finished his hand slowly pulled away from your pussy. You leaned back on the window breathing heavily, as he took off his sweatpants and boxers. After a few moments of rest Namjoon helped you down onto your knees, you blushed a bit as you lightly grabbed his hardened cock and slipped it into your mouth. You slowly started sucking his cock picking up your speed and making him groan in pleasure, then you reached up and gently started massaging his balls making him moan. Namjoon grabbed your ponytail gently a good grip on it as you kept going, your tongue started exploring his cock occasionally swirling around it.
Namjoon gripped your ponytail tighter, he started thrusting his hips gently fucking your mouth. You stopped your movement and just let him thrust into you, he slowly started pulling his cock out from the tip then thrust it back in halfway. After a few thrusts namjoon slowly pulled his cock out of your mouth and released your hair, “Lean up against the window for me.” He said. “Against the window?” You asked blushing lightly, “Nobody will see us come on please.” He answered. You blushed a bit more as you got up, then turned around bending over and placing your hands up against the glass. Namjoon squatted down to face your bare ass, he gently grabbed both your ass cheeks and started playing with them and gently massaged them. He pushed his face in between your buttcheeks his mouth right up against your pussy, then started licking it.
You started moaning again as Namjoon continued licking your pussy, he started feeling on your hips before grabbing your leg and lifting it a bit. His tongue traveled further down your pussy stopping at your clit, you moaned out again as his tongue started focusing on it. Your hands gripped the soft curtains as you tried to keep your balance, Namjoon's free arm went in between your thighs and gripped you holding you up. Namjoon’s tongue started sliding his tongue up against your pussy again a few times, before he focused on your clit again. You suddenly moaned out and came as the leg you were standing on jerked a bit, he continued licking your clit until you finished your orgasm. Namjoon gently pulled back taking a few deep breaths, he started gently spanking you. “Such a bad girl, you’re not supposed to cum that quickly.” He said in between spanking you, after a few more slaps he stood up releasing you from his grip.
He stood up then one of Namjoon’s hands gripped your hip again, as the other one grabbed his cock and then pushed it inside you making you moan. He quickly grabbed your other hip as you started squirming, then he smirked as he softly started thrusting into you. “Come on it’s our first position, you should be able to stand up pretty easily.” He said. Namjoon grabbed your hips tighter and started thrusting inside you, his thrust slowly getting faster gently pushing you up against the window. You started grabbing at the curtains trying your best not to pull them down, he ungripped one of your hips and reached down in between your thighs, and started swirling your clit again with his fingertips again. “I think I’m gonna cum, are you gonna cum again for me my soft warm moonlight?” He asked.
Loud moans started slipping out of your mouth as he started thrusting harder, as your cilt was swirling faster and you suddenly moaned out and came all over his cock. Namjoon came deep inside you then softly pulled his cock out of your pussy, then he grabbed your hand and turned you around. Namjoon picked you up and thrust his cock deep inside you, then you wrapped your arms around his neck.“Wait! Put me down.” You said as you started blushing again, he looked at you and smiled then readjusted his grip on you and started thrusting into you again. “Why are you so uptight about this position, I don’t mind holding you like this, it’s just a really cute hug don’t you think?” He said smiling at you. Namjoon kissed your lips deeply quieting you down, your back was pressed up against the cold window again making it easier for him to thrust deeper inside you.
He pushed his tongue inside your mouth and started exploring it, his tongue swirled around yours as he pressed you slightly harder up against the window not wanting to break it. Namjoon kissed your cheek and started kissing down your neck, he started thrusting harder inside your pussy deeper making you moan with each thrust. “You still wanna change positions?” Namjoon asked you, you shyly nodded making him stop and kiss your lips gently. “You got to cum first before we do, it shouldn’t be that hard for you.” He replied, then gently pulled you off the window and started walking around while thrusting into you. He occasionally stopped and stood there thrusting into your pussy. Your moans started getting higher as you got closer to cumming again, your arms wrapped tighter around keeping yourself up.
You moaned out as he thrust faster tightening his grip on you, namjoon smirked at you as he looked at your face. “You’re gonna cum again, aren’t you? Go ahead cum as much as you want, you’re so pretty that I can’t help but to watch you do it.” He said. Namjoon continued smiling at you as he continued thrusting, and you moaned out again and came with him continuing his movements until you finished your orgasm. Namjoon slowly get down on his knees keeping a nice grip on you, he laid you down on the floor and then pinned your legs up against your body. He started thrusting his cock inside you again, then going deeper until his whole cock was inside you. “You have such a beautiful face when you have sex.” Said Namjoon, he opened your legs a little then leaned down and kissed your lips deeply.
Namjoon moaned against your lips breaking the kiss, “I think I’m gonna cum too.” Said Namjoon. He pinned your legs harder against your body as his thrusts slowed a bit, his cock going from base to tip again inside you making your moans soften a little. After a few moments, his speed went back up, “Awww Fuck!” He moaned out as he came inside you again. Namjoon then laid on top of you making you switch your legs around and wrapped him as you both hugged each other for a bit. After a bit Namjoon slowly got off your then lay on the floor next to you, both of you laid there breathing heavily for a few moments.
“Y-you can just move in this month instead of after our wedding if you want to, I can get some friends to help and everything. I just don’t wanna live without you anymore.” Said Namjoon. You sat up a little and leaned over and kissed him, then looked down at him as he looked back up at you. “Just don't break any of my dishes during the move okay?” you asked before smiling down at him, Namjoon pulled you down on top of him and both of you cuddle on the floor together.
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