#wow i'm going to cry so much about this arc.
swallowtailed · 10 months
hxh 85:
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 1 month
I heard that the japanese fans saying that bkdk was implied is it really true? Can you please explain?!! (I was pretty happy with the ending already, but if it's true I would be ecstatic 🧡💚💖)
I'm not really sure how to answer this. First, I'll direct you to this ask I answered previously about bkdk in the Japanese fandom.
And if you're talking about the same tweets from jpn fans I saw getting shared around, the majority of the comments clearly used emojis, euphemisms, and algorithm-disrupting nicknames for Katsuki and Izuku, which kind of immediately suggests the user is already a bkdk fan. So, I mean... do you go into shipping fan spaces, see people shipping, and decide that means everybody thinks those characters are dating? Probably not, right?
But now that we've got an ending, lemme say outright that bkdk is implied by the base structure of the story. By the characters' thematic arcs. By their words, values, goals, and actions. Regardless of what language they speak, no reader can walk away from MHA without understanding that Izuku and Katsuki are profoundly important to each other.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Izuku loves Katsuki. And by the end of his character arc, there is no way to read Katsuki's actions towards Izuku and not see love, either. The exact nature of that love is up to individual interpretation; this is common for stories outside the romance genre that have complex character relationships, and I encourage you to feel secure in your own reading without external validation.
But if you want to talk about validity, the fact that we don't see either of them say the words "I love you" out loud does not diminish a romantic interpretation.
Just for fun, let's talk a bit about some important history of "implied" romance in shonen manga.
(Spoilers for Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2.)
Takahashi Rumiko, one of the most successful and influential manga creators of all time, famously ended two of her heterosexual romantic comedy plotlines while denying readers a spoken, reciprocated "I love you."
In Urusei Yatsura, Lum spends the entire series actively pursuing Ataru and in the finale, she threatens to erase everyone's memories of her and her fellow aliens if he does not tell her he loves her. The situation makes it impossible for him to win and stop the memory erasing without saying it.
And he still refuses to say it.
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He keeps trying to win and avoid losing his memory without saying it; she recognizes his devotion to her when she sees that all this time, he has been carrying something that reminds him of her.
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Oh, look at that. I wonder who else spent a long time holding fast to something that represents the time they spent with their loved one?
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Lum finally relents and allows Ataru to win, so everyone keeps their memories.
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Each of them affirms the intention to be together forever, without using the words "I love you."
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In Ranma 1/2, Ranma and Akane have been engaged to be married for the whole series, and at a pivotal moment, Ranma thinks the words "I love you," though he does not say them aloud.
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Afterwards, Akane finally agrees to let the wedding take place with this as her reasoning:
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And Ranma completely objects to having admitted this.
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Akane is fucking right, fyi--ignoring everything else that happens in the series, Ranma rescuing her and crying over her injured body while yelling her name might as well be a confession.
Due to ensemble cast chaos, the wedding is postponed again at the end of the manga.
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It is worth noting that these series are both in the romantic comedy genre, so their plot devices surrounding love are much more explicit, even if the final execution toys with our expectations. It makes the characters' real feelings obvious while keeping them true to their nature, because that's the core appeal of the relationship to begin with.
As I said, in manga that are not romances, these bonds are often more subtle.
When I said 424 was as good as a confession to me, this is part of why.
Katsuki says he thought they would be together for the rest of their lives. Izuku promises what he can, which is the time he still has the embers of OFA. He may think Katsuki is simply mourning a future where Izuku has OFA, which he can't get back.
In direct response to that exchange, for our finale, we find out Katsuki spent eight years arranging for Izuku to be a pro hero without OFA.
Katsuki beckons Izuku to his side, using the name that used to be an insult, but has since become Izuku's hero name. He reaches out his hand to Izuku, which the reader knows he has wanted to do for so long.
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The last image we see might as well be them skipping off into the sunset together, side by side.
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Am I supposed to see that as something other than love, just because all their friends are there, too? That seems kinda silly to me.
MHA emphasizes the collective, but that doesn't diminish the individual bonds within it. It goes out of its way to tell us this moment is possible because of Katsuki, because he wants Izuku beside him. We may not get our handhold here, but it is plain to see that Izuku accepts his invitation.
I'm not saying Horikoshi was directly inspired by Takahashi, but her works are an important piece of the narrative language of love within the shonen genre.
Art always reflexively harkens back to what came before it. Whether the creator intends it or not, the audience is reminded of what they've seen before in the cultural landscape of media. Whether or not Horikoshi intended for us to see bkdk as romantic is simply irrelevant to how any given reader is going to see it.
So, if you want permission to think Katsuki and Izuku are in love, you've got mine. tumblr user bakuhatsufallinlove sanctions this epic gay love story. Plus Ultra. You're welcome. <3
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anodymalion · 5 months
I just rewatched Yuri on Ice, because, you know (rip). Maybe because this time I could watch it all in one go instead of waiting week by week for new episodes, but: wow there is so much more I noticed this time around in the progression of Yuri's skating program through the series.
So up until the final episode, the arc of Yuri's program is about him embodying the idea that he's selfishly seducing Victor away from the world of skating. It's pretty clearly done out of defense - he feels insecure about Victor quitting to become his coach, and the other characters are very vocal about criticizing him for taking Victor out of the competition (some jokingly, some very much not). To get through it, he has to use the strategy of turning the thing that people hate about you into your armor so they can't hurt you with it anymore.
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But - this changes at the Grand Prix Final. He's struggling with watching Victor interact with this world that Victor so clearly belongs in, wondering if he's preventing Victor from living the life he wants. And Yuri is not really that selfish of a person, despite him having spent an entire season trying to convince himself that he is. So he decides he's going to leave skating forever and set Victor free.
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And ooooof watching his final free skate after this hits so hard. Like: this is Yuri getting on the ice for what he believes will be the very last time, skating a program about letting both Victor and the world of figure skating go. But it's different now, because unlike the last time he wanted to quit, this time he's not leaving out of insecurity or fear, but out of love - out of wanting to watch the people you love be the best they can be, even if that means they have to leave you behind.
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and then they choose to stay together anyway because they both realize that "being the best they can be" is when they are around each other. ohhhhohhohhhhhhh my god I'm gonna cry
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reashot · 1 year
We're Just Shower Buddies, that's all...
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Jaune: *whistling in the shower* 🎶
Ruby: Hi there shower Bud! Room for one more?
Jaune: For you Ruby, of course. Come on in the water is warm.
Ruby: Yay! *Glomp*
Jaune: Hey, what's gotten into you? You being extra clingy right now.
Ruby: That's because something really good just happened to me.
Jaune: You do? That's great. Tell me all about it Rubes?
Ruby: Well guess what? I asked Weiss out on a date and she said yes!
Jaune: Oh My Oum!!! That is good! Heck it's Great even! We should go out and celebrate! *Tightly embrace Ruby*
Ruby: Yeah! Where do you think we should go?
Jaune: Well, where do you want to go?
Ruby: Wait you're asking me. Oh geez, I don't know where do you like to go?
Jaune: Oh, you want me to choose... Well how about we go to that firearms show you been wanting to go to?
Ruby: Really!.... Uh, I mean. Can we go somewhere else?
Jaune: But why. I thought you been dying to go there?
Ruby: Yeah... But that's where I want to go. I like guns but you don't. I want you to have fun too. I want for the both of us to have fun together.
Jaune: Ruby you don't have to force yourself not to have fun on my account. I'm happy with whatever you choose.
Ruby: And that's why I want us to go place we both can enjoy. Jaune you would be "happy" with anything I choose. But its not okay Jaune. You need to be selfish once in a while and put your happiness first. On this issue I'm putting my foot down.
Jaune: Really? Okay fine... Let me think. Well, There is an amusement park where I been wanting to go for some time. Do you want to go there with me?
Ruby: Oh! You mean the brand new Montyland amusement park. 🎡🎠🎢 Oh My Oum! That's the same place where Weiss is asking me out on a date too.
Jaune: Wow. What a coincidence... I guess it's true that great mind does think alike after all.
Ruby: *giggle* Why Jaune. I think all these hot shower is starting to get inside your head. Cause I'm pretty sure you're full of hot air right now.
Jaune: And I guess it's true that a genius is never appreciated in their lifetime... 💡Hey Ruby. I just had an idea. Why don't we treat our celebration as pre-date for your real date with Weiss?
Ruby: *gasp* You mean like a practice date?
Jaune: Yes. That way you will be prepared on your first date with Weiss.
Ruby: Ah. You really are a genius Jaune. *presses her soft chest on Jaune's hard one*
Jaune: What's wrong?
Ruby: Jaune, have you been working out?
Jaune: I see you finally noticed it. I been working out with Pyrrha for a while now. And the result you can see for yourself.
Ruby: Wow. I can tell. Look at how fit you are right now.
Jaune: Let see Weiss call me a noodle boy now. 💪
Ruby: You still a dork you know. No matter how much of hunky beefcake you are right now nothing is ever gonna change that.
Jaune: Okay. That's it Ruby you've awaken the dragon. *nibble on Ruby's neck*
Ruby: N-no.... S-stop it... You big j-jerk... Aahhh! (Inaudible moan)
Jaune: So ready to apologize yet?
Ruby: *gasping for air* O-okay, okay I give. I apologize. Jeez, you jerk I was only kidding.
Jaune: I'm only kidding too Ruby. Learn to take a joke why don'tcha *giggle*
Ruby: *playfully punch Jaune in his hard chest* N-O-T F-U-N-N-Y.
Jaune: Okay I'm sorry too... *hug Ruby*
Ruby: *whisper in his ear* Jaune now that I finally asked Weiss out when are you going to ask Pyrrha out?
Jaune: M-me. A-asking Pyrrha out. I-I don't know whatchu talking about?
Ruby: Oh, for crying out loud. Jaune I know you have a crush on Pyrrha.
Jaune: You knew! A-anyway I can't just ask her out, okay. She's clearly way over my league. And if I do what if she said no?
Ruby: Jaune Arc! If I can ask Weiss out on a date. A girl that's clearly way-way out of my league. You can definitely ask Pyrrha out. And Jaune trust me on this she clearly have a crush on you too. She will definitely say yes if you ask her out.
Jaune: R-really? *shakes head* L-look we better get back on track, okay? We can deal with my dating life later. For now it's all about your date with Weiss.
Ruby: Speaking of Weiss... D-do you think she's gonna kiss me on the first date?
Jaune: A kiss with Weiss I don't know Ruby, but isn't it a good thing?
Ruby: But what if I messed up? I mean it's not unheard of that a great date can be ruined by a bad kiss... D-do you think we need to add a kissing practice on our not date?
Jaune: As much as I would like to help you. I have to say no on that... I mean the entire point of a first kiss is that you supposed to be bad at it. So don't worry too much about it Ruby. I bet you'll do "great" on your first kiss.
Ruby: I-I just want the entire thing to be perfect...
Jaune: That's what our practice date are for... And Ruby this might not count as a practice kiss... *tenderly kiss Ruby's forehead*
Ruby: *blush* You sly! Oh Jaune, you are so lucky that we're friend. If you kiss any other girl like this she might get the wrong idea.
Jaune: He, he... That's why I kiss you. And enough talking about date for now. I'll help you wash your body. Here, let me lather your body first. Now, turn around Ruby I'll do your back.
Ruby: Okay... *moan*
Jaune: C'mon Ruby why do you always making that sound every time I do this?
Ruby: I-I don't know why. It just felt so good that I automatically make that noise, when you touch me.
Jaune: Well thank you for the great review, Rubes. But it's distracting when you made noises like that. Now let me do your front...
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The sound of soap slapping and rubbing accompanied by the sounds of Ruby's moaning starts to envelop and fill the shower room. Not realizing that someone has been there overhearing them this entire time.
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If anyone asking they're not doing what you think they are doing... They're just really good friend that's all.
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rekino2114 · 26 days
Yello! This is a revamped version of the students meeting male reader stronger than Fem Gojo.
It's the goodwill event arc and the teachers are all bickering (it started from Fem Gojo teasing utahime). Then a voice interrupts them all.
"Can you all act more professional.... You're embarrassing yourselves in front of the kids...."
The teachers immediately shut up, recognising the voice and look towards the source of it. The students did the same as their teachers.
They all saw a man who looks sleep deprived with messy shoulder length hair and wearing an oversized black tracksuit, hiding his muscular physique.
You walked over to them with a slight hunch on your back.
"a-ah... Y/N... I didn't expect to see you...." Utahime says nervously.
Now the students are wondering, why is that man able to set all the teachers on edge.
"My love! You actually came!" Fem Gojo latches onto male reader, peppering his face with kisses.
"WHATTT! THATS YOU'RE BOYFRIEND!!!" Fem gojo's students shout.
(you could write about the students reaction or what not :) )
Fem. Gojo introducing you to her students
(Fem gojo x male reader stronger than her part 2)
A/n: Thanks for the request. tbh i had a lot of fun writing this. This might be one of my favorite AUs to write for. Also I don't know if I mentioned this before but for all of the fem. Gojo posts I'll do, his name will be changed to satori gojo
Part 1 is here
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"Geez utahime you can't even handle a bit of teasing, it's not my fault you're so weak"
"You call this straight-up bullying teasing?"
"What about it? Are you crying?"
"...Not again"
"How long has this been going on for?"
"I dunno an hour I think?"
The students continued to whisper to each other as gojo threw insults at the Kyoto school teacher, as much as they hated this no one disrupted the situation in hope of not becoming the next target of gojo's teasing.
"Can you all act more professional, you're embarrassing yourself in front of the kids"
Everyone turned towards the tired sounding voice and saw a man with bags under his eyes and messy hair. At his sight the adults in the room stayed silent in respect and a bit of fear until utahime broke the silence
"I-i didn't expect to see you here y/n"
"Who is this guy? he must be important"
"No idea, he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks"
"Can you two shut up"
The first years hushed convention was interrupted by their teacher running up to you and wrapping her arms around you
"My love, you actually came!"
"I was taking a nap downstairs. You woke me up"
"Oh I'm so sorry darling, you know how utahime gets"
"Wait a minute did gojo-sensei just call him.."
"My love? Does that mean...."
"Oh, that's right, you haven't met him yet. I introduce to you all: the strongest sorcerer of this era a.k.a. my super-awesome boyfriend:y/n l/n"
"This guy is the strongest?"
"Of course, didn't I tell you? The only person who could be stronger than me is my boyfriend"
"No offense but....you look like dirt, when's the last time you slept?"
"Don't listen to her babe, she's just jealous I got a boyfriend before her, you're as handsome as always"
"it's nice to meet you, l/n-sensei. I'm yuji itadori"
"Itadori? Oh, you're sukuna's vessel, aren't you? Satori told me about you"
"Yep, are you really stronger than gojo? I've seen what she can do and it seems hard that someone could top that"
"Yeah, I am. Don't get me wrong, satori is extremely powerful. Her infinity and six eyes are nothing to take lightly...... but I'm stronger"
"I can confirm everything my love says, you know that weed I hollow purple'd yesterday?"
"The one me and todo fought?"
"Yep, well if y/n was there.....that curse would be history by now"
"Wow....he must be really strong"
"A curse you fought survived a hollow purple? That's not something you hear every day"
"It wasn't really a fight, plus the only reason it survived is because it barely dodged the hit. Don't worry if I see it again it won't end well for that asparagus"
"I hope to see it then, you know how much I love seeing you fight"
"Awww, the same goes for me, baby. I love seeing you absolutely destroy those curses"
You and the blindfolded woman kissed each other passionately as everyone else in the room slightly cringed at how lovey-dovey you were being
"Can you two get a room?"
You turned towards the voice just to see a familiar black haired boy that stayed mostly silent this whole time
"Oh. Hi megumi"
"Wait a minute, megumi, you know him?
"Yeah, him and gojo kinda raised me since I was little"
"Megumi's right, he's like our own son"
"Don't push it"
You looked at the first years arguing and smiled slightly, remembering the days when you and satori were students too, but you got pulled out of your thoughts by your girlfriend wrapping an arm around your shoulder
"Sooooo I was thinking we should do a baseball match for this year's exchange event"
"Don't we usually do individual fights?"
"Yeah, but I wanted to change it up. Would you be so kind as to vote with me?"
"Yeah, sure, baseball sounds fun"
"Thank you handsome~. How about we go for dessert as thanks? There's this new bakery that opened up. Their cheesecake is to die for"
"That sounds amazing satori, I love you"
"Love you too so so much"
You two kissed again, after which the infinity user held your hand and started to walk away
"Wait, gojo, we need to discuss more things before you-
"Whaaaaaaaaaat? I can't hear you yaga,me and y/n are going out. Text me later if it's super important k?"
As you two walked out of the building, the others in the room sighed heavily
"How does he put up with her?"
"No idea"
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miimo96 · 10 days
Thoughts on Madoka magica walpurgisnaught rising Trailer 2
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AAAAAHHH OMG WE'RE SO BACK! Oh my god juat look at my 2 Lovebirds ^^ not even 2 minutes in and Already the animation Looks absolutely Beautiful and I can't stress this enough but just seeing Madoka and Homura dancing again hand and hand just makes me all warm and Fuzzy inside AHHHHHH ^w^
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What's this, NEW Characters!? 👀 I'm guessing these are probably either magical girls who almost became witches or people from the side series Madoka magica Record, either way this is already looking to be the most Unique outta the franchise, Also yay Cheese/bebe/Nagisa is back ^_^
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Can we all just appreciate how Madoka magica Never fails to make its scenery ABSOLUTELY Beautiful, Like I don't even know what this is but just WOW, I already get the feeling we're going to be getting some more biblical or symbolic representations here, And all for it >_<
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Uh oh, Looks like someone didn't heed Homura's Warning, I'm guessing that's probably why She looks like that, knowing her she probably either tried stopping Homura and tried fixing things back to way it was, and as punishment got Seriously messed up, word of advice Sayaka, Next time don't MESS with Homura ^^
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YOOOUUUU!? Why is HE back!? OMG NO Get this mother f$%ker Outta her NOW! GET OUT! GET OUUTTT!! I already get a bad feeling with him being around, I get that Homura Needed him to whatever the hell she needed him to do but No I just can't with him and judging from what I'm seeing, he's looking pretty better than Last time!? What the hell man!?
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Omg I SO can't wait for this movie, already 2025 is Looking like a good year, and I gotta feeling I know how this Thing is going to end, and it I'll be with be with me crying in a theater for 10 EFFING MINUTES, that and maybe Homura and Madoka MIGHT end up becoming Gods together, because I feel like that's the only way this movie can end; Homura's whole deal is that she believes that Madokas whole sacrifice Wasn't what she Really wanted, she believes that even though Madoka sacrificed herself to save everyone else, it isn't what SHE really wanted in the end, if ya wanna know what I'm talking about check out rebellion and watch the scen with Madoka and Homura having a heart to heart, the part where she's braiding Homura's hair ^^ Anyway with Homura having that mindset now We get to the point of where we are now, but the thing IS, yes while what Madoka said is True, it wasn't really the mindset she had going in when she sacrificed her existence, to Save all magical girls; she was Fine with doing this and being alone if it meant saving her friends, ESPECIALLY even Homura, Because what she was doing with Time travel previously, was technically Cursing her, basically Madoka sacrificed herself to save Homura, not just the other magical girls, in the end, it was all for Homura.
Homura believes that what she is doing, is for Madoka's sake, when in reality, it's actually hers, Because she couldn't handle being Alone, she ended up going against Madoka's wishes, and Reset the world once again, with the excuse "That it's what Madoka would've wanted" Homura's whole character arc is that she's Selfish, she'll do ANYTHING to be Madoka, even if it means Destroying the world, *sigh *I wish I could word this better but I think the Only way this series could end, is if both of them end up becoming "Gods" let me explain. Since neither of them is willing to give the other one up, and pretty much always ends up sacrificing themself for each other, i think the only way we really could see this series end on a "Happy" ending, is if the 2 of them both end up becoming Gods, and remake the world into THEIR Image; that way none of them is Alone and they don't have to suffer anymore, they can BE the creators of their New world and have each other by their side, since they basically represent 2 halfs of Yin and yang, from the colors of their outfits, (Madoka's being light, Homura's being Dark,) to their personalities, (1 being Selfless the other being SELFISH,) they can basically act as the Law and Order of their New world, and run things how they see fit, both being the embodiments of Oder and Chaos. I think that would be a pretty good way to send things off and in my opinion, would really be a cool ending for these 2 character's arcs, Since they've already been through so much it would only make sense for this would be their ending, It would be an ending that's not completely Heartbreaking, but is just Bittersweet, they won't get to live together in the real world, but they WILL have each other, and I think the thing that really proves this and that sent me down this rabbit hole to begin with, was the end credits of Rebellion, Where it depicts 2 girls, (That look VERY similar to Madoka and Homura) walking hand and hand off into the Abyss, which to me is a metaphor for the afterlife or where ever the heck magical girls when they're taken by the Law of cycle, possibly representing those 2 becoming GODS together, basically Sharing the same fate and running the world as they see fit.^^
Anyway yeah, Totally can't wait for this Movie , Oh i feels SOO Good to be back baby ^^ See ya in 2025
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doodlegirl1998 · 4 months
I'm honestly appalled at the ending of this manga.
It's so mean-spirited of Horikoshi to drill it into the narrative that Izuku can't be a hero without a Quirk, and when he does have a Quirk, he's only a liability with it so he should just give up. Then for him to take that Quirk away from him when that's all he ever wanted is just a slap in the face to Izuku and what little character development he had.
Not only that, but for how much 1A is supposedly close to one another, they sure were quick to forget about Aoyama when discount Goob replaced him. He's been nothing but an asshole to them, so why are they so excited to see him?
Why can't the adults get off of their asses and be the primary ones helping with rebuilding? Why rope the second years into it? Furthermore, why the fuck are they having school so soon after a near apocalyptic war?
Also, I love how Bakugou is supposedly praised for his "effort" when all he did was nearly get himself killed because AS USUAL, he charged ahead without a plan, and just waited for AFO to rewind out of existence. Meanwhile, Izuku's just left by himself with All Might, because God fucking forbid anybody actually give Izuku the time of day for the right reasons.
Bakugou can go fuck himself for making Izuku's Quirklessness about himself and their "rIvAlRy", and Horikoshi can go fuck himself for making Izuku's attitude towards losing the thing he dreamed of having for 12 years: 🤷.
PS: So much for Aizawa's "apology" towards Izuku meaning anything. All he said was sorry, used Izuku's first name without earning the privilege, and then onto the next scene.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
You and me both.
Hori hates Izuku. It is as plain a fact as the sky being blue at this point. It is intensely mean to have Izuku suffer for being quirkless (especially at the hands of Bkg*), gain OFA and work so hard with it only to lose it by the end of the story and then Hori doesn't allow Izu to have any form of upset about this. Instead, he is forced to comfort BAKUGOU about this*- the same Bakugou who calls him Deku (useless) for being quirkless! The same Bakugou who abused him for a decade largely for this!?! What the fuck is this Hori? Get boo-hoo'ing Bak-U-Go out the damn door! Focus on Izuku for once! This is traumatising! Let Izuku actually feel it instead of being puppeteered to make Bkg look good!
This is one of the reasons Izuku feels kind of flat now (I hate to say it as an Izuku fan but he doesn't react in a way that makes sense and we haven't seen in his head in so long...)
I don't buy "Class 1A is a Family," not after they chased down Izuku in the Dark Deku arc and certainly not now. Look at how easily they let Aoyama go! No crying or anything? Like wow...
And for Shinsou? Who has canonically only been an asshole to all of 1A this whole time? And no one has a problem with him or is gutted about Aoyama leaving? Nah... that's some B.S. right there.
To add Ochaco, making fun of Izuku's new hair and saying not to talk to her with that hair was in very poor taste. They were all in a WAR, Izuku didn't just have poor luck with barbers. She comes off like a bitch here not gonna lie...
Having school so soon after a whole WAR and floating UA occurring is so unrealistic... 😑 The fact that students are helping proves the school shouldn't be open yet. But Nedzu gives no shit - who is one of Japan's smartest beings, apparently...
Bakugou being praised for his "effort" over Izuku is simply laughable but sadly nothing new.
Aizawa's "apology" was hollow, simply an item on the checklist for Hori, and it shows. Also, using Izuku's first name was OOC for him and rude for him to use without asking.
In addition, we have seen the Bakugou's, but where is Inko? Hori gives no shit to her, clearly. At least she isn't there for Izuku to be forced to comfort alongside Bakugou - about a traumatic thing that happened to HIM! What is this mess Hori?!
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All the fling posse song snippets are out !!!
👀 The Fling Posse snippets are all out now!! :D Ramuda sounds so happy I cry TwT
Hey! Any thoughts on the Fling Posse solo previews? Love hearing your opinions on the trailers and getting some neat tidbits of insight into the lyrics/motifs.
Thanks for the messages! Let's go check 'em out.
One and Only
(8 seconds in) Ramuda's saying "Let's go" too
(41 seconds in) Ahh!
(48 seconds in) Jesus, Shirai is really pushing his range in this one
(50 seconds in) Self love for Ramuda, hell yeah. Good on him
(End of video) Not a lot to say; I feel like this one was pretty straight-forward. It's Ramuda embracing his personal identity as a unique human being-- LOVE to see it-- which is the culmination of his arc through the series so far. The music itself didn't capture me. I might warm up to it later like I usually do, but Shirai's singing on its own isn't usually my cup of tea. Which is chill; I hope other people like it. The wordplay on "clap your hands (te wo tataite); I want to celebrate [being alive] (tataeteitai)" was neat.
(Title note) I'm intrigued that the title is in kana instead of kanji, giving it a simple and almost "honest" feel in its simplicity. It's been a hot sec since I've seen Gentarou use that word in writing but iirc he usually uses kanji for it.
(5 seconds in) Loving this piano.
(15 seconds in) A boku-using Gentarou? Bruh.
(35 seconds in) Ohhh I see the point of the kana. The title is the same as a famous Shuntarou Tanikawa poem narrated by a little boy (hence the lack of kanji). Since the song lyrics reference it, here's a quick 'n dirty TL of the poem: Lies I think I'll always tell lies. My mother doesn't, but she's done so before. I think that because I know lying is painful. Even if the things I say are lies, the lying feeling is the truth. There are some truths that can only be told in lies. Even dogs--if they could talk, I think they'd tell lies as well. Even when I tell lies, even when my lies get caught, I don't apologize. I never tell lies just to get out of trouble. (*) Even if no one knows that, I know that, and so here I am, living with my lies. Until I just can't bear to lie any longer, I know I'll lie again and again and all the while long for the truth. (*) Literally, "resolve [the trouble] with apologies" which is why the narrator says he doesn't apologize Anyway, the "Even when I tell lies..." verse sans "and so..." is the opening of this song. Gentarou stops at "Even if no one knows that" and sighs in his second repetition of the verse.
(end of song) Wait, the whole thing is just verses of this poem? This is really cool and artistic (I dig it) but wow, what a choice! Saitou Souma's performance is incredible, and the background music is cool. I don't know how well this would go on a playlist, but I am here for it! ...I'm also wondering what the rights acquisition must have been like. This poem isn't in the JPN public domain yet, right? Hahaha.
God in the Dice
(title note) Fwiw I usually say Dice has "spirits" in his dice; calling them gods is just as valid. That seems to be what this is referring to.
(15 seconds in) Man I love Nozuyama's rapping chops. He delivers every time
(23 seconds in) Going to take this "I don't care" and make it a reaction image. Can't adequately express how much the phrase "Thog don't care" gets me through the day; this is right up there with that
(29 seconds in) It's very, very funny that Gentarou always teases Dice about his lack of vocab when you compare these two songs back to back. Hahaha.
(50 seconds in) Call back to Scramble Gamble with a more positive outlook. I can fuck with that.
(end of song) This one seems very similar to Ramuda's in terms of message (once again, I'm inappropriately amused at the notion of Ramuda and Dice living it up in the booth like "Love yourself...! Respect yourself! Love yourse--" and then it cuts to Gentarou who's got a piano and a Dramatic Poetry Reading and Angst. Well, that's Gentarou's way of loving himself, I suppose) and on the one hand, I am very happy for Dice deciding to live his life his own way, even if it goes against societal values... but I don't know how I feel about indulging in a gambling addiction as a way to explore that. You know? Maybe I'm just going "You don't have to follow societal expectations, but you should follow MY expectations, dammit!" Hahaha. Well....... Do what you gotta do, homie.... I'm reminded of how very 20 Dice is. Very, very 20 y.o. leaving a bad home life. Do what you gotta do....
Well, that's Fling Posse! Very much their usual Fling Posse selves.
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ludi-ling · 5 months
Woooooow... just saw ep 9 of X'Men 97. I may not like all of their choices, but damn do they go hard and I appreciate the execution of it. The last minute was soooo much wow. Prof X mind controlling Magneto, Magneto helmeting him and about to kill him, Wolverine stabbing Magneto and Magneto un-adamantiuming Wolvie...wooooow...
I do not know what they're going to do next. I knew Rogue would go to Magneto based on her costume alone. That's the OG terrorist Rogue/villainous Rogue costume. I might not love that decision of her going to Magneto... but based on what's happened, it makes sense. And omg, her wearing Remy's trench coat? Cryyyying. The one thing I can see with Rogue going back to the X-Men is Magneto wanting to kill Deathbit because Deathbit is dangerous.
Because I still believe Remy is coming back. I cite X-Treme X-Men and everything Rogue says to bring him back. Absolute Points? Nexus Events? They don't matter. X-Men make their own miracles. I literally said this as my thesis for why Gambit is coming back and then hours later the panel appeared on my feed lol.
One more week of me screaming, crying and throwing up.
Rogue is pissed. She's had to face a trauma she hasn't had to ever face before. I can completely understand this trajectory she's walking. It makes sense for the arc that her character is going through in this universe. The bit where she handed back the trench coat though? That killed me.
Gambit will come back. It's just a matter of how and when. I can't believe people truly think he's going to stay dead. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I truly appreciate this series for taking something we all loved as kids and spinning it into an adult story. I know it's hard - literally everyone is miserable in this show - but damn, I suppose that's life. And I guess it's hard for some fans to accept the turn this show has taken when we all expected the gentle fluff of Romy in TAS. What Romy have had so far in XM97, and eventually will have, is something far more adult and something I'm far more interested in than the non-committal flirting we got in TAS.
Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of things in XM97 I don't agree with or like. But on the whole I think it's done a really good job in (let's face it) a short amount of time of achieving something smart and thought-provoking and visceral despite its flaws. I'm actually kind of excited to see what happens next. I'm ready to be disappointed again, but I'm ready to be pleasantly surprised too.
At the very least, it has got me inspired to write Romy again. A LOT of the heartache and anger and admiration I have felt watching the show I have channelled into writing The Tailor & The Seamstress, and it's been the first time I've been genuinely excited about fic in a while. So I have a lot to thank the show for, despite all the anxiety and angst it's given me.
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sanriokamabodo · 1 year
Interview with Akaza + Douma (Actor!AU)
A/N: wanted to write this as a full on fic but who am i kidding (not proofread haha..)
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“Hi I’m Hakuji Soyama and I've had the honour to play Akaza since the Mugen Train Arc” He gives a brief nod after his introduction. Slinging his right leg over the other, he glances at his counterpart who awkwardly raises his hand.
“...And I play Douma.’’ He states, causing Akaza to erupt into a fit of laughter, the audience and interviewer joining him instantly.
“Well that’s one way to introduce yourself.” Akaza grins, dramatically wiping a tear away from his eye.
“So tell me, what’s it like behind the scenes?"
"I think everyone gets along great, we all have a similar end goal in mind and work hard to achieve that together."
Douma nods before starting. "This is my first big time job and everybody has welcomed me with open arms. The writers even listened to my ideas and we've made some changes together for me to portray him better."
"We've heard rumours about you all doing your own stunts. Is it true?"
Akaza sighs making Douma laugh.
"You know that one scene in the infinity castle where I parkour around like it's nobody's business? That took a week to film, I nearly had to relearn to walk again because I was dangling in the air so much."
"Tch, you're so dramatic." Douma quips.
"You didn't make it any easier for me! You know how ticklish my feet are and you kept taking advantage of it while I was hanging from the ceiling!" He scoffs jokingly. "You guys better appreciate that scene." He laughs, making the audience cheer for the duo.
"How do you guys get ready for a day of shooting? Walk me through the day you started filming the uppermoon meeting."
"Make-up is the first thing we do, during make-up we go over our scenes together."
"Whose make-up takes longest?"
"Hantengu's by a long shot. He's actually really good looking in real life."
"I second that. I think Hakuji's the quickest since he has temporary tattoo's and dyed his hair for the part. He only needs to put in his contacts."
"Muzan's actor is actually really soft-spoken in real life, we had to reshoot the 'Upper Moons' meeting a lot because he would be to gentle with us and we would end up laughing." Akaza chuckles.
"Who do you respect most among the actors?"
"I respect everyone, especially the younger actors! They're super professional. I shot a scene with Ume who plays Daki and she gave me a lot of useful tips."
"The way Rengoku's actor portrays him gave me chills. He did so beautifully! I really respect him!"
"Hakuji came home crying after they filmed Rengoku's death scene." Douma teases.
"It was a long day, alright?"
"Yeah, you guys live together right?"
"We've been best friends since we were like five, so becoming roommates when we both wanted to go to theater school was an easy decision."
"Is your friend a bit like the character he portrays?"
"Absolutely not! When we're not shooting he's cooped up in his room playing video games all day. I don't know how he maintains his figure because all I see him eat is instant ramen. I'm even convinced he's a virgin." He cooes at Douma, pinching his cheek.
"Get off me!" The platinum haired man laughs. "Like you're anything like Akaza, you manwhore."
Akaza shrugs, a sly smirk on his face. "I know a bit of martial arts. That's like my character, I guess."
"The karate workshop we had when we we're eleven? Really, that's your knowledge of martial arts?"
Akaza nods seriously, trying to hold in his laugh.
"Wow, you're really something..."
"We're almost out of time." The interviewer states. "Anything you want to add before we round this interview up?"
"I can't recommend watching Demon Slayer enough! I've never been so proud of a show or movie I've done, this is next level."
"What he said, and hi mum!" Douma says, waving at the camera with a toothy grin.
"Give a round of applause for the one and only Akaza and Douma! Thank you for the interview."
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bluektw · 2 months
CK S6 Part 1 Spoilers
ok, Keenry is still the best couple? Yes
But it was so out of character for him not go console her, like I'm sorry I would care more about my girlfriend than getting a headband. Other than that, he and Tory have probably the best set ups in this part.
I'm really pissed at Robby, but I do think that in part 2 maybe their promise will come back up, and they might support each other even in different dojos (Hard to believe, but it would be the best outcome) I also hope we finally see him going after Tory this time, S5 was only her pining, now is his turn
Tory Nichols they could never make hate you. You wanna fight in CK? go queen. I get why she's doing it, it's not healthy, will probably end bad for her again, but I do hope her going back has SOME payoff, please don't let her go back just to lose to Sam again. I'm thinking either her or Robby will be injured in the tournament, and I have seen theories she will jump back to MF but I don't know (and now I'm pretty sure Sam will win, and honestly I'll just have to make my peace with that).
Btw that flashback she had? ALL PAIN. I was crying. Also really sad no Brandon and that the first time we saw her mom she was dead. Can't she get a break? Like we know she's not the writers favorite, but come on?? You really gave her ALL a teenager shouldn't have to deal with in one episode.
Now hm... Why is Kwon so interesting? Can I have more of him? Why is he so angry with the world? is his family shitty? What happened for him to become like this? I need answers. (Manifesting him and Tory developing an ACTUAL friendship, I don't usually win but I hope I get this) (Also, three fucking revolutions in that move. THREE. How exactly is he going to lose? I don't know, but if the world didn't revolve around Miyagi Fang, my bets were on him to win)
Kreese... Holy fuck you know? Like wow, hallucination 10/10 loved that scene. And sure, it is for selfish reasons, but I still love that he felt something was missing without Tory. (Love this fucked up dynamic so fucking much)
How could they possibly make Chozen boring after episode 1? Why didn't we have more of him training students? One on one? I FUCKING WANTED HIM AND TORY TO HAVE A BOND.
Honestly Daniel, Johnny they could never make me like you, but not at least I'm more indifferent than disliking altogether. (I like Johnny a bit more than Daniel, not sure why)
Devon... Devon... I get why she did it, but come on? I really wanted Kenny to go. Also, the less Anthony in my screen the better, just let Kenny and Devon being friends and I'm good.
Sam and Miguel I have NEVER been more indifferent to your characters, arcs and whatever. How could they make them SO boring? I was almost skipping their scenes.
edit: Forgot to mention I did enjoy Sam and Tory dynamic an how they got over their shit, but now all is back to hell thank you Kreese.
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saxandviolins88 · 1 month
Transformers Skybound #11 spoilers below cut
New Skybound issue dropped and some very interesting things happened, some very questionable things too, so let's get going! (don't forget to leave a like, subscribe, and HIT THAT BELL)
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He's so cool... I love you, Beachcomber...
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oof! uh... okay?
I think we all have seen this scene since last month, but I held off commenting anything about it until I could read the whole thing, and uh... Do the only two female Autobots need to fight each other?
Okay okay! With the additional context, it's a little more excusable, definitely weird, but explainable. It lines with the characters DWJ is setting up - Elita is bitter and traumatized and dealing with it by throwing her anger at people. Arcee is relapsing into violence and anger(despite all she taught Carly, which was pointed out!).
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Yes!! More hard decisions for OP!
I really really do enjoy OP as this emotional leader that follows his heart rather than his mind, further down we'll see how his decision to listen to UM paid off.
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How many times have we seen Soundwave dragging Ravage's limp body around? At this point, it does feel like DWJ is wanting to give SW more brownie points than necessary.
I do hope there's some sort of payoff to this, but most likely it won't. Honestly, if Ravage becomes a recurring character I'll be content already.
Some people already wrote about Soundwave's natural follower tendencies, but I so much enjoy Shockwave's awful leader tendencies, like I genuinely believe people just follow this bitch because no one else wants to step up lmao, this guy is so fucking bad it's hilarious.
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More bitter Elita-1.
I really want to see a more vulnerable side of her, I don't need her to cry and wail, but I'd like for her to see eye-to-eye with OP. I'd just enjoy it if they resolved this and saw each other's perspective on the issue, both do have a point and both are very traumatized.
(No complaints about the 'female=hysterical' action comic problem since Elita-1 was actually shown as competent and equal to Prime, but I did feel the need to point this out)
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Wow, I love visual leitmotifs! I do remember this scene.
Lol, I have to be a dick at least once.
But yeah. nice show-don't-tell... Are Beachcomber and Spike about to be the heroes of this arc? God I'd really enjoy that.
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I love Jazz, he's the coolest guy ever!
Please, I really hope DWJ uses him, if you aren't gonna kill him for shock(lol) value at least write a character for him.
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joke joke!
I really enjoyed this! Arcee relapsing into her vengeful tendencies does wonder to give some three-dimensionality to her. They're in war, and everybody is traumatized, so it makes total sense.
I'm more interested in the 'after', I hope we get more exploration of her as a character and this isn't just a throw-away thing for the second arc.
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I'm happy 🙂.
(LOL, imagine the 'Structies were having their coffee break and they just went: "What does this guy want now?!🙄")
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Devastador, meu filho de cem metros.
Lol, Elita-1's reaction is gold, like: "Fuckin' Decepticons and their fuckin' combiners."
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These might just be my favorite moment of this whole ass comic book.
JUST. WOW. I felt my guts moving reading this moment, I felt what UM was feeling.
What can I say? I love heroes with PTSD in action genres!
I also adored how this harkens back to the start of this issue and OP's decision.
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I love Devastator's expression here. He's just: 😐
(Yep, I'm really chewing on this bone DWJ threw at me)
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scarystickers · 3 months
EP 75: A Long Way Down
I’m not sure what to comment about this one, but I really want to know what this lightning scar dude had against some unemployed dude like damn the hater in him is unreal and for what???
EP 76: The Smell Of Blood
That’s crazy yall are appearing at the 9 worlds in 2017??? Tickets are still available???? I can’t wait!!!!! HELP I love Melanie . WAIT?? SHE CAN SEE THAT THAT’S NOT SASHA?? omg am i finally going to get a resolution to the imposter Sasha arc???
EP 77: The Kind Mother
77 is my favourite number so I have high hopes for this episode. I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED!!! This is actually horrifying and I will be having nightmares!!!
EP 78: Distant Cousin
Oh damn Jon is spiraling and finding everything he can :( Wow! That was equally horrifying! I will cry! I am not going on a midnight walk tonight! "And now I see you" goes so hard. MARTIN!!!!!!! guys I love Martin. Nevermind this episode is much more horrifying!!!! Michael and Sasha oh my god I will sob that was so scary.
EP 79: Hide and Seek
MARTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tim not using a blank tape... Oh Jon is actually going to murder them too. "Really isn't it a little.. y'know..." Martin wdym you literally work at a supernatural institute. OH MY GOD?? THE SASHA VOICE JUMPSCARE?? Y'all idk if I'm getting through this episode the voice effects scare me so bad :’) WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS EPISODE?? WHAT WAS THAT END???
EP 80: The Librarian
This episode was everything to me. Okay so I was a bit confused when Leitner showed up because it was kinda hard for me to follow the location but YAYY finally I have answers :’). Lowkey I’ve been thinking Leitner was some really old guy from early 1900s but I think I’m just a wee bit stupid. What did Elias do to his body that made Jon leave and not saying anything like bro that was not a smart decision.
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howlingday · 8 months
I will like if Jaune is Adrian's donor and Pyrrha was alive and with Jaune. Pyrrha would were an " I am not the step mom I am the mom who stepped up shirt" and take a ton of selfies in it while holding Adrian.
I love this idea, I really do, but just so you know, the reason what you're about to see is because "I'm the mom who stepped up" reminded me of my favorite character from my absolutely favorite podcast.
I present to you and all the good folks at home,
Pyrrha Nikos as Ron Stampler
Blake: So what is Pyrrha Nikos' plan for Adrian Cotta Arc?
Pyrrha: Adrian...? Oh! Adrian! Cotta! Arc!
Blake: You step-son.
Pyrrha: Yeah! I'm making him some instant oatmeal because that's what he asked for. But then Jaune pointed out that I need to put water in with the oatmeal, and I can't just put the packet in the bowl. Which, uh, is really getting into the nitty-gritty there, and I don't exactly need that extra flourish, but I'll do it anyway, because I love my step-son. Adrian. Cotta. Arc.
Blake: Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: Yeah?
Blake: Adrian hasn't been at the table for the last hour.
Pyrrha: Oh... Then I guess somebody's not getting their instant oatmeal.
Pyrrha: Arin- Adrian? Adrian? Where are you at... buddy?
Adrian: (Outside) Uuuuuuugh...
Pyrrha: Mommy? I mean, Adrian? Is that you?
Blake: You should probably head outside and check.
Pyrrha: (Sees Adrian) Hey, Adrian. I know that... I haven't been there for you. Because I wasn't married to your husband- MY husband, your dad, before you were born to your moms, who both died and I've written several pages of words, trying to emote on paper what I can't always do in person. And I'm working on that.
Pyrrha: (Knocks on the door) Uh, hi, Oscar! It's me, Pyrrha Nikos, noted supporter of men and-
Oscar: (Door swings open, Haggard) I'm... I've been trying my best to make magical weapons for you, but it's just... there's so much I have to put into just one part of each weapon and-
Pyrrha: That's great! I appreciate you and your hard work!
Oscar: ...Yeah, no, I'm very convinced by that. You sound like a real ally. What the fuck do you want?
Pyrrha: Uh, I was wondering if you could help me... again?
Oscar: ...Wow. Huge surprise. What is it?
Pyrrha: I was wondering if I could talk to that doctor you menioned. That "Doctor Not Oz"?
Oscar: (Actually surprised) Oh! Uh, yeah, sure, just come on in, get comfortable, okay?
Pyrrha: Should I close the door?
Oscar: Yeah, yeah, please close the door. I'll just grab Doctor Not Oz.
Pyrrha: Should I sit on the couch, or...
Oscar: Sit wherever you want. Just be comfortable.
Pyrrha: (Sits down)
Oscar: (Magically dyes hair white)
Oscar: (Pulls out crooked glasses)
Oscar: (Puts on buttoned, green coat)
Oscar: (Sits, Reaches out hand) Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Doctor Not Oz.
Pyrrha: Uh, so, my name is Pyrrha Nikos.
Oscar: Pyrrha, I am so glad to see you here. Attending therapy is very important, if not the most important first step to admitting you need help. Everything you say between us is strictly confidential. Let's talk about your mother.
Pyrrha: That's actually the biggest thing to get into right away for me, so-
Oscar: Okay, okay! That's fine! Let's talk about anything else. How are you feeling right now?
Pyrrha: Scared of my mom.
Yang: (Walks out of the woods) Oh, uh, hey, P-Money! How's, uh... How's it going?
Pyrrha: (On the verge of tears) Uh... It's going.
Yang: I was gonna help Ruby make some weapons. You want in?
Pyrrha: Sometimes, I feel like my emotions are the weapons!
Yang: Come here, Pyrrha! (Hugs, Cries)
Pyrrha: (Hugs, Cries)
Nora: (Comes out of the woods, Instantaneously hugs and cries) I don't know what we're hugging and crying about, but I am in!
Weiss: (Struts out of the woods) Hey, guys, good news! I fucked so much that I'm no longer able to be one-shotted!
Pyrrha: Holy shit...
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zaptrapp · 5 months
Ea’s Bad Batch Finale Rant
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Here we go, doing this as I’ve done for ep.1. Of course SPOILERS AHEAD for the last episode (sigh, it’s all done and gone isn’t it?). Warning, this is going to be chaotic and emotional... so yeah, deal with it haha.
The intro… the eerie music… chills.
Is something bad about to happen or…?
Please leave Wrecker alone.
We are not starting on a good note, why’s Wrecker so beaten up???
This is not good, I’m not good.
I mean I know why, because of last ep beast, but c'mon why Wrecker...
“Clone Force 99 ended when Tech died” fuck If I’m not crying wow….
Crosshair shaking so much… nah I’m out already what the fuck is this.
Crosshair wanting to sacrifice himself, YO CHILL?!?
Hunter please discipline your children.
Dr. Hemlock x Rampart or did I just imagine the sexual tension?
But what if...
Enemies to lovers Dr. Hemlock x Rampart lmao please someone, anyone?
Kids please beat the shit out of miss Dr. PLEASE KIDS!
Omega being so smart, her character development, the courage! SLAY GIRLIE
now we're talking
"Is it Omega's or Echo's handiwork?".... "Omega's." LMAO they know Echo doesn't fuck around that much hahaha
Emerie i give you one last chance.
green kid I feel you so much, I'm also afraid of heights hahah
here we go with the Incredible 4 (aka the super clones? enhanced clones? brainwashed clones? whatever....)
they give off a lot of "Avengers Unite!" vibe
ready to slay aren't we?
When I said slay I didn't mean slay the bad batch, just to be clear.
annd Hunter is a goner
Annnnd Crosshair is a goner too i guess?
Creepiest point the show has ever been what the actual fuck is this supposed to be a children show?
Yup Wrecker is done too.
Yo the scene where Emerie and Echo see his squad being taken away. I got chills, you can fucking see his reaction, the shock.
Emerie don't fuck this up and get those kids to safety thank you.
Nala Se and Rampart too?! slay
Omg Rampart stfu for one second or just go away you're useless anyway
Not the squad being tortured
"We'll survive, but you won't" -> OOOOOOHHFFFFFFUUUUCK
Hunter be mine
Oh wow Nala Se I see where you're going with this.
Too bad we didn't have more Hemlock x Rampart interactions, boyfriend died, sad.
Aaaaaand 2 are down.
Bye Rampart and Nala Se, you actually were on my dead bad batch bingo list.
Rest In Peace Nala Se🙏🏻 you got redeemed.
Rest in Sass you bitching ass imperial Rampart 🖕🏻
UH Hemlock this was such a bitchy thing to do.
and here goes the chaos
Wrecker is so fucking menacing. HE IS PISSED
OK WRECKER IS MAD MAD and also scary scary now…
Hunter with that spear makes me feel things.
Uhhh he got it coming from a mile away
And Clone CX-2 is down….
So, uhhhh…. That wasn’t Tech uh……
Tech was….
….Dead dead?
Like actually dead this whole time?
NO ECHO fuck god
“Take a shot everytime the bad batch is on the verge of getting killed”
-> not me being absolutely wasted and with my nerves asking for mercy
Please Hunter, Crosshair, kill that bitch ass Hemlock
major disney villain vibe in the storm with the hostage secured to his wrist yada yada...
"DROP YOUR BLASTERS" well well well
Why is Hemlock’s screaming voice kinda sexy tho
I'm so sorry for what I've just said.
CROSSHAIR PLEASE bciakwnfbhc I’m dying too here
You can do it YES you can do it
Crosshar leaning on Hunter like he did with Tech in the clone wars season 7 HAHAHAHA YUUUUP I've been fed.
Uh that was personal
Guys... that's enough. Yup I-I think he's dead now. Yes, definitely gone. Uh, you can stop shooting, he's cold. He also just fell off a cliff... HE DEAD DEAD!
evil space imperial boyfriends reunited in hell
The way Omega chooses to hug Crosshair first, as a DadHunter! stan I feel a bit betrayed but comprehensible… he just saved her not missing the shot.
with one hand tooo, kudos
group hug I'm so teary
Wait so they did it?
Oh wow I bet my money on Hunter and Crosshair to die but I was wrong?? This is… refreshing.
Look at them kids!! And the clone cadets, and the rescued clones!!!
Look at them all cozy and happy
Nah Echo my man where are you going?
Rex mention pt. 2 or something...
Rex should have been there in the finale but ok i guess... a bit disappointed but still
Nah Echo should have been there for the last shot.
It’s over uh?
look at them, finally happy and free. WE DID IT.
Not the flash forward I cannot handle it
Ok Pabu!?
YOUNG ADULT OMEGA fuck yesssss
oh she looks awesome
deceased. dead on the ground. dead like hemlock.
She’s a rebel pilot
"You're our kid" I'M SCREAMING
he chose to be a dad, I knew it
She chose to keep fighting
They should have included Wrecker and Crosshair in this where are they??
But also it’s as it began, Hunter and Omega and their father-daughter bond
“Bye dad, imma be a pilot and save the galaxy” aka “imma move out from the basement and live on my own”
Oh Hunter you’re an old man now…. My heart is aching but also it means he got to live a peaceful life until the rest of his days.
the beard, the long hair, the gray hair.... i wonder how crosshair and wrecker are doing? and echo?? and howzer? AND CODY?
like you cannot leave me like this? hello?
This is gone full circle now.
Goodbye Bad Batch! It’s been a pleasure!
(I’m still crying)
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keviniiryuu · 3 months
okay like last time, I will compile my reaction/thoughts for ep13 and gbc as a whole :D (i don't do this often bc I can't write well... but..)
I knew it.... I don't like Hina HAHA. Like, I get her, but you really left Nina just like that huh?
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Go tell her off! Maybe people will say that Nina is having a hero complex or sticking her nose in to other people's business, but I think it's very brave of her.
Also, ngl, I didn't expect for this to be the reason why she was bullied...
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Momoka no......
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Miura-san is a goat for this one and why does Subaru looks like she's saying "God, why did it end up being me explaining it to you"
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Seriously having this truck right by their agency is a huge slap to the face
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Nina Fang (also Nina stop reading the negative comments...)
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"I was wrong and Hina was right all long." You know what? Fuck you, Hina. I know at present it's like Hina lowkey pushing Nina and motivating her, but I can't appreciate it that much lmao.
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I love the moments where Momoka gets all serious/mature mode
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Momoka apologizing.... seeing everyone getting shocked about it.... Honestly, this one broke my heart a bit. Momoka, who had lost all self-confidence, had rebuilt it very slowly because of Nina's and everyone else's trust in her.
So, seeing the song that was made by her with the members in mind not doing well must be a blow to that fragile confidence yet again. She was guilty that she let everyone down.
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you're not wrong, nina. i promise you.
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Everyone is tired (affectionate) of Nina's outbursts while Momoka looks awestruck... Of course, we will add this to the album of the Momoka Gayze (tm) but I think this is also related to her self-confidence.
I just said that Momoka felt guilty and like how Momoka blew Nina away in Ep. 1, Nina's outburst blew her away in a way that no, no one was blaming Momoka for their failure and the person that she is closest to still believes and trusts in her.
That awestruck gaze, admiring Nina's confidence and unwavering belief for her and the group. To the song. To their decision and that they weren't wrong. Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but let me be lmao.
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ugh the softness in her gayze.... i can't...
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SHUT THE FUCK UP HINA. Nina is brave enough to do the things no one would normally do!!
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bro whoever that was, it's on sight. also momoka, subaru. fight em
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tomo no...
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sigh... i love togetoge
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let them drink!!!
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Momoka gayze again
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You love this city (and Momoka) and met friends (and a girlfriend) right Nina?
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Ngl, I did like the touch that no miracle happened. Like, oh wow, a sudden burst of tickets selling! It is what it is.
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First time when i'm sad we didn't get a training arc for Nina playing guitar
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I love them
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idiot (affectionate)
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ngl. the song is not for me HAHAHA but welp. I will take this camera angle. thanks.
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Okay, now for GBC as a whole: I adore this show so fucking much. I didn't expect to fall in love with the show when I started watching it, but man. I am so glad that I didn't wait for this to finish and got to wait each week for a new episode with everyone.
Personally, the ending was okay. It feels like it's just the beginning, so it didn't feel like an ending ending. Idk how to explain it. It just.... it's like not everything has been concluded.
Regarding momonina: I am not surprised that nothing happened on camera. But with all the subtext and hints, I will take it. Sure, I wished they addressed the confession more openly, but you can't win it all.
Overall, this is my anime of the season, possibly anime of the year, and definitely one of my all time favorites. Maybe I'll make a post about the ED (since it's an epilogue), about momonina, or my fave moments throughout the season but we'll see haha.
"I wasn't wrong, was I?"
"To fall in love with Girls Band Cry."
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