#wrecker x gender neutral reader
sinisterexaggerator · 7 months
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I'll Put It On Your Tab
Wrecker x Gen! Reader
Warnings: Threats made with a blaster. Violence. Attempted robbery. A broken bone or two. Fluff, and a kiss. "Established" relationship vibes.
962 words
Notes: I decided to write a series of "goodbye" ficlets where the reader takes / removes something from each of CF99 as they part ways, however this one deviated a little bit from that path. In this case, the story is left open-ended.
For you, @allsystemsblue. I know you love Wreck. :D
Crosshair || Echo || Hunter || Tech
“I don’t want any trouble,” you pleaded, hands held high above your shoulders with arms bent at the elbows. The masked man before you held his blaster level with your abdomen, making a motion for you to fill his sack with all your credits.
“Everything,” he growled. “Put it in the bag.”
Trembling, you rushed to comply, your hard-earned money being forfeit to this brute who was sure to kill you if you did not obey his brusque command.
Your business was Mantell Mix in Ord Mantell City; you barely made ends meet as a simple street vendor. You had a few faithful customers, some more so than others, but otherwise you lived day-to-day off cartons sold. He was sure to clean you out; you would have to eat your product or starve until tomorrow, though the alternative was death.
You supposed you might just count your blessings and be thankful should he keep his word and spare you.
“Hurry up!” he barked; you jumped despite yourself, dropping your remaining profits on the ground for them to scatter at his feet. You gasped, afraid for any repercussions, immediately falling to your knees before him to quickly gather what you could to placate the increasingly impatient man.
“Karkin’ imbecile!” he hissed, pushing you backward by the heel of his boot. You fell onto your rump, staring up with horrified, wide eyes as he took aim at the space between them, tears threatening to fall as your heart crashed wildly behind your ribs.
“I’m sorry—” you began, tilting your head farther, fear expelled to be replaced with elation as your knight in not-so-shining armor loomed above your attacker, massive arms folded across the broad expanse of his chest.
“Is this guy bothering you?” Wrecker asked, almost comically so. He could not help himself, loving to make an entrance, no matter how dire the situation, it seemed.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, scurrying back on the palms of your hands before you attempted to stand. In that same moment, the perp and his half-filled sack of money swung around, Wrecker squeezing the barrel of his blaster so tightly, that he crushed it under the pressure of his fist.
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size,” the clone demanded beneath his bucket, though this man was nowhere near the height of your darling hero. You watched with bated breath, your would-be robber struggling in vain within his grasp, his mutilated weapon tumbling awkwardly from his grip.
The sack of money had been abandoned, your assailant of the mind he would need both hands to ward off this towering giant who had made it his job to protect you. Though you thought to retrieve what was yours, you did not move a single muscle, watching the scene unfold as you silently thanked your lucky stars.
“Piss off!” the thug seethed, a flurry of motions catching your attention; something glinted in the streetlight above your humble cart.
“Wrecker!” you cried out, a hidden blade unsheathed. He appreciated your warning, but it was not necessary.
A twist and then a crack. The knife was just as easily discarded. The man screamed, though his cry of pain was momentary. Wrecker’s plastoid helmet had met with his skull, knocking him flat in the dirt with a resounding thud.
As soon as he was down for the count, you endeavored to wrap yourself around him; you hugged your rescuer as tightly as you could, though your arms would not even begin to enclose the entirety of his waist.
“Thank you,” you breathed, gazing up. Wrecker chortled nervously, rubbing the back of his head absentmindedly, even though his gear was in the way.
“Aww, it wasn’t nothing.” He shyly brushed away your gratitude. Wrecker always felt that way with you – shy -  though he was not sure what it meant.
You reached; you wanted to see his handsome face. He was beautiful to you, regardless of his many scars.
Wrecker obliged, craning his neck so that you might remove his helmet and set it off to the side. He smiled down at you, a twinkle sparkling in the umber depths of his good eye.
For a moment, he seemed proud. “I sure showed him!” he announced happily.
“You did,” you assured him kindly, unable to help yourself as you traced the raised lines spidering across his skin. You repaid his smile with one of your own, turning to rummage through your cart.
“I have something for you,” you said, withdrawing a fresh carton of his favorite treat. You took a piece between your fingers and offered it to him. He hesitated, finally bending down to gingerly take the small kernel between his teeth.
“Mmm,” he hummed, politely chewing with his mouth closed.  You offered another, this time replacing it with a press of your lips to his when he least expected.
Wrecker’s eyes rounded to saucers before he gradually relaxed, the surprisingly gentle man taking up either side of your face in the curves of his palms. His fingers came to rest just beneath your ears, the rebel clone using this opportunity to draw you in.
“This is better than Mantell Mix,” he mumbled against you; you tried to suppress a laugh, having meant to deepen your connection.
Instead, you grinned, opening eyes that had been shut so that you could lovingly regard him. You returned your hand to his face, cradling his jaw. “I owe you my life,” you whispered.
You thought you saw a hint of a blush as he stumbled to reply. "Uhhh- I'll settle for that," he bashfully requested.
You could barely contain your glee as you rose up on your tiptoes to kiss him one more time. "I'll put it on your tab,” you quipped playfully.
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knightprincess · 5 months
Softness Suits You (Tech x GN! Reader)
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Words: 2k Warnings: None - unless you count Kriff and Karabast as swearing. Note: Gender Neutral - Use of You and (Y/N) A part of the Bad Batch Gift Exchange @cloneficgiftexchange For: @theunderscorekinginyellow Prompt: "Softness Suits You"
“(Y/N),” called Tech, skidding to a halt as he rounded the corner. Blaster fire passed the corner mere seconds later. “Now is not the time to give up on me,” he commented, pulling you back to your feet. You’d slipped down the durasteel wall you’d been learning against with a sharp groan of pain, an arm tightly wound around your midsection, the other putting pressure on another unseen wound hidden beneath your armor and the layers of fabric. 
“Wasn’t the time for the plan to go wrong either,” (Y/N) voiced, recalling how the mission had gone sideways quickly. “We went over the plan five times,” you grumbled, blowing out an agonized sigh as the stabbing pain grew in strength. 
“I got the package, didn’t I?” responded Wrecker, the sound of blaster fire being exchanged echoing through the com. 
“Anyone injured?” came Hunter’s smokey voice. Omega’s innocent one followed, celebrating after hitting another target with her energy bow. Echo soon confirmed he and Wrecker were slightly banged up, but nothing serious. Their main problem was being pinned down. 
“(Y/N) got hit, unsure how serious it is,” announced Tech, seemingly ignoring your comment that you were okay. Even when it was evidently obvious you were anything but. You were losing blood, feeling dizzy and shaky, and could barely stand on your own two feet, and Tech had stated you looked paler than usual. 
“Tech, get (Y/N) back to the Marauder,” demanded Echo, his voice severe and unyielding. The job for Sid meant little compared to the life of a friend. 
“Omega will meet you there,” said Hunter. The young clone’s protests shortly followed his words. “That’s an order,” he added, slipping into a mix of his previous Sargent Mode and that of a protective father figure trying to protect their child and family. “The rest of us Plan 13.” 
“Oh yeah,” exclaimed Wrecker, launching into the attack on droids and mercenaries alike. The human wrecking ball wasted little time running head-first into the battle again. His actions a reminder of his days as a soldier of the GAR, back when everything was simpler before the dark times began to strangle the galaxy. 
“Oh brother,” mutters Echo before readying himself to rejoin the battle before him. Pushing aside the memories of the many food fights on Kamino before it was bombarded and forgotten about—memories of his brothers of the Domino Squad, 501st, and Bad Batch. 
“Ready?” asked Tech, placing his D17s in the holsters for the time being, reaching for your arm to pull you back to your feet. Directing the arm around his neck as his own snaked around your midsection. Hearing the sharpness in your breath as you began to limp forward. The pilot soon pulled the yellow-tinted screen of his helmet down, scanning you over to get a clear idea of the damage and injuries sustained.
“What’s the prognosis, Doctor?” sarcastically asked (Y/N), your eyes glazing over as you become confused and disorientated. “Is it as bad as Crosshair’s friction burns from the Skako mission?” you asked with a light chuckle, wincing shortly after with the pain shooting through your ribs. 
“I would argue that was worse,” answered Tech, recalling Crosshair grumbling for days afterward—even more so when Wrecker refused to let him forget about it. “However, this is a close second,” he said, trying to keep your spirits up and offer a distraction from your injuries and dire state. 
“Damn. I was hoping to top him this time,” replied (Y/N), as if you had forgotten Crosshair wasn’t there. Instead, he had chosen to return to the Empire, even after they had bombarded Tipoca City with all of them inside. “Still working on that plan to get him back,” you add with the smallest of grins. 
“Crosshair … chose a different path. We have to accept that, even if we don’t agree with it,” spoke Tech with a prang of sadness. Thankful when the Marauder came into view, Omega was already on the steps, waving at them with a small smile of her own. At least until it hit her, Tech was all but keeping you up now. 
“What happened?” questioned Omega, quickly running back up the steps, moving to get the medical kit stowed away aboard the ship. At the same time, Tech pulled (Y/N) over to the sleeping racks upon getting you aboard. Nodding to Omega in thanks, when she brought the medical kit over to him, he reached for stem cells and bacta gel in hopes of aiding the healing process. 
“We could use a lift,” came the booming voice of Echo, the coms lighting up with the disagreement between the Arc Trooper, Hunter, and Wrecker. 
“That with or without Omega hanging from the ship and me falling out or over something?” asked (Y/N), doing your best to lighten the dreary mood and keep Omega from seeing just how bad things were. You had a soft spot for the kid and the boys. 
“It was an unscheduled study break,” Tech voiced in response. At least explaining Omega hanging from the ship. A smirk appeared across his lips upon remembering the two separate incidences regarding (Y/N) falling over something and falling from the ship completely. “And momentarily lapse in coordination.” 
“Just patching (Y/N) up, then we’ll be there,” announced Omega, keeping the trio of Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker in the loop. 
“This is going to hurt,” stated Tech, receiving a (Y/N) famous deadpan look in response. At least informing him, he was pointing out the obvious again, without calling the exceptionally minded clone by the normal nickname. Captain Obvious. 
“You mean more than it already does?” You asked, the next part of your comment forgotten as the bacta gel burned like someone had poured the lavas of Mustafar into your open wounds. “Kriff!” 
“Language” worded Wrecker via the comm link. 
“Aurebesh,” you replied, much to Omega’s amusement. Tech could only shake his head and roll his golden eyes. 
“Switch out the words, (Y/N),” spoke Hunter, once again the familiar sound of blaster fire following his words, hinting at the trouble the trio was in now. 
“Yes, Papa Hunter. Next time, I’ll use Karabast,” quickly shot (Y/N), not noticing Tech had stepped close with an anesthetic, at least not until he caught you with it. 
“Rest for now (Y/N). Omega and I can handle the extraction,” announced Tech. He made sure you were lying comfortably on his rack before heading to the cockpit with Omega. The young clone gave Gonky his own mission to watch over you while you slept. 
When (Y/N) finally woke up, the Marauder was on stable ground, and the ship was quiet—too quiet. The only noise was Gonky waddling the length of the ship with the normal “Gonk” on repeat, although the droid did seem to be pestering Tech, who sat at the communications desk just in front of the sleeping racks. 
“Where’s the others?” you asked with a cracked and broken voice. Your throat was dry and scratchy from the lack of use. Slowly, you moved your head to look around the ship. The cockpit was empty, void of Echo and Wrecker. The rear gunner's port had no Omega resting there, although Lula and her little clone trooper were. Hunter was nowhere to be seen either. Only Tech and Gonky were there. 
“Wrecker and Omega are following through with their tradition,” Tech replied, standing and walking over, an unreadable expression painted on his features. The moment he reached you, he placed a soft hand on your forehead, relief washing over him minutes later. "Hunter and Echo are delivering the package to Sid.” 
“How long was I out?” you asked. Then it hit you: You were no longer on Eadu but instead back on Ord Monell. 
“Just over a day,” started Tech, helping you sit up. “I’d appreciate it if we didn’t repeat what happened,” he added, pushing his goggles back up the bridge of his nose. 
“I’m not gonna let you get shot, Tech, and I did tell you to leave me,” argued (Y/N), feeling relief now the majority of your pain was gone, either nulled by the anesthetic or washed away by the bacta healing the wounds. 
“We don’t leave our own behind,” stated Tech, a matter of factly, with a pointer finger raised, as if to drill it into your head and make it stick. “The others are fine as well. Wrecker still thinks the scans are invisible spiders,” he added, allowing his stiffness to melt a little upon hearing your small ring of laughter. 
“Hunter and Echo still the parents?” (Y/N) asked, side-eyeing and suspicious, just in case something had changed while you were out for the count. 
“Careful (Y/N), your softer side is showing,” joked Tech. “Either that, or you hit your head harder than I thought.” 
“Or I’m high as a kite and hallucinating,” you commented. 
“Not lost your sense of humor, " Echo said upon boarding the ship. A scratch now donning his cheek below the left eye. However, the worry plaguing him now seemed to melt away. 
“Mustafar would freeze over before that happened,” (Y/N) replied with a small smile, “Or Hoth would warm up.” You quietened for a few minutes before it hit you: Tech had said your soft side was showing. Didn’t it always when you were around your found family? “Wait, what you mean my softer side is showing?” you questioned, hearing Echo chuckle as he held his hands up in surrender before walking off to the cockpit. 
“I don’t mean to offend you,” started Tech, suddenly uncomfortable, even more so when his hopes of you missing his words were dashed. “Normally, when out in the field or around Sid, you appear like Crosshair, stoic, cold, and armed with snide comments for enemies and sarcastic ones to lighten the mood,” he rambled, hoping to explain away what he now saw as a blunder. 
“Tech,” you softly call, a sweet grin appearing now as you made it apparent you weren’t offended by the comment, merely curious. 
“I thought it was obvious. Softness suits you,” directed Tech, 
“Will you two make it official already?” voiced Wrecker as he and Omega returned to the ship. Hunter followed along behind, slightly confused by the comment but smirking nonetheless. 
“Way to ruin the mood, Wrecker,” (Y/N) replied. “I’m recruiting Omega to help terrorize you the next time you go speed dating.” 
“That was one time.” 
“Wrecker went speeding dating?” questioned Echo 
“Yup, It’s right up there with Hunter and Crosshair waking up handcuffed in a fountain,” you reply, hearing Omega laughing, 
“I hate your memory right now,” commented Hunter, his cheeks redding as he sat down at his normal spot. 
“Please do tell me more,” commented Echo, knowing he and Fives got up to some crazy things, along with Kix, Hardcase, and Jesse, things he often got a chuckle out of when he allowed himself to remember them. However, he wanted to know more about what the rest of the batch got up to during the war. 
“No! I’m gonna die of embarrassment,” replied Wrecker, recalling the speeding dating disaster. Their first shore leave after joining the war effort. (Y/N) as their Jedi had told them to have fun, not expecting to get a call from Fox informing you, your squad was spending the night in detention. 
“Wasn’t that bad” replied Tech, trying to soothe the situation. Although he’d admit you laughing from behind him wasn’t helping. 
“I want to hear about it,” Omega called, her sweet, innocent voice seemingly breaking through. Hunter and Wrecker shared a glance, knowing (Y/N) couldn’t deny the young clone anything, although, thankfully, you told the stories in a child-friendly way. 
“Was that the one I have no memory of?” asked Tech, recalling they’d gotten up to a lot of mischief. He’d personally set off a few security breaches from hacking sensitive information. Wrecker had set so many alarms off with his explosives that the Coruscant Guard had come to expect it and, at points, used it as a training exercise. Hunter and Crosshair found themselves in contests with different goals. Meanwhile, (Y/N) collectively named everything the Lame Game. 
“Yup,” replied (Y/N), popping the p. “Never did find out how you ended up black-out drunk under the booth table. Or why you were wearing Wolffe’s helmet?” You laughed. 
“Tech’s right; Softness does suit you,” replied Hunter, the smallest of grins appearing across his lips as he got comfortable, ready to relive the embarrassing moments of the past. “You’re still the best storyteller, though.”
KnightPrincess Masterlist
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
Hey! I saw your requests are open. I absolutely love your work, and i how you're doing alright! I will take any opportunity I can to request Tech x Reader smut with Dom!Tech vibes 💜
Sorry I know you requested this a while ago but I’m just now getting around to it! Hope you enjoy this quick little drabble <3
Did someone say dom!tech 👀?? I am blushing
Tech x GN!Reader drabble
Warnings: rough/dom/possessive/jealous(?) tech, smut, 18+ minors DNI
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How did you get here? How did you end up with your body shoved against the building behind 79’s, Tech’s cock buried inside of you, with his hand pressed against your mouth, suffocating your moans?
Quite frankly, you didn’t give a shit how you ended up here, you just knew you never wanted it to end.
Something lit a fire into Tech earlier in the night. Maybe it was the way that Rex couldn’t keep his wandering eyes off of you. Maybe it was even the revealing nature of the outfit you chose to wear. Maybe it had just been too long since he’d felt you, and he couldn’t take it anymore.
“That’s right, darling, take my cock” He growled against your ear, his thrusts turning brutal as he fucked you from behind.
This was not the Tech you knew in bed. This was a version of Tech with such a burning hunger for you that he couldn’t stand it not one minute longer. He was possessive of your body, his grip around you being relentless. You didn’t mind it one bit, in fact, you loved this. It was unexpected, and turned you on more than you were willing to admit.
“Maker, you are so good” He gritted through this teeth. Your cries of pleasure seeped through his fingers over your mouth.
He yanked his hand tighter against your face, causing your skin to burn, but it hurt so good.
“You want this whole bar to know who you belong to, hm?” He whispered against your ear. You nodded.
“Go ahead, then, darling. Tell them who fucks you this good” He smirked.
“Stars, Tech. You fuck me so good” You whimpered. In response to your filthy remarks, he fucked you faster and harder now. He loved watching your ass bounce against him with every thrust.
Your legs began to tremble as you became overwhelmed with your approaching orgasm. You felt the tingling form in your lower belly, and his cock filled you so perfectly, brushing your most sensitive places with every stroke. It was all too much.
“Come for me” Tech demanded.
You obeyed, feeling the rush of your euphoria wash over you. The feeling in your legs faded, as all sense of feeling centered in between your legs. Loud cries of pleasure escaped you, but Tech did nothing to suppress your expressions now.
“That’s it. Oh, Y/N, I’m going to fill you up” He faltered, his hips losing their rhythm as he spilled his release inside of you, marking you even more…as his.
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neon-junkie · 1 year
What your favourite Bad Batcher says about you!
Not to be taken seriously, just a few traits I’ve picked up in people, based on who their favourite Bad Batcher is. Gender-neutral!
Hunter - You are a fan of one of these things, if not both: rough and rugged men who come across as dominant, but are actually submissive, OR sad little wet dogs. You know those 'sponsor an animal today!' adverts, and they show you all the animals with their sad lil' eyes gawking at the camera? Yeah, that's Hunter. You probably have a comfort item of some kind - a teddy, blankey, pillow, etc - and heaven forbid you ever wash that thing. They're fragile, okay?! Holding hands is one of your favourite forms of affection, along with head massages, and words of affirmation. You big, sappy baby.
Tech - Nerrrrd. No seriously, you've got to be a geek of some sort. That, or you're the total opposite to him. A goth, perhaps? Maybe you like Tech because he reminds you of your dorky high school days when you were bullied for your basic interests. On a brighter note, Tech fans are always sweet and kind, straightforward, possibly a little... autistic. You probably own a fidget item of some kind, and you love 'floor time.' Oh, and one of your favourite things on a man are their thighs - perfect cushions!
Wrecker - You're 100% an angel, alright?! I've never met a Wrecker fan who isn't the sweetest soul to ever grace this earth. You're probably not into the gym - if anything, you prefer food, and you're more than happy with your size and figure. You always have that one jacket that you wear, despite having a wardrobe full of others. Bright colours are your favourite because they're positive, and who doesn't want to be surrounded by bright and happy colours? You probably also own that Lula plush too, or you've made your own. Crafty lil' nerd.
Echo - Either you drink wine, or gin. Or you don't drink at all. There's no middle ground here. You definitely sleep in a bed full of blankets and pillows, only to push them off during the night because you're too damn hot! Cuddles are a very comforting thing to you, and one of your favourite forms of love language. You're either incredible at maths, or shit. Overall, you're soft and tender, but damn, you can bark when you really want to, and Maker forbid that anybody ever feels your bite!!
Crosshair - Okay, but... you don't have daddy issues, that's the thing. Everybody assumes that because you're a little edgy, when in reality, your trauma stimulates from elsewhere. Childhood bullying, perhaps? You know how everybody is either a black cat, or a golden retriever? Yeah, you're a black cat, but that doesn't mean you prefer solitude. You don't let just anyone into your circle - trust is a big thing, and it takes a long time to build up with you. However, when someone gets through, they find out that you're just a big sappy baby. A big sappy baby who prefers to be the little spoon.
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yoitsjay · 1 month
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Info area:
☆- female
●- male
■- gender neutral
♤- angst
♡- fluff
♧- smut
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⤑The Witch, The Fool, The Duo
⤑They Are The Captain
⤑ Tracker☆♡
⤑ Voices■♡
⤑ We Are One Together■♡♤
⤑ Sensory Overload☆♡
⤑ Confidential☆♤♡
⤑ Battle of the bands☆♡
⤑ Catch and keep☆♧♡
⤑ United■♤♡
⤑ Oblivious ■♡
⤑What If?☆♧
⤑ A little bit of normal ●♡♤
⤑ Aid ●♡
⤑Yeah? good ■♤
⤑Brothers, friends and more? Pt 1 | Pt 2 ♡♤☆
⤑ Symphony Of Destruction ☆♤♡
⤑ My Cardigan ☆♡♧
⤑Holes In my sweater ■♤♡♧
⤑Cat caught your tongue? ☆♡♧
⤑ Two sides □♡♤
⤑Her light under moonlight ☆♡
⤑ Hands On ☆♧♡
⤑ Ner Cabur ●♡
⤑Don't Want You To Hurt ☆♡
⤑Pod Racing ☆♡♧
⤑Something New☆♡
⤑ A Little Bit Of Fear●♡
⤑ Talk x3 ☆♡
⤑ Worse and worser ■♡♤
⤑ Burdens To Carry ☆♤
⤑Flattery ■♡
⤑ Secrecy ☆♡
⤑ Gravitating ■♡
⤑ Friends To Lovers ■♡
⤑Fireball ☆♡♤
⤑ Stuffies ■♡
⤑ Anger Outlets■♡
⤑ Sparks Of Freedom ●
⤑ Like Your Not Even There■♡
⤑ The Unyielding Moment ♤■
⤑ What if there were five ●♡
The Bad Batch Band
Tag List:
@only-my-unexistent-fiances @moomoog017
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chaosjedimasterk · 2 years
Movie Night!
Movie night with the bad batch!!!
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Honestly I’ve been having so much fun writing these little drabbles. If you have any suggestions let me know. If the writing is a little rough feel free to leave comments - if it’s grammar oriented sorry I’m not changing I’ve always been bad at it 🤷🏼‍♀️
Summary: it’s movie night with the batch!
Pairings: hunter/reader, wrecker/reader, tech/reader, echo/reader, crosshair/reader, bad batch group/reader
Warnings: none! Mostly fluff, mentions of wine and kissing. Implications of spicy time but nothing explicitly mentioned
Reader is gender neutral
Thanks for reading!!!! 🥰
~ After a long day of finalizing intel for the next mission you and Hunter decide to have a low key movie night before you have to be away for the next few rotations. You ready your living room with a cozy blanket and some comfy pillows and get ready to settle in
~ Hunter is a movie theater butter popcorn kinda guy. It’s a classic and you can’t go wrong. Occasionally he likes to sprinkle chocolate candies in with the popcorn for a salty/sweet combination.
~ Hunter likes movies where he doesn’t have to think too hard, something that’s entertaining but also doesn’t involve a lot of brain power. Poor man is exhausted from having to be the sole impulse control of the batch 87.3 percent of the time. Tbh he absolutely would go for a movie like Jumanji - any of the renditions. Perfect amount of comedy, action and adventure
~ He tries real hard but he dozes off during the middle of the movie quietly snoring on your shoulder. You smirk as you gently nudge him and he gives you the old adage “I was just resting my eyes, I know exactly what’s going on”. You roll your eyes and gently kiss the top of his head as he quickly dozed back off.
~ Wrecker is an action comedy kinda man. Occasionally action romance if he’s feeling extra spicy with you 🤭 Tonight in particular he’s feeling a good laugh. You and him spent the day training so he’s extra hungry. You aim for takeout as your movie snack. You’ve got the family entre and sides and you’re both devouring it!
~ The movie tonight is Bullet Train because you’ve seen good reviews and it is RIGHT up Wrecker’s alley! He is belly laughing through the whole movie and doesn’t tease you when you snuggle into his shoulder when it gets just a bit too gruesome. “Don’t worry babe! I’ll tell you when it’s safe to look again!” He says as you hide your face in his shoulder for the 5th time.
~ Wrecker likes to talk through movies so you’re often pausing so you can both get your thoughts and theories out. You don’t mind you like to hear what he has to say. The best part is talking about your theories of who’s behind the plot sometimes you’re right and then you’re wrong then right again. You’re both laughing and giggling the whole time.
~when the movie is over though you two snuggle on the couch and talk about your favorite parts, what scenes looked the coolest and who was the best actor. You stay that way well into the night until you’ve both passed out.
~ this man COMMITS to movie night. He comes fully prepared with snacks, and sets up with a whole charcuterie board for the both of you with a paired wine. He also commits to being as comfy as possible. He pulls the gray sweatpants look because he knows you like it. It’s a treat for after the movie. You two cuddle up in the softest blanket he bought for you from a local trader
~ tonight’s movie is Glass Onion because Tech loves a mystery. He loves to see if he can figure out the mystery before the end of the movie. Like wrecker he is a chatter during the movie but mainly to himself. Muttering and mumbling his observations aloud. You find it cute. Tech also, very briefly imitates Benoit Blanc in a line that he found extra amusing. “Dear this movie is how do I say,” he pauses to find the right accent “brilliant!”
~ tech always watches a movie with rapt attention but as you cozy up to him he will gently and mindlessly rub your back or card his fingers through your hair. When the movie ends however he gently litters your face with soft kisses as you talk about your favorite parts of the movie. He loves listening to you and watching your eyes sparkle with amusement as you chatter on.
~ Echo is a closet fantasy lover. He’s also a comfort movie watcher. So when he gets the chance he’s watching Lord of the Rings with you. And it. Is. A. Marathon. He doesn’t get a lot of days off with the batch but by gods is he making this a whole day. He helps you prep all of your favorite snacks the day before so you have them ready. When you wake up that morning the living room is set to a cozy level of 11/10.
~ Echo loves to cuddle while watching a movie, he was worried at first you might find him uncomfortable with some of his cybernetics but it really doesn’t bother you. You love to sit between his legs and lean your back up against his chest so he can rest his chin atop your head.
~ occasionally he sneaks some of the snacks designated for you even though he’s a firm believer in the tradition of his snacks. You don’t say anything of course so you can encourage him trying new foods.
~ yes, Echo of course points out the scene where Aragorn breaks his toe when he kicks the helmet so his scream is real.
~ by the end though Echo has gotten side tracked, he’s seen these movies a bunch of times and is absolutely raptured by your beauty so he takes pause breaks to be…devoted to you should you wish it 😏
~ Man is a HOPELESS ROMANTIC AT HEART. You are absolutely watching a rom com or Bridgerton or SOMETHING of the sort. He loves when you get to see the soft side of him because only you get to see it.
~ He’s always rooting for the couple and if you are watching Bridgerton he likes to see you get a little hot and bothered and starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear as he plays with your hair.
~ movie night for you two is much less about the movie and more about quality time with noise in the background. If food is included it’s the sensual foods, ones that you can jokingly feed to each other.
~ the one time you did make popcorn on your first movie night you tried to see how many you could toss into each others mouths. You were cleaning up kernels for a month after
~ Omega picks the movie of course. She goes for a solid movie that all of her brothers and her might like. She chooses Kung Fu Panda because she suspects all of her brothers will find something to enjoy about it.
~ Omega and Wrecker giggle the entire time. Hunter is shushing Tech who keeps pondering about a Pandas ability to actually do kung fu - Echo relates hard to master shifu and crosshair is enjoying seeing his baby sister enjoy a movie so much that he even cracks a small smile.
~ it’s a classic family movie night complete with pizza and homemade milkshakes and popcorn and earlier that day you and Omega set up a blanket fort for all of you to snuggle into.
~ By the time you’ve made it to Kung Fu Panda 3 only you and Omega are awake, all the boys are fast asleep. Omega is curled up with her head in your lap fighting sleep because she so desperately wants to finish the movie but by the end, she too is fast asleep.
~you softly chuckle at the cuddle puddle around you and cover up omega with a blanket and you turn off the TV and allow yourself to drift off - content and happy with your boys around you.
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Hello! I was wondering if I could request Wrecker x reader where they sneak off really late at night for a cute little walk because they haven't been getting enough alone time. And it's a new relationship, so everything's still all cute and giggly. Maybe they think they are being quiet when they are sneaking back in, but something funny happens and reader is like dieing laughing and Hunter walks in like wtf is going on. Idk, feel free to ignore. Ily ♡
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Warnings and Information: No real age warning for this one. 2nd person POV, undescribed Reader that can be read as gender neutral. Little sprinkling of Mando'a. Minor language (everyone say "thank you, Crosshair!"). It’s all the giddiness of a new(ish) relationship with the powerhouse of Clone Force 99 that is Wrecker. 🩷 Impromptu date late at night. Decided on a Modern!AU for this one where (most of) the Bad Batch work as a construction crew, and there's a few cameos of other Clones too. Hope you enjoy what I came up with! 
Word-count: 4,544
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Setting your bag down on the welcome mat, you thread your house key into the lock with an eager sigh. You're pretty tired. You finally have a free night, thankfully, and you've been away from home all day. 
You're looking forward to just vegging out on the couch to catch the season finale of your favorite show for the next hour and crawling into bed as soon as you finish trawling the 'net for other people's impressions of the finale. There's a lot of speculation regarding the dashing rogue of the series, and whether or not they'll finally pluck up the courage to share this big secret the show writers have been dangling over the fans. You just hope some news article doesn't show up in your social media feed only to come along and spoil it in the headline. 
"People really need to learn to tag their kriffing spoilers… It's not that hard." 
You bump the door open and hoist the bag back over your shoulder just as someone calls out your name. 
"H-hey! Wait up!" 
You pause in the entryway, cheeks pinching with a large smile. "Hey Wrecker." The way he's doubled over, hands pressed into his knees while he pants for air, you can guess Wrecker had likely jogged over to your place from his. He lives not too far from you, and it's a jog he's made several times before, but it has been a slightly warmer than average day that has only just begun to cool off in the last few hours. Tech, one of Wrecker's brothers, calls the phenomenon the "heat island" something or other. Effect? (If that wasn't right that sounded close enough.) "You okay? Here, come on in. Would you like some water?" 
"B-but- Weren't you jus' leaving?" Wrecker manages between slowing pants. He used the edge of his sleeve to mop the sweat from his brow once he's upright, fixing you with a woozy smile when you hook your fingers around his own and lead him inside. "Oh, no, I just got home, actually. How come?" You fill a glass from the cold tap and rummage around the freezer for some ice to make it a little more refreshing. Wrecker just ran so hot sometimes you were surprised he didn't pass out on some of his job sites as a construction worker. 
"I- oh, thanks, cyare." Wrecker greedily gulps down a few mouthfuls of water to relieve himself of his thirst, careful not to spill down his front or all over your kitchen floor. 
The intimacy of the pet name makes your ears flush with warmth, and your cheeks pinch a little more with a tender smile. "You're welcome." 
The worst of his thirst now quelled, Wrecker could explain why he thought he had caught you leaving the house. "I, uh, I came over to ask if you wanted to go do something. Together. Jus' the two of us. Worried that I got off work too late or took too long to clean up a bit and I caught you about to leave. I know it's nearly eleven, but it's been a while since we had a moment to spend time together… just to ourselves." There was good reason for the emphasis on the last three words. In the infancy of your relationship with Wrecker, you have only had one date together that wasn't interrupted in some way by his job, or one of your day to day priorities, or one of his brothers. 
You liked his brothers well enough thus far, but sometimes they really needed to learn when to butt out. Or what was appropriate for company. 
"Wrecker, have you seen my live specimen?"
"Hunter! One of Tech's kriffing specimens got loose again! Can't find the damn thing!" 
"Oh Maker…"
"L-let's leave, cyare. It's not a dangerous specimen or nothing, but it's jus' creepy." 
You smiled at Wrecker, and to him, those smiles could have thawed out an ice planet like Hoth twelve times over. Smiles that could get Crosshair, even in his most sour of moods, to return the gesture even for a fleeting moment. "Time just to ourselves sounds very, very nice… What'd you have in mind? I'm down for anything." The minute you pulled him across the welcome mat you decided you wouldn't mind watching the final episode of the season another time. Wrecker was here, and by happy coincidence, your schedules were completely free for the weekend. You could stay up as late as you liked.
"You wanna go for a bite? Or maybe go take a walk?" Wrecker offers. You like the idea of a casual walk, now that it's cooler. You glance at your footwear, a pair of sandals, and think for a moment it'll be smart to put on a pair of closed-toed shoes. "A walk sounds nice," you reply brightly, "You wanna go… uh, how about by the lake in the park?" 
Wrecker grins at the idea. He's got such an infectious smile that gives you butterflies in the pit of your stomach and a booming, boisterous laugh that you just loved. "Sure, tha' sounds nice! Been meaning to go see it one'a these days, but I'm busy helpin' my brothers with work most of the week." He'd love to go check it out with you, he says. 
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Going to the lake took you past Wrecker's house, all dark save for two windows. Tech's, of course, and you believe the second is another brother of Wrecker's who's moved in only recently. 
You haven't had the opportunity to meet him yet. You hope to, one day, when he's ready. 
"He's… been through a lot. One'a our other brothers thought it might be a good idea if he came and lived with us for a bit. Quieter. Less people." 
"How many brothers do you have, Wrecker?" 
He had laughed, scratching nervously around the back of his head with a great shrug. "I dunno, honestly. I have a lot of brothers. But, I get along best with Hunter, Tech and Cross… So I hope I get along with Echo too." 
"I'm sure you will, Wrecker. You're friendly and kind and sweet… a-and um…" Your mouth had gotten away from you, then. You had only been friends back then, and you'd slowly grown closer, grown feelings for this gentle giant. You were that close to blurting out that you thought he was handsome, cute even, down to the scar and replacement eye that was a result of an accident on one of his very first job sites. He had said your name with that same jovial laugh and winning smile and, jokingly, asked, "What? You gonna say I'm cute or somethin'?" 
That's all it took. Just a few months later, here the two of you were, playfully bumping into one another as you entered the park hand-in-hand, making jokes and laughing together. 
"No-no-no, that's not what the joke means!" you insisted, feeling the ache in your sides growing the more you laughed until you were nearly breathless. "You realize Cross is messing with you, right?" 
"Yeah, 'course I do!" he replies, "But so am I! It's jus' how the two'a us are. It's a lot of fun to purposely misunderstand a joke and see how long it takes before Tech can't take it anymore. Our record was two hours. Hunter even joined in!" 
"But I thought he hated it when you and Cross goofed off on your job sites." 
Wrecker grins through mischievous laughter. "Naaah. Hunter goofs off on job sites just as much as us when we can get away with it, but he's more… subtle about it. Unless he wants to show off to our older brother Cody. He's a contractor and the one who suggested the job to us; so we try an' behave a little more than usual when he comes to check on how construction is going." Wrecker explains. They've been part of the crew who initially came in to renovate some very old apartment buildings here in this little, growing city, but overnight the sign that had previously said "RENOVATIONS UNDERWAY" for the first few weeks became "DEMO AND REBUILD". Now you know why; Cody's the one who made the call on that, and you wonder why the sudden change. 
"Oh, huge infestation that went untreated for too long. I don't remember what Tech calls them or what they are, but Cody said it was gonna be better to scrap everything and build fresh. I ain't complaining!" 
That was something you appreciated Wrecker for. He complained about very little. He was often optimistic and in high spirits. Happy to do almost anything he was asked so long as he was with his brothers and didn't have a want of food. All that manual labor makes a person hungry, so it doesn't surprise you to find him snacking on something if he's left to his own devices and the thought comes over him. 
Actually, in fact, you hadn't just walked past his house on the way to the park: you briefly came inside so he could throw a few things into the cooler bag he takes to his job sites (he, Hunter and Cross bounced between at least two or three sites if Cody needed a few more hands for something on a particular day) and have a little picnic on the grass with you. You both took care to be quiet so as not to disturb his brothers. Wrecker did however bump into Crosshair in the kitchen, who took one look in the lunch bag and said "Unless you plan on drinking that kriffing disgusting lake water, I suggest you take something to drink, too." before he snatched a few slices of cold pizza from a box in the fridge and shuffled off. 
Not much of a talker, Crosshair. But that's okay. 
"How's this for a spot?" you ask, coming across a bench after walking roughly one half of the man-made lake. Walking and talking with Wrecker was enjoyable, the late-summer air carried by a gentle breeze across the water was cool and soothing here. Not too far from the water's edge, and you could hear some of the lake life, little frogs, croaking and singing in the reeds and lily pads from here. Wrecker nods approvingly, setting down the cooler bag. "Perfect! Here, made this for you. Sorry if it's a little smushed or if I forgot a condiment." 
He offers you a brown paper bag, and inside, you find your favorite sandwich you often throw together when you need a quick bite to eat. "Aww, you made this for me? Wrecker that's so sweet of you, thank you." You bite into it with eager anticipation, and it's definitely the way you like it. "Oh Maker," you moan blissfully, chewing slowly to savor it, "that's a good sandwich." Wrecker smiles bashfully as he takes a seat beside you on the bench, unwrapping his own sandwich. 
"Did I-?"
"No, not a single missing condiment." you tell him. Shyness and uncertainty turn to pride for the man beside you. 
"Oh, good! I made it kinda quick-like from memory so we could get goin' without bothering my brothers." He takes a bite of his own sandwich, and allows himself to chew thoroughly before he speaks again. "I, uh, I make everyone's lunch in the mornings. Except for Tech's sometimes, he's pretty particular about what he takes to his lab." 
You think back to what Tech's job is, but the proper name for it escapes you. "He works in the… preservation department at the local museum, right?" 
Wrecker bobs his head as he takes another bite of his sandwich, smaller this time. "Yeah. Works in at least three labs. Real smart. Like scary smart. He'd get bored if he worked in just one lab. And because I don't remember what lab he goes to on what days, he and I agreed it'd be best for him to make his own lunches most days. Oh, I almost forgot! Here!" He reaches into the cooler bag again and pulls out one of your favorite, non-alcoholic, bottled beverages. "That's for you. Can't have a proper picnic without something to drink." 
Wrecker's attention to detail, his memory of things he's learned about you only very recently, it all makes you feel giddy and warm inside that he's so incredibly attentive to your likes and dislikes. Other romantic partners, whether they had been potential or well and truly established, had not been quite so aware like Wrecker. What had taken others five months or more to remember that you did not like on your pizza, Wrecker had remembered in just five days. 
Hunter had called your name from the kitchen, ready to place an order from a little place new to town called Gregor's Grub-hub and asked what toppings you liked on your pizza, apologizing for not remembering what you had taken from the assortment of pizzas the crew offered to share with you when you stopped by Wrecker's job site to return the comically oversized jacket he loaned you. 
"That's okay, I remember!" Wrecker had declared from the couch as the two of you sat together, trying (and failing) to take this board game seriously. It was just so much more fun to bend the rules or try stacking all the game pieces. Whatever silly idea possessing the pair of you was swiftly entertained. 
It was just so easy to have fun with Wrecker. He found joy in the little things. And he cared so deeply about his brothers. He cared so deeply about you. 
You crack open the bottle, and together the two of you mock-toast to this late-night, lakeside summer picnic the pair of you took on a whim. You're so glad to be out here with him. Just the two of you in the light of the full, silver moon hung in the sky above this beautiful park, serenaded by the frogs and distant cicadas in the trees.
"Thanks Wrecker. Cheers!"
"Cheers!" Wrecker laughs brightly, the sound as bubbly as the lapping waves of water against the shore, and as distinct as the ping from the phone in your pocket as your phone begins to blow up with news about the final episode of the season you originally planned to watch tonight. (Damn. Maybe the dashing rogue will pluck up the courage next season.) You can't even be mad about the spoilers. 
You're enjoying this rare evening together with Wrecker far, far too much to be annoyed about that. 
"Nice night for a date…" you murmur fondly, leaning into Wrecker's side as you sit on the bench and eat some of the other snack foods out of the cooler bag now that the two of you have finished your sandwiches. "... thanks for the late, lakeside picnic, Wrecker." You giggle softly when he shyly asks if you're okay with a little kiss on the cheek. He kisses the top of your head for good measure as well, emboldened by the smiles and giggles. "Yer welcome. We should do this more often." he says, looking out over the glimmering water with you. 
You should do this more often. Maybe the next time you come here, you can take him here in the sunlight and come feed the waterfowl on a day that his brothers could get by without his help. Crosshair didn't need help the clambering up onto the scaffolding so he could do his job as a roofer, but he often let Wrecker help him because it eased his brother's fear of heights, or the fear that Cross was going to fall from the scaffolding again after a really nerve-wracking incident, more rather. 
A strong gust of wind had ripped through the construction site before the structure had been secured against the frameworks, and his brother had lost his balance. Wrecker had been there to catch him in the nick of time. 
"Maybe it gets under my skin a little that my brothers make fun of me for my fear of heights," Wrecker admitted somberly to you in private shortly after the scare. "But I'd never willingly let my brothers fall. I'll always be there to catch them… if I can." 
Once the two of you have finished most of the food from the cooler bag, you diligently pack away all of your trash until you pass by another trash can. "Let's finish walking around the rest of the lake. Then let's maybe call it a night." you suggest. It's too nice a night not to. You just hope the city police don't come along and spoil the moment by suggesting that you need to leave, since park lock-up happens at 12:30. It's only midnight, and the rest of the lake won't take long to walk at a decent pace. 
Common opinion is that some of the force can be overly stern, even how the chief of police is characterized as "heartless", but you've come to understand that these officers with red police cruisers (an unusual color choice) are decent men. They're just chronically overworked. You feel for them, now. They're only doing their jobs, however unpopular it might be. 
Thankfully, where you'll complete your full circuit of the lake with Wrecker is not too far from one of these entrance and exit gates that are found along the wall of the gated park. 
Joking and laughing with Wrecker once again puts a pep in your step, now that the two of you are comfortably full and content with the late-night meal. 
Wrecker suggests walking a little closer to the water, just before you leave. Give the lake a closer look, maybe see if he can't get a picture of one of the frogs for Tech. "He could probably tell us all about 'em! Tech loves that kinda stuff… sharing what he learns with people." Wrecker says with a grin as he quickly snaps a photo of a plump frog resting on a lilypad. He's carefully crouched on the edge of the bank in order to get it. You creep down closer to the waterline so you can take his phone for him so he can use both hands to pull himself back up the slightly steep bank. The water is deep here, and you're both hoping to avoid falling in.
"Here, I got it." you offer, holding out your hand. 
You slip on a slick patch of grass and mud as you collect his phone, and as luck would have it, the sandal slips off as you stumble and it falls into the lake with a splash.
Wrecker had caught you before you fell in as well. "Gotcha, cyare! Are you okay?" 
"I'm f-fine," you assure him with a tiny stammer, glad you hadn't dropped his phone or fallen in. "Just lost my shoe. Thanks for catching me." 
"Of course, cyare. Didn't think I'd only be there to catch just my brothers, didja?" He's teasing, of course, but the question makes you flush. No, of course you didn't think that. 
Wrecker peers down into the water, trying to see if he could spot your sandal. Man, why didn't you change into something with laces? You'd thought about it and everything, but you were just so excited about spending time with Wrecker that you dashed out the door without giving it a second thought… 
A car door closes in the distance. It sounds like it's from a car parked near the gate. Uh oh. What time is it? 
"Wrecker, we need to go, I think the-" 
He's up to his elbow in the lake water, carefully swishing his arm around while seeing if he can't find your shoe. "Just a second, I'll find your shoe and then we can go cyare." Wrecker promises, trying to settle your nerves. He's so focused on being sweet and helpful that he doesn't hear or notice the officer starting down the path. 
"Wrecker, c'mon, it's okay. It's just a cheap little sandal, we really should go!" 
The way Wrecker is hunched over the water on his hands and knees in the dim light of the moon, the officer mistakes the position for a starting dive and he calls out in warning. "Hey-! There's no swimming in the lake!" 
Wrecker falls in with a great splash, startled. He surfaces shortly, the water up to his chest. Okay, maybe the water wasn't as deep as you thought. "I'm okay!" Wrecker splutters, coughing up lake water. "I found your sandal!" 
You turn to the officer now standing on the edge of the lake, glowering down disappointedly at Wrecker. "I'm so sorry, sir," you say, "he was just trying to get my shoe and then I think you startled him an- O-oh, Officer Fox! I didn't realize it was you, I'm so sorry!" Fox didn't realize it was you, either, turns out. He speaks your name with great surprise, then takes another look at the sopping wet figure carefully climbing out of the water with your wet, muddy shoe in hand. "Wrecker?"
Officer Fox removes his peaked cap and scratches his salt-and-pepper hair with a weary sigh. "... I thought the two of you were a couple of kids or something. Got a call from a "concerned citizen" about some "hooligan youth" in the park. Some busybody of an old man who's constantly inventing problems for me because he has his mind made up that I don't have enough to do…" 
You grimace sympathetically. "Mr. Sheev, again?"
"That old bat's still alive?" Wrecker asks disbelievingly. No one's quite sure how old Mr. Sheev is, but he looks like he's been dodging the grim reaper longer than it should be natural. 
There's a mutter from Officer Fox that sounds a lot like the word unfortunately before the cap is replaced and he has to do his job. 
"C'mon… park's locking up for the night, soon. And since you're wet," he nods to Wrecker, "and you're half barefoot," Officer Fox nods to you this time, "I'll give you a lift in the cruiser." 
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Officer Fox takes you both back to Wrecker's place, watching the two of you from the car as you're huddled on the porch, wrestling with the ring of house keys. Darn things seem to make themselves invisible or slippery when they get the slightest inkling that you might be in a hurry to get inside. 
Wrecker says he'll have to mop up the water in a second, trying and failing at threading his house key into the lock with shaky fingers. Lake water was cold and he was soaked to the bone trying to do a kind thing by retrieving your sandal for you. 
Fox, the chief of police for the city, calls from the cruiser that Wrecker better get into some dry clothes soon, and not to feel bad about getting the seats wet. "Shit like this happens more than you think. I gotta ask Cody if he's the guy I gotta talk to about getting a proper walking path around the lake… as soon as I'm done with all this other kriffing paperwork. Goodnight." You help Wrecker get the key into the door and thank him for the lift. "You too, Officer Fox! Thank you again!" 
As the two of you try to squeeze inside, someone knocks over the coatrack bearing three high-vis vests and a crisp lab coat. "Whoops!" Oh stars, that clatter was sure to wake someone up… It was nearly one in the morning now. 
Wrecker's foot slips in the growing puddle of water, and trying to help him, or make sure that he's okay, you yourself trip over the coat rack and fall on top of him with a yelp. Once again, he breaks your fall, and tries to break the nervous tension with a corny joke after you both frantically apologize to one another. 
"Guess we're a couple'a angels if we keep fallin' for one another, huh, cyar'ika?" 
You can't help it. The joke is so silly and undeniably sweet coming from someone like Wrecker that if the coat rack, and then the two of you falling over and on top of one another didn't wake Wrecker's brothers, your laugh certainly would have. Four pairs of feet plod down the stairs at varying speeds, Hunter the fastest. He's fresh out of bed in nothing but a pair of red and black boxers, face wracked with confusion. Wrecker is soaking wet and smells like algae. And you're now damp after having landed on top of him. Hunter was told the two of you were just going for a walk, how the hell did his brother and his date end up getting wet?
"The kriff are you two doing on the floor?" Crosshair yawns from up the stairs. 
"And why are you wet?" 
You smile apologetically up at Hunter, "Wrecker fell in the lake trying to get my shoe for me. I was trying to keep his phone dry after he took a picture of a frog for Tech and-" Your eyes dart further up the stairs when you hear Tech excitedly ask "A frog?" from behind Cross, and you spot the brother who must be Echo behind him. He's a little paler and his face is gaunt compared to the others. He looks rather disoriented and anxious after you probably woke him up so unexpectedly. 
"Oh… hello there; are you Echo?" 
He nods timidly. "I am. And you are…?" He seems surprised to hear you know his name, but he doesn't seem to recognize you. You wait as he carefully makes his way down the stairs, one step at a time. The horrible accident Echo had suffered from was some time ago, but three of his limbs haven't quite been the same since. Minor weakness and numbness, to your memory. You waited until he was closer to put out the appropriate hand to introduce yourself with a polite smile. "Nice to meet you. Officially." Echo manages apologetically. "Sorry, guess I didn't recognize you because I've only ever heard Wrecker talk about the person he's started dating." 
You smile reassuringly at Echo, and flash Wrecker a cheeky look when you hear he's been talking about you to his brothers. You're sure he would look just as flushed as you if the light from the kitchen wasn't so dim. 
"I'll get a mop and clean up the water," Wrecker promises Hunter when his brother takes a look at the floor by the front door after Wrecker picks up his cooler bag and dumps all the trash into the kitchen's garbage can. 
Hunter shrugs lazily. "Nah, don't bother. You two should go shower or something. I'll take care of it. Besides falling in the lake - apparently - was your walk nice?" 
"Oh yeah!" Wrecker says with a giant grin that you return when you share a look. "I think the two of us might do it again soon. This time without losing any shoes." 
You can only nod and laugh softly in agreement. The next time you go on one of these late-night walks with Wrecker, if this becomes a regular thing in your relationship, you are definitely going to start wearing better shoes with laces.
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Note from Frost: The idea of Palpatine being a nosy cranky senior citizen who calls the police over "hooligan youths" having fun came out of nowhere but it tickled me too much not to include it lmao. (Poor Commander Fox...)
[Masterlist] [Requests: OPEN]
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sonorousabyss · 2 months
Hi!!! Can I have a match up if you’re still doing them please?
I’m gender-fluid and pansexual
I’m about 5’1 and pretty muscular
I have a buzzed head and deep brown eyes with full lips and small nose
I love drawing, playing horror games, watching people draw, making stuff with clay, going outside and hiking!
I’m pretty introverted, I only hang with certain people that I’m comfy with and have trust issues. I have a hard time telling people no sometimes but I love standing up to people when they hurt others.
I’m a Pacifist and hate conflict, I also hate loud noises and bright lights.
I would prefer from clone wars and bad batch!
(Pro-nouns any)
Have an amazing day and thank you!!!
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AN: Sorry for the delay, my friend, I hope your day has been amazing as well! This matchup I have in store for you may seem a little unorthodox at first, but it was certainly a joy to write.
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Regardless of how you meet this man first, he's always the same: excitable, happy, and just a tad oblivious.
Wrecker isn't always the most in tune with his volume; Frankly, he's always at least a level louder than he probably should be, indoors or outdoors. That said, it's never intentional, and just a sign of his enthusiasm.
Even though he doesn't have the greatest control, I still see you getting closer to each other, even if it has to be a gradual process, with you having to take a step away from time to time to decompress from the overstimulation due to just how loud he can be. He might not fully understand what's going on, but he cares, and he's absolutely trying his best to accommodate once he puts two and two together.
On days that you just can't with the galaxy, perhaps the ship is humming just a bit too loud, or a mission takes you into a cantina with bright lights and a tone-deaf band playing their instruments loud enough to make your ears ring, Wrecker's there, keeping an eye on you and trying to help.
Wrecker is the kind of man to straight-up cover your ears, thinking it may be useful, even if it isn't always effective, and if you're alone after, on the ship or in the barracks drawing? You can bet that he's sitting there hovering, trying to guess what it is you're making.
He isn't always on point with those guesses.
That said, if he knows you're overstimulated, or just trying to collect yourself after a stressful day when you are on the ship, he's going to try and be as silent as possible, even in the most comedic way possible.
That includes hitting his head on the bunk as he sits down next to you, loudly exclaiming in pain, and then immediately following it with a whispered "SORRY", with him and trying to be quiet again.
...That said, Wrecker isn't exactly great at whispering.
If you encourage him, he will certainly attempt to draw with you. His drawings aren't particularly the greatest, but he tries, he loves it, and he loves it when you watch him too. Especially with any level of vested interest.
He 100% has attempted to draw what you were drawing before by looking not-so-discreetly over your shoulder and thinking he's being stealthy about it. He wasn't subtle in the slightest, but it was adorable, and it got some of the boys to chuckle as they watched it happen.
Would give you piggyback rides, and just pick you up and set you on his shoulder for fun.
He'd also do this to give you a better view as well, knowing that he and his brothers all were at least a foot or so taller than you.
You can also expect to be picked up as he runs away from explosions with the team, even if you're able to keep up. He doesn't want you to be in reach of the blast (especially because they're notoriously loud as hell).
Expect his hand to mess with your buzzed head often. He figured out it feels fun once after attempting a reassuring pat on the head and now it's just pure gold to him. Plus, you probably won't threaten to kill him unlike another clone with short hair he knows.... probably.
Recognizes you're a pacifist, given time, and respects it when you stand up to others. In fact, he likes seeing you get that riled up on behalf of others, even if he wished you'd have the confidence to do so for yourself.
That said he's probably going to be the one to step up first in a lot of situations- and frankly, probably situations that don't require him to do it in the first place- engaging in violence so you don't have to, and as he'll excuse "Because it's fun."
Sure, he gets joy out of it. Especially if he gets to blow something- or someone- up in the process. But that doesn't mean he doesn't go into it without good intentions.
Has absolutely slammed a clanker into the wall because it tried to sneak up on you during a mission, or dared to target you in general. Said clanker's head was later used to terrorize Crosshair.
Be glad you enjoy the outdoors, because if Wrecker can drag you in on any of the batcher's missions, he will, and the terrain they're expected to travel regularly isn't always the most pleasant. They're a fairly efficient and mobile group, and the occasional "hike" is to be expected.
On the topic of missions, he's absolutely tried to con you into finding a way to tag along with them when you weren't already assigned to them because he wants you both to quote, "blow stuff up together."
He does this even knowing your dislike of conflict because in his eyes there's nothing quite like bonding over exploding clankers.
Not always the most useful with advice. Anticipate many facepalms in the wake of this goofy man.
If there's anything you can look forward to, it's that Wrecker has the best cuddles. Enough said.
He's sulked several times because he thinks he upset you by being too loud. This is something several of his brothers can attest to.
Overall he's very much a beefy, violent himbo that does his best to show interest in what you like and be a little quieter because he likes you, and it's ultimately adorable as shit.
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AN: Ahhh, I love Wrecker with a burning passion, and I'm glad that you sent in a request. Something about the idea of him meeting someone and just being so enamored that he tries to please them despite normally being the very antithesis of who'd they'd find nice to be around is positively adorable, and I simply couldn't resist. Hope you enjoyed! May your day be as pleasant as the ocean's abyss is deep! Also, it's been a while since I've seen bad batch, and I may be a little behind, so if anything here is off I profusely apologize and might edit later. XD
For those of you who are new around here? I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
Well hello there! May I request a blurb too? How about helping Wrecker shave his head?
hi!! here it is, i hope you enjoy this :)
words: 554
clone troopers masterlist
Omega hopped down from the crate she was sitting on and ran her hands through her newly trimmed hair. “Thank you!” she said brightly after she turned around and checked it against one of the more reflective surfaces of the Marauder. “I love it!” 
“I’m glad!” you responded. As the Bad Batch’s resident stylist, you occasionally put your foot down and scheduled “spa days,” where the ship was parked and you all took the time to do the things you needed to, which often included personal grooming. “Can you go get Wrecker for me?” 
Omega nodded and then took off, right as you started cleaning off the tools you had used for her haircut.
You had already taken care of Echo today, because he had the least amount of hair to cut, and you knew you had to be careful around the delicate new growths coming in by his implants. Hunter was also an easy patient, as he trusted you enough to just sit back and let you do your thing, and you had cut his hair right before Omega’s. Tech and Crosshair were the more particular of the group, and usually they were the last ones to stop by and allow you to fix them up.
And then that left Wrecker. As the only member of the squad who used a set of clippers to shave his head, you often enjoyed when it was his turn to be tended to. Well, and you had a little bit of a bias towards your boyfriend. 
When he stepped into the space, he leaned down to place a kiss on your cheek. “Gonna make me look good, right cyare?” 
You just laughed. “You always look good, I don’t know if I can mess with perfection.” 
He smiled. “Nothing you could do would mess anything up.” 
As he sat down on the crate, you connected the clippers to their power source and changed the guard to the smallest shears. You knew Wrecker liked a close shave on his head, and if you were being honest, sometimes you liked running your hands across the skin there when you cuddled. He always rolled his eyes when you did that, but you knew he secretly liked the sensation. 
Despite his outgoing personality and usually high volume of excitement, Wrecker was always a model of perfection when you were taking care of him. He turned his head exactly where you needed it to be, he didn’t move or shift suddenly, and he didn’t keep asking how long this whole thing was going to take (looking at you, Crosshair). Slowly but surely you took off the soft layer of fuzz that was growing on his head, the hypnotic hum of the clippers the only sound in the room for a while. 
When you were finally done, you brushed off any stray hairs and then placed a soft kiss on his now-bald scalp. After Wrecker inspected his appearance, a smile grew across his face and he turned around to wrap you in a bone-crushing hug. Soft kisses were then laid on your lips, and you were content to kiss back every time. 
But as most private moments on this ship were, it was cut short too soon when Crosshair arrived for his haircut and told the two of you to get a room.
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Skin and Scales (smut)
Poe Dameron:
Got it bad (smut)
Don't make such a fuss
Rebel With A Cause
Uncharted Territory
I’ll Put It On Your Tab
Fair Recompense
**This masterlist is for other Star Wars characters apart from Cad Bane, Shriv Suurgav, and Hondo Ohnaka. It will be added to as I continue to write.**
Return to main masterlist.
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echothefandomeater · 2 years
Could you maybe do a Echo x reader fic? If you want more specifics, it could be a modern au where Echo saves the reader from a bus but he gets hit instead and ends up in the hospital
Hero Complex
Pairing: Echo x GN!Reader
Genre/Warning: Echo gets hit with a bus but doesn't go into detail about his injuries, worried af reader and some general comfort
Words: 839
Summary: You and Echo were having the perfect day together but that was ruined when Echo got injured.
A/N: So first of all, thank you so much Anon for the first request, I hope I wrote it to a standard where you would like it also I'm not completely confident in Echo's characterisation here but I imagined he'd be a little more easy going around the reader like he was with Fives and the 501st
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The day had been going perfect, you and Echo were out doing some light shopping and having brunch, it was a time where you and Echo had scrounged and saved up just enough money to have a fun day and it seemed nothing could ruin it.
“I think Omega is really gonna like that teddy you picked for her” he shrugged “hopefully” then chuckled “but I don’t think anything could beat Lula.” You smiled softly “she did get her during a hard time but I think yours will come in a close second.”
He scoffed and made a fake offended noise “close second? Is that really what you think of me, love?” You laughed and lightly pecked his lips, days like this were precious days you held close to your heart. Days where it was just the both of you alone, joking, not having to worry about jobs.
He wrapped his prosthetic arm around your shoulder as you both waited to cross the road. It was mostly quiet since it was a Tuesday morning and a lot of people worked at this time. You both began crossing the road when the little man had turned green but you didn’t see the bus who’s driver wasn’t paying attention.
Once you heard the sound of screeching from wheels and a honk you finally saw the bus but your body froze. You stared as it approached you quickly, you couldn’t move, you could only mourn yourself and think of the batch and think of Echo and how much you would miss them.
You were torn from your dark thoughts as Echo pushed you out of the way. You almost reached out to him but hit the ground instead. 
You barely remember what happened next, all you remembered was sobbing and crying out his name as he laid there and the arriving ambulance, how tight you gripped his hand and just watching him go deeper into the hospital.
After finally getting a hold of yourself you called the batch. They arrived only 15 minutes later and you almost broke down again at seeing them.
Once you had explained what happened Hunter was comforting an upset Omega while trying to stay together himself, Tech was speaking, almost arguing, with the nurse at the desk whilst you and Wrecker held each other's hand both trying to comfort each other.
You felt so guilty but it didn’t make it any better when everyone had said it wasn’t your fault. Tech had spewed some fact about always having a choice as a being and this was the choice Echo made but it didn’t help. You stared down at your feet not daring to make eye contact with any of them.
Maybe all those months ago Crosshair was right that it was dangerous to add a former criminal to the group, that you would bring nothing but trouble. Part of your mind reassured you that you were here not Crosshair but again it didn’t help.
Eventually a nurse told you all he was awake and well enough to speak for now. You let the rest of them go in, not even knowing if you had the strength to look at Echo. 
When the group came out you had noticed Omega holding the toy Echo got her and it made the corner of your lip twitch ‘always a big brother’ you thought to yourself but turned when Hunter placed his hand on your shoulder “he wants to see you.”
Your stomach dropped but nodded. You walked into the room and seeing him connected to wires and such made you want to cry, especially because you knew he wasn’t comfortable with this kind of setting.
“Now what's that face for? I’m the one that got hit not you” he tried to joke but you just started crying again and it visibly startled him. You went over and just hugged him carefully while he hugged back, albeit confusingly.
“Hey take a breath it’s okay” you shook your head.
“It's not okay, you’re in here because of me, because I wasn’t smart enough to look around me” he sighed and rubbed your back.
“Y/N, it was either me or you, better me since I’m mostly prosthetics, the doctor’s said there was some damage to my prosthetics, a broken rib and a head injury but except for that I’m good, I just need rest and medication.”
You lifted up your head and scoffed while wiping away your tears “you’ve got such a hero complex, you know that?” you hiccuped angrily “sacrifice yourself for your brothers and then for me” he rolled his eyes.
“I didn’t sacrifice myself for you, I only injured myself” you very carefully and lightly shoved him and he groaned slightly but laughed lightly “Okay I’m sorry.”
You looked at him still frowning and he beckoned you forward silently, you obeyed and he kissed you. You knew it was to make you feel better but it still worked, gave you a little reassurance he was going to be okay.
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neon-junkie · 2 years
Which Bad Batcher would most likely steal a kiss during a mission or battle? (not too serious battles or fights)
Gender-neutral reader. 500 words.
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Least to most likely:
Hunter - The big man has a reputation to uphold, and it can't be tainted by smooching you at every given opportunity (as much as he wants to!) He tends to show his support/appreciation through other ways, such as a squeeze on the shoulder, or letting his hand rest on your lower back. If you do receive a smooch, it'll be a quick, "I'm glad you're okay," type of smooch, the type given after a heavy battle.
Echo - As an ARC Trooper, Echo has standards to uphold. Regardless of who he's fighting with, the 501st or the Batch, he needs to come across as formal. This is, after all, what he was made for. Like Hunter, Echo will express himself through other methods, like brushing the hair out of your face, or giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. If you do receive a kiss, it'll be when he thinks nobody is looking. So, if you ever find yourself being pulled to the back of the squad, then expect a kiss.
Tech - Tech doesn't give much of a kriff about 'standards' and 'reputations.' The main reason why he doesn't kiss you is because (he won't admit to this) he's timid about being caught, and receiving an earful off his squad. The only kisses that he gives are when he thinks nobody is looking, and it'll be his form of saying thank you. Let's say you bring him a mug of caf whilst he's knee-deep in repairing the Marauder, that kind act deserves a kiss, and in that instance, he isn't as fussed about the others seeing.
Crosshair - Whilst Crosshair is cheeky, he is also serious, and he knows that you're a distraction. Crosshair needs to remain alert and focused whilst in battle, but as soon as the wave has stopped, and the Batch have a moment to regroup, then he'll give you a quick kiss. It's usually a kiss on your head as he loops his arm around your waist, glueing his body to yours whilst half-listening to Hunter's next set of plans. However, as soon as you've made it back to the Marauder in one piece, and the Batch are off the clock, that's when the smothering kisses come out.
Wrecker - Did you really expect anybody else to be here, duh? Wrecker is a man of physical affection, both to you, and his brothers. We've seen how he'll pick them up in a spine-crushing hug at any opportunity, but with a lover, that affection is tenfold. Kisses are one of the many things you'll receive on a mission, as well as hugs, and lots of verbal affection and support. Wrecker is your own personal cheerleader, and if you mirror that energy, then that man is going to re-fall in love with you during every single mission.
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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They Are The Captain
The Bad Batch Pirate Au
⌖Series Masterlist⚙𓊝๋࣭ ⭑
Pairings: Hunter X Gn! Reader
Series summary: From the tides to the heavy currents in the open ocean, a single captain with a small crew is determined to find and take the red death for themselves, along the way they meet a group of five brothers, and a young sister who had their ship stolen by the crew of the Red Death. Now they work together to take back what was lost.
Series Warnings: Cannon typical violence, death, murder, blood and some gore,
This may be a short or long series depending on the attention it gets 🤔
⚙Chapter One: The Hunt Begins
⌖ Chapter Two: The Gamshire's Key
𓊝Chapter Three: Treasure Lost, Treasure Found
𖤓Chapter Four: Blossoms In Court
𓊝Chapter Five: Sweet Goodnights
⌖Chapter six: Death Clash
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a-single-tulip · 2 years
Like a Teddy Bear
Pairing: Wrecker x GN!Reader
Summary: You are the medic for the members of the Bad Batch, and whenever you're not on any jobs specifically with them, you take the time to earn some extra credits by taking on a few medical jobs here and there. After a particularly hard day though, you only want to find comfort in the arms of one man, your boyfriend Wrecker.
Your very own personal teddy bear of a man.
Warnings: Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Implied loss of a patient (Reader is a medic), Fluff
Word Count: 829
A/N: Howdy y'all! Finally finished my Wrecker ficlet for you guys, meaning I've written something for each member of the batcher at least once, yay! This is a bit of a fluffier fic, so I hope you guys enjoy it! As always, be sure to check out the ao3 tags, and if you don't vibe with any of 'em you can always feel free to skip. Much love to y'all ❤️
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nahoney22 · 5 months
Respite 🌊
🫧 Pairing: Hunter X Gender Neutral Reader
word count: 750+
Prompts: None
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4,500 Follower Request
Summary: After a mission gone wrong, Hunter comes home to Pabu and needs just a little reassurance from the one he loves.
Warnings: Safe for Work, Gender Neutral Reader, Comfort & Reassurance, Established Relationship, Kisses & Hugs, Short and Sweet.
Authors note: My first request for 4,500. Thank you 🩶
Divider by @plum98
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You eagerly awaited your partners' return to Pabu, basking in the warm sun near the landing dock until the familiar sight of the Marauder appeared on the horizon. As the ship fully landed, you rose to your feet and made your way towards the gangplank, your anticipation tempered by the unexpected wave of tense expressions.
Addressing Wrecker, you inquired, "What's wrong?" His response—a heavy sigh and a shake of the head—was uncharacteristic, setting off a sense of unease within you.
When Hunter finally emerged, you approached him with a concerned gaze, watching as he removed his helmet to reveal a weary face. "What happened?" you asked, your heart skipping a beat at the hint of trouble.
"The mission didn't go as planned," he grumbled, his words sending a shiver down your spine. "We encountered unexpected resistance from a new local militia. It was… a close call." He sighs heavily.
"Are you all right? Is anyone injured?" you hurriedly voiced your concern, relieved when he reassured you that they were all unharmed, though clearly in need of respite.
Understanding his need for rest, you suggested, "Let's find a place to unwind then, hm?" Offering your hand, you led him to a secluded spot overlooking the serene ocean.
You sat beside Hunter in comforting silence as the sun began its descent, casting a warm, orange glow over the landscape. The tranquil moment allowed him to open up about the burdens weighing on his shoulders.
"It's been hard. Without..." Hunter's voice trailed off, the weight of his unspoken words hanging heavily in the air. You understood the depth of his loss, the absence of their fallen comrade that gnawed at him. "I should have been more prepared for this," he confessed, frustration evident in his tone.
Gently, you placed a reassuring hand over his, feeling the tension slowly ease beneath your touch. "All of you have been through a lot, Hunter. You can't let this shake you," you murmured softly, leaning your head on his shoulder as he pulled you closer, seeking solace in your presence.
He nodded, the weariness evident in his expression. "I know. I'm just so tired. This whole thing with Omega, this war... I thought we were free. I thought I could be a better brother-."
"Stop," you interrupted gently, halting his self-doubt before it could consume him. "You are doing the best you can. Your brothers and Omega could not ask for anything better from you," you reassured him, though the weight of your words took a moment to sink in.
Turning to you, Hunter searched your face for a moment, his expression softened by gratitude. "You really have a way with words."
You raised an amused brow, a faint smile playing on your lips. "I hope that isn't sarcasm, Mister."
He chuckled, intertwining his fingers with yours and bringing your knuckles to his lips, planting a gentle kiss upon them. "Not at all," he replied before leaning in, stealing a lingering kiss. "Thank you. For everything you do."
You smiled against his lips before resting your head against his, a hand coming up to rake your fingers through your hair. “I have an idea,” you started, leaning back slightly to gauge his reaction.
“And what’s that?” he asked, curiosity evident in his tone.
“How about I go speak to Shep and see if he has an apartment available for us to stay in for the night?” you suggest, your eyes bright with anticipation.
Hunter furrows his brow in thought. “What's wrong with staying on the ship?”
“Nothing,” you reply with a warm smile, “I just think that maybe I could make us a nice meal, run you a bath, or we could just chill. Take some time off together?”
Suddenly, a genuine smile breaks out onto Hunter’s lips, the tensions he previously carried visibly melting away at the prospect of a peaceful evening. This is exactly what he needed.
“I’d love to… but what about the others?”
“They are more than welcome to join us, Hunter,” you assure him, your voice laced with affection. “I’m sure Wrecker would appreciate a homemade meal again, even though Pabu has fed him pretty well.”
Hunter's shoulders relax as he takes you up on your offer, the weight of the day already feeling lighter. That evening, surrounded by the comforts of a cozy apartment, all the troubles seem to fade away. With lots of cuddles and sweet loving kisses, as long as he had you by his side, Hunter knew you would always make him feel better.
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Hunter Works
Requests Currently Open
Tags: @green-alm0nd @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino o @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @imalovernotahater @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness @lulalovez
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Under Bursting Skies
[Your Choice of Clone x GN!Reader]
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Let's rate this +13 to be safe. Minor proofreading and editing. Gender neutral Reader. Second person POV with no body or gender descriptors. No specified Clone or personalities beyond name drops when it comes to the rumors. This is just him™ being sweet and cuddly with you because the fireworks scare you or simply make you uneasy. Or you can pretend it's the other way around: the fireworks have scared him™ and you're comforting him™. I'm not your mother, I can't stop my fellow Clone Simps from interpreting who says what dialogue in any specific way. ;) No one's acting out of character because I say so though, so yes he would say that because he loves you. 🩷 One line of Mando'a that gets translated by the other. My usual use of italics.
Hope y’all are staying safe with those fireworks! If you need me I’ll be chilling with my noise cancelling headphones in my house now that we’re done celebrating.
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It's been going on for a while now, you and him. 
The stolen and sweet "secret" (hah, who are you kidding when there's a sea of a hundred faces similar enough to his who have you clocked from miles away at any given time?) moments like these are as natural as the armor that hugs him in all the right places. All those areas your eyes linger a little too long, your hands crawl to time and time again.
Yeah, especially there.
This firework show seems to be going on equally as long tonight. It's anyone's guess who got a hold of these, why the COs haven't put a stop to it, and who's setting them off. There's too many conflicting rumors about the origin and why they're being set off tonight. 
One rumor many have put their credits on is Fives wanting to say farewell to this campaign General Skywalker secured for them with a bang, and he's paid some Shiny reeeeally well to set off these sparklers and skyrockets he found in an overstuffed office labeled "contraband" on the base. Another rumor floating around suggests that so-and-so has it on good authority that those specializing in heavy-weapons (he's pretty sure he knows what Hardcase's armor looks like even in the dark… granted he was pretty far away, so-) and explosives wanted to blow something up (wasn't there someone you were telling me about in that rogue Clone unit named-? Oh hi, Captain!), but they wanted to create something of beauty rather than destruction before they got bored of it and let someone else take it from there. 
Maybe it's not even a Clone who's setting them off. Maybe it's some brother's General and their respective Shin- er, Padawan. (Don't call them "Shiny" or "Youngling", most of them really don't like that or understand what we mean.) Or maybe it's just the Padawan. It's probably their Commander… that seems like a thing the General's student might do. They may be fighting in a war for kriff's sake, but kids will find excuses to be kids. They don't really see most of the Generals doing something like using their lightsaber to ignite the fuse from a distance. (If that isn't their Commander though, how the hell did a brother get their hands on one of the laser swords someone swears up and down they saw?) 
You don't know, and you don't care. You're more interested in being wrapped around him, by him, feeling someone's skin twitch and jump with every rocket that climbs into the sky above the base with a shrill, whistling scream before it bursts into a ball of sizzling light and color. You've found some secluded space where you often spend time with one another. 
It's the perfect place to take that spare mattress one of the bunk rooms had kicking around for a while and lay it out on the floor, adding layer after layer of those GAR-issue blankets and sheets no one would miss until the thing became a much more comfortable nest. It was another "secret" the two of you had. 
Yeah, a little strange that this old storage room's light turns on sometimes in the middle of the night. Maybe the wiring is just… goofy. But it's definitely nothing. 
"Maker… wonder how much this guy's gotten his hands on. Must've been at this for… fifteen minutes?" one of you asks, feeling the other tense after one of the big fireworks detonates with an ear splitting BHOOM! so deep, it was felt in all twenty-four ribs. 
The question is answered with a faint laugh before a trail of kisses are stamped into the other's jawline, "Dunno… just hope it ends soon. For your sake." 
"Hush, I'm not-" comes the retort before the jawline is replaced with the speaker's lips, gentle hands caressing their face before they pull apart. "Now-now. I was not going to say you were scared. You're tense. The fireworks make you uneasy." 
"Exploding kaleidoscopes would make anyone uneasy! They're too much like thermal detonators for my taste, and you know those aren't toys." 
There's another soft chuckle before one of you props yourself up on one elbow to better look at the nervous one on the stolen mattress below both of you with a sweet smile. "K'uur, ner sho'cye…" comes out in a soothing tone, voice close to an amorous purr. 
"Don't you "hush, my ocean" me…" one of you complains softly to the other, trying to shy away from the hand that reaches forward to touch some part of them. A scar. A tattoo. Their hair. Skin barren and devoid of any clothing. "I'm the one who says that…" they grumble, but it's half-hearted. They can't stay mad at their darling, the other half of them in this galaxy, for too long just from a simple tease. 
It earns them a chuckle in reply again. "Uh-huh…" 
Neither of you want to stray too far from the comforting embrace where they fit just right against the other. There's no rigid surface of an armor kit to be found that makes a tender hug stiff and impossibly uncomfortable for more than a brief exchange that conveys the gratitude of seeing the other one safe and alive and in the flesh once again; more than a dream had in longing.
"Don't say it…"
"You're adorable when you're grumpy." 
"I'm not grumpy."
"Right. Because the fireworks don't scare you either." 
"Exactly." they declare emphatically. But the discomforted twitch with the next shockwave of color and crackling light and spent gunpowder floating on the breeze outside that breaks across in the bursting skies above them both betrays their resolve. One of you is most definitely frightened by the display that poses no immediate danger; luckily, the other doesn't think less of them for it. 
"It's alright. I have you."
Your heads meet in the middle-space between the two of you on the mattress as you draw each other closer once again for comfort, whether sought or provided, and the whisper is small and grateful. "...thank you." 
Together, safe in the base, under bursting skies, the two of you listen to the fireworks above as the show carries on. When it mercifully comes to an end with one last rib-tickling series of blasts and booms, you simply look in one another’s eyes with a sigh. You’re both in agreement that you’re glad someone had fun - and hopefully no one ended up hurt - but you’re more glad it’s finally over.
“Wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“Would’ve been worse if it wasn’t for you, sweetheart.”
“I’d do anything for the one I love.” the tender promise is made, sealed with a kiss.
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[Didn’t drop my Sorry, Wrong Comms! taglist into this one since I didn’t know if this experimental and self-indulgent drabble would be their cup of tea]
Mando’a pronunciation according to the glossary I referenced:
K’uur [Koor]
ner [nair]
sho’cye [SHOW-shay]
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