#yall i am literally so sad thinking about this
pieceofourworld · 2 years
Y'all...I just realized... Lilia is way older than Malleus. And, despite some of what I've heard about Book 7, we can assume that Lilia will probably live for at least another 100 years or so.
Silver is human. Sebek is only half-fae. That means their lifespans will be way shorter. After Lilia buries his child and student, Malleus will be forced to watch the last surviving friend he has fade away.
All the NRC kids will be long dead. Yuu is gone, to their world and the afterlife. Grim is most likely dead along with them. Malleus's grandmother is older than Lilia, and has very likely passed.
Which means that Malleus is alone.
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desthebolt · 1 year
Me, sitting here watching my entire dashboard get bombarded with splatfest grief: … Everyone okay? Yall want some fruit gushers and some water or some shit? Yall need a break?? Like what is happening rn
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dream-launch · 2 years
How come when people talk about like tryna support people who are in a very rough place mentally they always give the usual you're not alone I'm there for you but never actually make any effort to be there - no reaching out, no desire to even wanna talk - like it's just bullshitting cause they know it would sound too obviously mean to be like oh your not okay? Well too bad don't bother me with that shit I don't care enough about you.
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feistyvirghoe · 29 days
i feel like as a reader myself, we shouldn’t let our personal biases interfere with the reading we’re giving. like everyone is different dude, no one is perfect and we’re all flawed bro, let people be…
idk why but there’s this like spiritual narcissism going on, and i’ve noticed it this year, people who have more experience in this field acting as if they’re better than people bc they “know” more like girl if you don’t stfu 💀
like people seem like they just want to lecture people nowadays, and i’m not trying to come off as “sensitive” but it’s not “tough love” it’s literally you lecturing people and making it seem as if there’s something wrong w that group, these readings are general and for so many people, can we calm down w this
and i feel like we need to realize that we are all on different timelines fr, ive just noticed some readings are just like jabs instead of you trying to help your audience, you’re like ridiculing them instead of giving helpful advice… i mean do you but why so rude and crass, apathetic???
because you can be reading for someone and tapping into their past self and what happened and then you go off of that and start shitting on them, but of course how would you know?? i just feel like we need more compassion in this community, it’s gotten too fucking rigid and inflexible…which is sad
i’m all for real and raw fucking readings, in depth ones too i love long readings but i wish some of yall were more kind about it, i understand this being serious, it is, shit is no joke, but what’s up w this secret animosity, competition, thinking your way should be the only way to do things, like who fucking cares bro?
idk i feel like we like to judge shit as soon as it comes our way and have these intense opinions, ready to pop off at the mouth…maybe i’m too “nice” “naive” whatever, im just sick of seeing these washed up debates on who should be doing what and how they should be doing it…
is everyone okay??? i don’t think so, a lot of hurt people, and we unironically project, let’s not you know. it’s okay to be kind, honest and respectful.
if you don’t like it, that’s okay, no need to be so fucking rude, esp when you don’t even know these people…just move on and scroll, i feel like we’re doing ourselves dirty by engaging with triggering topics and making ourselves angry, ive been doing it and then i came to the realization that i don’t have to take that reading as if it’s really set in stone
don’t let nobody, not even me, try and make u feel like that’s the end all be all, no no no, i am just a messenger, a guide, you have to think for yourself…don’t beat yourself up over a reading, ive done it and realized “kaali, this isn’t the end” “you can grow and heal from this” “i will be okay, this is helping me to learn more and take a better understanding approach.”
i just don’t want people thinking that everything is set in stone, the story always changes and blossoms into something more than what you’re seeing on the surface. these aren’t personal readings so don’t hurt your pretty lil head worrying about this or that, if it applies to you let it and if it doesn’t don’t force the message okay, use your discernment mwah💓
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calp0sa · 1 month
what do you like and dislike about airy?
well there’s nothing i truly dislike about airy, because everything about him just makes him who he is. i just wish we got more insight to him as an Actual person rather than his host facade, even though that was sort of the point of one 17-18, i feel like the fact that he’s pretty much a regular ass dude went over most people’s heads (Not mine though because im really smart and could beat albert einstein in a rap battle) i know the mystique is the most prominently interesting aspect of the whole show… but yknowwww it’d be nice to know a little more about him personally considering how we now know he’s far from a one-dimensional character and shouldn’t be taken at face value (i am side eyeing a huge chunk of the one fandom as i say this) now okay if i were to talk about everything i like about airy we’d be here til the next solar eclipse but i’ll try to jot down everything i can. airy, to me, is the most fascinating object show character there is. i swear every time i observe something about him it’s like i’m opening a matryoshka doll as i dissect his character further and further… every rewatch of one i notice something, whether it be minuscule or glaring, there’s always something for me to brutally analyze. see, and here’s where i contradict myself, because while it’s frustrating not having much official trivia on him, i actually quite love how mysterious he is. i love how he seems like he knows a lot more than he lets on. i love how his caginess only sparks more questions. and i love how FESTERED he is. how you can tell there was so much that led up to him being so numb and stagnant… it does nothing but pique my interest. and i love how this festered-ness parallels with the contestants. i can’t help but feel as if the true extent of airy’s suffering was reflected through those on the plane, how the contestants went through so many fluctuant stages of sadness, denial, hopelessness, anger… all in the midst of isolation akin to airy’s forest. it makes me wonder if ONE served as catharsis to airy. not just a purpose or a distraction, but something to spark resonance within a desolate soul. speaking of distraction, it’s really interesting to me how reliant airy is on escapism, and this is most evident in how he literally takes on such a gilded and contrived host persona to the point where it’s difficult for the viewer to discern who he is OUTSIDE of “airy”. big fan of how the show basically tricks us into thinking he’s this ruthless malevolent all powerful entity until it takes us by surprise and reveals that he’s Just Some Guy, and it could’ve been anyone in his place. but this isn’t to defend him… no… airy was definitely a selfish and inconsiderate asshole (sorry yall) he just isn’t as awful as everyone makes him out to be. airy is not evil, nor is he good, he just kind of sucks LOL. and i love him for that honestly! the thing about this is he should’ve stopped and asked himself “what am i going to gain from this” yet he was so absorbed in trying to hoist himself out of that inevitable pit of dread that he did not care if he destroyed everything else in the process (Might i add that this is a huge parallel to liam’s impulsive vengefulness… i swear i could go on and on about how those two are brothers from another mother) another interesting thing about the hosting stage of airy is the chance that he probably did feel some sort of regret. especially after the shock of breaking his face, being confronted by harsh genuine emotions after such a long time… an iota of the pain and fear he assumed was long gone… as well as the crushing reminder that he basically threw himself and all his senses away just for a stupid game. What a loser amirite. even if he had some semblance of a wish to end ONE, he knew he couldn’t. i’d imagine he told himself mockingly “yeaaaa you basically dug yourself into this, you’re not backing out any time soon” (even though he could’ve easily backed out he was just a loser ass COWARD!)
i didn’t know the paragraphs had character limits! interesting. anyway i can’t help but wonder if airy made that effort to take care of liam in an attempt to break the cycle, the cycle of destroying everything else, including your very self, for the purpose of One thing. maybe airy thinks violence and spite is just a huge waste of time yes of course, but i think he understood liam to some extent (remember what i said about resonance 😁😁😁) i just love how everything about airy is so subtle, yet so major, so jarring and confusing yet when you piece it all together it makes such a scary amount of sense. i love making sense of how nonsensical he is. (of course i do. i am possibly the biggest fan of nonsense there is) now i will add a funny little thing i like about him. i like how he’s all impatient and snarky. and i know you’re probably thinking “franklin how in the abraham lincoln’s bootycheek do you think he’s snarky” Listen, it’s really funny once you actually notice it. there were so many instances where he sounded exasperated with the contestants. my personal favorite being
“yes, as long as you are here, you can’t die”
“Yes… that’s… what i just said 😐”
he has this barely noticeable “oh my god can you let me do what i need to do” attitude and it’s SO funny. i like to imagine he rolled his eyes a lot while he was hosting. its really funny to imagine. and its also funny to imagine him smiling like an idiot like he did hosting in one 17. that scene was really cute it makes me want to run into ongoing traffic and get continuously ran over by 12 different semi-trucks. if you ignore how miserable the contestants were (sorry contestants) it’s actually really endearing how excited and eager airy was when he got ideas for challenges. i bet he felt so proud of himself it’s honestly kind of sad. he’s sad. what the hell. he really thought he was the SHIT when he said “riches… immortality… whatever your heart desires 😌” Oh my god he’s so pathetic don’t even get me started MY ONLINE CLASSES ARE STARTING I GOTS TO GO BUT ANYWAY FEEL FREE TO ASK FOR AN ANALYSIS ABOUT LITERALLY ANYTHING AIRY RELATED I HAVE MORE THAN A HUNDRED BIBLES’ WORTH OF SHIT TO SAY ABOUT HIM BYEBYE THANK YOU FOR ASKING THIS
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
28 asks! Thanks yall! :)) 🦶
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My last doctors appointment came up with nothing. Onto the next one in a few weeks...
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Oh good idea-- :00
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Dink already has a friend! His name is Doink! :)
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I usually watch YouTube or listen to music while I draw. I feel like it helps me draw faster and keeps me focused somehow.. XDD And no one wants to be alone with their thoughts lets be real-
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<XD I'll have to think about that one-
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1: I knew what was coming for me in Tales from Ba Sing Se. But it still hurt. :(((
1: At first I don't think I liked Mei very much <XDD But after seeing her turn around at the end of the show?? I really like her :))
There's a lot of moments that were sweet and sad. But Zuko's apology to Iroh, and Toph and Sokka's talk about Katara's motherly nature were amongst the sweetest. And Aang going avatar mode when loosing Appa and being comforted by Katara has to be the saddest I can remember.. 🥺🥺🥺
The ending overall just felt like it came too soon, I wish the show was longer..
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You're gonna have to be a liiiitle more specific- 😅
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(Aang holding Appa art in question)
Do people really ask that?? Man.. smh.. smh.. 😔😔
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That sounds like something they'd do! :DD
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:DDD Thank you! I'm glad you like my artwork!! :))))
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XDDD Oh man that's some fantastic angst potential
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(Evil Grim and V post in question)
An asker in this post described what I imagine they'd be like really well! :00
And yes! The evil versions are all shiny but evil Anastasia (Kricketot) is normal colors XD
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I didn't intend to have Miraidon around, no.. 😅
And I don't have the DLC, so I am unfamiliar with Ogerpon.. <:0
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The boo mushroom isn't intended to be in my AU.. but the boomerang and cloud flower could be included :00 I imagine they'd be/look a lot different though..
The boomerang flower might not be a full on powerup.. I might make it this big flower that once it grows its oddly shaped petals fall off and harden like wood. Leaving behind these perfect flat boomerangs. I can imagine Mario and Luigi just learning how to throw the boomerangs instead of absorbing a powerup. This would also explain how boomerang bros got their boomerangs. They throw the same dried up petals that the bros throw-
The cloud flower might just be changed into some king of... wispy thing and the bros can collect. Instead of a flower. Maybe a literal cloud? I'm not sure.. but I can see it existing :00
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I believe so! XD Thank you! :)
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(Refencing this post and this post)
<XD No one is safe from the bootleg curse!
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<XD No no, my AU was made before the movie came out. Nothing from the movie applies to my AU- including the Vanessa daughter thing <XDD
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Well lets see,
1: I think Gravity Falls and Pixars cars was very inspirational to me! :0
2: My favorite song changes from day to day,, but currently I really like Lights by Ellie Goulding! :))
3: When I understood it, I think I liked math! :))
4: And sorry! But drawing suggestions are now closed 😅
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Shroomie!! :DDD
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I wouldn't trust them personally- 😅😅
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XDD The only appropriate response to evil Grim and V honestly-
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They doin good! I've been meaning to draw them more often <XDD
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Ah man.. this is very bitter sweet. I'm glad you found me here and that you like what I make. But its also horrible to hear that you found me through stolen artwork that I worked so hard on..
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@katpotato55 (In response to this post)
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XDD Well hey it made me laugh too! Also thank you! :))
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I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to do for that..😅I'm not familiar with Digimon.. 🥺 Thank you for the suggestion though! :00
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XDD Thank you!! And yes! I DO love sky! :DD Been playing ever since season of dreams back in 2021 💪💪💪
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bluewxrld07 · 8 months
Cut My Hair
Cole Caufield x female!reader x Ethan Edwards
Warning(s): Angst, situationships, intentions of smut, hints to cheating
A/N: will be a mix of instagram posts :) enjoy!
Summary: Based off of Tate McRae's song Cut My Hair
celebrity.news just posted a photo!
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liked by yourusername, yourbff and 18,796 others
celebrity.news Young and famous hockey star, Cole Caufield, seen at a club in Montreal after a post game win Saturday night! But the twist? The girl in the photos is NOT his girlfriend, well known social media influencer and future sports broadcaster, yourusername!! Possible trouble in paradise??
Click the link in our bio to read the article, and see all the photos and videos!
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user1 Oh no poor y/n 🥺
user2 She is literally the sweetest human being, that's so sad. I can't imagine how hurt she is right now.
user3 She must be so heartbroken right now, that girl in the photo is such a fucking home wrecker!!!
user4 I hope she's okay :( Cole doesn't deserve a baddie like her!!
yourbff just posted a photo!
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liked by yourusername, edwards.73, trevorzegras, and 111,741 others
yourbff Heartbroken, angry, sad, confused. Those are just a few I feel for you y/n. He doesn't deserve a real girl like you. His loss baby, I'm so sorry. I'm headed your way right now, be there soon 💜
user has limited comments
user1 send her all of our love <3
jackhughes I am in awe. Let her know if she needs anything, I'll be there.
liked by yourusername
trevorzegras this shit isn't right. my heart goes out for her.
edwards.73 Lu and I are driving out right now. Should be there in twenty.
liked by yourbff
colecaufield I'm so sorry
comment deleted by yourbff
*one month later*
yourusername just posted a photo!
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liked by yourbff, jackhughes, edwards.73, colecaufield, and 457,596 others
yourusername Just wanna cut my hair, lose myself, make u sweat
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user2 the hair color??? the BOB??? HELLO?!
user3 oh boy if this is her silently @ ing who I think it is, he's messed up with losing her
yourbff oh what is this? best friend is blessing my feed???
liked by yourusername
yourbff this bob and hair color was the move, my work here is done
liked by yourusername
jackhughes slay bestie
liked by yourbff
jackhughes He's a dumbass
liked by yourusername
user4 No because it is the fact that Cole liked this but didn't comment, speaks VOLUMES
user5 Cole done fucked up, she's about to slay this glow up
edwards.73 I'm bringing the vodka
yourusername please don't, I can't look at another thing of alcohol after last night lmao yourbff If he doesn't bring it, I will
yourusername just posted a photo!
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liked by yourbff, edwards.73, colecaufield, and 601,978 others
yourusername just wanna cut my hair, little black dress, can't forget
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user1 I'm living for these Tate McRae lyrics
yourbff See??? I knew you'd post this one. Fucking hot ass best friend I've got, these men bouta be on the FLOOR tonight
user2 If she doesn't wind up under someone else tonight after what Cole did to her, I WILL CRY
user3 He be creeping on her page tho, I see his ass in those likes.......
tatemcrae a true goddess 😍
liked by yourusername
lhughes_06 I'm keeping an eye on you tonight
edwards.73 easy easy, I called dibs first yourbff Both of y'all put your dicks away, and chill out? After all it'll be me who takes care of my girly tonight 😙 yourusername None of you are taking care of me tonight, I'll be fine 🙄 edwards.73 That's what you said last weekend and whose bed did you wind up in.... yourusername shhhhh 😳 edwards.73 lhughes_06 kept me up most of the night edwards.73 Idk what you're talking about lhughes.43 yourusername me neither
user4 Am I sensing a lil sum sum between Ethan and Y/n???
User2 If it's happening, I neeeeeed to know because I'd be here for it
colecaufield 😧
yourbff just posted a photo!
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liked by yourusername, edwards.73, lhughes_06 and 301,473 others
yourbff Just wanna show you, whatever she do, yourusername can do it better
tagged: yourusername, lhughes.43, markestapa, edwards.73
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markestapa What a fucking night
lhughes_06 I think I need a cleanse after that fiasco...
yourbff You sure it wasn't from the lake you boys decided to swim in at two in the morning?
lhughes_06 Don't remind me 😑 yourusername You guys were wilding' last night lhughes.43 markestapa says the wild one herself 🤔 lhughes_06 Yeah yourusername where did you and edwards.73 disappear off to? edwards.73 Nowhere yourusername Nowhere markestapa where tf did you come from edwards.73 edwards.73 I saw I was summoned, so I entered the chat yourbff All of you get out of my comments and argue in the group chat
user1 Ohhhh boy I smell quite the upgrade for miss y/n....
user2 If y/n is seeing Ethan Edwards I will die happy
user3 I'm so curious as to what's between those two rn. Whatever it is, y/n seems happier than when she did with Cole
liked by yourbff
colecaufield just posted a photo!
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liked by jackhughes, kirbydach, trevorzegras, girlusername and 96,736 others
colecaufield Heard you got a new guy, that ain't fair
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user1 Nah because it's THE WAY he used Tate McRae lyrics from the same song yourusername has been using on her posts.....
user2 Cole my dude... she deserves better after you did what you did
jackhughes come on C you better than this
trevorzegras she deserves better bro, I'm with jackhughes on this one
girlusername See you soon 🥰
user1 lmfao this girl clueless as fuck user3 Oh honey.... you the home wrecker? sheesh.. user4 DAMN talk about a downgrade 🤣 liked by yourusername
user5 Y'all it's fine he's just depressed and in his feels because he be knowing he cheated and lost a good one
yourusername just posted a photo!
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liked by edwards.73, yourbff, jackhughes, lhughes_06, trevorzegras, and 817,748 others
yourusername Just wanna get messed up, find myself, in his bed
tagged: edwards.73
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user2 now THIS is a pair I can get behind
user3 Their kids are gonna be literal heartbreakers wtf
yourbff about fucking time I was getting antsy. Now get dressed we have a brunch to go to today.
yourusername yes mommy 😣 lhughes.43 Can I call you mommy??? yourbff No yourusername No
edwards.73 Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry.
yourusername Have you learned nothing?? edwards.73 you never said I couldn't call you mommy😝 yourusername You're unbelievable edwards.73 Do something about it🤭 liked by yourusername yourbff LET HER GET READY YOU ASSHOLE OR WE WILL BE LATE edwards.73 trevorzegras JOJO.....?? HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING...?! liked by yourusername, yourbff, edwards.73
jackhughes I feel like I need to cleanse my eyes from that conversation thread I just read 😨
yourusername You'll survive
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liked by yourbff, lhughes_06, yourusername, markestapa and 778,240 others
edwards.73 Good girls, so overrated
tagged: yourusername
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user1 Wow now this is an upgrade. He gives her her OWN POST????
user2 Cole could never
user1 He was an embarassment
markestapa WOAH give us all a warning here fifty shades of grey!
yourbff Treat her like a queen, Edwards!!!!!!
edwards.73 No.... I'll treat her like a Goddess 🤩 yourusername How long did you wait to use that one? edwards.73 edwards.73 too long yourusername yourbff Long enough edwards.73
lhughes_06 Is the caption hinting that yourusername is a certified baddie?
yourbff yes edwards.73 yes yourusername yes markestapa yes jackhughes yes lhughes.43 Okay no need for the attack damn
yourusername My Eddy 🥰
edwards.73 My baby 😘
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Whispers in your ear like a devil on your shoulder: you should make the Miguel O'Hara scenarios. Think of the hot dad energy he would emanate :))))))
Jokes aside, it is truly up to you what to write and I would always read it, but I am begging on my hands and knees for you to tell us the platonic yandere Miguel O'Hara scenarios you have thought of.
Nooo stooopppp girll- *puts on Miguel's theme music in the background* ahh shit here we go.
Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara as a dad:
Okay, so im just gonna word vomit here and yall make sense of it, but like the first thing that comes to mind when I think about yandere dad Miguel is that him kidnapping daughter reader from a universe where he doesn't exist, so he's technically not breaking canon or whatever and really, it doesnt even matter if you're his bio kid or not, like u could be a literal random civilian but if he is drawn to u, then he is. And while some of yall say "oh come on, Miguel cant be like that. He doesn't make careless/thoughtless decisions like that" I'm sorry, but is this not the same person who had the nerve to step in as his dead self from an AU and sleep with his parallel universe's wife and father someone else's kid??? Granted, they did end up dying but really, the only difference between that decision and this decision to kidnap u is to make sure that u don't end up dyingggg.
Moving on, he kidnaps u, makes up some bs about your life being in danger and blah blah blah, you HAVE to stay by his side, okay??? And at first, reader is like "umm okay?" because who tf wouldnt agree with SPIDERMAN??? (especially one who looks like Miguel? he is already giving dad vibes)
And the thing with Miguel is that he super protective (because PTSD) and he's possessive too, so the only person you're allowed to hang out with is Mayday (she is the cutest, i would die to have a kid like her ngl) because he doesnt see her as a threat (someone who could take u away from him). ABSOLUTELY NO CONTACT with Miles (because he hates that kid, pain in his ass/bane of his existence) and pretty much all other spiderpersons as well because all of them are sarcastic and he does not need them rubbing off on u. The only other person he would trust u with is Peter B, probably when Miguel needs a babysitter (because u learned to mess with his tech-typy-locks and traps, so u need an actual person to keep eyes on u. curse the universe for u being smart like ur papa), and the biggest reason he does trust peter with u is because since peter is a father himself, he would definitely know that while miguel's methods are wrong, in his own way, he is protecting u, and peter b knows that he would do absolutely anything to keep his daughter safe too. Also- since peter has mayday, if he were to actually take u away from Miguel, then Miguel would 10000% kidnap mayday and use her against peter too until he inevitably has to return u to him.
Now Miguel is emotionally crippled due to his trauma, so he's not great at expressing his feelings, at least not when you're awake. When you're asleep, maybe his eyes turn a little softer, maybe he cups your cheek, some guilt and sadness swirling in his eyes when he sees your tear stained cheek (because u missed ur family. or maybe u got told off by Miguel in front of everyone), presses a soft kiss to your forehead and mumbles something in spanish ("you will understand in due time, mi hija.") Definitely has cameras in your room, so he looks at you through the screen and sighs when u flop on the bed and stuff your head in the pillow and start crying, heart slightly heavy with guilt.
Except from interacting with others and leaving the spider society/his apartment (idk where he lives), every need of yours is pretty much taken care of IF you follow his rules. If you behave, u get everything. If u yell at him, try to break out of his place etc, privileges are revoked and BAM, you are now confined to your room with no access to entertainment or any of your hobbies he allowed u to have. Those novels u liked to read? Too bad, they get thrown in the fireplace. Gaming console? Broken in his hands. Liked to cook/bake? No access to kitchen because u are now locked in your room.
Miguel has one important rule- you MUST obey him, under all circumstances, no questions asked. If he tells you to go to your room, honey go before his eyes turn sharp and he has to manhandle you. If he tells you to eat dinner with him, you need to eat food even if you are full. And if he's forbidden you from going to the locked room in his place that's full of info on you and your old fam, then its best for everyone for u to obey.
Now, while Miguel does have trouble expressing emotions (i mean, the most affection he's shown is head pats and if u are really really sad, then yes, smooches on the forehead.) but he has no trouble expressing anger and rage. If u mess up real bad, in the sense where u disobey him and end up hurting yourself (no matter to what degree), GIRL HE IS SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF AT YOU (like the scene from the movie where he's yelling at miles). I mean, he's so mad, he legit picks you up and hauls you to your room, where he's yelling at u even more, using the terms "child" "kid" and patronising tone because you may think you're a grown up (u might even be) but he will ALWAYS view u as a kid- THE KID he lost, the child he promised to protect and somehow get redemption, or at the very least, fill the empty hole in his heart.
And since nobody thought to inform me that my man Miguel is a literal VAMPIRE and that his fangs are not just for show to attract all kinds of viewrs, we gonna talk about that as well. Does he use them on reader when she finds out that Miguel actually fucking murdered her real fam (maybe not directly kill them, because he is a hero after all. Maybe in the sense that he knew they were gonna die, you would too unless he took u away, he just didnt bother calculating the repercussions if he did indeed save your family.) and reader is now hyperventilating and trying to claw her way out of his arms but muscled arms only pull u tighter against his chest and he just bites ur neck to let the venom paralyse you long enough for him to not only offer an explanation for his actions, but also put a tracker in you and chain u to your bed.
Does Miguel's heart absolutely shatter at your body wracking sobs and distressed state as you realise you have lost your family? Yes. Does he apologise? Never. Does he like seeing you in pain? NO. Will he cause you even more pain? ...yes, if circumstances change.
Hurting you is the last the thing he's do, but its still something he would do. He wont enjoy it, but if u messed up real bad (escaped and endangered yourself) then Miguel, with a very heavy heart will snap your ankles and limit your ability to walk for months (if not for life). This is one of his harshest punishments, and punishments are immeadiately followed with comfort, so Miguel does put your fractured bones in a cast and wipes the tears from his eyes, shushing you gently as he softly explains why he did what he did, how you dont need to worry about anything because since you took your punishment so well, Miguel will help you (he will carry you around everywhere), and maybe if you're in too much pain, he may give you some drugs(or even his venom) to put you to sleep right away.
He has lost too much, too many times. His wounds are deep and still fresh, he is not taking any chances... especially not with you.
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okay thats all i have for now(its a lie, i just need to pee) but feel free to send in ur asks/thoughts/scenarios.
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shakespearean-dream · 3 months
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tw for mention of miscarriages in the full photo + post;;
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ELLEN!!!! i love her so dearly omg
i can feel myself slowly want to slip back into an art block so if this drawings a little off that’s probably why 😔 However i love ellen too much not to post this so here we go
i have soooo many thoughts about her n her backstory/character cause wow it’s really sad 😭 with this, i had fun drawing/designing the hypothetical lil lady up top but thinking about her just makes me so upset. ellen’s husband straight up leaving her too after she couldn’t get over her miscarriage??? i get you gotta look out for yourself but jesus man. absolutely no way AM didn’t take advantage of that particular trauma, but it’s an avenue i’ve literally seen no one mess around with 🥲 if i’m missing an obvious piece of media that brings this up besides briefly in the game LET ME KNOW PLS i may be a little slow
maybe one day i’ll just make a series of posts brain dumping all my thoughts/theories/headcannons on the IHNMAIMS characters because they’re all so complex and fascinating??? i’m such a sucker for character design and development and this franchise is FEEDING ME omfg. i’m having such a good time
speaking of having a good time 😭 i just wanted to throw in a quick thank you to you guys for being so nice already. i was nottt expecting my first post with gorrister n glynis to get any hype at all even if its 50 notes, and getting some positive feedback and energy from yall has seriously made my week. hello!!!!!!!1! to all my new mutuals and THANK YALL for being so lovely ❤️ tumblr for the win💀🙏
who do yall want me to do next? ted, benny, nimdok n’ AM are left to go. thank u for reading if you did :]
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rocketinthesky · 21 days
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I’m so fucking happy for him yall don’t understand😭😭😭 literally was praying to God the entirety of the last two laps cuz oscar was closing in and i just NEEDES to see charles cross that finish line first after fuckall ferrari been torturing him like all these years😭😭 MY BOY HAD LIFE IN HIS EYES AFTER THIS WIN istg i think getting leo has changed charles as a man lmao IM SO HAPPY I CANT STOP RAMBLING ABOUT HOW HAPPY I AM FOR CHARLES FUCKKK congrats to oscar and lando too tho! Love my McCharles podium cutest trio on the grid!
Also, kevin magnussen IN THE POINTS? HELLO? So happy for him too!
And let’s fucking talk about WILLIAMS cuz wdym ALEX GOT 9TH AND FRANCO 12th?! On his first race in f1?! AS AN F2 ROOKIE??? Guys i think franco is like…idk we need to keep an eye on this guy. Even if he doesn’t make it to the grid 2025 i think there’s a chance he might become BIG soon like…no way the teams aren’t eyeing him for 2026 and beyond, this guy PERFORMED despite driving a fuckin lawnmower and in a mid season race??? CRAZYY ugh
i’m sad Carlos didn’t get podium :((( but he still held on well :(( George was just so fucking unlucky this entire race from the damage to his front wing to the rly shitty merc pit stops, but he still raced well despite all the bad streaks :((
This was a crazy race! Once again SO FUCKING HAPPY FOR CHARLES LOML AAHHHH
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lvrcpid · 2 years
sleepover! - modern!au (requested)
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part 2 of move along mariah! (read to understand)
•you guys stay up ALL NIGHT
•literally you guys don’t go to sleep until like 6 am
•lo’ak made tuk go with yalls parents cause she was “killing the vibe”
•she’s probably still in her snitch era
•since ao’nung got to hog you during karaoke, neteyam definitely makes sure he’s sleeping RIGHT NEXT TO YOU
•since you have an xbox, the boys are playing cod for a little while you, kiri and tsireya are doing prank calls
•roxto couldn’t come cause he was out of town for a family thing
•definitely called you cussing you out cause even if he wasn’t there why didn’t you invite him
•your parents probably knocked out sleep in the rooms because being a parent is SOOOO HARDDDDD
•lo’ak trying to jump neteyam was the highlight of the night
•granted we are in 2023 , they are definitely tryna roast eachother like it’s 2016 all over again
•they don’t care who you are
•if you grin, you’re in
•roasting eachother for a solid 25 minutes
•kiri is on the floor dying
•tsireya has tears in her eyes and clutching her stomach
•late night mcdonald’s trip!!
•lo’ak orders the whole menu
•neteyam pays cause he forgot his wallet at home
•you bought tuk something cause you felt bad for kicking her out
•eating yalls food at the park
•trying to film asmr with neteyam
•“y’all weird asses” - ao’nung
•kiri doing damn parkour off the slide
•talking about what y’all wanna do after graduation (foreshadowing me thinks 🤭)
•lo’ak being sad cause he’s gonna miss you
•“please shut up you’re gonna miss my rides-“ “HELLO????”
•going back home
•you completely forgot you guys had a ring door bell
•you walk up to it and smile
•“hey dad…we only went and got food swearsies!”
•he didn’t care tbh as long as you came back
•you brought him a milkshake back so ALLS WELL
•you guys playing the michael jackson experience
•megan knees!!!
•lo’ak attempted the smooth criminal lean
•let’s just say there’s a big ass blood stain on your floor
•tsireya probably knocked out at like 2 am, home girl can’t hang
•kiri is probably patching up lo’ak while y’all are doing dance battles
•ao’nung please stop krumping you are not 2005 chris brown
•doing the boys hair because they wanted you to
•mainly cause they wanted you close to them
•you like both of them and you don’t give a FUCK
•by the time 6 am rolls around y’all are all sprawled on the floor
•this is how i see it
•neteyam is laying on your stomach, ao’nung is close by, lo’ak has his hand over your face, tsireya is on the couch, kiri is in the corner
•this makes for a very confused set of parents when they all wake up
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Can you write the TADC cast with a male ballet dancer reader? The reader experiences gender dysphoria 24/7 because they look very feminine and all that.
TADC cast x male!ballet dancer!reader w/ dysphoria
back to finishing up the current line up of requests!! reminder that im only doing requests that have been sent in prior to them being closed! any requests that are sent in while theyre still closed will not be taken and will be deleted so i can keep track of what was sent before closing; its nothing against any of yall and you guys can resend your stuff when they are reopened (i will make it very obvious when they are so dw!!) on a different note i could have sworn i did a cast request with a reader who does ballet; but i guess it was only for jax and i was confusing the group request for the ballora type! reader from this morning huh anyways!! i hope you enjoy this anon! quick warning that i know literally nothing about ballet so im
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i think he enjoys a bunch of art forms; from music stuff to dance stuff to painting stuff, this man has taste. i think he would give you a bunch of outfits for you to wear and swap around that fits your aesthetic. bro would give you a whole walk in closet. as for dysphoria, i think he would do a similar thing with jax and reinforce how masculine you are to him, usually through affirmations, but he also shows it through just being there for you, bro is not only your number one fan but hes also your biggest supporter
i am yet again stumped on what to put in for pomni, since i think pomni is. bad at comforting people. very awkward, do not go to her for advice she will fumble so bad. now its not like shes not trying, but i think she would be all over the place trying to cover everything that could possibly help you; perhaps you two ultimately settle on cuddling one another... if this werent the digital world you two would probably put on a movie to take your mind off of it. as for her thoughts on ballet! i think she would find it neat, similar to jax she would have a form of respect for it!
she thinks it looks pretty, the dancing! she wouldnt know all the history or more in depth parts of it but she would watch you practice if you allowed her too... i think she would make you a binder, if your digital body causes any gender dysphoria for you.. though now that i type this i recall it being said that the characters clothing being stuck to their body.. so maybe she would just make you clothing thats more masculine as well? im not sure on this one!
doing jax first since he already got a similar post and i can use it as a basis; ive said this in that post as well as the ballora one but i think he would at least appreciate the dedication and hard work that goes into ballet... to like, fully commit to something like that impresses him you know? as for dysphoria, i think he would make it a point to call you more masculine terms. hes gonna be trying his best to try to help you with your dysphoria in the way that best helps you. lays off on his teasing on days where its worse
i am yet again distraught that i do not have many ideas for kinger this time, which is sad because hes my favorite character and i can relate so hard to the dysphoria thing... thinks.. probably throws all of his knowledge at you. i mean hes been in the circus for a while, hes probably seen at least a few people come and go; and sure what are the odds that he has some experience helping someone fight through their dysphoria... a boy can dream! takes you to his pillow fort and lets you stay for as long as you want
probably sits and watches you dance on a makeshift pillow thrown. claps when you're done, probably throws roses... i think caine would throw roses too except he would throw way more simply because he can literally. manifest as many as he wants
i dont usually like sharing my lgbt hcs about characters out of fear that it would be met with discourse but if i recall correctly zooble doesnt really have a gender/a set one (if im wrong correct me!) so they understand the dysphoria thing; i think they would offer to let you hang out in your room and vent your feelings out. probably tries to give advice on how to feel better in general if you want advice, but if you want comfort theyre gonna do your best to give it to you. i dont think zooble would have much of an opinion on ballet; neither negative or positive, simply knowing thats its an art form! supports you if it makes you happy, though!
while not the same thing, i like to think gangle used to do ribbon dancing in the real world... because... ribbon girl. see look im so so creative
but also i think it looks pretty
so you guys can bond over your hobbies! you might have to pry gangle to open up and talk about her interest in it, assuming she picks it up again in the digital world! as for dysphoria, i think gangle would be like zooble in terms of lending you some support; offers to help distract you if you dont want to tackle the issue at that point in time. i dont know about you, but sometimes i just, dont want to deal with my own dysphoria, but perhaps thats just a me thing
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alexthefunniest · 7 months
Funniest mileven arguments to why byler won’t be endgame
I’m sorry if there’s any grammar errors or mistakes, I wrote this angrily at 2 am when I couldn’t sleep.
1. “Its the 80’s”- as if there isn’t any movies that have happy queer endings that were made/set in the 80’s, yall are just lazy and don’t want to actually do any research.
2. “It’s a Netflix original”- ok? And? Like we literally get a new mlm/queer show on Netflix every year, byler is a mlm relationship which Netflix has a lot of, young royals, heartstopper??? Are you guys ok?
3. “Cuz it’s too popular” - we already have over two queer confirmed characters in stranger things, the show that’s about fighting forced conformity ?? The show that focuses on nerds, losers and people that don’t ‘fit in’ ? And y’all find it so hard to see ur two main characters being gay? Read the room respectfully.
4. “It’s one sided” - if it was one sided they would make Mike tell Will he doesn’t like him in s3 and give Will a new love interest in s4 (it has been confirmed that there will be no new characters in s5 and that the producers want every character to have their ‘perfect ending’) Will believed he was a mistake and thought he wouldn’t fall in love, because he is queer so he most definitely will have a queer love interest and it will be Mike.
5. “Mike is in love with el”- is he tho? He never actually said he loved her to her face without the world and her life depending on it, he’s been pressured to say it twice and when she told him she loves him back the man didn’t look happy but conflicted.
6. “Mileven endgame” - it’s really not, the amount of symbolism that points to their downfall (such as everyone calling them the ‘star crossed lovers’ which are basically lovers deemed to fail, and more) is HUGE, they have too many familial parallels it’s insane, why parallel the it couple with family themes and relationships? Another problem I have with this it’s the fact that it’s very rare for the first ‘original’ pairings to stay together till the end of the show (like with Bob and Joyce or Steve and Nancy)
7. “Byler wouldn’t make sense to the plot”- watch the show again, just because somethings more subtle, doesn’t mean it’s not there, y’all will always say that about queer relationships but whenever u guys see a straight relationship in these subtle moments you jump into conclusions that they might end up together, it’s called being a hypocrite.
8. “Mike isn’t gay” - it’s what he’s been telling himself too, the guy was obviously made fun of and called slurs like Will, everyone already thought and knew their relationship was ‘special’ and everyone suspected something, that’s why Mikes own dad was surprised and said “our son, with a girl?” Also your so called straight Mike has a room filled with pictures and posters of buff men, he’s never shown any interest in girls or women (except el who’s been said, looked like a boy in s1) not to mention the first song on his official Spotify playlist being “small town boy” (yk the song about a young gay man running away from his homophobic small town??).
9. Mikes love confession- if u call that a love confession I wouldn’t wanna date u brother, he was pushed to say ily by Will, the same Will that was in the frame of Mike lying when he said that his life “started” when he found El in the woods, which was obviously a lie because Mike called El a weapon and said he’ll “send her back to pennhurst or wherever she comes from” after they found her, also if the love confession was honest why would El be still upset with Mike and not talk to him after??
10. “El wasn’t upset at Mike but was sad about Max” - me when I’m in denial, she wasn’t sad about Max until she found the coke bottle underneath her bed, then we get the flashbacks of her and Max having fun in s3, she wasn’t thinking abt Max before that, its called common sense and logical thinking skills.
11. “There would be no time for byler to develop in s5” - it might seem crazy what I’m about to say, they were literally childhood best friends and it’s been confirmed that Will had a crush on Mike since s1, they literally started to build their romantic relationship MORE in s4, with all the ‘[emotional, tender music playing]’ and parallels between byler and jancy, also even if they haven’t started to build their relationship up in a romantic way in s4, y’all remember how in less than a season Jonathan and Nancy slept together or how Max and Lucas got together in a spawn of a season (mind u they met in the same season). Byler knows each other since little kids and always had potential y’all are just in denial.
12. “Why make Mike queer” - why not? Do y’all actually believe that one of the main characters plot line is just about getting with the girl at the end? Even if it was (which lets be so fr now) why would Mike get with El from the first season (they kissed in s1 and basically u can count that as they’re together wtv) if that was his main goal as a character? Well written shows have something called a “character development” which the producers of st love apparently, so why make Mike just a bland character that just gets with the main girl character, and why have El date the first guy she ever met, I just think it would be very shallow.
That’s all, this was written in a silly way cuz it’s basically me talking to myself, it’s okay if u ship mileven I just really don’t like disrespectful fans that yell at bylers and call the ship disgusting, I don’t care about what who ships as long as we all just have fun and not yell at each other 🫶🏻
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quartztwst · 1 month
jade's one is pure hilarious
but floyd's one tbh is kinda sad; I feel bad for the boy, it's like he's in a nightmare instead of a sweet dream
Yeah I stood up until 7 am going through all of the chapters right before it was published which is my only flex but it's really pathetic HELP
Floyd actually made so much more sense since Malleus' shallow perception of a happy ending is "no negative things" which Floyd doesn't really mind or actually wants. He likes being entertained and interesting things so negative things are part of that.
It was really sad but at the same time it was pretty silly since Floyd himself was acting pretty silly and bored. I was expecting Floyd's dream to be a bit more complicated but it was actually something that made much more sense once you put the Malleus magic explanation.
Jade's was pretty funny LMAOOO through the whole time I was thinking "Jeiazu. This is gay." But Jade's funny perception of Azul and Floyd in his dream was really interesting.
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And the part where he says "They need me" or something similar to that takes a real good look at Jade's character too. When the Idia collection crew said something about Jade's self-importance and his stubbornness, I wasn't really surprised but at the same time intrigued? His character is genuinely so confusing but it keeps you wanting to learn more (but HE WON'T LET YOU.)
Azul's dream was actually shocking to expect but it makes sense. I was actually hoping for my "Azul with a fish tail" dream to win but UEGRGHSHERH it didn't happen. However, something similar happened with him being in a sports team where everyone adores him.
I know it's Malleus controlling his dream but I can't help but feel that Azul wants that adoration and acceptance deep down. But Azul's feelings are more complex than what Malleus thinks it is and that's why it isn't want Azul actually wants. He doesn't want to be like that and it isn't what he truly strives for. It might be what could've been but it isn't what he wants.
That's why Malleus' "always happy, no negative emotions" ideal of a happy ending is so shallow. And I'm not saying "well malleus is a heartless demon." He means well and it shows. The ideal is wrong but the intention is good. He wants everyone to have a happy ending but it's a bit controlling.. Okay. Not a "bit"..
A lot but he means well ok
And I also heard a lot of people say, "It's so sad that the octotrio don't really dream of eachother...."
I think it makes sense. I don't know about yall. They don't always stay together but I really like them when they do stick together. I mean like.. Floyd literally reminds us that they don't have to stick to eachother every time a character goes "Oh, you don't dream about eachother?"
And the scene where Floyd and Jade let Azul sink down makes even more sense because they say, "Azul can take care of it." That's how much they respect him and believe that he is strong because Azul can handle himself. It's not like they don't care. They do. That's why they fell in with him in his second "happy ending."
They only make up rules so they don't become attached because they claim they are just like co-owners of some business (they are in denial and don't wanna say that they care for eachother because that's cringe to them but they care for eachother.)
Jade and Floyd may act cold but that's because they believe Azul is strong. That's how much their trust is. If he can't handle it, oh well (they literally save him after).
And also it's not like they don't care. They literally yell for Azul when Azul gets pulled in again and try to pull him out. Then some people say "omg they don't actually care."
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Anyways I think thats my thoughts for right now. I'll have to go through the all of the chapters again so I can understand more about them lmao
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adopting a pet with the avengers!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 911
request: yes / no
original request: hello good fellow. can you do a headcanon set on adopting a pet with the avengers? thanks
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: mainly tony stark, scott lang, reader, peter parker, harley keener, miles morales, and bruce banner!
a/n: bucky + alpine = fave duo ever. OK maybe natasha & liho too. and clint and lucky. there are so many good pets already in marvel (usually just comics tho smh) so i had some stuff to go off of. THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST i loved writing it <3
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
you had been BEGGING tony to let you get another pet
bc a few of them already lived at the tower
lucky, liho, and alpine
but you wanted a dog.
not just any dog
specifically a puppy 
and miles, peter & harley were on ur side
especially harley bc he rly wanted a dog
so one day when tony got rly tired of y’all asking him, he came up with an idea
“tell you what. how about you kids make a petition. if you can get a decent amount of signatures, i’ll consider getting you a puppy.”
and that was good with u!!
i mean u were all taking government class at midtown so this was gonna be easy
the first person you went to was scott
bc he’s scott, he wasn’t gonna have an issue with a puppy right
but when you asked him, he seemed kind of sad for some reason.
and when you asked him why?
“well, it’s just… i don’t want my ants to feel left out.”
“scott, i don’t think they would feel left out. you love those things more than anything!”
“yeah.. you’re right. ant-onio banderas won’t be mad right? or ant-ibacterial? oh, hopefully if they’re mad, it won’t be permen-ANT!!!”
you got the signature and left asap because once scott says one pun he takes like hours to figure out another
love him though
so next you went to clint
and he was more than happy to sign!!
bc ofc lucky would love a little friend
and natasha was there too
she was a little more hesitant bc liho is rly sweet but kinda skittish
but you convinced her because you told her how cute it would be if they loved each other & like you could get the cute stock photos of a dog & a cat together or something
thor was totally on board
because he’s thor ofc
and thor loves puppies
“y/n, this is so exciting! i remember when i got my first pet!! well, it turned out to be loki in disguise. it was still very exciting, though!!”
oh btw miles and peter signed 
they were ur first signatures!!!!!!
next up was sam, bucky, and steve
and you and harley decided you needed a little extra push to convince them
so you made a powerpoint presentation. 
and it was awesome
like you may have used every single available transition
maybe three times each
like i said it was awesome
maybe a little excessive
but awesome!!!
steve kept making you go back a slide because he was taking notes
what a nerd, am i right???
jk we love steve rogers in this house
anyways then they deliberated
and they made you and harley go stand outside the room
it literally felt like shark tank you guys
well not the standing outside while they decide but still
but they signed it yippee!!!!
bruce and wanda signed quickly too
especially bruce was really excited
i feel like he would totally be a dog person 
like he prob had a puppy when he was young that he really loved
you even went over to the sanctum sanctorum to get stephen and wong to sign it!!!
and they did!!!
well wong did
and then he forged strange’s signature for you
wong supremacy fr
you were on a roll
you got aunt may to sign it. you got phil coulson to sign it (pretend he’s alive oml sry yall) you got maria hill to sign it.
hell, nick fury even signed it!!!!
so you took it back to tony
and he was like 
“woah this is a lot more than i expected”
and y’all
you and peter, harley, and miles found the cutest one
a little german shepard 
w like the floppy ears & stuff?
oml he was so cute
tony kept saying his named was tony jr
but you told him no
but he kept saying it
ok, live in ur fantasy world ig stark!!!!
jk love him
anyways you named him max!!!
bc yes!!!!
and you took him back to the tower
thor was really excited and max like totally loved him from the start fr
any time he liked ripped up the furniture or smth thor would just hold him with one hand and take him around
but he was happy so he was like wagging his tail and stuff
sam and bucky looked like they didn’t like the dog at first
but then alpine was like obsessed with it and so bucky had to like him
and max kept sitting on sam and licking him
and he was like “omg stop”
but he was laughing so you knew you were good
tony and bruce even built a little spot for max in the lab
and a bunch of like cool toys for him
max was the perfect dog for y’all bc like he loved everyone and everyone loved him
every night he slept in a new room & he loved to play 
he ran with y’all too when you had to run so it was way more fun
suddenly dr strange was over at the tower a lot more…
he’s such a softie
and scott loved him too they were best friends
tony was just proud of himself for “teaching you to be good citizens”
dw y’all he loved the dog too
just trust that max is the most spoiled dog EVER!!
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enderwoah · 2 years
jimmy solidarity is so intrinsically mind-meltingly confusing i love him dearly and i want to squish him with a passion and i want him to win (or lose) the next life series installment and here is why
(this is a very long insanity fuelled rant sorry but if you too are obsessed with jimmy solidarity and the concept of him actually not being pathetic and possibly winning heres the post for you)
jimmy solidarity is the kind of guy that literally has one gimmick and its being the most pathetic person on every server he has the pleasure of being on. he is the wet cat of a man that gets bullied and taken advantage of and nobody listens to him when he complains or objects to anything and yet not once has he truly gotten angry about it because hes just that nice of a guy. sort of.
cause i dont know about yall, but jimmy solidarity is kind of a bastard to me?? i will never forget him swindling joey out of 50% of his gunpowder profits (u think that wasnt swindling?? consider the following: he was earning NOTHING before joey started doing gunpowder on his own. NOTHING. and yet all he had to do was go over and put on his little sad pitiful pathetic song and dance and beg for a cut of joey's profits and suddenly: whats that? a net profit?) i will never forget the sheer amount of times this guy has had to hold himself back from straight up killing or aattacking someone; not because of morals or kindness or goodwill, but out of spite. but out of "i need to be better than this person it hurts them more if i dont kill them in cold blood (in my head)." i will never forget the amount of times he has just straight up punched someone in the nose (/rp) because they were being mildly annoying in the middle of a conversation.
im not saying hes a mastermind thats manipulating everyone by acting lame but also just a little bit?? minus the manipulation part?? hes proven on multiple occassions that he isnt like stupid idiot baby man. like yeah he can be a little incompetent sometimes but so can scar and by now we have ALL recognised that scar is terrifying and could raze the server by himself if he so pleased. i think if jimmy solidarity's main bit wasnt 'its funny when my friends bully me' he could genuinely cause some serious damage. i think the one time hes like ever made a trap on his own in the life series (the one in his doorway in last life) it worked flawlessly which. like. a trap. in the life series. working flawlessly. hello. sure it was basic but the fact that it worked without a hitch should alone be a testament to his ability
and if thats too obscure for u i mean we can step out of the life series for a little bit and just direct you to the fact that he isnt bad at minecraft like at all?? if u havent had the pleasure of watching his dodgebolt 1v3 i really reccomend it because youd THINK that someone bad at minecraft would be trembling in his boots and being in a total panic in that situation. hell even someone AMAZING at minecraft in that position (grian) literally sounded on the verge of throwing up for his entire time and thats FAIR. thats NORMAL.
all i am saying is that jimmy solidarity rolled up to this 1v3, said 'ive got this,' and took out two people in literally a second and a half. and then just chill-ly said 'ive got this' again. the only time he sounded mildly panicked was when tommy was making him dodge for a ridiculously long amount of time. as soon as tommy missed twice- or, rather, as soon as he dodged tommy's bolts twice, mine brother in craft took one shot after like five seconds and it was over. every SINGLE time i decide to watch a jimmy mcc pov im sitting there like. 'damn. DAMN?? JIMMY SOLIDARITY???? POPPING OFF???????" at like more than one point every single time. there are so many other places that hes demonstrated that he isnt bad at minecraft but its late/early and my memory doesnt work like it used to
which brings me back to the life series. since we all know that his 'being bullied hahaheeheehoohoo' bit is a bit (and hey. its a good bit. im not saying its a bad bit. i think its funny and i think it gets even funnier when jim starts fighting back. if youre gonna have a long-lasting gimmick thats a good one and jimmy does a swell job at making it entertaining and also making it clear that it isnt serious) this means that he can un-bit it for a bit. or at least peel away the bit a little.
im just saying jimmy solidarity has huge bastard energy and hes allowed to let it free in the life series!! he will burn things down he will cheer at traps he will fight for his friends he wil fight tooth and nail and claw for his life (he started last life with two lives. he never got any more. he only died due to a trap and due to murder like COME ON). if he wanted to burn down a base he could if he wanted to set up a huge trap PERSONALLY i think he could hell i think if he went up to someone in 1v1 combat he would at least have a chance (depending on the person of course). i mean look at his dodgebolt performance all the man needs is a bow and some distance and hes APPARENTLY set for life!!
ill say it
if jimmy solidarity played it smart, he could win the life series. easily.
jimmy is good at making alliances with people (coughs and kicks the southlands betrayal underneath the rug Ignore That One he was Desperate he started off with two lives remember honestly it was a justified move) hes a litlte bit silly stupid and oft acts impulsively but he can direct that impulsivity against one person and for another. if he got himself in a squad like he did in 3rd and last life and stopped playing up the pathetic bit and set a trap for once in his life (/endeared) he could actually get himself some kills. some Real kills, not accidentally blowing up ren and skizz with tnt.
i dont even care how he does it. i just want him to win. and if he doesnt win, i want him to come top five at LEAST before getting horrifically stabbed in the back by someone he had been running with for the whole series that is the ONLY loss i will accept and still be happy about. the man deserves a girlboss moment please we're approaching two years let the man LIVE
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