#yandere obey my: one master to rule them all
The brothers reaction to F!mc being stuck in a wall classic trope it can be nsfw If you want
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Stuck in a Wall | Yandere Obey Me
If by brothers you mean the seven in Obey Me then they would love it. So much happens at the house of lamentation that it's only a given that at some point you end up stuck in the wall: your bottom exposed and your flailing hands as you frantically implore your demons to help you. Now whether they actually listen is up to them but it's a given that they all most certainly enjoy it:
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He’ll tiredly hold the bridge of his nose before moving his hands to release you
But he stops
Letting a coy smile spread across his face as he imagines actually using a spell to see you’re relieved face turns into confusion
“...Now I don’t have to release you just yet. Heck, I might just let you serve your punishment for joining that idiot.”
“Of course, I’ll release you after.”
Better hope you haven’t incurred his wrath previously 
Because even without a clear connection to why this has happened to you he’s chuckling 
He’s generally tame if your rapport is good
Pinching the fat of your waist, your thigh
But if you’ve been particularly naughty he’s letting his hand come down on your unattended behind 
holding your legs so that your kicking does nothing to thwart him
Granted a punishment is given if you’ve been too busy running around with his other brothers
Or actively participating in the Anti-lucifer League’s schemes
Or taking his brother’s sides when they’re being particularly unbearable
It's the least you can do for him
Reminding you who owns you
“Don’t bother struggling now. Taking your punishment is the least you can do after letting everyone but me keep you close.”
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“A random butt sticking out of the wall! What do I do? Do I smack it or–”
“Mammon! If you smack me, so help me–”
“Oh- it talks!?”
Because he’s Mammon it takes a while before he puts two and two together
But when he finally does
He’s torn between giving into his mischievous side and his immense desire to please you
“Come on, Mammon i just need you to pull me out.”
“Yeah grab my waist and pull me out that’s all you have to do.”
“...Your waist….”
“Uhhh Mammon are you okay?”
He’s burning up 
He already knew that every part of you was beautiful but now he’s remembered just how beautiful
Even split in half you’re the sexiest in his whole world
Now how can he let up a chance to touch you now
But it's all up to how well you’ve kept him your dog fed
Have you pushed past his fake+ protests to sit with him while he gambled his earnings away
Or wearing the jewelry he bought
Or rewarding him for being the loyal dog that he is
Otherwise, he’ll have to collect your debt with building interest
“Other than your arms…you can’t really stop me from kissin’ ya anyway right?”
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“Ahahahaha, this is–ha–just like that one anime! Now you’re helpless Ruri-chan as I steal the magic fauna.”
“Levi! Just get me out, please.”
“And give up a prime lucky-leecher moment? I’m no fool!”
He’s all talk now 
Because he can’t see you’re angry face
Only your defenseless rump is perfectly defensive as you exhaustingly kick your legs
You can’t see the insane blush on his face 
Or the camera flashes+
“Y-you probably don’t want a disgusting otaku to be your savior, right? So it’s best if I just stay here–”
“Noo…wait Levi…please? Can you be…my hero? A passing adventurer’s side quest…w-will y-you help a fellow adventurer out?”
“Hahaha with a romance benefit and experience points?!”
He either wants to chicken out or idly fantasize about your predicament
You have to play his game 
Granted you’ll have to take a few liberties giving him a minute or two free range
“Here I come! With a hero’s reward on the line!”
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“Oh my, what have we here?”
One of the worst 
He’s most aware of what he could get away with at this moment
And he’s going to play as coy as he likes for as long as he wants
You’re helpless prey and he’s pouncing
“Well well, what is a bodiless butt sticking out of the wall?”
“Please Satan I got stuck and–”
“It’s a shame I have no idea where the mouth is to it but it most certainly has a nice shape.”
“Satan! Please! I know you can hear me! Ah~!”
“Fits so nicely in my hands.”
You’re going to barter 
And that’s what he’s counting on
Not only will he be getting to feel you in places
But whatever you have to offer will be wonderful to call for whenever he feels peckish 
Or wants to piss Lucifer off
And if you’re not offering anything of value he wins just as much
“Well if I just stick the end of this cattail in here, we can have ourselves a grand old time.”
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“Ahhh~just for me (Y/n)-baby!”
“What!? No! No!”
The absolute worst to find you like this
He can’t be bartered with, fought off, or tricked
He’s going to have you 
After all, you’re practically giving yourself to himself
“Awww stop struggling baby~it’ll feel great~!”
“No! Asmo stop! Put back on my–ah~!”
“Seee?! Didn’t I say?!”
Nothing’s stopping him from hammering+ bothering both stuck sides of your person
You’re mild frantic attempts to stop him are simply cute demonstrations of your nervousness
But let him wash it all away 
“No worries darling! When we’re done we can have one last sesh in the bath m’kay.”
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“That butt looks a lot like (Yn)’s…”
It is sheer luck that he looks up from whatever he’s eating to notice you
He’ll stand there debating if he wants to get involved
And even when you call out to him
He’s quickly finishing his food before actually coming over
“Beel! Get me out of here!” 
“Beel stop eating and get me out!” 
“Mmm okay.”
Don’t expect him to let you run off now that he’s holding you by the waist
He remembers how much smaller you are to him
And whens the next time he’s going to be able to take you to him and Belphie’s room before someone runs off with you
“Hey, have you eaten yet?”
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“Ah there you are I was looking for you.”
This is going to be quick and easy…
If everything’s alright
If he’s not being moody, stressed out, tired, mildly irritated
You’ll be fine
But if not he’ll have so much pent-up energy there can be only one way to release it
“B-belphie a-are you okay?”
“Oh I will be. So just stay still.”
“Wait hold on-”
“Shhh I’ll be quick.”
He means it
This is just to get started 
The beginning of affection is long overdue
‘Why do you have to be with everyone but me!’ 
‘Just because I’m sleeping it doesn’t mean I don’t want you near’+
“We can continue in bed I’m tired of standing here.”
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
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Solomon is directly confronting Mammon!
Solomon is calling Mammon out without any hesitation, and even has proof/evidence!
Solomon is so jealous..... Please marry me right now, my darling teacher!!! ;u;
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118gremlin · 10 months
Hii!! Chapters 2 and 3 have been posted. Please make sure to read the tags :]
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Yandere Aemond, who accidentally gets your sister instead
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"Y/n should have been mine. She was destined to be mine. I had envisioned a perfect future together, one where we flew atop our dragons and ruled the world. But that was all taken away from me. All of it, gone. Now all I have are her sister. A replacement. Second pick. A consolation prize. How dare she do this to me. She dares to bring a weaker version of herself into my life and expect me to be happy. What was she thinking? I must get rid of her."
If/when he were to be with you he would make sure that you know exactly what your place is. He would make sure that you know that he is the man of the house and that you are only what he deems you to be. You'll serve him regardless of whatever he asks or how highborn you are, and that is the way it must be. He is the master of the household, and you must obey and follow. If he has something that he wants, you must provide it to him.
If all else fails, he would consider kidnapping you in order to force you to spend your time with him. After all, the obsession would be so strong, that he could not see any other option than that. This is only one scenario however.
If he were to have you replaced by your sister he would be very upset. In fact, he would likely act aggressively. This could range from merely ignoring the sister, to trying to hurt her physically. He might even try to eliminate the competition.
He does believe he loves you and he can be quite possessive of you, especially when he sees you talking to other boys. He's always afraid that you might give them more attention than you give to him. He has to remind himself that he is your one and only love, but when the jealousy gets to him, he can get to be a little bit unhinged and obsessed. It’s not something he's proud of, but it’s part of what makes him, him.
Because he has a very short temper and a habit of lashing out when he's angry. He can be very intimidating, and he doesn't like to be crossed. So if you ever do something to piss him off, well, let's just say you better be prepared to face the consequences.
I suppose he would be rather possessive and obsessive. He doesn’t take no for an answer and his love won’t allow him to accept an alternative like your sister. He would be quite persistent and would not give up until he got his way. His pride and his honor wouldn’t allow him to settle for seconds. If he couldn’t have the object of his affection then he would take no one else, and he would go to great length and lengths to ensure that. Perhaps he would even resort to drastic measures in the heat of the moment and in his passion.
If the sister continues to interfere, he might try and drive a wedge between his beloved and your sister. He might even resort to more violent methods to ensure you stay away from each other. It would have to be kept in secret, of course. He would not want you to be suspicious. He would also be sure to make you believe that you are his one and only.
Well, since your sister has arrived it would mean that you are no longer a special focus of his attention. He would likely begin to see this as an attack on him, on your "relationship", and on the way things were meant to be. His behavior might become more and more erratic. He would likely try to get you back by whatever means necessary.
If he wished to capture your attention "again", he would likely resort to more direct, but also more subtle, methods. By this, I mean he would do his best to impress you with his talents, and also try to engage you in some of your favorite activities. He would also do his best to look his best for you, since a good appearance can go a long way in catching someone’s attention. However, he would also be sure to be mysterious and elusive when needed.
It would be most vexing. If the sister continued to attempt to get his attention he would make it clear to her in no uncertain terms that he has no interest in her. He would likely ignore her as much as possible and make sure to give you more attention than ever. He would also try to keep them as far apart from each other as he possibly could. That way, your sister would hopefully learn her place.
If your sister kept trying to be with him, he would likely try to reject her at first. Hopefully, this would give you the opportunity to see what he is to you. But if this fails, he would have no choice but to eliminate the competition. It would be for you, of course.
He is not attracted to your sister, his primary goal is to obtain his beloved. He would never be content with someone else, you are the only person he wants. No one else can measure up. He would continue to focus all his efforts on winning you over. And if your sister continues to interfere, his actions may become more drastic.
It would make the situation a bit tricky if you felt you were nothing amazing compared to your sisters. If you think that you are nothing special then his own jealousy and possessiveness might not be enough to change your mind. He might try to build your confidence up, while also emphasizing the importance of your relationship and how much he values having you with him. He could compliment you and boost your self-esteem, while also making you feel that you are more special to him than anyone else.
His family would likely be concerned about his obsession. They would be concerned about him acting out and hurting you and your sister. They would likely try and intervene and get him to let you go or stop hurting you. However, he would be hard pressed to listen to them. He cares about no one but his love.
If/when he finally got you he would do all he can to possess you. You would be his, and his alone. You would not have the option of going anywhere or doing anything without his permission. He would want you to be with him 24/7. He would make you entirely dependent on him.
He would want you to be married to him, and no one else. And he would want you to have his children and no one else’s. It would be a way of keeping you by his side and tied to him by the closest bond. Children would also serve to make you more dependent on him.
It is not something that he would wish to do. He feels it goes against his code of honor and his "chivalrous" nature. He would never want to stoop to such a level. However, if the alternative is never marrying you and having children, he may not have a choice but to force himself on you and make sure you will in fact be his. It is a decision that he would have to make.
If he were to force you into marriage with him he would make sure it is no small or quiet affair. It would be a grand ceremony. Invitations would be sent to all the great lords of Westeros. He would want to show the realm that you and he were married and that he would keep a firm grip on you. He would want to impress the realm with his love and authority. He would make sure you knew who’s royal and in power because of him, that you belonged to him.
If you are in his possession, who is to say that he cannot do what he wants? Of course he would still treat you with respect and honor you to the best of his abilities. However, you would be a prize to be proud of. You would not be free to go where you please, when you please, without his say so. He would never give you to another. He would never let you get away. He would fight tooth and nail to protect what is his.
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May I have a yandere overblot Jamil Viper x reader please
Yes you may
(Sorry if the ending is unsatisfying, I couldn't find a good way to end it)
Warning(s): fem reader, mind control, forced kissing (bc of the mind control)
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"You can do this, (Y/N)!" Kalim whisper-yelled, giving you encouragement. "And remember! If you need back up, we're right behind you!"
The plan was quite simple. You enter the main building of Scarabia dorm as bait, everyone else is hiding behind cover, unnoticed by Jamil. Jamil attempts to use Snake Charmer on you, but it is counteracted by Floyd casting Bind The Heart just a second before. You act as if you're being mind controlled, doing whatever Jamil asks you to. While Jamil is distracted, Kalim will use Oasis Maker to flood the dorm, getting the rest of the mind controlled students out of there. And by the time Jamil realizes something is wrong, the six of you are already attacking him.
Yes, this plan is very similar to the one you pulled off earlier, when Azul was pretending to be mind controlled... but the beauty of using basically the same plan twice is that Jamil will obviously think "There's no way they're dumb enough to do the same thing twice."
You're the crux of the plan.
But there's a sinking feeling in your gut... something in the back of your mind telling you this isn't going to end well.
As Jamil was praised by his subjects, you made yourself known. You didn't have to do much to make yourself known, though, you stuck out like a sore thumb among the black and red the rest of the Scarabia students were wearing- the outfit you were wearing was a short blue dress, and a crown of jasmine flowers on your head. Kalim made it for you with his magic, and though you appreciated the effort, it felt embarrassing to stand out this much.
"(Y/N), is that you? Jamil asked. What good timing you have, we were just about to begin our celebration. And thank you ever so much for allowing me to become king of Scarabia. I'm more competent than Kalim ever was, this is truly better for everyone."
"Yes, it is, Jamil." You responded, already trying to get him to gain your trust.
"(Y/N), come closer." Jamil told you. You did as asked. "The one you behold is your master. You shall answer when you are asked, and you shall obey when you are ordered."
With that, the plan was fully set in motion.
Maybe that feeling you had was wrong. Maybe everything would turn out well!
"Just so you know, (Y/N)... I'm aware your pathetic friends are here." Jamil told you. Everyone was carried out of their hiding spots by the possessed Scarabia students. "It seems I was careless, allowing all of you to keep your magic pens. Though I am surprised Kalim's party trick was useful for something other than filling a pool."
The possessed Scarabia students stole everyone's magic pens, and the staffs of Kalim and Azul, making sure none of them could use magic. And yet again, Jamil shot everybody away from here, to the edge of the desert as he did before. Everyone except for you.
"Now (Y/N)... Snake Charmer." Jamil whispered to you.
It was an indescribable pain in your head.
"(Y/N), tell me. Who is your master?"
"My master... is..." You couldn't bare the throbbing pain in your head. And then, all at once, it subsided. It was like a wave of static washed over you. Your mind was no longer your own. "My master is you, Jamil."
"Praise me."
"Your greatness knows no bounds, master Jamil. You are fit to rule Scarabia, you are fit to even rule the Land of Scalding Sands. You are a perfect leader. You excel in every class you have. Your unique magic is much more powerful than anyone else's."
"A king needs his queen, and that will be you, (Y/N)." Jamil told you. "Kiss me."
Without hesitation, you did exactly as Jamil commanded.
He enjoyed it.
You could feel his weird hair snakes sinking their fangs into you.
They won't be able to get back.
It was freezing at the edge of the desert, the river Kalim made has probably frozen over by now.
And without his golden cobra staff, you doubt he'd be able to use Oasis Maker again.
The only way for them to get back would be to walk.
With how long a walk it will be, Kalim will certainly freeze to death.
And Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Grim will shortly after. Even though those four have some natural resistance to the cold, they aren't completely invulnerable...
Maybe Ace and Deuce could get here in time, but you're not sure if they even saw your message.
What can you do?
What can you do to get yourself out of this situation?
Well... it seems nothing.
You very well can't get out of Jamil's mind control on your own, not unless he deactivates it, and let's be real- that isn't happening any time soon.
So what do you do?
What do you do?
What do you do?
The simplest answer is correct.
Accept it.
Play along.
Let it happen.
Until you find a solution, that's your only option.
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turquoisesea01 · 1 year
~ Welcome to TurquoiseSea ~
This is an 18+ Art Account.
Which means this account does not want minors interact with this blog. Any ageless blogs will be blocked immediately. If you’re an adult who hasn’t put their age in their bio yet, I advised you to do that immediately, especially to the people who are new to tumblr. People will think your are just a bot and will block you immediately if they don’t see anything written on your bio.
Anyways, once again, NO MINORS ARE ALLOWED TO INTERACT NOR FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. THIS IS AN ADULT SPACE. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. And no. I do not care if you’re turning 18 this month or 3 days or a week early, you’ll have to wait to interact this blog until you’re actually 18.
Another thing, I don’t want any, pedos, zoophiles, homophobic/transphobic content interact with me, keep that shit away from me.
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Who Am I?
Hello! I am TurquoiseSea! But that’s just my username for art. My actual name is Jocelyne, but I usually go as Yoshi!
Why Yoshi? It’s just a nickname I had since childhood and I prefer that more than my actual name ^v^!
This is my sona Yoshi! ^v^
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I am 21 years old, I am a pansexual Demi romantic cis girl and my pronouns are she/her! I am Salvadoran and Peruvian! However my Spanish isnt my best language to
Im an artist that loves to draw Yan characters, drawing fanart of anime and video game characters I like! I usually draw self inserts and my ocs, especially Virgil Evans!
Just a heads up, in this account I’ll also be venting through text posts and vent arts and will let you know that I’m okay. I just only want to get something off of my chest.
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Who is Vigil?
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Virgil Evans is an oc I had since childhood. At first he was roleplay character I use for, well, roleplay! Until when I stop roleplaying, I ended up making him his own character and eventually grew up with me throughout the years! He played a huge role throughout my life so expect to see much Virgil content in this blog.
To those who have gotten to this blog through my VN blog of Yan Virgil, Would You Stay, I’m not posting any Yan Virgil content in this blog. So please do not ask me any Yan Virgil or my VN related questions in my inbox. Those questions goes to my VN blog.
Yan Virgil in WYS is just an alternate version of my Og Virgil if things gone wrong in his world. Think of it as an alternative timeline.
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Which fandom I’m currently in?
Yandere Visual Novels (more like a community than a fandom lol) : Such as See Thru Need A Friend? , Restart Heart, YOU and HIM, MINE VN, You Guardian Angel, My Ange, Camp WillowPeak, Drop In The Ocean, Favor, etc. ^v^ Im practically everywhere lmao (although I try my best to make fanart ;v; )
Degrees Of Lewdity : You can expect artwork of Kylar. I am a Kylar girlie lmao, I love that stinky icky lil skrunkly <3 My disgusting lil meow meow.
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All/ Obey Me! Nightbringer : Oof currently I’m burning out of the two games but I still lurks around in the fandom and sometimes draw fanart with my Mc :3, however! I have an AU about Lilith, if she were alive! So feel free to check out my side blog if you’re interested! Also I am a Barbatos simp! <3
Genshin Impact : The only time I draw fanart is Wanderer and a sketch of Nahida. And my ocs if they were Genshin playable characters lmao. But either way, RAAAAA I WANT TO PULL FOR NEUVILLETTE BUT I GOTTA WAIT A LITTLE MORE TILL I GET AT LEAST 50 PULLs PLEASE COME HIME NEVU—
Twisted Wonderland : I’m currently hyperfixated on the game for like since the English release came out lmao, I already have like two ocs! And two are basically based on the live action of Alice in Wonderland characters! Fior Rosehearts (based off of the White Queen) and Jasper Woods (based off of the Jabberwocky!) but eeee I’m so excited for the Glorious Masquerade event!
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What Are My Boundaries?
Please don’t sexualize or be weird about my ocs who are minors. Such as Kota, Miski, Irvin, etc. Or even when I drew my adult ocs as their young version, do not be weird about it.
I do not mind playful flirting, virtual smooches, cuddles, hugs are okay with me! I don’t mind nicknames as well! Sexual flirting is ok as well, usually as jokes lol. But please keep in mind that I am also a human behind the screen, I have feelings and thoughts. I will feel uncomfortable if you go out of your way to my inbox to threaten me for sexual purposes, you will be blocked
I absolutely don’t mind if you shipped yourself or ocs with my ocs! As long it’s not problematic! I also don’t mind if my sona is also being shipped lol.
Feel free to ask me any questions! However do keep in mind that I might respond late due to me thinking carefully of what to answer or I get distracted lmao or if the question has gone too personal for me to answer, I’d rather not answer.
Once again if you came from my VN blog, do not ask me questions related about Yan Virgil. That’s for my WYS VN blog.
Please don’t ask me to draw for you unless I am taking art requests. I usually draw for the people I’m close to or my moots!
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Sooo that’s pretty much it! I’ll add more if I remembered something! ^v^ I’ll have to add tags later but that requires me to organize my tags! So it will take awhile!
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uwukillmenowowo · 1 year
Welcome to my Paradise~! [Requests are Open!]
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Hello~! My name is Kumon but feel free to call me Kumo or K.
My pronouns are She/Her + They/Them I do drawings, stories, and X Reader requests [Mostly Drawings lol]
Others if requested~
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Rules/Information on this blog:
I Will write/Draw for✔️
Anything SFW
Male/Female/Gendernutral [Mc]
I WILL NOT write for❌
Blood/Gore [Depending in the request]
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MASTERLIST: Masterlist of Paradise
Wattpad Account: Kumon
Quotev Account: Kumon
Instagram Account: thatartist_Kumon
Twitter/X Account: Kumon_Tracer
Discord: Discord
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Below here are fandoms that I will be willing to write/draw for :D
[Warning: It will be a long list ._.]
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Disney Twisted Wonderland
Tokyo Debunker
Ensemble Stars Music
Cookie Run Kingdom
No Straight Roads
Hollow Knight
Just Shapes and Beats
Undertale and Au's
Little Nightmares/2/Very Little Nightmares
Friday Night Funkin' and mods
Soul Knight [Characters will be based on my OC’s]
Yandere Simulator
Obey Me: One Master To Rule Them All
Danganronpa THH/DR2:GD/DR:KH
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
Just Shapes and Beats
Hatsune Miku: CS
Poppy Playtime-
Pokemon [Any game]
TLOZ and others
Andy's Apple Farm
Land of the Lustrous
Puella Magi: Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica: Rebellion
Death Parade
Spy X Family
The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
To Your Eternity
No Game No Life
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kimetsu No Yaiba
Vampire Knight
Magical Girl Site
The Devil is a Part-Timer
Assassination Classroom
Hunter X Hunter
Black Butler
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
Attack On Titan
My Hero Academia
Ouran High School Host Club
Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba
One Punch Man
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Death Note
Oshi No Ko
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss But I'm No tthe Demon Lord
Mashle: Magic and Muscles
Revenge Of The Iron Blooded Sowrd Hound
I'm the Grim Reaper
Return of The 8th Class Mage
The max-level player's 100th regression
     [T.V Series]
Yokai Watch
Digimon: Digital Monsters
Beyblade Metal Fusion
Lego Legends of Chima
Lego Ninjago
South park
Lego Nexo Knights
Dream SMP
Disney movies??
Splatoon [Coroika]
The Amazing Digital Circus
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xlxvesxckx · 2 years
Lxve's Masterlist!
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A collection of all my works! divided into sections based on what I write!
Mature fics - [M+18] Yandere Fics- [Yan Angst - [Angs]
Enjoy reading!
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱꒱
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Obey Me!: One Master to Rule Them All
nothing yet...
* MC going to Mams for comfort
Nothing yet...
nothing yet...
nothing yet....
nothing yet...
nothing yet...
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Phantom Blood
Dainty Yet Beautiful (Jonathan/Dio)
Battle Tendency
nothing yet...
Stardust Crusaders
Mine all Mine (Jotaro Kujo) [M+18] Ride it (Jotaro Kujo) [M+18] Give you what you want(Jotaro Kujo) [M+18] I hope You'll Love Me One Day (Jotaro Kujo) [Angs] Feel Special: Part One Ending (Jotaro Kujo/DIO)
Diamond Is Unbreakable
nothing yet...
Golden Wind
Peace of Mind (Diavolo)
Stone Ocean
nothing yet...
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Poly Ateez
Turbulence Masterlist [Yan]
Kim Hongjoong
nothing yet...
Park Seonghwa
nothing yet...
Jeong Yunho
nothing yet...
Kang Yeosang
nothing yet...
Choi San
nothing yet...
Song Mingi
nothing yet...
Jung Wooyoung
nothing yet...
Choi Jongho
nothing yet...
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brainpal-gachapon · 5 months
I saw the other mods doing this, so here's my (hopefully fully done) "media mod-madoka knows" list!! (disclaimer i genuinely forget what i like. a lot. its the cisaudhd im so sorry gang.) REGARDLESS HERE IT IS !!!!! -🍓
ALTER EGO (v good game)
Cookie Run
General Lunime Titles (gacha world, gacha life 1&2, gacha club, etc.)
Genshin Impact
Muse Dash
Project Sekai
Monster Prom/Camp/Roadtrip
Blush Blush (im so sorry)
Crush Crush (im so sorry again)
Doki Doki Literature Club
OMORI (very vaguely. i still have yet to actually get further than meeting sweetheart)
Slime Rancher (1 & 2)
The Stanley Parable
FNaF (literally any character not exclusive to the books; ive never read any of the books)
Fran Bow
Little Misfortune
Shelter / Shelter 2 / Meadow
Our Life; Beginning And Always
The Sims
Little Witch Academia
Ouran High School Host Club
Aggretsuko (never finished season 1)
Bojack Horseman (never finished season 1)
Vocal Synths (mostly VOCALOID and UTAU though also a TEENY smidgen of Synth V through Teto and A Friend)
Obey Me! (Nightbringer & One Master To Rule Them all)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Yandere Sim (unfortunately)
Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss
(The start of) Twisted Wonderland
Splatoon (played 2&3 though never did story mode)
Lucky Star (haven't finished season 1)
Kakegurui (& Kakegurui twin!!)
The Amazing Digital Circus
Murder Drones (not seen the whole series yet)
My Little Pony (only FiM; I refuse to watch the new gen in any form)
H*rry P*tter (unfortunately. Also FUCK JK R*wling)
DSMP (and very surface-level exposure to QSMP)
The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey
Rain World
Warrior Cats
Survivors (erin hunter; have NOT finished the full first arc.)
Wings of Fire (have not finished Sunny's book; already spoiled on a lot of things)
Honkai; Star Rail (have not finished Xianzhou Luofu quests, already spoiled on so much late-game content)
Honkai; Impact (i only very vaguely know ANYTHING about it)
Hamilton (the musical)
Mean Girls
Heathers (not actually watched it; ive absorbed so much information that i simply know most of the plot and characters)
Class of 09
Date with Death (highly reccommend; love interest is adorable)
Blooming Panic
Slay the Princess
Not my Neighbor
Among Us
Papers, Please
there's definitely stuff ive accidentally left out, but im tired and forgetful. hope i can steal some more requests soon hehe >:3c
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beowlet · 5 months
|| ₊˚⊹BEO SERVICES: Introductions.
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₊˚⊹ DNI if you're:
Transphobic and homophobic
Islamophobic or any discrimination against any religion.
Support l*li-con/sh*to-con/p*dophilia or incest
Under 17 y/o (I apologize but I dont wanna be interacting with a bunch of children)
Support selfcest ships of characters or whatever the fuck. Its weird. Gtfo.
₊˚⊹Any signs of this behaviour will have you BLOCKED from my blog, If im interacting with anyone who supports any of these without knowing, please warn me.
₊˚⊹ABT ME:
Eli/BEO | 20 y/o | He/They only. | Demiboy, demiaroace and panromantic | TR/ENG | ADHD |
I'm not too sure about the ages of my following, however I will talk about nsfw topics on this blog. Of course this won't be a purely nsfw account nor will i post smut/pornographic content straight up but as someone with a foul mouth and a dirty mind I will definetly make a few jokes here and there. If you're not comfortable with that do not interact with me. I am open to silly interactions, hit my inbox whenever you please and talk to me (please talk to me) IF WE ARE MUTUALS I WILL BE IN YOUR INBOX POPPING UP W THE MOST RANDOM SHIT
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₊˚⊹What I will write:
Spicy scenarios
Character x reader
Multiple characters for one fanfic (a max number of 5 unless asked to write for a group)
Yanderes (with warnings on the post ofc, I do not condone this type of behaviour nor do I support it. I simply like psychological horror.)
Sensitive topics such as sh/s*icide or r*ape (for comfort reasons, I will not write noncon fanfics.) are okay to request. The post will have the required warnings of course.
I will write platonic and cute shit for young characters, NEVER romantic obviously.
₊˚⊹What I will NOT write:
Any request that has religious or polticial topics will be ignored and deleted.
Non-con. As a victim of sa absloutely not.
Any kind of spicy scenario request with a character below the age of 18.
Incest/stepcest, p*dophilia (does this one even NEED explaining?)
Character x character
₊˚⊹Fandoms im in and will write for
Genshin impact
Obey me (one master to rule them all AND nightbringer)
Love and deep space
Mystic messenger
Ikemen Vampire
Project sekai
Twisted wonderland
Helluva boss
Hazbing hotel
₊˚⊹REQUEST STATUS: closed. However, I accept recommendations as I'm currently experiencing writer's block. Feel free to make a request, just know it won't be guaranteed.
₊˚⊹Masterlist (coming soon)
©Beowlet – All rights reserved to me. PLEASE do not repost or translate my work.
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wolfiafuntime · 1 year
Event: 🧋Shakes Shop🧋
 Hello! I'm Wolf. I like writing fanfic, and I used to write some X Reader's about a year or so ago, but I fell out of the scene due to mental health problems. I've recently come back to it, but I'm super insecure now, and I get really stressed about writing for others (I tried doing a request thing on Quotev but I kept making myself too sick to actually do it). I also have creativity problems.
 My solution to all of this? Easy:
 The 'Shakes Shop' Event!
Featuring: Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All X (Aged Up!) Disney Twisted-Wonderland X (Modern AU!) Genshin Impact X Gn! Ice Cream Bartender! Reader
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Imagine This: You've always loved cruises. Everything from the beautiful sights to even the smell of the air. And for a while now, you've been wanting to work on a cruise ship. So, you started looking. And pretty quickly, you found a new position opening for your favorite cruise line: The Crux! The position? Working as a bartender for a shop that only serves ice cream! Instantly, you made a resume for it and put it in. And a few days later, the Manager contacted you, and offered you a four-month contract that would get you $7,200. That's $1,800 per month. Which is $450 a day. Meaning you make $90 an hour!
Damn, why didn't you try to get a job like this sooner?!
Upon getting the job, your boss sent you a description of your uniform, their shop's menu, and a plane ticket to the Crux's next wet dock location. Which wouldn't be happening for another month... Which gave you enough time to quit your current job, sell all of your non-important and non-sentimental items, and spend some much-needed time with your loved ones before your departure!
You also had more than enough time to buy clothes for your uniform: A sleeveless white button-up, a pink vest, and pale white shorts. And, of course, you also had time to learn the menu- which was more customizable than you thought-:
Sizes: Small Cup (125-word range) | Medium Cup (250-word range) | Large Cup (500-word range)
Flavors: Vanilla (fluff) | Chocolate (reverse comfort) | Strawberry (romance (Adults only!)) | Blueberry (platonic) | Banana (crack) | Mint (dark)
Mix-Ins: Reeses Pieces Chunks (1st meeting) | Cookie Dough (reunion) | Oreo Bits (rivalry) | MnMs (yandere) | Mini-Marshmallows (day off/break) | Chocolate Chips (cold/injury) | Peanuts (bad weather) | Caramel (karma)
Toppings: Chocolate Syrup | Strawberry Syrup | Caramel Syrup | Blueberry Syrup | Whipped Cream | Chocolate Cream | Rainbow Sprinkles | Peanuts | Chocolate Chips | Cherries | Banana Slices | Oreos | Chocolate Chip Cookies
Note: Customers can only choose one size, flavor, and mix-in; but they can choose 3 of the 13 toppings (5 if one is a non-pourable!)!
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Some Additional Rules/Explanations:
I couldn't decide what I was gonna do with the toppings, so I'm making them wild cards. Most of the toppings are related to something previously stated on the list (ex. strawberry syrup has a romance element while Oreos have a rivalry), but some (whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles) are for me to decide. Also, having 3 of one topping doesn't do anything.
You can only choose up to three different characters for your fic! They can be from any one of the fandoms; so you can have a 'Mammon X Grim X Aether X Reader' fic if you want to!
I can refuse/change part of a order/request if I want to. But I'll only do so if I've already written a similar version of the order/request!
Finally oders/requests for the event close on July 16th at Midnight EDT!
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kieranxworld · 1 year
Rollercoaster ♡
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╰──────────────✦𓈒 𓆇──╮
┊         ┊       ┊   ┊    ┊        ┊ ┊.⋆˚
• Navigating My blog!
#Nelzrandomtalks - Rambles, anytime I talk randomly about something!
#VanelopesWritings - All my writings!
#Vanelopesblurbs - My shorter fics (anything under 1k words)
#Nelliesreblogs - stuff that I like and reblog!
#Nelanswers - any answers to asks, even if it's requests!
#VanelsRequests - Requests that I've answered!
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ஓீۣۣ፝ۜ͜͡ 🌙꧁ ஓீ͜✎﹏Art trades :✨open
ஓீۣۣ፝ۜ͜͡ 🌙꧁ ஓீ͜✎﹏ Ask Box:✨open
ஓீۣۣ፝ۜ͜͡ 🌙꧁ ஓீ͜✎﹏ Requests:✨open   
✧ ⋆    . ┊ .  ✱˚    .
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More about me and my blog under the cut
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✨️ Now playing ✨️
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RollerCoaster - Chungha
↺͏͏     ◁◁͏͏       ll       ▷▷       ⋮≡
🔊 : ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆
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┌ "너도 같은 기분일까 so I'm in love"┘
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ᵀᴬᴮᴸᴱ ᴼᶠ ᶜᴼᴺᵀᴱᴺᵀˢ
ᴮᴬˢᴵᶜ ᴵᴺᶠᴼᴿᴹᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺ
What I write for
ᶜᴸᴼˢᴵᴺᴳ ᴹᴱˢˢᴬᴳᴱ
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✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧
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Hi, Hello and Welcome to my blog, I hope you have an amazing time and enjoy yourself in my little corner of happiness.
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ᴮᴬˢᴵᶜ ᴵᴺᶠᴼᴿᴹᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺ
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ᴺᴬᴹᴱ - Vanelope
ᴾᴿᴱᶠᴱᴿᴿᴱᴰ ᴺᴬᴹᴱ - Vane, Vanessa, Nels
ᴳᴱᴺᴰᴱᴿ - Non-Binary
ᴾᴿᴼᴺᴼᵁᴺˢ - They/Them
ᴮᴵᴿᵀᴴᴰᴬᵞ - June 3rd
ᴺᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺᴬᴸᴵᵀᵞ - American
ᶻᴼᴰᴵᴬᶜ ˢᴵᴳᴺ - Gemini
ˢᴱˣᵁᴬᴸᴵᵀᵞ - Bisexual
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What I write for/Don't write
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• Into/Across The Spider Verse
• Pizza Tower
• Obey Me: One Master to rule them all.
• Jojo's Bizarre Adventufe (Pts 1-5 + Jolyne)
• Black Butler
• Overwatch
• Welcome Home
What I will write
• Sfw, Fluff, Angst, Smut
• Yandere themes, Darker themes, Non/Con (only sometimes, depends on how I feel.)
• Majority of kinks and stuff, (If you're not sure just inbox me and I'll let you know if I write for it or not)
What I will not tolerate.
To begin, this is not my first rodeo on tumblr. I've been active on this hellsite for around 12 years, lurking for 6 and posting for the other 6. So I'm well versed in this app and how different fandoms work. But I won't tolerate the following:
• Bullying
• Harassment
• Unwarranted Harsh criticism (I like constructive feedback but if you're just typing to be mean please save it.)
I won't hesitate to use my block button if needed. So be mindful please.
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Beside all that, I hope you enjoy yourself on my blog and enjoy what I will be posting very soon! Thank you and have a wonderful Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night
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nerdy-talks · 10 months
Hello Sweetie Pie~
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I instinctively ordered these the moment I stumbled across them online.
It's my ultimate weakness in acrylic stand form : two beautiful demon boys giving off major yandere vibes~
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118gremlin · 10 months
Chapter 5 is out and posted, please read the trigger warnings
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sagethegaywitch · 1 year
Hi all, I'm Sage. I'm a trans male and I go by he/him pronouns, plus I'm really fucking gay.
I just wanted to list the fandoms I'm in and some other topics I can write for. Please send in requests if you're interested, I'm willing to write fluff or smut and maybe angst (demands on my mood), but I will only be writing for male readers and maybe gender neutral readers. This is coming from someone who also struggles to find male reader stories to enjoy because most fandoms are only geared toward female readers. But, if requested, I can rewrite certain stories for other gendered readers as well. I will also always address the reader as Y/N (your name) because I believe that using M/N (male name) promotes the idea that Y/N is only for female readers.
Other Platforms:
Instagram: @the_hanged_man.9
I post a lot of cool cosplays and props, so please come check me out on Instagram.
Quotev: Sage66543
Just joined, and I'll start posting some quizzes there soon.
Tumblr: @archiveadventures369
I made an account to share with my siblings so we could write and draw about our D&D campaigns.
- Transformers (Prime, Bayverse, G1, War for Cybertron, MTMTE)
- Justice League (2001 TV series)
- The Legend of Vox Machina
- Obey Me: One Master To Rule Them All
- Twisted Wonderland
- The Arcana
- My Hero Academia
- Demon Slayer
- Haikyuu
- Blue Lock
- Yanderes
- Voltron: Legendary Defenders
- Creepypasta
- D&D
- Mignon
- God Troubles Me
- Migi & Dali
- Percy Jackson/Heroes Of Olympus
- EPIC: The Musical
These lists will be updated often and I hope I can write to please my audience.
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 2 years
•°•°•Rules for Requesting•°•°•
For an overview, I do Headcannon's and oneshots. This is a MDNI page. By reading this you consent that you are of the age 18 or higher. All the characters I write for are listed on the masterslist. So, if you don't know go and check it out. :)
Some of the things I write for are:
Obey me, One Master to Rule Them All
Twisted Wonderland
Yugioh (The original only)
Ikemen Vampire
Record of Ragnarok
More will be added as I get comfortable with this app and to the people on this app. I am not a minor myself, so if you message me asking for an nsfw oneshot or headcannon and you are a minor, you will be blocked. I also pretty much only write for Gender neutral and female readers. I have nothing against guys, so please don't assume it's because of that. Not only do I just not know how to write for men, but I'm not going to be one of those women men think are fetishizing them simply because we're trying to add some male content for male readers. Nor will I write ftm for the same purpose. I don't want to be accused, so I therefore refuse to write for it, moving onwards.
I do not and do write for:
I do not write for Incest, Pedophilia, Piss, shit, puke, or noncon.
I will write Nsfw things
I do write for Yandere's
I will write for platonic things <3
Some characters will be extremely ooc, simply because I don't know some of them well.
I will not write for Luke from Obey Me. Personally, I do not like him all to much, please respect my opinion.
I do not write for Character X character. And if it's character x oc, then its probably my oc, Cynder and it's for self indulgement.
I only write for people that are eighteen and up for smut. If they're not 18, everything is platonic.
All of the characters I write for are in the master list! I only write for characters I'm comfortable writing for.
•°•°•Rules for Headcannons•°•°•
You may request up to five characters at once, no more than that. Unless it's for a certain group of people (Dorm Leaders, Demon Brothers, etc.)
This above rule does not include God's (ror) I only do up to six gods in a headcannon.
Please tell me in your request if you want the reader to be gender neutral. If you do not elaborate, female terms will be used.
Don't repeatedly ask and nag about your request. Like everyone else, I have a life and I have mental health issues. Some requests may come in later than usual because of these things.
Be respectful. I'd say I'm quite a nice person, so please don't leave any hate.
•°•°•Rules for Oneshots•°•°•
I only write for a max of one person for one shots.
Once again, tell me if the reader is gender neutral or not.
Some oneshots will take longer than others. The minimum number of words in a one shot will be around 300, the max being 2,000-3,000 words.
Don't ask for a certain number of words. I just write whatever comes to mind, and sometimes it's rather hard writing to a certain word limit that's requested for.
•°•°•Tags I use•°•°•
Lemon replies: When I reply to asks or other posts.
Lemon's favorites: When I reblog a favorited story.
Lemony smut: When I reblog a good smut.
Lemon's worries: When I'm ranting or things I worry of.
Lemon's reblogs: Just reblogs I like.
More rules will be added as time goes on, most likely. So I'd advice to come check back in once in awhile. Thank you for your time.
I update every 5-8 days.
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