#yandere tim drake scenarios
thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
Thank you so much @mariidepp for saving so many of my works, and all of you wonderful folk out there, I really appreciate your help and support during these times. It's time I revive my blog back and be back in business 😎
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It's not easy to hide something from Tim in the first place, he's pretty good at uncovering information from any source. You had a passion for music ever since you were a child, you loved singing and playing the keyboard as well. You'd practice relentlessly day in and day out, fine tuning your voice and setting your skills to perfection till you were actually ready to become a professional singer. You finally got your first contract for a movie when you'd auditioned for the singing part. From singing for movies to releasing private albums, your fame was starting to increase. However you weren't doing this for the fame, you genuinely loved doing this. Sure, the schedule could be stressful at times and hectic even, barely even giving you a moment to breathe at times, but you found your comfort and solace in singing and the world of music as your reputation soared in the music industry and had quite the massive following
You were getting ready for a concert today and you were mentally preparing yourself in your dressing room as you took a deep breath and softly hummed to yourself, a warm up exercise for your throat. You made sure to hydrate yourself as well as you heard the door open and your manager entered the room. "You ready to shine out there?" he asked you and you smiled and nodded. You could already feel the excitement and adrenaline rushing through your body, you felt nervous and excited at the same time but you composed yourself and followed your manager backstage. Your manager gave you a supportive thumbs up sign and you smiled at him gratefully, you felt grateful for all his help for making all the arrangements for a concert in Gotham as you went to greet the crowd. "WHAT'S UP GOTHAM, ARE YOU GUYS READY TO HAVE A BLAST TODAY?!" you greeted your fans and you were met with hollers and screeches of excitement from the crowd and you began to sing your songs
Meanwhile Tim was on patrol duty, he had nothing better to do and he was frankly bored, Gotham was usually known for having a history of crime occurring at least twice or thrice in a day bur surprisingly there weren't any reports of attacks today. His nerves couldn't relax though, he felt like something was up and decided to stay vigilant. He was currently on the rooftop of a building when he heard an amplified voice singing through a microphone and Tim stopped looking at his phone to listen carefully to the music. He was listening to you singing and he was mesmerized and immersed in your voice, you sounded like an angel who descended from the heavens above. He simply had to get a closer look at you. He headed towards the stadium quickly and peered from above to see you on the stage, singing and the audience cheering and clapping for you. He could see your face through the screens next to the stage and needless to say, it was literally love at first sight for him
He loved the way your expressions kept altering whenever you sang and changed your pitch from high to low, it just showed that how much you were immersed in the song you were singing. He also loved the way that you were dressed in something comfortable and classy at the same time, your beautiful eyes shining like gemstones. You barely had any makeup on you and yet you looked like an elegant and graceful angel who radiated beauty with your clothes hugging those beautiful curves of your body. Tim completely forgot about patrol duty and didn't even answer when Dick called him, asking him for the usual hourly update because he was so engrossed in your songs. He felt like you were singing solely for him and was regretful that your concert was done so soon. No matter though, he just had to find out more about you and research was something he excelled at
He couldn't forget your music or your face for weeks, he kept humming the tune you'd sang to himself and was often lost in thought about you. After he went back to the manor he immediately began his research about you, you used to be a regular high school student who had a passion for music and you were a Latino too, Argentinean to be specific. Which also led to him researching about the Latino and Argentinean culture because he wanted to impress you the next time he saw you. Somehow or the other, he needed to get your attention. His mind couldn't forget you. For weeks he stalked your social media accounts on various platforms, yes, even the Tumblr blogs as well and even went so far as to reading fanfiction about you online on Wattpad and Tumblr. He had a mixed reaction of the fanfiction about you, part of him was happy and glad that it was there because he could dream about his fantasies with you and he may or may not have written some of his own, imagining how life would be with you. And yet, another part of him was a bit upset and angry that people were thinking such lewd and dirty thoughts about someone so innocent and pure like you, he despised the way people treated you like some sort of object to analyze, you were so much more than that
His obsession for you spiraled out of control. Whenever you'd host a concert, he'd make sure to be at every single one of them without fail, with front row tickets. You'd often seen him at your concerts, he'd be standing at the edge of the stage and you felt familiar with his presence after a few concerts of yours. You really appreciated his dedication. He was also the president of your online fan club and went so far as to purchasing all your merchandise, always keeping up with the latest tabloids and gossip and news featuring you. However he didn't like it whenever you did a collaboration with someone else, what right did they even have to steal the spotlight away from you? They weren't even worthy of looking at you much less even BE in your presence in his opinion. He also despised the rumors about your love life with some random person, it should be HIM who should be your partner. He's followed you so diligently, you were his goddess and he was your loyal worshipper, no one could separate the two of you and he'd make sure that no one would dare to separate the two of you
There were rumors about you dating another singer and when Tim saw the headlines, he almost lost it and started seething. Even though he knew they were just silly and baseless rumors, he couldn't help but feel bad that someone else had dared to steal you away from him. He couldn't just sit by and let that no good scumbag take advantage of your kind and helpful nature. He did what he thought was right and tracked the person down and let's just say, he's in the hospital due to some lowlife criminals attacking him. Gotham was a pretty dangerous place after all, full of crime and deceit. When Bruce managed to secure backstage passes to meet you he almost lost his mind in a frenzy of excitement. He couldn't believe his fortune. He felt like it was the fates gift for him waiting for you so diligently and patiently
However during your next concert when he was lurking around to make sure that nothing happened to you, he noticed that one of the overhead spotlights was lose and it would fall directly on you. Tim couldn't allow that to happen, he would rather burst an artery than let you be in danger. Before you even realized that the light was about to fall on you, Tim managed to save you by pulling you out of harms way with his arm wrapped securely around your waist as you fell on his chest surprised. He felt like he was in one of those over dramatic teenage romance blockbuster films when the male lead saves the female lead. You looked at him with a rather frightened expression on your face, you couldn't see who he was because of his Red Robin mask but you hugged him and thanked him. He felt like he'd just died and gone to heaven, where he was being hugged by you. He had to blink a few times if this was a dream or not
After your concert was done, you invited him to your dressing room and he thanked his lucky stars as he followed you. He revealed his identity to you and when you thanked him again, he felt pride course through his veins. From then on, he not only saw himself as a protector and a guardian for you, he was also there whenever there was an 'attack in progress' involving you. He may or may not have bribed a few people to just look threatening so he could play the good guy and be your knight in shining armor and save you from those goons. What a sweet naive innocent little thing you were, you always fell for his act
What really drove him over the edge was you making the mistake of mentioning that you were in a relationship with someone. You wouldn't disclose the name but he just lost it completely. Of course he doesn't blame you for this, he blames the no good pest who dared to steal you away from him. He knew you wouldn't be safe in a place like Gotham without his protection, can't you see? You NEED him as much as he needs you like a dying man and air. Acting in your best interest, he ended up kidnapping you and all your social media accounts were removed. You were of course angry at him for kidnapping you and but no matter how much you screamed and cried to be set free, he simply wouldn't budge with his decision. Now you can sing your songs only for him and not for anyone else
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hana-no-seiiki · 24 days
Damian stared at you and then your new pet.
You looked at him innocently. Eyes wide in anticipation of his following words.
“I enjoy your competitive spirit. I truly do.” He pinched the bridge of his nose.
How did you even get this thing? He had been keeping track of all your heists recently but never heard of you going to the zoo or anything.
Sometimes he wishes he agreed on Tim’s offer of 24/7 surveillance. Damn it. If only that didn’t mean his older brother got to see you in your bed/bathroom too.
“Get to the point, Wayne.”
“Maybe a panther is a bit too much?”
“You’re just jealous cause I’m spending more time with the better Damian.”
“That’s besides the point.”
“So you are jelly!”
“Yes. Yes I am.”
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blughxreader · 7 months
I've been watching natural disaster documentaries and I'm so down bad for the idea of Platonic Yandere! Batfam during a blizzard.
They obviously have enough supplies to maintain a small village, so no one is pressed when sudden snow picks up. Batman has special cold-resistant suits for all of them but when the windchill drops to the negatives, their patrols are an hour at a time.
When the blizzard finally hits, they escort stranded cars to safety for as long as possible before the white-out makes it impossible to work.
That first night, they're all huddled in the the smallest lounge, fireplace roaring and hot chocolate in hand. You're pulled to the very front of the pile, bundled in blankets and Tim's various school hoodies and up against the rolling heat of the flames.
Despite the temperature breaking record lows, you've never been more toasty. Chocolate on your tongue and cheeks hot from the fire, they only let you unbundle yourself when you complain about sweating.
However much the others bitch and moan, Jason and Bruce are the ones at your side. They're packed full of muscle and do a great job of trapping in heat, so the skinnier Bats have to settle for watching you. Jason and Bruce take great pleasure in draping a big arm around you, pinning you so close to their sides that you have to fold your arms to keep them from getting squeezed.
Bruce insists you sleep in his bed, since this is one of the few times he gets to fall asleep at the same time as you. Damian insists, on account of being the least efficient at maintaining heat (i.e. the smallest), he should join you two. Bruce relents with an amused smile. You fall asleep pulled almost fully across Bruce's chest with Damian wound tightly around you.
The whole situation would almost be reminiscent of a family enjoying the winter holidays, had it not been for the Bat’s palpable longing.
Normally, they're desperate to touch you, to hold onto some part of your person and bask in the closeness. But with their fingertips cold and a slight shake to their limbs—they're ravenous.
Their yearning mixes with the cold and spurs on their dark thoughts more than the heat ever has. They have to hold you or they'll die. They have to feel your warm breath fan their faces. They have to take your body heat and to give you theirs.
Physical intimacy seems so much more personal when they could die from the cold (never mind the fact that they're at a healthy temperature).
Fights break out faster as they get more clingy, and Bruce creates a rigid schedule. The Bats must follow the rotation by the second, no bartering time for favors, and no incapacitating others to extend your time.
The weak sun travels the sky and snow swallows houses whole. Almost two days in, the power cut and everyone was forced to move into the small living room. Using the back-up generators, they powered only a few important rooms in the house and set up space heaters in every corner. Blankets were nailed over windows and Damian and Tim had a mini bitch-session over the unusable internet connection.
Dick and Jason carried down mattresses, while Tim, Cass, and Steph found every blanket and pillow in the house. Damian and Bruce brought up laptops, monitors, and a radio for work. Alfred is forced into the recliner with an instant water heater and a teapot by his side. He hasn't complained once, but everyone knows the cold isn't kind to his joints.
Then there's you, sitting on a pile of blankets and pillows and wrapped in sweaters, throws, hats, and gloves. You almost threw a fit because you were warm enough, but Cass's darkened face silenced you immediately. She backed off when you settled into Steph's side, gloves and all.
The time passes slowly. On the third and worst day, the wind chill reached negative 50. The house rattled and creaked against the cold, and the Bats took turns nestled against you.
Dick flipped through his old high school year book and told you stories about the students, while Steph chimed in with made up-ones to add drama.
You and Damian played a game that involved finishing each other's drawings.
Tim pretended to be stuck on a video game level and let you help. Cass somehow procured a party horn that she honked to celebrate each victory.
Despite how hard Jason tried to avoid Bruce, they always finished their books at the same time and left to get more. They returned with arm-fulls of books and a frozen snack that they shared with you.
At the end of the week, when the sun finally began melting the snow and the were having an increasingly difficult time keeping Bruce from the cowl, they were all sick of each other.
It was slightly satisfying, considering you never caught a break from any of them and this was a taste of their own medicine. The Bats finally returned to duty after a spectacular meltdown from Dick after Bruce asserted his opinion one too many times.
You, however, remained locked in the living room nest for several more days because "it's still too cold for you to sleep alone" and "patrols will be very short until crime picks back up."
It was already safe to return to your room, but there was something so comforting about knowing precisely where you'd be at any given moment. And Bruce, settling into the couch after patrol to thaw his frozen limbs, melted at the sight of his kids all piled up together.
for more yandere batfam, visit my masterlist!
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yandereworlds · 2 months
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After some contemplation, I've finally gotten around to making another Bat Family bot after receiving many requests for another one, but this one is centered around the Purge. I just feel like there's a lot of potential with the whole Purge concept because there's a lot of ways you can go about it, so.. Here it is!
I couldn't find a decent photo for the bot, so I decided to make my own. So, feel free to visit the bot and let me know what you guys think! I have a lot more DC concepts for bots and so far, I can tell you guys are really enjoying them. Thank you for the continued support, you guys are amazing.
You can find the bot here! And here's a link to my Ko-fi, if you'd like to help me continue making bots for JanitorAI. Hope you guys enjoy!
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vee-crytraps · 23 days
Kiss Me More {Themes/TW's Masterlist}
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Pairings: Dick Grayson/Reader, Jason Todd/Reader, Tim Drake/Reader, Damian Wayne/Reader Trigger Warnings: 18+, light yandere, graphic descriptions of sex, Fan-non personalities, reverse harem, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy pining, teenage hormones, (legal) age differences, fem!reader, violence, drug use, polyandry. General Themes: Sex positivity, sexual curiosity, sexual promiscuity, sexy sex sex sex, struggling with growing up, struggling with Naughty Feelings, trying to become a person, general feeling of being misunderstood, possibility of light angst in future, family death (mentioned).
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Chapters: 1 | GROAN (Jason/Reader 🔞) 2 | BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE 3 | EAU D'BEDROOM DANCING (Dick/Reader 🔞) 4 | ORNAMENT 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 5 | KRIMSON (Tim/Reader 🔞) 6 | TO YOU (Damian/Reader 🔞)
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Ages: Dick 29 | Jason 23 | Tim 20 | Damian 18 | Reader 18 DICK is the ‘no man will compare to your charming big brother’ type. He is your knight in shining armor, always eager to put you first. He believes no one will be able to take care of you the way that he can, but doesn't view other men as competition- preferring to show you that he’s better. He's your childhood friend, your 'boy-(in-the-room-) next-door'. Dick's love language is...kind of all of them? But he loves spending time with you, lounging about your room while you choose outfits and recount high school drama. JASON is one of your more estranged siblings. He gets off knowing that Bruce views you as an innocent, and that your involvement with him in particular is taboo in all sorts of ways. Part of him is getting over the fact that you really aren’t as delicate as you used to be, far from the annoying brat he believed too weak for their nightly family adventures. He wants to protect you but also feels like he’s missed too many formative years to really boss you around like an older brother. Whenever he tries, it always comes out a little awkward. He’s the care-free fun sibling, letting you get away with whatever you want while simultaneously encouraging it. He is a pleasure seeker and an enabler, but will also recite some poetry after he finishes boning you on his couch. TIM is like a best friend. This relationship is more casual than truly lusty or romantic, at least at the start. Even your intimacy is playful and spontaneous. There's no pressure to be anything but yourself, in and out of the bedroom. Tim mostly adores your curiosity, a trait which you both share. You often go down wikipedia rabbit holes together, or people watch at the park outside of WayneTech during his lunch breaks. You've also started a snapchat series of him falling asleep in strange places. DAMIAN is a total dominant personality, if somewhat socially awkward. In some ways, he believes you belong to him. He views you as a pet or a toy sometimes, wishing to take care of you in his own way. His role in your life is essentially a sexual and romantic version of how Bruce sees you. Damian dresses you, enjoys bathing you and would rather watch you get off than be able to get himself off. Like Bruce, it's as much of a control thing as it is a 'I don't know how to interact with people in a genuine way' thing. He doesn’t always know what to do with reciprocation as he’s never had it, but he doesn’t need it with you. Much like the relationship between a pet and it’s human, it’s one sided care. This is important because Damian cherishes pets over humans, so the fact that he cares for you like a dog means that you’re highly valued in his mind.
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Lil Notes: Feel free to suggest/request little scenarios! If they don't inspire anything for Kiss Me More, they might make a nice little one shot! No guarantee that I can get around to them, but I will try my best! I'll be re-posting my work from Ao3 onto Tumblr slowly so I don't flood the tags.
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 28 days
You can ignore this ask if you want!
Honestly as I was writing one ask another popped up in my mind 🥹so I decided to do two ask instead of one so I didn't spam your inbox haha!
Also sorry for bothering you with these ideas.
What would platonic yandere Dick Grayson do for the readers birthday? Would he invite anyone that he is close to or even trust or would it just be him and reader sharing a cake as he sings happy birthday to them? And also maybe gives them a lot of presents but they are kind of childish if that makes sense.
The other ask would be what would again platonic yandere Dick Grayson do if by some chance the reader escaped from him? Would he freak out for a bit and than promptly go and look for them? And once he finds them he's furious and the reader is scared because they have never seen him that angry or show that type of emotion before?
Again you can ignore this if you want I know I wrote a lot I was just so excited and the ideas popped into my head!
!!! GN reader, infantilizing, mentions of kidnapping, handcuffs, forced-affection, pissed off Dick Grayson, brief mention of drugging, reader fears being hit for a second.
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Birthday parties depend on how compliant you are. If you’re not trying to escape every other day, he’d gladly invite some of the Titans over to celebrate! He likes showing off his cool hero connections to you — even going as far as to play the “oh, Superman? His mother makes the best apple pie” card — so this would be a good way to live up to the hype. A lot of the party would be spent taking on your behalf, however. He just thinks he knows you that well (and he doesn’t want you to form a connection with anyone else; he’s the only one you need in your life!!). I can also see him laying down ground rules to the other Titans beforehand, practically threatening them to be on their best behavior. Big brother’s friends must be good role models to his young and impressionable sibling!!
Now, I already said that it depends on how compliant you are, but it also depends on what your situation is, too. I lowkey kinda imagine all of the platonic Dick Grayson asks to take place in the same universe as Life With Older Brother, which means everyone knows you’re under Dick’s care, and it’s pretty much the only scenario where inviting people to your birthday would work. But if you were kidnapped, it would be a different story. He’s not risking anyone finding out about you (which complicates his relationship with a very young Tim Drake, who would totally accidentally stumble upon you in the apartment, but that’s a story for another day), so even if you were very complacent, I don’t see him inviting anyone over.
Back to the Life With Older Brother universe, if you “misbehave” a lot, it would just be the two of you. He’d almost hold it over your head, sadly sighing as he says things like, “it would’ve been a bigger party this year, but only good little siblings get big birthday parties.” If you were a fucking child, maybe this dumb guilt-tripping tactics would actually work. If you try to cut your two-person party short by spending the rest of the day in your room, he’s not above wrestling you into his lap — or even handcuffing you to the kitchen table — so you can open your presents; and holy shit, there’s a lot of them. I can definitely see him getting you childish things, ranging from toys to innocent-looking kiddy clothes. Any gifts sent by Bruce are taken back to the store for return.
As for escaping…
There’s no way you’d manage to pull-off an escape while he’s in the apartment, so it’d be a nasty surprise for him when he returns from patrol. He’d frantically tear the place apart in search of you, his stomach dropping as he finds the clues of your apparent escape. Once he checks the security feed, he feels equal parts worried, heartbroken, and angry that you took it upon yourself to leave him. You really don’t know what’s good for you, do you?! You’d rather run around on dangerous streets than stay with your kind, loving, doting older brother…
His search probably wouldn’t take long. I can see him putting a tracker in your arm at some point, so it’s as simple as following the little red dot on his device. Relief washes over him when he sees you’re alright, but that does little to quell the betrayal rage he feels. He’s silently swoop down from above, forcefully picking you up from behind as he grapples back towards the apartment. You’d kick and thrash, plead and beg, but there’s nothing but radio silence on his end. The only inkling of a reaction you get is his tight frown and his extremely restrictive arm around your abdomen. Dread washes over your chest as you realize just how fucked you are.
Upon returning home, he practically throws you against his bed and spares no time handcuffing you to the headboard. Any sort of apologies you try to muster out immediately die on your tongue as he rips off his mask, his piercing blue eyes filled with an icy rage you’ve never seen before. It makes you want to curl into a little ball and wish you were never born.
“I don’t know what to do with you,” he’d lowly mutter, exasperation sprinkled between the gaps of his anger. There’s a moment where you think he’s going to start one of his signature lectures, but no such thing happens. Instead, he turns to the wall and punches it, causing you to flinch at the impact. Never has he shown this type of aggression in front of you. He’s yelled at you, sure, but physically punched something?
For the first time, you found yourself worrying if he’d put his hands on you.
I think he’d have to convince himself to cool off for a bit. First triple-checking that you couldn’t escape (possibly imposing more precautions like double restraints or the IV), he’d leave the apartment for another patrol, taking his anger out on any poor criminal he comes across. I’d say it takes an hour before he feels level-headed enough to come back home, his suit speckled with blood from viscous beat-down after viscous beat-down. It’s the first thing you notice when he comes through his bedroom window, causing your heart rate to pick up.
He wants so desperately to scream at you; he needs to get it through your thick skull that you’re safe here, and he’s the only one in the world who knows how to care for you and protect you. But that will come later. Right now, all he wants to do is bring you into a longing and desperate hug, not even taking the time to change out of his Nightwing suit beforehand.
You’d be held against him for a while, his trembling hands making sure you have no chance of squirming out of his hold. It may be suffocating, but at the very least, it quells your fears of him taking his anger out on you.
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sxvenz · 2 years
wip. ♔
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this is a list of works that are currently in the process of being finished. Check my to do list for works that are coming but I haven’t started on yet.
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In Hiding | moon knight
jake lockley, steven grant, marc spector x fem! reader
synopsis. jake likes leaving marks on you. bad news; his two counterparts aren’t yet aware of his existence.
Rises The Moon | artemis
yan! artemis x fem! reader
synopsis. every night once the moon rises, you feel watched by the forest around you. this time, you decide to stare back to see what happens.
Fawn | artemis
platonic yan! artemis x fem! child! reader
synopsis. artemis enjoys your visits, so much that she decides your neglectful parents don’t deserve you like she does.
House of Eve | bruce wayne
yan! bruce wayne x fem! reader
synopsis. a twenty-three year old bruce wayne finds himself obsessed with a sweet charity representative.
yan! hc’s | stranger things
[ billy hargrove, chrissy cunningham, eddie munson, robin buckley, steve harrington ]
soft yandere headcanons / “dark” content
hyper-fem! bimbo-esque reader
yan! hc’s | batfamily
[ bruce wayne, dick grayson, jason todd, tim drake, damian wayne, duke thomas, cassandra cain ]
dark / yandere general headcanons
yan! hc’s | padme amidala
yan! padme amidala x gn! reader
general yandere headcanons
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Robins 2 (Scenarios) Tim And Damian With Female Readers (DC)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with the part two of this and I hope you all enjoy this chapter here once more sexies!]
(Tim Drake/Robin/Red Robin)
(Tim's POV)
I love her so much as we sit cuddled on the couch. It did not take a lot of convincing to make her mine. I was the 'innocent one' after all. She had no idea that I had killed for her and that I took the lives of her family. She always came crying t me, for me to hold her and to comfort her. Just as it should be. I am hers and she is mine. I know that, she knows that and most importantly the world knows it. No one has dared to hit on her or ask her out. She is my little song bird.
All mine.
I kiss her again and she kisses back. Yes this is perfect.
(Damian Wayne/Robin/Future Batman)
She was the maid of the Wayne family that is how I met her, she made sure I was taken care of and that I always was patched up. That is how I fell for her. She was only a part time made of fifteen when I met her then took on a full time job of maid and nurse for my father. I grew up with her and she made me feel warm and safe and I wanted more of that. So one day I asked her to patch up my arm and pulled her into a kiss she was stunned.
I did not take no for an answer and long story short I made her mine and when I turned twenty one we married. I soon became the batman after that and she was my own private nurse. My sweet nurse. Only Mine.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter and request down, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy everyone!]
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thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
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Honestly I wouldn't put it past them to explode with rage and jealousy and act like clingy petty children to you
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Dick Grayson: If there's one thing he feels proud of in life is the amount of love he has for you. He feels like no one else can love you like him and he knows you better than you know yourself. Thr first time he finds out that you really like a fictional character was when you both were having a movie night with the other Titans as a day for rest and relaxation since you guys need some chill in life. The movie you guys were watching was Rapunzel and you really liked the movie. You told Dick that you've wanted to grow your hair as long as Rapunzel when you were a kid and he pretended not to know about it but in fact he already did know about it since this sneaky son of a bish here already read your diary that mentioned it. He feels like there should be no secrets between the two of you since you're destined to be with each other and you're soulmates and one person. He knew you liked Rapunzel which was why he made the suggestion of watching it that day but what he wasn't prepared for was when you suddenly said "Damn Flynn be looking good" and he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. What exactly did you mean by that comment? Garfield turned to you and spoke "Wait don't tell me you have a crush on him?"as he grinned in amusement as you shrugged your shoulders and replied "Believe it or not he was one of my childhood crushes" and Dick felt his hand twitch with irritation. ONE of your childhood crushes? So that clearly meant that there were more and he was determined to find out who the bloody hell were these pathetic sneaky pests who dared to steal the heart of his lovely angel when it was clearly reserved for him
"How about we watch something else?"said Dick as his eye twitched with irritation but you didn't want to change the movie so he ended up tolerating the damn movie for the next 2 hours for the sake of your happiness. But he swears to get rid of that bloody movie and make you forget about that damned Flynn Ryder because the only man you should be thinking about is him
Jason Todd: He doesn't become delusional and descend down the rabbit hole of madness and chasm of obsession right off the bat yet. There's still time for him to become delusional as hell and it all started when he first met you as Red Hood when he was patrolling the streets around Gotham. It was really late at night and you were coming back from the public library after doing some research for your Physics paper in college that would count for at least 50 percent of your grade. You really needed to work hard and up your game since your Physics professor was a hardass and had no chill in life whatsoever and you didn't want to flunk out of the class. You'd just gotten a headache after studying so much and you were looking forward to relaxing after you went home. You kept walking when suddenly you stopped in the middle of the road to rub your head for a few minutes and your eyes since your vision was starting to get blurred but that was a huge mistake on your part because a car was moving with a really high speed and the driver was honking at you to get out of the way. You'd have been literal roadkill had it not been for the Red Hood himself who pulled you out of harm's way. "W-whats going on?"you mumbled as he chuckled and replied "You're so tired you didn't even realize your life was in danger" and he offered to drop you off home since it was evident that you couldn't be trusted in such a condition. He made sure you were safe in your bed and felt bad when he saw you with no one else in your house. Was that why you weren't taking care of yourself properly and not sleeping early? Jason made sure you went to sleep and he wrote a note for you that said 'Take better care of yourself darling' and placed it near your bed table. The next morning when you woke up you saw the note and you smiled, it felt nice to have someone care for you
You were hoping to meet the Red Hood again the next day evening and sure enough you were lucky since you did end up meeting him. "I have a box of muffins with me that I made. Would you like some? You know, a way of saying a thank you from my side for saving me yesterday" and he was stunned. After all these years of protecting and looking after Gotham you were the first person who actually thanked him for his deeds. He felt happy since a really long time as he accepted it and thanked you for it. The next day you met Jason at the library but not as Red Hood, as regular Jason though and you both bonded over the books there. He offered to help you with some stories you were working on and he was like your second pair of eyes offering you constructive feedback of your works and he loved reading every line and word you've written
The two of you bonded over a period of time and you decided to have a movie night one day after your college's term finished. You invited Jason over and you already had snacks and drinks ready. Jason was just glad you didn't invite any of your pesky little friends over he despised them from the bottom of his heart. To him they were nothing but corrupt leeches who wanted to ruin you while he was protecting you from all the negative and bad things in the world. You didn't need to know all the dark stuff happening around you, and you can also thank him for the cancelation of your newspaper subscription. Who needs the news anyway, it's filled with utter nonsense and garbage these days anyway according to him
You both watched some movies and then this show called Supernatural popped up on your recommended list so you both decided to watch that. Jason actually liked Dean Winchester he thought he was cool and he could actually relate to his problems in a way. At first when you started gushing about Dean Winchester he didn't seem to mind. It was just a little fictional crush but when you told him that you had all the merchandise of his and you even had a freaking body pillow of Dean that's when things took another turn. Jason couldn't help but feel jealous and he knows it's silly being jealous of a fictional character but he can't help it. As selfish as he is, he wants you to think of him, the only man you'll ever need in your life. When Jason sees your body pillow of Dean Winchester his hand twitched with irritation and made a mental note to burn it to ash when you weren't noticing. He doesn't like it when you ignore him for your fictional characters, just pay him some attention as well and you're good to go but if you keep gushing about those fictional crushes of yours he might have to step in and when he does you'll have to say goodbye to your movie watching marathons
Tim Drake: I can imagine Tim actually vibing with you and your fictional characters that you're so fond of especially if they're anime characters. He really loves anime. You guys met online on Discord in an anime server when some random bozo was saying stuff like how Eren Yeager sucked in season 4 but you had a different take to that opinion and when you put forth your opinion you revived some major hate and backlash from that person calling you a dumb person and a bunch of other nasty names that made you feel pissed off. Fortunately for you, someone came to your defense and that someone was none other than Tim Drake himself. He called him out for behaving like a douchebag and basically started an internet flame war with that person. Then you thanked him for sticking up for you and you both chatted with each other for a while at a private chat room till you had to get going but you felt happy that you'd gained a new online friend. You both chatted with each other for a few weeks and you were ecstatic when you'd learnt that he went to the same school as you, Gotham academy and you were determined to meet him so you arranged for the two of you to meet at the music room of Gotham Academy too which he'd agreed
Truth was, Tim already knew who you were right off the bat without your knowledge. There's a reason he's called a whiz with technology you know. He was just keeping his identity anonymous to humor you and wanted to see your reaction when the guy sitting right next to you during your Advanced Calculus class was your online friend. You waited for your online friend to show up and sure enough he did and it was none other than Tim himself. Your eyes widened with surprise and you spoke "Tim, I can't believe you're the one I was talking to this whole time, this is amazing" you smiled and he felt glad you saw this as a positive scenario. The two of you had your lunch together and started spending more time with each other in person. The thing about Tim is that when he falls in love with someone, he falls in love really fast and hard. He loves someone with a lot of intensity and passion, words nor numbers couldn't describe the feelings he felt for you. He was also someone who believed in love at first sight and when he found out that you were his online friend from Discord he was extremely thrilled and his joy knew no bounds. Of course he had to keep you a secret from his brothers since they'd tease him and they'd try to flirt with you and steal you away from him which is something he doesn't want happening at all
He's so used to being the replacement in his life but for once he wanted to be selfish and have you for himself. He was growing obsessive over you and his affection for you might be deemed as suffocating for other people but you failed to notice the red flags in his behavior like him being clingy to you when you talked to someone else and when you you him about the guy who flirted with you during your biology lecture he got suspended for the possession of drugs that Tim may or may not have planted in his locker and anonymously tipped off a teacher. He was just trying to keep you safe in this dark and cruel world, and he should know how bad the world is because he's Red Robin
Your exams were done and you'd decided to have an anime marathon with him and he invited you over to the Wayne manor. Of course Dick, Jason and Damian were cocky when you'd shown up and started flirting with you just to tease and rile up Tim because watching him getting riled up was the amusement of the century according to them. Tim's face grew red and he 'accidentally' spilled some water on Dick and Jason as he stepped on Damian's foot and he dragged you inside to his room and shut the door. He could hear them snickering to themselves as Jason howled "Use protection" as he just rolled his eyes and you looked confused. "They're immature jerks, so should we get started?'' and you nodded as you watched animes like My hero academia, Haikyuu, Demon slayer, Bungou Stray dogs and many more. You wanted to watch Kakegurui as well but Tim didn't want you to taint your innocence and it was filled with some not so wholesome content according to him that wasn't suitable for your delicate eyes
You had some favorite characters from different Fandoms and the character you were really fond of was Daisuke Kanbe from the anime Millionaire detective balance unlimited. Tim could get why you liked Daisuke a lot and he vibes with your choice too. He will however get a tad bit jealous that you're not paying attention to him and he'll do something or the other to interrupt your anime fest and make sure you pay attention to him. Other than that he's actually pretty chill with you crushing over animme characters but like every other possessive yandere dude he will have to curb it and make you forget about your anime crushes if it gets too out of hand. He doesn't want to lose you to some Pixelated non existant 2D picture on a screen
BONUS: Damian Wayne: Oh boy, I can say for sure he won't be too happy about this whole ordeal of you simping for non existant Pixelated fiends according to him when you have THE heir of the Wayne family and the Al Ghul heir himself. It's been a few months since he's kidnapped you and taken you for himself and he had to do it you know. The first time he met you was when you were about to climb a huge rock ready to dive in because a puppy was drowning. As much as he was touched with your love and concern for animals he couldn't let you just endanger your life like that which was why he had to step in and do something before you'd ended up getting hurt. Damian raced to where you were about to jump and pulled you back in time and before you could say a word he dove in and rescued the puppy. The poor puppy had a bleeding paw and you let a soft gasp of despair when you saw its bleeding paw
You really loved animals and that sight just broke your heart. "I have a feeling someone must have done this to the poor thing, why else would a puppy intentionally go to the middle of the river if it doesn't know how to swim?" you asked Damian as you snuggled the little thing against you, the puppy grateful for the warmth it was receiving from you. "Take care of it and yourself too, I hope you don't do something as reckless as that ever again" said Damian with a serious note but you looked at him indignantly and replied "The poor thing would have drowned had I been a second late. Besides I know how to swim" you grumped a bit and Damian found it to be endearing and the two of you exchanged numbers and parted ways after that exchange took place. That night he wasn't able to forget about you and he made sure to visit the same place next day to make sure you and the puppy were doing all right. He didn't even know why he was so concerned about someone he just met but seeing you do something as reckless as that made him want to protect you and just wrap you with his arms so you couldn't endanger yourself. What were you making him feel?
Sure enough the next day Damian saw you and the puppy and he was glad to see it doing okay. The both of you spent some time together and you liked spending time with him. Though he had a stoic expression most of the times you could tell deep down he cared for other people. He took you to a Cafe where you both ordered something and you went to see Titus his dog. Titus seemed to take a liking to you immediately and the puppy too. Titus kept wandering near your legs and Damian thought it was adorable when he tried to place his paws up on you as if he was asking you to lift him up like a child. The puppy was a bit shy around him but Titus didn't seem to mind
Soon it was time for you to go home and Damian didn't want you to leave. He wanted you to stay with him and with a heavy heart he had to bid farewell to you. However it didn't mean that his mind and heart rested though, Gotham was a dangerous place and in the little time he's known you he's already taken a liking to you which meant that he's appointed himself as your guardian and protector to keep you safe from this twisted world and so day by day he kept stalking you and kept an eye on you to make sure you were all right
Finally he reached a point where his obsession could no longer be contained and he needed you like a dying man needing air so he kidnapped you and took you for himself. Does he regret it? Not an inch because the way he sees it is that you both are destined to be together forever. He felt his heart break when he saw you crying your heart out, begging him to please take you back and even after he bought you your puppy for company you still avoided him like the Corona virus. However you just started opening up to him recently and that was something he felt immensely thankful for. You finally saw that he loved you with all his heart and he wouldn't harm you and besides you were tired of being alone all the time
Currently the two of you were watching some shows together and you decided to watch Austin and Ally after you'd insisted. You loved Austin and Ally since you were a kid it brought back so many memories and when you accidentally let the fact slip that Austin used to be your childhood crush Damian felt like someone had knocked the wind out of his chest. Just what EXACTLY did you see in that immature blonde haired Walmart Ken ripoff he didn't know but he needed to make sure you'd forget about this Austin fellow effective immediately. Damian doesn't care if he's being petty, he doesn't want your heart getting stolen by someone else. Your heart is reserved only for him and he'll have various tactics to make you forget about Austin. He'll either make sure you watch something else that's different or when you try to see Austin and Ally he'll just start bragging and boasting about how much better he is than him and pin point and nit pick EVERYTHING wrong with Austin. Like mentioned before no man can steal your heart as long as he's with you
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 month
Okay but like (Yandere but at this point also canon) Tim Drake with forgetful reader/ reader w/adhd.
He’s practically your PA. Keeps track of everything for you and keeps you in check, if not does your work for you if you really aren’t able to.
Messes with your accounts so you think you’re spending a small amount of money, but in reality he refills your pockets a crap ton.
You give him your schedule, report to him what you’ve done for the day — basically making the stalking infinitely easier — and in exchange he eases both the physical and mental workload you have.
Slowly but surely convinces you that the two of you should live together. That you should completely rely on him for all things in your life.
Because you can forget everything, but he’ll always be there. Etched into your skull.
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blughxreader · 10 months
Seeing you post about taking beginner Chinese lessons made me think of how so many members of the Batfam are just crazy levels of intelligent and they could probably have secret conversations around you all the time in languages and they could be saying the most sinister shit right next to you and you'd never even know
Bruce, in Greek: --- which is why, since y/n can't remember anything from the amnesia caused by their injuries, I told them that they lost their entire family and that's why we took them in
Dick, in Romani: and you made sure to tell their parents the exact opposite right? That y/n died in the accident and you couldn't find the body?
Damian, in Sanskrit: or we could just kill their parents to avoid the risk of them coming to look for their adult child
You, literally sitting at the dining room table with them with a mouthful of some of Alfred's delectable pancakes and assuming they're just talking about hero stuff: 😊😋🥰 this family is so nice, I'm so lucky to have met them
I eat this shit up with the same ferocity as Ras al ghul slurping pit water
I don't think they'd touch your family as long as you remain an amnesiac! Vacations would be held on a different continent because 1.) Gotham is too dangerous, honey :( 2.) The Waynes are famous so lets go someplace where no one will recognize us! <33
Day-to-day life would be annoying.
Tim's been a tick on your side the whole day and your patience is gone.
Dick comes in and Tim says in French, "They're in an prickly mood. Tread lightly."
Dick coos and plops down next to you on the couch, jostling you as he wraps an arm around your back. He replies to Tim in Portuguese, "Do they need a calming pill?"
You shove Dicks arm off and stand up, then re-situate yourself on another couch. The boys make eye-contact before Tim sends a text on his phone. In Greek, he says, "Not a whole one. 70%?"
Dick frowns at you, sad to see your back facing him. In Japanese, Dick says, "But I still wanna talk to them. Make it 45%, just to take the edge off."
Tim's head dips down to his phone again, and Dick says to you, "Want some tea? Alf's got some fresh chamomile."
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writerbyaccident · 5 years
Strategy (Yandere Tim DrakexReader)
Request: Hide and seek game with Tim Drake, where the s/o escaped from him after gaining his trust
Shorter one tonight, hope that’s okay!
           Hiding under the bed was too cliché for you. Even as a child, when you would play hide-and-seek, you would never go for the obvious places. Sure, it took substantially more effort and time to find a hiding spot that was good enough for you, but if you could find one, you usually ended up winning. And now, now more than ever before, you needed to win.
           So rather than run to the GCPD, or even over to Metropolis, you burrowed into the city. No, Tim would expect you to run to the police, to the members of the Justice League, meaning those were the last places you could turn to. If you wanted any chance of making it out of this, you would need to be clever. Not just clever actually, you would need to outsmart one of Gotham’s greatest detectives. And that, in short, was why you were currently trudging through the city sewers. You figured that Tim, once he confirmed that you hadn’t run to the Gotham City police, would assume that you were trying to get as far away from him as possible. Hopefully he would leave the city himself to chase after you, giving you the time and space to make a proper escape.
           And while the Gotham sewers were hardly pleasant, you far preferred it to the alternative. The sewers were cold and damp, and they smelled like hell, but you still liked them better than the prison Tim had kept you in. It may have had warm blankets and good food, but it was a prison still. Tim had taken you there months ago, claiming he did it out of the love he held for you, but you knew better. You had tried to get through to him at first, begging him to realize that kidnapping was not something heroes did. And then you had resisted: fought and screamed and defied him at every turn. But with that strategy came punishments, punishments that had you screaming not in hate or anger but in pain. Feeling yourself about to break and give in, you had come up with one last strategy. You grew docile, listening to Tim and even returning some of his affection. Sculpting an image of being gently broken, you waited for his guard to drop.
           Each day that you waited felt like broken glass scraping over your skin, but your patience eventually paid off. So now, here you were, crouched in the darkness while you waited again. Your muscles were stiff and you had developed something of a cough in the damp sewer air, but as you rested against the tunnel wall, you felt better than you had in ages.
           “There you are,” a voice suddenly said from behind you. As soon as the first syllable was spoken, you tried to run, but Tim was far too quick for you. Throwing one of his bolas at you, he kept you from getting away. You started to lose your balance when the rope wrapped around you, but before you could fall into the water, Tim had you not-so-safely in his arms.
           “Let me go,” you growled at him, knowing that there was no longer any point in keeping up your façade. As expected though, Tim responded by simply tightening his grip around you.
           “You know,” he began, his voice tight, “I really can’t believe I fell for it. I’m supposed to be this incredible detective, this genius, and still I let you make a fool out of me. I really thought you had realized just how much we need each other, but you were just lying to me. I guess that’s what love does to you though.”
           “This isn’t love,” you spat back.
           “It is. Maybe you don’t realize it now, but you will. I’ll make sure of it this time.”
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
Hi I've been having a rough day I'm on my period and it's very bad and I'm sorry about telling you this you probably don't want to hear my story but.
It's been rough I need some you know yandere love
I don't know if you do this or not you can ignore the others
But can I have a yandere Batman and how they can tell they're about to start when they're on a job.
My periods are bad I can't do anything like I literally am better than for a week that's how bad they are and it's sucks cuz I'm trying to find a job
And I wonder how the boys were react to their darling having scenarios like this
Hi! 🥺 My period is also bad, a friend of mine sent me a tea to try, I haven't done it yet so I don't know if it works but I can send it to you, maybe it helps you. TEA
Having your period and looking for a job (Yandere!Batboys, Yandere!Batman)
Bruce Wayne
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Bruce would notice when he realizes that there is something wrong with you
Maybe you have a different behavior due to your period
You won't need a job with Bruce
This is for sure
He would take care of you while you are on your period
Keeping an eye on you all the time as he asks Alfred to get some things for you
Painkillers, hot bottles, blankets, chocolate, whatever you want to make you feel better.
Dick Grayson
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Dick would notice this faster than Bruce
He always checks you so he knows what's going on
He would take some time off work to take care of you
He would help you find a job, probably close to his
He'll take the things he knows will help you with your period pains (thanks to Alfred's advice)
Jason Todd
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He would notice that you are on your period when he returns to your apartment
He would try to figure out what to do
He'd use Bruce's credit card to buy all the things you want and need
Find a job for you while making sure you are home to rest
He wouldn't lose sight of you and always checking you
Tim Drake
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Tim wouldn't understand that right away
But when he does, he tries to use all the methods he has found on the internet
He would constantly monitor you from the Bat-computer after making sure you are okay
He'd find a job at Wayne Enterprise for you
Damian Wayne
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He would ask Alfred or Bruce for advice
Probably also to find a job for you
He would always stay with you all the time
Controlling you as if you were one of his pets
A/n: I hope I understand the request correctly, sorry if it sucks it's my first time. 😅
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OMG ok so bare with me, now some like yandere joker which TBH is probably pretty hard to conceive BUT what if you had a scenario of unfortunate tortured yet surviving adult joker!Tim Drake?? Who has the semblance of humanity left to go head over heel in love with you?! So you get the "fun" of joker with being Harley Quinn tm. And you really bring a lovestruck smile to Tim's face
Auuuuhuhuhuhhhh I'm sobbing over here
TIMMMM I would love to be your Puddin but not like thisss 😭
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rainbowredrobin · 3 years
Request and Commission Info;
Requests are CLOSED.
Commissions are CLOSED.
Trades are CLOSED.
Current Request Log status here.
Current Commission Log being made.
Queue & Blog Info;
Queue will be started in the beginning to end of July.
4 posts between 2pm-8pm.
Will contain fanart, fics, and other miscellaneous posts.
Will be making a new About page & changing Theme.
Starting SLEEPOVER SUNDAYS starting in July.
Making a Shipping List.
Making a new Rules page & new Contacts page.
Update & Tags & Personal list (add a funny tag).
Add Reader x Character tag to Writing.
Add HQ Scenarios & BNHA Scenarios tag to Writing.
Writing plans for the following months;
Working through current 2021 requests.
Posting OC content.
Writing sequels to previous works.
Finish & post Kiribaku Pride prompts.
Working on see how you broke me (see how you lost me).
Revise Chapter 3 of The Great Multiverse Switch of Tim Drake.
Outline Chapter 7 of The Curious Case of Iwaizumi Hajime.
Start Kiribaku / Bakushima drabbles.
Continue The Yandere Collective (BNHA Edition) & start The Yandere Collective (HQ Edition).
Start & post fluff & angst scenarios (BNHA & HQ).
Start & post character headcanons (BNHA).
My askbox is ALWAYS open if you want to talk! I'll still be active even if I'm not posting regularly and will always answer questions. Happy Pride!
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zoethespiritwolf · 4 years
Request page
I have decided to open up a request page here on Tumblr where you can see what kind of requests for fanfics I can write. Please submit these requests in the ‘Ask me anything‘ section.
You can also send some questions about me there as well and I will try to reply as soon as possible. The same thing goes about the requests - I will try to do them as soon as possible.
Anyway, here are the rules:
I won’t write:
OC x character fanfics (example: Bucky Barnes x Lucinda)
Character x character (both from the same fandom and different fandoms, I may end up throwing this kind of ship in one of the oneshots, but they won’t be the main focus on the story)
Lemons (I might include a sneak peek and will do NSFW alphabet headcannons, but that’s as far as it will go, no full lemon)
I will write:
LGBTQ+ ships
Fluff, SFW and NSFW alphabet headcannons
Headcanons (in general)
Yandere scenarios
AU’s (for example ‘Hamilton AU! Undertale‘)
Teacher/mentor x reader relationships (platonic!!!)
Parent/daughter scenarios (example: Lafayette x daughter!reader)
Characters (mostly the reader) with mental, physical and other problems (anorexia, depression, autism, ADHD, PTSD, etc.)
Character deaths (main characters included)
POC! Reader x character ships
Here are the fandoms/themes/characters I will write for:
Alexander Hamilton
Elizabeth Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
John Laurens
Philip Hamilton
Aaron Burr
Jack Frost
Pitch Black
ATLA (Avatar the Last Airbender + Legend of Korra):
Princess Yue
Iroh II
Dreamworks (no TV series, only movies):
Moses (Prince of Egypt)
Rameses II (Prince of Egypt)
Hiccup (HTTYD (All Movies))
Astrid (HTTYD)
Miraculous Ladybug:
Felix (the anime version)
Six: the musical:
Catherine of Aragon
Anne Boleyn
Jane Seymour
Anna of Cleves
Catherine Howard
Catherine Parr
Voltron the legendary defender (all seasons):
The Arcana: A Mystic Romance :
The Irregulars
Sherlock Holmes
Vatson (platonic mostly)
This page might be edited at some point so be sure to check it out from time to time for any changes.
All of the finished work that I have uploaded from my Wattpad account to Tumblr you can see on my Masterlist page.
Anyway, happy reading and requesting!
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