#dark tim drake
snakeredbirdbatkatana · 3 months
"Would you like to know a secret Baby Bat?"
Damian looks up from his drawing he can't even remember when Timothy came to sit beside him. Everyone else is on patrol, Alfred is manning comms for tonight.
As he looks at his brothers face something unnerves him he looks wrathful, like Todd when the joker is out. Something makes him hesitant they had been getting closer last night he even slept beside his brother after a nightmare but he is the son of Batman.
He doesn't fear his brother.
"As if you have any Drake, truly but do continue." Flat pushing as much casualness as Damian is capable.
Tim's eyes look cruel like the same monsters they fight each night like his grandfather. They scare him but there's something else.
" When I was looking for Bruce, I did something bad baby brother. I broke the one rule Bruce will always care about more than me."
His heart is racing looking at his older brother he knows what is being said.
That the best of them is in the same boat as the rest another Robin with blood coated hands another disappointment as a son. That his brother is just like him that he gets it the olive branch to end all fights any hint of animosity.
Does he take it hide this from Father and all of them.
Or does he let his brother burn
"Ahki it's late I think we should get to bed can I lay with you?"
He sees kindness come back to he looks more like Richard than Todd. Smile lingering.
"Of course little Dragon why don't I read you a story."
" Yes I would enjoy that."
One day he will have to ask more understand what he meant what he did but for now he will curl up with his brother and pretend that nothing bad will ever happen again and pray that Father never finds out.
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thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
Thank you so much @mariidepp for saving so many of my works, and all of you wonderful folk out there, I really appreciate your help and support during these times. It's time I revive my blog back and be back in business 😎
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It's not easy to hide something from Tim in the first place, he's pretty good at uncovering information from any source. You had a passion for music ever since you were a child, you loved singing and playing the keyboard as well. You'd practice relentlessly day in and day out, fine tuning your voice and setting your skills to perfection till you were actually ready to become a professional singer. You finally got your first contract for a movie when you'd auditioned for the singing part. From singing for movies to releasing private albums, your fame was starting to increase. However you weren't doing this for the fame, you genuinely loved doing this. Sure, the schedule could be stressful at times and hectic even, barely even giving you a moment to breathe at times, but you found your comfort and solace in singing and the world of music as your reputation soared in the music industry and had quite the massive following
You were getting ready for a concert today and you were mentally preparing yourself in your dressing room as you took a deep breath and softly hummed to yourself, a warm up exercise for your throat. You made sure to hydrate yourself as well as you heard the door open and your manager entered the room. "You ready to shine out there?" he asked you and you smiled and nodded. You could already feel the excitement and adrenaline rushing through your body, you felt nervous and excited at the same time but you composed yourself and followed your manager backstage. Your manager gave you a supportive thumbs up sign and you smiled at him gratefully, you felt grateful for all his help for making all the arrangements for a concert in Gotham as you went to greet the crowd. "WHAT'S UP GOTHAM, ARE YOU GUYS READY TO HAVE A BLAST TODAY?!" you greeted your fans and you were met with hollers and screeches of excitement from the crowd and you began to sing your songs
Meanwhile Tim was on patrol duty, he had nothing better to do and he was frankly bored, Gotham was usually known for having a history of crime occurring at least twice or thrice in a day bur surprisingly there weren't any reports of attacks today. His nerves couldn't relax though, he felt like something was up and decided to stay vigilant. He was currently on the rooftop of a building when he heard an amplified voice singing through a microphone and Tim stopped looking at his phone to listen carefully to the music. He was listening to you singing and he was mesmerized and immersed in your voice, you sounded like an angel who descended from the heavens above. He simply had to get a closer look at you. He headed towards the stadium quickly and peered from above to see you on the stage, singing and the audience cheering and clapping for you. He could see your face through the screens next to the stage and needless to say, it was literally love at first sight for him
He loved the way your expressions kept altering whenever you sang and changed your pitch from high to low, it just showed that how much you were immersed in the song you were singing. He also loved the way that you were dressed in something comfortable and classy at the same time, your beautiful eyes shining like gemstones. You barely had any makeup on you and yet you looked like an elegant and graceful angel who radiated beauty with your clothes hugging those beautiful curves of your body. Tim completely forgot about patrol duty and didn't even answer when Dick called him, asking him for the usual hourly update because he was so engrossed in your songs. He felt like you were singing solely for him and was regretful that your concert was done so soon. No matter though, he just had to find out more about you and research was something he excelled at
He couldn't forget your music or your face for weeks, he kept humming the tune you'd sang to himself and was often lost in thought about you. After he went back to the manor he immediately began his research about you, you used to be a regular high school student who had a passion for music and you were a Latino too, Argentinean to be specific. Which also led to him researching about the Latino and Argentinean culture because he wanted to impress you the next time he saw you. Somehow or the other, he needed to get your attention. His mind couldn't forget you. For weeks he stalked your social media accounts on various platforms, yes, even the Tumblr blogs as well and even went so far as to reading fanfiction about you online on Wattpad and Tumblr. He had a mixed reaction of the fanfiction about you, part of him was happy and glad that it was there because he could dream about his fantasies with you and he may or may not have written some of his own, imagining how life would be with you. And yet, another part of him was a bit upset and angry that people were thinking such lewd and dirty thoughts about someone so innocent and pure like you, he despised the way people treated you like some sort of object to analyze, you were so much more than that
His obsession for you spiraled out of control. Whenever you'd host a concert, he'd make sure to be at every single one of them without fail, with front row tickets. You'd often seen him at your concerts, he'd be standing at the edge of the stage and you felt familiar with his presence after a few concerts of yours. You really appreciated his dedication. He was also the president of your online fan club and went so far as to purchasing all your merchandise, always keeping up with the latest tabloids and gossip and news featuring you. However he didn't like it whenever you did a collaboration with someone else, what right did they even have to steal the spotlight away from you? They weren't even worthy of looking at you much less even BE in your presence in his opinion. He also despised the rumors about your love life with some random person, it should be HIM who should be your partner. He's followed you so diligently, you were his goddess and he was your loyal worshipper, no one could separate the two of you and he'd make sure that no one would dare to separate the two of you
There were rumors about you dating another singer and when Tim saw the headlines, he almost lost it and started seething. Even though he knew they were just silly and baseless rumors, he couldn't help but feel bad that someone else had dared to steal you away from him. He couldn't just sit by and let that no good scumbag take advantage of your kind and helpful nature. He did what he thought was right and tracked the person down and let's just say, he's in the hospital due to some lowlife criminals attacking him. Gotham was a pretty dangerous place after all, full of crime and deceit. When Bruce managed to secure backstage passes to meet you he almost lost his mind in a frenzy of excitement. He couldn't believe his fortune. He felt like it was the fates gift for him waiting for you so diligently and patiently
However during your next concert when he was lurking around to make sure that nothing happened to you, he noticed that one of the overhead spotlights was lose and it would fall directly on you. Tim couldn't allow that to happen, he would rather burst an artery than let you be in danger. Before you even realized that the light was about to fall on you, Tim managed to save you by pulling you out of harms way with his arm wrapped securely around your waist as you fell on his chest surprised. He felt like he was in one of those over dramatic teenage romance blockbuster films when the male lead saves the female lead. You looked at him with a rather frightened expression on your face, you couldn't see who he was because of his Red Robin mask but you hugged him and thanked him. He felt like he'd just died and gone to heaven, where he was being hugged by you. He had to blink a few times if this was a dream or not
After your concert was done, you invited him to your dressing room and he thanked his lucky stars as he followed you. He revealed his identity to you and when you thanked him again, he felt pride course through his veins. From then on, he not only saw himself as a protector and a guardian for you, he was also there whenever there was an 'attack in progress' involving you. He may or may not have bribed a few people to just look threatening so he could play the good guy and be your knight in shining armor and save you from those goons. What a sweet naive innocent little thing you were, you always fell for his act
What really drove him over the edge was you making the mistake of mentioning that you were in a relationship with someone. You wouldn't disclose the name but he just lost it completely. Of course he doesn't blame you for this, he blames the no good pest who dared to steal you away from him. He knew you wouldn't be safe in a place like Gotham without his protection, can't you see? You NEED him as much as he needs you like a dying man and air. Acting in your best interest, he ended up kidnapping you and all your social media accounts were removed. You were of course angry at him for kidnapping you and but no matter how much you screamed and cried to be set free, he simply wouldn't budge with his decision. Now you can sing your songs only for him and not for anyone else
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huntressundone · 4 months
Hey all! Proud to announce that the final chapter of Vendetta is up now! Summary and Link below :) I'd love to hear your thoughts!!
He hadn’t been prepared to take on Red Hood in Titans’ Tower. No, Tim had fought cleanly. Fair. But he wasn’t in the business of making the same mistakes twice. And the Red Hood? Well…
Jason Todd should have stayed dead.
TW: Lazarus Pit Rage, violence
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If your evil/dark!Tim Drake doesn’t wear converse shoes what’s even the point? He’s evil! He’s scarily competent! He doesn’t need to conform for others! He could wear whatever clothes you want but not dress shoes or boots! He’s punk! He’s a skater! His skills speak for him! He’s the one you don’t want to be against! He’s a sleep deprived teenager! He's stupid! He thinks he’s cool but he’s not! He wears beat-up converse and trips on the shoelaces when no-one can see! His socks are sopping wet!
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pynkgothicka · 2 years
Hi can I have a scenario of yandere alpha Bruce dick Jason Tim and Damian x Omega pergent wife reader
Like how they take care of them how much of a mother hen they are what would they do when they get kidnapped and end up in early labor
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Batfam Early Labor/Pregnancy Hcs
a/n: I didn't really focus on the omega aspect and made these more fluff than anything
Tags/Warnings: Kidnapping, Nothing else Really
Bruce treats you like a princess, he'll purchase the best of pillows and the finest of silks to ensure your comfort. He'll keep you trapped and yet comfortable. He only allows Alfred to come see you, that's rare because Bruce will always make time for you, especially since you were pregnant with his pups. He needed you in the best condition for birth, and oh Lord when you go into labor, quicker than he planned out, he locks the both of you in your room and gets you through your labor/birth his own damn self. He did his research and he knew what was needed.
"Everything is going to be just fine, I'm here for you. We're going to get through this together."
Dick is also super sweet when he first gets his hands on you. He makes sure your nest is his nest. He takes off from vigilante work to care for you. He doesn't trap you in just your shared room, but more so his apartment. He makes sure you move at least a little bit everyday. Even if it means going on walks in the building, in which he has to hold your hand the entire time, just to keep you safe. However when you go into labor while you're on your apartment walks, he takes you to the nearest hospital and argues his way into being at your side 24/7.
"They said something about you being missing and that they had to bring you to the authorities. That won't happen on my watch alright? Just stay here and get back to health, I'll take care of everything. Have I ever let you down?"
Jason is very new to the whole pregnancy thing. In fact he really has no clue what he's doing, so he's phoning everyone who would possibly have any clue on what to do. Barbara was actually the best one to come and help. She was understanding of everything and gave him tips on Omega pregnancy and the tolls it would take on your body. Jason knew that all he had to do was stay committed to what Barbara set up, yet he was finding that to be quite the challenge. In fact, you had to remind him of a bunch of things he had to do during your day. So you being the head of your pregnancy plan, when you went into labor, and was in far too much of a pain to help him, Jason was lost and he didn't trust hospitals enough to leave you alone. So he phones up Barbara.
"Barbaras on her way! Oh God, I'm going to be a father." Jason proceeds to faint.
Tim, being the smart guy he is, is already planned in advance. He's considered every possible outcome to your pregnancy. All the way from early labor to doctors and hospitals. Tim already decided that he was going to be the one helping you give birth. If he didn't do it, who would? Not anyone he knew and you shouldn't even be in contact with others so if you're mad about his decision it's your problem. Other than his strict ways, he will always try to be welcoming with your transition to your new life he's given you. He's just far to awkward and calculated to actually go at it right.
"I'm sorry if I'm too focused on this pregnancy of ours but I just want what's best for you. I don't usually show it but I do care about you, I just know what works and, please, just trust me alright?"
Damian, reluctantly, is now the head of the League of Assassins. So he has all the help in the world when it comes to your pregnancy. He has you dressed in the finest of silks and will literally kill if he sees anyone who is a threat to his future heir and queen. He's far too protective of what's his. Early labor is something he has covered with the help of all the people he has watching over you. By the time he gets there, they've calmed you down and he's there making sure everything is going smoothly and alright.
"I'm so happy your under good hands. You're going to be alright my love."
Taglist: @animefan3223
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lulurhythm · 4 months
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Huzzah, a drawing in pen!!! This is simultaneously a freeing endeavor… and a precarious one. I used a DC cover page for a pose reference, and as always, if you know you know. Peregrine my beloved!!
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sykloni · 2 years
Rise of Cardinal by @justthatonegirl1815 has been on my mind a lot lately, so here is fanart of Tim as Cardinal.
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fic-ive-read · 1 year
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Link To The Fic
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Tim comes back to Gotham more changed than anyone suspected. Dick and Damian find this out the hard way.
Part 2 of the cold and endless dark Part 2 of prodigal shadow
Inspired by Trust Your Gut by meaninglessblah @meaninglessblah-writes.
You should definitely read the above fic first to better understand what's going on and because it's awesome.
@amonthofwhump’s 12 Days of Whumpmas Prompt: Unhappy Family Reunion
Titles taken from the song Choke by I Dont Know How But They Found Me.
You can find resources related to the current Roe crisis on my sideblog here.
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redsray · 2 months
Batfam AU where Jason never dies, so Tim doesn't join the family the standard way. Instead, he continues pouring most of his time and energy into his photography, eventually becoming known as a popular photographer for events and all that. So now, picture this: Tim gets hired to be a photographer for a Wayne gala. Obviously, he's ecstatic, because he can take pictures of Batman, Robin and Nightwing and be in their presence for a whole night. Since Tim is so naturally talented in stealth and taking pictures unnoticed, the second one of the fam realises this they're like: this kid is good. Tim manages to go unnoticed by all 3 of them (all bat-trained, one literally batman) multiple times during the night, and even when he is noticed, he disappears before they can manage to get a good look at him; to the sheer amazement of Dick and Jason.
Jason, (very discreetly putting snacks in his suit pocket): i know you're under the table, kid.
Tim: don't mind me, Mr. Todd-Wayne, sir, just taking a few pictures
Jason: right... Jason's fine, and what pictures were you taking from under the table?!
Tim, showing him perfectly good shots of him: these.
Jason: how did you get that. it looks like you took it from the rafters
Tim, nodding: I did.
Jason, glancing at the ceiling: ...what?
Tim, gone:
Jason: no fucking way.
Dick, hearing a very, very faint camera shutter from behind him:
Dick, turning around and finding no one there: what the actual...
Dick, getting the feeling of being watched and whirling around to find Tim staring at him from across the room: ... huh.
Jason, pulling Dick aside: you see that kid too, right?!
Dick, nodding: the camera kid, yeah?
Jason: who is that.
Dick: he's one of the hired photographers, apparently. one of the best in his field, despite his age.
Jason: he's good. like, really good. snuck up on me 4 times already, the little bastard.
Dick: you too? i swear he's constantly watching. it's creepy how well he can sneak past both of us.
Jason: you don't think...
Dick: no. B would've told us.
Dick: did he get another kid and not tell us somehow
Bruce: what do you mean another kid?
Jason: you heard us. did you adopt another kid and not tell us?!
Bruce: no?? how would I even?? ... what's this about?
Dick: one of the photographers has managed to sneak up on both me and Jay multiple times already
Bruce: what.
Jason: he also can't be more than like. 15 or 16. so forgive us for assuming you took another one in.
Bruce: do you know his name?
Bruce: really?
Dick: in our defence, he's very hard to catch. i wouldn't be surprised if he's snuck up on you, too.
[camera shutter noise]
All of them, whipping their heads toward the sound only to find nothing but air:
Tim, smiling from the other side of the room:
Jason: do you see what we mean?!
Cue an entire night of shenanigans where it's just Dick, Jason and Bruce trying to catch Tim and learn about him. Upon finding out who he is and where he lives, Dick immediately asks to keep him as an honorary member of the family. Jason is hesitant at first but at some point Tim calls Bruce Batman instead of Mr. Wayne on accident and Jason laughs so hard he's basically won over. Bruce can do nothing but watch as Tim proceeds to come over almost every night for sleepovers and is coddled by both of his sons. And he can't deny, the kid's investigation and stealth skills are top tier. By the time Dick and Jason both start referring to Tim as 'their younger brother' Bruce has just accepted his fate.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 6 months
Tim Drake has known since the beginning he wasnt quite as moral as he should. At his mothers knee learning how to care but more importantly how to keep, how to possess.
He knew who Red Hood was stalked him until he figured out every bit of his plan. When he attacked the tower Tim had a duffle bag filled with clown that was layed at his feet blood given freely as if to prove his faith.
Nightwing as light as he was still found a home in the darkness so how better than to show his devotion than the man who took the Graysons flight. Tony screamed as loud as the crack of their spines.
Damian already knew blood didn't have a specific monster that he could use but his baby brother did love his animals hearts of animal traffickers bestowed weapons forged long ago drenched with Drake blood. Animals and Heritage what is brother respected most.
While Bruce saw his little Robin his light they saw the red the alter which he had layed his gifts proof of his will secrets that only his could know a claim even grander than that of Wayne. Blood stained palms clasped hand in hand.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 10 months
Genuinely love the fact that regardless of which Superfam/Batfam pairing (romantic or platonic) you're looking at, it's always some variation of:
Batfam member: They're so lucky I'm the normal one.
Superfam member: Holy shit, every single one of you is fucking insane!!!!
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chikaras-garden · 6 months
Batboys as things that go bump in the night
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So what if he’s not human?
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Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne x fem!reader
Contains: Monsterfucking. Dubcon. Unprotected piv sex in Dick’s, Jason’s, and Damian’s. Blood in Bruce’s. Somnophilia and light breeding kink in Dick’s. Knotting in Jason’s. Oral sex (f!receiving) in Tim’s. Degradation in Damian’s.
Notes: 18+ or you’ll be blocked. Happy Halloweekend angels!
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A loner. A constant shadow over Gotham. A collector of all things macabre. And now, he has his sights set on you. You’re a pretty thing, dressed in all black at a late-autumn gala, and you can feel the intensity of his gaze on you even when your back is turned.
So it’s no surprise that, when you tempt fate by rounding a corner into a deserted hallway, you are not alone.
Stepping out of the shadows, Bruce’s hand clamps around one side of your throat, leaving just one side—the side of your pulse—exposed for his lips. He kisses you there far more than he kisses your lips, nibbling and suckling the soft flesh over your pulse. Your heart beats faster and faster as your knees go weak, but his arm tightens around you.
“I have you, darling,” he husks. His skin is cold against yours, but perhaps that’s because the all-consuming presence of a man like this makes your blood run hot.
His other hand comes up to cup your flushed cheek, thumb dragging along the shape of your face as if he’s trying to memorize you.
“So warm. Such soft skin,” he murmurs, bending his head low and kissing your neck. “Such a beautiful creature.”
Something twists in your stomach when he says that—creature. An instinct tells you to run, but you quickly realize that the look in his eyes has you completely enthralled. He’s watching you with purpose, always keeping your eyes locked as if looking away from you will break the spell he has you under.
“I have to taste you,” he whispers, voice raw with a strain whose source you cannot place. He inhales deeply and lets out a low, feral noise before you feel a twinned shock of pain that makes you gasp: blood rushes to your neck and spills from your broken skin onto his waiting tongue, which greedily laps at the sweet nectar he just stole.
You never remember what happened the morning after your nights with your blue-eyed visitor in black, but you can’t stop the way your body aches for the mysterious stranger. At first, you thought he was a dream, but even you know that your unconscious can’t conjure up something as beautiful as him.
He wakes you by laying on top of you, pushing his hot-as-Hell flesh against yours. You didn’t go to sleep naked, but you’re naked now; your clothes are gone, but you’re covered with him, his mouth latched onto one of your nipples, one of his hands painfully squeezing the other, and his red-tipped cock already bullying its way into your slick folds. 
It hurts, but the ache is so dizzying that you can’t bring yourself to care, especially when you’re aware that you won’t remember this by morning anyway. You feel as if you’re being burned alive and made new in just the way he wants you. And that feels good, doesn’t it? Why else would you have woken up with your pussy soaking wet? 
He picks his head up just enough to watch you watch him while his tongue traces the outer edge of your areola and flicks your nipple in slow strokes, teasing it into hardness with just the tip of his tongue. He’s kneeling between your legs, and his free hand slides down to gently stroke your belly—which is when you notice that his fingers, like his cock, are tipped with blood-red skin.
Then comes his dark murmur, “Let me fill you, pretty thing. Let me give you a little gift to help you remember me.”
Your breath catches and, once again, he latches on—teeth first, this time.
At the same time, he thrusts into you, cock heavy and fire-hot, searing your skin and all but tearing you open while you keen and grasp at him, fingernails scraping down his back. His warmth is inescapable as he thrusts into you with inhuman force.
And you swear that, when he comes, filling you with his infernal seed, you catch a glimpse of a ruby glimmer in his once-blue eyes.
Honestly, you handled finding out that your boyfriend is a werewolf remarkably well. But because you’re a human, he has one rule: no knotting. That is, until an October full moon has him more feral than usual, trapped in a rut that he’s powerless to fight against.
Jason has you hiked up against his chest, barely balanced on his thick thighs with your panties shoved aside. One finger is pressed firmly against your clit, the claws that come with his half-transformed state lightly grazing your sensitive skin. He’s already buried inside of you, thrusting so shallowly that he may as well be humping your innermost walls.
“Oh, fuck,” he groans, dropping his head onto your shoulder. His skin rages with heat while his muscles tremble, lips mouthing along any inch of your skin that he can reach. Head heavy on your shoulder, he rasps out broken sentences, each cut off by animalistic whimpers and whines. “God, fuck— I can’t— I shouldn’t— You’re—”
You have one hand tangled in his hair, thumbing the soft black-and-white fur that crawls up along his hybrid ears. His cock, impossibly thick already, stretches you even more open than you already were, and you throw your head back to let out a moan of mixed pleasure-pain.
“Fuck,” he whispers, because he feels it too. “Baby, I’m— It’s—”
“Let it,” you gasp, feeling lightheaded with the pain of Jason filling you so completely, cockhead swelling so full that he couldn’t pull out even if he wanted to. “Please, please, Jason, I need it.”
All that gets you is another guttural groan from him, a sound as close to a howl as he can make without being fully transformed. Still swelling, his cock is thick, heavy, hot—pulsing inside of you, begging to stay there, to fill you, to mark and mate with you. You can’t imagine what it must look like, but you know that the feeling is divine: this oneness, this wholeness, is something you’ve never felt before. It’s almost enough to dull how much your pussy aches.
“Jason,” you moan, tears filling your eyes.
“I know,” he soothes, trying to stay sturdy and stable for you even though his whole body is trembling. “Fuck, it— Baby, you feel so good. Such a good fucking girl, letting me mate with you. Gonna make you feel amazing, I promise.”
“Stay still,” Tim teases, clawed fingers clamping down on your hip. “Or no rewards.”
Your back is pressed against the chilly, damp wall of the bat cave, and your clothes are shreds around your feet. You know this is all your fault, that you should have avoided the man who has only made his obsession with you painfully clear. As soon as the half-dragon spotted you—his treasure, his paramour, his little human love—he pounced. 
Half changed with pewter green scales climbing up his skin and pupils narrowed into reptilian slits, Tim wastes no time in turning your clothes into ribbons of fabric in effort to get to you.
And then he drops to his knees, burying his face in between your legs.
The forked tongue laves up and down the folds of your pussy, skirting along the outside of your sopping hole until you’re shuddering, clinging to him. His hand digs in harder, talons piercing the soft skin of your ass, scaly palm forcing your cunt against his mouth until you feel the sting of sharpened teeth against your mound.
Even though his teeth sting your pulsing flesh, even though his licks are too fast to be completely pleasurable, you feel yourself grow slick around his tongue. Your head falls back against the wall and you begin to pant, heart beating so fast that you start to feel faint, teetering on the edge of consciousness.
His forked tongue reaches impossibly deep within you. The fleshy muscle feels wrong but also so good, skin fading from soft pink to greenish-black, its texture rough and bumpy, stimulating you from more directions than you have ever felt at once. 
He licks all the way to your cervix—a thing no mere mortal man could ever do to you—greedily biting, sucking, and growling against your throbbing, abused pussy until finally you come with a pitiful, worn-out scream.
You feel his ice-cold lips pull into a smile as he breathes, “Good human. Now give me another—or three more. Maybe five.”
You go to the guardian of an ancient library for help but, poor you, the sphinx’s riddles prove too challenging for you. In accordance with the legends, you expect to be smited on the spot, or at least banished, but instead—the sphinx shifts to his human form and decides that you are his.
How lucky it is that Damian decides he likes you enough to keep you captive instead of simply killing you as punishment. How lucky it is that he is clever enough to find a use for your frail human form. How lucky it is that he doesn’t find mating with you as repulsive as he originally thought.
“At least work for it,” he drawls, stifling a yawn while he leans back on the emerald-green settee. His arms are spread, powerful shoulders and biceps making him look even bigger than he already is. No, he never touches you—that would be demeaning—but he does offer you the privilege of riding his cock until you make yourself come.
You close your eyes and drive your hips forward and down, trying to strike the spot inside you that only he can reach. No sooner than your eyes flutter closed, though, he snaps his fingers in front of you.
“Look at me, pet.” His head rests on the back of the chair, lips parted with every breath that makes his chest slowly rise and fall. His face looks warm and you wonder what it might feel like to kiss those plush lips—but you’re also coherent enough to realize that he’s measuring his breaths on purpose.
You’re getting to him. You think. You hope. Maybe if you please him, he’ll let you go. 
He shifts his hips up and you cry out, nearly losing your balance on his powerful thighs, but a warm hand suddenly cups your ass to drag you back into place. He leans forward, stomach flexing, and murmurs in your ear, “Can’t even do this without help, can you? Useless little human.”
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mylifeingotham · 4 months
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lulurhythm · 3 months
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Today’s messy Peregrine sketch. (Penpenpenpenpenpenpen—)
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