#yeah this is about pokemon sleep again
prismit · 10 months
i've actually just now decided that the absolute worst "free to play" game mechanic is limited inventory space that you need to pay premium currency to increase.
#ghost town... 2!#yeah this is about pokemon sleep again#look. whoever's in charge of this stuff. idk if it's select button or tpc but whoever it is?#i am here to try and keep a consistent sleep schedule. do not throw this bullshit inventory management at me#it isn't gonna get me to pay you money. it's just gonna start discouraging me from using the app altogether#which would be really disappointing because it IS actually helping me#also: why are great biscuits exclusive to the subscription-only and premium currency shops#the only way to get them is to get a full 8 hours of sleep for 2 nights ONLY as someone who has a monthly subscription#(side note: you can still accumulate the points with less sleep ofc but that's the fastest way)#which gets you enough points to buy 1 great biscuit (with a limit of 5 per week even if you save up points)#or if you don't have the subscription#the only way to get them is 600 diamonds for 3 great biscuits#which means; excluding the achievement awards which are one-time only per tier and very slow to achieve;#you can either pay $10.99 OR make it to bed on time for 24 WEEKS (roughly 5.5 months)#and what do great biscuits do you ask? well. they let you fill a pokemon's friendship meter by THREE instead of the standard ONE#incredible! this is absolutely worth spending over $10 on a sleep tracker app to make befriending pokemon slightly faster. great work guys!#(HEAVY SARCASM)#ok rant over. i'm still overall enjoying the game w/o spending any money but god i hate capitalism so much. i'm gonna start mauling people
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
The Noisy Neighbors: König x Reader x Ghost.
[A snooty neighbor ambushes R/n while she’s out getting the mail and starts yelling at her to keep the noise down, and R/n for the life of her, can’t figure out what the woman is talking about!}
[NOTE: IF YOU SEE A POKEMON Subway boss Ingo x reader FIC WITH A SIMLIAR PLOT, YOU SHOULD KNOW I WROTE THAT TOO.] ———————- T rating: for implied sexual activity. (just pillow talk nothing really descriptive.) ———————–
It was a calm and quiet summer morning as R/n calmly stepped out of her house cheerfully humming a random tune as she stepped off the porch and walked down the driveway to the mailbox, R/n was still humming unaware of her overly dramatic pearl clutching neighbor Linda angerly approaching her, until she heard the older woman’s snobbish  *ahem* from behind her.
R/n mentally cussed and sighed wondering what the hell the woman was going to whine and moan about now? were her Sheep choose sleep pajamas too scanty for her liking? it’s a tank-top and shorts get over it! “Linda, what can I do for you this fine morning?” R/n said with false cheer as Linda sniffed at her; contempt was written all over her withered face. “You keep that disgusting noise down, some people are trying to sleep!” the old woman huffed indignantly, while R/n just gave her a blank look having no idea what this woman was talking about. “Noise? What do you mean, what noise?” the old woman bristled at this response.
“Don’t play stupid with me, you know exactly what noise I’m talking about!”
“No Linda, I really don’t know anything about any noise.”
“Just stop with the noise!”
“If you would just tell me what this noise is, then I’ll take care of it!”
The old woman’s face turned beet red as she sputtering about calling the police if the noise didn’t stop! She then saw Ghost and König coming out of the house, Linda sneered in disgust and scurried back to her home, as Ghost went to give R/n a quick peck on cheek, when the sound of Linda slamming her front door caused him to snap his head up and look across the road at the old bat’s house in bemusement. 
Simon then sighed tiredly. Yeah, Linda has that effect on people…. “What was she on about now? Did the wind blow some of our leaves into her yard again?” he muttered keeping his eyes on the old woman’s house. He could see Linda glaring at them from behind the curtain.
R/n shook her head while looking through the mail. “No, apparently, she's complaining about "the noise”.“ Ghost's brows furrowed and he looked at R/n confused. "Noise, What kind of noise?” he looked at his girlfriend incredulously, R/n just shrugged. She was completely at a loss about their neighbor’s gripe. “I asked her about it, but she wouldn’t describe it! She just got mad and left.” They asked König if he's been hearing any noises from their house or around the neighborhood? He thought about it for a moment and then shook his head. They all figured the old woman was just hearing things or likely was trying to stir the pot for no reason other than to cause drama.
[Cut to later that night.]
Ghost and König collapsed next to R/n they were sweaty and out of breath Simon had his arm resting lazily on R/n's bare waist while König hugged them both close as they laid in bed and relaxed in the afterglow of their nightly activities, Ghost  pulled both his lovers close and gave König a kiss on the forehead and R/n a kiss on the shoulder. “Are you ok?” he husked at R/n tiredly nodded.
"I gotta use the toilet, I'll be right back." König cooed playing with R/n's hair as he got up from the bed pulled on some shorts, Ghost sat a little bit later “Do you want some water?” he asked finally getting the feeling back in his legs. “Yeah..” R/n hummed contently Ghost chuckled and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, as he got his own sweatpants and mask on, he went downstairs to get a bottle of water for them to share, when he saw what looked like red and blue lights flashing outside...
Ghost at didn't think much of it at first, he though it was the couple down the street fighting again, but he was in for a surprise when he found R/n up from bed when he got back to their room, she was wearing his shirt. both she and König were looking out the window concerned, Ghost frowned as he came up behind them.
“What is it?” he asked taking a drink from the bottle and handing it to R/n. “Not sure, but the cops are at Linda’s place.” she said before taking a drink and giving the bottle to König, Simon's frown deepened as he looked out the window with them wondering. “what the hell was Linda calling the cops for now?* Yes this wasn't the first time she's called the cops on them. "Who knows, maybe she didn't call them on us this time?" König said trying to ease the tension but that was soon quashed by a knock at the front door.
Ghost, König and R/n looked at each other, R/n quickly put on some underwear and PJ shorts while Ghost and König quickly got their t-shirts on and the three went down stairs and opened the front door, where they were greeted by two very confused cops and a red face Linda. “Tell them to stop the noise!” the old woman demanded while the cops told her to go back to her house and wait.
The three lovers let out annoyed sighs. “Lemme guess, she called in a noise complaint?” Ghost groaned the cops nodded looking very tired as stated before, this wasn’t the first time Linda has called them for something arbitrary, she once called the cops on Ghost for walking their dog, R/n for hanging up laundry and once again called them on König for giving out drugs to children!…
Spoiler alert, It was Halloween candy, the children were trick or treaters because it was Halloween. So, yeah the cops take anything Linda says these days with a grain of salt.
“Did she at least tell you what this suppose noise was, cos we have zero clue on what she’s talkin’ about!” Ghost asked still confused about the situation, the cops shook their heads they were hoping one of them would tell them. “She just kept getting angry and yelling at us to ‘stop the noise’ over and over.” the three hummed in confusion as Soap came up the from the basement for glass of chocolate milk. “Soap did you hear anything strange?” König asked their roommate who shook his head. “Naw, I haven't heard anything all night.” Soap said as he finished making his drink; then put his earplugs back in as he went back downstairs to bed… Which everyone had failed to notice.
The cops apologized for bother and they went back to chat with Linda who would not stop ranting about her supposed 'noisy’ neighbors! and the cops needed to stop them right away!
Eventually the cops managed to get a hold of Linda’s son who came the next morning to talked to his mother about the situation, and even he couldn’t get her tell him what the suppose noise was, she just turned beet red and yelled “It’s the noise!” like he would understand her, Linda’s son just looked his mother very concerned.
Color everyone surprised when a moving truck pulled into Linda’s driveway two days later, apparently Linda’s son decided it would be best if his mother went to go live with his sister in Ohio. He apologized to Ghost and the others for the trouble his mother had caused them.
The last they saw of Linda was her sitting in her son's car giving them all the stink eye as they drove away… 
There was long silence in the air that was soon broken by Soap laughing out loud scaring the crap out of König, Ghost and R/n. “Hahaha…that was great! good job acting clueless you guys!” Soap cheered as he patted König on the back and threw his arms over Ghost and R/n's shoulders.
König: “What do you mean?”
Soap: “*chuckles* C'mon now guys, she’s gone now, ye don’t have to pretend anymore.”
R/n: “What are you talking about?"
Soap: "Oh, don't act like ya didn’t know Linda could hear ye three screwin’ like a pack of feral hyenas!”
Needless to say. Ghost, König and R/n were mortified while Soap was completely oblivious! He laughed as he ruffled R/n’s hair, shook König's hand and gave Ghost another pat on the back, and went on doing a victory dance towards their house while singing “Ding-dong the witch is gone!~ Which old witch the wicked witch!~” While his flustered roommates just wanted to crawl into a dark hole and die…
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wave2tyun · 2 months
apple cider | ☆
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pairing: huening kai x reader
genre: fluff, childhood friends to lovers
summary: you were foolishly blind to the feelings you held for your best friend, huening kai, until one they, they started to bottle up like soda pop
warnings: slight injury?? nothing serious<3
word count: 3.5k
notes: apple cider by beabadoobee has been ON REPEAT!!!! these past few days!!!!1!1! which is why i believed it might be the perfect time to bring this fic back!!😋 i love love love writing things based on songs, and this is (obviously asbdsjha) where the inspo for this fic came from, as well as the studio ghibli movie 'from up on poppy hill'!! :D also, is it just me or do 24 hours in a day simply not feel like enough anymore......?😖
☆ = repost from my old blog!!
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huening kai was the definition of a sweetheart. grandmas loved him, animals adored him, he was the type of boy anybody's parents would be delighted to meet if you brought him home. and most importantly, he was your best friend.
you and kai met in kindergarten. your very first interaction happened when your parents were late to pick you up, so you, a sensitive child started crying a river. kai was even faster than the teacher to approach you, napkin in his hand and a sweet smile on his face. he patted your back until your parents arrived, sometimes cracking some pokemon impressions in an attempt to make you smile again like he saw you earlier that morning. during your arts and crafts session the next day, you made kai a sloppy drawing of his favorite pokemon character, which, to this day, he insists is the greatest gift he has ever received, the treasured piece of paper sitting in a frame on his nightstand to remain in pristine condition.
from that day on, you only ended up spending more and more time together. you switched seats so that you could sit next to each other during classes, played together during breaks and became lunch buddies, an unspoken promise which had been kept during primary school, middle school, and even now, as you were both high school students in your last year. kai grew up to be a piano prodigy, thus becoming the president of the school's music club. you, on the other hand, wasn't any interested in any extracurricular activities, preferring to stay in bed and sleep your day away on the days where your parents weren't attacking you with house chores. still, you and kai were stuck together like glue. you talked on the phone every day at midnight, rambling on about your day or about anything that crossed your mind; you tried your best to meet up outside of school whenever your schedules allowed, popping a cold bottle of your favorite sweet apple cider.
your eyes scanned the tables for kai once again. he told you to meet up at the outside dining area, but 15 minutes had passed and he was nowhere to be seen. you huffed, placing your tray down at a table where some of your classmates sat. ‘can’t believe he’d ditch me today’ you angrily pierced the straw through your milk carton.
the sound of a loud horn startled you, making you almost choke on your drink. the highest windows of the school were opened with a bang, paper scrolls coming out of them, followed by the heads of some students as they were peeking out.
“are those the club leaders?” someone at your table asked.
“yeah...seems like so” yunjin answered “what are they up to now?”
you shielded your eyes with your hand, squinting as you tried to read the words written on the papers.
‘lack of freedom kills the people’
“they’re protesting” you broke the silence, making everyone’s head turn towards you “the principal has been wanting to shut down the clubs”
some students gathered around the dining area, they moved in sync and with fast movements, taking out the grate that was placed over the water basin outside. you shrugged, going back to your meal. you weren’t exactly sure what they were going to achieve with this. not even a minute later, yunjin gave you a tap on the shoulder, pointing towards the roof.
“isn’t that-“ she stopped midway, unable to finish her sentence. your face was instantly drained of color at the sight.
it was huening kai.
“what the hell is he doing up there” you mumbled, frowning. you didn’t have a good feeling about this- whatever this was.
huening kai had a bright smile plastered on his face, the whole school’s attention being on him. he coughed then cleared his throat before loudly speaking.
“if our words weren’t enough to reach principal Jung, then that means that it is time for us to turn to actions” he inched closer towards the edge of the roof. his voice remained confident, but his hands betrayed him, shaking as he held the mic close to his chest.
you gulped. you felt nauseous, an empty feeling was taking over your stomach despite the distance between the roof and the ground not being that high.
“if you don’t want to respect us- we will make ourselves heard” huening kai turned his head, looking back at the boys behind him, who gave him a short nod. then, he put the mic down, taking a deep breath before diving into the air, aiming for the water basin.
the plan was easier said than done, and kai stumbled into a bush before landing down on his knees in the shallow water. the members of the photography club were quick to capture the moment, just like you were quick to jump out of your seat and approach the boy. “are you okay-“ you reached your hand out to help him stand up. kai’s smile never faltered away, and once he was back on his feet, he gave you a wink as he clasped your hands together. the bright flashes of the cameras surrounded you in an instant, the photographers pushing through to get “the best shot”.
your cheeks turned a bright shade of red, and you let go of his hands, mumbling as you went back to your seat “stupid- so stupid” you continued to stuff your face with the sandwich you had packed in your lunch bag. why was your face burning that much anyway- you shook your head, trying to ignore the thoughts invading your mind, as well as the hushed whispers coming from all around you. you couldn’t let such foolish actions disturb your day.
kai, as usual, still called you that night. you, however, loved being stubborn. when you saw his name coming up on the screen of your phone, you contemplated for a few minutes, before swiping to deny the call. ‘that should teach him’ you thought. barely a minute later, you were already regretting your decision. you were still mad at him, yet, for some reason, you still wanted to hear his voice, just like every other night. it never mattered to you whether it was a proper conversation. you didn’t care what kai would be talking about- you just wanted to feel like you had him, in some way, close to you, though your pride didn’t allow you to be the one to initiate another call. why was it that you wished to hear him so badly? after all, you didn’t even like him...right? or at least- you didn’t even like him that much- right?
you tossed and turned in your bed, unable to let your eyelids close.
dark circles adored your eyes as a result of the poor sleep you had last night. you wished you could skip the first period and remain in bed for just a few minutes more, but your mom wasn’t having any of that. she took the blanket off your bed and opened your window, forcing you to get up and get ready for the day.
you stood in the hallway, head buried in the school’s newspaper, which teased ‘a revolution’ as well as ‘an endearing romance’ with a big image of you and kai holding hands on the front page.
“is there any way i could make it up to you?” you heard a voice near you.
you closed your locker’s door, kai’s face coming into sight, grinning as always. you wanted to ignore him for the day, pretending to be mad at him for the embarrassment that he had put you through the day before. but kai knew you too well- he had already anticipated your reaction to his stunt, and he wasn’t going to let you get rid of him so easily.
“depends. do you have anything in mind?” you crossed your arms, leaning on your side against the locker.
“apple cider, 10 pm at the playground. sounds good?”
you bit your lip to fight back the smile that was threatening to take over your face. looking down at the floor, you chuckled.
“i guess that would suffice. we’ll see”
the bell rang, signaling the end of your break. kai took the chance to quickly ruffle your hair before sprinting to his class. ‘dork’ you snorted, putting it back into place before going your own way.
you were quick to prepare dinner that day. both of your parents were taken aback by the stark change in your attitude compared to how you behaved in the morning, the sudden surge in energy being questionable. they chose not to bring it up though, afraid that they might ruin your mood. you arrived at the playground at 10 pm sharp and sat on one of the swings there, protecting the other vacant one from the kids that still lingered around until kai came. and soon enough, there he was, apple cider bottles in his hands (just like he promised) as he approached you. you smiled at the sight.
“are you that happy to see me?”
“you wish- i’m just happy to receive the apple cider” you joked, lying through your teeth.
“ah- i’m hurt” hueningkai frowned, dramatically putting a hand over his heart. you laughed at his cute antics. he took his place on the swing, handing you one bottle.
“that jumper looks pretty on you, i like it”
“t-thanks” you stuttered, looking down, failing to see the tips of his ears turning pink. you took a sip from the bottle, the taste so refreshing and all too familiar.
“so- did you manage to convince the principal not to shut down the clubs?”
kai chuckled, reminiscing the events “yeah-“ he stood up, putting his hands on his hips and clearing his throat before speaking again with an exaggerated lower voice “never in my 40 years in this field have i ever seen such- such outrageous actions” pinching the bridge of his nose, he continued “whatever, just do whatever you want. at this point it’s less of a pain to let you continue than to cancel everything”
you burst into laughter at his silly act. kai always had his imitations spot on, and to you, it was much more entertaining than any kind of comedy movie.
“i’m glad it wasn’t all in vain” your smile died down upon noticing the bandages wrapped around his hand “is your hand okay though?”
“oh- yeah, don’t worry about it, it’s just a scratch” he replied quickly, stuffing it in the pocket of his jacket before sitting back down. you sat in silence for a while after that, kicking around the pebbles underneath your feet.
“i’m sorry” kai whispered softly.
“hm? sorry for what?” you frowned.
“sorry for getting you involved in this, it wasn’t supposed to be like that- i told the other members of the club to remove the picture from the article but they didn’t listen”
“hey- it’s okay” you reassured him “it was out of your control, it wasn’t like you knew this whole fiasco was going to unfold”
“but-“ he tried to argue,
“no buts” you interrupted him, laughing “whatever happened, happened. plus- i got to drink some apple cider. even better since it was with you- so, it’s all good”
kai returned your smile, he seemed to be a bit more at ease after hearing those words. you wished that you could have found the strength to get up and give him a hug too, but you were too afraid that your heart would burst if you did that now.
“i’m home” you shouted as you stepped inside the house. leaving your bag on the floor in the hallway, you dragged your feet to the kitchen and put on the apron to get started on your dinner. your parents never got off work before your classes ended, meaning that the responsibility of preparing food for everybody always fell on you. you opened the cabinet underneath the sink to get some potatoes, but your hand reached out into nothingness. confused, you crouched down to have a better look. your face dropped as you realised that there was nothing left inside. that one vegetable was the whole star of the dish, meaning that there was simply no way to substitute it.
‘shit shit shit-‘ you stormed out the door, wanting to slap yourself in the face as you recalled the moment your mother asked you to stop by the farmer’s market in the morning. maybe, just this once, the traffic would be jammed and your parents wouldn’t be so quick to return home from work. you struggled to put on your jumper as you also held a basket in your hand, wanting to be as quick as possible. just as you were about to make your way down, you someone called out from behind you:
“need a ride?” kai was riding his bike to his grandparents, but stopped in his tracks upon seeing you in such a hurried and panicked state.
“god- yes, please” you fumbled over your words. the timing couldn’t have been any more perfect; you were so grateful to see him there, you could almost see a ray of light shining on him and a halo on top of his head.
“have a seat then” he laughed.
you quickly sat down in the back of kai’s bicycle. looking down at the steep path in front of you, you gulped “are you sure it’s okay for us to ride together?”
“just hold on tight” kai took hold of your hands and wrapped them around his torso before pressing on one pedal with his foot. you couldn’t even brace yourself properly for the impact as you went down the hill of doom; your head instantly hit kai’s muscular back, and you found yourself holding his body tighter. you closed your eyes, trying to shift your focus from the citizens passing by you in a blur, to the sweet scent of his fruit-punch shampoo invading your senses. kai swiftly took a turn to the left, effortlessly avoiding all the possible obstacles in his path. thankfully, you both made it to the farmer’s market in one piece.
sighing in relief, you lifted yourself up and walked to the nearest vegetable stall around. kai remained right next to you, making a purchase of his own. he munched on a freshly fried hashbrown as you did the necessary shopping, holding a second piece in his other hand.
“all done” your shoulders slumped down, the whole thing had drained you both physically and mentally. you quirked an eyebrow as you looked at kai eating.
“what?” he asked, throwing the last piece of food in his mouth “i need energy to go back”
“right” you sighed “thank you so much. i might live to see another day because of you” you tried to joke. in reality, the thought of your parents scolding you alone was enough to make your heart start beating faster.
“don’t worry about it” he chuckled “here- take this” he handed you the hashbrown he had been holding. you took it reluctantly, not having expected to receive something like this.
“eat it- it’s good. plus, you need energy too” kai grabbed his bicycle again, positioning himself on the leather seat “i have to go now, you should probably hurry too.” he smiled “take care, y/n” kai sent you a little wave before setting off. you stood on the side of the road for one more moment, smiling at the hashbrown in your hand. you took the first bite as you started to go up the hill again, the worries that were clouding your head quickly disappearing.
somehow, soon enough, you found yourself in front of kai’s house. you wanted to thank him for his sweet gesture from a few days ago. if it weren’t for him, your parents would have probably kept you locked in the house. you didn’t know what you were going to say to him. staring at the box of cookies you brought with you, you tried to muster up the courage to knock on the door.
knock knock knock
you waited patiently, biting your lips.
‘maybe there’s still enough time to run-‘
“y/n- hi, come in” kai opened the door, greeting you.
“hi” you blurted out. stepping inside, you took off your shoes, then silently followed behind kai as he guided you towards his room. piano sheets were spread out everywhere- on the floor, on his desk, on his bed. you’ve never seen it look like such a mess.
“oh- sorry, were you practicing?”
“tried to- the music festival is just around the corner, but the song choices are killing me”
“can you show me?” you asked, it was always a pleasure to hear kai practicing, but this time, you were also using this as an excuse to organise your thoughts properly.
“yeah, come here” kai patted the empty space beside him on the piano bench. you hugged the cookie box close to your chest, the short distance between the two of you making you feel nervous.
kai’s fingers glided along the black and white tiles, wrist playfully flicking up as he changed up the speed with ease to create a flawless, harmonious symphony. it sounded perfect- it always did.
“that was great” you spoke softly as he finished up the piece.
“wanna try?” kai offered.
“s-sure” you stuttered, putting down the box. somehow, despite all those years that you’ve known each other, you had never given learning piano a try.
kai took hold of your right hand, placing it on the keys “you have to use the pad of your fingers” he put his hand over yours, gently pressing down to demonstrate. you prayed that he couldn’t hear the loud sound of your palpitating heart “then- move your wrist up before moving on to the next set of notes, then down, like a feather falling” you started to feel light-headed, the feeling of kai’s warm hands on yours making you unable to concentrate on the task at hand. you looked up at him, his face now much closer to you than when you first started practicing. kai’s hand stopped guiding yours, yet didn’t let go of it. he glanced at you, his gaze stopping on your plush, rosy lips.
“holding you closer right now- would that cross the line?” he spoke softly, in a daze.
“maybe i want you to cross the line” you whispered back.
kai stood still for a moment, letting your words sink in. then- with gentle movements, his hand came to rest on your jawline, thumb rubbing against your cheek. he seemed nervous- so nervous to not ruin all of your built-up relationship up until that point. but fuck it- you looked so pretty with that jumper he adored, sitting gingerly on his piano chair, inviting him to finally feel his lips on yours. how was he supposed to resist? and when kai closed the gap, his mouth meeting yours in a gentle peck, it felt so incredibly right, so good and sweet.
one more peck.
his body shifted even closer to you.
another one.
his hand came to rest on your lower back, yours grabbed hold of his soft black sweater.
and once more- but this time, you both let the touch last longer, melting into the feeling.
“can i kiss you more?” kai asked, voice barely above a whisper, his thumb was caressing your lips as he spoke. you nodded, eager to indulge yourself into the taste of his sweet kiss. you hummed as he pressed his lips on yours again, the butterflies in your heart unable to settle down. he grinned into the kiss at the sound, his heart felt warm knowing that you wanted this, and enjoyed this just as much as he did. you pulled away, giving the mole at the corner of his lips a kiss, then you left another on the one near his temple, ending with the one you adored most, the one on his nose. you cupped his face, the temperature of his cheeks rising against your fingertips. kai chuckled as you hid your face in the crook of his neck, the adoration you felt towards him becoming almost too much to handle.
“do you want to stay the night?” kai asked bashfully, his fingers playing with one of your sleeves “i have some apple cider left” he looked up at you, eyes gleaming with hope.
“of course i want to” you giggled, dipping down to leave another peck on his soft lips.
3 bottles of apple cider down, you and kai laid down on the bed, legs tangled with each other as he played with your hair and you braided his. you joked around, playing with the plushies on his bed, sometimes stealing kisses on the cheek from each other and falling into another fit of shy giggles yet again. and when you finally drifted off to sleep, hand in hand, you swore you had never felt your heart feel more at ease.
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@huekalover3000 @maybabe00 @sunoooism @boba-beom
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shiny-kaibernyte · 6 months
Hihi,, another silly Drayton request,,,
Drayton x Reader who owns protective pokémon (mb a Silvally as their ace or main pkmn?)
You all never fail to impress me with these adorable ideas you all come up with! I'm so down for this one!!! I do hope you don't mind the fact I changed the Pokémon to be a Hisuin Arcanine. I am not the biggest Silvally or Type: Null fan (kinda dislike them lmao) Plus big fluffy doggy 💜💜
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After a Pokémon somehow broke into the Academy and shut the power of to Drayton's dorm room. The pair of you bump into one another in the hall where your Arcanine is the least bit pleased about his sudden arrival.
(I got an alpha Arcanine stuck though it was perfect for this)
Inside and out | Drayton x Reader
It was all over the school blog ‘Mass power outage on the second floor dormitories! No update yet on when power will be back! Will keep posted and up to date! On other news… Kieran finally to be dethroned?’ How in Arceus did a massive power outage occur? It rang in the back of your mind throughout the afternoon, curiosity tackling you at every possible moment whenever you would be wandering the halls. Unfortunately, when you finally caved in to your kitten instincts, the hallway was taped off. That wasn’t normal, it's just a power outage right?
“No this can’t be right…?” You question looking down at your phone then up to the stairs again.
“You can say that again!” A familiar voice chimed from behind you, before you even had a chance to turn around, you felt a head on your shoulder and arms wrapping around your waist, one of your pokeballs slightly rocking inside your pocket. “Quite the predicament wouldn’t you say?”
“Hello Drayton.” Chuckling you slightly turn your head towards your new companion, his hair slightly brushing against your cheek. He simply humed in response, looking up towards the tapped off stairs when you caught his attention again. “Any idea what caused this? Strage for the stairs to be blocked when it's just a power outage…”
“Well that, my Starlight, is because it's not just a power outage! Somehow a wild pokemon managed to get into the school without literally anyone seeing it, and torched up the breaker connected to the second floor, fried the whole thing, so even a simple light switch could spark it up. I only know this because Carmine dragged me out of bed… literally. I was having a very nice dream too, until I got carpet burns and bruises from her grip. Girls got a grip, I'll say that much.” Drayton chimed, getting a little off topic as he spoke.
“As long as everyones alright… Though, where are you guys all sleeping?” The thought suddenly popped in your head. It's blocked off and most likely can’t be fixed for quite some time. Plus with the fire hazards and the pokemon most likely still roaming in someone's dorm room now, it's definitely not safe in the slightest. “Are they going to put bed rolls down in the cafeteria?”
He shrugs finally letting you go to stretch out his arms before resting them behind his head as he starts to walk down the hall, “Yeah pretty much. I may need my beauty rest, but there's no way I'm sleeping on the floor with everyone else on that floor like a bunch of rattata.”
“You of all people don’t need beauty rest Drayton.” You teased now walking by his side, the pokeball in your pocket shaking more than before.
“You are such a sweetheart you know?” Drayton chimed, a bright smile crossing his face as he put his arm around your shoulder. But before he could do anything else the pokeball of yours finally sprung into action all on its own and out pops you Hisuin Arcanine. Expression unphased, you stare at your pokemon completely unamused, Drayton on the other hand has been pushed away from you with his hands in the air and surrendered. “Ah if it isn’t my arch nemesis, wonderful to see you again Arcanine!”
A low pitched growl followed his comment as the Arcanine backed up towards you expecting pets for his deed. Gently stroking its back you sigh disapprovingly, “Arcanine, how many times do we have to go through this, you both have to share my attention.”
“I’m not gonna hog them all the time you know! As much as I really want to…” Mumbling the last part, Drayton made an attempt to approach the Arcanine only to be met by the Pokemon’s glare. Seems his mumbling didn’t go unheard. “Think i just upset it…?”
“You upset Arcanine just by breathing near me, love.” You laugh scratching the underside of Arcnin’s chin as a temporary distraction.
“True true…” Drayton nodded, placing his hands in his pockets as a light smirk crossed his face. “Though try as it may, your Arcanine can never keep me from seeing my treasure.”
The bright red blush that crossed your face immediately made Drayton laugh out loud, he adored getting reactions like this out of you. Especially if Arcanine happened to be out of his ball, as it drove the pokemon nuts. Since day one, Drayton and your Arcanine never got along, no matter how hard he tried to get on Arcanine’s good side, it just fell upon deaf ears. After all Arcanine is the most loyal pokemon a trainer can have, and Drayton is basically the exact same. You are Arcanine’s trainer, and Drayton’s beloved treasure. So the pair will never stop fighting for your full attention! Even if you tell them otherwise.
“Arcanine, leave him be, you know nothing you do will stop me from spending time with him.” You respond, the Arcanine’s unamused huff followed. 
Drayton’s next mistake came the moment he let his winners smile show on his face, thinking teh Arcanine had given into you. The moment he moved, Drayton found himself watching you get pushed down the fall by the Arcanine’s nose before he even got close enough to touch you. You’d accepted this finding it too funny not to allow, Drayton however took a moment to actually process what was happening, eventually having to run after you two before he'd actually have to use his brain and find you. “HEY HEY! YOU CAN’T JUST STEAL THEM! THAT WASN’T PART OF OUR DEAL YOU FLUFFY HORDER!”
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mrclairdycat · 1 year
Slight gore warning, I think?
People waxing and plucking their hair.
Nail art. He would love it.
Tumblr. If you gave him tumblr he would end up scrolling all day to see art, and spam post his own. I'm sure he would also feel obliged to comment under every post to compliment the art, he's such a nice little fella
Organs. He would find them silly and interesting. You would show him pictures of organs and he would ask things like:"do you have different colored organs? Can I see yours?"
The fact that we have to go to the bathroom? Imagine being like: "Yeah whenever we consume things we need to make it go out of our bodies aswell." He would be like: "... Neat." He would then play by flushing the toilet numerous times, he would find it fun. He probably would end up clogging it up because he tries to see how many things it can flush.
Human teeth.
Iphones. He would like it since the logo is an apple. He wouldn't play with the phone he would just add it to his collection of apple things.
Videogames? He thinks that the character in the screen is real and he's controlling them. You explain how they don't exist. "How can you be sure about that?" he asks, "cause we make them, they're just codes." "But how can you be sure they just dont know they're alive since they can't tell you?" he asks again: you start rethinking the many times you tortured characters in The Sims.
Pokemon. He would think the creatures are real too. He would lose his shit to Applin. He would ask: "Can I have him?" and you'll buy him the plushie and say they don't live here cause you don't have the heart to tell him it doesn't exist.
Certain animals?? He would be confused on why don't they speak. He sees them as people, he would be like "Why did you lick me? That's weird," to a dog... and then lick him back cause he thinks its a human world thing. You say:"thats just how he communicates affection, " and he would start licking people too to show his affection in this language.
Emojis. If he started messaging he would spam emojis. Probably thinks audio messages are like calls, and you're left with a spam of audio messages that are like: "Hello? Hellooo? Why aren't you saying anything?"
Digital art. He would look in awe. "I have unlimited colors? That's fun."
Sensory videos. He would be like an ipad kid. His face is on the screen watching the videos all day. ShApeS anD CoLoRs.
Sensory toys. He would love them aswell.
Deodorant. "We spray this on our armpits," you say. "Why?" he asks. "Because we sweat and produce smelly liquids," you reply. "... Ew."
Showers. He would be like a cat, he would hate showers at first. He doesn't understand why you would want to be wet. You would then randomly find him standing in the shower with an intense fixiated look on his face as the warm/hot water pours down on him. He likes the feeling.
Speaking about warmness, he would absolutely love how warm humans are. He would just randomly hug you cause he likes how warm and comforting it feels. Probably would like sleeping with you aswell and cuddle.
Human movies and tv shows. He would think those are things happening for real. You explain that it's like theatre. "... Wow, your theatre is very realistic," he says.
Wars. He would be so confused. "Why would you hurt your neighbours? That's bad, just discuss things pacifically." Probably would make him sad. He wants everyone to be friends and an happy community.
Meat. I'm pretty sure in Welcome Home they only eat fruits and vegetables? Idk. He would ask:"Since humans are also animals, do you eat eachoth-" "No. That's illegal," you reply. "... What's an illegal?" he asks. "It's a rule: humans are prohibited from eating each other," you respond. "... Since I'm not a human can I eat one-" "NO."
People making out. He would stare at them. He finds it gross but interesting, he doesn't view it as a intimate sexual thing just a weird thing human do.
Certain social rules. Why can't you just say hi to someone and speak to them as if they're your friend? Why is it rude to stare?
An apple factory. Like the fruit. So... many... apples. He would be sad some apples get thrown away and tries to 'save' them.
Blood. You would try to explain it, he understands it as just red water circuling inside your body. He would play with blood or finger paint with it and won't understand why that is an horrifying image.
Spotify. Unlimited music?? You can save your favourites to listen to them whenever you want? Wow.
Pollution. He would go crazy and blow up. WHY WOULD YOU HARM AND LITTER YOUR HOME?? AAAARGH!!
Homeless people. You're telling me there are people who don't have a home? Everyone needs a home! Why don't they give them a home?!
Preschool. A place where you spend your entire day fingerpainting, reading books, making stuff and dancing? All of the things he loves the most. He would infiltrate into one, the teacher would probably call the police, he would get asked questions. He just wanted to have fun too....
Discovering that in grammar saying "the most" without anything else is just incorrect and doesn't make sense. He doesn't like being corrected about it. It's his thing. Don't correct him.
Cuss words. He would be shocked at how many cuss words he hears daily: watch your profanity.
Space?? People being on planets?? His mind would blow up.
Birth. You... make humans?? You create yourself? What do you mean they grow inside of you? How? Does it just randomly happen? You would rather die than teach him about sex. You say that you were kidding and a stork brings the babies for those who want one, it's their job. "Ohhh, that makes more sense," he says. Then he sees a cat or dog giving birth and just implodes.
Therapists. He would like them cause they would be the closest thing to his neighbours. He doesn't understand, however, why they demand to get paid for being friendly.
History. You're telling me there was a time when your kind didn't exist? And you know that because of just... history? How? What??
Earrings. To him it just looks like you're stabbing yourself.
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tubatwo · 1 year
heavenly night - huening kai
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summary: cuddling with kai while he plays pokemon scarlet/violet
pairing: gn reader x huening kai
genre: fluff; 0.5k words
a slight movement is what wakes you from your sleep. the last thing you remember is lying down in bed waiting for your boyfriend to come home. the sun had already set by now, and the only thing you could hear was a familiar tune and the cries of pokemon.
“oh, i’m sorry.” kai quickly pauses his game to glance over at you. “did i wake you? i’ll try to be more quiet. do you want me to turn the volume down?”
at this point, sleep is no longer on your mind. you had missed being next to him. you wanted to spend time with him, and it didn’t matter what he was doing. even if you had only gotten a few hours of sleep that same morning, you were willing to sacrifice everything just to see him smile and enjoy his favorite things after weeks of being in auto-pilot mode.
you try not to giggle at the panicked look in his eyes. “no, you’re okay love. i’m actually glad you woke me up since i’ve been wanting to spend time with you.”
kai frowns at this and sets his switch down, his hand quickly finding your cheeks to caress them. “i’m sorry baby. it’s been a busy week, but i missed you more than you know.” he leans down to softly kiss your forehead and you feel your heart melting at every action. you sit up and wrap your arms around him.
“i know, i know.” the last thing you wanted was for him to feel any kind of guilt. “don’t apologize, okay? it’s no one’s fault.”
“let’s not worry about anything for a while. can i watch you play?” kai immediately lights up at your words and nods while pulling you two deeper under the covers. he tells you all about his new-found love for the puppy pokemon named fidough. your arms are still wrapped around him, and you notice his cheeks redden every time your hands run across his tummy (which only motivates you to do it more often).
after a while he finishes and packs up his game. your sleep has caught up to you once again while listening to him explain his quests. not because he was boring you, but because his existence comforted you. it was easier for you to sleep knowing that he was safe, in your arms, and most importantly– happy. you notice that he starts to fidget slightly while hesitating to speak. “hey babe?” he finally asks. you hum in response while your eyes struggle to stay open. “would you consider playing with me some time?”
your eyes shoot open and you gape at him. “are you kidding? of course.” he chuckles at this. “i’d do anything with you, you know?” he quiets down and you can already tell that he’s getting shy. to be honest, you’ve been torturing him all night long. the warmth of your arms around his waist along with his favorite smell that just so happens to be you. it’s a quiet night and he’s spending it with his favorite game and his favorite person. he feels like he’s in heaven, and he doesn’t want the moment to end. the only thing that could make the night better is the feeling of your lips and the taste of your tongue. so he leans in.
yeah, this is definitely heaven.
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bluetoraa · 2 years
incorrect quotes, karma akabane x reader
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y/n: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
karma: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
y/n: ...
y/n: You mean ring bearER, right?
karma: ...
y/n: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
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y/n: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
karma: I wrote you a poem.
y/n, already crying: You did?
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y/n: We’re getting married, bitches!
karma: And we're about to make it everybody else's problem.
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karma, at y/n's funeral: I need a moment with them.
Everyone: Of course. (They leave)
karma, leaning over y/n′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead.
y/n: Yeah, no shit.
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y/n: Some of us are still ‘it’ from a childhood game of tag.
karma: way to just fuck me up on a Tuesday.
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y/n: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
karma: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
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y/n: How do tall people people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?
karma: y/n, it's four o'clock in the morning.
y/n: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
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karma: I’m in love with you.
y/n: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, idiot.
karma: I know.
y/n: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
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y/n: It’s not gonna work, I’m not a snitch.
Cop: Fine, let's try something else. Tag a friend you recently committed a crime with.
y/n: Lmao, @/karma.
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y/n: Hey, you want a tarot reading?
karma: Those are Pokemon cards.
y/n: You got a magikarp.
karma: ...?
y/n: It means 'fuck you'.
anyways take this while i disappear for awhile lmfao
im travelling again and school sucks ass bc its fucking school man😭
anyways, i hope whoevers reading this has a great day/night! thank you for reading!
tue sept 27th, 2022. 11:28 PM
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ya-boy-polaris · 1 year
Go on, lazy mornings with raihan and piers(Separately) fluff ofc 🥺
From your lovely super duper cool emo anon 🗿🗿
oo sorry for the long wait
Raihan x reader Piers x reader Lazy Mornings
Mornings with Raihan are very cozy, he's usually dressed down to just his underwear so you can cuddle and rest your head against his chest. It's the best pillow
When you get up, slowly trying to untangle yourself from Raihan's body, he smiles with eyes closed and hugs you again, wrapping his arms and legs around you.
"Noo, I don't think so," he says playfully as he rolls over with you in his arms, effectively trapping you by stacking his body on top of yours
"Raihan!" you laugh as he presses a kiss to your cheek.
"Whaat?" he says coyly, nuzzling his face against you. "It's our day off, let's sleep in."
You two stayed there for a while until your pokemons declared it was time to eat.
On the contrary to what people might believe about Piers, he's actually an early morning person but today he decided to sleep in.
dressed in a white tank top and boxer briefs, your boyfriend lays there peacefully, with his head on your arm.
You were on your phone since you woke up early but decided at some point you wanted to officially wake up.
but try as you might, the moment you moved, Piers latches his other hand around your shoulder, groaning like a zombie.
"No," the singer grumbles in his sleep.
You snort laugh and press a kiss to his forehead and sneakily try to make your way out of his grip, but he latches onto you even more to the point you can't move.
"Piers, I want coffee."
"Yeah and what else do you want?" he mumbles as he nuzzles against your pec.
"Hm... a croissant would be nice."
He does a soft sigh and looks at you with one eye open, "I'll give you whatever you want, just stay like this for a while."
Who are you to deny such a request? You stay there, cuddling your dozy boyfriend
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vaughnwrites · 1 year
Stressed Out
adaman x reader
(after a hell of a long hiatus, i am back from the dead! kinda. so, i'm not going to promise anything anymore as i apparently never know when inspiration is going to strike, and i never know where the hyperfixation will take me. i was trying to get this out for nine months now, but this was... not coming until tonight. sorry y'all for the wait, but here it is after all this time! also, this is my longest one to date. the others barely scratched 1000 words, some managing 1700, but this one... is a beast. it's near 3000 words. the inspiration to write struck me hard. hope you guys enjoy! )
reader is gender-neutral. they/them pronouns will be used if any pronouns at all.
finally, i bring to you this prompt
Everything was overwhelming.
The past few weeks, the stress had been mounting as you fought tooth and nail to be seen as an asset rather than a nuisance. You wore yourself down to the bone, putting your heart and soul trying to please everyone so the suspicion would die down only for it to mount more and more with people with each passing day. You had already been cast out once, and earned your way back into the Galaxy team. So why were people still suspicious? How much would you have to do to gain everyone’s trust? Why did you constantly have to fight for everyone’s approval?
Why did the other clan leaders believe in you more than your own clan did?
All you craved was somewhere to call home again. Somewhere you could rest your head at night and simply sleep, rather than spending all your time being anxious about one wrong perceived move and you’d be kicked out of the village again. The stress felt like it was piling up on your already tense shoulders, and you felt so overwhelmed. 
Everything was overwhelming.
Instead of slamming your fists into the first and cursing everyone to please, for the love of all that is holy, give me some credit — you got to work. Like always.
You’d overheard about a Zorua outbreak in the Alabaster Icelands, which was exactly what you needed. A young man in the village had asked to see the completed entry for Zorua, so this would be the perfect opportunity to finally cross this Pokemon off your to-do list. So, off you set toward the Pearl Clan settlement so you could check in in case something goes wrong. Even though you were far more trusting of Pokemon than others around you, you still didn’t underestimate the ones that were absolutely ready to kill you in a moment’s notice. Alpha Pokemon were far more angry than any other Pokemon you’d come across in your time.
Arriving in the Pearl settlement, the snow softly crunching under your boots, you hear not one, but two familiar voices to the side. Oh, Adaman is here as well. You vaguely remember them talking about a meeting about… something about traditions, or something? The details were fuzzy. You have been focusing far more on your own tasks and stresses than anything else.
Irida noticed your presence almost immediately and smiles, waving you over. Adaman joined along when he sees you as well.
“Well, our favourite Galaxy member is here! How are you?”
“I’m good, Irida, thank you.” You offer her a kind smile, keeping all your stresses tucked away neatly into a corner of your mind. Put them in a box, and file it away. Not the healthiest coping mechanism, but one that’ll at least get you through this. “How are you guys doing?”
“We’re just discussing our cultures and possibly having a party to mingle the clans a little easier,” Adaman responded easily, throwing up his three fingers as a hello with his signature grin that never fails to make you smile in return.
“Sounds like fun.”
“It isn’t.”
“Hey!” Irida responded, stomping her foot down with her hands clenched at her sides. “I’m not the one being unreasonable!”
“Yeah yeah,” he waved her off, then turned his attention toward you. “What brings you here?”
“There’s a Zorua outbreak around the Bonechill Wastes area, and I wanted to complete my research on this guy while I still have the chance.” You neglected to tell them someone from Galaxy wanted the information as well.
Adaman raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you have someone to come along with you?”
You opened your mouth to say no before Irida cuts in. “You volunteering? Provided you don’t freeze to death first,” she teased as she jabs him in the ribs playfully, and grinned at his responding yelp and pout. “Jesting aside — you really should have someone to accompany you. An Alpha Glalie tends to roam that area, and no one has dared to come close to it. It seems really powerful. I wouldn’t be comfortable with you going alone.”
Adaman pursed his lips in thought. “Yeah, now that you mention it, I feel like I’ve gotten a glimpse of that Glalie before.” He turned to Irida. “You said no one has come close to it before to know its true strength?”
She shook her head. “We’ve all been too scared to try.”
“I’m sure it won’t be a problem for me,” you interjected, trying to quell their fears. “After everything I’ve faced, it feels like I should be dead at minimum four times over.”
The clan leaders share a glance to each other. It seems they’re talking through just their looks, but what they could possibly be communicating is lost on you. “Adaman, please go with them. I would go if I didn’t have a meeting later on that I cannot miss. But I know you’ll keep them safe.”
“Do I get a say in this?”
“No,” both clan leaders respond at the same time.
You were split on this decision. Deep down, you did really like Adaman — and not just as a friend. Any time spent with him you keep near and dear to your heart. His smile that could light up a room and his long hair that you wanted to card your fingers through. But with the stress you’ve been under and how overwhelmed you’ve been, you’re unsure if you can handle a couple hours of him bitching about how cold it was. One too many comments and you weren’t sure if you could keep it all bottled anymore.
Yet, you also knew having someone with you would be more helpful than not. You didn’t know how strong the Zorua were going to be after all. If they ended up being feisty and ganged up on you, there’s no way you’d leave the battle unscathed. Add an Alpha Glalie to the mix and you’d be dead as dust in less than a heartbeat. You weighed your options (which, technically, they weren’t giving you any) and finally caved in. You weren’t gonna win this fight anyway. “Think you can talk about more than how cold it is?”
“I’m sure I can come up with something. But if it wasn’t so damn cold I wouldn’t complain about it all the time.”
“It’s not even that cold!” Irida scoffed, throwing her hands in the air. “I don’t know how you don’t boil over in the Crimson Mirelands!”
“It’s barely warm enough there for me. It can get really cold by the water, y’know.”
“You’re both impossible,” you cut in to break off the sibling-esque fighting before it can truly start. “Now c’mon, I wanna get going before it gets dark outside.”
And off you and Adaman went, hands in your respective pockets.
You didn’t expect to fall in love with the Zorua like you did.
They were so cute with their flowy hair and expressive eyes. Most were on the attack if they saw you, but crouching down from a good distance away and just watching seemed to be okay. One had strayed away from the group toward you and Adaman, and you both held your breath so it wouldn’t notice you. It failed, as it did notice you, but it didn’t seem to be angry. It walked up to you slowly, and out of habit you gave it your hand to sniff so it wouldn’t see you as a threat.
It rubbed the side of its head against your hand, causing you to smile from ear to ear.
“You really do have a way with Pokemon, don’t you?” Adaman commented, watching everything with a small smile of his own. “They just trust you so implicitly. It’s one of the many things I love about you.”
Your cheeks went up in flames at the compliment, but the cold would cover it up as they were already pretty red. “I think they can just sense that I’m not here to harm them.” You started to pet the Zorua behind its ear, causing its eyes to close. “Sometimes I feel like they’re the only ones that can.”
“What do you mean?”
Oops. You hadn’t meant for this to be a therapy session. “I just… I don’t know. I guess it feels like humans always think they’re about to be betrayed, stabbed in the back. One wrong move and you’re crucified. But Pokemon… They don’t seem to be that way. Some Pokemon can sense a good person when they see one. That seems to be… a lot more rare in humans.”
“I know you’re a good person,” Adaman said softly, putting one hand on your arm.
Before you can even think about a response or the fact he’s showing a more sensitive side of himself to you, a noise catches the three of you off guard.
“Shit,” you breathe, feeling your entire body freeze with fear. “The Alpha.”
You both bounce to your feet as the Alpha comes over the hill behind the Zorua and Adaman. You can see the Glalie is pissed off that people are invading its territory, and wants to get rid of the intruders. An ice beam begins to form, and before you can think, you jump in front of Adaman and the Zorua.
The blast hit you in full force.
Your fingers and feet go completely numb almost immediately, though it almost feels like you’re not even cold anymore. You almost feel warm, actually, and you know that’s an incredibly bad sign. The sky is a beautiful haze of orange and purple as the sun is setting behind the clouds, and for a moment you just take in the colours swirling in your vision. It feels like everything has a layer of clouds over it, and your mind feels stuffed full of cotton. Oh, this is probably a very bad sign.
You can hear a call of your name, as warbled and muffled as you heard it, but can’t really respond to it. Adaman lifted your torso and pressed your back against his chest, his arms wrapped around you with his haori encasing you against him. The Zorua was curled in your lap, and you just felt… warm. You try to say thank you, but your lips feel tingly. Funny. You know you’re slurring even if you can’t hear much yourself. You try your hardest to communicate one word to Adaman.
With that, though, you go unconscious.
You have no idea how much time has passed, but the next thing you know, you’re nice and warm in a tent. Blankets are stacked on top of you, and the fire in the furnace is crackling softly. You’re cozy and warm, but something feels… different. You sit up a bit, and promptly look down.
Oh. You’re definitely not wearing the clothes that you were wearing when you were out hunting for Zorua. You were wrapped up in a yukata that you didn’t recognise, but definitely knew the pearl clan symbol and colours. You wrapped it closer to yourself, then wrapped the blankets around you tightly for warmth. The clothes you had been wearing were hanging over a rack by the stove, seemingly drying off after the long day they’d been through.
You didn’t really know what to do. You’re not even sure what you managed to accomplish for research, or what you’re wearing, or what time it is, or really… anything. You don’t know anything that’s happened since you were out with Adaman. Now, it seems you’re alone in this little area. 
The tears fall before you even really mean them to.
When the first teardrop hit your hand, you realised what’s going on. The stress of everything was finally boiling over now that you feel comfortable and safe. You’re confused, but you’re comfortable and safe which is all you’ve wanted to feel for a while.
You allowed yourself to cry.
Trying not to be loud, you cry silently to yourself while wrapped up in blankets and the yukata, pulling the items tightly against you so you feel swaddled. You rock back and forth and let yourself have your small breakdown.
Until Adaman popped open the tent flaps to check on you, apparently.
Almost immediately your hands fly to your face to cover your tear-tracked cheeks and red eyes, burying your face into the softness of the blanket. You don’t say anything, and neither does he. But all it takes is him walking up and gently touching the top of your hair before you break completely.
The stress of everything came boiling over the edge, the fear of almost dying, the unknown of whether the research you obtained was enough to complete the entry on Zorua, whether you would have a home to go back to in Galaxy. Everything boiled up and you pressed the top of your head into Adaman’s stomach to cry.
He rubbed your back and shoulders gently as you sobbed, gently shushing you and reassuring you that you were safe, you were okay, everyone was okay. He was the much-needed rock in your mind to cling to so your head stayed above the water of emotions. Everything was going to be fine.
Everything was going to be fine.
Eventually your tears slowed and your breathing evened out, pulling away from Adaman to give him room and let him back up if he wanted. (You couldn’t help but notice he didn’t.) “I’m sorry. I didn’t… mean to break down.”
“You’ve been through a lot today, it’s understandable why you would.” Adaman sat down on the bed next to you and handed you a towel to wipe your face. “You’re in a spare tent right now, one they have set out for visitors or harmed individuals found in the wild. Do you remember what happened?”
You nodded, refusing to speak any words.
“You really scared me, y’know. When I saw that ice blast hit you, I… I saw you skid backward in the snow, and your lips were already blue. That was one of the scariest moments of my life, but I’m glad I went with you to keep you safe. Makes me want to go everywhere with you to always make sure you’re safe.”
An eyebrow raised as you look at him. “Wouldn’t that be a waste of your time?”
“Saving you wasn’t a waste of time. And I’d do it all over again, and again, just to keep you safe.”
You’re stunned speechless. You don’t know how to respond with words, so you do the next best appropriate thing — hug him. It starts as a side hug that quickly develops into a full hug, and by the way you’re both gripping each other… it seems neither one of you wants to let go.
“Adaman…” you whispered, holding him tightly. “Thank you. I couldn’t ask for a better —” you pause. You can’t say friend. He’s more than a friend at this point, in your heart, but that’s not something you can say. “— for a better person in my life. You’ve been so helpful to me, and I just… I’m so thankful for you.”
You can feel him smile against your shoulder, which makes you smile. “And I, you.”
He pulled back from the hug slowly, as if he was fighting himself. But he let go and instead stood up, grabbing the bowl he’d at some point set on the counter next to you. “I brought this in to try and wake you up to get something in your stomach, when… well, y’know.” Adaman rubbed the back of his neck. “You should get some warm food in your system though. It’ll help out.”
You grabbed the bowl of what appears to be some sort of soup, and you’re glad to have something else besides potato mochi to eat tonight. “Thank you.”
As you began to eat your soup, Adaman began to explain everything. “So that Zorua you saved came back with us. It’s sleeping with all your Pokeballs in Irida’s tent so she could keep an eye on them, and so they didn’t try to warm you too fast.” Ah, that explained the lack of Pokeballs with your clothes. “That Zorua seems pretty attached. I think you found yourself a new buddy.”
Both of you talk about the Zorua, about the research of all types of Pokemon and how it’s all going, talk about how cold it is and how much warmer the Crimson Mirelands is, how the clan meeting seems to be coming along well even through the bickering Irida and him do. Eventually, you finish your soup and set the bowl onto the chest next to you. Adaman clears his throat and begins to stand. 
“It’s about time for sleep, so I guess I’ll —”
“Please stay with me.”
Adaman’s eyebrows shot through the sky as he looked at you. “What?”
“Please, stay with me. I could use another person here so I’m not… I’m not alone.” You bowed your head. “And I don’t want you to go. But if you do, I understand.”
Hands rest on your shoulders and you looked up, meeting his eyes and matching his smile. “I would love nothing more than that. I don’t want to leave your side. Not now, not…” he stopped, but you finished it.
“Not ever?”
He smiled warmly, and it warms your soul. “Not ever.”
“Then stay with me. Tonight, at least. We’ll figure out the rest later.”
“You got it.”
He slid under the blankets with you, and without a second thought, you curled up next to him for warmth. You were warm, but after how cold you were today… warm didn’t seem to be enough. Adaman’s arms wrapped around you protectively, and with your head on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat gently lulled you into a peaceful slumber.
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espiepuffs · 5 months
Headcanons with you and your rival camping out in the wild area !
Characters: Hop, Bede & Marnie! (Can be interpreted as platonic or romantic!)
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He’s enthusiastic about the idea! He thinks that camping is an amazing way to bond with your Pokémon!
Out of the three here, he’s the most energetic about it :))
He comes prepared with everything! Forgot to bring berries? He has a ton. Missing camping equipment? He’s got spare!
I imagine camping with Hop to be an energetic get together.
He’ll use the opportunity to get some training in, so don’t be surprised if you get challenged to a battle!
If any of your pokemon are injured after, he makes sure to heal them right up!
As said before, Hop is a prepared guy. This goes for cooking as well, he makes amazing curry!
His curries are different every time, he wants to experiment and find different recipes to use.
Once you’re all finished eating, you all settle down and play with the Pokémon together.
Seeing his Wooloo run around is probably one of the best parts, its stubby legs tumbling around the grass!
By the time you’re settled down in your sleeping bags for the night, you can confidently say that this was a 10/10 experience, and that if it was with Hop you’d gladly do it again!
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Bede isn’t the sort of guy to camp out at all.
So the fact that you were able to get him out in the first place is incredibly impressive.
Not to make it sound like he isn’t active and out, he is!!
It’s just, Bede really isn’t the type of guy to camp, as I said before.
Which is why when you’re camping with him, it’s best if you’re more experienced with camping. Camping experience isn’t all necessary though!
Camping with Bede would consist of quite a bit of Training.
If at any point it gets too tiring, just let Bede know! He doesn’t mind taking a break.
In turn, make sure he takes breaks too. Poor boy will be up and about trying to help his Pokémon get stronger that he might forget to take one himself!
Although Bede might not do much camping, he can make amazing curry. His curries tend to be a lot sweeter, since the berries he likes to use for cooking are more on the sweet side.
His Pokémon are all fairy types, for some reason, seeing them play about is quite soothing.
If you’re playing with his Mawile, please be careful not to get accidentally bitten!
Camping with Bede is an experience for both you and him. He liked camping with you, maybe you should do it again sometime soon?
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Marnie loves the idea of camping!
She thinks of it as a time to have fun and chill with her Pokémon!
Out of all three, she’s the one most curious about camping. She wouldn’t really do it in Spikemuth, since it isn’t really a camping environment. But the wild area is a much better place to do so!
Camping with Marnie wouldn’t have much training in it at all.
Why not play with the Pokémon instead? Why not throw around the ball with them?
Up until now, seeing Morpeko run around chasing a rubber ball was something you didn’t know you needed in life.
So yeah, unlike the other two, camping with Marnie is a laid back session.
Marnie likes making spicy curry.
If it’s too much, that’s okay! She can make a more tame alternative for the two of you to eat. It’s an enjoyable meal, with or without spice!
Marnie really enjoyed camping with you. It’s a memory that you both made that’ll be fun to look back on!
It was also a really calming unwindining session, which you appreciated since most of your days are spent running up and down Galar. By the end of it all, you’re thinking of asking her to camp again with you soon!
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : Instagram AU
Read this first 🎈
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Liked by yourbestiename, urbanwyatt, jackharlow, g_eazy, and 9,557,355 others
yourusername Yo te lo hago en la cama, también te lo hago en el jet ✈️ 😈
View all 2,300 comments
jackharlow What the? You were literally just upstairs. Where are you going?
jackharlow Where are the kids? And who’s hands are those???
druski I think she’s ignoring you.
jackharlow FUCK OFF DRU.
claybornharlow Mom doesn’t have the kids btw so stop blowing up her phone, she’s sleeping.
jackharlow 🤨
yourbestiename Bitchhhh para donde vas?
yourusername Buscando una aventura 😜
g_eazy 🔥 🥵 Are you finally single?
yourusername LMAAOOO, what are you doing back under my comments Gerardo???
g_eazy 🎯 Trying to get at you girl
yourusername 👎🏼
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Liked by yourbestiename, urbanwyatt, jackharlow, claybornharlow, druski, and 8,677,455 others
yourusername Before the day ends, I want to wish my baby boy a happy birthday. We celebrated his birthday last weekend but I’m still spoiling him with a trip to a dinosaur museum so he’s super happy about that. Ezequiel, you’re the most kindhearted, loving, funny little boy ever. You make me the happiest mama. I love you my sweet boy 💙
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yourbestiename Feliz cumpleaños al niño más consentido del mundo. We love you Angel Ezequiel 😘 have fun beba
yourusername Gracias bebe 💖
claybornharlow 🥺 they grow up so fast. happy birthday little man
claybornharlow btw can you answer your husbands texts and calls. He keeps annoying us.
yourusername LMAO
druski Happy birthday little terror. I can’t believe your dad missed your party.
yourusername All of you did though soooo???
claybornharlow Not me wtf
yourusername Except you and mamamaggie <3
claybornharlow Because we actually look at our calendar!!!!!!
yourusername LMAO
jackharlow I thought we were taking him together? What is going on right now????
user damn jack you forgot your own kids birthday????
jackharlow Shut up Katie
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Liked by urbanwyatt, mamamaggie, claybornharlow, druski, yourbestiename, and 8,688,345 others
jackharlow Happiest of birthdays to my little man, my twin for life. He amazes me every day with his thoughtfulness and all the love he give out at such a young age. I’ll admit it to all of y’all, I missed his birthday party last weekend and it broke my heart when I came home to see my boy so heartbroken, so I have a lot of making up to do. Started with throwing him ANOTHER party and getting him these Pokemon cards he’s been wanting. This is day one of plenty surprises to come ☝🏼
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urbanwyatt Happy birthday little dude.
neelamthadhani getting those cards in such a short time was a hassle. Never again please
mamamaggie My baby, happy birthday to the coolest little boy.
druski thanks for the invite. Where is y/n at though? I miss her .
jackharlow Why are you being messy?
druski This isn’t anything new so I’m confused, you thought I’d be nice because 😭
yourbestiename *starts eating popcorn* Yeah, where is Y/N at?
yourusername 👀 🤫
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Liked by g_eazy, badbunnypr, killatrav, druski, jackharlow, yourbestiename, and 8,567,355 others
yourusername Not this random number texting me that! But yes, I do need a dog!!!!!
View all 2,399 comments
yourbestiename Güey no mms 😭
yourusername No estoy haciendo nada!!!!
yourbestiename Hmm, ándale pues tóxica.
badbunnypr 🔥 🥵 yo puedo ser tú perro
yourbestiename Noo, regrésate con la vela
yourusername AY YOO LMAOOO
g_eazy It was I 🤫😜😈
yourusername Then nvm I don’t need a dog!
user Y/N has been petty since Monday, I guess she’s really upset that Jack missed the party.
user I would too.
jackharlow My wife is sexy as fuck 😮‍💨 🧱
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Liked by yourusername, urbanwyatt, claybornharlow, mamamaggie, and 8,766,345 others
jackharlow Weekend with my minis ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
View all 2,699 comments
mamamaggie My babies 🥺
user okay Daddy day care
user do you want a trophy?
user mr missing my kids birthday party
yourusername You guys need to chill.
allabouttheharlows Ohhh sooo they were at the courts all day because y/n posted some pics at night and look Jack posted during the day so they were definitely together.
jackharlow We’re married, why wouldn’t we be together?
user because she was being petty online and entertaining Gerald
yourusername Because I was mad.
yourusername Let me be toxic and stir shit up when my man gets me pissed off🤫
yourbestiename She’s just like me fr 😜
jackharlow & y’all are annoying.
yourusername Not so much now Jackman, still not forgiven you completely so chill.
jackharlow 🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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jils-things · 6 months
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But if you give me just one night You're gonna see me in a new light Yeah if you give me just one night To meet you underneath the moonlight
happy first anniversary to my beloved pookie bear and champion husby 🍎🍏
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careful, incredibly corny and romantic lovemail coming through.... (you don't have to read it, i just love expressing myself.)
y'know part of me felt kinda bad for glitchy red because he was quite literally the reason why i ended up liking sun and moon red and he basically overpowered him ahuhudsa but i guess i can kinda thank the mod for being the catalyst for me to really get into pokemon again because before this i was not even touching pokemon since... i was a teenager.
the moment i saw red, i just knew i was gonna like him. no rhyme or reason apart from the fact he's super handsome and adorable as an adult (and my silly taste for brunets <3) and im absolutely here for it :] i'm really thankful i have friends who really supported my goofy admiration for him and helped me create what would be known today as appleshipping~ i have so much funny and heartwarming memories with him (like that time i fell asleep to his battle ost on discord calls many times 😭😭😭)
i remember dreading the fact, learning that i may never meet red properly in sun and moon (emulator on pc isn't really my preferred place to play unless i have no choice) but ohh man, what a blessing my classmate was to be a pokemon fan who had a 3ds with all sun and moon (and ultra) copies with him and since he had already finished all games years back - he happily allowed me to borrow his 3ds and reset his ultra sun file for me to play <3 i can't thank him enough for it, and it was simply because he wanted me to experience it. not only was it my first time to use a 3ds, but my first game would also be where i get to meet my hubby in game, and in a REAL console. it feels so cool, it definitely beats that feeling of using emulators.
i also remember eagerly making my way to the battle tree and even recorded my live reaction when he was actually there aeheheh im shy to share it but trust me when i say i was so squeaky and audible when he appeared... all im saying, im just happy i had a fun experience as a fan and as a selfshipper :]
alright, anyways - i like love red so much, as a character and someone i find pretty appealing eahudhuahf he looks so huggable and warm like a cozy snorlax sleeping in the winter night. i love his quiet but determined demeanor. it stands out from the rest of the characters and even if he was a protagonist at first, he's treated as a really cool legendary trainer that many characters respect and it just adds to the appeal (for ya girl, at least ehe). while many prefer his battling prowess, i love thinking of his emotional side, i think there's a lot to dissect there especially as a character who's silent most of the time, and of course when you're in a relationship its all about the connection and communication amirite ehhehafs ... while i'm a bit sad he's not really a popular character at the moment, at least he and my friends would know i'm (definitely) his biggest fan ehehee (twirls hair)
hooray for appleshipping! thank you for keeping my mood in high spirits this year, red 💚❤️
dividers: (x) (x)
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Lavender was struck by the air of sadness that seeped from the being in front of her. She had a hard time believing his words; "I have my mate... That's all I need."
But before she could speak, he recomposed himself.
Anyway... You say you're safe?
The question was very odd to her. Y-Yeah...? Is there a reason I shouldn't be?
Nico seemed thoughtful, as if mentally chewing on something. You speak the humans' language... Is... Is your "dad" a human? His expression changed again. He was wary, not unlike the looks her daddy gave to her when she proposed something uncomfortable . I'm not judging, if that's the case. You said he loves you, so it's not my place.
Suddenly he straightened his posture, seemingly startled. Wait, your dad isn't blood... But your mom is?
Lav smiled. Yeah. She's a Mew. Daddy is too, but... It's kinda complicated? He wasn't always a Mew.
Nico's face wavered into a questioning look. O-Oh? He turned away a bit, thoughtful. I could see a Mew becoming a human, but not the other way around. Humans can't transform.
Lav flicked her ears. I don't fully understand what happened. It's... a hard thing for him to talk about. Subconsciously her hand came to rest on her chin. It's something to do with memories... Like, the Mew's memories were replaced with D-- with the human's.
Nico was silent.
Suddenly, his image flickered, and Lav heard a faint voice call her name.
Oh... I guess it's time for me to wake up.
The mask-marked Mewtwo smiled warmly at her. Would you like to continue meeting like this?
Lav's tail did a happy little wiggle. Yes, please! It's been great talking with you!
Nico's eyes closed as his smile widened. Likewise! Talk to you later, Lav.
See ya, Nico!
The tall being faded from view, and the white dreamscape around her dimmed into the black of sleep.
Randy stared at the words he had written.
Words Lav had told him the Mewtwo--Nicodemus--had said to her. "Almost urgently", Lav had said.
"Are you safe?"
"Are they treating you okay?"
"You aren't a weapon"
You're more than that"
Randy sighed, leaning back in his chair.
Finally, after so long, he had some information on the powerful man-made Pokemon, Mewtwo.
He wasn't sure he liked the picture that was forming...
PREVIOUS This is the finale of this arc.
Nico's Side
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arvensimp · 2 months
YFSK Preview, pt. 4.1
I know i've been super duper quiet, but I promise there's a good reason. Please forgive me and accept this teaser for part 4.
“Hey! I dunno if you’ve been keeping track on your end, but Kiki is gonna be graduating from Blueberry, and I know it would mean the absolute world to him if you were able to attend the ceremony.” Carmine called, nearly out of the blue one day to inform you. Her brother had apparently been a part of a trial class that not only earned a high school diploma but also continued on for a few more years as part of a pilot Bachelor’s degree program in pokemon battling. From what you understood, it was basically like a feeder system to train new gym leaders and Elite Four hopefuls.
You look down at your ballooning tummy,
"Congratulations to him! When is it exactly though…?"
You wince and resist the urge to suck your teeth when Carmine gives you the date.
"Ahhh... I'm so sorry, I've got something at that time."
"For real? You can't just ask for time away from your league for even a weekend? This would REALLY mean the world to Kiki..."
"I'm sorry, but…I won't actually be allowed to fly by that point."
"Allowed? What kinda terrorism have you gotten into?"
You snort a laugh. "Pssh, nah. It's... It's medical actually. Here. Lemme, uh..." Without hanging up, you send over the most recent ultrasound photos. Your baby still kinda looks like a Munna in there, but she should get the point. Or, at least you assume she does when you hear the sound of crashing and fumbling on her end.
"You're having a BABY?????"
"Uh...haha, yeah. The due date is, like, a week after Kieran's graduation, so... I, y'know, can't fly. I'm really sorry. I'll be sure to send a gift though!"
"Yup. I can hardly believe it myself, most days."
"I didn't even know you were seeing anyone! Who is this guy? Why didn't you let your incredible Unovan friends suss him out for you?"
Another wince. "...About that. Yeah... He's not...um. In the picture."
"What? How? Why? Whomst would even dare? Do I need to kick some ass?"
"It's...." You still haven’t gotten used to talking about the subject. "It's a lot. Don't. ...Don't worry! Really! I have tons of support! It's fine. For real."
Carmine absolutely isn't buying it. "Mm. Fine. I guess I get why you can't make it to the graduation. Could we come visit afterwards though? Like I get you probably wouldn't want us there immediately after he graduates. But...maybe like a few months later? Give the thing a chance to develop an immune system?"
"I can't promise I'll be a great host, but... Well, it would be nice."
"Don't worry yourself none! I've changed diapers and stuff before if you end up needing a nap while we're around!"
So around the time Basil is 3 months old, the Kitakami pair head to Paldea.
Of course, Basil is having a rough time of it, screaming his little lungs out as they're knocking on the door, so you can only hope that you don’t look as frazzled as you feel when you welcome them in.
"Hey! Hello! Please, come in, come in. Make yourselves at home.” You give the pair a hug at the same time, barely able to register them beyond the fog of ‘TAKE CARE OF BASIL, TAKE CARE OF CRYING PROGENY, TAKE CARE OF BABY’ that alarms through your brain. “I'm really sorry, but I just need to feed Basil real fast. That should hopefully get him sleeping and happy again."
You usher them in and invite them to sit on the sofa, the TV is theirs, and you hide away in the bedroom to nurse. A few minutes later, Carmine gently knocks on the door and asks if she can be of any help. You joke through the wood that the dishes need doing when she presses past the feeble ‘it’s fine!’ that you offer.
"Kiki! Take care of the dishes, yeah?"
"On it!" You hear, softer.
"Okay, what else?" She continues.
"No! Just. Just relax, please."
"Nah, I'm gonna tidy up. Kay? You just keep feeding the chonklet there, and we can catch up when you're done."
You come back out to the room, and it's not Clean, but it's definitely more put together. You also hear the hum of the dishwasher from the kitchen.
"You guys...." You start tearing up, and both siblings immediately swoop in to hold you. Carmine strokes your hair, shushing you. Now that you’ve got your child content, you have a moment to comprehend your guests.
Kieran is. Bigger.
"I... I promise I'm not this pathetic! I can handle this. Plus, I... I have folks here who can help... It's just hard..." You snivel, sounding way more pathetic than you mean to sound.
"It's okay that it's hard..." Kieran finally pipes up and his voice is definitely deeper since you last heard him. Not a bass or something, but there's been a change there. "This is more or less the hardest thing in the world, right? And we all know you're the strongest person there is, so...ya know. It's okay. You...you can do this. And you can feel overwhelmed."
They end up staying for about a week or so, and on the night before they're due to fly back, Kieran pulls you aside while Carmine is grabbing takeaway for dinner. He's fidgeting with his hair a bit, tapping his foot, but he's doing his best to meet your eye.
"I'm staying." He declares.
"What? Like you're gonna look for a job here?"
"Yeah! I know I'm not as strong as you, but I'm certain I could get a job in your league or...or maybe even at your alma mater, maybe. I... I'd need to do a teaching cert in Paldea for that, probably, but..."
"Wow! So you liked it that much here? That's great, Kieran. I can help you learn the language if you want. I can also see if Nemona has any real estate connections. We'll try to find you a place when you're ready to get back, and hopefully by then you'll have a job, and you can get started wi--"
"No! I mean... I'm. I'm not going back to Kitakami." One of his hands grabs yours and the other rests gently on Basil, sleeping soundly in your arms. "He needs...a...a father figure, y'know? I..." Kieran swallows thickly. "I can do that. I'm... I'm a man now."
"Kieran..." You shift slightly, freeing a hand from your bundle while keeping him balanced in your arms. You trace a palm along the older boy--no, man's cheek, your callouses having grown softer in recent months. You can feel where he's begun to grow consistent stubble. Wow... He really did grow up.
"I... I'm not going to keep you from reaching your fullest potential out there. You're welcome, more than welcome, to come visit any time, but... You're not thinking clearly about this. About what you think you're signing up for."
"I AM though!" He raises his voice, showing some hints of the anger he holds onto. "I'm READY for this! God, why can't anyone TRUST me?!"
All the yelling wakes up Basil, who cries, startled. Kieran quickly scoops him up and out of your arms, attempting to soothe the baby.
"Aw, geez... I'm sorry, little guy... I didn't mean to make you upset... Shh, shh... It'll be okay..."
The momentary flare of anger you felt at having your son torn from your grip is placated as you watch Kieran hold him so tenderly. Your heart melts... You lose all affection you may have secretly held onto in your heart for Arven, that loser.
Kieran is here. Kieran is capable. Kieran... Kieran can do this.
"Okay..." You softly tell him once Basil has calmed, the single word hanging in the quiet between you for a moment.
"...Okay?" He parrots.
"You... You can stay. You... You'll be his father."
Then y'all DO IT.
april fools :)
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hamofjustice · 1 month
Julinemo Week, Day 2: Battle
The impromptu crowd flooding Mesagoza fell silent. Their formerly-youngest Champion, the incomparable, unrivaled prodigy, had yet to uncover her face after the blast of Tera Shards being shattered off of her strongest Pokemon and strewn across the plaza. She had been defeated. By another kid, no less. She could be defeated.
… Was she crying?
The victor -- as well as the Director and the Top Champion in the crowd -- all started to step toward her with concern written on their faces, when…
"YOU DID IT!!! This is legit incredible! You’re the strongest out there, Juliana!" Nemona suddenly roared. The relieved audience resumed their cheers as Nemona rapidly closed the rest of the distance to Juliana, holding up her shaking, clenched fists like she was barely restraining herself from launching onto the rooftops like a rocket.
Juliana giggled with a proud, toothy smile. In another timeline, she could've easily flinched and backed away from Nemona's overwhelming energy, but not this one. "Hehehe, thank--"
"I mean, you knocked me flat, and I was… giving you absolutely EVERYTHING I had! Everything I… I… Ha haaa! Hahaha! Oh man. Pokémon battling, am I right??? It’s so much better, so much more fun than I ever even knew! Man! Hahaha! Haaah... hoo..." Nemona continued to enthuse, sounding like she was nearly hyperventilating.
"Y-yeah, that was a lotta fun! I'm glad I finally got to see what you're like without holding yourself back for my sake."
"… Heh! And I'm so super proud of you for bein' able to handle it! Now I've got a real challenge to overcome again! It's like you've… like… given me back the thing I loved most! But uh… heh, I guess that's just kinda what you do, though, isn't it?"
"Mmm, I guess so, huh?" Juliana had to agree. It was true, this was at least the third new friend whose Treasure Report she was very likely to end up in that semester, at the expense of her sleep schedule. "Well… I wouldn't be here without you, either. I might've never known I could do something like this, if you didn't... take me under your wing and believe in me."
"Aww. Well, I might've had an ulterior motive, heh heh… but that sparkle in your eyes during our first battle was your own! I can't make you love something if you didn't already! Believe me, I've tried. I mean, why else would you go all the way to the top, huh?"
"… To see you this happy?" Juliana offered.
"Heh! Good one! Put 'er there, rival!" Nemona said as she offered her hand to shake, which Juliana took and held firmly as if she was being helped to stand up. "Now I gotta think about what Pokemon to bring for round two!" the council president declared, eliciting some facepalms from Geeta and Clavell. "Decisions, decisions…"
Juliana side-eyed those two but didn't point them out to Nemona. "No, really, I mean it."
"Mean what now sorry?" Nemona blurted out quickly, snapping her attention back to the present.
"I never gave up any of the times I was tempted to on my Gym Challenge, 'cause… I wanted you to share your favorite thing in the world with me. 'Cause… I imagined how happy you'd be right now, and didn't think anything would make ME happier than seeing that."
"… Jules, I-- Don't make me cry in fronta all these people, c'mon!"
Juliana smiled sheepishly. "Sorry!"
Nemona responded with a hearty laugh and a tight hug. "Hahaha! Man… I think YOU'RE my favorite thing in the world, actually."
"Aww. Best treasures?"
"Best treasures."
More "awws" could be heard from the crowd at that, even if they couldn't hear all of what was being said... as well as the sound of an old man bawling uncontrollably.
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schwarz-san · 1 year
Pokemon x DP
This idea just won't leave me alone for some reason.
So yeah, it's been a millenia and Danny has been the ghost king for a very long time.
Probably longer since time flows inconsistently and in a nonlinear fashion in the infinite realms.
He just finished all of Pariah's Neglected paper works and messed up and he's Stressed and Dead Tired™ that he needs to relax.
He completely skim through every media entertainment he could get his ghostly hands in to, managing to finish One Piece, Detective conan, MCU, DC, Spongebob, the entire pokemon franchise (games, manga, anime, movies included), complete slew of movies of different genres, games and many, many more.
He's still stressed though…
So Vacation it is!
He had a hard time deciding where he would go before someone joked about going to another multiverse just for a vacatiin and you know what? Danny like that.
(Tucker wasn't serious obviously, he was just kidding!
"Danny! Wait—! Aaaaaan he's gone."
Sam entered the office with a bunch of ghost behind her carrying ghostly paper works and request from multiple Gods, Death Gods, and Eldritch entities.
She take one glance to the office and to tuckers sheepish expression and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Okay spill, where's Danny?"
"Funny, you see—"
After the explanation, Sam sighed.
"You do the paperworks then."
"You dig your own grave and your own coffin, you sleep on it."
"Excuse you! I'm not Vlad! And FYI! I sleep on my Sarcophagus!"
"Don't care, what ever.")
Danny then remembered pokedex entries:
[Phantump–the Stump pokemon]
[These Pokémon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died in the forest. Their cries sound like eerie screams.]
Just like the kind of universe he belongs to!
Ignoring Tucker's voice, he opened up a portal and immediately dive in.
(He could sense the presence of the dreadfull paperworks getting closer, better skedaddle before he got caught)
He grinned and transform himself into human before shifting his age to that of a teenager, this is gonna be fun.
If you tell Paul previously that he would end up travelling sinnoh again with a fresh team and a traveling companion like a certain World Champion from Pallet town does all the time, then he would have scoffed or sneer at you before insulting youe intelligence.
Paul screamed at the tooof his lungs towardshus travelling comoanion. The said menace just grin before—
The menace jumped off the fucking cliff.
Paul almost have an heart attack before his companion harmlessly lands on the ground with both of his feet.
There was a big explosion of dust and dirt that Paul had to cover his eyes. The ground gave in and he could see the dark haired teen standing on the crater unharmed.
He gawked, before sighing in resignation.
Of course, he just have to get a super human, just like a certain boy from Pallet, for a travelling companion.
"Come—on Paul! Live a little would ya? Look at me, I'm half dead yet I'm having more fun than you! Give it a try for a yourself!"
Its official, this is karma for being awful and for all the things he did and said before.
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