#yeah um I honestly have no idea what I’m going to do
I hate doing this, I really wanted to save my commissions for a time in my life after I’d improved the quality of my art to a higher standard but my car is. um. Doing that thing cars do where they cost more than they’re worth. Trying to balance feeding my family and maintaining my ability to work.
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Please reach out if you have any questions or if you’d like to see more samples of my work (messy line art + flat color, loose sketches, etc). At the moment I can only accept payments through Venmo and CashApp. Half the price of the commission will be paid up front, with the other half paid upon completion of the piece. I can’t accept NSFW and lack the skillset to draw furry/anthro.
I will draw fandom content and would love to draw your OCs.
If by some chance y’all want to commission a piece of writing instead (or even alongside of), I’d negotiate a price on that as well.
Even if you aren’t able to/don’t want to commission me, thanks for reading this far. I’m sorry to do this but I appreciate your time immensely.
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icepopstar5105us · 3 days
“Hey. Uh, Johnny?” Danny said awkwardly, “What does it mean when one of the older ghosts calls you their favored and why does it freak people out?”
Johnny 13 gave the halfa a bewildered look, “Dude. Didn’t you listen to Death? At all?”
“Death?” Danny scrunched his face, “What do you mean? I don’t…”
“Wait.” Johnny straightened, “You’ve talked with Death, right? She explained-?”
Danny shook his head, confused, “Was I supposed to?”
“When you first died, she’s supposed to appear. She gives a whole spiel and then transfers a bunch of information.” Johnny frowned, “She did it for Plasmius, so it’s not a halfa thing.”
“Oh.” Danny looked down, “What if… What if someone died and came back a few times very quickly? Would that… Would that cause any problems?”
Johnny stilled, horrified, “Ok. Look, do you want to talk about your death? Because I’m not asking if you don’t, but...”
“I guess…” Danny said, “So you know that my parents made the portal, right?”
“Yeah.” Johnny said.
“They’d been trying to do it for a long time. Plasmius actually worked with them for a while back when they were in college. It’s why all of their tech is similar in design.” Danny explained, “They built the thing, plugged it in, turned it on… and nothing.”
“But it works now.” Johnny frowned.
“Yeah. It does.” Danny nodded, “But remember my friends? Sam and Tucker?”
“The edgy emo and the computer geek?”
“As Sam’s friend, I am obligated to inform you that she is goth not emo… but yes, those two.” Danny smiled sadly, “My mom and dad were upset. They left the house and Jazz was working her shift at a library. The whole house was empty and I was… you know. A normal teenager home alone.”
Johnny snorted at that, “Ah yes. A completely normal teenager
“Yeah, yeah. The point is, the first thing I did after being left home alone was call my friends over.” Danny rolled his eyes, “Told them what happened and… It was Sam who suggested we go down there first — she’s always been into ghost and occult stuff — and look around. Tucker was down, because it was tech even if we didn’t think most of the tech would work. He wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to mess around with it. Jazz had given me some lectures on lab safety — my parents don’t usually follow it themselves — and I had a bad feeling so I put on the Hazmat suit.”
“That’s not a superhero costume you came up with?” Johnny asked, eyes widening.
“No, um. It’s a hazmat suit. The only way I changed my form was the insignia and even then that was Sam’s idea.”
“Yeah, but um….” Danny paused, “We wound up standing outside the portal. It wasn’t working or anything, but there was a big spooky metal hole in the wall. You know, the kind of thing you’d expect in sci-fi movies. Sam dared me to go in and I was nervous. That bad feeling just intensified, but again — fourteen. I wasn’t being smart about it. So… I went into it. I kept going and it was dark. I was turning back when I tripped and I flailed. Accidentally hit some button that was on the side and it turned on.”
Johnny took a sharp breath.
“And um. Did you know that the portal takes a lot of electricity to start up?” Danny joked weakly, “Took three blocks worth. Um, lots of ectoplasm, too — from both the zone and the artificial stuff my parents use.” He shuffled, “So um, turns out both those things can revive and kill people. So I just kind of — died and revived a lot until it turned on and basically spat me out into the lab.
“That’s - Kid…”
“So um, maybe since I was dying and reviving so much death didn’t have a chance to fill me in? Honestly, would have like the heads up.” Danny said sheepishly, “I didn’t even understand what had happened until ghosts started coming through the portal.”
Danny shrugged, “I mean, I kind of suspected. I was falling through floors. It was hard to ignore, but I didn’t know - My parents are good inventors, but not the best scientists and it made things hard to figure out.”
“What? You bought that whole non-sentient BS?”
“No.” Danny shook his head, “I just didn’t buy any of it — and I mean none of it. I wanted nothing to do with the whole thing. The whole town thought my parents were crazy, they were always in the lab working, and I only ever saw them briefly once or twice a day. Don’t get me wrong. They’re still my parents and I love them, but… they have two big priorities. Their work and their kids. Their work is just… a higher priority to them.”
“Oh.” Johnny cringed, “Oh. Kid…”
“So yeah. Life sucks. Death sucks… but I really need to know what to do and why Ember is freaking out over me being called ‘favored one’.”
“Uh, right.” Johnny paused, “Well, it’s like old ghost language. Um. Basically, it’s like being called a really, really close friend or adopted family. Kind of like… ‘hey, this is my person that I love and protect’. It’s platonic unless they specify otherwise.”
“Huh, okay.” Danny blinked, “That makes sense, but why would Ember freak out?”
“Well… who called you that?”
“Oh! Clockwork and Pandora call me that when I visit.”
Johnny blanched, “What?”
“And now you’re freaking out, too.”
“You’ve been just- Kid! Are you just casually talking to them?”
“Um, yeah? They said it was okay?”
“Do you know nothing about the hierarchy of the- Wait. No. You didn’t get to talk to Death. Of course you don’t-“ Johnny sighed — covering his eyes, “Okay, so do you know what the ancients are?”
“I thought that was just a saying.”
“No, it’s not-” Johnny pinched the bridge of his nose, “The Ancients are the most powerful spirits in the Zone. They’re ghosts, but they resemble ideals more than they do a person most of the time. Practically gods. The ancients are Undergrowth, Frostbite, Nocturne, Pandora, Clockwork, Vortex, and Pariah Dark. Thing is… where most ghosts plateau at a certain power level the ancients can just keep growing in power. Clockwork is one of the strongest — so strong, the Observants bound him to their will.”
“Yeah, I heard about that, but he’s really nice, you know.” Danny smiled, “And he makes really good cookies really fast.”
Johnny stared at Danny for a long moment, “Danny. Do you not hear yourself right now? He’s basically the god of time.”
“Yeah, but if he didn’t want me to visit, I wouldn’t be able to find him.” Danny shrugged, “So he told me if I can see the clocktower, I’m welcome to come in.”
“Besides. I’m friends with half of those guys and they’re cool.”
“Wha- How many ancients do you know?”
“Um… All the ones you just listed? I’m friends with Frostbite, Pandora, and Clockwork. I fought Undergrowth, Vortex and Nocturne before, but Nocturne likes me now. Um, Undergrowth doesn’t like me, though. Loves Sam, though… Um, obviously I know who Pariah Dark is after the whole thing in Amity-“
Johnny stilled, “Wait a minute… Kid. I need you to answer me honestly here… Did Pariah ever mention a challenge when you fought him?”
“Well, um. I guess? He was all formal speak, though, so…”
“Kid.” Johnny said very slowly, “Did he ever issue a challenge or accept a challenge from you?”
“… Um. He did say that he accepted my challenge or something, but wasn’t that just fight-talk or…”
“I think I get it now.” Johnny sighed, facepalming, “Just… maybe don’t tell people about this and consider asking one of the ancients allies you have about what Pariah accepting your challenge means for you.”
“For me? What-“
“Just… give it some thought.” Johnny paused, “And- Well, I can talk to Ember for you, yeah?”
Danny curled up on a sofa as Pandora embraced him with three arms and ran her fourth hand through his hair.
“Pandora.” Danny said softly, “Some of my friends say you, Frostbite, and Clockwork are ancients.”
“They are correct.”
“I didn’t know what ancients were.”
“I noticed.” Pandora laughed a bit, “But you’re a sweet child. You helped me get my box back and did not demand my favor. Perhaps it was selfish not to tell you, but I didn’t want to distress you. You are a kind and humble soul. Is it such a surprise I wish to continue seeing you?”
“You thought I would stop if I did?” Danny asked, confused, “I mean, sure my other friends were shaken up by it, but they don’t know you. Why would I be afraid when you’re so nice?”
Pandora blinked and then smiled warmly — a little laugh pulling from her throat. Oh, the innocence of such a young spirit, “Why, indeed? I suppose I didn’t give you or myself enough credit, did I?”
Danny shrugged, “I don’t have room to judge people for being different anyway. I’m a halfa. Pretty sure that’s even rarer than being an Ancient, right?”
“I suppose that is true.” Pandora smiled, “There are only a few halfas and none are quite like you. There will only ever be one of you.”
“Does this have something to do with why I never got to meet death?” Danny asked, confused, “That’s the only thing I can find that seems all that different-“
“In a way… Yes, but there are many more differences. The main one is that you powers have grown beyond Vlad Masters and they continue to do so.” Pandora said, “You are what we call a ‘Juna Potenco’. Most realms will never have heard of such things, but us ancients do not forget and when faced with a gift like yourself… well, you’ll only see more of us with time.”
“What does that mean? Is it bad?”
“No, no. It is a gift, not a punishment.” Pandora promised, “You are an inspiring soul, favored one, and it seems the realms themselves have seen that.”
“That doesn’t sound right.” Danny pulled away and sat up as he shook his head, “I’m a halfa, but that’s what I am. It doesn’t say anything about who I am. There isn’t anything special about who I am.”
“Everyone else disagrees with that last statement.” Pandora shook her head, “But I will let you in on the secret.”
“These are not due to your half spirit nature, but something truly special.” Pandora cupped his cheek, “Danny, do you truly wish to know? As amazing as this is, I am not sure you will be ready for the truth just yet.”
“I’m - I’ve been debating what colleges to apply for, but… I don’t know if any of them will take me now with my grades. I still look fourteen — fifteen at the oldest… and I still feel fourteen.” Danny looked at Pandora with pleading eyes, “So if this would impact my future, I think I’d like to know. Before things get complicated.”
“Are you sure?”
Suddenly, everything froze.
Danny looked up to see Clockwork putting a medallion on Pandora while Frostbite gave him a smile.
“I presume you’re here to assist in informing him?” Pandora asked.
“Indeed.” Frostbite nodded.
“Informing me of what?” Danny asked, confused.
“When you went to face Pariah Dark, you stated your intention to fight him.” Clockwork said, “And he accepted your challenge. You fought in single combat, removed the Crown of Fire from his head, and then managed to get him into the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep.”
“Plasmius might have locked the Sarcophagus, but you have repeatedly bested him and even when he has gotten the best of you, it has not been in single combat. However, Plasmius at one point claimed your fight was a ‘fun challenge’. You agreed — officially accepting it as such. When you defeated him, he lost any fragile claim to the throne.”
“Claim to the- Wait. What are you saying?” Danny glanced between them, “What? No. No… you have to be kidding me. I’m just me. I was trying to help, not-“
“Child, your soul was always going to be tied to the zone one way or another.” Pandora said, “Mortality is already a fragile thing, but someone so surrounded by ectoplasm at a young age all while experiencing the struggles you did with your parents absence… it was inevitable that you would be a powerful ghost.”
“But, then, Great One.” Frostbite continued, “You stood fully emerged in the space between worlds and thought of protection and forgiveness — mercy. You did not even consider vengeance or desires of your own. Only the wellbeing of others. It is an act of great sacrifice and not one many can complete so fully.”
“To put it simply, Danny.” Pandora said, “You’re one of us, Juna Protenco. New and young power that will grow infinitely. Though you are far from ancient, you will be with time.”
“An ancient to be.” Danny said distantly.
“The Ancient of Protection, Space, Mercy, and Matter.” Clockwork turned into his newborn form, “The best candidate for king we’ve had in a long time. Though, perhaps I am a bit biased.”
“Does it have something to do with space-time?” Danny guessed, “Because Matter, Time, and Space…”
“Correct.” Clockwork smirked, “Matter tells spacetime how to curve, and curved spacetime tells matter how to move. I guide you and you make changes that I will use to guide you again.”
Dannu blinked, “Oh. I get it.”
“You do?” Pandora blinked.
“That’s domains for you.” Frostbite chuckled and then quickly explained when Danny gave him a confused look, “We all innately understand our domains and their meanings. My domain is progression, society, and advancement.”
“Mine is responsibility, hope, protection, and perseverance.” Pandora revealed.
“Indeed.” Clockwork transformed into the middle aged man again, “But now that you know of your future, we must prepare.” He put his hand on Danny’s shoulder, “Your coronation must happen by the time you turn eighteen. As Ghost King, you will need to learn some diplomatic skills. We will teach you while you finish your human schooling.” Clockwork promised, “You can tell your parents the truth or you can say you are simply leaving for college, but Maddie and Jack Fenton cannot move to the Zone with you. Your sister is welcome. Your friends are welcome, but unfortunately…”
“I understand.” Danny lowered his head, “I don’t think I’ll tell them just yet. Maybe I’ll leave a note or a video, but…”
Clockwork’s eyes glazed over briefly — clearly checking the timeline.
“That is a good idea.” Clockwork nodded.
“Okay.” Danny swallowed, “I can’t -”
“No.” Clockwork said, “Honored as these two would be, they have their duties and people. They cannot. I am both bound by the Observants and a little too prone to acts of selfishness. It is too much power for me. No. It must be you.”
“You’re not selfish. You helped me.” Danny tilted his head, confused.
Clockwork chuckled guiltily as Pandora made a face and Frostbite shifted awkwardly.
“There is a reason people fear me, Danny.” Clockwork seemed more amused than anything by the sudden awkwardness, “I appreciate your trust in me, but I was not so good or kind in life. I hold domain over regret and retribution as well as time. It is a position I earned after giving and getting both in equal measure. I am not a protective spirit by nature. I am one that seeks justice and sometimes revenge.”
“I don’t get it.” Danny frowned, confused.
“Soon, you will.” Clockwork said grimly, “But for now… Trust me when I say all is as it should be.”
“Okay.” Danny said, “I trust you.”
“Now, time in.” Clockwork said. When Danny tried to give him the medallion he shook his head, “No, hold onto it. I believe it goes without saying, but do not lose it.”
“I know. I won’t.” Danny promised.
“Good, now… I believe you have some friends to talk to?”
“Er, right!” Danny said and rushed off.
“He doesn’t know who you are?” Frostbite turned to Clockwork, “And you haven’t told him?”
“… He’ll learn during his studies.” Clockwork admitted begrudgingly, “And it’s best that he come to me after he processes the information than during.”
“Just remember, Kronos.” Pandora glared as she handed over her medallion, “One wrong move-“
“Yes, yes, I am very aware of your opinions of me, Keeper of Hope.” Clockwork held a hand to Frostbite, “Shall I take you back to your people?”
“Er, yes.”
“Good, then-“
“Hey! I was not finished-“
Pandora sighed as they disappeared, “Ugh. He is always such a petty menace. One of these days…”
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enwoso · 18 days
Hi, I love your writing! I was wondering if you could write a fic where Rooney and Russo are recording there new podcast and they mention a funny story to do with you. With Alessia x reader pairing. You can make the story up but I thought it would be funny
THIRD WHEEL — alessia russo
sorry to whoever requested this as it’s took me so long to actually finish it, but it’s finally here!
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"hello! and welcome back to the tooney and russo show with me y/n l/n, and before you all ask don't worry i'm not stealing vic's job she's just poorly" you said down the microphone, getting yourself comfy in the big chair opposite the couch that alessia and ella were sat on.
"thank god we only have to put up with you for one episode!" ella says rolling her eyes playfully as you gasp, the two bursting into laughter.
"anyways i'm here with two of football most famous friends, alessia russo and ella toone!" you cheered as the two opposite you clapped as well as the people behind the cameras.
"are we the most famous friends?" ella turns asking alessia who shrugs, you clearing your throat to get the brunettes attention back.
"they've just written that on the script to boost your ego" you smile quickly before looking back down to the ipad as the ella starts laughing as does less.
“i’m not lying it’s on here!” you hold the ipad up in there direction showing them, “you really know how to make someone feel good about themselves don’t you, y/n!” ella jokes as you nod you head.
“it’s my speciality — ask lessi i do it on the daily for her!” you say winking jokingly towards less who shakes her head at your silliness.
“whatever helps you sleep at night love” alessia sighs, not wanting to disagree with you knowing the ramble you would go into.
"anyways before we get sidetracked anymore, the fans want to know a bit more about your routine when playing, asking if you find it hard to sleep before a big game?" you read out the question that was on the ipad in front of you.
"speaking on behalf of all three of us here, but we all sleep like babies!" ella says as you and alessia nod in agreement humming.
"yeah what's the saying, can sleep on a camels back" alessia blurts out making you make a confused face, as you mouthed a what to ella who shook her head also having no idea what the blonde had just said.
"that's not a saying babe, you've just made that up!"
"i have not, search it up!” the blonde defended her self as you still looked at her with a confused face trying to understand what she meant from her try at an inspirational message.
“um yeah moving on.. i sleep good all the time to be fair. but do either of you remember the night before the euro final?” you asked them both, ella nodding while less say shaking her head.
“oh yeah, i remember that night. do you not?” ella agreeing with you as she directed the last part of her sentence the blonde sat next to her, who shook her head while mumbling a no into the mic in front of her.
“so obviously we was staying in this really nice hotel, the tottenham hot spur hotel it was i think, and everyone was asleep and um in the night the automatic blinds kept coming up” ella explained as you nodded along.
“i never even noticed to be honest, but i remember you complaining about it in the morning” alessia pointed over to you.
“yeah and i only noticed them because you’d took all the blankets from me and i’d woke up freezing, and then-“ you began as the blonde across you cut you off with a gasp as her mouth went wide open.
“you say this all the time, but i don’t hog the covers!” the blonde said in a defensive tone, ella watching with a smirk on her face at the bickering between the two of you an occasional giggle coming from her.
“how would you know if you do or don’t? your asleep less?” ella commented as you hummed your eyes going wide, “exactly!”
“and then the stupid blinds kept me awake and then less had her alarm set for dead early and she didn’t even wake up — honestly worst night sleep i’ve ever had.” you grumbled carrying on with your small story as alessia mumbled into her mic about you being overly dramatic.
“oh i hate alarms me, i’m the type who had to wake straight up as soon as it goes off” ella says as you hum, “cause once you start snoozing, it’s game over”
“lessi is the worst for snoozing”
the podcast carry’s one as you talk along with the two girls, about random things that start a different conversation until you get up to the fan questions section of the pod.
“so we are up to when you guys at home get to know ella and lessi more off the pitch as they answer your questions where nothing is off limits, i’m excited for this bit” you smile down the camera before smirking to the two girls as they look at each other scared. you continuing to scroll through the ipad.
“first one is weirdest thing your both scared of?” you say giggling to yourself knowing what both of their answers are going to be.
“probably bananas” ella says pulling a face of disgust as you ask why. “i dunno, i just really don’t like them.
“um turkeys or just birds in general” alessia shrugs as your mind takes you back to the world cup of when there was loads of them there.
“there definitely both weird, the next one is directly for you lessi — this fan has said: alessia your half italian but can you actually speak it” you say reading the comment word for word off the ipad, looking up to see the blondes blank face as you begin to laugh along with ella.
“well i can understand it, i tried to learn how to speak it and i can speak a few words..” less trails off her words getting quieter and quieter with each one she spoke.
you raised your eyebrows humming in amusement, “yep and by tried you mean one duolingo lesson?”
“pretty hard to try and learn it when you have someone distracting you every five seconds wanting attention!” alessia argued, taking a sip of her water which was next to her.
“sorry for showing and giving my girlfriend some love?” you scoffed jokingly as you placed your hands in the air in defence. “next time i won’t bother” you added sassily.
the blonde pouting, mumbling along the lines of that you know that she loves giving you her attention you humming at her response, the blonde holding her hands up in an attempt at a heart with her fingers getting a small smile from you.
as ella dry retched down the mic, “do you have to do the lovey dovey stuff every where we go!”
“okay this is a good one, who’s the better driver” you ask, putting the ipad to the other side.
“well i think we can both agree who it’s not-“ alessia smirked pointed between her and ella who nodded in agreement knowing what the blonde was going to say.
“you- do you not…” alessia began before you cut her off, “hang on the question wasn’t to include me, and i know the story your gonna tell and it’s gonna be completely wrong but carry on” you sulked, sinking further in the chair you were sat in opposite the two best friends.
“no so you were in a really tight parking spot, which can i add i told you not to park in-“ alessia began to tell the story in between laughs as tooney listened intently, you sat across from them with a frown on your face.
“—and there was this bollard to the right of the car and i told you that you were gonna hit it if you carried on but you were adamant you weren’t gonna hit it. and of course who was right cause then the back of your car ended up with a massive dent in the back along with scratches along the side”
“yeah but in my defense right, since i did move slightly the way you told me to and if i hadn’t i definitely would have missed it” you defended yourself as alessia rose her eyebrows not totally convinced.
“is this the day you came to england camp sulking?” ella asked as alessia nodded her head slowly in response for you, you not wanting to admit it.
“and now i’m banned from driving lessi’s car-“ your frown deepened.
“i mean i’m not surprised!”
“and that’s all we have time for today, before i get outed anymore!” you perked up once again, the two girls straightening themselves up as you looked down the central camera.
“like you haven’t been outing us for the whole ep love” alessia commented as you waved your hand at what she said.
“thanks for joining me, less and tooney as i third wheeled-“ you began again but got cut off by ella. “no i was, as always!”
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nathaslosthershit · 3 months
Trips to See the In-Laws (LS2)
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Summary: In order to save his teammate from an interviewer with not so innocent thoughts, Alex has to reveal that his thought-to-be-single friend, Logan, is actually in a long term relationship.
“Alex, Logan, so wonderful to have you both here with me today. Now that we are rapidly approaching the first race of the season, how are you both feeling? How was both your breaks?”
“Well firstly, thank you for having us. It has honestly been crazy. Break has gone by fast and with all the training we’ve been doing, I honestly feel ready to just jump in the car and start back up.” Logan replies.
It was no secret that Logan Sargeant had been training much more during the off season, everyone had seen how much he had changed. The way the interviewer was staring at him though, as if he was their next meal, was making him shift uncomfortably in the seat. 
Alex, being as perceptive as ever, immediately saw the change in Logan’s demeanor. He was confused by it until he saw how the interviewer shifted closer to Logan, eyeing him up and down in a very flirtatious manner. He then chimed in to try and alleviate the tension. “Yeah, busy break but we have been putting in the work and I think we are both ready for this upcoming season.”
“You both look very different from the start of last year. Alex with your hair and Logan has gotten very, very fit.” Dammit, this interviewer really wasn’t going to let it go, Alex thought.
“Um yeah, we are both pretty different looks wise.” Alex weakly responded. What was he supposed to say, the interviewer didn’t exactly ask a question.
“I was in a pretty bad state at the end of last season, both mentally and physically. I worked really hard this off season to improve both of those things and gained 5 kilos. I feel much better now that I am at a more healthy weight and I think it just cements how much more learning and growing I needed last year.” God, how can the interviewer continue to try and eye fuck Logan while he gives such a sincere and vulnerable answer, Alex wonders. He knew he needed to help his teammate and friend in some way, but the idea that came to mind might have some consequences. But surely it was better than the alternative of letting Logan get harassed.
“Well Logan, you took some time to travel a bit since being here in New York” Alex teased.
“Ohhh, where did you go Logan?” the interviewer asked, intrigued at the blush on Logan’s face that had appeared as he picked up on where Alex was trying to go with this.
“Well actually, my girlfriend is originally from New york and still has family that live outside the city so they very kindly invited me to visit them and watch the Superbowl. She wasn’t too happy that I got to see her family while she is stuck in London but also was ecstatic that they clearly like me enough to invite me to visit even when she isn’t with me. It was sweet and such a kind gesture, definitely beats spending that night watching the game in a hotel room alone.”
“Hey, I would have watched with you. You wouldn't have been alone” Alex said, offended.
“Mate, you did not have any actual interest in watching the game.” Logan responded.
“But I still would have kept you company.” 
Before the two could continue their fight, the interviewer bursted out a very aggressively asked “Girlfriend?”
The two were quiet then, not knowing what to say. The interviewer wasn’t looking at Logan like a piece of meat anymore, but now he had to deal with this sudden hard launch of his relationship.
“Uh yeah, I have been in a relationship for a while now. Met my girlfriend when I moved to London. We lived in the same apartment and had moved in around the same time. Insane luck, I guess.” Logan answered, still blushing.
“Leave it to Logan to find the one other American in his apartment complex and immediately start dating her.” Alex teased.
“Hey! It was a coincidence and she is from New York while I’m from Florida, they are practically two different countries.”
“Yeah whatever.” Alex rolled his eyes playfully.
The interviewer, now upset at practically getting rejected, stopped asking questions and just watched as the two Willaims drivers took over the interview, rambling, and teasing each other, till it was time to end it.
The interview had immediately gained popularity once it had been posted. Not many drivers hard launch the way Logan did and while Logan hadn't anticipated that this was how his relationship was found out, he did have to thank Alex for getting him out of that situation.
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liked by alex_albon, williamsracing, and 73,355 others
logansargeant My favorite New Yorker 💙
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doctorbitchcrxft · 3 months
Pilot | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore
Word Count: 4833
A/N: This is gonna be the slowest of burns. Every Saturday, these will publish at 3:00 PM CDT! I hope you all enjoy. Taglist/Requests are open!!
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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A trail of men disappearing spanning decades had brought you to Jericho, California. It seemed it would be a pretty standard hunt. From the moment you arrived, though, you knew this would be different.
You’d run into other hunters on jobs before, but none as strange and belligerent as John. John was all you knew him by. He was rough around the edges, and in all honesty, a complete dick. You had unintentionally gotten into an unspoken race with him to see who could finish the hunt first. Both of you refused to back off and go find another job; you just out of spite and him… you had no idea why a guy old enough to be your father was being so petty and territorial about this hunt. And perhaps that’s what fueled your fire to finish this hunt before John could. You thought maybe he knew something you didn’t about the hunt, and you were desperate to find out. But then… he disappeared. 
About a week into the “competition” you were having with John, he disappeared. You didn’t see him around Joseph Welch’s house, the Breckenridge Road home, or the Centennial Highway Bridge. It was completely puzzling. He didn’t seem like the type to up and leave in the middle of a job, but you brushed the unsettled feeling you had aside to keep pushing through your hunt. 
You had torched the body of Constance Welch the same night you guessed John left. You were just about to leave town, and then, Troy Squire ended up dead by what you assumed were Constance’s hands. 
You pulled up to the Centennial Highway Bridge in yet another stolen car. 
‘One of these days I won’t keep putting a neon sign on my back by stealing cars and actually find a way to buy one,’ you thought.
Almost as if on cue, another car pulled up next to yours. Except this car— a black 1967 Chevy Impala— was way nicer than the shitty sedan you’d copped for the time being. 
Two young men in the most layers you’ve ever seen anyone wear in the California sun stepped out on either side of the car. You pushed aside the thought of how attractive the shorter of the pair was and kept walking toward the taped-off part of the bridge where a few officers were milling around a crashed car. 
“Is that Troy’s? Oh, my God,” you shook your head, making sure the officers could hear you. 
“Ma’am, you are not supposed to be here,” an officer told you, trying to keep you from walking any closer to the car.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry, I just—” you sniffed, “—I’m his cousin. We were really close growing up, and I, uh, just had to see this for myself, um, do you have any idea what could’ve happened?”
“We were wondering the same thing,” a deep voice called from behind you, making you wheel around.
‘Fuck. The Impala dudes.’
“And who are you?” the officer you’d been speaking to asked.
“Federal marshals,” one said, flashing a badge.
‘Goddammit, more hunters.’ You held back an eye roll, doing your best to stay in character.
“You two are a little young for marshals, aren't you?”
The one you’d found attractive initially flashed a smile. “Thanks, that's awfully kind of you. You just had another one just like this, correct?”
The officer you’d been speaking to didn’t seem too convinced by their story, but replied anyway. “Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road. There've been others before that.”
“Any connection between the victims, besides that they're all men?”
“No. Not so far as we can tell.”
“So, what's the theory?” the taller guy asked. 
“Honestly, we don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?” The officer seemed to remember you were standing there as he spoke. “Ma’am, I really do need you to go.”
“I was just about to—” you started, before the shorter guy cut you off. 
“What kinda crack police work are you doing; talking about sensitive information in front of townies?” He was cut off with a grunt; apparently the other guy had stepped on his foot. 
“Thank you for your time,” you told the officer, suddenly feeling very awkward. You turned on your heel, hurrying away. 
After the bizarre incident with the other two hunters on the bridge, you went down to a local diner to get something to eat. You were puzzled as to why Constance was still around after you torched her bones. You flipped through a few pages of your journal when you saw the two hunters from the bridge walking in with two goth chicks. 
‘What the fuck. First John, and now this.’
The shorter one of the pair caught the glare you threw their way over your shoulder. He had a smug look on his face you couldn’t quite read as he sat down in a booth with the girls and his partner. You did your best to listen in on their conversation as you sipped your drink. 
“I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and...he never did,” you heard one of the girls lament. 
You recognized the voice of the taller one. “He didn't say anything strange, or out of the ordinary?”
“No. Nothing I can remember.”
“I like your necklace.”
“Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents—” the girl laughed, “—with all that devil stuff.”
“Actually, it means just the opposite. A pentagram is protection against evil. Really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing.”
“Okay. Thank you, Unsolved Mysteries,” the other guy’s voice broke in. 
You held back a small laugh. You hated to admit it, but he was pretty funny. 
“Here's the deal, ladies,” the pretty one said, “The way Troy disappeared, something's not right. So if you've heard anything… What is it?”
Your eyebrows drew together, your back still turned to the group.
“Well, it's just... I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk,” a new voice chimed in. 
“What do they talk about?” the two boys said in unison.
It got a little harder to hear as one of the girls quieted her voice. “It's kind of this local legend. This one girl? She got murdered out on Centennial, like decades ago. Well, supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever.”
‘Yeah, yeah, I already know that. They are way far behind me in the process.’
“Well, thank you for your time, ladies,” the voice of the taller one spoke amidst some rustling. You figured they were getting up to leave. 
You dropped a twenty on the table, let the door shut behind the group, and stood to follow the boys out. You hung back a little while you watched them head to their car. 
“I know you’re back there, sweetheart,” the pretty one called without turning around.
“I know you do. I was just testing you,” you said, walking closer. “Look, I’ve already got this one covered. You guys should find something else.”
“Not a chance,” the pretty boy replied. 
“Look, man—” you started. 
“We’re just looking for our dad,” the taller one cut you off. “We think he’s working this same job.”
“Wait, is your dad’s name John?” you asked, surprised. 
Both of them started toward you, their shock and confusion evident. “How do you—”
“Whoa, easy,” you giggled. “He was here a few days ago and then he just, pfft,” you imitated a puff of smoke, “disappeared.”
The pretty boy ran his hand through his hair, looking frustrated, while the taller guy continued talking to you. “Was he working with you?”
“Hardly,” you scoffed, “we were kind of in an unspoken competition to see who could smoke this bitch first when he disappeared. And then, Troy ended up dead a day later. I thought maybe he was connected to Troy’s death some kind of way.”
“I don’t think so,” the taller one answered. “I’m Sam, by the way. This is my brother, Dean.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m (Y/N),” you shook Sam’s hand. When you reached for Dean’s, though, he rolled his eyes at you without taking it. 
“Oh-kay,” you muttered. 
“Sorry about him,” Sam told you. “He’s—”
“A bit touchy?” you smirked.
“Yeah,” Sam laughed. 
“I can hear you two, y’know,” Dean snarked. 
“I know,” you quipped. “So, what’s your theory on your dad?”
“We have no idea,” Sam said. “We were hoping you might know.”
“I have nothing for you,” you shook your head. 
“Well, do you know anything about the case?” 
“A lot, actually. Chick’s name is Constance Welch. She’s a woman in white. She lives at the end of Breckenridge Road. I talked to her husband, and he definitely cheated on her. He buried her in a plot behind her house. I went there and torched her. I was just about to leave town when your dad disappeared, Troy wound up dead, and you two showed up.”
“Then, there’s gotta be something else keeping her here,” Sam told you.
“Okay, then what?”
“So this is where Constance took the swan dive,” Dean said. The three of you looked over the railing of the Centennial Highway Bridge. Sam had been nice enough to force his brother to let you tag along. 
“Okay, so now what?” Sam asked.
“Now we keep digging until we find Dad. Might take a while,” Dean responded.
“Dean, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday—”
“What’s Monday?” you asked. 
“I’ve got an interview with law school.”
“Oh, shit, no way!” you smiled. 
Sam smiled back at you before Dean cut in. “Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?”
“Maybe. Why not?” Sam cut back.
“Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?”
“No, and she's not ever going to know.”
“Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are.” Dean kept walking down the bridge. 
“And who's that?”
“You're one of us,” Dean said. 
Sam hurried around him. “No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life.”
You felt really awkward doing what felt like intruding on a private moment. Your eyes began to scan the railing of the bridge opposite you.
“You have a responsibility to—”
Sam cut his brother off. “To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back.”
You were doing your best not to listen in on their conversation when Dean grabbed his brother by the collar and shoved him against the bridge railing.
“Uh, guys—” you started, your eye caught by what looked like Constance standing on the railing of the bridge.
“Don't talk about her like that,” Dean grumbled at his brother; ignoring you.
“What?!” Dean turned to face you, stopping when he caught sight of Constance. Constance then stepped off the railing. 
The three of you broke off in a sprint toward the spot she’d leapt off. You searched the water below. “Where'd she go?”
“No idea,” Dean answered. 
Your visual search was interrupted by a bright light coming on in the corner of your eye. Dean’s Impala’s headlights. 
“What the fuck—” Dean trailed off.
“Who's driving your car?” you asked him. 
He responded by pulling the keys out of his pocket and jingling them. 
The car jerked to life, heading straight for you and the boys. You broke into a sprint yet again, doing your best to outrun the car; a task that proved impossible. 
“Jump!” you screamed, and the three of you threw yourselves over the side of the bridge. You thankfully caught a bit of the bridge that jutted out over the water and pulled yourself back up, groaning.
‘My arm’s gonna be sore as a bitch in the morning.’
“Dean?” Sam yelled down to the water below. “Dean!”
“What?” came his aggravated response. 
You looked down to see a mud-covered Dean crawling out of the water. You couldn’t hold back a laugh upon seeing him.
“Not funny, sweetheart,” he called up to you.
“My name’s (Y/N),” you answered. “Don’t call me sweetheart. It weirds me out.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.”
“Guys, you can argue later. You okay?” Sam called down to Dean.
“I’m super,” his brother responded.
You and Sam climbed back over the railing of the bridge while Dean made his way up to you. The car had stopped only a few inches from where the three of you dove over. Dean busied himself inspecting the engine while you sat with your back leaned against the passenger’s side door. 
“Your car okay?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, whatever she did to it, seems all right now.” Dean shut the hood. “That Constance chick, what a bitch!”
You chuckled to yourself at his antics. “Alright, well, I don’t think the bridge is what’s tying her here. What now?”
Dean raised his hands in frustration, flicking mud off his hands in the process. 
Sam caught a whiff of his brother. “You smell like a toilet.”
Your next stop was a motel. When you went to check in, the clerk informed Dean that another man under the last name on Dean’s card had bought out a room for the whole month. And so, you and the boys went poking around John’s room. 
Every surface was covered in newspaper clippings, magazine articles, photos, hastily scribbled notes, and bits of red tape tying some of them together. 
“I knew John was weird, but this is a whole new level,” you commented, slightly in awe of the frantic scribblings covering the wall. 
‘'Don’t talk about him like that,” Dean grumbled. “I'm gonna get cleaned up.” He started toward the shower. 
“Hey, Dean?” Sam stopped him.
His brother turned around. 
“What I said earlier, about Mom and Dad, I'm sorry—”
Dean held up a hand, cutting him off. “No chick-flick moments.”
Sam laughed. “Alright, jerk.”
“You guys are strange.”
Dean rolled his eyes at you before disappearing into the bathroom. 
You started looking around John’s room. A closer look at the walls of information revealed pages on demons, witches, possession, and other bits of newspaper referring to mysterious deaths unlike anything you’d heard before. One was an obituary clipping from 1983; taking you aback. The picture was of a gorgeous blonde woman named Mary Winchester who died in a house fire. Her picture was surrounded by other house fire deaths and linked by red thread to multiple of the demon and witch articles. You walked over to his dresser where there was a picture of a much younger John holding two boys who you assumed were Sam and Dean. 
“You guys were cute kids,” you told Sam, showing him the picture.
He smiled sadly at it. 
After a brief melancholy pause, you spoke up. “So, what’s your deal? College? Law school? Part-time hunter? That doesn’t add up.”
“My, uh, my dad raised us as hunters after my mom passed,” he explained. 
“I’m sorry,” you told him, sitting on the bed next to him. “Was her death the reason your dad became a hunter?”
“Yeah. I’m not exactly sure what happened; I wasn’t even a year old yet. Dean remembers way more than I do, but he said our dad was never the same. Anyway, two years ago, dad and I got into a fight. I wanted to go to school, and he wanted me to stay and hunt. So I left.”
“Dean said you got a girl now? Was that the voicemail you were listening to a few minutes ago?”
“Yeah, actually. Jess. She’s— she’s amazing. I’m excited to get back to her.” You could see how much he loved her just in how his face lit up talking about her.
“I’m sure you are,” you smiled. 
“So, what about you? What’s your story?” he nudged your shoulder with his. 
“Meh, not much to tell.”
“Aw, come on—” Sam rebutted. 
“I’m serious!” you laughed. “I’ve just always hunted. Never knew anything different.”
“I know that’s difficult.” His tone became serious again. 
“Nah, it’s not so bad. I enjoy it. Brings me a little peace, y’know?” you shrugged.
“You sound like Dean.”
“Speaking of which, he’s taking forever and a day in the shower,” you joked. You bounced over to the bathroom door, leaning your ear on it about to knock. “Hey, princess—” 
You were cut off by the door opening and stumbled into Dean’s chest. 
He caught you by the shoulders. “You were saying?” 
You shoved off him, annoyed by his smug smile and quirked eyebrow. “Sorry.”
“Anyway,” Dean began, “I'm starving, I'm gonna grab a little something to eat in that diner down the street. You want anything?”
“No,” Sam said.
“A burger would be great,” you told him. 
“Wasn’t asking you,” Dean said. 
You stuck your tongue out at him. “Aframian’s buying, anyway, so what difference is it to you?”
“Nothing, it’s just fun to rile you up.” He winked and smiled at you, amused at your aggravated expression before closing the door behind him. 
You shook your head. “Dick.”
Sam laughed. “You get used to him.” He went back to his phone, relistening to his girlfriend’s voicemail. He furrowed his brows before pressing it to his ear. “What?” He stands up, catching your attention. “What about you?” He huffed when he hung up the phone, rushing over to the closed curtains to peek out. 
“What, what is it?” You crossed your arms.
“Police got Dean. We need to leave.”
Sam quickly pulled away from the window which you understood meant you had company. You hid under the bed, anxiously waiting to see the officer’s boots make their way into the bathroom. You began scooching yourself out from under the bed frame, and when he’d slammed the door to the bathroom open, you and Sam snuck out of the room. Thankfully, Sam had Dean’s keys, and the two of you sped away from the motel in Dean’s Impala.
“Well, shit,” you breathed, your heart still beating quickly.
Sam huffed out a laugh, still recovering from the adrenaline.
You and Sam were headed to Breckenridge Road to hopefully figure out how to stop Constance. Since you had torched the body, then maybe something in her house was keeping her alive. 
After Dean’s arrest, the two of you were intent on getting Dean and getting the hell out of Jericho before anyone else had a run-in with the cops. 
Sam’s phone rang, and he answered quickly. “Hello?” He tossed a look your way. “Actually, it was (Y/N)’s idea.” You had no doubt he was referring to the fake shooting you’d called in to the police department so Dean had an opportunity to escape. You motioned for him to give you the phone.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” you told him once you had the phone to your ear. 
“Yeah, whatever, sweetheart,” Dean’s gruff voice responded.
“I told you not to call me that.”
“And I’ve made it pretty clear I’m not going to listen. Hey, give the phone back to Sam. I gotta talk to him.”
“And why can’t you tell me? Don’t you trust me? I’m offended, babe,” you quipped. 
“Don’t objectify me.”
“Hey, you started it with the whole ‘sweetheart’ thing.”
“C’mon, (Y/N), give him the—”
“Shit!” you screamed, dropping the phone as the car came to a screeching halt. “What the hell, Sam?”
“Constance,” he replied coolly. He kept a level head despite the tense situation. 
You looked up at the rearview mirror to see her in the backseat. “Fuck.” 
Constance’s hauntingly beautiful voice melodically flowed from the backseat. “Take me home.”
“No,” Sam answered. 
You saw her glare as the doors started to lock themselves. You whipped around to start trying to reopen them. The car began jerking forward. 
“What the hell, Sam? Stop!” you told him. 
“It’s not me.”
You looked over to see him holding his hands up. The steering wheel was moving itself. You turned back to the door, struggling to get the lock open. Eventually, you wound up at Constance’s abandoned Breckenridge Road house. The car’s rumble quieted and the headlights turned off. 
“Don't do this,” Sam pleaded, still holding his hands up. 
The ghost flickered, sounding sad. “I can never go home.”
‘That’s it.’
“You're scared to go home,” you realized. When you turned around to look at her, she had disappeared. Before you could even turn back around, you felt the bench seat reclining forcefully. 
Constance sat atop him, begging him to hold her. 
“You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been!”
“You will be,” she hummed. “Just hold me.”
You fumbled for your gun hidden under your top. Before you could fully aim at her, you felt your back make brief contact with the Impala’s door before flying through the air. You barely registered Sam yelling your name as you groaned in pain on the dead grass beneath you. 
You rolled around, trying to regain your wits and recover when you heard the sound of multiple gunshots. 
“It’s me, (Y/N), stay down!” Dean yelled. 
Suddenly, Dean’s car burst through the front of the abandoned house. You pushed yourself up off the ground; your joints and back aching in protest. 
“Sam! Sam! You okay?” Dean called after the car. 
‘I’m fine, Dean, thanks for asking,’ you thought. 
The two of you climbed over the rubble to the passenger’s side window. 
“I think,” Sam responded weakly. 
“Can you move?” you asked.
“Yeah. Help me?” He reached out to his brother. 
Dean pulled Sam through the window of the car. “There you go.”
You turned to see Constance looking sadly at a picture she was holding before slamming it to the floor. She glared at the three of you harshly, forcing a bureau across the floor to pin you to Dean’s car. 
You groaned in pain once again as Dean struggled to push the furniture off. You stopped your struggle at the lights flickering and the sound of water rushing down the stairs. 
“You've come home to us, Mommy,” the echoey voices of Constance’s children sang. They appeared behind her, hugging her as she screamed. In a surge of energy, Constance and her children began melting to the floor. Constance’s resounding scream seemed to get louder and louder with each passing moment, the flickering of the lights becoming more and more intense. You squeezed your eyes shut until the screaming subsided, suddenly feeling the pressure on your stomach relieved. All that was left of Constance and her children was a puddle of murky water on the floor. 
“So this is where she drowned her kids,” Dean said while you rubbed your stomach, recovering from the pressure of the bureau. 
Sam nodded. “That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them.”
“You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy.” Dean slapped his brother on the chest where he’d been injured by Constance.
Sam laughed despite the pain. “Yeah, I wish I could say the same for you. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?”
“Hey. Saved your ass,” Dean commented, starting to look over his beloved Impala. “I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car? I'll kill you.” 
You giggled at Sam and Dean’s banter. Sam and Dean started to get back into the car, and you idled awkwardly. 
“Whatcha doin’? Let’s go.” Sam looked at you expectantly. 
“Go where?” you asked, feeling stupid. 
“I think we make a pretty solid team. You should tag along.”
“What?” Dean asked while you started shaking your head. 
“No, no, I shouldn’t—” 
“You should. I’m going back to school, and I know Dean’s gonna be lost without me trying to find my dad.”
A slow smile crossed your face. “Thank you. That’d be nice, actually.”
Dean rolled his eyes, but didn’t say anything to the contrary. And with that, the three of you set off to drop Sam back off at college. 
The thing Dean so desperately wanted to tell Sam that he couldn’t tell you earlier was that his dad had left coordinates to a place called Blackwater Ridge, Colorado in the journal he’d left behind in Jericho. John was getting weirder and weirder by the minute. 
“AC/DC. I like it,” you said from the backseat. 
“Thanks.” Dean cracked what seemed like a genuine, lopsided smile at you for the first time in the rearview mirror. “Sam thinks it’s mullet rock.”
“Yeah, well, it’s better than Kiss and Poison.”
“True that.” Despite the fact that he was agreeing with you about something as mundane as music, his tone was still guarded.
“How far is Blackwater Ridge?” you asked Sam, who was looking over a map. 
“About 600 miles,” he answered.
“Hey, if we shag ass we could make it by morning,” Dean cut in. 
Sam suddenly looked uncomfortable. “Dean, I, um…”
The older brother deflated. “You're not going.”
“The interview's in like, ten hours. I gotta be there,” Sam tried to reason.
Dean nodded, disappointed, and returned his attention to the road. “Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I'll take you home.”
The mood in the car had turned tense, awkward, and sour, and remained that way for the rest of the drive back to Sam’s college.
“Dude, you go to Stanford?” you asked incredulously.
“Yeah,” he nodded, sheepishly.
“Alright, smartass, look at you.” You nudged his shoulder with your balled fist. 
Dean rolled to a stop in front of Sam’s apartment complex. 
You and Sam got out of the car. You gave him a quick hug goodbye before climbing down into the front seat. 
Sam leaned into your rolled-down window. “Call me if you find him?”
Dean nodded. 
“And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?”
Despite Sam’s chipper tone, Dean’s disappointment was clear. “Yeah, all right.”
Sam patted the car door twice before turning away. 
“Sam?” Dean called before his brother could get too far. “You know, we made a hell of a team back there.” 
You felt a pang in your heart at Dean’s indirect attempt to try to convince Sam to stay. 
Sam nodded with a half-hearted smile. “Yeah.” 
Dean then began to drive off. 
The two of you didn’t get any more than five minutes down the road before you felt something was off. You could no longer hear the steady ticking of Dean’s watch breaking through the almost awkward silence. Sure enough, when you looked over at the wrist he had perched atop the steering wheel, the watch was stopped. 
“Dean,” you said. You tapped his watch’s face with your fingernail. 
He matched your worried glance, immediately turning the car around.
The car had barely stopped before you and Dean were leaping into action. You let Dean take the lead in rushing up to Sam’s apartment. 
Dean kicked the door to the apartment open, calling out to his brother in the process. You gasped when you caught sight of flames licking at the ceiling coming out from what you assumed was Sam’s bedroom. 
You heard Sam’s voice weakly calling his girlfriend’s name as you rushed to get him out of the smoldering room. You just barely caught sight of a body bleeding from the stomach burning on the ceiling before you and Dean dragged a screaming Sam out of his bedroom and away from the fire. You fought him every step of the way out of his apartment complex. 
It didn’t take long for the fire department to show up and the police to start asking questions. A small crowd had gathered to gawk at Sam’s smoldering apartment. Your face was steely as you watched the firefighters carry Jess out in a body bag. You and Dean took the brunt of the questions the police had, allowing Sam as much space as he needed. 
You and Dean soon headed over to the Impala where Sam was packing up the weapons cavity of the trunk. Both of you seemed too scared to ask Sam what was running through his head, and neither of you had any idea what to say. 
Sam threw a shotgun into the weapons box before muttering, “We got work to do,” and slamming the trunk shut.
You threw a look at Dean, who shook his head in response. Biting the inside of your cheek, you followed the boys into the car. As the three of you left Sam’s apartment in the rearview mirror, you realized the course of your formerly relatively boring life was changing very quickly. 
‘Damn you, John. Wherever you are.’
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
I love the idea of vox aftercare and all that fluff/fluffy stuff sm OMGG
a/n — yes omg i love fluff with vox because let’s be real i don’t think he has fluffy experiences often.
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Vox fell back on to bed breathless and panting while you crawled next to him. 
“You did so good,” you said, planting a kiss on the area where his cheek would be. He whined softly, still coming down from his high.
It took a few more moments for him to come to his senses and notice the uncomfortable stickiness on and around him, along with the ache in certain areas of his neck and thighs that were littered in dozens of hickeys. 
He groaned as he went to get up, dreading the process of cleaning up and then leaving. That’s when you gently pushed his chest back onto the bed.
He looked up at you confused, before blinking,“Um— I’m a little checked out for the night.” He explained and he rolled his neck trying to distract from the hurt.
“What? Oh, oh no, Vox, that’s not—“ You try to explain before sitting up further on the bed. “Just let me clean up for you, baby. I think I went a little hard on you today,” you cross your arm around your other elbow to stretch, crack your knuckles and get off the bed.
“Oh,” Vox was slightly taken aback. Usually when he got laid it was never really about him. Valentino, for example, was more of a fuck and run situation.
There was never much aftercare. Never much he didn’t have to do himself, at least. He started to hoist himself off the bed, his body was sore though he had to stop himself from hissing in pain.
“Look it’s fine, I can just take my shit and—“
“Sit down, Vox.” You command from the other room, “You let yourself be taken care of in bed and you can do it now.” 
“That’s different,” he tried. Honestly, he really did see it that way.
“Mhm, and you’re being very brave about it,” you tease, coming back in the other room with all sorts of things; new sheets, an ice pack, and a warm, damp washcloth.
You sit next to him on the bed and begin to clean up.
“Does it hurt?” you inquire, pointing to the bruises on his neck.
“Well you did sink your teeth into the softest parts of my body so, you could imagine,” he felt bad for giving you so much attitude, so he finished the sentence with a teasing smile.
“Yeah, I bet,” You raise your head high as if to show how proud of yourself you are. 
Vox’s eye roll is cut off when you placed the ice pack to the back of his neck.
“Fuck,” he winced slightly. You placed your hand on his thigh and rubbed comfortingly, kissing him on the side of his screen.
“Sorry, baby. Here keep icing that,” you say before getting up.
“Where are you going?” Vox asked, slightly scared of your leaving, even though he couldn’t place why.
You left the door to the bedroom open and walked into your kitchen. “Nowhere,” you answer, retrieving two mugs from your cupboard, “How do you like your tea?”
“I don’t. I hate tea,” he called, getting comfortable on the bed as he moved the ice to his thighs. “I prefer coffee, black, if you can,” he paused, realizing his tone, “but you don’t have too.” 
For some reason he didn’t want to be difficult towards you after everything you’ve done for him tonight. You’ve exceeded in meeting his needs and now, even after sex, took care of him.
“I—“ you can’t help but laugh at his request. “Vox it’s the middle of the night. You want coffee?” You snickered.
“Well, I didn’t think you would judge me for it,” he picked up on your unserious tone and matched it to the best of his abillities.
“And black coffee at that,” you smiled, “that’s absolute insanity.”
“Yes, we’re literally in hell and that’s insanity,” Vox couldn’t hold back a smile when you came in the room.
His heart fluttered when he saw what is in your hands, one cup of green tea along with the black coffee he requested. You listened to him, actually listened to him. 
He didn’t really know why he felt a sudden rush of affection towards you. After all, it was just coffee. But you had heard him, after the joke was over, and you still catered to his needs. 
Something Valentino would never do.
“One cup of, far superior tea, and one cup of—“ you made a fake gagging noise as you sat down, “—far less superior, bitter black coffee.” 
As you put the mugs on the bed side table, you sat down next to Vox and spread your arms out, welcoming him in. 
For some reason, Vox found himself eager to be held by you, to be appreciated and loved more. He hesitated for a moment before gladly accepting the offer.
In a moment he buries himself deep in your chest, your arms wrap around him and rub his back. 
You lean down and kiss the top of his screen, “still sore, sweetie?” 
He felt his screen heat up at the pet name. “Yes,” he simply said, despite the strong coffee he grew drowsy in your arms.
Especially with you rubbing up and down his back with your nails in such a soft demeanor.
“I’m sorry if I went to hard on you, baby,” you spoke barley above a whisper, as if noticing the fact that exhaustion finally kicked in for Vox.
“mhm, ‘ts fine. It was good,” he mumbled, using his hands to pull you closer to him by your shirt.
“You did so well for me, by the way,” you cooed in his ear. “took everything so nice. I really do think you’re amazing.”
Vox hummed quietly, feeling his screen once again heat up from your nice words. He still clung to you, desperately. If he were less tired, the praise might even get him going again.
But it was the intimacy you were displaying now that was comforting him into a deep, deep sleep.
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a/n — i really hope my vague guesses on vox and val’s relationship were right bc i haven’t see the new episodes so… fingers crossed?
also i feel like i paint val out to be the only toxic one in the relationship. No, vox definitely is a manipulative problem too but of course val has affected him just as much yknow?
just to clarify—
hope you enjoyed the fic <3
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moonstruckme · 4 months
If it interests you, could you maybe do poly!marauders smut surrounding how they would react when reader gives one of the boys a blowjob? If this isn’t comfy for you I apologize immensely. I double checked your rules so hopefully I didn’t overstep or anything. Love your work! Also my middle name is Mae:)))
Honestly babe when I read this I didn’t know if I was comfy with it either (not because of you, just because I didn’t know if I’d be able to write it) but I decided to give it a go and somehow it turned into over 2k words? So thanks!
cw: smut mdni, oral (m receiving), praise, this might be horrible? I can't decide if I hate it
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 2.1k words
Sirius’ kisses have turned sloppy, one of his hands wrapped loosely around your neck while the other wiggles its fingers below the waistband of your jeans, taking greedy handfuls of hip. His hard length presses into your thigh through his pants. You tilt your head, slanting your mouth against his so you can kiss him more deeply, and a low groan rumbles through him. 
He plants a chaste kiss on your lips before starting to mark a path downwards. 
You know where this is going, and you like where this is going, but still a breathless “wait” slips past your lips. 
Sirius pauses, his face hovering over your middle. Next to you on the bed, your boyfriends continue making out, but you can see you’ve caught James’ attention. His eyes open to slits, peeking from beneath his lashes to check on you. 
“What’s up?” Sirius asks, rubbing your hip. “Don’t feel like it?” 
“No, I just…” you rub your lips together nervously, and you see his eyes drop to the motion. Already large pupils growing larger. “I wanted to know if I can ask you something.” 
Sirius’ eyes skim over you, a slow perusal that’s probably meant to deduce the cause of your anxiety but only serves to worsen it. “Sure you can,” he says, tone somewhat gentler than usual. “What is it, sweetness?” 
“Could you maybe,” you ask hesitantly, wishing you could lean away from him, as if some distance between you would make this any less embarrassing, “teach me to give you a blowjob?” 
Sirius’ lips part in surprise. This time it’s Remus who you catch looking over, a second before James breaks their kiss, sitting up over Remus’ torso. 
“You wanna learn?” James asks, lips bitten red and swollen. 
You glance between him and Sirius, not quite sure who to look at. “Yeah?” you say, hating the way your voice crawls up into a question. 
Sirius’ eyebrows twitch together. “You know you don’t have to,” he says, “right?” 
“I know.” You give him a little smile. “I’m just curious, I guess.” 
“Okay,” he says. His thumb sweeps over your hip like he knows you need the reassurance. “Yeah, we can show you, gorgeous. Wanna do it sitting down?” 
You take a breath, nodding before crawling out from under him and kneeling on the floor by the bed. Sirius follows you, sitting on the edge of the mattress and spreading his legs wide. Your brain buzzes in response to the erection you can see bulging through his pants. 
You glance towards the other boys. “Are you guys just going to…watch?” 
They’ve both been staring at you, but now James grins sheepishly. “If you don’t mind.” 
“We can help, if you’re alright with that,” Remus offers. “Give you tips.” 
You can feel your face growing warm at the prospect of them being witness to your bumbling first attempt, but you don’t hate the idea of them coaching you through it. 
“M’kay,” you say. “Um, what do I do?” 
“Try taking it out, sweetheart.” There’s a bit of laughter in Remus’ voice, but his hand is gentle as he reaches over the edge of the bed, brushing your hair behind your ear. 
Your eyes flit up to Sirius’ face. He gives you a smile, and you undo his pants, pulling down the waistband of his underwear so that his length springs free. For a few moments you just look at it, wetting your lips before looking to the boys for direction. 
“Here.” James gets down on the floor beside you and takes your hand in his, guiding it to Sirius’ shaft. “You’re probably gonna want to start by holding it like this, okay?” He wraps your fingers around the base. “Good. Now be careful to cover your teeth, and just try putting it in your mouth.” 
Just? You glance up at Sirius again, and a bit of pride swells in you at the undisguised lust in his expression.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” you tell him softly. 
“Me neither,” he jokes, reaching down to thumb affectionately at your cheek. “You won’t hurt me, baby. And you can stop anytime you want, you know that. If you don’t like it, just stop.” 
You bob your head, wrap your lips around your teeth, and take him into your mouth before you can think too hard about it. His cock feels odd and weighty on your tongue. You lean forward a bit, seeing how far you can go. 
“Breathe through your nose,” Remus instructs. “Try sucking on it, whenever you’re ready.” 
You let your jaw relax, sucking experimentally, like you might on a popsicle. Sirius moans. 
“Just like that,” he says, voice taking on a thick quality. “Fuck, good job, baby.” 
Warmth unfurls in your gut at the praise. You suckle a bit longer, getting used to the feel of him in your mouth before you begin moving slowly forward and backward. After a few tries, your lips are making contact with the curled O of your thumb and forefinger each time. Sirius’ cock twitches in your mouth. 
“You’ve got it, angel.” James’ big hand roves the curves of your side, his touch steadying your nerves and stirring that heat in your core. “Don’t rush yourself, but if you wanna take him deeper you can take your hand off.” 
You do it with little hesitation, high on praise and the rush of what you’ve already accomplished, and ease more of Sirius’ shaft into your mouth. He puts a hand in your hair to help you along, but then all of a sudden it’s too deep, too big, too much. You gag, choking. 
Sirius’ hand disappears instantly, but you’re not so ready to give up. Your throat spasms around the intrusion, vision blurring as you try to breathe through your nose. 
“Easy,” Remus murmurs.
You finally can’t stand it anymore, pulling away and drawing in a gasping breath. 
“Shit,” Sirius says, and you lift your teary eyes to his embarrassedly while James rubs your back. “You alright?” 
“Yeah,” you manage, swallowing. “Sorry.” 
His eyes go soft. “Don’t be sorry, you did great. Do you wanna stop now?” 
You shake your head. “I think I just need a second.” 
He nods, and there’s a few seconds of quiet, James' hand coasting up and down your spine. “Do you think a demonstration would help?’ he asks. 
You swipe under your lashes, looking over at him curiously. “Um, maybe? I’m not sure.” 
He exchanges a quick look with Remus before grinning, shuffling closer to where the other boy sits at the edge of the bed and taking off his glasses. “Here. Sirius, talk her through what I’m doing, yeah?” 
Sirius seems about as transfixed by what’s about to happen as you are, but he nods. James does as you had, taking Remus’ cock out of his pants, and there’s no need to get it warmed up after the show you’ve been giving them. He feeds it right into his mouth. Remus groans as James takes his entire length expertly, fisting a hand in the other boy’s curly hair. 
“Right. Um, see how he’s breathing deep through his nose?” Sirius clears his throat, voice noticeably rough as he watches James’ lips move over Remus’ shaft. “He’s keeping his throat relaxed, not moving back and forth too much.” 
You watch as James’ mouth grows wet with spit and slick, his eyes watering a bit as he fights his gag reflex. His throat bobs, and Remus swears, his grip tightening on James’ hair. 
“And when he swallows,” Sirius manages, “his throat tightens, which is…uh, nice.” 
Remus lets out a breathy, half-delirious laugh at Sirius’ commentary. His cheeks are flushed red from pleasure and the attention, and it’s not long before curses start to spew from his mouth and he goes rigid, cuming down James’ throat. James swallows, grinning up at him. Lips and eyes shiny.
You and Sirius watch them for a few seconds longer, entranced by the sight of your boyfriends. 
“Okay.” You clear your throat. “Um, thanks.” 
“Yeah, thanks,” Remus says weakly, and you have to swallow a laugh. 
You turn to Sirius. “I think I’m ready to try again.” 
He gestures as if to say Go right ahead, and you take his shaft in your hand, guiding it back into your mouth. Once again, it takes time to adjust to the feeling, but this time when his head hits the back of your throat you’re ready for it. You breathe steadily through your mouth, focussing on staying relaxed as you suck gently. 
“There you go, angel,” James praises, putting his glasses back on to watch you. “You’re taking him so well.” 
“Fucking yeah she is,” Sirius agrees, voice growing reedy as he starts to pant. You take one of his legs to steady yourself, hand wrapping around a tattoo on his thigh. “Look at me, baby.” 
You lift your watery eyes to his, finding the stormcloud gray nearly eclipsed by dark pupil. The raw want in them makes your cunt throb. Sirius must find your face nearly as arousing, because he mutters another quiet, Fuck.
You’re distantly conscious of Remus shuffling back to the edge of the bed, and then he’s laying his head on his arms, gazing down at you. “Look at you, such a quick learner,” he hums. “You’re doing such a good job, sweetheart. Making him feel so good.” 
“Look at her eyes,” James says, just loud enough so you can hear. You know they’re aware of what their words are doing to you, of the wetness pooling in your underwear. “She looks so pretty like this, doesn’t she?” 
“She does,” Remus agrees. “Our pretty girl.” 
You move a bit more surely over Sirius’ length, constricting your throat tentatively. Sirius moans loudly, his hand twitching toward you before he stops it. You take it in yours, setting it on the back of your head so he can guide you the way he wants. 
“Fuck, that’s my girl,” he pants, tangling his hand in your hair. “So good f’me.” 
You make a small, pleasurable sound, and another moan slips from between his lips, his hand urging you closer. You breathe through it when his cock sponges against the back of your throat, starting to enjoy the odd sensation of your mouth and throat being so deliciously full—and, if you’re being honest with yourself, the feeling of knowing you’re doing well. And if Sirius’ increasingly loud curses and the other boys’ murmured praise are anything to go by, you’re doing rather well. 
“God, I wish you could see how you look right now,” James says, voice smooth as velvet as he drops a kiss on your shoulder. “You’re so lovely.” 
“Fucking hot, s’what she is,” Sirius insists, brows coming together so urgently you wonder for a second if he’s in pain. “Fuck. Shit, where can I cum?” 
You don’t take your mouth off his cock, doing your best to communicate with your eyes. Sirius seems to get the message, his grip on your hair tightening, pulling at your scalp as his thigh tenses under your hand. You swallow hurriedly, and the sounds that leave him will echo in your dreams for the rest of the week, loud, pleady moans interspersed with mangled curses. Your mouth fills with warm wetness, and you ease him out of your throat before swallowing again. 
“There we are.” James tugs you gently away when he realizes neither you or Sirius are moving, pulling you half into his lap. “You did it, sweetheart, great job.” 
He strokes his thumb under your eyes for you, wiping away the wetness there as Remus watches you move your tongue around in your mouth funnily. 
“You alright?” he asks you.
You nod. “Tastes different than I thought it would,” you say. 
James laughs, the sound bright and clear. He plants a smacking kiss on your cheek. 
“Not bad, I hope,” Sirius says, voice still a bit stringy. He leans back on his elbows, watching you from the bed. 
You feel color rise to your cheeks. “No. Not bad.” 
His lips quirk up, eyes steady on yours. “That was fucking killer,” he tells you, “especially for your first time. Thanks for that, gorgeous.” 
You grin bashfully, dropping your eyes. James clears his throat loudly. 
“Right, right, and thank you for the demonstration,” Sirius adds. “Very instructive.” 
James beams, but Sirius only pats the bed next to him. 
“Why don’t you hop up here so I can give you a real thanks?” 
Impossibly, James’ smile widens. He’s quick to obey, Sirius moving to take his place on the floor. Your lips part, and you hear Remus chuckle. You turn to find his amber eyes watching you. They linger on your lips, still glossy and swollen. 
“Y’want me to help you out too, sweetheart?” He juts his chin toward the bed, a silent request for you to lie down. “Seems only fair, doesn’t it.” 
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Hey kids, I've got some more "Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good!" behind this here read-more. You know, if that's a thing you're into. 👀
“I don’t know what names are good,” Superboy says finally, his voice stiff. “Or sound good. I never even heard music before Kid Flash was–I just don’t know what sounds are good. Or whatever.” 
“It doesn’t matter if it’s ‘good’,” Billy says, wondering why Superboy cares so much about his name “sounding” good and also why Cadmus is apparently the worst. They never even played music for him? What, at all? He makes an immediate mental note to figure out how to set up the wireless speakers Batman had delivered and, like, Spotify or something. “You just have to like it.” 
“Oh,” Superboy says, just barely frowning again. “Are you . . . sure?” 
“Yeah,” Billy says firmly. “I’m definitely sure.” 
“Oh,” Superboy says again, then looks down at his feet. Billy feels bad for him and is going to set up like, a million different playlists the first chance he gets. Just like a lot of different stuff, so Superboy can figure out what he likes.
“Do you still want suggestions?” he asks. “I promise I won’t pick anything that sounds bad.” 
“. . . fine,” Superboy says, still looking at his feet. It’s not a resounding “yes” or anything, but it’s no a “no”, Billy’s pretty sure, and he does want to help Superboy pick a good name, so . . . it’s probably okay to try again, he thinks. 
“Okay,” he says, trying to think of something really good and not just random stuff this time. Like–names are important, and Superboy obviously cares about what other people are gonna think of what he picks, so . . . 
Superboy keeps not looking at him. Billy tries not to worry about it. Maybe Superboy just doesn’t like looking at people at all. He didn’t make eye contact with Kid Flash’s parents while they were here either, and barely even with Kid Flash. Which makes sense, he guesses, because why would someone used to telepathic communication really feel a need to look at anyone’s face? Superboy probably doesn’t have the . . . instinct, or whatever. 
Well, it’s fine if he doesn’t, Billy figures. Either he’ll learn it or he’ll just not like it either way, and neither of those options are a big deal or anything. The name thing and coming up with rules and stuff and helping Superboy feel comfortable are way more important right now. 
"Um . . . actually, my mom's name was Marilyn," Billy suggests a little shyly as an old idea occurs to him. It’s been a while since he really thought about it, honestly, but . . . "So you could be 'Lynn', maybe? If that's not too weird? I used to think that if I ever had a kid I'd name them after my mom, 'cuz my dad's name was Clarence and that's pretty old-fashioned, though I guess if you were a girl you could've just been 'Claire', so . . . well, maybe Clarence could be your middle name, actually? If you like it, I mean." 
Superboy . . . pauses. Frowns at the floor. 
"Why would you name me that?" he asks skeptically. "You might have an actual kid someday and want to use it for them." 
"I have an actual kid right now," Billy says reasonably. "Why wouldn't I use it for you?" 
Superboy sits very, very still, and doesn't say anything. Billy starts worrying that maybe that was weird or too much and maybe he's already the worst dad ever and maybe now Superboy thinks he's weird and too much and the worst dad ever and is just gonna get up and go straight back to Kid Flash's house and never even talk to him again or–
"I count as an actual kid to you?" Superboy asks, his voice completely neutral. 
Oh, Billy realizes. 
Man, he's dumb sometimes. 
"Yeah," he says firmly. "You definitely count." 
". . . okay," Superboy says, looking at the wall. "'Lynn' works." 
"Awesome," Billy says, smiling at him as wide as he thinks he can get away with. He doesn't want to look fake or like he's trying too hard or to be overwhelming or anything like that. He just wants to make it obvious that he's happy right now. "Nice to meet you, Lynn Clarence Batson." 
"Nice to meet you too," Superboy says–Lynn says–glancing sidelong at him just a little bit hesitantly. "Um . . . Dad." 
Billy grins. 
Okay. Not the worst dad ever after all, then.
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sturnsbaebackup · 7 months
can you write something about how the fans have started speculating something between you and chris??
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summary: you and chris have been talking, and the fans are starting to notice.
warnings: none!
as nick and matt argue about god knows what into their microphones, chris stares down at his phone with a small smile. “chris what’s your opinion on this?” nick asks, but it appears chris hasn’t heard him.
“chris, get off of your fucking phone. we’re on the podcast! who are you even texting that’s so important right now?” matt groans. quickly after being called out chris puts his phone away. he’s very clearly flustered, and he says, “i was just um— texting nate!”
“texting nate? with that big of a smile on your face? i didn’t know nate was so funny… but whatever can you please just get off of your phone and help us settle this debate,” matt says, glaring at chris with a wondering eye. not even his brothers knew about you and chris, but they were bound to find out soon enough.
chris feels his phone buzz on his lap, and he waits until he has a chance to answer it. he doesn’t want to tell you that he’s recording because he doesn’t want to stop talking to you, so he tried to multitask, but clearly he’s not very good at it.
nick suddenly gets up and walks over to chris, snatching his phone from his hands. as he does so, he see’s your contact name and the photo of you and chris cuddling at the top of the screen. “oh my god that’s—“ he blurts out, but immediately stops himself. “—enough! i’m taking your phone until the end of the episode” nick says, immediately catching himself before he reveals you and chris’ secret.
chris’ cheeks turn bright pink, and his heart rate is through the roof. he knows he’ll be grilled with questions once they’re done recording, and he doesn’t know if he’s ready for that yet. eventually the pod is over, and immediately nick hands chris his phone with a smirk.
“have fun texting y/n!” nick shouts as chris begins walking downstairs to his room. a loud gasp can be heard from matt, and chris can feel his cheeks burning up. he scurries into his room and replies to your texts, and immediately opens tiktok to rewatch the tiktok you guys had made a couple days ago. he scrolls through the endless comments, and begins to notice a reoccurring pattern.
“are they dating?!”
“oh i ship this”
“i think they’re dating! i mean, y/n is wearing his brand…”
and so forth. he bites his cheeks to hold his smile in, but ultimately fails when he sees all of the support even when you guys haven’t gone public. as he scrolls through his phone, a gentle knock can be heard on his door.
“come in nick!” he exclaims, not even looking up from his phone. he knows it’s nick because matt has a tendency to just walk in, or bang on the door. one or the other.
“can i ask you something?” nick asks, sitting in the end of chris’ bed.
“yeah, anything,” chris says, putting his phone down and fixing his posture.
“why didn’t you tell me and matt?”
“um— well we aren’t really telling anyone. i mean we’re not dating yet, but—“ he pause, “actually i don’t really know, honestly. i guess i’m just nervous that if i start telling people things will go south,” he shrugs.
“are you planning to ask her out soon?”
“yeah, i am actually. i was gonna do it this weekend, and make it a big surprise for the fans but now i don’t know. the fans are already speculating things, so i feel like i should just scratch the whole big idea i had and ask her the next time we hang out.”
“oh! that was also one of my questions! how the hell have you been hanging out with y/n and both me and matt didn’t know about it?! we live together and i still didn’t know!”
chris chuckles, “there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me nick. and it’s gonna stay that way, so if you could stop asking me a million questions that would be great,” he sarcastically grins, and nick just rolls his eyes. nick closes the door behind him, and chris immediately goes back to texting you.
the podcast episode was posted a few days ago, and immediately the fans have been questioning who chris was texting. there have been many many guesses, but most have been you. chris feels like it’s his fault, and the last thing he wants is for you to feel like you’re being led on, so there’s only one thing to do.
“y/n, i have a question,” chris says nervously, looking down at you as your head rests on his arm.
“what is it?” you ask, knowing exactly what it is. or hoping, at least.
“well, obviously i like you. a lot. and i was just wondering if you wanted to make this official? will you be my girlfriend?”
“of course i will chris, is that even a question?” you giggle, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off of chris’ shoulders. he smiles at you and gently places his hands on your cheeks, pulling your faces towards his. your lips melt together, and your hands find their way to the back of his neck.
you both end up falling asleep in chris’ bed, and while you both nap, you’re unaware that nick and matt both arrive back home. they enter chris’ room after calling his name a few times with no response, only to see you both asleep. of course, them being the immature boys they are, take your guys’ picture. unfortunately, you learn about this the hard way when you see the photo in their photo dump a few days later. you gasp and immediately check the comments, expecting tons of hate comments.
“i knew it was y/n! they’re so cute!”
“cutest couple ever”
you immediately text chris, and you both share a big grin over the situation. although you never would have expected your situation with chris to have gotten semi-exposed, you were just glad everyone was so supportive.
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1d1195 · 1 year
I’m a sucker for protective Harry and exes to lovers sort of vibes.
Harry forgot that after they broke up he started sleeping on the side she did...for a while it smelled like her and as good as the break up was, he missed her and longed for her. Sleeping on her side made him feel closer to her. After a while, he forgot it wasn’t where he usually slept.
She was sitting in the coffee shop looking at her phone. Scrolling through the contacts was making her more anxious. It wasn’t super late—only nine. But it was dark out in the dead of winter and on Tuesday no less. She had class in the morning, and she didn’t want to bother anyone because she knew they had classes in the morning too.
When she closed this evening, she got a weird vibe from the guy hovering in the corner of the shop who kept asking her when she got off her shift and if she wanted to hang out afterwards. At the time she wasn’t alone, but she assured her coworker she would be fine—and was now regretting it. Something in the pit of her stomach was making her nervous. She didn’t want to go outside to her car, but it seemed a little dramatic.
So, she was scrolling through her (admittedly, not so very many) contacts deciding mentally if anyone was close enough that she was willing to bother. She was scrolling her way back to the top after her initial run through getting increasingly nervous as she crept back toward the A’s. If she made it back to the top, she wasn’t sure what she’d do at that point.
But it was the H’s that caught her attention.
“Fuck,” she whispered to literally no one but herself. Putting her hand on her forehead, she sighed. She didn’t want to call him. It had been two years since she last spoke to him. The chances of him even inhabiting the same apartment, a mere five-minute drive away, let alone the same town after he graduated and got a real job were slim to none. Plus, the idea he would answer her phone call at nine on a Tuesday night seemed downright laughable.
Honestly though, he was her only hope.
Biting her lip, she clicked on his name. It almost felt foreign. But something deep within her found it felt so familiar it was impossible to not feel at ease just listening to the sound of the phone ringing knowing he would be at the other end (if he would answer).
“Hello?” He asked. His voice sounded confused. She wasn’t surprised at his tone. It was insane for her to call him.
“Harry,” she said simply.
“Uh...hi, love,” it sounded loud wherever he was. She should have known Harry would be with people and living his life.
“Hi,” she said softly.
It was quiet for a moment other than the sound of whatever Harry was doing in the background. She thought about the last time they spoke. It had to have been right about when things ended. It wasn’t a bad breakup, but they didn’t really stay in touch. She saw pictures and updates on social media but Harry wasn’t all that active. She had no way of knowing a whole lot about his personal life—if he was seeing anyone...or anything like that.
“Love?” He said and the noise seemed to fade in the background of his concerned voice. “Y’okay?” He asked.
“Um...” she shook her head trying to remain focused and remember why she called her ex-boyfriend. “Er...yeah. M’fine...it’s just...” she sighed. “M’sorry. I shouldn’t have called. I’m just...I’m at work and...well I’m trying to leave but there was this guy and I got a weird feeling. But it’s stupid...and I just...there’s no one I know nearby, and I thought if you were still at your place close by then...” she shook her head hearing how ridiculous this all sounded. Bothering Harry on a Tuesday night for something that might not even happen. Her heart was fluttering. This was ridiculous. “Harry, I’m so sorry. This was a stupid phone call. There’s nothing wrong. I didn’t mean to bother you. I’ll be fine,” she said firmly gathering her belongings in her arms and steeling herself for the cold walk outside to her car.
“Oh...hey...” he frowned as he held the phone to his ear. “S’alright love. You’re not a bother,” he promised. “Are...are you inside still?” He asked. She could hear a flurry of movement on his end. There was a rustling of keys, and a few calls in the distance were yelled but she couldn’t make out the words.
“Yeah...but really, it’s fine. It’s late and I’m being ridiculous. I’m just going to—”
“M’still nearby,” he said quickly interrupting her. “Jus’...wait five minutes. I’ll be right there.”
For a moment she stilled and silenced her rationale and the convoluted reasoning in her head. “Really?” She asked, feeling relief course through her body. She didn’t even realize how stressed she was about the situation. The brave front for Harry slowly seemed to dissipate. There was no way she could know that Harry also recognized the worry in her voice.
“’Course, love,” he said easily. They were both quiet for a moment and she could hear the jingling of Harry’s keys, the unlocking of his car. “D’you want me t’stay on the phone with you?” He wondered.
She nodded, feeling comforted by Harry just breathing. Someone was coming to her rescue, even if she was being ridiculous. She didn’t even realize she nodded. But Harry didn’t get off the phone despite not knowing her answer. It was weird to be so content with Harry silently coming to her. With her eyes closed, she could almost picture Harry’s route. Hearing his blinker, the sound of the road...it was almost too much for her. Him just coming to her without so much as a real reason—just a feeling—was heartwarming. It made her miss him all over again.
When they dated, Harry was nothing less than perfect. He did everything with the utmost respect and chivalry. He was an amazing boyfriend and she adored him more than any other boyfriend she ever had. It broke her heart when they ended their relationship, truly. She reminded herself it wasn’t a bad break up. It was mature. They grew apart and Harry graduated, and things were ending. But she was still in school. Granted, now she was on the last of her classes and graduating the coming spring. Harry was out in the real world these last two years being perfect for whoever he worked for and for whoever he was dating.
“Hey love?” He asked gently. Her thoughts pulled back to the present. “M’parking right now. M’gonna come to the front, yeah? I’ll knock, okay?”
She nodded again, making her way from the back of the shop toward the front door. She could see Harry, phone pressed to his ear, looking just as she remembered him. Tall, lanky, and handsome as could be. Always. If she wasn’t so nervous, she would have ogled him for longer. She unlocked the door and let Harry in. “Hi,” she said softly.
“Hi,” he replied. “You alright, love?” He asked.
She nodded. “Yeah,” she didn’t sound alright, though.
He glanced out the doorway and his brow creased in the middle. He looked highly annoyed. “M’glad you called,” he said quietly.
“Thank you,” her voice was so small and quiet. She looked nervously through the front window seeing Harry’s car closest to the shop. “Would you mind walking me to my car?”
He nodded. “Course, love,” he promised easily.
“You really didn’t have to come,” she said. It was a phrase that sounded like she should be annoyed—even though she was the one that asked him here, in so many words. But Harry knew her. He knew she wasn’t annoyed. He knew she was scared and didn’t want to be a bother. She was annoyed that she bothered him, if anything.
He shook his head. “Nonsense, love. Don’t mind at all,” he kept glancing out the window then he turned his attention back to her. “M’gonna...” he rolled his lips into his mouth and then sighed. “Kitten, m’gonna hold you, alright?” He said softly. She glanced out the window again, trying to see around Harry, but he stepped in her view. It wasn’t good. He must have been out there. A shiver ran up her back and she let out a small, nervous noise that came from deep in her soul. “Don’t worry,” he shook his head quickly and kept her from seeing. He took her bag off her shoulder and put it on his own. She had her keys in her hand and she swallowed. “M’here,” he promised. “M’not going anywhere.”
Harry wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing his side fully to hers as they walked toward his car parked right next to hers. They were silent except for Harry quietly whispering directions toward her. “Are you alright t’drive?” She nodded silently. Harry opened her driver’s door. He waited for her to sit, and he physically blocked her view outside the door. “Are y’sure y’can drive?” She nodded. “Are y’still at the same place?” She nodded again.
Harry reached past her to settle her bag on her passenger seat.
“Love?” He questioned again. He was hesitant to ask his next question but the way she looked so nervous and scared had him reeling.
It also didn’t help there was a creep a mere 30 meters away from them waiting for her like she was bait. She turned to look at him, her breath shaky, her hands kept shaking too as they reached for her steering wheel.
“I want you t’come t’my place, yeah?”
She felt scared so she just nodded. “Okay.”
“Kitten, m’not gonna let anything happen t’you, okay? I promise.”
“Okay,” she nodded again but it felt a lot more right this time.
Pressing the lock button on her door, he gave her arm a gentle squeeze as she turned her car on. “M’gonna follow you so wait until m’in the car,” he said softly. She nodded once more.
Harry was fuming about all of it. Seeing her name pop up on his phone made him confused and worried. But nothing prepared him for the feeling of helplessness and worry he actually felt when he went to the coffee shop and saw her car and a one other car waiting for her to exit work. He hadn’t spoken to her in two years, but he didn’t want to think about what he would do if he found out something terrible happened to her. As he started his car looking toward her waiting to go Harry waved to her to indicate he was good to go.
Harry would murder him if he followed them.
Harry spoke to his phone. “Call Niall.”
The phone rang twice before he answered. “Harry, where did y’go?” Niall asked curiously.
“Everyone needs to leave,” Harry said.
“Harry, what are—”
“I don’t care what y’tell them, everyone needs t’be gone in the next three minutes.”
“Niall! Jus’ get them out!”
“Okay, okay,” Niall said with a tone of defensiveness in his voice. “I’ll get them out.”
“Thank you, I’ll explain when I get there.”
Harry glanced in his rearview mirror and didn’t see anyone following him. But now Harry was paranoid, and he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. He called her again. “Hello?” She asked tentatively.
“Hey love. When y’park, I don’t want y’to get out. I’ll come around t’you, okay?”
“Okay,” she said softly. “Harry?” She whispered.
“Yeah, love?”
“Thank you,” the gratefulness was so thick on her voice Harry could have cried. What if he didn’t see her call? Or what if he decided not to answer? He was worried about things that weren’t but the idea of something happening to her made him feel sick.
“M’really glad you called,” he promised.
She didn’t say anything again. He felt so bad she was so nervous and worked up. She wasn’t one to need saving. She usually did most of the saving her friend group. She was the one with an extra hair tie or a stain stick at restaurants. She never let anyone be hungry or thirsty. If someone didn’t have medicine handy, they could ask her. She was the one that did the saving. She wasn’t the one that needed it. Rarely did she ever ask for help. Asking Harry was not only huge for her, but it meant she really needed it.
When she started downplaying how nervous she was on the phone, Harry thought how terrifying it was that she never needed anyone. Especially for a situation like this. He thought for two seconds what would have happened if her instincts were right, if Harry did ignore her worries, or if she convinced him that she was alright.
Harry quickly brushed those thoughts aside. “Do y’want me t’stay on the phone?” He asked her this earlier. Just like before there was no answer, but he knew she nodded. So, he stayed quietly on the phone listening to her breathing, the sound of her directional, and the road.
There were several cars passing as they pulled up toward Harry and Niall’s place. Harry was grateful Niall got everyone out. “Okay, love, stay put,” he said hanging up as he hurried out of his parked car to her driver’s seat.
Niall was standing on the front stoop waiting to see what Harry was so worked up about. When Harry opened the driver’s door and ushered her out Niall finally understood. “Must have skipped my last eye appointment, is that you princess?” Niall said cheerfully and hurried to give her a hug. It was a bit awkward though because Harry wouldn’t release one of her hands.
“D’you need anything else?” He asked ignoring Niall’s greeting.
“Uh...there’s a bag in my trunk,” she said softly. “I can get it in a minute—” Harry finally released her hand and headed back for her car.
“What brings you here this evening?” Niall asked.
“Oh...uh...” she swallowed. “It was nothing really,” she said shyly. Niall glanced at Harry’s embittered expression. He could see it halfway across their yard while she looked at the ground before looking back at Niall. “I actually think I overreacted and I didn’t know who else to call—”
“She did not overreact,” Harry said simply closing her car up and then coming to her to put a hand on her lower back. He ushered her toward the door. “She’s gonna stay tonight,” Harry told Niall.
Niall blinked then raised his eyebrows in surprise. “What about—”
“No,” he said simply, shaking his head and pushing her more toward the front.
“Harry, that’s not necessary...I think I can—”
“No,” he repeated.
There wasn’t room to argue.
She said goodnight to Niall and Harry continued ushering her into his room. It was the same as before except he moved the bed to the middle of the wall and changed the position of the dresser and the desk in his room. “D’you have clothes or d’you need clothes?”
“I don’t have uh...clothes to wear to bed—”
“Here,” he said quickly and opened the drawer. “Think y’left these here,” he said handing her a pair of leggings that she had lost years ago. It made her feel confused that he kept them folded neatly in a drawer readily available. She wondered if he let other women wear them. She honestly didn’t care. She was glad they were getting some use.
Harry assumed she was questioning the fact he kept her leggings in a drawer folded neatly. He offered them to a girl staying over every now and again. Gem even wore them on occasion. Harry didn’t need to read her mind, to know she was probably happy to help some stranger when they were over and needed something comfy to sleep in. “And y’can wear this,” he said and tossed her a long sleeve shirt that had a logo on it she hadn’t seen before.
“What’s this?” She asked curiously looking at the logo. It wasn’t really the time, but she was potentially in shock and Harry wasn’t going to let that happen, so he just answered her.
“The company I work for,” he shrugged and pulled his shirt over her head.
She dated Harry for two years, so she was used to seeing Harry naked. But not seeing him for two years and for him to casually pull his shirt over his head...well, she missed seeing him. “You got new tattoos,” she said suddenly.
Harry smirked for the first time all night and he paused with his arms in his shirt, but he held off on tugging the shirt over his head. “Uh...jus’ a few,” he said quietly. “One for m’godson, another one for Gem, one ‘cause I drank a little too much one night,” he said shyly.
Harry looked at her gentle smile and thought he would melt. She was all stressed and worked up and so was Harry, but she was beautiful. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If Harry wasn’t so nervous about her safety, he would have reveled a bit longer in how much he missed her voice and suddenly hearing it woke some part of him that he thought was long gone. The part of him that was hers.
Harry opened the door again. “Hey Ni,” he called. “You still do her skincare routine?”
She let out a huffed little laugh thinking about the night she showed Niall and Harry all the steps to having a clean face before bed making sure to prevent wrinkles and damage to the only skin they had. Harry thought it was too many steps, but Niall was smitten with the routine and asked her no less than fifty questions about what he needed to do to have baby soft skin. Harry was grateful now that it was going to pay in tenfold, because he could make her feel at home and have Niall comfort her for a few moments while he fixed up his room. “Yeah! Princess, you want to share?” He called.
Harry looked at her and then opened the door wider. “All yours,” he said softly.
She took the borrowed clothes and nodded. “Thank you,” she whispered again.
Harry watched her walk to the shared bathroom and Niall followed in behind her to show where he kept everything, but he caught Harry’s eye as he entered quirking one eyebrow at him. Harry shook his head and left the pair to their spa treatment.
Harry’s phone vibrated as he propped up the pillows and got a few more blankets for the sweet girl from his closet. For someone that always ran much too hot, she always wanted more blankets to sleep in at night. He was planning on offering to sleep on the floor or the couch, but he knew she would deny it immediately and probably offer to do it herself. Of course, Harry wasn’t about to let that happen so they would have to settle for sharing. He glanced at the name on his phone and sighed.
Do you want me to come over? Harry felt guilty but he shouldn’t have. It was an arrangement they had agreed upon, and they both knew it.
Not tonight.
Oh. Okay.
No, it’s fine. Just surprised. Everything alright?
Harry stopped answering. She deserved more...and if Harry had a little bit better self-esteem maybe he would realize he deserved more too.
There was a knock outside his room. “Y’don’t need t’knock, kitten,” he said with an eye roll as he pulled the covers back for the two of them. Harry heard his door click shut.
“Well...it’s sort of ridiculous that I’m even here, and I feel bad intruding and making you even—”
“Love,” he said turning toward her. She was in his shirt and her leggings now. She settled the clothes she was wearing with her stuff, and she looked toward Harry with so much trust in her eyes Harry wanted to cry. He was so thankful she called him. So thankful she trusted her gut and glad he could help her. “I am so glad y’called me,” he said softly. “You’re not intruding or anything,” he promised. “M’glad you’re here.”
She bit her lip and nodded. “Okay,” she said softly. “Thank you,” she repeated again.
Harry gestured to the bed. “I was gonna offer t’sleep on the floor or the couch—”
“Absolutely not.”
He continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “—But I already knew y’wouldn’t care for that, and I won’t let y’do that either so...” he said and gestured to the bed again.
She couldn’t argue with him so she grabbed her bag and pulled it toward the side of the bed she was used to sleeping on. However, Harry forgot that after they broke up he started sleeping on the side she did...for a while it smelled like her and as good as the break up was, he missed her and longed for her. Sleeping on her side made him feel closer to her. After a while, he forgot it wasn’t where he usually slept. But for tonight, he would have to go back to his side. Harry settled into his bed, pulling the blankets up over him as he scrolled on his phone. It was eerie how comfortable they could get into a routine that was very much the same as the one they used to have.
“Do you mind if I just...finish my essay really quick?” She asked softly.
“Take your time, love,” he nodded easily. “How is school?” He inquired.
She nodded. Harry watched her as she pulled her laptop from her bag and opened it. “It’s good. I’m almost done...I have an internship a couple days a week and they’ve offered me a job when I officially graduate.”
“Kitten, that’s awesome,” he smiled. “Congratulations,” it was so heartfelt it made her stomach flutter.
“How is this place?” She asked, pointing to the logo on her shirt. “Have you been there this whole time?”
“Yeah, I have. It’s a great place. I like it. It’s quiet. I get t’keep t’myself mostly. M’told I’m better than the last guy they had,” Harry chuckled.
She smiled and nodded. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
Harry felt his face warm. “What are you working on now?” He wondered.
“It’s for my history of psychology class,” she said. Harry was always dumbfounded she wanted to be a psychologist but rarely looked at how her own behavior was maddening every now and again. Like tonight when she was willingly about to put her life in danger for some creep because she didn’t want to bother Harry. “Just relating different philosophies to a disorder over time and how the founders of these philosophies would have approached it.”
“Cool,” Harry smiled. “Do you like it still?”
“Very much,” she nodded. “Except,” she sighed. “This keeps happening,” she showed him her computer. “I’m sorry,” she said. She hated asking Harry about tech. It never bothered him. He was happy to help her, and he gave her tips to better the lifespan of her devices. She knew he would probably still look at it for her, even after all these years.
He tilted his head and sat up more and looked at the blue crash screen analyzing the codes it presented. “Hold on,” he mumbled turning into his IT self and googling the code from his phone. “How often does it do this?”
“Err...like once a day.”
“Kitten,” he admonished. She knew better than that after all of his tips and tricks. “May I?” He asked. She handed it to him.
“I can’t really afford a new laptop right now. My dad said he would get me one when I graduated in a month,” she shrugged.
“How is your family?” He asked while he fiddled with her computer.
“Good,” she nodded. “How’s yours?”
“They’re good. Gemma visits frequently,” he smirked.
“That’s nice, tell her I said hello.”
He was busy clicking through her screens and checking settings on her computers that she didn’t know existed. “Y’should really clean this,” he murmured.
“Er...m’not sure how...you always did it for me,” she reminded him.
He chuckled. “Fair enough, I can do it in the morning if y’have time.”
“I have class at eight,” she told him.
He shrugged. “S’okay...m’usually up at five.”
“Five?” She asked in surprise. “Harry, it’s so late, you should be asleep,” she said with concern in her voice.
He shrugged. “S’okay. Niall and I usually have movie night with friends on Tuesdays,” he said. “S’pretty early t’be in bed right now, on a regular Tuesday night, for me.”
“I interrupted movie night?” She asked quietly.
“That’s what y’took from that?” He smirked.
She was silent for a few moments. “He was out there, wasn’t he? Waiting for me?” She whispered.
Harry didn’t want to answer her question. “Yes.” She nodded and swallowed around a lump in her throat. Biting the inside of her cheek she looked at her hands while Harry took his gaze from her computer to look back at her. “Kitten,” he said softly. “It’s okay.”
“What if you couldn’t have—”
“Love, don’t. I was there. S’okay,” he promised.
“But you might not have been able to...and you shouldn’t have—”
“Baby,” he said softly and put her laptop on the floor beside him. He turned to face her, and he reached for her cheek. He rubbed his thumb over her soft skin. He could feel her melting into the touch and it reminded him of every time he ever touched her and how much he missed that. They were so different now. Older, wiser. Harry still adored her so very much, seeing her name was the first time he thought of her in months and months. Hearing her voice was like hearing a song he forgot about, and it sounded like hearing it for the first time and it sounded so much like angels he was wondering if tripped down the steps of his house and died. Touching her, even if he felt she was in danger, was like magic. It changed something in him. It was familiar and new and all at once. Holding her was warmth and light, something he had forgotten about until that moment. Even in a situation he didn’t want to be in. “I would do anything for you.”
“Still?” She asked with a snort before she could stop it.
Harry rolled his eyes. He brushed his thumb over her cheek again; he would do it all night rather than sleep and then work a full week. If this was the last time he saw her, touched her, smelled her, he would do it for just another minute. “If y’need me, love...that’s...a big deal. Yeah...I would do anything for you.”
“We’re not even together,” she whispered. “Actually...I think you have a girlfriend.”
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” he shook his head.
“You’re seeing someone?”
He sighed. “Kitten, I don’t care about anyone but you, right now.”
“I can’t in good conscience—”
“Love, m’not seeing anyone. That’s it,” he said with a touch of frustration in his voice. She was quiet another moment.
“Harry?” She whispered.
“What, kitten?”
“I think I’m going to cry.”
“Oh, love,” he cooed and pulled her toward him. She started to cry and Harry held her against his chest and while he hated the way her tears soaked his shirt, he was so glad he was there to comfort her.
She was anxiously walking into the coffee shop the next day. She knew the chances of him being there again after he was clearly rejected were slim. It didn’t quell her nerves though, as she walked into the shop.
As she settled her things in the back and came to the front to clock in on the register and begin taking orders, she finally noticed the curly brunet locks cozied up in the corner of the shop in an armchair with a book in hand and computer bag at his feet. She blinked. Doing a double take between the customer waiting to place his order and Harry, sitting quietly in the corner, focused on his book and unaware it seemed that she was at work.
As she made the drink requested, she looked at Harry and then her coworker. “Did you see Harry come in?” She asked.
She glanced over at the corner. “Yes.”
There was no more discussion.
At the end of her shift, she went over to Harry in the corner halfway through his book. “Why are you here?”
“I told you I’d do anything for you, love,” he said gently, earmarking his page and closing the book. “Ready t’go?”
She bit her lip and nodded. He stood up, gathering his things and headed for the door.
When Harry came to her shifts over the next week, she thought that this was over the top. He didn’t say anything, didn’t offer any explanation, he was just there. When they left he tucked her neatly into her car and followed her home before she entered her apartment and waved goodbye from the front entrance.
On Sunday, she anticipated seeing Harry in the corner at some point in her morning shift, but instead she was slightly disappointed by not seeing him. She got used to seeing him and more than that wanted to see him.
So when she got into her car and locked her doors before she pulled her phone out.
“Are you mad at me?” She asked.
“Kitten?” He responded. It sounded like he was suddenly awake out of nowhere.
“You didn’t come to—”
“Are y’alright? Did he come back?”
“No!” She shook her head as she answered hurriedly. “I’m fine...I just...”
“Love, m’sorry. I...I had something t’do this morning, I figured—”
All at once she felt like the biggest idiot in the world. “Oh my God,” she whispered and covered her eyes. Thank God she didn’t video chat Harry. Thank God she was alone in her car and no one could see the bright red cheeks she was sporting. “Oh my God. Harry. I’m so sorry. I...oh my God,” she shook her head.
Hearing her worried tone, Harry hurried away from his morning plans. “Angel, are you okay?” He repeated. “I can come be there in ten minutes, love. M’worried that—"
“No, m’fine. Really. Please this is mortifying. You're very obviously with someone...and...I’m fine,” she told him. “I feel like—”
"Love, m'not with anyone. Haven't been since we started talking again. Kitten, I want t’see y’too,” he promised. “I’ll be home in ‘bout an hour. Does that work for you?” She nodded, feeling ridiculous as ever. Harry couldn’t see her nodding. But he knew she was. “An hour,” he promised. “I’ll see you then, love.”
She felt stupid once more as she pulled up to Harry’s place and noted Niall’s car wasn’t there, fortunately. At the very least her humiliation would remain just between herself and Harry. Harry met her in the yard almost as soon as he saw her pull up. “I was worried y’were lying,” he admitted and stuffed his hands in his pockets looking at her as she walked toward him.
“I wouldn’t lie to you,” she promised crossing her arms in front of her.
“Good,” he smiled gently. “Then...is everything alright?”
“I missed you,” she whispered quietly.
“Yeah?” He murmured.
“Yeah,” she nodded not making eye contact.
Harry tilted her chin up and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her lip. “I missed you more,” he said so cutely she could have turned into a puddle of love and mush on his front yard.
“Yeah?” She asked.
“Yeah,” he nodded and smiled at her. It was so adorable, so utterly Harry, and made her want to throw herself at him and never let him go.
So she did.
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plush-rabbit · 2 months
The One Where Adam Steals Lucifer's Babe
Word Count: 4.9K A/N: I had an idea about this, but I wanted to get it out. This was supposed to be headcanons, but it turned into a story!! woo(•_•)  This is also not done. Like I wanted it to be be headcanons so bad, but i need to establish a plot line because im like dumb. um, so yeah. if this does become anything more, i think max three chapter Its written as if Adam is a sinner so yeah!! -
Dating the King of Hell should be easy- nothing short of bliss and love. And it is easy being with the King of Hell, when he has to make appearances, and he has to put up a front. But being with Lucifer is much more difficult. You know he’s not over Lilith, and you aren’t even close to being a replacement for her. And yet, he keeps you around. You can trick yourself that he still wants you, that maybe he does enjoy being with you. But lying to yourself doesn't make anything easier. You walk out of the castle without a word to Lucifer, childishly hoping that he’d figure out that you weren’t there on his own. On your stroll to nowhere in particular, you check your phone constantly, hoping to see a missed message or call from him- some type of form that he still takes notice of you. You have to silence your phone when you feel tears prick your eyes at the empty screen.
You wind up in some sleazy bar, a bit too tipsy, and far too melancholic  to do anything more than swirl a glass of alcohol with melting ice. You watch the condensation drip down the side of the glass, creating a ring over the coaster. Beside you, the chair scrapes, and your spirits are lifted. It’s Lucifer! He’s chased you down and now he’s going to apologize and proclaim his- your shoulders fall when you realize that it’s not Lucifer. The realization leaves you cold and far lonelier than you initially were. Instead, it’s Adam- the First Man. You wonder for a brief moment if he even still calls himself that.
“Mind your fuckin’ business,” he sneers, sitting beside you. He lifts his hand, and the bartender pushes a glass and a bottle towards him, muttering something about a tab under his breath before turning his attention elsewhere. 
You heard he had become a Sinner- the very thing he sought to kill for entertainment not that long ago. However, you had yet to see him since he was stabbed by Niffty. You wonder if his new form has a hole in his back now.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he tells you, malice tinged at his words, but he makes no real motion to actively wave you off. You’re sure he would have if he was still divine.
A closer inspection reveals that he’s in far worse shape than you could have imagined. A beard that’s in the awkward phase of growing out, deep bags under his eyes, and gaunt cheeks. Hell has not been kind to him. But, what else could you have expected? He was an exorcist- the exorcist- and now, he’s stuck in Hell. Honestly, you should be surprised that his head isn’t mounted somewhere.
You turn back to your drink, and wipe a line of condensation off. “I’m surprised you’d even show your face around these parts,” you mumble, taking a swig of your drink. It burns going down, and you try to hide your displeased expression.
“Fuck you,” he hisses out, taking a long drink from the bottle.
“You know, as a former exorcist, I’d suggest being nice to demons around these parts.” You raise your hand at the bartender, and he walks over, and places the tab in front of you. “You never know who you’re gonna piss off next.” You leave a hefty amount, enough to cover your drinks and leave a pretty tip. 
“What? You’re gonna sick Lucifer on me?” You turn to him, embarrassment hot on your cheeks, and he wears a crooked smile. “Your face and his are plastered everywhere I look.”
With a sigh, you push the check away from you. “Must suck for you,” you mumble. His response is to take a drink from the bottle. “I hated having my picture taken before,” you tell him, unsure if he’s even listening or not. “I felt that they never really got my good side.”
“I’d get photographed all the time in Heaven,” he says in a low tone after a moment of silence. “Bitches could never get enough of me.” You scrunch your nose at the word, and fold the straw wrapper into squares. “Fucking loved it.”
“Wish I loved the camera.” You cross your ankles together, tucking them under the seat of the stool. “I hated being looked at.”
There's a pause in the conversation, long enough that you believe the small talk has ended. You could go back to the castle but if Lucifer hadn't taken notice of your absence, you'd surely have a breakdown. Maybe you could go to the hotel. Charlie would understand. “You still get your picture taken?” Adam asks, his voice startling you. 
You tilt your head to the side, underneath the seat, your legs twist around themselves. “Not as often as I used to. I think it was more like uh-” you wave your hand around and the folded wrapper unfurls itself- “shock value? I think. Like the King of Hell downgrading to some resident.” You smile bitterly. “Not even a Goetia or anything.”
“A Goetia?”
“These magical birds.” You look at him. “You’ve been in Hell for a bit, haven’t you? I’m surprised you haven’t heard or seen them.”
“I don’t get out a lot.”
“‘Cause you’re hated?” You ask, a wicked tone laced in your words. Adam responds by  mocking your voice with the same question. You scoff with a smile on your face. “I wonder why, if you’re such a peach.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
It’s silent. And you watch as the bartender grabs your drink, leaving the coaster behind. A memory of drinking with Lucifer pops into your head- his honeyed smile as he pours you a glass of wine that you would have never been able to afford, to even be aware of such a delicacy that existed in Hell. Never would he have taken you to some dingy bar where less than savory individuals reside. 
You’ve been taken care of. Pampered and adored for a considerable amount of time, before all the light had dimmed. You should have never allowed yourself to get used to such treasures. You glance over at Adam, and wonder if he can understand. “Do you come here often?” You ask him, crossing your arms over the bar. He chokes on his drink and slams the bottle down. He gives you a bewildered stare and you raise your shoulders defensively. “What? I’m just asking,” you say. “The bartender looks like he knows you.” You catch the bartender’s eyes and he quickly looks away. “Or at least enough to keep a tab open.”
“There’s not much to do around here,” he answers.
You fill your cheeks with air and let it slowly blow out through pursed lips. There's plenty to do- sort of. Minus the drugs and sex, most of Hell's greatest features are stuck in other rings. “There’s the Cannibal Sector,” you offer. “You gotta be careful but Rosie is nice and she sells pretty things. I have this hairpin in the shape of a human hand.” Adam gives you a look. “It might be a real hand, huh.”
“The fuck are you even doing out of your castle.”
You deflate. “Rough night,” you say with a sigh. “What about you?”
“Rough night,” he answers
You nod in solidarity. “I’m not usually a drinker,” you confess. “The taste is a bit too bitter for my liking. But being at the castle just wasn’t-” it’s not for you, the pampered life, acting as a placeholder, the King- “I didn’t want to be there.”
When Adam fails to say anything else, you feel embarrassed to even say something like that to the former angel beside you. He wouldn’t care. He shouldn’t care. Why would he ever worry himself over the likes of you, when your supposed partner couldn’t. He sniffs, and places the bottle down. It’s nearly empty. 
“Where do you want to be then?” His eyes are still golden, unblinking as he stares. 
Gold meets your own eyes, and you flicker to the horns over his head, curling overhead much like his former exorcist mask. You look back at his eyes, at the way he holds the bottle loosely. “I don’t know,” you confess. 
There’s a moment of silence, and he finishes the last bit of alcohol. You wonder how many he usually drinks before he goes back home. “You wanna come over?” He asks, and there’s a shade darker that brushes against his cheeks, and he tries to ask nonchalantly, but he toys with the words, and he swallows too harshly for him to not be worried about your answer. As if he’s asking some forbidden question. But, you’re lonely, and you don’t want to be alone in a bar longer than you already have been. 
You look at the exit, half-hoping that Lucifer would be there, ready to take you to his home, and a part of you is glad that he isn’t there. You look back at Adam, and nod your head. “Lead the way,” you tell him.
The sound of the bartender yelling behind you about a tab, has you smiling, feeling as if you’re dining and dashing despite you having paid for your portion. Adam doesn’t seem to care, walking without breaking a stride, just waving his hand without looking back. 
It doesn’t take long before you’re climbing up steps that need to be looked at, rust falling off with each bounce. You’re sure that you can hear something unsavory going on in a room, but a whistle from Adam has you scurrying along. There’s no reason that you should know anything more than you already do. 
You enter his apartment, and take a careful look around. It’s messy- clothes strewn across, dishes left out, and you feel pity for him. A single couch is close enough to the rather small television, a coffee table that has paint chipping and dents is one of the few pieces of furniture in the rooms. A sliding door is closed, a few broken blinds giving you just a glimpse into the outside. “You certainly,” you pause, trying to find something nice to say, “have a place,” you end defeatedly. You stand near the door, clicking the lock into place, as if that would protect you from any dangers out in the world. Perhaps you should be worried about Adam, about the angel who would bear his fangs and be drenched in blood, too excited about senseless murder. But you catch him kicking things under the couch, trying to spruce up the place even if just by a smidge.
“Fuck you,” he says without conviction. He grabs at a pile of clothes and tosses it on top of a chair, leaving the couch clear for you and him to sit. Smiling softly, you take a seat. He places himself close to the arm rest, and watches as you look around. “I uh, I clean- sometimes.” He sounds unsure of himself.
“I like cleaning,” you tell him, grabbing at a magazine on the worn out coffee table. It’s some tabloid, and you see a snippet of you and Lucifer in the corner. You turn to the page where you two are supposed to be. It’s titled as “Issues at Home?” You frown, and turn to another page. “I like organizing and stuff. Um, it helps uh, Lucifer. He does a lot of projects.”
“You don’t got any?”
“I have hobbies, but they come and go.” Your eyes skim the page, talking about Velvette’s new clothing line. You pull your lips into a thin line, a part of you wants to wear her outfits, but you aren’t sure you could pull them off. “It’s all just-” you flutter a hand in the air- “you know, stuff.” You place the magazine back on the table. “What about you?”
He smiles and leans back on the couch, the cushion creasing under his weight. “I like to play the guitar.” You perk at the mention, and watch as he rests his hands over his stomach. “I was in a band. Played the guitar, got all the chicks that I wanted.”
“Were you good at the guitar?”
He nods his head. “Oh, you should’ve fucking seen me. I was like a fucking god on stage.” He holds his hands out and mimics a guitar. You huff out a laugh, and watch as he lets his hands fall. “I got to fuck whoever I wanted. And I mean, who wouldn’t want to fuck me? Look at me.” he tosses you a lazy look, matched with a sly smile, and you can see how people would be attracted to him. “I was the first dick– of course, everyone wanted me.”
“What songs would you perform?”
“Rock mostly.” He scratches the back of his neck. “Crowd went wild.”
“You’d perform in heaven?”
He shrugs. “Most of the time. If I felt bold, sometimes the band and I would do a show on Earth. I’m telling you humans would just throw themselves at you, begging to be fucked in some grimy ass restroom.”
You scrunch your nose. “Sounds gross.”
“It was,” he says with a faltering smile. He cocks his head to the side, and there’s a softness to his words. “Gross as shit, but the girls were hot.” 
You cross your ankles together, and turn to face him. Your arm cushions itself between the couch and your head to watch him. “Do you not play anymore?” you ask hesitantly,
He sucks on his bottom lip, teething at the skin, before letting it go. “I haven’t tried to summon my harp- guitar- shit, thing, since I’ve been here.” He closes his hands into a loose fist and kicks his legs up on the beaten coffee table. “There’s this pawn shop a few streets down, and they have this guitar for sale.”
“Are you thinking about buying it?”
“I have other shit to worry about.” He gives you a look, a fleeting sense of  exhaustion and acceptance that washes over him, that makes him feel a bit more real, a bit more like you. “It isn’t even that good.” He sounds like a child, trying to justify something to themselves. “It’s beat up, and the strings are probably worn-” he shakes his head- “it's not worth it.” You open your mouth to reassure him that it probably is worth it. That despite the condition that it’s in and the price for it, if he wants it, it's worth it. Even if he could never play it, even if it’ll never be restored to its original beauty, it would be his. You only manage to suck in a gulp of air, when a knocking at the balcony door grabs your attention. “Some fucking bird that keeps bothering me.” He looks over at you, and glances back to the door, and back at you. “I have a balcony. Wanna sit outside?”
You nod quickly, closing your mouth. “Yeah.” 
He walks past the door, and leaves it open for you. Just like when you entered, you close the door behind you, half-heartedly hoping that it won’t lock behind you. His balcony holds two chairs- both different kinds and both equally as rough looking. A part of you wonders where exactly he got this furniture. There’s a dying plant shoved in the corner, the leaves brown and stem wilting under the weight of the dying leaves. 
“Quit judging,” he snips. 
You scoff, a smile teasing at the corner of your lips. The air of Hell is cool, wind breezing over your skin and you stare down into the streets, watching as Imps and Sinners live their lives, peacefully uninterrupted. Sitting down, your breath hitches when the chair dips under your weight. It’s quiet between the two of you, silence in each other’s company where you both just stare at the world in front of you. 
You can see the holy light from the embassy, and you can see Heaven’s light- the rings that are protected by wings. It lights up the night sky far better than the pentagram ever has, and sitting under the light of it, makes you wonder if anything is different in Heaven since Adam’s death- or rather, reincarnation. “Do you miss Heaven?” You ask, before you can register the weight of the words that it holds. You turn to him, almost scared of any answer that he would give.
“That’s a stupid question,” he spits out. You don’t respond, and you stay looking at him. He turns his head to avoid your gaze, his legs stretching out in front of him. After a beat of silence, he looks ahead of him. “Yeah,” he breathes out. “I do.”
“What do you miss about it?”
“Full of fucking questions, aren’t ya?” He stays silent, and after a moment, he lets out a soft sigh. “Everything.”
“There’s not many stories about Heaven down here. You know, minus the ones that we all know. The golden gates-”
“Pearly gates,” he corrects. You look at him, and he has his eyes casted down. “They’re pearly.”
“The pearly gates,” you correct, “the clouds, the happiness and peace. I just- Other than that, there’s nothing else to go off of. But I guess, why would I know. Heaven seems so far away, like some mythical place.”
“Your boyfriend doesn’t talk about it?” Adam asks with a sneer.
“No,” you answer without hesitation. “He doesn’t like talking about Heaven. Sometimes-” you lick your lips- “Sometimes it feels like he hates everything and everyone down here. Like he can’t stand the idea that he’s stuck here.” You scratch your neck, and pinch your legs together. “It’s like the memories of Heaven are too painful.”
“That magazine said y’all were breaking up.”
“Maybe,” you answer.
“You can talk about it if you want. Would make this night a helluva lot more interesting.” You look at him. “I’m all ears.”
“And horns,” you tease.
“Fuck you,” he says with an impish tone.
You smile, and kick out your legs. Your phone buzzes, and with hope, you believe that it’ll be Lucifer. Your heart sinks when it’s only a notification from Sinstagram. With a frown, you silence your phone. “In the beginning, it was easy to forget that he was married. I mean, I always knew. He has her portraits hanging, and he talks about Charlie constantly.” You smile bitterly and scratch at your phone case. “I don’t blame him for that, but-” you shrug- “it hurts knowing that he still clings to her.” When Adam stays silent, you continue. “He can be kind- real attentive and sweet. But sometimes, when he’s had a uh-” you struggle to find a word- “a bad day, he gets real low. And I hate to admit it, but he gets clingy and it’s nice to know that I can still serve him in some way.”  Your fingers pinch at the bridge of your nose, and you let your hand cover your mouth. “But then, there are moments, where it feels like he’s actually looking at me- where he’s just everything,” you say wistfully, your hand stretching out in front of you, clasping around the night air. You glance at Adam, who watches your hand as you pull it back to yourself. “Sorry, I uh, I didn’t mean to ramble.”
“So why’d you leave then?”
Perhaps you’d get a biased opinion- you’re aware of how Adam feels over Lucifer, and practically every other inhabitant of Hell. He thinks of himself above any other, his own pride being the very thing that made him unaware of Niffty running towards him. You chew on your lip, your hand scratching over your neck. You need to speak to someone. No one else at the hotel will ever give you a straight answer- or at least the answer that you want to hear.
With a sigh, you kick your legs out in front of you. “I like Lucifer.” You can feel his eyes on you. “But, sometimes,” you drag the word, and your body feels hot, “it’s like he’s not present in the relationship. He gives a lot, but he hardly ever asks for anything.”
There’s a pause. “What could you even give him?” he asks in sincerity. 
There’s a pang in your chest, wrapping tightly, threatening to crush your bones, and leaving you a battered and broken mess on Adam’s balcony. You can’t give him anything that he doesn’t want. He has his daughter, he had his wife, he has his title for better or for worse. All you can offer is a moment of content, and even then it seems that you can no longer do that.
You shrug your shoulders at an attempt of a weak answer. “I know that he’s still not over his wife. Or ex-wife. I'm not too sure of the title and I hate to ask. He gets all mopey and deflective.” You kick at the ground, and insecurity hugs you tightly, and drips into your words. “He stares at portraits of her, and well, it’s hard to compete with the literal Queen of Hell, when I’m just-” your jaw stiffens, and you look at the ground through blurring eyes- “me.” You stand in her shadow without even having met her. “Even when I dress up, I feel like a child playing pretend. I don’t- I’m not like her.” You’ve stared at her portraits that still hang in the palace, and they consume you. Her smile, her delicate hands, and the elegance that is so evident in portraits.  It feels childish to compare yourself to someone so regal and poised. 
“Yeah,” he sighs. “My ex was pretty hot.” Your eyes widen, and you turn to him. “They both were.” He lets out a sigh, and keeps his eyes fixed in front of him.
“Adam,” you squeak out. “I’m sorry.” You shake your head, blood rushing to your face, making your body uncomfortably warm. “I hadn’t meant- I didn’t mean to talk about her with you. I’m so sorry.”
“The fuck are you apologizing for?” He asks, eyes narrowed and mouth twisting to an ugly sneer.
You cross your arms over your chest, bringing them to an ‘X’ where your hands curve over your biceps. “It’s just that I’m talking about Lucifer and your ex-wife.” You frown when he gives you an ugly look. “I just- I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
He gives a shrug of his shoulders, his gaze still focused elsewhere. “Lucifer already talked shit about how he banged both of them. It's whatever.”
Your brows furrow, and you watch as Adam pats his pockets, fisting a hand into one of his pants pockets. He fishes out a pack of cigarettes, grabbing on and sticking the tan end of it into his mouth. He motions the carton at you, and you pull your mouth into a thin line. 
“If you're gonna bitch about smoking, you're one lame sinner.”
“Eve? He slept with Eve, too?”
“Oh shit.” The cigarette hangs between his teeth, until pulls it back into his mouth. “You didn't know.” He almost sounds apologetic. He grabs at a lighter and it takes a few clicks to light the white of the stick.
“He doesn't really talk about his sex life before me.” You slump further into yourself, your nails scratching over your skin. “It's in the past. I know I shouldn't be hurt over what he's chosen to share with me, but-” you toss your head back, and in the red sky, the stars are dim. “I don’t know. It just feels like another kick on a shitty night, ya know?”
“I’m shitty?” He almost sounds offended. 
“No, no” you shake your head. “If anything, you’re like the one good thing out of this night.”
“Yeah, well, you ain’t so bad yourself.” You turn to him, your head cocked to the side. “You got a nice body. If you weren’t stuck here, I would’ve bagged you already.” You stretch your lips thin, and Adam shrugs, blowing out a puff of smoke.  “You’re easy on the eyes.”
“Thanks Adam,” you say hesitantly. He holds out the cigarette towards you and you wave your hand. “I’m good.”
“So what now? You gonna go back to him?”
“I don’t even think he knows that I’m gone,” you say honestly. The confession makes you feel lighter than you thought it would. “It’s comfortable with him. It’s easy- I don’t have to worry about things, but, I also don’t have to worry about anything. And sometimes, I want to worry. I want him and I to argue about dumb shit, and I want to worry if he’s coming to bed or not, and not being resigned to the fact that I know he won’t.”
The silence is broken by the scraping of the chair, and you watch as he rises, stretching his arms above him, the cigarette pinched between his fingers. “Eve tolerated me,” he says quietly, letting out a breath of smoke. You look at him, biting at the inside of your cheeks. “She loved me for a while. She was devoted to me. But I uh- I’m pretty sure that was because she was made from me.” A hand cups over his side. “Blind loyalty or whatever. But when she bit that apple, whatever she felt for me was gone.” He speaks quietly, and slowly, as if the words and the thoughts of it were slowly piecing themselves together, a puzzle that he had long put away in order for it to never make sense. “She didn’t care what I did as long as I left her and the-'' someone below lets out a scream, and Adam turns to you, his face flashing a moment of vulnerability before he looks away and puts out the cigarette under his boot. “Well, Eve was Eve.” His brows soften, and he looks tired. “I didn’t tolerate her.”
“Meaning?” You ask quietly.
He shrugs. “I did love her. She had a part of me after all.” He looks over at you, and his hand tightens over his side, pulling at the fabric. “But that’s not important anymore.” He turns away, and walks back inside. You scurry after him, making sure to lock the balcony door behind you.
You stand awkwardly in the room, unsure of what to do next. Truth be told, you had planned to spend the night in some dingy motel if Adam hadn’t sat beside you. But now you’re here, in his dingy apartment, truths and insecurities laid out for the two of you to bear witness. A part of you wants to bid him goodnight, and maybe when you’d see him out in the streets, you’d give him a  cordial nod, and remember how he listened and talked about his ex-wife, and he’d remember you in positive light, despite you only being a mess of insecurities wrapped in sin. 
But now, you don’t want to leave. At least a part of you wants to continue this conversation, to keep the comfort wrapped tight around you. You tap your foot against the ground and Adam looks at you, his eyes staring at yours, unwavering from yours. You hadn’t realized just how powerful he stood beforehand. 
“You can stay if you want,” he says slowly, unsure of the words that he’s saying. “Take the couch or whatever,” he attempts to sound indifferent, but you can hear the sincerity in the words, uncomfortable, but sincere. “I got a spare blanket you can use.” His teeth are sharp, and they peek out to tease at his bottom lip.
“Really?” You ask, eyes wide and you take a step forward, and he looks away. “I can?”
His mouth thins into a grimace, and he gives a forced shrug. “Do whatever you want.”
You look at the couch. It wasn’t uncomfortable to sit on, but you’re sure you’ll wake up with a sore back. However, you don’t want to go back to Lucifer, and you don’t want to go to some dingy motel where you’re sure you’ll drink until you’re sick. Looking back at Adam, you nod, a smiling teasing at the corners of your lips, and he finally looks away from you.
“Yes!” You clear your throat. “Yes,” you say in a softer tone. “I’d like that. Thank you, Adam.”
“Whatever.” He walks into his bedroom, and you sit on the couch. He returns with a blanket, and he stands at the end of the couch, looking at you. “I’m not making you breakfast or anything. You gotta figure that shit out on your own.” You nod. The only real worry that you have is that your phone’s battery is at an uncomfortable percentage that you aren’t sure is going to last you.
“I hope Hell is nice for you.” He raises his brows at you. “It’s shitty and the smell of decay is always kinda there, but sometimes, it’s nice down here.”
“Hell is supposed to suck.”
“And it does,” you say with a shrug. “But not all the time, Ads.”
“Don’t call me that.” He tosses a blanket at you- it’s thin and threads have begun to unravel at the seams, but it’s soft. “I’m turning off the lights.”
“Goodnight,” you call out, holding the blanket close to you. You can only smile when the response is a closed door.  
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megxplryxb · 5 months
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Pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader Minors DNI 18+ Warnings: Flirting, Mentions of smut but no actual smut
Summary: Your best friend Robin wants you to come work at Scoops Ahoy with her but when she realises you’re totally hot for her cute coworker, she quickly changes her mind about the whole thing.
“So, have you thought any more about applying for the position here?” Robin asks excitedly, handing you your plain vanilla ice cream with sprinkles as you sit on the counter to keep her company during the final hour before closing.
She’d been trying to get you to quit your job at the arcade ever since Scoops Ahoy put an advert in the local paper looking for another member to add to the team.
“As fun as I’m sure it would be to work with my best friend, I don’t think I can.” You frown as her brows knit together.
“What, why not? We’d have such a blast!” She says, trying her best to convince you.
“I know we would Rob, but I just don’t think it’d be the best idea.” You shrug, licking your ice cream, moving your eyes from your friend to her extremely cute coworker who was sitting at a table, conversing with a group of kids.
She scanned your face for a moment wondering what it was that would stop you from wanting to work with her but then she noticed you biting the corner of your lip and the small blush that was slowly creeping onto your cheeks.
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me. Dingus? You like DINGUS?” She shouts loudly as you shush her, placing a hand over her mouth as Steve and the kids look up to see what all the commotion was about.
“Jeez Robs, say it louder why don’t you?” You giggle as she shakes her head.
“I’m sorry, I just… it’s Steve you know? I mean, does the sailor outfit really do it for you?” She winces, not really wanting to know your answer but you reply anyway.
“It’s not necessarily the uniform per se, it’s what’s underneath the uniform that I’m interested in. But now that you mention it, his ass does look pretty good in those shorts.” You smirk, taking another lick of vanilla.
“Please stop.” She gags as you let your head fall back, laughing again.
“What are you two ladies talking about?” Steve questions, brows raised suspiciously as he walks toward the counter again, taking extra note of the bold grin spread across your face.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing!” Robin quickly answers, shooting you a warning glare.
Steve tries to ask you what was going on, seeing the way his friend was looking at you but his thoughts get lost as he watches your tongue swirl around the melting ice cream. He swallows hard, eyes dropping to your low cut T-shirt when he sees a drop of ice cream running down your cleavage.
“Um, you got a little...” He points, his Adams apple bobbing as your finger catches the droplet before it disappeared between your pushed up breasts.
“Oh, thanks Steve.” You smile sweetly before placing the tip of your finger between your lips to suck it clean, hypnotising the boy standing in front of you. Instantly, he’d removed his Scoops Ahoy hat, placing it over the front of his shorts, hoping neither of you noticed the slight predicament he was about to be in.
“Uh, ye-yeah, sure, no problem.” He breathes, walking into the back room as Robin rolls her eyes at you both.
“Fifty bucks says he’s gone to jerk off in the bathroom after that little display.” Robin scrunches her nose as you turn to look at her.
“Maybe I should go help him out?” You suggest, waiting for her reaction.
“Please tell me you’re kidding?” She says, placing her head on the counter.”
“Of course I am.” You chuckle, rolling your eyes as you finish off your ice cream. “Honestly though, I’d never get anything done working with him. He’s so fucking hot.” You gush as Robin covers her ears.
“I’m not listening! Lalalalalala.”
“You’re such a child!” You giggle, playfully nudging her.
“Oh I’m sorry that I don’t want to listen to my best friend talk about fucking Steve Harrington’s brains out!” Robin exclaims, shaking her head again.
“So what? You talk about wanting to mess around with Tammy Thompson all the time!” You argued quietly knowing Robin hadn’t told anyone but you that she was into girls.
“Yeah, but you don’t have to work with Tammy!” She fought back but before you could respond, Steve was back behind the counter again.
“Hey Rob, don’t you have to return that sweater to the Gap store for your Mom?” You asked, smiling deviously at her.
“Oh yeah, I do. I’ll do it when we’re leaving.” She replied, glaring at you.
“But it’s Friday Rob, they close thirty minutes earlier than us.” Steve chimed in.
“Shit, yeah I totally forgot that. You wanna come with me?” Robin asked, eyes widening as you shook your head.
“No it’s ok, I’ll just keep Steve company.” You grinned, licking your lips at the boy as she gritted her teeth at you.
“I think he’ll be ok by himself for a couple of minutes, right ding—“
“So, you thinking of applying for the job here?” Steve asks, rubbing the back of his neck as Robin sighs heavily, grabbing the sweater and walking away unbeknownst to either of you, muttering at you both to use protection as she left the store.
“Oh, I don’t think so. I mean, I know Robin really wants me to but I’m just not so sure.” You reply as he moves from behind the counter to walk closer towards you.
“That’s too bad, I think you would have been a great fit here.” He smiles as you tilt your head.
“Oh really? Why’s that?” You ask as he licks his lips before speaking.
“Well, I mean you’ve already got an advantage being friends with the two best ice cream slingers in Indiana for one, so training will be a total breeze. Plus, you’ve already got a shit load of experience with hyperactive children working at the arcade and well, something tells me you’d look pretty cute in the uniform too.” Steve flirts as you playfully nudge him.
“I don’t think I’d pull it off as good as you do, Steve.” You reply as he lets out a small laugh.
“Yeah, my ass does look pretty good in these shorts, right?” He challenges as your eyes widen, trying to hold back a smile.
“You totally heard.”
“I totally did.” He grins, moving closer again as you shrug your shoulders. “Well, I stand by my observation, you do have a great ass.”
“Thanks, honey.” He says, gazing at you with a look that sends a lightening bolt straight to your core. “So, there’s no way I could convince you to join the team, huh?”
“What’d you have in mind, Harrington?” You ask as he steps in between your legs, closing the space between you.
“Well sweetheart, I’m a pro at oral persuasion. I’m pretty sure I could get you to come aboard.” He whispers, hovering over your lips and you desperately want him to kiss you.
“Are you freaking kidding me? I leave you alone for ten minutes and you’re practically screwing on the counter!” Robin yells as you quickly pull away from each other.
“Jesus Robin, we were not screwing!” Steve defends as she shoots you both a look of distain.
“You would have been if I hadn’t walked in on you. Shame on you, this is a family friendly business!” She teases as you roll your eyes. “Relax Buckley, the place is empty.”
“Well I’m not losing my job because dingus can’t keep his dick in his pants around pretty girls! In fact, we’re leaving right now because you two can’t be trusted with each other!”
“Hey, wait a minute, we haven’t even cleaned up yet Robin!” Steve argues as his colleague brushes past him and into the back room to grab her stuff.
“You should have thought about that before you tried to get into my friend’s pants. Later dingus!” She waves, grabbing your hand as you wink at Steve, blowing him a teasing kiss.
“Shit.” He sighs, putting a hand through his hair as he walked behind the counter again. It was only then that he noticed the small sticky note with your name and number on it, a little love heart drawn after the message: Call me x
Steve smiled at the note, placing it in his pocket for safe keeping as he made his way into the back room. He walked over to Robin’s data board, finally drawing a line under the You Rule section before heading back out to quickly clean and close up, because he couldn’t wait to call you when he got home.
268 notes · View notes
vettelsdarling · 10 months
Pleaseeeeee do a Lando x normal!reader ig au I really need this🧡
𝐈 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
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Lissie note… I’m honestly surprised that nobody has requested this until you did! Sorry for the delay, by the way!!! I go in order of who requested first, so it took a little while to get to yours. I love this idea though, thank youuu xx
Few things to note:
Reader is a senior college student.
Lando and reader have been dating for almost a year (since 2020) and are soft launching
There will be time skips from post to post
Time spans from late 2021 to late 2022 (meaning they’ve been dating for 2 yrs over the span of the fic)
Pairing: Lando Norris x Normal!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight cursing(?), bunch of fluff
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Liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 863,921 others
landonorris Took a picture of me, so I took a picture of you… sorta.
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maxverstappen1 So this is why you didn’t have time for some sim…
Liked by landonorris
user2 The two shadows😭😭😭
user3 Have you guys ever wondered that he might have friends?
user2 There’s no way that’s a case of “oh this is my best friend”
user4 Tbh I agree💀 It looks like he’s soft launching
user5 Not Lando soft launching rn😭
user6 Is this the first mention of her?
user5 Yeah it is
user7 wdym “her” it might not be his girlfriend…
user8 um it definitely is.
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Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, mclaren and 648,221 others
landonorris On my way back to you✈️
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danielricciardo She’s going to love it when the flowers are all withered from the trip
landonorris She’ll appreciate the sentiment
user1 The roses…
user2 the caption…
user3 I know who it is. If anyone wants the proof dm me
user4 Can you drop it plsss
user5 Oh my goooosh whoever she is, she’s so lucky😭😭😭
user6 I love Danny in the comments💀
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wagsf1 News!!! Lando’s girlfriend is on Instagram! Sadly private though…
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user1 But there’s no @???
user2 you can just search her name and her account appears but she’s private so she probably won’t accept it if you request
user3 omg new wag alert!!!
user4 I can’t wait to see her paddock outfitssss
user5 I’ve never seen her on the paddock before though? Either they JUST started dating or she doesn’t go…
user6 Yeah, agreed. Based off her acc, I think she’s too busy with college anyway..?
user5 Oh yeah that too
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Liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes, charlottesiine and 1,389 others
yourusername Never expected the huge influx of follow requests after being outed, but the fan base is appreciated xx
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yourusername Okay, wow, I did not expect so many likes… am I famous now or something?
landonorris Yes
yourusername Oh wow! I’m so famous that THE Lando Norris commented?
francisca.cgomes Finally public gorgeoussss❤️
yourusername ❤️❤️❤️
user1 That sarcasm? I love her already😭
user2 Agreed😭😭
user3 Wtaf she’s actually so pretty
user4 Honestly would LOVE to see her at the races
user5 Based off her wit, I’d say Lando is pretty lucky
user6 WHAT !! You’re literally SO gorgeous?!
user7 What kind of voodoo did Lando perform to find her😭
user8 idk but he has to teach me
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 836,228 others
landonorris Had the audacity to still be asleep when I arrived at her dorm. Made it up to me with cinnamon rolls though. She loves late night walks… kind of like a cat?
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yourusername Did you just call me… a cat?
landonorris How else would I describe you
yourusername A very hard working college student
landonorris I think I’ll stick to “little kid who loves running into the road”
yourusername In my defense, those roads are empty at night.
user1 I love the banter between them😭😭😭
user2 They really remind me of an old married couple💀😭
user3 Okay but she actually seems so sweet
user4 I go to nyu and can confirm that she’s an angel
user3 ???
user4 She takes part in a lot of volunteer projects to help animals and stuff
user3 omgggg Lando got himself a literal saint😭
user5 If she doesn’t appear in the paddock soon, I don’t want it
user6 I second thissss
user7 Honestly I don’t care about all the young tweens screaming and crying over a parasocial relationship. These two were literally MADE FOR EACH OTHER
user8 Lando pls invite her to the paddock
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Liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, mclaren and 34,893 others
Tagged: landonorris
yourusername In the third picture, I asked him to pose and this is what came out. Thoroughly disappointed with this model. 2/10 would not book again.
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landonorris You put me on the spot.
yourusername Untrue
maxverstappen1 He should delete his jpg account and leave the photography to you
yourusername right?
user1 I love her wtf😭😭
user2 Hey girlie when are you leaving him for me🙏
user3 Relatable
user4 The caption💀
user5 If this isn’t my future relationship, I don’t want it
user6 so real
user7 The second pic??? So she was at the race?
user8 It was probably on a weekday and not the actual weekend
user7 but why would she go during the week and not on the weekend?
user8 She was probably too busy otherwise?
user9 I love their dynamic so much ughhh
user10 They literally have so much chemistry
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 836,227 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris She finally graduated🎉 Had to celebrate accordingly. Congratulations, babe❤️
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yourusername Why thank you very much, good sir
landonorris Anything for you, my fair lady
maxverstappen1 This means we’ll see you in the paddock @ yourusername
yourusername You bet
user2 I can’t wait for the pics of her with the other wags
user3 She’ll look amazing in papaya colours🧡
user4 NYU GRAD?? Lando really got someone smart AND gorgeous
user5 I can’t wait for her to join the weekendsss
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Liked by landonorris, lilymhe, mclaren and 187,378 others
Tagged: landonorris, lilymhe
yourusername Finally got the opportunity to stay for the actual races. These last few ones have been amazing. Also got to be with my favourite person more often❤️
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landonorris I’m happy I get to be with you more often too❤️
yourusername ???
landonorris ?
lilymhe @ landonorris By favourite person, she meant me
yourusername Exactly
landonorris can’t believe this
Liked by yourusername
user2 She’s an actual goddess wtaf
user3 Why do I love her paddock fits so much?!
user4 Well, I know who my new fav wag is!!!
user5 I’m actually still kinda curious how long they’ve been dating for
user6 Probably a couple of months before the first soft launch?
user7 Lily and her against Lando in the comments😭😭😭
user8 Pleaseee😭
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Liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 736,923 others
Tagged: yourusername
landonorris For two years, I have had the incredible pleasure of being yours. You’ve shown me how to enjoy all the simple things in life, and I couldn’t be more grateful. You’ve truly captured my heart and I will be yours so long as I breathe. Happy 2 years. I love you.
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yourusername I love you too❤️
Liked by landonorris
mclaren Our favourite paddock couple!
maxverstappen1 congrats guys!
danielricciardo Congrats!!!
lewishamilton You guys are great together, congrats on the 2 years
francisca.cgomes AMAZING❤️ Congrats you two💕💕
yourusername ❤️❤️
lilymhe You guys are so incredibly cute together, congratulationsssss🫶
yourusername 🫶🫶
user1 wait… TWO WHOLE YEARS?!
user2 This was so unexpected😭
user3 Aww this is so sweet🥹
user4 Istg if they don’t get married😭😭😭
user5 Literally. They better.
user6 fav couple on the grid🧡
user7 The fact that they can be best friends and be in love? I want it so bad😭❤️
user8 Never would’ve thought they managed to date for a whole year without anyone noticing, but that just makes this so much sweeter❤️
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𝗤𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁!
𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲, 𝘀𝗼 𝗜'𝘃𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲!
𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗮 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁, 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗿 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗮𝘀𝗸𝘀: 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗶𝗰. 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲!
𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘀𝗸. 𝗜'𝗺 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗱𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂! :)
𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻...
𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚!
𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚’𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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𝗣𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗽𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆, 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗲, 𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺— 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻.
780 notes · View notes
rollingsins · 1 year
all hers, part x
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: Sam moves in. Tara isn’t happy, so you soothe her in the only way you know always works. 
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, mention of murder, drug abuse, strap-ons, vaginal sex, top!reader, bottom!tara
word count: 3.5k
a/n: for all my bottom!tara supremacists. enjoy, and tell me what you’d like to see next!!
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Tara stays in the hospital for the rest of the weekend. 
You don’t let her out of your sight, not once, sleep curled into her side with your back against the hospital bed railing so she can have more space. 
You think she kind of likes it, you fawning over her like this. You can tell by the way she grips you tight when you try to get up to go to the bathroom. Or when she insists she’s too tired to shower alone. 
The morning after she was first admitted, Sam shows up in a flurry, her new boyfriend Richie on her arm. 
“What happened?” She asks, somewhat accusingly as she looks down at Tara’s sleeping body, curled into your side. 
You hesitate a moment. Sam’s scary when she gets angry, and this would almost certainly make her mad. 
“She mixed some pills. She was… upset.” 
“Upset?” Sam asks, “Upset about what?” 
“Wes.” Tara croaks out, stirring against your side, “He’s missing.” 
Sam crouches down, brushes Tara’s hair out of her face. 
“Oh, Tara. I know. I’m so sorry.” 
Then, she grips Tara’s hand, hard. 
“What were you thinking?”
Richie’s looking at you, a little funny. 
“Maybe we should go and get some coffee.” He suggests, “Let these two catch up.”
“No.” Tara says immediately. Grips a possessive hand around your waist. You press a kiss to the top of her head. 
“It’s a good idea. I’ll be ten minutes. You can catch up with your sister. I’ll get you some Jell-o.” 
She stares at you a moment, before relenting. 
“Strawberry, please.” She murmurs. 
You press a kiss to her lips. Watch as Sam surveys you. Then follow Richie out of the room. 
You’ve met Richie exactly once. Tara didn’t like him, but you didn’t think he was that bad. A little awkward, sure. Gangly but harmless. Sometimes, inappropriate jokes. 
He cracks one now, as you’re lining your paper cup underneath the coffee machine, trying to break the tension. You don’t laugh. 
Your girlfriend lying in the hospital with tubes coming out of her nose has somewhat ruined your sense of humor. 
“So, uh… what do they think happened to that Wes kid?” Richie asks, out of nowhere, “They think it was Ghostface?”
You turn, sharp. 
“No. He’s missing, that's all.” 
Richie hums. 
“That’s the Sheriff’s son, right?” He asks, “We ran into her on the way here. Wouldn’t want to be the one who took her kid. That guy’s in for a world of hurt when she catches him.”
Your stomach churns, uncomfortably. 
“You ran into her on the way here?” You ask, head tilting. 
Richie nods, “Yeah. Told her about Tara. I think she’s going to come and check on her later this afternoon.” 
Your stomach drops. 
“Oh. Perfect.”
Richie catches your tone, “You don’t like the Sheriff?” 
You pull your coffee cup out from the filter. Try to appear casual. 
“She doesn’t like us.” You say, honestly, “She’s- caught us. A few times.” 
“Huh.” Richie says, like he doesn’t know what to do with that information. You’re hoping it will make him uncomfortable enough to stop asking questions. It seems to work. 
“So. Um. No word from Tara’s mom?” 
By the time you make it back to the room, Sam’s taken your seat, and Tara looks unhappy. 
“They were out of strawberry.” You murmur, press a kiss to her cheek. Set the raspberry Jell-o to the nightstand. You settle down on the edge of her bed, rub at the frown on her face, “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m moving back home.” Sam answers before she can speak. “It’s a bit of a- shock, clearly.” 
A storm brews behind Tara’s eyes. You rub her arm, hoping to calm her a little. It doesn’t work. 
“You can stay a week.” Tara says, sounding very much like it’s the last thing in the world she wants to offer, “Then you can go.” 
“Tara, this isn’t up for negotiation.” Sam says, she reaches for Tara’s hand. Tara’s shoulders tense, “Mom is…. fucking useless and I don’t want you in that big house all alone. Look what just happened.” 
“I’m not alone,” Tara argues, “I have YN. And we’re happy. You being there would just… ruin everything.” 
“Thanks.” Sam says, a little sarcastic. She doesn’t look put off, “I won’t ruin your love bubble, sis. I promise. YN can stay. Richie and I will take the guest room-”
“Richie?” Tara says, incredulously, “No, Sam. No way.”
Richie laughs, somewhat uncomfortably. He looks at Sam. 
“Always great to know where I stand with the family.” 
“Enough, Tara.” Sam says, like it’s final, “It’s my house just as much as it is yours. And I’m staying there so I can keep an eye on you, like it or not.” 
Tara’s in a terrible mood when Sam and Richie finally leave to pack. You curl up into her, try and soothe some of the anger with a kiss. 
“Come on, babe.” You say, press your lips to her chest, “It won’t be that bad.” 
“She always does this.” Tara seethes, “She always has to ruin it. Why does she always ruin it?” 
“She cares about you.” You say, “She just wants you to be safe.”
Tara pouts. 
“I like it when it’s just you and me. How am I supposed to eat you out on the kitchen counter when she’s around?” 
“You’re not.” You say sternly, “And don’t you dare try.”
She groans. 
“See? This already sucks.” 
You kiss her once more. 
“We’ll just have to have sex in bed like regular people.” You tease, stroke her cheek, “It’s not the end of the world.”
Tara bites her lip, “And you’re staying with me, right?” She says, sounding somewhat vulnerable, “You’re not going back home to sleep without me, right?”
“I’m staying with you,” You assure. Punctuate your point with a kiss, “I promise.” 
A knock on the door breaks you apart. 
It’s Sheriff Hicks, dressed in her uniform, hat in her hands. 
“Hi girls.” She says, “Just thought I’d stop by and check in.” 
Immediately your heart races. Your hands sweat, clammy. The Sheriff moves a little closer, edges to the end of the bed. Tara’s hand tightens around yours. She rubs her thumb over the back of your hand, soothingly. 
“Hi Sheriff.” She says, “Thanks for stopping by.” 
“Your sister mentioned some pills.” Sheriff Hicks says, eyes stern, “Care to tell me where you got them from?” 
“My mom’s bathroom cabinet,” Tara lies, without a beat, “That’s not a crime, is it?” 
“Actually it is.” The Sheriff says, “That coupled with the underage drinking. Not a good look, Tara.” 
“You’re not going to arrest her?” You ask, in somewhat disbelief, “Look at her. She’s in a hospital bed.” 
The Sheriff surveys you for a moment. Her expression is blank, unreadable. But her eyes give her away. Hard, pained. She’s hurting. And hurt makes people unpredictable. For a moment, you really do think she’s about to pull out her handcuffs. 
“No. Just- don’t do it again. I can only look the other way so many times, Tara.” 
Tara nods. 
Your heart slows, just for a moment. 
“Any word on Wes?” Tara asks. 
The Sheriff swallows. 
“No. But that’s actually part of the reason I came here.” 
She looks like him, you think. Same eyes. Same unnerved expression. 
“I know you girls said the last time you saw him was on Thursday. But I have a witness who told me otherwise.” 
You might be sick. Your heart hammers so loudly you’re sure she can hear it. Tara grips your hand. 
“Really? Who?” 
“One of your neighbors.” She’s looking at you, critical, hard, “They saw Wes on your doorstep Friday afternoon.” 
Silence fills the room. Your mind is blank, frantic. You scramble for an excuse. Tara beats you to it. 
“You left your biology notes for him, didn’t you babe?” Tara says, turning to you. You look into her eyes. Warm, encouraging. Slowly, you nod. 
“Yeah. I’m so sorry. I totally forgot. He asked if he could pick them up.” 
The Sheriff watches you, her stare piercing. 
“And you let him in?” 
“He had a key,” Tara says smoothly, “We were- showering.” 
“So you didn’t see him?”
Tara shakes her head. 
“No. Sorry. Like I said, we were busy.” 
You bite your lip, anxious. Wonder if she’s buying it. 
“If he had a key, why did he knock?” The Sheriff asks. Your stomach whirls. It’s a fair question. 
“All our friends knock,” Tara says, her fingers tightening around yours, “We have a certain reputation. Ask Mindy, or Chad.” 
The Sheriff’s tense shoulders loosen a little. She scribbles something down on her notepad. 
“Alright. Thank you girls.” She hovers a moment, “I hope you feel better, Tara.” 
And she leaves. 
The moment she’s gone, you bury your face in Tara’s neck. 
“It’s okay, baby.” She soothes, rubbing her hand down your back, “She believed us.”
“I hate this.” You say, mournful, “Every-time she’s around, Tara, I feel like I’m going to-”
“Shh.” Tara murmurs against the top of your head, “Everything is okay.” 
Tara’s discharged in the morning. 
Sam drives the two of you home, ignores Tara’s grouchy jabs as she cooks the three of you dinner. Tara’s still a little weak, so she serves you in bed. When she comes back to collect the plates, Tara isn’t afraid to give her honest opinion. 
“The chicken was a little dry.” Tara says, slouching back against the pillows, “Can you please make sure Richie doesn’t touch my movie collection. I have it alphabetized.” 
Sam isn’t easily deterred. 
“Get some sleep.” She tells the two of you. Presses a long kiss against the top of Tara’s head, “Love you. I promise I won’t let Richie touch your precious movie collection.” 
You kick off your jeans, crawl back into bed with Tara as Sam leaves. 
“Be nice to your sister.” You chide, pinch her side as you curl into her, “She’s trying.” 
“Too little, too late.” Tara murmurs, “Besides, I wanted to watch that new M Night Shyamalan movie tonight. Can’t do that with Richie lounging around, playing his stupid shooting games.” 
Richie had commandeered the living room pretty quickly. Faintly, you can hear the sounds of Call of Duty blasting up the staircase. 
“We can still watch it.” You assure, “I’ll get my laptop.” 
Tara makes a face. 
“Baby, you can’t watch movies on a laptop. It ruins the entire experience.”
“So we’ll watch The Bachelor.” You say, a little excited at the prospect, “They’re down to the final three.” 
Tara tugs at your waist, pulls you into her. 
“Or…” She says, pressing a kiss to your neck, “We could do something else.” 
You close your eyes. Her tongue runs down the length of your neck, that familiar feeling of arousal flickering through your body. 
“You’re still sick. You need your strength.” You say, a little half-hearted. Her hands grip your hips, trying to pull you on top of her. 
“I’m lying down, aren’t I?” She murmurs. Her hands reach down into your underwear, trying to tug them down. 
You sigh, tilt your head to kiss her feverishly. 
You’ve missed her like this, you realize the moment your lips meet. You haven’t had sex with her in almost two weeks, a record for the two of you. Without a word, you relent. 
Her hands are greedy, roaming, trying to touch every inch of your skin. 
You climb on top of her, hands on her face, keeping her lips fused to yours. 
She’s so good with her hands, you think as she slips you out of your clothes. Her touch is like wildfire, igniting every part of you. Passionate, fierce kisses as she pushes her body up to yours, trying to grind herself against your thighs. 
You part from her lips for a moment, trail hot kisses down her neck. 
She’s egregiously overdressed. Blindly, you tug her sweatpants down her legs, her underwear soon to follow. 
You pull her shirt up, kiss your way down to her nipples and take one in your mouth. 
“Fuck.” She moans as you suck gently, take the other one between your fingertips. You can hear Sam and Richie’s voices downstairs, lick at her nipple once more before leaning up to kiss her again. 
“Quiet, baby.” You murmur. The last thing you want is Sam coming back up to check on her. Your hand slips down her body to feel between her legs. She feels so good, warm and wet. Your moan almost matches hers. 
She looks up at you, smiles slightly, her dark eyes impossibly turned on. 
“Snap.” She murmurs before you’re leaning down to kiss her again. 
You kiss a while more, slipping your fingers through her wet heat, loving the feeling of her tight under you, desperate leaning up to meet your kisses. She’s so pretty like this, wild, wanting and so wet. It sends a thrill through you. Even after all this time, even after you’d had her like this so many times, she still got so turned on for you. 
“I love you.” You sigh into her mouth, “I want to taste you so bad.” 
It’s not a question, and you don’t wait for her response. You kiss your way down her body, tilting her thighs to nestle yourself between them. You press a quick kiss to her inner thigh, then allow yourself to dive into her syrupy wetness. 
She moans as you swipe your tongue down her length. Her hands reach down to your head, locking you in place. You kiss her once, then twice, then trail your tongue down to her entrance, lapping gently in the way you know she likes so much. 
You wrap your arms around her thighs, keeping her where you want her. Teasing her entrance, slipping your tongue in and out a couple of times. She tastes incredible, you can’t get enough. You drink her greedily, like she’s a fine wine, then lick your way up to her swollen clit. 
“Oh my god.” She’s moaning as your tongue flicks against her. Her thighs tighten around your head, her hands gripping your hair so tight. 
You lick a few times, drawing a little more wetness out of her before you’re wrapping your lips around her clit and sucking hard. She likes it like this, she likes the pressure of your lips against her, suctioning hard, not giving her a moment to breathe. 
Her hips are tilting up, trying to get more as you lovingly suck her into an orgasm. 
She cums quick, hard, all breathy, quiet moans. 
Her hips jerk, and then sink back into the pillow. You release her with a final, tender suck, then press your lips to her thigh as you’re rising back up to meet her. 
She sighs as you kiss her, wraps her legs tight around your torso. 
“I missed you.” You tell her, press another gentle kiss to her lips, “I missed doing that.” 
“Me too.” She says. Her hands are still in your hair, her body pressed tight against you. She’s still so wet against your stomach. 
“I want to do something.” You say, your lips against her jaw, “I want to fuck you.” 
She nudges her nose against your cheek, smiling slightly, “What do you think we’re doing? Playing scrabble?” 
You’re deadly serious. You don’t smile, grip your hands tight around her thighs. 
“No, baby. I want to fuck you.” 
Her mouth falls open, slightly. She knows what you mean, you can tell by the way her eyes darken, a little unsure. You kiss her once more, soft, reassuring.
She swallows. Surveys you for a moment, those pretty brown eyes, dark, hesitant. Then, she nods. 
You don’t give her a moment to change her mind. You’re reaching into the top drawer of her nightstand, tugging out the harness. Usually, this was her role. It’s what she liked the most. Topping you, making you hers. Tonight, you wanted to make her yours. 
She watches as you slip the straps around your waist, her legs spread slightly, making your mouth water. You hurry through it, wincing as you tighten it a little too hard, confusing yourself with the varying straps. 
“Here.” She sits up, helps you into it properly. Gives your hips a little squeeze. 
You kiss her once more. Tangle your hands in her dark hair. Then you’re pushing her back onto the bed. 
She looks a little confused. You didn’t wear the strap much, but when you did she was usually on top. You lean down and kiss her again, reassuring. 
“I want you on your back tonight.” You tell her, “Is that okay?” 
She blinks up at you. Then she’s nodding, slow. 
“Good girl.” You say, you lean down, press a kiss to her knee, “Spread your legs for me, baby.” 
She complies without a second thought. You slip in between her legs, placing her thighs on yours. 
You can’t resist reaching down to brush your fingers over her clit. She looks so pretty like this. Spread wide for you, naked and wanting. She looks vulnerable, like she’s yours for the taking. 
“You’re so beautiful.” You tell her, spread her thighs a little wider. 
She bites her lip as you lean in a little, rub the head of the dildo through her folds. 
She’s wet, wet enough for you to not need lube but you reach for it anyway. Pour a healthy helping into the dildo. She flinches slightly as the cold hits her warm heat.  You apologize with a kiss. 
You slip your tongue into her mouth, rub the head of the dildo against her clit. She sighs into your mouth.  
“Inside.” She murmurs. “Please baby.” 
You rub your hands over her thighs, soothe her as you slowly enter her. 
“Fuck.” You gasp out as the edge of the strap-on brushes your clit. You sink in as far as you can physically get, until your hips are flush against the back of her thighs. She’s tight, tense against you. You kiss her, let her get used to the stretch of you. 
Then, you gently jerk your hips forward. Her hands grip your arms, she shudders slightly as you sink back inside.
It’s not hard to see why she likes doing this to you so much. 
You feel powerful, tilting your hips into her, knowing you’re the one inside her, making her feel so good. She’s a little breathier than usual. Her chest flushing red, biting her lips as you thrust into her. It’s addictive. 
“Does that feel good, baby?” You murmur. She nods, eyes closed. You lean down, rub her clit. 
“Tell me.” 
“It feels good. Really good.” She says, her voice strangled. Higher than usual. 
You pump your hips a little harder. 
“I love it when you let me fuck you like this.” You murmur, lean down to press your body over hers. Pepper her neck with kisses, “You look so pretty like this, sweetheart.” 
You grip her thighs, tilting your hips. The act itself was hot, but more than anything you knew she’d never let anyone else take control like this. The fact that she trusts you so much turns you on even more. You press down into her, fuck her a little harder.
She gasps.  
You lose yourself a little. Your hips thrust hard, fucking her into the mattress. She’s all soft skin and quiet moans, her fingernails carving half moons into your back. You kiss her, a little sloppy, overwhelmed by the way she’s writhing under you. 
Each thrust edges you a little closer. You suck on the base of her neck, reach down to rub her clit, needing her close. 
“Fuck.” She moans, “I’m going to cum.” 
Her back arches.
You pound into her a little harder, sending her careening off the edge. Her entire body tightens, nails clawing into you as you fuck her through her orgasm. Then, with one more thrust you join her, body tensing as you orgasm hard. 
You heartbeat thrums. You press a kiss to her chest, feel her heart pound under your lips. Then you’re moving back up to her lips, taking her in a sweet kiss. 
You lay on her a little longer, until she’s yawning sleepily, then withdraw yourself with a careful tug, and slip the straps off your waist. 
You nestle yourself into her side, wrap a protective arm around her body. 
“Thanks, baby.” You murmur, “Love you.” 
“Love you too.” She says. 
Her eyes droop slightly. 
She wakes herself up, tries to reach down your body.
“Go to sleep, babe.” You tell her, press one more kiss to her lips. 
“What about you?”
“You already made me cum.” You tell her, you rub her leg, tug her into you. “Doing that.” 
“What, just lying there?” She smiles, tilts her head into your chest. 
“Laying there incredibly sexily.” You say. “Did you like that?”
She hums. Rubs her hand against your hips. 
“Yes. More than I thought I would.” She says, a little shy. 
“Good.” You say. Kiss her slow, “Because I want to do that again. And again. And again after that.” 
“Hmm.” She says, “I might be okay with that.”
Next part
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togrowoldinv · 6 months
Home for the Holidays
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
When you get home from a work trip, you and Natasha reunite just in time for holiday celebrations
Note: I’m back! Sorry for the lack of fics lately. I’ve been finishing up classes for the year, studying for an exam, and getting a job lol. Plus, a little family trip to Vegas last weekend. I hope y’all enjoy this one! Happy holidays!
Natasha Masterlist 1, Natasha Masterlist 2, Natasha Masterlist 3, Main Masterlist
You’ve been gone on a business trip for four days and Natasha misses you like crazy.
She finally understands what it’s like to wait for her wife to come home as you waited for her all of those years. Nat counted down the days until she could see you again.
Your flight landed and she insisted on being at the airport even though you assured her you could get home by yourself. It was early in the morning so once she drove you home you fell into a deep slumber.
When you stir awake, Natasha is sitting up in bed next to you. She’s got a coffee in her hand and a smile on her face.
“Good morning, detka,” she says. “How did you sleep?”
“I slept okay,” you reply. “Still tired.”
She nods. You maneuver yourself over to place your head in her lap. Her soft, but strong fingers brush over your cheek.
“I’ve missed your beautiful face,” Natasha says, her voice barely above a whisper. She still gets a little shy with outright affection.
“I’ve missed you too, Natasha. What do you say we just stay in bed all day?”
“Hm,” Natasha begins. “We actually have some plans.”
“Yeah. I made them on our behalf, but you know we’re a we. A package deal,” Nat explains.
She tries to read your expression. Maybe you’re too sleepy to read, she thinks. You just sigh and close your eyes.
“What are the plans?” You ask.
“Christmas lights with the team. Well, at least with Wanda, Steve, Sam, and Carol. They seem to be the most excited,” Natasha says.
“Carol is excited?” You ask in disbelief. She usually keeps her feelings to herself, but it’s a good sign she’s feeling like part of the team enough to be herself.
“She is. She reunited with Monica and some teenage girl that she’s bringing along. I’ll need to ask them how exactly they are connected, but yeah Carol is excited,” Natasha explains.
“Maybe I’m just tired but all of that sounds kind of insane.”
“That’s our line of work,” Nat says. “Are you ready to get up?”
“Lights happen at night,” you mumble, burying your face in Nat’s thighs.
“We’re having lunch with Yelena,” Nat says. “It’s the last time we’ll see her this year.”
You grumble and try to go back to sleep. Natasha chuckles at the way you cling to her.
“It’s going to be okay, baby. If you get too tired later we can always come back home and another type of fun,” Nat suggests.
“Oh,” you say. “Can we?”
You sit up and Natasha smirks. You’ve missed that expression.
“If we’re quick, we can probably do that right now too,” Natasha says. “What do you think, sweetheart? Do you want to show me how much you missed me, detka?”
God, was her voice always so enchanting or did you just miss her?
You find yourself nodding and leaning in to kiss Natasha. For the next 30 minutes, she welcomes you back home with fervor.
Once you get dressed, you leave to meet Yelena for lunch. Natasha brings her Christmas gift for her with you.
“You guys didn’t need to get me anything,” Yelena says. She begins to open it anyway.
“Oh, it’s fine. We-“ Natasha begins.
“Yes we did,” you interject. “You’re our family.”
You swear Yelena is about to cry, but Natasha cracks a joke about the gift effectively lightening the mood. You have no idea what the gift is honestly. Some kind of equipment for her missions.
“Thank you,” Yelena says. “I- um- I care about you both a lot.”
“I love you, Yelena. We love you,” Natasha says.
The affection from her sister makes Yelena begin to cry. Nat crosses the table and hugs her tight. You’re not sure who needed the hug more.
“Why don’t you stay with us for Christmas, Yel?” You ask her.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose on your holiday,” she replies.
Despite her usual confidence, she can be a little insecure about her place in your lives. Natasha drops a little kiss to her head. Her sister folds into her further.
“You’re never imposing. It’ll be fun. Right Nat?”
“Absolutely,” Nat says. “You’re staying. I’ve decided for you.” You all three laugh.
Later that evening, Yelena tags along to the Christmas lights with the team. Everyone is happy to see you and everyone really is excited to be there. Especially Carol.
The lights and the company are perfect, but eventually you look sleepy enough for Nat to excuse you to go home. She tucks you in bed and climbs in next to you.
“Goodnight, detka,” Nat says.
“Wait, we were going to-“
“Sleep,” Nat says. “There’s time for that tomorrow. I know you’re exhausted.”
“Okay,” you reply. “I love you, Natasha.”
“I love you, y/n.”
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bigfatbimbo · 3 months
small announcements + brainspew about Vox —
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I’ll get to the actual important stuff soon but this idea alone wasn’t enough for a full fic so… anyways the idea of getting Vox flowers?
Like especially with a fem!reader because he’s from the 1950s and probably has never received or even considered the concept of receiving flowers.
But say you know he’s having a relatively hard day, probably swamped in meetings, loaded with paperwork and mishaps while filming one of his tv shows. So finally, you text him and see that he has a moment of free time to spare.
So a quick trip to the store and you pick up his favorite flowers, that are NOT roses because that’s too obvious. He likes bleeding hearts and stargazing lily’s.
Anyways, say you get there and pay a visit to him in his office. He doesn’t even look up at you for a long moment because he’s totally locked in on work. But then finally, with a huff, he turns his chair around to face you and begins to ask why it is your bothering him when his schedule is so packed—
But then he notices the flowers in your hands and falls silent. He kinda just stares wide eyed for a moment, before asking “Uhm, what are those for?” And you explain obviously that you knew he was having a bad day so you wanted to get him something special.
And then he’d stay quiet for another minute before bursting out into laughter, remarking how dumb the idea was, how useless the flowers are, and how you interrupted his work and… but then his laughter turns into giggles and he’s turning away from you because his pupils had dilated into tiny hearts and his screen was beating up so obviously.
His feet curl up to his chest as he takes the bouquet from your hands and giggles like a school girl.
And he’s covering up his screen with his free hand to cover his obvious smile as he admires the flowers with the other hand. He’d still tell you how idiotic the whole idea was, but then he’d clear his throat and ask you to fetch him a vace.
Plopping them in the vace dismissively, he’d kiss you a kiss, thank you for the thought, and wait for you to leave. As soon as his office door closes, he’d fetch a few of the flowers out of the pot, and hold them to his chest. Keeping them near him to smell the sweet perfume and be reminded of you while he finishes his work.
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OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TIME!!! So basically, I think i’m fading out of my Hazbin obsession. Like slowly but surely, I feel like this is the final month of the fixation. Honestly, I give it two weeks at best.
So because of that, i’m welcoming you to go ABSOLUTELY HAM on the requests. Like i’m granting you permission to request characters that aren’t necessarily on my list of the cast that I write for.
Feel free to leave the nastiest, wildest, deepest desire type requests in the world, to be honest. (except I will literally never write for a dom male character sorry gang.) Or feel free to leave the fluffiest, tooth rotting, embarrassingly cutesy request ever.
This is practically the bimbo going away party and you guys should leave NO stone unturned.
Also, this is just a guess because i’m slowly becoming interested in other things. So if I don’t end up fading out of the fandom… yeah um happy 2k guys?? I’m literally like two months late but— This would probably just be considered a celebration. But I do have a sneaking feeling.
IN OTHER NEWS, those silly ‘Low Effort ____ headcanons’ I do? Yeah, some out for Velvette and Sir Pentious tomorrow, probably.
Anyways, i’m super duper exhausted, so this is probably good night. <3
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