#yep like i said ridiculously self-indulgent
darkleweather · 2 years
(Please enjoy this ridiculously self-indulgent little Double Life drabble that involves a very specific headcanon I have for Tango that I wrote about in Been Here Before)
They’re picking up the burned mess Scar left of the ranch, hauling away blackened timber and shoveling out the coals. Maybe, Jimmy thinks, they can restart. It wouldn’t be so hard, and besides, they’d managed to save some of the animals, so that was all well and good.
Tango swears, and Jimmy looks up to see him standing across the half-destroyed building, shaking his hand. A log crusted with charcoal is at his feet, and Jimmy immediately guesses what happened.
“Still had embers on it?” he asks.
“Yeah.” Tango sighs. “You’d think I’d learn to be more careful now.”
Jimmy nods. Even with his gloves, his own hands are spotted with burns from before he’d learned to roll each log, carefully checking every surface for glowing coals and embers and wisps of smoke.
Tango though. Tango was made of fire, being a blazeborn. Jimmy had half-expected him to not be bothered as they'd rushed around trying to douse the fire. But he'd been overwhelmed by the flames, just like Jimmy had been.
“Tango—“ he starts hesitantly. “Not to sound like I’m blaming you, but—“
Tango gives him a tired look. “Spit it out, buddy.”
Why couldn’t you stop it? But that sounds too accusing. “Why did you burn?” Jimmy says, wincing as the words leave his mouth. He knows it’s the best thing to do, to talk this over, not let his questions sit and fester into resentment. But he doesn’t want to push Tango. Doesn’t want to seem like he’s blaming him.
When Tango looks puzzled, Jimmy clarifies, “I just figured fire wouldn’t bother you. Cause…y’know. The blazeborn stuff. Couldn’t you have stopped the fire before…” His voice trails off, and he gestures around them.
“Oh.” Tango sighs, and his shoulders slump.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Jimmy says immediately, regret flooding him. “I didn’t mean—gosh, sounds like I’m blaming you, I didn’t mean—“
“What? No, no, it’s not that.” Tango waves the apology away. “I’m not upset or anything. It—it makes sense that you’d ask, right? ‘Course it does. Anyone would. It’s just…weird to talk about.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Nah, I want to, it’s just kinda funny… I’m not really a softie, y’know? Emotions and all that kind of stuff. That’s Impulse and Skizz and all. Not me. I’m not an emotions type of guy.” Tango grins at him. “But I trust you, Jimmy. Hundred percent. So I know you won’t freak out about this.”
Jimm grins back, even as he feels a nervous jitter in his chest. It’s good to know that Tango trusts him.
“I just found out before Double Life started, which is honestly the weirdest thing about it all,” Tango continues. “There wasn’t time to tell anyone else. Zed’s the only other one who knows.“
Jimmy didn’t know much about Zed, other than what Grian and had told. The quietest and shyest of the hermits, Zed never ventured far beyond his comfort zone and so would never even consider doing something like the Life games.
“I’m not a blazeborn. It’s redstone.”
“Redstone?” Jimmy stares at him. “How—“ He frowns and scans Tango again. The hair that flared with flame. The golden freckles that sometimes seemed to glimmer in the sun. The red eyes.
Jimmy thought of Joel and his time as a blazeborn, the only other blazeborn he’d known. He’d looked a lot different. At the time Jimmy hadn’t thought of it, but now… “So you’re made of redstone?”
“There’s redstone in my blood.” Tango rubbed his forearm, and for the first time Jimmy noticed the grid pattern of scars, faintly paler than Tango’s skin color, cutting neat lines through the freckles of his arm. “I—I’m not from a normal world. When I was a kid, there were experiments done on me…and…” His voice trails off, and Tango shrugs.
He’s staring off into the distance, somewhere over Jimmy’s shoulder, with a glaze to his eyes that tells Jimmy he’s seeing something else.
Something past.
“And?” He prompts gently, his voice soft. He can feel an unexpected heat in his chest, and it takes a moment for Jimmy to realize it’s anger. He’s never angry.
But Tango had been a kid. And Jimmy understood that. He hadn’t been much more than a kid himself during Evo.
Cool. So we both have screwed up pasts. That's just...great, that is.
Tango blinks abruptly and brings his gaze to Jimmy’s face. “Sorry. I, uh…” He scratches the back of his neck, looking down at the ground. “Bad memories. Seems like I’ve been finding a lot of them buried in my past lately.” He shrugs again. “Anyway. That’s why I couldn’t stop the fire. I burn just as easily as anyone else, although it’s an easy mistake to make. Heck, I made it myself for years.”
“And you haven’t told anyone else?”
Tango shakes his head. “Zed was there. But Skizz, Impulse…I haven’t told anyone. I haven’t even told Xisuma yet. I dunno, it just… I have to let it sit with me for a bit. Let it settle, y’know.”
Jimmy nods. He thinks of an ocean, and a Queen, and a cod head, and he nods again. He knows. “Big reveals gotta settle sometimes before we’re ready to talk about them.”
Tango leans back against the fire-marked fence. “Yeah. Anywayyy…” He shifts his weight back and forth as if feeling awkward.
“Thanks for tellin’ me.”
“Yeah.” Tango’s still not looking at him.
Jimmy doesn’t stop to think. He walks across the clearing and wraps his arms around Tango, pulling him close in a hug. Tango tenses up for a brief second before he hugs Jimmy back.
“I mean it. Thanks for trustin’ me with this,” Jimmy says. “‘specially since you’re still figuring out how to tell everyone else. I ain’t gonna betray that trust, Tango. I hope you know that.”
“Course I know it, ya big dummy,” Tango says, grinning. “Now can we stop with the mushy mushy stuff and get back to work?”
Jimmy let go of him, grinning back. “So can I come visit Hermitcraft someday and see you do redstone work?”
“Absolutely! We’ll get ya whitelisted. I’ll show you around, mebbe teach you a thing or two about redstone.” Tango elbowed him. “You can go back to Empires and impress everyone with your newfound knowledge.”
They got back to work, the silence comfortable once again, no longer feeling strained.
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dropout-ninja · 10 months
:3cc Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
(Picture me headbonking you like a cat)
Why would you do this to me with my 108 fics and more wips in docs not yet posted (some of which would make this list)
I am terrible at picking rankings help
When I Wake From This Dream With Chains All Around Me (Hollow Knight) where my HK writing got kicked off. Longfic.
It’s Burned In My Mind and all of its associated works (Hollow Knight) absolute fever dream, wrote in a splurge of dissociation, wild time and probably my favorite fic I’ve written. Multichap.
The If We Could Just Be What We Wanted verse (Transformers Prime with a dose of a bunch of other continuities) particularly the first one (which needs edits but in terms of tone and characters and me managing plots genuinely holds up really well to the last few years), Damned If I Do (oneshot), and poor Chaotic Unity (longfic), who I had so many seeds of foreshadowing put into the first fic for and then it got read by like five perfect of the original’s readers XD
control’s graveyard (Monsterverse Godzilla. Yep.) entirely self indulgent fun times, power dynamics central, character studies on everyone, I poured into worldbuilding and backstories and I think I managed to do show don’t tell with them better here than I manage elsewhere. Someone said that I managed to keep the main character “alien and genuinely despicable” while somehow keeping them sympathetic, and that praise is put on my mental fridge forever. I reread this fic more than I do any of my other ones. Genuinely my favoritism for it is showing hard. Multichap.
Immolation (MTMTE/Lost Light) Haven’t read this one in a year so grammar wise I’m sure it’s a wreck, but my 3am brain went off on this one and its stream of consciousness style. Oneshot.
Wyrm Off A String (Hollow Knight) based on crack and others’ art, ridiculous premise, somehow the best worldbuilding and foreshadowing of a twist ending I’ve done. Oneshot.
Linger (Hollow Knight) mad niche, another one that began because of crack and shitposts I saw. Loss of self, body horror, psychological horror, non linear dream madness, what’s not for me to love. Multichap in progress
Wallow (Hollow Knight) another incredibly niche one nobody asked for, that is actually going to be turned into a multichap and has a lot of juicy to a self indulgent author tension and shenanigans already written, but I’m waiting until I’ve written most all of it before I start posting the new chapters. Dubbed by my friends as the Mean White Lady Fic. Traitor Lord my beloved. (Oneshot on ao3, multichap to be)
sometimes family is a mad scientist spider, his amoral ex, their build-a-child kit gone right, and the human sidekick (IDW2005 Transformers) oneshots collection. Quite proud of the Verity and Prowl povs. Tarantulas my blorbo.
ex cinere (House of Ashes) for capturing the voice and worldbuilding after I relistened to Randolph’s things a million times. I feel like I managed to keep aliens alien for it (short multichap)
And CarnEVILs? In MY Dirtmouth? (It’s More Likely Than You Think!) (Hollow Knight) halloween oneshot with an Elderbug pov that feels very Elderbug and Dirtmouth vibes as good here as in Chains. Elderbug did not enjoy his obligatory grimm teatime™️.
Hey look this is not five. 108 fics too difficult to narrow down for me
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marry me
word count: 2712
warning(s): references to fics i've never written, cursing, dialogue heavy, and my brand of self-indulgence (also the word uwu is said. im so sorry)
Read on AO3
"Peach, toss me the wrench, would you?" Clang! "Thanks, and also the—" Clang! "Oh, yep, that's better actually." Bzzzzzzzt. "Perfect, marry me." Thwack! "I meant thank you!"
"What? Where's the invasion?" Slap!
"Pick your stupid fuckin' socks up! Tits and their respective gods, I have to do everything around here and there ain't no pay in New York Cit-ay."
"You could always marry me for tax benefits if you're that worried—"
"And pick your stuff up for the rest of my life? I would rather eat my shirt. Better not see anything in the lab!"
Wham! "Harley Fuckin' Keener, why did you leave YOUR socks on MY stuff? Stop laughing!"
"Babe. Fox News thinks we're married."
"Fox News? Hell the why?"
"We are, ahem, and this is beautifully written, 'promoting an ideal of relationship that does not prioritize the continuation of the human race nor its wellbeing and,' get this, 'are worse than the aliens invading New York.'"
"I thought they agreed not to call them that, now that we have so many extraterrestrials on Earth? 'Cause it's offensive, right?"
"Is that really the first question you have? Not even the implication that our marriage would be worse than the Chitauri?"
"I mean, I'm down if you're down, peach."
"Down bad? Down under?"
"Why not both? Ahem! Peter Middle Name Parker—"
"Everyone knows my middle name, get off the floor—"
"—will you make me the most horribly selfish man in the world—" Sniff. "—and marry me?"
"Oh my God. You're ridiculous. Get off the floor."
"Is that a yes?"
"I would rather marry DUM-E for their intelligence."
"So I've been thinking—"
"Should I call an ambulance?"
"Omigod, you're so funny aha, marry me uwu—"
"Alright, get on with it."
"I've been thinking—stop it—I was thinking—"
"Spit it out!"
"You won't let me!"
"Fine, I'll shut up."
"I've been. Thinking."
"...And? Go on?"
"I forgot!" Snicker.
"No. For real?"
"Yeah! Fuck you!"
"Please, that's the most you thing ever!"
"It's all your fault!" Whack! "If you had just shut up!" Whack! "This wouldn't!" Whack! "Have happened!"
"So when are you two getting married?"
"Haha! Can't say we have plans for that, huh Harls?"
"Ha, no, guess we can't! I mean, would you marry me, Peter Parker?"
"Haha, don't be so funny, Harls! Maybe after we've finished all the restoration work we can answer silly questions about our personal lives that no one should have an investment in, right Harley?"
"Yeah. I was expecting a little better, Peter." Click-click-click-click shhhh.
"T-that's a wrap! Thank you Peter Parker and Harley Keener for coming to represent the Stark Relief Fund and Stark Industries! Stay tuned for an interview with Shuri on behalf of King T'Challa of Wakanda after the break!"
"The charity ball has us down as Harley and Peter Parker."
"Oh, that's good. One thing off the list. Pass me the fluid, please?" Clink. "Thanks."
"No, they have us down as Harley and Peter Parker."
"Yeah? What's wrong?"
"They have us down as a couple. As in Harley Parker and Peter Parker."
"Your name sounds so weird with mine."
"Rude and not even the point, peach."
"No, I mean like. Different." Whirrrrrrrrr click! "As if you'd take my name anyway."
"Hey! I don't have that big of an ego. Besides, would you take mine?"
"Sure, I guess. It's my first name that matters, right?"
"Nah, because I wouldn't want to ruin your little alliteration. Was that what you were going for when you picked Peter anyway?"
"Shut up."
"Wait, actually? Ow! For real? Ack! Why is that such a transgender and you thing to do, you absolute idiot, OW, marry me!"
"Too late babe, according to the guest list, we've been there, done that."
"Mhm, but if we don't want to ruin the alliteration, we can't do a hyphenated name either, so maybe we could combine them or something? Like... Pareener?"
"Ew. That sounds like a vacuum brand."
"Why are we even having this conversation?"
"Uh. Hm. Oh! Charity ball, cross it off the list."
"Right. What else is on the list?"
"Our wedding—"
"Don't annoy a man with a scalpel in his hand!"
"Why the FUCK do you have a scalpel?"
"Tinkerin' the toys, honey."
"Fingerin' the—Ow!"
Peter stood like a bird on a branch, shaking and yet, perfectly still. Watching Harley walk towards him had eased the beating of his heart, but now it was swelling and pulling him into the sky with it, though through anxiety or elation, only time would tell. He drew in a breath and willed himself to stay still. Harley took his hands in his and stared into Peter's eyes, beaming.
An excited voice. "Do you, Peter Benjiman Parker—" Ned crashed into Peter from behind.
"Dude! There's this ginormous hologram of you in the middle of the floor!"
"Ned, you fucking stole my thunder!" Harry groaned, throwing an arm over Harley's shoulders. "Pause and rewind. Do you, Peter, have a clue of how big these people think you are? Well, my friend, allow me to show you!" Harry grabbed Peter's elbow and steered everyone through the legs of a white A in the colossal STARK EXPO sign in front of the tower. Peter found Harley's hand again as he ducked through, and immediately tightened his grip as he made eye contact with a giant hologram. Of himself.
"Holy fuckin' shit. I'm huge." Harley snickered.
"For once, you're taller than me." Peter shoved him, laughing.
"I'm not done growing! And FYI, tall people are assholes so—"
"Peter!" Tony Stark jogged towards him, flashes of light trailing behind him.
"Mr. Stark!"
"How are you feeling?"
"Like I just choked on the world. But I think I'm ready."
"Good, because Harley can do the Heimlich, and you're up in ten."
"My cans–?"
"Behind the forehead section of the audience. Get 'em, kid."
"Will do, Mr. Stark." Harley took both of his hands again and Peter turned to face him.
"You got this. You've practiced your ass off and planned out a show like no one's ever seen." Peter resisted the urge to laugh. If only he knew. "You're amazing. You're gonna do amazing."
"Thanks Harls."
"I love you, peach."
"Love you, too."
"Now go show this crowd what they're been missing out on." Peter pressed his lips quickly to Harley's and practically skipped to the backstage area, which was really more underneath the stage.
Time passed like frozen honey until, finally, someone called his name. "Peter Parker, up now." He walked up the coordinator, who smiled down at him. "Good luck, honey."
"Thank you."
He shook out his hands, channeled his inner Tony, and ran up onto the stage, grinning wide like he didn't have a care in the world. His heart raced at the size of the crowd as it cheered for him, and his eyes landed on Harley. He nodded at him, and Peter slid to a stop center stage.
"Hello, New York!" The crowd screamed louder, and Peter took his cue. He pressed a button on his earbud, and small black dots rushed out of the blue cans in the back of the room. The crowd went silent before bursting into confusion. The dots raced between their feet and hopped over their shoes, some breaking off their streams and crawling to the ceiling and covering the chandelier. The dots on the ground gathered around Peter, and then came together and formed a hand.
The chandelier flashed red and blue. The dots fell off like raindrops and connected with the hand on stage, revealing that the chandelier was now in a completely different design, and the crowd gasped. Peter wiggled his fingers at the crowd, and the hand on stage followed suit.
"Hello, New York," he called again. "I'm here today for three different reasons. The first?" He grinned, almost wolf-like. "I think the tower needs some renovating, don't you?" The dots making the hand – microbots, now everyone could tell – fell in a crash and surged to the wall near the stage, forming a black box across it.
Everything went still.
Then they fell through the metal and plaster, revealing empty space, and the microbots moved through seemingly nothing – until they moved farther out and left new floors, ceilings, and walls in their wake.
"Welcome to the new addition to the Stark Tower. Would anyone like a tour?"
It all went perfectly. Rooms Peter described appeared in front of astonished eyes in seconds, before the black mass moved on ahead of them. The separate rooms were furnished, and refurnished as Peter playfully designed them, and he explained on the tour what the bots were.
"3D printers. Armed with magic – although a friend would say that on Asgard, magic and science are one and the same – and Wakandan technology. Combined, they form a future we never thought possible. Skyscrapers built in minutes without error or human endangerment. Imagine a world where your dream house is exactly how you imagine it. Imagine a world where renovations take the time it takes you to have a cup of tea."
By now, the crowd and Peter were near the end of the new wing. The bots were finishing up the last wall, the dead end, and Peter turned his back to it.
"I told you I had three reasons for being here. This is one. A new way to build, with lower cost both monetarily and in a human sense. These little guys will be released within six months, with this wing as their final test." The bots had finished and were now forming different animal shapes and moving through the crowd, delighting them with shapeshifting. A little spider rested on Harley's shoulder. "But what's the point of a new wing with nothing to use it for?"
A few of the bot-animals scrambled back to the dead end and shifted through random letters of the alphabet. "That brings me to my second reason." He hesitated dramatically, enjoying the awe of the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, you are here to witness the launch of the next generation of Stark Expo." The bots fell back and revealed gleaming letters on the wall.
"The Stark Expo has been limiting to young people, people of color, people who don't have the resources for innovation, and more. That changes today." He paused, giving the audience a moment to take everything in.
"Stark Expo: Unrestricted is a unique mix of a nonprofit scholarship program, internship, and expo for anyone who has something to show. Those in New York can apply online at SEUnrestricted at no cost and with no requirements. No restrictions."
"Those outside of New York have an application process also at no cost, in which an essay, the details of which are on all sites connected to Stark-owned organizations, should be submitted. Those chosen will not have to pay a penny to receive the resources of Stark Industries or, if wanted, to come to New York and work side-by-side with the best."
The bots melted back into streams and formed a cruise ship next to him. "It's an all-expenses-paid trip and we can make it happen. Who wants in?" The crowd burst into a shock of loud applause and Peter grinned wildly, letting it die down as the all the bot creations separated and slowly returned to their cans. All but one. His eyes landed on Tony, who cupped his hands around his mouth.
"What's the third thing, Peter?" He yelled. Peter laughed.
"So glad you asked, random citizen!" He took a deep breath. "I couldn't have done all of this alone. Through breakdowns at three a.m. over miniscule details and hours on end locked in the lab with me as I spent all my time not paying attention to anything but these bots, I've never been alone." He started making his way into the crowd, which parted around him.
"As I enter this next chapter in my life, everything will change. But there are some things I hope never do, and so this last reason may be the scariest of all." Peter stopped in front of Harley, and the spider hopped down from his shoulder and formed a thick, spinning O in Peter's hand.
He sank to one knee and Harley took a step back, eyes wide.
"Harley Keener. I never want you to change. I never want to go anywhere or do anything without you. Through the past few years of my life, you have been the brightest point." Peter had a whole script but he could barely remember the words now. "You've asked me this before as a joke, but I've never asked you, and—" He fumbled, nearly tipping over. "God, this is not easy." A couple in the crowd glanced at each other, and the crowd rustled with mirth.
"Harley Keener, I love you with my whole heart and all of my life." The formerly spider bots stopped spinning and skittered into Peter's sleeves, revealing a ring with blue and red stones set into the top of a band with the tell-tale gleam of vibranium.
"Harley Keener—"
"Let me finish!" The crowd laughed, but neither boy noticed.
"Harley Keener." He was nodding, tears sliding down his cheeks. "Will you make me the most horribly selfish man in the world– " Harley choked out a wet laugh. "–and marry me?"
Harley fell to his knees and pressed his face into Peter's, planting kisses where his tear-streaked face could reach. "Yes, you absolute idiot, I will, I will, I will—" He broke off to kiss him again, and Peter's eyes sparkled with wetness.
"You didn't even put on the ring, Harls," he whispered through kisses.
"Oh!" Harley pulled back and held his hand out, and Peter slid the ring onto his finger. Harley stared for a moment, then looked up at him.
"Do you... like it? Because I tried to find a normal one but I didn't think you'd like any so I thought I could make it and—" Harley interrupted him with a hard kiss.
"I love it. I love you." Peter laughed wetly.
"Okay." The crowd cheered again behind them, and Tony and a few Avengers all started ushering them away. Once the room had cleared, Harry, Ned, and MJ ran in, Ned squealing.
Harley laughed and got off the floor, pulling Peter up with him and picking him up bridal-style.
"You guys knew?" Harley went ignored through all the excitement.
"Peter!" Ned yelled. "You're engaged! To Harley!"
"Yeah!" Peter laughed and curled up into Harley more. He kissed Peter's forehead.
"No," MJ groaned. "You guys are gonna be even grosser than before!" Harry pretended to flick a tear from his eye.
"It's like watching my babies grow up, so sweet." MJ punched Harry's arm, and Ned awkwardly hugged them both.
"I'm so happy for you guys," he sniffed.
"Ned, are you crying?"
"No, it's just allergies, don't worry!" Everyone laughed, and Peter leaned up to kiss Harley.
"We're engaged," he whispered.
"Hell yeah."
In the end, it was a small party. Abby was the maid of honor, and Morgan the flower girl. May sat with Tony and Rhodey, and Bucky and Steve were guardian angels, keeping the reporters away and staying within six feet of the happy couple for anything they needed. Thin strips of peaches decorated the top of the cake and, if you looked carefully, seemed to form a spider web and Hello Kitty whiskers. Coincidence, of course.
May cried her eyes out and pretended she hadn't, and Pepper made sure everything went smoothly. Harry, Ned, and MJ sat first row, and if Ned and May were in a competition over who cried the most, the judge would've started sobbing in sympathy.
Harley and Peter had whispered their vows to each other, low and soft so not even Steve with his super hearing could understand them. They were riddled with inside jokes, cracking the other up, and each word was said with such love that both of their hearts felt full afterwards.
"How are you feeling, peach?" The first dance.
"Like I'm holding the world." Inexplicably new.
"I'm holding my world." Inextricably linked.
"And I'm holding mine."
And that love would last forever.
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txemrn · 2 years
Tumblr media
Book: Wake the Dead
Pairing: m!MC (Talan Archer) x Eli Sipes x Shannon Fox (it's the end of the world; I can throuple if I want)
Word count: 6100 (+/-)
Music Inspo: "Failure" - Breaking Benjamin
Warning: language; zOmBiEs; conspiracy theories of current events; very bad science; ⛔ may contain spoilers
AN: Last weekend was @wtdapreciationweek, and I wanted to do something fanfiction wise because I LOOOOVE this game so much... but of course, you know your girl is going to be late. 🙈 So, I came up with this cluster of a fic out of pure, self-indulgence. Please remember: this is all in good, silly fun; please do not take any of this seriously.
AN 2: To my amazing writing partner-in-crime @kat-tia801 : thanks for helping a sister out! The things I put you through... lol These characters and some plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry. 🖤
The sweltering August sun beat mercilessly upon the war-torn earth, but luckily the overgrown path of evergreen forestation provides plenty of reprieve from the heat.  The faithful scouts from Olympus had been on a mission since before sunrise, but it was clear their energy levels were depleting quickly.
“How much longer, Tal?” Angel moans, adjusting her knapsack on her shoulders.
“For real,” chimes in Troy. "I wasn't planning on spending my entire day off, looking for–" he lowers his voice to sound spooky, wiggling his fingers, "--body parts."
Talan chuckles to himself, patting his lifelong friend on the shoulder. "We all know you were planning on reorganizing your cassette tapes and compact discs–"
"--again?" Angel jovially interrupts with a giggle, making the three of them tickle with laughter.
Talan looks up ahead on the trail, spotting Eli hard at work, combing through the grove. And he can't help but smile at the image. "C'mon, you two," Talan calls out from over his shoulder, marching on with more spirit in his step. "Just a little bit longer, then we'll call it quits. We need to at least try to find these specimens for Shan; she never asks for any help with her research."
"Yeah," a pained expression grows across Angel's face, "she's usually chasing me out of the laboratory area."
"Well, you are quite the bull in a China shop," Troy playfully punches her arm.
"A what in a what?"
"Don't pay attention to him," Talan titters, walking ahead of them to urge them forward. "He forgets how to talk like a normal human being–"
"Hey," Troy straightens out his collar, "at one point, that was cool lingo–"
"I'm sure shopping for a bull in China was very cool,” Angel finger-guns at her good friend.
Troy groans, shaking his head,  He then speeds up his pace, catching up with a determined Talan. “So, Shannon needs a drone’s arm or leg,” Troy pauses, contemplating his words, “and then preferably a non-drone’s arm or leg?”
“Yep. You got it–”
“But the living become the walking dead when they die… How are we suppose to track down an appendage that hasn't turned into–?”
“I don't know,” Talan holds up his hand, silencing Troy before he can state the obvious. “She said she could use us, but–" he gnashes his teeth in disgust, "she needs to cut into the flesh."
"Cool," Angel songsongs under her breath while Troy turns up his nose.
"I know it sounds like an impossible mission, but after her nightmare of a discovery last week, she believes she needs to restart her entire approach in studying these drones,” he sighs, mumbling under his breath, “which I think is ridiculous.”
"Have you tried talking some sense into her?" Troy suggests.
"She's not exactly the most rational person these days," Talan guffaws. "Besides, I’m trying to be supportive."
“Whipped, Talan,” Troy chuckles. “The correct term is whipped–”
“Wait,” Angel catches up with the two men. “Discovery? Restarting her research? Sledge and I were gone for two nights! What the hell did I miss?” Troy and Talan glance at each other, giving a knowing nod.
“C’mon, firecracker,” Troy wraps a friendly arm around Angel. “Let’s catch you up.”
It's been almost twenty-two years since the apocalyptic chaos raged like a wildfire across the world, turning every man against his brother, every woman against her sister, and the unthinkable, the living against the dead. The old world order passed away; and individual people groups established their own governments, their own rules, their own way of life. 
But still, there was one name that struck reverence and fear of colonies far and wide: Marcus Blackstock.
Blackstock was a well-renowned leader, revered for his ability to pull people together in the midst of the crisis. As a former lieutenant of the US marines, he demonstrated his resourcefulness and excellent sound judgment. Many quickly saw him as the figurehead in the midst of this war on mankind.
But the old general put into action his own plan: survival of the fittest. He wanted to create a new era of humanity, a new race made up of survivors with the most potential, the elite. He created his own colony, the Tower, and only allowed the fittest and the smartest to take shelter there.
The massive, impenetrable compound provided food, protection, and an incredible arsenal of weaponry and training.  Education was made available for children along with vocational options to contribute back into the Tower.
But it came at a price, a cost that in and of itself is forbidden to be mentioned.
Blackstock preached that in order for history not to repeat itself, it must be destroyed. History books, newspapers, even reels of media footage were destroyed at the hands of the people of the Tower. People are still forbidden to this day to discuss anything of the old world; the new world under Blackstock’s reign is all that mattered.
“What a bag of dicks,” Angel barks. “I’m glad I never had a chance to meet that asshole–”
“He’s the one that put a hit out for Talan’s life back at the Tower, all because he disagreed with an officer–”
“Holy shit–” Angel cups her mouth in shock. "I'm so glad you guys escaped when you did. But, wait," she furrows her brows, "how does this relate to Shannon?”
“Well," Troy clears his throat, "I was checking on Shannon last week, and I mentioned to her how hard it must be doing research when she only has the second half of history in her science and medical books.”
“Oh no…”
“Oh yes,” Troy combs his fingers through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck. “I meant it as a compliment for being so dedicated, but she didn't have a clue what I was talking about." He lets out a remorseful sigh.  "So, I told her about Blackstock’s orders. And that’s when she discovered all of her books were either altered by the Tower’s publishers or it was a brand new manual, printed by King Blackstock himself–”
“Which means he's completely fucked up her research,” Angel scoffs, shaking her head.
"Exactly," Talan nods. "She was rescued by the lab when she was four, and even though the lab was controlled by the Tower, everything had already been destroyed–"
"--and no one could talk to her about the past," Angel adds.
"Right," both men agree in unison. 
“Damnit," Angel exhales heavily. "She works so fucking hard and gets so down on herself when things don’t work…”
“And another thought,” Talan interrupts, fixing his thumbs under his utility vest as they continue to mosey down the path. "Blackstock was so adamant to them about finding the cure. If he really was looking for an antidote, why not give scientists everything they need? So much was discovered prior to this way of life… unless–"
"Is he hiding something?" Angel suggests.
"About the drones?" Troy snickers into a smirk. "But why?" 
All of a sudden, a grungy snarl echoes from the deep thick of the woods. Snapping jaws and staggering feet grow increasingly louder as a large herd of decaying drones make their way closer to the group.
"Shit!" Angel hisses under her breath, ducking underneath the weeds and leaves along with Talan. Looking up, she notices Troy chewing loudly on some unknown berries.  She grabs him unexpectedly, pulling him down with her before reaching for her flamethrower. 
“What the hell, Ang–?”
“Shhh!” She cups her hand over his mouth, pointing through branches. "Look. Drones."
Troy’s eyes widen in shock, “There must be over thirty of them–”
“--And they just keep growing in numbers,” Angel stares in wonder.
 "Well, what are we waiting for?" A mischievous grin grows across Troy’s face. "Let's remind these freaks that they're not welcomed here."
“Whoa, hold on there, partner,” Talan grips onto his good friend’s shoulder. “You two be ready with your weapons, but stay low,” he delegates. “I’m gonna go grab Eli. We really need to get out of here without luring the whole clan to our front door.”  
Staying low, Talan runs up ahead to catch up quietly with Eli. Hearing his footsteps, Eli turns and greets him with a crooked smile. "Hey, you–"
Talan puts a finger over his lips. "I'm afraid, we've got company back here."
"Shit," Eli pulls out his crossbow, concern growing across his face. "Is everyone okay?" He whispers.
"For now." With the flash of Talan's smile, the two men take off down the dirt road, catching up to the others. They each take cover behind tree trunks and ivy snags as they watch the cluster of rotting corpses gather in numbers, bumping carelessly into one another.
"More and more keep coming out of the woodwork," states Angel.
"And then they just stay," Troy adds.
"Weird," Eli sighs, gently tugging onto Talan's elbow. "It might be a good idea to get out of here while they're not fighting over our remnants."
"But what about a drone body part for Shan?" Angel innocently asks.
"That's just gonna have to wait. Look at them now," Troy swallows thickly, pointing to the field littered with the haggard dead. "The drones just keep coming. We can't possibly fight that many at once. Not with the four of us." 
"I think that's a good call," Talan nods as he surveys the hoard. "Quick. Let's get out of–"
Talan abruptly chokes on his words as he nearly collides with a zombie, putrid sludge spilling from it's mouth. But as Talan reaches for his machete, the drone simply redirects itself and stumbles towards the herd of the dead. 
Talan turns to Eli who's already shrugging his shoulders. All at once, the scouts take off running, back down the overgrown path to which they came. 
But suddenly, Angel wails in terror. As a drone surprises her on the road, it's mangled fingers tangling into her neon green waves.
"Let go of me, you gremlin chode!" 
Talan instantly reacts with his large knife, first cutting his friend free by slicing through the tissue and marrow of the creature. But, as he goes to stab the drone in the head, it passively treks away from them, not putting up an effort to fight.
Another loud gurgle grabs their attention: two drones lurch down the dirt path, and yet still, they don't lunge for the living.
With their weapons still drawn, the men form a protective circle around Angel. They curiously look at the monsters before giving each other questioning glances. 
Angel finally untangles her hair from the decomposing arm, ripping several rotten fingernails off completely. Standing up, she lets out a large snort. "Hey! I got an arm for Shan!"
Eli quickly glares at the young woman, bringing his finger to his mouth to hush her. And yet, the noise she made doesn't make even a single drone steer off course. "What the fuck..?" He whispers.
"This is fucking weird,” Troy remarks, turning his attention to his lifelong friend. “Talan, what do you think?"
"Yeah, I don't know, guys. But I don't like it. Let's get home–"
"Wait!" Angel grabs Talan's machete out of his hands, offering him a maniacal smile.  "How many arms should we collect?" 
"What? They aren't fighting back. We need appendages. It's a win-win." Before the guys could say otherwise, Angel sneaks up on several wayward, unsuspecting zombies. With several brisk swings, she cuts off with ease four more decaying arms, thick ichor pouring onto the road.
As she collects the body parts, Troy pats Angel on the back. "Remind me to never to piss you off." After a good laugh, they all four begin cautiously jogging towards Olympus.
Quickly removing a glass slide from her microscope, Shannon glances at the front door to her lab, a pang of worry in her heart. Where are they? Bracing her back, she tenses up the muscles in her body, giving them a tight stretch as she yawns. Resting her head in her hand, she surveys her research thus far, hoping that her friends were able to collect the necessary specimens so she can continue.
As the hum of silence hypnotizes her, Shannon's fatigue from a long day of studying overcomes her, and she begins to nod off into sleep– that is, until the door slams open, her friends busting through with victorious smiles.
"There's my girl," Talan bounds towards Shannon. Wrapping an arm around her, he gently places a finger under her chin, his lips capturing hers in a fervent kiss. "Miss me?" 
Shannon pushes her mouth into his, savoring his touch. "Always," she scrunches up her nose as Talan pushes her raven locks out of her face. "I hate being away from you for so long. I wish I could come too–"
Talan shakes his head adamantly, dropping his hand down to cradle Shannon's growing belly. "Not like this, you're not." Talan embraces her tightly, kissing her forehead.
"I hope I'm not missing anything too important over here," Eli playfully interjects from behind, Talan allowing him to slip his strong arms around Shannon's shoulders.  Eli brushes his supple lips against her ear eliciting a sweet, content moan from her mouth.
"I'm so glad you guys are back," she whispers tenderly, nuzzling her head into the sweet flutters of Eli's tongue against her neck. "I always get so worried–"
"Hey–" Talan interjects, tracing the edges of her glowing cheeks with the back of his hand. "You know you have nothing to worry about–" Shannon nods against his touch, kissing sweetly against his knuckles. "--especially with this guy by my side."  Talan cups Eli's scarred face, his fingers intimately traveling up his temple to tease his mohawk affectionately.
"Okay, you love birds," Angel breaks up the moment, "did you tell Shannon the good news?"
"Oh yeah!" Excitement spills across Talan's handsome features, nodding to his friends. "We have some surprises for you, babe!"
"We brought gifts!" Troy pats his overly-stuffed bag. 
Bracing her rounded tummy, Eli helps the mom-to-be back onto her lab stool. As a group, they presented the four zombie arms to Shannon, making her squeal for joy as they pulled out each one dramatically. They were also able to find a black light that Troy plans on fixing up for the lab, several sets of tools to keep on hand as extra in the lab, and then finally, old bound newspapers to stock for heating elements for future experiments.
"This is wonderful!" Shannon grins kindly to each of her friends, "thanks, guys!"
"And that's not all!" An impish smile grows across Troy's face as the others exchange curious glances at each other. He pulls out a weathered plastic bag, the contents  rustling against each other. He retrieves a clear package with two tubular yellow items inside. "Talan may have mentioned you've been having a bit of a sweet tooth in the middle of the night, so behold!" 
He tosses the item to Shannon. She instantly starts inspecting it in her hands. "Thank you so much, Troy, but–" she shakes the package, then sniffs it while raising an eyebrow, "--what is it?"
"Seriously?" Troy glances around the room, noticing the lost look in everyone's eyes. "They're Twinkies!" Talan and Angel pretend to know what he's talking about while Eli curtly shakes his head.
"It sounds, um, really cute," Shannon tries to stay positive, but clearly is clueless.
"Give me that," he playfully snatches the package out of her hands. “It's a sponge cake–"
"A sponge?" Angel questions.
"Yeah, you know. It looks and feels like a sponge, but it's a cake. And the best part?" Troy busts open the package, pinching off the end of the yellow snack. "It has a cream-filled center."
"Whoa," the group singsongs together in amazement.
"But, isn't cake made from stuff that can expire?" Shannon cautiously asks, sniffing the confection.
"Ah," Troy holds up a finger, "that's the next best part. As the story goes, Twinkies never expire. Shit, before the zombie apocalypse, people claimed that these things could actually survive the zombie apocalypse. And boom! Here we are."
"So, is it safe to try?" Talan looks to Troy, but before he can answer, they are distracted by a subtle chewing sound.
"It tastes immaculate to me," Shannon's cognac eyes sparkle, rolling back in satisfaction.
Troy snickers. “And as for dinner,”  He juggles out several more cans. “Spaghettios on me!”
The five friends head out to the dining area, meeting up with the other members of Olympus.  Together, they share with the other colonists about their adventurous days off before everyone returns back to work like normal in the morning. The pleasant conversations continue well into the evening as many members retreat to the cool night air, sitting outside around a large campfire.
“Babe.” Relaxed in a sleeping Talan’s arms, Eli waves down Shannon who’s just now joining the group. He pats the seat next to him, hungry to hold her.
She moseys up behind him, running her fingers through his hair before kissing his inviting lips.  
“Come here, beautiful,” he whispers, lacing his fingers with hers.
She giggles at his invitation, biting her bottom lip. “I want to, really I do. But I need to get the lab set up for tomorrow–”
He pulls her down, closer to his head, capturing her mouth in a more passionate kiss. “Can’t that wait until tomorrow?”
Shannon begins to pout, feeling torn on what to do.  “Eli, I really need to get those specimens set before they start to deteriorate.”  She sweetly kisses the tip of his nose.  “I promise I’ll hurry.”
Giving him one last kiss, Shannon scurries down a well-lit path to her laboratory, but as she enters the main research area, the room glows a brilliant hue of purple, causing other colors to pop in bright neon..
“Hello?”  Shannon calls out cautiously. 
“Shannon! Hey, it’s me!” Troy comes around the corner of a shelving unit, holding onto a violet light bulb. “I hope you don’t mind. I didn’t know how much time I’d have tomorrow to set up this black light, so I thought I’d fix it up tonight.”
“This is so cool,” Shannon touches the colorful light. “I’ve only read about these in books.”
“I figured you could use it for something,” Troy shrugs, offering a confident grin.
“It will definitely come in handy inoculating different microbes. Some actually glow under these lights.”  Shannon walks over to the drone arms, some of them still twitching with life.  “Say, Troy? Do you mind giving me a hand with these?”
Clearing off her research station and cleaning with sanitation chemicals, the two friends secure the arms with clamps before covering them with preservation tarp.  As he tidies up the center, Troy starts playing with the black light again, the decaying arms turning into strange hues of purple and green.
“Dude, look at these colors!” Troy chuckles in amazement
“Don’t you be messing up my specimens!” Shannon jokes as she moves her fresh new stack of fire-building newspaper under a counter. As she goes to close the cabinet door, something catches her attention.
“Um, Troy?”
“Okay, fine, sorry.” He quickly turns off the light, gently setting it down.
“No, no,” she shakes her head, lifting the ream of old newspapers onto her research desk.  “When did you say Blackstock destroyed all the history data?”
“Um,” he closes one eye, counting on his fingers, “it was the first Solstice after the outbreak. So, 2021?”
“Come here and look at this.” Shannon anxiously opens up the newspaper, flailing it out to read. “Look at the date.”
“December 12, 2019.” His eyes widen in suspense. “Holy shit–”
“Can you go get the guys?”
Within minutes, Troy had rounded up Talan, Troy and Angel, urgently leading them to the laboratory. Shannon showed them the dates on the newspapers they had found, and began reading the breaking news.  The first article was about a patients in the Hubei Providence of China, showing signs and symptoms of respiratory distress.  
Thumbing through the papers, Shannon stops on December 31, 2019, where the article discusses that the Chinese office of the World Health Organization was made aware of multiple cases of pneumonia with unknown cause.
Talan and Eli both grab a few papers, helping to speed up the research process.
“Listen:” Talan commands the room, “Chinese authorities identify and isolate a novel coronavirus as the causative agent of the outbreak—”
“Coronavirus?” Shannon looks over his shoulder, writing down the information.
“And look here,” Eli pointes to the headline on his paper, showing it to the group. “The CDC confirms the first US laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19–”
“COVID-19?” Angel chimes in. “I thought they called it something else.”
Shannon looks back over her notes.  “It–it must be an abbreviation. Coronavirus; COVID… um, maybe Coronovirus disease?” She presses her fingers into her temple, her speech becoming more rapid, more nervous. “And–and this happened in 2019, so maybe, I don’t know, the year? I’m–I’m not sure.”
Talan quickly drops the newspapers, wrapping his arms around Shannon, pressing her head to his chest. “Shhh, it’s okay, Shan–”
“I–I just don’t understand,” she stutters. “Is this what this is? Is that what all of this is?”
“I’m–I’m pissed!” She yells, causing her friends to stop in their tracks. “Did any of you guys know that there was this outbreak prior to the invasion of the drones?”  She glances around the room, everyone shaking their head. “That Blackstock had us wasting our time, looking for a parasite when he knew–he knew all along it was a virus. It’s bullshit.”
“Alright, alright,” Talan squeezes her tightly to his body, gently kissing her forehead. “This is a lot to take in, I know.  But I think we need to be thinking more clearly before we dive into this.” Keeping an arm around Shannon’s shoulders, he leads the group out of the laboratory and into the sleeping quarters of Olympus.  Within minutes of her head hitting the pillow, Shannon passed out from exhaustion.
Bright and early the next morning, Shannon began her research on the drone appendages to answer the ultimate question: where did they come from?  She collected countless vials of dark viscous blood and tissue specimens. She performed several tests while cross-referencing the newspaper articles the scouts had discovered the previous day.
One by one, however, each test contradicted everything she had been brought up to believe, working for the Tower.  Overwhelmed by possible new truths about the new world, she called her partners Talan and Eli, along with her best friends Troy and Angel.
As they gathered at the laboratory, everyone could feel the uneasiness, pouring out of Shannon’s every pore as she mounts pictures and graphs to a make-shift cork board presentation. Chewing on her mouth, she begins ringing her hands before turning to face her comrades. 
“So, um,” she titters awkwardly. “This is still just a theory. And–and I know, I know, this is going to sound crazy,” the corner of her mouth begins to curl. “But, I think I have proof, so just–” she holds her hands up, encouraging everyone to give her a chance and listen. “--Just stick with me.”
She taps on the board at her first piece of paper with notes.  “So, as expected, these drones are very much infected with the DNA of something, a virus–” she raises an eyebrow, “a really strange virus–Oh!”  Her eyes widen, meeting Talan’s. “I hope the community doesn’t mind, but I turned on my high-power microscope to map it out, so the back up solar panels kinda need a day to recharge.” She innocently smiles.
“That’s fine, babe–” reassures Talan, snickering to himself at how nervous she is. “So tell us more. Why is the virus so strange?”
“Well,” she takes a deep breath, “it’s completely synthetic.”
Talan, Troy, Eli and Angel exchange looks, shrugging their shoulders. “Meaning…?” Angel wiggles her fingers, encouraging Shannon to keep explaining.
“Meaning it’s man-made. This would never spontaneously occur in nature. It was created in a lab at some point–”
“Why would someone create a fake virus?” Angel questions.
“There’s only a few viruses that have had their genetic make-up prosthetically reproduced so that scientists can study them, so that we can prepare for things like outbreaks and bioterrorism.”
“So, you’re saying this outbreak that happened before the ending of the old world, this coronavirus or whatever: it was made in a lab and got into the wrong hands?” Talan crosses his arms, trying to understand.
Shannon shrugs. “That’s possible, but I don’t have anything to test or prove that. The man-made virus I found in these drones doesn’t match the COVID-19 make-up, however–” she eagerly taps on the board, “--get this: the virus does perfectly match the antibodies that make up the mapped DNA.”
“Whoa… English please?” Angel slides to the edge of her seat listening with intrigue.
Shannon chuckles. “Imagine a key and a lock.  Only one pattern of the key can go into that lock for the whole mechanism to work, for the lock to open, right?” Everyone nods, following along with her analogy. “That’s how immunity works: it takes a piece of the viral DNA, makes a copy so that when the body is under attack again, we have a key that is ready.”
“But I thought you said this was synthetic–” Eli speaks up.
“Exactly,” Shannon points to him excitedly as she continues. “Sometimes with deadly diseases, we can’t risk people developing natural immunity by allowing the masses to contract the sickness–”
“--Because it would kill people in the process of developing immunity,” Troy answers.
“Precisely,” Shannon gleefully nods. “But if we can develop a copy of that key that can gently teach your body cells the special code to unlock the immunity for your body…”
“Whoa,” Angel blinks her eyes in disbelief. “How do you do that?” 
“Vaccines.”  As everyone’s jaw drops, Shannon rapidly unfolds a newspaper clip, discussing the sudden push for the development of the COVID-19 vaccine from synthetic genomes.  “Everyone was coaxed into getting these vaccines even though minimal testing had been done on them at the time.”
“And I guess people were actually getting the shot?” Talan asks.
“Yes,” Shannon groes gravely serious.  “If you can strike fear in people, you can get them to do whatever you want.  It was broadcasted worldwide at how deadly the virus was. Citizens were forced into quarantine, unable to go anywhere for months  The ticket to a normal life again? Taking the vaccine.”
“Holy shit–” Angel anxiously rubs her forehead.
“So, my theory is that whatever they injected into people is what led to the uprising of these drones,” Shannon announces proudly. “But I predict that the zombification doesn’t complete until the infected person is dead–”
“Wait a minute. What about the drone attacks?” Troy leans his chair back, patting Eli on the shoulder.  “Drone bites create more drones, I thought.”
“That’s what we’ve been taught. But, have we really ever seen that happen? Someone turn into a drone before our eyes?” Shannon crosses her arms. “No, because they’re usually dead first either by the actual attack, or–what’s rule number three?”
“If someone gets bit, they get put down. No hesitation,” Talan sorrowfully quotes from memory, thinking about his sister.
“This has been drilled into our heads since as long as I can remember, and that is what we’ve always practiced–”
“But what about Eli? What about the Raiders and the antidote–?” Talan suggests.
“I thought the same thing. Come here, and watch.” Shannon twirls on the ball of her foot, heading towards two set up microscopes: one with a tissue sample from the drone’s arms and the other one with the synthetic virus exposed.  She pulls out a vial of epinephrine, showing it to her friends.  “This is the supposed ‘antidote’ to this disease; it’s what we gave Eli.  Epinephrine is essentially adrenaline, a hormone that stimulates your body’s nervous system to ‘fight or flight’. Now, watch.” She squirts the fluid from the vial onto the two slides.
Nothing happens.
“But Eli became, like, super-human, strangling me–”
“--as a result of using epinephrine. Not because he was turning.”
“Holy fuck, you guys–” Troy’s mouth falls open in shock.  
Eli rubs the back of his neck, clearly trying to make sense of the fact that everything they have been taught about the zombie ‘parasite’ was a lie.
“But why?” Talan asks.
Shannon shrugs.  “Was this meant to serve as a weapon to another country? I don’t know. Apparently the US was severely divided during that year from the electing of new officials. Maybe it was some ploy to bring the country together.”
“But the population of drones is increasing,” Talan mentions, walking up towards Shannon, “does that mean somewhere, someone out there is purposely infecting people?”
Shannon sighs as she scribbles down a few notes. She finally pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration, “So much is still unknown–"
"But look at how far you've come in just one day, babe," Talan drapes an arm over Shannon's slumped shoulders before resting his hand on her belly. "Let's get you two some lunch. You'll feel better afterwards."
Nodding in agreement, the group begins to tidy up the laboratory, preparing to lock up and head to lunch when Tony interrupts Shannon.  “Hey, Shan, would you mind if I showed Angel the black light?”
“Be my guest,” she smiles sweetly.
Troy turns off the lights of the room, waving the purple bulb around the room, pointing out the various neon colors.  He finally directs everyone’s attention over to the drone arms to point out the weird conglomeration of colors in the decaying tissue.
“This is so cool,” Angel looks around with amazement. “But I guess there’s not exactly much use for these lights nowadays–”
“Whoa!” Shannon suddenly shouts.  “Flash the light over those body parts again.” She rushes to look closer at the decomposing flesh, quickly donning protective gloves and tissue forceps.
“Babe?” Talan draws closer to her, becoming more concerned. “What is it?”
She shakes her head as she uncovers the plastic draping. “Bring that light closer, would’ya?” On further inspection, Shannon notices a bright white piece of microscopic debris hanging just inside the deep tissue of an arm.  She carefully extracts the piece with her forceps before moving onto the next arm. “Light please?” She begins poking and prodding on the next arm, but before long she finds another hard, bright white piece.
“What are they?” Angel clears her throat.
“I–”  Shannon begins to mount the pieces on a slide for her microscope to get a closer look. “I don’t know.”  As she zooms in, a collection of numbers sticks out. “CORP MP US 22/6598; what on earth is that?”
Troy perks up. “Did you say, ‘CORP MP US’? That’s code for governmental property.” He takes a look at the particle under the magnifying instrument. “Something that small, and from the government? It’s gotta be something like–like a tracking device.”
“Tracking device?” Shannon wonders out loud. "But why?" She scoffs, "how?" She shakes her head, writing out a few a thoughts on a notepad.
"Hey, I thought we were doing lunch," Troy jests as he mindlessly waves the light over the various patches of his leather jacket, neon colors illuminating before his eyes.
Deep in thought, Shannon looks up from her journaling, and watches him play.
Until it hits her.
“Oh my God!” Shannon takes the light away from her friend "Troy, you're a genius!" 
"Thanks!” He chuckles, but suddenly becomes confused. “Wait, I– I am?" 
She snickers with a nod. “I've got an idea. I need all of you to take off your jackets and expose your arms."
"What?" A blush creeps up Troy’s neck, knowing he may have to take off his shirt.. 
"Don't be such a prude," Angel sasses, slipping her hand under the collar of his jacket and pulling it off his shoulders.
"Traditionally,” Shannon talks over Troy, “vaccines are given in the large deltoid muscle of the arm, exactly where we found these white pieces–"
Talan perks up, "--so maybe when they were giving that man-made shot, they were implanting trackers…" Talan theorizes out loud.
"Yeah," Shannon's face grows long, "because someone was experimenting on humans and needed to keep track." A cold chill courses down everyone's spine. The sound of Shannon's words spins the room hauntingly still. 
Shannon inspects her arms first, waving the bulb slowly over her skin with no avail of anything glowing bright white. Both Talan and Troy are the same way: nothing glows from the arms.
Sigh heavily, Eli rolls up his sleeve. "I think you’re wasting your time, Shan–"
"Oh my God!" The young scientist gasps. "Guys, come here. Now." As she presses deeply into his shoulder muscle, thinning out the tissue with her thumb, a tiny flicker of white beams with the flash of the black light.
"No fucking way…" The friends stand in awe of the discovery.
Shannon does the same thing to Angel, and sure enough, her arm glows as well.
"But–but that doesn't mean it's a tracking device… does it?" Angel nervously inquires.
“There’s only one way to find out,” Eli turns to Shan. “Wanna remove it?”
A look of pure joy gleams in Shannon’s eyes. She quickly gathers her supplies to remove the white fragment from Eli’s arm, hoping it matches the one she found in the drones’ arms.  As she begins to numb the area with a local anesthetic, Talan interrupts.
“Oh, shit, Shan! I forgot to tell you.” He begins to share with her about the unusual behavior of the zombies the previous day when scavenging for the appendages. “They–they just wouldn’t fight us. It was like they were in a trance–”
“--or being controlled?” Troy suggests as he watches Shannon intently.
“But–but who?” Shannon grabs her forceps, gently slipping out an identical white piece of debris from Eli’s upper arm.  “And why?”
North of the Woods…
Another ear-piercing emergency siren blares throughout the leadership suite; bright, red lights beckon for his attention as they refract off the cigar smoke particles that consume the space.  He slams back his finger of scotch before he angrily calls for his head guard.
“Sir?”  A gentleman in black armor stands en guard to his leader, his hand raised to his brow in respect.
“The fuck is going on out there?” The salt-and-pepper haired jumps from his desk, hissing at his commander. “We built the alarm for the trackers as a security measure, but they are supposed to be fool proof–remember?” He rolls up a stack of papers, slapping the soldier multiple times in the shoulder. “Fucking fool proof!  If this information gets out to the American people that they were the only ones in the world affected, the only ones quarantined, the only ones targeted by this virus…” He nervously runs his fingers through his thick hair, “Or worse, if they find out this was a massive plan to annihilate the US from history for our international clients–”
“Sir,” the guard interrupts, “calm down. Have you accessed the video surveillance?”
The older man stops in his tracks, an evil grin crawling across his face. “Of course,” he begins to snicker.  He hits a secret button under his desk, instantly changing his computer screen to the activated surveillance cameras connected with the tracking devices.
Instantly five faces appear, surrounding the concave lens. “Isn’t this that girl that used to work in the old sector 2B in the lab? I thought they all died.”  He hits a button to unmute the video feed.
“I wonder if the ones they vaccinated with this synthetic drug were forced to find shelter elsewhere because at least they could track them while the unvaccinated were granted entrance to the Tower,” Shannon’s voice rings out across the speakers.
“Fuck!” The leader takes out his anger, swiping the contents of his desk onto the floor. “How? I need to know who’s working with her and how she knows the truth.  In the meantime, get the commander of our international clients.  They may need to finish their job early with this new development.”
“Right away, sir.”
After a few minutes of pacing, the head guard returns to the leadership office.  “He’s on the phone.”
The older man grabs the phone. “Hello?”
“General Blackstock, I am surprised to be hearing from you,” the pleasant voice grows gruff, “especially so late at night.”
“My apologies, King Liam. But, we have a problem.”
@alexabeta @ao719 @charlotteg234 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @foreverethereal123 @issabees @jerzwriter @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @lovelyladyk88 @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @mom2000aggie @neotericthemis @nikirennie87 @peonierose @schnitzelbutterfingers @sfb123 @shannonwrote @shewillreadyou @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam
18 notes · View notes
thisnoodlewritesao3 · 3 years
Untitled | Iwaizumi Hajime/Reader
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime, Reader, Oikawa Tooru
Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime/Reader
Word Count:  2571
Summary: "At first, he thought you sent him those videos (by mistake) as a prank. And he got annoyed. But as started to text you, he realised how sweet you are, how kind and lovely. And he fell, hard." This was the prompt, tho I didn't follow it completely
A/N: This is very much so self-indulgent, so no judging me. This is based off of a matchup I got from @forgetou that I absolutely adored, and just had to write. Thank you for giving me permission to use it, absolutely angel
It wasn’t that Iwaizumi had anything against you - he didn’t really have any feelings one way or the other - although if he had to choose, he definitely wouldn’t keep you in his life for long. He didn’t even know much about you other than that you were smart (being in the same class as him told him that), but your personality was a bit… much? Extremely immature? Carefree? Naive? A lot of things. Definitely not his cup of tea - he already had enough trouble coping with Oikawa - but at least him and Oikawa had things in common.
From what he could see, you felt the exact same way, never offering him a second glance when he entered the classroom.
So, why had you sent him a video?
The only reason he had your number to begin with was because of a project you’d been forced to work on last year with him; you hadn’t messaged him since, and neither had he.
He hesitated before opening the video; you were smiling so brightly, awkwardly looking around your room for some sort of escape from whatever you were about to say, “okay, okay, you finally convinced me!” You cheered, squeezing your eyes shut and smiling brighter. “This is for all my lovely friends-” Oh, so it’s just a prank. He huffed at his own thoughts; the idea that you were just pulling a prank on him pissed him off “-since you guys say that my singing makes you happy? I don’t get it… especially since I can’t sing,” you rubbed the back of your neck. “I- I guess I’ll just get this over with.”
You reached over to the side, grabbing a pair of headphones, they were ridiculously too big for your head, but you didn’t seem to care. A large intake of breath before you pushed away from your desk; your hand shook as you turned on the music, it was a split second before you started singing.
You’ve been such a jerk
since you left last week
You were staring at something off camera, eyes dancing over, what he could only assume to be, the lyrics as you sang. He had to admit you were right, you couldn’t hit a single note, making it almost painful just to listen. Then your smile slowly brightened again, shining within your eyes.
You’re careful with your words
but I’m pulling teeth 
you said this wouldn’t hurt
Bobbing your head and swaying, finally letting any anxiety and ease wash over you. Right now he was more concerned that he could hear each lyric blasting through the headphones, like you were trying to drown yourself out - surely you were going to damage your ears.
Give me cavities
And all of your apologies are only empty calories
You smiled brightly, squeezing your eyes shut but facing the camera. You put your hand on your chest; the impact made him wince, but you didn’t falter in your words.
After all this time
I start asking why I’m staying
were you ever mine?
You pointed at the camera, quirking up one brow as if it were an actual question. The more you wriggled and danced the more your hair flew around; such a pure enthusiasm in every movement. There it was. The childish nature he was used to seeing from you. The one that pissed him off so much.
Are we something that’s worth saving?
every conversation puts me back on medication sometimes
sorry’s just another word you’re saying
He must have been going crazy when he saw some actual sadness twinkle into your eyes; he decided that he was just reading far too into it.
Do I look like her
Does she talk like me?
Your brows furrowed together, staring off camera again. As you sang (read: yelled) the lyrics, there was something more to them. Something more fiery. Maybe you just related to the lyrics. He couldn’t know.
Been feeling insecure
Codependency is hard to break
You wrapped your arms around your body, that sadness trickled in again, there was no questioning it this time. Not even a second passed before you smiled brightly again, acting like there was nothing to be seen. Acting like that was all for show.
When you never make it easy
Reconstructive surgery can’t fix my anxiety
You squished your cheeks together, mumbling the words. He watched you intently as you repeated the chorus. Pumping your fist and spinning around lightly in your chair - a strange mixture of emotions erupted on your face when the wire to your headphones wrapped around something out of his vision, forcing them off of your head. The music blasted freely as you broke out into a fit of laughter, snorting and cackling like a hyena.
You turned back towards the camera when you finally stopped laughing, “so that happened, um, thank you for listening! I love you guys so much.” You winked at the camera, lazily blowing a kiss before the video ended.
Iwaizumi was almost in shock - though that was quickly brushed away by the anger from the obvious prank. You couldn’t really think he was that stupid, could you? He pondered the idea of shooting you a text, telling you that this was ridiculously childish behaviour; that was probably exactly what you wanted, so he chose not to give you a reaction at all.
That wasn’t the last time you sent him a video of you singing.
In fact, you sent one every single day for a few weeks. He listened to each one of them - definitely not feeling more positive and self-assured after each one. There was a theme; they were all mostly upbeat, something you could easily jam and bob your head to, something that gave you a lot of energy. Sometimes you were out of breath after it.
Still, after that wave of happiness came the storm of anger because, despite the fact he hadn’t given you a reaction to his prank, you were still trying to prank him.
Yet there was something so endearing as you cheered and smiled - sure, you were childish, but maybe he could see why people liked you after all. Something so pure about your reactions. Something so unfiltered and contagious (he’d never admit it, but he had started making a playlist of the songs you sang).
Eventually, he stopped seeing them as a prank and started looking forward to them. It was weird; he’d be in the middle of studying and suddenly remember that you’d probably send a video soon, his heart would flutter.
Nothing about your in person relationship changed; you rarely looked in his direction, too occupied with your own head space to even realise he was there. He couldn’t help but feel jealous as you laughed with classmates, brushing their arms, patting them on the head, comparing hand sizes - it was strange.
Even Oikawa seemed to notice the way he flickered his eyes over to you, often teasing him - until Iwaizumi smacked him over the head - that was always enough to stop the setter.
Slowly, he realised that maybe you weren’t as childish as he thought. Sure, innocence was a big part of your act, but there was so much more underneath the surface that he hadn’t realised. You took notes like your life depended on it; you’d nibble at your nails when you were deep in thought; sometimes that concentration led to your tongue poking out between your lips, very cat-like. You had horrible balance but a love for climbing things - that was how you’d ended up with a lot of injuries. You weren’t too good at sports, when they’d played volleyball in gym you fumbled through receives, failed at sets, serves were just as worse, not even talking about your spikes - they were laughable. Even when you face-planted roughly, earning worried cries from friends, you still got back up and asked to try again. He was worried, and intrigued, you had a lot of energy and he admired it.
For two months, you sent a video every single day.
Until one day you stopped.
Maybe you finally realised that the prank wasn’t going to work; or maybe it was something else. Any excitement Iwaizumi had felt for them quickly faded.
You seemed to act differently, too, still smiling sweetly to anyone who greeted you, but past that… everything seemed unnatural. He wanted to ask you what was wrong, to figure out what was going on in your mind; one day, he expressed those worries to Oikawa, “I thought you hated her.” The setter hummed running his hand through his hair.
Iwaizumi shrugged, “I- maybe I judged her wrong, I don’t know.” He glanced back over at you, noticing how you absentmindedly traced the back of your hand. “She… when she gets really happy, it’s… cute. And seeing her like this?” He didn’t like how much he cared about her, it was frustrating. It felt like how he felt for Oikawa, but more intense - like he wanted to protect her from something, but he didn’t even know what it was.
He wasn’t paying much attention, not until Oikawa started walking in your direction, looking over his shoulder and tossing the spiker a wink. He listened intently, “hey, L/N, right?” Oikawa mused, looking around nonchalantly.
A wave of indifference flashed over your eyes before you smiled brightly, sitting up straight, “yep. What can I do for you…? Sorry, what’s your name?” Suddenly, everyone gaped at you - Iwaizumi had to physically stop himself from bursting out laughing - it only got harder when Oikawa looked like you had crushed his whole world.
“Y/N! That’s Oikawa Tooru,” your friend called out. You turned to look at her, then back at him, “you know, the volleyball team's captain?” You raised a brow again, still confused. “How have you not heard of him?”
“This school is massive, you can’t expect me to know every student’s name,” you huffed and rolled your eyes, “what can I do for you, Oizawa?”
That was another low blow; you could have heard a pin drop in the silence, people were still staring at you, “...kawa.”
“It’s… Oikawa.”
“Okay, but that still doesn’t answer my question,” even though your face was cheery, the indifference had worked its way into your tone.
“My friend, you probably haven’t heard of him,” he turned and looked back at Iwaizumi - the spiker didn’t think he’d ever seen Oikawa so defeated, “that’s-”
“Iwaizumi Hajime?” You locked eyes with the brunette, smiling slightly, “why wouldn’t I have heard of him?”
Your friend smacked your arm, “Y/N!”
“What? He’s literally in my class and I did a project with him last year. I don’t get what the confusion is.” You pointed out, waving an enthusiastic arm at him - you really knew how to crush Oikawa’s ego - the setter almost looked offended, but also relieved.
“He wants to talk to you.” Oikawa sighed, turning away.
“He couldn’t say that himself?” You laughed, standing up and walking with Oikawa over to Iwaizumi. “What is it?” You asked when you reached him, fingers interlocked in front of you.
“Um… Can I- in private?” This was more unusual, the fact he couldn’t find the words to say to you.
The smile reached up into your eyes, not fully taking over, but enough to show your own intrigue. You nodded, letting him lead the way - your friends were gawking at you, but you simply waved them off.
He led you through the maze of halls until he reached the roof - he was right to think it would be quiet this time of day - only one other person sat up here, and even they were on the complete opposite end. When he stopped walking, you chimed, “well, I’m listening.” You looked so expectant, watching with such intensity as he pulled out his phone, getting up your contact.
“Are you okay?” He asked, trying to find the right moment to turn around his phone.
“Yep,” you cheered, “now, did you really bring me up here just to ask that?” You rolled your eyes but the action was counteracted by the playful smile on your lips.
“I just… it’s- you stopped sending videos.” He passed you his phone, giving you a chance to examine his screen. Your eyes opened wide, confusion and shock danced in your expression. “I was just worried, because you always looked so happy during them but-”
“You were worried about me?” Your voice was soft, almost unsure.
“Well, yeah, I mean,” he awkwardly chuckled, “I thought it was a prank at first.”
“Why would I prank you?” You looked up at him quickly.
“When we did our project together, you seemed like you didn’t like me…” he admitted. “And you reminded me of Oikawa, and it sort of pissed me off.”
“You were pissed off at me for acting like Oizawa?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” you waved him off.
“Then you sent me the videos and- I just realised that I was wrong… about you! And I really looked forward to seeing them.” He was uncharacteristically awkward, his heart fluttering slightly when you smiled. Warmth rose to your cheeks, eyes sparkling at the idea of him getting excited to see you sing.
“I… I never actually meant to send them to you, but you never complained, so… I just kept doing it.” You admitted, rubbing the back of your neck nervously, passing him back his phone. “And!” You called out, eyes wide again with an overwhelming passion, “I never hated you, or whatever it was you said. I thought you hated me so I just… I guess… kept away?”
That news hit Iwaizumi like a truck. The reason you avoided him was because you thought he hated you? He certainly never hated you, though he would admit he hadn’t always been the nicest. It all made sense, why you never gave him a second glance, why you didn’t greet him like everyone else. He had never felt more stupid in his life.
“That and I really liked you before so I was super nervous,” you avoided his eyes, a rush of confidence had overtaken you before you could even think about the words.
He blinked at you. Once. Twice. Three times. Mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. “What?” That came out a lot quieter than he wanted, but you heard it nonetheless.
“I liked you.” You nodded, punctuating the sentence with a hefty ‘hmpf’ while crossing your arms under your chest.
Again, shocking news to Iwaizumi. By the time you two did the project together, Oikawa had already had the heart’s of every girl around him stolen. Yet he could never see the way you blushed at him, the second glances you took (though those were all before the project). Damn, you didn’t even know who Oikawa was, not even now when his name was in the mouths of every girl - every girl except you.
“I… I still like you.” You stepped away, running the pads of your fingers over your knuckles.
You could have sworn he short-circuited right there.
It took him a few minutes to get his composure, you just stared at him awkwardly, humming occasionally to try and ease the awkward silence.
“I… like you, too.” He muttered, covering his mouth with his hand. Of course you heard it. That soft smile was enough to make his heart thunder in his chest.
Y/N eventually asks Iwaizumi on a date to a volleyball game (because even if she knows nothing, she wants to see him happy)
When Iwaizumi gets to take her on a date, it’s obviously to a karaoke place, because despite her inability to hit any notes, he’d do anything to hear her sing again
Y/N still refuses to call Oikawa by his name (Oizawa all the way)
She starts sending him singing videos again, under the pretence that he sends them back
He complies
Oikawa started to send him singing videos, but Iwa just blocked him for a week
Because how dare he
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 07 part two
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Lantern Lighting
Now we have the famous lantern scene, where everybody gets to express their character and have dates, ranging from disastrous to delightful, with the objects of their affection. 
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Wei Wuxian continues to be ridiculously good at drawing. 
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We’ve all seen Lan Wangji’s lovely first smile in the show a million times, so...let’s look at it again!
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This scene is important not just because of the smile, but because there’s a distinct shift in the way they talk about their growing relationship. In the pond, it was “come visit me” and “never!” “I want to be your friend” “No need.” Basically Lan Wangji firmly saying no to Wei Wuxian’s offers of friendship.
This time, Wei Wuxian says “let’s do this together” and Lan Wangji says “I’m used to being alone,” which is not actually a No, just an explanation. And WWX says, you can change that. And then Lan Wangji DOES change it, sharing the lantern and the promise with Wei Wuxian.
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Whoever painted this flower is even better than Wei Wuxian at plein air painting. 
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(more after the cut!)
Everybody’s wishes
Nie Huasang makes a practical wish. Wen Qing prays for her brother and Jiang Cheng notices how she’s like Yanli. Jiang Cheng isn’t very intense about Wen Qing, which could be a sign of his shyness but could also be a sign of his gayness or aceness. After all, later in life he’s an apparently wealthy clan leader who is hot as fuck, and needs an heir, since his nephew is a Jin. But he’s still not married, 16 years after breaking up with and uh, helping to kill and cremate, the girl he liked in summer school.
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The Promise We Made Together
Wei Wuxian makes an ultra-idealistic wish/promise while Lan Wangji watches and falls the rest of the way in love with him, and silently makes the same pledge inside his head. Later they will each refer to this as a promise they made together, which is a really super high level of face-reading by Wei Wuxian, to understand that he really is speaking for both of them here.  While making this promise, Lan Wangji brings out his Yin Iron Magic Bag and waves it around in front of everyone, but nobody notices. 
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Let’s take a moment to consider *why* this moment is so powerful for Lan Wangji. Lan Wangji is a boy whose emotions are always on the boil. He’s 100% upset all the time, at this age, and he keeps it clamped down all the time. His cultivation level is probably as high as it is partly because of all the work he does in emotion regulation. (note: if you haven’t read all the meta at @howpeacefulislwj​ , go read it; it’s awesome and hilarious)
Wei Wuxian doesn’t GAF about emotion regulation; he just expresses what he feels, all the damn time. 
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He is openly bored, lusty, playful, hungry, whiny. He straight up tells Lan Wangji “you’re boring and you have a stick up your ass” as part of saying he wants to be friends; no deference and also no falseness.  
And he can see right through Lan Wangji’s reserve, barging into his loneliness and isolation without any regard for all of his wards. Wards are made to be broken.
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(Unrelated note: Young Lan Wangji's rare moments of contentment seem to come from looking at something beautiful--the moon, falling petals, these lanterns, his mirror.)
But Wei Wuxian is also good. Lan Wangji desperately wants to be good. And here’s Wei Wuxian embodying this awful, amazing, tempting alternative path, in which all the interesting things in life get explored thoroughly, all the sweetness and beauty gets consumed unreservedly, all the pain and ugliness gets confronted and endured without hesitation. 
In this moment, Wei Wuxian tells Lan Wangji “you can change,” and then offers up this prayer/promise that is just pure chivarly, speaking straight to Lan Wangji’s heart. Very simply, I want to spend my life doing right. Not 3500 rules; just one.
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This infuriating boy, who breaks rules and who flirts indiscriminately and who pushes and pushes and pushes, reveals himself in this moment to be a hero at the beginning of his journey, and Lan Wangji sees it, and his heart goes right over the cliff.
The Girls’ Room
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The girl cultivators all rush over to Yanli to get in her business about her betrothal, inspiring Jin Zixuan to act like a jerk to her and get even further onto Wei Wuxian’s bad side. 
Talk Shit, Get Hit
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Yanli’s wish was that Wei Wuxian would grow up and be good. He promptly launches his own personal Sunshot campaign, punching her fiancee so hard that the sun falls out of the sky and the previously well-lit scene transitions to full night.
So, in English, “don’t mention it again” is really mild, akin to “I don’t want to talk about it.” Wei Wuxian’s reaction makes it seem like Jin Zixuan said something really shitty, like “don’t you dare mention that woman to me!” So I’m assuming something is being lost in translation. 
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Lan Wangji tries to calm him down. He grabs Wei Wuxian’s sexy arm muscle and basically holds it until the Jiangs exit the scene. 
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Nie Huaisang has placed himself between the opposing factions, which is unusually direct of him. In the future he’ll stick to being an unindicted co-conspirator when Wei Wuxian starts trouble. 
Ants in my Pants
Lan Wangji thinks kneeling can make Wei Wuxian cry, which is adorable of him. 
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He really relishes this opportunity to be a pedantic tool to his new boyfriend that annoying boy he hardly ever touches, and it really doesn’t work out for him, poor lamb.
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Jiang Fengmian stops by to show exactly how deep his affection for Wei Wuxian runs, and to give him whiplash from constantly changing parental expectations. In a couple of hours he’ll be laughing over WWX & JC’s hijinks.
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Wei Wuxian takes this opportunity to fantasize about bad things happening to the other boy in the fight, which is in no way foreshadowing of anything.
Douche Dads Conference
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We now convene this meeting of the douchebag council. Jiang Cheng is also invited even though he’s a prick, not a douche. <--important distinction
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This is our first time meeting Clan Leader Jin Guangshan. He's actually the most sensible and best parent in this scene, but his smug self-satisfaction hints at his true nature. This actor, Shen Xiaohai, has been active in cdramas for a long while now. I wonder what he looked like 15 years ago?
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...Holy mother of god.
Jiang Fengmian is the worst dad and the worst husband here. His clan believes in letting children do what they want - uhh YOUR child wants to marry Jin Zixuan. “I wrote a letter to her mother, who arranged this marriage.” Uhhh she arranged for her sickly, low-cultivation-level, sweet and vulnerable child to marry the heir of a rich and powerful clan, with a powerful mother-in-law who’s looking forward to loving and protecting her. Basically she’s guaranteed her daughter’s safety and comfort, and even potential happiness, since her husband may learn to appreciate her (and in fact, does, thanks to soup and repeated beatings from WWX).
Mom worked hard and probably spent a fair amount of social capital to achieve this. And you’re going to toss that aside because the boy thinks he’s too good for her? What the everloving fuck, how are you a clan leader in the first place? 
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You can see that Jiang Cheng understands all of this and what a terrible choice his father is making here. 
So do the other adults in the room.
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Jin Guangshen: our wives are going to kill us
Lan Qiren: I'm looking at a couple of dead men
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Jiang Fengmian pointedly won’t listen to Jiang Cheng or let him speak, showing that all his talk about being free is actually bullshit, that only applies to other people’s children.
Jiang Chang vaults off of the deck to tell Wei Wuxian about it. Hottt
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Sorry Sis
Wei Wuxian goes to Jiang Yanli to sorta-apologize and sorta ask to be let off the hook for fucking up her engagement, which he absolutely did. He knows it, which is presumably why he bows to her in paperman form while hiding outside.
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At no time has Jiang Yanli indicated to anyone that she doesn’t want to marry Jin Zixuan, as far as I can see, or said she wanted to be defended from insults with punching. Look how good SHE is at defending a person from insults, for comparison.
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Yin Iron Blah Blah Blah
The senior Lans meet with Jiang Fengmian  to talk about the Yawn Yin Iron. Yawn. 
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Jiang Fengmian addresses Lan Xichen as Lan Gongzi, which is adorable, since he is a big boy to everyone else. His family calls him Xichen and other people call him Zewu-Jun.
Farewell and Fuck You
The three Jiang kids come to say goodbye.
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Lan Quiren says goodbye with a heap of criticism for Wei Wuxian and the horse he rode in on, and Jiang Fengmian basically says, yep, that’s what he’s like, all right.  
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Good thing Wei Ying gets so much verbal abuse at home he doesn’t take it very hard when he finds it in the field. 
Wangji doesn’t say goodbye properly, which will be a recurring theme for the two of them.
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I don’t know if this is because he has a problem with goodbyes, or is just being a jerk, or because he’s so bad at lying he doesn’t dare talk to Wei Wuxian lest he reveal his travel plans. 
Indulgent Dad Continues to be the Worst
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Jiang Cheng complains at Wei Wuxian for wanting to say goodbye to Lan Wangji, and WWX says he likes him because he is equal to WWX in fighting, whereas JC sucks. JC hits him tries to hit him--gosh, he DOES suck, comparatively. 
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Yanli, who has been keeping these boys in line all summer, sighs deeply at her Dad’s tolerance for their hijinks. OP has five brothers and this sibling-hijinks behavior is 100% accurate, except for the part where it is happening at someone else’s house in front of the hosts. 
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WWX pretending to be Lan Qiren where Lan Wangji can see him doing it, in front of Lan Qiren’s colleague and supposed friend, and just earning a laugh from the patriarch? Good lord.  Dad Jiang tolerating this is shocking, particularly in the in-show culture where corporal punishment is as common as tea. 
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We’ve tried Nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!
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Uggghh why are you like this?
Here in the real world, OP uses “positive discipline” with her child, and encourages other parents to consider it, particularly if your child is neuroatypical or asynchronous.  That said, JF should be punishing the crap out of both boys for this behavior every time it happens, or should quit being a clan leader.  He’s relying on Jiang Yanli to keep them in line while he gets to just be amused by them. And he’s letting Lan Qiren discipline Wei Wuxian instead of doing it himself. He suuuuuuucks. 
Lan Wangji watches all of this. Lan Xichen reminds Lan Wangji that without Wei Wuxian, he’s completely fucking miserable. Lan Wangji still doesn’t plan to bring him along on his trip, though.
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Time to return to our lives of crushing loneliness
At this same moment when Lan Wangji is staring down the barrel of future loneliness, Wei Wuxian is already deciding to leave the (forbidden) rabbits in Cloud Recesses “In case Lan Zhan gets lonely.”  This small decision by Wei Wuxian - breaking the rules of Cloud Recesses for the millionth time - is kinder than he knows. Because what is the job of these rabbits? Let’s have a desaturated flashback. 
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Lan Zhan spent 3 years in the ice cave. The rabbits kept Lan Yi company in the ice cave. So...did the rabbits sneak in to keep Lan Wangji company in the ice cave as well? I’m going to say yes. By ep 43 they are following him to the gate of Cloud Recesses so they are very attached to him.  Well done, Wei Ying.
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Where my bitches at? Seriously, our warren needs bitches
(Is Watership Down still a thing people read? If not, just go ahead and assume all of OP’s rabbit jokes are about Watership Down because OP ain’t going to stop making them)
While Wei Wuxian annoys the bunny he has a flashback to the scene that happened 4 minutes earlier. The Untamed editors assume the viewership has the attention span of a goldfish, and I personally appreciate that they understand me so well.
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Wei Wuxian figures out that Lan Wangji is going on the road alone, and tells the bunny immediately. The bunny is very concerned.
Writing Prompt: What do next-generation cultivators Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi wish for at lantern-lighting time?
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Chapter 2 of the Long Night series
Content Warnings: 18+ for some adult themes (still not to the smut, but were headed there) Nightmares/post traumatic stress
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: Although this is reader x rex, I couldn't help but make reader a red head. Hope that's ok. Is it dyed? Natural? You decide!
I said goodbye to Kix and handed over his care to my coworker. His ankle was broken in two places, and while it wasn’t bad enough for surgery, it would be soaking in bacta for several hours. I had given him some pain meds and told him to enjoy his rest.
I hated to leave him, but I needed to go home and get ready to ship out in the morning. I needed rest myself, but I knew there was no way I was going to sleep. How could I sleep? I was never meant to be on the battlefield.
Rex headed back to the barracks to tell his men about Kix and their new medic. Kix had assured him that he thought she would be able to handle the stress of a war zone. He hoped for her sake that he had made the right decision.
“Where’s Kix?” Jesse asked as soon as Rex came through the door.
“Kix broke his kriffing ankle and won’t be shipping out with us.”
“Who’s going to be our medic?” Fives asked, “Surely not one of those kriffing med droids!”
“I found a replacement. You know the medic from medbay that patches you all up when you are too drunk from 79’s or hurt from a fight? She is coming with us.”
“HER?” They all asked, surprised.
“Yes, her,” a weary Rex responded. “Kix said he wanted her to be his replacement, and I want you all to make her feel welcome. Afterall, she may save your hide out there.”
Maker, I had just closed my eyes when my alarm started blaring. The room was cold and my covers were nice and toasty, killing any will I might have had to get up. Why is a bed the most comfortable right when you have to leave?
I grumbled, threw back the covers, and headed to the fresher. I indulged myself, heating the water until it was steaming. I didn’t know how the showers were aboard light cruisers, but I was betting they weren’t this good. My self indulgence couldn’t last too long, or else I’d be running late. Begrudgingly, I turned the water off.
I heard a knock at my apartment door and wondered who it could be at this early hour. I slid on my robe and went to investigate.
“Captain, what are you doing here so early? Am I late?” I crossed my arms to ensure my robe stayed closed, feeling slightly awkward in front of the captain. It didn’t help that he was so handsome. I could feel my cheeks flushing.
“No, I just wanted to come get you so we could go to the quartermaster’s and make sure you have everything you need.”
He handed me a pair of blacks to put on. I was a little confused as blacks were what the troopers wore under their armor.
“Oh, ok, um, do you want to come in while I finish getting dressed?”
The captain seemed surprised that I invited him in. We both stood still in the awkward silence for a moment, both presumably exhausted and not firing on all cylinders. I could see the dark circles under his eyes that indicated he hadn’t slept either. I wondered if he ever really slept.
“I have fresh caf brewing,” I offered.
Fresh caf was enough to lure him in. I brought him a steaming hot cup and then headed to the fresher to get dressed.
“We’re going to outfit you with clone armor for this mission, that’s part of why I’m here early. I wanted to have enough time to get you fitted and dressed. We aren’t used to fitting armor to a woman” Rex said.
“I’d say not. Do you think there will be enough room in the chest?” I quipped. With that, I heard Captain Rex choke on his caf and go into a coughing fit.
“Sorry!” I yelled from the fresher. I could only imagine the look I was getting.
I came out of the fresher to find the Captain as composed as ever. You would have never known that he nearly suffered death by witty comment and hot caf five minutes earlier.
Captain Rex stood and moved to the door, “Ready?”
I grabbed my bag, stepped into the hallway, and paused to look at my small apartment, wondering if I’d ever see it again.
We arrived at the quartermaster’s to find a shiny new set of armor sitting on the counter. I immediately grabbed the helmet to try it on, only to find it to be too big. As I turned my head, it shifted from side to side. I couldn’t help but giggle a little, feeling like a child stealing their dad’s helmet. The captain cracked a smile.
“I think you need some extra padding,” he said as he took the helmet off my head. He added a few more pads to help tailor the fit. There hadn’t been time to get me a custom helmet.
“Oh, that’s much better”
“Are you ready to quit playing and try the rest on?” Rex asked with a small smile.
“Go ahead and put on the bottom half, then I’ll help you with the top half”.
The boots fit much better than the helmet. The codpiece was a little awkward, but I figured I’d get used to it, or at least use it to make obscene jokes.
“Here, let me help you with the back plate and breast plate, they’re a bit difficult until you get used to them.”
He snapped on the abdominal plate and then the breast and back plates. He stood behind me, adjusting everything. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck, and it was sending small shivers down my spine. The Captain was quiet and I yearned to break the silence, but didn’t know what to say.
“Please call me Rex.” It was nearly a whisper. This sent even more shivers down my spine. Did he know what he was doing to me?
The moment- was it a “moment”?- was shattered.
“Hey! Red on the head, fire in the bed!” Fives hollered from across the room.
I laughed and rolled my eyes back as far as they would go.
He had called me that one night in med bay when he had been brought in, half passed out from a night at 79’s. One look at my red hair, and he’d uttered the phrase that had basically become my nickname. He said it to me every time I saw him in med bay, which was often.
“Fives! How are you? It’s been more than a couple weeks since I’ve seen your drunk carcass in med bay,” I jeered.
“Captain’s been keeping us out in the field a lot lately, he doesn’t believe in fun,” he said with a goofy grin on his face. Rex punched him in the shoulder.
Rex finished adjusting the breast plate and attaching my pauldrons. The left pauldron bore the red and white mark of a clone medic.
Fives had disappeared into the storage room and came back with a medic bag. He blew the dust off of it and handed it to me.
“Here, put this and your helmet on. Let’s see the whole thing,” he said.
I put them on and looked out of the helmet to see Rex and Fives beaming.
“You look great, doc,” Fives said.
“Fives, report to the launch bay, we’ll be along shortly,” Rex ordered.
“Yes, sir.”
Fives gave me a salute and a wink as he walked off. I gave him an audible huff and eye roll he couldn’t see through my helmet.
Rex chuckled.
“You’re going to fit in well here, you know.”
The hangar was a sight to behold with all of the clones in formation.
Rex gave a short motivational speech and ordered everyone into the transports.
“You stay with me, Fives, Jesse, Tup, Echo, Dogma, or Hardcase, and you’ll be fine,” Rex instructed.
I nodded and put my helmet on. I loaded into the crowded transport with them and we headed for the Jedi cruiser Resolute.
Coruscant faded away as we climbed higher.
The Resolute was bigger than I could have imagined. I had seen holo images of cruisers, but it doesn’t compare to seeing one for real. There were so many ships in the hangars. I walked past an AT-TE and stopped to marvel at the size.
“Wanna see the inside?” Hardcase asked.
“Hell yes I do!”
Hardcase beamed at my enthusiasm. His first loves were weapons and heavy equipment.
“This pretty girl can climb just about anything she encounters. She’s even got magnetized feet so she can climb metal,” he explained as I looked around the cockpit at all the buttons.
“She can even withstand being in space for a bit, since she can be pressurized. Sometime you’ll have to ask Rex about that adventure. Here, I’ll give you a boost up into the gunner’s seat.”
The gunner sat exposed, but I could easily see how it would be fun to mow down droids with the cannon. I looked down to see Rex looking up at us.
“Hardcase, it’s time to get everything ready for tomorrow, there’s lots to be done. Our medic there needs to get to her briefing, too,” he instructed.
“Thanks, Hardcase, this was fun, can you show me more another time?”
“Yep, anytime. It’s always my pleasure to show off my toys,” he had a cheesy grin stretching from ear to ear.
I hopped down and followed Rex to my first briefing.
Dinner followed the briefing. The boys were rowdy and there was a sense of excitement buzzing in the air. I ate my meal in near silence, being plenty entertained by the crass and ridiculous things the men of the 501st were discussing. It was clear that it helped keep their minds off of the coming battle.
It was late when I retired to my quarters, hoping to get a few hours of rest.
Geonosis was barren, except for various rock formations. The night was eerily dark and Rex was alone. He walked the desert landscape, looking for any signs of life. He tried his comm again, only to be answered with broken static.
The Captain finally saw something in the distance, although he could not make it out. As he approached the shapes, Rex found Fives, Jesse, and her, laying on the ground. He removed their helmets, only to see dark voids where their eyes had been. Blood started pouring out of the chasms. Their lifeless bodies suddenly sat up, repeating “It’s your fault we’re dead.”
Rex’s eyes shot open and he awoke to find he was still in his bunk. He was covered in sweat and his heart was nearly beating out of his chest.
It was just a nightmare.
The nightmares never stopped.
Being a soldier was hard, but being a leader was harder. He never stopped wondering if he made the wrong decisions. He never stopped worrying about his vod. So many had died, and he still carried each one with him.
He decided to go to the mess hall for some caf. Might as well since he couldn’t sleep anyway. Rex walked past his men to the door. He was relieved to see Fives, Jesse, Tup, Echo, Hardcase, and Dogma, all asleep, snoring, in their bunks. He looked around and wondered which men he would lose tomorrow. A tear escaped and he let it fall, knowing that no one would see. He wiped the tears away and continued towards the mess.
The door slid open. The mess was empty except for her. She had her head down on a table, red hair splayed over her arms. He wondered how long she’d been here. Rex walked to her, gently calling her name. She didn’t even flinch. A cup of caf was beside her, ice cold, indicating she had been there for some time.
Rex laid a hand on her shoulder.
“Wake up, cyar'ika, you’ll be much more comfortable in your bed.”
She drowsily raised her head and brushed her hair back.
“Rex?” she asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
“Yeah, it’s me. C’mon, I’ll walk you back to your quarters.”
She stood up and stretched. There were lines across her face from where it had rested on her arm. Rex couldn’t help but smile.
They walked back to her quarters, making small talk along the way.
“I’m nervous, that’s why I couldn’t sleep,” she said spontaneously.
“I would expect you to be nervous,” he assured, “I won’t sugar coat it and say that it will be easy. It will likely be a bloodbath. But, we’ll be there to help you. We will get through this together.”
They stopped in front of her door and she turned to Rex, laying a hand on his arm.
“Thank you, Rex,” she said and then disappeared into her room.
He stood at the closed door for a minute, her touch still lingering.
“Sleep well, mesh’la.”
I woke up early so I could check my medic bag and have a cup of caf before deploying.
The mess hall wasn’t busy, but there were a few clones up and about. I grabbed my caf and scanned the room. Jesse saw me and waved me to a table with him, Dogma, Echo, and Tup.
“ ‘Mornin, boys.”
“ ‘’Mornin, Doc,” they replied in near unison. It wasn’t uncommon for soldiers to call their medics “doc”. Field medics did it all.
“Where’s Fives and Hardcase?” I inquired.
“Those two will sleep til the last second,” Dogma said as he rolled his eyes. I’d been told Dogma was a stickler for rules. I expected he was early for everything.
I sat down next to Jesse, started sipping my caf, and inventorying my bag.
Bacta? Check.
IV supplies? Check.
Normal saline? Check.
Lasted ringers? Check.
Bandages? Check.
Tourniquets? Check.
The bag didn’t hold much, but it was enough to get the men back to the field hospital. I sat the bag on the floor and joined the conversation.
“You ready, Doc?” Tup asked.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. You boys just try to keep from getting blown to bits and I’ll be fine,” I jeered. They laughed in agreement.
“Seriously? I’m scared shitless, but I know you guys have my back and that makes it better,” I admitted.
“It’s ok, I think everyone but Hardcase was scared on their first mission,” Jesse said.
I’d met Hardcase a few times in med bay. He never backed down from a fight, in fact, he usually went looking for it.
Our comms lit up and a voice announced that we needed to report to our gunships. We cleared the table and headed down to the hangar. As we entered the elevator, Fives and .
Hardcase came running down the hall,
“Hold the door, wait for us!” Fives shouted.
I held the door for them. Both were still finishing putting on their armor. I smiled and shook my head.
“Whhhaaattt?” Fives asked with a smile. “Better late than never, right?”captain
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hello, beautiful!! It's been only a few weeks (a month I'd say) and I can officially say I've got hooked to the Bridgerton and Sons 'verse and its headcanons and it's WONDERFUL. I love it so, so much, and your writing in general! Please, continue doing it -as much as you feel comfortable- because your stories makes other people's days. 🥰 All this said (because you deserve being complimented), which headcanon would you love to write but no one has asked you yet? I bet you have got a "little" something you're excited about, yet you have not shared yet. Love from Spain (yep, this has reached Spain)! ❤️
And, another stupid fact: I'm your same age, and my birthday is in September too! #VirgoForTheWin, I guess! 😂
Ahhh Thank you to you for taking the time to read this ridiculous ‘verse and I’m so glad that I’ve kept you entertained this month, I have to say I’m becoming rather curious as to how everyone found this blog, was it purely through my shameless self promotion of Ao3 or ?? Let me know some other time! 
Spain??? My Goodness. That’s insane! I think of this as purely a local sort of blog although the fact that 2 people I know in real life have read it, is a little odd and Mortifying to me for some reason (I have refused to give anyone else the link including my older sister who eyed with a sort of Why are you like this? Look that only a truly exasperated sibling can pull off with appropriate love and concern when I told her what I’d been doing) Oh heyyyy! Birthday Buddies! September is a truly heinous time of year in Australia, because it’s strating to get ht and all of the flies and insects depressingly make themselves known again but there we have it!
Okay! I have been absolutely itching for someone to ask me about Edwina+ Kate and Anthony’s kids and absolutely no one has! I’ve been over here like “Guys! She’d be really cute with them!” And not a single one! So you didn’t really ask for them but here they are! 
When Edwina Sheffield found out she was going to be an aunt for the first time she was... beyond excited. Kate may have thought she would die single and alone but Edwina had known better and her heart had ached because she knew Kate would be a truly amazing mother. People had a tendencies to think of Kate as all sharp edges, and dry witticisms, but at her heart she was warm, and patient, and the way she wrapped her arms around you had a way of making you feel like nothing could ever be wrong again. So yes, Edwina was thrilled! And also because, yes, she may take a little bit of credit for Kate and Anthony’s relationship as a whole.
From the minute Eddie found out she was researching. Though she made the mistake of telling Kate this at brunch one day, 4 months into the pregnancy. Kate I’ve been researching and I’ve read that pregnant women really shouldn’t- Kate hadn’t even let her finish. She’d dropped her silverware loudly on the table stood up and said Eddie not you too. I’m so disappointed in you. and left the room leaving Edwina and their mother a little stunned. Anthony had barely been ruffled, he’d scoffed and said Edwina don’t worry about Kate, She apparently doesn’t believe in RESEARCH yelling the last word so his wife could hear him. Kate had called back I’l tell you where you can shove your fucking research! Edwina did not bring the matter up to Kate again though she did send Anthony articles every few days. 
When Edmund was born, Edwina loved spending time with him. She’d take him to the park, or the museum and they’d sit for hours, with her talking away, telling him about Anthony, and Kate, and the difference between a Stegosaurus and a Triceratops, strapped to her front in a tiny baby carrier. Even when people told her that Edmund was a baby and he really wouldn’t remember, she didn’t care. And when people would come up to her and comment on what a beautiful baby he was, and to Edwina’s mind there had never been a more beautiful one, she’d smile blindingly in the way she’d learned as an 18 year old startled people just a little and say Thank you! He’s my Nephew! Her heart brimming with pride. 
When Kate was pregnant with Miles Edwina was just as thrilled, She’d just gotten engaged to Matthew Bagwell and she absolutely could not be more thrilled. than when she sat at lunch with Kate and excitedly said Matthew asked me to marry him! And Kate had cooed over the ring and said how much she liked Matthew and then said dryly You should be careful though, Men lure you in being so sweet and charming, carrying their sons round in little baby carriers with a plastic dinosaur in there hair and it’s just a trap to get you pregnant again. Edwina had laughed loudly and when Miles was born a few months later she watched how gently Kate Held Edmund, who had the tiny baby in his arms and it brought a tear to her eye as she took a picture just like the one hanging in her Mother’s living room.
Thanks so much for indulging me with these!
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mothspore · 4 years
you’ll never guess who saw that prinxiety mess of a video and immediately decided to write moxiety even though that makes no sense
also so that you’re aware this was never meant to be shared but i decided that i liked it so here you go i guess. this is 100% self indulgent by the way, i was thinkin about how the boys haven’t been getting along recently and i saw someone say that this might be a reason, almost definitely is not the actual reason but i liked it so.
btw, this can be interpreted as romantic or platonic
“Hey, Buddy,” Patton said.
Virgil turned to face him, smiling brightly. “Oh!” He was so happy. After all, Thomas had just gotten a cute guy’s number…! Then, Virgil remembered. His smile fell from his face, and he turned back. “Oh. Hey, Patton.” His shoulders hunched, and his eyeshadow darkened. He crossed his arms and huffed lightly to himself.
“Hey, uh, are you—Are you okay?” Patton asked. The nerves were obvious in his voice, and it made Virgil’s heart ache. He wanted to reach out to the other side, but he reminded himself that this was for the best, and that his influence on Patton was hurting Thomas. He had gotten too close.
“Yep,” he said dismissively. “Just fine.” He looked at Patton through the corner of his eye to see his reaction.
Patton’s face fell. “Oh. That’s...good,” he said.
The two boys stood in silence for a few beats. The tension built, and soon it was almost unbearable. Virgil was about to leave when Patton spoke up.
“Are—Are you mad at me?” He asked. His voice was heartwrenchingly raw, and Virgil did a double take. He whipped around to face Patton, who was staring at his hands, which were fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie.
“What?” Virgil asked. The idea of him being mad at Patton was—absolutely ridiculous to him. If anything, Patton should be mad at him.
“Are you mad at me? About the whole innocent angel thing—I’m sorry I didn’t realize it was making you uncomfortable sooner, I should’ve realized, and I never meant to upset you, and you have every right to be mad at me. I’m sorry—it’s just a habit, and I’m trying so hard to break it, and I really am doing my best—”
“Hey.” Virgil lifted Patton’s face up to look at him, effectively stopping his rambling and getting his attention. Then he noticed tears beginning to form in his eyes. A pang of guilt struck through him. This was his fault. Patton was upset because of him. “I’m not mad,” he said gently, wiping away one of the tears that had escaped.
Patton sniffled a little, not breaking eye contact. “You’re not?”
Virgil chuckled a little. “Of course not.”
“Then...Then why have you been so distant lately…?”
Virgil opened his mouth to answer, but he couldn’t find a response. He couldn’t tell Patton the truth, that would only make it worse. But he couldn’t...lie to him. He refused to. He closed his mouth and looked away from Patton. He looked so desperate for an answer, and Virgil didn’t have one for him. His hands slipped away from Patton’s face.
“You are mad at me,” Patton said, voice thick with emotion.
“No!” Virgil exclaimed, hands flying up in defense. He gritted his teeth. “I’m not...mad...at you.”
“Th-then who?”
“I’m...mad at...myself,” Virgil forced out. “I’m mad at myself for not being more in control. I’ve been so on edge, and it’s hurting people. I’ve hurt Roman. I’ve threatened Logan. I’ve really hurt Thomas. I’ve—I’ve hurt you. I’m tired of hurting people. I never hurt you back before I was accepted, so I thought it would be better if I distanced myself again. I thought it would go back to before. But apparently, I waited too long. I wasn’t quick enough to notice, and now I’m hurting you more by trying to distance myself. I can’t do anything right, I—I can’t even try not to hurt anyone without hurting someone.” Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he stared at the ground, clenching his fists and biting the inside of his cheeks.
Patton was quiet for a moment, and the silence was deafening. Then Patton wrapped his arms around Virgil, and he melted. Tears flowed freely from both of their eyes. Virgil clung to Patton for dear life. He had missed this. It had been so hard for him to separate himself from Patton.
“You never, ever have to feel bad for something you can’t control. It’s not your fault that you’re on edge. We can get through this together, we can work to get better at this. We can find a way to apologize to Thomas and the others for what you said, and we can make this better. I promise you Virge, nobody is mad at you. We can get through this. You don’t have to distance yourself. We’re all here for you. I promise.”
“Thank you,” Virgil whispered through his tears. “Thank you so much.”
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sandwichfox · 4 years
AHH LISTEN! You write such beautiful headcannons, I feel like I'm literally there. 6x the joy of getting married and having gorgeous competent spouses to help with our gorgeous grumpy children! Thank you so much for this gift! Would you be down to write for the main 6 a lil oblivious, mutual pining and what causes them/the MC to finally snap? (And if you wanna get racy, what happens next? ;) )
Listen, listen, you came for my entire heart with this ask, the compliments definitely punched me in the face but the mutual pining was what KO’d me, my forking jam. (Also, we are always happy to get racy here in la mía casa)
★ He already really, really loves you, so it just kind of evolves naturally for him. There’s no internal conflict on his part, because of course he would fall for you, it’s only right. 
★ However, he does want to be absolutely sure you’re ready before taking any next steps, he doesn’t want to set you back in your recovery.
★ Except for Asra, that translates into never initiating anything, ever.
★ He hugs you and touches your shoulder and all, but that’s just Asra with anybody he trusts. He does stare at you an awful lot though. If he catches you staring, this fluffy idiot will think nothing of it.
★ Physical contact is already so natural between the two of you. That one day you just.. kiss him? Oops.
★ “wait was that-?” “…oh! Sorry I-“ “No it’s- can I kiss you again?” The answer is yes, he kisses you with purpose this time, soft and warm. Then immediately dissolves into giggles. He kisses you again, still giggling. “I love you” he says, voice stuck between a laugh and a sigh (and a kiss).
★ It was meant to be a brief kiss, but now he can’t seem to stop. (He’s lost count of how many times he’s kissed you now), but his hands -they’re shaking- skim tentatively up your arm, into your hair, hold you by the nape of your neck. And when you sigh he can’t help but brush a finger against your collarbone, then kiss that same spot. 
★ He feels drunk (he probably knocks against the shop’s counter, almost drops a jar of some herb or another), but now he’s got you pressed against it and he’s not laughing anymore, his brow is furrowed with want. He pants your name and you’re both gone.
♠ Doesn’t want to come on too strong but she is starting to suspect she fell for an entire dumbass.
♠︎ Maybe you just don’t want her? It’s entirely possible, but then what about all the times you seem to be flirting with her? 
♠︎ She’s tried everything, lavishing you with gifts, turning on the charm, even showing you off at parties and to dinner guests. 
♠ Problem is, she’s the countess, and why would she be interested in you? That’s ridiculous. All this must be because she has all this money, and you’re a special guest, and she’s just amazing like that.
♠︎ But one day you can’t take it anymore, and ask her outright what her intentions are. (Literally “are you flirting with me?” “I have been for a year now, thank you for noticing”)
♠︎ Oh boy, she has to make up for lost time, now doesn’t she? She asks you (up front this time) if you’d like to come up to her room at the palace. “Don’t worry, nothing nefarious” her gaze says otherwise. Goodness, she’ll eat you alive. 
♠︎ You get to her chambers and, unexpectedly, she asks you to try something on for her. A necklace, she says, that has been sent to her. She’s not sure about it yet, and would like to see it on you before deciding if she likes it. You’re a bit taken aback, but agree.
♠︎ She’s wicked, dragging the cold metal chain slowly across the skin of your shoulders, breathing against your neck as she fastens the clasp, she takes you (legs shaking) to stand in front of the mirror. She places a kiss against a soft spot on your neck and then presses her teeth against it, her hand travels up to your throat. “Darling, you look ravishing” but you barely hear her, your ears are ringing. 
♦︎ Oh boy.
♦︎ This dude right here invented pining. He thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous the moment he sees you, but then you two get to talk and it’s over, my man is gone.
♦︎ Alternates between the smoothest man alive and a literal mess. Also, he wants to date you so bad, but he thinks he’ll be bad for you. Can’t decide between being selfish and a self-sacrificing idiot.
♦︎ You like him so much, but he keeps sending these mixed messages, you wonder if it’s better to just maybe just steal longing glances at him for the rest of your life.
♦︎ One day, when he’s feeling particularly angsty, you ask him what’s wrong and he tells you in many, many scrambled words that he likes you. You had thought you had mistaken his usual Julian-ness for flirting, but this new revelation changes everything.
♦︎ “You like me” you breathe. He looks up miserably from his pint and nods. You already had a hand on his shoulder from where you were comforting him, but the surprise makes you tighten your hold, dig your nails in. And he- did he-? You snap your gaze to his and yep, he’s red to the very tips of his ears, lip caught between his teeth. “Oh?” You smirk. He lets out another tiny, miserable whine. 
♦︎ You can’t remember ever feeling this giddy, your heart is pounding and your hands feel clumsy, it’s nearly impossible to get the buttons of his coat to come undone. And you’re hiding in an alley, goodness. Julian’s lips still taste of salty bitters, and he’s clutching at you like he wants to climb inside you.
♦︎ “You’re drunk” you say “on you” he retorts, though muffled, he didn’t even miss a beat. You bite his lip playfully in response and he, mmmelts (seriously, you have to catch him a little). “Okay” you say, hot all over, “okay” and you kiss him some more. 
♣︎ Hates it. Hates that he’s pining for you so hard. He tries the whole avoiding you thing and everything but it doesn’t work.
♣︎ It never even crosses his mind that you might want him back. Sometimes he catches you looking at him and his immediate reaction is to be absolutely mortified (has he had something on his face this whole time?!)
♣︎ Doesn’t know what to do with himself, basically. He wants to talk to you but he only goes so far as to following you around at a distance. He wants to touch you but doesn’t want to ask for contact. He brushes against you once in passing and immediately goes beet red. 
♣︎ Thing is, you’re so good. So good, soft, like he doesn’t deserve. You treat him like he’s… Sometimes you bring by some of your cooking, or a shiny rock that you thought was pretty, or you take him out for some smoked eel (and keep him company while he eats it, sat in the shadows). You constantly check that he’s alright “is it okay if I put my hand on your shoulder?” “Are you alright?” “Can I touch you?” “Can I help you?” “Can I hug you?”…
♣︎ “Can I kiss you?” You whisper, he can only nod.
♣ Muriel is so sensitive to touch, starved for it, though he’d never admit it. So when you start kissing him there’s an immediate churning heat in his belly. He’s lightheaded, feels like he’s about to boil over, he doesn’t know where to put his hands. 
♣︎ Somehow you’ve ended up in his lap, though he can’t say exactly when that happened (time is strange, when he’s kissing you), his hands have traveled to your sides and something about having you there, holding you to him, he’s going to go mad.
♣︎ He doesn’t want to ask for more than you’re willing to give him. But you give so easily, each tentative press of his lips is met with wet, purposeful pressure from yours. When his hands first brush your skin you shiver and come closer. He kind of never wants to stop. 
♥︎ Is a whole mess.
♥︎ Listen, she gets lost in your eyes sometimes, alright? That doesn’t mean she’s in love with you. Or maybe it does, but you don’t have to know that.
♥︎ Maybe you’re an oblivious fool (u are) because that’s the only way that you wouldn’t have noticed her pining. Literally goes ‘eep!’ every time you catch her staring.
♥︎ Portia is the kind of person that talks about their crush all the time, (‘the other day I was with MC and-‘ ‘and then MC said- insert mildly funny thing- and haha- wait- hahaha- they said- hahsghdgsh’) so literally everyone knows she’s crushing but you. 
♥︎ She’s naturally flirty with everyone, but one day she says something that you read as actually flirty, so then you’re like wait, really? And Portia’s all ‘oh! Sdgdhhdj I was just, I didn’t mean- I was just, uhm- KIDDING! Just kidd- unless..’ (anyway spoilers you both like each other and then make out lol)
♥︎ She spent so long having a crush on you and daydreaming about being with you and now she can actually have you. She has to hide away with you for a little while ASAP. You notice her acting giddy one day in the gardens and ask her what’s wrong “nothing!” She says immediately, then a pause “actually, do you want to stop by the cottage?” A perfectly innocent question, but she’s gone all red. Oh. 
♥︎ You stop by her cottage. As soon as you’re in through the door she turns up the flirty-ness tenfold (you’re gonna pass out), until she finally takes your hand and walks you backward against a wall. “Wanna make out?” She whispers. You do, actually. She’s surprisingly bitey, and very responsive. 
♥︎ After a few moments her hands start wandering, “you’re so cute” she sighs “beautiful, wow”. She’s letting out these breathy little sighs, pressing closer until there’s no space between you. She has one leg slotted between your own, her back arched to press the length of her against your body, one hand on your back at your waist, the other clutching at her shoulder, and she’s moving in a slow, waving motion, kissing your jaw and lips and ear and scraping teeth against your neck (you’re going to die).
▲ Oh he hATES it. (Feelings?! No thanks, yuck). It’s probably the whole ‘feelings make you weak’ mentality he grew up around, because he’s not above indulging in company, if ya know what I mean.
▲ But he doesn’t just want that from you, and it throws him on a loop. He keeps bouncing back and forth between sending for you about the most ridiculous things just to see you, and sending you away in a huff when he realizes that no, bad Lucio.
▲ It can’t be helped though, and soon he’s head over heels. He gets ridiculous, honestly. ‘Subtly’ asking about you and giving you increasingly odd, expensive gifts and trying to get your attention. 
▲ As soon as he gives in and admits to himself that he actually likes you his first thought is to go out and demand that you be with him. But he’s actually nervous, and not exactly sure that you would like that at all. So he starts testing the waters. 
▲You think it’s just Lucio being Lucio but you’ve liked him for some time and it kinda? hurts? when he suddenly starts complimenting you and making jokes about being with you for real, saying it so casually like there’s no way in hell and it hurts. So one day you tell him to stop.
▲ “Wha- huh?” He says, and you’re embarrassed, maybe you shouldn’t have said anything, but Lucio’s already seen your face, and now he knows what’s going on. “Oh, sweetheart” he says in a drawl “I’m being perfectly sincere, I love your pretty face” he takes a step closer “that amazing body” his voice is softer, you blush, he takes another step “your powerful magic” another still “your sharp mind” he’s right in front of you know, reaching out with a clawed finger to tilt your chin up “I’d like to be with you, if you’d let me.”
▲ “I’d like to do so many things to you, magician.” His golden hand trails from your chin to your bottom lip, tugging down before letting go and traveling up your cheek to the side of your head. He’s holding himself up against the wall with his other hand, bracketing you in against him, all in your space. “Perhaps I’ll call you to my room, feed you whine and fruit and sweets, drape you in fine silk” he leans in close to your ear “I’ll keep you to myself all day, kiss every inch of you, maybe keep you all night as well.”
▲ “Lucio” you gasp, he grins devilishly and surges in to kiss you. He kisses you long and hard right there in the hallway, pulling back a few inches just to hover near your lips, you lean into him and he pulls back a little more, teasing. “Please” you pout. “Oh no, beautiful, you’re much too pretty to be begging a man like me for kisses. I should be the one doing the begging, getting on my knees and showering you in gold.” He’s grinning, but he’s glowing red with enthusiasm at the thought. “Kiss me then” you say, pulling him to you, he shivers like he’s weak at the knees and does just that. 
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sorry-apsalar · 3 years
Frender Drabbles: The Best He Could Hope For
Another request! "Here's a self indulgent request if your up for it lol .I personally a sucker for that sweet sweet yearning from afar. Perhaps bender with a hopeless crush on fry maybe?"
I hope this counts for the request, it's moments in which Bender is slowly realizing he has a crush that sets up for some yearning.
“What’s all this?” Bender asked as he gestured to boxes Fry had piled up in the middle of his room, making it seem even more of a mess than usual.
Fry sat in the midst of it struggling to open the biggest of the boxes with a pair of scissors that were obviously dull based off how much trouble he was having. “Comic books and a shelf to put them on. I found a site online that sells copies of old comic books from like the 90’s and 2000’s so I bought a bunch because I’m super far behind on everything.”
“Huh? I didn’t think you were the type to read.”
“I’m not. They’re mostly just pictures but they’re cool and…” He cut off with a small sound of surprise as he finally managed to brute force his way through the tape, making the unassembled bookshelf parts spill out onto his lap and floor. “Uh…” He looked back up at Bender. “Can you help me put this together?”
Bender would rather not but last time Fry had tried to assemble a piece of furniture alone he’d ended up breaking all his fingers on one hand and a couple on the other too somehow. He been such a big baby about it, Bender had been forced to bring him to the hospital to get it fixed. A much bigger hassle than just helping him put the bookshelf together so… “Fine, whatever but only because the new episode of All My Circuits starts in an hour. And knowing you, you probably won’t have this finished in time to watch it if I don’t help.”
“Uh, probably yeah. So thanks.”
As they set to putting it together Fry took it upon himself to tell Bender more about his new comics, what they were about and how into them he’d been back before he’d found his way to the modern age. None of it was anything Bender cared about, not even a little. But instead of telling him to shut up, he let him continue because… he kind of liked listening to Fry talk about things he was passionate about. It was dumb and there was no reason he should feel that way about it but… whatever, he never had to and never would admit to anyone.
Fry was always a late sleeper, especially on their day off, but it was past noon and thus starting to get ridiculous. So without even bothering to knock, Bender opened Fry’s bedroom door and poked his head in.
The lights were off and the blinds shut tight, making it almost pitch-black inside. Thankfully that was no issue for a robot. Bender could still clearly see Fry lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, meaning he was awake so…
“What’s up?” Bender asked as he stepped all the way in.
“Uh just... stuff.” Fry lifted a hand to make a halfhearted gesture. “Nothing you’d care to hear about. So don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine… eventually.”
If it were anyone else Bender would’ve left because normally, he didn’t care about other people’s problems. But… he didn’t like seeing Fry acting and sounding so despondent, it made him… sad and worried. So he walked over to stand by the bed and crossed his arms as he looked down at Fry. “What is it?”
Fry looked about as surprised as Bender felt about this feeling. “I uh… um… It’s my brother’s birthday today. I miss him. … We were never super close or anything but I still always got him something for it. Normally a gag gift or something really stupid. He always got me something similar for my birthday. It was like… a game; who could give the dumber gift? It was a lot fun. But… he’s long dead now and so is literally everyone else I knew back then. And… and… You probably don’t care, right?”
“You’re right, I don’t care but go ahead and tell me about it anyway if it’ll make you feel better.” Bender even sat at the foot of the bed. He’d put up with this because despite his words and flippant tone he did care. More than he really wanted to admit even to himself but whatever, no one ever needed to know he’d somehow grown soft for a meatbag.
“One year,” Fry mumbled as he leaned heavily into Bender’s side, the only thing keeping him on his feet as they made their way down the sidewalk towards home. “I’ve been in the future for… one whole year now.”
“Yep, Happy New Year.” It had been quite the year, the best of Bender’s life for sure. This time, exactly a year ago he’d been planning to off himself on the morrow. But now, with an arm around Fry’s middle and Fry’s arm thrown around his shoulders, he couldn’t imagine anything he’d want to do less.
“It’s awesome! You’re awesome!”
“Yeah, I’m the greatest and don’t you ever forget it.”
Fry giggled like the drunk idiot he was. “I love you.”
Bender stumbled before catching himself and Fry. He froze as he turned his head to look at Fry, right up next to his – close enough for a kiss if he were so inclined. “You… really mean that?”
“Of course I do. You’re the greatest and my bestest best friend in the whole wide world… no universe.” Fry lifted his other arm in an attempt to make a large gesture towards everything around them but really just ended up flopping his arm towards the sky before letting it drop again.
“Oh uh… yeah.” Bender forced himself to look away and keep going. Of course Fry had meant that platonically, why had Bender’s first thought been that that wasn’t the case? And more importantly why was that realization such a disappointment? … Ugh, damn it!
Even with how short of a way it was, by the time they reached their apartment, Bender couldn’t deny to himself just how far he’d fallen. He wasn’t supposed to feel that way about anyone, especially a meatbag. But… Fry was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He was kind, wonderful, entertaining, and all around a pleasure to hang out and do stuff with. And he agreed that Bender was great, what wasn’t there to like? So…
“I love you too,” Bender said as he helped Fry into the apartment, pushing the door closed behind them with his foot.
“Awesome! Here’s to another year of being the bestest of best pals.” Fry chuckled, giving Bender an awkward hug before pushing away to stumble the two steps over to the couch and collapse onto it, sort of anyway, only his upper half ended up on it. Seeming immediately asleep, he started sliding off. Bender caught him before he hit the floor.
“Yep, best pals,” he said as he lifted Fry up with one arm to drape over his shoulder even as he already started towards Fry’s room. Best friends was probably the best he could hope for and thus he’d take it. It was enough… for now anyway.
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gallavictorious · 3 years
11x03 Fill-In Ficlet: Use Your Words (Or Don’t)
How do they go from sniping at each other in the kitchen to enthusiastically banging it out just a little while later? And why on Earth is horrible, horrible dirty talk suddenly a thing?
Well, they have this whole conversation where they basically talk things through but, you know, in their Ian and Mickey way of not talking things through but totally talking things through. You know? Also, there are kisses.
Warnings for some truly atrocious attempts at dirty talk but no actual smut. Also vague displays of a fucked-up relationship with violence, and clueless dumbasses trying, and only halfway succeeding, to chill with the misogyny and toxic masculinity. For all that this is mostly ridiculous and self-indulgent fluff.
Read below or on AO3.
They walk home from the Alibi together, but six feet apart and in silence.
Dinner is mostly silence, too, the celebration of Carl's first arrest dampened by Lip's outburst and Debbie storming off. Lip and Tami soon excuse themselves; Liam has homework; it's Carl's turn to do the dishes. (That mostly means they won't get done, but at least they'll know whom to blame when there's no clean plates or knives in the morning.)
Mickey's pours himself another glass of Jameson, but pauses when Ian abruptly rises from the table. His husband doesn't spare him a second glance though, but merely puts the half-thawed vegetables back in the freezer and walks off with a half-hearted “night” to his two younger brothers.
Well, fuck you too.
Mickey can feel Liam's eyes on him, but for once the kid keeps his mouth shut.
Smart kid.
Mickey takes his time emptying the glass. Takes the time to fill it up again and empty it once more too, while pointedly not listening to a single word Carl is saying about the fucking arrest he made.
Then it's getting late and there's nothing for it and he's sick and tired of them not being fine anyway, so fuck it.
He leaves the glass on the table for Carl to tidy away.
In their room Ian's sitting on the bed with his back towards the wall and a book in his lap. He looks up when Mickey enters, but doesn't say anything and promptly turns his attention back to his paperback. His jaw is set, but his shoulders slumped. Angry still, then - but tired even more than angry. Defeated, maybe.
Mickey fucking hates to see it.
He busies himself by the drawers, aimlessly rifling through the socks for something to do with his hands. “So. Quit your job?”
There's a brief pause, as if Ian's trying to determine whether Mickey's trying to start something again, and whether or not to strike first with a snarky reply. In the end he settles for a soft exhalation and,  “Yep. Tried to make me to work for free through my lunch break.”
He'd told Mickey as much already, at the Alibi. Hadn't gone so good, so this time Mickey tries for a different response: “Fuck 'em. We'll be fine 'til you find something else. Too good for that fucking place anyway.”
Another pause, long enough that Mickey turns from his fumbling with the socks to look at his husband. Ian's staring down at his book, mouth opening and closing a few times, like he's on the edge of saying something but then thinks better of it.
“Yeah,” he mutters at long last. “Don't know that I am anymore. Bipolar ex-convict in the worst economy in fucking lifetime? Not seeing a lot of options for me here.” Before Mickey has time to think of an appropriate response to that Ian's eyes darts to his face; darts away just as quickly. “Manager called me a little bitch.”
Oh. Okay. Yeah. Fuck.
Moving over to the bed, Mickey sits down on the edge of it. “That manager's a fucking idiot. The hell does he know? That's bullshit.”
Ian lifts his head at that, looking at Mickey with something that might be hope tempered with wary skepticism, and a hint of challenge. “Really?”
Mickey meets his gaze without flinching; holds it for a moment. “Yeah, man. Bet that asshole knew you could break him in half without breaking a sweat, that's why he's spouting stupid fucking stupid shit like that.”
A beat, to let that sink in, and then Mickey allows his lips curl into a grin, pulling his legs up on the bed to crawl over to Ian and crowd him: “'Cause you know you're the toughest motherfucker on the South Side, so big and so strong and so manly.” He reaches out to squeeze Ian's left bicep for emphasis.
“You're a dick.” But Ian doesn't pull away and he's starting to smile, as Mickey hoped he would; it's in his eyes first, softening and a glimmer, and then it's on his lips, growing wider.
Mickey feels his own grin grow wider too, as something in his chest loosens and lets up.
“Yeah?” he asks, eyebrows suggestively raised as he, ignoring the dull protest of his aching ribs, leans in to let his lips brush over Ian's in a not-quite-a-kiss. “Whatcha gonna do about it, huh? Gonna bend me over and pound me so hard I fucking scream? Gonna make me beg for your... your big, fat cock?”
Ian tilts his head to the side, brow furrowed in faux affront. “You calling my dick fat?”
“Think I've got the right to, Tim Kruger, I've choked on it enough times.”
A snort of surprised laughter and then Ian's hand is on the back of his head, pulling him in for a kiss that is hard and hungry and coming home. Mickey shifts to straddle his thighs, their lips never parting, and fuck, it's just been a few days but it's been too fucking long.
It goes on for some time; Ian's arms around him, fingers scratching against his scalp; Mickey's hands running up and down Ian's sides, as they kiss and they kiss and they kiss.
At long last, with a long sigh, Ian pulls back a little, his eyes searching Mickey's as he runs a thumb over his cheek.
“You want me to do that?” he asks after a moment, and there's just the faintest note of uncertainty in his voice.
Mickey doesn't like it. He doesn't want Ian to be uncertain about him, about them, ever. But he bites down on the urge to bristle. Takes a deep breath. “Do what?”
“Bend you over.” A tentative, lopsided smile. “Make you beg”
Ah. “Ain't never said no to that shit before, Gallagher.” How the hell is that even a question?  Okay, there'd been this morning, kind of, and maybe a few times when they just started fucking and he had issues and things got a little too intense or whatever, and he's not so much for the actual begging, but in general, Mickey's never been opposed to Ian getting a little – or a lot – decisive with him.
Least not as long as he doesn't make him feel lesser than for liking it that way.
“Mm.” Ian nods, but he doesn't lean back in to resume the kiss. Instead he reaches out to run his hand over Mickey's thigh, idly, and with a pensive look on his face.
Mickey very, very badly wants to tell him that now that that's cleared up maybe you could get on with it but he's determined not to be (too much of) an asshole tonight; to be patient. He waits, and eventually Ian looks up. The uncertainty has seemingly fled; the look in his green eyes is calm once more, and direct:
“So just to be clear: you're not exclusively a top now?”
“What? Hell no.” Mickey makes a face, genuinely taken aback by the notion, but then he shrugs. “Doesn't mean I'd mind switching it up once in a while, though. We've tried all kinds of new shit after we got married, figured it might be fun to try that too.” He pauses, chewing his lip. “Thought you'd be cool with it.”
Ian smiles, reaching out to give a playful little tug to Mickey's hair. “Give me some warning next time and I will be.” Abruptly, his smile turns devilish. “After all, how could I resist such a stunning embodiment of pure masculine prowess?”
Mickey's eyes widen. Oh. Uh-huh. All right then.
“I dunno,” he says, pushing hard for feigned thoughfulness even as he pushes his ass down on Ian's groin, wiggling just a little. “Seems like six pack-packing, strong-willed, stoic soldier boy like you could resist just about anything.”
Ian's quiet laugher is cut short by a sharp intake of breath as Mickey leans in to nip at his ear. “Even a – ah – man-swole hardass?”
“Yeah, 'cause you're such a top dog alpha male.“
“Ultra super power bottom.“
“Fierce and ruthless devastator of assholes.”
“Yeah, asshole is right... Ow! Okay, you're going down … you big manly boss man.“
If there is a moment, quite some time later, when they're both happy and spent and relaxing in each other's arms –
If there is a moment, when Ian's eyes stray to the bruises on on Mickey's side, and if he reaches out to let his fingers brush over them in the whisper of a touch, if a shadow passes over his face –
Mickey will catch his hand and bring it up to his lips to press a quick kiss to it.
“Looks worse than it is,” he will say and Ian's lips will twist, in rueful smile or grimace or both:
“Yeah. Bastard who jumped me hits like a fucking - “ Mickey will break off and make a disgusted face. “Hits like a... a... a fucking weak person. Jesus Christ. Fucking V.”
Ian will chuckle. A bit weakly, perhaps, still a little lost to the lingering memories of the afternoon, but he will chuckle. Will pull Mickey closer to him, carefully; push his nose to his hair and breathe him in. “I love you.”
And Mickey will smile. “Mm. I know. Love you, too.”
A/N: Listen, I don't begrudge anyone engaging in bad dirty talk if that's what gets them going, but I didn't really expect it for Ian and Mickey. I guess this is my attempt to wed what we saw in mid-credits scene to my already established perception of the characters. Oh, and I have a kink for understated reconciliation so there was no way in hell I wouldn't jump on this. XD That also means I want to read ALL THE FIC written on this topic, so if you write/see any, please let me know?
Tim Kruger is a gay porn star with a huge dick, btw. I know this because I googled "gay porn star huge dick". I have some regrets.
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Hi! Could you possibly give some of your favorite finished chaptered reddie fics?❤
Well do I ever! Enjoy these amazing fics by some amazing people! Its an extensive list so I’ve put it under a read more so as not to clog the tag! 
Is there somewhere by @tozier-boy | 11/11 | complete | explicit
Richie didn’t belong in boring, old fashioned, small Derry, that was for sure.
Richie Tozier wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. Richie Tozier had his ear pierced and he painted his nails black. Richie Tozier wore combat boots and let his curls grow wild and messy. Richie Tozier always had headphones around his neck and sometimes he wore eyeliner. Richie Tozier smoked weed on the school ground and told teachers to shut the fuck up. Richie Tozier was tall and skinny and he wore bands tank tops. Richie Tozier was the reason why Eddie had started biting his lower lip way more frequently than he did before.
Zero Characters Left by @stellarbisexual | 18/18 | complete | explicit 
Eddie works in social media at a tech start-up in Boston, and Richie's been hired to do some video production for the company.
Characters are aged-up to their late twenties, and this takes place in 2017.
Bright as yellow by @speakslowtellmelove | 30/30 | complete | mature 
“‘Remember that hot guy I couldn’t stop turning around to stare at while watching the movie? Y’know, the one I stalked? He’s being hilarious in my math class full of nerds.’ You honestly think that’s my fault, Eds?”
Eddie felt his cheeks heating up, because Richie was right about all of it. Well, most of it. “My name is Eddie, not Eds. And I didn’t stal–”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. See, isn’t that better? Eddie and Richie, Richie and Eddie. R plus E. It has a nice ring to it.”
the sea around us by @eddiefuckinkaspbrak & @tozier-boy | 26/26 | complete | explicit 
Prince Edward, is due to marry Princess Myra in order to help secure his kingdom financially. In a last ditch effort to be free and fulfil a lifelong dream of travelling the world, he sneaks out of his window and on board a pirate ship. Captain Richie Tozier’s pirate ship.
or Prince Eddie & Pirate Richie AU
Beep-beep, Eddie Kaspbrak by Ragno | 5/5 | complete | mature
Eddie Kaspbrak is 14 years old and he just defeated a demonic clown along with his friends.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 16 years old and he's fighting against himself and the way he feels and the way he thinks.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 18 years old and he'd much rather fight a demonic clown all over again than face his true feelings for Richie Tozier.
The Order by @s-s-georgie | 10/10 | complete | mature
“You guys lost too?”
“Nope. Believe it or not Silent Hill is my actual destination.”
- The Silent Hill Au Literally no one asked for but you're getting anyway.
far too young to die (part one) by @catsbrak | 17/17 | complete | explicit
Eighteen year old seamster Eddie Kasprak is forced to put his survival skills to the test when he’s selected in the reaping for the 27th Annual Hunger Games, where twenty-four young ‘tributes’ who are gathered from each of the twelve districts must fight to the death. Eddie forms close bonds, his priorities undergoing a drastic shift, and he instead takes on a more difficult task: to try and protect his friends.
(in other words, the reddie hunger games AU no one asked for, and everyone will hate me for)
Kryptonite by hoeziertozier | 13/13 | complete | explicit
‘Richie looked down and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “There’s a reason I came to New York.”
“Isn’t it because of your job?”
“Yeah, but there’s a reason I specifically chose New York. I mean, it’s Wonder Boy’s home.”
Eddie choked on air. For the first time in ages, he wanted to use his inhaler. “What?“
"Yeah, I’m kinda obsessed with him. He’s, like, my idol.”
So, his new roommate was his superhero persona’s fanboy. Yep, that was definitely not going to be a problem.’
Or, the self-indulgent Superhero!Eddie and Superfan!Richie AU that literally nobody asked for.
Just Survive Somehow by @s-s-georgie | 21/21 | complete | mature
When the world ended, and the dead rose to eat the living, it turned into kill or be killed, but how do you survive when the creatures around you are constantly evolving?
Wishes by strictlyamess | 14/14 | complete | mature
It's one thing to vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth with all your friends.
Working there with them is another thing entirely.
(or: the Disney World Employee/Cast Member AU written by a former Disney World Cast Member that some people asked for but most did not)
Operation: Hawaii Honeymoon by @tinyarmedtrex | 9/9 | complete | mature
A plan formed in Eddie’s head. One that would benefit them both. “Does your ex have an instagram?” Eddie asked. Eddie shook his head. “Do you want to make her jealous?”
“More than anything.”
“Hear me out then.” Eddie said, plunging forward even though he knew his idea was ridiculous. “What if you came to Hawaii with me? We’ll act like the perfect couple- she’ll get jealous, maybe want you back, and Myra will have to accept that I’m gay and will leave me alone.”
Richie looked up at him, a noodle dangling out of his mouth. “What?”
[ or Eddie and Richie meet on a plane to Hawaii and strike up a deal. Pretend to be lovers to make Richie’s ex-girlfriend jealous and convince Eddie’s ex-fiance Myra that he’s gay. What could go wrong?]
Inexhaustible Source of Magic by @jem-carstairs-is-perfection & @tinyarmedtrex | 17/17 | complete | teen 
The Triwizard Tournament is back at Hogwarts and this time, two students from each school will be chosen to participate. When Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak are elected by the Legendary Goblet of Fire to compete, they must come together as a team and overcome their differences to prove to themselves and to others what they are capable of.
ask me to stay by @richietoizer | 7/7 | complete | teen
“Your lip is all busted,” Eddie said, as though pointing out that Richie’s lips were injured would somehow make it okay that Eddie was paying attention to them. Richie’s hand came up, long fingers wrapping around Eddie’s tiny wrist, and he gently guided Eddie’s touch away.
Eddie finally wrenched his eyes away from Richie’s lips and met his best friend’s gaze. There was a softness there that he rarely got to see, not even the smallest hint of teasing or joking there. It was just Richie, just Richie looking at him and Eddie looking back. For a single moment, it was just Richie and Eddie alone in the world. Nothing to bother them, nothing to live up to.
[or: the year is 1994, and Eddie Kaspbrak is in love.]
Sex, Money, Murder by @studpuffin | 8/8 | complete | explicit
“The only sin is mediocrity.” ― Martha Graham
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg | 4/4| complete | mature 
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone.
He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t.
He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!”
“Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands.
AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
Fall Away From Me (I Just Can’t Take It) by @thelazyeye | 6/6 | complete “ explicit 
It’s okay, though, Eddie tells himself. It’s all fine. This is part of their arrangement. This is a casual thing they have going. It’s his own stupid fault for catching feelings for someone he agreed to casually fuck. Especially when that person is his best friend from childhood.
It Was Always You by eddie_kaspbraktozier | 12/12 | complete | teen
Eddie, miraculously, survives the fight with Pennywise. Richie is still hopelessly in love with him, even after all of these years. As Richie stays with Eddie to help him with his recovery and divorce, he tries to find the courage to tell Eddie his true feelings.
Eddie wakes up after the fight with Pennywise to realize his whole life has been a lie – his asthma, his marriage, god, his whole adult life. Although now, Eddie is finally free to decide what he wants out of life. Eddie slowly comes to realize his feelings for his best friend.
Told in alternating point of views – Richie and Eddie’s.
IT Chapter Three. The ending we deserve.
IDK, spooky stuff by varnes | 3/3 | complete | explicit 
“You’re a ghost hunter, aren’t you?” Georgie reminded him. “And he’s a ghost, or something. So obviously the police won’t find him, but you guys can, with all your equipment. You can find him and make the murders stop.”
From the couch, Richie’s whole face was lit up with delight. That was always a bad sign.
“I don’t know, Georgie,” Bill said, but before he could get the words all the way out, Richie was leaping up and yanking the phone out of his hand.
“Murderous ghost circus performer, love it, love it,” he announced. “Georgiekins, say no more, not one word, we are absolutely going to come bust the shit out of this clown.”
Or: the quasi-BFU AU where Bill, Stan, Bev and Richie go to Derry to hunt a ghost. Featuring a one-armed boy out for revenge; a Tiny Smol hotel clerk who can't decide if he wants to fight Richie or marry him; The Hot Fireman From LA?!; a local librarian who just wants to read books to children in peace; and, of course, Pennywise the clown.
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authorized-trash · 4 years
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff
Content Warnings: Temporary character death(he’s not technically dead, just regenerated), grief, bullet wounds, injury, pain, misunderstandings, characters think another character is dead when he’s not really
Word Count: 1,047
Notes: This was extremely self indulgent, it’s part of a series I’m starting so if you’d like to request a fic in this particular AU send in an ask
Logan had his arms wrapped around Patton’s torso, holding the brunette securely as to not let him forward. He didn’t admit that holding onto the man also kept himself grounded, as shocked as he was at the moment.
Virgil stood in the middle of the TARDIS, clutching his stomach, blood pouring between his fingers. A thin line of crimson came from the corner of his mouth as well, falling from his upturned lips like a wine colored waterfall.
The Timelord was pressing on what Logan could guess was the three bullet wounds that had pierced through his abdomen. Logan knew they shouldn’t have ventured to this planet, it wasn’t safe, and now? Now Virgil was hurt, was dying, and he was going to die right here, right in front of them.
Except he wasn’t.
He was looking at his two companions, Logan and Patton, who had been travelling with him for four years now, with a sad smile.
“Guess this is it,” Virgil rasped out, his voice barely there. Patton choked on a sob, and shook his head. He had stopped fighting against Logan, his hands now clasped tightly around his mouth to stifle his weeping.
“Virgil, no, we can- we can get you to a medic, something-” Logan took a step forward, but Virgil hurriedly picked a bloodied hand up and pointed at them to stay back.
“No, Lo, don’t come,” Virgil shuddered, hand pressed firmly on his wounds again, “don’t come closer, it’s dangerous.”
“Virgil, you’re hurt,” Logan’s voice broke, and he pursed his lips together tightly to keep from crying.
“I’ll be alright,” another full-body shudder, “I’ve died before. Er… Died in a sense.”
“What do you mean, Virgil? Now is not the time for your ridiculous edgy jokes,” Logan could feel tears pouring down his face, hot and sticky. Patton turned to put his face in Logan’s collar, his weak little sobs heart breaking.
“I’m a Timelord, dummy,” Logan nodded, this wasn’t new information.
“I know that, Virgil, I’ve known that for years.”
“Yes, well, being a Timelord doesn-” Virgil choked suddenly, a wisp of golden light leaving his throat and floating upwards into the air. “B- being a Timelord doesn’t just mean I have two hearts, I kinda got- I kinda got thirteen lives,” Virgil explained, sweat pouring down his forehead.
“What do you mean?” Logan asked, and Patton had turned his head to look at Virgil with a confused face.
“I- It means when I’m dying, I can restart my body, like a- like a fresh start. I’m still me, just… Different,” Virgil said, as another shudder shook his body. His skin seemed to glow, almost. The wispy golden strands drifting from between his fingers, over his arms, up past his head.
“What’s all that?” Patton asked, his voice hoarse from crying.
“The regeneration energy, the stuff that,” Virgil was cut off as a flash of the gold stuff around him flared up, “-stuff that regenerates my body. My cells are- are rearranging.”
“What does that mean for you?” Logan asked, holding on tightly to Patton.
“Nothin’, I’m still gonna be me, same old memories, just… Different.”
“Virgil I’m not sur-”
Virgil groaned and stumbled back a little, “Too late,” he ground out, looking up at Patton with a hopeless smile, “it’s starting.”
His head snapped back and was encased in golden energy, it looked a bit like he was on fire. Neither Patton or Logan could see his face. Similar streams of the golden energy were shooting from his hands, lighting up the entire interior of the TARDIS.
Patton let out a startled cry, but didn’t look away. Logan grit his teeth, shielding his eyes from the bright light emanating from their friend.
The light didn’t subside for a good twenty seconds, before it finally slowed, disappearing completely.
Both Patton and Logan watched in shock as their friend looked up… Except it wasn’t there friend, was it? The person in front of them looked nothing like Virgil.
The person straightened up, running both of their hands through their hair.
“Woah…” They said aloud, “Wavy hair, that’s new. Oh! New mouth, that’s even worse ugh-”
The figure continued to run their hands over themself, as if checking for anything out of the ordinary. “I’m still pretty human, no extra limbs, that’s cool- I’m a male again, that’s also nice I guess, woulda been nice to change things up,” The man looked up at Logan and Patton then, before flashing a brilliantly white smile.
“Well hello there!” He said, straightening up.
“V- Virgil?” Patton asked timidly, beginning to unfurl himself from Logan’s hold.
“Yep! Well, kinda. I don’t know if that’ll be my name anymore, that was so two minutes ago-” The Timelord looked around at the TARDIS, frowning a little at the damage that was done to the interior after their fight from earlier. His eyes locked on some words.
“You all were visiting the Roman Empire next? I like that, that’s cool, Roman? I think I’ll use that, Roman. Heh.” The man turned to look at them, “I’m Roman.”
Logan was sure his mouth was hanging open.
“You’re- you’re Virgil?”
“Well no. Yes. Regeneration rearranged my cells, making me a completely new physical form. It messes with brain cells a bit, but not enough to matter. Personality changes and stuff,” Roman flipped his hand around noncommittally, “You needn’t worry about all of that though, I’m still your friend, I still know you.”
Logan nodded, not quite following along. He was trying, nonetheless. Patton gulped audibly, still unsure about the new arrival. Did he even count as new? Probably not.
“Well, where were we?” Roman flashed another brilliant smile, so unlike Virgil, “I believe it was Ancient Rome?”
Logan and Patton made brief eye contact, before separating. They nodded at Roman, moving around as if they were walking on eggshells.
“Then off we go!”
“Shouldn’t we repair the TARDIS?” Logan asked skeptically.
“Maybe,” Roman pulled on a few levers, and the TARDIS began to shriek as it warped them to their next location.
“Shouldn’t you maybe rest, kiddo? You just died, surely you’re tired,” Patton asked worriedly.
Roman waved him off, “I’m fine, Padre, not even a sc- scratch.”
He proceeded to crumple to the ground, out.
“Well,” Logan began.
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thetypingdragon · 4 years
MAG 177! Live Reactions
Woo! TMA is back!
Hey people who guess mental hospital on discord were right based on the cws.
Basira! “It can’t have been that bad” Seriously Basira??!? “you look fine to me”?? “She’s been through a lot more than we have”?? all this sounds familiar . . . you cant complain, other people have it worse.
Daisy’s not here. Oh.
“you caused this.” oh no it begins.
See I don’t think Basira has been joking about killing Jon.
Yes, what was Trevors deal?
Basira statement? So Daisy killed Julia soon after the Archives incident? Then Trevor tracks Daisy . . . so she is going to keep her promise to Daisy?
OOH! Basira outright said it! Jon used Martin as bait . . . oh no. Jon used both as bait but didn’t tell Martin, the fans were right. Are you sure its okay Martin?
So there in Wonderland House a mental health facility. Oh statement time?
Oh Martin and Basira talking? London’s there sort of? Thats cool. Yes Basira martin does trust Jon! Convenient? Oh so everything is suspicious to you?
Oh that was just Jon finding the route? Daisy’s victim? Oh now its statement time.
A euphemism for what Basira?! Constipated . . . :/ 
Basira no its not like that. . .
That’s not your name . . . eh . . . help people come to their senses and protect the world from your self indulgent  nonsense and make you less of a burden . . . ehhhh . . . uncomfy. dont like. The victim definitely said something about how its societies problem not theirs . . . i feel that . . . then “Doctor David” says that their the biggest victim. Lies . . but thats how the Spiral works isnt it. 
A distressing time.
Meaningless little brat. Old prescription? The new one isn’t even known? Sweet dreams?!? OH NO ITS LOOPING AGAIN! This is what Anil meant when he said it was like 170 in  the discord this morning isnt it . . .
That’s not how your name is pronounced . . . >:( we have no patience for your ridiculous lies . . . you made it all up didn’t you . . . for attention . . . as an excuse . . . everyone does hate you . . . if the last Doctor David was society is this one our own thought telling us we’re faking it? Or both every time?
Another Loop? 5 Years??? Dont insult your orderlies . . . “it can’t have been all that bad” sounds like what Basira said.
What did the victim just do . . . it sounded gross . . oh no what’s under his face???? All the time in the world . . .
And its over. told you it wouldn’t be what you thought Basira. “Fuck” Ha!! So many swears in this season.
The fear that your problems aren’t real. Good thing? No, because you’re still suffering, but if you’re problems arent real then what is the reason? is it your own fault somehow? 
yep, Jon explains it. Basira still doesn’t get it. And yes Basira it is more nuanced. Door open and dripping blood? Oh its Daisy’s thing
Jon dont turn Daisy’s victim into a statement . . .
Basira you know who he is?!? Why??? Is Daisy hunting people who’d gotten away from her? 
OOH shoot good point Jon! Basira’s a cop who thinks hes just an evil criminal with no nuance, but he was running away from Daisy . . . ooh is this where we get Basira’s half of her and Daisy’s im just going to call it ACAB story. The court believed the man, but Basira believed Daisy. She defends Daisy the way other cops defend each other . . .
Helen! help how Helen? Not your corridors? Dont Basira you’ll get lost in that shortcut . . . even if she made she hasn’t learned any lesson she might not even do it. In there for two weeks and you were fine!
Good decision Basira. Helen shut it with your gaslighting!! And leave Jon alone!
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syao · 5 years
It’s almost Hearts Day, so what the heck, mindless NejiTen fluff.
Pairing: Neji x Tenten | Read Time: 6 mins
“If you’re on a first date, where would you bring her?”
Hyuuga Neji briefly looked up from the mission report he had been working on, wanting to confirm that the person asking the question was really Konoha’s weapon mistress and his teammate of ten years, Tenten.
Receiving a visual confirmation, he proceeded to return to his interrupted work. “Wherever she wants to go.”
A distinct groan came from her direction, followed by slow pencil scratches on the paper. He then sensed her pause, as if she was soundlessly going over what she had written. She must have been dissatisfied, based on the furious sound of her rubber eraser that followed.
“That’s what a longtime married husband will say.”
“But doesn’t dating lead to marriage anyway?” He had taken his parents’ counsel into his heart that he would only ask a woman out if he knew she was someone he could introduce to his clan the following day.
To which the kunoichi burst out laughing. “Oh, Neji,” she sighed while wiping an imaginary tear in her eye. “You really are the purest thing in the world.”
He let her teasing go. As he has always had. “That is my answer, though— my only one. And why are you asking something like this all of a sudden anyway?”
“It’s a task from Tsunade-sama,” explained Tenten, playing nimbly with the pencil. “We seriously need more shinobi missions so she thought we’ll advertise our services with a lighthearted article on our hottest bachelors who happen to also be working as a nin.”
“Hottest… bachelors…”
“Yep. Uchiha Sasuke’s in it of course, or the village riots. Then there’s Naruto, Shikamaru, Lee, Chouji…” she rattled off, eyes dancing in mirth. He couldn’t tell if she was truly into the idea because her personal goddess and idol decreed it, or if she was just entertained at the thought of her male colleagues being paraded before thirsty audiences.
“...and of course, there’s you,” she continued, winking at him. “I’m in charge of writing yours and Lee’s profiles, and thankfully his answers aren’t as boring as yours.”
His brows furrowed. “I’m not changing my answer, Tenten.”
She looked like she expected to hear that. With a resigned smile, Tenten picked up her pencil and poised it to write. “Well, can you tell me why you answered that, at least? Just so it won’t come across in the article as too cold and uninterested… even if that’s sort of what you’re going for here, I think.”
“It’s because I want us to go to a place that makes her happy,” he explained matter-of-factly. “Her being happy makes me happy, too.”
She tapped her chin. “Well, that kinda makes sense. Not all women like candlelit dinners… I mean, I don’t.”
“I know. A weapon museum or a visit to a renowned smither might be more up your speed.”
“I feel you’re making fun of my weapon geekery, but that... actually sounds like a really cool, fun date.” Realizing her laughably sincere undertone, she coughed self-consciously. “M-Moving on. So… Neji?”
He let out a deep sigh. “It’s not just one question?”
“It’s an article, Neji, not an Instagram caption. Anyway...” She picked up her clipboard and read the next question aloud. “How would you dress up to impress the girl you like?”
“I am thoroughly confused as to how this will sell our skills as a shinobi…”
“Tsunade-sama is selling you guys as a complete package. Saving the world while looking wicked good, and all that jazz. Now, your answer, please?”
He frowned thoughtfully. “I honestly do not know. I feel that I can offer more than my understanding of what fashion is on trend, and that what I do have will better stand the test of time—” his words trailed off when he saw the growing Cheshire cat-like smile on the kunoichi’s face. “I said something boring again, didn’t I?”
“Ah no, not at all. But I think you should seriously consider part-timing as a Q&A writer in the beauty pageant circuit.”
“That is my only—”
“Yes, yes. That is your only answer and you won’t change it, that’s why— see? I’m jotting everything down, Neji!” She flashed her scribbles to his face. He couldn’t help but notice numerous smileys on some of his responses, along with her annotations like ‘too pure!’ and ‘must protect’.
“Indulge me then,” he said as he nudged the notepad away from his face. “How would you like your date to dress up for you?”
“Hmm.” She shut her eyes momentarily, busily putting together an image of her mystery date that would spark joy in her. “I always see guys in traditional attire and dirty combat clothing, so maybe something immaculately crisp, and clean, and pressed, and tailored like a suit would be nice. Something black, maybe? I don’t know much about fashion either, but I’m pretty sure black will never go out of style. Plus they hide sweat marks.”
He tapped his finger on her transcript. “Maybe you can put that in instead. Would that be something your readers will be able to relate more with?”
She waved her hand dismissively. “Nah. We have to accurately represent you, lest they’ll be disappointed that you’re actually a boring old man stuck in a beautiful eighteen-year-old man’s body.”
“Beautiful, huh?”
“That’s what everyone says,” she quickly clarified. “A-And well, they aren’t exactly wrong, you know.” She knew and had acknowledged since childhood that Neji was blessed with striking looks that men and women would both envy, so why was it so hard for her to compliment him as friends naturally would?
“Good enough.” He did look utterly satisfied by her response, in any case. She let out another cough to jolt her focus back into her interview.
Neji frowned. “You should really have that checked. You’ve been coughing quite a lot this morning.”
“I’M. FINE.”
“As you say.”
“Here’s the last question.” Tenten was relieved that her first-ever non-combat investigation/interrogation is finally coming to an end.
“Please.” He looked at her earnestly and with unadulterated attentiveness, even with the full knowledge that he was participating in something he would typically never give a modicum of his time any other day.
And there it was again— the feeling of embarrassed, even shy awkwardness welling within her once more.
It wasn’t him at fault, of course— Neji was just being the usual Neji. It was her and her ridiculous, assumptive, and overactive imagination that was making the exchange more awkwardly embarrassing than it should be.
She vigorously shook her head. “What is… your ideal girl like?”
He seemed to hesitate, which surprised her because he had always been comfortable enough with her to share his rarely-seen, most candid thoughts.
Despite herself, her body leaned in closer, breath bated in anticipation for an answer she never knew she was dying to know till that moment.
Then he finally spoke.
Her forehead creased. “M-Me?” she asked, slowly pointing a finger at herself
He nodded.
“OH! Well, let’s see… the interview is about you, Neji, but as for me, my ideal woman is—” She paused. That doesn’t make sense, does it?
Neji looked unimpressed by her utter lack of wits.
Her heart was starting to race so fast that her mind barely registered the sound of her pad and pencil dropping to the floor. She smiled nervously, willing herself not to think of a prospect that might turn out to be nothing but a grossly embarrassing misunderstanding.
“I-I see. S-So you mean, s-someone *l-like* me, right?” she managed to ask amidst her rattled stammering. “Outdoorsy, geeky, failure of all things domestic…”
He rose from his seat and walked towards her station. “You misunderstand.”
Oh, shoot. Of course, I did. Her heart sank, willing the floor to swallow her whole right now.
Neji stopped in front of her, knelt down to collect her things, then gently returned them to her trembling hands.
“My ideal woman,” he spoke tenderly yet resolutely, “is you, Tenten. Not someone like you, but you specifically. And no one else comes close.”
Her mind, usually a dizzying uninterruptible hurricane of cracks and banter, froze. Then Neji’s words started to echo in her mind— over and over pounding it into her brain, which at that moment was still stuck in self-preserving, in-denial defense mode.
That was when she felt his palm rest on top of her head. He brushed her hair calmingly, almost apologetically. 
“I am not asking for a reply because this isn’t a confession,” he said gently. “You asked a question, and I simply answered it. Nothing has to change.”
“B-But Neji…”
He continued to speak. “What I feel for you is my business, not yours. Do not concern yourself over it.”
With that, he withdrew his hand and stepped back to retrieve his things. His face was mellower than usual: apparent even with the long, dark, soft curtain draping over his side profile.
“Thank you for your hard work. Take care on your way home, Tenten.” He gave her a small, courteous bow before walking past her.
Neji was long gone before the kunoichi could trust herself to speak again.
“How do you expect me to print this now, stupid Neji,” she groaned exasperatedly while looking at her teammate’s now-empty work desk.
In the end, Tenten did decide to run his profile. And despite not topping the list (it was the Uchiha, of course, or the village riots), the Hyuuga’s piece was truly a hit among the readers.
The man himself, though, was still questioning how exactly the piece demonstrates his competence, and more importantly, his dignity as a Jounin-ranked shinobi.
#2 Hyuuga Neji
Age: 18
Birthday: July 3
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 54.2 kg
Where he will take his date: Wherever she decides to go. (Ex. Weapon museums, weaponsmiths, weapon shops, weapon exhibitions)
His fashion to impress girls: Dark clothes that hide sweat marks.
His ideal girl: You. Not someone like you, but you specifically. And no one else comes close. [sic]
As the article grew more viral, a huge influx of mission requests specifying the Hyuuga flooded the Hokage’s office. The Jounin became the poster boy of “youthful fire and burning passionate love”, as Maito Gai and Rock Lee so eloquently put it on the Bachelor Neji fan shirts they were selling to the masses.
However, the benevolent Tsunade-sama tabled all these for an internal priority mission.
Accompanying a certain kunoichi to the newest weapon museum in the nearby village— wearing a crisp, dark tailored suit, of course.
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