#yes I don't know what a blaster should look like
electrikworm · 4 months
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Hey, uhh. Remember that Padmé pin-up that was almost on the Marauder in s7 of tcw?
(I'm not sure if this is the worst or best thing I've ever drawn...)
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threebea · 3 months
Order 66 where the Force is like: ... Eh nah and the chips just don't go off.
So Palpatine: Commander Cody, execute order 66 😈
Cody who has no idea why order 66 would be given but super aware of the stakes:
Under this directive, any and all Jedi leadership must be executed for treason against the Republic. Any soldier that does not comply with the order will also be executed for treason.
Then he realises, ah the Chancellor must be under duress, or it could be a shape shifter which has happened before.
Cody: yes milord (turns off call)
He proceeds to send out coded signal for the other commanders to acknowledge, but disregard 66. Not that he needs to, but he doesn't want anyone to give away they're on to whoever is behind this.
Cody: Sir I believe the Sith have control of the Supreme Chancellor.
Palpatine (already on his next call): Commander Rex, execute Order 66
Rex: .........? Uh... Sir, there are no Jedi on board.
Palatine: I'm sure it you think about it you'll understand my meaning (hangs up)
Rex: .....? (Gets code from Cody) Ohhhh oh thank force.
Meanwhile: dramatic March up to the Temple.
Appo (he's absolutely in disbelief that the Jedi would betray them but it's his General telling him this so it has to be true) sir, how are we going to seperate Jedi military personal from the children and elderly.
Anakin who has been told his men aren't going to have qualms: sorry what?
Appo: the children and elderly. There are civilians that work there as well. Should we call for them to surrender.
Anakin: no, we ... You know. Order 66. My Master said you'd know what that means.
Appo: yessir! (The one time Rex isn't here. He's way better at talking to the general than Appo). We must kill all Jedi Leadership. All the Generals.
Someone in the back: Wait does that include Padawan Commanders?
Murmurs from the group that were already kinda not okay with this.
Anakin: it-- no we need to... The Jedi are traitors!
Appo: (oh no I'm fucking up) yessir... We only want clarification of orders. We must execute Jedi command, but we would like to know if it includes Padawan... Oh also healers.
Another guy in the background: why would it include healers!?
Anakin: yes it-- I mean... It includes everyone!
Appo: (oh he gets it now) oh! No sir! You see these are command that have to do with our military structure. I know the Jedi have been woven in quite tightly, but an order wouldn't have us kill unarmed non-conbatants! No wonder you looked so tense. Did you think-? Wait you didn't actually think we were...
Anakin: uh... (Sheev rhetoric not really useful against regulation and military law that the clones probably know better than he does)
Appo: besides sir, you're a Jedi General the order would include you.
Anakin: I am no longer a Jedi!
Appo: ...... Then.... You can't command us unless you've been given a new official rank. We need to report to the Chancellor directly.
Anakin: uh.... I think I have? Wait stop arguing! If you refuse to kill the Jedi you will be executed with them! This is what he wants!
Appo: (oh fuck oh fuck) sir you cannot order us to kill children. You are unfit to command.
(every single clone points their blaster at Anakin)
Anakin: you can't do that! This is mutiny!
Appo: (😭 Rex help our Jedi is being mind controlled or something)
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bagdaddyb · 11 months
We Should of Been Alt Ending
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Pairing: Omega fem!reader x Alpha! Natasha
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI NSFW Angst. No happy ending for Natasha. Implied black reader but no characteristics ever described.
AN: This is what I originally envisioned for the previous request.
Original request
You were so beautiful. That's all Natasha could think everytime she saw you. Previous to your pressence she'd never even given an omega a second glance the desire to mate assumed to be trained out of her by the red room. But when Sam brought you to the compound one day everything changed. The visit was harmless you were an upcoming nuclear scientist with the dream of one day meeting and working with Bruce Banner and Sam was a cocky man out to claim the title of best cousin ever. You hadn't wasted time being star struck by the compound or the Avengers within walking through the building as if it was any other office. You didn't stop to greet the team only pausing a moment to hypothesize about Jarvis. Natasha's sure if she hadn't needed to deliver a paper to the lab she'd never even laid eyes on you, and what a crime that'd of been. Crossing the threshold she froze momentarily, your pressence not only a surprise but a distraction. Her eyes stuck on you taking in your features, your voice, your smile. Natasha couldn't remember the last time she felt heat in her cheeks or a nervous turn in her stomach. After she approached interrupting your conversation as politely as she could you merely smiled and said hello before turning back to the matter at hand. The warmth in her cheeks turned into a burn and her usually steady hands became clamy. Not long after you left that day Natasha couldn't hide her curiosity finding her way back down to the lab to ask Bruce just who you were exactly. It was a week before Natasha saw you again. You'd returned for Banner's opinions on your project having changed things according to his previous suggestions. You walked out of the elevator like you owned the building passing by the Alpha without even a second glance. Her eyes were glued to you warmth coming on in her cheeks as she watched you pass.
"Nat... Natasha!"
Clint yelled as Natasha's water began to overflowed onto the table in front of her. Snapping out of her trance she cursed under her breath moving to quickly clean up the area. She wants to meet you, needs too. Pacing the common room she the next day she contemplated how to approach you. Wondered what she should and would say in your presence. Would you even want to talk to her? Even give her the time?
"Excuse me."
Your familiar voice made Natasha freeze in her tracks. Her eyes glanced around the empty room before turning towards the noise. You stood there with a soft smile on your lips papers in hand and purse still on your shoulder. Warmth covered her face as she took you in and suddenly she was a nervous wreck.
"Y-yes *ehm* Yes ma'am, how can I help you?"
You smiled a little wider at her.
"No need for the ma'am, my name's (Y/N) I was wondering if I could get your help with something. I need not only a fresh perspective but also a guinea pig of sorts and Dr. Banner referred me to you."
She could kiss Bruce.
"Yes of course, what's the project?"
You laughed lightly visibly surprised by her answer.
"Wow I've never seen someone so eager to help another they don't even know. I honestly expected resistance considering the stories I've heard from my cousin but I'll chock that up to him being the head strong handful he is."
Natasha's blush deepened at how deep her crush is being thrown blatantly in her face.
"I am developing an anti-radiation suit that will absorb natural radiation in the air or body filter out the good and infuse the bad into a sort of blaster for the wearer. Dr. Banner mentioned that the design was something close to your widow bites so I was wondering if you'd take a look?"
While the question was more or less out of her grasp with Bruce and Tony having taken on the majority of her suit and weapon production Natasha still agreed unable to give up this opportunity to get to know you.
Over the next few months Natasha's first time crush grew to pure adoration. You were everything to the Alpha and the only person who didn't seem to know it was you. It was a simple Wednesday morning after lab runs on the suit. Natasha tried out the blaster and pretended to help with the calibration. Gripping her coat tightly due to nerves she turned back to you on her way out.
"Hey (Y/N) I know a great coffee place down the street, would you like to grab a cup with me?"
You looked up from your computer meeting soft eyes.
"I'd hate to take up more of your day than I already have. You go have a great time I promise the suit is almost done then you'll be free of my pestering."
Natasha fought back a grimace at your rejection. Again. Was she doing it wrong? She was sure she'd paid close attention to all of Clints advice.
"Have a great rest of your day then."
With that the red head turned and left retreating to the compound. Once there she immediately sought out Clint not knowing what else to do.
"I just don't get it. Am I asking wrong?"
The older alpha couldn't help the smile and soft chuckle as he watched the younger one pace. Thinking back to his younger days.
"No, a girl like (Y/N) is so caught up in her work she can miss the simple things right in front of her."
"Its true."
Sam tuned in from the kitchen, even he was feeling bad for the alpha.
"I bet (Y/N) doesn't even realize you're into her."
The red head let out a frustrated huff hands gripping her hair. Forget all this advice and subtly. Next week she was going to be blunt with you. While the red head was determined to make your next interaction work your cousin was not inclined to wait as long. The next day Sam strolled into your office unannounced not even knocking on the large door before entering despite the risk.
"And to what do I owe the pleasure?"
You said clearly displeazed with his abrupt entrance.
"I'm here to point out the obvious to the smartest girl I know."
That made you giggle turning to give him your full attention you cross your arms.
"And what might that be?"
"That a certain alpha who works with you once a week as your lab assistant is crushing on you something aweful."
You laughed audibly this time.
"Natasha? You're kidding. She only sees me as a colleague."
"She has asked you out; and I mean this literally, eight times. She asked you out yesterday for crying out loud. How can someone so smart be so oblivious?"
"No she...."
You pause truly thinking back on the moments Natasha'd invited you places. Remembering her nervous posture. Her let down face at your same response. Remembering how everytime your fingers brushed she blushed or how everytime you smiled at her she stared. She'd always been eager to help you with your project even from the beginning. Thinking on it even then she'd been a blushing mess right in front of you. Your eyes widen in sudden realization.
Sam announces as you raise your hand to cover your dropped jaw.
"Oh my gosh."
Sam said and suddenly you felt a wave of anxiety wash over you.
"I never thought..... How could I of been...... And she always asked......"
You let go of a sigh rubbing your temples before standing abruptly.
"I have to go see her. She's such a sweetheart and I've been unknowingly rejecting her time and time again. I'm such a dope."
"You said it cousin."
You frown punching him in the arm causing him to flinch.
"Hey what the-"
"Just because I said it doesn't mean you agree dumbass."
The two of you continue to bicker like the siblings you basically were the entire ride to the compound. Your walk to the common room is quick asking Jarvis to summon Natasha to the area politely you think of what you should say. You feel heat in your cheeks due to pure embarrassment shaking your head at yourself.
"Hey (Y/N)."
Natasha's surprised voice rings in your ear and you turn and smile at her.
"Hey Natasha. Listen I want to start off by apologizing. For all my knowledge in science I can't seem to match it in social skills. Believe it or not I've been completely oblivious to your advances until just now I truly thought you only saw me as a co-worker but.... if that offer for coffee is still up in the air, I'd love to go out with you."
Natasha's whole face was on fire after your little speech. Unable to form words she quickly nodded before clearing her throat.
"Of course let me grab my coat."
It's only your sixth date when you go into heat. Natasha was the best. Caring, attentive, patient maybe that's what made you go into your heat a week early or maybe it was the ways her muscles flexed as she pulled herself out of the pool infront of you bending over your body to grab a towel from your shared stack causing your eyes to roam while you locked your bottom lip between your teeth but either way telltale signs of your heat began to flood your body. By the following day you'd fully succumbed keeping it to yourself in an attempt not to rush your new alpha you locked youself in your apartment letting your boss know before tossing and turning in your own bed. Natasha was happy no she was extatic, elated, floating. Words couldn't descibe how happy she's been this past month with you. She'd always imagined what it'd be like to have you as her partner but the reality of it was so much better. Pulling up to your lab with a budle of red roses riding the euphoria she's been feeling for days she couldn't believe how excited she was to see you. Smiling softly to herself as she made her way into the building she wasn't allowed to get far stopped quickly by the kind beta at the front desk.
"Ms. Romonoff! I'm sorry Dr. (Y/L/N) isn't in today."
An eyebrow rose on the Alpha but she nodded thanking the beta all the same. You hadn't mentioned you wouldn't be in, you were always in your lab. Beginning to worry she quickly dialed Bruce who luckily answered after only two rings.
"Do you have a meeting today with (Y/N)?"
"No our meetings are usually Thursday but she actually just called this morning and cancelled this week."
Now Natasha was panicking. If she'd been using her logical brain she probably would of been able to piece together why you suddenly weren't at work and cancelled on Bruce only this week. But she wasn't, the first person she's cared for on a deeper level since the red room suddenly disappearing only caused huge red flags to pop up in Natasha's mind. Rushing to your apartment that she shouldn't even know the location of she couldn't help the way her leg jumped nervously and how her hands uncomfortablly gripped the steering wheel.
Please be ok. Please be ok.
Natasha wasn't going to let anything happen to you, she couldn't. When she arrived at your apartment she didn't even bother with the flowers ignoring the elevator to take the steps two at a time. She made it to the fourth floor in record time heart bumping and short breaths coming out of her quickly. Drawing her weapon she knocked on the door three times before beginning a count down in her mind.
You cracked open your door slowly, not expecting visitors and honestly not in a state for small talk. Your eyes doubled in size when you saw the red head on the other side while Natasha let go the loudest sigh of relief you've ever heard. Pushing past your door with ease she invites herself in wrapping you in a tight hug that clouded your thoughts entirely.
"I'm so glad your okay. I wanted to surprise you at work but you weren't there and Bruce told me you cancelled this week I thought the worst."
You weren't exactly sure what she meant by that but you didn't care your alpha was here. You took a deep breath in of her scent eyes dialating at the smell. Arms coming up to hold her close hand slipping into her hair. You wanted her, needed her.
"For someone so smart it's hard to believe you couldn't come up with a logical solution as to why me. An omega. Cancelled her plans for a week."
Suddenly Natasha noticed your strong scent in the apartment, your near naked appreance, the whimpers you kept letting go in her ear.
"I didn't say anything because I didn't want to rush this but you came to me anyway alpha."
Red flushed Natasha's cheeks as she began to strain against her pants. For a moment she felt stupid so easily pushed into a state of panic but that moment faded as your nails lightly scratched at her scalp pulling her attention back to you.
"My alpha."
Its was a whisper one you let go into her neck but a trigger for Natasha all the same. She needed you, wanted you, had to have you. You were hers and hers alone.
"My omega."
Natasha whispered back placing her nose against your scent gland as she kickes the door shut behind her. Something primal inside Natasha ached for you, she needed you closer. Her roaming hands gripped at you as yours did the same.
"Alpha. Alpha. Alpha."
You whisper taking in her pressence her feel. You've never had an alpha this close during your heat. Honestly you hadn't even considered this a moment that would happen to you. Never thought you'd find a mate like all your friends and family had.
Was all Natasha could respond. She backed you into your couch not romantic but in your collective states neither of you cared. You aren't sure how either of you stripped but you were aware of the drug like euphoria Natasha's skin on yours was giving you. Your hands couldn't stop moving rubbing, touching, and squeezing at every piece of Natasha you could reach. Natasha returned your touches in kind her soft lips pressing against every part of your body before pressing into your own. The kiss was feverish, needy. The contact was enough to make you moan into her mouth causing her length to harden painfully. Your body began to lift against Natasha's in search of friction.
You weren't sure what you wanted, what you needed more of. You just knew there was something missing.
"My beautiful little omega."
Natasha whispered against your lips moaning out as she began to run her member through your slick.
"Gonna make you my gorgeous mate, gonna fill you with my pup."
You nodded in eager response, nothing had ever seemed more right than this moment.
Natasha begins to enter you slowly. Stretching you out in a way none of your dildos ever have. You moan loudly tightly grabbing the back of the red heads neck and pulling her into a seering kiss one she returns eagerly. The moment is all heat and skin. Natasha's hips pound into you on their own accord. Your eyes roll back signalling your first release but it isn't enough for Natasha. She continues her pace like a woman possessed and before you can comprehend your cumming again almost violently.
"Yes omega just like that."
Natasha takes you in, your gorgeous face, stomach full of her. She's going to make you a mother fill you with her pup. Her mate all hers. You feel the heat before you see her face. Natasha's release pushes you into a third of your own.
"My alpha."
You whisper again.
The days that follow as Natasha falls out of her ruts haze she begins to doubt. Sitting on the quinjet on the way to Siberia she can't help but wonder if she's actually ready for this, even deserves it. She has red in her ledger, alot of it and a few months ago she wouldn't of even considered mating. With anyone. How could she be a mother? How could she be a mate? How could she be what you deserved? The week in the cold did nothing but push her further away from you taking her back to her days in the red room which then took her back to her dark past. She couldn't do this. Not with you, you would never live a full life, constantly on the move never safe never happy. You deserve more, more than Natasha can give you. Three weeks later upon her return you await with others on the landing pad. So excited you can't help but bounce the positive pregnancy test burning a whole in your pocket. You were nervous this was the first time you'd see your alpha since your heat and with big news as well but you shouldn't be she was your alpha. Yours. As the quinjet landed your heartbeat quickened to an alarming pace. You bounced on your toes eyes eagerly searching for the soft ones you'd come to dream of. Instead you were greeted by a different alpha though physically the same her body language was different she looked cut off, not meeting your eye. Her exterior seemed hardened. You approached her cautiously, you'd never been here after a mission not even for Sam but you were sure the emotional tole had to be high.
"Welcome back."
Your soft voice sent pain through Natasha. You being here meant what she was about to do was truly about to happen.
"(Y/N) listen....."
In an instant you shut down. You should of known better.
"What happened the other night was a mistake. I was distracted by my rut and..."
You grip the pregnancy test in your pocket so tight you're surprised it doesn't break.
"No need to finish. I get it, I should of known better."
You say before walking off. You kept your head held high refusing to let Natasha see the tears you so badly wanted to let go. Your words only cut Natasha depper than her own already were. What had she just done?
Four Years Later
Natasha tied her long red hair back in a loose ponytail as she walked out of her trailer saying a passing goodbye to her cat. The drive into town was long her dark thoughts able to creep up as the time passed on. Exiting her car she entered the grocery store. The trip being a necessity otherwise she wouldn't of bothered leaving her safe house. She went up and down the isles grabbing canned foods for both her and her cat. Items that were long lasting so that another trip like this wouldn't have to happen for months. As her eyes scanned the cans of beans the excited ramblings of a small girl another isle over caught her attention.
"Mommy mommy, can we get this?"
"Mmmh I don't know baby does this match?"
Natasha's ears perked as she heard the one voice she lost hope of ever hearing again. Quickly pushing her cart foreward she moved to the end of the isle to peek around. Could it really be you? Sure enough there you were a small girl in the cart in front of you as you looked at baby items. You glowed as you spoke to the child your familiar gorgeous smile overtaking your face.
"I think I like this one better."
You say to the girl as you hold up a blue cup.
"But dis ones pink."
You giggle at the girl as she pleads her case.
"Don't you think Isaiah would like blue to match his pacifier?"
You laugh audibly at that and Natasha feels her heart skip a beat.
"Okay baby, we'll get him the pink one."
As Natasha goes to push her cart foreward if only to talk to you one more time another alpha comes around the corner behind you approaching you with an infant.
"Alright I've brought back my clean baby for my pregnant baby."
You smile at the alpha behind you turning to greet them in a kiss before taking the small boy from the alphas arms.
"Mommy I want to see Isaiah!"
You hum as you come around the cart allowing Natasha to take note of your pregnant belly as you bend to let your toddler see your infant.
"He's so pretty mommy."
You kiss the girls head before nodding in agreement.
"Yes he is."
"What about me Avery am I pretty?"
You laugh at your partners antics as the toddler turns her attention to the alpha.
You visibly hold back your laugh as you come back around the cart to your alphas side rubbing their back lovingly.
"You're pretty to me love."
Your alphas displeased face quickly morphs into one of content as they meet your lips in a soft kiss.
"Thank you baby."
With that Natasha watches as you turn to leave with the family she could of had and the happiness she wishes she could feel. Wiping tears she didn't deserve to let fall she returns to her own shopping the question of what could of been haunting her today just as it'd done the last four years.
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cringe--is--dead · 1 year
Peaceful Paradise Interrupted
Type: One Shot
Gohan x Reader, Reader is the adopted daughter of Vegeta and Bulma
Summary: Your peace wasn't often challenged, but when someone came to earth to challenge your father and/or Goku, you end up more annoyed being in the middle of it than fearful.
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Your life had settled into a routine, though after most of your childhood and adolescence, you weren't complaining. The structure gave you a peace of mind, minus the occasional extraterrestrial being hell-bent on revenge against your father or challenging Goku.
Those spats, at this rate, lasted a day at the most, an hour at the least. You hardly ever knew of them until after the issues were resolved.
Safe to say you enjoyed your peace, you enjoyed your routine, you enjoyed everything your life had become. Minus this.
The barrel of some weird, foreign gun looking at you had become your new common view. The alien man who had broken into your home, looking for one of the several (like five) Saiyan life forms, only to find you lazing around in your pajamas while attempting to finish some paper due for some class you were beginning to hate.
You craned your neck to peer around at him, studying him as he spoke into whatever communicator his people used, before speaking up, more annoyed than anything, "You realize how stupid this is right?"
He blanched, taken aback by the calm demeanor in which you spoke. He barked some orders before turning his full attention towards you, "Excuse me?"
You shrugged, "This was dumb of you to do." Your legs were beginning to cramp up under you, and you were at least grateful you had worn longer pants, "Haven't you even heard of what happens to people who come to earth looking for a fight?"
He sneered, "They end up choosing life forms far beneath them, yes, little lady, I've heard the stories."
Rude. "I'm just saying - "
"You are not the one I'm after."
"I kind of figured," He narrowed his eyes at you, pressing the gun closer towards your face, "I can't imagine I did anything wrong enough to piss you off."
"Do you know of the Saiyans Vegeta and Kakarot?"
"Hard to not know them," Your voice was dry, and you knew that after the scolding your mother would unleash on you, she'd have some pride in how you were keeping your cool.
"My readings had indicated that they had been here, though upon arrival, I only found you. What is a weak, earthling like you doing around two of the most powerful beings on this planet?"
"Don't let them hear you say that, my father's ego is large enough already."
His eyebrow, or where you would assume an eyebrow would be, twitched, "Your- your father?"
You hummed, introducing yourself casually, before sending a sarcastic smile, "Vegeta's oldest."
"Your power levels are far too weak to be - "
"Adopted," You could feel the energy before anything else, the feeling of your hair standing up on end alerting you that your fiancé had gotten the emergency signal sent to his phone, "But, still."
You braced yourself, the door launching open with the sounds of splintered wood falling all around. Gohan was standing in the doorframe, hair still black, but eyes livid. You glanced at the shocked man before you, if Gohan didn't feel the need to power up than this guy was weak- what had he been hoping to do?
You watched as your fiancé smiled, something cold and dark, a look that was so foreign to see on him. It sent chills down even your spine, "Hi," The cheeriness was forced, "Honey you didn't tell me we had guests."
"Surprise visitors." You glanced sadly at the remnants of the front door as Gohan walked inside, you'd have to ask Goku to fix it again.
The energy coming off of your fiancé was beyond suffocating, and the blaster fell from where it had been pointed at you, trembling in the alien's hand.
"W- Who are you?"
"I should be the one asking you that considering you're in my house." Your fiancé's anger was getting harder to hide, the smile bordering bloodthirsty.
You flexed your hands from where they were bound, sighing, catching his attention, "Please don't destroy anymore of the house."
Gohan didn't look away from the man, who was frantically trying to contact some of his men. You assumed they had all scattered- and odds are some ended up coming across your father and Goku.
They might fare better than this man was about to.
"Of course," You blinked and he was across the room, grabbing the man by the front of his tunic, before lifting him up, the gun dropping to the floor.
"Let's take this outside, shall we?"
Just as quickly as he had gotten across the room, your fiancé had taken the offending man outside, the sounds of shouting growing muffled as they left your home.
You sighed to yourself, twisting further as you remembered the self-defense classes your mother made you take. It felt almost pointless at the time- who was stupid enough to do something to piss off your family? But as you managed to free your sore wrists, you were grateful.
By the time you moved on to untying your legs, Gohan strolled back in, not a hair out of place. He smiled at you, moving to crouch down in front of you, softly batting your hands away to undo the rest.
"Are you alright?"
He paused, laughing softly at the question.
"I should be asking you that," The rope fell, and he helped you stand, hands moving softly across you, feeling and searching for any indicators that he should go out and end that man.
"I'm alright," You smiled, "You got here just in time."
Gohan nodded, eyes falling shut, and he leaned down, forehead pressing against yours. You remained quiet, letting him process everything.
"I was so scared when you sent me that signal," He spoke quietly, eyebrows furrowing as if reliving the moment, "I wasn't sure what to expect. And dad and Vegeta were already dealing with their own stuff at the moment."
"He didn't hurt me," You reached forward, pulling your fiancé closer, allowing him to burrow into you as best he could, "I think he was more confused than anything to find a human here."
Gohan laughed, a wet sound from the back of his throat, "Right. Not the terrifying Saiyan legends he was expecting."
"Just a human college student who probably would have hit him with a frying pan had I been in the kitchen," You glanced at the dishes laying in the sink- had you been closer you definitely would have.
"I assume the others are taken care of?"
Gohan nodded, "Dad and Vegeta are on their way here - "
The sound of your name being shouted outside alerted you that more company had arrived, and the sounds of an engine being killed let you know your mother had arrived with them.
You watched as Goku made his way to the front entrance of your house, peering down curiously at the broken door, hand rubbing the back of his head, "Aw man, I feel like I just fixed - "
He was interrupted by your father barging by, snarling an, "Out of the way Kakarot", before he made his way inside. You saw your mother trailing close behind, eyes wide and worried, hand clutched to her chest. Goku had enough smarts to step out of the way, moving to stand where you saw your brother and Goten in the yard, the later of the two poking the unconscious assailant with a stick.
"Oh, my baby! Are you hurt?" Gohan stepped back, hands up in defense as you shot him a glare.
Your mothers arms wrapped around you tightly, your ribs wincing at the strength of her hold, "I'm fine mom, he didn't do - "
"And this is why I still think you and Gohan should have taken one of the homes near us!" She huffed as she let you go, arms resting on your shoulders as she glared at you, no malice behind her eyes, "My security would have ensured that that man never even looked at you - "
"She moves back in and Gohan can go home with Kakarot, everyone's happy," Your father snarked, arms crossed over his chest.
"Vegeta," Your mother turned to glare at him, arms never leaving their place around you, jerking you forward with her.
"To be fair dad he was the one who got here first," You rolled your eyes as your father pointedly ignored this remark.
"Still - with the damages done I think it's best if you two come stay at home for now!"
"Mom, it's literally just the front door - "
"Perfect!" She squeezed you tighter- a warning not to argue.
You glanced helplessly at your fiancé, who only shrugged in response. The man who more than likely stopped himself from killing moments ago, fell powerless in the face of your overprotective mother.
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
A New Dawn
Summary: Fives died...only it's a little more complicated than that.
Word Count: 1114
Warnings: Death, blood, technically character death but it doesn't stick
Characters: ARC Trooper Fives, F! Twi'lek reader
Tagging: @bad4amficideas @justiceandwar98 @Mira-loves-starwars @tiredbi-peach
@dukeoftheblackstar @trixie2023 @kimiheartblade @padawancat97 @falconfeather23435
@etod @n0vqni
A/N: So, I have Fives brain rot and I'm going to make it everyone's problem. But I don't have a whole story in me right now, so have a drabble. Drabbly thing.
Okay. Not so much a drabble, lol.
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Fives died.
He knows he died. He was shot, right through the heart. And, without his armor to protect him, he died. Hell, even with his armor to protect him, he still would have died.
It's a side effect of being shot through the heart, you see.
Anyway. Fives was shot, by his own older brother (rude much), and he was shot through the heart. Ergo. He died.
Simple even.
This is why he finds himself absolutely befuddled when he wakes up and finds himself sitting in the Kamino morgue, with a very healed Y-Incision scar on his chest, and an even more healed blaster starburst over his heart.
First off, since when do the Kaminoans do autopsies on clones?
Second off, since when is a blaster bolt to the heart survivable?
Fives pinches his arm, that's what you're supposed to do when you're dreaming, right? At least, that's what Ahsoka said once.
Of course. This doesn't account for the fact that he's supposed to be dead.
He sits up and looks around. Yup. This is definitely a morgue. All of the dead bodies everywhere kind of make it obvious.
Of course, so far as he's aware the bodies are supposed to be on gurneys, not sprawled across the floor. And he's pretty sure that morgues are supposed to be clean and not look like a scene from a horror movie.
He wonders if he should be concerned about his lack of concern about the dead Kaminaons sprawled around the room. Fives thinks about it for a moment, and then decides that he's in shock and that is why he's not reacting.
Sounds logical, at least.
Fives swings his legs off the side of the table and then pauses. He lifts the sheet that is doing a very poor job of keeping the cold out, actually, and releases a thoughtful hum.
Well yes, of course he's naked. It's kind of hard to do an autopsy on a dressed person. Well. He assumes. He's never actually done an autopsy before. That was more Kix's thing.
Fives looks around the room, there must be something—
Ah! There!
He hops to his feet, being careful to step around both the bodies and the pools of blood, to pull a pair of sweatpants out of a nearby closet. They're clean, which is good enough for him, so he pulls them on.
They're also a little big on him, made for an Alpha class vod'e probably. Whatever, beggers can't be choosers and he is not running around naked.
He'll catch a cold.
Fives grabs a sweatshirt as well and is about to pull it on when the door to the morgue slams open. He jumps and whips around. He doesn't have a weapon outside of the sweatshirt, but he can make that work.
The person on the other side of the door let's out a startled shout when she sees him, and she flings a ball of flimsy across the room. It hits Fives in the chest and bounces, uselessly, to the floor.
Fives stares at the paper for a moment, and then he looks at the woman. She's a twi'lek, short and curvy, and she's wearing what looks like scrounged spacer armor.
"Who are you!" She demands as she points at him accusingly.
"I live here, who are you?"
The woman pauses, "You live in the morgue?"
Fives pauses as well, "Do you always answer a question with a question?"
"Do you?" The woman's gaze drifts to his chest and she releases a noise that sounds a lot like that tooka kitten that Tup once tried to smuggle onto the Resolute, "Did someone try to autopsy you!?" She sounds horrified.
Which, Fives thinks, is probably an appropriate response.
"...but...the scars..."
"They didn't try, so far as I can tell. They succeeded."
"I was dead. Shot right through the heart."
"Cool. Cool. Cool cool cool." She says quickly, "So, like, you're a zombie."
Fives tilts his head to consider the comment, "Well, I was dead and now I'm not, so I suppose, following the technical definition, yes. I am."
He finally pulls the sweatshirt on, it's really cold in here actually. "I don't feel like eating your brains though, so no need to worry about that."
"That's awesome." She hasn't taken her eyes off of him, "So, uh, did you do...this?" She asks as she gestures vaguely towards the bodies.
"...they were dead when I woke up."
"So, there's something else here slaughtering people and it's not the actual zombie?"
"So it would appear."
"That's super."
Fives hums noncommittally, "If you bring me to the Jedi, I'll help you escape." He offers, it's a good offer. He's a very talented soldier, in his opinion.
The little twi'lek blinks at him, "Uh...the Jedi are dead. Like. Super dead."
"Ah. Palpatine."
"You are very well versed in the horrors of the galaxy for a zombie." She notes.
"Well, I was killed because I learned Palpatine was going to kill the Jedi."
"Oh. That sucks. It's a shame you weren't able to tell anyone." She offers, before she jumps at a loud crash from the hallway, "Oh. Right."
"What was that?"
"It...might have been an assassin droid."
"Why are assassin droids after you?"
"What?! They're not! Why would you ask me that? What are you, a cop?"
"That wasn't suspicious at all."
"Shush. You're going to get me caught Zombie!"
"My name is Fives."
"That's a number."
"It's a name and it's mine."
She squints at him, and he stares right back at her, and then he jumps when she claps suddenly, "Help me not die and find the stupid thing that I'm looking for here, and I...will take you with me Zombie Fives."
"...To do what?"
"Counteroffer," Fives offers as he leans in and grins sharply, "I save your life, and then you help me murder Palpatine."
Her lower lip juts out childishly, "Counter-counteroffer. You save my life, and I help you meet people who are also trying to kill Palpatine, and then you help me save my family from slavery."
Fives leans back, "Counter-counter-counteroffer. I save your life, you help me kill Palpatine, I help you save your family from slavery, and then you help me save my family from slavery."
"Deal." He stretches, "Give me your blaster and get behind the desk." He grins when she tosses her blaster at him and then jumps behind the desk, just as the door starts glowing.
Fives has been having something of a bad day. His grin sharpens as the assassin droid steps into the room, "Hello misplaced aggression."
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kyleemm2 · 6 months
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"Malevolent Kitchen"
Alternative title: "She Had It Coming"
Yes, it's what it looks like lol. I've noticed a resurgence of Sukuna x Cinderella content on various platforms and decided to bring this dumb idea to life before someone else thought of it haha. I promise I don't have a problem!!! I've never illustrated anything before, which I think is apparent but I've been sitting on this idea that Uruame is the jealous type. (Example, decimating the ground under Yorozu when she threw herself over Sukuna and calling her a lackey lol). Therefore, I made them put on Cinderella's sparkly tiara-headband as a sort of trophy.
I didn't really know what I should add to the background. Even though they're Sukuna's cook, I don't really get "cooking is my passion" vibes as much as I get "I'll do anything my 20-finger-blaster master wants" vibes lol.
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icariusdexx · 7 months
Haunting Nightmares
Crosshair x Reader ( SFW )
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Brief introduction : You and Crosshair were on the run after escaping from imperial grasp. It was your night sleeping somewhere peaceful however you couldn't sleep - nightmares.
You were back on Pabu , finally back somewhere safe. . .where you could seek shelter. Somewhere away from the empire's reach. However in the next second the imperial fleet arrived and they didn't even hesitated to blast their shoots. . .in the next moment you saw Omega struggling against the grasp of stormtroopers , there were too many you felt hopeless. You tried to run , find weapon and safe her but everything was on fire.
In the next moment you woke up in dark ship , your chest raising up and down in fast rhythm as you feel cold sweat running down your face. As you hear quite heavy steps getting closer and closer you quickly raised your blaster pointing at him , you lowered it when you saw that it was just Crosshair who came to check on you after he heard your screaming. His gaze was rather exhausted , which would perfectly potray his wellbeing , mentally and physically exhausted. His brows narrowed as he observed you lowering your blaster and making his way slowly towards you.
" Give me that. I don't want you to blast me. "
You were thinking of fighting and telling him that you needed this for your self defence however when you saw his exhausted features you decided to just obey and give it to him. His long fingers grazing your hand as he took your blaster placing it in the holster.
" Okay now. . . You wanna tell me what happened to cause you scream like that? "
You raised your head to now properly look at him , into his stunning brown eyes focused right on you. He slowly sat down right next to you waiting for your answer.
" It's nothing. I'm sorry for disturbing you. "
" I want to know what happened. Talk to me. "
You were a little caught off guard , was he really caring that much that he wanted to hear about your nightmares ? You bit inside of your cheek thinking if you should tell him or not , won't he get bored ?
" nightmares. I watched Pabu burn again. . .seeing Omega getting taken away again by the stormtroopers. I couldn't do anything. "
Crosshair listened to you quietly , as you described your dream. It sounded so damn familiar for him but his nightmares mostly included seeing Marauder exploding which ended up in him screaming because he knew that his brothers were inside. His arm without any response wrapped around you to provide some comfort , at least any bit of comfort he could provide.
" I have familiar nightmares but instead of Pabu it was Marauder. However trust me , Omega is safe with Hunter and Wrecker. They will protect her with their lives. "
His hand gently caressing your side as you laaned against his seat being glad that you have meet him and that you two managed to escape away from Hemlock. . .whole entire. You hoped that it would last forever. You thought for a longer while if Crosshair even wanted to come to Pabu knowing what harsh relation he has with his brothers who still don't trust him.
" Your brothers . . .you have seen them right? "
" Yes. . .however they weren't pleased at all to see me. I haven't felt that guilty around them like ever. They looked at me like they wanted me gone. "
He frowned , his features were looking so miserable on the thought alone , your hands moving to gently land on his cheeks and Crosshair leaned against touch. It must be harsh for him to not feel welcome around anywhere. You leaned forward to press soft kiss against his nose , his brown eyes softened looking at you with adoration. He was glad that he had partner like you who would always be here for him and support him whenever he needed and he was doing the same thing for you. His forehead soon was pressed against yours as he said.
" thought at least I have you. With you by my side I don't feel so. . .alone. "
The sharpshooter quietly said , your heart always melted when you saw that softer side of him , thought you loved every side of Crosshair. That soft one , the snarky one and the loyal one. He saw that you were tired as well so he slowly got up and gave you his hand.
" you want to sleep in cockpit? I will be right by your side. . .hopefully that will scare your nightmares away. "
You firmly grabbed Crosshair's hand and made your way towards the cockpit with him. As he settled back on pilot seat you settled down on the co-pilot seat , leaning back and slowly closing your eyes. His soft gaze remained as he observed you dozing off to sleep. Hopefully you won't get any bad nightmares since he was here now by your side.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hiii Love you are amazing you know that right?🤩🤩
Can I maybe request one with the Reader being a Jedi and traveling with The Batch and she want‘s to learn how to shoot a Blaster and they do teach her but because of mutual attraction it is very hard to focus for both of them. (Maybe even with Rex?)
Didn't I do something similar to this in a way? But it was with a none Jedi fem reader, I think.
It's not exactly what you asked for, because in my head it didn't work out the way I wanted it too, so I played with a few ideaas. But I hope it's close enough.
The Bad Batch/Rex x Fem!Jedi!Reader HCs - Teach Me
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Mostly Fluff
"We learn to deflect blaster shots," you say, easily deflecting a shot from the training droid, with your lightsaber at a dummy, "But we don't usually learn to do any shooting ourselves."
Hunter offers, "I could show you."
You smile, deflect another shot and say, "That doesn't mean I don't know how to do it"
The sergeant shrugs.
"Then show me what you can do."
You shut down the droid, put away your lightsaber, and walk over to him. With a small smirk, you stand in front of him. In the Force, you can sense that there is a certain excitement beneath his surface, but you can't quite place it at the moment.
"So, Sergeant, what do you want me to do?"
Hunter draws his own blaster and places it in your hand, your fingers touching for a brief moment. The touch feels like a spark, a small electric shock, as if from a static charge. For a second you feel very clearly how intensely Hunter is focused on you, how fast his heart is beating, and your own makes a small, surprising leap.
You need a small moment to collect yourself. You realize that you don't necessarily see him with Jedi eyes, that you see more in him than you should, but until just now you didn't realize it was also the other way around.
You look at the weapon briefly, then open yourself to the Force, turn briefly to the dummies, and fire several quick shots, each shot a bull's-eye.
Looking back at him and seeing the puzzled expression on his face, you ask, "Are you okay?"
"I-yeah, I'm fine. I just thought you never learned how to handle it."
You smirk and remind him, "I also said that doesn't mean I can't."
He nods and says, "Okay, yes I remember, but…. that good?"
"The Force guides my hand. A big advantage on my part," you say, still smirking.
You place the gun back in his hand, again your fingers touch, but this time you maintain contact longer. You take in his feelings, his confusion, how impressed he is, but most of all, the feeling of how much he enjoys this little touch, how much he longs to let his hand move over yours, up your arm to your face. For a moment, you can almost feel him doing it. But Hunter is decent, playing by the rules, even if he doesn't want to here and now. For the moment, it remains a fantasy.
Very slowly, almost languidly, you finally pull your hand back from his. You hear him sigh softly and almost do the same. Your eyes meet, lingering on each other.
With a cautious smile, you ask, "Can you maybe teach me some other things?"
Hunter takes a moment, blinking, finally he smiles gently and says, "I'm sure we'll figure something out."
He watches you, as he often does. You feel his gaze on you, his fascination, his admiration for you are so honest, so open and intense that sometimes your heart beats faster. Wrecker adores you, and you can feel that abundantly clear in the Force. But he's a good soldier, a decent man, he would never approach you without being asked, even if it's hard for him not to confess how much you mean to him by now. You sigh softly, take a deep breath, try to clear your thoughts. "What about blasters?" you suddenly hear him ask. You turn to face him. "Blasters?" Wrecker nods, pulls out his blaster and holds it out to you. You put your lightsaber away, step closer, and hesitantly reach for the weapon. You look at him questioningly, feeling that he's just trying to make contact with you, to spend time with you, and you feel flattered, but also nervous. You shouldn't actually like him as much as you do. "You know how to handle that?" You nod. "Yeah, I think so" You demonstrate your skills and Wrecker lets out an impressed whistle. "Is there anything you Jedi can't do?" You laugh softly and say, "There sure is a lot. For example, I barely know anything about explosives, grenades, and mines." He laughs happily, thumps the crate he was leaning against and says, "You've come to the right place! I can teach you anything" "You would do that?" You can feel Wrecker radiating pure joy, joyful anticipation, and the feeling passes over to you, putting a smile on your lips. "Of course. Little Jedi, I'll be happy to teach you everything I know"
You like it when he calls you that, it's so loving and full of affection.
He can't hide from you what he feels, even if most of the time you can't see it in any way, you feel the devoted longing he feels when he looks at you, thinks about you, it is omnipresent.
To the outside world no one would suspect it, Echo has himself under control, he is calm, reasonable, follows the rules. You've already caught yourself thinking about trying to draw him out.
During training, when he is watching you again more or less secretly, you speak to him. Echo almost falls off the ramp, startled, when you speak to him. He didn't expect you to have spotted him already.
He clears his throat, "Uh, yeah? How can I help?"
You pick up a training blaster and ask him to come closer.
"Would you teach me how to use this properly?"
Echo blinks, not responding immediately. His gaze drifts from your face to the blaster in your hand and back again. He seems puzzled, but he nods amiably and says, "Sure. What exactly do you want to know?"
"Well, anything important in theory," you say with a wry smile.
A small smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. Echo begins to explain to you how to load and unload the gun, and how to set the various modes, standing close to you, his eyes gazing deeply into yours every now and then. You can feel him looking forward to being useful to you.
"Understood so far?" he finally asks gently.
You nod.
"I think so"
"Maybe you should try it sometime, General".
There it is again, that impersonal word, that formal address. You know he's just doing what's theoretically expected of him, but you wish he'd call you by your name.
"What's the best way to aim?"
Echo stands close behind you, carefully grabs your hand and guides it. He talks, explains, you hear his voice, but the meaning of his words bounces off you, off the feel of his hand on your wrist, his chest against your back.
"General?" he finally asks in amazement.
"Did you just hear what I said?"
There's a tingle under your skin, you look for an excuse and say as calmly as you can, "I'm sorry, I sensed something in the Force that I can't place, I'm not supposed to let it distract me, but every now, and then it still happens"
"Oh. I see. Do you want me to explain it again?"
You smile, the tingling under your skin getting stronger.
"'Please do."
A soft shiver runs through your body as his hand closes around your wrist again.
He's a little harder to read than others, his emotional world seems to function differently than you're used to from most. He is often completely silent, and the next moment he is radiating a thousand things. His thoughts are always in motion, and often you feel he can't quite reconcile his emotions with what he's thinking.
Sometimes it feels like he is stumbling, even though he is calm and clear. This happens more often around you. It takes a while, but you eventually realize that Tech is attracted to you, very much so. His way of evaluating and looking at things logically, gets in the way. He feels intensely, but differently. As said before, it's hard to read him, despite the Force.
But his nervousness always comes through quite clearly, noticeable in the Force. Tech stands near the training area, with his datapad in hand. His gaze wanders back and forth between you and the device in his hand.
He admires you, the elegance with which the Jedi fight, especially you. In his head, he automatically calculates how efficient your approach is.
As you finish and approach him, he says, "You were 20 seconds faster today."
You blink in surprise. But really, it shouldn't surprise you. Tech remembers everything, and it's actually typical for him to evaluate everything.
"Is that so?"
He pushes his goggles up the bridge of his nose with one of his, long, slender fingers and replies, "Indeed"
"Do you have any ideas on how I can be even more effective?" you ask with interest.
He looks at you in surprise, not expecting you to be interested in his opinion.
"Quite," he says with a small, barely noticeable smile.
Tech is on fire with the idea. He explains things to you, shows you a few things, touching your hands now and then to show you what he means. At the moment he radiates pure joy, he feels useful can be close to you, you listen to him.
He has a wonderfully lively moment with you, which you both enjoy very much. When you're done, you smile at him, sensing his curious, affectionate feeling for you.
"Maybe you can show me more things when you get a chance," you say softly.
Tech nods, delighted.
"I'd love to, General."
You perceive him as strangely reluctant. He's fascinated by you, in many ways, and at the same time he seems frustrated by it. There is always a restless wavering beneath his surface. He is attracted to you, but is all too aware of the prohibition of this feeling.
But still, he keeps coming to watch you train, and today is no exception.
"Effective," he says tersely, chewing on his toothpick.
"Thanks," you say with an implied smile.
He doesn't smile back; he almost never does.
You tell him with genuine interest, "I'm always amazed at how someone, without access to the Force, can be as effective as you."
Now a smirk does appear on his lips. He is flattered and that you of all people are giving him this compliment triggers a real wave of joy under his surface.
"Hmm, I was bred, trained and genetically programmed for this," he says, shrugging his shoulders as if it's nothing special.
"Still, your reaction time, your focus, your accuracy, are very amazing."
He laughs softly.
"I know."
He takes the toothpick out of his mouth and flicks it away. Then he takes his Firepunsher and holds it out to you.
"You want to try it?"
You blink in surprise and finally say, "I've never fired a gun like that before."
"I can show you," Crosshair offers.
A nervous tingle travels through your body.
"Okay. Teach me," you say with a small, nervous smile.
At first, you're almost overwhelmed, Crosshair seeking a lot of physical contact as he shows you the proper stance and what to do. Every little touch, every graze of his on your skin, leaves you with a hot, wild tingling sensation. You clearly feel that he feels the same way and have difficulty concentrating.
He is intense, you feel his hunger for more, that every touch is not enough for him, only ignites a longing for more. It makes you nervous, but still, you don't withdraw from him, on the contrary. Every contact is a small fire, a camouflaged caress, chaste on the surface but underneath, hungry and intense.
Finally, you stand there, both quite breathless, hearts racing and neither of you can really name why.
He asks, "You didn't understand a word I said, did you?"
Crosshair laughs softly and asks, "Again?"
You nod and say softly, "Again".
"General, if I may interject, you are holding the blaster far too tense".
You glance over your shoulder, you've felt his presence before and you've become nervous. You like Rex, more than you should, much more. Your desire to impress him has thrown you off track, destroyed your focus, and you've tensed up. You sigh softly.
"Of course you're allowed to weigh in, Rex, I always welcome your constructive criticism. I'm just not used to this kind of weapon."
Rex steps closer to you, removes his helmet and places it on a nearby crate. He smiles, a small, very gentle smile. For what feels like the thousandth time, all you can think about is how gorgeous he is.
He gently reaches out a hand to you and asks, "May I?"
His fingers touch yours, and for a moment, your whole body tenses.
"You need to relax a little," he says gently, leaning lightly against you from behind as he tries to loosen your fingers with his.
First you're too tense, then the blaster slips from your fingers. You laugh nervously and say, "Sorry."
"It's okay," Rex says gently, picking up the blaster again, and placing it back in your hand, "Just handle the blaster like you would your lightsaber, fluid but firm in your grip"
"That makes sense"
You get the hang of it, pleased that he is pleased with you, and at the same moment you regret that his lesson is over. However, you sense that he doesn't want to leave yet.
"Could you maybe show me again?" you ask cautiously.
His brows go up at first, but he nods, gets back into position, and gently guides your hand on the blaster. You sense something deep inside him, an affection so real and deep that it almost takes your breath away for a moment.
"Are you all right?" asks Rex with concern as you stiffen again.
You relax your muscles, take a deep breath, and say, "Yes, everything's fine, Rex."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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catboydogma · 5 months
PLS I must know more about vide noir
wip ask game (pls)
tysm for the ask :D
for the uninitiated, vide noir is my series for the Shit's Haunted pt ii electric boogaloo (CHTHONIC being pt i electric. fun), which is essentially "coruscant is haunted yes but what if fox is ALSO haunted" you know, for laughs. don't--uhhh don't look at the date of the last update. just don't look at it.*
ANYWAYS THE THIRD PART, currently titled [legato], is going to feature one of my favorite canon-character-but-feels-like-oc guys, feemor retasse (last name and inspiration lovingly borrowed from @deniigi's absolutely WONDERFUL feemor fics). fox may be haunted but that isn't his fucking problem! now? it's feemor's!
There were no more natural water sources, and especially nothing like running water this far down on Coruscant. But Fox could smell it. His shining black armor passed through the water without a ripple. But he could feel the salt-sand grit of it at the back of his mouth. How long had he been half-swimming in the dark like this? The Jedi shook Fox off his tail, then doubled back when Fox was still trying to figure out whether he should keep slogging forward or report back to the Chancellor’s office and swallow the consequences as best he could. He turned back around and the Jedi was there again, behind him now, studying him with a strange twist to his mouth. “Huh,” the Jedi said, straw-pale hair shining faintly in the bioluminescent lamplight from a distant street corner. He still held the hilt of his sword in one hand, but the fingers wrapped around it were lax. “I thought you were—never mind. What can I do for you, trooper?” Fox didn’t answer; the Dream demanded no words of him, which is what he liked best about it. He brought his blaster up and got one, two, three shots off.
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nerdieforpedro · 2 months
Touches, Trinkets, Together
Part Four of Our Journey Across The Star Ocean Series
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, borrowed or plagiarized.
Word Count: about 2.5k
Summary: A second visit to Din’s coven leads you to think more seriously about your relationship with him. The Mandalorian has a slip of the tongue which has you both admitting feelings.
Warnings: Communication deficits, People might be a bit nosy and honesty is always best. ☺️ Everyone is safe.
Notes: I'm so happy to finally finish this! I've been working on trying to finish different fics I have open. Din and our reader's journey comes to a close, or does it? 😎 My writing will be a bit slower from here on out. I’m trying to work on making my fics more in depth I guess? Or maybe not, everything is always fluid.
Main Masterlist/ Din Djarin - The Mandalorian Masterlist
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He had taken you back to his coven as The Armorer said she had more pieces for you. This time, Din took you walking around when he greeted his fellow Mandalorians. He introduced you as his partner, they asked you how it was working with him. You said you enjoyed working with Din and little Grogu. It was exciting, frightening, and educational all at the same time, plus you learned how to shoot. They were nodding and murmuring, it didn’t seem negative though. One tried to ask if you’ve completed something called a ‘ridiurrok’ but the others slapped their back and Din cleared his throat. You know a similar word has been mentioned before when you were with The Armorer. The first time you visited Din’s coven, she asked him about it and he mentioned it was your choice. Decided to wait until in the privacy of the Razor Crest, the rest of the visit was uneventful save for the additional pieces of beskar. 
Your breastplate was changed from purple to silver, and your pauldrons, vambraces and leg armor were all silver like Din’s. Nodding after assisting you to put them on, The Armorer clapped. “You look ever more like a warrior, dear girl. Djarin should train you further in hand to hand combat, not just with your blaster. Tell him this, yes?” The small gold wrench was moved to the right instead of being on the left where it had been. A circular depression remained on the left side.
“Thank you. I’m not sure I fully comprehend how much work and sacrifice goes into creating even one piece, let alone from the neck down. I-” Her hand raised to stop you from speaking.
“I am thankful that you understand the significance of the gift bestowed upon you. It is not given lightly.” Her arms are crossed and you only hesitate for a moment before asking. You need to know what it means.
“You asked Din before if I was his ‘riduur,’ what is that exactly? The other Mandalorians mentioned a similar word, but they cut him off before he could finish it.” You focused on where you believed her eyes to be within her golden helmet. If you’re going to ask such a question about something important, it best be done with eye contact. The Armorer did not answer right away, instead she had a question of her own.
“Do you accept Djarin’s foundling as your own? Are you prepared to aid him with all that he may need and have him do the same for you my dear?” Her questions are direct and so is your answer. It’s not one you need to think about. It’s simple and makes you wonder what Din’s answer would be if asked these same things. Certain about the first question, you aren’t sure about the last two.
“Grogu is a part of the razor Crest, the same as me. I care for him deeply, as for Din. I don't know if I can give him everything he needs but I can try.” The leather on your gloves crinkle with the tightening of your fists, “I believe Din would do almost anything for my safety, as long as it didn’t compromise Grogu’s well-being. He’s…an honorable and good man.” You and the Armorer keep your gazes locked on each other. Din and Grogu stroll into the forge and see the two of you locked in an unspoken battle of wits they assume. The child starts waving his hands and tries to hop out of Din’s arms toward the two of you. Turning, you shake your head at his little green face. “Calm down little one. We’re fine. We were just discussing something. It’s okay.” Din tilts his helmet, unsure if you’re being entirely truthful. He’s well aware how intimidating the Armorer can be.
“To answer your question, it is something you must discuss with Djarin and you both agree to. Depending on what form your ridurrok takes, you may need to take the Creed as well. Your partner will tell you more.” Once again, you could hear the smirk in her voice and Din shifted his weight between his feet from side to side. Definitely important and from her questions it sounds like - marriage? Or something close. Unless it’s not quite the same in Mandalorian culture.
You, Grogu, and Din leave his coven after thanking the Armorer for her time and your armor. Grogu keeps looking back and forth between you and Din, both of you are shiny. His small hands pat your breastplate, pauldrons and vambraces. He doesn’t appear to like the armor on you. “Sorry little one. You’ll get used to it.” The child is used to your warmth and softness, only his father wears such cold silver to his knowledge. Here, you’re supposed to be warm, Grogu starts to cry and you relent, removing your armor, but you ask Din to help you store it properly and show you how to clean it later. Grogu is ecstatic to see you without metal on you and in just your flight suit. Din is pleased as well and it makes him wonder if the armor is a good idea when on the ship. If you wear it more often, his dreams of just embracing you whenever to hug your soft flesh will be blocked as well.
Grogu settled, not wanting to be out of your lap as you sat in the co-pilot’s seat next to Din. Charting a course to the next bounty, the Armorer’s words weighed heavily on both your minds.
Djarin now rarely wore gloves when on the Razor Crest unless absolutely necessary. 
His hand touched your face, his calloused palm next to Grogu’s little green one on your cheek, his thumb brushed against your lips. He held it there a moment before dropping his hand. You wonder if he was embarrassed or sorry that he did so. But his hand is once again in yours as he stays the course to the next bounty. 
It’s not only the small touches that’s changed over time. Din always remembers enough cleaning supplies for your tools and the ship in addition to the small little caf cakes you like after a bounty goes well. Din might have started eating one as he would buy three instead of just two. The small parchment paper in the refuse was the evidence he’d had one. 
It still surprised you when a bounty led the two of you back to Mos Eisley where Peli offered to watch Grogu while the two of you found the two bail jumpers.
Din wasn’t keen on leaving Grogu with Peli. But he wanted some time alone with you, he needed to finally ask you to stay with him. Well Din knew that you weren’t going anywhere, he just wanted to be more certain. That you weren’t going to suddenly decide to leave. Rationally, he knew you’d at least bring it up beforehand, but there was always a nagging feeling. Neither of you have agreed to be anything other than partners. And with the Armorer clearly talking to you about becoming his riduur, he would need to explain what it is, what it entails and that he hopes that you will say yes.
Maybe sometime after that Din might mention that both he and Grogu agree that you don’t need to wear your armor on this ship, but for entirely different reasons. 
You and Din went shopping at the local market, picking up some small supplies and milling around. You were trying to find something for Din without him noticing, he always stayed by your side which you enjoyed, but maybe not today. Scanning over what the market had to offer, it was difficult to think of what to get Din, a Mandalorian. Your Mandalorian. Then he spoke up and you were glad at his words. “Mesh’la, I’m going to go look over here. Are you alright to stay here?” His palm patted your lower back as you smiled with a nod. He returned it and went to look at a food stall. Din looked back over his shoulder noting that you weren’t watching him and he slipped into a small shop. He would find one here, he was sure of it. Meanwhile, you thought of the empty space that the Armorer had left on your breastplate, not quite thinking of putting something there, but possibly something Din could clip on his cowl. It would need to be small and somewhat inconspicuous. His beskar stands out, but it shouldn’t be bright colors as those don’t seem to suit him. 
“Wait, focus. Find your item.” Continuing your search, you found small gear and a small wrench. Not quite what you were looking for, though you weren’t exactly sure of what. “I wanted something more like him, not me. Keeping your search going, you saw a small frog and a blue cookie pin. “The little one.” Cooing at the sight reminding you of Grogu, your purchase of all four items was good, but not your goal. Focused and bending to look closer at a small miniature blaster replica, a hand touched the small of your back. Din had come back already.
“Mesh’la, did you find anything that drew your eye?” The familiar deep tone you heard daily grew close to your ear and you nearly jumped, thankfully you did not. Keeping your wits about you, exhaling the breath you were holding centered you enough to answer him. His large gloved hand is a comfort while he guides you out of the marketplace to make your way back to the Razor Crest. 
“A few babbles, not quite what I was looking for.” Knowing Din well, you felt his hand shift slightly higher on your back and saw his free hand come within your vision, but you reached out and grabbed it, “I’ll keep looking. You don’t need to find it for me Din. It is something I have to find on my own.” Unsure how to respond, he simply nodded and left it there. Din would remain curious why you wouldn’t want him to find it for you. He expects you to tell him eventually, not to keep secrets, though he’s not much better. It’s burning a metaphorical hole in his utility belt.
When you both reach the Crest, Din ensures that you’re settled and assists you out of your armor. The leg guards you don’t need help with but the piece that covers your back. The bounty hunter’s hands linger and ruffle your thin shirt underneath. He wonders how odd it would sound for him to tell you not to put the pieces back on. That he could just touch you like this. “You’re so plush Cyar’ika. You feel at home in my hands like this.” 
You don’t say anything. You’re unsure what to say. He just said, Din, your Din j-just said he, Maker and the Stars above. His hands aren’t on your back anymore. He’s stopped touching you and it feels like he stepped away. “Ah. It, I-“ The feared Mandalorian you’ve grown to love is stammering. Turning around, Din has his hands on his utility belt, fidgeting. His body language tells you he’s nervous. Much like he was when you were injured a while back. No, this is much worse, could he be frightened? “Mesh’la. I didn’t-“
“Please don’t apologize Din. I enjoy when you touch me. At the market, on the ship, in the cockpit, and just now. I enjoy all of it Din. You can-“
He holds up his hands to insist that you stop. His head is hung and maybe you’ve said too much, were too forward with how you felt, but between the recent talk you’d had the Armorer, trying to pick out an item for him and now, “Then I will not apologize cyar'ika. I’ll also ask that you not put the armor back on for now.” Heavy steps close the gap between the two of you and he removes his gloves, taking both your hands in his. “I’m going to be asking so much more of you, even more than I already have. No apologies for that either.” The small chuckle let you know his anxiety has passed. You nod and squeeze his hands, looking directly into his visor.
“Din. You know I’m not going anywhere. I told you before you’d have to toss me off. You’re stuck with me.” Your smile is warm to him, your entire being has been since he’d first met you at Peli’s workshop. He was always concerned that you would find a place to settle without him. Such constant travel is difficult, but you’ve been at his side, without complaint and embracing his child and coven. Din is curious what else he can do beside asking the question that’s been nagging at him. He releases one of your hands to grab something from his utility belt. It's a small silver band, simple but you’re aware of what it means. You wonder if Din does, it’s not like you really saw any Mandalorian in his coven wearing any jewelry at all, they’re all in beskar. “That’s, Din you know what that is right? It’s a-“
“Wedding band. I am aware. The riddurok is similar to what some may call a wedding, but there’s no witnesses needed as it requires both of us to make our vows to each other.” The ring looks small in the middle of his large palm, is that what he’s asking, are you ready? “We would not be making any vows yet and they don’t require any such trinkets. However, I wanted to know if in addition to not going anywhere, you would be willing to be my riduur or spouse?” In contrast to his earlier explanation, his question is asked in an unsure tone. Din is many things, one of the most important is honest. The Mandalorian is not one for beating around any bushes he is straight to the point, which most might find off putting but it’s refreshing to know where you stand after wondering how he saw you for so long, especially with the increased physical contact. 
The palm of your free hand finds itself on the side of his helmet, your vision becoming a bit blurry from your own tears. “I want to continue on this journey with you Din. Wherever the stars will take us I’ll be right at your side, so yes.” Releasing your other hand, Din slides the ring on your left fourth finger and it fits perfectly. 
“Traversing the galaxy with you is a honor cyar’ika. One that I will do happily.” Placing his hand over yours, he leaned his helmet down and gently touched it against your forehead. Tomorrow you both would pick Grogu up and tell him and Peli the news, but for now it would just be between the two of you.
Our travels together will have us see the many wonders the star ocean has to offer. This is The Way.
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Part Three
Space Buddies: ❤️
@maggiemayhemnj @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @missladym1981 @morallyinept @bishtrouille
@sherala007 @yorksgirl @daddy-dins-girl @604to647 @megamindsecretlair
@anoverwhelmingdin @theincredibleinkspitter @alltheglitterandtheroar @mrsmando @readingiskeepingmegoing
@harriedandharassed @i-own-loki @lady-bess @pedroshotwifey @thefrogdalorian
@ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @jessthebaker @connectioneverywhere @grogusmum @soft-persephone
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🤞 - din djarin with the quote “why are you avoiding me!” (congrats on 300 again lovely xx ❄️)
--word count: 0.7k
--warnings: anxiety, slight mention of violence, mention of sex, set pre-grogu.
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The Razor Crest reeked of an unbearable silence, that was close to driving you mad. Din was the culprit. Ever since he came back from his last hunt, you haven’t had a single conversation, and that was almost a week ago. You know that talkative wasn’t usually Din’s forte, but since you two have been together, not just partners, his time spent talking with you heightened. So the lack of affection and attention from Din was painfully obvious. 
You woke up to yet another empty cot, and each time you did, you woke up with a heavy weight on your heart that seemed to linger until you fell asleep. This constant routine kept your mind busy as you tried to get through the day with your normal activities. But even then, the anxiety of the unknown haunted you. You couldn’t take any more of it, you were going to go crazy if you didn’t solve this, and you knew he wouldn’t reach out first, so you took the first step. 
He was cleaning his weapons when you walked up to him, your hands clammy with nervousness. “Hey Din,” you start with a timid voice, “can we talk? I just have something on my mind.” 
He doesn’t look up at you, or even stop cleaning one of his blasters as he says, “Yes.” His voice is uncomfortably gruff. His tone lacks the warmth he usually carries with him, especially for you. 
His cold demeanor sparks something in your mind, a spark of anger, “Why are you avoiding me? What have I done for you to treat me like a stranger, Din?” Tears prick in your eyes as you raise your voice, the frustration has finally made its way out of your system. 
You turn around and start to walk away from him, until one word stops you in your tracks, “Cyar’ika…”. His tone is still sharp, but you can hear the crack in his voice breakthrough as he calls out for you. You wouldn’t usually stop, but you never realized how much you missed the way his name for you lingered in the air. 
Turning back around to face him, you still can’t stop the tears from running down your face. Wiping your nose, you take a deep breath and sniffle, “What?” A twinge of annoyance is still evident in your voice. The last thing you wanted to do was to stand there for any longer. You couldn’t handle this embarrassment anymore. 
He puts down his blaster, along with the cloth he was cleaning it with, and walks over to you. His steps were slow and careful, his helmet’s gaze trained on you. You stay still where you stand, watching to see what Din does next. He reaches for his glove, removing it and revealing his olive skin before reaching up to cup your face, softly brushing the tears off of your skin. 
As if on instinct, you melt into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut as you bask in his touch. “Cyar’ika, ni ceta. Something happened while I was out, and it scared me. It was—the thought of losing you came to my mind, and every time I saw you brought me back to that moment. I should have handled it differently, and I’m sorry mesh’la.” 
You can tell that Din was nervous too, even with the helmet on. “Promise me,” you hold the back of his hand, the one holding you, “promise me that next time this happens you’ll tell me. I will always be here. No one could take me away from you even if they tried!” His shoulders relax a little bit, but he’s still silent and you can tell his mind is still whirling. “Din, no one can take me away from you,” you whisper to him. 
You tilt your head forward, meeting the cool beskar halfway as you share a keldabe kiss. The anxiety is gone from the both of you, as you hold each other close. That night, you two make up for the time spent away from each other’s touch in more ways than one. 
--author's note: YES ANOTHER DIN FIC WOOOOO!! i so have a soft spot for this man. he's the best and i love my baby girl. thank you nonie for this request!! it's so delicious!!! don't forget to like, comment, and reblog! i have a follower celebration going on! come join!!! ok, ily bye!!
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Under The Mask - Kylo Ren / Ben Solo X Female Reader
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Title: Under The Mask
Kylo Ren / Ben Solo X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Rey, Poe (Mentioned), Finn (Mentioned), and Palpatine (Mentioned)
WC: 1,553
Warnings: Mention of death, insecure Reader, some fighting, slight angst, blasters mentioned, lightsabers mentioned, feeling sick mentioned, enemies to lovers, feels, and fluff
You and Kylo Ren have had a strange relationship, if you could even call it that. You had fought beside Rey and the others in the Resistance when he came with his lightsaber ignited. You were in the Resistance hideout when you felt something. It was an odd feeling, something that you couldn’t quite put your finger on, but it was as if someone else was trying to get your attention. It felt like a whisper, more like an echo from a far off room than anything else. You felt pulled towards something, subconsciously making your way to the control room, where Rey stood. 
"He's here." She spoke, her voice filled with emotion as she turned around, her eyes meeting yours.
"Kylo?" You asked, staring at the brunette before turning back to the control panel.
Rey furrowed her eyebrows, "Yes. Are you alright? You look ill." She placed a hand on your forehead, feeling the heat radiating out of you, "I think you're sick."
You sighed softly, "No, I'm fine, Rey." Rey looked unsure but nodded anyway. "We have to get rid of him."
A couple of weeks after that, it happened again. You were taking a small stroll on another Resistance planet, the trees loomed over you, the ground covered in moss. You had to get out of the base. Being stuck in there for days upon weeks made you feel antsy. You walked down the path, following it to a clearing until you stopped. A wave of nausea went through you and you found yourself leaning against a tree as you tried to keep yourself upright. The world around you grew dim, as your surroundings became blurry. You felt like you were sinking into the ground beneath you. Breath labored, you looked up, spotting a dark figure before you.
Kylo watched you as you steadied yourself, placing your hand on the tree behind you. Blinking rapidly, you gained back your strength, the feeling of nausea subsiding.
"Are you alright?" He asked, voice manipulated by his mask.
"Did you do that?" You asked, your own voice soft as you cleared it.
"No. But, I feel as if you won't believe me." He answered, taking a few steps forward.
"You saying that really doesn't help that matter,” You said,  crossing your arms. Your words came out a bit harsh, but you didn't care. You weren't going to let this guy mess with your head.
The masked man stopped, seeming to hesitate before stepping closer. Your eyes widened and you quickly backed away, your back hitting the tree.
"I'm not here to hurt you." He then said, but you shook your head, unable to look away from him. Especially the lightsaber that was clipped onto his belt.
"As if I'll believe you. Kind of low for you to try and attack me when I am without a weapon." You said, raising an eyebrow.
Kylo sighed, "I am not going to hurt you. You are not my target."
You frowned, "Yeah, Rey is. Now, why are you telling me all this anyway?"
"We are not so different you and I-"
"Oh, don't give me that," You interrupted him, "We are not the same."
Kylo looked at you for a moment, debating whether or not he should tell you what he knew. "You feel it? That strange feeling? It overtakes you from time to time?"
"Yes. How do you know about that?" You asked, glaring at the man in the mask.
"It's the Force bond between us," He paused before continuing, "It's strong. Strong enough to make you feel weak."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, "Are you telling me that the feeling I get is because of some Force bond that I have with you?”
Kylo stared at you, his expression unreadable, "Yes. Don't deny it. The Force has already bonded us together."
Your jaw dropped, your eyes wide. Before you could say anything more, Kylo left.
For the next couple of weeks, every time you closed your eyes, there he was. His face appeared in your dreams almost every night. At first, you chalked it up to stress; but as more nights passed, the thought that maybe he wasn't always there made you wonder if he was actually real. So much so, that you started to consider contacting him. But, you had no way to. Half of you wanted to know the truth, while the other wanted to get rid of whatever spell had been cast on you.
It had been over a month until you saw him again, during another walk of yours. You felt that he was there before you really knew it. It was almost as if you heard him calling to you too. Like his voice was right on top of you and all you had to do was turn your head slightly. He stood there without his mask, surprising you. Your eyes raked over his once-hidden features and suddenly, you were drawn to him. Who knew he had a head of curls under there? Something told you not to run, not to pull your blaster, to follow him. Something in you told you that he wouldn't hurt you, that he was only looking out for you. 
"Why are you here?" You finally spoke up the fear that you'd wake up from this dream leaving you almost breathless.
"I wanted to see you," Kylo said, his eyes scanning your form.
"How did you find me?"
His lip curled slightly as he smirked, "There are many ways to find someone, especially if you spend enough time looking."
Your face flushed at his response, "Maybe I don't want to be found." You muttered, "Especially by you." You added, only for Kylo to take a few steps forward; stopping a few feet away from you.
"As I said, I wanted to see you," He replied, his gaze on you.
"So, you followed me." You said, your tone accusing.
"I have my reasons."
A small sigh escaped you, "You confuse me, Ren."
Kylo raised an eyebrow, "I confuse you?" He asked, making you laugh lightly, looking up at him with a small smile.
"Yeah, a lot."
It was a long time before you saw Kylo again. And a lot was happening. Rey had been gone for a long time, along with Finn and Poe. From what you understood, Palpatine was alive and Rey went to stop him. Meanwhile, you were stuck at the base doing nothing. You were bored and frustrated. It seemed as though everyone else was busy with their own problems. As you were packing up your things from the base, you heard heavy footsteps. The odd feeling came back, making you tense up a bit. Yet, a rush of excitement flew over you. You turned around to face the sound.
Your eyes widened at the sight of Kylo at your door, his hair was frazzled as was his breathing. He stared at you with wide eyes, before making his way to you.
"What are you doing here, Kylo?" You asked in a hushed whisper, not wanting anyone to find him.
"It's Ben. Ben Solo." He corrected you softly.
You nodded slowly, "Ben... Why are you here? Not that it's not good to see that you're okay..."
He looked hesitant as he continued to speak, "I wanted to see you before I went to Exegol."
"Wait, Exegol? Why are you going there?" You asked, your brows knitting together.
"I want to help Rey in defeating Palatine." He answered, making your eyes widen.
"What? Why?" You asked frantically, biting your lip.
"She needs my help."
"She'll be fine without you." You argued, "Besides, what if you don't come back? I've heard of Palatine's powers with the Force..." You questioned, stepping closer to Ben. "Is it Rey? I know you also have a bond with her." You then asked softly, fear and insecurity engulfing you.
Ben opened his mouth to respond, but then his lips pressed together into a tight line, taking time to think before responding, "Yes, we do have a bond, but it's not like ours, Y/N." Ben began, hesitantly reaching out and taking your hand in his. "Ours... It's like two parts that fit perfectly. It's stronger than the bond I share with Rey. More powerful even."
You smiled, trying not to blush at the sensation his skin gave, "I'm still scared, Ben." You whispered, your smile turning into a frown.
Ben reached out and placed a finger under your chin lifting your head up so that you were staring into his eyes, "We'll see each other again, I promise."
You nodded, taking Ben's hand in yours; placing it on your cheek. "Just please stay safe. If something happens to you, I can not bear to lose anyone else... Especially you." You said, your voice cracking.
Ben smiled softly, leaning down to kiss you gently. The kiss was gentle and tender, his fingers brushed against your cheek, sending tingles through your body. Once they pulled apart he lowered his forehead, his nose brushing against yours, his warm breath caressing your skin.
"Goodbye, Y/N." He whispered.
"Goodbye, Ben." You responded, closing your eyes.
You felt him pull away, opening them to find his figure disappearing down the hallway. Sighing, you bit your lip, hoping Ben would come back to you alive.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Ahsoka "Fallen Jedi" Liveblog
Let's go let's go let's go let's go let's goooooooooooooo!
Oh I'm so excited for this I already know there are Developments.
Hype hype hype hype.
Oh we're starting off with complete silence are we? Okay.
Sabine trying to raise Hera. :(
Ahhhh yes it's the "Ahsoka and Sabine butting heads about saving Ezra versus stopping Thrawn" convo Sabezra fandom predicted.
"Can I count on you?" Low blow Ahsoka, recalling Ezra's own words.
"I know how much Ezra means to you." *falls into this line, dies*
Oh don't let Huyang get shot, come on now, you already had him get blasted once.
Buncha trailer shots in this episode I'm guessing.
"Stay together. You always did better that way, in my opinion." Ha ha ha this would be a sweet line if we had ever actually SEEN Ahsoka and Sabine working together. *grumbles*
Hera going off by herself to go help Sabine and Ahsoka lolol. That little face she makes when she says, "Watch me."
Baby Jacen is still super precious.
This sequence would have been the perfect spot to drop Zeb in, you know. Just saying.
Go girls go, go, go, you need to get on that ship before it leaves!
And it's my favorite new villain couple.
If Shin could have a bit more personality she'd be more interesting but "feral" is wearing thin.
There were people complaining that this moment where Ahsoka wipes Marrok was lifted from "Twin Suns" but in context... no it's just Dave's usual thing for cool samurai finishers.
Oh wow Shin looks extremely unnerved at Marrok dissipating into green Nightsister mist.
Did... Morgan take all the guards and droids with her? Just leaving Baylan there by himself to handle Ahsoka huh? What a bitch.
"One must destroy in order to create." Nooooooooo they really don't Baylan, that's grade A horseshit.
And stinks of Empire and Sith apologism.
The map is gorgeous. Wish they'd turn the saturation and contrast up just a smidge more so the colors could POP.
Oh this music cue is great!
YES! LET BAYLAN CUT LOOSE. Man is a beast.
Ahsoka's trying to disengage long enough to get the map. :((((
Ha ha, nice. Mandalorian trick.
Ooooof the map burned Ahsoka's hand?
Ahsoka where's your shoto blade?
Right, like Sabine's dinky little blaster is gonna do anything to that map, sure Ahsoka. You just burned your hand on how super overheated it was and all it was doing was generating hyperspace coordinates for a cross-galactic jump, you think a shot from a small firearm is gonna pierce it?
Oooooh that angle-back closed-eye look from Baylan... he's telepathically reading her like a book isn't he?
"Your family died on Mandalore because your Master didn't trust you." WELL I'M JUST GOING TO PATENTLY IGNORE THAT BECAUSE NO FILONI, YOU CANNOT JUST DROP THAT IN LIKE THAT.
Getting real tired of character motivations being reveals and not outright stated from the start.
Anyway as I said, excising this bit entirely from my personal canon, Clan Wren is fine, they're just in hiding like all the other Mandalorian clans.
"And I... to serve a greater good." Ohhhhhhhhhhh I see what you did there, nice paralleling Baylan to Thrawn.
(I mean I knew it was coming because I was spoiled but still.)
Sabine, Sabine, my poor heartbroken babygirl, this is such a human choice, it's not the choice a Jedi should make but then Sabine isn't a Jedi, I maintain that this is all still playacting and cope that Ahsoka is indulging.
Sabine is falling into the classic Attachment trap but also there are no good choices here. She could try to destroy the map, but I seriously don't think it would work, and then Baylan would just kill her and take the map back anyway.
Maybe she could run but with their ship damaged she wouldn't make it far, she'd have to hide in the woods and avoid Shin and Baylan and whoever else she's stranded and fight them all off by herself for who knows how long until maybe Hera gets there. And she has no way of knowing if Hera's coming.
Oh ouch, I thought Sabine was having a "What have I done?" reaction to handing Baylan the map, but no, Shin is just choking her.
See it takes Baylan deliberate sustained direct contact with his lightsaber blade to destroy the map, no way was Sabine's blaster gonna do shit to it.
Again, guys, this would have been the perfect sequence to have Zeb in.
Uhhhhhhhhh I would move away from the ring if I were y'all.
Chopper sounds really unnerved.
Unless it's a weird-ass Force vision lol. Which is still possible.
Yeeeeeeeah I'm going with Force vision, Anakin should be blue and glowing, shouldn't he? Unless things work differently in here.
The Imperial March is not reassuring.
Okay well... that was a thing.
I'm starting to wish Deborah Chow had been showrunner for this, Filoni is doing... okay-ish (not really) but I really think this story needs and deserves a director willing to go all-in on the emotional resonance and beats of the story.
Which isn't to say the Kenobi show didn't have its problems (ho ho boy could I list the nitpicks and writing issues I had with it) but Ahsoka isn't quite reaching the highs it needs. Everything is way more subdued that I think it should be. I don't know how much of this is the writing, how much is the short mini-series format, how much is the cinematography or the directing.
See everything about her motivations makes so more sense if she's in love with him, sorry Filoni, the ship is still sailing.
Baylan got a bit more characterization here and got marginally more interesting, while Shin just... continues to be wet paper. RIP Marrok we hardly knew ye. Hope they explain the green mist shit soon.
Natasha's shoulders must be sore from carrying this show lol. Someone please let Sabine hug Ezra, she will feel so much better.
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c0s-lettuce · 2 years
pretty words - cassian andor x reader
gender not mentioned, set before the events of andor
a/n: i love cassian. there's nothing more to say. hope you enjoy <3
word count: 1407
warnings: mentions of injury, slight sexual references but nothing explicit
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You rarely get moments like this. Where everything is still. Where the pressures of simply living fade away into the night. There you sit in the comfort of your home, just reading a book.
Though it's only typical for your peace to be interrupted by the sound of banging on your window.
You look up and see Cassian outside, greeting you with a wave. Not surprised that it's him disturbing you at his hour, you get up, discarding your book on the caf table.
You open your front door. Cassian stands there waiting, looking rugged and worn out. It seems he just got back from another one of his solo expeditions.
"Sorry," he begins, "I just got back, and I didn't want to accidentally wake Maarva."
"Sure," you nod, letting him in.
Cassian would crash at your place often for a multitude of reasons. Whether it be getting back late from being off-world or trying to avoid certain people, your couch was basically a second home to him.
Though sometimes he'd just be looking for some company and instead end up in your bed.
Each instance, however, resulted in Cassian being gone by the time you woke.
"You want some food?" you ask, opening your fridge.
Cassian sits on a stool at your kitchen counter, "Uh yeah, just whatever you have left over."
You take the remnants of your dinner and slide it over the counter to Cassian. He thanks you. Then, you notice blood on his shirt.
"What happened to your shoulder?" you ask.
"Oh, just a graze from a blaster," he waves you off, "It's no big deal."
"Do you want me to have a look at it?"
"No, no, it's fine."
After a couple seconds of deliberation, you decide you are, in fact, going to take a look.
You go to grab your medpac, and you take a seat on the stool next to Cassian.
"May I?" your hands hover over his shoulder.
"Go for it," he says with a mouthful of food.
You pull his shirt down over his shoulder, revealing a small burn mark.
"See," Cassian states, "It's not that bad."
"Yeah," you reply, looking through your medpac, "This should still help, though."
Shielding his face as best you can with one hand, you spray some bacta on his shoulder. Then you put a bandage over the wound, pressing it down with your hand.
You finish up and ask, "So, what trouble did you get up to today?"
"You remember that Starpath unit I told you about?" Cassian says, still in the middle of eating.
"Yeah. The one worth a fortune?"
"I went and got it. At Steergard."
"...You what?"
Cassian looks proud of himself, "It's still sealed and everything. It could go for forty thousand credits."
"Maker. You're crazy, Cassian."
"This is big. It's enough to get us both out of here."
You need a second to register what he said.
"You want to leave?" you ask.
"Yes. Like how we talked about, remember?" Cassian replies.
"Yeah, I remember," you say.
You and Cassian would stay up well into ungodly hours. In those moments, in the dark in your bed, the two of you spoke about almost everything.
Ferrix is a fine place, but it's static and unchanging. When Cassian learned of your desire for more, he began saying that the two of you should leave together.
"Where would we go?" you asked.
"Anywhere," he replied.
The way he spoke was like he was telling a fairy tale. It was beautiful, warm, and comforting.
During those nights, it felt like anything was possible.
And yet, he was gone by morning's light.
"I gotta be honest, I didn't think you were being serious," you continue.
"You didn't? How come?" Cassian asks.
"I don't know. I mean, it was just pillow talk. Pretty words to fall asleep to. You left in the morning, and it's not like we even see each other all that often."
Cassian falters, "You're right. And that's my fault. But I meant it. I still do."
You look at Cassian. And you can tell he does mean it. You wonder how he can say all this. How he could really want to leave with you.
A sense of melancholy starts to take over, so you try to lighten the mood.
"Well, maybe you should stop only coming to me when you're injured or in need of something," you say jokingly.
"Are you going to start turning me away then," he asks, matching your demeanour.
"I could try, but I don't think I'd get very far."
"Why not?"
You look at Cassian while trying to think of what to tell him. The reasons on your mind are slightly embarrassing, but you decide to say them anyway.
"It's your puppy-dog eyes. They're hard to say no to," you state, looking away to finish packing up your medpac.
Cassian laughs a little, "My eyes?"
"And you're a sweet talker too," you continue, "Always seem to know the right things to say."
A beat of silence.
"Tell me more," Cassian says.
You look back at Cassian. A hint of mischief resides in his eyes; he's enjoying this.
You sigh and stand up, "I'm not fueling your ego anymore. Finish your food."
"Wait," Cassian holds onto your arm, pulling you back to face him.
Cassian remains seated on his stool, his back now against the counter. He keeps you in front of him.
He looks up at you with his bright, brilliant eyes.
"What is it?" you ask.
Cassian holds you in place with both hands. He's gentle, as if you're going to roll away from him if he isn't careful.
He doesn't answer you immediately. Instead, he pauses and looks around. He seems to be thinking of a reason to why he wants you to stay.
He doesn't think of one.
Instead, he looks back at you and says, "You're not going to keep me company?"
"I'm tired, Cass," you bring your hand to rest against his face, "But if you think you'll be too lonely on the couch, you can always join me in bed."
"Is that a request?" he asks.
"It's whatever you want it to be," you tell him.
You lightly graze your thumb against his bottom lip, leaving behind a promise of something more.
"But, uh," you continue, "Maybe take a shower first. You kinda smell."
You smile at Cassian before removing his hands from your sides. And you head off to your room, leaving him alone in your kitchen.
Cassian seems to have eagerly accepted your "request" as the sound of shower water runs in the background.
You lay in bed, your book has found its way back into your hands, and you wonder. Why do you keep inviting Cassian back in despite the imminent heartbreak?
The answer? It's just so easy, like a dance the two of you know well. And perhaps you're just hoping for a happier ending.
"I could get used to this," Cassian's voice interrupts your thoughts as he walks in, "A warm shower, someone beautiful waiting for me in bed."
You scoff, "Yeah, good luck with that."
His hair is damp, and he's wearing clothes he left behind from other nights. He climbs into bed next to you, lies down on his back and stares up at the ceiling.
You go back to your book. Seconds later, you notice Cassian's diverted his attention back onto you.
You put your book aside and turn to face him, "Yes?"
"Nothing, I just like looking at you," he says.
You smile, not sure what to say in response.
"And I'm sorry," he continues.
"For what?" you ask.
"Everything. You do so much for me, and I'm never there for you."
"That's not true," you say, "You're here now."
You move closer towards him. He welcomes you in his arms.
The two of you lie face to face, centimetres apart. 
"You're here now, Cassian," you repeat, brushing your fingers against his cheek.
Cassian closes the short distance. All the love he can muster up, bundled in a kiss that can only be described as sublime.
When the two of you part, you snuggle up closer, burying your head in his chest. He holds you tighter.
After a couple seconds of silence, Cassian speaks. You feel his chest vibrate.
"I'll stay," he says, almost whispering, "I'll stay with you."
"Promise?" you ask.
"I promise."
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Fic prompt: 5x06 “what if firing that blaster made me infertile?” “You want more kids?” “Well I’d like the option” I thought they were so nonchalant about this when it was kind of a *big* deal so the fic request is Beckett kinda panicking in a good way even though she didn’t show it ☺️
"I've been stressing," she blurted from the doorway.
He startled, having assumed she would be fast asleep by now. She had gone to bed over an hour ago while he had stayed up to finish off the latest Heat chapter.
He looked over to where she stood dressed in sweats, an oversized shirt, fluffy slippers and a concerning half-scowl on her face. He couldn't help but smile - he really did love this less put-together side of her.
"Why are you stressing?" he asked, reminding himself to focus.
He pushed back from the desk, rolling his chair just far enough back to twist his knees in her direction. She walked toward him and lowered herself onto his lap.
"What's bothering you?" he encouraged, wrapping his arm around her waist to hold her securely against himself.
She focused her attention on the plastic button of his shirt and began toying with it as she mulled over the thoughts wreaking havoc in her mind.
"Most of my friends are having babies," she told him.
His brow creased, confused.
"The ones that aren't are gushing about how much they can't wait until their day comes," she continued.
"And you're feeling... pressured?"
She shook her head. "I wasn't."
Realisation dawned on him. "Is this about what I said earlier? About the blaster making me infertile?"
He covered her hand with his, stopping her fidgeting fingers so that she would focus on him.
She looked up to meet his gaze. "I just- I'd like the option isn't really an answer."
"Kate, I want whatever you want."
"Well, that isn't really an answer, either," she complained. "I don't know what I want, Castle."
Her eyes flitted back and forth, trying to read his expression.
"What if I don't want kids?" she asked hesitantly.
This question was... big. A make-or-break kind of question, a discussion she wasn't sure if they were ready for. But thanks to this case, thanks to an off-hand comment that had been carelessly thrown out there on a whim, it was something she couldn't stop thinking about.
But he smiled; a genuine, reassurance. "Then we won't have kids."
"But you want more kids."
"Not if you don't."
She sighed. "Castle-"
"Right: not an answer. Look, I've done the kid thing. Did I love it? Yes. Would I do it again? With you, yes. But I accepted a long time ago that there was a good chance I wouldn't have any more children and I am fine with that. When I say I'd like the option, it's for you. If you decide you do want children I want to be able to provide you with as many as your heart desires."
She deliberated his words carefully, the silence stretching out for several long seconds. "So... you don't care?"
"I wouldn't say I don't care. I mean, if you're going to have children you should care. Very much," he explained. "I would say... I'm happy either way."
She wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head down on his shoulder.
"Does that ease your mind at all?" he asked.
"It does."
They stayed, still and silent just basking in each other's embrace for several minutes before she spoke again.
"I think I'd do it with you, too."
"Hmm?" he hummed, bringing his fingers up to brush through her hair.
"The kid thing," she clarified. "If I was going to do it... I'd like to do it with you."
He tilted his head to press a kiss to her forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Fox and PA cuddles 🥰
And Fox is still claiming that he's not in love. He's in denial. Let's put Yuu in a situation where he has to admit it.
You look at the man standing between you and your office door. He's pale and sweaty, and his hands are shaking, and you think he looks kind of familiar, like maybe you went to school together or something, but honestly, you don't know him. "I love you!" Oh. Kriff. This is going to become a thing, isn't it? "I've been in love with you for years!" Slowly you press the panic button on your comm, the panic button that connects you to Fox. And then you connect sound so Fox can hear what's happening in your office. "I want you to have my children." "Ew." Oh. Oops. That inside thought came out. His face falls, "It's a woman's place to have kids." "Ew." That time was intentional. "First of all, I haven't identified as woman since I was a child, and second of all, I don't know you. And third of all-" Your comm chimes, and you glance at it distracted. For the love of everything holy, STOP ANTAGONIZING HIM - F Ooh. Right. He advances on you, and you make sure that your desk is between you and him. Maybe you should have taken Thorn up on his offer to give you a blaster. He's almost within arms reach of you, when your office door bursts open, and four Corries run in and tackle him to your desk, and then the ground. They wrestle with him, and then drag him out of your Office as Fox steps in. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Fox asks, "Who says stuff like that to someone who's clearly a threat?" "It slipped!" Fox crosses the room over to you and presses his hands against your cheeks, "Yuu. Little Bird. Holy shit, I love you, but you are the dumbest person I've ever met." You blink at him, and then grin, "You love me?" Fox pauses, and then releases you, "I didn't say that." "Did so~" "Did not." "Foxy~" "I have work I need to do. Your guard detail starts tomorrow. Try not to get kidnapped or attract any stalkers until they arrive?" "Fox-" "Nope. Not having this conversation. Bye Yuu."
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