#yes i'm gonna miss my oc's and feel like all of that work i put in was a waste
funky-gobbo-art · 4 months
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Alright, cleaned out my blog and moved all my old oc stuff to my drafts. It was a pain in the ass but it needed to be done.
I spent so much of my time and energy just desperately trying to make something that just wasn't meant to be, and now I can finally move on.
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luveline · 10 months
if you're still taking them I would love to make a request for Eddie and Roan! do you know how sometimes little kids will call their parents workplace just to talk about the most random things or just ask some totally super important question? I feel like roan would do that with the reader and Eddie
thank you for your request!! eddie and roan —roan learns how to use the phone, 1.3k
Eddie used to feel nervous when the phone rang for him at work. "Call for baby Munson!" shouted across the shop while Eddie was usually flat on his back under a truck or elbow deep in a scooter engine, he'd get this pit in his stomach thinking something was wrong. 
It was usually daycare. Roan's sick, Roan's wet herself and her spare clothes aren't here, is Roan allergic to veggie sticks? Because she's saying she is. 
But nowadays, a phone rings for him and it's almost always you with something nice to say. You miss him. You've been thinking about him. All manner of gooey soft confession that has him clutching the phone like a loser, desperate for your voice. 
He springs away from his lunch when he's called. Darwin gives Eddie a funny look as he passes the phone. 
Eddie shrugs it off. "Hello?" he asks. "Y/N?"
"It's me!" 
Eddie feels his eyebrows leap up. "Hi, me." Roan hadn't ever used the phone unassisted, to his memory. "Where's mom?" 
"She's trying to fix your hair dryer." 
Eddie hears it, then, the roaring blow in the background. "Why does it sound like that?" 
"She dropped it. I think she's sad." 
"Ro, I fixed it!" you shout, followed by an even louder howling of air, and a heavy silence. "Okay, I didn't." 
"Is that why you called me?" Eddie asks, bemused.
"No, I called you because I want to know how they make corndogs. How do they get the hot dog inside of the corn, dad?" 
Eddie puts his hand on the wall to steady himself as he laughs. "You wanna know how they make corndogs? Are you gonna make some?" 
"I could if I knew how!" she stresses. "I'd ask mom, but she's pre-oc-u-pied."
"That's a big word, babe, where'd you learn that one?" Eddie asks, impressed. 
"Dad, corndogs!" 
"Right, right. Okay, well. They put the hot dog on the stick first, and then the corn part is actually batter. They roll the hotdog around in the batter and cook them together in the fryer. So it isn't the hotdog going into the corn, it's actually corn going on the hotdog." 
"Batter like for cakes?"
"No," he laughs fondly. "And it's not sweet corn, babe, it's something called cornmeal. Maybe we can make some this week, wouldn't that be fun? Then you can see how they make them for real. I think that would be super fun."
His bubbly tone attracts the attention and subsequent laughter of his colleague. He throws them all the bird, totally content and more than happy with his life and his curious girl. 
"Yes," Roan cheers, dragging the 's' syllable until she's out of breath, "oh my god that would be so fun!" 
"Okay, then that's what we'll do. Are you being good for mom?" 
"I'm being awesome." There's a weird crunching noise. "Did you hear that? I think she put the screwdriver in the hairdryer again." 
"Again?" Eddie asks worriedly. 
Roan must put the phone down. Eddie genuinely can't hear a thing, until you pick up the receiver and say, "Hallo?" 
"You blowing up the house?" 
You make a pleased noise that has his heart doubling in size. "Hi, Eddie. I'm having a technological mishap, but rest assured, we are in no danger of explosion. Anymore. What did you call for? It's lunch, isn't it?" 
"Actually, Roan called me. She wanted to know how to make corndogs." 
"You do know everything," you say. "Go and eat your lunch, baby. We'll still be here when you get home, yeah? I love you. Roan, come and tell daddy you love him before we hang up." 
A small silence. "Dad?" Roan asks. 
"Yep, still here." 
"I love you, okie dokie? Please come home in an hour."
Eddie laughs warmly. It's more like four hours, but whatever she wants to think is what he'll tell her. "I love you. Tell Y/N I love her, too, will you? Thank you." 
"Yes!" Her voice comes quieter, "I love you," Roan says to you. 
"I love you, too. Let's make dinner." 
You must think he's said goodbye, because the phone gets a knock and the dial tone sounds. 
You're sitting at your desk shovelling pretzels into your mouth while you click around your emails when the phone rings. You slide it between your ear and shoulder, pausing your frankly messy chewing. "Hello and good afternoon, Y/N L/N speaking, how can I help?" 
"Y/N?" Roan says worriedly.
"Roan? What's the matter?" 
"Oh, it is you! It didn't sounded like you at first, that's weird." 
"Sorry, gorgeous, I was using my voice for fancy grown ups."
She giggles like this is the funniest thing you've ever said to her, "You're being funny," she praises. 
You're secretly incredibly pleased. Making your six year old laugh never gets old. "So nothing is wrong, then? You know, those numbers on the fridge are for emergencies." 
"This is an emergency." 
"Yeah, I bet. What's going on? Where's dad?" 
"He's making toffee cake for you. I was helping him do the buttercream but my arms got tired from whisking." 
"Is that why you're calling me?" 
You dig for a saltier pretzel and chew thoughtfully. "What's the tiredest part? Your shoulders?" 
"And my fingers." 
"Asked daddy to kiss 'em better?" 
"I would but he's trying to be perfect about the cake. It looks yummy." 
"Did you get to lick the bowl?" 
"Yeah, and dad let me eat a spoon of the melted chocolate. It was pretty great." 
You grin into the receiver. "I bet it was amazing. Maybe you can try and rest your poor arms. Make daddy pour you a big glass of cranberry juice with the heart shaped ice cubes and watch TV until I come home, okay? That's an order."
"Okay," she laughs. "When are you coming home?" 
"I can leave in about twenty minutes, and the drive home takes another twenty, so…" You check the time on your computer. "I think by five." 
"Ugh, that's forever away." 
"I know. Do what I said, okay? Sit down on the couch. I can have a little look at your arms when I come home, maybe we can have a pamper night tonight. We can use some of my fancy lotion and rub it in like a massage," you say. 
"That sounds nice," she hums. 
"Alright, sweetheart. Listen, can I talk to dad before I go back to work?" 
"Yep, yep." You know what's coming as soon as she inhales. "Daddy!" she bellows at the top of her lungs, "Y/N's on the phone!" 
It's flattering how swiftly he gets there. "Hey?" he asks. 
"Hi, do we need anything for me to grab on the way home? I know you ran out of deodorant, was there anything else?" 
"Nothing I can think of. You okay?" 
"I'm awesome. I told Ro you'd make her a big cup of juice for her sore arms." 
"She told you about those, huh?" He kisses her audibly. "She's the best mixer ever. I was thinking we'd change her name to kitchen aid." 
You choke on a pretzel. Coughing, you laugh through a chastisement. "You leave her name alone. Roan is a nice name all by itself." 
"If you insist," he says grandly. "See you in an hour? I've got a surprise for you." 
"I can't wait," you say. You'll pretend to be totally surprised at his cake, no problem. Anything to make him smile. "Love you both. See you soon." 
"Love you. Say love you," Eddie prompts. 
"I love you!" Roan yells. "I'll make dad put your blanket in the dryer!" 
You put down the phone with a small smile, wondering if you can weasel your way past your eagle-eyed coworkers for an early finish. 
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entertainmentgirl80 · 7 months
Cowboy's Date With A Georgian 😍🤠👨🏼‍❤️‍👩🏾‍🦲
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Jake Hangman Seresin X OC (Nickname: Sweetheart)
Warning: Just Fluff.
You waking up from the sounds of birds chirping outside on a nice sunny day in the morning, you have on a old but oversized Texas University shirt that Jake let you borrow from last night, and so you got up from the bed, putting your dress back on from last night, then went downstairs. And come to see that Jake is cooking breakfast with no shirt on while country music is playing in the background.....
"Morning, darlin," he said to you with a smile on his face.
"Morning, how are you?" You bit your lip while blushing.
"I'm good, can't complain, and how about you?" He fixing some coffee.
"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking, but hey, what day is it, though?" You ask Jake.
"It's Friday." He drinking his coffee.
"Oh shit, but hey, do you have to go to work today because I'm don't wanna get you in trouble or -"
"Relax, I'm told my boss that it's okay. That I can get a day off for today, so you're good?" Jake cut you off.
"Oh well okay." You were cool with it.
"Yeah, so since I'm off today, do you wanna go sightseeing around the town to show you stuff?" He ask you.
"Yeah, sure, no problem but first, I'm have to go home, wash up, and change clothes." You eating your food while talking.
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After y'all two finished breakfast, he took you back to your apartment, so you can freshen up, to start the day, so after he take you back to your place, he killed the engine in his truck and y'all went inside to the apartment and Jake sit down in the kitchen...
"This is my place, it's really not much, so make yourself at home, while I'm changing clothes." You said to him with a smile.
"Okay, well thank you, darlin', appreciate it." He give you a smile back.
So while you washing up and changing new pair of clothes, you been thinking about that you never thought you would were invited a handsome stranger that whom you just met from yesterday and he let you spend the night at his place since last night. So you guess that you have been blessed that you might find someone who you can trust, respect, but treat you like a queen like any woman wants in a man.
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So, afterwards, you already just got dressed and went to the front room to check on Jake. He is looking at the picture of you and your dad admiring you that you have no idea how blessed you are to have both parents who support you regardless the ups & downs what you and the family been through in life. And so while you standing there, Jake broke the silence to ask you something.....
"So, it's this is your dad in the picture?" He ask.
"Yes, that my father, he was a good man and sweet guy, you will like him." You said to him with a softer voice.
"Let me guess, he passed away, right?" He guess it.
"Yes, he passed away since 2017, from health problems." You trying not to cry and thinking about because that was your father, the man who cares and loves you till the end of time, but he will do everything regardless of how the situation is. And so Jake step forward to you and give you a shoulder to cry on. You felt it because the hug was warmest but full of love but empathy as well.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" she cut him off
"No, you okay, it's just I'm miss him every day when I think about him, you know?" Your voice felt some sadness to it.
"I'm understand darlin', so uh, you gonna be okay if I don't mind asking?" He asked
"Yeah, I'm will, so you ready to go then?" You ask
"Yeah, sure darlin', ready as I ever be." He give you a smile.
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So after your little sympathy session, you and Jake went to the park for a minute to have a nice walk, then he ask you what your favorite restaurant to go to and you said Chili's, so later on that evening the two of y'all went to Chili's and you couldn't help that feeling that this man have been with you all day and never leave your side and he hang out at your place while you changing your clothes. So after dinner, you told Jake can you stay over at his place just to have company and he nodded (meaning he say yes), so you went back to your apartment to pack up some of your clothes, your toothbrush, and everything else you needed it to make sure you straight.
"Thank you for everything, Jake. This is nice, and I'm glad I have someone to talk to. I'm also sorry you have to miss work too."
"It's no problem darlin', it's been my pleasure to hang out with you as well, even though it's was our first date." He said to you with a grin on his features.
"Mhm, I didn't know it's was a date till you said it." You chuckled
"Yeah, well I am glad that I'm met you and also I know this is a random question but do you wanna move in with me? And I know we are still getting to know each other and -" she cut off what you gonna say
"Yes, I would like that, thank you." You give him a big smile, and a kiss on the cheek.
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A/N: Here is another one-shot story, and I'm sorry for taking it long, but I always take my time to make sure I'm trying to do it justice. But overall, I hope y'all enjoy it. 😌🫶🏾🤠🤘🏾
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love-islike-abomb · 5 months
Calling Dr love: chapter 2
Roman reigns x Anastasia (OC)
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Warnings: sci-fi, angst, romance, errors I may have missed.
Word count: 2k
Tag list: @reignsangel444 @acknowledge-reigns @afterdarkprincess @marchm-langdon @msbluehaz3 @mandeelemons @niknakbucks92 @pittieprincess22 @queengreenarrowmia89 @reignsxlove @shadyprincesslife @thesamoanqueen @vintage-pvssy @weirdgirl16355 @windhamsrotunda
I ran to the back to tell Kate everything, both of us giggling like school girls who had just met their celebrity crush. "Ana we have to find you something!" She said.
"Kate the mall just closed we'll have to wait until tomorrow!" I said with a sigh.
"don't worry! We'll find something! I know it's gonna be hard but go home and get some sleep. The last thing you need is to be tired during your date with that hunk of a man!" She said "ana you're so incredibly lucky!! He's gorgeous!! I heard he's turned down so many women yet he pursued you!"
"I don't know why either but I'm flattered! Has a hunk!" I smiled "let's head home and meet me at the mall tomorrow! 9am!"
"yes ma'am!" She smiled. I gave her a hug and grabbed my coat and headed out the door to walk the 3 blocks to my apartment. On the way I kept feeling like someone was watching me. I kept getting glimpses out of the corner of my eye but as soon as I turned my head it was gone. I made it to my apartment without incident but that was weird! I walked into my apartment and turned on the light before walking to my bedroom and stripping off to get a hot shower. My whole body ached.from being on my feet all day and the hot water would do my muscles some good.
After my shower I laid down in bed and looked at my phone. I had a message from Roman.
Ro: hey I feel kinda dumb for not asking earlier but could you give me your address so I can pick you up?
Me: sure! And don't feel dumb we both were highly distracted!
Ro: oh really?😏
Me: um... I.... I mean your hot and i
Ro: ana you're beautiful! Don't be ashamed of speaking your mind.
Me: I'm just normally not that forward. I don't know what's gotten into me!
Ro: your mind is probably all over the place with excitement for tomorrow just like mine is! I can't wait to see you again. I had a lot of fun today.
Me: me to! I feel like I can relax and be myself around you and I don't have to be someone I'm not. I was actually about to head to bed so I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight. 🫶
Ro: goodnight beautiful ❤️
Reading his last message made my heart soar. He was so sweet and such a gentleman though he did have something about him that was different and I couldn't quite put my finger on it but that's neither here nor there. He seems like a great guy! I guess I finally lucked out after All. I turned off my bedside lamp and went to sleep.
Romans POV
I watched her through her window sleeping peacefully. She was such a beautiful woman! I'd been drawn to her for so long and finally talked to her and I'm so glad i did. Her thoughts told me she liked me but she was shy in admitting it. She also thought I was sexy and the feeling I mutual. When I left her work I could hear her thoughts of "did I hit the jackpot? Everything I've been looking for in a man!" And I wanted to tell her but it was FAR to soon and I risked losing her. It would have to be maybe weeks or even months down the line when I told her and maybe change her if she wanted.
She doesn't know it but i've saved her from many weirdos and creeps trying to break into her apartment while she's been asleep. Her apartment is on the backside of the building and no one can see back here if she's in trouble. I've watched her since she first moved here. I don't know why I feel myself so drawn to her. She like a drug i can't explain. Man made drugs don't affect me anymore but her scent alone intoxicates me in a way I never thought possible. It pains me to be away from her yet she has no idea who I am. I'm just a strange, handsome man to her.
I always sat by her window at night keeping a safe watch over her. As tempting as it was to walk in and make love to her right there I knew I couldn't. Her smell drove me crazy today. She smelled of arousal, happiness, lust, and giddiness and the way she looked at me was a way I could only hope she always would. Was my gut right all along? Was she the one? I could only hope! If she got scared and wanted me to leave I would but I would always protect her.
I hadn't realized it was almost 5am and the sun would be coming up soon! I had to get home quickly. The sun goes down around 5pm so from then on until roughly 7am I'm all hers. I looked at her one last time before I hopped down off her balcony to the ground and walked to my car. I couldn't wait to see her! She was gonna be treated like a queen tonight, my queen!
Anastasia's POV
I woke up to my alarm. 730am! Moments later my phone rang "rise and shine sleepy head!" Kate said "Kate why did I let you talk into so early?! The mall doesn't open until 9am and he's not picking me up til 6!! Ugh!! I need sleep kaye!!" I said into the phone still grouchy she made me get up so early!
"the early bird gets the worm ana! There could be outfits we wouldn't have gotten if we hadn't gotten there early! Now get up, get dressed! I'll be there in 20!" She said before hanging up.
I begrudgingly got out of bed and threw a pair of yoga pants and a Rammstein shirt on along with just a plain old pair of sneakers. I grabbed my phone, purse, and keys, put my coat on and waited for kate to knock. She better not take forever cause I'm in no mood for her crap today! I wanna get this done and get back here. Maybe get a small bite to eat. Momemts later Kate knocked on the door "ana come on! I'll even grab you a monster on the way!!" She bribed. I opened the door with a smile "now you're talkin!"
We hopped in her car and drove to the gas station. As promised she got me a monster and I chugged it down. I was a little more awake now. We finally headed off to the mall and stopped at every fancy store they had before settling on a store I knew well "5th avenue!" I said "why didn't we just come to this one to begin with? I always find clothes I like here!" I asked her.
"well you need to broaden your horizons ana!" She said.
"Kate I know you didn't just drag me all around this mall to have me look at stuff that you knew I wouldn't like only to end up at the store you knew I'd buy something from anyway!" I said crossing my arms.
"I'm sorry ana I just,.." she started.
"Kate I'm joking!" I smiled "after this though I would like to get a small bite. I'm kinda hungry" I said as we headed inside.
I looked all over the store and finally found an outfit and I knew was the one. "Ana that's gorgeous!" Kate smiled.
"you think so?" I smiled back.
"hes gonna love it! I'll help you do your hair and makeup" she said as I paid for my new clothes "Now let's go get a small bite to eat..we don't know where he's taking you almost best to put just enough in your stomach to hold you over." She said. We ended up picking just a pretzel with cheese and that did the trick. We got home and it was 2pm. "Damn Kate we spent 5 hours at the mall!" I laughed.
"well on the bright side you don't have to witness long for him to get here" she smiled.
"true but I'm so nervous! I'm never nervous for dates" I said.
"it's cause you actually like this one" she smiled "and ana I'd be lying if didn't say I was jealous cause girl you could bounce a quarter off his ass!!" She giggled.
'oh i know! Hes the whole package! He's gorgeous, an absolute sweetheart, dirty minded, flirtatious, and everything I want. What's the catch?" I laughed.
"don't think there is one. You just got lucky! Now shoosh and let me do your hair!"
She ended up putting my hair up in a bun with a bit hanging off on my bangs. It looked beautiful. "Go get dressed and we'll see what colors to use with your makeup from there" she said.
I put on my outfit and came back out "girl you're gonna rock his world!" She smiled. She did my makeup and I put my heels on to finish my look. I looked at my phone seeing a message from him and the biggest smile formed on my face...
Ro: see you soon beautiful😘
"ugh!! I can't with him! He's so sweet!" I said before I realized it was a quarter til 6! "Oh shit Kate just gonna be here in 15 minutes!!"
"ana breathe!" She said. I breathed with her slowing my heart heart down. I haven't been this nervous about a date in a long time. "You look gorgeous! You smell gorgeous! Look good enough to eat and who knows maybe he will later" Kate smirked.
"Katlyn!" I said
The doorbell rang. I took a deep breath and walked towards the door. I smoothed out my dress and opened the door.
"hey ana!" He smiled "wow! You look absolutely beautiful!"
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He said and I don't think I've ever blushed so hard before. 'you look very handsome yourself!" I smiled
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"thank you" he smiled "shall we head out?"
"please" I said "Kate I'm leaving! Leave the door unlocked please!"
"Kate?" He asked
"my best friend" I smiled "I've never been so nervous for a date before and I don't know why I am!"
"I must admit my nerves have gotten the best of me as well" he smiled "before we go, there's something I wanna do" he said.
"what's that?" I asked.
"I wanted to do this yesterday but the timing didn't seem right" he said standing closer to me, his hand resting on the side of my face. He leaned towards me and our lips met in a tender kiss that sent sparks flying through my body. His lips were so incredibly soft and he smelled like sandalwood and cedar. I didn't want him to pull away but knew eventually he would have to "that was.."
"amazing" he finished "I know I said dress to impress but we're going to a candle lit dinner on the beach so you can take those heels off if you want to"
"thank the gods my feet are killing me!" I giggled.
"let's head over to our date shall we?" He said holding his arm out for me. I didn't care if we went to the worst restraunt in town at this point. I've barely known this man 2 days and I feel like I've known him a lifetime. Whatever did I do to find a man like him I don't know but I never wanted to let him go and the women who had had know idea what they'd lost!
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I missed u. Pt.2
Summary: After, Kai feels betrayed that he would call her not knowing what to do. The next day, it is the Challenger, and Art wins. Glazed&Glory is called upon in victory by Tashi to celebrate at the afterparty.
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/imasl5tforchallengers/752216561168842752/hold-it-in?source=share
《《Warnings》》: Vulgar language, explicit sexual scene, readers discretion is advised. Minors DNI. Smut.
*Art Donaldson x reader!OC, Kai Miller is you.*
A/N: Hey guys! I appreciate the feedback. Part 2 was highly requested, if you guys have any suggestions for Part 3. Reminder that English is my third language so bare with me. You are most welcome to leave any other fic suggestions. I love y'all ♡!
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Primal. That was the word to describe sex with Art. You moaned overstimulated as he pounded into you with your hands pinned above your head. He grunted fastening his pace, you squealed hearing his balls smack against you leaving a sting. The pressure in the lower region of your tummy was building up, your toes curled as you clenched around him, "I can feel your pussy clenching for me, you gonna cum, princess?" He looked down at you, beads of sweat started forming between your sticky bodies. You nodded. "Words, princess," he heard him as he began to slow his thrusts but still making them hard.
"Y-y-es," you slurred. "Yes, what?" He took your legs putting them over his shoulders. The new position was making you squirm, "Y-y-yeah, I-i-i'm gon-nna cum," he kissed you, opening your mouth and spitting in it. You quickly swallowed. "Cum for me, baby," he began thrusting hard, your legs started shaking as you felt like you were about to explode. You clenched around him hard, causing him to grunt and throb inside you. The pressure in the lower region of your tummy began to escalate to another level, he captured one of your nipples in his warm mouth. "Fuck," he moaned.
You felt him throbbing inside you, sticky wet noises sang as he quickened his pace. "I'm gonna fill this tight pussy, shit," he said as you came your legs shaking profusely releasing a pornographic moan, you felt his hot load spill in your walls. You pulled him close, kissing him. His thrusts slowly came to a stop. "I love you," he said. You smiled, completely cockdrunk. "I love you too," you managed to say. He pulled out causing you to hiss from the discomfort, "I'm sorry, baby," he kissed your forehead. You two watched the cum flowing out of your little hole. "Art..." you hissed as he pushed the cum back into your pussy with his fingers, sucking them. Your bedside clock read *12:37*,"Oh shit, I'm late for practice," he got up, putting his pants on. Dressing up, he kissed your forehead and grabbed his sportsbag. "We will cuddle later?" You nodded in your bare state.
"Love you, baby," he left your dorm.
Back to 2019
You left Carl's in tears. You got into your car and drove off to your penthouse. On the way, all you could think about was how much of an idiot you were. You really thought he wanted you? You were beyond angry, you sobbed as you tried to drive. You parked outside your penthouse building, mascara ruined and eyes puffy. Your phone pinged, soon it started ringing.
You answered furious, "Art, fuck off!", you clasped your phone. "Art? Babe it's me," Demika, your best friend asked. "Did Art call you or something?" You sighed. Demika was your best friend since Stanford, graduated with a degree in Software engineering. She was overseas in China working on her app, Swipe, a dating app. You sniffed, "Were you crying?" She asked. "Yeah," you told her. "Wait, is this because of Art?" You replied yes. "OMG, I'm so sorry, what did his pathetic ass want?" You explained everything.
"At least you gave him blue balls," you managed to laugh. Demika always bought comfort and comical relief to your life. "My meeting is in 5, babe, gotta go, love you," she said. "Love you too," you hung up. You got out of your car, locking the car, and used the elevator to go up to your penthouse. You unlocked the door and got in locking the door behind you.
Your penthouse had a warm tone, the furniture had neutral colors. Plants, scented candles and abstract art pieces decorated your home. You took off shoes, and stumbled to your bedroom. You went into your ensuite bathroom, you took your makeup off and did your nightly skincare routine. You changed into a silk robe, and you headed to your kitchen. You poured yourself some Rosé and downed your glass. You went to your living area, sitting on your white, and turned on your comfort show, Gilmore Girls.
You woke up, your head was pounding due to a huge headache. You slipped out of, immediately feeling nauseous and light-headed. You go into your bathroom, opening your medicine cabinet and taking painkillers. You brushed your teeth and took a hot steamy shower. You weren't worried about who was going to open Glazed&Glory, Lorri, your employee had already. You sleeked your hair into a neat bun, did your skincare routine, and added light makeup to enhance your beautiful features.
You always made an effort to look and smell good, you sprayed some perfume, Love Don't Be Shy by Kilian. You used this perfume everyday, and ever since you heard Rihanna used it you wore it, plus it smelt fucking good. You put on gold chunky hoop earrings, and accessorize with a Van Cleef bracelet, a tiny watch and a necklace.
You slipped on a tight black bodycon dress, and heels. You put on sunglasses to hide your hungover state plus the weather advocated for it. The sun was shining. You checked the time *14h28* You didn't bother with having breakfast since it was so late and you didn't feel like eating. You scrolled through your phone answering emails and messages. You saw messages from Lorri, basically blowing up your phone, then she called you.
"Lorri," you answered. "Kai, t-t-there's a-an emergency," you heard noises and bustle in the background. "What's going on?" You asked, trying to figure out what's going on. "The country club just made a massive order, 200 glazed donuts, 120 customised cupcakes, 200 brownies, and 250 customised cookies," What the fuck? 770 baked goods? You huffed a breath out. "When do they need them?" You queried.
"19h30" your eyes widened in shock. "Why can't they do it themselves? They have bakers and cooks there," you asked. "There's an event, and the person who planned it at the country club demanded for Glazed&Glory to make the sweets, they are willing to pay extra for such short notice," she explains. "We need all the help we can get, so can you please come by?" She pleaded. "I have a meeting at HQ with marketing in 30 minutes, so I will be there at 17h30," you said. "Thank you," she sighed in relief. You hung up.
After the meeting, you sped up to Glazed&Glory. You went in and immediately saw the rush, customers ordering and employees panicking. You rushed to the back, to find Lorri orchestrating the order. You were pleased to call her the manager. She turned around to you, "Thank God you're here," she sighed in relief. "Yeah, my pleasure, so how's it going?" You asked. "Everything is done but the cookies need more hands," she led you to where the cookies are being piped. You looked in horror to the icing being put on in tennis ball design. To your left, cupcakes iced in green with tennis ball candy on top.
"Lorri, who the fuck ordered these?"You asked pissed. "The country club," she said confused at your sudden change. "No, who the hell ordered these at the country club?" You tried to regulate your voice and keep it for raising. You huffed a breath out. "Tashi Donaldson," you heart sank to your stomach. Your chest tightened. "You aren't happy?" She asked. No but you couldn't say that. "I'm happy," you plastered a pathetic fake smile. "I was just curious," you lied. She looked at you with her eyebrows raised before continuing with the order. You went into your office and placed your bag down before rushing into the kitchen again.
You put on an apron, and got to work. Lorri helped others package. Lorri came up to you. "Oh I forgot to mention, Tashi said she'd like you to be there, she wants to meet the owner," she said. What? Your eyes widened in shocked and in pure disbelief. "Oh my god, it just got wor-, I mean, cool," you muttered. She turned and walked off. You went into your office and closed the door. Recollecting your thoughts, you checked the time *18h45*, you grabbed your bag. You walked into the kitchen and told Lorri to deliver and that you will meet them there. You needed to change your clothes, after all, your ex's wife wants to see. Wait, you thought. That means Art won the Challenger. This was going to be an afterparty.
You drove to your penthouse, quickly went up. You got in and immediately started touching up your makeup and hair. You changed into a off-shoulder red sheer dress. You paired it with red bottoms and sprayed more perfume, and kept the earrings on. You added two more Van Cleef bracelets and a necklace. Your feet were killing you but you still were the heels. You took your Birkin stocks with you in case you felt like your feet were going to explode. Instead of the bag you had earlier, you grabbed your beige Birkin bag. You rushed to you car, driving at high speed, since it was 19h28.
You arrived at the country club, and see your company truck loading the order into the club. You see guests and other well-known tennis players enter the party, Lorri told you that Tashi wanted you to enter where the guests did. You wondered if Tashi knew that you were you. You went into the allocated area for guests, you were greeted by a champagne glass. You looked around, met by the elegant decorations and a sign that said Donaldson Victory. You felt a tap on your shoulder.
You turned around, and tall as ever was Mrs. Donaldson herself. She smiled at you. Weird, you thought. "Hi, Kai, what are you doing here?" She hugged you. I felt fake, "Are you someone's plus one?" You wished you could punch the fake smile on her face. "No, actually I'm here because of you," you said. Confusion grew on her annoyingly beautiful face. "Oh? What?" She asked. "I'm the owner of Glazed&Glory," you told. "Shut the fuck, really?" You nodded. "No way, congrats, heard you gonna expand your branches in 5 more states," she nudged your shoulder 'playfully'. "Yeah," you mirrored her fake smile. "Well, feel free to help yourself to complementary snacks and drinks, enjoy!" She walked off. You smiled immediately dropped.
You wanted to leave but that would be rude, you didn't care but your mother taught you better. You drank the Champagne, Tashi got up on the set up stage and grabbed a mic. The room went quiet, "Thank you for being here tonight, we are all here to celebrate the phenomenon that I call my husband, Art Donaldson," everyone clapped their hands. You felt like you were being stabbed as Art appeared on stage. "And he lead himself to victory earlier on today," Tashi turned to him. "Baby, I'm so proud of you," she kissed him. Your stomach churned as you watched. The crowd cheered clapping their hands. "So please," she said to the crowd. "Party and celebrate, remember not to leave sober," she laughed.
Art smiled kissing Tashi on the forehead, you cringed. He looked into the crowd and his smile dropped as he locked eyes with you. His jaw clenched. You looked away as your breath hitched. Tashi and Art got off stage. You grabbed another glass of champagne wishing you had something stronger.
At the rest of the night, you occupied yourself with speaking to the guests introducing yourself as the CEO of Glazed&Glory and receiving compliments. You suddenly felt someone grab your arm harshly, pulling you into a supply closet. The closet dark until the light was switched on. You were greeted with Art's face, pissed but so fucking hot. "What the fuck, Art?" You looked up at him. His breathing was heavy.
He carried on breathing in angry silence. Before you could leave, he manhandled you and pinned you against the wall. "Get off me, Art!" He covered your mouth. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He finally spoke. "None of your business," Livid, he furrowed his eyebrows. "It is my fucking business," he shot back. "Your wife invited me," you told him. "And why would she do that?" He said. "She wanted to meet the owner of the bakery she ordered from," you pushed him off. "So you show up? You fucking show up?" He asked.
"Watch your fucking mouth when you talk to me, Art" you pointed your finger. "Or what?" He inched closer to you, towering over you. "Or don't talk to me at all," you pushed him. He didn't move an inch. "Art, get away from me," you warned him. He stepped closer. "Art, if you come closer I will scream," he didn't listen and stepped closer. You backed up into the wall. "You know how hard it is to stay away from you?" He got closer. You looked away. "Huh? I asked you a question," he cupped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "Art, fuck off," you told. You were angry and so was he.
The tension was so thick. "No," he said. You swallowed hard. He stepped closer now, pressing up against you. "Can you feel how hard I am?" He was hard. "You are disgusting," you told him. "Last night, you left me so fucking hard, I jerked off thinking about you," he traced his fingers on your body. "Thinking about your cunt around my cock, and when I saw you in this dress, your ass looking so good, I immediately got hard," you breath hitched. "You can't say shit like that, Art," you said. "What, baby? I'm being honest," he said.
"You don't like it when I'm honest?" He asked. "I know you're wet, baby," your thighs clenched together. "I need you, please let me have you," he kissed your neck. You gasped. "Let me fuck you, make you feel good, baby, I know you want it, please," he begged. "Please, baby," Fuck it, you thought. You grabbed his collar and kissed him. He moaned into the kiss. You pulled him closer by his belt. "I missed you baby," he said. He pulled back, lifted you against the wall and wrapped your legs around his waist. You moaned as you felt him grinding against your clothed pussy. He sucked on your neck, he felt him throb as you moaned.
He put your panties to the side, you gasped. "So fucking wet," he said as he slipped a finger. You squealed as you clenched around his fingers. He pulled his fingers out and sucked them. "You taste so good, baby," he rubbed your clit. He slipped in two fingers in, you gasped as he got on his knees and started sucking your clit. "Feels so good," you said gripping his hair. You found yourself shamelessly moaning. "Good, baby, make a mess on my face," he praised. "Make a mess, let everyone hear," you froze. You forgot that this was party, music was booming. "Art, fuck," you felt him curl his fingers touching your g-spot. You were going to cum, he didn't stop. Your voice sounded squeaky and desperate. "I know that sound, baby, come on my face," You tensed up, tugging at his hair earning a groan from him.
He lapped on your clit as you came, releasing a lewd moan. He got up and kissed you as he pulled your panties down. You looked down at his bulge and swallowed hard. You watched him unbuckle his belt, and pulled his pants down. His cock was angry, raging with veins leaking precum. "Turn around," he instructed. You did so. He pulled your dress over your hips. He trailed kisses down your neck. You wondered why was he being so loving. He lined himself against your dripping hole, and slid in. You clenched around his hard cock, it had been awhile since you've felt so full.
He let out a moan as he started thrusting slowly. He was fucking you from behind, standing. "Such a tight pussy, baby," he gripped your hips as he began rutting into you. You moaned loudly as your knees lightly buckled. He held you in place kneading your tits as he picked up the pace. "Feels so good, " You mewed. He bit your neck causing you to hiss. His dick was abusing your g-spot, overstimulating you. He held you by the neck, you pushed back into him, earning a grunt. You felt nostalgia, you felt primal. Fucking like absolute rabbits. He throbbed inside of you as you whimpered sweetly. Your legs started trembling, "You gonna cum again, baby?" He grunted. "Y-ye-es, d-don't stop," you nodded. "Cum then, cum for me, only me," he said. You exploded on his cock as you came. Soon, he filled you with his sticky hot load.
You two hissed as he pulled out. He tried kissing you, you stepped back quickly putting your panties on. He looked as if you just stabbed him. You pulled your dress down. "Art, please put your pants on," you told as you fixed your hair. He put them on. "So you just gonna act like we didn't just fuck," he said, you looked at him. "Yes? What do want me to say? Oh, Art you are the best, thank you for lending me your dick." His jaw clenched. "Newsflash, this was a mistake," you told him. "No, it was not, you know that," he shot back. "Then what was it?" You asked. "I miss you, Kai," you shook your head. "Art, this happened because I'm a rebound and I needed someone to fuck at this boring party," he couldn't believe you. "You are not a rebound," he said. "Art, leave this closet before someone finds us," you looked at him. It pained you to see him hurt but this was for your own good. "Kai i-"
"Leave." You stopped him. Art stood there in silence. You sighed. He turned and left. You gripped a shelf to balance your trembling legs. A tear rolled down your cheek. What did I do, you asked yourself. You wiped before you opened the door and left the closet. You immediately lock eyes with Tashi. And CRASH! The glass in her hand fell and shattered. The partygoers gasped.
A/N: If you read to the very end, you are a real one. Thanks for reading. Like and comment! Part 3 suggestions are welcome. English is my third language so remember to bare with me. If you have a face claim for Kai, please share! 💋💌
Mentions: @tqd4455 @igotmajordaddyissues
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ell-vellan · 7 months
You know what I miss?
(I'm gonna show my age here with this very specific and niche memory but bear with me. Or don't, whatever!)
Back when I was a kid, middle/high school ish, I frequented Gaia Online. I'm not even sure how to really describe that site (if you remember it, help me out here) but it was mainly an anime-esque forums where people could make different communities about a million different things, but it wasn't just forums. You had an anime avatar that followed you around the site, a currency you used to buy dress up items for your avatar, mini games and a a marketplace. Pretty sure there was some kind of stock market.
This was my online home for years.
I landed, somehow, on the Adoptables forums. Shops, technically, for people to "adopt" pets and then roleplay with them together. Some were original make believe worlds - one of the more popular I can remember was a world of wolf packs with their own lore and setting.
Specifically I remember being active on the Lion King RP forums called I think Shadows of Africa? The artists who ran them would sell colored lineart of lions in the style of the movie, with a little info card that displayed their name and the owner (you).
You couldn't roleplay with other people until you officially had a character through purchase, gift, or contest prize.
Each lion was unique and people gave them names from African languages (that was a rule). People formed entire prides and had special forums just for them, with rosters of who had what character, where you could "hang out" with others in your pride. Your lion would be able to age from cub to teen to adult after you had roleplayed a certain amount of time and applied for it with the artists. Your characters could find mates and breed and the artists would (for Gaia currency) remix the "DNA" of your two characters and you'd get a random number of cubs you could "give away" to friends or even hold contests for others who wanted to play.
I was just thinking about these communities and how much I loved everyone there. How much work these artists put into these communities, often without any real compensation except for pretend money. How elaborate they were. Giant games of pretend with strangers online. I did SO much writing on those RP forums, I actually feel in retrospect like it was a safe place to cut my teeth on writing and it was literally from the point of view from an OC Lion King character.
And there were so many shops like this.
I'm sure there was toxicity in some aspects of these communities, but I don't remember it, at least not to the level of toxicity the Internet gets to now. Maybe it's my rose colored glasses.
But every Christmas, these Adoptables shops would open up for people to Secret Santa gifts to your friends: a randomly colored gift, the .jpg or whatever sent to your inbox, that you could post in your profile or your journal. And on Christmas day, the artists would update all those images, and the wrapped gift would be replaced by a unique pet, randomly created for you by whatever colorists were working for the shop.
Like YES okay I understand how very childish it sounds now. Maybe even cringe.
But I've never found another sort of community like it. (Maybe discord, idk, I was too old and busy to get into discord when it came out.) So many artists doing so much work, just for others to play with pretend pets with their online friends and write silly stories about them together. These were people making dozens, hundreds of unique designs by hand, as far as I'm aware. Their workload had to be stressful. They were probably doing this in between studying or working real jobs.
But to this day, every Christmas, I think about those Secret Santa gifts. And every year I miss that excitement of logging in first thing to see all your gifts 'magically' hatch into adorable little creatures that were unique and yours.
This post doesn't have a point except I'm in my mid-30s and I still miss my online friends that I used to play pretend lions with in middle school. And nothing else has quite matched the very specific excitement of those secret Santa gifts becoming 'real' on Christmas.
And I'm so, so thankful to all the people - likely college students and adults - who did all this work just for fun. And I wanted to share this memory of some old communities that I still think back on fondly. I hope they're doing well in life, wherever they are.
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ladyinwriting18 · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @thegreatwicked !
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Currently 32! There will be more! Also some of the fics I've written are old. I'm talking 2013 old lol
2. What's your total A03 word count? .........237,027 Fuck that's a lot of words LOL
3. What fandoms do you write for? A LOT LOL Mainly Star Wars and other characters played by Adam Driver. But I've also written for Marvel, House of The Dragon, Game of Thrones and Once Upon A Time.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Place To Escape (NSFW Multi-Chapter Kylo x OC/Completed)
I Want Another (NSFW One Shot/ Aemond "One-Eye" TargaryenxYou
Missing The Taste Of You (NSFW One Shot/ Kylo x Reader)
The Gift (NSFW One Shot/ Sandor Clegane x Reader)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love talking to my readers and honestly every comment that gets left on one of my stories touches my heart!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uh.....I don't think I have any. Most of my fics are smutty one shots that end happy ;) lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I would say A Place To Escape because I worked the hardest writing that fic and Kylo and Evangeline go through A LOT before their happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really. I once had someone comment that I must be jealous of Rey cause I write KyloxReader fics but I'm also a Reylo sooooo. But I'm sure there are people out there that talk shit about me and my writing lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? YES. All of the smut all of the time.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Nope. Well.....once I wrote that Heath Ledger's Joker falls through a wormhole into the real world of NYC were me and my two best friends find him and taken him home......Don't ask....and no you can't find that fic anywhere LOL
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! Not for awhile now but they're deff fun to do!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Jesus idk...there's so many.... Prob Sandor x Sansa cause I've loved them the longest.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Most likely Darkness Into Light. It's never been released but it's a multi-chapter Kylo x reader fic where reader is also an apprentice of Snoke's and Rey tempting Kylo back to the light causes all these problems. I've had the story planned out and semi-written for years now. I love my ideas for it but I don't think I'll ever have the time or energy to finish it/put it out there to the world.
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like I'm mostly known for my smut writing abilities because I not only write smutty fics but also write smutty audios. Most of my followers call me "smut goblin" lol But I have been told that I'm good at writing about powerful emotions connected with SA. And that I'm good at the characterization of various characters.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm too hard on myself and I think I suck. I also think I'm awful at writing descriptors. Like describing what clothing looks like or a place or things like that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've done it a little bit in A Place To Escape. I wanted Evangeline to have a native language that she used once or twice that Kylo wouldn't understand. But I ended up just using Italian words because.....reasons lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? Oh god....I'm not even sure now because I've been writing for so long. But when it comes to my Ao3 it would be Once Upon A Time (Rumbelle for life!)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Gonna have to say A Place To Escape because I put my heart and soul into that fic. And it's also the first ever multi-chapter thing I EVER finished.
No pressure tags! @simpremerat @weareallstoriesintheend @just-some-random-blogger @late-to-the-party-81 I feel like I'm forgetting people.....I'm so sorry my brain is legit trash at remembering people's usernames!
But if I tagged you, then I've read your stuff and I adore it! -Lady In Writing
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p-artsypants · 6 months
Paint it Black (8) Finding
Robin disappeared three months ago. Now, Jump City's crime rate is mysteriously being taken care of by a normal, albeit strange, teenage boy who goes by the name Black. As the Titans befriend this lunatic, they begin to see a correlation between him and their missing leader. Will they be able to find Robin, or will Black turn them all insane as himself? [Actually, does not contain an OC]
Ao3 | FF.net
Starfire and Black diligently worked in his room. Starfire set up a card table and some chairs. She spread her supplies out and allowed him to use what he wanted. 
Black sang a sad and eerie song, as if it was a jaunty tune, complete with a small smile and little head bobs. “That there, that's not me. I go where I please. I walk through walls, I float down the Liffey. I'm not here.”
Starfire glanced at him, goosebumps prickling up on her skin.
“This isn't happening. I'm not here. I'm not here.”
“Your voice is most soothing. Do you enjoy singing?” 
He looked at her confused. “Singing? Nah, I don’t sing.” 
“But you were just––” 
“Hey, look what I made!” He grinned, and held his project up to his face. It was a mask reminiscent of Robin’s, but instead of plain black, it was colored with crayons and had glitter on it. “Guess who I am? Wah wah wah Justice!” 
The mask went up in embers as Starfire incinerated it with the eye beams. “That was neither flattering, nor amusing.”
“Hey!” He protested, gathering the little pieces left. “I worked hard on that!” 
“Perhaps you should learn the art of, how Jinx would say, ‘reading the room’.” 
Black looked around. “There’s no words in here, though.” 
“I do not like mockery of my friends, especially my Robin.” 
He tilted his head. “Your Robin? Oh! Were you guys a ‘thing’? What are they called, courting buddies?” 
She looked downcast. “No, we were not. We were only good friends.” 
“Then…he’s not really yours then, is he?” 
She scowled at Black. “He had my heart, and still possesses it, wherever he is. Your flagrant disregard of this fact is cruel.” 
He pooched his lips. “Golly Gee, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I was only trying to understand.” 
“To put it in a way, he was my most trusted friend and advisor. He explained many things to me when I did not understand.”  
“Like you’re doing for me?”
“I suppose you are correct. Your amnesia has put me in a place I was dependent on before.” She huffed, still upset. “I would prefer if we did not speak of Robin. It hurts my heart.” 
“Okay okay,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Star,” Cyborg called from the communicator. “Gizmo just arrived with the last video. Wanna see?” 
“I do not know if I want to see it, but I need to. I shall be there momentarily.” 
Black watched as she rose from the table. “Where ya going?”
“There has been…a break in the case with Robin. I am going to the ops room. Would you like to come?”
“Nah. I’m gonna keep working.” 
All the better, Starfire thought bitterly. She was trying to be forgiving and friendly with Black, but knowledge of his deeds and seeing his actions in person made it hard. 
Yes, he needed help, but perhaps the Titans were not the ones that should give it to him. 
Starfire entered the ops room, spying Gizmo sitting on the couch with a soda. A Dr. Pepper. Those were Robin’s.
But she just silently took her place. 
“Okay,” Raven acknowledged. “Where’s Black?”
“In his room,” Starfire said shortly. “He has hurt my feelings, and so I will leave him to his business.” 
“Black? You mean the weird goth wannabe superhero we talked about last time? He lives here now?! Of course, what am I saying! You fart knockers take in whatever stray ‘hero’ you can find.” 
“Is that not what the Hive does with villains?” Raven quirked a brow.
“UH. The HIVE is a school for supervillains. Totally different thing!” 
“Sure, Gizmo.” 
Beast Boy shifted into a cat once more and sat beside Star, knowing she appreciated the comfort he gave. 
“Y’all ready?” 
“The first two seconds got trimmed,” Gizmo explained. “That’s where the corruption was. The rest looked like it worked fine, but I only scrubbed it.” 
“Thank you Gizmo,” Starfire said softly.
“Oh…yeah. Don’t mention it.” 
When the video started, the camera was at an odd angle, mostly aimed at the ceiling, but they could see the top of the wall, and the underside of a face. The left side. Black hair, still the same gaunt cheeks and dark veins that stood out on his skin. 
“Shall we start?...Just like we practiced…what did we practice for?...Because we’re sending it to our friends, stupid!” 
“He’s…talking to himself,” Raven grimaced. 
“I do not understand,” Starfire breathed. “That is Robin’s voice, and that is his face…but it is not.” 
“So is it Robin or not?” Gizmo asked. “It’s one or the other!” 
“I won't run away no more, I promise,” Robin’s chilling voice sang.
“There is something very wrong with him,” Starfire explained. “Some of the words he speaks, it is like a different person.” 
“Like a person talking with a puppet,” Raven agreed.  
“Even when I get bored, I promise. Even when you lock me out, I promise. I say my prayers every night, I promise.” There was heavy sorrow lacing his words, but he giggled at the end. “Yes, yes, that was good. They’ll like that!...You remember the next one?...Of course!” He tottled away from the camera, the top of his head coming into view every few frames or so. He was dancing. “I resent you calling. I resent your voice. I resent that I don't have a choice.” He was really getting into the song, and singing loudly and proudly. Not all the notes were right, but he had joy in his voice. “And yes I am! Yes I am!” He backed up, the back of his head and shoulders in view. He was wearing a hospital gown, so the skin of his back was exposed, and covered in marks.
Beast Boy shifted back into a boy, and stared at the video. He already had the first part of the message figured out. 
“I think I've told you once, I think I needed advice. You were such a help, that's very nice. I think I've been here before…Yes I've been here before. But this time I kick down your door!” That last note was outrageously sour as he dissolved into playing the air guitar, complete with singing the notes he was pretending to play, “WWEEEE WWAANN WWAAAAHHH!” Then he started laughing as he dropped his arms. The laughter faded until he was just standing there. 
“That was excessive…oh lighten up, would you? We sang it! We rocked it!...it doesn’t have to be a good performance…Why are you like this?...because you’re a massive doo-doo head and no one likes you!” He chuckled, before his shoulders dropped. “Okay,” he turned partially toward the camera. “Last one. Make it count.”
He started bobbing his head as he closed his eyes. His voice was soft, slightly seductive. “Troubled words of a troubled mind, I try to understand what is eating you. I try to stay awake, but it's 58 hours since that I last slept with you.” He started bouncing on his feet. “What are we coming to? I just don't know anymore. Blame it on the black star! Blame it on the falling sky! Blame it on the satellite that beams me home…” 
Beast Boy let out a gasp of horror, “dude…” 
He didn’t answer, just continued to watch it all unfold. 
Robin was moving in a slow sway, his arms up. “I get on the train and I just stand about, now that I don't think of you. I keep falling over, I keep passing out when I see a face like you. What am I coming to? I'm gonna melt down…” 
He started air guitaring again, putting his whole body into the song. “Blame it on the black star! Blame it on the falling sky! Blame it on the satellite that beams me home!” He threw his arms out to the side and screamed the last two lines. “This is killing me! This is killing me!” 
The door on the other end of the room opened, but the group could only hear it. 
“Having fun?” Said a new voice. 
“Oh a lot! So so much!” 
“I think you’re ready to graduate, Patient 8.” 
“Yes! I knew it!” He whipped around towards the camera, fiddling with it to turn it off, but before the video ended, they all got a perfect shot of his face. Wild eyes, a meaty smile, and a horrible, bloody wound that tore through his right cheek, shoddily stitched and weeping. 
When the footage went black, no one could move. No one breathed. 
“BB…?” Cyborg asked in a tiny voice. “Did you get…?” 
“Yeah,” Beast Boy breathed. “I Promise…Yes I am…Black Star.” 
The door to the ops room swooshed open, and they all turned to look.
Black stood in the doorway, wearing another crudely made mask. “Hey guys, guess who I am?!”
A playlist of all the songs sung in this fic is available here. *Mickey Mouse Voice* It's a secret clue that will help us later!
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mama-qwerty · 1 year
Hello! Here are some questions I'm asking fanfic writers for fun and for you to answer if you feel like it!!! :DD:
1. What is your favourite fic you have written and why? (This can be something you haven't published yet or a general story idea)
2. How long have you been writing fics for? (In general regardless of fandoms)
3. Best friend you have met through the Sonic fandom?
4. Another writer in the fandom who's work you admire?
5. Favourite Sonic oc you have made and why? (If you haven't made any then skip this one)
6. Your favourite (or favourites if it's hard to pick) fanfiction you've read?
7. Which fic have you written which has the most sentimental value or story behind it?
8. Favourite Sonic character?
If I have sent you this, love your work!!! Hope you have a good day and thank u for your contribution to the fandom!!!
So sorry it's taken me this long to respond! I read it on my phone, which removed the notification, and promptly forgot about it. Outta sight, outta mind.
Favorite fic I've written
This is a really hard one, because I like different ones for different reasons. Sheriff Prower was probably the one I had the most fun writing, although Forced Perspective was interesting because the writing style was so different. I'm enjoying my Knuckles au Lost and Found, mostly because I love Knux and putting him with Callie is a lot of fun.
It's hard to choose just one!
2. How long have I been writing fanfics
This is really gonna date me. I started writing fanfiction waaaaay back in the late 90s, I'm thinking about '97 or '98 or so, for Hey, Arnold! Back then there was a site specifically for HA! fanfics, although I forget the name of it. It's been a looooong time.
I reposted those fics on my FFnet account in Jan of 2006. So . . . I technically started writing fanfics about 25-ish years ago. (Although there were periods I fell out of fandoms and went through some deep, deep depressive states and didn't write at all.) But I wrote some for Hey, Arnold!, Fairly OddParents, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, before Sonic.
3. Best friend in the Sonic fandom
I have a super hard time making friends, I'm so socially awkward it's really hard for me. But the two who've been right there for me are @stillafanofsonic and @doomfox. Love you both! ~kisses~
(I'm also of the "I don't want to bother anyone" mindset so I rarely initiate first contact, but if anyone out there wants to chat, hit me up!)
4. Other writers I admire
Gah, there are so many. @stillafanofsonic, @doomfox, @skimmingthesurfaces, @chaoxfix, @appendingfic, @mcfanely, and a bunch others I can't think of right now because my brain's fizzling out. So many talented writers in this fandom.
5. Fave Sonic OC of mine
This one's a no-brainer. My only oc, Callie MacPherson. Yes, she's a bit of a self-insert, but honestly, I created her to be a contrast to the "perfect mother" the fandom has turned Maddie into. (And I admit, I'm just as guilty of that.)
Cal is flawed--she's sarcastic as hell, impatient, gets frustrated, has a bit of a temper, doesn't like to talk about her feelings, stubborn as a mule, and can sometimes act before really thinking things through. She helps others with their problems so she doesn't have to think about her own.
6. Fave fanfiction I've read
It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for me to pick just one. There are so, so many. Any by the writers I named above are great stories.
7. Most sentimental fic I've written
That would definitely have to be An End and a Beginning, dealing with pet death. Over the last few years we'd lost a number of cats, all of which we'd had since they were babies. I was missing them like crazy and decided to put that into a story. Writing is cheaper than therapy.
8. Fave Sonic character
Knuckles. Followed by Eclipse, Silver, and Shadow.
Thanks for the ask, Anon! I'm glad you like my stuff and hope you enjoy your day!
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fun-mad-ochouse · 8 months
Hi lol
You may know me from my main blog! If not, that's okay. I have been a creator (writer and artist) and OC enthusiast for roughly 8 years. I have a 'meet the artist' thing, but technically it's outdated (I am older now, the art is older and I look slightly different) so you can have my sona instead!
Its a puppet named Morgan. (It/it's and it/he pronouns!)
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((Link to the picrew:
Morgan speaks through that parrot, named Bestie, and bc I have multiple other sonas, Morgan is kinda like the main one, has all the others inside of itself! He's got lore of his own, so he technically can and probably will be included in OC stuff here.
Speaking of OC stuff,
I have a kind of ludicrous number of OCs, who rotate and take turns consuming my attention. You can ask about ANY OC at ANY time, but I do have a few favorite favorites who I will list below, and the blog description will be updated to include whoever is on my mind at the current present!
Consistent Favorite Faves:
Anything involving these guys will all have the tag '#top 6'. If the list ever changes, it'll stay consistent! As for other tags:
'#whump' this will be anything dark or torturous, often involving physical or psychological abuse. If this isn't something you want to see as a whole, block that tag, but I'll put content warnings on specific subjects as well. Always feel free to ask me to tag something if you feel like I missed it! (Keep in mind that I don't have to say yes. I probably will, but I don't HAVE to.)
'#adventure' this covers journeys mostly. Characters going from one place to another to accomplish something and probably learning a thing or two along the way.
'#fluff' cotton candy shit. Gonna be honest you'll probably never see this from me (/hj), I'm not very good at being NICE to my characters. Encouragement is welcome. 💀
'#scifi' easy enough, anything involving futuristic tech, dystopian themes, etc...pretty self explanatory tbh. (Jesse is going to hog this tag /silly)
'#fantasy' also p easy. Backwards instead of forwards in time. Mythical creatures and magic being more prevalent than technology. I surprisingly don't use this a lot.
'#modern magic' I don't think I have a single world without magic, this is gonna be anything set in a modern era with whatever fantasy twist I've applied.
'#multiverse' this covers a LOT of my stories, I work with and within the multiverse a LOT and the lore behind it all is as much my pride and joy as any OC. I will scream for hours about it, please feel free to be curious! It'll come up a lot. ;D
'#nsft' OC stuff that's uhhh 18+. Lol.
'#oc lore' information that is specific to characters and how they respond to their environment!
'#worldbuilding' information that is specific to location (universe, country, city, street, house, etc) and the environment the characters are responding to!
'#story lore' information that is specific to character journeys and, y'know, stories.
'#magic lore' technically this could go under worldbuilding, but a lot of my worlds borrow ideas from each other, and I can talk about magic so much alone that it deserves its own tag!
Post Content:
'#oc game' I'll put this tag on any post I reblog with the intention of talking about OCs. Ask games for others to interact with, but also those "reblog with the OC that...." type things!
'#answered' asks I answer about my characters! Asks about my personal life outside of OCs should be directed to my main, by the by, please and thanks. Asks answered here are going to be solely about characters :]
'#ic' in character responses to asks or posts! These are going to be as frequent as I can manage /lh
'#ooc' out of character responses to asks or posts, or just rambling about OCs.... will probably end up being the majority of my content lol
'#sona stuff' the inclusion of OCs that are also me, lol
'#not mine' the inclusion of other people's OCs-!
'#art' I draw sometimes!! Really hoping to start posting art here, haven't done that on Tumblr in a good several years.
'#writing' same deal as with art, self explanatory really-
'#memes' this will include incorrect quotes, filled out meme templates, some shitpost art, all the sillies!
'#tag updates' for when I add any tags to this post! Mostly for the purpose of keeping track of that.
'#other' general tag for "no existing tag really fits rn so have this". Hopefully this will be sparsely used.
Ho boy, this is getting long.
Last little things you should know about me, boundaries and a DNI.
- I'm an adult
- I love to rp
- I'm in many fandoms, mostly BATIM (for years and years and years now)
- my favorite number is 6
- Boundaries are really no discourse and be respectful lol
- dni is just pro contact paraphiles, radqueer and transid, and other general creeps. I don't give a fuck what you do in your personal life, I don't condone anything that harms other people though! This is a fun space, keep it fun.
That all said:
Enjoy your stay!! Feel free to interact, I don't bite :D
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
Dark Angel Reaction: Prodigy
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
[I’m sorry, but immediate first thought… The mirror is so filthy sdfhkg]
“I can’t imagine a time where you could just walk into a store, shelves were full, and you could buy whatever you needed.”  Neither can I lady
[“Except it’s pronounced poly-mer-aze.”  NO IT’S NOT?!!??!  The “z as in ‘enzyme’” part is accurate, but it’s pronounced pah-lim-er-aze, what do you mean?!?!?!]
Mood, Kendra, soon as she went off, my brain shut down
Oh no, Not broccoli
Ma’am that’s not why you’re there ☠️☠️
How he’s sitting  [I'm sure she won't notice anything… poor buddy] 
["You have that “Logan, I need a favor” look on your face.” “Isn't that the only reason I come over?" This is accurate.  At least she knows she's rude]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
[Jesus, she’s so manipulative with this “he can help you walk again” idea.  She doesn’t give a shit about that, not really; she just wants a way into the conference.]
Oh.  Oh sass.  YASSSS LOGAN!
How long before he feels guilty tho *sigh* 😂
Spinning fetus
So like. What’s the purpose of manticore. I probably just over looked this but…. Why are they making them  [... ma’am.  You know what-  I’ll tell you later.  Problematic one.]
Not her lickity boo!
I love it.
[I love OC.  And Herbal.]
Ma’am ☠️☠️ [She's a dumbass.  Normal doesn't like her enough for her to get off work for a minor cough.  Meanwhile, Alec could probably get off because he was tired, and definitely if he has a headache.]  He could say he wasn’t working and Normal would be like yes my love…  [Fhdjskks accurate]
Logan being guilty, as predicted  [Alas]
Bitchhhhhh (re. Max)
[Max is so rude for interrupting their conversation, just saying.  Also, I'm sure this isn't suspicious to Kendra at all]
Bebeeee  [Baby!]
[Poor baby]  🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺  This is so common around here. My sisters a nurse. It’s so sad
[Genetically-engineered boy playing piano is giving other genetically-engineered boy playing piano]
Ahhhhhhh that’s borderline triggering ☠️😂😂  [Now you know why she can hold her breath so long]  I’m terrified of drowning
W…LINTLICKERRRRR  ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  Ruuuun bitch  [Fjdhjs ikr.  She's so not subtle though]
Donald Lintlicker, what a name  [If you said it right, it might be better]
Bitch jump out a window like you always do
Max.  Just.  Tell.  Kendra.  [She doesn’t.]  BRUHHHHH
Sir, you created them 
Ma’am  [She's so not subtle.  See?!?!?]
I want to shake them both  [Exactly.]  He’s just a straight bag of bullshit. And she’s an idiot.
[Also, it does bear mentioning.  I'm not trying to downplay the stuff that happened as kids.  But she missed out on soooooo long.  She doesn't know how things go now.  So keep that in mind.]  Very true
That kid does not look happy 🥺
Needing glasses is called getting old
Oh no Kendra look away from Lintlicker.
He is over here swooning over this speaker dude
[Oop, a gun]  Some shit is happening.  And Lintlicker is here.  Yep.  Makes sense.
[All of these random coincidences though fhdjjsjsks.  Max just happens to sit by Lydecker.  Tanaka just happens to call on Lydecker.  Lydecker just happens to give Kendra his gun.  Etc.]  ☠️☠️☠️
[IS THAT THE FIRST "BIP-BIP-BIP" OF THE SERIES?!?!  NORMAL HAS STARTED HIS TRADEMARK]  😂😂  [Wait, nope, I just went and looked… he said it in the pilot episode.  *haunted voice*  It’s always been there.]
Le gasp, my woman
– – –
Midpoint Reaction: This one is definitely the most anxiety inducing.  Because like what are the chances she goes to this place and he is there. Then a 3rd party group comes in and now they are trapped there together.  Also sassy Logan is life. Put her in her place friend!
– – –
WELL SHIT.  holy shit that was violent af.  [So much for Kendra’s “they’re not gonna kill him, right?”]  Like *sigh*
[Herbal and OC are my beloveds]  😂😂😂  Agreed tho
I’m still shook.  They really threw his ass off the roof
“Overstand”  [Wot]  😂😂😂
[Logan being tetchy again.  He is so very not Tony, btw.  I can't even confuse them anymore.]  Gotta give it to Weatherl-  I was literally about to say that.  He’s reminding me of Ackles with having two characters be so vastly different  [Unfortunately, yeah.  From what I've heard, though, his personality is *badddddd* though --- standard disclaimer: idk if that's changed or what, but it's all I know about him --- so I kinda regret the comparison.  But, again, idk if he's gotten better or something.]  Yeah the actor himself is apparently kinda shitty. ☹️
Look at him working with the military
[Poor Kendra regretting her life choices]
Logan is basically saying: release the Max
“He’s a good little soldier”  Shut up Lintlicker
[hides from the fact that this is how I deal with shit: adversity = strengthening  This show is attacking me]  ☠️☠️
Ye, her childhood actually did protect her
Bruh.  This man. Is an ass.
[Max defeating the purpose of Logan's sacrifice right here.  Or trying to.]  Right!? But I mean tbf I wouldn’t want to leave the kid either  [Accurate]
[Max is such a bad actress btw]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [“Ooopssss, I twisted my ankle” with the tone of a whiny kid]
She not a lady because she a man!  [That poor dude was trying to be nice alksdjf]  
[If Max shows off at all, Lydecker's gonna figure it out.  Just btw.]  Ooooooooof, true
[Logan boutta die EXCEPT.]
And landed right in a bed  [This.  Scene.  This scene.  Is so.  alksdjflkadsjf.  Yeah.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [Okay, ngl, this is the one scene where I actually deeply like their dynamic]
She really just gonna leave him there  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
💔💔💔💔  Nooooo that’s so sad.  Does Lintlicker get the kid?  [idk for sure, but I don't think so… Yeah, Max just took him out the door.  Seems to suggest he doesn’t get taken by Manticore]
Well shit.  They’re kicking him.  That’s not how you do interrogations lol
[Kid be safe]  “MY BOY” ma’am  😂😂😂  [Just goes to show that Max does have a nurturing side; she just.  Never shows it.  And is bitchy instead.  It’s a personality downgrade.]  *sigh*  [This episode proves that she can be caring and a badass.  But, instead, she's just.  bitchy.  And rude.  (To Alec, and Joshua, and...)]
[WHY DIDN'T YOU LET HIM DIE, MY DEAR (NOT SO DEAR) WOMAN]  It’s your flaw: you’re dumb.  [WAIT.  WAITTTTTTT.  They're phrasing this as all moral and shit, but she legit prioritized herself over her siblings?!!?  "I couldn't let him die with [the] secret [of what's going on in my biology]"  SO YOU LET HIM LIVE TO HUNT DOWN BROTHER ZACK AND SISTER TINGA AND BROTHER BEN AND JONDY AND SO ON????  That’s.  Damn, I’m actually pissed rn.  I hadn’t processed that last time I watched.]  *sigh*  Well damn!
Max bitchy but 💕 damn.  [tbh, this shot is pretty in general.  I’m sticking a screenshot into the final draft of the post]
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It is done (said in Herbals accent cause *sigh* I love it)
– – –
Ok ending thoughts… This one was ridiculously tense.  Like. It was like too much! But in a good way.  Like the fact Lintlicker was there, and sat next to her, and then it was taken over.  Like… what are the odds?  The window scene was really soft looking at first but then end result was awesome… Until she just left him😂☠️
[btw, in answer to your question… Manticore is a branch of the military.  It's producing supersoldiers to run ultra-successful, top-secret missions.  So, for example, I'm pretty sure a transgenic later refers to "taking out Saddam".]  Oooooh  [Yeah, I just looked up the quote: "When we took out Saddam, we did fifty clicks across the desert in one day."  (That's Mole and I love him).  And they're also making soldiers that adapt to conditions.  So, Mole is a desert warrior, whereas that conversation is about him talking to an "Arctic Division" transgenic.  And then there are the subjects of the episode called "Gill Girl,” who, as you might guess from the title, are aquatic.  Essentially, mermaids.]  Oh, wow!  [Meanwhile, they also genetically engineered "PsyOps" people --- working in heuristics (predicting things based off probability), coercion, or memory alteration --- to keep Manticore running.  And the X5 series (e.g. Max, Alec, et al) were designed to fit in amongst normal humans without being noticed.  If I recall correctly, Alec is listed --- at least in the fandom wiki --- as an assassin/soldier manufactured to weaponize attraction/flirting.]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️  IT WORKS  [I mean, you’re not wrong — *cough cough* Normal *cough cough* — but also HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVEN’T SEEN IT YET]  It’s Ackles it works by default.  [True.  Max doesn't, iirc, have a "special skill"  She has... something else, for one thing.  But she doesn't have anything particular that I've seen to parallel Alec's thing.] Ahh!
So we’re on seven next right? [Yup] And when does Ben come on [17] So I got 10 eps to prepare [Yup!]
*Thus ends the reaction*
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love-islike-abomb · 8 months
Renegade: part 10
Roman reigns x OC scarlet
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Gif credit: @romanreigns
Warnings: SMUT!! Errors I may have missed
Tag list: @angelreigns444 @acknowledge-reigns
I woke up the next afternoon in bed in a panic! I sat up and my head was pounding! Joe wasn't next to me either "Joe!" I called out. I heard loud footsteps running through the hallway "baby! you're awake!" He said grabbing me in a hug. "I was so worried!"
"What happened? The last thing I remember was being in that little valley and then I woke up here!" I said looking at him confused.
He sighed heavily "i know it took a lot for you to believe gargoyles were real but i need you to listen to me ok?"
"Ok?" I said still confused.
"We went to that valley yesterday to work on you using your magic and..." He paused, like there was something he didn't want me to know. "I asked you to pick the song that made your powers activate yesterday when your hands glowed with that green light. The green light was Loki and-" I cut him off
"Wait what? Loki? Gods? Everything I thought I ever knew is all a lie!! All these things exist!!" I said trying to process what he said.
"I want you to listen to me VERY carefully!" He said "DO NOT play that song unless I'm with you! I know you remember the name of the song!"
"I do!" I said
"Ok! I just want you to be safe! I love you Scarlet!" He said
"I love you to Joe!" I said leaning in to give him a kiss. I dont think even he expected for it to deepen but he put his hand on the side of my face, gently pulling me in closer. We made out like that for a few minutes and once we both needed air he pulled away for just a moment only to lean his forehead against mine "Scarlet You mean the world to me! I got so scared that I lost you!"
I leaned into him "Joe I'm not going anywhere!" I gently pushed him back and crawled over him, putting my legs on either side of his lap to straddle him. He reached underneath my T-shirt and liked it over my head leaving me in only my panties. "You're so fucking beautiful!!" He ran his hands up my stomach to my breasts, sitting up to take each nipple in his mouth before moving back up to my lips. "I want you" I whispered. "You got me babygirl! Always!"
He only had sweatpants on and sliding them off was easy. Grabbing my panties he tore them off me with ease "I can feel how wet that pussy is already!!" He growled.
I slowly lowered myself down on him making both of us let out groans of pleasure "fuck that pussy is hot baby!'
His hands ran up my stomach and stopped just below my breasts. As I began to bounce he guided me down his length with his hands. "Oh fuck baby girl! I'm gonna fuck the shit outta you! I'm gonna make you scream!!"
He lifted me off him and got off the bed "face down ass up baby! I wanna watch that ass bounce!" Doing as he asked I back up to him as he slid back in with ease. "Gimmie them hands baby!" I reached one arm behind me and them the other as he lifted me up slightly "fuck! Right there!" I screamed. "Fuck yes!!" I felt my stomach begin to tighten.
A small chuckle escaped him "what's my name baby?"
"Daddy!" I managed to moan out. His thrusts became even harder then They already were as the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room. "That's pussy is getting tight baby! You gonna give Daddy what he wants? You gonna cum all over my cock!?"
He leaned down towards my ear "milk my cock like I know you want to!" He growled. The dam finally burst and my orgasm rocked me.
"Fuck yes baby! Oh yeah give it to me!" He groaned chasing his own orgasm as his groans soon became deep growls. "Oh fuck I'm about to fill that pussy!" A primal growl escaped his lips as ropes of hot cum coated my walls. I felt him finally still inside me, slowly releasing m arms. "Fuck baby that was amazing" he panted.
"I meant what I said before" he said collapsing on the bed "you mean the world to me!"
"You mean the world to me" I smiled.
"Come ere baby girl! I want my snuggles"
I snuggled up into him as he wrapped his arm around me.
Suddenly he sat up "Joe what is it?"
He turned his head towards the window "Jonathon"
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mandalhoerian · 10 months
Hey, I don't know if anyone's mentioned this to you before, but I just wanted to say making Vera's color scheme pink (with black) totally makes her super recognizable and iconic, you know? It's a genius character design choice to me because in all of Resident Evil, there's no other character that's "pink," so she really stands out in a fresh way. It's like you filled a gap we didn't even realize was there. Plus, she's got that whole tech vibe going on, which is so cool because she stands out from all the scientists and badass fighters dealing with bioterrorism. I just think she's awesome and the thought put into her design is top-notch! I miss her sm I hope you update soon <3
You didn't ask for this at all but I'm going to ramble ANYWAY. SO
I was extremely particular about making her "recognizable" as you say, like memorable. Because good god RE has so many good female characters who are so unique, and color-coded somehow, honest to god I was like "WHAT IS LEFT IN THIS UNIVERSE I DONT KNOW HOW TO MAKE A DISTINCTIVE OC WHAT AM I GONNA DO"
----- like, I had a friend who knows extremely early drafts of her, and embarrassingly she was a corrupt, snobby, scope-hungry journalist redhead who wore red and dressed like veronica lodge from riverdale 🙃🤐
and then she was korean for a while (this fell after i discovered ashiemochi's so-ah). and then turkish. and then the turkish journalist thing fell AS WELL because i discovered other journalist ocs on tumblr paired with leon and a turkish journalist on wattpad and i was like "oh my god fuck i am scrapping everything" (this idea later got recycled in moth to a flame)
first drafts are absolute hell, as you can see.
i actually dont remember how i got the pink idea. im also like. obsessed with color? i guess. i like to categorize so it's always fascinating when a character/thing is associated with a color/symbol/animal/ and owns it -- like, the girlies in RE -- they made Ashley orange-yellow, sheva purple (kinda? its not as prominent as the others), rebecca pistachio green, alex wesker white, ada cherry red, claire apple red and it just HITS, it could just be a me-thing though. It falls apart at one pointt I know, because how many characters can you color code hahahah (and they didnt even try with the men. they're shades of blue, all of them. or black. bo-ring. they went with the hair and body type for them while the girls got the colors kinda DDJSKDS) -- so take it with a grain of salt, it's just that I love color as a starting and developing point and I cant overgrow it 😭
but like. interestingly there was no pink pink character like you said — apart from moira burton that is who has it in like the hood of her jacket and bracelet and nowhere else, though she is a minor character? i guess in a zombie game franchise marketed to boys majorly in earlier years, they wouldn't really prefer pink LMAO so it was easier to bubblegum chainsaw an OC in since that was a deliberately left alone concept. I was like "mine now" and put a spin to it!!!!! I love that she's just black-pink. It's her whole thing. Such a satisfying thing to me to work with
I'm glad you think highly of this, the opportunity was ripe for the taking and I just went for it! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me!1!!!💕💕💕
EDIT: I FORGOT THE TECH THING YOU SAID IM SORRY. Yeah that was on purpose to further establish her to be her own thing as well. Too much "she's not like the other girls" vibes here AND ITS WORRYING but no she is just like the other girls and is proud of it. I just wanted to explore other occupations DJSDHSJSJKD Legit it started out as wanting to branch out and experimenting how I could incorporate it to RE's story!!!
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
98% of the POC interacting with that ask answer are seeing the point and now stating they want to be more involved, want to write and want to draw themselves to be that representation but to the 2%, I love you and I see you but I'm not publicly responding to everything you said because I believe you are unintentionally missing the entire point.
No where in that post did I say not to hold white people accountable for white coding anything. I said we can't expect them to write or draw a POC as their self insert or the person they want to be who they imagine the character as (it's not always themselves. I mention pairing myself with Eddie but it's always a fictionalized version of who I wish I was, and she doesn't look like me because I feel the need to cast everything, we can argue it's an OC─still applies). It's just not their default, no matter how much we wish it was (because I do, I swear I do, it would make our lives a lot easier).
Request it, point it out to them, but it's just not their default thought! It's not my opinion, it's a fact. Are some becoming more aware of this? Yes! And we should continue to point it out (you know damn well I'm gonna) if they aren't and hold them responsible depending on how they react (because we see quite a few go up in arms). We can stand around wishing, but it's not gonna do a whole lot. I wish it would, but it's not. Conversations are great, but action is needed. Wanna know how I know? Cause I've been on tumblr since 2010. Didn't start writing until last year, so that means I spent what? Almost 13 years wishing for stuff to happen.
Then I started posting what I wanted to happen. Everything changed for me, other people got to see themselves in my work because I can be accurate and authentic of my portrayal for people who look like me and I'm mad as fuck that I didn't just do this back then, or at least earlier. But it was so goddamn easy for me to say everyone should be including me and they should, but I should be putting myself in that space, too. Pull up a chair. It's not always fun, I know not everyone wants me here because I talk about things like race which a lot of white people are uncomfortable with, but I don't care. I'm gonna force myself in this space, they can talk about me all they want in their group chats but I'm gonna sit here and write for myself and people who like me (though I don't put a whole lot of emphasis on appearance─it is mentioned though─because again, I write a fictionalized version of me, probably an OC and you guys dont want OC stuff, you want x reader stuff so I edit it and while my reader is usually consumable for all races, she is black before anything). The entire point of that previous answer is that OTHER PEOPLE OF COLOR SHOULD TOO as well as having white people be inclusive and not focusing on depicting white people.
But again, we cannot police how they interpret themselves. Have you seen that movie Read it and Weep? Iz was a fictionalized version of the main character, looked somewhat similar (because the actresses were sisters) but were completely different as she was who the main character wanted to be. A lot of people do the same (Me), so even if it doesn't necessarily look like the artist, they're still drawing someone they see themselves in. We can request they be more open with diversity, but please keep this in mind. This is no way venomous or me trying to sound or be bitchy, or side with white people (gag) we just have to be open minded too. I know we don't want to because a few of them aren't being open minded with us, but it's how misunderstandings occur between ourselves, like what recently happened.
Send all the asks you want, but we do need to be openly and publicly apart of this space. Some POC have left, and that fucking sucks, but that means we need more. THAT is what I am saying. If you're speaking about anything else, then you're starting a new conversation. I'm open to it but once more, THAT was my point.
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laplacesdevil · 1 year
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@autismrobot5 yes. Yes tou can. I am SO sorry it took this long
We'll go over Miss B first because MMMMWAAAHHH!!!!! I LVOE HER!!!! YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH SHE IS JUST SO!! OOOOOOO!!!!! All of this will be under cut because it's gonna be Lengthy. Most information can be found on their toyhou.se profiles as well! (They're in the Main Projects folder!)
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Miss B is a reporter! Specifically, she broadcasts to an outer audience (technically, us), making most, if not, all drawings with her canon. She also hosts podcasts, but she prefers to be seen the most! She has fourth-wall breaking powers where she speaks to the audience! I'd like to keep her backstory a secret for now, as I'm working on it on-and-off, but I will say she's drastically different from who she was back then and WILL stuff down all negative feelings bc of it. They hate talking about their past. I. Still haven't figured out their reporter voice, but their normal speaking voice is bugs bunny. They are both bunny-adjacent.
Miss B has her own universe btw! It's a floating-in-the-void studio mixed with a penthouse. Multi-floors. Middle floor is her whole studio. There's a compartment in the studio where all folders of possible candidates to interview. Btw the folders kinda hold like an wikipedia-level amount of knowledge on those characters.
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Oh yeah forgot to mention, but Miss B also has a little sidekick of sorts! His name is Frankie :3 (he/ted/hun) n he's a friend's oc! At the moment, while said friend also doesn't know Miss B backstory, Frankie is Miss B's cameraman! Also he is 2. (He's actually like. 7-10 I'm gonna be honest I don't remember.) Miss B and teds parents are on pretty good terms with each other. Miss B also cares a lot for Frankie and always makes sure ted stays behind when it's on dangerous interviews + when hun is sick. Miss B doesn't actually need a cameraman, as it knows it's always (or usually) being watched, but it appreciates the company! Think of them having a slight Sonic-n-Tails friendship
I need you to know that she was originally my fem Springtrap human design before FNAF 3 came out OK? I'm putting her old pic here. Her name was Boldenzie, if u even care...... also her red suit is inspired by old Spamton. Sorry for the gunshot. As for Miss B herself, she came to be because i thought boldenzie was pretty. and i wanted her back. she was actually gonna be a feddyverse oc (Rivals with gracie) but it wasnt workin. also she was gonna be a bit like junko from . the. the. the. the rompers. i thought it would be fun for her to be multiverse, i think bc of santana
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now..... santi..... My dearly beloved.
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so. Fun fact. He's been meant for MANY projects before, but I couldn't make him stick, or I couldn't figure anything for the universe he was in. His "most recent" (abt a year ago, tbh) universe, he was named Marikit Guinto, nicknamed "Calamansi"/"Kalamansi". He had a partner named Rey Basa (they/it), nicknamed "Juniper"/"Juni". Tammi's siblings were in the universe too, but like I couldn't figure out what the universe could be like, so I trashed it. Tammi's siblings are ok btw. Would love to draw them digitally some time. Santana's original design + personality were based off of vry2k gordon because he's so fucking pretty
So, how did Santana FINALLY get to stick? So you see, I had a dream where it was like fnaf roblox building mode. And then there was a pretty cute health inspector because Of Course There Was. I don't remember much abt what happened, but when I woke up, I IMMEDIATELY went to drawing him. Thats when I noticed "Hey this looks like cala". Not sure how I got to him being multiverse, tbh, but then i incorporated his past selves
anyways. to ACTUAL santana stuff.
santana is an angel. He has a true form, but he never feels quite comfortable exposing it, unless in dire situations. He was aware of his past universes, and used to answer to a being called The Almighty One, who he sees as the one who created all the universes he's been in. His backstory goes into it a bit, but basically, after so many requests of a new universe, The Almighty One offers Santana a deal of providing him a universe: record all of the universes that had been created. Santana was desperate and accepted it, and The Almighty One sends him off.
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so like that was a lie btw. well. not PARTICULARLY a lie, but it's an imposible task. The Almighty One isn't even the one who creates the universes, and there's different ones created every second.
Anyways I think I've said this before, but part of Santana knows his task is impossible. But he doesn't want to admit it. He doesn't want to admit that all this work is for nothing. Because if it's for nothing, then what does he have left?
He tries to make himself believe it's for something. To keep going. That the promise will be kept
By the dubs. he was also lied to that he couldn't interact with others. He can! The last time he did, The Almighty One FUCKED with him. Look, I've drawn Santana a few times and he seems elegant and shit, right? I promise you he is NOT that man is emotionally constipated but he's forcing himself to stay stoic and unattached because if he lets one vulnerability he's scared he will not be able to handle it.
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So, unlike Miss B, he has to record everything himself in a journal he conjures up! btw i need you to know miss b sometimes has santana conjure up accessories for their outfits smtimes.
oh this is important. santana and miss b relationship. they certainly do got sm stuff btwn them. problem is that they both have partner problems (i.e., for santana "i watched my boyfriend fucking die in front of me"). Miss B acts real sweet on Santana (she calls him Santi!) and finds him really fun and interesting! Like, wow! Another multiverse traveler! A pretty and smart one too! So fashionable!!! And there's no info on him too? Wowza... Santana, on the other hand, does enjoy Miss B's company after going so long without interaction (will not admit it) and believes she (and Frankie) are the only ones he can interact with safely. But also he pushes the both of them away because he's kinda scared otherwise. He does care for them though.
Santana and Miss B want to get close to each other, but at the same time, the two of them keep their secrets guarded HARD. they complement each other really well.
anyways here's their playlists
miss b: youtube spotify
santana: youtube spotify (missing a song </3)
btw i should note this bc i havent gotten to drawing it yet, but santana sometimes gives himself tits because he likes havin em. he's got some kind of gender going on and i want it
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ruvviks · 2 years
🤔 🎢 🍪 💝 🍽️
For Cassidy and Vincent, if you'd like 🤗
thank you so much aaaa!!!!!!!
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🤔 - what’s something they’ll never understand?
cassidy is not very good at seeing the use of certain things. whenever he doesn't see it himself it's very hard to convince him that it IS in fact useful and he usually just ends up either ignoring it until he learns it the hard way or he just. has to take someone else's word for it without believing it himself. he can be a bit difficult to work with because of this at times but at this point he's very much aware of it and tries to do better but. it's very hard <3
🎢 - do they like amusement parks? what’s their favorite ride?
he isn't a big fan of them and especially high adrenaline rides can scare him off pretty easily so he would avoid those. if there's a ferris wheel then that would be his favorite :] he doesn't like heights but. the view it gives him is always so pretty and he wouldn't want to miss that
🍪 - how well can they bake?
BEST BAKER IN ALL OF NIGHT CITY basically if cassidy is your friend you'll never go hungry every again he is. so good at both cooking and baking oh my god. he loves to bake too he just doesn't do it all that often anymore. well. he didn't. he does again now. now that he is just a guy again and not an assassin running on autopilot. i can't explain this just trust me he's normal now
💝 - what gestures do they really appreciate? how do you get on their good side?
cassidy needs people to be patient with him, most of all. he takes a bit longer to understand mostly social things and situations and also needs time to warm up to people, so others giving him this time and space to do so is something he really appreciates :] comfort is most important for him and he likes to know if his efforts are appreciated by others, it motivates him to keep going without having to worry that he's not making himself useful enough
🍽️ - what’s their favorite food?
pancakes!! but he wouldn't be quick to admit that SHGFJDGHDJF he always says stir fry which IS a close second but. pancakes are at the top no doubt
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🤔 - what’s something they’ll never understand?
vincent doesn't understand how people are just. cruel. he Does understand people doing things because bad things happened but there's just some people out there in night city who do evil and bad things for the thrill of the kill and he can never really understand that kind of mindset
🎢 - do they like amusement parks? what’s their favorite ride?
YES vincent loves them so much, his favorite ride is easily a rollercoaster and the more loopings it has the better >:) he's dragging vitali with him everywhere he goes. i'm sorry vito. he's gonna throw up at some point but it's fine
🍪 - how well can they bake?
vincent is not that great in the kitchen in general and baking is Definitely not his expertise but he LOVES to do it anyway :] has to follow the recipe very strictly and the kitchen is always a mess when he's done but!! he's getting pretty good at it!!!
💝 - what gestures do they really appreciate? how do you get on their good side?
vincent likes to be included in things!! he really appreciates it when he like. doesn't have to insert himself into a situation but is invited into it because it tells him people think about him when he's not around and it makes him feel validated :]
🍽️ - what’s their favorite food?
vincent can be a pretty picky eater and i don't think i've ever established a Favorite Food for him BUT. one thing i Do know is that he just. puts hot sauce. on nearly Everything. very specific brand, probably tastes really facking bad and is unnecessarily spicy for all the wrong reasons but he loves it for some reason?? and he's putting it on everything. yeah
oc asks!
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