#yes it looks like he’s getting beat up by the meme guy but my boy is built like a brick shithouse it’s nothing to him
cowboykakashi · 2 years
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Found out ppl hate Binghe today taking it personally
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phas3d · 2 months
Slytherin boys as gamer bfs and what games they would play with their significant other?
Gamers >:) | Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: cock fighting, animal cruelty, gambling, threats (these are all for fucking tom bc ofc it is...) - suicide joke (mattheo)
contains :: draco, tom. mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
notes :: im ngl idk half of these games in depth - i just heard and seen the sterotypes of these games - fps = first person shooter, dbh = detroit become human, abg = asian baby girl, bow = breathe of the wild ||
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DRACO MALFOY sims 4 / roblox
This man sucks ass at gaming, he literally can't do it
His aim is shit, he screams when he's in a fight, and he rage quits the second he loses
So he has to stick to girly games
He has so many mods and cc for sims that it's insane
His pc runs like it's on life support because of this, pls save that poor computer
And he likes playing roblox too sometimes
But he doesn't even play the normal games
Bro plays Dress To Impress and Maple Hospital...
Like what the fuck are you doing there??? Go on BloxFruits or smth man
What's even worse is he eats EVERYONEEE up in Dress to Impress, he literally always top 3
And when he isn't top 3, he curses and swears but it doesn't go through cause tags
He literally cannot do obbys either oh my fucking god
You know that one meme of Sadness from Inside Out dropping her popcorn and someone quote-tweets it saying, "Damn she can't do anything"
That's exactly who Draco is when it comes to gaming
TOM RIDDLE dark web gambling / elden ring
Oh my fucking God this guy can't have a normal hobby ever
He doesn't game at all,,, literally just gambling bruh
He hosts illegal gambling rings online and even host some in the school basement
One time he even hosted an illegal cock ring fight...
Yes,,, he stole the chickens from Hagrid and made them fight....
He even used magic to give them powers like pokemon....
He made a fucking WATER chicken and FIRE chicken fight
Thank god he didn't actually let them kill each other, he just did it until one was near death
But back to gambling - he also manipulates people in so many ways
He casts a spell that silently chants "go all in, go all in" so it subconsciously makes people bet more
Bro even gets some students in DEBT!?!?! Like how tf did you do that and WHYYY would you do that
If someone doesn't come down to the basement in a while to gamble,,, then Tom will fix that
Besides illegal gamlbing...
He plays Elden Ring, which is pretty normal
Besides the fact that he BEAT THAT SHIT IN LIKE 2 DAYS?!!??!!?
Normally streamers, pro gamers, they all take weeks and sometimes even months just to make progress
But Tom is just,,, just better ig?
So yeah... He sticks to gambling cause every other game is just too easy for him
MATTHEO RIDDLE gta V / fortnite / rocket league / nba 2k24
God this guy is the worst sterotypical middle school boy ever
He even had the ugly ass big blue headset with the shit mic on it
Plays GTA V every now and then, only when he's angry
That's when he goes around town and just beats the shit out of everyone
Likes playing Fortnite for hours on end with his friends, mostly Theo and Lorenzo cause they can actually keep up with him (Draco is ass at FPS and
Plays rocket league and NBA 2k24 because of fucking course he does - look at him....
He's just a boy....
A really toxic one.....
Definitely screams "KILL YOURSELFFFFF!!!!!!" if he loses and honestly he's kinda real for that
THEODORE NOTT god of war / detroit become human
Loves games that have a long story
It's a good mix of story and fighting, he can't really get into pure FPS games
Have done most routes in DBH and even found easter eggs and hacks
Tries to get you into the lore as well but sometimes it goes so deep you get confused
"NO!!! Connor in route 8 is actually a pretty neutral guy and he's-"
Like bro what??? Why do you know everything about this "Connor" guy??? smh
He dabbles in some FPS sometimes, like playing Fortnite with Matt and Enzo
And he actually REALLY good
Has great aim and precision
But he just can't get into it for some reason, it's not his type
LORENZO BERKSHIRE valorant / zelda breath of the wild
I feel like Enzo playing Valorant makes so so sooo much sense
He's not AS toxic as the other guys, but he's still weird and fuck-boy-ish in his own way
Definitely plays with e-girls and tries to bag an ABG
But he gets catfished....
He's pretty good at Valorant, surprisingly
His mic stays on for every single game... Even if no one else is talking
This man will talk to a fucking wall and still be yapping
"Okay guys way I need to pee" ...
There's only bots in his server.........
He also loves RPG games and stuff like that
So BOW is perfect for him to shut off his mind and just roam and do useless tasks
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igotanidea · 2 months
Cracking: Damian Wayne x reader
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part 5 of "Family rules" series.
He was going mad.
For a girl.
Nothing he ever thought would happen to someone like him.
A guy raised by assassins and Batman, who was used to putting his feelings at bay if even having any.
And now he couldn’t stop thinking about her.
It was impossible for someone as perceptive as Robin himself to miss her paleness and sadness. At least whenever he was near. 
And avoiding him at any cost.
And – as it usually happens – the teachers were completely oblivious to the situation and that was about to be the source of a hell of a problem for both Damian and Y/N.
“Pairs? What do you mean we’ll be working in pairs?!” she exclaimed at one history lesson upon hearing the great idea of their tutor.
“Is that such a horror for you, Y/N?” the teacher smiled through the glasses and in any other situation it would be almost benevolent but not this time.
“Well I am afraid the class has already divided so you just have to comply.”
“But—”  she spun around and groaned both internally and externally upon realizing that her little outburst only left her one person to work with. “Fucking great…” she muttered noticing Damian swinging casually on his seat, not having a single care in the world.
“Miss Y/L/N!”
“I’m not working with him!”
“Getting scared, Y/L/N?” Damian smirked, knowing well how to use the opportunity. He’s been trying to talk to her for the last two weeks since that little beating in the hallway but she was surprisingly skilled in disappearing in thin air. And since he was also a teenage boy, mocking and teasing seemed the only way to reach his goal.
“Pff!” she scoffed, crossing arms over his chest. The need to prove herself superior to him was fighting with an iron resolve to forget his existence.
“Y/N, sit down now and do not make a scene. I do not understand what’s been happening to you lately.” The teacher instructed, clearly losing patience with one of the best students.
“Fine…” she muttered, plumping on the chair as far from Damian as possible, still grumpy, hardly even listening to the teacher’s instructions on the task.
“Fate definitely has a wicked sense of humor huh, Y/L/N?”
“Can you just shut up?”
“You’ve been avoiding me.”
“Yeah, no shit genius.”
“Why do you care?”
“Well I am asking so clearly I do.”
“You don’t really strike me as a caring type, Wayne.”
“Maybe not by your definition. Not my fault you are so conceited you mess up care and selfishness.” He mocked.
“What did you say?” Y/N hissed
Damian smirked. This was the exact reaction he was trying to get out of her.
“You call me selfish, you little prick?” Her eyes flashed with anger. “You piece of shit. You look down on everybody because you are fucking Wayne and you dare reflect all your fucking traits onto me!?”
The girl didn’t even notice how her voice got louder and how she was suddenly standing instead of sitting and quietly working on the task. She missed the fact that she was making a scene for the whole class to see, once again dragging all the attention to herself. And once again the reason for her emotional outburst was Damian Wayne. Who she hated with all her heart. Who made her act like a fool and clearly – bring out the worst of the good girl she always considered herself to be.
“Who do you think you fucking are?!” Her self-control was now completely gone “You think you can just do whatever you fucking want and have zero consequences coming from it!?”
Thank god the phones were not allowed in classes cause at this moment she would definitely end up being a meme on social media.
“Y/N!” the teacher finally woke up from the shock that her transformation brought upon everyone. “Enough! Principal’s office. Now. In fact – “ he looked around, his gaze landing on Damian. “Both of you.”
“I’ve done nothing wrong. There is no basis for me to go –” Damian stated with the most cold voice he could produce.
“I don’t care!” the teacher seemed to finally lose his cool “you two are trouble and I’m not having either in my class. Now off you go. Out!” he pointed to the doors and with exchanged hateful glances Y/N and Damian decided to obey. Part of the reason was also the fact that they both knew they were in full capacity to drive the principal crazy just by showing up on the doorstep to his den.
“The hell is wrong with you?” he muttered as soon as they were out the door and on the empty hallway.
“Oh, me? You are the one who seems to be constantly looking for my attention.”
“And why do you think that is?” The sudden change in his tone took her by such a surprise she stopped and dared to do something that did not happen in a few weeks. She looked at him. More precisely, into his eyes. And in them, she saw something she did not like. At all.
“Damian…” she gulped heavily trying to clear her head and calm her rapidly beating heart.
“You are annoying. Unnerving.” He hissed, his eyes fixed on hers “Messed up. I don’t understand you. You are a mystery I cannot crack. And it’s making me angry.”
If he was a normal person he would probably clench his fists right now.
“Then why don’t you just leave me alone?!”
“Stop yelling.” Damian grabbed her hand and dragged her into the nearest empty classroom so that no one would catch them causing disturbances in the hallway. “How come for years we didn’t care about each other and now we can’t seem to be within five feet distance without fighting?”
“Oh please!” she scoffed leaning on the door “Care? Have you been reading a dictionary and learning new words?”
“You are getting on my nerves here Y/L/N.” Damian took a step closer to her trying to look menacing and as much Robin-like as possible.
“Then let me ask you again – why don’t you fucking leave me alone!?”
“Because I can’t!”
There. The armor cracked and even though he barely said anything it felt awful. He exposed himself. Showed his weak points to the enemy.  Lost on his own wish.
For a moment his words seemed to echo from the empty walls of the classroom, the air filled with tension.
“You’re not even trying are you? Damian?” her voice was surprisingly quiet and soft, even to herself.
“No…” he confessed, unable to fight against those e/c eyes fixed on his face “no… no, I am not trying.”
“Please…” now he was so low as to stoop to begging. And it was humiliating. Downgrading. Scary. “Please don’t run from me, Y/L/N. You are driving me mad.”
All it took was one more look. One more exchange of glances filled with mixed emotions.
And they were back to that gala night.
The classroom was gone, the school forgotten and all that mattered was holding her close, preventing her from running away and that strange, strange, unknown feeling in his chest.
Everything important in this moment came down to the feeling of his arms around her, hearing his heartbeat against her ear and calming the storm of the emotions neither of them understood.
For some reason, simply holding onto each other felt like a peace amongst the storm. Like a lighthouse guiding them to safe haven amongst the families feud and last-names competition.
“What are we gonna do-?” he was the one to cut the silence, the weight of questions pressing onto his shoulders making him speak before he could think about the consequences of his doubts.
“I don’t know-“ said implications took form of her pulling back from him “I don’t know Damian-“
“Don’t go-“ with the reflex of a vigilante Damian gripped her arm causing her to whimper in pain. “Y/l/n? You good? What happened?” The strength he used was definitely not enough to make her react like this.
“Nothing. Nothing. It’s nothing!” she responded quickly trying to wriggle away. Too quickly. Quickly enough to make him suspicious and ignoring her protest to push him to roll her sleeve a little.
“What--?” the words died in his throat as he noticed the purple bruise on her forearm.
“It’s nothing!” she yanked free “you had no right!”
“I’m –” Damian stuttered. He messed up again.
“You’re a prick!”
“I’m sorry! But if we’re about to do- this-“ it was impossible to use the word concerning possible relationship or anything of sort – “you need to tell me. What happened?”
Y/N hesitated, torn between a lot of mixed things. Could she tell him? Could she not tell him? Every move came with the consequences, almost like she was reduced to a figure on the chessboard, constantly moved by someone else. Without any power to control her own life.
But one thing was certain.
Some things and some feelings were worth protecting.
And that’s why she had only one way of surviving.
“I can’t.” she whispered with a sad, apologetic smile. “I can’t, Damian.” Without missing a beat she leaned forward, kissing him as if trying to sweeten the bitter words. Pulling everything she had into the brief contact of lips on lips, like a silent apology of putting him through the mess.
Before Damian realized what was happening he was kissing her back, pulling her close, caressing her back, in his own way trying to show her he was going to protect her. But what did he know? He was only 17 with zero power to shape reality. And when he felt her slip from his grasp and losing her warmth against him that realization hit him like a ton of bricks.
But it didn’t mean he was going to give up.
Not now. Not ever. Not until she explicitly told him she didn’t want him.
 “How was school today?” her father asked her as soon as she stepped over the door to home. There was no denying Mr Y/L/N became very interested in his daughter's progress at school.
“It was normal.” Y/N couldn’t care less about his fake concern, trying to walk past him and get into her room.
“Ah! Not so fast, young lady. Did you do what I asked of you?”
“No.” The girl frowned, putting hands on her hips in a poor attempt at a power pose.
“Then I suppose we have to have the talk again, don’t we, little girl?”
She was in deep trouble that seemed to have no end….
@6000-fandoms @beyond-your-stars @mikyapixie
@heartz4miz @crookedmakerfury @mariam12344 @celestair
@faimmm @hornyslasher @urdarlingali @emmalove1111 @crookedmakerfury @herondale-lightworm @itzjustj-1000 @ginger24880 @anonymousmuffinbear @adharawitch @jasons-little-princess @sharkybabydoll @cupids-diner @whydoyoucare866 @ladychibirae
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heyhellohihowareyou · 11 months
Why “Ball Game Tournament Time” is underrated as hell
BASEBALL EPISODE! BASEBALL EPISODE! Any anime that has a baseball episode in it is bound to get Hailey hooked!
And this one is about her Sugi boy! She’s all for him getting more screentime!
Out of context picture
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I’m pretty sure that this was the episode that started the “Jiriki Hongan Revolution” intro (Correct me if I’m wrong) and since it’s tied as my fav AC intro, this episode gets points for starting it!
Baseball fanatic Koro is best Koro!
Anyways, did I mention I love baseball episodes because I love baseball episodes
Found a cute side character with freckles. Appreciate her NOW!
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Two very good boys right here!
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Kimura gets to do something! We must savor this moment while we still can!
Awww a cute Mimura!
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I live for a badass Sugi boy (Even though this one is in Shindo’s head 😅)
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Also, start the count for how many times Shindo looks like he’s about the piss himself
Ain’t this such a great episode! 3-E is succeeding and showing the main campus kids what’s what! Boy I sure hope no one ruins-
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Bitch. Can you please stay out of my feel good sports episodes and not traumatize people at all? You’re bringing down the vibes man 😕
Well the girlies are back at least! Kind of wish we got to see them play though.
Kayano: “It’s just that the other team had huge jiggly boobs! It made me so made that I couldn’t concentrate!” Kaede sweetie you are not beating the allegations 🩷💜💙
Nothing to say except I like Maehara’s bewildered face
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I hate the man but those eyes though
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Irina: “Aha! I think I get it! So you hit a ball with a stick!” Never change Irina. Never change.
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Did I mention that I adore Sugino. Well, I ADORE SUGINO!!!
I swear to god Gakuhou doesn’t have life WHY ARE YOU HERE!?
Also, anyone else felt bad for Shindy this episode? Sure he was sort of a cocky bastard for the first part but man is he put through hell here.
Karmster using his bitch powers to good use (Yes, Karmster is his new name now)
Also this should be a meme template
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I saw the glowing red eyes and my first thought was “Baki?”
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Nothing to say except that I find Isogai’s little sigh cute
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Bewildered Shindy
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Gakuhou: “Crack a skull if need be.” Why aren’t you in jail yet?
We love Karmster’s little bitch face
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Karmster: “Swing like you’re trying to kill us.” My guy is in distress
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Nagisa: “That’s got him pretty shaken up.” Pretty Shaken- MY GUY IS TRAUMATIZED!
Again, poor Shindy. Like seriously get this boy some help.
I’ve caught two bright smiles in one screenshot!
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Sugino: “Didn’t mean for things to get so crazy.” Shindy needs to go to therapy
Juuuust Karmster
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Hadn’t mention before but I love listening to Sugi’s dubbed voice. For someone who shares a voice actor with the loud mouth that is Katsuki Bakugo his voice is nice to listen to
Sugino: “It was about being proud of my new friends. I wanted to show them off.” Sugino I fucking love you.
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Welp that’s it. That was a good ass episode that we as a fandom should talk about more! It’s season 1’s version of leader time to me. In fact it’s part of my top ten favorite episodes of the series (I really need to make a list) I don’t say it that much but Sugino as a character brings me so much serotonin so watching this episode was a joy for me! Combined with the fact that I love baseball this episode was an absolute delight.
I keep forgetting how bad I feel for Shindy boy here. Like, he was just slightly cocky and he ended up getting manipulated left and right. Seriously, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up having nightmares about the 3-E students sniping him in his sleep or something.
Anyways, like I said. This is a good episode and we should really discuss it more. We should discuss Sugino more. DISCUSS THE BOY! <—— Barely discusses the boy in question
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“Shiro. Shiro. Shiro. I have important information. Shiro. Shiro.”
“Yes, Keith. I’m listening.”
Shiro looks at his dumbass little brother patiently, setting down his knitting. Keith is staring at the space slightly to the left of where Shiro is sitting, eyes unfocused. Shiro lets him sit in the silence for a bit, knowing the meds made him a little slow and loopy. He’ll get there.
He can’t tamp down a fond grin. It happens so often it should be boring, now, but loopy Keith will always be funny. It was like every bit of jadedness he’d picked up over the years melted away, leaving only the awkward, loveable dork Shiro knew and loved.
“I have — I have important information,” Keith repeats haltingly.
“I got that, buddy,” Shiro encourages. “Want to share that info? I’m listening.”
Keith hums. He blinks a few times, gaze finally locking onto Shiro’s, who smiles at him.
“It’s — it’s about Lance.”
Shiro fights to keep his smile from getting mischievous, to keep his expression pleasantly neutral. Oh, this was going to be good.
“Yeah, bud? What about him?”
Keith blinks again, his expression grave. “His tongue peeks out a little when he smiles real big, Shiro. A real smile. The one he gets when he talks about his family.” Keith takes great care to enunciate every word, tone completely serious. “That’s — it’s Very Important, Shiro. Okay?”
Look, Shiro’s a disciplined guy. He has a lot of internal strength. Really. But keeping a straight face as his baby brother looks him dead in the face, eyes as serious as a heart attack, and starts talking smush about how much he loves his crush’s smile?
C’mon. Come on. Of course he laughs a little! It would be weird if he didn’t!
“Shiro!” Keith scolds. “I’m serious! It’s important! We have to make sure Lance smiles like that. He gets sad sometimes. We gotta remind him he’s important, so he smiles.”
“You’re so whipped,” Shiro says fondly.
Keith goes back to staring at the wall, just as serious as before.
Shiro wonders if he’s thinking about Lance’s eyes, this time.
It won’t be the first time Shiro heard about them, that’s for damn certain.
“I did what.”
Keith’s face is so red that it’s concerning. Or, well, Shiro would be concerned, if he wasn’t so busy losing his shit.
“‘We have to protect his smile, Shiro’,” he mocks between wheezes. Keith wacks him full-force with a pillow.
“Fuck off,” he says hotly. “There’s no way I said that.”
There’s a moment of pained, contemplated horror, before Keith looks at him aghast. “Did I?”
Shiro laughs so hard he goes silent. Keith hits him again, but it’s weaker.
“Oh my god, I did fucking say that. I fucking — oh my god. Oh my god!”
Keith collapses back on his bed. He puts his pillow-weapon over his face and screams. Shiro finally gets ahold of himself, forcing his laughter down. He pats Keith on the shoulder, trying very deeply to be supportive and understanding even though literally all he wants to do is laugh and laugh and laugh.
“There, there,” he says, voice shaking.
Keith removes his pillow just to glare at Shiro. “Fuck off,” he says again, but this time it sounds resolved. “God. Do I — do I like him?”
Shiro blinks. Is he — is he serious? “Are you being deadass with me right now?”
“I mean, I know he’s hot and everything.”
Shiro cannot believe his fucking ears. He feels like that stupid Spider-Man meme. ‘Do you see this shit, Daisy?’ -type beat. Because there’s no fucking way. No fucking way this boy does not know.
“Like I’m attracted to him, sure, who wouldn’t be —”
Holy shit.
“— but, like. I don’t like him, do I?”
Holy shit.
“I mean, he’s my rival! How can I like him?”
Holy shit! Holy motherforking shirtballs! This little dumbass has no idea!
“Like, yeah, sure, he’s occasionally funny, I guess. And I guess he’s kind of sweet — did you know he checks on all of us before bed every night? Yeah! That’s kind of cute. And, god, there’s all those little gifts he makes, and he’s so protective —”
Shiro just stares at Keith with a quiet kind of awe. There’s no way his brother is this much of a dumbass. Is that even possible? For someone so smart to be so fucking dumb?
The sigh Keith lets out can only be described as dreamy. “ — and shit, Shiro, you should see him kick ass in training, he’s been working on this insane triple flip maneuver…”
All of a sudden Keith trails off. For the first time since Lance was brought up (by Keith, Shiro might add), Keith is silent.
“Oh my god,” he says, shooting up straight and looking at Shiro with wide eyes. “Oh my god, Shiro, oh my god. I’m in love with him! Oh my god!”
Because Shiro loves his dumbass little brother, he holds himself back from saying ‘no shit, Sherlock’.
“Congratulations, doofus. You’re officially the last to know.”
Well. He mostly holds himself back.
Kind of.
He holds himself back a little, okay? That counts for something.
Keith gapes at him. “Everyone knows?”
Shiro nods, because even the allies they’ve only met once know.
“How can everyone know? I didn’t even know!”
“Well, you’re kind of oblivious,” Shiro says.
“Sorry, bud. It’s true. I mean, you didn’t even know you liked Lance until a couple minutes ago.”
“Of course I didn’t! It’s not like it’s obvious!”
Shiro decides it’s in his best interest to keep his mouth shut. Keith tends to get a little stab-y when annoyed. He’s easily provoked, like a particularly skittish kitten.
“Oh my god. Is it obvious? I thought you were exaggerating!”
“Uh, no. Anyone with a basic understanding of human behaviour knows you’re absolutely down bad for Lance, bud.”
Keith makes a kind of squeaking noise, which is hilarious and also makes Shiro wish he had recorded it.
“Holy shit! Does Lance know?”
Shiro can’t quite hide his grimace. “Well, he doesn’t… not know, per se.”
“That’s so embarrassing, god, I am going to eject myself into space —”
“Well, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Lance likes you, too, so I imagine it all evens out, yeah?”
“Lance fucking likes me?”
Shiro needs some shut-the-fuck-up practice. Seriously. He clears his throat.
“Um, yeah. He regularly complains about you being too chickenshit to ask him out.”
“He regularly — I’m too — if he knew I liked him, how come he didn’t ask me out?”
Shiro shrugs, although he’s pretty damn sure he knows why.
“Maybe you should ask him,” he says.
Keith’s eyes narrow dangerously. “Of course I’m going to talk to him. In fact —”
He throws his legs over the side of the bed with a pained grunt.
“Woah, there, Casanova,” Shiro says, pressing a hand to his shoulder. “Back down you go.”
“Absolutely not, Shiro,” Keith argues as he lies back down, “I need to talk to that dumbass. I need to tell him —”
“And you will have your big gay moment,” Shiro promises. “I’ll send him over, okay? After you nap. No need to rip your stitches.”
“I don’t want to nap,” Keith says petulantly, crossing his arms like a six year old.
Shiro pats his brother’s head as he tucks him in. Shiro can’t help but grin to himself. He remembers doing this for a much younger little kid, half the size but just as grouchy. He pushes Keith’s bangs back, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead. Keith grumbles about germs, but allows it.
“Talk to Lance later. Heal for now. Love you, kiddo.”
Keith rolls his eyes, but the corners of his mouth twitch. “Whatever.”
Shiro shakes his head with a grin, flicking Keith on the nose before heading for the door. Just as he’s closed the lights and steps out into the door frame, Keith stops him.
Shiro freezes. Yeah, his voice is a little deeper, a little more grown, but it’s the same little kid who woke him up in the dead of night because he had a nightmare and wanted Shiro to tuck him back in.
“Yeah, Keith?” His voice cracks with emotion, but Keith doesn’t comment on it.
“…Thank you. For staying with me. For, uh, your advice, too, even though it kind of sucked.”
Shiro laughs quietly. “Anytime.”
“And, um. I love you too. Even if you’re a dweeb.”
Shiro smiles so wide his eyes crinkle, and turns back a bit to look at Keith.
“I know, you little goober. I love you too.”
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rosemariad · 7 months
Supernatural season 14
Oh boy!
So Alt-Michael has taken over Dean’s body and absconded to parts unknown - what an unprecedented plot twist who could’ve possibly seen this coming, certainly not Dean, the one guy who doesn’t trust angels and has a history of being short-sighted & making shitty deals.
Since this is season 14, and there’s only 1 more season after this, I presume Dean will never grow out of these bad qualities 🤦🏾‍♀️, so…moving on.
Check you out Sam, leading your new band of hunters, like some sort of Hunters Incorporated©️. I’m glad Sam gets to spend more time with his mom, but he won’t let her take care of him 😔😭
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Was it me or did that Michael & Anael scene feel like Jensen x Danneel role play 🤣 - at least when he caressed her face. Like really bro? I don’t think the scene would’ve played out that way if the actors weren’t actual husband and wife 🤣
Shoutout to Supernatural for keeping Mark Pellegrino employed lol 😂😂 cuz I don’t see Why the fuck he’s still around if the devil is supposedly dead - wasn’t Mark P. also doing 13 reasons why around this time?? Anywho, Nick, luci’s longtime vessel, isn’t dead???? What does Nick have that jimmy novak didn’t (or literally any other angel vessel for that matter) — plot convenience? That must be it 🤣🤣🤣
Cas honey, why are you letting these demons beat you up? Cuz Dean is gone on your watch? cuz im sorry there’s no way im believing Cas was weaker than all them demons. That’s also plot convenience IDGAF!
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After yet another demon-hunter showdown, Mary and Bobby are spotted sharing a beer & flirting…I wish John were around to see this AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Oh Jack, poor guy feels worthless for having no power. He should’ve been like ‘Castiel what’s it like being worthless?’ since that was Castiel’s arc for a minute too, which again fuck Supernatural for. Cas had like 1 badass moment last season when he fried Donatello’s brains but that’s it. Meanwhile Nick totally called Cas out, bringing up Jimmy again and driving that guilt straight into Castiel.
Alt-Michael is recruiting?? Brief Dean cameo in 14x02, you give him like 2 lines, wow 😒. Even Sam got more screen time in 5x22 swan song…but Dean suddenly comes back at the end of the episode???? Nah, bullshit!
Also lol karma for Dean in 14x02 when Jack is like, ‘Dean doesn’t matter’, Michael has to be stopped. Ahahahahahahaha. He was the so called pragmatist when it came to Jack, now it’s Jack’s turn. Castiel’s face when jack said it tho…
Dean got stabbed by AU Kaia? What?? Oh look yet another instance of Dean running away from his problems and pain and being a dick to Kaia (though she's technically a different person) again! Good for you tho AU Kaia for giving Dean a taste of his own medicine and telling him off.
Bobby leave Sam alone, I’m here for his captain my captain era. The lovable giant is doing his best!
So some necromancer gets away from Jack & Dean but we’re not gonna see her again, right??? There’s just a little over 30 episodes left in the show at this point. They probably didn’t know that at the time though.
Shoutout to the devil for basically condemning his child to die from a lack of grace :/ while Cas was able to survive (cuz plot convenience most likely) Jack as a nephilim was unable to do so. Gabe’s spare angel grace couldn’t help (I wonder if he were still alive in canon, if it would’ve made a difference. Oh well).
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So this is where Cas made the deal with the empty (yes I know about it, how doesn’t everyone that shit went viral the very night it originally aired amidst the infamous nail-biting 2020 election week), tumblr is still serving the memes to this day.
Cas doesn’t want the Winchesters to know cuz Dean 😭 idc, if I was Jack I would NOT keep that secret. Dean would know IMMEDIATELY.
I think more angels died, but heaven hasn’t fallen yet…right? They keep coming back to that. Hm…
Nick’s arc is…bleh. Pretty sure in his desperation he just brought Luci back from the empty…welp. I guess when you’re an archangel who was predestined by God to fight in a fateful epic battle against your big bro, you just get certain perks in the afterlife 😒
Sam doesn’t want Alt-Charlie to go when its like bro! She. Is. Not. Charlie!!! For fuck sake guys SMH, let her live her fucking life! God forbid she want to run away to fucking safety and not die bloody like her counterpart 🤬
Bobby and Mary run off to a cabin for weeks on end 😏😂 to recuperate, sure Mary 🤣
Garth is back! Working as a spy for the Winchesters, oh dear Lord no. I know he makes it to season 15 but maaaan I don't like this….
The nerve of Dean to challenge Alt-Kaia to either hand over the weapon or kill her. What if she just killed him? Also, can't they just replicate the weapon for their own uses? All they would need to do is ensure they're using the same materials Kaia did when she forged the weapon in her own world.
How many hits to the head is Sam supposed to fuckin' take? I feel like it's happened more in this season alone than the entire show so far? He should probably be dead at this point 🤣
Jack got taken, oh no! why didn't Michael kill him? To take him as a ward? Seriously? Whatever.
And it turns out the past episode was a long con to get Dean right where Alt-Michael wanted him. I know there was a catch to him letting Dean go in 14x02.
So Alt-Michael chose to trap Dean in…contentment? With Pamela Barnes? And they weren't even a couple, just friends. She called him out on something.
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Why not have him be with a real girlfriend of his, like Lisa or even Cassie? I’m supposed to believe Dean's dream is an unsuccessful bar living out his days with a platonic lady friend??? Really??? Bullshit!
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John returns for the final time to go back to 2003? Okay. His hair is cut and grayish. Lol so I’m gonna see that as John gained some weight (from food/drink or muscle training idc) and dyes his hair black but the root are grey and come out every so often 🤣 but yay JDM I wish you had been in more episodes! Oh well.
So no one’s gonna talk about:
a) Adam’s existence
b) Bobby X Mary or how Bobby essentially replaced john as the father/husband by getting involved with Mary AND being a surrogate father to Sam & Dean (with a clear preference to Dean but whatever)
I’d care more about Sam & John’s convo if we had more time with them together on screen. But it was nice to see them squash their beef.
Dean & John’s convo was faaaar too brief. But insightful to their relationship. John wanted dean to have a family, echoing his wishes for his eldest in season 1 in his convo w/ Sam.
But Dean was like I have a family 🥺 my emotions!
Back to the Michael bullshit – a fight with a gorgon fucked up his containment so he literally broke out of Dean's body and killed all the hunters who were conveniently at the bunker when they brought an unconscious Dean back there. Even poor unfortunate Maggie. For a second I thought Mary would be there since Maggie mentioned she was on her way back but no, he ended up possessing Rowena.
Then they bring the old angel torture device of disabling our heroes' ability to breathe, like in the season 5 premiere, making them blind (that's new) and making them hurt.
Jack gets his chance to take Michael down, and takes his grace??????
Oh Sam bby, it's not your fault. Those people were doomed no matter what. TBH I'm surprised they lasted this long. But cuz he's a Winchester and he was raised by Dean & they've rubbed off each other too much at this point (nobromo), he decides to focus on yet another case even when Dean himself isn't willing since big bro has pointed out they have done 3 cases back to back. They're not the young men they used to be lol.
Cas goes with Sam to a milkshake town and given his legendary levels of awkwardness he's immediately seen and called out for his inherent queerness by the townsfolk (in all senses of the word).
Aw Sam wants to stay, ofc he does. This town is simple and peaceful. He could use some of that. Too bad this place is making people's heads explode.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Ah subtle there Supernatural, making Jack, a Nephilim who's the offspring of the devil himself choose between angel and devil food cake 🤣 Dean why would you put him in that position?
Cas why you gotta be snitching on Sam to your boy bestie like that 🤣 – typical boyfriend tomfoolery
Oftentimes since Jack started in this show, he's felt like an intern and 14x16 is one of those times. They don't wanna bring jack along so they think to leave him alone doing chores. Good Lord.
Oh honey Sam you didn't have to tell the sheriff you're not FBI, just stick to the monster stuff. He knows what's up.
And Jack sweetie pie you don't need to impress those kids. He should be hanging out with kids his own age. Just Jack with a bunch of babies 🤣. So cute! My headcanon is that he can actually talk to them. At least then it wouldn't have ended with a stabbing. Thankfully he cleaned up his mess, even though the local kids are terrified of him. It’s a shame he doesn’t have friends. If only he was allowed to have Claire in his life.
They finally resolved the Nick storyline (I hope) by killing him off via Jack but Mary is not happy. She’s concerned. She’s been concerned about him the whole frickin episode since he sassed her as they tried setting up a game night with Dean.
It’s like these people keep forgetting what Jack is capable of.
He didn’t have to relish the kill though. On the other hand, it felt like Mary’s concern was a bit much — if it were me I would’ve kept my mouth shut as to not upset a powerful fledging being into killing me by accident.
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So Mary dies…again.
This is also why we can’t have nice things. I know Dean’s never gonna let this shit go. Sure Cas has fucked up a bunch, but killing a direct blood relative of Dean’s…nope. That’s unforgivable. I know they’re not gonna let Dean kill off a kid but I know he’s NEVER ever gonna forget Jack’s role in Mary’s (second) demise.
Why couldn’t you leave the boy alone Mary?!?!?!!?!
The boys show up, did they not circle back to pick up their mother? Seriously? Goodness Lord. So depressing watching the brothers just assuming their mommy’s coming back 😭
Cas (cuz of course this shit went tits up while Daddy was away) calls Dean to get caught up on what happened the last episode and is concerned that the Winchesters left their mom alone with Jack. Then why did you leave him Cas? You could’ve taken him with you. Like it would’ve been better if one of the brothers was alone with Jack? Badasses they may be, but they would’ve ended up just like Mary let’s be honest. The only difference would’ve been whichever brother got got would’ve come back. Mary will not be getting that special treatment…
Jack is tripping out since he murdered his foster G-maw - ends up flying all over the world (so his soul is definitely gone? But if it were gone, would he even care about killing Mary? everyone’s trying to track him down IDK why he doesn’t just destroy the phone he has. We get flashes of Mary & Jack’s time together and technically I believe she spent the most time with him (at least in season 13)
They’re still giving Mark P work on this show making him the manifestation of Jack’s subconscious cuz the kill is driving Jack insane 😭🥺 He’s reacting so much like a little boy who knows he fucked up it that makes this so much sadder 😭 Jack’s being driven mad with grief.
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Oh fuck they’re going to where she died. Oh fuck.
WTF is wrong with these people! He’s a fucking boy! A super power nuke of a boy, but still a fucking boy! Like the Winchesters never made a mistake! What about the nurse who got killed in 4x22 by Sam? All the people Dean slaughtered under the MoC, as a demon! That’s just off the top of my head! No but cuz they’re the fucking protagonists 😡🤬
Samuel Winchester you know manipulating this child Is 5 different kinds of fucked up!
Jack why did you call it an accident! Did you not want to use the words murder? Destroyed? Obliterated?
Dean you piece of shit, why are you lying to this boy!!!!!! You know Jack’s desperate to make peace with you, and you lead him to a grave he’s never supposed to escape?! Poor thing Jack was sooo scared!
Sam, the regret is gonna eat you alive! Sam, for fucks sake, SPEAK THE FUCK UP! You clearly got shit you wanna say, fucking say it!
Dean you’re surprised Jack’s going along with it?! Of course he’s gonna go along with it, he wants to please you, you shady, manipulative BASTARD!
That’s right Castiel stand up for Jack since nobody else is willing to!
Oh boy, the celestial boy is freaking out. Claustrophobia was kicking in, this shit ain’t gonna end well. It’s a dark day when a psychological manifestation of Satan is making sense more than everyone else.
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I’m not surprised Jack got out though. That box was made for an archangel and he isn’t that. He’s a nephilim, technically a different entity, right? now, the Winchesters have a pissed off mega-powerful creature on their hands. Great job team 🤣
that’s right Jack, give them a piece of your fucking mind! Fuck ‘em up queen.
Oh shit! I’ve watched this part a dozen times on YouTube, the part where jack makes the whole world tell the truth no matter what! Donald trump is canonically Crowley’s bitch! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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All hail the stapler queen! Iconic!
And God reveals Himself, what grand timing! He says He came for Cas’s prayer (but Cas prayed to Him in season 6 too, no?) but then He states the real reason for His arrival — Jack.
Meanwhile Jack went to see his real G-maw, not a good plan Jackie boy. She’s put 2+2 together that her daughter Kelly is NOT ok and now Jack has to confess the truth. (Where’s the dad? Was the actor unavailable or dead at this point?)
Sam was outed to love Celine Dion (I love her too Sammy it’s ok, her songs are AMAZING! My favorite is it’s all coming back to me now, I crush that shit in karaoke.) Dean follows a mommy blog 🤣 of course he does, probably cuz he identifies with her more & loves that her life is so full of shit (like I said, he identifies with her).
God don’t sanction lying, the real God would never do such a thing. Isn’t it like the 6th commandment, thou shall not lie? Like dude, the fuck?!
And no, writing means telling stories that are often made up but it’s not meant to deceive anybody. But Hollywood on the other hand…yeesh.
Dean breaking Chuck’s guitar 🤣
Chuck saying ‘DON’T!’ Having Dean shook 🤣
Why are you asking them how things are, like you don’t know?! You’re omnipotent!
They canonically made the British queen a lizard? Damn. These old Americans (the writers) are dicks!
Finally Sam is speaking up! Thank God!
Dean stop blaming people, Jesus, it was an accident (Jack you phrased it sooooo poorly though)! shout out to Sam for taking it this so well cuz he’s been through too much this season alone. He lost a whole fucking army, then his mom after he got to know her this time! And the concussions! So many concussions.
Angry Cas is sooooo fucking hot 🥵 when he slammed that truck with his fist 😏
Awww the first thing he does when he sees Jack is hugs him. Jack needed that so bad!
The biggest travesty is we never got to see the SquirrelVerse!
When Sam asks if God is watching them — Sam do you even know what omnipresent means?!
It’s just like I said in season 11. God doesn’t owe anyone anything. But everyone owes Him everything. He gave everyone the freedom to choose, for better or worse. But this iteration of who God is seems to watch what people and creatures decide to do with their lives. He made the weapon to see who among Sam, Dean or Cas would take it and strike Jack down.
So ultimately when Dean tracks Jack down and Jack throws Cas into a tombstone and Sam is running dramatically to stop it, Dean ultimately decides not to kill Jack. But why though? He kept talking shit about how Jack needed to be dealt with, but when the moment comes, he won’t do it?! I mean I’m glad but it doesn’t really make sense?!
Was it the puppy eyes? Did Sam teach Jack that trick? But Jack closed his eyes at the last second???
Oh Dean, you’re such a fucking softie. That’s on you God. You made him softer than Mr. Pillsberry.
If anything, Dean is the step daddy. Cas is Daddy. And then there’s Uncle Sam 🤣
Sam is many things, but stupid is never one of them. Naïve maybe, trusting, desperate. But not stupid. And not crazy, this time 🤣
I will say what makes this story compelling is the fact that the Winchesters find themselves locked in a cycle of violence at the hands of their Creator, and they’re refusing to commit further acts of violence in effort to stop it all and rebel against their cruel, dispassionate maker. But they have no means to back it up…today.
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Not the Burger King catchphrase🤣🤣🤣
Not Jack being…smote?
Not Dean being yeeted into another tombstone?
Sam, why did you think that was gonna work on God? He made the weapon. You really think He’d make something that could kill Himself? Nah bruh.
So we’ve approached the ending of the penultimate season. 20 more episodes to go! Ah!!!! I’m excited but also not since the ending is what I know (mildly).
Side note - Sam & Dean still don’t know about Castiel’s bargain with the Empty (kinda seems pointless since God killed Jack anyway…Cas basically fucked himself for nothing 🤦���‍♀️ [I know how it ends but yeah still])
It’s not about the destination though, it’s the journey (I keep telling myself that).
God said fuck y’all. Shouldn’t’ve poked the bear…now these poor innocent people gonna die like sheep to the slaughter. Y’all got a lot of cleaning up to do and with so little people to help you.
So did God undo all the killings the Winchesters did? Cuz damn….that’s 10+ years of work undone. In 1 moment.
They’re not getting out of the cycle anytime soon.
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onebluebookworm · 10 months
Should You Fight Them? - Jane Austen Romantic Runner-Up Edition
Companion piece to this post. Because I still think I'm funny, even with this horribly outdated meme format.
John Willoughby: Even if you don't take into account the lying, the two-timing, the manipulation, the abandoning of a pregnant teenager, and the fact he's a whiny toddler man who could have solved most of his problems by not being a gold-digging shit, he still seems utterly insufferable to be around. Fuck this little bastard up.
George Wickham: It's honestly hard for me to choose who between him and Willoughby I hate more, but at least Wickham has the smarts to realize when he's fucked up with one Bennett sister and move on to the other. Still a stinky garbage boy who belongs in the toilet. I would say fight him, but let's be real here, Darcy would beat you to it.
William Collins: Yes, we all know he's insufferable and pompous and boorish, but I honestly can't bring myself to hate him all that much. I don't know, maybe it's the BBC miniseries clouding my judgement, but he also has this wet beast (derogatory) vibe about him that makes him kinda pathetic. Don't fight, but you could like...I dunno, maybe trip him?
Henry Crawford: Henry, I wanna root for you, pal. You're a lot like Willoughby, where if you just stop being a philandering little doofus and actual focus on being a good person, you would actually be really fun to be around and potentially even husband material. Don't fight, but definitely shame him over the fact he could be so much better than he is. You're not mad, just disappointed.
Philip Elton: I know he was never in Emma's league to begin with, but I can't not put him on here, simply because he's just the worst. An absolute feeb and a loser. He and Mr. Collins would be friends if either of them were capable of being likeable. Absolutely fight, and maybe take on his wife while you're at it.
Frank Churchill: My dude. My guy. My sweet little meow meow. Please just tell people things. At least let one person into your confidence about this whole "secret engagement with Jane" thing. Please, bro. You're decimating the vibes, bro. Look at your girl, Frank. She's got anxiety, Frank. Fight, if only to knock some sense into his idiot head.
John Thorpe: John wants to be a Willoughy or a Wickham so bad. Just so clever and cunning that he breaks a bunch of hearts before landing himself a wife that will give him all of the money. Unfortunately for him, he's just...not that smart. I'm not saying Willoughby or Wickham are necessarily smart, but they at least get their plans off the ground. John doesn't even get his foot in the door. He figures out Catherine doesn't have any money and panics. You could fight him, but I honestly think this poor dunce has suffered enough.
William Elliot: Remember how I said Frank ruined the vibe? William Elliot does that too, but on purpose. Just an absolutely rancid man. Fight him and show no mercy.
James Benwick: He's just a little guy. A little fella. A little creecher. He doesn't even have any proper dialogue throughout the whole book. You're gonna fight a little creecher who doesn't even say anything? A little birthday boy? You'd fight him?
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monster-noises · 1 year
not to be basic but 1 and 2 from that meta ask meme?
all the question are on the list for a reason Anon! no need to put yourself down for it v-v 1&2 are Excellent questions I"m happy to answer! now. I Imagine you intended this for Lazarus, But! you were not specific so you will now get a Very long post about Everyone >:3c (and by everyone I mean the main 3 characters I consider 'Bartholomew's Nasty Little Bastards')
First up, of course, we will do Lazarus! 1. What inspired you to create your oc?
The really obvious answer here is Re8, my instant consuming love for it and for Karl, the overwhelming need to like... Participate, somehow, in that world, but not being able to cross the Full self-insert hurdle.. He's basically a very Warped-beyond-recognition version of a self-insert, a guy all his own but in somewhere still very Connected to the Me. But the more like.. in depth stuff, like what inspired Lazarus to Be Who He Is is like.. I love like.. weird Art Gore, Body-As-Art kinda shit, Meaningful and disturbing.. somehow Comforting and he's kinda the perfect vessel for that. I've had the Human Taxidermy Artist thing floating around the back of my mind for a decade or so just Waiting for a place to land and Laz was a golden opportunity v-v.
2.Why does your oc look the way they do? What are your reasons for their appearance? When I was settling Lazarus's design I wanted him to have this appearance of like, a very refined and elegant individual; beautiful in a sort of Severe way, but twist it up ever so slightly so he registers as Uncanny and Gross. Beauty Hiding Filth and all that. (just think about how many Fluids get into that Velvet Ensemble on the daily, it's Not Good.) Like the way his pants cut him and the vertical lines make him just All Leg. And his pallid bloodstained skin which makes him look like a Walking Corpse, hair slicked back with its own grease.. a figure that's bewitching and unsettling to witness also yes, the hair is Both a Me thing and a Bride of Frankenstein thing.
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Virgil always feels right coming Second on these things.. 1. Inspiration Virgil is ooooooooooold, he's so Old, virgil is Ancient Virgil is possibly my oldest still-in-use OC, I created him a Looooooong ass time ago. like 2010 Long Ass Time. That is to say I do not know Why she exists.
Okay, Not entirely true. I made her for a comic I was writing with my friend at the time. She was my part of the main villain pair, but I do Not remember how I ended up on Toxicologist prodigy but make it Cowboy (which was always a bit of a misnomer for the vibe but nowadays Especially he's less Johnny Cash more Nickleback) I Think, I Think, what I wanted was to have a character that contrasted the Hardest against my friends main villain? who was very Orderly and Serious and Efficient?? beats me though that was So long ago.. I was also just listening to a Lot of Nickleback-esk music at the time, which may have been an influencing factor lmao
2. Appearance Virgil's appearance is pretty simple to explain, all told! He's a Country Boy/Girl, rowdy and ostentatious, and very secure in her understanding of that part of herself. It's where she comes from, and despite his rocky relationship with home it's who he is, y'know? The brightest (and most dangerous) mind in Toxicology doesn't Have to look exactly how you'd Expect her to look now does she? (Virgil pictured here on the Right)
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Now our wonderful little Ulysses vwv)/ 1. Inspiration oh this is an Interesting one!! Ulysses (and Charlie, for that matter) came from 2 distinct places to land where they are now.. From time to time I like to entertain the idea of starting a band and having a musical career of some kind, something that blends my love of folk/bluegrass, prog-rock, and power metal into a loud villainous and exhilarating sound. and a few years back, as I was getting into Bluegrass for the first time, I was struck by a Concept for a Concept Album. It was called The Book of Brother UIysses; the story of a sniveling little priest in the frontier days and his Cursed Book, following him around as he fed townsfolk to whatever entity lived in its pages until he was finally Consumed himself. I toyed with it for a bit and eventually put it back on the shelf until the Musical Fancy struck me once more, untiiiiil I was listening to friends at the table: sangfielle and had both a deep desire to do a Horror-Fantasy Western ttrpg And satisfy my ever-present desire to weasel my way into playing two characters at once.. and I pulled ol' Ulysses off the shelf again and made some.. Additions. This has evolved now into them being just like.. free floating OC's? I don't plan on making a comic out of them, I would Still love an opportunity to play them in a TTRPG setting, but I'm not Banking on it, and hey, who knows, maybe I Will make that album someday, but for now they just kinda amorphously Exist within Something resembling a Narrative in my head after a long and complicated journey...
2. Appearance Similar to Lazarus, I wanted Ulysses to be unsettling, but in a Slightly different way. He's too clean- his all black outfit is never grimy, he is clean shaven his hair perfectly quaffed, with that plastered on grin, under eyes obscured by reflective glasses the vibes are just Immediately Off. To the flip side of that I always wanted him to look kinda.. pathetic. When we see him outside of his Persona as The Keeper of the Book, as just a man that is still Human in many ways; he's just.. small, waifish, behind the glasses his eyes are big and jittery, like a pray animal caught in a snare and still trying to fight its way out..
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#monster noises#meat husband#dirtbag super genius#the book of brother ulysses#okay so I Lied#All told there are 5 characters in the#'Bartholomew's Nasty Little Bastard's'#club...#but I got tired and these three Are like.. the Main three#and the three I think people may actually recognize and care about#the other two#for those curious#are Idris#(the golden robot who runs a smuggling empire from the same story as Virgil)#and Montgomery (my Renn Faire costume character -#originally excluded because he's both a character and a persona and sometimes that makes me feel weird about including him in group stuff)#but if you take the time to read this and you Do wanna know that stuff for these two I will gladly hop on tomorrow sometime and add them!#explaining my design process for characters is such a Trial though oh my God#because my process is so.. not on purpose?#if that makes sense?#nine times out of ten these motherfuckers appear in my head fully assembled and I just have to go 'Okay!!!' and get on with it#Sometimes I gotta do a bit of work#like Lazarus went through a few iterations before we landed on the pinstripe vest and pants combo#but the core of the outfit and the Intent of the whole thing was always the same#and I Did have to change Virgil over from a Anthro Coyote to a human and That took a few passes to get right#but I don't feel like there's any.. Why to that#at nothing I can place in words#she ended up looking like that because that's how she's supposed to look!#what else do you want from me!!!!
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warsinmyhead · 10 months
Silent Night (for Minsung & Hiro)
x | meme status: not accepting!
Minsung ignored his teammates who were teasing him for visiting the cafe again this month. None of them bought his excuse of saying that he was maybe getting a cold and that he wanted a tea for his throat.
As he walked up to the cafe, he saw that it was the short girl that Hiro called Drea that was cleaning the tables by the windows. Before he could open the door, Drea beat him to it and she leaned forward slightly.
"Hey, I'm sorry to tell you, but Hiro's at the airport," Drea shared.
Minsung's eyes widened and his lips parted as he tried to formulate a response. Wait, did Hiro tell him he was flying home to Japan for the holidays? He tried his hardest to recall if maybe he only partially paid attention to something like that, maybe spoken when he was practicing a routine for a winter showcase.
"Question for you, are you his boyfriend, or are you toying with him like that rich hotshot manager he saw for a hot second?" Drea interrupted his thoughts.
"I...I would consider him my boyfriend, but he's never said it back," Minsung replied as he tried to respond thoughtfully to the girl's blunt question. "Wait, Hiro dated someone rich?"
Drea waved it away and murmured that it was over a long time ago. "Real control freak to him and honestly I think Hiro was done dealing with trying to tell him what to do. Guy wanted him to quit his job here and while I like the owner, making coffees and teas isn't exactly the endgame job for most people. But Hiro, I don't know, he really likes it." She tossed the cleaning rag in her hand onto the nearby table and looked back at Minsung.
"You seem like a decent guy," she concluded. "Just tell the guy how you feel, okay? But if you hurt him in any way, I'll kick you so hard that you can kiss having children goodbye, you hear me?"
Minsung nodded quickly and ducked his head as he excused himself to try to call Hiro. His fingers fumbled to dial the other boy's contact in his phone and he raised it to his ear.
"Hi! You're done with practice?" Hiro's voice responded.
"Hi, yes um, sorry to call you before your flight, but I was hoping to see you," Minsung said. He messed up his hair and looked around the area, trying to figure out his next move.
"Flight? Oho! I'm not leaving Korea this year for the holidays!"
Minsung frowned as he looked back at the cafe in confusion. "What? But I just talked to Drea and she said–"
"I am at the airport, but I'm picking up my sister and her husband, AKA my brother-in-law," Hiro clarified. "Ah we're waiting for their suitcases to make it to the carousel. Hang on."
Minsung heard Hiro speaking in Japanese to someone else and then he heard Hiro speaking again.
"So my sister and brother-in-law wanna invite you to dinner tonight, if that's okay," Hiro shared.
"Oh...um yes! I mean, I don't want to intrude on your family catch-up," Minsung replied.
"Well my sister mainly wants to meet–"
"You tell me about this boyfriend and that he dances–" a girl said in the background.
"Aigoo, MayMay stop that! He can hear you!" Hiro shot back.
Minsung couldn't help but smile when he heard the word uttered by the other's sister. Boyfriend. So they were a thing.
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kosi-annec · 1 year
[BNHA] Season 4 episode 9
damn it been a while, anyway, SAVING ERI ARC
Lmao kiri is very simple minded and we love him for it
Aizawa that's less of a theory and just u stating facts at this point, legit just predicted the villain's quirk
Y'all supposed to be villains why u giving up info so easily bruh
Ah yes, classic anime, long internal monologues that might as well be dialogue
HSKHSKSH Fat gum did the rolling girl meme LMAO
WAIT THAT'S HOW KIRI GETS DOWN THERE?? I forgot how he got seperated with fat gum, i thought it was thru someway else lol
Oh hey magic barrier dude, legit just a fucking psychic lol
Well, that takes care of the shield problem at least
Ngl himbo guy doesn't sound that bad lol
Unfortunately, kiri, you don't just get stronger in a day outta nowhere realistically speaking, u legit JUST got that power up
... is that a fucking animal crossing reference?? That's tom nook u can't tell me it isn't
omg right his hair is naturally black
"Your body moves before your brain can think" ah i get it now, to be a pro hero ur body's gotta overcome the freeze instinct
.... oof, fuck yeah wut kiri's old classmates just said: "its all about entertainment value". That literally just proves shigaraki's point that pro heroes are becoming less like saviors and more like celebrities
Ey first appearance of the giant. Is it just me or does giganto look... Shorter in this scene??
MINA TO THE RESCUE! and goddamn that slide in!
OH MINA LIED?? I DIDN'T KNEW THAT! smart girl sending him to the popo... Actually nvm that might've gotten a bunch of ppl killed
... goddamn ok thats inspirational as fuck. Its ok to be scared, its natural, but its how u get thru it is wats important. You can beat urself up over the past mistakes, but ya gotta keep moving forward
Omg wait they were next to each other during UA entrance exams!
oh right thats how fat gum's quirk work
holy shit– i forgot how hot fat gum was, he can look cute AND handsome, get yoself a man that can do both
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queenharumiura · 1 year
❝ you shouldn't look at me like that. ❞ (from Gokudera from my inbox call)
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((The meme does say slight heartbreak. This should count.))
Haru had burst into the room, breathing heavily. She may look some kinds of a mess right now, but give her a break, she ran here.
To be frank, she hadn’t been in the right mindset to process what exactly was going on. She can vaguely recall getting a call saying that Gokudera was in the hospital. She only asked which hospital and that was the end of that conversation. She’s sure there was an explanation they tried to give to her, but she wasn’t having it. Everything was going in one ear and out the other. It didn’t take her very long to get to the hospital, find which room he was at, and just burst through the door.
Knocking? Never heard of it. Asking first to see if he even wanted to see anyone? Didn’t even cross the mind. Hell, she doesn’t even know if he’s conscious.
The smell of the room was strong of what she’d assume to be antiseptics or the disinfectant they used to clean rooms. As luck would have it, Gokudera was awake. Covered in bandages, but he was alive, and that’s what truly mattered.
This was something she’d always worried about, that she may one day get a call saying that one of their friends was in the hospital and in critical condition. That one time with Yamamoto really… and that other time with Lambo-chan… yeah. The boys have made semi-frequent trips to the hospital, so it wasn’t like it was an overreaction for Haru to be concerned when hearing that someone else landed themselves in the hospital—AGAIN.
She’s had nightmares that she’d make it to the hospital to be told that they’d passed in the time she was making her way to the hospital. Honestly, she wonders if the guys even understand how much anxiety she and Kyoko feel. Being told that it was some sumo tournament or ‘oh I decided to climb a chimney’ did nothing to assuage their worries. Ironically, it made them worry more because of their obvious lies, but Kyoko was the one who acted like she fell for their lies. Haru might… on a good day. She was quickly losing her patience to play dumb when it came to this matter, however.
In the heat of the moment, she doesn’t register if anyone else is in the room, because quite honestly, she doesn’t care. Emotionally charged as she normally finds herself being in these situations, she is at his side in an instant and hugs him. (Sorry if that hurts the injuries, it was a lapse in judgement from the anxieties, she assures you) “Scared the life out of me.” She pulls away from the hug to cup his cheeks in her hands as she gets a good look at him. No missing limbs? Check. His body temperature feeling like that of a living person? Also check. Can she feel a pulse? According to her pinkies… yes.
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He says something and she realizes that she was probably on the verge of crying, if she wasn’t already shedding her tears—from relief, mind you. “Hahi? O-oh… yeah. Sorry... ahem.” She looks away, trying to rapidly blink the tears away. This wasn’t a place for that. No matter how worried and scared she was, she had to remain calm… or as calm as she could be in this situation. She’d only be considered a nuisance if she cried here, wouldn’t she?
She takes a deep breath and finds her center, trying desperately to quell the emotions that are raging inside. Once she’s confident that she can act normal, she looks back at the patient sitting on the hospital bed.
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“Geez, you really took a beating, didn’t you? If you don’t properly try to properly rest up, we’ll just have to ask Onee-san to keep watch over you.” She looks him over again and at all the bandages. "Be more careful."
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gumjamin · 1 year
I feel like I was the victim of overhype??? Or maybe I am too out of the loop/my tastes have changed, cuz boy it didn't hit quite as much as Into the Spiderverse did.
I am so so happy they did so many things to play w consistency, style, color, shapes. And I am even more happy that that all is paying off financially cuz fucking hell it is refreshing to see this type of animation on the big screen. Hope everyone pays attention and starts letting creative people take bigger, bolder steps in animation.
Nuance here please.
I don't think everything worked quite as well. Not... As a whole?
As much as the visual styles were amazing to look at, they could also be very distracting. At times I just couldn't tell exactly what was happening (in so sad, but it mainly happened w Hobbie for me.) that hurt a lot of the action and clarity of things, it took me longer to realize what, a character was supposed to be doing. Which... When you have SO many spiderpeople, it feels crucial.
At times, it also felt like some of the decisions didn't quite work on the level that they wanted them to work. For instance the soft, muted pastels during the last scenes between Gwen and her dad. I couldn't get lost on them, I couldn't just focus on what was happening. Instead I... Wound up focusing on how muddy and weird the colors looked. I know, I know, petty artist thing. But it... Distracted me a lot. And what feels worst, a few minutes after I left the theater, I saw a post by one of the key colorists of that scene!!! And!!!! My man!!!! Those color keys looked fucking beautiful!!!!!! It... It felt like something got lost in the process there. I dunno. I don't want to be mean, but some of it just didnt fully land with me.
The writing...man. I don't want to be mean, but it felt much more marvel-y than
Beyond the visuals though.... I feel like the audio and writing were not as sharp as the visuals. At least not compared to Into the Spiderverse (tho I'd need to go back and watch that again to confirm)
The music... Didn't feel as impactful as it did in the first movie. Back in that one, each song had a specific emotional beat, something it was tied to within the movie beyond "oh this sounds vaguely menacing." i remember, for instance, how the prowler's musical signature was firmly embedded into the song associated with him. How it resonated through every scene he was in. Same with Sunflower, same with Whats Up Danger.
For ATSV... I think they tried some of that with Miguel, but it didn't quite live up to the Prowler. I can't remember any of the songs....maybe a little from the trailer??? But that's it. Again, this might be me, but it definitely felt like it was missing.
The writing. It felt very... Meme-y and self referential, but in a way that I couldn't quite keep up with. Mind you, I am a Mexican guy in my late 20s, so English is not my native language and I have been staying away frm most social media for mental health reasons. Maybe I just can't keep up and that's fine. But at points it reminded me of the worst of the witty live-action marvel movies. Just constant witty banter with just a split second to rest or absorb information. All self references, all inside jokes. It's great dumb fun! Yes! I remember ITSV doing it too!!!
But with just a handful of spidermen...
I feel it got a bit out of control, is what I'm saying.
And yknow what, it was still very much a fun, approachable movie that I was able to watch with a friend who hadn't seen the first one!
But that ending man.
That ending really... Doesn't sit right with me. I am one of those idiots that's just so burned out of the constant stream of series, movies, and media, that I just straight up gave up. I don't keep up with newer releases. I am so, so done w stories that are half finished, that don't reach a conclusion, that just get barfed out, that I'd rather just wait n see. If a story is finished, I might get around to it, heck, might even enjoy it.
So seeing that ending... It felt a bit like a slap to the face. I thought I was going in to watch a full story, with a beginning, middle, and end.
Instead, I kept watching, that little thought at the back of my head bugging me...
"man, this has been going for a while... I wonder how they'll wrap it up-"
And... Well, there was my answer when the credits rolled.
Again, this might all just be me, it's very possible that my tastes have changed since ITSV. Which!!! It happens!!! People change!!!!
I might also be totes wrong. Maybe once the next movie is out and I can watch the trilogy in one sitting then I'll have that feeling of hype and energy I had after watching the first one. Maybe it'll be so fucking awesome that I'll just fucking explode in my seat and be awed for all eternity.
But.... Right now... I feel like i watched a half-finished movie... 😔
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 433 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
I’m sorry for posting this SUPER LATE!! With school and all of that now occupying my schedule, these might be uploaded every week around this time. 😓 I apologize in advance. 🙏🏽 BUT AYO. LETS GET IT, LETS GET IT, LETS GET ITTTTT!!! So last chapter, when Daniel’s mom heard that Daniel was looking for Jinyeong Park, she reacted like this:
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And everybody was like, “Whaaaaaaat? Why she do dat?” 🤔 Well, everybody grab your popcorn because we gon LEARN TODAY-
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WOOF, WOOF, WOOF!!! BARK, BARK, BARK!!! AWWWOOOOOOOOGAH!!!!!! *ahem* Sorry everybody, just lost control for a second there. Brain malfunctioning, and whatnot. I guess PTJ wanted to add James Lee into the Bathrobe Club or something.
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AWWOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Got me howling and shit. 🗣🗣🗣
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Pleeeeease tell us Mama Park. WE NEED TO KNOW!!! 😩👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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Awww this broke my heart. 💔 Whatever happened with Jinyeong must’ve been painful for her to bear the past like that.
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Oh wow. So now we get a dad reveal of Daniel's father? Nah, sorry. They don't look related to me. There also could have been some sort of issue here. Like, Jinyeong used to be Daniel's dad's best friend. And Daniel's dad might have had some sort of issue with fertility or something, so he decided to ask Jinyeong to donate sperm because he sees him as his brother...? Idk man. That's just my theory...
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Ah, so THAT'S what happened to Daniel's dad. Ok, ok, that makes sense that his mom would raise him on his own all this time. But, I really want to know how his mom got to such a state that she has to collect cardboard boxes just to provide for her son...
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AYOOOOOOO. CALLED IT. (not the sperm donor part) BUT THEY MUST'VE BEEN BESTIES!!! 😳
AHHHHHHHHH JAKE IS BACK!!!! But ik he isn't ok emotionally. This guy going through a lot. 😔
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NOOOOOOOO. BABY BOY, DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT. IT ISN'T YOUR FAULT!!! It was unfortunate that they got caught, but you really didn't intentionally lead them to that situation. It just so happens that they got captured. 😭
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Oooooo who will it be? 👀
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Ohhhh dang. It's another person from the 0 Gen. 😳 I wonder what his role was in Gapryong's Dragon Fist gang. But I stg. If this man backstabs Jake after telling him that he's indebted to his dad...
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Sorry, but this is what I imagined in my head. 😬
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Athlete's Foot is back. 😭 Also, I can't wait to see his family's reaction to his new self. 😎
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Ohhhh boy, and they're back at it again... 💀💀💀
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OMGGGGGGG HERE IT IS!!!! (forget all of them snickering about Daniel, I just wanna see their reactions 😈)
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It really do be like that.
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I love how proud Mama Park is of Daniel because he has matured so much. Just like I mentioned in the previous chapter, his character growth really is something else. So proud of him! 💖
Whew, it's Grandma's turn...
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I'm sorry guys, I had to squeeze all of these panels all in somehow. 😅 But DAMN. HOW DID THIS TURN FROM 0 TO 100 REAL QUICK??? It went from happy family bonding to THE CONJURING AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WTHHHH. 💀💀💀💀💀💀 (Tbh this gave me flashbacks to the Cult Arc ngl)
And Grandma got some beef with Jinyeong Park. SHE SAID, "CATCH MY HANDS, YOU BASTARD!!!" BUT HEY, SHE MAY BE OLD BUT SHE CAN STILL THROW 'EM. 😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽 TBH I FOUND THIS SCENE HILARIOUS FOR SOME REASON BECAUSE OF HOW UNEXPECTED SHE REACTED ALL OF A SUDDEN. She always seemed like the calmest old lady ever, but I guess this scene switched it up a bit. A COMPLETE 180° LMAO. EXCITED FOR GRANDMA PARK TO TUSSLE AHAHAHAHAHA (That was a joke. 💀 If she does end up doing it, then I'm afraid that she might hurt her back.) But I hope they DO explain what Jinyeong's deal is.
Overall, I'm VERY sorry that this is really late, and for the lack of memes again. 😭😭😭 I hope y'all will still look forward to these, and I'll try to upload the next review for the upcoming chapter sooner. ❤️
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almanacrat · 3 years
Friend of a Friend (part 3)
“Yeah, of course I’ll do it! What’s the video?” Y/n’s voice echoed from over the phone.
“It’s a surprise. You’ll find out when you get there.” Mark replied.
The two said their goodbyes and ended the call. Y/n had agreed to do the video, but had no clue that Ethan would be there. Mark decided to let it be a surprise, knowing that she would talk his ear off if he told her.
Mark shut the door as he exited his room and returned to a nervous Ethan who sat completely still, his eyebrows furrowed. 
“She said no. Sorry, man.” Markiplier lied straight to Ethan’s face.
“Oh... it’s all good.” Ethan replied, trying to seem like he was unaffected, but his eyes told a different story. His face dropped at the response.
“So we still need to find someone for the video?” Tyler cleared his thought, trying to move the conversation forward. 
“I actually think I have someone who can do it.” Mark said.
“Who?” Tyler asked.
“I’m gonna leave it as a surprise. I think we’re all good here. Do you guys want to play Phasmagoria?”
The three played Phasmagoria for about an hour, then decided to watch a movie. Though the movie was intriguing at first, Ethan couldn't keep his focus. His heart sunk every time he thought about how he wasn't going to meet Y/n. He had really gotten his hopes up and he really wanted her to be in the video, but he also understood that she lived her own life and probably had to work. Ethan pulled out his phone and scrolled through twitter. He clicked on Mark’s profile, then searched the name Y/n in Mark’s following list. Sure enough, a profile picture with Y/n’s face popped up within seconds. Ethan clicked on her profile and found that she already followed him, so he hit the follow button without thinking. His stomach began to churn and he felt lightheaded as his mind raced. 
His phone buzzed. It was a DM from Y/n, which Ethan opened without hesitation.
                                                    Y/n Fishbach
THE Ethan Nestor followed me??
The boy from comic con?
                                                                                               The one and only!! 
how unexpected
does mark know about this
                                                            no!! he will have my head if he finds out 
brb telling on you right now :)
                                                           no please!!! I will do whatever you want
                                                                                                         I wish to live
I guess I can make an exception 
because you're cool
                                                                                               You think I’m cool?
Only sometimes
                                                                                            Good enough for me
                                                                                      So what are you doing :)
oh just the usual
killing god ❤️
Ethan giggled at the message she sent, smiling to himself.
“Whatcha laughing at, Ethan?” Mark asked from the loveseat where he sat with Amy. 
“Uh- m- meme!” He stuttered, not wanting Mark to figure it out.
Mark gave a hum in response, snapping his attention back to the movie. Ethan looked back at his phone.
                                                   Y/n Fishbach
jk im just doing laundry
you there? 
                                                            Yeah! Im here but I almost got caught     
                                                                                                           by Mark😧
are u hanging out with him rn? 
                                                                                   Yeah im over at his house
How’d you almost get caught 
                                                                                          you made me giggle
you're not allowed to laugh 
                                                                                             ok giggle police🙄
did you just sass me?
ETHAN can be sassy
Eef*, sorry
                                                                                                         Get it right
                                                             I know three S words and they all apply
                                                                                                                  to me
and what would those three words
happen to be?
                                                                                  sassy, smart, and sexy😎
what about skillet?
                                                                                            ...you’ve seen that?
I watch all of Mark’s videos
                                                                 that was one of my lowest moments
I’ll take your word for it
I’m gonna go to bed now because
I'm tired, but have a goodnight :)
OH and beat Mark at some video 
games for me
                                                                                                    I already did :)
proud of you!! yay!!
Ethan smiled as he set his phone down, feeling giddy tat he had gotten to talk to Y/n. He knew Mark wouldn't approve of it under any circumstances, but he hoped that one day they would meet in person and Mark would relax about them knowing each other.
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Cute little idea I had (which you definitely don't have to write, I just needed to share it with someone)
Imagine Ra's al Ghul with another daughter, this time younger than Talia at around Tim's age. Tim has already impressed Ra's (much to his chagrin) and the next time he has to confront the demon's head about one of his schemes. Ra's is just like "Ah yes Timothy Drake. Have you met my youngest?" because he's hoping for some real prime heirs. Tim's trying to decipher just what kind of situation he's found himself in where Ra's set him up on a goddamn blind date while she just buries her face in her hands (defying his expectations) and whines out a "Really, Father? You're so embarrassing."
Bruce shows up to handle the demon's head and while they're figuring that out, Tim's just like "Yikes, wanna get out of here?" "My gods, please."
(and because I'm a meme loving fuck. "I've connected our children." "You haven't connected shit" "I've connected them, detective")
“You see Detective,” Ra’s said triumphantly. “You did not take into account of my secret weapon, my daughter.”
Tim looks up from the chair he was tied to. It was placed in front of a table with a white table cloth, lit candle, and a bottle of wine. It looked like a scene from Lady and the Tramp. Tim sighed.
“Please. Stop. No,” he said dryly. “Do you ever get tired of this?”
A young woman was pushed from behind the curtain to in front of Tim by a ninja. She glared at him.
“Father, if you think you can make me join your grand plan, you’ve got another thing coming,” she threatened Ra’s. Tim couldn’t help the little huff of laughter that left him. Then he thought, oh god Ra’s had another kid.
“Just sit. I had them make your favorite,” Ra’s said and Tim almost lost his mind and how the man was kindly speaking to you.
<And the white boy tied up? He’s just to look pretty?> you said in Arabic. Tim tried to act like he couldn’t understand you.
“He’s a disciple of the Bat,” Ra’s said dramatically and Tim rolled his eyes.
“Partner. It’s not a cult,” Tim corrected Ra’s.
<I’ll let you go to Stanford in America like you want. Just meet him. He would make a good sire for your heirs> Ra’s said in Arabic. Tim stared at him. What is this guy’s obsession with bloodlines and why must Tim be involved in it?
<I will go anyways> you answered. <Talia will pay for it if you won’t.>
<Talia?> he sighed heavily. <children nowadays don’t listen. You should be honored that I give you a choice.>
A baterang flew through the air between you and Ra’s. You jumped behind the table and Ra’s moved to action. Both he and Batman furiously threw punches and kicks. Flurry of movement was all you could see.
Tim shifted in his chair and you looked at him.
“Can you untie me?” He asked and you stared at him. <Can you untie me?>
“I can speak English perfectly,” you said annoyed at his rough Arabic. “If you try to hit me, I’ll stab you.”
“Sounds good. I just want to go,” he said.
“Not interested in the date?” You joked and he stopped to look at you before realizing you were joking.
“I mean, not like this,” Tim said. “Not that you-“
“You’re cute when you’re all flustered,” you said grabbing a tray of food from the table. Tim shrugged with a little smile. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Sure, so Stanford hu?” He said as you both left
Ra’s stopped fighting. “See what I did? You can beat me in battle but I have still won,” he said excitedly. “Look at them!”
“You’re an idiot,” Bruce answered.
“I connected them,” he replied.
“You didn’t connect shit.”
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happy 666, my fellow chaotic bisexual <3 om! brothers discover uquiz, what happens??
Hell yeah <3 let’s do this!
The Brothers Discover uquiz
Why are These Questions So Weird..? (Lucifer)
*sigh*, what’s MC doing now? Quizzes? Well, that’s surprisingly tame in comparison to the other stuff they get up to. It was good of them to want to stimulate their brain-
Wait, these are just personality quizzes? Oh MC…
Wait, MC wants him to try some quizzes? Really? Ugh, fine. Only because he’s simping doing it for the sake of the exchange program. The point of this thing was for humans and demons to learn about each other, right?
These questions are… questionable. And so are the quizzes… what mindless drivel is this? He’ll have nothing else to do with it!
*three hours later*
“Lucifer, you haven’t slept in like, two days, go to sleep.” “Not now MC, I need to figure out what kind of -core I am…”
He’s addicted. But the good thing is, he can kick his addiction as easily as it started! He’s Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride! Some mere quiz website won’t get to him-
Oooo, what kind of cake is he? What kind of cake is he?
Why Didn’t He Get the Results He Wanted :( (Mammon)
MC! MC! MC! Pay attention to him! Why are they lookin’ at their dumb phone for? There was a much better view right in front of em’. The view is him! MC! Look at him!
In a fit of jealousy, he swipes the phone and sees… quiz results? Eh? MC? Why is this phone saying you’re submissive and breedable? Who the FUCK does this phone think it is talkin’ to his MC like that?!
Wait… why are they laughin’? It’s a joke quiz? Huh… is he submissive and breedable?
No, but only because he lied on the quiz questions to get the result he wanted.
Soon both he and MC are on their DDDs swapping weird quizzes and showing each other their results.
According to this quiz, and Mammon’s spirit animal is a crow. Huh, that’s the most accurate result he’s gotten all day.
After a while he does get bored of it though. After of course, he makes a quiz of his own and asks Lucifer to try it, but little does Lucifer know that ALL the results are bad! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ah, The Quiz Maker (Leviathan)
Levi both takes and makes quizzes, he knew about uquiz way before MC started taking quizzes to see what overrated vegetable they are.
Levi’s favourite kind of quiz are the fandom related ones that test his knowledge. Psh, these filthy casuals think they can beat his otaku knowledge? Don’t make him laugh!
Wait what do you mean he only got 6/13 right? Um, what the F U C K?
You know what? Whatever. He doesn’t need these stupid quizzes!
Five minutes after that, he’s back on the site.
Levi also likes to see what kind of fanfiction trope he is and who he’d be in a fanfiction. He always hopes for main character or love interest but he usually ends up getting “bitch who gets sidelined” or “mischaracterized baby”.
When he makes quizzes, he makes them as imbalanced as possible, and as a result, none of his quizzes get very popular.
MC needs to get him off the site because he just started a “how well do you know Tumblr memes” and we as a society don’t need to know if he was a Johnlock shipper.
MC? Why aren’t they reading the book he gave them? Was it that bad? MC? Satan waved his hand in front of their face a few times before they snapped out of their trance.
MC quickly explained that they got really absorbed in this quiz about what kind of cat they were. Everything else was irrelevant to Satan, he heard cat and snatched the phone. 
Ten minutes later and he was just breezing through cat related quizzes just to get to the picture at the end. No one tell him he can just Google cat pictures online, he’ll growl at you.
Okay do that if you’re a monsterfucker and you find that shit hot-
But anyway, after the initial cat bomb, Satan casually peruses the site, he likes the fiction trope quizzes a lot too.
Using his intense knowledge of both cats and books, he makes quite a few of his own quizzes to add to the site.
Oooooo, What Hand Cream Scent Should he Try? (Asmodeus)
Similar to Mammon, Asmo first got huffy that MC wasn’t paying attention to him, but on the other hand, they were keeping still while he painted their nails, so that was the only plus.
MC is honour bound to listen to him ramble! Why weren’t they chiming in with the occasional “uh huh” and “yes dear”?! This was an outrage! A scandal!
Oh, MC was doing a quiz on what kind of fruit they are? Ooo fun! Let him see!
Nail painting night gets out on hold while Asmo scrolls through assorted quizzes. He likes the dirty joke ones a lot (I mean, obviously) and he also loves the ones where they assign the quiz-taker a scent or perfume.
He’s always looking for inspiration for scents to try out~! This is great!
Beel and MC were in the middle of talking about food, (surprise surprise) and Beel ended up asking about human world fast food chains.
“So, what one do you think I’d like?” “Here! Take this quiz and find out!”
Beel is a little confused at the contents of some of the question and quietly worries that if he hasn’t listened to the songs for the song lyric questions that his answer will somehow be corrupted, but he finishes the quiz quickly.
“Huh, yeah I can see you liking Wendy’s.” “Can we go?” “Sure buddy, when we visit the human world.”
Beel takes a lot of the food themed quizzes, but he quickly forgets about the site and continues on his day.
*Prolonged Snore* What huh? Quizzes? Space Quizzes? (Belphie)
When MC started asking the most random questions in the universe while Belphie was trying to nap, the Avatar of Sloth knew that his idiot human was up to something ridiculous.
“Why are you asking me about my favourite soda?” “Answer the question, cow-boy.”
After answering some more ridiculous questions, MC proudly proclaimed that Belphie really was a Pisces.
That… that was it? What the hell was MC looking at? A quiz website? Lame. He was going back to sleep.
Ugh, Belphie’s the lame one here guys. Smh.
Ah Uquiz, you crazy crazy quiz site…
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