#yes these are just fictional characters. but Real Life People of Color can see how white ppl talk about fictional racialized characters
mynnthia · 5 months
this is just me being petty over fandom-nonsense, but as a poc whos been reading dunmeshi for 6+ years, seeing white anime-onlys make posts about the characters of color that are inaccurate at best (and racist at worst) while woobifying white characters is so annoying
feeling like thistle, get these white interlopers out my dungeon
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captainx-camino · 5 months
I am once again asking people to shut the fuck up about what people ship.
Yes, even if it makes you 'uncomfy'. Yes, even if you feel it's 'wrong'. Yes, even if you don't understand the appeal. Yes, even if you don't personally see the characters ever liking each other. Yes, even if it's a kink or fetish you don't understand.
Unless an image is of real, human people being harmed or forced into something they did not consent to, or a real, living creature that is not capable of consent, shut your fucking mouth and scroll away.
Yes, even if you think the drawing is 'illegal' (it isn't). Yes, even if you think the person is wrong for drawing it (they're not). Yes, even if you think their 'coping mechanisms are bad' (art therapy is an entirely normal and common practice). Yes, even if it personally triggers you (that is not the responsibility of the artist. It's yours. Block the tags/person.)
Life is full of horrible stuff much more legitimate to getting upset over than a bunch of lines and colors without any actual thoughts or feelings.
Learning to discern fiction from reality is a useful life skill. Start figuring it out now and save yourselves the trouble later on in life.
You are not better than someone else because of the fake morality you harbor over line and color. You're just not. Much like how best selling authors or renowned film makers are not evil for creating media surrounding sensitive topics, your average shipper on Tumblr isn't either.
Your repacked highschool bullying so you can still separate yourselves from the other people in fandom now that it's mainstream and you can't use it as a means of othering anymore is neither cute nor necessary. It doesn't make you a good person to clutch your pearls over a drawing.
If fake people are more important to you than living, breathing artists, it's not the artist's morality you should be questioning. It's yours.
Every time you want to complain or get bent over a fictional ship, take that energy and go donate a dollar to relief for Palestine. At least then your rage farming will make a fucking difference.
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There's definitely a conversation to be had about the presentation of real historical figures in historical fiction, I think. As both a professional historian (PhD student 🤘🏾😔) and a man of color, I'm a bit more sensitive to this than a lot of people, and for me it always comes down to the question - what real harm is being done here?
And that's where I think OFMD does well enough for me to be comfortable. If you look at the fact that the show is based on real-life terrible people who did awful things and participated in the slave trade and you don't wanna fuck with the show, that's completely understandable, but I find it so much more palatable than (for the easy comparison) a piece of media like Black Sails (I actually like Black Sails, believe it or not, but there are a lot of things about how it treats many of these same figures that make me uncomfortable).
Now, yes, OFMD is hand-wavey with the slave trade in the Caribbean. None of our main characters own slaves or directly reference the slave trade (again, this is a romcom, I'd be shocked if they did). For me, this works alright for two big reasons. First, there are things that I think you can include in a romcom and have it still be a romcom, and a thoughtful, respectful depiction of the slave trade would take the show firmly out of romcom territory. Second, the show doesn't pretend racism doesn't exist, it treats its characters of color as three-dimensional people, and we always get the last laugh when racism is depicted. The very first episode sets the scene by having racist English Navy officers demean and call a Black character "slave" and they immediately get their asses kicked for it. Compare this to a show like Black Sails, where one of my main criticisms is how we're expected to sympathize with characters who actively participate in the slave trade and own slaves.
My other thing here is the people OFMD is working with are both heavily mythologized and not treated with any degree of historical accuracy. Many of our characters who are famous pirate names you might know are nothing like their real-world counterparts (take pirate queen Zheng Yi Sao, who wasn't even born yet when the show takes place). We know so little about any of the real people, anyway, that OFMD doesn't even bother trying to get anything right.
Like I said, I'm a professional historian and I love working with the golden age of piracy. That's a big reason I was drawn to this show in the first place! And if there's one thing I know, it's that pirates have been made into legends. We know very little about the real people, and in pop culture they're just myths.
The characters in OFMD are basically fictional characters working with the loose mythology based around the real people.
Now, back to my big thesis here: are the real, awful people benefitting in any way from OFMD taking these characters and making them into the good guys? Realistically, no, I'd argue. Most people with any critical thinking skills know that real pirates were not good people. Many people think Blackbeard is a made-up generic pirate character as it is. I've been to the real-life Stede Bonnet's grave site (NOT for the show, this was years before it aired and I was visiting the archives there to see the trial documents for a research project), and the historic marker there says he was "brought to justice." No one is wataching this show and thinking "oh those real guys must have been pretty great dudes!" because it's not about those real people.
This show isn't trying to change your perception of the real people, it's showing you fictional characters with the same names. One of our characters is runnig around in crocs, this show isn't trying to teach you about history or the real people and it's obvious.
If you're put off by the premise, I get it! But I just don't buy the idea that OFMD is putting anything harmful into the world just by existing.
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damnfandomproblems · 5 days
Responding to 3 anons in #5796
"I agree with this tbh. Like adults are the ones making things unsafe for minors in fandom spaces. YOU are the ones who approach minors unprompted. Minors are just minding their own business in fandom, then you all come along and bother everyone."
Predators that are adults are not synonymous with all adults in fandom. It's not the fault of the vast majority of fandom that kids purposefully bust into adult spaces and arbitrarily believe the creeps saying they're "safe" adults. It's the fault of your parents for not reaching you worth a damn and the predator. And yes, kids do fucking barge into adult NSFW spaces. None of the the ones that say they mind their business actually do.
"I agree with this post, cause like... the ones doing the most harassing are adults. I am a minor, and it makes me feel unsafe in fandom spaces. Especially when I see adults drawing nsfw of characters who are MINORS! aging them up does not excuse that gross and creepy behavior. Just stop and give us a space where we don't get pushed into a corner and called annoying. Leave our fandom spaces!"
It's gonna be really funny when you age out of your favorite characters and have a moral dilemma over the fact that you don't stop thirsting over Bakugo or whoever the fuck the minute you're older than him.
And aging up is...how time works. That's like saying no one can view anyone sexually, fictional or real life, because they were once a child. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? If you don't want to be sat at the kids table, learn how to behave rather than screaming at the main table because Aunt Milly told an off color joke and Grandpa Joe has a naked Princess Peach tattooed on his arm.
"I see people getting mad about Fandom Problem #5796, but that kind of is just proving the point? You all act like the minors are the biggest problem in fandom, but you are the ones constantly inserting yourselves and making it about you.
I see adults say things like:
- "Fandom wouldn't exist without adults."
- "Who do you think created fandom? Not minors!"
- "Minors wouldn't have content if it weren't for adults."
All are ignorant of the idea that minors are the foundation to fandom. Fandom would not exist if it wasn't for minors being interested in it and starting groups for people to join. Often times, the best artists and writers in the fandoms are THE MINORS.
Adults make the space uncomfortable by inserting themselves and putting NSFW fics and art of minor characters. Then they get pissy when a minor points out it makes them uncomfortable and go "stop invading our space!"
You are the ones trying to push minors out when we just want to have fun! Just leave us alone!
-A minor"
Minors aren't the biggest problem, no. But by food are they the loudest. You say you just want to have fun but minors have on mass harassed people that were leaving them alone simply because they didn't understand the concept of dead dove don't eat.
And no, you are not, nor have you ever been, the foundation of fandom. It has always been adults, from the very beginning when Sherlock Holmes novels gained an international fan club unlike the world had ever seen to the 1960s housewife Spock/Kirk shipping Trekkies starting conventions, mailing lists, having coalate parties for zines, and laying down the foundation we have today. Adults were the ones that got sued my lunatic writers in the 90s, and they're the ones that, 90% of the time, are buying the services or media for you to consume in the first place.
And I'm sorry, but the best artists and writers in the fandom are never minors. Exceptionally talented minors are exceptional for a reason. The rest of you sit somewhere between "average and has potential" to "would make My Immortal hide its face in secondhand embarassment." Art and writing are skills, and anyone under the age of 16 likely hasn't been writing fiction long enough to run with the heavy hitters. Considering the state of the US education system, this is an even more laughable stance.
Many minors have great potential, but acting like your the best in show when you just made it out the gate is the height of hubris.
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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chaoticspeedrun · 5 months
saw ur recent post and thought
lets all stereotype the tmnt simps like they’re animals at a zoo together chaotic
[insert funny picture of us staring at the funny ppl in the cage with their desired turtles (i lowkey couldnt find a meme that would suite this 😠😠😠)]
raph simps ; either fiesty gremlins who’ll bite ur toes off if you go near them and spray them with water or sweet little souls who’ll tuck you in bed and give you forehead kisses. both simp types aren’t rare and are commonly found together as a pair, explaining their view on the himbo buff boy raph and how they can either “fix him” or “make him worse”.
leo simps ; traumatized beings, it doesnt matter if you’re a cocky and mean in a loving way or a i’ll do anything you say because you’re so great kind of leo simp, you’re traumatized in some sense, whether it be through fiction or real life. you guys lowkey ENJOYED giving ur oc’s or self inserts loads of angst when it came to the future and movie. man, you guys have so much love for this one turtle his ego is literally thru the roof.
donnie simps ; a true simp. let me guess— you like nerdy men who are also queer as hell, who is also straight as hell at the same time, who is also the type of man you’d expect him to do nice things for you to only throw you under the bus. listen up you simps, i understand that the few of you “down down bad” simps are into that and might sans fangirl your way into this— but let me explain and introduce you into the “ilovehimsomuchiwoulddieforhimandhisbigforehead” simps. you’d be an awesome duo trust.
mikey simps ; now i KNOW you guys got something beneath those precious and fluffy oc and self insert moments. there has gotta be SOME SORT OF EVIL ANGST AND TWISTY MOMENT YOU GOT GOING ON— much more worse than the leo trauma, FARTHER WORSE— teehee you guys got such a cute puppylove selfship going on teehee 😊😊WELL WHABAM!! the moment mikey gets his mystic powers n angsty moment in the movie out comes the freaking angst beast and comfort waves following behind it >:))))
— 🖼️🗝️ (guess whooo 🙃🙃🙃)
Not me looking at the way you signed and going "Who's Keyframe?" I AM HAVING A DIFFICULT TIME FIGURING THIS ONE OUT.
Also, I love psychoanalyzing people💖
In my opinion, from what I have seen at least, most Raph simps I've interacted with are like really sweet and anxious people that REALLY NEED A HUG just like my boy Raph.
The Leo simps, as I said earlier, enjoy bullying him so much- and with that I mean, they're most times the kind of people that tease or bully their crush, but they care so much about him and love adding so much depth to his character.
The Donnie simps I know can't drop the color purple for ONE DANG SECOND, the color is everywhere all the time all at once, they seem very curious and are some of the ones that I see the most active in the fandom.
And Mikey simps are freaking wild, one minute they're the sweetest and the next they're jumping around the walls and scaring you, I love those.
*Sips on coffee, staring at the cages*
Ah yes, what a wonderful and interesting set of specimens.
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room-surprise · 6 months
Dungeon Meshi Anime Review, Season 1, Episode 13 review
This episode has one of me and my spouse's favorite jokes in the manga... And yes, the little sign moves with the hams as they roll away.
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This was another great episode!
Thistle!!!!!!! He's perfect. Love that he looks accurate to the manga at this point of the series, and wasn't updated to look more cutesy/younger like he looks in the later manga as Kui's art style evolved to give everyone bigger eyes and cuter faces.
His monarchist speech was chilling and just as good as in the manga. This is a man taht 100% believes in feudalism and the divine right of kings and it's as natural as breathing to him. Love him giving this context for readers and viewers. This is WHAT PEOPLE IN THIS ERA BELIEVE...
Love how we can have Marcille spend an entire episode in just her underwear, fighting for her life, covered in blood, and it's not sexualized. Nothing wrong with sexy things, but very refreshing to see a character able to do that and to feel that the camera isn't focused on objectifying her.
Ok, so time for a pretty big complaint... Leed's voice in the English dub.
As I stated in a previous review, BangZoom entertainment, the English dub company, cast a black actor to play Zon. They have made a pattern of casting real life minorities to play the fictional minorities in Dungeon Meshi, which I think is a noble idea and can certainly bring nuance to the performances! Good for them attempting to do this!
However they rewrote Zon's dialog to have him speak what was either African American Vernacular English (AAVE), or "broken English." In the original Japanese, the orcs do not speak this way, their dialog is more or less the same as everyone else's.
I gave the dub studio a benefit of a doubt because they hired a black actor to play Zon, and I expected that Leed would also be played by an actress of color and that they would rewrite her dialog to match Zon's.
They did not do that.
As far as I can tell, Leed's actress is not black, though she has a Hispanic last name... But much more important than the ethnicity of who they cast, BangZoom did not rewrite Leed's dialog the way they rewrote Zon's dialog.
These characters are siblings, there's no reason Zon and the other orcs would speak a different dialect from Leed.
Did they do this because Leed is pale and pink and they thought that she shouldn't talk in AAVE? They should have known that she was coming later and not done that to Zon then, if they weren't going to continue the trend with Leed.
Very weird, not a fan, makes me question the studio's knowledge and understanding of the source material...
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bohemian-nights · 7 months
As a WOC, I will never be able to sympathize with Rhaenyra. She’s such an over privileged and lazy person. I just can’t bring myself to sympathize with her for getting usurped because I feel like that’s mainly her fault for being lazy and thinking she’s entitled to everything.
And then we have nettles. A girl who comes from nothing. She manages to claim a wild dragon, she fights for Rhaenyra’s cause and how does Rhaenyra repay her? By trying to murder her. How can anyone sympathize with Rhaenyra over nettles? This white woman’s trauma and paranoia do not excuse her trying to kill a black woman.
So many of her Stans like to pretend they have the moral high ground while also defending Rhaenyra trying to murder nettles.
Yeah, that’s my main complaint with her and why I get so frustrated when people think I’m being mean, petty, or overly critical about her character.
Yes, she is objectively a victim of the patriarchy, but she’s also a privileged white woman who tried to exercise her privilege by attempting to commit a racially motivated hate crime against a Black woman(Nettles).
And yes she’s a fictional character, but there have been so many women throughout history who have behaved in that same exact manner. Women who despite being discriminated against based on their sex still managed to punch down and ruin real lives, separated families, and got innocents killed all at their command.
I don’t know if this was GRRM's intention, but from my perspective as a Black woman, Rhaenyra is just another reflection of that painful history. She’s not someone I can project onto and see myself in even though she’s a woman. She’s still very much just a part of the machine(just in a feminine form).
Before anyone comes for me, it’s perfectly fine if you like Rhaenyra. Again she’s fictional, but not acknowledging what she represents and how she’s both oppressed and an oppressor means that you don’t acknowledge her victims or see the importance of characters like Nettles.
And if you have a hard time acknowledging and understanding how a fictional Black woman is being victimized by a white woman I doubt you’ll have a much easier time dealing with real life victims of racial violence.
Not to mention the fact that it’s incredibly offensive to see things like Nettles should be cut because there are five other Black-ish people in a mostly white cast and she’s unimportant and people only like her because she’s Black and yet have people swear up and down they don’t have a racist bone in their body.
This isn’t even getting into the people who have literally used the n-word compared Black characters to animals, and mocked Black hair and features. Just know you guys are the same cause racism isn’t limited to spewing out slurs.
Those statements(which are solely focused on her race) are very much rooted in anti-Blackness. Those statements are the epitome of reducing someone down to just their skin color and dismissing them because of that. Nettles may be fictional, but you are using racist tropes that have been pushed on Black(that we somehow aren’t deserving of our positions in life and are only where we are because of quotas and wokeness) to trash her character.
Nettles is an incredibly interesting character. Hell, even George finds her fascinating.
Of all the secondary characters in F&B she’s the one who he wanted to write a novella about. Her story has all the tropes that people usually like. Girl from nothing who despite all odds makes it and thrives. She’s there to teach a lesson, but they don’t see her worth because she’s Black. All they see is a Black face who they think doesn’t belong since she’s not a walking stereotype.
I’m not exactly shocked by this behavior, but it’s still stlrange asf to see people who scream up and down about misogyny(which is valid) then go on and perpetuate misogynoir without blinking an eye.
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 month
This will probably be the last time I will talk about hyv and genshin regarding this topic
Hoyoverse has shown us that they have the ability to make and create fantastical worlds based off of real life people and cultures. They’ve shown their vast knowledge of different time eras with genshin regarding architecture and music. They’ve shown their “diversity” of npc’s with those of differing body types, eye color, hair color, height, skin color, clothing, dialogue, facial marks, etc.
And with that showing of “diverse” npc’s they have shown that they can make multiple playable characters of color. They are making the conscious choice to not do that. It’s not like “oh it’s just a game” when Inazuma is directly based off of feudal Japan and Liyue on China in days of old. Their food, music, buildings, clothing, all reflect those cultures in a fairly correct way even down to the skin tone of these characters, for the most part. Why is making a character based off of Nigerian culture and folklore have the correct skin tone so difficult?
The livestream with the music portion, which was done incredibly well, showed that yes they can and do respect these cultures to a degree to use musicians of this culture to represent and perform the music in the style they want. So the diversity is there, we won’t be able to see it in game.
Again, hoyoverse is making the conscious decision to not have playable characters of color. What we as players of Black and/or African descent want is to be represented correctly. If you have characters that are based off of real places, doesn’t it make sense to have them look like the places they represent? Yes it’s fiction, but if it’s copying reality then you’re just being colorist and racist. Like, we’re not asking for everyone to have the same pigment as Lupita N’yongo or other beautiful dark skinned people, but just a little more than a tan. Being tan and being a person with more melanin in their skin is not the same thing.
It’s kinda like this. Say you’re putting on a play thats based off of real events and the events happen to be in a certain place at a certain point in history where there are particular rules set in place. Let’s say it’s the story about Rosa Parks. And you as the director want it to look as accurate as possible. Would it make sense for a white guy to play the role of Rosa Parks? Would it make sense for any person of any other race or ethnicity to play this role if you have this specific vision? What about the movie Crazy Rich Asians? Would you believe it if it had mostly black people in the cast???? But it’s a work of fiction, right? So it shouldn’t matter, right???
That’s the part of the point we’re trying to make.
It’s weird, it’s off putting. It should make you uncomfortable. That’s how I and probably others feel about it! BUT
We know hoyoverse isn’t gonna do anything about it. They’ve shown that they can do it but choose not to. And it’s hard to change a big company like that’s mind. So, I’ve learned to be uncomfortable with Natlan. I’ll live on in my head that they are correctly melanated, look at fanart and shit and that’s it. Thanks for reading my tedtalk
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Do not Avoid Bright's Love (SCP Foundation) Yandere Dr. Jack Bright X GN Reader
#Yandere #YandereJackBright #YandereSCP #YandereSCPFoundation #YandereScenario #Scenario #JackBright #JackBrightXReader #Reader #SCP #SCPFounfation 
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter, AT LAST! This is a request from Tumblr, and it is time I do it! So let's do this! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here!]
(Disclaimer: We do not support Admin Bright, the original creator of Jack bright. That being said, I will not be doing the character they made to replace Jack Bright. As the character, Jack Bright is not just Admin Bright's Self Insert anymore, but his own character. More people have put time and effort into creating The Jack Bright Character. So in my stories and videos and such, Jack Bright will remain the same. But yes, Admin Bright is shit.)
(Disclaimer 2: Jack Bright is not yandere in canon, and this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously. Simping for fictional characters is fine, but do nothing illegal or gross. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Though they are hot!)
(No One's POV)
(Name) had a few things of theirs go missing in the last couple of months. At first, it was things that they did not even notice or miss. Recently though, bigger and more noticeable things have gone missing. They did not know where these things were going. That was until they saw something sticking out of Dr. Bright's Pocket. It was one of their custom underwear! Or at least they thought that was what it was. They had to be sure. So they waited until Dr. Bright was in a meeting. Heading to Dr. Bright's private room. They used the spare card they had stole from Bright's desk. They knew that they could get into some serious trouble here.
Dr. Jack Bright is the site director, and (Name) was just an everyday researcher. Not to mention, the Bright name had WAY more power than their name. Once in the room, they began to look around, putting on a pair of gloves. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, though it seems Jack is a bit of a messy man. Clothes on the floor, papers on the table. Nothing was in the main room. So They head deeper into the area and open up his bedroom. Even more clothes on the floor. This was a waste of time. Nothing is here... Wait...
They picked up a brightly colored pair of underwear and saw it was the custom brand. The one that went missing. It had been brand new, but now it had cum on it. Dry and flaky cum. (Name) gags at it and lets it drop to the floor. Did Jack Bright steal their underwear to jerk off? They had to figure out more. They look through more, finding everything they knew that went missing and more! They're starting to freak out by this, and then they find his journal. They began to read it.
'I passed them into the hall today, my sweet (Name). They smelled so sweet I will have to take the (Perfume) they use. I put it on my pillow, so when I hold it, it smells like them. Their underwear is good, but the new ones did not smell like them. I will have to take it from their laundry next time. Smell their scent while I jerk off into their underwear. God, just the idea is making me excited again.'
(Name) continue to read, uncomfortable.
'I am getting closer to making them mine, and it won't be long now. Then I can make them mine if they do not accept my love? Well, I am sure I can them do what I want. After all, their job and life will be on the line. Just have to tell them how I feel and show them we are meant to be. Then they will love me.'
They close the book and put it back, and they have to get out. They have to. They also have to stay clear of Jack Bright no matter what!
-Time Skip, Brought to You By Jack stealing your underwear and using it to ...please... himself-
(Jack Bright's POV)
It has been a month, and my (Name) has been avoiding me. I did not know what had happened. So I have to look into it. To see why they are avoiding me so suddenly. I decided to start with the cameras. To see what happened in the last month. Something must have changed. It took a while to find anything, but then I found it. They had sneaked into my quarters. They... They must have seen my collection. It all made sense now. They must know I want them... But they did not return my feelings. Instead are hiding from me... Staying away from me and our love.
This will not do. I will have to do drastic measures until they learn to love me. I wait until it is night, having blacked out the cameras. So no one would know what I did. I break into his dorm. I pull the syringe from my pocket. My grin winded on my face. They look so cute sleeping. Like a beautiful sleeping beauty~
I staddled their waist and stroked my hand against their face. They slowly start to wake up, and their eyes widen... Then they are about to scream, but I cover their mouth.
"Shhhhhhhh~" I pure. "Please, Darling, be a good little one~ I do not want to hurt you~ Not like this anyways. I want to hurt you in a more consensual way."
Their eyes widen in horror.
"You did not accept my love," I say. "Do not worry though... I will make you love me~ You see this?"
Their eyes go to the syringe of glowing liquid.
"You see, it will make you immortal, so you and I can live together forever and ever," I tell them. "Now be a good little one, and don't scream~!" '
I jammed it into their neck, pushing the plunger down. Then kissing them as they scream. Oh, they taste even better than I can imagine ~ I kiss them deeply as the serum rushes into their veins. I have them now, and they are all mine~ (Name's) all mine. Forever.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS my first reader request in forever, I hope you all enjoyed it and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!]
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blurryfangirlansuke · 7 months
Now you maybe wondering that about me being absent one of them is college I can't control that it depends on my degree and planning what I want to do in my adult life. Also I want to get this out of my chest. I'm perfectly fine when people tell my obsession with Duke goes too far causing me to lose friends or just being all over a character that doesn't exist. I understand and I do apologize if I make feel people uncomfortable and when ask people if they can draw myself and Duke together they don't have to I make it very optional and I have plenty of other characters to simp for but Duke is #1 he'll always be. He's the reason why I'm being stable from being lonely and stress between reality and trying to become independent. It's not easy when your autistic and have social anxiety and learning different ways of how to do things. Duke is a comfort and I believe everyone should have a comfort character if not then perhaps your best friend or family .
Whenever I see a picture of Duke or art heck even gifts people draw for me it makes me touched and happy because I love this vampire and yes he's fictional but it's fun to simp and also appreciate the creator who put there heart and soul making characters to adore and even be interested with there stories and series.
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Another thing I get so happy is when I commission the creator of the series Duke's plays the lead one along with Missi the vampire who tolerates him. The creator absolutely knows me so well and always spoils me with amazing commissions of me and Duke also she's close and appreciates fans like me for liking character such as Duke . Also buying loads of merchandise from the creator's store and main do I go buck while on everything worse then going to a barns and noble xD.
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I am a busy person who gets free time and sometimes not so much. I'm working on my degree, learning the good and bad things in life even if I don't understand. I attend to also write my fanfics whenever I get the chance to take a break on drawing nonstop art of Duke. It also gives me ideas for myself if I ever want to make a character of my own and I know one day the character is going to be inspired by many artists I admire if you see what I usual post xD.
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I have dreams of being with Duke in real life like he stays with me in my campus, we go for nightwalks, I lay in his coffin or king size bed and talk for hours. I wake up and he's not there with me. I know this feeling is loneliness which I'm use to since I have a hard time reaching out to people and the art I do might probably not spark interest. I miss my sister who's in college we have a great bond, I love my parents always support me, I have friends and fans online here that support me.
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However I really wish I didn't feel this way. I know I attend to seek help with my advisors or talk to my sister it does help. I'm not normal and then okay because hey we all special and unique in our ways. Duke is fictional but he's my happiness and true comfort and I'll always love him even if I want to strangle him.
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Yes I've been a little depressed and overwhelmed but that's life we have our good days and bad days. Crying does help me let everything out and start a better day. Eventually this blog will also get more hearts soon and also I have to be present for that to happen which I try. I appreciate you listening to me and I don't want end things sad especially since this is me and Duke's month so I made a healing art piece and color it about us. I really appreciate the support and love you all give me. This helps me to stay motivated and keep going. Don't worry I'll post more things and happy stuff. Letting this vent things pass.
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Thank you for listening and much love you all Spooklings 🥰
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“How is Belos a colonizer??” Bro needs a basic history 💀 How do you think Belos got to Connecticut in the first place? Also he genuinely colonized the Boiling Isles with how he took over don’t overlook that.
He can hate multiple things?? LMFAO the puritans hated tons of minorities witches included, even if we take the puritan shit out Belos is still bigoted I don’t understand why people are trying to defend him? 💀 He’s literally Belos
“He was not racist where the hell did that come from” bro do you hear what you’re saying - think about what time period he came from.
“There’s quite literally no homophobia or transphobia in toh” that’s only limited to the Boiling Isles 💀 and Belos definitely not from there
“I think it came from Luz being a POC” “it’s not a race thing” “idk where that idea that witches are a race came from but it’s definitely odd” literally just look at where Belos came from. All bigotry ties together mind you. For example you can’t advocating for women’s rights while being transphobic (TERFS) cause then you’re putting not only trans people down - but yourself and other minorities as well. It all connects. Also nobody is saying witches are a race 💀I don’t understand how Belos fans in all the time brainrot ting over Belos don’t realize what time period he came from and how’d it effect him?? (I am a Belos fan myself)
“It’s a fictional character guys!”
Yeah and people love thinking realistically abt him lmao. The fictional character arguments are always so lazy + ignore the real-world messages - yes he’s a fictional character. People like him because he’s so realistic. There are real, yes real people out there, who if they had the chance - would do the exact same things he did just to get rid of a minority. Thats not an exaggeration that’s simple how deep bigotry can run and I love how Belos’ can be portrayed in multiple ways.
Also saying that Belos only hates magic purely because Caleb got ‘corrupted’ by a witch is not correct at all. That bigotry was there longgg long ago 💀 if anything that only amplified it. Belos doesn’t have a justifiable reason to hate witches/magic (Caleb falling in love with a witch is not justified hatred.) he simply does it because he holds those bias & allegories for 400+ years. Note this can extend to how differing witches are to humans in Belos’ eyes. How LGBTQ+ is acceptable for witches while in humans it’s sinful, unnatural, etc. How witches don’t have racism (I swear to god if one more person tells me that there’s no people of color on the Boiling Isles, HAVE YOU SEEN GUS?? 💀) whereas Belos came from an era where racism (to put in its simplest terms) was very much thriving!
The Boiling Isles represents literally everything a bigot like Belos would be against, witches included. Witches can be gay, witches can be people of color, etc. “Belos hates witches only” doesn’t really work for him and what his character is written for. He’s an allegory of bigotry and with the way he acts & speaks you can definitely see it. Fiction affects reality and reality affects fiction.
“He wanted control over the magic and to limit it to what he wanted.” That’s true! I’m unsure where you were going with this? He actually didn’t want this, he only used the coven system as a way to kill everybody easily in one take. He simply needed to gain control over magic first - that was never apart of his original plan. He was out here to kill because the boiling isles represents everything he is against.
“But Caleb came from the same time period and he’s not bad!”
I love comparing Caleb & Belos together sm. Further cementing into the ground that Belos being a bigot is all his doing is because Caleb unlearned the bigotry. Caleb was also a colonizer, he was also a witch hunter! He also likely held those other harmful beliefs for most of his life! But Caleb changed, whereas Belos clung to those beliefs. That’s why I love these two they’re a great example of why bigotry is taught and can be unlearned! Acknowledging this can add to their stories more, give them more depth, add more realism to an already scary villain! The reason Belos is so scary as a villain is because of how real he is - there genuinely are people out there who’d do the same as him if given the chance.
As a POC who studies a lot about how bigotry develops - I love studying Belos, he’s very well written in this regard imo! I feel like people who don’t want to acknowledge the rest of Belos’ bigotry miss the point of his entire character arc 😭 he’s somebody who fell into the deep extremes of bias & hate - let him be hateful.
I hope this helped the original person to have a better understanding of this topic? They seemed ill informed/uneducated so I hope my rant helped 😭(not saying that as an insult btw)
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cursedchildofchaos · 1 year
15 Question & 15 Mutuals not doing that part right now cuz i’m lazy
how dare you, @thelegendofsqam /j I was the one who tagged you last time, tho, smh. 
1. Are you named after anyone?
Middle name , but also, not. It’s more I was named in association with someone.
2. When was the last time you cried?  
This week’s been a blur, but I definitely cried on Tuesday cuz i have an angsty poem to prove it.
3. Do you have kids?
no but I have probably called a fictional character babygirl or my baby at one point
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?  
What’s that? 
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?  
Not this question again. I guess I notice hair or clothes.
6. What's your eye color?  
Well, I guess I've never looked at my eyes before. I just don't think I've ever seen eyes this color before. Matter of fact I don't think I've ever seen this color before. Yes, I have, yes I have. I was on a ski weekend, up at Stowe. I was coming in late one day – last person off the slope – the sun had just gone down. And the sky became this incredible color. I usually don’t, notice things like that, and I found myself kind of walking around in the cold, hoping that it wouldn’t change; wishing that I had someone there to share it with me. Afterwards I tried to convince myself I had imagined that color; that I hadn’t really seen it. Nothing on this earth could be this beautiful. Now I see I was wrong.
(what are you talking about, I didn’t steal this! how dare you accuse me...okay, yeah, it’s from Cheers)
7. Scary movies or happy endings?  
Nothing too scary pls, but if it’s moderately scary and has an ending that doesn’t make me feel sick, okay, yeah sure why not.
8. Any special talents?  
9. Where were you born?  
I grew from a plant seed in a witch’s garden. I am a curse to this earth
10. What are your hobbies?  
I don’t have hobbies. All my hobbies become my life goals. Okay, maybe photography, arts and crafts, going to the ren faire, mbti, or video games
11. Have you any pets?
I had a dream about a kitten with back issues the other night that I grew attached to and I have a few stuffed animals (like toys not taxidermy just to be clear). My real pets live in another state
12. What sports do you play/have you played?  
I went horseback riding a few times. Other sports I gave up to do theatre...but theatre can be a sport at least during the dance numbers...tho, I was very uncoordinated and moved behind people on stage once
13. How tall are you?  
Not 6 ft, Not 5′5 ft. Somewhere in between.
14. Favorite subject in school?  
I liked art and drama. I like taking writing classes now.
15. Dream job?  
Assassin assigned to kill @thelegendofsqam​ /j
I would like to own a book store and costume shop that I live above while write books and draw during my spare time.
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loveoaths · 2 years
Do you actually like Anakin? You’re so critical of him
hello there! you must be referring to my tags on this post!
before i begin what will certainly be a long (and personal?) answer, let me issue three blanket statements.
one: liking anakin doesn’t make you a bad person, sympathizing with him does not mean you’re a bad person, and frankly you don’t need to do all the critical analysis and real-world linkage i’m about to do under the read-more to like a character. you can just like them, because they’re pretty, or fun, or you want to make them slob on somebody’s knob. knobs are fun to slob on. that’s just a fact.
two: the post below is based solely in my experience as a black queer man in america, and should be treated solely as my personal interpretation of anakin’s character and star wars fandom, and not as a monolithic statement on behalf of all black people and people of color in this fandom. it’s annoying that i have to say that, but yeah.
three: later in this post i mention whiteness as it relates to fiction and fandom. whiteness theory is “the study of the structures that produce white privilege, the examination of what whiteness is when analyzed as a race, a culture, and a source of systemic racism, and the exploration of other social phenomena generated by the societal compositions, perceptions and group behaviors of white people” (wikipedia).  i am applying my academic background to my reading of anakin, and to my experience in a mostly-white fandom so far. this is not a condemnation of either.
now, to your actual question.
Do you actually like Anakin? You’re so critical of him
the short answer: yes, i do like anakin.
the long answer: yes, i do like anakin, because he is messy and complex and i love rolling around in the filthy mud that is his brain.
the longer answer: yes, i do like anakin, because i am critical of him — and every other character that i like.
liking a character, to me, has nothing to do with being on their side/thinking they’re hot/etcetera and everything to do with understanding how they work, and using that understanding to gain insight into them as a character, how they function in their narrative, what characters like them mean in pop culture and to their fans, and, by extension, in real life.
but that’s a general overview. you asked me about anakin, so let’s talk about anakin.
i like the fucker. because he is passionate, and powerful, and horrifically insecure, and clueless, and competent, and desperate. anakin as a character feels so much all the time in a very similar way to how i did as a child. i have a lot of sympathy for him, especially when he’s younger. i understand loss, and pain, and joy, and losing that joy, and feeling like the universe owes you something because of everything it’s taken. i do.
but beyond that basic level of liking him, i am fascinated by how absolutely fucked up anakin is, and how a lot of his fucked-upness is a one-to-one of most shitty white manchildren in real life. (you know who i’m talking about.) 
what fascinates me about anakin is everything about him that i am not and do not agree with. anakin is an entitled white man (in space) who acts like entitled white men in real life. the jedi are not cops, they’re peace keepers and magical ombudsmen, but anakin sure as hell did not get that memo, and his behavior often mimics that of real life cops. he abuses power but does not see that as abuse, but rather as an extension of his entitlement to perceive right and wrong and mete out appropriate punishment even when his superiors and the Council do not agree with them, because anyone who does not agree with anakin is wrong.
to me, anakin is every white boy i went to school with who was nice and sweet and decent (except when you did something he didn’t like) (or when he repeated borderline racist commentary and jokes and when you got mad so he said “you’re too sensitive it’s just a joke”) (or who always sided with power and authority as long as it served him even if it fucked the rest of us over but when it didn’t he rebelled and insisted things weren’t fair) then ten years later he’s posting pro-jan 6 stuff on facebook. old (white) high school friends were quick to say “he wasn’t always like this,” “something changed,” “that isn’t the guy i knew,” while i sat there thinking, yes he was. he just got louder. he’s the same person and i’m not surprised he’s like this now. how are YOU surprised he is?
so my interest in anakin (and, by lesser extension, obi wan) is this: i want to understand the emotional thought process that turned a genuinely sweet little underprivileged boy into a self-absorbed vicious murderous fascist attack dog, and i want to understand the many layers of denial and favoritism and insecurity and exceptionalism and what the fuck else that allowed obi wan to be blind (willingly or otherwise) to anakin’s changes until they were too blatant to ignore. 
because for me, as a black queer man, there is a lot to be gained from understanding the ways in which whiteness works even in fiction, both on the page and in the fanbase around these characters. looking at what george lucas meant for anakin to be, versus how he was received by his audience, versus how he is popularly interpolated by and within fanon, function for me as an inside look at the morphology of whiteness; specifically, the way whiteness is interpreted, dissected, retrofitted, and at times supported by (primarily) white american women in defense of white men. by way of example, i mean the way fandom instinctively pits mace windu against anakin as his boogeyman, or how anakin’s genocidal and murderous actions are often ignored/dismissed/removed from canon/or excused because he “feels bad about it after.”
now, to be clear, i am not saying anyone is wrong for not engaging with anakin’s character or the above topics the way i do. most people are in fandom as a means of escapism or as a means of playing a communal fantasy game of House with thousands of online strangers. most of fandom is here for Horny Adult Playtime and not, y’know, a breakdown of everything wrong with the world today and political failures and racism and fascism and whiteness (in space or otherwise); you’re here to look at pretty pictures of boys and girls and whoever and make them kiss and hang out with friends. i get it! i don’t watch a lot of movies that are Explicitly About Racism for this exact reason. but because of who i am, i can’t help to notice patterns like these whether its in real life, fantasy, or fandom, and in noticing them i wind up analyzing them, which has honestly become kind of entertaining as well as informative for me. other people without my life experiences aren’t going to see anakin or star wars or any media the same way. you aren’t wrong for that. just like how i am not wrong for interpreting media through my experience. our lives are filters. we’re all going to see and focus on different parts of the same things as a result. for me, i tend to see how fucked up characters are and engage with the hows and whys of that. for other people, they see a pretty boy and want to see him kiss another pretty boy. that’s cool too. none of this matters. it’s all just make believe.
so, tl;dr recap: being critical of a character does not mean i do not like or appreciate them. highlighting a character’s flaws and failures is not “being mean” to them (as some of my other, unanswered anons have suggested). i personally prefer to engage with characters, warts and all. 
if that is uncomfortable for you, and you do not want to see me talk about anakin (or others) being lovable and awful and well-meaning and racist, i invite you to reflect privately on why that is, then block the tags “[character] meta”, and/or unfollow me. 
i’ll be sad to see you go, but i understand. your dashboard is your space to cultivate, just as mine is, and you’re not obligated to look at, read, or engage with anything that upsets you. again: none of this matters. this is all pretend.
to conclude, i hope i answered your question and then some.
and hey, whatever you choose to do, have fun out there!
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astriwilt · 7 months
So I’m rewatching The Sopranos for the third time and omg Caitlin deserved so much better. She was struggling with bad mental health issues and everyone treated her like shit.
Now I can’t talk about Noah without mentioning Tony’s racism. Tony is a racist piece of shit and judged Noah based on his race instead of his character. That part has been analyzed to death though and everyone knows Tony is a raging racist asshole. What I wanna talk about is Noah’s character; which is what he should be judged on and not the color of his skin.
But in all seriousness; besides showing the audience how deep rooted Tony’s racism is….I think Noah served another purpose. To show the audience half assed “love and understanding” if that makes sense. I’ll explain it better: the first scene we see after Noah and Caitlin are in the same room; Noah is alone with Meadow and is talking to her about how they should just be patient with Caitlin. She’s far away from home and has obvious mental health problems. Meadow even comments about how caring and understanding Noah is and how “most guys wouldn’t even give a shit”. Then later Caitlin comes to talk to Noah while he’s studying. Noah lets her in; and then Caitlin talks so much that Noah can’t concentrate and gets a C on his assignment. Does Noah have the right to be mad? Yes. But should he also understand that Caitlin is literally mentally ill and that he was the one who let her in? Yes. Instead of being bitter about it for a bit he decides that his father’s restraining order is an appropriate response and bashes Caitlin for always intruding on him and Meadow. So kids, what does this say about Noah? It says he only cares when it’s convenient. He only cares until he sees how bad mental illness can be. Meadow has this problem as well; she was an absolute bitch to Caitlin at times…but at least with Meadow there was still some real concern there instead of virtue signaling. Noah’s character is a great example of how people treat mental illness. They’re all for supporting people going through it until they truly see the ugly side of it…..the illness part. If you’ve watched The Sopranos and seen how Noah acts then you know DAMN WELL this guy would say something like “We should do everything we can to help people struggling with mental illness 😢” if he was asked about the topic. But as soon as it affects him in the slightest way it’s a different story.
So is it unreasonable for me to write a whole essay about a guy who was kind of an asshole in a show about murderers and gang members? Yes, it absolutely is. But also people tend to be pissed off easier by a fictional character they’re more likely to meet in real life than ones they aren’t. I’ve met a lot of Noahs but I haven’t met many mafia members LMAO. Also for all the theatric anger in this post….the point of this post was to applaud The Sopranos here. Like I said before it’s an amazingly accurate representation of how people are mental health allies until they actually see how mental illness works. It was just so beautifully accurate and beautifully portrayed. So with that all being said:
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wearekatastrofys · 2 years
If the game is meant to accurately depict what has inspired it, then you are correct that Agrboda should not look like she does in GOW: Ragnarok. Though she was depicted of having particular skin color in her source texts, we need to remember color was not the same as it is today during the time the stories were created. For example, the color “blue” did not exists in those times (people did not come up with the idea of blue and instead used the color black to depict things that we today would call blue. In other words, thousands of years ago, people called the daytime sky something like “light black” instead of “sky blue”). But, it has been stated that Jotuns basically look like anything the Norse mythology requires them to look like for the story. Jotuns as a race of people in Norse Mythology do not have one set appearance.
I do not think the game is trying to accurately depict any of the sources that inspired it, they are just taking inspiration from sources to create something new and different. So yes, they are indeed picking and choosing what things should look what way, and they can do whatever they want because it is essentially something new. New gods, new stories, new characters etc… in this scenario your opinion on what she should look like would be pointless.
As for Agrboda being a race swapped character or a Token, you could be right. More than likely the studio is tying the Jotun oppression with the Aesir Gods to the real life oppression of Minorites. Jotuns in the game are treated as minorities so I guess the studio made them look like minorities in the game.
This however, does not mean it is a bad thing. It is a subtle way to make satire of real world issues and values in an otherwise fictional space. So there IS some leeway with the race swap given that particular context of “oppression of minorities”.
This is because given the context, Agrboda as a character now serves more than simple “representation and inclusion”, - she is more than just her appearance - she actually becomes an allegory for the horrible flaws in Ethnic based systems. That is, she doesn’t just look the part for nothing- her appearance is a direct comment on the oppression of minority groups and may be better than other race swapped characters like say, if they changed Tony Stark into a black man.
I will be frank, if Agrboda DID look white in the game as many believe she should, then she would look too much like the Aesir gods (like Thrud) and as a result the allegory for “Oppression of Minorities” would be lost since we would understand that Jotuns do not look like a minority -> therefore they are not oppressed.
Sadly that’s just how we as a society analyze things when it comes to the appearances of people. If we see a man in a suit, we assume he is rich. Never mind the idea that he may actually be poor and could be struggling through job interviews. We are very “surface level” observers.
So to conclude everything:
1) The game is set in its own mythology that is inspired by Norse mythology - therefore they do not have to be accurate with their depictions of their characters.
2) depictions of what Jotuns should look like according to Norse mythology is not set in stone and could be wrong since thousands of years ago ideas of color were different.
3) The studio is indeed picking and choosing certain things to be accurate and certain things to have artistic liberties.
4) Agrboda in the game could be more than just a cheap race swap meant to do the bare minimum in terms of “representation and inclusion” - her appearance actually adds depth to the suffering of Jotunheim by subtly tying it to the oppressions of real world Ethnic based systems unlike other race swaps like say “Starfire in TeenTitans on HBO”.
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
!!!!! multi!!! im glad youre back!! ive missed seeing your icon on my dash! ive been working so much on my silly little stories with my silly little guys, idk if ive told you about them but its my time traveling story, im finally beefing my characters and getting to know them better! ive been using a prompt list for june and forcing myself to write something for this story everyday and its been going really well!! (i can tell you more if youd like) i keep making everything really sad and tragic tho..... dunno whats up with that lmao. is there anything youve been working on recently??
RUNS AT YOU hiiiii!! :D yeah yeah!!! i never like. reallly left but i'm not gonna pretend i haven't been a bit MIA lmao......... have not had the energy to engage with people that much lately. BUT today is a new day and i am beating the sleeby boy allegations.
YEAH YOU'VE TOLD ME A LITTLE!!! oh that's so fucking cool OMG i'm so excited you're having so much fun with them and developing them more! i love your little guys okay they mean SO MUCH to me!!! and OHHH YES YES HELLO??? okay, if you don't mind, can you PLEASE send some of that my way??? or if you want please feel free to tag me in it if you post it! because i love your stuff so so much and i want to go off the shits.
and regardless, you're always welcome to come into my inbox and talk to me about what you're working on. at all times. i encourage you to do it!!!!! also that's so real. something about giving fictional people problems........ intoxicating.
but yes yes!!! so like i said i haven't had much energy to work on stuff lately, but i do have some things i've been bouncing around! a big thing is a tftgs fanfic character study i'm tentatively titling "in case you don't live forever," centered around jack and his relationship with his ex-girlfriend sabine.
sabine is such a fascinating character to me for loads of reasons, many of them being the fact that we learn basically nothing about her. she is the epitome of a character who haunts the narrative, at least in my opinion, and this started as like... me exploring what i think she was like. what kind of person she was. it then evolved into an exploration of what might've happened if sabine had *lived* and gotten to be happy.
so it's an au where she and jack run away together and start a new life in a new state. it's super emotional and tender and sweet and writing it is really cathartic and healing for me. i'm also using it as an opportunity to explore concepts that are tried and true multi-lefaiye classics: mental health, trauma, queerness, and how they all blend together at times. most of all, though, it's about healing.
i'm including an excerpt under the cut!
It’s just after two in the morning on a Saturday night in mid-2007, and for the last time, Sabine Lemoyne stands alone in her childhood bedroom.
She’s had this room since she was eight, and the decorations haven’t changed much in the following decade. The walls are the same soft, muted purple she adored growing up, plastered with posters for old movies and bands she hasn’t listened to in years, and it nicely complements the pink shag carpet beneath her feet. Her immaculate bedspread is bright and cheery, covered in colorful illustrations of grinning flowers and vibrant greenery. Her favorite childhood stuffed animal, a little pink cat named Eevie, sits on the desk across from her bed, watching her with vacant glass eyes.
Her room has always brought her some modicum of comfort, a sanctuary of peace and solitude in a tumultuous world, but now, standing in the mausoleum of times long since passed, it feels stifling. She can’t breathe in here.
Sabine has to leave. And that’s exactly what she intends to do.
The duffel bag on her bed has been packed for days now, and she’s only just finished packing the backpack leaning against it. Inside the duffel bag, she’s packed clothes, books, and an extra pair of shoes; the backpack, meanwhile, holds her toiletries, six hundred dollars in cash, and two laminated folders. Inside one folder are two bus tickets, set for departure in one hour.
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