#yes those are rose doc martens why do you ask.
torchickentacos · 11 months
So, i've been on hiatus for a lil bit and I might continue after this depending on if things irl calm down or not BUT I do feel the need to stop by here and say happy halloween. No face reveal for tumblr, but you can have this instead <3
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cloudrunnerscinnamon · 4 months
A short, slightly angsty Twelfth Doctor one shot - but don't worry, it's cute in the end :) 
Imagine you are traveling with the Doctor and at some point, after another ludicrous adventure, there are emotions demanding to be felt. What’s going to happen?
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(picture not mine)
"Just Once"
„Do you trust me?“ the Doctor asked. His hands were firmly wrapped around your upper arms and he stared unblinkingly at you. 
„Yes, yes of course, yes of course I do,“ you stuttered, „ always!“
The Doctor heavily breathed out through his nose and cast his view down, head hanging for a second before it snapped back up. This irritated you. Why did he seem disappointed? Why did you get the feeling that the Time Lord actually wished to be rejected. Was it because of fear? Was he scared of the responsibility that came with the trust that others put in him? That you obviously put in him… But why did he ask then? You were puzzled which had to be showing on your face because the Doctor’s face grew a bit softer, a bit less pensive and he seemed to really look at you again. 
Then it dawned on you. He was asking for permission, which was also why he did hope you would deny him. Permission for what though? You had been running with this man for what felt like forever. Why did he need reassurance now? Now of all times? 
You both had just barely made it out of an underground city which had been flooded by an acidic river. Until the last second the Doctor and you had tried everything to reverse the polarity of the thick, clear liquid but to no avail. In the end you still had to flee, almost not making it. Both of your clothes were scorched from the acid. Your boots looked especially bad. The soles were almost completely gone. Shame really, you did love those minty Doc Martens. Now, thinking back you realized how close of a call this last adventure had been. Suddenly something „clicked“ and you understood. Naturally the Doctor would pick a time like this to inquire upon your faith. It weren’t just your emotions running high but the Time Lord’s too. You had almost lost each other. All over in a blink of an eye. Gone. Unceremoniously slurped up by some acid glibber-liquid-river-thing. Dissolved into nothingness. 
Panic rose in you, even more adrenalin rushing your system. Panic you should have felt minutes ago racing against a tide bellowing after you. But all that kicked in now.
„I could have died,“ you whispered to yourself eyes not really looking, your gaze going inward. 
„We could have died!“ You yelled and your voice rung in your own ears, harsh and loud. You slapped your hand over your mouth shocked by the enormity of your statement and a tremble went through your entire body. 
„Doctor,“ it sounded muffled against the palm of your hand. Tears sprang to your eyes, a familiar sting. Your throat felt very tight all of a sudden and then you couldn’t hold it back any longer. A heart-wrenching sob left your body. 
The Doctor’s own eyes didn’t hold tears but they still carried a heavy sadness. His hands moved a little, making a very small stroking motion up and down your arms and shoulders. Then he removed your hand from your face which was still covering your mouth. He kept holding onto it tightly. His long slim fingers folded themselves around yours and that pressure anchored you back down. Wordlessly the Doctor started to wipe away your tears. All the while he kept holding your gaze and you didn’t know if you could handle the intensity or the intimacy of his actions. When he finally spoke the Time Lord’s voice was rough with emotions. 
„But you didn’t. We didn’t.“ It almost sounded like he was only saying those words to make sure they were still holding up to reality.
The lump in your throat eased up a little. The Doctor’s hand on your face calmed you down and you leaned your head more into it. You let him take more of the weight that had been sitting heavy on you. Your eyes fell shut. His caress was blooming like a bright light in your mind and you relished all the attention he was giving you. How could those fingers be so soft and gentle when he hardly ever seeked out another one’s touch? How could he put so much comfort in one touch when he never let anyone be so kind with him? How could he be so gingerly when he would never allow himself to be treated the same? 
You feel is thumb running slowly over your cheekbone. Once, twice then you lose count, lost in the sensation. The Doctor’s hand that was still holding yours squeezed lightly, you could feel a tug. It pulled you out of your head, like a rope pulling you out from under the water. You broke the surface and your eyes flickered open again. There he was and his cross eyebrows – not so cross right now. „He is so close“, you thought. Had he been that close a minute ago? 
I am not a hugger. The Doctor’s voice echoed through your memories from a while back. Him uttering these words really had stung a lot. He had respectfully but also firmly peeled himself out off your embrace and gone back to fiddling about the Tardis’ console. Of course even back then you had known that the Doctor did not reciprocate your feelings for him. At least most definitely not the romantic ones. A friend, maybe even a best friend, something resembling family by choice – yes absolutely but not a lover, not that kind of love. So his comment about not being a hugger did not surprise you too much. Numerous times you had become firsthand witness to the Doctor and his awkward little dances to avoid physical contact with just about anyone. However it still shattered your fragile human heart. Secretly you had wished he would make an exception for you. Oh, how stupid of you to think that. Acid rivers wont kill me, you rebuked yourself,  but my naiveté and wishful thinking are going to be the death of me. 
No, the Time Lord really hadn’t been so close a moment ago and you were still certain that he wasn’t a hugger. So what was going on? His face was so close you could, for the first time, make out the little brown spots in the Doctor’s blueish-green eyes. It came with a bit of a surprise to you that you had never really thought about what color his eyes were. You just knew you always wanted to see them. Now that they had been unwaveringly on you for the last minutes you found yourself growing uneasy. The adrenalin, the panic, the close proximity to the Doctor and his strange behavior had you strung tight like a rubber-band about to snap. For a short time there was only breathing. It made you painfully self-aware, too loud, too heavy, too quick. Matching right up with the beating of your heart and you wondered if the Doctor’s two hearts were hammering away in his chest as well. You wanted to put your hand on his chest and feel, you needed to know. The craving was so strong you had to actively keep yourself from reaching out. There was no way you would invade his space like that even though he was practically pushing „his space“ onto yours by now. 
You were lost and so confused. For all you knew you too could have been holding a silent conversation judging by the staring contest but you had no clue what about. The Tardis translates pretty much any language in time and space, why doesn’t she speak grumpy, Scottish Time Lord and his many dialects just this once. A huffed laughter slips out between your lips and you loose eye contact with the Doctor for a second. This was getting ridiculous and frankly you were past waiting. 
„Doctor,“ with a swift movement you push his left hand off of your face and pull your hand free of his right.  
„What is going on, what do you want? What are we doing here, I don’t –“. And his hands snapped back in position this time both on your face, holding it lightly, effectively shutting you up. You were dumfounded, brain not braining. A sound, which could have been interpreted as something in the area of „Doctor?“ but that would have been reaching, left your mouth. The Time Lord looked at you, registering all your emotions. His lips were slightly parted and his eyes wandered all over your face like he was trying to create a blueprint for his memory. And then wondrously he stepped even closer. It could have been the dim lights in the Tardis’ hallway but you were sure the Doctor’s eyes darkened. His body was so close to yours that you felt the heat radiating off of him. You stayed perfectly still not sure what to think, feel or do. 
„I will do this once, because I just have to know.“ The Doctor whispered while bending down a little. His mouth was inches from yours and you could feel his hot breath on your lips. 
„I need,“ he pressed his eyes shut and your breath hitched in anticipation, was this really happening? 
„I need so see how it feels, I need to know if…“  He hesitated. The Time Lord opened his eyes again giving you a pleading look almost begging for help. You understood then that he was battling with himself. 
Almost losing you had made him realize how much you actually meant to him and he wanted to act on it. He wanted to show you but this would mean completely going against all his rules. He was the Doctor he couldn’t get too close, he needed to keep a safe distance – always. Otherwise the inevitable loss would tear him apart. But not knowing what it would feel like to just give in made him want to crawl out of his own skin. For once the Time Lord wanted to feel it all, the butterflies, the longing, the safety, the familiarity and all the sweet nullities because how could he deny his hearts when they were bound to feel the pain of parting eventually. 
You could see the ongoing struggle on the Doctor’s face.You wanted to help him badly but without taking the choice away from him. Knowing the Doctor meant to understand that he couldn’t be pushed. So you decided to simply repeat your statement from a few minutes ago. 
„Doctor,“ you mutter, “ I trust you, always.“
In an instant the Doctor’s mouth was on yours. His weight pushed you against the curved wall of the hallway. The cool metal, a harsh contrast to the warmth between you too. One of his hands brushed past your jawline, along your neck, up into your hair. The other fell down to your waist holding onto you. 
When you kissed it was a brush of soft lips. For all the need the Doctor had held right before kissing you, it was all but slow and tender now. Then the tip of his tongue nudged against your lips softly asking for more but it didn’t feel forward, it was rather sweet, almost shy. You opened your mouth and the Doctor deepened the kiss tentatively. 
Suddenly you could taste him. There was thunderstorm and starlight, vanilla ice cream mixed with the smoky bite of a good Scottish whisky and something else, something you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It was glorious and you just melted into the Time Lord. Your bodies slotted against each other like they had always been intended to do just that and still he pulled you closer. Never letting go. There was heavy breathing and tiny noises but from whom you couldn’t tell. 
Did you stop breathing and just kept on kissing? You had no idea. 
Did said kiss last for two seconds or two hours? Still you had no clue. 
All too soon the kissing stopped and pathetically a whimper slipped out of you when you felt the Doctor pull away just a bit. It was not for long though. He proceeded to place wispy kisses all over your face and your knees turned all wobbly. You always knew the Doctor was a kind and sweet soul but you never imagined him to be so smooth and caring when it came to physical contact. That realization made your heart want to burst out of your chest. Could you love this man even more? 
The next time he reached your mouth he melted against it with a sigh. That sound robbed you of any restraint you might have still held and this time you passionately deepened the kiss. 
When the two of you came up out of the haze for air, the Doctor looked slightly disheveled and you couldn’t help yourself but it was just adorable. Tousled hair, red cheeks, whiffled eyes. 
You were still in his arms, you both didn’t seem to want to move. The Time Lord had never looked so openly and lovingly at you before. It felt like he wanted to make sure you understood that he was ready to let someone in. To let you in.
You smiled at him. Gently you ran your thumb over the Doctor’s cheek. He closed his eyes and a small smile was playing on his lips. 
And then suddenly, you had figured it out. 
„Oh, I know now,“ you said softly steeling one more chased peck on the lips from the Doctor to confirm your guess. He looked at you curiously.
„You know what?“ His voice low and husky. 
„Oranges.“ you exclaimed and leaned forward a little. Speaking while your lips touched his. 
„You taste like a loud thunderstorm and bright starlight, like vanilla ice cream doused with smoky whisky and fresh oranges.“ 
The Doctor laughed, burying his face in your neck and layering it with kisses. 
„I aim to please,“ he said and you both had to laugh at that. 
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animusicnerd · 2 years
Who gave my immune system the right to act like complete crap?? Like damn, I did not ask my first week of summer to be spent like this, but you know what, it’s fine- I swear-
More fem! Twst x fem! Reader brainrot. Enjoy! (Btw, I was not thinking while writing so characterization might be off.)
CW: Slight Homophobia
Riddle Rosehearts coming to terms with the fact that she is indeed a lesbian once she realizes that she likes you. She has a slight panic attack due to the fact that her mom has always raised her with the belief that men and women can only be romantically involved with each other, despite it not being true at all. A gay in denial but once she does come to terms with that, she devises a way to confess her feelings to you with the help of Trey and Cater. Unfortunately, those plans go to dust once you ask if she likes girls and, after a very awkward conversation with a strawberry red Riddle, she finds herself being your girlfriend. Guess that rose garden date can wait another time.
Malleus Draconia who mostly pins for you from afar, wondering if you are a fellow homosexual. She remembers Lilia telling her to just go for it and to shoot her shot but she ends up getting advice from Cater by accident. Cater tells her to ask if you listen to Girl in Red or if you like Doc Martens and although she’s a little confused about why she would ask those things, Malleus goes along with it and if you say yes to any of those, she’s ecstatic. Cater said that it means that you must like girls too, right? Let’s hope that you know some Fae courting rituals then
Deuce Spade who cannot look at you in the eye once she realizes she fell in love with one of her best friends. She’s absolutely red and is tripping over herself to not reveal her crush to you yet. It’s embarrassing to her and since it seems pretty obvious that she does like you, Ace and Epel are teasing her to death while Jack and Sebek are over it. Grim doesn’t care but if Deuce does ask her out, the cat demands tuna in return for borrowing the henchman. If you do like her back, then you would have to be the one to confess first because she’s just a mess around you.
Leona Kingscholar demanding that you sleep and cuddle with her because it’s your fault that she can’t sleep without you now. It doesn’t matter if it’s the botanical gardens or in her bedroom, she needs you there now to let her take her needed naps. Surely you can do this for her considering you made her dependent on you. If you’re not there, Ruggie is pleading with you to find Leona and let her lay her head on your lap or chest or anything, just make her have a decent nap for once. When you find Leona sleeping in her room, cuddling a pillow to her chest, you smile as you hear her mutter your name followed by a soft I love you. Maybe you should ask her out tomorrow.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Obsessed with your imagines you so when they have 3 kids and they’re all older! What about one where Harry has to have a sex talk with his kids OR y/n and Harry come home to find their kids throwing a party? I think both could be super funny
this has me excited cause i love the idea of them throwing a party when y/n and harry are at date night!! (does contain smut)
oli - 21, felix - 19, belle - 16
“We’re so fucking screwed.”
“Belle, for the millionth time, chill the fuck out.”
But how the fuck was anyone supposed to be chill when there was a full-on house party, close to being a rave, occurring in their house? A house that was their mum’s life work. A house party that their parents new nothing about. A night where absolutely anything and everything could go wrong.
The three siblings stood at the bottom of the stairs, in front of the door, looking around at the scenes occurring between each room. There were girls whispering to each other on the sofas, there was a group of guys playing beer pong in the kitchen and there was a large group of people hanging around by the pool and some even taking a dip. What had meant to be a low-key party had managed to turn into the whole neighbourhood plus the next town over. It was completely overboard.
“Who’s idea was this again?” Belle asked, clearly not understanding the full reasoning behind a full fledged party in their house.
“All of ours.” Oli responded, when in reality it was really just his, and a bit of Felix, idea.
“Nope. I’m not getting grounded because you two dickheads wanted to be rebels.” Belle put her hands up as if to stop this whole situation. She did not want to be a part of this and yet had somehow got screwed up with it all.
“So what are you going to do?” Felix asked.
“Anywhere where this doesn’t have my name stamped all over it.” Belle gestured around her, all of them groaning when they heard something smash from a nearby room. They were actually going to be locked up forever after this.
“Belle, mum and dad are out for the night. Dad said he booked a hotel for them to stay over at, so they won’t even be back until tomorrow morning.” Oli explained, trying to calm down his very nervous sister.
“Yeah, plus if you’re so insistent on leaving why did you get so dressed up?” Felix did have a point. Belle had gone through the effort tonight to be looking as best she could. She was sporting a little black dress with black fishnet tights and her trusty Doc Martens. It was a very colourful outfit, as she would explain. Belle had even gone to the effort of adding glue-on gems to her makeup. Whereas her brothers were just wearing sweaters and trousers and trainers. Typical teenage boys.
“I’ll bet that’s why.” Oli nodded behind Belle and smirked as he watched his little sister turn around.
Megan Dover. Belle’s high school crush and cleverest person in the year. Felix and Oli caught Belle blush when their little sister looked at Megan, waving to her cutely. Belle was a lot more introverted than Megan, but Belle didn’t mind. She admired that Megan was so outspoken and kind and smart, but too bad they didn’t truly know of Belle’s existence. At least, not really.
“Alright fine, i’ll stay, but just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Belle rolled her eyes and then walked off in the direction of the kitchen - if she was ever going to speak to Megan she’d need at least 4 shots in her system.
“Be safe little B.” Oli waved her off and then the two brothers looked at each other knowingly. “Is Heather here?”
“Not yet no, think she’s coming with the girls in a bit.” Felix checked his phone as his brother questioned him. “What about Bea?”
“She’s upstairs.”
“Why? I thought we weren’t allowing anyone upstairs?”
“Dude she’s my girlfriend, I think she gets a pass.” Oli patted his brothers back and then saunters up the stairs two at a time to go and find his girlfriend and reintroduce her to the party.
Another smash of something glass sounding came from the kitchen, along with a turn of screams and mumbles of oops.
“Fuck, we are so screwed.” Felix muttered under his breath as he made his way to the kitchen to clean up whatever was now broken.
Meanwhile, you and Harry were basking in each other’s presence at a fancy new restaurant downtown called Caste Inn.
Harry decided it was time for you to have a treat and so was taking you out for dinner and then retreating to a fancy hotel, where he would not let you rest for the whole night. He was already being really handsy this evening, but you kept swatting his prying hands away because you were in public.
“Babe, c’mon i’m dying here!” He whined as you swatted his hand away from the skirt of your dress for the fifth time since mains. You were lucky you were in a crescent shaped booth so it was hard for anyone to see what was going on underneath the table, but you still felt so exposed.
“Quit it Harry.” You sniped, returning your attention back to the desserts menu. The restaurant was that kind of place where the portions are sparrow sized and yet cost you as much as it would to donate a kidney, so there was no surprise that you were still hungry and had room for dessert.
“Just wanna love on my wife.” He pouted next to you, keeping his arm slunk around the back of the booth to continue to caress your far shoulder delicately.
“We’re in the middle of a restaurant, you’re crazy.” You snickered, trying your hardest to focus on the desserts; Tiramisu, Chocolate Orange Gateau, Pecan Pie, Creme Brulé and an endless list of more mouthwatering yumminess.
“Fucking crazy for you, yes.” He kissed your cheek once, twice and then bit it too on the third, making you moan slightly at the exposure of it all. “You used to let me do this kind of thing all the time, what happened hey?”
“I got old.” You laughed, but really you felt saddened by the thought of it. You were approaching your forties and you felt as though time wasn’t on your side anymore. Life was all flying by so fast and it was becoming so hard to stop it for a moment to see how beautiful it all is. Harry could tell you were faking your happiness in that moment and he hated that you felt this way. He loved you. He would worship the ground you walk upon. Nothing would ever be too much of an ask for him if it meant keeping your happy. Yes, you were getting older, but it didn’t mean that was a bad thing. At least you were getting older together and becoming maturer together.
“Talk to me, love.” He gently asked, knowing there was something on your mind that was bothering you.
“I just… I just feel like i’m getting older—”
“You are love, yes.” He interrupted you, which earned him a slap to the thigh. He didn’t let your hand go though, leaving it to rest on his tight thigh.
“And then suddenly that’s going to be it. No more Y/N.”
“Don’t say things like that to me, please love.” Harry shook his head, squeezing your hand a little tighter.
“And I feel like i’ll have regretted not doing so many things. Like I won’t have lived my life.”
“Things like?”
“Things like riding a motorcycle with you. Things like staying up all night with a bottle of wine and a good bit of Elvis. Reckless things, like skinny dipping or crashing a high school party. Things like, having my husband finger fuck me in a public restaurant. I remember when everything seemed so free and chaotic and I loved it. Now I feel stuck.”
“Stuck how, love?” Harry leaned in closer to you, his eyes full of love and determination because if that’s what you wanted he could give you all those things - especially the orgasm.
“I’m a mum, H. You’re a dad. We’re parents,m. Good ones at that. Aren’t we supposed to be grown up and responsible now? We don’t get to take risks anymore, because we have a family right? God, I sound so pathetic.” You sighed and put the menu down, not thinking about which pudding you wanted to fill yourself up with anymore.
“Babe. If you want to ride a motorcycle and go skinny dipping then let’s fucking do it. Why are you so afraid to hold back? Because we have kids, because darling believe me when I tell you - however much it disturbs me - our kids are out doing just as many reckless and crazy things as we used to do. Maybe we should fuck the prestigious system and show our children, all parents - including us - that adulthood, parenthood, doesn’t define the choices you make. We do.”
You couldn’t stop looking at your husband, drinking in every last drop of his beauty. His words filled your heart with rose petals and chocolates, warming you up delightfully. God, you were so lucky to have him. He helped you through the most toughest of times and continued to stick with you, not because a ring says he has to, but because he loves you. Undeniably and irrevocably loves you.
That was all it took for you to comply.
Quickly, you moved one of your legs under the table cloth so it draped over Harry’s thighs and made an opening between your legs. The cloth hid everything well, along with the dirty napkins that sat upon your laps.
“Wh- what are you doing love?” Harry asked confused, after not hearing a word back from you for his earlier speech.
“Harry I love you, I do, but will you just shut up and fuck my pussy with your fingers already.” You whispered wetly against his ear with your lips. He groaned at the words and tightened his grip around your leg, widening the gap he had to work with.
His hand slid underneath your dress slowly, squeezing the flesh of your thighs in tease, until he got to where your panties were. Or at least where they should be.
“Shit, you’re not wearing any pants?” Harry asked quizzically, pushing his fingers against your glistening pussy and feeling just how ready you were for him.
“Oh fuck!” You muffled out before Harry quickly slapped your slit because you were making too much noise, which only then made you squeal a bit more. He slapped your cunt hard enough the second time for you to get the memo that you needed to be quiet - but fuck was that a challenge. As much as you can be quiet, you just don’t like to be. You like knowing that your moans and whines turn Harry in even more, just as much as you love hearing his.
“Fucking hell, soaked already.” His fingers toyed with the folds of your cunt, feeling how puffy they were between his ringed fingers. “Gotta be quiet for me okay?” Just as he started pushing his delicious fingers inside of you, the waiter turned up at the table with a cheery face and not a bouncing clue what was happening between the two of you.
“Desserts?” He asked politely with his charming smile, but you didn’t see it for too long before having to close your eyes shut at the sudden movement of Harrys fingers. He wasn’t stopping on the waiters behalf, in fact he was more forcefully going for it. He moved his fingers in circles inside of you, thumbing over your clit in the way he knew you desired most. He was insatiable.
“No, just the bill please. Need to take my wife home to take care of some things.” Harry spoke for you both, not understanding why he was being so open with the amount of information he was giving away. But fucking hell you didn’t care because his fingers were providing you pleasures beyond reason.
“Yes Sir. I’ll only be two minutes.” He smiled again before he was gone, taking the menus with him.
“Here that baby?” Harry whispered into your ear, moving his fingers more freely now there was less of an audience, “you’ve got two minutes to cum.”
Questioning his authority would have to wait, for Harry got to work very quickly and perfectly. His fingers slicked in and out of you so erotically and if it wasn’t for the live music and loud chatter of the room, the sounds of his fingers driving in and out of you would be heard by everyone. His fingers curled to all the right places, touching the most sensitive parts of your walls and hell did it feel blissful.
“I’d say you’ve got about a minute left baby, and I think you can cum for me before then. Can’t you? Or am I not good enough for that kind of release anymore?” Harry taunted you and pressed wet kisses to your ear. You were too lost in euphoric paradise to notice, or even care, whether anyone could see or was watching you both. You were too focused on your husband. Your Harry.
“N-no. I can cum. You’re so good - shit - so g-good.” You stammered out, breathless from the air stolen from your lungs because of this erotic moment. This was so bad behaved of you both that you were starting to get a high off of it.
“Cum for me then baby. Do it. I’ve got you.” He kissed your lips to capture the moan that trailed off your tongue as you reached your high. You felt so high and yet so safe. Harry steadied you as your legs shook and kissed you senseless, to quieten your whines. He admired that you had been so willing for this and he would be lying if he said he didn’t have a raging hard-on right now.
“I love you,” you raced out quickly, “I love you.”
“I love you, Y/N.” He kissed your lips again and withdrew his fingers from your dripping cunt. You picked up a napkin but he quite quickly took it away from you, throwing it to the other side of the table.
“What are you doing?” You whisper shouted, needing to clean yourself up.
“More like what are you doing?”
“Cleaning my mess.” You said frustratedly.
“Leave that to me.” He spoke whilst holding intense eye contact with you, bringing his fingers that were coated in your arousal to his lips and sucking them dry. Every last drop worked its way into his mouth and he salivated at the taste - the smell.
“The bill Sir.” The waiter interrupted you without knowing. Harry took out his wallet and used his card on the card machine, before signing his name on the cheque as if to affirm that he has paid.
“Thank you.” Harry spoke kindly, completely different to how he was with you all but two minutes ago.
“Thank you Sir, Ma’am. Have a lovely rest of your evening.” And he wad gone again with his smile.
Harry turned to you with the largest grin on his face, “Oh we will.”
“Oli stop eating the leftover lasagne it’s for mums lunch!”
Belle was rushing around trying to chill everything down. The party was so out of control that even Oli and Felix were wasted. Megan was blowing hot and cold with her too, so she had no idea where she stood with them.
People were everywhere. Too many people that it was becoming claustrophobic. Felix was currently playing beer pong with a group of his friends, Heather attached at his hip, whilst Oli was sitting on the kitchen countertop eating cold lasagne. The boy was like chuffing Garfield. Belle was doing her best to keep calm, but as the night progressed it started to become worse and worse as it got harder to control.
As Belle turned to leave the kitchen, her brother clearly not listening to her, she bumped into someone. Kyle. Fucking Kyle. The guy who had obsessed over her to the point where Harry was seriously considering getting a restraining order on him to protect his daughter. He was a straight A creep and Belle hadn’t even realised he’d been invited to this party. Then again, over half of these people had most definitely not been invited.
“Oh hey Isabelle.” He stressed her whole name, knowing how much she hated it. Well, she didn’t hate her name she just hated him saying her name.
“Go away Kyle.”
“But I just got here.”
“And now you can just leave. Party’s ending anyways.” Belle stood her ground, but her hands were shaking from being even remotely close to this guy. He was disgusting to the point where if you were stuck between having to choose between being with him or eating mouldy cheese, you’d eat the cheese on a fucking silver platter.
“Looks quite alive to me.”
“Well i’m shutting it down and you’re going to leave. Now.”
“You need to liven up Belle.” Kyle chuckled through his nose, making him look scary as he towered over Belle, “let me help you.” He leaned forwards to grab her arm but she was quick to push him away.
“No! Leave me alone!” Belle shouted, trying to dodge around him but he was quicker. He grabbed her arm tight and pulled her back to him, chest touching chest. “Get off me Kyle.” Belle squirmed in his hold, which only made Kyle happier - the creep.
“C’mon Bella, live a little.”
“My name’s not Bella and I told you to get the fuck off of me.” Belle pulled back with all her might, whilst kicking him square in the balls - probably hard enough so he’ll never be able to have children - and then drove her knee up to crack his nose - successfully. Damn, that felt good. Heavily badass, actually.
“You fucking psycho!” Kyle held his nose and his balls in pain, straightening himself up as if to launch himself with fury at Belle. Luckily for her the outburst between the pair had caught attention of people - including Oli and Felix.
Oli was quick to step in front of Kyle, Felix just behind him. “You dare lay a fucking finger on my sister and I swear to you you’ll regret it.” Oli threatened, fists curled tight at his sides.
Heather came to hug Belle, comforting as she cried through the after shock of the situation. She’d been so brave and handled herself so well though. “You okay?” She kindly asked.
“Y-yeah.” No.
Everyone was now watching. The music had been muted to the point where you could tell it was playing but you couldn’t tell which song it was. Friends of Oli and Felix were standing close by in case things got messy, which normally only happened between the two brothers and not this way. Doors could be heard opening and shutting as people came in and out from places to watch the debacle occur between the hosts of the party and the unwelcome visitor. Oli and Felix knew they had to be careful though, because one wrong video and it could badly effect their dad’s career. Belle shook in Heathers arms and wished this nightmare of an evening to be over.
“Oh the whore’s not worth it anyways.” Kyle laughed, rolling his eyes as he pointed towards Belle.
“The fuck did you just call my daughter?”
Oh fucking shit balls.
“Dad?” Belle asked warily, seeing his dad stood in the doorway of the front door, her mum standing close behind him with her hand tightly clutched to his. As much as Belle was terrified that her parents had busted them, she also felt safe in their presence.
“Oh and here comes perfect-dad-of-the-year Harry Styles to the rescue.” Kyle teased which made Felix move forward in protest of his words.
“Fix.” Harry sternly called his name, making his son stop and look towards his dad who was shaking his head with a soft smile. Harry walked over towards Belle first, you still clutched tightly to him. “You alright?” He asked sincerely, not looking cross or disappointed at all. Belle nodded quickly and kept her head pressed to Heather’s chest. Harry turned to see his boys, raising his eyebrows to wordlessly ask them the same question to which they nodded too.
Harry dropped your hand, leaving you to stand with your sons, and left your forehead with a kiss before making his way to Kyle. “You okay boys?” You asked again, even though you knew Harry just asked.
“Yeah. Are you mum?” Oli asked, coming to wrap his arm around his mums neck to comfort her. He was so kind and thoughtful, just like his dad.
“Listen up, Kyle.” Harry started, keeping a good distance between him and the boy, “If you ever come near my family again i’m ordering a restraining order. That’s not a threat, it’s a promise. If you break that order you’ll be going to jail. Big league jail too. Again not a threat, a promise. So you’re going to leave my house, this property in its’ entirety and go home to sit in your room and think about whether you would prefer to be in a prison cell instead. Do you understand?”
Okay, you’d be lying if you said his authority didn’t turn you on.
“Y-yeah.” Kyle mumbled pathetically.
“I said do you understand?” Harry repeated again, clearly not satisfied with the answer given.
“Yes Mr Styles.” Kyle said more surely, before scramming from the house, from the party and from the neighbourhood.
“Now everyone out of my house before I call the police.” Everyone knew how that was not an empty threat and dashed out of his house. Some looked at him in awe, because this was probably their once and only chance of being in the presence of the Harry Styles. He sighed as he walked to the kitchen, leaning against the kitchen counter to think.
“Should we—” Belle started to talk but you cut her off.
“No, hunny. Let me go talk to your dad. You lot,” referring to your children and girlfriends who’d kindly stayed behind in support, “can go fetch some bin liners and start cleaning this all up.” You pointed around to the mess that was your house, before walking off to the kitchen.
You looked around at the mess. A broken vase. Litter everywhere. Half-drunken drinks left on the table. Bottle openers you definitely didn’t own before tonight. Trousers? You couldn’t help but giggle at the surrounding sight.
“What’s got you laughing?” Harry asked, still in his fancy shoes and fancy coat, you still in your fancy heels and your fancy coat. Yet, you were both standing in what looks like a garbage dump site. Harry moved his hand away from his face and looked at you with a blank expression.
“You were right!” You laughed.
“Your reaction as if that’s a bloody miracle, love, which kind of an ego crush, but continue.” He rolled his eyes and you rolled yours in response. You clicked your way over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, he kept his wrapped around his own obviously still closing himself off.
“Our kids are being reckless and crazy.” You recalled dinners earlier conversation, smiling up at him in admiration.
“I didn’t actually mean it, it was just a quick way to make you feel better.” He groaned in frustration.
“Well gee thanks babe!” You laughed at the whole irony of this situation. “Harry, babe, look at me,” you had to used your hand to turn his cheek to face you, stroking his cheek to calm him, “adulthood - parenthood - doesn’t define the choices we have to make. We do. And our children, apart from that last little bit, seemed like they had the most freeing and most brilliant night yet! Let them be reckless H. Let them make mistakes. Just because this happened doesn’t make us bad parents, and it doesn’t make us bad parents if we decide no punishment—”
“Ha like that’s going to happen!” Harry cut you off and you glared at him to just shut up.
“Just shut up, you oaf. Let the kids live while they’re young.”
“You did not just reference one of my songs.” Harry looked to the ceiling as he smiled widely, before shortly laughing at how cheesy that was. “Oh my god Y/N!”
“What? Was is that bad?”
“Yes, babe. Yeah it really was.” He looked back down at you to see you smiling and he couldn’t help but cup your cheeks and kiss you silly. His perfect lips fit yours and you tasted him until you couldn’t breathe. “I love you.”
“I love you. Now go help clean up.” You ordered him, making him look at you confused.
“What the hell have I done to deserve this?”
“You booked the hotel for next weekend instead of this weekend you div. Now go.” You smacked his backside and he strolled back over to you and pushed you into the counter. You gasped at the sudden motion.
“Do that again and let’s see what happens.” He whispered dangerously against your lips.
“Go clean up and then see what’s waiting in our bedroom.” You bit your lip and tugged Harry’s hand to under your dress, giving him only a slight feel of how wet you were before letting his hand go and walking away.
“Kids, hand me a bloody bin bag. Now!”
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massivedrickhead · 3 years
Bechloe Week 2021 - Day 6
July 31st: Neighbors AU or Famous AU
Read on AO3
So, yeah, should have posted this yesterday but I didn’t have time to finish writing it and then I got drunk. I’m not super happy with it, it didn’t come out like I planned, but I hope you like it anyway. Hopefully I can get day 7 written and posted tomorrow.
Fame for Beca had always been a double edged sword.
It allowed her music to spread across the globe. She got to meet fans and hear about how she had inspired or helped them, just by existing. She got to work with and meet her peers and idols, and perform in places she never dreamed of.
She got to provide for her family. She got to give her kids the childhood she never had, and she got to give her wife the life she deserved.
But she also had to deal with paparazzi following them around everywhere they went.
She had to deal with articles written about her every other day, and intense fans that crossed boundaries, and ones that would trash her online.
Beca was finding that she had more bad days than good days, and it was beginning to weigh her down.
She had to remind herself daily, that there were billions of people who were suffering in the world, and that she was incredibly privileged to live the life she led.
But Chloe could see the toll it was taking on her wife, and it was killing her.
After she was almost in that car accident, Beca had taken a couple of weeks off work. She spent her time taking care of Chloe, playing with Blake, and obsessively re-writing and re-working the songs on her upcoming album.
And it was an insane success.
Everyone who had slated her single ate their words, and Beca found herself skyrocketing to fame for the second time.
Their money worries disappeared almost overnight, but other problems replaced them quickly.
Beca had always been a relatively private and introverted person. It was one of the reasons she had always wanted to be a producer rather than an artist.
So while her fame rose, her anxiety did too.
She tried to keep it to herself, but Chloe has always been able to read Beca like a book.
She always knew when Beca’s anxiety was bad, but she also always knew how to calm Beca down.
So they were dealing with it. They had a system. Beca would work until she couldn’t, and then Chloe would pick her back up.
“People are dying,” Beca would mutter to herself, her eyes squeezed shut, her hands on the back of her head. “Children are dying. They’re going without food, water, and medicine, and they’re dying. My problems are nothing.”
When things were at the worst, she would repeat this to herself over and over as wave after way of anxiety crippled her. Chloe would find her and hold her, and whisper reassurances until Beca calmed down.
It wasn’t an ideal situation, but it was working.
At least Chloe thought it was.
But then Beca reached her breaking point.
It had been a rough week to begin with - she had had to read an article on a prominent gossip site about how she was apparently cheating on Chloe with another musician - so she was already on edge.
Chloe had assured Beca she knew it was all bullshit, but Beca still hated that Chloe had to deal with that stuff. And she hated even more that Blake was old enough to read and understand it.
It was Riley’s third birthday, and she was walking with her girls to get ice cream from the kids’ favourite place.
Riley was up on Beca’s shoulders, Chloe was walking at her side, pushing Riley’s empty stroller, and Blake was walking between them.
“What ice cream are you gonna get, peanut?” Beca asked.
“I don’t want any,” Blake said, frowning, kicking her shoes against the ground.
Beca shot a look of confusion at Chloe. She had been excited when they were in the car, and had seemed perfectly happy a few minutes ago when Beca had taken her hand to cross the street.
“Why not?” Chloe asked.
“I just don’t. I wanna go home,” she said. She stopped walking, so Beca and Chloe did too.
“Hey, what is it?” Chloe asked, crouching down in front of her. She pushed Blake’s dark brown hair out of her face, and lifted her sunglasses so she could see her eyes. “Are you not feeling well?”
“People keep taking pictures of us,” she said in a quiet voice. “And I don’t like it.”
Chloe glanced up at Beca in time to see her face fall.
“None of us like it very much,” Chloe said. “But your Mom is famous. And that means people wanna see pictures of her when she’s out and about.”
“Well I hate it!” Blake snapped. She looked past Chloe and let out a groan of annoyance. “They’re doing it again!”
Chloe turned and saw a man sitting at a table outside a coffee shop pointing his phone at them. He shoved it into his pocket and turned away when he realised he’d been caught.
Beca sighed, and took Riley down from her shoulders. Riley fussed and started crying when Beca put her back in her stroller.
“Sorry baby girl,” Beca said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Beca,” Chloe said in a warning voice.
“I’m just gonna talk to him,” Beca said.
She left Chloe with their daughters and approached the man.
She saw recognition dawn in other peoples’ faces as she got close.
“Hey,” she said, keeping her tone friendly. “Can you do me a favour and delete those pictures you took?”
“I didn’t-”
“Come on, man, even my nine-year-old clocked you. She doesn’t like having her picture taken, and I don’t like photographs of my kids being on some stranger’s phone,” Beca said. “I’ll happily take a selfie with you, if you want, but I’d really like it if you deleted those photos.”
“Yeah, I kinda don’t want a selfie,” he said. “TMZ won’t pay me anything for a selfie.”
Beca clenched her jaw and forced a smile. “Delete those pictures, dude.”
“No,” he said. “It’s a free country.”
Beca could feel the eyes of every other table watching them. She knew they had all fallen silent to eavesdrop.
“Delete the pictures of my fucking kids, do you hear me?” Beca said, trying to keep her voice down.
She was sick of this. Sick of the entitlement that these people had. Like they had a right to her life, and she was sick of the impact it was having on her family.
“Are you gonna make me?”
She saw he was pointing his phone at her again.
She swallowed down the anger that was building. “I’m asking nicely, dude. Delete those pictures.”
“I was taking them of you and Chloe,” he said. “You can hardly see the kids.”
“Is there a problem here?”
She looked at the man who had just arrived and figured he must work for the coffee shop, based on his brown apron with the shop logo, and the name tag that read ‘Dylan’.
“Beca fucking Mitchell here won’t leave me alone,” the guy said.
“This pervert took pictures of my kids!” Beca snapped back.
“What did you just call me?” He stood up from his chair quickly, the raised voice and abrupt noise of the chair scraping attracted more attention.
“How many other pictures of little girls are we gonna find on your phone? Let’s take a look,” she made a move to grab the phone off the table, but he tried to stop her, and caused it to slide off and onto the floor.
Without thinking, Beca drove the heel of her Doc Marten boot into it, hearing a satisfying crunch as the screen broke.
Yes, his pictures were probably already on the Cloud, but she didn’t care right now. He wasn’t going to be able to ruin anyone else’s day today.
“Yes!” One of the patrons of the coffee shop cheered. “Work bitch!”
“That was a $1,500 phone you… talentless whore!” He shoved her, hard, and Beca fell backwards into another table.
With a look of panic in his eyes he ran off, as Chloe rushed towards her with the girls.
“Mommy!” Blake cried, letting go of Chloe’s hand and running over to Beca who was now sitting on the ground, her hand gingerly touching the back of her head. “Mommy, he pushed you!”
She climbed onto her Mom’s lap and wrapped her arms around her.
“I know,” Beca said, hugging her daughter tightly. “But I’m okay.”
A bigger crowd had started to form around them now, and more people had their phones out. Beca could feel the panic building in her chest.
People were touching her, Beca didn’t know if they were trying to help her up or not, but she needed them to stop.
“Can I get through, please?” Beca heard Chloe shout. “Excuse me, I need to check on my wife.”
Dylan managed to clear a space for Chloe to get through with the stroller.
Riley was starting to get upset, and Chloe could see the panic rising in Beca’s eyes.
“Are you okay?” Chloe asked, her voice as quiet as she could make it so Beca would still be able to hear, but that it might not carry to the crowd.
“I can’t be here,” Beca said, her voice shaking. “I don’t want them to see.”
“Okay,” Chloe said. She stood up and quietly asked Dylan if there was somewhere they could sit in private, and he nodded. “Blake, honey, can you help your Mom stand up?”
Blake climbed off Beca’s lap, and held out her small hand for Beca to take. Beca took it, and stood up as Blake pulled.
Dylan led them through the shop and to a small room with a couple of sofas that must have been meant for staff.
“I’ll make sure no one bothers you,” he said.
“Thank you,” Chloe said. “We really appreciate this.”
He left the room and closed the door behind him.
Beca dropped onto one of the sofas and let her head fall into her shaking hands.
She forced herself to take deep breaths as Chloe sat beside her, rubbing a comforting hand up and down her back.
“Mommy?” Riley asked.
“Yeah?” Chloe replied.
“Can we get ice cream yet?”
Beca burst into tears without warning, which created the domino effect of Riley crying and then Blake crying.
“Okay,” Chloe said, surveying her tearful family. “Who needs a hug the most?”
“Mom does,” Blake said, sniffing and wiping her eyes.
“Can you give it to her while I take care of Riley?”
“Uh huh,” Blake said. She climbed onto Beca’s lap again, and Beca pulled her daughter into her arms. “It’s okay, Mom, the bad man is gone.”
“I know,” Beca said, trying to stop crying. “I’m just sad that he ruined Riley’s birthday.”
“We can still get ice cream,” Blake said. “I won’t be angry about people taking our picture anymore.”
“No, baby, you should be angry about that,” Beca said. “They don’t have your permission, so they shouldn’t be doing it.”
Her eyes met Chloe’s who was soothing a still sobbing Riley. Something was going to have to change.
They left the coffee shop once everyone had calmed down, and Beca gave them a big tip for the trouble they’d gone through.
They made it back to the car without any more trouble, and Beca ordered some ice cream on DoorDash to get delivered.
They hung out in their garden for the rest of the day, playing in the pool, and eating junk food.
Chloe kept noticing the smile that would slip from Beca’s face whenever she thought no one was looking.
Once the kids were bathed and put to bed, Chloe poured them both a generous glass of wine, and joined Beca on their comfy sofa in the living room.
“I don’t want you confronting people like that again, Bec,” Chloe said, trying to massage the tension out of Beca’s shoulders.
“I know,” Beca said, closing her eyes.
“I mean it,” Chloe said. “He could have hurt you.”
“I know,” Beca said again. “I promise, I won’t do that again.”
“Good,” Chloe said. She placed a kiss on the back of Beca’s head.
They were quiet for a while as Chloe continued slowly massaging Beca’s shoulders.
“Come on,” she said, planting a brief kiss on her neck. “Let's go to bed.”
They climbed the stairs, briefly checked on the kids, and then changed for bed.
“What are you thinking?” Chloe asked, watching Beca as stared up at the ceiling. She could see tears building in her eyes again, and she brushed one away with a sweep of her thumb.
“I don’t wanna do it anymore, Chloe,” Beca said, her voice breaking. “We can’t take our kids for ice cream. Blake is getting too anxious to leave the house, and Riley is gonna start picking up on that soon. You can’t even work anymore. I don’t… I don’t wanna be famous anymore, I don’t want to live in this stupid town, I don’t want any of it.”
“I know,” Chloe said, softly.
“I’m serious.” Her voice was wobbling dangerously now. “I can’t… It’s crushing me.” She brought up a hand to cover her face as she started crying. “I can’t do it anymore.”
“Hey, shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, we can figure this out,” Chloe said, gathering Beca into her arms. “We’ll be okay.”
“It’s gonna kill me.”
“I know, baby, I know. But I won’t let it,” Chloe said. “Tomorrow we’re gonna call Theo, and we’re gonna figure it out.”
“Thank you,” Beca said, feeling calm relief begin to wash over her. Things were going to change. Things were going to get better. “I love you.”
“I love you too. No matter what your job is or where we live. I’m always gonna love you.”
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Polar Opposites [Spencer Reid]
pairing - spencer reid x fem!alt!reader
type - fluff
note - hey, guys! this was a request! hope you enjoy it!
summary - spencer takes you out to meet his friends and they learn how different you are from him.
*gif isnt mine*
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I looked at myself in the mirror, trying to decide if I liked this outfit better, or the one I had just tried on. Tonight my boyfriend, Spencer, was taking me out clubbing to meet his friends. And right now, I was looking for an outfit.
The one I had on right now was a long t-shirt that I sewed together to be a romper. Fishnet tights, a belt that went along my waist with chains hanging from the sides, a necklace Spencer had given me, and Doc Martens. The other outfit I put together consisted of red and black plaid pants, a regular belt that I put a chain through, a black cami top that had a rose on it, and a black jean jacket.
My style was... different to say the least. A lot more alternative than what a usual adult wears. But, I loved it. I was able to express myself better this way.
I heard Spencer and I’s apartment door open. Spencer called my name and I told him I was in the bedroom. He walked in and his eyes widened.
“Woah, who told you you could look that good?” He smirked.
I smiled and walked over to him. “I did.”
I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him in for a kiss. He put his hands on my back, pulling me closer. I pulled away after a few moments, wanting to catch my breath.
“Is that your final outfit decision?” He asked. I smiled as he knew that I probably picked a out bunch of outfits before this.
“Hm, I’m not sure. You like it?” I asked and twirled around.
“I love it!” He exclaimed and eyed my body and the curves that the belt accentuated. My cheeks burned slightly and I led him to the bedroom to see the other outfit.
“Well, if we are gonna dance you might get too hot in the jacket and pants. But other than that, it’s your choice,” he shrugged.
I thought for a moment. “You’re right. I’ll stick with this.”
“Sounds good! I’m gonna go get ready,” he said.
I nodded and he turned his head before he left to the bathroom.
“Have I told you you looked good yet?” He asked.
“Hm... not in those exact words, no,” I chuckled. He laughed, “Well, you look ravishing.”
“Thank you, lover boy,” I winked. He chuckled again and then left to go to the bathroom.
I sighed happily and sat down on our bed. I truly felt like the luckiest girl in the world to be dating Dr. Spencer Reid. Us two were so different and due to that, a lot of people wouldn’t picture us together. But we ran into each other on the street - five months ago - , me accidentally spilling my coffee on him. I apologized profusely, but he said it was his fault and offered to buy me a cup sometime. I, of course, said yes and the rest was history.
I think what made us work was, well, I found him incredibly attractive. His fluffy hair, soft eyes, inncocent nature, and intelligent mind. We also shared a similar childhood it seemed. I was bullied for being different and knowing every word to My Chemical Romance and Linkin Park songs. And Spencer was bullied for being a child prodigy. But in my eyes, I didn’t understand who would bully him. He was a true gentleman, best friend, and incredibly sexy fact-spitter.
While thinking, Spencer’s hands wrapped around me. I smiled and turned to kiss his cheek.
“Ready to go?” He asked.
“Mhm,” I hummed. We both got up and I took a look at him.
His hair fell around his eyes and his lips held his perfect smile. He was wearing a dark-purple dress shirt and black pants.
“You look handsome,” I smiled.
“Thanks, babe,” he said and entertwined his hand with mine. Butterflies flew around my stomach and my knees went weak. Even after being together for almost half a year, he still had the same affects on me as he did from the beginning.
He grabbed his car keys and we went to the car. As we drove to the bar, I sang along to my MCR CD. Even though Spencer didn’t like this type of music, I still found him mouthing the lyrics.
We arrived at the bar and my palms started to get sweaty. Spencer opened the door for me and I thanked him and slowly started walking to the door. A wave of anxiety washed over me as I saw his friends sitting and talking at the bar.
“Hey, they’ll love you,” Spencer said, reading my mind.
“I hope so,” I said and took a deep breath.
Spencer led me over, saying hi first.
“Hey, guys! This is my girlfriend, Y/n,” Spencer smiled.
They all looked at you with friendly smiles and wide eyes.
“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you!” I smiled. “You must be Emily, Derek, Penelope, and JJ?” I guessed.
“Spot on! I see Spencer has talked a lot about us,” Emily smiled.
“Yeah,” I laughed. “I wanted to be prepared.”
She nodded and then Penelope went to speak.
“I love your outfit and style!” She exclaimed.
I smiled and felt myself relax slightly. “Thank you! I’ve always been one for being different.”
“Oh, me too. Hence all the bright colors and green eyeshadow,” she giggled.
“Oh, awesome! And the eyeshadow looks great!”
“Why thank you. I think we are gonna be great friends.”
“Me, too,” I giggled.
“So, Y/n,” JJ started. “How did you two meet?”
“Oh, I spilled my coffee all over him and he offered to buy me another sometime,” I explained.
Derek smiled and clapped him on the back. “My man! You know, pretty boy here used to be all books, but now he has some game!”
Spencer blushed and muttered a ‘thanks’.
“Really? He’s always had game,” I chuckled.
“If you knew me a couple years ago, you wouldn’t have thought so,” Spencer chuckled.
“Well I would’ve loved you either way,” I smiled and kissed his cheek.
“Oh you guys are adorable!” Penelope gushed.
“Thank you,” I smiled.
“Do you want some drinks?” Emily asked.
“Yeah, sure!” I smiled.
“Great, what would you like?”
“Um, a Manhattan,” I answered.
“Sounds good. And an Old Fashioned for you, Spence?” Emily asked.
Spencer nodded. I got out my credit card but they stopped me.
“We invited you out. It’s on us,” JJ smiled.
“Oh, uh... you sure? We can split the bill,” I suggested.
“Yeah, we’re sure. Next time you can pay for all of us,” Emily winked.
I laughed, “Okay, deal.”
“Let’s go find a seat,” JJ said. We all nodded and followed Derek and JJ while Emily and Penelope ordered our drinks.
“So, what’re your interests?” JJ asked.
“Oh, I’m interested in art. I’m actually an Art Gallery Dealer, and I paint and draw, too. I love music, that’s also another big part of my life. I’m kind of in a band, too,” I answered.
“Oh, really? You any good?” Derek asked.
“Eh,” I shrugged. Spencer rolled his eyes and smiled. “She’s being modest. She’s the lead singer and guitarist. She’s amazing.”
I blushed and held Spencer’s hand under the table.
“Wow, mind if we see you sometime?” JJ asked.
“Not at all,” I shook my head.
Emily and Penleope came over with all of our drinks.
“So, what did we miss?” Emily asked.
“Y/n, here, is in a band!” JJ exclaimed.
“Oh, really? That’s fun,” Emily smiled and took a sip of her beer.
“What kind of music do you play?” Penelope asked.
“Alternative Rock,” I said. “Ah, I should’ve known,” Penelope laughed.
“So have you ever liked the alternative style?” Derek asked.
“Ever since middle school. I guess you could call it emo, too. But it’s a fun way to express myself. I was bullied, but I always knew that it’s good to be different,” I explained.
They all smiled.
“Wow, that really cool,” Emily said.
“Thanks,” I chuckled.
“Hey, there’s karaoke here! I know your band isn’t here, but we’d love to hear you,” JJ smiled, changing the subject.
I laughed nervously and Spencer squeezed my hand for support.
“Sure,” I said. I downed my drink and stood up.
“You’ll do great!” Spencer said and gave me thunbs up. I laughed and went up to the DJ.
“Hey, are you doing karaoke right now?” I asked.
“Yeah! Wanna be the first contestant?” She asked.
“Yeah, sure,” I smiled.
“What song, sweetie?”
“Helena by My Chemical Romance,” I said.
“You got it. Here’s the mic, good luck!”
I thanked her and grabbed the mic. I went on the stage and immediately looked for Spencer. My eyes locked with his and he gave me another thumbs up. I smiled at his support.
The intro started and I took a deep breath and put my hand on my stomach.
“Long ago, just like the Hearse you die to get in again. we are so far from you, burning on.” I sang.
As I went on, people came in front of the stage, crowding around. Spencer and his friends came up. Penelope and Emily were singing along even.
“Well I've been holding on tonight. What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay. So long and goodnight. So long and goodnight,” I sang and loosened up. I moved my head and body with the music.
As I sang onto the next verse, almost the whole club was jumping around and singing the lyrics. I smiled and I felt my confidence build up.
“Can you hear me? Are you near me? Can we pretend to leave and then. We'll meet again. When both our cars collide,” I sang into the mic, getting louder with each word.
“What's the worst that I can say? Things are better if I stay. So long and goodnight. So long and goodnight!” I jumped around. “And if you carry on this way. Things are better if I stay. So long and goodnight. So long and goodnight!”
I finsihed the song and inhaled loudly, catching my breath. Everyone clapped. Derek, Emily, and Spencer whistled. I smiled and went off the stage. The group met me back at our table.
“Wow! You are talented!” Emiy laughed.
“Thank you. I took voice lessons for 12 years,” I chuckled.
“It payed off,” Derek smiled.
The rest of the night consisted of dancing and talking more. I felt myself grow tired and decided to go home with Spencer.
“Well, it was nice meeting you, Y/n,” JJ smiled.
“You, too,” I said and returned the smile.
“See you at work, guys,” Spencer said.
The Next Day *2nd POV*
“So, you met Reid’s girlfriend?” Rossi asked.
Emily nodded and sat down. “They are like polar opposites, but she’s so sweet.”
“How so?” Hotch asked. “She’s more alternative,” JJ explained.
“Hm... wait, is that her over there?” Hotch asked and pointed to the conference room’s window.
The team saw you giving Spencer his lunch. You were dressed in a blue bad black plaid skirt, crop top, with tights and your boots.
“Wow, she is different,” Rossi said.
“But he looks happy,” Hotch grinned slightly.
“He deserves it,” JJ smiled.
They all looked at the two of you, smiling fondly.
“I’m glad he found her,” Emily said.
“Me, too, Em,” Derek smiled.
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thewickedkings · 4 years
Between the Two of Us ~ Chapter 5
Masterlist || Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Summary: Jurdan High school AU. Rivals Jude and Cardan are forced to partner up for a history project, and drama ensues. Filled with banter, pranks, an unhealthy amount of pining, and Jude being clueless as usual.
Trigger Warnings: I don’t think there’s anything so far, but please let me know if there’s anything I missed!
Jude went through her shift at work in a distracted haze. Locke had texted her this morning that he would pick her up at 6:30 and to dress casually. The reality of her situation set in. She was going on a date. With a boy.
“Jude, are you okay? You look… tense,” the Bomb said as walked past Jude to the blender.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She paused, hesitating. The Bomb had noticed Locke was into her. “Okay, so I might have a date tonight. With the guy that came in last week.”
The Bomb’s face lit up. “Wow, he moved faster than I expected. Do you like him?”
Jude’s face scrunched up. “I mean… I think. He’s cute.” When the Bomb made a face, she added, “and nice!”
“Okay… so what’s wrong?”
Jude had no idea how to express everything that was bothering her, so she just said, “I have no idea what to wear.”
The Bomb smiled. “That, I can help you with.”
A couple hours later, after they had finished up their shift, Jude was watching as the Bomb sifted through the clothes in her closet. It was slightly disconcerting to see her coworker in her bedroom, but Jude found that she didn’t mind.
“These pants are so cute!” The Bomb exclaimed. “You are going to look so good in these.” She tossed them at Jude. “Try these with a black tank top. Oooh, and this belt. How have you never worn any of these clothes before?”
Jude laughed and walked into the bathroom. “I never had you to style my outfits for me, that’s why.”
When she returned from the bathroom, the Bomb gave her an approving look. The tan plaid pants loosely fitted her legs and cutoff around her ankles. They were cinched at the waist by a black belt, with her black tank top tucked in. When Jude looked in the mirror, she was surprised to find she liked how it looked on her.
“How do you like it?” The Bomb asked.
“I think… I think I really like it,” Jude replied, a hesitant smile pulling at her lips. She rubbed her arms self-consciously. “But maybe with a jacket on top.”
The Bomb grinned. “Yeah, I was thinking you could wear this black jean jacket on top. What shoes though?”
Jude dug to the back of her closet and pulled out her doc martens. She’d barely worn them, usually opting for the comfort of her converse, but she had a feeling they would work with her outfit.
“Yes, perfect. Those. You are going to knock that boy off his feet.”
A strange feeling enveloped Jude. She’d always imagined that Taryn would be there freaking out with her on her first date, but when Jude had tried to bring it up to her, Taryn had just mumbled a “cool.” They’d always been close, especially after the death of their parents, sticking together through everything that had changed in their lives after. But recently, Jude felt a distance growing between them that had never been there before, and she had no idea why. Even Vivi had her own life in college, and she only visited on the weekends.
Jude swallowed, sorting out her thoughts. “I- thanks. For helping me. I’m not the best at this stuff.” She gestured vaguely at the clothes littered on her bed.
The Bomb beamed, sitting down on the edge of Jude’s bed. “It’s no problem. I love messing around with clothes. And my love life has been pretty boring recently, so it’s fun to do this with you.”
“I feel like I saw some sparks between you and a certain someone on Wednesday.” Jude had been introduced to the Roach and the Ghost during her previous shift, and she had sensed some weird sort of connection between the Bomb and the Roach, something a little more than friends.
“Me and the Roach are just really good friends,” The Bomb said, averting her gaze.
“I never said anything about the Roach.”
The Bomb groaned, pushing back a strand of frizzy white hair from her face. “Is it that obvious?”
“I mean, I noticed.”
“Point taken.” The Bomb huffed out a laugh, and then flopped back onto Jude’s bed so she was lying down. “I’ve had a huge crush on him since high school. We’d both transferred to our school in the middle of high school, and so we were both kind of the awkward outcasts and we became friends. I’ve been stupidly pining over him ever since.”
Jude’s eyes widened. “Wow.”
“Yeah, I know. But enough about my hopeless love life. Today, you’re going onto a date. You have to text me with updates.”
Jude nodded and then the Bomb helped her do her makeup. By the time Jude was ready, a knot of anxiety had formed in her chest.
“It’s fine if it’s not perfect,” said the Bomb reassuringly as Jude led her to the door. “Just let yourself have fun and enjoy it.”
“Okay. I can do that… I think. I’ll text you after. Hopefully with good news.”
The Bomb laughed and walked to her car. “I’ll see you at work!”
Jude smiled. Even if this night ended terribly, at least she could say she’d made a friend out of it.
Jude shut the door behind her and dropped against it, sighing happily. She, Jude Duarte, had gone on a date, and it had gone well. Really well.
Locke had picked her up exactly on time and driven her to a cute burger place. At first, the conversation was a little stilted. He’d asked her about her project with Cardan, and she might have nervously blabbered to fill the awkward silence.
But eventually, Jude had let herself relax and the conversation came more naturally. They moved on to other topics, talking about everything from college plans and parents. In the middle of their conversation, he had reached out and clasped onto her hand. Jude had flushed, but he had kept talking like he hadn’t done anything.
Throughout the whole date, he was charming and sweet. And he looked really good in his white collared shirt. And then after, when he’d walked her back to her door, Locke had kissed her. Just a brief brush of lips, but it was nice.
Jude floated up the stairs to her room, lips tingling from the memory, and bumped into Taryn. She stepped back in surprise. “Oh, hey.”
Taryn’s eyes took in Jude’s outfit, expression unreadable. “He dropped you off?”
“Uh, yeah.”
Annoyance sparked inside Jude. “My date was nice, thanks for asking.” When Taryn didn’t respond, Jude grit her teeth in frustration. “What’s up with you? Why are you being all weird?”
Taryn scoffed. “Nothing. Maybe I just don’t want to hear about how perfect your date was.”
“Fine. Okay. Forget I said anything.” Jude marched into her room, shutting the door behind her. She didn’t even know why they were fighting. Frustration pricked at her, and her good mood disappeared just as quickly as it had come.
The next morning, Jude got ready with a renewed determination not to let anyone ruin her day. Not Taryn, and definitely not Cardan, who had invited himself over by text to work on their project. Jude hadn’t even bothered objecting, knowing it was useless.
After texting the Bomb about her date and receiving an excited frenzy of messages back, she peeled off her face mask and turned on her favorite playlist as she ate her breakfast.
When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, Jude put her plate in the dishwasher and washed her hands before going to open the door. Jude exhaled and mentally prepared herself, peeking through the peephole on the door.
But nothing in the world could have prepared her for what she saw next: Cardan Greenbriar, standing outside her front door, bouquet of red roses in hand.
A/N: The next chapter is definitely going to be interesting hehe. I was too lazy to edit anymore so I figured I’d just post. Hope you like it!! :)
Tagging: (Bolded tags didn’t work. I don’t know why, it might be your settings or just tumblr  acting up, but I’ll tag you in the comments for now! If I forgot to tag  you our messed something up, just send me an ask and I’ll fix it as soon  as I can!)
@jurdan7 @cardan-greenbriar-tcp  @amoosewithflannelforfur @aneuwin @mercrutiodidntdieforthis  @hizqueen4life @mi-mavencalories @simonelovesff @b00kworm @nope-has-lied @andromeddea @aesthetics-11 @queen-of-glass @runnybabbit9  @afexiss @the-keen-queen @yesimtheslytherinwitch @fizziefaerie @abigneignenn @storiesandschemes  @aelin-queen-of-terrasen @words-of-the-wise @thedazzlingheights @magicalbookwyvern @kittkatandbooboo @queen-of-no1 @iminsanenotobsessed @dorkzrul @snusbandxknifewife @aknymph @clouds-and-peonies @thefolkofthefic @snorting-up-pizza @fandomfanatic987  @fandom-will-be-the-death-of-me @cardanslittletail @curlyredqueen06 @losssssstttttt
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keepmeinthedark · 3 years
To The Top || A Marauders Band AU
Chapter Three: This Side of Paradise 
Read here on AO3
How did James and Lily go from disliking each other to falling in love?
They spent time together didn't they? That's how most people do it.
In past interviews, James had described his relationship with Lily Evans as "love at first sight."
That's because it was. Just because it started with love doesn't mean that they didn't have their problems in the middle.
Were any of the other boys in relationships at the time?
No, unless you count Frank who at the point was dating Alice, but they hadn't made it official at this point.
And according to Emmeline Vance herself, she was involved in the band during the early days. How did she meet them?
She lived with them. At Maxwells house. She shared a room with James.
Emmeline hated sharing a room with James.
He was messy, he was loud, and above all, he was a complete inconvenience whenever she wanted to bring someone home with her.
She always texted him, a quick and simple rabbit emoji, a quick way of saying "I'm about to bring someone into our room who I intend to have sex with. Please clear all of your shit to the side and go sleep on Sirius and Franks floor please."
But did he ever do it? Nope. Never. Not once.
One time he left a framed photo of himself with rose petals and candles on her bed.
Another time he had Sirius and Frank play the loudest least sexy music ever from their room once they had heard Emmeline and their date come in.
Another time James had replaced all of the photos of her friends and family with photos of the Backyardigans with James photoshopped into them. (They don't even know where he found the time for that one.)
And this time James hadn't even bothered to check his phone.
"Jesus Christ James what are you doing?" she asked the lump of blankets on his bed. She turned to her companion, a tall blonde girl with blue eyes, "Im so sorry, I told him to leave."
Her date just shrugged and started to gently kiss Emmeline's neck, "I don't mind so long as he's quiet," she said.
"Please don't," James squeaked from his bed.
Emmeline rolled her eyes. "Could you give us a second please?" She asked the blonde.
After the girl (she couldn't remember her name) left the room, Emmeline stormed over to where James lay. She pulled the sheets from on top of him and folded their arms. "What are you playing at?" she hissed.
James didn't answer, just mumbled a bit and waved his arms about.
"Are you drunk?"
"Are you sure?"
Emmeline uncrossed her arms, "What's this about, James?" she asked, their voice much softer than it was before.
James sat up, "It's nothing it's just... nothing. I'm sorry I didn't see your text I'll leave." He began to get out of bed.
"Hang on a sec. Wait up," Emmeline held their hand out and James sat back. "What's going on?"
James sighed and opened his mouth to answer when Sirius and Frank entered the room. "Why is there a lesbian in the hallway?" Sirius asked.
Emmeline gave him a look, "Nevermind about her, why is Potter depressed."
"I'm not depressed."
Emmeline's look was pleading.
Sirius sighed, "You remember that girl that he met at Christmas?"
"Dark red hair that reached her chest, emerald green eyes, plus size, has a smile that glows, exactly a head smaller, three piercings, a tattoo of a wolf behind her ear and wearing white Doc Martens?" She nodded. "Yeah, I remember."
"She was at the gig we played today and she rejected him."
"Well bloody hell is that all?" Emmeline sounded offended. "I thought someone had died or something but you're cockblocking me just because you couldn't get laid yourself. That is low Potter."
Emmeline could hear Frank trying to hold in his laughter and James looked up at her with a shocked expression.
"I didn't see your text!"
"I sent you fifteen rabbits! Fifteen! If that wasn't enough indication that the girl I was bringing back was important-"
"Alright! Alright, inside voices both of you," Sirius got between them. He turned to Emmeline. "Emme. What's so important about the lesbian in the hallway?"
They shrugged, "First fuck of the year ain't it?"
Behind her, Frank started laughing. In front of her, James looked like he was about to kill them.
"All of this for some random lesbian you found off the street?" Frank wheezed.
Emmeline's face scrunched up in disgust. "Alright let's get some things straight," she said, wagging her figure at each of them. "Firstly, it's the first day of the year I need a good start. Secondly, she's bisexual, and thirdly I didn't find her on the street she was at a house party that I just came from."
"So all of this for some random bisexual that you found at a house party?"
"To start this new fucking year off right! Can't forget about that!" Sirius chimed in.
Emmeline had never wanted to hit them more.
"Are we done?" James asked. "I'm a bit over talking about this."
"Oh, I'm sorry your highness are we bothering your coming of age moment?" Frank asked sarcastically.
"Yes, you are ruining my coming of age moment." James hissed. "Now if you don't mind, I prefer to be depressed alone, not with you lot and a bisexual from a house party!" He pulled his covers back over himself.
"Aww come on mate don't be like that. So you don't reject for once in your life it happens to everyone. Doesn't it guys?" Frank said turning to Sirius and Emmeline for support.
"Yeah, the amount of times I've flirted with straight dudes is embarrassing," Sirius said the same time Emmeline said, "Ah not really I'm a catch."
This got a smile from James.
"Ay, there's a smile!" Frank beamed. "C'mon, well go to the pub. Turn that frown upside down."
James' smiled grew and he nodded, finally getting out of bed. Emmeline, Sirius, and Frank cheered.
"Wait!" Emmeline said, "What are we going to do about the bisexual?" she whispered as if she could hear them from the other side of the door.
Frank shrugged, "Bring her along!"
They cheered again and made their way out of the bedroom door. Only to find that the girl Emmeline had brought back was no longer there.
"Ahh fuck her," James said when he noticed Emmelines disappointed face. "She would've brought the mood down anyway."
The Leaky Caldron was the quietest any of them had seen it. It was past 1 am by the time they had gotten there and most of their company were about to do their last rounds.
Sirius preferred it like this. It was easier to get a drink, it was easier to hear your friends and it was easier to actually move around. He was never fond of really crowded places like that.
Emmeline had gotten them all the first round and James got the second, by the time they were on the third Sirius noticed three guys walk into the pub. He immediately recognized one of them as Lily Evans' friend.
He opened his mouth to tell the others but Frank jumped in before he could. "Hey, those guys were at the gig today," he said subtly pointing at them.
James went pale, "Yeah, and one of them was talking to Lily when I went up to talk to her," he muttered.
Emmeline hit Frank's arm, "See what you've done," she hissed. "Don't worry Potter, Ill go throw my drink over him. Now, which one was it?"
"Emme, we've talked about this you cant just throw drinks over anyone you like," Sirius told her and slapped her hand away from her drink.
Sirius expected them to make some snarky come back, but instead they just stared at him and raised an eyebrow. Sirius was about to ask her what the hell she was doing when she threw her arms up and gave him a disapproving look.
"Really Sirius?" she asked. "Out of all the people for you to fancy it has to be one of them?"
Sirius went bright red, "I haven't got a clue what you're talking about," he lied.
"Don't lie to me."
"Well, I can't help it can I?"
"Oh my god, Sirius. Right, which one is it? I'll throw my drink over him instead."
Sirius nearly jumped out of his seat, "Why do you have to throw your drink on anyone?"
Emmeline gave him a judging look. "You can't date the friend of the girl who broke your poor mate's heart, Sirius."
"Yeah Sirius," Frank said in a mocking tone. "You can't break girl code."
Emmeline side-eyed him but ignored his comment. "Let's say you two date, and you falling love and get married and James is your best man while whats her name-"
"Lily Evans"
"- Lily Evans, is his best woman. And those two have to help plan your wedding, but they can't agree on anything because James holds grudges and your wedding is ruined. Do you really want your wedding to be ruined?"
James raised his eyebrows. "That's why this is bad? Not because of my feelings or anything?"
"I was getting to that."
"No, you weren't!"
"It was implied!"
Sirius downed what remained of his drink. "Alright, alright," he intervened before they could get any more annoying. "I just won't date him, you don't have to throw your drink over someone every time we go drinking Emme. We'll just continue our lives and never see each other ever again." Although if Sirius was being honest, he didn't really like the idea of never seeing his mystery boy again. "It's not like we talked or he took any notice of me anyway."
"Emme, get your drink ready," Frank said suddenly. "One of thems coming over here."
Sirius" head shot into the direction where Frank was looking. Unfortunately, it was not the scarred boy but rather the oldest of the group. Sirius wouldn't be surprised if he was the other three boys' father, as it was obvious that they were all related somehow.
Meanwhile, James had to steal Emmeline's drink before she could get her hands on it.
The man noticed that he was being watched and gave the group a small smile. "So sorry to bother you," he said as he got closer, "But were you by any chance the band that played at the fate earlier today?"
Nobody answered for a moment, each one of them was waiting for someone else to take one for the team and talk, in the end, it was Frank.
"Yeah, we were," he told him. "Were you there?"
The man shook his head but smiled. "No, but my sons were," he said pointing to the table where the three boys sat. Upon realizing that the group was now looking at them, each boy quickly turned their head to make it look like they weren't watching. All of them seemed embarrassed. The man laughed.
"They seem to have this problem when they see someone they know and their first reaction is to hide rather than say hello."
The four of them laughed awkwardly as if they weren't the exact same.
"Anyways, I just wanted to come here to prove a point," he said with a friendly smile. He turned to leave but backtracked on himself and pulled a card from his pocket. "Actually, if you guys ever need somewhere to play there is this club that likes to play small bands. Give them a call if you like."
Emmeline immediately reached for the card and took it from him, before any of the boys could tell him that "they're not a small band."
"Thank you, much appreciated," she said with a smile and the four of them watched as the man walked away.
Frank took the card from Emmeline and read it over a few times, then he and Emmeline began talking about if it would be worth giving them a call. James stayed silent and finished his drink, only giving his thoughts every now and then. Sirius on the other hand hadn't taken his eyes off the scarred boy, who was now interrogating his dad, along with his brothers. For a split second his eyes shifted and locked with Sirius'. He gave him a smile - that one that you give to random people on the street - and looked down at his drink.
Shit, Sirius thought. There is no way that I'm never seeing him again.
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Trouble (chapter 5)
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>>>Catch up with master list here!<<<
word count: 2.2k
story summary: You’re nothing but trouble and Harry can’t help the fact that he wants a taste.
warnings: Language // Drug Use
chapter summary: You and Harry go to a party
a/n: Everyone can thank my depression for the slow ass updates. Not sure if I’m keeping this series or not but I have it like half done so might as well. Anyways cheers to the drama
After a long week of boring classes, you were so happy for Friday night to finally be here. You were already dressed up and ready to be at the party that everyone else was already at. Dragging the protesting Harry behind you by his hand as your Doc Marten's hit the sidewalk pavement with determination.
"Could have worn a shirt t'the party at least." He groaned behind you. You could hear the pout across his beautifully annoying face as you rolled your eyes.
"Told you already, all the guys' will have their shirts off. Stop bitching." You pulled him harder by the hand forcing him to walk beside you.
"Better let me paint you fo' makin' me walk 'round naked across campus." His arm snaking around your shoulders that cheeky smile on his face as he peered down at you.
"You just want to touch me again." You said, rolling your eyes. A small smile curling at the corner of your lips as your face heated. You couldn't even deny that you wanted him to be close to you again.
"Got me there, love." He teased as you both finally made it to the frat house the party was at.
The sea of people inside the house was slowly starting to flow outside onto the front porch. People, mostly drunk girls, sitting on the lawn, giggling as you passed them. More like as Harry passed them.
"You're hot shit, Styles." You teased as you made your way through the tightly packed entry area.
He rolled those memorizing green eyes at you as you picked out a few paints you wanted to use and paintbrush for both of you. Your hands lingering over the paint bottles as you mentally tried to figure out what you were going to paint on him.
"Me first?" He asked when you finally turned back around, that annoying smug smile back on his face that made you want to kiss him and slap him at the same time.
"Knock yourself out. Just don't get it on that top, yeah? It was expensive." You said as he dipped the brush in paint. You had to brace yourself for how cold that shit was about to be across your skin. Berating yourself silently for not drinking beforehand.
"That was expensive? Half y'tits are hangin' out." He said, laughing when the cold-ass paint first touched your skin, making you jump slightly.
"Hey. It's called being sexy, look it up." You gestured to your outfit which consisted of your tightest pair of black high waisted shorts with fishnets underneath and a white crop top that, yes, showed the bottom of your breasts.
"Pretty sure my picture's next t'the definition 'f sexy, darlin'." He said, his eyes connecting with yours briefly before going back to work on whatever weird design he was painting on you. Which were mostly random swirls and a few flicks of the paintbrush here and there.
Of course, it wouldn't have mattered what the hell he was painting on you. He was so close to you his hot breath was tickling your skin every time he exhaled. Warming up the cold paint within seconds of it being on you.
You felt like your skin was crawling. Wanting so desperately to grab him and kiss him right then and there but you refrained yourself. Trying to reminding yourself that being like that with him again would only add on to the confusion running rampant in your brain.
His fingers brushing against your skin pulled you out of your thoughts. He quickly wiped away the paint from an area close to your hip bone that he messed up. Tingles running down your spine from such a stupid fucking touch made you want to pull your hair out.
At this point, it was just pathetic. Every time he touched you or you even looked at the damn guy you wanted to jump his bones.
You bit your lip as he finished up, all those pesky thoughts still floating around your brain of how he touched you the last time he was with you as he held up the brush once he was done.
"Make it good, yeh?" He said with a smile as you rolled your eyes, your hand snapping the brush out of his hand making him laugh slightly.
"Eyes up." You said, dipping the brush in paint, not wanting him to watch you at work.
"Oh no, you'll paint a dick across me if I do that." He said, backing up slightly as the paintbrush inched closer to his exposed stomach.
"I will not." You held up your pinky finger for him that he reluctantly took after silently debating with himself if he trusted you or not, idiot should have known better.
You smiled sweetly as you bent down in front of him. Looking up to make sure he was actually looking away from you when you first touched the brush to his skin.
"Fuckin' hell that's cold." He hissed, backing away from you. Making you mutter how much of a baby he was being as you pulled him back to you by the back of his thighs.
The smile not leaving your face as you wrote across him. Biting your lip to stop yourself from the giggles wanting to slip passed before standing up and telling him you were done. His eyes traveling down his stomach before a very amused look being shot at you.
"Wanna try it later then if y'think it's so great?" He said a cocky smile across his face at the words Fun Ride written fight above where his pants sat.
"Have fun!" You said starting to turn around before swinging back towards him. Your arms around his neck as his hands held your hips, trying to balance himself as you kissed the side of his cheek.
"There, now you're done." You said pulling away from the confused Harry. A perfect outline of your neon lipstick shining bright in the blacklights as you turned with one last wave to him, disappearing into the crowd.
It took you less than 30 seconds to find who you were looking for. Your arms going around her waist as you hugged her back tightly against you.
"God, it's a good thing it's you and not some fucking pervert. I was ready to throw my drink on someone." Rose grumbled before turning around to hug you back.
"Nope. Just regular old perverted me." You smiled, taking the drink from her hand and downing it in one gulp. Throwing the now useless cup into the crowd of people.
"Hey! I was drinking that." She whined, making you roll your eyes at her as you took her hand, dragging her through the house towards the kitchen.
"Yeah, well, I don't do cups." You said, throwing open the cabinets that you knew a little too well and grabbing a bottle of vodka.
"How'd you know that was there?" Rose asked as you turned around. A small shrug of your shoulders as you untwisted the cap, taking a drink before handing it to her.
"Fucked the head frat guy douche bag last semester. Found out all their dirty secrets." You smiled as she handed you back the bottle after taking a small sip for herself.
"Of course you did." She said as another arm was thrown over her shoulder, making her look up.
"What's up, ladies?" Finn said with a huge smile on his face as he took the bottle out of your hands taking a large drink from the now half-empty bottle.
"Well, we were having a good time before you showed up." You snatched the bottle back from him making him pout slightly at you. The dumb dork was cute in his own ways but oh so annoying.
"You ditching my boy again, Y/N?" That annoying smile across his face as you took a very long drink from the bottle. The burning sensation washing down your nerves about everyone finding out about your stupid damn obsession with Harry.
"Probably." You shrugged as he tsked you, clicking his tongue.
"Dunno why he's got the hots for ya pretty bad."
"That's exactly why then." You said, taking another drink before handing it to Rose who was not impressed at all with your response.
"You're so stupid. Just go hang out with him. You two would get along really well." She shook her head at you, taking a drink from the bottle before handing it to Finn.
"Yeah! What she said."
"Mhhh, no thanks." You said, your eyes scanning the room briefly before they landed on the tall British fucker in question.
An unfamiliar pit in your stomach forming at the sight of his hands wrapped around the back of some random brunette's neck with his tongue shoved down her throat. You rolled your eyes pointing your friends in his direction with your stare.
"Think he's getting on just fine. Let's dance." You said, finishing off the last of the bottle in Finn's hand and slamming it down on the table.
Really, for as much as you bitched about Harry. You had no right to feel any sort of way about him with someone else. You shook the thought away desperately reminding yourself that you didn't give a single fuck about what he did.
It was strictly physical.
And more importantly, you didn't do anything beyond sleeping with someone.
Your hand wrapped tightly around Finn's as you dragged him out to the dance floor. Rose followed shortly behind you two until her very annoying girlfriend interrupted your fun, dragging her away for you.
"That bitch fucking hates me." You said, rolling your eyes as you squeezed through the crowd of people.
"Yeah, well, the British asshole is going to hate me if I dance with you." Finn said as you turned around to face him, your arms around his neck with a small smile on your lips.
"When have you ever cared about that?" You asked, peering up to him as he shrugged slightly. His arms around your waist pulling you close into him.
"Think Harry might actually punch me. Better make it worth it."
"I make everything worth it." You teased, leaning up on your toes to connect your lips with his.
You wished those same types of fireworks happened with Finn, that did with Harry, but it didn't. Your mouth moving slightly out of sync with each other, not working in that magical rhythm that cheeky thick accented fucker managed to know how to do so perfectly.
Yes, it was still a good kiss. And maybe a few weeks ago it would have felt amazing, but now, after Harry, it was just average at best.
"God, you really do like him, don't you?" Finn said when he pulled away from the kiss.
His dark brown eyes filled with a spark of teasing making you huff as you leaned back from him. Shooting him a glare before it faltered from your face. There wasn't a point in lying to him. He could tell from that simple kiss that you definitely had someone else on your mind.
"Trying to not like him." You sighed, laying your head against his chest. Hating yourself for how you felt and how much you really didn't want to feel that way towards him.
Wanting to persevere yourself from any sort of heartbreak happening in the future.
"Dunno why he's not that much of a prick." Finn said as his hand rested against your hair, trying his best to comfort you. Knowing what it was like himself to hate emotions.
"Let's just say it's in the best interest of everyone involved. Let's just forget it. Yeah?" You said, pulling back slightly looking at the very confused Finn. His eyebrows pulled together tightly as he stared down at you.
"Fine." He said, eventually giving up playing the role of matchmaker for the night. His hands reaching in his pockets, pulling out a clear bag with a few pills in it.
"Wanna forget about it? Let's do it the right way then." He held up the small bag in front of you like it was a bag of candy. Shaking the pills back and forth slightly.
"Knew I liked you." You said, reaching up, taking the bag out of his hand and placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Just doing what I do best. Helping people avoid their problems." He said with a smile as you handed two round white pills to him and took two for yourself.
Quickly shoving them down your throat, swallowing them dry. The slight stinging in your throat as they went down causing you to cough before looking back at Finn who didn't even flinch as he took them.
"You're too good at that." You said, rolling your eyes as your arms went back around his neck.
"One of my many specialties." He smiled, hands on your hips bringing you close to him as you started to sway lightly back and forth. Turning around to press your bottom against him.
Determined to forget all those wonderful thoughts of Harry as you lost yourself in the music. The mystery pills taking the edge off your emotions as you danced tightly against Finn. Praying that in the morning those green eyes would be just a distant memory.
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24hour-blues · 4 years
all the ones you haven't answered yet? i'm sorry you're sad💙
thank you, that's very sweet. i hope you're doing alright 💛
1. when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? - more milk. i always end up putting too much.
2. do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? - yes
3. what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? - library receipts, post-its, junk mail, pencils
5. are you self-conscious of your smile? - i think it’s one of the few things i’m not self-conscious about, actually. i like my smile.
8. what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? - writing, often poetry but sometimes prose. i like creating playlists, too, and singing.
9. do you like singing/humming to yourself? - yeah, i sing to myself all the time. whatever song i have stuck in my head at the moment.
10. do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? - side, but very occasionally my stomach.
12. what’s your favorite planet? - jupiter
14. if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? - lots of pillows and blankets of all types. succulents and cacti on the windowsills. wooden utensils and dark cabinets in the kitchen. a breakfast bar with stools that don’t match. rugs with funky patterns. a big, soft couch in a bright color that you can sink into. a small balcony with fold-out chairs. rows of mugs and barely any plates. the bathroom crowded with makeup and skin products, writing on the mirror in blue marker. beds never made. a guitar in the corner of the sitting room.
15. go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! - there are more trees on earth than stars in the milky way
16. what’s your favorite pasta dish? - angel hair pasta with puttanesca sauce
18. tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. - i can’t think of anything...
19. do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? - everything. sometimes it’s big things, sometimes small. my fears and what i’m in love with. regrets. shame. hope.
20. what’s your favorite eye color? - grey
21. talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. - idk if it’s really my favorite, but my current backpack took me all through college and it’s good for storing stuff or using as an overnight bag. it’s from timberland and is a nice earthy brown with a flap over the top. lots of pockets.
22. are you a morning person? - i can be
23. what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? - make breakfast and tea. read or watch a movie that makes me rethink everything
25. what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? - a school, i think?
26. what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? - i haven’t had them forever, but i wear my doc martens with everything. i used to wear plain white keds with everything.
27. what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? - winter green
28. sunrise or sunset? - sunrise
30. think of it: have you ever been truly scared? - yes
31. what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. - i like soft, fluffy socks and ones with fun patterns. i love hiking socks. i don’t wear them to sleep tho.
32. tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. - i went to a waffle house at 5am with a friend and some friends of hers i’d just met on her birthday. we were all really drunk, the food took forever, and it tasted awful, but we were happy and laughing.
33. what’s your fave pastry? - probably a cinnamon roll
35. do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? - i like a good calligraphy pen and new notebooks. i don’t use them often; i feel like i don’t have anything important enough to write.
37. do you like keeping your room messy or clean? - it’s usually clean unless i’m not feeling well. sometimes i get disorganized.
38. tell us about your pet peeves! - overlapping conversations. people interrupting others. loud mouth noises, like chewing or licking. people criticizing my driving. nitpicky comments on my clothes or how i look. being talked about.
39. what color do you wear the most? - black, probably.
41. what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? - how it feels to float by helena fox
42. do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! - nope
43. who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? - i’m not sure
44. when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? - i can’t remember
45. do you trust your instincts a lot? - not really
46. tell us the worst pun you can think of. - i can’t remember it but something about pigeons and being coo-l
47. what food do you think should be banned from the universe? - bacon. i just wanna make people angry.
48. what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? - my dad told me a story once, about when i was a kid. he said that he and i were walking together near the lake in the neighborhood across from mine. i was holding his hand, and i said to him that this was the happiest time in my life because i wouldn't be the same when i grew out of being a child. i think i have the same fear now--that i'll never be that happy again.
49 do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
- i like records but i only have one. it's an album by ccr. i really like them
50. what’s an odd thing you collect?
- beer bottle caps
52. what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
- maybe those "girl..." text posts that just say stupid shit
53. have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
- watched them all but pulp fiction. i don't really remember heathers at all
55. what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
- lets not talk about that
57. go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
- not in the mood sorry
58. who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? - bri is wine mom. quincy and i are vodka aunt.
60. do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
- yes but i rarely remember favorites. i read so much and feel it then forget all the words
61. what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
- someone gave me a rock once. i get too nervous to give stupid gifts
62. do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
- orange or cranberry
63. are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
- i'm more fussy about music than books, but i do like my books organized. i like them worn in and well-read tho, not in perfect shape.
64. what color is the sky where you are right now?
- a fuzzy, light blue-grey. it's snowing
65. is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
- a few
66. what would your ideal flower crown look like?
- lots of green leaves in all different shapes and sizes. tiny white and blue flowers.
67. how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
- isolated and insignificant. safe
68. what’s winter like where you live?
- cold, grey, snowy.
69. what are your favorite board games?
- idk if i really too many board games. maybe cranium. i like puzzles more
71. what’s your favorite kind of tea?
- honey vanilla chamomile
72. are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
- yea and even then i forget.
73. what are some of your worst habits?
- i give up too easily
74. describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
- excitable. emotional. so very smart. creative as all hell. self-conscious where they shouldn't be. never runs out of words in the best way. loves to share.
75. tell us about your pets!
- my dog shiver is turning into a little old man, but he still acts like a puppy. he likes attention and whines to communicate. he'll greet you at the door and put his front paws on your thighs to say hi. follows you all around the house. loves to cuddle.
- my pigeon spirit is young and vocal. she coos for attention. when i go to sleep, she grunts every time i move to ask where i am and if i'm okay. i take showers with her and sit on the tile; she puffs up right into my side and sticks her wings out for me to splash water on her. she likes to be close to me to get neck scritches and push her head into my neck and preen every bit of me she can.
76. is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
- a lot probably
77. pink or yellow lemonade?
- limeade
78. are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
- i dunno they're cute
80. what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
- it's white wallpaper with pink roses along the top and ribbons of pink and green striped vertically. my mom chose it before i was born.
81. describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
- they sort of remind me of dark water where everything is reflected back in it--not just the sky but the trees and people walking--and they make you want to look closer because you know there's something in there, it's not just a reflection, like flat glass. but it's hidden until you dio your hand in the pictures broken.
82. are/were you good in school?
- pretty good
83. what’s some of your favorite album art?
- i don't look at albums
85. do you read comics? what are your faves?
- not really, but watchmen is one of my favorites.
86. do you like concept albums? which ones?
- dunno
88. are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
- um. idrk. i like whatever monet was doing.
91. where do you plan on traveling this year?
- maybe michigan
92. are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
- i like cheese
93. what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
- i just kind of. let it do whatever.
94. who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
- my uncle
95. what are your plans for this weekend?
- honestly have no clue
96. do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
- put them off until windows tells me it's restarting the computer in five minutes
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
- mb
98. when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
- in college with jacob, although i wouldn't really call it joking. we just walked through a state park. it was beautiful.
100. if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
- idk. i feel like i'd make the same mistakes if i went back, but the future scares me.
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Chapter 17 - Age Of Aquarius
Seattle Washington, January 23 1990
(Andi is 20 and 20, Chris is 25)
ANDI: Backstage at The Moore theatre, all of us with Soundgarden and Mother Love Bone were hanging out and having a little pre-show party before Soundgarden was taking the stage. It had been a while since we were all together hanging out and everyone was having the time of their life, especially me given the fact that it is my 20th birthday. Yes, this little time travel wonder was born on this day in 1970. I swear there are some days where I feel a hell of a lot older though. 
After the fight that Andy and Xana had back in December, things have been a little strange around the apartment. You can feel the tension between them. Xana apologized of course especially to me, though I had nothing to do with it. She just felt horrible that she let her temper get the best of her and she never meant for that incident with the T.V to happen. I asked her straight out if she was fucking around with some guy other than Andy and she completely denied it. Swearing up and down that Andy is the only one for her, and I believe her. I just know that something is up because Andy has changed.
Andy has always been that flirtatious, flamboyant, life of the party kind of guy. He can also be pretty shy too when he's not trying to put on a show for everyone. Usually when he's had a few that's when he's pretty showy but living with him over the last year, you can really see how he's just like any other normal guy. So sweet and one of my best friends. Chris and him are so incredibly close too. I swear if I wasn't in the picture, Chris and Andy would be together - and I mean that in the most endearing way of course - they just love each other like brothers if you know what I mean. 
When I found out Andy had been using, I told Chris because I wasn't sure who to talk to about it. It scares me to think that he has to turn to that to feel better. Chris assured me that everything is going to be fine and that he was going to figure out a way to confront him about it, he just didn't want to come on too strong with Andy, because that never works. Chris had said that Andy had gone through this before - which is why Chris asked Andy to move in with him so he could help him get better- and Andy was able to get sober once before so he knows he'll be able to do it again. He just needs time. 
"Happy Birthday love," Andy drops down beside me on the large sectional couch, handing me a box wrapped up in shiny silver paper with a red bow on top.
"Oh, Andy... you didn't have to," I say and take a sip of my beer, then set it down on the table in front of us.
"I know, but I wanted to," He says sweetly taking a sip of his beer and resting his arm on the back of the couch to face me a little more. I flip my curls out of my face and slowly open up the box eyeing him as I unwrap it while he just smirks at me. Eventually I am able to open it and I pull out a double sided picture frame, and as I open it there is a picture of Chris and I that Andy had taken at what looked like one of the many gatherings we have backstage. Chris is holding me as we sit on a couch, in the middle of placing a kiss on my cheek as I'm caught in mid hysterical laughter.
"That was the night he found out that they were nominated for a Grammy..." Andy says and I start to tear up a bit. 
The other side was a picture of Chris with Andy that I had taken, at the photo shoot that Mother Love Bone was doing for their record 'Apple' which is going to be released in April this year. Chris has his arm around Andy, his curls all flipped to one side wearing a Nirvana tank top and Andy just looks so cute standing next to him all in white with that cute little smirk he does sometimes.
I glance at him and he has the sweetest smile spread across his face and I immediately reach over and wrap my arms around him, giving him the biggest hug I could ever give him.
"Thank you," I say quietly, and a little shakily as I try to hold back my tears. He places his hand on my back and gently strokes as I try me best to let go but I don't want to. 
"There's um... there's something else in there too," Andy's voice cracks. I slowly pull away from him, wiping my eye and lift up the picture frame to see a gorgeous dark brown leather guitar strap with all of my favorite bands - Black Sabbath, The Beatles, Aerosmith, Metallica, Guns N Roses and so on - etched into the leather.
"Oh my god this is fucking cool," I giggle and Andy chuckles.
"Here, if you flip it over.... see?" Andy says and shows me the underside of the strap.
"To the most badass goddess of a guitarist I know... Love, L'Andrew the Love Child otherwise known as Andy... 01/23/90" I giggle as I read out loud the inscription that he wrote for me.
"Hey babe," Chris appears, looking extremely amazing in his black baggy shorts and a white fitted tank, his dark curls flowing perfectly passed his shoulders.
"Hi... look... look what I got," I excitedly show Chris my guitar strap as he sits down beside me. "Isn't it fucking cool?" I say smiling away as Andy takes a sip of his beer.
"Yea, baby," Chris smiles at me and Andy rises from the couch, saying something about grabbing another beer and walks away from us to join the others.
"Is that us?" Chris asks gesturing to the picture frame that sat in the box on my lap still.
"Yea, and look... me and you... and you and Andy," I say as I hand it over to him so that he can see. Chris takes a sip of his beer and sets it down on the table in front of us then studies the photos that were in the frame.
"Is this the one you took?" Chris asks glancing at the photo of him and Andy.
"Yea," I smile.
"I look like a dork," Chris says flatly and grabs his beer to take a sip.
"Fuck off, no you don't," I laugh as I playfully slap him in the chest. He nearly chokes on his beer and I stop laughing for a moment, realizing I made him spill some down his chin and to his chest.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry," I giggle as I cover my mouth with my hand.
"You're fucking in for it now," Chris smirks setting the beer down on the table.
"No!" I squeal with laughter as he pulls me into him laying me across his lap and kissing my neck me but tickling me as I try to stop him.
"Come to think of it, I haven't given you your birthday spanking yet," Chris says low in my ear.
"Hey, you're not doing that to me with everyone here," I say trying to be serious.
"Oh,  so you want me to, huh?" Chris raises his eyebrow at me and I just bite my bottom lip.
"Maybe," And as I raise my eyebrow at him, I could see his expression turn to lust instantly and just before he could say or do anything else, it was time for Soundgarden to take the stage.
"I fucking love you so much baby," Chris says in my ear, standing just off to the side stage, with his Gibson slung over his shoulder.
"I fucking love you too," I whisper back and he places his lips on mine, my fingers lacing through his thick soft curls, sucking that bottom lip of his and not wanting to let him go.
"And now for your noisy and extremely loud listening pleasure... SOUNDGARDEN!" 
And with that, he pulls away from me and heads out on stage.
"... hands all over, 
words I utter...
Change them into, things you want to...
Like balls of clay...
Put your hands away...
yea... put your hands... those hands... American woman...
stay away from me... American woman... just let me be...
you know I gotta go woman.... I gotta leave... I gotta leave you woman.... bye bye
Hearing Chris somehow turn 'Hands All Over' into 'American Woman' by The Guess Who was just unbelievable. I didn't even realize those songs could work so well together but somehow he is able to pull it off into a medley that is unlike anything I've ever heard. As much as I wanted to hear the rest, I really needed to pee like something fierce, and if I don't go now, I'm gonna pee all over the side stage. I quickly take the last sip of my beer and head down offstage to set the empty bottle down on one of the tables. 
"Hey girl, Happy Birthday," Susan smiles at me.
"Thank you," I smile back pushing my curls out of my eyes.
"Where you going?" She asks.
"Gotta pee... if Chris asks, I'm just in the bathroom," I slur a little bit. I didn't think I had that many drinks but apparently I did.
"Sure," She smiles at me and pats me on my arm and I head down the long fluorescent hallway of The Moore theatre. With my darks curls bouncing as I walk down the hallway in my Doc Martens, I round the corner and make my way towards the washrooms when I see a girl who looks extremely familiar. Her long dark curls hang across her face in ringlets as she looks down at herself adjusting her plain black tank top and mini skirt with Doc Marten's matching mine. She then looks up at me and it was something I haven't encountered in such a long time. 
It's me.
"Hi," She says and for a moment I thought maybe I had too much and that I'm only really just dreaming this but I know for certain that this is me. My future me.
"Hey," I say as if I'm seeing an old acquaintance for the first time in years.
Now like I've explained, I have done this before, but not since I was a little girl. It's not the same as the way all the sci-fi movies and books have explained how this sort of thing works, where if you encounter yourself  - future or past - you run the risk of creating some sort of time warp or black hole or however they describe something bad happening. It's not like that at all. It's just me, in a different time, either younger or older, like you would have a twin or a brother or sister...or something. 
"It's our birthday isn't it?" She asks.
"Um, yea..." I smile shyly, pushing a curl behind my ear.
"I'm sorry I just really have to pee... follow me in?" I say to myself and she nods. I look behind me to see if anybody was looking and it seemed like the coast was clear, so I take her hand and head into the washrooms.
"When are you from?" I ask her as I head into the stall and close the door.
"1990... just a few months from now." She says.
There's was silence between us as I relieved myself, suddenly somehow feeling awkward that I could hear me peeing... that isn't just me sitting on the toilet... er.. you know what I mean.
"I've got to tell you something, and I know I always told you that I wouldn't ever tell you about the future but... I guess in this case I should," She says. I finish my business and pull up my ripped jeans, flush the toilet and open the stall door. 
"Tell me what?" I ask as I move over to the sink and wash my hands.
"It's about Andy... you've got to confront him... help him, anything you can do to just -" She starts becoming frantic, tears suddenly welling up in her eyes.
"Whoa, whoa... hey... what? I mean I know about the whole thing and you already know I told Chris already -" I say as I turn off the sink taps and dry my hands with the paper towel dispenser but she cuts me off.
"No, no... you have to help him Andrea... you... don't understand. If you can somehow make this time travel curse work in our favor, you have to... please..." She starts to cry as my eyebrows knit together in confusion. I slowly move over to her and wrap my arms around her as she cries into my shoulder. It's always been a strange feeling to hold myself because at the same time we both acquire the memory instantly, feel the same feeling of consolation and empathy all at once. 
"Hey baby, where were you?" Chris asks when he comes through the backstage door, Kim Matt and Jason slipping passed him to the dressing room. 
"I just had to pee," I say and he smiles at me, wearing only his shorts and Doc Marten's, his hair still damp from when he was throwing bottles of water all over the stage and the audience. He puts his arm around my shoulders, as I place my hand on his chest, feeling him flex a little. He leans down placing his lips on my temple and whispers how much he loves me while we walk back to the dressing room.
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years
Negan and Lucille Chapter 1
Summary: Negan is completely captivated by Lucille and she is captivated by him too. But she is hiding a lot of pain behind her fake smile.
Warnings: language, abusive father, kissing, mention of self harm.
A/N: i began writing this because i thought it would be good to have a multi chapter series of Negan and Lucilles life. From school to their marriage to Lucilles sickness. If you get triggered by abusive parents or any abuse at all and self harming you can skip this chapter and the other chapters to come. I’ll put warnings for those chapters.
Relationship: Negan x Lucille
The pitch lights were shining bright as Negan was waiting in line beside the fence to bat, it was the biggest game of the season. Negan loved baseball and he had fun playing in grade eleven. He had already batted three times but he enjoyed it, being able to hit the ball as far as he could. He had a good swing and he hit the ball further than anybody else in the team that he was in. Negan was last in the line because he had just batted in a line of five and they all get obviously one turn. The feeling of the wood of the bat was smooth under his fingers as his grip was loose on his slugger. 
He turned his head towards the stands and sitting right in the middle was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her hair was as dark as the night sky and her eyes were as blue as the ocean. Her skin was the perfect tanned completion similar to his in a way and her smile could light up a room. He didn’t understand how he had not noticed her before, she was a vision. She turned her head and looked dead into his eyes, she flashed a small smile and gave a small wave. He smiled widely showing his beautiful dimples and waved back, she giggled and turned her head. He had to get to know her and he had to ask her out now he just wanted the game finished. 
He stared at her the whole twenty minutes that he was in the line then the sound of the couches voice pulled him out of his trance. He lifted the bat above his shoulder ready to hit it hard. The ball was thrown and he watched it sail through the air, he swung the bat hard and the ball flew so far away. He dropped his bat and the dirt kicked up as he ran as fast as he could. He saw in the corner of his eye that girl in the stands standing up and cheering for him. He slid in the int and his foot touched the white mat before the ball could and he had helped the team win on that home run.
 All the boys on the team crowded around him and cheered him and pat him on the back. He just wanted to find that girl in the stand so he walked slowly across the pitch to the fence. It took him a while before he spotted her in the crowd, she was walking towards him. He smiled as she walked towards the fence to talk to him, his heart was beating fast in his chest as she approached him. “I noticed you staring at me” she beamed her voice was sweet. She knocked the breath out of him, his palms were sweaty and he blushed deeply.
“Yeah fuck I’m sorry for being all creepy and shit but I couldn’t un notice such a fucking beauty such as you.” She blushed deeply “I’m Lucille” she said holding out her hand “I’m Negan” he said taking her hand and shaking it. “Nice home run by the way” she commented “thanks I’m the best fucking batter in the team.” He tried not to boast but he wanted to impress her. “Um did you wanna go out sometime?” He asked fiddling with his hands, fuck he had never been this nervous around a girl before. 
“Sure I’ll give you my number” her smile was so beautiful, he loved it. He grabbed his bat and settled it on his shoulder as he followed her through the crowd. She was wearing baggy jeans, a oversized evil dead t-shirt and black boots and her hair was down past her shoulders. He followed her into the parking lot to an old black ford that was parked next to a willow tree. She pushed the key into the driver side door and unlocked it. Negan leaned his bat against the side of the car as he watched her pull a piece of paper and a pen out of the glove box.
The wind blew through the tree making a few leaves drop down onto the top of her car and it made her hair wave a little. She handed him the strip of paper “do you wanna give me yours?” Negan took the pen from her hand, his fingers brushed hers and they both blushed, he wrote his number on the paper. She took the strip of paper from him and put it into the front pocket of her jeans. “Do you need a lift home” she asked pushing they key into the ignition and turning it to hear the purr of the engine.
 “Nah I got my fucking car but I’ll talk to you at school tomorrow.” She smiled at him again “ok well don’t fucking crash” he chuckled at her comment. “Don’t fucking worry yourself doll I won’t” he snatched up his bat as she closed the door of her car. He began walking down the isle of cars as she backed out of the parking space. As she drove past she beeped her horn and he waved to her and a huge grin spread across his face. Lucille had liked Negan for a while but she never thought she would have a shot. He always had all the pretty girls and Lucille never thought she was pretty.
Her father told her that she was a useless whore and that she was fully and he still told her that to this day. Her father hit her and her mother too but her mother was too afraid to leave her father. Lucille wasn’t allowed to have a boyfriend by her fathers rules but her mother didn’t care. She had a boyfriend when she was fifteen but he left her because of her father and he wasn’t good to her either. Negan lived with just his mother because his father wasn’t good to his mother and him so she took Negan and left. 
The girlfriends he had weren’t really girlfriends they were just a quick fuck that wanted something more afterwards. But the girl he had just met was different, she made him feel nervous and shy he was never like that around girls. She was gorgeous and he wanted to know what her personality was like. Usually just wanted a pretty face and some sweet pussy but this girl he wanted to know more about. 
The next day at school Negan found Lucille sitting on the stands by the playing field. Her long black hair was blowing the wind as she was drawing on a fresh page of her sketch pad. She looked up ever few seconds to look at the scenery and sketch it on the page. She was wearing a Marilyn Manson shirt with ripped jeans and black biker boots. His heart began to pound hard in his chest and his palms were sweaty. He took a deep breath in and walked towards her on the stands, the metal of the bench seats creaked under his feet. 
He sat down next to her on the seat and she turned her head, a smile spread across her face. “Hey Negan” she said sweetly “hey Lucille” fuck why was he so nervous around her. “You can call me Lu y’know it’s fine” her Southern drawl was stronger than his and he loved that. “So did you wanna go to a party some of my friends are having tonight?” Lucille knew her father would say no but she wanted to go with Negan so she was gonna lie and say that she was go nan stay with some friends.
“Sure Negan what time?” Negan smiled “how about seven will that be ok?” Lucille nodded. “Pick me up on the corner of Lowell street which is my street” he smiled widely and his heart nearly exploded. “Fucking great i can’t fucking wait Lu” she giggled at his excitement which only made him smile wider. He looked over at her sketch book and saw a drawing of the playing field and it looked just like what he was seeing in front of him. “You draw well” he commented making her blush, she looked out to the playing field. “Yeah i do it to keep my mind off of shit” Negan stood up “i gotta bounce but i’ll fucking see you tonight Lu.”
 He bent down and kissed her cheek softly making her blush and giggle. “ok Neeg’s i’ll see you tonight” he liked that nickname but only she could call him that. Once was out of sight he jumped up in excitement “fuck yes” he whispered to himself. Lucille squealed with excitement “fuck yes” she giggled, she was so excited for tonight and she knew just what to wear. Luckily her father was working the nightshift so her mom could help her get ready.
Once school ended Lu rushed home in her car to go shower and get ready, she basically ran through the door. “Hey Lu how was school?” Lucille rushed into the kitchen all jumpy and excited. “Well someones excited” her mum said smiling “mom i met a guy last night called Negan and i’m going on a date with him tonight.” Her mom rushed over to her and grabbed her books out of her hands and put them on the wooden kitchen table beside them. “Lets go upstairs, go shower and you pick what you wanna wear and i’ll do your makeup.” 
Lucille was so excited, she flew up the stairs and showered. She ran to her room in her towel, she had another hour to pick what to wear and her mom could do her makeup. She went into her closet and picked out her black dress that went down to her knees, she picked out her sexy black lacy panties and bra. She slipped on her black stockings and then her dress with sleeves, she put on her doc Martens with the red roses on the sides. She brushed her hair and did two braids that went into a little ponytail so her black hair was half down half up. She then put on all her bracelets on her right wrist to cover her scars and new wounds.
Her mom came into her room and began to do her makeup, first her foundation, then her eyeliner, then her black and purple eyeshadow, her mascara and last but not least her nude lipstick with gloss over it. Once she was done she flew back down stairs and out the door down her street to wait for him on the corner. She waited two minutes until she saw a black truck come speeding down the road. As soon as he saw her his blood rushed straight to his dick and his hair stood on end. He pulled up and got out of the drivers side and walked around to the passenger side door. 
He was wearing a pair of black jeans with a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket that was unzipped and his dark hair was slicked back. He opened the passenger side door and held out his hand, she took it “ma’am” he said as she stepped into his truck. “Thank you sheriff” she said letting go of his hand he smirked as he closed the passenger side door. Her heart was beating fast as he got back into the truck sliding onto the bench seat next to her. “Lets fucking go doll” he beamed as he sped down the road, truth is he was so fucking nervous.
“Where are we going Neeg’s?” she asked looking out the window at the sun going  down over the hills. “The party’s in the fucking woods near a hill we’re almost there” he said that just as they turned off the road to a road that led into the woods.  After a few moments of driving they pulled up next at least ten other cars and there was light from a bonfire. Negan killed the engine and got out of his truck and walked over to the passenger side door. He opened it and held out his hand, Lucille took it a stepped out of his truck. “Thank you” she said letting go of his hand, he closed the door and locked the truck. He bent his arm at the elbow offering for her to take his arm and she took it by slipping her arm around his. 
The cool leather his jacket making goosebumps appear on her skin, the sound of ACDC was playing loudly and peoples voices could be heard. Lucille wasn’t the most popular girl in school she was like the loser so she was nervous about being seen with Negan. As they walked into the space there were people sitting around the huge bonfire making out and drinking. Some were dancing and smoking and some were sat on the roof of the blue truck parked near the fire.
Lucille felt like just running and hiding but she didn’t want to upset Negan and he was good so far. “I’m gonna go and get a fucking drink you want one Lu?” she slid her arm from his and looked up at him. “Can i have a beer please?” Negan nodded “i’ll be right fucking back” he leaned down and kissed her cheek. Returned around and walked over to the table that had cartons upon cartons of beer. Lucilles dress had pockets so she pulled out her pack of cigarettes and her silver zippo. 
She pulled out a cigarette and put it between her lips, she flicked the lid open of her zippo and flicked the flint. She lit the cigarette and flicked the lid of her lighter closed and put them both back into her pocket. Lucille took a long drag before before blowiangthe smoke into the cool night air. Negan approached her with their beers in his hands. He handed her her beer and she took a long sip of it before holding it beside her. Negan saw the cigarette inner hand “can i have one?” Lucille pulled the pick and her zippo back out of her pocket. She pulled a cigarette out and handed to him and she handed him her zippo. She took another drag before turning her head to blow the smoke away from Negan’s face.
“C’mon let’s sit by the fucking fire” Lucille nodded in agreement and followed him over to one of the many logs placed around the fire. Lucille took another sip from her beer as did Negan. “So who do you live with Lu?” she turned her head to look at him, his hazel eyes were sparkling. “I live with my mom and my dad but we are pretty fucking poor and my dad is an asshole.” Negan’s face softened “i live with just my mom cuz my dad was a fucking asshole too.” Lucille smiled “I guess thats one thing we have in common” she said taking a drag of her cigarette. 
“I guess it fucking is” Negan replied taking a drag of his cigarette, Negan still felt nervous. “I gotta take a piss i’ll be back” Negan said placing his beer on the ground and getting up. He walked off into the woods, Lucille just sat their finishing her smoke and sipping her beer. Blonde headed girl walked up to her “oh no” Lucille thought it was Samantha the girl who bullied her. Lucille flicked her cigarette and stood up from the log and she came face to face with Samantha.
“Well if it isn’t Lucille the whore” Lucille just rolled her eyes and scoffed “says the one who gets guys to pay her to fucking suck them off.” Samantha chuckled and rolled her eyes “so why you here just to find someone to fuck?” Samantha scoffed. “No i actually have a fucking date unlike you” Lucille retorted feeling braver than she ever did. “Oh yeah who with your dad” that comment hurt Lucille a little “no Negan actually.” Samantha laughed hard “Negan wouldn’t bat an eye at you, you’re just a fucking loser with a rapist for a dad bitch.” Lucille just ignored her comments even though the ones about her father were true. 
Negan walked into the fight and stood in front of Lucille. “Well actually you’re fucking wrong she is my date Samantha” Negan drawled. Samantha stopped laughing and swallowed hard “why would you want to date a fucking lowlife like her when you could have a girl like me.” Negan chuckled “because she doesn’t suck guys off for money and she is actually fucking genuine not like you. Your just a fake ass whore who only wants men who can fucking own you and buy you every fucking thing. So leave Lucille the fuck alone or i will fucking sort you out myself” Samantha just looked blankly at both of them and stormed off.
Negan chuckled as she stormed off, he turned around and excepted Lucille to begin tears butte wasn’t. “You didn’t have to defend me y’know, i’ve been putting up with her most of my life.” Negan moved stepped closer to her and reached up to push a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I know you can but she had to be put into her fucking place she should know better and fucking live you alone now that i’ve fucking sorted her out.” Lucille looked up at him “thank you for defending me, guys have never really done that for me before.” Negan smiled at her before taking her hand and pulling her back towards his truck. 
She didn’t question him she just followed him along. He opened the passenger side door for her once again and she stepped into his truck and slid onto the bench seat. The truck shook slightly when Negan shut the door, he walked back around to the driver side door. He sat on the bench seat and pulled the door closed and pushed the key into the ignition and the truck started. He backed the truck out and drove it back down the road they came down and turned right on the highway.
Lucille looked out the window and watched the street lights speed past her eyes, Negan was the only guy who had ever stood up for her like that. Negan turned into one of the many diners in their town and parked the truck at the front of the diner. “What do you want to eat Lu?” Negan asked as he was getting out of the truck. “Whatever you’re having but i want a chocolate milkshake please” Negan smiled at her “sure just stay here i’ll be out fucking soon.” 
He closed the driver side door and she watched him walk into the diner. While he was in the diner she sat and thought about him. He was sweet and funny and he hadn’t put a hand on her, yet this was their first date. But she could tell that he wasn’t like that, she didn’t know how she knew she just did. A part of her was afraid, if her father found out god help her and her mom. Lucille was afraid that if she told Negan he would leave her and she didn’t want that. So at that very moment she decided to not tell Negan about her father and her boyfriend rule. 
She was pulled out of her thoughts when the driver side door opened and Negan placed the bag of food in the middle of the bench seat. He then handed her her milkshake “thank you” she said softly as she took it from his hand. Negan got into the truck with a drink of his own and pulled the door closed behind him. “Alright doll lets fucking go” he said backing out of the parking space and turning left on the road. The smell of the food was making her mouth water and her stomach grumble but she was patient. 
Their date wasn’t over yet but she didn’t care she didn’t want to go home. Negan turned off the road onto a dirt track that led to the top of a hill. He parked the truck on the top of the hill and killed the engine, the truck was facing the moon. The moon was full so it lit up the sky and the area that surrounded them. “You wanna come sit on the fucking hood?” Lucille nodded, the paper bag with the food it cracked as Negan picked it up. Lucille jumped out of the truck and walked around to the front of the truck, she placed her drink on the hood. she then climbed up the bull bar and leaned her back against the windscreen. She grabbed her drink and took sip.
The truck shook when Negan climbed up the bull bar he set the food down in between them and sat down. Negan unlaced his boots and kicked them off and threw them into the open window of his truck. Lucille did the same as him and laid back down staring at the sky. Negan handed her food to her and she took it saying thank you as she always did. She unwrapped the cheeseburger that he got her and bit into it. They just sat there quietly and looking up at the sky, both to nervous to say anything. 
Lucille had finished her burger so she scrunched up the paper it was wrapped in and threw it into the paper bag. She took a long sip of her drink and set it back down on the hood of the truck. “The moon is so pretty tonight” Lucille said nervously “not as fucking pretty as you.” Lucille blushed deeply and her heart was beating fast in her chest. “You’re just saying that i’m not pretty i’m fucking ugly” Lucille scoffed. Negan turned his head to look at her but she was looking forward. “Lucille look at me” Lucille turned her head and was met with his sparkling eyes.
“Don’t believe a word that fucking bitch says you are fucking beautiful and you aren’t a whore she is. You are a sweet and fucking caring person who deserves the fucking world. That fucking bitch doesn’t deserve anything in the world” Lucille stared into his eyes. She turned her head back to look at the sky but Negan kept staring at her. She really was beautiful on the inside and the outside, this was their first date but from what he had seen she was sweet and caring. He moved his hand slowly towards hers and he slowly laced his fingers with hers. Her hand was much smaller than his and he thought it was cute that her hand was much smaller in his big one. 
Goosebumps spread across her skin and her heart was beating faster in her chest. It began to get cold so her body shivered slightly, Negan noticed.  He let go of her hand and sat up to take his leather jacket off. He draped it over her shoulders and she pushed her arms into the sleeves, it was warm from him wearing it. They both played back down against the windscreen and Lucille grabbed his hand again, their fingers intertwined.
His jacket smelt like nicotine and mint along with leather it was intoxicating and she loved it. Lucille shifted a little closer to him feeling the heat radiating from his body. Negan’s heart was beating fast in his chest as was hers, he turned his head to face her. They stared into each others eyes, Negan reached up to cup her cheek and softly caress it. He shifted closer to her so they were only a breath apart and their noses were touching. He leaned his face closer until his lips pressed softly against hers and she instantly melted against him. Negan pushed himself up so the upper half of his body was over hers. 
She tangled her fingers in his dark hair while her other hand was on his shoulder. Negan cupped his cheek while his other hand was on her stoking covered thigh. Lucille’s tongue traced the seam of his lips and Negan complied by opening his mouth. Her tongue licked against his and explored his mouth he tasted like chocolate and mint. He moaned quietly at the taste of her like chocolate and nicotine.
Negan shifted in between her legs, she bent her legs at the knee a placed her feet flat on the hood of the car. All that could be heard was the wet sounds of their lips and Lucilles soft moans. She had never been kissed like this by a boy before usually it was dominant and emotionless. But with Negan it was slow and loving and the feeling of him grinding softly against her core was making her love it even more. They made out like this for at least thirty minutes before they were both hot and flustered and Negan pulled away. 
“I better get you home baby” Negan said pecking her lips, Lucille was dreading going home. She picked up her drink and jumped off the hood of the truck and opened the passenger side door. She jumped into the truck and pulled the door closed behind her Negan started up the truck and drove back down the road. He turned left onto the highway and started heading back to her street. Lucille moved her hand on top of his and laced her fingers with his. She was scared but she did her best to hide it so she just squeezed his hand. 
Negan looked over at her and noticed the fear in her eyes he turned his head back to focus on the road. “Whats wrong Lu?” he asked concern lacing his words “nothing Neeg’s i’m fine just drop me off where you picked me up please.” Negan knew something was up he could tell by the fear in her eyes and the way she was squeezing his hand. He turned down her street and pulled up at the corner where he picked her up from. “Thanks for dinner Negan and thanks for sticking up for me” Negan smiled at her and rubbed his thumb softly over her knuckles.
 “No fucking problem baby i had a good time too did you wanna do this again on Tuesday?” Lucille thought for a moment she knew what her dad would do but she didn’t care “sure i’d like that” she replied. She leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips then pulled away and kissed his cheek softly. She opened the door of his truck and stepped out all the while still holding his hand. She grabbed her boots in her other hand and looked up at him hiding her fear behind her smile. Little did she know he could see right through that fake smile and he could see she was scared.
“Oh you’re jacket” she went to take it off “no its ok you keep it on you look badass with it on and it fucking suits you.” Lucille blushed and her heart swelled with love and it distracted her from the fear she felt. He leaned down and brushed his lips over the back of her hand softly and she smiled back at him. She walked backward still holding his hand but her fingers were sliding from his grasp. Her pinky finger curled around his until her hand was fully pulled away from his. It was like if she let go of him she would get hurt which she was when she got home. Negan pulled the passenger side door closed and blew her a kiss she caught it and blew it back.
 Negan drove off leaving Lucille with love and fear in her heart. She walked home slowly dreading what was to come, she walked up the path to her house and gulped as she turned the doorknob of the front door. She opened the door and closed it softly behind her and her dad appeared from the kitchen. “Where have you fucking been Lucille?” her father growled she cowered in fear. “I was just out with sone friends daddy no boys i promise” fear was slowly filling her as he walked closer to to her.
“Where did you get that jacket?” he asked looking over it “one of my friends gave it to me its one of hers.” Her father raised his eyebrow “you’re fucking late Lucille” she swallowed hard. “I know and i’m sorry daddy i just got held up” her dad lifted his hand and back handed her across the face and she fell to the ground. “Thats no fucking excuse you know the fucking rules you little slut!” he spat as she wiped the tears falling from her eyes. “Y..yes daddy i’m s..sorry” he scoffed, she pulled herself up from the floor and stood up.
 He slapped her again but much harder and she wiped her face and ran up the stairs and locked her door. She ran over to her bed and buried her face into the pillow and cried her eyes out. She pulled Negan’s jacket tighter around her and she inhaled deeply, his scent calming her down. He made her feel good and mostly he made her feel safe like her father couldn’t touch her. She dried her tears and stood up from her bed and wiped off her makeup and got into her pyjamas. She put Negan’s jacket back on and zipped it up and fell back onto her bed his scent calming her once again.
@you-a-southpaw-doll  @savedpeople @negan-morningstar @negan-the-cat @smcc212 @negans-lucille-tblr
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yeetingmyfeeling · 5 years
A Rose Tattoo
Chapter Eight
Remus Lupin
Coffee sounds good
Remus Lupin
Would you like to
go to the pub
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Friday night?
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Yeah, that works
Sirius Black
Can’t wait
I’ll pick you up
Last time, James was stressing about what socks go better with his jacket. That was for his date with Lily, a confirmed date. Sirius doesn’t even know if this is a real date. He’s technically just returning a book.
“Sirius, stop pacing,” James sighed. “You just showered, don’t gross yourself up even more.”
“Even more?” Sirius stopped pacing. “Excuse me?”
“Ladies,” Peter put his hand up. “We need to make Sirius pretty,”
“Not that hard then,” Sirius stuck his chin in the air. His friends rolled their eyes.
“Something simple?” James asked Peter, ignoring Sirius now. “Smart casual?”
“Yeah..” Peter nodded. He started going through Sirius’ many clothes. He threw a shirt at Sirius’ head.
“With these,” James added pants to the shirt. 
“Topped with.. This,” Peter added a jacket.
“And these,” James added shoes.
“I would have appreciated that if none of them were thrown at my body,” Sirius said, laying the clothes out on the bed. He started stripping, his friends groaning in annoyance and looking away.
When Peter and James turned back around, Sirius was all dressed. He wore a tight, fitted black shirt that was pulled over loose fitting black jeans. Over the top was his infamous leather jacket, and on his feet he wore his also infamous Doc. Martens. 
James walked over and carted his fingers through Sirius’ hair. “That seems fit,” He offered to Peter. Peter just nodded.
Sirius went over to his full length mirror. After he checked himself out for five minutes, he deemed himself good looking enough.
“So, we agree I look sexy?” Sirius questioned.
“Yes Pads, you look incredibly sexy,” James rolled his eyes. “Spray your wet dog smelling ass then get out.”
Sirius stuck his tongue out at his friend but did as he was told. He used his good cologne, that’s when James knew it was serious. Then he grabbed his phone,keys and wallet and left, with a nervous goodbye.
He hoped on his motorbike, then having second thoughts. He continued on anyway and rode to Remus and Lily’s shared apartment. He got the number off Remus earlier that day.
As he walked up to the door he realized something. He forgot the book. He knocked on the door.
Lily opened it, already in her pyjamas and a grin on her face. “Evening, Sirius. Remus is just about ready, oh here he comes.”
Sirius smiled at Lily, but grinned when Remus came and stood next to her. Boy, was he beautiful. He wore a dark blue, leaning to green sweater. Paired with brown loose fitting pants and blue converses. His hair was as fluffy as it always is.
“Hey, Sirius,” Remus spoke with a soft, shy smile. Lily suddenly disappeared. 
“Hiya Remus,” Sirius grinned back. “Uh, funny thing. I forgot the book,” Remus laughed. “Would you like to just come over and pick it up after dinner? Maybe stay for a coffee?”
“I don’t see why not,” Remus shrugged.
“Also uh.. I brought my motorbike. I do have a spare helmet,” Sirius now went all shy.
“That’s okay,” Remus bit his lip. “Please make sure I don’t die?”
Sirius laughed but promised he wouldn’t kill the taller boy. They went down to Sirius’ bike, Sirius lending the boy a helmet, then they were off. 
“You go to uni right?” Remus asked. “What is your major?”
“Art, mainly,” Sirius answered. “I understand it is questionable how I already have my own tattoo shop at twenty, but I had my ways, and really good teachers.”
“It’s okay, people don’t know how I managed to get my own shop either,” Remus shrugged.
“Do you go to uni? I’ve never seen you on campus,” Sirius was cutting up his chicken schnitzel. Everytime he looked at Remus’ steak, he noticed how rare it looked. Surely that can’t be healthy. “Unless you go to a different uni.”
“Oh, no,” Remus shook his head. “I don’t go to uni, didn’t even finish schooling, left in year ten,” He now looked quite ashamed.
“How come?” Sirius asked, interested.
“Well, at that time I was really struggling… with some stuff. I stopped going to school halfway through year ten. I occasionally showed up in the third term, then just dropped out,” Remus talks, uncomftorbale. “I had a job. I would help my father at his work, he had a government job. Then I had a cafe job, babysitting, and walking dogs. Then I decided last year I want to open my own shop, and mum and dad helped me with that.”
Sirius just looked at Remus with pure admiration. 
“Shit sorry! You probably didn’t want to hear my life story..” Remus went bright red.
“I enjoy listening to you,” Sirius blurted. “I like your voice.”
“Oh,” Remus mumbled, his face and ears red as a tomato. “I’m.. glad?”
Sirius just laughed, or more giggled. “Have you always been interested in flowers?”
“Oh yes,” Remus nodded. “You should see the garden at my parents. It’s not as good as it was a few years ago, but it is still beautiful. I love flowers and plants, and all of those things.”
Sirius listened to Remus, having a soft smile on his face. He liked him, for sure, no doubt. But, it felt too early to act on anything. Yet, he is an impatient little shit.
“What about you?” Remus asked after finishing his last bite of questionably raw steak. “Have you always liked tattoos?”
“Oh yeah, I love them!” Sirius gleamed. “I got my first one when I was thirteen, through a friend. My parents were pissed. It’s the Sirius constellation, right above my ankle.” 
“That’s cute,” Remus smiled. “Very young, I hope you don’t regret it.”
Sirius shook his head. “I only regret one tattoo, I may have been drunk, but I’m keeping it because it especially pissed off my parents.”
“I knew you were a troublemaker,” Remus pointed. “It was from the nails.”
Sirius held up his painted black nails with a gasp. “Excuse me, I get these done professionally.”
“That doesn’t help your case,” Remus giggled.
They laughed, and it was nice.
“Me, James and Peter are planning on getting matching tattoos,” Sirius brought up. “But we feel like something is missing.”
“What is the tattoo?” Remus was curious. 
“Well..” A light blush flushed Sirius’ cheeks. “They are pawprints, as our nicknames are animals. So I have a dog paw print, James had a hoove, and Peter has a rat paw. We would all get them though, with our.. Friends group name..”
“That sounds really sweet!” Remus gushed. “I love that idea.”
“Yeah?” Sirius smiled. Remus nodded.
“Mary wants all of us to go get tattoos,” Remus chuckled. “Mainly so she can see you.”
“Do you have any tattoos?” Sirius asked. Remus shook his head. “You should get one!”
Remus shrugged. “Well, maybe I’ll take Mary up on her offer.”
“Just come in by yourself,” He got an idea. “I can give it to you for half price! You gave me a discount for the flowers.”
“Oh I couldn't do half price!” Remus flushed. “I only gave you a small discount,” Sirius just shrugged. “I’ll think about it..”
They finished their dinner with small talk, just enjoying each other's company. Sirius enjoyed it, probably too much. He is happy James is madly in love with Lily, because he got to meet Remus. 
After the dinner, they shared a drink of alcohol, or two, then went to Sirius’.
“I really don’t think you should have drunk,” Remus stated. “You are experienced, but still.”
“I’m not even tipsy,” Sirius smiled softly. “You are safe with me.”
Remus blushed.
“I’m not just experienced in driving..” Sirius mumbled loud enough for the other to hear as he opened the door.
“Sirius!” Two voices shouted as the door opened. “How was- oh..”
Sirius glared. “I thought you two would be.. Literally anywhere but here.”
“I live here?” James offered.
“I just wanted to know how the date went,” Peter smirked. “Clearly, very well.”
Remus blushed harder.
“Well, since you two are here..” Sirius put his hand on Remus’ lower back. It was the first touch of the evening, excluding Remus holding Sirius’ hips on the bike. Remus’ face darkened incredibly. “This is Remus. Remus you know James, and that’s Peter.”
“Hi,” Remus offered awkwardly, offering a wave.
“Sorry,” Sirius mumbled. “But would you still like to stay for coffee?”
“Of course,” Remus smiled. His blush was slowly going down as he controlled his breathing.
Sirius led him over to the other couch. Remus slowly sat down.
“How do you take your coffee?” Sirius asked.
“Strong. Some milk and sugar,” Remus answered. “Please.”
“Do you two want a coffee?” Sirius asked his annoying friends, they nodded. Sirius went into the kitchen and began making the coffees, as well as finding the good biscuits. 
“So, Remus,” James began the interrogation. “You work at the florist, yes? And you own it?”
“Yeah,” Remus’ voice was soft and shy. “Most of it is my own money, with a loan from my parents that has been paid back.”
“So your parents must have some money?” Peter asked.
Remus shook his head. “We aren’t poor, but also nowhere near middle class.”
“Oh..” Peter mumbled.
“I am here to inform you now, we are posh rich artistrat assholes,” James sighed. “We all come from wealthy families, so warning, we tend to be annoying in those sorts of topics.”
“And in general,” Peter added. “We are still quite stuck up, but better than what we used to be.”
“Oh much better,” James nodded. “But,” He started to whisper. “Sirius will buy you things.”
Sirius came back over with a tray of coffees, and a plate of biscuits. He sat the tray down on the coffee table and handed everyone their mugs. He then sat down next to remus.
“Remus,” James turned serious. “Sirius is probably too much of a pussy and hasn’t asked yet, but I must know. What are those scars on your faces from? And on your hands too, oh where did you get them?”
Remus’ eyes widened and he looked down at his lap. Sirius watched him. He looked at James, glaring at him for being so blunt and rude.
Though, Sirius himself was very curious. He really hoped no one had hurt this precious boy.
He watched as Remus slowly lifted his head back up. He was biting his lip and looked pained, and sad.
“I..” His voice was very low and quiet. “Rough upbringing, I guess you could say.”
They all finished their coffees, having small talk. For the rest of it, Remus seemed very quiet and distant. Sirius hoped James felt bad. 
Lily was here to pick Remus up, which made Sirius sad. He walked the boy to the car, like any gentleman would do.
“Thank you for coming,” Sirius grinned.
Remus grinned back. “I enjoyed it, I hope we can do it again.”
Sirius wanted to kiss his cheek, oh so bad. But now it was too late, and Remus had left. Back inside, James spoke his feelings about the tall boy.
“I like him, I do,” James started. “He’s, mysterious. It will slowly kill me until I find out the reason behind those scars.”
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“Why didn't you tell me you had the tongue of an anteater? It seems like something you would've brought up once or twice since we've been in such close quarters,” O'Shea inquired as the two women strolled down Rodeo Drive. As promised, after they finished lunch Skylar took her shopping to search for a gown for the conference as well as to reward Shea for behaving so well during her little experiment. Sky’s response wasn’t immediate. She simply chuckled before removing the Prada shades from her face and using them as a makeshift headband to tame her natural curls.
“One, you never asked, and two, I’m a lesbian and an expert in female anatomy. Not knowing how to eat pussy is a disservice to myself as well as to my profession.”
“Touché,” O’Shea replied. There wasn’t much she could say after such an explanation. With that, the ladies continued their trip, spending an obscene amount of money, but Sky felt like they both deserved it. After spending several hours in Chanel, Gucci, and Christian Louboutin, the pair had dinner and then retired to their respective living quarters.
Conference Day
O’Shea sat behind the desk, iMac open to her emails, sketchbook open to her latest design, and her iPhone blasting her Créme de la Pénis playlist. The sensualness of the sexually charged lyrics helped fuel her creativity when it came to new design concepts. Just as she was finding her groove, the music stopped, interrupted by an incoming FaceTime call.
“Yes Dr. Stevens?”
“Good afternoon, Ms. Powell, you look beautiful today.” Her heart fluttered at his compliment, but she wouldn’t dare let him know that. It the short time that they had known one another, he had unlocked almost all of her sexual kinks and they had yet to have sex. O’Shea was perplexed yet intrigued and therefore continued in the sweet torture.
“Why thank you, Dr. Stevens. What do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?”
“Are you alone?”
“Skylar is in her office in the back of the store.”
“Are there any customers in the store?”
“Not right now.”
“Perfect. Grab a pair of headphones, I wanna try something.” Shea looked at the screen in confusion, but complied anyway.
“What are you wearing?”
“Well you can see my burgundy turtleneck, but I’m also wearing a leather pleated mini skirt, some fishnets and my black platform Doc Martens.”
“Mmm, that’s quite the visual, Ms. Powell. Think you can be a good girl for Daddy and play around for a bit?” The sexy voice was back and had O’Shea creating a puddle in her seat.
“That face is telling me yes, but I prefer verbal consent.”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Good girl, spread them legs for me.” As if she were in a trance, O’Shea spread her thighs and trailed her hand down to her pearl.”
“She wet?”
“Aquafina.” He smiled, revealing a new set of top and bottom grills, with the canines stretched like vampire fangs, with a dangerous glimmer in his eye.
“Should I be afraid?”
“Only if you wanna be, babygirl. But has Daddy ever given you a reason to be afraid?”
“Well it was that one time—”
“Girl shut yo ass up and pull that thong to the side.” She couldn’t help but laugh at his tone and his impatience.
“So how far does a nigga need to go with you to bring Bennie out the cage?”
“Why on Earth would you wanna meet her?”
“Well she’s clearly the one that runs the show. I just wanna see if she bout what she be talking bout,” his Oakland twang making an appearance ever so slightly.
“Be careful what you wish for, Stevens. Bennie doesn’t go back in the cage so easily when she’s summoned.”
“You let Daddy deal with that, Ms. Powell. Now like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, take two fingers.. stick them into that pretty mouth..get them wet.. and rub that clit nice and slow.”
“And if I say no?”
“Then that’ll be you all pent up and pissed off until tonight.”
“Touché,” she agrees. With that, her middle and ring fingers found her slickness, rubbing slow circles over her throbbing clit. She stared at the camera, biting her lip as his deep voice rumbled in her ear. Slow then fast then slow again she worked herself closer and closer to her release.
“You almost there, Princess?”
“Yes Daddy,” she whimpered, eying the front door as well as the door to the back office to ensure that no one caught her in her lewd act. This was the furthest she'd gotten with just her fingers in months. It had to be the combination of the movements and his voice.
“Good girl, now stop.”
“What?!” she screeched, as she was seconds from an orgasm.
“I just wanted you to get that pussy ready for Daddy. I’ll see you later on tonight.” With that, he ended to call, leaving her horny and pissed off in her seat. Her forgotten playlist was now a tease of what could've been.
“Skylar Moreau Greene!” she growled as she marched to the tiny woman’s office.
“I didn’t do it,” Sky answered, puzzled as to why O’Shea was disclosing her government name to the world.
“That blockhead friend of yours is about to come up missing!”
“What happened this time? You were just playing with ya pussy on FaceTime for him.”
“How did you—“
“Surveillance cameras, my precious.” Shit.
“Ok whatever. Anyway that nigga keeps getting me worked up and then leaving me hanging! I’m sick of it.”
“I thought you liked being edged?”
“I do when my release is the endgame. I haven’t cum in days! And no, I don’t want you to eat my pussy again even though that shit was IMMACULATE!” Skylar giggled at the admission. She’d been talking about it since the day it happened.
“O’Shea, sweetheart, I’m about to tell you something real. Erik isn’t like any other guy you’ll ever meet. His willpower and patience are unmatched, especially when he has a point to prove. The only way you’re gonna get what you want from him is by following his rules.”
“But this shit is dumb,” O’Shea pouted.
“Is it really dumb or are you just a spoiled little bitch?”
“Hey, hey! Lower your voice, ma’am. I’m in a vulnerable state and those are very triggering words.”
“I know princess,” Skylar teased, causing O’Shea to pout and stomp her way out of the office.
“I’m going to get my hair done!”
“Have fun!”
O’Shea left the salon two hours later with a large butterfly braid cascading down the left side of her face. Per Shea’s request, the stylist adorned the braid with gold charms and cording while the in-house makeup artist beat her face to the gods. They decided to go with soft glam on the face and lips, while adding gold glitter and false lashes for a bold pop. Once home, she freshened up and stepped into her dress. O’Shea stared in awe of herself in the custom ball gown Skylar had designed for Erik’s conference.
“My best friend is a flashy nigga, so his date has to match his fly.”
It was an Egyptian style white gown with gold accents and a cascading draped train. She completed the look with golden open toe high shaft stiletto gladiator sandals.
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“If this doesn’t get me any dick, I’m fighting somebody,” O’Shea said as she admired herself.
Erik arrived promptly at 7:00. He stood clad in a black velvet suit with filigree detailing, black and gold Louboutin loafers, and his signature gold-rimmed glasses. His dreads were neatly braided to the back of his head and in his hands was a box of black and gold designer roses adorned with sparkling stones like the ones O’Shea had seen on Instagram. The man looked good enough to eat and though the sight before her had her essence pooling in her panties, Erik was still met with O’Shea’s attitude.
“I see someone’s still salty from earlier,” he taunted, noticing her cold demeanor.
“Whatever. Let’s just get this shit over with,” Shea fussed.
The ride to the banquet was quiet, too quiet for Erik’s liking, but he wasn’t giving in to O’Shea’s bratty antics. She needed to learn that she wasn’t the one in control of this situation and that she'd get the attention she craved whenever he chose to give it, but until then, he was content in torturing her every chance he got. He ran the tips of his fingers up the split in her dress, smirking to himself as her body inadvertently reacted to him. He watched the goosebumps spread across her skin as his fingers traveled further up her thigh and almost full out cackled at her pouting because he put both hands back on the wheel. He was sure he’d break her tonight.
O’Shea was awestruck once they finally entered the grand ballroom. The walls of the ballroom were ivory white with gold trimmings with four giant chandeliers lining the middle. Each table was decorated with black table cloths and accented with red napkins and red roses.
“Dr. Udaku, nice to see you again,” a colonizer spoke shaking Erik’s hand.
“Nice to see you as well, David. How’s Margaret?” Erik asked, not really caring about the state of the man’s wife but more so to move the conversation along. While the pair conversed about meaningless bullshit, O’Shea slipped away to grab a drink from one of the cocktail waitresses and admire the scenery. Erik caught up with her just as she'd downed her third glass, wrapping a protective arm around her waist.
“Tsk. You shouldn’t wander off like that, Princess. You'll get Daddy all worried.”
“Then Daddy should pay better attention to me,” she retorted. “And I thought your last name was Stevens. Who the hell is Udaku?”
“Mind your business,” was all he said before pulling her chair out at their assigned table. She pouted and fidgeted the entire time, making her displeasure for being there no secret to anyone paying attention. After about the fifth obnoxious yawn, Erik leaned over to whisper in her ear.
“Don’t forget you're a guest. Don't think that I won’t handle your tiny ass because we’re in public,” he threatened.
“Not worried.”
“Didn’t say you had to be.”
“Ugh, niggas make you cum once and wanna talk slick,” she spat.
“Once? That lil stunt in my office had you cumming way more than just once.”
“Nigga I’m talking tangible cum, physical orgasms.. and Shy has you beat in that department. Compared to her, your head game is mediocre.”
“Mediocre?!” he whisper yelled, causing a few heads to turn their way.
“I said what I said,” O’Shea answered, taking another sip from her champagne. He didn't respond and they sat in silence listening to the speaker.
After enough time had passed post spat, the pair began engaging in comfortable conversation with the other couples at the table. For a second, O’Shea had forgotten all about the dormant beast that sat to her left until his right hand found her bare left thigh again, squeezing the flesh roughly. O’Shea bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from moaning aloud, an action that didn’t go unnoticed by Dr. Nigga as he continued his sweet torture. He kept kneading and squeezing her thigh, causing her to clench her thighs together. She was unable to contain the squeal that left her lips as Erik smacked her outer thigh, causing her to spread her legs.
“Are you alright, O’Shea?” David asked, genuinely concerned by her sudden outburst.
“Y-Yes, I’m fine,” she stuttered out. Erik’s face remained neutral as his hand continued its quest upward into her panties where he found her throbbing clit. His thick fingers massaged slow circles, causing her wetness to pool once again. O’Shea tried desperately to close her legs, but it was useless. With his free hand, Erik took a sip of his water before leaning casually over to whisper in her ear.
“Try to close them again and I’ll bend you over this table,” he threatened with another smack to her outer thigh. O’Shea whimpered softly as she looked up at him and then down to her lap where she could see his fingers working their magic on her sensitive nub, her dress pooled in her lap. After the speaker made a small joke, the room laughed politely and Erik smiled at O'Shea sweetly before leaning back down to her.
“Is Princess gonna listen to Daddy?”
She closed her eyes and nodded, too far gone in the pleasure. Eyes still trained forward as the guest of honor spoke, Erik moved her panties to the side and slid two of his fingers into her, making ‘come hither’ motions against her g-spot.
“Oh fuck,” O’Shea moaned as silently as she could manage before putting a fist to her lips, biting down on her knuckles. David's attention was drawn again and he looked from O'Shea who seemed to be in great discomfort to Erik.
“Erik,” he whispered aggressively. Erik's face was of someone completely uninterested in what was going on and David pointed subtly at O'Shea, “Help her,” he implored shamed by Erik's lack of attention to her condition as he was hailed to be a capable and sought after doctor.
“Do you want my help,” he innocently blinked at O'Shea who was breathing heavily with her hand at her mouth so not to cause anymore attention.
“O'Shea?” He watched her face in faux concern as if he wasn't the source of her unraveling. “I think you might need some more attention,” he smirked as David finally turned away satisfied with Erik's involvement.
Erik’s deep chuckle was back at her ear as he pushed his digits as far into her as they would go, causing her essence to gush down his knuckles. O’Shea couldn’t take it. The forbiddenness of what they were doing had her wetter than she had been in a while and her orgasm was building fast. She leaned her head on his shoulder, whimpering so that only he could hear.
“Erik please..”
“So sweet now,” he murmured teasingly. “Please what, Princess?” She had begun rocking her hips to match his rhythm and aid in her completion.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she whimpered as his fingers increased in speed, repeatedly stroking her gspot.
“Cum for Daddy, babygirl,” he purred, using his thumb to simultaneously massage her clit. She dug her nails deep into the rich material covering his thigh, biting her lip hard to mask her moan as her orgasm overtook her. David looked over to the pair, noting the sated look on Shea’s face.
“Are you sure you’re alright, O’Shea? You look flustered.”
“N-No sir. I’m totally fine.”
“She just needs some water,” Erik interjected. “Drink some water,” he directed O'Shea and she picked up her glass taking a sip and nodding. “She tends to get flustered in crowds. We're trying out a harmless little therapy tonight,” Erik lied as he pulled his hand from between her thighs, discreetly slipping his fingers into his mouth as David and another woman at the table listened with interest of the therapeutic method. The sight alone had O’Shea clenching.
“Isn’t that right?” he asked as he licked the last of her essence from his middle finger.
“Right,” she answered, taking a sip from the glass of water he slid in front of her since she'd finished her own.
“Ahem, if you all will excuse me, I’ll be right back,” Erik announced smoothly standing from the table and leaving the banquet room towards the hall of restrooms. O’Shea took a few more sips from the water glass as she tried to regulate her breathing. Meanwhile, David engaged her more in conversation mentioning relaxation techniques which worked to calm her nerves further. That was until her cell phone dinged in her clutch. She pulled it out to see one unread text message from Erik.
Bring yo ass here..
She bit her lip lustfully, as she slipped her phone back into her bag.
“Please excuse me, David. I need to get some fresh air.” With a confident stride, O’Shea, or should I say Bennie, made the short journey to the bathrooms where Dr. Nigga was waiting, leaning casually against the sink. His eyes traveled up and down her body hungrily as she stood before him.
“You gon’ take that shit off willingly or is a nigga gon’ have to rip it?”
“Nigga you will do no such thing,” she spat, planting her feet on the floor in front of him.
“Bet.” The harsh sound of ripped fabric filled the bathroom as Erik grabbed the split in her dress and tugged until the dress lay in two pieces on the floor.
“Bitch that was a $3,000 dress!” she fumed, his hand clamping tightly around her throat in response.
“What you just call me?”
“Choose your words wisely, Princess,” he threatened as his fingers gripping the mound between her thighs once more, finding her throbbing core.
“That was an expensive dress Daddy,” she whimpered as she slowly starting grinding against his hand.
“You acting like Daddy can’t buy you another one, Lil’ Mama. I gave you simple instructions and you didn’t follow them so I handled it my way. Now look at you, grinding and clenching around my fingers like you deserve for me to let your bratty ass cum again.” He removed his hand from her center, sucking her juices off of his fingers. She looked up at him with pleading eyes, biting her lip as he stared down at her.
“What’s the matter, Lil’ Mama? You mad? You tired of me edging you even though you asked for this shit? Talk to Daddy.”
“I just wanna cum, Daddy. I’m sorry. I promise I’ll be good, I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“Oh you begging now? That’s cute. This must be the little girl in you. What was her name, Buttercup?” Her face heated. She knew he knew about all of her submissive personalities, but she didn’t expect him to bring out her Little Girl so quickly.
“Yeah, that’s my lil’ baby right there. You know, Bennie really hurt Daddy’s feelings earlier. She told me my head game was mediocre. You don’t think that, do you baby?” he asked as he stroked her cheek.
“I think I need to experience it again, Daddy. I don’t really remember.” He smirked before lifting her in his arms and placing her legs on her shoulders. He stepped closer to the wall so she’d be able to lean her body back and began feasting from her. His thick tongue snaked its way into her entrance, thrusting back and for the way his dick wanted to.
“Eyes on Daddy, Lil’ Mama,” he purred as he flicked his tongue against her clit before sucking it gently. He spelled both of their names against her clit, effectively drawing 3 more orgasms from her before settling her back on her feet.
“Daddy’s baby feel better?” She smiled goofily, nodding her agreement. “Rate Daddy's tongue on a scale of mediocre to exceptional.”
“Phenomenal,” she grinned. He collected the ruined dress from the floor and deposited it in the trash before draping his coat around her shoulders. She was thankful that he was so big, his large coat masking the fact that she was completely naked underneath. Erik went back to the table to say his goodbyes, blaming their sudden departure on O’Shea having sensory overload, being tired, and suffering a wardrobe malfunction.
“Oh, it was great to see you again, Erik. Good to meet you as well O'Shea. Take care of her,” David said innocently, waving his goodbye.
“I will,” Erik nodded curtly turning to lead O'Shea to the exit with his lips to her ear whispering all the while.
@vikkidc @thadelightfulone @sydneebleu @trevantesbrat @monogamous-nympho @madamslayyy @chaneajoyyy @jozigrrl @forbeautyandlife @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @mareethequeen @thehomierobbstark @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @blowmymbackout @wakanda-inspired @yaachtynoboat711 @nickidub718 @heyauntieeee @princessstevens @killmongersgurl @bartierbakarimobisson @xaviera108 @alexundefined @raysunshine78 @dameshaemonique @laketaj24 @youreadthatright @theogbadbitch @bugngiz @amirra88 @post-woke @im5ftbutmythroat66 @blackpinup22 @beaut1fulone-blog @chefjessypooh @queengidiva619 @love-me22 @pending-lostheart
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pikapeppa · 5 years
Cullen/Lavellan modern AU: Motorcycle
Chapter 9 of Luck of the Law (i.e. Cullen the good-boy lawyer) is up on AO3 - for the lovely and talented @schoute​!
Read on AO3 instead. ~5000 words.
In the two weeks that followed Piper and Cullen’s sea-drenched kiss, Cullen got tied up by a veritable avalanche of work.
His time was divided between dealing with the Bar Association as they investigated Samson’s infractions, dealing with his cases and the teaching caseload he had to shoulder, and finalizing the documentation for Hawke’s court hearing, which was coming up soon. He still managed to find the time to text Piper, small exchanges throughout the day as was their norm, but during the entire two weeks, they saw each other all of four times.
On three occasions, Piper brought lunch to his office. He was in meetings with colleagues the first two times, and he barely had time to do more than thank her and apologize profusely. Each time, Piper waved him off and firmly told him not to worry about it, but the rushed little visits only heightened her eagerness to see him again.
The third time she brought him lunch, he was actually alone. Piper’s eyes widened in surprise as she gingerly pushed open his office door.
“No lunchtime meeting today?” she asked.
He looked up distractedly from his computer. “No. Not today,” he said brusquely. Then he ran a hand through his hair and shot her an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. It’s wonderful to see you.” He rose to his feet to greet her.
She placed the Rivaini takeout container on his desk and shot him a chiding look. “No apologies, counsellor. I like your bark, remember?” She smirked and raised an eyebrow.
“But only so you can bite me back, yes,” Cullen finished mock-wearily.
Piper laughed and leaned into his chest. His smile widened as he ran a hand over her silvery hair, and for a moment, she simply savoured the hardness of his abs beneath her palms. It was such a novelty just to touch him, to stand this close to him and to feel his heat through his crisp buttoned shirt, and Piper greedily curled her fingers against his body while she still had the privilege of being in his company.
His fingers tightened in her hair for a brief moment, and Piper’s breath caught for a second at his gentle grip. Then he sighed and squeezed her arm. “I… I wish I had more time, Piper. But I have two depositions to review before five o’clock. May we speak later tonight?”
“Of course,” she said. She reluctantly took a step away from him. “I’ll call you during my break.”
He smiled and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I look forward to it,” he said.
His thumb lingered on her jaw, and Piper’s eyes darted up to his face. He was studying her with such warmth, that lovely giddy-making warmth that stoked an answering heat in her chest, and as Piper met his gaze, the smile faded from his lips.
He bit his lower lip in an unconscious gesture, and Piper breathed in slowly. They hadn’t kissed again since their jump into the Waking Sea. They hadn’t mentioned the kiss, either, but not because of awkwardness or regret – no, Piper had no regrets at all. In her mind, there was no need to talk about the kiss, or what would come next.
In Piper’s mind, Cullen was hers. She wanted him, his brilliant mind and his tender heart and his gorgeous fucking body. More importantly, she trusted him. Their being together was inevitable; it was only a matter of time. The only thing now standing in the way was the monstrous obstacle of his workload, and Piper was more than willing to wait until things calmed down for him – which, at the very least, Hawke’s completed court hearing was sure to help with in just a week.
But the way he was looking at her right now was scrambling her brain, and she was suddenly wondering why they hadn’t yet kissed again.
Cullen clearly felt the same. His thumb drifted to the angle of her jaw, then his fingers were slipping into her hair, and Piper rose onto her tiptoes to meet his parted lips.
He inhaled sharply, then his other hand was at the small of her back and pulling her close, and Piper gasped against his lips as the coolness of his belt buckle grazed her belly. She gripped his collar and pressed herself against him, and he groaned softly as she nipped his lower lip.
Gods, that groan. That fucking hint of desire, a hint of Cullen losing his inhibitions – the very idea of it lit a shameless streak of heat between her legs.
His fingers pressed into her nape, and Piper whimpered into his mouth at the firmness of his touch. Then he suddenly broke the kiss.
She lowered herself to her heels and leaned against his desk. She grinned at him as he exhaled hard and ran a hand through his hair. “Now that is a goodbye kiss,” she said breathlessly, and she threw her head back and laughed.
Cullen rubbed his mouth, then smiled at her. “You… I always knew you were trouble.”
“Me?” she protested merrily. “You started it! With your smoldering look on that handsome face of yours…”
His already-pink cheeks flushed bright red, and Piper laughed again as she pushed herself away from the desk. She ruffled a slightly-trembling hand through her hair. “All right, counsellor, I’ll call you later–”
“A moment, actually,” Cullen said. “Are you… do you have plans this afternoon?”
She turned to him in surprise. “Not really. I was going to go chill on the patio at Athenril’s since the weather’s so nice. Make some jewelry, read my book… Why?”
“Ah, I see.” Cullen smoothed a hand over his tie and took a step back toward his desk. “Well – no, no reason. I… have a good afternoon.”
Her eyebrows rose even higher. “Cullen, what did you have in mind?” Hadn’t he said he had depositions to look over?
His ears were flushing now. He waved a dismissive hand as he sat at his desk. “Nothing. It was nothing. I…” He trailed off as Piper stubbornly folded her arms, then finally sighed. “Well. I was going to ask if you would like to stay. You could take over the couch if you wanted; it might as well be used by somebody. And the guest wifi is very good. But you’re right, the weather is very nice, I wouldn’t want to deprive you…”
He sounded so fucking flustered. Would it be awful if she kissed him again? “Cullen,” she interrupted. “I would love to stay.”
His eyebrows rose. “You would?”
“Obviously,” she said. She strolled over to his couch and plopped herself down. She immediately started taking off her boots, then glanced up at him with one Doc Marten half off. “Wait. Are you sure I won’t be a distraction?”
“Well, no, I’m not sure. But please, stay,” he said hurriedly as Piper started putting her boots back on. He ran a hand through his hair. “Piper, I… I’ve been thinking. I work far too much, and unfortunately, that’s not likely to change. But you… I would like us to spend more time together. I thought, perhaps if I could do my work in your presence…”
Piper tilted her head quizzically, and Cullen sighed. “I’m not being clear,” he muttered. He squared his shoulders. “I wouldn’t work while we are on dates. That is not what I mean.”
“Well, that’s good,” Piper said. “Because I’d have to punch you. Or confiscate your phone. Probably both.” She smiled teasingly at him, and he scoffed.
“Yes, quite,” he said. “No, what I mean is… moments like this. Where I am forced to be here, and… well, if you don’t have other plans that take you elsewhere, you could… spend your time here if you wanted. Or at night, when you’re not working but I am obligated to work, I could… if you wanted me to come over, I mean. I don’t want to presume…” He wrinkled his nose and rubbed his forehead. “It hardly sounds romantic when I put it this way. What you must think…”
“No,” Piper protested. “I love it. I think it’s a great idea.”
He looked at her hopefully. “You do?”
“Of course!” she said. She kicked her boots off and curled her legs up on his couch, then smiled at him. “If you have to work, we might as well hang out together while you’re doing it. You’d have to get used to it eventually if we… er. Anyway.” Now it was Piper’s turn to feel a bit awkward. She wasn’t quite ready to admit that she’d been fantasizing about them sleeping over at each other’s apartments when they hadn’t even slept together yet.
She regrouped quickly from her awkwardness. “I want to see more of you, too,” she told him. “So yes. I think this is a great idea. As long as we still go on nice dates, too.”
“Of course,” Cullen said. He was beaming at her. “I need those dates, I can assure you. They prevent my head from exploding.”
Piper chuckled. “Good. Well, counsellor, you’d better get to work then. I’m very busy with lots of things to do, so don’t distract me.” She gave him a cheeky smile, then placed her phone on the arm of the couch and shuffled around in her backpack until she found her box of beads and the leather cords she’d trimmed for a new bracelet this morning.
She pulled the jewelry supplies out and placed them on the couch, then popped her earphones in. She tapped around on her phone and selected a playlist, then put the phone down and placed the tied-off end of the leather cords between her first two toes to hold them in place while she started to braid.
She braided the cords for a few stitches, then picked out a green bead and slid it onto one cord. Then she glanced up.
Cullen was watching her. He straightened as she caught his eye, but the goofy smile didn’t leave his face, and Piper could feel the tips of her ears warming with pleasure.
He looked so happy. He looked exactly like how she felt when she thought about him. She laughed and coyly tucked her hair behind her ears. “You’re not working,” she playfully accused.
“I know,” he said softly. He reached for his keyboard. “I was temporarily enchanted.” He clicked around on his computer, then leaned forward and pulled over the takeout container she’d brought for him. He opened it and began to eat while reading whatever was on his screen.
Piper returned to her braiding, but she couldn’t help but glance his way every now and then. He ate his food almost mindlessly while he worked, and when he was finished eating, he leaned forward and idly stroked the scar on his lip while he read.
A nearly painful swelling of fondness rose in her chest as she watched him. He was too cute, with his lawyer-y pout and his fancy suit…
She picked up her phone and tapped on her messaging app.
12:37pm - i like you. 12:37pm - just thought you’d like to know xo
She sent the messages to Cullen. A second later, his phone vibrated on his desk, and he reached for it distractedly without breaking his gaze from his computer screen.
He looked at the screen, and a smile broke across his face. He shot Piper a slightly exasperated look, but he couldn’t quell the smile. “Why are you texting me?” he said. “We’re sitting in the same room.”
She laughed. “What do you mean? Hawke and I do this all the time!”
“Why?” Cullen asked incredulously.
She grinned and continued braiding her bracelet. “Why not? It’s fun! And besides, sometimes a gif is worth a thousand words.”
He shook his head and put his phone down. “Frivolous,” he muttered, but he was still smirking as he returned his focus to his screen.
Piper chuckled as she slid a bead onto another cord. A minute later, she heard the text chirp through her earphones.
She glanced at the lock screen of her phone to find two new messages from Cullen.
12:40pm - I like you too, Piper. 12:40pm - Very, very much, in fact.
She grinned at him. His eyes were on his screen, but he was smiling and his ears were pink.
She picked up her phone.
12:40pm - <3 x 100000 12:40pm - i’m finished distracting you now i promise xoxo
She sent the texts, and he grinned as he read them. As Piper continued to braid her bracelet, she pondered the wonderful strangeness of life. Eight months ago, she would never have believed she’d be lounging on a couch in a lawyer’s swanky office making Dalish bracelets. Six months ago, when she’d first arrived in Kirkwall, she’d never have believed she could be this happy.
Now, as she and Cullen sat together in an affectionate silence, Piper thought that maybe – just maybe – she could do this for the rest of her life.
The fourth time they saw each other was on Piper’s night off, two days before Hawke’s court hearing.
Cullen had come over to her condo, and he and Piper were lying on her bed watching a movie on her laptop. Cullen had brought a briefcase stuffed with legal briefs and reports, and his plans to get some work done had started off well. He’d spread his papers and his tablet out on the glass-topped coffee table, and Piper had made him a cup of tea, and he’d started working while Piper had started The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo on her laptop.
Eventually, however, Cullen had become distracted by the movie, which he somehow hadn’t yet seen. Twenty minutes later, they’d moved upstairs to stretch out on Piper’s bed, and Piper was contentedly curled against his side as they watched the movie.
Piper sighed wistfully. “Lucky fucking Lisbeth with her bike. I mean, it’s a Honda, but still…”
Cullen idly stroked her shoulder. “What do you mean?”
Piper waved dismissively at the laptop, which was resting on Cullen’s thighs. “Her motorcycle. It’s a Honda. They’re reliable and all, but not very sexy.” She shifted slightly and tucked her head under Cullen’s chin. “A Kawasaki, on the other hand… now that would have been a better choice for Lisbeth. A fast, sexy bike with excellent handling? Phew.” She fanned herself playfully.
Cullen’s stroking fingers fell still, and he looked at her in surprise. “Are you a motorcycle aficionado?”
“Yep,” Piper said. She smirked. “Don’t you remember my story about the rental motorcycle?”
“How could I forget,” Cullen drawled, and she grinned. “But i didn't realize you knew so much about them.”
“Yeah,” Piper said. She idly rubbed the fabric of his shirt between her fingers. “I wanted one for a really long time. I mean, I still want one.”
Cullen was quiet for a moment, and Piper lifted herself on her elbow to smirk at him. “You disapprove?”
“No,” Cullen said. “That is, well… I don’t love the idea of you on a motorcycle. I’ve handled too many personal injury claims with motorcycle accidents to not be leery about them, but… I would support you if you wanted one.”
“Aw,” Piper crooned. She playfully chucked his chin. “That’s sweet. I’d let you be my first passenger for being so sweet.”
Cullen huffed with amusement, and they turned their attention back to the movie once more. A few minutes later, however, Cullen spoke again.
“Why don’t you have a motorcycle?”
Piper laughed, a little nervously. “I’m poor, obviously. I can’t afford one,” she said. This conversation was edging in a direction that Piper could easily predict, and the prospect of broaching this topic with Cullen – of talking about her dearly-coveted motorcycle, and the real reason she didn’t have one…
It was terrifying. The thought of digging into that ugly well, bringing up those memories of her stupidity and her failure, and – worst of all – showing them to someone? She could already feel her heart rate rising at the mere thought. She didn’t want to talk about this. But this was one of her worst moments, one of her ugliest moments, and Cullen had told her about his worst moment without hesitating...
She paused the movie and sat up slowly, and Cullen sat up with her. She ran a hand through her unruly mass of hair while Cullen put the laptop aside and sat back against the headboard. His face was curious and open, so open and trusting and trustworthy…
She shuffled around to face him and crossed her legs. “I’ve always wanted a motorcycle,” she said. “Even when I was a kid. I used to pretend my bike was a motorcycle when I was a kid riding around with my clanmates. A couple of the older guys in my clan had motorcycles, and my dad asked them to let me clean and maintain their hogs so I could learn about the upkeep and all that. So I did that for years, and my dad always listened to me going on and on with my motorcycle bullshit. And then, uh, then he died.”
She took a deep breath; the horrible suddenness of her father’s stroke was a story for another day. She glanced at Cullen’s calm expression before going on. “After he died, I decided I had to get a motorbike. I just… that was the time to start saving, and to stock up all my extra money and get myself a Kawasaki. So I left my clan and travelled around sleeping on people’s couches so I wouldn’t have to pay rent, and I worked any job I could find while I was travelling, and I socked it all up in a special account.”
That account now sat empty. Piper hadn’t put anything in it since the day of the incident. At first, even looking at the account number on her banking app had been painful. Now, she just… didn’t have the heart.
Cullen’s hand rested on her knee. His thumb gently stroked her bare skin. He didn’t speak, and he continued to watch her quietly, and she swallowed hard and tucked a few stray tendrils of hair behind her ears.
“I, um. Remember I told you I was in Ansburg?” she said.
“I remember,” Cullen said quietly.
Piper nodded. “I was there for a few months. I met some friends – well. Yeah, I guess they were… uh, friends, I guess. And, uh, they let me live with them for free.” She gave Cullen a sardonic look. “Super nice of them, right? And that’s totally normal, letting some random Dalish stranger live with you for free. Not suspicious at all, right?” She laughed.
Cullen squeezed her knee. She awkwardly rubbed her nose. “One of the ‘friends’ was a guy. This, um, this charming guy named, uh…”
She trailed off as Peronn’s name curdled at the tip of her tongue. She didn’t want to say his name to Cullen. His name would poison the air. It would poison the whole room where they were sitting. She didn’t want to put his name out there and spoil the goodness of Cullen’s presence.
Come on, Piper, just say it, she told herself impatiently. It wasn’t like this was the first time she’d spoken of this; Hawke already knew the story, after all. But for some reason, telling Cullen was so much harder than when she’d spoken of it to Hawke. When she’d told Hawke about this, they’d both been half-drunk in Isabela’s kitchen with the music blaring, and Piper had managed to laugh it all off, and they’d finished the night making all kinds of stupid jokes about the minuscule size of Peronn’s dick. But she somehow didn’t see this telling with Cullen going that way.
Cullen gently squeezed her knee again. “Tell me only what you want to,” he said softly.
She lifted her eyes to his face. He looked so serious. More serious than she’d ever seen him before, but it wasn’t his usual lawyer-sternness. There was a softness to his expression, to the tilt of his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth, and as Piper met his steady gaze, she could feel the bitter taste becoming more mellow on her tongue, softening and swelling at the same time.
She opened her mouth. “His name was Peronn,” she said.
Peronn. His name dissipated in the air, and for a moment, Piper felt awkward.
But Cullen just nodded his head, a casual nod as though the name was as normal and innocuous as any other.
She licked her lips, then gathered her courage to continue. “This guy Peronn, I was with him for the whole time I was in Ansburg. We… I lived with him and his friends and I… we… you know.” She winced slightly and scratched her head. Fuck, this was awkward.
But Cullen just stroked her knee without speaking, so she went on. “I saved a lot of money while I was living there, since I wasn’t paying rent and we all kind of lived like squatters, even though they weren’t. I mean, maybe they were. They could’ve been, now that I think about it, and I wouldn’t have known, because I was stupid.”
Cullen frowned suddenly. “What do you mean by that?”
She shrugged and smiled slightly. “I was stupid. I moved in with a bunch of strangers that I didn’t really know, so of course they… I mean, yeah, of course. What did I expect?” She rubbed one of her silver bracelets between her fingers. “If I’d been more careful, it wouldn’t have happened, so, uh…”
Cullen’s frown was deepening as Piper babbled on. She bit her lip and forced herself to breathe. Just say it, she thought.
She dragged her fingers through her hair and took a deep breath. “I saved up enough to get my motorcycle. I was so fucking excited,” she said. “Peronn came with me to the bank, and I took all the money out because I wanted to pay in cash. And to celebrate, our friends took me out to a bar right after we’d gone to the bank.” She shot a quick glance at Cullen as she plucked at her bracelet. “You can probably see where this is going.”
He definitely could. She could see it in the slant of his eyebrows, but she went on anyway. “I had about thirty grand in my pocket. Thirty fuckin’ grand, and I went to a bar and got really drunk with my so-called friends.”
She took another deep breath and said it all in a rush. “They jumped me in the alley behind the bar and beat the shit out of me and stole my cash.” She met Cullen’s eyes. “That’s what happened in Ansburg. That’s how I got my face all fucked up like this.” She waved dismissively at her scars, then dropped her gaze to her hands and scratched nervously at her bracelets.
Cullen’s fingers were tight on her knee. He loosened his grip and shifted closer to her. “And Peronn?” he said quietly.
Piper laughed. She twisted her silver bangle around her wrist. “Oh, he was the mastermind. He basically admitted it to me. I don’t know when he started planning it, but he was the one behind the whole thing. Fucking asshole.”
A sudden memory sprang into her brain – that hated memory that no amount of time seemed able to erase: the soft and condescending smile on Peronn’s face as he stroked her swollen cheek, then slapped her. And his smooth fucking voice wishing her better luck next time, kid…
Piper wrinkled her nose. Her eyes were burning. She looked away from Cullen and inhaled sharply through her nose, then laughed once more. “I just really wanted a motorcycle, you know?” she said.
A traitorous tear ran down her face, and she quickly wiped it away. Then a sob burst from her throat.
She slapped a hand over her mouth and squinched her face up. Mythal’s fucking ass, she did not want to cry in front of Cullen. She didn’t want to be this sad pathetic girl who cried about being beaten up, she didn’t want this, she didn’t want to cry…  
Cullen pulled her close and tucked her head beneath his chin, and she completely lost it. Suddenly she was sobbing so hard she couldn’t breathe, and Cullen’s nice grey shirt was getting completely soaked by her disgusting tears and snot, and the sounds she was making – Creator’s fucking sakes, she sounded like a wounded animal.
But Cullen’s arms were tight around her, and his body was solid and warm, and Piper was unable to stop the tsunami of tears. In complete and utter humiliation, she covered her face with her hands and buried her face against his shoulder and bawled.
Cullen pulled her onto his lap and rocked her gently like the stupid baby that she was. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, and Piper kept on fucking crying until her face was raw and her stomach hurt and every breath she took was a painful hiccup of air.
When her crying had slowed down to the occasional tear, Cullen finally spoke. “I am… so sorry, Piper. I truly can’t imagine.”
She shrugged and self-consciously pulled her hair around her face. She didn’t want him to see her looking so gross. “It’s okay,” she said, in the strongest voice she could muster. “I learned my lesson at least. No big withdrawals. Not without a bodyguard, at least.” She managed a little chuckle.
Cullen continued to stroke her hair. “You are not stupid for trusting people,” he told her quietly. He ignored her skeptical little snort as he continued to talk. “If anything, you are evidence that people can be good. That they can keep striving to be good, to see the good in the world even when they’re faced with such ugliness. Piper, you are the kind of person I always wanted to protect. I…” He sighed and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I wish there was something I could do for you to fix this.”
She shook her head and pulled away from him slightly. “No, no,” she insisted. “That’s not why I told you this.” Hawke had also suggested going to the police or a lawyer when Piper had first told her the tale, and Piper had refused then as well.
She shrugged. “I just want to put it behind me. Chalk it up to a bad night out and move on with my life, you know? I kind of hate that it’s haunted me this long already. I don’t want to let it ruin anything else.”
“I understand,” Cullen murmured. He gently stroked her cheek. “Thank you for telling me. This was incredibly difficult for you.”
She smirked. “How could you tell?” she quipped feebly.
He huffed, a very faint sound of amusement, and Piper relaxed a little bit at the treasured sound. Then, finally, she looked him in the eye.
“I had to tell you,” she said. “You’re my boyfriend. You deserved to know.”
To her surprise, his cheeks went pink. He smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. “O-of course,” he said. “I… well. Thank you for… for trusting me.”
His face was steadily growing redder, and through her messy emotional morass, she felt a rising wave of amusement. “Are you blushing because I called you my boyfriend?” she said incredulously.
He ducked his head, and Piper laughed – an actual, genuine laugh. “What is going on? Why are you so shy?” she asked.
He chuckled and scratched the back of his head. “I suppose… I didn’t know what you – that is, if you – um…”
Piper reached up and cupped his precious blushing face in her hands. “Cullen,” she said, “do you even need to ask? Of course you’re my boyfriend. I–”
She stopped herself just in time. She loved him, of course she fucking loved him, but she’d only known him for about two months. Way too early to admit it yet.
She twisted around on his lap so she was facing him, then hugged him hard. She pressed her face against his neck, inhaling his lovely scent of leather and spice, then sweetly kissed his ear.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered. “And I’m only a little bit sorry you didn’t get your work done.”
Cullen chuckled, and the sound of it pooled warmly in her chest. “Well, I have no regrets,” he murmured.
Piper smiled. “Good,” she whispered. She relaxed into the safety and strength of his arms, and for a long, peaceful moment, they just held each other close in a mutual cocoon of shared affection and warmth.
Eventually Cullen spoke. “Would you like to finish the movie?” he whispered.
Piper nodded. “Yes. You need to finish it. It’s really educational.”
Cullen chuckled as Piper pulled away. “I take that to mean that some very violent things happen.”
“Yep,” she said pertly. She slid off of his lap, and they cozily snuggled up once more with the laptop on Cullen’s thighs.
Piper smiled to herself as he restarted the movie. But within ten minutes, her eyelids were growing heavy, weighed down by that peculiar kind of exhaustion that accompanied a major emotional release.
But rather than feeling embarrassed or annoyed, Piper felt… light. Cleansed somehow, as though a small but omnipresent knot in her gut had been disentangled.
She nestled her head more securely against Cullen’s chest and permitted her eyes to drift shut. Right before she slipped into sleep, her last thought was of her empty motorcycle savings account.
Maybe it was time to put something in it again.
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living-dead-parker · 6 years
The MOMA - H.H
Pairing: Harry Holland x reader
Summary: Where Harry sees the most beautiful piece of art the world has ever seen...oh and there's, like, pictures there too. (Where Harry meets reader at the Museum of Modern Art)
Warnings: cussing
Word Count: 1.9k
N/A: This is based off my experience at the SFMOMA in June where I saw a really cute guy who I thought was the love of my life bc he was so cute and soft and with who I had such strong bi-fi connection except this is more how i wish it went down bc me and the dude never talked. Like, we would steal glances at each other and follow each other through the whole Magritte exhibit but unfortunately he was the one who got away :")) but ye and the Tilted Plane part made me really wish I had a Harry Holland to hold hands with so I HAD to add that in too
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"Tom fuck off." Sam laughs after Tom pulls his hair as we wait in line to get tickets for the Museum. Tom, Haz, Sam, and I decided to have an impromptu trip through California.  We decided that we're only ever here for work and never get to explore the state.
Currently, we are waiting in line at the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco. San Francisco was just one of the plenty stops in our road trip and the next is San Luis Obispo to go to different beaches. We decided to stay in San Francisco for three days to witness as much as we can.
"Guys, shut the fuck up. We're in a museum." Haz says. We all nod and quiet down. We pay for our tickets and go down to the entrance.
"Last chance to upgrade your tickets for the Magritte exhibit." the man at the entrance tells us. We all look at each other and nod, deciding to give it a shot. We upgrade our tickets and take the elevators up to the fourth floor where the exhibit is.
Once we get there, we see a group of people standing in a room. We see some people conversing, others looking at the art and others reading the description on the side. We walk through the first room. However, in the second room, my eyes lay on a girl with two girls making out next to her.
She has h/l h/c hair. She wears a white lacy dress with her hair in two buns. She has a pink backpack on her shoulder and black Doc Martens. She turns to her friends and I get a brief look at her face. She has e/c eyes and a cute nose. She has red lipstick and winged liner.
"Uh oh, Harry's being a creep." Haz says. I snap out of my trance and turn to the group.
"Huh?" I ask. They all chuckle, looking behind me.
"She's a cutie for sure." Tom says. Everyone nods in agreement and walks off. They don't stray too far but are obviously giving me space to try something.
"You sure?" I overhear her friend ask.i turn and notices she's alone now.
I walk around the exhibition, stealing glances from her, enjoying how she  looks. She'll occasionally go to the other side of the room but I'd follow her through the whole exhibit. She read through all of the descriptions and takes in all the art. In the fourth room we see a painting of a man with a cage as his head.
She pulls out her phone and takes a picture. I step closer and suddenly decided to speak up.
"Pretty dope painting, innit?" I ask. She turns around, eyes wide in shock
"Definitely. The Therapeutist. One of his weirdest for sure." you respond.
"I'm assuming you're big on art, huh?"  I ask. She nods, looking down a little.
"Yeah, I guess you can say that." you say.
"I'm Harry, by the way." I say holding my hand out. She takes my hand and shakes it.
"What a lovely name. Say, y/n. Since you know so much about art and this dude, why don't you teach me about his art?" I ask.
She smiles as she nods at my proposition. Turning around, she leads us to a picture of a rose with a knife. She takes it in for a while, running a finger across her chin as she thinks.
"So this one, it's actually my favorite of them all, is called Le Coup au Couer. The Blow to the Heart. It was created in 1952." she says. She looks up at the picture and examines it.
"It seems as the flower is holding the dagger and my way of interpreting it is that those you love tend to hurt you the most. Their love is the rose but their actions or words can be the dagger." she says. I nod, taking in every word as she begins to dissect everything about the painting. The colors and the color scheme, the parallels, how the lines can symbolize different things and I realize what she's doing.
"Can I ask, are you into photography?" I ask. Remembering I've had to dissect and analyze tons of my photographs in old photography classes.
"I like taking pictures of things for sure. But I used to take a photography class my last two years of high school, so analyzing pictures was a big thing in that class. Guess it just stuck." she says. I smile widely.
"That's so cool. I'm a photographer, so I think it's cool how you do that." I say. She smiles widely.
"That's so cool, I'd definitely love to see your work someday!" she says.
We continue through the exhibition and at the end, I see the guys sitting down and talking. They look up and notice us walking out together, laughing at some dumb thing we heard someone say.
"Well, it was nice talking your ear off, Harry."
"Oh, I didn't mind. I enjoyed it actually. Learned something new." I say. She smiles widely and nods.
"Well, I should go find my friends. They said they'd be here but they're not." she says with a frown.
"You can join me and my group, we can help you look for them." I offer, knowing they wouldn't mind. She shakes her head.
"Nah, it's cool. Don't wanna take your guys time here. I'll be fine." she says. I shake my head this time.
"No worries, join us. They won't mind, I promise." I say. She looks around contemplatively before giving out a simple yes.
"Okay, yeah I'll go." she says. I smile at her and lead her towards my group. They all look up at us with wide knowing smiles.
"Hey guys, so this is y/n. A new friend. She lost her friends somewhere so I told her we'd help her find them." I say to the group. Eagerly, they nod, while greeting her.
"I don't mean to sound like a fan girl or anything and I'm so sorry but holy shit you're Tom Holland. Wow." Y/n says as she looks at Tom with an excited look. However, she doesn't freak out like girls in the past have. Something different, which I like.
"Sure am, nice to meet you y/n," he says as he stands to greet her. "I assume you're a fan?" he asks.
"If I'm being honest, Homecoming was better than the other Spiderman movies. But yeah I'm kind of a fan." she admits with a shrug. A wide smile spreads across Tom's face.
"Well thank you!" Tom chirps, his face turning into a genuine smile.
"Anyways, Tom is my brother. Then there's his best mate, Haz. He's basically like another brother. Next to him is my twin brother, Sam." I tell her. She greets Haz and Sam with a simple handshake and a courteous hello.
We walked around for 10 minutes before we found her friends. The friends came up to her, screaming about how one of them almost broke a sculpture. Something about accidentally leaning on it.
"Leave it to Nadia to almost break something. Disaster gays, am I right? Well, we should head to the top floor and then head out?" she asks her friends. They agree with her and are quick to turn around.
"It was nice meeting you, Harry. Again, thank you for letting me talk your ear off." she says. I shake my head, indicating that it was fine.
"It's fine, I enjoyed it." I say. She smiles shyly and waves, walking off. I turn around and see everyone looking at me with deadpan looks.
"What?" I ask. They all roll their eyes at me as I shrug at them.
"You could've asked for some way to contact her, man." Tom says like it was obvious. Which it was.
We continued out throughout the rest of the museum, exploring the top floors first. Occasionally, we'd bump into y/n and her friends. She'd wave at me from afar and vice versa. However, we all managed to ride the same elevator up to the sixth floor. As we began walking the floor, I noticed that y/n's friends would push her towards me. I saw them become friends with my group. All of them would stay behind us a bit, Sam taking my camera from me to enjoy ourselves. We went into one of the showrooms and watched a video on modern black history. We moved into a different show room where they had three giant screens in a dark room that play sea noises.
However, things picked up in an exhibit called the 'Tilted Plane'. The point of the exhibit was that it was a dark room with lights hung up cascading down at an angle so that it seemed the room was tilted. It did feel that way as our eye adjusted to the dark. I walked in side by side with y/n, enjoying the trippiness.
"Oh shit." I hear y/n whisper as she grabs hold of my arm. I reach out to her, holding her up slightly.
"You alright, love?" I ask. She nods rapidly, a chuckle emitting from her lips.
"Yeah, I just got really tripped out right now and almost fell." she says. I laugh lightly as she lets go of my arm. We move throughout the room and I take notice of how the lighting makes her just so much more intriguing.
We walk around the room for a while longer and enjoy the atmosphere. After 10 minutes, though, we notice we're the only ones in the room. Everybody left and she begins to take notice too.
"We should probably head back. They must be wondering where we're at." She says.
"Yeah, probably." I say. She leads the way, being careful as we walk out. We notice the big group hanging out near the elevators. We walk up to them and I see y/n frown.
"Looks like this is the end." she says lightly. She seems disappointed that our time is up.
"You've been on all the floors?" I ask. She frowns as she nods. I sigh as I begin to muster up some courage.
"Before you go, can I ask for your social media?" I ask nervously. She chuckles nodding. Within a matter of seconds, she pulls out a pen and a random receipt and begins to write down her Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat handles. She hands me the paper with a smile on her face.
"It was nice meeting you Harry. And if you're still here later today, I may or may not be at Fisherman's Wharf later today around 4." she says. I nod and wave her off as she walks away with her friends.
"My man!" Tom says excitedly. I chuckle as I put the paper in my wallet to keep it secure.
"Damn Harry got game!" Haz says. I shrug.
"She was perfect." I say.
Later that day, I looked through my camera, noticing Sam took pictures of me and y/n. A lot of them were from behind as we talk about an art piece. Some were from in front as we looked down at something, probably reading a piece's description. However the best ones were silhouette pictures in the 'Tilted Plane exhibit. All of those ranged from us standing side by side as we walk further in, some were of me holding y/n up, others from us looking at each other talking.
"Ready to go to Fisherman's Wharf?" Tom asks. I look up at him with wide eyes and a shocked smile.
"We're going for sure?" I ask. He nods with a wide smile.
"Yeah, let's go you twat. You have people to meet."
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