#yip contributes
yippeecahier · 2 years
Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they won't care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but are unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.
- Marcus Aurelius (121-180 CE)
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yappacadaver · 1 year
how to show someone you appreciate them spending the time of day on you without becoming a hyperactive small dog abt it
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opultea · 1 year
Where’s My Kiss? - 2
Genshin men see you kiss something, and can’t help but want one for themselves… ft. Gorou, Wanderer
GN Reader (No Pronouns) - Romantic - Drabbles - Fluff, Angst w/ fluff ending (Wanderer) - SFW (very slightly suggestive at the end of Gorou's)
Word Count: 1.6k
Part 1 - ft. Dottore, Zhongli
Guest Staring - Tawara! Camp dog of the Watastumi Resistance. (Featured in the 2023 birthday art for Gorou, check it out if you haven't seen it!)
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The finality of the hard won end to the Vision Hunt Decree was an event celebrated by all of Inazuma, most of all the resistance of Watatsumi. Although despite the relief and happiness that the peace brought, there was also the struggle of readjustment. It was not easy coming down from the high tensions of war, and the army still had soldiers in excess. Many now contributed to the last relief efforts for struggling communities, and as reconnaissance units. This was the very task you and a very special operations officer were undertaking at present.
Tawara scouted ahead as you secured the empty battlefield. Many war torn plains were left with lasting remains of equipment and resources, of which you and your trusty camp dog were tasked with retrieving. Her Excellency wished to put the war in the past, and to move forward, there couldn’t be such reminders of the horrors endured during the time.
“Tawara! Where are you boy?” You called, hoping the sweet shiba hadn’t gone too far. A yip in the distance helped your eyes find the pup stood atop a small hill where the enemy camp would have been.
This particular battlefront had little left of the war, only a few broken weapons and cracked armour plates that weren’t considered worth salvaging when the camp was first emptied. You took stock of how much still lay in the field so you could get an accurate gauge of how many soldiers it would take to clean it up for good.
Tawara zipped down the hill and over to you, pressing his paw to your shin to gain your attention. Looking down, you smiled at the pup and the dendrobium he held in his mouth.
“For me?” Tawara carefully dropped the bloom at your feet and barked cheerfully, sitting and awaiting your reaction expectantly. “Aw, aren’t you just the sweetest,”
You knelt down and cooed at the camp dog’s cuteness, squishing his fluffy cheeks in your hands, causing Tawara’s tail to wag wildly behind him.
Plucking the dendrobium off the ground, you inspected the deep red bloom before your gaze drifted across the still-dead grass of the field. New shoots of green could be seen dotting the dry dirt, but there was no mistaking the ground flattened by the feet of soldiers. Perhaps Her Excellency would approve planting some dendrobiums in the field to restore and improve the area.
“You’re a true genius Tawara,” you smiled, smoothing the fur on his head with a well-deserved pat. You went a step further with your affections, clasping Tawara's face in your hands again to press a gentle kiss on his left and then his right ear, before landing one on his snout. You laughed as the pup licked your cheek in return.
Little did you know that another loving pupper was watching the whole affair with unidentified jealousy and a fluttering heart.
Gorou had been notified of your mission long before you set out to complete it, being the general. Although he admittedly preferred when the actions assigned to you could be carried out alongside him, or at least within the campgrounds. Being apart was never easy, even when he knew you would return eventually.
Today Gorou had been lucky enough to finish his reports early and decided that his free time may as well have been used to help you with your mission. He had no doubt in your abilities, but Gorou tended to miss you quickly, so you often received a helping hand from the doggy general even when you didn't need one.
Rounding the hill close to the old front, Gorou felt a streak of unease being back in a place where he had fought so viscously, but it was all washed away as soon as he saw you. His tail began to sway as he approached, watching you smile and interact with Tawara. Then he saw it.
Gorou’s left and then right ear twitched in unison with your kisses, his mouth agape and face flushed. You had never kissed his ears before. The general's ears continued to twitch as he imagined your lips touching them, the images in his mind sending another round of fluttering to his heart.
As Gorou stood frozen and red hot at the edge of the field, Tawara eventually noticed him, barking in recognition and bounding over to greet his superior officer. You followed closely behind, equally happy to find that your boyfriend had come to see you.
"Gorou! Done with your work already?" He didn't hear your question until he shook himself from his stupor. "You okay honey? You're all red,"
"Y-yes!" The confusion on your face caused Gorou's pause, his body fidgeting and eyes trying to latch onto something that could ground his thoughts. "I just, umm... do you think I could... no, never mind."
"Gorou," you gently took his cheek in your hand, placing the other on his chest. "We've talked about this; you know I'll never judge you for anything,"
Ears coming to lay on his head Gorou nodded, still blushing wildly as he finally found the courage to make his request.
"Could you... kiss my ears?"
You cooed quietly, heart overflowing with love for your sweet partner but trying not to embarrass him further. Taking his hands in your own, you kiss Gorou's ears twice each, trying not to giggle at the way they twitched each time.
As you brought yourself away, Gorou whimpered faintly, likely not on purpose.
"Come on, let's head back to camp. I have a report to give for this reconnaissance mission, and you have more kisses to gain, perhaps somewhere more private?"
You smiled demurely as Gorou blushed, swiftly nodding his head and following you and Tawara back to the camp with anticipation.
Now renowned scholar ‘Hat Guy’ was currently in class, despite his vehement protests towards attending formal lectures, leaving you alone in the home to tidy up the shared space.
Lesser Lord Kusanali had seen your relationship bloom since the beginning, before even either of you had seen it. She was immensely pleased that the previously misanthropic puppet had grown to love another, and once informed of the official announcement of your relationship, she generously allowed the Wanderer to move from the Sanctuary Surasthana to a home of her choosing close by. It was a quaint and quiet home, but both of you cherished the space. It was a place you could just be together, and need nothing more. Because of this, you took great pride in making sure the home remained a place of respite, and so liked to keep it tidy.
Deciding to start with the laundry, you gathered a basket and went to the bedroom to gather anything in need of washing. Humming a little to yourself, you plucked the pillows off the bed, thinking of washing the cases, when a little thud on the ground came as you lifted your partners pillow.
Curious, you knelt to inspect the thing that had fallen. What was he hiding in his pillow? Kuni certainly wasn’t the type to believe in improving his sleep by hiding trinkets under his head. However, what you discovered made you gasp. On the floor lay the tiny cotton doll resembling Kunikuzushi, its beaded eyes reflecting its obvious displeasure with having taken such a fall.
Tenderly, you took the doll in your hand and stroked its head as you would with Kunikuzushi. Why was it here? You had only ever seen the doll once or twice when Kunikuzushi had readjusted his sleeves or changed shirts, but you knew that he always carried the cotton companion with him. Running your hand gently across the doll, you felt a snag on its back. Turning it over revealed a tear in the seam, a puff of cotton poking out its spine.
“Oh, poor thing,” you muttered, rising slowly while you cradled the doll like a babe. “Let’s get you patched up.”
Collecting a sewing kit from the drawer and sitting carefully on the edge of the bed, you let the doll rest on your lap as you prepared. Gently, as if it could feel your stitching, you mended the fabric. You smiled as you steadily sewed. It made you happy to think you could help Kuni this way, even if he had tried to hide the issue under his pillow.
Kuni has always been private, even with your long-standing relationship it wasn’t easy for him to show such vulnerability. But this doll was his vulnerability, a piece of him he showed almost no one. It was fulfilling to aid it.
Pulling the thread tight, you tied it off and admired your handy work, turning the doll over to greet it again,
“There, all better.” You landed a tender kiss on the top of its head, sealing all your love and care into its plush fabric.
A small choke brought your head up, allowing you to see your partner standing in the doorway, a rare kind of apprehension etched upon him. Your eyes caught each others, astir in stagnant bodies. Kunikuzushi's hand trembled on the doorframe, mouth open as if trying to form words he didn't know.
Through the silence, you lifted a slow hand, extended and opened with a hopeful invitation. The puppet approached, taking your hand and the seat beside you. No words were spoken as you gently lowered his head into your lap, letting his body lie across the bed and his arms wrap around the mended doll. As tears began to shake from Kunikuzushi’s face, you leaned down to press kisses to his head, caressing his hair and allowing him to finally feel the pain and vulnerability that had always ached in the space where his heart should have been.
"Thank you, for daring to love all of me," The shaking whisper stirred the greatest sense of care in your heart.
"You have never deserved anything less,"
The response brought him to sit up, clasping his body around yours as he continued to wring tears into your shoulder.
Perhaps it was not often that Kunikuzushi showed his vulnerability, but you could never stand to mind. Not when these tender moments were so treasured. Besides, you knew well that you would take anything he gave you. You were ready to love it all.
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wyntereyez · 30 days
Wool of bat and tongue of dog
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Thanks to @jrob64 for the banner! It's perfect.
Here's the first part of my @cssns contribution. It was supposed to be a one-shot, but thanks to me being a terminal procrastinator combined with a very busy two weeks at work, my brain can't word very well at the moment.
Part One
The door to the Storybrooke Bat Rehabilitation Center was unlocked.
Emma immediately went on the alert. Mary Margaret had left over an hour ago, and she’d never have forgotten to lock the door behind her. After Walsh and the events of the previous month, Emma had taken to bringing her gun with her. She could see Mary Maragaret’s frown whenever she spotted it, but Emma refused to be alone without it. 
Not when she was a potential target for the supernatural.
And now, it looked like her fears were well-founded, because there was something inside the building that definitely wasn’t a bat. Emma had inched the door open, holding her breath so she could listen. She could hear something moving in the lobby, by the reception desk.
A deep, resonating growl that made a primal part of Emma want to scream and flee. Her grip tightened on the gun, and she started to raise it.
Then an annoyed chittering followed, which was interrupted by a yip of indignation. Supernatural, all right, but familiar.
Emma holstered the pistol and stepped inside.
A massive wolf was crouched next to the desk, eyes locked on the large fruit bat perched on the edge. The bat raised his head and made delighted squeaks, and the wolf offered a wag of the tail before turning her snarling muzzle back to the bat.
“No supernatural turf wars before I’ve had my coffee,” Emma grumbled. She picked Killian up and plopped him down atop the startled Ruby’s back, then headed towards the breakroom. Ruby padded along after, Killian clinging to her shoulders for dear life.
They both waited patiently as Emma brewed a pot of coffee. While she waited, she grabbed the fruit bowl from the fridge and offered it to Killian, who daintily grabbed a slice of banana and half a strawberry. Ruby’s tongue flicked out, snatching two melon cubes and getting saliva all over the fruit, making Killian shriek in indignation. Emma sighed. “Can we use human words now, please?”
The fruit bat clumsily pulled himself to Ruby’s side, then released his grip on her fur. If he’d been a normal crippled bat, Emma would have dove to rescue him. But the bat never hit the ground; instead, a leather-clad man crouched next to the massive wolf.
Ruby licked his face, smearing melon and saliva on his cheek. Killian sputtered, and she trotted off, making a noise that sounded suspiciously like laughter.
“How’d you piss her off this time?” Emma asked as she added cream and sugar to her coffee.
“What makes you think I’m responsible, Swan?” Killian pouted as he straightened. His hook gleamed in the fluorescent light.
“You turned into something small, helpless, and cute to argue with her,” Emma pointed out. 
“Which wasn’t enough to prevent me from being angry with you,” Ruby said as she re-entered the break room on two legs.
Now that Emma was in on her secret, Ruby had taken to leaving spare clothes at the Belfry in case of unexpected transformations. She returned shortly in human form, wearing a red T-shirt and black leggings. Her feet were bare, toes caked with dirt from her run. She made a beeline for the coffee pot.
“You’re late tonight,” Ruby commented. “Did something happen?”
“I spent all day at the Town Hall.” Emma couldn’t hold back her groan. “You wouldn’t think it would be so difficult to select an interim mayor. They just need someone to hold the position until an election can be held.”
The mayor had been found dead of a heart attack in his office two days previous, throwing the city council into an uproar. It was a headache that Emma really didn’t need. Especially since there was one member of the council famous for disagreeing with everything, and he’d loudly shot down every candidate. Several of the city council members were friends of his, and tended to follow his lead, which led to deadlocked votes. “He’s going to drive me insane,” Emma sighed.
“Leroy?” Ruby hazarded.
“Yep. Had an argument for everything. By the time the meeting was called, the council still hadn’t chosen anyone, and I almost went to the Rabbit Hole instead of coming here.”
“Sounds worse than vampire politics,” Killian snorted. “Though I imagine there’s less blood.”
“You’d be surprised,” Emma slumped into a chair, her exhaustion finally getting to her. “So what were you two fighting about?” 
Killian and Ruby exchanged glances. “A deer,” they said in unison. 
Emma rubbed the bridge of her nose, already sorry she asked. This was going to add to her headache. “And why was this particular deer so important? We’re surrounded by woods, there are hundreds of them around.
“I was hunting it, of course. A vampire can’t live on strawberries alone. And deer’s blood can sustain me for more than a week.”
“You didn’t have to choose my prey!” Ruby’s voice had developed a snarl not unlike her wolf’s vocalizations. “I’d been stalking that deer for more than an hour!”
“It was the only deer I’d scented for miles,” Killian defended. “And unlike you, I need live prey.”
Emma tensed, suddenly reminded that she was dealing with two supernatural predators. She reminded herself she’d seen Killian in bat form with his face buried up to his eyes in fruit, and that she’d once half-carried a drunken Ruby home. They were predators, but they had softer sides. Hell, she’d known Ruby since high school.
Ruby scowled and turned the other chair backwards, so she could sit on it with her chin resting on the headrest. She continued to glare at Killian.
“This isn’t your usual night for hunting.” Killian usually chose the nights where no one stayed overnight to go out.
“True; but that storm that’s brewing is going to hang around for a few days. I don’t fancy hunting in the rain.”
“Same reason I was out,” Ruby nodded. “I needed to get a good run in before being cooped up the next few nights. And deer are one of my favorite meals.”
Emma abruptly burst out laughing. At Killian and Ruby’s matching looks of bewilderment, she explained, “Sorry, I just thought about how it must look, seeing Killian stalk a deer when he’s dressed like a pirate.”
“He hunts as a wolf,” Ruby growled. “Which makes him a trespasser on my territory.”
“You can turn into a wolf?!” Emma asked incredulously, then wondered why she was so shocked. She’d been dealing with the existence of the supernatural for nearly a month now; she should be used to this, right?
“Aye,” Killian said, “vampires can become any creature of the night. Though we’re far more impressive than weres.” 
Emma wondered what was considered a ‘creature of the night’, especially since she knew wolves were frequently active during the day. Could he become an opossum? A raccoon? Maybe a cricket?
Vampire crickets, now there was a thought.
Ruby rolled her eyes. “Vampiric wolves look like how wolves were traditionally depicted: all snaggly teeth and glowing eyes. Werewolves, on the other hand, are perfect specimens of wolf: lithe and muscular, swift as the wind.”
“So… you’re like the goths and jocks of the wolf community?” Emma took a sip of her coffee to hide her amusement as she watched Ruby sputter indignantly. Killian simply smirked, flashing that chipped fang.
“Perhaps we should continue our tale, lass, before we end up at each other’s throats, aye?” Killian said softly, and Ruby calmed.
“Yeah.” Ruby shook her head as though to dispel the last vestiges of wolf. 
The change in tone put Emma on immediate alert. “What happened out there?”
“Something spooked the deer badly enough that it turned around and fled past us,” Killian said. 
Oh. That didn’t sound good. Emma set her coffee aside, suddenly too nauseous to finish it. “Did you investigate?”
“Yeah,” Ruby said. “We followed the deer’s path, and soon we could smell what had frightened it. It was…wrong. It made my hackles rise, and I was growling without even knowing at what. Killian and I crept forward, and that’s when we found it.”
“An altar,” they said in unison.
Ah. Emma doubted they meant the kind you’d find in a church. “Oh?” Her coffee was getting cold, she noted as she took a lingering sip.
“A witch’s ritual altar,” Killian clarified, staring at her intensely. 
“A witch? Of course they’re real, too,” Emma sighed. “How worried about this should we be?”
“I’m not sure yet. I need a better look at the altar and the sigils around it to get an idea of what sort of ritual was performed.”
“So you’re an expert in witches now?” Ruby arched a brow.
“No, but I can ask people who are, and for that, I need photos. We need to get back out there immediately and photograph the site.”
Neither would have had access to their phones’ cameras, of course. Ruby would have been a wolf, and while Killian could transform clothes along with his body, it only seemed to be the archaic black leather outfit he favored when he wasn’t pretending to be human. Objects like his phone or wallet didn’t survive the transformation.
“Swan, I’d like you to come along as well; I want to see how you react to the magic.”
When Walsh had tried to compel Emma, he’d discovered that she was immune to his vampiric powers. This intrigued Killian, because it was a very rare gift not found in pure humans. He was determined to figure out just what was in her bloodline.
Emma was less enthused about this. She didn’t have any interest in parents that had abandoned her as a baby. She only cared about David and his mother Ruth, who had taken her in when she was a feral street child and given her a home and love.
Plus, she really didn’t want to walk around the woods after dark. There might be ticks or something.
“Now? It’s almost midnight!” And the moon was only a crescent, meaning it would be dark as pitch outside.
“Aye, but there’s a storm rolling in. All the evidence will be washed away by morning. Likely by design,” Killian said.
Reluctantly, Emma grabbed her coat from the closet while Ruby went off to change back into a wolf. Despite the protection of a large wolf and a vampire, Emma felt a thrill of fear as they stepped away from The Belfry’s exterior lights and to the edge of the forest beyond.
Her flashlight did little to help.
“So… tell me about witches,” Emma said. “Just how dangerous are they?”
“Most witches are benign,” Killian corrected, surprising her. “Just women gifted with knowledge and a bit of magic. Many of them end up in positions where they can use their gifts to help others: doctors and nurses, veterinarians, financial advisors, that sort of thing. Some are hide amongst charlatans, using real magic and divination to tell futures or speak with the dead, though those are rare. Mostly, they just live among humans, leading normal - though perhaps luckier - lives.
“True practitioners of the black arts are rare. They’re hunted by their own kind, in much the same way I take care of out of control vampires. This one… the scent of her magic is rotten.”
“What can someone with that kind of magic do?”
Killian scratched his cheek with the tip of his hook as he thought. “They can create curses, give others ill luck, or even kill without touching their victim. We won’t know much more until my expert has had a look.”
There was silence for a while after that, as Emma tried to fit this into her already shaken worldview. Finally, she decided it was just too much for one night, and turned her thoughts to something else.
“Henry really enjoyed visiting your ship the other day. It’s all he’s been talking about ever since.” Henry’s class had taken a day to tour the ‘real’ pirate ship (which was, in fact, a very real pirate ship, captained by a very real pirate), and he’d come home asking for sailing lessons. Not possible so late into the season, but she’d promised him that if he was still interested next year, she’d look into it.
“He’s a fine lad,” Killian told her. “Smart, and curious about everything. I’d be delighted to teach him some sailing basics, if…”
If you give me a reason to stick around, Emma knew he was thinking. Because Emma knew it was more than the threat of a rogue vampire that kept Killian living as a bat in Storybrooke. And three nights ago, Killian had finally made his move to see if there could be anything between them.
“So, Swan, are you looking forward to tomorrow night?”
Ahead, Ruby slowed, canting back one ear. Emma thought at first something had put her on alert; then she realized her friend was eavesdropping.
Right. Tomorrow. When she and Killian had dinner reservations for Bella Notte. Their first date.
She’d never been so nervous.
She wanted to date Killian. But her violent introduction to the world of vampires had left her cautious. Even Ruby’s reassurance that vampire society worked as Killian had described, with strict laws and enforcers that carried out ruthless punishments for lawbreakers, she’d still been wary.
Walsh had been terrifying, but he’d been newly-turned. Weak. Killian was centuries old and powerful.
He also squeaked at her petulantly if she gave him banana slices when he wanted strawberries.
The rumbles of thunder that had begun when night fell were growing louder, and Emma was beginning to worry they wouldn’t make it to the altar in time. But after forty-five minutes of what felt to Emma like random stumbling around in the dark, Ruby let out a sharp bark.
“We’re here,” Killian said unnecessarily. Because Emma could feel the change in the air, something that made her hair stand on end. 
“The hell?” she asked.
“So you do feel it,” Killian sounded as if she’d just confirmed something for him.
How could anyone not feel that? It was a miasma that pressed against her, threatening to smother her.
She fought down the urge to claw at her skin, and forced herself to examine the altar.
If Emma had been walking through the woods alone, she never would have seen it - or at least not realized it wasn’t a natural formation. She ran the flashlight beam over a tree that had been split in half, probably by a lightning strike. One half had fallen to the side, the other was still attached to the stump, but bent at a ninety degree angle to form a natural table just over knee height.
The split trunk was spotted with dark stains. A fragment of bone was caught in a furrow in wood.
“I’ll hold the torch if you’ll take the photos,” Killian offered. Emma handed the flashlight over, and he directed her to photograph the altar, as well as the sigils she’d missed at first look. The were carved into the ground, or painted onto the trunks of surrounding trees with the same fluid that had stained the altar.
Killian was thorough. Emma wondered if he was like this with all investigations, because she could use someone like him in the Sheriff’s Department.
Thunder boomed, and Emma and Ruby jumped. “Storm’s almost here,” Killian observed. “We’d better leave now, before we’re caught out in it.”
They only just managed to make it back to The Belfry before the sky opened up. Emma was soaked through by the time she managed to unlock the door, and Ruby reeked of wet dog. Killian, she noted, managed to look ridiculously good even when wet.
The rain pounded away into the night, and Emma shivered. She hoped it would be enough to wash away the taint of evil in the forest.
The stranger stank of dark magic.
Emma had been in the back office of the sheriff’s station, taking care of paperwork, when David had called her up front.
Grateful to escape her papery hell, she’d hurried up front - only to be brought up short by the elegant woman in the immaculate business suit who was ignoring David’s attempts to be friendly. Emma, however, immediately drew her interest.
Dark eyes ran up and down Emma, and perfect lips turned down into a frown, as if she’d found Emma lacking. “Can I help you?” she asked stiffly.
“I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Regina Mills,” the woman said haughtily. “I’m the new mayor of Storybrooke.”
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BIG OL SHOUTOUT ELIYIPS MY WONDERFUL MUTUAL ELIYIPS !!! he is so so cool and fun to talk to. yips brain is HUGE, he has so many yummy thoughts to contribute to the aus we rotate together. he's my consulting expert for xisuma characterization, and have you seen his xisuma design ??? 💥 amazing no notes i'm eating yips art all the way up. no crumbs left on the plate when i'm done ‼️‼️
@eliyips !!!
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heyidkyay · 2 years
Who can say no to bridezilla? |
Part Six
Can't believe that this is the last part!! Although I would like to say that I'd pretty much be down to try and write an epilogue of some sorts if it's wanted, so lemme know!
But thank you for all the love on this little series, I've honestly really loved writing it. I hope you enjoy this final bit! 💗
Summary: With no date to your sister's wedding, what are you to do? No worries though, she's already got it covered, well, sort of...
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“What the fuck’s gone on?” My sister outright demanded with her hands placed firmly on her hips, eyes sharp and darting between both Matty and I. 
I figured she might’ve looked a little more intimidating if the hem of her dress hadn’t been tracked in mud, or the lipstick she was wearing wasn’t slightly smudged- that, plus the fact that she had a stray fallen leaf hiding away in her pretty up-do. 
My head spun towards Matty almost on impulse, wanting to prevent the inevitable, but unfortunately, I was too late. The twat already had his big gob open before I could even think to get a word out to stop him.
“What the fuck’s gone on with us? What the fuck’s gone on with you!” Matty countered with a delighted little laugh, appearing to take a large amount of joy out of this. “I see you and Hann have already gotten started on making the most of your honeymoon- looks like you’ve been dragged through a bush backwards, love.”
My sister’s eyes widened in shock at his bluntness, but she wasn’t the type to be derailed- nor embarrassed- and I pursed my lips to keep from laughing outright when she pranced over towards Matty with a sly, devious smile of her own.
“Hilarious, Healy. Should’ve made a career out of telling jokes- oh wait, I guess you already have.”
I bit down hard on the inside of my cheek whilst watching Matty’s eyes narrow, he appeared to be looking at her in a newfound light.
“Hm, bit rich coming from the wife of my guitarist.” He was quick to retort, mouth quirked up to one side as he waited for her reaction.
“Bit rich coming from a bloke who cries when he comes.” She shot straight back, not missing a beat. My eyebrows rose. 
“It was one- two times max! Besides, I told Hann that in confidence!” Matty tutted, virtually unashamed even with the playful frown he’d since adopted, which was amusing in itself really.
My sister shot him a cheeky wink, pleased with herself. “Don’t worry, young Matthew. There’s plenty more where that came from. I’ve heard many a tale about you.”
Matty simply laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders almost subconsciously. “Hm, well, snitches get stitches and all that crap. Let’s just hope for your sake Hann makes it onto that cruise of yours tomorrow, hey?”
“What’s this about my honeymoon?”
“Speak of the devil and he doth appear!” Matty beheld in a deep mocking voice, his free arm outstretched towards Adam, who’d just appeared at my sister’s side to, seemingly, top her up with a drink. 
Internally I frowned, wanting my own little wine waiter. 
Y/s/n hummed sweetly in appreciation as she took the glass he held from him, tiptoeing to peck at his cheek. He smiled in turn. “Knew there was a reason as to why I married you.”
“I first thought it was just ‘cause you were up the duff.” I piped up jokingly, but the startled blank stares I got in return threw me a bit. 
I blinked slowly, eyes darting between the frozen couple who then quickly tried to save themselves, laughing my assumption off like nothing had even occurred.
And then came Matty’s imminent contribution, and he appeared just as taken aback. “Wait. What the actual fuck?”
I struggled in that next moment to find coherent words, mind whizzing, before they all just seemed to pour out of me at a nonsensical speed.
“I was just fucking about!” I yipped in defence, “You know- what with you two having been together for years, with zero mention of ever wanting to get married! You’re engagement came out of nowhere, for Christ’s sake, everyone was surprised!”
I was well aware of how high and pitchy my voice sounded, strained beyond belief as I attempted to argue the point of my previous joke- which in retrospect, now didn’t seem too funny. I swallowed thickly, gaze still flicking between the rest of the group. 
“Are you messing with me?” I asked as soon as the thought popped into my head, unable to make sense of the unexpected situation.
But neither one of them replied, watching one another closely as they silently communicated in that weird couple-ly language of theirs. 
I glanced towards Matty, but he looked just as bewildered as I felt, eyes as wide as saucers, attempting to analyse the newlyweds in a whole other light. 
“You’re fucking pregnant.” He breathed out with an airy sort of laugh full of disbelief, he shook his head. “Fuck me. You are, aren’t you?”
My jaw was hanging somewhere by my feet and I couldn’t quite get ahold of the many- many- emotions I felt. “Oh my god. Oh my god.” I whispered from behind my hand, trembling now.
My sister’s eyes met mine then and, oh wow. The sincerity there was scary. Everything she felt was displayed openly on her face, I could see it all, from her flushed cheeks right down to her teary smile. I swallowed again.
“Surprise?” She announced sheepishly, lifting her tense shoulders up in an odd sort of shrug before she chewed at her lower lip, as though she was terrified of witnessing the rest of my reaction.
But she had utterly no reason to be afraid, because before I could even think better of it, I was barrelling full force into her, arms flung over each of her shoulders so that I could all but sob into the crook of her neck. 
I was vaguely aware of Adam, and his oddly quick reflexes, who had taken the precaution to catch my sister at her waist so that we both didn’t end up toppling over onto the dance floor. A smart man, I noted. My sister had chosen well. 
But when I finally decided to pull away, still keeping her very much at arm’s length, hands grasped on either arm, I did my best not to cry again as I took all of her in. She was glowing. Like, actually glowing. And wow. How hadn’t I noticed it sooner?
“I’m gonna be an aunt.” I rasped out to her, bottom lip quivering threateningly whilst my sister merely laughed at me, wiping her snotty nose as she nodded in confirmation. My eyes drifted between her abdomen and her face, but I had no real words. So I just ended up repeating myself. “An aunt.” I stressed.
“Yeah,” Y/s/n whispered in a hushed giggle, and I was painfully aware of how beautiful she looked in that moment, all dressed up in her wedding gown, all grown up. My baby sister.
“You’re gonna be a mum!” I gasped, the thought only just occurring to me. My hand flew to my mouth again before I could stop myself, and I squealed as I pulled her into another tight hug. She was still tittering away as we rocked back and forth, but I could hear the obvious tears in her voice. Though I was certain they were happy ones. 
And that’s when it hit me, really hit me- I pulled away sharply, only to spin around and slap Adam’s arm.
The groom jumped at the sudden sting, jerking out of the embrace Matty (who was standing bleary-eyed too, I might add) had seemingly wrangled him into.
“Why are you hitting me!” Adam questioned in alarm, chuckling faintly whilst he rubbed at his bicep. Though he still appeared somewhat apprehensive, cowering backwards slightly as though he thought I’d repeat the action. 
Matty cackled joyously, evidently loving the change of pace. He hastily rounded Adam’s taller frame to swat at the man’s cradled hand, eager to get a better look at the injury. 
“Shit man, that was fucking loud!” He declared, practically praising me.
Adam widened his eyes at his unhelpful friend, shook his head, and then pointed his stare back at me. Still thoroughly confused. 
I tipped my own head towards my sister, an eyebrow quirked. “Well, I can’t smack her, can I? She’s pregnant.”
“And why would you want to hit me?” Y/s/n snorted, clearly amused by the events that were playing out. 
Me, on the other hand, I was simply surprised about the fact that we hadn’t conjured up more of a crowd, what with all of our dramatics.
I flicked my scrutinising gaze back towards her. “Because you didn’t tell me.” 
I hit Adam two more times then, aiming for a third before the man hastily jumped back behind my very delighted looking date. 
“Why- didn’t- you tell me!” 
My sister reached out to carefully grab both my hands, cradling them in her own whilst she giggled to herself, gifting her husband an apologetic smile as she steered me away.
“I was going to.” She tried to soothe, looking at me with that soft smile of hers, “But, it was just- a lot, you know? It’s why I wanted today to go so perfectly.”
My chest tightened at the conflicted expression that flickered across her face, and so I wrapped my arms around her again. Unable to do much else. Just wanting her near.
My little sister. A mum. 
“When were you gonna tell me?” I mumbled into her hair, and I felt her shoulders shake against mine when she chuckled. 
“When we got back off our honeymoon.”
I snapped my head backwards to gape at her. “Two weeks! You were gonna make me wait two more weeks?”
“The better question is,” Matty piped up suddenly and I glanced over at him, my forehead still furrowed, “Am I gonna be godfather?”
Y/s/n scoffed at the exact same time that Adam nodded, and I had to bite back my sudden glee as I stepped away from my sister slightly to rejoin Matty.
The couple begun to bicker back and forth then, and I saw my dates brown eyes start to bat between the pair of them, as though he was watching an intense match of tennis.
“You’re enjoying this way too much.” I pointed out to him under my breath.
Matty shot me a mirthful smirk, hands in his trouser pockets he leant in closer towards me. “Tenner says they name me the baby’s godfather.”
I wasted no time in nodding. If I knew anyone, it was my sister.
“I’ll take that. There isn’t a chance in hell Y/s/n will allow it.”
He rolled his eyes in good jest, that smirk of his still prominent, “Double the odds then.”
I shook my head at him whilst I tutted, pretending to ridicule. “Didn’t know you were such a betting man, Healy.”
Matty shrugged at me casually, “Only when I know I’m going to win.”
I exhaled on a mocking laugh.
“Sorry, what, can you repeat that?” I goaded, “Sounded like a load of bullshit, to me.”
“Yeah, yeah… Think what you like, darling. But in nine months time, when I’m twenty quid richer, you’ll be regretting those words.”
I scoffed at him, “Might buy myself a nice takeaway with my winnings. Celebrate the birth of my godchild.”
Matty hummed through a bubble of laughter, “Hm, nothing quite like welcoming a new life into the world by celebrating with a Chinese.”
I lifted a shoulder, pretending to mull it over. “Never know, could be in a curry kind of mood.”
Matty knocked into me lightly, shaking his head with a smile. And he was set to say something else when my sister and Adam startled us from our own little reverie.
“We’re not deciding this- with you half pissed- on our wedding night, Adam!”
“Oo, someone’s in trouble.” I murmured to Matty who snorted, but it must’ve been loud enough for my sister to have overheard, because she shot a venomous glare in my direction. One which clearly stated I wasn’t being much help.
Adam’s argument was too cut short by my sister’s steely stare, and we gifted one another an exasperated sort of look.
“Now,” She sighed, wiping at the folds of her dress to compose herself before she set her sights on both Matty and I. “This-” She held up a hand and circled a finger, referencing to the four of us and the secret we now shared, “Stays between us. Got it? If I hear a word- no, a whisper!- of this before I even have the chance to tell mum, I will castrate you, Healy.”
Matty blundered, mouth gaping slightly. “Me! Why just me? Y/n’s involved too.”
“Oh sure,” I dragged out, unimpressed. “Throw me under the bus, why don’t you? Your date, might I add.”
I was met with an unconcerned stare from my sister and a grin from Matty, I reluctantly quietened down.
“I need a drink.” She exhaled, and I hastily turned to her in dismay.
“You’ve been drinking!” The realisation evident in my voice, “You can’t be drinking!”
Y/s/n rewarded me with quite the expression, one which made me question even myself, before Adam stepped in to offer me an answer.
“It’s mainly been fizzy water, but I had the vendors add a shitload of squash to the bar. She’s been obsessed with it as of recent.”
“Cravings.” My sister added with a shrug.
I dipped my head a few times, but Matty was the one to give a verbal reply, “Right, makes sense as to why Hann’s been following you around with glasses all evening. Thought he was just that whipped, to be fair.”
“Oh, he is.” My sister grinned, very proud to have it announced, whilst her husband simply rolled his eyes at the duo in good nature.
“Poor Ad.” I consoled with an amused pout, “Almost feel bad for hitting you now.”
“Almost? Ta, y/n.” Adam derided, smiling at me.
“Oh, don’t get her bloody started on fucking almost.” Matty huffed and I had to release the sudden bout of laughter that welled up inside me, letting him guide me into his side whilst I chuckled. 
The newlyweds shared a secret look.
But before I could question it, I caught sight of my mother headed towards us. And so with a startled expression, I gripped Matty’s hand, said my hasty goodbyes, and slipped out of view.
“What was all that about?” Matty prompted a little out of breath once I’d finally relaxed, now stood a fair few tables away.
I merely jutted my chin back over to where we just were, where my mum was now talking to my sister, who was trying her hardest not to roll her eyes. “I just don’t know whether I’ll be able to flat out avoid telling her about- you know what.” 
Matty simply laughed at me. “You’re cute. But I think we deserve a proper drink after all that.”
And that was that. I let myself be led astray, hand in his, thankful for the weaving throng of people who allowed me to steel my reaction to his previous words before we made it to the bar. Oh, how the tables had turned.
“We’ll have a couple shots, please mate.”
Tipsy Matty was like unlocking a whole new character. One I very much liked. He was full of humour, witty retorts, and best of all, he was rather affectionate. As in, he made it a total mission to stay as close to me as he possibly could, sharing small grazes and touches here and there, and flirting without any real care.
Me? I was just as bad, I supposed.
Thankfully, we’d managed to evade my mum for the rest of the evening, and were now grouped around the main table with Adam and the rest of his groomsmen. My sister was off somewhere galavanting with guests and her many bridesmaids, and I only hoped that my mum was with her. But my alcohol addled brain was beginning to care less and less about being spotted.
“Hann. Hann. Hann.” Matty begun to pester, dragging out the groom’s surname to garner his attention. But Adam was already halfway to hammered and you could see it in the way he lazily swung his head round to face us.
Matty grinned at him, happy to finally have been noticed, then proceeded to point a finger at his mate. “You know, I never really got on with your bird the first time we met.”
I frowned at his change in topic and swivelled in my chair to better see him. But Matty just continued to nod away, taking another sip of the fruity cocktail Ross had ordered (and hated) before he carried on.
“Uh-huh, you had us meet on that night out years back. And listen, yeah…” He was directing this little speech towards everyone gathered around the table now, waving a hand back and forth carelessly enough to spill some of his drink. “She was in this- I don’t even know, man. Practically out dressed in nowt.”
“Oi,” I nudged him in warning, “That’s my little sister remember.”
But Matty just waved me off, not breaking his stare with Adam as he slung an arm over the back of my chair and all but pulled me into his lap. He was sort of swaying now and I just had to laugh to myself.
“And ‘cause I’d joined you lot later on, yeah?” He barrelled on, wanting to finish the story he’d started- and I could honestly understand why.
Over text, Matty had previously mentioned the reason as to why he hadn’t been asked to be best man, and I could tell that it had bothered him a tad, and so now, more than a little wine drunk, he’d decided to make the best of his current situation, what with everyone having rallied around us, and give his own toast.
“Well, I was semi fuckin’ sober, wasn’t I? Had a few shots before I’d jumped in the cab, but that was it. And she was this annoying sort of drunk.” He drawled flippantly, uncaring for Adam’s wrinkled nose or pursed lips. “All angry. Proper fired up, right? Just screaming and spouting this utter crap. Told everybody you were shagging about. Tryna start a fight about it outside the club.”
He was quick to wet his mouth then with the remnants of his cocktail, and I grabbed him another champagne flute to replace it with when a waiter passed.
“And me, Hann mate, I wasn’t having it.” Matty cut his hand through the air and murmured a quiet ‘Thank you, love’ to me before he sipped again. “So I told her to do one, then went and lit a fag. She didn’t seem to care too much though, still heard her shouting ‘er head off as I wandered away, but it wasn’t long before she came over and joined me. Realised then why you’d liked her so much. That, and she taught me to blow proper rings.”
A snort and a slow clap sounded from beside me and all of our heads darted towards George who was laughing away at Matty.
“Fuckin’ hell, mate, that was a story and a half.” The drummer drawled, “Went from ripping into his missus to telling us how you bonded over a shitty smoke trick.”
Matty merely shrugged, unfazed. “Better than the story of how we met, Georgie.”
George medley grinned back at him, eyes bright. 
That was definitely a story I wanted to hear. But I’d have to leave it for another time. 
“Matty, mate,” Adam then called out, only too loudly to be a whisper, “She proper hated you too.”
Matty made a face as he set his drink down onto the tabletop. “Me?”
Adam nodded at him, “You.”
“I know I’m an acquired taste, love. But, what the fuck did I do to her? She was the one being a massive cunt.”
I elbowed him in the ribs and he pouted up at me in return. “What?”
I raised a brow with a knowing look.
Adam though, he just lifted his shoulders, hardly paying attention. “Called you a prick on the cab ride home when I asked if she’d had a good night, then puked out the window.”
“Rude.” Matty wrinkled his nose in distaste and we all chuckled before everyone started yelling noisily at Ross, who’d somehow managed to spill his beer down his front.
All in all, it had been a pretty great day. Even with all the aggravation and pettiness. 
And as I stood, propped against the chapel wall, spliff in hand, I found myself smiling away at the thought of it.
“What’s got your face doing that?” A voice asked, and I glanced over to the man who’d played a big part in it all.
“What- smiling?”
Matty hummed at me, stealing the joint.
We’d managed to escape the last events of the evening in favour of having a smoke outside (many thanks given to George for the weed), and had decided to hide away from the few partygoers who, too, had wandered out into the nippy air.
“Just had a good night, is all.” I shrugged, tilting my head back to stare up at the night sky.
A few stars could be seen. And I realised then that the city truly did it no justice. Out here, so far away from the buildings and the cars and the people, it was so hushed. As though we’d been covered in a thick blanket which muted all the blinding noise and hassle.
Matty hummed again, this time he wore the beginnings of a sly smile. “It was nice. Best one I’ve had in a while, I reckon.”
“Really?” I asked, not quite believing that this outranked the many other nights a rockstar was sure to have had.
But when I looked away from the night sky to turn towards him, I just found him nodding. 
He held up the joint to me then, and instead of taking it, I took a step towards him to stand between his open legs and pressed my mouth to it, lips brushing against his fingers as I inhaled slowly.
His eyes met mine as I did so. They were slightly blown, even from under his heavy lids, but they seemed to darken in that very moment. His adam’s apple bobbed and I withheld a victorious little smile. 
“I’ve been thinking,” Matty started before I swiftly cut him off, unable to help myself.
“Not too hard I hope.”
But he just rolled his eyes at me, and continued on. “About how we won’t have any of this at our wedding.” 
His comment pretty much came from out of nowhere, and it took me by surprise. So much so, that I was just thankful for the simple fact that I didn’t cough up the lungful I’d taken in.
Still, I fought down the urge to outright grin, instead choosing to entertain his musings.
“What, the weed?”
Matty threw his head back lightly to glance up at the sky with a put upon sigh, before his eyes flickered downwards, gifting me a lopsided smile. I felt his hands come to settle on my hips and he tugged me in closer, mindful of the embering joint he still held. 
“No, plenty of weed. Just the chapel and shit. Like that massive fuck-off tent.”
I chuckled under my breath, winding my arms up around his neck. I found myself enjoying the newfound closeness.
Still, I reprimanded him lightly, “Behave, will you.”
Matty merely disregarded the comment, the back of his head pressed against the cold stone wall behind him. “I’m just saying what everyones thinking, sweetheart. Free bar is a shout though, reckon I’ll fork out enough for that.”
Dipping my head downwards to hide my grin, I replied, “Seeing as you’ve been its main occupant tonight, I’ll allow it.”
“Yeah, only ‘cause I’ve been supplying you all evening.” He retaliated, his fingertips ghosting along my back now.
I bit into my lower lip and shook my head. “Always so nasty to me.”
“You love it.” Matty immediately countered and I lifted my gaze up to meet his mirthful eyes.
“What else would you change then?” I found myself asking and I knew he understood what I’d meant when he mulled my question over.
“That tux.” Matty said decisively, “As great as Hann looks, I’d definitely go black on black, you know?”
“Sound pretty sure about it.” I laughed.
He nodded at me wilfully, “Have to be, been thinking about it all day.”
I snorted quietly, “All day? Your best mate’s just gotten married and that’s what you’ve chosen to focus on?”
“Yeah, like I said- been planning ours.” Matty told me, the joint we’d been sharing having long since died out and fallen to the concrete floor. One of his hands trailed up and down my spine now, whilst the other thumbed at the soft material of my dress. “None of this cold British weather crap either. We’ll head off somewhere sunny, get hitched on a sandy beach beside some cliffside, and have a big fuck-off party.”
I let my own fingertips graze the nape of his neck, my gaze lowered. “No DJ though, right?”
Matty chuckled and I felt its rumble vibrate through him. “Alright fine," He easily conceded, "But if there’s no DJ, then we’re definitely getting a magician.”
My forehead wrinkled in confusion as I leaned back in his embrace to question him. “A magician?”
He dipped his chin, confirming it for me. “Yeah, magicians are sick.”
I closed my eyes, unwilling to fight this battle. I had a strange feeling he’d be willing to die on that oddly specific hill.
“Alright,” I relented, because who would it hurt, having a sodding magician at our make-believe wedding? “But then I want George as my maid of honour.”
Matty frowned, reeling away from me at quite the speed, which only proved to accentuate his double chin. I giggled.
“You’ve only just met him.”
“That’s your only argument against it?” I acknowledged in thought before I shrugged a single shoulder, “Besides, I like him. We’ve bonded.”
“When?” Matty exaggerated, his brows pinched.
“Yeah… obviously. But when? We’ve been apart for like- two seconds.” Was his conclusion. I just rolled my eyes.
“Don’t get all jealous on me. It’s just something a person feels. And him and I, we’re just floating on the same sort of spiritual plane."
There was a tense silence that passed between us then whilst Matty looked at me in utter bewilderment.
“You’re fucking mad, you.”
“You love it.” I said, mirroring his earlier words.
His head shook whilst he gave a low laugh. “I sort of do. No fucking clue as to why though.”
I smiled, noting how much closer we’d grown. I peered up into his eyes and wondered what he must’ve made of me. If he’d meant it when he said he wanted to see me again after tonight. But before I could make sense of my muddled mind, or act on the impulse to just ask him, Matty surprised me.
His lips were on mine and I found myself kissing him back almost without thought, his fingertips pressed into the curve of my waist whilst I pushed myself up against him. He tasted of smoke and the whiskey chocolate truffles they'd been handing out not too long ago. And I savoured it all, letting myself get lost in it, in him.
It was only when a loud bang exploded in the sky above us did we part, breathing a little laboured as we looked up at the stars which were now clouded by an array of fizzing colours.
“Talk about a spark.” Matty quipped, and when I glanced back down at him, he was already staring straight back at me.
I pressed a thumb to the corner of his swollen mouth and my voice was quiet when I replied, “So cheesy.”
“You love it though.”
And I couldn’t not lean in again, even as I smiled and another round of fireworks erupted high above us.
“I’m not playing with you,” Matty whispered when we finally separated again, nose now brushing at my cheek whilst his forehead rested against mine, “I think that we should give this a proper go.”
I swallowed, eyes dancing back and forth between his own. 
“What, you and me?” I breathed.
“Me and you.”
And then he grinned, this massive sort of grin that squinted his eyes and carved out the rest of his face. In all honesty, I don’t think I ever wanted to look away.
“Alright. Guess we can give it a go.”
Taglist: @real-actual-human-person @wurldisavampire @partoftheairforce @kurdtbean @indierockgirrl
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crmsnmth · 4 months
And Yet You Smile (part 2)
The dogs are still howling Even after all the flesh has been ripped from the bone And all that's left is the very hand you held out to feed them Your left-behind molars scene a smile on the dirt
The all run, yipping as they race against the wind and sometimes, they even almost win but almost is not enough, no matter what is said But they keep racing just the same
I'm always far too late to save you but always in time to see the show I can do nothing but attempt to scream as they pick through blood and sinew pieces just too rubber for them to chew
I hear them fading in the distance From dogs to wolves under the unforgiving moon Lighting a fire hot enough to shatter the bones The acrid scent of burning hair carried off in the wind Contribution to the air of pollution fumes
I tried I tried I really did try A mantra I repeat to remove myself from grief The smile on your face before teeth met your neck Haunts me deep within my blind third eye New nightmares to add to the cinematic lineup
I try to see it different Where I don't watch you pulled apart and you face isn't in that pyschotic grin I can almost hear you laugh as your stripped clean But I can't. Because the memory doesn't change easily And my delusions aren't something I get to choose
I'd pay top dollar to develop that little trick
I close my eyes and all I can see is that smile that goddamned smile
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scriptscribbles · 1 year
To give my general 13 Who feelings since I asked:
Ryan was my favorite Chibnall era companion though I suspect Tosin probably felt pretty burned by lack of material and hope he's on to better things that make him happier. He's quite a good actor IMO. Makes a lot of interesting choices when left to the background.
Dan and Graham were both quite charming but just not character types I need from stories right now. Dan also really suffered from not getting, like, any breathing room as a character. It ends up feeling like after Brian Williams, Chibnall needed a comfort older white dude in the TARDIS.
Yaz I like on paper but never felt like she got the focus or exploration the many interesting things about her deserved. Can You Hear Me was a very clever retcon to explain her lack of material in series 11 in addition to being poignant though it does totally change her from the character introduced in Woman Who Fell to Earth.
I like the idea of the Timeless Child and the opportunities it offers and relate a surprising amount to the whole forgotten child childhood trauma questions about identity, but think it stalled on examining that after the quite underrated Once, Upon Time.
Sacha Dhawan is a superb actor who elevated a lot but I did not care at all for the direction the Master was taken in. The lack of acknowledgment of Missy was painful, the Nazi stuff doubly so, and the redestriction of Gallifrey just annoying.
Jodie Whittaker is wonderful and very Doctory. I wish she could have played more range though and really wanted to see her play a fuller relationship plot because I love the Doctor in that kind of thing and think she'd have nailed it.
Loved the sonic. Didn't love the TARDIS. Liked series 12, apart from Spyfall part 2. Thought Resolution and Eve of the Daleks were fantastic. Complicated feelings about Flux and how it all in my view fell apart (well documented that Chibnall wrote it while it went and it shows). Thought series 11 was the right idea but didn't think it was good enough overall.
Really enjoyed writers like Vinay Patel, Ed Hime, Joy Wilkinson, Maxine Alderton, and Nina Metivier contributing, and even controversially Pete McTighe, though I wish they got a bit more polish the way RTD or Moffat added sparkle to their guest writers. It's probably not fair to expect Chris Chibnall to meet the dialogue crispness of two of the best living British TV writers who proceeded him. It's not that he's bad, but Moffat and Davies are really special talents on that front and a tough act to follow.
Thought the best director of the era was Nida Manzoor and hope they get her back. Also loved Wayne Yip again but sounds like he didn't love doing it.
Some episodes and elements I really liked but overall the era of modern Who I'm coolest on. Still would take it over several classic runs any day.
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danco110 · 1 year
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“Tamiyo. This shapeshifter whose presence you requested…”
“Ahem. Their name is Saragh.”
Jin-Gitaxias frowned first at the compleated planeswalker to his side, then at the lackadaisical metamorph to his front. He watched as Saragh melted into a puddle of oil on the ground and oozed away from him and Tamiyo, and his frown deepened.
“I do not care what her name is. Why is she not contributing to the invasion efforts?”
Tamiyo anxiously fiddled with her claws. After a brief fidget, she steadied herself, and fixed Jin with a curious stare.
“Er, what do you mean? They are testing different shapeshifting forms.”
“By turning into glistening oil? The properties of which have already been studied extensively?”
“…Proper researchers leave no stone unturned.”
Jin drew close to Tamiyo, towering over her. “I have had just about enough of your insubordination! First, wasting Surgical Bay resources, and now distracting my- Er, Phyrexia’s researchers…”
Tamiyo instantly caught Jin’s slip, but still leaned forward into a bow. “My humblest apologies, my praetor.”
Jin said nothing more, as he turned and stomped away. After the praetor had left, Saragh slid close to the compleated moonfolk, while still in their liquid form.
“What did Jin-Gitaxias want to talk about, ma’am?” Saragh asked innocently.
“Saragh…why must you shift into oil? Why not a more…imposing or practical form?”
“Oh, because I like how it feels! Cool and fluid, and so much more flexible!”
“You like it…?”
Saragh slid slightly back, away from Tamiyo. “Something wrong, ma’am…?”
“Er, no. Just, please refrain from repeating that when Jin comes to conduct his inspections.”
Saragh nodded dutifully. “I know, ma’am. Trust me, I do.”
Tamiyo uttered a low chuckle at this. “Thank you,” she smirked. “Now, as you were.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
With a cheerful yip, Saragh turned and slid across the ground, before finally seeping into another pool of oil nearby. Tamiyo gave the pool a nod, then turned to walk away.
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[Immediately after Tamiyo was compleated, she and Jin got along like a house on fire. By the end, however, between Jin having to devote most of his resources to coordinating the entire invasion, and Tamiyo’s individuality starting to resurface once again, their interactions had largely soured.]
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yippeecahier · 1 year
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I’m REALLY AMAZED that just a little kobold like me has managed to touch the hearts of SO MANY people out there!!! I’m SO IMMENSELY THANKFUL to every single one of you that stops by… it certainly makes running this place a lot more interesting when so many people are around!!!
I also really love hearing all your contributions, thoughts, and questions. If you're ever curious about something, have thoughts to share, or are even just looking to make a new friend-- please feel free to send me a message! The archives wouldn't be what they are without you!!! 💖✨🙏🥹✨💖
I wanted to give something back too! So, I decided to do a little yip reveal in the video below, don't forget to have your sound on!!! 😋😋😋
Thank you all again, I'm not going to stop posting anytime soon!!! I'm so happy to have given something all 300 of you have liked, and am happy to say that there's plenty more to come!!! ✨🙌🥰✨
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mwolf0epsilon · 11 months
The Umbaran Pathogen - Day 16: Hospital
Summary: Loath as he was to admit it, Coric had to do just as Cani had suggested and leave the 212th to stall the infected long enough that they'd be able to escape the base. At least if they got to the medical facility and found a cure, the other battalion's efforts would not be in vain...
Warning: N/A
Here’s what Tup currently looks like!
Twitch belongs to @gaeasun Pitch and Tacet belong to @lost-on-kamino
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[In which the events on Umbara are worsened by an unknown pathogen taking hold of both the 501st and 212th. These series of drabbles will follow a non-linear timeline based on the AI-less Whumptober prompt list for 2023.]
All hell had broken loose the moment Tup had quite literally bashed down the doors to the medbay. His razor sharp pincers and startlingly bulky and powerful body, making short work of the doorway's integrity with terrifying ease.
All who stood who were uninfected by the parasitic menace, had been frozen stiff from shock at the brutal transformation the tear-drop tattooed clone had undergone. Only to be forced to act when the now beyond monstrous kih'vod roared at them.
Malicious intent more than a little clear.
Reacting on instinct alone, Coric had immediately called for the huddled up group of medics to separate. All four of them aarrowly avoiding getting violently crushed to death by the ferocious beast's sudden charge towards them.
Pitch, Sponge and Twitch luckily did as ordered, moving out of harm's way as quickly as physically possible. But it came with an unexpected consequence (although, to be fair, the medbay's size greatly contributed to the unfortunate outcome). All cots that were in Tup's path were completely ripped out from where they were bolted to the floor, and sent flying all about as the specialist collided with them.
Unable to stop himself due to his four clawed feet slipping on the tiles like a clumsy fawn skidding on ice.
The aggro'd patients that had been strapped to said cots managing to then free themselves from their now damaged restraints, and quickly get up onto unsteady feet. Adding even more problems to the huge one they already had at hand, since the partially transformed men were clearly readying themselves to aid their leader in this assault against the healthy troopers.
"Coric! It's you and the rest of your medical team he wants!" Canivete called out in warning, recalling Cody's promise of bodily harm. Aimed directly at the 501st's primary caregivers. "Get yourself and your team out of here, and get to that damn medical facility! We'll try to hold them off for as long as possible!"
"We can't just leave you to deal with this on your own!" Coric shook his head, looking towards the monstrous form of Tup that was back to charging at the medics. Trying to grab at them with his two large mantis-like pincers, kick with all four of his insectoid legs, or lash out at them with a long prehensile tail tipped with a sharp looking cerci.
None of which were options any of them wanted to experience.
"So you'd rather be ripped apart and then have your insides eaten, 'Dusk of the Undead' style?!" Cani cried out in disbelief as she ran to help her General pin down Commander Cody, who was now very much trying to fight off the Jedi's grip to join in on the full on brawl that had broken out. "Very smart choice! 11/10 stars, genius!!!"
The 501st's CMO screamed in fright as he just about managed to avoid getting rammed into a wall and turned to human paste by Tup. The latter staggering himself from the harsh collision, while the former ducked under his whipping tail before getting as far away from him as possible.
The Umbaran base's medbay was far too small for all the action going on within it. Sooner or later one of them would end up cornered and unable to get away in time, and then their tip-yip would definitely be cooked.
Loath as he was to admit it, Coric had to do just as Cani had suggested and leave the 212th to stall the infected long enough that they'd be able to escape the base. At least if they got to the medical facility and found a cure, the other battalion's efforts would not be in vain...
"Sponge, Twitch, Pitch! Move out!!!" The senior medic hollered for the rest of his medical team to retreat. Ducking yet again under Tup's lashing tail and knocking down one of the infected vode who had tried to sneak up on him to grapple him to the floor.
"But what about Kix?!" Twitch asked as he was pulled behind Pitch who was back to wielding improvised weapons, using one of the damaged cot legs as a makeshift baton to beat back Lich's relentless attacks. Earning himself quite a few scratches for his troubles before Pretty Boy intervened, headbutting his older batcher hard enough that even Sponge winced at the resulting crack that ended with both troopers on the floor looking dazed.
"We'll find a way to contact him! Go!" General Kenobi ordered as he let go of Cody, trusting Canivete to kept a hold of his second in command while the Jedi used the Force to keep Tup where he was, so as to allow the four medics an easier escape from the ongoing battle.
Reluctantly, they all bolted for the exit. Forcing themselves not to look back so as to not waste any of the precious seconds that they had been granted. The enraged roars and screeches of the infected ringing in their ears as they did so.
Tacet liked to consider themselves a very pragmatic and practical sort. They saw a problem, they fixed it. Then they moved onto the next problem and fixed that too. So on and so forth. No dilly-dallying.
When comms had begun to act up, they and the rest of the 212th's top Slicers had done their very best to try to combat the issue. Something the 501st had also no doubt attempted, before they'd become overwhelmed with whatever had crippled their efforts so terribly.
That said, Tacet couldn't help but wonder why no one had discovered that the communications tower itself was the source of their signal problems. Because from the moment they set foot inside the building, they immediately figured out that someone had purposefully put a jammer inside the main console.
Now, it wasn't like the 501st were in any way incompetent or remotely gullible. Far from it, actually! But it just felt awfully strange that no one had even considered the possibility of sabotage, when nothing they did cleared up the signal issues they'd been having. Then again, after the incident with Sargeant Slick, perhaps suspicions of such treasonous acts just came more naturally to the 212th specifically...
As loathsome as it was to suspect their own siblings, it was not an impossibility. Negative sentiment towards the war and the Republic did occasionally crop up among the vode who'd suffered through the worst campaigns. Most never acted upon those thoughts, instead becoming more cynical and contrary. The ones who did, however, either deserted or resorted to this sort of tactic.
If just to feel like they'd at least made their point.
That said, all suspicions of dissent aside, Tacet did have their doubts that this was done by a jaded vod. Not when things had already been so out of hand for everyone involved. It didn't rule out sabotage completely, as the late Krell had a certain reputation that was hard for them to ignore (they'd heard about the Venator that had gone missing on his watch, as well as Beat's experiences with the two traumatized ARCs that General Koon had brought into the 104th on request of one of his natborn engineers). Unfortunately with the Besalisk dead, they didn't really think they'd ever find enough proof to point the finger...
So instead of any further speculating on their end, they decided to focus entirely on getting rid of the jammer and send the all clear to their superior officers. And no sooner did they do so, did they immediately receive an emergency call from their General.
And it seemed like things had only gotten worse in their absence.
But of course there was really no time to consider the whims of the universe when they had a job to do, so they simply listened to the Jedi, nodded quietly, and went on to pass the message to the intended party. Hopefully Captain Rex, ARC Fives and Medic Kix wouldn't be too busy to check their comms...
Dogma's desperate screams and garbled words were still painfully loud, despite the trio of Rex, Kix and Fives having run out of the brig and into the lift to go inspect the commotion they had heard coming from the other side of the base.
On the long way down they had all gotten an emergency call from one of the 212th's men, Tacet, informing them to get out of the base and to get to the nearest medical facility ASAP, where the other four 501st medics were already headed to.
As it turned out, Dogma hadn't been lying. He wasn't the one in charge of the insectoid hierarchy he now belonged to. A brief shaky holo of what Tup had turned into making their stomachs plummet as they realized everyone was still very much in danger.
Especially now that they had pissed off the 'Queen' of the hive.
"If memory serves right, the nearest hospital is six clicks north." Fives brought up the map he and the rest of the recon squads had made on their intel gathering missions. "It's where most of the initial enemy patrols were spotted."
"And here we thought they were just germophobes..." Rex bitterly remarked as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. "No wonder they all had hazmat gear incorporated in their armor...This whole planet's trying to kill anything in sight, even from the inside out..."
"I'll bet you they must have expected us all to get sick while we were out here..." Kix murmured to himself. "And then when they saw we were still advancing to the capitol despite being worse for wear, they started throwing everything our way..."
"Or, they saw some of the men were sick with this, and decided they'd rather go nuclear on our shebs than allow us anywhere where we could get medical treatment for this crap..." Fives offered.
"Both plausible theories." Rex conceded "But not what we should be focusing on. Right now we either reach that facility and find a way to put an end to whatever has done this to the men, or give the others enough time to do it themselves."
"And if neither group gets there in the end?" Kix reluctantly asked.
"...I haven't thought that far ahead, but none of what comes to mind is... Ideal for any of our long-term survival." The blond Captain said as he looked down at his boots, unable to meet their eyes.
He needn't explain himself.
If this nightmarish mess couldn't be fixed, then there was no way they could allow it to spread to the in-orbit venators or the Republic itself. A disease like this would wreck havoc all across the galaxy if left unchecked, and not a singular clone or Jedi would ever allow something so catastrophic to happen on their watch.
But that would have to be their final resort.
Right now they had one little tiny chance to make things right, so long as there really was a way to cure this horrific blight...
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bigfootbeat · 3 months
Bigfoot and Coyotes
In the fields of folklore and cryptozoology, the interactions between Bigfoot and coyotes are an intriguing subject that frequently adds more levels of mystery to the enigmatic Bigfoot narrative. Coyotes, a genuine and incredibly adaptive animal, inhabit a variety of settings across North America, while Bigfoot remains a legendary creature whose existence remains unconfirmed. The interactions between these two creatures, whether imagined or real, pique our curiosity about their possible connections in the wild. Bigfoot reports and ideas frequently mention coyotes, suggesting a variety of interactions between the two. According to one popular theory, Bigfoot either scavenges the kills of coyotes or preys on them. Within mythology, it makes sense that a creature the size and strength of Bigfoot could easily overcome a coyote or profit from the scraps of a coyote's hunt. Findings of partially consumed carcasses occasionally occur in regions where reports of bigfoot sightings are made; however, these findings could just as readily be attributable to other huge carnivores or scavengers.
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The idea that coyotes could be a sign that Bigfoot is nearby is another fascinating feature. Bigfoot and coyotes may inhabit similar environments, such as dense forests, mountainous terrain, and isolated wilderness areas, according to some researchers and fans. Coyotes' howls, yips, and barks, often heard in these areas, contribute to the eerie atmosphere accompanying bigfoot encounter reports. Anecdotal evidence suggests that coyote sounds may precede or follow reports of Bigfoot encounters, which has sparked the conjecture that there may be interaction or coexistence between the two species. Furthermore, coyote behavior may contribute to Bigfoot mythology. Sometimes, people link Bigfoot to the same cunning and adaptability that coyotes are known for. Both species are believed to frequent mysterious and misunderstanding-prone regions due to their nocturnal habits and silent travel abilities. For instance, people who are already inclined to believe Bigfoot exists may easily confuse coyotes making their way through the underbrush at night for something bigger and more sinister. Coyotes and monsters resembling Bigfoot are both common characters in some Native American mythology and folklore, though their interactions aren't usually explicitly stated. People often portray Bigfoot and other similar creatures as strong, spiritual beings, while they often portray coyotes as tricksters. Cultural narratives featuring these characters frequently stress the importance of respecting the natural world and realizing that it is teeming with potent, invisible powers. Researchers have extensively studied coyote behavior and ecology, despite the mystery surrounding Bigfoot's existence. Because of their extraordinary resourcefulness and ability to adapt to living close to people, coyotes frequently flourish in suburban and even urban settings. This flexibility raises the possibility that, in order to avoid human detection, a Bigfoot-like species would also need to possess exceptional resourcefulness and adaptability. Coyote observations can shed light on how large, intelligent creatures live and move in a variety of settings, possibly providing hints as to how something like Bigfoot can do the same.
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The relationship between Bigfoot and coyotes remains a source of intrigue and conjecture in the fields of popular culture and amateur study. Documentaries, novels, and internet discussion boards frequently explore these relationships, skillfully combining firsthand recollections, native American mythology, and contemporary wildlife biology to produce gripping stories. The association between Bigfoot and coyotes, whether taken as symbolic storytelling or as literal truth, adds richness to North American wilderness lore and preserves the wonder for people who are curious about the unknown. Whether rooted in cultural folklore or speculative theory, Bigfoot's interactions with coyotes ultimately highlight the enduring human fascination with the natural world and its mysteries. They serve as a reminder of the attraction of the unknown and the manner in which our imaginations bridge the gaps in our knowledge of the wild areas that persist outside the purview of our daily existence.
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apparently-artless · 6 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For anime/manga : Daiya no Ace, Code Geass, Ao Ashi, and Frieren.
Thanks 🌻
Hi, anon! Thank you for sending this ask game. It's very interesting and I'd be happy to do this game. ^^
This ask game was made by threecheersforinking. Check my answers under the cut.
ANIMANGA: Daiya no Ace
Favorite Character: Sawamura Eijun
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Act II, Episode 15: My Role (lost count of the number of times I've watched this episode tbh)
Character I Think is Underrated: Kariba Wataru (Kariba is the most dedicated catcher to Sawamura when he's suffering from yips. I even made a post for him because he's so underrated.)
Character I Think is Overrated: Miyuki Kazuya??? (Don't get me wrong, I love this character too but there are times when I hate him. lol.)
Favorite Ship/Pairing: I don't have ships for this series but I love the MuraMura battery. I also made lots of posts for this battery. I love how Okumura is so dedicated to Sawamura. There's a balance between the two where both look up to each other's strengths.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The main character is such an inspiration. I've been thinking that the author might hate his own main character (because of all the shit he put him through XD), but I guess this just added to the readers loving this character more.
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ANIMANGA: Code Geass
Favorite Character: Lelouch
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: the ending (the most beautiful ending I've ever watched)
Character I Think is Underrated: Shirley Fenette (she could've done more for Lelouch had she been alive until the end)
Character I Think is Overrated: can't think of anyone honestly, maybe because it's been a while since I've watched this (literally more than a decade now XD)
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Lelouch and CC are a good combo, as a pair and not really a ship
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: I love how the series ended. Like everything made perfect sense after you've finished watching it. There are a lot of series that are so good but fail to deliver at the end, leaving the watchers/readers not very satisfied. This, however, despite how the ending went is absolutely perfect. Best ending ever imo.
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Favorite Character: Aoi Ashito (curly hair, crazy, inspirational, kind, why wouldn't he be my favorite?? XD), I also love the coach but I got angry at him at some point in one of the manga arcs lol
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I really love the Esperion vs Aomori Seiran Arc (manga only) and if we're talking about anime, it would be Episode 14: It's Just Soccer (the scene between Hana and Ashito). Since then, I started shipping those two. XD
Character I Think is Underrated: I can't think of anyone, I think the author wrote the characters really well (not just the main character and that's what I love about this series).
Character I Think is Overrated: same answer for underrated
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Ashito x Hana (one of my favourite OTPs), I usually don't ship characters in sports animanga but their relationship is just so beautiful that it actually contributes to the development of the main character
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: This is one of the sports anime that includes family as a big part of the story. And it was done so beautifully. Not only that, there's the added romance that's not annoying but instead would contribute greatly to the main character's improvement.
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ANIMANGA: Sousou no Frieren
Favorite Character: I don't have a favorite, I love everyone (Frieren and her former and latter companions)
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: (manga only) Golden Land Arc and Goddess's Monument Arc, I would really love for these two arcs to be animated, as for the anime, that would be Episode 10: A Powerful Mage
Character I Think is Underrated: none
Character I Think is Overrated: none (the characters in this series are well written IMO)
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Frieren & Himmel, Fern & Stark (doesn't have to be romantic, I just love their antics when they're together)
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: I love how the past experiences of Frieren influence her current adventure. Her character development is slow but steady and I love how her actions are briefly explained through the past that she would remember each time.
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Thank you for sending this, anon! I really had fun doing this game. \( ̄▽ ̄)/
[credits to kithsune for dividers used in this post <3]
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mruschdraws · 7 months
YIP YIP! An Avatar Animals Fanzine
Preorders for an Avatar: The Last Airbender zine are now open!
I'm one of the illustrators contributing to this collection of cozy critters from the four nations.
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More information on the fan zine's charity proceeds, and where to order your very own copy here, on the YIP YIP! Instagram. For animal lovers and a good cause.
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awkwardkindatries · 2 years
Tolkien Holiday Event Day Six
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Meaglin/Reader: Mistletoe
Maeglin was a soft and kind soul, but most importantly, he was incredibly shy. Passing glances at your person and lingering around you when he thinks you wouldn't notice became a prominent habit of his.  Your soft acts of kindness lured him ever closer with each passing day, anticipating the moment that he finally decided to ease into your presence. 
The days of joy quickly become weeks, the fleeting weeks of spiring and summer morph gradually to the falling warmth of autumn. As your closeness grew the remaining days of the year depleted to virtually nothing. The remaining days of winter forced you within the walls of your abode, no longer susceptible to the deep chill in the air. This came with the biggest perk of all, dragging your elvish crush into the warm confines of your home. 
He was awkward, as per usual, as he continued to stand in the far corner of your living room.  In his silence, he begand to admir the loose garlands and ornamentals strewn about your walls and doorways. Honestly he liked the way that they seemed to mingle with they elements of your home, enjoying the way that they added a bit of freshness to the air. He watched your retreating figure pass into the adjacent room, enjoying the way that you seemed to prattle on about anything and everything that popped into your mind. He supposes that he’s always really loved that about you, the way you so willingly filled the silence between the two of you, never minding his inability to contribute as nuch as others. Slowly moving from his spot he  made to follow you into the kitchen, the sounds of glass cups and bowls lightly clattering against one another as you rummaged through the cupboard.
As he peered from beneath the doorway to glance directly at you, he seemed to catch you as you turned around, and locked eyes with one another. A cheeky smile plastered itself across your face as your eyes bounced from his face to the space above his head. He seemed utterly unaware of the holiday leaves he stood beneath, which brought a bit more joy to your holiday spirit. His eyes immediately followed yours, bouncing plush garland and all the trinkets and bursts of color woven into it. He searched desperately, anxiety taking over his form as a light tremble began to take over him. So lost in thought, he barely paid you any mind as you made your way across the room, pulled from his stupor at the light brush of your fingertips grazing the apple of his cheek. 
A started noise leaves him, the sound coming out as something between a grasp and restrained yip. You couldnt help the light chuckle that left you, unbelieving of just how cute someone like him could be. Acting before your resolve broke, you leaned forward, stretching out on your tippy toes and much as you could manage before placing a soft peck against his chin. You could feel the muscles of his jaw momentarily tighten as the heat began to rise on his face, taking over his the expanse of his ears. 
“Happy Holidays Maeglin”
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