#yk what i mean ? like i feel like in a lot of other casts where theres one/few girls they stick out like sore thumbs
Oh god I need to know it anyone else noticed Nanba and Saeko have a different relationship than she has with anyone else in the group? Plus Ichiban’s most natural flirting is aimed at Zhao even without player input 😭😭😭
nanba and saeko def have a really cute relationship, i adore their interactions immensely (❁´◡`❁)
and lbr ichi's matching zhao's energy alright. insert zhao 'kasuga-kun' compilation here
#snap chats#honestly i love how saeko interacts with everyone- like she never feels like The Girl of the group she just feels like a part of the group#yk what i mean ? like i feel like in a lot of other casts where theres one/few girls they stick out like sore thumbs#because of how the other cast members and the media treats her but with saeko its like#Yeah No She's Here. She's A Girl But That Doesn't Mean Much#like obvi there's some instances like her offering to be a hostess but Tactical Necessity right#and honestly even the party chats she has with everyone are so nice too i love them so much#i love the one where she and adachi are roleplayin having kansai accents that shits so cute and funny#sorry for the impromptu saeko rant i just never express how much i loved her character and contribution to y7#yk whats funny tho as i was walking to my computer i thought about making a nanba post and lo and behold#it wasnt a major one it was just me going 'i cant believe that during my VA ramble i forgot one of my favorite fun facts#and that's greg chun also voices ike from fire emblem' because ike's been My Baby since like. 2008#he's still jason adkins to me </3 but i mean greg chun also voiced luke from shadows of valentia#ok ill stop with the VA talk i promise thats the only one i wanted to update on#thats a lie but i'm forcing myself to stay semi on topic#ichi and zhao are funny too theyre such fuckin goobers#like ichi definitely dicks with zhao the most- or at least zhao matches his energy the most equally imo#Y7's cast and relationships are just top tier thats all i can really say#i love how despite eri being an optional character she still has party chats with everyone#i love eri.... BUT thats a post for another day#im either A.) going to continue trying to figure out how modding works B.) play smash ultimate
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signedmio · 4 months
What the
are like as …
PARTNERS !! (And before that!) (Pt. 2)
Also before I get into this, I would just like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the immense amount of love I got on the first part of this!! I would’ve never thought I would’ve gotten so much love so quickly, so thanks a bunch for every like or reblog, they mean the world :)
Including: Vox, Velvette, Rosie, Cherri
Warnings: Sexual references (no smut), swear words, possible spoilers to S1
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Crush!Vox had a crush on you before he even met you lmfao
You were a performer, a performer he really wanted to market, and he spent so much time gawking over you and that opportunity before he even met you
But once Crush!Vox got the opportunity to work for you and officially meet you, he was stoked, but don’t let that fool you, he kept his cool…on the outside
And, still, he spent more time gawking over you…
But now, that time Crush!Vox spent fangirling was now spent in his office. He would have to put so much concentration into not short-circuiting, he would not be able to catch what your saying.
After a few months of working with you, he invites you to a ‘business dinner.’
Yeah… ‘business dinner’ turns into fucking…
It took a few weeks after for Crush/Situationship!Vox to turn into BF!Vox, and to be honest, he isn’t sure where to start…
Sure, BF!Vox has fucked around quite a bit, but honestly… he’s never been in an actual relationship with a label, it’s a bit of a heavy weight and he’s scared to do it, but that doesn’t mean he won’t.
His love language is definitely physical touch and acts of service, he’s not great with his words, he actually sounds like a dick in most sentences that fly out of his mouth, so actions are the only way he knows how.
BF!Vox fucks up his words a lot when he isn’t using his business persona, because he’s not used to talking like that, he genuinely has to keep a mental checklist to make sure he doesn’t fuck up his words — especially if you’re upset.
BF!Vox tries to show it through actions (in more ways than one) instead, whether it be a hug while your upset, doing an extra bit of your work if you’re having a rough week so you don’t have to worry about it, physical intimacy, the list goes on.
Overall, he may not be all he’s built up to be, but he genuinely has so much love for you, he just wishes he could tell you.
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Crush!Velvette is the kinda girl to absolutely stalk your ass when she likes you (not actually), whether it be checking your location every five minutes, digging into your social media pages (especially with the help of Vox), and so much more.
Crush!Velvette decides to DM you about a potential ‘business offer’ (gotta keep the name clean, yk?) to start out, and you guys meet for lunch to discuss it, yeah uh.. turns out you guys hit it the fuck off immediately!
Once you and Crush!Velvette really get close, you grow close to the other Vee’s too, sorta making you and honorary Vee member.
Your off with Vox and Val, and Val’s bitching about god knows what, until he slips about Velvette’s feelings for you.
“Oh yeah, fuckin’ Velvette is just SO into you now, like excuse me bitch?! What the fuck am I to you if you think so HIGHLY of THAT? No offense… But anywa-” Val rants off as you three cruise the street, without Velvette’s presence.
“VAL.” Vox glitched, cutting off Val mid-rant, gesturing to you beside him, before Valentino mutters a “Shit.” under his breath.
Yeah… Velvette found out, and she was livid, but only for a short period because she got sidetracked when she found out you felt the same.
Now GF!Velvette LOVES spoiling you, she’s also constantly getting you business opportunities with either her or one of the boys, tailoring you custom outfits no one else has, spending a shit ton of cash on you, she’s basically a sugar mommy…
GF!Velvette’s love language is gift giving. She could for sure spend several hours at the mall picking out gifts for you, from all different ends of the extreme, one day she’ll come home with a small, cheap trinket from HellMart that was stupid but nonetheless reminded her of you, and the next day she’ll come home with some expensive ass designer clothes and bag.
GF!Velvette thrives off of princess treatment, especially because of how she was treated with the Vee’s before your relationship, so she kinda expects it cause then she feels kinda empty inside without it, and she can get a bit bratty about it, but baby girl means well💕
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Crush!Rosie notices right away, and she’s pretty smart about it. She spends time with you, but not too much. She’s nice to you, but she pulls back to tease slightly. She gives you a taste of what life would be like with her, but not a big enough taste so your left wanting to know whats next.
Crush!Rosie catches onto the fact that you just might feel the same way, so she decides to just suck it up and ask.
After realizing you two feel the same about each other, you share a lovely conversation over tea about what you two want out of this, communication is very important to Rosie so she thinks if she gives it to you, you’ll give it right back, right?
You two decide, yeah, a relationship would be cool, and GF!Rosie is through the roof!
GF!Rosie is a very open and honest gf, communication is very important to her, it’s one of her top things she expects out of a partner, she tries her best to have an open mind when it comes to her partner, even if you two have a problem, and she expects the same from you — She’s very vocal in a civil way about her feelings and expectations — but don’t let that scare you, she’s a sweetie!
GF!Rosie’s love language is quality time and words of affirmation! Rosie doesn’t expect anything extravagant, (although it is nice, and she surely doesn’t mind it), but being with you is simply enough— and as stated before, she’s not afraid to speak her mind around her partner, so she thinks you look good? She’s gonna say it. She thinks you’re amazing? She’s gonna say it. That’s just how she is, and she hopes you can get used to it because she’s sure as hell comfortable with you.
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Crush!Cherri will be completely oblivious to the fact that you like her, it could be right in front of her face, and she’d have absolutely no idea. Unless you flat out suck her face off, she’ll have no clue. Which kinda stops her from confessing for awhile.
But after having a talk with Angel, she decides to go for it.
“Cherri, you’re telling me your a badass hoe, who can chuck bombs like it’s nothin’, but you can’t tell someone you wanna bang?” Angel goes off to Cherri as they watch the romcom on the TV infront of them.
She thinks for a moment. “Huh. Yeah. You’re right. I’m gonna tell them!” Cherri announces, marching off,
“Wait now?! Yous leaving me ‘n Fat Nuggets alone!?”
And then, you get a knock on your door at 1am, and it’s Crush!Cherri, with bed head and peejays, going on and on, you didn’t understand a lot of it, you were fucking tired! But bottom line is, you got out ‘We should date’ and you did not pass that opportunity.
GF!Cherri tries to push you out of your comfort zone, and sometimes that leads to accidentally pressuring you, she won’t know unless you tell her (again, not the most aware person), but if you do she ends up feeling really bad, but she’s glad she knows now!
GF!Cherri’s love language is so quality time, it doesn’t matter if you guys are shooting bitches or cuddling on the couch or fucking, as long as she’s with YOU, she could care less
She may not be the best girlfriend ever, but as long as you stick by her side, she’s content.
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cameronspecial · 7 months
(I have a lot of ideas sorry for the spam)
drew x reader where he cooks all the time cause she can’t cook, but she starts to feel bad cause he cooks everyday. So before he come back from work she try to make dinner but she hurts herself. Maybe cut herself or burned herself on the stove and when he gets home, he sees her trying to hide her injury because she is embarrassed. He gets a bit mad but not like mad mad just worried mad yk? Like “what the hell happened? I told you i would make dinner tonight!” And she cry and be like “I’m sorry I just wanted to make you happy” and he comforts her and say she shouldn’t be sorry.
Kitchen Nightmare
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: Cooking Injury and Blood
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
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Y/N can’t cook. It is no secret on set that the girl is notorious for being a nightmare in the kitchen. The meat she cooks is always overcooked on the outside but raw on the inside. The rice she makes is always way too mushy or just hard as a rock. It’s like the universe only gave her the ability to cook food at either end of the extremities. The cast of Outer Banks loves her, but they dread going over to her house for dinner because it means they would have to utilize their acting skills to not make her feel bad about her cooking. When she started dating Drew, everyone felt relief that they would never have to eat her cooking again because Drew promised to take care of it. And Y/N was very grateful for that because the truth is that she hated cooking and she knew how bad she was at it. She never told her castmates because she found it amusing to watch them fake liking her food. 
However, she is beginning to feel bad that Drew is always the one who cooks. She knows he is more than happy to, but she also knows that being the one to think of a meal every day can be stressful. Her decision to help him out tonight scares her, yet she is determined to do something nice for him. Ordering food didn’t seem like a personal gesture, so she asked his mom for the casserole recipe she knew he loved so much. 
She feels like it is starting well. She has all the ingredients and the right tools. The first thing she has to do is get the chicken breasts out and washed. She is setting it in the pan and notices how thick the chicken looks. Her hand finds the packaging and realizes she made the mistake of not buying thin-cut chicken. She needs this dinner to be perfect, so she takes it out of the pan and gets it onto the cutting board. The knife shakily meets the chicken’s muscles and slices it apart. She always feared using knives. She knows how clumsy she is and can always imagine the disaster that would occur. Stuck in her own mind, it is exactly what happened. Her hand slips against the raw meat and the knife glides against her skin. A red line blooms across her finger. It is a scary situation and she knows she shouldn’t laugh, but the only thing that comes to her mind is a scene from Bob’s Burgers. Her cut is in the exact same place as Bob’s and now, all she hears is Linda saying finger crotch repeatedly. 
Drew enters the apartment to the smell of raw chicken and the faint hint of iron associated with blood. What is even more scary than the unknown source of blood? Finding his girlfriend laughing hysterically with a knife in one hand and her other bloodier than a slaughterhouse. He rushes to his girl, taking her hand into his. “What the hell happened?” he questions, piecing the scene together as he looks around the room. “I told you I would make dinner.” Her crazed state is now dying down and her laughter turns to soft cries. 
“I’m sorry I just wanted to make you happy. I know cooking every day can be stressful and that you miss your mom’s cooking. I wanted to surprise you.”
He feels bad about his harsh anger, pulling her into a hug with a kiss to the temple. “That’s really sweet, Sweetie. I’m sorry I was so angry. I just get worried when you cook. I don’t want you getting hurt,” he explains, combing his fingers through her hair. She nods. He gets a clean towel to apply pressure on her wound and gets his car keys out. He rushes her through the door. “Let’s get you to the hospital and then maybe to cooking lessons.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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my aftg fan cast
a lot of these, especially in the next part, aren’t actors, so this is less a fancast and more of a “i have a horrible imagination and need to visualize characters so they feel more real to me” list
if they don’t look like what you picture, agree to disagree! i love seeing other ppl’s perspectives of what the characters look like and i hope you do too
without further ado,
neil josten - benjamin wadsworth
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okay listen just because i picked the most used neil fancast DOES NOT MEAN THE REST OF THIS LIST IS BORING!!! he’s just so neil-coded to me in deadly class! i even put him into a photo editing app to change his hair and eye color and he still fits!!! plus the top right pic is exactly how i imagine a nathaniel smile.
andrew/aaron minyard - vlad konoplev
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i’m gonna give credit to @kalu_aftg on tiktok for this, because i saw this actor in their tik tok. he’s in a russian series called my biggest secret (i watched a couple clips but i haven’t seen the show)
but come on!!!! this is andrew minyard!!!! and always with andrew fancasts it’s difficult to see them as aaron but i feel like this could go both ways, especially in the bottom right pic. identical, but different vibes, yk?
dan wilds - kiersey clemons
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i first saw kiersey clemons in new girl as kc and she feels so dan! then i saw the pic on the top left and i was like YES! this. is. dan. she seems very sweet and friendly but i know she could give a great game face.
nicky hemmick - conor husting
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even his pics give off major nicky vibes. he also has a very similar hair length to what i picture nicky with. fun fact: he’s also half-mexican on his mother’s side which is strangely accurate lol!!
allison reynolds - jessica lord
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i’m gonna be honest i just searched up “blond actresses 20’s” and that top left photo popped up and it was just so so so allison!! i included a couple pics of her in the ballet movie “find me in paris” because i couldn’t find a lot of pics of any of these actors in active wear and this felt close enough.
kevin day - nicholas galitzine
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honestly i got this idea from an instagram live he did where he was yelling about being 6 foot and my brain was like “that is kevin day IN THE FLESH”. i originally saw him in bottoms and he totally cracked me up.
matt boyd - daniel ezra
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like come on!!! his smile is so bright and inviting, it gives off such strong matt energy. he played spencer james in all-american and i haven’t watched it but ive seen ppl say good things. bonus: he’s the only one i could find with any form of a face guard (even tho nick galitzine also played a football player in bottoms lol)
renee walker - sydney park & lana condor
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okay SO my criteria was soft-looking people that can look sharp in other pictures, and i came up with these two! it’s kinda hard to picture renee without the pastel/white hair but let’s suspend disbelief.
seth gordon - young david beckham
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speaking of suspending disbelief, LMAOO. just hear me out, okay. seth was a fifth year, slightly older than the rest of them, so i was looking for that + blond buzz cut and this is the result!
and that’s all! i have more so i’ll probably make a part two, but im having trouble finding a nathan because it’s so hard NOT to picture nathan as a redhead but that means he probably won’t look like benjamin wadsworth.
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blackroseguzzi · 1 year
Heyyy I love ur writings smm!!
I was wondering if u can do a Kai smut where the reader is completely opposite of Kai like she’s happy and bright and sometimes she feels like he doesn’t really love her anymore and she just gets insecure bc of what the ppl in the cult say about there relationship but Kai shows her how much he really loves her (but yk make it rough and a lil sweet or whatevaaaa ;) ) thank u sm bye I love you
Pink Blazers & World Domination
I hope you enjoy this!
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You had decided to sneaked into the basement a few minutes after Kai had wrapped up the Cult meeting, wanting to run your hands through his vivid blue hair and ride him like your life depended on it. But what you had found as you lightly descended the stairs made your blood boil through your veins. 
Kai had his hand on Ivy’s knee as they talked on the couch. You cringed as you heard him call her ‘special’ and confess to her that she was important. You knew he told people what they liked to hear, but you were shocked to see that his speech was eerily similar between all of his cult followers. You pressed your lips together and cast a nasty glance towards the view on the couch before slipping back up the stairs, ready to go home. 
Speedwagon was guarding the door as you approached and quietly asked to leave. He scoffed at you, clearly he knew that you had seen Kai with Ivy in the basement. Another reason for him and Kai’s devoted men to look at you in pity. 
“One day you’ll learn,” He sighed and opened the door for you.
“What does that even mean?” You cocked your head, waiting for his response. He looked to the basement door and back into your fiery eyes. 
“Nobody means more to Kai than Kai. We’re all just here to help his plan. You’re not the only special one y/n.” Speedwagon flashed you his crooked grin and you just looked at him in disgust and rolling your eyes walking out the door to your vehicle. You wondered if your involvement with city council and your career in economic development played a part in how important you were to ‘Kai’s plans’. You slammed the door to your car and sticking the key in the ignition before driving to the liquor store. Tonight’s events called for a tall glass of red wine. You didn’t find yourself insecure about your relationship with Kai most days, but when you did Wine usually helped. 
Walking softly to your apartment building from the parking lot you scrolled through your phone messages with Kai. The sexual messages between the two of you made the warmth in your gut spread south. You bit your lip as you thought about Kai’s words to Ivy, and what SpeedWagon had said to you. It was certainly not the first time someone had laughed at your relationship between our one and only Devine ruler. Meadow clearly felt special too before her weak demise. You knew Kai’s plans from the start when he had started fucking that pathetic dumb blonde. You also knew that when you wore a high pony and bubblegum pink blazers to work it made his followers question Kai’s intentions with you- you were smart, but also clearly easily manipulated, right? You hated when the group would giggle and call you Mrs. Woods from Legally Blonde. They didn’t know much about you other than what they saw on the outside, but it didn’t stop them for constantly wondering what the hell Kai saw in you other than a piece of ass. 
You walked down the long hallway towards your apartment, clutching the fancy top shelf wine tightly in your grip as you dug into your Calypso bag for your keys. 
“Hello beautiful.” You gasped, almost dropping your wine bottle as you twisted around to see Kai standing a few feet in front of you.
“Don’t ever do that again, you almost made me drop the wine,” You put a hand to your chest and turned back around walking towards your door. 
“SpeedWagon mentioned you had seen the conversation I had with Ivy tonight,” Kai leaned next to   you, his arms crossed and his brow furrowed as you fumbled with your keys. You looked over at him before unlocking the apartment- taking in his appearance. His hair was down, greasy, and unkept and his all black outfit was topped with a black trench coat. You noticed his eye twitch, and realized he had probably a ridiculous amount of Adderall coursing through his body. 
“You’re getting sloppy. Don’t tell them all the same thing Kai, they’ll catch on.” You pushed open your door and walked into your apartment and turning on the light. Kai followed you as you placed the wine on the counter. You felt his hands slip around your waist and his face nuzzled not the crook of your neck, placing delicate kisses onto it. You closed your eyes, enjoying his closeness. 
“You’re right, I need to get more creative.” Kai whispered in your ear.
“They all think I’m weak. I hear it in everything they say to me,” You twisted around to face him and he reached his hand up to stroke your cheek. 
“You can’t trust anyone but me,” He kissed you feverishly, hands roaming around until they cupped your ass. He always loved when you wore those white dress pants. 
Pulling away you walked over to the other side of your kitchen Island to retrieve a wine opener. 
“Remember that one time in middle school when you gave that kid a swirly for calling me a ‘princess’?” You opened the wine and poured two glasses, handing one to Kai who laughed quietly at your memory. “That’s because you’re not a princess,” Kai took a small sip of his wine, “You’re a queen.” 
“Ive always believed in you Kai, and I know it’s your turn to be a King. Your little followers have no idea how much we’ve seen.” You licked your lips, slowly unbuttoning your shirt to expose the white fishnet and lace Teddy that drove him Kai wild. He took in a deep breath as he soaked in the view of you. 
He always had told you that your spirit animal was a butterfly. You were a magical creature that just floated around in beauty and everyone admired your outer shell. They all saw you and your bubbly angelic personality, but they didn’t see how deep inside that butterfly there was the soul of a hungry, ruthless caterpillar who had twisted its inside to mush in order to fool the word of its ugly truth - presenting itself as a colorful ray of sunshine flying through fresh garden beds. 
Kai on the other hand was like a Goliath spider, using his fangs to capture and inject venom into their prey. He was darkly charismatic, and that charisma is what drew you to him in the first place. He knew just the right words to say and just how gentle or rough to fuck you that you always came back for more. 
“I don’t want anyone to know the real you, I want her all to myself.” Kai walked over to you and grabbed the meat on your hips and pulled you to him. The two of you connected your foreheads, closing your eyes and enjoying the intimate embrace. Kai loved that you appeared weak and fragile to the others, because he knew that mask protected you from things he didn’t dare think of. Nobody would hurt his queen.
“Promise me you don’t think I’m special or important? Your voice was low and Kai could smell the wine on your tongue.
“You’re much too good for such ordinary vocabulary my love,” He responded, grabbing your cheeks and bringing your forehead to his lips for a sweet kiss.
You looked up at him, your face curled into a sweet but sinful grin, “Will you show me how different I am?”
“Get to the bedroom,” Kai growled between kisses. He smashed his chapped lips into your smooth strawberry scented ones. He felt the sticky gloss coat his own lips before he felt you pull always and walk towards your apartment bedroom. You flipped on the light over the bed, giving the all white room a nice golden hue. Kai loved how clean the room always looked and how sterile it felt, devilishly knowing the dirty and sinister things that you two did together inside of it. 
You both undressed as music swirled around them. You had demanded Alexa to play your favorite’s playlist. They were your favorite because each song represented a time the two of you fucked with music on. It turned you on to retrieve memories of your sexual endeavors together in order to make new ones.
Kai walked towards you as you stood there, naked. He loved when you wore that high pony tail, it reminded him of the times in high school when he would sulk behind the bleachers at football games. He would watch as you lead the cheer team in dance. Your skirt too short for his liking, and  when it was halftime he would drag you somewhere secluded, lift your skirt up and fucking you from behind, pulling your ponytail as he thrusted. 
“Show me that you’ll always love me the most, Kai?” Your sweet voice made Kai’s blood travel to his dick. “How could I ever love anyone as much as you?” Kai ran both his hands slowly down your shoulders than grasped your hands as he brought you over to the bed. You laid back, enjoying the feeling of Kai sliding your legs apart and his warm breath hit your clit and you felt the goosebumps run wild on your extremities.
You groaned in pleasure as Kai’s tongue moved in ways that drove you insane, in ways a toy could never satisfy you. The technique in which he sucked your clit while having his arms wrapped around your thighs- fingertips marking the skin made your legs tremble in gratification. 
You felt Kai remove his mouth from your pussy and he started licking you from your navel to your neck.
When you think of Kai you always think of sex-the chemistry between you was so powerful it made your body ache with the need to have him inside you, always. When Kai would fuck you, the part of your brain that had any doubt he loved you was completely destroyed. 
“Are you going to be a good girl or a bad girl tonight?” Kai breathed into your ear, making your body practically scream for him.
“Oh, I think tonight I’ll be your bad girl,” You pressed a kiss to his lips once more before he forcefully entered you. You gasped, taking his cock and digging your hot pink nails into his back making small marks. He growled with pleasure while throwing his head back. 
Kai continued to pump himself in you as you gently placed your legs onto his shoulders so he could go deeper inside of you. You watched him enjoy all of you as he pushed himself in and out of you, his eyes opening to stare at you moments before pulling out and yanking you off the bed. Kai pushed you towards the wall mounted full length mirror and your hands collided firmly onto the glass as Kai bent you over, re-entering you from behind. You watched him fuck you through the mirror and it created that fantastic feeling that built inside of you ready to explode. His lips were pressed together and his eyebrows deepened the stare he had with you as he watched your orgasm build. 
“Im going to cum, Kai,” You managed to squeak out, and before you did he grabbed your pony tail and yanked your head back. You felt your body surge with your sexual completion, screaming in pleasure. Kai also released himself inside of you, his silky load filling you with warmth and that tingly sensation you had craved all night. He ran his hands down your back and lightly squeezed your ass cheeks before exiting your body. 
Kai grabbed both white robes from the bathroom door. He came over to your sweating body and slid the robe onto you. You felt his kiss hit the side of your head quickly before he slipped his own robe onto his naked skin. You felt the vulnerability that always comes after sex, and you watched Kai slip from the bedroom and return with both glasses of wine, handing you your glass. 
“Remember that time I came to visit you at college, and your boyfriend walked in on me fingering you on the kitchen counter?” Kai sat down on the edge of the bed, sipping his wine before watching you relive the memory.
“How could I forget. It’s when I knew that no man would ever show their love to me like you do.” You walked over and sat on the bed next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you for showing me that it’s me and nobody else.”
Kai’s smirk made your heart jump. He reached up and brushed back a piece of hair that had made its way out of your pony and into your face.
“Anything for my Queen.”
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lionmythflower · 3 months
Peter pettigrew hcs
he's trans :)
genderqueer and doesn't care what pronouns ppl use for him but he prefers he/they
He's a pudgey little thing but he's fine with it
He's a PROUD 2 inches taller than Sirius lol
asexual (him and evan bond over this)
He brings the best snacks on road trips
Will forget everything but the smallest of details
Like oh he can't really remember ur name but he does know that you played soccer for 2 years when you were in primary school
Hates the snow. Absolutely despises it (same)
Would have loved Lord of the rings
autistic but like the type that like when he tells ppl they're like "rlly? You don't seem autistic."
Hates running with a burning passion
had an eating disorder at some point but he got help for it
Still wears makeup and stuff even though he's trans bc fuck gender roles :)
He's first friends were James and Marlene (I heard someone say barty as well and I love that)
Hates the nickname wormy but is fine with wormtail
Constantly has seasonal allergies
Panic attacks
Yk the one person in troto that plays Peter? Ya that is hands down the best face claim/fan cast
Knows how to crochet
I feel like music would help calm him down
Like during panic attacks or stuff like that
Has hair that's like down to his shoulders but layers
100% had a crush on james when they were kids
Peter,evan, and barty are all besties
Peter is the only one that all the girls get along with lmao
So Peter is invited to every girls night bc they love him
He clenches and unclenches his fists when he's angry (HELP THAT ONE MEME PLS)
He knows EVERYTHING. and I mean EVERYTHING. who's dating who, who has a crush on who, who doesn't like who, who pretends not to like who. He knows it all
So does pandora and sometimes lily and they all gossip
Peter, Evan and lily are js a group of trans asexuals. No I will not explain
(I lied, I will explain a bit) "My ribs are bruised again" "same" "lol can't relate" "fuck you Evans" "ilyt rosier" (Peter, Evan, lily, Evan, lily)
Benji is his queer platonic partner :)
Peter cooks for Remus when the full moon hits
And he cooks for james when he's feelings down
and he cooks for Sirius when he's having trouble in anyway w smth
Idc what u say all the marauders loved Peter and they were all equal
Peter would he such a gas lighter 😭😭
"Wdym? That's always been there. Your imagining things. "
Peter and reg are pretty good friends actually lol
"He was a death eater tho!!!" Ok and?
Peter would do that thing where if he's lying down and doing smth he'll always have one arm in the air. No one knows why he does this but their js used to it at this point
Anxiety is a bitch and Peter has it
Ppl thinks he's kinda slow sometimes but it's js cuz he needs to triple check everything and needs clear instructions bc he doesn't want to mess anything up
Would have so many pillows
He loves plants
And mushrooms
James, Marlene and him are all trans and they transitioned together
Painted nails>>>>>
He would have different themes for he's nails each time he painted them
The moon phases for Remus, Suns for james, constellations for Sirius and regulus, stars for Marlene, flowers for lily, and hearts for Mary (her name means beloved), roses for evan, snakes for barty, jewels for Dorcas, Ravens for Benji, and crystals n spirals for pandora
He also paints Evan's nails
He's always tapping little patterns on everything and sometimes he's friends will notice and try to tap the same pattern (it normally takes them a while to figure it out)
Fidgets a lot
Everyone thinks that Peter and Sirius are not as good as friends are they are w the rest of the marauders but in reality, Sirius and Peter will js playfully insult each other (nothing that will actually hurt but there are a lot of death threats<3) and laugh abt it later
"Oi, Pete, you look a lot like a rat!" "I will tear you limb from limb siri" "the feeling is mutual"
He would also love vines as a type of room decor
Okie that's all who should I do next??? Pandora or lily?? Or sm1 else???
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tame-a-messenger · 6 months
So I’m rewatching sword af for the first time since it premiered and I didn’t pay attention to their dynamic back then so I didn’t think about the implications of all the bug support from Damien’s npc. But my god he literally constantly hyped Angela up. Something I’ve been thinking about is how Chanse said that they put a lot of themselves in their characters. I think Angela does have a lot of that imposter syndrome, anxiety, and wanting her coworkers’ approval that Bug has (there’s a lot of little moments that make me think that but her trivial pursuit with Amanda was the thing that really made me realize that) and I wonder how much of Damien’s support of Bug was for character development and how much of it was for Angela yk? You can see a little split second character break whenever he does the little “I’m proud of you” stuff where I feel like you can see it really does mean something to her (maybe I’m delusional lol). I feel like most of the other times he compliments her she either like completely misses or or just dismisses it but telling him to shut up (jokingly) so I wonder if he used this opportunity to also compliment her and support her without her being able to just dismiss it Anyway the fact that all those moments in sword af are when the camera is only on them and they’re like making direct eye contact makes them such good special Damangela moments
That’s why I love that series so much!
She gets special treatment sometimes (based on her character it makes sense. We don’t really know their backstory yet) and we get moments like that and it’s so good!
What you said about the Trivial Pursuit, I never caught that actually! but you’re right! Angela constantly wanting Shayne to laugh at her jokes and waiting to see if he comes back, I totally missed that!
I really do love the fact they started a real D&D campaign recently (they tried it years ago but I never watched it) with all the new cast! I think that was such a great call having Damien DM! He really is very good at it! Had me hanging on his every word.
What I think I have the softest spot for is the behind the scenes for that season. (And the DWMP:CL) How much praise he gives her, telling her that people he met have told him how great she did and how much they loved Bug! (Side note- I wonder how much of Bugs anxiety and his arch was planned? Like did they have certain story beats or was it mostly Angela improvising? Either way it was such a cool thing to watch!) and how well she did, UGH SO SWEET.
Her telling him he gave her goose bumps at how well he wrapped up, and him saying “this is my job, I better be good at it” (I tried to find where they said this and I couldn’t, so I might’ve made it up? But it does sound like something they would say doesn’t it?)
I really can’t wait to watch the next season both because I want to see the story pan out and because we’ll be getting more Angela and Damien being cuties!
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
rosquez broadway au where they’re two big musical actors who get cast opposite each other in [insert musical] and hooks up but oh no feelings !! and shit gets complicated and then it all crashes and burns spectacularly with the ensemble as witnesses to some absolutely rancid arguments/fights. except they still have to play a couple on stage yk. and their chemistry is still off the charts. bad decisions are made etc etc
also what would the other riders be in this production…… much to ponder upon !
okay so in my mind they are in oklahoma! specifically the sexy oklahoma reboot from 2019. lots of simmering sexual tension and singing into each other’s mouths from an inch away and marc in cowboy boots/hat which does a lot for me specifically as an american (sorry it’s true). in this one they’re gender bending it to try and say smth about how sexist it is and not entirely succeeding but the nyc theater scene is having a ball writing thinkpieces about it and vale is in assless chaps. for my situations.
anyways the knifes edge of oklahoma is a somewhat fraught romance between two people in turn of the century oklahoma. there’s a love triangle and everything. the key to not making the main romance insufferable is our mains having lots and lots of chemistry, which marc and vale have in spaaaades. like two seconds from fucking on that stage in front of god and everyone. the audience is gagged fr it’s like. tender and sexy and kind of fucked up like it slays
what the audience doesn’t know is that the same things are all happening behind the scenes lmaoooo. they are in love and everyone is aware except them and they are also fucking in marc’s dressing room and then yelling at each other at intermission. well i say yelling but it’s vale talking shit about marc’s acting choices and marc ignoring him be HE got a tony nomination and valentino didn’t. the real breaking point comes when vale talks about it to like. the NYT’s theatre critic and an article runs like OKLAHOMA STARS AT EACH OTHER’s THROATSSSSSS!!! and they don’t speak outside of the show for 2 months. but when they make out in the show it is soo compelling and full of emotion that the audience is obsessed. and then they leave and DO NAWT speak about how into it they are… only way they can feel close is on stage when they can pretend it doesn’t mean anything…
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darklight-owl · 5 months
Owl Reviews Stuff She Just Finished: Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright
So yk I didn't know what to expect going into this game, I'd seen really funny dialogue of it and mostly got it because I was extremely hyperfixated on Layton. But I did NOT expect such an emotional rollercoaster of a game with themes that tie into both Professor Layton and Ace Attorney and utilizes the strengths of each series so efficiently. I did not expect this game to make me cry. I did not expect this game to become one of my favorite Professor Layton AND Ace Attorney titles. But it did so I have to talk about it.
With two successful IPs on the cover this game could have easily been halfassed but every corner of it is full of passion for both titles. I mentioned before how they build off and complement each other and I think that's a result of the people working on this game having an in-depth knowledge of what makes PL and AA work and what their shortcomings are.
For example (I mentioned this in the liveblogs but may as well repeat myself here) Ace Attorney games are often limited to just the courtroom and investigation, not to mention you're not going to see 90% of the characters ever again after the case is done. This is serviceable for the kind of game AA is but it makes the world itself feel a bit uninteresting. However Professor Layton games have you confined to one town and make you explore it in depth, with recurring background characters who all have different (yet basic) personalities. Because of this, the Layton segments where you walk around town become crucial parts of the game where you can interact with future or past witnesses as they go about their lives, making these witch trials feel like they're taking part within an actual community, which make the emotional beats in the trials hit REALLY hard.
In turn, AA strengthens PL by adding variety. Layton games can be a bit monotonous if you're not engaged since the gameplay mostly consists of talking to people and solving an occassional puzzle, and there's a lack of interesting smaller mysteries to keep the audience engaged while they work on solving the bigger ones. But Ace Attorney games thrive on side stories, they're what make the trials so interesting! So by adding the smaller mysteries in the form of witch trials and mixing in clues about what the Hell is going on in Laberynthia you make a much more dynamic story that never feels like you're getting nowhere.
Enough about story structure and nerd stuff like that though, let's talk characters!
I love the main four and have always loved the main four so I'm not gonna talk abt them. The original characters for this game were freaking amazing. I see a lot of people really dislike Espella (which is understandable since she's probably the weakest of the cast) but she's pretty alright imo. She's going through a lot of things with the entire town despising her and [SPOILERS] so it makes sense why she would act the way she does, even then I feel like most heartfelt moments with her were a bit forced, which kind of lessens the impact of the last scene. I LOVE the relationship between her and [ANOTHER SPOILER] as well as the dynamic she has with Maya though.
I LOVE BARNHAM. He's one of my favorite prosecutors, he may not have any deep angst or trauma like so many of my favs do, but he's just a well meaning dude who thinks he's doing what he needs to to protect his town, even if it means casting wiitches into the flames. He also goes through a little character arc of his own where he also starts to bend the rules, the only laberynthian to do so. It's fun. Barnham is my best friend.
Unfortunately I can't talk about Darklaw or The Storyteller without getting into spoilers but basically: I love Darklaw and think she deserves the world, I'm on the fence about The Storyteller and feel like parts of his character were extremely rushed.
The secondary characters are also great, you have your classic goofy witnesses but also some really heartfelt characters and relationships in the trials, this is nothing new for Ace Attorney but when you include the conscious knowledge that these characters are going to be cast into the fire then these mini stories are enough to move me to tears (Looking at you, Golden Court).
Anyway, overall a fantastic experience that caught me completely off guard. No notes. I give it 10 burning witches out of 10.
Oh. And also:
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andro-dino · 5 months
Fuck it we ball here’s a very long, unfinished shogun steel ramble I’ve had sitting in my drafts for like a year and a half (probably more tbh but idk I have no perception of time). I hadn’t reread this in ages before the other day but yk what this banged I love loving shogun steel so I’m gonna share this 🔥
I’ve got a big ol rant abt my ideas of the shogun steel characters and their comparisons to the original cast and how their specifically different and how that feeds my headcanons for them oooohohoooohoh
The way I interpret it, I like to think that the characters in shogun steel are a little younger than where the main cast started and juuuuust before where they were in fusion skill-wise. Like, most of the characters in fusion are introduced right off the bat as already being incredibly skilled bladers and they only get more and more insanely strong as the series progresses. When it comes to shogun steel, I like to think that they even though they are strong, they’re not quite where the original cast started yet. That’s something that I find very charming about them. It’s clear that they’re still young and a little rough around the edges, but they’re all so deeply impassioned to surpass those who came before them that that fire inside them burns tenfold and they work even harder to refine themselves and hone their skills and grow and change even more and I really like that. A lot of shogun steel characters very obviously parallel earlier characters (i.e. Zyro and Gingka, Sakyo and Ryuga) but what I like about them is that even though they play similar narrative roles and have those connections drawn, they make a point to make them distinctly different. I like that the shogun steel cast really feel like they’re learning and growing and not just that they’re the replacements for the og characters but that they’re learning to be better than they were. They’re not quite the legends they’re looking to surpass yet, but they really make you feel like they’re gonna get there.
Now, I like looking at this not only from a skill angle, but also from how they are as people. I’ve joked about it before but I really do quite enjoy that my silly little self-indulgent hc for these guys is just “they’re communicative and they work to support each other and talk through their issues and they love each other and show that in healthy ways.” Obviously, the shortness of shogun steel doesn’t give the characters a lot of time to go through extremely fleshed out character arcs, but those arcs exist nonetheless. I know it’s just a pacing issue but I like how these kids are able to pinpoint their issues and work on solving them and figuring it out. A whole bunch of them (Shinobu, Kite, and Sakyo mostly, just to name a few) go through their own little “edgy angsty teenager who doesn’t need anyone or any help” moments, but they are SO quickly ripped out of them by their friends just being like “NO. WE LOVE YOU AND WE’RE HERE FOR YOU AND YOU DESERVE SUPPORT” and they’re like “oh fuck fr? I mean yeah ok makes sense sorry for being an ass” AND ITS THE GREATEST. THEY ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR ISSUES AND THEY WORK THROUGH THEM AND GROW STRONGER AND CLOSER BECAUSE OF IT. They’re angsty kids and they’re messy and rough but work to become kinder and more supportive people and it’s so nice to think abt. I KNOW THIS CAN BE APPLIED TO EARLIER CHARACTERS BUT LISTEN. IT JUST FEELS DIFFERENT TO ME.
Outside of canon, it just brings me a lot of comfort to think about them finding different coping mechanisms and communicating their struggles and boundaries with each other and striving to support one another and just being human. It’s nice to think about these fucking kids just living and learning and doing it all together and coming out closer and stronger because of it.
I love thinking about them being affectionate with each other too. They always so openly voice their support for each other and feel such protectiveness and pride over each other. They have healthy banter but so clearly love and care for each other. I like to think of them all as each other’s hype men. They feel like the type of friend group where if one of them wanted to show something off, all of the others would be totally hyping
And that’s where the draft ended. I’m not gonna continue it but you can kinda figure where my train of thought was going for the most part at the end there. In conclusion I love shogun steel amen and happy new year
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g-xix · 4 months
sry for this but whats happpened with danny, tennessee, and his ex?? im so lost 😭
? - 2023 NOV - Danny Aarons has a girlfriend. He mentioned her occasionally on stream, on the Fellas pod, on a Sidecast... A clip on TikTok showed a woman giving him a kiss on stream (presumably before going out or whatevs) which every1 assumed to be his girlfriend... And also showed a lot of hate over, j being overall quite rude to her physically and displaying that the average demographic of the Danny Aarons audience is insecure, adolescent boys with little to know common knowledge of basic decency.
1st - 16th Nov 2023 - Locked In SZN! Sooo locked in is where everything kinda went left... Danny entered into Locked In as a man in a relationship, and made this quite clear to everyone else within the house, telling the girlies (Shannon Langdon, Kaci-Jay, Tennessee Thresh, Ash Holme n Madam Joyce) that he was in a relationship. Despite acknowledging and telling these girls that he was in a relationship however, he still acted debatebly... flirty with some of the other girls, including Kaci Jay and Tennessee, which didn't go amiss by fans as shown my fan edits (1 & 2 for Kaci's example, and 1 Tennessee edit i found)... So in summary, Danny went onto locked in WITH a girlfriend, TOLD everyone that he had a girlfriend, and STILL flirted with other girlies. Naturally, this did make Danny's gf feel uncomfortable and there's screenshots of stories she posted which displays how she felt watching Locked In during November 2023 when she, as his girlfriend, watched him every night just flirt with other girls:
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And they're so freaking valid tbh.
Post!Locked In - Gf breaks up with Danny So then yeah, naturally, Danny gets left, having just embarrassed his girlfriend and disrespected his relationship in front of MILLIONS watching Locked In. But for some reason, nobody really seems to empathise with Danny's ex that much, but rather, everyone casts their attention moreso to Tennessee, who gets even more flirty with Danny, now that he's broken up- literally saying she'll shag him.
Between Nov - Jan Hate towards Danny's ex has increased exponentially since Danny's moved on. Often times it's direct hate, simply name calling and physically shaming her, other times it's more... indirect. Like commenting things like Danny moving onto Tennessee is the "rebound of the century" - goofy ahh shi like that, yk.
Jan 2024 - Danny and Ten confirmed dating I made a post with the pics of them together bc tbh i was blown away when i first heard it too. I mean, i just thought Tennessee saying she wanted Danny was one big joke but clearly not!
Hope that's a comprehensive enough timeline of their relationship. Is a little bit biased but i think it get's the point across regardless, and is cited with a myriad of TikTok links. Pls do reply and lmk anything missed &/or any personal thoughts
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birdiewolf · 1 year
I love Ada’s voice in RE4 remake (I’m an absolute slut for women with deep and raspy voices) but I feel like some of her delivery is so bland.
Personally I think Capcom is to blame for making such a drastic change by not keeping the same VA from RE2 remake. I heard that it’s because her VA from RE2 remake was unionized so they hired someone else.
If those rumours are true, I’m not the least bit surprised because ultimately a corporation is gonna be greedy no matter what and voice actors are underpaid and mistreated so much that when they demand basic decency and proper compensation, they’re just replaced. If these rumours are true, then fuck Capcom for not treating VAs better especially when the characters performances is a major part of selling a game. VAs labour deserves recognition and they deserve adequate payment for their hard work when their skills help make characters and stories extremely memorable.
Regardless, in my opinion, changing the VA would’ve been fine had they given her better direction. People are gonna compare her performance to the original performance from RE4 and the difference in characterization of Ada in both games is gonna throw people off.
I know the tone of the remake is much more serious overall, but when they made such a drastic change in Ada’s delivery for her lines without explaining why, then Capcom or anyone else shouldn’t be surprised towards the negative reception of Ada in RE4 remake.
EDiT: just wanted to expand a bit on what I mean by ‘change in delivery.’ Leon is much more serious in the remake than he was in the original because the remake tells us that he was detrimentally affected by the Raccoon City incident. Hence why him not cracking jokes so much or being cocky makes sense in the remake. Dude is tryna protect innocent lives, and he’s overall serious as seen with how he resonates with their fear because he felt the same fear at Raccoon City, like with how he comforts Ashley.
Now Ada on the other hand, didn’t really get any more usage in the remake so she doesn’t have much dialogue to begin with. So her being underused in the story and not being expanded on as a character like Luis, prevents us as the player from understanding her better. We finally get a better emotional connection to Luis because he’s fleshed out more in regards to why they do what they do and why they are the way they are.
Ada doesn’t get this at all. She helps Leon but she could’ve been more relevant. If she had more screen time then we could’ve gotten an explanation as to why she’s no longer the flirty coy character she was in the original game and in RE2 remake.
Why is she more serious in the re4 remake?
Is it the stake of the job that pushes her to be more grounded?
What about her interactions with Leon?
Why doesn’t she tease him like she used to?
Is it because she feels guilty for manipulating him in Raccoon City?
Is that why she’s not flirting and teasing him?
Capcom doesn’t expand on her reasoning for her actions AT ALL. They don’t explain why she’s more serious like they do with the rest of the cast.
Why is Leon serious? Like I said, man’s been through a lot and is concerned with Ashley’s safety
Why is Ashley serious? Cuz she’s a normal young adult woman whos been thrown into this crazy zombie world where she’s effectively helpless since yk she’s a normal person, not some trained super soldier who’s dealt with life or death situations before
Why is Luis serious? Why doesn’t he joke around with Ashley like he did in the og game? Because he feels guilt for his part in creating the very thing that’s hurting her and the entire village. Man’s is trying to seek redemption so he’s not gonna make unnecessary comments about Ashley’s figure
But what explanation do we get for Ada? Literally nothing.
This is an issue I have with Capcom where they fail to expand on the female side cast. They miss an opportunity to create a proper emotional connect between the players and the female character.
They did the same with Mia in RE8 and they’ve done it again with Ada in RE4 remake….
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kalcifers-blog · 10 months
I'd like to know your head canons on JBM, plus, how would Marvin react when they figure out that homophobia/transphobia exists?
Starting off with Marv, they'd mostly be like "???????? H u h??" In response to that because it just doesn't sound real to them tbh. Like "it's literally none of their business why are they so mad??".
- Jackie's HOH/Partially deaf, and uses hearing aids, he developed hearing problems in his childhood (around age 10) and uses BSL (my newest version of JBM is British-Irish)
- Jackie is the youngest out of all the egos so to everyone (except Marvin) he's seen as the younger brother/son figure
- Jackie's powers are a direct result of IRIS experimenting with Anti-Matter. He doesn't know this but he was specifically chosen to one day be the person to put an end to Anti's reign, but the experimentation didn't go as planned and Jackie was essentially cast aside (some IRIS workers were genuinely considering killing him so their work isn't revealed to the public).
-Carrying on from the last note; Jackie's powers can look extremely similar to Anti's because of the fact that he was created with stopping Anti in mind- meaning he has things like teleportation(however it's only in short bursts, think Hunter from The Owl House), an unnatural endurance, super strength and a level of control over electrical fields. One of the side effects is that his powers can occasionally become unstable if not regulated properly.
- Another side effect is the fact that he can't exactly die? Since his powers directly correlate with Anti (yk the guy that's literally in a "dead" body 24/7) his "healing abilities" arent the fact that he's healing it's that his body naturally works on injuries faster- meaning it would take something that would kill him instantaneously for it to actually work- otherwise he will eventually come back from it (also the healing doesn't mean he can't get scars anymore, he still gets scars from any injury he attains) and yes he does still feel pain
- Ever since he completely cut ties with IRIS, he out right refuses to use his powers as much as he is physically able too, sometimes he's unable too due to the fact that they are tied to his well-being and can come out during outbursts or moments involving high levels of stress, anger etc.
- his eyes used to be grey before everything happened, now they're extremely bright blue- he doesn't exactly hate it but it still catches him off guard to see them sometimes
- Most of his "hero" work isn't technically the stereotypical stuff a hero would normally do- but it's still very important that he does. He very often goes to protests and volunteers at places wherever he can. He doesn't consider this hero work either, just stuff he wants to do to help out where he can
- The man is an extrovert to his core, he literally will be making friends literally anywhere and half the time the rest of the egos are just like- "what the fuck???" Because none of them are extroverts.
- I think Jackie took a lot longer than Marvin to fall for them than they did. Mostly because mans got horrid issues regarding to letting people seeing him be vulnerable, and it's only when Marvin makes it extremely clear that they're safe to be around that he ends up slowly falling for them. He also admires how they don't particularly care about anyone else's opinions and values taking care of themselves over conforming into what any society says you should be.
-this ones pretty obvious but Jackie is 100% punk
- his day job is being a freelance artist and guitarist in a punk band. He also part times as a bartender (THE MANS IS BUSY AS SHIT.)
-he obviously mains as a guitarist but he does also know how to play bass and drums (he's had to step in for his other band mates occasionally)
THATS ALL FOR NOW!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!! Please feel free to send in asks for headcanon lists I love seeing them!!
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hychlorions · 2 years
Ik your biggest pet peeve is people getting the bracelet wrong, but what is a Popular Apollo and or Klavier HC that you look at and just think 'no. Wrong.' (alternatively just.. bad takes on the characters, any of the AA cast really)
actually yeah let's get into this before i overthink it. this got really long so i'll put it under a read more
personally i get that it's funny that pre-relationship apollo would turn klavier away and be annoyed of his. klavierness. and it makes SENSE because like. it's how we see them act in the games. i especially love their banter when they're in a relationship, even if this "ew klavier" facade is put on from time to time as a clear joke between them. sometimes, though, the way people portray how apollo reacts to and treats klavier in the context of a developing/established romantic relationship reminds me of a certain ship from another fandom i will rather not mention… particularly the fact that a lot of the comments made towards the content for it was like "you do know people in relationships are supposed to LIKE each other… right?" so yeah. you don't HAVE to portray apollo as 100% lovey dovey and mushy brained (though it's funny and kind of sweet. my guilty pleasure 🥴) but at a certain point, him being constantly annoyed makes me feel like. why is he even dating klavier yk?
as for klavier… we all love a man that dresses provocatively. but ig sometimes it goes too far, to the point where it's kind of ridiculous? i understand he's a rockstar AND a prosecutor, but i feel like he does in fact keep those two professions separate. we all agree he looks good in fishnets and platform stilettos and whatever, but for crime scenes and at the office, i feel like he'd stick to clothes that are more fit for court (albeit with the cleavage still lol). aside from professional settings even, i just think he KNOWS how to dress for the situation! no one in their right mind would wear heels to the gym or when they go hiking. you can look slutty AND be comfortable at the same time! anyone who knows how to dress up knows how to show skin (or not 🥴 black turtlenecks anyone?) in other ways. same as how no one would wear their court suit to headline a concert (ik we can attribute it to sprite limit but it's ok capcom. i know you just don't like klavier)
then there's trucy my love who is always the wingwoman. don't get me wrong i like the idea. but sometimes the content of her acting as a wingman makes her kind of disrespectful of apollo's boundaries. i mean she tends to push him outside of his comfort zone in the games, some of the things i've seen her do in fan content is just. holy fuck! you would never do that to a friend! let alone a sibling! though at this point that's just one of those fandom tropes already—going behind someone's back, setting them up to get into situations they've already stated they don't wanna be in, because it's definitely perfectly fine if it's all for love 🙄 you can argue she does the same when she makes them assistants for her magic show, but at least apollo somewhat knew what kind of stuff he's getting into beforehand. whatever wingman thing trucy does is always just thrown at him with no warning at all. but again, this is also just a trope common in a lot of fandoms when it comes to women who are in any sort of close proximity to mlm ships. i just wanna see more of apollo and trucy's relationship as siblings/friends beyond the context of her helping him get together with klavier, too! she's got a life outside of being a support character! it wouldn't hurt to have a conversation or two that isn't about the love interest or a murder, you know
this got long i'm sorry i just have so many Feelings and i've gone through so many fics and comics and ourgh. i’m a natural hater. speedrun of some other things:
narumitsu (whether one or both of them) having bitter feelings toward klavier post-7yg when other kids' parents manipulating said kid in ways that hurt either of nrmt have been shown in aa and they're on very much good terms with those kids too.
apollo personally being the head of rebuilding the justice system in khura'in. he'd help nahyuta yes, he stayed to be a defense attorney there bc there were no defense attorneys and it helps to have at least one, but being in charge of the entire thing? no. just no. soj itself has too many colonialist themes already
follow up to that last one: klavier moving to khura'in to help apollo??? and be his co-counsel? sorry but there are many lines from him that established he loves being a prosecutor too much to give that up just for a man
apollo or athena calling phoenix dad (in a canon setting). no. just no. esp if he adopts them???? gorl i love found family too but damn this is a workplace, not an orphanage...
to end with something silly: anyone being an aquarius/scorpio (sorry lmao this one is definitely personal. other people will hate these signs for general reasons but mine can very much be narrowed down to four people. i'm a special little boy)
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taptrial2 · 1 year
I'm what you might call a sesame street "fan" because I hope to work there one day and you perfectly described my exact problem with their recent attempts at representation. It all feels more for the sake of an outside perspective, rather than to make autistic people/ people of color/ lgbts etc feel represented themselves. Its still kind of marginalizing yk?
THE RELIEF THAT WASHED OVER ME WHEN I READ THIS ASK. whenever i talk about this to people irl, whether they're social workers or my mom, they say that sesame street is supposed to be educational and big bird DID learn how to respect julia's boundaries. i just wish there was a way they could teach about how to treat autistic peers without me having to confront that big bird only recently figured out how to respect me and treat me as a person and adjust to my needs. that sounds silly but it also kind of sucks.
there's a few books about julia, and i've seen excerpts from them. most of them are from other people's point of view, people talking ABOUT julia, what she does, how she feels. there's one where i believe it's elmo describing her, and it's a very loving and understanding description, and he never judges her or says mean things. i saw a lot of myself as a kid in that book about julia. the thing is... it's a book ABOUT julia's autism. about what it looks like. as far as i know (i do not watch sesame street) julia doesn't get to be part of the main cast, she is a tertiary character who exists to educate.
yes, sesame street is an educational show, but i just wish she could run around with the other kids and hang out with cookie monster and stuff. she can participate in learning with the other kid characters of sesame street. i think that would go a long way for making kids like julia feel included in the group dynamic instead of isolated to their own sphere, which is often what happens with disabled kids like julia. she is isolated.
i dunno. i agree. it feels more like tokenism than inclusion. plus autism speaks helped with developing julia which explains some of the problems with how she's depicted
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guesst · 1 year
We need for Dadlego fics =) Kalego being the grumpy dad was so much potential, right?
i get the appeal of dad kalego but also its not really my thing tbh. sullivan and opera are like. right there. iruma has a family that cares about him, a lot, already.
like im not saying kalego's a horrible choice to be irumas dad but imo he's kinda low on the list of 'people i like to see parenting iruma'
i feel like casting kalego as a grumpy dad kinda takes away from how dedicated he is to being a Good Teacher because it reduces him to "yes he treats iruma well because iruma has made him his familiar and that automatically induces fatherly feelings" but NO!!!! hes a powerful demon that chose to work at babyls and teach demon children and especially in the demon thats a really important job. and he takes it really, really seriously. remember that one chapter where Robin makes a comment about teaching being fun or smt and literally all the teachers go feral because to them, teaching is so much more than that? (im paraphrasing, it's been a while) that's what i like about kalego (and the rest of the teachers), not him being a dad.
being irumas familiar definitely means he's closer to iruma but even canonically he doesn't spend that much time with iruma outside of class! yes he can be protective of this kid who always gets in trouble (which incidentally applies to the other misfits too) but he can do that without being Fatherly yk? anyway im glad u like dadlego it's just not my cup of tea
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