#yo danny phantom was just 14
kadaruu · 8 months
Note: Danny Phantom spoilers, from last epidose
I don’t understand why people say it was bad. Like, it was perfect.
Like, the danny phantom fandom website says the show’s timeline is same with the years the show continue which means Danny and his friend must be 17 or 18 when show ends which would be more great cuz it’d mean that a new adult is president.
But here we are. Only one year passed in the serie, (if you ask how the first epidose is prob at the start of 9th grade and it ended at the end of their summer. The whole s3 was at their summer. If you think a bit s3’s 1-9 epidoses probably were in one month and they probably made timeskip to end of the summer at s3e10 with that summer camp.) which means Tuck become president at age of 14-15.
Imagine your president is literally your classmate. Strange, isn’t it? I think it’d be A MUCH better if Tuck/Sam/Danny’s one of parents become president.
I have to say, I personally think it’d be so great if Maddie was president. It suits her.
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xynczachrome · 7 months
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When one decided to draw a childhood crush
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myreputatioooon · 6 months
Love that a lyric of the op is literally iirc "Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14—" because you can do so many horrible things with it!
Tag how you'd change the lyrics lmao
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Danny and Damian are twins, but the League only required one heir, so Danyal was put in ice (like captain America) the moment he was born. Damian never knew he existed.
Damain left the LOA at 8, and Danyal was unfrozen and was being trained as the new heir. (8 year age gap now)
Once it was clear that Danyal didn’t live up to Damian’s level of training, Talia took 8 yo Danyal on a mission and ‘killed’ him.
Not really.
Talia might be a heartless manipulative assassin, but she is a mother.
Danyal Danny made his way to the outskirts of Amity park where Jazz found him and took him home.
He became a halfa at 14, and was forced to leave Amity at 16. He went to Gotham because nobody would question a superpowered teen with incredible fighting skills as long as he didn’t grab the bat’s attention.
Maybe he’ll spend some time looking for his bio father…
Bonus for those of you who like Dani Phantom and de-aging as much as I do :)))
Danny gets de-aged to five 5️⃣ before leaving to Gotham
Dani (who is 14) lives with the Waynes in Gotham. The bats know that she’s Talia and Bruce’s daughter but not that she’s a clone (bc Danny never had any official documents and the Fentons probably never made some for him)
Dani is relatively normal (at least that’s what they think) so when they find Danny they are very confused and think that Talia cloned Dani.
Ends with Danny being adopted.
Might flesh out the idea a bit more
If you wanna use just tag and comment ;)))
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phantomrose96 · 4 months
okay so i know that you probably get a lot of asks about sham sacrifice but like, how does vlad age? he's clearly not a 19 year old any more, and he's not rotting, otherwise it wouldn't result in facial hair and the muscle growth in his chest. the reason i ask is that his explanation of "the ghost stacks cells where they should be and keeps the heart beating despite not needing to in order to imitate it" doesn't quite mesh because by the logic employed his body should kinda just be rebuilding 19-yo vladdie.
plus, ya know, he changes color. seems to imply a physiological change
(Sham Sacrifice: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2)
So I talk about it here!!
It's not stated (yet) (in fic) (oops part 3), but Sham Sacrifice employs one of my long-time beloved headcanons which is that a ghost's appearance is psychosomatic. It's an ectoplasmic projection built on their sense-of-self. It's my headcanon that Vlad's original ghost form looked much like his human form (similar to Phantom/Fenton) but as Vlad keyed in on this aspect of ghost physicality, he used it to design his Plasmius self (boy you do NOT have vampire fangs naturally).
But also it's not a free-for-all character designer screen. It takes a genuine belief in your sense of self. It takes strong confidence and conviction to coax it to change from its steady state. Most ghosts can't employ this on a whim. It's buried in a sense of self they can't easily or readily change. Vlad is uniquely strong-willed.
Sham Sacrifice takes this headcanon a step further because, if halfas are full ghosts that never split from their physical dead bodies which the ghost is in control of building, shaping, and maintaining, then it is both ghost form AND human form which are sculpted out of this sense of self.
This has been fine for Danny "I'm not actually dead I'm just half ghost" Fenton, whose human form has passively maintained its form from when he was alive. It's his belief and sense of self. It reconstructs itself accordingly.
Vlad, on the other hand, in the same effort he put into sculpting his ghost form, ALSO put that effort into sculpting his human form. NOT a sickly, ailing 19-year-old at death's front door. He recreated and maintains himself as alive, healthy, strong.
And actively, intentionally aging.
Which is not something Danny has been doing.
And maybe Danny's passively done some aging of his human form, because his sense of self is still "I'm an alive 14-year-old and I'm getting older." But is this as much as he should have actively been changing and aging? Maybe. But probably not. (And now, that he knows he's dead...?)
Vlad was intentional every step of the way with what he did, and what's happened to him. His physical aging and maturing has been a self-driven process.
...And it leaves open some challenging questions. Is Vlad a dead 19-year-old who's been just manually changing his physical appearance for the last 2 decades? Is that dismissive of the life he's lived to act like he's just 19 because that happens to be the age he died? What does it mean to grow up if you're a ghost who's been ripped away from your natural biological processes?
And "at least" Vlad was an adult. Young. 19 is still young. But an adult. How much harder is this all when you're only 14...?
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causeimanartist · 7 months
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Yo Danny Phantom he was just 14 25
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thegatorsgoose · 2 years
Mourning Dove notes, batch #1
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So since I am a very visual thinker, whenever I post my ideas (that aren't in-the-moment rants, that is) I like to draw something for it. It's the closest thing I can get to transferring something directly from my brain to yours. Unfortunately, I have a lot of thoughts, which means I have a lot of drawings I want to make to help get my points across. And since it's easier to write my ideas down as they come to me anyway, I'll be posting Mourning Dove stuff in batches, drawing + notes = a batch :)
Speaking of the drawing part, this is actually a redraw of fanart I did for Wayne's Haunted Mansion I drew a while ago, so you can actually use the bear as a size reference! He's bigger than Bearwing now, but to be fair the bears not that big. Danny, at 14, is 5”2 at most, probably closer to 5’0. He's still a small king.
I decided to have him be 14 when he becomes a vigilante because 1. That seems like a reasonable amount of time for him to have recovered mentally and physically enough for him to be able to handle unfamiliar environments and have the training necessary to be cautious and know when and how to step in (at least 4 years of training + his powers make him a tiny terror).
2. Yo Danny Phantom he was just 14
This batch is going to be dedicated to why Danny is this au has autism and ADHD, and how that affects him. The why will come from the original fanfic this au is based on, Wayne’s Haunted Mansion by @tathartiel (which you should definitely read if you enjoy dp x dc!). How it affects him will mostly be part of the au. Ok? Ok. I tend to ramble a bit but I tried to make it easy to follow.
First of all, Danny enjoys knitting! He's already sewing, it's only the natural progression for him to find out about knitting, and the family would definitely try to encourage the hobby with less sharp tools. It gives him something to do with his hands, and at the end of the day he has something he made all by himself, something he can be proud of. He loves making stuff for people he cares about, he likes knowing he can do something to keep his loved ones warm, whether by making a blanket, scarf, sweater- you name it. He's definitely not great at first, but he does practice a lot. Whenever he's nervous or fidgety, it's nice to do something with his hands.
One of his favorite parts of knitting is the yarn itself. Specifically the texture and feel of certain yarns. The Waynes are rich so they have no problem supplying him with extremely soft yarns to make the softest sweaters and blankets. And you know how he loves pillows? Well I'd imagine that he’d also love the extremely thick, pillowy yarn. He uses it to make a huge blanket that enhances his pillow nest 10 fold. The day he got a giant roll of thick fluffy yarn he spent all day making a giant fluffy blanket out of it, and the following night shoving it in the birds and bats faces so they can experience the bliss that is the feeling of his new soft, pillowy creation.
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Speaking of textures, Danny loves hoodies, especially his Batman hoodie(s). Not only so that he can physically show his appreciation for his family, but that they are warm and soft on the inside, and make him feel secure. His siblings have all gotten him their merch at one point or another, but it wasn't until Jason got him Red Hood merch in the form of a leather jacket did they realize that texture could be a problem. The inside was just not working for Danny, but he was happy to have merch so he tried to ignore it to make Jason happy. It lasted until dinner that night, Danny had a breakdown because the uncomfortable feel of the jacket was agitating him and suddenly the klinks of silverware on plates was to loud, the scrapes and stabs of forks hitting the plates felt like he was physically being hit on the head, and the vibration of the table when someone moved felt like pins and needles going through his arms that were resting on the table. It all became too much for him and he excused himself from the table with a wobbly chirp before promptly disappearing.
It wasn't until later that night, before Jason left, that he reappeared in front of him, tears in his eyes, and handed back the jacket with a guilty chirp. It took Jason some prodding to get Danny to explain why he was handing it back, and then when he finally understood it took a lot more convincing to get Danny to understand it's ok to not like the jacket, no i'm not mad at you, its ok. After he got Danny to calm down he left the manor and informed the rest of the group chat of the new development… and then got Danny another, comfier Red Hood jacket. Bruce, having autism himself (i'm not even sure if that's a headcanon or canon at this point), helps Danny in making sure he knows its ok to feel that way about certain textures and asks what textures he likes and doesn't like, even writes them down so when buying something online or getting something tailored, they can make sure it won't be uncomfortable. His siblings 100% take advantage of this list and start a sort of unspoken competition of who can buy Danny his favorite piece of merch.
Speaking of merch, he has a hoodie of every single Gotham vigilante and wears one almost 24/7. The media was given the vague explanation that Batman saved him from a physically abusive household at 10 (or whatever his age ends up actually being, they don't reveal his existence to the world until he's 12, where by that point he can change back into his human form comfortably. I'm making the assumption he eventually can for the au cus I don’t know everything) so they just assume it's hero worship from that. His siblings however know that it's because he loves them and thinks they're the coolest people ever. Everyone thinks he's adorable anyway. When he first saw Mourning Dove merch he was super excited, until he realized it would be too uncomfortable to wear. Later that week when Bruce gives him a tailor made Dove hoodie, he cried. (Bruce totally won the competition for it, the kids are just a little bitter about it)
Merch was made for him because Gotham does know Mourning Dove exists, mostly from eye witness accounts of the baddies he took down, but also from the literal one blurry video of him that exists. It shows Dove holding onto Batman's cape as Red Robin talks. This was taken on his first official patrol, so he was a little nervous. At first Gotham was mad at Batman for bringing yet another child into the fold, until all the criminals Dove brought in came back terrified. They realized they really should have learned their lesson from the latest Robin, and now just respect their funky shadow child.
However Dove doesn't actually come out all that often. He started his vigilante career because he got wrapped up in the supernatural side of Gotham, at first it was just helping the occasional stray ghost find their haunt, but you know how dangerous magic and the supernatural world can get in just the blink of an eye. Think Jujutsu Kaisen, he was able to see Gotham spirits causing and feeding off of citizens misery, and he just can't not help. When the Batfam realizes what he's doing, he's fully committed to helping the spirit of Gotham deal with her curse. They know there's nothing they can do to stop him, so they do the next best thing and give him armor, a mask and a weapon. They also up his training, which they had been doing before because… it's Gotham. So Mourning Dove doesn't actually come out as often as the others, just either when they're down on members, there's an emergency and need his powers, they want to teach him something, or when he just asks.
… Anyway, back on topic. Another way his autism affects him is making him mostly nonverbal/selectively mute. I'm making the assumption that they eventually do get his voice back, but at that point he can adequately communicate without his voice, using chirps and gestures. He knows now that if he needs to talk (talking to a stranger, needing to explain something more complicated, etc) he usually can. Usually. If he's stressed or uncomfortable in any way, he often finds that he can't talk. Thankfully he's been learning sign language for a few years now and can get across simple ideas and feelings just fine in a pinch. And sometimes, he doesn't even feel bad. And yet still, he can't find it in himself to speak. In those cases, if he needs to explain something complicated, he can write it down. He's gotten a lot better! And if he ever trips up, he can always look it up or use autocorrect if it's over text.
Another thing his trama definitely made a lot worse is that he has episodes of hypersensitivity. An analogy I once heard is that most minds are like doors, and most people can choose to shut the door on small pieces of information that are deemed unnecessary. Like the ticking of a clock, or the scratching of pencils around a classroom. But people with adhd can’t choose to closes those doors, and the flood of information can easily overstimulate us. With his super hearing this definitely becomes a problem, and I can only imagine it gets worse when in crowds. I actually already talked about this, with bad textures. Often we can ignore the extra sensory input and go on with our day, but when faced with something that agitates us, it opens the floodgates to make everything agitate us. The sounds of dinner don't usually annoy Danny, but with the extra bad sensory input that he just couldn't ignore, it made it so he couldn't ignore other pieces of input like usual, and it became too much for him. I usually counteract overstimulation by wearing headphones or earbuds, and while I know Danny definitely has noise canceling devices made for the supers with him 24/7 just in case, I think he deals with it, again, by controlling the texture of the cloths he’s wearing and using it to fidget. He counteracts the negative input by surrounding himself with positive input. If he's not in public or that doesnt work, he’ll curl up into himself and rock back and forth, countering the input with a soothing motion and clenching onto his skin like a stress ball. Of course, that's if Cujo, his service dog, isn't there to help him through it.
One thing that carries over into the future is his short attention span. curse you ADHD! He has trouble sitting still and concentrating on a task that doesn't interest him. However he still LOVES space, and often hyperfixates on it. He’ll sit in front of the tv or a tablet and watch documentaries for hours without moving an inch. The first time this happened the batfam where scared something was wrong, maybe he's having an episode and can't move? But when they approached him to see if he was alright he started wildly flapping his arms and letting out excited chirps, till he noticed the look on their face and got out his phone. An hour later he sent them a poorly written, excited and long text about his favorite star in the galaxy to the family group chat. Suffice it to say, space is his special interest. Since then they started using it as a way to get him to sit still or to distract him. Often it helps to play a documentary in the background while he does a task that doesn't interest him so he won't get so bored he up and leaves.
Last but not least, he has trouble understanding social cues. This is absolutely not helped by how sheltered he is in the social department. Danny's part ghost, and ghosts don’t really lie. It's just not a thing they do. They are loud and honest with their intentions, no beating around the bush. Danny just doesn't understand why people aren't straightforward as well. Danny is very honest and says exactly what he means. I always find this ironic when reading the actual story, that the one person in the family (minus Alfred) that's good at communicating can't talk. This is something that becomes an issue with Bruce and his habit of not using his words to talk. I'd like to imagine that, in trying to set a good example for his youngest son yet, he’d realize the importance of communication, and how he communicates.
You could argue that a lot of these traits come from his trauma, and you're absolutely right. It definitely contributes to making some of these traits a lot stronger than before in this au as well. However, I don't want to just make it all a trauma response because then it sort of implies something is… wrong with him. That there's something to fix. And I don't want him to be treated like that. There's nothing wrong with him liking hoodies. There's nothing wrong with him not wanting to talk. There's nothing wrong with him loving space so much. Those are just a part of who he is. Everyone has quirks, and those are his. I don't want the batfamily to obsess with fixing him, or try to make him “normal.” I want them to accommodate his needs like they do for everyone else in the family. I want them to accept him, and his flaws, like a normal person. Not look at him like he's broken. After everything, he deserves a family who accepts him, chirps and all.
Tldr of the last paragraph: making everything a trama thing makes people sad and want to help “fix” him instead of treating him like a normal person. I aint having that in my au so even if he wasn't hurt the way he was, he would still act like this. There's nothing wrong with Danny, he just needs to be accommodated for and treated like a normal person.
Bonus: close up and flat colors (idk if you can even see them but I am way more proud of those eyelashes than I have any right to be)
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wastefulreverie · 2 years
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piss-bread · 5 months
Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14...
He was 14. He definitely had an unusual relationship with his parents, but not too far out from a normal teen. He's embarrassed by them in public, but he truly loves his family. And they love him, in all his nerdiness and cowardice.
Then the accident happens. His parents (and Jazz) know that something happened, but only his friends know what he went through that day. Even after Jazz finds out, she isn't told exactly what occurred.
Tw under the cut for Death Mentions! It is Danny Phantom, after all.
It's a well-known fact that Danny Fenton is Schrodinger's boy. Both alive and dead. And the fandom sure does put our favorite paradoxical anime boy through some shit, but it's not talked about a whole lot the absolute horror of his death.
We see a recreation of what happened in Memory Blank (Season 2, Ep 1). We've been rewatching some of this show with our mother, and we had her watch this episode. I had told her beforehand that Sam basically went "the boy needs to die" as soon as she realized that Danny didn't have his powers. And surprisingly, after watching the episode, our mom agreed that Sam really should have thought of something else. But anyway, it really cements the fact that going into the portal was Sam's idea. Not Tucker's. Not even Danny's. Sam is absolutely the one who got him killed. Yet Danny doesn't harbor any resentment. In fact, it's shown in the same episode that Danny looks for reassurance from Sam (and Tucker) after getting his powers, quite literally asking if it's cool that he has powers.
Quote from me to my mother:
"Danny walks around a dark portal, and he accidentally turns it on from the inside. He gets electrocuted and basically watches himself die, not knowing what's going on except for that it's bad. He stumbles back out, knowing something is very wrong and passes out. His friends think he's dead, he literally phases through Sam's hands as she tries to pick his body up, and when he does wake up he's faced with the fact he's a ghost. he's been told that all ghosts are evil and dangerous, and now he is one. Yeah sure he must've figured out he could change back pretty quickly, but still."
And something else. Vlad has powers too, but he didn't die for them. He got a bad case of ghost acne and gained powers that way. I feel like if Vlad knew what Danny went through, he'd at the very least have a bit more respect for the boy.
Anyway, I love the characterization of Tucker and Sam. It's shown that Tucker is shallow on the outside, but he truly deeply cares for his friends. Sam is shown to put up walls around other people, to the point her friends know a completely different person than the outside world does. And damn, I wish we could see the two's reaction to the accident in the show. But we'll just go headcanon-ing for this one. In my opinion, Tucker would be the quietest he's ever been. He's shown to cower and close up when bad things happen (when he's actually aware of said things). I think Sam would be the one screaming. I think she'd be screaming and crying and just let her emotional state consume her until her friend wakes up.
That's it for now 👀 count on more text posts in the future tho
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kadaruu · 8 months
(danny phantom spoiler)
In my books, in my fanfics, in the way I’m describing it to anyone, in my arts, in my head,
Maddie became president of Amity Park instead of Tuck at the end of Phantom Planet.
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the-ghost-bracket · 1 year
Danny Phantom propaganda:
"Half-ghost half-human boyo who can fit ALL the trauma in him! The cartoon was aired in 2005, but the Phandom lives on after the death of the original show. He's a ghostly superhero, but his parents are ghost hunters and want to experiment on him!"
"I know probably everyone already submitted him but he deserves it."
"When he first woke up, he realized he had snow-white hair
And glowing green eyes
He could walk through walls, disappear, and fly"
"I read Shadow of a Doubt and Phantom of Truth and now I’m kinda obsessed with hurt/comfort/angsty Danny phantom phanfics"
"One of a only a few existing half-ghosts
Has a whole slew of ghostly abilities
Defeated the Ghost King"
"no 💛"
"Tumblr's ghost boy :)"
"the internet's favorite ghost boy!"
"yo danny fenton he was just 14—"
"LICH RALLY A GHOST!!! He is so funky!!! He died and then was half dead and can turn back into a human and has a ton of COOL POWERS HE CAN SHOOT LASERS FRIM HIS HANDS AND MAKE ICE AND HE CAN DO THIS FUNKY THINGY WHERE HE DOES A SONIC ATTACK BY YELLING HE IS SO COOL I LOVE HIM!!!!!!"
"THE tumblr dead boy. He’s literally a ghost for over half the show. His power is become a ghost / die on command."
"The ghost of all time when I think of ghosts"
"He’s just a boy who can turn into a ghost but he has captivated me body and soul. Also I HC him as trans"
"He’s a phantom"
"you know I had to do it. he’s dead but he’s not. he’s a ghost haunting his own corpse. he was raised his whole life being told that ghosts were evil, heartless monsters and then became at least half one of them. he’s an enigma. he’s a selfless hero. he was even trans."
"Childhood crush of everyone who has seen the cartoon. Dead, but also alive and definitely traumatized, but in a very ""children’s media"" kind of way. "
"Yo Danny phantom he was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine (designed to view a world unseen) (he's gonna catch 'em all cause he's Danny phantom) when it didn't work his folks they just quit, so Danny took a look inside of it. There was a great big flash everything just change (his molecules got all rearranged) (phantom phantom) when he first woke up he realized that he had snow while hair and glowing green eyes, he could walk through walls disappear and fly (He's much more unique than the other guys) it was then that he knew what he had to do, he had to stop all the ghosts that were coming through, he's here to fight for me and you! He's gonna catch em all cause he's Danny phantom gonna catch 'em all cause he's Danny phantom gonna catch 'em all cause he's (Danny phantom)"
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
Summer Sentence Starters 2024 Drabbles Masterpost <3
listed alphabetically by fandom, then in order of prompts as written prompts taken from this post I made earlier in the summer + my last masterpost for this kept having an error that wouldn't let me update/edit it so I made a new one :)
Avatar (ATLA + TLOK) [ao3 link]
Prompt #56 - lee!Zuko, ler!Sokka "I never would've pegged you as the ticklish type."
Prompt #76 - lee!Korra, ler!Asami "Don't tell me you've been hiding this all this time?"
Prompt #42 - lee!Bolin, ler!Korra "No way, are you crying?"
Prompt #52 - lee!Aang, ler!Sokka, ler!Katara "What about him? Is he ticklish?" "Huh- what, me?"
Prompt #8 - lee!Aang, ler!Sokka, ler!Katara “I’ll have you know, I was the tickle fight champion in my home growing up.”
Critical Role (Campaigns 1 + 2) [ao3 link]
Prompt #88 - lee!Essek, ler!Jester, ler!Beau "We don't have time for such childish- hey! Stop it!"
Prompt #40 - lee!Fjord, ler!Jester "I've never heard you laugh like that before."
Prompt #44 - lee!Caleb, ler!Fjord "You wouldn't take advantage of that while I'm stuck like this, right? ...Right?!"
Prompt #54 - lee!Caleb, ler!Mollymauk "Oh man, is this a bad spot?"
Prompt #7 - switch!Caleb, switch!Mollymauk, ler!Essek "No way, you're ticklish here too?"
Prompt #12 - lee!Fjord, ler!Mollymauk "So, what's this I hear about you being deathly ticklish?"
Prompt #96 - lee!Fjord, ler!Jester "What are you so scared of? It's just a feather."
Prompt #24 - lee!Caleb, ler!Jester "Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster!"
Prompt #89 - lee!Caleb, ler!Jester, ler!Mollymauk "Wait no- not here- not now!"
Prompt #17 - lee!Caleb, ler!Mollymauk "What's there to be embarrassed about?"
Prompt #5 - lee!Percival, ler!Vax'ildan "No, I'm just- uh- sensitive."
Prompt #37 - lee!Fjord, ler!Mollymauk "Wait no- not that, anything but that!"
Prompt #12 + #14 - lee!Caleb, ler!Mollymauk “So, what’s this I hear about you being deathly ticklish?” + “Well, well, well… Look what we have here.”
Prompt #64 - lee!Mollymauk, ler!Fjord “Relax, I’m not gonna kill you. But I am gonna make you wish you were dead.”
Danny Phantom
coming soon
Dungeon Meshi [ao3 link]
Prompt #21 - lee!Chilchuck, ler!Marcille "Big talk for someone so ticklish."
Gravity Falls [ao3 link]
Prompt #16 - lee!Dipper, ler!Grunkle Ford "Come on, stop it- I'm serious! That really tickles!"
Prompt #79 - lee!Dipper, ler!Wendy "You're not going anywhere."
Inuyasha + Hanyo no Yashahime [ao3 link]
Prompt #66 - lee!Inuyasha, ler!Kagome "Don't tell me you're ticklish!?"'
Prompt #84 - lee!Miroku, ler!Sango "You'd better give up now or this is about to get a lot worse!"
Kim Possible [ao3 link]
Prompt #82 - lee!Kim, ler!Shego "You're not really gonna tickle me, are you?"
Prompts #24 + #71 - switch!Kim, switch!Ron "Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster" + "This isn't cuddling! This is an attack!"
Marvel (MCU)
coming soon
My Adventures with Superman [ao3 link]
Prompt #1 - lee!Clark, ler!Lois "Was that a giggle just now?"
Prompts #22 + #35 - lee!Clark, ler!Lois “Don’t make me make you.” + “What? Me? Ticklish? As if!”
My Hero Academia [ao3 link]
Prompt #64 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Bakugo "Relax, I'm not gonna kill ya. But, I am gonna make you wish you were dead."
Prompt #100 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Midoriya "Would you just shut up and tickle me already."
Prompts #48 + #50 + #63 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo "You would think you'd get less ticklish as you got older, but you're the opposite!" + "Please, I can't take it anymore!" + "Too bad there's nothing you can do about it."
Prompts #60 + #62 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima "Don't- don't you date! Don't even t-think about it!" + "I haven't seen you smile all day!"
Prompt #86 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Midoriya "Crap. Wait, I didn't mean that."
Prompt #21 - lee!Bakugo, switch!Kirishima, ler!Kaminari "Big talk for someone so ticklish."
Prompt #93 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Kirishima "Oh? And what if I did?"
Prompt #42 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo "No way, are you crying?"
Prompt #71 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Bakusquad (Kiri, Kami, Mina, Sero) "This isn't cuddling! This is an attack!"
Prompts #3 + #4 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima "Come any closer and I will end you." + "Oh, you shouldn't have said that.."
Prompts #70 + #55 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo “Wait! Not there! Anywhere but there!” + “Please! I’ll do whatever you want!”
Prompt #98 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Bakugo "There it is. That laugh is music to my ears!"
Prompt #85 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima, switch!Kaminari "Don't be an idiot."
Prompt #78 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Sero "Aww, are you blushing? That's adorable."
Prompts #5 + #9 + #23 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Sero “No, I’m just, uh- sensitive.” + “Did you just.. laugh?” + “Wait a minute… you’re not ticklish, are you?”
Prompt #32 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo “Who would’ve thought a few tickles would be your doom?”
Prompt #23 - lee!Todoroki, ler!Midoriya "What a minute, you're not ticklish, are you?"
Prompt #40 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima “I’ve never heard you laugh like that before, it’s nice.”
+ MHA mini series [ao3 link]:
Prompt #92 - lee!Bakugo, ler!Bakusquad (Kiri, Kami, Mina, Sero), ler!Midoriya (Pt 1) "Hey, are you guys okay? I heard yelling from the hall and - oh."
Prompt #104 - lee!Kaminari, ler!Bakugo (Pt 2) "What, did you think you were just going to get away with that?"
Prompt #83 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo (Pt 3) “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
Prompt #67 - lee!Sero, ler!Bakugo (Pt 4)* “Well now, that seems like wishful thinking.”
Prompt #31 - lee!Ashido, ler!Bakugo (Pt 5)* “Come on, it’s not that bad, is it?”
Prompt #59 - lee!Kirishima, ler!Bakugo (Pt 6)* "Why so nervous?"
Prompt #24 - lee!Midoriya, ler!Bakugo, ler!Kirishima (Pt 7)* “Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster.”
The Owl House [ao3 link]
Prompt #24 - lee!Hunter, ler!Gus, ler!Willow "Sounds like someone needs a visit from the tickle monster!"
Prompt #2 - lee!Luz, ler!Amity "Hey, what do you think you're doing!"
Prompt #68 - lee!Amity, ler!Luz "What's that? Stop saying tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle?”
Prompt #48 - lee!Eda, ler!Raine "You would think you'd get less ticklish as you got older, but you're the opposite!"
Prompt #71 - lee!Amity, ler!Luz "This isn't cuddling! This is an attack!"
Prompt #64 - lee!Hunter, ler!Amity "Relax, I'm not gonna kill ya. But, I am gonna make you wish you were dead."
Prompt #102 - lee!Hunter, ler!Willow “Oh, you’re so going to regret that!”
Prompt #27 - switch!Edric, switch!Emira, switch!Amity "I just hope you know, this means war."
Steven Universe
coming soon
Supernatural [ao3 link]
Prompt #5 - lee!Dean, ler!Castiel "No, I'm just- uh- sensitive"
Teen Titans [ao3 link]
Prompt #9 - lee!Raven, ler!Starfire "Did you just...laugh?"
Yellowjackets [ao3 link]
Prompt #61 - lee!Shauna, ler!Jackie "You'd better keep quiet!"
Young Justice [ao3 link]
Prompts #43 + #46 - lee!Conner, ler!M'Gann "Lighten up, have a laugh!" + "I'm not letting you off that easy!"
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rayofmisfortune · 3 months
Yo, Danny Phantom he was just 14 when his parents built a very strange machine.
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lennjamin-o7 · 1 year
the fic i was looking for was estranger things! danny calling himself his own grandfather was so funny. i have the great fortune of being both a danny phantom and a dsmp fan so i can enjoy all of your writing. that said i am on a strong dsmp kick atm so i have reread all of your dsmp works in the time since my last message :') your technoblade is just so good. he makes me laugh
Oh cool! I'm glad you liked that one! It's a very silly one lololol. Definitely one of my more lighthearted fics!
I'm so glad you like how I wrote Techno!!! My favorite Pigman!
And heck yeah to being both dsmp and Danny Phantom fan! It's a fun life! I've been desperately trying to pull together a Danny Phantom x DSMP crossover idea because I love both so much. I have SOME vibes for it in my head.
Here's what I've got so far, anyway
Yo, Technoblade he was just 14 when his parents made a very strange machine!
Unlike in Danny Phantom, Techno would be an only child. Which is exhausting. His parents care more about their research than they care about him. And as the kid of the weird scientists, he has NO FRIENDS at school. (That's right, its a No One Knows AU. So much angst potential). He's bullied, poor piggy.
His parents portal doesn't work, so for curiosity sake he goes inside and-oops! The portal to The Ghost Zone opens on top of him, half killing him and giving him ghost powers.
Cue Theme Song.
Anyway, first chapter would be dedicated to Technoblade fighting off the weird musician ghosty with fire powers, Wilbur Soot. Wilbur Soot is using his musical abilities to brainwash everyone into basically worshipping him. DP Technoblade would defeat him by pointing out how cringe it was that Wilbur Soot had to brainwash everyone to even listening to his music. Lame. The dude had 0 confidence in his own music. Wilbur Soot gets super peeved off about this, ready to blast Technoblade's eardrums when Technoblade offhandedly mentions he didn’t need to brainwash everyone anyways. Because his music is good. Wilbur Soot is stopped by that. Wilbur seems legitimately excited that someone enjoys his music without the brainwashing, and Technoblade rolls with it. Wilbur Soot promises to stop with the brainwashing if Technoblade promises to meet up and let him play music for him. Technoblade agrees, but says he can't do it too often because he has so much work keeping the ghosts in line.
Wilbur Soot tells him not to worry about it. He'll handle it.
Suddenly, a lot less ghosts come through the portal.
Chapter 2 sees a different ghost causing issues. At first, Technoblade doesn't see it as an issue. Why should he care that all the adults are listening to some trash discs? It doesn't effect him. And Wilbur Soot seems to get a kick out of absolutely rinsing the music disc at every opportunity, saying it sounded like the artist was "forced to write a song for a child".
Techno's parents wanting to go off on some cruise? Totally fine with him. Less dangerous with his parents not around. And Technoblade is desperate for a break. The ghosts have chilled out quite a bit, but it's hard to do school work AND worry about whether or not your family's water was going to get cut off. He never gets to be a kid.
Which is why he is so annoyed when a child ghost with a pirate ship attacks his house. The kid steals a bunch of Tech from his parents. The kid, calling himself Tommy Innit, is very annoying. Technoblade tries to stop him, but fails.
Something else would go here, but basically all the parents get kidnapped on Tommy Innit's pirate cruise for *reasons* and Techno goes to save them. Only to find a very bored Wilbur Soot dressed as a pirate, and a very exhuberant Tommy Innit speaking like a pirate. Technoblade asks what Wilbur is even doing there, and Wilbur Soot says that he has to humor his little brother sometimes.
Tommy Innit throws all the stops at Technoblade. Canons, guns, swordfighting, swashbuckling, etc. Tommy Innit is have the time of his life (or death). He keeps talking about how fun the whole thing is. Or complaining when Technoblade "cheats". Technoblade is about to lose, when he tells Tommy Innit he can't just shoot him. He needs to make Techno walk the plank. Tommy Innit eagerly agrees, and points him towards the plank. He asks Techno if he has any last words and Techno points out that Wilbur Soot should walk the plank as well. Wilbur Soot is just flabbergasted by that, But Techno points out that Wilbur didn't help at all when his Captain needed him. It was worth walking the plank. Tommy Innit agrees, and tries to get Wilbur to also walked the plank. Wilbur refuses. Techno points out that that means it's a mutiny. Tommy Innit is gleeful at the concept of a mutiny, pointing his sword at Wilbur Soot. Wilbur is not all that amused. Technoblade volunteers his services in bringing the "treacherous snake" down in exchange for not having to walk the plank. Tommy Innit agrees and Technoblade full tackles Wilbur Soot, much to Wilbur Soot's dismay and Tommy Innit's delight. They roll around on the deck for a bit, Techno promising he will make it up to Wilbur if he just plays along. Wilbur gives in and goes overdramatic with it.
Tommy Innit is over the moon. He is having so much fun. Wilbur, why didn't you tell him Techno was so much fun? Technoblade points out that there was no way that all the kidnapped adults were any fun. Tommy Innit hadn't even noticed that they evacuated.
Tommy Innit looks and is upset that all of his prisoners have disappeared. No one ever wants to play with him. Technoblade offers to play with him occasionally, if he would, you know, not kidnap people.
Tommy Innit asks if he can kidnap Techno sometimes, instead, because its funny. Techno agrees, but not more than once a month. He has responsibilities. He can't play all the time.
Tommy Innit Agrees, super happy with the idea.
Suddeny, Technoblade's home no longer has to worry about bills anymore. Huh. Maybe his parents finally started to act like parents. He doesn't really complain when Tommy Innit and Wilbur Soot start monopolizing more of his time.
Chapter 3 Listen, this chapter is going to be Reign Storm. But there is no Vlad character in this AU, so I don't know how to start it. Maybe Techno's parents go into the Ghost Zone and steal the ring of rage? Who knows. But the Ghost King is awake, finally free from the eternal sleep he was forced into. Thousands of ghost refugees pour out of the portal. Technoblade is incredibly concerned that he doesn't see Wilbur or Tommy.
Technoblade is doing his best keeping all of the ghosts from hurting people, plus playing keep away with the giant ghost crows that were trying to return the ring of rage back to the Ghost King. Techno is exhausted, everyone is terrified, his parents are trying to use inventions that might get them killed. He's havinf a bad day.
The ghost king pulls the entire town into the ghost zone.
Technoblade is shocked by the whole thing, terrified with no way to fix it.
And then the Ghost King shows up.
King Philza is intense. Burning crown on his head with regal robes flowing all around. Wings blacked than the night sky raised behind him.
He demands the ring back, or else.
Technoblade chooses the latter.
It's not a close fight at all. Technoblade is tired and the ghost king is POWERFUL, even without the ring. Technoblade is forced to change back into his human form, in front of everyone to see. His secret is out, he's injured, and he isn't able to move out of the crater in the ground the ghost king knocked him into.
The king takes back the Ring of Rage, putting it on his finger. He's even more powerful, which Technoblade thinks is cheating. The Ghost King raises a hand and intends to wipe Techno from existence-
Two figures block the hand. Both start shouting at the Ghost King, incredibly annoyed that their Dad would attack their friend. That Technoblade hasn't even had his first deathday and that Dadza was being a bully.
King Philza is incredibly confused. There is no way that Technoblade hasn't reached his first deathday. He's too powerful. But Wilbur Soot and Tommy Innit insist.
Technoblade is a young ghost and he's like a brother to them.
No actually-
He is their brother.
Technoblade tries valiantly to crawl out of the crater. He is hurt, and can't focus on all of the conversation. One minute he is staring at the remains of the football field-
The next he is staring into piercing blue eyes. He flinches back, but two fingers touch his temple. And then everything is black.
Technoblade wakes in a bed inside Philza's Keep, deep in the ghost zone. He cannot leave, phasing through things doesn't work. He is stuck.
Wilbur and Tommy seem over the moon. Their Dad is finally home and they can play with Techno whenever they want!
King Philza seems indulgent of his sons, but doesn't have a ton of time. It takes time to reprganize the entirety of the Infinite Realms under he control. It takes effort into crushing all resistance.
But he makes it known that his newest son WILL behave. He shows Techno a glass ball, inside containing the entirety of Techno's whole town. It would be so easy to shatter.
Technoblade submits, being hugged tightly by an excited Wilbur and Tommy.
So, yeah, I would love to get around to writing that. Especially fleshing out some of the shakier parts lol. But basically Wilbur is Ember, Tommy is Youngblood, and Phil is Pariah Dark. With a LOT of liberties thrown in!
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ghosthalfa · 6 months
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app. stats. nav.
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yo danny fenton, he was just 14, when his parents built a very strange machine. it was designed to view, a world unseen!
when it didn't quite work, his folks, they just quit, but then danny took a look inside of it. there was a great big flash, everything just changed, his molecules got all rearranged!
when he first woke up he realized, he had snow white hair, and glowin' green eyes. he could walk through walls, disappear, and fly, he was much more unique than the other guys!
and it was then that he knew what he had to do, he had to stop all the ghosts that were comin' through, he's here to fight, for me and you!
♫ he's gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom. gonna catch 'em all, 'cause he's danny phantom ♫
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
Senior Celebration
Written for DannyMay 2023 Prompt: Campfire Fandom: Danny Phantom Characters: Danny, Kwan, Dash, Ember, Star, Paulina, Tucker, Sam, Jazz Words: 3115 Warnings: Underage drinking and drug use Summary: It's that time of the year again! the Casper high senior campfire! All the seniors gather wood and fuel and go out to the woods at the designated spot and set up a bonfire with no adult super visitor. No one on team phantom really wanted to go, but with Jazz offering Danny a deal that gets Embrer involved how could he pass up the opportunity?
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“Are you going to the campfire tonight?” Jazz asked, visiting from college, as Danny looked up from his ectoplasm noodles.
“It wasn't really on my agenda,” Danny shrugged.
“I think you should go. It’s senior tradition and you never know, you might regret it in the future,” Jazz spoke, using the wisdom Danny sometimes wondered where she got it from.
“I’ve never really thought about it. Besides you never went to yours,” Danny shrugged.
“I never went because I was busy studying for finals and worrying about my little brother who made it his own decision to save the world every day when he was 13,” Jazz countered.
“I was 14 mccuse you,” Danny glared as Jazz rolled her eyes.
“I’m just saying. This will be maybe the last time you will all be together. After this, it’s going to be boring classes and graduation,”
“Who would I even bring? Sam doesn’t like the big functions and Tucker will gladly staff the night in with Sam if she asks,” Danny asked.
“You could always bring one of your ghost friends,” She proposed.
“They’re all busy with their things. The only one who might be mildly interested in it is Ember, but she’ll only go if we’re drinking.”
“I don’t like the idea of you drinking underage but unlike mom and dad, I know about your ghost half. If you can clockwork to approve of your activities for the night and send me a note assuring me that you will be safe you can invite Ember and go wild,” she suggested as Danny’s eyes lit up.
“You Promise!” Danny stood up in his seat, ready to rush to the zone.
“I promise, but If I don’t get a note I don’t want to see you flying home stumbling! I don’t want to see you flying at all!” Jazz yelled as Danny was already off to the ghost zone.
“Is someone flying!” Jack came storming into the kitchen.
“We were just talking about a show dad,” Jazz rolled her eyes, a soft laugh escaping her lips at her brother’s antics.
“So can I?” Danny asked clockwork, his ghostly parent.
“I suppose it is good for young ghosts like yourself to experience things. I know Ember will agree and bring the drinks. I will allow this on the conditions that Sam and Tucker are on standby to bring the two of you home, Ember has to provide the drinks, and no human is to drink our drinks. One sip will probably kill any of them from alcohol poisoning,” Clockwork held up a finger each time he said a condition.
“I promise,” Danny assured him as he got out his phone to text his two best friends.
“I have already sent the note to Jazz. Oh and Danny try to not reveal yourself to your entire graduating class,” Clockwork hid a smirk as the young King flew out of his chamber. He might not be able to see into his future anymore, but the King was known for his antics.
“Ember! Yo Flamehead open the damn door!” Danny was banging on the entrance to Ember’s lair.
“I’m coming Babypop! Damn have some patience,” yelling could be heard from the inside.
“What do you want of great king,” Ember let the sarcasm lace her voice.
“Was going to ask if you wanted to party with the humans, but if you’d rather not,” Danny shrugged as he started to fly away, but not before he was stopped.
“We going to party with the humans?” Ember asked, a smile on her face.
“As long as you provide the drinks and we give none to the humans we are good to party. Jazz and CW both approved it,” Danny smirked as Ember's smile matched his.
“We getting ready at your place then?” she asked.
“Hell yeah. I’ll stop by Sam’s and pick up the face paint. You worry about the clothes and booze.”
“I knew you were my favorite for a reason,” she flew back to her lair to get the supplies while Danny flew back to Fenton works.
“I see that Clockwork agreed,” Jazz said on the other side of the portal, holding the sticky note.
“He approved. Ember’s going to be over in a few hours so we can get ready. Gotta fully let Sam and Tucker know to be on call,” Danny told her.
“You’re really excited about this now,” Jazz smiled back.
“I can a free pass to drink and to fuck with the humans. What would make this better!” Danny told her, the two walked out of the lab towards their rooms as Danny got his phone out.
“You better not be planning anything,” Jazz glared.
“Me never!” Danny faked being offended as Jazz rolled her eyes and pushed her little brother into his room, walking to her own room.
“Okay dude so elaborate on that text. I need more than be on call,” Tucker’s face showed up on the face time.
“Yeah, no offense Danny but just saying I’m fucking with humans tonight doesn’t really help either of us.”
“Remember earlier this year we went out to the clubs and I couldn’t get drunk off of the human alcohol.”
“Yeah, dude. This disappointment on your face when you found out you had to be the DD was amazing,” tucker laughed as Sam glared.
“Yeah well in the GZ ghost have ectoplasm-infused alcohol. Alcohol meant for ghosts and I got permission from both Jazz and Clockwork to go all out tonight. We’re going to the senior campfire. Ember is getting the clothes and alcohol and I need to borrow the glow-in-the-dark hair and paint from Sam. I also need both of you to be on call to make sure Ember and I can make it back home.
“Fuck being on call. I’m going to be there! Want me to bring human alcohol Tuck?” Sam asked.
“Hell no someone has to be responsible. Might as well be me,” Tucker rolled his eyes at the backward situation. In any other situation, Sam would be responsible, except for clearly rebelling against the parents.
“Want to smoke before you go?” Danny offered.
“What makes you think I won’t be smoking,” Tucker rolled his eyes as the two laughed and made plans to meet up in two hours with everything they need.
It was two hours later and everyone was in Danny’s room. Ember had bought the ghost alcohol and clothes, Sam human alcohol, with an ice chest, and the glow-in-the-dark stuff, and Tucker, bring the responsible one, bought the weed and camera.
“We trying to get crossed tonight?” Ember asked, looking towards Danny’s open window and Tucker sitting next to it.
“If it’ll affect you I won’t stop you,” Tucker shrugged as Sam grabbed the joint out of his hands and easily inhaled the smoke.
“Alright first gotta get switched,” Ember said as her body started to glow as she muttered words to herself in her place that were the same clothes and hair, but instead of dead gray skin, she was now a caramel color.
“Bringing out the human costume?” Sam observed.
“The council has been pushing on us to try and blend in more. I have Danny vouching for me but the last thing I want is Walker on my ass,” she rolled her eyes as she passed out the crop tops to the group, all, of course, different from her brand. 
“I’m sticking with my sweater, but thanks,” Tucker declined the shirt, as Ember rolled her eyes.
“I didn’t forget about you geek boy. Put it on to match the neon theme,” she threw the sweater that had her guitar on it toward him.
“Danny, did you want a skirt, leggings, or pants?” Ember asked as she dug through the clothes, passing sam a mini skirt and leggings and Tucker a pair of matching skinny jeans.
“Got any shorts?” Danny asked.
“Bitch you know I have everything,” Ember found a pair of shorts that would reach to his mid-thigh, along with a fishnet long-sleeve t-shirt to put underneath the short sleeve crop top
“I’ll go and change in Jazz’s room,” Danny grabbed the clothes as Tucker left for the bathroom, leaving the two girls to quickly change into Danny’s room. Ember sticking with her normal style, just changing into the neon glow-in-the-dark versions.
Once they got back, Tucker quickly put out the joint as Ember got out the hair die. “I got ectoplasm color for you two, and this lighter blue for me. You don’t need much because it’s going to glow and it should be washable,” Ember assured them as they quickly put in their hair, making sure the fumes can fully escape.
“Ready for makeup boys?” Sam asked as she and Ember already had theirs completed.
“Let’s go!” Danny smirked.
“I feel like I should be to straight to hang out with all of you,” Tucker groaned, but let Sam man-handle his face to get the eye make up on.
“Hey, every group needs their token straight!” Danny defended his best friend.
“Good to know you all keep me around for something,” Tucker said as the group rolled their eyes.
“Ready to head out?” Ember asked once everyone was ready an hour later.
“We drove Tucker’s truck over here so just put everything in the back. We already packed the blankets and shit,” Sam said as the crew headed downstairs.
“Hey, sweetie! Going to the campfire?” Maddie asked as she noticed her son and friends walk down the stairs, pausing at the teenager's outfits.
“Really Danny?” Jazz asked with an eye roll.
“As you said last time we’re going to be together, gotta make it count,” Danny said as his friends already walked out to the truck.
“Just be safe,” she smiled, stopping their mother from saying anything as he left to join his friends.
“Don’t wait up!” Danny yelled, closing the door.
“If the cops call tonight I’m not picking them up,” Jazz said as she closed her book to walk back upstairs.
“Dude isn’t that the geek's truck?” Kwan pointed out to Dash as the beat-up truck with a black and green paint job pulled up backward, letting the bed of the truck face the fire.
They had the attention of most of the senior class by now, simply because everyone thought that wasn’t going to show up. Not from bullying or being made fun of, they have all grown out of that by now. Not everyone thought that they wouldn’t show because they have all made it a point to avoid most of the senior functions.
“Alright let’s party!” a caramel-skinned girl with bright blue hair that seemed to have a glow to it, hopped over to the bed of the truck where there were two ice chests stored.
“I’m not fixing any property damage,” Tucker got out from the driver’s side, a joint in his hand.
“Relax. Danny hasn’t been able to have a night out in a while,” Sam got out from the passenger side. Everyone’s clothes seemed to be matching, the only thing different was their hair and makeup.
“Not my fault! I said no to the responsibilities,” Danny rolled his eyes as many stares followed him as he got on the bed, happy the bonfire was already going, opening the ice chest that was marked with a green x and getting out a bottle of something green, bubbling, and had no label.
“That is definitely the geek squad,” Dash assured, as the entire senior class saw the geeks in a way they’d never seen them before while at school. Relaxed and in their element.
“Please don’t tell me you’re staring at Fenton’s ass?” Paulina pleaded.
“Not my fault if it’s a good ass!” Dash and Kwan were quick to shoot back as both boys blushed, realizing everyone was no looking at them.
“So this is supposed to be the unsupervised senior party? Ember asked nothing the bonfire was surrounded by cars and trucks and just normal groups talking and drinking around.
“Yep. didn’t want to come only came to drink and fuck with humans,” Danny shrugged in a what can you do kind of way.
“Well, this party’s shit. Let’s get it started!” Ember said as she bought out her equipment and a device that had plenty of preloaded songs. Standing on top of the car she got the attention of everyone.
“Alright losers! I came here to party and this is seriously the lamest party I have ever been to and I’ve been to too many fucking awkward dinner parties! Now I finally got my chance to hang out with baby pop and I will not let your high school bullshit ruin it so starting now if you have a request come up here and write it down! If it’s lame or not a party song I’m not putting it on!” Ember yelled as she pushed play and P!nk’s Get this Party Started started to play and fill with noise.
Already team phantom could see people breaking out into smiles and dance
“Since when did Fenton know such a party person?” Star wondered as they saw him and the girl stare deep into each other's eyes as, both with a non-open drink sam counted down and instantly both twisted off the tops of the green liquid and chugged it down, Danny throwing him into their own personal trash bin.
“I’m beating your ass flame face!” Danny yelled, getting his third drink open.
“Keep going baby pop! It’s going to take a lot more than that to get your ass drunk! If I’m not dragging you through the realms as we piss off Cw then this was for nothing!” she cheered him on as the song changed.
“You’re gonna go talk to him aren’t you?” Star and Paulina wondered as they looked toward Dash, a blush forming on his face.
“No, I’m not!” Dash countered.
“But he wants to!” Kwan taunted, avoiding Dash going for him as the two girls rolled their eyes and filled up their cups with wine.
“Ready to push him?” Star asked.
“Oh very much so,” Paulina agreed as they waited, and when they caught Dash staring for the eighth time and forty minutes passed they walked over towards the geek squad, now only containing two.
“Chug chug chug!” Ember shouted as Danny downed another drink, he wasn’t sure about the drink but he knew he was tipsy.
“Sup Star, Paulina,” Danny greeted, as he fell over to the other side of the truck to greet the two girls.
“Hey Danny. Did you come with this girl as your date?” Star wondered as Ember almost split her drink out.
“Me and baby pop are you kidding? Sorry but I’m not into him,” Ember shrugged as Danny placed a hand on his heart.
“Flame face, m’urt.”
“Yeah, you be m’urt. You’re finally starting to slur and we only had to drink six drinks. I’m becoming more and more proud. Anyway, what do you want with baby pop?” Ember asked as she banged on the back window of the truck. “Slow it down you two! I’m trying to have a conversation!”
“Fuck off Em! It’s my fucking truck!” Tucker yelled back.
“Ignore them. You know they're like fucking rabbits,” Danny rolled his eyes. “You wanted to ask something?”
“Yeah want to dance with Dash or Kwan?” Paulina asked as she pointed to where both boys were blushing and not looking.
“Do I gotta choose?” Danny wondered out loud.
“I swear you are such a whore,” Ember rolled her eyes.
“No slut shamming in Tucker’s truck!” Danny shouted back.
“You’re only defending the two rabbits in the backseat,” Ember fought back.
“Tell em yes,” Danny shook his head. “But I don’t think I can get out of this truck by myself,” Danny groaned as he laid down and was about to roll off the tailgate.
“See baby pop this is why we have Tucker. Tucker! Get your dick covered and come out here!” Ember yelled.
“If he wants to fuck Dash or Kwan then make them come and get him!” Sam yelled back.
“You heard the girl,” Ember shrugged, but still gave Danny another drink, laughing when he didn’t sit up to drink it and ended up pouring it on himself.
“Please warn your friends that Danny is indeed and whore,” Ember shouted back.
“If you want Danny all you have to do is get him out of the truck. You also might want to keep him drinking. I think is you stop him he’ll get upset, not angry upset, but sad puppy upset,” Star observed.
“First one there wins?” Kwan asked, as Dash didn’t wait for a start and ran ahead getting to Danny first.
“So wanna dance?” Dash asked, helping Danny get off of the car.
“Get me a drink from Em and I’ll happily dance!” Danny smiled as he drank his eight drink.
“How many have you had?” Dash asked as they went to where the other seniors were dancing around the campfire.
“Who knows? It tastes good. You can’t have any,” Danny said as took another sip and blood rushed to Dash’s face as the way Danny was dancing would not be counted as appropriate.
“Why can’t I?” Dash asked, thinking it was just a drunk brain talking.
“You're funny! It’s not for humans!” Danny laughed as he took another sip, as Dash’s eyes went wide.
“But you’re human,” Dash wondered.
“I’m not human. I’m only half. I died when I was fourteen. It’s why I needed Em here to get drunk. You still wanna dance?” Danny asked, hope in his eyes and Dash figured he could get his answers another time as the two danced and eventually made their way into the back of Dash’s truck.
The next morning Danny woke up, already questioning why he was in his bed, but walked to the bathroom to get something for his killer headache. After that he went down to the kitchen to get some food.
“Good afternoon. Did you have fun?” Jazz asked, placing a plate of food in front of her brother once she heard him shuffling upstairs. “Eat. It helps.
“I don’t know. Can’t remember,” Danny moaned as he ate the food in slow bites as his stomach started to work.
“Don’t worry you'll be hearing the stories soon enough, but in case you were wondering the whole school now knows that you have a thing for Dash and Kwan,” Jazz said with a smirk as her brother almost choked on his food. Instead of elaborating she just walked up, smirking in victory as her brother launched for phone to message Tucker.
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