#you Can do whatever you want you just aren’t allowed to get caught
cozage · 9 months
Coza!! Congrats on your 2K followers. 🥳🎉🥂
I like your smuts and I’m having a hard time choosing what scenarios to request!! I’m so excited for this event you have no idea. May I request for the Option 1? Reaction of Luffy+ Sanji+ Zoro+ Law+ Eustass Kid + Killer to you reading smuts/hentai please? Thank you!!
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A/N: Hi :) I wasn't able to do everyone, but I did a few! Minors…OUT! go on! Get! Scram! Also I won’t lie Zoro’s is based loosely off of the funniest comic I’ve seen in my life that stays living rent free in my head Characters: gn reader x Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Law Cw: smut and suggestive, NO MINORS ALLOWED ON THIS POST PLS GO AWAY Total word count: 900
Scandalous Reading
Luffy’s head rested on your shoulder, his eyes lazily skimming the page that you were reading. 
“Woah!” Luffy grabbed the book out of your hand and put it up to his face to get a better view of the words. “I didn’t even know this was possible!”
“Luffy!” You reached for the book, but he held it just out of your reach, still reading. 
“I didn’t even think about trying-”
“Luffy! Give it back!”
His wide eyes peered over the pages, but he refused to hand it back to you. “Do you like this stuff?”
“I mean-I don’t-I just-” Your face turned beet red at the implication. “It’s just written really well!”
He gave you a mischievous grin and took off back toward his room, book in tow. “Come on!” he called. “I want to see if it really can work this way!”
Oh, you were in for a rough night.
“My love, did you-” Sanji stopped, his eyes fixated on the book cover you were reading.
“Sanji?” you prompted, trying to get his attention.
“I know that author,” he mumbled, mostly to himself. “Where do I know that-”
“You probably don’t!” You slammed your book shut and shoved it behind your back. “What did you need?”
“Oh! Right! Would you like gelato or ice cream?”
“Surprise me!” you said, trying to get his mind off the book. “I’m sure whatever you make will be amazing!”
Sanji was in the kitchen when he finally placed it, and he almost collapsed from the realization of what he had caught you reading.
He brought you out the finest gelato he had ever made and set it down next to you. “So, my love,” he said, trying not to sound too excited. “How is your book?”
“It’s good,” you said. You set it down to grab your gelato, and Sanji lunged for it. 
He skimmed the pages, confirming his suspicion, and tried his hardest not to pass out from the filth his eyes found. “You’re reading book porn!” he whispered sharply. “You always get on me for staring at-”
“That’s not the same,” you hissed. “These aren’t real people! It’s different!”
“It is not!”
“What am I supposed to do!?” you snapped back, glaring at him. “You’re busy in the kitchen, I have to entertain myself somehow during the day!”
Oh, that was a bad way of wording things, because the second the words were out, Sanji’s eyes lit up. “Are you telling me you want to do something like this? Because I would love nothing more than to treat you like the royalty I know you are.”
“What are you reading?” Zoro asked, looking at your book cover. 
“A book.” You tilted the book slightly to shield him from seeing any of the words.
“What’s it about?” He seemed strangely interested in the cover. “Swordmaking?”
Oh right, there was a sword on the front cover of the book. No wonder he was so interested in it. 
“It’s called Swords and Snakes. It’s a book about…royalty, love, and betrayal.”
He scrunched his face in disgust and went back to resting his eyes. “Not really my kind of book.”
You grinned. "No, I don't think it is." You set your book down and stood up. “Do you want anything? I’m going to go get a snack.”
You nodded and went to the kitchen to grab food. What you hadn’t been expecting was returning to Zoro staring wide-eyed at the page you had dog-earred. 
He looked up at you in amusement, smirking at your anxious body language. “You weren’t joking about love and betrayal.”
“That’s mine!”
“More like love-making and betrayal,” he mumbled. “I didn’t know they wrote books like this. I didn’t know you would read books like this.”
“Well to be fair-” you snatched the book from his hands. “I didn’t know you could read at all!”
“Don’t be too bratty now,” he teased. “Or I’ll give you the same treatment that knight gave the princess.”
You had only left your book laying on the bedside table for a minute while you ran to the bathroom. But damn that Trafalgar Law, he was so nosey. 
“Quite the fantasy world you read about,” he hummed as you walked back into the room.
“What do you-” your words died in your throat, seeing him flip through the pages. “Oh, that.” You gave a nervous laugh, striding back over to your bed. 
“Yes, this.” He slapped the book shut, peering up at you with such a predatory and lustful look that you almost took a step backward. 
“I just picked it up at the last bookstore we went to,” you lied. “I don’t even know what it’s about.”
“Right,” he said, clearly not believing you. 
He handed the book back to you, and you quickly grabbed it. “Thanks,” you whispered, unable to meet his eyes. 
“Sure.” He stood to take his leave, heading back to the lab. He stopped on his way out, leaning in to whisper in your ear. 
“If you ever want to make it a reality, all you have to do is ask.”
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sleekista · 5 months
that’s enough
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barça femeni x teen!reader, alexia putellas x fem!reader
request: here
A/N: this is a mess. the plot is like when ur writing an english essay and you let your subconscious mind write it so it ends up splitting into three topics with no context.
TW: throwing up, coarse language
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Last night, I went out again. It isn’t unusual for me and if I get caught it gets me in trouble with Alexia. I’m not even doing anything bad most of the time, just driving around to take the pressure away. What I don’t factor in this time is the fact that we have an early morning session and a late night session. So if hell was a day, this is it.
First, we have a video session discussing tactics. Which is at 7am, then at 6pm we have a field session. Of course when I wasn’t there when Alexia woke up she immediately called me.
“Where are you? Where’s your car and why aren’t you in the house?” She questions clearly annoyed.
“Relax Alexia, I went out on a little drive, I’ll be there for the video session don’t worry.” She’s about to say more but I hang up. I know I won’t hear the end of this but there can’t be too much harm.
Turns out there can be.
I walk inside the room with my mcdonald’s coffee, I’m not the last person there but Alexia is in the room and shoots daggers at me. I shrug my shoulders, moving to sit next to Ingrid.
“Alexia is really mad, what did you do this time?” She asks, looking at me with a slight smirk.
“I went for a drive to clear my mind. I guess it’s illegal to do that now. I got a coffee though.” She wrinkles her face in disgust.
“Out of all the places to get coffee, you choose the worst one? Honestly kid, please find some place better. Staring at that makes me physically sick.” I roll my eyes.
“I was in a hurry and they call it fast food for a reason. Imagine if I was late? I’m already in trouble.” She nods her head in understanding.
“So, any plans for today or are you going to play Hogwarts Legacy all day.”
“I’m going to watch a movie.” I reply.
“The whole day?” She questions confused.
“Well… I never said I was seeing the movie IN Spain.” She sighs pinching the bridge between her nose.
“That’s not a good idea. Why would you do that?”
“Because I hate subtitles and I don’t want the movie to be in Spanish.” I shrug.
“That’s… a good point. If Alexia finds out you’ve left the country again she’s gonna lose it so have fun and make sure not to tell her you told me.” I nod.
“Will do my friend.” I’ve left the country before, one time to Germany where I accidentally met Georgia Stanway and got drunk with her. And the other time was at the UK in which I got into some nasty fights against some sad Arsenal fans. Like yes I was taunting them but no reason to attack me. I won in the end, obviously.
So if Alexia finds out I’ve left again she will be so mad. I focus my attention to the screen in front of us and listen in on what whatever Jona has to say.
- - - - -
After the session, I quickly make my way out of the room and into my car. I’m almost gone but Alexia is right behind me and she bangs on the window. I groan pulling it down.
“Hi Aleeee.”
“Don’t you ‘Hi Ale.’ me. Where have you been and how long? Do not lie to me.” I sigh.
“I went out on a drive around town, it’s so pretty at night, so excuse me if I want to look at it. Now if you must know. I’m on a tight schedule so, may you please move so I can move?” I ask, she reluctantly agrees and steps back allowing me to drive off to the airport.
(this is rlly fast paced but you can imagine whatever movie you want during the time skip)
- - - - -
It’s currently 5pm, I’ve been out all day the flights were only 2 hours and they were cheap. I don’t know why the others think of this stuff. Maybe I’m just Australian though.
I notice my stomach feels off, but it’s probably because I’m dehydrated and haven’t eaten a proper meal all day. Only a large popcorn and 2 packets of skittles.
I arrive at the grounds just in time and walk in with Sandra. I walk over to my area and get changed into the kit, before walking out onto the field with Lucy.
“You alright mate? You’re pale.” She states.
“I’m good, little tired is all.” I can tell she doesn’t believe me but we walk on.
The session is gruelling, high intensity and does not do anything to help what I’m feeling. Alexia has been pushing me harder than anyone else which is annoying and I low-key want to fall to the ground. That would only result in more laps though.
The 1.5 hour session ends, we have dinner which lasts half an hour than another 45 minutes in the gym. Both of which I am not excited for.
I can’t even think of anything when it happens, I feel bile rise up my throat and I just know that I should’ve eaten a proper meal. I make it into the bathroom in the nick of time, spilling my guts into the bowl. Someone is in here holding my tied back hair but I can’t be bothered to find who.
When I finally stop gagging, I flush the toilet and lean against the wall staring in front of me to find Keira.
“You feel any better or do you want to stay here.” She asks, resting her hand on my cheek. I shrug my shoulders as she sighs.
The door opens again and it’s Lucy.
“Oh, there you guys are. What happened?” Lucy turns to Keira.
“I was walking by the bathrooms and heard someone gagging and here she was throwing up.” She nods her head and I go to stand up.
“NO! No, you are not doing that. What if you throw up again? I’m going to get Alexia. Right now.” Lucy says sternly.
“Nooo, get Ingrid instead? Please Lucy.”
“Fine.” She walks out leaving Keira and I alone again.
“Mind telling me what lead to this moment?” I nod, explaining the staying up all night to not eating any proper food.
“That’ll do it. Can’t believe you just got on a flight to London.”
“It’s not even that long, it’s a great way to spend time. It’s like you saying a 45 minute drive is long. That’s how long it takes for me to get to school when I’m in Australia.” She shakes her head.
“Aussies sense of time is so out of whack I’m telling ya!” The door is opened again as Ingrid and Lucy make their way inside.
Ingrid sighs, “What are we going to do with you huh?” I laugh.
“Come on, let’s get you to the medics and then you can go home. I’ll drive your car and before you say anything we will be telling Alexia.” I nod, knowing there’s no escape.
We get to the medical room and Alexia is already there, talking about her knee with one of the physios. She looks over in question, Ingrid pushes me forward while Keira explains everything to the doctor. Who explains for me to eat a proper meal and drink some actual water. Before going to bed to get actual sleep.
Alexia is fuming, muttering many curse words and dragging me out of there. We get our stuff and give my keys to Mapi who nods at the plan of getting my car back home.
- - - - -
We walk through the door and Alexia guides me to the couch.
“I have had enough of this. We need to set some rules ok? You are 16 in a foreign country, you can’t go around to other countries when you fucking feel like it. I don’t care if you didn’t do anything bad but I can’t have you out of this city without me. Got it? As for the night driving, we’ll set a curfew and I expect you to be back by a certain time and you won’t be able to leave until a certain time. I told your parents I’d watch out for you but you are seriously making it hard for me to live up to that.”
“Sorry Ale.” She shakes her head.
“I’m not doing this with you right now. I’m going to make you a proper meal, you will drink 1 litre of water then you are heading straight to bed. No phone, no xbox, nothing until I deem you can be trusted. Am I clear?” I nod, feeling like I was 12 again.
“You might think this is excessive but I care about you. I want you to be safe, I need you to be safe. So please, make it easier for both of us.” Shes pleading now and it makes me feel bad, tears brim at the edge of my eyes and she sits down next to me.
“Amorcita, don’t cry. Por favor.” She rubs my thigh.
“I’m sorry Ale, I didn’t mean to. The night drives just lessen my anxiety about some things, you know. Like therapy.”
“I know, but you can speak to me about it any time if you feel you’re spiraling. Anyone on the team. Don’t do stupid things to get us to notice. Just talk I’m always here.” I sob into her arms, I can feel all the anger she has fade.
“Thanks, this means so much. Again I’m sorry.” She shakes her head.
“Don’t be, but I would like to know why you travelled to England to watch a movie, don’t you hate England?” This has me laughing.
“I mean… I do but in Spain it’s either gonna be in Spanish or have subtitles and I wanted it in English without.” She laughs softly.
“Of course, now how do you feel about Chicken Burgers for dinner? With potato gems.” I nod my head. She gets up and walks into the Kitchen starting to make the food.
Maybe I can start trying, and maybe I am truly cared about more than I thought. This team 🫶.
A/N: I LOVE SICKFICS I HAD TO. if you see any sickfic requested, i probs requested it lol
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petit-etoile · 6 months
Oh oh I have an AU I haven't had the chance to write anything for. It's pre-vampirism magistrate Astarion and criminal tav who is incredibly well-versed in law. They keep committing crimes and getting caught in purpose just to see Astarion who fucking hates their guts because he can't ever convict them of anything bc they find loopholes and somehow manage to evade the law. It's an "at each other's throats" kinda romance and they kiss with teeth between cases
darling,  if  you  love  me  say  it  back
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pairing  .  ⊱   astarion x tav wordcount  .  ⊱   3,604 content warnings  .  ⊱  canon compliant temporary character death,  tav isn't a human but can be whatever else you like,  astarion isn't a vampire yet,   tav is gender neutral other tags  .  ⊱   canon compliant,  canon temporary character death,  introspection,  p.orn without plot,  oral s/ex,  desk s.ex,  inappropriate use of a cravat,  c.reampie archiveofourown  .  ⊱   here.
taglist  .  ⊱  @azrielshadows1nger, @pandimoostuff, @faevi, @microskies, @foreverthemaraudersera, @queenofthespacesquids, @claryvoyantfray, @6doodlaang14, @anne-isnotokay, @itshimbotime, @yeeteth-the-raven, @sessils,@8-opossums, @worryknotdear, @abirdaboxandachippedcup, @ghosts-and-ink, @b4um3pfl4um3, @gunslingerorchid, @hypopxia,  @m0ssytrees, @erysione, @odette-attackattack, @catching-fire-in-the-wind, @ashrio20, @wills-mental-illness, @queenofcarrotflowers-s, @kirahlene be added  .  ⊱   here .
summary  .  ⊱   The Magistrate Judge Astarion Ancunin has a soft spot for you. You like to exploit that fact.
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‘I need to see you in my office,’ Astarion hisses  —  and the tips of his ears are so red you think they might catch flame. He grabs you by the elbow roughly and tugs. ‘Now.’
‘Let’s do it, baby,’ you say smugly. ‘I know the law.’
Knowing the law might be an overstatement. You have studied the law for only one purpose, and that purpose you know like the back of your hand. So when Astarion presses you, you don’t argue. You do as the magistrate says and allow yourself to be dragged across the court. He admonishes you like one would get onto a dog who misbehaves. You can’t help but laugh.
It isn’t like Astarion isn’t a super serious magistrate with a focus on criminal prosecution. He wants to nail you for your sins, for your crimes. The only catch is that no matter how amazing Astarion is at his job, you’re simply better. If you’ve stolen something, you’re more than capable of hiding the evidence. If you’ve murdered someone, you know all the best ways to hide a body. It comes naturally.
Astarion is wearing that ever familiar frown as he marches through the elegant halls. It’s a frown that says you’re in trouble and there’s nothing that I can do. But that isn’t necessarily true. Astarion will do anything you ask so long as you ask nicely, and you’ve been getting good at asking nicely lately. He prides himself in training you even if it isn’t that simple. He calls it rehabilitation. You call it sex.
‘You can’t keep doing this, you know,’ Astarion snaps at you. ‘At some point you must give it up!’
He isn’t good at whispering when he’s riled up. He runs his free hand through his curls in anger, pushing them away from his face like his bangs being wild make it hard to think. It makes him more attractive.
‘You don’t mean that,’ you say with a shrug.
‘I do,’ he says, ‘very much mean that.’
You grin. ‘You would miss me,’ you tell him lasciviously, and he groans. ‘I know you would.’
He huffs. ‘The only thing that I would miss is the peace after the headache you’ve given me. It’s as though you aren’t even aware of how vexing you are.’
You laugh, and the fine line of Astarion’s temper snaps. He all but throws you in his office and locks it behind him. He’s annoyed with the way you stagger dramatically to one of the velvet couches before his desk. You lean over the arm and kick your feet up.
‘Does the idea of cuffs around my wrists excite you?’
You look over your shoulder. Astarion clenches his jaw. It must hurt to frown as hard as he is. You pull yourself onto the cushions and sit demurely. You study him. His rigid lines, tense gaze. He comes and sits on the edge of his desk, pressing his forehead into his hands as if that will relieve him of his headache. You’re determined to make it worse.
‘I apologize,’ you say sweetly. ‘I’ll behave from now on.’
‘We both know that you are not capable of behaving,’ Astarion says thinly.
He shouldn’t have said that. You can’t help yourself, but most of the time, Astarion makes it so easy for you to dig into his weaknesses and exploit them. You stare at him with wide, innocent eyes.
‘You should teach me,’ you suggest.
Astarion’s patience snaps. ‘I beg your pardon? Have some decorum, please!’
‘Having decorum is so boring,’ you say, pouting. ‘Life is much more fun when you live freely.’
‘And committing crimes is your definition of living freely?’
‘What is the point of living if not to live?’ you ask. ‘Why confine myself to rules of good or bad when I can choose what makes me happy.’
‘What exactly makes a criminal like you happy?’ Astarion asks bitterly.
You’ve always been possessed by a sense of otherness. You rise from the couch and carefully twist your fingers in his cravat, tangling yourself in him as he has become entangled in you. The Silverymoon lace tickles your skin. You pull Astarion closer and he begrudgingly caves to your strength. Your lips barely brush against his and already you can sense it. The barely contained restraint. The hunger. Astarion longs for you. He’s carefully hidden it beneath the scent of bergamot.
Slowly, you slide him free of what pressures him most. The cravat slides from his neck easily. It excites Astarion. His eyes glitter like you’ve never seen before. Being a magistrate isn’t about caring about the laws he’s vowed to uphold. It’s about power. You give it to him. You hold your wrists together with a wicked grin.
You balance the fabric on your fingers. Astarion swallows. Being proper isn’t really his thing. It’s thrilling to watch as he changes his mind. You annoy him  —  he detests you, wishes you gone. You are the object of all his improper late night dreams.
But as if he’s moving through water, he takes his cravat from your hands. You almost think it’s going to be a rejection. Astarion bundles your wrists together with an expertise that suggests he’s done it before. The binding becomes tight but not too tight and you relish in the way it twists your wrists. He fastens the knot into a pretty bow.
And then he kisses you. He grabs you so roughly by the back of the neck that your teeth slam together, but Astarion sighs so prettily against your mouth you decide you could withstand anything.
It’s a passionate kiss made up of teeth and spit and tongue. Astarion is both pushing you and pulling you. He can’t make up his mind. Does he want you and the stain you’ll bring to his reputation? A magistrate with a weakness for a criminal is such an interesting dynamic, but Astarion is a proud man. You are almost certain he would throw you into harm’s way if a situation ever occurred that deemed it necessary. You would do the same given the chance. This is simply a tryst.
You like to pretend it is, at least. You hate coming across as a romantic. You chase a freedom so exquisite no one will ever understand it, but when Astarion pushes you towards the couch, you don’t complain. You fall across the cushions with ease and catch him as he falls between your thighs.
‘You,’ Astarion accuses hotly, ‘are an irrevocable annoyance I may never be cured of.’
‘You are so very frank in all the ways you despise me,’ you say, moaning softly as he kisses your neck. ‘I think you’re capable of being freed after all.’
‘I am glad to see you are finally aware that it is hate that drives me,’ Astarion murmurs thickly. ‘It repulses me that you think you could possibly be endearing.’
You laugh and Astarion sucks a bruise into your collarbone. He’ll pretend to be aloof and noncommittal to your very presence, but he’s invested. You can feel the weight of his pleasure against your thighs even as he denies his feelings for you. Astarion doesn’t bother with your shirt or his own. He clings to your waist as he finds the lace of your breeches and tugs you free.
Astarion pushes his hand inside of your smallclothes and touches your flushed skin, spreading his fingers so that he can touch every inch your body has to offer. The fervor of the motion is what causes you to gasp. He’s a man on a mission, and he touches you at your core so adoringly it makes the bite of his words all but disappear. He fondles you like he’s never touched your skin before. Your gasp turns to a sultry whine, and he bites your neck like a punishment. You almost think he’s going to admonish you, that he’ll say your silence is worth more. He doesn’t. If anything, the echo of your voice spurns him to go further.
Astarion presses two fingers inside of you and the laughter dies in your chest. He’s trying to rearrange you through a perverse method. If he fucks you good enough, crime’s appeal will turn to dust within your mind. It makes you wonder what it would be like to dote on a magistrate. Would it be enough? Could it be enough? Sinning feels just as sweet.
He curls his fingers against your core and your back arches prettily off the velvet cushions. You bite your bottom lip and try to quell the pining, but then you catch a glimpse of him from beneath your eyelashes. Astarion is watching your every move. His lips are parted. His pupils are dilated. His cheeks have colored at the sound of your voice. He is torn between watching your face for your reactions and glancing down at his hand underneath your breeches. You meet his gaze bravely, chin lifting, and smile.
He adds another just to watch you struggle. The angle, the curve of his wrist, and the situation are enough to make your thighs squeeze together, but Astarion doesn’t let you. He roughly throws himself between your legs so that you can’t, and it’s hot, too hot that you cry weakly. He grins at the sound like he always does, like he always will. It’s his victory this evening. 
But as quickly as Astarion deigned to touch you, he releases you. He stands up and drags you by the wrists, turning his cheek the other way when you try to taste his skin.
‘The prosecutor is ineffectual  —  ’
You snort without meaning to, and Astarion digs his fingers into the swell of your hip. You allow him to maneuver you, bending at the waist while he presses you forward, chest against the chilled wood of his desk. You have to rise on your toes to stand comfortably.
‘Is that what you’re thinking about?’ you ask breathlessly.
‘I’m thinking about the necessary reform,’ Astarion snaps.
You press your cheek into the wood and stare at his door. The prosecutor, the defense. It doesn’t really matter, does it? Astarion is the only one who cares. You’re somewhat glad he does. It means he’s taken your case to interest, and when he presses himself to your lower back, you’re excited. He shoves your breeches to your ankles.
‘Are you going to take me here?’ you murmur. ‘On your desk. Where is your propriety?’
‘You dare speak to me of decency?’ Astarion snorts.
‘The weight of my sins will be forever embedded on your desk,’ you say. ‘You flatter me, your honor.’
‘Do you ever stop talking?’ Astarion asks. You can hear his patience snapping.
‘Well, you’re just so boring,’ you say, laughing. ‘Why don’t you do something that  —  ’
Astarion kneels down behind you and shoves his way between your legs. You shiver when he presses his lips against your core. He mouths at you hungrily. He grunts low in the back of his throat and digs his nails into your thighs. It steals your breath away. He’s so determined to change the very essence of your being that his tongue and mouth searching where his fingers first were makes you go weak in the knees. You whine.
You press your fingers into the dark, rich mahogany of his desk and try to keep focus. You want to taunt him. You want to tease him, but that wanton desire is almost forgotten entirely by the way Astarion feasts upon your flesh. He parts you with his thumbs and groans against your skin and you almost forget who you are. This is what he wanted. He wanted to pull your desires from you and replace them with his own.
You let him. He works you up as easily as anyone can be worked up, his fingers and his mouth exploring every inch of your skin that’s exposed. He goes to slide a finger in curiously, but you twist your hips away. Astarion is all work and no play. He will tease you relentlessly as it suits him, and he will do what interests him. You interest him more than he’s willing to confess. That’s why he works so hard for your pleasure.
When he’s done with you, he kisses the base of your spine soothingly. Your legs tremble beneath you. Astarion smooths his hand across your hip. You glance at him.
‘Perhaps I can fuck some sense into you now,’ Astarion mumbles.
He has the audacity to sound inquisitive. It’s not like it’s possible, but he seems determined enough to try it out regardless of his intuition. His hands are warm against your skin, and the excitement only builds in the pit of your stomach as you feel Astarion’s skin touch yours. You hear his clothes rustle and his breath catch in his throat. You hide a smile against your arm.
When Astarion slides into your core, it’s like a possession. The breath steals from your lungs. His touch is a familiar constant  —  you would recognize him anywhere by scent alone. You cry weakly. Your toes crunch from the angle, but there’s nothing you want more at this moment than to learn to be good.
Astarion hums behind you as well, his fingers digging into your hips as he tries to steady himself. The desk crunches uncomfortably against your belly but it’s a welcome pain. It keeps you focused. You still have the energy to wiggle back against him as his cock slowly pushes in until there is no more room left to explore.
‘Be good,’ he whispers, ‘and I will give you what you deserve.’
What do you deserve exactly?
It’s hard to say. You enjoy your life of crime almost as much as you love the way Astarion bends you over his desk. You’re good at stealing, you’re good at killing, but you’re good at being soft and pliant as well, giving in to that sentimentality that keeps you coming back from more.
At first it was an elaborate game. What could you do to ensure that Magistrate Judge Astarion Ancunin looked your way? He was a noble elf, and your hands were covered in fresh dough from the baker you stole from. There was a curious glint in his eyes when he looked over you, yet somehow the gods had deemed the yeast and honey on your fingers was not honest enough to be proof.
You are smitten. You bounce taller on your toes with every aggressive thrust, arms struggling to support your weight. Astarion fists his fingers into your hair and pulls until your throat is exposed. He wants you to sing for him, so you do. You arch your back and moan loudly. The sounds of it bounce around his little office.
‘You wouldn’t shut up before,’ Astarion says breathlessly, a hoarse laugh.
‘Do something  —  worth talking about  —  ’
Astarions laughs incredulously, but he does fuck you harder for it. He releases your hair without much flourish and focuses on dragging your hips back onto his cock, punching forward so hard you see stars. It’s wonderful, it’s powerful. If Astarion’s entire goal was to make you forsake the world, he’s done a good job of turning your life around. The cravat rubs against your wrists as you try to seek purchase on the desk. Your fingers drag across the polished wood, and you shudder as you clench down around his cock.
You sound so breathless and silly, groaning while he fucks you against his desk. He fills you full until you’re certain you can take no more. You press a hot cheek against the wood and try to catch your breath. You hook a foot around his ankle for support, twisting on his desk. You tuck your arms beneath your chest. You feel as though you’re coming undone. All your years of villainy, and it comes undone by the consistency of Astarion’s presence.
Your arms are stiff from constantly being up, but you’re almost grateful when Astarion pauses. He helps you turn on top of his desk so you’re on your back instead, and even though the edge digs into your lower back, you prefer that to anything else.
You meet Astarion’s gaze. He tells you he hates you, that he wishes you were out of his hair, that he despises you, but the gentleness of his eyes tells you otherwise. He slides back into you with a small moan, and you wrap your legs around his hips to guide him in further.
‘It’s good,’ you gasp. ‘It’s good, you’re good  —  ’
Astarion doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to. You can see it clear as day in his eyes. Astarion won’t say he loves you, that in his ardent fervor he seeks you out, but he knows that you know. Why else would fate lead you back together? You reach for his face with your hands, and his eyes flutter closed to avoid the wistfulness. He leans into your touch.
You cry softly as Astarion begins to grind into you again. He helps carry you as he does so. And it feels so good, feels so overwhelming that you briefly consider the fact that he has changed you for the better.
A spirit that slides into your very marrow. Astarion is hauntingly beautiful, and if he is a spider then you are a fly tangled in his web. He calls you a pretty thing and you give into the struggle. You press your wrists against your forehead and strain against his cock, unable to hide from the waves of crashing pleasure.
Astarion finishes inside of you with a low moan. He presses a rough hand against your belly to stabilize himself, and shyly, you touch his wrist with your bound hands just to feel his pulse. As soon as he’s caught his breath, he releases you from your bonds.
You almost miss him when he pulls away from you. He uses one of his hanging cassocks to clean himself with and is kind enough to do the same for you. You’re almost certain that your legs won’t work, so you sit up on his desk to rest and damn his paperwork to the hells. You kick off your breeches from around your ankles and sit, legs crossed, while Astarion tries to fix his reflection in the mirror.
‘You are truly an astute teacher,’ you say casually. ‘The art of lockpicking is all but gone from my mind. Thank you, your honor.’
Astarion snorts and shakes his head, torn between ignoring you and giving into your wiles. He curls his hair back into place and then walks back to you, leaning forward until you’re nose to nose.
You think he won’t kiss you, but then he does. His lips taste like summer oranges and you taste him until it’s the only thing you can think of. He hugs you tenderly. It isn’t the same as when he admonishes you. It makes your chest feel warm. You almost feel weaker for it. Your bite is being taken away.
‘I can’t keep protecting you,’ Astarion says softly against your cheek. ‘You torment me day and night. When I lie down in my sheets, I find myself consumed with worry.’
‘You think about me?’ you tease. ‘In your sprawling manse?’
‘Move in with me,’ he murmurs. ‘Then you can be inferior yet vain inside my sprawling manse.’
Astarion is not there that evening. You try to wait as long as you can without seeming suspicious. There are maids, family members, and their admirers who come inside and out throughout the evening  —  but not Astarion, never Astarion. You wait until the sun sets and fireflies light up the streets of the Upper City but eventually, the malaise of abandonment guides your feet away. You walk the streets aimlessly until a shiver runs down your spine. A chill so violent turns you away from the courthouse.
But in the morning, there’s a fuss. It draws you back into where you left and you can’t help but to lose yourself. Astarion is dead. His mother sobs. The members of the city watch who bear the bad news look equally as morose. Astarin’s father nearly falls to his knees in despair.
When you break into their manse that evening, you look for one thing. You steal a cravat from his wardrobe and tie it around your neck.
Then, you leave Baldur’s Gate.
You aren’t sure where your feet are going to take you.
Part of your yearns for the Underdark. Baldur’s Gate is a cursed city, you decide. You wander back to it after two hundred years of avoiding it like the plague, and not an hour within the city are you spirited away on an adventure you never longed for.
You have changed. You can’t really remember who you were all those years ago, or the hopefulness you might have felt in your chest once. You’re different now. A folk hero. You used to steal from the rich and give to the poor before the mindflayers fed you their parasite and stole that part of you. But you aren’t alone this time. You wander the beach for hours searching for anything that can be of use and pause over a love letter that makes you sob.
It isn’t all bad. You meet a half-elf who scowls as much as she mumbles to herself.
On the other side of the beach, you meet a ghost.
His eyes are different from what you remember. The warmth he once looked upon you with is gone and replaced by unfamiliar sanguine.
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beta-therapy · 1 month
You are not Entitled to Sex
Society has made massive strides in allowing women to be sexually free, the most important of which being the development of effective technology for contraception and female reproductive health, as well as the large-scale social destigmatization of public displays of female sexuality. Although this societal transformation is only just getting started, we are now at a point where women in Western countries can dress how they want in public without getting judged (for the most part; misogyny still exists but more and more people are taking a stand against it). We are at a point where women can have sex without having to worry about getting pregnant. As such, the downsides of sexual promiscuity have been eliminated, and women are no longer required to constrain themselves to a monogamous relationship in order to have sex. They are free to have sex with whoever they want without being forced to settle for a man who will actually dedicate himself to a long-term relationship.
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And we are all familiar with the main result of this sexual liberation: a small minority of hyper successful men get to experience the vast majority of sexual encounters, and if this is not you, then you either remain a completely sexless virgin, or you have to fight for crumbs of attention from older, less attractive, or “ran-through” women who don’t respect you and will cheat on you in a heartbeat. After all, women fantasize about sexual encounters with hyper successful men, and in modern times they are free to act out this fantasy without having to worry about whether the man will stick around or not. We as a society have outgrown the “ideal” from ancient times of a 1-1 male to female pairing where sex is practically guaranteed to anyone willing to commit to a relationship. Now, your mere willingness to commit to a woman does not make you worthy of sex. Society is now embracing the fact that not all men are meant for sex.
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For many men, this is a tough pill to swallow: that just being a good guy with a decent personality does not mean that you are entitled to sex. It can feel quite frustrating when you see women in public dressed in a way that flaunts their sexuality, but you also know that this display is not for you. Furthermore, any attempt you make at flirting or trying to make a sexual advance on these women is met with extreme social blowback. Who do you think you are? Trying to “pick up women?” They’re not just sexual objects for your disgusting pleasure, perv. Learn to respect people’s boundaries. Women should be able to exist in public life without getting harassed by lonely horny men who think their provocative outfits are an invitation to disturb them. The toughest pill to swallow is the fact that yes, staring is harassment, and if you get caught making a woman uncomfortable with your inappropriate glances, you deserve to get kicked out of whatever place you’re in, and you likely will.
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“But she’s asking for it, right? With what she’s wearing, she’s advertising her sexuality on purpose! How am I supposed to completely avoid looking at her or getting an erection/orgasm?”
By learning to be an ally to women instead of a misogynist. Learn to have empathy. Does she want some creep approaching her and asking if she’s single? Or would she rather you keep your head down and mind your business? Yes, in modern times there are lots of beautiful women showing a lot of skin in public. You must learn to control yourself around them. If that’s too much for you to manage, you don’t belong in public at all.
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“But then how am I supposed to meet a woman? When I approach them in public, it’s like they can smell the virginity on me, and they always reject me. And I can’t secure any dates online either. What am I supposed to do? Just respect their decision to reject me and stop creeping them out with my unwanted advances?”
Exactly. We aren’t living in the 1900’s anymore. Just being a nice, respectful guy doesn’t give you the right to sex. The men who get all the sex have been doing so since high school. They have very large social circles, which function almost like a funnel that brings them more women to fuck, thereby increasing the scope of their social circle even further. They have social media accounts that illustrate their social dominance. After all, it’s 2024 and one of the main ways people meet their hookup partners nowadays is through Instagram DM’s or dating apps. There certainly is a positive feedback loop causing the male social elites to have sex with more and more women, whereas for a male virgin, one reason women avoid him is specifically due to his lack of experience, thus perpetuating his sexlessness.
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Note about tipping: There is an option to tip me on the main blog page tumblr.com/beta-therapy (and also on each individual post for computer users). My content will always be available for free because I want to reach as many people as possible. If you enjoy my content and want me to continue to produce better and better posts, and you have some extra money, please consider tipping. Thanks!
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rendy-a · 3 months
hi I really like the yandere Vil and Rook with a reader who's disguised as a male, post.
So can I request something familiar with the savanaclaw trio?
In the interest of being inclusive to all readers, I will write this as there is a rumor the Prefect might be a girl.  Yandere suitors will attempt to uncover the mystery, but the ultimate outcome will be left to the reader to determine.
I’m running out of ideas on that particular scenario, so I did all 3 in one scenario.  Hope you like it!
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When Leona stepped in to the Savanaclaw locker room, Ruggie and Jack quickly jumped apart.  Leona rolls his eyes, “Could you be any more obvious?”  Ruggie holds a hand to his mouth and laughs, “Shishishi!” Regardless of being caught having some sort of illicit conversation, Ruggie remains unashamed.  Instead, he seems to find this more of an opportunity than a hinderance.  “Say Boss,” Ruggie says as he slides to Leona’s side, “What do you make of this whole Prefect business?” 
Leona allows an eye to slide and observe the sly hyena.  He needn’t ask what business he meant; it was all anyone was talking about the past few days.  “Just stop it!” Jack grumbles, “It’s none of our business.  If the Prefect wanted to tell us something like that, they would.”  Ruggie catches hold of that statement and returns to prod Jack with it, “So you agree, there is something to be told there?”  Jack is taken aback and quickly backpedals, “I..I don’t know!  Its not like we talk about that sort of thing!”  Ruggie scoffs, “Well why not?” Then he gets a mocking look in his eye, “I mean, we are all guys here, right?  Its totally normal to compare..”  A loud slam cuts Ruggie off. 
Ruggie clamps his mouth shut and looks at Leona where he glowers with a fist against a locker.  “See,” Jack smugly retorts, “Leona agrees with me.  You just don’t do that to a guy you owe your loyalty to.”  This sets Ruggie off again, “And what if they aren’t a guy?”  Finally, Leona steps in, “Then its even worse.  You should show a woman proper respect.”  At this, Ruggie finally appears to be a bit ashamed.  He rubs his head softly, “Aren’t you even a little curious?”  Leona stares into the distance silently for a long moment.  Then he sighs and says, “Doesn’t matter.  It isn’t something you can ask.”  Ruggie looks crestfallen and so Leona, taking pity on him, replies slyly, “I only said you couldn’t ASK.”  Then he bares his fangs in a cunning smile.  Jack looks apprehensive but Ruggie is already onboard with whatever plan Leona has come up with.  Shishisshi…
“Thanks for helping out, Prefect,” Ruggie says as he pulls the Prefect of Ramshackle dorm along beside him with an arm tossed over their shoulders, “I can’t tell you how helpful it is to have someone to play manager for us.”  You stagger a bit under the weight of the towels and equipment you are carrying in addition to the pressure of Ruggie’s arm but hold on.  “Ah, its no problem, really.  I think it is sort of interesting to watch you guys play Spelldrive since, you know, I can’t really play.”  You think for a moment that Ruggie seems to feel guilty and quickly rephrase, “Not that being magicless is bad!  I’m learning so much about Twisted Wonderland and everything just being here!”  This seems to cheer Ruggie a bit and he smiles and pulls you in very close.  Then he practically puts his head to your shoulder and takes a deep breath.  ‘What is this, some sort of get-your-head-in-the-game deep breaths or something?’ you wonder.  It was very awkward, so you nervously chuckle and sort of shrug your shoulders.  Ruggie, instead of seeming discouraged, merely smiles back at you and copies your shrug and chuckle. 
You open your eyes wider and stand, not knowing quite how to respond when Jack comes to your rescue, shouldering between Ruggie and you.  “Quit it,” he mumbles softly over his shoulder to Ruggie.  You feel relieved to have the tension broken but aren’t sure what to make of this interaction.  You look at Ruggie questioningly.  “Don’t worry.  It’s just a minor difference of opinion,” Ruggie assures you warmly.  Then shouts at the disappearing Jack, “He still came though!  Guess he isn’t too good for this after all!”  Jack’s ears flatten to his skull, and he glares at Ruggie before catching your eye.  Then he flushes strongly across the cheeks and turns nervously away.  “Training is training,” he mumbles before setting out at a run to join the warmup.
You watch him go curiously until you hear a low rumbling voice from behind you.  “Not to worry, Prefect, the pup is just eager to wag his tail for you.”  You look deep into the shadows to the bleachers set up for viewing and finally locate Leona.  He watches you with deep interest before smiling a challenging half smile at you, “Hope you are eager to show off yourself.  We’re really going to work you hard today.”  You straighten your back and loudly retort, “I’m up for it, Leona Senpai!”  He steps forward in a slow stalking step until he comes an arm length away, “Good.  You’ll need that enthusiasm.”  Then he peers over your shoulder at Ruggie who gives Leona a shrug as though to say, ‘who knows.’  He scoffs at the hyena, “Too soon.  You need to learn patience.”  Then he locks eyes with you for just a moment before jogging away to the Savanaclaw students who are finishing their warmup.  Training has begun.
Intense was the only way you could describe the training regimen you were observing today.  Not only was it intense for the training Savanaclaw members, but it was also intense for you as well.  Woosh!  A stray spelldrive disk veers wide of the goal and ends up in the stands.  “Another one for you, Prefect,” Leona calls with a satisfied smirk.  You give a tight smile and set off into a run to the other side of the stadium to climb into the stands to retrieve it.  You’d been doing a lot of this today.  Not that you minded retrieving the disks that went out of bounds, but it seems like today luck wasn’t with you.  Every errant disk seems to be on the complete other end of the place.  You were sweating like crazy before training was half over. 
The only one not missing disks today was Jack.  He was running wild as though it was his personal mission to catch not only all his disks but as many of the errant disks as possible too.  Each time he manages to save you a jog, he looks at you proudly, tail wagging behind him.  Unfortunately, it also feels like these times Jack is saving the day are also the times Leona is most prone to lobbing long and difficult throws to Ruggie.  The second-year student appears to be having a new training regimen and…it isn’t going so well.  Most of Leona’s difficult passes seem to evade the hyena.  “Woah, oops.  There goes another one!  Be a pal and grab that for me, eh Prefect?  Shishishi!” 
When you finally hear Leona call for the end of practice, you are beyond grateful.  “Am I done then?” you hesitantly ask him.  “One more for you to grab over there,” he says as he nods vaguely toward a tall patch of grass and shrubs.  “Umm,” you mutter hesitantly, “Where exactly?”  His eyes sharpen and he gives you a fang-tipped smile.  Then he saunters over to you and spins you toward the patch, leans over you and points, “Just there, see?”  You stand that way for a moment as you try to track where he is pointing and find the disk.  “Umm…” you begin before eliciting a laugh from Leona.  Then he huffs, takes a large breath and leans even closer, “See that tree there with the bent fork?  Look just to the right of it.”  And then you do see it.  “Oh!  Oh, ok.  Let me grab that!” you say as you set off.  In your eagerness to retrieve that LAST disk, you miss the look that passes between the gathered Savanaclaw students and Leona. 
When you grab ahold of that last disk and lift it for Leona to see, he shouts over to you, “Go grab the first shower.  We’ve got some cool-down laps and stretches to finish first.”  You give him a grateful look and rush off before they can ask you for any more help today.  Once you are out of sight, the herd gathers around Leona, “So?”  He looks at them disdainfully, “So, what?”  Ruggie’s mouth drops open, “What do you mean, ‘so what?’”  Leona gives the crowd a dangerous smile, “So next time, make a plan of your own.  Now get running.”  Jack gives Leona an approving nod and sets off and, after a bit more muttering, the others have no choice but to bow to Leona’s will. 
You emerge from the locker room and give the guys a wave.  Surprisingly, Leona jogs over to see you off.  “You worked hard out there,” he drawls slowly.  “You could tell?” you playfully ask him.  “Yup, I could smell it,” he says calmly.  You don’t react for a moment but then get immediately flustered, “Sm..smell!”  He pats your head gently, “Not to worry, Herbivore, it’s just a beastman thing.  We’re built like that to scent out pheromones and such.”  You look down at yourself and give yourself a worried sniff.  Leona lets out a hearty laugh, “Not to worry, the scent is well and gone now.  You smell shower fresh, Herbivore.”  You give him an embarrassed smile and wave as you set foot through the portal to leave Savanaclaw.  “Just be more careful next time,” Leona softly whispers.  Maybe he was fonder of you than he’d admit, even to himself.
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rebouks · 4 months
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Hey Bird Boy!
I promised I’d write didn’t I? I’m missing you already, which is kinda stupid and cheesy, but true! There aren’t any other kids around now the holidays are over, so it’s just old people and super outdoorsy people who walk really fast with weird sticks and stuff, lame! Daddy lent me his crappy polaroid he uses for work so I can send you pictures and stuff so at least I’ve got something to do, they won’t be as good as yours but it’s better than nothing.
I tried to get a good picture but it’s hard to hold this huge thing with one hand and this is the best I could do but my teeth are totally starting to grow back so maybe I won’t look so dumb soon.. you can’t really see em but I can feel em poking through!!! It kinda hurts but I suppose we only have to grow em once so it’s not so bad. Growing teeth as a baby doesn’t count cos you can’t remember it.. how many teeth does your little sister have?!
I’m super looking forward to getting to know you properly since I can ask you stuff now! I’ll try n remember to ask you things instead of talking about myself the whole-time cos that’d be annoying to reply to, wouldn’t it?
By the way.. I took a bunch of pictures of my dad until I caught him laughing just to show you that he can be fun and nice, not always grumpy! He thinks he looks cool with his gold teeth but I think they make him look goofy, like a wannabe pirate haha!! YARRR!
I set Amber free cos I started to feel bad about keeping her cooped up in that tiny plastic box and I don’t think I’d like it if I were her, like how I’m starting to hate this stupid tower! I miss looking at her but I decided to start collecting fancy rocks instead since they’re not alive and don’t have any feelings. Dad digs up stuff for work sometimes so it makes total sense!! He said I’m not allowed to join him for that but we can do it on our own instead.. he bought me a big pretty one to start my collection, even though it’s kinda like cheating it still counts!
We found a birdwatching book stuffed in the back of the bookshelf looking for this notebook and dad said we should put some food out to see which ones we could spot.. they attacked him whilst he was putting the seeds out though so he said it was a stupid hobby and that he didn’t want to do it anymore. GET READY FOR THIS!!!
Ahahahahaahaaa I almost dropped his camera laughing at him and he took it off me for a couple days but it was totally worth it, please please pleaaaaase keep this picture cos I almost didn’t wanna send it to you so I could laugh at it forever and ever hahahaha!!!!
Oh, and I told daddy to take some pictures of me whilst I wasn’t looking like you do cos I thought it’d be neat, but I forgot I asked him to do it and got mad at him cos I was in my pj’s and my hair was all crazy.. it’s kinda funny I GUESS!! Plus, he said it made us even for me sending you the picture of him with the birds so here you go BUT DON’T KEEP THIS ONE!!
I got carried away and forgot to ask you stuff so here’s a list!
How old are you?
When’s your birthday?
Do you have any pets?!
What’s your favourite food?
Do you have all your big teeth yet? (it totally looked like it but you never know!!)
I was gonna think of more stuff to ask you and now the back of this page looks really empty but my brain farted and I really wanna send you this so you can send one back! I’ll think of more I promise!! I’m looking forward to “talking” to you so I guess you can write about whatever you want.. and I wanna see your house!! I bet your pictures will be way better than mine!
Yours excitedly, Alex :]
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ruris-world · 1 year
。・゚゚・ My sweet oblivion. 。・゚゚・
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➳ pairing: yandere!charlotte katakuri x fem!reader
➳ summary: you adapt to your new life, and your husband shows you his biggest insecurity, your reaction surprises him.
➳ content warnings: mention of previous non-con, male mastrubation, inappropriate use of devil fruit, uhh..voyeurism? dubcon,fluff, insecurity, kinda of dom!reader/ sub!katakuri, uhh, emotional breakdown [?? idk, lol ] ooc katakuri, err marriage kink?? [ i seriously don't know ], oh! a bit of a breeding kink, a smidge of a size kink [ i mean come on, he a big boii ], emotionally vulnerable katakuri doesn’t know how how to deal with feelings, a smidge of food play, I guess implied virgin!katakuri, reader is shy yet shameless, handjob, blowjob, pussyjob, no mention of aftercare, kind of rushed ending, also first time writing actual smut
➳ word count: 8.7 k [ 8,751 ]
➳ author note: i have katakuri brainrot, and he needs some love, so it's a win-win situation. also unedited and kind of a rushed ending. Please mention any warnings I missed. Inspired by this ask. English isn’t my first language, and I accept constructive criticism and any advice :)
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»»———- ♡̩͙ ———-««
It has been a while.
7 months since the wedding, maybe.
you aren’t allowed out often, the few times that you are out you are attached to him, your husband, quite literally by his mochi.
you find it ridiculous, a power that is so powerful due to its user, you saw him fight once and it wasn’t a fair fight, if you could even call it a fight.
days tend to blend in each other, especially if its spend in just one room, sure it’s a huge room even while not compared to your ‘normal’ sized body, but there isn’t one to really keep you company.
sure, servants come and go to bring you food, clean and organize, but they don’t speak
well, not to you at least
which you also find ridiculous, you find a lot of things are quite ridiculous.
the first month was spent crying, thrashing, and escaping, trying to at least, he would always find you, or one of his siblings would.
you stopped trying to escape when he emerged from a literal mirror
the second month was just spent…existing?
you were, are scared of him, you just spent it in a haze, you guess, you don’t remember much but you do remember the time you almost caught him with his scarf off.
It was by accident really, but before you could even glimpse at what was hidden you passed out, and woke up with an aching head, and flowers with a bunch of donuts on your side of the bed.
you didn’t really care what was under the scarf to be honest, but after that incident you went out of your way to avoid him if you even thought his scarf was off.
the third month…, was when he ‘forced pleasure’ on you.
you guess he is a man after all….
he never did anything other than use his fingers, but even that was too much for you, if you would compare it, its like using a human cock.
well, that’s a lie…
he did use his cock once, just not his real one.
can you even consider a mochi finger shaped as one, a real cock?
you don’t want to think about it.
he never force himself at you, at least not in that sense, even when the budge in his leather pants looks so tight it may just burst.
he makes sure you are cleaned on clean sheets, then he gets off in the bathroom, and sometimes he doesn’t.
the fourth month, is when you got invited to his mother’s tea-party, it was…nice, to go outside that is, the party itself was chaos.
believe it or not, you tend to fall into routine once you are kidnapped and aren’t allowed to get out of the room being held captive in.
so it was a breath of fresh air when you were let out of your room, and into the tea-party, and yes his siblings are a handful, and you are scared half to death from half of them , but it’s nice.
nothing much happened during the month, you don’t expect much.
…except that one instance.
he makes sure to come back at night, no matter how late the time is, he is always back, and he always gets up early, his side of the bed messy and the distant smell of him still present in the morning.
most of the time you are asleep when he gets back, sometimes you are not.
it was in the latter end that it occurred.
it was late at night, can borderline be considered a morning, no one is supposed to be awake, but you are
you were on your side, glimpses of a well-rested sleep taunt you as the door to the room opens, you don’t get up, you already know who it is, and you’re too tired to entertain his bullshit.
when you hear him call out to you, you don’t respond.
you would’ve called yourself foolish, if not for the fact that he doesn’t use his future-something-haki when he’s with you.
evident by the time, someone walked in when he was pleasuring you, and you never saw that servant again.
there is a rustling present, and it almost lures you back to sleep, except that he calls out to you again
you are annoyed, and very much on the verge of snapping at him, but you ignore it since you aren’t stupid, that is until you hear it
“darling, fuck—j-just like that”
is he…?
he wouldn’t…
“ah—you’re s-so—shit—so good”
would he?
“mmhm, you’re—hah—so sweet f’ me”
what are you supposed to do? do you turn around? talk? pretend to be asleep? ignore?
his pants continue mixed in with a couple of curses and groans, most of them are stifled and you hate that his voice alone sends blood rushing to your face and awaken a second rhythm within you.
you shift to test the waters, he doesn’t make an attempt to stop based on his noises, maybe you shouldn’t…
you ignore that part of you that says you shouldn’t, as the ‘squelnch, squelench, squelench’ drowns your thoughts.
you just wanna see, peek at his tip, see what the obscure sound is, surely his hands and cock aren’t the only thing that can produce such sounds, and bring him such pleasure, right?
it should be fine, right?
you’re his wife, it’s ok, right?
you slowly shift your body, trying not to make such ruckus that you do stop him, and his pleasure from escalating any further.
‘fuck it’ you think as you lay on your other side, eyes closed and make a sleepy sound, you hope it won’t deteriorate him or the situation.
his grunts don’t last another second, as everything around you stills, and silence fill the air, the sound of your deep breaths, and his harsh ones are the only thing present, seconds pass by and then-
hands are on your head, they trail to you cheek, and you feel one of his fingers trace lines on your cheek, and then they let go.
you don’t feel or hear anything after that, and you worry that you caused him to stop, and not reach his end.
not that you should care if he does cum or not.
that thought is interrupted by the noisy sound of slapping of his skin against something that continues, only this time faster and louder.
you are afraid to open your eyes, but that fear disappears when you hear his next words
“i’m going—fuck going to b-breed, you, be -hah- be a good w-wife and take it” accompanied by a loud moan.
all caution is out the window, as your eyes fly open, and what you see leaves you breathless and dripping.
there he is, charlotte katakuri, sweet commander, cold, merciless, the perfect brother, the man who brought you here, your captor and husband, fucking his fist.
his mochi fist, that looks like a cushion and is suspiciously moving along with his hips.
you don’t dare look up, eyes transfixed on his hips moving in and out of the cushion, his cock looks so big and you can even see its imprint —despite the dim lighting— from inside the makeshift cushion, his other hand is gripping the mochi with a death-grip, and you can only imagine what his face looks like.
you hate what the image does to you.
you hate the fact that you can feel your slick drench your panties, even more and then it occurs.
holy shit.
you think you can cum from the image of him cumming alone, his hips stall in their movement as he cums, his thighs tense, yet shakes, and his cum spills into and out of the makeshift cushion or fleshlight or whatever; no other thoughts enter your mind other than that you want that thing to be you.
you almost scold yourself for the thought, but then he starts moving again and he do so with a whine you can’t watch it, you wish you could but you honestly think you would cum if you would do, so you take a deep breath and close your eyes.
that night you sleep to the sounds of him panting, and wake up to the same messy sheets with no evidence of the night prior other than the drench in your pants and an almost un-noticeable tear in his pillow.
it’s also the month when he starts to become least present.
sure he sleeps at your chambers with you, but he doesn’t visit or stay or talk, not like he used to, and you find it ridiculous.
you find it ridiculous that he makes you crave his presence, you find it ridiculous that he makes you miss him, you find it ridiculous that you cry yourself to sleep twice a week because of him.
the fifth month, you snap.
he comes in one day, it's midday if you would assume, there are no clocks in your shared room so you have no way of telling, you are reading a stupid romance that can’t catch your attention, when the door open and the ‘clink, clink, clink’ of his steps appear.
you look up at him, as he shrugs off his jacket, and wanders to your shared closet.
you would have admired his back, if you weren’t so blinded with rage, you look at the mirror, think twice, shake your head then get up from your place.
you stalk towards the closet doors in the big room, and come face-to-face with his leg, oh what did you even expect?
you look up at him, as does he look down on you, he speaks first “darling? do you require anything?”
you stare, and stare and stare, a million thoughts rush into your head, a million more you want to scream at him, in the end just tears fill your eyes.
you sniff, gather all your strength and hit his leg, he may punish you but you don’t care, you are hurt.
“why did you leave?” another hit
“who do you think you are?” another hit
“you can’t j-just—just leave me like this!” another
“what? you can’t even spend time with me?” and another
“you’re so so…selfish!” another, and another and another, and then he bends down, and you break.
your eyes are closed, sobs recks your body and fills the air, your tears fall to the ground, and you probably look like a mess right now, but you don’t care.
your breath escapes in gasps, and you feel yourself being picked up, you’re so tired you can’t even yelp.
he brings you up to him, and when you open your eyes, blurry vision can barely see past his scarf, sobs, snot, tears, and even a bit of drool are falling all over his gloved hand.
god, you are so pathetic.
before you can wallow in more self pity, his other hand come to wipe at your face, and trying to save yourself from more humiliation, you go to help him, he doesn’t let you, and you don’t have the power to fight him.
your face is flushed, and you try to calm your harsh breathing that is broken by a few sobs.
once you have calmed down enough, he speaks, voice filled with an unknown emotion “I apologize darling, I hadn’t quite thought of how my actions may affect you”
you look up at him and hold his stare, after a few moments he pats your head.
you stare off at his scarf and decide to just spit it out before you chicken out “w-will you stay with me?”
his eyes soften, and you feel your heart flutter as the words “of course, my dear” are whispered into the air.
the sixth month is…messy.
your relationship is improving somewhat, there are still awkward moments, not that you are the one to blame; after all it's not like you asked to be kidnapped.
it’s the month he lets you out the most, he takes you on walks, and strolls, he combs your hair once, well at least he tried, he makes you sleep on his chest that month, you refused at first, but he didn’t care and either way you both know that you can’t do anything about it.
you think that his chest is warm and smells like mochi, and you had asked him to take you with him when he went to do his work, surprisingly he did.
he makes you a mochi bed thingy, which you quite enjoy as it is very comfortable and bouncy. You stopped asking for it though, since he would become red in the face almost every time you did ask for one, and would sometimes leave you alone in the room.
you find being left alone ridiculous.
you find the fact that you miss him, more so.
you find yourself catching feelings, the most ridiculous fact of all.
the seven month, this month is…
you are in your room, getting ready for bed, he isn’t here, however you find comfort that he would be in the morning, after all tomorrow is your anniversary, and he had made sure that he got the day off, well half-a-day but it’s better than nothing.
you are in your nightgown, about to get under the covers when he enters the room, and locks the door, which he doesn’t normally do, unless he leaves you alone in his office.
something is wrong
the air around him is tense, you can tell from the frown present on his face, and the slight rigidity of his movement confirms your suspicion that something is wrong.
you are debating whether or not to ask him when he sit on the bed, you blink and tilt your head, the question lingers in the air, you ask nonetheless “is something bothering you?”
he looks at you, you hold his stare, your frown mirrors his, it deepens when he sighs, he looks to the side.
this is new, he is usually…well, straightforward, blunt.
you sit upright when he mumble a “it’s nothing”
“katakuri…, what is it?”
he looks at you, off to the side again, back at you, closes his eyes, then sighs.
“I may be a monster, but I will always protect you, you may find it unpleasant, many before you have, however that won’t deter my affection for you…”
you are confused as fuck.
his eyes are on you, watching you as if you’re the only one that matters, and in that instant you feel like you are.
“it’s an unsightly matter, I will not put the blame on you, if you may wish not to view.”
what the hell does he mean?
he stops, and makes his way into the bed adjusting himself so that his face is near yours, and then he continues.
“this mark of shame that is constantly on me, i will not be saddened if you may not require to view it, again…”
you can see the intensity of emotions in his eyes, and despite all the words spewing out of his mouth, you think that you can get lost in the pretty amber.
“after all it is the reminder of my failure, a-as a brother, my imperfection…”
his hands go up into his face, you feel obliged not to look away, as if you owe him this, grips his scarf with one large hand, stays there, waits.
his breathing is hard, like he has been waiting for this moment, knows how it will end.
…and in one swift movement the barrier between the both of you is broken.
his eyes scan your face, as you do the same.
you want to laugh, honestly.
scoff at his face, and laugh at him.
for thinking all of that, and making a speech over some fangs.
it’s laughable, but you don’t.
laugh that is.
what you do is scan his face, his lips are kissable, his fangs are nice, gives him a charm about him, you wonder how they feel, are they pointy? or soft? could a nip penetrate the skin? you want to touch them, no you want them to touch you.
you want to feel them, really feel them, want to kiss them, want to feel them running down your body, want them to go up and down, want to feel them between your legs, nipping at your—
his scar stretches all the way up to his ears, and you never thought a scar could looks so attractive before, you want to kiss it, every inch of it, you want to run your hand through it, you wonder if the skin feels different there? would the texture feel different than his skin, his lips? how far is he willing to let you explore him?
you intake a sharp breath, his eyes flicker to you, right now though, right now, with his heated cheeks, laboured breath and flickering eyes, he looks so, so…
he blinks, you do too.
a blush.
“you’re so cute, katakuri”
your hand goes to his cheek, his eyes follows.
your thumb runs over his scar, it does feel different.
not bad…, just different.
he blinks at you, you can feel the heat rising to his cheek, when you look at him, he holds your stare for no more than a second then immediately invades it, you swore you saw a glimmer of tears there.
a few more beats and breaths, his hand stops you from touching his fangs, his eyes still haven’t caught yours.
“s-stop, it’s not—you may hurt yourse—”
his words are cut off by your hum, you can almost feel his doubt, guilt, he’s nervous, anxious, and you never wanted him more.
you slip your hands out of his, you take a large hand into your tiny ones and begin pulling it towards you as your words fill the air between you both
“you don’t believe me, hm? well, you can use your whatever haki, or…”
your eyes goes up, up, up, as the hand that you captured goes down, down, down.
“you can check for yourself…”
until it reaches below your nightgown and presses his enormous fingers into the damp spot, leaves them there.
you take a deep breath, consider your choices, this man is the one who took you, forced himself on you, you feared him for the longest time, he left you alone multiple times, felt like you were abandoned, but…
his eyes speaks volumes, there are tears and disbelief present, and that speech that left his mouth still makes it so that he is open, vulnerable
you want to take care of him, eventhough….
ah, fuck it, you think and then speak.
“…my dear husband”
he intake a sharp breath, and stills, you swear you could see his eyes darken, his fingers push where you left them, which makes a surprised moan leave your lips.
and then you pull yourself up into him, your hands are on his cheek, a few beats then he looks at you, a frown on his face.
you pay it no mind as your lips crash into his.
a beat, then another, and another, then he responds, and oh, does he respond.
its inexperienced, messy, your lips don’t mold together, but god is it satisfying.
you don’t think you have been kissed like this before, you don’t think you will ever be kissed like this again, and in that moment you don’t think you mind it so much.
at first it's slow, then escalates and escalates, and then there is tongue, and spit, and drool, and teeth, and fangs.
you find out that the fangs do break skin, well at least the ones on your lips.
a beat, and a second, then a third, your heart throbs against your ribcage, and escalates until you are almost sure that he can hear it, you want to stay there forever, trapped into an infinite kiss but alas you are a human and you need oxygen.
you pull back, he chases after you, trapping you again against him, you smile, pull back, want to tease him yet his hand pushes your head pressing into him, he wants more and more and more.
he is greedy.
he is insatiable.
he is selfish.
but only with you.
only for you.
you put your hand on his jaw, he jolts, you break free, with only a string of spit trapping you to him.
pants escapes you, making you breathe harder, and harder, he isn’t in a better state than you, in fact you would say he is in a worse state.
drool escaping from the side of his open mouth, face flushed till his neck, you can swear there are hearts in his eyes, along with unshed tears—your heart clenches at the sight.
your lips brush against his, and he almost captures you again, if not for the grip you have on his hair, one tangled in his now messy hair, another grabbing at the nape of his neck, he groans as the grip you have on him causes you to pull on his hair. 
he presses his fingers into you, both of you are playing a dangerous game.
none of you mind.
“wait, kata…lay on your back.”
his eyes that were previously glazed with a haze clear a bit, yet there is a confused frown on his face.
“huh? b-but you—”
“shh, kata, let your wife take care of you for a split second, and relax.”
“come on, katakuri…” a peck on his lips, “be a good husband and lay on your back” another peck, this time near his fangs, “let me make you feel good” another peck, this time on his nose, his eyes flutter close at the contact.
with a groan he gets off you, and lays on his back on the bed, you follow after him, straddling his heaving chest.
your hands slowly travel along his abdomen, towards his pecks, slowly trace over each nipple, lingering there and then escalate towards his neck, to his jaw which is slack open for you, his eyes continue to follow each movement as your hands stay at his jaw a bit further.
you dully note that a past you would call you ridiculous, what you are doing is ridiculous, would probably shout at you, tell you that you shouldn’t do this with your kidnapper, the man who strike so much fear inside you, the man who hurt you for far too much, that you should hurt him just as much, and even if it was a lie call him ugly, disgusting, a monster.
you leave that part behind you whenever you press your lips to his jaw, trailing pecks over there, he jerks in your hands, you guess he is pretty sensitive there.
you hum, with a smile, and whisper in his ear “what’s wrong kata? did i hit a spot?” he shudders in response, and you get more wet at the thought that a man so big, powerful, and beefy is reduced to a shuddering and blushing mess with just a few touches.
Katakuri has no idea how to feel, or process the situation before him.
He didn’t expect your response in a million years, and the mere thought that you not only said those words but continued to mark him with your wet kisses and wandering hands makes his head spin.
and while surprise and bashfulness full him and heat his cheeks at the way you called him your husband—the tone, the hidden emotion, and the way you looked at him—he can’t deny that it turned him on, immensely.
perhaps he should feel more grateful for you and your reaction, however he can’t help feeling that maybe you do deserve to feel some level of disgust at viewing his face, that maybe you should have screamed, or that maybe you should have—oh
“Hmm? now tell me dear husband of mine—” he almost whines “—where have i lost you”
he flushes more under your gaze that captures him feels like it will swallow him whole, it's lustful and full of want, he duly notes the effect you have on him, and that a past him wouldn’t be so appreciative that he is allowing himself to be weak and vulnerable.
but that’s ok.
because the past him doesn’t have you around.
because the past him doesn’t have you kissing down his tattoos.
because the past him doesn’t have you whispering hushed praises about him.
because the past him doesn’t have your lips kissing and licking down his body.
because the past him doesn’t have you willingly blushing and fumbling as you ascend his body.
because the past him doesn’t have you, just you, so tiny, and exposed to him.
his hands flex at his sides as you kiss down his happy trail, leading you to his prominent bulge that's straining against his leather pants.
you hum and look at him through your lashes, his breath catches in his throat, god he’s so weak for you, its almost pathetic.
your tiny fingers go to his belt, trying to free him, yet as you fumble with the skull on his belt, his hands come to join you, he’s hesitant, you note “can you help me?” you encourage him and the blush is consistently increasing down his neck as he whispers a “yes”
you let go and watch in fascination the way his hands quickly and masterfully unbuckle his belt, then proceeds to remove his pants, your hands flies to his, “take those off too” you motion to his gloves.
he nodes then does as he is told, and you inspect them, you know how they feel, but seeing every little detail in them? appreciating how his hands are much bigger than yours? how are his fingers longer? knowing they could reach spots you never dreamed of experiencing?
god, they were pretty, looked calloused and rough, like they have texture, and the veins that ran down them, you could drool.
your thighs unconsciously rub against each other to gain some friction, but you remind yourself that this isn’t about you, it's about him.
“kata, kata, you’re so pretty..”
his closes his palms at that, and flexes them open, you can’t help it, your hands go to grab his fingers and bring them to your lips “can i?”
“yeah.” he says the word breathless, and you don’t wait a second before you put two fingers into your mouth, both of you groan at the contacts. Your hands goes to hold his hand and guide more of his fingers into your wet cavern, you suck on them and run your tongue under them, as response he presses on your tongue, weighing it down, you moan at the feeling, dragging his fingers backwards and forth, a few more times until you feel harsh breaths blowing into your face, you open your eyes that you haven’t even realised you closed, to meet amber ones.
Katakuri’s eyes were wide blown, watching the way your mouth sucks his fingers off like its a cock, and the way you seem like the simple act of having his fingers in your mouth has brought you pleasure, he couldn’t help it, he normally has enough self-restraint, but it was like his fingers had a mind of their own.
you are taken aback by the taste of a mochi-like substance that suddenly erupts in your mouth, and you stare at him yet find his gaze distracted at the way his fingers escape your mouth to make the liquid dribble down your chin and into his leather pants.
You swallow what you could of the liquid, and he watches with eyes of a predator as it gobbles down your throat, you lose yourself for a moment in his face, and once again you are captured by the beauty of the man infront of you.
Katakuri can feel the heat of your cunt on him, and the realization that he is the one who got you all hot and bothered turn him on more than he cares to admit, he can feel the weight of your gaze on him, and when his eyes flicker to you, he is stunned by you for a second, and just when he is about to be captured in your spell again its broken by your small “hi”, and he thinks you never looked more adorable than this, so flustered and tiny, cute little gasps escaping you, and the way you keep fidgeting around.
“Hey” his voice rumbles, a rare smile crossing his face, and the giggle that you let escape warms his heart a bit more.
The wholesome moment is yet again interrupted, by the gasp he lets out as you adjust yourself directly into his bulge, and the shocked expression, followed on by the smirk on your face lets him know that he’s in for real.
You continue your previous actions, and pull down your kata’s pants, he helps you by raising his hips and then continuing to pull them down further down, and yet again you are infatuated with the man below you. The way his thighs are flexing and twitching, they looked so muscular and you find yourself wanting to bite them, kiss them, and worship them, yet the only thing that you find more delicious is the way the now much larger bulge is wet, you’re not even sure if a man can spare that much pre, without cuming.
You wont lie, you are intimidated by his size, that isn’t fully revealed, yet you find yourself strangely aroused, you’re not even sure why, thus before you can back out, you pull down his boxers, and your jaw drops.
The way he almost slaps your face as he springs up, only to be hung down by the sheer weight of him, the way he has veins running up and down his shaft, the way he is continuously twitching and the way he throbs, the angry red tip that is all but leaking delicious pre, all that and more makes a second rapidly fast heartbeat in you awaken, and all you can think is that you want him i– no.
you need him inside you.
“Darling, y-you don’t have to do this if you–oh fuck” he is cut off by your mouth leaching on his tip, and sucking on him, you can’t fit him inside you, yet you hollow your cheeks and push more of him into you.
Katakuri is convinced he has died and ascended to a heaven-like place for monsters like him, not only is he feeling toe-curling pleasure, he is receiving it all from you, and katakuri has never felt more loved as he does now.
Laying on his back, with you pleasuring him, and both of you having such a vulnerable yet intimate moment, he would have never imagined this the day that you came into his life, not by the way you reacted at first, screaming and thrashing all around.
No, he was fully prepared to live all his life loving you while you hated him and despised him, you are his everything, and as he gasps at the way you littered him with kisses, all wet and sloppy, he can swear that he has never felt more loved and in love than in this moment.
You lick up the pre from the underside of his cock all the the way to his tip, where you kiss it, before smearing some on your lips, you lick your lips as you watch the way your hands continue to pump him, he’s so big, both your hands can’t even fit around him.
“You taste so good kata, like mochi” you giggle at the sound that escapes him at that statement, before going back to licking and sucking him, one hand goes to his balls, while the other sneaks its way to rub at your embarrassingly wet panties.
You close your eyes shut, as you hear the few groans that he lets out, his mouth otherwise covered by his hand, you would have told him to let you hear him, if you couldn’t feel that he was close.
You try your best to relax your throat, its painful you won’t deny but you know you will be rewarded with the sight of him cumming, so you push through, you force your muscles to relax, to fight the discomfort, you bring both hands to stroke his twitching length, you try what you know, your drool and his previous pre helps serve as lube.
Your eyes snap to him, intent on watching him climax, katakuri’s chest is rising and falling rapidly, his mouth is covered by one hand, drool escaping the side of it, his other hand gripping the pillow beside his head so hard that you worry about it for a moment, yet the best treat of all is his eyes, rolled to the back, and if the light focused just right you could see the tears mark down his flushed cheeks.
it’s all too much for you, and yet it proves the same for him as his hips suddenly jolts, with a keen moan–more like a whimper of your name–and then he cums, it’s sweet, yet thick and is too much, your eyes water trying to swallow as much as you possibly can, however it proves futile as after a few seconds you’re getting off him, choking and gasping for air, you try to get your breathing under control, and when you do, it’s when he just finished cumming.
Katakuri does not recall what happened the moment his orgasm has him, all he know is that the pleasure was too much, and then he was seeing stars, he barely registers the sound of choking, nothing but pleasure that he never has felt before registers in his veins, it’s as if every fibre of his being is experiencing it, and he thinks he passed out for a few moments, he cannot recall.
All katakuri knows is that by the time his eyes are opened again, he feels at easy yet so ridiculously sensitive for the first time in his life he doesn’t have the words to describe how he feels, only that he was feeling an after-glow of pleasure he can’t comprehend however that was contracting the look on your face, your eyebrows are crossed in a frown, and you had your hands holding the side of his face.
your thumb rubbing his cheek, which was a weird sensation, not unpleasant…just different; he feels exposed, like he is showing something meant to be a secret to everyone and everything around him, yet he never more close to you than at that moment, and he quite liked that, he liked having you and him alone, intimate, vulnerable together, to be able to indulge in each other like this has to be a blessing, or divine intervention to have an angel like you gifted to him.
“You’re drooling, kata”
He didn’t think he had the energy to blush even more, nevertheless you prove him wrong once again in the same night, yet the sound of your laughter makes it worth the temporary embarrassment, without him noticing a smile stretch into his face, he feels safe and content with you.
But then he remembers, “darling?”
“Kata” he can hear the smile in your voice, he takes both hands in his, and your smile flatters a bit, “what’s wrong? Did you not like it?”
He shakes his head, before pressing his lips to your palms, he’s careful not to graze you with his fangs. “No, i did, i enjoyed it quite a lot, frankly”
“Then what's wrong, do you-”
“Darling, rest, i just…”
“Well, i–you, i want to return the favour…i need to make you feel good” he feels like a fool, stumbling over his words like that.
“...you don’t have to do that”
“No, I want to, I need to bring you pleasure, as the one you have brought upon me, only if you are comfortable with that too. darling , do you want this?”
“Yeah” it's breathless, the way you say it, just like he previously did and the way your lips are, it’s like every movement you make is to tempt him, tease him, it feels like a trap, and even if it was, he would gladly fall into one, if it's for you but now, now he wants to kiss you.
So he does.
You’re surprised for a moment, and he thinks that he did something wrong, before you respond back, with the same intensity. It's passionate, full of electricity and emotion, it's like two lovers have met after a long time. It's pleasant, but then it’s not. It quickly escalates, until it’s all drool, teeth and tongues clashing with each other, it’s like taking a bite out of a forbidden fruit, something that you know is wrong yet feels good, too good, both of you want more, so more you take of each other, until the moment you can’t go longer with oxygen is reached.
God, this must be the millionth time you kissed him tonight, yet you can’t get enough; you want to makeout with him forever, his lips are addicting, and the way his fangs feed that addiction is unmeasurable.
Somehow during that process katakuri managed to get rid of your nightgown, you don’t even notice until you feel one of his hands creeping up your back, and that sends signals down your spine.
The way his fingers are delicately running up and down your back, and fiddling with the strap of your bra leaves goosebumps down their path that you are sure he can feel, you would be too occupied with the thought of that if it weren’t for his lips that are moulding against yours.
You let out a gasp that is swallowed by his tongue, as he manages to get you out of your bra, he keeps a hand on your hips, holding you still with one and the other one goes to your cheek pulling you away but not before ending it with a peck on your lips, you try to deepen it drunk off the taste of him but he doesn’t let you, instead he chuckles at the whine you let out and the sound goes straight to your core.
“patience, pretty…” his voice is sharp, deep, and sends tingles all over your body, the ability of his voice and the entirety of him that has a hold on you can’t be denied any longer, no matter what you try it always catches up to you.
katakuri ‘s thumb rub over your bottom lip, teasing you, everything stalls for a moment, it's like there’s only you and him, he looks majestic like this, almost heavenly, the way his amber eyes are gazing at you, almost devouring you, and then the cold air hits you, and you realize your bra has abandoned you, almost instantaneously his eyes widen with an emotion your brain cannot decipher.
Your hands go to cover yourself, suddenly feeling shy and bashful under his intense gaze, he doesn’t say anything for what felt like forever, until he grasps both of your wrists in one broad hand, and rubs circles into the back of your hand.
The other hand still trapping you against him, almost like he needs you two to be close, intertwined with each other, desiring you, becoming selfish and indulging himself for once, and yet he will be selfish, if it's with you, never once daring to think of a warm embrace, a chance to rest, to be vulnerable with no judgement, he needs you, and you need him. It’s a simple fact, yet one that seems as a sin, and yet, yet…if a monster like him is to be able to serve you, bring you pleasure, will it be less of a sin?
“Darling, don’t hide from me..” he sounds almost hurt, as if the mere thought of you thinking you’re undesirable brings him pain, as if you’re anything less than perfect, the mere thought of you not seeing yourself as he sees you, not being treated like you deserve to be makes a flame lit inside of him, he needs to show what he sees through his eyes when he dares lay his gaze on you, and he starts by pulling your hands away.
The hand on your hips brings you further into his chest while the other lets go of your hands, not before placing a kiss on each of them, your hands land uselessly into his pecs, as his mouth graze the tender flesh on your breast, hesitantly he begins placing kisses there before taking a nipple into his mouth, the euphoria you feel from such a simple act causes your hands to press down on him, and such a simple act makes you feel a heartbeat raising under your touch.
He gains courage the longer he keeps nursing on you, one hand is already playing with your other nipple, teasing you as he rolls it in-between his fingers, he’s good at this, almost too good. A choked moan escapes you at a particularly hard twist accompanied by sharp fangs scraping your skin, it’s too much and yet not enough, your hands somehow found their way into his hair, pulling at him, and you feel rather than hear the growl that follows your actions.
“katakuri, please” your voice comes out more pathetic than you would like, yet you don’t have time to dwell on it, as he releases the bud from his mouth with a ‘pop’.
He leaves a wet kiss into your other nub before whispering against it “no one else likes seeing me like this” Your hands grips his hair harder, pulling him away from your chest, his eyes unhoded and hazed with lust takes a moment to adjust to yours, ignoring the way his saliva and cool air makes your nipples stand hard you took in a shaky breath to arrange your thoughts.
“…stop” you don’t know what else to say, this is the same man who kidnapped you, and took you by force, and yeah sure your feelings for him developed into something, but it’s complicated.
it’s within your right to be upset at him, you should curse him and after all the things he had done to you, be ingratiated to be within his vacenitg yet you can’t bring yourself to do it, you look at him and his eyes stare back at you.
There it is again, that look in his eyes, it makes you want to scream, why? why? why?
You can feel tears brim near your eyes, he blinks at that once, twice, “stop, just stop!” it comes out more than a sob than you would like, yet you can’t do anything about it, you don’t want this, you don’t—
Katakuri’s lips are on yours, his knuckles brushing against your cheeks, other hand on your back, pushing you more into him, fitting like two pieces of a puzzle, connected, pulling away just to whisper sweet nothings against your lips, apologizes spill from him, and continue doing so as his kisses trail down your jaw and into your neck, his fangs scraping along them, neither painful nor pleasurable, just applying pleasure.
You gasp as wet kisses are being planted into your collarbone and descending further downwards, yet not fast enough, large large hands busy themselves by pushing you into him, other hand hovering on your thighs, hesitant, before grabbing a handful of them.
“kata, please…” It's amazing how a couple of words can make your husband snap, as soon as these words are let out into the air, his grip on you tightens where it can almost be considered painful.
He drags you closer to him, and the feeling of countless hard years of training runs deliciously against your clothed cunt. Your moan is wet and full of sound as the first real friction of the night is received by you. Familiar fingers push your ruined panties to the side before proding against your entrance, they move slowly coating themselves in your juices before plunging into you.
The wanted touch of his makes your back arch, and suddenly your back hits the mattress, and his mouth is on your nipples again, it’s all too much stimulation, the way his fingers is constantly moving in and out of you, the way his tongue leaves marks and kisses everywhere, the hold he has on your hip bone preventing you from running away from his ministrations.
Too much.
Too much pleasure, it's almost painful.
And yet.
Yet you want more.
Need more.
Your thoughts are in a jumbled mess, and it takes way more effort than you would care to admit to speak, still you do; because as his desire for you is insatiable, so is yours for him.
“W-wait, wait, please stop!” his hands stall almost immediately, he detaches his lips from your body, and his hand is again in your cheek rubbing soothing circles into your cheek, which you lean into, before meeting his gaze.
It’s full of worry, his brows furrowed, a pout on his flushed lips—really all of him is— before asking in a whisper, as to not startle you “are you alright, darling? have I gone too much? Do you want to stop? We don’t have to–”
You feel bashful under his gaze, and the way he is so concerned for you, you try to regulate your breath, but you want it so bad, need it in you. “Hah- god no…no, no, I-I wanna cum on your cock…”
“Darling.., I–We can’t…”
Katakuri feels bad for the frown on your face, he doesn’t want to deny you it saddens him and as he watches a frown settles on your face, your lower lips wobbles, it pains him to see you like this and he is ready to apologize again, offer you another option to bring you pleasure as the one you brought him, yet his thoughts are interrupted again by you.
“We– you don't have to put it in…” your voice is small, mumbled but he is sure that he had heard you, he is confused for a moment before you say again, your voice wavering “you.., I can just rub it against me..” your hands immediately goes to your face.
He doesn't say anything, too stunned to say anything, his mind is running around trying to figure out how that will be possible.”We–we don’t have to do it…it’s ok, just forget I said anything” God, he really is terrible at this whole thing, however he won’t let his inability to express himself to you get in his way.
“Yes.” you sniffle and peek between your fingers to look at him “Whatever you want, just show me how to please you and I will.” The way he says those words makes your heart skip a beat and butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You whine as he pulls your hands away from your face, he kisses them as an apology, before his breath hits your face, “whatever you want…” he whispers, so genuine and full of emotion that you almost burst out crying, but you don’t, and the only thing that manages to slip out of you is a tiny “uh-huh”
He pecks your lips, and looks at you expectantly “lay back” he does as he is told, slowly manoeuvring his way so he is sitting with his back to the headboard. His cock is semi hard, laying on his stomach twitching every other second.
Katakuri watches you intently as you fix yourself on top of him, keeping a hand near your hips to support you whenever you need it.
Your hands go to grab his cock, coaxing a bead of pre from him, his groan makes you clench, impatiently wanting to have him against you.
“Hah, you can touch katakuri, help g-guide me” you say breathing harshly, it’s not like you can go around his whole length by yourself, you need some form of assistance.
His hands grab your hips, thighs spreading widely to accompany his size, helping you align yourself with his cock. Your clit is swollen and twitching, desperate for some sort of stimulation, his precum serves as lube mixing in with both of your juices.
Your hands are on his abdomen searching for stability before you make contact with him, an embarrassingly large moan a result of that
The drag of him feels heavenly, your eyes don’t tear away from the sight of where the both of you are mixed, your lips are spread open, you can feel every vein on his shaft, every throb of him, the entirely of him, you slid easily against him, the pre of him helping you in accomplishing that.
Your breathing is harsh, biting your lips to conceal your moans before wet lips press against yours, you gasp unsuspecting of your husband's actions, before reciprocating trying to shove and mold your tongue against him
He pulls away just just for you to chase after him missing the familiar warmth, he doesn’t let you, capturing your jaw in his hands, cupping them before breathing into them, you’re practically breathing each into each other and sharing the same breath.
“Please…” you’re not above begging and thus you find yourself with a thumb in your mouth and his dark voice whispers into your ear “don’t hide, darling, speak to me, let me hear you…” you don’t think, you just nod, desperate to have him against you again “i need to hear you say it darling…”
“I-I won’t hide…just please” He can never deny you, your head is thrown back yet you can feel his gaze on you, moans escape both of you—an indicator and reassurance of the pure bliss and ecstasy you both are feeling.
He guides your hips making you feel the drag of your clit, so puffy and desperate against his cock, feels like paradise to you, the only thing that would feel better is having him inside of you—but that’s for another time.
You’re enthralled to have him like this, countless nights you have been spending thinking of a moment like this, with him, charlotte katakuri.
Your husband.
You can feel the coil in your stomach reappearing, you won’t last long—that you know, yet as you look down on your panting husband you feel the need to hold off your orgasm a bit longer, in hopes of seeing him cum.
His face is concentrated, and all scrunched up, the warmth of your cunt against his frustrated cock is nothing like he had imagined, and he distinctly notes that he can’t go back to a mochi cushion after feeling you since he can never replicate the feel of your pussy, something so divine.
Any sense of rationality katakuri has disperse as he hears your voice, high pitched, whiny and desperate—so heavenly to him “I’m gonna cum, please, wan’a cum, fe—ah!—feels good”
Your hands dig into his skin, and his speeds up, frustrated desire accompanies him, intent on watching you unfold before his eyes, he can feel his end too, never imagining something like this could feel so good.
“Go ahead and let go” and just like that with a broken moan the coil in your stomach snaps, it feels beyond heavenly to be rewarded after such a long time, and katakuri keeps you upright with a hand while the other still stimulates you, makes you ride off your orgasm and he keeps going even your orgasm washes over you in waves, it’s too much stimulation for your brain and body, no coherent thoughts are present in your body “too much, ‘s moree pleaseee….”
“Fuck.” with a curse word that seems too improper for your husband, he manages to cum for the second time of the night, semen splattering all over his stomach, his grip on your is the only thing keeping you stable from falling into his heaving chest.
The afterglow of your orgasm basks you into sleep, you’re sure when you wake up in the morning your body will be filled with bruises and an ache in your muscles, but you can’t seem to focus on that with the way your husband’s voice lures you to sleep, baking you and consuming you whole.
“Darling, you did so good, I didn’t hurt you, did I? Was I too rough? Do you require a—“
“Mhmm, want you..please, don’t leaveee…”
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
current status: unedited
©ruris-world 2022 — do not copy, plagiarize, repost or translate my works to any platform! reblogs, likes and comments are very much appreciated
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gatorbites-imagines · 11 months
So I've read that spider noir has a organic web, which means there is a hole on their wrist that shoots webs.(wristussy)
So please, if you could.
I want reader (male/gn) to find out about the organic web
Maybe they were in the couch, holding hands, and reader rubs the lil hole,teasing it while noir is just squirming and saying to reader to stop (but they didn't, infact they did it harder) and then the web shoots out (i like to think its pretty sensitive), and noir is just being a flustered mess while reader is AMAZED lol.
Peter Benjamin Parker/Spidernoir x Male reader
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Artfight is pretty much over, so now I actually have time to write lmao
You and Noir had been dating for a while before you learned about the spinnerettes, especially if you don’t know that Noir was spiderman in the first place, then you’d have to figure that out first.
Because it’s the 30s you two aren’t able to be as open and affectionate as you may want, which most likely spills into your home life as well.
Most people just believe you are two poor guys who share an apartment, which wasn’t too unusual. Mix that with Peter being Jewish and antisemitism always being a thing, Peter needing a roommate would be even more plausible.
But because of the world you two live in, it’s difficult even being affectionate to one another when you are alone, because there’s always the fear of being caught and hurt because of it.
Maybe at some point in your relationship you two are able to move into an apartment building owned by another member of the lgbt community, where others like yourself and Peter live, allowing some of the paranoia and anxiety to leave you two.
It just means Peter has to be extra careful as spiderman, so that he wont lead the authorities to the building or somehow have the image of your community worsened by being associated with spiderman.
But living somewhere safe means you two dare being closer than before, especially if you live in an apartment where no one can see through your windows, except for maybe Peter who can climb up there.
It would lead to you two being able to be more affectionate, kissing more, holding each other, and cuddling on the couch as you watch your clunky tv play whatever was on back then, or listen to your radio playing music.
It might even cause you two to get a little bold, holding hands inside Peters pocket in public, or hooking your pinkies when no one is looking. It wouldn’t surprise me if Peter pulled you into dark alleyways or around corners to steal some kisses either.
Because you two can easier share affections now, it isn’t unusual for you two to just cuddle up on the couch holding hands, your thumb rubbing the back of his hand, or running your fingers over his knuckles.
Its when you are messing with his hands one day that you discover it, a small barely noticeable slit on his wrist. You learn later it was only visible because peters web pouches were full, as he hadn’t been out as spiderman in about a week because of injury.
You, of course, are curious. So, you immediately touch it, rubbing your thumb across it and pulling at the edges of it a bit in interest. To your surprise Peter jolts and makes a noise you rarely hear from him.
He would be extremely flustered as he covers his face with his other hand, quietly asking you to quit doing that, but he doesn’t pull his hand back to himself or anything, so of course you keep it up.
As you rub at the spinnerettes Peter would grow louder in his noises, his entire spine straightening as a whimper leaves him. Under his hand he’s biting his lip hard enough to break skin, his face completely dark from the flush that’s spreading all the way down his neck.
At some point you press hard enough on the slit that suddenly Peter seems to have had enough, lunging at you, and pinning your hands above your head as he pins you down. His hair is ruffled, and his glasses are askew, and his still chewing his lip as he looks at you with a flustered face.
You learn that night that his spinnerettes are quite sensitive, but might be just what you need to get him worked up if you need it.
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ataraxiaspainting · 5 months
Yan Nanami x GN Reader.
Synopsis: Kento says to meet him downstairs to get ready to go outside.
Warnings: Yandere themes, past stalking, kidnapping, manipulation, and past violence.
Word Count: 800.
Last winter, your captor informed you that you would have the opportunity to venture outdoors when the darkness fell, the streets were deserted, and the pavements were sprinkled with salt. Despite endlessly waiting for Kento to stop reading his book and unlock the closet near the entrance, allowing you to slip into your jacket, the awaited moment never arrived. This instance marked the first occasion when Kento inflicted more emotional pain upon you than physical.
It hurt because he promised. Kento had never broken a promise to you before. Never. For better or worse, whether that was promising to buy you a cake for when you were good for a few weeks or promising to slap you across the face whenever he caught you mid-escape attempt. 
You asked him if he was going to take you when the sun had set, the fireplace was lit and your cup of tea had long since become cold. For what seemed like an eternity, his gaze lingered, chilling you to the bone from head to toe. Silence. No answer. You teared up and kept scrambling and muttering begs to go outside even if it was just for a moment or two.
With every one, he shook his head and turned to another page of his novel. After enough, he started to sigh to the rest of them. Soon, you stopped, looking down at your cold feet and shuffling to the kitchen to grab your sweater, as useless as it was to keep you warm in this weather. That was when he spoke.
“It’s snowing.” Kento pointed to the apartment window, and the winter wonderland outside looked more horrifying than hell to you and to you alone. Snowflakes rush to the ground every second, painting the sidewalks and roads a shade of white fit for a traditional bridal veil. “You’ll catch a cold, and you could get hurt.”
You stopped walking and faced him. Tears fell from your eyes then, after so long of being unpunished. Despite the warmth of the flames within the stoker placed by the television, your cheeks felt so stinging that you could have sworn that your cries would turn into icicles that would sooner than later impale your feet. You sniffle, and Kento stands up from his rocking chair at long last.
Old habits die hard and come back to life at that very moment. Impulses, animal, and raw and afraid. You ran frantically, wanting to be anywhere but in the same room as him at the very least. But wherever you ran and hid, he would always find you.
In no time, you discovered your back against the wall, caught between the pantry door that refused to budge and the ever-present figure of Kento. It felt like a repeat of the day you awoke in this place, only this time Kento displayed a touch of kindness he lacked before, back when you bit and screamed and always got tied up or hit with his belt. So, because of this slight development, rather than resorting to violence or depriving you of your fundamental rights, he opted for a different approach–a proposition to be exact. 
“We… can bake something.” He utters his words with a hint of uncertainty. “Something warm. Whatever you want. I just don’t want you to get sick. During the colder times of the month, influenza especially gets passed around as quickly as wildfire. There is also the common cold. Those… and curses. You aren’t strong enough to defeat them. We both already know that don’t we?”
Despite its lack of fairness, the exchange was still a trade, albeit an imbalanced one. So, you think. Things are set in stone already for Kento. He won’t budge. You may as well not try to delay the inevitable. So, slowly but surely, you nod, almost choking up another sob as you do so.
“I… Yeah. W-We can bake something.”
“Good. How about some cookies? It is the holiday season after all.”
Memories of joyful holidays spent with your true family flood your mind, contrasting sharply with the current reality of being trapped by a deranged stalker. As long as this manipulator holds power over you, the chances of reuniting with your loved ones grow increasingly slim. Concern gnaws at your heart – are your family members safe and sound? You can only hope for their well-being.
However, your heart reminds you that it's important to prioritize yourself. Consequently, you decide to proceed and accept whatever you can in the present moment. Whatever you can.
No matter the circumstances, you find yourself trapped in a suffocating grip. It could be the frost, the concern you harbor for your dear ones, or the relentless pressure of Kento's hands gripping you tightly until you're on the verge of breaking. Turning the heat up will only burn your flesh and not melt away anything. You are going to get hurt whether it is used or not.
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kkencess · 6 months
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downtown baby, chapter two.
ii. coach satoru is like… such a weirdo. 𖤐
summary; you’re a pretty nerd in college. unfortunately, with the word nerd attached to your name, there’s usually one thing that comes to mind first. bullies. well, maybe you are being picked on a bit, just not by your classmates… but wait, your hot professors?
warning(s); pervert! gojo, sexual content, (masturbation.) there’s also like a pov change in the middle of the chapter, and a brief hinting at stalking.
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˚ ༘ ♡ ·˚ ༘  your volleyball coach is a man, unfortunately for you. the girls on the team didn't seem to have a problem with it, only because he was an attractive male. you had to give it to him, he is pretty cute, and rather charming. except, he seemed to have it out for you. just like a certain professor you despised.
his name is gojo, satoru. he prefers to be called by his first name, although you thought it was pretty stupid, since he works under the college’s board. he’s an albino-haired male, with striking blue eyes. he’s tall, handsome, and you even think he's a bit flirtatious. the way he talks to the girls on the team is questionable, but you try not to let it bother you. it’s not like he was hurting anyone, nor could you do anything about it.
hey, if you hadn’t disliked him so much, you’d probably be in the same position as those love-struck girls. you’re actually quite happy you aren’t as gullible, and blind as they are. he’s like, totally not gonna give them a chance. ever.
you were busy doing a couple of different drills, bumping a ball against the wall, and letting it come back. you were dressed in your volleyball uniform, which was a pair of tight fitting gym shorts, and a long sleeved jersey, with the name of the school written on the front, and back— along with your jersey number. because of your frame, your shirt kinda hangs over your upper-thigh. you were fond of it, since you didn’t like flaunting your body.
your attention is caught, once a large hand presses directly against your lower back. you'd cock your head back, not at all surprised to find it was coach satoru. his shades were atop his head, and did a great job at keeping loose strands of hair from getting in his face.
"uh, is something wrong?" you ask, blinking inwardly at the male. he was so touchy, just like someone else you didn't want to think about. the incident from yesterday was still fresh in your mind, and you absolutely dreaded going to his class today. of course, you had a class for him yesterday, but you didn't go because you didn't want to face him. but then again, you didn't want to give him another reason to drop your grade. you know he’s gonna drop it because of your disappearance, but whatever. it’s too late to do anything about it now.
"you're practicing with your glasses on again." he'd tell you, which was something he often scolded you about. you didn't think it was that big of a deal, but apparently it's a safety concern of some sort.
"i can hardly see without them..." you explain, before stepping forward, and turning around to face him. you could feel the way his hand seemed to almost slip down your body; and just briefly; his fingers grasped your ass. you'd try not to think too much about it, and just figured it was your fault for moving away on such short notice.
"wearing them during practice still isn't allowed. you know this already." he'd scold, bright blue eyes swallowing your frame.
"well, what am i supposed to do?" you'd ask, an obvious pout on your face. this was annoying, since he knew about your vision problems, yet he still wanted you to abide by the school's stupid rules. "if i can't fucking see, it's obviously going to effect my performance."
it was almost like he caught on to your sudden attitude, because in just a single motion; he swiped your glasses from your face. instantly, your vision was blurred, and it was hard to see. it's not like you were blind but you may as well be at this rate.
"why would you do that?!" you ask, confused as ever. you could still see him, it was just hard. you could hear laughing from behind you, which was clearly the other girls on the team. they thought it was hilarious, although it was obvious you were being picked on. could they be any more annoying? they need to give it up, he's never gonna give any of them an actual chance!
"give me back my glasses!" you tell him, wiping at your eyes as if it would help you see any better.
gojo whistled, licking at his lips. it's not like you could see him well, but something was telling you an amused smirk was on his face. "why would i when you look this cute without them?" he questions, humor dripping from his tone. he didn't bother whispering those words either, he didn't care if anyone else on the team heard him. they'd just laugh it off anyway.
"you can get these back once practice is over with. until then, continue practicing your receiving drills." he'd say, before folding your glasses, and tucking them into his pocket. your blood boiled at his carelessness, and it took everything in you to not march over there, and slap him in his stupid handsome face.
"fine, you— fucking hell..." you curse, before walking away. miraculously, you're able to find your ball, and you pick it up again, disappearing elsewhere. you bump into a girl during the process, and you quickly apologize to her, though you continued to walk until you made it to your destination, which was in a corner of the court, far away from the others.
it's not like you noticed from your perspective, but satoru watched you specifically. despite all the girls crowding him, he still kept his attention on you, like always. he'd watch as you bent down to grab the ball, his eyes slowly taking in your perfect ass, and thighs. hell, he felt his cock stirring at the sight.
he fantasizes about you all the time. shit, he couldn't help it. not when you were that fucking perfect. he enjoyed teasing, and picking on you; it was always the perfect opportunity to see that pretty pout on your face. you were so freaking cute, whether you knew it or not. with your brows all narrowed, nose scrunched, and a frown on those glossy, yet glittery lips of yours.
satoru doesn't like to use the word obsessed when thinking about his care for you, yet the word describes him perfectly. he wants you, and badly. the fantasies aren't enough, he needs you. he's spent more than enough nights stroking his cock at the thought of fucking you dumb. he needs the real deal soon, or he's going to lose his mind. he knows he’ll have you one way, or another. everyone finds him attractive, meaning you did as well; even if you were good at hiding it. step one is already complete.
nonetheless, some time had passed, and it was just fifteen minutes before the ending of class. usually, you took your shower around this time. so, as clumsily as ever, you'd walk over to gojo, bumping directly into his chest. he knows it was a mere mistake due to your current vision disability, but he can't help noticing how soft your breast were, when pressed against his body.
"my glasses?" you'd ask, holding out your hand for him to place your glasses in.
he'd shift his fingers through his pocket, before handing you the requested object. you grab your bag, and without saying a word, you leave the gymnasium, and head elsewhere— which was into the girl's locker-room. gojo would simply excuse himself, before exiting the gym, and following quietly after you.
once you walked into the locker-room, he follows after you. he'd watch from a distance, watching as you began your shower water. you don’t even bother checking your surroundings. your naivety was actually somewhat insulting on gojo’s part, but it’s more beneficial, than harmful right now; so he doesn’t care.
so, you soon stripped yourself of your clothes. fucking hell. you pulled your shirt from your body, undoing your bra soon after. it wasn't any surprise you had perfect, perky tits— but to see them in real life, and not his mind was enough to break him. he's imagined sucking, and biting your nipples way too often. he’d rather not go into grave detail about how often it occurs.
gojo kept his eyes on you, fingers slipping into his pants, and through his boxers. it wasn't any surprise his tip leaked with precum at the sight of you, it always happens. whether you're fully clothed, or not. the scent of your strawberry, and vanilla perfume was so refreshing, and prominent— even from this distance. you always smelled amazing, so it’s no surprise.
he doesn't care to check his surroundings, his eyes finding you once more as he grabs ahold of his cock, fingers pumping down the hardened anatomy. he's so fucking sensitive, head cocked back against the wall as he quickens his pace, eyes never leaving you.
he can't help groaning as you slip your panties off, the periwinkle colored undergarment lingering down your thighs as you step out of them. you seem to be checking your own appearance out in the mirror, which only granted him a full three-sixty of that amazing body of yours. you play sports, and you run for thirty minutes every morning. it’s no wonder your fit.
his digits are moving even faster around his cock, as he glances briefly at your pussy. the pussy he’s imagined fucking an unhealthy amount of times, shit it looks so pretty. hell, it's taking everything in him to stay here, instead of walking over, and fucking his seed into you— like how he wants. he knew that much wasn't possible anyway, not without your consent.
it didn't take long for him to reach his orgasm, specks of white fluid coating his hands. he'd grunt, though it couldn't be heard thanks to not only the distance separating you two, but the sounds of water hitting the ground. you stepped into the shower, shutting the daisy printed curtain after yourself.
shit. maybe gojo is going a little crazy.
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chapter three link.
it wouldn’t let me add tags, i’m gonna try and add them again tomorrow, lol.
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suhmingo · 6 days
I, uh, don’t know how to actually preface this. It’s really just a mini rant/pseudo-analysis of chapter 167. Which was pretty crazy. But, I loved this chapter, and yes I’m typing this with two hands.
But first let me try and do some housekeeping.
It’s perfectly fine to have an emotional, even visceral reaction to 167. That’s the point
If you feel grossed out, betrayed, unnerved, dumbstruck, or any form of bamboozled by today’s chapter then good! That means the emotional weight of the scene is working, and that you are a proper, feeling human. The
The whole point of fiction is to explore themes that would be difficult, even dangerous to experience from a place of safety. To me that’s, like the entire reason I ever wanted to become a writer, one of the most unsung broke boy jobs in the history of the world. My desire for Denji to get better in a world that is dead set on making him fail is the entire reason I have an emotional investment in the first place. Stories are inherently about conflict and the struggle with resolving conflict, that should make you uncomfortable.
Say what you want about Chainsaw Man. I can take it, I’m a big boy. But one thing that it has always had since Chapter one is a well-defined through line about the complexity of our innate desire to find some type of love fighting against the pain-wrought pathway that it leads us down. In a good story, every chapter should have some way of showing the highs and lows of that theme, and I’m pretty confident when I say that 167 perfectly shows us that.
It’s bad. Don’t let people who brag about their trauma tolerance tell you otherwise. You are well within your right to feel. But I think it would behoove people to 1. Realize that this is fiction, and its effects, though evocatory, are ultimately abstract, and 2. Realize that exploring dark themes allows people, especially a 16-25 (Or whatever the target audience for CSM is) to grapple with and think on human concepts as all encompassing as love.
From a writing standpoint, one chapter has escalated the tension of the entire story more than anything that has happened in Part 2 so far. It’s admittedly a bit early to call it peak. But looking at it as a simple story beat, that’s a fantastic chapter as far as the medium goes.
Listen, the whole point of stories since, like, Mesopotamian times was the tension between wanting a character to achieve happiness vs the hardships and trauma that life happens in life. They’re supposed to put you in a sensitive state emulative of a tense environment. I’d argue that the prevalence of escapist fiction and fandom has changed how we emotionally digest fiction. But that’s a whole nother essay.
The events of 167 aren’t some horny non-sequitur. Everything that happened is entirely a logical, if graven, extension of how we know characters.
Denji is at the lowest point we have ever seen him at. He was literally dismembered and put back together less than 10 chapters ago. The last chapter literally had him groveling on his knees at a cauldron’s brew of his own weakness, immaturity, stupidity, and horniness. I think we can all understand why he would not be in a good mental state to just lose himself in the moment. You can’t even blame Denji in this situation. He was in an entirely vulnerable state that was exploited entirely by
Yoru. Who is the literal embodiment of war. If you think that someone who represents the human fear of war is going to play fair. Turn on the news for five minutes. Yoru is a character we are not supposed to like. She’s fun, because she’s a work of fiction, but she’s arguably less trustworthy than Fami. She’s a violent, exploitative being who possesses a dead teenager. There is no “too far” for her if it’s the fastest way on the road to conquest. Reminder that before she caught feelings, her plan was literally just to castrate Denji because she thought that would further her goals. The fact that it turned into kissing was actually sparing a worse fate. IMO that savior was all in the actions of Asa.
Asa. I genuinely believe that, subconsciously, Asa wanted to kiss Chainsaw Man. Not like how it happened. Never like how it happened, but her desire for Denji/Chainsaw Man's affection has always been evident. She gets irreparably upset when she’s stood up, she makes cringe poetry for Chainsaw Man, and her entire goal as of now is in some misguided desire to make him happy. I also don’t think Asa is actually demisexual, or averse to sex. She is afraid of intimacy, which stops her from ever acting on her urges. Notice that both times Yoru has kissed Denji, it was after the idea of sex and intimacy was explicitly brought to the conversation. To me that screams that Yoru is spurred on by her host’s innate desires. Hell, it’s been shown that in the same way that Yoru has made Asa more proactive of a human being, Asa has made her feel emotions. I don’t think it's a coincidence that Yoru is blushing while kissing Denji. None of that was part of her plan. That’s Asa’s emotional influence getting the better of her in what I predict to be a fantastic role reversal of their initial contract.
This is thematically in line with how Chainsaw Man presents love and sets up deeper themes.
Remember way back in Part One when Denji was just an initial horndog and everybody kinda hated him? I hated Denji back then! When I first heard of Chainsaw Man I genuinely thought it was going to be a mommy-kink fuelled power fantasy. But I was wrong. Wonderfully wrong. Fujimoto used the allure of that idea in Makima to present a story about how dangerous and manipulative the very idea of grooming is, and how damaging that can be to a person. The same way Denji’s desire to get the approval of Makima was poisonous to him is mirrored in his desire for vapid, instantly gratifying sex is being portrayed here. I genuinely think this chapter is going to age like fine wine, and I am absolutely willing to take egg on my face if I’m wrong.
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suashii · 10 months
୨♡୧ MORE — bakugo katsuki x reader. suggestive fluff. allusions to sex. reader's gender isn't mentioned. all characters written 18+. minors do not interact.
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“i don’t mean to be rude, but can i ask why you’re still here?” you stare up at the ceiling, the unfamiliar warmth of a body lingering beside you. it’s a foreign feeling, but one you don't mind. though, you wouldn’t dare get used to it.
“what, you want me to leave?” bakugo speaks up from beside you. his voice rumbles and you can feel it against your skin. you didn’t even realize your arm was pressed against his.
“i never said that,” you clarify, turning to face him. blonde strands of hair stick to his forehead with sweat and crimson eyes stare back at you. it’s hard to tell what was brewing behind them, but whatever it may be is different than the lust you’re accustomed to seeing. “i’m just… surprised that you’re sticking around.”
“because you never do.” you hope it doesn’t sound bitter, but you both know that it’s true.
“does that bother you?”
he sure is full of questions tonight. it isn’t usual for him to be so talkative, hell, he would likely be long gone by now if it were any other night. though, you’re far from bothered by his presence; the better word to describe it is… confused.
while you aren’t exactly thrilled that he typically wastes no time getting out of your bed and leaving your dorm, you understand why he’s made a habit of doing so. this thing going on between you both is nothing more than a friends with benefits arrangement. at least,  that’s what the two of you agreed to a couple weeks ago. you didn’t mind it at first, but with each passing hookup, your heart sinks deeper and deeper every time you hear the click of the door signaling his departure. but you can’t allow yourself to be upset about it; after all, you knew what you were getting yourself into.
“no. i know what this arrangement is.” it isn’t healthy to suppress your emotions, you know that, but the last thing you want to do is humiliate yourself by confessing what are surely unrequited feelings. it wouldn’t hurt to be untruthful this once.
“does that bother you?” he repeats his question, though, it asks something else entirely.
“hm? what?”
“that we’re only friends with benefits.”
“why would it?” you shy away from the intensity of his gaze, looking to the wall behind him. did he somehow catch onto your growing feelings? could he feel what were meant to be absent strings beginning to him down? god, you knew something was up. why else would he still be here?
“so you’re still okay with us just hooking up?”
“yeah, of course.” it wasn’t supposed to come out as shaky as it did, but maybe your smile would hide the slip-up.
bakugo groans, pushing the damp hair back and off of his forehead, causing it to stick up haphazardly. you would have laughed if you weren’t so caught off guard by his reaction to your response. if anyone seemed bothered, it was him. “look, i can’t do this anymore.”
the small smile that was tugging at your lips falls upon hearing him. you thought your replies to all of his questions were enough to convince him that this wasn’t turning into something he clearly didn’t want it to. of course you wanted more, a real relationship with him, but you were more than willing to settle for the way things were if that meant you’d still have him around.
“this was a bad idea. i know we said that we’d keep things strictly physical but i’ve been lying to you and myself since the start. i’m fucking tired of trying to act like i don’t have feelings for you. but i understand if you don’t feel the same. and i’ll leave you alone if—”
“you like me?” it wasn’t your intention to cut him off so abruptly, but his hastily spoken words were taking an abnormal amount of time to process in your brain and you had to be sure you heard him correctly.
he frowns. “that’s what i just said, yeah.”
there’s a silence on your end before you speak up again. “really?”
“yes,” he firmly replies once more. his lips turn up but not in a smile—no, it’s closer to a smirk. “god, what’s wrong with you? you in some kind of post-sex haze or something?”
“shut up.” you can feel your cheeks warming in embarrassment at your less-than-called-for reaction. it isn’t that you don’t reciprocate his feelings, that couldn’t be more far off, but his actions in the past led you to believe that you were no more than someone he could blow off some steam with. so, if anything, your flustered state can be attributed to the fact that the man you had spent so long yearning for was just a hair’s breadth away—right within your reach. all that’s left to do is grab him.
“i don’t want you to leave.” you tentatively hold out your hand and it trembles, hovers, over bakugo’s face before making a home on the soft flesh of his cheek. your thumb brushes across his cheekbone and he leans into your touch. “i like you, too.”
“good,” he says, just above a whisper. his hand finds its way to yours, resting easily on top of it. in his years, bakugo had learned that being brazen wasn’t always in his best interest, but now, in this moment, it had worked out for him. it certainly wasn’t romantic and was far from anything he’d seen in those dumb movies about love, but it worked. and all that matters now is that he can call you his.
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thanks for reading! consider commenting or reblogging if you enjoyed ❤︎
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darnell-la · 3 months
I just came across your Colby Brock fanfic and I absolutely loved it. I was wondering if you still take requests for him.
If so could you do another dark fic with him where jealousy makes him act out in some seriously toxic ways (you can take it in any direction you like, no limitations, nothing is too much)
Feel free to ignore or decline :)
Have a nice day/night
My girl - Colby Brock
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pairing: jealous!dark!colby brock x reader
warning: slight cnc, hair pulling, choking, public sex, being caught, multiple orgasms, a lot of cussing, etc.
note: make sure to like, comment, repost, and follows us! never forget to leave a request! Thank you for sending this in anonymous supporter!
3rd person pov
It’s exciting living with Sam and Colby. Though y/n chooses not to be in every last one of their videos unless she’s filming, the friendship and trips are something she’s thankful for.
Y/n’s known Sam and Colby since the first month of their moving to LA. She wasn’t a Viner so their Vines never stuck out to her, only their YouTube videos after moving to LA.
Y/n reached out to them and asked if they needed a cameraman, and they accepted. Ever since then, she’s been making videos with them, not really showing her face, but their fan base knows what she looks like.
“She’s like the best cameraman of all time,” Sam complimented y/n as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She, Sam, and a few other friends are in their living room on the couch while others are associating at the party.
“I try my best,” she said before Sam started telling them stories about how much stress he and Colby were in before y/n emailed them and saved their careers and lives.
This whole party, Colby hasn’t been around Sam and y/n, but he’s been in the distance, eyeing them like an awol. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her and how much she’s been laughing with Sam right next to her either wrapping his hands around her shoulder or her legs on his thighs.
Sam has told people plenty of times that he and her are not dating, they’re just great friends, but Colby doesn’t care. He can’t stand watching them bond so well.
It’s not like Colby and y/n aren’t closer, but he doesn’t want a single man around y/n affectionately. The only reason he hasn’t scared Sam off is because he’s his best friend.
He knows if he simply talked to Sam about his feelings toward Y/n, Sam would instantly stop, but then that would be suspicious to Y/n and the supporters.
“I’ll be right back,” Y/n said before she got up and walked to the kitchen to grab a drink. “How’s the party?” Colby asked as he entered the kitchen a few seconds after her, acting like he was coming to get a drink as well.
“It’s pretty nice. What have you been up to? I’ve barely seen you,” y/n said as he poured whatever she found in the refrigerator. “Just been sittin’ back. You know me, sweetheart,” Colby stalked her every move, even catching her blush.
“You’re such a tease, Brock,” Y/n smiled as he pushed off the island he was leaning in and took a few steps towards her. “I indeed am,” Colby said as he softly grabbed y/n’s waist.
Y/n and Colby have been in situations like these, but have never brought it to the room. They’ve never even kissed before, but Colby’s always tempted to ruin their friendship to taste her.
“C’mon, Colby, there’s a party going on,” y/n leaned back a little with a giggle. She’s not uncomfortable, but anyone could walk in and catch them, and she wouldn’t know how to react.
“Scared your boyfriends are gonna see you?” Colby asked. “What!? No, I don’t even have boyfriends. You know that,” Y/n said with a soft slap to Colby’s shoulder.
“You know how many men watch you walk around at our parties. I can’t blame them,” Colby made y/n blush even more. “You’re stunning,” Colby admitted. Y/n could melt in his arms, but they’re friends. She can’t up and kiss this man.
“Alright, Colby’s that’s enough,” y/n finally pushed away and got out of his grip. “Can’t keep hiding it forever,” Colby said with a wink before he left the kitchen, not even bothered making himself a drink like she thought he was there for.
The whole night, y/n was fixated on the moment she had with Colby. They’ve had moments like that a lot, but tonight was different. She finally felt his eyes on her body all night.
Very room she went in, he was always in another but somehow in a spot where he could glance over at her to watch her every move, and she finally caught on. She felt weird but not in a bad way. It was hard to explain.
“So how’s your night been? See you’ve been converting with everyone but me,” Max asked y/n as he sat next to her. “I haven’t seen you all party,” Y/n said with a slight smile.
She barely sees Max anymore. She thinks it’s because he’s been traveling, but in actuality, it’s because Colby threatened him like no other.
Max is the first man to ever make moves on y/n right in Colby’s face. Not literally, but he saw them making out in their kitchen a year ago, and that had pissed Colby off to the max.
“You fucking kissed her!?” Colby shoved Max against his car after Max left the party to head home. “Who are you talking about?” Max asked, genuinely confused until he chuckled, remembering who he “bagged” tonight.
“Come near her again, and I’ll beat you into your fuckin’ car, you understand me?” Colby spat in his face, growing angry at how cocky he is with his girls lipgloss smell on his lips.
“Last time I checked, she’s not off limits. She seemed pretty open and free tonight. Maybe I should go back in there and-“Before he could finish, Colby threw him to the ground and gave him a kick.
“Let’s hope you can drive home after this shit,” Colby smiled down at Max before kicking and punching him. Max tried fighting back, but Colby and his anger was much stronger than his.
After Colby was done, he spat on Max. He didn’t beat him too much for he’s not a violent person, but he had to teach him something for laughing in his face like he was some bitch.
“Listen to my threat because I swear to god I’ll do it,” Colby said in a serious voice before he went back into the party to go find y/n and get that bastard out of her head.
“Just been busy,” Max smirked at y/n. He misses her lips, and he refuses to be scared away by Colby Brock. “What have you been doing lately?” Y/n asked Max as his eyes were focused on her lips. She didn’t notice but Colby did.
Colby is in the corner of a room, watching her every move especially Max’s. He would like to do something, but too many people are in the room. He had to wait until they finally left which took no time.
After watching y/n like an awol for a good 15 minutes, the people in the room left. Colby quickly made his way into the room and towards y/n and Max who caught him first.
“Oh, shit,” Max said right before Colby grabbed y/n’s wrist and forced her up onto her feet. “Hey, man, let’s her go!” Max said as he got up and went to grab y/n but Colby punched Max dead in his face with his free hand.
“Colby!” Y/n shouted at him, but that didn’t bother him. “C’mon,” Colby pulled y/n threw places people wouldn’t see him manhandle her then up the stairs to get her into his room.
“Colby, what the fuck was that!?” Y/n yelled at him after he pushed her in and kicked the door behind him. “I told him to fuck off last year and he came back thinking because he’s bigger and has more followers that I wouldn’t fuck him up!” Colby said, face growing red.
“What? Last year?” Y/n asked, almost forgetting about their kiss. “I saw you guys kiss, and I didn’t like it. I told him. Had to beat his ass in the front because he laughed in my face like I was some bitch,” Colby said, shocking y/n.
Colby never acts like this, so for her to see him pissed odd and cursing the way he is, is new. The last time she checked, Colby didn’t fight.
“You beat him? Colby, you can’t beat people because they kiss me,” Y/n said, concerned, but he grew angrier. “Oh, yes I can, and I’ll continue. I’m tired of watching you let other people do shit, but when it comes to me, you push me away,” Colby stalked towards y/n, making her back up.
“Because they’re not my best friend-“ y/n tried explaining. “We are not best friends! We are so much more than fuckin’ best friends, and you know it!” Colby said as y/n thighs hit his bed.
“C-Colby,” y/n could see how much their little relationship had messed with him. He truly wants her, and she doesn’t know what to do. “You’re my girl,” Colby smashed his lips into y/n and roughly began tugging in her clothes.
“Colby!” Y/n tried pushing at him to stop, but she was finally kissing him. She wants to kiss him, but she can’t just fuck him like this. This was so out of nowhere for her.
“Y/n,” Colby groaned between their y/n, making it known he could hear her. “We can’t just fuck up here while a party is going on downstairs,” Y/n said, making Colby groan at the thought.
“Oh, yes, we can, baby,” Colby pushed y/n onto the bed, disconnecting their lips. “Colby, I seriously don’t know about this,” Y/n said, making his sigh loudly before going down to his knees.
“Then I won’t fuck you yet. I’ll wait, but I refuse to taste you,” Colby said before tugging at y/n’s shorts until they were off. “Colby,” y/n melting said. “Colby,” he mocked as he pulled y/n’s panties off next.
“You’re too wet to be whining about not wanting this right now. Honestly, I should just fuck you, but I’m night — Tonight,” Colby said as he slowly leaned towards her cunt, touching her thighs. “Don’t hold back on me, princess,” Colby spoke one last time before diving in.
“G-God,” y/n moaned as she instantly threw her head back and crossed her eyes. “Fuck, fuck,” y/n repeated as he sucked on her pussy like it was his last dinner. He couldn’t get enough of her.
“S-Slow down,” y/n begged, but he was going to do everything but that tonight. He planned to eat y/n out all party, and that’s what he did. He wasn’t holding back rather she came too much or tugged his hair a bit too hard.
1 month later
It’s been a month since that night with Colby. He didn’t get further than just eat her out, but his attitude towards her privately has been worse. He complains about almost everything now.
“C’mon, y/n! It’s my birthday!” Sam said as he handed y/n a drink. Ever since that night, she hasn’t drunk too much. Colby won’t allow it because he believes she’ll let anyone get at her.
“Oh, no, I’m good,” y/n tried resisting, but Sam kept telling her to. “I know you, y/n. You’re like the best drinker. C’mon now!” Sam said, handing her a cup. She took a short look at Colby, but there was nothing she could do.
Y/n took the risk and chugged the cup. Colby had let out a breath he held, waiting to see what she’d do, and she did exactly what he told her not to do.
“More, more, more!” Sam began chanting as he handed y/n another cup then chugged his own. Y/n chugged the second cup, trying to keep his eyes off Colby, but she can tell he’s pissed.
An hour has passed, and y/n is only tipsy. She hadn’t left the area, afraid of what Colby might say to her when he followed her, but she eventually had to go to the bathroom.
Y/n waited around and surprisingly, Colby got up and went to the bar to get his own drink. Y/n took that time to get up and head towards the bathroom. She looked back a few times, making sure Colby wasn’t looking, and thank god he wasn’t.
It’s not like y/n is scared that Colby will murder her, but he has been getting more physically and angry at things she does. She can barely dress the way she wants to now.
He threatens her almost every day and any dude that comes up to her. She can’t have a normal life, but Colby doesn’t care. As long as she’s only open to him and him.
Y/n released herself before flushing and then washing her hands. She stayed in the bathroom to relax herself of Colby’s gaze. She feels so much different around Colby, and she doesn’t know if she likes it or hates it.
“Went to run from me, huh?” Y/n jumped at Colby’s voice before looking at him. “Fucker,” y/n said as she placed a hand in her heart. “I don’t like that,” Colby said as he came into the bathroom. The women’s bathroom.
“Colby, you can’t be in here,” Y/n said as he looked at the mirror to take her eyes off of him. “I told you not to drink,” Colby said as he slowly walked behind y/n, looking at her shaky figure. She stared at him through the mirror.
“And you did anyways,” Colby growled as he yanked y/n’s head back by her hair. “Ow! Colby!” Y/n tried wiggling away but he gripped Y/n’s waist, making her stop. His nails dug into her skin, warning her.
“You’re a bad girl, y/n,” Colby rubbed the side of his face along y/n’s as he breathed heavily. “I-I’m sorry,” y/n said, which she shouldn’t have to say, but if she doesn’t, he might get angrier.
“I know you are. I can hear it,” Colby whispered. He loves the sound of her shaking and trying to control her breathing. Now he knows she knows she belongs to him, yet she still disobeyed him.
Colby began pulling y/n’s tight dress up and then pulling her panties around her thighs. “C-Colby, you can’t. Not here,” y/n said, making him laugh. He has to be crazy…
“You think I care if some bitch comes in here and sees you getting your shit rocked? In fact, I’d love it,” Colby said as he began pulling his pants and boxers down until his length rubbed against y/n’s bare ass. She shivered more at his size.
“Please,” y/n begged. This club is full. Anyone can come in. Even their friends. “Ssh,” Colby whispered inches away from her ear as he pushed at her entrance, not even bothering to make her wet. That’s her punishment.
“Colby!” Y/n cried out but was instantly stopped by Colby’s massive hand on her mouth. “Keep it down!” Colby growled in her ear as he watched her throwing the mirror with an angry look.
“You tease. You disobey. You cry. You whine. You avoid. I’m gonna fuckin’ ruin you,” Colby disconnected his hand from her hair just to attach it around her neck. “Gonna ruin you so fuckin bad,” Colby’s thrust got harder. It’s like he gets angrier when she thinks he can’t anymore.
“C-Colby,” y/n tried, feeling her cum run down her thighs. “Augh, fuck,” Colby chuckled, feeling her cum on his thighs now as well as her legs shaking more than before. “Went into you dry, just for you to make yourself wet. What a pathetic slut,” Colby gripped y/n’s neck so hard, she swore her esophagus shifted.
“Keep it up, and I might take it easy back at home when Sam’s knocked out in his room for the drink,” Colby scared y/n. She knows it’s true. She knows for a fact Sam will be passed out in his room while Colby does anything to get to her.
“No,” y/n begged, not wanting more. She can’t take more. He’s too rough with her, and she might pass out right here and there for the pain and pleasure she’s feeling. She’s so lol over the place, she can’t even beg him to stop like she should.
“What the fuck,” a random girl said as she entered her bathroom. “Wassup,” Colby said in a husky voice, looking at the girl as he continued to snap his waist into y/n, but harder.
“H-Help,” y/n tried saying, not even knowing why she said it because she was right around the corner from cumming again. Colby gripped y/n’s face, telling her to shut up. To Colby’s luck, the girl didn’t hear her. Maybe y/n’s luck as well.
“Well, have your fun,” the girl giggled before leaving. Right after, Colby pulled out and dragged y/n to one of the bigger toilet stalls. “You’re so fuckin’ ungrateful,” Colby said before locking the bathroom stall as he looked at his cock. He’s already leaking.
“You want this. I know you do, you know why? Because you search for it. You kiss all these guys, but can never fuck them because they’re not me. You won’t find me if it isn’t me, y/n, so stop fucking around,” Colby was now inches from her face.
Without thinking, y/n grabbed Colby’s face to roughly kiss him. “Yeah,” Colby groaned in the kiss ass he grabbed y/n’a thighs to pull them up. Now he’s pinning her against the wall with her feet off of the floor.
Colby wasted no time to grab his leaking member before pulling her panties to the side and roughly pushing into her now wet cunt.
“Fuck, baby, I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” Colby whined in y/n’s ear as her eyes rolled back. His cock is one of the biggest she’s ever had. “Gonna fill you up. All mine. My girl,” Colby couldn’t keep it together.
He didn’t know he was close until he finally felt his knees buck and leak into her. She came around him just as fast, but he never stopped his thrust. In fact, he sped up.
Laughter began filling the bathroom as a ground of girls came through the door. “Someone for sure pissed themselves,” a girl laughs before her friends laughed with her. “That’s all you baby,” Colby said before covering y/n’s mouth to slam into her as she cried in pleasure. Maybe see if they get caught.
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samgirl98 · 9 months
Forgotten Demon Twin 7/?
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“So, does that mean you can get us that sweet, sweet new Wayne tech,” Tucker asked.
Sam hit him in the back of his head.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“Thanks, Sam.”
“No problem,” she said.
“Betrayal from my only two friends!”
The three teens were in Sam’s basement/entertainment room. Danny had just finished giving them an unabridged version of his family’s history. Barring a few things. Like the fact that Bruce Wayne was Batman and his kids were the other Gotham heroes.
“So, what now,” Sam asked. She still couldn’t believe it. Danny was raised by assassins! She wanted to be disgusted; she couldn’t condone any life-taking, but she was also aware enough that it wasn’t Danny’s fault.
Besides, he has stopped, and he was a hero now.
“Now, I tell my parents the whole truth about Phantom.”
Sam and Tucker stared at each other.
“Are you sure, dude,” Tucker asked.
“Yeah, what if they don’t accept it and attack you?”
Danny shrugged, “They took it just fine when they found out during the whole reality gauntlet fiasco.”
“Yeah, but that was then; this is now. Danny, you just told them a cult raised you. There’s only so much you can dump on people before they break. Especially parents. Why can’t you accept me for who I am, mom?”
Sam was breathing hard at the end of her little rant.
“Okay,” Danny drawled, “Your parents aren’t my parents, Sam. I would have to tell them eventually. I might as well get it over with.”
“Are you going to tell them about the Ghost King thing, too,” Tucker asked.
“I’m not the Ghost King yet,” Danny said. Tucker rolled his eyes, “Fine, crowned prince.”
“Yeah, I am,” Danny said. For it to work, he had to be fully honest with his parents about Phantom and everything it entailed.
Sam and Tucker looked at each other.
“If you’re sure,” Sam said, “Just know we will always be here for you.”
“Yeah, dude, the three of us are a team.”
“Thanks guys.”
The three friends sat in silence for a while.
“So, are you really not going to ask for that sweet new Wayne tech?”
“Seriously, Tucker?”
“Boo,” a pillow hit Tucker in the face.
“Hey! A guy should be allowed to ask.”
Vlad Masters sat in his office listening in to the three friends.
He was glad he had the foresight to bug more than the Fenton’s home. (Daniel always found the bugs, anyway.) What he had just learned had him reeling. Daniel wasn’t Maddie and Jack’s biological son. Not only that but that buffoon Bruce Wayne was Daniel’s father.
What’s more, Daniel had been raised by assassins.
This changed things. He got up and looked out the window.
Daniel was a valuable asset just for being a half-ghost like him. But now, he was not only the crowned prince of the Infinite Realms, but he was also the biological son of Bruce Wayne. If he could get Daniel on his side, Vlad would have more power than he could have thought possible. Daniel would be his son, and Maddie would be his.
It was time to scheme.
Damian got out of the car and left as soon as they got to the hotel room. Bruce was glad he had called Dick to meet them in front. His eldest followed Damian, even if it was from a distance.
Bruce sighed. He had no idea what to do. How do you deal with a long-lost child forgotten by his mother and brother? A child who had been abandoned by the only family he had ever known? A child who Bruce had no knowledge of?
“God, I wish you were here, Alfred.”
As he exited the car, he could’ve sworn he heard the older man speak, “I’m still here, Master Bruce. Always.”
He turned and saw an empty car.
The city must be getting to him.
Tim had not slept since he got to Amity Park. Now that the firewalls were gone, he had done research.
What he found disturbed him.
“Duke, come here for a moment,” the newest member of the family walked up.
“Tim, you should really sleep.”
Tim took a gulp of his energy drink, “Read this.”
Noticing her brothers’ tense posture, Cass came up to read whatever had caught their attention.
“That can’t be right,” she said, “that violates the Protection Meta Act.”
“Well, it’s there and it exists.”
The Anti-Ecto Act laws were laws that carried out government-approved genocide. They allowed ecto-entities to be hunted down, studied, and exterminated without prejudice. Not only that, but the way the laws were written allowed for any ectocontaminated human to be classified as an ectoentity and stripped of all rights.
How had the Justice League missed this?
“Bruce is going to be pissed,” Duke said.
“Our new baby brother is in danger,” Cass stated.
Tim kept the tab on the Anti-Ecto Act open and took notes to present to Bruce. He was also able to find fights between Phantom and other ghosts. The kid mostly fought in the air.
Tim took more notes of every power Phantom showed. The list was extensive. He whistled when the kid gave a well-placed kick to a vampire-looking ghost. Tim could easily see the League training. It was easy to notice when you knew what to look for.
He found blogs of teenagers praising the teenager and articles claiming that he was as big a menace as the ghosts he fought. Over the years, though, it seemed that the perspective had shifted on Phantom.
He cataloged the shift after Amity Park had been sucked into an alternate dimension and Phantom had helped save the city.
There were more articles.
Phantom Saves the City from an Eternal Sleep.
Phantom Stop Giant Plant Ghost from Eating Amity Parkers.
The more he read, the more Tim learned. The more he worried for his new brother. He was different from Damian. There were no articles of decapitated people or people stabbed by a sword. Danny didn’t seem to be as violent as Damian had been.
It made sense. Talia and the League didn’t truly raise him. He had had a chance of a semi-normal life.
Tim also looked into the other hero, the Red Huntress.
She seemed more like a ghost hunter than a hero to Time. She shot any and all ghosts. There was an interview of her saying that all ghosts deserved to be exterminated. Yikes.
There was a knock on the door. It was the secret knock Bruce had taught them. Cass opened the door.
“Hey, Bruce,” Tim looked up and saw the weariness on Bruce’s shoulders. The guy must really be going through it. It made Tim feel a bit bad for what he was about to show Bruce, but the man deserved, no, he needed to know what was going on in Amity Park.
“Tim. Found anything?”
“Oh, I found plenty. You might as well get comfortable. This is going to be long.”
So, I'm better from Covid, which means I'll start working again. I won't update as often as I did the past few days but I'll try to update at least once a week.
I hope you liked this chapter.
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afterhourwriting · 3 months
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Warning - none, really I don’t think. All good here, partner 👍🏽]
[Additional warnings - Kyle is a little oblivious in this one, is not proofread to the full degree]
All posts like these are alphabetical order:
Call of Duty Characters reacting to you proposing to THEM.
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Alejandro Vargas
Saw it coming a mile away, honestly
You both went out to a secluded hill that gave you a beautiful view of Las Almas, and although Alejandro had a ring of his own, he was both shocked but also predicted you would pull something like this.
When you got on your knees, so did he as you both proposed to each other.
He swears he proposed first to everyone but you recall the entire story to everyone and anyone
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Alex Keller
Literally couldn’t comprehend what the fuck was happening
He was happy, don’t get him wrong, but he was planning to propose
Get off your knees! He already has a ring, you stole his moment!
He’d joke about it for second but would eventually cave and allow you to put the ring on his finger
Still his favorite story to tell people
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John Price
Had it all planned out, then you went and did it yourself
John was obviously shocked as he hadn’t prepared for something like this
It was actually kind of endearing though
He was afraid he might fumble on his words since he had a whole speech planned about how you were his everything, but I guess it can wait until your wedding day
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Johnny 'Soap' Mactavish
Wouldn’t stop making terrible jokes throughout your date so you decided to pull that on him
He immediately shut up when you got down on one knee, pulled out a ring and said “Johnny, shut the fuck up and marry me”
The silence was deadly after that before a smirk curled on his lips
Oh god.
“Didnae ken my jokes were so good ye were gonnae ask me to marry you!”
Never mind, Johnny, forget I even said anything.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
Say what now?
Probably oblivious for the first half of your proposal
Thought you were just tying your shoe when you got on your knee so he didn’t think much of it.
Then you called his name, pulled out a ring and asked him to marry you
Literally choked on whatever he was eating or drinking out of shock because it was so out of the blue. He just assumed it was a regular date you were taking him on.
Once he calmed down and caught his breath he immediately tackled you to the floor with a kiss and said, “I was afraid you didn’t know how to ask!”
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You guys weren’t married already?
Seriously thought that after 2 years of being together, moving in and adopting a cat(or any animal of your choice), you guys were already at least engaged
But then you officially asked, and a look of confusion appeared on his face
“We aren’t married?”
His confusion made you laugh, and his face was red with embarrassment as he thought back to all your moments together and trying to determine when that mindset came to him
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It’s funny you’re trying to propose
The second you get on your knee and pull out a ring he stands you back up, takes the ring from you and gets on his knee himself
You would have laughed if you weren't so confused, but Mace wanted to do this proper, he wanted to be the one to propose
Once he explained you did eventually allow yourself to let out a giggle before letting out a “Yes, I will marry you!” And allowing you to place the ring on him like you wanted
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley
“What.. are you doing?”
Is very perplexed by the situation
He gives you a look that almost seems like he didn’t want to wed, but when you got up and apologized he stopped you and brought you back down.
“No. I want to get married, I just.. was planning on doin’ this myself.”
He slipped his left glove off and handed his hand to you, saying nothing but giving you a silent yes as you slipped the ring on him.
Either never wore that glove again, wore the ring over the glove, or put the ring on a necklace so you were close to his heart
A/N: So proud of myself for learning how to make gradient text.
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multifanficwriter · 2 years
they don’t know about us (jj maybank x reader)
summary: jj and you being in a secret relationship, because you’re not allowed to be together with any pogues.
warnings: fluff, some angst, fighting, party, mention of smut, kinda strict parents.
note: english isn’t my first language.
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you walked down the stairs of your house, into the kitchen to find a snack and when you closed the fridge, your mother stood beside you.
“oh good morning, mom” you said, forcing a smile to your face.
“i don’t think you can call it that when it’s 2pm” she replied, which just made you roll your eyes. “why are you first up now anyway?” she asked as i opened up a yogurt.
“i’ve been up for a few hours, mom. i’ve just been in my room doing my homework, trust me” you explained. “you don’t have homework, honey.”
“uhm yes i have. that’s how school basically works, you know. teachers giving kids and teenagers homework to ruin their childhood.”
your mom stayed silent. “did you sneak out last night?” she suddenly asked.
“of course not,” you answered, maybe a bit too dramatic, but you couldn't help it.
“she’s lying,” the voice of your brother suddenly said. “what the fuck, nick. can’t you keep your stupid mouth shut for once in your life” you said, raising your voice.
“don’t talk like that to your own brother!” your mother replied, matching your voice. “whatever” you mumbled as you took your yogurt and went up to your room.
just as you had laid down on your bed, your annoying brother opened the door.
“what do you want?” you asked annoyed. “a normal sister” he answered with a smirk. “very funny” you said ironically.
“oh, mom says you’re grounded for the rest of the weekend” he added and closed the door.
you then took a deep breath, calming yourself down. “just great” you whispered to yourself.
a few seconds later, a text popped up on your phone.
you’re still up for later? 😉
uhm, I kinda get grounded…
again? you’re a bad girl 
thank you i guess lol
anyway, still up for later? 😉
I just told you I’m grounded
seriously JJ? 
what? do you need me to save you like always?
maybe, just don’t get caught
never princess
thank you my hero
always 😘
“who are you texting you're smiling like that?” the voice from your brother said, making you jump, not even having noticed he had opened the door again.
“that’s none of your business” you said as you pushed him out of the door and locked it. then you sat down at your bed once again, waiting for jj.
you heard something hit your window, so you immediately went over there and opened the window to see him down there, looking handsome as always.
“housekeeping” he yelled which made you roll your eyes, but also laugh. “are you just going to stare at me all day or actually get down here?” he asked.
“my mom is downstairs, so i can’t go down there and I’ll probably die if i jump,” you explained.
“i’ll catch you,” he said. “aww that’s sweet, but no. find a ladder” you responded. “princess, just jump. you know i’ll catch you. i always do” 
you thought about it for a second or two, before answering, “alright, but if i die, you aren’t invited to my funeral,” you joked.
“oh my god y/n. just freaking jump” 
“uh, someones eager today” you teased. “y/n, i swear to god-” you interrupted him, when you jumped and he caught you, holding you in his arms.
“my hero” you mumbled and was about to kiss him, but then remembered where you were and got out of his strong arms. you also saw the small pout on your boyfriend's face.
“you’ll get kisses later when we’re just the two of us,” you told him. “pinky promise?” he said, still with a pout. “of course” you replied, taking your pinkie around his finger while you got lost in his blue eyes.
“now, let’s get out of here before anyone sees us,” jj said and picked you up as he ran with you in his arms, laughing like crazy.
what you two didn’t see was that your brother was standing at his window, watching everything that had just happened.
when jj and you finally reached your secret spot, he immediately pressed you up against the tree and kissed you. your hands tangled into his blonde hair while one of his hands went to your waist and the other one behind your neck.
“i missed you” he mumbled against your lips as he laid his forehead on yours. “we literally saw each other last night” you said, catching your breath.
“too long away from you” he mumbled again and pecked your lips. “chessy” you whispered with a grin. then the two of you just started into each other's eyes for what felt like forever, but you loved it.
“so, i have a question,” jj said, caressing your cheek. “ask away.”
“there’s this party later tonight and i really want to go there.”
“... with you.” he added.
“what if my mother finds out? my brother is probably going to be there too” you babbled. “just avoid him and stay by my side” 
“but he will for sure see me and with you.”
“ouch, you made it sound like I’m a bad person.”
“well, my family thinks you are a bad and dirty person, so-”
“whatever. let’s just enjoy actually being together tonight and ignore everyone else. how does that sound?”  jj asked.
you threw your arms around his neck. “that sounds perfect” you answered and put your lips on his.
you stopped kissing him, when you got an important thing to say. “i’m going to steal some of your clothes and make it cute, since i can’t go home” 
jj just rolled his eyes at you. “i do not care, cupcake. now kiss me” 
you and jj had now walked home to his house, checking if his father was home and lucky for the two of you, he wasn’t.
“just go into my room, i’ll grab two beers for us” jj told you and then you did what he said.
the first thing you did was go into his closet. it was quite messy and it made your organized brain cry a bit, but you had learned to accept it. 
“already stealing my stuff. i should’ve know” you heard jj said as he sat down on his bed.
he then took your hand in his and dragged you over to him, between his legs, giving you a few kisses. “where’s my beer?” you asked.
“here i am, giving you my love and then you’re asking for beer?” he joked, but you just ruffled his hair and tried to find your beer, but then jj began tickling you.
“for fuck sakes, jj!” you screamed while laughing.
jj and you walked into the party with his arm around your waist, keeping you close. you looked a bit around and saw that your brother was also here with his stupid friends.
jj noticed you being a bit tense and then saw what you looked at. “calm down, baby. i got you” jj said and walked the other way.
you eventually found the people that you shouldn’t be calling best friends, but actually did.
“eyyy y/n” john b sang when he saw you. “eyyy john beee” you sang back as the two of you did your handshake.
“oh my god, i didn’t think you would come tonight” kie admitted and gave you a big hug. “thank god you came. i don’t think i’ll be able to handle being the only girl with these dumbasses tonight” she whispered in your ear, making you laugh.
“you’re welcome, my lady” you joked, kissing her hand and twirling her around. “hands off my girl,” jj said. “calm down, lover boy” kie responded with a laugh.
“where's pope?” you asked, missing your study buddy. “he went to get some beer,” john b answered. “did you force him or something, because pope getting some beer doesn’t sound right?!”
“you’re absolutely right, y/n” you heard the voice from pope say and you turned around to see him with five beers for y’all.
“popeee” you greeted with a smile. pope put the beers down on the table and opened his arms, giving you a big hug too.
just as you stopped hugging him, your smile faded when you saw certain persons standing behind him. “why do you look so sad?” pope asked, getting worried about you. “uhm-”
“it’s rude not to answer a question, y/n.”
“ugh, just shut up for once nick!” you told your brother, getting a few confused looks from other people at the party.
pope then turned around and walked a bit backwards, when he saw your brother, rafe, topper and kelce. “you shouldn’t be hanging out with these people” he told you.
“i hang out with who the hell i want to” 
“i’m pretty sure your parents think otherwise,”that stupid jerk, rafe implied. “it’s not like you’re a perfect kid either, cameron” you said, getting pissed that he even said anything to you.
you still can’t believe your parents want you to be together with him. they clearly haven’t seen his real side. rafe gave you a dry laugh as he stepped closer to you.
“listen here, sweetheart-” he started, but got interrupted. “no, you fucking listen here. if you even fucking touch or step closer to her, i’ll beat the living shit out of you!” jj said and stepped in front of you, standing right in front of rafe.
rafe, once again, just laughed dryly. “we both know how that will end, maybank,” rafe muttered. “you laying on your flat ass and begging for your daddy?” jj challenged him. “what the fuck did you just say to me?” 
“you heard me. i said-” jj didn’t get to finish his sentence, before rafe threw his hand against jj’s jaw, almost making jj fall.
“jj, let’s just get out of here” you said as you put your hand on his shoulder. “yeah, listen to your little bitch” rafe shouted, making jj’s eyes turn dark.
jj turned around and punched rafe, making both of them fall to the ground. jj threw a few punches to rafe’s face, but then rafe turned them around and got on top of jj.
you tried to get over to stop rafe, but you were held back by your brother’s arm. “nick, what the hell?” 
“don’t get near them. you’ll hurt yourself” 
“he can’t just do this do jj”
“wait here” nick said and then himself got towards the fight. “what is your brother doing?” kie asked.
“i don’t know” you answered as you nervously watched the fight where rafe clearly had the upper hand. out of nowhere, your brother came and took rafe off jj.
a few people booed, but suddenly cheered as rafe began pushing nick, now wanting to fight him. i took the chance to run over to jj. the others followed me and helped jj up.
“take him to the car. i’ll try to see what my brother is doing” you said. “you have 10 minutes and then we’re driving, alright!?” john b replied.
“alrighty” you said and got into the garden again to find your brother. you find him on top of rafe, punching the shit out of him. “your brother has game” a girl said, standing beside you.
you decided to just ignore her.  “sucks he's such an asshole and is standing up for a pogue” she added. “why don’t you like the pogues? they have done nothing wrong!” you said.
“oh, is this because you’re fucking around with jj? i’m sure he’s also fucking around with that bitch, kiara” she replied and that made you snap. you gave her a push, saying she shouldn’t ever talk about your friends in that way again, and then she gave you a weak punch. nothing you haven’t tried before.
then you began beating the shit out of her. they could talk shit about you, but never about your friends. you suddenly heard sirens and quickly got off the chick as you ran to the van.
as you had jumped into the van, you informed them that you heard sirens and then john b started the car quickly and drove away.
“can you set me off at my house?” you asked. “what about your parents?” kie said, sounding worried, knowing your mom could be easily pissed.
“i’ll tell them that i went to the beach or something. don’t worry about me” you explained. “just please take good care of jj!”
“so stupid in love” john b said. “so cute” kie added which made pope and you crack a laugh.
“yeah. i’m pretty stupid in love with that blondie” you answered with a shy smile.
“i can’t wait for the wedding” pope teased you, making the others laugh.
“this is me,” you said. “see you soon, y/n” the others said as you closed the door to the van.
you stood and waved at them as they drove away.
then you opened your front door and prayed to god that your parents were sleeping.
lucky for you, they were and you went into your bathroom, taking a quick shower and then jumped into bed, falling asleep immediately after the eventful night.
you woke up to your mom banging into your room. “what the hell, mom?”
“please tell me that what your brother is telling me isn’t true!” she shouted. “what are you talking about?” you asked, still not being fully awake.
“you having a boyfriend that forced you to jump out of a window and dragged you to a stupid party while you were grounded?” 
“mom listen-”
“and that this boyfriend of yours is a pogue alongside your friends?!” you then stared at her with wide eyes.
“please tell me he’s wrong!” she basically begged. you continued to stay silent.
then your father also came into your room. “don’t be too hard on her,” he told your mom.
“so it is true?” your mother once again asked. “yes mom. i’m in freaking love with a pogue and my best friends are also freaking pogues!” you yelled in your parents’ faces, making them go silent.
your mom walked out of the room, leaving you and your father back alone.
“there’s nothing i can do about it, okay dad. i’m in love with this guy and i know he’s the one for me and these people are my best friends. i’m actually having fun with them. i’ve never been happier in my whole life” you rambled as tears came down your cheeks.
“shh, it’s alright, honey” he said and took you into his arms for some comfort.
later that day at the table, your family sat, ready to talk this out somehow.
“okay, so tell me what happened at the party yesterday, y/n” your dad said.
“it’s true that jj had told me to jump out of the window, but he didn’t force me at all. i trust him, so i knew he would catch me and he did like always. then we later got to the party and tried to avoid nick, because he will always gossip about me-”
“what, that’s not true-”
“nick, you’re not talking right now” your father said and then you began explaining again.
“as i was saying, we were at the party and i said hi to my friends. then as i was hugging one of them nick and his friends suddenly stood in front of me. nick began saying that i shouldn’t be hanging out with pogues, but i said i didn’t care about what he thought and then rafe began talking shit, so jj came forward and told him to back off. they argued a bit, before rafe punched jj and said that i was jj’s bitch. then they began fighting and boom, then nick and rafe began fighting while i took down some chick that was talking shit about my friends and-”
“okay okay. i think we got it�� your father said, stopping you as you began raising your voice a bit.
“i’m sorry for sneaking out and not telling you about this, but i didn’t wanted to lose my friends, because my parents doesn’t like poor people”
“what? that’s not what this is about!” your mother said. “why do you hate pogues then? they’ve done nothing wrong. they have shit lifes and just wanna have fun like everybody else, mom!” 
“i know, okay! but there’s still dirty people out there” 
“do you really think i will be together with people i don’t trust? you know, you didn’t raised me like that”
“i know. i just don’t want you to get hurt” you then stood up from your chair and walked over, giving her a hug.
“these people are my absolute best friends. i promise you they won’t hurt me” 
“how do i look?” jj asked as he looked in the mirror of your car.
“like the most handsome guy in the world” you answered. “really”? 
you hummed a yes, driving into your driveway. “what if they don’t like me?”
you then took his head in your hands.
“jj maybank, you’re one of the best people i’ve met and you changed my life complenty. i think they already love you for making me this happy” you admitted and gave him a kiss.
“just what i needed” he mumbled against your lips. “now come on. we can’t be late for your first dinner with my family.”
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