#you guys …… Know …….. that ‘why cant they just be friends’ is still …… Homophobic ……. right ?
simcardiac-arrested · 2 months
if i see that damn “why can’t they just be friends not in a homophobic way but in a platonic way” post on my dash again im going to start attacking people feral hog style
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nightmaresmakeme · 1 month
Sirius was sitting alone on the Astronomy Tower with a bottle of fire whiskey, contemplating life and just how much it sucked. He and Remus had broken up about a week before and things were just so awkward now. Even in the group. James was being strange and distant with everyone, Remus was just being weird now, and Peter just seemed so on edge and anxious. Sirius hated it and he hated feeling like it was his fault. What was he supposed to do if he didn't feel like he loves Remus anymore? Led him on? He had done the right thing this time, so why did it suck so bad?
"Goddamnit not you" a snarky voice from behind him said. Sirius spun around and standing there was fucking Snape. The last person he wanted to see.
"Fuck off, cant you see I'm drowning my sorrows alone right now?" Sirius snapped back.
"I would but I came up here to drown my own sorrows, and you're already dead from what I can see so you should just go back to your stupid friends and get pissed with them" Snape responded with a glare as Sirius noticed the familiar bottle that Snape had in his hand.
Sirius laughed bitterly for a moment, "That's why I'm up here dumbass, those are the sorrows I'm fucking drowning. I'm too tired to fight you tonight so just sit down and drink or something. It sucks drinking alone and someone you hate is better than no one at all." Sirius shrugged. Snape was the last person he wanted around but also he might be the only one who would fucking sit here with him tonight.
Snape stood there for a moment before muttering and sitting down in the general area of where Sirius was but not very close to him at all. "If I must" Snape said with a long suffering sigh.
As the night went on, both of them got more drunk and began to actually talk to each other in a way. Venting about their problems and friends and grades. Sirius never thought that he would talk to Snape and not hate every second. They insulted each other of course but it lacked the normal sober heat and hatred. And Sirius hated the way that the alcohol made Snape's eyes shine more and made him not look so greasy.
"You said that the answer was quill feathers!! What idiot thinks that! Clearly you have no brain and your head is just full of your stupid frizzy hair!"
"As if you have any room to talk about my hair! Besides, I was joking in class about the quill feathers, everyone knows that."
"what about my hair?"
"uh you know it's so greasy and long that it looks like someone spilled pitch black ink all over your head and you somehow made that fucking work which is the real kicker-"
Sirius shut his mouth quickly. What the fuck had he been saying? He had drunk too much and it was getting way too late. Yea that's all. Yea.
"It was nothing don't worry about it. I'm just drunk."
"No, I don't think I will. Because it just sounded like you find me attractive in some way and I'm not going to let you gloss over that."
"uh- you- I'm gay! I'm gay, am I not allowed to find blokes attractive? Are you homophobic??"
"I'm not homophobic!! I'm bisexual! I'm sorry I didn't expect the guy who fucking bullied me for years to find me attractive!"
"Yeah, well, I didn't expect it either ok?! I'm sure it shocked both of us! I can't help it if I think that your eyes look like obsidian in the moonlight! I can't-"
Sirius dropped his head in his hands and groaned lowly. He was never going to live this down ever. Snape would hold this over him forever.
"You have to be the biggest idiot in this whole school. I hate you. I hate you so much. You are the reason why I regret waking up every morning."
Sirius raises his head to see that Snape had gotten very close to him. He was staring directly into his eyes, both gazes intense yet Sirius' face was flushed.
"And I hate you too. It doesn't matter if I think your fit, I still hate you and your snarky attitude."
Snape grabbed Sirius' shirt sleeve and narrowed his eyes.
"I'm glad we can agree on something."
Then Snape pulled him closer, hesitating just before their lips touched, as if to give him time to push him off, and yet Sirius didn't. He couldn't explain it but he wanted whatever was about to happen. He reached out and grabbed Snape's shirt in return and pulled him closer to close the gap.
(lemme know if you want the continuance?? Smut?? No?? I'm joking?? Am I?? Who knows)
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
Hello I am lesbian Akk lmao. Going from thinking I'm straight but aroace to a demi lesbian was a lot 😂 I get akk I really do. When my really pretty friend in uni tried to set me up with some guy to break my virginity. I remember thinking sex with her would probably slap more than with some guy lol. Like akk I always had little attractions here and there for women but my mind would quickly come up with technical reasons that made sense. Now that I think about it trying with men was sooo hard in a way that it wasnt with women. And just like akk when I got to know some women to a point where I felt those feelings, my first thought would be "man if I could only bottle this up and open it when I go on a date with a man" 🤣🤣🤣 and the comphet phase is so sad cause I was surrounded by queer ppl but I was still convinced I was straight and because I wasnt having those feelings for men I must've been aroace. My mind on the other hand would convince me that the same feelings for girls were just cause I found her really pretty or wanted to be like them. My crushes on girls and boys when I was young were so different
For boys- he's popular, he gets good grades therefore I should like him. He was kind to me in class when everyone else was not so I must like him. I would call it an aesthetic attraction. If the boy exuded any semblance of having good manners, it would immediately be "yeah that's hubby right there 👍🏾" cause yeah common sense we have to pick the nice guys ghjkkk
Girls- this used to be more intense, I was barely breathing lmao. Most of the time it was someone I sat next to or would hang out with. And I would really study their face when they weren't paying attention like 'my god she's soo stunning'. Or time would stop when they would pass by or some shit like that and I was still convinced that it meant I wanted to be like them! They literally took my breath away 💀 with boys it was a monotone 'yaas my crush is here' in my mind but with girls the thoughts were not even coherent 'fghjkihggbjkjhff' LMAO AND MY MIND STILL REFUSED TO COMPUTE THAT INTO "hey don't you think maybe we could be lesbian? I mean we cant seem to act normal around pretty girl for 5 fucking minutes" instead my trash software concluded this "no you tots want to be like her ☺️ or you just find her intimidating babe 😘"
To end this long winded ask lmao...akk is an idiot no denying that but his oblivious thought process does make sense. I mean hey at least he knows he's gay that's half the battle 😭
A lesbian Akk who figured her shit out even later than Akk 💀
Thank you for sharing your story with me! But yeah, the comphet is wild and that’s why I appreciate stories like 23.5 so much. I—and many other queer women—never got that giddy high school first love experience because we were so brainwashed we couldn’t even see what was right in front of us. Homophobes always complain about gay people “shoving it in their faces,�� but if that was true, I would have realized I was gay a lot sooner. Heterosexuality was what was shoved in my face.
I’m glad Akk’s journey is relatable to you! Twenty-two is still so young to figure yourself out and although Akk tends to panic about his lack of experience, he’s still well ahead of the curve in my opinion. I’m 31 and still learning different facets of my queer identity. It really is a lifelong process. Akk’s lucky he has Aye to teach him 😉
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rainydaydally · 1 year
You’re like the light of my life
Sexuality crisis
Crying/Kinda a mental breakdown
Cartman is homophobic but in a joke way (hes gay)
Unsafe binding (I don’t think you are supposed to swim in a binder, but I’m not sure!)
The Broflovski family is staying in a hotel after camping, and Shiela and Gerald are napping in one bed, and Ike is napping in the other. Kyle, however, is laying next to Ike, wide awake. He takes his mind off of everything, starting to use pinterest on his phone. He gets bored pretty quickly, so he places it next to his head. As he stares at the white ceiling of the hotel, he starts to think. Think about way too much confusing things he cant help but focus on. He thinks about his sexuality, his friends, his looks- *especially* his looks. He sighs, fighting back tears as he grabs his headphones and phone and walks to the bathroom. He stares at himself in the mirror, listening to Mac DeMarco, as he feels tears fall from his eyes. He cries and cries, and he moves to sit on the closed toilet lid, knees up to his chest, tears spilling uncontrollably. He takes his phone out to text his friend, Stan.
“Hey. Can you call?”
No reply. “He’s probably busy.” He thinks to himself, setting his phone down. He decides to call Cartman, which even though he hates him, he can still cheer him up with his blunt and annoying comments and jokes. Kyle tries opening up to him about his sexuality, which he has also been really confused about. Cartman just says “F*g.” which causes him and Kyle to burst into a silent laughter, making it funnier that he cant laugh, or he will wake his family. After Kyle angrily hangs up on Cartman after some dumb shit he was saying, he goes and sits against the wall, and continues crying. He wipes his nose and his eyes but the tears never seem to stop coming. He’s just so, so confused. One day he will think he’s AroAce, and the next day he will get butterflies when he sees a cute boy at a store. He feels like everyone around him is getting into stable relationships now, like Stan and Wendy. Oh how he wishes he had a relationship like them, they seem so perfect. Suddenly, his phone lights up. 
It’s Stan. 
Kyle quickly replies back, he doesn’t want Stan to see him so hysterical.
“Oh, okay.”
“Can I tell you something??”
Kyle texts, instantly regretting his decision.
“Of course.” 
Stan replies. Kyle can almost hear the text in Stan’s voice, as if he was right next to him. Before Kyle knows it, he’s confessing deep, dark secrets to Stan over text. His fingers tapping the letters quickly.
“Okay, so this is stupid. But, I feel like everyone loves someone, or someone loves them. I know we are still young but im just so ugly and unwantable and I feel like I might be Aromantic Asexual, but I’m just so confused because I want a relationship. I really have never had someone have a crush on me because I’m so ugly and I’ve always been the ugly one too, and I feel like I’m nothing. Most of the guys are so handsome, and I really dont fit in compared to the rest of them. When we were on vacation at the beach I just felt so sick and insecure because you guys (not trying to be weird) looked really good in your bathing suits, but I just felt uncomfy and I just didnt fit in with you guys.”
“I can’t believe I just texted Stan that.” He thinks, and Stan seems to be taking hours to respond, even though it’s only been 5 seconds at the maximum.
“You are not ugly, I really don’t think you are ugly.”
Why did Kyle feel a feeling in his stomach when Stan had texted him that? Stan not only said he wasnt ugly, but he said HE really doesn’t think he is. 
“You definitely fit in. We don’t care what you look like. You think you are ugly, but no one is our friend group thinks you are ugly.”
Kyle smiles, “Except Cartman.” He thinks to himself. An other text appears.
“I’m sorry but what does aromantic asexual mean?”
Kyle knew this would happen. Most people don’t know what it means He tries to explain it, hoping Stan will understand what he’s trying to say.
“Thanks so much, Dude. Also, it means like you’re not attracted to anyone and dont wanna have sex with anyone basically. But I’m just not sure yet because I’ve never had a crush where the other person really liked me. I mean, I’ve dated people but it was mostly over text and facetime. We never hugged or kissed or anything. I’m probably just asexual, but sometimes I have a crush on someone and later it goes away.”
Kyle continues.
“And I’ve only kissed two people before, and I know thats two more than most people our age. I just feel really terrible for not feeling anything towards them. I mean, they were both girls, so I could be gay.”
Kyle desperately wants to tell Stan about his dysphoria, how his mother keeps telling him he looks just like her, and that he hates how feminine his body is getting. He does not say a word.
“You do have that rizz. I’ve never really talked to anybody in a romantic way before besides Wendy… and that hot sub we had in 3rd grade.”
“Dude! Gross! Also thanks. I just don’t know if I want it, I guess. I mean, your first kiss is supposed to be magical, but I felt nothing. I didn’t think I’d be kissing a girl in a pool bathroom who never even thought of me romantically.”
It was Bebe. Now she acts like nothing happened, but it did, and she knows it did. She is so perfect and pretty and smart, so why didn’t he like her?
“I wasted it. It sucked.”
“Wow. You never told me that before.” 
Stan replies. Kyle feels bad for not sharing it with him before, but it just never seemed appropriate. 
“Yeah. I’m still friends with her, and I don’t want to seem mean, but I really wasted my first kiss.”
“You know how in the movies their first kiss is like amazing magical stuff? Well, we are weird, crazy teenagers that go through stuff and things do not always go according to plan, and that’s ok. I know you will find a perfect kiss one day.”
Kyle really wants to just text Stan right then and there and tell him everything, that Stan sometimes gives him butterflies, and when the backs of their hands graze he feels his face heat up. He can’t tell him that, though, obviously. He doesn’t want to ruin Stan and Wendy’s relationship over a *maybe* crush.
“Dude, I don’t deserve you, I love you so much. You are way too kind and caring.”
“I love you too, bro.” 
Stan replies. Kyle feels a smile grow on his face.
“Also, I don’t mean to be nosy, but who was your first kiss?”
Kyle was really hoping Stan wouldn’t ask that. 
“She would get mad if I told you.”
Is all Kyle replies with.
“That’s okay.”
Kyle continues with his rant.
“I’m going through so much right now though. I hate being trans so much, I’m so jealous of everyone who isn’t tbh.”
“I’m sorry, I’m glad you are telling me so I can try my best to help you through it.”
Kyle sighs. How can Stan be so kind to him? Like he said before, he really doesn’t deserve to be best friends with such a sweet boy.
“I love you so much, you’re like the light of my life.”
Kyle jokes, smiling while thinking about hanging out with Stan. 
Suddenly, theres a loud knock at the door. “Kyle? Kyle, are you in there?” “Oh shit, it’s mom!” He thinks. “Yeah!” He replies, trying not to have his voice break from the crying that was happening before. “Kyle, we’re going to the pool soon. Ike and Dad already left. Do you want to come? I know you’re uncomfortable at the pool-” “I’ll go. Give me a second, though.” Kyle grumbles, sitting up and wiping his tears with the back of his hand. He would be looking foward to the pool- he really loves to swim- but lately he’s been so uncomfortable going, like his mom said. He hates going because he doesn’t know what to wear, and if he wears his binder with his trunks people give him such weird looks. He changes into the clothes nonetheless and steps outside the bathroom, arms crossing over his chest.
Shiela must have noticed he was insecure, because she went up to him and hugged him. “You are such a wonderful son, Kyle.” Kyle feels his stomach turn as he tries his best to hold back his tears, but they spill out again. Instead this time, he isn’t silent. His sobs are loud as he holds onto his mother. She lets go of the hug and walks him to sit on the edge of the bed together. “Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?” She asks. He shakes his head, wiping his tears. “Can we just stay like this for a while?” He asks. “Of course.”
AO3 Link: You’re like the light of my life
Wattpad Link: You’re like the light of my life
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demadogs · 2 years
There’s this one blog on here that kinda weirds me out because they are so hyper deadest on shipping Foah together. Like whenever they write normal Byler posts, it’s so beautiful! But then, everything else idk. And I know a lot of us joke about Noah wanting to kiss Finn or vice versa but this blog gives off weird vibes because they seem to genuinely want Finn and Noah to date in real life. They also seem to make a lot of assumptions about their feelings for each other just because of their chemistry. And I don’t know how serious this blog is about it but it gives me Larry shipper vibes. Or like the Fack conspiracy all over again, which hurt Finn and Jack’s friendship at the time
oh my god im glad you brought this up i know exactly who youre talking about. every time i make a post telling people not to ship real people it was bc of that blog in particular. i have them blocked so im not afraid to talk about them. we’ve made jokes and memes about noah being the biggest byler shipper and wanting to kiss finn for byler and theyre mostly pretty harmless but this blog is just something else.
youre right, they make so many assumptions. it pisses me off and it does completely give me larry vibes. they talk as if they know finn and noah personally and theyre friends with them and have seen them interact. or like theyre an out couple like natalia and charlie. they usually respond to anons who call them out on it with something like “i dont ship foah, i just observe their interactions and anyone can see that they are crushing on each other”. that bothers me so much. like observe what the 5 minute press interviews?? you dont fucking know them. save your analyses for things that have been intentionally written and mapped out for FICTIONAL media, not two kid actors just being themselves. and then they’ll try to call the anons homophobic by being like “whys it such a big deal for noah to have a little crush on him??”, still fully talking as if its public knowledge and we’re the bad guy like oh my god how are you not understanding the issue here.
ive also noticed that they ignore anybody who tells them that finn has a gf. they just wont answer the anon (i know bc i have sent one) or ignore any replies about it. they live in this weird bubble where they choose to believe these real people are dating. and like ok i cant stop you from thinking theyd be cute together, theres nothing wrong with that, what makes it problematic is trying to read into their interactions and expressions and publicly suspect their relationship and sexualities on the internet. and again, they always try to be like “theres no harm in it im not directly @ ing finn or noah” but this is the internet. anybody can screenshot anything and put it anywhere. there is always a chance that either of them could see their posts and it could be so bad if they did. i dont think theyve ever once considered what it could be like to be finn or noah and see this.
like yes, there is a chance they’d just laugh about how ridiculous it is and move on but what if one of them actually was questioning their sexuality and then they saw some random person on the internet reading into it like this??? that would be so fucking hard. jack came out as bi after people were shipping him and finn so much. i cant imagine how anxiety provoking it would be to see what people were saying about him and finn while being in the closet. it gives ME anxiety on their behalf!! i hope so bad theyre blissfully unaware of this.
one anon told them that theyre using foah as a coping mechanism after byler didnt work out how they wanted in s4 and theyre so right. before vol 2 came out i saw maybe two posts from them in the byler tag about it that kinda weirded me out but after volume two they just turned into a foah blog instead of byler. they literally had byler in their url before and then they changed it to foah for fucks sake. and they still have the nerve to claim they dont ship them and what theyre doing is completely fine and just “observation”.
also i was looking at their blog once and they mentioned that they were 31 years old…. look it is not weird to ship byler at any age. i have personally as a 22 year old been told that its weird for me to ship byler and analyze these fictional characters and i completely disagree with that. theres nothing weird about shipping characters at any age even if the characters are kids (as long as youre not nasty about it) but real people??? god i would have been SO relieved if this person was like 15. i would not have gone as hard on them as i am right now if they were a kid because i would assume they would grow and eventually realize that its weird and invasive. i mean i remember reading stupid fanfics about youtubers when i was 14 but i grew and matured and realized how insane that is and no longer had any interest in reading into real peoples love lives. but i cannot excuse any adult shipping them like this.
god this ended up being so long i just had a lot to say. moral of the story: if actors have great chemistry on screen together it just means theyre good at their job, it doesnt mean theyre dating or crushing on each other in real life.
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indiemovies · 2 years
you’re literally so right abt nancy wheeler in every way can u tell me. do u think she’s a repressed queer who doesn’t realise her crush on robin or is she trying to convey affection and unfortunately only the people who know her well understand that her love language is being mean
omg ok thank you so much for this opportunity to talk about nancy wheeler i literally got up and moved to my desk bc i knew i was going to type so much
HER LOVE LANGUAGE IS DEFINITELY BEING MEAN LMAO honestly i interpreted so many of her interactions with robin NOT being like. jealous of robin's relationship with steve i always thought it stemmed from nancy being incredibly guarded about getting close to robin bc of what happened to barb as it’s shown that nancy hasn’t fully gotten over that and it’s still something that she feels guilty/responsible for. so i really think that’s why she was so standoffish with robin from the start like her last real friend got eaten by a monster and after that nancy has had a lot of trouble connecting with people her age that arent love interests (And well. she doesnt exactly connect with them either LOL). also nancy is just Like That which is so funny and i love her
I know post s3 there were a lot of jokes about republican/homophobic nancy which were very funny but im soooo inclined to buy more into liberated nancy bc it just makes sense to me idk….i can see like s1 nancy being more repressed and antiquated but i feel like at this point nancy more than any of the other characters has become SO sure of herself and her understanding of the world and she has such a hatred of small-minded ideologies she’s the one who shot reagan to me not that other guy. she's the kind of person to me that is so clinical about her feelings like she realizes she likes girls and goes on a researching deep dive where she doesn’t sleep or talk to anyone until she can understand her feelings and the right words for them and their history like she just definitely would intellectualize her feelings but she is still much more understanding of them if that makes sense. this is why i fully buy into nancy having to be the one to take the first initiative in ronance like robin is definitely sure of her sexuality but she’s too hesitant and afraid and cant imagine that nancy would actually like her back and i definitely feel like she might have more internalized homophobia in the sense that she’s terrified of coming off predatory/making nancy feel uncomfortable (this is me projecting) so it would have to be nancy taking the leap and making the first move imo and she can do that bc she is so comfortable with herself. also robin likes it when nancy is a little mean this is why they’re meant to be
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cyberbullyinc · 1 year
Reminding you to spill the gossippp
u are a real one lol (this is gonna be long btw so im sorry!) so i work as an esl teacher right and this other teacher (who’s like really homophobic but not like “gays should die!!! more of the “why do gays have to be gay in front of me 🙄” kind) texted the coordinator (who happens to be my friend) being like really cryptic? like “hey x i cant work tomorrow i made a really bad mistake i even got my eye hurt im not quitting i just cant go tomorrow” like super weird! so we started theorizing i was like he’s closeted he got caught with a guy and got the shit beaten out of him lol (he has a very serious gf btw) like why not say what the “mistake” was and “hurt eye” like ur eye didnt hurt itself lol and if u didn’t do it obviously someone else did! anyways so today another friend who works there got a text from an ex student like “hey i was walking past x and i saw two girl students fighting each other in the middle of the street!” he gave him the general details like color of the clothes so we started investigating lol so i decided to ask in the teachers group chat if anyone had so and so as students (i didn’t say why i just asked for them) and i got two private messages from my friend and from another teacher! so the other teacher texts me “hey so that was me and the other girl confused me with someone else” and i was like wait so did u beat up a student? lol and she was like “noooo she pulled me by my hair but she thought i was someone else” and the other text i got was from the coordinator and shes like “it was x” (the girlfriend of the guy who “made a serious mistake) and i was like WHAT!!!! so the coordinator comes down to gossip with the rest of us lol and i start getting audio messages from the teacher who got her hair pulled by x’s gf and the coordinator is telling me that x and his gf were there to give her some things and x quit that morning and they’re moving out and they looked very sad, on the other hand hair teacher is telling me that x’s gf was pulling her hair saying shit like “why did u do it!!!! u know what u did!!! u know who i am!!!” and she was like i literally dont? but x’s gf looked really upset to the point to when she got her off her and told her she had the wrong person she had to calm x’s gf down cuz she was so shaken sldkngkfksldklf (she didn’t know x’s gf btw) so we continue theorizing what’s going on cuz u don’t fucking quit and move cities just cuz u cheated on ur gf right?! sooooo then hair teacher is telling us that ok saturday x told them a very……. concerning story…. about how “a friend of his” just got into serious trouble and had to move away cuz he was “having sex” with a 14 year old and her mom is in law enforcement so he had to run away and now we’re like…………….. that sounds familiar? ofc it’s all speculation atm since we just have bits and pieces of information we’re putting together but still super fucking weird and suspicious nonetheless!
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somekidnamedkai · 1 year
I mostly just say dick and stuff. it’s not like hugely inappropriate, but still.
Also tw: internalized homophobia and lesbophobia under the cut
Me: I’m a lesbian
My friend: You haven’t had good dick.
…They genuinely have no idea how homophobic that is
they genuinely think that I’m only a lesbian because I haven’t have had a good dick in me. They said that I’ll change my mind once I experience it 💀
Listen just because you use to identify as a lesbian but a dick changed your life doesn’t mean that’s the same for everyone else.
And I love this friend so much. They’re truly one of my closest and best friends. But I’m so goddamn tired of all they want to do is talk about their partners penis to me, and say that one day I’ll understand as IF IM NOT A FUCKING LESBIAN. And even when I say that they just say “so was I”
God damn, they are one of the only people I personally know that I’m out to. AND THEY STILL CANT RESPECT MY GODDAMN SEXUALITY.
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
1/2 We are officially at 5x06. The beginning of the end and heartbreak. Just so you know: he somehow convinced himself that he was just reading too much into Justin’s behavior previous episodes and that he misunderstood Randy’s performance and that all will be okay. Don’t ask how he got to that conclusion bc he doesn’t know either. I would also like to say that i wrote this out on Friday but ended up not being able to send it cause somebody was grieving cause it was the anniversary of Freddie Mercury. So he forced me and the neighbor to go to a bar where he bribed the bartender to put Queen on. And then he pouted at the bar, listening to Queen, talking about Britin to the bartender (!!) and drank his juice. Like a child. Anyway: we came to meet Brandon ‘whats with the zoom in on Brian and Justin? What is happening? HE TURNED BRIAN DOWN? Bri Bri, i would never treat you like that!’ And immediately after that it shows the wedding Rage cover ‘what the fuck is happening? Why are they doing that? That makes no sense, i don’t like it. (mikey and ben start kissing) WHATS WITH THE ZOOM IN ON JUSTIN AGAIN?’ ‘WHATS WRONG WITH DEBBIE? What is happening?!’ And we made it to the Queer Guy meet and greet ‘what the fuck is this? *looks at me* whats going on in this episode? LOOK BRIAN SHOWED UP! (Brian has his queer guy speech) i hate to say it but i think Brian is right. I mean even that dude at the news said that even homophobes love him..why did Brian just have a flashback to that blonde dude rejecting him? Again whats going on this episode?!’ Hunter says theres no solution to him being treated bad by his classmates ‘burn the school down to the ground. Problem solved. I’m surprised Ben doesn’t understand Hunter..like dude Deb treated you like shit for half a season?’ And we are at Britin scene ‘AHHHHH MY BOYS! (Brian says he’s gonna burn mikeys house down) GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE! (Justin asks Brian whats his problem and my brother pauses the ep) i could ask the same thing! Because why are they zooming in on you all the time? Whats going on my Blondie? (And Brandon is back on screen) whats up with Baywatch wannabe? Brian is actually talking about his problems to Justin? SEE GROWTH! Why is he so passive aggressive to him?’ ‘Emy, Brian was telling you the truth. Oh shit, what is he gonna do? Fuck someone on live tv? *forgets about the cast and goes to make a fist* FUCK. I cant have anything this season’ and we’re at the scene where Brandon is there during Brian’s meeting ‘okay who the fuck is he and why is he everywhere? How rude up to tell Bri he doesn’t have fears about aging meanwhile he’s ready to jump out a window over it. Why does Brian even care about Baywatch? I feel like even though it would bother him, he’d act like he doesnt give a fuck. WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!’ Em is talking about underwear on tv ‘oh god, oh god. I wish this was real news but holy fucking shit. I need Emmett back at party planning. SEE EM, BRIAN WAS RIGHT! Everyone is always rude to him but he’s the only one who tells the truth’ and Britin is at the house warming party *he sees Monty/Ely* ‘ughh i forgot they existed. I dont get how they can be friends with them? Is it cause of the whole birds of the feather thing? Aka boring and annoying attracts? (Mikey introduces JR and it shows Hunter) WHAT ABOUT HUNTER?! I swear they forgot about him. (Brian and Em/Ted bump into each other) Why is Emmett angry? We all know he was telling the truth….a bit rudely but fuck it. Why is Emy lying? *looks at me shocked* is it possible that Lindsays hair got worse? (Ben pulls out the Rage comics) oh no, i still hate this. (Monty/eli speak up)WHY ARE THESE TWO DUDES SO OBSESSED WITH EVERYONE BEING MARRIED WITH KIDS?! Oh i just know Blondie was hiding this from Bri. Id be annoyed too. WHATS WITH THE ZOOM IN ON BLONDIE?’
he somehow convinced himself that he was just reading too much into Justin’s behavior previous episodes and that he misunderstood Randy’s performance and that all will be okay - oh noooooo Brother Anon, you are not wrong but tens of us wish you were.
I love that your brother was mourning Freddie and made the bartender put on Queen and listen to him talk about QAF. Are we surrrreeee your brother isn't a little queer?
Oh my god, he's Debbie. If Debbie were a man.
HE TURNED BRIAN DOWN? Bri Bri, i would never treat you like that! <- UM exactly
His horror at the Rage wedding issue is appropriate and correct. WHYYYYY.
I love how much he hates Monty/Eli
And how much he appreciates that Brian tells Emmett the truth. Look, would you rather have people who blindly support you in your life or would you rather have a Brian?
And yes, the entire "OUR CHILD JR" and completely neglecting Hunter smh.
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simcardiac-arrested · 6 months
"or did people just like. Forget. and suddenly decide it was about aromanticism for whatever reason" that's it exactly! people repackage this specific brand of homophobia into an aro talking-point, when in reality they've totally conflated platonic relationships with being aro!! and as an aro i just ughhhh. it feels so underhanded because they know they can't outright be homophobic without backlash so they act like their opinions are on behalf of aromantics as a way of masking it. granted, this doesn't happen all the time but i've seen it too many times for my liking
RIGHT? Like i’m aro myself and it actually fucking baffles me when people will just parrot “why can’t these characters just be friends” like it’s an actual criticism and not a statement that people frequently used (and still do use!) to be homophobic about gay media/gay kids shipping smth that is gay. and it’s just like ….. it’s not a thing i’ve ever heard any aro person say? ever? Maybe because i’ve just surrounded myself with people who know that “why cant they just be friends” is a homophobic dogwhistle at this point, but also like …… when we talk about the overabundance of romantic relationships we say just that. we don’t usually take a popular gay ship that most likely has a lot of gay subtext and go Damnnn i wish people could just be normal and see these characters as friends :/ LIKE NO MAN we just say like we need more friendships in media in general. that’s it. we don’t single out some random gay ship i have NEVER seen an aromantic do that. So yeah like i totally agree with you that it feels 100% underhanded especially since it seems none of these people are actually aro
and tbh i really hate the implication that only aro people want more friendships in media, or that only aro people could benefit from it. it’s just so stupid. i assure you not only allo queer people but also straight people are Actual Friends with whatever gender they’re attracted to all the time. sometimes they’re even GOOD friends, sometimes best friends and sometimes even something entirely different but that still isn’t romantic. Like ….. i just cannot for the life of me get behind the notion that only The Aros would want friendship in media and that’s why we should stop making things gay! it’s for The Aros guys! and it’s like dude i swear if you just start talking to people outside your damn computer screen you’ll find out that non-aro people tend to value friendship just as much. they might even want to see more of it in media. But i doubt they’re out there saying “god why can’t characters just be friends”
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coastcrimson · 2 years
Communication pt.1
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pt1 > pt2
Woody is a nomal teenage boy,except for one thing-he cant speak.But what happens when he starts crushing for the schools popular guy and they cant communicate well? human au
Word count: 728 I think
Authors Note: Ive never written actual fan fiction before please go easy on me *sobs * ,I didn't proof read this or anything and uhhhh ill finish it and make a part two soon I hope
Woody was like any other teenager,shy,quiet,smart,and fairly good looking,but there was one problem. He wasnt able to speak,the most he could manage was a barely audible "weh". This had put him at a fair disadvantage as a child. But this year was going to be diffrent,he was going to try and get over his all his irraional fears and make a new friend or two! At least,thats what he thought,but as soon as he stepped foot into the YoyleHighSchool,his fears had come back to haunt him.
Woody sighed,it had been a couple weeks into the new school year,and he still hadn't been at all social. Any time he tried to reach out to anyone,there was a little voice in his head stopping him. "They're going to think you're weird" the voice said, "Nobody cares about you," "you cant speak,you don't belong here,weirdo". This time,these thoughts struck in the middle of the hallway. Lost in his own thoughts,he accidentally ran into a tall red head,also known as the most popular guy in school. Well,apart from loser and winner.
"Oh my gosh,I am so sorry..-im sorry,whats your name?" asked blocky. The brown haired boy just continued to walk to class. Running into the popular boy and getting the chance to talk to him was a dream come true for a lot of people. But woody wasn't one of the people,nope,he would rather avoid the embarrassment of not being able to respond to him and get to class. But even then,woody could help but remember how nice blocky was. Even somebody asking what his name was was rare,and the more he thought about it the more he wished he could speak.
Maybe if he could speak he would be popular. Maybe if he could speak he would have friends. Maybe he would even have a girlfriend,or boyfriend,or whatever really. Maybe if he wasn't such an out of place loser,he's have a place to stand out in.
Blocky,on the other hand,was pretty outgoing. He was pretty funny,and even hs his won section in the school newspaper and news show,which was dedicated to pranks and funny doings. He was well over average looking too,and there wasn't a girl who wouldn't love to be with him. But even then,he had never been in a relationship. It's not that he didn't want to,don't get me wrong. Its just,girls weren't really "his type".
So then what was his type? Men,shy,cute,smart and nice men. Thats right,one of the most popular people of YoyleHighSchool was gay. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that,its just that he wasn't at all ready to come out yet,due to the group of homophobes around the school,all lead by the extremely strong and mean snowball. In a setting like that,it was best to lie low and not catch feelings for a guy. And it had been going pretty well. Well,until woody was brought into blockys eyes.
"Gosh why is he so damned prettyyy" complained blocky to his pals,eraser and pen. "Damn who is this guy and why is he the one you end up falling hard for?" asked eraser. "Thats the problem,I dont know," groaned the redhead,"one second I'm bumping into this guy and asking his name and the next he just ignores me and continues walking to class!" blocky was so frustrated,ow could he manage to make any girl fall in love with him but the one guy that catches his attention is impossible to talk to? It didn't matter. With those good of looks,he was bound to be taken. "Anyways,blocky did you see woody today?He was so much more distracted and quiet than usual!" said pen. "Whos woody again?" "You know,the guy that cant speak? Wears cardigans and knitted sweaters that he bought from flower?" and then it clicked. The guy he saw was woody,they were describing him! He was wearing one of flowers itchy sweaters,he cant talk either.it all made perfect sense! But now the hard part was finding him again,and even more,talking to him and getting him to talk back.
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stoney-siren · 3 years
May I Have This Dance? PART 1 (Sal Fisher x Gender Nuetral!Reader)
I decided to stray a bit from my usual AOT content and give some attention to the other fandoms I’m in, like Sally Face! :)
Summary: Senior year at Nockfell High is coming to an end, which means prom night it coming up soon. Although usually Sal Fisher is not one for high school get-togethers, he’s been wanting to ask (Y/N) to the dance, though it’s not as easy as most people make it seem. He just doesn’t know how to ask them.
This is the first part, I plan on there being two parts to this fanfic, possibly three.
TW: Swearing, possible mentions of drug use, slight angst? 
“Bullshit!” Larry burst into laughter, throwing his head back as he held his stomach. His rather embarrassed friend tensed up at his reaction. “You wanna ask (Y/N) to prom?” He continued to giggle, as his fit of laughter died down.
“Can you try and be quiet? What if your mom hears.. She’s gonna never let it down!” Sal tugged at his pigtails out of nervousness, pacing around the room.
“Come on, who cares? You should ask them!” The taller boy encouraged as he shut the door to his bedroom, turning his attention back to his blue haired buddy.
If only it was that easy, Sal wanted to say, but he just knew Larry would shoot back with something irritating and snarky. So instead, Sal fell back onto one of Larrys beanbags and let out a loud and irritated sigh. His friend soon followed persuit, jumping onto the beanbag that sat beside Sals.
“I just.. Cant. Who would wanna spend prom night with somebody like me anyways?” His self deprication captured Larrys attention faster than the reaction of a mouse on a mouse trap.
“Oh don’t give me that shit Sally dude! Anybody would be lucky to have you, everyone knows it too! You’re caring and funny, quick witted and honestly just somebody everyone wants to have by their side!” Larry exlaimed, though his words fell upon deaf ears.
Sal was too busy just day dreaming about (Y/N), he admired everything about them, the way they laughed, the color of their beautiful eyes, and the pure look of joy that washes over their face whenever he lets them paint his nails or put stickers on his prosthetic.
“Sal? Sally Face! You listening?” Larry called out, finally getting Sals attention.
“Oh, shit, sorry.. No, I’m not.” Sal shook his head and grabbed ahold of his pigtails again, glancing down at the floor and sighing.
Larry hated seeing his friend like this, he was aware of how low Sals confidence could be sometimes, but he’d never dare to point it out in fear of upsetting him or making things worse. He wished he could show Sal what all their friends and himself thought of him, then maybe he’d see himself in a brighter light.
“I think you should head back upstairs and get some rest now, I’ll see you at school tomorrow, alright?” Larry gave Sal a light punch on the shoulder before standing up and walking to the door with him.
“Yeah, alright. See you tomorrow Larry Face.” With that, he shut the door behind himself and headed to the elevator, pausing at the second floor button, thinking of (Y/N) before hitting the fourth floor button.
Your POV
You laid in your bed peacefully, staring up at the ceiling as the light from your lava lamp illuminated the room. The light was your favorite color, lighting up the side of your face as your thoughts raced for the future. Usually on a Sunday night, you’d play your music so loud that Todd would come over from his apartment and tell you to keep it down, but so many things were on your mind that you just didn’t have the energy to start a little fight with Todd. 
“Maybe I’ll talk to Ash about it, she always has good advice.” You mumbled as you turned and killed your lava lamps energy. You have had a crush on Sal Fisher since Sophomore year, but you never got the chance to talk about it with him or anyone for that matter.
Letting out a final sigh, you shut your eyes and melted into a world of memories and dreams.
“(Y/N)! Get up dear! You’re gonna be late for school if you don’t!” Your mother called from outside your room, this was how you usually woke up before school. She would always pretend to be in a panic, and tell you that you’re late to try and get you out of bed sooner, though sometimes her act would be real. That’s why you always check the clock in your room to see if she was lying or not.
“It’s 7:30, mom.” You mumbled as you pushed the blankets off yourself, Todd probably wasn’t even here yet to walk with you to school. Since you two both lived on the second floor, you guys have walked to school together since the first day of Freshmen year, then Larry, Ash, and Sal came into the picture and you guys became a team.
“Still, get up!” She called, her voice sounded more further away this time. You knew she wasn’t gonna stop pestering you until you got up. So while pushing the covers off your body, you got to your feet and picked out and outfit for today.
After breakfast, you brushed your teeth just as you heard a knock at the door, and your mom open the door to greet Todd.
“Hi Mrs. (L/N), is (Y/N) ready?” His voice grew louder as you stepped closer to the door and stopped next to your mom.
“Hey Todd, I’m ready!” Giving him a smile, he returned it as he lead you down the hallway and to the elevator. He hit the button as he attempted to make conversation with you.
“So how have your grades been? Excited for the end of the year?” He turned his head to make eye contact with you.
“Yeah I guess, I’m still not completely sure what I want to do once I graduate, but I know I’ll have you and everybody else to go to for support.” You responded in a tired tone, still a bit dazed from just waking up only 10 minutes ago. Todd nodded at your response as the elevator chimed.
The two metal doors slid open to reveal Sal and Larry standing on the other side, they looked ready for school just as much as you and Todd.
“Oh hey!” Larry called, “You two look like shit!” He laughed, Todd grimaced in annoyance while you just rubbed one of your eyes, trying to wake up.
“Yeah well your eyebags got eyebags and I’m sure Sals looking more than tired under that prosthetic.” Todd shot back as he stepped into the elevator, you supposed everyone was up late studying, since Mrs. Packerton always has extremely hard ‘end of the year’ tests. The fact that she’s a cultist makes trying to focus more difficult.
You stepped into the elevator and stood between Todd and Sal, taking notice in how quiet Sal was. It wasn’t unusual for him to not say anything, but a small hello could always be heard from him whenever we saw each other.
“You okay Sally Face? You seem a bit quiet.” Larry seemed to get a kick out of comment since he snickered and nudged Sal with his elbow.
“Yeah, what’s up bud?” Larry questioned in an almost teasing tone, it confused you, but you also knew that Sal and Larry always had their own little inside jokes. Maybe something happened last night while they were studying together, probably something involving Larry’s terrible toilet humor, or maybe they just got high again and completely blew off studying.
“Nothing, just tired.” Thats when you noticed how red Sals ears were, though you didn’t think much of it since you just wanted to get to school and get these seven hours of hell over with.
School never failed to be the same as always, with Travis and his homophobic and just down right ignorant remarks, the lunch food always smelling strange (especially the bologna), and of course messing around in the hallways and during lunch time with some of your favorite people. This time at lunch though you asked to speak with Ashley in private, she and Todd were the best advice givers you knew, but you just didn’t have as much faith in Todd in keeping a secret as you did with Ash.
“Whats up, (Y/N)?” The two of you stood behind the school as you anxiously looked around for any people who could overhear you.
“I, um, I needed some advice. It’s about the prom coming up this week..” You mumbled as Ashley burst into squeals of excitement, smiling widely to you.
“Oh I’m so excited you came to me for help! So you want to ask somebody, right? Who is it? Is it Larry?” She giggled and nudged you, trying her best to get the name out.
“No! It’s Sal!” Not even sure where that little outburst came from, you lifted a hand over your mouth in shock, as Ashley’s face only stretched further into happiness as she grabbed your shoulders.
“Oh I just knew you had a crush on him! You always laugh at all his jokes, and compliment him whenever you get the chance! And if you ask me, I think he might like you too!” That suggestion made your face burn, the thought of Sal actually returning such feelings made your heart warm.
“C- Come on, don’t say that!.. But do you really think that?” Ash nodded in response as she took your hand.
“You have to ask him out! And I know just who can help us.”
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autisticandroids · 3 years
hey so you know how you said a while back that cas doesnt really have a moc/demon dean or soulless Sam equivalent but if he did he would act the same bc hes horny and loves dean?? I agree and he would just do it WAY more unabashedly. my question is, in the version of spn where the writers are smarter AND more homophobic, how would they justify cas's actions? bc they cant use the cloak of humanity bc cas doesnt give a FUCK about humanity. so what would they do
okay the thing is that cas doesn't have a demon dean/soulless sam style arc because it wouldn't... do anything? the thing about cas is that he doesn't have inhibitions in the traditional sense. like he doesn't... feel the eyes of god or society watching him.
i had a long conversation with @pietacastiel the other day about whether cas has the capacity for "should" - and he really just... doesn't. there are two things that stand in for "should" for cas - one, "if i do this, [insert other person (usually dean but not always)] will like me," and two, "[insert person who i trust and obey] has told me to do this, and i will obey their command blindly because i am a good boy."
like, basically, number one is an essentially machiavellian calculation. he's trying to be someone that other people want around, so he makes himself useful to them or enjoyable to be around or likeable or what have you. it's entirely self-serving and probably wouldn't change if you took away his inhibitions or his empathy or his conscience or whatever.
number two is like... it's too intellectual to count as inhibitions, exactly - it's explicit rules that he has set down for himself, without internalizing. to give an example, cas knows that he's not supposed to watch porn in a room full of dudes, and he's not supposed to talk about it, but he will never understand WHY those things are true. he will just obey those commands.
in terms of other ethical behavior that cas demonstrates... the thing about cas is that he's just a nice person? he's highly empathetic, he likes to make other people happy, he likes to be friends, he's a sweetheart. he genuinely wants the best for people. he particularly wants the best for his nearest and dearest. this is what's going on when he heals babies, or decides that he's not gonna kill kelly, or sacrifices his life for dean. he is fundamentally doing what he wants. he wants dean to be alive more than he wants to not be dead, you know?
this is actually one of the things that makes cas so dangerous: empathy is fickle. if the only thing that's standing between you and murdering somebody is you liking that somebody and wanting to be their friend, you might murder them once they piss you off. or once something comes up that makes them being dead more valuable to you than you being their friend. and this is why cas is kind of a terrible person! this is why he's constantly doing war crimes. he doesn't really have a system of ethics.
now, here's the thing: cas does carry around a lot of guilt, but it's deeply ineffectual. it doesn't really change his behavior towards other people. it only really does two things: first of all, it convinces him that other people hate him and don't want him around. this intensifies his desperate need to be liked, and therefore his trying to be liked, but isn't the root of it. second of all, it makes him punish himself, stuff like trying to stay in purgatory.
now, if we did a demon dean/soulless sam situation on cas... what would that look like?
well, he would certainly lose all that guilt he's carrying around, but how would that affect his behavior? the main two effects, i think, would be to make him more confident and therefore bolder in terms of trying to be liked, and make him stop punishing himself/deciding that he deserves bad things.
the confidence boost might lead to him, say, throwing himself at dean a bit more than he does, but i don't think the change would be radical. i think it would just be kicked up a notch. but it's an issue of rational judgement more than inhibitions so i think he would stay basically the same. now, cas' judgement isn't the best, and in the context of relationships at least, if nowhere else, his guilt complex does semi-effectively combat his natural tendency towards total overconfidence, so it might have some serious effect, but i still argue it's rather a matter of degrees.
and him not punishing himself so much might lead to him doing things like getting more mad when dean treats him poorly, but not that much more, because fundamentally the reason cas doesn't get mad when dean treats him badly isn't because he thinks he deserves it - he does think that, but mostly he's just scared that if he gets mad or sets boundaries dean won't like him anymore. again, it's a matter of judgement. he's probably less scared that dean won't like him anymore if he sets boundaries because the elimination of the guilt complex makes him less convinced that everyone hates him, but the anxiety is still there - it's just less intense.
in terms of cas' other sources of ethics and inhibitions - wanting to be liked, obedience, empathy - these would be affected differently if he was like soulless sam and if he was like demon dean.
if cas lost his inhibitions the way soulless sam did... he wouldn't change that much, at least in terms of his personal relationships. he would lose his capacity for empathy, which means that he would be more likely to be a dick to randos on the street, or commit war crimes, but it wouldn't really change how he conducts his relationships, because the inhibitions he holds in relationships are intellectual, they're a matter of judgement anyhow. honestly i think he might still, for example, happily die for dean, if we're arguing that soullessness comes from a lack of empathy or conscience rather than a lack of all emotion, because his desire for dean to be alive is entirely selfish. he likes the world more with dean in it and that's that. so i think soulless cas would be more likely to be a dick behind the scenes - maybe pull some godstiel arc ass shit again - but it wouldn't necessarily change his treatment of those closest to him that much.
now, a demon dean style loss of inhibitions would look different, because demon dean's basic emotions weren't dampened - he was made more selfish and hedonistic and rebellious, and didn't care about other people. interestingly, demon dean didn't seem to lose his capacity for empathy - remember in black when he punched that guy who was abusive to that girl? he didn't do that because it was the right thing to do - he did it because it felt good, because he empathized with her situation and it gave him a rush to get her out of it. so a demonized cas' empathy is intact. but his "shoulds" - those are all out of whack. he's actively rebelling against them. obviously he would simply no longer obey the ones that are like, "follow this rule and you will never know why." but he would also stop trying to be liked. i think demon cas might in fact tell dean that he's been in love with him for years - while screaming an itemized list of every fucked up thing dean has ever done to cas in his face, and telling him to never speak to him again. hell, we've seen cas throw a temper tantrum like this before - "you're not my family, dean, i have no family" in the man who knew to much. demon cas would be like that except without it then causing him to have an immediate mental breakdown.
i would argue, however, that cas has had his own loss of inhibitions comparable to demon dean and soulless sam - crazy cas. it even follows the alliteration pattern, heh. this is because cas' inhibitions are far more in his brain than his heart, and to get rid of them you need to impair his judgement, not fuck with his feelings. like, his shoulds are entirely intellectual. i want to be liked, therefore i should do this, which will effectively cause other people to like me. i want to be a good boy for god/dean, therefore i will obey this rule they gave me. if you fuck with cas' judgement, you fuck with those inhibitions. so arguably crazy cas is cas' equivalent to demon dean and soulless sam.
anyway, to answer your question, i feel like soulless cas wouldn't necessarily need a cover, like, he might, oh, i don't know, covertly arrange more opportunities to be alone with dean or stuff like that, but he's not going to try and sleep with him because he still has most of his inhibitions in tact. demon cas they might have to admit is in love with dean and then kill, because i think demon cas would probably kiss dean and then punch him and leave. you know. and crazy cas we saw in canon.
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bangtanloverboys · 4 years
wasteland, baby // jjk
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summary - others deemed jungkook cold, maybe even unreliable. his business and the safety of his family was all that really mattered to him. or at least that was, until you came into the picture. now he cant stop himself from falling for you. 
or alternately:
it's mafia au jungkook, but gay
pairing - mafia boss!jungkook x male!reader
genre - fluff, angst, smut; mafia au
word count - 17.1k
warnings - allusions of drugs, grinding, jungkook is surprisingly soft for a mafia boss, yn is so oblivious, gays moving at strange paces but what do you expect they’re gay, vmin mentioned, minor violence and injuries, use of homophobic language (faggot and queer), implied torture, yoongi tries to flirt with jimin, making out, lowkey consent kink, nipple play, daddy kink, anal fingering, fellatio, handjob, top!jungkook, bottom!reader, soft dom!jungkook, sub!reader, some dirty talk, unprotected sex (pls use condoms), creampie, aftercare, cuddling
author’s note - behold my baby, i have no idea how he got this fucking long but here he is. i worked really hard on this so i hope yall enjoy this. be gay, do crime. big big shout out to @vinterjeon for the summary ily; and big big shout out to @yoongs-jeontae @rougebangtan​ @foxybread @chelsea-chee @absoluteyoongit and everyone in the ghostie chat for helping me out with this monster ;-; 
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Jungkook was in an especially sour mood tonight, the pounding of the music doing nothing to lighten his demeanor. He wanted nothing more than to return home to his estate, but he was currently in the middle of a meeting with the club owner, going about discussions on loaning the poor man some money and in return Jungkook and his men could sell their goods here. It was nothing new to Jungkook’s agenda, and frankly he should’ve just sent some men out to deal with it in his stead. But his right hand man, Namjoon, told him it was best for him to make the deal in person. Something about good impressions and needing to get out of the house. 
He sighed, listening to the man beg and plead for some extra cash. Downing the last of the whiskey he’d been nursing the past 10 minutes, he placed it on the table in front of the owner and gave him a tight smile. “You got yourself a deal. I’ll have my accountant wire you the money, expect to see more of us here.” Jungkook stood, straightening himself up as the man thanked him profusely. Giving him a curt nod, he then excused himself from the meeting and made his way out from the VIP section. “I still don’t understand why I needed to make the deal myself.” He grumbled as Namjoon caught up to him.
“Because Jungkook, you need to start solidifying your relationships with other businesses. You’ve spent so long in that damn house people are beginning to question their loyalty” He explained as they made their way down the stairs and into the main dancing area. “Besides, thought you might want to get out and I don’t know, find someone to let your frustrations out.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “I’ve told you before Namjoon, I’m not in the mood for a woman-” He was cut off by someone bumping into him. Quickly, he turned his head just in time to catch you facing him. 
He watched as your eyes checked him up and down. “Sorry,” you said with a smirk playing on your lips before another man with peach colored hair pulled you away, tugging you towards the bar. Jungkook stood there and kept his eyes focused on you as you ordered a fruity drink alongside your friend, both of you giggling away in your own little world.
“Perhaps you’re not in the mood for a woman,” Namjoon mused from beside him. “Maybe you want a man instead?” He raised his eyebrows at him, eliciting Jungkook to scoff at the elder. 
“I’ll be home late,” he muttered as he straightened out his jacket. He was right however, Jungkook was frustrated and needed someone to take it out on. And the way you looked at him gave him more than enough reasoning to tell him that you were more than willing to be that man. 
Namjoon gave him a slap on the shoulder as he made his way over to you at the bar. You were facing away from him, but your friend looked directly at Jungkook as he approached. Your friend whispered something in your ear before stalking off in another direction. He must’ve made you aware of his presence because soon as he was a single step away from you, you turned to face him. 
“Hello there.” You again shamelessly checked him out. Jungkook was no better, drinking in your form. You must’ve returned from dancing as your face was flushed and covered in a sheen layer of sweat, causing you to glow in the lowlighting of the club. You radiated confidence, perhaps it was spurred on by the alcohol you undoubtedly consumed tonight, but there was something just behind your eyes that he couldn’t place. And he was going to find out.
“Good evening,” he said, leaning on the bar next to you. He kept his eyes trained on you as you bit your lip and scooted closer to him. “What’s a pretty boy like you doing out here?”
“Just having a night out, what about you handsome? What are you doing?” You purred as your hand traced up the lapels of his suit jacket. He was amused as he watched your hand dance around his chest.
“Just finishing up some business. However, I’m thinking about. . . other plans,” he admitted, his hand beginning to snake around your waist. But before he could tug you in, you pushed his hand away. Jungkook barely had enough time to register what you had done before leaning forward.
“Dance with me.” Your breath was hot against his skin. Pressing a quick and teasing kiss to the shell of his ear before you pulled away, slowly making your way back to the dancefloor. Even in the low lighting of the club, Jungkook could tell your eyes had darkened since he approached you. Against his better judgement, he followed you towards the dance floor. 
The once blaringly annoying music turned into a sultry beat which had him pulling your back to his front. He heard you let out a surprised gasp but you leaned into his touch, grinding against him. Jungkook let out a soft groan as the two of you danced and moved to the beat of the music. His hands roamed the sides of your body, your own reaching behind him to mess up his hair. The more you ground your ass against him, the harder he could feel himself getting, and he knew that you could tell. 
You spun around to face him, hands now on his shoulders and tracing down against his chest. Without thinking, he placed his thigh between your legs, feeling your hard bulge against him. A strangled moan escaped past your lips as you rested your head against him. Jungkook’s hands slowly fell to your ass and started to move your hips against him. A smirk tugged on his lips as your fists closed around his suit jacket, whimpering as you worked yourself against his thigh. Jungkook lowered his face to your ear, but before he could even get a word out, your friend from earlier interrupted.
“Y/N-ieeeee!” The pink haired guy threw himself on to you and pulled you away from Jungkook. “I’m -hic- tirrred.” He slurred as he clung to you. You had a pained expression on your face, clearly not wanting to leave your friend alone. Before you could even muster out an excuse, Jungkook held up a hand to silence you. 
“It’s okay,” he said. “Perhaps another time.” The way he said it was hopeful but he knew better than seeing a random stranger again. The city was huge and it was very unlikely they’d run into each other again, especially with Jungkook’s history. You gave him a weak smile and said thanks before escorting your friend out from the dance floor and out of the club. He kept his eyes on you as you disappeared into the crowd and let out a sigh.
Fishing his phone out from his pocket, he stepped away from the hoards of people and towards the back alley exit. Away from the loud noises he quickly selected Namjoon’s number, telling him to send the car back around.
“Did you even listen to what I said?” His friend said from the other side of the line.
“I tried but we got. . . interrupted. Just hurry up alright, the music is getting annoying.” He then promptly hung up the phone. “Y/N. . . Nice name. . .”
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The next morning you woke up with a splitting headache. Slowly but surely all the memories of last night came flooding back: the club, dancing, drinking, the mystery man. You let out a long groan as you covered your face with a pillow. Goddammit, did you really do that? And did you really let him get away? 
Before you could even think about getting up, Jimin burst through your door with a smile on his face. “Good morning!” For some reason Jimin could get completely wasted and still have less of a hangover than you, and you envied him for that ability as you were laying there suffering.
“Go away!” You groaned as you pulled the covers to hide away from your cheery friend. 
“Nuh uh, time to get up and start the day!” He said as he sat down on the bed and pulled the blankets away from you. “Besides you gotta tell me about Mr. Fancy-Pants from last night.”
“There’s barely anything to tell because your drunk ass wanted me to take you home!”
“Yeaaah,” Jimin scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry about that. But tell me about him. Name, age, is he sugar daddy material? He was wearing a very expensive suit to a cheap club.” 
You rolled your eyes as you sat up, the sudden movement hurting your head. You hissed as you leaned over to your bedside table and took a couple gulps from your trust water bottle. “Name unknown, age unknown, sugar daddy material maybe,” you chuckled as you recalled the handsome stranger’s face. The way his dark hair fell over his eyes, his soft kissable lips, and the small scar you could make out on his cheekbone in the dim light of the club. “But fuck was he hot. And his dick! God, his dick was big.”
“I thought you didn’t do anything?” Your roommate raised a brow at you. “And you know better than to withhold the juicy details from me.”
“Because we sadly didn’t, all we did was dance but fuck I could feel how hard he was and- Mmmm, I would’ve gotten on my knees right then and there,” you sighed, fantasizing about what could’ve been.
Jimin simply laughed at you, “Think you’ll see him again? I mean, I vaguely remember him saying something about another time?” 
To which he was right, the mysterious stranger did say another time while his voice and words said one thing, you could clearly tell in his eyes that he didn’t mean it. While it did hurt to think about, he was right. You two probably wouldn’t have had anything more than a one night stand. No matter how much you dreamed about getting to know him and learning his likes, dislikes, what he was like as a person (and in bed). It wasn’t going to happen. He knew that, so did you. 
“No. . . Probably just being polite.” You dismissed the idea, letting go of the dream of seeing him ever again. “Anyways, you make breakfast or something?”
The two of you get up and make your way to the kitchen where Jimin did indeed make breakfast for the both of you. Consisting of eggs and bacon, plus his disgusting hangover cure that you absolutely refused to know the recipe of but drank anyway. The two of you discussed what you would be doing the rest of the day, seeing how it was still early in the day and what you might do later on in the weekend. You were going to sort through orders for the bookstore you work at, while Jimin wanted to go out again in hopes of seeing your mystery man once again. 
“No Jimin, I doubt he’s there and I need to go through these orders before Monday.” To which your roommate called you lame before going back to watching his trash reality TV. You rolled your eyes at his childishness as you went through and checked the next orders that would be arriving by the time you got back in the shop. The rest of the weekend seemed to roll by without any issue, the mysterious stranger far from your mind. 
Monday eventually comes around and you’re in the bookshop organizing all the books you have. As people come in and out of the store, the more you have to reorganize the shelves and try your damndest not to lose your mind at the next entitled mother who is upset you no longer shelve Harry Potter. Currently your boss, Eugene, had abandoned you, saying he needed to go to the bank, leaving you alone at the helm. You were slightly annoyed at the poor timing as you’re about a half an hour from your lunch break. The bell above the door rings, signaling to you a new customer has arrived. Taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for whoever it may be this time. 
“Hello welcome, how may I-” You turned, a big customer service smile on your face but the words died in your throat as you laid eyes on the new arrival. Dressed in an even nicer suit (if that’s even possible), was the mysterious stranger from the club the other night.
He also appeared to remember you as a quick look of surprise flashes over his handsome face. “Hello,” he said, sounding pleasantly surprised. Was he happy to see you again? 
“I- uh, hi,” you responded, your face flushing under his gaze. The two of you stayed silent for a moment, taking in each other’s presence. You must’ve looked horrible in comparison to the last time he saw you as last time you were wearing much nicer clothes and not working under a lot of stress from a customer service job. He on the other hand looked just as good, if not even more so than the last time you saw him. Eventually the quiet staring became too much. “Uh, is there anything I can help you with?”
Panic flashed across his face. “Right! I uh. . I’m here to purchase a book.”
You waited a few seconds, waiting for him to elaborate. “A book on. . ?”
You watch as his eyes darted around frantically“I, uh. . .birds!” He exclaimed.
“Birds?” You chuckled at the way he basically announced to the world what his purchase was going to be. “Any particular bird or just birds in general?”
“Nothing in particular, just. . . birds,” he said, looking a little less confident in his answer. 
“Alright, Bird Man, if you’ll just follow me,” you teased as you moved from behind the counter and towards the non-fiction nature section of the store. With each step you could feel his eyes burning into the back of your head. Was he embarrassed? Did he not want to see you again? Thoughts seemed to be running through your head so fast that you nearly passed the bird section entirely. “Okay, uh, books on birds. Here we are, if you need anything else I’ll be-'' Before you could even step away from him, his hand encased your wrist.
“Wait- uh, what’s your opinion? On. . . these bird books. . .” You looked at the man, who seemed to be nervous, nothing like the man who practically oozed sex appeal and control from the other night. It was something you couldn’t help but find endearing. 
“Well, it depends on what the bird books are for. Are you just looking to inform yourself more about birds or are you interested in bird watching?” You asked as you turned toward the bookshelf, looking for the books for either answer so you could be ready to pull them off. 
“Bird watching, I’m. . . starting a new hobby?” He answered, sounding a bit unsure about his words.
You look at him with a raised eyebrow but then turn back to the books in front of you. “In that case, this book,” you pulled a heavier looking book off the shelf and handed it to him, “should give you all the information you need.” 
“Thank you,” he nodded as he took the book in his hands. 
“Is that all you needed today?” 
“Alright then, let's ring you up.” Again in silence the two of you made your way back towards the register. Neither of you said anything unless it was related to the purchase; asking if it would be cash or card, and telling him when to swipe his card when the machine prompted him. When you saw him pull out a black card you nearly choked; you quickly made a mental note to tell Jimin that the mysterious stranger was indeed sugar daddy material. You stole a few more glances at him as you waited for the machine to process his purchase. “Thank you for shopping with us.” You said, handing him his receipt. “Hope you enjoy your new book, Mr. Bird Man.”
That got a chuckle out of him as he placed his receipt into the book. “I will, Y/N.”
The use of your name had you freeze for a second. “How do you know my name?”
“Well your friend the other night called you that and you are wearing a name tag,” he explained, gesturing to the metal clip that displayed your name for all the world to see. 
The realization had heat rushing to your cheeks. “Right, forgot about that for a second.”
“Happens to the best of us,” he goes to turn to leave the shop which has your heart dropped for a second. You know it was foolish to think that he would stay to get to know you more but clearly neither of you had hopes of seeing each other again yet here he was! In the store you worked at! That had to mean something, right? But in that split second of you feeling dread, he turned back to face you. “Sorry if this is me overstepping my boundaries, but would you like to grab coffee?”
“Yes!” You squeaked out, to which you immediately cleared your throat. “I mean, yes. I’d like that very much.” The man smiled at your eagerness, clearly happy with your response. “My lunch break is in about 20 minutes, if that’s alright with you?”
“That’s perfect actually, meet me at the coffee shop across the street?” He gestured behind his shoulder, the coffee shop that was parallel to the bookstore easily in view. “I’ll see you then.” He slowly started to turn but you grabbed his hand, you swear you saw him panic for a moment.
“Wait, I uh, I don’t know your name.”
As quick as the panic flashed in his eyes, it vanished and was replaced with warm regard. “It’s Jungkook.”
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He almost couldn’t believe it. Jungkook spent the entire weekend working on collecting debts and keeping his men in check, but all that time you never left his brain. That cute guy from the club, with those fascinating eyes. Sitting there in the back of his mind. Why you never left his brain was a mystery to him, was it because you never finished what you started? Whatever the reason was, he was happy he got to see you again. 
He entered the store thinking he’ll have a quick meeting with Mr. Kang, the owner of the bookstore, about rent and paying off his debt that was owed but upon seeing you he was stunned into silence. When you started asking questions about looking for a book he panicked, he didn’t need a book. He needed to talk to your boss! Not wanting to raise any suspicion with you, he just named the first thing that came to his mind which was birds. Now he had a book on birds that he really didn’t need but he couldn’t really care as he was going to see you again.
Jungkook made his way across the street; he debated on purchasing something but decided to wait for you. He sat himself down in the corner of the coffee shop, it was secluded enough that he doubted anyone would recognize him, which should work out in his favor. He quickly sent a message to Hoseok saying he needed him to collect the money from Mr. Kang, saying that something came up and he couldn’t get it himself. All he got in response was a thumbs up emoji and then he put his phone away. 
He tapped away on the table, waiting for you to arrive. How long was 20 minutes again? Had it been that long yet? Every time he checked his watch time seemed to just slow down even more. He sighed and stared at the book that was laid out in front of him. “Might as well,” he muttered to himself as he opened the book and started to sift through the pages. Jungkook skimmed over the information on the types of birds and habitats of the local aves, mainly paying attention to the photographs and diagrams; finding those images more entertaining than the actual text.
Looking through the book helped pass the time because after a while, he heard your voice above him. “How’s the book so far?” His eyes darted up immediately to see you, still in uniform but now your name tag is off. “Sorry if I startled you.”
Jungkook stood up. “It’s no problem.” On instinct his hand shot out for you to shake, before he could cringe at his actions and retreat his hand, you took it in hand and gave a firm shake. “Please, sit.” He let go of your hand and gestured to the seat next to you. The two of you sat there for a moment, not exactly knowing what to do next. He couldn’t help but stare at you, seeming so different from the other night. Not a bad different, but he could finally place what that look was behind your eyes when he first approached you.
Not childlike no, nothing of the sorts. You still seemingly had joy in your life, unlike Jungkook whose life has been surrounded by pain and violence since the day he was born. He wanted nothing more than to protect that flame of innocence, keep you safe. But he realized he couldn’t do that, he shouldn’t do that. Not in his line of work.
He could feel guilt build up in his stomach, he shouldn’t have asked you here. He should’ve left you alone. He should’ve-
“So, Jungkook,” you started. “Besides wanting to start bird watching, what else do you do?” You leaned forward on the table, fully invested as to what his answer was.
“Not many hobbies I’m afraid. . . hence why I’m looking to pick up bird watching. Learn more and have time to fill my free days, at least.” The lie seemed passable as he watched you nod in understanding.
“I get that, last weekend was my first free day in a while. Normally I’m swamped with book orders,” you chuckled nervously. “But my roommate, Jimin. He’s the one who. . . interrupted us.” He felt a smirk pull on his lips as you looked away sheepishly. “After his boyfriend had to work a double shift at the hospital, he forcibly pulled me away to go out with him.”
“Does Jimin’s boyfriend not live with you?” Jungkook asked, curious to learn more about your life.
“Tae? Oh, yeah he doesn’t. But with the amount of time he’s spent over he might as well be.” You let out a small laugh, as if it was an inside joke. “What about you? Any embarrassing friends and or roommates?”
“No, nothing embarrassing.” He watched as your face fell slightly. Fuck. “Well actually. There was this one time my friend Namjoon, we were in the middle of a business meeting. He was in charge of presenting and he took the pointer and accidentally used too much force and ended up breaking the projector screen straight through to the wall.” Thankfully the details of the meeting were strictly about company loans and not anything damming him if you knew. The story did get a good laugh out of you, and Jungkook never thought a laugh could sound so beautiful. He laughed alongside you until you calmed down a bit and acted as if to wipe tears from your eyes. 
“Oh man, I’m sorry but that’s- that’s too funny. Imagining someone in a suit just mess up that badly.” You were holding back more laughter. “I’d ask what the bill was but I think that would’ve been irrelevant. Seeing how- Nevermind.”
“No, not nevermind. What?” He leaned forward, he knew you’d possibly say something about his money and it was only a matter of time before you mentioned it. He had no doubts that was possibly part of your attraction to him, but you shying away from the topic did say something else about your character. 
He watched as you took a deep breath. “I was saying how I’d ask but, seeing how well you’re dressed I doubt it was a large sum of money to you.” 
“You’re right, it wasn’t much to us. Do you mind that?”
“I mean, I think you’re a pretty interesting guy and I’d like to get to know you more. You don’t seem to flaunt it around so no. I don’t mind.” You gave a small shrug, then you muttered a few words Jungkook didn’t seem to catch. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He asked, raising a brow at you.
“What was what?” You cocked your head to the side, your eyes having a playful gleam in your eyes. You wanted to play a game. He licked his lower lip and shook his head, he should’ve known you wouldn’t have gone without a fight. You wanted to play? Fine, he’ll play along. 
“I said, what was that?”
“Oh, it was nothing.” Little by little he could see the tease he remembered from the club breaking through. “Don’t worry about it.” You gave him a wink. 
“I don’t like it when pretty boys lie to me,” Jungkook mused, reaching forward to place his forefinger underneath your chin, his thumb grazing your lower lip. “I like it when pretty boys are good to me. Can you be good for me?” Before you even had time to react, his hand retreated to be folded in front of him. 
He watched as your brain processed what just happened. You stuck your tongue between your teeth in thought as your eyes dragged him up and down. He guessed before you could think about chickening out, you started leaning across the table, Jungkook stilled as you crossed into his space. He could feel your breath on his ear before you whispered. “What I said was: bring another definition to eating the rich.”
Just as quickly as you leaned forward, you pulled away. “Why you little-”
“Excuse me?” You both turned to see a barista standing awkwardly beside your table. “Are you going to order anything?”
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Since the chance encounter, you and Jungkook have continued to see each other the past 3 months, agreeing to meet up every other week whenever either of you (but mostly him) weren’t busy. What you did on the dates, if you could even really call them that, always reminded you that what was between you was way different than any other relationship you’ve had before. 
At first they were small things, you’d go on walks through parks. You’d ask him how his bird watching hobby was going, which always had him feeling a little flustered; but he always responded saying that it was going well. Sometimes you’d test him, pointing to a bird and asking what type it is and you’d listen to him as he’d mutter something that was possibly right but always missed certain details. 
On the dates nothing much even happened, besides him linking arms with you. It’s not like you didn’t want anything to happen, because you definitely tried. You’d attempt brushing hands, placing a hand a bit too high on his thigh, anything to get a rouse out of him. The look in his eyes told you he wanted to go in that direction, but he never let it go that way. Giving you a stern look and pushing your hand away, before continuing what he was talking about. Alongside nothing happening between you two, you barely had an idea of a label of what to even call the type of relationship you had. Whatever the two of you were, you, or more so Jungkook, didn’t talk much about it. 
Then the dates slowly got a bit more extravagant. He once asked you if you were free for him to pick you up on a Friday evening for a surprise. This was one of the only times you’d seen him drive, all other times he asked to meet you somewhere. To now pick you up from where you lived was a step forward, wasn’t it? Whatever it was, upon entering his car, he handed you a blind fold. You gave him a strange look which had him chuckling and promising nothing weird will happen to you. Trusting him, you put on the blind fold. He asked you questions about your week as classical music softly emitted from his radio, to which you always responded the same about the bookstore and how it’s business has been getting strangely better the past few weeks, updates Jimin and Taehyung were doing, and other miniscule things that went on. When you asked him questions though, he always gave you the same response. 
“Business as usual, but it’s nothing really important.”
His job really was his life. There was one time he did let it slip that besides his work, you were the only other thing he was starting to care about and that definitely had you blushing. 
Back to the mystery date though, he parked his car and helped you out of the car, Jungkook took you by the elbow and led you towards the place. Once inside he removed the blind fold to show that he had rented out an entire aquarium for the evening! When you asked him why you couldn’t just go when there were people, he said something about liking privacy to which you could understand. You had a few more dates where he would rent out museums, greenhouse gardens, and when you asked him about any updates on his bird knowledge he took you to an aviary where he named all different types of birds.
Tonight however was a different date as it was to celebrate your birthday. While technically your birthday was last week, he felt guilty about not being there to celebrate with you so he decided that he was going to take you to a very nice restaurant and treat you.
You just finished getting dressed when Jimin knocked on your door, alerting you of his presence. He let out a low whistle when he noticed you were dressed particularly nicer than usual. “Damn bitch, where are you going tonight? The Ritz?”
You chuckled at your friend’s comment, you weren’t dressed that crazy you hoped. You were wearing white button up that was loosely tucked into your black slacks, a nice loose blazer on top with a small scarf tied around your neck to add a dash of color. “It’s not that outrageous, is it?”
“No, but it’s way nicer than anything you’ve ever worn besides our graduation,” he answered. “You better give your sugar daddy some extra sugar since he’s going all out for your birthday. Goddamn.”
“Min, I’ve told you he’s not a sugar daddy!” You laughed at your friend’s claim.
“What’s the difference? He’s spending loads of money on you, isn’t he?!”
“The difference is, it’s being spent on the dates. Not material items,” you explained as you went to your dresser to pick out some rings. “I also don’t give him any sugar, you’d know if we did anything.”
“Well not all sugar daddies want sex, sometimes it’s just company,” he countered as he walked over to you. “Stick to silver, not gold.” He took the gold band out of your grasp and back in your ring stash. 
“But that would also still require him to pay me, he doesn’t. We just hang out and talk, like you and Taehyung.” You pointed out as you slipped a couple silver rings onto your fingers. “These good?”
Jimin nodded as he looked at your hands. “Fancy restaurant for my birthday? Maybe. But Taehyung doesn’t rent out whole ass museums for me and we’ve been together for two years.”
You rolled your eyes at him as you went to your closet to pick out the shoes you wore when you met him at the club; still very nice looking but still comfortable enough to walk around. Glancing at your digital clock, the blue numbers displayed 7 o’clock. Jungkook said to meet him at the restaurant at 7:30. “I gotta get going, Jimin,” you said as you started towards the front door. 
“Alright, text me when you arrive and then when you get home? I’m spending the night at Tae’s,” Jimin said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Will do, bye!” You started towards the elevator, phone in hand as you ordered an Uber. Thankfully the wait wasn’t that long as there was a driver nearby ready to pick you up. You went to your chat room with Jungkook to text him that you were on your way. Should you send a photo as well? You’ve sent him photos of birds and some small things you knew he liked but never a selfie. Deciding not to over think it much, you took a quick selfie. Not wanting to make a fool of yourself in the Uber, you kept the camera angle low, keeping the main focus of the photo your neck and the only part of your face visible was your lips. Before you could over analyze it too much, you sent the photo and the text. You put your phone down and stared out the window for a few minutes, watching the buildings slowly get more and more upscale. You felt your phone on your lap buzz, almost too quickly you picked it up to check the notification. 
Jungkook: Cute. . . I’ll see you in a bit, pretty boy.
It wasn’t until the Uber driver looked back to check on you and asked what made you so happy when you realized you were grinning like a madman. You simply say it’s nothing, not wanting to embarrass yourself. The driver nodded and silence once again filled the car. 
Once you arrived, you thanked the driver as you walked away and took in the restaurant before you. All around you the buildings and streets were bustling with life, while as you walked towards the entrance you noticed that once again, there was no one else in the restaurant. You can’t say you aren’t surprised, but you can’t over the fact he always felt like the two of you always should be private. It was a sort of attention you never ever received from anyone else.
“You must be Mr. L/N?” The host asked you as you walked towards him. You gave him a quick nod, confirming to him your identity. “Follow me, sir. Mr. Jeon is this way.” As you followed the host, you sent a quick message to Jimin as promised saying you arrived. He responded right away with a thumbs up and you then turned off your phone and kept your eyes trained on the man in front of you.
He led you towards the center of the restaurant where Jungkook sat, scrolling through his phone with a frown on his face. Oh dear, was he in a bad mood? However the frown melted away as soon as he looked up and saw you. He put his phone away as the host seated you across from him. Whenever you went out, he was always a little bit dressed up. Normally wearing slacks and a white button up, nothing extreme. But this time he wore something a bit different, wearing a fitted grey pinstripe suit and his hair was partially swopped back. 
“Hi,” you sighed as you settled into the cushioned seat. Out of habit, you took the folded napkin from your plate and placed it over your lap. Even though nothing was being served yet, it was good to just get it out of the way. 
“How was your day so far?” Jungkook asked with a small smile pulling on his lips as he looked at you.
“It was good. Although I do admit I was a bit nervous for this dinner,” You shyly admitted, scratching at the back of your neck.
He cocked his head to the side, “Why would you be nervous?” Concern lacing his voice. 
“It’s just. . .fancy dinner for my birthday. Dressing up, it’s dumb. I’m sorry.” You waved your hand, trying to dismiss the subject but Jungkook took your other hand that’s resting on the table in his. Instantaneously, your eyes dropped to your linked hands watch as he delicately held your hand in his, then your gaze flickered up to see him staring intently at you. 
“Y/N, your feelings are valid. I’m sorry if this dinner stressed you out,” he apologized. Before you could even begin to think of a rebuttal, he spoke again. “I merely wanted to give you a treat for your birthday. Next time, we can go to someplace more. . .lowkey? If that’s the proper word for it.” The smile on his face as he told you that had butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
“You going to buy out a McDonald’s for a night then?” You couldn’t help but crack the joke, and seeing Jungkook’s eyes crinkle at the line made it all the more hilarious to you; especially seeing how he probably would.
“Don’t tempt me,” he said as he gave your hand a quick squeeze before letting go. “Now, what are you hungry for tonight?”
You pulled open the menu and took in all the very fancy foods. Everything sounded delicious but the sight of the prices made your stomach churn. Was it really that much for a steak? You were about to say that you’ll get the cheapest thing, which was a sort of small fancy tuna sandwich when Jungkook told you not to worry about the price. 
“It’s your night Y/N, I shall spare no expense for you.”
“As soon as I tell Jimin that line, he’s really going to think you’re a sugar daddy,” you muttered as you settled on the steak you saw earlier. You knew he heard the sugar daddy line, judging by the smirk on his face. 
The host returned to take your order and the two of you talked; him continuously updating you on his growing bird knowledge and birds he’s spotted recently. Honestly when you met the man, you wouldn’t have pegged him for a bird lover yet here he is, fully embracing the hobby. As the food was served, the conversation slowed as you ate, but never ceased to be interesting. 
You were nursing a glass of champagne, telling a story from college when his phone beeped. He quickly glanced at it and you watched as his cheerful smile morphed into a sneer. The warm cheery atmosphere around the two of you grew cold and you stayed silent as he looked to you. “Do you mind if I make a quick call? I promise, it’ll be quick.”
“Yeah, of course go ahead,” you answered softly. Jungkook gave you a small smile in return, the warm aura slowly returning to the dinner. He sat up and walked over to you, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead then walked away. This was the first act of affection he’s given you since the club 3 months ago and you swear you could die a happy man right now. The action was so small, yet it was such a sweet gesture that had the butterflies in your stomach going nuts once again.
While Jungkook was on his call, you finished your steak. You sat there fiddling with the table cloth when you heard a loud “GODDAMMIT!” and glass shattering. You stood immediately to go see what the matter was but soon as you stood, one of the waiters told you to sit right back down as he rushed over to where the shout came from. From where Jungkook walked off to. 
You sat there, scared. Whatever happened couldn’t be good and this was the first time you would ever see him angry. You deep down you knew he probably wasn’t going to hurt you, but then again, you don’t really know what could happen next. He was already in a somewhat bad mood, would that have a reflection on the rest of the dinner? Would he associate whatever bad news he had on you? You keep focus on your hands that have started twisting with the napkin laid on your lap, holding back tears. Only moments later did you hear footsteps return to the table, you don’t dare to turn your head to look.
“Y/N, look at me.” His voice was soft, unlike that animalistic growl that came from his throat minutes ago. You squeezed your eyes shut, doing anything to not let him see you cry. “Y/N, look at me please.” It was then you looked up, your frightened expression there for him to see. Guilt washed over his face as he got to his knees, he reached out and took both your hands in his. “I-I don’t even have the words to describe how sorry I am for that.”
“N-No, it’s-”
“It’s not alright. This was supposed to be a celebration for you, but I ruined it with. . bad news from my business.” His hand moved from yours to gently cup your face, wiping at the tears that were starting to fall. “Please forgive me.”
Nodding. “I forgive you,” you managed to get out with a sniff. 
Jungkook leaned forward, you let your eyes flutter shut as his lips once again pressed a kiss on your forehead. “Thank you,” he whispered against his skin. He pulled away to look you in the eyes. “Would you like to continue the dinner or would you like to return home? It’s up to you.”
You pursed your lips in thought, perhaps it wasn’t too late to salvage the last of the night. “Can we stay for a little while longer?” You whispered out. Your response had Jungkook beaming.
“Yeah, we can stay a little while longer, baby,” he responded as he stood up, but instead of returning to his seat, he pulled his chair over to be next to you. “Would you like to order some dessert? They have delicious cheesecake.” 
You nodded, liking the idea of having some cheesecake. Whatever had Jungkook riled up before, seemed to have been pushed away as now he’s focusing on you and only you. Telling you about the different types of cheesecakes they have and slowly you feel the warm atmosphere return. He called over a waiter and got a slice of chocolate cheesecake for you to share. He even requested for there to be a candle on top so when it arrived, he sang happy birthday to you. His silky smooth voice had you completely captivated. Once it was time to blow out the candle and make a wish, you paused and thought for a moment. You kept your eyes trained on Jungkook before closing them and blowing out the small flame.
“What did you wish for?” He asked, pulling the candle out of the cake and handing you a fork.
“I can’t tell you or it won't come true,” you countered. “Don’t you know that?”
“But what if I’m in the business of making wishes come true?” He asked as he took a bite of the cheesecake. 
“Hmm,” you pretended to ponder before quickly dabbing your finger in the cream of the cake and wiping it on his nose. “Still no.”
“Why you little-” He muttered as he took the napkin from your lap and cleaned his nose of the sweet substance. You gave him a cheeky grin and continued eating the cake, both of you falling into a comfortable silence. 
When the two of you finished the slice, Jungkook and you walked over to the front where he pulled out his card to pay for the meal and you waited patiently for him by the door. You tried your best to hide your shock when the huge price fell from the host’s lips as Jungkook swiped his card. Meal all paid for, the two of you walked arm and arm out of the restaurant and into the cool night air. 
“Is this where we part for the night?” He turned to you, sounding a bit upset at the thought. 
“Yeah, I need to get back,” you sighed as you looked up to face him. “But I had a really good time tonight.” You smiled.
“I did too,” he returned your smile. You watched as his hand came again to cup your face, his eyes flickering from yours to your lips. He slowly started lowering his head to you, he stopped however a few centimeters away from your mouth. “Happy birthday, Y/N,” he whispered, his breath fanning against your lips. He didn’t move however, he stayed there. You moved forward to close the gap but he pulled away, maintaining the same distance away from you though. He was teasing you! You must’ve started to pout because Jungkook chuckled at you before fully closing the gap.
At first the two of you just stood there, his soft lips against yours. Ever so gently, he started to move his lips against yours. His other hand moved to cup the other side of your head, your hands now resting on his wrists. You could still taste the last bit of the chocolate cheesecake on his lips, causing you to smile into the kiss. 
It only lasted a few more seconds before the two of you pulled away for air; you smiled like an idiot and Jungkook just stared at you, the smallest of smiles pulling at his lips. He leaned forward again to lightly peck your lips again. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” He said as his hands fell from your face.
“Goodnight,” you giggled as you walked backwards for a few steps then turned to walk towards a less busy spot for you to call an Uber. As you walk away however you hear Jungkook make a call saying something along the lines of keeping an eye on someone. Whoever that someone is, you don’t know. Maybe related to the call earlier, but you don’t dwell on it. 
Your phone took a few minutes to wake up again as you stopped at a corner, leaning against the wall of a building. You’re basking in the aftermath of the kiss, touching your lips lightly as if you feel like he’s still there. What a perfect way to end the night.
But quick as the night was over, you felt your arm get pulled down the street and into an alley. “Hey!” You called out, struggling to get away from the person who grabbed you. 
“Shut up!” The man growled as he shoved you against the wall. “What’s your business with Jeon Jungkook?”
“What?” You’re confused. What does Jungkook have anything to do with this?
“Answer me, faggot!” The man punched you straight in the gut, you doubled over. The man took the opportunity to then push you to the ground and start kicking you repeatedly. “Answer! Me! You! Fucking! Queer!” He articulated each word with another kick. Tears burned at your eyes as your attacker continued, demanding you about what Jungkook’s plans are and who else he has working for him. 
“I don’t know! I don’t know!” You sobbed, trying to turn onto your stomach, but the man stopped you by pressing his foot into your back, causing you to cry out again. He raised his foot up, you presumed to stomp down on your back. You tensed up, preparing yourself for the blow but it never came. 
At that moment, another figure tackled your attacker to the ground. The figure has him on his back and he’s being punched repeatedly to the face. You took this moment to start crawling away, to get away from your attacker and the figure. With each movement you make though it has pain shooting down your back, you choked out a sob. You didn’t want to give up but it hurt too much. The grunting of the figure punching stopped and you heard footsteps make their way over to you. 
“Please. . .don’t hurt me. . .I don’t know anything. . .” You pleaded with the shadow as it made its way over to you. But instead of demands like your attacker, a deep voice flooded your ear drums.
“Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay. You’re safe.” You turned to look up and see a man with bleached blond hair look down on you. “You’re gonna be okay,” he assured you as he moved to take you in his arms. Tears started falling freely as your savior cradled you in his arms, groaning as he got to his feet. He carried you back towards the street, a black SUV parked right on the sidewalk. You were placed in the backseat of the car. “It’ll be okay. I’ll take you to Jungkook.” The voice said as he closed the door and made his way towards the driver seat.
Jungkook. You cried harder at the mention of him. What was going on? What did that man want with him? More importantly, why did he think you had any important information? Thousands of questions were running through your head as you cried into the leather of the seat. Eventually, the adrenaline wore off and your body started to fall slack. You felt your eyelids grow heavy and you could feel yourself starting to pass out. The last image that flashed through your mind was Jungkook’s smiling face.
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Jungkook was only in the car for a few minutes driving back from his estate when he saw Yoongi’s SUV speed past him on the street. Initially he thought that was odd, seeing how he asked him to trail after you just to make sure you got home safe, normally he’d never do that. He did his best to keep you safe and keep your dates with him private and discreet; renting out entire buildings so the two of you could be alone and he could keep you away from enemy eyes. But after the phone call where the Hwang family, one of his biggest rivals, stole a bunch of his product, something told him it’s better to be safe than sorry and have his guard follow you home. 
He went to grab his phone in his coat pocket, only to feel the shattered glass against his skin; remembering it was useless at the moment since he threw it into a glass case at the restaurant. It wasn’t hard for him to put two and two together and realize what had happened.
Your safety had been compromised. 
“Mr. Chung, go faster. Something’s wrong,” he ordered his driver, who promptly stepped on it and weaved through the cars on the highway. Jungkook was seething in the backseat, he shouldn’t have pulled you into this. All he saw was red and before he knew it, he was punching the roof of the car.
“Sir, you’re going to hurt yourself. Stop that!” Mr. Chung scolded him as if he was a child. But he didn’t care, he couldn’t care. He let himself get attached to you and now you were hurt because of it. He brought his fist to his lips, closing his eyes. He tried his best to think of where it could’ve gone wrong. Who could’ve seen you? How long had they been trailing after you? So many things were racing through his head as both his car and Yoongi’s finally arrived at his estate.
“What the hell happened?!” He shouted at Yoongi as he ran over the gravel driveway to where he was pulling out your limp body. 
“Fucking Hwang foot soldier,” the elder grunted as he adjusted you in his arms. He barely gave Jungkook time to look at you as he immediately started towards the house. He quickly ran ahead to open the door. “Jin! Guest room, first floor, stat!” His shouts echoed in the vast hallways as he quickly ran to the closest guest room and kicked the door open. 
It was when Yoongi laid you on the bed that he finally was able to get a good look at you. Your clothes were filthy and your hands were covered in grime; your body was slack and didn’t move, if it wasn’t for the weak rise and fall of your chest he would’ve thought you were dead. The mere idea of you being gone and him being the reason for it had his blood boiling.
Seokjin burst into the room, medical bag in hand and pushed Jungkook away to have a better look at you. “What happened?”
“Jumped in an alley. He was kicked several times in the stomach and was about to have his back stepped on.” Yoongi said as the eldest man put his bag down and started to unbutton your shirt. He took in a sharp breath as your torso was exposed to them, a large dark bruise starting to form on your side. 
He did this to you. He caused you harm. He wanted to find the scum that did this to you and break every bone in their body. He wanted to do so much harm to them but he knew none of it would have you forgive him for doing this to you. He probably won’t ever forgive himself for it. 
He kept silent as Seokjin examined your bruise, applying light pressure to it and feeling around your chest; looking for anything that could be broken or out of place. You let out a groan when he pressed on certain parts of the bruise, Jungkook had to hold himself back from crawling over to you and hold you close.
“It doesn’t seem like anything is broken,” he pulled away from you. “Maybe some bruised organs and ribs, but nothing too serious. He’s lucky.” Jungkook felt himself relax instantly at the news. “JK, undress him while I go get an ice pack from the freezer.” Seokjin told him as he walked out and towards the kitchen. 
Dejected, Jungkook moved to sit beside you on the bed. He pushed the hairs away from your eyes as you laid there unconscious. “Thank you, Yoongi,” he whispered to the elder, who was still in the room, watching you both. 
“It’s my job, boss,” he said as he made his way out of the room to give you privacy.
Sighing, Jungkook followed his medic’s orders and started to remove your clothes. He removed the scarf that was still tied loosely around your neck, grateful that whoever attacked you didn’t use that to their advantage. Folding it gently and placing it on the bedside table, he then moved to your shoes. Untying the laces and pulling them off along with your socks, setting them someplace else. Next part he definitely wasn’t looking forward to. He grimaced to himself as he started to remove the already undone shirt from your torso, flinching every time you made any sort of noise that sounded like discomfort. 
After the shirt and jacket were undone, he set those aside to fold later. He sucked in a breath as he went to undo your belt and remove your slacks, while it was necessary for him to do it and has had to do it before to those in his inner circle, but he didn’t feel right doing it. Trying not to dwell on it too much, he started shimmying the pants off your waist and down your legs. He slowed however when he got to your knees and noticed tears in the fabric. You had tried to crawl away. The thought of you on your hands and knees, trying to escape had his blood boiling. It took everything in him to not throw your clothes to the floor and storm out and after the Hwarng family for trying to use you against him. The only thing holding him back was you. You needed him.
Now that you were fully undressed, besides the boxer briefs you still had on, he could see that your knees were scraped a bit but nothing major. That was a relief to see that you weren’t hurt any more physically than what was seen on the surface. He could see you start to shiver from the cool air surrounding you. Not wanting you to freeze and let you keep some modesty, he gently pulled the covers from underneath you, trying his best to not disturb you too much. Just as he laid the blankets over you, Seokjin came back in, with an ice pack and a glass of water in hand. 
When he got to the bed, he pulled up the blanket just enough to place the ice pack on your bruise. You stiffened at the sudden cold, but you relaxed after a few moments. Resting soundly. Jungkook took this time to start folding your clothes when your pants’ pocket started vibrating. He reached in to see that your roommate Jimin was texting you furiously, asking how the dinner was, when you’d be back, but that was over 20 minutes ago now they sporadic messages where he was and if he’d gotten home yet. 
“Fuck,” he muttered as he ran his fingers through his hair. 
“What is it?” Soekjin asked as he placed the water glass and pulled a bottle of pain meds from his medicine bag on the bedside table. 
“His roommate is wondering where he is. . .” Jungkook responded, he slid to open a response to him. He quickly typed out a message, hoping to god that whatever he was saying sounded like you. 
Y/N: I actually won’t be coming home tonight, spending night with Jungkook
“Should I add a winky face?” He mumbled to himself.
“What in the hell are you writing?” The elder looked at him bewildered. 
“Nothing, just- nevermind,” he huffed as he decided against the idea, not wanting you to be mad about pretending to be you and message your friend. Almost immediately your phone blew up with more responses from Jimin, all in capitals and screaming about getting some. Jungkook scoffed at the messages before turning your phone off and setting it down. 
Seokjin sighed and patted him on the back. “He’s going to be fine, Jungkook.” He let the elder lead him towards a cushioned chair that was not too far from where you laid. “I’m taking a guess that you’re not going to leave his side, so if you’re going to stay here: at least sit down and rest. He won’t be awake for a few hours at least.”
He was right, it was only barely 11 pm, your dinner had gone on a lot longer than he originally expected so he was a bit tired, especially after seeing what had happened to you? He’d seen a lot more terrible things, sure. But this was you, the young man who blatantly checked him out, who teased him always, the man he dared might even say be in love with. The mere thought of you in danger had his head spinning. So he sat himself in the chair, yet the weight on his shoulder didn’t leave him. What was he going to do when you woke up? Would you be mad at him? Shout at him and never want to see you again? The thoughts ran rampant in his mind. God, what did you do to him?
Three months ago, he wouldn’t be freaking out so much over an attack on a civilian. But the fact that the civilian in question was you made it different. You did something to him that he possibly won’t ever explain. Three months ago, he wouldn’t be studying a birdwatching book before bed every night to impress someone.Yet he was doing that, loving watching you beam as you listened to him spout off random facts about the birds you pointed out. He wouldn’t have done that for anyone, but he did that for you. 
He was vaguely aware of Seokjin telling him to get some rest as he left the room; to which he followed suit, shutting his eyes to try and sleep. But it wasn’t for very long though because a few hours in, his eyes shot open to sounds of low groans. He sat up straight to see you rolling on your side, hand stretched out for the glass of water. He practically flew from his seat over to you. “Hey, hey, hey.” He went to help usher you to sit up, he took the glass for you and held it up to your lips. You gulped down on the water, it pooled at the corner of your lips, dribbling down your chin and onto the bed sheet. When you pulled away from the glass you immediately collapsed back onto the pillow, tears in your eyes once again. “It’s okay. I’m here. I’m here.” He ran his hands through your hair, in an attempt to soothe you as you cried into the pillow. 
The two of you stayed that way for a while, until your sobs turned into sniffles. “What happened?” You don’t bother looking up at him, keeping your eyes focused on the glass of water.
“I’ll tell you in the morning, you need more sleep.” Jungkook continued to stroke your head, right now you were still very fragile and weak. He wouldn’t know how you’d respond to startling news right now, so the best option was to just wait until morning.
Being told this didn’t sit right with you as your eyes moved to him, your gaze hardening. “No, tell me now.” You demanded, if it weren’t for the circumstances he might’ve thought the defiance was cute but that wasn’t the case.
“Y/N, in the morning. I promise I’ll tell you everything in the morning. Please” His voice was on the edge of breaking. You were already so hurt because of him, he didn’t want you to hurt anymore. Not right now at least.
“Okay,” you respond, your voice small. “Can I have some of that though?” You point to the bottle of pain medication on the side table. Nodding, he pulls two of the pain pills out and hands them to you. You leaned up on your elbow, but he can tell the movement causes you pain as you winced, but you popped the pills in your mouth and held your hand out for the water. He handed you the glass, only taking a few gulps this time before handing it back to him to set down.
“Get some sleep now.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll be here in the morning.” As he was going to move to sit back up, your hand latched onto his wrist. Looking back at you, his heart broke again as he saw the scared look etched onto your face. 
“Can you stay here though, next to me?” He smiled at you and nodded, going over to drag the chair over to you. Seated once again, he took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to your knuckles.
“I’ll be right here,” he whispered, watching you close your eyes as you laid against the pillow. There he sat watching you as you peacefully slept. He felt his eyelids grow heavy as the night continued on. With a yawn, he laid his head on the side of the bed, closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
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Two weeks. That’s how long it’s been since you were attacked and Jungkook told you the reason why you were attacked. Because of him. Because he was in the mafia.
When you woke up the morning after you were alone. You barely had time to even take in any details before your brain caught up with the pain that shot through your torso. The pain reminds you of what happened: the date, the kiss, the attack, your blond savior, Jungkook- Jungkook! You immediately sat up, biting through the pain of your gut. Before you could even do anything else, the door to the room swung open. You watched as a tall man with dark hair walked in with a tray of food in his hands.
“Oh, you’re awake.” He sounded genuinely surprised at the notion as he walked over to the bed where you laid. He walked so quickly he caused a small breeze to hit you, the cool air brushing against your skin- Wait your skin? You glanced down to suddenly be aware that you weren’t wearing the clothes you wore last night. With the stranger in the room, you immediately took the satin sheet that pooled at your waist up to at least give yourself some semblance of privacy. 
“Who are you? Where am I?” You croaked, your voice groggy from sleep and the amount of crying you did. 
“My name is Jin, I’m a friend of Jungkook. You’re at his estate,” he answered as he placed the tray next to you on the bed. “Thought you might be hungry when you woke up, although I thought that wouldn’t be for a few more hours-”
“Where’s Jungkook?” You cut him off, you remembered last night he said he would tell you what was going on. It was at that moment, somewhere off in the house a loud scream was heard and you stiffened.
“He’s. . .busy at the moment. . .” Jin smiled at you, no doubt in an attempt to keep you calm, only it did the opposite, making you even more anxious. You were practically naked in a place you don’t know, with a man you don’t know, and someone in the house was being tortured. “I can go get him if you want?”
Your body acted on its own accord and nodded, to which Jin said he’ll be right back and told you to eat some of the food. Once he left the room, you let the sheet fall back down with a sigh. Turning your attention to the food tray, you take in what was offered. There was a fresh glass of orange juice, a couple slices of buttered toast, then a small bowl of peach slices. Something itched at the back of your brain, telling you that it could be poisoned but that wouldn’t make sense. The way Jungkook acted last night. . . he wouldn’t do that, you trusted him. Fork in hand, you take a stab at a peach slide and bring it to your lips. Letting the sweet fruit dance dance along your tongue.  You silently nibbled at the food for a few minutes when the door opened again and there’s disheveled Jungkook. He’s wearing the clothes he wore from last night, only they’re wrinkled from sleep. But what caught you off guard is the rag in his hands, wiping away red substance from his hands. Blood.
He’s silent as he placed the rag on the dresser as he slowly made his way over to you on the bed. “How are you feeling?” His eyes are locked on your torso, you followed his gaze and finally saw the cause of your pain. There’s a large bruise on the side of your stomach where your attacker kicked you repeatedly. Quickly, you took the sheet again and covered yourself. 
“Fine,” you shallowly answered. 
Jungkook slowly approached the bed, trying his best not to startle you with any quick actions. Jin must’ve told him you heard the scream so he was acting extra precautious. You didn’t move as he seated himself beside you, watching him as he gently moved the tray down toward the foot of the bed. Neither of you said anything, only studying each other. Your eyes dragged him up and down; his hair was a mess, there were bags under his eyes, and when your eyes fell on his knuckles you sucked in a breath. They were bruised, and lightly stained with blood but there were no open cuts. Meaning that it wasn’t his blood. You don’t know if that made you feel better or worse.
“I-,” he broke the silence first. He squeezed his eyes shut, like he was trying to search for the right words to explain what was going on. “I’m sorry.”
“What do you-”
“I dragged you into my business and I shouldn’t have done that and I’m sorry. I thought I could keep you safe, but I couldn’t. If you hate me-”
“Jungkook!” You put your hands on his face, forcing him to look at you. He leaned into your touch, placing his hand over yours. “What is going on? What happened?”
He took a deep breath, taking in the feeling of your hands on his face for one more second before removing them but not letting them go. “I’m head of the Jeon Family mafia.” 
You stiffened, you’ve heard your boss mutter something about owing money to a family, always rushing off. One thing that always stood out in your memory was him always muttering something about a Mr. Jeon. Was Jungkook. . .him? Suddenly things started to make sense about him. The constant want for privacy, him not going into details about his business. . . God you were so stupid not to notice it sooner!
“The man who attacked you last night was a foot soldier from a rival family sent to spy on me. Unfortunately, they caught wind of you being my-” he stopped himself before he let himself finish what he was calling you. His what? “They caught wind of you and I, and thought to use you against me to gain intel.” His eyes never left your face, he was waiting for a reaction. 
“Who was the man that saved me?” You were curious as to how he knew you and how you were connected to Jungkook, seeing how he clearly knew who you were. 
“Yoongi, he’s my. . .lieutenant of sorts. The call I got at the dinner was related to some. . . bad news connected to them and I asked him to watch you to make sure you got home safe. I promise that was the one and only time I had you followed.” He squeezed your hands, his eyes pleading with you. Before you could even think of responding, he went off again. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have approached you at the club. I shouldn’t have asked you for coffee. I shouldn’t have kept you around, but I just- I wanted you in my life. I can’t excuse that.”
You sat silently as he rambled on, processing every word he said. Your mind was running at a million miles an hour. You don’t know what to even really think anymore. You’d think Jungkook didn’t care for you or your safety, but the way he watched over you last night and the way he’s acting right now, clearly pointed in the direction saying otherwise. The dates he had planned were always careful and calculated, wanting to ensure you were okay and away from a connection with him. 
Then there was the matter of your feelings for him. You felt something for him. Something strong and you didn’t want to admit it yet, at least not yet and especially not right now. You were scared and rightfully so. 
“If you never want to see me again, I understand. I can ensure a new life for you, far away from here. You’ll be safe and away from me and all my business. I promise, just say the word.” You looked back up to him as he laid out his offer. A witness protection of sorts. With you already being caught with a connection with the Jeon family, you couldn’t go back to your life. That was the only way to 100% guarantee you were safe, the offer should’ve been very attractive but at the same time you didn’t want it? You thought of Jimin and Taehyung, your job, your boss, then Jungkook. Jungkook had so quickly become a part of your life and even though the information he told you should have you running for the hills but you and your stupid attatchments to people held you back. 
“Can I. . .” Jungkook’s eyes widened as his grip on your hands grew tighter. “Can I think about it?”
“Yeah, yeah.” His voice started out as a whisper but then was back to his normal tone. “Yeah, you can think about it.” He leaned forward, probably to press a kiss to your forward but stopped when you stiffened. “Sorry, I- I shouldn’t have done that.” He released your hands as he got back up. 
You gave him a meek nod as he walked back out of the room. 
“I uh, if you’re going to think about it, would you be alright if you stayed here? I don’t know if they know where you live, so staying here is the easiest way I can confirm your safety. . .” The lightness of his tone makes it seem less serious than it should be but you understand the severity of what he’s saying.
“Yeah, okay.” You agreed, to which he gave you a quick smile before leaving the room.
Since then you’ve barely left the Jeon family mansion, mainly because of Jungkook wanting to keep you safe but another reason was so Seokjin, who you later learned was his medic and friend, could also keep an eye on you as you healed from your attack. He was a rather pleasant guy to be around, always checking in on you since Jungkook has started to keep a distance from you. While you understood why, to let you think, it still hurt. You only saw him occasionally when he got home, he’d ask you about what you did today before excusing himself to his room, far away from the downstairs guest room. 
You kept in contact with Jimin; you hated lying to him but it was necessary for his safety as well as yours. When you didn’t come back the next night, he furiously texted you asking if you were okay or in trouble. You saw that Jungkook already texted him that night to appease him but after so long he grew impatient. It was Jin’s suggestion to tell your roommate that you were now on a surprise vacation with Jungkook; Jimin at first had a hard time believing you but decided to trust your word for it. 
Slowly your bruise started to heal and you were able to move around with little to no pain, it was now when you started getting cabin fever. You needed to get out of the house. You proposed the idea to Jin at first, seeing as to how he might think you’re ready to move around outside. While he did agree that you had healed enough to go out, he wasn’t sure if you could and it was up to Jungkook. 
You were able to last a few days longer before you grew too antsy and marched yourself up to his study. It was late at night so you doubted he was making any deals or business calls. Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door twice.
“Come in,” he answered from the otherside. Opening the door slowly, you watched as Jungkook turned in from his desk to see you peeking out from behind the door. “Y/N!” He stood abruptly, hitting his knee against his desk. “Ow fuck- what can- what can I do for you?”
You chuckled lightly at his nervousness, finding it slightly endearing. “I uh, wanted to ask if it would be okay if I went out to meet with Jimin possibly?” You tugged on the ends of the shirt you were wearing; clothes Jungkook had gotten from your apartment when Jimin was out one day. 
You watched in silence as he prodded his tongue in his cheek. “Yes, but I���d want Yoongi to escort you there and back. For your safety.” 
You nodded at his condition, if he was going to reject your question that would’ve been one of your pleading options; for someone to come along with. “Thank you.” You gave him a smile as you started backing out of the room.
“Wait- is, is that all?” He wanted to know if you were going to accept his offer or not, since you still had yet to tell him. You’d avoid any type of conversation on the topic, you didn’t want to even think about it yet. Not while you were still healing and that was another reason as to why you wanted to see Jimin. You needed to see your best friend again before you made any decision. 
“I’m still thinking,” you responded. His face fell as he nodded, only saying a quick okay before sitting back down. You glanced quickly over on his desk to notice that he was reading the bird watching book still. You smiled to yourself as you closed the door. “Good night”
Back in your room, you texted Jimin saying that you’ll be back home the day after tomorrow and wanted to meet up. He was ecstatic that you were finally coming home and agreed to meet you at your favorite coffee shop, not understanding why you couldn’t just meet him back at the apartment but was mainly happy that he finally was able to see you again. The following morning you told Jungkook when you planned to meet and said he’ll have Yoongi knock on your door when it was time to leave. 
You had said 3:30 but Yoongi knocked on your door at 2:45, telling you that you’d be leaving in 15 minutes since it took a while for the drive to get to the coffee shop. That reminded you how far away you were from the rest of the world and other life, only seeing Jungkook and the members of his inner circle. Once you were dressed and ready, you stepped out of the house and into the bright sunlight. 
“You coming or what?” Yoongi’s deep voice pulled you from your thoughts, you let out a soft apology as you walked over to the SUV and climbed into the backseat. Yoongi didn’t talk much the entire drive and you realized that quickly after you were properly introduced to him. The two of you sat in silence, the only noise was some rap music that was playing on low volume. He was a man of mystery, you thought to yourself. 
When you got close enough to the shop you sent Jimin a text saying you were almost there; like the man he is, he responded right away saying he was already there and had ordered your drink for you. You should’ve seen that coming but it still brought a smile to your face.
Car parked, Yoongi walked right behind you as you entered the cafe (“Do you have to follow right behind me?” “Direct orders to not let you leave my sight”). Spotting Jimin, you gave him a wave as you walked over to where he was sitting.
“Y/N-ie!!! I missed you!” He called out as he got up to hug you.
“I missed you Minnie!” You winced as he hugged you a bit tight, while Seokjin said you were good to move about, the yellowing bruise still hurt when pressure was applied. He pulled away and took you in. You doubted you looked any different, but you were happy to see him. 
“So . . . who is your friend?” He asked, eyeing Yoongi suspiciously. 
“Jimin, this is-”
“I’m Min Yoongi.” He held out his hand for your friend to take, a small smirk pulling on his lips. “I’m Jungkook’s driver, he asked me to give him a ride for the day.”
“Park Jimin,” your friend responded, not bothering to shake his hand. “Do you mind if we have some privacy?”
He put his hands up in defense. “Alright, I’ll be over by the door. Tell me when you’re ready to go.” With that, he left the two of you alone.
“You’re not coming back home?” Jimin asked you as you sat down. “Y/N, are you being held against your will?” He lowered his voice, his eyes glancing back at Yoongi.
“No no no no.” You stopped your friend from causing a scene. “I’m good, I’m fine just. . .  Jungkook has a bunch of things still planned and wants me to stay a while longer with him.” The lie kills you, but it’s what you got to say. You can’t involve him in this tangled web. 
The statement caught Jimin off guard, “Wait, is he like. . . in love with you?”
You wanted to chuckle at the notion. “Love? No, I don’t think so. He’s-he’s not like that. He just likes me, that's all.”
“Y/N, the man took you on vacation and wants you to stay longer at his place. . .I think that’s the L word.” You hated how in the lie that made sense and you wanted to cry. When did your life become such a mess? Why couldn’t it be as simple as the lie, you and Jungkook being stupidly in love and going on long vacations to nowhere. 
“No, just. Just moving at our pace.” You tried to wave it off, taking a sip of the strawberry lemonade Jimin ordered for you. 
“But you love him, don’t you?” The statement had you nearly do a spit take. 
“Excuse me?!”
“Y/N, I’ve known you since we were in highschool. I know when you’re in love” He rolled his eyes at you. “Jungkook has been doting on you like crazy the past few months; I remind you, he’s rented out whole buildings for dates with you. Fancy dinner, now vacations? You wouldn’t have allowed that if you didn’t at least love him. And he loves you back.”
You were stunned into silence, did you love Jungkook? You did admit to yourself that you may have cared for him a bit too much to let him go, but did that qualify as love? Then him being in love with you, he did express true remorse for putting you in danger. Not to mention he offered to give you a whole new life at the snap of his fingers. Was that love? 
The question just itched at the back of your mind the entire rest of your time with Jimin, catching up with him and how Taehyung was doing. Apparently the two of them were thinking about adopting a dog together, looking at breeds and going to shelters. You were so happy for them and talked about how you couldn’t wait to meet their dog and dog sit while they’re out on dates. 
After a couple hours the two of you got tired, and realized it was time to part ways. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom before leaving. As you walked away though, you could swear you saw Yoongi in the corner of his eye get up and move towards your table. What was that man doing?
As you were washing your hands, you stared at yourself in the mirror. Jimin’s words echoing in your head. You love him. . .and he loves you back. You think back to before, how he would smile at you. He hung on your every word. Hell, the way he stayed by your side when you first arrived at his estate. Did he love you?
The question bounced around in your head as you walked out of the bathroom and saw the strangest scene before you. Yoongi was sitting in your seat, leaning over the table and Jimin sat back with his arms crossed. 
“While that sounds cool and all, I have a boyfriend,” Jimin said with the fakest smile you’ve ever seen him wear.
“He can join us,” Yoongi said with a growing smirk. The way Jimin’s eyes looked like they were about ready to pop out of his skull would’ve been funny if you hadn’t known that he doesn’t like to be flirted with by anyone outside of Taehyung; meaning you had to diffuse the situation fast.
“Hey, ready to go!” You interjected quickly. “Thank you so much, Min.” 
“Of course! Anything for you!” His sour face instantly brightened as he stood up to give you another hug. “I don’t know where Jungkook found him, but he’s a freak and needs to be put on a leash,” he whispered in your ear before he pulled away.
You snickered at the comment as you bid your friend goodbye. Yoongi gave Jimin a wink before parting ways officially. “You are shameless.” You sighed as you walked back to his car.
“He was cute, what can I say?” He chuckled as he climbed into the driver's seat. “Buckle up.” 
You scrolled through your phone, looking through pictures and your social media feeds as you just sat there in thought. Occasionally looking out the window to watch the cityscape turn to fancier residential properties. By the time you got back to the Jeon home, it was nearly sundown. You said goodbye to Yoongi and went back to your room.
Falling onto the bed, you just stare at the ceiling. After seeing Jimin today, you felt a bit better but only more questions bubbled around in your head. About Jungkook, about you, then the offer. Were you closer to a decision? Could you manage the rest of your life not seeing your best friend? Could you live with yourself letting him and your loved ones believe that you died? Your body seemed to have answers already because before you knew it, you were sitting up. 
You let your body lead you out of your room, up the stairs and down the hall until you got to Jungkook’s room. There you stood for a few moments. You were really going to do this. You raised your hand to knock on the door but before your knuckles touched the wood, it swung open. Jungkook, clearly shocked to see you standing in front of his room.
“I- Y/N, what are you doing?” His voice laced with concern as he stood there. He was dressed in his usual button down and slacks, you never really saw him wear anything else. Not that you really ever saw him in anything else. Did he even have any other normal clothes, you wondered. It was at that moment you realized he was still staring at you, waiting for a response.
“Can I come in?”
Without missing a beat, he stepped aside. “Of course.” You gave him a nod, stepping into his room. His room was large but he kept it simple and clean, the only thing that seemed to be out of order was his unmade king sized bed. “What can I do for you?”
Turning to face him, you immediately blurt out. “I came to a decision.”
You watch as the man visibly stiffen as you made your announcement. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing; like he was finally accepting the inevitable “Okay, I’ll talk to Namjoon about arranging an accident, Hoseok will get you new papers-”
He continued to ramble, as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to type furiously. “It’ll take a few days to find a. . .body similar to yours, but that’s no matter-” 
“Jungkook!” You shouted, trying to catch his attention.
“What?” His eyes widened like a deer in headlights. 
“I. . .” You started, oh boy you didn’t think of anything to say. “I don’t want to go.”
“What?” His voice was just barely above a whisper. “But, your safety, the Hwang family they’ll-”
“Will you keep me safe?” You asked him, taking a step toward him and placing your hand over the one that held his phone.
The question had his gaze immediately harded. “I’ll do anything to keep you safe, Y/N. I promise you that. I-” He tossed his phone to the carpeted floor to take your hands in his. “I care about you so much, I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again.”
You could feel your heart swell at his words; tears brimming your eyes, you pulled your hand away to cup his cheek. “Then I’m staying.” As soon as the words left your mouth, you watched Jungkook as his steely gaze soften and he let out a sound that’s a mix of a sigh of relief and a cry for you. With his free hand, he pulled you in by your waist and immediately you reciprocated, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Thank you, thank you.” He repeated those words as he held you tight.
“Jungkook, bruise! Bruise!” You tapped at his shoulder, trying to get him to let go as you squirmed against him. 
“Shit, sorry!” He loosened his grip on you, chuckling lightly. 
“It’s alright,” you smiled at him. He lifted his hand up to your face, cupping your cheek. It was then you realized that you’re crying. 
“If you don’t mind me asking,” he started as he wiped a tear away from your eye. “What made you stay?”
“Well, I thought of Jimin and Taehyung. How I’d never see them again and they’d think I’d be dead for the rest of their lives. I thought about my job and all my favorite spots here. Then I thought about you.” You admitted, your eyes not leaving him.
“Me?” His eyes widened, stunned that he was part of the equation.
“Jimin said something that helped me realize that. . .I love you.” Your confession had Jungkook freeze for a split second, before him moving his hand to the back of your neck and pulling your mouth to his.
His lips are just as soft as you remembered, you gently moved your lips against his, savoring his scent as you wrapped your arms around him. He held you close as he possibly could without hurting you, his hand threading into the hair at the back of your neck, tugging on it lightly. The action has you moaning ever so lightly against Jungkook’s mouth. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips, gently massaging yours with his.
“Say it again,” he groaned into the kiss. 
“I love you,” you complied. From the kiss to the confession, you feel the world like your stomach is doing the vault for the gold medal. As Jungkook reconnected his mouth with yours, he slowly started walking you backward. When your knees hit the back of the bed, they buckled and you tumbled onto the bed with Jungkook on top of you. 
His hands moved to prop himself up above your head, caging you in. “Is this alright?” He asked, watching you for any sign of rejection or discomfort. 
“Mhmm,” you nodded as you raised your face to his, eager to kiss him again. However he pulled back and tutted at you.
“No, I need to hear words pretty boy.” The use of the nickname sends shivers down your spine. “Yes or no.”
“Yes. Kiss me again. Please,” you whined, craving his lips on yours once again.
“Needy baby,” he taunted you, but he did lower his head to yours to meet your lips with a kiss. The two of you make out for a few more moments when you start pulling at the buttons of his shirt. “No.” He pulled away, eliciting another whine from you. “Let me take care of you first, let Daddy take care of you.”
You died right then and there, you swear by it. You died and went to heaven right at that very moment. In the arms of the man you loved, telling you to let him take care of you. You nodded at him, he gestured for you to move up the bed. Once your in the middle of the bed, Jungkook crawled over you, pressing kisses to your jawline and neck. His hands were pulling on the ends of your shirt. “Sit up, pretty boy,” He whispered against your ear. You started to lean up, as he pulled the T-shirt off of your torso. You laid back down as he started peppering kisses to your collar bones, sometimes stalling to leave a purple mark, claiming you as his. 
When his mouth reached your nipple, you could feel him smirk against it as you squirmed beneath him. He pressed light kisses around it, before wrapping his lips around it. More moans fell from your lips and you bucked up into Jungkook above you. Your hands flew to his hair, knotting up his dark locks. His tongue flicked against the hardening bud while his free hand pinched and rolled at your other neglected nipple. Pulling away, he blew lightly against the puckered flesh. Then continued his journey down south.
He stopped however when he reached the yellow-green contusion that’s haunting your side. You still as he traced his fingers over and around the bruise, he pressed a light kiss to it. Mumbling some words as his trail of kisses got lower and lower. He stopped right at your belt buckle before looking up. “May I?”
“Yes. . .please yes!” You didn't even realize how hard you are until he started to relieve the pressure from your jeans. He tugged your pants and boxers off, your erection gently slapping your stomach as it’s freed. You watched helplessly as he tossed your jeans somewhere else in the room and he looked at your cock hungrily. 
“Does my pretty boy want my mouth? Hmm? Does he?” He tutted as he took you in his hand, giving you a light squeeze.
“Yes! Please! I want your mouth!” You sobbed out as he gave you a few teasing pumps.
“Yes what?” He smirked at you as he lowered his head, you could feel his hot breath on your tip. 
“Yes, Daddy!” You cried out, his thumb grazing over your slit to smeer the pre-cum that collected. 
“Good boy,” he growled as he took you into his mouth. Pleasure overwhelmed your body as Jungkook ran his tongue along the underside of your length, then sucking on the tip, causing you to buck wildly into his mouth. “Nuh uh, patience baby.” He scolded as he took a hand and applied pressure to your hips, keeping you in place. With his free hand, he let his hand travel lower as he peppered kisses around the base of your cock. His digits lightly traced around the ring of muscles. You felt his eyes on you, before he even asked the question you nodded your head and sigh out a yes. “I didn’t say anything? What do you want, pretty boy?”
You merely pouted at his taunt, moving your hips to try and give him the idea but he pulled his hand away.
“No, tell Daddy what you want,” he teased as he moved off of the bed and toward his dresser, pulling open a drawer and shuffling around in it.
“Fingers! Please! I want your fingers!” You cried as he pulled out a bottle of lube, you watched as he smirks at you. Back on the bed, he opened the bottle, applying an appropriate amount of lube to his fingers. You’re silent as he brought his pointer back toward your ring, applying the smallest amount of pressure. “Pleeeaase,” You drowned out, wanting nothing more than for him to stretch you out for him.
“As you wish.” His finger slid in and you let out a sigh of relief, happy that you were somewhat filled. You relaxed as he worked his finger in and out of you, slowly adding more as he continued fingering you. As he stretched you out, he lowered his mouth back to your cock pressing kisses along the veins. He eventually got his way down to your balls, prodding at them with his tongue. You swear you could cum like that and you were about to until Jungkook pressed one last kiss to the base of your cock before moving away, taking his fingers out too.
You watched him as he stood up from the bed once again and stripped from his clothing. Your mouth dried as he removed his shirt, revealing his taut muscles. He smirked at you as you watched him, captivated as he moved. You didn’t think your mouth could get any drier as he pulled his slacks down, his thick cock bouncing as it was released from his fabric prison. 
“You like what you see, baby?” He asked, obviously loving how enthralled you are with his impressive length. You nodded subconsciously as he sat back down on the bed, laying amongst the pillows. He patted his lap, a silent order which you quickly followed. Scrambling over to him across the large bed, straddling his thighs. “You ready for my cock, pretty boy?”
You nodded furiously at his question. “Yes, god please yes!” You begged, your hands grasping onto his shoulders.
“You wanna get my cock ready baby? Wanna get it nice and wet to fuck you?” He questioned you. 
“Mmhmm! Please I wanna get it ready please please please,” you plead with him, to which he just chuckled at your eagerness.
He took your hand and held it out, bottle of lube in the other, he squeezed lube onto your fingers. His eyes flashed down to his length before back to yours, you get the silent order to get to work. He’s heavy in your hand, your slippery fingers easily gliding up and down his cock. He leaned back against the pillows, letting out a low groan as you jerked him off. You watched his face the entire time, completely fascinated with the way his face contorted in pleasure as you worked him up and down, giving him the occasional squeeze.
Jungkook stopped you from speeding up though, before you even had the chance to pout he shut you up. “Don’t you want Daddy’s cum inside you?”
When that statement was said, all bets were off. You quickly moved your head to kiss him, taking him by surprise. For a second you think he’d punish you for acting without asking or being told to do it, but he seemed to let it slide as his hands moved around your waist, settling just before your ass.
“You ready, Y/N?” He asked you, looking you dead in the eye. 
“Yes Jungkookie.” The nickname slipping past your lips. “I’m ready.”
He gave you a toothy grin before bringing your lips back to his in a softer kiss. As you kissed, he started moving your hips against him, forcing you to grind into his erection. Getting the message, you lifted your ass up a bit, giving him space to position himself at your entrance. He kept his eyes trained on you, but before he could lower you himself, you sank yourself down on his cock. The both of you groan in unison as you completely sheath him within you. 
“Fuck- Daddy!” You whimpered as you tried to adjust to his size. Your eyes are screwed shut but you can still feel his eyes drinking you in, looking so fucked out on his cock. After a few minutes, you started to roll your hips against him. You started at a leisurely slow pace but you could tell that Jungkook was starting to grow antsy. Bucking his hips each time you grinded down on him. When he had enough, he stilled your hips, his fingers gripping you so tight you swear you’d have bruises, and he wildly started fucking up into you.
“God, you’re so tight, fuck.” He moaned as he flipped you onto your back, his hips pistoning into you at a fast pace. “God, I love your ass- Fuck. That feel good, pretty boy? You like my cock stuffing your tight ass?”
“Mhmm I love your cock, Daddy! I only want your cock!” You could feel yourself get closer and closer to cumming, and with Jungkook’s thrusts getting sloppier you knew he was too. “God fuck, I’m close! Harder please!” You cried out, you dug your nails into his shoulders.
One of his hands left your hips and he wrapped it around your cock, pumping it wildly. “Come on baby. Come on my cock. You can do it,” he whispered in your ear, pulling on your earlobe with his teeth.
With one last flick of his wrist, you feel your gut tighten and you let out a loud moan. Cum spurts out of out, painting your chest with your essence as. He helped you ride through your orgasm, whispering praises all while still fucking into you like no tomorrow. Then he let out a low groan, his hips still as you feel him paint your insides white. He took a few more shallow thrusts before collapsing on top of you. Your chest was heaving as Jungkook laid his head in the crook of your neck, he didn’t bother pulling out just yet. The two of you laid there catching your breath.
Soon enough the stickiness became too much and Jungkook slipped his softened cock out of you. He watched as some of his cum started seeping out of you, he took his finger and started gathering it up and pushing it back in again. You whined at the stimulation, but didn’t bother moving. 
You felt him lay down next to you, turning your head to face him. You see him staring at you with a big goofy grin on his face. Before you could ask him what grinning like the Cheshire Cat, he pressed a kiss to your head and sat up, walking over to his bathroom. You admired his cute butt as he bent down to open up a cabinet and pull out a hand towel. He wet it and brought it back over to you. You shivered at the cool washcloth as he wiped down your stomach and then your ass, cleaning up any bits that might’ve seeped out again. He wiped his own chest down, wiping away the smears of your cum that was on his chest. He dropped the dirty towel, saying he’ll pick it up later, then walked over to his light switch and the room went dark, only the moon illuminating the room from the open window.
Jungkook made his way back to bed and pulled down the covers, you follow suit. Both of you snuggled under the blankets, he pulled you close to his chest, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then your nose, then your lips. 
“I love you,” he murmured against your lips. 
“I love you too,” you replied, snuggling closer into him, embracing the warmth he’s giving off despite the heat of the room. Whatever happened next between the two of you, you don’t know and you don’t care. All you cared about was Jungkook in your life and you know he wants the same with you. You closed your eyes and listened to both of your heartbeats; beating at the same time, at the same pace. 
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i8jisoo · 4 years
hey, i hope you're doing well! i was wondering if you could write a bang chan scenario about him finding out that his gf is bisexual? have a good day. :)
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ bangchan with a bisexual girl
bangchan x reader | scenario
↬ genre; fluff & angst
↬ warnings; alcohol, cursing, and talk of rejection
↬ notes; this goes out to my favs across the world, my bisexual beauties 🥰🤲🏽 ily guys and u all are valid no matter who u are with! fuck the homophobes! 🤓 also is it just me or bangchan cutesy gifs super sparse swear i cant find any smiley ones
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lets start this off with just being bi is the best thing to ever happen anywho
bangchan always had a feeling you were bisexual
it wasn’t like you showed it definitely
but there was a certain lust look you had when you’d see women in public
or when u would show bangchan pictures of women and comment on their appearance, praising how beautiful or sexy they were
you weren’t that confident in sexuality though, mostly because of the judgement u had faced in the past 🥺
u trusted bangchan though
u planned this all out, but slowly ur plans turned to mush
u had a horrible day at work, plus you got ur shoes dirty, and then u had forgotten about grocery shopping before because u were gonna cook for him before u told him
so u were running behind schedule, in the grocery store and still in ur work clothes
then ur bag decided to break while u exited the store, needing to pick up the cans and packages and carry them all in ur arms which was not fun
bangchan was already at ur apartment and u were so done with this day already
u said fuck it and left the food in the car u were done with that
u sigh, seeing him waiting outside the door
walk past him and pretend he isn’t there, and then silently cry in the bath and your dinner is alcohol tonight
it’s not that easy with him though
hes so chirpy and cute and it’s obvious he had a good day
it makes u feel even shittier, just giving him a small smile and opening up the door for him
bangchan wondering where his girlfriend went cause he doesn’t know where tf she is
u just vanished pooof!
he doesnt want to intrude but when he finds you in bed, crying, hes quickly next to u and talking to u
“baby what’s wrong?”
hes so confused and he’s just asking why ur crying and trying to comfort you
he hears the smallest, “i’m bisexual, that’s all i wanted to tell you.”
he’s ecstatic
baby boy is so supportive of this
he says fuck your shitty job and fuck everybody and everything that made u sad
today he is celebrating his baby who just came out to him with some pizza and a bottle of wine
he wants to know for how long and just everything about u while u two eat and drink
his heart breaks at you telling him you have been rejected by people before and others steered clear of you
now it was bangchan’s turn to appreciate the gift of bisexual women with you
“they are a gift from above, correct!”
u two are slightly wine drunk shutup
he’s doing everything to make u feel comfortable and he likes to joke with u
u don’t mind the jokes ur so glad he accepts u and finds u to be valid
a lot of people didn’t think u were actually bisexual simply because u were with a man, so how was that possible?
bangchan deff addresses this in his next chan’s room livestream
he just talks about acceptance and self confidence
u just know this mystery person is u, it rly makes u feel good
“yeah, i think— we should all be confident in ourselves. recently a really good friend of mine came out to me, it’s a big part of people’s lives! it’s probably one of the most hardest and scariest things for them, so, i think that um, we need to love one another and be patient with each-other. i think someone coming out to another and being able to feel comfortable and safe with them is one of the most beautiful things ever, so. who cares who loves who, god, it’s 2020.”
he’ll continue to tell u he loves u no matter what
don’t be surprised if u see him hanging up a bisexual flag or buying some pride pins, he is going to support u w/o being super obvious
baby he is ur lil cheerleader and will be there every step of the way and there to help u explore further
think of it as a child learning how to ride a bike, he just acc is a bitch and doesn’t hold the bike ur doing it on ur own
bangchan is going to support u no matter what, whoever u love or whoever u are and he will until u don’t want him to
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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crossovereddie · 3 years
Thoughts on 11x06
I had to come back to type this after the episode. I was gonna wait to post until more people are active but everyone’s safety is more important than notes. This was really hard for me to watch. It took me two hours because I kept needing a break. It’s a tough one yall. It’s heartbreaking and really brought out issues I didn’t know I was still dealing with until I reacted so badly to some stuff. Take care of yourselves and I’m here if you need to talk. I’ll have timestamps for major tws in another post coming right after this. I just gotta go back and get the end of those scenes. I only go the time they started.
Okay. So. There’s some trigger warnings that I’ve reblogged earlier. This recap WILL have thoughts about those triggers. If you think you’ll be triggered just message me or send me an ask and I’ll give you the non triggering recap. Stay safe please.
Kev and v intro. They’re having sex behind the bar
I’m extremely nervous for some reason I might not be able to get through this
Bike heist!!
Mickey is unimpressed
Lip telling Mickey what to do yes please
Fucking Mickey omg
Again Mickey is unimpressed
Lip :(
Frank is falling the chick he’s boning Monica
Not sure that’s her real name
Wait yeah it is
Frank??? Has to get to work???
Wait her name isn’t Monica
Oh shut now I get what’s happening
“Can I speak to Pope Francis please” LIAM 😭
Poor baby
Lip cooking breakfast. Hot.
I forgot about camis baby
I actually beep bad for lip and Tami
We already heard this argument with Mickey and Ian get new material writers
Yeah don’t tell Carl that traitor
HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!
Poor Liam he’s terrified
“I was hoping the fucker would just die” :(
Shut up Debbie
Mickey is beautiful
Leave Mickey out of it debbie goddamn
I cant fucking stand her
Frank just observing his kids and smiling
Same frank
“And the smartest” lol
Someone save Liam
“I want Sandy”
We all do kid
Fucking manipulative little I CANT STAND DEBBIE
Sandy deserves better
I hate the Milkovichs!!!!
How did smart sensitive sweet beautiful loving Mickey come from this disgusting family????
My heart hurts so him
“Homo sexy” dear god
Mickey is too good he deserves so much better
I love him so much
Let him be happy
Mickey has the biggest heart
They’re actually talking and not fighting
You’re so funny and smart and beautiful don’t forget that baby
And no one is fazed lmao
“He’s actually my uncle and my dad” I fucking hate this show
I forgot Carl makes legit money now
Wtf kinda school is this
This is so fucked up
The twins are so adorable
“You guys” I hate that but also she’s acknowledging Mickey as “hers” and he’s family :(
Okay this horrifying comment
I hate that it’s just nonchalant
Debbie just keeps talking.
Let’s move on
Mickeys face when she says “butt naked”lmao
“Talk to you for a minute?”
“Yes. Please”
Mickey is unimpressed by lip once again and I’m smiling
They love each other they’re secretly best friends ITS A FACT
“Blue like my balls” fucking frank lol
They’re going in on Frank’s storyline now
Boss Mickey at it again
Terry’s home
The way his face falls im sick
My heart is racing
Mickeys face is breaking my heart
Great now I’m crying
Mickey got emotional
Ian sensed it and touched his neck all fucking sweet
Okay I had to take a little break because I started crying
I love him too much
Fucking Noel is so damn good
My heart is fucking breaking
“Frank’s not a homophobic psychopath who tortured you for years”
Please Mickey deserves better
I don’t wanna hear any Ian slander either.
In this house we protect my son and my son in law I will fight you
“Let’s get the fuck outta here. Lip you coming?” 😭
That was so hard to watch yall. I’m not gonna lie to you. My parents weren’t half as shitty as terry but growing up feeling unloved your whole life fucks you up anyway and that brought out some emotions and feelings I didn’t realize I still dealt with. I had to pause for a good while and cry.
Leave Sandy alone debbie
Terry is disgusting
Okay the homophobic language he uses is definitely triggering so I’ll time stamp that too
Debbie you selfish bitch
Everyone leaving terry outside it’s a yes from me
I honestly can’t concentrate on the other scenes now I’m sorry y’all
I try to cover everyone’s scenes but it’s hard for me today
I’m not okay
Liam is too innocent poor kid
We need more scenes
Tumblr media
They’re besties
Mickey is beautiful
he really hasn’t called him Philip the entire episode wtf
Ignoring Debbie
Now I want fries
Carl is cringy
Mickey drove them home and pulled a gun
Honestly again another heartbreaking scene
Ian’s trying to make him stop
Terry is disgusting and also a coward but we’ve been knew
Noel is the most amazing
Mickey gets teary but doesn’t cry bc I cried enough for the both of us
He’s the strongest bravest ever and I’m so proud of him
I need a hug
My heart hurts so much y’all
I just want him to be happy
I’m a fucking mess
I can’t handle Lip being emotional too
Oh I thought lip wanted to sell the house for himself only but at least they all get their share
Horrible music choice
I wanna tuck Mickey in with his favorite tv show on(911) make him his favorite food to eat in bed and not let anyone but Ian around him for a good 72 hours
The way Ian is looking at him
“Would you take care of me if I was paralyzed?”
“....yeah. Yeah”
“Top you whenever I wanted” “asshole”
His smile is back that’s all I need in life
“That was big of you” “he’s an asshole...I wanna be better than that”
Ian’s like “back of the head? Gotta grab and hold my boy”
V spitting truth
I want terry to fucking suffer
Don’t do it frank
“Nah” LMAO
Frank loves his son in law
Sandy I love you
I need to hold her
No debbie I LOVE HER
Carl scene was so awful I feel so bad for him this girl is a fucking psycho
That was an actual rape scene what the fuck
Mickey making frank laugh
Debbie explaining? Really?
I hate her
“How long is this gonna take? I’m fucking starving Lip” WHY WONT YOU CALL HIM PHILIP
“We could get on with our lives” well that hurt more than it should’ve
It’s really the end soon huh? 😢
According to captions Ian says “we’re in”
Frank reads his diagnosis
Carl goes to report his rape
That took me nearly two hours to watch. Yeah I usually pause to type but I had to take long breaks after the hard scenes. It was a really hard episode to watch. A lot darker than it has been. I’m not really okay right now. It was emotional but a really good episode overall.
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