#you have some Incredible timing anon hot damn
spotsupstuff · 1 year
If it’s alright with you, I’d love to hear more about your version of Chasing Wind! I absolutely love the idea of half the city being inside their can, and all the cool stuff in the surrounding area, and her design!
awww shit i don't have MANY Wind thoughts she's mostly in the bg. but i'm gon try n scramble for smth for u, captn
to her design, a few small facts! they are the iterator who's design has probably changed the least since i've first made one for them two years ago
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her design is HEAVILY inspired by @/inkycorvid, especially the earrings!!! praised be the elder sage for big brain design thoughts
her current outfit is based off of the Rattanakosin dress of Thailand! (simplified to hell n back cuz gods i do have to limit myself Somehow with this kinda stuff else my hand goes caput 🙏. i still have yet to really get the outfit down properly tbh)
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the city being half within them and their citizens genuinely loving them lead to Wind becoming SOMETHING of a teacher to the side of her main jobs as an Iterator. this is mostly the case because i sent this vid to shkika sayin "my Wind vibes" and she replied with
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so now i'm fucked up about it, because this fucca -points at the screenshot- is SO right about that, that WOULD happen. Wind is SO fuckin excited about teachin kids funky stuff like that. Full of Energy
their holy characterization formula is "good-looking jolly young teacher in either kindergarten or first few years of elementary school who knows martial arts" she looks like an absolute sweetheart but can put a man into an involuntary nap with singular karate chop. like she's still a pushover but at some point the hands start flyin
a city within the iterator is practically unheard of
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Wind LOVES their interjections. like every other sentence is gonna have an "oh!" "ah!" "hah!" or smth of the like in it. i didn't headcanon this on purpose she just started doing it herself in her dialogue so i guess that's her Thing now
their positive attitude towards everything ever and their love of kids brought them close to Nish. these two together in one room is like LED headlights on a car. they are so fucking bright you're gonna go blind within seconds
nobody knows how- least of all Suns- but Wind ended up growing very fond of and close to Suns. they converse theory and go through simulations together a lot, when Wind's communications aren't down because of the tornadoes. if this was one of those AUs where the iterators, as their puppets, just hang around, those two would be like constantly at each other's hip. often subconsciously. they are like that one fuckin char dynamic meme
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[some nasty stuff under the cut. you have been warned- it's nothing Particularly graphic but the imagery is Not Fun]
Wind is like the only iterator who took Suns' degression into their Hot Girl Summer arc ""well"" cuz she's just tryin so so hard to be positive to the point of blinding herself to bad things completely later down the line. even Nish was wigged about The Hot Girl Summer arc. The Hot Girl Summer arc is Not A Good Thing
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ignoring Suns' drama: Wind's voice gets shot at some point and as result it becomes reverbated. the reverbs get worse when she's in distress
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justporo · 1 year
Hello! Very sorry if your post was rhetorical, but you asked for Astarion fluff and I had an idea. Since he's a canonical cay person, I like to think that a druid Tav would enjoy wildshifting into a cat and lounging in his lap, either acting as a heat source or letting him run his fingers through their fur when he's nervous or upset.
Anon, thank you so much. I immediately had a scene in my head and this was a true delight to write.
So now that I'm already crying from replying to that other Anon message (not their fault ofc), let's return to our regularly scheduled fluff, eh?
Pairing: Astarion/GN!Tav (You, Druid this time) Wordcount: 1,8k
Cats with Benefits
Sometimes it got all too much. Those were usually the moments you used your wild-shape abilities to shift into a cat and strolled off into the forest to have some moments of peace and quiet.
Today had been an especially exhausting day – the party had been fighting and bickering trying to figure out how to get through the Mountain Pass. The way was always steep and only loosely fixed, so you only made very slow progress and all of you were already completely exhausted came noon. So, you had decided that you’d take an additional rest midday when the sun was high and hot, adding to your already physically demanding hike.
You had put down your pack, went a few yards into the nearby patch of trees you had stopped at today to use their generous shade, and shifted into your usual form of a fluffy black cat and started to stroll around the small patch of forest. For some time you just wandered over fallen trees or through the underbrush, enjoying how differently it was to experience nature from the perspective of a feline creature. You loved it – it was almost like meditation for you.
The others didn’t know you wandered off like this sometimes. Or at least they hadn’t mentioned it. They wouldn’t leave without you and so far, you’d always gotten back to them in time. And as of late tension was high enough that everyone was pretty much occupied with just themselves, so they didn’t miss you.
After some time, you found a nice big rock in the sun on a clearing in the woods. Perfect for a cat to lounge on and take a nap. You jumped up, allowed yourself a long full body stretch and a big yawn and then rolled up into a ball of fur to enjoy the sun and some time alone.
As you laid there, your thoughts started to wander. You thought about your companions. You liked them, each and every one of them. Naturally, some more than others but you respected them all. But the path through the Mountain Pass had been a strain on all of you. And it really hadn’t helped that today everyone had just seemed on edge from the very first step on out.
Specifically, Astarion had been incredibly annoying today. Not being able to stop complaining about everything. Always replying with a sarcastic remark. To be honest, your relationship with him was probably the hardest and most formal of all thus far.
You had already realised that his flirty and sassy behaviour obviously were his coping mechanism for something deeply troubling, but by the Gods, it seemed he could never shut up. He was hand full at the best of times. Your furry ears started to twitch and the tip of your tail zig-zagged just thinking about it.
You tried to clear your mind then after your thoughts kept spiraling, hoping to relax enough that you could actually sleep a little.
But only shortly after your peace was broken.
“Well hello, who are you my beauty? A descendant of a mighty mountain lion? Rawr.”
No, it couldn’t be… The damned vampire had found you.
Of course he didn’t know it was you, but…
You opened one eye lazily and saw Astarion lean down to you, reaching out one hand to stroke you. Your jaws opened and you could already feel the hiss inside you rising to the top, but oh.
His touch was so gentle. His fingers softly stroked from the top of your head down your feline neck and back and you couldn’t resist leaning into his hand when he started again from the top.
“Someone likes that, hmm?”, Astarion said softly while petting what he received only as a wild but friendly cat.
Shifting into an animal also meant adapting some of their unique abilities and habits, so you couldn’t help when your feline body responded to the gentle touches by purring.
The vampire was positively intrigued when he heard that. As you opened your other eye you could see his big smile – a genuine one. You had never seen him smile like that. “Seems like someone’s just as touch-starved and desperate for some comfort as me”, he whispered while continuing his pets. That made your ears perk up and you immediately felt for the pale elf. Questions filled your mind about his unknowing revelation.
But you had barely any time to ponder them because suddenly the vampire scooped you up into his arms and sat down in front of the boulder you had laid down on. You yelped – or rather meowed at the sudden change of position.
Astarion moved carefully with your cat self in his arms until he was laying in the grass, legs angled, and you snuggled up against his chest. Since he had donned his armour and was only in his camp clothes you could feel his body, beneath your own.
This was incredibly weird and would probably end up with an awkward revelation but – you couldn’t deny that it was also very delightful.
“We can be cuddle buddies, my beauty, at least for an afternoon. So we can both get some much needed affection, hm?”, Astarion whispered to you. His red eyes looked so sad saying that. Whatever you had started to think about to get out of this situation evaporated. Suddenly, you only wanted to keep him company – it seemed he desperately needed it.
And the way he unknowingly had started opening up to you: it was a good albeit saddening look on him. You wanted to provide some comfort it that was what he seeked.
Also, it felt incredibly good to lay there on your new vampiric stone, soaking up the sun together while Astarion carefully continued petting you: scratching behind your ears, stroking down your back with both hands, even when he tickled one of your paws with a single finger. And you couldn’t stop purring. That bastard knew exactly what to do to keep the purrs coming.
Then after a while he just laid there with you, hands on your soft and shiny fur. He sighed: “I wish I could take you with me. You seem to like me. At least more than my other companions.”
Your ears perked up again, you looked at him but he had his eyes closed, head lolled back to enjoy the warming sunlight.
“Especially, Tav”, Astarion continued with another sigh “I wish I knew a way how to change that.”
That was it. You couldn’t in good faith continue to lay there with him as he offered up his innermost feelings. You got up and jumped off the vampire’s chest who got up on his elbows looking sad by your departure. You sat there and shortly pondered if you should just leave, keeping your secret. But you couldn’t, you needed him to know – and also have some words with him.
You changed back into your humanoid form, making Astarion scurry back from you, eyes wide with shock.
“Hi Astarion”, you whispered as you knelt beside him.
“You – what? How? Oh, I knew your eyes looked familiar!” His voice rose several octaves and you kept silent as his mood changed from shock to anger – but he stayed where he was.
“What the fuck was that about? Trying to spy on me?”, he hissed at you. Excuse him? He invaded your privacy. “I was here first, you bastard!”, you spat back and crossed your arms over your chest.
“And you didn’t think to reveal yourself before I proceeded to make you fucking purr?” “How when you didn’t leave me anytime in between petting me and lifting me up? I only wanted to be alone!”, you screamed back.
That made Astarion’s shoulders slump a little, some of his softer side returned. “I’m sorry”, he said quietly.
“No, I’m sorry”, you replied and looked down at your knees while pressing the balls of your head against your forehead “I should have said something way earlier.”
You looked up at him: “But then you sounded so sad and I… didn’t want you to be sad so I let it happen and it was kinda nice... I’m sorry, I invaded your privacy like this, Astarion. I’ll just leave and we’ll forget this ever happened.”
You saw the surprise on the vampire’s face who remained silent. So, you moved to get up, but Astarion quickly grabbed your wrist. “No, please. Stay… It was nice”, he confessed and looked into your eyes. The look he gave you was almost pleading.
The urge to move in and hug him overcame you, so you acted upon it – you had already laid on his chest, hadn’t you? How much worse could this make it?
You moved in and wrapped your arms around him – surprising the yelping vampire so much that he fell onto his back again. You were scared that you had crossed yet another line but to your own surprise you felt his arms wrap around you in return slowly.
And so you hugged him long and tightly. He was tense at first, but you felt him relax after some time. He even started to stroke your back again. You squeezed him and held onto him trying to offer him as much comfort and affection you could muster.
“For the record, I do like you, Astarion. You’re just annoying sometimes. But so can the others be, and I too”, you spoke into his chest, squeezing him yet harder. “And if… if you need someone to maybe talk to or hug you or just, you know, lounge in the sun… I can also change back into a cat, if you want me to. I could be your cat with benefits so to speak”, you brabbled into his shirt before you got too shy to make the offer. Your words were muffled but you hoped he heard you.
He did and the vampire chuckled softly. “That sounds… nice. Thank you. I may take you up on that if you promise you will keep this our little secret”, he answered hesitantly. You lifted your head from his shirt but not letting him go. “Would you like me to change back into a cat?”, you asked him and blushed as you realised what kind of weird deal you had just made with the vampire.
“No, Tav, not this time. This… this is very nice too”, Astarion replied and gave you another – the second this afternoon! – genuine smile. And this time it felt even better, knowing it was actually meant for you. You smiled back and placed your head on his chest again. Astarion’s hands kept softly wandering over your back as you kept holding him.
This is where you comfortably remained until it was time to get back to camp. But you were both sure it wouldn’t be the last opportunity to enjoy a nice cuddle in the afternoon sun.
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blarshwritezz · 5 months
Hey, could you write me a Yandere JUICY gay enemies to loves story? Male yandere enemy x male reader. For example, yandere is such a tsundere when it comes to his love for the reader and his way of showing his love comes out as insults, bullying, etc. and the reader just so hates Yandere but is unaware how much his mean insults, that sometimes come out as hella flirty and gay, turn on the Yandere or how they get incredibly flustered when reader corners them. Just make it hella obviously gay and perhaps with a one-sided sexual tension from the yanderes perceptive if you write NSFW that is, thanks! (You can ignore this request if you want, it's okay :))
Heck yeah I can! But be warned, I've never written nsfw, so it may be bad- but I'll try just for you, anon!
Yandere Enemy x Reader
M yan x M reader (slight context: y'all in college)
TW - general yandere behavior, NSFW, noncon, slight degration
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Another day, another fight between you and Enemy!Yan. The people around you had pretty much become totally numb to your constant bickering.
But to be fair, they wouldn't have to put up with this if he wasn't such a massive prick. You never even did anything! He was the one who kept taunting you.
He shouldn't do that. Nearly every time you retaliate, he ends up fumbling to speak. He's such an idiot, can't take what he dishes out. Absolutely pathetic...
And so here you were. Today's little fight had you pinning him against a wall, trying to keep your voice relatively calm. You caught him taking pictures of you in the damn hall! He was definitely planning to do something with those.
"Don't act so special, I would never ruin my phone with pictures of you!" Lies. He was covering up for the fact that he absolutely was taking pictures of you.
But how could he not? It was your fault you were sexy! You were just infuriating to him. What gave you the right to make him so fucking turned on all the time?!
"Shut up before I make you. Delete those damn pictures." You pressed your body up against him further. You were so close that every breath he took filled his lungs with your scent. You really expected him to not get hard?
Please make him shut up. Please gag him with your cock. Please.
"I don't have pictures of your atrocious face. How thick is your damn skull?" Of course he didn't have pics of your face! Mostly- not from last night at least. He was more focused on your ass other things.
You grabbed his jaw, making him use every fiber of his being to not moan. You gave him a warning, making sure he knew bad things awaited him if you saw some dumbass pictures of you around campus. Oh to know what punishment you would give him...
"You want them gone so damn bad? Delete them yourself!" He wormed his way out from between you and the wall, running off with his phone held above his head.
And of course, you chased after him.
He ran, all the way to his dorm. He threw his phone on his bed, and of course, you went after it. That gave him the perfect chance to lock the door.
You found his phone already unlocked, and when you opened it...
"How do you have all these pictures of m-" He clamped his hand over your mouth before you could finish asking about the photos seemingly taken when you swore you were completely alone in your dorm.
"You're such a fucking tease, you know that?" His other hand slowly slid down your torso, working its way back up from under your shirt. "Always threatening me in ways you know will get me all hot and bothered, then not helping me out. How can you be so mean?"
He pushed you down further on the bed, starting to slowly grind against your thigh. His hand that was under your shirt, gliding over your chest, lowered further and further. All the way to your cock, grasping it through your pants.
You bit his hand as hard as you could, hoping it might help, but the action only elicited a pleasures whimper from him.
"Keep doing that, and make sure to lick it too. You'll need it for what I'm planning."
You squirmed as he lowered your pants and underwear in one swift motion, letting your cock spring free. Embarrassingly enough, you were already hard from all this.
"It's even better up close..."
He could help but give you a hand job. Slow and steady, savoring every second of this. He ran his fingers across each and every vein, keeping his thumb over your tip to stop you from cumming too soon.
Every now and then he'd surprise you; tightening his grip, increasing his speed, stopping for a brief moment just to get right back at it. He was turning you into a whimpering, pathetic mess.
"Fuck, you're so pathetic..." He let go of your mouth in order to hold your thighs apart slightly.
He moved his head between them, taking a nice long lick up your shaft before engulfing you with his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down, swirling his tongue around your tip and making you moan.
"Sto- ngh!~ Fuck..."
He chuckled at your attempt to tell him to stop, the sound vibrating around your dick.
You couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed his hair tightly, forcing yourself all the way down his throat as you came.
He eagerly swallowed your load, choking on it before releasing you from his mouth with a wet pop.
"Fuck, you taste damn good..." He groaned, wiping a few drops of your cum from his chin.
He mixed it with his own spit in his hand, using it to lube up his aching member before flipping you on your stomach and thrusting into you suddenly.
He could've cum right then and there just from feeling your tight asshole squeezing around him, but he held back. Well, not enough to keep himself from pounding into you, regardless of how ready you were or how much you wanted it.
His pace was brutal, every thrust seeming harder and harder. The only way he was able to keep (somewhat) silent was by trailing hickeys down your neck and shoulders, holding your head up by your hair.
"Such a good boy...you my bitch now?" Through grunts and moans he whispered in your ear. "This is what you get for being a damn tease. Fuck...yeah, you're my fucking bitch now. My little bitch boy..."
He started jerking you off again as he rearranged your guts, driving you closer to another climax.
"Now be a good whore and cum for me."
Yet again, as if your body just naturally wanted to do what he said, you bust a nut. And with a few more deep thrusts, so did he, painting your insides white.
He didn't pull out of you for a good few minutes, just laying there and holding you, until finally he whispered: "You didn't think I was done, did you?~"
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I think this is the longest one I've done so far! I hope it was satisfactory!
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corvusphilia · 30 days
Hey!! Can I please request headcanons of how Oikawa, Kuroo and Atsumu ask you out? Maybe even first date headcanons thrown in as well. You can write for one or two of them if you don't want all three. Thank you in advance <33
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୨ৎ featuring: oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsuro, atsumu miya
୨ৎ notes: FIRST RQ AND ITS ALREADY MOST OF MY FAVORITE BOYS!! ty anon hope u like it <3
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This guy has no shame — he knows he's hot shit. Honestly, it's a miracle he didn't ask you out sooner. The only reason is that he doesn't want to mess things up with you. Getting broken up with by his last (and first) girlfriend hurt a bit more than he'd care to admit.
Butters you up throughout the day before actually asking, and he's SO obvious about it. "Have I told you that you're amazing, beautiful, drop-dead gorgeous, and—" okay Tooru we get it.
As for what the first date is... I want to say the movies, but I feel like he's the type that wants to actually talk instead of just sitting in silence for an hour or two. So maybe a coffee shop. (He doesn't like coffee at all but enjoys the tranquility of the place so he just asks for a hot cocoa or something).
Throws the weirdest questions at you to get to know you better. They're not weird, per se, but definitely unusual, and he gets a little poetic with it. First one he asked was "If you had to pick a favorite moment in your entire life, what would it be?"
Insists on taking you home after. One, because he wants to make sure you get there safe, two, because he's a total romance sap and will try to kiss you at your doorstep after thanking you and emphasizing that he had such a great time.
Okay look... I know this is supposed to be how they ask you out but Kuroo is such a sneaky fucker I feel like he'd somehow turn things around and make it look like YOU'RE the one asking HIM out.
See my vision: you ask him for help with chemistry because he's a total nerd, and he does that coy "Hmmm dunno, will I help you?" thing even though he definitely will, he just wants you to look a little desperate. When you insist he just kind of sighs and goes "Fine, fine. I'll go on a study date with you. Don't keep me waiting, tiny." and he just LEAVES while you're standing there like ???
The date itself is pretty much what you would expect in a study date — just him explaining the subject and looking incredibly hot doing so for absolutely no reason, but he's a bit more touchy than usual. Sitting next to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder while he uses his free hand to leaf through the book. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear while you write stuff down. I'm going to be sick.
Doesn't do anything too forward, meaning he doesn't try to kiss you unless you do first, but he will suggest "We should do this at my place next time," with a shit eating grin on his face.
He tries his best to be casual about it and bring it up naturally. The last thing he wants is to look desperate (even though he definitely is), so he just keeps dropping hints until he finds a good opening to ask.
Restaurant date! No way Osamu is the only one who loves food. He just kind of mentions offhandedly that a new place just opened nearby and they have the best tempura. You say that you're hungry and he just grins. "Perfect. Let's go, then." He's already walking so you don't have time to think about it too much and change your mind.
For some reason I feel like he's a bit of a clown when he likes someone. You know the type. Will probably have you choking on your food a few times that night. But he's also a damn show off, so he insists on paying (even though he doesn't have money to spare like that).
He's already internally sighing when he realizes he's gonna have to borrow money from Osamu to make up for what he spent on your date, but he immediately forgets about it when he sees the happy look on your face.
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© ─ corvusphilia ; do not steal, copy, edit, translate or reupload
thanks for reading!
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gravehags · 3 months
the idea of the ghouls + papas helping a reader with chronic pain issues holds a special place in my little gay heart <3 it feels so cute I would love a little headcanon of it
i'm sorry you're a chronic pain haver anon here are some hcs about the papas and ghouls for you :)
primo - knows all the right remedies when pain meds just don't cut it and will dote on you endlessly. if you are a weed smoker, he grows the best and will hook you up.
secondo - will insist on taking care of everything for you so you can rest, including making sure you're not harassed by stupid work shit. if your boss has a problem, they can take it up with him.
terzo - firmly believes that distraction helps when you're suffering so he'll do anything from finding something entertaining for you both to watch to being the entertainment - and if you tell him he's being too damn loud he'll shut up immediately and apologize profusely
copia - will wait on you hand and foot, just like primo, and fret over you nonstop. similar to terzo, he believes that he can distract you from your pain with some animal therapy, brought to you by his trusted rat friends.
cumulus - another fretter, will create the perfect little nest for you to curl up in and ensure that you have everything you need. best spooner of the pack, she will hold you and make you feel safe and loved.
cirrus - highly practical - she'll start googling symptoms and treatments on her phone and then rush out to acquire everything you need to help make you feel better, trying one remedy with you after another.
aurora - is the first one to curl up on the couch with you and lend a sympathetic ear when you're just tired and over it. insists she can kiss any ailment away and by the time she's done with you, you honestly believe her.
sunshine - definitely comes from the terzo camp of distracting you from the pain, but in a more lowkey way. she'll hold you in her arms and sing softly to you in between checking in and asking if you need anything.
swiss - another big distraction fan - he'll do whatever he can to make you laugh because he can't stand to see you frowning or in pain. will get his acoustic guitar out and serenade you with whatever songs you like.
mountain - like primo, big on trying remedies brought to you by the things he grows in his greenhouse. big man is incredibly soft and intentional about the way he touches and interacts with you, always checking in.
aether - like cumulus, another fretter. he'll bustle around, collecting anything that he thinks will make you feel better whether that's medication or your nintendo switch or your favorite snack.
dewdrop - more intuitive than people give him credit for (perhaps a leftover water ghoul trait), he can immediately sense something is up with you before you even say it. will hold you incredibly gently and place his soothing warm touch wherever you need it most.
rain - like dew, very intuitive and will ease you up from the couch to climb into a nice hot bath with him, letting you rest your back to his front. when the water finally goes cold, he's cocooning you in a warm fluffy towel and ushering you to bed.
phantom - when he finds out you're having a flare up he's devastated - he hates seeing you in pain and it frustrates him to no end that he can't be of more help. like aurora, an excellent and attentive listener who will help you in any way he can.
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minniiaa · 6 months
some lawlu brainrot from another anon.
Before Flevance fell, Law masturbated to Nika at least once.
This one was drink-spit-worthy but yes, I agree. I have always supported the idea that in Wano, Law is a 'man who stopped believing god who sees god for the first time'. There's even a post somewhere in the depths with that exact verbiage. So, here you go, a little headcanon about Law, a man who stopped believing in his god Nika, meeting his ex-god and how I think it would play out. Best be assured I am RUNNING to make this a full blown oneshot.
Like any good religious boy, Law sometimes got horny over the iconography of his god. He couldn't help it, Nika was hot with his flowing white hair, red eyes, and incredibly hot body. A perfect specimen, as a god should be. Sometimes Law even touched himself to the thought of Nika, he couldn't help his lusty preteen behavior though he was incredibly ashamed of it as an adult.
Imagine his shock when he sees the beautiful god he had spent his childhood worshipping bursting through the ceiling in the form of his alliance partner whom he had saved and who had saved him in return.
It seems Luffy doesn't understand who or what Nika is, simply calling it Gear 5 and a new power of his. However, the moment Law saw him on that rooftop, he knew exactly who Luffy had become. From the statutes of his church to the altars in the homes of his family and friends, Law has seen that face. Nika. Luffy is Nika.
Later, after Luffy realizes he is Nika and what that means, Law feels guilty knowing he had been attracted to Nika in a sexual way. He's always been secretly attracted to Luffy too, but that's a deep dark secret he intended to take to the grave. He confesses his sins like the religious man he is, apologizing to Luffy for seeing him in that way and promising to follow him and treat him with the respect he deserves.
Luffy's confused, he doesn't even know what a Nika is. He's not a god he's just Luffy. He doesn't want to be treated with that kind of respect and he's always felt the same way about Law but he didn't realize what it meant until he saw Law for the first time after he connected with his new form which apparently was called Nika. When he laid eyes on Law after he woke up from his sleep in Wano and found Law, he was almost glowing. He was so pretty with his wary and always on-guard golden eyes, his perfect jawline, fluffy hair, and amazing muscled body that looked like art with all those black lines of his tattoos. Luffy realized then he liked Law as MORE than just a friend and that he should have noticed this long ago.
Luffy tells Law he doesn't want to be worshipped by anyone and that Law is his equal but if he really wants to get on his knees for him he'd be more than happy to let Law pray to him in other ways. Law almost passes out, he's never heard Luffy talk like this but damn is it hot.
Luffy activates gear 5 and is floating in front of him with his legs spread and a seductive smile on his face and Law can't help but do exactly what he said, dropping to his knees in awe that the sheer radiance of the god he once worshipped who was now right here in front of him, offering himself up like a buffet.
Though Law stopped believing in Nika after the world beat him down over and over, he can't deny his existence now that he sees him with his own eyes. So, like any religious person, he is greedy for his god's love and he decides to takes full advantage of this blessed opportunity he has been given.
He finds that his god is very good at pleasing his servants (Law acknowledged the 'we're equals' part but he hasn't quite accepted it yet, he's still in shock). However, once they're done and he's almost passed out from how amazingly demanding and insane the sex wa, Nika turns back into Luffy once again.
In that moment Law realizes it's not Nika but Luffy in Gear 5 who gives Law the most mind-breaking, unfathomable, borderline impossible sex of his life with Nika's powers that he has inherited. It's not Nika who he wanted to praise and show his love for, it was Luffy. He doesn't need a god to save him, he already has one who has performed miracles over and over, saving him from dying at the hands of Doflamingo.
Law concludes that Luffy isn't Nika, he's still the same Luffy he's always known only now he has the power of the god and that's totally fine with him. He didn't need Nika's love before and he doesn't need it now. All he needs is Luffy's affection and damn does he get it because, like any god-but-not-god, Luffy is very good to his favorites. Luffy is upset with himself for not realizing this before and vows to take full advantage of his time with Law from now on.
I will recycle this image that I used in my previous Law seeing G5 Luffy/Nika for the first time because it is that good and fits perfectly here:
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anon asked ↺ Tbh I want to continue the Silverash bloodline but with Silverash himself..
cw. fem!reader, sub!reader, reader is the doctor, established relationship, cumming inside (use condoms irl!!), breeding kink, creampie, big cock, pregnancy kink, cervix fucking, size kink, mating press, overstimulation, slight possessiveness & implied multiple rounds.
lati. pretty sure that's canon by now nonnie, silverash got the hots for the doctor bc they outplayed his ass in the break the ice event,,
art credit.
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"Shh, Doctor, not so loud," Enciodes Silverash cooed into your ear, hot breath fanning across your skin. The use of your title, in this sort of situation, flusters you quite a bit. "You wouldn't want anyone hearing you, now would you?"
The bed creaks as Enciodes bottoms out above you, allowing you to adjust to his size. With your knees pushed back all the way to your shoulders and Enciodes' weight practically crushing you, your breathing is incredibly labored and erratic. You really, really don't want to get caught—especially by Amiya or god forbid Kal'tsit. But you have to admit that getting caught being bent in half has your cunt sucking onto his cock tighter. Surely, the knowledge that the esteemed and honorable Doctor was being fucked like a whore by her own operators would make for some less-than-pleasant lectures and gossip floating about.
While it was already well established that the relationship between Rhodes Island and Karlan Trade was more than amicable, there was still some slight displeasure on the motive behind Enciodes' eagerness to sign a contract that offered him nothing in return. But of course, you were to handle Enciodes and all of his affairs while he was simply under the codename 'SilverAsh,' so as to ease any suspicions thrown towards him. But there was still something so utterly thrilling about being in bed with him, knowing that with each buck of his hips, his resolve to fill you with his seed until your belly swelled with his child grew fervently.
"Enciodes," you mewl, hoping that your pitiable appearance would urge him to move. "Please. need—need you to fuck me."
He allows his forehead to rest upon yours, sucking in restrained breaths as your slick cunt desperately clings to him before pulling away to drink up the sight of you. Your eyes glazed over, loose strands of hair sticking to your wet skin, and drool smeared across your chin—you were absolutely adorable when you were reduced to a lewd mess like this. "Patience, (name), patience. Surely we can afford to act leisurely with our time, no?"
Any other time you'd appreciate Enciodes for wanting to savor your bodies being connected—given how ravenous he was when he'd be bending you over your own damn desk. But tonight is different. Enciodes was hellbent on making your belly swollen with his child, murmuring how you'd make a good mother and how beautiful you'd look with a round belly. And you're going to make damn sure that he fucks every single drop of his seed into your womb. Besides, you have an inkling that he's doing this on purpose, wanting to stir you up into a pretty little mess begging for his cock.
"Faster," you plead, feeling the last of your restraint nearly give out from his lack of movement. "Enciodes, please. I want—I want your baby inside me.."
You can hear the feline above you groan at that—Enciodes had always been relatively weak to hear you beg for him—and it isn't long before he's moving, building up his momentum. He ducks his head down, dragging his sharp canines against your exposed neck and briefly brushing over your pulse. You have to choke back a cry when a particularly deep thrust has his swollen tip kiss your cervix, and of course, he starts angling his thrusts in that direction.
Fuck, this position made him feel even bigger if that was even possible. Each of the soft, fleshy spines that run along the sides of his cock perfectly rubs up against your oversensitive walls with each thrust, causing that tight squeezing in your belly to coil itself even tighter. Your moans grow louder and louder, pleasure eating away at your mind until all you can think about is Enciodes' cock and how big and fat it is and how good it makes you feel and—
"Encio—" You cry out his name, only to be silenced by a kiss. It was the most efficient, and quite frankly enjoyable, way to muffle all your noises because what he'd said earlier had been true. If you were to be any louder, someone was bound to hear and stumble upon your little fuck session. The kiss is messy and fumbled, with you and Enciodes both moaning as your tongues rub up against each other. It's dizzying and mind-bending, but fuck it feels so good.
"You'll make such a great mother (name). I know you will," He breaks the kiss long enough to speak, hips slowing down as his concentration breaks. You whine at the loss of his lips and he smiles. "Need you to be good and cum for me. You can do it, I know you can. Be a good girl and cum for me."
Frantically, you nod, and he hums in approval before kissing you once more. He's quick to pummel into your tight cunt, strokes reaching deep enough to feel as though they pushed straight into your tummy. The thought of you with his child could keep him hard and going for a while. His eyes were closed, lost in how perfectly you fit around him. It wouldn't take him long to fill your womb with his copious seed.
You sob as Enciodes gives a few final thrusts before his hips still, spilling his hot load into your pussy. As if on cue, you feel yourself squirting around him, the sensations of his cock and cum inside your pussy all too much. On reflex, your legs tug themselves back, pulling Enciodes forward and subsequently pushing his cock even further—Oh. Okay, that felt good. You.. you can see why he was so damn insistent on folding you into this position.
He doesn't seem to mind, more focused on nuzzling his head into the side of your neck and giving your skin a few lazy licks and nips. With the lack of movement from either of you, you can feel his cock give a few twitches as he catches his breath. He's clearly far from done—well, you aren't either. The baby fever was hitting you hard, and it's keeping you going, coaxing you into ignoring the exhaustion in your muscles in favor of allowing Enciodes to do his best in knocking you up.
After giving himself but a brief moment of reprieve, Enciodes was gently rolling his hips again. Upon hearing your soft moans of delight, he grins and lets out a soft chuckle, "My, my, so eager. Good, it's not too often we get a whole night to ourselves. We can keep going for as much as you'd like, (name). After all, the night is still young."
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© latimeriafellfromheaven
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spookyrealms · 1 year
For the story with jack i think a smutty story where maybe he is a little jealous would be so 🥵🥵
oh yessss! say no more anon I got you 🫶
𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝟏𝟖+ - 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭.. 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐰𝐜: 𝟏.𝟔𝐤
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐲/𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐦, 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲/𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫. 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐣𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮…
She was giggling again, with him.
It had to be the third or fourth time now this reporter made you laugh, and it just made Jack's blood boil. The way you both shifted forward in their seats as you two laughed. The way you clutched your stomach and took deep breaths to calm yourself in order to answer the next question. That damn reporter continuing his cheesy one liners after your answers which only made you laugh more.
Jack was finding it nearly impossible to stand off to the side and watch this interview unfold in front of him. You were his girl after all, he wanted to be the only one to make you laugh like this, not some reporter for a little known car magazine he didn't even know the name of.
While the reporter looked down at his iPad to read over the next question he needed to ask, you eyes gravitated towards Jack. His right shoulder was leaning on a steel beam that was one of many in the open studio space. His body language emanated nothing but tension and distain. Something was clearly bothering him.
You flashed him a kind, closed-mouth smile, his jaw clenched in response. Yeah, he was pissed about something.
"Okay, last question," the reporter's words pulled your attention back to him. "What is your ultimate goal for your racing career?"
"To stay in one piece after each race." you deadpanned followed by a fit of laughter from both you and the reporter.
"Well that is a very good goal to have." the reporter said between chuckles.
You nodded in agreement as you dabbed tears of laughter from the corners of your eyes, you glanced at your boyfriend, he now had his arms crossed over his chest, maintaining his unamused posture.
"On a serious note, I'd love to accomplish a championship title. That would be incredible. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can podium at Le Mans before I retire as well." you answered honestly.
With a few parting words and a friendly handshake, the interview was over, and you and the reporter go your separate ways. Automatically, you exited the small studio set up and walked over to Jack, he still had a prominent frown on his face.
"What's wrong with your face?" you asked, a cheeky smile dancing upon your lips as you looked at your boyfriend.
Jack huffed as he stood upright. "I don't know, maybe because you were enjoying flirting with that reporter."
"Oh my god." you retorted, turning on your heels and walking to the small break room that was at the back of the studio space.
Jack was the jealous type, there's no denying that. Most of the time you found it hot, when he'd get protective and possessive of you any time another man looked at you any other way other than a simple passing glance. But this time it rubbed you the wrong way.
"Tell me I'm wrong then. He was totally flirting with you!" Jack chased after you, his large stride catching up to your much smaller one within a couple steps.
"He was doing his job Jack. We felt comfortable with each other, that's a lot more than I can say for most reporters I talk to." You pushed the break room door open, letting it swing closed but Jack caught it before it had a chance to shut.
"As your boyfriend I was not comfortable with it."
"You aren't happy with anyone of the opposite gender acknowledging my existence." you spat.
An audible gasp escaped your lips as you felt a strong hand turn you around quickly. Your body collided into Jack's, the split second movement caused your heart to race and goosebumps erupt on your skin.
Jack towered over your much shorter stature, his eyes were hooded, dark with desire and want, his body was still ridged but not with anger or discomfort, it was pure pleasure and need.
"You are mine, and no one else's." he growled, bowing his head to meet your lips, devouring them in a dominating yet passionate kiss.
The kiss felt like electricity that jolted through your entire body. It was just one kiss but the effect this man had on you was instantaneous. His pent up desire had now transferred to you and all you could think about was the throbbing heat between your legs yearning for him.
Jack knew you were already at that point and had you laying flat on your back across the small sofa that was in the room.
"Jack, what if someone walks in?" you raised your head slightly to watch your boyfriend fiddle with your jeans before pulling them down your legs.
"Then they can watch." he grumbled.
You laughed slightly at his reply, the worry of someone actually walking in and seeing you two was quickly erased when you felt Jack's warm tongue glide across your folds. The feeling caused your back to arch and legs fall open.
Jack hummed against you, a response to the taste he got from your center. He used his tongue again to glide along your slit, from your sopping wet entrance up to your sensitive bud. There he flicked your bud with the tip of his tongue before clamping his lips down onto it and sucking. His facial hair tickled the sensitive skin between your legs, even the slightest feeling caused you to jump.
Instinctively, your hand went to his hair, gripping it slightly as he switch back and forth between sucking and flicking your bud. Each second a new wave of pleasure washed over you, demanding a symphony of moans to flow from your mouth.
You could feel your wetness growing, your core throbbing for him. It was an ache so deep within your core that it caused you to whine just thinking about his cock filling every inch of you.
"Jack please..." you said barely above a whisper.
Jack heard you but continued to flick his tongue wildly on your aching bud. "Please what?" he said, barely lifting his mouth from your wet core.
You moaned again. "I need you..."
This time Jack answered right away. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you, what was that?"
He anchored himself to your bud, sucking at it and pulling it slightly with his lips, a feeling that had you speechless for a moment. This man knew exactly what he was doing to you.
"I fucking need you right now!" you blurted, unable to control the words that flew from your mouth.
Jack pulled his mouth from your core with a loud popping sound. He sat up, a smug smile plastered on his face as he began to undo his belt and pants, eyes locked with yours. You panted heavily, heart racing, hyper focused on Jack and every move he made.
When his cock sprang free from its confines you felt your breath hitch followed by a frustrated groan. You wanted him so badly in this moment, every second he took felt like an eternity.
"Wow someone is needy." Jack teased.
"Says that man who was just whining about another man having my attention for five minutes." you countered, knowing that would stoke his fire.
It sure did. Jack's eyes darkened and he bent you over the back of the couch with one fluid movement. Before you had a chance to speak you felt his cock fill your core. A loud gasp chased by a moan escaped your lips as you gripped the top of the couch with both hands.
As in control as Jack was, there was still attentiveness and passion behind it. He paused for a moment, making sure you weren't tense and nothing was wrong, then once he was confident you were well adjusted he began to buck into you.
The speed and the accuracy behind each stroke caused you lips to part and your brain to go fuzzy. He knew all the best places to hit and all the best positions to put you in. He even knew throwing you half bent over the top of the couch would turn you on even more because you loved getting it from behind.
A chorus of moans echoed through the room, there was no way anyone outside didn't hear the two of you. But you couldn't care less. Caught in a pleasure high so perfect you lost track of time and space, the only thing that pulled you back down to Earth was the prickling feeling of your climax building within you.
"Oh fuck... Jack I'm gonna cum." you breathed between moans.
Jack's rhythmic strokes turned into deep thrusts that had you holding onto the couch for support. The change in rhythm caused your climax to come washing over you far faster than you anticipated.
"Jack!" you screamed, the scream coming purely from pleasure as you road your climax to the finish line.
Behind you, you could hear Jack grunt and groan a few times, his climax coming shortly after yours.
The two of you remained in your positions, both immobile while breathing heavily, trying to recover from the insane pleasure high.
"Bet no other man can do you like that." Jack stated, smacking your right ass cheek before pulling himself free from your core.
"mmm no you're right about that," you agreed, letting yourself sink back down onto the couch, making eye contact with Jack as he nodded. "But that reporter was pretty funny." you teased.
Jack huffed and rolled his eyes but a small satisfied smirk could be seen on his lips as he patted your outer thigh. "Don't start." he warned with a small chuckle followed by placing a soft kiss on your left temple.
Jokes aside; you were his, and he was yours, and that was that.
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biteofcherry · 2 months
Happy Wetnessday 💦
I hope you're doing well!
In honour of the Olympics I'm letting you choose between some scenarios.
1 -> You're on the medical team for gymnastics. While you get the usual sprains and things one member of team USA, the handsome blonde hunk Steve Rogers with beautiful blue eyes and a smile that lights any room, comes to you more often than the others. He never has any serious injury, no his routines are flawless, he just seems to "hit his head" a lot and comes specifically to you for his concussion checks. He does it so he can sit and talk with you. His charms quickly win you over and after the event ends your bright, loving and hot future only gets started.
2 -> Coach Hansen is such an asshole. He quickly becomes an internet sensation, not only for always looking sharp and sexy, and being the youngest coach there is after his injury at the last Olympics but also for screaming at his team. He wants perfection and nothing less. So imagine his surprise when the newbie, you, does one perfect run after the other. The lollipop falling out of his mouth also quickly became a meme. Quickly the two of you start to hit it off, coach Hansen definitely plays favourites and you're lucky he picked you. You're also lucky you didn't get caught while the event was still on. Now that it's over the two of you can publicly be together and he loves to tease you in public till you're all hot and bothered and pull him into the next best area to give him what he wants.
3 -> you get paired with a new commentator after years of working with the same old fart. You don't have high hopes but in walks Ari Levinson, sex on legs. He's super nice, never interrupts you and appreciates your knowledge. The people at home watching quickly catch on that the two of you have incredible chemistry and start to ship you. And how could you deny your fans (or your poor pussy) what they want? Heavy flirting and dates lead to the two of you staying behind after one coverage, waiting for everyone to leave to Ari can finally take you apart the way you want. Needless to say Mr and Mrs Levinson will be commentators together for quite some time... and maybe it becomes a tradition that he takes you apart in every booth you share.
Which olympic babe do you choose?
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
Hi Wetnessday Anon! 💛☀️💛
I wonder if you had a thought when writing it: "Damn, I shouldn't have included a Steve so wonderful and perfect. She's gonna pick him again." 🤣
Because really, you created that sweet, chiseled specimen and gave the opportunity to be with him so close and tend to him? Not to mention get dehydrated just from watching his biceps flex as he does all the acrobatics and his hot ass when he lands.
Lloyd is an instant no, because he's a screaming asshole to his team and I don't like that at all 😝 He can go rub himself with coach Lance Tucker.
Which heightened Steve's chances even more, right?
True. True. BUT-
But I have to admit that this Ari and the whole scenario with him is calling to me!
The fact he doesn't talk over you, listens to your insight, flows easily the conversation. Not to mention is smooth and cheeky flirt that's just irresistible! You'd have to use all of your strong will to focus on watching and commenting whatever was happening on the stadium, instead of staring at Ari and drooling 🫠
And maybe that chemistry is noticed not only by the audience, but some athletes, too? Someone is interviewing track team about the general thoughts and feels of the Olympics and they say that there's a bet going on among the whole representation - whether Ari and you will date after the Olympics end, or if you get to it sooner 😆 Gymnasts after cashing all the gold medals joke that it's an almost dream come true, all they need to feel it full is Ari and you kiss.
You're totally kissing live at the closing ceremony
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good morning/afternoon/evening, i saw your request open and i was wondering if you'd be up to write some headcanons about risotto & ghiaccio with a gn! s/o who likes to take care of them; whether it's combing/washing their hair, making meals for them, helping them relax after a day of work, etc.
feel free to delete/ignore this request if it's not of your liking. and, thanks in advance (<3).
I actually received another anon request asking for something similar-
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- so I'm just gonna lump them all into one big heaping pile of headcanons! Thank you for the requests <333 La Squadra with a house husband/wife who loves to take care of them
Loves it so so so so much
How lucky he is to have an s/o like you, doting on him and putting in so much work for the two of you.
Always goes to you to massage out any aches from the day
Hugs you from behind while you're in the middle of cooking every time. No matter what. It's not a problem at all unless it leads to you getting something on yourself or getting burnt (in that case he'll apologize - then do it again the very next time.)
In return, he tries his best to treat you whenever he can. He buys you sweet lil gifts all the time, leaving them around for you to find while he's out on missions <333333
All those pigtails of his? Yeah, they aren't much, but every time he puts his hair into them he considers asking you to do it instead. He never does, but if you find him doing his hair with a dumb smile on his face, that's why.
Need I say this man praises you and your work?
"Smells amazing, doll, whatcha cooking this time?"
"Damn, the room's spotless! You worked real hard, didn't ya?"
gives you a big ol' smorch on the lips....sigh....
It's the kind of s/o he always pictured himself having, this is just what he expected life to have in store for him.
As a result, he sort of treats the things you do pretty casually. If you didn't know better you'd say he doesn't notice or care.
But of course, you know him better than that. The kiss on your knuckles before every meal and the quick compliments he gives you throughout the day are how he lets you know he loves you and the work you do.
It's the way he intertwines his fingers with yours in the late hours of the night, you two tucked in bed, that lets you know it's all appreciated.
Oh Pesci.. oh this boy...
No matter how many times you do all these nice things for him, no matter how much of an everyday thing it is, it makes him feel so incredibly special every single time.
Every sweet thing you do for him has him practically blubbering out "thank you"s and "you're so sweet"s
Oh my GOODNESS. PLAY WITH HIS HAIR. his hairstyle may be strange (all of La Squadra's are), but please please please run your fingers through it, ruffle it around, mess it up a bit, he loves it.
BONUS POINTS if you get a hairbrush and fix up his messy hair afterwards. Oh he's putty in your hands.
Will do anything he can to return the favors, unless you tell him he doesn't have to. augghhh
damn i got passionate about this one
Remember how I said Formaggio hugs you from behind while you cook? Well, Melone does that too.
But unlike Formaggio he does it while you're doing literally anything. You could be scrubbing the toilet and he's embracing ya and peppering kissing down your neck and. probably distracting you quite a bit.
But also unlike Formaggio, Melone stops when asked, or when it's clear his affection is making it super hard for you to work.
He'd love it for you to braid his hair, and if you have long enough hair, he'll braid your hair too.
If there's ever a day where you aren't doing too hot, sick in bed and he has the day to stay home, he'll be your house husband for the day. A perfect chance for him to give back some kindness ;3
It's no surprise that he's coming home with a million things to complain about. So he'll pace around the kitchen and ramble while you make dinner. He's usually irritable at this time, might get picky with how you cut ingredients or how long you cook for.
Still loves everything you make, even if it's not to his exact specifications. Mutters out a "thanks" afterwards and pulls you close to press a looong kiss to your forehead.
Lets you massage the immense amounts of tension out of him. Also wants you to run your fingers through his hair, brushing through his curls and massaging his scalp. For once he stays silent, sighing and leaning into your loving touch.
This man spouts a million words a minute, but he knows he doesn't need to speak to let you know how much he loves you. He just basks in your comfort. Damn, you treat him so well.
He loves the caring part of you, he really does, but at the start of your relationship you may need to tell him a few times to stop saying things like "you know, you don't have to do that for me."
Eventually you reach a compromise, and when it comes to cooking and cleaning, you two make it a team effort whenever he's around.
When it comes to helping him relax after work though, he never complains (anymore) about your pampering.
a comforting bath, your hands scrubbing sweet scents through his hair, a moment where he doesn't need to focus on anything except his s/o.
He dreams of having these moments for the rest of his life, holding you close in the eerie silent night and cherishing every second you love him and care for him.
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
Hello! I'd love to request a fic with the reader being Sirius's wife after they're at Hogwarts but before Lily and James' deaths, shortly after they get the news about the Longbottoms being tortured. The reader wants to have sex but Sirius initially hesitates because his wife clearly is trying to distract them from the news (doesn't have to be graphic smut!) Thanks!
Hi there, anon :) Thank you for the ask. I´ve been in a writing slump lately because I get into my own way, making everything to complicated, too detailed. But this seemed like something I could do and it was lots of fun! :D It brought me back to my lovely Sirius. Maybe now I can finally finish my series "Everything Black".
It doesn´t get too steamy but there are some dirty passages, I hope you like it. Otherwise it´s pure fluff and angst. Thanks again and I kope you all enjoy <3
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It hurts to look at you
words: 2.303
The moment the door closed behind Dumbledor´s swaying robes and a deafening silence covered the small kitchen in Godrics Hollow, two women and four men dissolved into either horrified sobs or heavy breathing, trying to control their own shock to the news.
Lilies flaming red hair covered one side of her face that was pressed into James´ neck. Little whispers of “No, no. Why them?” left her lips. James eyes were dull and unseeing as he stared at the bottle of elderflower wine on the table. One arm wrapped around his wife, his other hand covering the back of her head.
On the other side of the room, Peter sat on the table, covering his quivering lips with one hand. He was paler than usual and his knee had not stopped bobbing since Dumbledore brought the news of Franks´ and Alice´s horrific fate. He looked like the man standing behind him felt. Remus knew how to hide his emotions but this time he couldn’t quite manage. With wet eyes he held the look of one of his best friends across from him.
Holding you in his lap Sirius looked at Remus over your shoulder while you sobbed. His grey eyes reflected less sorrow than shock and all-consuming hatred. Of course he mourned the fate of his friends, the single tear that ran down his cheek proof enough. But it wasn´t enough to drown out the red hot edges that covered his vision. It wasn’t enough to stop whishing for another name, other relatives. He felt guilty. Guilty for sharing the blood with the person responsible for yet another tragedy. Yet another destroyed family, yet another two lives lost and so many more scarred.
He wrapped his arms closer around your waist and kissed your neck lovingly, trying to calm you down. You where whimpering right next to his ear, fear shaking your entire body while you clung to him like a life line. Again hate flared inside of him. How dare they!? How dare they inflict so much pain and strike terror into the one living being that made it all worth it for him?! He fought for many a reason these days. Most of them were present right now but you were his damn wife. His reason to breath and keep moving. The two of you had gotten married right after Lilly and James although you hadn’t been together for as long as they had.
Time and circumstance however made people fall in love quicker, more madly and desperately. That´s how it was for Sirius and you. You´d only gotten to know him in you last year at Hogwarts. For so long you had tried to avoid the boisterous teenager until he began noticing you. First, every time your house played Gryffindor and you hit a blutcher in his direction. He´d avoid them mostly, grinning at you wolfishly. Then he started noticing you in the hallway which you found incredibly annoying. He just couldn’t walk past you without some kind of comment. “Don´t swing at me, (y/l/n) we´re not on the pitch” “Hey,___ do you like sweets? There are some in our common room”.
One day he walked up to you, arms stretched out to the side as he proclaimed right smack in the middle of the courtyard “(Y/l/n), you are like the stars in the night sky, guiding me towards a brighter future!” You knew of course that he was fucking with you so you just turned to him and with an obvious fake smile, sweet as honey you said, “Sirius, my love. You are like the sun to me.” He looked shocked for a second, his grey eyes widening. “Hurts to look at ya.”
Sirius couldn’t remember the last time he´d laughed so hard. It was the moment he knew you were something special to him. He didn’t quite know that he´d fall arse over broomstick for you yet though. That happened later, in the order, under darker circumstances. Still, the gentle fondness he felt for you changed into a burning passion whenever he saw the bravery you showed despite your anxious demeanour. More than once he´d consoled your shaking form with a glass of fire whiskey the moment you got the message that everyone was safe at the end of the day. Seeing you battle through that and still be hilariously dry-humoured, incredibly kind and quite frankly a rock to him, his protective instincts kicked him the last bit of the way until he almost couldn’t stand not being in your presence.
And then one evening, he´d just come back from a mission that took way longer than it should have. He´d entered the Potters living room, heart beating out of his chest, worried about you. Within a second your body had slammed into his and without thinking twice about it he´d lifted your head with both palms and kissed you feverishly. And that was it. Eight months later you´d gotten married.
You lifted your head off of his shoulder and worriedly he looked up at you, both his hands stroking back your hair. Your eyes were bloodshot and puffy as you whispered with a raw voice. “Why?” Sirius had no answer and he hated himself for it. He shook his head slowly and stroked your cheeks. “I don’t know, my darling. I don’t know.” “They…They´re gone. Frank….Alice. Both…Oh Merlin, why like this!!??” Your forehead landed on his as fresh tears fell from your eyes and onto his skin. Sirius breathed heavily, stroking your sides slowly and soothingly.
“What…what happens to Neville now?” you heard Lilly ask. “He´s only a day older than Harry!” Again she started crying while James answered her. “I´m sure Frank´s mother has him now. He´s in good hands, Lils. Please don´t worry.”
“There´s going to be a hunt” Remus´ voice floated through the room. Everyone looked at him while trying to gather themselves again. “You´re right” Lilly said and wiped at her wet cheeks. The stoic look coming back into her eyes. “You´re right. There´s nothing…” she swallowed. “There´s nothing we can do for Frank or Alice anymore. What we can do, is go after… them.”
You admired Lilly for her rationality. She was right of course. You needed to snap out of it. There was work to be done. “But not tonight” Lilly said. “We need tonight for…” she lost her words and looked at her husband. Everyone got the hint and stood. Hugging your friends closer that usual you left the Potter´s house and stood outside for another moment. Sirius turned to Remus.
“You wanna crash on our couch again, mate? You´re welcome to” Sirius looked sternly at Remus, though he already knew what the answer would be. Remus gave a tight lipped smile, took a deep breath and shook his head. “Sorry, Pads. Not tonight. I´ll go see….my parents. I think.” Sirius nodded shortly and hugged his friend again. He whispered something you couldn’t make out to him and let go. Remus´ smile seemed more genuine this time around as he waved at you and disapparated.
“He´s not going to see his parents, is he?” you asked quietly and took Sirius´ hand. He was still staring at the spot were Remus disappeared. He sighed and shook his head. “He writes them occasionally but…it´s been ages since he saw them.” He squeezed your hand tightly. “He´s already on the hunt.”
Sirius looked down at you with a solemn look. “Let´s go home, yeah?” You nodded and braced yourself for disapparating.
Your feet hit the ground in front of your small flat. Without many words, Sirius and you got changed and ready for bed. You felt emotionally drained and yet, something inside you was boiling over. So after not being able to fall asleep, even with Sirius´ strong arms wrapped around you from behind you slightly stirred. “Sirius?” you whispered into the dark. “Hmm? What is it, my love?” he immediately answered. A small smile tucked at your lips. Huddling closer to him you kissed his forearm that was resting close to your face. “I love you more than words can say” you simply stated. You felt his chest stop moving for a second before you felt his lips on your shoulder. They moved slowly and gently over it and over your neck to your ear. Goosebumps erupted all over your body, heat creeping from your center up to your belly.
“You are my everything” Sirius´ deep voice penetrated your ear, vibrating through your every vein. “Love is not a strong enough word to describe what I feel for you, what you are to me, my darling.” Again you felt your eyes water. “I know, dove. You´re scared. I know” he whispered with a slight choked up voice. “We´re doing the right thing and it´s scary. Whatever happens, my love, please know that I´ll always be with you.”
“Please don’t talk like that” you whimpered and the tears fell silently. “It needs to be said,___. I´m sorry but please listen to me.” He kissed the shell of your ear. “Tomorrow is not promised. But as long as I have your love, I´ll fight until my last breath to return to you. Every day.”
You turned in his arms as quickly as you could and smashed your lips to his desperately. His arms pulled you in immediately. The kiss was not gentle or slow. Pure desperation guiding you in the way you grabbed at his ink black, luscious hair or how your tongue glided over his quicker than usual.
Sirius didn’t mind at all. He knew that you needed this right now and he would be damned not to give you anything you so desperately needed. He did worry a little bit though. His fingers dug into your side to try and slow you down just a little bit. That proved to be rather difficult though as you just decided to slightly bite his bottom lip. He always went feral whenever you did that and right now his head was swimming with desire. He felt your leg moving right between his and with a grunt he felt your knee slightly bump his erection.
“Want you, Sirius” you panted against his lips. “Want you so much.” Your lips descended onto his throat as you climbed on top of him. And so, with a long and strained groan Sirius grabbed your hips in a vice like grip. “Hold on. Stop, darling” he whispered desperately. You didn’t react and started to grind onto him. “Shit! Dove, please. It´s not…stop. Stop, stop, stop.” He didn’t sound angry but worried as his voice got louder until you finally registered what he´d asked of you.
Pure fire was rushing through your veins and through a thick cloud of pent up lust you tried to focus on his face. His beautiful features shone through the haze as you zeroed in on his pale grey eyes. Your chest heaving you looked at him bewildered.
“What is it?” you asked cautiously. “Little dove, you know I´d never say no to being inside you and absolutely rock your shit but…We both know…we´re not in the right headspace right now. We just lost two dear friends and we´re scared.” Your stomach dropped dangerously low and a little bit of shame overcame you quickly. Still laying on his chest you lay your head right above his heart while he stroked your back soothingly. “Just let me hold you for tonight, my love. Let me tell you how precious you are, how much you mean to me. Let my words lull you to sleep, where I want you to be at peace. Knowing that I´ll have your back always. That I´ll be here. And in the morning when you wake up, I´ll make sure my name is the only thing you´ll be able to mutter.” Nodding, sniffling but grinning into his Tshirt you got comfortable at his side again, your ear never leaving the steady rhythm of his heart.
As promised, he whispered sweet, sweet nothings into your ear until your body grew heavy.
You didn’t even make it until the first rays of sunshine before Sirius appeared above you with pure fire in his eyes. No words needed to be spoken, you knew that look way too intensely. And so he made good on his promise as he sank into your warm and wet heat and made you whimper and sigh his name as he nibbled on your neck. His hips moving sensually and powerfully. The feeling of slick skin on skin, his scent enveloping you and words of pure love being exchanged, the both of you moved in tandem, bringing you closer and closer to the sweet relief you needed.
“Cum for me, darling. Please, my perfect girl. Hggnn, I´m right there...with you” he whispered as his eyes bore into yours. As his hips sped up and his lips closed carefully around your nipple, you gripped him hard as the blinding, hot white feeling made you arch your back and cling to him for dear life. His name yelled into the darkness, he bit down on your neck hard and muffled his own grunts and sighs. Before long, Sirius was laying on top of you, breathing as heavily as you, kissing the spot he bit, licking it a little and just marvelling in the feeling of having you in this way.
“I´ll always love you, Sirius. With every fibre of my being, I am yours” you whispered. You heard his satisfied sigh as his canines scraped against the underside of your jaw. He lifted his head to look you in the eyes. Stroking your face gently he said “Wherever I am, whatever happens to me. Know that you are my saving grace. I am yours before anything.” He kissed you slowly. “I´ll be with you always.”
I hope you all enjoyed this little fic, thank you for reading <3 As always I appreciate every like, reblog or comment. In order to get better in my writing though, I absolutely love getting comments or reblogs that let me know what you liked or disliked ;) Only this way I can make my writing better or more inclusive.
Thank you very much again and have a lovely day :)
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softrozene · 1 year
Dutch Gets Bamboozled
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Anon asked: The headcanons were incredible! You have skill! I'm not into men but your text made me wanna cuddle up with those sweet cowboys! 💕 Mayhaps I could request some Molly with Female!S/O? When I played through Rdr2 i saved up so much money during the gameplay i could have sponsored the Tahiti trip singlehandedly so I'd love a scenario where lady reader has tons saved up and scoops Molly from under Dutches nose and they escape together! You can write it how you like but i'd love Dutches reaction!
rdr2 masterlist
I am glad that I can make you want to cuddle soft cowboys lol and you have said something that is so damn relatable. Like c’mon Dutch- take my money Dutch- It was so painful to have all that money and not be able to get their asses in gear
Anyway, this buttered my biscuits. I hope I was able to get Molly’s character down but either way, I had so much fun writing this!
#Gotta steal Dutch’s woman
Originally published on January 12, 2020
Molly O’Shea x Female Reader
Warnings: Technical cheating of a relationship, fluff, Dutch gets bamboozled
Your blood is boiling. The scene you had just witnessed yet again is getting to you. The sweet angel you have grown to love had just tried yet again to vie for her current lover’s attention only for him to speak down on her. How the hell can Dutch ignore such a Goddess? He just left with Morgan and a few others for some “important” mission that he thinks will give him everything.
Molly O’Shea, the beautiful fiery woman just isn’t getting the attention and love she deserves. She deserves so much more, especially in this cursed, hot, and sweaty forsaken swamp that surrounds Shady Belle. In short, it’s making you angry.
However, in these times, thankfully she’s been coming to you. Out of everyone in camp she chooses you when things go wrong. It would’ve made you feel used but you can see her slowly realizing that she deserves better. That the man she loves had been using her.
That her affections are growing for you and she’s slowly yearning for it.
Your heartbeat speeds up slightly as her gaze turns your way. The frown on her lips immediately turning upside down as you give her a gentle wave her over to your tent. Her graceful steps make you want to swoon.
“Miss (Last Name),” She greets.
Her voice is a slightly teasing tone since she knows how much you hate it when she is formal with you. You ignore it though knowing she needs loving attention from you.
“Molly, Love, I got ya this beauty of a scarf if you are willing to take it.”
You go into your suitcase and reach the carefully folded scarf made of the softest and most expensive material. A small gasp escapes her when she sees it. You hand it to her and she is so gentle in grabbing the scarf.
Instead of the usual thank you, Molly, seems hesitant before looking at you with determination. “I thought about your offer and I… accept,” Molly says in a slight whisper.
You are in absolute shock. The offer you gave her was months ago at Horseshoe Overlook, just when Dutch started to be terrible to her. You had jokingly said you both could run away. You never brought it up again from how loyal to Dutch she was until she was the one to bring it up at the next temporary camp near Clemons Point. Asking why and how. That’s where your flirtations were revealed to be truthful to her. That you like her and she started to accept your advances.
Sure, the money was definitely a big thing for her. However, it turned to be more when she realized you were the only one who genuinely liked her and the way she acts. She needs to feel secure and the amount you had showed her a while back as surely tripled for this very moment. The moment where she is finally yours as you had been hers.
You lick at your lips from the small bit of anxiety you feel.
“Molly, I am so pleased to hear this but are you sure? If Dutch ever finds us after, he may kill us. Of course, I would never let him but I can’t lie to you about that possibility-“
Molly cuts you off with a quick kiss to the lips. Your brain short-circuits as she grabs your hand and leads it to wrap the scarf around her shoulders.
“I’m sure (Name). I… Want to live an extravagant life with you,” Molly replies with the certainty you needed to hear.
You nod your head and smile at the view before you. She sure does look lovely in the scarf you picked out. Yes, a queen meant to be.
“If you truly accept go pack your things, Darling. We’ll leave before they get back and I promise you, in a couple of weeks we’ll be living that beautiful life you deserve.”
“Where the goddamn hell are they?!” Dutch screeches waking up quite a few people in the dark hours.
Arthur, John, and Hosea race into the house towards Dutch’s sleeping chambers. They all share a look with each other before they glance at their boss who is shaking with rage. The room was empty before but it appears emptier upon coming back from their mission.
“What’s up Dutch?” Arthur calls a bit hesitant.
Dutch turns around and points to his empty tent, “It would appear that Miss O’shea and (Last Name) took my goddamn books!”
Hosea glances into the tent and goes to pick up a singular paper on a dresser. He reads it out loud, “Should’ve appreciated the treasure you had and should’ve taken my own money when I offered. If fate is kind we’ll never see each other again. Thanks for the adventure so far Boss. Yours truly, (Name).”
They couldn’t help it. They really couldn’t. Arthur and John had to leave the building in order to have a good laugh at their boss who couldn’t keep the one woman who was ready to die for him, taken away by a true lady lover.
   Bonus headcanons:  
Seriously though this would’ve bruised Dutch’s ego big time
The betrayal of this act would’ve made him even madder
Like he considers himself a casanova, so a lady stealing his own woman from him would’ve been absolutely mind blowing to him
He probably thought you liked him as well if you were that close to Molly to begin with
And that would’ve made him feel cheated/made a fool but he’ll try and play it off hence the “My books!”
Molly was the one who took the books since he always had his nose buried in one
Molly would be petty enough to steal that and much more and I am living for that idea
If he knew where they were I think he would’ve gone after them because no one messes with Dutch and gets away with it, but considering how much was already on his plate he wouldn’t
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five-bi-five-mind · 2 years
Mirror sex with sub!JJ X dom!reader
The Dress
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: JJ x fem!Reader
Genre: Smut just pure smut
Words: 1.5k+
Summary: You see JJ getting ready for a fancy gala and you just can't keep your hands to herself when you see how she looks in her new dress.
Warnings: Pretty much what the prompt says. Mirror sex, top!reader, bottom!JJ, fingering (JJ receiving).
A/N: Okay anon, my first attempt at bottom JJ. How'd I do? Seriously, y'all need to let me know if you ever want more top!reader stuff lol
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(gif not mine; credit to sapphicprentiss)
“Wow,” You smirked as you came up to the closet door. Your wife was standing in the back of your walk-in closet, twisting and turning as she checked out the new dress she was wearing in the body length mirror standing in the back. You knew when she bought the dress it would look good on her, but you didn’t fully grasp how stunning it would make her look. Now all you could do was lean against the door frame and stare. 
JJ’s eyes met yours in the mirror and all she could do was grin at the way you took in her every curve.
God damn, you had a hot wife. Even on days when she didn’t try she was gorgeous, but tonight was a whole other level. Her hair was neatly styled and waves of beautiful blonde locks were resting just right on her shoulders, her makeup was pristine, the heels she had picked out accentuated her toned legs perfectly, and that dress… fuck, that dress was driving you crazy. She managed to pick the perfect shade of red to compliment her complexion, a dress that looked tight in all the right places and left very little for the imagination. A dress that was short enough that you could just slip your hands up her…
“What do you think?” 
“Huh?” JJ’s voice snapped you out of your practical drooling.
“How do I look? Is this okay for tonight?” JJ held your gaze through the mirror as she chewed on her lip and waited for your response.
Is this okay for tonight? Has she seen herself? Of course it is. It’s okay for every fucking night going forward for all you cared. She had some big fancy gala thing she was roped into going to with other coworkers and, knowing JJ, she had to go above and beyond to dress appropriately. You, on the other hand, were in sweats and a plain white t-shirt. Somehow you convinced her to let you sit this boring gala thing out. A choice you were now regretting since it meant you can’t stare at your wife for much longer this evening. Unless, maybe just maybe, you could convince her to stay…
“You look gorgeous,” You gave her a cheeky grin this time. One that, if she was still paying attention to you, rather than focusing on a random stray strand of hair, she would’ve seen right through. 
You pushed yourself off the door frame and stepped fully into the closet, right behind your wife. “Honestly,” you began as your hands slid to either side of her waist from behind, “I’d say you look almost too gorgeous in that dress. It would be a crime to let you just leave…” 
“(Y/N)…” JJ warned, a playfulness in her voice telling you she didn’t mind. “I promised I’d make an appearance.” 
“Hm…” Your chin rested on her shoulder as you pressed your whole body against her back. “I’m sure you can be a little late.” Your eyes met hers again in the mirror and this time you could see that she knew exactly what you were getting at. 
“It took me forever to get ready and squeeze into this dress.” 
“Then,” You said as one hand moved from her waist to slip down onto her thigh. “We don’t have to take it off.” Your hand reached around to slide up her inner thigh, all the while pushing her dress up the higher you got between her legs. 
You looked down for a moment, drinking in how she looked right now. Face slightly flushed, leaning back on you, her dress hiked up a little with your hand resting right where she wanted it most. Just when you think she can’t get anymore gorgeous, she goes and proves you wrong. 
Your fingers start pressing incredibly lightly on her clit through her panties but before you go any further, your eyes flick back up to hers. She’s got hers glued on your hand, but when you freeze she looks back up. You search her eyes for permission and she knows exactly what you’re doing without even having to say a word. All you needed was a nod, that she eagerly gave you, before you push her panties to the side and finally slip your fingers through her folds. 
She’s already wet. You’ve barely touched and she’s soaked your fingers. Just the feeling of that makes you both groan. You let your fingers lazily run up and down her slit, enjoying the way she shudders ever so slightly each time you pass over her clit. There’s an overwhelming need inside you to take your time with her, to thoroughly enjoy every part of her body, but you also know your wife has places to be in that sinfully gorgeous dress of hers, and right now you can’t waste much time. There will be time later tonight to enjoy her more, but for the moment, ruining your wife in that dress will have to suffice. So, that’s exactly what you’re going to do.
“Fuck!” JJ cries out. With barely any warning and barely any resistance, you slid two fingers into her. Where she was once leaning against you, the blonde now was gripping onto the corner of the mirror in front of her to steady herself while you began to steadily pump your fingers in and out of her. However good you were making her feel, you thought perhaps you were enjoying yourself just as much, watching your fingers go in and out of the blonde from the mirror. Your eyes were glued to the way you watched them disappear inside of her, only to pull back out, glistening with her wetness, before pushing them back in with some strength behind it and earning yourself a deep moan from the woman you were currently knuckles deep in. 
Your eyes flicked back up to JJ’s face for a moment and you noticed you weren’t the only one paying attention to the mirror. Her eyes were also fixated on the way your fingers were pumping into her and you could tell by the sounds slipping out of her that she was thoroughly enjoying what she was seeing too. Slowing down for a moment, you didn’t miss the pout that came across her face before you used your free hand to reach around and grab her jaw. 
Yanking her head back up so her eyes would meet yours in the mirror, you gave her a smug smirk. “You like watching yourself get fucked?” You whispered, watching as her eyes fluttered shut from the feeling of your breath ghosting against her ear. “It seems like you’re enjoying the view as much as I am, babe.” Your teeth grazed against the shell of her ear and you didn’t miss the way her walls tightened around your fingers as you began to pick up the pace again.
JJ’s knuckles were white from the way she was holding onto the edge of the mirror for support when you started to drive into her faster and faster. The skirt of her dress was pushed up above her abdomen at this point and you were enjoying seeing her muscles tense as she was getting close. The hand that was once holding her chin, let go and drifted back to her waist to hold her steady while you pumped your fingers harder and deeper into her. 
It was a good thing you two had thick walls because the sounds coming out of JJ were echoing throughout the whole apartment and you weren’t helping either, still whispering filthy things in her ear. 
“Are you close?” You mumbled against her skin before dragging your tongue down the side of her neck. All JJ can do is manage a frantic nod of her head, her eyes squeezed shut as you feel her body begin to tense. “Good, then open your eyes, baby,” You whisper. “I want you to watch yourself cum on my fingers.” With that, you curled your fingers inside her, hitting just the right spot that you knew your wife loved so much. JJ’s eyes shot open at the same moment a loud moan fell from her lips and after one, then two hard strokes of your fingers inside her you felt her fall apart. 
After a moment you stilled inside her, both of you just trying to catch your breath. Her body slumped into yours and you held her steady with the grip you still had on her waist. Slipping your fingers out of her slowly, you felt her shiver at the loss of contact. Both of you locked eyes in the mirror again and you grinned at the sleepy, satisfied look JJ had in her eyes.
“Wow,” You smirked and said again. JJ let out a quiet chuckle as she leaned against you. Her hair was a mess now, her dress was still bunched up above her hips, and her makeup somehow got a little smeared. Yet, as you took her in through the mirror again, you wondered how she still managed to look fucking gorgeous like that.
Taglist: @leecravesdeath @daddy-jareau @olliethedonut @desperate-gay @storiesofsvu
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princelylove · 9 months
How about I make you some tea and biscuit, your highness? ☕ 🍪 I hope it will please you while you help me answer my wondering about this.
I read your work "The Father" that analyze about Bruno. There is a small detail about Narancia get closer to darling. It's maybe not important the reason why, but I just thinking, what if the reason is Narancia fall in love with Bruno's darling. How Bruno react if Narancia (or any other members) fall in love with his darling?
~ 🏵️ anon ~
You know, I’m not really a tea person, or hot drinks in general. I do like one or two kinds, but I don’t have it frequently. I can bear the cold with my cold drink. 
Ohhh, that would be……… bad. Bruno’s the possessive type, even if he tries to hide it. “Man With An Open Heart” and “Model Man” by King Crimson are, ironically, very Bruno songs. Here’s the entire Bucciarati team falling for Bruno’s darling, as a treat. You’ve been good. Hopefully this makes sense, I've been a bit busy lately.
Poor Pannacotta. He’d probably never mention it, but there would be signs. It’s incredibly weird to fall in love with your father’s almost-spouse, but it’s worse to actually make a move on them. Pannacotta isn’t going to ruin his chances at having a safe home- if Bruno suddenly hates him, he loses the one place he feels safe, and probably goes back on the streets. He’s not risking it. But it’s obvious, he’s difficult to handle at the best of times, but treats you oh-so-delicately. You broke something? That’s fine, annoying, but fine. You don’t have any glass in your hands, do you? Ok. Leave, he’ll clean this up. Bruno wants Pannacotta to love you, of course, but not in a romantic way. He’s delusional enough to just tell himself that Pannacotta doesn’t view you as part of the family yet, and that’s why this.. problem has made its home in his perfect happy family. Really, Pannacotta never viewed you as family, more like a random stranger forced to live in his father’s house, but Bruno never has to know.
Naranica is in the same position as Pannacotta, but he has a little more wiggle room. I’m not your son, I just live here! (< desperately wants to be a family with Bruno, ignoring the weird implications). Bruno’s still fairly upset, but he’s not as quick to anger with Narancia- Bruno often forgets that Pannacotta is actually his youngest, since he’s spent more time with him. Narancia’s actually the most vocal, he makes extremely inappropriate comments when you’re here, and when you leave. It’s not uncommon for Narancia to drop a “Is that babe you keep hanging out with coming over today?" or a "Damn..." when you bend over. Bruno scolds him the usual way- through smacking him as hard as he can. He'll knock it off eventually, hopefully.
I do not think that Giorno actually likes Bruno, to be honest with you. He views him more as a… coworker, really. “Man who I happen to be betraying the boss with.” Absolutely no emotional attachment. Bruno is the opposite- he views Giorno as somewhat of a friend, never mind the age difference. Bruno is fond of Giorno, Giorno is the only one who has seen Bruno in a real state of vulnerability lately, so he thinks they have something- he thinks wrong. Giorno will play along, he doesn’t mind playing the long game, but he won’t play pretend forever. Bruno feels betrayed when Giorno makes his move- unless, of course, he’s dead. Then he can’t do much thinking at all, can he?
Guido is not about to cuck the man that bailed him out of a multiple decade sentencing, but looking is free. If you can’t handle someone checking out your partner, you’re probably insecure. Checking you out isn’t a crime, plenty of people do it in a non-invasive way. It’s natural for a human being to acknowledge another as attractive. Guido’s fine with settling if you really do love Bruno- or if he thinks you love Bruno- so he won’t compete, but he’s not going to abandon his spot as #2. Bruno’s not the happiest about Guido trying to get into your life- you already have a family, but… he supposes it can be a little bigger. As long as he doesn’t try to touch you too much. (He will.)
Spare Leone the guilt, he can barely find it in himself to speak to Bruno, this can’t be happening. He’ll just shut up and let the feeling pass, or cope about it later. Until he sees the way you smile at him, whether it be genuine or not, and he just melts on the spot. A little crush is fine, as long as he doesn’t… say anything about it… to the man that saved him… Bruno has mixed feelings, on one hand, he really trusted Leone to watch you, and that is now ruined. On the other hand, it’s great that Leone is feeling emotions again and getting out of his slump! It’s just a shame he’s going for someone who is already spoken for.
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marimayscarlett · 1 year
i’m laughing so hard for your worst richard outfits post. the ”where is waldo” shirt-part got me in tears. bless you and your choice of words.
hmm let me ask. hottest rzk moments, top 5? can be something he did/does with his bandmates or something he’s done on stage. being wet in brussels isn’t an option here since we are all as wet as him that night.
I think I was a bit harsh in this post, I really love and cherish Richard, but I absolutely lost it at the combination of the emo hair and the Waldo shirt, that was too much for my poor heart (and eyes) 👀
My personal 5 hottest Richard moments, well. I instantly had some in mind, mostly general things he does, which either drive me absolutely insane or make me melt instantly. No particular order:
Fidgeting with his hands and rings during interviews, because I really love his hands. They're looking so strong and soft at the same time, and uughgh:
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(gifs taken from this post)
Talking passionately about the things he loves. I'm a very enthusiastic person myself and I love seeing someone being passionate about topics as well, really working themselves into it and just geeking about it. I don't know, I just find enthusiasm and intelligence rather sexy:
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His growling during the live versions of Du riechst so gut and Asche zu Asche. To quote myself, it absolutely makes my whole body combust into flames, it's just incredibly hot to me, here's an example from this year:
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Certain movements in stage: Mostly the Leg™ and the chest punch™, it's so mesmerising to look at:
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And now to something very specific: I absolutely love his solo in the live versions of Links 234. It's so, so hot to me, how he slowly works his way into it and it just sounds immensly powerful. Plus he looks absolutely intimidating (read: f- hot) while playing. As an example, my favourite version is the Velodrom gig in Berlin (2001).
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Honourable mention Nr. 1, since @gloomy-blonde reminded me of it yesterday: His damn movements during Keine Lust in Rammstein in Paris. I mean what is this? Why do I find this hot? Questions to ponder while watching this endlessly:
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(gif by staubzustaub)
Honorable mention Nr.2: His wonderful smile of course 💜
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Anon made it hard for me to leave out wet!Richard, but I think I managed it quite well regardless 😌
(feel free to add your own favourite things if you have something in mind 🤗)
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years
Can we get some otis driftwood stuff please
Smut Headcanons | Otis Driftwood (18+)
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thank you for requesting, anon!
reader is assumed as gender neutral
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
note : i went with some smut hcs because you didn’t specify (also this got very long - i offer no apologies, i am a massive simp for this man lol) so yeah… feel free to send in more otis requests haha
relevant links : masterlist | slasher blog
very much so a given, but otis is a massive sadomasochist with strongly dominant leaning tendencies - particularly those of a cruel/mean dom
like he enjoys beating the shit out of his partners and having his partners cut him up and all of that, but he will not ever let up control - him being the one in charge is non negotiable, i’m afraid
doesn’t give a shit if anyone sees or hears you when you’re having sex and is more than happy to show off who you belong to if a victim’s getting too handsy for his taste - whether that manifests as a lewd makeout session in the living room whilst still working on lowering their guard or if he straight up brutally fucks you in front of them when they’re tied up and as good as dead
incredibly possessive by nature so expect to receive plenty of marks - including both more temporary ones (bruises, black eyes, bite marks, burns, cuts, hickeys, etc.) and more permanent ones (like a tattoo or brand of his name or his artwork that he designed specifically for you)
related to the above, definitely gets an ego boost if you affirm that you’re his - his partner, his fuck toy, his property - when you’re having sex
but he also enjoys when you’re possessive of him and affirm that he belongs to you as well - and not just because it usually leads to some rough sex and power-play where he reaffirms your places in the bedroom
has a naturally filthy mouth but it gets so much worse when it comes to the bedroom - like his dirty talk is on another level
he’ll call you his filthy, desperate little cocksleeve, his obedient cum pet and his pathetic sex toy in the same breath that he instructs you on exactly how to ride him or suck his cock - all the while praising how good you feel and how you look so damn pretty with all those bruises on you
big on hair pulling and choking as a way to exert his control over you - especially when he’s taking you from behind (either grabbing your hair or your throat to force you back against him as he utters all sorts of deprived comments and fantasies into your ear)
breath play is another favourite of his and he loves seeing the fear in your eyes when you’re unsure whether he’s going to let you go or let you die - especially when he’s keeping you from breathing through your nose when he’s fucking your face or when he’s got one hand around your neck whilst he’s fucking you hard and fast against whatever surface he can find
blood play? blood play.
yours, his, a victims; it doesn’t matter! he thinks you look hot as fuck when you’re covered in blood and he’s not ashamed of that - which you can definitely tell from the look on his face and the prominent hard-on he’s packing between his legs
would definitely be open to pet play - in that you’re his pet and he’s your owner - but this will only encourage him to amp up his teasing bullshit to a ten
like you’re not moaning or whining for attention, you’re barking/yapping/mewling and he needs you to zip it if you want a treat (and he will ignore you until you quiet down)
he’ll have you sat on the floor beside him when he eats or works, keeping you as exposed as possible with a leash and collar around your neck at all times
otis will do anything to demean you and emphasise your role as his pet, really
impact play is something he’d bring into the bedroom, but he’d only ever use his hands rather than a toy: spanking, slapping you across the face, punching your abdomen, etc.
loves seeing you all bloodied and battered and covered in a mixture of your cum and his; he’s definitely tried to replicate it in his art on multiple occasions but, much to his frustration, he can never seem to get it quite right
would definitely enjoy roleplay scenarios that involve him hunting and trapping you, especially if it revolves around his daily life as a killer - e.g. cnc and predator-prey where you pretend to be an innocent bystander within a group baby lured in
doesn’t moan so much as he grunts, groans and growls - usually this involves cusses, degradation, degrading-praise, instructions, your name and other such things
gets especially loud if you start cutting and biting at him because he enjoys the pain
definitely the type to brag about how good of a sex life he has to others, parading you around as something that they can see but they sure as shit can’t touch - no, that’s just for him - with the cockiest grin on his face when he does so
unquestionably a fan of drugged up and intoxicated sex - and probably becomes a much more gentle, affectionate and giggly partner when he’s inebriated
like, he’s still otis and he’s still rough with you, but when he’s high he just wants to be close to you and talk about how good you make him feel - laughing because he’s absolutely out of it whilst simultaneously manhandling you to keep you exactly where he wants you whilst you ride him into a state of complete and utter bliss
he’s happy to go down on you but he’s very bitey and will leave you in tears and screaming before long - like he’ll have a vice-like grip on your hips as he forces you to sit against his mouth and he ruins you with his tongue and teeth
he’s giving you what he wants so the least you can do is stay there and let him have his fun as well - that’s what he insists, at least
despite all of this roughness and pain play, however, otis does genuinely care about you and your well-being and would never do anything to put that at risk - he knows his limits and knows how to be rough without actually killing you, don’t worry
though he’d be caught dead before ever openly admitting something so lovey-dovey
so you’d definitely need a solid safe word and safe action with him if you want to be intimate and once either is used he’ll stop dead and will rip on you a bit but he’ll do his best to make sure that you’re alright before letting you get your rest whilst he goes back to whatever it was he was doing before you started
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