#you know how people get cuteness aggression with cats and whatnot
villtura · 2 years
You recent Sylvain drawing where he has the bloody nose has utterly captivated me, rendering me damn near speechless and entirely incomprehensible. It is gorgeous and everything, ever. Can I please use it as an icon? (With credit of course)
yes that’s fine! and thank you so so much <3
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losingfayth · 2 months
i am quite uncomfortable right now. physically uncomfortable, that is, but i guess also emotionally to some extent. physically, i'm pushed up against my horrible, no good, very rotten sofa's armrest, which is digging into my side even through the throw pillows i put between us. it doesn't help that i'm draped at quite the angle, pulling the muscles in my back in truly unholy ways. i would move, or even adjust slightly, but i don't think i really need to explain the hardships cat owners will endure in order to not wake their precious children from a nap.
he's sleeping ever so soundly. the discomfort in my side is growing, and i know it'll be just a few minutes more before i truly have to move, but i figure i owe him as much time as possible sleeping on mama's lap. the past few months i've done little else but work or galavant, leaving him alone wondering where his once homebody mommy has been. i also started locking him out of my bedroom at night. he used to sleep on the bed with me, but he would often disturb me. that was all well and good, but then school started, then i had an internship, and suddenly it was vital i get a good night's rest. of course, all i've really done is replace his constant screaming in my ear and jumping on my chest to be fed at six in the morning with him screaming and scratching at the door at the same hour. it's not been much of an improvement.
i feel like a bad mom. i really do. but he's a problem kitty in the first place. he has an attachment disorder, at least according to the vet, and so he needs my love and attention at all times. it's cute, and many of my fellow cat parent friends think it's enviable, but it means i have no alone time whatsoever, and what time he does spend with me he spends aggressively courting my attention. i have to put him away sometimes just to do the most basic things uninterrupted. i have to stay on alert for if he tries to climb up my leg (full grown, twelve pound kitty, clawing up mama's leg) or leaping onto my back to perch on my shoulders.
i adopted him when he was one and never did these things with him when he was small, so i'm not sure why he thinks he can get away with them now.
he's also quite a food pest. he actually has some sort of psychological thing about it, according to what i've been told by some fellow pet owners, but what it pretty much boils down to is him being maximally aggressive with all food at all times. you know those videos of cats grabbing chicken wings and refusing to let go, holding on to them for dear life with all four paws and teeth? that's him all the time. he once stole food off my fork that was in my mouth right before i closed it. it's annoying, but it's not the end of the world. what could be is how aggressive he is. he loves me, adores me, begs to be picked up, sleeps on my chest, waits for me by the door when i get home.
he just hates everyone else.
it's easier to count the number of people he hasn't attacked in some way than the number he has. some people get a defensive swipe or nip, other people get full-on assaulted. i went to use the bathroom one day, and this idiot tried to go in the kitchen sink while mom was away to attempt to lick plates and whatnot.
sidenote, one time i saw him pull a full chef's knife from the sink, from the bottom of the pile, out onto the kitchen floor just so he could lick it.
i was my dishes more regularly now.
my friend was over and tried to shoo him down. after all, if i tell him to get down from somewhere, he often will. he listens to mama. he did not take kindly to my friend doing the same, however. mind you, all my friend said was, "hey, get down from there!" my friend didn't move. he didn't particularly yell. what he did do was get his arm and his leg opened up by my cat.
when i came out of the bathroom, my friend was cowering in my bedroom, the only thing separating him from a further devouring being two inches of door. a door which my cat was planted directly outside of, waiting patiently for his prey to re-emerge. apparently, according to my friend, my cat actually hopped down from the sink, lept up onto the sofa where my friend was sitting, and started repeatedly tearing into him.
i wish i could say that stories like that were rare with my cat, but that's not the case. that is one of the more brutal stories, yes, but it's not the only one. i tried to take him to a new vet earlier in the year and he behaved so poorly that they have refused to see him since unless he's put under anesthesia. granted, part of this was their fault. i specifically told them how he would behave and react to different stimuli, and they told me, "we're pros, it's fine."
it was not fine.
nobody got hurt, thankfully, and after being, frankly, manhandled by the vet tech, he did come over and lay in my arms for the rest of the visit, purring until he fell asleep.
it's very hard having a monster for a son. it's harder when he loves you so much.
he comes when he's called. if i sit or lay down anywhere, you can bet he'll come trotting along to find the best piece of mom real estate to take a nap on. he begs to be held and demands to be cuddled. he's my precious baby boy. he's just also, yanno... evil. which i have come to accept, over time. he's also been getting a bit better lately (just a bit, though). it's been quite a few months since he attacked somebody, and i hope that's because all the steps i've been taking to help calm him from his kittenhood traumas (or whatever it may be that makes him so stressed and angry) have been helping to make him a chiller dude. but i still know to be warry of him around people, especially new people.
he did leave my lap a few minutes ago at this point. he awoke to discover that mom hadn't finished her pad thai and decided that that was for him, actually, so i evicted him from my lap before i had to watch him eat my food then vomit it up ten minutes later. again. he's currently sitting on his sofa (the cheap walmart piece of garbage that i surrendered to him after the twelfth time he vomited on it) looking quite cross that i will neither allow him to each my lunch nor allow him in my bedroom where all the very colorful, tasty crunchies and stickies are (a.k.a., mom's half-built model kit and paints). i'm such a bad mama in his eyes, see, because i refuse to give him unresitricted access to all areas of the apartment, such as the bathroom, with the toothbrushes and razors he'd like to chew on, the storage closet, with the water heater he'd like to burn himself on, and the cabinets, filled with yummy cleaner to drink and fun dishes to break. yes, i only give him full, unrestricted access to 99% of the apartment, including his own bedroom with his own sofa, because i'm such a bad mom.
anywho... he just turned five recently. i don't know when exactly his birthday is, but i celebrate it on the first of april since i know it was around that time of year and he is my little april fool. i got him at the end of february, 2020. the previous owners were moving to a non-cat friendly apartment and couldn't find anyone to take him. they figured they'd just let him outside, since he was an indoor/outdoor cat already, and let him do it on his own. i took him in, telling his previous owners that if i couldn't handle him by the end of the next month, i would just take him to a no-kill shelter. that never really happened, obviously, for multiple reasons. first and foremost being that i love him. i want the best for him in everything, and i do my best to give him everything he could want or need.
except my pad thai.
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here he is, the monster, sitting in my chair.
his name is blue.
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batfoonery · 3 years
BatPets Headcanons
In honor of the Most Glorious and Beloved Bitewing (and Ace and Titus and Alfred the Cat and Goliath and Batcow.....) I wanted to share my thoughts on what pets the batfam has and should have.
Ahhhhhhh Bitewing! Our new beloved! We've only just gotten you but if you get whooshed away by bad writers I already know I will RIOT.
It actually makes perfect sense for Dick to take in a stray pup. His bro-son has the attitude and personality of a cat, so he already had that covered. And I can't see him paying high prices for a designer breed (bless him) so it's stray/shelter or nothing.
That being said, he also needs a young dog. Some people are made with the disposition to take in the older dogs with older dog needs, but Dick loves deeply and I can't see that he'd deal well with the shorter timeframe of taking in older dogs. So. Younger dogs, that he can go running with in the morning and play with in the park and nap with on the couch.
My man has taste, and also had a doggo as a kid. He's got a soft spot for all of Gotham's forgotten strays. I see him as being a pitbull kind of guy, but like. Also mastiffs. Anything big and menacing looking, but they always turn out to be utter marshmallows.
Totally the type to name his big scary dog Tinkerbell or Baby or something mushy like that. Likewise, Kori and Artemis (and probably Roy) all collect cutesy costumes and collars and leashes. Has the most cutsey giant dog.
The kind of dog that he can trust to take care of kids. If he's particularly concerned about a kid out on the street he can drop the dog off to stand guard until the kid's parent shows up. The dog is real gentle with the lil human, but scares off potential kidnappers.
The first of our exotics keepers! I feel like Cass would really appreciate betta fish. The way the swim and flit through the water, fins seeming to dance as they moved.... like tulle, like dancing.
She probably has several tanks. The first one she got was from Petsmart or PetCo or whatever. It irked her because she knows they don't tend to treat the fish well, but the local petshop's fish were all extremely sickly looking. After that she's hooked, for lack of a better word, and Bruce ends up learning way more than he ever needed to learn about importing fish (and paying for imported fish).
She's meticulous about their care. They've all got nice big clean tanks, and a companion to help keep them clean (different ones according to temperaments, snails for the easier going ones and shrimp for the more aggressive boys). They've got live plants and decorations to hide under, each tank a different theme to show off the fish. Has lowkey been considering getting a female for one of her favorite easy going boys (the first one, who has become a very soothing companion) because he's getting older and she'd like to be able to carry a part of him on.
His companion is an emotional support animal, with papers from his doctor and everything. Seems like he should be a dog person, but instead has a very big Turkish Angora. Her name is Mrs. Tuffles and he got her from a breed-specific rescue.
She's good for him because she disrupts his work and also helps provide a soothing presence when he has a panic attack. At night if he isn't in bed at a certain time she lays on top of whatever he's working on. If he's panicking she lays on his lap or chest and purrs (the added weight, the feeling and sounds of the purrs, held disrupt tension). She's a cuddly cat, and it tricks him into sleeping in in the mornings.
When he finds out that cats purr on a wavelength that encourages healing, and that there's evidence that they sit on humans and purr in attempts to heal/help them, he bursts into tears and startles the cat, who had been draped over his shoulders.
Got a bunny because she thought it would be an easy pet. She was very very wrong. It was from one of the neighbors in her building, because the mom of the kid who brought it home didn't want it anymore. It's a cute little lop, grey and brown.
She quickly discovers that bunnies are super dirty, and they absolutely stink. It bites her for the first week (and Tim and Jason and everyone else that isn't Damian, who somehow tricks it into loving him) and she seriously considers taking it to the shelter. But she doesn't. By week three, he's snuggling up on her feet and in her lap, and she decides that maybe he isn't so bad after all.
He didn't have a name when she got him, so she call him Mi-Mi. She doesn't tell Damian, but it's totally named after him because he reminds her of the way Damian had been when she'd first met him and the progression of their friendship over time.
Seems like a bird type of dude. Probably has a Cockatiel or two. They're very sassy birbs, and there's no way he doesn't enjoy that. One of them repeats words, and has picked up swears from Jason. It swears at Bruce every time he comes in Duke's room. Everyone except Bruce finds it funny.
The other one "dances" whenever it hears music coming from Cass's room. They're both very active and curious, he's contantly having to buy toys for them to rip apart. One of them nipped Damian's ear once, and Duke has never seen Damian look more offended in his life. It was probably the first pet that Damian hadn't been able to Disney-Princess.
They've probably got a dumb name pair. Tom and Jerry, Chip and Dale, etc. Personally I think he'd get a kick out of naming them Batman and Robin, just to fuck with Bruce. He probably then teaches the one who talks (Batman) to say dumb things like "I am the night! I work alone!" etc etc.
Has all the animal companions. Not pets. That makes them beneath him, which probably opposes his fundamental beliefs. This is my reminder to yall that Ra's started out as an eco-terrorist. Putting aside what he is or is not now, I like to believe that Damian was raised with a deep respect for nature and animals, he probably sees humans as just one particularly terrible animal species.
He has a wide array of companions as is. I'm good with them all, although I wish they'd bring back his dragon friend. :( I love the dragon friend.
I think he'd be the type to have axolotls too. They've got an interesting mythological basis and fit into the dragon theme. Plus the short story "The Axolotl" by Cortazar is a fascinating piece of mystical realism and I could see that he'd be intrigued by the species. They're endangered in the wild because of habitat destruction and invasion of foreign species that prey on them, but are easily bred in captivity. So I could see he'd keep at least one breeding pair, with the intent to someday bully Bruce into funding a project to save their natural habitat.
Doesn't have her own pets, because she doesn't want the responsibility on top of everything else she does.
But her apartment always has furry/feathered friends in it because she's constantly petsitting for the others when they have to go do hero stuff. She's basically like a step-mom for everyone else's pets. She's learned how to take care of tanks and whatnot as well, mostly for Cass. The axolotls are gross and she refuses to touch those tanks, but the bettas are kinda like cute grumpy old men. She likes to tease Bruce by telling him his grand-fish take after him.
Always has a variety of pet snacks with her. She is determined to be the overall favorite human to all the bat-pets. Competition is fierce between her and Dami, but she has an edge because Robin the Cockatiel seems to prefer her.
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sorenskyhigh · 3 years
What Pet I Think They'd Have and Why: Karasuno Edition
Daichi Sawamura
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Of course he'd have a police dog
He's a cop and if he'd have any pet he'd have a buddy to help him bust criminals and fight crime
But I don't think Daichi would have a "normal" dog breed like a German Shepherd, Malinois, or Akita
I feel like Daichi would have a Rottweiler not bc they are my favorite dog breed
But Rottweilers used to be very prevalent in many police forces around the world until German Shepard and Malinois became more common
Also Rottweilers gained a harsh reputation for being aggressive bc they were trained by drug lords and criminals and were used to in fighting
Rottweilers are very muscular, sturdy, and hard working dogs
If trained right and with proper love and care these dogs are GREAT and I mean GREAT companions
They are stubborn and can be territorial with strangers, but, they are very loving towards familiars and family
They are a kind of one or two people fits them kind of dog
They also need constant stimulus as they were breed to be very hardworking dogs
Rottweilers used to pull sleds full of butchered meat bc they were so strong and the original breed was much bigger than the one we know today
They also herded large livestock through the alps and Roman region and are known to be fearless
They are also one of the oldest dog breeds
These dogs became popular Police dogs during the World Wars
Bc they were being used so much their guardian qualities were more showcased so more and more people wanted one to help keep and eye on their children
Since they are herding dogs they are good around children and can keep them in a yard if they are taught the parameters
Rottweilers despite their size generally don't bark a lot either, they are very sneaky when approaching a possible threat and will ppun e from behind
This is why I think Daichi would have one to be by his side
I feel like Daichi would do a lot of research into a good companion and finding a good breeder to find one after deciding
He'd get one as a puppy and personally see to it's training, working with a pro the whole time
His dog would also be a great family protector when he's home with his spouse and possible children, if he ends up having any
Koushi Sugawara
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I feel like Koushi would be that really awesome teacher that has a really sweet and sociable pet that he brings in for the kids a lot
I feel Koushi would want soemthing small and cute so a rabbit of some sort would suit him well
Rabbits can be very loving with a small family most of the time or sometimes only one person
Rabbits are prey animals so some breeds wouldn't do well in a loud room full of young children
So what specific rabbit breed would suit his job?
So I chose the Harlequin Rabbit for Koushi
Harlequin rabbits are very social and loving towards owners and strangers alike
They also are known to be very silly, playful and very intelligent
They come in two colour types: Japanese and Magpie
The picture above is an example of Japanese while a Magpie can be colored in just about any other colour other than black nd orange like lilac, white, chocolate, blue and/or black
I feel like this specific type of rabbit would suit him so well as it would be comfortable around all those kids
Be very social and would be less likely to nip them
And it would be energetic enough to keep up with the kids
Koushi wouldn't just want a pet for his classroom though, he'd want a cuddle buddy for at home
He'd want a companion to sit on his lap while he works on lessons
He'd also want a pet that wasn't too lazy as his life would be pretty busy
The only thing is is that rabbits are high maintenance and need very specific foods, medicines, and an experienced vet to care for them
But rabbits are cuddly little crackheads that Koushi would adore
Energetic enough to keep up with his life, but snuggly and home bodied enough to not exhaust him
Asahi Azumane
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Asahi is a fashion designer and thus would spend a lot of time hunched over a sketch book making designs
In other words, he has a very home based and indoor job
So he'd need a pet that isn't energetic and obnoxious like a husky or chihuahua
So I chose the Havanese
Havanese is the national dog of Cuba
This dog may be small but they are incredibly sturdy
These dogs become attached quickly and are extremely loyal to said lone owner
Something else that is good for Asahi is these dogs do not do good alone and are willing to follow their owners to the ends of the Earth
They can be described as velcro dogs bc of how attach to the hip with their owners they are
These dogs can be lively and active but they don't need much exercise as they are smaller
Most of their daily exercise can be met in a house with some light play
Also, these dogs are extremely friendly towards strangers and can be described as good host dogs
Another plus for Asahi about this breed is they aren't particularly vocal, most are rather quiet and reserved almost
The last thing you'd want is for people to look down on you for letting your pet act spoiled by barking and nipping at people's ankles
They also love to perform for others
They like attention and are good in groups
Asahi would have to meet with a lot of new people like models and companies and whatnot so a social dog would be best
Asahi also would spend a lot of time in an office or at home and since these dogs don't need much exercise he would be able to have it sleep on his lap while he works without disturbance
I also feel like Asahi would become a bit of a hermit
Like he would contact people but he wouldn't leave his house unless he absolutely had to or wanted to (which isn't often)
Havanese are home-bodied dogs and love just chillin' out on a warm lap or on a couch cushion beside their owners
Yū Nishinoya
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Now I DO NOT think Noya should have a pet until he decides to settle down somewhere
Travel can really exhaust a person so it would harm an animal tenfold
So, if you travel a lot DO NOT GET A PET IT WILL ONLY HARM THEM
But if Yū were to have a pet.............................
Noya would need a pet that can travel well, is small enough to not cost a lot, is very attached to their owners, and can eat just about anything
I thought briefly of other rodents since rodents are generally small and can eat just about any food
But raccoons, possums, and other larger rodents that are more common for pets would be too hard to get on planes and boats since you need certification to own them
Rats on the other hand don't need such certifications in most countries and fill all the other requirements
The rat he would have isn't a Dumbo rat like in the picture above, he'd have like a wild rat that he befriended and decided to take with him so it'd most like be brown
Noya would 100% fight anyone who says they hate rats
He hypes up his pet rat to no end
He calls Asahi whenever he can and tells him about all the cool stuff his rat does and sends pictures of his rat being held up to a gorgeous background of famous landmarks in other countries
Nlya always has his rat around the back of his neck and wears a hoodie, scarf, or something like that to hide him so he can join Noya in places that don't allow pets
I also chose a rat bc they are incredibly loyal and I feel like if Noya were to be really tired on a plane and pass out, he would need a pet that he wouldn't have to worry about running away
Of course he has trained his rat to do amazing tricks, you already know
Also, as I previously mentioned, rats can eat just about anything, so his constant travel wouldn't hurt his companion diet
Rats are also quiet generally and aren't overly energetic so he wouldn't have to be worried about being escorted out for having a rat under his scarf
Chikara Ennoshita
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Shibas are very independent dog, let's just start with that bc Chikara would need a pet that doesn't need constant attention
With him being a personal trainer he needs a pet that can self entertain
Something else about Shibas is they can often housebreak themselves bc of how fussy and finicky they are
You can also find them cleaning themselves much like a cat
Chikara would be busy for a good bit of his time so he doesn't really have time to properly spend time to housebreak a pet
But Shibas were originally bred to hunt and flush out game like birds and rabbits and other such small animals
A fact about Shibas is they almost went extinct during WWII bc of food shortages a distemper
Distemper is a disease only animals can be affected by that attacks many different systems in their bodies
Also, Shibas are the number one most common companion dog in Japan
Something else about Shibas is that they are fairly healthy, some of the more major problems they have are glaucoma, cataracts, hip dysplasia, entropion, and luxating patella
A lot of eye conditions but are easily avoided if you bring them in for very periodic eye checks and hip examinations
So these are easy to avoid as long you keep an eye on them
Over all I think that if Chikara were to have a pet it would need to be fairly self-sufficient but also something could have a very chill and laid back relationship with
Something that doesn't need to be on his lap all the time but something he can love and nurture
Kiyoko Shimizu & Ryūnoske Tanaka
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Now I know I know
Ryu would be a dog person
He'd want a big manly pet not a cat blah blah blah
Kiyoko would definitely be a cat person
She wouldn't want a purebred and would probably find a box of some kittens with Ryu on the side of the sidewalk
Now look me in the eye and lie to me by saying that Ryu would now start crying immediately upon seeing like four lonely little kittens in a box that need a home
Needless to say, they take them home and nurture them endlessly
But Tanaka would be the kind of guy that harness trains his cats so they can go out on walks
Kiyoko would research how to harness train them, what food would be the best, and anything else they need to take care of these four cats
Imagine seeing these two, a big muscular dude and this goddess walking four cats on harnesses down the street
I literally cannot stop thinking about Ryu and Kiyoko cuddling on the couch with all four adult and rather large cats draping themselves across the two of them
I feel like the reason Ryu would want them harness trained is bc he wouldn't be able to spend much time with them
His job as a personal trainer would keep him busy
So on his morning jogs to stay fit he'd want to take not only Kiyoko but the cats as well
I plan on making more parts to this, I hope you enjoy it 😉
@popcorntime-doodles @multifandombrainrot @kneecapstealingalien @akabxne @jiheonity @weareallhumans123 @smallmangi @canadian-crow @just-jellyfish @immiamarais @i-need-coffee-now-pls @foreveryoung050 @kuroos-world @luminasapphire @silverfire6 @shadowsbutdead @ghostexhibit @simpfornishinoya @goshikisimp @anothershadeofpink @mestayanon @japoga @all-around-fandoms31 @thatfunnysprout @myyeetfelloff @itsallgonnabokayihope @g00s3 @boreateo @mirrorballmyfave @backalley-astrologer @vaniatslover @lil-mellow-bunbun @strawberrymakki @theforbiddenrealm-blog @beelziee @mehreenlol
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macklives · 5 years
session 81 end
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wow, okay, first things first
shes so fucking cute holy shit i love her so much i dont even know where to begin??
i mean i guess its because im so used to troll snark and the way they just? banter constantly? seeing someone who is a literal ray of sunshine is so refreshing and wholesome and pure. god she’s great. shes a cat, she knows her stuff. she’s strong and theres also this guys???? who shes scared of?? and tells her what to do??? yeah no, idk who it is but let her make her own decisions lol
maybe its just over exaggeration or whatnot, and hes not bad but first impressions do a lot to me and right now the only thing i know about this guy is that AC needs his approval for everything. i guess ill see where that takes us. hopefully nowhere bad. but AC seems like she can take care of herself and knows how to be a good decent troll and i love her for that. wow it literally took me one dialogue to like her. damn, that was fast. jesus.
you know who else is great?
yeah i know right. and that whole trial thing, which yeah i guess half the time i was confused by what the fuck is going on since i still cant grasp the idea of how alternia works, but i enjoyed myself with lemonsnout and how terezi roleplays and how much she gets into it. seeing a character that passionate about something is so sweet and nice.
god this was just a nice overall session
which i say, while i completely forgot about the banter TA and karkat got into
right, that happened. oh my god. they both literally stomped all over each other, dissed one another, still made up in the end because apparently thats their friendship and i guess it just works like that. depends on the friends you have, i guess.
its funny though, not gonna lie
and karkat as of now is just being a prick and honestly? 
like more than usual, which i guess is weird to say but i mean from present time to beginning of hivebent karkat. not that its uncommon for him to be a prick, he is, but seeing him go through the non-linear pattern with john is mmmmh interesting to say the least. though we havent seen his first trolling, just him constantly going “oh god what did i say, i was dumb” u know, not in those words but thats basically what he means. 
ooh im gonna analyze, i feel like analyzing right now my fingers have already typed so much as it is MIGHT AS WELL
and our candidate will be *drum rollll* karkat wow predictable (its below the cut because this is literally irrelevant now to the session)
okay, lets lay out the shit we have already. as i said before, the way he talks presently to john (meaning in the future) is so different than how he speaks to everyone now. of course the “i hate the world” personality is still there, and hes still just regular karkat, but karkat talking with john is patient to some extent and tells him what he needs to know for the game, lowkey kinda chills out once they started talking about movies or growing up as huh, didnt he say larvae or smth?
okay that whole grub thing makes sense now as i just wrote that but i am still confused as to what the FUCK that is implying because i dont think it crossed my mind this much, im repressing it for now until it comes up later. 
anyways, back to what i was saying. he was so DIFFERENT than the way he’s acting now which is bitch and moan and like? stfu karkat lmfao. i mean, its not THAT big of a difference in character, because i know he’s still his grumpy old self, and theres a lot of potential.. for growth? not sure if we’ll get it but i like to assume we will get character growth from these characters with fucking 8000 pages talking about them. but a story needs that growth and with karkat being just a straight up angry dude, in MY EYES, he should.. have growth, no? idk HOW he will grow, but im basically just taking what i have right now which isnt much but i analyze things for fun sometimes so let me be.
that being said, because its so early on, im not sure where homestuck is gonna go and i dont have much to go on but being in the psychology course shit happens when you have limited information and you gotta pin point what makes a person a person and how do they cope with things to grow further into life. many of my assignments involve limited info so honestly, not that hard.
but it is something that ive noticed, the way karkat is different as he grows which possibly means the whole veil thing happens later later on in his life and we havent yet seen that small growth become patience and not whining every time he doesnt get what he wants. but growth is common and it mostly likely happens to everyone, so its not like wow this is a surprise and a plot twist, more of something that i just wanna write for the sake of writing it. i hope that makes sense? i dont exactly know where im going with this. i just mean that im basically going to analyse karkat a tiny bit so idk how to otherwise explain it but you’ll get where im going with this as i type more lmao. 
anyways, so karkat literally said “pretend i dont think highly of my friend’s talents” as if he’s visibly trying to force himself from all emotions and bash on those who do (reference: “stop being sensitive, its repugnant” or whatever tf he said while TA replied with “hypocrite”) i take that as a key word. so honestly, while that was the smallest thing ive gotten from this session, its the thing im most curious about actually and i actually havent mentioned lol. because what ive learned in psych, which this is just common knowledge but i did an assignment on it so like?? could be useful?? is that people who hold off their emotions tend to hold off others as well, so there is no chance of mirroring each other. in other words, if someone is happy and starts to laugh and goof around with another, the emotions will mirror that other person subconsciously. like an addictive laugh. theres also another way to show mirroring, which is to mimic another person's actions, allowing another to establish a sense of empathy and thus begin to understand another person's emotions. in this case, im using TA and karkat as example. people who suppress emotions tend to see emotions as a bad sign and if somebody else portrayed any sign of it as well, they’ll basically say “gross what are you doing” because theyre so used to concealing it away, that they dont want others to think theyre into the whole mushy shit. so they pretend to hate it, pretend to not even be slightly affected by general sensitivity..
which basically means karkat is a softie, and even if he’s a prick right now, meeee thinks john, from earlier convos, is growing on him because john himself knows how emotions work and while i dont think troll culture does know much about it, considering the BLOOD AND CARNAGE thing, he is in fact growing and even if thats obvious, and you all know it, i am new to homestuck and am trying to see that for myself. its noticeable to some degree. he may always still be a jerk, but i am waiting to see how he slowly starts to accept things around him and to finally show what hes hiding inside. even if its just going up by a few percentages, i see its there and im hoping VERY HOPING he has the biggest character growth!
in other words, why else do i think this?? well nobody who watches romcoms can be that fucking aggressive. you need some sap in you to like it.
on that note, ill probably analyze alternia’s system and rules in another post later throughout these next few sessions because i feel it needs to be talked about and the way everything just.. is so different and doesnt seem right, you know?
thats it for now goodnight
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letme-sleep-please · 4 years
To give y’all some background our lobby is closed due to being too small to maintain proper social distancing standards. Appointments are drop off only. People have no patience. Have some client stories:
We lock the doors when we aren’t talking to clients outside so they don’t barge in. One of my coworkers goes outside to discuss with another client about their pets care. A different sees the opportunity to walk in the lobby DESPITE THE GIANT FUCKING STOP SIGN THAT TELLS THEM NOT TO. Then they proceed to get mad at me when I tell them to wait outside and I’ll meet them out there and that our lobby is closed. “But I’m already inside,” yeah but still get out. If one client goes in they will all want to go in. We only let euthanasia’s in or clients that need to see like abnormal xrays or whatnot. Get out.
A client complaining to me about the whole mask situation. I just straight up told them I’m having to wear mine for nine hours (don’t worry I change it about every two to three hours depending). I’m so done with people and the mask argument when they complain about going into the store for five minutes.
A different client today who, again saw the opportunity and walked into the lobby when a coworker was outside, then got mad at me for telling them to go back outside I will talk to them then. Client then proceeded to tell me about how our ER wasn’t even that strict and I do wanted to tell them that they are even stricter because when I went there I was temperature checked at the door, required to wear a mask, then (due to my symptoms at this point) brought into a room that recycled my own air back to me, and anyone who stepped into that room was in full blown PPE. I mean we are having clients wear masks if they come into the building but we aren’t temperature checking or going through the entire process the ER is making you do for even stepping into the waiting room.
We pull bags and cases of food aside for our clients and label them that way when they arrive it’s ready to go and we don’t have to hunt in the back for it. We had a client come up to the door, knock, look through and see that my coworker was putting on her mask to greet her, before angrily knocking maybe five seconds later. When my coworker opens the door the lady gets in my coworkers personal space and just says “dog food”. To which my coworker asked if she called in beforehand and she replies “what do you want me to go to my truck and call you guys? That’s ridiculous.” My coworker explained that it was in case it had been pulled already and then she almost pushed past my coworker to point at the dog food stand in our lobby saying “it’s right there let me just go get it.” Of course we can’t do that because lobby closure you know so my coworker grabs the food and asks for a last name. The lady says Smith and is mad when we ask for further information to find her account. Pretty much the rest of the interaction she’s short with us in general.
Client yells at me because they can’t be there to hold their pet for an exam. There are multiple things wrong with this first of all. 1. We cannot legally have a client hold their pet for liability reasons. If they hold incorrectly and injure their pet, it’s our fault. If they hold incorrectly and their pet bites either us or them, our fault. So this wouldn’t happen anyways and hasn’t happened for years. 2. There’s a pandemic going on and holding a pet requires you to be sometimes mere inches from the vet. So obviously you can’t social distance. It’s impossible. 3. This dog has a history of being aggressive with its owner in the room. We have to take the dog out of the room regardless to safely and calmly look in it’s ears or teeth or whatever we’re doing to it. The dog is perfectly fine without it’s owner there and actually pretty loveable. When I explain all of the above reasons (except for three though because she believes that her dog does better with her and will only listen to the vet.) she then gets mad at me and asks when I expect the lobby to be open. I tell her I don’t know because pandemic. She tells me that that isn’t a good reason and I should just know. She holds off on the appointment until she can be there.
Client tries to push past coworkers to enter lobby and when they get told no they begin to tell coworkers that this whole thing is a conspiracy. When my coworkers tell them that it’s for their safety they respond with “I bet you don’t even know anyone who had it.” My coworkers say actually one of the receptionists (yo it’s me!) had it and now has recovered and been clear for a month now but this is why those precautions are in place. The clients go from “This is a conspiracy” to “you we’re trying to kill us.”
The people who get mad when I tell them that we are doing drop off appointments only and they respond with “well how do I know that you’re going to take care of my dog?” We are a vets office??? It’s our job to take care of your animals???? If you don’t trust to leave your animal with your vet maybe you should get a different one. Trust me. Behind closed doors it’s all baby talk and petting the cute animals. More baby talk and less petting with the aggressive ones though.
Just in general the clients who incorrectly wear masks or you know take off the mask to talk to us or even better the client who TAKES OFF THEIR MASK TO SNEEZE. WHAT???
The client who saw the opportunity to get other clients to sign a petition in the parking lot to ban more comprehensive sex education in our state and continue to only teach abstinence. (I wish I was joking)
The many clients who knock, peek through the window, try the door handle three or four times and when I go out to greet them they ask why it was locked despite the many signs on the door and their appointment reminder telling them that the lobby is closed due to being unable to maintain proper social distancing standards. We’ve also gotten into the habit of telling them that when we schedule appointments too.
The client who pulls up where they aren’t visible to us and honks. We are right by a highway inside a pretty well insulated brick building. It sounds like someone honking from the highway so odds are we will just ignore it. Then said client comes and keeps rattling the doorknob until we come up and ask how we can help them. You can still see us through the door, if you feel that it’s locked and see us coming why would you still try it?
A different client than the one I was working with outside driving up and interrupting me to tell me that she had their puppy there for an appointment and was tired of waiting. The best part about this was (sarcasm) the client I was working with was crying as I was handing her back her carrier with her dead cat we just euthanized inside (don’t worry she was wrapped up nicely in her favorite blankie and other clients couldn’t see inside). Why on earth would you interrupt a conversation with an employee and a crying client??? Also she just drove up, she wasn’t waiting at all.
The client who drove up, parked, and I was on the phone so I couldn’t greet them immediately. A different coworker comes up front and sees them, then she goes to see how we can help them. This client had the audacity to say that she had been waiting there for thirty minutes and all I did was just stare at her. No. Also if you read our sign it says if you aren’t helped promptly to knock.
The client who tried to tell us that it was their right to be in the building during a phone call to remind them about their pets appointment. They then cancelled the appointment but still showed up to it and tried to get into the lobby. The client then told us that they never cancelled their appointment and that “they would be going to elsewhere” and requested their animals records. My coworker was more than happy to get the copies for them so that we no longer have to deal with them as a client.
The person who yelled at me at the beginning of the pandemic when I told them that a dog neuter was considered an elective surgery according to the state and was not emergent therefore we could not perform it at that time. Client replied, “well it’s an emergency to me.” The dog was three and did not have an emergency.
Dog grooming just got cleared to open up along with elective surgeries (spays, neuters, the like). Before it opened up though I lost count of how many people asked me when it would and when I didn’t know because it’s up to the state then promptly get mad at me. I don’t have a crystal ball.
So as you can see, people have been perfectly sane about this entire pandemic. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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bonnie-and-cloud · 5 years
Hi! First off I love your post . And your bunnies are adorbale . Do you have any tips on a person thinking of getting a bunny?
I don't know when this was sent @fulltoadpicklemuffin so sorry if this is late. I've also taken my time to give you a thoughtful, thorough reply
So I did a full year of research before getting my girls. I was living on a college campus where animals were banned except for goldfish and other small tank animals, emotional support animals, and service animals. I was in an apartment so I had plenty of space for a rabbit or two but we also had a school policy where we could have a surprise inspection at any point in time. We weren't even allowed to have friends who had pets come into our spaces even to pick us up it was so strict. It was pretty strictly enforced too
I also wasn't working because my mother promised me that so long as I focused on my studies, I wouldn't have to get a job. She paid for textbooks, groceries, my phone, medical expenses including meds, and so on. She helped me get a car and did a lot of heavy lifting. Meaning that between that, being disabled, and the school policy it didn't make sense to even sneak a bun
Well, I only needed one class for my last semester meaning I lost campus housing eligibility so I'd have to pay the campus something stupid like two grand a month to stay there. We moved to a temporary apartment and didn't say anything but like they didn't do inspections like campus did so whatever
So that's part of why I did a whole year of research. I made triple sure to know their proper diet, switching foods, and so on. I was very careful about them playing only with Approved Bunny Toys and didn't even have a cage for either of them at first as they were in an 8x8 closet with limited access to roam our room. Between that and my research, I have plenty of advice and it'll be stuff you won't necessarily hear from other people
At the end of the day, a bun got a home that otherwise might not have. And that's more important, to me at least, than other factors. I don't recommend getting a pet store bunno because they are horribly mistreated but you do you. I won't judge either way on that one. I got my girls directly from a reputable breeder
I do recommend different methods for different needs, ability, and whatnot. I had never owned a rabbit before so I had no idea what the baseline for bun behaviors were. I didn't know how destructive they were prone to be had they not been traumatized via abandonment or abuse or whatever. I had no idea the difference between a happy loaf versus a grumpy loaf. I didn't know a happy flop from a passive aggressive one and no amount of reading up on these things or YouTube videos was going to really show me unless I saw them with my own eyes
Not to mention, buns take a long time to get comfortable with you just in general. Bonnie and Cloud took almost two months before they were cool enough with me to cuddle me on my bed. I remember crying thinking they hated me with no idea they were bonding to me very quickly. It would have been even longer with a rescue and I might have sincerely thought I was a bad bun parent and given up on buns entirely
So, for new bun parents, I recommend getting from a reputable breeder two bun siblings of the same gender from the same litter like I did. Not only do you get a better baseline for behavior, you genuinely get to see a lot of things you wouldn't from other bonded pairs. Like these two fight over the same scrap of broccoli when there's a little pile beside them that either of them could choose from. They also play "pranks" on each other like sneaking up on each other, giving surprise boops, and running away. They make WAY more vocalizations than your average rabbit and can easily be mistaken for guinea pigs with their noises. Both in the type of vocalizations but also with how loud they can get. They act very similarly to human siblings
I say reputable breeder for obvious reasons. I contacted a breeder who was willing to promise me 4 week old buns which was a big fat no from me. There was no way they'd be completely weaned let alone emotionally ok with leaving their nest. When he said 4 weeks, I just hard blocked his number. Our breeder gave us ours at 6 or 8 weeks (I forget which) because they were ready. She even texted us saying they were ready to leave their parents earlier than she expected and gave us the option of waiting a couple more weeks to be double sure
So we could tell she knew her stuff and was reputable on top of her sending pictures of her setup and their pedigrees. She sent stuff shows care about too so it wasn't just x parent or whatever like she had genotypes back to their great grandparents which she herself had raised and had pedigrees for. We went ahead and got them early because I was so eager to meet them
My spouses and I have discussed adding two more to the mix but we're going to wait a bit. We're going to look into guinea pigs first and then if we still want two more bunnos, we'll cross that bridge when we get there. But, we'll almost definitely get from a reputable breeder again
As I've had my hip replaced, I can only handle creatures up to a certain weight. After my surgery, our roommate's cat jumped on my leg and opened my surgery wound. I won't get too graphic with it but it opened clear to my metal replacement and she wasn't even that large of a breed. Well, as far as my experience goes, the smallest buns get homes first because they're "cuter" due to their size. Holland lops go especially quickly because of how sweet and friendly they are. And I have needs
There are plenty of other bun parents who get all "well having a creature is a privilege not a right" about this and insist I shouldn't have a bun if I'm going to a breeder. These people can eat me. I have depression and meds and therapy only get you so far. Without these guys, I'd only leave my bed to use the bathroom or run errands. I know because that's where I was prior to them. I also can't have children so I need something to pour my love into or I'll hurt myself. I know that sounds weird or whatever but I shouldn't have to tell other bun owners, or anyone really, "without tiny fur children to love, cherish, protect, and provide for, I'll definitely kill myself" because like. None of their business
Not to mention, there's the question of bonding buns which takes time and a lot of effort. So even if we could get a couple rescue small buns, would they bond to the kids we have already. Rinse and repeat. Only one of us can drive so it's not like we have that much time available to bond either. It's faster, less stressful, and less time consuming for everybody involved to just adopt two babies from a reputable breeder
I say all my reasons why not to be all "breeder all the way!" because that's not where I'm coming from. I'm trying to illustrate why that might be a better option. Someone else may have to drive several hours out of the way to adopt and there is a perfectly good and cute bunno in need of a loving, happy home at a pet shop a street away. Whatever the case, so long as buns that exist get proper homes, I don't care. It's more important to me that buns aren't mistreated
ALL THAT SAID, time to move onto some quicker advice
Get a cage for each of your buns. We got those big ones that go for like 120 a piece or whatever at Petsmart. The big open trays with the wire sides and the side door. This gives them a comfy place to flop so they can nap in whatever hay you put. This will also keep them confined after they get fixed so you're not worrying about an expen or whatever else
THIS SHOULD NOT BE THEIR PRIMARY HOUSING. Now I understand if you can't free roam your buns. Not everyone has the space or living conditions. Frankly, we would put them in separate cages before bed, and release them when we woke up so they were in there 8ish hours. Mostly it was so they got some rest but also to keep them out of mischief while we slept. They turned into more of very large litter boxes over time and have only really functioned as cages post spay or when one (usually Cloud) was being destructive or bitchy and redirection and distraction weren't working so she needed a time out to calm down
Now that we've moved into half of a duplex with three whole separate rooms, an enormous front room, and so on, they're just very large litterboxes/hangout spaces. One will eventually be downstairs so they can be close to us while we do things and the other will be in our bedroom so they're shut with us at night. This is so they spend more time roaming during the day and don't get fat from being lazy babies
Now I won't Totally judge if anyone has an outdoor hutch so long as it's plenty of room and bunnos come in during extreme weather. It's not the safest but like I get it
GI stasis is going to happen. Don't freak out. Yes, it CAN kill bunnies but only if you're not doing what you should. We give ours 80% hay/wood sorrel/grass, 10ish greens/salad, 10ish pellets with a bit of wiggle room for treats. The wood sorrel (commonly called clover across the US) and grass are rare treats but they eat enough to basically replace their hay when they get it. Occasional treats are I'm eating strawberries and they get the tops or the ends of carrots when we're cooking dinner. Sometimes they get Legit pet store treats but these are rare
We see GI signs most often when they're shedding and it's because they're ingesting fur so their poop does the connected string thingy that's the first sign of GI stasis. We also have seen it every time after a move because they've been too stressed to eat enough hay so we up their pellets and greens during that time to compensate. The only other times were when we switched them from alfalfa as babies to Timothy as adults and when they were fixed
A good way to combat this is a product the Hook's Holland Lops lady recommends on her channel. They're digestive tablets made with papaya, ginger, pineapple, peppercorns, banana, and so on. It's all organic and one tablet contains a MINIMUM of 2% crude protein, 15% crude fiber, 0.5% crude fat. A tablet contains a MAXIMUM of 4% moisture, and 0.2 grams of fruit sugar. For mild cases, one tablet every day until they're in the clear is just fine but for a severe case, use one tablet per pound of bun body weight. This should be broken up from one feeding to throughout the day though so it doesn't screw up their systems
How I do it is twice a day because my babies are so small at 4ish lbs and 6ish lbs. They're actually 3.5 and 5.5 but it's easier to just say 4 and 6. I'll give Cloud 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, and Bonnie 3 at both times. I've only had to do that after their spay. The worst their GI symptoms have ever been, they each needed one tablet twice a day. Now, if either were, say, 12 pounds. I'd split that into 3 tablets 4 times a day or 2 tablets 6 times a day
This has kept them from needing an emergency vet thus far. They've never had hard guts and their weird poops haven't ever lasted too terribly long either. Just keep an eye on how much they're drinking, how much hay they're eating, and so on
Bunnies shed WAAAAY more than you think and nobody can possibly prepare you for it. Literally, every time I go to comb or pluck or otherwise groom either of them, I end up with a pile of fur that is at LEAST as large as they are if not twice or three times as big. And I still have to groom their sides like I've only just cleared their backs
They shed so much that the poor babies were having sneezing fits. We checked their noses and no snuffles. So you'll need to vaccuum to try and keep that down. But like they will leave it on you worse than cats and they shed twice a year, roughly each spring and fall
LISTEN to your buns. Are they abnormally skittish around your new roommate? Keep an eye on that person the same way you would if your dog or cat were abnormally skittish. I promise you they aren't a good person. At the very least, they aren't very good for you and you shouldn't trust them around your buns. They don't want your new partner to pet them? Run the other way. Or at least remember it. My babies have let me know ahead of time when someone or some place is bad news
Not just this, they'll let you know when they're not happy. Whether that's their hay, their bedding, if the carpet feels weird. Listen to them. You'll be around after them but they only have you so make them as happy as you can
Bunnies are deceptively stupid. Now, I know some bun parents who are like "how dare you insult such majestic creatures" when like I ASSURE you, Karen, that Oreo there has nothing going on in his head beside "mmmm monch" when he sees your baseboards. Like they're definitely smarter when fixed because hormones aren't flooding their tiny brains but they're still super dumb and governed by instincts
That isn't to say they have absolutely nothing going on upstairs because that's a lie. They are smart enough to recognize routines and wake you up for stuff, bother you if something is upsetting them. They're about as intelligent as toddlers? If that makes any sense. Like toddlers aren't geniuses by any stretch of the imagination, they're still smart. Like they're tiny little dumbasses ruled by "am hunger so must eat" and so on. So if you act like you've got tiny toddlers with soft fur then you're pretty gold
Also, they like to watch TV. Cloud likes MLP and other animal cartoons like Looney Toons. Bonnie likes dramatic stuff with explosions and her favorite thing is YGO. So like :/ toddlers :/
Bunnies are more expensive than you think but they don't have to break the bank. Bunnies are the most expensive pet I've ever had but I've also only ever had dogs and roommates with cats. Hay can be pretty expensive, plus salad, treats, and that's just food. You also have to take into consideration litter boxes, damage costs, and so on
To cut down on hay, we buy a 75 lbs bale from Tractor Supply for about $15 that lasts quite a few months. Depending on how we use it, it can go as quickly as 3 months because they pee on it (which means mold flakes) or as long as over 6 if rationed appropriately in old pet shop hay bags. Then, we buy fresh stuff in season and take advantage of sales and coupons. Sometimes, we don't give a salad if finances are tight enough but they will always get hay and pellets. We also buy pellets in bulk for cheaper and bought a Brita pitcher for like 20 bucks or so so they get filtered water no matter how hard the water is for much cheaper than water bottles
Get a portable pen for hay like the one here. It helps contain mess a LOT. Like hay is gonna get everywhere, obviously, but if you do the bale like we do, it's super helpful and keeps the mess pretty well contained. On that note, I highly recommend a shop vac which the type of vaccuum wood shops, car repair places, and construction sites tend to use. I just linked an example so you know what you're looking for but get a hose that's at least 1.5 inches in diameter. Ours is close to 2 inches but you need the wide diameter so you can vacuum fur and hay without creating clog issues like a regular vaccuum. Capacity doesn't matter so much as hose size and ours cost us something like $60
Your buns will inevitably eat something they shouldn't. Depending on what it is and how much, your reaction should change. Your bun nosed their way into the trash and got the little chip crumbs at the bottom of a snack bag? Eh they'll be fine. If it's something that's dangerous like plastic or a poisonous food then you should contact your emergency vet. But Cloud has ABSOLUTELY snatched chips and bits of coke from a straw or two and we always have to fight her to stay away from our chips. I have a friend who has a bun who assaults her for pancakes. Like it's fine
Even after you have buns, keep researching. When it was stupid hot and I was worried, I looked up what to do to help keep them cool. When I was worried how much Bonnie was shedding, I asked my discord group. When I'm not sure about a food, I hit up Google
And I think that's it? At least that's all off the top of my head of stuff I wish I'd known going in regarding buns that I didn't see anyone else talking about. Feel free to hit me up with more specific questions!
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janiedean · 6 years
Jaime/brienne/tyrion/bronn groupchat headcanons? Stark kids groupchat headcanons? Stark kids SO groupchat? Could you do the one you think is crackiest?
oh god
before they get together bronn and tyrion are under strict orders to not make her understand jaime’s into her so they passively aggressive post a bunch of innuendo that is obviously about those two being idiots but she doesn’t get it and jaime wants to murder them
tyrion and brienne type properly with the punctuation and stuff, jaime uses emojis half of the time and bronn sends vocals 90% of the time
this knowing that both brienne and tyrion hate vocals
jaime would do vocals but he only sends them when he’s drunk and if it’s the case 90% of the time he wanted to send her to brienne but clicked the wrong chat instead
bronn shitposts during the night like a pro and when jaime happens to be up he counter-shitposts so when the other two wake up in the morning and find like 300+ messages they’re like ‘-_____________-’
after they get together jaime as a revenge sends her all the sappy messages in that chat not their single one
brienne who kind of wants revenge for all the innuendos plays along and tyrion’s like ‘I didn’t need you two calling each other nicknames fml’
jaime is the only one who has his own picture in the profile
if tyrion spams is with book quotes but brienne is the only one who actually appreciates
(bronn would if it was his genre but he only reads bukowski, hunter s. thompson and whatnot and the other three aren’t too into it except tyrion who has broader interests)
jaime and bronn actually post selfies and pictures all the time, tyrion and brienne only send artsy pictures and the likes
except when jaime sends drunk selfies of him and brienne making out
stark kids:
sansa and bran are the ones typing all proper, robb is understandable but uses abbreviations and emojis all the time, rickon only does vocals, jon replies in monosyllables and arya is like robb except not understandable
robb rants all the time about how theon’s father is shitty and the others are like ‘...... robb pls’
except jon who has ranted about sam’s dad the exact same way
bran sends them cool scientific facts and stuff but jon and sansa are the only ones who care
rickon only sends vocals and half of the time is like ME AND MY FRIENDS HAVE A DEBATE TO SETTLE WHICH GRAND THEFT AUTO IS COOLER
arya is the worst shitposter but if jon’s online he actually gets on with it too 
sansa occasionally rants about stuff too but not ALL THE TIME
she also posts sewing tutorials like GUYS LOOK AT HOW COOL THIS IS but jon and robb are the only ones actually genuinely interested
robb also shares a bunch of change.org petitions
they all have their pictures as profile pics except that robb and sansa TOTALLY have couple pics and jon has kurt cobain and never changes it
stark kids SO so we’ll assume it’s theon for robb, sandor for sansa, gendry for arya, ygritte and sam for jon bc I can’t choose, meera for bran and dunno shireen for rickon I guess
they mostly use it to discuss their significant others but when someone starts shitposting usually everyone else follows
the worst shitposter is ygritte
sandor replies in monosyllables but when he bothers to write stuff he’s fairly correct
theon writes correctly but never uses uppercase
gendry and meera are the only ones who have a balanced mix of emoji/regular writing
sam doesn’t use emojis period but he only does textual faces ie :((((( rather than the actual face
ygritte totally overshares sexual stuff and when she and theon get into it everyone else is like k noping out
shireen always sends cute facts or nice pictures and stuff and everyone is like aw she’s cute we can dial back the nsfw stuff past 10 pm
sandor doesn’t even look at it until he has 400 messages to check but when he shitposts he’s a pro at it
meera has been known to post rants like I’M TIRED OF PEOPLE ASKING ME IF I’M DATING BRAN OUT OF PITY
and theon is like ‘hey cheer up people ask robb if he dates ME out of pity’
sandor just goes like HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and leaves it there
sam has been known to cheer up most of the others when they came into the chat feeling like shit but not wanting to burden their SO with that
then the few times he needed that they all rallied including sandor who miraculously didn’t go with monosyllables
theon totally has the couple pic as his profile, sandor has a hummingbird and refuses to change it, ygritte changes if every other day but it’s usually political stuff ie #brexitsucks, meera has the couple pic, shireen has some picture from her first date with rickon where you don’t see their faces but is cute anyway, sam has some cute cat, gendry has the couple picture
all of them hate vocals so no one sends them
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starboyjxmin · 7 years
Angel (Jungkook x Reader) Pt. 1
Synopsis: You were in love with the stars but sadly, was kept apart from them thanks to mathematical equations that made it impossible for you to touch them. They were the South and you were the East, always together but never touching. Until a curious hybrid becomes the bridge and eventually, your personal galaxy infested with stars.
Warnings: Abuse, Fluff, and mentions of trauma
Genre: Romance, Hybrid 
Word Count: 3209
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Tumblr media
Definition: a fixed luminous point in the night sky that is a large, remote incandescent body like the sun.
Something that was too hot to touch and impossible for you to ever get near enough to caress the shiny glimmer of hope. 
Impossible hope.
“So, you changed majors again.” Your best friend stared at you while taking a sip of their Caramel Frappe, almost in a cruel way to piss you off.
“Yes, but it’s just that the math in astro was too difficult.”
“Mm.” You annoyingly huffed at their deep sound of whatever.
“Plus, I’m already a well-rounded author with published works.” They laughed. “What? I am!” 
“I didn’t say you weren’t babe, but Wattpad doesn’t necessarily count. You’re an editor for a popular Youtube news outlet, there is no shame to say it!” You slumped down on your chair.
“But it’s not astronomy.” Jay smiled as they passed their frappe to you. 
“I have an idea. Let’s get you a pet.” 
“A pet won’t help me.” You took a sip from their drink, wincing at the extremely sweet aftertaste. 
“But these will.”
Jay had dropped you off at a rather large “Adoption Center” that just looked like a high-end Petco of some sort. They had pushed you in, and retrieved to their car, leaving you there before shouting how they would have their boyfriend drop your car off at the location with the keys in one of the rims rather loudly to your dismay. An employee greeted you and began to show you the extensive “line of pets and animals” they had. The walls were white, very clinical and sterile looking giving the place an ominous vibe.  
“So we have domestic pets here if you would like your traditional dog, cat, turtle, bird, whatnot. What do you have in mind, dear?” The employee walked you around as you saw dogs play with each other in a very pretty bin that was rather large with plant life growing.
“I actually don’t know..” The cats were dozing off in their glass cubicles. “A companion?” This caused the man’s eyes to lit up.
“Companion? You don’t say. Well, I believe we have something perfect for you. Follow me now, dear.” The employee quickly walked into a hall with you hot at his heels and he opened a door that said the word,  “Exoticis”
“And here we have the exotic animals section,” You looked at the employee with a bit of confusion.
“Yes, well more of like from the Asian countries also from South America. We only have dealers from those parts of the globe sadly. Still exotic pets.” You looked at the many cages. They all held humans.
“Oh my god, are you trafficking humans?!” He laughed as he took you near a man who had what seemed to be a gown that you are given before going to surgeries. 
“No, dear. Hybrids.” The man in the gown looked beyond terrified, but his hair was a ginger red and from the tops of his head, stood.. Lion.. ears. 
“Wha...” This was all too much to process for you. The employee began to kick the bars of the cage, the male in the cage let out a baritone low growl that seemed to have emitted from his chest. It was too much to take in for you. “Why must you kick his cage? Hasn’t he been through enough?” The lion crossbreed looked at you with such curiosity as he saw you push the employee away.
Push him close to the cage, baby. Taehyung thought as he saw how the man began to yell at you for pushing him, making him not kick the cage. 
“Do you want a companion or not?”
“Yes but please don’t do this to them, you could be stressing them out.” The employee rolled his eyes as he directed you away from the lion hybrid who was still looking at you, but his were intense now. 
“Okay, here we have 6 hybrids from this lab in Korea. The lion we just saw came with them but he had to be separated for being violent.” Boys. These were boys. Well, they appeared to be boys in their late teens. They were all curled up together, fast asleep. “Alright bitches-”
“No!” The employee went on as if you had not just protested his vile word.
“Get up!” A feline-eyed male with black hair and black kitten ears looked up as a hiss escaped his lips. “Hey! SHUT YOUR MOUTH BITCH!” You could then see all 5 heads looking up at you and the employee, along with the black hair cat hybrid. There were two dogs, a fox, a bunny, and a wolf? The cat was growling at this point. Did cats growl with such low menacing octaves?
“Was the lion aggressive towards them?” You sat on your knees, reaching out to coax the cat with your fingers in the wires of the large pen they were held in. 
“No, not towards them but towards people who would come in to adopt any of them.” They didn’t want to be separated. 
The cat stood up, walked to you and looked at your vulnerable fingers that were on his side of the pen where he could easily rip them off but something about how you actually got near the pin made him decide not to. He sat down, across from you and took your fingers into his hand. 
The cat’s rather large hand took you aback. He was just beautiful. The slits of his black eyes with visible drips of chocolate brown in them contrasted against his rather pale skin reminded you of heavenly paintings of the cherubic children depicted against the canvas. 
“Hi, I’m (Y/N). What’s your name?” The boy was now pulling softly onto your fingers like a toy.
“Yoongi.” A surprisingly deep, mellow voice came out of the kitten. 
“Hi Yoongi, may I meet the rest of your family?” His ears twitched at the word family. No one had referred to his friends as his family. 
“Lady, we have rooms where we can bring you one so you can share time with each of them and determine which one you want.” You kept your eyes on Yoongi who was now looking at the employee who was suggesting you adopt them. Taehyung didn’t want such thing because it would mean one was to be taken away but it got him taken away, separated from the rest. His hand gripped your fingers tightly. He could see and feel you were a genuinely good person. If there was anyone they all wanted to make sure was taken cared off was the youngest of them, Jungkook the bunny hybrid. 
“Jungkook.” You heard the cute boy say as he continuously gripped your fingers. 
“Which is that one?” You whispered to the cat whose rather thick, long black tail whisked around. He wasn’t a cat. The tail was not of a domestic house cat. 
“The bunny.”
“I think I want to see the bunny actually. May I?” As soon as you said that, the employee grabbed a cattle shocker prod and opened the pen. 
Yoongi began to growl, a very deep growl as the employee closed the pen behind himself. You tighten your fingers on him, nervously shaking.
“It’s okay, kitten, it’s okay baby.” However, the employee began to shock the rest of the boys who were now making screeching noises as they fled away from the bunny boy who had been in the middle of them all. 
“You, come.” The boy was now biting his lips, his eyes watering as he nervously stood up. 
Yoongi was beyond furious.
The feline began to growl. The low, raspy continuous growls that came from this hybrid were terrifying. His octaves were deep, loud, and course as the sounds came from his mouth. This was not a cat hybrid, this was a panther or jaguar of some sort. 
The realization made you quickly pull your fingers out of his tight grip and sent you scrambling away from the cage.
Your chest was heaving with deep, shaky breaths as the employee chuckled at you with the door of the pen locked once again and the prod against the bunny’s neck.
“(Y/N)” Yoongi looked at you with sadness.
“They’re more animal than human, don’t think of them as equal because that panther wouldn’t hesitate to rip you apart one day despite how calm and kitten he appears to be,” You quickly stood up, still shaken at what had just happened. “Now follow me. I think you’ll like this one. Bunnies are rare, especially exotic ones like this one here.” He shoved Jungkook forward as you followed behind them to one of the rooms. The employee opened the door to a room with chairs, a table, pet food, and pet toys. He welcomed you in as he pushed Jungkook down onto the floor of the room. “If this one wishes to give you any trouble, just yell and I’ll come in, okay? He is a wild rabbit after all.” You quickly nodded as the man walked out and closed the door behind him, leaving you all alone with the bunny hybrid. 
“Hi, Jungkook. I’m (Y/N),” The boy stayed sited on the floor. “Yoongi told me to take you.” At the mention of the other male’s name, his ears that were flopped and flat against his head sprang up. “I know you don’t want to be separated from your family but the way you are all treated is awful. Would you like to come home with me? I can try to adopt the rest of your brothers in time but Yoongi seemed desperate for me to call for you.” He looked up at you, his eyes held stars. 
“But..” His voice was breathy and held the same accent Yoongi’s did. “I am okay.” 
“Please, you are dressed in a surgical gown and are prodded around like cattle. This isn’t okay, Jungkook.” The bunny curiously looked at you with his starry eyes and bit his lip. 
“But my brothers.”
“I’ll try my best for you.” You walked towards him and sat next to him. “You shouldn’t be treated like this.” The boy pressed his face suddenly into your side, coming deeply overwhelmed with the need to accept your words. Not trust but accept. He needed something to accept in order to not be so terrified and trick himself into the thoughts that there was a better life for him and his brothers outside of the adoption center where they were continuously done tests on and being taught scary things that made Taehyung attack so many of the employees there. Jungkook needed to accept you.
“Okay..” The hushed words and the small nose that was pressed against the fabric of your clothed side made your heart warm. It was the same feeling of warmth one experiences when drinking down a shot of vodka which immediately burned past your heart, creating warmth.
“Okay, let’s take you home.”
It had been the most difficult thing for you to witness besides Friedmann Equations, seeing how Jungkook had clung onto the bars of the lion hybrid’s cage. He had to be shocked to let go and the lion was seized by the neck with a typical cartoon looking dog catcher’s pole to stay away from the bunny. 
You would occasionally look from the road in front of you and the side mirrors of the car as you drove, to him. Jungkook’s long bunny ears were back and flat against his head as he hugged himself tightly. His nose would occasionally twitch and when he wasn’t hugging himself, his rather large hands would pull down on his twitchy nose and scrunched eyes by the outsides of his thumbs. 
A true rabbit indeed. 
“And here is your side of the room. I tried my best to figure out how exactly this would work given that you are a bit taller than me.” You were told by the file they had on Jungkook that he had separation issues and would often times suffer from anxiety attacks when he was asleep. Being in the same room as you were something you had agreed that would be beneficial to him, especially help him with his stress that was causing him to not eat despite how many times you offered him his rabbit food. 
The adoption center had given you a large basket, like the ones for Easter (ironic), with everything you needed for your new companion. A pastel blue collar, hybrid rabbit food, two bowls, a starry onesie, a hair and fur brush, along with heat suppressant pills were in it. But no clothes nor undergarments for him. 
“You know, you could have gone someplace else for a bunny hybrid.” His folded ears and sad eyes made you feel the need to protect him at all costs. “I’m pretty big for a bunny hybrid, that’s why I wasn’t adopted back in Korea and instead shipped off with the rest of my brothers since they were also in some way defeated and could not be sold in our native country but were still rare enough to be made a profit off of.” You huffed, pushed your hair out of your eyes and sat on your bed with eyes trained on him. 
“Kookie, I don’t think that you being tall and broad is a defect.” Your hybrid’s ears began to twitch. “I just hope I can make you feel happy here and trust me.” 
“I guess.. Can I sit next to you?” You nodded at him, pushing the Easter basket off the bed carefully until it landed with a soft plop sound while the bed dipped next you. Jungkook was still in the surgical gown but his colour wasn’t as sickly as before when you had first seen him in that room. He pressed his face into your shoulder, making these mewling peeps.
“Are you quite alright?” You automatically wrapped an arm around the boy who was now twitching his nose into your shoulder. 
“You smell like some sort of feline.” 
“Must be your brother, Yoongi.” He looked up you, his doe starry eyes causing that warmth in your heart to pass down into the pit of your stomach. 
“Oh.” Jungkook went back on sniffing you, now lightly rubbing his nose against your collar bone. If this were anyone else, you would have already delivered a hard punch to the person’s jaw but this was someone you had adopted and promised to take full care of.  
“Jungkook, let’s actually wash you up and put you in the onesie since I don’t have clothes for you yet.”
“You smell different from a cat now.” He had completely ignored your words as his nose now took him to your chest. 
“Ah well yes,” You quickly dropped your surrounding arm around him and pulled away from him. “I wear perfume.” His nose twitched as his ears now stood straight. 
“No.” He reached out to you, engulfing you in his strong arms as his curious nose was now stuffed into your hair. “You smell-” The young buck pulled you over his rather firm and hard lap as his nose traveled down. You began to panic a bit. He was part animal after all, if the rabbit wished, he could easily tear you apart without much thought or effort with his bunny teeth. 
“Jungkook.” There was a bit of hesitation in your voice that was not quite easy to mask given that the situation had gone from innocent to somewhat uncomfortable in a way you couldn’t quite put your finger on. 
But it were as if he could not hear you at all. 
His great hands were angling your upper body a bit back, causing you to shift on his lap. 
“Something is off.” His whole demeanor had changed when he had spoken.
“Heeeeeyy, you know what sounds real-,” His hands were now at your hips as Jungkook moved back, giving himself space to press his nose into your navel. “Good? Carrots.” Now this he heard. He shot up, almost dropping you on your back. 
“That is such a stereotype of rabbits.” His tenor voice held a hint of disbelief. At least it got him to not sniff you like a dog. 
“Oh,” You sat up with your hand combing through your hair awkward. “I actually really enjoy carrot cake.”
“Carrot cake?” You nodded at the boy. “You can make a cake out of carrots?” 
“Let’s go get you washed up and put into the pj's, then we can discuss this.” Jungkook smirked as he watched you get up from the bed and retrieve the star ridden onesie. You caught his face to which he nervously looked away. 
“Are you having trouble putting on the garment?” You leaned into the closed door of the bathroom, waiting for your Jungkook to set out. He had been in there for almost 15 minutes now, changing. 
“Um, no.” A sudden loud crash was heard from within the bathroom.
“Are you okay?” A silence followed.
“No.” You sighed, wrapping your fingers around the door knob.
“I’m coming in, okay?” 
“’Kay.” You quickly opened the door to find a shy bunny hybrid on the floor, covered halfway with a towel and the onesie put on backwards but him not being fully in it. 
“Hi, baby,” His ears began to twitch. “Okay so we are going to help you up first, alright?” You squatted next to the boy who was getting a bit noticeably nervous. “Jungkook, look at me.” His starry eyes made contact with you. “Hold my hands,” He immediately grabbed a hold on your hands as his doe eyes began to widen. “We are going to stand up together, slowly. Tell me when your ready, baby.” While Jungkook had been bathing, (You made sure of it, even putting an organic homemade lavender bath bomb in the warm water which fascinated Jungkook so much.)  you had sat outside the door of the bathroom with your phone between your fingers, researching how to care for pet rabbits since the human hybrid websites were all shady looking. 
Jungkook’s ears stopped twitching and he had closed his eyes. He stayed like this for 3 full minutes before squeezing your hands.
“I’m ready.” 
“Okay.” You slowly stood up, pulling him up along with you. The towel dropped to the floor, along with the rest of the ill fitting onesie that he hadn’t managed to properly pull on. Jungkook towered over you as he now stood properly without your assiatance, he let go of your hands as he scrambled to hide his body. 
But you caught the scars. 
The scars were long, jagged, and thick on chest. 
“I can do this.” Jungkook pushed his arms into the sleeves and zipped up the garment quickly to avoid showing the rest of the scars he had over his body, a concrete evident that he had no real mother or father, that he had been made in a lab and treated poorly in his cold, sterile home. It wasn’t really a  home now that he thought about it. 
“Um,” You watched as he walked past you and through the open door. It was really not wise to bring up any sort of questions regarding his past, much less the one he had in Korea as the employee who told you about him and the rest of the human-slash-hybrids before selling you Jungkook for $20 because, “He seems to be the runt of their group despite not being big, we all had a $20 bet he would die first.” The exact words of the horrible employee. The memory shook through like a disease. You made a mental note too yourself to tell your friends about adopting the rest of the hybrids, the sooner the better. 
Part 2 
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twistednuns · 5 years
August 2019
India // It’s incredibly hard to sum up my feelings about India and Nepal. It was a truly incredible trip. And so exhausting. It was enriching, interesting, hard, disgusting, educational, everything. This is not the place to talk about my experience at length so I’ll just write down some nice moments I collected along the way //   
on the go // the huge corner toilet at MUC airport departures / Rischart coffee / the smell of the Emirates airline NOIR lotion they offer in their bathrooms / cherry-flavoured Skittles //    Delhi // brightly painted buses and tuk-tuks / eating at AB veg restaurant in Hauz Khas, inredibly delicious and cheap / being lucky enough to choose the hostel in Hauz Khas village; meeting Dominique, Christie, Ayush, Samar and Julia / all those talks we had about linguistics, education systems, the future, politics, travelling, home, friends, experiences with magic mushrooms, Hannah Arendt, travelling (…); talking to Christy about her past, family, criminal record / Mosambi juice / Nici constantly flirting with me, trying to seduce me. She told me I’m posh, assertive, regal and I know myself very well. Making out with her was fun but honestly… not worth the drama. / Mosambi juice / a consultation with a renowned Ayurveda doctor - I loved talking to her even though she wasn’t able to tell me anything I hadn’t known already; sometimes it’s nice to get the confirmation that what you found out on your own is exactly the right thing / eating momos and Kathi rolls, the best Thalis / parties on the rooftop until the sunrise interrupted us; grilling whole fish, saying goodbye to Julia, singing along to Louise Attaque and Cher songs / riding rickshaws through Delhi; extra fun: squeezing 5 people in and listening to club music / the sheets smelling chalky with a hint of grape sugar / dancing at Raasta / petting cute street doggies / a cooking class with Mansi and her family in North Delhi - delicious food and really nice people, I fell in love with the mum / eating at Social (that building is just amazing) and strolling through the little alleys and stores at Hauz Khas village with Christie; she showed me the place where she got her linnen dresses and we talked to a jewellery store owner for quite a while / the spice market, climbing up a building and watching the men flying their kites, tasting some street food and spices, realiszing that there is a market street dedicated to a single group of things like the shoe market, the jewellery market etc. / the Brit Brats sharing their joints; tripping to Bayonne / the hidden merchant streets with colourful wall art around the entrances / PANEER (!) / stand-up comedy with a female comedian / elevator selfies / learning about the development of Indian scripts and letters/characters in Sanskrit in the National Museum; erotic sculptures, very detailed paintings depicting badass, tiger-hunting ladies / I saw a peacock. Cows, chipmunks, pigs, horses, monkeys, goats, guinea pigs, bunnies, cats and dogs, bats, herons, boars, caterpillars, centipedes, horses, donkeys (…) / finding the perfect triangular earrings with gemstones at the Dilli Haat market; getting some nice dresses, too / living on water and mango juice, feeling very light and clean, having an empty stomach all the time / Gandhi Smriti, retracing Mahatma’s last steps before his assassination / feeling human again after a few days in bed - I love the power of make-up, bananas, fresh clothes and those pink little Pepto-Bismol pills the Canadian lady gave me / Delhi central station; just WOW. It’s places like that which make you realise just how many people there are in India. //   
Rishikesh // the man helping me with the bus to Rishikesh; the kindness of strangers / “I thank the Lord for the people I have found” (Elton John - Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters) / emotional bus rides: crying for no reason, letting go, for the first time in a very long time; emotional turmoil, softening up; leaving people and whole countries behind / seeing the huge Shiva ceremony at the Ganges from the bus / my yoga teacher training, getting to know the other students / learning about a magic trick against bad posture / instant karma / the view from the rooftop, watching the sunrise over the lower Himalaya mountains / the simple, vega, ayurvedic food they offered at the ashram / visiting the temples with the apprentice yogi and his scooter; walking up 13 stories in the blazing sun, receiving a blessing and some red string around my wrist; taking part in the Ganga ceremony at sunset / the Beatles Ashram; it’s just this amazing place with incredible street art, and those ruins, the meditation caves and eggs on the rooftop… climbing up there was one of my highlights in Rishikesh / close second: visiting a meditation cave at the Ganges, a bit further up in the mountains; a monk had spent 15 years in that cave practising meditation / all the beautiful shops around town focussing on yoga accessoires / putting my feet in the Ganges #blessed #moksha / learning about my aggression during silent yoga / all the animals around town: horses, donkeys, cows, monkeys and whatnot //   
Varanasi // taking the night train for the first time; I shared my little compartment with a family and three little children but they were surprisingly dramafree and actually quite cute / a sunset boat trip on the Ganges, seeing the ghats, the ceremonies, the moon rise / the little alleys behind the ghats; the stores, the surprises / Marnikarnika Ghat was really impressive; it’s the cremation place and I saw dead bodies for the first time / accidentally discovering the Dirty Chai Cafe (chocolate peanut butter shakes and fresh, cold mint lemonade), finding a Kamala Das poetry book on the shelf / spending an afternoon with the German journalist (so weird how the atmosphere shifts when you’re accompanied by a man there; also our dynamic made me feel so glad to be travelling alone, to only be responsible for myself, to be independent); sharing a banana and water surrounded by goats in Hanuman Ghat; the view over the river from his room; him gently stroking my cheekbone / buying two saris in a little corner shop / my jewellery quest (unsuccessful) / eating fresh fruit salad after hardly eating solid food for days / checking out that little park on my last day, the air buzzing with dragonflies / watching the sunset from the hostel’s rooftop, filming a slow motion video / India brings out trauma and deep emotions; the people kept staring at me for whatever reason; I kept having disturbing dreams about my dead father and grandmother; and the mob-video Christy showed me didn’t help either (the whole village carried a man through the streets, eventually beating him up because he couldn’t pay off his debts) //   
Nepal // the first view of Nepal from the bus windows - how much greener, how much emptier it is than India / meeting some nice people on the bus - an American, a Brit and two Frenchies; grabbing dinner in Kathmandu with the latter / watching the sunrise at the border between India and Nepal / sitting next to the mayor of small town council on the bus ride; communicating with hand and feet / the Kathmandu valley is such a gorgeous sight / I got lucky with my hostel; Yakety Yak was a really nice and quiet place to stay; they even had laundry service and a shelf with free books - I read two or three of them because I behaved like a good (home)sick German abroad: bed, Haribo, carbonated water, trashy literature / visiting Bhaktapur, a gorgeous small town in the Kathmandu valley / watching the latest Tarantino movie at the cinema; the tickets were incredibly cheap / walking up the hill to the temple and the monastery, enjoying the incredible view over the surrounding hills; meeting two ladies from Austria, they live close to my old university town; walking to the centre through back alleys, stopping at a rooftop cafe, ordering three drinks at once (liquid diet) / that one jewellery store near the Pokhara bus station - I found some gorgeous brass rings with precious stones for little money / the busy square, the markets / hanging out in the hammock in my hostel in Pokhara, overlooking the lake / watching the skydivers land / the ayurvedic cafe and the other place serving smoothie bowls by the lake - it’s such a fantastic moment when you finally feel hungry again and eat a little solid food after fasting/suffering for a few days / two incredibly weird guys from Latvia and Berlin who provided a nice, mellow ending for my shitty day and even made me survive the mosquito attacks / meeting my travel agent who actually took me out dancing and gave me a ride on his motorcycle to the bus stop; he even gave me some fruit for the ride / By the Way starting to play while waiting for Vietnamese food / hunting down a place that sells semi-precious stone columns in Kathmandu; negotiating with the old lady selling them; getting some brass souvenirs for my friends and family / the view from the airplane - seeing the Himalaya for the first time; I pity people who’ve stopped looking out of windows //   
Coming home. I’ve NEVER felt happier entering my apartment after a trip. Being alone. Truly alone. Silence. Three rooms just for me. My bed. Having all my stuff back. Toiletries! Nice body lotion. My favourite perfume. Going to the supermarket. Unpacking all the jewellery, clothes and knick-knacks I bought. Taking care of my plants.   
Making a huge batch of my favourite ratatouille / pasta sauce.   
Visiting Manu in hospital. Cheering him up a little bit.   
Finally receiving my black and white analogue photos. I loved the shot of Andre looking like he’s being kissed by a dementor. And Lexi looking dead cool at ADBK.   
Pizza party at Grano with Lena. Eating sorbet out of a lemon.   
Riding my bike through the forest on a sunny morning. Stopping to take pictures of the beautiful light, the yellow flowers. Spending too much money at the garden center. Driving home, IKEA bags full of plants.  
 Inventing my signature manicure: a little black dot just above the nailbed.   
Having an evening beer outside at Sofa So Good with Andre.   
Stumbling upon Konsti. The one who ghosted me years ago after a beautiful summer spent kissing in lakes because his therapist had told him so. Well, we talked for a few days, but guess what - he just ghosted me for a second time. Fool me one - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me.
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sage-nebula · 7 years
I'm gonna ask Klance as I can't swing a cat without hitting 12 things tagged with that lol
Frrsajfddajgda I KNOW, RIGHT?? Like ffffff, I have nothing against the ship on principle (and more on that in a second), but I actually do have it in my tumblr savior because I could not go into Keith’s tag without seeing KLANCE, KLANCE EVERYWHERE and it got really tiring. I kid you not, once I added it into my Savior I once had a page with just one visible post because everything else was Klance. Jesus. 
But anyway, to talk about the ship itself . . .
Again, I have nothing against it on principle. I don’t ship it, really, but I don’t mind it either. I think that, if written well, it could be interesting and fun and even cute. The problem is, I feel like it’s really . . . really hard to find it written well.
My main issue---and part of the reason why I wanted to stop seeing it so much all the time---is that I feel like, since it’s such a juggernaut ship, at this point it’s become kind of removed from the characters and who they actually are, versus how fandom at large wants them to be. If you watch the actual show, there really isn’t anything romantic about Keith and Lance’s interactions. They’re certainly not the type to call each other “sweetheart” and “baby,” or otherwise act very sappy and in love. But fandom wants them to be like that---they want to believe that one or both of them are pining for the other, that everyone in the castle ships it (and has shipping it as their #1 priority, depending on the work), that this is some grand love story and that, if it doesn’t end up canon, the writers were queerbaiting (when, no, they haven’t been---there’s literally nothing in canon to suggest that this ship is going to be official). It’s to the point where the fandom is so large and so vehement that fanon has superseded canon for many people. Rather than viewing the characters as they actually are in the original work, fandom has decided that they prefer their versions of the characters. And when fandom realizes this, that’s okay (albeit not my cup of coffee), but I think that, by and large, fandom has a hard time realizing it. That’s why you get situations where the shippers harass the creators and voice actors and whoever else on Twitter (which, yes, has happened, apparently---it’s as bad as Steven Universe fandom, ffs).
Even setting aside the absolutely horrendous behavior of some of the shipping base, however, the mischaracterizations are really just not my thing. I like these characters because I like these characters, and so when they act super OoC for the sake of a fanart, fic, or whatever else, I immediately lose interest. I get that people do change how they behave around someone once they become romantically involved (to an extent---their personality shouldn’t do a complete 180), but I’ve seen so many fanworks that supposedly take place in the canon timeline where Lance and/or Keith are so OoC they’re barely recognizable. I remember seeing one fic where Shiro seriously injured / killed(?) Keith (what the fuck tbh), and Lance was crying over him and calling him “sweetheart” and whatnot and I just . . . no. That’s not Lance. It’s not Shiro, either (even though it was an accident on Shiro’s part, to be fair), but that’s really not Lance. When you get to the point that the characters are unrecognizable, why are you even writing fanfiction? What is it that you really want? Is it that you actually want these characters, as they are, to be together, or is it that you just think they’re pretty and want them to fill the tropes that you’ve already become attached to from other fanworks (/yaoi manga)?
I also have an issue with the fact that so many Klance works I’ve seen treat Keith as basically a prop or accessory to make Lance look / feel special. Like, it’s not necessarily that Keith is outright bashed (though I’ve seen that too, and it’s pretty disgusting), but it’s more like they want him pining after Lance as a way to make Lance seem super cool and amazing because he clearly has to be if Keith is pining after him! Or there are instances where like, Keith is the one to stay behind and fret and worry while Lance is out there running dangerous missions all the time (when, in all honesty, why wouldn’t they be on missions together?), or Keith obviously is just the supportive trophy boyfriend who wants Lance to be the leader, etc etc, you get the idea. And I’m not the only one who has noticed this; there was a post someone made a little bit ago about this very issue, where OP actually talked about how they’re a very passionate Klance shipper, but they’ve seen a “a disturbing number of Klance fics” (their words) where Keith is bashed. Keith is my favorite character, so obviously I’m going to have a real issue with Keith being mistreated (whether that’s bashing him or treating him as a trophy / prop to make Lance look better), but even if he wasn’t my favorite I feel like that sort of behavior is garbage. Why ship a ship in which you treat one of the characters horribly? Why are you using Keith as a prop or trophy for Lance? And why would you think Lance, even though he does see Keith as a rival, would want that? (/ why would you think Keith would tolerate it, because again, he’s not the type to stay home and fret while someone he loves does something dangerous---he would be throwing himself into the conflict right alongside them, tbqh).
So I have a lot of issues with how the ship is treated in fandom, and I’m tired, too, of the fact that it’s everywhere to the point where it’s essentially The Ship™ and so it’s present even in things that have nothing to do with it (like Broganes content that comes with a side of Klance out of nowhere, like, sometimes I just want Broganes, can we just focus on that, please?). But that’s more fatigue, rather than actual dislike.
But that said, as far as the ship itself and potential for it goes . . .
Again, if I look at it from a canonical perspective (i.e. if I see these characters how they actually are in canon versus how fandom wants them to be), then I really don’t mind it, and could even like it if it was developed properly. The way I see it is:
To begin with, I see Keith as asexual. His romantic orientation is up in the air; I haven’t decided, and I think that Keith hasn’t had the time nor inclination to really think about it either, because he’s been through too much in his life + is waaaaaaaaay too high-key stressed at the moment to even begin to think about it. Certainly there’s no way he was thinking about it throughout season two, when he was so preoccupied with the thought that he might be Galra (he is) and finding out the truth of his heritage. So even setting aside his orientation, I think that there’s absolutely no way that Keith has feelings for anyone in canon at the moment. I do like the idea of some Keith ships (for instance, I think that Keith/Hunk has potential to be pretty damn cute), but I think that, right now, Keith is just not in the right headspace for a romantic relationship, and it’s not even on his radar. He’s not pining for anyone, Lance or otherwise. He has way too much on his plate right now for that to be the case. I also feel that, similarly, he wasn’t pining for Lance (or anyone) prior to season two, either. Even when he was less stressed / had less going on . . . I mean, let’s be honest, here: Keith didn’t even remember who Lance was in the first episode. It took him a minute before he remembered, “Oh yeah, you were a cargo pilot, weren’t you?” Keith’s interactions with Lance never gave me the idea that he had some massive crush on him. Even his, “We had a bonding moment!!” only really counts toward friendship, because he spoke similarly to the Red Lion (“I’m BONDING WITH YOU” --- oh Keith, that’s not how bonding or friendships work). So as far as canon goes, I don’t think that Keith has a crush on or feelings for Lance. I just don’t.
Lance, on the other hand, I see as bisexual, but I think that he thinks he’s straight, and I think (though note that this is headcanon) that this is part of the reason why he’s so insistent on flirting with pretty much every woman (or female-like alien) that crosses his path. Lance is pretty much closeted even to himself, so he acts aggressively heterosexual in order to try and maintain that denial. Eventually, as he becomes more comfortable with who he is as a person, he’ll come to accept this part of himself as well and that will help him tone down the insistent womanizing, but until then, he’s pretty much bisexual in denial. He’s trying really, really hard to convince himself (and everyone else) that he’s straight.
So that said, I could see him having a crush on Keith, particularly since we know for a canonical fact that he was very attentive to Keith prior to the show even beginning, to the point where he easily picked him out through binoculars in the first episode and ran hell for leather in after him. Yeah, it was all under the guise of “NO I’M NOT LETTING HIM WIN THIS ONE!1!!” but god, how much time did he spend staring at Keith to be able to recognize him like that, despite the fact that Keith had the lower half of his face covered with a bandanna? That’s suspicious af, Lance. Suspicious af. I think that with Lance’s feelings toward Keith, it’s a bit complicated. I do think that some of his rivalry, and some of his desire to chase after / catch up to / surpass Keith is genuine. I think that Lance sees Keith as this amazing goal to chase after, and he gets himself fired up in chasing that goal because it motivates him to keep working and to try harder. Everything seems to come naturally to Keith (from Lance’s perspective), like Keith never struggles, and that simultaneously inspires and pisses Lance off, because Lance works hard for what he gets (even though he wants it to be effortless), and so for Keith to (seemingly) have everything come naturally to him, that makes Lance want to work three times as hard to surpass him.
But at the same time, I also think that there’s a measure there where . . . Lance WANTS Keith to be The Ace, he WANTS Keith to be amazing, he LOVES that about him. Like, again, it’s half inspiration, half anger; he doesn’t actually hate Keith, he doesn’t actually resent Keith, and posts that talk about Lance being an antagonist if Keith becomes the Black Paladin because Lance would never follow him are absolute bullshit because a.) Lance has already taken direction from Keith in the show (last episode of season two), and b.) Lance doesn’t actually hate / resent Keith ffs, he just uses his rivalry with Keith as motivation to push himself to be better. But for that to work, Keith has to be at the top of his game. I think that a lot of people see Lance’s hostile attitude toward Keith dropping out as some resentment / bitterness for Iverson only saying that he (Lance) was in the program because “the best pilot in your class washed out,” and I do think that it’s true that Lance is hurt by Iverson saying that. However, I also think that Lance might have taken Keith’s dropping out personally because . . . Keith was supposed to be the best. He was supposed to be at the top of his game and here he is, dropping out, what the fuck? So he’s super hostile and aggressive toward Keith at first because Keith sort of dropped the ball on being a goal to chase. Meanwhile, Keith is just like “I don’t even know who tf you are” at first, which makes matters worse, haha.
All of this is to say---I do think, certainly, that there’s potential for Lance to have a crush on Keith, that he saw Keith as a sort of goal to chase, as a rival, but also that he couldn’t help but be attracted to that, that he couldn’t help but find Keith extremely, extremely cool (and, though he ignores this part of his brain, damn pretty, too). Keith and Allura have a lot in common in terms of personality, and so it’s possible that the parts of Allura that attract Lance (personality-wise) are the exact same traits that Keith has, and therefore Lance projects his crush on Keith onto Allura, because again, he’s in denial about his sexuality, it’s easier for him to hit on Allura than it is for him to hit on Keith. And it’s extremely possible that his feelings could grow stronger as he gets to know Keith better, though at the moment I still see it as a crush that Lance hasn’t even allowed himself to really acknowledge, because he’s not quite in the right head-space for it at the moment, either.
I could see this relationship working over time, particularly if we got to a point where Keith is the leader of Voltron (I still want Shiro back in the immediate future, though), and Lance is his right-hand. They work really well together as a team and I think that, out of everyone else on the team, Lance is best suited to be Keith’s right-hand, to back him up in terms of leadership. I could truly see them growing closer in this context, could truly see them coming together and, perhaps when things have calmed down and Keith has more of his life in order, he could develop romantic feelings for Lance as well. It’s definitely possible, just not right now.
So yeah, I have nothing against this ship in terms of the characters themselves, but my feelings on it are certainly complicated thanks to the fandom and I don’t really ship it, haha. Maybe someday, but not right now.
(Though some of the art is really pretty, I will give the fandom that.)
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ninjakitty15 · 3 years
Chapter 2: Mischief Managed
Hydra's base was definitely considered a prison compared this base where it was more house arrest for me it seemed. I was given my own room and choice of clothes that were definitely not black and reminiscent of a grim reaper, those unimaginative fucks. I could wander around the whole floor and whatnot, just not allowed to leave and still under observation, I didn't complain though as at least I could talk and eat and move and hopefully it wasn't as invasive. They were called the Avengers, which is why Thor sounded familiar, I later recalled watching footage of them fighting aliens in NYC at one point before Hydra had their fun with me. Loki was assigned to monitor me, or rather he volunteered to, somehow that wasn't surprising considering he found me first and if I know anything about younger siblings, they guard their findings like Cerberus guards the underworld. Understandable considering Thor tends to break everything he comes in contact with, must be why he's still single, those poor exes. Nat was right, Tony who I met upon arriving at the base loved having someone as snarky as he was around and I loved bantering right back, Hydra aren't much for conversationalists. Loki however quieter and curiouser, proved the best company. My favorite past time became "see how long I can slip from his sight before he finds me and pretend I didn't do it on purpose".
He found me raiding the kitchen at some ungodly hour eating ice cream straight from the container and arched an eyebrow as I smiled innocently at him with a mouthful of moosetracks goodness. "Enjoying yourself?"
"Orgasmically," I replied happily.
"There a reason you're stuffing yourself with creamed ice at this hour?"
"Would you believe it was calling to me?"
"You do know I'm the God of Lies, right?"
"If I don't eat something sweet I'll die of malnutrition?"
"Try again."
"It's ice cream, why do I need a reason more than that?"
"Let me be the judge of that then."
I held the container tighter to me. "Get your own damn midnight snack, this is mine, I claim it in the name of me, Nell."
Loki smirked and took a daring step toward me with a look of a cat about to pounce on an unsuspecting mouse. "You have no claim here, you're a guest."
I snorted and shoveled another spoonful of heaven in my mouth while taking a step back. "So are you, Asgardian. But as I was born on this planet, I have more claim to it than you do. Check and mate, king me."
"You think you were the first ones to walk this planet? Try again." Another step toward me. "Give it to me now or else."
"Or else what? If you're going to threaten me, do it properly." My back hit the wall behind me as I took another step back. I gripped my ice cream against my check and brandished my spoon like a dagger despite it being neither pointy nor threatening. "Don't make me spoon you, I forking mean it."
If Loki was a cat right now, he would've been doing that cute little butt wiggle cats do to calculate the distance and force needed to hit the target. I kinda wish he did, he had a cute butt already. He didn't get to pounce though as the lights to the kitchen suddenly turned on and at the entrance was a sleepy but amused looking Thor standing there with a smug look and arms crossed. "And what is going on here at this late hour."
I looked from him to Loki to my ice cream and back to Thor. "Loki's trying to steal my happy food."
"Is that true, brother?" Thor asked with a laugh.
"I'm fairly certain she has no claim to it so it's anyone's including mine," Loki replied slyly.
"What flavor?" asked Thor.
"I've not tried that yet, can I have a taste?" he asked hopefully.
"Grab a spoon." I scooted away from Loki's target line and held out the tub as Thor eagerly got a spoon for himself. "Ask nicely and thou shalt be rewarded." I stuck out my tongue for good measure.
"This is most delicious, is this what moose tastes like?" Thor inquired.
"That's just what the guy that invented it calls it, I've no idea what moose tastes like. Probably something like deer I'd imagine, they're a bit too big and aggressive to be hunted regularly here...and kinda ugly too. Like if a deer and a hippo got together one drunken night, that would be their bastard baby." I let Thor finish the tub just to piss Loki off a little more while licking my spoon clean.
"Sleep with one eye open, child," Loki warned me though there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Bold of you to assume I sleep at all," I countered. People would say I sleep like the dead when I want to but he didn't know that.
"You really should sleep though, the man of iron wants to see you in his lab tomorrow bright and early," Thor told me as he threw away the tub.
"Didn't any of you inform him I'm not a morning person? I thought that was pretty clear when we met."
"Should have thought of that before you devoured all your happiness," Loki stated smugly. "Sweet dreams." He slunk away with a smirk and a wink and I was left with Thor who retreated to his quarters soon after.
Morning came far too quickly for my liking as I was woken up abruptly by knocking I instantly knew as Loki on the other side. He probably was smirking still while I growled in annoyance and quickly changed into lounge clothes before opening the door and glaring at him for waking me up. I had to admit even in earth clothes he looked damn good though I didn't see why he had to wear sharp looking suits when his main business called for leather and metal. I'd say it was an Asgardian thing but then there's Thor in a hoodie and jeans when he's not off being a hero.
"Pleasant dreams?" Loki asked smoothly while leading me to where Tony was awaiting.
"Just the sweetest, almost as sweet as moosetracks," I quipped right back.
Tony was waiting for us with a confident yet hopeful look as he beckoned me inside and I complied, propping myself up on the examining table in front of him while Loki stood by the doorway either as another observer or guard. "I heard you ate all my ice cream."
"I heard the law is still innocent until proven guilty and I can attest Thor finished it off."
Tony chuckled. "That sounds like him during the day but he usually sleeps through the night and I bought the tub the day before so it had to have gone missing during the night. Points for trying though."
I shrugged. "It was for a good cause, I regret nothing."
"That's all that matter then, right? You ready?"
"I mean no one told me what we're doing here so um not really."
"Oh well, too late now. Loki says you won't say what you can do, which I applaud because why should he get all the answers first when this is my domain and you're both guests here. But I'd still like to know why Hydra kept you so what would it take to spill?"
"Tell me what you plan on doing with me first."
"Nothing without your permission of course, gentleman first, scientist second."
"I'm sure you say that to all your lady specimen."
"Innocent until proven guilty."
I chuckled and shrugged. "Well played. There's names, titles if you will that people believe fit the bill I rack up. But I'm curious if you've guessed just from what you know of me."
"You came here in a big black hoodie and told Loki and the Cap they made you wear it because thats what they thought you were like. Since being goth or emo isn't a superpower anyone would ever want, thankfully, my first uneducated assumption would have to be it involves death."
I smiled though from what I heard of Tony, it shouldn't be surprising, an idiot would've figured that out and it was idiots that made me dress that way.
"Are you a reaper like the shortlived show Dead Like Me?"
"Well I mean most people are, anyone can kill anyone though it might take more than touch to do so. But not really, my power isn't a death touch...per say, I mean I can do that with a specific move but it's not recommended and not pleasant for either party."
"What's the move then?"
"I basically rip the lifeforce out of a person but it's like manhandling a nuclear reactor with your bare hands, unless you can quickly and smoothly channel it to another body capable of absorbing it, it can destroy you...or just burn you up depending on how close the first body was to dying anyway." I could hear the gears grinding and churning in both men's heads in the lab, my money was on Tony though.
"What do I get if I guess first?"
"A scooby snack?"
"Are you calling me Shaggy? Clearly I'm the Fred of the gang, Thor is the Shaggy if it's anyone."
I nodded, he might not run in fear of all the masked monsters but he has the hair and goofy personality to match. "What do you want that I can offer and you can't buy yourself?"
"That is the trillion dollar question, isn't it? I'm sure lots of people are wondering that whenever they see me. Not a reaper though there are reaper like abilities involved, only one name comes to mind when it comes to death powers though. You're a necromancer."
I clapped my hands in approval and nodded again. "A chrome star for you. That's the most valuable metal right? I'm more a precious stone girl myself, like amber or obsidian."
"Of course," mused Loki quietly. "They bound your hands so you couldn't raise the dead through magic and gagged you so you couldn't call them to your aid. That's why your powers felt familiar, it's quite similar to Hela's."
"Except she does go for the goth goddess look which is a bit much even if she is in fact a goddess of death. She also favors one such army of dead, whereas I'll bring up anyone that wants to fight within range, not fussy and much less effort involved."
"So to sum up, you can talk to and raise the dead, steal someone's lifeforce but at great cost to you, there's more isn't there?" asked Tony.
"Those are the big ones though."
"And the hydra agents? How far did they get with you?"
"They failed after the first date, didn't wait three days before calling back, those needy bastards."
"People still do that? I would skip the calls and just take them to bed."
"I know, right? So would I! Ain't no time like the present. They didn't get anything, blood and tissue samples they collected would come up as leftovers from a corpse, my body is dead without my powers sustaining it and anything taken from my body is no longer attached to my powers. Like when you kill a werewolf, they return to human form, you dont get a cool wolfman head to mount to a wall plaque."
"You're not just saying that so I won't take any from you, are you?"
"You're welcome to try." I held out my arm and with a fingernail, sliced open my skin, sludgy blackened blood oozed out. "Get it while it's not quite fresh off the tap."
Tony grabbed a test tube and grinned to himself as he collected it. "Don't mind if I do, I'll let you know if there's a change the Hydra agents missed. Can I get a swab too, open up and say ah?"
"As long as its not a papsmear, I prefer lady gynos...for reasons." I opened my mouth and he took a cotton swab sample and tubed that as well. "Anything else?"
"Right now, no, but I'd like to see what you can do in person so next mission you're coming with, Loki as well, trust him just a little more than I trust you right now and if you turn out to be not as cool as you appear, I'm placing bets he can handle you."
I scowled at that bet and looked over at Loki who held a full on smirk knowing what was going on. "It's because I'm a woman and men feel threatened by women of power."
"No, he's a god and you're not, the odds aren't in your favor."
I rolled my eyes and hopped off the table. "At least I don't need fancy armor to kick ass."
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
Anrou =D
@vingtquatredeux look !
Big steps in the relationship !
0. But, how did they meet ? In a very silly way. Andrei was coming home one night, when he saw that strange, blond boy sleeping on a bench in a run-down part of the town. He wasn’t used to bring unknown people home, you never know who you can meet and what they can do to you. But that boy looked harmless, and who knows what can happen to harmless people in those weird places…? So he brought the boy back home. And the boy promptly screamed bloody murder and kidnapping, tried to hurt him with a tennis racquet, then fell asleep on the couch. Nice for a first meeting.
1. Who made the first move / who kissed who first ? Jirou, because Andrei is very, very limited in the way of expressing feelings, due to… less than fortunate experiments. So little sheep has to take the lead and kiss the nice, emotionnally stunted dhampyr.
2. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first ? Since Andrei lives with two of his brothers, and the other two are spending an extraordinary amount of time with him, AND since they are the ones who pushed him to go and talk to Jirou, they are, of course, aware of the relationship. Before Andrei himself is, even.
3. What do their family/friends think of their relationship ?
Andrei’s brothers are all very happy for him. He found someone who’s NICE with him and doesn’t tell him that feelings are for wusses and sissies ! That’s so good ! Of course, Jirou is a little… weird, but who isn’t ? And he’s nice and fun to be around, and comes with a lot of weird (and sometimes seductive, according to Vitali) friends, so it’s good. And Andrei looks so much happier with them.Jirou’s parents sometimes wonder what can bring an older fashion designer with a young tennis player like their son. It rang their pedophile alert at first, but they realized that Andrei is a charming, polite young man who’d never dream of hurting Jirou, or even doing anything remotely undelicate. After a while, they started trusting him and his intentions, and welcomed him into their home.At first, Jirou’s teammates are a bit… wary. That man isn’t the usual tennis fan who follows one of them around, he’s cold, aloof, and older than Jirou. And still, he’s there, with his weird brothers. They don’t think much of it, electing only to keep an eye on him (and, in Atobe’s case, on that brother in a frilly dress). But Jirou seems very happy with him, and he’s very nice with their little sheep, so they don’t burn him at the stake, and welcome him in their weird little family.
4. Which couple/family are they closest to ?
It’s hard to say. Of course, Andrei’s brothers are very close from them, because they are a tight-knit family. But Hyotei’s tennis team is very close too, almost like a family. It’ll probably be the couple formed by a brother AND a captain of the team, aka Vitali and Atobe, the perfect drama couple.
5. When do they move together ? Where and how ? It takes a moment, because Jirou is still a minor, and his parents may be lenient about the relationship between them, but not to the point of letting them moving together. It’s only after Hyotei’s team leave for one year to train abroad, when they finally come back and Jirou is of legal age, that he moves his collection of mangas and pillows into Andrei’s appartment. Since Vitali moves in with Atobe, it means they get enough space for themselves.
6. Who proposes and how ? Andrei. It’s very low-key because he’s still kinda emotionnally stunted, but he bought a pretty bracelet for Jirou (it’s more practical than a ring and he doesn’t risk strangling himself in his sleep). He asks Agil to prepare a nice, romantic meal, even lights up candles even if fire and dhampyrs aren’t the best of friends, and proposes during the dessert. Jirou almost sends all the dishes on the floor in his hast to tackle him.
7. Where do they go on their honeymoon ? Probably not very far. They’ll leave for a max of a week, and travel all around. They’ll have weird schedules, because Jirou will doze off almost everywhere, and Andrei won’t resist sitting to draw the idea that just popped into his mind.
Let’s talk about sex~
8. Who initiates sex more often ? Jirou. But who could blame him when he has a cute boyfriend / husband who wears those tight, stylish clothes that just BEG to be taken off ?
9. Who has the biggest kink (and what is it) ? Probably Andrei, but only to the extent of nice, smart clothes. Give him a well-dressed Jirou, and he’ll pounce on him. Without creasing or ripping the clothes, of course. He has his dignity.
10. What kink/kinks turn(s) one (or both) of them off ? Lots of things. They aren’t really kinky people, and risking being caught in the locker room is the most adventurous thing they"ll do in their life.
11. What’s the craziest place they’d have sex ? Hyotei’s locker room. Normally, Andrei doesn’t really enjoy sex in weird, non-usual places. But he dropped by to pick up Jirou after his training, and Jirou was just out of the shower with juuust a towel around his waist, and they were alone, and well…
12. Who is more aggressive in bed ? Do not trust the cute little sleepy sheep. He’s not the same in bed. Not to say that he turns into a monster or a beast, of course. But he certainly gets bolder when he has a little redhead vampire at hand. But since Andrei isn’t forward at all, Jirou wins by default.
13. How does the other person react when their partner wears something special (boots, lingerie, etc.) ? Jirou giggles. Andrei knows him well enough now to know that it’s not a mocking giggle, it’s an excited one. Andrei gets all red. But ALL red. Everywhere. And he gets that big, dopey, not-at-all-Andrei-like smile.
14. Lights on or off ? Probably both. You don’t want to waste Jirou’s pretty smile, do you ?
Quirks and habits
15. What are their quirks while sleeping ? Jirou suffers either from a weird kind of willing narcolepsia, or chronic fatigue syndrome. He needs something like 12 to 15 hours of sleep per day, and always takes naps everywhere. He can fall asleep anywhere, and sleep peacefully no matter what’s happening around him. Andrei is a restless sleeper, and tends to move a lot. You can get him motionless by weighting on him. Like, with a tennis player and a few cats.
16. Who is the morning person/night person ? Andrei is the Very Morning person. He doesn’t suffer from insomnia per se, but gets only few hours of sleep per night. Maybe it’s the coffee powering him through the day that screw with his schedule. He’s up at the crack of dawn, a cup already in hand, ready to start working. He goes to bed quite early, but he likes to read or doodle before going to sleep.Jirou is neither. He loves to sleep in, dozes off during the day, naps anytime, and loves nothing more than going early to bed to enjoy the comfortable feeling of nice, clean sheets. Since he doesn’t show any other sign of lack of sleep or narcolepsia, everyone just… lets him sleep everywhere.
17. Who wakes the other one up with kisses ? And who brings breakfast to bed ? You could kiss him for hours, Jirou won’t wake up until he wants to wake up (or until he’s hungry). And Andrei is up way before him, because work doesn’t wait. As for breakfast, Jirou often brings something to eat to Andrei in his office, because Andrei probably forgot to eat again and is on the brink of passing out on his drawing table.
18. Who is the romantic one (Valentine’s Day or other) ? He may not look like it, but Andrei has a romantic bone in his body, probably by Vitali’s influence rubbing on him. He’s not the most romantic one, but he’ll have little attentions : little presents here and there, checking Jirou’s stuff to see if something needs to be mended, and the most important one, choosing him over his work.
19. Who would lead in ballroom dancing ? Jirou, because Andrei can’t dance. Jirou got lessons at Atobe’s estate, because Atobe wants everyone in his team to learn how to slow dance. That way, they won’t shame him by moving like frogs or potatoes in the event of a formal dance at school or for a victory.
20. Who drinks all of the coffee ? Jirou. It doesn’t do anything about his sleeping schedule. Andrei tries to abstain from coffee because it makes his hands shake, and you don’t want shaking hands when you draw, oh no !
21. Who is the one who would pay for dates ? At first, Andrei, because he’s the one who works and gets the money, and he likes to use a bit of it for Jirou (but not too much, because he still thinks about his nest egg and how much he needs to save and whatnot). But once Jirou starts working too, and earns his life quite well, oooh boy. He’s back with a vengeance, and decides to absolutly /spoil/ Andrei, because Andrei hasn’t been spoilt for YEARS. Restaurants, amusement parks, movies… He pays for everything for a while. After a while, they decide to share the costs equally. They get a common bank account, and just pay for dates with that money.
22. Who takes over the beauty/style department ? There’s a stylist in the house, and he’s going to dress you correctly, dammit ! Even tennis uniforms will be perfectly tailored ! For the hair, on the other hand… it’s a lost fight.
23. What would they get each other for gifts ? Andrei would get Jirou top-of-the-line tennis equipment. Of course, he doesn’t know anything about tennis, so he has to drag Jirou with him and ask him what exactly is top-of-the-line. Besides that, he bought lots of comfortable pillows and scattered them through the house. Jirou buys Andrei lots of drawing implements, pens, nice papers, books on clothes even if they are for beginners, and fabric. Lots and lots of fabric.
24. Who cusses more ? No one does, they are perfect, polite young men who… Oh, who are we kidding ? Andrei swears like a sailor when he messes a drawing, and Jirou when he feels like it. It’s always a surprise to hear such cuties have such a language.
25. Who is more tech-savvy ? Jirou. He’s the one who gets all the new gadgets and techno guizmos (one may wonder how), and can work almost everything. Except in the kitchen, where Agil is the one who’s more savvy (and with mechanical pencils. Jirou maintains that it’s not technology. Andrei reminds him periodically that they are *mechanical* pencils).
26. Who remembers things ? And who forgets the birthdays and anniversaries (and has to be forgiven) ? Andrei does remember a lot of things, mainly because he writes them on post-it notes and scatters them through the flat. Some times, his drawing table is surrounded by a halo of yellow and pink slips of paper. Jirou is more forgetful, but he remembers the important things. 
27. Who is the bigger cuddler ? It’s a tight contest between Jirou and the cats. And sometimes, they all cuddle in a pile on top of Andrei. Andrei just endures it.
28. Nicknames for each other ? Andrei is well-mannered and only calls Jirou by his given name. Not very demonstrative. Jirou does too, drawling the “an” and the “i”, like that : “AAAANNDREIIIIIIII !!!!”.
29. Who kills the bugs ? The cats, mostly. Andrei just chases them with an upset gesture. Jirou doesn’t care.
30. Who initiates duets ? No one. Luckily. Or the cats start running away.
31. What do they do to cheer each other up ? Jirou is a cuddler. When Andrei feels bad (which happens more often that one may think due to his work), Jirou just walks to him, wraps his arms and legs around him, and cuddle him like some kind of narcoleptic koala until it gets better. Sometimes, it can take hours, but Jirou is patient (and fast asleep).Andrei is not very talented with feelings and the like. Even his own brother, he doesn’t really know what to do to cheer him up. So a cute, sensitive little sheep ? Even harder. He does what he can, bringing him chocolate, a blanket, a cat, what he can think of. It takes him a few tries before he even thinks of a hug. It works way better like that.
Daily life
32. Who decorates the apartment ? what is that “decorate” thing ? Okay seriously, Andrei DOES have a few personal things. Family pictures and his favourite drawings. Nicolaï and Vitali decorated too, with their favourite things. It’s an intersting mix of austerity, gothic and colorful fantasy. When he joins, Jirou adds his own pictures and posters to the mix. Now it’s a mess, but a comfortable, welcoming mess.
33. Who is the one to most likely pick the movie they watch ? And who has sole posession of the T.V. remote ? Jirou does both, if they are alone, and this, even if he’ll fall asleep during it. If the brothers are there too, then Jirou will have to fight (read : use puppy eyes) on Nicolaï to get it. Vitali mostly follows with whatever they want to watch.
34. Who does what chores ? They have someone (Agil) who prepares their meals), and take turns doing the dishes. Nicolaï gets to sweep because he’s the one with the easiest job. The laundry is Andrei’s job, because no one is allowed to take care of his clothes. Only he knows how ! And after a few mishaps, they get their groceries delivered, because it’s way easier than going  there and trying to find what they really want because of course, they forgot the list (and then Jirou falls asleep in the cart anyway).
35. Who makes the bed in the mornings ? Let’s be honest : there’s a narcoleptic and four cats in this flat. There’s no way the bed that Andrei makes in the morning stays made for more than two minutes. Now, he doesn’t even bother anymore.
36. Who starts getting into holidays way before they should ? Jirou. Holidays are fun and occasions to go and play and have fun and see people ! Not to lock yourself in your office (a feat because the thing doesn’t even have a door) and work ! But he knows Andrei is the stubbornest dhampyr to ever dhampyr. So he starts very early so, by the time the holiday rolls around, everyone will totally be in the spirit.
37. Who initiates the couple selfies ? Jirou. He loves grabbing his adorable dhampyr, and smush himself against him to take a selfie where, 90% of the time, Andrei will look like an angry dragon just awoken from his nap. Sometimes, Jirou even pulls on Andrei’s mouth corners to make him smile, or tickle him.
38. Who always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping ? Both, because a snack after work or a nap is the best ! And of course, pocky. Jirou loves pocky, and absolutly loves eating them with Andrei, because it means a kiss too !
39. Who asks to keep the abandoned kitten/puppy they find in the rain ? Andrei may give the impression he’s heartless, but he can’t help but bring home everything he finds in the rain : kittens, puppies, tennis players…
40. So how many pets, and who rememebers to feed them ? Five nice, lovely, adorable cats. They all take turns feeding them, meaning that sometimes, the cats get fed twice or more. Now they have a signal. Meaning the one who feeds the cats yells something. More often that not, it’s something like “UNLEASH THE BEASTS” (Nicolaï especially loves screaming it very, very loudly).
41. Who gets babied when they’re sick ? Mostly, Jirou, but that’s because he stays still enough to be babied. Andrei brings him home-cooked food (not cooked in their home), checks on him regularly, even reads him bedtime stories. Jirou is a compliant patient, and lets himself be taken care of. On the opposite, Andrei refuses to acknowledge that he’s sick, and has to be carried to bed, then stuck in it by something heavy, like a big cat or a boyfriend. And to be looked after, because he’ll escape at the slightest opportunity. Once immobilized, he can be taken care off… by his brothers, because Jirou will fall asleep on him.
42. Who comes home drunk at 3am ? Jirou. To be fair, it’s very rare. After all, a tennisman has to have the best life hygiene and everything, right ? Only when his team won a big tournament does he indulge into alcohol, champagne most of the time. For all his love of warm vine, Andrei never gets drunk.
43. What do they do when they’re away from each other ? Jirou plays tennis or sleep. Sometimes, he spends time with his teammates, especially when Atobe has his evening parties (the great Atobe-sama doesn’t have something as peasantly as “sleepovers”), or just has fun with them altogether because, as much as he and Andrei love each other, Andrei still has to work, and it’s not that fun to be around. That’s why Andrei gets as much work done as he can when Jirou is at school / practice / Atobe’s estate, so he still has some time to spend with him during his awake moments.
44. What are they afraid of ? Andrei will never admit it, not in a million years, but he’s afraid of Jirou finally having enough of him and leaving. Because he may growl and groan, but Jirou changed his life for the better, and he’s not sure he wants to go back to what it was before.Jirou says he’s afraid of breaking something of Andrei’s and getting scolded for it. He doesn’t say that his biggest fear is that this something is Andrei’s heart. Andrei is older and wiser than him, and he’s afraid to mess up and lose him.
45. How often do they fight ? At the start, a lot. They even fought when they met, but Andrei was adamant about getting Jirou to understand that it’s FUCKING DANGEROUS to fall asleep in the middle of nowhere. Then, they needed to get used to the other, since they *are* total opposites. Now, they make an effort to at least calm down before talking about the problem, unless they start yelling at each other and slamming doors. Sometimes, it involves finding separate places to sit down with a cat until they are calm enough to discuss.
46. What would they do if the other one was hurt ? Jirou would cuddle the fuck out of Andrei. Like, he wouldn’t get a second of respite (except maybe for a few minutes because he needs it). Jirou would look after him, take care of him, even fighting sleep as much as he can to be sure he’d be available when Andrei needs him.Andrei too would take care of Jirou if he was to be hurt, with less cuddles and hugs, but no less affection. But if someone was responsible, if someone dared to hurt him…. Oh, even the skies couldn’t protect them from the fury of the small dhampyr. He will teach them a lesson, and teach it so well that they probably won’t come near a redhead ever again.
And once they have kids…
47. How many kids ? No kids. It’s a heavy responsibility, one that they can’t endorse, as a semi-famous, narcoleptic tennis player and a workaholic fashion designer. They borrow other people’s children and play the “uncle Jirou” and “uncle Andrei” part to perfection.
48. Who is the stricter parent ? Andrei would be. He’s strict everyday, in everything. And Jirou is cute and fluffy, and would totally adopt Atobe’s behavior towards him. Which is, spoil him in every way he could find. But with Andrei, no chance. He wouldn’t let anything pass.
49. Who stays up late helping with homework ? Andrei, because he’s used to stay up late anyway. Of course, it’s hard to leave work aside to take care of it, but he makes an effort. It’s for a child’s greater good, after all ! Beside, Jirou is probably asleep already. And Andrei just doesn’t Wake him up.
50. Who likes to take the family out and for what ? TENNIS ! Jirou takes everyone out for tennis matches, and tennis tournaments, and tennis meetings… If only Andrei had a word to say about that, they would probably only go out for this. Luckily, children are quick to inform them that they want to go out for movies, amusement parks, or just to play. Agil is happy to take them for a few hours to run in the park, Simon teaches them photography… They get a lot of help, and a lot of different experiments.
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