#you mean to say my dude didn't even get a dialogue in the finale?
Do you ever get the feeling that while she was writing “The Owl House”, Dana Terrace had a clear idea at almost all times about what kind of story she wanted to tell and why she wanted the show to be about at its core, while Nate Stevenson didn’t have much idea what he wanted to do with “SPOP” other than “Something something Catradora Canon…something something venting my Evangelical religious trauma…something something I’ll figure out the rest eventually”?
hmm. i do think dana terrace had a clear idea at first but i wouldn't say she carried it out well either. excuse me while i go on a rant.
the owl house was definitely a lot better than spop but i still think dana lost sight of her show towards the end. belos starts off as a really strong villain with complex motives and an intriguing backstory. he was a very compelling character up until s03e01. but then, in the finale, they just did a 180 and made him the "pure evil big bad". that just didn't sit right with me. i don't mean to say i wanted him to have a redemption arc, i just think he deserved a more climatic ending. the thing that king's parent told luz completely contradicts belos's character. he literally sacrificed his own health for his beliefs, calling him self-centered and evil is downplaying his entire purpose and character. yes, he was a terrible person who wanted to commit mass genocide but since he was heavily implied to be a victim of religious trauma, labelling him as simply Evil™ feels very lazy.
not to mention, the final season focused more on useless subplots than the actual story. i know many people would disagree with me but huntlow was rushed and counterproductive to both hunter's and willow's arcs, the whole hexside and kikimora subplot was unnecessary and boring, and luz suddenly getting titan powers in the end undercuts her entire arc of choosing her own destiny. "but papa titan gave her a choice!" no he didn't. he might have said that but luz was literally dead. her only option was to accept the titan powers if she wanted to live and also save everyone else. it wasn't a difficult decision, it was her only choice. what was she supposed to do, just chill in the afterlife with papa titan?
so yeah, while i don't think toh messed up quite as much as spop did, i can't say it was flawless. i get it, the show was cancelled, yada yada. but that's not an excuse and if you want to know why i don't consider that an excuse, check this post.
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dr-spectre · 4 months
I saw this really great thread on twitter by Grungygrim and it definitely highlights my thoughts and frustrations with the story of these games and the Splatoon fandom as a whole. (be forewarned, i get really tilted in this blog post fyi.)
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I made a blog post about 2 weeks ago where i said that i was happy that the narrative online that "Callie is an idiot who got kidnapped and then brainwashed/mind controlled against her consent" is going away. (Here's the link: https://www.tumblr.com/dr-spectre/749710338672525312/im-so-happy-that-the-narrative-online-that?source=share)
Unfortunately I'm gonna have to retract a lot of the stuff i said. I'm still seeing, TILL THIS DAY THAT NARRATIVE ONLINE! IM STILL SEEING SO MUCH MISINFORMATION AND IT MAKES ME REALLYYYY ANGRYYYY!!! As a big fan of Callie, people completely outright ignoring her character arc THAT WAS SET UP SINCE SPLATOON 1 BY THE WAY!!! and not even bothering to look at outside sources for more information and lore genuinely pisses me the fuck off to no end.
No, hypnosis is NOT MIND CONTROL/BRAINWASHING! I DONT WANNA KEEP REPEATING IT! YOU CAN LOOK IT UP! if a person is genuinely uncomfortable and doesn't wish to take the suggestions to heart while hypnotized, THEY WONT DO SO! THEY STILL HAVE CONTROL! Yes, Marie did say "kidnapped" in some of her dialogue, but from her perspective, OF COURSE SHE'S GONNA THINK CALLIE GOT KIDNAPPED! She's known to worry about Callie all the time and ruminate about her, of course she's gonna think of the worst case scenario, doesn't mean she's right though. Was Octavio still in the wrong for hypnotizing Callie in the first place and allowing her to bring out her darker traits more easily? YEAH! NO SHIT! HE'S A BAD DUDE! Not a totally evil person but he has made some awful decisions out of desperation for his people. Why do you think he was so quick to help out the New Squidbeak Splatoon in the finale of Splatoon 3? His people got turned into fluffy monsters by a giant bear, he's all about helping his people.
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Hell look at how Callie acts while under the Hypnoshades, she decorates Octo Canyon and her peppy and energetic self is still in tact even during the final boss, she's just more mean and violent. Callie was in an emotional and mentally unwell situation due to her overworking herself and being incredibly lonely as her relationship with Marie was damaged overtime. Callie accepted the suggestions of DJ Octavio and heard him out, AS SAID BY HER FROM THE RELATIONSHIP CHART! She wasn't forced into anything. She didn't suffer "sexual abuse" from Octavio by being forced into skippy clothing as some psychos say online, if she didn't want to wear that outfit she wouldn't cause hypnosis is NOT MIND CONTROL!! I hate having to repeat this over and over again, i hate how the developers basically rushed and ruined this interesting villain arc with stupid shades, only to try and hastily fix it later with an obscure post about A GOD DAMN RELATIONSHIP CHART THAT PEOPLE EITHER DONT KNOW ABOUT OR DONT CARE TO LOOK AT BECAUSE THEY SEE SPLATOON AS SOMETHING FOR KIDS AND TO NOT GIVE ANY CARE TOWARDS!!!!!!!!
I made a god damn giant blog explaining Callie in Splatoon 2 because i felt so frustrated about how my favorite character in the series was being treated and i tried to salvage the story that the writers tried to make. The way that people made her situation worse by saying she got kidnapped and forcibly ""mind controlled/brainwashed"" actually gave me chest pain, thinking about that kind of scenario for Callie actually hurts me... Heck i cant even listen to the Splatoon 2 stage music or final boss music because hearing her reversed vocals makes me feel uncomfortable due to the misinformation online. I hated all the misinformation and i wanted it to stop. HELL EVEN IN GIANT TIMELINE VIDEOS WHERE PEOPLE DO TONS OF RESEARCH THEY STILL GET IT WRONG!! UGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess it'll still be the common and popular notion that Callie is an idiot that got kidnapped and then ""mind controlled"" by some shades... oh well... ugh...
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I'm sorry if I'm coming off as really angry, i am. It's just, my brain is really hyperfixated on this squid and she means a lot to me. Seeing the way the fandom as well as the writers treat her makes me really mad. I hope i can find some peeps who feel the same way as i do. Misinformation is so frustrating man... i dont even wanna get into the Octarians because that's a whole other can of worms... anyways im done ranting. have a good night or good morning wherever you live y'all.
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welcometothejianghu · 10 months
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 琅琊榜/Nirvana in Fire.
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Nirvana in Fire is a 2015 historical series best described as either a complicated succession drama set in the premodern Chinese imperial palace, or the story of a man who didn't die a decade ago and has decided to make it everyone else's problem.
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And really, I almost feel silly giving my glib little summary, because Nirvana in Fire is so well-known of a property. It's a classic for a reason, and that reason is that it's legitimately very good. This show is what happens when you adapt a solid story, get a bunch of very talented actors, and throw a huge amount of money at it. It's incredibly popular and highly acclaimed, and it earned all of the hype.
Still, while I bet there are few people adjacent to c-drama stuff who've never heard of Nirvana in Fire, I'm sure there are plenty who haven't watched it. After all, it looks like one of those slow, serious shows with a lot of ponderous talking and no joy. If that's the impression you've been given, I could imagine looking at the 54-episode commitment and saying, I don't need that in my life.
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I am here to tell you you're wrong. It is a banger of a show. It's tense. It's funny. It's heartbreaking. It’s exceptionally clever. It’s jaw-droppingly stupid. It’s romantic. It’s tragic. It has smart plots and bizarre subplots. And that's not even touching the thing with the yeti.
So in case you're one of those people who's heard of Nirvana in Fire, but has put off watching it for one reason or another, I'm here with five reasons I think you should try it.
1. Epic Shit
Did you like the Lord of the Rings? More specifically, did you really like the second Peter Jackson film? Great, then you're all set for this.
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I guess I could have called this Game of Thrones without the dragons, but that's not actually the vibe at all. Game of Thrones is much more sensational and salacious, with all the blood and butts and what-not. The Tolkien comparison is more apt, I think, because Nirvana in Fire is equally about as wholesome as you can get in a property where dudes are still getting stabbed all the time.
This is a show about vengeance. And yeah, justice for the fallen, sure, that's fine too. But mostly it's about a bunch of good people joining forces to make sure the bastards who did wrong pay, with their lives as necesary.
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The problem, though, is that these bastards are incredibly powerful, which means that a pure brute-force approach isn't going to work. Accordingly, this quickly becomes a story about the power of smart teamwork to exact retribution on some people who can (and did!) legally get away with murder -- and our heroes are some of the people with their necks most on the line if anything goes wrong.
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Don't let the Middle Earth comparison fool you into thinking this is all epic swordfights. It's not. (I mean, for one thing, as well-funded as this project is, it doesn't have Peter Jackson Money.) The vast majority of the tension in the show comes from dialogue and slow, terrible realizations. The fight scenes are almost a relief from the nail-biting intensity of intimate conversations about getting a letter from somebody's ex-wife or returning a book.
All told, the show has that incredible almost-RPG vibe of going through all the little subquests and cutscenes you find along the way to defeat the final boss. The plot carefully unravels a multi-tendriled mystery told to you by people in incredible costumes. It doesn't get much more epic than that.
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(Nirvana in Fire is also a cautionary tale about how you should be very careful with who gets invited to your birthday party.)
2. A chronically ill protagonist
Okay, right in the first episode, it is established that the main character has three whole completely different names and an old nickname. I'm going to call him Mei Changsu for the duration of this rec post, but let the record show that I could just have easily gone with one of the other three.
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What you learn in that same first episode is that Mei Changsu used to be a palace insider, the cocky son of a noble family, only now nearly everyone he used to know thinks he's dead. Also, he's not far off from being actually dead -- he has an unspecified terminal condition that's mostly managed, provided he stays in his little mountain hideaway with his handsome doctor bestie and doesn't return to his old stomping ground and start kicking over hornets' nests.
So guess what he's about to do.
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I have to make a note of how brilliant the casting is here: Hu Ge is an action actor! He is a kickpuncher of a man! And I think it's great that you can sort of see his frustration, as well as Mei Changsu's, at having to spend the whole series wrapped in countless layers of fabric and/or lying in bed while everyone around him gets to be the badass action heroes.
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Mei Changsu's not faking it, either -- he's actually dying. He expends his energy where he thinks it's necessary, and sometimes that means he has to spend the following week in bed. He's constantly frustrated with himself for what he can't do anymore. He's racing a clock, and that clock is his own failing body. If he dies, the only hope anyone here has for justice dies with him.
He gets two love interests that the show treats pretty much equally. One's a lady general who wasn't even a love interest in the book. The other's the handsome prince who was initially going to be his textual romantic partner in same book, until the author hopped genres from danmei to general historical drama. I can't even call this a love triangle, because there's no competition. He just gets a wife and a husband -- in that he gets neither, because circumstances and his own illness keep him distant from them. He lies to both of then about his condition (among other things). He wants to be with them both and knows he can't be with either. And they in turn have to learn to accept what of him they can and can't have.
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(Also, Nihuang (her) and Jingyan (him) are both incredibly gorgeous, which is exactly what bisexual genius Mei Changsu deserves.)
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Obviously this isn't a perfect representation of life with chronic illness, largely because Mei Changsu is an incredily wealthy man who lives in a universe with what's basically magic medicine. However, I've seen the story's treatment of him and his condition resonate with a lot of chronically ill viewers, so even with the fantasy layer on it, there's definitely something there.
3. Dave
I have already told the story of how Meng Zhi became "Dave," but long story short, he's such a Dave that I legitimately forget his character's real name. He embodies Daveness. He's The Ultimate Dave.
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Dave is an excellent fighter, a loyal friend -- and a terrible liar. He's possbly the only straightforward character in the entire show. When he's asked to be duplicitous, he's comically bad at it. Dave will never do a heel turn. I was misled at first by his semi-evil facial hair, but I have seen the error of my ways. Dave is pure lawful good.
And the reason I list Dave as such a selling point is that having a Dave means you always know what's going on. This is because Dave never knows what's going on, and he has no ego about that, so he asks questions, and other characters have to explain to him what just happened, and that is how you figure out what's going on.
It's an incredibly smart move on the drama's part, because some of the (very fun) schemes are so complicated that there's no way for you, the viewer, to understand them just by watching. Without the internal monologues and omniscent narration of a book, the machinations are opaque. You need things explained -- but why would the schemers explain their schemes? Well, Dave needs some exposition, so here you go.
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So if you're worried that you might be left feeling stupid by a show where so many sneaky people are hatching so many complex plans, worry not! Like the good man he is, Dave has your back.
4. A Million Amazing Antagonists
If you like bad guys, this is a show for you. This show has brilliant bad guys all the way down. It has bad guys at every turn. It has bad guys for every taste. Welcome to Big Liang's Big Bad Guy Emporium, where we guarantee you'll walk out of here with a bad guy you like, or your money back!
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(And yes, this set of pictures is also to say that their costume budget was entirely well-spent.)
Without getting too far into spoilers, I will say that the basic situation underlying the whole series is this: The emperor has done a lot of bad things, and he has enlisted a bunch of people's help in hiding those bad things, so much so that many of those other people have done even more bad things the emperor didn't even know about -- and then everyone has gone to great lengths to cover those up as well. Our protagonists spend the whole series unraveling this colossal shitshow and bringing people to task for their crimes.
So really, if you're going to spend 54 episodes taking down the baddies, they've got to be baddies you love to see taken down. And these are -- in part because all of them have crystal-clear, rock-solid motivations for their actions. Nobody here is a moustache-twirling comic-book-villain baddie. They're all bad for reasons that are very understandable in their individual contexts. And not a single one of them is going to go down without a fight.
5. World's Best Mom
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(Sidebar: The fact that four out of five of my reasons to watch the show are individual or groups of characters should be your strongest indicator that this is an intensely character-driven story.)
This is not a Dead Mom Show. Okay, some moms are dead, but mostly this is a Moms Are Alive And Often Cause Problems Show, which is a lot of what makes the palace drama so delicious. But there is one Good Mom who stands out above all the rest: Consort Jing.
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Played with perfect grace and devastating politeness by the stunning Liu Mintao, Consort Jing is a skilled doctor and excellent baker who starts the show with a low-level status among the women of the palace. She swallows down all kinds of mistreatment because she's not in a place to oppose it -- and when she can retaliate, it must only be through soft power. She loves her jock son with all her heart, but because of both their relatively poor positions in the hierarchy, she doesn't get to see him all that much. She wants to be an asset to him, while all the time she has to fear becoming a liability.
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She is also the smartest person in any room that she's in, unless she's in a room with Mei Changsu, and even then it may be a tie.
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There are lots of great characters in the show that I could have highlighted here, and plenty of them are women, but Consort Jing in particular never ceases to impress me. She is trapped in a gilded cage, married to a man who [lengthy list of spoilers that are traumatic to her in particular], and held hostage by how every time she even looks like she's out of line, it puts both her and her boy in danger. She's the most vulnerable of any of our good guys. Kind of like Wang Zhi, she's got to be clever or she's dead.
Consort Jing is not part of Mei Changsu's original plan. She figures out his plan and makes herself part of it -- and entirely remotely, as she and he aren't even in the same room until episode 40 or so. She puts herself in great danger to make sure he succeeds, not because it will necessarily do her any good, but because Jingyan needs him. This woman has been captain of the Mei Changsu/Jingyan ship for like twenty years already.
Oh, and did I mention her outfits?
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I love you, Consort Mom.
Are you ready to watch it yet?
Get it on Viki! Get it on YouTube! Get it on YouTube but in a different playlist! (And also maybe get it on Amazon? Not in my region, but maybe in yours.)
I will warn you that it does take off running -- I think I saw someone say it introduces nineteen characters in the first episode? I was worried that I'd be too innundated by situations and flashbacks and names to be able to follow. By the second or third episode, though, I was rolling with it. So if you feel like you're struggling at the beginning, stick with it a bit. See if you don't feel it start to click.
...Man, reading over this post has left me going, oh, but I missed that! and that! and that guy! And yeah, the truth is that there are just so many great things about the show that limiting myself to only five (and being limited to only thirty images) was tough. I'm sure that people reblogging will add their own must-see elements.
Truly, this is a show that deserves its reputation. It may not be for everyone, but if this is the kind of thing that you like, it is a shining example of that thing.
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Besides, you have to love a production where everyone was clearly having just a whole lot of fun being big ol' costumed dorks.
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cielelyse · 8 months
Favourite 5 Saezuru Scenes
I recently reread Saezuru for the umpteenth time and just needed to gush about it like a crazed person who constantly hallucinates about Yashiro being happy and soOooOOooo.................
1. Why now? (Chapter 25)
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These 3 panels kill me always... although it's the entire chapter 25 actually, and not just these panels. This broke me when I first read it nearly a decade ago, and it breaks me every time I reread it. I recently just listened to the drama CD for the first time and wanted to hear how this scene played out (a.k.a. wanted to hear Yashiro moan wkegh;ghwle) and I did not expect to start bawling and sobbing uncontrollably when his flashback appeared. WITH THE MUSIC AND EVERYTHING. THEY DID NOT SPARE ME. FUCK. What was supposed to be a tender and gentle and loving and intimate scene between them turned into Yashiro facing the effects of his childhood trauma -- that will never cease to hurt me. Doumeki saying "kashira, kashira, kirei" right before that broke me in a way reading that scene in English couldn't. I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS and if I keep writing about it I'm gonna cry again so:
2. Car ride back from Kageyama's clinic (Chapter 4)
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This is mostly for nostalgic reasons, really. I first read Saezuru in 2013, and I wasn't used to Yashiro at first. I didn't know what to make of him.
So what happened was that I read "Don't Stay Gold" first and was like... there's a manga about this mildly threatening and unreadable yakuza dude who's Kage's friend…? Who played cupid for him in a weird way? HMMMMM dubious, dubious. Would I even like him? It took me a while, but I finally gave Saezuru a shot anyway, and I remember feeling uncertain about Yashiro up until those panels. I remember it so starkly, because this was the instant I fell in love with him. I think it was because this was the first time I understood the depth of his loneliness (since I hadn't read his high school oneshot yet at this point).
There's just something about how Yoneda Kou-sensei draws these kinds of pages that just resonates with me so well. I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT. It just connects with me the way Yashiro connects with me, and that was pretty much it for me. Obsession sealed. Life signed away. For the next 10 years I would follow the story closely and routinely check every few months for updates. Yashiro became one of my only 3 comfort characters, and rereading Saezuru always gives me a catharsis and sense of peace that I didn't know how to find elsewhere.
3. "To go on living this strained existence... no longer holds any meaning to me." (Chapter 34)
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This scene is one that I come back to every time I'm down. AM I A MASOCHIST? I really like the June translation too: "To go on living this strained existence no longer holds any meaning to me." I think the way the panels divided up those thoughts were brilliant!
This especially hurt me because for the entire manga up to this point, Yashiro has stated that he completely accepts himself and he's happy with who he is. It wasn't until his realization during the sex scene with Doumeki and how much he's said/done hurtful things to Doumeki afterwards -- who he considers pure and sweet and good -- that he thinks this.
4. "Falling in love feels like this" (Chapter 33)
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The first time I read this, I had to set my PC down, go out to my apartment balcony, and just silently stare out into the night and resist the urge to smoke (that was half a joke) (I did feel a pang in my chest though) (and I did have to fight very hard not to smoke lwkehg;hge). I love the dialogue right after these panels too, when Yashiro said, "Your sister was lucky that you were there." That, along with Doumeki's reaction, hurt.
This was such an intimate scene between them. Yashiro was so vulnerable. So was Doumeki. I hadn't realized this until I reread Saezuru this year, but these two have always had such intimate scenes right from the start. It was a slow burn, yes, but they had always been instantly drawn to each other: Doumeki thinking Yashiro was beautiful and captivating, and Yashiro doing something he doesn't normally do with his subordinates the first time he met Doumeki. And it didn't clue in for me back in 2013, but their conversations with each other were much more intimate than the conversations they'd have with anyone else, right from chapter 1. I find that so precious.
5. Dream (Chapter 40)
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I couldn't not include a scene from post-timeskip, BECAUSE I LOVE POST-TIMESKIP. I love Darkmeki and I love Yashiro and I love that the theme of post-timeskip centers around "change". Wish I could include that conversation Yashiro had with Tsunakawa about it, because I thought that drive-home was brilliant. I really appreciate that Yoneda Kou didn't have Yashiro and Doumeki get together right away after they have sex, and I really appreciate that the question was raised of: Do people change? Can people change on their own, or would you have to force them? Or are we always the same at our core? And I think the answer is of course a mixture of all of it, and that it's very much circumstantial and subjective, but I love how we're able to see the shifts in both Yashiro and Doumeki. How both men aren't quite the same people we knew pre-timeskip. Ten years ago I didn't think I would meet a version of Yashiro that wouldn't talk about sex 24/7, but here we are.
(Not to say that they're completely different now. They're still our Yashiro and Doumeki of course; I just wanted to gush about how well Yoneda Kou were able to flesh out her characters in such a complex, multidimensional way.)
ANYWAYS, I went on a rant without even mentioning these panels of Yashiro's dream. I love everything about it: Doumeki's face not showing, Yashiro running away and turning back to see Doumeki not there anymore, and that last panel of him standing in the middle of nowhere, lost and empty and lonely -- all of that was so incredibly told in pages of no words. UGH YONEDA KOU IS A GENIUS. It reminds me of that page of Yashiro looking at a mother and child in the rain; it's one of my favourite scenes too.
Honourary Mention (Chapter 4):
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I should end with a more light-hearted one. THIS WAS CUTEEEE. I remember reading this for the first time and thinking Yashiro was just salty that his roleplay got ruined. But upon second reread (and maybe I'm delusional here), I thought he might've been happy to hear Doumeki say that.
We know Yashiro gets angry and irritated whenever he's happy to hear something sweet from Doumeki (like that extra when they ate together LOL), and that he had the same reaction of kicking the chair when Doumeki said he can't touch Yashiro's hair anymore. Which was cute to say. So I thought Yashiro might've lashed out in annoyance because he was glad that Doumeki doesn't mind. (I tried putting myself in Yashiro's shoes so many times trying to imagine how I would feel if Doumeki had said this............. and somehow came up with "happy" xD)
...........or maybe this was obvious to everyone and I've just been clueless. AAAAAAAA THIS IS WHY I LOVE ABOUT SAEZURU SO MUCH. It never spoon-feeds you information and lets its readers interpret :")
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moononmyfloor · 2 months
Dashing Youth Ep 22-25 Commentary
Ep 1-10, Ep 11-16, Ep 17-21, Ep 22-25, Ep 26-32, Ep 33-35, Ep 36-40
Ep 22
That's it. I've found my most favorite Cdrama character of the year. Do I love everything about him? No. Is he very relatable? No. Is he the best acting performance of the year? No. But heavens forbid if Master Li is written in a way that is just SO understandable and consistent for the setup of a sunny fearless youth who became an immortal and grew weary and bored with time, and decided to just stop with immortality and take one more chance at truly enjoying the mortal world so he could die satisfied. He's just so fucking intriguing to me I could write a 5 page essay about him! I guess I have already written about 2.5!
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Dingzhi baby I wish you stop trying to hoard all your grievances and responsibilities in your heart all alone 😔 Tbh can't blame him, that's what happens when you were brutally stripped from your family and friends as a child and grew up with noone but an equally sad master, it stops occurring to you that you need to depend on other people sometimes. And it's not like Dongjun is the brightest bulb in the room to get a proper reading of everything Dingzhi is hiding behind his dazzling grins.
On the positive notes, Changfeng finally seems to be here to stay! Finally! They sleep seperated by a homophobic modesty table tho, boo
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Ep 23
Presses play on Dashing Youth ep 23
*immeadietely spits tea out
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Yeah I'm.... reading that dialogue.... bit differently. Cough
What's going on 😭
Dude my bois were peacefully having their first time nobody asked you to invite yourself in huhu
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That was so impolite to just crash and flash!!!
Oh my gods lol. Never make an enemy of Master Li. He will do planned cockblocking on you few decades in advance, AND make you and your partner the CEOs of his company, and sashay away to have his own honeymoon 🤣 You wouldn't have the time to say Jack Robinson.
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I love how he developed a soft spot for Changfeng. I mean, who wouldn't
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And Changfeng is like: I literally don't know how I got to this point of my life but boy I'm gonna have a good time
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He's the underdog sidekick who ended up the ultimate winner and he wouldn't be able to explain how. He's so inspiring like all you have to do is being a nice person and mind your own business and treat your friends with honesty and the rest will work out by themselves.
Man I'm just so bloody uninterested in Dongjun/Yue Yao tho🤣
Dingzhi is that infamous bad boy in high school who is actually a doll and ends up winning over all the head-teachers to everyone's surprise
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Ep 24
Ughh the wedding is going to take place I'm nauseous and I want to murder Wenjun's dad
Go, my boy. Even though you two will only get a pocket of happiness, you should get it. 😔
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Ep 25
*screaming my head off
I fucking hate you so much. You are not a good guy but you aren't willing to full-on embrace that you are a bad guy either, which makes you a good politician and a good candidate for the throne and therefore the absolute worst scum. Bah.
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Gods I think the last time I saw (and cared for) a het estranged couple (plus the girl being forced into a romantic/sexual arrangement she didn't want) was in Shaolin Wendao, but at least there was solace at the end of the story for the sheer agony the characters and the viewers went through. And I already know there will be none for Dashing Youth😭 Why am I doing this to myself.
I need to rewatch BoY just so I can see the younger gen stand up to the monarchy that their parents gen couldn't topple.
Grandparents: "For the greater good" let's downplay the corruption and raise our kids worry-free. If we close our eyes, the evil doesn't exist.
Parents: Dreamers, romantics, unprepared for the cruelty of the world, everyone gets heartbroken and traumatised for life
Kids: Fuck all this we can barely pay rent
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prompts-by-anjali · 1 year
prompts masterlist
*smoothly turns around in swivel chair, petting a kitty in my lap* oh, hello. i didn't see you there. all the same, thanks for dropping by. i hope this little side blog helps you with some character inspiration and dialogue. else, try petting the kitty. it always helps me. *kitty jumps over to you for pets*
if the feline isn't the fix, requests are open. feel free to request dialogue prompts, an overly specific character archetype, or submit your own :)
✨ overly specific character archetypes ✨
the unhinged character
the wholesome fangirl character
the “i am shit” or “i am THE shit” character
the pure adrenaline character
the coward character
the villain-turned-mother-hen character
the reluctant villain
the well-meaning jinxed character
the polite rogue character
the tone deaf character
the infinitely armed character
the unassuming genius character
the “never hurt kids” character
the parent figure character
the himbo character
the comic-relief-turned-tragic character
the “ray of sunshine with a dark backstory” character
the “light among shadows” character
the broken ace character
the secret heir character
the gentle giant character
the “it’s all about the presentation” character
the “hopelessly pining” characters
the character who clearly needs therapy and a hug too probably
the "horror movie first kill" character
the extremely prepared character
the character who finally snaps
the character who breaks away
the "exponential gratitude" character
the "harem magnet" character
the character who will fight for your honor at all costs, even if you don't need them to
the character who appreciates culinary artistry
the "boy cried wolf" character
the "save the world" character
the "screw the world" character
the withering ace character
the parentified child character
the masked ace character
the "well-read by no bedside manner" character
the "sixth sense" character
the olive branch character
the wilted ace character
the "bridges have been burned" character
the "peacemaker in the battlefield" character
the "can only trust one person" character
the "soulless avenger" character
the "needs to take their own advice" character
✨ dialogue prompts ✨
that was a bust
i assumed you'd be disappointed
this isn't where we're supposed to be
i trusted you
do i know you?
i love you
why are you staring at me
and that's another case, all wrapped up
you had everything
you don't understand what i've been through
i never thought i'd see you again
i need your help
you love me?
i can, y'know. patch you up good
how long have you been spying on me, you pervert
go get out
i've wanted to ask you this question
you're three minutes late (princess x commoner)
what are you hiding
i can't believe you did that
and don't say fake-out make-out
can you not get killed so much
i'm not going to let you do this alone
these are how fights go
this isn't what i signed up for
i thought you said you had a plan
you're not too bad at this
dude! you just saved my life
that was a mouse
why don't you ever stay dead?
don't leave me here. please
i told them the ransom and they asked me for a discount
you're not real
i would do anything for you, your highness
oi. can you stop crying so loud
don't give me the silent treatment
you did this
we survived!
i could kiss you right now
will you not scream in terror now
get it over with
i'm home
that's it. im leaving
how have you not left yet
you're hurt, human
it's always been you
hey (meet disaster)
here to make fun of me?
you're so cute when you struggle
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phantomoftheorpheum · 3 months
hi!! 😊 i liked that christian was a major red herring. it was nice to be validated even though i was expecting it. i like christian but i think he is a little too similar to tabby to be interesting as a love interest. they are the male and female versions of each other 🤣
johnny deserved better. although i think he was a little too understanding with imogen at times, he knew she was going through it and i respect him for that. the way she demanded to see his texts and look at his search history was such a red flag. of course i get it in this context but irl that would not be okay. maybe imogen need to be single for a while.
i don’t like jen. i will never like jen. she’s manipulative and a liar. i will never excuse how she deflected and made noa the bad guy in the conversation where noa attempted to confront her about robbing shawn’s house. how their shippers ignore that problematic behavior is beyond me. i’m sad that she will be in season 3. at least i’m not alone in this as i’ve seen a lot of people complaining about this ship in the pll original sin instagram comments. i hope the writers hear our complaints. it has made noa my least favorite liar when i used to love her.
Hi! I agree!
You are so right about Christian! I should have trusted my 2x01/2x02 gut that he was a red herring, but then I got so suspicious of the fact that no one was suspicious of him when they obviously should be. jksdhfksdf. I'm still baffled by how Tabby didn't think to put either Wes or Christian on their original suspect list, considering their love of horror and the masks stuff, but I'm just gonna have to learn to accept that. I'm glad Christian was good too, though. I never wanted him to be bad, just was very suspicious he might be. They definitely gave him some dialogue that pointed his way. But he was a good red herring! He worked until the finale when they started getting suspicious and then I knew it wasn't him.
I have said it once and I will say it again, Johnny is quite literally the chillest dude on the planet (😂 this will never stop being funny to me, I am sorry). I'm also glad that he's not bad because I think he's an enjoyable addition to the cast and I hope he is in next season (again, assuming they get a next season) because we still know almost nothing about him, so they could do a lot of fun things with his character. But I do think Imogen needs to take some time, regardless of the Johnny stuff (I mean, he really should NOT want to date her ever again because she nearly killed him??) because this was a mess. I also think all the girls (but particularly Imogen and Tabby) do still need mental healthcare, but obviously not with Dr. Sullivan.
Aaaaahhh, the Jen stuff. I just kept thinking there was going to be some sort of reveal/resolution that made the Jen stuff feel like it worked in the season and had a reason to be there. I had so many possible scenarios I was willing to accept. and yet, they managed to find one which was none of them??? I can't believe I sat through so much love triangle crap for literally no payout. I hate love triangles and the only redeeming quality is that they usually have a big blowout scene when it all comes out, but they didn't even give us that???? It will be interesting (assuming they get a season 3) to see if they respond to the criticism like they did with the Ezra thing, because a lot of people feel Noa's carelessness about the situation (and she was super, super manipulative towards Shawn throughout this, as well) ruined her character for them. Now, I think it's fine to tear a character down and need to build them back up, and I think it's good to see the Liars engage in flawed behavior, the problem I have here is... they (the show) have given no indication that they think they actually DID tear Noa's character down? Like, I am sorry, but her behavior was flat out cruel and she felt a tiny bit bad about it for like 2 seconds and faced absolutely 0 consequences, and that, not that she made some terrible decisions, is the real problem here. It's not "tearing a character down to build them back up" or even "giving a character flaws" if those things are never acknowledged as flaws and terrible behavior in the first place? Ugh. There was just so much potential with this storyline (literally so much!) and they just threw it all straight in the trash.
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vanosslirious · 3 months
BBS Dialogue Prompts #322
ʙʙꜱ ᴅɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ & ꜱᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀꜱ: [ 13 ]
Goddamn, how am I supposed to clean that?
True, I can just rappel down.
It doesn’t even set up on these walls.
I feel so professional right now.
Bro, stop, I’m on a scaffold, it’s dangerous.
Dude, I don't have my rope.
Wow, it’s like a different world in here.
The outside is still disgusting, I’m going to be 100% with you.
Let me hear it, gimme it.
It’s all downhill...
Might be awhile until I have another one.
I didn’t think it was that close.
I’m sorry, this normally doesn’t happen.
I was literally about to say that.
Put it on the roof!
Yes you can!
Bro, let’s look at the sights together.
Bro, we were supposed to leave it up there, how did you grab that?
You know what, you bring up a good point.
Line it up but right next to me.
You tip zero?
Is that the delivery man’s fault?
Yeah, let’s do this.
Wow, it takes two hits.
Well, now you can show us the way.
I feel like I’m being pranked.
Is it made out of cheese?
Finally one that doesn't work so well.
Ah, fucking get me an audition.
I shot you point blank.
Wait, wait, is there another one?
I have five keys.
This is me and you, old lady.
What did I miss, I literally closed my eyes for a second.
I tried to take her down!
I'm gonna murder this old hag.
Somebody is flying out that window.
You have IQ?
I don't know if that's how it works.
Bro, I can't even explain that, I'm just dogshit.
I'm going back in there, aren't I, for fuck sake.
Time to die, I guess.
He's walking through walls now, sick.
I know he's behind me, fuck this…
Alright, bitch, buy me some candles.
Shut up, stop talking.
How did I win?
How come you didn't message me on my birthday with the calendar?
Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya.
Jeez, you are sick.
Vampires holding guns in general is funny.
I thought you can read my mind.
I drink blood 'cuz it reminds me of kool-aid.
God, just put on a shirt, please!
I'm only 5'10.
He wronged us too many times.
They hit the pentagon.
I sacrificed myself.
Help, I'm gonna die, you fucks.
That's it, I've had enough.
I'm getting hit by everything, bro.
I'm not paying my mortgage until we win.
You guys got about fifteen more minutes for my prescribed Adderall kicks in, and all the wind is fucking flowing in.
Press the fucking button, you dipshits!
Cut him off, it's the last guy, cut him off.
You got this, I believe.
We already qual'd, you dumb ice-cream fuck.
You can, but it's just going to be hard.
I don't know what that means.
I heard a door open.
Get off of the keys!
How do I get out of here?
Now, cut me in on the deal, exactly as you promised.
Wow, that is really difficult.
I'm just gonna go ahead and do this real quick.
Can you carry my body back to the van?
We have forty-two seconds left.
Don't be a hero.
I don't know how to activate it.
What is this bag here?
No, I got it covered.
Hold on, I gotta kill this guy.
That's my title.
Honestly, I zoned out completely.
Watch how bad this guy is.
No one has paid a penny yet.
If it was ten thousand, it would’ve selled.
You guys do whatever the fuck you want but leave me alone.
Stop what you're doing!
Okay, I figured it out, it’s this way.
I'm on top of this man, and he's not dying.
I might have gotten executed in the back of the head.
That was violent.
Wait, just stand still.
This is such a-brother-and-sister-and-guy-we-bought-drugs-from-moment!
Yay, reviving the better player.
We're going for a ride!
How do I not die?
I think the door hit the dog in the head, because there's blood everywhere. 
Oh, I fell over and died.
What did you get, did you get something good?
He's not near the bikes, fuck off!
Dude, he was just with us.
Only the killers can hear dead people.
I think you and I have the best read on our friends, you know, that's why I want to work together.
That fucking guy flopped the fuck over.
He's trying to act all scared around me.
I knew you were a bad boy.
What do you need to help him do?
Why do you ask a question and run away?
He never gonna find me.
I can't kill anyone.
I'm out of ammo.
I lost so many points!
You can teleport through the sewer system? 
Fuck you, how about that, huh, you little idiot!
Really, you're gonna do me like that?
I literally didn't notice you.
Wait, what did I just see for a second there?
Wait a minute, I'm getting eaten!
I don’t think he can hit me.
Maybe he can’t see me.
I’m a spectral anomaly.
Where the hell did you go?
It’s not personal, it’s just you.
There’s a rabbit taking a bath.
This is my nightmare!
Alright, I should be scared.
That’s not what I meant!
I’m in the garage, I just heard her.
Are you just blowing up vaults, dude?
Alright, hacker.
I can't believe they got beyblades in this game, this is incredible.
Oh my God, you can kill them.
Back the fuck up!
This is the heist, motherfuckers.
Hey, knock that shit out.
Make sure they're fucking dead.
Alright, I might've shot him.
Wait, you got the submarine, what the fuck!
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qhazomb · 7 months
i really like this one theory i saw here that brought up the idea that rainbow isn't really desmond's "shadow." or at least, he wasn't originally, and isn't JUST desmond's shadow.
because when you compare rainbow to the other characters' shadows, he's VERY different from all of them. the other shadows often felt like they were one and the same as the people they represented the negative parts of. rainbow meanwhile feels entirely unique from desmond. some notable differences being his disdain for cats (whereas desmond clearly loves cats), he plays piano instead of guitar, and heck, dude also seems to be a way better artist than desmond is, when you compare the various doodles he includes on his notes to the faces desmond drew for the mannequins.
thinking about my spin on what exactly rainbow's deal is. maybe he was an entirely new consciousness that came into being as a result of so many people's minds becoming connected by the rainbow chemical. all that mental energy just kinda... coalesced into a brand new entity.
and then, for whatever reason, he found and attached himself to desmond. desmond's mind definitely influenced the way rainbow appears in the mindscape, and maybe his personality didn't fully solidify until he "settled down" in desmond's head. maybe he took on the role of desmond's "shadow" as the main thing the chemical was being used for was inducing extreme fear/mentally breaking people by bringing out their "shadows" to the forefront. he took on the role of desmond's shadow and also a representation of the psychoactive chemical that more or less created him. he did steal its name for himself, so.
basically, rather than truly being desmond's shadow, he's more like a... mental parasite, i guess you could say.
...and comparing him to a parasite feels pretty apt, imo. having him around actually helped desmond, in the end, and they do say that having parasites can actually be beneficial, as they help to calm down an over-active immune system and such. all the pushing and prodding rainbow had been giving desmond's brain finally pushed des to get his act together.
also, when considering the "not really a shadow but a mental parasite" idea, maybe a reason rainbow's so worried about mayer being stopped and the rainbow chemical being rid of, is because it might mean he'll be gone, too. if he truly was just desmond's shadow, then yeah he would still definitely be a permanent part of desmond's mind. but if he's actually something foreign, that was only able to get into desmond's head due to the chemical agent? then i could see why he'd have concerns about... being evicted, so to speak.
that said, i think des' brain has been so damn saturated in the stuff (that 'brain pulsing' comment at the end) that his brain chemistry has likely been forever changed, and rainbow might not actually have to worry about no longer getting to live rent-free in there. (especially if he continues to push the idea that oh yeah he's totally a natural part of desmond's mind, same as anybody else's shadow, don't worry about it, please put the mental de-wormer away, it's fiiiiiine.)
kinda but maybe not really?-related: i dunno if i just missed a note or failed to trigger some dialogue, but as far as i can tell, rainbow never seems to acknowledge rosemary, even once? like, not even when she completely foils his attempt at wasting desmond's time in the crypt. he never offers any reaction to that. and like, i feel like he couldda used her as further demotivation for desmond, like "if even the head researcher for this project was murdered for trying to stop it, what makes you think YOU'LL fair any better?" or something like that, but no. he never says or writes a word about rosemary.
not sure where i'm going with that bit, but i just thought it was interesting :U
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evegwood · 1 year
I was rereading your breakdown of the playlists and I was kind of intrigued by how you outright stated that David's insecurities are not related to his transness but to the power things - because, like, I don't think it's all meant to be a 1:1 metaphor, but specfic stories like that exist very much in conversation with more mundane issues people face so that distinction stood out to me? (cont.)
(cont.) Like, people such as David get detained in places that feel and work and look like the institutions in Inhibit IRL for various non-specfic reasons, and stories like this are a bit of a dialogue with these issues, especially one like this that goes into the mundane little miseries of it all. Would it be correct to say that that was your way of saying "I don't want people to reduce his character entirely to transness"? Thanks, love the comic!
Hey that's a good question! For sure there are real-world counterparts to a lot of the themes of Inhibit, but specifically when it comes to my queer characters I wanted the story to be completely neutral about their queerness. I do have a lot of thoughts on this so this might be long haha. Hopefully I cover everything I want to cover, I wrote this whole thing out and then hit ctrl+z to delete a line and Tumblr deleted the entire post without letting me ctrl+y because this is a working website that doesn't suck ass. I had to retype it all so I'm sorry if any of it is disconnected, I couldn't remember the exact order I said everything argh ANYWAY
When I started writing Inhibit I didn't realise I was trans, and then I came out as nonbinary, and then I started to transition, so I've had a whole spectrum of thinking "how should I handle transness in this comic?" over my time working on it. Pretty early on I decided that none of the characters would suffer because of being trans, they wouldn't have any anxiety about it, other characters wouldn't treat them differently etc; the story takes place in a world where superpowers are real, so it wouldn't be crazy for transness to also just be normal and accepted there lmao
Tumblr media
However now I think that this is a pretty reductive way to represent the trans experience. Like it or not, being trans informs almost everything about you, and I didn't let my trans characters have that nuance. Vic being a white, seemingly cis* seemingly het** dude is pretty central to his character arc***, so actually examining queerness in this society would have been interesting. There was room to do that; something that is canon and just has never come up is that Urquhart sponsors their trans officers' HRT etc so they don't need to go through the NHS, meaning those officers are reliant on Urquhart long past their service. You're right: what would a conversation between the mundane and fantastical elements of Inhibit look like? I, 2023 Eve, would like to have that conversation! But this far into the story, I kinda missed the train on it.
* he uses any pronouns, he is shrug-gender ** he is bi *** spoilers wow he is privileged actually
I honestly think that I haven't done a good job at highlighting my trans characters, particularly for an audience that doesn't expect to see trans characters. I don't think I've done David and Masha justice as trans characters beyond little nods that readers could miss or not even understand, and there are some characters whose nonbinary/trans identities have just never been mentioned (Holly is nb, Jezza and Toby are trans - again just hasn't come up because of scenes and lines changing or being cut, there's so much that you can't fit into a story even when it's as long as this). So to finally answer your question, it isn't that I didn't want people to reduce David to his transness, because I don't think there's enough of his transness in the comic for that to even happen. I don't think anyone reads Inhibit and thinks oh yeah, David, you know, the trans one. It really was that at the time of writing the playlist breakdowns, I was firm that none of the Inhibit characters had anxiety or neuroses about being trans. Instead, all their neuroses were about their superpowers, because that's the fun angst.
Now looking back on Inhibit, there is actually an excruciating amount of evidence for the story kind of being a trans narrative ("oh god i can't control my own body oh god", "oh no people think my body should do this thing" etc). It's so interesting how creators have these themes that they continuously go back to in their work, even unintentionally, and mine is oops all trans. If I were to rewrite Inhibit from scratch now, I'd probably try to include more of that nuance and actually engage with those themes because I realise that they're there haha.
I hope all this answers your question? Kind of? A little? My ultimate conclusion is that I thought what I was doing was writing good trans characters, when ultimately I think I failed to write characters that are truly explicitly trans. On the other hand, maybe characters like David and Masha are the exact kind of trans rep that some people want and are looking for. Either way I'm actively working to write better trans characters in the future because trans people rule, and this was a really interesting question to reflect on, thank you!
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jeanie-g · 1 month
I finally had some time to sit down and I immediately blasted through your aries series and oh my goddd. it was a marvel. I had so much fun I had to physically slow myself down as I was reading so I didn't miss anything LOL
first of all the tender-feelings-angsty-soft ache that was can you see my red light was phenomenal. it was so moving. I took like three or four pauses bc the near heartbreak I was feeling on Jamie's behalf was UNBEARABLE. so many little points, so many little details and internal dialogue pieces made this fic sooooo good. much to think about. I loved the set up of jacknico's wedding and their vows. I love the banter between tzjd and the moments where I was like I swear they're both going to go for it...! but nothing!! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, which made the ending all the more satisfying to reach.
fave line was hysterically: “ABBA right outta the gate?” TK cries, scooching back in his chair to stand. “Say less, brother.”
not even main pairing related I just love TK being the most iconic fella ever.
and on the other hand, reading stay by my side made me feel like I was sinking into a hot bath after a long day - all fuzzy and warm on the inside, and just so. so nice. and comforting. the domesticity but liveliness of a jacknico anniversary made me nostalgic for something I haven't even experienced yet LOL. their little jokes back and forth, the bit of a time jump into the near future, all the possibilities of what everything could be...man I love stuff like that. this fic was absolutely delightful, from the sweet moments to the spicy ones to the very relaxed, easygoing banter. but also the jacknico revelation w/ jamie and trevor's engagement made me laugh so loud like oh no, they really WERE the catalyst.
“Oh, we’ve created a monster,” Nico says. “We couldn’t have waited until after midnight to request the Coldplay song?” - had me cackling.
I can't wait for the final fic! thanks for sharing this!
dude this means so much!!!! thank you for reading and sending such a lovely message. i'm a sucker for angsty yet satisfying love stories, and writing these two couples puts such a smile on my face.
honestly, these are two of my fave fics i've written cuz they just feel so real. they're pretty different, like you said, but they have similar cores i think. i loved loved loved getting into jamie and jack's heads and detailing their pov through the narrator - creating such different worldviews that, in turn, create two fics with such different tones! like, we start w jamie as this cynical, very self-aware guy in love. he wants things to change but is afraid of pursuing it. he's angsty, forlorn, sad - and we see that. meanwhile, jack is this positive, slightly oblivious guy in love who wants nothing to change. everything is sunshine and rainbows - and we feel that. and ofc by the end they both learn their respective lessons. i love writing!!
also, finding ways to tie "stay by my side" back to "can you see my red light" was too much fun - besides themes, there's some similarity between the language and general structure (i really am a language nerd and can gush about the semantics of writing 24/7). i also made a list of "things jamie didn't notice about the nicojack wedding cuz he was too busy staring at trevor," like jack's hickey and the presence of quinn's girlfriend LOL. but i will tell you, nico and jack being the catalyst for the "yellow" moment was a happy accident. i didn't think of it until i was writing stay by my side and thought it tied things together neatly.
and the fact that you're the second person to call out the abba line is sooo funny.
i've started writing the third and oh man the ANGST. the FLUFF. it's luke's pov, and let's just say some time has passed and now he's the one looking for love (and change)
thank u thank u for your kind words! (also, i'm working steadily on the berserk fic and im hyped) <3
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snarkythewoecrow · 11 months
20 Questions for fic Writers!
thanks for the tag @mammameesh @underwater-ninja-13 💙
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
9-1-1 (mostly buddie), MCU, dabbled in Torchwood, Sherlock, HP, and Old Guard, oh and supernatural for a while too, though I don't have a lot of my supernatural and Torchwood moved to ao3, something I've been working on since like 2012 (there aren't that many more to move, I am just amazing at procrastinating)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Overall, these are my highest: Unexpected Finds (MCU, irondad)- 5 206 If I Could Do It All Over, I'd Find You Sooner (MCU, stuckony)- 2 593 emergencies only (MCU, irondad)- 2 154 between wanting and needing (MCU, stuckony)- 2 087 abuse at your hands, broken at your feet (MCU, irondad)- 1 960 But since I'm mostly writing 9-1-1, I'm going to include my top two from there, cuz I can: I choose you, Pikachu (or the ways two idiots finally say you’re mine) - 1 595 sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it) - 1 302
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try really hard to respond, but sometimes I get behind, and there are times when I'm low on spoons and I put them off, and that doesn't mean I don't love them all, seriously, people who comment are so generous and sweet, but it does mean that sometimes they will get a random reply from me two years later lol
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
honestly, not super sure, cuz I can't remember them all off the top of my head, but I guess the one I wrote for irondad, where peter was using hard drugs and it didn't end with a promise of things turning out good, hugs didn't fix things in that one
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
no idea? they are mostly all happy to some degree
8. Do you get hate on fics?
eh, not often, but sometimes, more in the mcu than other fandoms
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, and mostly gay, many kinks, from vanilla to wtf are you even writing type things, but i do seem to lean toward bdsm dynamic in smut, daddy kink often, and a/b/o (tho i really love writing non-traditional dynamic, a lot of omega/omega and alpha/alpha)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
yes, and probably sam wilson/harry potter, honestly, I really still adore that one, it worked, I swearm, harry was older and fucked up with ptsd, and sam was awesome, as usual
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of? well, i mean, i've once found them posted on small fan sites serving other countries and tbh, it didn't bother me too much, like it wasn't great, but like, hey, life's too short and they obvs liked them, and they did give me credit, sorta
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah, a handful over the years, maybe 5 on ao3? and i know i gave others permisson over the years, but they never linked back so idk
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, totally, done it a bunch and had fun
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
steve/tony, then stucky is a close second, like they are the true standbys, I'll always love them, but I have a armada of other ships that also serve me well
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
we don't talk about bruno, dude
16. What are your writing strengths?
description maybe, or writing emotional shit? and like with dialogue, I'm either a god of it or a pathetic feral creature that has never spoken aloud
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
depending on the day, the same as what is written in prior answer
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
honestly, i try not to do it anymore, cuz I don't like making it harder for readers in anyway to consume, so unless I can keep it short and clear enough that you can still gather what they are saying without knowing the language, then I leave it out. I will try hard to find other ways, and i'm not super into translations posted after the text, looks clunky, and not super into translations at the end, but yeah, to each their own
19. First fandom you wrote for?
dudes, i dont know when i ate last, no idea, like maybe some MASH or like Highlander in notebook as a kid? probably my first shared was interview with the vampire, resulting in much anxiety as a teen
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm picking from more recent fics, and I kinda love this one atm: sometimes an onion really is just an onion (and that’s all there is to it)
tagging @buckybeardreams @limetimo @painted-doe @psychiccatpanda and anyone else who wants to do it!
Blank copy under cut for you to use 💙
20 Questions for fic Writers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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spider-mar2004 · 4 months
🕸❤𝕎𝕖𝕓𝕓𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤💙🕸
Stings and Claws
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Pairing: Kaine Parker x Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine, Marlette, Connors/Lizard [Earth-1048] & Ben Reilly
Summary: Finally a new mission for the both fierce spiders arrived, Kaine thought would be a simple one and could take it for himself, but actually it wasn't as he expected. So, only help could be the solution.
Warnings: Spanish Dialogues [But translated!], Violence, Swearing, Fighting, Injuries, Aggressive behavior, Discussion and Yelling, but Slowburn at the final.
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As the both big spiders arrived to the mentioned universe Earth-1610, Kaine would look around with his masked face, looking for the unknown danger, while by the other hand Marlette, she would be already know start to crawl on walls from buildings over the dark and shadowy zones, the blue details and eyes glowing in the darkness, making that characteristic scary look. Kaine snorted slightly irritated, he actually really didn't want to do this with someone, he can do it alone himself.
Or, at least actually what he thinks or expects. After all seems that could be not so easy possibly, because the weather there was kinda cold and foggy, which Kaine barely can see a little, only he can be guided is by following Marlette's glow but, he won't really want accept do a job in team. Marlette as she felt he wasn't somehow following her, she would come back to him crawling.
"What are you doing? Is foggy here, you must follow me."
Marlette said, slowly getting off from the wall and cross her both arms.
"Oh do i really need follow you? Sorry but... I think i can do this by myself."
"The dude Miguel told us this would be a mission in team, because he said he wouldn't be easy, i mean, not sure but it seems by this foggy weather terms. And fact i don't listen that bossy spider."
"Then if you don't listen, why are you listening to him?"
"Because apart i was very bored, didn't have nothing to do in my universe aswell Miguel's, after all i have the crime stats in order in my world. Plus got some small deal with him"
"Huh, whatever you say Big lady, better i can search the anomaly by myself."
Marlette made an annoyed face, geez seems he is stubborn, which not gonna lie but... She's too. Guess both are stubborn Mules.
"You'll get lost easily you know? That suit can't guide you or anything."
"I don't need and want have those "useful" avanced suits, i am okay what i have so huh, thanks."
Kaine shrugged and then he began to walk leaving. Marlette sighed a little irritated.
"Aaalright, good luck on get lost or anything."
She also left walking, both disappearing in the fog slowly as they kept walking separating distances.
After few minutes later, and nothing... In Kaine's side he would be crawling around on buildings' walls, ceilings and other surfaces from the city, the sky was getting even more darker as the minutes passes more. He was getting stressed that he can't find the anomaly, he was nearly about ask Miguel or Lyla from the wrist advice but by his stubborn mind he decided to just keep looking. So he would shoot a long web and then would start swinging around for make the search quicker.
Meanwhile, Marlette would be on the rooftop from a high building, looking down at the cars moving there very a little by the fog while using lights, the foggy climate there was just difficult and stressing for people, which was understandble. The big woman sighed, she can see through of it because the avanced of her suit, but, no signals of the anomaly. Alright possibly this will get more stressing but the search was still in action, she would them jump off, as she spreaded her arms, two glowing holigrafic blue webs appeared on her armpits, behaving them as gliders and she started to glide while looking around more.
"Where is that bastard... So i can easily send it to it's fucking hell..."
Kaine Parker kept searching, the level of stress would slowly raise up more, urgh, really still no signals, maybe the anomaly was some human-camuflaged thing? No, damn Kaine keep it more serious this is not an alien thing! But well, he kept searching more until he just temporary gave up and landed on somewhere on the floor for rest.
"I guess that shit loves play with me, but it can't because i am sure, i find it first. And stop it before that big woman comes and done, who needs a team-up for this really..."
He growled while breathing a little bit heavy, yeah, indeed he seems angry now by this. But something seems to happen...
A pair of glowing yellow-ish eyes with reptilian pupils were staring at Scarlet Spider-Man from an opened sewer, staring like a predator towards its prey. Kaine didn't even notice, but how? He is a Spider-Man! Well, he had the same problem as Miguel about Spider-sense, he doesn't have one either which could be an easier bingo for the unknown creature.
Since the sewer was opened and or course was a big one, a massive, spiked, intimidating and strange green lizard would slowly raise up and come outside from the sewer, approaching quietly while drooling from it's mouth with sharp teeth, as it was closer, it started to make a small, low crocodile hiss.
Watch out!
Kaine quickly turned, but the reptile was faster as it tackled him, making him fall against a concrete wall. Shit! He forgot that he didn't have spider-sense! His pain hissing made him look vulnerable for a few seconds until.
Dr.Connors, or known also as Lizard, from the Earth-1048. Was the anomaly being in this other universe, there he was, running in four directly to attack Kaine with a strong bite. Kaine quickly jumped for dodge and he would shoot his webbing at Lizard's mouth for close and shut him up, because as the green thing roared his roar sounded so annoying for him.
But the animal with muscular body wasn't dumb, when his mouth was shut by the tied web, he used his strong tail for grab him. Kaine shoot another webbing for escape but the tail took his ankle tightly, uh oh. It made take him easily because Lizard was already stronger which he would hit the spider against the floor in many times, Kaine groaned and growled loudly in pain aswell in anger but more pain, by his sensitive skin was getting bruised by the impact of the attacks under his mask but he wouldn't be recieving like that, he would pull out both lf his stings from his wrists, which he stabbed them together on the tail. The creature ripped the webbing with his claws and roared loudly, which he dropped Kaine strongly and then jumping on him, using his big claws trap him, with a free clawed hand he was about to scratch Kaine's face or chest for kill him, or leave him injurez until...
A long webbing appeared from somewhere of the fog and would attach on Lizard who as he felt it looked around growling and hissing in a fierce way. Aha! Kaine take the chance for kick now the monster's jaw hard and get free, the reptile recieved the kick and growled more angrily, ready to attack again until felt another webbing. Kaine took again the other chance to use his clawed hands from his suit for quickly jump and scratch the green thing's across the snout or mouth, which caused pain and blood, the creature wouldn't stop to roar and quickly scratched Kaine's torso with the claws aswell, ripping pieces of the suit.
Scarlet Spider-Man got the scratch aswell flew until getting fallen against a car, breaking its glass, damn it! Kaine was injured, bleeding by the claw wounds, he covered them with his forearm while hissing loudly in pain. While the both webbing started to pull the lizard which struggled, what the hell? Lizard was confused as he got nearly dragged by that, who has force there?
Ah yes, glowing blue things would approach running, with a high jump and then a land, an electric blue aura would appear on her body which it quickly went to the both webbings she shot and electrocuted the dinosaur-thing which he just roared of intense pain that even he glitched a lot, yes! Is the correct anomaly. Then the big lady would quickly slide herself under him and do a strong kick-up, he fell down in backwards against a wall, leaving damage there while the cars were sounding its alarms.
Marlette, doing her job as the spider-woman named Night-Glow would shoot and tie up Lizard with her webbings on his mouth, neck, tail, arms and legs, making him invalid, when the creature was about to attack she got in fours, spikes raised up as the electric aura appeared again and shocked the reptile, again in pain and glitching. Usually the glitches from it were painful, but with Marlette's bio-electricity? Worst, she had a potent energy in that case... Seems why people are scared of her.
Kaine's brown eyes widened, how was possible catch a such of monster like that fast!? This can't believe, but he wasn't happy, more like mad, he felt like his job was easily stolen by a just bigger woman!
Marlette activated the wrist advice for call the leader Miguel O'hara.
"Miguel, misión cumplida. We caught the anomaly which is just a spikey dinosaur." [Mission Completed]
"Didn't really expect do that fast, great job. Now bring the Lizard with us, portal's coming. Gracias." [Thanks]
The mini orange hologram of Miguel was there as accepted the call, and before leave a portal for Lizard's size would appear next him. Marlette walked to him and her mask disappeared, growling and baring her teeth.
"Próxima vez que te veo en mundos ajenos, lagartija." [Next time i see you in strangers' worlds]
She hissed like a real spider in a low tone as she spoke her original language, the Lizard just blinked two times in just silence. Marlette pushed him to the portal and she sighed, then she turned to see Kaine on the crashed car, not so happy. She approached to him slowly walking and then she took off his mask.
"I guess you didn't do a lot, Mr. Pelito." [Mr. Lil hair]
"Don't call me like that, and that WAS MY FIGHT."
Kaine barked angrily at the final part of his phrase, he stared at her blue eyes... but he quickly looked away.
"Yeah, with that bruised face and now wound over there seems to tell all the opposite."
"Because it was a strong one, look here, I didn't deal with lizards like Godzilla size edition so that explains why i struggled, i had the perfect plan and you just... Ruined it!"
"You would be already dead! And that's not an excuse because then why the hell you have that body and abilities!? A normal spider just!?"
Kaine yelled, did he sound jealous of her abilities? Meeeh maaaybe, but not really he was just mad at her.
"Cierre la boca señorito, no need to yell me i am not a deaf person. But if you say, okay, next time you do it alone or whatever you want." [Close the mouth little gentleman]
Kaine snorted, rolled his eyes and looked away. Marlette also snorted annoyed and she stared again at the wounds, bruises and his skin problem... Seems he could pass the time badly with it, so she sighed for calm down.
"Look... You don't look so great there if i can go honest, but you should go to the Society's health system. Plus, do not take the "size" and stronger anomaly excuse, this is not only force, this is also strategy sometimes."
"Urgh... No need your fucking help..."
He slowly tried to get up, struggling a bit while wincing in pain but he did, his covered forehead on the wound was already stained of some dark blood. Then he slowly walked to the portal but the pain on his skin made him fall. Marlette quickly took him, gently grabbing him.
"W-what are you doing!?"
Kaine hissed loudly, moving his legs while still in obvious pain, Marlette didn't listen to let him go.
"Just help you in this, that's all."
She coldly said, walking to the portal while Kaine would just let her.
After few hours later, Kaine would be in his universe, on a bed, with bandages. He was staring at the ceiling with a neutral and cold pensative expression. Ben was there looking at the bandaged zones and very surprised after his sibling clone explain what happened.
"So just she took it easily? Damn... W-well i mean that's why i assume some spiders fears her right...-?"
"I don't fear her, she never scared me after all. But she just stole my job which is of course hella unfair. Spiderman is used for be fair, what she did wasn't one."
"Hey but at least she helped you in it, plus carry you..."
Ben sighed, tired of the same aggressive and rude personality by the clone.
"I think you both needs have a connection, not everything is only to you Kaine, we all need help, and you can be in a risky danger of Life or Death without it! Yes i know possibly can make you look like you didn't anything, but who knows if that woman has more experience?"
"So are you telling me i am weak?"
"N-no no! I am saying that just you need supoort and accept help from others! And be in teams at least of two!"
Ben slightly explained, gulping a bit. Kaine looked away and closed his eyes.
"I don't think i can trust her, after all, we all die alone."
"But i know she will still help you, i am sure she won't even leave you behind."
Those words softened a little to Kaine, but he won't admit it, do Marlette really will still help him during difficult missions? Absolutely, just let the time act.
"Hmph, whatever."
Meanwhile, Marlette would be in her dark corner from the Spider-Society. In a pensative mode, she wasn't sure if did she do a great job help him? Or just leave him do all that himself? No, she had to. But not because she liked him, is by the instinct of protect. But... Where the protection instinct raises, it always has a reason why...
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Note: I never wrote a fight/action scene! It was fun doing it! One day these lovebirds will get more along 👀💙!
And sorry because if the lizard scene was repetitive, a bit rushed and not so accurate but is my first time doing that scene sooo. 🗿
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katatonicimpression · 6 months
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So, this web series has so far been one long storyline by Derek Landy (now, officially on the shit list), with a few different artists: Marcio Fiorito, Phillip Sevy & Davide Tinto. The colourists were Erick Arciniega at first, and then Fer Sifuentes-Sujo took over. The final chunk of this series is essentially alternating between Fiorito and Tinto.
So, lets talk about the art first.
You would not have guessed that the colourist was the same each week, given how Fiorito's Wanda looked a helluva lot whiter than Tinto's.
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Honestly Fiorito's art was just not great. Sorry but it had a lot of pretty rough moments:
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Although a few nicer bits here and there. I liked this Sam, for example:
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Honestly it feels like it was produced under rushed circumstances.
I actually made an edit of Sevy's Wanda, and yeah I think he did better than the other two.
But, by far the funniest part of the whole thing is how Fiorito would draw Sam clean shaven (which is, imo, correct for 616 Sam) and Tinto would draw him with a beard. And not even a good beard. So, Sam would be starting a conversation with no beard and ending it with one. Staggering. How does this happen? I'd like to imagine that both artists knew this was a thing but were each too stubborn to change.
The Plot:
I don't care it was fine whatever. Purple space aliens.
The Sam:
Early on in this saga, Sam gets the shit beaten out of him by one of the extra tough aliens (a Fear Teacher). This goes on for a really long time. Seriously, you're just scrolling and scrolling for pages watching him get brutalised.
Now, this is pretty bad. In general, I actually have a fairly high tolerance for violence in fiction, and, in general, I am often the one saying (or at least thinking) "stop complaining about bad things happening to characters you like. it's part of the story, it will lead somewhere" so hopefully it's clear that when I say this felt like too much, I really do mean something by it. The proportion of the comic taken up with this was way too high, even if it had paid off in some narrative way.
It didn't, though.
Both during the beatdown and a few times in the subsequent issues, we get dialogue about how Sam is a less formidable fighter than the other avengers. How he's just some guy and doesn't stack up to them. How he and t'challa can't breathe in space (and, like, neither can Tony but go off). It feels very deliberate and honestly kind of tiring, but you would think it was leading to something, right?
Why put this extensive beat down and all this dialogue about Sam's supposed inferiority into the comic if you're not building to something?
The obvious thing to think here is that this story is set in 616, so Sam is absolutely not just some human dude with no powers. He has telepathic powers. He is very much a special little guy. So, you might think that this was how this was going to pay off. That he'd use his abilities in some unexpected way, showing his worth even if he doesn't shoot lasers.
That doesn't happen, though. I don't think Landy knows that Sam isn't human.
The other option, and what I think (very charitably) Landy was trying to do, was show Sam being Mr Diplomat, and talking to the aliens and that's how he's useful. He gets healed in a magical space healing tube for a bit, then is the main guy who talks to the aliens throughout. There are two problems with this.
The first problem is that Landy's Sam just feels like Steve. And not even a good Steve, like, a very bland version of Steve. Sam's personality is not present when he's talking to the aliens. He's all "sir" and "ma'am" and this very formal "military guy being diplomatic" thing, and that is not 616 Sam. He's a talker, yes. He's empathetic and willing to hear people out, but he's not a soldier, he's not a politician or a diplomat or anything like that. And he's funnier, more brazen. He'd be willing to insult the aliens on purpose, is my point. Landy is hardly the first writer to deliver the blandest possible mischaracterisation of Sam, but it's annoying every time and I think we tolerate it too much.
The second problem, is that Landy does not seem willing to commit to actually having Sam succeed. Sam's job is to be the guy who talks politics to the aliens. Unless it's an important moment or a cool, righteous hero line, then Carol has to say it.
Seriously, that's what happens. Sam's function is to provide exposition, and to vaguely endanger himself in ways that have no consequence. Then, he steps aside to let Carol deliver any and all important dialogue including righteous political shit that surely, surely, you would give to the literal captain america character? No?
So, if the intent was to resolve this by saying Sam adds value through his "talking to people about politics and idealism" skills, then that intention never made it to the final page.
No, what we get is a story that emphasises how much the writer thinks Sam is useless and is worse than everyone else. He just says it over and over again and has an alien beat the shit out of him.
Right at the end of the penultimate issue, Sam comes face to face with a Fear Teacher (I believe the same one who nearly killed him). You would have thought that this would prompt a second fight between them, this time Sam wins, showing that he is, in fact, an impressive super hero in his own right. But no. Instead, in the final issue we cut to Sam already fleeing down a corridor away from the guy.
You guys I'm so mad about this and it's literally just a dumb online mini comic wtf
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thelightthatruins · 6 months
Have you been getting into Good Omens while I wasn't looking? 👀
I can't help but notice a slight influx in GO content in my dash ahihih
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(I say as if I didn't just reblog something Good Omens related today)
But yeah, I have!! I was going to tell you but it appears I have forgotten AGDJDG (I thought I already did but. I don't think so–). I finally caught up with the series on January and boy it was a personal rollercoaster for me /pos
Some of my friends may or may not have uh, witnessed how slightly emotional I got after the last episode of Season 2.
(I wasn't even sad, I just felt betrayed and broke into tears /lh /notneg)
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BUT !!!
Do not let this fool you for these are Tears of Joy (well. not exactly occurring because of joy but they're not negative!)
Overall, I quite enjoyed the Good Omens experience. I thought it was a very fun show with solid writing;
The storyline wasn't too hard to follow and despite the Lore it has, it's not too heavy and honestly easy to digest. Light yet juicy.
It's labelled as a comedy television series and honestly I can see it. I enjoyed the humor the series has, I giggled and smiled a lot whilst watching it.
I found the characters to be very enjoyable and it was real fun to see how everyone interacted with each other. The dynamics everyone had felt natural and not forced to me.
By extension, the dialogues too! Flowed nicely imo, the actors did a great job in bringing their characters to life. Everyone was so entertaining lol (especially a certain Inspector in S2... iykyk)
ARGH SPEAKING OF CHARACTERS, AZIRAPHALE AND CROWLEY LIVES UP TO THEIR DYNAMIC DUDE... I love them as a duo and I love them as respective individuals!! They absolutely carried the show and did well as the two main leads, they are so so enjoyable and I loved every single screentime they had. Their bond is like?? so goddamn good??? so goddamn tasty?!?! Like you can simply feel the amount of care they have for each other even at times where it is not stated in front of you and how much they just. work so well with each other and I AM SO SICK OF THOSE TWO!!!! (/aff)
Also the Ineffable Husbands are such queerplatonic fruits to me and I absolutely fucking love that along with the fact that I am not alone on this train. They are literally qpr soulmates guys, it takes one to know one so listen to me listen to me—
But that is a discussion for another day ☝🏼💡
Ahem. anyways. THE INTERPRETATIONS!!! Heaven and Hell, the angel and the demons, The Four Horsemen— you name it dude. I just love how this show interpreted some of these things? I'm not going to spoil it for you just in case, but for example, The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse... I liked how the show portrayed them, Pollution was my personal favorite.
But simple TLDR: Good Omens is a good show!
Or at least in my opinion, to each their own! I personally found it rather charming and would definitely rewatch till I get bored of it. Would I recommend it to other people? Yes, actually! I'd tell you to give this silly little series a chance. I can't promise that you'd enjoy it 100% since, well, everyone has their own tastes. But I sure do hope it will at least entertain you positively.
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hi guys. so i saw rotb. unfortunately i fucking hated it. lemme talk about why. (spoilers, obviously. be warned this is very long.)
first of all, lemme preface this by saying two things. number one being i did not have high expectations for this movie in the first place. because lets be honest, this is the transformers fandom, and hollywood has almost never done us justice. also, the trailers and teasers weren't exactly encouraging. number two being i am a huge fucking movie nerd. okay. i love movies. so just keep that in mind.
i think it's worth pointing out that my number one critic of this movie is that for almost the entire runtime, it's something worse than bad: it's boring.
i mean, how do you make giant robots boring??? how is that even possible? let's unpack that.
first of all, it has the most generic, cookie cutter action movie plot ever. we have to get the.... thing! you know, the thing! and we have to do it before the.... other guys! who are working for the BIG guy! and if we don't... the world will end! wahhh!
how is anyone supposed to be invested in that. there are no stakes. there's no tension. there's nothing. we've literally seen this exact plot played out one million times. THERE'S NOTHING NEW!!!
furthermore, the characterization of literally everyone is dogshit. the villians are bland, and have absolutely no motivation behind "darkness and evil." that's NOT INTERESTING!! there's no backstory! i literally could not even tell you the NAMES of the three main antagonists that are on the screen for half the movies runtime. that's how unimportant they are.
and god, the autobots are even worse. first of all, optimus prime and mirage are the only actual characters. i can't remember a single line any other robot says. not one.
but optimus is so under-hyped. they claim he's some big warrior (optimus primal even goes "i'm named after you") but we don't get ANY backstory. we don't know anything about cybertron, or the war, or even what the hell they're doing on earth. we know they "crash landed 7 years ago, and haven't been able to get off since". and they "have to get back, or cybertron will be destroyed!" do they ever tell us WHY cybertron might be destroyed? NOPE!
now we, as an informed audience, can reasonably assume it's because of the war.
but.... what??? friends, the decepticons are never even MENTIONED.
lemme repeat that. the decepticons are never. even mentioned. SO WHY WOULD ANY AUDIENCE BE INVESTED IN THEM RETURNING TO CYBERTRON? THERE'S NO STAKES!!!
back to the autobots though. also mirage is just annoying. he's literally just a"POP CULTURE REFRENCE" machine. that's it. that's all he does.
i... i can't even address what happens between him and the human guy (literally can't even be bother to remember his name) in the finale. i can't. i need to leave that alone or we'll be here all day.
god, i have so many things to say about this movie i need to speedrun a couple okay let's go
humans. boring. why are these movies about giant robots so determined to shove human characters in our faces they DON'T COMPARE EVER!!! the two humans are? fine? but the dude is literally just hero fantasy and the girl is. unimportant. nothing in this movie is important. you could cut any of them.
the action. mediocre. impossible to enjoy when "GENERIC ACTION ONE LINER!" is being crammed down your throat literally every five seconds.
why did the movie market so heavily with arcee wheeljack and bumblebee. they literally have like 15 total lines of dialogue. i can't express to you how much they don't matter.
and you know what. all of that could have even been forgivable. if they had just bothered to put some classic characters in there, with classic character designs, and make a product that actual fans could at least appreciate in aesthetic/homage, if not writing!
but they didn't. they used random ass characters who NOBODY cares about and gave them all SHIT designs too!
and it's so tragic when you consider all the amazing source material that they have to offer. i mean, i have been begging for YEARs for a movie set on prewar cybertron following megatron. the political conflicts and class wars! the origin of megatron is literally the MOST INTERESTING PART OF HIS CHARACTER! BUT IT HAS NEVER A SINGLE TIME BEEN ADDRESSED! HE GETS REDUCED DOWN TO BIG MUSCLE SCARY GUY WHICH IS LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! THE VERY THING HE REBELLED AGAINST!!!!!!!!!! ITS THE WHOLE FUCKING REASON FOR THE WAR AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
can you tell i have a lot of feelings about this. wow. okay this is so long. i'm sure nobody's acutally read this far. alright. what's left.
what'll i'll say is this.
there is literally no appeal to this movie. NONE. it isn't watchable as a fun, transformers piece come to life. it's not watchable as a quality action movie. hell, it isn't even worth a hate watch!!!!!
and somehow. some fucking how. it is still the second best transformers movie. OUT. OF. SEVEN.
friends. how is this possible. how could this have happened.
to all the fan creators making fan art and writing of this movie. you guys are fucking heros, alright. you are taking this incomprehensible garbage, and making actual art. you guys make this franchise worth staying in. thank you, and i wish someone put you guys in charge instead of MICHEAL. FUCKING. BAY.
in conclusion. fuck hollywood. someone give money to the people who actually care about this franchise. or i'll die.
thank you and goodnight.
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