#you should be aware of tws
Song "Daddy" by Korn and Ash Lynx :(
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m1d-45 · 2 months
will you promise that i'll see you again?
summary: your people refuse reason, and their damage refuses to heal. when it seems as if the whole world has left you, your dutiful knight still remains by your side.
word count: 2.3k
-> warnings: implied suicidal ideation (reader + unnamed side character), reader's previous deaths are mentioned in somewhat graphic detail
-> gn reader (you/yours)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr || @yuryuryuyurboat || @undrxtxd || @rainswept || @wanderersqt || @rozz-eokkk
< masterlist >
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“you’re one of the only things keeping me going, you know.”
dainslef turned to you in surprise, the even neutrality to your tone a sharp contrast to the rapid pace of his heart. he wasn’t a fool, he knew that the hunt had to be taking a heavy toll on you, but this…
this was more than he expected.
he knew he was one of a pitiful few who saw through celestia’s false puppet, who knew you for you and not their mirage. he knew that the entire world was hellbent on erasing you from existence, that you’d been forced through your own death countless times as teyvat pulled you apart and pushed you back together far from the scene of your would-be murder. he saw the golden scars across your skin, the dried remains of blood lining the wounds you hadn’t been able to patch yet. he’d been the one to wash them away, not minding the refuse soaking into his gloves if it meant your hands could be clean.
he recognized the dull exhaustion in your eyes, the same as the ones he saw in the reflections of lakes. tired, worn, barely there, hanging on by one solitary string that was wound so tightly around a desperate hand.
you had always been his reason for continuing. when the traveller broke down and the ruler of the abyss hid from the sun, you were there. when the chasm’s mud clung to his boots and the memories in his head burned as nails forced between his eyes, you were there. his rosary was kept tight to his chest at all times, familiar prayers pulling him up in the morning and forcing him to sleep at night. he was alive for far, far too long, but you made it bearable. you were his duty, his promise.
he never once thought that he’d be yours. then again, he never thought that he’d have to defend you from the ones you once called friends. time never did pass how he expected it to.
“…leading light?”
you looked down, twirling blades of grass around your fingers. he had led you up to a mostly desolate area of sumeru, west of bayda harbor. it close enough to the sea, forest, and desert that you could reasonably make an escape through any of those routes if need be, while also providing a rather pleasant view. the sky was bleeding red and gold as the sun sank below the horizon, a remarkable sight that fell on blind eyes. there was no use trying to enjoy nature’s beauty when he still kept one hand on his sword and both ears pricked for the slightest sign of danger.
you shouldn’t have to worry about your safety. you shouldn’t have to prioritize based on how likely you are to get hurt, or how easily it would be to make an escape. you still flinched when the wind blew a little too quick, used to it heralding armored footsteps and battle cries. in another life, you were welcomed with open arms, able to enjoy yourself without constantly being on high alert. teyvat did what it could to adapt; the air was still, frozen in time, barely a bird chirping for miles. it was meant to be comforting, he thinks, but dead silence was more unnerving than any breeze.
“i mean it.” he could hear every shift in his cloak around your shoulders, the heavy fabric doing little to soothe your stress. it was yours more than it was his now, to the point he felt claustrophobic wearing it. how long had he been traveling with you? the days blurred.
“i don’t doubt you.” he never would. never could. he’s not sure, even if he somehow wanted to, that his body would allow him to treat your words as anything less than fact. “but i don’t understand what you mean.”
you were a god. the creator, the first, the one that shaped the sovereigns scales and laid the foundations of earth. you predated the archons, celestia, the very skies themselves…
and he, somehow, was a driving motivation for you?
his words must have been funny, a sharp laugh tumbling out of your mouth. it was bitter, humorless, and somewhat raspy. he made note to find some water for you later. “what else could i mean?” you turn to him, some of his confusion lost as your eyes found his. even this burnt out, deep bags set beneath them, you still managed to steal the very air in his lungs. “you’re the only reason i’m still here.”
he didn’t know what to say. what was there to be said, when you were you and he was him? when the world had abandoned you, it made sense you’d cling to what remained faithful. it was merely coincidence he happened to find you first, that’s all. coincidence that you trusted enough not to run from, coincidence that you allowed to care for your injuries. there was nothing to say, because you held nothing for him in particular, only leaning on him out of need. he had to believe that. what was he left with if that wasn’t true? an awkward truth hid beneath his well-known lies, too large for him to see the edges, let alone to contain.
“please… do not say such things again.” to ask of his god what he could not ask of himself was surely some form of heresy, as was willingly laying aside his guard when he was the only one who was tasked with protecting you. he pulled his attention from the tide below, from the rustling trees, holding faith that the world would not be needlessly cruel. he stepped forward, kneeling beside you. even up close, you still seemed painfully small. “it is your own resilience that has allowed you to persevere.”
it’s the earth that leads you from danger.
it’s the water that follows you wherever you go.
it’s the leylines that whisk you to safety.
it’s the wind that warns you of what’s to come.
it’s the you from the past that protects the you in the present.
it’s the you in the present that provides for the you in the future.
it’s you, from everywhere and everywhen, continuing to fight.
and yet you sigh. you look away, across the sea, tracing fontaines skyline. “it really isn’t. i was lucky to run into you when i did.”
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you had just crossed the wall back into the forest, burning hot and shaking. he was the lucky one, in truth, to be able to pick your figure out from the sand below. perched on a high cliffside, even mitachurls were reduced to small brown flecks.
you had worn a cryo mage’s cloak, which was what initially drew his attention. abyss activity wasn’t uncommon in the area, but a cryo mage in the desert… that was cause for intrigue. he stepped forward and slid down the steep face in front of him, a slight puff of dust marking his landing in the desolate sand of old vanarana.
he didn’t know what to expect. you stumbled around the jagged remains of a tree, heading for the statue of the seven. he followed, only growing more confused. cryo and dendro did not react with each other, and there was no way to “slow” a statue. a scouting mission, maybe? but why a cryo mage, when pyro would have been far more advantageous in the case of an attack?
he leaned around the corner carefully, prepared for the sight of a staff or the chanting of abyssal magic filling the air. the entire world seemed to be holding its breath, frozen in place and waiting for some trigger to continue.
he saw none of that. you were collapsed at the foot of the statue, faint wheezing only making it to his ears by virtue of the standstill around him. you held no staff, commanded no magic, your chest barely moving with air.
he’d never seen a mage seek out the archons when dying. one hand squeezed the handle of his sword as he crept forward, ready to strike should the situation turn against him. the sand barely shifted beneath his feet, his own heart sounding too loud to his ears. you did not move, showing no signs that you had noticed his approach. he still didn’t trust it.
your cloak was tattered and torn, with thick gloves atypical of a mage. they reminded him more of hilichurl wraps, which was strange considering you wore no mask. your face was instead covered by what looked like eremite cloth, just as stained and dirtied as the rest of your clothes. what he could see looked almost human; in another life, he could believe you were a weary traveller, lost amidst the sand.
he was acting foolish. if the abyss had a human tool, he needed to figure out why. he reached down, undoing the sloppy knot of your veil and letting the brocade fall limply to the grass.
…grass. he blinked, eyes flickering between the ground and your face, not sure which was harder to believe. flowers had bloomed around you, protecting your body from the blazing sands, and he’d be a fool not to recognize the face plastered all over every bounty board.
he didn’t understand. if nothing else, he thought the archons would have enough respect for their creator to know when they were being lied to, yet before him was barely living proof of the inverse. sweat beaded along every inch of exposed skin, deep-set heat exhaustion burning you from the inside out. how could you be a threat? how could they be so blind?
he looked again, the shine of elemental sight straining his eyes, catching flickers of the dendro energy pouring from the statue. you were the only one the archons would feed. you were the only one to make the very earth break its own rules, allowing lotuses to bloom from barren soil. something painfully similar to rage threatened what remained of his rationality, and it took all he had to push it aside.
that didn’t matter. if he went off on some banal revenge quest, he’d be no better than them. your safety mattered more. he picked you up and set aside how calm his curse felt, beginning the trek back to his camp. behind him, the flowers already began to wither, losing their persistence without you to foster it.
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perhaps that initial meeting was luck. but these was no luck involved in your trust in him. when you woke up and saw him at your side, you chose to trust him. you chose to believe that he was not like the others, that he would protect you, and he was forever grateful for that trust. nobody could fault you for being angry, for being spiteful about what you were put through and choosing to lash out. nobody would have the right to be upset if you chose to vent your wrath against those that had hurt you.
but you didn’t. you chose, again and again, to believe in the world. you chose to let them live their lives, even if it meant getting hurt again in the process. you chose a quiet life traveling with him over the comfortable life on your throne. to willingly choose to travel with a disgraced knight to spare your people guilt… he couldn’t decide if it was noble or reckless. either way, he was selfishly happy that he was the one to stay by your side.
“i won’t try to convince you. but, please.. do not give up on yourself so easily.” i know far too many who have died by the same hand. “the world and its opinion does not define you. only you get to decide where fate leads.”
you lean towards him, and he thinks you might have passed out- but no, your head lands on his shoulder with far too much precision. he stiffens, not used to existence without a constant pain beneath his skin. “how motivational. you tell all your soldiers that?”
his heart is beating too quickly, thoughts unusually hard to grasp. you’re the only one who could have this effect on him. he only wished it wasn’t now, when your belief in yourself was on the edge. “i mean it. none of this is your fault, and neither are celestial actions the people’s fault. i know that you are hurt, but i don’t want you to accept that main needlessly. you shouldn’t have to view your creation with such pain.” slowly, carefully, he raises the hand closer to you, doing his best not to disturb you as he settles it on your arm. he’s can only hope that the contact brings you as much comfort as it does him. “if nothing else, believe me. promise you’ll at least try.”
he doesn’t think you’ll agree. why would you make a promise to one who represents the heaven’s betrayal? why would you let him hold you close at all, when you can surely sense the bindings of those who tried to kill you wrapped tightly around his soul? he doesn’t know. all he can do is hope.
“…alright, dainslef. i promise.”
twilight has long since fallen, and yet he smiles for the first time in centuries.
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zanukavat · 1 year
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dont worry about those error messages man its chill
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The most infuriating form of sanism is this idea that mentally ill people/people with mental disorders are just too stupid or too unenlightened to know how to be a proper, well-adjusted person
So many therapists have ignored signs of my unwellness simply because they assumed I was just... being stupid, and I just needed educating about why I'm acting disordered (apparently, mental disorders stop disordering you once you are condescendingly told why you're just disordered and dumb, who knew (sarcasm)).
Like, I could tell them that I knew my behaviour wasn't "rational," wasn't "reasonable" to do or believe and I'd still be treated like I was so dumb I needed hand-holding and scolding about why I'm acting disordered.
I truly wish that people would be able to take the idea of guidance and stop twisting it into "I am superior and enlightened and the people I am trying to help are stupid and wrong and beneath me!"
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spacetimesanytime · 1 year
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yet another computer-based collection for 2day
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bleedingichorhearts · 4 months
𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲: 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐢’𝐬
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: I don’t have an official group name for the golden bananas, but suggestions are welcome!
“𝙈𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝘽𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙄𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙘” will be used as translation language for high gothic and others.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets, @bispecsual, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @sleepyfan-blog.
TW // Near Death, Blood.
|°𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬°| |°ᴛᴀɢ ʟɪꜱᴛ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ°| • {𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧} • {𝐃𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐬} • {𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐤}
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Cold, stone walls pressed against my clothing as I made a tight fit sideways through a small opening in the abandoned structure. Water splashing up onto my boots every time I take a step through the narrow and withering corridor. It was almost claustrophobic to be in such a narrow space with rocks threatening to dig into your skin at each move, water dripping from the more pointed edges.
This… rocky place was something that looks like it held some monumental significance to it. A temple perhaps? Though, no one was absolutely sure of it. Too scared to go past the couple mile long, dark vibes it gave off until some travelers thought it was a good idea to explore it ourselves, me included.
I wasn’t up for it at first; being the more level headed one out of the stranger group. Why would you want to explore something that has been avoid by its people for centuries? That right there had to be a big red flag. There was a reason why the people didn’t go and figure out what was beyond the bad vibes. Even had some elderly and young natives wish us well in their languages! How much more warnings do we need to stop the group from going in?
Apparently, a lot of warnings.
The bad vibes and the fair-welling natives was not enough for the overzealous group. Neither was the cracked and broken statues of armored beings at the entrance of the flora ridden building; vines, mushrooms and ferns growing all around it, camouflaging the whole thing. It was almost impossible to even catch a glimpse of the monument. There were even deep caverns filled with dark blue, almost black waters that could send a shiver down anyone’s spine if you think of what could be lurking down there; a whirlpool or a really big python perhaps?
I shiver at the both possible outcomes of that watery situation, accidentally nicking my shoulder plate on some rock as I grunt at the numbness vibrating through my nerves there. Briefly stoping to bite my tongue in the process. If all this subtle bruising is not a red flag or a curse of just being inside of this monument, I really don’t know what is. I normally wasn’t clumsy in situations like this.
“Hurry up, I want to see what’s pass this corridor.” The man behind me nudges me forward. My teeth pressing more into my tongue to stop myself from lashing out at the man. Forcing myself to continue on through for my sanity’s sake.
This man was the most annoying, cockiest one in the group. Always ordering other people around when he could clearly do it himself. He was like that rich person in movies that never gets their hands dirty, like they were afraid of it while his pawns do all the work for them. It was driving me crazy. I didn’t come into the monument with them to be a pawn for him, let alone anyone.
“Can’t you go a little quicker?” The man grumbles, his hands pushing up against my shoulder in an anxiety inducing effort to hurry up the exploration. “I’ve seen how fast you walked here. Why can’t you do the same in here?”
‘Because we are in a cave?’ I wanted to hiss out at the man. Chew his ass out, but I didn’t want to get into a fight with him in these mysterious caverns that push a lot of weight down onto your shoulders the deeper you go. That deep, lingering, unknown feeling is just enough to keep me in my place.
“Calm down, Mr. Wilson.” I speak back at the man, brushing off my shoulders when the corridor opens up just enough for me to do so. “What we are exploring for is not going anywhere anytime soon.”
“Yeah, well, I want to get to it first.” He snarks back, pushing himself up to the front, shoving me out of the way, an annoyed huff coming out of me. “I want to be the first person to see these artifacts.”
Artifacts? How does he even know there was artifacts down here? He didn’t mention anything about him being an Archaeologist. He just seemed like a snob.
Perhaps, that was his ruse? I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. Humanity can be a very selfish bunch. Not only that, but seeing a lot of movies like Indiana Jones can make it easy to sense who is your foe or friend in these types of situations.
“You didn’t mention anything about artifacts.” I question the man, carefully watching how he hesitates a step of his as I follow behind him.
“I didn’t? Hmmm, well, it was said on some stone slab founded in the sea that where we walk holds some type of significance to it.” He informs me, his body crouching to get through another corridor of chopped rock. “It said who ever finds it has the protection of a thousands of seas, and based on evidence of Astartes. I conclude that it really means thousands of seas, thousands of planets.”
“Astartes? Those are real?” I can’t help but ask the suspicious male. Having only heard about those creatures in myths, childhood stories and nursery rhymes.
“Yes, very much so!” He saids almost enthusiastically, stopping in the middle of a… chamber? “The myths and stories you hear about them are quite real.”
“Why do they choose to become myth then?” I question yet again. Wondering of their… secrecy. My eyes looking around the abandoned chamber while I shuffle my boots through the small layer of water. Spotting what were suppose to be legends. “Why hide?”
5 tall and bulky statues were carved perfectly into the rocky wall around the chamber. Their scale-like tails being used to decorate the rest of the wall between the statues, being a pleasing filler rather than having a blank wall. They also had different colors on them, old, ancient paint chipping off of them. Each one even had a different design to them, but their main shape stayed the same. Where these a species of Astartes?
“From us! We are simply too overbearing for them. Too strong.” The man says a bit too proudly for my liking, his hands digging into the tan fanny pack of his around his waist.
I hum at his response. Not really believing his words that a creature like this could be afraid of humanity. They looked way too powerful themselves to even be swayed by humanity itself. Maybe… they have found a distaste with humanity? Found them to be below them?
“Anyways, you are standing right where I want you.” The man suddenly speaks fast, a small shink coming from behind me. “Right on the sacrificial stones.”
Alarmed, I quickly turned around, gasping with no noise. My eyebrows scrunching up in confusion as I lift my hand up to my neck. Slick making my fingers skim across my neck.
“I really meant it when I was going to be the first.” The man spoke clearly at first, but then his words start to mumble, blending into a layer of voices. My knees giving out from underneath me as I kneel into the cold water with a seemingly echoing splash, my other arm keeping me up from drowning myself in a layer of water. My pants soaking up the water up to my thighs.
D-Did the man just really slash my throat? For just an artifact? An artifact that might not even be here nor exist anymore? That was probably useless to him? That he was just going to sell for “The Big Money?”
“…𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚.” A small, echoing whisper comes to my mind when I gasp for air that I can’t have anymore. My hands struggling to keep my own sticky blood inside of me as I look up at the man who slashed my throat. His mouth mumbling nonsense at me. His glob of a hand flipping his… weapon through his fingers.
“𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚.” I nearly cry out at this voice that suddenly becomes all to loud. A migraine forming as I lean tiredly, back down into the cold water. Trying to decipher if I was loosing too much of my blood and I was going crazy, or there actually was somebody actually talking to me.
“𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙪𝙥… 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚.” A few more voices join in, coaxing me to look up with a weakening body. My limbs shaking at the effort to see a blinding yellow enrapturing my blurry vision.
“𝙔𝙤𝙪’𝙧𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙… 𝙨𝙤𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙪𝙨, 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚.” The voices whisper, echo inside of my mind. Strong hands taking a hold of my jaw, thumbing at my cheeks. A bloody whine bubbling from my throat as I cough red upon rich gold.
“𝙇𝙚𝙩 𝙪𝙨… 𝙮𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙬𝙣.” This… entity offers. Cooing and purring when I gradually grow more and more weak in its hold. Scumming to its unrequited offer.
“𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜.” The voices become one of their own; warm yet barren. A soft, but rough warmth pressing up against my lips before my own senses slowly fade to fail me. More warmth pressing up against my neck and shoulder plate, easing my wounds as I fall into the icy dark.
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spotlightstudios · 25 days
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Why I drew this I do not know, but say hello to possibly the most toxic relationship I've ever put my ocs into 🙏 (Sphynx is on the left, Baddie(Aubade) on the right!)
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Bonus version w/o the lighting! And quick lore for these two because idk if I ever posted about Sphynx?
Sphynx is a sinner! He died in the mid 1920s in a grave-robbing incident in Egypt. He had siblings back home that needed money, and he was already known for stealing, breaking and entering, and unsavory deals, so he joined a group of guys and ended up in the business of grave-robbing hoping to make a fortune off the gold.
Of course, after a few successful trips and sales, his crew got trapped in a cave-in, and he left them behind hoping to get out with the gold... only to fall comedically into a trap-pit and be entombed as well.
Sphynx is a lesser-known Overlord (he'd be in the council if he cared, but he doesn't) who makes pacts with sinners for protection. They work for him, gather 'riches' or do tasks, and in turn he ensures no one harms them. Their souls give him enough power to protect them. His main weapon is a golden rope, which has a snake-motif on the end. It can be used to summon little beasts not unlike Alastor's summoned guys, and it can also consume sinners to turn into these henchmen.
Baddie on the other hand is half-imp and half-succubi. Not the most surprising thing, but he's got negative rizz. Everything he says does like, the opposite of a sirens song. He has a knack for ruining nearly any situation he finds himself in. So, he's used to fleeing between the mortal realm and hell and between the rings and more. Several powerful hellborn want him dead (several hundred bounties at this point) and he's just really really good at running away.
His main weapon is a grenade, though guns work too. He's usually seen lingering in the Lust ring since it's harder to recognize him lingering among the other succubi. At least, that was until he was employed by Sphynx.
Sphynx and Baddie are in a situationship? Sphynx is always looking for people who need protection, so he assumed the person being ganged up on in the street was a new and fragile soul just fallen to hell. And he was dead wrong. Scattering the crowd revealed a pretty little imp. Who immediately managed to tick off Sphynx. He tried to walk away, Baddie followed, and things went from there. Baddie murders people for Sphynx when they don't want to be connected or seen in public (especially when it's hellborn, which he shouldn't really kill). Meanwhile, Baddie hides from his hundreds of enemies by staying with Sphynx. Their interactions (when they aren't working) usually consist of Baddie saying something, Sphynx immediately telling him to shut up, and Baddie talking anyways while trying to find a way to sprawl across Sphynx's lap.
They have this weird like, kinda relationship going? Like, toxic employer/employee relationship, but neither one of them are really grasping what they're supposed to be toxic about.
Anyways, I like them a lot. Sphynx has a soft side he doesn't hide, but sure doesn't bring up. Baddie is just a little prick to everyone he meets unless he likes them a lot.
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saltymongoose · 2 years
hii i hope things havent been too stressful for you <33 ily and you deserve good things so here are some silly little player doodles i made :D (also pls ignore the other ask i. totally didnt. forget sanfos tattoo. and didnt just realize until now;;)
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OMG MORE MEMES! These are just what I needed, thank you! :) Idk how you do it, but you're renditions of these are perfect every time lol; the facial expressions, the linework and coloring, and the designs never miss the mark. I also love the inclusion of Wank with this one (though let's hope there isn't too much collateral damage 0.1 seconds after that photo is taken haha). I just love these. :D ❤️💖💗💕
Oh, and another note, I meant to post this a few days ago, but I had to finish up things at Uni, which meant working on that for a few nights. 😅 On the bright side, I am finally completely finished with it! I can do whatever I want now, so I'm very happy. Expect more posts after today, cause I have quite a lot I want to address. :)
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slugass · 3 months
for the love of god why is the “war flashbacks” meme still a fucking thing to this day
(because people thrive on stereotypes about serious mental illnesses)
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Just thinking about the fact Sora died because of the poison she drink to save her kids, because she is gentle and kind. And her only son who the desesperate act work is as kind as her.
But the StrawHats don't know she did that, this is something he don't have the courage to tell. And they know even less that Sanji is ready to do the same.
He isn't pround of that, but he ends up discovering the poison she drink and even have the recipe of how to do it. Because the germa soldiers teached them this and others poisons.
And this little fact is like a silent threat, a thing that if the crew discovers this, would be attentive about anything he drinks until they're certainly he's not gonna do the same thing his mother did.
And when the StrawHats learn about this fact, the exactly thing he expected happens, he notice Chopper and Robin always near the kitchen with the excuse of how's there was calmer, Nami and Usopp start to do his drinks for him or always are looking him while he's doing it, the others does things too. And Sanji notices all of this.
It's needed months to calm the crew, but still after they stop, all of them always have this fear in the back of they're minds (Luffy even goes as far as asking Law to do a check up on Sanji the next time they meet), that he will do this, but they want to believe he will not. They really want to.
(Just a thought that come to my mind yesterday, and I wanted to share, y'know? Based on some headcanons)
Oh, damn. This honestly hits close to home and it's really interesting so I wanna talk about it. But, you know, it's a serious topic so:
TW // Suicide, poison, self-harm, depression, etc etc you know the drill about Sanji and his issues. I don't go deep, tho, so It's not THAT explicit but could be triggering.
I think that after WCI and Wano, they'd all be worried. Sanji has always been pretty self-sacrificing with everyone and he doesn't value his life in the slightest. He doesn't show signs at first of being actively suicidal but the way he treats his own life makes it clear that he gets into self-sabotaging situations to the point of it being considered self-harm or even passive suicidal behavior. He just- Doesn't care about dying because he puts others first all the time. He has been doing that forever and Skypiea is just one of the times he does that. But, y'know, they never notice that. At least not everyone. I think Zoro is the first to know because of Thriller Bark, honestly. That's one of the biggest signs imo. But then they're separated and it's not like they can talk about it. Then two years happen and uh, shit goes downhill after that because WCI is just utterly traumatizing for Sanji and Wano makes everything worse to the point of asking Zoro to kill him if he loses himself. And we always say that's really gay (because it is) but we ignore the whole point of Sanji genuinely asking somebody to kill him without any fucking hesitation. And he spends all of Wano having the biggest crisis of his life wondering if he's human enough or worthy of being in the crew and???? What the actual fuck. Anyway, I think the crew ends up finding out about everything and I don't believe Sanji is well mentally after all of this. I know they don't write it like this because things are happening and they have to go to Egghead, but I think Sanji would end up really fucked up after WCI and Wano to the point of being worrisome.
If they do find out about the poison thing and Sanj's suicidal thoughts (honestly, I don't know how they would even find out about it unless Reiju tells them or Sanji snaps and yells about that, but, y'know. The point is that they know and Sanji is getting worse) I think you're completely right and they'd be all over him. Because that's exactly what happens when somebody acts this way. They look after him to a suffocating extent and watch his steps. They take turns to watch him. They prepare his drinks. They even make up something so he doesn't have to be on night watch so he can sleep, because he's probably not sleeping either. Or eating well, for that matter, which is what makes them all worry even more in the first place.
And hear me out, because I think he would try to do it. Like- Commit, I mean. Not gonna get into the topic too deep but I think he'd try and I think it wouldn't work because somebody would help him right away and I think he'd try to play it off as a mistake and a misunderstanding, but everyone would know. And he'd just try to ignore their pep talks and interventions.
This is projecting from personal experience and everyone goes through these things differently, but God, I think he'd fucking hate it if they looked after him. Because he knows he won't do it again. At least he doesn't want to do it again. But everybody keeps looking after him like he's about to break at any moment and it's so damn annoying to not have any type of privacy because they think he's gonna off himself the second he's alone. And he gets why they're doing it and appreciates their efforts to look after him, but acting this way is not the answer to his problems. It's just asphyxiating and it isn't helping him get better. You know how the crew is, they're NOT subtle and careful with anything and they're just-- They have good intentions but it's suffocating and he can't handle it anymore.
And I think he'd snap. I actually want to write a fic about this if you let me use your idea (I will credit you, ofc) because I think it'd be great to make him snap at Nami, specifically, and then regret it completely.
Long story short because this is getting long: I think Brook and Robin would end up talking things out with him because they're the ones who understand him the most in this situation. He'd apologize to Nami but also everyone else would apologize too for acting this way, they were just worried and wanted to look after him. I think, after this, the only ones watching Sanji would be Brook and Robin and they'd do it carefully, supporting him and helping him get better. And the whole crew would be next to him along the way but doing it with less assertiveness and just gentler.
I think the concept of Sanji thinking about death so often is great because it adds depth to his character and it's not a crazy thought. I think it's pretty damn canon, actually. At least him being careless about his own life.
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hyumjim · 4 months
Recently was forcibly informed that “25mg sugar is the most sugar that a woman* should eat in a day” and am haunted by this and basically refuse to believe this. Due to the fact that’s like. That’s like the amount of sugar consumed by drinking a single beautiful soda
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lillyosaurus · 2 years
dont you want to become a cult leader
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why does nobody (aka the books) not bother to think of the impact darkstalker left on pyyrhia after he was defeated.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think another aspect of conservative thought people need to understand is the idea that it's all about dominance.
The reason why sayings like "we don't want to trans your kids, we want trans kids to live" is because, in the conservative mind, you are replacing their dominance with your own. It can never be about what is best for others, it is always about expressing absolute power and control.
Natural selection, at its ideal, will weed out the people who "shouldn't live." If their existence is a threat to the already-established hierarchy, then it's obvious that they shouldn't exist in order to challenge hierarchy.
While this certainly isn't a "conservative-only" mindset, it's a trend I have noticed more in conservative spaces. This is why I don't always think it's helpful to go on about how, "Oh, we don't want to threaten your worldview. We just want people to live 😊". You will fundamentally be threatening their power in their minds. Therefore, nothing you say can truly take away from the anxiety, fear, and anger at losing control that may be instilled.
#politics#transphobia#transphobia tw#used the whole 'we want trans kids to live' because i personally think it's a good example..#...but isn't the sole example of such...#...take for instance the gay marriage debates from the early 2010s...#...'if we legalize gay marriage it's ONE STEP CLOSER to them taking OVER america and legalizing [horrible thing]!'...#...that is the anxiety of Losing Control and Losing The Divine Hierarchical Power Bestowed To You Personally By Gd Himself...#...i'm not saying all of this to dissuade people from educating people. but i want people to be aware of this dynamic...#...and to decide if they can (or should) personally go up to bat for others to educate people...#...i don't think you will go very far if you try to educate people without understanding on SOME level how their thought process will be...#...because it is likely that you are educating somebody who is going to see the world VERY differently...#...and they will often interpret what you are saying VERY differently than how you intended it to be interpreted...#...again while this isn't solely a conservative issue (believe me i KNOW) i notice it much more in those spaces...#...and since i am in spaces that WANT to educate people about this i think it is apt...#...it isn't a bad thing to want to educate. but again it's not helpful to just assume others are going to interpret you the way you want...#...it's definitely why i stopped making so many posts about educating others. i just don't think i can do it well...#...or at least in a way that doesn't Feel Threatening (even if it Isn't A Threat)
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momentomori24 · 16 days
To any pet owners or really anyone who might be unaware about this thing, I highly recommend watching Charlie's video covering this actual death device sketchy ass ""automatic litter box"", which completely faulty and downright dangerous design has been killing the intended users in horrific ways (aka the cats). His video was made to spread awareness about and boost One Man Five Cats' video on the subject, so go watch that one too. Needless to say but I will say it anyway: if animal death is something that (understandably) triggers you, please watch at your own discretion.
I don't own a pet, let alone a cat, but if this situation has shown me anything it's that you should just stick to the regular litter box. I'm no expert on litter boxes by any means, but risking the life of your cat is not worth making your life more a little automated when it doesn't need to be. While it would be nice to live in a world where these products could be trusted not to kill someone and the companies behind them take regulations and safety as a priority, it is what it is. Culturally, it is what it is.
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sophiethewitch1 · 7 months
once again writing something im not entirely sure people will enjoy. i play dark content as a joke probably a bit too much lmfao. and even then I'm still not going to write noncon?? because i don't know??? my vibes are off???
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 10 months
Are you ready to kill yourself yet
I don't think I'm ever going to consider killing myself, anon. I have quite good mental health and I don't even make those kinds jokes. Anyway if you had to choose between owning infinity flamingos or infinity bunnies which would you choose? I think I'd go with the flamingos simply because they look sillier and the result would be a bright pink universe instead of a brown one, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter
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