#you would not call nani lilo's mom
butchhansolo · 2 years
ik hunter being a dad to omega is like the main thing in these parts but as a sibling who is 11 years younger than his older brother i think some Lilo And Nani-esque opportunities are being missed
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aromanticannibal · 2 years
different ways shinsou and aizawa could be related and how they're all hilarious. disclaimer, I don't care about canon here (or ever really) and I'm talking about actual familial relationships rather than aizawa adopted 17y/o shinsou situations.
Aizawa's his dad, the classic. imagine shinsou pulling up to 1-A in season 2 like yo fuck yall and Aizawa in the back waving little shinsou flags. like go son insult my students I can't do it
Aizawa's his older brother. somewhat funnier because it allows a funky dynamic. shinsou is definitely an annoying younger brother and definitely bit aizawa multiple times before. aizawa has probably opened his fridge to find shinsou napping in it and decided fuck this shit I'll get junk food. also you know that lilo and stitch scene where lilo is trying to get nani out of her room and nani suddenly doesn't have bones? yeah that
Aizawa's his uncle. I just know shinsou would desperately try to hide the fact that they're related to not get questions and such but aizawa would very much miss the hint and act affectionate with his nephew anyways.
Aizawa's his cousin. what i imagine is shinsou, who hasn't seen his cousin shouta in some time, pulls up to UA and sees aizawa and is just like oh fuck. what the fuck is he doing here. and realizes omfg why is my cousin teaching at my school since when is he a hero why did i forget this omfg kill me. and aizawa's here like oh damn Hitoshi's gotten tall.
Aizawa and Shinsou are related but god knows how. like third removed mom's cousin's brother or smth. they probably figure out they're related while talking casually and shinsou just mentions his aunt sakura or smth and aizawa's like oh my aunts called sakura too and they slowly come to a realization. but they can't figure out for the life of them how they're related.
obviously in all the situations where it's possible aizawa would very much embarrass shinsou by telling people about how cute he was as a toddler and his habit to sleep in fridges.
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craftypeaceturtle · 1 year
Personal pet peeve:
I kinda hate this whole idea that 2012 Leo is like a mother figure to his brothers.
I absolutely get the idea that he mother hens and fusses around, but that's totally different from his brothers literally calling him mom.
Like, you can have a sibling that looks after you or is acting like the parental figure but they can still be your sibling?? You didn't see a moment in Lilo and Stitch where Lilo calls Nani mom. She's her sister. Who looks after her and is acting as the primary caregiver but it's still a different relationship from a mother. A primary caregiver doesn't exclusively mean a mom or dad.
Leo absolutely takes responsibility of his brothers, acts as the head of the household and the weird obvious talks with Splinter saying he should become a father to his brothers, but he wouldn't be called a mom.
He's their brother. He may look after them more than most typical siblings would but that doesn't take away the fact that he's a sibling.
I dunno, just a pet peeve.
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
a writing prompt maybe? A Lilo and Stitch AU where Hannah is Lilo, Lex is Nani, and Ethan is David and then Wiggly is Stitch and Hannah's trying to teach him to be good.
Ok, I feel where you're coming from and I love it! This is so cute! I'm gonna be a bit flexible with it though, stray a bit from the strict Lilo and Stitch story. It's gonna be similar, but differ a bit.
Genre: Fluff/ Comedy
Words: 1966
TL;DR: When Hannah said she wanted a pet, Lex thought she would end up with dog or a rabbit like a normal person... not an eldritch.
TW: Swearing, mention of sexual themes? I don't know how to label it but you'll know it when you see it.
"No, Wiggly!" Hannah chided. "Stop! You got to be good, otherwise Lexie isn't gonna let me keep you!"
If Lex knew half of what was going on, Wiggly would be back to the pound in before you could say "eldritch". She had told Ethan to take Hannah out to get her a dog at the shelter. Duke had said maybe giving her another friend at home would help her to be a bit less hostile towards the kids at her school. Not that she was physically aggressive, but... ever since their mom had been sent to prison, apparently she'd been a bit snippy and reserved. It concerned her teachers. While Lex was technically old enough to be her legal guardian, Hannah's teachers were concerned that maybe she wasn't emotionally ready for that kind of responsibility. They were about ready to file a case for Hannah to be put into the foster system.
So... this was a desperate last attempt on Lex's part. Because she was *not* losing her little sister. She'd been through so much shit to get her mom out of the house. So that they would be safe. She wasn't letting anyone take that away. So... even though she may not really have the money to support Hannah *and* a dog, she'd agreed to let Hannah get one. There were very few people that Lex would trust on these matters, but... Duke was one of them. He knew the system. Mostly because he was a part of it. But he also knew Lex, and he knew that she was the right person to be caring for Hannah. So... if he thought that this was going to help, she'd do it.
But... she probably should have gone with Hannah herself to get it. Because Ethan... was not the brightest, and he was prone to completely crumbling for Hannah. Which is precisely what had happened at the pet store that afternoon. He'd suggested a cute little chihuahua with a limp paw, or a sweet maltese, but... Hannah had gone right for the weird, green thing. Was it even a dog? Probably not. It had tentacles and it walked on two legs. Had the people at the shelter called it a dog anyways? Yes. Because what else were they supposed to call it? The only indication they'd gotten as to what he was was a small collar reading 'Wiggly'- which didn't help at all. Look, they'd just found it curled up behind Toy Zone one night, and it was their duty to care for him and then get him to a family.
Things had not been easy for Hannah so far. It seemed her little green friend had a thing for getting into trouble... and tastes for household furniture. He'd already eaten two of her books and one of her sock dolls. Right now, she was trying to get him to stop eating one of her pillows. He seemed to revel in tearing his prey apart before eating it. His eyes got all wild, and... he looked so happy that Hannah almost didn't want to stop him. But she had to, because if he destroyed anything noticeable he'd be gone. And Webby had told her that she needed to pick this little guy. He seemed to make 'hr' sound in disappointment. But what came next was far from anything Hannah would have expected him to do.
"But Banana... it's so yummy-wum!" A goofy, light and child-like singsong tenor voice protested.
"You talk." Hannah breathed, eyes widening.
"Only to you, Hannah Banana." Wiggly giggled. "You are the only person who can hear my voice."
"Is that why Webby told me to get you?" Hannah asked, curious. He seemed to scowl at the mention of her name.
"Stupid bitch... thinks I need to rehabilitate." Wiggly grumbled.
"What's rehabilitate?" Hannah asked.
"It means... I've been very naughty." Wiggly told her. Hannah cringed at that.
"Don't... Mom..." Hannah mumbled.
"I've been bad." Wiggly corrected himself. "So she sent me to you. She thinks you can make me good."
"Me?" Hannah blinked.
"She says we'll be good for each other." Wiggly mocked her, clearly not happy about it. "She wants me to be your fwendy-wend. Because we both need a fwendy-wend, according to her."
"I don't *need* any friends." Hannah shook her head, her mood dampened by that implication. "I got Lexie and E."
"That's not what the teachy-weachers think." Wiggly cooed, the tiniest hint of amusement in his tone.
"Yeah, well... they're dumb!" Hannah fumed, turning on her bed and putting a pillow over head in frustration. That was a sore subject for her.
Hannah knew what the teachers thought of her. She knew what everyone thought. She didn't care. She knew who she was, and... she knew what she needed. She knew that she shouldn't have to put up with the shit the kids at her school gave her. She knew that they chose her because she was the easy target. Because they could get away with blaming her for anything. She was that girl from the trailer at the edge of the Witchwood, whose mom had gone to jail. That was enough for them to paint her as the punk. But that wasn't who she was, and... she hated that it's what people thought. She didn't even do anything wrong. She never said the things they said she did. She took a few deep breaths under the pillows, trying to calm down.
"That pillow-willow isn't going to help, Banana." Wiggly sighed. "My voice is in your head. "Like Webby."
"Leave me alone!" Hannah snapped.
"Nuh uh..." Wiggly tutted. "Webby says I have to help you be happy again before I can go back to my homey-wome."
"Yeah? You're not doing a very good job!" Hannah huffed. "Don't wanna talk right now."
"But Webby says-" Wiggly started.
"Webby can be a stupid bitch!" Hannah cut him off, frustrated to the point of tears.
"Uh oh! That's not very nice!" Wiggly chided.
"Just... shut up!" Hannah groaned.
"Fine." Wiggly sighed.
He sat on the edge of her bed for a minute as Hannah remained unmoving, trying to cool off. He dangled his feet for a moment before hopping off and walking over to a bookshelf. He tipped it over, letting everything crash and giggling. He surveyed the ruins, grabbing a small clay structure. He started to nibble on it softly, satisfied with it's taste. At around that precise moment, Lex entered the room. She was immediately drawn to Hannah on the bed. Her brows furrowed, and she sat down on the edge of it, rubbing Hannah's back. She was more confused than anything. Ethan had said she was so happy after getting her dog.
"Hannah Banana... what's wrong?" Lex cooed.
"Nothing... just annoyed." Hannah sighed, pulling the pillow off her head and setting it on the bed. "Teachers think I'm bad 'cause of Mom, don't they?"
"Yeah... yeah, Mom kinda gave us a bad rep." Lex sighed. "We gotta fight hard to make people see we're not her."
"Yeah, but... I don't wanna fight." Hannah grumbled.
"I don't either." Lex admitted. "Soon... we won't need to. Soon we'll have California. We just gotta stick it out and make it through life here until I make enough money to get us out of here."
"Okay." Hannah nodded, biting her lip, staying put.
Lex sighed, looking down at her feet. Sometimes he just didn't know what to say to Hannah. It was then that she noticed Wiggly crunching on the little clay figurine, surrounded by the mess of everything Wiggly had broken. It was one of a dog that Hannah had made at a birthday party when she was younger. She'd named him Bruno. He wasn't so special to *Hannah* anymore, but... it was to Lex. Wiggly and Lex looked each other in the eye for a moment, and Wiggly seemed to freeze, already knowing he was in trouble. Lex's eyes widened both in fear and in shock.
"Hannah... what the fuck is that thing?" Lex tried to ask levelly, but her tone was shaky.
"Oh, that's Wiggly." Hannah shrugged, sitting up. "He's our new dog."
"Banana... that's not a dog." Lex chuckled nervously. "It has fucking tentacles..."
"He's cute!" Hannah giggled. And she genuinely believed that, even if it was a jab at Wiggly. She knew he wouldn't want to be seen as cute. He grumbled at that and she stuck her tongue out at him discreetly.
"Okay... I think we may need to take Wiggly back to the pound." Lex tried to ease gently. "I... don't even fucking know where to begin taking care of him, and clearly you don't either because he's eating Bruno. I mean... look what he did, Banana! Look at your stuff!"
"Wiggly! I told you to stop eating stuff!" Hannah chided.
"Sorry, Banana! I'm just so hungry!" Wiggly whined. "I need to fill my belly-well!"
"Okay... the little noises are cute." Lex chuckled softly. Hannah blinked, confused, before remembering that Lex couldn't hear him. "You can't just tell an animal to do something. You gotta train it."
"Oh." Hannah blinked. "I think... think he's hungry."
"Yeah... we gotta get him some real food." Lex agreed. "Do you know what he eats?"
"Um..." Hannah bit her lip. She gave him a look. He shrugged. She turned to Lex, shrugging. "Clay?"
"This is yummy." Wiggly nodded.
"We can't feed him clay, banana... I don't think anyone can digest it right." Lex laughed. "This is why we should go get a dog! Let the people at the pound deal with this freak of nature!"
"Well that wasn't very friendly!" Wiggly pouted.
"Webby told me this one." Hannah insisted, ignoring Wiggly.
"Really?" Lex groaned, rolling her eyes.
"I dunno why! Said... said we gotta help him get good." Hannah shrugged. "But... Webby said it, so we gotta."
"Maybe... maybe Webby can find someone else to help him get good?" Lex sighed. "Banana, this isn't Disney. We're not Lilo and Stitch."
"Nani." Hannah corrected. "Lilo and Nani. And Ethan's David."
"No, banana. We're not." Lex sighed, shaking her head. "We're Lexie and Hannah and E. And Lexie is already having enough trouble with child services *without* that thing around. I don't know what it is, and I get the feeling that no one does. I don't think he's from around here, banana. We should leave him to be taken care of by someone who knows how to do it right."
"But Webby told me!" Hannah pouted. "Please! Just a week."
"Just a..." Lex muttered, sighing again. She bit her lip. She knew she would be insane to give in. But... she'd also be insane not to. Clearly Hannah was emotionally attached to this. And hey, at the end of the week, she could take the thing back. "Fine. Fine, we can keep him for a week and see how it goes. But if you can't train him to behave in a week, then he goes back to the pound. Deal?"
"Deal!" Hannah beamed. She smirked at Wiggly. "Welcome to the family!"
Wiggly rolled his eyes, putting on the most obviously fake 'smile' Hannah had ever seen on a pet. Clearly, he didn't think he was all that bad. But Webby had thought he needed the help, and Webby was usually right about these things. So whether he wanted to or not, it was now hannah's mission to make him good. She didn't know the half of what she was getting into, or what the week ahead would entail. But neither did Wiggly. Wiggly didn't know the half of what life on earth could do to you. And maybe, just maybe, that was a good thing. Because people can find the most beautiful things right where they least expect them to be.
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Chapter 55: Movie Night
Lots of quotes from the movie Lilo & Stitch ahead! Fewer quotes, but some, from Trolls and Frozen.
Bold italics are trollish, ~tildes~ indicate goblin.
Content warnings for this chapter: Swearing. Here we reach the story's first F-bomb.
Also, there is some talk between characters about the harshness of life in the Darklands, how Changelings are treated by the Gumm-Gumms, and mentions of cannibalism.
This was supposed to be a light-happy chapter that got feels-y at the end, but then it went and got all dark on me.
Oh, also-also, (Not) Enrique finds out Claire flirted with Jim a while ago and misinterprets what exactly happened between them, but that gets cleared up fast.
Becoming The Mask
Once again, Javier and Ophelia Nuñez were out for the evening, leaving Claire in charge of Enrique. Claire had gotten permission to invite "some friends" over to watch movies. Jim and Toby arrived to find Mary and Darci already there – Jim suspected, like the time he'd 'babysat', that Claire had purposefully asked him to arrive after she knew her parents would be gone.
They set up piles of cushions and blankets on the floor between the couch and the TV. Jim propped the Amulet up on the coffee table they'd pushed to one side. Maybe some of the ghost Trollhunters would be interested in human movies.
"Finally get your fill of the touchy-feelies?" Enrique teased Jim, seeing how they were all seated separately. Jim snorted.
"Not hardly." He pulled the smaller Changeling in for a hug. "Humans just have different rules about casual touching, is all. Freezing to death's not really a concern in this climate."
"Wait, what?" said Toby, dropping the pillow he'd been holding. Jim looked up to see all the humans staring at him.
"Darklands thing," said Enrique easily. "Gets cold there."
"We'd sleep in piles," Jim explained. "I had a bit of a reputation for being … clingy."
"If you weren't good at finding food and soft stuff, we'd never've put up with ya." Enrique proved himself a liar by climbing onto Jim's shoulders instead of jumping back to the floor. He fluffed the hair on Jim's scalp. "Jimmy-boy got his first nickname for that."
"Shut up," said Jim playfully. "Anyway, humans get weird about touching around puberty. I can still hug Mom whenever I want, but Toby gets embarrassed if I hug him around other people, and Claire, Mary, and Darci haven't given me permission to touch them casually yet."
"… Did you … want permission?" asked Claire. "You, kinda, said you were uncomfortable with that, I thought."
"No, it was more wondering if you were flirting with me that felt weird," Jim assured her. "After that conversation I felt like it'd be awkward to bring up that I was open to hugging and such."
Jim thought he felt Enrique growl, to quietly to properly hear. His hand, still in Jim's hair, changed position so the tips of Enrique's claws were on Jim's scalp.
"When exactly did this happen?" Enrique asked.
"Claire kissed Jim on the cheek on his birthday and then Jim said he wasn't interested in dating her," said Mary.
"Also that I realized she might not have meant it in a flirty way and if I was misinterpreting things she could ignore what I was saying," Jim added. The claws retreated.
Claire looked away. "So what movie did we want to start with?"
"Lilo & Stitch!" exclaimed Darci, looking through the shelves. "I haven't watched this in forever!"
"That's a good one." Jim tilted his head to get Enrique back in his peripheral vision. "Enrique, have you seen it yet?"
"… Yeah."
"Isn't that the one that always makes you cry?" asked Toby.
"It's beautiful. Of course I cry."
Stitch was a constructed 'abomination', who shapeshifted to blend in, and his adopted family found out what he truly was and still wanted him. How could Jim be expected to keep his composure in the face of that?
"So, quick question," said Jim. "Is talking during the movie a crime, or is commentary what makes it a group activity?"
"Commentary," said all three girls together.
"Okay, good." Jim and Toby usually talked during movies, unless one or both of them were seeing it for the first time. Sometimes even then.
"Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, and completely within legal boundaries."
"We believe you actually created something."
"Created something? Ha! But that would be irresponsible, and, unethical. I would never, ever – make more than one."
"What is that monstrosity?"
"Monstrosity?! What you see before you is the first of a new species!"
"You have to wonder if she and Merlin ever had a talk like this," Enrique muttered in Jim's ear. Jim snickered.
"And as for that abomination … it is the flawed product of a deranged mind. It has no place among us."
Jim stopped laughing and cringed. He loved this movie a lot, but some of it stung.
"A quiet capture would require an understanding of 626 that we do not possess! Who, then, Mr Pleakley, would you send for his extraction?"
"… Does he have a brother? Close grandmother, perhaps?"
"Fun fact," said Darci, "in early drafts Stitch was a career criminal and Jumba was an old accomplice."
"Friendly cousin? Neighbour with a beard?"
"Surely the teacher won't notice I was late if he doesn't see me come in!" Claire narrated sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, Scrump!" Mary wailed, as Lilo ran back to retrieve the doll she'd angrily thrown aside.
"Let me illuminate to you the precarious situation in which you have found yourself. I am the one they call when things go wrong. And things have indeed gone wrong."
"As a cook, that kitchen horrifies me," said Jim.
"If you promise not to fight anymore, I promise not to yell at you – except on special occasions."
"Tuesdays and bank holidays would be good."
The entire group cracked up.
"How does kid Lilo's age even know what a bank holiday is?" said Claire. "I don't even know what a bank holiday is!"
"Maybe she saw it printed on a calendar?" said Toby.
A raindrop fell on Stitch's head. He fired his ray gun into the sky. It started raining, hard.
"Oh, no, I broke the sky!" Darci cried.
"Does it have to be this dog?"
"He survived getting hit by a truck, how much more sturdy and not-gonna-die do you want?" asked Jim.
"Yes. He's good. I can tell."
"I'm sorry I bit you. And pulled your hair. And punched you in the face."
Mary nudged Claire. "Remind you of anyone?"
Like sunflowers, everyone else popped up and turned towards them.
Claire blushed. "We got into a fight in first grade and for like two days we decided we didn't want to be friends anymore, then our moms made us say sorry."
"He will be irresistibly drawn to large cities, where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left shoe."
"It's weird they get in trouble for everything but this," commented Enrique. "Human grown ups might not believe a dog stole a trike, but wouldn't they think Lilo did it? She's fought the other kid before."
"It's nice to live on an island with no large cities."
"It's not an angel, Lilo, I don't even think it's a dog!"
"Isn't that the rolling thing Draal can do?" said Toby.
"Yeah, more or less," said Jim. "I mean, I don't think Draal bites his feet – but maybe that's the trick."
"At least with those stick legs you've got," said Enrique. He curled into a ball and rolled in a circle around the group. "Face it, you're out of proportion for this move."
"626 was designed to be a monster. But now, there is nothing to destroy. You see, I never gave him a greater purpose. What must it be like, to have nothing? Not even memories to visit, in the middle of the night?"
"Now, this next bit I don't care for," said Jim. "The Ugly Duckling is a messed-up story."
"What've you got against The Ugly Duckling?" asked Mary.
"The blatant segregationist propaganda? 'A swan will never fit in with ducks and everyone is better off sticking with their own kind'. You don't even have to read it as a race metaphor. Between that and The Little Mermaid, I thought for while that Hans Christian Anderson was a Changeling writing cautionary tales about why we shouldn't get attached to humans."
"… Was he?" asked Claire.
"Probably not. I couldn't find any real evidence and the rest of his work doesn't match the pattern."
"Counterpoint," said Darci. "The Ugly Duckling is pro-integration. Everyone thought he was an ugly duckling because they didn't know what swans look like. If he'd grown up with ducks and swans around, they could've judged him for what he was instead of what he couldn't measure up to, and he might've had a happy childhood instead of only finding a community that accepted him as an adult."
Jim considered this, and nodded. "I guess I can see that, too."
"Heard you lost your job."
"Well, uh, actually, I just quit. That job. Because, you know, the hours are just not conducive to the challenges of raising a child –"
"Nani, no!" Jim begged. "I know almost nothing about Social Services but I'm pretty sure choosing to leave your only source of income looks worse to them than just losing it!"
"Thus far you have been adrift in the sheltered harbour of my patience; but I cannot ignore you being jobless. Do I make myself clear?"
"And next time I see this dog, I expect it to be a model citizen. Capiche?"
"Uh … yes?"
"New job. Model citizen. Good day."
"So, we saw Cobra on the beach after all the tourists got scared off … D'you think he was just standing there watching them the whole time?" Mary wondered out loud after the surfing sequence.
"Until we meet again …"
Lilo was about to tell Stitch about her parents. Without thinking, Jim grabbed the remote – on the coffee table, next to the amulet – to fast forward.
"What are you doing?" Darci cried. "This is one of the big emotional turning points of the film!"
Jim paused it. "Sorry. Uh … Tobes and I usually skip this scene."
"I think I can handle it," Toby assured Jim. To the girls and Enrique, he explained, "My parents died in a storm when I was two. A cruise ship, not a car accident. I got kind of upset the first time we watched this as kids, and, we got in the habit fast forwarding this part. I think I'm okay with it now."
"You're sure?" asked Jim.
"I'm sure."
"Okay …" He rewound to the point where he'd started fast forwarding.
"That's us before. It was rainy, and they went for a drive. What happened to yours?"
Jim watched Toby more than the movie for the next few minutes.
"I'll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves."
"Do you remember them?" Claire asked quietly.
"Only the stuff Nana tells me." Toby shrugged, and readjusted the cushions he'd propped up his arms on. "I've seen lots of pictures. A couple home movies."
"Don't run. Don't make me shoot you. You were expensive. Yes, yes, that's it, come quietly."
"I'm … waiting."
"For what?"
"Ah. You don't have one. I made you."
"Maybe … I could –"
"You were built to destroy. You can never belong."
Jim blinked fast to keep the tears back. He sniffed, and pulled the blankets more tightly around him.
"Okay, talk! I know you had something to do with this, now where's Lilo? Talk! I know you can."
"Claire?" said Mary. "You okay?"
Jim looked over. Claire's jaw was clenched, and her hands were tight on the blanket, and her eyes were huge and fixed on the screen, and she was shaking.
"Ah … maybe the little sib getting snatched by otherworldly forces wasn't the best movie choice," Enrique said. He reached out like he was about to go to Claire, then pulled back his hand and hunkered down where he was.
"LILO! She's a little girl this big, she has black hair and brown eyes, and she hangs around with that THING!"
"I'm. Fine," Claire insisted.
"You're sure?"
"We can just fast forward."
"I said I'm fine!"
"Okay …"
Mary and Darci each scooted their blanket and cushion piles closer to Claire's, bracketing her on either side. Jim tactfully retreated to the Nuñezes kitchen to microwave a few more bags of popcorn. Enrique went with him. They could still hear the TV.
"What? After all you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? Just like that?!"
"Fine? You're doing what he says?"
"Ah, he is very persuasive."
"Is it normal to feel bad for her?" Enrique asked.
"I think so? It's an awkward situation for both of you." Jim selected the white cheddar flavour. "But it's not like there's an alternative. You're not a polymorph. And really, the only reason she's upset is because she found out."
The Nuñezes had the same microwave as the Lakes. Jim didn't find the popcorn setting especially useful for this brand of popcorn – it tended to burn a third of the kernels– so he used the timer instead.
"I never apologized to you for that, did I?" Jim asked.
"It wasn't all your fault."
"Still, I'm sorry for my part in getting you caught."
The Changelings got back to the living room in time to see the unfortunate tourist lose his ice cream for the third time.
"Does Stitch have to go in the ship?"
"Can Stitch say goodbye?"
"… Yes."
Like he always did during this scene, Jim cried. He let himself do it this time.
"Wait, how is Little Mermaid a cautionary tale?" asked Enrique during the credits. The camera panned over a photo of Stitch reading to a flock of ducklings. "For getting attached, I mean. I thought the moral of that one was to control yer temper and be careful who you made deals with?"
"Sure, the Disney version," said Jim. "They adapted it to make a more dramatic, less depressing story. And give the characters names. In the older version, the sea witch is actually a neutral character. The terms of the mermaid's transformation are that she's traded her tongue for legs, but walking on land hurts, and she'll become fully human if the prince marries her, but if he marries anybody else, she'll die."
"That doesn't sound neutral."
"Wait for it. The prince gets engaged to a human princess, so the mermaid's older sisters trade their hair to the sea witch for a magic knife and a loophole; if the little mermaid kills the prince before the wedding, she can turn back into a mermaid and survive."
"Kay, I see it now."
"Except she doesn't go through with the kill, so she dies, and because she wasn't really human, she doesn't have a proper soul, so her spirit's not allowed to go to Heaven."
"… Whoa."
"I know, right?"
"I mean," Mary commented, "not murdering somebody is kind of a low bar for moral decency. It's not as if the prince owed her anything just because she was attracted to him."
"No, no, whether the prince deserved to die or not is irrelevant," said Jim. "The point is that the mermaid had a chance to, objectively, trade one life for another, and because she was attached to the particular person she'd have to kill, she didn't prioritize her own survival, and therefore suffered."
"Wouldn't the guilt of murder have caused suffering anyway?" Toby pointed out.
"Not if she wasn't attached," Jim insisted. How were they not getting this? "If she could've just cut the throat of any random human, she'd've been fine. The moral of the story is that caring about people causes pain. That's what makes it depressing."
"Do you like any fairy tales?" asked Darci.
"Sure. Just not most of Anderson's work."
"What should we watch next?" said Claire hospitably. "If we're on a 'sister movies' theme, I've got Frozen."
"Isn't that one also based on an Anderson fairy tale?" said Mary.
"Not really," said Jim. "The Snow Queen was more 'inspiration' than 'source material'. Elsa never kidnaps anyone, and they left out the broken enchanted mirror. Plus it's fun to see all the different ways humans think trolls are like."
"We also have the Trolls movie," said Claire. "I haven't watched it yet. My dad got it for Mom's birthday because she used to collect the dolls."
"I haven't seen that one yet, either," Darci commented.
"Should we?" said Mary. "Any other votes?"
"I'm game for whatever," said Toby. "This one's a musical, right? Those are always fun."
Jim squirmed.
He hadn't watched this movie despite his curiosity, after an online clip of the opening had explained the premise. Getting eaten alive was his greatest fear. Did he want to watch a movie about trolls narrowly avoiding being eaten? Did he want to explain why he didn't want to watch it?
While he debated, the movie got put in.
"Once upon a time, in a happy forest, in the happiest tree, lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known: the trolls. They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug, and dance and hug and sing and dance and sing and hug –"
Enrique started laughing.
Oh, shit, Jim hadn't warned him.
"Uh, Enrique –"
"Ssh! This is ridiculous. I mean, the huggy bit's kind of like you, but the rest of it – ha!"
"But then one day, the trolls were discovered by – a Bergen!"
"The trolls are gonna –"
"Ji-im! Spoilers!" Toby hissed.
"They were the most miserable creatures in all the land."
Jim grabbed Enrique and covered his eyes. The smaller Changeling yelped and squirmed. Jim switched forms so his fingers wouldn't bleed from the clawing.
Enrique got his eyes uncovered just in time to see the Bergen flick a troll into its mouth.
The onscreen troll's exclamation of "Oh my god!" was drowned out by Enrique's much more lurid cursing.
"What the –?" The girls and Toby all turned to stare. Claire pointed at Enrique accusingly. "I knew that didn't mean 'I'm sorry'!"
"The hell kinda movie is this?! Why would you watch this?!" He twisted to look at Jim, who let go of him rather than risk yanking his scruff by accident. "You knew?!"
"I saw a bit of it on the internet when it first came out. That's why I froze up when Claire suggested it."
That … that was the wrong thing to say. Enrique rounded on Claire. A techno-rock cover of In The Hall Of The Mountain King boomed from the movie soundtrack.
"Why in FUCK'S NAME would you think we'd WANT to watch trolls get EATEN? Is this some kind of threat?"
"How the fuck would it be a threat?" Claire shot back, stealing some cushions from Mary to prop herself up taller without getting out of her blanket cocoon.
"Most Changelings –" Jim started to say.
"We've all had close calls," Jim finished. "Nyarlagroths, Hellheetis, goblins if you catch them in the wrong mood, Gruesomes if you're already hurt, Stalklings, and it's a … popular threat from Gumm-Gumms."
"You forgot the sloorbeasts," said Enrique bitterly.
"Nobody's gotten lichen patches that bad." At least, they hadn't when Jim got out. "Have they?"
"Still counts."
"Uh, excuse me." Toby raised his hand. "I think I speak for us all when I say, what?"
"The Darklands are a hostile environment with predators and scavengers," explained Jim. "That's the other reason we slept in groups."
"Bigger targets, but we could have lookouts."
"Okay, that's its own kind of horrifying, but I was more reacting to the cannibalism?"
"Changelings don't count as real trolls," Enrique said sarcastically. "We're Impure."
He left out the part where they'd eaten their own dead. Jim didn't add it.
(It wasn't like they'd hunted each other for food. Sometimes a Changeling just died, somehow, in a way that didn't get them eaten by something else, and … well, food was scarce in the Darklands. They couldn't afford to be picky.
It also paid to keep watch over the sentry posts. Gunmar occasionally used the Decimaar Blade to post a sentry and then forgot to order them to rest and eat. Once they died, the average adult Gumm-Gumm was a meal for twenty Changelings, easily, if they could get to the body before the Gruesomes did.)
"Okay, we're switching to Frozen." Mary made the executive decision. "Wait," she said, while exchanging the disks. "If Changelings aren't trolls, how does Jim's adoption work?"
Because of course this was the perfect moment to tell Enrique about that, right in the middle of a squabble with his adopted sister.
"For one thing, most of Trollmarket still thinks I'm human." Jim switched back to human shape to illustrate the point.
"You got adopted?"
"AAARRRGGHH and Blinky thought I should have legal standing in Trollmarket outside of my job."
Enrique stared at him. Green diamond-shaped ears were pinned back. Buggy, slit-pupil eyes were wide and hurt.
"You get everything," he grumbled. "Two nicknames, and the goblins liked you, and you could always find food, and here you're the boss's favourite even when you're a traitor, and your human family still likes you, and now you get a troll family too? S'not fair."
"Hey, the goblins liked you, too." Jim was fully aware that wasn't much comfort compared to all the rest of it. "They gave you your nickname, remember?"
"They gave you one, too."
"Yeah, but you got yours first."
They probably weren't supposed to hear Darci when she muttered, "I feel like we're missing a lot of context."
"Shit," Claire muttered back. "Not Enrique told me a bit of the name part. They don't remember their names from before they were Changelings, and they don't get real names until they have Familiars, so they use nicknames instead. From each other or from goblins, he said."
"They don't get names?" Darci's voice went squeaky at the end of that.
"We're trying to come up with something other than 'Enrique' for him."
"You're trying," Enrique corrected. Darci squeaked again.
"Can we maybe circle back to the cannibalism thing?" said Toby. "That feels like the kind of trauma that should get unpacked at some point."
"I would rather leave it packed," said Jim.
"The way you blurted it out like that feels like you need to talk about it."
"Not all psychology is Freudian, Tobes."
"Do your parents still have baby name books from when they were picking Enrique's name?" Mary asked Claire. "Real Enrique, I mean."
"They didn't use one. He was named after our abuelo."
"Okay, so what about your other grandfather? What was his name?"
"Jose María." Defensively, "It's gender neutral in Spanish."
On the television screen, the movie menu finished another loop and started again.
"I tried spelling my name like it sounds, en are ee kay, but Claire said it spelled 'Nrek'. You get why I couldn't use that."
Jim laughed.
"What's funny?" asked Toby. "Is that an insult or something?"
"No, it's goblin, in English it means 'bottle'," Jim translated. "Or possibly 'container of food'." The only bottles he's seen them use held formula for the Familiars, and the word hadn't come up on the surface, so the distinction was unclear. "It's either a silly name or a really morbid one."
"Aaand we're back to the cannibalism."
"No we are not!"
"Na na na heyana, Hahiyaha naha …"
Either somebody had decided to start the movie, or the DVD had that feature where it automatically began playing if nothing was selected after a few loops of the menu.
The conversation went in circles a couple more times, then faded out.
"And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?"
"That's Sven."
"Uh-huh; and who's the reindeer?"
"… Sven."
"Oh, they're – ? Oh! Okay! Makes things easier for me."
"~Riot~," said Enrique.
"My nickname. Before. It meant 'riot'."
What are you doing? Jim wanted to demand. Was Enrique just – just giving up on a real name?
"You can call me that for now. Till we work out a for-real one. Better than 'Not Enrique'."
Jim stuffed some burnt popcorn kernels into his mouth to keep from protesting. He couldn't undermine Enrique's – Riot's – chosen name, right in front of a bunch of humans, when he'd been arguing with them about how rude that was for weeks now.
"Oh. Okay." Claire half-smiled. "Riot."
Jim shut his eyes to hide the flaring glow.
Previous Chapter (Angor Rot gets treated much better, and more sensibly, than in canon, and is correspondingly less vengeful)
Table of Contents 
Next Chapter (Featuring either Otto or Gatto)
A quick thank you to Taycin on AO3 for providing some name-gender context when this chapter first went up.
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stitchandani · 3 years
Where did you get the inspiration for developing your original characters of Kai, Zeke and Mason. Did they have different names of personalities when you were developing Stitch and Ani?
I looooove this question! Thank you for asking it! I've put so much work into these three OCs. I mean even more work has gone into Ani, but since her name and age come from the anime, I can't really call her an OC. Just an alternate version of what appeared in the anime. And I wanted them all to fit into Lilo and Stitch's world without being a copy of characters who had gone before. Like, Zeke is not Keoni. Kai is not Mertle. And Mason is a totally new kind of kid-character for the franchise; one I don't think they've tried to make before. (They've done kids with single moms, kids with single dads, kids who are orphaned, but no kids who have been neglected by terrible parents and then gone through the foster system and literally do not understand what family is.) They're new L&S characters. (I hope! ^^') Not like the anime or Stitch and Ai, where they copy archetypes like Mertle and her posse, or Keoni and his appeal, or David and his compassion/role. Zeke is important to the emotional plot, Kai is a main character who balances Ani out, Mason is a vehicle to showing the audience a specific theme. They're all there for a reason, not just to flesh the story out! And the secret is, each of these characters play out some aspect of Stitch's original redemption story from the first movie. Read below for details because I love my 3 boys
Kai Kai's name was always Kai, ever since I started making things for Stitch and Ani. He was inspired by another character I'd made for some original stuff [including the fact that blue is his signature color]. But his personality and reasons for being the bully changed from being a spoiled only child (because, Dover, Nani and David would never spoil a kid) to being the kid that wants to be seen and feel like he's a part of his own family, and he doesn't feel like he's seen or belongs, and things in his life are changing fast when the story begins, so he lashes out. I knew from the anime (and just realistically) that David and Nani had to have had a kid, and for some reason no one in the fandom has ever pictured them having a girl. (I guess because Lilo would presumably be the one with a mini-me daughter, not Nani? If there were to be a real sequel?) Anyway, everyone has versions of a Nani/David kid who is a boy, everyone. And they all look...vaguely similar? Seriously. It's like everyone can picture this kid generally the same way; he's practically canon somehow. Nani's skin, Nani's temper, David's passions, David's hair? (With a little Nani roundness to it in my case!) So Kai's always been on the backburner; he's just inspired by David and Nani themselves.
Mason Mason was a late idea. His name used to be Matthew, but I didn’t think that sounded as simple. I think I started writing/drawing little prototypes of him in 2017, but I never gave him a full name or backstory or anything. I knew Kai had one guy friend who also picked on Ani, and I knew I wanted that guy friend to later crush on Ani, maybe when they were all old enough for that. He was inspired by a group of little boys (brothers) I used to know, all blonde, who were just exact caricatures of stereotypical little boys. Rude, cute, gross, blunt, crazy, messy, funny, curious, loud, redeemable. I wanted a character that not only didn't know what family was - he had the wrong idea about families altogether. Mason thinks family is a joke, and that you're better off without a family in his experience. So it makes it interesting to have his best friend be someone who comes from the BEST family ever. The main themes in L&S inspired Mason. Wanted to make a character that believed in the opposite of those themes, and had to learn them for himself by being around Lilo and Stitch's Ohana. Zeke Z’s will be longer. His name was always Zeke! Zeke is the first OC I made for the Lilo and Stitch franchise, and the inspiration for his looks only has always been (SORT OF) the singer/songwriter Sam Tsui from YouTube. I was a fan of his back in 2010, and I was going between different looks for the character, and I saw Sam’s video for his cover of I Knew You Were Trouble Taylor Swift, and I thought ‘that’s Zeke!!’ And so. That’s Zeke. In looks. Anyway, Z was inspired by Sam and inspired by the idea that to make Ani look like something other than a copy of Lilo, she needed a father you actually got to see, so you knew she wasn’t Keoni’s (the only fan theory out there for Ani’s dad, yikes) and so it didn’t feel like Lilo just had this surprise mini-me and the father’s identity didn’t matter. You can do a lot in a story by depicting a family that isn’t perfect or has suffered tragedies, and since Lilo’s fam already had both of those things in the franchise, it made sense to show the history of her relationship with this guy and what happened to that and how it affects her and her daughter in the present. It’s a great thematic opportunity and it makes the characters and the story richer. And to anchor Z to the original franchise and make their bond feel believable, I had it decided early on that Zeke and Lilo had already met once before college - they spent a summer together as kids! It was the summer before Lilo’s parents died (which also helps explain Lilo’s comment about not seeing tourists socially as a defense mechanism in Swapper). So I wanted Zeke to fit in with Lilo, to be a good match for her. Keoni’s character was older, and her relationship with him was just that of a little kid’s crush. Sweet, but not marriage material in the future! Instead, we have Zeke, who is roughly Lilo’s age, and where she’s opinionated and loud, he’s shy and reserved. They both love things like Wasp Mummies films and Halloween monsters and Zeke is just the kind of guy to believe in and accept Lilo’s alien family. He’s a singer and a dancer, and we know Lilo worships Elvis, so that works. His color schemes are shades of orange (her favorite color!) and yellow and, yes, red. His character is tailor-made to work well with Lilo’s romantically, even platonically - but in a different way than Stitch works well with Lilo [platonically]. Basically I saw the opportunity for an OC that would fit the story, explain important things in the story, and make the overall story better. And that’s Zeke Lau!
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lilohno · 3 years
Tumblr media
First name? “Lilo.”
Surname? “Pelekai.”
Middle names? “Makamae Kailea.”
Nicknames? “Weirdlo, Freaklo. My dad used to call me Sport.”
Date of birth? “March 11th, 2002.”
Age? “Nineteen.”
Height? “5′3.”
Weight? “119.”
Build? “Small.”
Hair color? “Black.”
Hair style? “Long.”
Eye color? “Brown.”
Eye shape? “I’ve got big eyes.”
Glasses or contact lenses? “Neither!”
Distinguishing facial features? “My dimples or laugh lines or whatever they are.”
Which facial feature is most prominent? “I don’t think anything stands out that much.”
Which bodily feature is most prominent? “My hair.”
Other distinguishing features? “Hm, nothing.”
Skin? “Tan.”
Hands? “Small.”
Make up? “I don’t wear makeup often. There’s no point. It’s just going to smear when I get in the water, and I’m always in the water.”
Scars? “A small faded line on my right shin, who knows how I got that.”
Birthmarks? “I don’t have any.”
Tattoos? “Nani would kill me. I should do it.”
Physical handicaps? “None.”
Type of clothes? “I like muumuus, shorts, tank tops and grass skirts.”
How do you wear their clothes? “I rock them!”
What are their feet like? “Usually shoeless. I don’t mind flip flops and sandals, but I’d rather be barefoot.”
Race / Ethnicity? “It’s a mixed bag.”
Mannerisms? “Overexaggerating.”
Are you in good health? “Yes.”
Do you have any disabilities? “Nope.”
What words or phrases do you overuse? “I don’t think I overuse anything.”
Do you have a catchphrase? “No, but I should. That’d be cool.”
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? “Depends on the day.”
Are you introverted or extroverted? “Extra extro.”
Do you ever put on airs? “I am who I am, you get what you get.”
What bad habits do you have? “Letting my emotions control me.”
What makes you laugh out loud? “Stanley, he’s the funniest guy I know.”
How do you display affection? “I’m a gift giver, a hand holder and a hugger. I’ll also take a lot of pictures of you. A lot.”
Mental handicaps? “Sometimes I feel like I’m emotionally immature.”
How do you want to be seen by others? “Cool! I want people to think I’m cool.”
How do you see themselves? “Different. There’s not a lot of people like me.”
How are you seen by others? “Weird.”
Strongest character trait? “I would say my resilience.”
Weakest character trait? “Refusing to ask people for help.” 
How competitive are you? “Why, what are we playing? You’re going down, buddy!”
Do you make snap judgements or take time to consider? “I consider… whether or not the snap judgement I just made was good or not.”
How do you react to praise? “I get all smiley.”
How do you react to criticism? “I’m okay with criticism if it’s actually criticism, if it’s someone being bossy or mean, I’m gonna get mouthy.”
What is your greatest fear? “Car accidents.”
What are your biggest secrets? “You’ll find out over my dead body!”
What is your philosophy of life? “Where there is love there is life. That’s by Gandhi.”
When was the last time you cried? “On the plane ride here.”
What haunts you? “The time I told my mom she was the worst mom ever. I didn’t mean it. I hope she didn’t remember that.”
What are your political views? “People should be able to love who they love, race and sex shouldn’t change a thing, and if it’s your body, it’s your choice.”
What will you stand up for? “Everything I believe in.”
Who do you quote? “My mama and my daddy.”
Are you indoorsy or outdoorsy? “Outdoors! I wish I could just hang a hammock up and sleep on the beach every night.”
What is your sinful little habit? “Sneaking pictures of strangers.”
What sense do you most rely on? “My sight.”
How do you treat people better than you? “I try to learn from them.”
How do you treat people worse than you? “They’re only worse than me because they’re a bunch of stinky bullies… and I still treat them better than they treat me.”
What quality do you most value in a friend? “Uniqueness and goodness!”
What do you consider an overrated virtue? “Tolerance. I shouldn’t have to tolerate someone else being annoying if I don’t feel like it.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “I wouldn’t change anything about myself. I like myself.”
What is your obsession? “Elvis freaking Presley.”
What are your pet peeves? “Being told what to do.”
What are your idiosyncrasies? “Before we moved I had to feed Pudge the fish every day. I hope someone is still feeding him. I hope he didn’t get mad at me.”
Is your family big or small? Who does it consist of? “It’s small. Right now there’s only me and Nani, but my mom and dad still count too. And Stanley, Stanley is my chosen family.”
What is your perception of family? “Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.”
Do you have siblings? Older or younger? “Yeah, I’m the youngest.”
Describe your best friend. “He’s accepting, he’s funny, he likes me for who I am, he’s willing to learn and grow, and he’s loyal.”
Ideal best friend? “Stanley Jookiba.”
Describe your other friends. “I don’t have any other friends.”
Describe your acquaintances. “I don’t have any of those either.”
Do you have any pets? “I wish.”
Who are your natural allies? “Just Stanley.”
Who are your surprising allies? “Is Stanley surprising? If so, him. If not, no one.”
What were you like as a baby? As a child? “I was happy. I was loud and headstrong and I stuck out like a sore thumb when I tried to bond with other kids. I haven’t changed all that much.”
Did you grow up rich or poor? “We did okay until it was just me and Nani.”
Did you grow up nurtured or neglected? “Nurtured. There was so much love.”
What is the most offensive thing you ever said? “Anything I said when I was mad at my parents. I didn’t mean it. I wish I could take it back.”
What is your greatest achievement? “My wall of Polaroids. They’re beautiful.”
What was your first kiss like? “This kid at school said I was too chicken to kiss a boy, so I kissed him. He didn’t like it much.”
What is the worst thing you did to someone you loved? “I’ve caused a lot of trouble for Nani. I don’t think she even cares.”
What are your ambitions? “To stop ocean pollution once and for all.”
What advice would you give your younger self? “Hug your parents every chance you get, and keep being you.”
What smells remind you of your childhood? “Sand.”
What was your childhood ambition? “To be the best hula dancer, just like my mom.”
What is your best childhood memory? “All the times we sat outside laughing at the silly constellations m mom would make up.”
What is your worst childhood memory? “The night my parents never came back home.”
Did you have an imaginary childhood friend? “I had a few.”
When was the last time you were crushed with disappointment? “When Nani told me we had to move.”
What past act are you most ashamed of? “One time I got into a fight and bit the girl. I got in trouble. I don’t know if I’m ashamed though, she deserved it.”
What past act are you most proud of? “The hula dancing competitions I won.”
Has anyone ever saved your life? “In a way, I feel like Stanley did.”
Strongest childhood memory? “Surfing with my dad. I’d sit on the board with him when I was too young to even walk, and he’d paddle us out to the middle of the ocean. I always thought it was so cool.”
Do you believe in love at first sight? “Maybe.”
Are you in a relationship? “Ew, no.”
How do you behave in a relationship? “I’ve never been in one.”
When did you last have sex? “No, no, no!”
What sort of sex do you have? “And I’ll say again, ew.”
Have you ever been in love? “Only with Elvis.”
Have you ever had your heart broken? “I had to go to gravestones to tell my parents I graduated high school. Yes, my heart has been broken.”
How do you respond to a threat? “Swingin’.”
Are you most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? “My fists.”
What is your kryptonite? “Shaved ice.”
If you could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? “The last picture I have of my parents.”
How do you perceive strangers? “Interesting. Very interesting.”
What do you love to hate? “My big sister. I love her, but she’s annoying.”
What are your phobias? “I… I don’t like cars or storms very much.”
What is your choice of weapon? “My fists of fury!”
What living person do you most despise? “Freakin’ Mertle Edmonds.”
Have you ever been bullied or teased? “That’s all the kids back home did.”
Where do you go when you’re angry? “The beach. The ocean drowns out all of my feelings. Or I go into my bedroom and scream into a pillow.”
Who are your enemies and why? “If I had an archenemies it would be Mertle. She brought it on herself.”
What is your current job? “I don’t have one, but I really need to get one. It’s getting harder and harder to afford film.”
What do you think about their current job? “Well, if you’re talking about school, it’s okay, but I’d rather be in Hawaii.”
What are some of your past jobs? “I get it! I’m a freeloader, okay? Don’t rub it in!”
What are your hobbies? “Surfing, swimming, photography, crafts, hula dancing… I may or may not dabble in a little black magic.”
Educational background? “I’m in my first year of college.”
Intelligence level? “I’m a smart kid, don’t doubt me.”
Do you have any specialist training? “No. I’m not in the CIA.”
Do you have a natural talent for something? “Surfing!”
Do you play a sport? Are you any good? “Does surfing count as a sport?”
What is their socioeconomic status? “I’m probably on the bottom.”
What is your favorite animal? “Fish! I also like dogs! But fish!”
Which animal do you dislike the most? “Humans.”
What place would you most like to visit? “I’m not interested in being anywhere but home. That’s where I’d go.”
What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen? “The ocean.”
What is your favorite song? “Blue Hawaii, but it’s a close tie between anything Elvis.”
Music, art, reading preferred? “Music.”
What is your favorite color? “Um… blue. Maybe.”
What is your password? “K1ngElv1sTh3K1ng.”
Favorite food: “Kalua pork.”
What is your favorite work of art? “Reflection Of You by Walfrido.”
Who is your favorite artist? “Elvis!”
What is their favorite day of the week? “Saturday.”
What is in their fridge? “Pineapple slices. Nothing else. Well, whatever Nani has in there. I haven’t been grocery shopping yet.”
What is on your bedside table? “My lamp, a couple of seashells and one of my dad’s old books.”
What is in your car? “I don’t drive.”
What is in your bin? “A ripped up drawing I messed up on last night.”
What is in your purse or wallet? “I keep our last family picture in there or under my pillow. I have my student ID a few emergency bucks too.”
What is in your pockets? “Probably sand, some old candy and ants.”
What is their most treasured possession? “The only picture I have with my parents.”
Who or what is your guardian angel? “I know it’s my mom.”
Do you believe in the afterlife? “Yes.”
What are your religious views? “I just know there has to be something else.”
What do you think heaven is? “The place my parents are waiting for me.”
What do you think hell is? “Scary…”
Are you superstitious? “Very.”
What would you like to be reincarnated as? “Ooh, I wanna be a fish! Or a whale! Or maybe a dolphin!”
How would you like to die? “I don’t want to think about that. Please don’t make me think about that.”
What is your spirit animal? “The humuhumunukunukuapua’a.”
What is your zodiac sign? “Pisces.”
What do you think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? “Belittling someone for who they are, making them feel like they have to change.”
What is your view of ‘freedom’? “Being able to swim whenever you want.”
When did you last lie? “I told Nani that it was okay we had to leave. It’s not okay.”
What’s your view of lying? “It’s not a good thing to do.”
When did you last make a promise? “A few months ago.”
Did you keep or break your last promise? “I keep my promises. All of them.”
What are your eating habits? “I eat a lot of fruit. I love fruit.”
Do you have any allergies? “I wish I was allergic to broccoli.”
Describe your home. “Home was Kaua’i, the bedroom I grew up in, my parents’ house. What we have here isn’t a home, it’s just a house.”
Are you minimalist or a clutter hoarder? “I’m a hoarder.���
What do you do first thing on a weekday morning? “Hit snooze.”
What do you do on a Sunday afternoon? “Take a walk on the beach.”
What do you do on a Friday night? “Stay up too late watching alien documentaries and YouTube conspiracy theories. Don’t tell Nani.”
What is your soft drink of choice? “Fanta.”
What is your alcoholic drink of choice? “I cannot legally answer this question.”
What or who would you dress up as for Halloween? “I’ve been all sorts of things! I’ve been a vampire, I’ve been Elvis more than once, a witch, a princess… I think I want to be a mermaid this year.”
Are you comfortable with technology? “I’m uncomfortable with how easy it is for people to hide behind a screen and be mean to each other.”
If you could save one person, who would it be? “Stanley.”
If you could call one person for help, who would it be? “Nani, if I had to.”
What is your greatest extravagance? “Camera film. That’s where all my money goes.”
What is your greatest regret? “Taking my parents for granted.”
What is your perception of redemption? “Saying sorry and meaning it. That’s all it really takes to be redeemed, isn’t it?”
What would you do if you won the lottery? “Buy my house back.”
What is your favorite fairytale? “The Ugly Duckling.”
What fairytale do you hate? “The Princess and The Pea. Who can feel a pea under that many mattresses? You can’t! Being a princess doesn’t give you some sort of other wordly status! It’s frustrating!”
Do you believe in happy endings? “I don’t know anymore.”
What is your idea of perfect happiness? “Kaua’i is happiness.”
What would you ask a fortune teller? “I’d ask them if my parents are watching over me, and if they’re proud.”
If you could travel through time, where would you go? “I’d go back to the night my mom and dad died, and I wouldn’t let them leave the house. I’d make sure they stayed safe at home with me.”
What sport do you excel at? “Dodgeball. I like chucking the balls at people’s heads.”
What sport do you suck at? “Football, it’s too confusing.”
If you could have a superpower, what would you choose? “The ability to breathe underwater!”
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yaraaflor · 4 years
dick & dami’s relationship
it feels like there’s this constant mini-battle going on in the batfam fandom about whether dick is damian’s older brother, or dick is damian’s father. like some people think he plays solely one role. and it’s v frustrating to me bc like. he can be both to damian? relationships are more complicated than the labels you put on them. like yes, technically, dick is, in name, damian’s older brother, not his father. but their relationship is more complicated than that, and to say that dick never acted as father figure to damian is to ignore a lot of their history imo!
and to illustrate my point i want to use an example from pop culture that most people would be familiar with: the relationship between nani and lilo in Lilo & Stitch. bc like, it’s made clear very early on that nani is lilo’s Big Sister, and that their parents died and they both miss their parents very much. and they squabble, as sisters do, bc at one point their relationship had been limited to only sisters (not that sisters can’t have complex relationships, but i digress.) but now nani plays a new role in lilo’s life: she is her sole guardian and protector. sure, she’s still getting used to the role, but she works really hard to be a good guardian to lilo and she really steps up as a parent would. is lilo still her sister? yes of course! they make it clear throughout the movie that they have a bond that is unique to siblings. but nani is definitely, 100% acting as a parent to lilo. lilo may never call her “mom” but she depends on her the way a child depends on a parent. they have a unique relationship that doesn’t fit into any one box and honestly i applaud the movie for doing such an excellent job of demonstrating happy alternatives to the nuclear family.
and the thing is, in the beginning, damian and dick’s relationship is essentially the same as lilo and nani’s. they have the added wrinkle of the fact that they barely know each other when dick first becomes his guardian, but that doesnt change the situation. both of damian’s parents are not able to be in the picture and he is relying on dick as his sole guardian (i know he doesnt always act like it but remember damian is a ten year old CHILD when he becomes dick’s responsibility.) sure, alfred is there, but tbh alfred also plays a complex role in the family, sometimes butler, sometimes grandparent, sometimes parent. and in this specific case, though alfred helps out a lot, it’s made clear that raising damian is something that is falling more on dick’s shoulders than his (partially bc damian doesn’t acknowledge alfred as being part of the family right away.) so while dick is trying to keep damian in touch with his father’s memory, and is trying to bond with damian as a brother might since they share that father, he is also 100% acting as a parent to damian during this time.
when bruce comes back from the dead dick is able to take a step back again and play the less responsible role of big brother, and we can argue til we’re blue in the face about whether that was the right thing to do but it’s what he did. damian undoubtedly sees bruce as his father, talia as his mother, and has dick as one of his several older brothers. but a person doesn’t easily forget their parental figures, even if they were only there temporarily, and similarly, a person doesnt forget the children they were responsible for. damian and dick have a permanent bond that comes between guardian and child, and that will always give their relationship as brothers an added element of love and responsibility. dick would never try to take bruce’s place as damian’s “Father” but he will always have a special place in his heart for damian, and vice versa. they are brothers, yes, but there is more to their relationship than one might find in your average sibling relationship. placing dick as solidly a “brother” or “father” ignores the nuances of this relationship, which is one of the better ones that dc’s managed to build imo.
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virginbutstillahoe · 4 years
Positive 20 Questions Tag Game
i made a tag game again.  i’m bored, procrastinating, and certain we all need some more positivity right now. hell yeah.
1.) Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
- dean winchester (supernatural): i never shut up about his but dean is me y’all.  we both be out here, acting like we’re tough when we’re just jelly filled dorks, being nurturing as hell, making jokes to cheer people up, with a constant chip on our shoulders, and secretly just wanting someone to love us and love someone back.  
- maria vontrapp (sound of music): i know she’s not technically a fictional character since that’s based on a true story but whatever.  you know what i could name everything about her, but i won’t bc who has time for that.  basically just fucking listen to the song “maria” from that movie where all the nuns roast her and you’ve basically got my personality wrapped in a bow for you.  just an innocent ass train wreck that just wants to love everyone but doesn’t realize that manners are a thing.  that song is so me that my family used to sing it at me when i was little and they still do.  also when she blows the whistle obnoxiously at the captain and is just like “lol sorry captain didn’t know how i was supposed to address you :)))” super passive aggressively, me.
- tracy samantha lorde (the philadelphia story): okay she’s definitely classier and fancier than me but, the real vulnerable shit underneath all of her grace and beauty is samesies.  she basically is so intolerant of people being anything less than perfect because she’s so afraid of people getting close to her and seeing her flaws....cough cough.  she keeps everyone at a distance because she doesn’t want to get hurt. lmao.
- lilo (lilo and stitch): another fictional character that my family needed to point out was me at every turn.  my older sister and i actually used to say ohana to each other before bed because she was so similar to nani and i’m so similar to lilo and we fight EXACTLY like them.  lilo is just a little outcast who, once again, just loves everyone and wants to be seen and loved for who she is, but has such a hard time connecting to people because they don’t understand her and her aggressive way of showing her intense emotions.  my mama still calls me lilo sometimes.  i have a lilo plushie on my bed and a lilo sticker on my laptop bc i love her and she gets me.  
2.) Aesthetic?
-  bright colors, ocean waves, dirty and torn clothing, and wildflowers.
3.) Favorite musical/play? (If you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?
- into the woods.  it was phantom of the opera for most of my childhood and teenage years, but into the woods really just goes after the life metaphors and really makes  you think about the difference between right, wrong, and gray areas. like there’s a song about how adventure changes you and makes you view the world differently.  there’s another about how somewhere between mundane and perfect is where the best parts of life lie.  there’s another all about how important children are and how vital it is that you are careful what you say and do around them.  it just goes the fuck off. 
4.) What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
- “you think about the world in ways i never thought were possible”
5.) How many times have you been in love?
- kind of 1? i’ve been into the same person my whole life but i’m constantly debating myself on if unrequited love can count as being in love with someone you’re actually with, if that makes sense?
6.) Embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
- when i was little, i secretly wanted to be an actress on broadway, so when i was home alone and would watch movies, i would pick a character in the movie and act out their parts as i watched like a crazy person lol.
7.) Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
- favorite disney movie is lilo and stitch for reasons mostly mentioned in the first question, but the family doesn’t get left behind or forgotten and the outcast is not unloveable they’re just misunderstood messages just send me and really helped baby molly.  how obvious is it that i’m a giant sucker for an interesting message?
8.) Favorite flower or plant?
- black eyed susans.  they’re a wild flower with a similar beauty to daisies, but with a little bit of darkness in them.  
9.) What’s your favorite holiday?
- christmas biiiiiiitch.  it’s the one time of year i’m not worried that my house is haunted and i get to sing all the time and people don’t find it weird or annoying.  the snow is not the best but everything else makes up for it.
10.) Name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
- when i was laying in the grass today, a little tiny robin hopped over to me and whistled at me and it was a magical experience
- i realized i only have 3 more weeks of school until this hell semester is over
- my mom made my bed on top of me and if you’ve never had someone do that to you before, did you have a childhood? are you okay? also find someone to do it to you right now.
11.) What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
- either "thank you for the music” by abba or from mamma mia depending on the kind of person you are, or i guess the song “maria” that i mentioned before lmao
12.) Name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
- laying down in the grass on a nice sunny day and just listening the sounds of birds, bugs, and other surrounding noises.
13.) What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
- i am currently working on my masters degree in special education for elementary school ages.  i will probably go back and get a second masters in school counseling to help students with special needs who are in traumatic situations or are mistreated at home.  
14.) This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
- my emotional support outfit as my friends call it is my toy story pajama pants with my guiness sweatshirt from ireland 
15.) What is a quote you live by?
- be fiercely and ferociously yourself.
i have also recently started to follow “you’ve got to lighten up, it’s just life.”
16.) Name the funniest playlist name you have.
- “the chocolate ganache” and i called it that because it’s full of songs that represent my soul and personality and chocolate ganache is what i like to think my filling would be if i was a cake.
17.) Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
- bob hope and bing crosby
18.) What is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
- if someone doesn’t like you for who you are, tell them to fuck directly off.
19.) Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family) 
- my late grandfather.  i called him papa and he was basically my father.  he was smart, cuddly, serious, fiercy loving, and kind of dorky, but he was the best and i miss him every day.
20.) What’s a secret dream of yours?
- my childhood dream mentioned above still kinda lingers around in my brain from time to time, but i know it’s not possible for me.
tagging my friends (or at least i’d like to think we’re friends lmao) @navajolovesdestiel @victorian-sexstache @missjojo96 @multifandom-fanatic @day-fire @baby-in-a-trenchcoat7 @green-eyes-and-classic-rock, and @thetiredstuff and literally anyone else who wants to play.  for real.
if i didn’t tag you and you play, please tag me! i’d love to read through yours!
if i did tag you and you’re intimidated by the size of this and have decided, “fuck that noise” i respect you and i get it no hard feelings (:
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egotheplanet · 5 years
Stories Over Burgers (Happy Hogan and Morgan Stark)
Summary: for some reason I cant stop picturing Morgan as an outcast in school. Like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. The line from the movie where Lilos talking to Nani and she says “they’re afraid of me” and Nani says “They just don’t know what to say.” BC HER PARENTS ALSO DIED. I mean, can’t you just imagine ? her dad was fucking iron man and she has so many stories she wants to share bc she loved her daddy 3,000 but a mean kid shows her Mysterios ‘evidence’ about tony being a bad guy. Happy ‘Protective Dad’ Hogan drives to pick her up after school only to see her in the courtyard fighting with one of the kids. I kind of changed the FFH mid credits scene to be a little more detailed about Tony’s part in Spider-Man’s inheritance of the tech. roll with it and be sad with me.
Warnings: spoilers to SM:FFH and Endgame
Word Count: 1.7k
Happy enviously scans the sidewalk where plenty of timely children sit waiting for their guardians to pick them up.
‘You’d think after 6 hours in a chair the kid would be brimming with pent up energy she could spend running to the car. Maybe I should get her a watch that beeps when it’s time to head to the car loop.’ He thought to himself.
Releasing a long slow exhale through his nose, he unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car. He’s come to learn that if you ask politely, the administrative office will summon your student over the loud speakers.
‘What’s holding her up?’
His walk to the office came to slow down when he heard childish yells and taunts. He grumbled at the association the sound held in his mind. ‘Kids probably fighting in the courtyard over a pudding cup.’
As he continued towards the yard in question, the administrative office nestled at the end of it, he narrowed his eyes and listened closer. ‘That kind of sounds like... Morgan?’
His walking pace hastened into a speed walk as the classic ring of students watching a fight came into view.
Just as he suspected, a little girl consisting mostly of long brown hair could be seen and heard yelling and stomping in anguish. Definitely Morgan. The kids started chanting ‘fight’ and Happy knew it was about to get physical. He quickly jumped in to stop it all together. The sight of an adult/ authoritative figure made the bystanders scatter.
“Alright, now what’s goin on here? Break it up!”
His large adult hand wraps around Morgans minuscule arm gently yet firmly to pull her away. The girls purposefully avoid eye contact.
He lets a huff out of his chest in annoyance at the silence.
“You two had a lot to say a couple seconds ago, why so quiet now? What. Happened?” At this point the principal was standing by and taking in the scene quietly.
Morgan whispers, “She said he was a bad guy.”
Happys brows crease together in confusion as he bends down at the knee so he’s eye level with her, “Who was a bad guy?”
Her voice trembles and her hair, previously pinned back with pink clips which were now lost in the mess of grass beneath them, hides her teary eyes as she can only make a sound of frustration. Being young meant articulating the world with a fraction of functioning vocabulary. It was frustrating, Happy knew that. He and Pepper always took their time with Morgan. Especially after all she’s been through.
“Morgan? Who was a bad guy?” His voice is much softer now.
She continues to refuse to make eye contact.
He sighs and his eye level falls to his shoes upon realizing who was awarded the title ‘bad guy’.
Morgan ripped her arm out of his grasp and backed up about a foot. Her eyes stayed low. She needed a little space to think and breathe through it. Just like he taught her.
Her mother always said ‘You’ve got your fathers looks and brain. It’s fitting you get his temper to top it off.” It was never maliciously spoken. Only... melancholic.
Happy resumed standing and exchanged words with the principal.
It felt like an eternity to Morgan. Her tummy felt upset at the thought of getting into trouble. But it felt even more upset when the girl began to preach about someone she didn’t know.
“Morgan? Did you hear me?” He remained standing tall this time as he spoke to her. “Your principal said you have to stay home tomorrow.” He’s seen her enough to know when she’s about to explode with emotion. “You caused a scene and almost broke into a fight. Your mom is gonna discipline you accordingly. It’s gonna be fine.”
Morgan’s breathing slightly quickened and her throat felt tight. Her eyes were burning hot as she looked up at him and the oceans began pouring out of her tear ducts.
“I’m sorry, Happy.”
He believed her wholeheartedly.
“Let’s just... Let’s head home, okay?” He held his hand out. Open and inviting.
She graciously accepted.
They walked side by side all the way to the car.
Holding open the door, he felt both sad and proud as she buckled herself in.
“Two cheeseburgers, one without onions or pickles and the other with extra onions and pickles. One large fry, one small HI-C and one large Diet Coke. That’ll be all, thank you.”
She played with her hands as he ordered.
The backseat wasn’t very eventful when you lose your iPad for causing a ‘ruckus’ as her mother put it. Happy of course called Pepper as soon as they got into the car. The iPad was the only thing around at the moment that would suffice as a good punishment till they got home. Then she’d get a whole other talk and loss of privilege.
The smell of the car quickly turned from clean leather to hot French fries and ketchup as the bags came in through the window.
Happy put them in the empty passengers seat and rolled into a parking spot on the other side of the building. He turned the car off and passed back her order.
“Don’t forget to use a napkin this time.” He spoke after taking a chunk out of his burger. “Your last ketchup stain was a pain.”
Her lips perked up for the first time in a half hour. A long time for a child like Morgan not to smile.
“That rhymed, Happy!”
He felt a rush of relief pass through him. She wasn’t too upset to enjoy his Seuss-like antics.
“Yeah, I guess it did.” They looked at each other through the rear view window. After a considerable amount of time passed he spoke. “Do you want to talk about what happened?”
The rustling of her burger wrapper ceased.
Happy ate a few more bites, finishing the rest of his sandwich. He didn’t want to pry but he needed to make sure this wouldn’t happen again.
He didn’t care about her defending herself. It was the right thing to do. He cared about her feelings being hurt in a place she’s supposed to be happy and learning.
“Can you at least tell me how it started?”
The car was deathly silent for a few seconds straight. The air was loud, louder than they were. Just when he thought the entire subject was a lost cause, he heard a meek voice.
“My teacher was talking about rockets. The space ones.” She paused to recollect, glancing in the mirror and noticing him offer his full attention. “So I told him about daddy’s rockets. I told him how he used them to fly and save people.”
She had to pause between a few words to take audible breaths. It was a hard subject to cover.
“And then I had to go potty so he excused me and when I came back, my table buddies were talking.” She stopped for a couple seconds to take a sip of her juice. “They said their parents watch the news and that it said daddy was a bad guy. That he didn’t really save people and he tried to hurt them.” Her voice was soft and held a confused tone.
Happys heart sank as he tried to think up a way to steer her out of his information hole. He didn’t want her only memories of her father to be tarnished by the bored pieces of crazed writers and an insane super villain. He paused before speaking with a hopeful tone.
“Morgan, do you know how well I knew your dad?” She shook her head. “Well, I started as just a driver. Taking him from spot to spot.”
She perked up. “Like how you drive me to school?”
He smiled slightly. “That’s right. And then he promoted me to head of security.”
“He said you were forehead of secur-”
“See, he always got those words a little fumbled. Th-That wasn’t my title. The point is— Let’s get back on track— the point is: your dad trusted me.” He spoke quickly and jumbled while attempting to get the conversation back on course as she giggled out loud. “We weren’t just people who worked together. We were friends. Close friends. I knew a lot about your dad. I knew stuff about him before he did sometimes.” He thought back to the start of Tony and Peppers relationship. “So believe me when I say this.. are you listening?”
Sensing the change in pace at the end of his speech, she nodded, fully captivated by his words.
“Good, okay.” He locked eyes with her in the mirror. “Your dad loved you so much, kiddo. He loved you. He loved your mom too.” He took a moment to unbuckle his seatbelt and turn around so he could look at her formally. “He loved people. He protected you, your mom and everyone in the world until the very end.”
She was too young to grasp the levity of his words but he continued. She needed to hear this so her father could remain the hero he was in her little mind.
“He never once hurt anyone intentionally without the protection of everyone else he loved in mind. Your table buddies didn’t know him the way I did. So you can trust me and ignore them, okay? Your dad was a good man, not a bad guy. I would know.” She was quiet. Not the bad quiet but the thinking to herself quiet.
He chuckled softly at her graceful lack of words. His were definitely too much for an eight year old.
“You know what? I’m gonna tell you something.” He held a joking tone which was barely above a whisper.
“What?” She matched his tone with a small smile.
“Your dads rockets didn’t always work. Sometimes they knocked him onto his butt.” He smiled fondly at the memories as she laughed.
“That’s funny, Happy.” She munched on a French fry and sipped the rest of her juice. Her feet kicked and swayed the whole drive home. Her mood had significantly increased.
As Happy drove himself home later that night, he reflected on how much Tony gave to others. The muddy and wrong picture Mysterio painted of him wasn’t right and wasn’t fair.
It was then and there he decided that for every bad story Morgan heard about Tony that made her cry, he would tell her two more that would make her laugh. Happy meal included.
And boy, did he have enough stories to last a lifetime.
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A Flashback (Or: an excuse to post my para-sample)
Setting: Nani is nineteen years old. Her parents have been dead for around a year, and she has recently dropped out of college to work two jobs.
Dirty dishes were stacked high in the sink. A pile of laundry was balanced precariously on top of the washing basket. And why the hell was there a trail of Cheerios leading from the fridge to the living room? It was now nearing 9pm. Nani trudged through the back door into the kitchen, took one look at the mess and sighed. She had been working all day, slogging away at two jobs that barely paid enough to feed Lilo, never mind herself too. The food she had left out for Lilo to throw into the microwave was clearly still sitting on the kitchen worktop, uneaten, right beside the one she had left herself for when she got home. She hated working late because it meant leaving her sister (and occasionally Steven) alone for long stretches of time after school, and they really were not the type of kids who should be left to their own devices. Seriously, why couldn’t Lilo have just eaten the dinner left out for her? Cheerios were not a viable dinner option!
Nani’s backpack fell from her shoulders to the floor with a heavy thunk! She leaned back against the frame of the door and listened very carefully. The house was eerily quiet. Even in the hustle and bustle of the day, even between the screaming matches and movie marathons, the house was eerily quiet. Just over a year had passed and Nani was still listening for her parents’ footsteps creeping across the hall after tucking Lilo in to bed. She was still listening for her mom singing, still listening for her dad taking long rambling business calls. Right now, in her tiredness, she was listening for a helping hand to come and help her clean this mess.
Most importantly, though, Nani was listening for Lilo. The house was way too quiet, which meant Lilo was either sleeping, or she and Steven were up to no good. And Lilo had clearly had a bowl of sugar for dinner, so there was not a chance in hell that it was the former. Nani pushed herself away from the door frame, past the mess, and followed the trail of Cheerios through the house. She followed the trail to the living room, around the sofa, up the stairs and finally along the hallway, where the Cheerios stopped just outside of Lilo’s door. With a suspicious raise of her eyebrow, Nani pressed her ear to the door. Steven was definitely there, and they were definitely awake, and it sounded like they were playing. Nani strained to hear, but she was pretty sure they were watching something on TV too. It sounded like—Oh God! No, they should not be watching that!!!
Nani burst through the door, and just like any good big sister would do, she scrambled to turn off the TV and then yelled at the top of her lung. “Lilo!!! What are you two doing?! Look at this mess!”
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
She-ra and the Princesses of power, Thoughts for Season 1.
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It’s been over a week since this show has aired, and I guess I can write this now. This is pretty much my thoughts during the Episodes as I watched them. Please note this is my impressions and not meant as a full on review of the show. 
Thoughts under the cut. 
Episode 1
So basically Adora and her team are being fed false info regarding the Princesses and Queen Angella. Why am I not surprised by this at all. 
So are all the cadets kidnapped or was this a volunteer thing? Like are there Horde recruiters that go to the villages and are like “Yo kids, wanna serve Lord Hordak, come join the Horde for having adventure and making new friends...” Seriously where did these cadets come from. 
Also is that Leech? We’re missing his hand suckers. 
So we have a Lonnie and a Kyle and a...? Who’s the third green guy? Does he have a name? I’ll have to look at the credits? 
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Is Kyle supposed to be Mantanna? He’s put in all the gag moments. 
Hey at least they show they care for one another, so points on that. 
Also, I like Lonnie, why couldn’t we have Lonnie over Catra? 
Catra is late...so how did she get in the room before the others did? Seriously someone please explain this to me because it seems like a plot hole right there.
Anyone else feel like she’s a rejected design of someone’s 2015 Thundercat’s OC character? I feel like she’d fit right in there. Also I’m guessing she’s a Magicat, so probably we’re gonna see Kittrina and the Queen of the Magicat’s at some point.  
So Catra puts Adora in a hole, bet you anything it’s going to foreshadow something. 
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“You know nothing is to low for me,” -Yeah we are setting her up to be a bad guy with lines like that. 
Their dynamic reminds me of an older sister (Adora) and a jealous younger sister (Catra) who is always in the older sister’s shadow and seen as lesser due to it. 
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Okay so Adora stands up for her against Shadow Weaver, and shows empathy for Catra, We also see empathy being displayed for Kyle, even if they seem to mock him. So that brings up a point that Weaver may be leading these kids to believe that they can’t show the empathy that they have. 
Wever’s not wrong, she’s going about it way the wrong way, but she’s not wrong in regard to Catra letting the others do the heavy lifting for her. She’s still a bitch for what she’s saying. I really don’t like this take of her. 
I’m getting Starscream vibes off of Catra, someone very smart and cunning but also her ego is going to be her downfall because she thinks she’s better than anyone. 
Placing bet’s here, Shadow Weaver intends to use Adora as a weapon against Hordak and to take him down. Not sure how but it’s clear that’s what shes’ doing here with her comments to her. 
So can I call her Shadow Palpatine? Because that’s who she reminds me of. She’s making Adora into her Anakin. 
Given the “I raised you and found you as an orphan child” is probably a total fabrication, I don’t by that at all. Someone kidnapped her, but I don’t know if it was Weaver or Hordak in this case. Unless Skelator just up and became Rumplestikin and forced Randor and Marlena to Emma Swan her from Eternia. Which would be weird. 
Hello, Dream Works, Disney is calling to get Mother Gothal back. (Man, if I wanted to watch Tangled, I would watch Tangled.) 
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So Glimmer reminds me of another character from another show that I can’t think of where the young girl tends to disobey their parents and it makes it all about them and their issues and...the whole relationship with her and Angella reminds me of Duke and his brother from the GI Joe movie in the 1980s. 
Also, if you’re daughter isn’t old enough to act like a noble in your court, she’s not old enough to lead a battle. 
Angella sounds more like Adora at times than Adora does. 
Okay scratch that...we have a Little Mermaid moment here mixed in with Nani and Lilo from Lilo and Stitch. 
Glimmer acts like she’s 12, and probably designed to appeal to the tweens that are like ‘Parents don’t get it” mind set. 
Okay so how the hell does Catra know how Shadow Weaver got the power stone from Hordak? Was she listening at the doors and such? How does she know about any of this? I would think that Shadow Weaver would cover this all up. 
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So we know that Catra is bitter towards Weaver and will probably end up doing something to pay her back, and she’s jealous of Adora, which means anyone that is her friend going forward has a big target on their backs. Got it. 
Yup Catra is Starscream. Thanks for that reminder show. And basically an older sister with bratty younger sister dynamic going down here. Good on them for at least getting that in order. 
Catra, you know you don’t have to shove her away from running the skiff, she didn’t need you to do that. 
And now they are fighting like some sisters will when they are close in age. 
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Catra is way to reckless and clearly meant to show immaturity of the two girls. She’s reminding me a lot of Ben Solo, looks like a teen but acts like she’s way younger than that emotionally. 
Did you need to have that aside break the forth wall? Could we not have had her look down or up, why at the camera? (Note: This never happens again, so why do a 4th wall joke here? And time stamp is around the 11:30 mark in this show.) 
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So Adora finds the sword in the ground wrapped in Vines. How long has it been there? Also it gives her flashes, cool at least were sort of taking from the original with that aspect. 
Catra pulling her by the hair. Ow! Why? Are you trying to show how immature and mean she can be? What was the point of her pulling her by the hair, why not by the scruff of the neck or the shirt like a cat would? 
Diary writing, or at least the way the diary is being written in, positive in that it at least gets her feelings out. I still think she’s only 12 or 13. 
The moment with Glimmer and Bow outside reminds me a lot of a Harvey and Sabrina moment from the old DiC cartoon in the 2000s. And why do I feel like Glimmer would fit right into that era’s shows? 
Bow and Glimmer yelling is going on too long for my taste. Why doesn’t he shoot her a tin can phone or something useful? 
If she can teleport why not do that earlier and make the joke work. It took to long for that joke to land. 
Bow is older than Glimmer. The way he treats her and looks after her makes me think he and Adora are around the same age roughly. They are the older siblings to Catra and Glimmer’s younger siblings dynamic. 
Oh god make it stop with Glimmer and her mom’s fighting! Please! 
So Adora sneaks out and Catra doesn’t hide the fact that she’s gone by you know, stuffing the bed, or doing other things to cover for that? Maybe getting the others involved to help out to cover? Show she can be a decent leader? No? Well okay then. 
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Oh god, why the screaming! That is not funny or cute. That is like something a toddler would do, and these two are not toddlers! 
So the more I see of Light Hope the more the design reminds me a lot of the Sorceress. So Light Hope =program by the Sorceress? 
Cool Bow grew up in the woods. Where at? Can we meet his dads? No? Not even gonna talk about it? Okay then. 
Devastation at 12  o’clock. Not bad showing the ruins. Kind of pretty in a depressing way. 
Yay at least we’re getting the “Evil Horde” talk in some form. 
So according to Glimmer the Horde just appeared on Etheria. So does that mean that they were from space first? or are they from Eternia and got poofed there some how? Doesn’t really seem to imply if Hordak targeted this place, or if it was a chance thing. Betting anything Shadow Weaver helped him take over as in the original one. 
So can we call Bow the Hawkeye/Green Arrow of the She-ra crew? 
Maybe I missed something but how did Adora get out of the ropes? 
Also what kind of bug is that creature? Is it normal or is it a mutant? How does anyone live around here anyway? 
So Mary Elizabeth McGlynn  (Aka, Major Makoto Kusangi) is doing the voice direction here. Well that explains why that aspect is really done well. 
Episode 2
Okay, so the Intro is very 2000s in that Winx Club/ W.I.T.C.H. sort of way. (W.I.T.C.H needs to come back too by the way. Good comic as well.) Not digging it as much as those show openings. Maybe it’ll grow on me? 
Slap stick, Bow runs into doors, news at 11. 
Well interesting, so she’s blurting out Eternia and can read First one’s stuff. Huh. Might be tying more into New Adventure’s of He-man than I thought. 
Also we’re showcasing that she’s from Eternia with this, so....
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So are the Princesses Living batteries? Does not having magic kill them or something? I’m kind of confused by this? And where does this recharge thing come from? 
Glimmer better get better as this story goes on, or she’s ending up on my “Annoying character” list. 
Weaver still has a way to watch over things. Only we’re doing it like Mum-ra. Somebody really liked the Reboot of Thundercats. I get they want to use magic with her, but a tracking device I would think would do better. For a group that uses tech, they really don’t use a lot of it. 
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So Weaver is shown to be a threat, good on them, but yeah there’s some Darth Sidious BS going on with her that I really don’t like very much. Palpatine wasn’t this dumb, even if he was an ass. 
Party in the forest, okay cool. Though can anyone tell me what these guys are supposed to be? Animals? Mutants, Furries? What? 
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Yeah that outfit looks bad, no one would want to wear that at all. 
Why is it so shocking that she’s never been to a party, never had a birthday, etc? They’re living in the Fright Zone, of course there wouldn’t be fun.
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 Also no, horses would not be used in this world apparently there because Tech, so how would she know what it is? Though I would think that in her training they would have at least mentioned them? 
Good on Adora for at least going to face down the Horde and realizing that this is not a good situation. 
Catra in a tank? Okay? 
So Catra knew that they were being manipulated this whole time and didn’t say squat to Adora? Some friend she is. Seriously she’s giving me bad flashbacks to a really possessive friend I had in chldhood. 
Oh god. Why? Catra’s pretty much needs a co-dependent -terrific. She’s pretty much become every evil sympathic crazy anime villain rolled into one. Sob story, check, poessive, check, has a need to be in power to overcome those that hurt her, again check. I feel like I’m watching a weird version of Pretty Cure with this. 
So Catra is that Jealous younger sister that wants to take over trope. Got it. 
Yeah she’s pretty much a selfish brat at this point and several anime tropes rolled into one, and I swear I’ve seen her be for in regard to this sort of character arctype in Pretty cure or shonen shows. I just can’t point to where.  So Catra tries to get Adora back by being an ass to her and pointing out that she knew they were evil and all that. Yup all the marks of a magic girl arch rival right there. 
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Also magically going away ropes when Glimmer pulls the sword. At least she saved her. 
Really we’re calling it Horsie? Can’t we give the damn thing a name? 
Hey She-ra, Sailor Moon and Pretty Cure called, they want their transformation sequence back. Also is it just me or are they taking music cues from Winx and Witch here mixed in. Yeah also someone really really liked Sailor Moon’s transformations. I mean...it’s not shot for shot, but you can see the influence there. 
So people saying that old She-ra couldn’t hit people with her sword, this one just smashes the ground with it...I have no words. Not a bad thing, it’s just weird that people keep saying that Old She-ra didn’t fight and this one does, but it’s clear that this one is smashing things like the hulk, same way He man did. 
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Well points on the Betrayed look from Catra. That at least is something. Side note...was it just me or was there some frame rate animation when she took Bow off the horse? Also, I guess this is a nod to catra taking Bow down back in the old show early on? 
So we’re just leaving the mess? Not gonna use any magic to clean it up huh? 
Episode 3
Once more  Angella doesn’t seem like a mother figure and seems more like an older sister. They fight way to much in this show. 
Adore is reminding me of a character in a Nick show, but I can’t place it. 
So they leave a person who has no skills about being in a fancy place, in a fancy room, alone to practice with a sword. Yeah this is going to work out well. 
Can we name the damn horse already? He has a name it’s Spirit. Can we not give him that name? 
So why isn’t he talking yet? This form means he can talk. Can’t remember if he talks when he’s not in unicorn form. 
Well what do you know, you got a laugh out of me show, good job. 
So she transforms him by accident and scares the hell out of him. Good work Adora.
Yeah is that Solider supposed to be Double Trouble? 
Also, why did you not change shirts? I’m sure Glimmer had some sort of other shirt or something in her wardrobe. Sure it would be big but having a huge Horde mark on your back, yeah that’s a bad idea. Also it’s not a tattoo, you can remove it. 
So she got chased by a mob. I get people don’t like the horde, but how do they know she’s with them. It could be that she was an escaped prisoner that was being held captive...this show...I swear. 
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So she’s down in the water now, and still getting shot at. Where are the guards? 
Anyone in the mood for a little Into the Woods moment here? 
So add onto Catra’s issues the need to be superior to others. Yeah someone has a love of Starscream. 
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So this is Madam Razz? Oh what the ever living loving fuck! No seriously, like yes I know Madam Razz in the original was goofy, but she also showed a lot of intellegence, even when she couldn’t get a spell right, and in some cases the results were a lot more terrifying than what she had planned. Hell she turned people into sheep, internal screaming commence. 
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Who the hell is Mara? (Edit: Looked it up. So either this Mara is Mara Jade from Star Wars who was the wife of Luke Skywalker and was once part of the Empire as a Hand (assassin) who was sent to kill Luke, but later became a smuggler of sorts, trained herself to become a jedi, and later studied under Luke and eventually married him and they had Ben Skywalker. Or...this is a nod to the Mara character from the New Adventures of He-man who replaced Teela as main girl.) 
So Madam Razz is Maz from Episode VII. Oooookay. She doesn’t need to be. 
I’m not a fan of Razz’s voice. Too much Edna Mode. Also where the hell is Broom? Like she has a broom but it’s not Broom. 
More hints of Eternia. Either give her the back story or don’t! Stop playing with it. 
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Catra has a lot of anger issues it seems. 
And Shadow Weaver likes to play games. I surprised that Hordak hasn’t killed her by now. Must be hard to get good helpers on Etheria. 
Is that supposed to be Grizzor? I feel like all the cool mutants have been removed for generic baddies. Like they didn’t want to tell a adventure story and wanted it to be a high school drama. 
Can we please give her a spell, and not just have her go “Razzle Dazzle”. Yes that is part of her catch phrases but not all she says. 
How does she know Mara anyway? She doesn’t answer the questions. 
Thank you Swifty for calling the name Horsie a stupid name. Also how does she talk to the Animals? 
Alright so...honestly I know the first series was fast on getting Adora as part of the crew, the difference was that it was He-man speaking up for her, or rather Adam and he’d proven to be someone that knew his shit. Bow I can understand trusting, Glimmer...eh...it seemed a bit fast of an acceptance. I would have thought they would have done something a bit more in this case, just to be different than the original. Oh well. 
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So...Hordak is hot. Who’s with me on this one? 
Hey at least he stands up for Catra and knows she’s at least trying. Though that may come back to bite her in the ass later. Also it mirrors his views on her earlier when Weaver was saying that she let Adora get away. Apparently Hordak doesn’t think too much of Adora leaving, or he’s got something larger planned that no one knows about. 
Episode 4
So why is it that everyone in the castle seems to trust her so damn much? Or is that just for Glimmer’s sake? 
Adora...it’s a bed. You slept in one before. How is it that you think you killed it? Broke it is a better word. Not killed it. 
So given the design of the king...does this mean Hordak’s been turning people into the Mutants? I guess that would be a cool twist other then “Well he’s dead.” 
And at least Angella shows that she’s still wondering about this girl. Good on that part. Although she seems more bitchy then she should, but still glad to see less trust on Adora right now. She could be a spy. 
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So small complaint here, why are we making Netossa and Spinnerella a joke? Seriously they are the only real couple on the show and you make a joke out of it. 
Apparently we have a tangled reference here with the way Adora looks at the picture of the King and Queen. 
Okay so Angella doesn’t trust her daughter, but she’s totally fine with the girl that was, less then a few moments ago, considered not trust worthy, giving an idea and then her okaying it? Yeah.. um...shouldn’t that have been the reverse? And why are they not taking the other two along? 
Catra is still being a lazy selfish brat, no new news here regarding her character. 
So Hordak is the one controlling the stone? Huh...is he like an Ozai? 
Perfuma seemed to have a moment of “Hot guy” sort of reaction to Adora. Good on them...that’s about the only ship I can take in this series outside of Her and Bow so far. 
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So Perfuma has a bit of a mask going on. That’s a nice change compared to her more ditzy self in the original, but she was very innocent there. So far she’s been the most interesing and likable character, outside of Bow and Adora. 
Okay so -Ahem...FUCK YEAH HORDAK! He’s the ONLY thing keeping me interested in watching this so far. 
Shadow Weaver probably wants Adora due to the fact that she knows about her being connected to Eternia and is planning on using her to get them back into that dimension, or she’s going to try to take over and kill Hordak with her...one or the other. She’s still an idiot. 
Also betting she’s the one that did the Kidnapping of Adora over Hordak. *sighs* 
Also Hordak is Magic. 
So what are we going for here with Perfuma’s people? Valley, surfer, Cali beach heads? Guru style? What? 
Hey what do you know...I got a laugh out of Perfuma! Good job show. 
Not a bad message but one that was delivered weirdly. 
 Episode 5 
(Side note...gonna limit the pictures because I’m getting tired.) 
Glimmer is still annoying -same with Angella. I don’t get the reason for putting them in this relationship. 
So we have  Pirates of the Caribbean -at worlds end, with the music and design. Gotcha. 
Also is this supposed to be the Star War’s Cantena? Yup it is. 
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So this is Sea Hawk huh? Wanna be Han Solo...seriously? Okay then...
*Watches the two interact* Yup, in any normal show this would imply that this could be a romantic interest with them arguing like that. This isn’t a normal show so I don’t know if they are just playing up the idea of rivals to crushes. 
Probably will be an option for a romantic interest outside of Bow...or she could be single, I’m cool with that. 
Could you please stop affecting your voice? It’s annoying Sea Hawk. 
Can I call him Lance Solo? He reminds me of Lance early on in Voltron. 
Okay yeah we’re digging into Star Wars here because man he’s calling them kids and has some sort of Kessel Run. 
Gonna guess a year older than Bow and Adora...
So Shadow weaver needs Adora for some reason. Could we be a bit more specific here. 
Wow Scorpia looks a hell of a lot like Shiro. Jeeze! Seriously I had to double take when I saw her. She’s a hugger. Horray. 
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Song needs to burn, there is no melody to it. I really tend to like music in shows, but this is not even close to the better songs I’ve heard in other shows. Even songs from Steven Universe, which I don’t watch a lot of, tend to have better melodies than this. I’m hoping that this was more meant as a gag. 
Can we please stop with the dumb jokes here. They are starting to wear on me. Yes I get it he’s not that good at what he does. Yes I get it he wants to give them an adventure...but this set up sucks. 
Don’t like Mermista’s voice. I have always disliked the “Whatever” teenager trope. The relationship here needs work between them. Why does she not like him? 
Where the hell is he from? He burns his boats and this is okay? 
Wow, he can be serious, can we get more of that from him? 
So Adora is trying to help and Catra ends up belittling her and calling her dumb. My oh my she is a catch folks. Either she goes completely dark or she get’s saved in the second season because right now she such a uttler bitch...
Gah, Catra is really really annoying in this episode. She reminds me of the 90s stereotypical younger sister types. Gah...
Hey what do you know...Boat burning works for something. Not much, but something. 
Liking the guys in the background on the ship. Can we have a show about them...please? 
Awww Adora actually warmed up to Sea Hawk. 
Episode 6
Okay so people are working for Entrapta, that’s good? 
Oh Shit she’s Doc Oct. Well that explains everything I need to know about her. 
So I feel like she’s acting like a DiC cartoon villain. Just can’t get into her all that much. 
Why are we making Adora kind of dumb in this one? 
Cool Bow’s all about the tech stuff, and is behaving way more mature than the other two. 
If you’re going to have a trap like that, at least have a near fall. 
Ugly zombie robot done better in Star Wars honestly. I was more “What the hell” in that moment than scared. Hey maybe they should have watched the Episode in Transformers where Optimus lost most of his face, or the removed TMNT 2000 series where Baxter Stockman fell apart. Literally. 
Entrapta...please stop. 
Also She-ra can get drunk apparently. Or sick, whatever you want to call it. 
Well the shit she’s playing with is going to be in season 2, and that looks like crap Evil lynn works with in He-man from time to time. 
Okay so Bow does a good job leading...yay for that. 
Her parents probably died and she replaced them with Robots. 
I could say she’s an odd version of Wheel Jack, though that would mean the staff would have had to have watched Gen 1 transformers. 
The maze bit goes on a bit too long. 
Well that’s Horde prime shit that was used before in the comics. So someone was paying attention. 
The more I watch of Entrapta the more I get Vibes of Doctor K from Power Rangers RPM. Though she’s less weird than this. 
Okay make that she reminds me of Doctor Whiley from Megaman. 
Hey at least everyone realized Bow is the smart one here. 
Episode 7
So Adora in ep 6 wasn’t worried about being infected now she’s on edge over it? 
Shadow Weaver is fucking Mum-ra from Thundercat’s 2015 with all the shit she’s doing and how sh’es behaving. 
Credit for Sandra O for doing Castaspella. Good choice for this character. 
Everyone likes Bow. 
Also, she knits sweaters, that’s sweet. She seems like a decent sister. 
Lunar Lenses? Where have I heard that before. May be something from New Adventures of He man again. 
So we do have Light Spinner as Shadow Weaver. But no teacher? Booo. That was the best part of that story. Also can we tell the story when she was turned? No...man, come on...it’s important. 
Creepy Shadow Weaver. She’s really becoming more like a stalker than anything else. 
So what the hell is with the weird noises Adora is making when she’s trying to relax? 
So really we are heavy in the mother figure aspect of this character right now. Though honestly this bothers me as Shadow should not be scarier than Hordak. She wants to own Hordak and dominate him...(well who wouldn’t but that’s beside the point). 
Not sure how I feel about this change. Shadow’s known for being very loyal as she really didn’t have any place to go and blames the others for her fall. 
Someone was watching the Labyrinth 
So Catra calls Bow the heart. Is she implying that she thinks Adora likes Bow?  (If Catra x Adora is the Rey x Kylo of all this does that mean that Bow x Adora is the Finn x Rey of She-ra?) Or does she think that he’s the glue of the group? or is it just a nod to his shirt? Confused by this line
Episode 8
So it’s a ball and not a Prom. Could have just called it that in the title. 
Scorpia needs to get a better friend than Catra...go hang out with Lonnie. She seem’s cool. 
Okay Fuck you Catra. You’re manipulating the hell out of this girl. She opened up, told you that the other girls came off as uncomfortable around her and then you use her for your weird vendetta against Adora? Get past it, move on, she ain’t coming back. 
Also, okay so the Horde crashed in Scorpia’s kingdom and they gave Hordak the stone. Probably out of fear more than anything else. 
So are they trying to hint at Bow x Glimmer or are we still on siblings not hanging out anymore. Plus side for Bow’s line about change being good. 
Hey what do you know Adora made me laugh. 
Hey...why throw that line out there about Sweet Bee and Peekablue, what was the point? 
90s Make over music. Joy...
Scorpia dresses better than Adora...that’s all I’m gonna say. 
So Frosta is canonically 11. Okay...does that mean the rest are only in their early teens? 
Perfuma is Starfire. Please, for the love that is all holy, stop talking like Kori. 
Chuckles Austen? WTF? You do not put the twitter handle of your EP on your show. That is not cute. it’s Charles or Chuck, not Chuckles. Ugh. 
So Catra’s whole scheme is to kidnap bow...oookay. Weird.
Adora is Dipper, seriously that’s who she reminds me of in this episode. 
And Frosta also reminds me way to much of Toph. 
More of the high school drama with Glimmer being jealous of Bow. And the whole thing is reminding me of the Northern water tribe look. 
Can we take a moment to consider Adora is strong enough on her own to Lift Perfuma up, and she’s taller than her. 
Also that dance between Catra and Adora was a threat dance. I think there was something similar in a Star wars book. 
If Catra cares so much about Adora, why let that shit fall on her? Seems hypocritical of her. 
Hair pins don’t work like that! This is the umteeth time I’ve seen someone do that...they are not like that. 
Fight needs work, it was not as good as the one with Adora and Weaver in previous episodes. Also a lot of animation was off for the background characters. 
What was that look for? Like “Surprised she saved her?” She’s a hero, it’s what she does. 
I’m sorry but that end song sucked. Can we never use that again. 
Points for capturing Bow and Glimmer. 
Episode 9 
Shadow Weaver being a bitch...
Wow how did everyone get there that fast? I’m confused. 
Cute with the figures, but can we not fight over who is what on the board. 
Energy prison like Steven universe. 
YUCK the flushing toilet on Mermista was not funny! That was gross and you can’t hear that. 
Robot scrap collector is cute
Plan seems to be working....and then it’s not. Sea Hawk you are an idiot. 
Lot’s of Animation errors in this one. 
How is her mask working? 
Hey what do you know, Sea Hawk actually did something kinda right? 
Perfuma still proving to be the best here. 
Ball from incredible, inspiration? or round ATATs? 
Can we change Lonnie for Catra. I am begging you at this point show. She’s a lot more interesting. 
The fight with Kyle talking is amusing and the writer did well with the visual gags here. 
Sea Hawk throw is acutally funny I laughed. 
Good scene with Bow and Adora. Only to be followed by Catra being a Ben Solo. 
Alright points for Glimmer getting out and punching Shadow Weaver. Entrapta’s death and the return of the sword were all well done. Though with Entrapta’s death I felt there needed to be more time with them before hand to feel weight. 
Mourning of Entrapta was a good moment, but it would have been better if this was like the last episode of the season maybe? 
Episode 10 
How does being together mean falling apart? 
Strong mourning with Perfuma. She’s becomeing the break out of the characters for me. 
Glimmer annoying again with the Hug scene and not wanting to talk about glitching. 
I HATE this dynamic between mother and daughter. 
Can we get more Hordak please? 
Over all thoughts of this episode was that Catra was playing too much with Entrapta. She shouldn’t have fallen so easy for it. Hoping for Scorpia and Entrapta to be friends. Catra and Shadow manipulating one another to turn around and show Angella and Glimmer making up was done well, but I hate the way they got to that. Catra was still annoying in this episode. 
Episode 11
So the thing with the robot, Emily, starting to bug me. Watching Light Hope makes me think that someone was trying to mimic what Clone wars did in the past, and honestly I think this doesn’t need to go on the route of the Jedi. 
Can I say that Catra in her own way is reminding me way to much of Abu from Aladdin here. The whole thing with Catra and Adora was foreshadowed in episode one, and she seemed like a brat in the past too. Thing that bothered me with this is that it’s not explaining how these two got there. Also some animation errors. 
Shadow Wever is Eric from PotO and Scar from the lion king rolled into one. I really thought the fight was done well but the end result sort of sucked. I don’t think there’s a chance for Catra to get redeemed with this. 
Episode 12
Light Hope reminds me of Jem’s synergy. Also her way of doing things annoys me because it’s trying way to hard to be a mix of all classic shows without doing it’s own thing here. 
Swift wind has become Starlight’s rejected cousin. Why is he talking now? What changed? The magic? Is Etheria cybertron? 13 princesses, well if you know the old show, outside of one, you know exactly who they are going to be. Imp’s a recording device, and the Rune stone can hack the planet?
I want more hordak, and Swifty saved the day cool. Catra lost her compassion, and Shadow weaver is going to come back. 
Episode 13
Finally we get some action from Netossa and Spinner. Jeez. 
Glimmer was hording weapons. 
Over all the last episode was good. Though I would have liked to have seen Hordak do something. Right now he’s just there and I want to see how strong this guy is. 
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prettyboyapollo · 5 years
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Apollo does a birth chart: Nani Pelekai ( @ohananani ) 
Alrightyyyy Nani! I’m going to try to break down this birth chart as simple as I can and make it as short and concise as possible cause let’s be real, I can make a whole book out of everyone’s birth charts. Let’s just jump right into it, shall we?
First thing I saw with your birth chart is that this screams “mom friend” and at least from what I know, you’ve raised Lilo and Stitch and let the gods bless you right now because it makes sense with your sun in Virgo and your ascendant (also known as rising) in Cancer. Let’s break down the “big three” as we people in the astro world call it. The big three are known as:
Your sun (Virgo): The basis of your personality.
Your moon (Aries): The shadow side, how you process your emotions.
Your rising (Cancer): How people perceive you to be.
It makes sense that I can already sense a motherly aura. With your sun in Virgo, also known as the Virgin and ruled by Mercury. You’re practical and organized but you can be critical at times. Moms tend to be critical as long as it comes from a place of love, of course. Then you’ve got your rising in Cancer, ruled by the moon and it’s in its exaltation which means it’s in its place of ruler ship. You’re very caring and motherly and seen as very feminine. I can tell you’ve got a connection to water as well, which would make sense. The moon has its effect on tides and Cancer is a water sign. Your moon in fiery Aries, ruled by Mars is what gives you the drive. But you can be temperamental and impulsive at times, fiercely protective, a fighter, a warrior. I can see that because even in physical appearance, you’ve got one hell of a strong jaw.
Now, we’re gonna go down to the houses and I’ll just tell you what’s worth noting. First let’s break down these houses. Think of it as a big pizza, split up into 12 slices. Each of these slices make up a piece of ourselves and the planets that fall into it are like, toppings. I’ll leave a chart below for you below so you know what I’m talking about. 
I want to talk about your 4th house in Libra first and foremost because I see that Pluto residing here. Pluto in the 4th house talks tragedy that upset a delicate balance (Libra is all about balance). Death but Pluto also rules rebirth and transformation. Something tells me you stepped up the plate here. You transformed this family or will transform this family of yours into something that feels like home for you.
What really stood out to me as part of your chart was your 7th house in Capricorn. Your seventh house is the house of relationships and it’s in Capricorn. Why am I purposely bringing this up? Well, aside the fact I like a little scandal (kidding!!), I noticed that you’re attracted to strong ambition. You want someone that’s business driven, ambitious, and usually from what I hear those who have Capricorn in the 7th, they want someone that’s mature and older. Someone who can provide security. Thinking of someone yet?
I hope you have a clearer view of your personality. Let me know what you think. 
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0 notes
*gives Toriel a movie* I think the skelebros will like this, it's called Lilo and Stitch.
“Hm,this looks very interesting. Thank you very much.”
“illgo get some popcorn. and ketchup.”
[Later,after the movie has finished, all three of them are sitting on the couchhugging each other. Papyrus has tears in his eyes, and Toriel is clearly holdingback her own.]
“Thatwas … lovely. Quite lovely.”
[Sansducks his head, but nods.]
“Yes,my child. It is.” [She pauses.] “Except I know you would never try to destroyanything.”
[Sanshugs Papyrus tighter.]
“yeah.nani’s cool, but youre better.”
[Torielsays nothing, but squeezes them tight.]
24 notes · View notes
quiverwingquack · 5 years
Want the rollercoaster story of the family I pet and babysat for the past two weeks?
Let’s start with the fact both parents are artists, ok? They work with a lot of mediums but the mom mostly paints and the dad sculpts. They live in an old farmhouse built into a hill, so the main floor on the front is the basement in the back, second floor in front is ground level in the back, & the attic is above.
Last week I pet sat for six days, feeding their horses, cat, chickens, and taking their dog out every couple of hours since he’s not too good with the crate. They live a block away down a long drive so it was pretty spooky coming over late at night for the dog.
Here are a list of things I discovered about my neighbors of going on ten years now:
- After the dad’s success sculpting a realistic Bigfoot for a friend, he took that on as his project and COVERED his house in Bigfoot junk.
-There are approximately sixteen clay heads, presumably from the aforementioned Bigfoots(Bigfeet?) in a cabinet toward the back of the house.
-Also in this cabinet is a terrifyingly realistic bald eagle head whose eyes followed me everywhere as I walked around and played with their dog. I would’ve closed the cabinet, but the door was sliding glass and didn’t help much.
-There is a chalk Bigfoot drawn beside the front door, as their front wall is done in chalkboard paint for the kids to draw on. Distracted by the highly realistic eyes, I got the key stuck in the lock.
-The lock was already sticky, apparently, so they had a friend willing to help out when I called with the emergency.
-It took four hours for them to get my call but when they did Roy was ready.
-Roy is a mostly Spanish-speaking Mexican who communicated mostly through me on speakerphone to my neighbors as I took six years of Spanish.
-He got in through the third floor balcony which went into the attic. No ladders were involved and the front of the house is mostly stone. I think he scaled it. I hope so, anyway. I did not witness what happened.
-After letting me in, he unlocked a front window and I spent the next four days entering the house through it.
-Their dog’s name is Merlin. Merlin is not used to his crate, as one of them is usually home-there are five people in the family-to let him out. Merlin didn’t like me. I spent two days bribing him with Land-o-frost lunch meat and Pupperoni treats. Now he likes me.
-Merlin knows how to open the window. I brought my dog over for a bit of play the last day I pet-sat, and I had closed the window before unhooking my pup’s leash. She’s a naughty girl and will leave if given the chance. He sprinted out the window, having pushed it open and leaving a dog-booger smear across the glass.
-The family also has an outdoor cat. His name is the same as the dad’s. The dad finds it endlessly amusing that I call him “human Sam,” and though the first time was an accident, it’s now his contact name in my phone.
-Cat Sam spent two rainy nights in the barn, then snuck in the open window while I had the dog outside. I didn’t know this until I returned in the morning, twelve hours later, and he was calmly waiting for breakfast on the windowsill.
-They enjoy puns. Their salt and pepper shakers have Salt N Pepa on them, they have a stuffed avocado with a cat face-an avo-cat-do- in the window, etc.
NOW: babysitting.
The two parents are shooting a commercial, for what I don’t know, and needed a babysitter so they could pack in as many hours as possible and be done by Saturday(tomorrow). I agreed to babysit because I need money for my local con and honestly? I gotta get out of the house more.
-They’re “devoutly religious” and pray over every meal, but the kids HATE that and I’m... religiously confused, so we didn’t pray over the dinners I made this week.
-The youngest child is five. She’s definitely the spoiled baby of the family, but not too much to handle. She also believes she’s “fae.” Not a fairy. Fae. Her mother taught her the word recently, I think. She uses it a lot.
-She’s heterochomatic, which is to say one of her eyes is hazel, and changes from green to brown, like mine. The other eye is a solid blue. I think this is why she thinks she’s a changeling.
-Her name is Hazel. Hazel likes third person, eating half a granola bar and leaving the other half in various sinks-bathroom, kitchen, wherever-and sleeping in her parents bed. As I put her to bed this week I was the first to start the fight of “Hazel, you’ll be six soon, SLEEP IN YOUR OWN BED.”
-Hazel’s bed, like the two guest beds-one in the game room and one in the studio-is a queen. I have the top twin bed of my sister and I’s bunk beds. I envy a kindergartener.
-The brothers, one twelve and one ten, share clothes. I did laundry at one point and struggled to figure out whose was whose until they got home and explained to me. Apparently they don’t fight over this. My sister and I are older, but have the same age gap, and asking us to share anything is like asking a cat and a dog to share a bed. Doesn’t work.
-The brothers are friends of my little brother, who declared he’d be coming over to play while I was babysitting. Did not tell me, the other boys, or my mom. He also decided to come over right when they were backing the truck full of set supplies out. He almost was run over, and was sent home after fifteen minutes of my mother frantically looking for him until she thought to call me.
-The two brothers enjoy vegan iced coffees(why isn’t coffee always vegan? Explain that to me please.) They discovered you can make iced coffee in a water bottle while I was here, and both took it to school to sip during the day. The younger brother came home with a note from the teacher that he was caught “drinking a banned liquid.”
-Coffee is banned by the church, Mormon church. So is soda. The teacher wants the kid counseled. The boy told me “I’m throwing this away,” in reference to the note. I didn’t stop him.
-It rained, then snowed this week. I was told to keep the kids inside and warm. We binged seasons one and two of Total Drama.
-Also while it was raining, the mom needed to repaint a set piece and allowed me to spend some time in her studio instead of walking home, and then she would drive me.
-The roof of their house tapers to a point with beams running across. It’s painted with biblical murals, a different scene on each beam. The walls have movie scenes on them, including an impressive recreation of the Lilo & Stitch hammock scene with Nani, Lilo, and the flowers.
-The kids are allowed to play in the studio, so a classic swing made of a wooden board and rope is hung from the center beam. They swing out over the stairs and back toward a window. My anxiety increases if I think about it too long. One of the boys apparently fell once and spent Thanksgiving in the ER.
-I wish I could share this art with you. She doesn’t want pictures of it shared, but if I could, I would show everyone I know her Disney pieces. I have never admired anyone’s art skill more.
-I did a few loads of laundry, and almost all of their clothes have paint stains here or there. They’re all artists. I hope this is a glimpse into my future.
I could write entire books on these people. As is, I’m exhausted, so I’ll have to finish their story later. Goodnight.
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stitchandani · 3 years
thoughts//Mason and ’ohana
[[I know you guys are mainly interested in the L&S canon cast but Mason’s character is so precious to me, I have so many thoughts and he’s made to specifically compliment the themes in the franchise]]
Mason’s whole experience with family is a flaky dad and then Mrs. Bridge, who adopted him and took him with her to Kauai. Mrs. Bridge is so sweet and funny and she does care about Mason so much (before her, no one else had ever asked him if he’d eaten so often in one day).
but she’s always working, like sometimes Mason will wake up and head into the kitchen for breakfast and she’s left him a note and a bag of bread next to the toaster, and that’s all he’ll hear from her until 10 PM that night when she comes home and falls asleep in front of the TV
So he thinks family is basically just the people who sleep where you sleep, sometimes answer your questions, try to feed you regularly, and that’s it. Like the concept of people who share your genes, your traits, and want to hang out with you and watch your soccer games and cheer when you get a B on your math test - all that is foreign to him. He’s 9 years old and nobody has ever said “I love you” to him before. (Mrs. Bridge wants to say it all the time but isn’t sure how or when would be the right moment, so she just tries to show him when she can.)
Mason watches David teach Kai to bodysurf and doesn’t understand what David’s angle is here. Doesn’t he have to work? Why does he have time to swim with Kai? And if he made time, why? What does David get out of that - he already knows how to bodysurf, so he must be bored doing it over and over again with Kai.
he watches Lilo kiss Ani on the forehead before leaving for a Galactic Council meeting - “Don’t worry, makana, I’ll be home fast, and I’ll bring ice cream. I promise.” And Lilo keeps her promise? and brings strawberry ice cream home at exactly the time she says she’ll be home? And Ani hugs her legs and Lilo plays keep-away with the ice cream carton and they settle in up in the Dome to watch old movies all night and Lilo likes it! Lilo wants to be with Ani - Lilo is excited to be with Ani. Mason is baffled.
so many things happen with the Pelekai family right in front of Mason on a daily basis and he gets more and more confused and more and more frustrated because he can’t understand what they have but he knows he wants it, and he doesn’t understand that, and he knows he can’t have it so instead he makes fun of it.
Kai spills/ruins Luki’s shave ice supply for the day in a freak accident one time and Mason waits for Nani to chew him out when Luki calls Nani down to the shop. Kai doesn’t even consider lying to his mom - he tells her everything that happened. And Nani is frustrated she has to pay for the damages, but that’s it? She doesn’t punish him? She doesn’t stop talking to him for two days, she doesn’t tell him he’s ruining her life, she doesn’t call him stupid? That’s what she should do, Mason thinks. That’s what Mason’s dad would’ve done. But Nani says she’s glad Kai and Mason weren’t hurt, and thanks Kai for telling her right away, and buys them both shave ice! And even laughs a little bit!
Stitch causes so much trouble all the time. He breaks things and makes messes. Jumba’s inventions explode, malfunction, create more work for everyone, and he’s loud and takes up so much space. Pleakley asks too many questions, burns food, annoys every member of the household. Mason watches it all and notices it all and no one in the house ever gives up on these aliens. They never say they’ve had enough, they never ask “What am I gonna do with you?” without waiting for an answer. They never blow up on Stitch for tearing the curtains, or Pleakley for cutting up the bathroom rugs to use as sewing material, or Jumba for secretly hoarding a stinky outer-space chemical in the attic.
and even when they do, even when they fight or blame each other, there’s never any talk of anyone getting kicked out. No one says Stitch has worn out his welcome. No one gives anyone the cold shoulder (except Kai, of course). It’s fascinating.
Mason cannot figure out why this group of people he spends so much time with can stay together the way they do. He looks at them and sees something unbreakable, and again, he wants that for himself.
but he’d never tell anyone that
not yet, anyway
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