#Happy x Tony
‘Til The End of The Line
Pairing: Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: Mentions of blood, shooting and getting hurt
Summary: You get injured in a mission, and Bucky cannot bear to see you in such state.
Author's Note: Please do not copy or translate my work. English is not my first language, so please understand grammar or spelling mistakes.
I am so sorry for being gone (school’s been killing me)
I appreciate every feedback! Thank you for reading, enjoy!
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“Ready to kick some ass, kiddo?” Steve’s voice was calm, almost soothing, but you could hear the adrenaline beneath his words as the two of you adjusted your parachutes. The jet engines hummed around you, a subtle reminder of the mission ahead.
You grinned, giving your suit one last check and tightening your grip on the gun in your hand. “Yeah, I’m gonna beat the shit out of them.”
Steve smiled, not bothering to correct your language. With him, you were always an exception.
Moments later, the wind was whipping against your face as you both jumped from the jet, splitting off into the night sky. Steve took the left wing—the more dangerous side—leaving you the right. Tony had assured you it was safer, but as you slid through the narrow gap in the door, the freezing cold hit you like a wall. The air inside was frigid, bitterly reminding you of Bucky’s stories about the winters he hated so much.
“As far as I can see, it’s clear here. How’s the situation there?” Steve’s voice crackled through the comms, full of concern. You knew he cared for you deeply, saw you as the daughter he never had, and would have taken a bullet to ensure your safety.
“It’s clear here too, Cap,” you replied, trying to ease his worry.
“Let’s stick to the plan: I’ll draw out the agents while you head straight to the operations room and grab their file IV data.”
“Copy that. Be safe, Cap—and I mean it. If you need help, just call me.”
“I will, kiddo. Be safe yourself. And promise to call me if you need anything.”
“I promise. Let’s fucking go.”
You raced through the deserted corridors of the right wing, a dagger in one hand and a fully loaded gun tucked into your suit for emergencies. The cold air bit at your skin, the silence amplifying every footstep. Suddenly, a loud, thunderous noise echoed behind you. Instinctively, you thought it was Steve, but it wasn’t. The sound was coming from your side of the building.
Before you could react, you were ambushed by over twenty armed agents.
On the other side of the wing, Steve was facing his own battle. He tossed a grenade down a hallway, expecting a swarm of enemies, but only three agents rushed at him. Something was wrong. There should have been more.
“Shit,” you hissed into the comms, struggling against the overwhelming odds. Steve heard the panic in your voice, but he couldn’t respond—one of the agents had him in a chokehold. His grip tightened on the comms as he heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire, followed by a loud thud that made his blood run cold.
“Kiddo, you okay?” Steve managed to gasp out, but all he got in return was a pained groan.
“I’ll get to you in less than a minute, I promise,” he said, desperation creeping into his voice. He could hear your labored breathing through the comms, and it was tearing him apart.
“Steve…” Your voice was faint, each word a struggle.
“Hmm?” he replied, trying to sound reassuring despite the dread clawing at his chest.
“Are the comms… still being recorded?”
Steve’s heart sank. He knew what you were doing, and he hated it. “Yes, kiddo, if there weren’t any changes to the plans, it’s on record.”
You exhaled shakily, the breath catching in your throat. There was only one person you needed to reach out to. “Buck…”
As soon as Steve heard the name, he knew the weight of what you were about to say. Even after four years of being together, Bucky’s name still brought shivers to your spine, thick with emotion.
“If by any chance you get to listen to this, Buck—”
“Y/N, kiddo, no, you’re not dying. I won’t let that happen.”
“You don’t know that…” Your voice was helpless, a reflection of your dwindling strength.
“Just stay there. I’m on my way. Please, don’t give up on us.”
But a part of Steve knew this might be your last moment. It was an instinct, a gut-wrenching feeling that he couldn’t shake. So he didn’t stop you from saying what you needed to.
“If you get a chance to listen to this…” You fought to keep your eyes open, tears mingling with the blood on the cold metal floor. Your mind flashed with the future you had imagined—a life with Bucky, growing old together, watching your children grow up. “In another life, we might—maybe we could have grown old together.”
Steve’s heart clenched as your voice wavered. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, but he knew there was nothing he could do except listen.
“I wish I could have given you babies,” you continued, your voice cracking with emotion. “Watched them grow in our backyard… I’m sorry that I can’t be the one to give you that life.”
Your vision blurred as sleepiness started to consume you. You fought against it with everything you had, but the darkness was closing in. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that this is how it ends for us… I’m really sorry.”
“And if this is how it really ends… Promise me you’ll find someone else to love, to open up to. Find someone else… Call someone else ‘doll.’ And don’t grieve too much.”
The darkness was overwhelming now. You felt it pulling you under, felt the life draining from your body as blood poured from your wounds. “You deserve to be happy… And the past doesn’t—doesn’t define you.”
Your last words were barely a whisper. “I… Love you, Buck. And I’m sorry I couldn’t say that more often.”
And then… silence. The darkness consumed you, and Steve heard nothing but the empty static of the comms. He refused to believe it, refused to accept that you were gone. He sprinted through the hallways, throwing open every door until he found you, lying motionless on the floor, your suit stained crimson with blood.
He scooped you up as if you weighed nothing, his legs pumping with every ounce of energy he had left. The jet’s engines hummed steadily, but inside the cabin, chaos reigned. Steve knelt beside you, his hands trembling as he assessed your injuries. The bullets had done their damage—one near your heart, another through your stomach, and the last through your left arm. Blood pooled beneath you, soaking through your suit.
“Kiddo, hang in there, please,” Steve murmured, his voice tight with fear. He grabbed the medical kit from the overhead compartment, spilling its contents across the floor. His hands worked quickly, tearing open a pack of gauze and pressing it firmly against the wounds. The bleeding was relentless, and he knew he needed to act fast to save your life.
You were pale, your breathing shallow and irregular. It was a miracle you were still breathing at all. Steve knew he had to stabilize you before they landed, or you wouldn’t make it. His mind raced through the limited medical training he had received—enough to get through emergencies, but nothing like this.
He fumbled with an IV kit, his hands shaking as he tried to insert the needle into your arm. Your veins were fragile, but after what felt like an eternity, he got it in. He attached a bag of saline solution, knowing it was only a temporary measure.
“Stay with me, kiddo. Buck won’t be so happy about this,” Steve whispered, his voice trembling. Your pulse was faint, but still there. He applied more pressure to the wound, checking if you were breathing again. It was labored, but there were no signs of a collapsed lung, thank God.
He grabbed the portable oxygen mask and gently placed it over your mouth and nose, adjusting the flow to give you the support you desperately needed. Your chest rose and fell slightly more steadily—a small victory amid the chaos.
With one hand still applying pressure to the wound, Steve fumbled with the jet’s communications system. “Friday, please check if the team is ready for immediate surgery.”
“Yes, sir. Mr. Stark has everything prepared, and Dr. Cho is on standby.”
“Can you connect me directly to Tony?”
“Connecting now, sir.”
“Cap, how is she?” Tony’s voice crackled through, tense with concern.
“I think I stabilized her. We’re landing in three minutes, max. Thank God this jet has autopilot, or else… she wouldn’t have made it.”
Tony was silent for a moment. It wasn’t the time for pride or self-congratulation. He was kicking himself for not being more cautious, for not having medics onboard, for underestimating the mission. You were the youngest, the brightest member of the Avengers, and he couldn’t bear to lose you.
Steve checked the wound again. The bleeding had slowed, but it hadn’t stopped. He packed the wound with more gauze, securing it tightly. You needed a blood transfusion, surgery—everything he couldn’t provide here. All he could do was keep you stable until they landed.
“Tony, do me one favor,” Steve said, his voice thick as he wiped the blood from your cheeks. “Please… Don’t let Bucky see her like this. He won’t be able to handle it.”
But Tony’s response was firm. “Sorry, Cap. James already knows. He’s waiting at the airbase. And he has the right to see her.”
Steve nodded, though his heart ached at the thought. “Okay, Tony, thanks… We’re almost there.”
The jet descended, the lights of the airbase coming into view. Steve cradled you close, whispering words of comfort that he wasn’t sure you could hear. “We’re going to make it, kiddo. Just hold on a little longer.”
As the jet landed, the hatch opened to reveal Tony, Dr. Cho, and Bucky. Bucky’s face was ashen, his eyes wide with fear as he took in the sight of you. Steve gently handed you over to Dr. Cho and her team, who rushed you to the medical bay. Bucky stood frozen, staring at the blood that covered Steve’s hands and suit.
“She’s alive, Buck,” Steve said softly, his voice raw with exhaustion. “But she needs you now more than ever. Don’t lose hope.”
Bucky nodded, swallowing hard. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t think beyond the sight of you lying there so still. He followed the team as they wheeled you into surgery, praying with everything he had left that you would survive this.
Part 2 is up y’all
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jasmancer · 2 months
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Meme Prompt 11
A three-way crossover this time
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yikesdrama · 1 month
we’ll be fine line 🪐 — Bucky Barnes (ongoing series)
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🫶🍿🤤| athlete!bucky barnes x athlete!reader, college au.
series summary —
Dive into the chaos that is Bucky Barnes’ love life as SHIELD College’s resident playboy learns the hard way that playing games with hearts isn’t as easy as winning them on the field. Watch as he fumbles his way through falling for Y/N Romanoff, the no-nonsense, badass captain of the girls' hockey team.
One slip-up and he's on the brink of losing everything he never knew he wanted, and he's got only one shot to set it right. Expect all the highs and lows—friendship, betrayal, drama, heartbreak, and maybe, just maybe, redemption.
Because let's be real: college is just high school with more coffee and worse decisions.
Main Character Relationships -
Bucky Barnes (endgame), Natasha Romanoff (sister), Yelena Belova (adoptive sister), Tony Stark (childhood bestie), Loki Laufeyson (fling), Steve Rogers (eventual brother-in-law), Kate Bishop (eventual sister-in-law)
Character Pairings -
Bucky Barnes x Y/N Romanoff, Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova, Peter Parker x MJ, Y/N Romanoff x Loki Laufeyson
🔊 tag list is open, comment if you wanna be added!
🚫 Content Warnings in each chapter. But minors dni, if you do it's at your own risk. This work contains, 18+ content, violence, blood, death, smut, inappropriate language, mental health issues, sexual abuse, emotional pain, etc.
00. you smile like it’s no big deal
01. meet me in the hallway
02. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
03. tracksuit and a ponytail
04. late night talking
05. walk in your rainbow paradise
06. you're so golden
07. maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two
08. just an arrogant son of a bitch
09. you got the antidote
10. you'll never need me again
11. we don't talk enough
12. don't you call him 'baby'
13. she lives in daydreams with me
14. we should open up
15. in a black dress, such an actress
16. just let me adore you
17. tastes so sweet, looks so real
18. my only angel
19. baby, you are the love of my life
20. we'll be alright
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chloe-skywalker · 7 months
Both Lost Something - Peter Parker
Peter Parker x Fem!reader Stark
Warnings: mention of Tony’s death
Word count: 483
Summary: Peter & Y/n comforting each other after Tony’s death.
Avengers Masterlist
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“Are they going to be okay?” Sam asked out loud to the people around them as they all turned to look where Sam was looking. And there by the lake were the two teen’s most affected by Tony’s death.
“I sure hope so.” Steve sighed sadly as they watched Y/n and Peter from afar.
“At least they can lean on each other.” Bucky pointed out. He felt really bad for Y/n. She was always kind to him and while he was gone due to the snap Y/n had.
“He lost his mentor and she lot her father. Granted for the first 8 years of her life Tony was pretty absent. But once he became Iron Man he was there for her as much as he could be. Even canceling things to spend time with her.” Pepper told them with a watery smile as she watched the girl that became like a daughter to her.
“Peter lost his parents young. Then was moved into the custody of May and his uncle. But not long after his uncle passed. Tony was more than a mentor to him.” Happy added with a tight sad smile.
Sam shook his head, running a hand down his face. “These kids have been through enough.”
“Agreed.” Bucky nodded and it shocked Sam and Bucky that they agreed on something. Shocked the other’s as well, but not as much as normal considering the topic and they all knew Y/n was pretty close to Bucky. And they could all agree with Sam.
Over by the water down at the edge of the lake. Y/n and Peter stood together looking out towards the water. It was peaceful.
“I’m sorry, Peter.” Y/n said to him as she leant her head on his shoulder. Y/n knew her dad meant more to Peter than just a friend or mentor. So she knew it had to be hard for him.
“I’m sorry too, Y/n. He was your father.” Peter spoke, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to comfort her.
“He acted like one to you as well.” She squeezed his hand and nuzzled her head into his neck. “At least you knew the best version of him.” 
Peter grimaces a little. “I guess it sucks that he wasn’t always so close to you huh?”
Y/n nodded with a sad smile on her lips. “Yeah, it did. But he more than made up for it.”
Peter smiled at that. Knowing how good the father and daughter relationship had gotten over the years.
“I believe he loved you more than anything. You and Morgan.” Peter pointed out while placing a kiss on her temple.
“Me too. And I think you can include yourself in that as well. He saw you as a son.” Y/n sighs contently. They both turned their heads to look at each other with small smiles.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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literaryavenger · 10 months
Summary: after Civil War you meet and bond with Bucky Barnes. You want to help him, but do you really realize how hard it's going to be?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Hints to eating disorder. Language probably, for now just fluff and innocent and broken Bucky. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: This is my first story, and it's taken me a long time to even decide to post it. As of now I honestly have no idea where this story is going, the idea just popped in my head and I ran with it. I do have the first three chapters ready and I'm starting the fourth, I hope I find a plot at some point, we'll see how this one does and go from there.
Also, this is a reader version of a story I have on wattpad with an OC, if anyone wants to check that out the name's the same :) I had to rewrite it accordingly so if there are any mistakes that's why, feel free to point them out so I can fix them thanks.
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You enter the kitchen of the Avengers tower and saw two people sitting at the counter, immediately recognizing the one closer to the door.
"Stevie!" you practically yell, running towards the blonde man who stands up and opens his arms in time for you to jump on him, hugging him tightly while he raises you in the air and spins a little.
"Good morning, koala bear." he says while chuckling lightly.
"When did you come back?" you ask excitedly after a few minutes of hugging, not letting go just yet.
"Last night." he answered "Nat said you had just gone to sleep, I didn't wanna wake you."
"Steve, what's happening? Is she hurting you?" a voice you've never heard says.
You let go just enough for him to be able to put you back on the ground without letting go of you.
"It's okay, Buck, it's just a hug." he say to the other man as you turn a little to look at him better. He has a confused look on his face, at which Steve adds "It's just a way to express affection, it's fine."
At this you're a little confused yourself so you look at Steve who gives you a look that tells you not to question him, so you don't.
Instead you let go of Steve, turning completely towards his friend and stepping a little closer.
"Hi," you say looking at him and introducing yourself.
He doesn't look very comfortable so you don't try to shake his hand, choosing to wave a little with a smile.
He answers with a quiet "Bucky." while looking at the ground, like he's quite sure if he's even allowed to answer.
You tilt your head to the side, considering him for a second before saying "Do you want a hug, too? I promise I won't hurt you." you add quickly after he raises his head a little and you notice a slightly worried look on his face.
He thinks about it before just shrugging and nodding his head slightly.
"Okay. Do you... want to get up?" you hesitantly ask and he raises his head a little more, still not looking at your face but slowly getting up from his chair.
You glance at Steve who seems very interested in what's happening and is watching intently without making a sound. Your eyes meet for a few seconds and he raises an eyebrow and motions slightly towards his friend as if to tell you to keep going. You nod and get closer to Bucky until you're right in front of him.
You watch him for a couple of seconds and when his head stays lowered you decide to take the lead and move to put your arms around his neck, slowly so as not to startle him.
After several seconds of you gently hugging him while he stands with his arms to his sides, you're about to pull away when you feel him slowly move his arms to your lower back and keep them there lightly, being very careful like he was afraid of hurting you.
You smile a little into his shoulder and wait a couple of minutes before pulling away.
"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" you tease, your hands still on his shoulders.
He gives you a little smile and finally looks you in the eyes for the first time and, as soon as his eyes meet yours, you're transfixed by how blue they are.
You're not sure how long you two stay looking into each other's eyes, but you're brought back to reality by Bucky's voice.
"Are you okay?" he asks, seeming genuinely concerned.
"Yes? Um... if you ever want another hug I'm always up for it... I love giving hugs." you say smiling and taking your hands off his shoulders as he drops his arms to his sides again.
He drops his gaze to the ground again, while your eyes stay on his face and you see a small smile and a slight nod.
After a few more seconds of looking at him you turn around and start walking towards the fridge, passing Steve and noticing a weird smirk on his face.
"What?" you ask him with a confused look but still smiling.
"Nothing..." he says, still smirking.
"Okay, weirdo." you say back laughing a little.
"Okay, weirdo. Breakfast?" he asked.
"No, I'll just drink some water." you say casually, avoiding his eyes.
"Y/N..." he says warningly.
"It's fine, Stevie, I'm just not hungry." you say, still not looking at him and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
As soon as you turn around you're met with the slightly disappointed face of Steve and the confused face of Bucky.
"Besides I don't have to train until this afternoon..." Steve's worry doesn't fade, so you add "I'll eat something later, I swear." you don't know if he's convinced, but his face softens and he lets it go.
"How about you fill me in about what happened while I was gone?" he says, changing the subject with a sympathetic smile.
"Sure, I'll just take a shower first, is that okay?" He nods and you run to your room to take a quick shower.
After you come out you put on some sweatpants and a sports bra just to not have to change until after training.
You grab a hairbrush and run back downstairs where you find Steve waiting for you alone while sitting at the table.
"Hi koala, that was a quick shower." he says with a smile when he sees you.
You lean with your back to the counter in front of the table he's sitting at and start brushing your still damp hair.
"Yep, you know me it's either 5 minutes or 50." you say smiling while he chuckles. "Where'd your friend go?" you ask casually while concentrating on brushing away a knot in your hair.
"He went to take a shower. Last night he was so tired he practically passed out in the guest room."
You humm a response before asking "So, is he gonna live here now? You know, be a part of the team and all? Tony refused to share any details with me..." you add with disappointment, which you're sure he notices because of his answer.
"Tony's still not 100% okay with it, but he's getting there. You know how he is, he doesn't talk about things until he's finished processing them... anyway yes, he'll live here and eventually be part of the team, I hope."
You look up and think about his words before nodding and waiting for him to speak again, but when he doesn't you try to sound as casual as you can while asking questions about his friend. "Why did you have to tell him what a hug is?"
He doesn't look you in the eye and you know he's getting uncomfortable so you don't really expect him to answer. But he does nonetheless
"Buck's not really been himself for the last 70 years... he hasn't been shown a lot of kindness or humanity. That's why I was surprised that he let you hug him so fast. Don't get me wrong I'm happy about it, it's real progress I just wasn't expecting it so soon..." You let him talk without interrupting, pretending to be more concentrated on your hair than his word so as to not make him even more uncomfortable.
You know stories about Bucky in the 40s from Steve and you have seen photos of him, only in black and white, but it was nothing compared to having him in front of you. Something about him just made you want to know more, like you were drawn to him.
You guess Steve picked up on this because, after a little pause, he adds "Look, I know you want to know more, but it's not my story to tell. If and when he's ready, it's up to him who he wants to tell." damn him for knowing you so well.
Of course you understand what he was saying and you know he's right, so you nod and say "You're right... I won't push it, I promise." before he has time to reply though Bucky enters the kitchen with different clothes and wet hair.
To not let him know you were just talking about him Steve quickly says "So, tell me, what have I missed around here?"
You thought about it for a moment as you watch Bucky make his way through the kitchen and sit at the table next to Steve.
"Um, well, Tony made a new addition to the team. It was very abrupt and it's weird that he's so young, but he's a nice kid. His name is Peter, he's 15 from Queens and apparently he's this Spider-man that's been all over youtube. What?"
As you talked you could see a bit of guilt on Steve's face. "We've met him... didn't know he was a kid though..."
"Well, what happened?" you ask, getting more and more frustrated that no one will tell you anything.
You're part of the team after all, and, even though you don't have powers or are a super soldier, you think you have a right to know why everyone suddenly disappeared one day on some mission that you weren’t allowed to know anything about, and why it took half of the team a couple more weeks than the others to come back.
It's not that it was uncommon for you not to know details of a mission you weren't assigned to, but, since Fury chose you from the SHIELD agents to join the Avengers several years ago, it's never happened that a mission required the WHOLE team except one single person.
What pissed you off even more it's that you're not the youngest in the team, nor are you the newest or the least trained.
You started as a SHIELD agent right before Natasha, granted you were a teenager, but both of you trained a lot together with Clint and you fought alongside the other Avengers in the battle of New York.
You also fought together against Ultron, where you united forces with the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro, (the latter had to spend a lot of time in the medbay after, having almost died) and then also Vision, which is still a little weird since you still have Jarvis controlling the tower.
In all of this time you developed family-like bonds with the whole team.
You honestly consider Tony a father figure, him and Pepper treat you like a daughter and you love them for it. Rhodey, Happy and Bruce are like uncles.
Natasha is like a big sister and Wanda is like a younger one. Clint, Thor and even Loki (since he's been made to spend his exile with you as punishment for New York) have been like big brothers to you, Vision and Pietro are kind of like younger brothers, and now even Peter the last few months.
Scott is another new face that's quickly becoming a chaotic best friend. Sam is like a best friend that still shamelessly flirts with you, after years, obviously knowing nothing is going to happen.
And Steve is your absolute best friend, your favorite brother. He's overprotective (to be fair they all are when it comes to you) and caring, can't really say no to you, spoils you a little and you love every minute of it.
They are your family, and having them keep what feels like a very serious and important situation from you, and only you, not only makes you extremely angry, but it's also very sad to think they don't trust you enough.
Or at least that's what it feels like even though they keep telling you that's absolutely not the case.
You can see how uncomfortable Bucky is getting, while Steve is looking more and more guilty by the second, but neither is saying anything, so you just give up.
"Fine," you say, a little disappointed. "Don't tell me. I guess I'll have to wait on Tony to know."
You don't wait for them to answer as you bring your attention to Bucky.
"Can I?" you ask him while pointing to his hair with the brush that you just finished using on yourself.
He gives just you a confused look, so you explain. "Your hair is pretty long, it would be better if you brushed it before it dries otherwise it hurts like hell to do it later."
He looks at Steve with an uncertain expression, and, when the blonde just shrugs in response, Bucky looks back at you and nods.
You go around the table and position yourself behind Bucky. "I'll be as gentle as I can, but I'm sorry if I hurt you. If you want me to stop, just say so, okay?"
He nods again and you start to slowly and carefully brush his hair while telling Steve all the things you did with the others while he was gone.
The mysterious mission happened about 3 months ago, half of the team came back after a day, the others a couple of weeks later, while Steve and Bucky were the only ones to come back just now.
You tell Steve how you bonded with Peter over being "Tony's children", how Scott became something of a girlfriend and the time you spent with him and his daughter, Cassie, who was just adorable.
You tell him about the weird best friend-like friendship that Peter and Loki developed, much to Tony's annoyance, but that you find very cute and funny.
You tell him about all the pranks that you pulled with anyone and against everyone, specially with Sam, Scott and Loki and against Happy, Clint and Thor.
Steve knows everyone in the team is very quick to forgive you, he always jokes about how you have everyone wrapped around your finger, especially Tony.
And you have to admit, he's not totally wrong. Nobody really stays mad at you for more than a couple of days, and sometimes you're definitely treated like the kid of the family. The golden child.
Even Fury has a soft spot for you, which is very rare, to the point that you're the only one allowed to call him Nick.
You also tell Steve of all the "family time" he missed, which is essentially a whole lot of movie nights, game nights and things like that.
You tell him all the jokes you can remember being said, all the funny moments, all the missions and all the times when you missed him like crazy.
By the time you're done telling him everything you could remember, he's crying laughing and you're almost done with Bucky's hair.
"Are you okay? Am I hurting you?" you ask Bucky, as Steve tries to compose himself, still laughing at the prank you and Sam pulled on Clint where you turned his whole room into a giant bird's nest.
Bucky shakes his head and says a quiet "I'm okay" that you're sure Steve doesn't even hear over his own laughter.
You gently finish brushing his hair, then sit in the chair next to him leaning in and gently turning his head towards you so you can check you did a complete job.
At this point his hair is dry and falling down both sides of his face. You push his hair behind his ears to see his face better and smile, his eyes scanning your face.
Neither of you take notice that Steve has stopped laughing and is watching you with the same smirk he had after you hugged as you're both too intent in taking in each other's appearances.
"Is that better?" you ask after a few minutes of silence.
"What?" he ask, a little confused, which makes you giggle.
"Your hair. Is that better?" you ask again.
"Oh. Yeah, thank you." he says blushing, his voice still very quiet.
"You're adorable." you said with another giggle that makes Steve laugh too, while Bucky blushes even more.
You smile at him again before getting up, giving Steve a kiss on the side of the head while you pass him and going towards the door. "I'll see you guys at lunch. I'm supposed to meet Scott and Cassie in 10 minutes. Bye, Stevie."
"Bye, koala bear." Steve answers.
"Bye, Bucky."
"Bye." he says, still kind of quiet but loud enough for you to hear.
You turn around and give him one last smile before going through the living room to the elevator and to the floor that Scott's now living in and where Cassie spent the night.
part 2
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mostly-marvel-musings · 4 months
Spoiling you
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A/N: SURPRISE DRABBLE ANYONE? I just felt very write-yyy you know? Plus it’s his birthday. Enjoy!
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ smutty, fluff.
Tony Stark Masterlist
“Oh dear God!”
“It’s actually Y/N, but we can go with that.”
You smirked, temporarily parting from his cock before resuming your ministrations. You had him tied up, legs parted while you swallowed his length, using one of your toys to stimulate his puckered hole in tandem. He was in for a real treat and you were just getting started.
You loved spoiling Tony Stark, especially since he was constantly spoiling you. It was his birthday and since the man practically had everything, you decided upon these ‘gifts’ that were sure he would enjoy.
The day began with you waking him up with a hand job, then by making him his favourite coffee just the way he liked, and then two more cups of the same; you had proceeded on making him blueberry pancakes which was followed by this.
The incredible sense of power you felt having his man at your mercy was unparalleled. He was letting out sounds that only dampened your panties, had you moaning around his length to spur him on.
“What an evil tongue you have. Jesus..”
Smiling, you continued to roll that ‘evil tongue’ around the swollen tip languidly, tasting salty precum on it that let you know he was getting close. His taut muscles clenched under your touch as he drove his hips forward to push his cock further down your throat.
“Patience, darling boy.”
The way his mouth fell open at your pet name made you celebrate on the inside. Leaving him with a pop you stood up, abandoning the buzzing toy to undo your robe, revealing the sluttiest piece of lingerie you had purchased keeping Tony in mind.
“Good God woman, you trying to kill me here?” He whined, drinking in your appearance like a man starved.
“Just spoiling my favourite guy on his birthday.” You chuckled, leaning forward to brush your moist but clothed core over his cock, pressing your lips to his ear.
“Do you wanna come in my mouth or my pussy?” You whispered seductively, grinning when Tony let out a frustrated groan. This was his best birthday till date.
“I’ll come right here right now if you continue this charade, sweetheart.”
Clicking your tongue, you slid the lace panties to a side, mixing your juices with Tony’s precum teasingly before slipping him inside your tight heat.
“Fuck you’re so tight, Y/N.”
You felt him twitch, the way his arms tugged against restraints let you know that he was doing his level best not to climax so soon. You moved only a bit, his cock snug inside your wet heat as you wrapped your arms around his neck with a victorious look on your face.
“Don’t worry this isn’t gonna be the only time you come today, my Anthony.”
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dragonshoardofworks · 6 months
DP x DC x Marvel
This is an idea I had yesterday, but I didn't want it to be swept away from the Dannypocalypse, so let's gooooo!
The Lazarus Pits are just more than just leaked ectoplasm into the material world, they're unstable rifts that could potentially tear apart the whole Infinite Realms! (The Fenton Portal doesn't count because technology keeps it stable.)
While one or two could be somehow manageable, the League of Assassins found a way to recreate them and the new model was definitely more unstable than the old ones...
SO this clearly needed an intervention.
Luckily, Clockwork has two apprentices heroes that own them some favors...
This is how Danny Fenton/Phantom, Peter Parker/Spider-man and the ghost of one (1) Tony Stark (as an emotional support ghost) found themselves being loaned to the DC Universe to close every single one of these Pits.
(Danny became CW's unofficial apprentice after they helped him with TUE.)
(@stealingyourbones @ashoutinthedarkness @the-sprog if y'all are interested... >:3c)
(Spoilers from Spider-man: No Way Home under the cut.)
(Peter is the one from the MCU after No Way Home, but he gets his happy ending thanks to CW who fixed Strange's Spell and so MJ and Ned still remember him... in exchange for a future favor, AKA being transferred to the DCU to fix things.)
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ktrew · 7 months
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Collab between and Lamokiart
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waltermis · 10 months
Y/N: Hey mom! Hey dad! Momo, Spidey boy. Have a good day, you guys.
Pepper: We already did that.
Tony: It's 3:30...
Morgan: How are you just waking up?
Y/N: I set my alarm for noon. I must've slept through it. I was working late promoting a new club. Oh, by the way, here is the insurance money.
*hands Pepper a wad of cash all in $1 bills*
Pepper: Thank you...
Peter: A lot of singles in there.
Happy: What exactly do you do at this club?
Y/N *sarcastic*: Oh, right. 'Cause I'm a stripper, Happy. Hehe...
Y/N: OH MY GOD! Do you really think I'm a stripper?!
*Pepper drops the wad of cash*
Everybody: No.....
Rhodey: Yes!!
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316 notes · View notes
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: talking down on oneself, sadness, and a tooth rotting amount of fluff
Summary: Tony felt a distance between the two of you he had never felt before. So he decides to make it up to you by spoiling you with his money, turns out, you want something else.
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Tony Stark was a man who thrived on challenges. He had built an empire, crafted a legacy, and saved the world more times than he could count. But the most precious thing in his life wasn’t his arc reactor or his suits of armor—it was you. And lately, the fear of losing you had settled deep into his bones, a fear he couldn’t shake no matter how hard he tried.
Two years had passed since you first became his partner in all things, not just in love but in life. Yet, as much as he adored you, Tony couldn’t help but feel the distance growing between you. He knew he was often absent—late nights in the lab, endless meetings, and missions that took him away for days on end. He could see how it might wear on you, how it might make you question your place in his chaotic world.
Determined to prove his love, to remind you of the passion that had brought you together, Tony planned an extravagant date night. He wanted to sweep you off your feet, the way he had the first time you’d ever looked at him with that sparkle in your eyes, the one that told him you saw him, not the billionaire or the superhero, but the man beneath it all.
He flew you to Milan on a private jet, the city glittering beneath you as you landed. A car whisked you away to one of the most exclusive restaurants in the world, where every bite was a masterpiece, and every glance you shared across the table was filled with unspoken words. After dinner, he led you on a shopping spree through the most luxurious boutiques, wanting to shower you with all the things he thought you deserved—the finest clothes, the most exquisite jewelry.
But as you wandered through the stores, Tony began to notice something was off. You were polite, of course, admiring the beautiful things he showed you, but there was a hesitation in your eyes, a discomfort that made his chest tighten with worry.
“Look at this, sweetheart,” Tony said, holding up a delicate diamond necklace that caught the light like a prism. He hoped it would make you smile, that you’d light up the way you usually did when you saw something you loved.
You took the necklace in your hands, your fingers brushing against the cool metal, but your smile didn’t reach your eyes. “It’s beautiful, babe,” you murmured, placing it back down gently. “But I don’t really need it.”
Tony’s heart skipped a beat, a cold fear creeping up his spine. He tried to keep his voice steady, but the worry seeped into his words. “What do you mean, honey? You don’t like it?”
“It’s not that,” you said quickly, sensing his unease. You reached out to take his hand, squeezing it softly. “I just… I don’t need any of this. You don’t have to buy me things to make me happy.”
The air felt thick with tension as Tony tried to process your words. All his grand plans, the luxurious dinner, the shopping spree—they were supposed to be proof of his love, a way to show you that he was still here, still committed to making you happy. But as he stood there, watching you look so uncomfortable, he couldn’t help but feel like he’d failed.
“Are you unhappy?” Tony asked, his voice barely above a whisper, his thumb brushing nervously over the back of your hand.
“No, of course not,” you replied, your brows knitting together in concern. “Tony, why would you think that?”
“Because…” He hesitated, his usual confidence faltering. “I just feel like I haven’t been around enough. Like maybe you’re getting tired of me being gone all the time, and this was supposed to make up for it. But now I’m worried that you might… that you might be falling out of love with me.”
The vulnerability in his voice broke your heart. Tony Stark, the man who faced down armies and gods, was standing before you, looking like a scared boy, afraid of losing the one thing that mattered most to him. You reached up, cupping his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze.
“Baby, look at me,” you said softly, your voice filled with love and sincerity. “I’m not falling out of love with you. I could never. I don’t care about the money, or the gifts, or any of that. I fell in love with you because of who you are—not Tony Stark, the billionaire or Iron Man, but Tony, the man who makes me laugh, who holds me when I’m sad, who sees me for who I am and loves me anyway.”
His eyes searched yours, as if trying to find the truth in your words, and what he found there seemed to ease the tension in his shoulders. “I just want to be with you,” you continued, your thumb brushing over his cheek. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted. You don’t have to try so hard, baby. I love you for you, not for what you can give me.”
Tony felt his heart swell at your words, the fear that had been gripping him loosening its hold. He pulled you into his arms, holding you close as if you might disappear if he let go. “God, I love you,” he whispered into your hair, his voice thick with emotion. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
You smiled against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your cheek. “You’ll never have to find out,” you murmured, holding him just as tightly.
Back at the Avengers’ HQ, the two of you settled into Tony’s quarters, wrapped in the comfort of each other’s presence. The lights were dim, the movie you’d picked playing softly in the background, but neither of you was paying much attention to it. You were lying on the couch, your head resting on Tony’s chest, his fingers lazily playing with your hair as he held you close.
For the first time in weeks, Tony felt at peace. The worries that had plagued him earlier seemed so far away now, replaced by the warmth of your body against his and the sound of your breathing in sync with his own. But there was still one question lingering in his mind, one that he couldn’t ignore any longer.
“Sweetheart?” he asked quietly, his voice soft in the dim light.
“Hmm?” you murmured, looking up at him, your fingers tracing idle patterns on his chest.
“Do you… do you still love me?” Tony’s voice was hesitant, as if he were afraid of the answer.
Your heart ached at the vulnerability in his eyes. You reached up, brushing your fingers through his hair as you looked deep into his gaze. “Tony, of course, I still love you,” you said softly. “I love you more than I can even explain.”
Tony’s breath hitched, and he held you a little tighter, his eyes searching yours for the truth. “Why?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “Why do you love me?”
You smiled gently, feeling your heart swell with emotion. “I love you because you’re the kindest, most caring person I’ve ever known. Because you’re brave, and selfless, and you always put others before yourself. I love how you make me laugh, how you know just what to say when I’m feeling down. I love how you’re always there for me, even when you’re dealing with so much yourself. I love the way you look at me, like I’m the most important person in the world to you.”
As you spoke, you could see the emotions flickering in Tony’s eyes—love, relief, and something else, something deeper that made your heart skip a beat. You took a deep breath, your voice growing softer as you continued. “I love you because you see me, the real me, and you still think I’m worth it. I fell in love with the man who doesn’t need to be Iron Man or Tony Stark, the man who just needs to be himself. That’s all I’ve ever wanted, baby—just you.”
Tony stared at you, his eyes glassy with unshed tears. He’d always been a man of action, of words, but right now, he was speechless, overwhelmed by the love you were pouring into him.
You smiled, feeling a little shy after your heartfelt confession. “Sorry, that was probably really sappy,” you mumbled, your cheeks warming with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to get all cringe on you.”
But before you could pull away, Tony’s hand came up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped your eye. “Don’t apologize,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “That was… God, that was the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
You blinked, surprised to see tears in his eyes, and before you could say anything, Tony leaned down and kissed you, slow and tender, pouring every ounce of love he felt into that kiss. When he finally pulled back, his eyes were shining with unshed tears, and he looked at you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
“You’re incredible,” he whispered, his voice breaking slightly. “I don’t deserve you.”
“Yes, you do,” you replied firmly, brushing your fingers through his hair. “You deserve all the love in the world, Tony.”
He stared at you for a long moment, his heart swelling with so much love and gratitude that he thought it might burst. And then, in that moment of pure, unfiltered emotion, he realized something that had been building inside him for a long time.
“Marry me.”
The words slipped out before he could stop them, but the second they did, he knew they were right. He wanted to spend
the rest of his life with you, to wake up next to you every morning, to grow old with you. You were his home, his everything.
You froze, your eyes widening in shock. “What?”
“Marry me,” Tony repeated, his voice steady and sure. “I don’t want to wait any longer. I want you by my side forever, as my partner, my wife. Please, baby.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as you realized he was serious, that this wasn’t just a spur-of-the-moment thing. He was asking you to spend your life with him, to be with him through thick and thin. And in that moment, you knew there was only one answer you could give.
“Yes,” you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
Tony’s face lit up with the brightest smile you’d ever seen, and he pulled you into a fierce hug, burying his face in your neck as he held you tight. “God, I love you so much,” he murmured, his voice muffled against your skin.
“I love you too, baby,” you whispered back, feeling your heart swell with happiness.
The next morning, you were still floating on a cloud of bliss as you walked into the common area of the Avengers’ HQ. Natasha was already there, sipping her coffee with a knowing smirk on her face. “You look like you had a good night,” she teased, raising an eyebrow.
You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face as you sat down beside her. “It was… perfect,” you said, your voice dreamy.
Natasha chuckled, nudging you playfully. “So, do you still get butterflies?”
You blushed, remembering the previous night, and nodded. “Yeah, I do. Every time I see him.”
Natasha’s eyes widened in surprise. “Seriously? After all this time?”
“Yeah,” you admitted, your smile softening as you thought of Tony. “He still makes my heart race.”
Before Natasha could respond, a familiar voice cut in. “What was that about making hearts race?”
You turned to see Tony standing in the doorway, his hair slightly tousled, a grin on his face. He had clearly heard your conversation, and his cheeks were tinged with pink.
You rolled your eyes, but the affection in your gaze was unmistakable. “Nothing, just girl talk,” you teased.
Tony sauntered over, wrapping his arms around you from behind and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “If I make your heart race, you should see what you do to mine,” he murmured, just loud enough for Natasha to hear.
Natasha groaned, rolling her eyes. “You two are nauseating.”
But as she watched Tony’s eyes light up with happiness and saw the way you leaned into him, she couldn’t help but smile. Because in that moment, it was clear to everyone in the room that the love between you and Tony was something special, something that would last a lifetime.
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chonidale · 7 months
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i love you, and nothing would ever change that. (x)
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
I just had a thought, fueled by the fact I have a fever probably.
Bruce, Batman, is very mom-coded.
Tony, Iron Man, is very dad-coded.
They should platonically co-parent.
201 notes · View notes
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Back at it again
The Little Vampire(2017) mentioned🗣️🗣️🗣️💥💥💥💥💥
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denki420 · 2 months
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124 notes · View notes
ramp-it-up · 1 year
Sugar Sugar
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Summary: You chose Bucky. But now he’s going 5000 miles away. And you were not consulted. Steve is right there and it’s his birthday. The competition isn’t over.
Word Count: 2.5K
Pairings: College grad Steve x Grad School Reader; College grad Bucky x Grad School Reader (Not Stucky); Various Marvel MCU Characters (in same age except for Stark) x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Not Beta’d. Read at your own risk. Roommate au, S MUT! Lovers quarrel before action starts, angst, flirting, Tony being Tony, lowkey voyeurism, a lil bit of fluff. drinking, flirting, crushes, an unsanctioned birthday picnic, ‘borrowed’ champagne, birthday “kisses” 😏, oral s ex (f receiving), cheating (maybe. possibly)
A/N: This is a sequel to last year’s Sugar. I know! 😫 I hope you like it.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You were sipping your blueberry tequila smash and staring moodily across the water. It was supposed to be a festive day and an even better night, but that insanely handsome and inconsiderate roommate/boyfriend of yours ruined it all.
Or rather, you ruined it, thinking that you would be any different than any of the other girls he’d smashed and passed on. So what it had lasted a year? Bucky was leaving you now, so cheers to wasted time.
You downed the rest of your drink in one gulp as you thought to get another when someone cleared their throat beside you.
You glanced over to see your boss standing beside you, resplendent in a white suit and sunglasses. You straightened up and ran your free hand over your white mini sundress with blue polka dots and greeted him.
“Oh! Hello, Mr. Stark. This party is so nice. Great way to celebrate the Fourth!”
You plastered on a fake smile and aimed it at him. He smiled back at you.
“Cut the shit, Sugar. I know you’re not that happy. I saw you and Barnes had words and he stalked out. I warned you about fraternization.”
Your stomach dropped and you just knew that you would be fired and kicked out of Stark house, losing your graduate fellowship. Shit. Stark knew everything, even the nickname that your roommates, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers had given you.
“Oh that? That was nothing, just a roommate disagreement.”
Stark leaned in. He smelled good. Real good. He smelled….rich.
“Listen. That rule is not because I mind co-workers getting it on…” 
He paused and winked at you, and instead of being creepy, it was funny, so you laughed. 
“It’s because most people, especially young people like you, can’t do it without all the feels.”
He nodded and you turned to see Wanda and Vis sneaking off around the house, hand in hand.
“That’s going to lead to heartbreak,” he said, indicating the sneaky couple.
Then looked you in the eyes. 
“And you’re going to be all twisted up into knots between those two grunts if you’re not careful.”
You looked at him quizzically.
“Two grunts?”
Stark sighed and raised his hand.
“You need to lay off the red, white, and blue drinks, Sugar.”
He looked you up and down and you don’t know if it was the drinks, but you weren’t mad at him. He was kind of charming.
“Barnes and Rogers. Part of the reason I keep you around, besides the fact that your IQ is within 20 points of mine, is the increased productivity around them when you are together. Competition is a wonderful thing for business.”
When the server appeared, he grabbed an elegant looking red drink.
“But lately productivity is falling. Hence Barnes’ new offer. It had to be done, Sugar. Now we all can concentrate on the work ahead.”
You frowned at what he was saying, not giving voice to your feelings on that subject. Stark sighed again and shook his head as he handed the drink to you, despite what he said earlier.
“Kir Royale.”
You accepted it and took a sip. Then you looked up at Stark.  You were beginning to think that he might have been pretty cute when he was younger.
“I was Sugar, and I’m a handsome devil now.”
You gasped and put your hand over your mouth as he winked and walked away, not knowing you’d said that out loud. You watched him walk away as he commented over his shoulder. 
“Nice dress, Sugar. It’s making several people all hard, soft, and wet.”
You gasped again, looking down. The dress covered everything, and you didn’t know what he was talking about. You turned toward the river and the afternoon sun again, finally realizing.
The sun was shining through your dress and everyone behind you could see everything you had to offer. And you hadn’t worn any underwear because you came with Bucky.
You quickly made your way down the lawn to the edge of the hedge maze to put the greenery at your back and to watch the water in privacy. Irritation was on the edge of your brain, but the drinks were making everything mellow. 
So what, your boyfriend had accepted a position in Romania for a year?
So what, you couldn’t go with because you’d won a coveted Stark fellowship that extended your housing and salary into while you studied in graduate school at NYU?
So what, Bucky didn’t consult you before committing himself?
So what, you were an idiot who thought you could have happily ever after?
You jumped at a noise behind you. You wheeled around and were stopped in your tracks.
“Hey Sugar.”
Steve was there, with a strange look on his face, but his bright blue shirt was making those eyes pop.
“Oh. Hullo Steve.” 
You pouted at him and he almost fell to his knees. 
Things had been different with you and Steve since you and Bucky had gotten together last year. You were still friends, but he kept you at arms length. You didn’t think much about it, because you’d been wrapped up in your relationship, but as you looked at him now, the guilt hit you full force.
“Oh shit, Cap! It’s your birthday!”
His Lacrosse moniker flew from your lips as you threw yourself into his arms for a hug. Steve was caught off guard and stumbled backward, but managed to break your fall with his body. His hard body. 
“Thank you. You remembered.”
You were both laughing as you untangled from each other on the ground.
“Of course I did! I’m your bestie, right?” 
You gave him your bightest smile.
“Bestie. Right.” 
Steve thought of the innocent kiss you’d shared last year. He thought of it every day, in fact. But you were Bucky’s girl. He looked at you and grinned. You made him so happy. You and Bucky were his only family, so he was glad to be with you today, if only for a moment. 
“I see you were trying to be alone. I’ll leave you be.”
The sight of you made him weak, so he made to leave before he said something stupid. Then, he felt your hand grab his.
“Just where do you think you’re going, Mister?”
“Um, nothing! We’re going to celebrate your birthday in style, Bestie.” 
Your eyes sparkled at him.
“Are you ready for your reconnaissance mission?”
20 minutes later, you and Steve met in the same place, behind the hedges. He’d completed his mission with table cloth and a box full of some hor’s d'oeuvres from the party. Steve had charmed one of the servers in the kitchen.
He took you in, a mischievous look on your face and your arms behind your back. Your nipples were pointed right at him through your dress and his mouth went dry.
“What do you have there?”
Steve’s deep baritone and his raised eyebrow did something to you, but you shook it off as you brought your hands in front of you. Steve barked at your audacity.
You’d swiped a bottle of Stark’s Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Françaises from the bar and the entire top to the strawberry and blueberry five tier sponge cake that was on the buffet.
“Only the best for my bestie!”
Steve shook his head at you as you set up the picnic.
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You and Steve talked like you hadn’t in over a year. You ate and drank and just relaxed, bringing your old vibe back. Everything was perfect, even the beginning sunset across the water.
Until Steve complimented your dress.
“This is nice.” 
He took it in his hand to feel the fabric, bushing his fingertips along your thigh. You shivered and looked down at his hand, leaving Steve to marvel at your eyelashes across your cheeks. Then, you looked back up at him and reached up to feel his beard.
“So is this. Been meaning to tell you.”
Steve’s new-ish whiskers were somehow stiff, but soft, and you let your fingertips linger against his face, eyes drawn to his lips, made even more red by the strawberries off the cake. You licked yours unconsciously, thinking of that 7 minutes in heaven last summer.
“So… what do you want for your birthday?”
You reluctantly withdrew your hand from his face and sat back on your knees, hands on your thighs. For some reason, that made Steve hot and bothered. He considered you.
“Today has been great. The food, the drink, the cake.”
He grinned.
“”Great’, but not ‘Perfect.’” 
You cocked your head at him and Steve wanted his hands on you. 
“What would make it perfect?”
Steve grabbed the bottle of champagne and took a swig because you hadn’t gotten any glasses.
“It’ll never happen.”
Your interest was piqued.
“Never say never, Cap.”
Was Steve drunk, or was your voice more sultry? He shook his head, partially to clear it, and partially in denial.
“I think I can say never with confidence on this one.”
You got up on your knees and grabbed his arm.
“C’mon, please, please, please! It’s your birthday. I’ll do anything to make it happen, pleaaaseeeee!”
You bouncing up and down begging on your knees made Steve’s reserve snap.
“I want to kiss you.”
You stopped moving and your mouth hinged open. Then you licked your lips. 
“That’s what I thought.”
Steve took another swig.
“Can’t do that. You’re Buck’s girl…”
Your reticence evaporated at the mention of James Barnes.
“Fuck Bucky.” 
And you threw yourself at Steve, causing him to drop the bottle, then blindly feel for it, making sure it was upright before pulling you into his lap.
The kiss was less innocent than the first, all lips, tongues and teeth, even biting as Steve sought to possess you. You found yourself grinding on Steve’s bulge as year old memories of what his casually swinging roommate cock looked like flashed through your mind.
Then you stopped, moved off Steve’s lap and lay back on the table cloth, eyes closed and hand on your heaving chest.
“That was great.”
You chuckled and smiled, eyes still closed. You missed Steve’s eyes roaming over your prone body.
“Great, but not perfect?”
“I wasn’t talking about kissing you on those lips….”
Your eyes flew open the now dark sky and you turned your head to see Steve lying next to you, a pained look on his face.
“I know… but… damn Sugar… I’m down bad for you. Always have been.”
You looked into those baby blues and you knew it was true. 
Instead of saying what you wanted to say, you shifted and pulled your dress up slowly, causing Steve’s eyes to follow every move, and an unconscious groan to escape from his lips. When you revealed your naked core to him, he got up on his knees.
“We’ve got to make your birthday perfect, now don’t we?”
Steve gulped.
“Oh, Sugar…Sugar…”
He looked up at you, eyes dilated.
“You sure…?”
“Kiss me, Stevie…”
You let your leg fall open, and Steve’s hands were on you, pulling you toward him as he leaned down toward your naked bottom. He put his hand under your thigh and propped it up and over his shoulder.
His hot breath against your pussy lips made you shudder. He looked up at you.
“I knew you’d be pretty everywhere.”
You smiled and put your hand in his hair, scratching his scalp. 
“You’re so nice, Steve.”
He raised his eyebrow.
“Nice? I’ll show you nice.”
And he leaned down and liked your pussy, tongue sweeping into your sweet tang and setting his world on fire.
“Fucking delicious…”
“Languagggeeeeee… Stevie, fuck!”
You couldn’t handle it as he dove in and pulled and sucked your clit like taffy candy
Steve chuckled, then looked up at what he was doing to you. Your head was thrown back, one hand still grabbing his hair and the other on your breast.
“Look at me.”
You brought your head up to see him and then gasped as he spit on your pussy and then licked it up. 
“Shit, Steve…”
His mouth had disappeared into your cunt as you replied.
“T-ththat wasn’t very nice. In fact…”
You had to stop speaking because now Steve had brought two thick fingers up and had entered your slick passage. The way he finger fucked you while sucking your clit made your eyes roll back in your head. You had his hair tight and the tighter you pulled, the more he groaned and licked you up. 
You grunted through your orgasm, still cognizant that people might hear you.
After you came, Steve looked up at you and curled his fingers which were still inside you, making you slap your hand over your mouth as you keened behind it. That extended your orgasm and had you searching for air as Steve’s hand ran up your dress to squeeze your soft breasts.
“That was great, Sugar. But you know what would be perfect?”
You knew knew what was coming next. 
You thought.
“If you rode my face and came in my mouth.”
You were sure that you looked like a fish the way your mouth stayed open in surprise.
You were sexy as hell to Steve Rogers.
He moved smoothly down to the ground and you took in the tent that was made through his khaki pants. You were a little disappointed. You wanted him inside you.
Steve chuckled and reached out his arms, grabbing for you.
“C’mere, Sugar, bring me that sweet, sweet sugary cream.”
You blushed, despite the debauchery you just participated in, and allowed yourself to be pulled up to Steve’s chest, your skirt fanning around him as he hooked his arms around your thighs and moved your skirt up for access.
“Now, I want you to sit on my face.”
“That handsome face with that big ass tongue?” 
You used to tease him about it all the time.
Steve smiled and nodded.
He stuck his tongue out and wiggled it.
“The better to eat you with, my dear.”
Then he turned and kissed your thigh. Next, his blue eyes bore into yours.
“Now, bring that ass here…”
You couldn’t help but obey as you raised up on your thighs and scooted up as he scooted down. He pulled you down so that you were seated perfectly on his face, his tongue spearing inside you. His hands held you apart as next he did a swirly thing and also a full lick from the top to the bottom of you, all the while watching you.
All shyness disappeared as soon you were grabbing his hair again and undulating on his mouth. Steve nodded and groaned, which encouraged you to go for the gold.
“Oh, my god, Steve…”
You fucked yourself on his face as he sucked and tweaked your clit, listening to his moans of pleasure. The thought that this is what he wanted to do on his birthday was getting you off.
Oh, and the stunning cunnilingus that this man was performing on you helped as well.
At first you thought it was your orgasm, but the fireworks that were lighting up the sky wasn’t from your own climax, but the thousands of dollars Stark paid for them. You allowed yourself to scream as you squirted into Steve’s mouth, and you collapsed over him as he scooted out, flipped up your skirt and licked you clean.
You lay shivering on the ground watching the lights in the sky as Steve lay down beside you and viewed the fireworks with you. 
He pulled you into his arms as you whispered, “What about that?”
You wiggled your bottom against his boner.
“That will get taken care of, one way or another.”
Steve leaned up and kissed your cheek.
“Right now, this moment is perfect.”
You smiled and relaxed, thinking that what you had given Steve was also a gift to yourself.
Stars sparked in the sky as you snuggled into Steve’s arms and Bucky turned away from the hedge, heading toward Romania.
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