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Don't allow others to take up space in your head.
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rosinthegreat · 3 years
What’s even good about this world? Birds. Babies. Flowers.
Imagine a city, your city, the most boring of them all. The same shops, the same signboards, the same plants you've seen from your childhood. There's nothing special that goes on here and you're sick of it. You're counting down the seconds till you grow up and you can travel somewhere else.
One day, you’re visited by one of your closest friends. She asks you to show her around your place. You roll your eyes because there's nothing of interest here. Not in your old town anyway. But she insists and there are very few things you could ever refuse her.
You take her to a shop. The only thing you thought worth showing.
You’re waiting at the door of the shop, your heart pounding as you hope that she enjoys this trip. You look back and realize she’s not following you, and you retrace your steps and stand by her. 
You look at her in mild wonder, what could she find interesting in this dump? The innocence on her face takes your breath away. Her grey eyes are the size of saucers, sparkling in a way that would make countless star crested nebulae jealous. Her mouth  slightly open, she’s the  embodiment of wonder and joy, and you find yourself struggling to look away from her beautiful face. You force yourself to look where she’s pointing and you see the object of her curiosity: a pair of jet black crows, high up on a branch. The same birds you've seen so many times, and you fail to understand why it could have excited her so much.
"Can't you see the nest?", she asks, her voice but a whisper. You force yourself to look closer. You see a bundle of sticks, precariously balanced at the junction of three branches, shaped like a basket. It was the same shade of brown as the bark of the tree, had it not been for the small leaves sticking out, you might have missed it completely. Green is not the only colour you see, as blurry shapes of pink stand out in the green and brown environment. You squint, "Are those- ?"
"Chicks.", she answers, her star filled eyes filled with love.
The hot and humid April weather is made bearable by a soft breeze, and she raises a hand to tuck back a strand of brown hair behind her ears. Her hair is the rich and deep brown of ground coffee beans, the soft and childish brown of teddy bears,  the wise and knowledgeable brown of aged mahogany. "Isn't it wonderful?", her soft voice distracts you from the way her hair swirls around in the wind,  "There's a crow nest here, in the middle of nowhere!"
“There's" so much of pain, and so, so much of suffering. So many people right now dying, crying, so many motherless infants screaming for a drop of milk, so many heartbroken lovers weeping over their significant others, so many children pushed down, their heart turned black by the unspeakable, undeserved hurt they've had to go through, " she pauses, sorrow etched on her face, "But”, she continues, “you know what's also there? Birds. Babies. Flowers."
“Why did you call this place boring? Can you not see the way it is filled with magic? In the blooming buds, the purring kittens,  the sun kissed squirrels, and in your mother’s kiss, in your friends smile and your lover's embrace, can you not feel the beauty and magic?”
“Do you remember the cuckoo singing through the lonely silence of the dawn? The purple petunias blooming through the cracks of the abandoned and broken building we passed by? The lazy kitten rolling on her back away from the mind bogglingly boring traffic? "The way the soft sunshine rained love on the elderly couple crossing the streets?”
"That's why I trust it's going to be alright, " she looks into your eyes, and you look into hers, the mesmerizing grey sea of love and kindness and hope, in which you could lose yourself for hours on end. "As long as there are flowers, and kittens, and rainbows, the sunshine and the smell of dirt after rain," she smiles, "it's going to be alright.”
“Because,” she intertwines her fingers in yours, “there is an endless amount of love and joy, and hope in this world as well.”
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luxrylifesty · 3 years
You can.
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exoticraven · 4 years
The purple girl
The purple girl walks around with a mask that looks cracked. No one knew what her face actually looked like and only saw the mask she wore. All they saw was her purple skin. She wore mostly black; her hair was dark purple the only time you saw the purple was when it hit her hair just right. Most people call her a raven because of her skin and hair. The only time you see some part of her face is when she is at lunch and has to eat. No one knew why she wore a mask. It is a very big mystery to everyone. She never talks but she was one of the best students in the school. She always wore an amethyst around her neck like a choker or a necklace. Everyone you talk to would say she is weird. They all said that her mom and dad did horrible things to her because she wore the mask. Her hands would shake a lot but could draw with straight lines. Even in pictures, she wore the mask.  No one knew the battle that was going on in her mind. No one knew the battle behind her eyes, the tears she cries when she yells. The tears left her eyes when she looked at herself in the mirror. She knew the monster under the bed well, in fact, the monster was not under her bed but in her mind. She had a good family, no one harmed each other or yelled at each other. Her home was a foster care home. Her biological parents just left her in the woods, lucky a woman stumbled apron her and took her to the orphan in that town. Ever since then she bounces around the country from different mothers and father to foster care mother and father or just mother. She almost bullies all the time.  When she was little probably when she was 5 or 6 someone's kidnapped her and her foster brother and did an experiment on them. When the military found her, she was barely alive. She recovers but the scars of the past ran deeper than what was shown. Her nightmare is what kept her awake at night. Her screams were only heard in her own head no one else could hear them. Everyone talked about pain like they knew him, so she would make convection fall on death ears. She knew pain very well, they became friends over the years. The scars showed some of that pain. Yes, she cut but never again. She stopped when she got to this foster home. The mother tries her best to cheer her up even when her schedule is busy. The mother always tries to make time for Raven. Her foster mother was always telling her that she was a bird that had their wings clip by evil. The girl had stuff wrong with her that the doctors had no clue to treat. The girl felt a prisoner of her own body. The world treated the girl badly and has shown on her body and soul. The girl didn’t let that stop her. She was a caged bird waiting to be set free. A bird waiting to get her wings back. The girl did well in school. She told the teachers she wants to become a teacher. The girl worked towards the dream. She kept the mask on. When she got all the requirements to become a teacher she started looking for a school who would take her and the mask she wore. She was unlucky at first but that did not stop her. Finally she found that school. The kids she teaches always ask questions about her masked of course she answers all their questions. Here and there she took her  mask off to show the kids her real face. She never gave up on any one no matter what. She took the unteachable, The class clown, the bad ones and turned them into A or B or C students. She gets this question a lot how she does it. She always replies “patients and kindness. Respect and loyalty. I teach my kids that nothing can stop them. Their dreams can come true with hard work. I also would never give up on them just because they're acting up. Our class statement is ``the world only gives up on you when you give up on yourself.”
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profoundpositivity · 4 years
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blossombun-ee · 4 years
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it's time to...
get yourself together
fix what can be fixed
improve your thoughts
read more books
indulge in self development
work on your moods
get stronger and healthier
work on yourself
work on your happiness
be full of self love
improve on your weakness
be comfortable about growth
outgrow yourself
be who you were meant to be!
motivation for quarantine?
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ahmed-shaarif1145 · 4 years
Anything worth it will always have an initial aggresive phase that makes it seem like things are too difficult or you can't do it, stick around and move past that phase and things will workout for you.
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yeshyy · 4 years
Worthless, not good enough, a loser: those are some of the hurtful words i usually hear from people time to time. Those sickening words repeatedly tortures my heart but i know to myself that I am way better than what they say. Been judged, bullied, and discriminated; painfully stabs my heart, but still they cannot take down my crown from me.
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Twenty fifth of January 2017, I participated the National School Press Conference. Sadly, a lot of people had questioned my capabilities. Does she deserve it? Can she really do it? They questioned my skills and intelligence. The most painful part was that the people who caused me pain were the ones I love. But instead of letting them step down on me, I stood firmly and motivated myself through their negative comments. I did my best and at the end of the day, i got the chance to win the 6th place.
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When I joined Miss DepEd 2019 i had also received a lot of criticisms and judgements. Yet, I reigned and proudly wore my crown. I conquered them.
See? With my self-esteem and self-motivation, I turned those negative things as my own power against them. And yes, it was not easy. But you can do it; we can all do it. You just have to believe and trust yourself. ALWAYS BELIEVE AND TRUST YOURSELF.
We should all remember that “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”. Be who you are because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
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planetzoommm · 4 years
“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise”
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roughway · 5 years
Jeder Tag ist eine neue Herausforderung.
Ich versuche in die Zukunft zu schauen.
Versuche weiterzumachen.
Mein Leben nicht aufzugeben.
Ich versuche an mir selbst zu arbeiten.
Mal stehe ich auf und fühle mich gut.
Mal wache ich auf und bleibe direkt liegen.
Meine Gefühle verstecken hilft mir nicht.
Darüber reden jedoch auch nicht.
Also schreibe ich.
Ich schreibe mir meine Seele aus dem Körper.
Jedes Wort. Jede Zeile. Eine Aufrichtigkeit meiner Gefühle.
Ich weiß das ich es schaffen werde.
Aber das Leben wirft mich immer mal wieder aus der Bahn.
Es ist, als wäre ich auf einem untergehenden Schiff und hab nur 2 Wahlen.
Entweder ich gehe mit unter und lasse mich von den Wellen in die tiefen des Oceans ziehen oder ich versuche alles um mich am Rettungsring zu halten und mich zu retten.
Ich brauche keinen Helden der mich aus den tiefen zieht. Nein. Das ist ein Kampf mit mir selbst.
Ich Kämpfe. Oh ja, das glaubt ihr nicht.
Ich kämpfe tagtäglich den Kampf mit mir selber und mit meinen Gedanken.
Versuche die schlechten Zeiten hinter mir zu lassen und neu anzufangen.
Falle oft hin bei dem versuch aber stehe dementsprechend immer wieder auf.
Ich vermisse ihn immernoch ja klar.
Aber irgendwann werde ich nicht mehr über ihn schreiben.
Oder an ihn denken.
Das hilft mir. Die Gewissheit, das alles irgendwann ein Ende hat.
Ich habe Gott oft verflucht.
Verstand nicht, was sein Plan für mich ist.
Ich glaube heute, dass er was besseres für mich aufgehoben hat.
Jemanden, der sich wirklich und aufrichtig um mich kümmert, genau so, wie ich es tun würde.
Ich brauche kein Geld. Kein dickes Auto. Keine Villa.
Ich brauche einfach jemanden, der mich liebt und mit mir alles durchsteht.
Niemanden, der mich fallen lässt, wenn es zu schwierig wird.
Ich habe mir vor ein paar Tagen die “Phasen der Trennungen” durchgelesen.
Bullshit wenn ihr mich fragt.
Jeder geht anders mit einer Trennung und den schmerzen um.
Lieg auf der Couch und iss was das zeug hält. It’s Okay.
Geh feiern und trink. It’s Okay
Küss so viele Jungs oder Mädchen wie du brauchst, um den Geschmack seines oder ihres Kusses zu vergessen. It’s Okay.
Arbeite an dir selbst. Werd ein besseres Bild deines selbst. Mach Sport, Yoga, Meditation. It’s Okay.
Oder lieg einfach nur da. Wein dir die Augen aus dem Kopf. Auch das ist vollkommen Okay.
Tu genau das, was du für richtig hälst.
Hör nicht auf andere. Lass dich zu nichts drängen!
Du musst das verarbeiten. Keiner sonst.
Ich würde dir gerne sagen, dass ich eine Lösung habe. Oder das ich weiß, wie es besser wird. Oder das ich deinen Schmerz nachempfinden kann.
Aber so ist es leider nicht.
Für diese Art von schmerzen gibt es keine Lösungen. Kein richtig und kein Falsch.
Aber gib nicht auf Okay?
Ich weiß das du es kannst.
Bau dir aus all den schmerzen dein eigenes Paradies.
Und werd die Königin dieses Königreiches.
Du schaffst das!
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guineverelygems · 4 years
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Hey! Hey you! It’s all going to be okay! 
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eglaz · 4 years
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theneonsilver22 · 5 years
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26 years ago,my favorite Sonic game, Sonic CD, was released. In honor of that,here’s a drawing of Sonic In the Toei animation style.
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profoundpositivity · 4 years
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natguix · 6 years
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Happy International Women's day!! Dedicated to all women and specially to my future wife. Women are the most amazing miracle from this world. There are not frontiers can stop you! Art by Nat Guix based on concept art by @ladyeurus #internationalwomensday #8m #illustration #digitalart #women #youcandoeverything #natguix #colour #womenpower #nofrontiers #noglassceiling https://www.instagram.com/p/BuwprUQFufp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19gfdeozykg7e
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arlobailey · 3 years
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The story continues with dads drug use getting way out of hand
Mum had to make a change and quickly all without the help of her family.
It's when being strong is your only choice you realise how strong you are
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